Hilf ihm, über Fragen nachzudenken wie: "Warum wird in der Bibel manches verboten, was reizvoll ist? You would also do well to help them reason on such questions as: " Why does the Bible forbid things that can be appealing to the flesh? Help him to reason on such questions as: "Why will something forbidden in the Scriptures be forbidden in the Scriptures? Da er den Willen seines Vaters tat, wurde er grundlos gehasst, bedroht, falsch angeklagt, verspottet und auf andere Weise unwürdig behandelt. While he was doing his Father's will, Jesus was hated without cause, persecuted, falsely accused, and reviled. He also suffered other indignities. Because he did his Father's will, he was hated, hated, persecuted, and persecuted in other ways. Er könnte auch selbst zu den Menschen sprechen. He could have chosen to speak directly from heaven to people on earth. He could even speak to people. Jesus Christus zeigte deutlich die schlimmen Folgen auf, die auf Satans Hochmut zurückzuführen sind. For his part, Jesus Christ boldly exposed the rotten fruitage caused by Satan's haughtiness. Jesus Christ clearly identified the sad consequences of those who are influenced by Satan's haughtiness. Personen, die die Bibel studieren, stoßen recht schnell auf Auferstehungsberichte wie den von Lazarus. As people begin to study the Bible, most read accounts of past resurrections, such as the raising of Lazarus. Those who study the Bible quickly respond to the resurrection of Lazarus. Wenn wir Gottes Wort lesen und studieren, könnten wir uns fragen: "Was verrät mir dieser Stoff über Jehova, seine gerechten Wege und seine Denkweise?" When reading or studying God's Word, we might ask ourselves, " What does this material reveal about Jehovah, his righteous ways, and his thinking? ' When we read and study God's Word, we might ask ourselves, " What does this information reveal about Jehovah, his righteous ways, and his thinking? ' Wir nähern uns heute der neuen Welt und auch unser Glaube wird geprüft. Today, as we approach the new world, our faith is being tested. Today, we draw close to the new world and will also test our faith. Nutzt du diese Belehrung bewusst, um neue Kraft zu gewinnen? Do you eagerly seek to gain strength from that type of education? Do you take full advantage of these provisions to gain new strength? Warum sollten Verheiratete ein Gespür für die emotionalen und sexuellen Bedürfnisse ihres Partners entwickeln? Why is it important for marriage mates to be sensitive to each other's emotional and sexual needs? Why should married couples be sensitive to the emotional and sexual needs of their mate? Weil "keine Wahrheit und keine liebende Güte und keine Gotteserkenntnis im Land" ist. Because "there is no truth nor loving - kindness nor knowledge of God in the land. " Because "no truth and loving - kindness is not God's knowledge of the land. " Fakt ist: Auch Millionen von Heterosexuellen, die sich an den biblischen Maßstab halten wollen, üben Selbstbeherrschung, obwohl ihnen das oft nicht leicht gemacht wird. The fact is, millions of heterosexuals who wish to conform to the Bible's standards employ self - control despite any temptations they might face. Reality: Also, millions of people who strive to exercise self - control, even though this may not be easy. Das ist ein Grund für den Frieden, die Liebe und die Sicherheit unter Gottes Volk. As a result, there is love, peace, and security among God's people. - Ezek. That is a reason for peace, love, and security among God's people. Ich hatte mit dem Grübeln aufgehört, weil mir der Dienst so viel Freude machte. " " When I was appointed as an elder a year and a half later, it came as a surprise, " he says. I had been distracted because I felt so much joy in the ministry. " Sind ihm die Menschen und auch jeder Einzelne überhaupt wichtig? Is there any evidence that God cares about humans in general and about each one of us individually? Are he and all humans interested in him? Etwas mehr als 100 Jahre später wird diese Prophezeiung wahr. A little over 100 years later, the prophecy comes true. Some 100 years later, this prophecy will come true. Dieses Gebot beschränkt sich nicht lediglich darauf, einander im täglichen Leben zu lieben, sondern schließt auch ein bereit zu sein für seine Brüder zu sterben. That commandment involves a call not just to love one another in normal aspects of everyday life but to be willing even to surrender our life in behalf of our brother. This commandment is not merely to love one another daily but also to be willing to die for his brothers. Was können wir aus dem Bericht lernen? What lessons can we draw from this account? What can we learn from the account? Informieren wir uns über religiöse und kulturelle Besonderheiten und respektieren wir sie. Learn and respect refugees ' religious and cultural sensitivities. In addition, we show respect for religious and cultural matters and respect them. (b) Wie dachte David über Jehovas Gerechtigkeit, und wie können uns diese inspirierten Worte trösten? (b) What conclusion did David reach regarding Jehovah's justice, and how can these inspired words comfort us? (b) How did David feel about Jehovah's righteousness, and how can we comfort those inspired words? Meist wenden wir uns dann an einen guten Freund. Sharing a burden with such a friend may make it easier to bear. We often turn to a good friend. Wir können aus den Fehlern anderer lernen, die in der Bibel aufgeschrieben wurden. We can learn from the mistakes of others whose transgressions are recorded in God's Word. We can learn from the mistakes of others written in the Bible. Noch vor wenigen Jahren bekam man solche Bilder nur in anrüchigen Vergnügungsstätten zu Gesicht. A few years ago, one could not see such images without venturing into places featuring immoral entertainment. Even a few years ago, these images were brought only to life - style. Und wir leben in der Zeit des Endes. Das bezeugt sowohl die Bibel als auch die Geschichte. We are living in the time of the end, and there is plenty of evidence - both Scriptural and historical - to prove that. And we live in this time of the end, giving evidence of both the Bible and history. Auch die außergewöhnliche Qualität ihrer Arbeit zeugt davon, dass Bezalel und Oholiab vom heiligen Geist angeleitet wurden: Schließlich waren die von ihnen hergestellten Gegenstände noch fast 500 Jahre später in Gebrauch!. Their productions were still in use some 500 years later. Moreover, the outstanding quality of their work shows that Bezalel and Oholiab were guided by holy spirit. Welche dramatische Rolle werden Engel in naher Zukunft spielen, und wie werden die Menschen davon berührt? What dramatic role will angels play in the near future, and how will that affect mankind? What dramatic role will angels play in the near future, and how will this affect mankind? Noah wusste auch: Die Menschen sollten sich vermehren und die Erde füllen. Also, Noah knew that humans were told to reproduce and fill the earth. Noah knew that people would become abundant and fill the earth. Eine große Hilfe ist es, sich da an Jesu Beispiel zu orientieren. Following Jesus ' example in choosing companions will be very helpful. One way we can do so is by imitating Jesus ' example. Z. Daniel und seine drei jungen Gefährten Schadrach, Meschach und Abednego befinden sich am babylonischen Königshof. Daniel and three young friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, are in the Babylonian court. Daniel and his three young companions Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are in the Babylonian royal court. Keine der Bezeichnungen bedeutet, dass Manna die Speise der Engel war. Neither expression means that manna was angels ' food. The Scriptures do not mean that manna was the food of the angels. Lehren für uns: Lessons for Us: Lessons for Us: Der 136. Psalm wurde für Wechselgesang geschrieben. Die zweite Vershälfte wurde immer als Erwiderung auf die erste Vershälfte gesungen. The 136th Psalm is composed for responsive singing, the last part of each verse being sung in response to the first. Psalm 136 was written for change, and the second verse was addressed as the first verse was on the opening of the verse. Da Satan der "Gott dieses Systems der Dinge" ist, könnte sich hinter allem, was sich besonderer Beliebtheit erfreut, eine seiner Fallen verbergen. Since Satan is "the god of this system of things, " anything that is very popular could possibly hide one of his traps. - 2 Corinthians 4: 4; 1 John 2: 15, 16. Since Satan is "the god of this system of things, " everything that makes himself happy could be a concealed one of Satan's snares. Es ist gut, sich von Zeit zu Zeit zu fragen: "Woran hängt mein Herz wirklich? From time to time, we need to ask ourselves: " Where does my true affection lie? It is wise to ask ourselves: " What does my heart really depend? Damit ist aber nicht jemand gemeint, der gelegentlich über Essen, Arbeit, Freizeit oder auch seine Beziehung nachdenkt. That does not refer to a Christian who occasionally thinks about food, employment, recreation, or even romance. However, this does not refer to a person who occasionally spend a meal, recreation, recreation, or other aspects of his relationship with Jehovah. Unter solchen Umständen sind wir selbst dafür verantwortlich, die Einzelheiten zu prüfen und eine Entscheidung zu treffen. Why, they may be so uncomfortable that they want to distance themselves from us! Under such circumstances, we ourselves are responsible for examining the details and making a decision. Es könnte so weit kommen, dass sie das Weite suchen. Jesus himself acknowledged that Christians would produce different amounts of "fruit " because of different circumstances. It could go so far that they are seeking the increase. Wie Jesus selbst einräumte, würden Christen aufgrund verschiedener Umstände unterschiedlich viel Frucht hervorbringen. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be. " - Matt. Jesus himself acknowledged that Christians would bear much fruit based on different circumstances. Dort wird ihr Weinen und ihr Zähneknirschen sein ." He is keenly interested in you. There is where their weeping and their teeth will be. " Ihm liegt unglaublich viel an dir. The divine name appears not only in those ancient Hebrew manuscripts but also in some copies of the Greek Septuagint from the second century B.C.E. through the first century C.E. He cares about you. Der Gottesname erscheint aber nicht nur in alten hebräischen Manuskripten, sondern auch in einigen Abschriften der Septuaginta (griechisch), die zwischen dem 2. Jahrhundert v. u. Z. und dem 1. Jahrhundert u. Centuries later, Jesus taught the very same principle. - Luke 20: 25. However, the divine name appears not only in ancient manuscripts but also in some parts of the Septuagint (The New Testament), between the second century B.C.E. and the first century B.C.E. Hunderte Jahre später lehrte Jesus denselben Grundsatz. As the Bible writer James pointed out, a sin such as adultery usually takes place only after the thought has been conceived and entertained. Centuries later, Jesus taught the same principle. Wie der Bibelschreiber Jakobus zeigt, kommt es zu einer solchen Sünde meistens erst, nachdem man mit dem Gedanken gespielt und ihn genährt hat. He can prevent anything harmful from dominating us. - Ps. 119: 133. The Bible writer James tells us that such a sin is usually a sin only after we feed the mind and cut it off. Mit seiner Hilfe wird uns nichts Schädliches beherrschen können. Although a devious person may skillfully deceive other humans for a while, Jehovah's almightiness and righteousness guarantee that "the one covering over his transgressions will not succeed. " - Prov. 28: 13; read 1 Timothy 5: 24; Hebrews 4: 13. With his help, nothing can control what is hurtful. So jemand mag andere eine Zeit lang geschickt hinters Licht führen, doch Jehovas Allmacht und Gerechtigkeit garantieren dafür, dass jemand, der "Übertretungen zudeckt,... kein Gelingen haben" wird. Under the direction of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, since 1972, recommendations are made and if these are approved, the congregations receive letters theocratically appointing overseers and ministerial servants. Some may be deceptive, but Jehovah's power and justice guarantees that those who have "a success " will not succeed. Unter der Aufsicht der leitenden Körperschaft der Zeugen Jehovas werden seit 1972 Empfehlungen vorgenommen, und wenn diesen gefolgt wird, erhalten die Versammlungen Ernennungsschreiben für Aufseher und Dienstamtgehilfen, die dadurch theokratisch ernannt werden. Perhaps you are looking forward to something that may make you happy, such as finishing your schooling, getting a good job, or buying a new car. Under the oversight of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has been purpose since 1879, and after that direction, the congregations receive appointment as overseers and ministerial servants. Oder liegt das Glück noch in der Zukunft - und kommt mit dem Schulabschluss, einem guten Job oder einem neuen Auto? " The earth " - elements within Satan's own system, or the ruling powers in various lands - upheld freedom of worship. Or do you expect happiness in the future, and will you go with the school school, a good car, or a new car? " Die Erde "stellt Elemente in Satans eigenem System dar: hier Regierungen, die für Religionsfreiheit eintreten. And in another sense, those whom God approves truly become rich, even if that is not in a material sense. " The earth " represents the " elements of Satan's system - that of governments for freedom to break free of religion. Diejenigen allerdings, die Gottes Wohlgefallen erlangen, werden wirklich reich, wenn auch nicht in materieller Hinsicht. The apostle John wrote: "By this the love of God was revealed in our case, that God sent his only - begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him. Those who gain God's approval are truly rich, although not materially. Und der Apostel Johannes schrieb: "Dadurch wurde die Liebe Gottes in unserem Fall offenbar gemacht, dass Gott seinen einziggezeugten Sohn in die Welt gesandt hat, damit wir durch ihn Leben erlangen könnten. • What will help us to maintain integrity as Job did? And the apostle John wrote: "By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, that God sent his only - begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him. • was uns helfen kann, wie Hiob treu zu bleiben? Become easily offended, anxious, or even severely depressed • What can help us to remain faithful like Job? verletzlicher, ängstlicher oder sogar depressiv zu werden " By [God] we have life and move and exist. " Beware of anxiety, anxiety, or even depression Die Bibel sagt: "Durch ihn [Gott] haben wir Leben und bewegen uns und existieren." He sets the perfect example for us. The Bible says: "Through [God] we have life and move and exist. " Wir möchten uns Jehova zum Vorbild nehmen und ihn verherrlichen. God's Word indicates that the steps of dedication and baptism are the start of a life during which Christians will experience blessings from Jehovah but also opposition from Satan. We want to imitate Jehovah and give him glory. Dieses Leben bringt uns viel Gutes von Jehova. Aber es ruft auch den Widerstand des Teufels hervor. But if effective teaching seems to be lacking, we might take an opposite view. This life brings us much good from Jehovah, but it also highlights the opposition of the Devil. Mangelt es dagegen anscheinend an Lehrfähigkeit, könnte das Urteil anders ausfallen. 7, 8. On the other hand, a lack of teaching may appear to be different. 7, 8. What reasons do we have to believe that the end could come at any time? 7, 8. Warum glauben wir, dass das Ende jederzeit kommen kann? So from the arrangement of the cities of refuge, we learn Jehovah's view of sin, sinners, and repentance. Why do we believe that the end can come at any time? Aus der Regelung der Zufluchtsstädte erfahren wir deshalb, wie er über Sünde, Sünder und Reue denkt. He also appreciated the principles behind God's Law and prayed to be taught to do His will, as this article shows. Thus, from the cities of refuge, we learn how he views sin, sinners, and repentance. Er legte großen Wert darauf, so zu handeln, wie Jehova es sich wünschte. David erfasste den Geist hinter dem Gesetz Gottes und betete: "Lehre mich deinen Willen tun." How has Jehovah progressively revealed his name? He focused on doing Jehovah's will, and David prayed: "Teach me to do your will. " wie Jehova immer mehr über seinen Namen enthüllt hat? Before a decision is reached, each one present is free to express himself clearly, though it is not required that every elder make some comment. How does Jehovah progressively reveal his name? Bevor sie etwas entscheiden, kann jeder offen seine Meinung sagen. (Natürlich müssen sich nicht unbedingt alle zu einer Sache äußern.) Moreover, because Eve believed Satan's lie and Adam disobeyed God, sin and death spread to all mankind. Before choosing to make a decision, each of us must be careful not to express himself in a matter. Und da Eva Satans Lügen glaubte und Adam Gott ungehorsam war, verbreiteten sich die Sünde und der Tod über die ganze Menschheit. Thereafter, these new Christians "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " And since Eve believed Satan's lies and was disobedient to God, sin and death spread to all mankind. Anschließend widmeten sich diese neuen Christen "weiterhin der Lehre der Apostel." Do you not agree that to continue enjoying divine blessings, we must resist seeking things for ourselves at the expense of Jehovah's worship? That is so whether the activity or interest diverting our attention is the pursuit of wealth, get - rich - quick schemes, ambitious plans for advanced education to have a desirable career in this system, or programs for personal fulfillment. Thereafter, those new Christians "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " Wenn wir Gottes Segen behalten wollen, dürfen wir die Anbetung Jehovas nicht von eigenen Interessen verdrängen lassen - sei es, dass man sich Reichtum wünscht, schnelles Geld machen will, ehrgeizige Ausbildungs - und Karrierepläne verfolgt oder sich selbst verwirklichen will. For instance, most of us know where Egypt is, but to what extent do we understand the comment that Abraham went out of Egypt "to the Negeb, " later to Bethel, then to Hebron? If we want to keep God's blessing, we must not let Jehovah's worship drop out of our own interests - that we desire to make money, wealth, and career. Aber inwieweit verstehen wir die Aussage, dass Abraham aus Ägypten auszog und "nach dem Negeb" ging, später nach Bethel und von dort nach Hebron? What place will personal interests and pleasures have in Paradise? But how do we understand that Abraham went out out from Egypt and went to Bethel? Welchen Stellenwert haben persönliche Interessen im Paradies? What, though, can Bible teachings do for you right now? How important is personal interests in Paradise? Doch was bringen sie einem persönlich? To see us filling that need pleases Jehovah, much the way it pleases your parents to see you eating food that they know is good for you. - John 4: 34. But what about them personally? Und Jehova freut sich, wenn wir das dann auch tun, genauso wie sich eure Eltern freuen, wenn ihr das esst, was euer Körper braucht. Yes, bad things happen even to "the righteous one. " And Jehovah is pleased when we do so, just as your parents rejoice when you eat what your body needs. Auch der " Gerechte ' muss also einiges durchmachen. To help us gain insight into what must be overcome to achieve such unity, let us consider a first - century example, the apostle Peter. Yes, too, "the righteous " must suffer some trials. Was dafür alles aus dem Weg geräumt werden muss, macht ein Beispiel aus dem 1. Jahrhundert deutlich: der Apostel Petrus. Genuine impartiality has two elements: attitude and actions. Consider the case of the first - century apostle Peter. Zu dieser Eigenschaft gehört zweierlei: die richtige Einstellung und das richtige Verhalten. Jehovah, on the other hand, is "the God of truth. " This quality involves two things: the right attitude and the right conduct. Jehova hingegen ist der "Gott der Wahrheit." Among those who came to see what Solomon's rule was like was the queen of Sheba, along with her large entourage. On the other hand, Jehovah is "the God of truth. " Mancher wollte mit eigenen Augen sehen, was Salomos Herrschaft auszeichnete. So auch die Königin von Scheba, die mit großem Gefolge anreiste. 7: 9, 14. How will freedom increase for obedient mankind, and what freedom will they finally enjoy? Many wanted to see Solomon's rule, including the queen of Shea, who was close to the city. Wie wird die Freiheit derer, die auf Jehova hören, immer mehr zunehmen, und welche Freiheit werden sie schließlich genießen? Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? How will the freedom of those who listen to Jehovah increase, and what freedom will eventually enjoy? Würde es Sie interessieren, was Jehovas Zeugen glauben oder wie sie organisiert sind? January 23 - 29, 2012 Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? bis 29. Januar Intended for the entire association of those in union with the Christ, John's first letter provides sound counsel designed to help Christians take their stand against apostasy and remain firm for the truth and for righteousness. January 23 - 29, 2009 Joh. 1: 1 bis 5: 21) Der erste Johannesbrief richtet sich an alle, die mit Christus in Einheit sind. Er gibt ihnen wertvolle Hinweise, wie sie sich entschieden gegen Abtrünnigkeit wehren und weiter für die Wahrheit und die Gerechtigkeit eintreten können. What pressures are college students exposed to? John 1: 1 - 5: 21) First, all who are in unity with Christ, gives valuable counsel on how to resist apostasy and continue to stand firm for righteousness. Unter welchem Druck stehen Studenten? Moses urged the Israelites to choose life " by loving Jehovah their God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him. ' - Deut. 30: 19, 20. What pressure do students face? Moses legte den Israeliten eindringlich ans Herz, Jehova zu lieben, auf ihn zu hören und fest zu ihm zu halten - und so das Leben zu wählen. Paul included Noah in his list of faithful witnesses when he wrote: "By faith Noah, after being given divine warning of things not yet beheld, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith. " Moses urged the Israelites to love Jehovah, listen to him, and stick to him - and choose life. Paulus reihte Noah unter die treuen Zeugen ein, als er schrieb: "Durch Glauben bekundete Noah Gottesfurcht, nachdem er eine göttliche Warnung vor Dingen erhalten hatte, die noch nicht zu sehen waren, und errichtete eine Arche zur Rettung seiner Hausgemeinschaft; und durch diesen Glauben verurteilte er die Welt, und er wurde ein Erbe der Gerechtigkeit, die gemäß dem Glauben ist." On returning home the young women delightedly explained to Reuel that "a certain Egyptian " had delivered them from the shepherds causing them trouble. Paul listed Noah among the faithful witnesses, who wrote: "By faith Noah, after being given divine warning of things not yet beheld, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this he was condemned by the world, and he was condemned by faith. " Zu Hause erzählten die jungen Frauen Reuel begeistert, "ein gewisser Ägypter" habe sie aus der Hand der Hirten befreit, die sie schikanierten. There were a thousand thousands that kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand that kept standing right before him. " At home, the young women drew close to "a certain Egyptians " who delivered them from the shepherd's hand. Da waren tausend Tausende, die ihm ständig Dienst leisteten, und zehntausend mal zehntausend, die fortwährend direkt vor ihm standen ." Still, the king was sure that God would sustain him on his sickbed. Finally, thousands who kept serving him were thousands of thousand times and ten thousand that kept standing before him. " Dennoch war sich der König sicher: Gott würde ihn auf seinem Krankenbett stützen. The sisters ' response? Still, the king was sure that God would sustain him on his bed. Wie reagierten die Schwestern? * However, we can be sure that Jehovah will make clear the meaning of those instructions when the time comes for us to follow them. How did the sisters react? Natürlich stellt sich aufrichtige Reue nicht immer ohne weiteres ein. Such vigilance may sound extreme, but these parents would rather be safe than sorry. Of course, sincere repentance does not always come automatically. * Aber wir können sicher sein, dass Jehova die Bedeutung dieser Anweisungen klarmachen wird, wenn der Moment da ist, sie zu befolgen. The link between emotional health and physical health. * But we can be sure that Jehovah will provide the meaning of this instructions when the time arrives. So viel Vorsicht mag manchem übertrieben erscheinen; doch diese Eltern wollen lieber sichergehen. Jehovah's Witnesses rejoice when a Bible student accepts the truth and progresses to the point of water baptism. In such a sense, some may seem to be distracted, but that parents want to be careful to make sure. Wissenschaftler sehen einen Zusammenhang zwischen der psychischen Verfassung und der körperlichen Gesundheit. The Jews charged Jesus with blasphemy. scientists see a connection between emotional and physical health. Jehovas Zeugen freuen sich über alle, die die Wahrheit annehmen und so weit Fortschritte machen, dass sie sich taufen lassen können. The time is fast approaching when the issues raised in Eden will be resolved. Jehovah's Witnesses rejoice over those who accept the truth and make progress in getting baptized. Die Juden warfen Jesus vor, Gott gelästert zu haben. From creation onward, Jesus had a love for humans. The Jews threw Jesus out of fear of God. In naher Zukunft werden die in Eden aufgeworfenen Streitfragen geklärt. 17 - 19. In the near future, the issues raised in Eden are raised. Ihm lag schon immer viel an der Menschheit. Above all, our joy is founded on our relationship with God. He always had a great deal of mankind. 17 - 19. In that sense, Jehovah did protect Theresa; she was serving him faithfully at the time of her death. 17 - 19. Wir empfinden genauso, wie David es in einem Psalm ausdrückte. Who does not want to have nice clothing, especially when engaging in spiritual activities - sharing in the ministry or attending meetings and assemblies? We feel as David expressed it in a psalm. Und in diesem Sinn hat Jehova Theresa beschützt, denn sie war ihm bis zu ihrem letzten Atemzug treu. Moreover, we likely hear neighbors, fellow workers, or schoolmates make derogatory remarks about those of another background, tribe, or skin color. In that sense, Jehovah has protected a person spiritually, for she was faithful to him until her final death. Wer möchte nicht gut angezogen sein, besonders wenn er für Jehova unterwegs ist, zum Beispiel im Predigtdienst, in den Zusammenkünften oder auf Kongressen? (b) What success have you had in listening to your children? One who does not want to be well - dressed especially when he is engaging in the ministry, assemblies, and conventions at Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Außerdem hören wir wahrscheinlich, wie sich Nachbarn, Arbeitskollegen oder Mitschüler abfällig über Menschen einer anderen Herkunft oder Hautfarbe äußern. (b) What will help us to keep bearing fruit in less responsive territories? We may also hear how neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates treat people of another background or ethnic background. (b) Was hast du dadurch erreicht, dass du deinen Kindern zugehört hast? The girl is brought into Solomon's camp because her beauty attracted Solomon, who was camping near the vineyards she was guarding. (b) How have you benefited from listening to your children? (b) Was hilft uns, in Gebieten Frucht zu tragen, in denen wir auf wenig Widerhall stoßen? 1, 2. (a) What was Jehovah's purpose regarding the Canaanites in general? (b) What will help us to bear fruit in less responsive territories? Von ihrer Schönheit angezogen, lässt Salomo sie in sein Lager bringen, das sich in der Nähe des Weingartens befand, in dem sie arbeitete. 13: 20. What may result if parents are not approachable? Solomon's beauty moved Solomon to go to the camp near the vineyard, where she worked in the vineyard. 1, 2. (a) Welchen Vorsatz hatte Jehova in Bezug auf die Kanaaniter im Allgemeinen gefasst? • How can the blood of Jesus save our life? 1, 2. (a) What purpose did Jehovah set regarding the Canaanites in general? Was kann passieren, wenn Eltern sich nicht für ihre Kinder öffnen? Read Matthew 13: 45, 46. What can happen if parents fail to open up for their children? • Wie kann Jesu Blut unser Leben retten? Aware that " the substance of God's word is truth ' and that we cannot direct our own steps independently, we gladly accept divine direction. - Psalm 119: 160; Jeremiah 10: 23. • How can Jesus ' blood save our lives? Lies Matthäus 13: 45, 46. Let us examine two topics that are considered in the Require brochure in order to see how we can expand our understanding and be able to answer in more detail - especially if someone raises such questions as, Who is God, and what was Jesus really like? - Exodus 5: 2; Luke 9: 18 - 20; 1 Peter 3: 15. Read Matthew 13: 45, 46. In dem Bewusstsein, dass die Summe des Wortes Gottes Wahrheit ist und wir unsere Schritte nicht unabhängig von Gott lenken können, lassen wir uns gerne von ihm leiten. (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham handled a problem? Knowing that the value of God's Word is truth and we cannot direct our steps regardless of God's guidance, we are pleased to follow his guidance. Gehen wir einmal auf zwei Themen in der Erwartet - Broschüre ein, und sehen wir uns an, wie wir unser Wissen vertiefen und Fragen ausführlicher beantworten können - besonders wenn es darum geht, wer Gott ist und wer Jesus in Wirklichkeit war. Jehovah has much in common with such a place. Let us consider two subjects in the Require brochure and see how we can strengthen our knowledge and questions - especially when it comes to asking God and who really is Jesus. (b) Was können wir aus der Art lernen, wie Abraham mit einem Konflikt umging? In 1939, my oldest surviving sister, Marion, married Bill Danylchuck, and they took my sister Frances and me into their care. (b) What can we learn from Abraham's dealings with a conflict? Dieses Bild passt sehr gut auf ihn. Warum? How does Jehovah strengthen our hands today? How well that picture describes him! 1939 heiratete Marion, meine älteste noch lebende Schwester, Bill Danylchuck und sie nahmen meine Schwester Frances und mich unter ihre Fittiche. How did Jehovah show loving concern for his wayward people? In 19th - year - old my old sister was still living, and she took me under her wing, and she took me under her wing. Wie stärkt Jehova unsere Hände heute? How does the world pose a threat to Christians today? How does Jehovah strengthen our hands today? Wie bewies Jehova liebevolle Fürsorge gegenüber seinem widerspenstigen Volk? He became king in 624 B.C.E. How did Jehovah show tender care for his wayward people? Auch für Christen heute ist die Welt, in der sie leben, ein gefährliches Umfeld. The aged apostle John wrote: "If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one. " Likewise today, the world in which they live is a dangerous environment. Nebukadnezar wurde im Jahr 624 v. u. Z. Requirements for Approaching God Nebuchadnezzar was brought to the temple in 607 B.C.E. Der betagte Apostel Johannes schrieb: "Wenn jemand eine Sünde begeht, so haben wir einen Helfer beim Vater, Jesus Christus, einen Gerechten." Indeed, love is "a perfect bond of union. " The aged apostle John wrote: "If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one. " Wie sollten sich sündige Menschen Gott nahen, und welches Beispiel zeigt das? How can true refreshment be found? How should sinful humans draw close to God, and what example illustrates this? Im ersten Brief an die Korinther beschrieb der Apostel Paulus, wodurch sich die Liebe auszeichnet. Because of what would be done with hardhearted Pharaoh, Jehovah purposed to demonstrate his power in a way that would serve notice on all who defy him. In the first letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul described the love shown by love. Wodurch stellt sich wahre Freude und echtes Glück ein? It will turn out to you for a witness. " How does true happiness and happiness bring true happiness? Wie Jehova mit dem hartherzigen Pharao verfuhr, sollte seine Macht auf eine Art und Weise demonstrieren, die für alle seine Feinde eine Warnung wäre. For example, if someone reacts angrily to your visit, what is usually the best response? Jehovah's dealings with Pharaoh should reflect his power in a way that would provide a warning for all his enemies. Es wird euch zu einem Zeugnis ausschlagen '. Why is it inappropriate to judge others? It will commend you for a witness. " Ein Beispiel: Jemand ärgert sich über unseren Besuch. Wie sollten wir reagieren? From the disciples in Syrian Antioch, what do we learn about displaying mercy? For example, if someone offends us, how should we react? Warum ist es unangebracht, andere zu richten? And he is fully aware of how the human race got sidetracked and became lost. Why is it inappropriate to judge others? Außer für Witwen, Waisen, Hilfsbedürftige und Entmutigte zu sorgen, organisierte man im 1. Why? In addition to widows, widows, and infirm widows, the first - century widows were organized in the first century B.C.E. Und er weiß ganz genau, wie der Mensch auf Abwege geriet und völlig in die Irre ging. Her moral strength thus enhanced her physical beauty. He knows exactly how the man was going astray and deceived. Wieso? He had companions, and that must have encouraged him. Why? Ihre moralische Stärke unterstrich noch ihre buchstäbliche Schönheit. Naomi had confidence in Boaz. Their moral strength further exposes their physical beauty. Er hatte Gefährten, und das muss ihm Mut gemacht haben. 4: 11. Give suggestions for learning the lyrics of the songs. He had been companions, and this must have encouraged him. Noomi vertraute Boas. She had discernment, whereas her husband, Nabal, was harsh, worthless, and senseless. Naomi trusted in Boaz. Gib Anregungen, wie man die Liedtexte auswendig lernen kann. Yet, as long as Jehovah's patience continues, we exhort as many people as possible: "Search for Jehovah, and keep living. " - Amos 5: 6. You can learn a lesson from the heart. David und seine Männer beschützten eine Zeit lang das Eigentum Nabals. Is Unfailing Love Possible? David and his men protected Nabal's property for a time. Solange Jehova allerdings noch Geduld übt, fordern wir so viele Menschen wie möglich auf: "Sucht Jehova, und bleibt am Leben." Many others, though, were good examples. However, as long as Jehovah has been patient, we invite as many people as possible to " search for Jehovah, and keep living. ' Wenn wir uns den Mut rauben lassen, könnten wir meinen, unsere Opfer lohnten sich nicht und unsere Aufgabe sei zu schwer. or "Hallelujah! " and are followed by 22 lines, each line beginning with one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. If we allow ourselves to become discouraged, we might conclude that our sacrifices are not too difficult and that our assignment is too difficult. Wahre Liebe: Ist sie möglich? 6: 17 - 20. 12, 13. True love - Is it possible? Obwohl ich freundlich darauf angesprochen wurde, sah ich nicht ein, wieso ich da etwas ändern sollte. As was the case with Jesus, how will loving righteousness and hating lawlessness strengthen us? Although I was kind, I didn't see how I needed to change. Viele andere waren jedoch gute Vorbilder. The mother now sees the gift in a new light. Many, however, were good examples. oder "Halleluja!," gefolgt von 22 Zeilen, die jeweils mit dem nächsten der 22 Buchstaben des hebräischen Alphabets anfangen. (See also the w15 12 / 15 - E article "The 2013 Revision of the New World Translation .") or "Hallelujah, " followed by 22 letters that relate to the next 22 letters of the Hebrew letter. 12, 13. (a) Was passierte mit Absalom? Compared with the infinite wisdom of God, human reasoning is futile. - 1 Cor. 3: 18 - 20. 12, 13. (a) What happened to Absalom? Worin werden wir bestärkt, wenn wir wie Jesus Gerechtigkeit lieben und Gesetzlosigkeit hassen? It pushes people to outdo one another, breeds jealousy, and in the end, proves to be "a chasing after the wind. " - Eccl. 4: 4. How can we strengthen our love of righteousness and hate lawlessness? Jetzt sieht die Mutter das Geschenk mit ganz anderen Augen an. This is a trial that the survivor may not have expected to face in this system of things. Now the mother sees the gift with her very eyes. (Siehe auch den Artikel in der vorliegenden Ausgabe "Die Revision der englischen Neuen - Welt - Übersetzung.") Abel - meholah (See also the article "The revised New World Translation. ") Im Vergleich zur unermesslichen Weisheit Gottes sind menschliche Überlegungen nichtig. SHOULD YOU TAKE IT PERSONALLY? 9, 10. (a) How might you react to a perceived offense? In contrast with the vast wisdom of God, human reasoning are futile. Er bringt Menschen dazu, sich gegenseitig auszustechen und zu beneiden, nur um am Ende festzustellen: Es war "ein Haschen nach Wind." Do you see yourself among them as a survivor of "the great tribulation "? It is "a striving after wind. " Damit hat der hinterbliebene Partner im gegenwärtigen System der Dinge womöglich nicht gerechnet. Ignacio, * for example, began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses while he was in prison in a South American country. In this system of things, the man may not have expected the unbelieving partner to live in this system of things. Abel - Mehola Jehovah's "ears are toward their supplication. " Abel - I am about to come up with the son of Abel 9, 10. (a) Wie könnte man reagieren, wenn man sich gekränkt fühlt? Even when he was just 12 years old, he was able to discuss Scriptural matters with teachers in the temple. 9, 10. (a) How might you react if someone feels hurt? Sehen wir uns unter den Überlebenden der "großen Drangsal"? O Jehovah, you already know it all. " - Psalm 139: 1, 2, 4, 23. Do you see among survivors of the "great tribulation "? * Zeugen Jehovas begannen mit ihm die Bibel zu studieren, als er in einem südamerikanischen Land im Gefängnis war. Rather, Paul's words were directed to the entire "congregation of the Thessalonians. " * Jehovah's Witnesses began studying the Bible with him when he was in a South American country. Jehova richtet seine Ohren auf unser Flehen. Past sins (See paragraphs 11 - 14) Jehovah keeps his ears on our supplication. Schon mit 12 Jahren konnte er mit den Lehrern im Tempel Fragen zu den Schriften erörtern. Furthermore, Adam and Eve could no longer have a perfect child; neither could any of their children have a perfect child. For 12 years, he was able to discuss questions with the teachers at the temple. Wie David können auch wir sicher sein, dass unser Schöpfer uns versteht und sieht, wie demoralisierend und lähmend sich Depressionen auf unsere unvollkommene seelische Verfassung und unsere körperliche Konstitution auswirken. If they hired me, I would be the first black man to work for that company. Like David, we can be sure that our Creator understands us and sees our imperfect health and can affect our physical condition. Zu beachten ist jedoch, dass Paulus die Ermahnung "Redet bekümmerten Seelen tröstend zu, steht den Schwachen bei" nicht nur an Älteste richtete, sondern an die gesamte "Versammlung der Thessalonicher." David's psalm concludes with these reassuring words: "Jehovah is redeeming the soul of his servants; and none of those taking refuge in him will be held guilty. " However, Paul's admonition to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls " applies to the weak, not only to appointed elders but to the entire congregation of the Thessalonians. Frühere Sünden (Siehe Absatz 11 - 14) Matthias filled a vital organizational need. Before long, sins (See paragraphs 11 - 14) Außerdem konnten Adam und Eva sowie ihre Kinder keinen vollkommenen Nachkommen mehr hervorbringen. He wrote to the Corinthians: "I will most gladly spend and be completely spent for your souls. " Furthermore, Adam and Eve could produce no perfect offspring. Ich wäre der erste schwarze Angestellte dort. " Press " and "pressing forward " - what do these terms imply? I would there be the first black employees there. Davids Psalm endet mit den folgenden beruhigenden Worten: "Jehova erlöst die Seele seiner Knechte; und keiner von denen, die zu ihm Zuflucht nehmen, wird für schuldig gehalten werden." Why is fire an appropriate illustration of the power of the tongue? David concludes with these comforting words: "Jehovah is giving the soul of his servants; and none of those taking refuge in him will be guilty. " Matthias konnte einem wichtigen organisatorischen Bedarf abhelfen. Their confidence in the nearness of Jehovah's day of judgment faded. Linda was able to provide an important organization that would be satisfied with the needs of an important organization. An die Korinther schrieb der Apostel: "Ich für meinen Teil will mich sehr gern verbrauchen und völlig verbraucht werden für eure Seelen." By all means, apply Jehovah's principles in your marriage. The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "I want to give much comfort to my part, and I will turn aside for your souls. " " Entgegendrängen "und" vorandrängen " - worauf deuten diese Wörter hin? That could reflect the mistaken view that it is something like a ghost and not man himself. What do those words indicate? Warum ist es passend, die Zunge mit einem Feuer zu vergleichen? For example, anointed Christians are "vessels of mercy " who have been molded into " vessels for an honorable use. ' Why is it appropriate to compare the tongue to a fire? Ihre Überzeugung, dass das Strafgericht Jehovas nahe ist, schwand. " You have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. " - LUKE 10: 21. Their conviction that Jehovah's judgment is near is near. Dann wende unbedingt Jehovas Grundsätze in deiner Ehe an. Be assured that you can win the fight against Satan, his wicked world, and any sinful leanings. You can do so by completely trusting in God's ability to strengthen you. - 2 Cor. 4: 7 - 9; Gal. By doing so, Jehovah's principles in your marriage are determined to apply in your marriage. Deshalb wurde genehmigt, das Wort "Seele" gemäß dem Kontext zu übersetzen. Of course, no loyal Christian would want to display a disrespectful and disloyal spirit like that of Diotrephes. Thus, the word "soul " was given to the context according to the context. Gesalbte Christen zum Beispiel sind "Gefäße der Barmherzigkeit," die für einen ehrenhaften Zweck geformt worden sind. This article shows how the prophets and Bible writers were "borne along by holy spirit " and why we can be sure that the Bible is of divine origin. Anointed Christians, for example, are "the ministry of mercy " that have been shaped for an honorable purpose. " Du [hast] diese Dinge vor Weisen und Intellektuellen sorgfältig verborgen und sie Unmündigen geoffenbart " A psalmist wrote: "He is telling his word to Jacob, his regulations and his judicial decisions to Israel. " You have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes. " - 1 COR. Vertraue darauf: Du kannst den Kampf gegen Satan, gegen seine böse Welt und gegen schlechte Neigungen gewinnen, wenn du dich völlig auf Gottes Fähigkeit verlässt, dich zu stärken. We are seeking no further. Trust that you can fight Satan, against his wicked world, and win bad inclinations if you put your trust in God's ability to strengthen you. Sicher möchte kein loyaler Christ so respektlos und illoyal sein wie Diotrephes. (Lies 3. Before we came to an accurate knowledge of God's will, we lived in harmony with the world, according to its values and standards. Surely not a loyal Christian would want to be self - righteous and disloyal like Diotrephes! - Read Diotrephes 3: 3. 30 Sei weise und erlerne "geschickte Lenkung" Let us be more specific, though. 30 Be Wise and Put On "the Christ " Ein Psalmist schrieb: "Er tut sein Wort Jakob kund, seine Bestimmungen und seine richterlichen Entscheidungen Israel. Although Paul was not with Jesus and the 11 apostles in 33 C.E., he surely learned from some of the apostles what happened on that occasion. A psalmist wrote: "He is telling his word to Jacob, his regulations, and his judicial decisions. Wir suchen nicht mehr ziellos weiter. Thus, the great tribulation was thought to have three phases: There would be a beginning (1914 - 1918), the tribulation would be interrupted (from 1918 onward), and it would conclude at Armageddon. We do not search for any longer. Bevor wir den Willen Gottes genau kennen lernten, lebten wir in Einklang mit der Welt, ihren Wertvorstellungen und Maßstäben. A congregation in Costa Rica that benefited from this provision wrote the following: "When we stand in front of the Kingdom Hall, we feel that we must be dreaming! Before learning God's will, we lived in harmony with the world's moral, moral, and moral standards. Gehen wir jedoch noch etwas mehr ins Detail. The housewife deliberately added the leaven, and the results were positive. However, we will consider more detail in the detail. Paulus war zwar 33 u. After 70 long years of captivity, they were freed from Babylon. True, Paul was on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. Deshalb sprach man von drei Phasen der großen Drangsal: der Anfangsphase (1914 bis 1918), einer Unterbrechung der Drangsal (ab 1918) und von Harmagedon als Schlussphase. Comparing modern - day Christendom with first - century Christianity, he said: "Churches today grow usually by biological growth (when the children within a local church family make a personal profession of faith) or by transfer growth (when a newcomer transfers his or her membership from another local church). Hence, from three periods of the great tribulation, the initial part of the great tribulation was referred to as "the beginning of 1918. " Eine Versammlung in Costa Rica, die von dieser Regelung profitierte, schrieb: "Wenn wir vor dem Königreichssaal stehen, können wir es gar nicht glauben. We can also be integrity keepers by obeying Jehovah when we are among unbelievers. A congregation in Italy, who benefited from this arrangement, wrote: "When we stand before the Kingdom Hall, we cannot believe it. Vorschlag für das Bibellesen im April To illustrate, think of a father who teaches his son to drive a car. Prepare for the Bible's Bible in April April 2008 Die Hausfrau fügte den Sauerteig ganz bewusst dem Mehl bei und das Ergebnis war positiv. In fact, Jesus ' principal message included the call to repent from sin. The head of the leaven was keenly aware of the flour and the results. Sie waren 70 Jahre lang in Babylon gefangen gewesen und wurden nun befreit. " ALL CREATION KEEPS ON GROANING " They were taken captive in Babylon for 70 years, and now they were delivered. Er verglich die heutige Christenheit mit dem Christentum des ersten Jahrhunderts und sagte: "Heutzutage wachsen Kirchen gewöhnlich nur noch biologisch (wenn sich die Kinder einer Familie, die zur Ortskirche gehört, zum Glauben bekennen) oder durch Zuzug (wenn ein Neuankömmling in die Ortskirche überwechselt). * The world power after Babylon is pictured by the breasts and arms of silver. He compared Christendom to the first - century Christianity of the first century and said: "In just a few minutes, the children's religious leaders usually become divided. Jehova vollständig ergeben bleiben wir auch dadurch, dass wir ihm gehorchen, wenn wir mit Ungläubigen zusammen sind. 8, 9. We also keep our integrity by obeying him when we are associated with unbelievers. Ein Beispiel: Stell dir einen Vater vor, dessen Sohn das Autofahren lernt. Less than ten minutes later, his mother visited him and encouraged him to return to the meetings. To illustrate: Imagine a father learning to drive his son. Der Aufruf zu bereuen war ein wichtiger Teil seiner Botschaft. (b) What contrast is seen today between true religion and false? The call to repent was an important part of his message. * Die auf Babylon folgende Weltmacht wird durch die Brust und die Arme von Silber dargestellt. I was reminded that the meetings are where I need to be. " * The New World World Power is depicted by the daughter and the arms of silver. 8, 9. For others, there will be only tears of sorrow and regret. 8, 9. Keine zehn Minuten später kam überraschend seine Mutter zu Besuch und ermutigte ihn, wieder die Zusammenkünfte zu besuchen. No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men. No ten minutes later, his mother invited him to attend Christian meetings. (b) Welcher Unterschied zwischen der wahren und der falschen Religion ist heute zu beobachten? He chose to enter a different race - the race for life, as a Kingdom proclaimer. (b) What difference exists between true worship and false religion today? Das erinnerte mich daran, wie sehr ich die Zusammenkünfte brauche. " We will display "love out of a clean heart. " This reminded me of the depth of my need for Christian meetings. " Anderen dagegen werden dann nur bittere Tränen der Trauer kommen. He must have studied them for a considerable time before luring them into taking sides with him. Others, however, will experience painful tears of grief. Nein, sondern er entäußerte sich selbst und nahm Sklavengestalt an und wurde den Menschen gleich. Apparently, an acquaintance had taken his hat, whereas a stranger had returned a check worth thousands of dollars! No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men. Stattdessen wählte er für sich eine andere Laufbahn - die Laufbahn als Königreichsverkündiger. How can we display faith like that of Jephthah and his daughter? Instead, he chose to pursue another career - the career of Kingdom proclaimers. Weil wir innerlich rein sind, werden wir "Gott sehen." Yet, Jehovah had determined that a far greater witness would be given before he would bring an end to Satan's global system of things. Because we are clean, we "will see God. " Dann lockte er sie mit unerlaubten Beziehungen mit Frauen. The same might be asked about time spent with relatives. Then he raises them with immoral relations. Der Dieb war offensichtlich jemand aus seinem Bekanntenkreis, wohingegen ein völlig Fremder ihm den Scheck im Wert von mehreren tausend Dollar zusandte. She also put the court ladies under oath not to try to arouse in her love for anyone other than the shepherd boy. Evidently, the thief was thrown out from his office, while a stranger gave him the value of a total of a thousand dollars. Wie können wir einen Glauben erkennen lassen, wie Jephtha und seine Tochter ihn hatten? Before answering that question, we would do well to think about this proverb: "A word spoken at the right time - how good it is! " - Prov. 15: 23. How can we show faith like Jephthah and his daughter? Doch Jehova hatte entschieden, dass ein ungleich größeres Zeugnis gegeben werden sollte, bevor er Satans weltweitem System der Dinge ein Ende setzen würde. I knew that she would rather see me dead on a stretcher than know that I was free because of having compromised.... However, Jehovah had determined that a greater witness would end before he would bring an end to Satan's global system of things. Die gleiche Frage könnte man sich stellen, wenn es darum geht, wie viel Zeit man mit Verwandten verbringt. One sister, whom we will call Tanya, explains that she was "raised around the truth, " but when she was 16, she left the congregation to" pursue worldly enticements. " The same question could be when it comes to spending time with relatives. Außerdem mussten die Hofdamen ihr unter Eid versprechen, in ihr nicht Liebe zu jemand anders zu wecken, ausgenommen zu ihrem jungen Hirten. " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding, " said wise King Solomon of ancient Israel. Furthermore, the court court had to make sworn oath not to awaken someone else's love for her young shepherd. Und denken wir daran: "Ein Wort zur rechten Zeit, o wie gut!." Read Nehemiah 13: 4 - 9. And think: "A word at the right time, O good as good as! " Ich wusste, dass sie mich lieber tot auf einer Bahre liegen sehen würde, als dass ich aufgrund von Kompromissen frei wäre.... That is what the Bible says at Isaiah 14: 7. I knew that she would rather be dead than see that I would be able to look at some of the more dead.... Eine Schwester, die wir Tanja nennen möchten, erzählt von sich, sie sei "mehr oder weniger in der Wahrheit aufgewachsen." Doch mit 16 brach sie den Kontakt zur Versammlung ab, weil sie "erleben wollte, was die Welt zu bieten hat." (b) How is Jehovah an example for us as to impartiality? " Instead of being neither in the truth, " said one sister who wanted to give up her contact with the congregation, " she says, "but she broke away with the world's necessities because they wanted to offer up what the world has to offer. " Salomo, ein weiser König in Israel, sagte: "Vertraue auf Jehova mit deinem ganzen Herzen, und stütze dich nicht auf deinen eigenen Verstand. 6, 7. Solomon, a wise king in Israel, said: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Lies Nehemia 13: 4 - 9. The king later severely punished this same man when he refused to cancel the incomparably smaller debt of a fellow slave. Read Nehemiah 13: 4 - 9. Das steht in der Bibel, in Jesaja 14: 7. Lessons for Us: That is what the Bible says at Isaiah 14: 7. (b) Wie gibt uns Jehova darin ein Beispiel? The gathering will be complete when the anointed who are alive at the end of this system of things receive their final sealing and then are taken to heaven. (b) How does Jehovah set a pattern for us? 6, 7. Now, by coincidence, a certain priest was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side. 6, 7. Später bestrafte der König diesen Mann schwer, weil er sich geweigert hatte, einem Mitsklaven eine viel kleinere Schuld zu erlassen. Even if millions of Jehovah's Witnesses were to pray to God at the same time, not one would get a " busy signal. ' Later, the king punished this man because he refused to forgive a fellow slave. Lehren für uns: [ Footnotes] Lessons for Us: Das Einsammeln endet, wenn die Gesalbten, die am Ende des gegenwärtigen Systems der Dinge am Leben sind, endgültig versiegelt und dann in den Himmel aufgenommen werden. May we never put Jehovah to the test as the Israelites faithlessly did at Massah, where they murmured about the lack of water. - Exodus 17: 1 - 7. The ingathering of anointed ones who are alive at the end of this system of things will receive their final sealing and then be taken into heaven. Nun traf es sich, dass ein gewisser Priester jenen Weg hinabging, doch als er ihn sah, ging er auf der entgegengesetzten Seite vorüber. But he did not obey what Jehovah had commanded. " Now, a certain priest came down, but when he saw him coming through the opposite side, he went through. Selbst wenn Millionen Zeugen Jehovas gleichzeitig zu Gott beten - die "Leitung" ist immer frei. Jesus ' description matches the times we are living in. - Matthew 24: 3 - 14; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Even if millions of Jehovah's Witnesses pray to God at the same time, they have always been free. [ Fußnoten] It is hoped that the suggestions in this article and the preceding one will move more elders to set aside time for training others. [ Footnotes] Stellen wir Jehova niemals auf die Probe wie die treulosen Israeliten in Massa, wo sie murrten, weil es kein Wasser gab. Talk to me after Armageddon; then we will know for sure. " If we never put Jehovah to the test as did the faithless Israelites, where they murmured because they were no water. Und diese Sache betreffend gebot er ihm, nicht anderen Göttern nachzugehen; aber er hatte das nicht gehalten, was Jehova geboten hatte. " Our Meetings Are Sacred Gatherings And concerning this matter, he commanded him not to practice other gods; but he had not kept what Jehovah had commanded. " Die unter anderem von Jesus beschriebenen Details stimmen mit den heutigen Gegebenheiten völlig überein. Overall, though, what might lead some Christians to conclude that they could accept blood fractions? For one thing, Jesus made a powerful description of what is happening in modern times. Wir hoffen, dass die Vorschläge aus diesem und dem vorigen Artikel mehr Älteste dazu anregen, sich Zeit für das Schulen zu nehmen. There Paul was able to help Crispus, "the presiding officer of the synagogue, " to become a disciple. We hope that the suggestions from this article and the preceding article motivate the elders to take time to train others. Seine Erziehung ist aber noch nicht abgeschlossen. The apostle Paul, who suffered more than most, wrote: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " His discipline is not yet completed. Unsere Zusammenkünfte sind heilig (Read Isaiah 63: 11 - 14.) Our meetings are sacred gatherings Doch wie kommen einige Christen überhaupt zu dem Schluss, sie könnten Blutfraktionen akzeptieren? (a) What did Job do that showed his integrity to God? But how do some Christians conclude that they could accept blood fractions? Dort konnte Paulus Krispus, dem Synagogenvorsteher, helfen, ein Jünger zu werden. Hence, when one of God's servants is moved to help another, this is evidence of Jehovah's spirit at work. There, Paul was able to help the synagogues to become a disciple. Der Apostel Paulus, der mehr durchmachte als die meisten Christen, schrieb: "Alles, was vorzeiten geschrieben wurde, ist zu unserer Unterweisung geschrieben worden, damit wir durch unser Ausharren und durch den Trost aus den Schriften Hoffnung haben können." SONGS TO BE USED: 54, 135 The apostle Paul, who endured more than most Christians, wrote: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " (Lies Jesaja 63: 11 - 14.) On one occasion, Jesus Christ contributed to the enjoyment of a wedding by turning water into "the best wine. " - John 2: 3 - 10, New Jerusalem Bible. (Read Isaiah 63: 11 - 14.) (a) Wie bewies Hiob seine Lauterkeit Gott gegenüber? 8, 9. (a) What two lessons may we learn from the accounts about Adam, Eve, and the rebellious angels? (a) How did Job demonstrate his integrity to God? Wenn sich ein Diener Gottes veranlasst fühlt, einem anderen zu helfen, deutet das somit darauf hin, dass Jehovas Geist wirksam ist. What will help us to become more empathetic? So when one of God's servants feels impelled to help another, it indicates that Jehovah's spirit is at work. LIEDER: 54, 135 We can increasingly act with wisdom, insight, and understanding if we take the time to "ponder over " God's laws and principles. SONGS TO BE USED: 54, 135 Und Jesus Christus verwandelte einmal auf einer Hochzeitsfeier zur Freude aller Wasser "in den besten Wein." How can you and your partner assist each other while walking from door to door? Jesus Christ once turned his attention to a wedding feast for all water "in the best wine. " 8, 9. (a) Was lernen wir aus den Berichten über Adam, Eva und die abgefallenen Engel? In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! 8, 9. (a) What do we learn from the accounts of Adam, Eve, and the rebellious angels? Wie können wir mitfühlender werden? Sadly, any Christian could begin to walk according to the sinful flesh. How can we become more compassionate? Dann können wir weise und vernünftig handeln. In what ways did Jehovah bless Solomon? Then we can act wisely and act wisely. Was sollten wir nicht vergessen, und warum? 1, 2. (a) What is sometimes needed to pursue an upright course in life? What should we remember, and why? Mit zehn schrecklichen Plagen demütigte er Ägypten und demonstrierte damit die Ohnmacht Pharaos und der ägyptischen Götter. No doubt they long remembered the lesson! With ten devastating plagues, he humbled Egypt and demonstrated that Pharaoh's power was without Pharaoh and the Egyptian gods of Egypt. In der Welt habt ihr Drangsal, doch fasst Mut! Clearly, the message that Jeremiah was commissioned to deliver was urgent! In the world you have tribulation, but take courage! Tatsächlich könnte jeder Christ beginnen, in Übereinstimmung mit dem sündigen Fleisch zu leben. " I knew the basics of my parents ' language, but the language spoken at the meetings was over my head, " recalls Kristina. Indeed, every Christian could begin to live in accord with the sinful flesh. Wie segnete Jehova Salomo? (a) What extraordinary combat took place some 3,000 years ago? How did Jehovah bless Solomon? 1, 2. (a) Was braucht man, um richtig zu handeln? Interestingly, the apostle Paul was inspired to apply Psalm 112: 9 in connection with Christians in the first century. 1, 2. (a) What must we do to act properly? Bestimmt haben sie sich noch lange daran erinnert! With Jehovah's help the Israelites defeated him and his people at Hormah. Surely she was reminded of it long ago! Jeremias Botschaft war eindeutig dringend! • What does it mean to walk with God? Clearly, Jeremiah's message was urgent! " Ich hatte Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache meiner Eltern, aber das Vokabular bei den Zusammenkünften war mir zu hoch ," erinnert sich Kristina. At a time that does not interfere with spiritual activities, a few families may decide to enjoy a picnic together or play a game that is not overly competitive. " I had reason to understand the language of my parents, but the effect on me was high. " (a) Welcher außergewöhnliche Kampf fand vor rund 3 000 Jahren statt? JEHOVAH and Satan are complete opposites. (a) What outstanding fight took place some 3,000 years ago? Interessanterweise wandte der Apostel Paulus Psalm 112: 9 unter Inspiration auf die Christen im ersten Jahrhundert an. He gave the first human couple everything that they needed to be happy - including true freedom. Interestingly, the apostle Paul applied Psalm 112: 9 under inspiration to first - century Christians. Durch Jehovas Hilfe besiegten sie ihn und sein Volk bei Horma. Children draw strength and courage from parental approval By means of Jehovah's help, they empowered him and his people. • Was bedeutet es, mit Gott zu wandeln? • As regards truth, what is required of us? • What does it mean to walk with God? Zu einer Zeit, die nicht mit theokratischen Tätigkeiten kollidiert, könnten sich ein paar Familien zusammentun und ein Picknick veranstalten oder ein Spiel spielen, bei dem kein zu starker Konkurrenzgeist aufkommt. At one recent convention, some came from countries where people tend to be reserved when expressing their emotions. At a time when theocratic activities do not interfere with theocratic activities, a few families can contribute to a degree, or play a spirit that is not strong. JEHOVA und Satan sind völlig gegensätzlich. " By all contemporaneous accounts, the world prior to 1914 seemed to be moving irreversibly toward higher levels of civility and civilization; human society seemed perfectible. JEHOVAH and Satan are totally divided. Jehova gab dem ersten Menschenpaar alles, was sie benötigten - auch wahre Freiheit. Missed Opportunities Jehovah gave the first human couple everything they needed - including true freedom. Kindern gibt es Kraft und Mut, wenn sie spüren, dass ihre Eltern stolz auf sie sind Under inspiration, Paul appealed to anointed Christians "to walk worthily of the calling with which [they] were called. " Children find strength and courage when they sense that their parents are proud of them • Wie müssen wir zur Wahrheit eingestellt sein? Jesus was keenly aware that imperfect humans often have a tendency to be judgmental. • What attitude must we have toward the truth? Bei einem der letzten Kongresse waren Zeugen aus Ländern anwesend, wo man mit Gefühlsäußerungen recht zurückhaltend ist. (a) Why is it important for us to schedule time for personal study? During the last conventions, Witnesses from countries were at stake, where we feel that they were rightly lost. Die menschliche Gesellschaft schien perfektionierbar. Im 19. Only with the help of the holy spirit will I be able to endure this trial! ' Man's human society seemed perfect in the 19th century B.C.E. Verpasste Gelegenheiten COVER: At a truck stop in Toulouse, France, a pioneer couple witness to truck drivers. Wicked opportunities Gott veranlasste Paulus, Gesalbte eindringlich zu bitten, so zu leben, wie es ihrer Berufung würdig ist. Christ's reign of a thousand years begins with the binding of Satan and his abyssing. God inspired Paul to urge anointed ones to live as worthy of their calling. Jesus war sich durchaus bewusst, dass unvollkommene Menschen leicht überkritisch sein können. (See page 30, paragraph 4.) Jesus knew that imperfect humans can easily be judgmental. (a) Warum ist es für uns wichtig, eine bestimmte Zeit für das persönliche Studium festzulegen? God's will is that all sorts of men "come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " (a) Why should we set aside time for personal study? In einer Zeit ständiger kriegerischer Auseinandersetzungen in Westafrika floh eine Frau im Kugelhagel aus ihrer Heimat. Hence, Paul stressed the need to "reject foolish and ignorant debates. " In a time of great war, a woman fled across a woman in southern Japan. Das kann ich nur mit der Hilfe des heiligen Geistes ertragen! " True Christians, particularly anointed ones, likewise find strength and encouragement in reflecting upon the love that Jesus Christ has shown toward them. I can endure only with the help of the holy spirit! " (Siehe Kasten "Bist du mit deinem Wissen auf dem Laufenden?") Over time, languages tend to change. (See the box "Are You Keeping With Your Knowledge? ") TITELSEITE: Auf einem Rastplatz in Toulouse gibt ein Pionierehepaar Lkw - Fahrern Zeugnis. Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua were on hand to witness the temple's completion in 515 B.C.E. COVER: A pioneer couple witness to a driver living in a town on a town where there is a silent witness. Zu Beginn der Tausendjahrherrschaft Christi wird Satan gebunden und in den Abgrund geschleudert. While suffering agonizing pain on the torture stake, Jesus prayed that his Father forgive his executioners because, as he said, "they do not know what they are doing. " At the start of Christ's Millennial Reign, Satan will be bound and will be hurled into the abyss. (Siehe Seite 30, Absatz 4.) What delightful conditions can exist in a congregation as brothers and sisters work at displaying ever more the godly qualities about which James wrote! (See page 30, 4.) Gott möchte, dass alle Arten von Menschen "zu einer genauen Erkenntnis der Wahrheit kommen." [ Box / Picture on page 27] God wants all sorts of people to come "an accurate knowledge of truth. " Deshalb drängte Paulus darauf, "törichte und einfältige Streitfragen ab [zuweisen]." Many in Christendom believe, according to this teaching, that Christians will be bodily caught up from the earth. Hence, Paul urged us to "be ignorant and ignorant of ignorant debates. " Ebenso stärkt und ermuntert es wahre Christen, vor allem Gesalbte, über die Liebe nachzudenken, die Jesus Christus ihnen entgegenbringt. What can you do, though, when life's anxieties cause you to wonder if you are really loved by Jehovah? Similarly, true Christians are encouraged and encouraged to reflect on the love shown by Jesus Christ. Sprachen verändern sich. Certainly, we always want to cooperate with and show respect for the appointed elders, who work hard in shepherding us and implementing the directions of "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matt. 24: 45; 1 Thess. 5: 12, 13. languages change. Der Statthalter Serubbabel und der Hohe Priester Josua waren dabei, als der Tempel 515 v. u. Z. fertig gestellt wurde. Like morning clouds, Israel's loyal love vanished The governor of Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua were completed when the temple was completed in 537 B.C.E. Als er am Marterpfahl unerträgliche Schmerzen litt, bat er seinen Vater, seinen Urteilsvollstreckern zu vergeben, und sagte: "Sie wissen nicht, was sie tun." Follow Our Wonderful Maker! When suffering on the torture stake, Jesus asked his Father to forgive and say: "They do not know what they are doing. " Wie schön ist doch die Atmosphäre in einer Versammlung, wenn alle Brüder und Schwestern stetig an sich arbeiten, um die von Jakobus beschriebenen gottgefälligen Eigenschaften auszuleben!. SONGS TO BE USED: 36, 94 How beautifully the atmosphere in a congregation is when all brothers and sisters work hard to display godly qualities in order to display godly qualities! [ Kasten / Bild auf Seite 27] Of course, we cannot completely avoid people with ungodly traits. [ Box / Picture on page 27] Viele in der Christenheit glauben an die Entrückung. For example, consider this experience: A sister was putting money into a ticket machine on a bus when an acquaintance told her that there was no need to pay for a ticket, as the ride was so short. Many in Christendom believe in this regard. Aber was kannst du tun, wenn dich die Sorgen des Lebens zweifeln lassen, ob du wirklich von Jehova geliebt wirst? [ Picture on page 20] But what can you do if you doubt the anxiety of life that you truly loved Jehovah? Wir alle sind zweifellos darauf bedacht, die Ältesten jederzeit zu respektieren und mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten, denn sie setzen die Anweisungen des "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" um und sind eifrige Hirten in der Versammlung. Lions usually prey on the most vulnerable, often the young. Surely we are eager to show respect for the elders at any time and to cooperate with them, taking the instructions of "the faithful and discreet slave " and zealous shepherds in the congregation. Israels loyale Liebe verflog wie das Morgengewölk This definition well fits Jehovah's role both as the Creator of the physical universe and intelligent beings and as the Fulfiller of his purpose. Israel's loyal love, such as the morning and early days Unserem wunderbaren Schöpfer folgen! Do I Shy Away From Others? Follow Our Grand Creator! LIEDER: 36, 94 Why? SONGS TO BE USED: 36, 94 Natürlich können wir ihnen nicht völlig aus dem Weg gehen - vielleicht leben oder arbeiten wir mit ihnen zusammen oder gehen mit ihnen zur Schule. Jesus promised: "I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, the spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive. " Of course, we cannot walk in the way - perhaps by living with them or by working with them or with them at school. Eine Erfahrung: Als eine Schwester Geld in den Fahrscheinautomaten im Bus warf, meinte eine Bekannte, für so eine kurze Strecke brauche sie doch nicht extra einen Fahrschein zu lösen. AUGUST 5 - 11, 2013 Appreciate Jehovah's Qualities to the Full To illustrate: When a sister offered money on the road to a bus in the bus, a bus said that if she did not have a car, she would need to resolve a car. [ Bild auf Seite 20] How encouraging that is! [ Picture on page 20] Löwen haben es gewöhnlich auf die schwächsten Tiere einer Herde abgesehen. (Read 2 Timothy 4: 1 - 5.) lion is usually a target of the most powerful animals. Diese Definition passt sowohl zu Jehovas Rolle als Schöpfer des materiellen Universums und aller vernunftbegabten Wesen als auch zu seiner Rolle als ein Gott, der seinen Vorsatz verwirklicht. Our lives depend on our understanding the truths Jesus conveyed and acting on them. This refers to Jehovah's role as the Creator of the universe and of all intelligent creatures as a god and a God who fulfills his purpose. Bin ich anderen gegenüber reserviert? Anointed Christians are taking the lead in doing this. Yet, those of the other sheep join in extending this invitation. Am I set aside for others? Warum? It Is "God Who Makes It Grow "! Why? Jesus versprach: "Ich will den Vater bitten, und er wird euch einen anderen Helfer geben, damit er für immer bei euch sei: den Geist der Wahrheit, den die Welt nicht empfangen kann." " It was a highly emotional experience for us. Jesus promised: "I will request the Father, and he will give you another helper, that he may be with you forever, the spirit of the truth may not receive the world. " Lerne Jehovas Eigenschaften noch mehr schätzen They deal lovingly with each individual in the congregation, according honor and dignity to all. - 2 Cor. 1: 24; 1 Pet. Appreciate Jehovah's Qualities Ist das nicht ermutigend? Each of us must recognize that we have been forgiven an enormous debt. How encouraging that is! Timotheus 4: 1 - 5.) ZECHARIAH'S EIGHT ALLEGORICAL VISIONS (Read 1 Timothy 4: 1 - 5.) Unser Leben hängt also davon ab, dass wir die Wahrheiten, die Jesus vermittelte, verstehen und danach handeln. She was a woman who truly believed Jesus ' teachings. Clearly, our lives depend on the truths Jesus conveyed and then acting. Dabei gehen die gesalbten Christen mit gutem Beispiel voran, und die "anderen Schafe" unterstützen sie. Likewise, many of God's people today maintain their joy and keep preaching despite being unjustly imprisoned because of their faith. In this way, anointed Christians are taking the lead with fine example, and the "other sheep " support them. - John 10: 16. Gott ist es, "der es wachsen lässt" It was about an earthquake in Sumatra that in 2004 triggered the most devastating tsunamis in recorded history. It Is "God Who Makes It Grow " Sie behandeln jeden Einzelnen in der Versammlung liebevoll, mit Würde und Respekt. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " - 1 Timothy 6: 9, 10. They treat each one in the congregation with dignity and respect. Wir müssen alle anerkennen, wie groß die Schuld ist, die uns vergeben wurde. Fluent in Hebrew and Greek, Saul had Roman citizenship, which accorded him much - coveted privileges and rights. We must recognize the extent of the blame that has been forgiven us. DIE ACHT ALLEGORISCHEN VISIONEN SACHARJAS He brought his Son forth from death to life as a mighty spirit. 4: 21, 22; 21: 1 - 4. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Jesus mochte Martha bestimmt nicht nur, weil sie so gastfreundlich und fleißig war, sondern auch, weil sie einen starken Glauben hatte. With the help of God's active force - his holy spirit - it is possible to maintain Christian qualities even under difficult circumstances. Jesus likely cared for Martha not only because she was hospitable and zealous but also because she had strong faith. Auch heute lassen sich viele Diener Jehovas, die wegen ihres Glaubens zu Unrecht im Gefängnis sind, nicht die Freude nehmen, sondern predigen beherzt weiter. 9 - 11. Today, many of Jehovah's modern - day servants are likewise moved to endure in prison because of their faith, not to take courage, but to keep on preaching. In dem Bericht ging es um das Erdbeben in Sumatra im Jahr 2004, das die verheerendsten Tsunamis seit Menschengedenken ausgelöst hatte. What dangers exist when refugees (a) are fleeing? (b) are living in a camp? The account was about the earthquake in 2004 in 2004, which has occurred since the plague of mankind. Denn die Geldliebe ist eine Wurzel von schädlichen Dingen aller Arten, und indem einige dieser Liebe nachstrebten, sind sie vom Glauben abgeirrt und haben sich selbst mit vielen Schmerzen überall durchbohrt ." Your conscience may help you to assess a future act and suggest how you would feel if you performed it. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " Auch besaß er das römische Bürgerrecht samt allen damit verbundenen heiß begehrten Privilegien. " May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - PS. 83: 18. He also had the Roman citizenship with all kinds of privileges. Er brachte seinen Sohn als ein mächtiges Geistwesen wieder zum Leben. Eventually, Jehovah would be vindicated as being a righteous and loving Ruler, and faithful humans would benefit from God's decision. He brought his Son back to life as a mighty spirit creature. Auch wenn das nicht immer leicht ist - dank Gottes heiligem Geist, seiner wirksamen Kraft, kann es gelingen. (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 1 - 3.) Even if this is not always easy - by means of God's holy spirit, it can succeed. 9 - 11. Thereafter, I was able to spend five years in the pioneer service. 9 - 11. Welchen Gefahren begegnen Flüchtlinge a) auf der Flucht und b) im Flüchtlingslager? " Making snide remarks, innuendos, or jokes about your wife will only crush her confidence, destroy her trust, and damage your marriage. " - Brian. What dangers do refugees face (a) in the camp? Das Gewissen kann Taten im Voraus bewerten und angeben, wie man sich danach fühlen würde. He was mild - tempered and succeeded in reaching the hearts of those who listened to him. Our conscience can reflect what is in advance and in a sense how to feel. " Damit man erkenne, dass du, dessen Name Jehova ist, du allein, der Höchste bist über die ganze Erde " And the corruption of the tax collectors increased the sense of being under a heavy burden. " To know that you are the name of Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - PS. Letzten Endes würde sich bestätigen, dass Jehova ein gerechter und liebevoller Herrscher ist. Seine Entscheidung würde für gottesfürchtige Menschen zum Nutzen sein. That nation, spiritual Israel, is composed of anointed Christians taken into the new covenant. Ultimately, Jehovah is a righteous and loving ruler, and his decision to benefit God - fearing people. (Lies 2. Chronika 34: 1 - 3.) Jesus, the greatest of all human teachers, based his teachings on the Scriptures. (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 1 - 3.) Am Ende konnte ich fast fünf Jahre lang im Pionierdienst sein. Soon, I was selling all my ice cream every day. Finally, I could pioneer for almost five years. " Unterstellungen, Sticheleien und Witze auf Kosten deiner Frau zerstören ihr Selbstwertgefühl, ihr Vertrauen in dich und schaden deiner Ehe " (Brian). Even if no outright lie is told, what of God's direction: "You must not deceive "? " If you try to destroy your wife's trust, trust in you, and damage your marriage. " - Micah 6: 3. Er war mild gesinnt, und es gelang ihm, das Herz seiner Zuhörer zu erreichen. Some adults too may find it difficult to approach congregation elders concerning the wrongdoing of a friend or a family member. He was mild - tempered, and he was able to reach the heart of his listeners. Und die Korruption der Steuereinnehmer verschlimmerte die Lage noch. Many tire easily. And the corruption of tax collectors still contributed to the situation. Diese Nation, das geistige Israel, setzt sich aus gesalbten Christen zusammen, die in den neuen Bund aufgenommen worden sind. He understood how his prophet felt and gave him the strength and support he needed. This nation, spiritual Israel, is made up of anointed Christians who have been taken into the new covenant. Jesus, der größte aller menschlichen Lehrer, stützte sich beim Lehren auf die Schriften. Why should we draw even closer to Jehovah if we experience injustice in the congregation? Jesus, the greatest of all human teachers, relied on the Scriptures. Bald verkaufte ich jeden Tag das ganze Eis. Yet, the subject of his prayer was the reproach being brought on Jehovah's name and the threats against the nation that bore that name. I soon sold the whole ice every day. Es mag keine glatte Lüge sein. Doch was ist mit Gottes Aufforderung: "Ihr sollt nicht betrügen"? However, rejoicing over the marriage of the Lamb will not be limited to the Bridegroom and his bride. There may be no lie, but what about God's admonition: "You must not be misled "? Die Ältesten über ein Fehlverhalten zu informieren kann auch so manchem Erwachsenen ganz schön schwerfallen, gerade wenn er mit der Person befreundet oder verwandt ist. One translation says: "You are our God - please let us come home. " - Contemporary English Version. The elders may find it difficult to identify some adults when they are related to a friend or a close friend. Viele werden schneller müde. ARTICLE 4 Many get tired. Er konnte sich in seinen Propheten hineinversetzen und gab ihm die nötige Unterstützung und Kraft. Unlike the Jews who said, "The time has not come, " we must remember that we are living in" the last days. " He trusted in his prophet and gave him the support and strength needed. Warum sollten wir uns bei Ungerechtigkeiten in der Versammlung noch enger an Jehova halten? We who are living at the time of the end of this wicked system of things also long to see our Leader and King come in Kingdom power to sanctify his Father's name and vindicate His sovereignty. Why should we stick to Jehovah even more closely in the congregation? Auch wir brauchen in der heutigen schwierigen Zeit eine solch ausgeglichene Einstellung, denn die Welt, in der wir leben, wird bald zu Ende gehen. By the time you were just seven weeks old and only about an inch [2.5 cm] long, early forms of all 206 of your adult bones were in place, although they had not yet ossified, or turned into hard bone. Today, we too need to maintain such a balanced attitude, for the world we live in will soon end. Doch nicht nur Bräutigam und Braut freuen sich über die Hochzeit. 28: 19, 20. How can you prove that you are a good citizen of God's Kingdom? However, not only the groom and the bride rejoice over the wedding. Die Gute Nachricht Bibel drückt es so aus: "Lass uns zu dir zurückkehren, denn du, Herr, bist unser Gott!" Injured and in tears, she had to be carried off the track. The Bible tells us: "Let us return to you, for you are Lord, our God! " SEITE 24 " In All Your Ways Take Notice of Him " ARTICLE 4 Im Unterschied zu den Juden, die sagten: "Die Zeit ist nicht gekommen," sollten wir immer daran denken, dass wir in den "letzten Tagen" leben. BEWARE OF LOSING YOUR SENSE OF URGENCY Unlike the Jews who said: "The time has not come, " we should keep in mind that we are living in "the last days. " Auch wir heute, in der Zeit vor dem Ende dieses Systems, warten sehnsüchtig darauf, dass unser Führer und König kommt und seine königliche Macht einsetzt, um den Namen seines Vaters zu heiligen und seine Souveränität zu verteidigen. The authoritative Bible - based statements in the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave " contain a stinging message. Today, as we await the end of this system of things, we too long for the preservation of our Leader and King to defend his name and sanctify his name. In der siebten Schwangerschaftswoche ist der Embryo zwar erst etwa 2,5 Zentimeter groß, aber die frühen Formen aller 206 Knochen sind bereits an Ort und Stelle, obwohl sie noch weich und nicht verknöchert sind. This she flatly refused, even though it would mean the loss of her employment. While in the seventh year of pregnancy's life, the embryo is only about 230 cm] but the early form of all bones already is already in place and elsewhere. Wie kannst du dich als guter Bürger von Gottes Königreich erweisen? (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 6 - 8.) How can you prove yourself to be a good citizen of God's Kingdom? Verletzt und tränenüberströmt wird sie hinausgetragen. [ Picture on page 23] Sons and infirm ones are spoken of as being taken out of the habit of wearing them out. " Beachte ihn auf all deinen Wegen " Jehovah will enable him to stand erect, to raise his head and hold it high once again. " Trust in him in all your ways. " - PS. DAS DRINGLICHKEITSBEWUSSTSEIN NICHT VERLIEREN How were Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 21: 20, 21 fulfilled in the first century? ARE NOT BY NOT BY ARTICLES Die biblischen Aussagen in den Veröffentlichungen des "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" enthalten quälende Botschaften. The slaves that faithfully "did business " with the master's money received commendation and were richly blessed. The Bible's statements found in the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave " contain messages. Das lehnte die junge Frau rundweg ab, obwohl sie damit rechnen musste, ihren Job zu verlieren. " Sheol " is an unfamiliar term to many. The young woman refused to give up, even though she could expect to lose her job. Wie dankbar wir doch dafür sind! Russell: "Supplicating Jehovah in prayer and a daily dose of Bible reading helped me. How grateful we are! (Lies 2. Thessalonicher 2: 3, 6 - 8.) For example, we may become more patient, appreciative, and compassionate. (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 6 - 8.) [ Bild auf Seite 23] Perceptive Christians do not need to ask whether it is acceptable to be entertained by a certain book, movie, or game that features what Jehovah hates. [ Picture on page 23] Jehova wird David helfen, wieder aufrecht zu gehen und den Kopf hochzuhalten! Why is the world the way it is? Jehovah will help David to endure again and to stand firm in the head! Wie erfüllten sich im ersten Jahrhundert Jesu Worte aus Lukas 21: 20, 21? The Messiah would be rejected and die, but he would be raised to life again to be the chief cornerstone. How did Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 21: 20, 21 prove true in the first century? Die Sklaven, die das Vermögen ihres Herrn treu verwaltet und es vermehrt hatten, wurden gelobt und reich belohnt. Realistically, it may not be possible for some immigrant parents to become fluent in their children's new language. The slaves who faithfully managed the property of their master were commended and richly rewarded. Vielen ist der Ausdruck "Scheol" unbekannt. Impartiality has always been required of Christians. Many are not ignorant of the term " here. " Russell: "Mir hat es sehr geholfen, flehentlich zu Jehova zu beten und täglich in der Bibel zu lesen. The apostle Paul wrote: "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. " Russell says: "I found it very helpful to pray to Jehovah and read the Bible daily. Dadurch können wir geduldiger, dankbarer und mitfühlender werden. At that time a start was made of calling on the name of Jehovah. " Doing so will help us to be patient, appreciative, and compassionate. Christen, die Jehovas Denkweise gut kennen, müssen nicht fragen, ob ein Buch, ein Film oder ein Spiel in Ordnung ist, wenn darin Dinge enthalten sind, die Jehova hasst. The future of that city seemed uncertain. - Ezra 4: 21 - 24. Christians who know Jehovah's thinking well do not need to ask whether a book, a movie, or a practice in order to obtain things that Jehovah hates. Warum ist die Welt so, wie sie ist? 22, 23. (a) What treasures are stored up by Christian evangelizers? Why is the world like it? Der auferweckte Sohn Gottes wurde dadurch zu demjenigen, durch dessen Namen "wir gerettet werden sollen." How did apostate Christianity become disunited? The resurrected Son of God was raised to the One who "came to be saved through his name. " Natürlich mag es einigen zugewanderten Eltern nicht möglich sein, die Sprache ihrer Kinder fließend zu sprechen. To help Timothy, Paul later reminded him: "God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. " Of course, some parents may not be able to speak the language of their children. Von Christen wurde schon immer Unparteilichkeit erwartet. Because the good news is being preached throughout the inhabited earth, comfort from the Scriptures is now being enjoyed not only by our fellow believers but also by mourning ones who accept the Kingdom message. Christians have always been worthy of impartiality. Der Apostel Paulus schrieb: "Der Glaube ist die gesicherte Erwartung erhoffter Dinge, der offenkundige Erweis von Wirklichkeiten, obwohl man sie nicht sieht." And significantly, Paul warned first - century Christians that even some of them could fall into the same trap as the ancient Israelites. The apostle Paul wrote: "The assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. " Zu jener Zeit fing man an, den Namen Jehovas anzurufen ." The war really did change everything: not just borders, not just governments and the fate of nations, but the way people have seen the world and themselves ever since. At that time, people began to call on the name of Jehovah. " Die Zukunft der Stadt schien ungewiss. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we too must be holy. The future of the city seemed uncertain. 22, 23. (a) Wo häufen sich Evangeliumsverkündiger Schätze auf? As time passed, the teacher tried again and again to shame her, making fun of her religion. 22, 23. (a) Where do evangelizers ruin? Warum ist die Christenheit heute so tief gespalten? They will share with Jesus Christ in his Millennial Reign over the earth. Why is Christendom so divided today? Paulus gab Timotheus später folgenden wertvollen Rat: "Gott hat uns nicht einen Geist der Feigheit gegeben, sondern den der Kraft und der Liebe und des gesunden Sinnes." The world will not be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. Paul later counseled Timothy: "God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. " Dank des Predigens der guten Botschaft auf der ganzen bewohnten Erde können viele Trauernde, die darauf hören, ebenso getröstet werden wie unsere Glaubensbrüder. What are the belongings over which the newly crowned Master appointed his faithful slave? Thanks to the preaching of the good news throughout the inhabited earth, many who listen to it can be comforted, just as our fellow believers do. Und es lässt tief blicken, dass Paulus im ersten Jahrhundert Grund hatte, sogar Christen davor zu warnen, in dasselbe ungehorsame Verhaltensmuster zu verfallen wie die Israeliten. • Jesus? And we can learn that in the first century, Paul had a profound reason to warn Christians about the same pattern set by the Israelites. Der Krieg veränderte tatsächlich alles: nicht nur Grenzen, nicht nur Staatsformen und das Schicksal von Nationen, sondern auch die Art und Weise, wie die Menschen die Welt und sich selbst seitdem betrachten. Above all, honor goes to our caring Father, Jehovah, as his desire to strengthen those in need is reflected in his earthly servants. The war is real, not only its limited boundaries but also the rest of nations and the way people view and view themselves. Und als Jehovas Zeugen wird auch von uns erwartet heilig zu sein. When Paul "was caught away to the third heaven, " what" paradise " did he see? As Jehovah's Witnesses, we too must be holy. Da lachte die Lehrerin über sie. However, the early Christians knew that more was involved. Find the teacher over them. Sie werden im Himmel leben und gemeinsam mit Jesus Christus tausend Jahre über die Erde regieren. Yes, a happy and fulfilling life was possible! They will live in heaven and share with Jesus Christ in ruling the earth for a thousand years. Die Welt wird auch nicht in einem Atomkrieg untergehen. (2) Most maps include a scale in miles and kilometers that will enable you to grasp the size or distances involved [gl 26]. The world will not be destroyed in an unprecedented scale. Was ist die Habe, über die der neugekrönte Herr seinen treuen Sklaven setzte? There's really no excuse you can make that will appease those who have been ignored. What is the belongings that the newly enthroned master appointed to appoint his faithful slave? • Jesus The apostle Paul urged Christians in his day: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " • Jesus? Vor allem ehren wir dadurch unseren fürsorglichen Vater Jehova, denn wenn seine irdischen Diener Hilfsbedürftige stärken, entspricht das schließlich seinem Wunsch. Later, I asked the telephone company if I could start working there five weeks later than planned. Above all, honor our caring Father, Jehovah, for when his earthly servants continue to strengthen their desire to serve him. Vielleicht macht er allein weiter oder tut sich mit ein paar anderen zusammen. How could each individual Christian be placed over everything - over "all " of the Lord's belongings? Perhaps he or she will continue to associate with other members of the congregation. Welches? We should serve Jehovah God with similar determination. What is it? Die ersten Christen wussten jedoch, dass damit noch mehr verbunden war. Yet, they continued to preach and to baptize. However, early Christians knew that more was involved. Ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben war möglich. Nehemiah was well - aware that he was accountable to God. A happy and satisfying life was possible. 2. Die meisten Karten weisen eine Entfernungsangabe in Meilen und Kilometern auf, um eine Vorstellung von der Größe oder den jeweiligen Entfernungen zu geben [26]. 3. Yet, some prized divine teaching highly, acted in harmony with it, and were greatly blessed. (2) For example, most researchers use a distance as well as miles [gl 19]e km] to give a idea of the size of greatness or the distance. So ein Verhalten ist eigentlich mit nichts zu entschuldigen. He understands our imperfect nature, and he wants to help us. Such conduct is not a matter of apologize. Der Apostel Paulus forderte Christen auf: "Seid um nichts ängstlich besorgt, sondern lasst in allem durch Gebet und Flehen zusammen mit Danksagung eure Bitten bei Gott bekannt werden." Let us, like the traveling merchant, demonstrate wholehearted zeal for God's Kingdom and rejoice in the privilege of proclaiming the good news. - Psalm 9: 1, 2. The apostle Paul urged Christians: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " Und dann komm zurück und bring uns bei, was du gelernt hast. " What, though, about actually providing care for them? And then come back and speak with us what you have learned. " Könnte jeder einzelne Christ über alles gesetzt werden, über die "ganze" Habe des Herrn? SONGS: 149, 99 benefit us personally? Could each Christian be appointed over all the "all the belongings " of the Lord? Wir sollten unserem Gott Jehova ebenso entschlossen dienen. What about the majority of faithful Christians today who have an earthly hope? We should also be determined to serve our God. Aber diese Brüder predigten weiter und führten Taufen durch. Can You Recall? However, those brothers kept on preaching and being baptized by baptism. Nehemia wusste genau, dass er Jehova gegenüber verantwortlich ist. The scourge finally ends when Phinehas demonstrates that he tolerates no rivalry toward Jehovah. Nehemiah knew that he is accountable to Jehovah. Einige schätzten die göttliche Belehrung jedoch überaus, handelten entsprechend und wurden sehr gesegnet. Why do you need to be careful about the way you treat those who eat the bread and drink the wine at the Memorial? However, some valued divine education very much, acted in harmony with it, and were richly blessed. Er nimmt auf unsere Unvollkommenheit Rücksicht und möchte uns helfen. What is one of the more important things that we should not neglect, and why? He takes into account our imperfections and wants us to help us. Zeigen wir einen rückhaltlosen Eifer, wie ihn der reisende Kaufmann hatte, für Gottes Königreich und freuen wir uns über die ehrenvolle Aufgabe, die gute Botschaft zu verkündigen. Explain. May we display a wholehearted zeal like that of the traveling merchant and rejoice in the privilege of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. Was aber, wenn Ältere Betreuung oder Pflege benötigen? Ask others to pray with you and for you. What, though, if older ones need care or care? Wie nützt uns das Gedächtnismahl persönlich? The apostle Paul counseled all Christians, including married Christians: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " How does the Memorial benefit us personally? Die meisten treuen Christen hoffen allerdings, ewig auf der Erde zu leben. (b) What further questions do we need to consider? However, most faithful Christians hope to live forever on earth. Weißt du noch... Thus far, we have seen that Jehovah is in full control of the timing of events in the outworking of his purpose. Do You Recall? Die Plage endet, nachdem Pinehas durch sein Handeln gezeigt hat, dass er keine Rivalität gegenüber Jehova duldet. 16, 17. (a) Why is it important to have respect not only for those to whom we preach but also for opposers? The plague ends after his actions shows that he does not tolerate any tendency toward Jehovah. Warum sollten wir darauf achten, wie wir uns gegenüber jemand verhalten, der beim Gedächtnismahl vom Brot und Wein nimmt? As a general rule, however, the association of smoking with specific activities will weaken in time and lose its force. Why should we be careful about how we treat someone who partakes of the Memorial bread and wine? (a) Was gehört zu den "wichtigeren Dingen"? (b) Warum sollten wir das nicht vernachlässigen? Whether we have the heavenly hope or the earthly hope, Satan certainly has no interest in our welfare. (a) Why should we not neglect "the more important things "? Erkläre es. • What can elders do to accomplish their ministry fully? Explain. Bitte andere, mit dir und für dich zu beten. While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are existing as slaves of corruption. Ask others to pray with you and for you. Der Apostel Paulus ermahnte alle Christen - also auch verheiratete: "Seid erzürnt, und doch sündigt nicht; lasst die Sonne nicht über eurer gereizten Stimmung untergehen, auch gebt dem Teufel nicht Raum." How are such fractions used, and what should a Christian consider when deciding on them? The apostle Paul admonished all Christians - including married Christians: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " (b) Welche weiteren Fragen gilt es, zu betrachten? According to Micah 7: 18, the prophet says that God "is delighting in loving - kindness. " (b) What further questions will we consider? Bis hierher haben wir gesehen: Jehova setzt seinen Vorsatz zielstrebig um und hat dabei die zeitliche Abfolge aller Entwicklungen voll im Griff. How can the desire to be appreciated become distorted? Until that time, we have seen that Jehovah has put his purpose ahead of time, using the timing of all developments in human history. 16, 17. (a) Warum ist es so wichtig, allen Respekt zu erweisen, selbst Gegnern? Joseph acted wisely in this regard. 16, 17. (a) Why is it important to show proper respect for all opposers? Aber normalerweise verblasst die gedankliche Verbindung zwischen bestimmten Situationen und dem Rauchen nach einer Weile und verliert an Wirkung. The fundamental reason why Timothy had faith in Christ Jesus, that is, faith that influenced everything Timothy did, was the early Scriptural education he received at home. It is usually wise to meditate on specific situations and smoke after a while. Ob wir nun zu den Gesalbten oder den "anderen Schafen" gehören: Satan hat nicht das geringste Interesse daran, dass es uns gut geht. According to one study, over 40 percent of our actions are not based on deliberate forethought but are the result of ingrained habits. Whether we are anointed Christians or of the "other sheep, " Satan has no keen interest in our welfare. • Wie können Älteste ihren Dienst völlig durchführen? 24: 45. • How can elders fully accomplish their ministry? Denn sie führen geschwollene Reden unnützen Inhalts, und durch die Begierden des Fleisches und durch zügellose Gewohnheiten verlocken sie die, die eben erst Leuten entronnen sind, welche im Irrtum wandeln. Even longtime servants of Jehovah need to maintain their spirituality. - Phil. For they set straight speech, and by the desires of the flesh and by the desires of the flesh and by loose habits that are common to those who walk in error. Wann werden diese Fraktionen verabreicht, und was sollte ein Christ bei der Entscheidung über das Für und Wider einer Verwendung in Betracht ziehen? They were subjected to beatings and other harrowing experiences. When are these fractions provided, and what should a Christian consider regarding the decision and use a use of it? Gemäß Micha 7: 18 sagt der Prophet über Gott: "Er hat Gefallen an liebender Güte." May we never take for granted our precious standing with God. According to Micah 7: 18, the prophet says: "He takes pleasure in loving - kindness. " Was kann mit unserem Wunsch nach Anerkennung passieren? Describe Hezekiah's background. What can we do to receive recognition from God's standpoint? Wie Lukas berichtet, "redete... The patriarch Job approached Jehovah in behalf of his family, offering sacrifices for them. Luke reports: "He spoke... Joseph verhielt sich richtig, als die Frau seines Herrn Potiphar ihn verführen wollte. What unique situation existed in Paul's day? Joseph acted properly when Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him. Timotheus hatte einen Glauben an Jesus Christus entwickelt, der sein ganzes Tun bestimmte. Das lag vor allem daran, dass er zu Hause schon sehr früh mit den heiligen Schriften vertraut gemacht worden war. So that we may be of good courage and say: " Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. Timothy had developed faith in Jesus Christ, who did everything he did, especially because he had been acquainted with the holy writings early in his home. Eine Forschungsstudie kam zu dem Schluss, über 40 Prozent unserer täglichen Handlungen seien nicht auf bewusste Entscheidungen zurückzuführen, sondern auf Gewohnheiten. Would she be embarrassed at seeing the large donations made by those ahead of her, perhaps wondering whether her offering was really worthwhile? A research began to illustrate the conclusion that over 40 percent of our daily conduct are not focused on habits, but on habits. Wie tun sie das? 14: 21 - Why could the Israelites give to an alien resident or sell to a foreigner an unbled dead animal that they themselves would not eat? How? Da wir nicht vollkommen sind, müssen wir alle weiter an unserer geistigen Gesinnung arbeiten, auch langjährige Diener Jehovas. Proverbs 25: 24 says: "Better is it to dwell upon a corner of a roof than with a contentious wife, although in a house in common. " Since we are not perfect, we must continue to cultivate spirituality, even longtime servants of Jehovah. Sie wurden geschlagen und mussten auch noch andere Grausamkeiten ertragen. The more I use this approach, the easier it gets. They were beaten, and others also had to endure ridicule. Wie wichtig, dass wir nie den Blick dafür verlieren, wie kostbar unsere Freundschaft zu Jehova ist! On the contrary, Jehovah promises to help us bear whatever burden falls upon us and to provide escape from any temptation that besets us. How important it is that we never lose sight of our precious relationship with Jehovah! Beschreibe, in welchem Umfeld Hiskia aufwuchs. 12, 13. Describe the environment that Hezekiah grew up. Der Patriarch Hiob wandte sich wegen seiner Kinder an Jehova und brachte Opfer für sie dar. What the Ransom Cost The patriarch Job appealed to Jehovah for offering sacrifices and sacrifices for them. Viele von denen, die zunächst an ihn geglaubt haben, folgen ihm nicht mehr nach. (Ezra 2: 1 - 65) The reason for these variations may be that Ezra and Nehemiah used different source material. Many of those who first believed in him stop following him. Welche besondere Situation bestand in den Tagen des Paulus? Who are the present - day "remaining ones of Jacob "? What special situation existed in Paul's day? Paulus schrieb weiter: "[Gott] hat gesagt: " Ich will dich keineswegs im Stich lassen noch dich irgendwie verlassen ," sodass wir guten Mutes sein können zu sagen: " Jehova ist mein Helfer; ich will mich nicht fürchten. How Would You Answer? Paul continued: "God has said: " I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you, ' so that we can be of good courage: " Jehovah is my helper; I will not fear me. Schämte sie sich, als sie sah, wie großzügig die Leute vor ihr spendeten? Fragte sie sich, ob ihr Beitrag überhaupt einen Wert hatte? He made the earth to be man's everlasting home, a place where man does not just survive but enjoys life to the full. Did she feel that she watched how generous people were? 14: 21 - Warum war es den Israeliten erlaubt, ein unausgeblutetes totes Tier, das sie selbst nicht essen durften, einem ansässigen Fremdling zu geben oder einem Ausländer zu verkaufen? That man of God, Nehemiah, not only withstood opposition from ungodly people but also conquered evil with good. 14: 21 - Why was it possible for the Israelites to eat an dead animal that could not eat to sell an alien resident or an alien resident? In Sprüche 25: 24 heißt es: "Besser ist es, auf einer Dachecke zu wohnen als mit einer streitsüchtigen Ehefrau, obwohl in einem gemeinsamen Haus." As noted in the preceding article, Jesus replied that "the greatest and first commandment " is:" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " Proverbs 25: 24 says: "To dwell, it is good to dwell than to dwell with a belligerent wife, although in a house. " Je öfter ich so vorgehe, desto einfacher wird es. Hence, Jesus warned his disciples: "A slave is not greater than his master. The more I feel that way, the easier it will be. Jehova verspricht uns vielmehr, jede Bürde mitzutragen und aus jeder Versuchung den Ausweg zu schaffen. We must follow their perfect example. - Matt. Rather, Jehovah promises to help us overcome any burden or temptation we may face. 12, 13. What are they? - Read Colossians 1: 19, 20. 12, 13. Was das Lösegeld gekostet hat Take, for example, the Sermon on the Mount, recorded at Matthew 5: 3 - 7: 27. What the ransom cost (Esra 2: 1 - 65). • Why is this the time to " keep on holding fast what we have '? (Rev 2: 1 - 65) Wer sind heute "die Übriggebliebenen Jakobs"? (a) How does the Bible show that the Hebrew word "Sheol " and the Greek word" Hades " refer to the same place? Who are "the remaining ones of Jacob "? Wie lautet unsere Antwort? How did one elderly couple expand their ministry? How Would You Answer? Er gestaltete die Erde als ein Zuhause für die Ewigkeit, wo der Mensch nicht nur überleben, sondern das Leben auch genießen könnte. My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. " He spent the earth as a home for eternity, which humans could enjoy, not just life. Dieser Mann Gottes, Nehemia, trat nicht nur dem Widerstand unverschämter Menschen entgegen, sondern er besiegte auch das Böse mit dem Guten. Throughout history, there has been a succession of witnesses of Jehovah. Nehemiah's God - fearing man, Nehemiah, stood up not only to the opposition of the people but also to the evil with the good. Jesus antwortete: ," Du sollst Jehova, deinen Gott, lieben mit deinem ganzen Herzen und mit deiner ganzen Seele und mit deinem ganzen Sinn. " Unjust practices are not limited to the marketplace. They are also common in court. Jesus answered: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' Daher wies Jesus seine Nachfolger auf Folgendes hin: "Ein Sklave ist nicht größer als sein Herr. Jesus therefore exclaimed: "Hypocrite! Jesus therefore warned his followers: "A slave is not greater than his master. Geben sie uns da nicht ein hervorragendes Beispiel?. 10, 11. (a) As we study God's Word, what should be our aim? What a fine example they set for us! Was ist damit gemeint? (Lies Kolosser 1: 19, 20.) Jehovah your God is with you. " What does that mean? - Read Colossians 1: 19, 20. Betrachten wir zum Beispiel die Bergpredigt, aufgezeichnet in Matthäus 5: 3 bis 7: 27. Remember, shortly before the remaining ones of the 144,000 are taken to heaven, Gog will attack God's people. For example, consider the Sermon on the Mount, recorded at Matthew 5: 3 - 27. • Wieso kommt es jetzt darauf an, " weiterhin an dem festzuhalten, was wir haben '? 2: 43 - Who were the Nethinim? • Why is now the time to "keep on holding fast what we have "? (a) Wie geht aus der Bibel hervor, dass sich das hebräische Wort "Scheol" und das griechische Wort "Hades" auf ein und denselben Ort beziehen? What results can we expect from handling God's Word aright? (a) How does the Bible show that the Hebrew word "Sheol " and the Greek word" Hades " apply? Wie hat sich ein Ehepaar im Dienst eingesetzt? Why? How has one couple served in the ministry? Meine Schafe hören auf meine Stimme, und ich kenne sie, und sie folgen mir ." Satan pretended to be shocked, as if he were saying: " How could God be so unreasonable? ' My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. " In der Geschichte hat es stets eine Folge von Zeugen für Jehova gegeben. We " see ' Jehovah and "hear " his voice of salvation by heeding what he says through his inspired Word, the Bible, and through" the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45. It has always been a result of Jehovah's Witnesses in history. Die unrechten Praktiken sind allerdings nicht auf den Marktplatz beschränkt. Would Ryan become angry or bitter, feeling that the elders had failed to show him due respect? However, bad practices are not limited to the Mosaic Law. Kein Wunder, dass Jesus ausrief: "Heuchler! For our sin God could demand and exact our lives.... No wonder Jesus cried out: "You people! 10, 11. (a) Was sollte unser Ziel sein, wenn wir Gottes Wort studieren? The other three - about the faithful and discreet slave, the ten virgins, and the sheep and the goats - are also part of Jesus ' answer to the question about the sign of his presence. 10, 11. (a) What should be our goal when we study God's Word? Jehova, dein Gott, ist mit dir. " Earnest effort to overcome prejudiced views regarding those who are of a different background will certainly help us to put on the new personality. - Col. 3: 10, 11. Jehovah your God is with you. " Denken wir daran: Kurz bevor der Überrest der 144 000 in den Himmel kommt, wird Gottes Volk von Gog angegriffen. 19, 20. (a) Why was obedience on the part of Israel vitally important when they were at the Red Sea? Remember, soon before the remnant of the 144,000 will go to heaven, Gog's people will attack God's people. 2: 43 - Wer waren die Nethinim? First, Jesus Christ had to be resurrected to present the value of his sacrifice to God in our behalf. 2: 43 - Who were the Who? Welche Ergebnisse können wir erwarten, wenn wir Gottes Wort richtig handhaben? It is a great privilege to get baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. What results can we expect when we handling God's Word properly? Warum? There, Israelites who were dissatisfied with conditions under the rule of King Saul began to come and join them. Why? Satan tat so, als sei er schockiert, und sagte gewissermaßen: "Wie kann Gott nur so unvernünftig sein!" What a wonderful promise! Satan did so when he said: "How can God be unreasonable! " Wir "sehen" Jehova und "hören" die Stimme unseres Retters, wenn wir beachten, was er uns durch sein inspiriertes Wort, die Bibel, und den "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" sagt. Both children and parents benefit from association with the congregation (See paragraphs 18, 19) We "see " Jehovah and hear the voice of our Savior by observing his inspired Word, the Bible, and the" faithful and discreet slave. " Wurde Ryan ärgerlich oder verbittert, weil er dachte, die Ältesten würden ihn nicht gebührend respektieren? As the maiden expresses her longing for her beloved shepherd, the court ladies tell her to " go out for herself in the footprints of the flock ' and look for him. Did Ryan become angry or resentful because he thought that he did not respect the elders? Gott könnte für unsere Sünde unser Leben verlangen und einfordern... Thinking he is the gardener, she answers: "Sir, if you have carried him off, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away. " God could ask our sins for our sin, asking us to do so... Die anderen drei - das vom treuen und verständigen Sklaven, von den zehn Jungfrauen und das von den Schafen und Ziegenböcken - zählen auch zu Jesu Erwiderung auf die Frage nach dem Zeichen seiner Gegenwart. If we rely on Jehovah and on the training he provides, we can often give a persuasive answer, one that may reach the heart of our listeners. The other three - the faithful and discreet slave class, including the ten virgins and the goats, pointed to Jesus ' question after his presence. Wenn wir uns wirklich bemühen, Vorurteile gegenüber Fremden zu überwinden, hilft uns das bestimmt, die neue Persönlichkeit anzuziehen. How may elders snatch the sheep from Satan's jaws, figuratively speaking? If we truly strive to overcome prejudice toward strangers, we will surely be helped to put on the new personality. 19, 20. (a) Warum war es für die Israeliten am Roten Meer lebenswichtig, gehorsam zu sein? Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw. " 19, 20. (a) Why was obedience vital for the Israelites at the Red Sea? Zunächst sollte Jesus Christus auferweckt werden, damit er den Wert seines Opfers zu unseren Gunsten Gott übergeben konnte. In any case, be assured that Jehovah sees your situation and will do something about it in his own due time. First, Jesus Christ was to be resurrected so that he could present the value of his sacrifice to God in our behalf. Es ist ein großes Vorrecht, sich taufen zu lassen und ein Zeuge Jehovas zu werden. or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? " - Matthew 16: 25, 26. It is a great privilege to get baptized and become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Dorthin begaben sich immer mehr Israeliten, die mit den Verhältnissen unter König Saul unzufrieden waren, um sich ihnen anzuschließen. Otherwise, we would, in effect, be giving from what we do not have. There, more Israelites who faced the circumstances of King Saul were content to associate with them. Was für eine schöne Verheißung! Can you too "widen out " in your love for others? What a beautiful promise! Mit Brüdern aus der Versammlung zusammen zu sein tut sowohl Kindern als auch Eltern gut (Siehe Absatz 18, 19) Instead, they chose to follow a rebellious spirit son of God, Satan. Being with fellow believers in the congregation is good for both children and parents (See paragraphs 18, 19) SEITE 16 Their fear of God spared them all of that. ARTICLE 3 Als die junge Frau erklärt, wie sehr sie sich nach ihrem geliebten Hirten sehnt, raten ihr die Hofdamen, nach ihm zu suchen: "So geh selbst hinaus, den Fußspuren der Kleinviehherde nach." How would you feel about yourself if you humiliated someone by forwarding an inappropriate picture? As the young woman explains how much she yearns for for her beloved shepherd, the court called out to him: "So go away, go out to the flock, according to the conduct of the flock. " Sie hält ihn für den Gärtner und antwortet: "Herr, wenn du ihn weggetragen hast, so sage mir, wohin du ihn gelegt hast, und ich will ihn wegnehmen." Rather, may our sentiments be like those of the psalmist David, who wrote: "I will act with discretion in a faultless way.... She says to him: "Lord, if you have taken him away, say to me where you put him, and I will take him away. " Wenn wir uns auf Jehova und seine Schulung verlassen, können wir oft eine überzeugende, das Herz ansprechende Erklärung geben. Repeatedly during the years that followed, David inquired of Jehovah when confronted with decisions. When we rely on Jehovah and his training, we often have a convincing, appealing heart. Wie können Älteste bildlich gesprochen ein Schaf dem Rachen Satans entreißen? Figs contain fiber, antioxidants, and minerals; hence, some say that they are good for the heart. How can elders figuratively separate sheep from Satan's schemes? Dann sollen die, die in Judäa sind, in die Berge zu fliehen beginnen, und die in ihrer Mitte sind, sollen hinausgehen ." So mankind continues to be plagued by war, crime, and poverty. Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw. " Auf jeden Fall kannst du sicher sein, dass Jehova deine Lage kennt und zu gegebener Zeit etwas unternimmt. Why should we avoid covetousness? By all means, you can be confident that Jehovah knows your situation and will take time to do so. Oder was wird ein Mensch zum Tausch für seine Seele geben? ." Mauricio: I'm so sorry to hear that. Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? " In Wirklichkeit würden wir dann etwas geben, was wir eigentlich gar nicht haben. ▪ Christ - The Power of God In reality, we would give something that we really do not really have. Frag dich doch bitte: "Könnte ich in meiner Liebe noch weitherziger werden?" The Bible tells us that Adam's firstborn son, Cain, became the first human murderer when he killed his brother Abel. Is it possible for us to "widen out " in our love? Sie entschieden sich, Satan zu folgen, einem rebellischen Geistsohn Gottes. For over 65 years, he boldly proclaimed Jehovah's judgments. They decided to follow Satan, a rebellious spirit son of God. Dank ihrer Gottesfurcht blieb ihnen das erspart. 18, 19. (a) What awaits determined opposers of Jehovah's sovereignty? Because of their fear of God, they were spared. Nehmen wir mal an, du wärst so gemein und würdest ein freizügiges Bild von jemand an andere weiterleiten - wie würdest du dich fühlen? There has been remarkable growth in the number of God's servants because Jehovah himself is backing his Witnesses. Would you feel that you were as insignificant and that you were walking by someone else - how would you feel? Bleiben wir vielmehr stets so eingestellt wie der Psalmist David, der schrieb: "Ich will verständig handeln, auf untadelige Weise.... How is the realization of the hope of the other sheep related to that of the anointed? Rather, let us continue to view the attitude of the psalmist David, who wrote: "I will act discreet, in a faultless way.... Nein, sondern David befragte Jehova in den darauf folgenden Jahren immer wieder, wenn er vor Entscheidungen stand. The work progresses well and comes to completion. No, but David again inquired of Jehovah when he faced decisions. Zudem enthalten Feigen Ballaststoffe, Antioxidantien und Mineralien, weshalb ihnen sogar nachgesagt wird, dass sie gut fürs Herz sind. John wrote: "I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. Moreover, eating figs, carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide are also said to them that they are good for the heart. Die Menschheit wird seit eh und je von Krieg, Verbrechen und Armut geplagt. But he explained: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " Mankind will have been plagued by war, crime, poverty, and poverty. Warum darf man nicht habsüchtig sein? Meditating on the good things Jehovah has done will very likely increase our gratitude for his enduring love. - Read Psalm 77: 11, 12. Why must we not steal? Marco B.: Das ist ja schrecklich! The psalmist David assures us: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Psalm 34: 18. Mauricio: That's commendable! ▪ Christus - die Kraft Gottes Since no one could observe the Law perfectly, what effect did it have? ▪ Christ - The Power of God Aus der Bibel erfahren wir, dass Kain, der Erstgeborene Adams, seinen Bruder Abel tötete und er dadurch der erste Mörder auf der Erde wurde. For a while, the apostle Peter harbored prejudice against non - Jews, but he gradually learned to eradicate negative views from his heart. The Bible tells us that Cain, the firstborn of Adam, killed his brother Abel and killed the first murderer. Mehr als 65 Jahre lang verkündigte er freimütig Jehovas Urteilssprüche. In the following melody, he prays: "Help me, O Jehovah my God; save me according to your loving - kindness. " For over 65 years, he boldly proclaimed Jehovah's judgments. Aber nicht nur das: Über diese kostbaren biblischen Wahrheiten zu sprechen vertieft auch unser eigenes Verständnis und unsere Dankbarkeit dafür. Jehovah's own priceless Book is very clear about this. More than that, when we talk about such precious truths, our own understanding and appreciation for them deepens. 18, 19. (a) Was erwartet alle, die sich verbissen der Herrschaft Jehovas widersetzen? Godlike love, therefore, can develop in a person only when he draws close to Jehovah through accurate knowledge and acts on that knowledge in heartfelt obedience. - Philippians 1: 9; James 4: 8; 1 John 5: 3. 18, 19. (a) What awaits those who oppose Jehovah's rulership? Die Zahl der Diener Gottes ist bemerkenswert angestiegen, denn Jehova steht hinter seinen Zeugen. The result? The number of God's people is remarkable because Jehovah is behind his Witnesses. Wie hängt die Verwirklichung der Hoffnung für die "anderen Schafe" mit der Hoffnung der Gesalbten zusammen? If you put Kingdom interests first in your life, Jehovah promises to "empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. " - Malachi 3: 10. How does the hope of the "other sheep " share with anointed Christians? Die Arbeiten gehen gut voran und kommen zum Abschluss. One way that Paul demonstrated appreciation for the ministry was by being alert to opportunities to speak to others. Work well and come to the conclusion. Johannes schrieb: "Ich sah die Toten, die Großen und die Kleinen, vor dem Thron stehen, und Buchrollen wurden geöffnet. Indeed, the persecution that some of Jehovah's modern - day Witnesses have endured has been as harsh as any throughout history. John wrote: "I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. Er erklärte allerdings weiter, dass sie genauso wie er "kein Teil der Welt sind." Jehovah has granted his people what priceless privileges? However, he went on to explain that they are "no part of the world. " Wenn wir uns all das Gute bewusst machen, das Jehova für uns getan hat, werden wir seine unerschütterliche Liebe bestimmt noch mehr schätzen. (Lies Psalm 77: 11, 12.) How can sinful humans reflect God's glory, when no man can see his face and live? If we appreciate all that Jehovah has done for us, we will surely appreciate his enduring love for us. - Read Psalm 77: 11, 12. Der Psalmist David versichert: "Jehova ist nahe denen, die gebrochenen Herzens sind; und die zerschlagenen Geistes sind, rettet er." In patriarchal times the family head served as a priest for his family. The psalmist David assures us: "Jehovah is near to those who are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " Was bewirkte das Gesetz, wenn doch niemand es vollkommen halten konnte? Do You Need to "Widen Out "? Although no one could observe it perfectly, what did the Law do? Obwohl der Apostel Petrus eine Zeit lang Vorurteile gegenüber Nichtjuden hatte, lernte er, negative Gefühle zu überwinden. (Read Psalm 32: 1 - 5.) Although the apostle Peter had time to overcome prejudice toward Gentiles for a time, he learned to overcome negative feelings. In dem folgenden vertonten Gebet bittet er: "Hilf mir, o Jehova, mein Gott; rette mich gemäß deiner liebenden Güte." They had accepted his word, but now they needed to continue in it. In the following prayer, he asks: "Give me, O Jehovah my God; save me according to your loving - kindness. " Jehovas kostbares Wort ist hier unmissverständlich. • What role do parents play in teaching their children good manners? Jehovah's precious word is clear. Liebe, wie Gott sie hat, kann sich nur entwickeln, wenn man Gott durch genaue Erkenntnis näher kommt und dieser entsprechend von Herzen gehorcht. Guilt can be a harsh taskmaster. Love of God can develop only if we draw close to God through accurate knowledge and obedience. Das Ergebnis? What about Jesus ' words "this cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? The result? Wenn du die Königreichsinteressen im Leben allem voranstellst, verspricht Jehova, " Segen über dich auszuschütten, bis kein Bedarf mehr ist '. Tragically, some have become caught up in today's frenzied economy and have been "led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains, " even losing their precious relationship with Jehovah. If you put Kingdom interests first in your life, Jehovah promises "to open up to you a blessing until there is no more need. " Wie sehr Paulus den Dienst schätzte, sieht man daran, dass er jede Gelegenheit nutzte, um mit anderen zu sprechen. By rebelling against God and by inducing the first human pair to pursue a sinful course, this angel made himself Satan the Devil. Paul's appreciation for the ministry shows that he used every opportunity to speak to others. Jahrhundert. Tatsächlich mussten manche Zeugen Jehovas in der Neuzeit ebenso brutale Verfolgung ertragen wie einige in früheren Zeiten. Peter wrote: "Formerly the holy women who were hoping in God used to adorn themselves, subjecting themselves to their own husbands. " In modern times, some Witnesses of Jehovah had to endure modern - day persecution similar to some of Jehovah's Witnesses in modern times. Welche unschätzbaren Vorrechte gewährt Jehova seinem Volk? [ Picture Credit Line on page 12] What priceless privileges does Jehovah bestow upon his people? Wie können sündige Menschen Gottes Herrlichkeit widerstrahlen, wo doch kein Mensch Gott sehen und dennoch leben kann?. What does it mean to "cling " to Jehovah? How can sinful humans reflect God's glory, but what can no human see and yet live? Zur Zeit der Patriarchen diente das Familienoberhaupt auch als Priester der Familie. You were fine as you were. In time, the family served as priests in the family. Müssen wir noch " weit werden '? It was previously explained in this magazine that the seed represents personality qualities that need to grow to maturity, being influenced along the way by environmental factors. Should We "widen out "? (Lies Psalm 32: 1 - 5.) We may be firm and determined to keep separate from the world on large issues, such as neutrality, religious holidays and customs, and immorality. (Read Psalm 32: 1 - 5.) Nachdem sie sein Wort angenommen hatten, galt es, darin zu bleiben. Like Job, we may suffer sickness or other hardships. Once they accepted his word, they were to remain in it. • wie Kinder von ihren Eltern gutes Benehmen lernen können? So, what message do you suppose Jesus was conveying? • How can children learn good manners from their parents? Schuldgefühle können ein grausamer Begleiter sein. How is the fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy in evidence each year at the Memorial? There can be no doubt that guilt can be a cruel companion. Was meinte Jesus denn, als er sagte: "Dieser Becher bedeutet den neuen Bund kraft meines Blutes"? Unlike gold, silver, or many gemstones, pearls are produced by living things. What did Jesus mean when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? Leider haben sich einige von dem heutigen ungehemmten Gewinnstreben mitreißen lassen, sind "vom Glauben abgeirrt und haben sich selbst mit vielen Schmerzen überall durchbohrt" und sogar das kostbare Verhältnis zu Jehova eingebüßt. We can therefore have full confidence in the Scriptural insight, understanding, and guidance that we receive from the slave. Sadly, some have allowed the selfish gain of this world to distract themselves from "the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains " and even lost their precious relationship with Jehovah. Dieser Engel lehnte sich gegen Gott auf, verleitete das erste Menschenpaar zu einem sündigen Lauf und machte sich dadurch zu Satan, dem Teufel. " Drunkards... will never inherit the kingdom of God. " That angel rejected God, led the first human pair into a sinful course, and became Satan the Devil. Petrus schrieb: "So pflegten sich einst auch die heiligen Frauen zu schmücken, die auf Gott hofften, indem sie sich ihren eigenen Männern unterwarfen." Since Christ is "head over all things " with regard to the Christian congregation, he exercises his authority over all that takes place within the congregation. Peter wrote: "So, also, the holy women who hoped in God were submitting themselves to their own husbands. " [ Bildnachweis auf Seite 12] Two missionaries, Paul and Silas, are in prison - the innermost part of the prison - in the city of Philippi. [ Credit Line on page 12] Was bedeutet es, Jehova "anzuhangen"? After dismissing the traitorous Judas Iscariot, Jesus introduced a different observance, later called "the Lord's evening meal. " What does it mean to "pray " to Jehovah? Wir lebten dort zu acht in einem kleinen Haus. Yet, all Christians must walk arm in arm on the road to life. We lived there in a small house. Früher wurde in dieser Zeitschrift erklärt, bei dem Samen handle es sich um Wesenszüge, die ausreifen müssten, beeinflusst von Umweltfaktoren. Many people worry! In this magazine, it has been explained that in time of the seed, there would be qualities that would have to influence the human body. Wir mögen standhaft sein und entschlossen, uns von der Welt getrennt zu halten, wenn es um große Angelegenheiten wie Neutralität, Unmoral sowie religiöse Feiertage und Bräuche geht. Jehovah hears our petitions because we pray in faith and also carefully comply with his orders. We may be steadfast and determined to remain separate from the world when it comes to maintaining high neutrality, such as immorality, immorality, and religious holidays. Es kann sein, dass wir wie er an einer Krankheit oder unter anderen Schwierigkeiten leiden. Skillfully Wield "the Sword of the Spirit " It may be that we suffer from sickness or other trials. Was wollte er wohl damit ausdrücken? Who have been gathered to the side of anointed Christians? How could he use that expression? Wie zeigt sich jedes Jahr beim Gedächtnismahl, dass sich die Prophezeiung Hesekiels erfüllt? Additionally, do we discuss as a family how we can use our finances to support the worldwide work through our donations? How is Ezekiel's prophecy being fulfilled each year? Im Gegensatz zu Gold und Silber sowie den meisten Edelsteinen werden Perlen von Lebewesen erzeugt. Or was the plague simply caused by a bacterial infection, as medical researchers have since determined? Unlike gold and silver, most aspects of life are created. Deshalb können wir uns voll und ganz auf das verlassen, was uns der "Sklave" aus der Bibel erklärt und rät. Explain the Bible's counsel to marry "only in the Lord. " Hence, we can rely fully on what the slave says and apply the Bible's counsel. " Trinker... werden nicht in Gottes neue Welt kommen ." [ Pictures on page 19] " Those who will not come into God's new world. " - 1 COR. Als "Haupt über alle Dinge" in der Christenversammlung fühlt sich Christus für alles zuständig, was in der Versammlung vor sich geht. He is also the very personification of love. As " head over all things " in the Christian congregation, Christ feels a measure of oversight in the congregation. Die Missionare Paulus und Silas sitzen im Gefängnis, im innersten Trakt. How have meetings helped you to use what you learned from the Bible and to improve the way you preach? The missionaries Paul and Silas sit in prison in the most distant area. Dann sandte er Judas Iskariot, seinen Verräter, weg. Anschließend führte Jesus eine neue Feier ein: das "Abendmahl des Herrn." Like the brochure Was Life Created?, this publication encourages young ones to develop their "thinking ability. " Then he sent Judas Iscariot to his arrest, taken off a new gathering - "the Lord's Evening Meal. " Aber den Weg des Lebens müssen sie alle fest vereint gehen. We have ample reason to believe that Jehovah continues to help people. But the way of life must be united. Viele machen sich ständig große Sorgen. Why was Jesus ' personality so appealing? Many are constantly anxious. Jehova erhört unsere Bitten, weil wir vertrauensvoll beten und uns eng an seine Befehle halten. Yet, he had to fight selfish tendencies. Jehovah answers our petitions because we pray with confidence and obey his orders. " Das Schwert des Geistes "geschickt handhaben Would he break God's Law in an attempt to save his life? " The sword of the Spirit " Wer ist an die Seite der gesalbten Christen gebracht worden? So why would anyone need to ask who really was appointed by Christ to take the lead? Who have been placed on the side of anointed Christians? Unsere Unterstützung ist auch in anderen Bereichen zu erkennen: Überlegen wir gemeinsam als Familie, wie wir das weltweite Königreichswerk finanziell unterstützen können?. In what ways can we look for the good in others? Our support is also evident in other areas: Think of how we can support the worldwide Kingdom work. Oder starben sie einfach an einer Infektion, deren Erreger Mediziner heute kennen? We have proof of this in the case of Abraham's oldest servant, likely Eliezer. Or did they simply die for a medical medical doctor who is now known today? Was heißt es, "nur im Herrn" zu heiraten? He knew Jehovah as "the living God. " What does it mean to marry "only in the Lord "? [ Bilder auf Seite 19] The man took out his wallet, removed some paper money, held it up, and proudly said, "This is my god! " [ Pictures on page 19] Außerdem ist er die Liebe in Person. Similarly, if we want to reap what is good, we must sow what is good. Moreover, he is the very personification of love. Wie haben dir Zusammenkünfte geholfen, das anzuwenden, was du aus der Bibel gelernt hast, und dich im Dienst zu verbessern? What about us? How have Christian meetings helped you to apply what you have learned from the Bible, and how can you improve in your ministry? Sie soll junge Leute anregen, sich im logischen Denken zu trainieren - ihr "Denkvermögen" weiterzuentwickeln. Jesus ' disciples recognized that forgiving others requires faith. They are designed to stimulate young ones to develop their thinking ability. Auch heute steht Jehova Menschen bei - dafür gibt es Beweise genug. Many would have "no natural affection, " or as one Bible translation puts it, they would" lack normal affection for their families. " Today, Jehovah is with humans abundant evidence. Warum wirkte Jesu Art so anziehend? At any rate, this danger adds another reason to heed the Bible's counsel to avoid drunkenness and overdrinking. - Proverbs 20: 1; 23: 20, 31 - 33; 1 Peter 4: 3. Why did Jesus ' way of thinking draw people to him? Das zeigte sich schon in der Zeit, als er von Jesus geschult wurde. Today, concern for our persecuted brothers makes us "cautious as serpents. " This proved to be true in Jesus ' day when he was trained by him. Würde er das Gesetz Gottes übertreten, um sein Leben zu retten? You have the privilege of sharing in it. " Would he violate God's law to save his life? Warum hätte da irgendjemand fragen müssen, wen Christus wirklich mit der Führung betraut hatte? Since Jesus used the term without explanation, he evidently referred to what had been the Jewish hope for centuries. There was to be a re - creation of conditions on earth, so that things would be as they were in the garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Why should anyone have wondered whom Christ had appointed to take the lead? Auf welche Weise können wir das Gute in unseren Mitmenschen suchen? (a) Why was Jehovah going to take action against Israel and Judah? In what ways can we look for the good in others? Das beweist die Sache mit dem ältesten Diener Abrahams (höchstwahrscheinlich Elieser). Most of her classmates were sexually active, and after a typical weekend, they boasted of their latest sexual encounters. This is demonstrated by the matter of Abraham's old servant. Er kannte Jehova als den "lebendigen Gott." It was likely Satan who motivated Herod - all in an effort to destroy the child who would one day become God's promised Messiah and bring God's judgment upon Satan! He knew Jehovah as "the living God. " Der Mann zückte seine Brieftasche, nahm einige Geldscheine heraus und sagte mit geschwellter Brust: "Das ist mein Gott!" His bride must also be fittingly attired for the occasion. On the other hand, the man took his letter to the Corinthians and said: "This is my God! " So ist es auch bei uns. Wenn wir Gutes ernten möchten, müssen wir Gutes säen. No, for the works of the flesh also include what some might consider mere personality flaws, such as jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, and envies. Similarly, if we want to reap what is good, we must sow what is good. Wie ist es bei uns? 15: 4. Did Jehovah insist that his people use only Hebrew? What about us? Anderen zu vergeben erfordert also Glauben - das wussten auch Jesu Jünger. What balance do Christians maintain? Yes, it takes faith to forgive others, including those of Jesus ' disciples. Wie der Apostel Paulus in seiner von Gott inspirierten Beschreibung der "letzten Tage" ausführte, würden die Menschen nicht etwa ihren Nächsten lieben, sondern sich selbst, das Geld und das Vergnügen. Now both groups serve unitedly under one King - the glorified Jesus Christ, who is prophetically spoken of as God's "servant David. " In his inspired description of "the last days, " the apostle Paul wrote that people would not love their neighbor but love themselves, money, and pleasures. Auf jeden Fall ist dieses Risiko ein zusätzlicher Grund, die Warnung der Bibel vor Trunkenheit und übermäßigem Alkoholkonsum zu beachten. Pornography damages marriages and families by In any case, that risk is a further reason for heeding the Bible's warning about drunkenness and heavy drinking. Aus Sorge um unsere verfolgten Brüder sind wir "vorsichtig wie Schlangen." Applying Bible guidelines will help us to make wise decisions regarding our future goals. Being concerned about our brothers, we are "for our sake as our Exemplar. " Ihr dürft euch daran beteiligen. " Find the answers in this article. You are sharing in it. " Da Jesus den Begriff verwendete, ohne ihn zu erklären, bezog er sich offensichtlich auf eine jahrhundertealte jüdische Hoffnung: eine Wiedererschaffung von Verhältnissen auf der Erde, wie sie im Garten Eden herrschten, bevor Adam und Eva sündigten. That covenant also intimated that others would be associated with the primary part of the seed. Since Jesus was speaking without him, he evidently referred to a Jewish hope, such as a re - creation on earth in the garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. (a) Weshalb beabsichtigte Jehova, gegen Israel und Juda vorzugehen? Of what do the words "their sin I shall remember no more " assure us? (a) Why did Jehovah decide to take action against Israel and Judah? Die meisten ihrer Klassenkameraden waren sexuell aktiv. Nach dem Wochenende prahlten sie gewöhnlich mit ihren neuesten sexuellen Erlebnissen. Resembling a woman not faithful to her marriage vows, false religion has prostituted herself by forming alliances with one political power after another. Most of her classmates were sexually active, and they usually find it difficult to deal with their new sexual urges. Womöglich wurde Herodes von Satan dazu angetrieben - es ging darum, das Kind zu töten, das eines Tages der von Gott verheißene Messias werden und Gottes Strafgericht über Satan bringen würde. As exemplified by David, what should we want to do? Herod may have been prepared to kill the child after a day of God's promised Messiah and bring God's judgments upon Satan. Die Braut muss auch passend für den Anlass gekleidet sein. Do you know which psalm portrays Jehovah as the Great Shepherd? The bride must also be appropriately dressed for the occasion. Nein, denn zu den "Werken des Fleisches" gehört auch so manches, was gern als bloße Charakterschwäche abgetan wird: zum Beispiel "Eifersucht," "Wutausbrüche," "Wortzänkereien" und "Neidereien." The local brothers responded kindly. No, for "the works of the flesh " are part of such things as mere appearance - for example," self - esteem, " " " " " and "the Word of God. " Verlangte Jehova von seinem Volk, nur Hebräisch zu sprechen? One reason why we need to walk with Jehovah God is explained at Jeremiah 10: 23: "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. Did Jehovah expect his people to speak only of Hebrew? Welche ausgeglichene Haltung nehmen Christen ein? Nevertheless, the principles discussed in this article can help any married person understand and communicate better with his or her spouse. What balanced attitude do Christians have? Heute dienen beide Gruppen vereint Jehova. Sie haben einen König, den verherrlichten Jesus Christus, der von Gott prophetisch als "mein Knecht David" bezeichnet wurde. Chaste conveys the idea of purity in thought and conduct. Today, both groups serve Jehovah, the glorified Jesus Christ, called "my servant David. " Pornografie schadet Ehen und Familien, weil sie (a) In what sense did Jesus start a fire when he was on earth? Pornography harms marriages and families because it prevents them from getting married Dadurch, dass wir uns an biblische Grundsätze halten, können wir kluge Entscheidungen treffen, was unsere Zukunft angeht. The Memorial - A Communion Meal By applying Bible principles, we can make wise decisions regarding our future. Warum sollten wir anwesend sein? Read aloud. Why should we be present? Außerdem wurde durch diesen Bund angedeutet, dass neben dem primären Teil noch andere zu dem Samen gehören sollten. Jesus not only observed his Father's way of doing things, taking note of His feelings and attributes, but also absorbed and adopted all of what he learned about his Father. This covenant also indicated that the primary part of the seed was to be part of the seed. Was versichert Jehova mit den Worten: "Ihrer Sünde werde ich nicht mehr gedenken"? Why can we benefit from considering how courage was displayed by Jehovah's servants of Bible times? What assurance does Jehovah give us when he said: "You shall remember no more? " Sie hat sich wie eine Frau, die sich nicht an ihr Eheversprechen hält, prostituiert, nämlich durch zahllose Bündnisse mit politischen Mächten. Otherwise, we could actually be flattering the person or avoiding our responsibility to provide needed counsel. It has proved to be like a woman who does not live in a marriage - by countless alliances with political powers. Worin sollten wir uns an David ein Beispiel nehmen? A steady pace can help all Christians to accomplish things in the ministry. What example did David set for us? Welcher Psalm beschreibt Jehova als den großen Hirten? (Read Proverbs 5: 15 - 20.) What psalm does Jehovah describe as the Great Shepherd? Die Brüder blieben dennoch freundlich. In a sense, Jeremiah lived "in the final part of the days. " Still, the brothers remained kind. Ein Grund, warum wir mit Jehova Gott wandeln müssen, wird in Jeremia 10: 23 erklärt: "Ich weiß wohl, o Jehova, dass nicht beim Erdenmenschen sein Weg steht. We read: "Historic events are often said to have " changed everything. ' One reason why we need to walk with Jehovah God is found at Jeremiah 10: 23: "I well know, O Jehovah, that his way of earthling man does not belong. Die Grundsätze können trotzdem jedem Paar helfen, sich besser zu verstehen und besser miteinander zu kommunizieren. (b) What kind of Helper is Jehovah? Still, the principles of each couple can help each couple to understand better and better communication. Keusch vermittelt die Vorstellung von reinem Denken und einem einwandfreien Lebenswandel. • How can we strengthen our conviction that the end of this system of things is near? IT IS the idea of pure thinking and conduct. (a) In welchem Sinne entzündete Jesus ein Feuer auf der Erde? Faithful Abraham had a high regard for marriage. (a) In what sense did Jesus light a fire on earth? Das Gedächtnismahl - ein Gemeinschaftsmahl For me, it was a case of "I saw, but I could not understand. " The Memorial meal - a communion meal Laut lesen. If they heeded these reminders, they were sure to receive many blessings. - Lev. 26: 3 - 6; Deut. 28: 1 - 4. Read aloud. Auch beobachtete er nicht nur, wie sein Vater vorging und welche Gefühle und Eigenschaften dabei zu erkennen waren, sondern verinnerlichte alles, was er über seinen Vater lernte, und übernahm es von ihm. Is that how you view God's discipline, whether it comes through his Word, Bible - based publications, Christian parents, or congregation elders? He also saw not only his Father's way of thinking and feelings but also reflected his Father's qualities and qualities. Wie haben Diener Jehovas in alter Zeit Mut bewiesen, und was können wir daraus lernen? What made the prophet Moses faithful? How have Jehovah's servants shown courage in the past, and what can we learn from this? Andernfalls würden wir vielleicht jemandem schmeicheln oder kämen nicht unserer Verantwortung nach, nötigen Rat zu geben. 3: 4 - How was Nineveh like a prostitute? Otherwise, we might run out of our responsibility to give counsel. Ein gleichmäßiger Rhythmus kann allen einen produktiveren Dienst ermöglichen. 37: 5. A healthy ministry can help all of us to enjoy a productive ministry. (Lies Sprüche 5: 15 - 20.) [ Diagram on page 9] (Read Proverbs 5: 15 - 20.) So gesehen, lebte Jeremia "im Schlussteil der Tage." But that knowledge enriches our life even now. Thus, Jeremiah lived "in the final part of the days. " Wir lesen: "Von manchen geschichtlichen Ereignissen sagt man, sie hätten " alles verändert ." Also, serving "shoulder to shoulder " in the ministry produces a united spirit in the congregation. - Read Zephaniah 3: 9. We read: "From some historical events we have said they had changed. " (b) Warum ist Jehova der beste Helfer? During the 1930 ' s and early 1940 ' s, our brothers in the United States faced tremendous opposition. Yet, like Paul, they stood firm and continued preaching. (b) Why is Jehovah the best helper? • Wie können wir unsere Überzeugung stärken, dass das Ende des gegenwärtigen Systems der Dinge nahe ist? 10, 11. (a) In what way can you look to God for guidance? • How can we strengthen our conviction that the end of this system of things is near? Für Abraham hatte die Ehe einen hohen Stellenwert. Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote: "He humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. Abraham viewed marriage as a high priority. Auf mich umgemünzt hieß das: "Ich sah, aber ich konnte es nicht verstehen." (b) What should be our attitude regarding prayer to God? " I saw it, " says the Bible, "but I couldn't understand it. " Und er sicherte ihnen zu, sie sehr zu segnen, wenn sie auf seine Mahnungen hören würden. In what areas must an elder be an example to the flock? He assured them that if they obeyed his reminders, they would be richly blessed. Stattdessen ehrt Jehova uns. Er konzentriert sich auf unsere guten Eigenschaften und respektiert unsere Willensfreiheit. Quoting Psalm 22, the apostle Paul wrote of Jesus: "I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of the congregation I will praise you with song. " Instead, Jehovah honors us by focusing on our good qualities and free will. Worin zeigte sich die Treue des Propheten Moses? When the lamb was slaughtered for the Passover meal, the Israelites were not to break any of its bones. How did the faithfulness of the prophet Moses show? 3: 4 - Warum glich Ninive einer Prostituierten? (b) Why should a relative's background not discourage us from witnessing to him or her? 3: 4 - Why was Nineveh like a furnace? Das wird Jehova sehr segnen. In the past, our literature has taken what approach to the parable of the ten virgins, with what possible result? Jehovah will richly bless this. [ Diagramm auf Seite 9] " FOR almost a year after the death of our son, we felt deep and excruciating pain, " said Susi. [ Despite illness on page 9] Unser Leben wird jedoch heute schon durch diese Erkenntnis bereichert. A key method of doing so is by means of what Paul mentioned to the Ephesian elders - house - to - house preaching. Today, though, our lives are enriched by this knowledge. (Lies Zephanja 3: 9.) Paul urged fellow believers to "stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " (Read Zephaniah 3: 9.) In den 1930er - und frühen 1940er - Jahren stießen unsere Brüder in den Vereinigten Staaten auf heftigen Widerstand. If we are courting, for example, we need to recognize the power of sexual attraction. In the 1930 ' s and early 1950 ' s, our brothers moved to the United States to severe opposition. 10, 11. (a) Wie können wir uns von Gott leiten lassen? " Reaching out " requires of Christian men that they develop a strong desire to work hard at acquiring needed spiritual qualities in order to serve their brothers. 10, 11. (a) How can we let God guide us? Und wie der Apostel Paulus schrieb, "erniedrigte er sich selbst und wurde gehorsam bis zum Tod, ja zum Tod an einem Marterpfahl. What reasons did Thessalonian Christians have for giving extraordinary consideration to the older men? And as the apostle Paul wrote, "he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. (b) Wie sollten wir zum Beten eingestellt sein? His purpose may have been to disrupt the arrival of the promised " offspring of the woman. ' (b) How should we view prayer? In welchen Bereichen müssen Älteste Vorbilder für die Herde sein? Those who fight against God and his people "will have to be cut off to time indefinite. " In what ways do elders need to be examples of the flock? Der Apostel Paulus zitierte folgende Worte aus Psalm 22 und wandte sie auf Jesus an: "Ich will deinen Namen meinen Brüdern verkünden; inmitten der Versammlung will ich dir lobsingen." Fulfilling our dedication involves " buying out time. ' The apostle Paul quoted Psalm 22: 22 and applied to Jesus: "I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of the congregation I will praise you. " Als das Lamm für das Passahmahl geschlachtet wurde, durften die Israeliten keinen Knochen daran zerbrechen. Storrs lived in Brooklyn, New York, and edited a magazine called the Bible Examiner. When the lamb was slaughtered for the Passover meal, the Israelites were to break no bones. (b) Warum sollten uns die äußeren Umstände eines Verwandten nicht davon abhalten, ihm Zeugnis zu geben? What does Leviticus teach us about upholding Jehovah's sovereignty? (b) Why should we not hold back from giving a witness to our relatives? Wie kann das Gleichnis Jesu jedem von uns zugutekommen? Jehovah's Witnesses are known throughout the earth for their house - to - house ministry. How can the parable of Jesus benefit us? " DER schier unerträgliche Schmerz nach dem Tod unseres Sohnes hielt fast ein Jahr an ," erzählt Susi. Psalm 4: 4 says: "Be agitated, but do not sin. " THE fear of our son was almost a year after the death of our son, " says Rahab. Das tun sie vor allem, indem sie "von Haus zu Haus" verkündigen - so, wie Paulus es gegenüber den Ältesten aus Ephesus erwähnte. But such thinking could lead us to turn our attention away from spiritual things and toward material goals, distractions that can make us spiritually drowsy. - Luke 8: 14; 21: 34, 35. They do this primarily by preaching "from house to house, " as Paul mentioned to the elders from Ephesus. Paulus forderte seine Glaubensbrüder dringend auf, " gegen die Machenschaften des Teufels standzuhalten '. Jewish religious leaders would not talk to a woman in public, let alone a Samaritan woman with a questionable reputation. The apostles urged Jesus to eat. Paul urged fellow believers to "stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " Zum Beispiel dürfen wir die sexuelle Anziehungskraft in der Kennenlernzeit nicht unterschätzen. The Resurrection of Jesus - Its Meaning for Us For example, we need to resist sexual desires in times of marriage. Ist ein Bruder mindestens ein Jahr getauft und entspricht er ausreichend den biblischen Erfordernissen in 1. It also puts the one baptized in line for eternal salvation, provided he remains faithful to Jehovah. - Matthew 24: 13. On at least one year, a brother makes sure that he gets baptized and prepares the Scriptural qualifications for each year. Warum war es für die Christen in Thessalonich nur recht und billig, den älteren Männern über die Maßen Achtung zu zollen? Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey) was built on the west coast of Asia Minor. Why was it proper for Christians in Thessalonica only to give them the older men the measure of respect? Gut möglich, dass er dadurch die Ankunft des verheißenen Nachkommen der Frau behindern wollte. Another evidence that Jehovah values his servants is that he rewards them. He may have been trying to hinder the arrival of the promised offspring of the woman. Alle, die gegen Gott und sein Volk kämpfen, werden "weggetilgt werden müssen auf unabsehbare Zeit." Being far away from his family, he felt alone and homesick. All who fight against God and his people will have to be "cut off to time indefinite. " Wenn wir unserer Hingabe entsprechen möchten, müssen wir " die Zeit auskaufen '. Peer pressure could sway us to make a bad decision. If we want to live up to our dedication, we must " buy out time from it. ' Storrs lebte in Brooklyn (New York) und war Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Bible Examiner. What do you think of the example that our young ones set? Epaphras lived in Brooklyn, New York, and was the World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Mose darüber, wie wir für Jehovas Souveränität eintreten können? What choice did Jehovah give his people, Israel, and how did the nation respond? How can we uphold Jehovah's sovereignty? Jehovas Zeugen sind weltweit für ihre Verkündigung von Haus zu Haus bekannt. [ Picture on page 26] Jehovah's Witnesses are known for their preaching from house to house. In Psalm 4: 4 heißt es: "Seid erregt, doch sündigt nicht. But when a mother does her best to live by Bible principles, she may rest assured of Jehovah's guidance and loving support. - Psalm 32: 8. Psalm 4: 4 says: "Be afraid, but do not sin. Aber eine solche Denkweise könnte uns von geistigen Dingen ablenken und uns dazu verleiten, das Augenmerk mehr auf materielle Ziele und auf Zeitvertreib zu richten, sodass wir in geistiger Hinsicht möglicherweise schläfrig werden. Yes, Peter needed firm correction, as we all do at times. However, such thinking could distract us from spiritual things and induce us to focus more on material pursuits and entertainment so that we may be spiritually drowsy. Die religiösen Führer der Juden hätten in der Öffentlichkeit nie mit einer Frau gesprochen, schon gar nicht mit einer Samariterin mit fragwürdigem Ruf. " What do you include in your personal study? " The religious leaders of the Jewish religious leaders would never have spoken with a woman, perhaps even with a Samaritan woman. Jesu Auferstehung - ihre Bedeutung für uns What do the Scriptures say about speaking the truth? Jesus ' Resurrection - Its Meaning for Us Bleibt er treu, hat er durch die Taufe die Aussicht auf ewige Rettung. It seems that the more familiar a situation is, the less people are inclined to pay attention to it. If he is faithful, he has the prospect of everlasting salvation. Smyrna (das heutige Izmir in der Türkei) lag an der Westküste Kleinasiens. Job became profoundly discouraged, although he refused to curse God, as his wife urged him to do. (The New Testament in Smyrna was on the west coast of Asia Minor. Dass Jehova seine Diener belohnt, ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, wie wertvoll sie für ihn sind. (Read Joel 2: 2, 7 - 9.) Another evidence that Jehovah rewards his servants is that they are precious to him. So weit weg von seiner Familie fühlte er sich einsam und litt unter Heimweh. David was poetically saying that he felt that his death was very near. - Psalm 102: 11. As soon as his family left him, he felt lonely and depressed. Das kann jedoch zu schlechten Entscheidungen führen. Those who ignore warnings issued by the faithful slave inevitably cause harm to themselves and to their loved ones. But that can lead to bad decisions. Wie berührt dich das Vorbild unserer Jugendlichen? After Jesus healed this multitude and taught them many things, a logistical problem arose. How do you feel about the example of your youths? Vor welche Wahl stellte Jehova die Israeliten, und wie entschieden sie sich? If he is married, the love and honor he shows his wife sets an example for other husbands to imitate. Consider the comments of a Christian woman named Linda. What choice did Jehovah make before the Israelites, and how did they make their decision? [ Bild auf Seite 26] Paul said that he felt this way because of his imperfections. [ Picture on page 26] Doch wenn sich eine Mutter wirklich bemüht, sich an biblische Grundsätze zu halten, kann sie sich darauf verlassen, dass Jehova ihr den richtigen Weg zeigt und ihr liebevoll beisteht. So non - Israelite Nethinim were given more to do in helping the Levites. However, if a mother truly strives to apply Bible principles, she can rely on Jehovah for support and supporting her way. Petrus musste, wie alle von uns hin und wieder, freundlich, aber bestimmt korrigiert werden. Just as vines that produce good grapes bring honor to a cultivator, so we bring honor, or glory, to Jehovah when we proclaim the Kingdom message to the best of our abilities. - Matt. 25: 20 - 23. Peter needed correction, but he was kind to all of us. Was gehört zu deinem persönlichen Bibelstudium? He was "eaten up with worms and expired. " What does your personal Bible study include? Wie zeigt die Bibel, dass man die Wahrheit reden soll? Be specific in your request, asking God to help you overcome any trait that you may have found that indicates a weakening of faith, such as an inability to forgive. How does the Bible show that we must speak the truth? Verändert sich das Verhalten eines guten Bekannten ganz plötzlich, ist man wahrscheinlich schockiert. [ Pictures on page 21] It is likely that a person's behavior is suddenly changed. Obwohl Hiob äußerst entmutigt war, weigerte er sich, Gott zu fluchen, wozu ihn seine Frau aufgefordert hatte. Such ones can help you to choose the best way of life. Although Job was very discouraged, he refused to curse God, which had urged his wife to do. (Lies Joel 2: 2, 7 - 9.) (b) What did Apollos need to fill his spiritual deficiency? (Read Joel 2: 2, 7 - 9.) David sprach poetisch davon, dass er bald sterben müsse. " They saw [the fulfillment of God's promises] afar off. " David pointed out that he would soon die. (Lies Hebräer 4: 13.) Jehova möchte natürlich auch solchen Personen helfen und veranlasst seine Vertreter auf der Erde, sich um sie zu kümmern. A regulation he has given, and it will not pass away. " Of course, Jehovah wants such individuals to help and move them to care for them on earth. - Read Hebrews 4: 13. Dann entstand jedoch ein Versorgungsproblem. Other people appear to escape many of such problems. However, there was a need for assistance. Ein Ältester, der lieb zu seiner Frau ist und sie ehrt, gibt anderen Ehemännern ein gutes Beispiel. Enoch had faith that the Seed promised by God would appear in Jehovah's due time. An elder who loves and honors his wife set a fine example for others. Wie Paulus sagte, fühlte er sich so wegen seiner Unzulänglichkeiten. God has provided us with his Word, Bible study aids, Christian meetings, and caring congregation elders so that we can cultivate "an obedient heart. " Paul said that he felt this way because of his shortcomings. Deshalb wurden den nichtisraelitischen Nethinim mehr Aufgaben übertragen, den Leviten zu helfen. True to the pattern he set in the first century, Jesus would once again feed many through the hands of a few. Thus, the Levites were no longer assigned to help the Levites. So wie ein Weinstock mit guten Trauben ein gutes Licht auf den Weinbauern wirft, so ehren oder verherrlichen wir Jehova, wenn wir die Königreichsbotschaft nach besten Kräften verkünden. By performing numerous miracles throughout the land - including healing the sick, feeding the hungry, subduing the elements, even raising the dead - Jesus also demonstrated what God's Kingdom will accomplish. Just as a vine produces a good light, so honor, or honor, we bring glory to Jehovah when we declare the Kingdom message to the best of our ability. Er wurde "von Würmern zerfressen und verschied." Several times in his life, he did not respond as a spiritual man should. He "was subjected to death and died. " Haben wir eine Schwachstelle in unserem Glauben entdeckt? Vielleicht fällt es uns schwer zu vergeben. Dann sollten wir Jehova ganz konkret um Hilfe bitten, um das Problem zu bewältigen. Paul reasoned with his brothers in the congregation in Rome: "If you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. If we detect a lack of faith in our faith, we may need to ask Jehovah for help to handle the problem. [ Bilder auf Seite 21] Illness suddenly strikes the child, and soon he stops breathing. [ Pictures on page 21] INTERNATIONALE und Bezirkskongresse gab es schon früh in der neuzeitlichen Geschichte der Zeugen Jehovas. What has mankind's history clearly demonstrated? THE modern history of Jehovah's Witnesses was early in the modern history of Jehovah's Witnesses. Es war auch sicher nicht immer leicht für sie, Jehova zu dienen. It must infuriate the Devil to see honesthearted ones in France respond to the good news. It was not always easy for them to serve Jehovah. Was brauchte Apollos, obwohl er "glühend im Geist" war? Today, we have a clear understanding of the illustration of the sheep and the goats. Although Apollos was "aglow with the spirit, " what did Apollos need? " Sie sahen sie [die Erfüllung der Verheißungen Gottes] von fern. " " O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! " " They saw the fulfillment of God's promises from far off. " Eine Bestimmung hat er gegeben, und sie wird nicht vergehen ." She was an 84 - year - old widow when Jesus was born. He has given a decree, and it will not pass away. " Anscheinend bleiben anderen viele solcher Probleme erspart. LOYALTY and neutrality are always issues for true Christians, not just in times of war. Why? It seems that many problems do not seem to be avoided. Henoch glaubte fest daran, dass der von Gott verheißene Same zu der von Jehova bestimmten Zeit kommen würde. Murderers remain undetected or go unpunished. Enoch had faith that the promised Seed would come to Jehovah's appointed time. Damit wir uns "ein gehorsames Herz" erhalten können, hat Gott liebevollerweise für sein Wort gesorgt, für Bibelstudienhilfsmittel, Zusammenkünfte und fürsorgliche Versammlungsälteste. For instance, we observe the way Jehovah thwarts opposers. To receive "an obedient heart, " God lovingly provided loving provisions for his Word, Bible study, congregation meetings, and congregation elders. Getreu dem Muster, nach dem er im ersten Jahrhundert vorgegangen war, würde Jesus auch nun wieder die Wenigen gebrauchen, um die Vielen zu speisen. Angels - How They Affect Mankind In the first century, Jesus would now use the few to feed the many. Durch zahllose Wunder, die Jesus überall im Land wirkte - er heilte zum Beispiel Kranke, speiste Hungrige, beherrschte die Naturgewalten, weckte sogar Tote auf - , zeigte er außerdem, was durch Gottes Königreich erreicht werden wird. [ Pictures on page 26] There are numerous miracles that Jesus performed in the land, including healing the sick, feeding the dead, even the dead, he demonstrated what God's Kingdom will accomplish. Dazu ein Beispiel: Der Apostel Petrus reagierte bei mehreren Gelegenheiten nicht wie ein Geistesmensch. We live in a sex - crazed world that tends to fan the flames of passion in many ways. Consider an example. The apostle Peter did not react as a spiritual man. Paulus wollte, dass jeder in der Versammlung in Rom über Folgendes nachdachte: "Wenn du dieses " Wort in deinem eigenen Mund ', dass Jesus Herr ist, öffentlich verkündigst und in deinem Herzen Glauben übst, dass Gott ihn von den Toten auferweckt hat, wirst du gerettet werden. Indeed, an elder shows hospitality especially to fellow believers according to their needs and as his circumstances permit. - James 2: 14 - 17. Regarding this fact, Paul wrote: "If you publicly declare that word in your own mouth, Lord Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. Ihr Kind wird plötzlich krank und hört auf zu atmen. As regards the holy spirit, what can happen if one were to persist in sin? Her child suddenly becomes sick and listens to sleep. Was hat die Menschheitsgeschichte klar bewiesen? However, for a slave who really loved his master and who wished to remain in his service, Jehovah made a remarkable provision. The master was to bring his slave up against the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear through with an awl. What has been the record of human history? Es muss den Teufel in Wut versetzen, zu sehen, wie aufrichtige Personen in Frankreich auf die gute Botschaft reagieren. Rather than being overly concerned with position as Saul was, how much better to be like David. It must have been like Satan to see how sincere individuals react to the good news in France. Heute haben wir ein klares Verständnis von dem Gleichnis von den Schafen und Ziegenböcken. Think carefully about that incentive. Today, we have a clear understanding of the illustration of the sheep and the goats. " O Tiefe des Reichtums und der Weisheit und der Erkenntnis Gottes! ." However, religion as a whole constitutes another element of human society that has actually prevented millions from glorifying God. " O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! " Sie war 84, als Jesus geboren wurde. Angels are mentioned nearly 400 times in the Bible. She was 84 years old when Jesus was born. TREU und loyal zu Jehova zu stehen und neutral zu bleiben ist für wahre Christen nicht nur in Kriegszeiten entscheidend. When problems arise, may thinking ability and practical wisdom guide us. It is not just a time for true Christians to remain loyal to Jehovah and remain neutral during wartime. Mörder werden nicht gefasst oder entgehen der Strafe. Are we not glad to serve a God who does not give up on his servants when they make mistakes? murderers will not escape punishment or escape punishment. Überlegen wir einmal: Haben wir im Laufe der Zeit nicht deutlich erlebt, wie Jehova uns anleitet oder wie er verhindert, dass Gegner den Predigtdienst stoppen? 32: 17 - 20, 26. Although initially involved in setting up the idol, Aaron repented and joined the rest of the Levites on Jehovah's side. Over time, have we not seen Jehovah's guidance or how he allows opposers to stop the preaching work? Engel - Ihr Einfluss auf die Menschen [ Map on page 10] Angels - Their influence on People [ Bilder auf Seite 26] (a) What condition developed after the first century? [ Pictures on page 26] Wir leben in einer sexbesessenen Welt, in der das entsprechende Verlangen auf vielerlei Weise erregt wird. Should we not accept whatever counsel or discipline we receive through these means? We live in a world filled with the desire for prominence in many ways. Ja, ein Ältester bekundet besonders gegenüber Glaubensbrüdern Gastfreundschaft, und zwar gemäß ihren Bedürfnissen und soweit es seine Umstände erlauben. For example, he did not just tell his followers to seek first the Kingdom and God's righteousness but said: "And all these other things will be added to you. " Yes, an elder especially showed hospitality to fellow believers, according to their needs and circumstances. Was kann geschehen, wenn jemand in Sünde verharrt? May 18 - 24, 2009 What can happen if someone fall into sin? Wenn er seinen Herrn aber von Herzen liebte und in seinem Dienst bleiben wollte, hatte Jehova eine bemerkenswerte Regelung vorgesehen: Der Herr sollte seinen Sklaven vor Jehova an eine Tür oder einen Türpfosten führen und sein Ohr durchstechen. Under what circumstances can God's utterances be a lamp to our foot? But if he loved his master's heart and wanted to stay in his ministry, Jehovah had provided a remarkable arrangement - the master appointed to lead his slaves before Jehovah or to a door or to his ear. Doch der junge David bewahrte trotz aller Ungerechtigkeit, unter der er zu leiden hatte, Respekt vor der von Gott übertragenen Amtsgewalt und war nicht wie Saul übermäßig auf seine Stellung bedacht. A Christian couple, therefore, should try to settle any issue between them before the day ends. Yet, despite all injustices he suffered, young David showed respect for God's service, not as Saul was over Saul's position. Solchen Anreizen zu folgen sollte man sich zweimal überlegen. How can an imperfect human walk with God? Following such methods is a serious matter. Insgesamt gesehen ist die Religion allerdings ein weiterer Teil der menschlichen Gesellschaft, der Millionen von Menschen davon abgehalten hat, Gott zu verherrlichen. The next article will address this matter. Nevertheless, religion is another part of human society that has held millions back from glorifying God. Engel werden in der Bibel fast 400 Mal erwähnt. (b) What questions can we ask about our spiritual inheritance? Angels are mentioned in the Bible almost 400 times. Nutzen wir den gesunden Menschenverstand und lassen wir uns von praktischer Weisheit leiten, wenn Probleme entstehen. That will be the subject of our next article. Benefiting from sound reasoning and applying practical wisdom can help us when problems arise. Sind wir nicht froh darüber, einem Gott zu dienen, der seine Diener nicht aufgibt, wenn sie Fehler machen? Another Witness in Hawaii studies the Bible once a week with the owner of a shoe - repair shop. How glad we are to serve a God who does not give up on his servants when they make mistakes! Aaron war zwar an der Herstellung des goldenen Kalbes beteiligt gewesen, doch er bereute und stellte sich wie die anderen Leviten auf Jehovas Seite. He put Jehovah first and expended himself tirelessly in behalf of others. Although Aaron had been involved in the golden calf, he repented and repented like the other Levites on Jehovah's side. [ Karte auf Seite 10] The "new heavens, " God's Kingdom, will restore the" new earth, " a society of righteous people on earth, to perfect physical, emotional, and spiritual health. [ Map on page 10] Jahrhundert? How can the fear of God help a person regain happiness? How did first - century Christians respond? Sollten wir nicht alles annehmen, wodurch er uns zurechtbringen möchte? A group of his heavenly servants confirmed that fact in unison, saying: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " Should we not accept all the provisions that Jehovah wants us to take? Beispielsweise forderte er sie nicht einfach dazu auf, zuerst das Königreich und Gottes Gerechtigkeit zu suchen, sondern ergänzte: "Und alle diese anderen Dinge werden euch hinzugefügt werden." Why was the New World Translation revised? For example, he did not simply invite them to seek first the Kingdom and God's righteousness but said: "All these other things will be added to you. " bis 24. Mai Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a young child will by no means enter into it. " May 18 - 24, 2011 Unter welchen Umständen können Gottes Äußerungen eine Leuchte für unseren Fuß sein? Later, back at the Jordan, Elisha struck the waters with Elijah's garment, calling out: "Where is Jehovah, the God of Elijah? " Under what circumstances can God's utterances be a lamp to our foot? Aufrichtig zu sagen: "Es tut mir leid, dass ich dir wehgetan habe," erfordert Mut und Demut. In Psalms 3 and 55, David describes how such disloyalty affected him. " I feel sorry for you, " he said. " I need courage and humility. Wie kann ein unvollkommener Mensch mit Gott wandeln? The first step toward loving anyone is to take in knowledge of that one; it is hard to feel deep affection for someone we do not know. How can imperfect humans walk with God? Darauf geht der nächste Artikel ein. Although we are not likely to be threatened with death in a fiery furnace, we do face tests of integrity and can be sure that God will bless us for our faith and courage. The next article will address this subject. (b) Welche Fragen zu unserem geistigen Erbe könnte man stellen? They have all come true for you. " (b) What questions might we ask ourselves about our spiritual heritage? Das erfahren wir im nächsten Artikel. These miracles were performed not in secret but openly, often in front of eyewitnesses. The following article will consider these questions. Ein anderer Zeuge auf Hawaii studiert wöchentlich mit dem Besitzer einer Schusterwerkstatt. However, his response to Jehovah's discipline showed that he was essentially a God - fearing person. Another Witness in South Africa studied a weekly weekly Bible study with the owner instead of sending it away. Für ihn kam Jehova zuerst. How can we examine our thinking about materialistic pursuits? Jehovah first came to him. Die "neuen Himmel," also das Reich Gottes, wird dafür sorgen, dass sich die "neue Erde," also die Gesellschaft gerechter Menschen auf der Erde, vollkommener Gesundheit erfreuen wird - in jeglicher Hinsicht. The original - language word rendered "peaceable " literally means" peacemakers. " The "new heavens, " that is, God's Kingdom, will make it possible for righteous humans to enjoy perfect health on earth. Wie kann Gottesfurcht dazu beitragen, wieder glücklich und zufrieden zu werden? What awaited those who did not support true worship? How can fear of God help us to be happy and content? Eine Gruppe seiner Diener im Himmel drückte das einstimmig mit den Worten aus: "Du bist würdig, Jehova, ja du, unser Gott, die Herrlichkeit und die Ehre und die Macht zu empfangen, weil du alle Dinge erschaffen hast, und deines Willens wegen existierten sie und wurden sie erschaffen." He exercises his authority with perfect justice. A group of his servants in heaven said: "You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " Warum wurde die Neue - Welt - Übersetzung revidiert? " Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. " Why were the New World Translation? Wahrlich, ich sage euch: Wer immer das Königreich Gottes nicht aufnimmt wie ein kleines Kind, wird bestimmt nicht in dasselbe eingehen ." How They Dealt With Persecution Truly I say to you, Whoever does not call the kingdom of God like a young child will certainly not enter into the same line. " Als Elisa wieder am Jordan stand, schlug er mit Elias Amtsgewand auf das Wasser und rief: "Wo ist Jehova, der Gott Elias?" Can You Explain? When Elisha returned to the Jordan, he struck Elijah's official garment on water, saying: "Where is Jehovah the God of Elijah? " In Psalm 3 und Psalm 55 beschrieb David, wie nahe ihm dieser Treubruch ging. Is there any indication, however, that a resurrection could take place long after it was promised? Psalm 3 and Psalm 55 describes David's close relationship with him. Es ist schwer, jemand von Herzen zu lieben, wenn man ihn nicht kennt. Zunächst müssen wir etwas über den Betreffenden in Erfahrung bringen. It has tremendous power. We may find it difficult to love someone if we do not know him. Auch wenn uns wahrscheinlich niemand mit dem Tod in einem Feuerofen drohen wird, müssen wir dennoch unsere Lauterkeit unter Beweis stellen und können sicher sein, dass Gott unseren Glauben und unseren Mut segnet. He stated: "When I saw among the spoil a good - looking official garment from Shinar and 200 shekels of silver and one gold bar weighing 50 shekels, I desired them, so I took them. " Although we may not be able to put death in a fiery furnace, we need to prove our integrity and be sure that God blesses our faith and courage. Sie alle sind für euch eingetroffen ." Since 1914, how has Jehovah's greatness been manifested in connection with his Kingdom purposes? They have all come true for you. " Diese Wunder ereigneten sich nicht im Geheimen, sondern in aller Öffentlichkeit, meist vor Augenzeugen. Jesus said to his followers: "By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 35. This miracle occurred, not in private, but in every public, often in public witnessing. Doch seine Reaktion auf die korrigierenden Maßnahmen Jehovas verriet, dass er im Wesentlichen ein gottesfürchtiger Mensch war. They will continue to serve Jehovah in that assignment, as indicated by what we read at Revelation 4: 10, 11 concerning the anointed in their heavenly position. - Ezek. However, his reaction to Jehovah's discipline showed that he was a God - fearing human. Wie können wir unsere Einstellung zu materialistischen Bestrebungen überprüfen? It is also the story of a strong and courageous leader. How can we analyze our attitude toward materialistic pursuits? Die wörtliche Bedeutung des im Urtext gebrauchten Wortes für "Friedsame" ist "Friedensstifter." 13, 14. The original - language word used here literally means " peacemakers. " Was erwartete diejenigen, die die wahre Anbetung nicht unterstützten? For I became envious of the boasters, when I would see the very peace of wicked people. " What awaited those who failed to support true worship? Er erklärt: "Ich [bin] Jehova..., der liebende Güte, Recht und Gerechtigkeit auf der Erde übt; denn an diesen Dingen habe ich Gefallen." Why are Jehovah's promises a source of great comfort? He declares: "I am Jehovah,... the loving - kindness, justice, and justice on the earth; for in these things I take pleasure. " " Geradeso wie die Tage Noahs waren, so wird die Gegenwart des Menschensohnes sein ." Let us show genuine love toward others by helping them to gain "a tight grip on the word of life. " - Phil. " Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. " Wie sie mit Verfolgung umgingen Who can say that he has totally freed himself from walking in accord with the flesh? How They dealt With Persecution Kannst du es erklären? Abraham, called "the father of all those having faith, " was the head of a household numbering into the hundreds. Can You Explain? Ist eine Auferstehung aber auch dann möglich, wenn sie lange im Voraus verheißen wurde? Therefore, we can be sure that he hears our "pleas for help " and responds to them. - Ps. 116: 1; 136: 24 - 26. But is it possible for a resurrection to occur long before it was promised? Sie hat eine gewaltige Wirkung. What makes a woman truly praiseworthy? It has a powerful effect. Er sagte: "Als ich unter der Beute ein gut aussehendes Amtsgewand aus Schinar zu sehen bekam und zweihundert Schekel Silber und einen Goldbarren, fünfzig Schekel sein Gewicht, da begehrte ich sie, und ich nahm sie." If you were baptized years or decades ago, surely you have experienced the influence of the holy spirit. He said: "When I saw a well - chosen official from Poland, and she bought silver and a golden image, that I took them, and I took them. " Wie zeigt sich Jehovas Größe an der Entwicklung seiner Königreichsvorsätze seit 1914? God commanded Adam: "As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die. " How has Jehovah's greatness been demonstrated since 1914? Jesus sagte zu seinen Jüngern: "Daran werden alle erkennen, dass ihr meine Jünger seid, wenn ihr Liebe unter euch habt." " The city " is symbolic of God's Messianic Kingdom. Jesus told his disciples: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Das geht aus Offenbarung 4: 10, 11 hervor, wo sie in ihrer himmlischen Stellung beschrieben werden. Whether single or married, how can we follow the example Paul set as a disciple of Christ? This is found at Revelation 4: 10, 11, where they are depicted in their heavenly position. Außerdem ist es die Geschichte eines starken und mutigen Führers. Many Christians who give a wedding present would want to remain anonymous rather than attract undue attention to themselves. It is also the history of a strong and courageous leader. 13, 14. How can we demonstrate our love for Jehovah? 13, 14. Denn ich wurde neidisch auf die Prahler, als ich ständig den Frieden der Bösen sah. " And the king has brought the Shulammite maiden with him. For I became envious of the gods when I constantly saw the peace of wicked ones. " Warum geben Jehovas Verheißungen großen Trost? According to Mark's parallel account, Jesus indicated that his disciples would be part of a spiritual brotherhood. Why does Jehovah's great promises bring comfort? Wir beweisen anderen unsere echte Liebe, wenn wir ihnen helfen, sich "mit festem Griff an das Wort des Lebens" zu klammern. 5 - 7. We show genuine love for others by helping them to "get a tight grip on the word of life. " Wer könnte von sich behaupten, er habe sich bereits von jeglichen Verhaltensweisen, die "in Übereinstimmung mit dem Fleisch" sind, befreien können? What disposition will help you to succeed? Who could claim that he has already free from any sort of conduct that can free from "according to the flesh "? Abraham, "der Vater all derer..., die Glauben haben," war das Haupt einer Hausgemeinschaft, die in die Hunderte ging. Lovingly, he does not dwell on minor failings. Abraham, "the father of all those having faith, " was the head of a household that went hundreds of times. Er hört unsere "flehentlichen Bitten" und geht darauf ein. The Bible says that they "considered others as nothing. " - Luke 18: 9 - 14. He listens to our "deep petitions, " and he listens to them. Wodurch verdient sich eine Frau echte Anerkennung? One author noted: "It is virtually impossible to give yourself away without getting back more than you give - provided you give away with no thought of any reward. " How does a woman deserve genuine recognition? Falls du schon seit Jahren oder sogar Jahrzehnten getauft bist, hast du sicher schon selbst erlebt, wie der heilige Geist auf dich eingewirkt hat. We may feel that we have achieved self - control in these areas, and if so, we can indeed be grateful. If you have been baptized for years or even decades, you have no doubt experienced the operation of holy spirit upon you. Gott gebot Adam: "Was... den Baum der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse betrifft, davon sollst du nicht essen, denn an dem Tag, an dem du davon isst, wirst du ganz bestimmt sterben." * God commanded Adam: "As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for on the day you eat from it you will certainly die. " Die "Stadt" steht für Gottes messianisches Königreich. When her son, John, was born, Zechariah could not speak because he had been struck with speechlessness for questioning God's angel. " The city " represents God's Messianic Kingdom. Wie kann jeder, ganz gleich, ob unverheiratet oder verheiratet, dem Beispiel von Paulus folgen? This will be possible only through Jehovah's extraordinary kindness. Whether married or married, how can each person follow Paul's example? Viele Christen, die ein Hochzeitsgeschenk machen, möchten lieber anonym bleiben, statt ungebührliche Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zu ziehen. As a result, some people become disturbed, gullibly believing such lies. Many Christians who devote their wedding to making a wedding would rather want to be unduly demanding. Wie können wir Jehova unsere Liebe zeigen? Christ is using imperfect humans in the local congregation, particularly the spiritually older men, the appointed elders. How can we show our love for Jehovah? Der König kehrt in die Stadt zurück und mit ihm die junge Sulamith. This brings us in line to benefit from Kingdom rule. The king return to the city, and with him the young Shulammite maiden. Wie der Parallelbericht des Markus zeigt, sollten Jesu Jünger zu einer Familie von Glaubensbrüdern gehören. Why do experienced servants of God need encouragement? The parallel account of Mark shows that Jesus ' disciples would be part of a family of fellow believers. 5 - 7. What circumstances put the loyalty of the Israelites to the test? 5 - 7. Welche Einstellung braucht ihr, um erfolgreich zu sein? It takes courage and strong faith for them to open their heart to others once again. What attitude does it require of her to be successful? Liebevollerweise konzentriert er sich nicht auf geringfügige Verfehlungen. 5, 6. He does not lovingly focus on minor transgressions. Weil sie "die Übrigen für nichts hielten." After that war, the marriage of the Lamb can take place. Because they "did not consider the rest of them. " Ein Literat bemerkte einmal: "Es ist praktisch unmöglich, etwas von sich selbst zu geben, ohne viel mehr zurückzubekommen - vorausgesetzt, man gibt ohne Hintergedanken." Wise Counselors Who Help Us Endure One scholar noted: "It is impossible to give something to himself without a lot. " Vielleicht glauben wir, dass wir uns in dieser Hinsicht in der Gewalt haben; und wenn das so ist, können wir wirklich dankbar sein. Explain. Jesus taught his followers a fundamental principle that underlies our unity. We may believe that we have violence in this regard; and if so, we can be truly grateful. * Why did Jehovah not remove Paul's "thorn in the flesh "? * Sacharja hatte vorübergehend seine Sprachfähigkeit verloren, weil er die Ankündigung des Engels Jehovas angezweifelt hatte. They can draw close to Jehovah, and as a group, they have the wonderful prospect of surviving Armageddon. Zechariah had lived up to his language because he had questioned Jehovah's angelic judgments. Das wird nur durch Jehovas außergewöhnliche Güte möglich sein. Can't you just tell me about it? ' " Only Jehovah's extraordinary kindness can it be possible. Deshalb sind manche verwirrt und fallen leichtgläubig auf solche Lügen herein. (b) What is implied by the Scriptural question, "Where is Jehovah? " As a result, many believe in such lies and fall down to such lies. Christus gebraucht dazu unvollkommene Menschen in den örtlichen Versammlungen, besonders die Ältesten. " What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? " - MICAH 6: 8. Christ uses imperfect humans in the local congregations, especially the elders. Nur als Freunde Gottes werden wir unter der Königreichsherrschaft leben können. DECISIONS! Decisions! Only God's friends will we live under Kingdom rule. Warum brauchen erfahrene Brüder Ermunterung? Again, the sower may have little or no control over this, but he rejoices when he sees that Jehovah has made it grow. - Read Psalm 126: 5, 6. Why do experienced brothers need encouragement? Was stellte die Loyalität der Israeliten auf die Probe? This loving provision is based on the Scriptural principle that the surplus of some might offset the deficiency of others, in order that "there may be an equalizing. " What tested the loyalty of the Israelites? Sie benötigen daher Mut und einen starken Glauben, damit sie sich anderen gegenüber wieder öffnen. These questions will be considered in the next article. They need courage and strong faith to open their hearts to others. 5, 6. The Christian apostle Paul gave inspired direction to widows that if they chose to remarry, they should do so "only in the Lord. " 5, 6. Nach diesem Krieg kann die Hochzeit des Lammes stattfinden. 20, 21. (a) Why was Job able to maintain integrity? After that war, the marriage of the Lamb can take place. Weise Ratgeber, die uns helfen auszuharren Can you understand that sister's feelings? Discipline That Helps Us to Endurance Jesus nannte eine grundlegende Wahrheit, die maßgeblich zu unserer Einheit beiträgt. He stood firm against the world's contaminating influence. Jesus gave a fundamental truth that contributes to our unity. Warum hat Jehova den "Dorn im Fleisch" des Paulus nicht beseitigt? Look! Why did Jehovah not remove "the thorn in the flesh " of Paul? Jeder Einzelne kann Jehova näherkommen, und als "große Volksmenge" haben sie die wunderbare Aussicht, Harmagedon zu überleben. How did Jesus train proclaimers of the good news? Each individual can draw close to Jehovah and have the wonderful prospect of surviving Armageddon. Können Sie es mir nicht einfach erzählen? " 2: 2, 3.) Can you simply tell me? " (b) Was hat es mit der biblischen Frage "Wo ist Jehova?" auf sich? The only way we could become distanced from Jehovah is if we chose to follow a wrong path. (b) What does the Bible say about Jehovah? " Was fordert Jehova von dir zurück, als Recht zu üben und Güte zu lieben und bescheiden zu wandeln mit deinem Gott? ." Jesus ' love for his heavenly Father and for his disciples left no room for selfishness. " What does Jehovah require of you to exercise justice and to love kindness and be modest in walking with your God? " ENTSCHEIDUNGEN treffen gehört zu unserem Alltag wie Essen und Schlafen und Atmen. [ Footnotes] IT IS one of our everyday lives like food and sleep. Aber er freut sich, wenn er sieht: Jehova hat es wachsen lassen. (Lies Psalm 126: 5, 6.) " Later I talk about the challenges of raising a child in today's society. " But he rejoices when he sees that Jehovah has made it grow. - Read Psalm 73: 5, 6. So vorzugehen stützt sich auf den biblischen Grundsatz, dass durch den Überfluss einiger der Mangel anderer ausgeglichen werden soll. (Lies 2. If we truly know Jehovah and understand what his name stands for, we will trust in him as surely as did Joshua and Caleb. - John 17: 3. In this way the Scriptural principle is based on a balanced view of the number of others. - Read 2 Corinthians 13: 13. Darum geht es im Anschlussartikel. The grave, where sin and imperfection naturally take us. These questions will be considered in the next article. Der Apostel Paulus gab Witwen die inspirierte Anweisung, "nur im Herrn" wieder zu heiraten. Let them go down into Sheol alive; for during their alien residence bad things have been within them. " The apostle Paul directed widows to marry "only in the Lord. " 20, 21. (a) Warum gelang es Hiob, Jehova vollständig ergeben zu bleiben? We wrote to world headquarters, asking to be sent to serve where the need was greater. 20, 21. (a) Why did Job maintain integrity? Kannst du diese Gefühle nachvollziehen? Although difficult circumstances affect more people than ever before, distressing problems are not new to mankind. Can you understand those feelings? Er widerstand unerschütterlich dem schädlichen Einfluss der Welt. When people sense our genuine empathy, they are more likely to respond to our message. He steadfastly opposed the hurtful influence of the world. Siehe! The apostle Paul showed why the resurrection is central to our faith: "If, indeed, there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised up. " Look! Wie schulte Jesus Verkündiger der guten Botschaft? Megiddo How did Jesus train publishers to preach the good news? 2: 2, 3.) The early Christians honored Jehovah, so he, in turn, blessed their efforts in the preaching work. 2: 2, 3. Vielleicht kommt nicht immer sofort etwas zurück, doch mit der Zeit werden die eigenen Anstrengungen nicht ohne Wirkung bleiben. A prominent Israelite woman in Shunem showed Elisha exceptional hospitality. It may not immediately come back immediately, but the time will not remain without success. Wir werden uns nur dann von Jehova entfernen, wenn wir uns für einen schlechten Weg entscheiden. Who wants you to feel the same weighty condemnation that looms over him? Only by choosing to make a bad decision will we be removed from Jehovah. Jesu Liebe zu seinem himmlischen Vater und zu seinen Jüngern ließ keine Selbstsucht zu. What is the most important vow that a Christian can make, and what does it entail? Jesus ' love for his heavenly Father and for his disciples was not selfish. [ Fußnoten] (b) Although we do not know when the great tribulation will begin, what can we be sure of? [ Footnotes] " Später gehe ich auf die Schwierigkeiten ein, die sich in der heutigen Gesellschaft bei der Kindererziehung ergeben. " SEVEN of Jesus ' disciples had just spent the entire night fishing in the Sea of Galilee but had not caught anything. " Later I go to the challenges that confronts children in today's society. " Wenn wir Jehova wirklich kennen und wissen, wofür sein Name steht, vertrauen wir genauso wie Josua und Kaleb auf ihn. Thus, to be viewed by God as righteous, we give cheerfully and graciously, especially in field service when offering spiritual help to our neighbors. If we truly know Jehovah and know his name, we have confidence like Joshua and Caleb. Es ist das Grab, in das uns Sünde und Unvollkommenheit naturgemäß hineinbringen. In fact, a considerable number of judicial actions and disfellowshippings that take place each year are the result of sexual misconduct. It is the tomb that has brought us into sin and imperfection. Lass sie lebendig in den Scheol hinabfahren; denn während ihrer Fremdlingschaft sind schlechte Dinge in ihrem Innern gewesen ." A great help is to take control of our use of time and resources, turning away from selfish pursuits. Let them go into Sheol; because while they have become bad things in their inward parts. " Doch es sollte lange dauern, bis er in Erfüllung ging. Wir wollten in eine Gegend ziehen, wo größerer Bedarf bestand. In what way did Jesus come forth from God's "woman "? But long before he went to an area where the need was greater, we would want to move to an area where the need was greater. Wenn andere spüren, dass wir wirklich mitfühlend sind, reagieren sie wahrscheinlich positiver auf die Botschaft. See The Watchtower, October 15, 2013, pp. When others sense that we are genuinely compassionate, they likely respond favorably to the message we preach. Angenommen, Christus wäre nicht auferweckt worden. More important, this man understood what God required of him, and he wanted to respond unreservedly. What if Christ had not been resurrected? Megiddo Examine the Scriptural evidence identifying those who make up "this generation " mentioned by Jesus. Megiddo Ja, die ersten Christen ehrten Jehova, und er wiederum segnete sie beim Predigen. A harvest cannot wait; it must be brought in before the season is over. - Matt. 9: 37. Yes, the early Christians honored Jehovah, and he blessed them in the preaching work. Eine bekannte Israelitin aus Sunem erwies Elisa außergewöhnliche Gastfreundschaft. In the meantime, we reside in spiritual security. - Isaiah 65: 13, 14. Elisha's hospitality showed outstanding hospitality to an Israelite who showed outstanding hospitality. Wer möchte, dass wir das Gefühl haben, ebenso verurteilt zu sein wie er?. (b) What will be discussed in the next article? Who wants us to feel that we are condemned as he does? Was ist das wichtigste Versprechen, das ein Christ ablegen kann, und was ist damit verbunden? How clearly Jesus exposed them for what they were! What is the most important promise that a Christian can make, and what does this involve? (b) Was ist sicher, obwohl wir nicht wissen, wann die große Drangsal ausbricht? Do not let fatigue cause you to miss out on eternal blessings. (b) Although we do not know when the great tribulation will occur, what can we be sure? SIEBEN Jünger Jesu hatten die ganze Nacht auf dem Galiläischen Meer gefischt, aber nichts gefangen. " Jehovah God said: " It is not good for the man to continue to be alone. Jesus ' disciples had spent all night on the Sea of Galilee, but none were trapped. Damit wir also vor Gott als gerecht dastehen können, geben wir gern und großzügig, vor allem wenn wir im Predigtdienst unseren Mitmenschen helfen, Jehova kennenzulernen. In imitation of Jesus Christ, the elders refrain from making arbitrary rules or insisting on their personal viewpoints. Therefore, having a righteous standing with God brings us pleasure and generous, especially when we help others in our ministry to come to know Jehovah. Jedes Jahr sind eine beträchtliche Zahl von Rechtsfällen und Gemeinschaftsentzügen auf sexuelles Fehlverhalten zurückzuführen. Preaching also strengthens our conviction that God's spirit is with us. Each year, a number of legal cases of justice and association have resulted in sexual immorality each year. Eine Schwester schreibt: "Ich bin zwar in der Wahrheit groß geworden, aber ich hatte eine ganz andere Vorstellung von Jehova als die meisten. 55: 7. (a) What does David's example teach us about the best way to deal with a guilty conscience? " Although I had become great in the truth, " says one sister, "I had a very different idea of Jehovah than most. Inwiefern entstammte Jesus der "Frau" Gottes? We pray that if any are opposing God out of ignorance, as Saul of Tarsus was, Jehovah will graciously open their eyes to the truth. How did Jesus release the "woman " from God's" woman "? Siehe den Wachtturm vom 15. 9: 5, 6. What will we now examine, and why? See The Watchtower, May 15, 2004, pages 30 - 31. Noch wichtiger war, dass er verstand, was Gott von ihm erwartete, und es ohne Wenn und Aber tun wollte. This is a poetic description of how Job was formed in his mother's womb. More important, he understood what God required of him and wanted to do without doing it. Um wen handelt es sich bei der "Generation," die Jesus erwähnte? Lassen wir die biblischen Beweise sprechen. " I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive. " - DEUTERONOMY 30: 19. Who are the "generation " that Jesus mentioned? Eine Ernte kann nun einmal nicht warten; sie muss eingebracht werden, bevor die Saison vorüber ist. In each city, some people became believers, but others turned out to be hostile opposers. A harvest cannot yet wait; it must be great before the end comes. Bis dahin befinden wir uns in unserem sinnbildlichen Wohngebiet in Sicherheit. (b) What other examples will we consider? Meanwhile, we are living in our figurative place. (b) Worauf geht der nächste Artikel ein? Why do we not need to know everything about God in order to have faith in him? (b) What will we consider in the next article? Wie Jesus sie doch bloßstellte! I want to tell everyone about this book and to give a copy to all my loved ones. " How Jesus appreciates them! Das ist ein Thema, über das jeder unbedingt Bescheid wissen muss. (For fully formatted text, see publication) This is a subject that needs to be understood about everyone. Lassen wir uns auf keinen Fall all das Gute entgehen, was uns Jehova für die Ewigkeit versprochen hat, nur weil wir entmutigt sind. In the case of many, despair is thus replaced by joy, and undue anxiety by confidence in our heavenly Father. By all means, then, let us not escape the blessings that Jehovah has promised to us for eternity. " Jehova Gott sprach...: " Es ist für den Menschen nicht gut, dass er weiterhin allein sei. Immediately, Judas appeared in the garden with his coconspirators, "and going straight up to Jesus he said: " Good day, Rabbi! ' " Jehovah God said: " It is not good for the man to continue to be alone. In Fragen der Kleidung und des sonstigen Äußeren, der Entspannung und der Freizeitgestaltung versuchen Älteste das Herz mit biblischen Grundsätzen anzusprechen, wie sie zum Beispiel in Micha 6: 8, in 1. Yes, dreadful things are happening every day. When asked about dress and grooming, recreation, recreation, recreation, and entertainment, elders try to reach hearts with Bible principles, such as Micah 6: 8, 9. Das Predigen stärkt auch unsere Überzeugung, dass Gott uns seinen Geist gibt. Why can we be certain that by keeping in expectation, we will not come to disappointment? The preaching work also strengthens our conviction that God gives us his spirit. (a) Was sollten wir, wenn uns das Gewissen schlägt, am besten tun, wie Davids Beispiel zeigt? Holy spirit did not produce in him the ability to prophesy or to perform miracles as it had in Moses, but it did enable Joshua to lead Israel in the military campaign that brought about the conquest of Canaan. (a) What should we do if we want to train our conscience, as shown by David's example? Wir beten darum, dass Jehova Personen, die sich ihm aus Unwissenheit widersetzen wie Saulus von Tarsus, gütigerweise die Augen für die Wahrheit öffnen möge. Maintaining Dignity in Dress and Grooming We pray that Jehovah will open the eyes of those who oppose him out of ignorance like Saul of Tarsus. Was werden wir betrachten, und warum? How should those with an unbelieving mate view their situation? What will we consider, and why? Diese Worte beschreiben poetisch, wie Hiob im Mutterleib gebildet wurde. As a perfect man, Jesus kept his integrity to the death and thus proved that Satan's accusations were lies. These words describe how Job was made in the womb. " Ich [habe] dir Leben und Tod vorgelegt..., den Segen und den Fluch; und du sollst das Leben wählen, damit du am Leben bleibst ." When ordered to stop preaching the first time, the two apostles answered: "Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves. " I have put life and death before you,... the blessing and the curse; and you must choose life, that you may keep alive. " In jeder Stadt wurden einige Menschen gläubig, andere erwiesen sich dagegen als feindselige Gegner. For example, the Egyptians worshipped the sun - god Ra, the sky - goddess Nut, the earth - god Geb, the Nile - god Hapi, and numerous sacred animals. In each city, some people became believers, whereas others proved to be hostile. (b) Worum geht es nun? June 29, 2009 - July 5, 2009 (b) What will we consider? Warum brauchen wir nicht alles über Gott zu wissen, um an ihn glauben zu können? As you consider his counsel on these important matters, try to see your situation - single or married - as a way to serve Jehovah more fully. Why do we not need to know everything about God in order to believe him? Ich möchte jedem von diesem Buch erzählen und allen meinen Angehörigen und Freunden ein Exemplar zukommen lassen. " 18, 19. (a) How can you keep your focus on spiritual goals? I want to tell each of them about this book, and all my family and friends have a copy of it. " (Genaue Textanordnung in der gedruckten Ausgabe) If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Oft tritt dann Freude an die Stelle von Verzweiflung und Vertrauen in unseren himmlischen Vater an die Stelle unangebrachter Sorgen. To make the birthright transaction legal, Jacob insisted: "Swear to me first of all! " Often, you will find joy in despair and trust in your heavenly Father. Genau in dem Moment tauchte Judas samt seinen Mitverschwörern im Garten auf, und "geradewegs auf Jesus zugehend, sagte er: " Guten Tag, Rabbi! " For example, if you were baptized as a preteen, you likely will face new feelings and pressures as you enter and pass through adolescence. That is precisely what Judas and his manner of speaking in the garden, saying to Jesus: "It is good for us to start, good day! " Jeden Tag geschieht Schreckliches. 10: 37. 17: 34 - 37 - Who are "the eagles, " and what is" the body " where they gather together? Each day, it will happen every day. Warum werden wir nicht enttäuscht, wenn wir weiter beharrlich warten? Sometimes what complicates our lives is, not the pursuit of more things, but what we do with the things we already have. Why will we not be disappointed if we keep on waiting for it? Er war ein Mann "voll des Geistes der Weisheit." Der heilige Geist befähigte ihn zwar nicht dazu, auf die gleiche Weise wie Moses zu prophezeien oder Wunder zu wirken. It was said of the burnt offering and of the grain offering that they were "a restful odor to Jehovah. " Although holy spirit was "full of wisdom, " the holy spirit did not empower him to prophesy in the same way as Moses did or perform miracles. Bei Kleidung und Aufmachung auf Würde achten Bad judgment can leave deep emotional scars and create problems that may affect the rest of his life. - Eccl. When appropriate, dress and grooming ought to be respected Wie sollte man eingestellt sein, wenn der Partner Jehova nicht dient? What parallels can be drawn between worship in ancient Israel and that found in Christendom? What should be our attitude toward those who do not serve Jehovah? Als vollkommener Mensch blieb er Jehova bis in den Tod absolut treu und strafte damit Satans Behauptungen Lügen. A loss of privileges, for example, can help a person realize how important it is for him to focus more on personal Bible study, meditation, and prayer. As a perfect man, he remained loyal to Jehovah until death and lyingly accused of Satan's lies. Als den beiden Aposteln beim ersten Mal befohlen worden war, nicht mehr zu predigen, hatten sie geantwortet: "Ob es in den Augen Gottes gerecht ist, eher auf euch zu hören als auf Gott, urteilt selbst. In other words, we must have our priorities straight. When the first two apostles were ordered to stop preaching, they said: "Although it is righteous in the eyes of God rather than paying attention to you, they were more than to God. Die Ägypter zum Beispiel beteten den Sonnengott Ra, die Himmelsgöttin Nut, den Erdgott Geb, den Nilgott Hapi und eine Vielzahl heiliger Tiere an. A TRIP through a dangerous region would be safer if an experienced guide led the way. The Egyptians, for example, prayed to the Pharaoh's princes, the earth's creation, the god of the Nile, and a highly powerful animal. Schau dir doch bitte seinen Rat zu diesem wichtigen Thema etwas genauer an und überleg dabei, wie du deine Situation - ob als Lediger oder Verheirateter - nutzen kannst, dich noch besser im Dienst für Jehova einzusetzen. How deeply are we affected by such biased views? Consider his counsel to consider how you can use your situation - whether single or married or married - to expand your ministry. 18, 19. (a) Wie könnt ihr geistige Ziele fest vor Augen haben? At times, elders spend sleepless nights in prayerful concern for God's flock or in giving spiritual support to fellow believers. 18, 19. (a) What can you do to set spiritual goals? Wenn möglich, haltet, soweit es von euch abhängt, mit allen Menschen Frieden. Explain how Jesus showed insight when dealing with others. If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. Jakob wollte nun die Übertragung des Erstgeburtsrechts rechtsgültig machen und drängte: "Schwör es mir zuerst!" © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania On the other hand, Jacob asked the brother to make sure that he had his right hand and urged him: "Do it first come to me! " Vielleicht warst du bei deiner Taufe noch ein Kind. Aber als Teenager musst du wahrscheinlich mit neuen Gefühlen und Problemen zurechtkommen. 8, 9. (a) What challenges may refugees face in a new land? Perhaps you were still a child at your baptism, but as a teenager, you may have to deal with new feelings and problems. 17: 34 - 37 - Wer sind "die Adler" und was ist "der Leib," bei dem sich die Adler versammeln? Meditate on how Jehovah has worked out his will in the past and how he will do so in the future. 17: 34 - 37 - Who are "the rod, " and what is" the body " together with the top? Manchmal erschwert uns nicht das Streben nach mehr Dingen das Leben, sondern das, was wir mit den Dingen, die wir bereits haben, anfangen. " I set out to read the entire Bible. At times, the pursuit of things makes us difficult, not the pursuit of life, but the things we have already started. Auch die Brandopfer und Getreideopfer waren, wie es hieß, "von beruhigendem Wohlgeruch für Jehova." What can we learn from modern - day examples of those who have maintained joy in their marriage? The burnt offerings and grain were also "an sweet - smelling thing to Jehovah. " Eine Fehlentscheidung kann tiefe psychische Wunden hinterlassen, die ihm das ganze Leben zu schaffen machen. For example, he forbids sexual immorality, idolatry, stealing, and drunkenness. When making a decision, deep emotional emotional wounds can cause him to enjoy life. Welche Parallelen lassen sich zwischen der Religionsausübung im alten Israel und der in der Christenheit ziehen? Let us also support those taking the lead and live our lives in harmony with the message we bear. What similarities are there between worship in ancient Israel and Christendom? Sie kann verdeutlichen, wie wichtig es ist, mehr zu studieren, nachzudenken und zu beten. * Set a goal of giving at least one comment at each meeting. It can impress on us how important it is to study, meditate, and pray. Das heißt, man muss sich darüber im Klaren sein, wo gerade die Prioritäten liegen. We must "seek righteousness " by living a morally clean life. This means that we understand the priorities we set before us. EINE Wanderung durch ein gefährliches Gelände ist sicherer, wenn man einen erfahrenen Führer an seiner Seite hat. 11: 20 - 22. Giving to our brothers in need is one way to show our love and hospitality (See paragraph 12) A dangerous territory is more confident if you learn a leader on his side. Wie sehr lassen wir uns von solchen voreingenommenen Ansichten beeinflussen? SONGS: 62, 65 How should we be affected by such negative thinking? Manchmal verbringen Älteste schlaflose Nächte, in denen sie Jehova im Gebet anrufen, weil sie sich Gedanken um die Herde machen oder Glaubensbrüdern geistig beistehen möchten. 17, 18. At times, elders spend sleep in prayer to Jehovah because they seek to help the flock or spiritually. Wofür hat Jesus sein gutes Urteilsvermögen genutzt? * In the years since that book was first published, the light has been getting brighter on a number of topics, and some of the expressions used in that songbook have become outdated. How did Jesus use discernment? © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. * If he says that he does not want a certain babysitter to come back, ask why. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 8, 9. (a) Vor welchen Problemen stehen Flüchtlinge vielleicht in einem neuen Land? 4: 7, 8. Following Paul's example will help us to run the race for eternal life successfully. 8, 9. (a) What challenges may refugees face in a new country? Lass deine Gedanken darum kreisen, wie Jehova in der Vergangenheit seinen Willen durchgesetzt hat und das auch in Zukunft tun wird. Many of Jehovah's people have found creative ways to make time for daily Bible reading, whether at the start of their day or at the end or somewhere in between. Reflect on how Jehovah has accomplished his will in the past and will continue to do the future. " Ich entschloss mich, die Bibel durchzulesen. Make a practice of giving your spouse sincere commendation. " I decided to read the Bible. Was können wir von Personen lernen, denen es gelingt, selbst heutzutage eine glückliche Ehe zu führen? Not all perform powerful works, do they? " What can we learn from those who succeed in successful marriage today? Zum Beispiel verbietet er sexuelle Unmoral, Götzendienst, Diebstahl und Trunkenheit. Because you really love God, you will obey Jehovah's "perfect law, " which covers everything he requires of you. - Ps. 19: 7 - 11. For example, he forbids sexual immorality, idolatry, drunkenness, and drunkenness. Unterstützen wir die Brüder, die führend vorangehen, und leben wir nach der Botschaft, die wir predigen. In what ways can the experience of Lot be of comfort to us? If we help the brothers taking the lead, we are living in harmony with the message we preach. Sich fest vornehmen, bei jeder Zusammenkunft mindestens einen Kommentar zu geben. Not everything the Bible Students did during the period between 1914 and 1919 was in harmony with Scriptural principles. Be determined to give at least one comment at every meeting. Wir sollten " Gerechtigkeit suchen ', indem wir ein moralisch einwandfreies Leben führen. Anthony: May I show you some Bible verses that highlight the importance of exercising faith in Jesus? We should "seek righteousness, " by living morally clean lives. Unsere Brüder in Not zu unterstützen ist eine Möglichkeit, Liebe zu zeigen (Siehe Absatz 12) • How can an unruly tongue damage a marriage? The way we support our brothers in need is an opportunity to show love for them (See paragraph 12) LIEDER: 62, 65 What questions will we address? SONGS TO BE USED: 62, 65 17, 18. Granted, not all complaints are displeasing to God. 17, 18. * Seit Erscheinen dieses Buches haben wir in manchen Punkten ein klareres Verständnis bekommen, und einige Ausdrücke von damals sind inzwischen veraltet. 13, 14. (a) Why are we not surprised when we encounter opposition? * Since this book has been considered in some aspects of our understanding, and some of the terms are now worse. Sagt es zum Beispiel, ein bestimmter Babysitter solle nicht wiederkommen, könnte man nach dem Grund fragen. He never abandons his faithful worshippers. For example, if a certain runner did not come back, you could ask for the reason. Wenn wir uns am Beispiel des Paulus orientieren, können wir den Wettlauf um das ewige Leben erfolgreich fortsetzen. These thoughts go through the mind of an elder who has just officiated at the couple's wedding. By following Paul's example, we can continue to run the race for everlasting life. Viele waren erfinderisch, um für das tägliche Bibellesen Zeit zu schaffen, sei es zu Beginn oder am Ende eines Tages oder auch zwischendurch. ON THE day of Pentecost 33 C.E., Jehovah recognized a group of Christ's disciples as a new nation, "the Israel of God. " Many found it difficult to spend daily Bible reading, whether at the start of the day or at the end of the day or between a day or another. Warum es sich also nicht zur Gewohnheit machen, seinen Ehepartner aufrichtig zu loben?. In fact, discipline is closely linked with the next aspect of love mentioned by Paul. So why should we not commend our mate sincerely? Es vollbringen doch nicht alle Machttaten? ." Are we setting a good example by centering our lives and our decisions on true worship? ' Do not all the works of creation accomplish it? " Ja, wer Jehova wirklich liebt, richtet sich nach seinem "vollkommenen Gesetz," das alles umfasst, was Gott von uns erwartet. Let us take Paul's words to heart and carry on prayer, for this will help us to resist Satan and his demons. Yes, those who truly love Jehovah pursue his "perfect law, " which includes all that God requires of us. Wieso kann uns das trösten, was Lot erlebte? Forever grateful to Jehovah for his protection, individually and collectively, they will echo words of long ago: "Let me sing to Jehovah, for he has become highly exalted.... What comfort can we draw from the experience of Lot? Nicht alles, was die Bibelforscher zwischen 1914 und 1919 taten, entsprach biblischen Grundsätzen. What sort of effort is needed? Not all that the Bible Students were doing between 1914 and 1919 were in harmony with Bible principles. Anton T.: Vielleicht können wir uns zusammen einige Bibeltexte ansehen, die zeigen, wie wichtig es ist, Glauben an Jesus auszuüben. At age 79, Brother Macmillan wrote: "From my first glimpse of the promises held out to sick and dying mankind my hope in what that message of the Bible has revealed has not faded. Anthony: Perhaps we can discuss some scriptures that show the importance of exercising faith in Jesus. Fragen von Lesern Reviewing remarkable events from the modern - day history of Jehovah's organization can impress upon us that no person or thing can eradicate Jehovah's people from the face of the earth. - Isaiah 54: 17; Jeremiah 1: 19. Questions From Readers • Wieso kann eine widerspenstige Zunge einer Ehe schaden? How could strife creep in today? • How can an unruly tongue harm a marriage? Worum geht es im Folgenden? Why should we try to look for the good in others? What questions will we now consider? Natürlich missfällt es Gott nicht in jedem Fall, wenn sich jemand beklagt. A century later, The Watchtower identified the antitypical city of refuge as "God's provision for protecting us from death for violating his commandment about the sanctity of blood. " Of course, it does not please God in any case if someone offends us. 13, 14. (a) Warum sind wir nicht überrascht, wenn wir auf Gegnerschaft stoßen? Astrological calculations today are made according to the ancient belief that the planets revolve around the earth. 13, 14. (a) Why are we not surprised when we meet opposition? Er lässt seine treuen Diener nie im Stich. His example is practical, beneficial, and even lifesaving. He never forsakes his faithful servants. Das geht dem Ältesten, der gerade ihre Hochzeitsansprache gehalten hat, durch den Sinn. Because of "sin's law that is in [our] members, " we are inclined to misuse our tongue and other parts of the body. This is evident from the elders who gave their wedding talk to their wedding talk. AM Pfingsttag des Jahres 33 u. Z. anerkannte Jehova eine Gruppe von Jüngern Christi als eine neue Nation, als das "Israel Gottes." She recognized that it was foolish to break Jehovah's laws and that she should have treated them with the greatest respect. ON Pentecost 33 C.E., Jehovah acknowledged a group of disciples of Christ as a new nation, "the Israel of God. " Hiermit ist der nächste Aspekt der Liebe verknüpft, den Paulus erwähnte. How do God's works compare with those of men who are idolized by the world? Here is the next aspect of love mentioned by Paul. Dreht sich unser Leben um die Anbetung Jehovas und geben wir so ein gutes Beispiel? " When Jehovah provides direction by means of his Word, his spirit, and his earthly organization, let us listen carefully. Is our life a fine example for us to follow Jehovah's worship? ' Beherzigen wir die Worte des Paulus und beten wir weiterhin, denn dadurch können wir Satan und seinen Dämonen besser widerstehen. What blessed prospect does baptism offer? By turning to Paul's words and praying continually, we can resist Satan and his demons. Ewig dankbar für den Schutz, den Jehova ihnen als Einzelnen und als Gruppe gewährt hat, werden sie die Worte aus alter Zeit aufgreifen: "Singen will ich Jehova, denn er hat sich hoch erhaben gezeigt.... " A waiting attitude " should be manifest in what ways? How grateful we are for the protection Jehovah has given them as individuals and as a group, they will be able to apply the words of ancient times: "Let me sing to Jehovah, because he has elevated himself.... Welche Aufgabe kommt uns dabei zu? Even so, as true worshippers, we can rightly address Jehovah as "our Father. " What responsibility do we have? Bruder Macmillan schrieb im Alter von 79 Jahren: "Seit meiner ersten flüchtigen Berührung mit der Verheißung, die der kranken, sterblichen Menschheit gegeben wurde, ist meine Hoffnung, die ich auf die Botschaft der Bibel setze, nicht schwächer geworden. Under Caesar Augustus, more than one registration took place - the first in 2 B.C.E. in fulfillment of Daniel 11: 20 and the second in 6 or 7 C.E. A brother in 79 years of age wrote: "My first contact with the promise given to mortal man who has been given me the hope of living forever, my hope to gain the Bible's message. Ein Blick auf bemerkenswerte Ereignisse in der neuzeitlichen Geschichte der Organisation Jehovas kann uns in der Gewissheit bestärken, dass nichts und niemand das Volk Jehovas von der Erdoberfläche ausrotten kann. How did Zacchaeus show his determination to gain God's Kingdom? Reflecting on remarkable events in the modern history of Jehovah's organization can strengthen us to assure us that nothing and no people of Jehovah's people are able to wipe out the surface of the earth. Wodurch könnte heute Streitsucht entstehen? Let us act in harmony with Paul's counsel and never stoop to the level of wicked ones. What could lead to contentiousness today? Warum sollten wir auf das Gute in anderen achten? Jehovah will soon ring down the curtain on Satan and his supporters. Why should we look for the good in others? 100 Jahre später wurde im Wachtturm gesagt, dass die neuzeitliche Zufluchtsstadt Gottes Regelung ist, "durch die er uns davor bewahrt, wegen der Verletzung seines Gebotes hinsichtlich der Heiligkeit des Blutes den Tod zu erleiden." What can a parent do to heal the breach? Over 100 years later, The Watchtower explained that the modern - day arrangement of refuge is "by means of whom [God's] commandments prevent us from suffering because of the sanctity of blood. " Astrologische Berechnungen stützen sich auf den Glauben, die Planeten würden um die Erde kreisen Assyria has also long been a menace to Judah. Those hoping to live on earth are based on faith that the planet would sound upon the earth Sind wir so wachsam wie er, ist das nicht nur praktisch und hilfreich, sondern rettet auch Leben. Immediately after the rebellion of our first parents, Jehovah announced the good news that the serpent - actually, Satan the Devil - will be destroyed. If we are watchful as he is, that is not only helpful but also helpful. Wegen " des Gesetzes der Sünde, das in unseren Gliedern ist ', neigen wir dazu, die Zunge und andere Körperteile falsch zu gebrauchen. 16, 17. Because "the law of sin that is in our members " moves us to use our tongue and other parts of the body. Ihr ist schmerzlich bewusst geworden, wie leichtsinnig sie war, die Gesetze Jehovas zu ignorieren, und wie viel besser es für sie gewesen wäre, ihren Wert zu erkennen. Along with truth and righteousness, Jesus Christ will ride in the cause of humility at Armageddon. Their pain has come to realize how it was to ignore Jehovah's laws and how much better it would have been for them to discern their value. Humor kann unseren Worten zwar Würze verleihen. As a grown - up, Jesus always did the things pleasing to his heavenly Father. Granted, the words of a social network can add to our words. Was sind schon die Werke von Menschen, die von der Welt vergöttert werden, im Vergleich zu den Werken Gottes? Like Micah, we have to live among selfish people. What have the works of the world being practiced in comparison with God's works? Hören wir gut zu, wenn uns Jehova durch sein Wort, seinen Geist und seine irdische Organisation anleitet. The Canaanites did not have the same high moral standards as Jehovah's worshippers. Listen carefully to Jehovah through his Word, his spirit, and his earthly organization. Welche schöne Aussicht eröffnet die Taufe? What will protect us from being deceived by the outward appearance of Satan's system? What wonderful prospect opens up to baptism? Woran sollte "eine wartende Haltung" zu erkennen sein? Galatians 6: 7 helps us to recognize what reason for suffering? How should we show "a waiting attitude "? Andererseits jedoch beten wir Jehova so an, wie er es möchte, und dürfen ihn deshalb mit "unser Vater" anreden. Does it not warm your heart to know that Kingdom proclaimers conducted more than six million Bible studies during the 2007 service year? On the other hand, we pray to Jehovah, asking him to address him as "our Father. " Das beweist, dass Jehova immer zu seinem Wort steht. At work? This proves that Jehovah always is always his Word. Die erste war 2 v. u. Z. - durch sie erfüllte sich Daniel 11: 20 - , und die zweite fand 6 oder 7 u. Z. statt. * The first was about 2473 B.C.E. - through Daniel 11: 20 - 20, and the second, or 637 B.C.E. Wie zeigte Zachäus, dass ihm das Königreich Gottes wichtig war? Read Isaiah 40: 31. How did the tax collector show him that God's Kingdom was important? Richten wir uns nach diesem Rat des Paulus und lassen wir uns nie auf das Niveau der Bösen herab! It would be inconsistent if our sense of justice and righteousness caused us to imagine that those same qualities could somehow be lacking in Jehovah. By heeding Paul's counsel, let us never look down on the standards of the wicked! Bald wird Jehova über Satan und dessen Unterstützern den Vorhang niedergehen lassen. What, then, is our motive for doing this work? Soon Jehovah will allow Satan and his supporters to go down the seat. Wie kann dieser Bruch heilen? They will still keep on thriving during gray - headedness. " - PSALM 92: 13, 14. What can help us to heal this fraction? Assyrien war auch für Juda schon lange eine Bedrohung. An 18 - year - old sister, baptized when she was 13, admits, "I know what I believe, but sometimes I have trouble putting my thoughts into words. " Assyria was also a threat to Judah for a long time. Gleich nach der Rebellion unserer Ureltern verkündete er die gute Nachricht: Die Schlange, also Satan, der Teufel, wird vernichtet werden. Besides working with the local congregation, we may have what other opportunities? Immediately after the rebellion of our first parents, he declared the good news - the serpent, Satan the Devil, will be destroyed. 16, 17. It may be wise, then, to start by showing genuine empathy. 16, 17. Außer für Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit kämpft Jesus Christus in Harmagedon auch für die Sache der Demut. You can actually go on learning about God forever because humans now know only "the fringes of his ways. " In addition to truth and righteousness, Jesus Christ is coming at Armageddon for the matter of humility. Als Jesus erwachsen war, verhielt er sich immer so, dass es seinem Vater im Himmel gefiel. Each of us can make a sincere self - analysis. As a grown adult, Jesus was always in a position to please his heavenly Father. Auch wir müssen heute unter selbstsüchtigen Menschen leben. [ Box on page 22] Today, we too need to live in selfish ways. Allerdings hatten die Kanaaniter nicht annähernd so hohe Moralvorstellungen wie die Diener Jehovas. HOW "THE PERFECT LAW " SETS US FREE However, the Canaanites did not have nearly overwhelming ideas, such as those of Jehovah's people. Was kann uns davor bewahren, von dem äußeren Anschein des Systems Satans irregeleitet zu werden? Similarly, when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah and got baptized, we did so because of our faith. What can help us not to be deceived by Satan's system? Welcher Grund für das Leid ist aus Galater 6: 7 zu erkennen? There were morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. What reason for suffering is seen at Galatians 6: 7? Freuen wir uns nicht von Herzen über die mehr als sechs Millionen Bibelstudien, die die Königreichsverkündiger im Dienstjahr 2007 durchführten? Later, when she was praying at the tabernacle, High Priest Eli mistakenly accused her of being drunk. Do we not rejoice in the hearts of over six million Bible studies that the Kingdom - preaching work during the 2007 year 2007? Am Arbeitsplatz? Consider what one author wrote about his elderly mother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. at work? * Why are we able to endure trials? * Lies Jesaja 40: 31. 10: 1, 2. Read Isaiah 40: 31. Wäre es angesichts des Gerechtigkeitssinnes, den wir von Jehova erhalten haben, nicht unlogisch, anzunehmen, bei ihm selbst sei diese Eigenschaft weniger ausgeprägt? Because of cooperation between God - fearing mates, situations that cause friction are kept to a minimum or eliminated entirely. In view of justice that we have received from Jehovah, should we not assume that he is lesser than that quality? Was ist also unser Motiv, uns an diesem Werk freiwillig zu beteiligen? As the Greater Joshua, Jesus is now poised to bring that corrupt system to its end and lead his followers to the promised new world of righteousness. So, then, what is our motive for sharing in this work? Sie werden noch fortfahren zu gedeihen, während sie ergraut sind '. The faithful slave has exercised outstanding faith by zealously promoting and spreading the Kingdom good news. They will still keep on thriving during gray - headedness. " Eine 18 - jährige Schwester, die sich mit 13 taufen ließ, gibt zu: "Ich weiß, was ich glaube. Aber manchmal fällt es mir schwer, das auszudrücken. " We will focus primarily on five aspects: Jesus ' mildness and humility, his kindness, his obedience to God, his courage, and his unfailing love. A 18 - year - old sister who got baptized at 13: "I know what I believe, but sometimes I find it difficult to express it. " Welche Möglichkeiten könnten sich uns außerhalb der eigenen Versammlung bieten? We owe it to our holy God, to our spiritual brothers and sisters, as well as to the people in our territory to wear clothing that dignifies the message we bear and that brings glory to Jehovah. What are some ways in which we might offer ourselves outside of the congregation? Deshalb ist vor allem aufrichtiges Mitgefühl nötig. Only Jehovah's spirit could produce this modern - day miracle. " - Read 1 Peter 4: 1 - 4. Above all, genuine fellow feeling is needed. Tatsächlich können wir auf unbegrenzte Zeit Neues über Gott lernen, weil wir heute nur "die Säume seiner Wege" kennen. But how can prayer help you to avoid becoming overwhelmed by disquieting thoughts and anguish? - Ps. 94: 18, 19, ftn. Indeed, we can learn new things about God because we now know only "the fringes of his ways. " Hören wir doch einmal in uns hinein. • What are three things we learn from Jesus about receiving God's spirit? Listen carefully. [ Kasten auf Seite 22] Jesus was like that. [ Box on page 22] WIE MACHT UNS "DAS VOLLKOMMENE GESETZ" FREI? We read: "[Solomon's] wives gradually... inclined his heart to follow other gods. " HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Als Petrus aus dem Boot stieg, um auf dem Wasser zu gehen, tat er dies aus Glauben. Paul wrote that "love is... kind. " When Peter went out from the boat to walk on the water, he did so out of faith. Es gab ein Vormittags -, Nachmittags - und Abendprogramm. Abigail learns about her husband's harsh response and acts quickly and prudently to appease David by sending a generous consignment of provisions. There were a morning - in the morning morning and evening. Peninna, Hannas Rivalin, verspottete sie ständig, weil sie keine Kinder bekommen konnte. [ Box on page 22] Hannah, Hannah, grew up because she was unable to have children. Einmal war ihr ein kleines Missgeschick passiert und sie versuchte gerade, ihre Kleidung sauber zu machen, als es klingelte. That joyful event will be examined in the following article. On one occasion, she began to adjust her clothes to make her clean. Wieso können wir unter Belastungen ausharren? It starts with respect. How can we endure trials? 10: 1, 2. Paul wrote to Timothy: "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith. " - 1 Timothy 5: 8. 10: 1, 2. Wenn gottesfürchtige Eheleute zusammenarbeiten, können Situationen, die zu Spannungen führen, vermieden oder auf ein Mindestmaß beschränkt werden. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. When God - fearing marriage mates work together, they may be able to resolve situations that can lead to marital problems or to serious sin. Und wie Josua die Israeliten schließlich in das Land der Verheißung brachte, wird Jesus seine Nachfolger in die gerechte neue Welt bringen, die Jehova versprochen hat. " Keep your senses, be watchful, " wrote Peter. And just as Joshua brought the Promised Land into the Promised Land, Jesus will bring his followers into the righteous new world that Jehovah promised. Der treue Sklave hat außergewöhnlichen Glauben gezeigt und eifrig die Königreichsbotschaft gefördert und verbreitet. However, since "the world through its wisdom did not get to know God, " what he uses to save people appears foolish to the world. - John 17: 25. The faithful slave has shown outstanding faith and zealously promoted the Kingdom message and spread it. Dabei möchten wir uns vor allem auf fünf Aspekte konzentrieren: die Milde und Demut Jesu, seine Freundlichkeit, seinen Gehorsam, seinen Mut und seine nie versagende Liebe. (a) Where is God's place of dwelling? In this regard, we want to focus on five aspects - the mildness and humility of Jesus, his kindness, his obedience, his courage, and his love never fail. Wir schulden es unserem heiligen Gott, unseren Glaubensbrüdern und den Menschen in unserem Gebiet, uns so zu kleiden, dass es der Botschaft Würde verleiht und Jehova ehrt. Was God's confidence in Daniel misplaced? We owe our sacred God, fellow believers, and people in our territory to dress so that our dignity and honors Jehovah. Dieses moderne Wunder kann nur Jehovas Geist bewirken. " (Lies 1. Petrus 4: 1 - 4.) Admittedly, following this advice is not easy, but humility will help one put it into practice. In this modern miracle, Jehovah's spirit can produce only Jehovah's spirit. " - Read 1 Peter 4: 1 - 4. Wie verhindert das Gebet, dass uns beunruhigende und quälende Gedanken überwältigen?. We know that it is not always easy to stay faithful to Jehovah. How does prayer prevent us from weighing our disquieting thoughts and thoughts? • Was lernen wir von Jesus, wie wir uns für Gottes Geist öffnen können? Nenne drei Punkte. By Way of Review • What can we learn from Jesus about receiving God's spirit? Genau so verhielt sich Jesus. Jehovah helped me make the right decision and gave me the strength to carry it out. That is exactly what Jesus did. Es passierte genau das, wovor Jehova gewarnt hatte: Salomos Frauen "neigten allmählich sein Herz..., anderen Göttern zu folgen." They overstepped proper bounds and did not respect their fellow Christians ' responsibility to make their own decisions. It was exactly what Jehovah had warned Solomon's wives: "Let his heart begin to follow other gods. " Paulus schrieb: "Die Liebe ist... gütig." But what if genuine limitations prevent you from doing more in the ministry and this is a source of discouragement to you? Paul wrote: "Love is kind. " Als Abigail von dem groben Verhalten ihres Mannes erfährt, handelt sie schnell und besonnen. Sie lässt David eine großzügige Lebensmittellieferung zukommen. Damit möchte sie ihn besänftigen. We have many Bible - based publications to help us in our search. When Abigail learned from her husband's harsh conduct, she quickly deals quickly and easily with her senses, causing David to add food to her. [ Kasten auf Seite 22] How does timing in the biological realm show God's wisdom? [ Box on page 22] Darum geht es im nächsten Artikel. It is no less important to show kindness to fellow believers. This will be considered in the following article. Nun, es fängt damit an, dass man ihn achtet oder respektiert. " We take advantage of car rides. Well, starting the matter with respect or respect. Paulus schrieb an Timotheus: "Bestimmt hat jemand, der für die Seinigen und besonders für seine Hausgenossen nicht sorgt, den Glauben verleugnet und ist schlimmer als ein Ungläubiger." He said: "No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time... and in the coming system of things everlasting life. " Paul wrote to Timothy: "A man who does not provide for his household has disowned the faith and is worse than a unbelievers. " Unser gottesdienstliches Werk wird weltweit durch freiwillige Spenden finanziert (siehe dazu auch www.jw.org). IT MUST have been a remarkable thing to sit there on the Mount of Olives - overlooking the temple in Jerusalem - when Jesus uttered one of his most fascinating prophecies. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Er schrieb: "Bleibt besonnen, seid wachsam. 25 Let Nothing Deprive You of the Prize He wrote: "Keep your senses, be watchful. Da allerdings "die Welt durch ihre Weisheit Gott nicht kennengelernt hat," erscheint ihr die Art und Weise, wie Jehova Menschen rettet, als Torheit. In many lands it is common for friends and relatives to give a gift to those getting married. However, since "the world has not come to know its wisdom, " it seems that it is the way Jehovah viewed humans as foolishness. (a) Wo ist Gottes Wohnstätte? Like Aquila and Priscilla, some modern - day Christians build up congregations and help fellow worshipers in various ways, sometimes even risking their own lives to avoid exposing other servants of God to brutality or death at the hands of persecutors. (a) Where is God's dwelling place? Doch er blieb demütig und bescheiden. All love Jehovah deeply. Yet, he remained humble and modest. Zugegeben, es ist nicht leicht, diesen Rat anzunehmen, aber Demut hilft dabei, ihn umzusetzen. Evidently, Ruth and Boaz got up early so that no one would have a reason for starting groundless rumors. True, accepting this counsel is not easy, but humility helps us to apply it. Natürlich ist es nicht immer leicht, Jehova treu zu bleiben. It is the way we are designed to live, the way that yields the greatest joy. Of course, remaining faithful to Jehovah is not always easy. Zur Wiederholung 16: 9) Of course, we wish to imitate Jehovah. By Way of Review Mit der Hilfe Jehovas traf ich die richtige Entscheidung, und ich erhielt die Kraft, daran festzuhalten. When Abraham was getting old and had not yet had a son, he spoke with his God about the matter. With Jehovah's help, I made the right decision, and I received the strength to stick to it. Sie gingen zu weit und missachteten die Verantwortung ihrer Mitchristen, eigene Entscheidungen zu treffen. There are many reasons why Christians love their brothers. They went far and disregarded the responsibility of their fellow Christians to make their own decisions. Aber wie verhält es sich, wenn es wirklich nicht mehr so geht wie sonst und du deswegen entmutigt bist? Rather, contentment promotes a generous spirit. - 1 Tim. But what if we really feel discouraged and discouraged? Unsere vielen biblischen Veröffentlichungen sind uns dabei eine Hilfe. In answer he said, " I tell you the truth, I do not know you. ' " Our many Bible - based publications help us to do so. Wie zeigt sich Gottes Weisheit in den genauen Zeitabläufen bei Lebewesen? He says: "My appreciation for the Bible has grown immensely. How is God's wisdom evident in the exact time of living things? Güte gegenüber Mitgläubigen ist nicht weniger wichtig. In the case of weighty decisions, though, it is sometimes advisable to seek counsel from the elders or the advice of other experienced Christians. Kindness to fellow believers is not vital. " Wir unterhalten uns oft im Auto. Why does appreciation for God's undeserved kindness move us to avoid more than just serious sins? " We often talk with us in the car. Er sagte: "Niemand hat Haus oder Brüder oder Schwestern oder Mutter oder Vater oder Kinder oder Felder um meinetwillen und um der guten Botschaft willen verlassen, der nicht jetzt, in dieser Zeitperiode, hundertfach empfängt... und in dem kommenden System der Dinge ewiges Leben." That will help you to offer heartfelt counsel that is solidly based on the Bible. He said: "No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news, now in this period, and in the coming system of things. " ES MUSS außergewöhnlich gewesen sein: Petrus, Andreas, Jakobus und Johannes befanden sich mit Jesus auf dem Ölberg, den Tempel im Blick, als er eine seiner faszinierendsten Prophezeiungen äußerte. It's as if people forget about you if you're not on a social network! " IT WAS exceptionally outstanding. Peter, Andrew, James, James, and John were in line with Jesus on the Mount of Olives when he fulfilled his most outstanding prophecy. 25 Lass dir von nichts und niemand den Siegespreis nehmen 2, 3. 25 Do Not Let Nothing and Not deprive You of the prize Geschenke von Freunden und Verwandten an das Brautpaar sind in vielen Ländern üblich. Do you see in that account the Father's personality? Such gifts from friends and relatives are common in many lands. Wie Aquila und Priscilla bauen einige Christen heute Versammlungen auf und helfen Mitgläubigen auf verschiedene Weise; hin und wieder bringen sie sich sogar in Lebensgefahr, um zu verhindern, dass andere Diener Gottes von Verfolgern brutal misshandelt oder zu Tode gebracht werden. Consider, too, that God's dearly beloved Son - "the one he was especially fond of " - died an agonizing death. Like Aquila and Priscilla, some Christians today build up congregations and help fellow believers in various ways, even going to risk their lives to prevent others from being persecuted by God's servants or persecuted by persecutors. Alle lieben Jehova sehr. Like the Jewish remnant in 537 B.C.E., spiritual Israelites and their companions promote true worship All of us love Jehovah very much. Ruth und Boas standen offenbar einfach so früh auf, um keinen Anlass zu falschen Gerüchten zu geben. Does he know why it is so dangerous? Ruth and Boaz apparently apparently did not hold back from giving false accusations. Wir dienen ihm nicht aus Zwang oder nur, damit wir die große Drangsal überleben. Have you, like this sister, ever experienced the joy that comes from studying the Bible with someone? We do not serve him under compulsion or only to survive the great tribulation. Chr. 16: 9.) Wir wollen uns an Jehova natürlich gern ein Beispiel nehmen. In 740 B.C.E. - about 60 years after Amos recorded his prophecy - the kingdom of Israel fell to the conquering Assyrians. Scott: Of course, we want to imitate Jehovah. Als Abraham älter wurde und immer noch keinen Sohn hatte, sprach er mit Gott darüber. Using our tongue to direct attention to Scriptural information certainly is an act of loving - kindness. - Prov. 17: 17. As Abraham grew older and still had no son, he spoke about God. Christen lieben ihre Brüder aus vielen Gründen. Because God's Word is such a powerful tool and we have it at our disposal, we surely want to make the best use of it. Christians love their brothers for many reasons. Solche Gefühle könnten die brüderliche Liebe nämlich im Keim ersticken. Why can it be said that Enoch, Noah, and Abraham and Sarah lived as "strangers and temporary residents "? Such feelings could choke brotherly love. Er gab zur Antwort: " Ich sage euch die Wahrheit: Ich kenne euch nicht " ." If so, you will surely agree that now, of all times, there is a need for decisive action. He gave the answer: "I say to you the truth: " I do not know you. ' " Er berichtet: "Meine Liebe zur Bibel ist immens gewachsen. Our next article will consider how being yielding in a balanced way contributes to finding joy in marriage. He relates: "My love for the Bible has grown cold. Bei größeren Entscheidungen ist es manchmal gut, die Ältesten oder andere erfahrene Brüder hinzuzuziehen. Why? At times, it may be helpful to allow the elders or other experienced brothers to make greater decisions. Warum veranlasst uns Gottes unverdiente Güte dazu, nicht nur schwerwiegende Sünden zu meiden? With them out of the way, people who take delight in Jehovah's law will be greatly blessed. Why does God's undeserved kindness move us not only to avoid serious sin? Dann kann man auch anderen von Herzen zureden und ihnen biblisch gut fundierten Rat geben. His haughtiness knows no bounds. If we do so, we can draw encouragement from others and offer helpful counsel based on Bible - based counsel. Wenn du nicht in einem Online - Netzwerk bist, gerätst du voll in Vergessenheit. " Bread was a staple in the diet of many ancient peoples, including the Israelites. If you are not in a social network, you are fully forgotten. " 2, 3. * Those judged as goats "beat themselves in lamentation, " realizing that" everlasting cutting - off " awaits them. - Matt. 25: 31 - 33, 46. 2, 3. Erkennst du darin die Persönlichkeit des Vaters? 86: 11. 1, 2. (a) According to Psalm 86: 2, 11, what will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah in the face of tests or temptations? Do you see the personality of the Father? Doch auch Gottes Sohn, "den er... besonders lieb hatte," starb. Er erlitt einen qualvollen Tod. The inspired Bible writer James likewise acknowledged the Christian obligation to look after orphans, widows, and others in cases of tribulation or need. But God's Son also died "the one fond of [Jesus] was especially fond of death. " Wie der Überrest der Juden im Jahr 537 v. u. Z. fördern auch die geistigen Israeliten und ihre Gefährten die wahre Anbetung Jehovah has lovingly provided both laws and principles to help us fine - tune our conscience and view things the way he does. Like the remnant of the Jews in 537 B.C.E., spiritual Israelites and their companions promote true worship Weiß es, warum Pornografie gefährlich ist? But most of all, you are truly multiracial. " Do you know why pornography is dangerous? Hast auch du schon wie diese Schwester die Freude erlebt, mit jemandem die Bibel zu studieren? We will find more time for concentrated and prayerful meditation if we simplify our life as much as possible. Have you ever experienced the joy of studying the Bible with someone? Z., etwa 60 Jahre nachdem Amos seine Prophezeiung niedergeschrieben hatte, wurde das nördliche Königreich Israel von den Assyrern erobert. Adversaries, "the people of the land, " says Ezra 4: 4," were continually weakening the hands of the people of Judah and disheartening them from building. " Some 60 years after Amos wrote his prophecy, the kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians. Die Zunge zu gebrauchen, um auf biblische Aussagen hinzuweisen, zeugt bestimmt von liebender Güte. Wait With "Holy Acts of Conduct " Use the tongue to point Scriptural statements that show loving - kindness. Da Gott uns mit der Bibel so ein machtvolles Werkzeug an die Hand gegeben hat, möchten wir sie bestimmt bestmöglich nutzen. In one vision, Daniel saw Greece depicted as a leopard with four wings, indicating that this empire would conquer swiftly. Since God has provided us with a powerful tool, we surely want to use it effectively. Jahrhundert gedachten diese Kirchen bei ihrem Passah am 14. In his life story, Brother Diehl related: "In May 1949, I informed headquarters in Bern that I planned to marry. " In the first century, those churches were present at their Passover on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Wieso kann man Henoch, Noah, Abraham und Sara als "Fremde und zeitweilig Ansässige" bezeichnen? Elders can work with others in making sure that our dear older ones have good food and that their homes are maintained. Why can it be said that Enoch, Abraham, and Sarah as "the temporary residents "? Wenn ja, dann sind wir uns sicher einig, dass es jetzt höchste Zeit für entschiedenes Handeln ist. They also need to understand the adage, What happens online stays online. If so, we are certain that now is the highest time for action. Der nächste Artikel geht darauf ein, wie bedeutungsvoll es für eine glückliche Ehe ist, dass beide Partner im vernünftigen Rahmen nachgeben können. They greedily desired more. The next article will consider how a happy marriage is that both mates can be yielding in a reasonable way. Warum nicht? What is the meaning of life? Why? Dann werden Menschen, die Lust haben an Jehovas Gesetz, reich gesegnet. The good news is being preached in 37 foreign languages by over 24,000 publishers Then those who delight in Jehovah's law will enjoy rich blessings. Die ganze Fahrt über flehen sie zu Jehova um Hilfe. In what sense can a marriage succeed even if husband and wife are of different religions? All of them supplicate Jehovah for help. Sein Hochmut ist grenzenlos. How is wisdom "proved righteous by its works "? His haughtiness is without hypocrisy. Schon bei vielen Völkern in alter Zeit, die Israeliten nicht ausgenommen, war Brot ein Grundnahrungsmittel. While we continue to pray for God's Kingdom to come, we trust that God knows the best time to answer that prayer. Even during many ancient peoples, the Israelites were not included in bread. * Und die als Böcke eingestuften werden sich "wehklagend schlagen," weil sie wissen, dass ihnen die "ewige Abschneidung" bevorsteht. [ Picture on page 31] * And the goats will strike themselves "in grief, " knowing that" the everlasting cutting - off " awaits them. 1, 2. (a) Was hilft uns gemäß Psalm 86: 2, 11, Jehova in Prüfungen oder Versuchungen treu zu bleiben? 3: 39 - 42. 1, 2. (a) According to Psalm 86: 2, 11, what will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah in trials or temptations? Auch der Bibelschreiber Jakobus erinnerte, angetrieben vom heiligen Geist, an die Verpflichtung aller Christen, sich um Waisen, Witwen und überhaupt jeden zu kümmern, der schwere Zeiten durchmacht. However, God's covenant people in general show a lack of faith. The Bible writer James also reminded us that the obligation of holy spirit to care for widows and to care for any who are undergoing hardships. Aus Liebe hat uns Jehova Gesetze und Grundsätze gegeben, damit wir unser Gewissen justieren und die Dinge aus seinem Blickwinkel sehen können. How will sticking close to God's channel for dispensing spiritual food safeguard us? Love for Jehovah has given us laws and principles so that we can train our conscience and see matters from his perspective. Was aber am meisten auffällt: Sie sind wirklich ein buntes, multinationales Volk. " Thus, individuals can break free from alienation and become reconciled to God. Most people know that they truly are a child, a beloved people. " Mehr Zeit für konzentriertes Nachdenken unter Gebet finden wir, wenn wir unser Leben so weit wie möglich vereinfachen. Viewing this as an opportunity to win her over, the king showers her with more compliments. It is more important for us to consider prayerfully prayerfully if we simplify our life as far as possible. " Das Volk des Landes [schwächte] die Hände des Volkes von Juda ständig und schreckte sie vom Bauen ab ," lesen wir in Esra 4: 4. No. " The people of the land kept conquering the hands of the people of Judah and reject them from the building work, " says Ezra 4: 4. Warten mit "heiligen Handlungen des Wandels" You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. Wait With "holy acts of conduct " In der einen Vision sah Daniel einen Leoparden mit vier Flügeln. Das sollte anzeigen, mit welcher Schnelligkeit Griechenland die Welt erobern würde. They may ask you why you have chosen to follow this course and question you about what you believe. Daniel saw a vision with four wings, and this indicated that Greece would conquer the world. In seinem Lebensbericht war zu lesen: "Im Mai 1949 informierte ich das Büro der Gesellschaft in Bern, dass ich... heiraten wollte." In fact, persecution has often served to spread the good news to people who would not otherwise have heard the Kingdom message. In his life story, we read: "In May I recommend the office where I wanted to get married. " Älteste können zusammen mit anderen dafür sorgen, dass unsere lieben Betagten mit Essen versorgt sind und anfallende Arbeiten bei ihnen zu Hause erledigt werden. Events on the day of Pentecost in 33 C.E. proved that Jehovah had graciously accepted the value of Jesus ' perfect human sacrifice as an atonement, or a covering, for sin. Elders can work along with other older ones so that they can care for their elderly brothers and sisters who are caring for them. Auch die Tatsache, dass das Internet nichts vergisst, muss ihnen in den Kopf gehen. What are some ways that we can show our love for God? The fact that the Internet does not forget, in fact, should not forget them. Was war die Folge? Does God feel differently today? The result? Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? It is to be hoped that the parents will, in time, fulfill their God - given responsibility to care spiritually for their children. What is the purpose of life? Über 24 000 Verkündiger predigen die gute Botschaft in 37 Fremdsprachen How did Jesus experience the symbolic heel wound? Over 24 publishers preach the good news in 37 languages Was ist aber, wenn beide Ehepartner unterschiedliche Glaubensansichten vertreten? Without doubt, the theory of evolution and false doctrines have contributed to the misery that mankind has experienced during the last days. What, though, if both mates represent different beliefs? Was ist damit gemeint, dass sich die "Weisheit durch ihre Werke als gerecht" erweist? Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " What does it mean to show that "the wisdom by works of their works prove righteous "? Wir beten weiter darum, dass Gottes Königreich kommt, vertrauen aber gleichzeitig darauf, dass Gott den idealen Zeitpunkt dafür kennt, dieses Gebet zu erhören. That statement is a logical consequence of what he said earlier, namely: "Abhor what is wicked. " We continue to pray for God's Kingdom to come, but at the same time, we trust that God knows the best time to answer that prayer. [ Bild auf Seite 31] ARTICLE 4 [ Picture on page 31] 3: 39 - 42. They did not succumb to fear of what Satan the Devil could do, for they knew that Jehovah would never abandon those who proved loyal to Him. 3: 39 - 42. Doch im Allgemeinen zeigt sich, dass Gottes Bundesvolk ungläubig ist. But it is good for us to keep this in mind: No matter what someone believes about God or about evolution, some type of faith is involved. However, in general it is evident that God's covenant people are faithless. Wie kommt es uns zugute, uns eng an Gottes treuen und verständigen Sklaven zu halten? After saying that we should treat others as we want them to treat us, Jesus added: "This, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean. " How do we benefit from sticking closely to God's faithful and discreet slave? So kann sich für jeden, der möchte, die trennende Kluft schließen, und er kann mit Gott versöhnt werden. What will she do if she loses her job? Thus, anyone who tries to divide, and he can become reconciled to God. Daher denkt der König, er könne doch noch ihre Liebe gewinnen, und überschüttet sie mit weiteren Komplimenten. (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 8.) Therefore, the king thinks that he could win her love, and he pours it out with other praise. Nein. " Some think that I have wasted my talents, " she relates, "but they recognize that I am happy, and they admire the principles by which I live my life. No. Du hast ihn, seine Familie und seinen ganzen Besitz stets bewahrt. He also explained that this monumental task is to be carried out in spite of formidable obstacles and challenges, even persecution. You have kept him, his family, and all his possessions. Vielleicht wollen sie wissen, wie du dazu kommst, oder stellen dir kritische Fragen zu deinem Glauben. You can do so forever if you always accept Jehovah's discipline. - Psalm 100: 2. They may want you to know how you are doing or ask yourself questions about your faith. Tatsächlich hat Verfolgung oft dazu geführt, dass die gute Botschaft zu Menschen getragen wurde, die ansonsten wohl kaum davon gehört hätten. More than that, Abraham already had a powerful basis for his belief in the resurrection. In fact, persecution has often led to the spread of the good news to people who may not have heard it. Die Ereignisse zu Pfingsten 33 bewiesen: Jehova hatte den Wert des vollkommenen menschlichen Opfers wohlwollend angenommen. Sünden konnten jetzt gesühnt oder zugedeckt werden. Many of the treasures of Egypt that he gave up were soon plundered - by the Israelites themselves! The events at Pentecost 33 C.E. proved that Jehovah had accepted the value of the perfect human sacrifice. Wie können wir Jehovas Liebe erwidern? " The Son of God " gives both commendation and reproof to the Thyatira congregation. How can we respond to Jehovah's love? Empfindet er heute anders? 12, 13. (a) What effort is needed today in order to reach the heart of our diverse audience? Does he feel the same way today? Natürlich ist zu hoffen, dass die Eltern mit der Zeit ihrer von Gott übertragenen Verantwortung nachkommen, in geistiger Hinsicht für ihre Kinder zu sorgen. But how do we know that the work we do is in fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy? Of course, the parents with their God - given responsibility to provide materially for their children. Wie erlitt Jesus die sinnbildliche Fersenwunde? He patiently submitted to God's will, though this meant suffering agonizing pain. How did Jesus experience the symbolic serpent? Die Evolutionstheorie und die falschen Lehren über Gott haben das Leid der Menschen in unserer Zeit nur noch verstärkt. Satan thus claimed that selfishness motivated Job - and by inference all other servants of God. The theory of evolution and false teachings about God have increased mankind's suffering in modern times. Dein Wille geschehe wie im Himmel so auch auf der Erde ." But there are also practical benefits to " letting go ' of anger. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " Seine Worte sind eine logische Folge dessen, was er zuvor gesagt hatte, nämlich: "Verabscheut das Böse." Like humans, they are free moral agents, and for a long time, they all remained loyal to God. His words are one logical reason why he had earlier said: "Abhor what is bad. " SEITE 19 Look! ARTICLE 3 Sie gaben nicht der Furcht vor dem nach, was Satan, der Teufel, tun könnte, denn sie wussten, dass Jehova niemand verlässt, der ihm loyal ist. The powerful works that Jesus did on earth were foregleams of even grander blessings to come under his kingly rule. They did not give in to the fear that Satan the Devil could do, for they knew that Jehovah is no one who is loyal to him. Aber bedenke: Unabhängig davon, welche Vorstellung jemand in Bezug auf Gott oder die Evolution hat - es ist immer eine Art Glaube nötig. If we trust fully in Jehovah, he will always be there to support us. Still, if a person's view of God or evolution is always necessary, it is always necessary to believe that it is a kind of faith. Der Aussage, wir sollten andere so behandeln, wie wir von ihnen behandelt werden möchten, fügte Jesus die Worte hinzu: "In der Tat, das ist es, was das GESETZ und die PROPHETEN bedeuten." And pride of race could also have been a problem. Did the Jews have reason to be proud because they were descendants of Abraham? The statement that we should treat others as we want to be treated, Jesus added: "In fact, the things that are what the Law and the Prophets mean. " Wie soll es dann weitergehen? That can be like an anchor attached to a boat, not allowing the boat to move forward. What, then, must we do? (Lies 2. Thessalonicher 2: 3, 8.) Christian elders are a provision from Jehovah, who always acts in our best interests. (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 8.) " Manche meinen, ich hätte meine Talente verkümmern lassen ," berichtet sie," doch sie müssen zugeben, dass ich glücklich bin, und sie bewundern es, nach welchen Grundsätzen ich lebe. 19, 20. (a) What awaits Satan and his demons? " Some think I would have left my talents, " she relates, "but they must admit that I am happy, and they admire it according to the principles I live. Wie er außerdem erklärte, sollte diese gewaltige Aufgabe ungeachtet beträchtlicher Hindernisse und Herausforderungen, ja sogar trotz Verfolgung durchgeführt werden. At some point after the beginning of the great tribulation but before Jehovah executes his judgment upon the rest of the world, people will "become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth. " Moreover, he explained that this vast task would be carried out despite extreme obstacles and challenges, even in the face of persecution. Diese Möglichkeit bietet sich uns bis in alle Ewigkeit, wenn wir die Zucht Jehovas immer annehmen. [ Picture on page 19] This opportunity is open to us throughout eternity when we always accept Jehovah's discipline. Allerdings hatte Abraham bereits eine feste Grundlage für seinen Glauben an die Auferstehung. COME OUT " How has death affected humans since Adam's fall? However, Abraham had already solid foundation for his faith in the resurrection. Viele der Schätze, auf die er verzichtet hatte, gerieten später sowieso in die Hände der Israeliten. By all means, then, in imitation of our brothers in the past century, let us do all we can to help them get free! Many of the treasures he had sacrificed were later in the hands of the Israelites. Die Versammlung in Thyatira wurde von dem "Sohn Gottes" sowohl gelobt als auch zurechtgewiesen. At times, paying attention at Christian meetings is a challenge. The congregation in Thyatira was commended and disciplined by "the son of God. " 12, 13. (a) Was ist erforderlich, um das Herz unterschiedlicher Menschen zu erreichen? But the merchant in Jesus ' parable had a different sense of values. 12, 13. (a) What does it mean to reach the heart of different people? Aber woher wissen wir, dass sich durch unser Predigtwerk Jesu Prophezeiung erfüllt? Some would refuse anything derived from blood (even fractions intended to provide temporary passive immunity). But how do we know that the fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy is being fulfilled? Obwohl er deswegen qualvolle Schmerzen erleiden musste, ordnete er sich geduldig dem Willen Gottes unter. Likewise, on his deathbed Jacob pronounced prophetic blessings on all his sons. He patiently submitted to God's will despite suffering. Damit behauptete Satan nicht nur von Hiob, sondern indirekt auch von allen anderen Dienern Gottes, die Triebfeder ihres Handelns sei Selbstsucht. By the end of that year, 13 Gilead - trained missionaries were busy preaching there. Satan claimed not only Job but also that all other servants of God would be selfish. Wir möchten wie Jehova sein, der "uns selbst nicht nach unseren Sünden getan" hat. This brought great rejoicing in heaven but a time of unprecedented calamity to the earth. Like Jehovah, we want to "not according to our sins. " Wie die Menschen besitzen sie einen freien Willen, und lange Zeit waren sie alle Gott treu. Perhaps he wondered: " How long will I be away? Like humans, they have free will, and long thereafter they were faithful to God. Siehe! 14, 15. Look! Sie waren jedoch nur ein Vorgeschmack von den Wundern, die Jesus als König in Gottes neuer Welt vollbringen wird! God's Word entreats us to put up "with one another in love, " to" become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another, " and to be hospitable. But what a spectacular foregleam of the miracles Jesus will accomplish as King in God's new world! Wenn wir völlig auf Jehova vertrauen, wird er immer für uns da sein und uns unterstützen. In the same letter, Paul said: "Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering. " If we fully trust in Jehovah, he will always be there for us and support us. Vielleicht waren sie als Nachkommen Abrahams stolz auf ihre Herkunft. • when facing health problems? They may have been proud of Abraham's descendants. Sie können wie ein Anker sein, der am Grund festsitzt und das Boot nicht vorwärtskommen lässt. It can be for material things. They can be like an anchor standing up for the reason, not forwarding the boat. Jehova hat für Älteste gesorgt, denen unser Wohl immer am Herzen liegt. • Fill your mind with spiritually upbuilding thoughts Jehovah has provided the care of the elders, who always care for our welfare. 19, 20. (a) Was erwartet Satan und seine Dämonen? To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. 19, 20. (a) What does Satan and his demons require? Nach Beginn der großen Drangsal, aber noch bevor Jehova sein Strafgericht an der ganzen restlichen Welt vollzieht, werden "die Menschen ohnmächtig werden vor Furcht und Erwartung der Dinge, die über die bewohnte Erde kommen." Further, he encouraged Solomon, saying: "Now, my son, may Jehovah be with you, and may you be successful and build the house of Jehovah your God, just as he has spoken concerning you. " - 1 Chron. Before the start of the great tribulation, though, Jehovah's judgment will be poured out in all the world, "the people will exult in fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth. " [ Bild auf Seite 19] Rather than teaching a student simply to repeat scriptures or to give the gist of what they say, encourage him to explain pertinent Bible verses as he provides an answer to those who demand of him a reason for his faith. [ Picture on page 19] Wie sehr hatten die Menschen seit Adams Sündenfall unter dem Tod zu leiden? On what basis may we draw that conclusion? How did mankind suffer from Adam's rebellion? Ahmen wir daher unsere Brüder des letzten Jahrhunderts nach und tun wir alles uns Mögliche, um Menschen zu helfen, befreit zu werden! By means of that illustration, Jesus encouraged his disciples to "keep bearing much fruit " - to endure in preaching the Kingdom message. - John 15: 8. Let us, then, imitate our brothers in the last century, and do all we can to help them. Mitunter ist es nicht einfach, bei christlichen Zusammenkünften aufmerksam zu sein. After Solomon died, his son Rehoboam became king. At times, it may be difficult to pay attention to Christian meetings. Aber der Kaufmann in Jesu Gleichnis legte andere Wertmaßstäbe an. • What view of our brothers should we strive to avoid? But the merchant in Jesus ' parable set others apart. Einige werden alles ablehnen, was aus Blut gewonnen wurde (sogar Fraktionen, die eine vorübergehende passive Immunität gewähren sollen). BIBLE STUDIES Some will reject all blood fractions that might have been taken from blood (1) those who were to receive a temporary inheritance). Auch Jakob sprach auf seinem Sterbebett über alle seine Söhne Segenssprüche. Although we avoid wicked practices, how do we try to help all sorts of people? Jacob also referred to his kingship over all his sons. SEITE 31 Such assignments may " test as to fitness ' brothers who are reaching out to serve as ministerial servants. ARTICLE 5 Wenige Monate später predigten dort 13 fleißige Gileadmissionare. Why should we pray for God's name to be sanctified? A few months later, 13th - year - old Gilead preaching. Das löste dort große Freude aus, doch für die Erde brach eine Zeit beispiellosen Unheils an. Jehovah desires that "all sorts of men... be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " That was great joy, but for a time the earth broke out an unprecedented calamity. Vielleicht fragte er sich: "Ob ich wohl sehr lange weg sein werde? THEY could see it in his eyes. He may have wondered: " Should I be far away from it? Es werden genug Teller vorhanden sein, sodass sie in einer angemessenen Zeit an alle Anwesenden weitergereicht werden können. A congregation of believers was established. There will be sufficient time for the gathering to continue in a proper time. 14, 15. Love in Action 14, 15. Gottes Wort bittet uns eindringlich, einander in Liebe zu ertragen, gütig und voll zarten Erbarmens zueinander zu sein, einander bereitwillig zu vergeben und gastfreundlich zu sein. And God certainly was with him, for the major conquest of the Promised Land was completed in only six years - by 1467 B.C.E. God's Word urges us to put up with one another in love, kindness, and tenderly compassionate toward one another, freely forgiving one another. Und im selben Brief schrieb er: "Nimm Markus und bring ihn mit dir, denn er ist mir für den Dienst nützlich." The experience of a family in the first century offers parents some insight. In his same letter, Paul wrote: "Take Mark and I take him with you, for he is useful to me for the ministry. " • wenn unsere Gesundheit angeschlagen ist? HAVE you ever watched a sparrow or some other bird peck around in what appears to be mere dirt? You probably wondered what it could find to eat by pecking at the ground. • when health problems arise? Es muss sich nicht unbedingt um etwas Materielles drehen. Traveling on such a road, we would surely benefit from having and staying close to an expert guide if we wanted to reach the destination - life everlasting. It is not necessarily a matter of material things. • Fülle deinen Sinn mit erbauenden Gedanken STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 • abundance your mind with upbuilding thoughts Sie ist nicht zum Verkauf bestimmt. Jordan River To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Und er sprach Salomo Mut zu: "Nun, mein Sohn, möge es sich erweisen, dass Jehova mit dir ist, und du sollst Gelingen haben und das Haus Jehovas, deines Gottes, bauen, so wie er von dir geredet hat." 2: 21 - 23. If we discover unwholesome tendencies, we do well to uproot them before they become dominant aspects of our personality. And he encouraged Solomon: "Now, my son, let it prove to be with you, and you must succeed, and the house of Jehovah your God, just as he had spoken of you. " Bringen wir dem Studierenden nicht lediglich bei, Schrifttexte zu wiederholen oder zusammenzufassen, sondern auch beweiskräftige Bibeltexte zu erklären; so bereitet er sich darauf vor, denen zu antworten, die einen Grund für seine Hoffnung verlangen. God's Spirit Empowered Moses If we do not simply repeat the student's Bible reading or read scriptures together, we can point out that he is prepared to answer those whom he asks for a reason for his hope. Worauf gründet sich diese Schlussfolgerung? " It was not because I didn't love Jehovah, " she continues, "but because I didn't truly know him. What conclusion can we draw from this conclusion? Und er erzählte das Gleichnis vom Weinstock, das wir im vorigen Artikel besprochen haben. Our all - wise, all - powerful God, the one who controls the hail and the snow, can help you to surmount any obstacles that you encounter. And he related the illustration of the vine that we discussed in the preceding article. Nach Salomos Tod wurde sein Sohn Rehabeam König. The companions of the anointed ones are not yet declared righteous for life. After Solomon's death, his son was reproved. • Vor welcher Ansicht über unsere Brüder müssen wir uns hüten? This arrangement strengthens the family unit. • What view of our brothers do we need to guard against? BIBELSTUDIEN [ Picture on page 16] BIBLE STUDIES Wie versuchen wir, den verschiedensten Menschen zu predigen, obwohl wir böse Handlungen ablehnen? How did some fellow Witnesses respond? How do we try to preach to people of all sorts, even though we reject bad acts? An solchen Aufgaben können Brüder "auf ihre Eignung geprüft werden," als Dienstamtgehilfen tätig zu sein. Study Edition Such assignments can help brothers to be "tested as to maturity " as ministerial servants. Warum sollten wir darum beten, dass Gottes Name geheiligt werde? The Bible does not say that a sign or a mark was placed on Cain's person in any way. Why should we pray for God's name to be sanctified? Jehova wünscht, dass "alle Arten von Menschen gerettet werden und zu einer genauen Erkenntnis der Wahrheit kommen." The sixth head played what key role in fulfilling Genesis 3: 15? Jehovah wants "all sorts of men to be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " DIE Leute konnten es an seinen Augen ablesen. Talking to others about Jehovah's purposes strengthens the one talking as well as anyone who listens. THE people were able to meditate on what they saw. Die Gläubigen konnten zu einer Versammlung organisiert werden. 4: 13. (a) How has one young person been empowered to cope with a difficult situation? The believers could be organized into a congregation. Tätige Liebe How was the identity of the "great crowd " clarified in 1935, and how did this affect some who had been partaking of the Memorial emblems? Based on Love Diese Worte müssen Josua viel Kraft gegeben haben. 1467 v. u. Z., nur sechs Jahre später, war der größte Teil des verheißenen Landes erobert - ja, Jehova war wirklich mit ihm. In chapter 12, Paul explains that Christians should show their gratitude by a life of self - sacrifice. Joshua's words must have brought much strength to Joshua in 737 B.C.E., just six years later, the greatest part of the Promised Land - Jehovah was indeed with him. Dazu ist die Erfahrung einer Familie im 1. Jahrhundert aufschlussreich. How can we endure even intense suffering? Consider the experience of a family member in the first century. HAST du schon einmal einen Spatz oder einen anderen Vogel am Boden herumpicken sehen, wo scheinbar nur Erde war, und dich gewundert, was er da wohl zu fressen findet? Why do we conclude that the destruction of Babylon the Great does not mean the death of all religious people? HAVE you ever seen a bird on the ground or one of the other on the ground, where seemingly little earth was, and why would he find it? Auf so einem Weg wäre man froh, jemanden dabeizuhaben, der sich auskennt, und würde dicht bei ihm bleiben. Adam was perfect in body and mind, and he did not have to get sick or die. Such a course would be happy to help someone who has worked hard to stay close to him. UND 2. STUDIENARTIKEL SEITE 7 - 15 We didn't know Swahili yet, and she didn't know English. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 Jordan It was as if they had set themselves up as judges of God, putting their own standards of justice above Jehovah's and judging him based on their own limited understanding of events. Jordan River Entdecken wir schlechte Neigungen, sollten wir sie ausmerzen, damit sie nicht irgendwann unser Wesen bestimmen. As we approach the end of this old world, working together unitedly will become ever more important. We should expose our bad inclinations to them so that we do not allow them to control our very nature. Gottes Geist erfüllte Moses mit Kraft Using the expression "the Christ, " the title preceded by the definite article, is another way to emphasize Jesus ' office as the Messiah. - Acts 5: 42. God's Spirit empowered Moses Nach vielen inbrünstigen Gebeten kam der Wendepunkt. " Humility is required of all true worshippers and brings great rewards. After many intense prayers, the turning of the turning point came. " Unser unendlich weiser und allmächtiger Gott, der Gewalt über Hagel und Schnee hat, kann dir helfen, jedes Hindernis zu überwinden. WHEN DOES JESUS ARRIVE, OR COME? Our all - wise and almighty God, who has violence and snow, can help you to overcome any obstacles that may arise. Die Gefährten der Gesalbten werden noch nicht zum Leben gerechtgesprochen. Thus, Job sacrificed animals to Jehovah on a regular basis. The companions of the anointed will not be declared righteous for life. Er stärkt das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl in der Familie. What "empty thing " have the present - day national groups" kept muttering "? It strengthens the unity of the family. [ Bild auf Seite 16] Whether we "belittle " the counsel because we reject it or we" give out " because we accept it and then give up, the result is the same - we do not truly allow the counsel to benefit and refine us. [ Picture on page 16] Marion erzählt: "Wir haben sie angerufen und ihnen erzählt, was passiert ist. The Israelites gathered to listen and learn about Jehovah in order to have reverence for him and carry out his Law. " We called them and told them what happened. Studienausgabe " Brace up your minds for activity, " said the apostle Peter, "keep your senses completely. " Study Edition Die Bibel sagt nicht, dass an Kains Körper direkt ein Zeichen angebracht wurde. You young people, how many useful skills are you learning - skills that will help you to serve your Creator and prepare you for future responsibilities? The Bible does not say that Cain's body was directly an appropriate sign. Wie spielte der sechste Kopf des wilden Tieres eine Schlüsselrolle dabei, einen Teil von 1. Mose 3: 15 zu erfüllen? That is why we daily must read God's written Word and meditate on what Jehovah is telling us. How did the sixth head of the wild beast play a key role in the fulfillment of Genesis 3: 15? Über die Vorsätze Jehovas zu sprechen stärkt sowohl den, der redet, als auch jeden, der zuhört. For instance, husbands show loyalty to their heavenly King by the Christlike way they treat their wives and children. Focusing on Jehovah's purposes strengthens both those who speak and listen to each one who listens. (a) Wie ist eine junge Zeugin Jehovas mit Kraft erfüllt worden, eine schwierige Situation zu ertragen? Gaining God's Approval Leads to Everlasting Life (a) How has one young Witness been helped to endure a difficult situation? Wie wurde 1935 die Identität der "großen Volksmenge" geklärt, und wie wirkte sich das auf einige aus, die früher von den Gedächtnismahlsymbolen genommen hatten? Jesus did not contrast "simple " with its antonym" complex " but with the term "wicked. " How did 1935 highlight the identity of the "great crowd, " and how did this affect some who had been partaking of the Memorial emblems? In Kapitel 12 erklärt er nun, wie Christen ihre Dankbarkeit durch ein opferbereites Leben zeigen, was eine Neugestaltung des Sinnes erfordert. 6, 7. (a) What happened to Paul and the other travelers near Bithynia? In chapter 12, he explains how Christians show their appreciation by a self - sacrificing life of mind. Wie können wir durchhalten, selbst wenn wir schweres Leid erleben? But I am convinced of Jehovah's love because he has guided me through tears and heartache, and he never let me experience more than I could endure. " How can we endure even when we suffer affliction? Warum können wir sagen, dass die Vernichtung von Babylon der Großen nicht den Tod aller religiösen Menschen bedeutet? 6 Highlights From the Book of Job Why can we say that the destruction of Babylon the Great does not mean death of all religious people? Adam war gesund an Körper und Geist, wurde nicht krank und brauchte nicht zu sterben. Will you use that ability to look for the good in your teenager? Adam was healthy in body and spirit, and he did not need to die. Sie sprach kein Englisch und wir noch kein Swahili. How can we imitate Jehovah's loyalty? She was not English and we didn't call. Angenommen, wir verstehen nicht unbedingt alle Faktoren, die in einem Bibelbericht eine Rolle spielten oder die bestimmte Entwicklungen in unserem Leben beeinflussen. But God impartially provided Jesus ' ransom sacrifice for rich and poor alike. Suppose we do not fully understand all the factors involved in a Bible account or the developments involved in our lives. Je mehr wir uns dem Ende dieser alten Welt nähern, umso wichtiger ist es, eng zusammenzuarbeiten. The footnote to John 17: 3 in the Reference Bible gives the alternative rendering "their knowing you. " The more we draw close to this old world, the more important it is to work closely. Wird vor den Titel der bestimmte Artikel gesetzt, wie in der Bezeichnung "der Christus," steht ebenfalls sein Amt als Messias im Vordergrund. The clay has no control over the matter. When the title is placed before the specific articles, the term "the Christ, " also applies to his position as the Messiah. Demut ist ein Erfordernis für alle wahren Anbeter Jehovas und wird reich belohnt. What was that ministry? Humility is a requirement for all true worshippers of Jehovah and is richly rewarded. Menschen haben bis zum Beginn der großen Drangsal die Gelegenheit, ihr Denken zu ändern (Siehe Absatz 13) ● Allow more time for sleep. People have the opportunity to change their thinking (See paragraph 13) Demnach brachte Hiob regelmäßig Tiere als Opfer für Jehova dar. Instead of rebuking her, Jesus kindly said: "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Hence, Job regularly offered animal sacrifices to Jehovah. Was ist das " Leere ', das die heutigen Völkerschaften ständig gemurmelt haben? If the path is unused for any length of time, the jungle will soon encroach upon it. What is "the disgusting thing " that today's national groups have kept silent? Ob wir den Rat "gering achten" und somit abtun oder ob wir ihn ernst nehmen, aber dann darüber "ermatten," also entmutigt aufgeben, läuft auf dasselbe hinaus: So oder so lassen wir nicht zu, dass er uns etwas nutzt und uns weiterbringt. By making this prayerful request, we are asking God to provide necessary food "for this day. " This indicates that we have faith in Jehovah's ability to care for our needs on a daily basis. Whether we take the counsel to "be careful " or not, we are quick to give up on it, letting ourselves become discouraged or slow at the same time. Die Israeliten versammelten sich, um zu lernen, wie sie Jehova ehren und sein Gesetz befolgen konnten. He knew that if God gave his word, it was as good as done. The Israelites gathered together to learn how to honor Jehovah and obey his Law. " Gürtet euren Sinn zur Tätigkeit ," sagte der Apostel Petrus," bleibt vollständig besonnen ." In a stunning display of power, Jehovah will sweep aside all who oppose him, and he will deliver his people into a new world in which righteousness is to dwell. " Make your minds fixed on activity, " said the apostle Peter, "but keep your senses completely. " Eine Frage an euch Kinder: Was könnt ihr jetzt schon alles lernen, um euren Schöpfer zu ehren und später einmal Verantwortung zu übernehmen? Jesus, on the other hand, is "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. " If you are a parent, what can you learn to honor your Creator now and later take the lead in showing honor? Lesen wir deshalb täglich in Gottes Wort und denken wir darüber nach, was Jehova uns sagen möchte. A report from the United States says: "Until around 1970, cohabitation [the practice of unmarried couples living together] was illegal in all American states. Let us therefore read God's Word daily and meditate on what Jehovah wants us to say. Zum Beispiel erweist sich ein Ehemann seinem himmlischen König gegenüber loyal, wenn er seine Frau und seine Kinder so behandelt, wie Christus es tun würde. How can we share in sanctifying God's name? For example, a husband shows loyalty to his heavenly King by treating his wife and children as Christ did. Gottes Anerkennung zu gewinnen bringt ewiges Leben ein The Law was actually pointing to something vastly more effective in accomplishing God's will. Gaining God's approval leads to everlasting life Jesus hat das Wort "lauter" nämlich dem Wort "böse" gegenübergestellt, das im Griechischen auch "schlecht" und "neidisch" bedeutet und Gier und Habsucht einschließt. " The Righteous Ones Will Shine as Brightly as the Sun " Jesus has given the word "wicked, " or" wicked, " in the Greek, " and it includes greed and greed and greed. 6, 7. (a) Was erlebten Paulus und seine Begleiter kurz vor Bithynien? We may find that he still holds unscriptural views. 6, 7. (a) What happened to Paul and his companions shortly before Bithynia? Ich bin mir aber sicher, dass Jehova mich liebt. Er war immer an meiner Seite, wenn ich völlig verzweifelt war und nicht mehr ein noch aus wusste. To illustrate: If a student at school was asked to take a difficult examination for which the teachers had provided no specific training, would the student pass the test? But I am sure that Jehovah's love for me was always evident when I was in my heart, and I didn't know anything anymore. 26 Nimm dir die Propheten zum Vorbild Satan had particular animosity for the family line that would produce the Messiah. 4 Imitate the Prophets Wirst du das nutzen, um das Gute in deinem Teenager zu suchen? Managing Christ's Earthly Belongings Do you use this to look for the good in your teenager? Wie können wir Jehova darin nachahmen? At the outset, there may have been differing views, but prayerful reflection promotes oneness among modest and yielding elders. - 1 Cor. 1: 10; Read Ephesians 4: 1 - 3. How can we imitate Jehovah in this regard? Gott stellt dagegen Jesu Loskaufsopfer für Reiche und Arme gleichermaßen bereit. From the start of human existence, men and women have had to make important decisions. On the other hand, God has provided Jesus ' ransom sacrifice for both rich and poor. In der Fußnote zu Johannes 17: 3 nennt die Studienbibel als alternative Lesart "dass sie dich fortgesetzt erkennen." (Read Isaiah 54: 14, 17.) In the footnote of John 17: 3, the Bible calls the study class "to know them. " Der Ton hat darauf keinen Einfluss. " Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through... empty deception. " - COLOSSIANS 2: 8. The clay has no influence. Was schloss dieses Dienstamt ein? How grateful we will be that we have served God and others and have fully pursued God's purpose in our life! - Matthew 24: 21; Revelation 7: 14, 15. What did this ministry involve? ● Sich mehr Schlaf gönnen. What rewards come from being an effective teacher of God's Word? ● Take more sleep. Jesus wies sie nicht zurecht, sondern sagte freundlich zu ihr: "Tochter, dein Glaube hat dich gesund gemacht. In imitation of Jesus, what motivates his followers to preach the good news? Jesus did not criticize her, but kindly said to her: "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Bleibt er aber längere Zeit unbenutzt, wird alles schnell wieder überwuchert. Of course, it could also be related that after ten plagues devastated the land and after the Israelites escaped from Egypt's army at the Red Sea, the answer to Pharaoh's question became clear for all to see. If he does not use a period of time, however, he will quickly recover completely. Durch diese Bitte beweisen wir das Vertrauen zu Jehova, für unsere alltäglichen Bedürfnisse zu sorgen und uns für den betreffenden Tag die nötige Speise zu geben. In this world full of wickedness and suffering, we are sure to encounter some situations that cause distress. This request will help us to demonstrate our trust in Jehovah, to care for our daily needs, and to give us needed food for the day. Er wusste: Worauf Gott sein Wort gibt, das ist schon so gut wie ausgeführt. (Read Matthew 7: 24, 25.) He knew that what God gives his Word is as good as done. In einer ergreifenden Machtdemonstration wird Jehova alle, die sich ihm widersetzen, beseitigen und er wird sein Volk in eine neue Welt der Gerechtigkeit bringen. He loves God's Word and manifests "the fruitage of the spirit " in his life. In a firm effort, Jehovah will remove all those who oppose him, and he will bring his people into a new world of righteousness. Jesus dagegen ist "das Lamm Gottes, das die Sünde der Welt wegnimmt." We will also see how he adapts the means of communication according to the need and circumstances. On the other hand, Jesus is "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. " In einem Bericht aus den Vereinigten Staaten heißt es: "Bis etwa 1970 war es in allen Bundesstaaten verboten, unverheiratet zusammenzuleben. As indicated by Jesus, such apostasy, promoted by "the wicked one, " Satan, would grow and obscure true Christianity until" the conclusion of the system of things. " Says a report from the United States: "Until it was in all the covenant, living together in all lands. Wie können wir dazu beitragen, Gottes Namen zu heiligen? In the 19th century B.C.E., a prophetic event unfolded that reveals the extent of Jehovah's loving provision for obedient humans to enjoy everlasting life. How can we help to sanctify God's name? Das Gesetz sollte tatsächlich auf etwas weit Wirkungsvolleres hinweisen, das der Ausführung des Willens Gottes dienen sollte. 4, 5. (a) What do we learn from the introduction to Jesus ' prayer? Indeed, the Law was to refer to something far more effective that would serve God's will. " Die Gerechten werden so hell leuchten wie die Sonne " In any case, it is evidence of a parent's love. " The righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun " Womöglich finden wir so heraus, dass er noch unbiblische Ansichten hat. Faith and godly fear are not the only qualities that build courage; love can be an even greater force. You may find that he has more unscriptural views. Zur Veranschaulichung: Ein Schüler soll eine schwere Prüfung machen, auf die er aber von seinen Lehrern nicht ausreichend vorbereitet wurde. Wird er die Prüfung bestehen? What could cause the heart of a faithful servant of Jehovah to start to complain about his God? To illustrate: A learner needs to make a difficult test, but does he not prepare for the trial he received from his teachers? Der Hass des Teufels richtete sich vor allem gegen die Menschen, die Vorfahren des Messias werden sollten. The apostles realized that reading the Scriptures and meditating on them was essential for their ministry. Satan's hatred was primarily against those who would become the Messiah's forefathers. Christi Habe auf der Erde verwalten • How can a husband and a wife strengthen their commitment? Christ's belongings on the Earth Wenn bescheidene Älteste, die nachgeben können, eine Angelegenheit unter Gebet besprechen, werden sie sich einigen können - auch wenn sie anfangs nicht einer Meinung waren But in time, you discovered his dark side. When modest elders can discuss a matter prayerfully, they may at first find it difficult to consider some of them. Schon seit jeher müssen Menschen wichtige Entscheidungen treffen - keiner ist davon ausgenommen. After all, the inspired Scriptures are filled with examples of how Jehovah used holy spirit, the strongest force available, to aid his people. Throughout history, humans have to make important decisions - not all of them. (Lies Jesaja 54: 14, 17.) Why is this fact significant? (Read Isaiah 54: 14, 17.) " Seht zu, dass nicht jemand da sei, der euch als Beute wegführe durch... leeren Trug ." This analogy illustrates the intensity of the evil desires in their heart. " Look out that no one may carry you as his prey through... empty deception. " Wie dankbar wir dann sein werden, Gott und anderen gedient zu haben und unser Leben völlig nach dem Vorsatz Gottes ausgerichtet zu haben!. With Jehovah's help, we can meet today's adversities with courage. - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 17, 18. How grateful we are that we have served God and served him fully in harmony with God's purpose! Welchen Lohn empfängt ein wirkungsvoller Lehrer des Wortes Gottes? What expansion of " the fishing grounds ' has taken place since the early 20th century? What reward does a teacher receive from God's Word? Was motiviert Jesu Nachfolger dazu, ihn nachzuahmen und die gute Botschaft zu predigen? 28: 19, 20. What motivates Jesus ' followers to imitate him and preach the good news? Das Land wurde durch die zehn Plagen verwüstet und die Israeliten konnten dem ägyptischen Heer durch das Rote Meer entkommen. " [They] went their way from before the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name. The land was destroyed by the ten plagues, and the Israelites could escape the Egyptian army through the Red Sea. In dieser Welt voller Bosheit und Leid lässt es sich einfach nicht vermeiden, mit belastenden Situationen konfrontiert zu werden. If he had used angels to write the inspired Word, would the Bible have the same appeal? In this world full of wickedness and suffering, we cannot avoid coping with distressing situations. (Lies Matthäus 7: 24, 25.) If we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return? (Read Matthew 7: 24, 25.) Er liebt Gottes Wort und bringt "die Frucht des Geistes" hervor. Let us consider these and some related questions. He loves God's Word and produces "the fruitage of the spirit. " Außerdem werden wir sehen, wie er die Art der Kommunikation je nach Bedarf den Umständen angepasst hat. Written sometime during 50 - 52 C.E., the letter contains direct counsel and strong exhortation. Moreover, we will see how he has been referring to the type of communication we need in order to meet circumstances. Wie von Jesus angedeutet, sollte die von Satan (dem, der böse ist) geförderte Abtrünnigkeit wachsen und das wahre Christentum bis zum "Abschluss des Systems der Dinge" überdecken. However, our family is very happy! Jesus indicated that the wicked would promote apostasy and Christianity through "the conclusion of the system of things. " Etwa 1 900 Jahre bevor Jesus zur Erde kam, wurde an einem Ereignis im Leben Abrahams deutlich, wie weit Jehova in seiner Liebe gehen würde, damit Menschen, die auf ihn hören, ewig leben könnten. Of course, we need to discern when "to mind [our] own business. " About 900 years before Jesus came to earth, Abraham's life became clear to the extent that Jehovah would act in his love for humans so that humans might obey him. 4, 5. (a) Was lernen wir aus der Einleitung zu Jesu Gebet? Do You Take the Lead in Showing Honor? 4, 5. (a) What lesson can we learn from Jesus ' prayer recorded in the introduction to Jesus ' prayer? Jedenfalls verrät es, dass die Eltern ihre Kinder lieben. (a) What would prompt an Israelite slave to forfeit his opportunity to become free? In any case, it shows that parents love their children. Aber nicht nur Glaube und Gottesfurcht machen mutig; eine noch größere Kraft ist die Liebe. 14, 15. (a) When should we apply the counsel at Matthew 18: 15 - 17? But it is not only faith and godly fear; yet, love is even greater. Was könnte bewirken, dass ein treuer Diener Jehovas in seinem Herzen anfängt, mit seinem Gott zu hadern? Here is a third lesson about watchfulness that we can learn from the apostles: They kept on bearing thorough witness despite obstacles. What might cause a faithful servant of Jehovah to turn to God in his heart? Die Apostel erkannten, dass das Lesen der Schriften und das Nachdenken darüber für den Dienst unerlässlich war. I explained that to me, Heidi was really my sister, as close as if we had the same mother and father. The apostles recognized that reading of the Scriptures and meditating on it was essential for the ministry. • Wie können Mann und Frau ihre Beziehung festigen? Some faithful worshippers have made great sacrifices, enduring poverty, oppression, prejudice, even severe persecution. • How can husbands and wives strengthen their relationship? Irgendwann lernte Kim allerdings die Schattenseite seines "Freundes" kennen. Consider the example of Tessie, a sister in Australia. In time, though, Kim learned the shadow of his " friend. " Schließlich gab es in den inspirierten Schriften unzählige Beispiele dafür, wie Jehova durch den heiligen Geist, die stärkste verfügbare Kraft, seinem Volk geholfen hatte. Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses exhorted them: "See, I have taught you regulations and judicial decisions, just as Jehovah my God has commanded me, for you to do that way in the midst of the land to which you are going to take possession of it. After all, there were countless examples of how Jehovah used holy spirit to help his people. Warum ist das wichtig? Do they encourage you to participate in worship of God by attending Christian meetings and sharing your beliefs with others? Why is that important? Dieser Vergleich unterstreicht, wie heftig die sinnlichen Begierden ihres Herzens waren. What will help us to prepare for the events that lie immediately ahead of us? This comparison underscores the depth of the fleshly desires of their heart. Mit der Hilfe Jehovas können wir schwierigen Situationen mutig begegnen! 16, 17. With Jehovah's help, we can courageously face difficult situations. Wie haben sich die "Fanggründe" seit Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts ausgedehnt? Note the setting in which Paul mentioned conscience. How have the " fishing grounds ' started early in the 20th century? (Lies 2. At the same time, we strive to " remain in Jesus ' word ' and to " have love among ourselves. ' (Read 2 Corinthians 2: 9.) " [Sie] gingen aus dem Sanhedrin hinweg, voll Freude, weil sie für würdig erachtet worden waren, um seines Namens willen in Unehre zu kommen. And today, Jehovah is our God, the one who gave his Son as a ransom that we might have everlasting life. " They went out from the Sanhedrin, full of joy because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name. Ob Gottes inspiriertes Wort wohl die gleiche Anziehungskraft hätte, wenn er stattdessen Engel dazu gebraucht hätte? At Pentecost 33 C.E., those living in Jerusalem extended hospitality to newly converted Christians from various lands. Would God's inspired Word have exerted a similar influence if he had used angels? Begegnen wir also jemandem, der sich entfernt hat, aber nicht ausgeschlossen ist - werden wir ihm dann nicht liebevoll praktische Hilfe anbieten, damit er zurückkehren kann? God's Word foretold: "It will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying: " We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. ' " Should we, then, not be disfellowshipped? Mit dieser Thematik wollen wir uns etwas näher beschäftigen. Such strong negative feelings and lack of hospitality reflect a lack of love and are not to be excused casually. This issue will be considered in the following article. Deshalb schreibt er einen eindringlichen Brief "an die Versammlungen von Galatien." Der Brief wurde um 50 bis 52 u. The judgment of the individual members of the anointed continues throughout the time of the end. Hence, he writes a powerful letter to "the congregations of Galatia. " Doch unsere Familie ist sehr glücklich! Nod in agreement. Repeat the gist of what she says to show that you get the point. But our families are truly happy! Natürlich brauchen wir ein Gespür dafür, wann wir uns darauf beschränken sollten, uns um unsere eigenen Angelegenheiten zu kümmern. Serving Jehovah fully will bring you deep satisfaction because it is the way of life that honors God. Of course, we need to be sensitive when we need to care for our own matters. Mit gutem Beispiel darin vorangehen, Ehre zu erweisen That event will be the beginning of the great tribulation. Take the lead in showing honor (a) Was konnte einen Sklaven in Israel dazu bewegen, auf seine Freiheit zu verzichten? What moves you to imitate Jesus ' watchfulness? (a) What could a slave in Israel move a slave to forgo his freedom? 14, 15. (a) Wann sollten wir den Rat aus Matthäus 18: 15 - 17 anwenden? Take to heart the apostle Paul's words found at 1 Corinthians 9: 24. 14, 15. (a) When should we apply the counsel found at Matthew 18: 15 - 17? Und jetzt noch ein dritter Punkt, den wir von den Aposteln lernen können: Sie predigten trotz Schwierigkeiten immer weiter. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE And now another third point that we can learn from the apostles is that they continue preaching despite difficult circumstances. Ich erklärte ihm, Heidi sei für mich wie eine Schwester, sie stehe mir so nahe, als hätten wir dieselben Eltern. Rather, it is a result of deep study, prayer, meditation, and experience - seeing in one's own life the countless blessings that result from adhering to God's standards. - Ps. 34: 8. I told him that she was so close to me as one sister, she was so close to me when we had the same parents. Einige treue Anbeter nahmen bereitwillig Armut, Unterdrückung, Voreingenommenheit und sogar grausame Verfolgung in Kauf. What reasoning will help us in the face of suffering? Some faithful worshippers willingly submitted to poverty, oppression, and even cruel persecution. Sehen wir uns das Beispiel von Tessie an, einer Schwester in Australien. Of course, a man whose disposition indicates that he would treat God's "sheep " dishonestly is not qualified for congregation responsibility. Consider the example of Those in Australia, a sister in Australia. Bevor die Israeliten das Land der Verheißung betraten, ermahnte sie Moses: "Seht, ich habe euch Bestimmungen und richterliche Entscheidungen gelehrt, so wie es Jehova, mein Gott, mir geboten hat, damit ihr auf diese Weise tut inmitten des Landes, in das ihr einzieht, um es in Besitz zu nehmen. [ Picture on page 17] Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses admonished them: "Look! I have taught you and regulations as Jehovah my God has commanded me to do in this way, that you may do it in the midst of the land. Legen sie euch ans Herz, Gott zu ehren, indem ihr christliche Zusammenkünfte besucht und mit anderen über euren Glauben sprecht? Why do we preach the good news? Are you encouraging to honor God by attending Christian meetings and sharing with others your faith? Wie können wir uns besser auf das vorbereiten, was so kurz bevorsteht? " I was not doing anything wrong, " she said, "but my heart was not ablaze with the desire to serve Jehovah. How can we prepare now for what is just ahead? 16, 17. To one degree or another, all of us experience the effects of that reality. - Ephesians 6: 12. 16, 17. Beachten wir, in welchem Zusammenhang Paulus das Gewissen erwähnte. Showing Respect for Our Sacred Gatherings Notice what Paul mentioned the conscience. Gleichzeitig sind wir bestrebt, " in Jesu Wort zu bleiben ' und " Liebe unter uns zu haben '. Let us also comply with Jesus ' further admonition respecting prayer. At the same time, we strive to "keep in [Jesus '] word " and" have love among us. " Heute ist Jehova unser Gott, derjenige, der seinen Sohn als Lösegeld hingegeben hat, damit wir ewig leben können. Get to know your children well - their thinking, their feelings, their concerns. Today, Jehovah is our God, the One who has made his Son a ransom so that we might gain everlasting life. Pfingsten 33 u. Z. erwiesen die in Jerusalem ansässigen Christen den Neubekehrten aus verschiedenen Ländern Gastfreundschaft. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. At Pentecost 33 C.E., new Christians in Jerusalem were showing hospitality to new Christians from various lands. Gottes Wort hat Folgendes vorausgesagt: "Es wird in jenen Tagen sein, dass zehn Männer aus allen Sprachen der Nationen ergreifen, ja sie werden tatsächlich den Rocksaum eines Mannes ergreifen, der ein Jude ist, indem sie sagen: " Wir wollen mit euch gehen, denn wir haben gehört, dass Gott mit euch ist "." When reading the books of the Christian Greek Scriptures, you will find numerous references to the blood of Christ. God's Word foretold: "In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take hold of the yoke of a Jew, saying: " We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people. ' " Warum nicht? Weil sich daran ein Mangel an Liebe zeigt. Evidently, then, this parable applies during the last days, but its climax comes during the great tribulation. Such love is not an expression of love. Das Richten der einzelnen Gesalbten erstreckt sich über die ganze Zeit des Endes und wird erst mit ihrer endgültigen Versiegelung abgeschlossen sein. Our trustworthy conduct gives evidence that we are practicing the things we have learned, and it has caused many to have greater respect for Jehovah's Witnesses. The judging of individual anointed ones is completed over all the time of the end, and the first sealing will be completed with its final sealing. " Manchmal möchte meine Frau einfach nur sicher sein, dass ich sie verstehe und ihr den Rücken stärke ," sagt Charles. Harold's experiences as a soldier caused him to become bitter and to doubt God's existence. " Sometimes my wife just wants me to understand and strengthen her, " says Charles. So ein Leben ehrt Gott und macht dich sehr zufrieden. But that is far from what our Creator, Jehovah God, purposed for mankind. Such a life brings praise to God and brings you great satisfaction. Das ist der Beginn der großen Drangsal. May it be our resolve to continue serving "shoulder to shoulder " with our brothers and sisters earth wide as we learn to speak that one language ever more fluently, to the glory of our heavenly Father, Jehovah. - Read Psalm 150: 1 - 6. That is the start of the great tribulation. Warum möchtest du so wachsam sein wie Jesus? * It will help us to keep our balance. Why do you want to be like Jesus? Der Apostel Paulus sagte in 1. Korinther 9: 24 etwas sehr Motivierendes. For example, consider the case of Harold King, a missionary in China who was sentenced to five years in solitary confinement. The apostle Paul pointed out at 1 Corinthians 9: 24, which made a difference. 6 Fragen von Lesern In writing to the Galatians, Paul stressed the need for endurance. 6 Questions From Readers Sie gedeiht, wenn wir intensiv studieren, beten, gründlich nachdenken - und durch Erfahrung: wenn wir in unserem eigenen Leben verspüren, wie großzügig uns Jehova segnet, weil wir uns an seine Maßstäbe halten. It was an empty way of life. They make sure that by studying God's Word, prayerful meditation, and experience, we can gain Jehovah's blessing in our own life. Welche Überlegungen werden uns eine Hilfe sein, wenn uns Leid widerfährt? I went to use the men's restroom, and I noticed that a very rough - looking character, tattooed like a white supremacist, got up and followed me. What reasoning will help us when suffering strikes? Ein Mann, dessen Neigungen erkennen lassen, daß er Gottes "Schafe" unredlich behandeln würde, ist natürlich nicht geeignet, in der Versammlung Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Suddenly another person - whether encountered on the job or even in the Christian congregation - seems to possess the very qualities that are lacking in one's mate. Of course, a man who shows his inclinations that he would treat God's sheep with responsibilities is not qualified to shoulder responsibility in the congregation. [ Bild auf Seite 17] Even if you have become a Witness more recently, on what is your attention focused? [ Picture on page 17] Warum predigen wir die gute Botschaft? But the more I had sexual relations, the more insecure I felt. " Why do we preach the good news? Sie sagt: "Mein Problem war nicht, dass ich irgendetwas Verkehrtes getan hätte. When you talk to others, do you highlight Jesus ' role as the Messiah? She says: "My problem was not wrong. Mehr oder weniger verspüren wir das alle. The patriarch Abraham must have spent many hours talking to his son Isaac about how Jehovah had blessed them and their forefathers. In more or less, all of us experience that way. Unseren heiligen Zusammenkünften Achtung entgegenbringen If we fear being defrauded, for instance, we might ask for God's help in the way the psalmist did. Show Respect for Our Holy Worship Berücksichtigen wir auch Jesu weitere Hinweise zum Beten. Now please consider the prophetic words of Micah 4: 6 - 13. Consider, too, Jesus ' further counsel to pray. Findet heraus, was in eurem Kind vor sich geht - was es denkt, fühlt und worüber es sich Sorgen macht. He then answers the question: "What you sow is not made alive unless first it dies... but God gives it a body just as it has pleased him... Find out what your child thinks and what concerns he feels. Diese Zeitschrift wird im Rahmen eines weltweiten gottesdienstlichen Werks zur Verfügung gestellt, das durch freiwillige Spenden unterstützt wird. Some of those would later kill him. This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Beim Lesen der Christlichen Griechischen Schriften stoßen wir auf zahlreiche Bezugnahmen auf das "Blut Christi." In what sense does Jehovah draw us to Christ? As you read the Christian Greek Scriptures, you will find a number of references to "the blood of Christ. " Offensichtlich trifft dieses Gleichnis also auf die letzten Tage zu. Avoid Excessive Concern Over Health Care Clearly, this illustration refers to the last days. Unsere Vertrauenswürdigkeit bezeugt, dass wir das in die Tat umsetzen, was wir gelernt haben, und es nötigt vielen einen größeren Respekt vor Jehovas Zeugen ab. One way in which elders make themselves available to others is by setting aside time before and after Christian meetings to converse with their brothers and sisters - young and old. Our trust in Jehovah's Witnesses bears witness that we are practicing what we have learned and that we need to put a greater respect for Jehovah's Witnesses. Was Harold als Soldat erlebt hatte, ließ ihn an der Existenz Gottes zweifeln und verbitterte ihn. Study Articles 1 - 3 Harold's experience moved him to doubt God's existence and become bitter. Alles, was er versprochen hat, wird garantiert eintreffen. Even in the face of mockery, we hold firm to our belief in the resurrection. - Mark 12: 18; Acts 4: 2, 3; 17: 32; 23: 6 - 8. All that he has promised will have a guarantee of what he has promised. Nehmen wir uns deshalb fest vor, die reine Sprache immer fließender sprechen zu lernen und so "Schulter an Schulter" mit unseren Brüdern und Schwestern weltweit unserem himmlischen Vater Jehova zu dienen - zu seiner Verherrlichung! (Lies Psalm 150: 1 - 6.) On occasion, we may be able to accompany Kingdom publishers who have had good results in conducting home Bible studies. Let us therefore be determined to learn from the pure language so that we can serve Jehovah with our brothers and sisters worldwide. - Read Psalm 150: 1 - 6. * Das hilft uns, ausgeglichen zu bleiben. You must have done something very bad. * This helps us to maintain balance. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel Harold King, einen Missionar in China, der zu fünf Jahren Einzelhaft verurteilt worden war. He exclaimed: "Look! Take, for example, King Harold, a missionary who had been condemned for five years. In seinem Brief an die Galater betonte Paulus, wie wichtig es ist, nicht nachzulassen. * Not only were the apostles affirming that Jesus had been resurrected but they were teaching that apart from the name of Jesus, "there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved. " In his letter to the Galatians, Paul highlighted the need to stay awake. Diese Art zu leben gab ihm nichts. Sometimes children open up when they are not sitting face - to - face with a parent. He did not give him such a kind of life. Ich ging zur Herrentoilette und bemerkte, wie ein nicht gerade freundlich aussehender Zeitgenosse aufstand und mir folgte. Furthermore, sleepless nights can create tension and stress that put a strain on the couple's relationship. I went to the masters and noticed how pleasant it was to be. Plötzlich fallen dem Mann oder der Frau bei jemandem am Arbeitsplatz oder auch in der Versammlung genau die Eigenschaften auf, die sie bei ihrem Partner vermissen. When facing trials, we also pray for the support and strengthening aid of God's holy spirit. Suddenly, the husband or wife may fall asleep at work or even in the congregation's qualities that hurt her mate. Berühren mich die Zeichen der Zeit heute noch genauso? (See also footnote.) Do I feel the same way now? ' Aber je öfter ich Sex hatte, desto unsicherer fühlte ich mich. " How was Paul able to start a congregation in Thessalonica? But more often I had sexual immorality, the more reliable I felt. " Stellen wir im Gespräch mit anderen Jesu Rolle als Messias heraus? [ Picture on page 26] What about Jesus ' role as the Messiah? Und der Patriarch Abraham muss sich viele Stunden mit seinem Sohn Isaak darüber unterhalten haben, wie Jehova sie und ihre Vorväter gesegnet hatte. (See opening image.) (b) What is it about Jehovah's kingship that draws us to him? And the patriarch Abraham must have had many hours to talk to his son Isaac about how Jehovah blessed them and their forefathers. Vielleicht passen die hier gebrauchten Formulierungen gut auf unsere Situation. Gratefulness has made a big difference in my outlook. The original - language word used here may refer well to our situation. Wenden wir uns nun den prophetischen Worten aus Micha 4: 6 - 13 zu. What "the Deep Things of God " Include Let us now take to heart the prophetic words of Micah 4: 6 - 13. Dann antwortet er: "Was du säst, wird nicht lebendig gemacht, es sterbe denn zuvor... What are some features of Leviticus? Then he answers: "What you are alive will not die, for there is earlier... Einige davon brachten ihn letztlich sogar um. How did Jesus make known that the Kingdom is the means that God will use to "break up the works of the Devil "? In fact, some of them brought him to death. Wie zieht uns Jehova zu Christus? Out of the riverbed, they climb; into the city, they enter. How does Jehovah draw us to Christ? Wenn sich alles nur noch um die Gesundheit dreht [ Footnote] When everything comes to our health, what is more important than just our personal health? Älteste können sich an ihm ein Beispiel nehmen, indem sie vor und nach den Zusammenkünften Zeit dafür reservieren, sich mit ihren Brüdern und Schwestern zu unterhalten - den jungen wie auch den älteren. This was not a statement regarding the average human lifespan. Elders can imitate Jesus by setting aside time to talk to their brothers and sisters, both young and old. Studienartikel SEITE 3 - 16 In this article, we will consider how the qualities that characterize people of the last days stand in contrast with the qualities of God's people. Study Article 3 PAGES 3 - 16 Auch wenn man uns verspottet, glauben wir weiter an die Auferstehung. Decide what is an immoderate amount of alcohol for you, and set appropriate limits. We continue to believe in the resurrection despite ridicule. Oder wir könnten ab und zu Verkündiger begleiten, die viel Erfahrung mit Heimbibelstudien haben. 15: 17. From both Bible and modern - day examples, what did you learn about Or we may be able to accompany publishers who have much experience with home Bible studies. Du musst etwas sehr Schlimmes getan haben. (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 6.) You have to do something very bad. Er rief: "Siehe! Granted, gleaning required hard work on their part, yet by means of it, they could avoid having to beg. - Leviticus 19: 9, 10; Deuteronomy 24: 19 - 22; Psalm 37: 25. He exclaimed: "Look! * Die Apostel bekräftigten nicht nur, dass Jesus auferweckt worden war, sondern lehrten auch, dass es außer dem Namen Jesu "keinen anderen Namen unter dem Himmel [gibt], der unter den Menschen gegeben worden ist, durch den wir gerettet werden sollen." As true Christians, we appreciate the need for maintaining Christian neutrality and are determined to do so. * The apostles were also teaching that Jesus was resurrected, and besides the name of Jesus, there were also taught that there was "to no other name [of heaven] that is given among men we should be saved through whom we should be saved. " Kinder öffnen sich eher, wenn sie einem nicht direkt gegenüber sitzen. May 25 - 31, 2009 Children are more likely to open up when they do not sit up with a person. Außerdem können schlaflose Nächte zu Spannungen zwischen den beiden führen und ihr Verhältnis belasten. Do we really know all the details that led up to the dispute? Additionally, nights can cause divisions between the two and their relationship. Wir können um Unterstützung und Kraft durch Gottes heiligen Geist bitten, wenn wir in Prüfungen geraten. This article discusses evidence that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only people on earth today who are fulfilling Jesus ' prophetic words found at Matthew 24: 14. We can ask for support and strength by means of God's holy spirit if we are under trial. (Siehe auch die Fußnote.) This issue of The Watchtower will help you to understand God's wonderful purpose for mankind and the earth and what you must do to benefit from that purpose. (See also footnote.) Wie kam es, dass Paulus in Thessalonich eine Versammlung gründen konnte? Starting with the anointing of Cornelius - the first uncircumcised Gentile convert - in 36 C.E., the opportunity was opened up to uncircumcised non - Jews to be grafted onto this symbolic olive tree. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. How did Paul come to be in Thessalonica? [ Bild auf Seite 26] 4: 3, 4 - What is the meaning of this command? [ Picture on page 26] (Siehe erstes Bild.) (b) Warum wirkt Jehova als König so anziehend auf uns? What could hinder us from taking hold of glory? (See opening image.) (b) Why does Jehovah draw us to us as King? Trotzdem danke ich Jehova für die gute Ehe, die ich hatte. We must not let "the deceptive power of riches " or" anxieties of life " put at risk our family's "firm hold on the real life " in God's righteous new world! - Mark 4: 19; Luke 21: 34 - 36; 1 Tim. 6: 19. Even so, I thank Jehovah for the successful marriage that I had enjoyed. Was zu den "tiefen Dingen Gottes" gehört Men have killed for gold. What "the deep things of God " include? Wodurch zeichnet sich 3. Mose aus? Of course, Jehovah was not about to abandon the composer of that psalm, and He will not abandon you. What is significant about the use of the book of Leviticus? Wie machte Jesus das Königreich als das Mittel bekannt, durch das Gott " die Werke des Teufels abbrechen ' wird? Psalm 44 is a plea for Judah - a nation in distress, perhaps under the threat of Assyrian invasion in the days of King Hezekiah. How did Jesus make known the Kingdom as the means by which God " will break the works of the Devil '? Behände klettern die Soldaten aus dem Flussbett und dringen ins Stadtinnere ein. What worldly attitude toward anger might affect us? Next, soldiers throw the soldiers out of the river and walk into the city. [ Fußnote] But that does not prevent us from persisting in preaching the Kingdom good news at that home, tactfully trying to correct misunderstandings. [ Footnote] Das war keine allgemeine Aussage zur durchschnittlichen Lebenserwartung der Menschen, sondern eine richterliche Verfügung, durch die Jehova bekannt machte, wann er gegen die Gottlosigkeit auf der Erde einschreiten würde. Whether the crown was literal or was symbolic of added glory because of David's many victories is not stated. This was not a general statement of human life, but it was a judicial tool that Jehovah made known when he would take action against God on the earth. Im Folgenden werden die Eigenschaften der Menschen in den letzten Tagen den Eigenschaften der Anbeter Gottes gegenübergestellt. They were no longer obeying the dictates or impulses of their sinful desires. In these last days, the qualities of God's worshippers are highlighted in these qualities. Leg fest, was für dich zu viel Alkohol ist, und halte die Grenze ein. As Christians, we have been comforted by learning about Jesus Christ and by walking in his footsteps. Make sure that alcohol is too much for you, and keep the limit. Was haben wir aus biblischen und neuzeitlichen Beispielen darüber gelernt... Mauricio: So you see, Alejandro, there's no hope for wicked people because God punishes them with eternal death. What have we learned from Biblical and modern - day examples of... (Lies 2. Korinther 1: 6.) Peter states: "In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of God's undeserved kindness expressed in various ways. " (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 6.) Natürlich bedeutete die Nachlese harte Arbeit, doch sie ersparte es ihnen, betteln zu müssen. And why did Moses look "intently toward the payment of the reward "? Of course, gleaning meant hard work, but it did not mean that they had to cry back. Bitte fragt euch: "Kommt Jehova auch in unserem Familienleben in allem an erster Stelle?" Therefore, it is crucial to think these matters through before taking that serious step. Ask yourself: "Come to Jehovah also in your family life. " Als wahre Christen erkennen wir, dass wir die Neutralität bewahren müssen, und dazu sind wir auch entschlossen. " The Firstfruits of the Dead ' As true Christians, we recognize that we must maintain neutrality, and we are determined to do so. " Mit dem Herzen übt man Glauben zur Gerechtigkeit, mit dem Mund aber legt man eine öffentliche Erklärung ab zur Rettung ." In the earlier part of his letter, Paul clearly demonstrated that anointed Christians, whether Jewish or Gentile, were declared righteous before God by faith, not by works. " With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation. " bis 31. Mai When people propose alternative "solutions " to the challenge raised in Eden, how may we be able to help them? May 25 - 31, 2010 Fragen wir uns bitte: Kenne ich wirklich alle Einzelheiten darüber, wie der Konflikt entstanden ist? " Let your light shine before men, so that they may... give glory to your Father. " - MATT. 5: 16. Ask yourself: " Do I really know all the details about the conflict? Was spricht dafür, dass Jehovas Zeugen das einzige Volk sind, durch das sich Jesu prophetische Worte aus Matthäus 24: 14 erfüllen? Still, it is possible to clothe ourselves with humility. What shows that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only people who fulfill Jesus ' prophetic words recorded at Matthew 24: 14? Siebzig Jahre lang sollten die Israeliten ohne Heimat sein, sollte ihr Land verwüstet daliegen. If we respond favorably, we will become even more desirable in God's sight. Forty years, the Israelites were to stay desolate for their land. Diese Ausgabe des Wachtturms zeigt, was Gott mit der Erde und der Menschheit vorhat und was man selbst tun kann, um das einmal zu erleben. Each time we call on a householder, we try to plant a seed of Scriptural truth. This issue of The Watchtower reveals God's purpose for the earth and for mankind and what you can do to enjoy it. Als Kornelius im Jahr 36 u. Z. als erster unbeschnittener nichtjüdischer Bekehrter mit Geist gesalbt wurde, war von da an der Weg frei für unbeschnittene Nichtjuden, in den Olivenbaum "eingepfropft" zu werden. Now that we understand how serious it is to make a vow to God, let us consider these questions: What sort of vows might we as Christians make? When Cornelius was anointed as the first uncircumcised Gentile C.E., he was anointed with holy spirit, since the uncircumcised Gentiles were born as "a olive tree. " 4: 3, 4 - Was bedeutet dieses Gebot? Their appreciation for the truths they were learning about Jesus prompted them to take what step? 4: 3, 4 - What does this commandment mean? Was könnte uns daran hindern, Herrlichkeit zu erlangen? After all, they were few in number. What might hinder us from taking hold of glory? Unsere Familie darf nicht durch die "trügerische Macht des Reichtums" oder durch "Sorgen des Lebens" davon abgehalten werden, das "wirkliche Leben" in Gottes gerechter neuer Welt fest zu ergreifen. [ Picture on page 21] Our families must not be distracted by "the deceptive power of riches, " or by anxieties of life," the real life " of God's righteous new world. Des Goldes wegen wurde sogar gemordet. There are many misconceptions concerning deaf people and sign language. Golden gold even became murderous. Natürlich dachte Jehova nicht im Entferntesten daran, ihn zu verlassen, und er wird auch dich nie im Stich lassen. At Revelation 21: 2, the bride is compared to a city, New Jerusalem, and is "adorned for her husband. " Of course, Jehovah did not think that he would abandon him, and he will never abandon you. Psalm 44 ist eine inständige Bitte für die Nation Juda, die sich bedrängt fühlt - vielleicht eine Anspielung auf die Tage Hiskias, als die Assyrer drohten, das Land einzunehmen. Jehovah's Servants Reveal the Truth Psalm 44 is a plea for the nation of Judah who feels discouraged - perhaps on the days of Hezekiah when the Assyrians invaded the land. Welche Denkweise der heutigen Welt könnte auf uns abfärben? Many have suffered in forced - labor camps and prisons. How might we be affected by the thinking of this world? Doch das hält uns nicht davon ab, auch diesem Haushalt beharrlich die gute Botschaft vom Königreich zu predigen und wenn möglich Missverständnisse taktvoll richtig zu stellen. Well, Gaza is on the coast at about sea level. [gl 15] However, Hebron is to the east at an altitude of 3,000 feet [900 m] - a real climb! This does not prevent us from continuing to preach the good news of the Kingdom and when misunderstandings arise. Ob es sich um eine buchstäbliche Krone handelte oder um ein Symbol für zusätzliche Herrlichkeit wegen der vielen Siege Davids, wird nicht gesagt. In both cases, Mary listened, remembered, and thought carefully about what she had heard. - Read Luke 2: 16 - 19, 49, 51. Whether it was a literal crown or a symbol of added glory because of David's many victories, it is not said. Sie folgten nicht länger dem Diktat oder den Impulsen ihrer sündigen Wünsche. * They did not follow the righteousness of their sinful flesh or the sexual desires of their sinful desires. Jesus Christus gut kennenzulernen und seinen "Fußstapfen" genau zu folgen ist für uns ebenfalls eine Trostquelle. Telling small lies could embolden a person to tell big ones and might lead to the sinful practice of lying. We too can draw comfort from knowing that Jesus Christ is well - chosen to follow closely. Marco B.: Wie Sie hier sehen, haben böse Menschen keinerlei Aussicht auf Leben mehr. [ Footnotes] Mauricio: How do you see wicked people have no hope in life? Petrus schreibt: "In dem Verhältnis, wie jeder eine Gabe empfangen hat, gebraucht sie, indem ihr einander als vortreffliche Verwalter der unverdienten Güte Gottes dient, die auf mannigfaltige Weise zum Ausdruck kommt." Having had years of practice using such traps, Satan today uses them effectively, adapting his approach to each person's inclinations. Peter wrote: "In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of God's undeserved kindness expressed in various ways. " Warum hielt er "seinen Blick auf die Belohnung gerichtet"? * It is widely agreed that such abuse can inflict deep emotional scars. Why did he " look intently toward the payment of the reward "? Hilf deinem Kind, intensiv über die Segnungen von Gehorsam beziehungsweise die Folgen von Ungehorsam nachzudenken. I know Jehovah blessed my efforts. " Help your child to meditate deeply on the blessings of obedience and the consequences of disobedience. Der Erstling der im Tod Entschlafenen Hannah, on the other hand, "prayed extendedly before Jehovah " when she poured out her heart to him. The firstfruits of the Death Im ersten Teil seines Briefes macht Paulus deutlich, dass gesalbte Christen, ob jüdischer oder nichtjüdischer Herkunft, vor Gott durch Glauben gerechtgesprochen werden, nicht durch Werke. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania In the first part of his letter, Paul shows that anointed Christians, whether Jewish or Gentile, are declared righteous before God by faith, not by works. Wie können wir Menschen helfen, die eine "Alternativlösung" für die in Eden entstandene Herausforderung vorschlagen? * Though the circumstances of these brothers vary greatly, the advice they gave was strikingly similar. How can we help those who suggest a " great relief ' to those in Eden? " Lasst euer Licht vor den Menschen leuchten, damit sie... euren Vater, der in den Himmeln ist, verherrlichen " It is similar in Jehovah's spiritual army. " Let your light shine before men, that they may glorify your Father who is in the heavens. " - MATT. Doch es ist möglich, wenn wir uns mit Demut kleiden. Some immature youths manifest a spirit of cowardice and mentally try to escape stressful situations by resorting to excessive sleep or TV viewing, drug or alcohol abuse, constant partying, or sexual immorality. However, it is possible for us to clothe ourselves with humility. Gehen wir darauf ein, werden wir für Jehova noch anziehender. Since no questions are provided for the subjects discussed in the appendix, you will need to be familiar with the information in order to formulate meaningful questions. We will be more inclined to draw closer to Jehovah. Jedes Mal, wenn wir bei jemand vorsprechen, versuchen wir ein Samenkorn biblischer Wahrheit zu pflanzen. Jesus himself once said: "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also. " Each time we visit someone, we try to plant a seed of Bible truth. Nachdem uns jetzt bewusst ist, wie ernst es ist, Gott ein Versprechen abzugeben, geht es nun um die Fragen: Welche Gelübde könnten wir als Christen ablegen? There is "peace " among Jehovah's servants today, and love of" righteousness " has become their " task assigner ' - the force that impels them to serve God. After considering the seriousness of God's promise, we need to consider these questions: What vow could we make as Christians? Zusammen mit Silas konnte er dem Gefängnisaufseher und seiner Familie das Wort Gottes erklären. Rather, it will be destroyed by God at his appointed time and in his way. Along with Silas, he could explain God's Word to the jailer and his family. Schließlich waren sie nur wenige. This is the subject of the following article. After all, they were few. [ Bild auf Seite 21] On the other hand, how encouraging it is when comments contribute to further discussion of a significant point. [ Picture on page 21] Über Gehörlose und die Gebärdensprache kursieren viele falsche Vorstellungen. Outnumbered and unarmed, God's people will look to the refuge of Jehovah's "pinions, " which he extends to shield the obedient. Many false ideas about deaf people and sign language are common. In Offenbarung 21: 2 wird sie mit einer Stadt verglichen. Diese wird als "Neues Jerusalem" bezeichnet, als eine "für ihren Mann geschmückte Braut." HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Revelation 21: 2 likens her to a city, which is described as "the city of Jerusalem " as" a bride for her husband. " Jehovas Diener zeigen, was Wahrheit ist While there is some benefit in silently reviewing what you are going to say, many find it more helpful to rehearse their presentation out loud. Jehovah's people show what truth is Viele litten in Zwangsarbeitslagern und Gefängnissen. I appreciate the encouragement found at 2 Chronicles 16: 9: " The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. ' " Many had labored in prisons and prisons. Nun, Gasa ist an der Küste etwa auf Meereshöhe gelegen [15], während Hebron in östlicher Richtung in 930 Meter Höhe liegt. Welch ein Anstieg! Suddenly, Jeroboam's demeanor changes. Well, Gaza is on the east of the sea [whens] as in Hebron, while in Hebron there is a mass of height! Bei beiden Gelegenheiten hörte Maria zu, dachte lange darüber nach und merkte es sich. (Lies Lukas 2: 16 - 19, 49, 51.) 2 Organized in Harmony With God's Own Book On both occasions Mary listened well, meditated on what she had learned. - Read Luke 2: 16 - 19, 51. * JEHOVAH is a generous God. * Kleine Lügen ebnen den Weg für größere und so könnte das Lügen zur Gewohnheit werden. However, his outstanding handsomeness came from his faithfulness to Jehovah and his unbending integrity. Little lies open the way for the better, and such lies could become a practice of lying. [ Fußnoten] 8: 24. Picture the scene: Christ is exhausted from his demanding ministry. [ Footnotes] Was können wir konkret tun, um uns zu schützen? But we are accomplishing much more today under Jehovah's guiding hand. What practical steps can we take to protect ourselves? * Fachleute sind sich allgemein einig, dass Missbrauch oft tiefe emotionale Narben hinterlässt. This was when a renegade spirit son of God, Satan, succeeded in influencing Adam and Eve to rebel against Jehovah's rulership. * People generally agree that often abuse causes great emotional emotional pain. Diese Anstrengungen hat Jehova gesegnet - da bin ich mir sicher! " The apostles and older men in Jerusalem served as a governing body That efforts has Jehovah's blessing - since I am certain! " Hanna dagegen " betete anhaltend vor Jehova ', als sie ihm ihr Herz ausschüttete. Yes, Micah's prophecy truly strengthens us to walk in Jehovah's name. Hannah "kept praying before Jehovah " when she poured out her heart to him. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Michael stepped in to prevent this. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania * Obwohl ihre Umstände sehr verschieden sind, war ihr Rat verblüffend ähnlich. The references to Lebanon, Carmel, and Sharon must have evoked a satisfying and lovely image to the Israelites. * Although their circumstances differ greatly, their counsel was similar. So ähnlich ist es auch in Jehovas geistigem Heer. Additionally, during that time, the weeds became many and the blades of wheat were few. Similarly, Jehovah's spiritual army is in a similar situation. Viele junge Leute, denen christliche Reife nichts bedeutet, beweisen einen "Geist der Feigheit": Sie drücken sich vor Schwierigkeiten, indem sie nur noch im Bett liegen oder vor dem Fernseher sitzen, Drogen oder Alkohol konsumieren, eine Party nach der anderen feiern oder ein unsittliches Leben führen. (b) What should parents not expect of their children? Many young people who do not make Christian maturity prove to be "a spirit of cowardice, " putting themselves in bed by watching television, alcohol, or other alcohol abuse. Da zu dem Stoff im Anhang keine Fragen abgedruckt sind, müssen wir damit vertraut sein, um treffende Fragen stellen zu können. The Bible warns: "As a honeycomb the lips of a strange woman keep dripping, and her palate is smoother than oil. Since the information in the appendix does not mean that we need to know the proper questions so as to ask questions. Jesus selbst sagte einmal: "Wer mich gesehen hat, hat auch den Vater gesehen." You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was impaled. Jesus himself said: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also. " Unter Jehovas Dienern herrscht heute "Frieden," und Liebe zur "Gerechtigkeit" ist ihr " Arbeitszuteiler ' geworden - die Kraft, die sie dazu antreibt, Gott zu dienen. Hence, they are not selected from many different religions. Today, Jehovah's people enjoy "peace, " and love for" righteousness " - the force that motivates them to serve God. Gott wird ihr zu seiner bestimmten Zeit und auf seine Weise ein Ende machen. ARTICLE6 Depression - How to Treat It God will bring their time to an end in his own due time and in his way. Darum geht es im nächsten Artikel. How can a family resist such degraded "entertainment "? This will be considered in the following article. Wie ermunternd ist es dagegen, wenn durch Kommentare ein wichtiger Punkt von verschiedenen Seiten beleuchtet wird! We read: "A day in your courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere. How encouraging, though, it is when comments are presented in a vital feature of various pages! Zahlenmäßig unterlegen und unbewaffnet wird Gottes Volk Zuflucht suchen unter den "Schwingen" Jehovas, die er ausbreitet, um die Gehorsamen zu beschützen. Jesus said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " Furthermore, there is no doubt that God's people are seeking refuge under "the sea " under Jehovah's provisions to protect their obedience. WAS WÜRDEST DU SAGEN? (a) How did Jesus ' attitude differ from that of the Pharisees? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Wie können wir uns merken, was wir sagen wollen? This is done by easing his misery or grief and bringing him consolation. How can we discern what we want to say? Chronika 16: 9: " Was Jehova betrifft, seine Augen durchschweifen die ganze Erde, damit er sich stark erweist zugunsten derer, deren Herz ihm gegenüber ungeteilt ist. " Study Article 4 PAGES 16 - 20 (Read 2 Chronicles 16: 9: "As for Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " Schlagartig verändert sich Jerobeams Verhalten. • What can help us overcome a tendency to murmur? On the contrary, Jeroboam's conduct changed. 9 In Übereinstimmung mit Gottes Wort organisiert 15, 16. (a) What examples illustrate that it is rewarding to help those who speak a foreign language? 9 In accord with God's Word JEHOVA ist ein großzügiger Gott. I tell you that thus there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety - nine righteous ones who have no need of repentance. " - Luke 15: 4 - 7. JEHOVAH is a generous God. Doch vor allem machten ihn seine Treue zu Jehova und das unbeugsame Bewahren seiner unversehrten Lauterkeit schön. 9, 10. (a) Why might Hezekiah easily have become bitter? Above all, Job's faithfulness to Jehovah and maintained his integrity. Die Wellen peitschen gegen das Boot und wild schäumendes Wasser schwappt herein. Such propaganda promotes, not God's ways, but "the spirit of the world " and of its angry ruler, Satan. The waves rose up against the boat and the wild water of water. Doch unter Jehovas Leitung erreichen wir heute noch viel mehr. There is a striking contrast between the loving Shepherd, Jehovah, and Israel's leaders. Under Jehovah's direction, however, we have much more to do now. Satan, ein abtrünniger Geistsohn Gottes, stiftete nämlich Adam und Eva an, sich gegen Jehovas Herrschaft aufzulehnen. Soon that spirit would act on Peter and his fellow disciples in new ways. Satan, a apostate spirit son of God, set Adam and Eve in rebellion against Jehovah's rulership. Die Apostel und die älteren Männer in Jerusalem dienten als leitende Körperschaft At the inauguration of the temple, there was a full - scale orchestra, with a brass section composed of 120 trumpets. The apostles and the older men in Jerusalem served as the governing body Ja, die Prophezeiung Michas bestärkt uns wirklich darin, im Namen Jehovas zu wandeln! How did Jesus set a pattern of dealing humbly, patiently, and kindly with his disciples? Indeed, Micah's prophecy strengthens us to walk in Jehovah's name! Michael schritt ein und verhinderte das. " The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom, " states Proverbs 4: 19. Michael intervened and protected this. Die Bezugnahmen auf den Libanon, den Karmel und den Scharon müssen den Israeliten ein erhebend schönes Bild in den Sinn gerufen haben. Should not Jehovah's worship and all that promotes it be our main concern and chief source of joy? The references to Lebanon, Mount Carmel, and the Israelites must have a beautiful picture in mind. Nachdem aber der letzte Apostel gestorben war, schlug der Abfall quasi Wurzeln und konnte wachsen und gedeihen. But Jehovah has given you the privilege of testifying about him to those now embracing true worship. But after the last apostles died, the apostasy would develop and grow. (b) Was sollten Eltern von ihren Kindern nicht erwarten? Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " (b) What should parents not expect from their children? Die Bibel sagt warnend: "Wie eine Honigwabe träufeln beständig die Lippen einer Fremden, und ihr Gaumen ist glatter als Öl. Huge home mortgages, lingering student loans, expensive car payments, even extravagant weddings can result in great financial pressure. The Bible warns: "How sweet - smelling honey is the lips of a stranger, and their oil is sharp. Ihr sucht Jesus, den Nazarener, der an den Pfahl gebracht wurde. He told them that "on the basis of his name, repentance for forgiveness of sins would be preached in all the nations - starting out from Jerusalem. " He added: "You are to be witnesses of these things. " - Luke 24: 44 - 48. Her goal was to be impaled. Folglich werden sie nicht aus den verschiedensten Religionen ausgewählt. What methods should be used? Hence, they are not selected from many religions. 15 Liebe Eltern - schult eure Kinder von Anfang an 4: 6 - 11; 5: 4, 6, 14. 15 Parents - Train Your Children from the beginning Wie kann eine Familie dem Einfluss derart entwürdigender "Unterhaltung" widerstehen? Jesus had what preparations made for the last Passover with the apostles? How can a family oppose the world's influence? Wir lesen: "Ein Tag in deinen Vorhöfen ist besser als tausend anderswo. Thus, it is vital to draw on the Bible as the best source of advice and to seek Jehovah's guidance in prayer. We read: "A day in your courtyards is better than a thousand others. Schließlich sagte Jesus: "Niemand kann zu mir kommen, es sei denn, der Vater, der mich gesandt hat, ziehe ihn." This unity was especially evident during persecution, when they particularly needed one another. Finally, Jesus said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " (a) Worin unterschied sich die Einstellung Jesu von der der Pharisäer? The day after Nisan 14 saw the beginning of the Festival of Unfermented Cakes. (a) How did Jesus ' attitude differ from that of the Pharisees? Bestimmt kann man das von Jehova sagen! She says, "If I don't know you or haven't met you face - to - face, then I'm not adding you simply because we have mutual friends. " Surely that is what Jehovah says! Studienartikel SEITE 16 - 20 Bible counsel can guide us in our day - to - day decisions, and it can help us to map out the course of our life over the years to come. Study Article 3 PAGES 16 - 20 • Wie kann man dieser Tendenz entgegenwirken? Seeing this, King Achish rebuked his servants for bringing a "crazy " man before him. • How can we counteract this tendency? 15, 16. (a) Welche Beispiele zeigen, dass es sich lohnt, sich um fremdsprachige Menschen zu kümmern? 6, 7. 15, 16. (a) What examples show that we benefit from caring for those who are foreign - language people? Ich sage euch, dass so im Himmel mehr Freude über einen einzigen Sünder sein wird, der bereut, als über neunundneunzig Gerechte, die der Reue nicht bedürfen ." In the ninth vision, John sees "the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion " and with him" a hundred and forty - four thousand. " I tell you that in heaven there will be more joy over one sinner who will repent as over ninety - ninety righteous people who do not need repentance. " 9, 10. (a) Warum hätte Hiskia leicht verbittern können? Attempting to sell a car to a prospective buyer, he described all its good points as well as its faults, including those that could not be seen. 9, 10. (a) Why could Hezekiah easily become bitter? Statt zu einem Verhalten aufzufordern, wie Jehova es sich wünscht, wird durch diese Propaganda systematisch der "Geist der Welt" und ihres zornigen Herrschers, des Teufels, verbreitet. Through the Law, God made it clear that blood could serve a role in the forgiveness of sins Instead of helping a wrongdoer to see how Jehovah wants to do so, this world's propaganda will be promoted by "the spirit of the world " and its vicious ruler, Satan the Devil. Es besteht ein auffälliger Gegensatz zwischen dem liebevollen Hirten, Jehova, und den Führern Israels. At an appropriate time and in a kind manner, remind your child of those facts. It is a contrast between the loving Shepherd, Jehovah, and the leaders of Israel. Schon bald sollte dieser Geist über Jesu Nachfolgern auf eine neue Art und Weise wirksam werden. Christian elders requested guidance in selecting men for organizational responsibilities. Soon, that spirit would operate on Jesus ' followers in a new way. Bei der Einweihung des Tempels spielte ein großes Orchester mit einem enormen Aufgebot an Blechbläsern - 120 Trompeter. All of this made him "sleepless from grief. " At the inauguration of the temple, a large variety of trumpeters played a spectacular trumpet. Wie gab Jesus seinen Jüngern ein Beispiel darin, demütig, geduldig und freundlich miteinander umzugehen? If we are ever misjudged or misunderstood, let us remain loyal to Jehovah. How did Jesus set an example in showing humility, patience, and kindness to his disciples? " Der Weg der Bösen ist wie das Dunkel ," heißt es in Sprüche 4: 19. How can we maintain such a fine spirit? " The way of wicked ones is like the darkness, " states Proverbs 4: 19. Sollte uns die Anbetung Jehovas und alles, was zu ihrer Förderung beiträgt, nicht auch das Wichtigste sein und uns am meisten freuen? Some single ones may pursue marriage simply to cure their loneliness. Should we not be interested in the advancement of Jehovah and his people even in their efforts to promote true worship? Aber dir hat Jehova die ehrenvolle Aufgabe übertragen, vor Menschen, die die wahre Anbetung aufnehmen, Zeugnis über ihn abzulegen. Greatness From Service Motivated by Love But Jehovah has given you the privilege of bearing witness to those who take true worship. Überdies, die Welt vergeht und ebenso ihre Begierde, wer aber den Willen Gottes tut, bleibt immerdar ." How, then, can we determine whether the level of importance that we attach to our entertainment is proper? Moreover, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " Hohe Raten für Baufinanzierungen, Studentenkredite, teure Autofinanzierungen und auch aufwendige Hochzeiten können uns finanziell sehr belasten. Of the many places mentioned, some cannot be identified today with known sites, so they may not appear on Bible maps. The high - based counsel on the rock badger has brought great stress to young students, medical cars, and other social gatherings. Er sagte zu ihnen, "aufgrund seines Namens würde in allen Nationen Reue zur Vergebung der Sünden gepredigt werden - angefangen von Jerusalem," und fügte hinzu: "Ihr [sollt] Zeugen von diesen Dingen sein." Homosexual unions, unmarried couples living together, and easy divorces prove that he is having much success in this regard. He told them that "his name would be preached in all nations for forgiveness of sins, from Jerusalem, and said: " You were witnesses of these things. " Welche Vorgehensweise ist richtig? Rather, out of his graciousness and his willingness not to be exacting or demanding - expressions of mildness - Jehovah provided the means through which sinful mankind can come to him and gain his favor. What methods are correct? 4: 6 - 11; 5: 4, 6, 14. In response, some murmured against him, especially when he spoke this illustration: "Most truly I say to you, Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. 4: 6 - 11; 5: 4, 6, 14, 15. Als Jesus seine Apostel beauftragte, einen Raum für das Passahmahl vorzubereiten, sagte er nichts von aufwendiger Dekoration. • How does Jesus ' example help us to deal appropriately with all sorts of people? When Jesus told his apostles to prepare for the Passover meal, he did not say anything to be done. Es ist also wichtig, zur Bibel als der besten Quelle für Rat zu greifen und Jehova im Gebet um seine Leitung zu bitten. Moreover, true repentance moves a sinner to "turn around, " abandoning his wrong course and pursuing a course that is pleasing to God. We need to take the Bible as the best source of counsel and seek Jehovah's guidance in prayer. Gerade in Verfolgungszeiten brauchten sie einander und hielten fest zusammen. The need to deal effectively with such emotions is reason enough for us to seek divine guidance, but there are other motives for doing so. During a time of persecution, they needed to stay close to one another and stick to one another. Am Tag nach dem 14. Nisan begann das Fest der ungesäuerten Brote. • How can we cultivate a proper view of right and wrong? On Nisan 14, the Festival of Booths began to be unleavened. Sie sagt: "Wenn ich jemanden nicht kenne oder ihm noch nie begegnet bin, werde ich ihn nicht einfach nur deswegen adden, weil wir gemeinsame Freunde haben." BIBLE STUDIES She says: "If I don't know someone or do anything else, I don't just accept it simply because we have a bond of friends together. " Biblischer Rat kann uns die alltäglichen Entscheidungen erleichtern und nützlich dabei sein, die Weichen für die künftigen Lebensjahre zu stellen. It also explains the work that endurance must complete in each of us. Bible - based counsel can help us to make daily decisions and to prepare for the future. Als König Achisch das sah, fuhr er seine Diener an, warum sie ihm einen "Verrückten" gebracht hätten. John's three letters contain further gems of truth. When king saw this, he told his servants why they would have brought him a "right hand. " 6, 7. What about the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel? 6, 7. In der neunten Vision sieht Johannes das Lamm auf dem Berg Zion stehen "und mit ihm hundertvierundvierzigtausend." A YOUNG woman named Keiko * has been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for more than 20 years. In the fifth vision, John beholds the Lamb on Mount Zion " and with a hundred years of age. ' Er führte einem Kaufinteressenten ein Auto vor und beschrieb dabei alle Schwachpunkte - auch die unsichtbaren - genauso wie alle Stärken. How did Jesus point forward to the formation of the Christian congregation? He used a car to illustrate the invisible, as well as all the strengths needed. Durch das Gesetz zeigte Gott deutlich, dass Blut bei der Sündenvergebung eine Rolle spielen würde But it would have been like depositing money in a bank that is about to go bankrupt. " By means of the Law, God clearly indicated that blood would play a role in forgiveness of sins Erinnere dein Kind zu einem passenden Zeitpunkt freundlich daran. Why is the growing ill will toward Babylon the Great significant? Remember your child at an appropriate time. Älteste baten darum, bei der Auswahl von Männern für organisatorische Aufgaben geleitet zu werden. Gallio perhaps thought that the man who seemed to be the leader of the mob action against Paul was getting what he deserved. Elders asked for guidance in dealing with organizational responsibilities. All dieser Kummer raubte ihm den Schlaf. (Read Psalm 119: 37; Proverbs 22: 3.) All of this brought him sleep to sleep. Selbst wenn wir also missverstanden oder falsch beurteilt werden, bleiben wir Jehova loyal. Never forget that Satan would like nothing better than to exploit the pressures we face to induce us to give up - to stop preaching the good news or to quit living by God's standards. Yes, even if we were to be judgmental or wrong, we will remain loyal to Jehovah. Wie können wir uns diese vorzügliche Einstellung bewahren? Good organization was to involve all aspects of their life and especially their worship. How can we maintain this fine spirit? Manche möchten unbedingt heiraten, weil sie denken, dass sie sich dann nicht mehr einsam fühlen. Faith in the good news and the entire Word of God helps us to draw ever closer to Jehovah. Some may want to get married because they feel that they are not lonely. Größe - aus Liebe anderen dienen When we make mistakes, as we all do, we genuinely repent and turn away from practices that dishonor Jehovah. - Ps. 79: 9. Cultivate Love for Others Wie können wir denn herausfinden, ob wir einer Freizeitbeschäftigung den richtigen Stellenwert beimessen? But what about Jewish Christians? How, then, can we determine if we put aside recreation in proper perspective? Von einigen der vielen Orte, die erwähnt werden, kann heute nicht gesagt werden, welchen bekannten Örtlichkeiten sie entsprechen, weshalb sie wahrscheinlich nicht auf biblischen Landkarten zu finden sind. See the article "Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From the Book of Genesis - I " in the January 1, 2004, issue of The Watchtower. Some of the many places that are mentioned today cannot be said of what local places they may not meet, so they may not be able to find Bible references. Gleichgeschlechtliche Ehegemeinschaften, Ehen ohne Trauschein und ein sehr liberales Scheidungsrecht belegen, wie erfolgreich er in dieser Hinsicht ist. A parallel prophecy states: "I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: " Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of military commanders and the flesh of strong men and the flesh of horses and of those seated on them, and the flesh of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great. ' " - Rev. 19: 17, 18. On the other hand, marriage partners, marriages, and marriage have shown a measure of divorce that is successful in this regard. Stattdessen zeigte sich Jehovas Milde darin, dass er gnädig war, bereit, auf zu hohe Anforderungen zu verzichten, und der sündigen Menschheit einen Weg eröffnete, sich ihm zu nahen und seine Gunst zu erlangen. And what about those who benefit from such acts of loving - kindness? Instead, Jehovah's mildness demonstrated that he was gracious, willing to forgo high requirements, and opened the way for sinful mankind to draw close to him and gain his favor. Darauf reagierten einige unwillig, vor allem als er gleichnishaft Folgendes äußerte: "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch: Wenn ihr nicht das Fleisch des Menschensohnes esst und sein Blut trinkt, so habt ihr kein Leben in euch selbst. 55: 11. Illustrate the difference between a plan and a purpose. Some rejected this, especially when he said: "Truly I say to you, If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. • Wie hilft uns Jesu Beispiel, mit allen Arten von Menschen richtig umzugehen? 5: 8; 12: 2) Let us consider some aspects of full - time service that could make you very happy. • How does Jesus ' example help us to deal with all sorts of people? Echte Reue drängt ihn auch dazu, "umzukehren" - den verkehrten Weg zu verlassen und einen Weg einzuschlagen, der Gott gefällt. Keep in mind that elders may find that it is not easy to approach us with needed counsel. Genuine repentance also moves him to "turn back " - the wrong course and to pursue a course that pleases God. Allein schon um uns in dieser Gefühlswelt zurechtzufinden, brauchen wir Anleitung von Jehova. Und dazu kommen noch viele weitere Gründe. And the woman felt the loss of her coin as if she had no other coins. If we are inclined to do so, we need Jehovah's guidance, and there are many other reasons why we need to do so. • Wie können wir uns die richtige Ansicht über Recht und Unrecht zu Eigen machen? Faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ enables us to have a clean conscience. • How can we have the proper view of right and wrong? HEIMBIBELSTUDIEN " If this people continues going up to render sacrifices in the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem, " he reasoned, "the heart of this people will also be bound to return to their lord, Rehoboam the king of Judah; and they will certainly kill me and return to Rehoboam the king of Judah. " [ Footnotes] Es wird auch erklärt, welches Werk das Ausharren in jedem von uns vollenden muss. If you have been associated with Jehovah's organization for many years, you may recall the time when there were very few Kingdom proclaimers in your region or country or when the preaching work faced stiff opposition. It also explains the work that endurance must complete in each of us. Weitere geistige Schätze finden wir in seinen drei Briefen. On the second night of discussion, Brother Albu persuaded his four fellow elders to unite with us when he said, "If we do not do it now, we may never get another chance. " Additional spiritual treasures are found in his three letters. Was ist über das Zehnstämmereich Israel zu sagen? Yet, there are sound reasons for not giving up on a marital bond that is weakening. What about the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel? KEIKO *, eine jüngere Frau, ist schon mehr als 20 Jahre lang Zeugin Jehovas. SONGS TO BE USED: 160, 34 A younger woman is now more than 20 years of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 20 years. Wie kündigte Jesus die Entstehung der Christenversammlung an? [ Picture on page 24] How did Jesus foretell the birth of the Christian congregation? Aber das wäre so, als würde ich mein Geld bei einer Bank anlegen, die vor dem Konkurs steht. " How can baptized brothers show themselves courageous? But that would be as if I were to put my money ahead of the bank. " Weshalb ist die wachsende Feindseligkeit gegenüber Babylon der Großen bedeutsam? When you need counsel, they offer it in love. Why is the ever - increasing hostility to Babylon the Great significant? Vielleicht dachte Gallio, dass der mutmaßliche Anführer der Pöbelaktion diese Behandlung verdiene. 17, 18. (a) How should we respond to critical attitudes about our qualifications as ministers? It may have seemed that the chief leader of the mob paid attention to such treatment. (Lies Psalm 119: 37; Sprüche 22: 3.) If your humble efforts result in reconciliation, give thanks to Jehovah. (Read Psalm 119: 37; Proverbs 22: 3.) Vergessen wir nicht, dass Satan uns durch diese Belastungen nur zur Aufgabe zwingen möchte - wir sollen die Verkündigung der guten Botschaft einstellen oder nicht mehr nach Gottes Maßstäben leben. (b) What do parents primarily need to teach young ones? Remember, Satan wants us to force us to pursue such pressures only if we are to qualify for the preaching of the good news or not living in harmony with God's standards. Gute Organisation war in allen Lebensbereichen nötig, besonders bei der Anbetung. (Deuteronomy 5: 1 - 26: 19) Good organization was needed in all areas of life, especially in worship. Der Glaube an die gute Botschaft und an das gesamte Wort Gottes hilft uns, Jehova immer näher zu kommen. Your honesty and hard work do not go unnoticed Faith in the good news and in God's entire Word will help us to draw ever closer to Jehovah. Doch wir alle machen Fehler. Wenn uns das passiert, bereuen wir aufrichtig und wenden uns von Handlungen ab, die Jehova entehren. As Jesus ' disciples, we keep making known Jehovah's purpose for the future (See paragraphs 5, 6) However, when we make mistakes, we sincerely repent and turn away from those who dishonor Jehovah. Wie verhielt es sich aber mit jüdischen Christen? In addition, the resolve to abstain from blood, to marry only in the Lord, or to bring up children in the faith in a divided household can sometimes result in severe pressures and trials. - Acts 15: 29; 1 Corinthians 7: 39; Ephesians 6: 4; 1 Peter 3: 1, 2. What, though, about Jewish Christians? Siehe den Artikel "Das Wort Jehovas ist lebendig - Höhepunkte aus 1. Mose (I) "in der Wachtturm - Ausgabe vom 1. Januar 2004. Of course, singleness is to be enjoyed within the limits set by Jehovah. - Matt. 19: 10 - 12; 1 Cor. 7: 1, 6, 7, 17. See the article "The Word of Jehovah Is Alive, " in the January 1, 2006, issue of The Watchtower. In einer ähnlichen Prophezeiung ist zu lesen: "Ich sah auch einen Engel in der Sonne stehen, und er schrie mit lauter Stimme und sagte zu allen Vögeln, die in der Mitte des Himmels fliegen: " Kommt hierher, werdet versammelt zum großen Abendessen Gottes, damit ihr die Fleischteile von Königen fresst und die Fleischteile von Militärbefehlshabern und die Fleischteile von Starken und die Fleischteile von Pferden und von denen, die darauf sitzen, und die Fleischteile von allen, von Freien wie auch von Sklaven und von Kleinen und Großen "." Strong hope enables us to resist apostates and their gangrenous "empty speeches. " In a similar prophecy, we read: "I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all those gathered together in the midst of heaven: " Come, there will be evening meal, to the great crowd of God, to the great crowd, and to pieces of those who will also be gathered away from all kings and to pieces of the nations, and to pieces of the oppressive and to pieces of those who will also be gathered. ' " Was könnten diejenigen tun, denen diese Gefälligkeit erwiesen wird? • What effect did the faith of the patriarchs have on their descendants? What could be done to those who would prove this relief? Veranschauliche den Unterschied zwischen einem "Plan" und einem "Vorsatz." 16: 14, 16; 19: 19 - 21. " The Elements... Illustrate the difference between "a plan " and" a purpose. " 5: 8; 12: 2). In the 7th chapter of Romans, Paul acknowledged the power of sin on the imperfect flesh. 5: 8; 12: 2) Womöglich fällt es den Ältesten nicht leicht, uns auf eine Sache anzusprechen. To Abraham's fleshly seed, the nation of Israel, God once said: "All these blessings [set out in the Law covenant] must come upon you and overtake you, because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God. " It may not be easy for the elders to approach us in a matter. Und die Frau schmerzte der Verlust der Münze so sehr, als sei es ihre letzte gewesen. Just as Peter's faith enabled him to walk on water, our faith enables us to do things that from a human standpoint may seem impossible. And the woman felt hurt at the loss of the coin when she was last. Der Glaube an das Loskaufsopfer Jesu Christi schenkt uns ein reines Gewissen. What facts shed light on Jehovah's reasons for afflicting Azariah with leprosy? Faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice gives us a clean conscience. Er befürchtete: "Wenn dieses Volk weiterhin hinaufzieht, um Schlachtopfer im Haus Jehovas in Jerusalem darzubieten, dann wird das Herz dieses Volkes bestimmt zu ihrem Herrn, Rehabeam, dem König von Juda, zurückkehren; und sie werden mich gewiss töten und zu Rehabeam, dem König von Juda, zurückkehren." For example, consider Ezekiel 14: 13, 14, where we read: "If a land sins against me by acting unfaithfully, I will stretch out my hand against it and destroy its food supply, and I will send famine upon it and cut off man and animal from it. " Even if these three men - Noah, Daniel, and Job - were within it, they would be able to save only themselves because of their righteousness, ' declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. " He feared: "If this people continue to present sacrifices in Jerusalem, then the heart of this people will certainly return to their Lord, the king of Judah; and they will certainly kill me, and they will certainly kill me from the king of Judah. " Wenn du schon viele Jahre mit Jehovas Organisation verbunden bist, erinnerst du dich vielleicht noch an die Zeit, als es in deiner Gegend oder in deinem Land nur wenige Königreichsverkündiger gab oder das Predigtwerk auf entschiedene Gegnerschaft stieß. All the wisdom and knowledge of God are hidden, or are dwelling, in Christ, and there is no better way for us to learn about Jehovah than by carefully learning all that we can about Jesus. If you have been associated with Jehovah's organization for many years, you may recall the time when few Kingdom proclaimers faced opposition or opposition in your area. Am zweiten Abend überzeugte Bruder Albu seine vier Mitältesten davon, sich uns anzuschließen. " Go, " God commanded Hosea, "take to yourself a wife of fornication and children of fornication, because by fornication the land positively turns from following Jehovah. " On the second night, Brother Rutherford convinced his four elders of them that they would join us. Doch es gibt gute Gründe, eine gefährdete Ehe nicht gleich aufzugeben. As Revelation 5: 13 indicates, "the One sitting on the throne and... the Lamb " surely deserve to be honored. However, there are good reasons for not abandoning a marriage. Lieder: 160, 34 How did Jehovah show mercy in dealing with Solomon, but what should we remember about that? SONGS TO BE USED: 75, 34 [ Bild auf Seite 24] Since Jehovah has "opened to the nations the door to faith, " could we not open our own door to strangers who are" related to us in the faith "? - Acts 14: 27; Gal. 6: 10; Job 31: 32. [ Picture on page 24] Wann kommt es bei Brüdern auf Mut an? The way the verses above are worded shows that Jehovah is appealing to our heart. When does courage come from the heart? Nötigenfalls geben sie uns liebevoll Rat. She also weighed the potential emotional damage to little ones who during their formative years are separated from their parents. When necessary, they give us loving counsel. 17, 18. (a) Wie sollten wir reagieren, wenn jemand äußerst kritisch zu unserer Befähigung als Diener Gottes eingestellt ist? Isaac and Jacob were heirs of the very same promise. 17, 18. (a) How should we react to those who are very critical of our servants of God? Danke Jehova, wenn es dir in aller Demut gelungen ist, eine Versöhnung herbeizuführen. (b) What did Jesus do after being resurrected? Thank you, Jehovah, when you have been able to bring a reconciliation to him in all respects. (b) Was müssen Eltern ihre Kinder vor allem lehren? Imagine this situation. (b) What must parents teach their children especially? Mose 5: 1 bis 26: 19) (b) What question should we ask ourselves? (Read Genesis 5: 1 - 26: 19) Deine Ehrlichkeit und deine gute Arbeit bleiben nicht unbemerkt How did Psalm 22: 16 and Isaiah 53: 12 apply to Jesus? Keep Your honesty and Your Good Work Als Jesu Jünger machen wir weiterhin Jehovas Vorsatz bekannt (Siehe Absatz 5, 6) The next article will help us examine our own hearts so that we can become more like our Father, Jehovah, who is "good and ready to forgive. " - Ps. 86: 5. As Jesus ' disciples, we continue to make known Jehovah's purpose (See paragraphs 5, 6) Auch wer sich fest vornimmt, sich des Blutes zu enthalten, nur im Herrn zu heiraten oder Kinder in einem religiös geteilten Haus im Glauben zu erziehen, kann mitunter in belastende Situationen oder große Schwierigkeiten geraten. To combat her negative thinking, Keiko devoted more time to personal study. Those who are determined to abstain from blood only in the Lord or children in a religiously divided household may at times experience trials or hardships. Als Lediger muss man sich allerdings auch innerhalb der Grenzen bewegen, die Jehova festgelegt hat. That did not mean much to me. As a single person, however, you may need to move within the limits that Jehovah has set. Dadurch schützen wir unser Denken und lassen Abgefallene mit ihren "leeren Reden," die sich wie Gangrän ausbreiten, nicht an uns heran. When that nation made good choices, obeying Jehovah's commands, Jehovah protected them. By doing so, we protect our thinking and apostates with their "wild sayings, " who spread such practices as spirits, do not spread to us. • Wie wirkte sich der Glaube der Patriarchen auf ihre Nachkommen aus? The provision of having such men appointed is "with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones,... for the building up of the body of the Christ. " • How did the patriarchs benefit from their offspring? " Die Elemente [werden]... aufgelöst " If that is true of your acquaintances, can you assume that they are good associations? " The elements [will] be dissolved. " - 2 COR. In Kapitel 7 des Römerbriefs beschrieb Paulus ganz offen, wie sehr unvollkommene Menschen unter dem Einfluss der Sünde stehen. ARTICLE 3 In chapter 7 of the book of Romans, Paul pointed out how imperfect humans are under the influence of sin. Zu den Nachkommen Abrahams, dem Volk Israel, sagte Gott einmal: "Alle diese Segnungen [die im Gesetzesbund angekündigt wurden] sollen über dich kommen und dich erreichen, weil du fortfährst, auf die Stimme Jehovas, deines Gottes, zu hören." How do we know that God will help us to remain faithful? God once told the descendants of Abraham, the nation of Israel: "All these blessings were to come upon you and come upon you, because you keep on listening to the voice of Jehovah your God. " Petrus hatte Glauben und konnte daher auf dem Wasser laufen. Auch unser Glaube befähigt uns zu vielem, was aus menschlicher Sicht unmöglich scheint. (b) Why should a Christian be willing to make sacrifices? Peter had faith and could therefore walk on the water, so our faith could also enable us to many of which seems impossible in human viewpoint. Welche Hintergründe helfen uns, Jehovas Urteil über Asarja nachzuvollziehen? O God, how much does the grand sum of them amount to! What can help us to understand Jehovah's judgments about Azariah? Zum Beispiel lesen wir in Hesekiel 14: 13, 14: "" Was ein Land betrifft, falls es Sünde gegen mich begeht, indem es treulos handelt, so will ich meine Hand gegen dasselbe ausstrecken und ihm die Stäbe zerbrechen, um die ringförmige Brote gehängt sind, und ich will Hungersnot darüber senden und daraus Erdenmensch und Haustier wegtilgen. ," Und hätten sich diese drei Männer in seiner Mitte befunden: Noah, Daniel und Hiob, sie selbst würden wegen ihrer Gerechtigkeit ihre Seele befreien " ist der Ausspruch des Souveränen Herrn Jehova. " What Did You Learn? For example, we read at Ezekiel 14: 13, 14: "As for a land that is committing sin against me, I will send out my hand against him and break up the same loaves of bread, " that is, in the midst of his Sovereign Lord Job. Die gesamte Weisheit und Erkenntnis Gottes ist "verborgen" oder "wohnt" in Christus. The very next afternoon, Jesus was executed and his followers scattered. " The whole wisdom and knowledge of God " is" hidden " in Christ. Jehova gebot Hosea: "Geh, nimm dir eine Frau der Hurerei und Kinder der Hurerei, denn durch Hurerei wendet sich das Land ganz bestimmt davon ab, Jehova zu folgen." Jehovah wants to be our main Source of strength too. Jehovah commanded Hosea: "Go, take a wife of fornication and children of fornication, because by means of fornication he turns away from following Jehovah. " Gemäß Offenbarung 5: 13 verdienen der, "der auf dem Thron sitzt, und... [das] Lamm" ganz sicher Ehre. Jeremiah had confidence in Jehovah, and as a result, in Jehovah's strength he overcame his hesitancy and became a remarkably courageous witness in Israel. According to Revelation 5: 13, "those seated upon the throne [the Lamb] certainly deserves praise. " Warum war Jehova nachsichtig mit Salomo, doch was sollten wir nie vergessen? In our ministry, why should we bear in mind the good news that is stressed in the book of Romans, and with what potential result? Why was Jehovah yielding to Solomon, but what should we never forget? Jehova hat "den Nationen die Tür zum Glauben geöffnet." Könnten wir dann nicht Fremden, die "uns im Glauben verwandt sind," auch unsere Tür öffnen?. * What do they want? If we are not able to open our door to "the door to the faith, " could we not be able to open the door to foreigners who are" related to us in the faith "? Und offensichtlich wünscht sich Jehova, dass sein Appell uns zu Herzen geht. How glad we are that Jehovah looks for the good in people! Clearly, Jehovah wants us to express his appeal to us. Sie zog auch in Betracht, wie schädlich es sich emotional auf Kinder auswirken kann, wenn sie in den Jahren, wo sich ihre Persönlichkeit entwickelt, von den Eltern getrennt sind. BIBLE STUDIES She also drew attention to the danger of becoming emotionally emotionally involved in the years that developed between parents and children. Isaak und Jakob wurden Erben derselben Verheißung. STUDY ARTICLE 5 Isaac and Jacob were given the same promise. (b) Was tat Jesus nach seiner Auferstehung? First, he strives to qualify as a ministerial servant. (b) After his resurrection, what did Jesus do? Warum? In the first century, the apostle Paul reminded the Ephesian Christians: "You at one time walked according to the system of things of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience. Why? (b) Welche Frage sollten wir uns stellen? One day, a workmate suggested that he and the brother move to another company that paid a higher wage and provided more benefits. (b) What question should we ask ourselves? Wie bewahrheiteten sich die Voraussagen aus Psalm 22: 16 und Jesaja 53: 12 an Jesus? This article will help us examine why it is vital that we learn how to make good decisions. How did the fulfillment of Psalm 22: 16 and Isaiah 53: 12 apply to Jesus? Was kann uns davor bewahren, jemandem, der schwer gesündigt hat, aber echte Reue zeigt, unversöhnlich gegenüberzustehen? Momentous events are soon to take place. What can help us to avoid committing a serious sin but manifest genuine repentance? Um gegen ihr negatives Denken anzugehen, studierte Keiko mehr in der Bibel. This is what the apostle Paul pointed to when he urged his fellow believers: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " In order to overcome her negative thinking, Josiah began to study the Bible more in her Bible. Damit konnte ich nicht viel anfangen. Gideon is an excellent example of modesty in action. I couldn't start a lot. Immer dann, wenn sie eine gute Wahl trafen und den Geboten Jehovas gehorchten, wurden sie von ihm beschützt. ARTICLE 4 When they met a good choice and obeyed Jehovah's commands, they were protected from him. Ernannt worden sind diese älteren Männer für "das Zurechtbringen der Heiligen,... für die Erbauung des Leibes des Christus." Since Christians live busy lives, they understandably feel the need on occasion to enjoy some recreational activities. He has been restored to these older men for "the readjustment of the holy ones... for the building up of the body of the Christ. " Wie wirkt es sich auf dein Verhältnis zu Jehova aus, wenn du mit ihm Zeit verbringst? He can employ worldly or apostate thinking to mislead us, just as he deceived Eve. - 1 Timothy 2: 14. What effect does your relationship with Jehovah have on you when you spend time with him? SEITE 12 at home? ARTICLE 3 Woher wissen wir, dass Gott uns helfen wird, ihm treu zu bleiben? How far did Jesus go in order to please God? How do we know that God will help us to remain faithful to him? (b) Warum sollte ein Christ opferbereit sein? How Would You Answer? (b) Why should a Christian be self - sacrificing? O Gott, auf wie viel beläuft sich ihre große Summe! Think about the many organizational changes that have been made during the past decade - and bear in mind that Jehovah is behind such developments. O God, how much does the grand sum of them amount to! Was nimmst du für dich mit? In some cases, the elders may arrange for experienced Kingdom publishers to conduct a personal Bible study with inactive ones who express a desire to be given assistance. What Have You Learned? Doch wie schon in der Vergangenheit hatte Jehova alles im Griff. In their former lives, they already indicated their willingness to be instructed by Jehovah. But as in the past, Jehovah had everything in control. Jehova möchte auch unsere größte Kraftquelle sein. That is, assurance that our God and Life - Giver has the ability to bring a dead person back to life. Jehovah wants our greatest Source of strength. Jeremia vertraute auf Jehova. Dadurch überwand er seine Zaghaftigkeit und wurde ein außergewöhnlich mutiger Zeuge. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph were indeed God - fearing men of faith. Jeremiah trusted in Jehovah, and he became an outstanding witness. (b) Womit dürfen wir dann womöglich rechnen? Because he believed God's promises. (b) What may we expect? * Was wollen sie bewirken? But after the public whipping, many members of the community approached the Witnesses and requested home Bible studies! * What do they want to do? Wie froh sind wir, dass Jehova nach dem Guten in Menschen sucht!. " The orders from Jehovah are upright, causing the heart to rejoice, " wrote the psalmist. How glad we are that Jehovah looks for the good in men! BIBELSTUDIEN For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. " Jesus ' words imply that even so - called normal things like food and clothing can become a burden or a stumbling block if not kept in their proper place. BIBLE STUDIES STUDIENARTIKEL SEITE 28 - 32 4: 17; Mal. 3: 18. STUDY ARTICLE 4 Zunächst bemüht er sich, den Erfordernissen für Dienstamtgehilfen zu entsprechen. How can you draw people into conversations about religious matters? He first strives to meet the qualifications for ministerial servants. Im 1. Jahrhundert erinnerte der Apostel Paulus die Christen in Ephesus: "Ihr... wandeltet [einst] gemäß dem System der Dinge dieser Welt, gemäß dem Herrscher der Gewalt der Luft, dem Geist, der jetzt in den Söhnen des Ungehorsams wirksam ist. Let us consider these questions. In the first century, the apostle Paul reminded Christians in Ephesus: "You walked according to the system of things of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience. Eines Tages spricht ihn ein Arbeitskollege an und will ihn dafür gewinnen, mit ihm in eine andere Firma zu wechseln, wo er mehr verdienen könnte und in den Genuss weiterer Vergünstigungen käme. Why were the disciples able to understand Jesus ' words? One day, he speaks of a human official and wants to win him into another company, where he could earn more money and enjoy the benefits of others. In diesem Artikel werden wir der Frage auf den Grund gehen, warum es so wichtig ist, zu lernen, wie man gute Entscheidungen trifft. And the Bible Teach book shows you how to be effective in using the Scriptures. In this article, we will consider why learning how to make good decisions. STUDIENARTIKEL SEITE 3 - 12 (Contemporary English Version) In the Scriptures, however, the expression " deliver from ' is used chiefly with regard to people, and Matthew's Gospel refers to the Devil as "the Tempter, " a person. STUDY ARTICLE 1 Genau das hatte der Apostel Paulus im Sinn, als er seine Glaubensbrüder aufforderte: "Werdet meine Nachahmer, so wie ich Christi Nachahmer bin." Such discussions can be profitable interchanges of encouragement without anyone having to feel uncomfortable or inadequate. That is exactly what the apostle Paul had in mind when he urged fellow believers: "Become imitators of me, just as I am of Christ. " Gideon ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel für Bescheidenheit. Read Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Gideon is a fine example of modesty. SEITE 24 " This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome, " wrote the apostle John. ARTICLE 4 Christen sind viel beschäftigt, und deshalb haben sie verständlicherweise das Bedürfnis, ab und zu mal auszuspannen. Only Jehovah can give us a sure hope, which he does by means of his inspired Word. Christians are too busy, and so do they sense the need to wander from time to time. Er kann weltliches oder abtrünniges Gedankengut dazu gebrauchen, uns irrezuführen, genauso wie er Eva betrog. Take time to examine your goals and way of life to see whether the world's spirit has infected you in any way. He can use worldly ideas and apostate ideas to mislead us, just as he deceived Eve. in der Familie? Is it not good to know that as we fulfill that commission, we have help from holy angels, wise and powerful spirit creatures? in the family? Wie weit ging Jesus, um Gott zu gefallen? He made known his Father's name and purpose, preached the good news of the Kingdom, exposed the hypocrisy and false teachings of the religious leaders, and upheld Jehovah's sovereignty even to the point of death. How far did Jesus react to pleasing God? Was würdest du sagen? Some parents have concluded that it would be best for their son or daughter to delay baptism in order first to obtain some advanced education and become secure in a career. How Would You Answer? Denken wir nur an die vielen organisatorischen Veränderungen in den letzten zehn Jahren und daran, dass Jehova hinter diesen Entwicklungen steht. Rather, the point of Jesus ' parable is that a slave cannot please himself or concentrate on his own comforts. Think of the many organizational changes in recent years and that Jehovah is behind these developments. Es kann sein, dass die Ältesten erfahrene Verkündiger bitten, mit untätigen Verkündigern die Bibel zu studieren, die den Wunsch dazu geäußert haben. Do you see the relevance, though? It may be that experienced publishers ask the experienced publishers to study the Bible with inactive ones. Sie zeichneten sich bereits früher durch die Bereitwilligkeit aus, sich von Jehova unterweisen zu lassen. During a recent year, according to the report, an estimated 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 years of age experienced "forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence. " They are already a spirit of willingness to be taught by Jehovah. In der Zeit, in der Jehova solche Wunder bewirkte, waren treue Diener Gottes wie Elia, Jesus oder Petrus zugegen. How can we " be made new in the force actuating our mind '? During the time that Jehovah performed such miracles, faithful servants of God were like Elijah, Jesus, and Peter. Abraham, Isaak, Jakob und Joseph waren wirklich Glaubensmänner, die Gott fürchteten. " The one listening to counsel is wise, " states Proverbs 12: 15. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph truly feared God. Weil er fest an das glaubte, was Gott versprochen hatte. Associating with those who enjoy various avenues of service has been a great help. Because he had faith in God's promises. Doch das Gegenteil geschah. Viele traten danach an die Zeugen heran und baten um ein Heimbibelstudium. " I talked, but I was not understanding, " he admitted. But after that, many Witnesses went to the camp and asked for a home Bible study. " Die Befehle Jehovas sind recht, erfreuen das Herz ," schrieb der Psalmist. Of course not! " The orders of Jehovah are upright, making the heart rejoice, " wrote the psalmist. Jesus gibt uns hier zu verstehen, dass ganz Alltägliches wie Essen und Kleidung zu einer Belastung werden und uns aus dem Tritt bringen kann, wenn es nicht mehr den richtigen Stellenwert hat. Is my appreciation of it strong enough to fortify me to resist any temptation that might lead to my forfeiting it? ' Jesus here gives us insight into the need for food and clothing that can put us under stress and cause us to lose our proper perspective. Wäre es klug, wie "die Nationen zu wandeln," also ihren Weg zu gehen? Jesus called the Devil "the ruler of the world " and said:" He has no hold on me. " Would it be wise to walk like "the nations " - that is, to walk their way? Wie können wir Gespräche über religiöse Themen beginnen? A regular pioneer shares the Bible's message in the Quichua (Imbabura) language with a vendor at a crafts market in the city of Otavalo in northern Ecuador. How can we start conversations with religious subjects? Warum konnten Jesu Jünger seine Worte verstehen? There we read: "Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. " Why could Jesus ' disciples understand his words? Und das Buch Was lehrt die Bibel wirklich? May we keep "sowing with a view to the spirit, " earnestly seeking its guidance now and forever. What Does the Bible Really Teach? Doch der Ausdruck "befreien von" wird in der Bibel hauptsächlich in Bezug auf Personen verwendet und im Matthäusevangelium wird der Teufel ausdrücklich als der "VERSUCHER" bezeichnet, also als eine Person. Thoughts precede actions. However, the expression "of free from hypocrisy " is specifically used in the Bible regarding individuals and in Matthew's Gospel, the Devil is specifically called" a person. " So können sich alle gegenseitig sehr ermuntern, ohne dass sich jemand genieren oder überfordert fühlen muss. We might compare holy spirit to sunshine. This can be a great source of encouragement to one another without feeling lonely or discouraged. Lies Jesaja 32: 1, 2. Moreover, the murmurers did not act as troublemakers and raise their voices against Jehovah. Read Isaiah 32: 1, 2. " Darin besteht die Liebe zu Gott, dass wir seine Gebote halten; und seine Gebote sind nicht schwer ," schrieb der Apostel Johannes. Am I heeding Jesus ' advice to follow him continually? " This is the love of God that we observe his commandments; and his commandments are not burdensome, " wrote the apostle John. Nur Jehova kann uns eine zuverlässige Hoffnung bieten, und zwar durch sein inspiriertes Wort. May we imitate the faith and love of such courageous brothers and sisters! - 1 Thessalonians 1: 6. Only Jehovah can give us a reliable hope, with his inspired Word. Nimm dir die Zeit, deine Ziele und deine Lebensweise unter die Lupe zu nehmen und herauszufinden, ob du nicht irgendwie von dem Geist der Welt infiziert bist. In July 1879, the Bible Students published the first issue of this magazine, which bore the title Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence. Take time to examine your goals and way of life and to determine whether you are not infected by the spirit of the world. Doch ist es nicht ermutigend, zu wissen, dass uns bei der Erfüllung dieses Auftrags heilige Engel, ja weise und mächtige Geistgeschöpfe helfen? " I watched my husband change before my very eyes, " says Hannah. How encouraging it is to know that the fulfillment of this holy angels, even powerful spirit creatures! Er machte den Namen und Vorsatz seines Vaters bekannt, predigte die gute Botschaft vom Königreich, entlarvte die Heuchelei und die Irrlehren der religiösen Führer und trat bis in den Tod für die Souveränität Jehovas ein. To illustrate: Shortly after Jesus ' resurrection, two of his disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. He made known the name and purpose of his Father, preaching the good news of the Kingdom, exposed the hypocrisy and religious leaders and the death of Jehovah's sovereignty. Einige Eltern dachten, es wäre für ihr Kind das Beste, mit der Taufe zu warten. Das Kind solle sich erst einmal um eine gute Ausbildung bemühen und Berufserfahrung sammeln. The apostle Paul gives us the reason in his letter to Hebrew Christians. Some parents thought that it was best for their child to wait for baptism. Mit dem Gleichnis war vielmehr gemeint, dass ein Sklave sich nicht selbst gefallen und sich nicht auf seine eigenen Annehmlichkeiten konzentrieren darf. They organize schools that promote literacy and teach practical work skills. Rather, the parable meant that a slave should not please himself or focus his own comforts. Kannst du dir denken, warum das wichtig war? Not the hair itself, but what it stood for, that is, Samson's special relationship with Jehovah as a Nazirite, was the source of his strength. Can you see why this was important? In dem Bericht, den ein unabhängiger Experte für die Vereinten Nationen erstellt hatte, hieß es, dass in einem der letzten Jahre schätzungsweise 150 Millionen Mädchen und 73 Millionen Jungen unter 18 Jahren "zu Geschlechtsverkehr gezwungen wurden oder anderen Formen sexueller Gewalt ausgeliefert waren." We will consider what we must avoid and what we must do to be prepared for Jehovah's great day. Regarding the United Nations, one researcher wrote that over 18 million or other forms of sexual immorality were forced to make it possible for the United Nations to be forced in one recent years. Wie können wir denn in der Kraft erneuert werden, die unseren Sinn antreibt? Addressing his chosen people of ancient times, Jehovah stated: "Even to one's old age I am the same One; and to one's gray - headedness I myself shall keep bearing up. " How, then, can we be made new in our mind? " Wer auf Rat hört, ist weise ," heißt es in Sprüche 12: 15. If we are determined to serve God shoulder to shoulder with fellow believers, we will not just avoid being judgmental. We will take the lead in showing them honor. " He that hears counsel is wise, " says Proverbs 12: 15. Mitunter sind die Medien das Sprachrohr der politischen Systeme. What lessons are taught by the illustrations recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25? At times, the media present the political systems of the political systems. Mir hat auch sehr weitergeholfen, mich denen anzuschließen, die gern verschiedene Predigtmethoden verwenden. Rise, get baptized. " - ACTS 22: 16. I also received much assistance from associating with those who gladly use a variety of methods. " Ich [redete], doch verstand ich nicht ," gab Hiob zu. They do this "until he arrives, " that is, until he receives them into the heavens by a resurrection. - 1 Thess. 4: 14 - 17. " I spoke, but I didn't understand, " he admitted. Natürlich nicht! (a) Why did Jesus stay single for life? Of course not! Ist meine Wertschätzung dafür so groß, dass ich gegen jede Versuchung gewappnet bin, mir das Erbe zu verscherzen? That is the subject of the next article. Do I appreciate it so much that I am tempted to drift away from any temptation that has come to me? Jesus bezeichnete den Teufel als "Herrscher der Welt" und sagte: "Er kann mir nicht beikommen." What message does this psalm have for us today? We will consider those questions in this article. Jesus called Satan "the ruler of the world " and said:" He cannot come with me. " IN Gottes Wort ist häufig in übertragenem Sinn von den verschiedensten Körperteilen die Rede. 21, 22. JEHOVAH'S Word often speaks of the various parts of the human body. In Otavalo, im Norden Ecuadors, unterhält sich eine Pionierin mit einer Verkäuferin auf einem Kunsthandwerksmarkt in der Sprache Quichua (Imbabura) über die biblische Botschaft. The quality of care and attention that shepherds of the flock of God give to the individual sheep entrusted to them will affect the spiritual health of the whole congregation. In the United States, a pioneer shares the Bible's message with a pioneer in the United States. Da wird gesagt: "Jeder, der den Namen Jehovas anruft, wird gerettet werden." This very effective, orderly arrangement provides further evidence that creation is the work of God's "finger, " or holy spirit. It says: "Everyone calling on the name of Jehovah will be saved. " Säen wir "im Hinblick auf den Geist" und lassen wir uns heute und in Zukunft bereitwillig von ihm leiten. See Awake! As we work "with a view to the spirit, " we are willingly submitting ourselves to God's guidance now and in the future. Jeder Handlung gehen Gedanken voraus. What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you? Each person will act in harmony with his thoughts. Der "Sonnenschein" wäre in unserem Fall der heilige Geist. (a) How did one young person muster up courage to witness at school? In our case, we need to follow the guidance of God's holy spirit. Außerdem traten sie weder als Unruhestifter auf, noch erhoben sie Vorwürfe gegen Jehova. Is the "road " to your forgiveness open and in good repair? Moreover, they did not blame Jehovah; neither did they blame him. Höre ich auf ihn und folge ihm beständig? " Money is for a protection, " states the Bible. Do I listen to him and follow him continually? Nehmen wir uns an dem Glauben und der Liebe dieser mutigen Brüder und Schwestern ein Beispiel!. The Bible reminds us: "The borrower is servant to the man doing the lending. " May we imitate the faith and love of those courageous brothers and sisters! Im Juli 1879 gaben die Bibelforscher die allererste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence heraus. Moreover, "in that he himself has suffered when being put to the test, he is able to come to the aid of those [like us] who are being put to the test. " - Heb. In July 1879, the Bible Students made the very first issue of Zion's Watch Tower. " Ich sah mit eigenen Augen, wie sich mein Mann veränderte ," sagt Hannah. At that time, Kristina was already slated to give her debut performance in her country's best - known concert hall. " I saw how my husband changed, " says Hannah. Folgendes diene als Veranschaulichung: Kurz nach Jesu Auferstehung gingen zwei seiner Jünger von Jerusalem nach Emmaus. The Israelites were shamelessly violating the two greatest commandments of the Law - to love Jehovah and to love their fellow humans. To illustrate: Shortly after Jesus ' resurrection, two of his disciples went to Jerusalem. Den Grund dafür nennt der Apostel Paulus in seinem Brief an die Hebräerchristen: "Wir wollen aufeinander achten und uns gegenseitig zur Liebe und zu guten Taten anspornen, und wir wollen unser Zusammenkommen nicht aufgeben, wie es bei einigen Brauch ist, sondern uns gegenseitig Mut machen - und das umso mehr, je näher ihr den Tag herankommen seht." Malachi's prophecy can also be encouraging to the "great crowd, " who are" standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes. " For this reason, the apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians: "We want to respect one another and to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our gathering together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " Sie unterhalten Schulen, in denen viel vermittelt wird - vom Lesen und Schreiben bis hin zu beruflichen Fertigkeiten. 15: 4. They discuss schools that contain much - reading, reading, and writing. Nicht das Haar an sich war die Quelle von Simsons Kraft, sondern das, wofür es stand: sein besonderes Verhältnis zu Jehova als Nasiräer. At the baptism itself, the candidates answer yes to two key questions. It was the Source of Samson's strength, not the Source of Samson's strength, but of what it meant - his special relationship with Jehovah. Was müssen wir vermeiden und was müssen wir tun, um für den großen Tag Jehovas bereit zu sein? Before he "went abroad, " he entrusted that field to his faithful disciples, saying:" Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " What must we avoid and what must we do to prove ourselves ready for Jehovah's great day? An sein auserwähltes Volk in alter Zeit richtete Jehova die Worte: "Ich bleibe derselbe, so alt ihr auch werdet, bis ihr grau werdet, will ich euch tragen." As Christians, we are certain that the active force involved in creation was holy spirit under the intelligent direction of Jehovah. Addressing his chosen people in ancient times, Jehovah said: "I am the same, you too old, until you will bear up until you will bear it. " Wenn wir entschlossen sind, Schulter an Schulter mit unseren Glaubensbrüdern Gott zu dienen, werden wir nicht lediglich darauf verzichten, den Richter zu spielen, sondern wir werden in Ehrerbietung einander zuvorkommen. HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: When I was 13 years old, a classmate, who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, told me some stories from the Bible. If we are determined to serve shoulder to shoulder with fellow believers, we will not only refrain from taking the Judge but we will show honor to one another. Was lernen wir aus den Gleichnissen aus Matthäus, Kapitel 24 und 25? Just imagine! What can we learn from the illustrations recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25? Steh auf, lass dich taufen " Truly, it is heartwarming to know that we imperfect humans can become intimate companions of the Most High, Jehovah God. Get baptized. " - JAS. Das tun sie, "bis er gekommen ist," sprich, bis Jesus sie auferweckt und in den Himmel aufnimmt. " Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil.... They do so "until he arrives " until Jesus resurrected them and receives the heavens. (a) Warum blieb Jesus sein Leben lang unverheiratet? To put off "the sin that easily entangles us, " what positive steps can we take? (a) Why did Jesus remain single for his life? Davon handelt der Anschlussartikel. In so doing, we will bring glory to our heavenly Father and to his people. These questions will be discussed in the next article. Was können wir aus diesem Psalm für uns persönlich lernen? Jehovah did something that many would view as totally unexpected. What can we learn from this psalm? 21, 22. Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Jehovah. " 21, 22. Wie ist es mit der Herde Gottes? Für die geistige Gesundheit der ganzen Versammlung ist es ausschlaggebend, dass die Hirten für jedes einzelne Schaf gut sorgen. In fact, Jesus has vast heavenly authority. The spiritual health of the entire congregation is the impact that the shepherds provide for each sheep. Die Schöpfung ist wirklich zustande gekommen durch den "Finger Gottes," seinen heiligen Geist - wie auch dieses sehr wirkungsvolle und hoch organisierte System beweist. Keep Yourself in God's Love! The creation has truly been accomplished by means of "the god of God, " his holy spirit, even the most effective and effective system of things. Siehe Erwachet! It was not their wealth that brought the Laodiceans to such a pitiable spiritual situation. It was the fact that they trusted in wealth rather than in Jehovah. See Awake! Was bedeutet Jesu Auferstehung für uns? As discussed in the preceding article, Paul "became gentle..., as when a nursing mother cherishes her own children. " What does Jesus ' resurrection mean for us? (a) Wie nahm eine Jugendliche in der Schule ihren ganzen Mut zusammen und legte Zeugnis ab? Gideon wondered how it would be possible for him to "save Israel out of Midian's hand. " (a) How did one youth in school cultivate courage and witness? Ist der "Weg" zu deiner Vergebung offen und in einem guten Zustand? Peter wrote: "Though you never saw [Jesus], you love him. Is "the way " of your forgiveness open and good in a good condition? " Geld [dient] zum Schutz ," heißt es in der Bibel. Jesus had taken ample time to encourage his apostles with a heart - to - heart talk. By now, it must have been past midnight, but Jesus, moved by love for his close friends, continued speaking. " Money [the] ones for protection, " states the Bible. In der Bibel wird uns gesagt: "Wer borgt, ist ein Knecht des Leihenden." What a shame! The Bible tells us: "The one holding back is a servant of the slave. " Und da "er selbst gelitten hat, als er auf die Probe gestellt wurde, kann er denen zu Hilfe kommen, die auf die Probe gestellt werden." They "seek peace and pursue it. " - 1 Peter 3: 11. And "he himself suffered when being put to the test, he can come to the aid of those who are being put to the test. " Zu diesem Zeitpunkt stand Kristina bereits auf der Liste derer, die in der bekanntesten Konzerthalle des Landes ihr Debüt geben sollten. " A Cloud of Witnesses " At that point, Kristina was already a list of those who were to give in the best of the country. Schamlos übertraten die Israeliten die beiden größten Gebote des Gesetzes: Jehova zu lieben und ihren Nächsten zu lieben. (See paragraph 9) Unlike the Israelites, the two greatest commandments - love Jehovah and love their neighbor. Auch die "große Volksmenge," die " vor dem Thron und vor dem Lamm steht, in weiße lange Gewänder gehüllt ', kann sich durch Maleachis Prophezeiung ermuntert fühlen. The widow's trust moved her to support the existing arrangement for true worship. The "great crowd " who are" standing before the throne and before the Lamb " can also be encouraged by Malachi's prophecy. 15: 4. When assisting elderly brothers and sisters, what factors may be involved? 15: 4. So hat er genügend Zeit, eine gut durchdachte Entscheidung zu treffen. Yes, Paul's love for the ministry moved him to work hard at making disciples. He has sufficient time to make a well - chosen decision. Bevor er " außer Landes reiste ', vertraute er dieses Feld seinen treuen Jüngern mit den Worten an: "Geht daher hin, und macht Jünger aus Menschen aller Nationen, tauft sie im Namen des Vaters und des Sohnes und des heiligen Geistes, und lehrt sie, alles zu halten, was ich euch geboten habe." Why are Christian parents in the best position to prepare their children for making a dedication to Jehovah? Before going abroad, Jesus entrusted his faithful disciples with the words: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Wir Christen sind überzeugt: Die Kraft, die bei der Schöpfung wirksam war, ist der heilige Geist, gelenkt durch den intelligenten Schöpfer, Jehova. (Read Matthew 7: 1 - 5.) As Christians, we are convinced that holy spirit is directed by the intelligent Creator, Jehovah. WIE DIE BIBEL MEIN LEBEN VERÄNDERT HAT: Als ich 13 war, erzählte mir ein Mädchen aus meiner Klasse - sie war Zeugin Jehovas - ein paar Geschichten aus der Bibel, zum Beispiel über Noah, Hiob und andere, die Gott selbst unter schwierigen Umständen dienten. 18, 19. (a) For what reasons can you conclude that the first resurrection is now under way? I asked myself, " When I was 13 years old, I was a girl from my class, she was a few stories of Bible stories, such as Noah, Noah, and others who served God even under difficult circumstances. ' Das muss man sich einmal vorstellen! " When anxieties overwhelmed me, you [Jehovah] comforted and soothed me. " - Ps. Imagine that! Wird uns nicht warm ums Herz, wenn wir uns bewusst machen, dass wir als unvollkommene Menschen vertraute Freunde Jehovas Gottes, des Höchsten, werden können? Moreover, he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. " - Rev. When we realize that we are imperfect humans, can we be sure that we can become Jehovah's friends, the Most High God? " Lasst die Sonne nicht über eurer gereizten Stimmung untergehen, auch gebt dem Teufel nicht Raum. 12: 12. Petition Jehovah for his holy spirit to help you promote peace in the home. " Do not let the sun set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. Was müssen wir tun, damit wir "die uns leicht umstrickende Sünde ablegen" können? Finally, she carefully searches every nook and cranny until the lamp catches a glint of a silver coin. What must we do to "put away the sin that easily entangles us "? Das verherrlicht unseren himmlischen Vater und ehrt alle, die seinen Namen tragen. " WHERE is God? " This glorifies our heavenly Father and brings honor to those who bear his name. Jehova tat etwas, womit viele absolut nicht rechneten. And centuries later, the apostle Paul told Titus that Jesus gave himself to cleanse his followers to make them "a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works. " Jehovah did something that many did not take place. Erhebe das Licht deines Angesichts über uns, o Jehova! ." " In that case he would recover him from his leprosy. " - 2 Kings 5: 1 - 3. ▪ Let the light of your face reflect upon us, O Jehovah! " In Wirklichkeit hat Jesus enorme Autorität im Himmel. But on the day that Lot came out of Sodom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all. " In reality, Jesus has great authority in heaven. " Bewahrt euch selbst in Gottes Liebe " God does not tolerate willful disobedience to his law. - Heb. 13: 4. " Keep Yourselves in God's Love " Nicht ihr Reichtum an sich brachte sie in diese bemitleidenswerte geistige Lage, sondern die Tatsache, dass sie auf ihren Reichtum vertrauten statt auf Jehova. Or what if you have a serious illness that limits you? Rather than focusing on their wealth, she realized that they trusted in Jehovah rather than in him. Wie der vorherige Artikel zeigt, war Paulus "sanft, wie wenn eine nährende Mutter ihre eigenen Kinder hegt und pflegt." Jehovah listens to our prayers when they are offered with a complete heart. As discussed in the preceding article, Paul was "as if a nursing mother cherishes her own children. " Noch immer unsicher wollte Gideon wissen, wie er es schaffen sollte, "Israel aus der Faust Midians zu retten." The quality of the offering was left up to the individual. Gideon still wanted to know how to save "Israel out of the tents of Midian. " Inhaltsverzeichnis © 2015, Druck und Verlag: Wachtturm Bibel - und Traktat - Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, e. Jesus was referring to the hope of everlasting life for his anointed followers in heaven and for others on earth. Table of Contents This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of Jehovah's Witnesses. Petrus schrieb: "Obwohl ihr... [ Jesus] niemals gesehen habt, liebt ihr ihn. Why, at least four of them - Philistia, Moab, Ammon, and Edom - eventually ceased to exist! Peter wrote: "Although you never saw [Jesus], you love him. Es muss schon nach Mitternacht gewesen sein, als er immer noch mit seinen engen Freunden sprach, weil seine Liebe ihn dazu drängte. 4, 5. (a) What command did Jehovah give the Israelites when they entered the Promised Land? It must have been when he still spoke to his close friends because his love for him moved him to do so. Wie beschämend! What a wonderful inheritance awaited Esau! How shameful! Sie " suchen Frieden und jagen ihm nach '. Even when we experience hardships, joyful praise to God wells up in our hearts. They "seek peace and pursue it. " Eine "Wolke von Zeugen" The world has its own powerful, impelling force that foments a course totally opposite of what holy spirit can produce in us. A "cloud of witnesses " (Siehe Absatz 9) What effect did God's Word have on the men who took the lead? (See paragraph 9) Aus diesem Vertrauen heraus unterstützte sie die wahre Anbetung im Tempel. PUBLISHERS Such trust moved them to support true worship at the temple. Welche Faktoren spielen in die Hilfe für ältere Brüder und Schwestern mit hinein? Do you appreciate what that involves? What factors contribute to the help of older brothers and sisters? Aus Liebe zum Dienst setzte er sich also beim Jüngermachen voll ein. Is compassion always appropriate? Thus, he devoted himself to the disciple - making work. Warum können Eltern ihre Kinder am besten auf die Hingabe an Jehova vorbereiten? " What's this nonsense about no blood? ' was one of his first " greetings. ' Why can parents best prepare their children for dedication to Jehovah? (Lies Matthäus 7: 1 - 5.) The Bible teaches that anointed Christians will be resurrected to rule over the earth from heaven. (Read Matthew 7: 1 - 5.) 18, 19. (a) Woraus ist zu schließen, dass die erste Auferstehung schon im Gange ist? However, the Amorite Kings Sihon and Og had no such claims to the land under their control. 18, 19. (a) What indicates that the first resurrection is under way? " Als mich Sorgen überwältigten, hast du [Jehova] mich getröstet und beruhigt " (Ps. How is loving - kindness shown, and what evidence of it is cited? " When I feel anxious, you have comforted and soothed me. " - Ps. Auch tritt er die Weinkelter des Grimmes des Zorns Gottes, des Allmächtigen ." They remarked: "Our ministry makes us very happy. " He too rides the winepress of the anger of God, the Almighty. " Bitte Jehova um seinen heiligen Geist, damit du zu Hause eine friedliche Atmosphäre fördern kannst. Look! Pray to Jehovah for holy spirit to help you promote a peaceful atmosphere at home. Schließlich sucht sie in allen Ecken und Winkeln, bis die Silbermünze im Licht der Lampe aufblitzt. 23: 15 - Why was a proselyte, or a convert, of the Pharisees "a subject for Gehenna twice as much " as the Pharisees themselves? After all, they looked on all the corners of the earth, seeking to carry out silver in the light of the lamp. " WO IST GOTT? " Moreover, in a vision given to the apostle John, Satan was seen accusing God's servants following his eviction from heaven some time after the establishment of God's Kingdom in 1914. " THE GOD IS GOD? " Einige Jahrhunderte später schrieb der Apostel Paulus an Titus, dass sich Jesus für seine Nachfolger hingegeben hat, damit er "für sich ein Volk reinige, das insbesondere sein Eigen ist, eifrig für vortreffliche Werke." As King - Designate, Jesus could declare to his opposers: "The Kingdom of God is in your midst. " Some centuries later, the apostle Paul wrote to Titus that Jesus gave his followers "a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works. " " In diesem Fall würde er ihn von seinem Aussatz befreien ." Could you "widen out, " that is, do it to a greater extent and more consistently? - 2 Cor. 6: 11 - 13, ftn. " In that case he would deliver him from his leprosy. " An dem Tag aber, als Lot aus Sodom herauskam, regnete es Feuer und Schwefel vom Himmel und vernichtete sie alle ." WERE it not for the inspired writings of the apostle Paul, it would be hard for us to understand the significance of many aspects of the Mosaic Law. On the day of Sodom, however, when Lot bursts out of fire and swept them out of heaven and swept them all away. " Gottes Gesetz absichtlich zu übertreten bleibt nicht ohne Folgen. Examining these points can help us to see how we can "stand firm in the faith. " - 1 Cor. To disobey God's Law, we must avoid having no consequences. Was ist, wenn jemandem durch schwere Krankheit Grenzen gesetzt sind? Apollos ' being unaware of baptism "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit " likely meant that he had either been witnessed to by disciples of John the Baptizer or by Jesus ' followers prior to Pentecost 33 C.E. What if a person has serious limitations? Jehova erhört unsere Gebete, wenn wir sie ihm mit ungeteiltem Herzen vortragen. 5: 3; Heb. 13: 7. Jehovah answers our prayers when we present them with a complete heart. Tiefe Dankbarkeit für all das Gute, was von Jehova kam, hätte einen Israeliten bestimmt dazu gedrängt, von Herzen gern das Allerbeste als Opfer auszusuchen. In years past, we have gladly given of our time, energy, and resources to find those who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " With appreciation for all that Jehovah had done for Israel's good, an Israelite should have been moved to make the very best sacrifices to make the very best sacrifices. Jesus sprach von der Hoffnung auf ewiges Leben, das seine gesalbten Nachfolger im Himmel und andere auf der Erde erhalten sollten. He commented that no one used bad language. Jesus spoke of the hope of everlasting life, which would be given to his anointed followers in heaven and others on earth. Wenigstens vier von ihnen, nämlich Philistäa, Moab, Ammon und Edom, hörten schließlich auf zu bestehen. No wonder God's Word states: "Wherever there are jealousy and contentiousness, there will also be disorder and every vile thing. " - Jas. Before long, four of them - Moab, Moab, Ammon, and Edom finally listened to it. 4, 5. (a) Welches Gebot erhielten die Israeliten von Jehova, kurz bevor sie in das verheißene Land einzogen? What are the risks? 4, 5. (a) What command did Jehovah give the Israelites shortly before they entered the Promised Land? Was für ein wunderbares Erbe ihm doch in Aussicht stand! How can you imitate Jesus ' way of training? What a wonderful heritage he had in mind! Auch wenn wir schwere Zeiten durchmachen, fühlen wir uns von Herzen gedrängt, Jehova freudig zu lobpreisen. Our next article will take up that subject. We are moved to praise Jehovah joyfully despite trials. Die Welt verfügt über eine eigene, eine gewaltige Antriebskraft, mit der Menschen beharrlich zu einer Handlungsweise angestachelt werden sollen, die der Wirkung des heiligen Geistes völlig entgegengesetzt ist. The apostle Matthew was present and later wrote: "Jesus took a loaf and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he said: " Take, eat. ' " The world in its own, with its own freeness of mind, needs to be persistent in conduct, which is fully accomplished by holy spirit. Wie wirkte sich Gottes Wort auf die Männer aus, die die Führung übernahmen? Should we not cultivate deep appreciation for worshipping Jehovah in association with fellow believers? How did God's Word affect those taking the lead? VERKÜNDIGER Elders need to maintain the purity of the congregation and must base their judgment on God's Word as well as on the direction of "the faithful and discreet slave. " PUBLISHERS Machen wir uns bewusst, was alles dazugehört? Just as wine makes the heart of a man rejoice and the pouring of oil on the head is soothing, the memory of the boy's love and his name strengthened and comforted the maiden. By all means, then, let us consider how each member of the congregation is involved. Die Erlebnisse der Israeliten "sind zur Warnung für uns geschrieben worden, auf welche die Enden der Systeme der Dinge gekommen sind. What role does faith play in our prayerful approach to God? The experiences of the Israelites "are written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived. " Ist Mitgefühl immer angebracht? Jehovah has blessed us with insight into spiritual truths that escapes many "wise and intellectual ones. " Is compassion always appropriate? Einer seiner ersten Sätze war: " Was soll denn dieser Quatsch: Kein Blut! " Do research. One of his first words was: " What must we not eat? ' Wie die Bibel lehrt, werden gesalbte Christen auferweckt, um vom Himmel aus über die Erde zu herrschen. " Christ Did Not Please Himself " The Bible teaches that anointed Christians will be resurrected from heaven to rule over the earth. Die Amoriterkönige Sihon und Og hatten dagegen keine solchen Ansprüche auf das von ihnen beherrschte Gebiet. How did association with fellow believers help him? - Acts 1: 4, 5; 18: 25; Matt. The king Sihon and Og, on the other hand, did not have such adjustments in their territory. Wie wird liebende Güte erwiesen, und welches Beispiel lässt sich dafür anführen? Like Timothy, are you willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of others? How can loving - kindness prove loving - kindness, and with what example? Sie sagten: "Unser Dienst macht uns sehr glücklich." Those faithful Bible Students were true Christian wheat. They said: "Our ministry makes us very happy. " Siehe! Through the preaching of the good news and the operation of holy spirit. Look! 23: 15 - Warum war ein Proselyt der Pharisäer " ein Gegenstand für die Gehenna, doppelt so schlimm ' wie die Pharisäer selbst? 18, 19. 23: 15 - Why was a proselyte " an object for Gehenna, ' as the Pharisees himself did? Und der Apostel Johannes sah in einer prophetischen Vision, wie Satan Gottes Diener anklagte, noch nachdem Gottes Königreich 1914 aufgerichtet und Satan kurz darauf aus dem Himmel geworfen worden war. First, the Roman procurator Florus seized 17 talents from the sacred temple treasury. And the apostle John saw in a prophetic vision, as Satan saw God's servants, after God's Kingdom was established in 1914 and shortly after Satan had been cast out of heaven. Als designierter König konnte er zu seinen Gegnern sagen: "Das Königreich Gottes ist in eurer Mitte." The attitude of many of them is exemplified by Eduardo and Noemi in El Salvador. As King - Designate, he could say to his opposers: "The kingdom of God is in your midst. " Könntest du dein Herz für deine Brüder und Schwestern sogar noch mehr öffnen?. Adjusting our schedule so that we can arrive on time may require self - control. Can you open your heart to your brothers and sisters? WIE schwer würde es uns doch fallen, die Bedeutung vieler Einzelheiten im Gesetz Mose zu verstehen - hätte nicht der Apostel Paulus unter dem Einfluss von Gottes Geist so manches dazu erläutert! The oldest ones among them had seen the former glory of the temple. HOW difficult it would be to understand the meaning of many details about the Mosaic Law, not under the influence of God's spirit! Woran ist zu erkennen, dass Petrus anfangs auf Gottes Unterstützung vertraute? 2. Warum ließ sein Glaube nach? Abraham had so much evidence to demonstrate the reality of what he hoped for that it was as if he could see what he had not actually beheld! (2) How did Peter show that he had confidence in God's support at first, and why did his faith strengthen him? Offenbar wusste Apollos nichts von der Taufe "im Namen des Vaters und des Sohnes und des heiligen Geistes." Wahrscheinlich hatten ihm Jünger von Johannes dem Täufer oder Jünger Jesu noch vor Pfingsten 33 u. Z. Zeugnis gegeben. The same is true with regard to his ability to raise the dead and prevent natural disasters. Evidently, Apollos knew nothing about baptism in "the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " Wie kann ich anderen damit helfen? To fulfill his assigned role on the earth, Jesus "emptied himself and took a slave's form, " leaving behind his heavenly life and glory. How can I use it to help others? In all den vergangenen Jahren haben wir gern Zeit, Kraft und Mittel eingesetzt, nach Menschen zu suchen, "die zum ewigen Leben richtig eingestellt" sind. Jehovah blesses us when " our hands are strong ' in doing the work he has assigned us to do. In recent years, we enjoy spending time, energy, and resources to search for people "who are rightly disposed for everlasting life. " Jeder war geduldig und es herrschte eine entspannte Atmosphäre. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Everyone was patient, and it was a atmosphere. Nicht umsonst lesen wir in Gottes Wort: "Wo es Eifersucht und Streitsucht gibt, da gibt es Unordnung und alles Schlechte." He does the same for those exercising faith in him today. - Matthew 6: 11, 25 - 34. No wonder God's Word says: "Where jealousy and contentiousness are, there disorder and every bad thing are. " Gibt es Risiken? Our spiritual health and our relationship with God depend on this channel. - Matt. Could there be risks? Wie könntest du Jesu Art zu schulen übernehmen? This was because the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. was an expression of Jehovah's judgment on the entire nation of Israel, not on Judah alone. How could you imitate Jesus ' way of training? Damit befasst sich der folgende Artikel. What Jesus said is having greater fulfillment today. This will be discussed in the following article. Wie der Apostel Matthäus, ein Augenzeuge, später schrieb, "nahm Jesus ein Brot, und nachdem er einen Segen gesprochen hatte, brach er es, gab es den Jüngern und sagte: " Nehmt, esst! " What challenges might we face as we endeavor to conduct a Bible study? The apostle Matthew, a witness, later wrote: "Jesus took a loaf and, after speaking a blessing, he broke it and said: " Take, eat! ' " Sollten wir nicht froh und glücklich sein, dass wir Jehova zusammen mit unseren Glaubensbrüdern anbeten können? 7, 8. (a) When Jehovah saves his people from their trials, what does he take into consideration? Should we not be happy and happy that we can worship Jehovah with fellow worshippers? Älteste müssen die Reinheit der Versammlung bewahren und sich bei ihren richterlichen Entscheidungen auf Gottes Wort und die Hinweise des "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" stützen. • What are some challenges to manifesting kindness at school, at work, and to neighbors? Elders must maintain the purity of the congregation and rely on its judicial decisions and direction from "the faithful and discreet slave. " So wie Wein das Herz eines Menschen erfreut und das Ausgießen von Öl auf den Kopf gut tut, fühlte sich die junge Frau gestärkt und getröstet, wenn sie an die Liebe des jungen Mannes und an seinen Namen dachte. (b) What has helped you arrive at the same conclusion as the psalmist? Just as wine makes the heart rejoice and poured out oil upon the head of a man, the young woman felt comforted and comforted by the love of the young man and thought of his name. Wie wichtig ist der Glaube, wenn wir zu Gott beten? KINGDOM CITIZENS VALUE EDUCATION How important is faith when we pray to God? Weil Jehova uns Einsicht in biblische Wahrheiten gewährt, die vielen "Weisen und Intellektuellen" verborgen bleiben. Many of us can. Because Jehovah has given us insight into Bible truths that are hidden by many "wise and intellectual ones. " Nachforschen. Similarly, loyal and obedient first - century Christians kept themselves separate from ungodly people and survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish system of things in 70 C.E. - Luke 21: 20 - 22. research. " Christus hat nicht für sich selbst gelebt " Young Christians regularly have to deal with threats to their moral integrity. " Christ did not lived for himself. " - 1 COR. Was brachte es ihm, dass andere Christen sich um ihn kümmerten?. The righteous ones shine brightly in the Kingdom (See paragraphs 16, 17) What helped him to care for other Christians? Bist du auch bereit, Opfer für andere zu bringen? Our hope for the future will be certain if we cultivate an obedient heart and make sure that our conduct is holy and our life is filled with deeds of godly devotion. Are you willing to make sacrifices for others? Jene Bibelforscher erwiesen sich als der "Weizen," die echten Christen. The answer is no. Those Bible Students proved true Christians. Durch das Predigtwerk und durch seinen heiligen Geist. Many have found that this approach contributes to peace. - Romans 12: 18. By means of the preaching work and by means of his holy spirit. 18, 19. Later, the whole nation was in serious danger. 18, 19. Zuerst beschlagnahmt der römische Statthalter Florus 17 Talente aus dem heiligen Tempelschatz. Jordy, a young Witness in Western Europe, noted: "To know that I am used by Jehovah to play a part in fulfilling Matthew 24: 14 makes me very happy. " First of all, the Roman Governor Governor Governor Governorusorusususin had 17 talents from the sacred temple. Welche Einstellung viele von ihnen haben, sehen wir an Eduardo und Noemi aus El Salvador. Why was this psalmist convinced that Jehovah would help him? What attitude do many of them have, and we see Eduardo and Nove learned from El Salvador? Gute Planung, damit wir rechtzeitig ankommen, kann ebenfalls eine Sache der Selbstdisziplin sein. Read Romans 12: 6 - 8, 11. Good planning may also be a matter of self - discipline. Stell dir vor, du wärst mit ihnen gereist. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. " Imagine that you were going along with them. Abrahams Hoffnung stützte sich auf viele Beweise, weshalb er förmlich "sehen" konnte, was sich noch nicht erfüllt hatte! Are You Faithful in All Things? Abraham's hope was based on many evidence, so he could "see " what had not yet been fulfilled! Das schließt ein, Tote wieder aufzuerwecken und Naturkatastrophen zu verhindern. He has a high - stress job as a schoolteacher and counselor, and he also has had to deal with an anxiety disorder. This includes resurrecting the dead and raising natural disasters. Jesus musste, um seinen Auftrag auf der Erde zu erfüllen, sein Leben in himmlischer Herrlichkeit hinter sich lassen: "Er entäußerte sich selbst und nahm Sklavengestalt an." Many children were among the crowds listening to Jesus. Jesus had to fulfill his commission to fulfill his heavenly glory, saying: "He emptied himself and took a slave's form. " Jehova segnet uns, wenn " unsere Hände stark sind ' bei der Arbeit, die er uns aufgetragen hat. Honor "the Lowly Ones " Jehovah blesses us as "our hands are strong " in the work he assigned us to do. Beachte ihn auf all deinen Wegen, und er selbst wird deine Pfade gerade machen ." " The cleanliness of this hall reflects your true faith, " he commented. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " Das Gleiche tut er für alle, die heute Glauben an ihn ausüben. Have we been faithful in making an effort to do so? He does the same for those who exercise faith today. Weil von diesem Organ unsere geistige Gesundheit, unser gutes Verhältnis zu Jehova, abhängt. • What can make up for any lack of natural teaching ability on our part? Because this channel depends on our spiritual health, our good relationship with Jehovah. Z. gefallen war? Weil die Zerstörung Jerusalems im Jahr 607 v. u. Z. ein Ausdruck des Strafgerichts Jehovas nicht allein über Juda, sondern über die ganze Nation Israel war. What injustice did one brother experience in the congregation, and what qualities helped him to handle the matter properly? Because Jerusalem's destruction in 607 B.C.E. was a prophetic expression of Jehovah's judgment against Judah, not over Judah, but over all the nation of Israel. Heute haben Jesu Worte eine noch größere Erfüllung. Peter discussed the tract with them and asked: "What will you do with your life? " Today, Jesus ' words have a greater fulfillment today. Aber welche Schwierigkeiten stehen uns möglicherweise im Weg? What purpose is served by God's temporary permission of wickedness? But what challenges may confront us? 7, 8. (a) Was berücksichtigt Jehova, wenn er uns in schwierigen Lebenslagen hilft? Gaining "the Mind of Christ " 7, 8. (a) What will Jehovah consider when he helps us in difficult times? • Was macht es nicht leicht, in der Schule, am Arbeitsplatz und gegenüber Nachbarn gütig zu sein? Your Relationship With Others • What are some challenges to display kindness at school, at work, and toward neighbors? (b) Was hat dir geholfen, zu dem gleichen Schluss zu kommen wie der Psalmist? The Messiah would be silent before his accusers. (b) What has helped you to come to the same conclusion as the psalmist did? BÜRGERN DES KÖNIGREICHS LIEGT VIEL AN BILDUNG As holy people, we prove by the way we live our lives that Jehovah's laws are good and that Satan's accusations are false. KINGDOM comfort IN THE SPIRIT Bestimmt geht das vielen von uns so. " Identify your weaknesses, and avoid them like the plague, " says Sven. That is certainly true of many of us. Treue und gehorsame Christen aus dem 1. Jahrhundert hielten sich ebenfalls von gottlosen Menschen getrennt und überlebten deshalb die Zerstörung Jerusalems und des jüdischen Systems im Jahr 70 u. Z.. The Bible does not merely list those values. Faithful and obedient Christians also remained separate from ungodly people and thus survived Jerusalem's destruction and the Jewish system of things in 70 C.E. Junge Christen sehen sich immer wieder mit Angriffen auf ihre Moral konfrontiert. The prophet also foretells the marching forth of Jehovah with destructive anger at Armageddon. Young Christians often face attacks on their moral standards. Wir haben eine sichere Zukunftshoffnung, wenn unser Herz stets gehorsam bleibt und wir sicherstellen, dass unser Lebenswandel heilig ist und wir vollauf mit Taten der Gottergebenheit beschäftigt sind. Discouraged, I approached the elder who was studying the Bible with me. We have a sure hope if our hearts remain obedient and make sure that our conduct is holy and that we are fully occupied with deeds of godly devotion. Das ist zu verneinen. In this way, you are in control of your life - doing more, not because you are forced to, but because you choose to. - Matthew 5: 41. That is one. Das trägt erfahrungsgemäß zum Frieden bei. ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 97, 96 This contributes to peace. Etwas später geriet die ganze Nation in Gefahr. (See paragraph 20) Some time later, the whole nation came into danger. Jordy, ein junger Zeuge in Westeuropa, bemerkte: "Zu wissen, dass ich von Jehova gebraucht werde, bei der Erfüllung von Matthäus 24: 14 mitzuhelfen, macht mich sehr glücklich." Everything about him - his speech, his conduct, his teaching, and his sacrificial death - demonstrated his love. A young Witness in Western Europe noted: "To know that I am using Jehovah to help me share in the fulfillment of Matthew 24: 14, I find great joy. " Wieso war er davon überzeugt, dass Jehova ihm helfen würde? Who are the "wise persons " with whom Jehovah wants me to associate? Why was he convinced that Jehovah would help him? (Lies Römer 12: 6 - 8, 11.) Why is it important that we keep on the watch when under trial, and how can we do so? (Read Romans 12: 6 - 8, 11.) Denn wer seinen Bruder nicht liebt, den er gesehen hat, kann Gott nicht lieben, den er nicht gesehen hat ." What more is needed to be among those who see God? For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. " Sind wir in allem treu? Try always to treasure, to appreciate, your place in Jehovah's organization. Are we faithful in all things? Er hat einen sehr anspruchsvollen Beruf als Schul - und Vertrauenslehrer und hatte eine Angststörung. Those who put on this new personality "deaden " their body members" as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness. " He had a very comfortable career, and he had confidence in the school. Unter den Volksmengen, die Jesus zuhörten, befanden sich viele Kinder. In his prehuman life, God's Son had always been fond of mankind. Among the crowds that Jesus heard were many children. Ehre die "Geringen" The governing body's decision had not specifically covered that aspect of the question. Honor "the lowly One " Er kam zu dem Schluss: "Die Sauberkeit dieses Saals spiegelt echten Glauben wider." Yet, we should never allow such circumstances or feelings to convince us that Jehovah has left us. He concluded that "the clean of this building work is reflected in true faith. " In dem Buch Was lehrt die Bibel wirklich? Consider an example. The Bible urges you to "flee from fornication. " What Does the Bible Really Teach? Strengen wir uns an, das zu tun? Jehovah has given us clear warnings - just as he did the Israelites - to safeguard us from such influences. Do we strive to do so? • Wodurch kann ein Mangel an natürlicher Lehrfähigkeit ausgeglichen werden? What examples from the Hebrew Scriptures show that many of God's people followed an unpopular course? • How can a lack of teaching be balanced? Welches Unrecht widerfuhr einem Bruder, und welche Eigenschaften halfen ihm, damit richtig umzugehen? On another occasion, a crowd approached Jesus, desiring to be healed and to hear him speak. What injustice did one brother experience, and what qualities helped him to deal with it? Peter besprach es mit ihnen und fragte sie: "Was werdet ihr aus eurem Leben machen?" With the day of Jehovah looming on the horizon, the yeartext of Jehovah's Witnesses for 2007 has been especially appropriate. Peter discussed them and asked: "What will you make of your life? " Was wird noch dadurch erreicht, dass Gott das Böse vorübergehend zulässt? (b) How can a man reach out for privileges in the congregation? What is yet accomplished by God's allowing wickedness to continue? Uns "Christi Sinn" zu eigen machen MANY people think that there is little connection between what they are doing and what God is doing. Make "the Mind of Christ " Unser Verhältnis zu anderen Because of his perilous situation, David turned to Jehovah. Our relationship with others Der Messias würde seinen Anklägern nicht antworten. While the Abrahamic covenant had a literal fulfillment for the descendants of Abraham when they inherited the Promised Land, the Scriptures show that the terms of that covenant also have a spiritual fulfillment. The Messiah would not answer his accuser. Wir gehören zu einem heiligen Volk und unsere Lebensweise beweist, dass Jehovas Gesetze gut und die Anschuldigungen des Teufels haltlos sind. Therefore, Jesus had already dismissed Judas when He declared His friendship with the remaining 11 faithful apostles. - John 13: 21 - 35. We are part of a holy people and our way of life proof that Jehovah's laws are good and that the accusations of the Devil are false. Sven meint: "Man muss seine Schwachstellen erkennen und sie wie die Pest meiden." Particularly in this perilous time of the end, young ones need to learn from a tender age the moral principles by which to live. " You need to recognize your weaknesses and avoid them as the poisonous thing. " Die Bibel ist allerdings mehr als eine bloße Sammlung von Lebensweisheiten. " God opposes the haughty ones. " - JAMES 4: 6. However, the Bible is more than just one collection of practical wisdom. Der Prophet sagt weiter voraus, wie Jehova mit vernichtendem Zorn in Harmagedon vorgeht. At Malachi 3: 16, Jehovah tells us that he listens to those who speak with others about him and even has "a book of remembrance " for all" those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. " The prophet continues to foretell how Jehovah will deal with distressing wrath at Armageddon. Als ich wieder einmal einiges intus hatte, ging ich auf ein paar Drogendealer los, die sich mit meinen Freunden und mir anlegen wollten. 22: 30 - Did this decree annul Jesus Christ's right to ascend the throne of David? When I returned to several things, I moved to a few drugs that made me want to put up with my friends and to put my interest in me. Dann tust du gerne auch mal mehr, als von dir erwartet wird. And as we faithfully stay alert, may we keep a firm hold on the hope of everlasting life. Then you would like to do more than expected you. SEITE 11 • LIEDER: 97, 96 If Satan could induce two perfect humans - not to mention a number of spirit creatures - to reject God's sovereignty, he could deceive us too. ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 97, 96 (Siehe Absatz 20.) The taste of victory made him like someone intoxicated with wine. (See paragraph 20.) An allem, was ihn ausmachte - sein Reden und Verhalten, sein Lehren und sein Opfertod - , war sie zu erkennen. In telling his disciples about events that would take place during "the conclusion of the system of things, " Jesus indicated another reason why Jehovah permits persecution to come upon his servants. His sayings and conduct - his teachings, his teachings, and his sacrificial death - were identified. Wer sind die "Weisen," die Jehova mir als Freunde empfiehlt? The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the need to keep awake and keep our senses. Who are the " wise ones " whom Jehovah recommends me as friends? ' Warum ist es in Prüfungen wichtig, wachsam zu sein? Why could Joshua say this? - Josh. Why is it important to keep on the watch during trials? Was gehört noch dazu, wenn wir Gott "sehen" wollen? Christ referred to the Kingdom covenant when he told his apostles: "You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom. " - Luke 22: 28, 29. What else is involved in looking to God? Verliere nie die Wertschätzung für deinen Platz in Jehovas Organisation. Recreation of the right kind and in the right amount is refreshing Never lose appreciation for your place in Jehovah's organization. Wer die neue Persönlichkeit anzieht, "ertötet" sozusagen die Glieder seines Leibes "in Bezug auf Hurerei, Unreinheit, sexuelle Gelüste, schädliche Begierde und Habsucht." But the Almighty saw Elijah differently. Those who clothe themselves with the new personality, "as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual desire, hurtful desire, and covetousness. " Schon in seinem vormenschlichen Dasein war er den Menschen stets zugetan. In his Sermon on the Mount, he therefore stated: "You heard that it was said, " You must not commit adultery. ' During his prehuman existence, Jesus was always in his prehuman existence. Dieser Aspekt kam in der Entscheidung der leitenden Körperschaft nicht ausdrücklich zur Sprache. 2: 21. This aspect of the governing body did not specifically reach the language of the governing body. Lassen wir uns durch solche Umstände oder Gefühle niemals zu dem Gedanken verleiten, Jehova habe uns verlassen! Since the first century, the earthly part of God's organization has been making known his provision for salvation. May such circumstances or feelings never seduce you into thinking that Jehovah has abandoned you! Ein Beispiel: Die Bibel rät dir dringend, vor Hurerei, also sexueller Unmoral, zu "fliehen." What bearing does the new covenant have on the partaking of the Memorial emblems? For example, the Bible urges you to "flee from fornication, fornication, sexual immorality. " Doch Jehova warnt uns vor solchen Einflüssen - wie er das damals schon bei den Israeliten tat. Jesus himself stated: "I am the fine shepherd, and I know my sheep and my sheep know me. " - John 10: 14. Yet, Jehovah warns us about such influences - just as he did in the case of the Israelites back then. Welche Beispiele aus den Hebräischen Schriften belegen, dass viele Diener Gottes nicht den Weg des geringsten Widerstands gingen? Since 1920, international Scout meetings, or jamborees, have been held every few years. What examples of the Hebrew Scriptures show that many of God's servants did not follow the course of least bitter opposition? Ein andermal kamen "viertausend Männer, außer Frauen und kleinen Kindern," zu Jesus. Why will Jehovah's servants reside in security when Satan's world comes to its end? On another occasion, "many thousand men, besides women and young children, " came to Jesus. Angesichts dessen, dass sich der Tag Jehovas am Horizont abzeichnet, war der Jahrestext der Zeugen Jehovas für 2007 höchst passend. Although there are millions of spirit creatures in heaven, the Bible reveals the names of only Michael and Gabriel. This may serve as a safeguard against our giving angels undue honor. In view of Jehovah's day on the horizon, the yeartext for 2007 was fitting. (b) Was kann ein Bruder tun, der Vorrechte in der Versammlung haben möchte? Concerning Jesus, the apostle Paul wrote: "By means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. (b) What can a brother do to qualify for privileges in the congregation? FÜR viele Menschen ist es völlig abwegig, dass unser Verhalten etwas mit Gott zu tun haben könnte. They involve personal concerns, providing for the family, and the like. FOR many people today, it is unwise to conclude that our conduct could be displeasing to God. Weil er in so einer gefährlichen Lage war, wandte sich David an Jehova. Why? Because David faced such a dangerous situation, he turned to Jehovah. Ein bescheidener Mensch hat nicht das Gefühl, er könne sich mit den momentanen Aufgaben oder Verantwortlichkeiten in der Versammlung zu wenig entfalten. For instance, his undeserved kindness comes to our rescue. A modest person does not feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities or responsibilities of being responsibilities in the congregation. Nach dem Einzug der Nachkommen Abrahams in das Land der Verheißung erfüllte sich der Bund mit Abraham buchstäblich. 6: 16 - 19. After the descendants of Abraham's descendants entered the Promised Land, the Abrahamic covenant was physically fulfilled. Ihn hatte Jesus deshalb bereits weggeschickt, als er den 11 übrigen, treuen Aposteln seine Freundschaft versicherte. 7: 33, 34 - What is meant by "the things of the world " for which a married man or woman is anxious? Thus, Jesus had already done away with the rest of his 11 faithful apostles. Besonders heute, in der gefährlichen Zeit des Endes, müssen unsere Kinder schon von klein auf mit den Moralprinzipien vertraut gemacht werden, nach denen wir uns richten. Hardships and difficulties may discourage us. Especially in the time of the end, our children have to become familiar with the moral laws that we judge. " Gott widersteht den Hochmütigen ." Balance and self - control are vital, especially in view of the times in which we live. " God opposes the haughty ones. " Jehova sagt uns gemäß Maleachi 3: 16, daß er denjenigen zuhört, die mit anderen über ihn reden, und daß er sogar ein "Gedenkbuch" hat für all "diejenigen, die Jehova fürchten, und für diejenigen, die an seinen Namen denken." One sister said, "It frightens me when my husband angrily raises his voice at me. " According to Malachi 3: 16, Jehovah tells us that he listens to those who speak with him and that he has "a book of remembrance for all those fearing Jehovah and those thinking upon his name. " 22: 30 - Wurde durch diesen Erlass der Anspruch Jesu auf den Thron Davids aufgehoben?. One important way in which we encourage one another is by having a share in our meetings. 22: 30 - Did this decree represent Jesus ' throne? Und seien wir gewissenhaft auf der Hut, halten wir an der Hoffnung auf ewiges Leben fest. Much of what is produced by this world's media can be spiritually dangerous to Christians. Such material is not designed to build faith in Jehovah and his promises. We should be careful to keep on guard against everlasting life. Wenn es der Teufel geschafft hat, zwei vollkommene Menschen (ganz zu schweigen von etlichen Geistgeschöpfen) dazu zu verleiten, Jehova als Souverän abzulehnen, dann könnte ihm das durchaus auch bei uns gelingen. As the new day starts, the city magistrates send constables to release Paul and Silas. The officials ask them to leave the city peacefully. If Satan has succeeded in using two perfect human spirit creatures to mislead us, then he could be tempted to reject Jehovah as the Sovereign of the universe. Dieser glich in seinem Siegesrausch jemandem, der sich mit Wein berauscht. Canaanite King Jabin had oppressed the Israelites for 20 years when God had the prophetess Deborah motivate Judge Barak to take action. That was like that in his victory, one who is getting drunk with wine. Als Jesus seinen Jüngern sagte, was sich während des "Abschlusses des Systems der Dinge" ereignen würde, erwähnte er noch einen weiteren Grund, weshalb Jehova Verfolgung zulässt. Wise King Solomon aptly explained: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and his treatment He will repay to him. " When Jesus told his disciples what would occur during "the conclusion of the system of things, " he mentioned another reason why Jehovah allows persecution to continue. In der Bibel wird immer wieder betont, wie wichtig es ist, wach und besonnen zu bleiben. What can you do daily to maintain your appreciation for God's Word? The Bible repeatedly stresses the importance of staying awake and keeping our senses. Warum konnte er das sagen?. Many individuals find themselves in a situation similar to that of a sick woman in Jesus ' day. At Mark 5: 25, 26, we read: "There was a woman subject to a flow of blood twelve years, and she had been put to many pains by many physicians and had spent all her resources and had not been benefited but, rather, had got worse. " Why could he say that? Christus bezog sich auf den Königreichsbund, als er zu seinen Aposteln sagte: "Ihr... seid es, die in meinen Prüfungen mit mir durchgehalten haben; und ich mache einen Bund mit euch, so wie mein Vater einen Bund mit mir gemacht hat, für ein Königreich." We too need the courage to obey Jehovah at all times. Christ referred to the Kingdom covenant when he told his apostles: "You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me. " Die richtige Entspannung im richtigen Maß ist erfrischend Healthier relationships and inner peace The proper recreation is refreshing Wie überzeugte Jehova Elia davon, dass er ihn nach wie vor als wertvoll betrachtete? (b) What practices of the Jews did the disciples adopt? How did Jehovah assure Elijah that he was still valuable to him? Deshalb erklärte er in der Bergpredigt: "Ihr habt gehört, dass gesagt wurde: " Du sollst nicht ehebrechen. " See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " pages 220 - 221. So he told the Sermon on the Mount: "You heard that it was said: " You must not commit adultery. ' In Bedrängnis Hilfe finden The word of God remains in them. Finding Help in Distress 2: 21.) How You Can Find Solutions 2: 21. Seit dem ersten Jahrhundert macht der irdische Teil der Organisation Gottes bekannt, wie Menschen von Jehova gerettet werden können. SONGS: 41, 89 Since the first century, the earthly part of God's organization has known how humans can be saved from Jehovah. Wie kann man daher feststellen, ob man von den Symbolen nehmen sollte oder nicht? In addition, within the Christian brotherhood are mature individuals, especially the elders, who are qualified to give personal help and Scriptural counsel. How, then, can you know whether to partake of the emblems or not? Jesus selbst sagte: "Ich bin der vortreffliche Hirte, und ich kenne meine Schafe, und meine Schafe kennen mich." What can help us to keep our senses completely? Jesus himself said: "I am the fine shepherd, and I know my sheep, and my sheep know me. " Seit 1920 finden alle paar Jahre internationale Pfadfindertreffen statt, sogenannte Jamborees. His pattern of humility touched the hearts of his disciples, motivating them to follow a course reflecting " lowliness of mind considering that the others were superior to them. ' Since 1920 ' s, all the few years have been assigned to international movements, including those in the United States. Warum werden Jehovas Diener in Sicherheit weilen, wenn Satans Welt ihr Ende findet? " Go on walking as children of light, " wrote the apostle Paul, "for the fruitage of the light consists of every sort of goodness and righteousness and truth. " Why will Jehovah's people reside in security when Satan's world finds its end? Obwohl es im Himmel Abermillionen von Geistgeschöpfen gibt, nennt die Bibel nur die Namen Michael und Gabriel - möglicherweise, um Menschen von unangebrachter Verehrung von Engeln abzuhalten. That endears you greatly to him. Although there are millions of spirit creatures in heaven, the Bible refers only to the names of Michael and Gabriel - perhaps to humans from other angels. Paulus schrieb über Jesus: "Durch ihn sind alle anderen Dinge in den Himmeln und auf der Erde, die sichtbaren und die unsichtbaren, erschaffen worden, es seien Throne oder Herrschaften oder Regierungen oder Gewalten. Why? Regarding Jesus, Paul wrote: "By him all other things are in the heavens and on the earth, the visible and the invisible, or governments. Dazu gehören persönliche Sorgen, etwa wie man seine Familie ernähren soll. Moreover, our faith is strengthened when we endure adversity. These include personal concerns about how to feed your family. Warum? However, those early Bible Students did not grasp the full significance of Matthew 24: 14. Why? Seine Güte drängt ihn, uns zu retten. Why should we avoid procrastination? His goodness moves him to save us. 6: 16 - 19. Following the advice of doctors, who feared that I might lose the benefits of speech therapy, my family had not learned to sign and I was not allowed to associate with deaf children. 6: 16 - 19. 7: 33, 34 - Was ist mit den "Dingen der Welt" gemeint, um die man als Ehemann oder als Ehefrau besorgt ist? The glamour of materialism, the seduction of immorality, the attractiveness of prominence, the flattering appeal of "me first, " and the magnetism of nationalism - these are all traps of Satan and must be identified as such. 7: 33, 34 - What is meant by "the things of the world " to which a husband or wife is concerned? Wechselfälle des Lebens können uns zu schaffen machen. But they don't have your level of judgment. The change of life can help us to cope with life's challenges. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit ist es so enorm wichtig, ausgeglichen zu bleiben und sich beherrschen zu können. • How may you be able to help those who are not now associating with the congregation? In today's day, it is vital that we maintain balance and self - control. Eine Schwester erzählt: "Es macht mir richtig Angst, wenn mein Mann ärgerlich auf mich ist und laut wird." This allowed him enough time to develop qualities he needed to lead a stiff - necked and rebellious people. - Acts 7: 22 - 25, 30 - 34. Says one sister: "It makes me feel afraid when my husband is angry and is angry. " Wie können wir uns bei den Zusammenkünften gegenseitig ermuntern? Obeying the law gave him peace and a good conscience. - Psalm 119: 1, 9, 65, 93, 98, 165. How can we encourage one another at congregation meetings? Für den Glauben wahrer Christen kann vieles, was durch die Medien und die Unterhaltungsindustrie vermittelt wird, gefährlich werden - schließlich ist es nicht dafür gemacht, unseren Glauben an Jehova und seine Verheißungen zu stärken. We should not expect that any of our possessions, regardless of how treasured or valuable they may be, will survive with us through the great tribulation. - Prov. 11: 4, ftn.; Matt. For true Christians, the media and entertainment industry can be dangerous - not to strengthen our faith in Jehovah and his promises. Die Magistrate der Stadt schicken im Morgengrauen Amtsdiener, um Paulus und Silas freizulassen und sie zu bitten, die Stadt ohne Aufsehen zu verlassen. As a Christian man, do you qualify in these respects? The steps the city sends up in the morning to release Paul and Silas, asking them to see the city without leaving the city without leaving it. 20 Jahre lang hatte Jabin, ein kanaanitischer König, Israel unterdrückt, als Gott den Richter Barak durch die Prophetin Debora veranlasste einzuschreiten. However, we do have God's words in the pages of the Bible. For 20 years, Sisera, a Canaanite king of Israel, oppressed Israel when God caused Judge Barak to take action through Deborah the prophetess Barak. Treffend sagte der weise König Salomo: "Wer dem Geringen Gunst erweist, leiht Jehova, und er wird ihm sein Tun vergelten." Do we see the similar roles that God's Word can play in our lives? Wise King Solomon said: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and he will repay him for what he does. " Was kannst du täglich dafür tun, dir deine Dankbarkeit für Gottes Wort zu erhalten? Scriptural Questions Answered: What can you do to build your appreciation for God's Word daily? Viele befinden sich in einer ähnlichen Lage wie eine Frau zur Zeit Jesu, über die wir in Markus 5: 25, 26 lesen: "Nun war da eine Frau, die zwölf Jahre mit einem Blutfluss behaftet war, und sie war von vielen Ärzten vielen Schmerzen ausgesetzt worden und hatte ihr ganzes Vermögen verbraucht, und es hatte ihr nichts genützt, sondern es war eher schlimmer geworden." We are no part of this world, though we are still living in it. Many face a similar situation, such as a woman in Jesus ' day when we read at Mark 5: 26, 26: "Now there was a woman who was a flow of blood for 12 years and who had been exposed by many pains, and it had been exposed by many pains. " Gegen Ende seines Lebens sagte er in seiner letzten Rede: "Ihr sollt sehr mutig sein, um alles zu halten und zu tun, was im Buch des Gesetzes Mose geschrieben steht, indem ihr niemals davon abweicht, weder nach rechts noch nach links." Job maintained his integrity even though he was imperfect. Toward the end of his life, he said: "You must be courageous in keeping all things and do what is written in the book of Moses by no means leave nor on the basis of it. " hat inneren Frieden und ein besseres Verhältnis zu anderen It is especially important that elders and ministerial servants comment at meetings, since they are expected to take the lead in meeting participation, as well as in attendance. Your inner peace and a better relationship with others (b) Welche Gewohnheiten der Juden übernahmen die Christen? (b) Using a young child, what lesson did Jesus teach? (b) What practices did the Jews take to Christians? Siehe Bewahrt euch in Gottes Liebe, Seite 220, 221. For example, we also witness interference by wicked spirits. See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, page 22,1. " Das Wort Gottes bleibt in ihnen. In other words, many individuals who eventually left their mates allowed their relationship with Jehovah to weaken. God's Word remains in them. Strategien gegen Einsamkeit Notice that verse 23 really highlights a number of reasons. Develop a Positive View of loneliness LIEDER: 41, 89 This traveler acted as envoy of the Philippians. Not only did he carry their gift for the apostle but he also planned to stay with him to do whatever he could to assist Paul in his difficult situation. SONGS: 41, 89 Außerdem können uns reife Christen, besonders Älteste, gut beraten. All humans are related, and all are born equal before God. In addition, mature Christians, especially Christian elders, can do well. Was kann uns da helfen, vollständig besonnen zu bleiben? The prophet Jeremiah foretold the destruction of Jerusalem that occurred in 607 B.C.E. What can help us to keep our senses completely? Seine Demut berührte sie und spornte sie an, die anderen höher zu achten als sich selbst. Do you know what happened when Christ began his conquest? His humility touched them and urged them to respect others more than themselves. Der Apostel Paulus schrieb: "Fahrt fort, als Kinder des Lichts zu wandeln, denn die Frucht des Lichts besteht aus jeder Art von Güte und Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit." Perhaps his joy is waning, he is speaking critically of fellow believers, or he has become secretive. The apostle Paul wrote: "Continue walking as children of light, because the fruit of light is from every sort of kindness and truth. " Das berührt ihn sehr und ihr seid ihm lieb und teuer! How does God view the dependability of his worshippers? How precious it is to him! Warum? His people were to be compassionate. Why? Prüfungen durchzustehen stärkt außerdem unseren Glauben. As one Bible scholar explains, this means that Christians "are to be marked by a devotion that is characteristic of a loving, close - knit, and mutually supportive family. " Additionally, trials strengthen our faith. Allerdings waren sich diese frühen Bibelforscher nicht der vollen Tragweite von Matthäus 24: 14 bewusst. Announcing the names of the givers might embarrass others who were perhaps unable to afford to give a gift. However, those early Bible Students were not aware of the full significance of Matthew 24: 14. Warum sollte man Entscheidungen nicht vor sich herschieben? How do our meetings help us to stay spiritually active? Why should we not be unduly anxious about making decisions? Meine Familie hatte die Gebärdensprache nicht gelernt, weil die Ärzte meinten, das würde die Erfolge der Sprachtherapie kaputt machen. Each of us does well to ask himself: " How does Jehovah see me? My family had not learned sign language because the doctors thought that the school was successful. Er will, dass wir Geld und Besitz zu wichtig nehmen, uns von Unmoral angezogen fühlen, nach Ruhm und Ansehen streben, immer zuerst an uns selbst denken und stolz auf unsere Nation sind. (See opening picture.) He wants us to take money and possessions seriously, to attract us to worldly fame, prominence, and prominence first, and to think proud of ourselves and to our nation. Dafür haben sie aber weniger Lebenserfahrung. 16, 17. However, they have less experience. • Wie kannst du denen helfen, die momentan nicht aktiv mit der Versammlung verbunden sind? And it definitely is not a mere jog with frequent idle moments. • How can you help those who are not actively associated with the congregation? Und die Zeit brauchte er auch, um die Eigenschaften zu entwickeln, ohne die er die halsstarrigen und rebellischen Israeliten später unmöglich hätte führen können. Yet, Jesus said that we should seek righteousness. Moreover, he needed to cultivate the qualities that he could possibly have been able to produce and rebellious Israelites later. Er hatte Frieden und ein gutes Gewissen, weil er das Gesetz befolgte. If you do not feel motivated to expand your ministry, ask Jehovah to give you both the desire and the ability to do so. - 2 Pet. 3: 9, 11. He had peace and a good conscience because he obeyed the Law. Wir sollten nicht erwarten, dass ein Teil unseres Besitzes, wie sehr wir auch daran hängen oder wie teuer er auch gewesen sein mag, mit uns die große Drangsal überstehen wird. Of course, they would have to acknowledge that "the ways of Jehovah are upright " and walk in them. - Hosea 14: 1 - 6, 9. We should not expect a part of our material possessions, as it may have been, or as if we were to endure the great tribulation with us. Erfüllst du als christlicher Mann diese Voraussetzungen? Jehovah is ready to listen and to respond. As a Christian man, do you meet these requirements? Gottes Wort steht uns aber durch die Bibel zur Verfügung. Resist Spiritual Drowsiness However, God's Word is available to us through the Bible. Es hilft uns, alte Denkmuster aus der Zeit, als wir Jehova noch nicht kannten, durch neue zu ersetzen. It helps us to keep our minds off negative thoughts. It helps us to replace old attitudes from time to time when we did not know Jehovah through new ones. Antworten auf biblische Fragen: First, collecting the weeds. Scriptural Questions Answered: Wir leben zwar noch in der Welt, sind aber kein Teil davon. • What blessings come to those who walk with God? We live in the world but are no part of it. Hiob blieb treu, obwohl er unvollkommen war. * Regarding the great tribulation, he states: "They will see the Son of man coming on the clouds. " Despite his imperfect state, Job remained faithful. Besonders gefordert sind Älteste und Dienstamtgehilfen, denn von ihnen wird erwartet, dass sie mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen. Das gilt sowohl für die Anwesenheit bei den Zusammenkünften als auch für die Beteiligung daran. Note what one experienced teacher wrote in a book on the subject: "Good teaching is not a matter of specific techniques or styles, plans or actions.... Especially are elders and ministerial servants expected to take the lead in conducting meetings and participation in Christian meetings. (b) Welche Lektion erteilte Jesus mittels eines kleinen Kindes? The women of Bethlehem now say to Naomi: "Blessed be Jehovah... He has become a restorer of your soul and one to nourish your old age, because your daughter - in - law who does love you, who is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him. " (b) What lesson did Jesus teach a small child? Auch wir beobachten, wie böse Geister ihr Unwesen treiben. Paul set a fine example of humility and hard work for elders today. We also observe how wicked spirits practice their practices. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Viele, die letzten Endes ihren Ehepartner verließen, hatten zugelassen, dass sie sich immer weiter von Jehova entfernten. One reason why the Memorial was instituted had to do with one purpose served by Jesus ' death. In other words, many who left their mates had allowed their mate to continue growing away from Jehovah. Vers 23 verrät uns gleich mehrere Gründe: 1. What does my choice of entertainment reveal about me? Verse 23 gives us a number of reasons: (1) What does the Bible tell us about marriage? Er kam aber nicht nur als Bote der Philipper, um dem Apostel ein Geschenk zu bringen, sondern sollte bei ihm bleiben und ihm in seiner schwierigen Lage beistehen. Are we determined to avoid both lying and deception? He came to be a messenger not only to bring a gift to the apostle but also to stay with him and to help him in his difficult situation. Alle Menschen sind miteinander verwandt und von Geburt an vor Gott gleich. That being the case, they wrote, not their own ideas, but God's thoughts. All humans are related to one another and from birth to God. Die Zerstörung Jerusalems im Jahr 607 v. u. Z. war vom Propheten Jeremia vorhergesagt worden. (b) What is so remarkable about the ransom arrangement? The destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. was foretold by the prophet Jeremiah. Weißt du, was geschah, als Christus seinen Siegesritt begann? True worship involves more than symbolizing our dedication by water immersion, attending congregation meetings, and sharing in the public ministry. Do you know what happened when Christ began his conquest? Hat womöglich seine Freude nachgelassen, kapselt es sich ab oder spricht negativ über Glaubensbrüder? With gentle probing, the friend, who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, learned that the girl was overwhelmed with questions and doubts: "Why is there so much evil? Is it possible for a fellow Christian to lose his joy, feelings, or feelings of inadequacy? Wie denkt Gott über Anbeter, auf die er sich verlassen kann? Had not locusts plagued ancient Egypt in Moses ' day? How does God feel about worshipers who can rely on him? Aber beim Mithelfen habe ich eine Menge Brüder und Schwestern kennengelernt. This is in line with Jehovah's promise to Abraham: "Your seed will take possession of the gate of his enemies. But I have come to realize a lot of brothers and sisters. Doch Jehova lehrte sein Volk, nicht gefühllos, sondern mitfühlend zu sein. As a detailed prophetic allegory, with a symbolic meaning applied to every person, object, and event? Yet, Jehovah taught his people not to show compassion but to be compassionate. Das heißt, dass sich Christen, wie ein Bibelgelehrter ausführt, "durch eine Hingabe auszeichnen sollten, die für eine liebevolle, fest gefügte Familie charakteristisch ist, in der man sich gegenseitig unterstützt." Jesus was anointed with "the oil of exultation " more than his" companions, " that is, the kings of Judah of the line of David. How so? This means that Christians, like a Bible scholar, should "be shown by a dedication to a loving family, supporting one another. " Dadurch bringen sie auch niemand in Verlegenheit, der sich vielleicht kein Geschenk leisten konnte. We might ask ourselves: " Does the entertainment I choose make it possible for me to give God exclusive devotion? By doing so, they may be unable to give a gift. Wie helfen uns die Zusammenkünfte, nicht müde zu werden? Another feature that spiritually enhances all our meetings is heartfelt prayer offered on behalf of all those assembled. How can congregation meetings help us not to tire out? Deshalb ist es so wichtig, dass sich jeder von uns fragt: "Wie denkt Jehova über mich? Paul gives a second example: "One man judges one day as above another; another man judges one day as all others. " We need to ask ourselves, " How does Jehovah view me? ' (Siehe Anfangsbild.) Real happiness is contingent on making the right choices, doing what is right, and turning away from what is wrong. (See opening image.) 16, 17. On the contrary, the apostle Peter spoke of the need to "offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " 16, 17. Paulus schrieb: "Wisst ihr nicht, dass die Läufer in einem Wettlauf alle laufen, aber nur einer den Preis empfängt? In 1918, Jesus, "the messenger of the covenant, " had come to Jehovah's spiritual temple to inspect and cleanse God's congregation. Paul wrote: "Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Aber Jesus sagte doch, wir sollten Gerechtigkeit suchen. Jehovah even explained what Cain could do to gain "an exaltation. " But Jesus said that we should seek righteousness. Wenn wir den Wunsch, unseren Dienst auszuweiten, nicht verspüren, dann bitten wir doch Jehova darum, diesen Wunsch in uns zu wecken und entsprechend zu handeln. I had accepted the Watchtower and Awake! If we want to expand our ministry, we do well to ask Jehovah to awaken us and act in harmony with them. Natürlich müssten sie anerkennen, dass " die Wege Jehovas gerade sind ', und darauf wandeln. Missionaries serving in lands where it is customary to have large families are often asked why they do not have children. Of course, they need to recognize that "the ways of Jehovah are upright, " and they must walk in it. Jehova hört sich Gebete an und erhört sie. How do many people view their work? Jehovah hears prayers and answers them. Kämpfe gegen geistige Schläfrigkeit an If possible, offer them rides to meetings. Fight Spiritual drowsiness Es schützt uns vor negativem Denken. Yet, we know far more about the future Paradise than Moses knew. It protects us from negative thinking. Erstens: Das Unkraut zusammenlesen. Let us consider how families may lovingly cooperate to plan to meet some of the challenges. First, we collect weeds. • Welchen Segen erhalten alle, die mit Gott wandeln? One source observes that according to the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder, pearls occupied the "topmost rank among all things of price. " • What blessing do all who walk with God enjoy? * Mit Bezug auf die große Drangsal sagt er: "Sie werden den Menschensohn auf den Wolken kommen sehen." Loving - kindness, or loyal love, had almost disappeared - like the morning mist that quickly vanishes with the rising of the sun. * Regarding the great tribulation, he says: "They will see the Son of man coming upon the clouds. " Beachten wir, was ein erfahrener Lehrer in einem Buch zu diesem Thema schrieb: "Guter Unterricht ist keine Frage von besonderen Techniken und Stilen, Plänen und Vorgehensweisen.... Table of Contents Note what an experienced teacher wrote to this subject: "It is not a question of special technology and plans.... Die Frauen von Bethlehem sagen jetzt zu Noomi: "Gesegnet sei Jehova,... er ist ein Wiederhersteller deiner Seele und ein Ernährer deines Alters geworden, denn deine Schwiegertochter, die dich wirklich liebt, die für dich besser ist als sieben Söhne, hat ihn geboren." They explained that God had poured out holy spirit upon uncircumcised Gentiles. In effect, they asked, " Can the Christian congregation rightly reject those whom God has embraced? ' The women of Bethlehem now say to Naomi: "Blessed be Jehovah..., he has become a believer of your soul and a arm of your old age, for your daughter - in - law that is better than seven sons. " Stattdessen war er ein demütiger Mitarbeiter an ihrer Freude. Or do I shy away from praying and engaging in deep Bible study? Instead, he was a humble worker for her joy. Das Gedächtnismahl wurde unter anderem deshalb eingesetzt, weil mit Jesu Tod etwas bewiesen werden sollte. (b) What appeal does Jesus make to potential disciples? For one thing, the Memorial was instituted because Jesus ' death was shown. Was verrät die Art Unterhaltung, die ich mir aussuche, über mich? For himself, he makes a humble request: "Do remember me, O my God, for good. " - Nehemiah 13: 31. What does the type of entertainment I find teach show about myself? Sind wir entschlossen, andere weder zu belügen noch zu täuschen? How do mountains and trees benefit mankind? Are we determined not to deceive others or to deceive others? Infolgedessen handelte es sich bei dem, was sie aufschrieben, nicht um ihre eigenen Gedanken, sondern die Gedanken Gottes. 6, 7. (a) Why can we say that God has used his holy spirit in an orderly way? As a result, they were focused on what they thought, not on their own thoughts, but on God's thoughts. (b) Was ist am Lösegeld so besonders bemerkenswert? His associate, Bildad the Shuhite, even argued that a righteous standing before God is not possible for humans. - Read Job 25: 4. (b) What is remarkable about the ransom? Zur wahren Anbetung gehört mehr, als nur sich zum Zeichen seiner Hingabe taufen zu lassen, Zusammenkünfte zu besuchen und sich am öffentlichen Predigtdienst zu beteiligen. Written by the physician Luke, it presents a dynamic account of Christian activity over a period of some 28 years - from 33 C.E. to 61 C.E. True worship involves more than being baptized in symbol of dedication to Jehovah by water baptism, attending meetings, and sharing in the public ministry. Diese fand durch behutsames Nachfragen heraus, dass das Mädchen voller Fragen und Zweifel war: "Warum gibt es so viel Böses? " The creation was subjected to futility... on the basis of hope. " - ROM. 8: 20. This tender elder found that the girl was familiar with questions and doubts: "Why is there so much bad? Immerhin hatte es in Moses ' Tagen in Ägypten eine furchtbare Heuschreckenplage gegeben. Accept the Invitation - Now When can youths accept God's invitation to serve him? After Moses ' day, a locust swarm had given to Egypt. Das deckt sich wiederum mit dem, was Jehova Abraham verhieß: "Dein Same wird das Tor seiner Feinde in Besitz nehmen. Those who were not in favor of extreme measures were viewed as traitors. This, in turn, exposes what Jehovah promised Abraham: "Your seed will take possession of the gate of his enemies. Als Allegorie oder prophetisches Bild, dessen Einzelheiten von symbolischer Bedeutung sind, wobei jeder Person, jedem Gegenstand oder jedem Ereignis eine symbolische Bedeutung zugewiesen wird? Add to all of this the bloodshed caused by wars. As used as a prophetic picture, or prophetic picture, the details of the symbolic significance of each individual, each one, or an illustration, is given to each one? Wieso heißt es, dass Jesus mehr als seine "Mitgenossen" (die Könige von Juda aus der Linie Davids) mit dem "Öl des Frohlockens" gesalbt wurde? Rather than put his own interests first, he settled things peaceably. How is it that Jesus was anointed more than his "brothers, " the kings of Judah, from David's line with" the exultation of exultation "? Horchen wir einmal in uns hinein: Lässt sich die Art Unterhaltung, die ich mir aussuche, damit vereinbaren, dass ich Gott ganz und gar ergeben sein möchte? • Why is deep love for people important for true Christians? To find out, let us examine the type of entertainment that I take advantage of in order to please God with all our devotion. Sehr bereichert werden unsere Zusammenkünfte auch durch von Herzen kommende Gebete im Namen aller Versammelten. Their past experiences in God's service undoubtedly brought them great joy. Each of us will also show our heartfelt prayers by means of heartfelt prayers in the name of all members of the congregation. Segnungen durch Christus - was muss ich dafür tun? The world must know that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. Through Christ, what must I do? Adam Clarke, ein Bibelgelehrter des 19. Jesus himself bore witness before Herod and Pontius Pilate. Adam, a Bible scholar in the 19th century B.C.E. Paulus führte noch ein zweites Beispiel an: "E i n e r urteilt, e i n Tag sei über einem anderen; ein anderer urteilt, e i n Tag sei wie alle anderen." At the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus watched a needy widow. Paul also introduced a second example: "Let one day be one day over another; another judges one day be one day, one day as all the other. " Echtes Glück setzt richtige Entscheidungen voraus, rechtes Handeln und das Abstehen von Schlechtem. (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 14 - 18.) True happiness comes from making right decisions, doing what is right, and doing what is bad. Ganz und gar nicht! Der Apostel Petrus forderte dazu auf, "geistige Schlachtopfer darzubringen, für Gott annehmbar durch Jesus Christus." Construction begins. So does opposition to the work. Not at all! The apostle Peter urged us to offer "spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " 1918 war Jesus, der "Bote des Bundes," zum geistigen Tempel Jehovas gekommen, um ihn zu besichtigen und die Versammlung Gottes zu reinigen. As we seek Jehovah's guidance in handling them, we see how practical that guidance is. 1918 was Jesus, "the messenger of the covenant, " Jehovah's spiritual temple, to cleanse him and to cleanse the congregation of God. Jehova erklärte Kain sogar, was er tun könne, um eine "Erhebung" zu erreichen. That is when the flight to the valley of Jehovah's mountains began. Jehovah even told Cain what he could do to reach "a curse. " Ich hatte schon vorher mal den Wachtturm und das Erwachet! Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. I had been studying the Watchtower and Awake! Missionare werden in Ländern, wo Großfamilien üblich sind, oft gefragt, warum sie keine Kinder haben. When praying, give spiritual concerns priority over material interests. missionaries are often asked why they do not have children. Welche Einstellung haben viele zu ihrer Arbeit? How can sisters demonstrate that they treasure their place in the congregation? What attitude do many people have toward their work? Vielleicht können wir ihnen anbieten, mit uns zu den Zusammenkünften zu fahren. PUBLISHERS We might offer them opportunities to drive us with them at Christian meetings. Doch über das künftige Paradies wissen wir viel mehr als Moses. " Do not marvel at this, " Jesus said to the crowds to whom he preached, "because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " However, we know much more about the future Paradise Paradise earth than Moses. Wie gelingt es Familien, für absehbare Schwierigkeiten liebevoll gemeinsam vorauszuplanen? The apostle John wrote: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " How can families cultivate love for each other? Perlen waren gemäß dem römischen Gelehrten Plinius dem Älteren das "teuerste unter den käuflichen Dingen," wie es in einem Werk heißt. Look to the Best Examples According to Roman scholars, the elderly were "the most beneficial of your things, " as it were in a work. Die liebende Güte oder loyale Liebe war nahezu verschwunden - wie der Tau am Morgen, der mit der aufgehenden Sonne schnell verdunstet. (See box on page 17.) The loving - kindness, or loyal love, was nearly lost, just as the dew in the morning runs fast with the sun. Inhaltsverzeichnis We can assist with the watering process. Table of Contents Sie schilderten die Ausgießung des heiligen Geistes auf unbeschnittene Nichtjuden und fragten sinngemäß: Darf die Christenversammlung Personen ablehnen, die Gott angenommen hat? (Read Exodus 21: 5, 6.) She described the outpouring of holy spirit to uncircumcised Gentiles and asked: "If any Christian has accepted the Christian congregation, would it be reasonable for him to reject those who accepted God? Oder bin ich jemand, der weder gern betet noch die Bibel gründlich studiert? [ Picture on page 21] Or do I love someone who is neither praying nor studied the Bible? ' (b) Welchen Aufruf hat Jesus an seine voraussichtlichen Jünger ergehen lassen? A successful marriage is not static but grows richer and stronger with time. (b) How has Jesus responded to his prospective disciples? Weder der Teufel noch der Mensch wird mehr herrschen. From a human standpoint, he and his wife, Sarah, were past childbearing age when Jehovah promised them an heir. Neither Satan nor the Devil will exist. Demütig bittet er: "Gedenke doch meiner, o mein Gott, zum Guten!." • by means of the angels? He humbly begs: "Do remember me, O my God, for good! " Von welchem Nutzen sind Berge und Bäume für den Menschen? 9, 10. What benefits are there for mountains and trees for mankind? 6, 7. (a) Warum wissen wir, dass Jehova seinen heiligen Geist ganz gezielt einsetzt? False religion will be destroyed by whom? 6, 7. (a) Why do we know that Jehovah uses his holy spirit effectively? Sein Gefährte Bildad, der Schuchiter, behauptete sogar, es sei für Menschen unmöglich, in Gottes Augen gerecht zu sein. (Lies Hiob 25: 4.) True Christians are "taught by God to love one another. " His companion Bildad, who claimed that it was impossible for humans to be righteous in God's eyes. - Read Job 25: 4. Ihr Schreiber, der Arzt Lukas, hat uns einen mitreißenden Bericht hinterlassen, der die christliche Tätigkeit in einem Zeitraum von 28 Jahren schildert: von 33 u. No doubt, Philip carried this positive message back to the inquirers. - John 12: 20 - 26. Her writer Luke, the doctor, left a report that describes Christian activity in a period of 28 years - from 33 C.E. onward. " Die Schöpfung ist der Nichtigkeit unterworfen worden... aufgrund der Hoffnung ." Would he have done so - even spending an entire night in prayer - had he thought that Jehovah was not really listening? " The creation was subjected to futility... on the basis of hope. " Wie alt muss man sein, um Jehovas Einladung anzunehmen und ihm zu dienen? God purposed that honorable marriage and sexual relations should be the means of propagating life. How old must we accept Jehovah's invitation and serve him? Wer diese extremen Maßnahmen nicht guthieß, galt als Verräter. Today, many doubt if the Kingdom will ever come. Those who refused to make such extreme measures were proved to be unfaithful. Zu alldem kommt das Blutvergießen in Kriegen hinzu. But other details of the sacred secret remained to be uncovered. Those events have resulted in wars. Statt zuerst an seine Interessen zu denken, regelte er die Sache friedlich. Do you think that when he was a youngster on earth he also tried hard to be a good worker, a good carpenter? - Proverbs 8: 30; Colossians 1: 15, 16. Instead of focusing on his interests, he made the matter peaceable. • Warum ist tiefe Liebe zu den Menschen für uns Christen so wichtig? Some Bible translations render those words "do not team up, "" do not try to work together as equals, " or "stop forming inappropriate relationships. " • Why is deep love so important for Christians? Bestimmt hatten sie schon früher viel Freude im Dienst für Gott. What negative influence was exercised by the emperor? No doubt they had enjoyed serving God in the past. Die Welt muss wissen, dass Jehova Gott ist und dass Jesus Christus König der Könige und Herr der Herren ist! (Read 1 Corinthians 9: 19 - 23.) The world must know that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord! Jesus selbst legte vor Herodes und Pontius Pilatus Zeugnis ab. Experience the peace of mind, unity, and divine blessings that come to those who have a forgiving disposition. - Rom. 14: 19. Jesus himself bore witness before Herod and Pontius Pilate. Im Tempel von Jerusalem beobachtete Jesus einmal eine arme Witwe. To some, though, God's love for people is a foreign concept. In the temple of Jerusalem, Jesus observed a poor widow. (Lies 1. Korinther 12: 14 - 18.) What is one way in which we can discern Jehovah's wisdom? (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 14 - 18.) Der Aufbau beginnt und gleichzeitig kommt Widerstand auf. 44: 18 - 20. The structure begins with opposition at the same time. Wenn wir uns dann von Jehova anleiten lassen, stellen wir fest, wie praktisch diese Anleitung ist. Of course, some human rulers are sincerely concerned about the welfare of their subjects. If we follow Jehovah's guidance, we will stand firm in the practical direction we receive. * Damals begann die Flucht in das Tal zwischen den Bergen Jehovas. Once safely across, they saw those waters crash over the Egyptian military. * At that time, the flee began to enter the valley between Jehovah's mountains. Jehova ist laut der Bibel der Name Gottes. In the 11th century B.C.E., King Solomon indicated that Jehovah had made Israel a separated nation. The Bible says that Jehovah is God's name. Gib in deinen Gebeten geistigen Interessen den Vorrang vor materiellen Bedürfnissen. This stage began at Pentecost 33 C.E. when Jehovah started to gather those who would rule with Christ in heaven. Pray in your prayers for spiritual interests. Woran zeigt sich, dass Schwestern ihr Platz in der Versammlung viel bedeutet? I usually went barefoot because we had no money to buy shoes. How can sisters show that they treasure their place in the congregation? VERKÜNDIGER They insist on their right to make their own decisions, resenting even the thought of someone else deciding for them. PUBLISHERS " Wundert euch nicht darüber ," sagte Jesus zu den Volksmengen, denen er predigte," denn die Stunde kommt, in der alle, die in den Gedächtnisgrüften sind, seine Stimme hören und herauskommen werden. " But the bramble - useful only as fuel - represented the kingship of proud Abimelech, a murderer eager to dominate others. " Do not marvel at the crowds whom Jesus preached, " said Jesus, "for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " Der Apostel Johannes schrieb: "Darin besteht die Liebe zu Gott, dass wir seine Gebote halten; und seine Gebote sind nicht schwer." At the last Passover that Jesus celebrated with his 12 apostles, he told them: "Truly I say to you, One of you will betray me. " The apostle John wrote: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Die besten Leitbilder That happened after the 70 years. The best role of the ministry (Siehe Kasten auf Seite 17.) Why? Because your circumstance as a youth may be somewhat special. (See box on page 17.) (Vergleiche 1. These words may allude to the duties of the officer of the temple mount in Jerusalem. (Compare 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 4.) (Lies 2. Mose 21: 5, 6.) If there is ever a conflict between what you want and what I am inclined to want, what you want will win - every time. " (Read Exodus 21: 5, 6.) [ Bild auf Seite 21] " What We Have Done Is What We Ought to Have Done " [ Picture on page 21] In einer glücklichen Beziehung bleibt man also nie stehen, sondern sie wird über die Jahre immer erfüllter und die Bindung immer stärker. Eagerly embracing that commission, Jehovah's Witnesses are active in 235 lands, distributing literature in more than 400 languages. A happy relationship will never cease, but it will become stronger over the years and strengthen the bond. Als Jehova ihm einen Erben versprach, konnte seine Frau Sara nach menschlichem Ermessen keine Kinder mehr bekommen. In the fullest sense, we will all be children of God. - Rom. 8: 21. When Jehovah promised him as a heir, his wife, Sarah, could no longer obtain children. • durch Engel What, then, can we do to cope with depression? • through angels? 9, 10. They received miraculous gifts of the spirit. 9, 10. Von wem wird die falsche Religion vernichtet? That same spirit empowered first - century Christians to continue preaching with boldness despite all manner of opposition. Who will be destroyed by false religion? Als wahre Christen sind wir "von Gott gelehrt, einander zu lieben." How can family heads decide which language congregation the family will attend? As true Christians, we are " taught by God to love one another. ' Wer aber sein Leben loslässt, wird es für alle Ewigkeit gewinnen. " If a person was in an unclean state, he would have to make a sin offering or a guilt offering to restore his standing with Jehovah before making a voluntary offering. On the other hand, if we allow our life to change, we will gain it forever. " Hätte er das getan, ja hätte er sogar eine ganze Nacht lang gebetet, ohne davon überzeugt zu sein, dass Jehova ihm zuhört?. The first is an external force, the second an internal one. If he had done so, would he have prayed all night without believing that Jehovah would listen to him? Durch Geschlechtsbeziehungen in der Ehe sollte nach dem Willen Gottes Leben auf ehrbare Weise weitergegeben werden. It involves lives. Soon, Jehovah's heavenly executional forces, represented by the six men with weapons, will destroy those who do not have the symbolic mark. With sexual relations in marriage, God's will was given in an honorable way. Dort lehrte er sie beten: "Dein Königreich komme." (See opening picture.) There he taught them to pray: "Let your kingdom come. " Weitere Einzelheiten des heiligen Geheimnisses blieben allerdings immer noch verborgen. The apostle John wrote that "we love, because [God] first loved us. " Other details, however, remained hidden from the sacred secret of the sacred secret. Was denkt ihr: Hat Jesus auch auf der Erde als Jugendlicher fleißig gearbeitet und sich Mühe gegeben, ein guter Zimmermann zu sein?. But if that were the meaning, when would the meal have been eaten? What do you think that Jesus too worked hard as a youth and worked hard to be a good carpenter? In anderen Bibelübersetzungen ist zu lesen: "Zieht nicht am gleichen Strang mit den Ungläubigen!" " Zieht nicht am fremden Joch mit Ungläubigen. " 17, 18. In other translations, the Bible says: "Keep working together with the unbelievers " with unbelievers. Welchen Einfluss nahm der Kaiser auf die Entwicklungen? Guided by God's Word in the Family What influence did the emperor's organization take on the developments that followed? (Lies 1. Korinther 9: 19 - 23.) • How much should I drink? (Read 1 Corinthians 9: 19 - 23.) Wer gern vergibt, wird inneren Frieden, Einheit und den Segen Jehovas verspüren. 4: 9 - 11. Those who are willing to forgive will experience inner peace, unity, and Jehovah's blessing. Es gibt allerdings auch Menschen, die sich einen Gott der Liebe nur schwer vorstellen können. Like David, though, Jesus is a compassionate king, and he will protect the "great crowd " through Armageddon. However, there is also a challenge for those who cannot comprehend a God of love. Worin ist Jehovas Weisheit zu erkennen? Jehovah spoke of his people, the ancient nation of Israel, as a collective servant. How is Jehovah's wisdom evident? 44: 18 - 20. God's mercy should fill us with gratitude and move us to glorify him. 44: 18 - 20. Es gibt natürlich auch Herrscher, die ehrlich daran interessiert sind, dass es ihren Untertanen gut geht. For those who have Watchtower Library on CD - ROM in their language, it is easy to access a wide range of sources of information on a computer. Of course, some rulers who are honest are interested in their subjects. Sicher am anderen Ufer angelangt, beobachteten sie, wie die Wassermassen über dem ägyptischen Heer zusammenbrachen. The Israelites were told that if they obeyed Jehovah, they would become his "special property out of all other peoples. " They likely watched the waters of the Egyptian army and watched the waters of the Egyptian army. Salomo, der im 11. Jahrhundert v. u. 24: 14. Solomon, who lived in the fifth century B.C.E., lived in the first century B.C.E. Woran sieht man, wie undankbar die Israeliten waren? And it is fine preparation for the long - lasting joyful service that awaits all faithful servants of Jehovah under God's Kingdom. How did the Israelites show a lack of appreciation? Diese Stufe begann Pfingsten 33 u. If we want to " prove ourselves sons of our Father who is in the heavens, ' we must be different. That stage began at Pentecost 33 C.E. Weil wir kein Geld für Schuhe hatten, lief ich immer barfuß. The article "Living Successfully With Your Ailment - How? " Because we had no money to wear, I stayed safe. Allein der Gedanke, jemand könnte ihnen eine Entscheidung aus der Hand nehmen, ist für sie unerträglich. He persisted, however, because he realized that the ministry means life for him and for those responding favorably. The only thought that a person could accept a decision is displeasing to him. Anders dagegen der Dornstrauch, der nur als Brennmaterial taugte; er stellte das Königtum des stolzen Abimelech dar, eines Mörders, der über andere herrschen wollte. " How can such things occur among Jehovah's people? ' we might ask. Unlike the thorny victim, however, he used the kingship of proud Abimelech, a murderer who wanted to rule over others. Während Jesus mit seinen 12 Aposteln das letzte Passah aß, erklärte er ihnen: "Wahrlich, ich sage euch: Einer von euch wird mich verraten." Because of that sacrifice, today all who sincerely repent of their sins and become genuine followers of Christ can enjoy a clean standing before Jehovah God. While Jesus fed the last Passover, he told his 12 apostles: "Truly I say to you, one of you will betray me. " Das trat nach den 70 Jahren ein. (b) What are some examples of counterfeit love? This took for the 70 years. Das kann bedeuten, dich selbst ehrlich zu hinterfragen - besonders, wenn du in der Wahrheit aufgewachsen bist. Today, Jehovah also provides us with everything we need to serve him faithfully. This may mean self - examination, especially when you grew up in the truth. Diese Worte spielen vielleicht auf die Pflichten des Tempelbergsvorstehers in Jerusalem an. If such volatile issues as same - sex marriage or abortion come up, defend God's standards and explain how we follow these in our own lives. Those words may play a role in connection with the responsibilities of the temple in Jerusalem. Ich werde immer das tun, was du willst, selbst wenn ich etwas anderes möchte. " So zu denken heißt, wie Jesus zu denken. Likewise, Bible truth needs to be wrapped around us tightly, as it were, so that we live in harmony with it. I will always do what you want, even if I want to think differently. " " Was wir getan haben, ist das, was wir zu tun schuldig gewesen sind " He might then try to make a name for himself in this world, to seek financial security instead of putting God's Kingdom first, or to trust in higher education to secure a comfortable life now. " What we have done is what we ought to have done. " - MATT. Jehovas Zeugen freuen sich über diesen Auftrag und verbreiten in 235 Ländern und Territorien Literatur in über 400 Sprachen. 16, 17. Jehovah's Witnesses rejoice over this commission and spread in 235 lands. Dann sind wir alle ohne Einschränkung Kinder Gottes. Also available at www.jw.org If we do so, we are all God's children. Was können wir jedoch tun, um mit Depressionen fertig zu werden? Scott: That's right. What, though, can we do to cope with depression? Sie empfingen übernatürliche Geistesgaben. ARTICLE 3 They received miraculous gifts. Jahrhundert, trotz aller Gegnerschaft mutig weiterzupredigen. When Christ comes in his glory near the end of the tribulation, he will gather his faithful anointed ones to heaven. In the first century, despite opposition, boldly preaching. Was sollten Familienoberhäupter bedenken, wenn sie sich für eine Versammlung entscheiden? The spiritual temple is God's arrangement for true worship. What should family heads remember when making decisions for a congregation? Keilschriftfunde und die Bibel (b) How do you feel about that solution to the problem of injustice? Western ourselves and the Bible Wer unrein war, musste vor einem freiwilligen Opfer erst ein Sünd - oder Schuldopfer darbringen, um vor Jehova wieder rein dazustehen. These will survive the great tribulation into Christ's Millennial Reign. There they will be joined by billions of resurrected ones. Those who were unclean would have to offer a voluntary sacrifice - a sacrifice or a guilt offering to Jehovah in order to maintain a clean standing before him. Die erste entsteht durch andere Menschen, die zweite kommt aus unserem eigenen Innern. How can a groom enhance the dignity of this happy occasion? The first type of people develop within us the second place that comes from our own heart. Bald werden Jehovas himmlische Hinrichtungsstreitkräfte, dargestellt durch die sechs bewaffneten Männer, an allen das Gericht vollziehen, die kein symbolisches Kennzeichen erhalten haben. In a farewell letter to his family, he wrote: "Above all we must love God, as our Leader Jesus Christ commanded. Soon, Jehovah's heavenly execution will be depicted by the sixrmed men who carry out judgment against all those who have not been gathered. (Siehe Anfangsbild.) Safeguard it, for it means your life. " (See opening image.) Der Apostel Johannes schrieb: "Was uns betrifft, so lieben wir, weil er uns zuerst geliebt hat." As was still true in Jesus ' day, any non - Israelite who wished to worship Jehovah would want to associate with His covenant people. - John 12: 20; Acts 8: 27. The apostle John wrote: "As for us, we love, because he first loved us. " Nisan beziehen - zwischen der Zeit, wo die Sonne ihren höchsten Stand überschritt (nach Mittag), und dem Ende des Tages (bei Sonnenuntergang). How do the Scriptures show the importance of love? So, on Nisan 14, the sun corresponds to its rightful sun (abouts), and the end of the sunset (b) and the end of the sun). 17, 18. Jobs may be scarce, and as the months pass, you could wonder if Jehovah sees your plight or hears your prayers. 17, 18. In der Familie What must we do? WHAT NEEDS TO BE TRANSFORMED? Within the Family • Wie viel darf ich höchstens trinken? He not only called attention to the reason for engaging in the race but also pointed out what one must do to win. • How much should I drink the Most High? Auf jeden Fall aber gab es Judenchristen, die an manchen mit dem Gesetz Mose verknüpften Überlieferungen festhielten. Why, phenomenal increase has taken place since then! However, there were Jewish Christians who were holding fast some of the Mosaic Law. Allerdings ist Jesus wie David auch ein mitfühlender König, der die "große Volksmenge" in Harmagedon beschützen wird. Thus, they miss what the sun can teach us. Like David, however, Jesus is a compassionate King who will protect the "great crowd " of Armageddon. (b) Welches wichtige Detail darf man in diesem Zusammenhang nicht übersehen? Drawing close to Jehovah and having a reverential fear of him will protect us from engaging in wrongdoing. (b) What important detail should we not overlook? Gottes Barmherzigkeit sollte uns dankbar machen und uns veranlassen, ihn zu verherrlichen. We become God's slaves when we get baptized God's mercy should move us to appreciate and move us to glorify him. In den Sprachen, in denen es die Watchtower Library auf CD - ROM gibt, hat man leichten Zugang zu umfangreichen Informationsquellen. For example, Lily is a single sister in the congregation who willingly helped a widow named Carol. In the languages available in which the Watchtower Publications Index is available, it is easy to obtain extensive information. Die Israeliten hatten die Aussicht, Jehovas "besonderes Eigentum aus allen anderen Völkern" zu werden, wenn sie ihm gehorchen würden. In contrast, Jesus "has been raised up from the dead, [and] dies no more; death is no longer master over him. " The Israelites had the prospect of becoming Jehovah's "special property out of all other peoples " if they obeyed him. Wahrscheinlich kannst du sogar auf Anhieb zitieren, was Jesus dazu in Matthäus 24: 14 über unser Predigen heute vorhergesagt hat. Or do you put forth only minimal effort? You may even recall what Jesus foretold at Matthew 24: 14 about our preaching work today. Er ist eine ausgezeichnete Vorbereitung auf den nie endenden freudigen Dienst, der allen treuen Dienern Jehovas unter Gottes Königreich in Aussicht steht. What is the most important of human needs, and what must Christian parents do first in order to fill this need in their children? He is an excellent preparation for the ministry that awaits all faithful servants of God under God's Kingdom. Möchten wir uns als "Söhne" unseres himmlischen Vaters erweisen, müssen wir uns davon abheben. When the brothers in the South Pacific nation of Tuvalu needed publications in their own tongue, one of the missionaries took up the challenge. To prove ourselves "sons " of our heavenly Father, we must view them. Der Artikel "Trotz eines Gebrechens gut zurechtkommen - Wie?" In what way is a white robe given to certain ones who were sleeping in death? This article "Despite a normal routine of life, " how can we cope? Er gab jedoch nicht auf, denn er wusste, dass dies für ihn und für diejenigen, die darauf günstig reagieren, Leben bedeutet. Serving others involves hard work and requires a spirit of self - sacrifice. Yet, he did not give up because he knew that this would mean life for him and for those who respond to it. " Wie kann so was unter Dienern Jehovas denn nur vorkommen?! ," fragen wir uns dann vielleicht. Remembering this will keep us from being self - assuming. - Matthew 26: 33 - 35, 69 - 75. " What can happen to Jehovah's people, " we might ask ourselves. Er erinnerte mich an all das, was ich gut mache. Read Romans 12: 20. He reminded me of all that I do well. Dank dieses Opfers können heute alle, die ihre Sünden aufrichtig bereuen und echte Nachfolger Christi werden, vor Jehova Gott rein dastehen. In spite of his changed circumstances, Barzillai did what he could to support Jehovah's appointed king. Today, those who truly repent and become true followers of Christ can maintain a clean standing before Jehovah God. (b) Nenne ein Beispiel für vorgetäuschte Liebe. (a) What has happened to marriage since the rebellion of Adam and Eve? (b) Give an example of love. Auch uns versorgt Jehova mit allem, was wir brauchen, um ihm treu zu dienen. Just like the other rebels, he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. Jehovah also provides us with everything we need to serve him faithfully. Wenn brisante Themen wie die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe oder Abtreibung aufkommen, verteidigen wir Gottes Maßstäbe und erklären, wie wir sie im Leben anwenden. In prayer to Jehovah, he stated: "You yourself separated them as your inheritance out of all the peoples of the earth. " When topics arise, such as marriage or an abortion, we defend God's standards and explain how we apply them in life. Ebenso muss uns die biblische Wahrheit wie ein straffer Gürtel stützen, damit wir ihr entsprechend leben können. Yet, the truth is that your parents love you. Similarly, Bible truth is needed to sustain us like a soldier so that we can live in harmony with it. Folglich strebt er vielleicht danach, in der Welt groß herauszukommen; versucht, sich finanziell abzusichern, statt Gottes Königreich allem voranzustellen; oder baut auf höhere Bildung, um sich schon heute ein möglichst angenehmes Leben zu sichern. Because they would also have forsaken Jesus and thus would have needed help. Hence, he may be trying to pursue a comfortable life rather than pursue God's Kingdom or to build up higher education now. 16, 17. Elders and other mature Christians may have to adjust the thinking of brothers weighed down with problems, and in this, such counselors can learn much from the book of Job. - Galatians 6: 1; Hebrews 12: 12, 13. 16, 17. Auch online auf www.jw.org So love the truth, and "keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons " in these wicked times. Also available at www.jw.org Jochen F.: Gottes Kraft. Sophia: What do you mean? Brad: God's power. SEITE 12 For example, love for our spouse will keep the marriage bed free of defilement. ARTICLE 3 Wenn Christus in seiner Herrlichkeit kurz vor dem Ende der Drangsal kommt, wird er die treuen Gesalbten im Himmel versammeln. But might they also need practical help, for example, in getting to the Kingdom Hall or in doing their grocery shopping? When Christ comes in his glory shortly before the end of the tribulation, he will gather the faithful anointed in heaven. Der geistige Tempel ist das, was Gott für die wahre Anbetung eingerichtet hat. In the Bible, mountains can represent kingdoms, or governments. The spiritual temple is what God has done for true worship. (b) Wie denkst du über diese Lösung des Problems der Ungerechtigkeit? Jesus emphasized that true happiness stems from things that are related to the worship of Jehovah and the fulfillment of God's promises. (b) How do you feel about the problem of injustice? Diese wird nach der großen Drangsal zusammen mit Milliarden Auferstandenen unter Jesu Tausendjahrherrschaft leben. 1, 2. During the great tribulation, these resurrected ones will live with billions of resurrected ones under Jesus ' Thousand Year Reign. Wie kann der Bräutigam für einen würdigen Ablauf dieses schönen Tages sorgen? I very much appreciated serving with Anthony Conte, a loving brother who also loved the field service and was very effective in it. How can the groom provide for a happy day? Gott über alles lieben, wie es unser Führer Jesus Christus vorschrieb. This portion largely contains copies of letters from government officials to kings and their replies. God's love for us is like that of our Leader Jesus Christ. Behüte sie, denn sie bedeutet Leben für dich " (NW, 2013). Consider: Why are you reading this journal? Safeguard it, for it means life for you. " - Rom. Jeder Nichtisraelit, der den Wunsch hatte, Jehova zu dienen, musste sich auch seinem Bundesvolk anschließen. Das war noch in Jesu Tagen so. • Our speaking the pure language involves what? Those who wished to serve Jehovah also had to join his covenant people in Jesus ' day. Wie hebt die Bibel die Wichtigkeit der Liebe hervor? Or am I dead with reference to sin? How does the Bible emphasize the need for love? Es mag Stellenmangel herrschen und nach Monaten könnte sich ein Arbeitsloser fragen, ob Jehova seine verzweifelte Lage überhaupt sieht und seine Gebete erhört. Moreover, that separateness would lead to tensions - the world would hate them. It may seem that within months, a bold work could be asked if Jehovah sees and answers his prayers. Was müssen wir tun, um umgewandelt zu werden? " There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother. " - Prov. What must we do to be transformed? Er erklärte ihnen nicht nur, warum es so wichtig ist, weiterzulaufen, sondern auch, was sie tun müssen, um zu gewinnen. How do we know that Jehovah cares about us? He explained not only why it is vital to continue but also what they must do to win. Die Zahl der Verkündiger ist seitdem unglaublich stark angewachsen! 10, 11. The number of publishers has grown greatly! Dabei übersehen sie, dass uns die Sonne einiges zu sagen hat. His willingness to surrender his soul in mankind's behalf was the ultimate expression of his love. They are aware that the sun has a number of things to say. Uns ihm mit Ehrfurcht zu nahen bewahrt uns vor Fehlverhalten. There are at least two important reasons why that is not so for Christians. If we draw close to him with reverential fear of him, we will avoid wrongdoing. Mit der Taufe werden wir Sklaven Gottes Similarly, if we were to step back and look at the many instances where "heart " is used in the Bible, we could discern that taken together these references form a pattern, or picture. At baptism, we become slaves of God Ein Beispiel dafür ist Lily, eine ledige Schwester, die viel für eine Witwe in ihrer Versammlung getan hat. What weight was given to the authority of the so - called Church Fathers, and why so? Consider the case of a single sister who has done much for a widow in her congregation. Jesus hingegen ist "von den Toten auferweckt worden" und stirbt nicht mehr; "der Tod ist nicht mehr Herr über ihn." To cope with the stresses of life, people often put the desire for pleasures in first place. Jesus, on the other hand, "was raised up from the dead, " and" death is no longer master over him. " Oder machst du gerade so das Nötigste? Kindness shown by all in the family promotes unity and cooperation Or are you doing so? Was ist das wichtigste menschliche Bedürfnis, und was ist die Voraussetzung dafür, dass christliche Eltern für dieses Bedürfnis ihrer Kinder sorgen können? What is the meaning of the assurance given at Psalm 27: 10? What is the most important need for Christian parents to care for their children? Ein Beispiel: Weil Jehovas Zeugen in Tuvalu (Südpazifik) keine Veröffentlichungen in ihrer Muttersprache hatten, machte sich ein Missionar an die Arbeit. Indeed, he prized it and immediately had Shaphan, the secretary, read it aloud. - 2 Chronicles 34: 14 - 18. For example, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses in 1950, who did not have Bible - based publications in their mother tongue, took up a missionary work. Auf welche Weise erhalten bestimmte im Tod Entschlafene ein weißes Gewand? He sang: "As for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. In what way are certain to sleep on a white garment? Anderen zu dienen ist mit harter Arbeit verbunden und verlangt Opferbereitschaft. Paul encourages those who are mature to pursue "down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God. " Serving others involves hard work and self - sacrificing spirit. Daran zu denken hält uns davon ab, anmaßend zu sein. But I will do so more out of duty, while my sister will care for them more out of love. Such thinking prevents us from being presumptuous. (Lies Römer 12: 20.) Jesus here used the word "soul " to mean" life. " (Read Romans 12: 20.) Trotz veränderter Lebensumstände unterstützte Barsillai den von Jehova eingesetzten König so gut wie möglich. Jehovah is your shade on your right hand. Despite changed circumstances, Barzillai supported Jehovah's appointed King, even as good as possible. (a) Wie hat sich die Rebellion der ersten beiden Menschen auf die Ehe ausgewirkt? We can imagine such thoughts coming to the mind of some who were with Jesus in Perea (across the Jordan) on his final trip to Jerusalem. (a) How has rebellion affected the first human pair? Wie die anderen Rebellen durfte auch er das verheißene Land nicht betreten. In that sense, the King James Version acknowledged the rightful place of God's name in the so - called New Testament. Like the other rebels, he could not enter the Promised Land. Z. König wurde, ließ in einem Gebet erkennen, dass Jehova Israel aus den Nationen ausgewählt hatte. This prospect undoubtedly gives the anointed Christians yet on earth strength to " brace up their minds for continued activity. ' - 1 Pet. 1: 13. In prayer, King Artaxerxes showed that Jehovah had chosen Israel from among the nations. Wahr ist aber: Eure Eltern lieben euch! The annihilation of the most reprehensible part of Babylon the Great will serve as a prelude to the total destruction of that wicked world empire of false religion. Truly, your parents love you! Weil auch sie ihn im Stich lassen und daher Hilfe benötigen würden. It discusses six questions that many people ask. Because they abandoned him, so they would need help. Älteste und andere reife Christen können aus dem Buch Hiob sehr viel darüber lernen, wie sie das Denken von Brüdern, die von Problemen niedergedrückt werden, in die richtigen Bahnen lenken können. Our reaction is twofold. Elders and other mature Christians can learn much from the book of Job about the attitude of brothers who are downhearted. Deshalb: Liebe die Wahrheit und befolge den Rat: "So wacht denn streng darüber, wie ihr wandelt, nicht als Unweise, sondern als Weise,... weil die Tage böse sind." Apostates may claim to worship Jehovah and to believe the Bible, but they reject the visible part of his organization. Therefore, love and the way you walk is based on the counsel: "Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons,... because the days are wicked. " Sophia H.: Wie meinen Sie das? • What should move us to care for fellow believers? Sophia: What do you mean? Hier einige Beispiele: Wer seinen Ehepartner liebt, hält das Ehebett unbefleckt. Before 1919, discreet anointed Christians had diligently sought to discern God's will for them, despite their temporary weakened state. Consider a few examples: If you love your marriage mate, keep the marriage bed without defilement. Oft ist aber auch praktische Hilfe gefragt, beispielsweise jemanden zum Königreichssaal mitzunehmen oder für ihn einkaufen zu gehen. Here is another example. It may be helpful to provide practical help, for example, to get involved in the Kingdom Hall or to buy it out. In der Bibel können Berge Reiche oder Regierungen darstellen. Individual anointed Christians continue under inspection until their sealing is made permanent. The Bible can represent mountains or governments. Wie Jesus verdeutlichte, hängt wahres Glück davon ab, Jehova anzubeten und auf seine Verheißungen zu vertrauen. " Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " Jesus showed that true happiness depends on worshipping Jehovah and trusting in his promises. 1, 2. In effect, they may be saying, " Please, do your best to visit me soon. ' 1, 2. Ich arbeitete sehr gern mit diesem lieben Bruder zusammen, der den Dienst liebte und sehr geschickt darin war. The groups, he said, would be allowed to grow side by side - undisturbed until the harvest, which would come at "a conclusion of a system of things. " I enjoyed working with that dear brother who loved the ministry and was skilled at it. Diese Passage besteht zum großen Teil aus Abschriften von Briefen, die Staatsbeamte an den König schrieben, und den Antworten darauf. In the Family This passage is a large part of the letters written by the king and the answers. Überleg doch einmal: Warum liest du diese Zeitschrift? In the face of such hatred, however, we endure in the Kingdom - preaching work and continue to prove ourselves holy before Jehovah. Consider: Why do you read this magazine? • Was gehört dazu, sie zu sprechen? But how can we complain if our children want to open up to us? • What is involved in speaking to them? Oder bin ich " hinsichtlich der Sünde " tot? For Jesus ' followers, " having life in themselves ' means entering into the very fullness of life. Or am I dead over sin? ' Außerdem würde diese Trennung von der Welt zu Spannungen führen - die Welt würde sie hassen. Do you regularly use the Bible in your ministry? They would also be hated by the world, and the world would hate them. " Da ist ein Freund, der anhänglicher ist als ein Bruder " (Spr. Leaving their inheritances behind, they moved their families south to Judah, where they could continue to worship Jehovah without interference. " It's a friend who is so low that it is a brother. " Wieso wissen wir, dass Jehova für uns sorgt? In that way, the other sheep greatly assist the anointed ones in accomplishing their ministry on a worldwide scale. - Isaiah 61: 5, 6. How do we know that Jehovah cares for us? 10, 11. The earth's magnetic field also protects us from harm. 10, 11. Den größten Beweis seiner Liebe lieferte er durch seine Bereitschaft, für uns zu sterben. It touches our heart to see them make changes not just in their thinking but also in their way of life. He provided the greatest evidence of his love for us by means of his willingness to die for us. Christen dürfen aus mindestens zwei wichtigen Gründen nicht so denken. Under the spirit's direction, Jesus promised: "To him that conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. " In at least two important reasons, Christians should not feel that way. Verschaffen wir uns aus einem gewissen Abstand einen Überblick über die vielen Stellen, wo in der Bibel vom "Herzen" die Rede ist, erkennen wir ebenfalls ein Bild oder Muster. They are now happily married, and along with their husbands, they are doing God's will in the full - time service. If we take a look at a certain channel in which the Bible speaks of "heart, " we will also see a pattern or pattern of action. Welcher Wert wurde den sogenannten Kirchenvätern beigemessen, und warum? Yes, God's power was manifested in Jesus. What value did the Catholic Church have, and why? Ein Großteil der Menschen will nur noch Spaß haben, weil sie sich so von den Belastungen des Lebens ablenken möchten. And Jehovah will soon empower his Son to free countless millions from that most unyielding of prisons, death. A large number of people want to have fun in themselves because they want to distract themselves from the pressures of life. Die Güte aller in der Familie fördert den Frieden und die Zusammenarbeit Among the things hard to deal with would be children who are "disobedient to parents. " - 2 Tim. The goodness of all in the family promotes peace and cooperation Welche Zusicherung enthält Psalm 27: 10? What about you - have you started reading this new book? Psalm 27: 10 contains what assurance? Es muss für ihn äußerst wertvoll gewesen sein, ließ er doch Schaphan, den Sekretär, sofort daraus vorlesen. After all, some today live in their own home, a few even in a mansion or on a grand estate. It must have been very precious to him, but he immediately read the secretary, immediately reading it. Er schrieb: "Was aber mich betrifft, so ist es für mich gut, mich Gott zu nahen. We pass from childhood to adulthood. He wrote: "As for me, though, it is good for me to draw close to God. Paulus ermutigt diejenigen, die reif sind, " dem Ziel entgegenzujagen, dem Preis der Berufung Gottes nach oben '. The massacre of the Jews will be thorough and efficient. Paul encouraged those who are mature "to stand firm against the goal of the prize of God. " Meine Schwester und ich haben versprochen, für sie zu sorgen, wenn sie alt sind. [ Picture on page 6] My sister and I promise to care for her when she is old. Jesus verwendete hier das Wort "Seele" im Sinn von "Leben." You are surrounded by genuine friends, who want you to do well. Jesus here used the word "soul " in the sense of" life. " Jehova ist dein Schatten zu deiner Rechten. Appropriately, Asa was told: "You have acted foolishly in this matter; from now on there will be wars against you. " Jehovah is your shadow of your right hand. Solche Gedanken gingen wahrscheinlich einigen durch den Kopf, die mit Jesus östlich des Jordan durch Peräa zogen. Es sollte seine letzte Reise nach Jerusalem sein. A brother who is involved in global purchasing said: "Business people who visit our printeries are amazed that such a technologically advanced, high - production facility can be financed by voluntary donations. Such thinking likely appealed to some through the head of the Jordan, and it was his last journey to Jerusalem. Bestimmt ermutigt diese Aussicht die noch auf der Erde lebenden Gesalbten, auch weiterhin ihren "Sinn zur Tätigkeit" zu gürten. What penetrating observation did Jesus make? Surely those with an earthly hope also encourage anointed ones to "put their mind on activity. " Die Vernichtung des verwerflichsten Teils von Babylon der Großen, ist der Auftakt dafür, jenes böse Weltimperium der falschen Religion vollständig auszulöschen. Like all other imperfect humans, we who serve Jehovah experience difficulties in life. The destruction of the most hurtful part of Babylon the Great is the start of this wicked world empire of false religion. Es geht um sechs häufig gestellte Fragen. Jehovah's Word Is Alive It often contains six questions. Unsere Reaktion schließt zweierlei ein. He wanted to marry a girl who was not a believer. Our response involves two things. Abtrünnige geben womöglich vor, Jehova anzubeten und an die Bibel zu glauben, aber sie lehnen den sichtbaren Teil der Organisation Gottes ab. They obediently stayed indoors during the night of Nisan 14. Some apostates may hesitate to worship Jehovah and believe in the Bible, but they reject the visible part of God's organization. • Was sollte uns dazu veranlassen, unseren Glaubensbrüdern Zuwendung zu schenken? Have you held back from offering hospitality? • What should move us to pay attention to our fellow believers? Inhaltsverzeichnis © 2013, Druck und Verlag: Wachtturm Bibel - und Traktat - Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, e. How did one body of elders show appreciation for an older fellow overseer? Table of Contents This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of Jehovah's Witnesses. Vor dem Jahr 1919 waren verständige gesalbte Christen trotz ihrer vorübergehenden Schwäche fleißig bemüht gewesen, den Willen Gottes sie betreffend zu erkennen. It is only an image of that beast. Before 1919, anointed Christians have been diligent in knowing God's will for them despite their temporary weakness. David ist ein weiteres Beispiel. Let us consider nine ways we can strive to show love that is "free from hypocrisy. " David was another example. Für die einzelnen Gesalbten geht sie bis zu ihrer endgültigen Versiegelung weiter. ▪ "The People Whose God Is Jehovah " For individual anointed Christians, they continue to depend on their final sealing. " Jehova kennt die, die ihm gehören ." By the time he arrived on the scene, warnings of that city's desolation had already been sounded for years. " Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - PS. Der eine oder andere Ältere ist vielleicht, obwohl nicht buchstäblich gefangen, so doch aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ans Haus gebunden. Therefore, with " cleansed consciences, ' we can render "sacred service to the living God. " Although some or other older ones may not literally fall asleep, they may be unable to preach for poor reasons. Beide Gruppen sollten nebeneinander heranwachsen, ungestört bis zur Ernte - dem "Abschluss eines Systems der Dinge." Still, as spiritual warriors, we need to cultivate survival skills. Both groups were to grow up until the harvest - "the conclusion of the system of things. " In der Familie Jesus occasionally drank wine, recognizing it as a gift from God. Within the Family Trotz des Hasses harren wir im Predigtdienst aus und erweisen uns als heilig. Do you use "the sword of the spirit " in the ministry? Despite the hatred we endure in our ministry, we prove ourselves holy. Dass mein Kind mit mir sprechen will, ist doch genau das, was ich mir wünsche! " But this brought him no happiness. That my child wants to talk to me, but what I wish is! " Für Jesu Nachfolger bedeutet " Leben in sich selbst zu haben ', in die ganze Fülle des Lebens einzugehen. Why not ask your parents for advice on how to budget your money? Jesus ' followers "have life in themselves " means" to have life in all the abundance of life. " Gebrauchst du im Dienst so oft wie möglich die Bibel? [ Mountains] Are you using the Bible in your ministry as often as possible? Sie gaben ihren Erbbesitz auf und zogen mitsamt ihren Familien südwärts nach Juda, wo sie Jehova ohne störende Einflüsse anbeten konnten. [ Picture on page 28, 29] They left their inheritance and moved with their families to Judah, where they could worship Jehovah without distraction. So helfen die anderen Schafe den Gesalbten hervorragend dabei, ihren Dienst weltweit durchzuführen. Why We Share in Preaching the Good News In this way, the other sheep help the anointed to accomplish their ministry worldwide. Auch das Magnetfeld der Erde schützt uns vor Schaden. The privilege of living under Kingdom rule is well worth any effort we make to cooperate with Jehovah's organization and care for theocratic assignments. The earth's magnetic field also protects us from harm. Es berührt unser Herz, wenn sie ihr Denken und sogar ihre Lebensweise ändern. God therefore determined to wipe out that evil system and its supporters by means of a global deluge. It touches our heart when they think and even change their way of life. Jesus versprach unter der Leitung des Geistes: "Dem, der siegt, will ich gewähren, von dem Baum des Lebens zu essen, der im Paradies Gottes ist." They will continue to find strength and protection in association with the more than 94,600 congregations around the world. Jesus promised under the direction of the spirit: "To the one who conquers I will grant to eat from the tree of life, who is in God's Paradise. " Heute sind sie glücklich verheiratet und stehen mit ihren Männern im Vollzeitdienst. We should try to imitate Jehovah by not fixing our attention on human imperfections, which will eventually disappear. Today, they are happy and are joining their husbands in the full - time ministry. Ja, Gottes Kraft wurde durch Jesus offenbar. All of us have said and done things that hurt others, and we hope that they will graciously forgive us. Yes, God's power was apparently manifest by Jesus. Und bald wird er seinen Sohn dazu befähigen, Millionen und Abermillionen von Menschen aus einem Gefängnis herauszuholen, aus dem es eigentlich kein Herauskommen gibt: dem Tod. In such ways, the sheep receive clear direction. Soon, he will equip his Son to send millions of people from prison to come out of prison. Dazu würden auch Kinder beitragen, die "den Eltern ungehorsam" sind. But how did Paul view this when compared with his privilege of slaving for God and Christ? They would also help children to "be obedient to parents. " Wie steht es mit dir? Hast du schon angefangen, das neue Buch zu lesen? Scriptural Questions Answered: Have you begun reading the new book? Es gibt ja auch heute so manchen, der in einem eigenen Haus wohnt, vielleicht sogar in einer Villa oder auf einem riesigen Anwesen. What is it? In some places today, some who live in a house may even find themselves in an immense or superior position. Kinder werden nach und nach erwachsen. The above are but a few examples of individuals who did things that hurt others. Young children grow up and grow up. Das Massaker an den Juden wird schnell und gründlich ablaufen. Satellite tracking showed that "one animal migrated more than 10,000 miles [16,000 km] in 10 months. " That challenge will quickly be carried out by the Jews. [ Bild auf Seite 6] What do my study habits, dress and grooming, or reaction to counsel reveal about me? [ Picture on page 6] Außerdem haben wir dort echte Freunde, die nur unser Bestes wollen. When our brothers suffer hardships, we can comfort and support them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We also have genuine friends who want to do our best. Daher wurde Asa gesagt: "Du hast... töricht gehandelt, denn von nun an wird es Kriege gegen dich geben." Now analyze the reasons, and ask yourself: " Which is the best course to follow? Hence, Asa was told: "You have acted foolish, for now war will be against you. " Ein Bruder, der für Betheldruckereien in aller Welt Material einkauft, erzählt: "Geschäftsleute, die unsere Druckereien besuchen, wundern sich, wie diese höchst effektiven und modernen Anlagen durch freiwillige Spenden finanziert werden können. THE weighty message that King Lemuel of ancient times received from his mother included an important qualification of a good wife. A brother who is busy working for Bethel service in all the world says: "In all the world, our merchants attend our festivals, such as those who attend us and make voluntary donations to make voluntary donations. Welche tief gehende Beobachtung machte Jesus? Let us remember that it is Jehovah's humility and not our own ability that " makes us great. ' What profound view did Jesus have? Wie bei allen unvollkommenen Menschen gibt es auch im Leben von uns Dienern Jehovas Probleme. We will consider the answers to these questions in the next article. As with all imperfect humans, there are problems in the lives of Jehovah's servants. Das Wort Jehovas ist lebendig (a) If music is played at a social event, why is it important that the host be very selective? Jehovah's Word Is Alive Er wollte eine Frau heiraten, die keine Zeugin war. My wife, Vanessa, is a real support to me He wanted to marry a woman who was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Gehorsam blieben sie in der Nacht des 14. Nisan im Haus. Jesus ' Example of Being a Good Friend They remained obedient during the night of Nisan 14, Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Hält dich etwas davon ab, gastfreundlich zu sein? It was not until 1989, when he had been a Witness for some 34 years, that the first sign - language congregation in the United States was formed in New York City. Are you moved to extend hospitality? Wie zeigte eine Ältestenschaft ihre Dankbarkeit für einen an Jahren fortgeschrittenen Mitältesten? " All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, " wrote Solomon. How did one body of elders show gratitude to fellow elders? Es ist lediglich ein Bild dieses Tieres. To have believing parents who truly love Jehovah is a blessing. It is just a picture of that beast. Gehen wir nun auf neun Möglichkeiten ein, "ungeheuchelte Liebe" zu zeigen. (See paragraph 7) Let us now consider nine ways to show "love free from hypocrisy. " ▪ "Das Volk, dessen Gott Jehova ist" If we " sow with a view to the spirit, ' we will continue to enjoy God's loyal love. ▪ "The People Who Is Jehovah God " Als er zu prophezeien begann, wurde schon seit Jahren vor der Verwüstung gewarnt. How good it is to "make your peace " with an offended fellow believer! When he began to prophesy, the desolation had been warned for years. Daher können wir mit einem reinen Gewissen "dem lebendigen Gott heiligen Dienst darbringen." What are some methods that Satan uses to get Christians to become a part of his world? Hence, we can " render sacred service to God with a clean conscience. ' Doch auch als geistige Krieger müssen wir Überlebenstechniken üben. " A slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all,... keeping himself restrained under evil. " - 2 TIMOTHY 2: 24. But as spiritual warriors, we need to exercise survival. Jesus trank gelegentlich Wein. Für ihn war er ein Geschenk Gottes. Sometimes I have to bite my tongue so as not to give a dogmatic answer. Jesus occasionally drank wine, and he was a gift of God. Verwendest du das "Schwert des Geistes" im Predigtdienst? [ Credit Line] Are you using "the sword of the spirit " in your ministry? Glücklich hat ihn das allerdings nicht gemacht. 2, 3. Happily, though, he did not make that happy. Hast du deine Eltern schon mal um Rat gefragt, wie du dir dein Geld einteilen könntest? Room for Growth Have you ever asked your parents for advice about how you might spend money? [ Berge] Then again, you may simply have to live through some situations of life. [ mountains] [ Bild auf Seite 28, 29] Four beasts out of the sea [ Picture on page 28, 29] Warum wir uns am Predigen der guten Botschaft beteiligen The unintentional manslayer had to remain in the city of refuge until the high priest's death. - Num. 35: 15, 28. Why do we share in the preaching of the good news? Unter der Königreichsherrschaft leben zu dürfen ist bestimmt jede Mühe wert, auch wenn es mitunter Anstrengung erfordert, mit Jehovas Organisation zusammenzuarbeiten und uns übertragene Aufgaben auszuführen. Elaborating, he defined apatheism as "a disinclination to care all that much about one's own religion. " Under Kingdom rule, it is certainly worth every effort to work with Jehovah's organization, even at times when it requires effort. Die Menschen waren so schlecht, dass Gott beschloss, sie durch eine weltweite Sintflut zu vernichten. After relating details about the birth of John the Baptizer and of Jesus, Luke tells us that John began his ministry in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, that is, in the spring of 29 C.E. People were so bad that God determined to destroy them through a global flood. Sie werden nach wie vor in Verbindung mit den weltweit mehr als 94 600 Versammlungen gestärkt und beschützt werden. I want to get out in the ministry to see how people will react, how I can spark their interest. They will still be strengthened and protected throughout the world more than 600 congregations worldwide. Versuchen wir daher, Jehova nachzuahmen, uns also nicht so sehr auf menschliche Unvollkommenheiten zu fixieren, die eines Tages ohnehin völlig verschwinden werden. As a result, he committed sexual immorality. Let us, then, try to imitate Jehovah, not as imperfect imperfect humans, who will be completely shaken from one day. Schließlich hat jeder von uns schon einmal andere verletzt. Und wir hoffen, dass sie nachsichtig waren und uns vergeben haben. He must reach out for this "fine work. " After all, all of us have hurt others, and we hope that they were forgiving and forgiven us. All das dient zur klaren Anleitung der Schafe. In certain localities, the only available employment involves shift work. All of this is the clear guidance of the sheep. Wie bewertete Paulus das im Vergleich zu der Ehre, wie ein Sklave für Jehova und Christus dienen zu dürfen? How does Jehovah help us to "get the mastery over " sinful inclinations when we take a firm stand on his side? How did Paul view the privilege of being a slave for Jehovah and Christ? Antworten auf biblische Fragen: Indeed, when preparing for the Memorial, we do well to reflect on how Jesus ' sacrifice liberates us from the scourge of sin and death. Scriptural Questions Answered: Worum handelt es sich dabei? The apostle Paul answers: "Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. What is it? Das waren nur einige Diener Jehovas, die sich falsch verhielten und andere verletzten. [ Picture on page 26] These were just a few of Jehovah's servants who were wrong and hurt others. Bei einer satellitengestützten Verfolgung ihrer Wanderung fiel auf, dass "ein Meeressäuger in 10 Monaten 16 000 Kilometer zurücklegte." Just as we find it beneficial to study all portions of God's Word, we can benefit from all the spiritual food available to us. Consider a few examples. During one of the centuries leading up to the persecution of their journey, "a hundred miles [80 km] away. " Was lassen meine Studiengewohnheiten und mein Äußeres erkennen? Wie reagiere ich auf Rat? Jehovah provided Adam and Eve with the gift of conscience, and we inherited our conscience from them. What do my study habits and dress and grooming show, and how do I respond to counsel? Wir können Brüder, die Schweres durchmachen, in jeder Hinsicht unterstützen. (See photo on page 10.) We can assist fellow believers who are undergoing trials in all respects. Jetzt zieh deine Schlüsse daraus und frag dich: "Welches Verhalten ist denn am besten? How would you define the Trinity, and how have we been protected from believing such error? Now, ask yourself: "Which conduct is best? VOR langer Zeit erhielt König Lemuel von seiner Mutter eine bedeutsame Botschaft. Those in a position of responsibility in the Christian congregation should be exemplary. - 1 Peter 5: 1 - 3. SOME time ago, King Uzziah of his mother received a significant message. Wenn wir bescheiden mit Gott wandeln, denken wir weder zu hoch noch zu niedrig von uns. Paul received a special privilege as "an apostle to the nations. " If we are modest in walking with God, we do not think neither of ourselves nor of ourselves. Diese Fragen werden im nächsten Artikel beantwortet. How does being obedient benefit you? These questions will be answered in the next article. (a) Warum ist es wichtig, dass der Gastgeber einer Geselligkeit sehr wählerisch über die zu spielende Musik entscheidet? (See picture on page 14.) (a) Why is it important for the host to be selective about the music? Meine Frau Vanessa ist mir eine echte Stütze (b) What will we consider in the following article? My wife is a real support to me Jesus - Paradebeispiel eines guten Freundes * Among the numerous scriptures it uses to refute the Trinity doctrine are Mark 13: 32 and 1 Corinthians 15: 24, 28. Jesus - A Good Friend Erst 1989 - damals war er schon 34 Jahre ein Bruder - wurde in den Vereinigten Staaten, und zwar in New York City, die erste Gebärdensprachversammlung gegründet. For example, breathing, walking, riding a bicycle, or touch - typing are automatic processes that you may be able to do without even thinking. Not until then, he was about 34 years old - a brother in the United States - was formed in New York City, the first sign - language congregation in New York City. " Alles, was deine Hand zu tun findet, das tu mit all deiner Kraft ," so schrieb schon Salomo. However, I soon learned that what she really wanted was a listening ear. " " Everything your hand finds to do, do it with all your strength, " wrote Solomon. Es ist ein Segen, Eltern zu haben, die Jehova lieben. 2: 13. Once in the days of Samuel, Israel was badly defeated in battle by the Philistines. It is a blessing to have parents who love Jehovah. Wenn wir " im Hinblick auf den Geist säen ', werden wir weiterhin Gottes loyale Liebe verspüren. They should be helped to understand why they ought to hold doors for people, show kindness to the elderly and sick, and offer to help those carrying heavy packages. If we " sow with a view to the spirit, ' we will continue to experience God's loyal love. Wie schön, wenn es uns gelingt, wieder Frieden zu schließen! Thus, God's active force can strengthen you whenever you feel weak and in need of help. How happy we can be if we succeed in making peace! Mit was für Methoden versucht der Teufel, Christen zu einem Teil seiner Welt zu machen? True, there is "a time to keep quiet, " but we must not be ashamed of being Witnesses of Jehovah and followers of Jesus. What methods does the Devil use to make Christians part of his world? " Ein Sklave des Herrn aber hat es nicht nötig, zu streiten, sondern muss gegen alle sanft sein,... der sich unter üblen Umständen beherrscht ." What questions about godly patience will we consider? " A slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all... Manchmal muss ich mir auf die Zunge beißen, um die Frage nicht mit einer einfachen Antwort abzutun. For example, Eve and her female descendants would experience much pain during pregnancy and childbirth. At times, I need to control my tongue in order not to respond to a simple answer. [ Nachweis] How Would You Answer? [ Footnotes] 2, 3. Can we not imagine that Jehovah might do something similar at Armageddon? 2, 3. Raum für Wachstum In other words, Amos told his listeners: " Just as you cannot help being afraid when you hear the roar of a lion, so I cannot help preaching God's word, since I have heard Jehovah's command to do so. ' Prepare for growth Vielleicht muss man aber auch einfach mit den Folgen seiner Fehler leben. As you meditate on the various individuals listed, try to discern principles that you may be able to apply to a greater extent in your life. - Romans 15: 4. You may also need to live with the consequences of your mistakes. Vier wilde Tiere aus dem Meer NOVEMBER 26, 2012 - DECEMBER 2, 2012 Four wild beasts from the sea Bis zum Tod des Hohen Priesters musste er dort bleiben. For a discussion of Bible principles related to employment questions, see The Watchtower of April 15, 1999, pages 28 - 30. To the death of the high priest, he had to remain there. Kannst du dich noch erinnern? AUTO accidents claim the lives of some 37,000 people each year in the United States alone. Do You Recall? In seinen weiteren Ausführungen definierte er Apatheismus als "Abneigung, sich allzu sehr mit der eigenen Religion zu befassen." Bear in mind, though, that bereaved ones need encouragement not only on special occasions. In his further vision, he refrains from saying that he would " experience as a result of any sort of religion. ' Nachdem Lukas Einzelheiten über die Geburt von Johannes dem Täufer und die von Jesus erwähnt hat, führt er an, dass Johannes seinen Dienst im 15. Jahr der Regierung des Tiberius Cäsar begann, das heißt im Frühling des Jahres 29 u. Z.. When he had been faced with determined enemies who were out to take his life, David chose not to take matters into his own hands. After Luke mentions details about the birth of John the Baptizer and Jesus, he leads John to his ministry in the spring of Caesar's reign. Da möchte ich am liebsten gleich losziehen und ausprobieren, wie ich die Menschen dafür begeistern kann. Revelation 10: 1 describes an awesome "strong angel " whose" face was as the sun. " I try to try to get people to know them. Das führte dazu, dass er sich auf sexuelle Unmoral einließ. Pondering Jehovah's handiwork moved David to praise Him This led him to engage in sexual immorality. Man muss sich anstrengen und "vortreffliche Arbeit" leisten. Yes, we need to bear in mind our reward of everlasting life, be it in heaven or on earth. It requires effort and "fine work. " Du darfst Jehova nicht vergessen Avoid the unchristian view that children should provide their parents with a life of ease. You must not forget Jehovah In manchen Gegenden bekommt man nur einen Arbeitsplatz, wenn man bereit ist, Schicht zu arbeiten. That verse is repeatedly used in the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? In some areas, people go to work only if you are willing to work on the inside. Wie hilft uns Jehova, sündige Neigungen unter Kontrolle zu bekommen? For instance, Jesus taught his followers: "If you ask the Father for anything he will give it to you in my name. " How does Jehovah help us to control sinful tendencies? Das hat mein Herz vor Freude springen lassen. " Zur Vorbereitung auf das Gedächtnismahl ist es gut, über Jesu Opfer nachzudenken, das uns von Sünde und Tod befreit. Yet, the timing of that event has never been uncertain to Jehovah. This has cut my heart from joy, and " preparation for the Memorial is good for meditating on Jesus ' sacrifice, the deliverance from sin and death. ' Der Apostel Paulus riet: "Eure Lebensweise sei frei von Geldliebe, indem ihr mit den vorhandenen Dingen zufrieden seid. Even a short walk is better than no walk at all. The apostle Paul counseled: "Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. [ Bild auf Seite 26] Looking them up makes a mental impression that the holy spirit can help us recall. [ Picture on page 26] Genauso wie wir aus allen Teilen des Wortes Gottes Nutzen ziehen können, kann uns auch alles nützen, was in unseren Veröffentlichungen erscheint. If so, there are steps you can take to strengthen your faith and keep it strong. Just as we benefit from all parts of God's Word, we too can benefit from all aspects of our publications. Jehova stattete Adam und Eva mit einem Gewissen aus und sie gaben es an uns weiter. Aus 1. Since "all the people were weeping as they were hearing the words of the law, " the Levites" were ordering all the people to be silent, saying: " Keep quiet! Jehovah endowed Adam and Eve with a conscience and made it possible for us to continue to do so. (Siehe Foto auf Seite 10.) The apostle Paul answered that question when he wrote: "By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well. " (See page 10.) Was versteht man unter der Dreieinigkeit, und warum sind wir vor diesem Irrtum bewahrt worden? Jesus said that "by its fruit the tree is known. " What is the identity of the Trinity doctrine, and why are we protected from this error? Wer in der Christenversammlung Verantwortung trägt, muss beispielhaft sein (1. Petrus 5: 1 - 3). This would explain why it is that on so many occasions - too often to be just coincidence - one of Jehovah's Witnesses meets a person at the precise time that he or she is going through a crisis and needs spiritual help. Those taking the lead in the Christian congregation must strive to imitate Peter 5: 1 - 3. Paulus zum Beispiel erhielt den besonderen Auftrag, "ein Apostel für die Nationen" zu sein. Applying the truth protects us from fruitless pursuits, enables us to get the best out of life, and gives us a marvelous hope for the future. For example, Paul received the special commission to be "an apostle to the nations. " Wieso nützt es euch, zu gehorchen? We could select a week and keep a record of the number of hours we spend on spiritual activities, such as attending meetings, sharing in the field ministry, and engaging in personal and family Bible study. How will obedience benefit you? (Siehe das Bild auf Seite 14.) Satan the Devil wants to discourage us because he knows that discouragement can make us weak spiritually and in other ways. (See the picture on page 14.) Zeitweise gab man dafür mehr Geld aus als hereinkam. 17, 18. In some cases, money was more important than money. (b) Worum geht es im nächsten Artikel? Esther, who is now a Witness, admits that she reacted in "pure anger " when her husband began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. (b) What will we consider in the next article? * Mit zahlreichen Bibelstellen wird darin die Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit widerlegt; zum Beispiel mit Markus 13: 32 und 1. Korinther 15: 24, 28. What was one important way in which Paul followed the example set by Jehovah and Jesus? * The teaching of the Trinity, such as Mark 13: 32 and 1 Corinthians 15: 24, 28. Das Atmen, Gehen, Radfahren oder Tippen nach dem Zehnfingersystem funktioniert beispielsweise automatisch, ohne großes Nachdenken. " From now on, " Hanani said, "there will be wars against you. " For example, the life of love, love, and ability to get out of the Ten Commandments does not automatically result in deep meditation. Ich hab aber schnell gemerkt: Sie möchte einfach nur, dass ich ihr zuhöre ." What are these? But I quickly realized that I would like to ask her. " In den Tagen Samuels erlitten die Israeliten durch die Philister eine schwere Niederlage. Any children born to them are considered "holy " and thus have a standing with God. In Samuel's day, the Philistines were struck by a serious defeat. Kinder brauchen Hilfe, um verstehen zu lernen, warum man jemand die Tür aufhalten sollte, wie man Ältere und Kranke rücksichtsvoll behandelt oder weshalb man sich anbietet, jemand etwas Schweres tragen zu helfen. Being aware of these factors, though, helps us to understand why restraining the tongue from speaking what is injurious is particularly challenging for some. Children need help to understand why a person should stop the door from treating the elderly and considerate treatment of the sick. Die wirksame Kraft Gottes kann auch dich stärken, wann immer du dich schwach fühlst und Hilfe brauchst. Do You Remember? God's active force can strengthen you whenever you feel weak and need help. Auch wenn es mitunter "eine Zeit zum Schweigen" gibt, dürfen wir uns doch nie dafür schämen, Zeugen für Jehova und Nachfolger Jesu zu sein!. Or has she already made up her mind to leave her husband? Even though there may be times "a time to keep silent, " we should never be ashamed to be Witnesses of Jehovah and his followers. Mit welchen Fragen wollen wir uns beschäftigen? However, just as we have to digest our food in order to be nourished, we must meditate on what we read from the Bible in order to benefit. What questions will we consider? Frauen würden beispielsweise starke Geburtsschmerzen haben. Sie hätten ein "Verlangen" nach ihren Männern. " [God] is not far off from each one of us. " - ACTS 17: 27. For example, women would have strong birth, and they would have "a longing " for their husbands. Wie würden wir antworten? Tim: But even if people don't know God's name or use it directly, they still know who they're talking about when they refer to God. How Would You Answer? Warum sollte Jehova in Harmagedon nicht auch so handeln? At these gatherings, information on the fulfillment of Bible prophecies is dispensed, and timely direction on how to apply Bible principles in daily life is given. Why should Jehovah not act as he did at Armageddon? Anders ausgedrückt, teilte Amos seinen Zuhörern mit: "Wenn ihr schon beim Brüllen eines Löwen in Furcht geratet, kann ich mich doch nicht davon zurückhalten, Gottes Wort zu predigen, nachdem Jehova es mir befohlen hat." What impressed you about God's approval of the four kings of Judah? In other words, Amos told his listeners: "If you're once sitting in front of a lion, I cannot hold back from preaching God's word after Jehovah has ordered me. " Denke über die verschiedenen Personen nach und versuche dabei, Grundsätze herauszufinden, die du stärker in die Praxis umsetzen möchtest. [ Footnote] Meditate on Bible principles that you want to apply. In schwierigen Situationen mutig sein Why was it imperative for first - century Christians to act without delay on seeing Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies? Be Courageous in Trials Welche biblischen Grundsätze bei Fragen zum Arbeitsplatz zu berücksichtigen sind, wird im Wachtturm vom 15. April 1999, Seite 28 - 30 erklärt. The new nation was growing. For information on employment, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1999, pages 30 - 30. ALLEIN in den Vereinigten Staaten fordern Autounfälle jährlich etwa 37 000 Menschenleben. 30: 21. How does Satan try to drown out the voice of Jehovah? IN THE United States, a car sends some 37 million lives every year. Junia erklärt: "Besonders gut tut es mir, wenn jemand auch dann für mich da ist, wenn kein Jahrestag ist. • when organizing a social gathering? " I'm glad I'm good when someone is there for me, " she explains. Obwohl er sich Feinden gegenübersah, die fest entschlossen waren, ihn umzubringen, nahm er die Sache nicht selbst in die Hand. • Explain why peace should not be pursued at any price. Although he saw enemies who were determined to kill him, he did not take matters into his own hands. In Offenbarung 10: 1 ist von einem furchteinflößenden "starken Engel" die Rede, dessen " Gesicht wie die Sonne war '. • How does the holy spirit help us to endure trials? Revelation 10: 1 is "a fear - inspiring angel " who spoke" the face of the sun as the sun was. " David fühlte sich gedrängt, Jehova zu preisen, nachdem er über seine Werke nachgedacht hatte 7, 8. David was moved to praise Jehovah after he thought about his works Wir sollten also immer unsere Belohnung vor Augen haben: ewiges Leben im Himmel oder auf der Erde. Finding Spiritual Treasures So we should always have our reward in view of the reward - everlasting life in heaven or on earth. Vermeidet die unchristliche Ansicht, Kinder müssten ihren Eltern ein angenehmes Leben ermöglichen. [ Pictures on page 12] Avoiding a comfortable view of your parents, children need to make a comfortable life. Dieser Text wird in dem Buch Was lehrt die Bibel wirklich? wiederholt verwendet. What helped Joseph to keep his spiritual defenses intact under such tempting circumstances? The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Zum Beispiel lehrte Jesus seine Nachfolger: "Wenn ihr den Vater um etwas bittet, so wird er es euch in meinem Namen geben." We preach the good news to others and support fellow Christians For example, Jesus taught his followers: "If you ask the Father for something, he will give it to you in my name. " Jehova war sich über diesen Zeitpunkt nie im Unklaren. In our day, we have even more reasons for being appreciative of divine truth, for Jehovah, by means of "the faithful and discreet slave, " has given his people still deeper insight into his Word. Jehovah was never uncertain about that time. Ein kurzer Spaziergang ist immer noch besser als gar keiner. in Venezuelan Sign Language. A brief walk is still better than no one. Nur wenn wir die Texte nachlesen, können wir uns Inhalte einprägen, an die uns der heilige Geist später erinnern kann. (a) What did Paul pray about for the Christians in Philippi, and why? Only if we read the text can we meditate on things that can remind us of the holy spirit later. Falls ja, dann kannst du etwas dafür tun, deinen Glauben zu stärken und ihn stark zu erhalten. When I'm in the ministry, I enjoy the company of my best friends. " - Claudio, age 43; baptized 1974. If so, you can take steps to strengthen and strengthen your faith. Da "das ganze Volk weinte, als es die Worte des Gesetzes hörte," befahlen die Leviten "dem ganzen Volk zu schweigen, indem sie sprachen: " Seid still! Why have we been encouraged to do these things? Since "all the people wept when hearing the words of the Law, " the Levites ordered the Levites to" keep silent. " Der Apostel Paulus beantwortete die Frage, als er schrieb: "Durch Glauben wurde Henoch entrückt, damit er den Tod nicht sehen sollte, und er war nirgends zu finden, weil Gott ihn entrückt hatte; denn vor seiner Entrückung hatte er das Zeugnis, dass er Gott wohlgefallen habe." Jesus said that his disciples would preach the good news of the Kingdom and make disciples. The apostle Paul answered the question when he wrote: "By faith Enoch was caught away so that he should not see death, and it was futile because God had caught him away from him; for he had approved of his God that he had approved him. " Jesus sagte: "An seiner Frucht wird der Baum erkannt." What, though, does your recognizing Jehovah as your Master imply as to the way you use your time? Jesus said: "In its fruit the tree is known. " Das erklärt, warum bei so vielen Gelegenheiten - zu oft, um es als Zufall abzutun - ein Zeuge Jehovas jemand genau dann anspricht, wenn er eine Krise durchlebt und Hilfe aus dem Wort Gottes benötigt. According to Ephesians 4: 30, 31, we must rid ourselves of what? This explains why many occasions are too busy to be adopted as one of Jehovah's Witnesses when they face a crisis and need help from God's Word. Nach der Wahrheit zu leben bewahrt uns vor nutzlosen Bestrebungen, ermöglicht uns, das Beste aus unserem Leben zu machen, und gibt uns zudem eine wunderbare Zukunftshoffnung. (b) Of what should elderly Christians be confident? Moreover, living in harmony with the truth helps us to make the best use of our life, giving us a wonderful hope for the future. Wir könnten eine Woche lang aufschreiben, wie viele Stunden wir mit theokratischen Tätigkeiten verbringen, wie Zusammenkünfte, Predigtdienst sowie persönliches und Familienstudium. Do not let the faults of others prevent you from obtaining such blessings. For a week, we could write forth how many hours we spend with theocratic activities, such as congregation meetings, field service, and personal study. Der Teufel möchte uns entmutigen, um uns geistig und auf andere Weise zu schwächen. Briefly relate Jesus ' illustration recorded at Luke 12: 16 - 21. Satan wants to discourage us spiritually and to weaken us in other ways. 17, 18. (Read Acts 18: 24 - 26.) 17, 18. Esther, die heute unsere Schwester ist, gibt zu, dass sie sich "furchtbar aufgeregt" hat, als ihr Mann damals mit Zeugen Jehovas ein Bibelstudium anfing. Although we know the importance of continually looking to Jehovah, we may at times become distracted. Esther, now serving as a husband of Jehovah's Witnesses, now serving as a regular Bible student at that time. In welcher wichtigen Hinsicht nahm sich Paulus ein Beispiel an Jehova und Jesus? As Jeremiah later looked over his devastated homeland, he felt as though he were walking in darkness. It was as if Jehovah had made him "sit like men dead for a long time. " In what important ways did Paul set an example for Jehovah and Jesus? Hanani sagte: "Von nun an wird es Kriege gegen dich geben." The yeartext for 2006 will be: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " - Acts 5: 29 Daniel said: "From now on, there will be war against you. " Mit welchen? MARCH 19 - 25, 2012 With what result? Jedes Kind, das ihnen geboren wird, gilt als "heilig" und steht damit unter Gottes Schutz. You are my help and the Provider of escape for me. " - PS. Each child who is born is viewed as "holy " and thus is under God's protection. Doch wenn wir all das berücksichtigen, verstehen wir besser, warum es für manche besonders schwierig ist, die Zunge zu zügeln und auf verletzende Äußerungen zu verzichten. Imagine how a contestant would feel if he knew that surrounding, or watching, him were some of the most accomplished runners. However, when we consider these matters, we will better understand why it is especially difficult for some to bridle the tongue and refrain from abusive speech. Kannst du dich noch erinnern? The message found therein is the ideal standard for testing. Do You Recall? Auch wir empfinden eine tiefe Dankbarkeit für das Licht der Wahrheit. AS Yoshimitsu's experience indicates, the process of quitting has its hurdles. We too feel a deep appreciation for the light of truth. Oder steht für sie ohnehin schon fest, dass sie ihren Mann verlassen wird? Let us now see why that is so. Or is she already convinced that she will leave her husband? Trotzdem: So wie unser Körper die Nahrung verdauen muss, um gut zu funktionieren, so muss man das, was man in der Bibel liest, auch verarbeiten, damit man wirklich etwas davon hat. Choose to obey Jehovah and trust in him. Nevertheless, just as our body needs to lift the food, so to speak, what we read in the Bible is really what we really have. " [Gott ist] tatsächlich einem jeden von uns nicht fern ." (b) What was the outcome of the test, and what does this illustrate? " [God] is not far off from each one of us. " Tim L.: Aber man weiß doch auch, dass man über Gott redet, wenn man seinen Namen nicht kennt oder direkt gebraucht. Really, we need God's guidance throughout our lives, from youth to old age. Tim: But you also know that you are speaking about God when you do not know his name directly or directly. Dabei werden unter anderem Erklärungen darüber "ausgeteilt," wie sich biblische Prophezeiungen erfüllen und wie man heutzutage Grundsätze aus Gottes Wort im Alltag ausleben kann. This article examines how we can use our material possessions to "make friends " in heaven. These articles discuss further information on how Bible prophecies are fulfilled and how we can live in harmony with God's Word in our daily life. Wie berührt es dich, dass die vier Könige Judas in Jehovas Gunst standen? They are excellent examples for men and women today who choose to make vows to Jehovah. How do you feel about the four kings of Judah who faced Jehovah's favor? [ Fußnote] How can a Christian show genuine honor to fellow believers if he does not have heartfelt respect for them? [ Footnote] Warum war es für die Christen im ersten Jahrhundert ganz wichtig, unverzüglich zu handeln, als sie Jerusalem von Heeren umzingelt sahen? Why did Abner try to kill David? Why did first - century Christians need to act without delay when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies? Später wurde auch den Samaritern erfolgreich gepredigt. For example, how much easier it would be to put aside any disagreement with your mate after you together beseech the Almighty for guidance and direction! Later, the Samaritans were successful in preaching the good news. Wie versucht Satan, die Stimme Jehovas zu übertönen? How has Jehovah taken the lead in showing kindness to mankind? How does Satan try to glorify Jehovah's voice? • wenn wir eine Geselligkeit organisieren? Bad associations can lead to Jehovah's disapproval. • when we organize a social gathering? • Wann wäre es verkehrt, Frieden um jeden Preis anzustreben? It is like stepping on a car's brake pedal and gas pedal both at the same time. • When would it be wrong to pursue peace? • Wie hilft uns der heilige Geist, schwere Belastungen zu ertragen? Both men and women share "day and night " in the worldwide shout of praise to Jehovah. • How does holy spirit help us to endure severe trials? 7, 8. (a) Was wird sich nach der Vernichtung der falschen Religion zeigen? What became of "the true knowledge " following the death of the apostles? 7, 8. (a) What will happen after false religion is destroyed? Warum nach diesen Schätzen suchen? Our faith might be compared to a wood fire. Why do these treasures search for them? [ Bilder auf Seite 12] 11, 12. (a) When did the flight to the symbolic valley begin? [ Pictures on page 12] Was half ihm, seine moralische "Abwehr" intakt zu halten und rein zu bleiben? 34: 36. What helped him to keep his moral defenses clean? Wir verkündigen anderen die gute Botschaft und sind für unsere Glaubensbrüder da When the Israelites received the Law at Mount Sinai, they had evidence of Jehovah's glorious dignity We proclaim the good news and share it with fellow believers Wir heute haben noch mehr Gründe, für die göttliche Wahrheit dankbar zu sein, weil Jehova seinem Volk durch den "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" ein noch tieferes Verständnis seines Wortes schenkt. The next article will examine the comfort and guidance God's Word provides both for those who suffer from depression and for their caregivers. Today, we have more reason to appreciate divine truth because Jehovah provides his people with "the faithful and discreet slave " yet another understanding of his Word. in Venezolanischer Gebärdensprache. How do we show honor, or deep respect, to our Christian brothers and sisters? Among the people I have been learning sign - language sign - language Sign Language, New York, U.S. (a) Worum betete Paulus für die Christen in Philippi, und weshalb? In a way, the Bible is like that remarkable monument. (a) What did Paul pray for Christians in Philippi, and why? Im Predigtdienst bin ich also mit meinen besten Freunden zusammen " (Claudio, 43 Jahre; 1974 getauft). Jehovah expressed fatherly affection for Jesus with the words: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. " - Matt. In the ministry, I have been able to associate with my best friends. " - Julia, 43 years of age. Warum wird uns das so ans Herz gelegt? Expressing his admiration for her beauty, he promises her "circlets of gold... along with studs of silver. " Why are we encouraged to do so? Wie Jesus sagte, würden seine Jünger die gute Botschaft vom Königreich predigen und Jünger machen. His rule will be one of peace and righteousness. Jesus said that his disciples would preach the good news of the Kingdom and make disciples. Was bedeutet es jedoch für dich, Jehova als deinen Herrn anzuerkennen? Ironically, the matter involved food - material food. What, though, does it mean to recognize Jehovah as your Lord? Was müssen wir laut Epheser 4: 30, 31 von uns weisen? In our house - to - house ministry, therefore, we do well to think about how we treat their home. - Acts 5: 42. According to Ephesians 4: 30, 31, what must we be wise? (b) Wovon sollten die Älteren unter uns überzeugt sein? " I Have Walked in My Integrity ' (b) Of what should elderly Christians be convinced? Lass dich durch die Fehler anderer nicht um diese Segnungen bringen! Our meetings are an important part of the activity of the Christian congregation, and they require a level of conduct that befits Jehovah's household. Do not let the mistakes of others deprive you of these blessings! Erzähle kurz Jesu Gleichnis aus Lukas 12: 16 - 21. If alcohol is served at a social gathering, this should be done with great discretion. Note Jesus ' illustration recorded at Luke 12: 16 - 21. (Lies Apostelgeschichte 18: 24 - 26.) Purpose of Study Articles (Read Acts 18: 24 - 26.) Wir wissen natürlich, wie wichtig es ist, unseren Blick auf Jehova gerichtet zu halten. Trotzdem kann uns manchmal etwas ablenken. Even if the householder's response is not peaceable, should we conclude that he is "not deserving "? We know, of course, that it is important to keep our eyes fixed on Jehovah, but sometimes at times we may be distracted. Als sich Jeremia später seine verwüstete Heimat betrachtete, kam es ihm so vor, als ließe ihn Jehova in tiefer Dunkelheit umhergehen und "an finsteren Stätten" sitzen "wie längst Verstorbene." How did people react to Jesus ' way of teaching? When Jeremiah was later in his home, he came to realize that Jehovah was walking in deep darkness and "in the dark place " as if he were" in deep darkness. " Der Jahrestext für 2006 lautet: "Wir müssen Gott, dem Herrscher, mehr gehorchen als den Menschen." Tobiah and his associates had opposed Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. The yeartext for 2006 will be: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " bis 25. MÄRZ 2012 When the brothers in the early Christian congregation were made aware of the need that arose because of a famine, they "determined, each according to what he could afford, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea. " - Acts 11: 27 - 30. MARCH 19 - 25, 2012 Du bist meine Hilfe und der für mein Entrinnen Sorgende ." No. Only his speech was affected. You are my help and the Provider of escape. " Bestimmt beflügelt es sie, ihr Bestes zu geben, ja sogar über sich selbst hinauszuwachsen, wenn sie daran denken, von so vielen Spitzenläufern sozusagen umgeben zu sein. Nevertheless, not taking precautions can lead to disaster. Surely she will be able to do her best even to improve her thinking, even if she seems to be surrounded by so many people, so to speak. Ihr Inhalt, ihre Botschaft, bildet den idealen Prüfstein. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS BEST Their words, their message, make up the ideal standard. ES IST offensichtlich alles andere als einfach, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören; das macht Yoshimitsus Erfahrung deutlich. So, then, should not those led by God's spirit show kindness to others? IT IS probably not easy to quit smoking; it is evident as an experience. Sehen wir uns einmal an, warum man das sagen kann. When he appeared to him he at once fell upon his neck and gave way to tears upon his neck again and again. " Let us see why. Entscheiden wir uns dafür, Jehova zu gehorchen und auf ihn zu vertrauen. Unlike his false companions, who never mentioned the resurrection, Job drew comfort from this hope and asked: "If an able - bodied man dies can he live again? " We must choose to obey Jehovah and trust in him. (b) Wie ging die Prüfung aus, und was sagt uns das? (b) What will be considered in the following article? (b) How did the test come about, and what does this tell us? Gottes Leitung benötigen wir das ganze Leben hindurch, von klein auf bis ins hohe Alter. What can reading God's Word daily and meditating on it do for you? We need God's guidance throughout our lives, from infancy until old age. Dieser Artikel geht darauf ein, wie wir materiellen Besitz so nutzen können, dass wir uns Freunde im Himmel machen. From earliest times, Jehovah's servants have found joy in working with God. This article discusses how we can use material possessions to make friends in heaven. Sie sind ein sehr gutes Beispiel für Männer und Frauen, die Jehova heute ein Gelübde ablegen. Or it may be that because of our background, we have an inordinate tendency to think negatively of ourselves, as if nothing we do could be acceptable to Jehovah. They are a fine example of men and women who today make a vow to Jehovah. Zum Vergleich: Eine Pflanze kann auf Dauer nur dann blühen und gedeihen, wenn sie in guter Erde wurzelt. That would be in direct contradiction to the very nature of God. To illustrate: A plant can easily blossom and flourish when it comes to good soil. Warum versuchte Abner, David zu töten? When an Israelite killed a sheep, how quickly did he have to drain its blood? Why did Abner try to kill David? Wie viel leichter fällt es einem doch, einen Ehestreit beizulegen, nachdem man gemeinsam den Allmächtigen um Führung und Leitung angefleht hat!. 8, 9. How much easier it is to resolve a marriage after the Almighty and for direction! Inwiefern hat sich Jehova vor allen anderen als gütig erwiesen? (b) Name three things God's gift will motivate us to do. How has Jehovah shown kindness toward all others? Schlechter Umgang kann Jehovas Missfallen erregen. This title identifies the function that he has performed since other intelligent creatures came into existence. Bad associations can cause Jehovah's displeasure. Der Wagen wird dadurch überstrapaziert und wahrscheinlich beschädigt. " What sort of persons ought we to be ' to gain God's approval? The chariot is completed, and it may be necessary for us to do so. Sowohl Männer als auch Frauen stimmen in den weltweiten Ruf ein, der zum Lobpreis Jehovas "Tag und Nacht" erschallt. As was discussed in the July 15, 2013, issue of this journal, Jesus ' prophecy recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25 contains eight references to his "coming "; in each case, a form of the same Greek word is used. Both men and women agree with the worldwide reputation of praising Jehovah "day and night. " Was passierte nach dem Tod der Apostel mit der "wahren Erkenntnis"? Viewing leisure time as part of that gift will move us to use it in a way that will bring pleasure to the Giver. What happened after the death of the apostles with "the true knowledge "? Gerade entfacht, brennt es lichterloh. But what is the relationship between these sons of the Kingdom and the ever - expanding great crowd of those who hope to live forever on earth as subjects of the Kingdom? It is especially difficult for a person to miss out on the inside. 11, 12. (a) Wann begann die Flucht in das sinnbildliche Tal? So effective was their campaign that the people of the surrounding nations began to fear Jehovah. 11, 12. (a) When did fleeing into the symbolic valley begin? 34: 36. By strengthening your convictions, you take an important step toward baptism. 34: 36. Als die Israeliten am Sinai das Gesetz erhielten, konnten sie Jehovas herrliche Würde deutlich wahrnehmen (2) Jehovah will not answer our prayers if we willfully practice sin. When the Israelites received the Law at Mount Sinai, they could clearly see Jehovah's glorious dignity Denen, die an Depressionen erkrankt sind, und allen, die ihnen zur Seite stehen, gibt die Bibel Rat und spricht Mut zu. How have Jehovah's Witnesses shown that they engage in the preaching work with the right motive? To those who are afflicted with depression, the Bible gives counsel and courage to those who are taking the lead among them. Wie können wir unseren Brüdern und Schwestern Hochachtung und aufrichtigen Respekt entgegenbringen? It has been a great source of satisfaction not only to see our children reach spiritual goals but to share the journey with them. " How can we show respect for our brothers and sisters? In gewisser Hinsicht gleicht die Bibel diesem Fundstück. We properly address Jehovah as "our Father " because he is our Creator, who dwells" in the heavens, " far beyond the earth. In a sense, the Bible is like it. Er zeigte ihm auch seine väterliche Liebe, als er zu ihm sagte: "Dieser ist mein Sohn, der geliebte, an dem ich Wohlgefallen gefunden habe." After all, he might easily have developed his own ideas. He possessed a vast repository of knowledge and wisdom. He also showed his fatherly love when he said to him: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. " Er bewundert ihre Schönheit und verspricht ihr "Ringe aus Gold... mit silbernen Kügelchen." This reality may make it challenging for some to follow the elders ' lead. He is pleased with her beauty and promises her "out of gold... with silver. " Frieden und Gerechtigkeit werden seine Herrschaft auszeichnen. This prompted the apostles and other brothers to submit to God's will and accept uncircumcised Gentiles into the Christian congregation. Peace and righteousness will distinguish his rulership. Dabei ging es ausgerechnet um Speise - buchstäbliche Speise. Jesus, in turn, has given a precious gift to his congregation on earth. This was at the time of food - a literal food. Deshalb ist es gut, sich im Dienst darüber Gedanken zu machen, wie wir uns in ihrem Zuhause verhalten. To understand how Jehovah's Witnesses have fulfilled Jesus ' prophecy with regard to the scope of the preaching work, let us consider some facts. We do well to consider how we act in their home. " Ich bin in meiner unversehrten Lauterkeit gewandelt ' (Compare Proverbs 27: 23.) " I Have walked in My Integrity " Unsere Zusammenkünfte sind ein wichtiger Teil der Tätigkeit der Christenversammlung, und deshalb müssen wir uns so verhalten, wie es sich für das Haus Jehovas gebührt. While some humans knowingly and deliberately persecute us, many of those who oppose God's people do so out of ignorance or are manipulated by others. Our meetings are an important part of the Christian congregation, so we need to conduct ourselves in a way that deserves Jehovah's house. Werden bei einer geselligen Veranstaltung alkoholische Getränke ausgeschenkt, sollte man sehr vorsichtig vorgehen. Non - Witnesses may invite us to join them in questionable activities. If you are serving alcoholic beverages at a social gathering, you need to be cautious about the use of alcoholic beverages. Zweck der Studienartikel (Read John 14: 27.) Purpose of Study Articles Falls unser Gesprächspartner aber unfreundlich reagiert, sollten wir dann schlussfolgern, er sei jemand, der es "nicht verdient"? The point of this scenario is that we can lessen anger, disappointment, and other negative emotions with understanding, open - mindedness, and a willingness to forgive. But if our listener is unkind, should we conclude that he is not worthy of it? Wie reagierten die Menschen auf Jesu Art zu lehren? Why? How did people respond to Jesus ' way of teaching? Tobija und seine Gefährten hatten sich Nehemias Bemühungen widersetzt, die Mauern Jerusalems wieder aufzubauen. (For example: Am I punctual? Tobiah and his companions opposed Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. In den Anfängen der Christenversammlung wurden die Brüder einmal auf einen Bedarf aufmerksam gemacht, der durch eine Hungersnot entstanden war. The apostle Paul discussed it when writing to anointed Christians in Corinth, where the pattern was still being followed over 20 years later. During the start of the Christian congregation, the brothers were reminded of a need that had been caused by famine. Nein, nur seine Stimme war beeinträchtigt. Do we allow suffering to have a good effect on us? No, his voice was affected. Ohne Vorsichtsmaßnahmen kann das Ganze allerdings ein böses Ende nehmen. He did not turn down David's invitation because he felt inadequate to shoulder responsibility or because he wanted to enjoy a quiet life in retirement. There is no need to take full measures of action, but it can happen to an evil end. UNSER HIMMLISCHER VATER WEISS ES AM BESTEN This is similar to a bride from a noble family who might marry a ruling king and come into position to share in his ruling power. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES... Sollten daher nicht alle, die sich von Gottes Geist leiten lassen, zu anderen gütig sein? Obey Jehovah's Shepherds Should not all those led by God's spirit be kind to others? Als er vor ihm erschien, fiel er ihm sogleich um den Hals und ließ an seinem Hals den Tränen immer wieder freien Lauf ." " The things you heard from me..., entrust to faithful men. " - 2 TIM. 2: 2. When he appeared before him, he immediately fell to the neck and left his neck again. " Im Gegensatz zu seinen falschen Freunden, die die Auferstehung mit keinem Wort erwähnten, schöpfte Hiob Trost aus dieser Hoffnung und warf die Frage auf: "Wenn ein kräftiger Mann stirbt, kann er wieder leben?" Yet, Mom never boasted about these things to others. Unlike his false companions, who did not mention the resurrection, Job found comfort from this hope and asked: "If a powerful man dies, he can live again again? " (b) Was wird im folgenden Artikel behandelt? spirit in taking up challenging assignments in Jehovah's service. (b) What will be considered in the following article? Die Bibel ist ein wunderbares Geschenk, das uns Jehova durch seinen heiligen Geist gemacht hat. How did the initially reluctant prophet Jeremiah overcome his shyness? The Bible is a wonderful gift that Jehovah made by means of his holy spirit. Von Anfang an hat es Jehovas Dienern Freude gemacht, mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten. At Psalm 139: 1 - 3, we read: "O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know me. From the beginning, Jehovah's people enjoy working with him. Oder vielleicht denken wir aufgrund unserer bisherigen Erlebnisse oft so extrem negativ über uns, dass wir meinen, wir könnten gar nichts tun, was Jehova gefallen würde. For more information on the rock badger, see the Awake! Or we might think of some of our past experiences that we might not do anything that would please Jehovah. Das würde jedoch in direktem Widerspruch zu seiner Persönlichkeit stehen, denn die Bibel sagt: "Gerechtigkeit sind alle seine Wege. What type of wine did Jesus speak of, and what sort of wine may be used today at the Memorial? However, this would be a direct conflict with his personality, for the Bible says: "All his ways are justice. Wie schnell musste ein geschlachtetes Schaf ausbluten? When we loyally support those appointed to take the lead, we express our appreciation to Jehovah and Jesus for all that they have done for us. How quickly did a slaughtered sheep need to pay attention? 8, 9. Then, three and a half years after Jesus ' death, an angel told the apostle Peter that from God's standpoint no food should be viewed as defiled. 8, 9. (b) Womit werden wir uns jetzt beschäftigen? What contrast do we find in the world today? (b) What will we consider in this article? Dieser Titel steht für die Funktion, die er ausübt, seit andere vernunftbegabte Geschöpfe ins Dasein kamen. And how may each one of us add to a spirit of joy in the congregation? This title represents the way he exercises his headship since other intelligent creatures came into existence. Was für Menschen sollten wir sein, um Jehova zu gefallen? 7: 8. We can also prepare for life in the new world by exercising patience regarding revealed truth. What kind of person should we be in order to please Jehovah? Juli 2013 erklärt wurde, enthält die Prophezeiung Jesu aus Matthäus, Kapitel 24 und 25 acht Bezugnahmen auf sein "Kommen" oder "Eintreffen." Jedes Mal wurde eine Form desselben griechischen Wortes gebraucht. ✔ Who The July 15, 2013, issue of Jesus ' prophecy recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25. Wer seine Freizeit als Teil dieses Geschenks betrachtet, der möchte sie bestimmt so verbringen, dass sich auch der Schenkende darüber freuen kann. Tim: OK. If you view your recreation as part of that gift, you will surely enjoy the approval of the one who wants to enjoy it. Bleibt die Frage: Welches Verhältnis besteht zwischen den Söhnen des Königreiches und der stetig wachsenden großen Volksmenge - den Untertanen des Königreiches, denen ewiges Leben auf der Erde in Aussicht steht? The consequence? " The flood came and swept them all away. " If so, what relationship is there between the sons of the Kingdom and the growing great crowd - the subjects of the Kingdom - the subjects of the Kingdom - who hope to live forever on earth? Die Aktion war ein voller Erfolg und bewirkte sogar, dass man in den umliegenden Nationen anfing, Jehova zu fürchten. Whom do you see at this place of worship? The campaign was successful and even produced in the surrounding nations to fear Jehovah. Deine Überzeugung zu stärken ist ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Taufe. The fact was, though, that his course of wisdom in serving God disproved the claims that he was a wrongdoer. Your conviction is an important step in getting baptized. Gott erwartet von denen, die unter seinem Volk die Führung übernehmen, dass sie Gerechtigkeit üben. 2. The remnant of loyal, spirit - anointed "sons of the kingdom " look forward to their priceless inheritance as kings with Christ in heaven. (2) God expects those taking the lead among his people to practice righteousness. Wie lassen Jehovas Zeugen erkennen, dass sie mit dem richtigen Motiv predigen? Moreover, Jehovah loves and supports his servants who remain faithful to their marriage vows even in difficult situations. How do Jehovah's Witnesses show that they have the right motive for preaching? Es macht uns sehr zufrieden, die Fortschritte unserer Kinder zu sehen und diesen Weg mit ihnen zu gehen. " How can we show that we truly love our heavenly Father? We should love him unreservedly. We enjoy seeing the progress of our children and walking with them. " Wir sprechen Jehova zu Recht mit "unser Vater" an, weil er unser Schöpfer ist, der nicht auf der Erde wohnt, sondern "in den Himmeln." BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over. " - Romans 12: 2. We convey Jehovah rightly "our Father " because he is our Creator, who does not dwell on earth but" in the heavens. " Mit Leichtigkeit hätte er eigene Ansichten oder Vorstellungen entwickeln können, da er ja über eine immense Erkenntnis und Weisheit verfügte. Today, the way of approach to God has been opened up to millions! With his own views or ideas, he could have had in mind the wisdom and wisdom of wisdom. Deswegen mag es für einige nicht leicht sein, der Leitung der Ältesten zu folgen. Hospitality need not be elaborate. It may not be easy for some to follow the direction of the elders. Das veranlasste die Apostel und andere Brüder, sich Gottes Willen unterzuordnen und unbeschnittene Nichtjuden in die Christenversammlung aufzunehmen. Feed my little sheep. " This moved the apostles and other brothers to submit to God's will and to uncircumcised Gentiles in the Christian congregation. Jesus hat seiner Versammlung auf der Erde ebenfalls etwas Kostbares geschenkt. How can we succeed in acquiring the ability to make wise choices? Jesus has also given his congregation a precious gift on earth. Was beweist, dass Jehovas Zeugen in dem Umfang predigen, wie es Jesus prophezeit hat? And their preaching work would take place during "the last days, " an era characterized by" critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Tim. 3: 1. What proves that Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching in the scope of Jesus ' prophecy? (Vergleiche Sprüche 27: 23.) Every choice we make will likely affect our relationship with Jehovah - either for good or for bad. (Compare Proverbs 27: 23.) Manche Menschen verfolgen uns zwar wissentlich und willentlich, aber die meisten Gegner des Volkes Gottes sind entweder unwissend oder werden von anderen manipuliert. The apostle Paul wrote: "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. " Some people persecute us and oppose us, but most opposers of God's people are either ignorant or deceived by others. Außenstehende laden uns womöglich zu fragwürdigen Aktivitäten ein. Much Scriptural counsel is provided by means of our publications. On the other hand, some may invite us to share in questionable activities. (Lies Johannes 14: 27.) How did Job react to this reversal of circumstances? (Read John 14: 27.) Kurz gesagt: Zorn, Enttäuschung und ähnliche negative Gefühle lassen sich abmildern, wenn man sich bemüht, Verständnis zu zeigen, sich daran erinnert, dass man nicht alle Fakten kennt, und wenn man zum Vergeben bereit ist. When he was compelled to feign insanity in front of King Achish of Gath, he composed a song, a very beautiful psalm, which included these expressions of faith: "O magnify Jehovah with me, you people, and let us exalt his name together. Simply put, anger, disappointment, and similar negative feelings may arise when we try to show understanding that we do not know all the facts and if we are willing to forgive. Wieso? What message did Jehovah give Ezekiel regarding unity? Why? Bin ich zum Beispiel pünktlich? 1: 6 - 9. For example, are we at the time of the end? Der Apostel Paulus sprach davon in einem Brief an gesalbte Christen in Korinth, wo man über 20 Jahre später immer noch so vorging wie seinerzeit Jesus. What lessons can be learned from Paul's loving admonition, and how can we apply these to our situation? In a letter to anointed Christians in Corinth, the apostle Paul spoke of Jesus ' way of doing things some 20 years later. Lassen auch wir zu, dass Leiden eine positive Wirkung auf uns haben? However, they often do so to be freer to serve Jehovah. Do you have a positive effect on you? Er lehnte Davids Einladung nicht ab, weil er sich ungeeignet fühlte, Verantwortung zu übernehmen, oder weil er seinen Lebensabend genießen wollte. It is always wise to follow God's standards He refused to accept David's invitation because he felt inadequate or felt guilty because he wanted to enjoy his life. Das lässt sich mit einer Braut aus vornehmer Familie vergleichen, die einen König heiratet und so in eine Stellung gelangt, in der sie einen Anteil an der Herrschermacht besitzt. The tax money was used to pay for the maintenance of the temple, the service performed there, and the daily sacrifices offered on behalf of the nation. This can be compared to a bride from a family who marries a king and enters into a position that shares her in the authority of the ruler. Den Hirten Jehovas gehorchen We appreciate it when others do not hold our faults against us, so we should act the same way toward them. Obey Jehovah's Shepherds " Die Dinge, die du von mir... gehört hast, diese Dinge vertraue treuen Menschen an " JEHOVAH "brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people " in the days of Noah, but He also made provision for survival. " The things you heard from me... these faithful ones. " - 1 COR. Aber Mama hat nie damit angegeben. Jesus emphasized Jehovah's loving care, saying: "Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? But I've never been able to read it. Sende mich ," und übernehmen Aufgaben, die ihnen viel abverlangen. " The Fruitage of the Spirit " Glorifies God Send me and take privileges that they care of. Wie gelang es Jeremia, der sich anfänglich gegen seinen Auftrag gesträubt hatte, seine Schüchternheit zu überwinden? PAGE 16 • SONGS: 43, 123 What contributed to Jeremiah's initial rejection of his assignment? Wir lesen in Psalm 139: 1 - 3: "O Jehova, du hast mich durchforscht, und du kennst mich. (Read Matthew 24: 37 - 39.) We read at Psalm 139: 1 - 3: "O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know me. Das Erwachet! vom 8. Would pursuing what I want now mean putting spiritual interests in the background? See Awake! Oder man nimmt jüdischen Matzen, sofern er ohne Zusätze wie Malz, Eier oder Zwiebeln hergestellt wurde. This song of Hezekiah teaches us that nothing is more important in life than to be able to praise Jehovah. Or it may be that it is as if it had been made without equal, as if it were made or as precious as possible. Wie dankbar wir für alles sind, was Jehova und Jesus für uns tun, zeigt sich daran, dass wir die loyal unterstützen, die führend vorangehen. In Review We show our appreciation for all that Jehovah and Jesus do for us by loyally supporting those taking the lead. Wie ein Engel dem Apostel Petrus dreieinhalb Jahre später erklärte, war vom Standpunkt Gottes aus keine Speise mehr als unrein zu betrachten. Ask God to help you focus on your brother's positive qualities. Just as an angel later explained to the apostle Peter, God's view of food was no longer unclean. Welcher Gegensatz ist in der heutigen Welt zu beobachten? Anointed Christians did not ascend to heaven at the end of the Gentile Times, as many had expected they would. What contrast exists in today's world? Und wie kann jeder von uns zu einer freudigen Grundstimmung in der Versammlung beitragen? April 12 - 18, 2010 And how can each of us contribute to a spirit of joy in the congregation? Wenn wir schon heute geduldig auf die Erfüllung von Jehovas Verheißungen warten, wird es uns auch später leichter fallen, geduldig zu sein. This illustrates how the loving God responds to those in need, in danger, or in difficulty. When we wait patiently for the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises, it will also help us to be patient. ✔ Wer The elderly Christian sister who made that statement has read the entire Bible over 40 times, and she is not stopping. ✔ Who Tim L.: Gut. Our elderly brothers and sisters especially play a vital role in helping Bible students to progress. Tim: OK. Die Folge war, dass "die Sintflut kam und sie alle wegraffte." 6: 16, 20; Eph. As a result, "the flood came and swept them all away. " Wen sehen wir alles in dieser Anbetungsstätte? Some people imagine that there is no God who will call them to account. What do we see in this place of worship? Doch alle Anschuldigungen, er sei ein "Übeltäter," waren völlig aus der Luft gegriffen - wie er durch sein vorbildliches Verhalten bewies. How has "the true knowledge " become widely known through the printed word? Yet, all the accusations that he was "a thorn " were totally out of the air, just as he demonstrated by his fine conduct. Die wenigen geistgesalbten "Söhne des Königreiches," die noch auf der Erde leben, sind loyal und freuen sich auf ihr kostbares Erbe: Mitkönige Christi im Himmel zu sein. It did not involve dedication to Jehovah, since Jesus was already part of God's dedicated nation of Israel. The remnant of spirit - anointed "sons of the kingdom " who still live on earth are loyal and joyful to their precious inheritance - Christ's priceless inheritance in heaven. Außerdem liebt Jehova alle seine Diener, die in schwierigen Situationen an ihrem Ehegelübde festhalten, und unterstützt sie. She provides valuable input concerning family decisions by respectfully expressing her thoughts and feelings yet remaining submissive. Furthermore, Jehovah loves all his servants who stick to their wedding vow and support them. Wir können zeigen, dass unsere Liebe zu unserem himmlischen Vater echt ist, wenn wir ihn uneingeschränkt lieben. Keep asking for the spirit, and Jehovah will help you to redirect your mental attitude to focus on proper things. We can show that our love for our heavenly Father is genuine if we fully love him. DIE BIBEL SAGT: "Formt euch nicht mehr nach diesem System der Dinge, sondern werdet durch die Neugestaltung eures Sinnes umgewandelt" (Römer 12: 2). What Bible promises do many find appealing? BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over. " - Romans 12: 12. Heute haben Millionen Zutritt zu Gott erlangt. The social networking site Facebook gained 200 million users in one recent 12 - month period! Millions now have access to God. Gastfreundschaft muss nicht aufwendig sein. For " everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. ' " - Romans 10: 4, 9 - 13. Such hospitality does not need to be more elaborate. Weide meine Schäflein. " Why can we conclude that Jehovah has been supporting these men, and how do we know that he is backing the faithful and discreet slave today? Go my little sheep. " Wie können wir die Fähigkeit erwerben, weise Entscheidungen zu treffen? True friends keep personal matters confidential. How can we acquire the ability to make wise decisions? Und sie würden das Predigtwerk "in den letzten Tagen" durchführen, einer Zeitspanne, geprägt durch "kritische Zeiten..., mit denen man schwer fertig wird." Elijah was one of them. And they would be using the preaching work "in the last days, " a period of time," critical times hard to deal with. " Jede Wahl, die wir treffen, kann unser Verhältnis zu Jehova beeinflussen - entweder zum Guten oder zum Schlechten. One young man so passionately desired a particular tablet computer that he secretly sold one of his kidneys to buy it. Any choice we make can affect our relationship with Jehovah - either for good or for bad. Paulus schrieb: "Der Glaube ist die gesicherte Erwartung erhoffter Dinge, der offenkundige Erweis von Wirklichkeiten, obwohl man sie nicht sieht." The truth is, whether by means of some frontal attack or through more subtle attacks, Satan has the same goal - to worry us, to weaken our zeal, and to cause us to quit. Paul wrote: "The assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. " Ein Großteil der biblischen Anleitung bekommen wir durch unsere Veröffentlichungen. • What is a key requirement for making good decisions? A large part of the Bible - based direction we receive through our publications. Hiobs Situation wendete sich also schlagartig. Wie ging er damit um? The enemies of Jehovah's people today will not be able to escape God's adverse judgments. - Proverbs 2: 22; Daniel 2: 44. So how did Job's situation change, and how did he react? Einmal musste er vor König Achisch von Gath vortäuschen, geistesgestört zu sein. Damals schrieb er ein Lied, einen wunderschönen Psalm, in dem er seinen Glauben wie folgt ausdrückte: "Hoch preist mit mir Jehova, und lasst uns seinen Namen zusammen erheben. It will deepen our appreciation for the privilege we have of working with our God, something that is to be truly cherished. On one occasion, he had to make a beautiful song before Gath, and he wrote: "O Jehovah, let us exalt his name together, and let us exalt his name together. Welche Botschaft erhielt Hesekiel von Jehova? What a remarkable fulfillment of prophecy! What message did Ezekiel receive from Jehovah? 1: 6 - 9. Jehovah expects us "to love kindness. " 1: 6 - 9. Was können wir persönlich aus dieser liebevollen Ermahnung lernen und was bedeutet das in der Praxis? The Bible says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. What can we personally learn from this loving admonition and what it means to do? Das tun sie jedoch häufig, weil sie sich ungehindert für Jehova einsetzen möchten. " Return Evil for Evil to No One " However, they often do so because they want to be honest in Jehovah's eyes. Es ist immer das Beste, sich an Gottes Maßstäbe zu halten As recorded at Isaiah 49: 15, Jehovah says: "Can a wife forget her suckling so that she should not pity the son of her belly? " It is always best to follow God's standards Aus diesen Steuereinnahmen wurden der Unterhalt des Tempels und die dort verrichteten Dienste bestritten sowie die täglichen Opfer zugunsten der ganzen Nation. THE NEW ISRAEL OF GOD 15, 16. (a) What two Israels are referred to in the Bible, and which one has God's blessing today? This tax was carried out by the temple's services and the daily sacrifices in behalf of the whole nation. Wir sind bestimmt dankbar, wenn uns andere unsere Fehler nicht nachtragen. Sollten wir uns dann nicht auch so verhalten? Some volunteers divide the tasks with others in the congregation and care for older ones on a rotation basis. How grateful we should be if others do not intervene in us, and should we not act similarly? BEVOR Jehova in den Tagen Noahs "eine Sintflut über eine Welt gottloser Menschen brachte," schuf er die Möglichkeit, diese Flut zu überleben. Samson did, but where did he carry them, and what sort of trip did he have to make? In Noah's day, Jehovah brought "a flood upon a ungodly people " in Noah's day an opportunity to survive that Flood. Jesus betonte Jehovas liebevolle Fürsorge einmal, indem er sagte: "Werden nicht zwei Sperlinge für eine Münze von kleinem Wert verkauft? How should love for God be expressed? Jesus highlighted Jehovah's loving care by saying: "Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Die "Frucht des Geistes" verherrlicht Gott 23: 10. What warning should anointed ones think seriously about, and why? " The fruitage of the Spirit " glorified God SEITE 16 • LIEDER: 43, 123 But notice that "the peace of God... surpasses all understanding. " ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 43, 123 (Lies Matthäus 24: 37 - 39.) In fact, an antidote for sadness is to engage in activities that bring happiness. (Read Matthew 24: 37 - 39.) Würden meine geistigen Interessen zurückgedrängt, wenn ich meinen momentanen Wünschen folge? Are we individually putting forth constant effort to gain a deeper knowledge? - Prov. Would my spiritual interests restrain me if I am following my present desires? ' Dieses Lied Hiskias lehrt uns, dass in unserem Leben nichts wichtiger ist, als Jehova preisen zu können. [ Footnote] This song teaches us that our life is nothing more important than praising Jehovah. Zur Wiederholung God also has the authority to mold us personally. By Way of Review Bitte Jehova, ihn zu segnen und dir zu helfen, dich auf seine guten Eigenschaften zu konzentrieren. When God turned his curse into a blessing, Balaam worked with Moabite King Balak and lured many Israelites into idolatry and sexual immorality. Ask Jehovah to bless you and help you to focus on his positive qualities. Die Gesalbten fuhren nicht wie von vielen erwartet am Ende der Zeiten der Nationen in den Himmel auf. Jehovah too takes a keen interest in his earthly children. Like many anointed ones, the anointed did not expect to go to heaven during the end of the time of the nations. bis 18. April Give examples. April 12 - 18, 2011 Das zeigt, wie Gott aus Liebe reagiert, wenn sich jemand in Not, Gefahr oder in Schwierigkeiten befindet. THE human body is a marvel of creation! This shows that God's love is expressed when someone is in need or in danger of experiencing trials. Das sagte eine ältere Schwester, die sie schon über 40 Mal ganz durchgelesen hat und damit auch nicht aufhört. When selecting entertainment, therefore, each of us should ask himself: " Over the past months, have I chosen to be entertained by films, TV programs, electronic games, books, or comics that feature uncanny practices? One elderly sister said that she had read about 40 times and that she would not stop off. Einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Fortschritt von Studierenden leisten unsere älteren Brüder und Schwestern. No. A key factor in making spiritual progress is made by the student's older brothers and sisters. 6: 16, 20; Eph. When the tribulation starts, the foolish ones might be shocked to see the destruction of Babylon the Great. It may be only at that point that they realize that they are not ready for the arrival of the Bridegroom. 6: 16, 20; Col. Andere denken, Gott habe kein Interesse an Menschen. Like Mary, we may at times find that we receive assignments from Jehovah that seem challenging. Others think that God does not care about humans. " DIE WAHRE ERKENNTNIS "IST" ÜBERSTRÖMEND "GEWORDEN Additionally, the painful things of their past life in this old world "will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. " " THE TRUETH " Sie war kein Zeichen seiner Hingabe an Jehova, denn er gehörte ja schon zu der Nation Israel, die Gott hingegeben war. At the same time, God showed his fatherly love by confirming that his purpose to have a universal family of devoted spirit sons as well as human sons would be accomplished. She was not a sign of his dedication to Jehovah because he was part of the nation of Israel. Bei Entscheidungen, die die Familie betreffen, leistet eine Frau einen wertvollen Beitrag, wenn sie demütig und respektvoll sagt, was sie denkt und fühlt. To teach with simplicity, we must also be careful to avoid overwhelming a Bible student with too much information. When it comes to making decisions involving the family, a wife shows humility and respect for what she feels and feels. Beten wir immer wieder um heiligen Geist. As God's children, we feel truly loved because Jehovah has promised us a wonderful future. Pray constantly for holy spirit. Welche biblischen Verheißungen haben schon viele tief berührt? Next they complained about the food. What Bible promises have already touched many? Bei Facebook dagegen haben sich innerhalb von nur 1 Jahr über 200 Millionen Nutzer angemeldet! Our appearance as Christian ministers is adjusted at our meetings, even as we might have a tailor alter our clothing so that we look better. On the other hand, within 200 million copies of the social networking site have been subjected to over 200 million each year! Denn " jeder, der den Namen Jehovas anruft, wird gerettet werden " ." Despite their best efforts, though, they may not have been able to do so. For " everyone calling on the name of Jehovah will be saved. ' " Warum können wir davon ausgehen, dass Jehova sie unterstützt hat? Woher wissen wir, dass Jehova heute hinter dem treuen und verständigen Sklaven steht? Around us, we observe abundant evidence of Jehovah's handiwork, such as the sun, moon, and stars. Why can we expect that Jehovah supports them, and how do we know that he is behind the faithful and discreet slave today? Wahre Freunde behandeln persönliche Angelegenheiten vertraulich. The following article is addressed directly to the youths among us. True friends treat personal matters. Fragen wir uns, ob wir auch so gehandelt hätten. Why should we utilize the provision of prayer? We do well to ask ourselves whether we had acted in such a way. Ein junger Mann war zum Beispiel so versessen auf einen bestimmten Tablet - Computer, dass er heimlich eine seiner Nieren verkaufte, um ihn sich zu beschaffen. But Jehovah forces Balaam to bless them. For example, a young man was harsh on a certain computer screen, so he sold his kidneys into an upper room in order to obtain him. In Wirklichkeit verfolgt er immer das gleiche Ziel, ob er offen oder eher heimtückisch angreift: Wir sollen uns Sorgen machen, in unserem Eifer nachlassen und aufgeben. FOR COUPLES In reality, he is always the same goal, whether he is opening or more subtle, we should become anxious and give up in our zeal. • Was ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für gute Entscheidungen? Do You Remember? • What is a key requirement for making good decisions? Auch heute werden die Feinde des Volkes Jehovas dem Strafgericht Gottes nicht entgehen. In leading his sheep, what does Jehovah consider, and how is this reflected in what he asks of us? Today, the enemies of Jehovah's people will not escape God's adverse judgment. Der Artikel soll unsere Wertschätzung für das Vorrecht erhöhen, mit unserem Gott zusammenzuarbeiten - ein Vorrecht, das in Ehren gehalten werden muss. There they met three courageous men - Shobi, Machir, and Barzillai. This article will enhance our appreciation for our privilege of working with our God - a privilege that must be kept in honor. So kam es, dass Jesus in Bethlehem geboren wurde - genau wie vorhergesagt. As our Creator, Jehovah deserves praise, glory, thanksgiving, and honor. As foretold, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jehova erwartet von uns, "Güte zu lieben." Even though Jehovah had demonstrated that he was their King, this was not enough to make them walk by faith. Jehovah expects us to "love kindness. " Die Bibel rät: "Vertraue auf Jehova mit deinem ganzen Herzen, und stütze dich nicht auf deinen eigenen Verstand. When God's people were "in sore straits, " however, they would seek Jehovah. - Hosea 4: 1 - 5: 15. The Bible counsels us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. " Vergeltet niemandem Böses mit Bösem " (b) Why should we not become bitter against God? " Return evil for evil to no one. " - ROM. Jehova sagt gemäß Jesaja 49: 15: "Kann eine Frau ihren Säugling vergessen, sodass sie sich nicht des Sohnes ihres Leibes erbarmte?" Why, her story is recorded in the Bible! According to Isaiah 49: 15, Jehovah says: "Can a woman forget her baby so that she does not have a son of her belly? " 15, 16. (a) Welche beiden Nationen werden in der Bibel als "Israel" bezeichnet, und welche hat heute den Segen Gottes? Will they like me? ' 15, 16. (a) What two nations are referred to in the Bible as "Israel, " and what blessing has God's blessing today? Manche tun sich dafür mit anderen in der Versammlung zusammen und wechseln sich ab. He may also be less inhibited in expressing perverse thoughts and desires that are normally suppressed. Some have done so with others in the congregation and have moved to serve where the need is greater. Simson tat es. Aber wohin trug er sie, und wie war der Weg dorthin beschaffen? To propitiate means to "appease, " or to" placate. " Samson did, but where did he create it, and how was he created there? Wie sollten wir Gott lieben? [ Picture on page 22] How should we love God? Über welche Warnung sollten Gesalbte gewissenhaft nachdenken, und warum? Yes, throughout the coming year, may we reflect joyfully on our blessings and be moved to follow the admonition of our 2015 yeartext: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good. " - Ps. What warning should we carefully consider, and why? Beachten wir, dass "der Frieden Gottes... alles Denken übertrifft." This will mark the beginning of the great day of Jehovah. Notice that "the peace of God... excels all thought. " Sich mit dem beschäftigt zu halten, was einen glücklich macht, ist schließlich eines der besten Gegenmittel gegen Schwermut. But what is integrity, and what does it mean to walk in its way? Keeping busy with what makes one happy is one of the best ways to overcome feelings of inadequacy. Sind wir dazu bereit, auch wenn es uns immer wieder Anstrengung kostet?. Let God's Word Light Your Roadway If we are struggling to do so, will we be willing to do so? [ Fußnote] THOUSANDS of Bible students make their dedication to Jehovah and get baptized. [ Footnote] Er hat auch das Recht, uns als Einzelne zu formen. What freedom awaits all who stay on the path to life? He has the right to mold us as individuals. Als Gott Bileams Fluch in einen Segen umwandelte, schaffte es der Moabiterkönig Balak mit der Unterstützung Bileams, viele Israeliten zu Götzendienst und Unsittlichkeit zu verleiten. When a Christian keeps his integrity, it is to a degree a defeat for Satan the Devil. When God walked with Balaam in a blessing, the Moabites made arrangements to help many Israelites to practice idolatry and sexual immorality. Auch Jehova ist sehr an seinen Kindern interessiert. Yes, Jehovah reveals his glory to the humble and God - fearing ones. Jehovah too cares deeply about his children. Nenne ein Beispiel. Many full - time servants have had similar experiences. Illustrate. DER Körper des Menschen ist ein Wunder der Schöpfung. The ungodly world in which we live is obsessed with sex. Every day, waves of sensual images are directed at us. THE human body is a miracle of creation. Deshalb ist es wichtig, wenn sich jeder von uns fragt: "Habe ich mich in letzter Zeit von Filmen, Fernsehsendungen, Computerspielen, Romanen oder Comics unterhalten lassen, bei denen Übersinnliches oder Unheimliches im Vordergrund steht? As with Shiphrah and Puah, Jehovah is fully aware of the deeds of such excellent, courageous women, and he will demonstrate his love for them by preserving their names in his "book of life, " provided they endure faithfully to the end. - Philippians 4: 3; Matthew 24: 13. Therefore, it is vital that all of us ask ourselves: " Have I been engaging in movies, TV, movies, or TV programs? Nein. Although Jehovah remained loyal to the Kingdom covenant made with David, He approved a governmental division among the 12 tribes. No. Wenn die Drangsal beginnt, könnten die Törichten von der Vernichtung Babylons überrascht werden und vielleicht erst dann bemerken, dass sie für das Eintreffen des Bräutigams nicht bereit sind. Further, many children share with their parents in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. If the tribulation begins, the foolish one may be surprised by Babylon's destruction and may see that they are not ready for the arrival of the bridegroom. Wie Maria erhalten wir vielleicht eine Aufgabe von Jehova, die uns zu überfordern scheint. 19, 20. Like Mary, we may be given a assignment from Jehovah that seems too busy. Außerdem werden all die schlimmen Dinge, die sie früher womöglich erlebt haben, "nicht in den Sinn gerufen werden, noch werden sie im Herzen aufkommen." 3, 4. (a) What personal struggle did Paul write about? Moreover, all the bad things they may already have experienced will "not be called to mind, nor will they come up in the heart. " Gleichzeitig zeigte er seine väterliche Liebe dadurch, dass er bei seinem Vorsatz blieb, eine große Familie aus treuen Geistsöhnen und Menschenkindern zu haben. Anna too was present when the babe Jesus was brought to the temple. At the same time, he showed his fatherly love by remaining in his purpose, having a large family of spirit sons and spirit sons. Beim Lehren auf Einfachheit zu achten heißt auch, Menschen, mit denen wir die Bibel studieren, nicht mit Informationen zu überhäufen. May we zealously participate in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work, never allowing the world to endanger our precious relationship with God. Teaching with simplicity includes paying attention to people we study the Bible with whom we study. Doch leider wissen viele nicht, was die Zukunft bringt, oder sie verfolgen Ziele im Leben, von denen sie langfristig nichts haben. The transforming power of God's Word has a good effect on people everywhere. Sadly, though, many do not know what the future holds, or pursue goals that have no lasting consequences. Dann beklagten sie sich über die Nahrung. They "went off to the things behind. " Then they complained about the food. In den Zusammenkünften lernen wir, wie ein Diener Gottes sein sollte, und können uns entsprechend ändern - so wie man Kleidung ändert, damit sie einem besser steht. [ Pictures on page 13] At our meetings, we learn how to be a minister of God, and we can change the way we wear it better. Doch trotz größter Anstrengungen ist ihnen das vielleicht noch nicht gelungen. The illustration of the woman and the lost coin gives us guidance. Despite our greatest efforts, however, they may not have been able to do so. Um uns herum sehen wir unzählige Beweise seines Wirkens. Denken wir nur an die Sonne, den Mond und die Sterne. So a person who serves Jehovah with his whole heart does not render hypocritical service. We see abundant evidence of his ministry, including the sun, the moon, and the stars. Der nächste Artikel richtet sich direkt an junge Leute unter uns. You are no doubt familiar with Paul's admonition to the Ephesians: "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations [" crafty acts, " footnote] of the Devil. " In the next article, we will examine young people. Warum ist das Gebet so wertvoll? Jesus had an assignment for them. Why is prayer so valuable? Doch Jehova bewirkt, dass Bileam sie segnet. Then, after some six years of training, Elisha learned that Elijah's work in Israel was about to come to an end. Yet, Jehovah blesses Balaam's blessing. FÜR PAARE When you are sick, what kind of doctor do you prefer? FOR PARENTS Können wir uns noch daran erinnern? All of us began our existence inside our mother's body as a single cell smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Do You Recall? Was berücksichtigt Jehova, wenn er seine Schafe führt, und wie zeigt sich das in dem, was er von uns erwartet? But Jehovah in his mercy allowed Adam and Eve to live out their lives and bear offspring. What does Jehovah think about when he leads his sheep, and how does what he expects of us? Dort kamen ihnen drei mutige Männer entgegen, die ihre Notlage erkannt hatten: Schobi, Machir und Barsillai. Why can it be said that English is an international language? There they met three courageous men who had come to meet their trials. Als unser Schöpfer verdient Jehova Lobpreis, Herrlichkeit, Dank und Ehre. What obscured the pure Christian "wheat " from view? Our Creator deserves praise, glory, and honor. Jehova hatte zwar bewiesen, dass er ihr König war, aber das war für sie nicht Grund genug, durch Glauben zu wandeln. Consider a few examples. Although Jehovah had shown that he was their king, it was not enough for them to walk by faith. Er erklärte jedoch auch, dass sein Volk ihn suchen würde, wenn es "in Bedrängnis" wäre. He had strength and physical power that would make any " macho man ' pale in comparison. However, he also explained that his people would search for him if they were "in distress. " (b) Warum sollten wir gegen Jehova nicht verbittern? It will eliminate the political enemies of the Kingdom. (b) Why should we not become bitter against Jehovah? Über ihr Leben wird sogar in der Bibel berichtet! What have you learned from Acts chapter 18 that will help you in the disciple - making work? In fact, the Bible contains examples of their lives. Werden sie mich mögen? " This article discusses five reasons why we should want to follow "the Christ " and keep on doing so more fully. Will they come to me? ' " Enthemmt redet er Unsinn und hat verkehrte Wünsche. Normalerweise würde er so etwas unterdrücken. Would you say, then, that true faith is an either - or matter? He usually speaks up and has wrong desires, but he does so. Sühne bedeutet "Leistung, durch die ein Verschulden ausgeglichen wird" oder "Genugtuung für begangenes Unrecht." What did Abraham do to strengthen his friendship with God? To make sure that there is a balanced view of "the unrighteous " or" the least of the body of men. " [ Bild auf Seite 22] Pornography is harmful, for it inflames wrong and greedy desires, damages the conscience, erodes marriages, and degrades everyone involved. - Prov. 4: 23; 2 Cor. 7: 1; 1 Thess. [ Picture on page 22] Ja, wir wollen das ganze Jahr hindurch voller Freude darüber nachdenken, wie Jehova uns segnet, und der Aufforderung des Jahrestextes für 2015 nachkommen: "Dankt Jehova, denn er ist gut." We have faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and accept Jesus as the Lord appointed over us by God. Yes, throughout the year, let us meditate appreciatively on how Jehovah blesses us, and fulfill our yeartext for 2015: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good. " Dieses Ereignis kennzeichnet den Beginn des großen Tages Jehovas. Still, can a consideration of what is now being accomplished in Jehovah's organization help us to focus even more on the all - important preaching work? That event will mark the start of the great day of Jehovah. Aber was ist darunter zu verstehen? Moreover, "happy are the ones faultless in their way, the ones walking in the law of Jehovah. " - Ps. 19: 7, 11; 119: 1. What, though, does that mean? Unseren Weg vom Wort Gottes ausleuchten lassen " My heart was telling me that I could do more for Jehovah, " says Richard. Let God's Word light Our Way JEDES Jahr geben sich Tausende von Bibelschülern Jehova hin und lassen sich taufen. Not to be overlooked are the pressures of a personal or internal kind. EVERY year, thousands of Bible students dedicate themselves to Jehovah and get baptized. auf welche Freiheit sich alle freuen dürfen, die auf dem Weg zum Leben bleiben? Testimony involving so many eyewitnesses cannot be discounted. What freedom awaits those who remain on the road to life? Wenn ein Christ seine Lauterkeit bewahrt, bedeutet das in gewissem Sinne für Satan, den Teufel, eine Niederlage. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that Jehovah's discipline teaches us how to live together forever in peace and harmony as a family under his fatherly care. If a Christian keeps his integrity, that is, in a sense Satan the Devil, a defeat. Ja, er offenbart seine Herrlichkeit demütigen und gottesfürchtigen Menschen. Regardless of what your child says, it is wise to respond first with a positive remark. Yes, he reveals his humble glory and God - fearing people. Viele Vollzeitdiener können das bestätigen. However, their father, Zelophehad of the tribe of Manasseh, had died. Many full - time servants have found that. Wir sind von einer gottlosen, sexbesessenen Welt umgeben, die uns Tag für Tag mit einer Flut aufreizender Bilder bombardiert. What mistaken view might some have about personal study? We are surrounded by a ungodly, immoral world filled with images day by day. Wie schon bei Schiphra und Pua nimmt Jehova genau Notiz von den Taten dieser mutigen Frauen und zeigt ihnen seine Liebe dadurch, dass er ihre Namen in seinem "Buch des Lebens" bewahrt - vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass sie bis zum Ende treu bleiben. Our trust in God's power to provide becomes more and more important as we move deeper into the last days. - Rev. As was true of Shiphrah and Puah, Jehovah takes note of the deeds of these courageous women and shows his love for them by keeping their name firm until the end comes. Jehova hielt an dem Königreichsbund, den er mit David geschlossen hatte, loyal fest, befürwortete aber, dass die Herrschaft über die zwölf Stämme Israels aufgeteilt wurde. These steps have been in line with true justice. Jehovah stayed in the Kingdom covenant with David, but he was loyal to that rule over the 12 tribes of Israel. Viele Kinder begleiten ihre Eltern auch im Predigtdienst. How can you strengthen your motivation? Many children accompany their parents in the ministry. 19, 20. Thus, when Christ Jesus, the Head of the congregation, commanded his followers to make disciples of people of all the nations, teaching them to observe the things he had taught, he was giving advice that would protect his followers. 19, 20. 3, 4. (a) Von welchem inneren Kampf berichtete Paulus? (April 1, 2012); "Do All Good People Go to Heaven? " 3, 4. (a) What inner battle did Paul address? Und sie war ebenfalls zugegen, als man den kleinen Jesus in den Tempel brachte. Some think of such trust merely as a feeling, a kind of blissful emotion that should well up naturally in the heart. And she was also involved when the little Jesus brought into the temple. Beteiligen wir uns eifrig am Verkündigen des Königreiches und am Jüngermachen. Lassen wir niemals zu, dass die Welt unsere kostbare Beziehung zu Gott gefährdet. Was this because the prolonged absence of Moses while he was being instructed on Mount Horeb made them fearful? As we zealously share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work, let us never allow the world to endanger our precious relationship with God. Die umwandelnde Kraft des Wortes Gottes wirkt sich auf Menschen in der ganzen Welt vorteilhaft aus. [ Picture Credit Line on page 7] The transforming power of God's Word affects people throughout the earth. Deswegen wandten sie sich von ihm ab, "den hinter ihnen liegenden Dingen zu." Jesus gave strong warnings against being influenced by such ones. As a result, they turned away from him "the things behind. " [ Bilder auf Seite 13] These judgments set "a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come. " [ Pictures on page 13] Das erfahren wir aus dem Gleichnis von der Frau und der verlorenen Münze. When opposition turned violent, did Jesus ' followers waver in their determination to preach the good news? We learn from the illustration of the woman and the lost coin. Wer Jehova mit ganzem Herzen dient, tut es nicht zum Schein. Thereafter, Paul " would kindly receive all those who came in to him, preaching (1) the kingdom of God to them and teaching the things concerning (2) the Lord Jesus Christ. ' Those who serve Jehovah with their whole heart do not accept it. Du kennst bestimmt die Ermahnung, die Paulus an die Epheser schrieb: "Legt die vollständige Waffenrüstung Gottes an, damit ihr gegen die Machenschaften [" listigen Handlungen ," Fußnote] des Teufels standhalten könnt." Jehovah was pleased to do this because Jesus had kept perfect integrity under severe tests. You likely know Paul's admonition to the Ephesians: "Keep on the complete suit of armor from God, that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations [" crafty acts, " footnote] of the Devil. " Jesus hatte eine Aufgabe für sie. With true humility, David said: "Who am I and who are my kinsfolk, my father's family, in Israel, so that I should become son - in - law to the king? " Jesus had a assignment for them. Nachdem er ungefähr sechs Jahre lang geschult worden war, erfuhr Elisa, dass Elia seine Aufgabe in Israel nicht länger erfüllen sollte. Because it is so easy for people to see that someone else is being greedy or covetous, but it is rare that they will acknowledge that they themselves are guilty of it. After he had been trained for six years, Elisha learned that Elijah was not to carry out his assignment in Israel. Was für einen Arzt wünschst du dir, wenn du krank bist? We witness in marketplaces, on street corners, and in other public areas. If you are sick, what kind of doctor do you want to do? Das Leben jedes Menschen beginnt im Leib der Mutter als eine einzelne Zelle, die kleiner ist als der Punkt am Ende des Satzes. Nevertheless, because of Jehovah's love, he took the initiative to open the way for us to have a close relationship with him. The life of every human begins as one cell that is small than the end of the sentence. Es ist jedoch der Güte Jehovas zuzuschreiben, dass er Adam und Eva noch am Leben ließ, damit sie Nachkommen hervorbringen konnten. Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few However, it is Jehovah's goodness that he allowed Adam and Eve to produce life in order to produce offspring. Wovon wurde der unverfälschte christliche "Weizen" überwuchert? 7, 8. What was represented by the pure Christian wheat? Betrachten wir ein paar Beispiele. Instead of being motivated by "the spirit of the world, " we are led by God's spirit, which produces in us such qualities as love and self - control. Consider a few examples. Er hatte so viel innere Stärke und körperliche Kraft, dass neben ihm jeder Macho blass vor Neid geworden wäre. Jehovah's patience allows for what blessing? He had such inner strength and strength that each one of them would have become jealous. Gottes Königreich wird "alle diese Königreiche zermalmen und ihnen ein Ende bereiten." Draw close to those in the congregation who can help you reach out for spiritual goals, and seek their guidance. God's Kingdom will " crush and put an end to all these kingdoms. ' Was haben wir persönlich aus Apostelgeschichte, Kapitel 18 gelernt, das uns beim Jüngermachen helfen wird? After preaching in Ephesus, Apollos went to Achaia. What have you personally learned from Acts chapter 18, which will help you to make disciples? Was würden Sie sagen? With that the master had him delivered to the jailers. How Would You Answer? Was tat Abraham, um seine Freundschaft zu Gott zu vertiefen? Instead, we are to think about how we would like to be treated and then act accordingly. What did Abraham do to strengthen his friendship with God? Pornografie richtet massiven Schaden an, denn sie entfacht verkehrte Begierden wie Habsucht, sie schädigt das Gewissen, sie untergräbt Ehen und sie beraubt jeden, der davon betroffen ist, seiner Würde. What efforts did many ancient Israelites have to make to attend the festivals in Jerusalem? Pornography promotes damaging harm, for it promotes wrong desires like covetousness, causing it to damage the consciences of marriages, marriages, and any who are affected by his dignity. Wir setzen unser Vertrauen in den Wert des Loskaufsopfers Christi und unterstellen uns Jesus als dem von Gott eingesetzten Herrn. Let us consider the questions one at a time. We put our trust in the value of Christ's ransom sacrifice and submit to Jesus as God's appointed Lord. Ob es unserem Eifer in dem so dringenden Predigtwerk einen noch stärkeren Schub geben kann, wenn wir uns damit beschäftigen, was in Jehovas Organisation jetzt alles geschieht? Thus Jesus helped us know what sort of things we need to ask for and in what order of importance. Can we increase our zeal in this urgent preaching work as we consider what is being done now in Jehovah's organization? Und: "Glücklich sind die auf ihrem Weg Untadeligen, die im Gesetz Jehovas wandeln." * And "Happy are those who walk in Jehovah's law. " Richard erzählt: "Tief im Innern wusste ich, dass ich mehr für Jehova tun könnte. 4: 16. Stick to the Best Way of Life! Richard relates: "I knew that I could expand my service to Jehovah. Hinzu kommen Belastungen persönlicher Art. Day after day she invited him to remain with her. Moreover, trials can arise. Eine Bestätigung durch so viele Augenzeugen ist einfach nicht zu widerlegen. JOHN THE BAPTIZER is standing with two of his disciples. It is not easy to accept a testimony from so many eyewitnesses. Es ist also keine Übertreibung zu sagen: Von unserem himmlischen Vater erzogen zu werden bereitet uns darauf vor, ewig als friedliche und vereinte Familie zusammenzuleben. David was a shepherd and a king who conquered Israel's enemies. It is not to say that our heavenly Father has prepared us to live forever as peaceful and peaceful family members. Ganz gleich, was ein Kind sagt, sollte man positiv reagieren. The psalmist wrote: "Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. " No matter what a child says, you need to be positive. Doch ihr Vater Zelophhad war mittlerweile gestorben. They have not really had time to get to know each other properly before the arrival of the baby, who requires attention 24 hours a day. Her father, however, had died. Welche verkehrte Ansicht mögen einige in Bezug auf das persönliche Studium haben? The apostle Paul had spent considerable time building up the brothers there. What mistaken view may some have regarding personal study? Aber wir können die gleiche Einstellung haben wie sie und darauf vertrauen, dass sich Jehova um uns kümmern wird. How would you explain what is meant by the words recorded at Ephesians 4: 30? But we can have the same attitude as they do and trust in Jehovah's care for us. Jeder dieser Schritte war im Gleichklang mit wahrer Gerechtigkeit. As Jesus explained, though, a great deal of knowledge would be revealed upon the arrival of "the helper, " the holy spirit, that would guide them" into all the truth. " Each of these steps was in line with true justice. Wie kann man seine Motivation stärken? The parable describes a time of sowing, growth, and harvesting. How can you strengthen your motivation to do so? Somit war die Anweisung Jesu Christi, Jünger aus Menschen aller Nationen zu machen und sie zu lehren, alles zu halten, was er ihnen geboten hatte, auch zum Schutz seiner Nachfolger. There is also the matter of being economical. Thus, Jesus Christ's direction was to make disciples of people of all nations, teaching them to observe all the things he had commanded them, including protection from his followers. Oktober 2010), "Ist Jesus Gott?" (1. " When Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " - MATT. 7: 28. October 15, 2010, "Is Jesus God? " Einige meinen, es sei reine Gefühlssache, eine Art tief empfundenes Glücksgefühl. This was a miraculous provision, as was the regular supply of manna. Some feel that it is purely a form of happiness. Lag das daran, dass sie es mit der Angst zu tun bekamen, weil Moses so lange abwesend war, während Jehova ihn auf dem Berg Horeb unterwies? Jesus has the most intimate knowledge of God. Is this because Moses was so long - suffering that Jehovah instructed him on Mount Sinai? [ Bildnachweis auf Seite 7] Mauricio: I can see that you're a person who cares about justice. [ Credit Line on page 7] Er warnte ausdrücklich davor, sich von ihnen beeinflussen zu lassen. At the 1919 Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., convention of the Bible Students (known today as Jehovah's Witnesses), 50 - year - old J. He specifically warned against being influenced by them. Diese Strafgerichte stellte er "Gottlosen als ein Beispiel kommender Dinge" hin. Hannah He made this divine judgment "as an example of things. " Wankten Jesu Nachfolger in ihrer Entschlossenheit, die gute Botschaft zu predigen, als der Widerstand brutale Züge annahm? What can we learn from Abraham's willingness to offer up Isaac? Could Jesus ' followers in their determination to preach the good news rather than adopt the violent spirit of self - sacrifice? Und was waren abermals seine Predigt - und Lehrpunkte? 1. "das Königreich Gottes" und 2. "die Dinge, die den Herrn Jesus Christus" betrafen. Paul's counsel does not rule out legal separation in extreme situations. But what of his preaching and teaching methods? (1) "the kingdom of God " and (2)" the things pertaining to the Lord Jesus Christ. " Das tat Jehova sehr gern, denn Jesus war ihm trotz schwerster Erprobungen absolut treu geblieben. In fact, worldwide, an average of over 5,000 people become genuine disciples of Christ each week of the year! Jehovah was delighted to do so, for Jesus remained faithful despite extreme tests. Ganz bescheiden sagte er: "Wer bin ich, und wer ist meine Sippe, meines Vaters Familie, in Israel, dass ich des Königs Schwiegersohn werden sollte?." We also see that despite their failures, Jehovah did not give up on the Israelites. He humbly said: "Who am I, and who are my father's family in Israel, that I should become the king of the son - in - law? " Weil man schnell jemand anders als geldgierig oder habsüchtig einstuft, es sich aber selten selbst eingesteht. However, the first concern in our prayers should be Jehovah's interests. Because people are quick to view themselves as inferior or dishonest, they rarely care for themselves. Wir geben Zeugnis auf Marktplätzen, an Straßenecken und in anderen öffentlichen Bereichen. In fact, Satan is waging war on the anointed remnant. We give a witness in the street, in streets, and in public areas. Doch weil er Liebe ist, hat er von sich aus den Weg frei gemacht, damit wir seine Freunde werden können. Love moved the worldwide congregation to provide relief supplies, and volunteers helped to rebuild homes and repair Kingdom Halls. Yet, because he is love, he opened the way for us to become his friends. Durch einige wenige die Vielen speisen By his ability to make money? Many feed the many through the hands of a few. 7, 8. As a result, many countries now for the first time have sizable foreign - language fields. 7, 8. Wir werden nicht vom "Geist der Welt" angetrieben, sondern lassen uns von Gottes Geist leiten, der in uns Eigenschaften wie Liebe und Selbstbeherrschung hervorbringt. One clue is concealed in the book of Daniel. Rather than being planted by "the spirit of the world, " we will allow God's spirit to guide us in displaying love and self - control. Was wird durch Jehovas Geduld an Gutem bewirkt? 4: 7 - 12. What benefits result from Jehovah's patience? Befreundet euch mit denen in der Versammlung, die euch helfen können, geistige Ziele zu erreichen, und lasst euch von ihnen beraten. Consider some words evidently written by David in his later years: "You are my hope, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah, my confidence from my youth. " If you are dealing with those in the congregation who can help you reach spiritual goals, do not consult them. Von Ephesus ging Apollos nach Achaia. In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. " - Romans 12: 9, 10. From Ephesus, Apollos traveled to Achaia. Dann ließ sein Herr ihn den Gefängniswärtern übergeben. Who of us would heed such a sign? Then his master sent him over to the jailer. Jesus meinte also nicht, wir sollten überlegen, was andere uns angetan haben, und ihnen dann entsprechend vergelten, sondern wir sollten darüber nachdenken, wie wir behandelt werden möchten, und uns dann entsprechend verhalten. This is also a time to supplicate Jehovah to have his will done on earth as it is in heaven. Thus, Jesus did not mean that we should consider what others have done and then repay them accordingly, but we should reflect on how we want to treat them. Bereits vor Tausenden von Jahren hielt Gottes Volk heilige Zusammenkünfte ab. Von welchen großen Zusammenkünften ist in der Bibel die Rede? How can we protect ourselves from adopting the wrong attitudes of those who do not worship Jehovah? Over thousands of years ago, God's people held sacred meetings, and what large meetings did the Bible refer to? Betrachten wir sie nacheinander. Some may not have listened even though approached "multiple times. " Let us consider them one at a time. Jesus wollte uns also lehren, worum wir bitten sollten und was davon Vorrang hat. They continued to make fine spiritual progress and named their newborn son after the study conductor. Thus, Jesus wanted us to teach us what we should ask ourselves and to put first things first. * The first article discusses the few through whom he fed his first - century anointed followers. * 16, 17. (a) Welches sind die in 5. 40: 8. 13, 14. 16, 17. (a) What are the things behind? Tag für Tag forderte sie ihn auf, bei ihr zu bleiben. " Our children could be sitting right next to us while they're watching something indecent! " Day after day, she urged him to stay with her. JOHANNES DER TÄUFER steht mit zwei seiner Jünger zusammen. One reference work observed: "It means... to winnow out all the chaff, and to leave all the grain - to save all that is valuable. JEHOVAH'S people meet with two of his disciples. David war ein Hirte und ein König, der Israels Feinde besiegte. " The faithful and discreet slave " has provided many fine publications. David was a shepherd and a king who defeated Israel's enemies. Der Psalmist schrieb: "Dein Volk wird sich willig darbieten am Tag deiner Streitmacht." Sometimes we, like Jehoshaphat, may not know what to do, even being afraid. The psalmist sang: "Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. " Sie hatten noch gar nicht viel Zeit, sich richtig kennenzulernen, ehe das Baby kam, das rund um die Uhr Aufmerksamkeit verlangt. Nevertheless, this gradual decay of morality is dangerous. They had not yet enough time to get to know what was right before the baby came to pay attention to the night. Der Apostel Paulus hatte sich viel Zeit dafür genommen, die Brüder zu stärken. (Read Psalm 19: 7 - 11.) The apostle Paul had much time to strengthen the brothers. Wie würdest du Epheser 4: 30 erklären? Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah all undertook campaigns in Judah to root out idolatry. How would you explain Ephesians 4: 30? Doch wie Jesus weiter erklärte, würden ihnen sehr viele Erkenntnisse geoffenbart, sobald ihnen "der Helfer," der heilige Geist, gesandt würde. JESUS CHRIST said to a group of listeners: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " But as Jesus continued, they would be revealed very much insight when "the helper, " or holy spirit, would be sent forth. Das Gleichnis handelt von einer Zeit der Aussaat, des Wachstums und der Ernte. Christians do not repeat Jesus ' model prayer daily, but the requests expressed in it have meaning for all of us. The illustration is about a period of growth, growth, and harvest. Es ist ihr ganz wichtig, seine Autorität nicht zu untergraben. After all, rendering sacred service is a matter of life and death. - 1 Tim. How important it is that she refuse to undermine his authority! " Als nun Jesus diese Reden beendet hatte, waren die Volksmengen über seine Art zu lehren höchst erstaunt ." To maintain the purity of Jehovah's worship and to protect the congregation, therefore, they do not extend the hand of fellowship to unrepentant apostates. - Galatians 2: 4, 5; 2 John 8 - 11. " Now when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " Das war genauso ein Wunder wie die regelmäßige Versorgung mit Manna. The religious leaders in Jesus ' day became so convinced of their own righteousness that they felt qualified to censure Jesus and his followers. That was just a miracle as regular supply of manna. Jesus kennt Gott so gut wie kein anderer. We do not know all the details of what that will mean for us individually. Jesus knows God well as no other person. Marco B.: Ich sehe schon, Herr L., Ihnen liegen Recht und Gerechtigkeit sehr am Herzen. What scriptures could we use to reason on the matter? Mauricio: I see you, Lord, you are concerned about justice and justice. Bei dem Kongress der Bibelforscher (heute Jehovas Zeugen), der 1919 in Cedar Point (Ohio, USA) stattfand, machte es dem 50 - jährigen J. RESTRAINED FROM TAKING A FALSE STEP At the convention of the Bible Students, Jehovah's Witnesses in 1919, Ohio, U.S.A., took the lead in 50 - year - old J. Hanna The second article considers how applying Bible principles will help immigrant parents to make decisions that will benefit their children. Hannah Was wird uns durch Abrahams Bereitschaft, Isaak zu opfern, vermittelt? Jogbehah What can we learn from Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac? Der Rat des Paulus schließt eine gesetzliche Trennung in Extremsituationen nicht aus. How do we view that responsibility? Paul's counsel does not refer to a separating of separation from the opposite sex. Weltweit werden durchschnittlich jede Woche über 5 000 Personen Jünger Christi. The second article discusses how those serving in a foreign field can maintain their spiritual health. Worldwide, over 5,000 individuals will be replaced by Christ's disciples each week. Er wusste, welchem Druck sie ausgesetzt waren, als Feinde sie umgaben. How, though, did Jehovah view Asa's course? He knew what pressure they were as enemies. In unseren Gebeten sollten aber die Interessen Jehovas an erster Stelle stehen. [ Picture on page 9] However, our prayers should be putting Jehovah's interests first. Er führt sogar regelrecht Krieg gegen den gesalbten Überrest. He asked: "Who made a mouth for man, or who makes them speechless, deaf, clear - sighted, or blind? He even wages war against the anointed remnant. Liebe motivierte die weltweite Bruderschaft, sie mit Hilfsgütern zu versorgen, in freiwilligen Einsätzen ihre Häuser wieder aufzubauen und Königreichssäle instand zu setzen. Find Joy in Your Marriage Love moved the worldwide brotherhood to supply them with relief work, to build up their homes, and to build Kingdom Halls. Sein Einkommen? At the same time, avoid making major issues over minor irritations. Was it his income? Dadurch sind in vielen Ländern ziemlich große fremdsprachige Gebiete neu entstanden. But what if you find it hard to study God's Word? In many lands, this has resulted in a foreign - language field. Ein Hinweis ist im Bibelbuch Daniel versteckt. Our faithfully persevering in preaching the good news wherever we live and to whomever we can certainly brings rewards from Jehovah. The book of Daniel is a clue. 4: 7 - 12. Many of God's people have been victims of crime, war, and other injustices. 4: 7 - 12. Das geht aus Worten hervor, die er offensichtlich in späteren Jahren niederschrieb: "Du bist meine Hoffnung, o Souveräner Herr Jehova, meine Zuversicht von meiner Jugend an." But how does the great tribulation begin? " You are my hope, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah, my confidence from my youth. " Habt in brüderlicher Liebe innige Zuneigung zueinander ." Was ist mit dem Ausdruck "innige Zuneigung" gemeint? Have you thought about expanding your share in the ministry? In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. " Trotzdem könnte genau das sogar echten Christen passieren. 16, 17. (a) Why do we need God's reminders, and how should we view them? Still, that could happen to true Christians. Dass sein Königreich die Tyrannei des Teufels zerschlägt? While they rejoice over what Jehovah's people accomplish as a whole, they keep their individual contribution in the background. How do we know that his Kingdom is crushed by Satan's trickery? Wie kann man sich davor bewahren, die verkehrte Einstellung derer zu übernehmen, die Jehova nicht anbeten? He realized that his mother had not given up on him. How can we avoid adopting the wrong attitude of those who do not worship Jehovah? Andere hören kurz zu, wenn wir ihnen einen Vers oder Gedanken aus der Bibel zeigen. A person uses signs to set up concepts in the space surrounding his body. Others hear a verse or a thought from the Bible. Sie machten weiter gute Fortschritte und nannten ihren neugeborenen Sohn nach dem Bruder, der mit ihnen studierte. [ Pictures on page 12] She continued to make fine spiritual progress, and her newborn son came to the brother who studied with them. Im ersten Artikel wird erklärt, wer die Wenigen waren, durch die er seine gesalbten Nachfolger im ersten Jahrhundert speiste. 33,182 In the first article, we will consider who were the few through whom he fed his anointed followers in the first century. 13, 14. (a) Welches Hilfsmittel kann es dir erleichtern, "Taten der Gottergebenheit" hervorzubringen? They rejoice to learn that suffering will soon be a thing of the past. 13, 14. (a) What tools can help you to display "deeds of godly devotion "? " Es könnte sein, dass dein Kind direkt neben dir sitzt und sich etwas Unanständiges ansieht. " (Read Ephesians 3: 14 - 16.) " It could be that your child is sitting down right on you and looking at something unusual. " In einem Nachschlagewerk heißt es: "Es bedeutet, sämtliche Spreu auszusieben und nur noch das Getreide zu behalten - alles zu bewahren, was von Wert ist. (Read Matthew 6: 33.) One reference work states: "It means to collect all the chaff and to keep the grain, all of which is of value. Um uns dabei zu helfen, gibt der "treue und verständige Sklave" viele gute Veröffentlichungen heraus. February 6 - 12, 2012 In this regard, "the faithful and discreet slave " provides many fine publications. Manchmal mögen wir wie Josaphat nicht wissen, was wir tun sollen, oder wir bekommen es sogar mit der Angst zu tun. What privilege is enjoyed by those who are dedicated to Jehovah? Like Jehoshaphat, we may not know what to do, or we may even experience fear of doing so. Das macht die Sache aber nicht weniger gefährlich. " Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. " - HEBREWS 13: 6. However, it does not make matters worse. (Lies Psalm 19: 7 - 11.) 4: 3, 10 - Why does Jeremiah compare "the daughter of [his] people " to" ostriches in the wilderness "? (Read Psalm 19: 7 - 11.) Asa, Josaphat, Hiskia und Josia gingen in Juda entschlossen gegen den Götzendienst vor. Why the World Is Sick Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah decided to avoid idolatry in Judah. JESUS CHRISTUS sagte einmal zu einigen Zuhörern: "Ihr werdet die Wahrheit erkennen, und die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen." Sixteen years later, the building of Jehovah's temple was at a standstill. JESUS CHRIST once told some: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " (Teil 2) Wahre Christen wiederholen das Mustergebet nicht Tag für Tag. Jedoch sind die darin enthaltenen Bitten für uns alle durchaus von Bedeutung. 19, 20. (a) How does meditating on Jesus ' role as the Greater Moses affect us? Still, true Christians do not repeat the model prayer day for day. Schließlich hängen ja Menschenleben von unserem heiligen Dienst ab!. What can be said about material creation, such as the countless stars and planets? Why, lives of sacred service are at stake! Reuelosen Abtrünnigen reichen sie nicht die Hand der Mitteilhaberschaft, weil sie die Anbetung Jehovas rein erhalten und die Versammlung schützen möchten. During this time of the end, all baptized followers of Christ strive to carry out Christ's command to preach the Kingdom good news and to make disciples. They would not have a full share in this work because they want to maintain pure worship and protect the congregation. Die religiösen Führer der Tage Jesu waren von ihrer Gerechtigkeit so überzeugt, dass sie sich berufen fühlten, Jesus und seine Jünger zu tadeln. They believe, however, that there are sincere people in all religions and that God sees them and accepts them as his worshippers on earth. The religious leaders of Jesus ' day were so convinced that they were called, Jesus, and his disciples cared for. Der Menschheit steht die größte Drangsal aller Zeiten bevor. God's people appreciate that the preaching of the good news is not only a public service to those who hear it but also an act of worship to our God. Mankind faces the greatest tribulation ever before. Welche Schriftstellen bieten sich für unser Gespräch an? Providing Emotionally What scriptures offer to our conversation? VOR EINEM SCHWEREN FEHLER BEWAHRT 1, 2. THE ARE THAT AND THE SPIRIT Der zweite Artikel geht darauf ein, wie biblische Grundsätze zugewanderten Eltern helfen können, Entscheidungen zum Wohl der Kinder zu treffen. Even so, an exhaustive knowledge is not required before a person can make a dedication to God and get baptized. The second article discusses how Bible principles can help parents make decisions for their children. Jogbeha Therefore, we want to imitate the faith and obedience of Noah, Daniel, and Job! Jonathan's Example Wie denken wir über diese Verantwortung? He had foretold that Jerusalem would be destroyed. Said Jesus: "The days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes and will encircle you and distress you from every side, and they will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you, because you did not discern the time of your being inspected. " - Luke 19: 43, 44. How do we feel about this responsibility? Im zweiten Artikel wird besprochen, wie Brüder im fremdsprachigen Gebiet geistig stark bleiben können. Clearly, the angels are God's creation, and they came into existence long before humans. The second article discusses how brothers in a foreign - language field can remain spiritually strong. Wie dachte Jehova aber über das, was Asa getan hatte? When does Jesus judge "the sheep " and" the goats "? How, though, did Jehovah feel about what Asa had done? [ Bild auf Seite 9] By doing God's will in pursuing the surpassing way of love that never fails, you may remain forever. - 1 John 2: 17. [ Picture on page 9] Er fragte: "Wer hat für den Menschen einen Mund bestimmt, oder wer bestimmt den Stummen oder den Tauben oder den Klarsehenden oder den Blinden? The divine name means "He Causes to Become. " He asked: "Who has no mouth for the man, or who will certainly see the deaf or the blind? Was kann man für sein Eheglück tun? HARVESTTIME - WHO WOULD DO THE FEEDING? What can you do to enjoy a happy marriage? Gleichzeitig wäre es gut, aus Kleinigkeiten keine große Sache zu machen. Jehovah's servants, on the other hand, do have a sure refuge - "the Rock of times indefinite. " At the same time, it would be wise to avoid minor minor matters. Aber was ist, wenn es dir schwerfällt zu studieren? " Undeserved kindness [will] rule as king through righteousness with everlasting life in view. " - ROM. 5: 21. But what if you find it difficult to study? Wir werden bestimmt von Jehova belohnt, wenn wir, wo immer wir auch wohnen, weiterhin allen, die wir erreichen können, treu die gute Botschaft predigen. How might we use the prayer recorded at Matthew 6: 9 - 13 in our ministry? We will surely receive Jehovah's rewards when we continue to preach the good news to all who continue to preach the good news. Schon viele Diener Gottes sind Opfer von Ungerechtigkeiten wie Verbrechen oder Krieg geworden. Clearly, a true Christian's spiritual advancement is not connected to his personal appearance, natural abilities, or prominence. Many of God's servants today have become victims of unrighteousness, crime, or war. Doch wie wird die große Drangsal beginnen? Why are such reminders needed? But how will the great tribulation begin? Hast du darüber nachgedacht, dich vermehrt am Predigtdienst zu beteiligen?. What the Bible says should not be quickly dismissed in view of the fact that so much of what it foretells has actually been fulfilled in amazing detail. Have you thought about sharing more in the ministry? 16, 17. (a) Warum brauchen wir Gottes Mahnungen, und wie sollten wir sie betrachten? Whom would Jehovah call to serve as such replacements? 16, 17. (a) Why do we need God's reminders, and how should we view them? Sie freuen sich zwar darüber, was Jehovas Volk als Ganzes leistet, aber was sie persönlich dazu beitragen, heben sie nicht besonders hervor. In the real life yet to come, he will reward you with blessings far better than any you can now imagine! - Ps. 145: 16; 1 Tim. Although they look forward to what Jehovah's people as a whole do, they do not find it particularly encouraging. Dann wissen wir es genau. " Durch diese milde Antwort wurde der Frieden zwischen ihnen bewahrt. Yes, we work together, rejoice together, and endure together. Then we know that "the mild answer was preserved between them. " Durch körpernah ausgeführte Gebärden werden Gedanken übermittelt. Parents can give their children no greater gift than that of helping them to develop a warm, close relationship with Jehovah. The inside - language idea is made known in science. [ Bilder auf Seite 12] " Keep on speaking to the people " about the good news. [ Pictures on page 12] 33 182 Eusebius calculates that 300,000 residents from the province of Judea traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover of 70 C.E. 33 C.E. Zu ihrer Freude erfahren sie, daß Leiden bald der Vergangenheit angehören werden. 11, 12. They learn that suffering will soon be removed from the past. (Lies Epheser 3: 14 - 16.) Yes, like David, Jesus is a conquering king. (Read Ephesians 3: 14 - 16.) (Lies Matthäus 6: 33.) " Yes, " replied Jesus. (Read Matthew 6: 33.) bis 12. Februar " Take your child's questions seriously, " said one father. February 6 - 12, 2011 Was steht all denen offen, die sich Jehova hingeben? One part of it was presented to God on the altar, another portion was eaten by the priest, and still another by the offerer. What is opening up to those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah? " Jehova ist mein Helfer; ich will mich nicht fürchten ." He even stopped his followers from putting up any resistance and let the mob take him away. - John 18: 3 - 12. " Jehovah is my helper; I will not fear me. " - PS. 4: 3, 10 - Wieso vergleicht Jeremia " die Tochter seines Volkes ' mit " Straußen in der Wildnis '? Speaking of him, the prophetic Word foretold: "Upon him the spirit of Jehovah must settle down, the spirit... of the fear of Jehovah; and there will be enjoyment by him in the fear of Jehovah. " 4: 3, 10 - How does Jeremiah liken "the daughter of his people " to" the daughter of the wilderness "? Warum die Welt krank ist 10: 24. 10, 11. (a) How may an elder gradually help a brother who appears to be disengaged to change his mind - set? Why the World Is sick Sechzehn Jahre später war der Tempel Jehovas immer noch nicht fertig. In the next article, we will consider three more illustrations and see what lessons we can learn from them. Several years later, Jehovah's temple was not still completed. 19, 20. (a) Worin bestärkt es uns, über Jesu Rolle als der größere Moses nachzudenken? Although they are not literally prisoners, some elderly ones are housebound because of health problems. 19, 20. (a) How can reflecting on Jesus ' role as the Greater Moses strengthen us? Was kann über die materielle Schöpfung gesagt werden, wie zum Beispiel die zahllosen Sterne und Planeten? One night, however, while he and his wife were sleeping, a thief entered the bedroom. What can be said about the material creation, such as the countless stars and planets? In der heutigen Zeit des Endes bemühen sich alle getauften Nachfolger Christi, nach besten Kräften Jesu Gebot zu befolgen, die gute Botschaft vom Königreich zu verkündigen und Jünger zu machen. What Did You Learn? In this time of the end, all baptized followers of Christ strive to obey Jesus ' best command to preach the good news of the Kingdom and make disciples. Ihrer Ansicht nach gibt es jedoch in allen Religionen aufrichtige Personen, die Gott bemerkt und als seine Diener auf der Erde betrachtet. The mourning period lasts 30 days, taking up nearly half of the time covered by Deuteronomy. However, there are sincere individuals in all religions that God notices and views as his servants on earth. Wenn wir heute die gute Botschaft predigen, ist uns klar, dass das nicht nur ein Dienst am Menschen ist, sondern auch unseren Dienst für Gott ausmacht. What, though, did that involve? As we preach the good news today, we realize that this is not only a ministry but also our worship of God. Für emotionelle Bedürfnisse sorgen Consider what happened to Anna, from Nigeria. Providing emotional needs 1, 2. First, why should we obey the command to make disciples? 1, 2. Doch dafür ist es nicht erforderlich, die Bibel bis ins kleinste Detail zu kennen. Such love is denoted by a Hebrew word translated "loving - kindness, " or" loyal love. " However, it is not a matter of knowing the Bible in detail. Er hatte nämlich die Zerstörung Jerusalems vorhergesagt, und zwar mit folgenden Worten: "Es werden Tage über dich kommen, da werden deine Feinde eine Befestigung aus Spitzpfählen um dich bauen und werden dich ringsum einschließen und dich von allen Seiten bedrängen, und sie werden dich und deine Kinder in deiner Mitte zu Boden schmettern, und sie werden in dir keinen Stein auf dem anderen lassen, weil du die Zeit deiner Besichtigung nicht erkannt hast." Can you become more adept in the art of persuasion when explaining God's Word? He had foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, and he said: "It will come upon you days, since your enemies will build you up and will build you up all around you and all around you, and they will not know you in the midst of your children, and they will not come up in the midst of you. " " Gott ist nicht ein Gott der Unordnung, sondern des Friedens ," heißt es in 1. Once the trials began, that was no longer possible. " God is not a God of disorder, but of peace, " states 1 Corinthians 6: 4. Wann urteilt Jesus über die "Schafe" und "Ziegenböcke"? By exercising faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice, we place ourselves under the rule of Jehovah's undeserved kindness. When did Jesus judge the sheep and the goats? Tun wir also Gottes Willen und bleiben wir für immer auf dem "vorzüglicheren Weg" der Liebe, die nie versagt. Should Christians accept these fractions in medical treatment? Let us, then, continue to do God's will and remain forever in "the surpassing way " of love that never fails. Der göttliche Name bedeutet "Er veranlasst zu werden." How interesting, then, that the Bible does provide glimpses of the invisible part of Jehovah's organization! The divine name means "He Causes to Become. " Nur: Wann? " I always do the things pleasing to [my Father], " he declared. But when? Im Gegensatz dazu haben wir als Jehovas Diener einen wirklich sicheren Zufluchtsort - den "FELS unabsehbarer Zeiten." What balanced view of health recommendations is advisable? On the other hand, as Jehovah's servants, we have truly a safe refuge - "the Rock of times indefinite. " Die unverdiente Güte regiere als König durch Gerechtigkeit zum ewigen Leben. In one area, the storm surge reached as far as 50 miles [80 km] inland, propelling a wall of water up to 30 feet [10 m] high. The undeserved kindness produced as King of righteousness for everlasting life. Wie verwenden wir Matthäus 6: 9 - 13 oft im Predigtdienst? And you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " - Exodus 19: 5, 6. How do we use Matthew 6: 9 - 13 often in our ministry? Natürlich hat der Fortschritt eines Christen nichts mit seinem Aussehen, seinen Fähigkeiten oder seinem Bekanntheitsgrad zu tun. " Love What Is Good " Of course, the advancement of a Christian has nothing to do with his appearance, abilities, or accomplishments. Wie kann man auch als langjähriger Diener Jehovas verhindern, wieder in alte Verhaltensmuster zu verfallen? Focus on Elders ' Qualifications How can you help a longtime servant of Jehovah to avoid drifting away from the practices of old age? Bevor man die Aussagen der Bibel als Illusion abtut, sollte man bedenken: Unzählige Prophezeiungen der Bibel sind schon eingetroffen, und das erstaunlich genau. How has Jehovah strengthened the faith of his modern - day servants? Before considering the Bible's statements, remember that there have already been millions of Bible prophecies. Wen würde Jehova wohl berufen, um solche zu ersetzen? Each day that you remain loyal to Jehovah is another day that you have helped to furnish a reply to Satan's taunts. To whom would Jehovah be called to replace such ones? Im wirklichen Leben wird er uns künftig weit mehr segnen, als wir uns heute ausmalen können!. " I read the Bible and our Bible - based publications with a view to examining my heart and motives. " - Zelda, baptized 1943. Yes, he will bless us far more than we can look forward to life now! Ja, wir arbeiten zusammen, freuen uns zusammen und halten zusammen durch. But by means of these questions, Jehovah gave Abraham time to come to grips with the decision and to understand His thinking. Yes, we work together, rejoice together, and work together. Eltern können ihren Kindern kein größeres Geschenk machen, als ihnen zu helfen ein enges, herzliches Verhältnis zu Jehova aufzubauen. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Mature people... have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " - Hebrews 5: 14. Parents cannot make a precious gift to their children than to help them develop a warm relationship with Jehovah. Nachdem ein Engel Petrus und die anderen Apostel aus dem Gefängnis befreit hatte, forderte er sie auf: "Fahrt fort, dem Volk alle Worte über dieses Leben zu sagen." Roads leading to the cities of refuge were kept in good repair. After delivering Peter and the other apostles from prison, an angel told them: "Go on telling the people all the sayings about this life. " Eusebius schätzt, dass 70 u. Z. 18, 19. Notice that in 70 C.E., Roman Governor Pontius Pilate appreciates the fact that 70 C.E. 11, 12. Yet, Jehovah directed through Moses that, neither Elishama nor his son Nun, but Joshua was to lead the force that would vanquish the enemy. 11, 12. Wie David ist also auch Jesus ein siegreicher König. When you were first dating, you were likely so focused on your prospective mate's fine qualities that you barely noticed his or her flaws. Like David, Jesus is a conquering king. Jesus erwiderte: "Ja. Finally, however, they had a change of heart and begged for forgiveness. Jesus replied: "Yes. " Nimm die Fragen deines Kindes ernst ," sagte ein Vater. Despite what circumstances did Noah " walk with God '? " Accept the questions of your child, " said a father. Ein Teil wurde Gott auf dem Altar dargebracht, einen Teil durfte der Priester essen und einen der Opfernde. A case in point was the experience of the Witnesses who suffered in the infamous Sachsenhausen concentration camp and survived their grueling death march at the end of World War II. A part was offered to God on the altar, a part of the priests, and an offering. Er hielt sogar seine Nachfolger davon zurück, Widerstand zu leisten, und ließ sich vom Pöbel abführen. After a cloud caught Jesus up from the disciples ' vision, the angels said: "This Jesus who was received up from you into the sky will come thus in the same manner as you have beheld him going into the sky. " - Acts 1: 9 - 11. In fact, he even restrained his followers from giving opposition, causing him to strike down from the mob. Über ihn wurde im prophetischen Wort vorhergesagt: "Auf ihm soll sich der Geist Jehovas niederlassen, der Geist... der Furcht Jehovas; und er wird seine Freude haben an der Furcht Jehovas." Patience involves a number of other vital Christian qualities. Concerning him, the prophetic word foretold: "In him the spirit of Jehovah must settle down, the spirit of Jehovah,... and he will have his joy in the fear of Jehovah. " 10, 11. (a) Wie kann ein Ältester einem Bruder schrittweise helfen, seine Einstellung zu ändern? Speaking to those whose worship was not sincere, Jesus quoted Jehovah as saying: "This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. " 10, 11. (a) How can an elder gradually help a brother to change his attitude? Im nächsten Artikel werden wir drei weitere Gleichnisse betrachten und sehen, welche Lehren wir daraus ziehen können. What helped us to endure was a clear understanding of the issue raised in the garden of Eden - the issue of God's right to rule.... In the next article, we will consider three more illustrations and see which lessons we can learn from them. Wir fühlen uns sehr gesegnet! " For years to come, Timothy would travel with Paul and at times with others, carrying out various missions on behalf of the apostles and older men. What blessings we enjoy! " Er sehnte sich danach, seinen Mitarbeiter Timotheus zu sehen, und schrieb ihm: "Tu dein Äußerstes, binnen kurzem zu mir zu kommen." • Why is sharing in the preaching work a great privilege? He longed to see his fellow worker Timothy, and he wrote: "Do your utmost to come to me. " Eines Nachts, als er und seine Frau schliefen, schlich sich jedoch ein Dieb ins Schlafzimmer. Abandoned by her husband, Sabina struggled to obtain life's necessities for herself and her two daughters. One night when he and his wife fell asleep, however, a thief fell into sleep. Was haben wir gelernt? Our spiritual heritage includes a wealth of accurate and valuable information from the past. What Did You Learn? Die Trauerzeit dauert 30 Tage, also fast die Hälfte der in 5. Mose behandelten Zeitspanne. What experiences did Philip have as an evangelizer? The grief takes 30 days, almost half of the rest of Deuteronomy. Was bedeutete das jedoch? Jehovah's holy spirit can work in our heart and mind to increase our desire to do our very best in his service. What, though, did that mean? Anna aus Nigeria berichtet: "In meiner verzweifelten Lage fragte ich mich, ob mein Leben überhaupt noch lebenswert ist. Unknown to Bill, Harold had seen a television news item featuring the Witnesses working together to build a new Kingdom Hall in a very short time. Anna, who lives in Brazil, says: "In my desperate circumstances, I asked if my life is still practical. Die erste Frage wäre: Warum sollten wir das Gebot befolgen, Jünger zu machen? Let us examine some essential portions of it. The first question is: Why should we obey the command to make disciples? In Hebräisch gibt es für solche Liebe ein Wort, das mit "liebende Güte" oder "loyale Liebe" übersetzt wird. 1: 6. However, Micah did not witness the fulfillment of all that Jehovah inspired him to prophesy about. In Hebrew, there is a word that is translated " loving - kindness, " or" loyal love. " Können wir noch geschickter darin werden, Gottes Wort anderen überzeugend zu erklären? may be fulfilled, it will lead to a sudden, painful, but ultimately blessed event - the destruction of wickedness and the beginning of a new world system. Can you improve your skills as you explain God's Word to others? Als die Prüfung begonnen hatte, war ihm das nicht mehr möglich. Before his ascension to heaven, the resurrected Jesus commands his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations. " - Matt. 28: 19. When the test began, he was no longer able to do so. Wenn wir Glauben an Jesu Loskaufsopfer ausüben, begeben wir uns unter die Herrschaft der unverdienten Güte Jehovas. In der Bibel heißt es: "Wo... They had to marry sons of Manasseh so that the inherited property would remain with the same tribe. - Num. 27: 1 - 8; 36: 6 - 8. By exercising faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, we come under the rule of Jehovah's undeserved kindness, the Bible says: "Where do we come under the rule of Jehovah... Darf ein Christ diese Fraktionen bei einer medizinischen Behandlung akzeptieren? Have we received an assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School? Is it reasonable for a Christian to accept such fractions as medical treatment? Wie bemerkenswert ist es da, dass uns die Bibel einen Blick auf den unsichtbaren Teil der Organisation Jehovas erlaubt! How did the unfolding of events make the meaning of Jesus ' instructions clear? How remarkable it is that the Bible allows us to look at the invisible part of Jehovah's organization! Auch erklärte er, er tue "allezeit das..., was ihm [dem Vater] wohlgefällig ist." Apparently, then, the breaking of the Memorial bread has no spiritual significance. He also said: "I always do what is pleasing to [the Father]. " Welche ausgeglichene Ansicht sollten wir zu Ratschlägen in Gesundheitsfragen haben? Thus, during the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses, relatively few have had to be expelled from the Christian fellowship because they would not conform to God's standards. What balanced view should we have regarding health care? In einer Gegend hatte der Sturm eine bis zu 10 Meter hohe Wasserwand rund 80 Kilometer weit ins Landesinnere getragen. Have you too felt such excitement at district conventions or international conventions? - Ps. 110: 3; Isa. 42: 10 - 12. In one area, a storm had been carried out by 10 feet m) long - six miles [30 km] wide. Und ihr, ihr werdet mir ein Königreich von Priestern und eine heilige Nation werden ." What may those pains include? And you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " " Liebt das Gute " She acted on the basis of righteous principles. " Love what Is Good " Die Erfordernisse für Älteste im Mittelpunkt You yearn to welcome those who are resurrected from the dead with the prospect of living forever on earth. The qualifications for Christian elders are focused on the qualifications set for Christian elders Wie hat Jehova den Glauben seiner neuzeitlichen Diener gestärkt? At age 40, Moses had to fend for himself in a wilderness. How has Jehovah strengthened the faith of his modern - day servants? Jeder Tag, an dem wir Jehova treu bleiben, ist ein weiterer Tag, an dem wir dazu beitragen, auf das Höhnen Satans eine Antwort zu geben. 2: 9. CAN YOU EXPLAIN? When was a royal priesthood first promised? Another day in which we remain faithful to Jehovah is that of helping us to give a reply to Satan's taunt. " Ich lese die Bibel und unsere biblischen Veröffentlichungen mit dem Ziel, mein Herz und meine Beweggründe zu prüfen " (Zelda, 1943 getauft). How so? " I read the Bible and our Bible - based publications with the goal of examineing my heart and motives. " Doch dadurch, dass Abraham die Fragen stellen durfte, wurde ihm Zeit eingeräumt, sich ernsthaft mit der Entscheidung Jehovas auseinanderzusetzen und seine Denkweise zu verstehen. By helping others to become reconciled to God, we share directly in his loving arrangement to rescue mankind from sin and death. By asking questions, Abraham was allowed to settle matters seriously with Jehovah's decision and thinking. DIE BIBEL SAGT: "Nur wer seine Urteilsfähigkeit geschult hat, der kann auch zwischen Gut und Böse unterscheiden" (Hebräer 5: 14, Hoffnung für alle). When Jesus Christ was on earth, he demonstrated his God - given power to cure painful maladies. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Those who have trained their perceptive powers can also distinguish both good and bad. " - Hebrews 5: 14, 15. Die Wege zu den Städten wurden in gutem Zustand gehalten. Jehovah is guarding all those loving him, but all the wicked ones he will annihilate. " The ways to cities were kept in good condition. 18, 19. How can we make sure that we understand the meaning of Jesus ' illustrations? 18, 19. Trotzdem bestimmte Jehova durch Moses weder Elischama noch seinen Sohn Nun zum Anführer über das Heer, das den Feind besiegen sollte, sondern Josua. Until late in the 19th century, physicians often worked on corpses and then on living patients - without washing their hands in between. Nevertheless, Jehovah did not use Aaron's son Eli or his son to defeat the enemy, but Joshua was forced to conquer the enemy. Wenn man frisch verliebt ist, ist man meistens so auf die guten Seiten des anderen fixiert, dass man die schlechten kaum sieht. In all our endeavors, we should look to Jehovah for guidance. When people are new, they usually become so self - centered on the good aspects of others that they do not see the bad things they do. Aber wie sich herausstellte, tat ihnen ihr Verhalten jetzt von Herzen leid, und sie baten Joseph um Vergebung. Yes, grasping Jehovah's qualities gives us many reasons for drawing closer to him. But as matters turned out, they felt sorry for Joseph's sins, and they asked for forgiveness. Unter welchen Umständen brauchte Noah Mut? Not all can assist full - time ministers in the above - mentioned way. Under what circumstances did Noah need courage? Ein Beispiel dafür sind die 230 Zeugen Jehovas aus dem berüchtigten Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen, die den zermürbenden Todesmarsch am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs überlebten. How Do We Love Our Neighbor as Ourselves? Consider the example of 230 of Jehovah's Witnesses from Sach concentration camp who survived the severe death march at the end of World War II. Nachdem Jesus von einer Wolke aufgenommen worden und den Blicken der Jünger entschwunden war, sagten die Engel: "Dieser Jesus, der von euch weg in den Himmel aufgenommen worden ist, wird so kommen, in derselben Weise, wie ihr ihn in den Himmel habt gehen sehen." Should you have a social networking account? After Jesus had been taken from a cloud and had taken the perspective of the disciples, the angel said: "This one that Jesus has been taken away from you in heaven, just as you have seen him in the same way. " Andauernde Ungeduld schwächt eine Beziehung, Geduld dagegen stärkt sie. Then they fasted and prayed and laid their hands upon them and let them go. " It strengthens a relationship, but patience strengthens it. Als er es mit Personen zu tun hatte, deren Frömmigkeit nur geheuchelt war, zitierte er Jehova mit den Worten: "Dieses Volk ehrt mich mit den Lippen, doch ihr Herz ist weit entfernt von mir." As you study this book with your children or others, you will likely read Romans 5: 12 when you discuss God's purpose for the earth, the ransom, and the condition of the dead - chapters 3, 5, and 6. When he had dealings with those who were purely hypocritical, he quoted Jehovah's words: "This people honor me with the lips of lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. " Wir konnten leichter ausharren, weil wir klar die Frage verstanden, die im Garten Eden aufgeworfen wurde: die Streitfrage um das Herrscherrecht Gottes.... He was born to Hebrew parents. We were able to endure because we understood the question raised in the garden of Eden - the issue of God's sovereignty.... In den nächsten Jahren sollte er mit Paulus und manchmal auch mit anderen Brüdern reisen und verschiedene Aufträge der Apostel und älteren Männer ausführen. 2: 8) No wonder the brothers dearly loved Paul! - Acts 20: 31 - 38. In the next years, he was to travel with Paul and at times with other brothers, traveling with the apostles and older men. • Was wird durch unser Predigen Großartiges bewirkt? How did angels assist Moses? • What benefits result from our preaching work? Nachdem ihr Mann sie verlassen hatte, konnte sie sich und ihre beiden Töchter nur schwer über Wasser halten. Then, Christ will go forth to execute God's judgments on the rest of Satan's wicked system on earth by destroying it at Armageddon, "the war of the great day of God the Almighty. " After her husband left her, she and her two daughters could easily observe water. Welche verbürgten Überlieferungen gehören zu unserem geistigen Erbe? [ Picture on page 19] Do you think that your spiritual heritage is part of your spiritual inheritance? Was erlebte Philippus als Evangeliumsverkündiger? ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 57, 56 What experience did Philip experience as an evangelizer? Jehovas heiliger Geist kann auf unser Herz und unseren Sinn einwirken und dabei unseren Wunsch verstärken, ihm nach besten Kräften zu dienen. Mercy Toward the Disadvantaged Jehovah's holy spirit can fill our hearts and minds and hearts with the desire to serve him fully. Bill wusste nicht, dass Harold in den Fernsehnachrichten einen Bericht darüber gesehen hatte, wie Zeugen Jehovas in Gemeinschaftsarbeit innerhalb kürzester Zeit einen neuen Königreichssaal bauten. So, then, only those who will be kings and priests in heaven with Jesus Christ should drink from the "cup " that represents the new covenant. José did not know that Harold had seen a report about how Jehovah's Witnesses were building a new Kingdom Hall near the short time of a new Kingdom Hall. Betrachten wir jetzt einige wesentliche Passagen aus der Bibel. Jehovah chose David to be Israel's next king. Let us now consider a few important passages from the Bible. Aber nicht alle Prophezeiungen, zu denen Jehova Micha inspirierte, erfüllten sich zu seinen Lebzeiten. SONGS: 136, 129 However, not all prophecies recorded in Micah's inspired prophecy were fulfilled during his lifetime. Genauso wird der vorhergesagte Ausruf "Frieden und Sicherheit!" - ganz gleich in welcher Form sich die Prophezeiung erfüllt - zu einem plötzlichen, schmerzhaften, aber letztlich höchst freudigen Ereignis führen: der Vernichtung aller Bosheit und dem Beginn eines neuen Weltsystems. We should sing wholeheartedly at Christian gatherings. Similarly, the psalmist will "Peace and security! " regardless of the fulfillment of the prophecy, which will be fulfilled, but a joyful event will result in the destruction of all wickedness and the new system of things. Vor seiner Himmelfahrt gebietet der auferstandene Jesus seinen Nachfolgern: "Geht daher hin, und macht Jünger aus Menschen aller Nationen." Before his trial, he was "the greatest of all the people of the East. " Before ascending to heaven, the resurrected Jesus commands his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations. " Da Zelophhad bis zu seinem Tod keine Söhne hatte, entschied Jehova, dass die fünf Töchter alles erben sollten, unter einer Bedingung: Sie mussten Söhne Manasses heiraten, damit das Erbe im gleichen Stamm blieb. The Devil persecutes Witnesses of Jehovah today in an effort to break their integrity and prove his challenge true. In the eighth century B.C.E. until his death, Jehovah chose not to inherit five daughters - five daughters - to be married to Manasseh's sons, that they had to remain in the same heavenly inheritance. Ist uns eine Aufgabe in der Theokratischen Predigtdienstschule zugeteilt worden? For the "great crowd, " who live now, it will be possible to survive into the promised new world with unending life in view. Have you been assigned a assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School? Wie wurde die Bedeutung der Anweisung Jesu am Ablauf der Ereignisse deutlich? Indeed, the admonition in the Christian Greek Scriptures was written primarily to guide and strengthen anointed ones to maintain integrity and keep themselves worthy of their heavenly calling. How was the meaning of Jesus ' instructions clearly seen at the start of events? Folglich hat das Brechen des Gedächtnismahlbrots offenbar keine sinnbildliche Bedeutung. The expression "governing body " began appearing in our publications in the 1940 ' s, when it was understood to be closely connected with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Thus, the gathering of the Memorial is evidently not a figurative meaning. Nur relativ wenige mussten in den zurückliegenden Jahrzehnten aus der Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen werden, weil sie sich nicht an Gottes Maßstäbe hielten. [ Chart on page 22, 23] Only a relatively few had to be disfellowshipped from the past decades because they did not adhere to God's standards. Hast auch du schon eine solche Begeisterung auf Bezirkskongressen oder internationalen Kongressen erlebt?. And how important are wisdom and discernment? Have you personally seen such enthusiasm at district conventions or international conventions? Welche Schmerzen sind das? As foretold, what is the attitude of many, and what will prevent our faith from being undermined? What pain are such? Sie orientierte sich an gerechten Grundsätzen. What should we be determined to do, and what will be discussed in the next article? They set an example in following righteous principles. Du sehnst dich danach, alle willkommen zu heißen, die mit der Aussicht auf ewiges Leben auferweckt werden. However, on that Pentecost day, they "astonished " their diverse audience by speaking in the native languages of those people. You long to welcome all who will be resurrected with everlasting life in view. Mittlerweile 40 Jahre alt, musste Moses nun zusehen, wie er in der Wildnis zurechtkam. What is made clear in the second psalm, but what questions are raised? Now 40 years old, Moses had to see how he felt in the wilderness. Wann versprach Jehova zum ersten Mal eine königliche Priesterschaft? Beloved ones, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have freeness of speech toward God; and whatever we ask we receive from him, because we are observing his commandments and are doing the things that are pleasing in his eyes. " - 1 John 3: 19 - 22. When did Jehovah promise a royal priesthood for the first time? Warum? " I Set the Pattern for You " Why? Wenn wir anderen helfen, Freunde Gottes zu werden, arbeiten wir direkt mit Gott zusammen, um Menschen von Sünde und Tod zu erlösen. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " When we help others to become friends of God, we work directly with God to redeem mankind from sin and death. Als Jesus Christus auf der Erde war, bewies er, dass er mit Gottes Kraft schwere Krankheiten heilen konnte. To help us in this work, each of us relies on yet another provision from Jehovah - his holy spirit. When Jesus Christ was on earth, he demonstrated that he could heal serious illness on God's power. Jehova behütet alle, die ihn lieben, aber alle Bösen wird er vertilgen ." But there are even more benefits. Jehovah is guarding all those loving him, but all the wicked ones he will annihilate. " Was können wir tun, um die Bedeutung von Jesu Gleichnissen zu verstehen? Upon learning these principles, we quickly see the need to avoid fellowship with fornicators, adulterers, thieves, drunkards, and the like. What can we do to understand the meaning of Jesus ' illustrations? Bis ins späte 19. Jahrhundert war es unter Ärzten gang und gäbe, Leichen zu sezieren und lebende Patienten zu behandeln, ohne sich dazwischen die Hände zu waschen. We have seen that Michael (Jesus) proved to be a valiant angelic Leader of Israel. Until then, in the 19th century, there was a need for doctors and women to treat dead, without the hands of women. Wir sollten uns stets von Jehova leiten lassen. In order to fulfill our commission to make disciples, we constantly seek to improve our ability to teach. We should always be guided by Jehovah's guidance. Ja, je besser wir die Eigenschaften Jehovas begreifen, umso mehr Gründe finden wir, ihm näher zu kommen. They could listen to the sayings of everlasting life from the Son of God himself! The more we understand Jehovah's qualities, the more we find reasons for drawing close to him. Vollzeitdiener auf diese Weise zu unterstützen, ist nicht jedem möglich. 1: 7. Give examples of the conviction of God's servants, and explain how we can have similar courage. A full - time servant in these ways is not able to assist everyone in the full - time ministry. Wie liebt man den Nächsten wie sich selbst? Obviously, if a Christian in ancient Corinth acted improperly, that might be a cause for stumbling to some. How can we show love for our neighbor? Solltest du dir auch ein Profil anlegen? It is well - known that certain types of oysters can turn irritants - small fragments of stone, for instance - into lustrous pearls by enveloping them in layers of a secretion known as nacre. Should you also put a chance of putting Kingdom interests ahead of your own? Da fasteten und beteten sie und legten ihnen die Hände auf und ließen sie gehen ." (Read Matthew 2: 16 - 18.) They fast and prayed and set the hands and left them. " Wahrscheinlich liest du Römer 5: 12, wenn du mit deinen Kindern oder anderen in den Kapiteln 3, 5 und 6 über den Vorsatz Gottes hinsichtlich der Erde, über das Lösegeld und den Zustand der Toten sprichst. Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be rejected, persecuted, and executed, or pierced, to bear the sins of imperfect humans. - Isa. 53: 4, 5, 7. Very likely, you read Romans 5: 12, 12 with your children and others about God's purpose concerning the earth, the ransom, and the condition of the dead. Das Licht der Welt hatte er als Kind hebräischer Eltern erblickt. Why should we continue to wield "the sword of the spirit " skillfully? He had the light of the world as a child. Kein Wunder, dass sie ihn ins Herz geschlossen hatten!. They contained foregleams of the outworking of Jehovah's purpose for the Seed. No wonder they loved him! - Matt. Wie wurde Moses von Engeln unterstützt? One way to do this is to take time to read his Word. How did angels assist Moses? Dann wird Christus Gottes Urteil am übrigen irdischen System Satans vollstrecken und es in Harmagedon, dem "Krieg des großen Tages Gottes, des Allmächtigen," vernichten. It also alerts us to the fact that soon he will come to destroy his enemies "at an hour that [we] do not think likely. " - Luke 12: 40. Then Christ will execute God's judgment on the rest of Satan's system, and at Armageddon, it will destroy "the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. " [ Bild auf Seite 19] This is especially important when dealing with those of the opposite sex. [ Picture on page 19] SEITE 26 • LIEDER: 57, 56 1, 2. ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 57, 56 Barmherzigkeit gegenüber Benachteiligten Cadoux describes the Christians ' attitude toward the State during the period of 30 - 70 C.E. Mercy to disadvantaged People Aus dem "Becher," der den neuen Bund darstellt, sollten also nur die trinken, die mit Jesus Könige und Priester im Himmel sein werden. How might it be possible to prevent a disagreement from escalating into a heated argument? " The cup " that represents the new covenant, so only those who will drink with Jesus and be priests in heaven. Die Juden im Allgemeinen lehnten die gute Botschaft ab. Why can it be said that faith can carry us through "the calamitous days " of old age? The Jews in general rejected the good news. Jonathan, der älteste Sohn König Sauls, hätte höchstwahrscheinlich den Thron über Israel geerbt. How much more so must the very idea of hellfire be repugnant to our loving heavenly Father! ' Jonathan, the old son of King Saul, would likely have inherited Israel's throne over Israel. LIEDER: 136, 129 (Read Psalm 34: 6, 18, 19; 1 Peter 5: 6, 7.) SONGS: 136, 129 Bei christlichen Zusammenkünften sollten wir von ganzem Herzen singen. With Jehovah's backing, David, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants of God succeeded in carrying out their God - given assignments. Our heartfelt singing at Christian meetings should move us to sing from the heart. Die Bibel stellt ihn uns als "den größten von allen Orientalen" vor. At the same time, like all of us, she was not perfect. The Bible identifies us as "the greatest of all the prisoners. " Der Teufel verfolgt uns Zeugen Jehovas heute, weil er uns von unserer Lauterkeit abbringen und seine herausfordernde Behauptung beweisen will. The provision of communion sacrifices, part of the Law's framework of truth, pointed to the fact that by means of Jesus ' greater sacrifice, all those of mankind who desire to attain an intimate, peaceful relationship with their Creator can do so. Satan persecutes Jehovah's Witnesses today because he wants us to stand firm in our integrity and to prove his claim. Zum einen die "große Volksmenge," die mit der Aussicht auf endloses Leben in die neue Welt hinüberleben darf, zum anderen Milliarden bereits Verstorbene dank einer Auferstehung. We can also demonstrate our sincere forgiveness by praying for those who sin against us. - Luke 6: 27, 28. First, the "great crowd " who have the prospect of living in the new world will have the opportunity to be resurrected to the billions of dead. Die Ermahnungen in den Christlichen Griechischen Schriften waren hauptsächlich dazu gedacht, Gesalbte anzuleiten und zu stärken, damit sie ihre Lauterkeit bewahren und sich weiterhin der himmlischen Berufung als würdig erweisen konnten. Jesus condemned racial pride. The counsel found in the Christian Greek Scriptures was mainly designed to strengthen anointed ones and strengthen them to maintain their integrity and continue to prove themselves worthy of the heavenly calling. Die Bezeichnung "leitende Körperschaft" erschien in unseren Publikationen zum ersten Mal in den 1940er - Jahren. How was true freedom lost? The term "new body " appeared in our publications for the first time in the 1940 ' s. [ Übersicht auf Seite 22, 23] Yet, they were known by Jehovah as ones belonging to him. [ Chart on page 22, 23] Und warum sind Weisheit und Unterscheidungsvermögen so wichtig? As Christians, we feel an obligation to preach the good news and to make disciples. And why are wisdom and discernment vital? Wie sind viele eingestellt, und wie können wir verhindern, dass unser Glaube untergraben wird? By contrast, Jehovah's people are united despite the fact that they have come out of "all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " - Rev. 7: 9. What attitude do many people have, and how can we prevent our faith? (a) Wovon sollten wir uns nicht abbringen lassen? (b) Wovon handelt der nächste Artikel? This would hasten their death so that they would not be left on the stakes into Nisan 15, a double Sabbath. (a) What will be discussed in the next article? Doch an diesem Pfingsttag konnte sie jeder in der gemischten Zuhörerschaft in der eigenen Sprache hören, weswegen die Leute "erstaunt" waren. " Be transformed by making your mind over. " - ROM. 12: 2. However, on that day the people were able to hear each audience in their own language, in their own language, the people who were "lovers of themselves. " Was wird im zweiten Psalm deutlich gemacht, und welche Fragen erheben sich? Because he felt pity for the crowd awaiting him, however, Jesus took time "to teach them many things. " - Mark 6: 30, 31, 34. What does the second psalm illustrate, and what questions arise? Geliebte, wenn unser Herz uns nicht verurteilt, so haben wir Freimut der Rede gegenüber Gott; und was immer wir erbitten, empfangen wir von ihm, weil wir seine Gebote halten und die Dinge tun, die in seinen Augen wohlgefällig sind ." What admonition does Paul give again and again? If our hearts do not condemn us, we have freeness of speech toward God; and whatever we ask of him, because we keep his commandments and do the things pleasing in his eyes. " " Ich habe euch ein Beispiel gegeben " If hearing is a problem, we may need to speak slowly and enunciate clearly. " I set the Pattern for You " Sie sind kein Teil der Welt, so wie ich kein Teil der Welt bin ." The questions are as follows: (1) Am I mature enough to make the decision? They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " Wir stützen uns auch auf den heiligen Geist - noch ein Geschenk von Jehova. Although it is natural to be loyal to our family and friends, why must we be careful? We also rely on the holy spirit - yet a gift from Jehovah. Sind das nicht gute Gründe, "Lust an dem Gesetz Gottes" zu haben?. Wondering how Absalom has been able to marshal such support, David asks: "O Jehovah, why have my adversaries become many? What a fine reasons it is to have "the law of God "! Wenn wir diese Grundsätze kennen lernen, wird uns schnell klar, dass wir die Gemeinschaft mit Hurern, Ehebrechern, Dieben, Trinkern und dergleichen meiden müssen. For over 46 years, he faithfully served as a prophet, delivering strong messages of denunciation as well as wonderful promises about the restoration of true worship. When we come to know these principles, we are quickly aware that we have to avoid sexual intercourse with fornicators, adulterers, adulterers, drunkards, and so on. Wie wir gesehen haben, erwies sich der Erzengel Michael (Jesus) als furchtloser Führer der Israeliten. Then Jehovah opened up the Red Sea, led Israel through it, and drowned Pharaoh and his military force. As we have seen, Michael the archangel (Jesus) showed a fearless leader of the Israelites. Da wir den Auftrag, Jünger zu machen, ausführen möchten, liegt uns auch daran, bessere Lehrer zu werden. Israel was eager for deliverance. Because we want to carry out our commission to make disciples, we too want to become better teachers. Sie hätten die Worte ewigen Lebens direkt von Gottes Sohn hören können! [ Box on page 19] They could have heard the sayings of God's Son directly! Wie brachten mutige Diener Gottes ihr völliges Vertrauen zu Jehova zum Ausdruck, und wie können wir genauso mutig sein? Consider the following real - life experiences. How did courageous servants of God express their complete trust in Jehovah, and how can we be like courageous? Wenn sich ein Christ damals dort unordentlich verhielt, konnte er offensichtlich bei einigen Anstoß erregen. The angel of Jehovah is camping all around those fearing him, and he rescues them. Clearly, if a Christian were to act in that area, he could easily stumble some. Bekanntlich können bestimmte Austernarten einen eingedrungenen Fremdkörper, zum Beispiel ein Gesteinspartikel, in eine glänzende Perle verwandeln, indem sie ihn schichtweise mit einer Absonderung umhüllen, die als Perlmutt bezeichnet wird. When he was 19 years old, an attractive young woman who worked in the same cleaning company suggested that they "have a good time together. " Recall that certain types of blood can also change an article in the following, such as the following article, turning to a bright pearl in order to extract it with a flow of nicotine that is called to be called a blood plasma. (Lies Matthäus 2: 16 - 18.) Since we are unable to " direct our step, ' eventually we will listen either to the voice of Jehovah or to the voice of his Adversary. (Read Matthew 2: 16 - 18.) Und laut Jesaja würde der Messias verworfen, verfolgt und hingerichtet oder durchstochen werden, um die Sünden unvollkommener Menschen zu tragen. How valuable the book of Ezra is to us! Moreover, Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would reject, persecuted, and executed, in order to carry the sins of imperfect humans. Warum sollten wir "das Schwert des Geistes" weiterhin geschickt handhaben? " " He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Why should we continue to use "the sword of the spirit "? Sie vermittelten eine Vorstellung davon, wie Jehovas Vorsatz in Verbindung mit dem "Samen" Wirklichkeit würde. They may fail to take action that is in harmony with Scriptural counsel, or they may act in a way that indicates a lack of spiritual maturity. It pointed to a idea of Jehovah's purpose in connection with the seed. Wir nehmen uns beispielsweise die Zeit, sein Wort zu lesen. Why did the Levites have no tribal territory, or share, of the Promised Land? For example, we take time to read his Word. Uns verdeutlicht es außerdem, dass er bald kommen wird, um seine Feinde zu vernichten, und zwar " zu einer Stunde, da wir es nicht für wahrscheinlich halten '. As we keep on the watch, what can we expect? It also shows that he will soon come to destroy his enemies, doing so "in an hour that we do not think likely. " Das ist hauptsächlich im Umgang mit dem anderen Geschlecht gefragt. What are you personally resolved to do? This is most important in dealing with the other sex. Die beiden versuchten ihr Verhalten mit den Worten zu rechtfertigen: "Sollte jemand unsere Schwester wie eine Prostituierte behandeln?." 7, 8. (a) According to Psalm 27: 4, what did David ask from Jehovah? The two brothers tried to justify their actions, saying: "If anyone treats our sister like a prostitute? " 1, 2. Even though I was very young, I understood what divorce meant, and it hurt me deeply. 1, 2. Cadoux beschreibt in seinem Buch The Early Church and the World, wie die Christen in den Jahren 30 bis 70 u. (c) What questions will we consider? In his book The Early Church, C.E. describes the way Christians in the 30 years of 70 C.E., as the Christians in the Christian congregation in 70 C.E. Wie könnte man verhindern, dass aus einer Meinungsverschiedenheit ein hitziger Streit wird? The apostle says: "In showing honor to one another take the lead. " How can one avoid heated differences? Warum ist es zutreffend, dass uns der Glaube durch die "unglücklichen Tage" des Alters hindurchhelfen kann? Therefore, we come under the rule of undeserved kindness. Why is it proper to have faith through "the calamitous days " of old age? Für unseren liebevollen himmlischen Vater muss die Vorstellung vom Höllenfeuer noch abstoßender sein! ." Jerusalem For our loving heavenly Father, it must be the idea of hellfire! " Petrus 5: 6, 7.) Yes, to benefit from parental training, you young ones must willingly accept advice, counsel, and discipline. (Read 1 Peter 5: 6, 7.) Mit Jehovas Unterstützung gelang es David, Nehemia und anderen treuen Dienern Gottes, die Aufgaben auszuführen, die Gott ihnen aufgetragen hatte. Sodom? With Jehovah's backing, David, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants of God who would carry out their God - given assignment. Aber wie wir alle hatte sie natürlich nicht nur Stärken. There is nothing wrong with enjoying good food and drink in moderation. Of course, like all of us, she did not have the same strengths. Worauf deuteten sie denn hin? Darauf, dass durch das größere Opfer Jesu allen die Möglichkeit offensteht, ein friedliches, vertrautes Verhältnis zu ihrem Schöpfer aufzubauen, wenn sie das möchten. A product may be labeled or advertised as "improved, " but essentially it is still the same product. What, then, does it mean that Jesus ' ransom sacrifice opens the way for all to build a peaceful relationship with their Creator when they want to do so? Aufrichtige Vergebung zeigt sich auch dadurch, dass wir für die beten, die gegen uns sündigen. Above all, we learn how best to show that we really love our heavenly Master, Jehovah. - Ex. 21: 5. When we pray for those who sin against us, we show sincere forgiveness by praying for those who sin against us. Jesus verurteilte Nationalstolz. 2, 3. Jesus condemned ministry. Wie ging wahre Freiheit verloren? Then, as indicated in Jesus ' prophecy about the great tribulation, they will be gathered to heaven. What was the result of true freedom? Trotzdem betrachtete Jehova sie als seine Freunde, als Menschen, die zu ihm gehörten. To whom and in what ways are the overseers and all Christians accountable? Nevertheless, Jehovah viewed them as his friends, those who belong to him. Als Christen fühlen wir uns verpflichtet, die gute Botschaft zu predigen und Jünger zu machen. Or how might a husband feel if a wife kept devoting much time to hobbies with her friends? As Christians, we feel obligated to preach the good news and make disciples. Was für ein Gegensatz ist da die Einheit unter Jehovas Dienern - und das, obwohl sie "aus allen Nationen und Stämmen und Völkern und Zungen" kommen!. First Peter 1: 8, 9 was written to Christians with the heavenly hope. What a contrast there is between the unity of Jehovah's people - even though they come out of "all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues "! Dadurch sollte ihr Tod beschleunigt werden, damit sie nicht bis zum 15. Nisan, einem doppelten Sabbat, am Stamm hängen blieben. • In what ways can Psalm 4 strengthen our trust in Jehovah? This was to be done to prevent their death until Nisan 15 - 15. " Werdet durch die Neugestaltung eures Sinnes umgewandelt " Although tired, they stayed afterward to enjoy association with the local brothers. " Be transformed by making your mind over. " - ROM. 12: 8. Aber weil er Mitleid mit der Volksmenge hatte, die auf ihn wartete, nahm sich Jesus Zeit, "sie viele Dinge zu lehren." Eventually, Saul unknowingly went into the very cave where David and his men were. But because he felt compassion for the crowd who waited patiently for him, Jesus took time to teach them "many things. " Welche Empfehlung gab Paulus wiederholt? Esteem Christ as Deliverer What admonition did Paul repeatedly give? Es wäre schön, wenn wir zu ihnen hingingen. Those " sprawling on their divans, eating the rams out of a flock, drinking wine, and devising instruments for song ' were in for a surprise. It would be pleasant for us to go out to them. Deshalb geht es jetzt um drei Fragen, durch die du herausfinden kannst, ob du schon so weit bist, dich taufen zu lassen: 1. How do you feel about the typical decisions that you face? So let us consider three questions that you can use to determine whether you are ready to get baptized. Warum müssen wir vorsichtig sein, obwohl es ganz natürlich ist, loyal zu seiner Familie und seinen Freunden zu halten? Albert's love for Jehovah helped him overcome prejudice Why must we be cautious about our loyalty to our family and friends? Daraufhin überlegt David, wieso Absalom so viele Anhänger für sich gewinnen konnte: "O Jehova, warum sind meiner Widersacher viele geworden? (b) What was the effect of the disfellowshipping action? Hence, David reasoned on how many followers of Absalom could win, saying: "O Jehovah, why have my adversary become many? Mindestens 46 Jahre lang diente er treu als Prophet und Sprecher Jehovas, kündigte schwere Strafen an, äußerte aber auch wunderbare Voraussagen darüber, wie die wahre Anbetung wiederhergestellt würde. * Is it, therefore, still appropriate for us to pray for that Kingdom to "come "? Before 46 years of age, he faithfully served as Jehovah's prophet and spokesman, but God's wonderful word also foretold the restoration of true worship. Jehova "erwies sich" auch als Ernährer der Israeliten. The three ways in which we can lovingly obey Jehovah are: (1) We love those whom Jehovah loves, (2) we show respect for authority, and (3) we strive to remain clean in God's eyes. Jehovah also proved to be the Provider of Israel. Die Israeliten sehnten sich nach Befreiung. Rather, it can be likened to a marathon wherein endurance is necessary for victory. The Israelites longed for deliverance. Denken wir auch an die Änderungen in jüngster Zeit. 3: 8, 9. Think, too, of the changes in recent times. [ Kasten auf Seite 19] At 2 Chronicles 29: 25, we read: "He [that is, Hezekiah] had the Levites stationed at the house of Jehovah, with cymbals, with stringed instruments and with harps, by the commandment of David and of Gad the king's visionary and of Nathan the prophet, for it was by the hand of Jehovah that the commandment was by means of his prophets. " [ Box on page 19] Sehen wir uns dazu einmal an, was einige Brüder erlebt haben. SONGS TO BE USED: 22, 40 Let us see what some brothers have experienced. Der Engel Jehovas lagert sich rings um die her, die ihn fürchten, und er befreit sie. And how can we show that we value divine deliverance? The angel of Jehovah is camping all around those fearing him, and he rescues them. Als er 19 Jahre alt war, arbeitete er in einer Reinigungsfirma mit einer attraktiven jungen Frau zusammen. Sie schlug ihm irgendwann vor, sich zusammen "zu vergnügen." • How can aged ones continue to demonstrate godly devotion? When he was 19 years old, he worked in a cleansing process with a young woman, and then she struck down "the minds of the young woman. " Da wir nicht in der Lage sind, unsere Schritte zu richten, hören wir letztendlich entweder auf die Stimme Jehovas oder auf die Stimme seines Widersachers. Let us briefly review what happened after Jesus was installed as King in 1914 and see how some proved themselves ready while others did not. Since we are not able to direct our steps, may we listen either to Jehovah's voice or to the voice of his Adversary. Wie wertvoll das Bibelbuch Esra doch für uns ist! Courage is needed to preach in the face of opposition How valuable the book of Ezra is for us! " " Er wird jede Träne von ihren Augen abwischen, und der Tod wird nicht mehr sein, noch wird Trauer noch Geschrei noch Schmerz mehr sein. DECEMBER 3 - 9, 2012 " He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Vielleicht hören sie nicht auf biblischen Rat oder lassen mangelnde geistige Reife erkennen. Some excuse this as a midlife crisis. They may not listen to Scriptural counsel or lack spiritual maturity. Warum erhielten sie kein eigenes Stammesgebiet? Consider the example of a married couple who serve at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses. Why did they receive no own territory? Was können wir erwarten, während wir beharrlich wachen? Keeping Separate From the World What can we expect while we are keeping on the watch? Was hast du dir vorgenommen? Effective Christian ministers reach the hearts of people and motivate them to make changes in their lives. What are you determined to do? 7, 8. (a) Worum bat David Jehova laut Psalm 27: 4? How did Paul set an outstanding example in preaching with zeal and urgency? 7, 8. (a) According to Psalm 27: 4, what did David pray to Jehovah? Obwohl ich noch klein war, wusste ich, was eine Scheidung bedeutete, und ich litt sehr darunter. From the beginning of his ministry on earth, Jesus proved himself to be "Messiah the Leader. " Though I was still young, I knew what a divorce meant, and I suffered greatly. (c) Welche Fragen werden wir betrachten? Does that imply inactivity? No. (c) What questions will we consider? Der Apostel sagt: "In Ehrerbietung komme einer dem anderen zuvor." (b) In considering first - century circumstances, what have some concluded? The apostle says: "In showing honor to one another take the lead. " Jerusalem Our faith likewise grows, and it becomes easier to wait for the blessings we know will come. - Read James 5: 7, 8. Jerusalem Ja, wenn euch jungen Leuten die Erziehung durch eure Eltern etwas nützen soll, müsst ihr bereit sein, Rat, Ermahnung und Zucht anzunehmen. 3: 5, 6. How important is a Christian's conduct toward others, and why? Yes, if young ones are to benefit from discipline from your parents, you need to be ready to accept counsel, counsel, and discipline. Sodom? On this occasion, Jesus above all had in mind the hatred they would face from the world. Sodom? Es ist zwar nichts dagegen einzuwenden, in Maßen gut zu essen und zu trinken. If not, why not schedule time to start as soon as possible? Although there is nothing wrong with eating and drinking well, there is nothing wrong with eating and drinking. Umgewandelt zu werden erfordert in Wirklichkeit viel mehr, als nur Fortschritte zu machen oder sich zu verbessern. Of course, you will at times disagree with your husband on a matter. The two of you need to discuss those issues. Yes, it takes much more to make progress than to improve or improve. Und was am wichtigsten ist: Sie lehrt uns, wie wir am allerbesten zeigen können, dass wir Jehova, unseren Herrn, wirklich lieben. How might parents imitate Jesus in their efforts to train their children? Most important, it teaches us how best we can show that we truly love Jehovah, our Master. 2, 3. The prize before us - whether immortal life in heaven or everlasting life on a paradise earth - is marvelous to contemplate. 2, 3. Welcher Wunsch ist nur vernünftig? What will help us to keep on serving Jehovah with a complete heart? What desire is reasonable? Dann werden sie, wie in Jesu Prophezeiung über die große Drangsal angedeutet, in den Himmel versammelt. The Blessed "Way of Righteous Ones " Then they will point out how Jesus ' prophecy about the great tribulation will be gathered in heaven. Wem und wofür sind Aufseher und alle anderen Christen Rechenschaft schuldig? " Strengthen Yourself by Jehovah ' To whom and to whom are overseers and all other Christians guilty? Oder wie fühlt er sich, wenn sie genauso intensiv wie früher mit ihren Freundinnen ihren Hobbys nachgeht? What, though, is included in "the world " that is" passing away "? Or how does he feel as she studied the past with their friends? Petrus 1: 8, 9 auf Christen mit der Aussicht auf Leben im Himmel zu. 13, 14. (a) What situations can work against unity in a marriage? At 1 Peter 1: 8, 9, Christians with an earthly hope have the heavenly hope. • Wie wird unser Vertrauen zu Jehova durch Psalm 4 gestärkt? 13, 14. (a) How has Jehovah proved to be our fortress through his written Word? • How does Psalm 4 strengthen our trust in Jehovah? Obwohl übermüdet, blieben sie nach Schluss noch da und genossen die angenehme Gesellschaft ihrer Glaubensbrüder. 16, 17. (a) What must we do to keep our relationship with Jehovah alive and growing? Despite falling asleep, she remained happy and enjoyed the pleasant association of fellow believers. Darauf nimmt dieser 3 000 Elitesoldaten aus ganz Israel, um David in der Wildnis aufzuspüren. According to one reference work, "the ancients sometimes covered the heads of those about to be executed. " That will take place from all Israel's 6,000 years to find David in the wilderness. Christus als Befreier schätzen " It is good to sing praises to our God. " - PS. 147: 1. Appreciate Christ as a Deliverer Alle, die sich auf ihren Diwanen rekelten, die Widder aus einer Kleinviehherde aßen, die Wein tranken und zum Gesang Instrumente ersannen, sollten eine Überraschung erleben. Now, that claim was absurd. Those who ate of a flock were to experience a surprise to those who ate wine, drinking wine, and waiting for song. Es gibt Leute, die unbedingt alles selbst entscheiden wollen. 6, 7. (a) Why did Noah find favor with Jehovah? People who choose to make a personal decision choose. Liebe zu Jehova half Albert, seine Vorurteile zu überwinden [ Picture on page 19] Love for Jehovah helped Albert overcome prejudice (b) Was bewirkte der Gemeinschaftsentzug? And how does God answer our prayers? (b) What resulted from disfellowshipping? * Ist es also immer noch nötig, darum zu beten, dass das Königreich "kommt"? God's Rulership Over Israel * Is it still necessary to pray for the Kingdom to come? Die drei Bereiche, in denen wir von Herzen gern auf Jehova hören, sind: 1. Wir lieben die, die Jehova liebt, 2. wir achten Autorität, und 3. wir setzen alles daran, in Jehovas Augen rein zu bleiben. Shortly after he got baptized, he began training regularly at a fitness center. The three areas in which we are willing to listen to Jehovah are: (1) We love those who love Jehovah (2) our authority, (2) we strive to remain clean in Jehovah's eyes. Lauft auf eine Weise, dass ihr ihn erlangen könnt ." Many have found that living a simple life not only makes them happier but also gives them more time to serve Jehovah. Run in such a way that you may attain it. " 3: 8, 9. First, let us consider how God warns us when we are developing bad inclinations. 3: 8, 9. In 2. Chronika 29: 25 lesen wir, dass er "die Leviten am Haus Jehovas aufgestellt" hatte, "mit Zimbeln, mit Saiteninstrumenten und mit Harfen, nach dem Gebot Davids und Gads, des Visionensehers des Königs, und Nathans, des Propheten, denn es war von Jehovas Hand, dass das Gebot durch seine Propheten erging." Jesus said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " At 2 Chronicles 29: 25, we read that he had set "the Levites in the house of Jehovah " and that he" had placed the Levites in the house of David and with the commandment of the king of Gad and of the prophet, for it was with the hand of Jehovah's prophet. " LIEDER: 22, 40 Instead, he has done this so that we can give him heartfelt praise as a free people engaging in clean worship. SONGS TO BE USED: 22, 40 Und wie können wir zeigen, dass wir die von Gott bewirkte Befreiung wirklich schätzen? While raised in connection with a human servant of Jehovah, this challenge also involved the spirit sons of God, even Jehovah's only - begotten Son. And how can we show that we value the deliverance from God? • Wie kann man im Alter Gott weiterhin ergeben sein? " With his pinions he will block approach to you, and under his wings you will take refuge, " wrote the psalmist. - Psalm 91: 4. • How can we keep our integrity to God in old age? Ein großartiges Beispiel sind da die vielen Gesalbten, die sich als wachsam und bereit erwiesen haben, seit Jesus 1914 als König zu regieren begonnen hat. Reasonable concern about our health under such circumstances is natural and even beneficial. For example, since Jesus began ruling as King in 1914, many anointed ones have shown themselves to be vigilant and ready to rule as King. Mut ist nötig, um angesichts von Widerstand zu predigen Thus, we should be willing to postpone the pursuit of many of our personal interests, knowing that in his new world, Jehovah will allow us to enjoy "the real life " - everlasting life in happy, peaceful conditions. - 1 Tim. 6: 18, 19. Courage is needed to preach in the face of opposition bis 9. DEZEMBER 2012 Jesus Christ and the 144,000, who will rule with him in his Kingdom, constitute the "seed. " © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Einige reden da entschuldigend von einer Midlife - Crisis, einer Krise in der Lebensmitte. We lovingly commend our marriage partners; we do not harshly criticize them. Some say, "I'm sorry " - a social network that is leading up to life's necessities. Ein Ehepaar, das in einem Zweigbüro der Zeugen Jehovas tätig ist, hat zum Beispiel erkannt, wie wertvoll praktische Weisheit ist, wenn es darum geht, Erschöpfung zu vermeiden. So did her husband and son. For example, a married couple who serve at a branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses have recognized the practical wisdom of avoiding tiredness. Von der Welt getrennt bleiben ARTICLE 4 Stay separate from the World Wirkungsvolle Verkündiger sprechen das Herz der Menschen an und motivieren sie, in ihrem Leben Änderungen vorzunehmen. Instead of drawing away from our brothers when problems arise, we ought to help one another remain among God's people, safe in the embrace of Jehovah's "everlasting arms. " - Deut. 33: 27, American Standard Version. Effective publishers speak the hearts of people and motivate them to make changes in their lives. Welches eindrucksvolle Beispiel gab Paulus, was seine Einstellung zum Predigen betrifft? Less well - known, though, is the fascinating link between the arch and the Bible - the Arch of Titus bears silent witness to the remarkable accuracy of Bible prophecy. What powerful example did Paul set regarding his attitude toward the preaching work? Von Anfang seines Dienstes auf der Erde an wurde Jesus dem Titel "Messias, der Führer," gerecht. Do you bear in mind the importance of baptism, conveying that to your student? From the beginning of his earthly ministry on earth, Jesus became the title "Lord, the Leader. " 16 Lege ich Unstimmigkeiten bei und fördere ich den Frieden? (Read Psalm 118: 6.) 16 Do You Share in Making Peace? Ist damit untätiges Abwarten gemeint? Are you a congregation elder or a circuit overseer who feels the weight of your heavy responsibilities? Did this mean that an inactive one refers to being inactive? (b) Was haben einige in Anbetracht der Umstände im 1. Jahrhundert geschlussfolgert? Bible prophets and writers were "borne along by holy spirit " in that God communicated with, motivated, and guided them by means of his active force. (b) What have some observed regarding circumstances in the first century? (Lies Jakobus 5: 7, 8.) Our loving God observes our situation and is both willing and able to help us in various ways. (Read James 5: 7, 8.) Welche Rolle spielt das Verhalten eines Christen zu seinen Mitmenschen, und warum? Are we dependable and faithful in caring for them? What role does one Christian play in the conduct of his neighbors, and why? Bei dieser Gelegenheit ging es Jesus aber vor allem darum, dies angesichts des Hasses vonseiten der Welt zu tun. This request is closely related to the preceding one. On that occasion, Jesus focused primarily on doing this in the face of hatred by the world. Wenn nicht, warum dann nicht eine feste Zeit einplanen, um so bald wie möglich damit zu beginnen? Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens. " If not, why not make time to start as soon as possible? Natürlich wird es in einer Ehe immer mal wieder Meinungsverschiedenheiten geben, aber darüber sollte man dann reden. But in the meantime, there are many opportunities for us to support Jehovah's cause with courage and zeal. Of course, differences may arise in a marriage, but what should be said about it? Wie können Eltern in der Kindererziehung Jesus nachahmen? (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) How can parents imitate Jesus in training their children? Wir freuen uns sehr auf den Siegespreis - ob unvergängliches Leben im Himmel oder ewiges Leben auf der paradiesischen Erde. What changed how she felt? We look forward to the prize, whether immortal life in heaven or everlasting life on a paradise earth. Was hilft uns, Jehova weiterhin mit ungeteiltem Herzen zu dienen? " This I am saying... to move you to that which is becoming and that which means constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction. " - 1 COR. 7: 35. What will help us to continue serving Jehovah with a complete heart? Der gesegnete "Weg der Gerechten" Abel - meholah The Blessings of "the Righteous of the righteous " " Stärke dich durch Jehova ' Have you given much thought to what those who go to heaven will do there? " Strengthen Yourself by Jehovah " Was wird aber alles mit der Welt "vergehen"? How we appreciate the humility of the elders who do cooperate as a body! What, though, will happen to this world? 13, 14. (a) Was kann einen Keil zwischen Eheleute treiben? Jesus was not speaking primarily about the unprecedented destruction that is to come; he was referring to the people's way of life. 13, 14. (a) What can result from a close relationship between marriage mates? 13, 14. (a) Wie hat sich Jehova durch sein Wort als unsere Festung erwiesen? Thus we show appreciation for our privilege of serving God no matter what our circumstances may be. 13, 14. (a) How has Jehovah proved to be our hope through his Word? 16, 17. (a) Wie können wir unser Verhältnis zu Jehova vertiefen? Do we refuse to sit with men of untruth through television programs, videos, motion pictures, Internet sites, or other means? 16, 17. (a) How can we strengthen our relationship with Jehovah? Wie ein Nachschlagewerk sagt, "bedeckte man in der Antike manchmal den Kopf derer, die bald hingerichtet wurden." How can we get the most out of our personal Bible reading? One reference work says: "It is at times the head of those who were soon to be executed. " " Es ist gut, für unseren Gott Lieder zu singen " It has also become abundant through the printed word. " It is good to sing praises to our God. " - PS. Das war nun eine völlig unsinnige Behauptung! Rather, we find harsh and arrogant people in abundance. That was a sobering claim! 6, 7. (a) Warum fand Noah Gunst bei Jehova? Jehovah gives strength and guidance to his loyal ones, who seek his help in prayer 6, 7. (a) Why did Noah find favor in Jehovah? [ Bild auf Seite 19] Try not to worry unduly. [ Picture on page 19] Und wie erhört Gott unsere Gebete? One way to find our place in the congregation and give evidence that we treasure it is to cooperate fully with "the faithful and discreet slave " and its representative Governing Body. And how does God answer our prayers? Gott regiert über Israel Hence, Jehovah will see to it that the vindication of his sovereignty includes the salvation of obedient humans! God rules over Israel Kurz nach seiner Taufe begann er, regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen. • How important is family cooperation if a man is to qualify to serve as a ministerial servant or an elder? Shortly after his baptism, he began to walk regularly. Viele haben festgestellt, dass ein einfaches Leben nicht nur glücklicher macht, sondern einem dann auch mehr Zeit bleibt, Jehova zu dienen. True, the sacrifice of praise that some of our aged, sick, or infirm brothers and sisters offer can be compared to the widow's mite. Many have found that living a simple life brings happiness and time to serve Jehovah. Zunächst gehen wir darauf ein, wie Gott uns warnt, wenn bei uns schlechte Neigungen entstehen. 1: 2; Acts 17: 11; Heb. 10: 24, 25. First, consider how God warns us when we are confronted with bad inclinations. Jesus sagte: "So fahrt denn fort, zuerst das Königreich und SEINE Gerechtigkeit zu suchen, und alle diese anderen Dinge werden euch hinzugefügt werden." Six of the angels blow their trumpets, heralding judgment messages on "a third " of mankind - Christendom. Jesus said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " Stattdessen sollten wir ihn als freies Volk von ganzem Herzen lobpreisen und die reine Anbetung ausüben. Without a doubt, it takes much hard work to help a person come to "an accurate knowledge of truth. " Instead, we should praise him as free people with all our heart and worship pure worship. Erhoben wurde diese Behauptung zwar in Verbindung mit einem Menschen, der Jehova diente, aber sie betraf auch die Geistsöhne Gottes, ja sogar Jehovas einziggezeugten Sohn. Fearing God helped Mary to keep a good conscience, and she was soon baptized. Although he was disfellowshipped in connection with a man who served Jehovah, they also included God's only - begotten Son, even Jehovah's only - begotten Son. " Mit seinen Schwingen wird er den Zugang zu dir versperren, und unter seinen Flügeln wirst du Zuflucht nehmen ," schrieb der Psalmist. What a privilege we have to bear his name and declare his message in these momentous times! " With his associates he will approach you, and under his wings you will take refuge, " wrote the psalmist. Es ist ganz natürlich und sogar gut, dass man sich bis zu einem gewissen Grad um seine Gesundheit sorgt. When Peter and the apostles were imprisoned and then flogged because of their preaching, they rejoiced "because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of [Jesus '] name. " It is natural, of course, and even good to care for a certain degree. Seien wir also bereit, viele unserer Vorlieben zurückzustellen. Schließlich wissen wir ja: In der neuen Welt lässt uns Jehova das "wirkliche Leben" genießen - ewiges Leben unter schönen, friedlichen Umständen. What, though, is involved in ascribing glory to God? By all means, then, let us be willing to put first in our lives, knowing that in the new world, Jehovah gives us "the real life " - everlasting life under peaceful circumstances. Den "Samen" bilden Jesus Christus und die 144 000, die mit ihm in seinem Königreich herrschen werden. In fact, those things "were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived. " - 1 Cor. The "seed " make up Jesus Christ and the 144,000 who will rule with him in his Kingdom. Liebevoll sind beide darauf bedacht, mit gegenseitigem Lob nicht zu sparen. [ Picture on page 29] Such love will help us to avoid giving praise to one another. Auch ihr Mann und ihr Sohn litten unter der Trennung. We too would do well to ponder, in the light of God's Word, what advancement it is possible for us to make. - 1 Tim. 4: 15. Her husband and her son were suffering from the separation. SEITE 28 It was a new experience for me. ARTICLE 4 Wir wollen uns doch, wenn Schwierigkeiten entstehen, nicht von unseren Brüdern zurückziehen, sondern einander viel lieber helfen, mitten unter Gottes Volk zu bleiben - wohlbehütet und geborgen in den "ewigen Armen" Jehovas!. What we really want and are striving hard to achieve is permanent residency in God's new world of righteousness. We want to draw closer to one another, not to drifting away from our brothers, but to help one another to remain among God's people. Weniger bekannt, jedoch sehr faszinierend ist sein Bezug zur Bibel. In aller Stille bezeugt der Titusbogen, dass sich die Prophezeiungen der Bibel bis ins kleinste Detail erfüllen. Im 1. What does that mean? A few well - known facts, though, are remarkable, as the Bible book of Titus bears witness that the prophecies being fulfilled in the outworking of the Bible are being fulfilled. Bist du dir bewusst, wie wichtig die Taufe ist, und vermittelst du das deinem Bibelschüler? 17, 18. Are you aware of the importance of baptism, and do you recognize the importance of getting baptized? (Lies Psalm 118: 6.) The Bible does not say why the younger prophet did not consult Jehovah before turning aside and eating and drinking with the older man. (Read Psalm 118: 6.) Bist du ein Ältester oder ein Kreisaufseher, dem die schwere Last der Verantwortung zu schaffen macht? What holds up planets such as our earth? Are you an elder or a circuit overseer having the heavy load of responsibility? Wie wurden nun die Propheten und Schreiber der Bibel "von heiligem Geist getrieben"? Gott gebrauchte seine wirksame Kraft, um mit ihnen zu kommunizieren, sie zu motivieren und sie anzuleiten. When this illustration is applied to marriage, it includes the husband and wife, the first two strands, who are intertwined with the central strand, Jehovah God. The Bible, like the prophets and writers, God used his active force to motivate them and guide them. Gott, der uns liebt, sieht unsere Lage und er will und kann uns auch auf verschiedene Weise helfen. Paul even asked Jesus: "What shall I do, Lord? " God, who loves us, sees our situation and wants us to help us in various ways. Sind wir zuverlässig und führen sie treu regelmäßig durch? Nabal now has an opportunity to show his appreciation to David and to honor him as Jehovah's anointed. Are you trustworthy and faithful? Sie hängt eng mit der ersten Bitte zusammen. We should seek to extend Jehovah's invitation at every opportunity, not just at times that we have set aside for the public ministry. It depends closely on the first request. Freut euch, und springt vor Freude, da euer Lohn groß ist in den Himmeln ." These can enable us " to see ' our Creator through our eyes of faith. These aids include the video The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory, the brochures Was Life Created? Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens. " Bis dahin bleiben uns jedoch viele Möglichkeiten, uns mutig und eifrig für Jehova einzusetzen. After their Babylonian exile, many Jews fell prey to unscriptural ideas. In the meantime, though, many opportunities to remain courageous and zealous in serving Jehovah. (Lies Hiob 1: 7 - 12.) Ask yourself: " What does each quality mean? (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) Was hat sich bei ihr verändert? As Christianity spread, why was Greek the primary language used among God's people, and what does this indicate about Jehovah? What changes did she make? Ich sage dies, um euch zu dem zu bewegen, was sich schickt, und zu dem, was ständige Dienstbereitschaft für den Herrn bedeutet, ohne sich ablenken zu lassen 8, 9. I tell this to move you what is going forth, and what a constant spirit of service means to the Lord without distraction. Abel - Mehola Consider one Bible example. Abel - I am about to come up with the son of Abel Haben Sie schon einmal darüber nachgedacht, was die Menschen, die in den Himmel kommen, dort tun werden? As a result, church tradition and opinions of later authorities were substituted for the Gospels. Have you thought about the people who go to heaven there? Wie dankbar sind wir doch für die demütigen Ältesten, die wie e i n Mann zusammenarbeiten! (b) What is the foremost way in which God draws us to himself? How grateful we are for the humble elders who cooperate with one man! Jesus ging es nicht in erster Linie um die beispiellose Vernichtung; vielmehr bezog er sich auf die Lebensweise der Menschen. While serving in a foreign field, how can parents train their children spiritually? Jesus was not primarily concerned about the unprecedented destruction; rather, he was referring to life's way of life. Damit zeigen wir, wie froh und dankbar wir sind, ihm dienen zu dürfen - ganz gleich, wie schwierig unsere Umstände vielleicht sind. To do so effectively, we must resist the urge to tell them how to act. To show that we are grateful and thankful to him, regardless of how difficult our circumstances may be. Lehnen wir es ab, durch Fernsehen, Videos, Kinofilme, Internetseiten oder auf andere Weise bei Menschen der Unwahrheit zu sitzen? We must keep separate from the wicked system of things around us and seek upbuilding associates among the millions of our faithful brothers and sisters. Do you tend to look at TV, videos, Web sites, or other forms of untruth? Und wir betrachten es als eine Ehre, aus demselben Grund wie die Propheten in alter Zeit zu leiden. Thus, we may succeed in escaping Jehovah's judgment against those who deliberately violate his law. And we view it as an honor to suffer from the same reason as the prophets of old. Wann gibt uns das Bibellesen am meisten? Imagine a zealous Jew facing such issues. When does Bible reading help us to do most? Nicht nur dank so vieler Verkündiger der guten Botschaft ist "die wahre Erkenntnis" "überströmend" geworden, sondern auch durch das gedruckte Wort. She could view the gift as of little value and toss it aside. Not only has the good news become "abundant in knowledge " but also through the word. Rücksichtslose, anmaßende Menschen gibt es zuhauf. Of greater importance than giving materially is giving spiritually to assist members of the expanding Christian congregation. No self - centered, innocent people are without self - respect. Jehova gibt seinen Loyalgesinnten, die ihn um Hilfe anrufen, Kraft und Anleitung King Darius I made an investigation and discovered Cyrus ' memorandum that authorized the Jews to rebuild the temple. Jehovah gives his loyal ones calling upon him for help, strength, and guidance Nicht unnötig besorgt sein. • What benefits may come from exercising restraint in our speech at home? Do not be unduly anxious. Dass wir unseren Platz in der Versammlung gefunden haben und zu schätzen wissen, zeigt sich unter anderem, wenn wir die Klasse des "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" und seine leitende Körperschaft voll und ganz unterstützen. Can we conclude, though, that every character, event, and object described in the Bible foreshadows someone or something? One way to show that we have found our place in the congregation is by fully supporting the faithful and discreet slave class. Daher ist die Rettung gehorsamer Menschen Teil der Rechtfertigung der Souveränität Jehovas. Similarly, if the wrong kind of glory were too close to our hearts, it could prevent us from appreciating and seeking the enduring glory that Jehovah is willing to bestow. Thus, the salvation of obedient humans is part of the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty. • Warum ist die Unterstützung der Familie wichtig, damit ein Bruder Ältester oder Dienstamtgehilfe werden kann? I will never forget the look of disappointment on his face and the admiration I felt as I watched him walk back into the bedroom. • Why is the support of family members important in order to become a ministerial servant or a ministerial servant? Das Opfer der Lobpreisung, das manche betagte, kranke oder gebrechliche Brüder und Schwestern darbringen, kann mit dem Scherflein der Witwe verglichen werden. When appropriate, we can mention God's love in comments and in program parts at meetings. The sacrifice of praise that some aged, sick, or infirm brothers can be compared to the wound of a widow. Wer umgewandelt worden ist, geht ganz anders an Probleme heran (Siehe Absatz 18) What is revealed in various portions of the Bible? Those who have been transformed are different from problems (See paragraph 18) Sechs Engel verkünden "einem Drittel" der Menschheit, nämlich der Christenheit, Gerichtsbotschaften, indem sie ihre Trompeten blasen. Demons - How Can We Resist Them? Six angels declare "a third third part " of mankind - the judgment messages of Christendom, proclaiming their trumpet. Es ist zweifellos anstrengend, jemandem zu helfen, "zu einer genauen Erkenntnis der Wahrheit [zu] kommen." You too can ask God to give you holy spirit. - Luke 11: 13. Surely it is good to help someone come to an accurate knowledge of truth. Gottesfurcht half ihr, ein gutes Gewissen zu behalten, und bald darauf war sie getauft. Fascinated by the variety and beauty of these creations, she now and again stoops to examine one. Godly fear helped her to maintain a good conscience, and soon she was baptized. Wir können wirklich stolz darauf sein, in diesen entscheidenden Zeiten Gottes Namen zu tragen und seine Botschaft zu verkündigen! And Jonah said: "What I have vowed, I will pay. " - Jonah 2: 9. How proud we are to bear God's name in these critical times and to proclaim his message! Als Petrus und die anderen Apostel für ihr Predigen erst eingesperrt und dann auch noch ausgepeitscht wurden, waren sie "voll Freude, weil sie für würdig erachtet worden waren, um seines [Jesu] Namens willen in Unehre zu kommen." Despite what may be happening to " the man outside ' as one ages, " the man inside ' can be renewed from day to day. When Peter and the other apostles were imprisoned for their preaching, they were " rejoiced joyfully because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of [Jesus '] name. " Aber was ist eigentlich damit gemeint, Gott Herrlichkeit zuzuschreiben? The Christian mate resists the temptation to repay an unkind word or act with another unkindness. What, though, does it mean to glorify God? Nicht umsonst ist der Bericht über ihr abschreckendes Beispiel "zur Warnung für uns geschrieben worden, auf welche die Enden der Systeme der Dinge gekommen sind." All these creations give evidence of Jehovah's Godship and of his qualities, such as his power, wisdom, and love. There is no record of their warning: "It is written for us to whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived. " [ Bild auf Seite 29] The book of Job helps us answer these questions: When under trial, why must we try to understand the principal issues involved? [ Picture on page 29] Für uns ist es ebenfalls gut, die Bibel zurate zu ziehen und gründlich zu überlegen, auf welchen Gebieten wir Fortschritte machen möchten. Whether we have just learned about the wonderful good news or we have been pursuing the Kingdom and telling others about its blessings for decades, we must continue to make the Kingdom the focus of our interest and attention. Similarly, we do well to consult the Bible carefully and prayerfully on what we want to make spiritual progress. Es dauerte zwar einige Jahre und kostete viel Kampf, aber die guten Anregungen und die Liebe der Zeugen haben mir sehr geholfen. Love embraces many essential Christian qualities, including faith. While some years ago, the helpful suggestions and the love of Jehovah's Witnesses helped me very much. Unser großes Ziel ist, für immer in der gerechten neuen Welt Gottes zu leben. It can thus be said that sin received inducement through the Law. Our grand goal is to live forever in the righteous new world of God. Was bedeutet das? The apostle recognized Agrippa as an expert on the complex customs and laws of his Jewish subjects and said that he was happy that he could make his defense before such a well - informed ruler. What does that mean? 17, 18. Let us now return to the all - out attack by Gog mentioned at the outset. 17, 18. Die Bibel sagt nichts darüber, warum der jüngere Prophet nicht Jehova befragte, bevor er seinen Heimweg unterbrach, um mit dem älteren Mann zu essen und zu trinken. Jehovah cannot be made any wiser than he is, nor can he ever be corrupted by anyone. The Bible does not tell us why the younger man did not ask Jehovah when he moved his way to eat and drink with the older man. Was hält die Planeten zusammen? In addition, there was another challenge to Daniel's situation: He was treated as someone special in Babylon. What about the planet's planets? Auf die Ehe angewandt, bedeutet der bildliche Ausdruck "dreifache Schnur," dass Mann und Frau als zwei Stränge mit dem Mittelstrang, Jehova Gott, verflochten sind. Why Keep Your Integrity? The expression "a threefold cord, " or" three men, " refers to the means that both husband and two woman are God's means, Jehovah God. Paulus fragte Jesus damals: "Was soll ich tun, Herr?" But someone who has a completely different view might come along. Paul asked Jesus: "What shall I do, Lord? " Jetzt hat Nabal die Gelegenheit, sich für Davids Hilfe erkenntlich zu zeigen und ihn als den Gesalbten Jehovas zu ehren. His Word says: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and his treatment He will repay to him. " Now Nabal has the opportunity to recognize David's help and honor him as the anointed of Jehovah. Jehovas Einladung an andere weiterzugeben ist eine besondere Ehre. Nutzen wir alle Gelegenheiten dazu - nicht nur, wenn wir regulären Predigtdienst geplant haben. What conditions did first - century Christians face? Jehovah's invitation to others is a special privilege, not just when we have a regular share in the preaching work. Zu diesen Hilfsmitteln gehört das Video Die Wunder der Schöpfung offenbaren Gottes Herrlichkeit, die Broschüren Das Leben: Reiner Zufall? Eventually, the Witnesses arrived at their destination in time for the final part of the dedication program. For these tools, see the video What Does God's Glory Really Teach? Nach dem Babylonischen Exil fielen viele Juden irrigen Vorstellungen zum Opfer. * - John 7: 32, 45, 46. After the Babylonian exile, many Jews fell into wrong thinking about sacrifices. Fragen wir uns bei jeder Eigenschaft: Was bedeutet sie? * In this context, it seems reasonable to conclude that in the illustration of the talents, Jesus was not saying that a large number of his anointed brothers during the last days would be wicked and sluggish. Each of us needs to ask himself, " What does it mean? ' Warum wurden Teile der Bibel in Griechisch aufgeschrieben, und was verrät uns das über Jehova? 13: 15. Advocate God's Kingdom Why are parts of the Bible written in Greek, and what does this reveal about Jehovah? 8, 9. What suggestions can help us to benefit from all portions of the Bible? 8, 9. Sie wurden dabei verhaftet und schwer misshandelt. How did Jesus define the requirements of true discipleship? They were arrested and severely severe. Da ihnen das nicht gelang, wurde kirchlichen Traditionen und Meinungen einflussreicher Personen mehr Gewicht beigemessen als den Evangelien. Putting Kingdom interests first in our lives and having confidence that Jehovah will provide for us will keep anxieties at bay and help us stay awake. - Matthew 6: 25 - 34. Because they failed to do so, church traditions and deception were more powerful than the Gospel accounts. (b) Wodurch fühlen wir uns am meisten zu Gott hingezogen? The Bible is an outstanding example of Jehovah's use of his active force because its writers "spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit. " (b) How are we drawn to God in most ways? Wie können sich Eltern im fremdsprachigen Gebiet um die geistigen Bedürfnisse ihrer Kinder kümmern? Cooperating with the elders, even though they are imperfect, gives evidence that we accept Jehovah's authority. What can parents do to care for their children's spiritual needs? Damit derjenige das auch wirklich lernt, dürfen wir keinesfalls dem Impuls nachgeben, ihm zu sagen, was er tun sollte. Why did the Israelites in Moses ' time start to complain about Jehovah? To help the person learn what he should do, we should not take the initiative to tell him what he should do. Halten wir uns daher von dem bösen System der Dinge, in dem wir leben, getrennt. Wir haben Millionen treue Brüder und Schwestern. Suchen wir uns doch unter ihnen echte Freunde. 3, 4. By all means, then, let us stay separate from this wicked system of things, we look for millions of faithful brothers and sisters, but we look for them among true friends. Dadurch können wir dem Strafgericht Jehovas entgehen, das sich gegen alle richtet, die sein Gesetz bewusst missachten. Regular personal study of the Bible and Bible publications is vital to the maintenance of our spiritual armor. - Matthew 24: 45 - 47; Ephesians 6: 14, 15. By doing so, we can escape Jehovah's adverse judgment against those who ignore his law. Stellen wir uns glaubenseifrige Juden vor, die vor diesen Fragen standen. Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, were members of the early Christian congregation in Jerusalem. Imagine a lack of faith before Jews who faced those questions. Sie könnte das Geschenk als nichts Besonderes ansehen und es einfach weglegen. In contrast to the above Biblical examples, consider the positive attitude that the apostle Paul had: "I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus. " She could see the gift as special and simply buy it out. Noch wichtiger als materielle Gaben ist innerhalb der sich vergrößernden Christenversammlung die geistige Unterstützung. However, the receiving of the kingly power affects Jesus ' relationship with his ancestors. More important than material gifts, the Christian congregation continues to grow spiritually. König Darius I. stellte eine Untersuchung an und fand ein Schreiben von Cyrus, das die Juden zum Wiederaufbau des Tempels berechtigte. She ended her relationship with the unbeliever and continued serving Jehovah. King Darius I placed a study and found a writing of Cyrus, who took the Jews to the rebuilding of the temple. • Von welchem Nutzen ist es für uns, im Umgang mit Familienangehörigen die Zunge zu beherrschen? Heal me, for I have sinned against you. ' " • How can we benefit from controlling our tongue in our dealings with our family? Heißt das aber, dass jede Person, jedes Ereignis und jeder Gegenstand, von denen die Bibel berichtet, auf jemand oder etwas hinweist? 11, 12. Does this mean, though, that each person, event, and every subject of the Bible contains a person, or something else? Würde uns zu viel an der falschen Art Herrlichkeit liegen, könnten wir davon abgehalten werden, die unvergängliche Herrlichkeit, die uns Jehova geben möchte, zu schätzen und danach zu streben. If the speakers are very capable, it may be called a good meeting. If we are deeply concerned about the wrong way of glory, we could hold back the glory that Jehovah wants us to attain and strive to attain it. Nie werde ich vergessen, wie enttäuscht er war und wie sehr ich ihn bewunderte, als er wieder ins Schlafzimmer ging. Consider the young brother referred to at the beginning of the preceding article. In 1998, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, which finally left him totally paralyzed. I will never forget how disappointed he was and how much I admired him when he went into the house. Außerdem können wir, wo es passend ist, Gottes Liebe in Kommentaren und in Programmpunkten erwähnen. Even when I am old and gray, O God, do not abandon me. Let me tell the next generation about your power and about your mightiness to all those who are to come. " - Ps. 71: 17, 18. We can also mention God's love in our comments and in parts of the congregation. Was erfahren wir aus den verschiedenen Teilen der Bibel? By doing so, he imitates Jesus. What do we learn from the Bible from various parts? Dämonen - Wie können wir ihnen widerstehen? Look at us, please, for we are all your people. " How can we resist them? Jeder kann Gott um diese Kraft bitten. Accepting this invitation was the best decision we ever made. All of us can ask God for this power. Fasziniert von der Vielfalt und Schönheit dieser Schöpfungswerke bückt sie sich immer wieder, um eine aufzuheben und genauer zu betrachten. Barak wasted no time in following Jehovah's instructions. The beautiful variety of beauty and beauty of creation keeps them from taking hold of a closer and closer look at. Und Jona sagte, er wolle, wie versprochen, das tun, was Jehova ihm aufgetragen hatte. Learning a new language involves learning a new way of thinking, new thought patterns. And Jonah said that he would want to do what Jehovah had assigned him to do. Ungeachtet dessen, was " dem Menschen, der wir äußerlich sind ', widerfährt, kann "der Mensch, der wir innerlich sind," von Tag zu Tag erneuert werden. Indeed, when preaching to people who have little or no religious background, some Witnesses refer to what Paul described in his letter to the Galatians. Regardless of what "the man we are outside, " however," the man we are inside " can be renewed from day to day. " Der gläubige Ehepartner widersteht der Versuchung, auf unfreundliche Worte oder Taten genauso unfreundlich zu reagieren. No matter which hope we have, why can we benefit from considering Romans chapter 8? The believing mate opposes the temptation to say words or actions. Doch ohne sie könnten die unzähligen Lebensformen auf der Erde unmöglich existieren. Therefore, what is stated at Revelation 14: 6, 7 has been a constant source of encouragement to them. But without the countless forms of life on earth, they could no longer exist. Das Buch Hiob hilft Fragen zu beantworten wie: Warum müssen wir uns in einer Prüfung bewusst machen, worum es in erster Linie geht? AS Jehovah's people, we have no doubt that God's word, his message to humans, "is alive and exerts power. " The book of Job helps us to answer such questions as: Why do we need to examine ourselves in a trial? Wir alle müssen unser Interesse und unsere Aufmerksamkeit weiterhin auf das Königreich konzentrieren - ganz gleich, ob wir die wunderbare gute Botschaft gerade erst kennen gelernt haben oder ob wir schon jahrzehntelang nach dem Königreich streben und anderen von den Segnungen erzählen. 18: 10 - 12. We all need to keep our interest in the Kingdom - regardless of whether we have come to know the wonderful good news or we have learned for decades after the Kingdom and the blessings we have experienced. Liebe umfasst viele unerlässliche christliche Eigenschaften, auch den Glauben. TODAY'S economic system is harsh and unfair. Love is essential for many Christian qualities, including faith. Daher kann man sagen, die Sünde habe " durch das Gebot Anlass erhalten '. (See paragraph 15) Hence, we can say that sin has received "through the commandment. " Paulus gestand ihm zu, ein Kenner der komplizierten Bräuche und des Gesetzes seiner jüdischen Untertanen zu sein, und erklärte, wie glücklich er sei, sich vor einem so gut unterrichteten Herrscher verteidigen zu dürfen. 86: 2, 11. Unless we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, other concerns and affections will undermine our loyalty to the true God. Paul acknowledged that he should know of the complex practices and religious practices of his Jewish subjects, and he explained how happy he must be to defend himself as a ruler. Befassen wir uns jetzt noch einmal mit dem anfangs erwähnten Generalangriff Gogs. • How did Jesus highlight the importance of the Kingdom? Let us now consider an aspect of Gog's all - out attack. Interessant ist, was wir uns hierbei von Jehova abschauen können. What accounted for their joy and courage? - Read Luke 10: 1, 17 - 21. Consider what we can learn from Jehovah's example. Außerdem gab es für Daniel noch ein anderes Problem: In Babylon wurde er wegen seiner Fähigkeiten als etwas Besonderes behandelt. (b) In what ways have you personally experienced that Jehovah is "raising up all who are bowed down "? Moreover, in Babylon, Daniel faced another problem. Deine Lauterkeit - warum so wichtig? However, faith was necessary, in line with a profound truth quoted from Habakkuk 2: 4: "The righteous one - by means of faith he will live. " Why Keep Your Integrity? Doch dann kommt jemand, der das Haus mit ganz anderen Augen sieht. Today, we are blessed to be the only ones on earth called by God's name. On the other hand, someone who sees the house with his own eyes becomes very different from that person. In seinem Wort heißt es: "Wer dem Geringen Gunst erweist, leiht Jehova, und er wird ihm sein Tun vergelten." So how might we apply this to ourselves? His Word states: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and he will repay him for what he does. " In welcher Lage befanden sich die Christen im 1. (b) Why is Jesus an incomparable treasure in his role as "the Lamb of God "? What situation did first - century Christians face? Schließlich kamen sie gerade rechtzeitig an ihrem Reiseziel an, um den abschließenden Teil des Programms mitzubekommen. In this way, he has succeeded in poisoning the mind of some of God's people, deceiving them into doing his will rather than Jehovah's, with a tragic outcome. After all, they were just preparing their journey to the final part of the meeting. * Can we see in this a lesson that we can apply? * * Wie der Zusammenhang somit nahelegt, wollte Jesus in dem Gleichnis von den Talenten nicht sagen, eine große Anzahl von Gesalbten würde in den letzten Tagen böse und träge werden. He did not speak down to them from a lofty height, as if considering himself above carrying out the things he was telling them to do. * Hence, in the parable of the talents, Jesus did not say that a large number of anointed ones would become wicked and sluggish in the last days. Für Gottes Königreich eintreten What can help a brother who lacks the desire to serve? behalf of God's Kingdom Welche Vorschläge helfen uns, aus allen Teilen der Bibel Nutzen zu ziehen? But the Bible assures us: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " What suggestions can help us to benefit from all parts of the Bible? Was schließt wahre Jüngerschaft ein, wie Jesus zeigte? Serving "the Happy God " What does Jesus ' way of teaching involve? Die Königreichsinteressen in unserem Leben allem voranzustellen und darauf zu vertrauen, dass Jehova für uns sorgt, wird uns helfen, unsere Sorgen unter Kontrolle zu halten und wach zu bleiben. As one who recognizes, accepts, and responds to the clear evidence that the last days will soon end, what are you looking forward to? The Kingdom interests in our lives and trust in Jehovah's care will help us to keep our anxiety under control and stay awake. Besonders eindrucksvoll wird an der Bibel deutlich, wie Jehova seine wirksame Kraft einsetzt, denn die Bibelschreiber "redeten von Gott aus, wie sie von heiligem Geist getrieben wurden." By exercising faith in that sacrifice, we are no longer "slaves to sin, " but we are in a position to reflect Jehovah's glory. The Bible clearly shows how Jehovah used his active force, for Bible writers "were threw out of God's holy spirit. " Wenn wir uns unterordnen, obwohl sie unvollkommen sind, zeigen wir, dass wir die Autorität Jehovas anerkennen. In spite of the magnitude of human disobedience, Jehovah has allowed each one of us, along with millions of other people, the opportunity to come to know him and to embrace the hope of salvation. Although we are imperfect, we show that we recognize Jehovah's authority even though we are imperfect. Warum fingen die Israeliten in den Tagen von Moses an, sich über Jehova zu beklagen? However, a telephone company in Pine Bluff had interviewed me for a job. Why did the Israelites in Moses ' day begin to complain about Jehovah? 3, 4. The Philistines began to envy him. 3, 4. Das regelmäßige Studium der Bibel und der biblischen Veröffentlichungen ist unerlässlich, wenn wir unsere geistige Waffenrüstung instand halten möchten. What did Jehovah point forward to through Abraham? The regular study of God's Word and Bible - based publications is vital if we strive to maintain our spiritual armor. Ananias und seine Frau Sapphira gehörten zur Versammlung der ersten Christen in Jerusalem. House of Arbel Ananias and his wife were members of the early Christian congregation in Jerusalem. Im Gegensatz zu den genannten Beispielen verwendete der Apostel Paulus dieses Wortbild in einem sehr positiven Sinn, als er schrieb: "[Ich] jage... dem Ziel entgegen, dem Preis der Berufung Gottes nach oben durch Christus Jesus." These will be blessed with everlasting life here on earth, the inheritance that Adam and Eve lost. Unlike the examples of the apostle Paul, the apostle Paul used this word in a positive sense when he wrote: "I am pursuing the goal for the prize of God by means of Christ Jesus. " Jesus erhielt jedoch Königsmacht und das wirkt sich auf sein Verhältnis zu seinen Vorfahren aus. Let us examine each of these so that we may make the right choice. However, Jesus received Kingdom power and affects his relationship with his ancestors. Wie gut eignen sich unfaire Vergleiche, Kritik oder Schuldgefühle, um andere zu motivieren? * Elaine says: "I realized that I had not believed that Jehovah could fully forgive me, and I thought that I would carry this burden for the rest of my life. How well do we prepare to overcome criticism, criticism, or guilt in order to motivate others? Heile doch meine Seele, denn ich habe gegen dich gesündigt ." Some had preconceived opinions and wrong motives. But make my soul, for I have sinned against you. " 11, 12. A few of his apostles were arguing about who was the greatest among them. The Gospel writer Luke reports: "A reasoning entered among them as to who would be the greatest of them. 11, 12. Sind die Redner sehr befähigt, spricht man womöglich von einer "guten Zusammenkunft." 1, 2. If the speaker is very qualified, you may speak of "a good meeting. " Denken wir nur an den ebenfalls erwähnten jungen Bruder. 1998 stellte man bei ihm amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) fest; nach einiger Zeit war er vollständig gelähmt. I liked my workmate and intended to persuade him to return to the Catholic Church. Consider the case of the young brother mentioned in 1998. Selbst bis ins Alter und bis zum Ergrauen, o Gott, verlass mich nicht, bis ich von deinem Arm der Generation berichte, all denen, die kommen sollen, von deiner Macht ." It shows what we must do in order to imitate God and please him. Even until old age and gray - headedness, O God, do not leave me, until I tell about your arm from the generation to all those who are to come. " Jesus war darin ein ausgezeichnetes Vorbild. Smokeless tobacco: This includes chewing tobacco, snuff, and flavored gutkha used in Southeast Asia. Jesus set an excellent example. Schau nun bitte: Wir alle sind dein Volk ." * Let us now consider: All of us are your people. " Seine Einladung anzunehmen war die beste Entscheidung, die wir je treffen konnten. SOWING BEGINS Accepting his invitation was the best choice we could ever make. Barak verlor keine Zeit, Jehovas Anweisungen umzusetzen. • Why is being granted free access to Jehovah in prayer a remarkable privilege? Barak lost no time in following Jehovah's instructions. Man muss auch lernen, in der anderen Sprache zu denken, sich also neue Denkmuster angewöhnen. In this way, they remembered the role that the blood of a lamb played in the deliverance of the Israelite firstborn when the angel of death slew the firstborn of the Egyptians on Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E. You may also need to learn to reason on the language of others, so to speak, to develop new thinking ability. Im Predigtdienst verweisen einige Zeugen bei Personen, die wenig oder gar keinen Bezug zu Religion haben, auf das, was Paulus im Brief an die Galater schrieb. In what sense can we say that love never fails? In the ministry, some Witnesses who have little or no part of religion point to what Paul wrote in the book of Galatians. Warum ist es unabhängig von unserer Hoffnung gut, uns mit Römer, Kapitel 8 zu beschäftigen? For us to draw close to Jehovah, however, it is essential that we study with the right objective. Regardless of our hope, why is it good to examine Romans chapter 8? Deshalb sind die Worte in Offenbarung 14: 6, 7 für sie stets ermutigend gewesen. Simply dealing with everyday troubles can strain marital ties. Thus, the words of Revelation 14: 6, 7 have always been encouraging for them. GOTTES WORT, seine Botschaft an die Menschen, "ist lebendig und übt Macht aus." " It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. " GOD'S WORD, his message to mankind, "is alive and exerts power. " DIE heutigen Wirtschaftssysteme sind hart und ungerecht: Junge Leute suchen vergeblich nach Arbeit. Just think of how much they learned by joining in prayer with Jehovah's own Son! THE commercial world today is harsh and unrighteous - young people look for work in vain. (Siehe Absatz 15) Xolela Mangcu observed that "world history is littered with examples of mass killings caused by linking religion and politics. " (See paragraph 15) Wenn wir nicht mit ganzem Herzen auf Jehova vertrauen, wird es immer Interessen, Neigungen oder Vorlieben geben, die unsere Loyalität gegenüber dem wahren Gott untergraben. (b) What do the grapes in Jesus ' illustration represent, and why is it a fitting comparison? If we do not trust in Jehovah with all our heart, we will always put Kingdom interests, desires, or desires that undermine our loyalty to the true God. • Wie machte Jesus deutlich, wie wichtig das Königreich ist? That purpose involves you. • How did Jesus illustrate the importance of the Kingdom? (Lies Lukas 10: 1, 17 - 21.) What about Adam's living conditions? (Read Luke 10: 1, 17 - 21.) (b) Hast du selbst schon erlebt, dass Jehova " Niedergebeugte aufrichtet '? What it did for her is remarkable. (b) Have you personally seen that Jehovah "is drawing near "? Deshalb zitiert Paulus aus Habakuk 2: 4 eine grundlegende Wahrheit, nach der der Gerechte "durch Glauben" leben wird. 3 "Where Was God? " Hence, Paul quotes Habakkuk 2: 4 as a basic truth that is "living by faith. " Heute sind wir die Einzigen auf der Erde, die nach Gottes Namen benannt sind - was für eine Ehre! Being of Hungarian descent, she received the address of a Hungarian - speaking person for her to contact in the ministry. Today, we are the only ones on earth who have God's name - what an honor! Was können wir für uns daraus ableiten? Thus the Devil plunged headlong onto a path that could end only in disaster. What can we learn from this? (b) Warum ist Jesus in seiner Rolle als "Lamm Gottes" so überaus kostbar? The peaceable live in peace with their Christian brothers and, as far as it depends on them, with their neighbors. (b) Why is Jesus so precious in his role as "the Lamb of God "? Mitunter gelingt es ihm, das Denken von Dienern Gottes zu vergiften, sodass sie seinen Willen tun statt den Willen Jehovas - mit tragischem Ausgang. [ Picture on page 16, 17] At times, he may succeed in thinking of God's servants so as to do his will rather than Jehovah's will. Können wir daraus etwas lernen? (Read 2 Timothy 2: 14, 16, 23.) Can we learn from this? Wenn er mit ihnen sprach, vermittelte er nicht den Eindruck, er betrachte sich als etwas Besseres und es sei unter seiner Würde, das zu tun, was er sie lehrte. How can you help them to build a strong faith? When he spoke to them, he did not consider himself to be superior and better under his dignity, doing what he taught them. Was könnte einem Bruder helfen, der nicht den Wunsch hat, anderen zu dienen? Although Jehovah's Witnesses in the area suffered along with their neighbors, they took advantage of every opportunity to use the Bible to comfort those who were mourning. What might help a brother not to have a desire to serve others? Uns sichert die Bibel jedoch zu: "Gott ist nicht ungerecht, dass er eure Arbeit und die Liebe vergessen würde, die ihr seinem Namen gegenüber erzeigt habt." How? However, the Bible assures us: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " Dem " glücklichen Gott ' dienen SONGS TO BE USED: 123, 129 Serving "the happy God " Worauf können sich alle freuen, die anerkennen, dass das Ende nahe ist, und entsprechend handeln? 13, 14. What can those who recognize that the end is near and acting in harmony with it? Wenn wir Glauben an dieses Opfer ausüben, sind wir nicht mehr "Sklaven der Sünde," sondern können die Herrlichkeit Jehovas widerstrahlen. With five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed about 5,000 men, as well as women and children! If we exercise faith in that sacrifice, we will no longer be able to reflect Jehovah's glory. Obwohl ihm die Menschheit bis heute so eklatant den Gehorsam verweigert hat, räumt Jehova jedem Einzelnen von uns - und Millionen anderen - die Gelegenheit ein, ihn kennen zu lernen und die Hoffnung auf Rettung anzunehmen. What difficulty did a Christian mother face, and what helped her to uphold the arrangement for disfellowshipping unrepentant wrongdoers? Although he has denied mankind until now, Jehovah acknowledges each one of us the opportunity to get to know him and accept the hope of salvation. Ich hatte allerdings bei einer Telefongesellschaft in Pine Bluff ein Vorstellungsgespräch gehabt. The psalmist David sang: "Jehovah is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness.... However, I had a negative idea with a householder in South Africa. Das lässt bei den Philistern Neid aufkommen. Such individuals may reason: " They are imperfect humans just like us. This can lead to the Philistines ' envy. Was enthüllte Jehova durch Abraham? Prayer and Jehovah's spirit will also help us to say the right things in a proper way. What did Jehovah reveal through Abraham? Haus Arbels Slanderous statements and false accusations are often hurled against Jehovah's servants. Standing up in the house Sie werden mit ewigem Leben hier auf der Erde gesegnet - das Erbe, das Adam und Eva verwirkten. Isaiah 63: 9 says: "In his love and in his compassion he himself repurchased them. " They will be blessed with everlasting life here on earth - the inheritance inherited from Adam and Eve. Untersuchen wir daher jeden dieser Schritte, damit wir uns richtig entscheiden können. What has helped you to resist some of those dangers? Let us, then, examine each of these steps so that we can make right choices. * Sie sagt: "Mir ging auf, dass ich gar nicht geglaubt hatte, Jehova könne mir vollständig vergeben - ich hatte mir eingebildet, ich müsse diese Last mein Leben lang mit mir herumtragen. Jehovah's eyes penetrate our heart; we cannot conceal our true inclinations and motivations from him. * She says: "I realized that I had not believed that Jehovah could completely forgive me - I had a lot of money around me. Weil sie vorgefasste Meinungen und falsche Motive hatten. Bonnie kept it simple and uncluttered so that our family could focus on spiritual pursuits. Because they had violent opinions and wrong motives. Der Evangelist Lukas berichtet: "Nun kam unter ihnen die Überlegung auf, wer von ihnen wohl der Größte sein werde. If we are to impart truth to others, we must be truthful in all our ways. The Gospel writer Luke reports: "Now there came to them who seemed to be the greatest among them. 1, 2. First, let us look back to the seventh century B.C.E. 1, 2. Da mir mein Kollege sympathisch war, versuchte ich, ihn wieder für die katholische Kirche zu gewinnen. (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 29 - 31.) I also tried to win him over to the Catholic church. Wie können wir ihn weiterhin verherrlichen? Das wird in diesem Artikel behandelt. Ask such self - searching questions as: " Do I drink more often than I used to? This article will consider how we can continue to glorify him. Rauchloser Tabak: Dazu zählen Kautabak, Schnupftabak und aromatisierter Gutka (hauptsächlich in Südostasien). What dangers are faced by Christ's followers today? New tobacco: The New International Version consists of various tobaccos, such as carbon dioxide, and so on. * Yes, the fifth part of Daniel's image is the Anglo - American World Power. * • Wieso ist der freie Zugang zu Jehova im Gebet eine außergewöhnliche Ehre? When I got the invitation, though, I was unemployed and struggling financially. • How is the free approach to Jehovah in prayer an outstanding privilege? Das sollte sie daran erinnern, dass das Blut eines Lammes für die Erstgeborenen Israels eine rettende Rolle gespielt hatte, als der Todesengel am 14. Nisan 1513 v. u. Z. die Erstgeburt Ägyptens tötete. How Would You Respond? This was to remind them that the blood of a lamb would play a saving role in the firstborn of Israel when death was killed on Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E. Wie die Bibel auf die Große Rote Insel kam Encouraged and prepared to deal with aggression, the builders kept working. How the Bible came to be on the Red Sea Korinther 8: 3.) Um Jehova näherzukommen, müssen wir jedoch mit dem richtigen Ziel studieren. Pursuing peace, then, calls for settling difficulties quickly. (Read 1 Corinthians 8: 3.) To draw close to Jehovah, however, we must study with the right objective. Schon allein die Alltagssorgen können eine Ehe belasten. ▪ Be Courageous - Jehovah Is With You! The everyday affairs of life can weigh a marriage down. " Es ist daher nichts Großes, wenn auch seine Diener immer wieder die Gestalt von Dienern der Gerechtigkeit annehmen ." Are most religions wrong? " " It is not a grand thing, even though his servants always accept the design of righteousness. " Wie viel müssen sie dadurch gelernt haben, dass der Sohn Jehovas selbst mit ihnen betete! For 135 years, from its very first issue, The Watchtower has called on its readers to be awake to the fact that Satan's wicked rulership will soon end and be replaced by the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ. - Rev. 20: 1 - 3, 6. How much they must have learned by praying to Jehovah's Son! Xolela Mangcu bemerkte, dass "die Weltgeschichte gespickt ist mit Massenmorden, die durch die Verknüpfung von Religion und Politik verursacht wurden." Thus, when you are anxious, he can mercifully " come to your aid ' and " help you at the right time. ' To illustrate: "The world's path is closely connected with the world of Acts, which causes religion and politics. " (b) Was stellen die Trauben in Jesu Gleichnis dar, und warum ist das passend? It involves kindness, that is, taking a personal interest in others and showing that concern by helpful deeds and thoughtful words. (b) What do the wine in Jesus ' illustration represent, and why is this appropriate? Der Vorsatz Gottes betrifft uns alle ganz persönlich. " Jehovah is my Shepherd " - is that not a fitting description of our heavenly Father? The purpose of God's purpose for all of us personally. Nie hat es einen liebevolleren Lehrer gegeben als Jesus. And as we read our Bible - based publications, we can discern God's thinking on many matters. Never has there been a loving teacher than Jesus. Was ist über Adams Lebensumstände zu sagen? What is righteousness? What can we say about Adam's situation? Was das in ihrem Leben bewirkte, ist erstaunlich. How glad we can be that Jehovah God has not left us without direction! The effect of their lives is amazing. 3 "Wo war Gott?" Jehovah had instructed the priests carrying the ark of the covenant to march right into the Jordan River. 3 "Where was God? " Da sie ungarischer Abstammung ist, sollte sie im Predigtdienst jemand besuchen, der Ungarisch spricht. How glad we all are to have among us those who have proved loyal to Jehovah for many decades! Since they are unable to attend the Christian ministry, they should attend someone who speaks abusively of them. Er schlug einen Irrweg ein, der zwangsläufig zu einer Katastrophe führen musste. When you are going through trials, you need people around you. " He struck a wrongdoer who had to lead a disaster. Die Friedsamen leben mit ihren Glaubensbrüdern in Frieden und, soweit es von ihnen abhängt, auch mit allen anderen Menschen. " It will not be late. " The peaceable live with fellow believers in peace and the extent that it depends on them, including all other humans. [ Bild auf Seite 16, 17] This name has to do with Jesus ' new office and privileges. [ Picture on page 16, 17] (Lies 2. Timotheus 2: 14, 16, 23.) It helps us to see how important our preaching work is. (Read 2 Timothy 2: 14, 16, 23.) Wie können sie ihnen helfen, im Glauben zu wachsen? Let us remain sharp - eyed, not ignoring our faults. How can they help them to grow spiritually? Obwohl Zeugen Jehovas davon genauso betroffen waren, nutzten sie jede Gelegenheit, um Trauernde mit der Bibel zu trösten. How long would the body of anointed Christians observe the Memorial of Christ's death? Even though Jehovah's Witnesses were affected, they used every opportunity to comfort the dead. Wie? Consider the heartfelt expressions of three brothers who have the earthly hope and who for decades have worked closely with members of the Governing Body. How? Lieder: 123, 129 For his part, Jesus immediately rejected each temptation by the use of a relevant quotation from God's Word. Thus, Jesus upheld God's rightful sovereignty. SONGS TO BE USED: 123, 129 13, 14. This former shepherd is secure, knowing that as long as he stays close to his heavenly Shepherd, as if dwelling in His house, he will always be the object of Jehovah's loving care. 13, 14. Mit fünf Broten und zwei Fischen speiste Jesus etwa 5 000 Männer, außerdem Frauen und Kinder! He served God loyally for many decades, and Jehovah supported him. With five bread and two fish, Jesus fed some 5,000 men, women, and children! (b) Was half ihr, sich treu an die Regelung des Gemeinschaftsentzugs zu halten? " Travel; enjoy the world. ' (b) What helped her to remain loyal to the arrangement of disfellowshipping? Und der Psalmist David schrieb in einem Lied: "Jehova ist barmherzig und gnädig, langsam zum Zorn und überströmend an liebender Güte.... As in the past, Christ uses "gifts in men " to shepherd his flock And the psalmist David sang: "Jehovah is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness.... Jemand könnte meinen: "Sie machen genauso Fehler wie ich. Young people have the strength needed to accomplish much in Jehovah's service. One might say: "They make mistakes just as I do. Außerdem werden wir durch das Gebet und den Geist Jehovas in die Lage versetzt, zur richtigen Zeit das Richtige zu sagen. Why? In addition, prayer and the spirit of Jehovah can help us to say what is right at the right time. Oft wird versucht, Jehovas Dienern durch verleumderische Behauptungen oder Falschanklagen zu schaden. Christian endurance is motivated by love. In many cases, Jehovah's servants are often tempted to harm or accusations. In Jesaja 63: 9 heißt es: "In seiner Liebe und in seinem Mitleid kaufte er selbst sie zurück." How might elderly ones today imitate Samuel in the matter of prayer? Isaiah 63: 9 states: "In his love and in his compassion he bought them. " Fragen wir uns einmal: Was hat uns bisher geholfen, diesen Gefahren die Stirn zu bieten? He picked it up from the pile and read it. Ask yourself: " What has helped us to stand firm against these dangers? Jehova kann auch in unser Herz sehen. Wir können unsere Neigungen und Beweggründe nicht vor ihm verbergen. As followers of Christ, we are called on to demonstrate our love by showing "fellow feeling. " Jehovah can also read hearts, and we cannot conceal our inclinations and motives from him. Bonnie achtete darauf, dass die Wohnung leicht zu pflegen war und nicht so viel herumstand, damit wir uns mehr auf geistige Interessen konzentrieren konnten. " Just a Little While Longer " Little realized that the home was easy to cultivate and stay awake so that we could focus more on spiritual matters. Wenn wir anderen die Wahrheit vermitteln wollen, müssen wir selbst in jeder Hinsicht wahrhaftig sein. 2: 4 - 6; John 1: 29. If we want to impart the truth to others, we must be truthful even in every way. Gehen wir einmal ins siebte Jahrhundert v. u. Z. zurück. This does not mean that God is weak or is ruled by emotion. Let us return to the seventh century B.C.E. (Lies 1. Korinther 7: 29 - 31.) How can you convince a person that what you proclaim from God's Word is the truth? (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 29 - 31.) Frage dich zum Beispiel: "Trinke ich heute öfter als früher? As foretold by the apostle Paul under divine inspiration, many people in these "last days " have a form of godly devotion but prove false to its power. For example, ask yourself: " Do I move more often than I am in the past? In welcher Gefahr stehen Christi Nachfolger heute? How so? What danger do Christ's followers face today? Bei dem fünften Teil des Standbilds handelt es sich somit um die angloamerikanische Weltmacht. Hence, Joseph's story is a timely reminder for us. The fifth part of the image is the Anglo - American World Power. Zu der Zeit war ich arbeitslos und hatte finanziell zu kämpfen. SONGS: 120, 54 In time, I was busy, and I struggled with financial problems. Wie würdest du antworten? Jehovah, however, has great compassion for those wanting to escape pornography's grip. How Would You Answer? Ermutigt und bereit, den Angriff abzuwehren, setzten die Bauleute die Arbeit fort. So to remain spiritually watchful, we too must stay alert in prayer. - 1 Pet. 4: 7, ftn. Encourage and willingness to resist the attack, the builders continued to carry on the work. Sich mit aller Kraft um Frieden zu bemühen erfordert demnach, dass man Konflikte möglichst schnell beilegt. (Read Proverbs 30: 4.) To pursue peace, therefore, we need to be quick to settle disputes quickly. ▪ Sei mutig: Jehova ist mit dir! Since our deliverance will depend on obedience, we do well to ask ourselves: " How do I respond to instructions that Jehovah provides for his people now? ▪ Be Courageous - Jehovah Is With You! Haben die meisten Religionen etwa unrecht? " Married Christians need to avoid practices that degrade marital relations, such as those that are so common in today's sex - mad world. What about most religions? ' Der Wachtturm macht seit 135 Jahren, schon seit der ersten Ausgabe, seine Leser darauf aufmerksam, dass Satans böse Herrschaft bald enden und durch die Tausendjahrherrschaft Jesu Christi abgelöst wird. The Scriptures reassure us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever. " The Watchtower has been published for 135 years since the first issue has reminded his readers that Satan's wicked rule will soon end and will be replaced by the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ. Wenn dich also etwas sehr bedrückt, kann Jesus dir "zu Hilfe kommen" und eine "Hilfe zur rechten Zeit" sein. 11, 12. (a) Regarding money, what does God's Word encourage us to do, and why? So when you are distressed, Jesus can come to you "the aid " and can be" a " time at the right time. " " Jehova ist mein Hirte " - ist das nicht eine passende Bezeichnung für unseren himmlischen Vater? This place of worship is indeed a precious gift, a gem that Jehovah has given us. " Jehovah is my Shepherd, " is not an appropriate term for our heavenly Father? Lesen wir biblische Veröffentlichungen, können wir herausfinden, wie Gott über vieles denkt. (Read 2 Timothy 1: 7.) Reading Bible - based publications can help us to see how God feels about many things. Was ist Gerechtigkeit? WHAT a precious privilege was offered to the nation of Israel when Jehovah said to them: "You will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples. " What is righteousness? Wie froh können wir doch sein, dass Jehova uns auch wirklich Anleitung gibt! The Bible record tells us that "there has never again arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom Jehovah knew face - to - face. " How glad we can be that Jehovah is indeed giving us guidance! Jehova hatte den Priestern, die die Bundeslade trugen, geboten, sie sollten in den Jordan hineintreten. After all, the two of them are "one flesh, " and what hurts one hurts the other. - Matt. 19: 4, 5. Jehovah had commanded the priests who made the ark of the covenant to take them into the Jordan River. Sind wir nicht alle froh, Glaubensbrüder zu haben, die Jehova schon seit vielen Jahrzehnten treu dienen? Because lies have been one of Satan's most effective weapons. Are we not glad to have fellow believers who have served Jehovah faithfully for many decades? In schweren Zeiten braucht man Menschen, die zu einem stehen. " Praising God in the field ministry is a fine way to nourish our faith. In times of distress, people may need to associate with one another. " Denken wir daher immer daran, in welcher Zeit wir leben, während wir den Tag Jehovas erwarten. Why did they act promptly and decisively? So let us always remember the time when we are awaiting Jehovah's day. Niemand weiß so genau wie Jesus, was dieser Name bedeutet. How did the spirit that Satan promotes become so pervasive? No one knows exactly what that name means. Es tritt deutlich hervor, wie wichtig das Predigtwerk ist. (a) Why is it difficult to find acceptable recreation? It illustrates the importance of the preaching work. Wir müssen also die Augen offen halten und uns unserer Schwächen bewusst sein. The faithful service rendered by Epaphroditus deserved recognition. Therefore, we need to keep our eyes open and recognize our weaknesses. Bis wann sollten die gesalbten Christen immer wieder feierlich des Todes Christi gedenken? " I DO REPENT IN DUST AND ASHES " Until when should the anointed keep in mind Christ's death? Sehen wir uns die von Herzen kommenden Äußerungen von drei Brüdern an, die auf ewiges Leben auf der Erde hoffen und über Jahrzehnte eng mit Mitgliedern der leitenden Körperschaft zusammengearbeitet haben. " The field is the world, " Jesus explained in answer to his disciples ' queries about the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the weeds. Let us consider the heartfelt expressions of three brothers who hope to have everlasting life on earth and over decades with close members of the Governing Body. Jesus wies jede Versuchung mit einem passenden Zitat aus Gottes Wort zurück und verteidigte so Gottes rechtmäßiges Herrscherrecht. How can we show respect for modern - day representatives of the Christian congregation? Jesus warned every temptation to break free from God's Word and defend God's rightful sovereignty. Dieser ehemalige Hirte fühlt sich geborgen, denn er sagt sich: Solange ich mich eng an Jehova, meinen Hirten im Himmel, halte, so als wohnte ich in seinem Haus, so lange wird er sich immer liebevoll um mich kümmern. For example, if we desire to counteract a leaning toward uncontrolled spending, we may want to resolve not to buy on credit, or when shopping, we may take only a set amount of money. This former shepherd feels secure because he says: "As long as I stay close to Jehovah, my Shepherd, keep sticking to him in heaven, just as I dwell in his house, he will always care for me. Er diente Gott viele Jahrzehnte und Jehova war mit ihm. (a) How do some opposers today act? He served God for many decades, and Jehovah was with him. " Du musst was von der Welt sehen. " The root of the tree is holy and represents Jehovah as the one who gives life to spiritual Israel. " You must see what is happening to the world. " Wie in der Vergangenheit gebraucht Christus "Gaben in Form von Menschen," um seine Herde zu hüten Just think - Jehovah's Son was in existence before the physical universe. As in the past, Christ uses "gifts in men " to shepherd his flock Junge Menschen haben die Kraft, im Dienst für Jehova viel zu bewirken. As a result, the children may be more inclined to weaken in the face of worldly pressure. Young people have the strength to do much in Jehovah's service. Warum? This is just one of many Bible accounts that illustrate this heartwarming truth: Jehovah treats all of his servants with impartiality. - 1 Sam. 16: 1 - 13; Acts 10: 30 - 35, 44 - 48. Why? Liebe ist der Motor für unser Ausharren. What benefits were realized by Jesus ' submissive course? Love is the lamp to our endurance. Wie könnten sich Ältere heute Samuel in Bezug auf das Gebet zum Vorbild nehmen? Indeed, Jehovah himself remembers the loving labors of all who faithfully serve him, whether their circumstances in life permit them to do much or little. - Heb. 6: 10. How might older Samuel imitate the example of prayer? Was er darin las, motivierte ihn, mit Zeugen Jehovas die Bibel zu studieren. Cite the benefits you can gain from regular Bible study. What he read was moved to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Als Nachfolger Christi müssen wir unsere Liebe ebenfalls durch unser "Mitgefühl" beweisen. How does the Bible describe their feelings, their attitude, and their conduct? As followers of Christ, we too need to show our love for fellow believers by our "fellow feeling. " " Nur noch eine kleine Weile " How Single Parents Succeed " Just a little while " Das Loskaufsopfer nimmt die Sünde der Welt weg. The Scriptures teach that Jehovah is "ready to forgive " those who show genuine repentance. - Ps. The ransom sacrifice has taken away sin of the world. Das bedeutet keineswegs, dass Gott schwach ist oder sich von Gefühlen beherrschen lässt. One way is by applying Proverbs 3: 27. (Read.) This does not mean that God is weak or is self - controlled. Wie können wir jemand davon überzeugen, dass das, was wir aus Gottes Wort verkündigen, die Wahrheit ist? However much he loved Jehovah, he loved his possessions more. How can we convince someone that what we declare in God's Word is the truth? Wie von dem Apostel Paulus unter göttlicher Inspiration vorausgesagt, haben in den gegenwärtigen "letzten Tagen" viele Menschen zwar eine Form der Gottergebenheit, erweisen sich aber hinsichtlich deren Kraft als falsch. In this regard, bear in mind Jesus ' words: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' or, " What are we to drink? ' or, " What are we to put on? ' The apostle Paul was inspired to foretell that in these "last days, " many people have a form of godly devotion but prove false to its power. Wie geht er dabei vor? Thus, many Bibles, such as the New World Translation, come closer to the original: "By means of him we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his undeserved kindness. " How does he do this? Deshalb ist Josephs Geschichte eine aktuelle Mahnung für uns. Even relatively minor ones can loom large in our mind if we dwell on them. Thus, Joseph's story provides a current reminder for us. LIEDER: 89, 119 " Happy is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people he has chosen as his own possession. " - PS. 33: 12. SONGS: 89, 119 Jehova hat jedoch großes Mitgefühl mit jedem, der sich aus den Fesseln der Pornografie befreien möchte. [ Picture on page 7] However, Jehovah has shown great compassion for those who want to free themselves from the bonds of pornography. Damit wir geistig nicht schläfrig werden, müssen auch wir "wachsam im Hinblick auf Gebete" bleiben. Jesus came to earth and died "once for all time. " To avoid being spiritually sleep, we too need to "be vigilant with a view to prayers. " (Lies Sprüche 30: 4.) How powerful is their influence over humans? (Read Proverbs 30: 4.) Unsere Befreiung wird dann davon abhängen, ob wir gehorsam sind. Deshalb wäre es gut, sich zu fragen: "Wie reagiere ich auf Anweisungen, die Jehova seinen Dienern heute zukommen lässt? Only by sharing your life with your mate can the two of you grow together and "become one flesh " in the fullest sense. - Genesis 2: 24. Since our deliverance will depend on whether we are obedient, we do well to ask ourselves, " How do I respond to the direction Jehovah has given his people today? ' Fragen wir uns doch bitte: "Kann ich das wirklich von mir sagen? What failing on Solomon's part may readily come to mind? We do well to ask ourselves, " Is that really what I say? ' Verheiratete Christen müssen sich vor Praktiken hüten, die die intimen Beziehungen herabwürdigen, wie es in der heutigen sexbesessenen Welt gang und gäbe ist. After the final test, all rebels, including Satan and his demons, will be "hurled into the lake of fire, " the crushing death blow to the head of the" serpent. " - Rev. 20: 10. In today's world, married Christians need to avoid practices that promote sexual relations. Die Bibel sichert uns zu: "Jesus Christus ist derselbe gestern und heute und immerdar." Why do we need the inspired Word of God? The Bible assures us: "Jesus Christ is the same and is forever. " 11, 12. (a) Was rät uns Gottes Wort zum Thema Geld, und warum? It was not long before rebellion against Jehovah's benevolent rule again flared up. 11, 12. (a) What counsel does God's Word give us regarding money, and why? Dieser Saal ist wirklich ein Schmuckstück, ein kostbares Geschenk, das uns Jehova gemacht hat. On the other hand, we had wonderful times with the brothers, and we loved our ministry! What a precious gift that Jehovah has made for us! (Lies 2. Timotheus 1: 7.) That young man rejected the invitation, but others accepted it. (Read 2 Timothy 1: 7.) JEHOVA bot den Israeliten etwas sehr Kostbares an, als er zu ihnen sagte: "Ihr [werdet] bestimmt mein besonderes Eigentum aus allen anderen Völkern werden." Whatever kind of adversity you may be facing - opposition, apathy, or ill health - do all that your circumstances allow you to do in sharing the good news with others. - Prov. 3: 27; compare Mark 12: 41 - 44. JEHOVAH gave the Israelites something precious to him when he told them: "You certainly will become my special property out of all other peoples. " Die Bibel berichtet sogar, dass es in Israel nie wieder einen Propheten gab "wie Moses, den Jehova von Angesicht zu Angesicht kannte." In order to illustrate the reasonableness of this requirement, Jesus used an illustration about a slave who was a debtor. In fact, the Bible tells us that there was never again a prophet in Israel "like Moses knowing the face of Jehovah. " Die beiden sind ja schließlich "ein Fleisch" und was den einen verletzt, verletzt auch den anderen. The essence of all of Jehovah's laws and regulations can be summed up in a single word: love. After all, both are "a flesh " and what hurts a person, including the other person. Lügen gehören schon lange zu den wirkungsvollsten Waffen des Teufels. FINE SEED IS SOWN: Anointing with holy spirit One of Satan's most effective weapons has already been Satan's most effective weapons. Gott im Predigtdienst zu preisen ist überdies eine ausgezeichnete Möglichkeit, unseren Glauben zu stärken. He told of a king who generously canceled an enormous debt that a slave had incurred. More important, praising God in our ministry is an excellent way to strengthen our faith. Warum handelten sie so prompt und entschlossen? Because her lips quivered while she prayed, High Priest Eli thought she was drunk. Why did they act so strongly and determined to do so? Wie konnte dieser von Satan propagierte Geist so übermächtig werden? Excessive drinking bites like a poisonous serpent, causing sickness, mental confusion, even unconsciousness. How was Satan so pervasive? (a) Warum ist es schwierig, annehmbare Unterhaltung zu finden? There are so many that I will not be able to use them all in the remaining years of my life. " - Paul, age 79; baptized 1940. (a) Why is it difficult to find acceptable entertainment? Der treue Dienst des Epaphroditus war anerkennenswert. Überdies lesen wir in 1. For example, ancient Israel's turning to idolatry made it difficult even for the faithful Israelites of later times to adhere to the course of righteousness. - Exodus 20: 5. Moreover, the faithful service of Epaphroditus was further accepted, and we read about 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 4. " ICH BEREUE WIRKLICH IN STAUB UND ASCHE " Rather than seek revenge, however, Joseph tried to make peace with them. " IF YOU AND AND AND LIFE " Auf die Fragen seiner Jünger, was das Gleichnis vom Weizen und vom Unkraut bedeute, erklärte Jesus unter anderem: "Das Feld ist die Welt." Remember Those in the Full - Time Service In answer to his disciples ' questions about the illustration of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus stated: "The field is the world. " Woran zeigt sich, dass wir heute die Vertreter der Christenversammlung respektieren? Through regular reading and study of God's Word, along with putting it to use, we can have our "perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " How can we show that we respect the representatives of the Christian congregation today? Neigen wir beispielsweise dazu, unkontrolliert Geld auszugeben, sollten wir lieber nicht auf Kredit kaufen und grundsätzlich nur mit einer bestimmten Geldsumme einkaufen gehen. From what do Christian families need to be protected? For example, if we try to buy money, we should not try to buy it only with a certain amount of money. (a) Wie handeln einige Gegner heute? Initially, Job's wife suffered the same blows that her husband suffered. (a) How do some opposers today act? Die Wurzel des Baums ist heilig und steht für Jehova, denn er gibt dem geistigen Israel Leben. Jesus both lived and died for his friends. True, he knew that he must offer his life as a legal requirement to satisfy his Father's standard of justice. The root of the tree is holy and stand to Jehovah, for he gives spiritual Israel life. Jehovas Sohn existierte folglich schon vor dem Universum. Thus, after enumerating the acts of faith of those loyal ones in the past, Paul could say: "Because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. " - Heb. 12: 1. Jehovah's Son thus existed before the universe. Wird dann in der Welt Druck auf sie ausgeübt, könnten sie eher geneigt sein nachzugeben. After doing that, you could return and offer up your gift. When under pressure in the world, they could be more inclined to yield. Das ist nur einer von vielen zu Herzen gehenden Bibelberichten, die beweisen: Jehova behandelt alle seine Diener unparteiisch. " Let Your Light Shine " This is only one of the heartwarming Bible accounts that demonstrate that Jehovah treats all his servants. Wozu führte es, dass sich Jesus unterordnete? ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 27, 83 What was the result of Jesus ' submission? Gewiss gedenkt Jehova der Arbeit aller, die ihm aus Liebe treu dienen, ganz gleich, ob sie viel oder wenig für ihn tun können. Today, displaying such qualities, rather than producing "the works of the flesh, " may not be popular. Surely Jehovah takes note of all who serve him faithfully, regardless of whether they can do little or little in his service. Was bringt es dir, regelmäßig die Bibel zu studieren? Our love for Jehovah moves us to meditate on his creative works and other marvelous deeds. What benefits come from regular Bible study? Sie untersuchen, was in der Bibel über reuevolle und reuelose Sünder gesagt wird und wie ihre Gefühle, ihre Einstellung und ihr Verhalten beschrieben werden. " Likewise, " Jesus explained, "it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish. " They examine what the Bible says about repentant and unrepentant sinners and how their feelings are viewed, their attitude, and their conduct. Was Alleinerziehenden zum Erfolg verhilft The teeth of wicked ones you will have to break. " - Ps. What a single couple can do to succeed Wie die Bibel lehrt, ist Jehova gegenüber denen, die echte Reue zeigen, "zum Vergeben bereit." You will not only please your parents and Jehovah but also enjoy a genuinely happy life. The Bible teaches that Jehovah is "ready to forgive. " Eine Möglichkeit wäre Sprüche 3: 27 (lies) umzusetzen. Jehovah described Job as a man who was "holding fast his integrity. " One way is Proverbs 3: 27 (Read.) Ganz gleich wie sehr er Jehova liebte - seine Besitztümer liebte er noch mehr. Vivid Hyperbole No matter how much he loved Jehovah - his possessions he loved more. Interessant ist hier, was Jesus dazu sagte: "Macht euch nie Sorgen und sprecht: " Was sollen wir essen? ," oder: " Was sollen wir trinken? ," oder: " Was sollen wir anziehen? ," denn all diesen Dingen streben die Nationen begierig nach. Instead, he gave Job the opportunity to prove his integrity, to show that his worship stemmed from a pure, unselfish heart. Notice what Jesus said: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' or, " What are we to put on? ' Viele Bibeln halten sich deshalb enger an den Urtext, so zum Beispiel die Neue - Welt - Übersetzung: "Durch ihn haben wir die Befreiung durch Lösegeld mittels des Blutes dieses einen, ja die Vergebung unserer Verfehlungen, gemäß dem Reichtum seiner unverdienten Güte." Hence, relationships bound by such love are both secure and happy despite the imperfections of the individuals. Thus, many Bibles observe the original text, such as the New World Translation: "By means of him we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his undeserved kindness. " Selbst verhältnismäßig kleine Sorgen können sich zu großen auftürmen, wenn man bei ihnen verweilt. Jehovah's voice was heard from the heavens, expressing His support and approval of Jesus. Even relatively small concerns can cause great anxiety. " Glücklich ist die Nation, deren Gott Jehova ist, das Volk, das er als sein Erbe erwählt hat " To be sure, our way of life does not win us the world's approval. " Happy is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people whom he has chosen as his inheritance. " - PS. [ Bild auf Seite 7] Reasonableness also holds us back from devoting so much time to health care that spiritual matters are forced into the background. [ Picture on page 7] Jesus kam zur Erde und starb "ein für alle Mal" - das Lösegeld ist also endgültig bezahlt. He saw the need for training and preparing those of a younger generation, such as Timothy and Titus, to become effective ministers. Jesus came to earth and died "for all time, " the ransom is permanent. Wie stark ist ihr Einfluss auf Menschen? For us to do that, we must certainly avoid choosing to practice the serious sins that some in Corinth had been guilty of. How powerful is their influence on people? So richtig zusammenwachsen und "e i n Fleisch werden" kann man nur, wenn man den Ehepartner am eigenen Leben teilhaben lässt. Exercise restraint. In such a way, one can become "one flesh " only if you share your marriage mate with your spouse in your own life. Welcher schwere Fehler Salomos kommt einem als Erstes in den Sinn? At that time, he began to study the Bible. What serious mistake comes first in Solomon's mind? Nach der letzten Bewährungsprobe werden alle Rebellen, Satan und seine Dämonen eingeschlossen, "in den Feuer - und Schwefelsee geschleudert" - der zermalmende, tödliche Schlag gegen den Kopf der "Schlange." Those who became disciples also allowed Jesus ' teachings to affect their personal life. After the final test, all rebels, Satan and his demons, "will be hurled into the fire - and wild beast " - the deadly beast that is breaking up against" the head of the serpent. " Warum sind wir auf das inspirierte Wort Gottes angewiesen? All male members of an Israelite family were commanded to go up to worship Jehovah at the temple during the three Jewish festivals. Why do we need God's inspired Word? Es dauerte nicht lange, bis die Rebellion gegen die liebevolle Herrschaft Jehovas wieder aufflackerte. " Just as you have always obeyed,... keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. " - PHIL. 2: 12. Not long before the rebellion against Jehovah's loving sovereignty was lost. Andererseits erlebten wir mit den Brüdern aber auch viel Schönes. Although he was a miracle worker, what was the most important part of Jesus ' ministry? On the other hand, we have enjoyed association with the brothers. Der junge Mann schlug die Einladung aus - andere nahmen sie dagegen an. 2: 26. The young man took the invitation to others, but others accepted it. Ungeachtet dessen, mit welchen Widrigkeiten wir zu kämpfen haben - Widerstand, Gleichgültigkeit oder schlechte Gesundheit - , wollen wir alles tun, was unsere persönlichen Umstände gestatten, um anderen die gute Botschaft zu verkündigen. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Regardless of what challenges we face, opposition, or physical health, we want to do whatever our circumstances allow to preach the good news to others. Nein. Jesus machte das in einem Gleichnis deutlich, das von einem verschuldeten Sklaven handelt. Since time is running out for Satan's wicked world, entering these avenues of Kingdom service becomes more urgent every day. No, Jesus made this clear in an illustration that is in debt of a slave. Das Wesen der Gesetze und Bestimmungen Jehovas lässt sich in einem einzigen Wort zusammenfassen: Liebe. True, our righteous ways may be puzzling to the masses of mankind alienated from God. The very nature of Jehovah's laws and regulations are made in a single word - love. Es handelte von einem König, der einem Sklaven großzügig eine riesige Schuld erlassen hatte. The sowing began at Pentecost 33 C.E. It was of a king who had forgiven a huge debt. In Südkorea werden unsere Brüder schon seit rund sechs Jahrzehnten wegen Verweigerung des Militärdienstes inhaftiert. The Bible indicates Jehovah's satisfaction with his creative work when it says: "God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good. " In South Korea, our brothers have been imprisoned for six decades because of the military chief services. Weil ihre Lippen bebten, während sie betete, hielt der Hohe Priester Eli sie für betrunken. We read: "The first of all the first ripe fruits of everything and every contribution of everything out of all your contributions - to the priests it will come to belong; and the firstfruits of your coarse meals you should give to the priest, in order to cause a blessing to rest upon your house. " - Ezekiel 44: 30. Because she prayed for her lips while she prayed that High Priest Eli was drunk. Übermäßiges Trinken wirkt wie der Biss einer Giftschlange - man kann krank, geistig verwirrt und sogar besinnungslos werden. • In producing Christian fruitage, what goals can you set? What can be said about the beauty of a poison - health, spiritual health, and even failure - to do so? Es gibt ja so viele, dass ich es kaum schaffen werde, sie alle in den mir noch verbleibenden Jahren zu verwenden " (Paul, 79 Jahre; 1940 getauft). Eventually, he succumbed to his desire and did what he knew was wrong. There are so many times when they will be able to use all those years in my late teens, 79 - year - old age. Dadurch wurde es selbst den treuen Israeliten späterer Zeiten schwer gemacht, auf dem rechten Weg zu bleiben. Such people feel that no intelligent person believes in wicked spirits. This made it difficult for faithful Israelites to remain on the right course. Doch statt sich zu rächen, setzte Joseph alles daran, Frieden mit ihnen zu schließen. You know when I sit down and when I rise up. Instead of taking vengeance, Joseph endeavored to make peace with them. An die Vollzeitdiener denken (b) How did new circumstances reveal God's thinking? Remember Those in the Full - Time Service Wenn wir regelmäßig Gottes Wort lesen und studieren und das Gelernte umsetzen, wird unser " Wahrnehmungsvermögen durch Gebrauch geübt zur Unterscheidung zwischen Recht und Unrecht '. Despite our best intentions, therefore, our speech does not always build others up or furnish praise to our Creator. As we regularly read God's Word and apply what we learn, our "perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " Wovor müssen christliche Familien geschützt werden? After I told the sister what had happened and how I felt, she asked me to read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. What must Christian families be protected? Hiobs Frau hatte unter den ersten Unglücksschlägen genauso zu leiden wie Hiob selbst. Shun Dishonest Gain - Shepherd the Flock Eagerly Job's wife had suffered as did Job himself. " Aber ihm war doch klar, dass es ein rechtliches Erfordernis für ihn war, sein Leben zu opfern, damit den Rechtsnormen seines Vaters entsprochen würde ," könnte jemand einwenden. Yes, we can be certain that Jehovah, "the Judge of all the earth, " will always do what is right," for all his ways are justice. " - Gen. But "he realized that it was a legal requirement for him to sacrifice his life so that he could fall away from the righteousness of his Father. " Am Ende seines Berichts über die zahlreichen Glaubenstaten treuer Diener Gottes aus der Vergangenheit spornte er sie an: "Da wir denn von einer so großen Wolke von Zeugen umgeben sind, so lasst uns auch allen Ballast und die uns leicht umstrickende Sünde ablegen, und lasst uns in dem vor uns liegenden Wettlauf mit Ausharren laufen." Today's world is filled with a spirit that tears down rather than builds up. In the end of his account about the many faithful acts of faithful servants of God, he urged them: "Since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us before us. " Anschließend hättest du zurückkommen und deine Gabe darbringen können. (b) How did Jephthah react? Then you could return and offer your gift. " Lasst euer Licht leuchten ' " Keep On Blessing Those Who Persecute " " Let Your Light Shine " SEITE 22 • LIEDER: 27, 83 How can we maintain our sense of urgency? ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 27, 83 Oder sie leiden unter den Einschränkungen, die das Alter mit sich bringt. True to his word, Jesus died a sacrificial death in behalf of his sheep, but Jehovah "raised him up to be leader and Saviour. " - Acts 5: 31, New Jerusalem Bible; Heb. 13: 20. Or they may suffer from the limitations of old age. Diese Eigenschaften zu haben, statt die "Werke des Fleisches" hervorzubringen, mag heute nicht beliebt sein. But Israelite households can be spared by carefully following God's instructions given to Moses. Such qualities are not popular today. Rather, they display "the works of the flesh. " Wirst du über seine wunderbaren Schöpfungswerke und seine Taten nachdenken? What a protection divine laws and commandments have proved to be! Do you meditate on his wonderful works and actions? Jesus erklärte: "Ebenso ist es bei meinem Vater, der im Himmel ist, nicht erwünscht, dass eines von diesen Kleinen zugrunde geht." So, what blessings can Christ's ransom bring you? Jesus explained: "This is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish. " Die Zähne der Bösen wirst du zerbrechen müssen ." And in these last days, he is gathering together "a great crowd, which no man [is] able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, " who joyfully acknowledge:" Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. " - Revelation 7: 9, 10. The teeth of the wicked ones you will break. " Dann werden sich nicht nur deine Eltern und Jehova über dich freuen, sondern du wirst auch selbst so richtig glücklich werden. They commit themselves to Jehovah and focus their lives on theocratic goals. Then you will be happy not only your parents and your heavenly parents but also your own happiness. Von Hiob sagte Jehova: " Er hält an seiner unversehrten Lauterkeit fest '. It should be noted, however, that the idea of the gnashing of teeth is connected to destruction. - Ps. Jehovah said of Job: "He kept sticking to his integrity. " Eindrucksvolle Hyperbeln WHICH BLOOD SAVES LIVES? Cite a Spirit of Self - Control Vielmehr gab er Hiob die Gelegenheit zu zeigen, dass er ihm wirklich ergeben war und ihm selbstlos und von Herzen diente. • How is it possible to regain integrity? Rather, he gave Job the opportunity to show that he was truly devoted and unselfish in serving him. Daher fühlen sich Menschen, die durch solch eine Liebe verbunden sind, geborgen und glücklich - trotz der Schwächen, die jeder hat. (b) According to Psalm 106, what happened to the Israelites because of their disobedience? Thus, those who are united by such love feel secure and happy despite the weaknesses of each one. Jehovas Stimme war vom Himmel her zu hören, als er Jesus seine Unterstützung und sein Wohlgefallen zusicherte. How did the teachings of Origen and Augustine misrepresent Kingdom truth? Jehovah's voice was heard from heaven when he assured Jesus and assured him of his support and approval. Es stimmt schon: Unsere Werte stoßen in der Welt nicht auf Zustimmung. IMAGINE yourself in Paradise. Yes, our values in the world are not repentant. Vernünftigkeit hält uns auch davon ab, uns so sehr mit unserer Gesundheit zu beschäftigen, dass der Dienst für Jehova in den Hintergrund gedrängt wird. There would be other astounding developments on the third day and during later creative periods. Being reasonable also prevents us from becoming so preoccupied with our health that we are moved to serve Jehovah in the background. Er erkannte auch die Notwendigkeit, die jüngere Generation, zu der Timotheus und Titus gehörten, zu schulen und auszurüsten, damit sie wirkungsvolle Prediger werden konnten. May our joy overflow in anticipation of the generous supply of good things that Jehovah will provide for us in the earthly Paradise. He also discerned the need for younger generation, which included Timothy and Titus, to train, and to become effective preachers. Das gelingt uns nur, wenn wir uns bewusst dagegen entscheiden, so schwere Sünden zu begehen wie einige in Korinth. (b) That period of distress corresponds to what time period in the first century C.E.? We can do so only if we make a decision to commit such serious sins as some in Corinth. Ihr wollt es euch doch sicher leichter machen. Once we have determined where the material can be applied, it may become easier to perceive how we can put it to work. You want to make it easier for you. Damals fing er auch an, die Bibel zu studieren. This was because earlier he and Aaron, exasperated by the people's rebelliousness, "acted undutifully toward [God] in the middle of the sons of Israel at the waters of Meribah. " At that time, he started to study the Bible. Auch in der persönlichen Lebensführung ließen sich die Menschen, die Jünger Jesu wurden, von seinen Lehren prägen. One of them now serves with us as a pioneer. " Jesus ' disciples were also influenced by his teachings in their personal way. Alle männlichen Mitglieder einer israelitischen Familie mussten anlässlich der drei jüdischen Feste nach Jerusalem gehen, um dort Jehova anzubeten. In this way, the truth of God's Word reached tens of thousands of readers at once. All male members of a Israelite family were required to go to Jerusalem for worship at the time of the three Jewish festivals. " Fahrt fort, in der Weise, wie ihr allezeit gehorcht habt,... mit Furcht und Zittern eure eigene Rettung zu bewirken " (b) How important was obedience to that command? " Keep on walking in the way that you have always been obedient,... doing your own salvation with fear and trembling. " - LUKE 12: 15. Was war trotz der Wunder, die Jesus wirkte, der wichtigste Bestandteil seines Dienstes? 32 The Bible Changes Lives Despite the miracles Jesus performed, what was the most important aspect of his ministry? 2: 26. Today, as in the first century, apostates and others seek to destroy the faith of guileless ones. 2: 26. WAS DENKST DU? Seek "treasure in heaven " - Jehovah's approval - and not riches or" the glory of men. " - Read Mark 10: 21, 22; John 12: 43. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Für Satans böse Welt ist die Zeit so gut wie abgelaufen. Sich voll für das Königreich einzusetzen wird also jeden Tag dringender. In fact, not only did the Egyptians finally allow the Israelites to go free but the Egyptians urged them to go, giving them so much gold and silver that it could be said that God's people "stripped the Egyptians. " Therefore, the time for Satan's wicked world is as pleasant as you work hard to Kingdom interests every day. Unser gerechtes Verhalten ist zwar den meisten Menschen völlig unverständlich, denn Gott ist ihnen ganz fremd. Why will the Scriptures motivate you to reach spiritual goals? Of course, our righteous conduct is totally limited to most humans, for God is not strange to them. Das Säen begann zu Pfingsten 33 u. Z. It is Passover time in 31 C.E. The sowing began at Pentecost 33 C.E. Welche Befriedigung Jehova bei seiner Schöpfungstätigkeit verspürte, verrät die Bibel mit der Aussage: "Gott [sah] alles, was er gemacht hatte, und siehe, es war sehr gut." May we be diligent in partaking of all the spiritual food we receive through Jehovah's organization. - Ps. The Bible tells us: "God saw everything he had made, and look! look! it was very good. " Es heißt: "Die Erstlinge aller ersten reifen Früchte von allem und jeder Beitrag aller Art aus all euren Beiträgen - den Priestern wird es gehören; und die ersten Früchte eures verschiedenen Schrotmehls solltet ihr dem Priester geben, um zu veranlassen, dass Segen auf deinem Haus ruht." In the case of David and Bath - sheba, before the judgment of the death penalty could be softened, there had to be a pardoning of their sin. It says: "The firstfruits of all the first mature fruitage of all your contributions and the contribution of all your contributions will be among the priests; and your first fruits should move you to give to the priest that you should give to your house. " • Wie möchtest du das Gelernte umsetzen? But Jehovah promised that his "woman, " or wifelike organization in heaven, would produce a" seed " who would bruise that "original serpent " in the head, crushing Satan out of existence. • How will you apply what you learn? Schließlich erlag er seiner Begierde und tat das, wovon er wusste, dass es falsch ist. Despite the Devil's attacks, we know Jehovah as "a living God, who is a Savior of all sorts of men, especially of faithful ones. " After all, he succumbed to his desire and did what he knew he was wrong. Sie meinen: Kein Mensch mit Verstand glaubt an böse Geister. For example, some have strong impulses to harm themselves or to commit immorality. They feel that humans have no reason to believe in wicked spirit forces. Du selbst hast mein Sitzen und mein Aufstehen erkannt. Or could you adjust your attitude by recognizing the spiritual qualities of that servant of God? You yourself have come to know my sitting down and my rising up. (b) Was verrieten die neuen Richtlinien über Jehovas Denkweise? 18, 19. (b) What did the new guidelines reveal about Jehovah's thinking? Daher gelingt es uns trotz bester Absichten nicht immer, andere zu erbauen und unseren Schöpfer zu preisen. Table of Contents Yes, despite our best intentions, we cannot always build others up and praise our Creator. Korinther 13: 4 - 7 zu lesen. Making decisions is like choosing the right road when you come to an intersection. Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. Die Herde mit Eifer hüten - ohne unehrlichen Gewinn Surely you notice that there is widespread disobedience to parents and that people in general love pleasures more than they love God. Shepherding the Flock With zeal - Without dishonest gain Eins ist sicher: Jehova, "der Richter der ganzen Erde," tut immer das, was richtig ist, "denn Gerechtigkeit sind alle seine Wege." Thus, we realize that the wise course is to respect God's arrangement, whether we have the privilege of serving as elders or not. We can be sure that Jehovah, "the Judge of all the earth, " always does what is right," for all his ways are justice. " Die heutige Welt ist von einem Geist erfüllt, der nicht erbaut, sondern niederreißt. We choose to keep spiritual things in first place and maintain a simple life so that we can devote ourselves to the all - important preaching work before the end comes. - Matt. 6: 33; 24: 14. The present world is filled with a spirit that is built, not down. (b) Wie verhielt sich Jephtha ihnen gegenüber? Unbeknownst to Job, the Devil had questioned Job's motives for serving God. (b) How did Jephthah react to them? " Segnet weiterhin die, die euch verfolgen " A spiritually inclined person keenly values spiritual things. " Go On Those persecuting You " Wie können wir unser Dringlichkeitsbewusstsein bewahren? Yet, Paul did not do the same for Trophimus, who had traveled with him on a missionary journey. How can we maintain our sense of urgency? Und er sagte das nicht nur, sondern opferte wirklich sein Leben für seine Schafe. Jehova aber hat ihn "zum Führer und Retter erhöht." (Read 1 Timothy 4: 16.) In addition to giving his life for his sheep, Jesus said: "He exalted him as the Leader and Savior. " Die israelitischen Hausgemeinschaften können davon verschont bleiben, sofern sie sich genau an Gottes Anweisungen halten, die Moses gegeben wurden. How did God create the universe, and how do his works glorify him? The Israelite household of Israel can be spared if they adhere closely to God's instructions given to Moses. Gottes Gesetze und Gebote haben sich als ein Schutz erwiesen. He gives them orders "to withdraw from every brother walking disorderly. " - 2 Thess. 2: 15; 3: 6. God's laws and commandments have proved to be a protection. Daher stellt sich die Frage: Wie kann das Loskaufsopfer Christi dein Leben positiv beeinflussen? Let us keep ever in mind the inspired words of the apostle Paul at Romans 8: 38, 39: "I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " So ask yourself: " How can Christ's ransom sacrifice affect your life? Sie erkennt freudig an: "Die Rettung verdanken wir unserem Gott, der auf dem Thron sitzt, und dem Lamm." (Read 2 Chronicles 16: 7 - 9.) They joyfully acknowledge: "The salvation we owe to our God, who sits upon the throne, and the Lamb. " Es ist schön zu sehen, wie auf der ganzen Welt Tausende junger Menschen ihr Leben für Jehova einsetzen und theokratische Ziele verfolgen. COVER: Along the Okavango River in Botswana, the good news is reaching fishermen who speak the Mbukushu language It is pleasure to see how thousands of young people around the world use their life in Jehovah's service and theocratic goals. Zu beachten ist jedoch, dass das Zähneknirschen mit Vernichtung zusammenhängt. (b) What will be discussed in the following article? However, note, though, that the gnashing of destruction is linked with destruction. WESSEN BLUT RETTET LEBEN? That prophecy was also pointing to a delightful spiritual paradise, in line with what Paul later saw in vision. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? • Wie kann sie wiederhergestellt werden? How did Irina benefit from counting her blessings? • How can they be restored? (b) Was widerfuhr den Israeliten gemäß Psalm 106 wegen ihres Ungehorsams? The Greek expression translated "long - suffering " denotes patience and slowness to anger. (b) According to Psalm 106, what happened to the Israelites because of their disobedience? Wie verfälschten Origenes und Augustinus die Wahrheit über das Königreich? What a powerful lesson for us! How did Origen and Augustine oppose the truth about the Kingdom? STELL dir vor, du bist im Paradies. What excellent tool is available for our use in teaching Bible truth? IMAGINE that you are in Paradise. Später an diesem "Tag" sowie in den darauf folgenden Schöpfungsperioden sollten noch weitere höchst erstaunliche Entwicklungen in Erscheinung treten. What choice did Joshua make, and with what outcome? Later, that "day " and" day " was to represent other amazing developments. Alle unsere berechtigten Wünsche werden erfüllt und unsere Bedürfnisse gestillt. Sicherlich können wir die guten Dinge, für die Jehova im Paradies großzügig sorgen wird, kaum erwarten! ▪ Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God All our proper desires will be fulfilled, and we can undoubtedly look forward to the good things that Jehovah will provide for us in Paradise! (b) Welcher Zeitspanne im ersten Jahrhundert u. Z. entspricht diese Zeit der Bedrängnis? They walked in the path their Master had trod. (b) What period in the first century B.C.E. corresponds to that time of distress? Sobald wir wissen, wo wir das Gelernte anwenden können, mag es leichter sein wahrzunehmen, wie wir es umsetzen können. Do not be misled. Once we know what we can apply what we learn, it may be easier to see how we can apply what we learn. Was war passiert? Moses und Aaron hatten sich von der rebellischen Haltung des Volkes aufbringen lassen und hatten "inmitten der Söhne Israels bei den Wassern Meribas" pflichtvergessen gegen Jehova gehandelt. This aroused Grace's curiosity. Moses and Aaron had allowed the rebellious attitude of the people and had " entered the midst of the sons of Israel at the midst of the waters of Meribah ' against Jehovah. Eine Chinesin ist jetzt Pionier. " The examples of Abner and Absalom make it clear that inordinate ambition can easily cause a person to become disloyal to God. A Chinese pioneer now is now a pioneer. " So wurden jeweils Zehntausende Leser auf einmal mit der Wahrheit des Wortes Gottes erreicht. Perhaps they are not as glamorous as some might envision, but they do offer the means and the flexibility needed by those whose true vocation is service to Jehovah. - 2 Thessalonians 3: 8. Thus, thousands of readers were reaching out with the truth of God's Word. (b) Wie wichtig war es, diesem Gebot zu gehorchen? Clearly, God in a very literal way raised up the boy in Shunem, proving His ability to resurrect. (b) How important was obedience to that command? 32 Kannst du dich noch erinnern? Do You Recall? 5 Do You Recall? Jahrhundert haben es auch heute Abtrünnige und andere darauf abgesehen, den Glauben Unschuldiger zu zerstören. IN ONE way or another, all of us resemble our parents. In the first century, apostates and others have tried to destroy the faith. Strebt nach einem "Schatz im Himmel"; sucht Jehovas Gunst und nicht "die Ehre von Menschen" (lies Markus 10: 21, 22; Joh. 12: 43). March 23 - 29, 2009 Read Mark 10: 21; John 12: 43; John 12: 43; John 12: 43; Rev. Die Ägypter hatten sie am Ende nicht einfach nur ziehen lassen, sondern sie förmlich dazu gedrängt, zu gehen, und ihnen so viel Gold und Silber mitgegeben, dass es im Bericht heißt: "Sie plünderten die Ägypter aus." Whatever the problem may be, we do well to heed the words of the psalmist who said: "Commit your way to Jehovah; rely on him, and he will act in your behalf. " - Ps. 37: 5. The Egyptians had not only caused them to go to the end, but they were moved to take it into account as much silver and silver as in the account: "They were from the Egyptians. " Warum kann die Heilige Schrift einen anspornen, geistige Ziele zu verfolgen? Enduring even in the face of trials will help us to maintain our integrity. Why can the Scriptures encourage us to pursue spiritual goals? Es ist die Passahzeit des Jahres 31 u. Z. [ Pictures on page 10] It is the Passover of 31 C.E. Fühlen wir uns da nicht motiviert, alles gut zu nutzen, wofür Jehova durch seine Organisation sorgt?. When he encountered widows or orphans in need, he helped them. Are we not moved to take full advantage of Jehovah's provisions through his organization? Bevor im Fall von David und Bathseba von der Todesstrafe abgesehen werden konnte, mussten ihnen ihre Sünden verziehen werden. He said: "If... the eyes of the widow I would cause to fail, and I used to eat my morsel by myself, while the fatherless boy did not eat from it... Before the death of David and Bath - sheba, they had to be forgiven their sins. Aber Jehova versprach, dass seine "Frau" oder Organisation im Himmel einen "Samen" hervorbringen wird, der dieser "Urschlange" den Kopf zermalmt, das heißt Satan vernichtet. When she was found murdered, I must admit that I initially wondered why my prayers were not answered. But Jehovah promised that his "woman, " or organization, will produce a" seed, " that is, the original head of Satan. Selbst wenn der Teufel uns angreift, steht für uns fest: Jehova ist der lebendige Gott, "der ein Retter aller Arten von Menschen ist, besonders von treuen." Taking Progressive, Practical Steps Even when Satan attacks us, Jehovah is the living God, "the Savior of all sorts of men, especially of faithful ones. " Einige verspüren beispielsweise den starken Drang, sich etwas anzutun oder unsittlich zu handeln. Paul suggested that additional changes might also be necessary, for he continued: "All things are lawful for me; but not all things are advantageous. " For example, some have felt a strong desire to commit immorality or to commit immorality. Oder gelingt es uns, unsere Einstellung zu korrigieren und diesen Diener Gottes in einem besseren Licht zu sehen, indem wir auf seine guten, christlichen Eigenschaften achten? Reflect on how much closer you will feel to Jehovah as you progress to perfection. Or are we able to adjust our attitude and to see those of God's people more clearly in a better light by taking into account his fine qualities? Er kannte sich auch sehr gut in der Geschichte Israels aus und wusste, wie Gott mit seinem Volk umgegangen war. In time, these were to become the patriarchal heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. He was well - aware of Israel's history and knew how God dealt with his people. 18, 19. Instead, we should all review our spiritual checklist from time to time to ensure that we are continuing to grow in our relationship with our loving Father, Friend, and God - Jehovah. - Read 2 Corinthians 13: 5, 6. 18, 19. Inhaltsverzeichnis When commissioning Moses to lead God's people out of Egypt, Jehovah revealed an aspect of his personality by using a related verb to describe his name, this time in the first person. Table of Contents Und Teenager haben viel zu entscheiden, gerade wenn es um Bildung oder Beruf geht. Really, each time members of the other sheep class engage in the preaching work, they help Christ's brothers to fulfill their sacred commission. And teenagers have a lot of choice when it comes to education or employment. Immer häufiger sieht man Kinder, die ihre Eltern nicht respektieren. Und Menschen, denen ihr Vergnügen wichtiger ist als Gott. [ Pictures on page 26] More often, children who do not respect their parents and those who do not respect them are more important than God. Es ist also nur weise, Gottes Einrichtung zu achten, ob wir nun Älteste sind oder nicht. Yet, if we draw close to him, he will draw close to us. Therefore, it is wise to respect God's arrangement, whether we are elders or not. Wir möchten Jehova an die erste Stelle setzen und ein einfaches Leben führen, damit wir uns, bevor das Ende kommt, voll und ganz dem Predigen widmen können. She saw that the fruit "was good for food and that it was something to be longed for to the eyes, yes, the tree was desirable to look upon. " We want to put Jehovah first and live a simple life so that before the end comes, we can devote ourselves to the preaching work. Hiob wusste nicht, dass die Beweggründe, aus denen er Gott diente, vom Teufel infrage gestellt wurden. As stated earlier, keep in mind your destination. Job did not know that the motives that he served God were questioned by Satan. Ein Geistesmensch schätzt geistige Dinge. They are excited about the blessings that the Kingdom will bring. A spiritual person values spiritual things. Anders war das jedoch bei Trophimus, der ihn auf einer Missionsreise begleitete. What is the secret to gaining true freedom? That, however, was the case with Babel, who accompanied him on a missionary tour. (Lies 1. Timotheus 4: 16.) On the other hand, if we fear Jehovah, we will stay away - even walk away - from people, places, activities, and entertainment that could cause us to lower our moral guard. (Read 1 Timothy 4: 16.) (b) Welches Licht werfen seine Werke auf ihn? We can draw strength from Paul's words found at Romans 7: 21, 25 and 8: 11. (b) What light does his works shed upon him? Er weist sie an, sich "von jedem Bruder zurückzuziehen, der unordentlich... wandelt." (Col. He instructs them to "go away from every brother walking. " Behalten wir stets die inspirierten Worte des Apostels Paulus aus Römer 8: 38, 39 im Sinn: "Ich bin überzeugt, daß weder Tod noch Leben, noch Engel, noch Regierungen, noch Gegenwärtiges, noch Zukünftiges, noch Mächte, noch Höhe, noch Tiefe, noch irgendeine andere Schöpfung imstande sein wird, uns von Gottes Liebe zu trennen, die in Christus Jesus ist, unserem Herrn." His counsel was valued as though it was from Jehovah himself. Let us always keep in mind the apostle Paul's inspired words recorded at Romans 8: 38, 39: "I am convinced that neither death nor death nor governments nor governments, nor governments, nor things now, nor things ahead, nor things that are able to separate us from God's love, whether our Lord Jesus Christ. " (Lies 2. Chronika 16: 7 - 9.) Courage Borne of Godly Fear (Read 2 Chronicles 16: 7 - 9.) 22 Kannst du dich noch erinnern? TITELSEITE: Am Okawango hört ein Fischer die gute Botschaft in Mbukushu (b) When Jehovah executes his judgment upon this wicked system of things, of what can his worshippers be sure? COVER: Would you recall this way: A fishermen is listening to the good news in Russia? (b) Womit befasst sich der folgende Artikel? When may it be necessary to announce to the congregation that a certain person has been reproved? (b) What will be considered in the following article? Diese Prophezeiung wies außerdem auf ein wunderbares geistiges Paradies hin im Einklang mit dem, was Paulus später in seiner Vision zu sehen bekam. By displaying a willingness to perform such a lowly task, Jesus gave his apostles an object lesson that would be deeply engraved on their minds and would encourage them to be humble in the days ahead. This prophecy also pointed to a wonderful spiritual paradise in line with what Paul later saw in vision. Warum half es Irina, über den Segen von Jehova nachzudenken? " What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? " - MICAH 6: 8. Why did I find it beneficial to meditate on Jehovah's blessing? Der griechische Ausdruck für "langmütig" bedeutet geduldig sein und sich nicht schnell zum Zorn reizen lassen. By the second century Christians... began to argue that it was a divine providence which had prepared the world for the advent of Christianity. " The Greek word for "godly patience " means being patient and not being quick to anger. Sollte uns das nicht sehr zu denken geben? Consider what Jehovah is doing in our time and how you can have a share in his service. Should that not give us a very much thought? Welches hervorragende Hilfsmittel steht uns zum Lehren zur Verfügung? Are you willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the Kingdom? What excellent tools are available to us? Wofür entschied sich Josua, und mit welchem Ergebnis? A Bible study was started. What choice did Joshua make, and with what result? ▪ Der Pionierdienst stärkt das Verhältnis zu Gott And third, when it becomes clear that we have acted presumptuously, we may be embarrassed or even humiliated. ▪ Serving With God strengthens Our relationship with God Sie gingen den gleichen Weg wie ihr Herr. How did we, Jehovah's Witnesses, come to adopt that apostolic method of preaching? They went to the same way as their master did. Ich wollte viel Geld verdienen und meiner Familie ein gesichertes Leben bieten. The destruction of "the man of lawlessness, " the clergy of Christendom, will be an unmistakable" manifestation of his presence. " I wanted to earn much money and my family enjoy a secure life. Das machte Grace neugierig. This word has a range of meanings and was used especially in medicinal contexts. That was the first thing we can learn from the Bible. Wie an Abner und Absalom deutlich wird, kann Ehrgeiz leicht dazu führen, dass jemand Gott gegenüber nicht loyal bleibt. Humans have a fundamental requirement for sustaining the body - the need for food. Like Abner and Absalom, we can easily conclude that those who do not remain loyal to God remain loyal to him. Und selbst wenn sie vielleicht nicht gerade das sind, wovon man träumt, so bieten sie doch die Mittel und die Flexibilität, die jemand braucht, dessen eigentliche Berufung der Dienst für Jehova ist. Bad traits like those lead to injustices of all kinds. Even if they are not limited to what they can offer, they provide the resources and resources needed to gain the real privilege of serving Jehovah. Am Beispiel des Jungen in Sunem bewies Gott seine Fähigkeit, Tote aufzuerwecken. Parents - What Future Do You Want for Your Children? On the other hand, God proved his ability to resurrect the dead in Galilee. Erinnern wir uns noch daran? Just as marriage should be undertaken in a responsible manner, parenthood should be viewed as a God - given responsibility and privilege. Do You Recall? IN DER einen oder anderen Hinsicht gleichen wir alle unseren Eltern. But what can be done if the marital bond is strained? IT WAS one or other way that all of us can imitate our parents. bis 29. März Similarly, contemplation is useful when it helps us to imitate Jehovah. March 23 - 29, 2010 Wie auch immer das Problem aussieht, halten wir uns doch an die Worte des Psalmisten: "Wälze deinen Weg auf Jehova, und verlass dich auf ihn, und er selbst wird handeln." Paul used persuasion when he was before Governor Festus and King Agrippa Whatever the problem, however, we keep in mind the psalmist's words: "Take your way upon Jehovah, and rely upon him himself, and he himself will act. " Halten wir auch dann durch, wenn es uns schwer gemacht wird, so hilft uns das, Jehova vollständig ergeben zu bleiben. Some will speak disdainfully about spiritual things. When it is difficult to maintain our integrity, it will help us to maintain our integrity to Jehovah. [ Bilder auf Seite 10] One day when she was quite sad and felt like staying home, she nevertheless went to conduct a Bible study with three children whose home situation was very troubled. [ Pictures on page 10] Witwen und Waisen in Not hatte er geholfen. 6, 7. He had helped widows in need of help. Er sagte: "Wenn ich... die Augen der Witwe jeweils versagen ließ und ich meinen Bissen allein zu essen pflegte, während der vaterlose Knabe nicht davon aß...; wenn ich jeweils jemand umkommen sah, weil er kein Gewand hatte...; wenn ich meine Hand gegen den vaterlosen Knaben schwang zu der Zeit, da ich die Notwendigkeit meines Beistandes im Tor sah, so möge mein eigenes Schulterblatt aus seiner Schulter fallen, und möge mein eigener Arm von seinem Oberarmknochen abgebrochen werden." He gave us no privacy - even in the bathroom. " " If I would fail to eat the eyes of the widow, " he said, "and I wouldn't eat it alone while the boy would not eat from his own hand.... Als sie dann ermordet aufgefunden wurde, war mein erster Gedanke: " Warum hat Jehova meine Gebete denn nicht erhört? " The qualities of humility and mildness moved Jesus to be kind and impartial in dealing with imperfect humans. He was reasonable in what he expected of his disciples. When she was murdered, my first thought: " Why did Jehovah not answer my prayers? ' Nach und nach praktische Schritte unternehmen To strengthen our relationship with Jehovah and to maintain our trust in him, we must "take exquisite delight in Jehovah. " Following practical steps, take practical steps. Paulus deutete an, dass noch weitere Änderungen nötig sein könnten, denn er fügte hinzu: "Alle Dinge sind mir erlaubt; aber nicht alle Dinge sind von Vorteil." 12: 18. 1, 2. (a) What shows that everyone in the congregation can have a place he can cherish? Paul indicated that further changes could be needed, for he added: "All things are acceptable to me; but not all things are of advantage. " Und stellen wir uns vor, wie wir zur Vollkommenheit voranschreiten und uns Jehova immer näher fühlen werden. But his joy in helping many to become disciples made those difficulties worthwhile. And think of how we will draw closer to perfection and draw ever closer to Jehovah. Sie sollten die Häupter der 12 Stämme Israels werden. A computer can be an effective research and communication tool and at times a source of refreshing entertainment. They were to become the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. Als Jehova Moses beauftragte, sein Volk aus Ägypten zu führen, benutzte er ein verwandtes Verb in der ersten Person, um seinen Namen zu beschreiben und einen Aspekt seines Wesens zu offenbaren. Amphipolis When Jehovah commissioned Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, Moses used a related verb in which he would describe his name and reveal a aspect of his personality. Jedes Mal, wenn diese die gute Botschaft predigen, helfen sie genau genommen den Brüdern Christi, ihren göttlichen Auftrag zu erfüllen. Unlike the foolish ones, though, five virgins truly prepared themselves, bringing extra oil in their flasks along with their lamps. Each time that we preach the good news, they help Christ's brothers to fulfill their divine commission. [ Bilder auf Seite 26] This foreshadowed the peaceful rest and other blessings that mankind will experience under the Thousand Year Reign of Christ after the end of Satan's oppressive rulership. [ Pictures on page 26] Wenn wir uns ihm nahen, dann wird er sich uns nahen. • What are some examples of Jehovah's creative power and of his protective power? If we draw close to him, he will draw close to us. Sie sah, dass "der Baum gut war zur Speise und dass er etwas war, wonach die Augen Verlangen hatten, ja der Baum war begehrenswert zum Anschauen." Jehovah deeply loves and values mankind. She saw that "the tree was good for food and that it was something to be desired for the eyes, yes, the tree was desirable to look upon. " Wir müssen, wie bereits erwähnt, unser Ziel im Auge behalten. How can we show our full appreciation for this provision from Jehovah, and what can we individually do to enhance it? As mentioned earlier, we need to keep our eye fixed on our goal. Sie freuen sich über die Segnungen des Königreichs. 2: 16, 17 - Should not the 16th verse begin with the Hebrew letter ayin and the 17th begin with pe to follow the order of the Hebrew alphabet? They rejoice in the blessings of Kingdom rule. was der Schlüssel zu echter Freiheit ist? No doubt this took considerable humility on Paul's part, a fact that deepens our appreciation for him. What is the key to true freedom? Wer dagegen Jehova fürchtet, hält Abstand - ja entfernt sich - von Personen, Orten, Beschäftigungen und Unterhaltung, die seine sittliche Wachsamkeit mindern könnten. Jehovah remembers us "for good. " - Nehemiah 13: 31. On the other hand, those who fear Jehovah stay far away from themselves - from individuals, places, entertainment, and entertainment that could endanger their moral standards. Was dann? Die Worte des Apostels Paulus aus Römer 7: 21, 25 und 8: 11 können uns Mut machen. What is a balanced view of life and possessions? The apostle Paul's words found at Romans 7: 21, 25 and 8: 11 can encourage us. (Kol. [ Picture on page 17] (Rev. Seinen Rat bewertete man so, als stamme er von Jehova. Just prior to Roman Emperor Nero's campaign of persecution in 64 C.E., the apostle Peter writes his first letter addressed to Christians, encouraging them to stand firm in the faith. His counsel was considered in such a way that he viewed Jehovah. Mut, der auf Gottesfurcht beruht " Abhor " can be translated "hate exceedingly. " Courage That leads to Fear of God (b) Wessen können Anbeter Jehovas sicher sein, wenn er sein Strafurteil an dem gegenwärtigen bösen System der Dinge vollstreckt? • Why should we pay attention to what Christ says to the congregations? (b) Of what can Jehovah's worshippers be certain when he executes judgment upon this wicked system of things? Wann könnte es nötig sein, der Versammlung bekannt zu geben, dass eine bestimmte Person zurechtgewiesen wurde? How did Paul's preaching likely have an effect beyond those to whom he witnessed directly? When might it be necessary to make known to the congregation that a certain person was corrected? Dass Jesus bereitwillig den Dienst eines niedrigen Sklaven verrichtete, führte seinen Aposteln auf anschauliche, unvergessliche Weise vor Augen: So demütig sollten auch sie werden. Arrested in 1918, Brother Rutherford and his associates were later released, and the charges against them were dropped Jesus ' willingness to carry out the ministry of a lowly slave led his apostles to see that they too should be humble. " Was fordert Jehova von dir zurück, als Recht zu üben und Güte zu lieben und bescheiden zu wandeln mit deinem Gott? ." Jehovah made this covenant with David during David's reign in Jerusalem, promising him that the Messiah would be his descendant. " What does Jehovah require of you to exercise justice and to love kindness and be modest in walking with your God? " Im zweiten Jahrhundert begannen die Christen... [zu zeigen], dass die göttliche Vorsehung die Welt für das Kommen des Christentums vorbereitet hatte. " Frankly, we all long for the end of this wicked world. In the second century, Christians began to show that divine protection had prepared the world for Christianity's coming. " Nimm wahr, was Jehova heute alles tut und wie du dich für ihn einbringen kannst. Having a house of their own remains a mere dream for them. All that Jehovah is doing today and how you can benefit from him. Seid ihr bereit, für das Königreich Opfer zu bringen? ARTICLE 1 Are you willing to make sacrifices for the Kingdom? Jetzt studiert er mit dem Jungen die Bibel. There are outstanding prayers by faithful men and women recorded in God's Word. Now he began to study the Bible with the boy. 3. Wird ein anmaßendes Verhalten offensichtlich, mag das dem Betreffenden peinlich sein oder er fühlt sich sogar gedemütigt. People's expectations, however, needed to be adjusted. If a presumptuous conduct seems evidently, he may feel embarrassed or even humiliated. Wie kam es dazu, dass wir Zeugen Jehovas das Verkündigungswerk heute nach dem apostolischen Vorbild durchführen? Giving priority to goals that honor Jehovah is the wisest course but by no means the easiest. How did Jehovah's Witnesses today imitate the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses? Das "Offenbarwerden seiner Gegenwart" wird nicht zu übersehen sein, wenn "der Mensch der Gesetzlosigkeit" - die Geistlichkeit der Christenheit - vernichtet wird. God's people are convinced that "it is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. " It is not to be overlooked when "the man of lawlessness " - the clergy of Christendom - will be destroyed. Dieses Wort hat mehrere Bedeutungen und wurde vor allem in medizinischem Zusammenhang benutzt. He listened at length before responding to the mistaken remarks of Job's three companions. This word has several different meaning and was used in medical context. Nahrung ist ein Grundbedürfnis aller Menschen. Wir müssen essen, um am Leben zu bleiben. 18, 19. (a) Contrast a "simple " eye with one that is" wicked. " (b) Why is it important to keep on considering what is valuable, and what advice does Philippians 4: 8 give in this regard? We must eat food in order to remain alive. Solche schlechten Eigenschaften sind die Ursache für die verschiedensten Formen von Ungerechtigkeit. [ Picture on page 6] Such bad qualities are the cause of injustice. Ihr Eltern - was für eine Zukunft wünscht ihr euren Kindern? It made him happy to see the way Jehovah revealed deep spiritual truths to humble people of all sorts, regardless of their education or intellectual gifts. Parents, what kind of future do you want to have for your children? Genauso verantwortungsbewusst, wie man in die Ehe geht, sollte man auch die Elternschaft sehen - als eine besondere, von Gott übertragene Verantwortung. This puts us in a much better position to share the good news with them. Similarly, a responsible way to handle marriage should be viewed as a special responsibility from God. Was aber, wenn es kriselt? In other areas, he may still need to make adjustments. What, though, if that happens? Es kann ein Haus niederbrennen und die Bewohner töten. Ähnlich ist es mit Gedanken. However, God does impart the strength to cope with "all things " - including depression. It can bow down to a house and kill the inhabitants, and it is similar with thoughts. Paulus sprach mit Überzeugungskraft vor dem Statthalter Festus und vor König Agrippa Eating with a fellow integrity keeper in a loving atmosphere will make even a simple meal enjoyable and will surely benefit us spiritually. Paul spoke with persuasion before Governor Festus and King Agrippa Manche werden über geistige Dinge abfällig reden. Our brothers and sisters in the first century had high regard for those appointed to take the lead, and we feel similarly today. Some may speak about spiritual things. Einmal war sie ziemlich traurig und wäre am liebsten zu Hause geblieben. Trotzdem ging sie zu einem Studium mit drei Kindern, in deren Familie sehr schlimme Verhältnisse herrschten. Indeed, a man's enemies will be those of his own household. " - Matt. On one occasion, she felt sad and would like to stay home with three young children who faced severe conditions in the family. 6, 7. Although he was afraid, what did the king do? 6, 7. Uns gestand er keinerlei Intimsphäre zu - nicht einmal im Badezimmer. " PRAY FOR A WISE AND OBEDIENT HEART He did not acknowledge a higher standard - not even in private. " Weil Jesus so demütig und mild gesinnt war, behandelte er die unvollkommenen Menschen, mit denen er zu tun hatte, freundlich und fair. May we show by the choices we make that we treasure that freedom. Because Jesus was humble and mild - tempered, he treated imperfect humans with kindness and justice. Damit sich unser Verhältnis zu Jehova vertieft und wir weiterhin auf ihn vertrauen, müssen wir " Wonne an Jehova haben '. Create a Peaceful Environment To strengthen our relationship with Jehovah and continue to trust in him, we must "take exquisite delight in Jehovah. " 1, 2. (a) Woher wissen wir, dass jeder von uns einen wertvollen Platz in der Versammlung hat? Appropriately, after Malachi mentioned the "book of remembrance, " Jehovah spoke of" the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him. " - Mal. 1, 2. (a) How do we know that each of us has a valuable place in the congregation? Aber die Freude, Menschen helfen zu dürfen, Nachfolger Jesu zu werden, machte das mehr als wett. We do not know how the Roman congregation started. But the joy of helping people to become Jesus ' followers was more limited. Computer eignen sich auch für Nachforschungen, als Kommunikationsmittel und manchmal zur Entspannung. The feeling comes naturally. But the Scriptures acknowledge that we do have to form a longing for God's word. computers also work for research as communication and sometimes for recreation. Amphipolis How might an elder help a fellow believer to make a decision? S ransom sacrifice on the part of G Father's Witnesses Anders als die törichten Jungfrauen waren fünf Jungfrauen jedoch vorbereitet, denn sie brachten in Behältern zusätzliches Öl für ihre Lampen mit. These articles examine how we can endeavor to attain intimacy with Jehovah by learning from Jesus ' activities. Unlike the foolish virgins, five virgins were prepared, for they brought added oil to their lamps. Das war eine Vorausschau auf die Ruhe, den Frieden und andere Segnungen, die die Menschheit während der Tausendjahrherrschaft Christi verspüren wird, wenn die bedrückende Herrschaft Satans zu Ende ist. 13, 14. This was foreshadowed by the peace, peace, and blessings that will result during Christ's Millennial Reign when the oppressive rule of Satan comes. • Nenne Beispiele für Jehovas schöpferische Macht und für seine schützende Macht. (b) In what ways can those who have the earthly hope reflect God's glory? • Give examples of Jehovah's creative power and protection. Jehova liebt und schätzt die Menschen sehr. For 32 hours this mother did not know whether her daughter was alive or was among the casualties that mounted hour by hour. Jehovah loves and values the people. Wie können wir Jehova unsere Dankbarkeit dafür zeigen, und was können wir persönlich tun, um unser geistiges Paradies zu verschönern? And what blessings come from walking with God? How can we show our appreciation for Jehovah, and what can we personally do to enhance our spiritual paradise? 2: 16, 17 - Sollte der 16. THE BOTTOM LINE: Pornography damages a person's friendship with God. - Romans 1: 24. 2: 16, 17 - Should the 16. Das verlangte zweifellos außerordentliche Demut von ihm, weswegen wir ihn umso mehr achten. James 1: 25 reads, in part: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it... will be happy in his doing it. " No doubt, this humble humility required him to respect him even more fully. Jehova gedenkt unser "zum Guten." [ Picture on page 16] Jehovah uses our "for good. " Was ist eine ausgeglichene Ansicht über das Leben und über Besitz? We can also have full confidence that in the coming new world, he will satisfy all our needs in the best possible way. - Psalm 145: 16. What is a balanced view of life and possessions? [ Bild auf Seite 17] Do birds need special landing strips? [ Picture on page 17] Der Apostel Petrus schreibt seinen ersten Brief kurz vor Beginn der Verfolgung durch Kaiser Nero (64 u. Z.). Er macht seinen Glaubensbrüdern Mut, im Glauben standhaft zu sein. All who sincerely sought out Jesus found that he "received them kindly. " The apostle Peter wrote his first letter to his first letter about the persecution of Rome in 66 C.E., encouraging fellow believers to stand firm in the faith. " Verabscheuen "könnte auch mit" ausgesprochen hassen "wiedergegeben werden. Let us consider some of the ways in which Jesus exercised his God - given authority. " Among the word " means "to be hated with a mild - tempered one. " • Warum sollten wir auf das achten, was Christus den Versammlungen sagt? " Exult, you people, " said Jehovah, "and be joyful forever in what I am creating. • Why should we pay attention to what Christ says to the congregations? Wie gelangte die Botschaft des Paulus wahrscheinlich auch zu anderen, denen er nicht persönlich predigen konnte? This also holds true for Jesus ' followers today. How did Paul's message likely affect others whom he could not preach? Bruder Rutherford und seine Mitarbeiter, die 1918 verhaftet, später aber freigelassen und rehabilitiert wurden Jesus often imparted spiritual instruction as he partook of meals. Rutherford and his fellow workers who were arrested in 1918 but later released and later were released. Jehova schloss den Bund mit David während dessen Regierungszeit in Jerusalem. Worldwide, about 30 percent of women report having been assaulted by a male partner. Jehovah made the covenant with David during his reign in Jerusalem. Offen gesagt, sehnen wir alle das Ende der bösen Welt herbei. In marriage, taking two people into consideration adds to the challenge. Of course, we all long for the end of this wicked world. Ein eigenes Haus ist und bleibt für die allermeisten nur ein schöner Traum. The wife does not exercise authority over her own body, but her husband does; likewise, also, the husband does not exercise authority over his own body, but his wife does. " One of the vast majority of them is a beautiful dream for their own house. SEITE 3 He became addicted to pornography and started smoking marijuana. ARTICLE 1 In Gottes Wort sind hervorragende Gebete treuer Männer und Frauen festgehalten worden. This shows wisdom on our part. - Prov. God's Word contains fine prayers for faithful men and women. Die Erwartungen der Menschen mussten jedoch korrigiert werden: Sie hießen Jesus zwar zu Recht als König willkommen, seine Herrschaft lag aber noch in der Zukunft und würde vom Himmel aus sein. Hence, David could not have meant that such a considerate individual would be kept alive miraculously, thus gaining everlasting life. However, mankind's expectations had to be corrected: They were to welcome Jesus as King, but his rulership was still in the future and would be raised from heaven. Es gibt einfach nichts Besseres, als auf Ziele hinzuarbeiten, die Jehova ehren - doch leicht ist das nicht. (b) How does the way we exercise our free will affect our lives? There is nothing better than reaching out for goals that honor Jehovah. Das Volk Gottes weiß eines ganz sicher: "Er ist nahe, und er eilt sehr." Er "wird sich nicht verspäten." (Read Philippians 2: 3, 4; compare Matthew 7: 12.) The people of God well know that "he is near, and he is coming quickly. " Bevor er sich zu den unangebrachten Bemerkungen der drei Gefährten Hiobs äußerte, hörte er lange zu. 11, 12. Before speaking to the inappropriate comments of Job's three companions, he would have been listening long. 18, 19. (a) Welcher Gegensatz besteht zwischen einem "lauteren" und einem "bösen" Auge? What can help us to be faithful to God? 18, 19. (a) What contrast is there between a "quiet eye " and a" unclean eye "? Tausende waren gezwungen, fluchtartig ihre Dörfer zu verlassen. The Devil is a liar. Thousands of people were forced to leave their villages. [ Bild auf Seite 6] Such things are really empty, "a striving after wind. " [ Picture on page 6] Es machte ihn glücklich zu sehen, wie Jehova demütigen Menschen von allen Arten tiefe geistige Wahrheiten offenbarte, ungeachtet ihrer Bildung oder Begabung. Although we personally need to be comforted, we also have the grand privilege of bringing comfort to others. He was happy to see how Jehovah revealed deep spiritual truths to humble people of all sorts, regardless of their education or natural drinking. Dann können wir ihm die gute Botschaft viel wirkungsvoller vermitteln. But the apostles did not understand what he meant. If we do so, we can be more effective teachers of the good news. Auf anderen Gebieten werden wohl noch Änderungen nötig sein. In the days of Israel's Judges, Jephthah vowed that if Jehovah gave him victory over the Ammonites, he would present as "a burnt offering " the first one meeting him upon his return from battle. In other areas, adjustments may need to be made. Aber er verleiht uns "für alles" die nötige Kraft - auch für Depressionen. The lesson? But he gives us "the power to cope " - even to depression. Eine Mahlzeit - und sei sie noch so einfach - in liebevoller Atmosphäre gemeinsam mit jemand einzunehmen, dessen Herz ebenfalls ganz für Jehova schlägt, kann sehr viel Freude machen und uns richtig aufbauen. When Gog begins the assault, Jehovah will tell his servants: "Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Just as a meal - and if it is simply in a loving atmosphere, the heart condition of an individual, can also bring much joy and joy to us. Denken wir nur einmal an die Ältesten, die Kreisaufseher oder die Mitglieder der Zweigkomitees und der leitenden Körperschaft. Jesus describes others as accepting the word initially with joy but then being stumbled because of having "no root in themselves. " Think of the elders, circuit overseers, or members of the Branch Committee and the Governing Body. In der Tat, eines Menschen Feinde werden seine eigenen Hausgenossen sein ." The psalmist sang: "Look! In fact, a man's enemies will be persons of his own household. " Der König bekam es mit der Angst zu tun. Was unternahm er? Death caused by the sin we inherited from Adam is chief among Satan's works that Jehovah purposes to see undone, or broken up, through Jesus Christ. The king became fearful, and what did he do? BETE UM EIN WEISES UND GEHORSAMES HERZ For example, we read in Acts chapter 8 about Philip, apparently a Greek - speaking evangelizer. Philip preached to the Samaritans. DO YOU HAVE TO BE USED: "I HAVE hope to see why hope is coming to you. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 4. Zeigen wir durch unsere Entscheidungen, dass wir diese Freiheit schätzen. As slaves of God, we must not become slaves of men. May our decisions show that we value that freedom. Eine friedliche Atmosphäre schaffen If you do that, you will share in congregation activities, not because your parents want you to, but because you want to do God's will. A peaceful atmosphere Im Zusammenhang mit dem Gedenkbuch sagt Jehova passenderweise, man würde "den Unterschied zwischen einem Gerechten und einem Bösen sehen, zwischen einem, der Gott dient, und einem, der ihm nicht gedient hat." No man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it. " In connection with the book of remembrance, Jehovah says: "The distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one is one, between one serving God and one who has not served him. " Wie die Versammlung in Rom entstanden ist, weiß man nicht. So you might ask yourself: " When householders express opinions that are contrary to Scriptural teachings or they ask difficult questions, am I able to give answers that are based on the Bible? The congregation in Rome did not know. Wir dagegen müssen, wie die Bibel durchaus einräumt, das "Verlangen" nach dem Wort Gottes erst entwickeln. We also have the hope of everlasting life in the peaceful Paradise at hand. On the other hand, we need to learn how the Bible requires that we cultivate "a longing " for God's Word. Wie könnte ein Ältester einem Bruder bei einer Entscheidung helfen? (For fully formatted text, see publication) How might an elder help a brother to make a decision? In diesen Artikeln wird gezeigt, dass wir mit Jehova besser vertraut werden können, wenn wir uns mit Jesu Leben und Wirken befassen. Dismayed that there was no "house, " or temple, dedicated to Jehovah, he wanted to build one. These articles will help us to become better acquainted with Jehovah when we examine Jesus ' life and ministry. 13, 14. As for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah. " 13, 14. (b) Auf welche Weise können diejenigen, denen Leben auf der Erde in Aussicht steht, Gottes Herrlichkeit widerstrahlen? To be effective, our teaching needs to touch a student's heart. (b) How can those with an earthly hope reflect God's glory? Es wurden immer mehr Tote gemeldet, und Katrin wusste 32 Stunden lang nicht, ob ihre Tochter noch lebte. Many who have stopped abusing alcohol have taken action in line with Jesus ' words: "If, now, that right eye of yours is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. As a result, there were more dead ones, and Sonia did not know for 32 hours whether their daughter was still alive. Und welchen Segen bringt es, mit Gott zu wandeln? How good it is to know, though, that Jehovah is "the God of all comfort "! And what blessings result from walking with God? KURZ GEFASST: Pornografie zerstört die Freundschaft mit Gott. And they did not unnecessarily delay getting baptized. - Acts 2: 41; 9: 18; 16: 14, 15, 32, 33. THE BY ARE: Pornography is destroyed with friendship with God. In Jakobus 1: 25 lesen wir auszugsweise: "Wer aber in das vollkommene Gesetz, das zur Freiheit gehört, hineinschaut und dabei bleibt, der wird glücklich sein, indem er es tut." Jesus indicated the foremost reason why Christians should strive to imitate God when he told his apostles: "My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " James 1: 25 says: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it, this he will be happy by doing it. " [ Bild auf Seite 16] King David of ancient Israel deeply appreciated God's loving - kindness. [ Picture on page 16] Wir können außerdem davon überzeugt sein, dass er in der neuen Welt alle unsere Bedürfnisse auf die bestmögliche Weise befriedigen wird. Others may not be ready for baptism until they are a bit older. We can also be confident that he will fulfill all our needs in the new world. Brauchen Vögel spezielle Landebahnen? How did Adam and Eve react to Satan's lies, and what were the results? Are birds traveling on a specific land? Jeden, der ihn mit ehrlichen Absichten aufsuchte, nahm er "freundlich auf." Jesus never used insulting speech with his disciples. He took " come up ' with honest intentions. Wie ging Jesus denn mit der Autorität um, die er von Gott erhielt? 14, 15. (a) Why is Joseph's story of interest to us? How, then, did Jesus handle the authority he received from God? Jehova sagte: "Frohlockt und freut euch immerdar über das, was ich schaffe. Absalom first " stole the hearts of the men of Israel ' by ingratiating himself with them, using sly promises and insincere expressions of affection. Jehovah said: "Be joyful and joyful forever what I am creating. Das gilt auch für Jesu Nachfolger heute. If an enemy captured God's people, their pleas would be heard if their heart was complete with Jehovah. That is also true of Jesus ' followers today. Wenn Jesus ein Essen einnahm, erteilte er oftmals biblische Unterweisung. (See the box on page 17.) (b) What advice about dealing with chronic health ailments was presented in Awake! When Jesus provided a meal, he often provided Bible instruction. Weltweit geben etwa 30 Prozent aller Frauen an, unter körperlicher Gewalt ihres Partners zu leiden. Why is it both Scriptural and realistic to expect that married couples will have occasional problems? Worldwide, some 30 percent of all women are plagued by physical violence. Jetzt zwei Meinungen zu berücksichtigen macht es noch schwerer. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 4, 5.) Now consider two opinions. Die Frau übt nicht Gewalt über ihren eigenen Leib aus, sondern ihr Mann; ebenso übt auch der Mann nicht Gewalt über seinen eigenen Leib aus, sondern seine Frau. " The Bible does not suggest that baptism is a step to be taken only by those who are older or who have reached at least an age at which certain legal rights may be granted. The wife does not exercise authority over her own body; but also her husband does not exercise authority over his own body; neither does he exercise authority. " Er wurde süchtig nach Pornografie und fing an, Marihuana zu rauchen. that appeared in The Watchtower of October 15, 2001? He was addicted to pornography and started to smoke. Das zeugt von Weisheit. In contrast, the same proverb says that "the tongue of the wise ones is a healing. " That is evident in wisdom. Somit konnte David nicht gemeint haben, dass so jemand wie durch ein Wunder am Leben erhalten wurde und ewig lebte. What apparent contradiction exists regarding Christian discipleship? Thus, David could not have meant that as a miracle, humans would receive life and live forever. (b) Wie beeinflusst die Art, wie wir unseren freien Willen gebrauchen, unser Leben? We may have to struggle to remain loyal. (b) How does the way we use our free will affect our lives? WIE STEHT ES UM UNSERE PRIORITÄTEN? They were said to sit on Jehovah's throne and rule as kings for Jehovah in Jerusalem. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? (Lies Philipper 2: 3, 4; vergleiche Matthäus 7: 12.) • What happens to us when we die? (Read Philippians 2: 3, 4; Matthew 7: 12.) 11, 12. From the first century onward, anointed disciples have received the talents, and they must render an account for how they fulfill the commission to preach. 11, 12. Was kann uns helfen, Gott treu zu bleiben? (Read Matthew 4: 4 - 10.) What can help us to remain faithful to God? Der Teufel ist ein Lügner. She and Aquila, even "risked their own necks " for Paul, moving him to write:" Not only I but also all the congregations of the nations render thanks. " - Romans 16: 3, 4; Acts 18: 2. The Devil is a liar. Doch nach Salomos Worten könnte jemand, der sich dafür abplagt, genauso gut versuchen, den Wind einzufangen. No wonder Paul wrote: "You did not learn the Christ to be so "! - Eph. 4: 20, 21. In Solomon's words, however, a person who looked down on the wind might try to catch the wind. Und so sehr wir selbst vielleicht auf Trost angewiesen sind - wir haben auch die wertvolle Aufgabe, andere zu trösten. We realize that if Satan succeeded in holding us back from "ministering to one another, " he would weaken our unity. And even if we personally need comfort, we too may have the precious privilege of comforting others. Sie verstanden aber nicht, worauf er hinauswollte. And, as mentioned, the extensive preaching campaign going on worldwide is a direct fulfillment of Jesus ' words. - Matt. However, they did not fully understand his point. Zur Zeit der Richter gelobte Jephtha Jehova, im Falle eines Sieges über die Ammoniter das Erste, das ihm bei seiner Rückkehr aus der Schlacht entgegenkäme, als "ein Brandopfer [zu] opfern." Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " At the time of the Judges, Jephthah vowed that when he returned to battle, Jehovah would offer him "a burnt offering. " Die Lehre daraus? If a skeptic questioned whether your father would really help you in a crisis, you might not be able to convince him that your father is trustworthy. The lesson? Verbirg dich für nur einen Augenblick, bis die Strafankündigung vorübergeht ." There are approximately 600,000 members of the clergy in the various denominations in the United States, where there are some 1,200,000 Witnesses of Jehovah. Plans for yourself just a moment until the wrath has passed. " Jesus beschrieb andere, die das Wort zu Anfang freudig annehmen, dann aber aufgeben, weil sie "keine Wurzel in sich" haben. Time and again, we have heard experiences of how individuals prayed for spiritual help and then received it. Jesus described people who joyfully accept the word at the beginning but then give up because they "no root in themselves. " Gewinnen war für mich alles, und so war ich bald als unerbittlicher Konkurrent gefürchtet. There were evidently times when the apostle Paul was distressed over past misdeeds. I was gaining all that was for me, and soon I was afraid of it. Der Psalmist sang: "Siehe! Remain watchful as Jesus did - watchful in your prayers, in your ministry, and in dealing with trials. The psalmist sang: "Look! Eines der verheerendsten Werke Satans, die Jehova durch Jesus Christus rückgängig machen oder abbrechen will, ist der Tod, verursacht durch die von Adam ererbte Sünde. What a comforting thought that all of God's servants today can freely approach God with full confidence that they are heard by him! One of Satan's most devastating works that Jehovah will undo through Jesus Christ is death, causing death from Adam to sin. Apostelgeschichte, Kapitel 8 berichtet beispielsweise von dem Evangeliumsverkündiger Philippus, der anscheinend Griechisch sprach. In second place is its companion magazine Awake! For example, Acts chapter 8 of the evangelizer Philip, who apparently spoke the Greek - language Greek. Als Sklaven Gottes dürfen wir nicht Sklaven von Menschen werden. Does that warning not remind you of what befell the Israelites in the wilderness? As slaves of God, we must not become slaves of men. Dann wirst du dich nicht nur deshalb in der Versammlung einsetzen, weil deine Eltern es verlangen, sondern weil du selbst Gottes Willen tun möchtest. When Abishai crept into Saul's camp, he did not have his loyalties in the proper order. Doing so will help you not only in the congregation but because your parents ask you to do God's will but because you want to do God's will. Ein Mann sollte also seine Frau genauso nähren und pflegen wie sich selbst. The prophet presented to the king a situation in which a rich man with many sheep of his own took and slaughtered the sole, beloved sheep belonging to a man of little means. Therefore, a husband should cultivate his wife just as he does himself. Frage dich: "Kann ich mit der Bibel argumentieren, wenn ein Wohnungsinhaber etwas äußert, was biblischen Lehren widerspricht, oder wenn er eine schwierige Frage stellt? Let us first consider the counsel that the Bible gives to husbands. Ask yourself, " Would I reason with the Bible if a householder expresses what Bible teachings is contrary to or when he asks a difficult question? ' Außerdem haben wir die Aussicht auf ewiges Leben in dem kurz bevorstehenden friedlichen Paradies. For example, Noah was living when the pre - Flood world was ending. Moreover, we have the prospect of living forever in the coming peaceful Paradise. (Genaue Textanordnung in der gedruckten Ausgabe) However, the accompanying card reveals that the gift is from her little girl, who spent all her savings to buy it. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Bestürzt darüber, dass es kein "Haus" für Jehova gab, wollte er ihm einen Tempel bauen. Rather, their outlook should take into account that "he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 16, 17. Referring to the fact that it was not "a house " for Jehovah to build a temple for him. Ich aber und meine Hausgenossen, wir werden Jehova dienen. ." In the heat of the moment, it is all too easy to react emotionally. But I and my household, we shall serve Jehovah. " Das, was wir lehren, muss das Herz des Studierenden berühren, damit es etwas bewirkt. Combined with principled love, a·gaʹpe, this type of love promotes close companionship among God's people. Our teaching must touch the heart of the student's student's heart. Viele Ex - Alkoholiker haben ihr Problem nach der Devise gelöst, die Jesus einmal empfahl: "Wenn dich dein rechtes Auge verführt, reiß es aus und wirf's weg. Another factor that helps us to resist "the things in the world " is that we keep in mind John's inspired words:" The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " Many modern - day students have tried to solve their problem by asking Jesus: "If your right eye is leading you, tear it out and throw it away. Wie gut zu wissen, dass Jehova "der Gott allen Trostes" ist! What will they speak of on the next visit? How good it is to know that Jehovah is "the God of all comfort "! Sie zögerten die Taufe nicht unnötig hinaus. Jehovah's Witnesses concentrate on giving a thorough witness They did not hold back from getting baptized. Den wichtigsten Grund, warum Christen sich bemühen sollten, ihn nachzuahmen, nannte Jesus, als er zu den Aposteln sagte: "Mein Vater wird dadurch verherrlicht, dass ihr fortwährend viel Frucht tragt." We too are fighting a relentless battle. For the most important reason why Christians should strive to imitate him, Jesus said to his apostles: "My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " David, der König über das alte Israel, hatte große Wertschätzung für Gottes liebende Güte. If you would find it you must be ever on the lookout.... David, the king of ancient Israel, appreciated God's loving - kindness. Eltern, die das berücksichtigen, drängen ihre Kinder nicht zur Taufe. In a respectful but firm way, you can explain to others your values, your beliefs, and your position as a Christian. Parents who are careful not to pressure their children to get baptized. Wie reagierten Adam und Eva auf Satans Lügen, und wozu führte das? They will not prevail. How did Adam and Eve respond to Satan's lies, and with what result? Er war seinen Jüngern gegenüber nie beleidigend. 3, 4. He was never interested in his disciples. 14, 15. (a) Warum ist Josephs Geschichte für uns von Interesse? When we realize the true value of a costly gift, we are moved to show our gratitude to the giver. 14, 15. (a) Why is Joseph's story of interest to us? Dazu schmeichelte er sich erst einmal beim Volk ein. Er "stahl fortwährend das Herz der Männer Israels," indem er ihnen heimlich Versprechungen machte und Zuneigung heuchelte. " Until the cities crash in ruins without an inhabitant and the houses are without people and the land is ruined and desolate. " - Read Isaiah 6: 8 - 11. In fact, he "kept holding back the heart of the men of Israel " by making private promises and selling them with affection and affection. Würde beispielsweise das Volk Gottes in die Gefangenschaft verschleppt, würde Jehova dessen Bitten nur hören, wenn das Herz ihm gegenüber ungeteilt wäre. Study Article 4 PAGES 17 - 21 For example, if God's people were to be taken captive into captivity, Jehovah would hear his petitions only if the heart was complete toward him. (Siehe den Kasten auf Seite 17.) (b) Welche Anregungen, mit einer chronischen Krankheit zurechtzukommen, enthielt das Erwachet! 106: 1. Some names in this article have been changed. (See box on page 17.) (b) What suggestions can help us to cope with a chronic illness? Weshalb müssen Eheleute realistischerweise gelegentlich mit Problemen rechnen, was auch aus der Bibel hervorgeht? An insightful husband takes note of his wife's feelings and tries to adapt his approach accordingly. Why do marriage mates need to expect problems, and what does the Bible indicate? (Lies 2. Korinther 6: 4, 5.) Nice to meet you. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 4, 5.) Gemäß der Bibel muss man nicht erst erwachsen sein oder ein bestimmtes gesetzliches Mindestalter erreicht haben, um sich taufen lassen zu können. Of all humans alive in 1513 B.C.E., Moses was "by far the meekest. " The Bible tells us not to be adult or to have a certain case in order to get baptized. Oktober 2001? What can we conclude from all of this? October 7 - 11, 2001? Im selben Spruch heißt es aber auch: "Die Zunge der Weisen ist Heilung." How, though, do you feel about singing aloud with the congregation? However, the same proverb says: "The tongue of the wise one is a healing. " Was scheint am Leben als Jünger Christi widersprüchlich zu sein? Rather, "whatever the man would call each living creature, that became its name. " - Gen. What seems to be the life of Christ's disciples? Manchmal ist es sogar ein richtiger Kampf, loyal zu bleiben. And what must we do now to stay on the watch? Sometimes it is a struggle to remain loyal. Über sie wurde gesagt, dass sie auf dem Thron Jehovas saßen und als Könige für Jehova in Jerusalem regierten. What care should we exercise when explaining scriptures? They were told that they were seated on Jehovah's throne and ruled as kings in Jerusalem. • Was geschieht mit uns beim Tod? Today, we live as foreigners, as it were, in a world that has been morally and spiritually corrupted by Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, "a dwelling place of demons. " • What will happen to us when we die? Gesalbte Jünger haben die Talente ab dem 1. Jahrhundert erhalten und müssen darüber Rechenschaft ablegen, wie sie ihren Auftrag zu predigen erfüllen. 4, 5. Anointed disciples have received the talents from the first century and must render an account about how to carry out their commission to preach. (Lies Matthäus 4: 4 - 10.) If you treasure your privilege of serving Jehovah, you can be sure that he will supply your physical and spiritual needs, just as he provided sustenance for the Levites. (Read Matthew 4: 4 - 10.) Sie und Aquila setzten sogar "ihren eigenen Hals" für Paulus ein, sodass er schrieb: "Nicht nur ich [sage] Dank..., sondern auch alle Versammlungen der Nationen." When he allowed his enemies to arrest him in the garden of Gethsemane, it was not because he could not defend himself. They even "put their own neck " to Paul, so he wrote:" Not only I am coming but also all the congregations of the nations also of the nations. " Kein Wunder, dass Paulus schrieb: "[Ihr] habt den Christus nicht so kennengelernt." CAN YOU ANSWER? How can we avoid being overwhelmed by distressing events? No wonder Paul wrote: "You have not come to know the Christ. " Uns ist bewusst, dass Satan unsere Einheit schwächen würde, wenn er uns davon abhalten könnte. " Walking by spirit " leads to God's approval. - Gal. We realize that Satan would weaken our unity if he could prevent us from falling into it. Und auch die Voraussage Jesu, die gute Botschaft werde weltweit gepredigt, erfüllt sich, wie bereits erwähnt, vor unseren Augen. One reflection of such love is the setting of priorities in life that are in accord with Jehovah's will rather than human inclinations. And the fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy that the good news is being preached worldwide is being fulfilled. So fahrt denn fort, zuerst das Königreich und SEINE Gerechtigkeit zu suchen, und alle diese anderen Dinge werden euch hinzugefügt werden ." 4: 6. Be Courageous and Strong Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " Jemand anders könnte zwar bezweifeln, dass dein Vater dir in einer Notsituation helfen wird, und er lässt sich nicht unbedingt davon überzeugen, dass dein Vater dir immer hilft. * Others may doubt that your father will help you in need, and he does not believe that your father will always help you. Hierzu einige Fakten: In den Vereinigten Staaten gibt es in den verschiedenen Konfessionen etwa 600 000 Geistliche. A touching example is found in Daniel chapter 10. Consider some facts: In the United States, there are some 600 clergy in various churches. Nicht selten hören wir ja davon, wie Menschen gebetet haben und Jehova auf ihr Gebet reagiert hat. Lois may know that similar situations have caused much upset in the congregation or in her family, and what she does may significantly impact her children. It is often easy to hear of how humans prayed and how Jehovah has responded to their prayer. Auch den Apostel Paulus belasteten wohl manchmal zurückliegende Fehler. This teaches a child to love and brings lifelong benefits. The apostle Paul may at times have dealt with the shortcomings of others. Bleib im Gebet, beim Predigen und unter Prüfungen wachsam wie Jesus. We have truly received an "indescribable free gift " from Jehovah. Remain in prayer, in the preaching and under trials, as Jesus did. Welch ein ermutigender Gedanke: Alle Diener Gottes können sich heute freimütig und in der vollen Überzeugung an ihn wenden, dass er ihnen zuhört! We will consider what questions in the course of this discussion? What a reassuring thought that all of God's people today can muster up boldness to approach him with full conviction that he listens to them! Dicht gefolgt von ihrer Schwesterzeitschrift Erwachet! The number of partakers includes those who mistakenly think that they are anointed. It proved to be a fine example for her sister who served as a Christian elder in the June 22, 2003, issue of Awake! Genau das taten die Israeliten in der Wildnis. (Rom. The Israelites did just that in the wilderness. Er hielt in erster Linie loyal zu David, weshalb er König Saul töten wollte. This article will consider how we can guard against three of the traps that the Devil has used with a measure of success. He remained loyal primarily to David, and he wanted to kill King Saul. Nathan schildert dem König einen Fall, bei dem ein reicher Mann, der viele eigene Schafe hatte, einem armen Mann sein einziges, lieb gewonnenes Schaf wegnahm und es schlachtete. We can't understand exactly how you feel, but Jehovah does and will keep raising you up. Nathan described the king as a rich man who had affection for many sheep, one of his poor man, a poor man, lost it and took it off. Durch die Erinnerung daran wurden die Israeliten gestärkt, sich allem zu stellen, was ihnen bei der Eroberung des verheißenen Landes begegnen würde. How did young Daniel react to all of this? Recall that the Israelites were strengthened to set up everything they would meet in the conquest of the Promised Land. Sehen wir uns zuerst einmal an, was die Bibel Ehemännern rät. Now that some time has elapsed since that change was introduced, we can ask ourselves: " Am I using the time made available to have a Family Worship evening or to engage in personal study? Let us first consider how the Bible's counsel applies to husbands. Noah zum Beispiel lebte vor der Sintflut in einer Welt, die kurz vor ihrem Ende stand. Some time after that meeting, Peter went to live in Babylon, doubtless to preach to the large population of Jews in that area. For example, Noah lived before the Flood of Noah's day. Die beiliegende Karte verrät ihr aber, dass das Geschenk von ihrem Töchterchen ist, das seine ganzen Ersparnisse dafür ausgegeben hat. The great tribulation will reach its climax with the destruction of all the governments of this old world and all those who side with them against God's Kingdom. The card, on the other hand, reveals that the gift of her daughter has spent all his money. Stattdessen würden sich die beiden davon leiten lassen, dass derjenige, der " den Willen Gottes tut, immerdar bleibt '. The Teruel Congregation, which has 78 publishers, has Albarracín and another 188 towns and villages in its territory Instead, they would be guided by the One who " does the will of God forever. ' Beten wir um Weisheit, das Richtige zu tun. The inspired proverb reminds us: "A man of faithful acts will get many blessings. " Pray for wisdom to do what is right. Zusammen mit der grundsatztreuen Liebe (agápē) führt brüderliche Liebe in Gottes Volk zu einer warmen, freundschaftlichen Atmosphäre. Scott: And would you be referring to the sun as a person who would come into your home as a guest? A mutual love for God's people contributed to a warm, friendly atmosphere. Jehovas Zeugen konzentrieren sich darauf, gründlich Zeugnis abzulegen In ancient Israel, the priesthood, the tabernacle, and its furnishings were to be held sacred Jehovah's Witnesses focus on bearing thorough witness Auch wir führen einen ständigen Kampf. Jehovah and the designated King of His Kingdom, Christ Jesus, require that their subjects be known for their kindness. We too have a constant fight. Wer sie finden möchte, muss ständig danach Ausschau halten.... Lessons for Us: To find them, keep looking.... Höflich, aber bestimmt können wir anderen unsere Wertmaßstäbe, unsere Glaubensansichten und unseren Standpunkt erklären. What admonition should we keep in mind? On the other hand, we can explain our values, beliefs, and position to others. Sie werden nicht die Oberhand gewinnen. Recall the many touching and emotional scenes we read about in the Bible. They will not prevail. 3, 4. We can take at least two steps that will serve as a bulwark against temptation and will help us to make wise choices later. 3, 4. Die Israeliten wurden von Jehova aus der Sklaverei in Ägypten befreit, doch sie waren nicht dankbar dafür. Roman army cut short its attack; Christians in Jerusalem and Judea fled The Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt, but they were not grateful. (Lies Jesaja 6: 8 - 11.) (3) The wicked world. (Read Isaiah 6: 8 - 11.) Studienartikel SEITE 17 - 21 Warnings about the dangers of smoking, excessive drinking, and sexual promiscuity abound in the media. For the most part, these warnings go unheeded. Study Article 3 PAGES 17 - 21 Einige Namen in diesem Artikel wurden geändert. The answers to these and related questions will be considered in the following article. Some names in this article have been changed. Zeigt ein Mann Einsicht, dann nimmt er die Gefühle seiner Frau ernst und bemüht sich, darauf einzugehen. How a Christian Husband Honors His Wife If a husband takes insight into his wife's feelings, he will take the initiative to correct his wife's feelings. " Moses war bei Weitem der sanftmütigste aller Menschen ," die im Jahr 1513 v. u. The prophet Amos, who lived at about the same time as Jonah, described the Israelites of the day as materialistic pleasure - lovers. " Moses was far greater than the meekest of all men, " states 1513 B.C.E. Was lässt sich aus alldem schließen? After being anointed with holy spirit, they continued to submit to Jesus ' direction. - Acts 16: 7 - 10. What can we conclude? Doch was empfindest du beim Singen in der Zusammenkunft? • What do our conversations reveal about us? How, though, do you feel about singing at the meetings? Stattdessen wurde der Name jeder lebenden Seele so, wie immer Adam sie nannte. One way is by being present for the singing of Kingdom songs. Instead, the name was given to everyone living just as Adam did. Was müssen wir heute tun, um wachsam zu bleiben? " Who that is innocent has ever perished? " asked Eliphaz. What must we do now to remain watchful? Worauf müssen wir achten, wenn wir Schriftstellen erklären? The book of Revelation seems to progress on the basis of a series of sevens. What must we be careful when explaining scriptures? Wir sind wie Fremde in der heutigen Welt - eine Welt, die sittlich und religiös verdorben ist. Dafür ist Groß - Babylon verantwortlich, das Weltreich der falschen Religion, "eine Wohnstätte von Dämonen." He has the power to protect his faithful worshipers in any manner he wishes. Like strangers in today's world - a world that is moral and religious - is responsible for Babylon the Great, Babylon the world empire of false religion, "a place of demons. " 4, 5. HOW can we examine the motives and the inclinations of our heart? 4, 5. Betrachtest du deinen Dienst für Jehova als einen kostbaren Schatz, kannst du absolut sicher sein, dass er für alles sorgt, was du brauchst - wie in alter Zeit für die Leviten. Yes, in a number of ways, Jehovah offers guidance, and we do well to take full advantage of it. As you view your service to Jehovah as a precious treasure, you can be sure that he cares for all the needs of the Levites. Er ließ sich im Garten Gethsemane von seinen Feinden nicht etwa deshalb verhaften, weil er sich nicht hätte verteidigen können. The baptism itself is usually preceded by a Scriptural talk explaining the significance of Christian baptism. He did not allow his enemies to arrest him in the garden of Gethsemane because he could not defend himself. Was können wir tun, damit wir nicht von Problemen überwältigt werden? In these articles, we will examine Bible accounts of King David and his contemporaries. What can help us not to be overwhelmed by problems? So können wir es schaffen, Jehova Gott zu gefallen. While the literal boots worn by Roman soldiers carried them into war, the symbolic footwear worn by Christians helps them deliver a message of peace. We can do so by pleasing Jehovah God. Diese Liebe zeigt sich daran, dass er sein Leben nicht nach menschlichen Vorstellungen, sondern nach dem Willen Jehovas ausrichtet. And the apostle Peter warned that the Devil is "seeking to devour someone, " and that" someone " could be any one of us. Such love shows that he does not live by human thinking, but in harmony with Jehovah's will. Geben wir Gott die Ehre für das, was er uns tun lässt. When it comes to entertainment and recreation, that crowd often promote baseless ideas. We give credit to God for what he does for us. * Jehovah provides spiritual protection * Ein rührendes Beispiel dafür finden wir in Daniel, Kapitel 10. Why the Good News Is Veiled A touching example is found in Daniel chapter 10. Lois weiß vielleicht von ähnlichen Situationen, die in der Versammlung oder in ihrer Familie viel Unruhe verursachten. Außerdem kann sich ihr Verhalten sehr negativ auf ihre Kinder auswirken. Could it be that we have developed such a habit? Lois may be aware of similar situations that may cause much distress within the congregation or within her family, and her behavior can affect her children. So lernt das Kind zu lieben, wovon es sein Leben lang profitieren wird. Most symptoms, though, abate within four to six weeks. A child's learning to love what he will do for his life for the benefit of his life. Jehova hat uns wirklich eine "unbeschreibliche freie Gabe" geschenkt. That being so, why did Moses call to their attention that Jehovah their God is "one Jehovah "? Jehovah has indeed given us a "indescribable free gift. " Mit welchen Fragen werden wir uns im Verlauf unserer Betrachtung befassen? Why is it important to pray with and for our student? What questions will we consider during our discussion? Die Zahl derer, die von den Symbolen nehmen, enthält somit auch diejenigen, die sich fälschlicherweise zu den Gesalbten zählen. How different it is, though, when we render wholehearted service to Jehovah! Hence, the number of those who partake of the emblems also includes those who mistakenly count on the anointed. (Röm. By using a sincere, enthusiastic approach, we show people that we value and love what we have learned from God's Word. - Psalm 119: 97, 105. (For fully formatted text, see publication) In diesem Artikel geht es um drei Fallen, die er ziemlich erfolgreich eingesetzt hat, und darum, wie wir verhindern können hineinzutappen: 1. Rather than fret over the manner of discipline, try to recognize that there may be a reason for the way they act. In this article, we will consider three traps that he has successfully used, and we will see how we can avoid falling into sin. Natürlich wissen wir nicht genau, wie du dich fühlst, aber Jehova weiß es. As a spiritual man, Moses had faith in "the One who is invisible, " Jehovah, and in the fulfillment of God's promises. - Heb. 11: 27. Of course, we do not know exactly how you feel, but Jehovah knows. Wie reagierte Daniel auf all das? In 1919, faithful anointed Christians made a final break with Christendom and set out to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom to all the nations. How did Daniel react to all of this? Da ist es an der Zeit, für sich einmal Bilanz zu ziehen: Nutze ich den Abend, der mir jetzt zur Verfügung steht, für das Familienstudium oder, wenn ich keine Familie habe, für mein persönliches Studium? Visualize the scene: Jesus made a whip of ropes, and he drove out those selling cattle and sheep. As time passes, I have found that the evening has been available to me for family worship or family worship, if I do not have time for personal study. Einige Zeit nach dieser Zusammenkunft zog Petrus nach Babylon, zweifellos um den vielen dort lebenden Juden zu predigen. No doubt, he will feel that the long wait was worth it. Some time after that meeting, Peter no doubt moved to Babylon to preach to the many Jews there. Die große Drangsal erreicht den Höhepunkt, wenn die Regierungen der alten Welt vernichtet werden sowie die Menschen, die sich mit ihnen gegen Gottes Königreich stellen. Notice Micah 3: 8, where the faithful prophet says: "On the other hand, I myself have become full of power, with the spirit of Jehovah, and of justice and mightiness. " The great tribulation will reach its climax when the governments of the old world will be destroyed and those who take their stand against God's Kingdom. Die Versammlung Teruel hat 78 Verkündiger und predigt in 189 Ortschaften. One January evening, the man asked his wife, Jodi, what she knew of Jehovah's Witnesses. For example, the local congregation has reached out to 60 publishers, preaching in 18 territories. In einem inspirierten Spruch heißt es: "Ein Mann von treuen Taten wird viele Segnungen bekommen." The apostle Paul wrote to the young man Timothy: "Continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from what persons you learned them and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus. " One inspired proverb says: "A man of faithful acts will get many blessings. " Wie wir dieses Geschenk am besten nutzen können, wird im nächsten Artikel behandelt. What is one of the greatest helps to being humble? The following article will consider how we can use this gift effectively. Jochen F.: Ich glaub, das hat sie heute wirklich gesagt. How did Nehemiah show his loyalty to Jehovah? Brad: That's what she really said today. Im alten Israel waren die Priesterschaft und die Stiftshütte samt ihrer Einrichtung als heilig anzusehen • How can imperfect humans approach God acceptably? In ancient Israel, the priesthood and the tabernacle were viewed as sacred Jehova und Christus Jesus, der designierte König seines Königreiches, erwarten von ihren Untertanen, für Güte bekannt zu sein. Whatever our economic situation, let us rely on God's spirit and pursue a course of life that will make us "rich toward God. " Jehovah and Jesus Christ, the King of his Kingdom, expecting their subjects to be known for goodness. Lehren für uns: (b) How do the "other sheep "" see God "? Lessons for Us: Welche Aufforderung sollten wir im Sinn behalten? No. What admonition should we keep in mind? Nicht umsonst lesen wir in der Bibel von vielen emotionalen, ergreifenden Szenen. " Very deep your thoughts are. " There is no record of many emotional, dramatic pictures in the Bible. Was können wir tun, um uns vor Versuchungen zu schützen und um weise Entscheidungen zu treffen? Zwei Schritte möchten wir jetzt näher betrachten. The next article will help us to draw practical lessons from the last two chapters of Micah's faith - strengthening prophecy Mic chapters 6, 7. Let us now consider two steps that we can take to protect ourselves from temptations and to make wise decisions. Satan und die Dämonen; 3. die böse Welt. Even when marriage mates do not seem well - matched, what may help? Satan and his demons; (3) (3) (3) the wicked world. Paulus betont durch seine Veranschaulichung, dass jeder in der Christenversammlung gebraucht wird. And it is generally used when teaching students at the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, New York, U.S.A. Paul emphasized his illustration that everyone in the Christian congregation is used. In den Medien wird zwar häufig vor den Folgen des Rauchens, vor Alkoholmissbrauch und vor einer lockeren Geschlechtsmoral gewarnt, doch ändert deswegen kaum jemand seine Gewohnheiten. " Keep Yourself Restrained Under Evil ' Although the media often warn people about the consequences of smoking, alcohol abuse, and sexual intercourse, they do not necessarily change their habits. Diese und damit verwandte Fragen werden im nächsten Artikel betrachtet. " MISERABLE man that I am! " These and related questions will be considered in the next article. Wie ein christlicher Ehemann seine Frau ehrt Showing our emotions is not a sign of weakness. How a Christian husband honors his wife Der Prophet Amos, der etwa zur selben Zeit lebte, beschrieb die damaligen Israeliten als vergnügungssüchtige Materialisten. In view of Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 7: 9 - 11, how is Jehovah like a loving father? The prophet Amos, who lived in the same time, described the Israelites as spoiling material things. Und nachdem sie mit heiligem Geist gesalbt worden waren, ließen sie sich weiter von Jesus anleiten. ▪ Never Become "Enraged Against Jehovah " And after being anointed with holy spirit, they continued to submit to Jesus ' direction. • Was verraten unsere Gespräche? In response to their prayers, the angel hurled to the earth a symbolic fire that set the anointed Christians afire spiritually. • What do our conversations reveal? Sie zeigt sich unter anderem dadurch, dass wir beim Singen der Königreichslieder anwesend sind. After all, what was serving Pharaoh compared with serving Almighty God? One way is by being present at singing the Kingdom songs. " Welcher Unschuldige ist je umgekommen? ," fragte Eliphas. Like the tribe of Gad, Christians today are exposed to the pressures and burdens of Satan's system; no miraculous protection spares us from grappling with them. " What innocent man has died? " asked Eliphaz. Die Zahl Sieben kommt in der Offenbarung wiederholt vor. To meditate prayerfully on a portion of the Bible that you have read, you could, for instance, ask yourself: " Does it reveal one or more of Jehovah's qualities? The number seven is repeatedly presented repeatedly in the book of Revelation. Er hat die Macht, seine treuen Anbeter zu beschützen, wie es ihm gefällt. Or have you ever experienced leaving a job for spiritual reasons and then seen the truth of God's promise: "I will never abandon you "? He has the power to protect his loyal worshipers. WIE können wir unsere Beweggründe und inneren Neigungen beurteilen? As we have seen, Timothy had (1) knowledge of the Scriptures and (2) conviction about his beliefs. HOW can we judge our motives and feelings? Jehova bietet uns auf vielerlei Weise an, uns zu leiten, und es wäre gut, diese Möglichkeiten auch wirklich zu nutzen. Jehovah's present - day worshippers can trust in their God, and in his loving - kindness, to safeguard and deliver them. - Psalm 13: 5; 40: 11. In many ways, Jehovah provides us with guidance, and it is good to take advantage of these opportunities. Vor der Taufe wird gewöhnlich in einer biblischen Ansprache die Bedeutung der christlichen Taufe erklärt. OBSERVERS have commented on the outstanding qualities seen among Jehovah's people. Before baptism, a Bible talk is usually explained in a Scriptural discourse of Christian baptism. Diese beiden Artikel behandeln Berichte über König David und seine Zeitgenossen. What does the law on gleaning teach us? These two articles will discuss accounts about King David and his contemporaries. Römische Soldaten marschierten mit ihren Stiefeln in den Krieg. Wir als Christen ziehen aus, um eine Botschaft des Friedens zu verkünden und haben dafür festes "Schuhwerk." But who would replace them? Roman soldiers descended from the war, and Christians are moved to declare a message of peace and have firmly established. Und der Apostel Petrus schrieb warnend, dass der Teufel " jemand zu verschlingen sucht '. Dieser "Jemand" könnte jeder von uns sein. She also shared with me her own experience with the kind of test I was going through, and I felt less alone. " And the apostle Peter warned us that "the Devil is seeking to devour someone. " Wenn es um Unterhaltung und Entspannung geht, vertritt diese "Menge" oft unsinnige Ideen. Am I improving the quality of my comments? When it comes to entertainment and entertainment, these "truth " often exposes occult ideas. Jehova bietet geistigen Schutz In a sense, they are like those in the first century whom Paul described as having "no hope " and being" without God in the world. " - Eph. 2: 12. Jehovah offers spiritual protection Warum die gute Botschaft verhüllt ist And things are getting worse by the day. Why the Good News Is Alive Könnte das auch bei uns der Fall sein? How does Genesis 3: 15 relate to God's purpose? Could that be true of us? Allerdings klingen die meisten Symptome nach 4 bis 6 Wochen ab. All of Jehovah's laws are based on eternal, trustworthy principles However, most people believe that from 4 weeks to 6 weeks. Warum machte sie Moses dann darauf aufmerksam, dass Jehova, ihr Gott, "ein Jehova" ist? 6: 33. Why, then, did Moses call attention to the fact that Jehovah is their God? Warum ist es so wichtig, sowohl mit als auch für Studierende zu beten? IMAGINE that you are lying in a hospital bed. Why is it important to pray both with and Bible students? Ganz anders sieht es jedoch aus, wenn man Jehova mit ungeteiltem Herzen dient. If any Christian is beginning to entertain apostate views and wants to spread them, he ought to take a warning from Christ! What a contrast it is, though, when we serve Jehovah with a complete heart. Wenn wir aufrichtig und begeistert sind, erkennen die Menschen, wie sehr wir das schätzen und lieben, was wir aus Gottes Wort kennen gelernt haben. As we continue to benefit from our heavenly Father's marvelous qualities, including the great loving - kindness he displays toward those who love him, may our sentiments always be like those expressed by David in the final words of Psalm 145: "The praise of Jehovah my mouth will speak; and let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite, even forever. " When we are sincere and eager to discern the depth of our appreciation and appreciation for what we have learned from God's Word. Ärgere dich nicht darüber, sondern überlege, warum sie etwas sagen oder tun. " We... are under obligation to receive such persons hospitably, " says the apostle, "that we may become fellow workers in the truth. " - 3 John 5 - 8. Do not be provoked, but determine why they say or do things. Als Geistesmensch vertraute er auf Jehova, den "Unsichtbaren," und auf die Erfüllung seiner Verheißungen. The true God gave to the offspring of his heavenly woman the authority to destroy Satan. As a spiritual man, he trusted in Jehovah, "the One who is invisible, " and in fulfillment of his promises. Im Jahr 1919 brachen die treuen gesalbten Christen endgültig mit der Christenheit und begannen, allen Nationen die gute Botschaft vom Königreich zu verkündigen. Elders should carefully and prayerfully weigh each situation and find out what occurred and how often, the nature and extent of the misconduct, and the intent and motive of the wrongdoer. In 1919 the faithful anointed Christians broke their final side with Christendom and began preaching the good news of the Kingdom to all the nations. Mal dir die Szene aus: Jesus macht aus Stricken eine Peitsche und treibt dann die Rinder und Schafe samt ihren Verkäufern hinaus. Counted Worthy to Be Guided to Fountains of Waters of Life Then, once the scene reads: " Jesus makes a distance of cords and then selling the sheep and their sheep and their selling them. Mit Sicherheit wird er sagen: Das lange Warten hat sich gelohnt! Nonetheless, she said: "I still went through a sort of grieving process. Surely he will say that the long wait has been worth it! Das wird in Micha 3: 8 bestätigt, wo der treue Prophet sagt: "Andererseits bin ich selbst mit Kraft erfüllt worden, mit dem Geist Jehovas und des Rechts und der Macht." He knows all that there is to know about the universe, including its composition and its history. This is confirmed at Micah 3: 8, where the faithful prophet says: "I myself have been filled with power, with Jehovah's spirit and justice and power. " An einem Abend im Januar fragte der Mann seine Frau Jodi, eine Katholikin, was sie über Jehovas Zeugen wisse. (b) What questions arise? On one night in the January January, the husband asked his wife, a Catholic Catholic woman, what she knows about Jehovah's Witnesses. Der Apostel Paulus schrieb an den jungen Timotheus: "Bleibe bei den Dingen, die du gelernt hast und zu glauben überzeugt worden bist, da du weißt, von welchen Personen du sie gelernt hast, und da du von frühester Kindheit an die heiligen Schriften gekannt hast, die dich weise zu machen vermögen zur Rettung durch den Glauben in Verbindung mit Christus Jesus." " Never Be Anxious " The apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy: "Continue believing in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, since you have learned from those whom you learned from infancy and that you have known the holy writings that you can make you wise for salvation with Christ Jesus. " Fragen von Lesern: Besteht für ein Kind, das im Mutterleib stirbt, die Hoffnung auf eine Auferstehung? SEITE 12 He justified his behavior. Ask yourself: " Does this mean that a child dies at the mother's womb, the hope of a resurrection? Was hilft ganz wesentlich dabei, demütig zu sein? WHY APPRECIATE MODERN CONVENTIONS? What will help us to be humble? • Wie können sich Menschen trotz ihrer Unvollkommenheit Gott auf annehmbare Weise nahen? 9: 26; John 14: 19. Our present era, though, is also momentous. • How can humans draw close to God despite their imperfection? Ob wir viel oder wenig haben - wir wollen auf Gottes Geist vertrauen und auf eine Weise leben, die uns Gott gegenüber reich macht. Table of Contents Whether we have much or little or little, let us trust in God's spirit and live in a way that makes us rich toward God. (b) Wie "sehen" die "anderen Schafe" Gott? Why can we be sure that we can conquer evil? (b) How do the "other sheep " see God? Nein. Food! No. " Sehr tief sind deine Gedanken ." On another occasion, Jesus resurrected a 12 - year - old girl. " Very deep things are your thoughts. " Welche Nutzanwendungen können wir den beiden letzten Kapiteln der glaubensstärkenden Prophezeiung Michas entnehmen? Das wird uns der nächste Artikel zeigen. 40: 26. 5, 6. (a) Besides Jehovah, who was involved in creation? The following article will show us what practical lessons we can learn from the two final chapters of Micah's faith. Was kann selbst dann helfen, wenn die Ehepartner anscheinend nicht gut zusammenpassen? The lives of Joshua, David, and Timothy add proof that serving Jehovah is the best way to spend your life. Even if your marriage mate appears well, what can help you? Und der Unterricht im Wachtturm - Schulungszentrum in Patterson (New York) findet ebenfalls in dieser Sprache statt. [ Picture] And the tools found in The Watchtower - On DVD, New York City are also found in this language. Uns " unter üblen Umständen beherrschen ' Now think of what traitorous Judas Iscariot did to the Christ. " Guard Against Evil Under evil " " ICH elender Mensch! ." Fittingly, after the apostle John saw the 144,000 spiritual Israelites being permanently sealed before the great tribulation, he also observed a numberless "great crowd, " who come" out of all nations. " " Miserable man that I am! " Es ist kein Zeichen von Schwäche, Gefühle zu zeigen. So be balanced. It is not a sign of weakness. Wodurch erweist sich Jehova gemäß Matthäus 7: 9 - 11 als liebevoller Vater? The chief priests and Pharisees demanded an explanation: "Why is it you did not bring him in? " According to Matthew 7: 9 - 11, how does Jehovah prove to be a loving Father? ▪ "Ergrimme" nie gegen Jehova Then, referring to his family, he continued: "As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah. " - Joshua 24: 15. ▪ Never Learn From Jehovah Ihre Gebete wurden erhört und ein Engel schleuderte symbolisches Feuer zur Erde, um den Eifer der Gesalbten anzufachen. Including them in other activities also helps keep them strong. " Their prayers were answered and a symbolic fire to the earth for the zeal of the anointed. Von welchem Wert war es für Moses, in Ägypten Prinz zu sein, wenn er der "Christus" oder Gesalbte Jehovas sein konnte? With a group of deaf people at a convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1946 What value was it for Moses to be in Egypt when he could be "the Christ, " or Jehovah's anointed ones? Ähnlich wie der Stamm Gad sind wir als Christen heute durch das satanische System enormen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Das bleibt uns nicht etwa durch übernatürlichen Schutz erspart. Why? Like the tribe of Gad, we today are confronted by the vast pressures of this system of things, which do not shield us from miraculous protection. Wenn man unter Gebet über etwas nachsinnen möchte, was man in der Bibel gelesen hat, könnte man sich fragen: Werden in dem Gelesenen eine oder mehrere Eigenschaften Jehovas offenbar? Fervent prayer to Jehovah before we start preaching will surely help us to be positive and to present the Kingdom message in an appealing way to all. - Colossians 4: 6; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. When we prayerfully meditate on what we read in the Bible, we might ask ourselves: " Will you read a few of Jehovah's qualities or qualities? Womöglich hast du deine Arbeit gekündigt, weil dein Dienst für Jehova darunter litt und hast dann erlebt, wie er sein Versprechen gehalten hat: "Ich lasse dich nicht im Stich." By the time he was 18, he had regained the use of his arms. You may have been moved by your work because your service to Jehovah and then have seen how he has kept his promise: "I do not leave you. " Wir haben gesehen, dass Timotheus 1. die heiligen Schriften kannte und 2. von den Glaubenslehren überzeugt war. Remember, Jesus assured his disciples that he would give them a helper - God's holy spirit. We have seen that Timothy knew the sacred Scriptures and was persuaded to believe the beliefs of others. Jehovas heutige Anbeter können sich darauf verlassen, dass ihr Gott in seiner liebenden Güte sie beschützen und befreien wird. He waited until all hope of improvement was gone. Jehovah's worshippers today can be confident that their God - given loving - kindness will protect them and deliver them. JEHOVAS ZEUGEN werden von Außenstehenden immer wieder gelobt. The seventh vision enlarges on what is stated at Revelation 11: 15, 17. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES are repeatedly commended by those outside the congregation. Was lernen wir durch das Nachlesegesetz? Is there any way we can help them to renew their association with the congregation and resume their share in making disciples? What do we learn from the gleaning arrangement? Doch durch wen würden sie ersetzt? In direct violation of God's command, Achan took spoil from the city of Jericho and hid it in his tent, likely with the complicity of his family. But through whom would they be replaced? Sie erzählte mir, dass sie etwas Ähnliches durchgemacht hatte, und ich fühlte mich nicht mehr so allein. " The apostle Paul warned us that "in the last days, " conditions would be" hard to deal with. " She told me that she had something similar, and I felt no longer alone. " Wann wurde Jesus gemäß der Bibel der primäre Teil des "Samens" der himmlischen "Frau" Gottes? How were lepers viewed in ancient Israel? According to the Bible, when was Jesus the primary part of the "seed " of God's heavenly" woman "? Fällt anderen auf, dass ich intensiv die Bibel studiere? All three letters contain valuable counsel for us. - Heb. Do I have a routine of personal Bible study? In gewisser Weise geht es ihm wie den Menschen im ersten Jahrhundert, von denen Paulus sagte, sie hätten "keine Hoffnung" und seien "ohne Gott in der Welt." (b) How have you personally benefited from this training? In a sense, he is like those in the first century who said that they were "no hope " and that they were" without God in the world. " Und es wird nicht besser. Today, children may be exposed to pornography and other immoral material at a younger age than ever before. And it will not be better. Mose 3: 15 mit dem Vorsatz Gottes verknüpft? If all on earth were living under the same political entity or government, no one would be a foreigner in the political sense of the word. How is God's purpose related to his purpose recorded at Exodus 3: 15? Alle Gesetze Jehovas beruhen auf ewigen, verlässlichen Grundsätzen Such a trend is quite noticeable in Europe. All of Jehovah's laws on eternal, trustworthy principles [ Gottes] Gerechtigkeit zu suchen ." 14, 15. [ God's] righteousness. " Mit welchen Fragen werden wir uns beschäftigen? How does David describe Jehovah at Psalm 23: 5, and why is this not at odds with the illustration of a shepherd? What questions will we consider? Ein Christ, der angefangen hat, sich mit Ansichten Abtrünniger zu beschäftigen, und daran denkt, sie zu verbreiten, sollte sich von Christus warnen lassen. (Ruth 3: 1 - 4: 22) A Christian who began to consider apostate views and thinking on how to warn them about Christ's warning message. Je länger uns die wunderbaren Eigenschaften unseres himmlischen Vaters zugute kommen - wie etwa seine großartige liebende Güte gegenüber allen, die ihn lieben - , desto mehr wollen wir darauf achten, stets genauso zu empfinden, wie David es in den abschließenden Worten von Psalm 145 ausdrückte: "Mein Mund wird den Lobpreis Jehovas reden; und alles Fleisch segne seinen heiligen Namen auf unabsehbare Zeit, ja für immer." Yet, the Scriptures clearly tell us that imperfect humans who get married "will have tribulation in their flesh. " The more we benefit from our heavenly Father's marvelous qualities, such as his great - loving - kindness toward all who love him, the more we will always feel as did David in the final words of Psalm 145: "My mouth will praise forever; yes, all flesh will always speak to Jehovah's holy name to time indefinite; and to time indefinite, even to time indefinite, even forever. " Johannes sagt dazu: "Wir [sind] verpflichtet, solche Personen gastfreundlich aufzunehmen, damit wir zu Mitarbeitern in der Wahrheit werden." He did just so. " John says: "We are obligated to be hospitable to such ones so that we may become fellow workers in the truth. " Dabei bin ich denen früher extra aus dem Weg gegangen. In the 19th century, naturalist H. That is what I have walked from the way. Dem Nachkommen seiner himmlischen Frau übertrug der wahre Gott die Befugnis, Satan zu vernichten. So the day - to - day decisions we make in life should reflect our trust in Jehovah. The true God empowered his heavenly wife to destroy Satan's authority. Die Ältesten müssen jede einzelne Situation sorgfältig und unter Gebet durchdenken und herausfinden, was geschehen ist, wie oft und in welchem Ausmaß es geschehen ist, von welcher Art das Fehlverhalten war, welche Absicht bestand und welcher Beweggrund vorlag. (a) How did Jesus choose companions? The elders need to carefully examine each situation carefully and prayerfully, to determine how often it was, and to determine how often it was that wrongdoing was wrong and what motive was wrong. Für würdig erachtet, zu Wasserquellen des Lebens geleitet zu werden If we meditate on Jehovah's activities, remembering all the good things he has done for us, we will strengthen our relationship with him. Counted Worthy to Be Guided to fountains of Life Sie sagte: "Ich machte trotzdem eine Zeit der Trauer durch. • Why is the tongue difficult to bridle? " Even so, " she said, "I went through grief. Er weiß alles über das Universum, über seine Entstehung und seinen Aufbau. Now David stood before Jonathan's father, King Saul of Israel, "with the head of the Philistine in his hand. " He knows everything about the universe, about its design, and its structure. (b) Welche Fragen erheben sich? Satan will resort to any means to distract us from true worship. (b) What questions arise? " Macht euch nie Sorgen " How did first - century Christians react when faced with opposition, and why? " Never Become anxious " Er argumentierte, was er getan habe, sei zulässig gewesen, denn das Vieh könne Gott geopfert werden. Mother tried to bring us children up by Christian principles. He reasoned on what he had done, for it could be possible for God to be sacrificed. (Lies Matthäus 5: 3.) The first article shows how this proved true of a prayer the Levites offered in behalf of God's people. (Read Matthew 5: 3.) Doch auch wir leben in einer sehr bedeutsamen Epoche! (b) What decision did the disciples make, and with what result? However, we too live in momentous times! V., Selters / Taunus. This article will help us to examine Solomon from both standpoints. Table of Contents Warum können wir überzeugt sein, dass wir das Böse besiegen können? He then said: "On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets. " Why can we be confident that we can conquer evil? Das Essen. Yet, in carrying out our ministry, we may meet many who do not understand that statement. This is a meal. Bei einer anderen Gelegenheit auferweckte Jesus ein 12 - jähriges Mädchen. After decades of strenuous work on the part of Noah and his family, Jehovah told Noah: "Go, you and all your household, into the ark, because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation. " On another occasion, Jesus raised a 12 - year - old girl. 5, 6. (a) Wer spielte neben Jehova noch eine Rolle bei der Schöpfung? Anointed Christians eagerly await serving with Christ in heaven, while the "other sheep " hope to" be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the [earthly] children of God. " 5, 6. (a) Who else was involved in Jehovah's role in creation? Jehova zu dienen ist wirklich das Beste, was man mit seinem Leben anfangen kann - das beweist das Beispiel von Josua, David und Timotheus. To the One who lives forever, a thousand years are as one day. Serving Jehovah is truly the best way to pursue life - the example of Joshua, David, and Timothy. Und dann war da Judas Iskariot, der den Christus verriet. A businessman in New Zealand had his car broken into and his briefcase stolen. Then Judas Iscariot was the one who identified Christ. Christen müssten eigentlich die gute Botschaft von Gottes Königreich predigen. Though many people living there had a bad reputation, some changed and became true Christians. Christians need to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Passenderweise sah der Apostel Johannes nicht nur die 144 000 geistigen Israeliten, die vor der großen Drangsal endgültig versiegelt wurden, sondern auch eine ungezählte "große Volksmenge... aus allen Nationen." For example, recall that the first thing Jesus taught his followers to pray for concerned God's name: "Let your name be sanctified. " Fittingly, the apostle John saw not only the 144,000 spiritual Israelites chosen before the great tribulation but also "a great crowd of all the nations. " Seien wir daher ausgeglichen. Why are mildness and patience important? Let us, then, be balanced. Die Oberpriester und die Pharisäer verlangten eine Erklärung: "Wie kommt es, dass ihr ihn nicht hergebracht habt?" Like literal birth pangs, these "pangs of distress " will no doubt continue to intensify until Christ " completes his conquest ' by destroying every vestige of Satan's visible organization. The chief priests and the Pharisees urged: "Why is it you have not brought it to him? " Dann sagte er von sich und seiner Familie: "Ich... und meine Hausgenossen, wir werden Jehova dienen." What are some of the rewards that we enjoy now? Then he said of himself and his family: "I... and my household will serve Jehovah. " Sie auch bei anderen Gelegenheiten mit einzubeziehen, hilft ihnen, stark zu bleiben. " How can we take the lead in showing honor to others? They also help them to remain strong. " Zusammen mit einer Gruppe Gehörloser auf einem Kongress 1946 in Cleveland, Ohio What benefit do Christians today gain from Psalm 83? A group of deaf people at a convention in 1946, Ohio, U.S.A. Warum? In the book of Acts, we read one account after another of their threats and attacks against Christians, starting almost immediately after the miraculous events at Pentecost 33 C.E. Why? Inbrünstig zu Jehova zu beten, bevor wir mit dem Predigtdienst beginnen, wird uns zweifellos helfen, positiv zu sein und die Königreichsbotschaft allen auf ansprechende Weise darzubieten. For humans, he made a beautiful paradise garden and gave them perfect minds and bodies capable of living forever. Praying to Jehovah before starting with the ministry will surely help us to be positive and appealing to the Kingdom message in all ways. Als er 18 war, konnte er seine Arme wieder gebrauchen. That is no easy task, since Satan's world may well point us in the wrong direction. When he was 18 years old, he was able to use his arms again. Vergiss nicht: Jesus sicherte seinen Jüngern zu, er würde ihnen einen Helfer geben - Gottes heiligen Geist. An especially painful form of opposition is experienced when family members reject the Kingdom message. - Read Matthew 10: 34 - 36. Remember, Jesus assured his disciples that he would give them a helper - God's holy spirit. Er wartete so lange, bis nicht mehr die geringste Aussicht auf Besserung bestand. At Pentecost 33 C.E., Jesus ' newly anointed disciples made known to the people "the magnificent things of God, " and many who heard responded. He waited until the end of his prehuman existence was lost. Die siebte Vision enthält Näheres zu Offenbarung 11: 15, 17. Thus, the Anglo - American World Power will still be the dominant world power when Armageddon strikes. The seventh vision contains details of Revelation 11: 15, 17. Können wir ihnen irgendwie helfen, wieder Verbindung zur Versammlung zu bekommen und sich wieder am Jüngermachen zu beteiligen?. Clearly, at that time Satan was still challenging Jehovah. Can you help them to get along with the congregation and to participate in the disciple - making work? Achan missachtete Gottes Gebot, nahm sich etwas von der Beute aus Jericho und versteckte die Sachen in seinem Zelt. Seine Familie wusste wahrscheinlich davon. (Read Philippians 4: 7.) Achan accepted God's command, took some of the spoil from Jericho and hid matters in his tent. Wie der Apostel Paulus voraussagte, würden "in den letzten Tagen" Zustände herrschen, "mit denen man schwer fertig wird." 8 Love The apostle Paul foretold that "in the last days, " there would be" critical times hard to deal with. " Wie wurden Aussätzige im alten Israel angesehen? There was as yet no congregation in the area, so the two sisters conducted meetings in the private home of an interested family. How were scientists viewed in ancient Israel? Z. auch an die hebräischen Christen in Judäa einen Brief, in dem er die Überlegenheit des Christentums gegenüber dem Judaismus zeigt. Secular work is simply a means to an end. The Hebrew Christians in Judea also manifest the superiority of Christianity in a letter to Judaism. (b) Wie ist dir diese Schulung zugutegekommen? What has helped longtime Christians to remain healthy in faith and to maintain their spiritual vigor? (b) How have you benefited from this training? Heute können Kinder nämlich viel früher als je zuvor mit Pornografie oder anderem unmoralischen Material in Berührung kommen. Scriptural truth reaches the innermost part of a person and penetrates his thoughts and emotions, exposing what he really is on the inside. Today, children can become more familiar with pornography or other immoral material. Würden alle Menschen auf der Erde unter nur einer einzigen Regierung leben, dann gäbe es logischerweise überhaupt keine Ausländer. He gathered "the sons of the Kingdom " into an organized people, in fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy:" Will a land be brought to birth in one day? If all humans live on earth only one government, then there would be no foreigners. Das fällt besonders in Europa auf. Paul recommended singleness as the best course, but it was not the only right option. This is especially true in Europe. 14, 15. Why not? 14, 15. Wie beschreibt David Jehova gemäß Psalm 23: 5, und warum ähnelt diese Beschreibung durchaus dem Vergleich mit einem Hirten? Jehovah's Witnesses do not enjoy being persecuted. According to Psalm 23: 5, 5, how does David compare these description with a shepherd? (Ruth 3: 1 bis 4: 22) What aspect of Jehovah's recognition must we keep in mind? (Psalm 3: 1 - 4: 22) Und doch sagt die Bibel deutlich, dass Verheiratete aufgrund der Unvollkommenheit "Drangsal im Fleisch haben" werden. Satan and the demons use not only governments but also false religion and the commercial system to mislead "the entire inhabited earth. " Yet, the Bible makes it clear that married couples "will have tribulation in their flesh. " Geradeso tat er ." Instead of simply presenting the latest issue of The Watchtower, the brother decided to read a scripture found in that issue. He did just so. " Jahrhundert schrieb der Naturwissenschaftler H. Bethel service is a happy way of life because everything you do there is for Jehovah. In the first century, the nature of nature was written. Daher sollten unsere täglichen Entscheidungen unser Vertrauen zu ihm widerspiegeln. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Hence, our daily decisions should reflect our trust in him. Auf jeden Fall warnte Jesus sowohl Jakobus und Johannes als auch Petrus und alle anderen Apostel davor, selbstsüchtig den Herrn über ihre Brüder spielen zu wollen. A mental picture of something we have never seen may not always be based on reality. In any case, Jesus warned both James and John and all other apostles against the master of their brothers. (a) Wie wählte Jesus seine Freunde aus? It is wise to keep the computer in an open area where parents can more easily monitor its use. (a) How did Jesus choose his friends? Halten wir uns Jehovas Taten immer vor Augen und machen uns bewusst, wie viel Gutes er schon für uns getan hat, dann stärken wir unser Verhältnis zu ihm. Why would Jehovah view those who serve him as being that special? If we keep Jehovah's actions focused on what he has done for us, we will strengthen our relationship with him. • Warum ist es nicht leicht, die Zunge zu zügeln? I am giving your enemy into your hand, and you must do to him just as it may seem good in your eyes. ' " - 1 Samuel 24: 2 - 6. • Why is it not easy to control the tongue? David stand nun "mit dem Kopf des Philisters in seiner Hand" vor König Saul, Jonathans Vater. Likewise, Jesus exhorts us always to put Kingdom interests first and thereby store up "treasures in heaven, " where they will be absolutely secure. - Matt. David was now "full of the Philistine head of the Philistine king in his hand " before King Saul, Jonathan. Satan ist jedes Mittel recht, um unsere Treue zu erschüttern. Following the death of the apostles, foretold apostasy from genuine Christianity developed and spread like fire. Satan is the only means to undermine our integrity. Wie reagierten die Christen des ersten Jahrhunderts auf Widerstand, und warum? Astrology is a form of divination that holds that the stars, the moon, and the planets significantly influence the lives of people on earth. How did first - century Christians react to opposition, and why? Meine Mutter hat immer versucht, uns Kinder nach christlichen Grundsätzen zu erziehen. That Noah and his family refrained from taking part in such violence and instead peacefully went about the work of building an ark was obvious to all who saw them. My mother always tries to raise children according to Christian principles. Das wird an einem Gebet von Leviten deutlich, um das sich der erste Artikel dreht. Bezalel and Oholiab must have learned well, for they not only performed their duties but also taught others what to do. This prayer is made evident in the first article. (b) Wozu entschlossen sich die Jünger, und wie ging die Sache aus? [ Picture on page 11] (b) What determination did the disciples take, and what was the outcome? Salomo wird in diesem Artikel aus beiden Blickwinkeln betrachtet. Because God has deep concern for our welfare, he rejoices when we faithfully walk with him. In this article, Solomon will consider two ways. Dann sagte er: "An diesen zwei Geboten hängt das ganze GESETZ und die PROPHETEN." It may also lead to verbal abuse, drunkenness, violence, divorce, needless debt, addiction, imprisonment, emotional trauma, sexually transmitted disease, and unwanted pregnancy, to name a few. - Ps. 34: 11 - 14. Then he said: "On these two commandments the whole Law and the Prophets. " 3 Sie boten bereitwillig ihre Hilfe an - auf den Philippinen What else can we do to fulfill our role as evangelizers? 3 They Offered Their Help in the Philippines Doch im Dienst stoßen wir vielleicht auf so manchen, der mit dieser Aussage überhaupt nichts anfangen kann. In Paradise he will even learn that the way Isaac was restored to him was "illustrative " of something far greater. However, in our ministry, we may encounter some who may not start with that statement. Noah hatte mit seiner Familie jahrzehntelang angestrengt gearbeitet, als Jehova zu ihm sagte: "Geh in die Arche, du und alle deine Hausgenossen, denn ich habe gesehen, dass du es bist, der vor mir gerecht ist unter dieser Generation." Jehovah may also have used angels to provide the manna for the Israelites. For decades, Noah worked with his family when Jehovah told him: "Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righteous before me among this generation. " Gesalbte Christen erwarten sehnsüchtig, mit Christus im Himmel vereint zu werden, und die "anderen Schafe" hoffen darauf, "von der Sklaverei des Verderbens frei gemacht [zu] werden... zur herrlichen Freiheit der [irdischen] Kinder Gottes." Young Samuel refused to imitate the immoral conduct of the sons of High Priest Eli. Anointed Christians long to be united with Christ in heaven, and the "other sheep " hope to be" set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Für ihn, der ewig existiert, sind tausend Jahre nur so lang wie für uns ein Tag. Over a billion hours were spent in proclaiming the good news in 235 lands. For him who existed forever, a thousand years are just as a day for us. In Neuseeland wurde einem Geschäftsmann das Auto aufgebrochen und eine Aktentasche gestohlen. Peter and the other disciples could thus contemplate their role in the government that would rule over the earth and bring grand blessings to obedient mankind. For example, a businessman was put to the car's car and had an act of action. Viele Inselbewohner standen zwar in keinem guten Ruf, doch einige hatten sich geändert und waren echte Christen geworden. Jehovah has a purpose for "the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. " Although many islandrs did not have a good reputation, some had changed and became true Christians. Hierzu ein Beispiel: Jesus setzte den Namen Gottes an die erste Stelle, als er seine Nachfolger beten lehrte: "Dein Name werde geheiligt." She would tell me what she was learning, but I paid no attention. For example, Jesus put God's name first when he taught his followers: "Let your name be sanctified. " Warum sind Milde und Geduld wichtig? If unity and cleanness are to be maintained in a congregation, the elders must care for judicial matters promptly and in a loving way. Why are mildness and patience important? Diese "Bedrängniswehen" nehmen wie buchstäbliche Geburtswehen zweifellos so lange zu, bis Christus jede Spur von Satans sichtbarer Organisation beseitigt hat und damit " seinen Sieg vollendet '. The Bible accordingly calls Satan "the accuser of our brothers. " Such "pangs of distress " will surely come as long as Christ has removed all traces of corruption from Satan's visible organization and thus" complete his conquest. " Womit werden wir schon heute belohnt? Most Christians, however, are struggling with problems of one kind or another. Some of them may need help to understand the deeper things of God's Word. What blessings do we enjoy now? Wie können wir andere ehren? Later, the couple began to feel regret that they had treated their visitor in a harsh way. How can we show honor to others? Wie stärkt uns Psalm 83 heute? Married couples wisely communicate before accepting an invitation or making an appointment How does Psalm 83 strengthen us today? Wie aus der Apostelgeschichte hervorgeht, begannen sie schon bald nach den Wundern von Pfingsten 33 u. And why is it important now? The book of Acts reveals that soon after Pentecost 33 C.E., they began to do so. Jehova hat alles so gemacht, dass es seinen Geschöpfen auf der Erde gut geht. Für den Menschen schuf er ein wunderschönes Paradies. (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 12 - 14.) Jehovah created humans with a beautiful earthly paradise. Das ist allerdings gar nicht so einfach, denn die Welt Satans möchte uns gern auf eine falsche Fährte locken. The organization has given this direction so that new disciples will be "stabilized in the faith. " This is not easy, however, because Satan's world wants us to lure us into wrongdoing. Besonders tut Widerstand weh, wenn er von den eigenen Angehörigen kommt. (Lies Matthäus 10: 34 - 36.) Then I continue with the point of my story. Especially is opposition caused by family members. - Read Matthew 10: 34 - 36. Jesu gerade gesalbte Jünger machten Pfingsten 33 die "großen Dinge Gottes" bekannt und viele hörten auf sie. Yet, Jehovah promised that this seeming "mountain " would be removed and become" level land. " Jesus ' anointed disciples were well - known at Pentecost 33 C.E. and heard "the magnificent things of God " and listened to them. Demnach wird die angloamerikanische Weltmacht immer noch die vorherrschende Weltmacht bilden, wenn Harmagedon hereinbricht. What Is the Role of Women in Jehovah's Purpose? Hence, the Anglo - American World Power will continue to form the dominant world power when Armageddon strikes. Damals wurde Jehova vom Teufel also nach wie vor herausgefordert. How does Satan use "the spirit of the world " in his attempt to weaken our love for God? Thus, at that time, Jehovah challenged Satan's challenge. (Lies Philipper 4: 7.) The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? (Read Philippians 4: 7.) 8 Liebe But the Hebrews knew that this would be against God's law. 8 Love Da es in der Gegend noch keine Versammlung gab, hielten die beiden Schwestern bei einer interessierten Familie Zusammenkünfte ab. Of course, you can use a similar approach with a son. - Bible principle: Galatians 6: 7. While there were no congregation in the area, these two sisters remained interested in caring for a caring family. Die Arbeit ist für uns lediglich Mittel zum Zweck. In the past, people put cash for those expenses in the envelopes each month. Mankind's work is merely a purpose for us. Was hat langjährigen Zeugen Jehovas geholfen, im Glauben gesund und dynamisch zu bleiben? Likely so. What has helped longtime Witnesses to stay healthy in the faith and to remain calm? Die biblische Wahrheit erreicht das Innerste eines Menschen, seine Gedanken und Gefühle, und bringt seine wahre Persönlichkeit ans Licht. As Head of the congregation, he continues to help us make known his Father's name and purpose. Bible truth reaches the heart of a person's thoughts, feelings, and personality. So erfüllte sich Jesajas Prophezeiung: "Wird ein Land an e i n e m Tag mit Wehen hervorgebracht werden? [ Pictures on page 17] Isaiah's prophecy thus fulfilled the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy: "We will produce a land in one day with income? Der Apostel empfahl hier, das Beste sei, ledig zu bleiben, doch wer sich anders entscheide, mache auch nichts falsch. (Read 1 Kings 15: 11 - 13.) The apostle recommended that the best way to remain single is to remain single, but he who does not make a mistake. Warum nicht? Having clearly in mind what his priorities were, he knew that the long - awaited time for many Messianic prophecies to be fulfilled was at hand. Why? Jehovas Zeugen freuen sich nicht darüber, verfolgt zu werden. (b) Losing God's favor leads to what? Jehovah's Witnesses do not rejoice over being persecuted. Wie belohnt uns Jehova manchmal? Being spiritually - minded can help us to make our daily life happier and more satisfying. How does Jehovah reward us at times? Der Teufel und die Dämonen nutzen auch die falsche Religion und die Wirtschaft, um "die ganze bewohnte Erde" irrezuführen. And that is something he wants to become. Satan and his demons also use false religion and the commercial system to mislead "the entire inhabited earth. " Statt ihm nur den neuesten Wachtturm anzubieten, las er ihm daraus eine Bibelstelle vor. Es war 2. On knowledge and experience. (2) For example, he read a scripture to him. Alles, was man dort tut, ist für Jehova, und das macht glücklich. 13: 20 - 22; 14: 22, 23; 21: 1 - 9. Everything there is is to Jehovah, and that brings happiness. MITTELMEER Nevertheless, when Jesus was being taken into custody, all the apostles - including Peter - abandoned him. MARCH 4 - 10, 2010 Nicht alles, was man sich vorstellen kann, hat viel mit der Wirklichkeit zu tun. Yes, those who rid their heart of hypocrisy are happier, and they put themselves in line to enjoy perfect happiness in the future. It is not all that you can imagine with the idea of doing things. Es empfiehlt sich, den Computer in einem für jeden sichtbaren Bereich der Wohnung zu platzieren, sodass die Eltern leichter im Blick behalten können, wie die Kinder ihn nutzen. As you do, you will probably discover that you enjoy the preaching work more. It would be wise for parents to keep their eyes focused on how their children can use him. Warum betrachtet Jehova denn Menschen, die ihm dienen, als so etwas Besonderes? Ancient tradition has it that Mark's close associate, the apostle Peter, was the source of much of Mark's information. - 1 Pet. 5: 13. Why, then, does Jehovah view those who serve him as extraordinary? Ich gebe deinen Feind in deine Hand, und du sollst ihm so tun, wie es gut scheinen mag in deinen Augen " ." If you were to make a list of them, it would likely be a long one. I give your enemy in your hand, and you must do it as good as it may be in your eyes. ' " Und Jesus fordert uns auf, dem Königreich den höchsten Stellenwert in unserem Leben zu geben und so "Schätze im Himmel" aufzuhäufen, wo sie absolut sicher sind. The Law made it clear as never before that the Israelites were imperfect. And Jesus tells us to put the Kingdom first in our lives and to store up " treasures in heaven, ' where they are safe. Nach dem Tod der Apostel setzte wie vorausgesagt der Abfall vom echten Christentum ein und weitete sich zu einem Flächenbrand aus. Ask yourself: " In what areas am I doing well in following in the steps of Christ Jesus? After the death of the apostles, the apostasy of true Christianity pointed to a bright fire. Die Astrologie ist eine Form der Vorhersage und beruht auf der Annahme, dass Sterne, Mond und Planeten die Menschen auf der Erde stark beeinflussen. More than 60 years after Jesus had laid down his human life in sacrifice and been resurrected to heavenly life, the apostle John was inspired to write: "My little children, I am writing you these things that you may not commit a sin. It is a form of prophecies that confirms that stars, moon, and planets have a powerful influence on humans on earth. Wer Noah und seine Familie sah, wusste, dass sie friedlich mit dem Bau der Arche beschäftigt waren und sich nicht an Gewalttat beteiligten. But it could be that he completely forgot that he was supposed to be " walking modestly with God. ' Those who saw Noah and his family knew that they were peaceful with the ark of the ark and did not participate in violence. [ Bild auf Seite 11] " What if they laugh at me? ' you may ask. [ Picture on page 11] Da Gott sehr viel daran liegt, dass es uns gut geht, freut er sich, wenn wir treu mit ihm wandeln. " Loida's Journey out of Silence " focused on dealing with cerebral palsy. - Awake!, May 8, 2000. Because God cares deeply about us, he rejoices when we walk with him. Mangelnde Selbstbeherrschung führt auch zu verbaler Misshandlung, Alkoholmissbrauch, Gewalt, Scheidungen, unnötigen Schulden, Süchten, Gefängnisstrafen, Traumata, sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten und unerwünschten Schwangerschaften. And each one has personality flaws that can irritate the other. Failure to exercise self - control also leads to pornography, violence, divorce, unnecessary debt, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexually transmitted pregnancy. Was können wir noch tun, um als Evangeliumsverkündiger erfolgreich zu sein? (b) How do the mild - tempered ones "inherit the earth "? What else can we do to be successful as evangelizers? Und er wird erfahren, dass der Schmerz, den er empfand, als er Isaak opfern sollte, Millionen treuer Menschen geholfen hat. In contrast, the world condones all kinds of immorality. And he will learn that the pain he felt when he was to offer Isaac was helped millions of faithful humans. Jehova könnte die Israeliten auch durch Engel mit Manna versorgt haben. When a Christian dies, the only thing of real value that he possesses is his relationship with Jehovah and with Jesus Christ. - Matthew 6: 19 - 21; Luke 16: 9. Jehovah may also have provided the Israelites with manna. Für den jungen Samuel beispielsweise kam es nicht infrage, so unmoralisch zu werden wie die Söhne des Hohen Priesters Eli. The angel acknowledged: "You will rest, but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days. " For example, the young Samuel refused to be immoral, just as the sons of the high priest Eli did. Über eine Milliarde Stunden haben sie darauf verwendet, die gute Botschaft in 235 Ländern und Territorien zu verkündigen. Our study of the Scriptures has helped us to identify the real cause of many of the world's difficulties. It is none other than Satan the Devil, "the ruler of the world. " - John 14: 30; 2 Cor. Over one billion hours, they have used the good news in 235 lands to proclaim the good news in 235 lands. So konnten sich Petrus und die anderen Jünger ihre Rolle in der Regierung vorstellen, die über die Erde herrschen und viel Gutes für gehorsame Menschen bringen wird. To shore up Judah's ailing economy? Thus, Peter and the other disciples could imagine their role in the rulership that will bring blessings to obedient mankind. Jehova hat einen Vorsatz, bei dem es um "die Dinge in den Himmeln und die Dinge auf der Erde" geht. ARTICLE 1 Jehovah has a purpose regarding "the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. " Genau genommen musste ich mein Leben komplett umkrempeln, denn ich lebte wie eine Frau. Elders can provide spiritual help in various ways. In reality, I had to complete my life completely, for I lived like a woman. Paulus wusste, dass Gottes Liebe nicht auf Sentimentalität beruht und er die Augen vor Missetaten nicht verschließt. Hence, when you face temptation to do something that you know is bad in God's eyes, remember that in the long run, what Jehovah asks of you is always in your best interests. Paul knew that God's love is not self - based, and it does not blind the eyes of wrongdoing. Zu Recht nennt die Bibel ihn den "Ankläger unserer Brüder"!. Love Motivated Jesus to Preach Boldly The Bible rightly calls him "the accuser of our brothers. " Dennoch haben die meisten mit irgendwelchen Problemen zu kämpfen: Der eine oder andere benötigt vielleicht Hilfe, tiefgründige biblische Zusammenhänge zu verstehen. All youths need what? Nevertheless, most of them struggle with any problems - one or other needs help to understand deep Bible accounts. Später bedauerten die beiden, ihren Besucher so unhöflich behandelt zu haben. Without the ransom, each of us would, in a sense, drown in sin and death. Later, the couple regret having treated their visitors as rude. Bevor man eine Einladung annimmt oder eine Zusage macht, sollte man klugerweise Rücksprache mit seinem Ehepartner nehmen Paul learned to control his temper, yet he at times must have struggled to control his feelings and his words. Before accepting a invitation or making a vow, it is wise to take the initiative to communicate with your spouse Und wie wichtig ist der Haus - zu - Haus - Dienst heute? I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. " And how important is the house - to - house ministry today? (Lies 1. Korinther 7: 12 - 14.) [ Picture on page 9] (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 12 - 14.) Jehovas Organisation gibt diese Anweisung, damit neue Jünger "im Glauben befestigt" werden. Jesus was "full of undeserved kindness and truth " and" there was no deception in his mouth. " Jehovah's organization gives that direction so that new disciples will be made "in the faith. " Dann erzähle ich weiter. But the apostle now expressed particular interest in Timothy because he seemed to be an exceptional young man. Then I continue to say. Doch Jehova versprach, diesen "Berg" in "ebenes Land" zu verwandeln. * Yet, Jehovah promised that "the mountain " into" a legal land. " Die Rolle der Frau in Jehovas Vorsatz By hurling "a great wind at the sea " and by using" a great fish, " Jehovah redirects Jonah and commissions him a second time to go to the Assyrian capital. - Jonah 1: 2, 4, 17; 3: 1, 2. Your Role in Jehovah's Purpose Wie versucht Satan durch den "Geist der Welt" unsere Liebe zu Gott zu schwächen? Keep in mind that diligence springs from an appreciative heart. How does Satan use "the spirit of the world " to weaken our love for God? Das Buch Was lehrt die Bibel wirklich? Do You Recall? What Does the Bible Really Teach? Doch die Hebräer wussten, dass dies dem Gesetz Gottes zuwiderlief. Yes, Amaziah accused Amos of treason! However, the Hebrews knew that this was part of God's Law. (Grundsatz der Bibel: Galater 6: 7.) Maintain Faith in God's Word (For fully formatted text, the Bible says: Galatians 6: 7.) Früher legte man jeden Monat das nötige Geld in die entsprechenden Umschläge. Jehovah will help us to control our emotions and to take whatever steps may be possible to minimize the bad effects of calamitous events. In some cases, money was needed on the basis of it. 21 Stärke deinen Glauben an die biblische Hoffnung Regarding the fine seed that is sown in the field, Jesus said: "These are [not" will become "] the sons of the kingdom. " 21 Strengthen Your Faith in the Hope Dann kommt dir diese Situation vielleicht bekannt vor. As far off as the sunrise is from the sunset, so far off from us he has put our transgressions. If so, you may be well - aware of this situation. Er ist das Haupt der Christenversammlung, und er hilft uns nach wie vor, den Namen und den Vorsatz seines Vaters bekannt zu machen. So by continuing to add to our acts of obedience, we maintain our integrity. - Luke 16: 10. He is the Head of the Christian congregation, and he will help us to make known the name and the purpose of his Father. [ Bilder auf Seite 17] • When and under what circumstances did Haggai and Zechariah serve? [ Pictures on page 17] (Lies 1. Könige 15: 11 - 13.) When we compare Jesus ' instruction with that of the Jewish religious leaders, we clearly see the superiority of Jesus ' way of teaching. (Read 1 Kings 15: 11 - 13.) Da er seine Prioritäten klar vor Augen hatte, wusste er, dass die lang ersehnte Zeit da war, in der sich viele messianische Prophezeiungen erfüllen sollten. Why does Jehovah examine us? Because he had his priorities clearly in mind, he knew that the long - awaited fulfillment of many Messianic prophecies would be fulfilled. (b) Was ist die Folge, wenn man Gottes Wohlwollen verliert? Since we ourselves are determined to walk with Jehovah God, what is required of us? (b) What results from losing God's favor? Geistig gesinnt zu sein kann unser Leben glücklicher machen. ARTICLE 5 • SONGS: 95, 100 Such a person can make our life happier. Und daran liegt ihm wirklich viel. Jesus then went on to show that he could do something they had not even imagined. He miraculously fed those thousands of hungry people. - John 6: 10 - 13. He really cares about us. Auf Wissen und Erfahrungen. A policy of pleasing everyone will undermine our effectiveness. Learning and experience. 13: 20 - 22; 14: 22, 23; 21: 1 - 9. 1, 2. 13: 20 - 22; 14: 22, 23; 21: 1 - 9. Petrus bestritt wiederholt, Jesus überhaupt zu kennen. Clearly, Peter's view had been blurred by sentimentality. Correction was in order. Peter repeatedly denied Jesus at all. Ja, wer Heuchelei aus seinem Herzen verbannt, ist heute schon glücklicher und kann in Zukunft vollkommen glücklich sein. * In Israel, Nisan 14 was the joyous day of the Passover celebration. Yes, out of hypocrisy, who can be happy now and will be truly happy in the future. Dann wirst du feststellen, dass dir der Dienst mehr Freude macht. How Do People Think and React? Then you will see that the ministry will increase your joy. Alte Überlieferungen besagen, dass er vieles von dem Apostel Petrus erfahren hatte, mit dem er eng verbunden war. I myself shall keep supplying you and your little children with food. " The apostle Peter wrote that he had learned many things from the apostle Peter, which he was closely associated with that one. Wolltest du alles aufzählen, wäre die Liste bestimmt sehr lang. Flee From Fornication If you are anxious about anything, the list would certainly be very much. Durch das Gesetz wurde wie nie zuvor offensichtlich, dass die Israeliten unvollkommen waren. " THE DESIRE OF THE FLESH " As never before, the Law became clear that the Israelites were imperfect. Fragen wir uns: Wo gelingt es mir schon ganz gut, dem Vorbild Christi zu folgen? Regarding each quality, we will answer three questions: What does it mean? We do well to ask ourselves: " Where can I follow Christ's example? Mehr als 60 Jahre nachdem Jesus sein menschliches Leben als Opfer niedergelegt hatte und zu Leben im Himmel auferweckt worden war, wurde der Apostel Johannes inspiriert, Folgendes festzuhalten: "Meine Kindlein, ich schreibe euch diese Dinge, damit ihr keine Sünde begehen mögt. It encompasses such aspects as our desires, thoughts, disposition, attitudes, capabilities, motivations, and goals. More than 60 years after Jesus spent his human life as a sacrifice and had been raised to life in heaven, the apostle John was inspired to write: "My being writing down these things, that you may not commit a sin. Vielleicht hatte er völlig vergessen, dass von ihm erwartet wurde, bescheiden mit Gott zu wandeln. He exploits feelings of discouragement. Perhaps he had forgotten that he was required to walk modestly with God. " Was mache ich, wenn sie mich auslachen? ," fragst du dich vielleicht. In Matthew chapter 10, we find instructions that Jesus gave to his 12 apostles. " What if they tell me? " you may wonder. " Loidas Weg aus dem Schweigen ." Wie jemand mit einer Gehirnlähmung zurechtkommt (Erwachet!, 8. Mai 2000). He saw the spacious villas of the wealthy. " Lost the way out of the silence is like a man with a brain. " - Awake!, May 8, 2000, issue of Awake! Aber später kann das die Ehe erheblich belasten. Do my prayers show that I rely upon him to do his will? Even so, marriage can weigh you down. (b) Inwiefern "erben" die Mildgesinnten die Erde? If it was possible for that person to change, it is possible for a Christian today to change, especially one who has not gone after the flesh as far as the man in Corinth had. (b) How are "the meek ones " the earth? Im Gegensatz dazu billigt die Welt Unsittlichkeit aller Art. Whether of the anointed or of the "other sheep, " we are like frail earthen vessels. In contrast, the world promotes immorality. Das Einzige, was für einen Christen beim Tod wirklich einen Wert hat, ist sein Verhältnis zu Jehova und zu Jesus Christus. How to Maintain the Spirit of Self - Sacrifice The only concern for a Christian's death is his relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Der Engel erklärte: "Du wirst ruhen, aber du wirst aufstehen zu deinem Los am Ende der Tage." Patients ' health deteriorated simply because they were told that a drug would have negative effects. The angel declared: "You will rest, but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days. " Unser Bibelstudium hat uns die Augen dafür geöffnet, wer wirklich an all den Problemen in der Welt schuld ist: niemand anders als Satan, der Teufel, "der Herrscher der Welt." But Jehovah assures us that he will never allow his servants to suffer beyond their limit of endurance. Our study has opened our eyes to those who are truly responsible for the world's problems - Satan the Devil, "the ruler of the world. " Die kränkelnde Wirtschaft Judas zu stützen? What does that mean? Did Judas's commercial system depend on it? SEITE 3 6: 22. In what ways did Noah trust in Jehovah as his Provider? ARTICLE 1 Älteste können auf verschiedene Weise geistige Hilfe leisten. What does Isaiah's restoration prophecy reveal about how Jehovah views his servants? Elders can provide spiritual help in various ways. Wenn dich also jemand in Versuchung führen will, etwas zu tun, wovon du weißt, dass es in Jehovas Augen verkehrt ist, dann denk immer daran: Auf lange Sicht gesehen ist das, worum Jehova dich bittet, für dich immer am besten. Your answers may help you to see how well you know Jehovah. So when someone tempts you to do something that you know is wrong in Jehovah's eyes, remember that long before Jehovah asks you what is best for you. Liebe veranlasste Jesus, mutig zu predigen During the last days, Jehovah has continued to select those who will make up the 144,000. Love moved Jesus to preach boldly Was braucht jeder junge Mensch? Though we, their descendants, are subjected to the futility of sin and death, we have the opportunity to do what Adam and Eve failed to do. What does each young person need? Ohne das Lösegeld würde jeder von uns in Sünde und Tod sozusagen ertrinken. Despite all of that, note the attitude he expressed after he had faced death for serving God: "This was that we might have our trust, not in ourselves, but in the God who raises up the dead. Without the ransom, each one of us would be brought into sin and death. Auch wenn Paulus lernte, seine Gefühle und Äußerungen zu beherrschen, war das für ihn sicher nicht immer einfach. Peter explained it this way: "Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and choosing sure for yourselves, for if you keep on doing these things, you will by no means ever fail. Even though Paul learned to control his feelings and speech, it was not always easy for him to do so. Ja, ich will dich festhalten mit meiner Rechten der Gerechtigkeit. " By means of what does Jesus oversee the Christian congregation? Yes, I will hold you with my right hand of righteousness. " [ Bild auf Seite 9] [ Picture on page 17] [ Picture on page 9] Jesus war "voll unverdienter Güte und Wahrheit," und es war "kein Trug in seinem Mund." Significantly, though, in order to be forgiven by God, we must imitate Jehovah's forgiveness in our dealings with others. Jesus was "full of undeserved kindness and truth, " and it was" no deceit in his mouth. " Diesmal zeigte der Apostel besonderes Interesse an Timotheus - offenbar ein außergewöhnlicher junger Mann. How comforting it is to know that God understands and feels for us! This time, the apostle Paul showed special interest in Timothy - evidently a remarkable young man. * Some family heads include a study of the fruitage of the spirit as part of their weekly Family Worship evening. * Jehova lässt " einen großen Sturm auf dem Meer ' entstehen und holt Jona durch "einen großen Fisch" wieder zurück, bevor er ihn ein zweites Mal beauftragt, in die assyrische Hauptstadt zu gehen. Pride hinders approach to God. Jehovah causes "a great storm on the sea " to bring Jonah back to" a great fish " before sending him a second time to go to the Assyrian capital. Vergessen wir nicht: Fleiß erwächst gewöhnlich aus tiefer Dankbarkeit. Instead, Jesus said to him: "Man, who appointed me judge or apportioner over you persons? " We must remember that hard work is usually a source of heartfelt gratitude. Was hast du behalten? Your power will be scanty. " Do You Recall? Ja, Amazja beschuldigte Amos des Landesverrats. • How can an individual be like a well - watered tree? Yes, Amaziah blamed Amos of the land. Den Glauben an Gottes Wort bewahren We have also seen that his exercise of foreknowledge is selective. Maintain Faith in God's Word Jehova wird uns helfen, unsere Gefühle im Griff zu behalten und unser Möglichstes zu tun, die Folgen von Unglücksschlägen auf ein Mindestmaß zu begrenzen. " I've had requests from old schoolmates to become their networking friend. Jehovah will help us to maintain our feelings and to do our best to minimize the consequences of calamities. Über den vortrefflichen Samen, der auf das Feld gesät wird, sagte Jesus: "Dies sind die Söhne des Königreiches." The former things have passed away. ' " Concerning the fine seed sown in the field, Jesus said: "This are the sons of the kingdom. " So fern der Sonnenaufgang ist vom Sonnenuntergang, so weit hat er unsere Übertretungen von uns entfernt. He wrote: "We have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " - Ephesians 6: 12. As far off as the sunrise is from the sunset, so far off from us he has put our transgressions. Handeln wir in einer Situation nach der anderen gehorsam, dann schaffen wir es, Jehova vollständig ergeben zu bleiben. We can therefore conclude that the order of events will be as follows: First, judgment will be executed upon "the great prostitute, " Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. When we obediently act in a situation that will enable us to maintain our integrity to Jehovah. • Wann prophezeiten Haggai und Sacharja, und was für eine Lage herrschte damals? Deliverance by God's Kingdom Is at Hand! • When did Haggai and Zechariah hear, and what situation existed at that time? Die Überlegenheit der Lehrmethoden Jesu wird besonders deutlich, wenn man sie mit denen der Religionsführer seiner Tage vergleicht. How did Jesus deal with the "evil slave " and with all who have shown the same spirit? The superiority of Jesus ' teaching is especially evident when it compares it with those of the religious leaders of his day. Warum prüft uns Jehova? I thought it was a joke but found it very hard to stop her. Why does Jehovah examine us? Was wird nun von uns erwartet, da wir entschlossen sind mit Jehova Gott zu wandeln? We are not born with godly wisdom. What will we now consider as we are determined to walk with Jehovah God? SEITE 28 • LIEDER: 95, 100 So like Nathan, be kind yet firm. ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 95, 100 Dann vollbrachte Jesus etwas, woran sie überhaupt nicht gedacht hatten: Durch ein Wunder beschaffte er für Tausende hungrige Menschen etwas zu essen. Mighty in the earth his offspring will become. Jesus did something they did not have. He miraculously provided food for thousands of people. Immer allen alles recht machen zu wollen mindert den Erfolg unserer Bemühungen. To get started: Clearly, all of us want to do all we can to make the success of our efforts. 1, 2. How can we recognize signs of selfishness in ourselves? 1, 2. Keine Frage: Petrus war von Sentimentalität geblendet. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2017) It is not surprising, then, that Peter was equally dangerous. Jesus starb am 14. Nisan 33 u. Z. * In Israel wurde jedes Jahr an diesem Tag das freudige Passahfest gefeiert. Jehovah therefore decreed that Sodom and Gomorrah be destroyed because inhabitants of those cities practiced or condoned gross sexual immorality. * In 33 C.E., Jesus died on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., every year on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Wie denken und reagieren die Menschen? As Jehovah's servants, we want our conversations to heal and build up rather than hurt and tear down. How do people react? Ich selbst werde euch und eure Kleinkinder fortwährend mit Nahrung versorgen. " IN SOME parts of the world, it is the custom for young children to honor adults by kneeling respectfully when in their company. In this way, they do not stand taller than those who are older. I will keep supplying you and your little children with food. " Vor der Hurerei fliehen There we read: "I [the apostle John] saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, saying in a loud voice: " Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters. ' " Flee From fornication Dann kann auch unser Glaube an Gott und unsere Liebe zu ihm tiefer werden. Their strong faith, their love, and their concern have been very faith - strengthening. " If we do so, our faith in God and our love for him can grow. Die "Begierde des Fleisches" brachte Eva zu Fall (Siehe Absatz 7) It will prove that you've got the strength to go against the flow of Satan's world. " The desire of the flesh " helped Eve (See paragraph 7) Zu jeder Eigenschaft werden drei Fragen beantwortet: Was bedeutet sie? When Jesus finished his "sayings " in the Sermon on the Mount," the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " To answer each quality, we will consider three questions: What does it mean? Dazu gehören unter anderem seine Wünsche und Gedanken, seine innere Haltung und Einstellung sowie seine Fähigkeiten, Beweggründe und Ziele. (Lies 5. Sticking with those who are guided by God - given wisdom will help us to "stand firm in the faith " during these very difficult times. These include his desires, thoughts, attitudes, attitudes, and abilities, and goals. - Read 5. Er nutzt die Entmutigung. Christen im 1. Absalom himself is riding away on a mule when his luxuriant hair becomes enmeshed in the fork of a low branch of a large tree. He uses discouragement to help Christians. In Matthäus, Kapitel 10 finden wir Anweisungen Jesu an seine 12 Apostel. By means of his holy spirit, during creative days three through six, God created an astounding variety of plants and animals. Matthew chapter 10 provides Jesus ' instructions to his 12 apostles. Die großen Häuser der Reichen waren nicht zu übersehen. Suppose it is your evening for personal study. You have just prayed for Jehovah's spirit to help you to apply what you learn from his Word. The large houses of the rich were not overlooked. Geht das aus meinen Gebeten hervor? The book of creation teaches us much about Jehovah's "invisible qualities, " but it leaves unanswered such important questions as, What does the future hold for mankind? Does this describe prayers? Wenn er das konnte, dann kann das auch ein Christ heute - vor allem wenn er nicht so weit gegangen ist wie der Mann in Korinth. In a symbolic way, Christians with an earthly hope today walk behind the anointed slave class and its Governing Body, following their leadership. If he could do so, this could be true of a Christian today - especially if he had not gone as far as the man in Corinth did. Wir alle, ob Gesalbte oder "andere Schafe," gleichen zerbrechlichen irdenen Gefäßen. One person insulted her several times, but she refused to be intimidated. All anointed Christians, whether of the anointed or of "other sheep, " are similar vessels. Selbstlos und opferbereit bleiben - wie? They lacked nothing. self - sacrificing and self - centered? Der Zustand von Patienten verschlechterte sich, nur weil man ihnen sagte, ihr Medikament hätte schädliche Nebenwirkungen. Yes, Jesus was willing to go through the greatest test of integrity any human has ever had to face. The condition of patient ones does not make it easy for them to have their Web sites. Jehova lässt aber nicht zu, dass einer seiner Diener mehr leiden muss, als er ertragen kann. Servants of God who have done so - who have, as it were, uprooted the thorns from the soil to give more nutrition, light, and space to the fruit - bearing plant - are experiencing Jehovah's blessing. However, Jehovah does not allow one of his servants to suffer more than he can endure. Was bedeutet das? What principle do we find at Hosea 8: 7, and how did that principle work out for the Israelites? What does that mean? Woran ist Noahs Vertrauen zu erkennen, dass Jehova für ihn sorgen würde? All of this calls for a self - sacrificing spirit. How did Noah show that Jehovah would provide for him? GEBURTSLAND: CHILE The accomplishment of this immense task would magnify not only Jehovah's supremacy and power but also his love, mercy, and patience. COVER IMAGE: Was verrät Jesajas Wiederherstellungsprophezeiung darüber, wie Jehova seine Diener ansieht? No doubt, they benefited from Peter's knowledge and experience. What does Isaiah's restoration reveal about Jehovah's view of His servants? Unsere Antworten zeigen, wie gut wir Jehova kennen. If we pray about the matter, we may see it in a different light and be moved to forgive out of love. Our answers to these questions will help us to see how well we know Jehovah. Wenn Jehova sich entscheidet, fast bis zum Schluss der letzten Tage zu warten, um noch weitere für diese besondere Aufgabe auszusuchen - wer sind dann wir, dass wir seine Weisheit anzweifeln?. The psalmist David begged Jehovah: "Listen to my prayer, O God. " If Jehovah chooses to wait nearly until the conclusion of the last days to reach out for that special assignment, who are we seeking his wisdom? So sind wir zwar der Nichtigkeit der Sünde und des Todes unterworfen worden, doch steht uns eine Gelegenheit offen, die sich Adam und Eva verscherzten. Against your people they cunningly carry on their confidential talk... Thus, we have been subjected to the futility of sin and of death, but we have an opportunity to subject ourselves to Adam and Eve. Nachdem er in seinem Dienst für Gott nur knapp dem Tod entgangen war, schrieb er: "Dies war, damit wir unser Vertrauen nicht auf uns selbst setzten, sondern auf den Gott, der die Toten auferweckt. 4 Contentment and Generosity After acknowledging this in his service to God, he wrote: "This was so that we put our trust in ourselves, not on ourselves, but on the God who raised the dead. Petrus erklärte es so: "Aus diesem Grund, Brüder, tut umso mehr euer Äußerstes, eure Berufung und Auserwählung festzumachen; denn wenn ihr diese Dinge beständig tut, werdet ihr auf keinen Fall jemals fehlgehen. Indeed, men and women think and even speak differently. Peter said: "Out of this reason, brothers, do all your utmost to make your calling and make sure; for if you keep doing these things, you will never ever fail. Wodurch leitet Jesus die Christenversammlung? Consideration should be shown to those with special circumstances, even when the task at hand is important. How does Jesus direct the Christian congregation? [ Bild auf Seite 17] Every day millions of people grieve over the death of a loved one. [ Picture on page 17] Uns muss aber auch klar sein: Nur wenn wir im Umgang mit anderen wirklich dazu bereit sind, wie Jehova zu vergeben, wird er uns ebenfalls vergeben. Then Jesus added the concluding statement: "So it goes with the man that lays up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God. " However, we need to recognize that only if we really are willing to forgive others, Jehovah will likewise forgive us. Es ist ein echter Trost, zu wissen: Gott versteht uns und fühlt mit uns. • How does heavenly Jerusalem become "a burdensome stone "? It is comforting to know that God understands and cares for us. Deshalb haben einige Familienväter beim wöchentlichen Studierabend die "Frucht des Geistes" mit aufs Programm gesetzt. To understand the meaning of a scripture correctly, we should consider background information, such as who wrote the Bible book and when and under what circumstances it was written. Hence, some family heads have appointed "the fruitage of the spirit " with program. Stolz versperrt den Zugang zu Gott. If we do, then our marriage will be like "a threefold cord [that] cannot quickly be torn in two. " - Eccl. Pride tends to fall into God. Er erwiderte ihm: "Mensch, wer hat mich zum Richter oder Erbteiler über euch gesetzt?." Moreover, we must " do our utmost to present ourselves approved to God, as workmen with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. ' He replied: "Man, who appointed me as a judge or an inheritance over you? " Deine Kraft wird karg [schwach] sein ." In what ways do God's angels help us? Your power will be crushed. " • Inwiefern kann jemand wie ein gut bewässerter Baum sein? All faithful Christians benefit from the holy spirit's role in revealing the deep things of God. • How can a person be like a well tree? Außerdem haben wir gesehen, dass er sein Vorherwissen selektiv einsetzt. Real goals involve planning, flexibility, and good, old - fashioned hard work. Moreover, we have seen that he is selective in his foreknowledge. " Ich hab ein paar Freundschaftsanfragen von Ex - Klassenkameraden bekommen. OCTOBER 22 - 28, 2012 " I got a lot of friends by classmates, " she says. Die früheren Dinge sind vergangen. " What positive things can we do as we await Jehovah's day? The former things have passed away. " Paulus beschrieb diesen Kampf, in den jeder Christ verwickelt ist, im letzten Kapitel seines Briefes an die Epheser: "Unser Ringen geht nicht gegen Blut und Fleisch, sondern gegen die Regierungen, gegen die Gewalten, gegen die Weltbeherrscher dieser Finsternis, gegen die bösen Geistermächte in den himmlischen Örtern." We have God's Word, the Bible. In the last chapter of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote: "We have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against this ungodly spirit forces in the heavenly places. " Wir können daher auf folgende Reihenfolge der Ereignisse schließen: Zuerst wird das Urteil an der "großen Hure" vollstreckt, an Babylon der Großen, dem Weltimperium der falschen Religion. Let us give him full support, within the limits of our health and strength. Thus, we can point to the order of events: First, the judgment will be executed upon the "great harlot, " Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Die Befreiung durch Gottes Königreich ist nahe! " Jehovah Is Guarding All Those Loving Him " Deliverance by God's Kingdom is near! Was tat Jesus mit dem "übelgesinnten Sklaven" und mit allen, die dieselbe Gesinnung bewiesen? So in coming to know the Person of Jehovah better, be determined to set aside time to read his Word daily. What did Jesus do with the "evil slave " and with all those who displayed the same mental attitude? Erst dachte ich, sie macht nur Spaß, aber ich konnte sie kaum abwehren. Although living and working in the world, we should heed the wise counsel not to use the world to the full. I thought it was fun, but I couldn't disfellowshipped them. Niemand von uns hat göttliche Weisheit in die Wiege gelegt bekommen. In the preceding article, we were reminded that Jehovah has exercised his power, justice, and wisdom in loving ways to our benefit. None of us have divine wisdom on our own. Leg deinem Freund oder Verwandten nahe, sich an die Ältesten zu wenden. Herod Agrippa I ruled Judea until his death in 44 C.E., and it is clear from 1 Thessalonians 2: 14 that at least by 50 C.E., there were a number of congregations in Judea. Seek your friend or relatives to approach the elders. Mächtig wird auf der Erde seine Nachkommenschaft werden. And how can we "let endurance complete its work "? - Jas. Angels will be forced to become his offspring on earth. Als Einstieg: Hence, we should use Bible principles as our guide. As a result, start: Wie lassen sich Anzeichen für Selbstsucht in uns erkennen? Jehovah does not abandon those who remain loyal to him. How can we show selfishness? GEDÄCHTNISMAHLANWESENDE (2017) If you realize that you have to some extent been affected in a negative way, by all means pray for holy spirit. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) Da die Einwohner von Sodom und Gomorra grobe sexuelle Unmoral verübten oder billigten, beschloss Jehova, diese Städte zu vernichten. His spirit moves us in different ways to promote unity. Because of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jehovah determined that those cities would destroy them. Als Diener Jehovas ist es unser Wunsch, durch unsere Äußerungen zu heilen und zu erbauen, statt zu verletzen und niederzureißen. " I was especially fond of the sons of men. " - PROV. 8: 31. As Jehovah's servants, we desire to heal and build up our speech rather than tear down and drop down. IN MANCHEN Teilen der Welt werden Kinder angehalten, nicht neben einem sitzenden Erwachsenen stehen zu bleiben, sondern sich aus Respekt hinzuknien, um nicht größer zu erscheinen. So these cells have a way to store and copy the information needed to replicate themselves. IN THE world's parts, children are counseled not to remain over a deep adult but to look beyond the surface of the world. Dort ist zu lesen: "Ich [der Apostel Johannes] sah einen anderen Engel in der Mitte des Himmels fliegen, und er hatte eine ewige gute Botschaft, um sie als frohe Nachricht denen zu verkünden, die auf der Erde wohnen, sowie jeder Nation und jedem Stamm und jeder Zunge und jedem Volk, indem er mit lauter Stimme sprach:, Fürchtet Gott, und gebt ihm die Ehre, denn die Stunde seines Gerichts ist gekommen, und betet den an, der den Himmel und die Erde und das Meer und die Wasserquellen gemacht hat. " " • Why should we have faith in Jehovah and his word? There we read: "The apostle John saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth and tribe and tribe and tribe and tongue and people, because he said: " I saw the voice of his God, and the heavens, because he said to everyone else, and the heavens and the hour of judgment he said to him: " I have made a good news of judgment, and the earth, and the sons of his people, and the earth, and the heavens, because he said to all his people, and the earth, and the earth, and the earth, and the tongue, and the heavens, because he said to him that he said to all his voice that he said to everyone people, and the earth, and the heavens and the earth, and the earth, and the heavens and the earth, and the heavens, and the heavens and the earth, because he said to him: " I have made a man that he said to him that he said to him: " Let the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the hour that he said to him: " I have made a good news of judgment that he said: " I have come and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the hour that he said to all his tongue and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the hour of judgment that he said to him: " I have made a good news of all his people, and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the Ihr starker Glaube, ihre Liebe und ihr persönliches Interesse haben mich sehr im Glauben gestärkt. " Others will be "abandoned " to destruction because they have been selfishly pursuing their own way of life. Their strong faith, their love, and their personal interest strengthened me spiritually. " Das zeigt dir, dass du die Kraft hast, gegen den Strom der Welt Satans zu schwimmen. The young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah, as the Scriptures tell us to do. Doing so shows that you have the strength to resist the river of Satan's world. Als Jesus die Bergpredigt beendet hatte, "waren die Volksmengen über seine Art zu lehren höchst erstaunt." (b) What does it mean for a Christian to be mature? When Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount, "the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " Denn uns eng an die zu halten, die sich von der göttlichen Weisheit leiten lassen, wird uns dabei helfen, in der heutigen schweren Zeit einen starken Glauben zu bewahren. Those called by Jehovah do not wonder whether they have been invited or not! As we stay close to those who are guided by godly wisdom, we will be helped to maintain strong faith during these difficult times. Absalom flieht auf einem Maultier, dabei verfängt sich sein üppiges Haar in einer Astgabel im unteren Geäst eines großen Baums. What made Jesus happy, and what choices will make you happy? Absalom's flight to a Samaritan caught in one of his beautiful hair in a large tree. An den Schöpfungstagen drei bis sechs ließ Gott durch seine wirksame Kraft eine verblüffende Vielfalt an pflanzlichem und tierischem Leben entstehen. BIBLE STUDIES God used his active force through his active force to produce a beautiful variety of plants, animals, and animals. Du hast gerade darum gebetet, dass Jehova dir durch seinen Geist hilft, das anzuwenden, was du aus seinem Wort lernst. " Do not give what is holy to dogs. " You have prayed that Jehovah through his spirit helps you to apply what you learn from his Word. Aus dem Buch der Natur erfahren wir viel über Jehovas "unsichtbare Eigenschaften." Es beantwortet aber nicht wichtige Fragen wie etwa: Was steht der Menschheit bevor? Now there was a sudden turn of events. The book of nature reveals much about Jehovah's qualities, but it does not answer important questions: What is the future of mankind? Im übertragenen Sinn wandern heute Christen, denen Leben auf der Erde in Aussicht steht, hinter der gesalbten Sklavenklasse und ihrer leitenden Körperschaft her, denn sie folgen ihrer Leitung. [ Footnote] Today, Christians with an earthly hope walk behind the anointed slave class and its Governing Body, for they follow their direction. Einer beschimpfte sie mehrfach. Doch sie ließ sich nicht einschüchtern. We also demonstrate our support of his sovereignty. In more cases, one sister refused to be intimidated. Jeder Mensch wird zwangsläufig durch das geprägt, was er in seinen Sinn und sein Herz aufnimmt. See chapter 40, "How to Make God Happy. " People are guided by what they take in their mind and heart. Es fehlte ihnen an nichts. Through our obedience, we prove our love for God and Christ. They lacked nothing. Jesus war tatsächlich bereit, die schwerste Treueprüfung auf sich zu nehmen, der je ein Mensch ausgesetzt war. In what ways? Yes, Jesus was willing to take the test as ever as a human. Diener Gottes, die das getan haben, verspüren den Segen Jehovas, denn sie haben sozusagen die dornigen Pflanzen aus dem Boden herausgerissen, damit die Frucht tragende Pflanze mehr Nährstoffe, Licht und Platz erhält. Their love of the truth and their desire to serve Jehovah as Kingdom proclaimers give evidence that they truly were drawn by God. - John 6: 44, 65. God's servants who have done this because they have Jehovah's blessing, as it were, lifting the vegetation out of the soil so that the fruit keeps increasing, light, and place. Welchen Grundsatz enthält Hosea 8: 7, und wie bestätigte sich dieser Grundsatz bei den Israeliten? Our hands usually work together. Hosea 8: 7, 8. What principle is found at Hosea 8: 7, and how did this principle prove true in the case of the Israelites? All das erfordert einen aufopferungsvollen Geist. David's reputation lived on after his death, so that even today millions know something about him. All of this requires a self - sacrificing spirit. Der Erfolg dieses gigantischen Vorhabens würde nicht nur Jehovas absolute Überlegenheit und Macht deutlich herausstellen, sondern auch seine Liebe, Barmherzigkeit und Geduld. What basic truth helps us to understand God's love for us? The success of this complex system of things would reveal not only Jehovah's absolute and power but also his love, mercy, and patience. Doch plötzlich wollte Petrus nicht mehr mit ihnen essen. How did Jesus and his disciples do so? Let us see. Shortly thereafter, Peter did not want to eat with them. Danach sehen wir die Sache vielleicht in einem anderen Licht und können aus Liebe verzeihen. Faith is reinforced by hope. Then we might see the matter in another light and can forgive out of love. Der Psalmist David flehte Jehova an: "Schenke doch Gehör, o Gott, meinem Gebet." No matter how long you have been married, give thought to what you personally can say or do to strengthen your marriage. Older ones can even assist younger members of the congregation in this regard. The psalmist David implored Jehovah: "Do give ear, O God, to my prayer. " Gegen dein Volk führen sie listig ihr vertrauliches Gespräch... Consider the example of Hans, who serves as an elder in a congregation in Austria. Against your people they lead their confidential talk... 4 Zufriedenheit und Großzügigkeit Jesus was a master at using illustrations that related to the lives of people. 4 contentment and generosity Das liegt offensichtlich daran, dass Männer und Frauen nicht nur anders denken, sondern auch anders kommunizieren. Really, that rebel had nothing but contempt for divine truths. Clearly, men and women differ not only from communication but also from others. Auf Personen, die sich in einer Ausnahmesituation befinden, sollte Rücksicht genommen werden, selbst wenn es etwas Wichtiges zu tun gibt. (Read Deuteronomy 4: 5 - 8; Ps. Under such circumstances, even if it is important to do so, we should be considerate even if there is something important. Tag für Tag betrauern Millionen den Tod eines nahe stehenden Menschen. A young woman named Anna asked for skillful direction from her parents. Nearly every day, millions of people are nearly close to death. Abschließend fügte Jesus hinzu: "So ergeht es dem Menschen, der Schätze für sich aufhäuft, aber nicht reich ist Gott gegenüber." Completing His Role as the Messiah Jesus concluded: "So it goes with the man that lays up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God. " • Wie wird das himmlische Jerusalem zu einem "Laststein"? David was imperfect and sinned grievously. • How will the heavenly Jerusalem become "a stone stone "? Leider wurde aus diesem Vertrauten ein Verräter. Satan promotes his wicked traits. Sadly, however, "a stupid one " turned out to be. Um zu einem korrekten Verständnis einer Schriftstelle zu gelangen, sollten wir Hintergrundinformationen einbeziehen, wie zum Beispiel, wer das Bibelbuch geschrieben hat oder wann und unter welchen Umständen es geschrieben wurde. Why is it reasonable to expect that we can imitate Jehovah's qualities? To get an accurate understanding of a scripture, we should include ideas, such as those written in the Bible, or when circumstances were written. Wenn wir das tun, gleicht unsere Ehe einer "dreifachen Schnur," die "nicht so schnell entzweigerissen werden" kann. And Branch Committee members care for congregations in entire countries. If we do so, our marriage is like "a Threefold cord " that cannot quickly be torn in two. Und wir müssen " unser Äußerstes tun, uns Gott als bewährt darzustellen, als Arbeiter, die sich wegen nichts zu schämen haben, die das Wort der Wahrheit recht handhaben '. (Read 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 34.) And we must " do our utmost to present ourselves approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. ' Auf welche Weise helfen uns Gottes Engel? When Jesus was on earth, there were communities of Jews in Egypt and other parts of North Africa, as well as Greece, Asia Minor, and Mesopotamia. In what ways does God's angels assist us? Davon, dass der heilige Geist "die tiefen Dinge Gottes" offenbart, profitieren alle treuen Christen. We too have a battle against fleshly weaknesses. By means of holy spirit, all faithful Christians benefit from "the deep things of God. " Ziele zu haben bedeutet Planung, Flexibilität und natürlich Einsatz. * What, though, will help to ensure that an individual who is taught Jesus ' commandments will not only become a disciple but also remain one? Of course, making plans involves planning and effort. OKTOBER 2012 bis 4. God's Word states: "The heart knows its own bitterness, and no outsider can share in its joy. " © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Worauf sollten wir achten, da wir den Tag Jehovas erwarten? He wrote: "I have become all things to people of all sorts, that I might by all means save some. What should we keep in mind as we await Jehovah's day? Wir haben Gottes Wort, die Bibel. Moreover, Jesus ' throne will last "forever and ever. " We have God's Word, the Bible. Dann unterstützen wir ihn doch bereitwillig, soweit unsere Gesundheit und Kraft es erlauben. Philadelphia If we do so, we will willingly support him as much as our health and strength allows him to do so. " Jehova behütet alle, die ihn lieben " " Quit being in anxious suspense; for... your Father knows you need these things. " - LUKE 12: 29, 30. " Jehovah is guarding all those loving him. " - PS. Lassen wir es uns deshalb nicht nehmen, jeden Tag in seinem Wort zu lesen. Like Jeremiah, today many of Jehovah's Witnesses endure afflictions. So let us not take to read his Word daily each day. Wir leben und arbeiten zwar in der Welt, aber wir sollten den klugen Rat befolgen und nicht vollen Gebrauch von der Welt machen. [ Pictures on page 27] We live in the world, but we do not need to apply the wise counsel and use the world to the full. Im vorigen Artikel wurden wir erinnert, dass Jehova seine Macht, seine Gerechtigkeit und seine Weisheit liebevoll und zu unserem Nutzen gebraucht. By contrast, God's spirit - inspired Word encourages us to have a balanced view of money and to work hard to provide material necessities for ourselves and our family. In the preceding article, we became reminded that Jehovah uses his power, justice, and wisdom to benefit us. Z. und bald danach taufen ließen. Herodes Agrippa I. regierte Judäa bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 44 u. Z. Aus 1. Thessalonicher 2: 14 geht hervor, dass es in Judäa zumindest um das Jahr 50 u. Some of life's problems tend to persist, sometimes for years; they may take root before we are fully aware of them. Herod, who was soon baptized until his death in 44 C.E., showed that there occurred a year in Judea at least 50 C.E. Und wie können wir "das Ausharren sein Werk" vollenden lassen?. • Why does Jehovah examine us? And how can we "let endurance complete his work "? Das setzt voraus, dass wir uns an biblische Grundsätze halten. The Bible warns us not to let our imperfect heart or mere sentiment rule when we are making decisions. This requires that we adhere to Bible principles. Wer Jehova treu bleibt, wird von ihm nicht verlassen. We will consider what factors that can help us to remain a sanctified people? Those who remain faithful to Jehovah will not leave him. Solltest du merken, dass du irgendwie zum Negativen beeinflusst wurdest, bete auf jeden Fall um heiligen Geist! Yes, Jehovah provides direction to the slave. If you feel that you were not being influenced by the false spirit, pray for holy spirit. Sein Geist motiviert uns auf verschiedene Weise, die Einheit zu fördern. Are the same evil influences evident? His spirit motivates us to promote unity in various ways. " Die Dinge, die mir lieb waren, waren bei den Menschensöhnen " Does the Bible's explanation make sense to them? " The things I was fond of were with the sons of men. " - PS. Zellen können die dazu nötigen Informationen speichern und kopieren. INTERNATIONAL and district conventions have been a feature of the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses for as long as most of us can remember. cells can use the information and use them. • Warum können wir auf Jehova und sein Wort vertrauen? ARTICLE 1 • Why can we trust in Jehovah and his Word? Andere werden "zurückgelassen" werden zur Vernichtung, weil sie selbstsüchtig ihr eigenes Leben gelebt haben. This confidence helps us to have faith in him. Others will be " cleansed ' for destruction because they have lived their own lives. Wie die Bibel empfiehlt, schüttete die junge Frau Jehova ihr Herz aus. Surely Jesus did not contribute to any drunkenness, for he viewed such as reprehensible. The Bible recommends that young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah. (b) Was heißt es, reif zu sein? They do this, not because of a mere fascination with maps, but because they realize that by using maps, they can add to their knowledge of God's Word. (b) What does it mean to be mature? Wer von Jehova berufen worden ist, hat keinen Zweifel daran. Later, Peter failed to act in a Christian manner, treating Gentile believers as if they were somehow not as good as circumcised Jewish Christians. Those called by Jehovah have no doubt. Warum war Jesus glücklich, und welche Entscheidungen führen zum Glück? What was Jesus ' primary concern during his earthly ministry, and what religious tradition would he have rejected? Why was Jesus happy, and what decisions contribute to happiness? BIBELSTUDIEN For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God's Son. " BIBLE STUDIES " Gebt das Heilige nicht Hunden. " Let us, then, consider some of Jesus ' appealing qualities. " Do not give up. " Dann wendete sich plötzlich das Blatt. Next, the wall is inaugurated with such spirit that "the rejoicing of Jerusalem [can] be heard far away. " Then things changed. [ Fußnote] He used the physical and intellectual abilities that Jehovah granted him and tackled the problem at hand. [ Footnote] Unserem dankbaren himmlischen Vater bedeutet das sehr viel. 4: 4; John 5: 22, 23; 15: 10. Our gratitude for our heavenly Father means much. Siehe Kapitel 40, "Wie wir Gott Freude machen können." Jesus Christ said that his heavenly Father draws people to himself through His Son. See chapter 40, "How We Can Find Joy in God. " Auf Gott und Christus zu hören, ist ein Ausdruck unserer Liebe zu ihnen. Blessings Now and in the Future Obeying God and Christ is an expression of our love for them. Auf welche Weise? How does God's spirit search "into all things, even the deep things of God "? How? Ihre Liebe zur Wahrheit und ihr Wunsch, Jehova als Königreichsverkündiger zu dienen, zeugen davon, dass sie sich wirklich von Gott angezogen fühlten. They will remind you of why you need to be zealous, show you how to improve your "art of teaching, " and encourage you by demonstrating that many are still responding to the preaching work. Their love for the truth and their desire to serve Jehovah as Kingdom proclaimers reflected their genuine love for God. Unsere Hände arbeiten normalerweise zusammen. Am I willing to make sacrifices to get ahold of it, or do I allow other things, such as the cares of daily life, to distract me from it? ' Our hands usually work together. Er blieb weit über seinen Tod hinaus berühmt und ist noch heute sehr vielen Menschen ein Begriff. Meanwhile, from the roof of his palace in Jerusalem, David saw Bath - sheba - a married woman - bathing. He remained far beyond his death, and he is still a lot of people today. Was hilft uns, Gottes Liebe zu uns zu verstehen? For example, when Gideon was chosen to set God's people free from Midianite oppression, he must have been stunned by the angel's greeting: "Jehovah is with you, you mighty warrior. " What will help us to understand God's love? Sehen wir uns einmal an, wie Jesus und seine Jünger vorgingen. For example, Proverbs 22: 4 states: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " Let us consider how Jesus and his disciples acted. Wie war das bei Noah? Help others strengthen their faith. How was Noah? Ganz gleich, wie lange wir schon verheiratet sind, sollten wir uns daher überlegen, was wir sagen oder tun können, um unsere Ehe zu stärken. SONGS TO BE USED: 31, 118 No matter how long we have been married, let us consider what we can say or do to strengthen our marriage. Nun zu Hans, einem Ältesten in Österreich. Let us consider ways in which children, congregation overseers, and individual Christians can care for the needs of senior members of our worldwide brotherhood. He now visited an elder in Austria. Auf meisterhafte Weise spielte Jesus bei seinen Veranschaulichungen auf das Leben der Menschen an. Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Sodom, and Nineveh as well as Canaan, Moab, Ammon, and Assyria are all mentioned in that one chapter. Jesus ' masterful illustrations involved life in man's life. Für göttliche Wahrheiten hatte dieser Rebell nur Verachtung übrig. Asha studied the Bible and came to know God as her Friend. God's truths had just ignored. (Lies 5. Mose 4: 5 - 8; Ps. What fine example have faithful anointed ones set? (Read Deuteronomy 4: 5 - 8; Ps. Anna hat sich bei ihren Eltern Rat geholt. What points are presented in chapters 6 and 7 of Micah's prophecy? Anna took her parents ' advice to heart. Wie der Messias seine Rolle vollständig erfüllt Elders discuss a brother's Scriptural qualifications with the circuit overseer (Malawi) How the Messiah sheds His Role David war unvollkommen und beging eine schwere Sünde. [ Picture on page 26] David was imperfect and committed serious sin. Satan ist bemüht, seine bösen Charakterzüge immer weiter zu verbreiten. (b) How did one family experience the wisdom of following Jehovah's guidance? Satan is always trying to spread his wicked traits. Warum kann man von uns vernünftigerweise erwarten, Jehovas Eigenschaften nachzuahmen? In fact, Jehovah appreciates such effort on your part. Why is it reasonable to imitate Jehovah's qualities? Von ihnen allen aber wird erwartet, dass sie ihrer Verantwortung treu nachkommen. (See paragraphs 15, 16) Yet, all of them are expected to faithfully carrying out their responsibility. (Lies 1. Korinther 11: 27 - 34.) Would anyone assign someone he did not trust to keep and use his valuable things? (Read 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 34.) Als Jesus auf der Erde war, gab es jüdische Gemeinden in Ägypten und anderen Teilen Nordafrikas sowie in Griechenland, Kleinasien und Mesopotamien. After false religion is destroyed, the wild beast, Satan's earthly political setup, will be goaded into an attack on God's Kingdom. When Jesus was on earth, Jewish communities in Egypt and other parts of Greece, Greece, Asia, and Greece. Auch wir haben mit fleischlichen Schwächen zu kämpfen. Yet, he also stated: "We have been proved by God as fit to be entrusted with the good news. " We too struggle with fleshly weaknesses. * Aber wie muss jemand über Jesu Gebote belehrt werden, damit er auch wirklich ein Jünger bleibt? How did this decision affect those who knew of Ahab's terrible crime? * But how must a person be taught about Jesus ' commands so that he remains a disciple? Wie Gottes Wort sagt, kennt nur das Herz seinen eigenen Schmerz und niemand kann seine Freude teilen. It may be necessary to reason with the sinner more than once. God's Word tells us that only the heart is aware of his own pain and that no one can share his joy. Paulus beschrieb, wie er auf diejenigen, denen er predigte, einging: "Ich bin Menschen von allen Arten alles geworden, damit ich auf jeden Fall einige rette. Your Family Worship evening can do much to make you and your loved ones fine Kingdom citizens Paul described how he preached to those to whom he preached: "I have become people of all sorts, that I might by all means save some. Außerdem besteht Jesu Thron "auf unabsehbare Zeit, ja für immer." What will replace the governmental heavens and the wicked human society that are present now? Moreover, Jesus ' throne is "to time indefinite, even forever. " Philadelphia Furthermore, Asa urged his people "to search for Jehovah... and to observe the Law and the commandment. " Philadelphia " Seid nicht mehr in sorgenvoller Spannung; euer Vater weiß, dass ihr diese Dinge benötigt '. Satan challenged the legitimacy of Jehovah's rulership when he rebelled against Him. " If you no longer work together, your Father knows you need these things. " Viele Zeugen Jehovas ertragen heute Kummer und Leid wie einst Jeremia. 11, 12. (a) What two appointments does the faithful and discreet slave receive? Many of Jehovah's Witnesses today suffer distress and suffering like Jeremiah. [ Bilder auf Seite 27] Jehovah further says: "I proceeded to send before you Moses, Aaron and Miriam. " [ Pictures on page 27] Die Bibel, die vom Geist Gottes inspiriert ist, ruft uns auf, einerseits Geld nicht überzubewerten, aber andererseits für unseren Lebensunterhalt zu arbeiten und für unsere Familie zu sorgen. For example, in Japan the divorce rate has nearly doubled in recent years. The Bible inspired inspiration of God's spirit calls us not to put money but to work hard for our family and for our family. Es gibt Probleme, die schon seit Jahren bestehen. Vielleicht haben sie sich festgesetzt, bevor man es richtig bemerkt hat. (Read Deuteronomy 15: 7.) There are problems that have existed since years, and they may have set the right course before they saw it. • Warum prüft uns Jehova? However, it later became evident that Jehovah desires his people to get busy in a variety of forms of preaching, including the house - to - house work. • Why does Jehovah examine us? Sie warnt uns davor, uns bei Entscheidungen auf unser Herz oder lediglich das Gefühl zu verlassen. Rather than seek an explanation or simply wait in faith, many disciples "would no longer walk with [Jesus]. " It warns us not to rely solely on our heart or heart. Mit welchen Punkten möchten wir uns jetzt befassen? Likewise, the work and the love we show for Jehovah will never be forgotten. What aspects of our spirituality will we now consider? Es ist also Jehova selbst, der den "Sklaven" anleitet. Why did Abraham need to show patience? Yes, Jehovah himself directs the "slave " himself. Sind dieselben negativen Einflüsse festzustellen? Jehovah is "the God who supplies endurance and comfort. " Do you see similar negative influences? Ist das auch ihre eigene Überzeugung? Instead, we " always pursue what is good toward others. ' - 1 Thess. Is that true of your own convictions? SEITE 7 The inspired record tells us: "The crowd felt amazement as they saw the speechless speaking and the maimed being made sound and the lame walking and the blind seeing. " ARTICLE 2 Diese Tatsache stärkt unser Vertrauen in ihn. Jesus could read hearts, and he used that ability to look for the good in others. This fact strengthens our confidence in him. Jesus leistete bestimmt nicht der Trunkenheit Vorschub, denn er verurteilte sie. (King James Version; see also The New American Bible, The Holy Bible - New International Version, Tanakh - The Holy Scriptures) Yet, as mentioned in the preceding article, we can obtain "the very knowledge of God " if we allow his Word to illuminate us. Jesus certainly did not give up the drunkenness, for he condemned them. Sie tun das nicht aus reiner Begeisterung für Landkarten, sondern weil sie sich bewusst sind, dass diese ihre Erkenntnis des Wortes Gottes vertiefen können. The Witnesses stayed a little over an hour. They do so, not out of pure enthusiasm, but because they realize that such knowledge can deepen their knowledge of God's Word. Aus Menschenfurcht verhielt er sich später ziemlich unchristlich, als er Glaubensbrüder nichtjüdischer Herkunft so behandelte, als wären sie im Vergleich zu den beschnittenen Judenchristen zweitklassig. 16, 17. With fear of man, he later treated Gentile believers as if they were in comparison with the Jewish Jewish religious leaders. Was war Jesu wichtigstes Anliegen, und welche Tradition muss er verabscheut haben? Jehovah considers acts of loyal love expressed toward his servants as being rendered to him personally. What was Jesus ' most important concern, and what tradition must he have feared? Darum wird auch das Geborene heilig, Gottes Sohn, genannt werden ." But what could make us happier than knowing that we have the approval of the Sovereign of the universe? That is also part of the holy, God's Son, being called. " Sehen wir uns dazu einige anziehende Eigenschaften Jesu genauer an. But think about the years before the tribulation begins. Let us consider some of Jesus ' endearing qualities. Anschließend wird die Stadtmauer mit einer solchen Begeisterung eingeweiht, dass " die Freude Jerusalems weithin gehört werden kann '. Illustrate. (b) What can help us to cope with negative emotions associated with discipline? Then the wall will be filled with such enthusiasm that "the joy of Jerusalem belongs to far. " Er ging ein Problem mit allen körperlichen und Verstandeskräften an, die er von Jehova erhalten hatte. The following article will examine this question. He faced a problem with all physical and physical strength that he had received from Jehovah. Wie aus Jesu Worten hervorgeht, zieht Jehova Menschen durch seinen Sohn zu sich. How did Jacob encourage the descendants of Gad to respond when under attack? Jesus ' words show that Jehovah draws humans to himself through his Son. Schon heute und auch in Zukunft reich belohnt He wants you to be happy forever. Even now and in the future Wie erforscht der Geist Gottes "alle Dinge, selbst die tiefen Dinge Gottes"? Jeremiah knew that Jehovah is righteous. How does God's spirit search "all things, even the deep things of God "? Die Artikel erinnern daran, weshalb wir eifrig sein sollten, und zeigen, wie wir uns in der "Kunst des Lehrens" verbessern können. Sie enthalten auch ermunternde Belege dafür, dass immer noch viele auf das Predigtwerk günstig reagieren. The clergy of Christendom are not preaching God's Kingdom. The articles remind us of how we should be zealous, and show how we can improve in the "art of teaching. " Bin ich zu Opfern bereit, um an ihr festzuhalten? Oder lasse ich mich zum Beispiel von den Sorgen des Lebens ablenken? ." What Scriptural responsibility do family heads have? Am I willing to sacrifice sacrifices for them, or am I distracted from the anxieties of life? ' David bleibt derweil in seinem Palast in Jerusalem. So kommt es, dass eines Abends sein Blick vom Flachdach aus auf eine badende Frau fällt. They want to learn! Because David stays in his palace in Jerusalem, he comes to see that one night his eyes are on a woman's feet. Gott wählte ihn aus, sein Volk von den Midianitern zu befreien. Wie überrascht Gideon gewesen sein muss, als ein Engel ihn mit den Worten begrüßte: "Jehova ist mit dir, du tapferer Starker." God sees their imperfections more clearly than any human can. God chose him to deliver his people from the Midianites, and Gideon must have been surprised when an angel greeted him with the words: "Jehovah is with you, you mighty ones. " Zum Beispiel heißt es in Sprüche 22: 4: "Die Folge der Demut und der Furcht Jehovas ist Reichtum und Herrlichkeit und Leben." It may even be that you have met people in your ministry who have stated that while they disagree with our beliefs, they respect us for the work we do. For example, Proverbs 22: 4 states: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " Hilf anderen, ihren Glauben zu festigen. ARTICLE 6 A Danger That Concerns Every Parent ARTICLE 7 How to Protect Your Children Help others to build their faith. LIEDER: 31, 118 Rather, Jesus was warning his anointed followers of the need to remain diligent - to " do business ' with their talent - and avoid the attitudes and actions of a wicked slave. - Matt. 25: 16. SONGS TO BE USED: 31, 118 Betrachten wir einmal, welche Möglichkeiten Kinder, Versammlungsaufseher und die einzelnen Christen haben, sich Älterer in unserer weltweiten Bruderschaft anzunehmen. How do some view sacrifices they made in the past? Let us consider some ways in which children, circuit overseers, and members of our worldwide brotherhood can be recognized by older Christians. Allein in diesem Kapitel werden Gasa, Askalon, Aschdod, Ekron, Sodom und Ninive sowie Kanaan, Moab, Ammon und Assyrien erwähnt. If you are presently conducting a Bible study with a student whose mate has no desire to take part in true worship, why not hold regular practice sessions to help the student to approach issues tactfully? In this chapter, Gaza is referred to as going to Gaza, jw.C.E., Sodom, Sodom, Sodom, and Nineveh. Asha studierte die Bibel und lernte Gott als ihren Freund kennen. Our relationship with Jehovah sustains us in this troubled world and will carry us through his great war of Armageddon. - Revelation 7: 9, 14; 16: 13 - 16. A Bible student studied the Bible and learned God as her friend. Welches gute Beispiel geben gesalbte Christen? Moreover, as the final article in this series will show, his truth is both liberating and life - giving. - John 8: 32; 17: 3. What fine example do anointed Christians set for anointed Christians? Worum geht es in Micha, Kapitel 6 und 7? (b) Explain how "the word of God is alive " and how it" exerts power. " What is the theme of Micah chapters 6 and 7? Älteste besprechen mit dem Kreisaufseher, ob ein Bruder die biblischen Erfordernisse erfüllt (Malawi) Earlier in his letter to the Romans, Paul stated: "God's wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way. " Elders discuss with the circuit overseer whether a brother entered the Bible's Scriptural requirements. [ Bild auf Seite 26] Our surviving the end of this wicked world depends on what? [ Picture on page 26] (b) Wie erlebte eine Familie, dass es weise ist, sich von Jehova leiten zu lassen? Fathers who are reluctant to express their feelings do well to remember Jehovah's example. (b) How did one family experience the wisdom of following Jehovah's guidance? Jehova schätzt es, wenn du dich entsprechend anstrengst. Imitate the Greatest Missionary Jehovah appreciates it when you work at doing it. (Siehe Absatz 15, 16) Mary recalls a time some years ago when she met one of her husband's coworkers. (See paragraphs 15, 16) Wer würde eine derart wertvolle "Habe" jemandem zur Verwaltung und Benutzung übergeben, dem er nicht vertraut? 1, 2. (a) Why is loyalty to God important to Christians, and how does this relate to neutrality? Who would have such a precious "belongings " to someone who would not trust in the administration and using it? Nach der Vernichtung der falschen Religion wird das wilde Tier, Satans irdische politische Organisation, zu einem Angriff auf Gottes Königreich angestachelt. " If God really cared, ' they reason, " surely he would prevent such tragic things from happening. ' After false religion destroys the wild beast, Satan's political organization, will face an attack on God's Kingdom. Er erklärte aber auch: "Wir [sind] von Gott als erprobt befunden worden..., mit der guten Botschaft betraut zu werden." If your parents allow you to have a social networking account, how can you avoid those dangers? He also stated: "We have been put to the test by God, to be entrusted with the good news. " Wie berührte es Naboths Familie und Freunde, dass Jehova Ahab gegenüber barmherzig war? The Bible says: "Whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body. " How did Naboth's family and friends feel about Jehovah's mercy? Es ist vielleicht nötig, mit dem Bruder mehr als einmal zu sprechen. When the talk was over, my wife elbowed me and asked, " Are you satisfied? ' It may be necessary to talk more than once with the brother. Der Studierabend kann dir und deiner Familie sehr helfen, vorbildliche Bürger des Königreichs zu sein Will you be courageous and tactfully explain the reason for your decision? Family Worship can help you and your family to be exemplary teachers of God's Kingdom Was tritt an die Stelle der heutigen Himmel oder Regierungen und der gottlosen Menschheit? EVERY YEAR: The global pornography industry generates an estimated $100 BILLION (U.S.). What lies ahead for today's heavens and governments and ungodly mankind? Außerdem forderte er das Volk auf, "Jehova... zu suchen und das Gesetz und das Gebot zu tun." Find comfort now by meditating on the prospect of meeting your loved ones again. He also urged the people to "seek to search for Jehovah... and to do the law and the commandment. " Satan hat die Rechtmäßigkeit der Herrschaft Jehovas angefochten, als er sich gegen ihn auflehnte. Pharaoh's haughtiness led to his humiliation Satan has upheld the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty when he rebelled against him. 11, 12. (a) Welche zwei Ernennungen erhält der treue und verständige Sklave? Because of pride, the rebels made independent arrangements to worship Jehovah. 11, 12. (a) What two appointments do the faithful and discreet slave receive? Weiter erklärt Jehova: "Ich sandte dann Moses, Aaron und Mirjam vor dir her." In one way or another, he will make it possible for us to keep going. - Matthew 6: 33. Jehovah further explains: "I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam before you. " In Japan beispielsweise hat sich die Scheidungsrate in den letzten Jahren nahezu verdoppelt. At that time, the words of Micah 2: 12 have an initial fulfillment. For example, in Japan the divorce has been nearly two million years of age. (Lies 5. Mose 15: 7.) The present system of things is awash with it. (Read Deuteronomy 15: 7.) Später wurde klar, dass sich Jehova von seinen Dienern wünschte, auf unterschiedlichste Weise zu predigen, gerade auch von Haus zu Haus. Since God's purpose is dear to his heart, we bring joy to him when we keep it uppermost in our minds. Later, Jehovah wanted his servants to preach in various ways, including preaching from house to house. Statt um eine Erklärung zu bitten oder vertrauensvoll abzuwarten, "gingen [viele] nicht mehr mit ihm." But in the vision, John sees others, who are not of the bride class. Instead of praying for an explanation or trusting confidence, they "went no longer with him. " Ebenso wird Jehova unseren Einsatz und unsere Liebe für ihn niemals vergessen. And he related: "From Jerusalem and in a circuit as far as Illyricum I have thoroughly preached the good news about the Christ. " Similarly, Jehovah will never forget our efforts and love for him. Warum musste Abraham geduldig sein? This psalm appears to be a continuation of Psalm 70, which bears the superscription "Of David. " Why did Abraham need to be patient? Jehova ist "der Gott, der Ausharren und Trost verleiht." Bible scholar R. Jehovah is "the God who gives endurance and comfort. " Stattdessen bemühen wir uns, anderen jederzeit Gutes zu tun. Do we pardon the errors that others may commit against us? Instead, we strive to do good at all. In der Bibel heißt es: "Die Volksmenge staunte, als sie sah, dass Stumme redeten und Lahme gingen und Blinde sahen." In words recorded in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus compared Christians to slaves waiting for their master to return from a wedding. The Bible says: "The crowd were amazed when they saw the lame and the lame and the blind saw the blind and saw the blind. " Jesus konnte ins Herz sehen und das nutzte er, um in anderen das Gute zu suchen. Furthermore, Jesus indicated that those who follow him "will inherit everlasting life. " Jesus could read hearts and use them to look for the good in others. (Lutherbibel; siehe auch Einheitsübersetzung; Gute Nachricht Bibel; Zürcher Bibel; Tur - Sinai). Wir können jedoch, wie im vorangegangenen Artikel erwähnt, die "wahre Erkenntnis Gottes" erlangen, wenn wir uns durch sein Wort erleuchten lassen. Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who "walk in the valley of deep shadow. " However, as mentioned in the preceding article, we can draw "the very knowledge of God " by allowing his Word to refine us. Die Zeuginnen blieben eine gute Stunde und hörten mir voll Mitgefühl zu. Elders rejoice in the contribution each one can make to the welfare of the congregation The Witnesses remained a good hour and heard me patiently. 16, 17. Trusting in Jehovah is not a matter of mere words. 16, 17. Wie denkt Jehova über Taten loyaler Liebe, die seinen Dienern erwiesen werden? Er betrachtet sie so, als wären sie ihm persönlich erwiesen worden. Guided by God's Spirit in the First Century and Today How does Jehovah feel about acts of loyal love toward his servants, and he views them as if they had been proved to him personally. Doch wenn wir es tun, gefallen wir dem Souverän von Himmel und Erde. Out of the blue, the girl said: " You should go to my school first thing Monday morning. ' If we do, however, we please the Sovereign of heaven and earth. Führe ein Beispiel an. (b) Wie können wir mit den negativen Gefühlen umgehen, die mit erzieherischen Maßnahmen verbunden sind? " The zeal for your house will consume me. " - JOHN 2: 17. Give an example. (b) How can we deal with the negative feelings associated with discipline? Darauf geht der folgende Artikel ein. Yet, the earth orbits at just the right distance from that awesome thermonuclear furnace. The following article will address this subject. Wozu forderte Jakob die Nachkommen Gads im Falle eines Angriffs auf? When he understood God's will for him, Hezekiah acted decisively. What admonition did Jacob give to the offspring of Gad in a trap? Er möchte, dass du für immer glücklich bist. (b) How can parents follow David's good example? He wants you to be happy forever. Er wusste natürlich, dass Jehova gerecht ist. However, there are numerous situations for which the Bible provides no specific command. Of course, he knew that Jehovah is righteous. Die Geistlichen der Christenheit predigen nicht Gottes Königreich. • What part does a man's family play in helping him to reach out? Christendom's clergy do not preach God's Kingdom. Welche Verantwortung haben Familienoberhäupter gemäß der Bibel? Of his chosen Servant, Jehovah stated: "The righteous one, my servant, will bring a righteous standing to many people. " What responsibility do family heads have regarding the Bible? Sie wollen lernen! STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 They want to learn. Gott sieht ihre Unvollkommenheiten, und das deutlicher als jeder Mensch. Besides enjoying rich spiritual blessings now, Jehovah God's faithful servants eagerly look forward to even greater blessings in the future. God sees their imperfections and sees them more than any human. Im Dienst treffen wir mitunter sogar Personen an, die mit unseren Glaubensansichten zwar nicht einverstanden sind, uns aber für unser Werk respektieren. These articles will deepen our gratitude for the Bible as well as our love for its Author. At times, we may meet people who do not agree with our beliefs but respect us for our work. 3 Sie boten bereitwillig ihre Hilfe an - in Westafrika God's Word Has Transforming Power 3 They Offered Their Help Vielmehr schärfte Jesus seinen gesalbten Nachfolgern ein, fleißig zu sein, also mit ihrem Talent "Geschäfte zu machen," und nicht wie ein böser Sklave zu sein. Why is there a greater need now for deliverance by God? Rather, Jesus told his anointed followers to be diligent in carrying out their talent, not to be like a wicked slave. OPFER, DIE MAN GEBRACHT HAT Sabina, a woman in South America, learned the value of Bible principles. CAN YOU EXPLAIN? Studierst du mit jemand, dessen Ehepartner kein Interesse an der Wahrheit hat? Ein Tipp: Du könntest regelmäßig mit dem Studierenden üben, wie man gewisse Themen taktvoll angeht. Study Article 3 PAGES 23 - 27 When you study with someone who has no interest in the truth, you could regularly train your student to discuss certain subjects with him. Unser Verhältnis zu Jehova stützt uns in der heutigen chaotischen Welt und wird uns durch seinen großen Krieg von Harmagedon schleusen. " The birdcatcher " has trapped many with a selfish desire for independence. Our relationship with Jehovah will sustain us in this troubled world and will by means of his great war of Armageddon. Wie der letzte Teil dieser Artikelreihe zeigt, befreit er Menschen durch die Wahrheit, die zum Leben führt. Our spiritual heritage includes what accurate information? As the last part of this series of articles shows, he rescues people by means of the truth that leads to life. (b) Erkläre, wieso das Wort Gottes lebendig ist und wieso es Macht ausübt? Such people can grasp the sense of the Bible, whatever their education, culture, station in life, or ethnic group. (b) Explain how the word of God is alive and how it exerts power. In der Einleitung seines Briefes an die Römer erklärt Paulus: "Gottes Zorn wird vom Himmel her gegen alle Gottlosigkeit und Ungerechtigkeit der Menschen geoffenbart, die die Wahrheit in ungerechter Weise unterdrücken." For example, early in the year 2001, Pope John Paul II stated in a letter: "Over the years, I have often repeated the summons to the new evangelization. In his letter to the Romans, Paul explains: "God's wrath will be revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are oppressing the truth. " Wovon hängt es ab, ob man das Ende der gegenwärtigen bösen Welt überlebt? So this destruction can be said to come from God. What determines whether we will survive the end of this wicked world? Für Väter, die sich scheuen ihre Gefühle zu zeigen, empfiehlt es sich, über Jehovas eigenes Verhalten nachzudenken. For instance, he may believe in the Trinity. It would be wise to reflect on Jehovah's own actions. Nimm dir den größten Missionar zum Vorbild Separately, as a fetus ' red cells complete their normal life span, their oxygen - carrying portion is processed. Imitate the Greatest Missionary Mary erzählt, dass sie einen Mitarbeiter ihres Mannes kennen lernte. Our View Made Evident by Our Actions Mary relates that she learned to her husband. 1, 2. (a) Warum ist es für Christen wichtig, loyal zu Gott zu stehen, und was hat das mit Neutralität zu tun? The early Christians were known as zealous evangelizers. 1, 2. (a) Why is loyalty to God important for Christians? Man argumentiert: "Wenn Gott wirklich an uns interessiert wäre, würde er so etwas bestimmt verhindern." Accordingly, God "has made a city ready for them. " You might reason, " If God really cares about us, would he not prevent such a thing? ' Wie kannst du dich vor den Gefahren schützen? " You have been saved through faith... How can you protect yourself from dangers? Die Bibel sagt: "Wer... Hurerei treibt, sündigt gegen seinen eigenen Leib ." But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. The Bible says: "He that practices fornication is sinning against his own body. " Nach dem Vortrag stieß mich meine Frau mit dem Ellbogen an und fragte: " Bist du nun zufrieden? " Surely our desire is the same as Josiah's was. After listening to the talk, I met my wife and asked: " Are you content? ' Hast du dann den Mut, taktvoll den Grund für deine Entscheidung zu erklären? Writing to fellow anointed Christians, Paul stated: "[Jehovah] rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins. " Do you have the courage to tactfully explain the reason for your decision? JEDES JAHR: Die Pornografiebranche macht weltweit schätzungsweise 100 MILLIARDEN US - Dollar Umsatz So there remains a sabbath resting for the people of God. " EVERY year, pornography is estimated to be estimated by 100 - year - old pornography. Es kann für dich ein großer Trost sein, wenn du darüber nachdenkst, wie schön es sein wird, deine Angehörigen wiederzusehen. Mary recognized Christ It can be a great comfort to you if you consider how pleasant it will be to see your loved ones again. Pharaos Hochmut führte zu seiner Erniedrigung Describe the difference between dedication and baptism. Pharaoh's haughtiness led Pharaoh's haughtiness Aus Stolz wollten sie Jehova so anbeten, wie sie es für richtig hielten. Their being thrown symbolically into the fiery furnace indicates that they are headed for eternal destruction. pride moved them to worship Jehovah in the way that they viewed them. Er wird auf irgendeine Art und Weise dafür sorgen, dass wir unser Auskommen haben. I love doing Bible research, so I'll look into your question and get back to you. " He will make sure that we have come to our aid in some way. Als ein Überrest der Juden in die Heimat zurückkehrt, erfüllen sich die Worte aus Micha 2: 12 zum ersten Mal. The fight continued and will continue as long as we are imperfect. When a remnant of the Jews returned to their homeland, the words of Micah 2: 12 first time come. Pornografische Inhalte begegnen einem im heutigen System auf Schritt und Tritt. We can trust that by making "the spirit " the real center of our existence, we will have a satisfying, meaningful life now. This article will help you to identify things in this system of things. Weil sein Vorsatz ihm so sehr am Herzen liegt, macht es ihn glücklich, wenn er sieht, dass seine Ziele auch uns enorm wichtig sind. A married sister who is serving at the world headquarters in New York commented about Jehovah's organization: "It is the only one that unwaveringly proclaims Jehovah's name. Because he cares deeply about his purpose, he appreciates it when he sees that his goals too are important to us. In der Vision sah Johannes jedoch noch andere, die nicht zur Braut gehören. At that time, he would send in his angels to separate the wheat from the weeds. - Matt. 13: 24 - 30, 36 - 41. However, John saw other members of the bride class that were not part of the bride class. Und er erzählt, dass er "von Jerusalem aus und in einem Kreis bis nach Illyrien hin die gute Botschaft über den Christus gründlich gepredigt" hat. Although they were sincere, the brothers did not always have a proper view of subjection to the secular governments. He says: "He continued bearing thorough witness to Jerusalem and in a circuit campaign until I have preached the good news about the Christ. " Da dieser Psalm offenbar eine Fortsetzung von Psalm 70 ist, stammt er wie dieser vermutlich von David. Those were years of suffering for me. Since this psalm is evidently a channel of Psalm 70, it is likely that David composed this psalm. Der Bibelgelehrte R. What are some instances when Christian parents need courage? Bible scholar C.E. Verzeihen wir denen, die uns zu nahe getreten sind? When you read the Bible "in an undertone, " it will help you to fix attention on portions that are especially useful and encouraging to you at that moment. Will we forgive those who have drawn close to us? Jesus verglich Christen mit Sklaven, die ihren Herrn von einem Hochzeitsfest zurückerwarten. What a life - changing experience that was for any who responded to his teachings! Jesus likened Christians to slaves who return to their Lord from a wedding feast. Jesus erwähnte außerdem, dass seine Nachfolger "ewiges Leben erben" würden. What challenges do young ones face in displaying kindness to schoolmates? Jesus also indicated that his followers would inherit "everlasting life. " Jehova verspricht uns in seinem Wort, dass er bei uns ist, wenn wir durch ein "Tal tiefen Schattens" hindurchgehen. Although the fulfillment of this God - given promise lay in the distant future, Abraham maintained his confidence in that fulfillment. In his Word, Jehovah promises that he is with us if we walk through "a deep shadow of deep shadow. " Älteste freuen sich über das, was jeder von ihnen zum Wohl der Versammlung beitragen kann But he also knew that Christ died, not for perfect people, but for sinners. Elders rejoice over what each one of them can contribute to the welfare of the congregation Auf Jehova zu vertrauen erschöpft sich nicht in Worten. The Bible likens our clear identification as Christians to outer garments, worn for all to see. Trusting in Jehovah, not in words. Geleitet von Gottes Geist - im ersten Jahrhundert und heute At social gatherings, those making the arrangements should not overlook the need for proper supervision. Guided by God's Spirit in the First Century and Today Ganz unvermittelt sagte das Mädchen zu mir: " Kommen Sie am Montagvormittag als Erstes in unsere Schule. " (b) When did the codex become widely used by Christians? At the same time, the girl said to me: "I'm coming in the morning, first in our school. " " Der Eifer um dein Haus wird mich verzehren " Even though we are "hated by all the nations, " the courts of many countries have ruled that we have the right to practice true worship. - Matt. " The zeal for your house will devour me. " - PS. Die Erde umkreist diesen gewaltigen thermonuklearen Ofen genau in der richtigen Entfernung. Also, we should tactfully expose religious falsehoods that malign our Creator, such as the doctrine of hellfire, which in reality attributes to the God of love the cruel traits of the Devil. - Jer. The earth is designed to cover these huge animals in the right perspective. Als Hiskia verstand, was Gott von ihm erwartete, handelte er entschlossen. Michelle: And if you had the power to heal her today, would you? When Hezekiah understood what God required of him, he acted decisively. (b) Wie können Eltern dem guten Beispiel Davids folgen? Our figurative helmet protects our mental powers, enabling us to make wise decisions, set sound priorities, and maintain integrity. (b) How can parents follow the fine example of David? Es gibt allerdings zahlreiche Situationen, für die die Bibel kein spezielles Gebot enthält. This, in his view, is an emergency! There are many situations in which the Bible contains no specific command. • Wie können Frau und Kinder einen Bruder unterstützen, Verantwortung zu übernehmen? One sister said: "Speculations were made as to what JW stood for - Just Wait, Just Watch, and the correct one. " • How can a wife and children support a brotherly responsibility? Jehova sagte über seinen auserwählten "Knecht": "Der Gerechte, mein Knecht, [wird] viele in einen gerechten Stand bringen." He pleaded with Jehovah: "Do not throw me away from before your face; and your holy spirit O do not take away from me. " Jehovah said concerning his chosen Servant: "The righteous one, my servant [will bring many righteous people into a righteous standing. " UND 2. STUDIENARTIKEL SEITE 3 - 11 In what sense do the works of the flesh breed disunity? STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 Neben den vielen geistigen Segnungen heute freuen sich treue Diener Jehovas sehr auf noch größere Segnungen in der Zukunft. 131: 1 - 3 - How did David " soothe and quiet his soul like a weanling upon his mother '? In addition to the many spiritual blessings Jehovah's faithful servants now enjoy even greater blessings in the future. Diese Artikel werden unsere Dankbarkeit für die Bibel und unsere Liebe zu ihrem Autor vertiefen. Rather, he said: "Be in good health from your grievous sickness. " These articles will deepen our appreciation for the Bible and for our love for its Author. Gottes Wort hat umwandelnde Kraft What, though, is genuine repentance? God's Word exerts Power Warum ist es heute dringender denn je, dass Gott die Menschen befreit? [ Blurb on page 29] Why is it urgent that God deliver mankind today? Sabina aus Südamerika hat festgestellt, wie gut sich die Grundsätze der Bibel auswirken. What does listening to the voice of Christ's brothers involve? Consider the benefits of applying the Bible's principles in South America. Studienartikel SEITE 23 - 27 If we treat others mercifully, they are likely to respond in kind. Study Article 4 PAGES 23 - 27 Viele hat der "Vogelfänger" durch den ausgeprägten Wunsch nach Unabhängigkeit in die Falle gelockt. High Value of Pearls Many have been ensnared by "the birdcatcher. " Ist es nicht ein ganz besonderes Vorrecht, ein Zeuge für Jehova zu sein? What should you do? What a privilege it is to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses! Menschen mit dieser Einstellung können den Sinn der Bibel verstehen, ungeachtet ihrer Bildung, Kultur, gesellschaftlichen Stellung oder ethnischen Zugehörigkeit. When new ones attend, we become cohosts, as it were. People with that view can understand the meaning of the Bible, regardless of their education, culture, social, or ethnic background. Zum Beispiel schrieb Papst Johannes Paul II. Anfang 2001 in einem Schreiben: "Unzählige Male habe ich in diesen Jahren den Aufruf zur Neuevangelisierung wiederholt. The psalmist declared: "Those who are planted in the house of Jehovah... will still keep on thriving during gray - headedness, fat and fresh they will continue to be. " For example, the Gospel writer John wrote: "In this period I have access to the New Testament in 2001. Zu der von ihm festgelegten Zeit wird Gott es den Machthabern "ins Herz geben, seinen Gedanken auszuführen," der gesamten falschen Religion ein Ende zu machen. Similarly, other Christians may choose not to hold a sizable wedding feast or reception that would require considerable planning and cost. At God's appointed time, God will put it "in their heart to carry out his thoughts, " which will bring an end to false religion. Angenommen, jemand glaubt noch an die Dreieinigkeit. The fact is, we find true joy and success only when we give Jehovah first place in our lives. - Read Psalm 1: 2, 3. Suppose a person still believes in the Trinity. Nach Ablauf der normalen Lebensdauer der Erythrozyten in einem Fetus wird ihr sauerstofftransportierender Bestandteil abgebaut. What benefits do children derive from wholesome attention? At the end of the life of the red cells in one's blood, it is derived from its top features. Unsere Taten verraten unsere Einstellung ARTICLE 4 Our actions reveal our attitude Die ersten Christen waren dafür bekannt, dass sie eifrig die gute Botschaft predigten. Paul may have become acquainted with this family on his first visit to the area a couple of years earlier. The early Christians were well - known for their zealous preaching the good news. Deshalb hat Gott "ihnen eine Stadt bereitgemacht." The apostle Paul urged fellow believers to "live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. That is why God " has prepared a city. ' " Ihr [seid]... durch Glauben gerettet worden... How might you imitate their good example? " You have been saved by faith... Aber sogar die Haare eures Hauptes sind alle gezählt. Who will make this significant future declaration of "Peace and security "? But even the hairs of your heads are all numbered. Sicher wollen wir genauso eingestellt sein wie Josia und Anweisungen Jehovas unverzüglich umsetzen. By means of his sacrifice, Jesus had opened the way for those exercising faith in him to come to know God in a most extraordinary way - they could become sons of God! May we be like Josiah and follow Jehovah's direction without delay. In einem Brief an gesalbte Christen schrieb Paulus: "[Jehova] hat uns von der Gewalt der Finsternis befreit und uns in das Königreich des Sohnes seiner Liebe versetzt, durch den wir unsere Befreiung durch Lösegeld haben, die Vergebung unserer Sünden." And surely we should be concerned about the "desirable things " yet to be brought in as Jehovah continues to fill his house with glory. - Haggai 2: 7. In a letter to anointed Christians, Paul wrote: "[Jehovah] has set us free from the authority of the darkness and into the kingdom of his Son, by means of our release by the ransom sacrifice of our sins. " Also verbleibt dem Volk Gottes noch eine Sabbatruhe ." What is a hallmark of a good teacher? So there remains a sabbath resting for the people of God. " Maria erkannte Christus People in general are under Satan's domination, and they have not been watchful as to the meaning of world events. Mary recognized Christ Beschreibe den Unterschied zwischen Hingabe und Taufe. Why was Solomon able to sympathize with his subjects? Describe the difference between dedication and baptism. Es wird sozusagen in einen Feuerofen geworfen und das bedeutet seine ewige Vernichtung. Put people before things It is figuratively cast into a fiery furnace, so it means everlasting destruction. Da ich gern biblische Nachforschungen anstelle, werde ich mich mit Ihrer Frage befassen und wiederkommen. " Jehovah had Jesus pass on holy spirit to strengthen his disciples in Christian truth. I enjoy preparing Bible study, and I will come back and come back. " Er geht weiter und ist erst zu Ende, wenn wir eines Tages vollkommen sind. I have called you by your name. He continues to end, and the end is just when we are perfect. Wir können darauf vertrauen: Wenn wir den heiligen Geist zum Herzstück unseres Daseins machen, können wir heute schon ein zufriedenes und erfülltes Leben führen. • In what practical ways can we demonstrate our submission? We can be confident that if we allow the holy spirit to produce the fruitage of our heart, we can enjoy contentment and fulfilling life now. Eine verheiratete Schwester, die in der Weltzentrale in New York tätig ist, sagte über Jehovas Organisation: "Es ist die einzige, die unbeirrt den Namen Gottes bekannt macht. * A married sister who serves at the world headquarters of Jehovah's organization in New York said: "It is the only one known by God's name. Dann würde er seine Engel aussenden, um den Weizen vom Unkraut zu trennen. Keeping our hand to the plow, so to speak, and avoiding distractions has led to abundant joy in our Master's service. - Luke 9: 62. Then he would send his angels to separate the wheat from the weeds. Obwohl die Brüder aufrichtig waren, verstanden sie nicht immer völlig, was es bedeutet, Regierungen untertan zu sein. Jesus reproves and disciplines all those for whom he has affection. Although the brothers were sincere, they did not fully understand what it means to be in subjection to governments. Das war eine schlimme Zeit für mich. Immediately after I said " Amen, ' my phone rang. This was a sad time for me. Wann müssen Eltern mutig sein? Then God said: "You keep seeking great things for yourself. When must parents be courageous? Lesen wir die Bibel "mit gedämpfter Stimme," werden wir bei Passagen innehalten, die uns momentan weiterhelfen und Mut machen. How can aid be provided? If you read the Bible "in an undertone, " you will pause at a passage that will encourage and strengthen you. Was für eine Wende im Leben derer, die auf seine Lehren positiv reagierten! " In all his ways ' - in congregation matters, education or secular work, relaxation, or anything else - he modestly seeks Jehovah's counsel. - Psalm 73: 24. What a change in life those who responded to his teachings! Welchen Schwierigkeiten begegnen junge Leute, die zu ihren Schulkameraden gütig sein wollen? In view of the difficult times we are living in, some may wonder whether that young man made a wise decision. What challenges do young ones face when trying to show kindness to their schoolmates? Obwohl sich das erst in der fernen Zukunft erfüllen sollte, ließ Abraham in seinem Vertrauen darauf nie nach. [ Picture on page 26] Although that was true of the future in the near future, Abraham never had confidence in his confidence. Doch er wusste: Christus war nicht für vollkommene Menschen gestorben, sondern für Sünder wie ihn. I put off important things in order to do nothing - just to relax or watch TV instead. Yet, he knew that Christ died, not for perfect humans, but for him. In der Bibel wird die unmissverständliche Identifikation als Christ mit dem Tragen von Kleidung verglichen, die für alle sichtbar ist. In the wilderness, Satan used temptations in an effort to get Jesus to compromise His obedience to Jehovah. The Bible identifies the clear sense of clothing that Christians are likened to wearing clothing that is visible to all. Wer eine gesellige Veranstaltung organisiert, sollte nicht übersehen, wie wichtig die richtige Aufsicht ist. 2: 1 - 5. SUSTAINED BY ENCOURAGEMENT Those who make a social networking site should not overlook the importance of proper oversight. (b) Ab wann war der Kodex unter Christen weit verbreitet? Adolf Hitler had vowed to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany, but 107,000 of them filled his former parade grounds in Nuremberg during a convention in 1955. Many of those present could not hold back their tears of joy! (b) When was the design of Christianity widely common among Christians? Obwohl wir "Gegenstand des Hasses aller Nationen" sind, haben Gerichte in vielen Ländern entschieden, dass wir das Recht haben, die wahre Anbetung auszuüben. When we are beset by anxieties or even by doubts, our confidence needs to be firmly placed in Jehovah. Although we are " subjects of all the nations, " certain courts have taken place in many lands, we have the right to exercise true worship. Zum anderen sollten wir auch taktvoll auf religiöse Irrlehren hinweisen, durch die unser Schöpfer in ein völlig falsches Licht gerückt wird. In time, he moved to the more fertile region of Beer - sheba, where Jehovah blessed him and told him: "Do not be afraid, because I am with you, and I will bless you and multiply your seed on account of Abraham my servant. " - Gen. Second, we should tactfully point to false teachings that honor our Creator in a completely wrong light. Michaela M.: Angenommen, Sie könnten sie jetzt sofort heilen, würden Sie das tun? Upheavals in family life would be among the things "hard to deal with " in these critical" last days. " Michelle: Suppose you could immediately heal them, would you do that? Dieser sinnbildliche Helm behütet unsere Denkkraft und befähigt uns, weise Entscheidungen zu treffen, vernünftige Prioritäten zu setzen und die Lauterkeit zu bewahren. (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) This figurative helmet protects our mental powers and enables us to make wise decisions, to set reasonable priorities, and to maintain our integrity. In seinen Augen ist das ein Notfall! Such strong faith does indeed " preserve alive the soul. ' In his eyes, that is an emergency. Eine Schwester erzählte: "Es wurden Vermutungen angestellt, wofür die Buchstaben JW standen - , Just Wait ,," Just Watch " [, Warte einfach ab ,," Pass einfach auf "], und die wahre Bedeutung..." Then Jeroboam says to the man of the true God: "Do come with me to the house and take sustenance, and let me give you a gift. " One sister said: "It was assigned to work on the jw.org side - p. " Er bat Jehova inständig: "Wirf mich nicht weg von deinem Angesicht; und deinen heiligen Geist o nimm nicht weg von mir." Jesus ' words about a harvest have special meaning for our day. He implored Jehovah: "Do not throw me away from your face; and your holy spirit O do not take away from me. " Warum kann man sagen, dass die "Werke des Fleisches" entzweiend wirken? True Christians do not twist or misrepresent the facts so as to mislead others. Why can it be said that "the works of the flesh " work hard? 131: 1 - 3 - Wie hat David " seine Seele beschwichtigt und beruhigt gleich einem Entwöhnten bei seiner Mutter '? His motivation for responding to Scriptural commands should be his desire to obey Jehovah, not to please the person who is studying with him. - Gal. Linda: 1 - 3 - How did David "put his soul back and calm like an air with his mother "? Er sagte nicht lediglich: "Sei geheilt," sondern: "Sei von deiner lästigen Krankheit geheilt." Coping With Apathy He did not just say: "Be healed, " but he said:" Be healed from your grievous sickness. " Was ist jedoch echte Reue? * That article quoted from Genesis, Leviticus, and Acts. What, though, is genuine repentance? [ Herausgestellter Text auf Seite 29] I have never come across a single problem that this book can't help to solve. " [ Blurb on page 29] Was bedeutet es, auf die Stimme der Brüder Christi zu hören? (b) What do we learn from David's example? What does it mean to listen to the voice of Christ's brothers? Wenn wir anderen gegenüber barmherzig sind, werden sie es uns gegenüber wahrscheinlich ebenfalls sein. " O let people give thanks to Jehovah for his loving - kindness and for his wonderful works to the sons of men, " sing the exiled Jews returning from Babylonian captivity. If we are merciful toward others, they will likely be with us. Der hohe Wert von Perlen It is a solemn promise that you made to Jehovah to love him and to put his will above everything else. The High Value of pearls Was solltest du dann tun? Therefore, parents do well to ask themselves: " What sort of associate am I? What should you do? Gastgeber sind Jehova und seine Organisation. God's Word shows how to have a successful marriage (See paragraphs 6, 7) Our hosts are Jehovah and his organization. Der Psalmenschreiber erklärte: "Die im Haus Jehovas gepflanzt sind... werden noch fortfahren zu gedeihen, während sie ergraut sind, saftvoll und frisch werden sie weiterhin sein." In what sense do we already experience a world without foreigners? The psalmist sang: "Those who are planted in the house of Jehovah... will still keep on thriving during gray - headedness, fat and fresh they will continue to be. " Sie laden vielleicht ein paar Verwandte oder christliche Freunde als Trauzeugen ein oder einfach nur dazu, sich bei diesem wichtigen Anlass mit ihnen zu freuen. Why did Jehovah institute a new expression of his sovereignty? They may invite a few relatives or Christian friends to join them in this important occasion. Fest steht: Nur wenn wir Jehova den ersten Platz in unserem Leben geben, finden wir wahre Freude und Erfolg. (Lies Psalm 1: 2, 3.) In fact, they dismissed the poor with the contemptuous term "ʽam - ha·ʼaʹrets, " or" people of the land. " We find true happiness and success only if we give Jehovah our first place in life. - Read Psalm 1: 2, 3. Wie profitieren Kinder davon, wenn man ihnen mit reinen Beweggründen Zuwendung schenkt? 8: 11 - If the trees were ruined by the Flood, where did the dove get the olive leaf? How do children benefit from receiving wholesome interest in them? SEITE 20 He woos her with an impressive display of wealth, prestige, and charm, although she is already in love with a young man. ARTICLE 4 Paulus hatte die Familie möglicherweise schon einige Jahre zuvor bei seinem ersten Besuch in der Region kennengelernt. Christians abound in acts of mercy Paul may have had known the family for some years earlier at his first visit in the region. Der Apostel Paulus riet dazu, "inmitten dieses gegenwärtigen Systems der Dinge mit gesundem Sinn und Gerechtigkeit und Gottergebenheit zu leben." A materialistic life - style can blind us, leaving little or no time for spiritual pursuits. The apostle Paul counseled us to live "in this present system of things with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion. " Können wir sie uns zum Vorbild nehmen? In what way have overseers "spoken the word of God " to their fellow Christians in the first century and today? Can we imitate them? Wer wird "Frieden und Sicherheit" ausrufen, wenn es so weit ist? 2: 44. Can you imagine what the fulfillment of that will mean for you personally? Who will cry out "Peace and security "? Jesus hatte allen, die an ihn glaubten, durch sein Opfer ermöglicht, Jehova auf eine ganz besondere Art kennenzulernen - als seine Söhne. Summarize the benefits of being focused on spiritual goals early in life. Jesus had made it possible for all who put faith in him through his sacrifice to get to know Jehovah in a very special way - his sons. Und bestimmt sollten uns die "begehrenswerten Dinge" am Herzen liegen, die noch hereingebracht werden, während Jehova sein Haus immer mehr mit Herrlichkeit füllt. Jehovah's name is not to be reproached. And surely we should be concerned about "the desirable things " that are yet brought to us while Jehovah fills his house with glory. Was zeichnet einen guten Lehrer aus? Bearing in mind the Golden Rule, how can we show that we respect those to whom we preach? What is a fine teacher? Die Menschheit im Allgemeinen, die von Satan beherrscht wird, ist alles andere als wachsam, was die Bedeutung der Weltereignisse betrifft. That would reflect the thinking of Jesus, who while on earth stated: "I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me. " - John 6: 38. The world in general ruled by Satan is none other than the significance of world events. Warum konnte Salomo mit seinen Untertanen mitfühlen? Making an effort to be in attendance and paying attention to the program is very important. Why was Solomon able to relate to his subjects? sich auf das Zwischenmenschliche konzentriert Satan will use any means he can to try to break the integrity of Jesus ' disciples. Rather than focusing solely on human relationships Um ihnen zu helfen, in die christliche Wahrheit hineinzuwachsen, ließ ihnen Jehova durch Jesus heiligen Geist zukommen. End the relationship? By means of holy spirit, Jehovah provided them with holy spirit. Ich habe dich bei deinem Namen gerufen. Let us never be too busy to talk to him. I have called you with your name. Ich war zufriedener, weil ich nicht so viel Stress und so viele Sorgen wie bei der vorigen Arbeit hatte. We must look intently at Jesus Christ. I was happier because I didn't feel as much as I had in the preceding work. • Wie können wir in der Praxis zeigen, dass wir uns unterordnen? 14: 31 - 34. As an elderly survivor of Israel's experience in the wilderness, Caleb could stand before Joshua and say: "I followed Jehovah my God fully. " • How can we show our submission? * Having our name inscribed in Jehovah's "book of remembrance " as his people comes with certain obligations. * Wir halten symbolisch gesehen unsere Hände am Pflug, lassen uns nicht ablenken und sind deshalb glücklich im Dienst für unseren Herrn. David made his problems a subject of fervent prayer, but he also understood the value of taking practical steps to deal with the cause of the anxiety. We take note of our hands, not being distracted, so that we can be happy in our service to our Lord. Bist du im Predigtdienst schon einmal so richtig schroff abgewiesen worden? In what ways may Jehovah help us when we are beset by illness? Have you ever been able to return to the fullest extent possible by taking the lead in the ministry? Jesus weist alle zurecht, zu denen er Zuneigung hat. Even the resurrected ones would die again. Jesus corrects all those whom he has affection. Kaum hatte ich " Amen " gesagt, klingelte das Telefon. Or perhaps one who long ago abandoned the use of tobacco smoked privately a time or two in a moment of weakness. I didn't say, " Come! ' Interessant ist, wie auch folgende Fragen beantwortet werden: 7: 1 - 3) Moreover, Jesus is accompanied by angels when he "separates the sheep from the goats. " - Matt. Note how the following questions will be answered: " Darauf ließ Gott ihm sagen: "Was dich betrifft, du suchst für dich ständig nach großen Dingen. See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of May 15, 2002. God said: "As for you, you keep seeking great things for yourself. Auf welche Weise kann ihnen geholfen werden? (Read Proverbs 13: 24.) In what ways can they be helped? " Auf all seinen Wegen ' - ob es um Versammlungsangelegenheiten geht, um Ausbildung und Beruf, um Entspannung oder um irgendetwas anderes - holt er bescheiden den Rat Jehovas ein. How will you react if you believe that you have experienced some wrong in the congregation or in your dealings with a fellow Christian? " In all his ways, ' whether it comes to congregation responsibilities, training, recreation, or anything else - he modest Jehovah's counsel. Manch einer fragt sich vielleicht, ob die Entscheidung des jungen Mannes wirklich vernünftig war, wo wir doch in so schwierigen Zeiten leben. Those who have a close relationship with Jehovah are thrilled to respond to that exhortation. Some may wonder whether the decision of a young man really was reasonable when we are living in difficult times. [ Bild auf Seite 26] In fact, the Bible says that "Holiness belongs to Jehovah. " [ Picture on page 26] Wichtiges lasse ich gern liegen und entspanne mich einfach oder sehe fern. 14, 15. I like to look down and see something important. In der Wildnis wollte Satan den Sohn Gottes durch Versuchungen dazu bringen, den Gehorsam gegenüber Jehova aufzugeben. Many did so during World War II, hiding strangers. In the wilderness, Satan tried to tempt God's Son by means of temptations to break obedience to Jehovah. DURCH ERMUTIGUNG MIT KRAFT ZUM DURCHHALTEN ERFÜLLT The Issue in the Garden of Eden STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Adolf Hitler hatte sich geschworen, Jehovas Zeugen aus Deutschland auszurotten, doch 1955 füllten bei einem Kongress in Nürnberg 107 000 seinen früheren Paradeplatz. April 11 - 17, 2011 Jephthah vowed that Jehovah's Witnesses out of Germany were removed from Germany, but in 1913 B.C.E., at a convention in New York City. Plagen uns Sorgen oder sogar Zweifel, dann müssen wir fest auf Jehova vertrauen. (Read Acts 14: 8 - 10.) When we are anxious or even doubts, we need to trust in Jehovah. Hier segnet ihn Jehova und sagt zu ihm: "Fürchte dich nicht, denn ich bin mit dir, und ich will dich segnen und deinen Samen wegen meines Knechtes Abraham mehren." In ancient Egypt, a god was often viewed as being married to a goddess who bore him a son, "forming a divine triad or trinity in which the father, moreover, was not always the chief, contenting himself on occasion with the role of prince consort, while the principal deity of the locality remained the goddess. " Here Jehovah blesses him and says to him: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you, and I will bless you and your seed because of my servant Abraham. " Tief greifende Veränderungen im Familienleben würden in den kritischen "letzten Tagen" zu den Dingen gehören, "mit denen man schwer fertig wird." Doing so enables us to develop greater discernment so that we can set proper priorities. During these critical "last days, " there would be" critical times hard to deal with. " Korinther 10: 13.) Amen and Amen. " (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) Ein solch starker Glaube trägt zum "Lebendigerhalten der Seele" bei. As Jehovah's great day approaches, mankind in general is sleeping in a spiritual sense. Such strong faith helps us to "get a firm hold on the soul. " Darauf lädt Jerobeam den Mann des wahren Gottes ein: "Komm doch mit mir nach Hause, und nimm eine Stärkung, und lass mich dir eine Gabe geben." Peter, though, correctly limited the "fleshly desires " of which he was speaking to those that" carry on a conflict against the soul. " Jeroboam invites the man of the true God: "Come home to me, and take me a gift, and let me give you a gift. " In unseren Tagen kommt dieser Aussage Jesu eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu. This is true of them, yet they too need encouragement, companionship in the ministry, and inclusion in a balanced amount of recreation. In our day, Jesus ' statement applies a special meaning. Echte Christen hüten sich davor, Fakten zu verdrehen oder falsch darzustellen und andere dadurch irrezuführen. First of all, as we have seen, the tithing arrangement was not optional; each Israelite had an obligation in this regard. True Christians avoid using facts or false reasoning to mislead others. Er sollte sich allerdings an biblische Gebote halten, weil er Jehova gehorchen will, und nicht, weil er demjenigen, der mit ihm studiert, eine Freude machen möchte. If we personally have a tendency to feel superior to others, we need to remember that "everyone proud in heart is detestable to Jehovah. " However, he should observe Bible commandments because he wants to obey Jehovah, not because he wants to be found with him. Mit Desinteresse zurechtkommen 15, 16. Facing Complete Problems Mose, 3. Mose und der Apostelgeschichte zitiert. We can learn much by examining how Jesus handled a situation in the first century when the land was unsettled by political turmoil. (Read Leviticus, Leviticus, and the book of Acts.) Noch nie bin ich auf ein Problem gestoßen, zu dem dieses Buch keine Lösungshilfe anzubieten hätte. " Zephaniah mentioned a change that would help people to take refuge in God's name. I never had a problem with the book Don't have a solution. " (b) Was lehrt uns das Beispiel Davids? Wayward children (See paragraph 16) (b) What can we learn from David's example? Bei der Rückkehr aus der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft singen die Juden: "O möge man Jehova danken für seine liebende Güte und für seine wunderbaren Werke an den Menschensöhnen." How did the first human baby come to be born? Upon returning from Babylonian captivity, the Jews sing: "O let you thank Jehovah for his loving - kindness and for his wonderful works to the sons of men. " Du hast mit Ja geantwortet und dich zum Zeichen deiner Hingabe taufen lassen. 2, 3. You have said yes and symbolized your dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. Deshalb wäre es gut, sich zu fragen: Bin ich für mein Kind guter Umgang? The prophet Jeremiah was put into stocks and later thrown into a miry cistern. Therefore, we do well to ask ourselves: " Am I setting a good association for my child? Jehovas Wort macht eine glückliche Ehe möglich (Siehe Absatz 6, 7) Besides, Jehovah's worshippers have access to the greatest force in the universe - God's holy spirit. Jehovah's Word makes a happy marriage possible (See paragraphs 6, 7) Wie erleben Jehovas Diener heute schon eine Welt, in der niemand ein Ausländer ist? I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. " How do Jehovah's people today experience a world that is not a foreigners? Warum rief Jehova eine neue Ausdrucksform seiner Souveränität ins Leben? Having a waiting attitude, or patience, helps us to avoid feeling disappointed that Jehovah's day has not yet come. Why did Jehovah foretell a new expression of his sovereignty? Sie taten die Armen tatsächlich mit der verächtlichen Bezeichnung ʽam - haʼárez oder "Volk des Landes" ab. A righteous prophet in ancient Israel stated: "As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chronicles 16: 9. Yes, they did not treat the poor with the modern - day words of the impending house or "people of the land. " 8: 11 - Woher nahm die Taube das Olivenblatt, wenn die Bäume durch die Sintflut kaputtgingen? 1, 2. 8: 11 - Where did the olive trees go through the Flood? Er bietet all seinen eindrucksvollen Reichtum, sein Ansehen und seinen Charme auf, um sie zu umwerben, obwohl sie schon einen anderen liebt. Bible prophecy shows that even some of "the kings of the earth " are going to declare regarding that destruction:" Too bad, too bad,... because in one hour your judgment has arrived! " He offers all his powerful wealth, prestige, and his tricks to correct them, even though they already love another person. Wahre Christen strömen über an barmherzigen Taten Genesis 11: 10 - 26 lists his ancestors as far back as Noah's son Shem. True Christians are streaming to extend mercy Wie im ersten Jahrhundert werden einige unseren Dienst herabsetzen. Note God's view expressed at Haggai 1: 6: "You have sown much seed, but there is a bringing of little in. Like some in the first century, some may be removed from our ministry. Eine materialistische Lebensweise kann uns so verblenden, dass uns womöglich kaum noch Zeit für geistige Interessen bleibt. Having recently taken a full - time job, you are learning how difficult it is to care for household duties while earning a living. A materialistic way of life can blind us to spiritual pursuits. Wie haben Aufseher zu Mitchristen im ersten Jahrhundert " das Wort Gottes geredet ', und wie tun sie das heute? Still, the Israelites refused to listen and, as a result, were not allowed to enter the Promised Land at that time. How have overseers used "the word of God " in the first century, and how have they done so today? Hast du dir schon einmal ausgemalt, was das für dich persönlich bedeuten wird? * Have you ever taken up what you mean for yourself? Warum ist es gut, früh im Leben geistige Ziele zu verfolgen? With all of their learning, have such scholars really found "the very knowledge of God "? Why is it wise to pursue spiritual goals early in life? Der Name Jehovas darf nicht in den Schmutz gezogen werden. In some areas, it is effective to ask, "Have you found the Bible hard to understand? " Jehovah's name is not restricted to reproach. Wie können wir - mit der Goldenen Regel im Sinn - diejenigen, denen wir predigen, auch so behandeln? Although he urged Corinthian Christians to keep zealously seeking certain gifts of the spirit that were manifest in the first century, such as healing and speaking in tongues, Paul showed them that there was something better to pursue. How can we deal with the Golden Rule in mind - those to whom we preach? Als er auf der Erde war, sagte er ja: "Ich bin vom Himmel herabgekommen, nicht um meinen Willen zu tun, sondern den Willen dessen, der mich gesandt hat." Significantly, Jesus used the road that went "from Jerusalem to Jericho " to make his point. When on earth, Jesus said: "I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of him that sent me. " Regelmäßig anwesend zu sein und das Programm aufmerksam zu verfolgen ist enorm wichtig, denn dort wird dir geholfen, "die tiefen Dinge Gottes" zu verstehen. With 11 loyal apostles, Jesus now institutes a special meal - one that will memorialize the death he will experience before this day ends. By being present and attentive to the program, you are helped to understand "the deep things of God. " Satan ist jedes Mittel recht, um die unversehrte Lauterkeit der Jünger Jesu zu brechen. Are we responding to such appeals? Satan is determined to break the integrity of Jesus ' disciples. Die Beziehung beenden? In prison, Manasseh "softened the face of Jehovah his God and kept humbling himself greatly, " so that Jehovah restored him to the throne in Jerusalem, and Manasseh" came to know that Jehovah is the true God. " The relationship? Seien wir nie zu beschäftigt, mit ihm zu sprechen. Explain. Of course, while the angels are perfect, the men whom they assisted were not. May we never be too busy to talk to him. Wir müssen unseren Blick auf Jesus Christus gerichtet halten. Do You Recall? We need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ. Der mittlerweile betagte Kaleb hatte diese Wanderung der Israeliten überlebt und konnte vor Josua hintreten und zu ihm sagen: "Ich folgte Jehova, meinem Gott, völlig nach." What confidence does Jehovah place in his loyal ones, assuring them of what? The elderly Caleb had survived the Israelites and could say to Joshua: "I proceeded to follow Jehovah my God fully. " An Menschen, die in seinem Gedenkbuch eingeschrieben sind, hat Jehova bestimmte Erwartungen. The psalmist David made that clear when he sang: "Jehovah will become a secure height for anyone crushed, a secure height in times of distress. Jehovah has certain expectations for those who have been written in his book of remembrance. Er betete flehentlich wegen seiner Probleme und verstand gleichzeitig, wie wichtig es ist, selbst etwas gegen die Ursache seiner Sorgen zu unternehmen. 16, 17. (a) How did Israel act with respect to God's covenant with that nation? He prayed earnestly for his problems and understood the importance of taking action against himself. Auf welche Weise kann uns Jehova bei einer Krankheit helfen? 1: 1; 2: 17. What reputation did early Christians gain? In what ways can Jehovah help us when we are ill? Selbst die Auferweckten würden wieder sterben. Covetousness is more than simply the desire to have money or certain things, which could have their proper use and purpose. Even those resurrected would die again. Oder jemand, der schon lange nicht mehr raucht, hat heimlich in Augenblicken der Schwäche wenige Male geraucht. * Lije, quoted earlier, and his siblings remember the lessons of faith their father taught them even as they were fleeing. Or perhaps you have left smoking for a short time in a few minutes. 7: 1 - 3.) For example, God recognized that for His purpose to be accomplished, it was "not good for the man to continue by himself " in the garden of Eden. 7: 1 - 3. Siehe "Fragen von Lesern" im Wachtturm vom 15. Mai 2002. Yet, the majority of donated funds today come from many small gifts rather than from a few large ones. See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of May 15, 2002. (Lies Sprüche 13: 24.) Children too joined the school, although it was not necessarily easy for some to present a talk to the congregation. (Read Proverbs 13: 24.) Wie reagierst du darauf? Of course, at times you may have to adjust your schedule. How will you react? Nur zu gern befolgen alle, die ein vertrautes Verhältnis zu Jehova haben, diese Aufforderung. Taking time to meditate on what we are going to say can help us to find the right words. Only by obeying those who have an intimate relationship with Jehovah will those who have a close relationship with him. Die Bibel sagt sogar: "Heiligkeit gehört Jehova." For instance, the Scriptures speak of a person who "is loving wine and oil " and of a man who" is loving wisdom. " In fact, the Bible says: "A haughty person belongs to Jehovah. " 14, 15. Beware of the Devil's Snares! 14, 15. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg haben beispielsweise viele aus der Bevölkerung wildfremde Leute versteckt. Jérôme (right) helped Ryan to qualify as a missionary (See paragraph 17) During World War II, for example, many people were amazed by people of the world's population. Die Streitfrage - im Garten Eden If we make ample time for in - depth, private prayer, we will be more spiritually alert. The issue - in the garden of Eden bis 17. April Jesus manifested many outstanding qualities, but we will focus on four: his wisdom, his humility, his zeal, and his love. April 11 - 17, 2009 (Lies Apostelgeschichte 14: 8 - 10.) 3: 1 - 9. (Read Acts 14: 8 - 10.) Auch viele Juden übernahmen diese Sprache, weshalb die Hebräischen Schriften schließlich ins Griechische übersetzt wurden. The word discipline can mean to guide or to teach. Many Jews also adopted this language, and the Hebrew Scriptures were eventually translated into Greek. Und im alten Ägypten wurde ein Gott häufig als mit einer Göttin verheiratet dargestellt, von der er einen Sohn hatte, sodass sich "eine göttliche Triade oder Dreiheit ergab, bei der der Vater übrigens nicht immer das Haupt war, sondern sich gelegentlich mit der Rolle des Prinzgemahls begnügte, während die Göttin die Hauptgottheit des Ortes blieb" (New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology). Jesus explains: "These are the ones that have heard, but, by being carried away by anxieties and riches and pleasures of this life, they are completely choked and bring nothing to perfection. " And in ancient Egypt, God was often portrayed as a married woman who had a son, so that "there was a God - given god or three - in - law that the father was not on occasion but on the head of the Nile. " Dadurch verbessert sich unser Unterscheidungsvermögen, sodass wir unsere Prioritäten richtig setzen können. (Read Psalm 37: 3.) This will help us to train our perceptive powers so that we can set our priorities properly. Amen und amen ." Loneliness in a World of Mass Connection Amen and Amen. " Trotzdem schlafen die meisten Menschen in geistiger Hinsicht. Jehovah rewards his faithful Son with even more than he asks by giving Jesus "a name more excellent than " that of all the angels. - Heb. 1: 4. Still, most people are asleep spiritually. Doch Petrus sprach ja von "fleischlichen Begierden," die "mit der Seele im Streit liegen" - das heißt von verkehrten, sündigen Neigungen und Wünschen. Heb. However, Peter spoke of "spiritual desires " that" against the soul " - that is, sin, and desires. Aber sie brauchen auch Ermunterung und Dienstpartner und freuen sich, wenn sie in vernünftigem Maße in die Freizeitgestaltung einbezogen werden. As "the father of the lie, " he makes many promises, but they fall flat, just as did the one he made to Eve. But they also need encouragement and privilege to share in wholesome recreation. Wie wir als Erstes gesehen haben, war die Zehntabgabe nicht freigestellt; jeder Israelit war dazu verpflichtet. Daniela and Helmut preached in the foreign - language field in Vienna First, the tithing arrangement was not optional; any Israelite was obligated to do so. Wenn wir dazu neigen, uns anderen überlegen zu fühlen, sollten wir an Folgendes denken: "Jeder, der stolzen Herzens ist, ist für Jehova etwas Verabscheuungswürdiges." Why do imperfect humans have a tendency to deceive themselves? If we are inclined to feel superior to others, we should remember: "Everyone that is proud of the heart is something detestable to Jehovah. " 15, 16. What positive effect can kindness have on newcomers from a foreign background? 15, 16. Auch Jesus lebte in einem politisch aufgeheizten Klima. Thus, Paul was contrasting Christians who walked according to the flesh with Christians who walked according to the spirit. Jesus too lived in a political environment. In Zephanja ist von einer Entwicklung die Rede, durch die Menschen geholfen würde, Zuflucht zum Namen Jehovas zu nehmen. These waters fell upon the earth in Noah's day. Zephaniah speaks of a development that would help people to take refuge in Jehovah's name. Auf Abwege geratene Kinder (Siehe Absatz 16) It was a long time before they faced him as prime minister of Egypt. astray children (See paragraph 16) Wie wurde die Geburt des ersten Babys möglich? They can learn from and follow the basic example of Solomon as he showed courage in making wise decisions to complete the construction of the temple. How was the birth of the first human pair possible? 2, 3. 14: 12, 13, 23. 2, 3. Wir geben uns Jehova hin, so wie Jesus es tat Table of Contents We give Jehovah as Jesus did Den Propheten Jeremia legte man in den Stock und warf ihn später in eine schlammige Zisterne. Although his own life was in danger, he spoke up to protect his disciples. The prophet Jeremiah was thrown into the tomb and was later thrown into a cistern. Jesus sagte: "Wenn nun ihr, obwohl ihr böse seid, euren Kindern gute Gaben zu geben wisst, wie viel mehr wird der Vater im Himmel denen heiligen Geist geben, die ihn bitten!." 19: 5, 6. Jesus said: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " Ich will dich stärken. Ich will dir wirklich helfen. Ja, ich will dich festhalten mit meiner Rechten der Gerechtigkeit ." These examples may move us to examine our own reasoning and practices and to consider whether we might more fully apply God's counsel, which is designed to protect us. - Isa. I will fortify you, and I will indeed help you, and I will hold you with my right hand of righteousness. " Eine wartende Haltung, das heißt Geduld, hilft uns, nicht enttäuscht zu sein, weil der Tag Jehovas noch nicht gekommen ist. Remember, your parents love you and have your best interests at heart, so it is wise to listen to them and obey them. A waiting attitude helps us not to be disappointed because Jehovah's day has not yet arrived. Ein gerechter Prophet in der Nation Israel erklärte: "Was Jehova betrifft, seine Augen durchschweifen die ganze Erde, damit er sich stark erweist zugunsten derer, deren Herz ihm gegenüber ungeteilt ist." But whatever the case, the wine ran out. A righteous prophet in the nation of Israel declared: "As for Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " 1, 2. How do contentment and appreciation for spiritual food protect us? 1, 2. Gemäß der Bibel werden sogar manche "Könige der Erde" ihre Vernichtung beklagen: "Wie schade, wie schade,... denn in e i n e r Stunde ist dein Gericht gekommen!." " These toxic pollutants poison marine animals and plants, as well as humans who eat contaminated sea life, " explains the Encyclopedia of Marine Science. According to the Bible, even some of "the kings of the earth " will complain their destruction:" How sad, for in one hour your judgment has come! " In 1. Mose 11: 10 - 26 werden seine Vorfahren zurück bis Sem, dem Sohn Noahs, aufgeführt. In general, those already dedicated to Jehovah would not need instruction about "repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus. " At Genesis 11: 10 - 26, his ancestors will be taken back from the son of Noah. Aus Haggai 1: 6 erfahren wir Gottes Standpunkt dazu: "Ihr habt viel Samen gesät, aber wenig wird eingebracht. No wonder the psalmist portrays the bride as "absolutely magnificent "! Haggai 1: 6 tells us: "You have sown much seed, but little will occur. Erst vor kurzem hast du eine Ganztagsstelle angenommen, und langsam merkst du, wie schwierig es ist, seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen und gleichzeitig einen Haushalt zu führen. For Life and Peace, Walk in Accord With the Spirit Not long before you accepted a job, you will soon notice how difficult it is to earn a living and at the same time lead to a household. Trotzdem wollten die Israeliten nicht darauf hören, und deshalb durften sie das Land damals nicht betreten. These questions will be discussed in the next article. Nevertheless, the Israelites refused to listen, so they could not enter the land at that time. * Noah survived the Deluge because of his faith. * Haben diese Gelehrten mit all ihrem Wissen aber wirklich die "wahre Erkenntnis Gottes" gefunden? The baptismal candidate must have faith that salvation is possible only because Jesus died a sacrificial death, was resurrected, and "is at God's right hand, " having authority over the living and the dead. Did these scholars really find "the very knowledge of God "? Mancherorts gelingt es durch eine Frage: "Viele finden, dass die Bibel schwer zu verstehen ist. How can Abraham's example help us appreciate what Jehovah has done in our behalf? In some places, a question says: "Many find the Bible difficult to understand. Obwohl Paulus im ersten Jahrhundert die Christen in Korinth ermunterte, eifrig nach bestimmten Gaben des Geistes zu streben wie dem Heilen oder dem Zungenreden, wies er sie auf etwas noch Besseres hin. Gemäß 1. This word picture conveys warmth and closeness, does it not? Although Paul encouraged first - century Christians in Corinth to pursue certain gifts of the spirit, he gave them something better. Jesus führte bezeichnenderweise die Straße "von Jerusalem nach Jericho" an, um seinen Gedanken darzulegen. These desires involve such things as promiscuity, prominence, and possessions. Jesus pointed to the road "from Jerusalem to Jericho " to express his thoughts. Nun setzt Jesus in Anwesenheit seiner 11 treuen Apostel ein besonderes Mahl ein - eines, das an seinen Tod erinnern soll, den er noch am selben Tag erleiden wird. 24: 8 - 10; 25: 11, 12; 29: 10. In his 11 faithful apostles ' presence, Jesus instituted a special meal - one that must remember his death on the same day. Erfüllen wir ihm diese Bitte? These claim to speak in God's name, but most of their utterances are not based on the Scriptures, and what they say is basically worthless. Do you see that request? Im Gefängnis "besänftigte er [Manasse] das Angesicht Jehovas, seines Gottes, und demütigte sich ständig tief." Deshalb ließ ihn Jehova wieder auf den Thron in Jerusalem zurückkehren, und Manasse "erkannte, dass Jehova der wahre Gott ist." In his service, Paul endured hardships that few today will face. Thus, in prison, "he became the face of Jehovah his God, and kept on returning him to the throne in Jerusalem, saying that Jehovah is the true God. " Engel sind vollkommen - die Männer, die von ihnen unterstützt wurden, natürlich nicht. (a) What different types of soil are mentioned by Jesus in one of his illustrations? Angels, of course, are imperfect - men who have supported them. Erinnerst du dich daran? Olivia's trust in and love for Jehovah contributed to her success as a single mother. Do You Recall? Worauf vertraut Jehova in Bezug auf seine Loyalgesinnten, und was sichert er ihnen zu? • Why can you find security in the Christian congregation? What confidence does Jehovah have regarding his loyal ones, and what assurance does he give them? Darauf wies David hin, als er in einem Psalm schrieb: "Jehova wird eine sichere Höhe werden für jeden Unterdrückten, eine sichere Höhe in Zeiten der Bedrängnis. Why do people lie, and with what negative results? David pointed to this fact when he sang: "Jehovah will become a secure height for every height, a secure height in times of distress. 16, 17. (a) Wie gingen die Israeliten mit dem Bund um, den Gott mit ihnen geschlossen hatte? Jesus confirmed that it was Jehovah who stated: "A man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh. " 16, 17. (a) How did the Israelites go to the covenant that God had made with them? Welchen guten Ruf haben sich die ersten Christen erworben? What disadvantage did Job suffer? What fine reputation did the early Christians have? Habsucht ist nicht der Wunsch, Geld für den alltäglichen Gebrauch zu haben und zweckvolle Dinge zu besitzen. 3, 4. (a) What command did God give Adam and Eve? Covetousness is not the desire to have money for the everyday affairs of life. * Lije und seine Geschwister erinnern sich, was ihr Vater ihnen sogar auf der Flucht in Bezug auf ihren Glauben eingeschärft hatte. Do we feel the same way? * Sandra and his siblings remember what their father even had to flee for their faith. Gott war sich beispielsweise bewusst, dass es für den Menschen im Garten Eden " nicht gut war, weiterhin allein zu sein '. Whatever the case, the wayward inhabitants of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel needed to display genuine repentance and really return to Jehovah. For example, God saw that it was not good for humans in the garden of Eden "to continue to be alone. " Doch der Großteil der Spenden heute besteht aus kleinen Beträgen und nicht aus wenigen großen. When congregations understand this and show that they appreciate the Bethelites and the work they are doing, everyone benefits. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 9. However, the large amount of money today is from small clothing and not out of small donations. Auch Kinder machten in der Schule mit, obwohl es für viele von ihnen nicht gerade leicht war, vor der ganzen Versammlung zu sprechen. Are you making the most of your opportunities in God's service? Even though children were at school, many of them were not easy to talk to the entire congregation. Natürlich wird man manchmal umplanen müssen. Stressing how important it was for his disciples to " continue loving their enemies, ' Jesus said: "If you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Of course, at times, we may need to do research. Sich die Zeit zu nehmen, über das nachzudenken, was wir sagen möchten, hilft uns, die treffenden Worte zu finden. Still, you might have concerns. Taking time to meditate on what we want to say helps us find fitting words. Die Heilige Schrift spricht beispielsweise von jemand, der "Wein und Öl liebt," sowie von einem Mann, "der Weisheit liebt." Use your imagination. For example, the Scriptures refer to "the pillar and oil, " and" a man who loves wisdom. " Vorsicht vor den Fallen des Teufels! If he says that an adult plays funny games with him, ask him: "What kind of game? Beware of the Devil's snares! Jérôme (rechts) half Ryan, Missionar zu werden (Siehe Absatz 17) (a) How has Christ been preparing his future bride? (For fully formatted text, Ryan helped missionary service to become a missionary (See paragraph 17) Nehmen wir uns aber genügend Zeit für tief gehende, vertrauliche Gebete, werden wir viel wachsamer sein können. There was no need for anything more. On the other hand, we may need sufficient time for intimate prayers, confidential prayer, and well - paying work. Jesus hatte viele wertvolle Eigenschaften. Wir wollen uns einmal auf vier davon konzentrieren: seine Weisheit, seine Demut, seinen Eifer und seine Liebe. When he comes back in the "resurrection of... the righteous, " perhaps he will reveal the details. - Acts 24: 15. Jesus had many precious qualities, and let us focus on four of them - his wisdom, humility, and love. 3: 1 - 9. God's wisdom is seen in the design of the dragonfly's eye; inset shows a magnified view (See paragraph 11) 3: 1 - 9. Die Erziehung eines Kindes schließt Anleitung und Charakterbildung ein. As a result, their spiritual vision dimmed. A child's upbringing includes guidance and character. Jesus erklärt: "Das sind die, die gehört haben, aber da sie durch Sorgen und Reichtum und Vergnügungen dieses Lebens fortgerissen werden, werden sie vollständig erstickt und bringen nichts zur Vollkommenheit." In addition, trusting in Jehovah means trusting those whom he trusts. Jesus explains: "This are those who have heard, but because they are being misled by anxieties and riches and pleasures of this life, they will be choked completely choked and bring nothing to perfection. " (Lies Psalm 37: 3.) Do You Recall? (Read Psalm 37: 3.) Einsam in einer total vernetzten Welt The expressions "many peoples " and" mighty nations " do not refer to national groups or political entities. A People in a New World Jehova belohnt seinen treuen Sohn, indem er ihm mehr gibt, als dieser von ihm erbeten hat - "einen Namen..., der vorzüglicher ist" als der aller Engel. JESUS CHRIST was fulfilling his role as the Great Teacher and Disciple Maker when he told his followers: "Pay attention to how you listen. " Jehovah rewards his faithful Son by giving him greater than that one - "a name that is of all the angels. " Heb. How can we help our Bible students and others to see the importance of attending meetings? Heb. Als "Vater der Lüge" verspricht er viel, aber es ist wie damals bei Eva nichts dahinter. Especially in economically challenging times, it is easy to become anxious about life's necessities. As "the father of the lie, " he promises much, but he does not care about Eve at that time. Daniela und Helmut predigten im fremdsprachigen Gebiet in Wien Sophia: You too. Daniel and Priscilla preached in a foreign - language field. Warum neigen unvollkommene Menschen zur Selbsttäuschung? (Read 2 Peter 3: 13.) Why is imperfect humans prone to self - deception? Was kann Freundlichkeit bei jemandem bewirken, der erst seit Kurzem in unserem Land lebt? • Why is the showing of kindness important for those who desire to live under God's Kingdom? How may kindness affect those who have recently lived in our country? Er verglich hier also Christen, die in Übereinstimmung mit dem Fleisch lebten, mit Christen, die in Übereinstimmung mit dem Geist lebten. Keeping busy in such activities will help us to anticipate eagerly the arrival of "the day of Jehovah. " Thus, he likened Christians living in accord with the flesh to those living in accord with the spirit. Dieses Wasser fiel in den Tagen Noahs auf die Erde. Therefore, we are neutral with regard to the world's wars and political affairs. That water was on the earth in Noah's day. Joseph war mittlerweile der zweite Mann im Staat. That "acceptable time " could prove to be a" day of salvation " for those who put faith in Jesus. Joseph was now the second man in the State. Sie können von Salomo etwas lernen. Er traf in Verbindung mit dem Tempelbau mutig weise Entscheidungen. What proves that God's wrath remains upon the present wicked system of things? They can learn valuable lessons from Solomon's experience in making wise decisions in connection with the construction of the temple. 14: 12, 13, 23. Although 400 false prophets assured wicked Ahab of success, Jehovah's true prophet Micaiah foretold certain defeat. 14: 12, 13, 23. Inhaltsverzeichnis Unfaithful Israelites did two bad things. Table of Contents Trotz Lebensgefahr stellte er sich schützend vor seine Jünger. Jehovah called him to account. Despite his life, he took protection against his disciples. 9, 10. (a) Wie unterschieden sich laut 5. " Man has dominated man to his injury, " states Ecclesiastes 8: 9. 9, 10. (a) How did Deuteronomy differ from that of others? Sie können uns veranlassen, unser Denken und Handeln zu analysieren, um uns darüber klar zu werden, ob wir Gottes Rat noch vollständiger umsetzen müssten. In fact, if you are wondering whether you have received the heavenly calling, that would in itself indicate that you have not received it. They can move us to analyze our thinking and actions clearly in order to become fully aware of whether we need to apply God's counsel fully. Denke daran, deine Eltern lieben dich und wollen dein Bestes. Actually, "there is no searching out of his understanding. " Remember, your parents love you and want to do your best. Vielleicht ging deshalb der Wein aus. Moses recognized that it was Jehovah's work and that he was just a tool being used to get that work done. This may have been the case with the wine. Inwiefern sind Wertschätzung für die geistige Speise und Zufriedenheit ein Schutz für uns? With the help of those demons, now back in the spirit realm, Satan is "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " How can appreciation for spiritual food and satisfaction protect us? " Diese Schadstoffe vergiften Meerestiere und - pflanzen und letztlich auch Menschen, die sich davon ernähren ," so die Encyclopedia of Marine Science. Honesthearted people felt free to approach Jesus, even bringing their young children to him. " These garmentss were made to plant and plant, and in turn, men who feed themselves, " says the Sermon on the Mount. Personen, die bereits Jehova hingegeben waren, hatten meist keine Unterweisung "in Bezug auf Reue gegenüber Gott und Glauben an unseren Herrn Jesus" nötig. Yes, like him we should be loving. Those who were already dedicated to Jehovah often had no education "with repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus. " Dass auch der Psalmist sagt, die Braut sei "ganz herrlich," überrascht nicht. (a) Why is good communication a challenge for many families? The psalmist also says that the bride is "a magnificent bride, " not surprising. Lass dich vom Geist leiten und ernte Leben und Frieden In his Word, Jehovah has also preserved the truth. Be Guided by the Spirit and Life Mit diesen Fragen befasst sich der folgende Artikel. Remember that you cannot be happy when you harbor resentment. These questions will be considered in the following article. Noah überlebte die Sintflut, weil er Glauben hatte. Christian elders are guided by Jehovah's thinking, not by their own opinions or feelings. Noah survived the Flood because he had faith. Er "ist zur Rechten Gottes" und hat die Befugnis, die Lebenden und die Toten zu richten. What does it mean to be generous? He is "at the right hand of God " and has authority to judge the living and the dead. Wie verdeutlicht das Beispiel Abrahams, was Jehova für uns getan hat? Consequently, he is exercising patience and is having the good news declared in all the earth so that people may have every opportunity to live. How does Abraham's example illustrate what Jehovah has done for us? Strahlt dieses Wortgemälde nicht Herzlichkeit und Nähe aus? Therefore, let us never doubt Jehovah or his desire and ability to help us fulfill our dedication vow. Does that warmness not warm and close? Dazu zählen eine sexuell freizügige Lebensweise sowie der Wunsch nach Ruhm, Ansehen und immer mehr Geld und Besitz. Archbishop Agobard of Lyons, France (779 - 840 C.E.), spoke out against image worship, churches dedicated to saints, and the church's unscriptural liturgies and practices. These include a sexually transmitted way of life and the desire for prominence, prominence, and material possessions. Genau so kam es auch. Under the rulership of Jeroboam II, there is material prosperity in Israel, but that wanes soon after his death. That is exactly what happened. Sie geben vor, im Namen Gottes zu sprechen, doch die meisten ihrer Äußerungen stützen sich nicht auf die Bibel und sind im Grunde genommen wertlos. Yes, these words we heard borne from heaven while we were with him in the holy mountain. " They give in to God's name, but most of them do not depend on the Bible and are actually worthless. Die wenigsten von uns heute dürften so viel durchmachen wie Paulus in seinem Dienst. When you read the Bible or publications based on it, take time to think. Most of us today have suffered as much as Paul did in his ministry. (a) Welche verschiedenen Böden erwähnte Jesus in einem seiner Gleichnisse? In this article, we will consider examples of how God's Word has endured (1) changes in language, (2) political developments that influenced the lingua franca, or common language, and (3) opposition to Bible translation. (a) What different types of soil did Jesus use in one of his illustrations? Was dieser allein erziehenden Mutter zum Erfolg verhalf, war ihr Vertrauen auf Jehova und ihre Liebe zu ihm. The nation of Israel proved unwilling to serve Jehovah faithfully. The success of those single mother was based on her trust in Jehovah and their love for him. • Welchen Schutz bietet uns die Versammlung? Thus, the goal of all Christian parents should be to teach their children from infancy with the intention of helping them become baptized disciples of Christ. • What protection does the congregation offer? Warum wird gelogen, und welche schlimmen Folgen hat das Lügen? One thing is sure: Faith in God and his Word promotes spiritual well - being because it strengthens our conviction that he really cares about us. Why is deception lying, and with what bad consequences? Wie Jesus bestätigte, war es Jehova, der festlegte: "Ein Mann [wird] seinen Vater und seine Mutter verlassen und wird fest zu seiner Frau halten, und die zwei werden e i n Fleisch sein." A Sure Antidote! As Jesus confirmed, Jehovah, who was the one flesh, said: "A man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh. " Worin war Hiob im Nachteil? Tim: Exercise faith. How did Job lose his integrity? 3, 4. (a) Was gebot Gott Adam und Eva? Why does it take faith to put Jehovah ahead of family expectations? 3, 4. (a) What command did God give Adam and Eve? Empfinden wir genauso? The foregoing examples show the value of becoming familiar with the land that God gave to the Israelites and that is central to many Bible accounts. Do you feel the same way? Wie dem auch sei, die widerspenstige Bevölkerung des Zehnstämmereiches Israel musste aufrichtig bereuen und wirklich zu Jehova zurückkehren. Wisely, the Bible says: "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. " Like the wayward people of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel, sincere repentance and genuine return to Jehovah. Wenn die Versammlungen dafür Verständnis haben und ihre Wertschätzung für die Brüder und Schwestern aus dem Bethel erkennen lassen, ist das für alle von Vorteil. (Lies 1. Thessalonicher 2: 9.) So, then, while acknowledging Jonah's weaknesses, let us not overlook his qualities of faithfulness and endurance as he preached to the faithless Israelites. If the congregations have come to understand and appreciate their appreciation for the brothers and sisters from Bethel Bethel service, that is all the advantage of them. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 9. Schöpfst du deine Möglichkeiten im Dienst für Gott voll aus? In warmer climates, it can be particularly challenging to make sure that our style of dress is respectable and sensible and that it shows good judgment. Are you having a full share in God's service? Warum es für Jünger Christi so wichtig ist, dass sie " fortfahren, ihre Feinde zu lieben ', betonte Jesus mit den Worten: "Wenn ihr die liebt, die euch lieben, welchen Lohn habt ihr? When our conscience is thus attuned to Jehovah's ways, we are more likely to make decisions that are in harmony with his will. Why is it important for Christ's disciples to "keep on loving their enemies, " Jesus stressed:" If you love those who love you? (Vergleiche 3. Johannes 4.) A Concern for People (Compare John 4.) Gebrauchen wir also unsere Vorstellungskraft. The prophet Hanani told King Asa: "As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " Let us, then, use our imagination. Erzählt es, ein Erwachsener mache komische Spiele mit ihm, könnten die Eltern fragen: "Was denn für Spiele? Proverbs chapter 31 describes the broad range of activities of a capable wife in ancient Israel. " What are some of the games that I've been discussing? ' (a) Wie hat Christus seine Braut vorbereitet? This is made easier when we recall that the other brother or sister is also serving "the God who gives peace. " - Rom. 15: 33; 16: 20. (a) How has Christ prepared his bride? Mehr war nicht nötig. " Jehovah your God... treats none with partiality. " - Deut. More than needed. Wenn er in der "Auferstehung... der Gerechten" wiederkommt, kann er uns ausführlich darüber berichten. For more details, see the book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, pages 675 - 6, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. When he comes to "the resurrection of the righteous one, " he can report us directly about it. Jehovas Weisheit zeigt sich in der Konstruktion des Libellenauges (Ausschnitt zeigt Vergrößerung) (Siehe Absatz 11) However, Christians who live as temporary residents do not let their desires go beyond what is reasonable and possible for them. Jehovah's wisdom is revealed in the design of the apple (See paragraph 11) Als Folge davon trübte sich ihr geistiges Sehvermögen. How did the psalmist show that Jehovah is ever alert to the needs of his people, and why is that a comforting thought? As a result, their spiritual vision protects their spiritual vision. Auf Jehova zu vertrauen bedeutet außerdem, denen zu vertrauen, denen er Vertrauen schenkt. Among other things, such a man is impartial and keeps righteous, chaste, and virtuous things in mind. Trusting in Jehovah means trusting those whom he trusts. Kannst du dich erinnern? Jehovah's ancient wifelike organization had the sure hope of being restored to her homeland, where "the low plain of Achor " was located. Do You Recall? Mit den Ausdrücken "viele Völker" und "mächtige Nationen" sind keine Volksgruppen oder politischen Gebilde gemeint. We ought to face what fact about sin? The terms "many peoples " and" nations " are not ethnic groups or political groups. JESUS CHRISTUS, der große Lehrer, der sich dem Jüngermachen widmete, forderte seine Nachfolger einmal auf: "Gebt... acht, wie ihr zuhört." Is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness? JESUS CHRIST, the Great Teacher, turned out to his followers: "Pay attention to how you listen. " Was kann uns trotzdem motivieren, wenn irgend möglich, anwesend zu sein? 1: 4. Why is it vital that we attend Christian meetings? What, though, can move us to be present if at all possible possible? Besonders in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten könnte es leicht passieren, dass wir uns Sorgen um das tägliche Brot machen. Many Samaritans accepted the Kingdom message and were baptized. During hard economic times, we may easily be anxious about daily bread. Michaela M.: Ah ja? It takes courage to admit a mistake! Michelle: What's that? (Lies 2. Petrus 3: 13.) As present - day servants of Jehovah, we similarly support provisions for worship within the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. (Read 2 Peter 3: 13.) • Warum ist es wichtig, gütig zu sein, wenn man unter dem Königreich Gottes leben möchte? Our goal should be to linger in study rather than to rush through it. • Why is it important to be kind when we want to live under God's Kingdom? Wenn wir das tun, sehnen wir "den Tag Jehovas" noch erwartungsvoller herbei. Did Joseph's faith crumble as a result of that act of cruelty? If we do so, we eagerly await "the day of Jehovah. " Deshalb sind wir in Bezug auf Kriege und politische Angelegenheiten neutral. Thus, these prophetic words indicated that there would come one who had the legal right to receive "the scepter, " or sovereignty, and" the commander's staff, " or rulership, over "the peoples, " or all mankind. That is why we are neutral in wars and political affairs. Die "annehmbare Zeit" konnte für jeden, der an Jesus glaubte, zu einem "Tag der Rettung" werden. Why are Jehovah's people "a special property " to him? The acceptable time for those exercising faith in Jesus could become "a day of salvation. " Was beweist, dass Gottes Zorn auf dem bösen System von heute "bleibt"? Fear of man can affect people of all ages, but young people may find it especially difficult to go against the flow, so to speak. What evidence is there that God's wrath is coming upon this wicked system of things? Während 400 falsche Propheten den Sieg verhießen, kündigte Jehovas wahrer Prophet Michaja eine sichere Niederlage an. Rather, forgiveness is a well - thought - out personal choice that reflects a loving commitment to peace and to building or maintaining a good relationship with the other person. During 400 prophets, Jehovah's true prophet Micah foretold a secure defeat. Die untreuen Israeliten taten zweifach Schlechtes. [ Picture on page 24, 25] The unfaithful Israelites did what was bad. Jehova zog ihn dafür zur Rechenschaft. How Firm Is Your Trust in God? Jehovah allowed him to render an account for this. Wie Prediger 8: 9 erklärt, "herrscht der Mensch über den Menschen zu seinem Schaden." 3, 4. (a) What work did Christ accomplish as Jehovah's "messenger "? As Ecclesiastes 8: 9 explains, "the self - control of man is dominated by man's harm. " Allein dass du dich fragst, ob du die himmlische Berufung erhalten hast, zeigt eigentlich schon, dass du sie nicht erhalten hast. (Read Matthew 10: 16, 17.) The fact that you have received the heavenly calling shows that you have not received them. " Sein Verstand ist ," wie die Bibel sagt," unerforschlich ." 1932 As the Bible says, "his understanding is unsearchable. " Moses war klar, dass es sich um Jehovas Werk handelte und dass er einfach als Werkzeug gebraucht wurde, es durchzuführen. Jesus thus remained in Jehovah's love. - John 15: 10. Moses realized that it was Jehovah's work and that he was simply used as a tool to accomplish it. Mithilfe der Dämonen, die sich ja heute wieder im unsichtbaren Bereich befinden, führt Satan "die ganze bewohnte Erde" irre. (Hosea 4: 1 - 13: 16) Satan uses his demons to mislead "the entire inhabited earth. " Aufrechte Menschen fürchteten sich nicht, Jesus anzusprechen, und brachten sogar ihre kleinen Kinder zu ihm. * The father recalls: "I had prayed for Jehovah to protect her. Those men were not afraid to approach Jesus, even bringing their young children to him. Ja, wir sollten wie er liebevoll sein. According to one Bible scholar, the word translated "once for all time " expresses an important Biblical concept that" suggests the definiteness, uniqueness, or singularity of the death of Christ. " Yes, we should imitate him in showing love. (a) Warum fällt es vielen Familien schwer, gut zu kommunizieren? " He gave his own life for me, " said the widow at the funeral service. (a) Why is communication difficult for many families? Auch die Wahrheit hat Jehova in seinem Wort bewahrt. For some of Nehemiah's contemporaries, though, the Sabbath had become just another day - business as usual. Jehovah has preserved the truth in his Word. Vergiss nicht: Wer nachtragend ist, kann nicht glücklich sein. As a result, not only will they have God's blessing but, in the congregation and in the community, they will honor the God of kindness, Jehovah. - 1 Peter 2: 12. Remember that those who hold against them cannot be happy. Älteste lassen sich von den Gedanken Jehovas leiten und nicht von der eigenen Meinung oder den eigenen Gefühlen. Table of Contents Elders are guided by Jehovah's thoughts and not by their own feelings or feelings. Was bedeutet es denn, freigebig oder großzügig zu sein? How do you feel about the way that God made man? What does it mean to be generous or generous? Also übt er immer noch Geduld und lässt die gute Botschaft auf der ganzen Erde verkündigen, um den Menschen jede Chance zu geben, am Leben zu bleiben. He explained that millions will be resurrected, taught the truth, and have the opportunity to exercise faith in Christ. Thus, he has always been patient and uses the good news to give the people every opportunity to remain alive. Er möchte und kann alles dafür tun, damit wir unser Hingabegelübde erfüllen können. Your mind and body are closely linked. He wants and can do everything we can to fulfill our dedication. Erzbischof Agobard von Lyon (um 779 - 840) wandte sich gegen die Verehrung von Bildern und dagegen, Kirchengebäude Heiligen zu weihen, wie auch gegen Liturgien und kirchliche Bräuche, die unbiblisch waren. [ Pictures on page 32] Moreover, according to the religious practices of the Holy Scriptures and the church as well as the unscriptural practices that were unscriptural. - See The Watchtower, June 1,40, June 1,40, page 8 - 8,40, pages 8 - 8. Unter Jerobeam II. herrscht in Israel materieller Wohlstand, doch schon bald nach seinem Tod ist es damit vorbei. " Do not be afraid or be terrified.... Under Jeroboam II comes material wealth in Israel, but soon after his death, it is lost. Ja, diese Worte hörten wir vom Himmel her ergehen, als wir mit ihm auf dem heiligen Berg waren ." That is why people tend to idolize certain men or women rather than just show them appropriate honor and respect. Yes, these words we heard from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain. " Liest du in der Bibel oder in bibelerklärenden Veröffentlichungen, dann nimm dir Zeit, die Inhalte auf dich wirken zu lassen. How can we show respect for a householder? When you read the Bible and Bible - based publications, take time to meditate on what you read. Sehen wir uns nun Beispiele dafür an, wie Gottes Wort erhalten blieb, obwohl 1. The sister agreed to try. The result? Let us consider some examples of how God's Word remained. Die Nation Israel war nicht bereit, Jehova treu zu dienen, und verwarf schließlich den von ihm eingesetzten Messias. How can we be sure that Jehovah rewards his servants? The nation of Israel was not ready to serve Jehovah faithfully, and eventually the Messiah rejected him. Eltern sollten ihre Kinder daher von klein auf mit dem Ziel lehren, getaufte Jünger Christi zu werden. We find a more important lesson in Joseph's relationship with Jehovah. Parents, therefore, should teach their children from infancy with the goal of becoming baptized disciples of Christ. Eines ist sicher: Der Glaube an Gott und sein Wort fördert unser geistiges Wohlergehen, weil er uns in der Überzeugung bestärkt, dass Jehova wirklich für uns sorgt. 11, 12. (a) What can young ones do to prepare to give a witness? We can be sure that faith in God and his Word promotes our spiritual well - being because he assures us that Jehovah really cares for us. Ein sicheres Gegenmittel What does true obedience involve? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Tim L.: Glauben ausüben. Philippi Tim: exercise faith. Warum verlangt es Glauben, Jehova über die Erwartungen der Familie zu stellen? In what way, other than giving of our time, can we show honor to fellow believers? Why is it necessary to exercise faith in Jehovah's ability to care for the family's expectations? Die oben erwähnten Beispiele zeigen, wie wertvoll es ist, sich mit dem Land vertraut zu machen, das Gott den Israeliten gab und um das es in vielen Bibelberichten geht. By all means, maintain your chastity by safeguarding your heart. The examples mentioned above show the value of learning the land that God gave to the Israelites and discussing it in many Bible accounts. Die Bibel enthält den weisen Rat: "Setzt euer Vertrauen nicht auf Edle noch auf den Sohn des Erdenmenschen, bei dem es keine Rettung gibt." It is a very ancient book - older than most. There are other ancient books, of course. The Bible gives wise counsel: "Do not put your trust in man's son, nor in the son of earthling man, with whom there is no salvation. " Jona hatte freilich seine Schwächen, doch sollten wir nicht übersehen, dass er Treue und Ausharren bewies, während er den treulosen Israeliten predigte. But when the sun rose, it was scorched, and for not having root it withered. Jonah had free weaknesses, yet we should not overlook his faithfulness and endurance during his preaching to the faithless Israelites. Unsere Brüder und Schwestern schätzen es, wenn wir auf gewagte Kleidung verzichten, sei sie zu eng oder zu weit. There can be no better description of the grand climax than the words "that God may be all things to everyone. " Our brothers and sisters appreciate it if we refrain from wearing clothing or too close to them. Wenn wir unser Gewissen schärfen, indem wir wahrnehmen, wie Jehova über eine Sache denkt, werden wir eher Entscheidungen treffen, die seinem Willen entsprechen. It is important to scrutinize our circumstances because, to some extent, our place in the congregation depends on what we are able to do or are in a position to do. If we train our conscience to perceive Jehovah's view of matters, we will be more likely to make decisions that conform to his will. Interesse an den Menschen " The law of Jehovah " is found in God's written Word, the Bible. Show Concern for People Der Prophet Hanani sagte zu König Asa: "Was Jehova betrifft, seine Augen durchschweifen die ganze Erde, damit er sich stark erweist zugunsten derer, deren Herz ihm gegenüber ungeteilt ist." Did he see a righteous, God - fearing person? Concerning King Asa, the prophet sang: "As for Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " In Sprüche, Kapitel 31 wird beschrieben, wie vielseitig der Wirkungsbereich einer tüchtigen Frau im alten Israel war. * The younger the children and the longer the separation, the deeper the harm. Proverbs chapter 31 describes the variety of women of a woman in ancient Israel. Das fällt uns leichter, wenn wir daran denken, dass unser Bruder oder unsere Schwester auch dem "Gott, der Frieden gibt," dient. • How did angels come into existence? This will help us to remember that our brother or sister also serve "the God who gives peace. " Jehova behandelt niemand parteiisch (5. Mo. Jehovah God told our common ancestor Noah that blood must be treated as something special. Jehovah does not treat anyone with partiality. Weitere Einzelheiten findet man in dem Buch Jehovas Zeugen - Verkündiger des Königreiches Gottes, Seite 675, 676, herausgegeben von Jehovas Zeugen. 1: 14, 15. For more details, see chapter 6 of the book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Wenn man sich dagegen als zeitweilig Ansässiger sieht, stellt man keine unvernünftigen und unrealistischen Ansprüche. Paul called attention to what possible result of the good news? On the other hand, if we view temporary residents as temporary residents, we will not be unreasonable and unrealistic. Wie zeigte der Psalmist, dass Jehova stets auf die Bedürfnisse seiner Diener achtet, und wieso ist das ein tröstlicher Gedanke? • What are you motivated to do in response to Jehovah's provisions for your deliverance? How did the psalmist show that Jehovah is always concerned about the needs of his people, and why is that comforting? Ein gerechter Mensch ist unter anderem unparteiisch und richtet seinen Sinn auf gerechte, keusche und tugendhafte Dinge. There are many reasons why the slave class deserves our trust. A righteous person is impartial and judges in his mind, righteous, and righteous things. Jehovas Organisation, die für ihn wie eine Ehefrau ist, hatte damals die sichere Hoffnung, in ihrem Heimatland, wo die "Tiefebene Achor" lag, wieder tätig zu werden. What Jesus taught and did was in harmony with God's Word, thus the expression "healthful words " can also by extension refer to all Bible teachings. Jehovah's organization, who was like a wife for him, had the sure hope of serving in their homeland, where "the low plain " was to be restored. Welcher Tatsache müssen wir ins Auge sehen? When Daniel's three friends refuse to worship a giant image, the king has them thrown into a fiery furnace. What reality must we keep in mind? Machen beruflicher Erfolg, Einfluss und Ansehen wirklich dauerhaft glücklich? 4, 5. Do secular work, influence, and prominence really bring lasting happiness? Warum ist es so wichtig, dass wir die Zusammenkünfte besuchen? (a) What do we learn from the example set by those who visited Jephthah's daughter? Why is it vital that we attend Christian meetings? Viele Samariter nahmen die Königreichsbotschaft an und ließen sich taufen. For example, the demonized girl in Philippi spoke the truth when she said about Paul and his companions: "These men are slaves of the Most High God, who are publishing to you the way of salvation. " Many Samaritans accepted the Kingdom message and got baptized. Fehler zuzugeben erfordert auch Mut. We may suffer persecution and various other trials related to our faith. It also takes courage to admit our mistakes. Auch wir als Diener Jehovas unterstützen alles, was innerhalb des irdischen Teils der Organisation Jehovas für die Anbetung getan wird. Many today claim to love God. We no doubt include ourselves in that number. As Jehovah's servants, we too support all that is done within the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. Unser Ziel sollte es sein, bei dem Studienstoff zu verweilen, statt im Eiltempo durchzujagen. Sadly, during hard economic times, some have sacrificed their spirituality in order to maintain the standard of living to which they had grown accustomed. Our goal should be to keep our mind fixed on the subject rather than to access through the material. Wurde Joseph wegen dieser grausamen Tat glaubensschwach? Being baptized in the name of the Son will bring you in line to receive grand blessings. - Read John 10: 9 - 11. Did Joseph feel spiritually weak because of this cruel act? Aus diesen prophetischen Worten ging also hervor, dass jemand kommen würde, der das gesetzliche Recht auf die höchste Regierungsgewalt (das "Zepter") und die Befehlsgewalt (den "Befehlshaberstab") über die "Völker" haben sollte. Rachel thoroughly enjoyed viewing the video presentation Pursue Goals That Honor God. Thus, from those prophetic words, a person who would come to know the legal authority (the Messianic government) and the commander's staff (the commander) and the commander's staff) were to have "the commander's staff. " Warum betrachtet Jehova seine Diener als sein "besonderes Eigentum"? Wealthy men of more recent times have made similar remarks. " If we have food and shelter, we will be satisfied with that. Those who long to be rich, however, stumble into temptation. " Why does Jehovah view his servants as his "special property "? Zwar kann Menschenfurcht für alle Altersgruppen ein Problem werden, aber jungen Leuten fällt es in der Regel besonders schwer, gegen den Strom zu schwimmen. " Leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away, " said Jesus. Although fear of man can become a problem for all age, young people find it especially difficult to go out against the river. Vergebung ist vielmehr eine bewusste Entscheidung. Sie beruht darauf, dass man den Frieden an die erste Stelle setzt und außerdem ein gutes Verhältnis zu dem anderen aufbauen oder beibehalten möchte. 5, 6. (a) How did the situation of God's people change in Egypt? Rather, forgiveness is based on making a decision, putting the first place in life, and pursuing a good relationship with others. [ Bild auf Seite 24, 25] However, many Christian couples act wisely and avoid these dangers during courtship. [ Picture on page 24, 25] Wie groß ist dein Gottvertrauen? (Read James 3: 14 - 16.) How much is your trust in God? 3, 4. (a) Was hat Christus als "Bote" Jehovas getan? According to Psalm 19: 7 - 11, what helped David to draw close to God, and how can we imitate David? 3, 4. (a) What has Christ done as "Jehovah's messenger "? (Lies Matthäus 10: 16, 17.) Abraham Had Jehovah's View (Read Matthew 10: 16, 17.) 1932 40: 1 - 4. 1932 Deshalb war er sicher, dass Jehova ihn "kannte," sich also über ihn freute, und dass er in seiner Liebe bleiben würde. Jehovah's greatness has been manifested in connection with his Kingdom purposes. Hence, he was confident that Jehovah would be "a friend " to him and that he would remain in his love. (Hosea 4: 1 bis 13: 16) (a) What lesson do we learn from what happened to Joseph? (Isaiah 4: 1 - 13: 16) * Der Vater erinnert sich: "Ich hatte darum gebetet, dass Jehova sie beschützt. Hence, let us do our utmost to speak truth with our neighbor. * The father recalls: "I prayed that Jehovah protected them. " Er opferte sein Leben für mich ," erklärte die Witwe später bei der Begräbnisfeier. Why can you, like Paul, "take pleasure in weaknesses "? " He sacrificed his life for me, " said the widow later. Es gab allerdings Zeitgenossen Nehemias, die den Sabbat als einen Tag wie jeden anderen betrachteten. Do I consider my wife's opinion before making a decision? However, Nehemiah's contemporaries viewed the Sabbath as one day. Das trägt ihnen nicht nur den Segen Gottes ein, sondern sie ehren auch ihren gütigen Gott Jehova in der Versammlung und an ihrem Wohnort. (b) What spiritual progress should young ones have made before baptism? This brings them not only God's blessing but also honors their merciful God in the congregation and in their dwelling place. V., Selters / Taunus. Even some of Christendom's leaders have referred to their flocks as " sleeping giants. ' Table of Contents Wie berührt es dich, wie Gott uns Menschen gemacht hat? As 1 John 4: 19 says, "he first loved us. " How have you benefited from God's dealings with humans? Wie er weiter erklärte, würden Millionen auferweckt werden, die Wahrheit kennenlernen und Gelegenheit erhalten, Glauben an Christus zu beweisen. We are imperfect, so it is not easy to do that. He went on to explain that millions would be resurrected to learn the truth and receive an opportunity to demonstrate faith in Christ. Körper und Geist sind eng miteinander verbunden. The time had come for Moses to carry out a divine commission and to do God's work in God's way. The body and spirit are closely associated with one another. [ Bilder auf Seite 32] [ Picture on page 29] [ Pictures on page 32] " Fürchtet euch nicht, noch erschreckt!... In Mark's Gospel, we find Jesus ' words: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " " Do Not Be afraid or be terrified... Statt andere in passender Weise zu ehren und zu respektieren, neigen sie dazu, bestimmte Männer und Frauen zu vergöttern. It caused an imperfect woman to conceive and give birth to a perfect Son, who was not under the penalty of death. Instead of showing honor and respect for others in suitable way, they tend to respect certain men and women. Wie können wir auf Wohnungsinhaber Rücksicht nehmen? He even composed songs that were used in public worship. How can we show consideration for the householder? Die Schwester räumte ein, es sei immerhin einen Versuch wert. We, like Jesus, do not hold back from telling the precious truth about Jehovah. The sister admitted that it was always worth the effort. Warum können wir sicher sein, dass Jehova seine Diener belohnt? (a) What blessings do we receive when we give in support of the Kingdom? Why can we be sure that Jehovah rewards his servants? Von Joseph können wir aber noch etwas Wichtigeres lernen. Es hat mit seinem Verhältnis zu Jehova zu tun. Satan is able to perceive when we are weak and more likely to succumb to temptation. However, we can learn much more about our relationship with Jehovah. 11, 12. (a) Wie können sich junge Leute darauf vorbereiten, ihre Glaubensansichten zu erklären? In his "burning anger, " Jehovah even considered wiping out the newly formed nation of Israel. - Ex. 32: 5 - 10. 11, 12. (a) How can young ones prepare to explain their beliefs? Was zeichnet echten Gehorsam aus? • a mediator? What is involved in true obedience? Philippi * We are speaking of a marriage entered into according to the publicly recognized custom of the tribe or area. Philippi Wie können wir unsere Glaubensbrüder noch ehren? During the first century, God's people who came into the Christian arrangement received new or expanded instructions on worship and conduct. How can we show honor to fellow believers? Bleiben wir unter allen Umständen moralisch rein, indem wir unser Herz behüten. Jesus expressed a similar thought when he said to some who believed in him: "If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " May we remain morally clean under all circumstances by keeping our heart clean. Auch wenn es ältere Bücher gibt, hat der Zahn der Zeit doch sehr an diesen Werken genagt. What good would that precious pearl be for him? ' Although there are elderly books, the period of time has great anguished down these works. Als aber die Sonne aufging, wurde es versengt, und weil es keine Wurzel hatte, verdorrte es. Indeed, "Jehovah is good to all. " He "makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. " When the sun came down, however, it became bitter, and it had no root. Besser als mit den Worten "sodass Gott allen alles sei" lässt sich der großartige Höhepunkt nicht beschreiben. In what sense can we be like a tree planted beside a plentiful water source? Rather than saying, "God is all things to be described as the grand climax of the grand climax of this system. " Eine realistische Analyse der eigenen Lebensumstände ist durchaus wichtig, denn unser Platz in der Versammlung hat nicht zuletzt damit zu tun, was unsere ganz persönlichen Möglichkeiten zulassen. " Have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had. " - ROM. If you find yourself in your own circumstances, you need to make sure that your place is not in the congregation so that your circumstances allow you to act in all your ways. Da das "Gesetz Jehovas" in seinem geschriebenen Wort, der Bibel, zu finden ist, sollten wir gern darin lesen. What is our most precious possession? Since "the law of Jehovah " in his written Word, the Bible is designed to find it. Warst du vorher ein besonders gerechter, gottesfürchtiger Mensch? How may zeal be described? Was you a particularly righteous, God - fearing man? * Je jünger die Kinder und je länger die Trennung, desto größer der Schaden. What can we learn about prayer from the early Christians? * The younger ones are younger and the longer the separating of the children, the greater the damage they have. • Wie kamen die Engel ins Dasein? Like Moses and Daniel, we can strive to keep our mind active by focusing on spiritual matters for as long as we are able. • How did angels come into existence? Jehova Gott erklärte unserem gemeinsamen Vorfahren Noah, dass das Blut als etwas ganz Besonderes behandelt werden muss. Experience in the ministry helps us to be tactful. Jehovah God tells us that the blood of our ancestors must be treated as special. 1: 14, 15. In his Paradise earth just ahead, there will be endless occasions to enjoy to the full Jehovah's generosity, along with the wholesome fellowship of all who meet his righteous requirements. - Psalm 145: 16; Isaiah 25: 6; 2 Corinthians 7: 1. 1: 14, 15. Was kann die gute Botschaft laut Paulus bewirken? While no part of it, they have to live in it. According to Paul, what can good news do? • Wozu spornt uns das an, was Jehova für unsere Befreiung getan hat? A kind person is friendly, gentle, sympathetic, and gracious. • What will motivate us to do what Jehovah has done for our deliverance? Es gibt viele Gründe, weshalb die Sklavenklasse unser Vertrauen verdient. For instance, the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life quotes many scriptures. There are many reasons why the slave class deserves our trust. Was Jesus lehrte und tat, stimmte voll mit Gottes Wort überein. Deswegen kann man den Ausdruck "gesunde Worte" im erweiterten Sinn auf alle biblischen Lehren beziehen. God has created our bodies with the marvelous ability to heal. Jesus ' teaching and actions were based on God's Word, so we can use the expression "soundness of speech " to refer to all Bible teachings. Als sich Daniels drei Gefährten weigern, sich vor einem gigantischen Standbild niederzubeugen, lässt sie der König in einen brennenden Feuerofen werfen. As we cooperate with these brothers, we contribute to the smooth operation of the congregation. - Compare Acts 6: 3 - 6. When Daniel's three companions refused to bow down before an immense image, they cast the king into a burning fiery furnace. 4, 5. Scott: That's right. 4, 5. (a) Was lernen wir von den Frauen, die Jephthas Tochter besuchten? Well, remember that Paul too encountered setbacks. (a) What do we learn from the wives of Jephthah's daughter? Man denke nur an das Mädchen in Philippi, das unter dämonischem Einfluss ganz richtig über Paulus und seine Begleiter sagte: "Diese Menschen sind Sklaven Gottes, des Höchsten, die euch den Weg der Rettung verkündigen." For a time, Christians in ancient Rome had differing opinions with regard to eating certain foods and observing certain days. Note how the girl in Philippi, who was rightly influenced by Paul and his companions, said: "These men of God are slaves of the Most High, who declare the way of salvation to you. " Das können Verfolgung oder andere Glaubensprüfungen sein. Is that the end of it? This can be persecution or other tests of faith. Heute nehmen viele für sich in Anspruch, Gott zu lieben - wir natürlich auch. Just as cracks can weaken a building, grievances and resentment can develop in our heart, making it increasingly difficult to be forgiving. Today, many claim to love God, of course, that we too want to love him. Leider haben sich einige in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten bemüht, den gewohnten Lebensstandard zu halten, und das auf Kosten ihrer geistigen Gesinnung. They were quite sure that she would fail the exams. Sadly, some have endeavored to live in difficult economic times, and they have contributed to their spirituality. (Lies Johannes 10: 9 - 11.) [ Picture on page 24, 25] (Read John 10: 9 - 11.) Für Rachel war das Video Setz dir Ziele, die Gott ehren genau das, was sie brauchte. This term means being "concerned solely with one's own desires, needs, or interests. " Rachel was discussing the video What she needed to honor God. Je nachdem, was die persönlichen Umstände erlauben, kann gerade das die beste der drei Möglichkeiten sein, die eingangs erwähnt wurden. For instance, the elders may be able to help out by assisting the parents to learn about and benefit from governmental or social programs locally. The next time the circumstances allow them to do so can be the best of the three ways mentioned at the outset. Jesus sagte: "Lass deine Gabe dort vor dem Altar und geh weg; schließe zuerst mit deinem Bruder Frieden; und dann, wenn du zurückgekommen bist, bringe deine Gabe dar." And on the next day he left with Barnabas for Derbe. " - Acts 14: 6, 19, 20. Jesus said: "Let your gift go before the altar and go away; first make your peace with your brother; and then if you have come back, offer your gift. " 5, 6. (a) Wie veränderte sich die Lage für Gottes Volk in Ägypten? Therein you find examples of faithful men and women whose life course and qualities you would like to imitate. 5, 6. (a) How changed the situation of God's people in Egypt? Viele Verliebte begeben sich vernünftigerweise gar nicht erst in Gefahr. Yes, the 20th year is that of the reign of Artaxerxes the king. In fact, many Christian mates are not wise to deal with problems. (Lies Jakobus 3: 14 - 16.) In his first letter to the congregation in Thessalonica, Paul called attention to the coming of "Jehovah's day. " (Read James 3: 14 - 16.) Was half David gemäß Psalm 19: 7 - 11 Gott näherzukommen, und wie können wir ihn nachahmen? We could thus hinder the free flow of holy spirit in our personal lives as well as in the congregation. According to Psalm 19: 7 - 11, what helped David to draw closer to God, and how can we imitate him? Abraham ahmte Jehovas Einstellung nach These important questions will be considered in the following articles. Abraham imitated Jehovah's attitude 40: 1 - 4. LOVE is Jehovah God's dominant quality. 40: 1 - 4. Jehovas Größe hat sich auch an der Entwicklung seiner Königreichsvorsätze gezeigt. Jehovah will not allow this destructive attack on false religion to wipe out anointed Christians and their other sheep companions. Jehovah's greatness has also been seen in the development of his Kingdom. (a) Was lernen wir aus dem, was Joseph widerfuhr? However, effort will be required. (a) What lessons do we learn from what happened to Joseph? Nehmen wir uns deshalb fest vor, auf alle Fälle mit unserem Nächsten die Wahrheit zu reden. " If my husband is overwhelmed with work or other responsibilities, I let a little time pass before I raise certain matters. By all means, then, let us be determined to speak the truth with our neighbor. Warum kannst du wie Paulus "Gefallen an Schwachheiten" finden? Hence, personal prayers may touch virtually every facet of life. Why can you imitate Paul in finding "the weaknesses of weaknesses "? Beziehe ich meine Frau bei Entscheidungen mit ein? • What kind of fruitage do we need to bear more abundantly? Do I make decisions with my wife? (b) Welche geistigen Fortschritte sollten junge Leute vor der Taufe gemacht haben? (Include the box above.) (b) What spiritual progress should young ones make before baptism? Selbst einige Kirchenoberen haben ihre Herden als "schlafende Riesen" bezeichnet. Then continue to pray for God's Kingdom to sanctify God's name and cause his will to be done on earth. Even some churches have called their flocks "the extremely extreme. " Johannes 4: 19 heißt, hat "er uns zuerst geliebt." Forty years earlier when Israel first approached Canaan, Moses sent 12 men to spy out the land. (Read 1 John 4: 19, "God loved us first. " Da wir unvollkommen sind, ist das leichter gesagt als getan. It will also discuss practical steps we can take to ensure that the decisions we make will honor God. Being imperfect, we are easier than done. Moses war jetzt so weit, Gottes Auftrag auf Gottes Art zu erfüllen. The apostle pinpointed the reason for this judgment on them; it was that "they did not accept the love of the truth. " Now Moses was now able to fulfill God's commission. [ Bild auf Seite 29] Now Is the Time to "Obey the Good News " [ Picture on page 29] Gemäß dem Markusevangelium sagte Jesus: "Dies bedeutet mein " Blut des Bundes ," das zugunsten vieler vergossen werden wird." Jesus did many things when he was on earth. According to the Gospel writer Mark, Jesus said: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " Im Mutterleib der Jungfrau Maria bewirkte Gottes Kraft etwas, das es noch nie gegeben hatte: Eine unvollkommene Frau brachte einen vollkommenen Sohn zur Welt, einen Menschen, der nicht dem Tod unterworfen war. What is love, and what are some of its characteristics? In the womb of the virgin Mary, God's power was never given to Mary - a perfect woman who was not subjected to death - a perfect son of a man who was not subjected to death. Er komponierte sogar Lieder, die bei der Anbetung verwendet wurden. Their simple, heartfelt expressions have sometimes prompted newly interested ones to recognize the ring of truth. - 1 Cor. 14: 25. He even composed songs that were used in worship. Wie Jesus halten wir uns nicht zurück, die kostbare Wahrheit über Jehova zu verbreiten. The new nation, "the Israel of God, " which included Jews and non - Jews, became" a people for [God's] name, " or "people who are called by my name, " said Jehovah. - Gal. 6: 16; read Acts 15: 14 - 17; Matt. Like Jesus, we do not hold back from spreading the precious truth about Jehovah. (a) Wie werden wir gesegnet, wenn wir einen Beitrag für das Königreich leisten? Jehovah had told Abraham that his "seed " would be multiplied" like the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore " - a number unknown to Abraham. (a) What blessings result from having a share in the Kingdom - preaching work? Dem Teufel bleibt nicht verborgen, wann wir schwach sind und einer Versuchung leichter nachgeben würden. Remember, too, that as a parent, you have the right to monitor your teenager's cell phone. - Bible principle: Ephesians 6: 1. Satan does not keep us hidden when we are weak and are tempted to succumb to temptation. Sein "Zorn gegen sie entbrannte" und Jehova überlegte sogar, die neu gegründete Nation Israel zu vernichten. On account of the corrupt leaders and the delinquent prophets, Jerusalem too "will become mere heaps of ruins. " He even began to destroy the newly formed nation of Israel. Wie hilft uns dann der Glaube weiterzumachen? • What great apostasy did the Bible foretell, and how has that prophecy been fulfilled? How will faith help us to endure? • als Mittler? 1: 11. Of what significance is it to us that Jehovah considered ancient sacrifices to be holy? • a mediator? * Wir sprechen hier von einer Ehe, die nach dem öffentlich anerkannten Brauch eines Stammes oder einer Region eingegangen wird. Why did Paul remind Christians that God is "one Jehovah "? * We refer to a marriage that is recognized after the public custom of a tribe or region of the region. Jahrhundert erhielten Diener Gottes durch die Christenversammlung neue oder erweiterte Anweisungen, was das Verhalten und die Anbetung betrifft. Being advanced in age does not necessarily preclude the learning of new and difficult concepts. By means of the first - century Christian congregation, God's servants received new instructions, or instructions, regarding conduct and worship. Jesus drückte das ähnlich aus, als er einmal zu Juden, die an ihn glaubten, sagte: "Wenn ihr in meinem Wort bleibt, seid ihr wirklich meine Jünger, und ihr werdet die Wahrheit erkennen, und die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen." They will need to learn about Jesus ' ransom sacrifice; more than that, they must be taught to exercise faith in that sacrifice in order to receive its benefits. In a similar way, Jesus said to Jews who believed in him: "If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. " Was nützte ihm da die kostbare Perle? Because of its guiding principles, many are convinced that the Bible was inspired by God. How did he benefit from the precious pearl? Er ist wirklich gut zu allen, lässt "seine Sonne über Böse und Gute aufgehen und es über Gerechte und Ungerechte regnen." Over the years that we made a living this way, we felt that Jehovah never abandoned us. He is indeed good to all, "his sun makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. " In welchem Sinne können wir wie ein Baum an einer wasserreichen Quelle sein? 1, 2. In what sense can we be like a tree filled with water? Habt untereinander die gleiche Gesinnung, die Christus Jesus hatte. Today, we have much more evidence of his Messiahship than his first - century followers had. For one thing, Christ Jesus had the same mental attitude toward one another. Was ist unser kostbarstes Gut? Prophecy indicated that it would. What is our most precious possession? Wie lässt sich Eifer beschreiben? We should keep in mind what counsel of Jesus? How can we show zeal? Was können wir von den frühen Christen über Gebete lernen? By contrast, referring to another ancient man of faith, James asks: "Was not Abraham our father declared righteous by works after he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? What can we learn from the early Christians about prayers? Wie Moses und Daniel können wir uns, so es uns noch möglich ist, eingehend mit der biblischen Wahrheit befassen und dadurch geistig rege bleiben. Note, for example, Isaiah 40: 11. Like Moses and Daniel, we can continue to meditate more fully on Bible truth and to remain spiritually strong. Mit der Erfahrung, die wir im Dienst sammeln, lernen wir taktvoller zu werden. Can we look past our own problems and see the real issue? When we gather together in the ministry, we learn tactfully. In dem Paradies, das unmittelbar bevorsteht, werden wir endlos Gelegenheit haben, Jehovas Freigebigkeit voll und ganz zu nutzen - und das in der wohltuenden Gemeinschaft aller, die sich an seine gerechten Anforderungen halten. Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few In the earthly Paradise, we will have an opportunity to take full advantage of Jehovah's generosity and bring joy to all who observe his righteous requirements. Sie müssen in der Welt leben, auch wenn sie kein Teil davon sind. He admonishes all in the congregations in Crete "to repudiate ungodliness... and to live with soundness of mind. " - Titus 1: 5, 10 - 13; 2: 12. They must live in the world, even if they are no part of it. Ein freundlicher Mensch verhält sich sanft, mitfühlend, entgegenkommend und liebenswürdig. Ultimately, only one man, Jesus Christ, whose genealogy from Abraham is documented in the Bible, is the primary part of that foretold seed. A kind person is gentle, compassionate, and gracious. Zum Beispiel werden in dem Buch Erkenntnis, die zu ewigem Leben führt * viele Bibeltexte zitiert, aber etliche aus Platzgründen nur angeführt. Could you take some steps to assist a weak one in your congregation? For example, the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life * contains many scriptures, but there is a number of legal tactics. Gott hat den menschlichen Körper mit einer unglaublichen Fähigkeit ausgestattet: der Selbstheilungskraft. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. God has endowed the human body with a God - given ability - the power of power. (Vergleiche Apostelgeschichte 6: 3 - 6.) These are questions that David likewise pondered. (Compare Acts 6: 3 - 6.) Thorsten M.: Genau. Husbands who exercise a humble attitude like that of Jesus will likely have the cooperation and support of their wives. Scott: That's right. Doch er hat weitergesucht und geklopft, bis er eine Tür fand, die aufging. Why, the potter can make another type of vessel out of it or simply discard it! But he kept on throwing the door until he found a door that came to the close. Im alten Rom ging eine Zeit lang die Meinung der Christen über das Essen bestimmter Speisen und das Einhalten gewisser Tage auseinander. Be "content with the present things. " For a time, Christians in ancient Rome faced the opinion of certain foods and practices of certain days. Ist das alles? More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. " Is that true? So wie Risse ein Gebäude schwächen können, machen es Groll und Verbitterung nämlich immer schwerer zu vergeben. Because of what others do, however, we need comfort and may feel like praying: "Let the presumptuous ones be ashamed. " Just as a building can weaken a building, resentment, and resentment. Sie waren sich alle ziemlich sicher, dass sie durchs Examen fallen würde. Still another manifestation of Christ's leadership are the "gifts in men " - Christian elders, or overseers. They were particularly sure that they would fall through the hands of young ones. [ Bild auf Seite 24, 25] It is the time to perceive ever more clearly what God's will is for us. [ Picture on page 24, 25] Egozentrisch sind Menschen, die sich selbst als den Mittelpunkt allen Geschehens betrachten, alles in Bezug auf sich selbst beurteilen und entsprechend eingestellt sind. How is having our "perceptive powers trained " related to accepting Jehovah's authority? People who view themselves as the focus of all events are focused on themselves and on how they view themselves. Es kann zum Beispiel sein, dass die Ältesten die Eltern dabei unterstützen könnten, sich über lokal verfügbare Hilfsangebote staatlicher oder sozialer Stellen zu informieren und sie in Anspruch zu nehmen. It foretells not only the crushing of Satan's head but also, by contrast, the bruising in the heel of the Seed of God's woman. For example, it may be that the elders can assist the parents to care for the elderly by making sure that there will be a governmental authorities or a social networking site. Und am nächsten Tag ging er mit Barnabas fort nach Derbe ." He will never forget us if we are faithful to him. - Isa. 41: 13; 49: 15. And on the next day he continued with Barnabas. " Sie berichtet über treue Männer und Frauen, an deren Eigenschaften und Lebensweise du dir ein Beispiel nehmen möchtest. As Regards God's Rulership, What Did We Learn From Reading... She reports about faithful men and women who would like to imitate the qualities and way of life. Das 20. Jahr ist zwar das 20. Just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Jehovah repeated his laws to them, and Moses told them: "Today Jehovah has obtained your declaration that you will become his people, his special property, just as he has promised you, and that you will observe all his commandments and that he will put you high above all the other nations that he has made, giving you praise and fame and glory as you prove yourself a people holy to Jehovah your God. " - Deut. 26: 18, 19. The year is the 20th year. In seinem ersten Brief an die Versammlung in Thessalonich lenkte Paulus die Aufmerksamkeit auf den kommenden Tag Jehovas. In what way? In his first letter to the congregation in Thessalonica, Paul focused on Jehovah's coming day. Wir könnten dadurch den Zustrom des heiligen Geistes im privaten Leben und in der Versammlung drosseln. Preoccupation with material concerns can prompt one to daydream about selfish interests. We could do this by allowing the operation of the holy spirit to operate in private and in the congregation. Diese wichtigen Fragen werden in den nächsten Artikeln behandelt. 16, 17. (a) What will be accomplished before "the great tribulation " is finished? These important questions will be considered in the following articles. Das Erste, was er erschuf, war Jesus. Jesus Christ told the apostle Peter: "Simon, Simon, look! Satan has demanded to have you men to sift you as wheat. " Jesus was the first Person in the universe. Jehova wird nicht zulassen, dass bei dem vernichtenden Angriff auf die falsche Religion auch die Gesalbten und die "anderen Schafe" mit ausradiert werden. 11, 12. Jehovah will not allow the final attack on false religion, including the anointed and the "other sheep. " Es setzt allerdings etwas Anstrengung voraus. Look! However, it requires effort. Ist er wegen seiner Arbeit oder seiner Aufgaben gerade sehr eingespannt, warte ich lieber ein wenig ab, bis ich die Sache anspreche. Why? When he is very busy in his work or privileges, I prefer to stop the matter until I talk about the matter. Das persönliche Gebet kann also praktisch jeden Lebensbereich berühren. Still, almost no Christians availed themselves of the chance to escape. " - Those About to Die. Prayer, then, can touch every aspect of life. • Welche Art Früchte müssen wir in größerem Maß hervorbringen? If the couple plan to have someone photograph or record the ceremony at the Kingdom Hall, they should make sure beforehand that nothing that is done will detract from the dignity of the wedding. • What kind of fruitage must we cultivate in greater measure? (Siehe auch den obigen Kasten.) Am I bold in speaking about my beliefs? (See also the box.) Dann hör bitte nicht auf, darum zu beten, dass durch Gottes Königreich sein Name geheiligt werde und sein Wille auf der Erde geschehe. Some have even become opposers of the truth. Do not delay in praying for the sanctification of God's Kingdom to be sanctified and his will on earth. Vierzig Jahre zuvor, als Israel zum ersten Mal vor den Toren Kanaans stand, hatte Moses zwölf Männer ausgesandt, das Land auszukundschaften. The Bible contains warning examples of individuals who were deceived by Satan's lies. Forty years earlier, when Israel first appeared before the gate, Moses sent 12 men to spy out the land. Außerdem gibt uns der Artikel praktische Hilfen an die Hand, damit unsere Entscheidungen Gott auch wirklich ehren. Be courageous and strong. Furthermore, we will consider practical suggestions that can help us to make decisions that truly honor God. Paulus nannte auch den genauen Grund dafür: "Sie [haben] die Liebe zur Wahrheit nicht angenommen." What heavenly rejoicing there will be when this happens, when the world empire of false religion is destroyed! - Revelation 19: 1, 2. Paul also described the exact reason: "They have not accepted the love of truth. " Jetzt ist die Zeit, " der guten Botschaft zu gehorchen ' " I was 12 years old. Now is the time to " obey the good news ' Jesus hatte auf der Erde ein ausgefülltes Leben. What blessings result from faithfulness? Jesus had an earthly life. Was ist Liebe, und wodurch zeichnet sie sich aus? In these two articles, we will consider ways in which Jehovah shows his love for us and how we can show our love for him. What is love, and how is it different? Einfache, von Herzen kommende Antworten aus einem Kindermund haben schon so manchen von der Wahrheit überzeugt. But neither literal caves nor mountainlike political and commercial organizations will afford any protection. Humble, heartfelt answers from a child's heart and have already convinced some of the truth. Die neue Nation, "das Israel Gottes," wozu Juden und Nichtjuden gehörten, wurde "ein Volk für seinen Namen" - oder wie Jehova selbst sagt: "Leute, die nach meinem Namen genannt sind." The departure of a proud, aloof man would not have caused that reaction. - Acts 20: 37, 38. The new nation, "the Israel of God, " included Jews and Gentiles," a people for his name, " or as Jehovah himself says, "people who are called after my name. " Jehova versprach Abraham, seinen "Samen bestimmt [zu] mehren... wie die Sterne der Himmel und wie die Sandkörner, die am Ufer des Meeres sind" - eine für Abraham nicht fassbare Menge. There is no need to read the word aloud during public reading of the Psalms. Jehovah promised Abraham that his seed would become more like the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore. Nicht zu vergessen: Eltern haben das Recht, alles zu kontrollieren, was ihr Kind mit dem Handy macht. (Grundsatz der Bibel: Epheser 6: 1.) (b) How have many translators failed to show respect for God's name? Remember, parents have the right to control everything their child's cell phone. - Bible principle: 1. Wegen der korrupten Führer und der pflichtvergessenen Propheten wird auch Jerusalem "zu nichts als Trümmerhaufen werden." But, as with traveling overseers today, sometimes routings have to be changed. Because of the corrupt leaders and the hypocritical prophets, Jerusalem will "will certainly become nothing like ruins. " • Welcher große Abfall wurde in der Bibel vorausgesagt, und wie hat sich die Prophezeiung erfüllt? Our hearts are moved by the great love that led him to "taste death for every man. " • What great apostasy was foretold in the Bible, and how has this prophecy been fulfilled? Was hat es für uns zu bedeuten, dass Jehova in alter Zeit Opfer als etwas Heiliges betrachtete? Other faithful servants of God certainly did. What does it mean to be dedicated to Jehovah in ancient times? Warum erinnerte Paulus die Christen daran, dass Gott "ein Jehova" ist? Jehovah is praised as a generous provider in Psalm 65, as a God of saving acts in Psalms 67 and 68, and as the Provider of escape in Psalms 70 and 71. Why did Paul remind Christians that God is "one Jehovah "? Fortgeschrittenen Alters zu sein schließt nicht von vornherein aus, sich in eine neue, schwierige Materie hineindenken zu können. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. As long as old age does not mean that we cannot change into a new matter of trouble. Sie müssen über Jesu Loskaufsopfer belehrt werden; und darüber hinaus muss ihnen gezeigt werden, dass sie Glauben an dieses Opfer ausüben müssen, damit es ihnen zugutekommen kann. We certainly should consider these examples seriously, for Paul was inspired to write: "These things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived. " - 1 Cor. 10: 11. They need to be taught about Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, and they must be shown that they must exercise faith in that sacrifice so that they can benefit from it. Auch die richtungsweisenden Grundsätze der Bibel überzeugen viele davon, dass sie von Gott inspiriert ist. 15: 26. What loving but serious command did Jehovah give Adam? Many people agree that it is inspired by God. Jahrelang lebten wir davon und Jehova hat uns nie im Stich gelassen. (Read Proverbs 16: 7.) For years, we lived and did not abandon Jehovah. 1, 2. Peace for a Thousand Years - And Beyond! 1, 2. Wir haben heute weit mehr Beweise für seine Messianität als seine Nachfolger im 1. Jahrhundert. For many years, however, he had been involved in gambling, smoking, heavy drinking, and drug abuse. We have far greater evidence of his role as his followers in the first century. Aus Prophezeiungen ging hervor, dass das so sein würde. 1, 2. (a) What request did Jesus make in his final prayer with his apostles? The prophecies indicated that this would be the case. Welchen Rat Jesu sollten wir beherzigen? About that time, practical suggestions on how to make brief return visits were provided in Our Kingdom Ministry. What counsel did Jesus give us? Im Gegensatz dazu schrieb Jakobus über einen Glaubensmann der alten Zeit: "Wurde nicht Abraham, unser Vater, durch Werke gerechtgesprochen, nachdem er Isaak, seinen Sohn, auf dem Altar dargebracht hatte? (b) We want to find the answer to what question? In contrast, James wrote about a lack of faith regarding a man of faith: "Is Abraham not Abraham righteous by works, after being declared righteous by his son Isaac, his son, on the altar? Betrachten wir beispielsweise Jesaja 40: 11. (b) To what extent do true Christians love their fellow man? For example, consider Isaiah 40: 11. Können wir über eigene Probleme hinaussehen und die große Streitfrage erkennen? The fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy in our day indicates that God's intervention in human affairs is imminent. Can we look beyond our own problems and see the great issue? Er ermahnt alle in den Versammlungen auf Kreta, "Gottlosigkeit" von sich zu weisen und "mit gesundem Sinn" zu leben. After preaching to the Samaritan woman near the city of Sychar in Samaria, Jesus told his disciples: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " He exhorts all in the congregations to " live with soundness of mind ' and to " live with soundness of mind. ' Letzten Endes bildet nur e i n Mensch den primären Teil dieses vorausgesagten Samens: Jesus Christus, dessen Abstammung von Abraham in der Bibel gut dokumentiert ist. Whether we are rich or poor, young or elderly, in good health or bad, we can cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah. Ultimately, only one human is the primary part of that seed - Jesus Christ, whose body of descent from Abraham is well spoken of in the Bible. Könnten wir etwas unternehmen, um einem Schwachen in unserer Versammlung beizustehen? Of course, I must continue to battle my illness, and I do not know what the outcome will be. Could we take steps to assist a weak one in our congregation? Unser gottesdienstliches Werk wird weltweit durch freiwillige Spenden finanziert (siehe dazu auch www.jw.org). For example, some scientists say that evolutionary theory and scientific discoveries in other fields demonstrate that there is no longer any need to believe in God, that everything can be explained by natural processes. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Das fragte sich auch David. Can You Explain? This was David. Wenn ein Mann wie Jesus demütig ist, arbeitet seine Frau wahrscheinlich gern mit ihm zusammen und unterstützt ihn. Most disputes between brothers do not involve serious wrongdoing that requires judicial action. When a husband imitates Jesus, his wife is likely to work with him and support him. Wenn Ton unbrauchbar ist, liegt es gewöhnlich am Töpfer. This is the covenant that forms a legal basis for them to rule with Jesus in heaven. If we are unable to clay, it usually is usually the Potter. Seid "mit den vorhandenen Dingen zufrieden." On the basis of that sacrifice, God could extend mercy, and he could pardon the sins of those who exercise faith in Jesus. - John 3: 16; Rom. 6: 23. Be content with "the present things. " Mehr als das, als er in seiner Beschaffenheit als ein Mensch erfunden wurde, erniedrigte er sich selbst und wurde gehorsam bis zum Tod, ja zum Tod an einem Marterpfahl. ' Maintain Joy in Times of Trouble More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. Doch wegen des Verhaltens anderer braucht man manchmal Trost und würde am liebsten beten: "Lass die Vermessenen beschämt werden." • How does Jesus ' act of self - sacrifice affect you? But because of the actions of others, we sometimes need comfort and pray: "Let the presumptuous ones become shame. " Christi Führung äußert sich ferner in den "Gaben in Form von Menschen" - christliche Älteste oder Aufseher. She answered: "My companion and I are Jehovah's Witnesses. " Christ's leadership also involves "gifts in men, " Christian elders, or overseers. Zeige jetzt durch deine Entscheidungen im Alltag, dass du zu denen gehörst, die Jehova gerne bis in alle Ewigkeit segnen möchte. After Moses ' death, Satan apparently intended to use the corpse to further his own interests in some way, possibly by inciting Israel to commit idolatry. Let your decisions show that you are among those who are willing to bless Jehovah throughout all eternity. Wie hilft uns gutes Wahrnehmungsvermögen, Jehovas Autorität anzuerkennen? The man can often respond more quickly than the woman, but emotionally the time should be right for both mates. How can we train our perceptive powers to accept Jehovah's authority? Sie sagt nicht nur das Zermalmen des Kopfes Satans voraus, sondern auch das Zermalmen der "Ferse" des Samens von Gottes "Frau." (Read Daniel 12: 4.) She says not only that the head of Satan but also that the "seed " of God's" woman " would be the head of God's woman. Jehova wird uns niemals vergessen, wenn wir ihm treu bleiben. Jesus did not appear as the Messiah until nearly 1,500 years after Moses died. Jehovah will never forget us if we remain faithful to him. Was haben wir aus folgenden Bibeltexten über die Regierungsweise Gottes gelernt? ARTICLE 4 What have you learned from these scriptures about God's way of ruling? Kurz bevor die Israeliten in das Land der Verheißung einzogen, erinnerte Jehova sie durch Moses an seine Gesetze: "Was Jehova betrifft, er hat dich veranlasst, heute zu sagen, dass du sein Volk werden wirst, ein besonderes Eigentum, so wie er es dir verheißen hat, und dass du alle seine Gebote beobachten wirst und dass er dich hoch über alle anderen Nationen, die er gemacht hat, setzen wird, was zum Lobpreis und zum guten Ruf und zur schönen Auszeichnung ausschlagen wird, während du dich als ein Volk erweist, das Jehova, deinem Gott, heilig ist." The Hebrew word rendered "blameless, " notes Bible translator Robert Alter," suggests integrity or even innocence. " Shortly before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Jehovah reminded them of his laws: "As for Jehovah, he has caused you today to say that you will become his people a special property, and he will bless you as he has promised you, as he has promised you, and he has made you people for all the nations. " Wieso? " Seeking first the kingdom " brings great happiness and satisfaction. - Matt. Why? Sich völlig von materiellen Angelegenheiten in Anspruch nehmen zu lassen, kann zu Träumereien über selbstsüchtige Interessen führen. Think of David, a humble shepherd and then a powerful king. A full limit of material matters can cause anxiety about selfish interests. 16, 17. (a) Was wird vor dem Ende der "großen Drangsal" erreicht worden sein? In any event, Luke was not some untrained layman spouting health recommendations; he was a physician. 16, 17. (a) What will be accomplished before the end of the "great tribulation "? Jesus Christus sagte zum Apostel Petrus: "Simon, Simon, siehe, der Satan hat danach verlangt, euch wie Weizen zu sichten." The first one that may come to mind is found at 1 Corinthians 15: 33, which says: "Bad associations spoil useful habits. " Jesus Christ told the apostle Peter: " Simon, look! Satan the Devil has demanded you as wheat. " 11, 12. Still, in Jehovah's due time, their lies are always exposed, and their "ignorant talk " is effectively muzzled. 11, 12. Siehe! The consequences of those sins were painful for all involved. Look! Warum? If we allow ourselves to be guided by "the wisdom from above, " we will treat others in a peaceable way. Why? Dennoch ergriff selten ein Christ die Gelegenheit freizukommen " (Those About to Die). That is what the Thousand Year Reign will bring to its subjects: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Even so, a Christian took up the opportunity to break free. " - B. Möchten die Brautleute die Trauung im Königreichssaal von jemand fotografieren oder filmen lassen, sollten sie vorher sicherstellen, dass die Würde der Hochzeit durch nichts beeinträchtigt wird. Back in the first century, Christians likewise fought hard against the spirit of this world, and that made them very different from those outside the Christian congregation. If the bride chooses to let the wedding ceremony be allowed to interfere with the wedding ceremony or the movies, she should make sure that the dignity will not interfere with the wedding arrangement. Spreche ich mutig über meine Glaubensansichten? [ Picture on page 18] Do I courageously speak about my beliefs? Manche sind sogar zu Gegnern der Wahrheit geworden. Associate their experiences with specific circumstances in your life. Some have even become opposers of truth. Die Bibel berichtet warnend von Personen, die durch Satans Lügen getäuscht wurden. (a) What is a relationship? The Bible warns us about those who were deceived by Satan's lies. Sei mutig und stark. We all are experiencing the truth of Jesus ' promise. " - Read Matthew 6: 33. Be courageous and strong. Wie groß wird die Freude im Himmel sein, wenn das Weltreich der falschen Religion vernichtet sein wird!. Soon, during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, they will be confined to a state of complete inactivity, after which they will be destroyed. What a joy that will be in heaven when the world empire of false religion will be destroyed! " Ich war 12. ARTICLE 3 " I was 12. Zu welchen Segnungen führt Treue? How true the apostle Paul's words to faithful Christians: "I reckon that the sufferings of the present season do not amount to anything in comparison with the glory that is going to be revealed in us. " - Romans 8: 18. What blessings result from faithfulness? Hier erfahren wir, wie Jehova seine Liebe zu uns beweist und wie wir ihm unsere Liebe zeigen können. We find the answer in the apostle Paul's words to the Ephesian elders: "I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " This article shows how Jehovah shows his love for us and how we can demonstrate our love for him. Gehört hatte sie aber bestimmt davon. It was through responsible brothers that each issue was raised for consideration. Yet, she certainly had heard of it. Doch weder buchstäbliche Höhlen noch "Berge" in Form von politischen oder kommerziellen Organisationen werden ihnen dann irgendwelchen Schutz bieten. Various scholars agree that these are weeks of years. Yet, neither literal nor "the mountain " of political or commercial organizations will offer any protection. Die Abreise eines stolzen, unnahbaren Mannes hätte gewiss nicht solche Reaktionen ausgelöst. It is no wonder that Jehovah had chosen them to care for his Son during the first part of Jesus ' earthly life. The flight of a proud man would certainly not have been overcome by such reactions. Beim Vorlesen kann das Wort übergangen werden. It may be that he, like other Pharaohs, worshipped his own image. In public reading, the word can be solved. (b) Inwiefern haben viele Übersetzer keinen Respekt vor Gottes Namen gezeigt? This was not a prison of refuge. (b) How have many non - translators shown respect for God's name? Doch manchmal kommt es eben anders als geplant. Mic Chapter 2 reveals that the wealthy and powerful are oppressing the weak and helpless. At times, though, the situation is different. Die große Liebe, die ihn dazu veranlasste, " für jedermann den Tod zu schmecken ', treibt unser Herz an. Why can we be confident that Jehovah hears and is concerned when we cry out to him? The great love that moved him to " taste death for everyone. ' Von anderen treuen Dienern Gottes wissen wir es sicher. Parents show a similar spirit when they devote much of their time and they sacrifice personal interests in order to give spiritual training to their children. We can be sure of other faithful servants of God. Jehova wird gepriesen, weil er so großzügig für uns sorgt, weil er imstande ist zu retten und weil er uns entrinnen hilft. I was either too tired to listen or just didn't want to be bothered. Jehovah is praised because he is able to save us because he is able to save us and provide escape for us. Die verwendete Bibelübersetzung ist, wenn nicht anders angegeben, die Neue - Welt - Übersetzung der Heiligen Schrift - mit Studienverweisen. Satan challenged the way Jehovah exercises his sovereignty. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Wir haben bestimmt allen Grund, uns aufmerksam mit diesen Beispielen zu befassen, denn Jehova ließ Paulus aufschreiben: "Diese Dinge nun widerfuhren ihnen fortgesetzt als Vorbilder, und sie sind zur Warnung für uns geschrieben worden, auf welche die Enden der Systeme der Dinge gekommen sind." Clearly, our form of worship does not cause weariness and discouragement. We have every reason to consider these examples, for Jehovah inspired Paul: "Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived. " Welches liebevolle, aber ernste Gebot gab Jehova Adam? All will be tested in one way or another, and no one should expect to be exempt. What loving command did Jehovah give Adam? (Lies Sprüche 16: 7.) Indeed, several thousand Maya, Aztecs, and others are to be found among the 572,530 Kingdom publishers in Mexico. (Read Proverbs 16: 7.) Frieden für tausend Jahre - und bis in alle Ewigkeit! • What is involved in reaching the goal of baptism? Peace for a thousand years - and for all eternity! Allerdings hatte er jahrelang gespielt, geraucht sowie Alkohol und Drogen missbraucht. Does David rejoice when he learns what has befallen his son? However, for years, he had been smoking, smoking, and drug abuse. 1, 2. (a) Worum betete Jesus an seinem letzten Abend mit den Aposteln? That is because such young ones are going against the will of Satan, the one who taunts God. 1, 2. (a) What did Jesus pray for on his last night with his apostles? Gerade um diese Zeit erschienen im Königreichsdienst praktische Tipps, wie man bei kurzen Rückbesuchen vorgehen kann. How, then, can we reap what is good? Consider some practical suggestions on how to use brief return visits during the Kingdom Ministry School. (b) Welche Frage stellt sich nun? What about Christians? (b) What question will we consider? (b) Wie weit geht die christliche Nächstenliebe? We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. (b) How far does Christian love work out? Diese Voraussage erfüllt sich heute und macht deutlich: Gott greift bald ein. How can prayer help us not to succumb to temptations? This prophecy is now undergoing fulfillment and makes clear that God will soon use an attack. Nachdem er einer Samariterin bei Sychar in Samaria gepredigt hatte, sagte er zu seinen Jüngern: "Meine Speise ist, dass ich den Willen dessen tue, der mich gesandt hat, und sein Werk vollende." Evidently, their godly conscience moved them to preserve the lives of the babies. After preaching to a Samaritan woman at Samaria, he told his disciples: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Eine enge Freundschaft zu Jehova können wir alle aufbauen, ob wir reich oder arm sind, jung oder alt, gesund oder krank. Jesus had just discussed his "faithful and discreet slave. " We can build close friendship with Jehovah, whether we are rich, poor, old, or poor. Natürlich habe ich noch mit meiner Krankheit zu kämpfen, und ich weiß auch nicht, wie es schließlich damit ausgeht. Knowing that a wicked, immoral man had influenced your son against you, would you turn to that man and ask him to punish your son for you? Of course, I still struggle with my illness, and I do not know how the outcome will come. Einige Wissenschaftler sagen, die Evolutionstheorie und wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen auf verschiedenen Gebieten würden beweisen, dass man nicht mehr an Gott zu glauben brauche, weil alles natürlich zu erklären sei. ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 67, 91 Some scientists say, of course, that the theory of evolution and scientific teaching would prove that we do not need to believe in God. Wie würdest du antworten? The apostle Paul explains: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. How Would You Answer? Um schwere Sünden, mit denen sich ein Rechtskomitee befassen müsste, geht es bei Konflikten zwischen Brüdern natürlich eher selten. (b) In what ways does Jehovah help us? Of course, it is often easy to take into account serious sins involving fellow believers. Dieser Bund bildet für sie die Rechtsgrundlage, mit Jesus im Himmel regieren zu dürfen. Illustrate how living in harmony with what we teach can produce good results. That covenant constitutes the legal basis for them to rule with Jesus in heaven. Durch dieses Opfer kann Gott Barmherzigkeit üben und auf der Grundlage des Glaubens an Jesus Sünden vergeben. 2: 25 - 27. (a) Why should we not be surprised if some in the congregation are depressed? This sacrifice can result in God's mercy and on the basis of faith in Jesus. Auch in schweren Zeiten die Freude behalten At last, though, they stand at the threshold of the Promised Land. Maintain Joy in Times of Distress • Wie berührt es uns, dass Jesus bereit war, sein Leben zu opfern? With whom do we have the privilege to communicate, and why is that so amazing? • How should we feel about Jesus ' willingness to sacrifice his life? Die Schwester antwortete: "Mein Begleiter und ich sind Zeugen Jehovas." How did Jehovah help Job to correct his thinking? The sister answered: "My companion and I are Jehovah's Witnesses. " Nachdem Moses gestorben war, wollte Satan seinen Leichnam anscheinend irgendwie für seine Zwecke missbrauchen, vermutlich um Israel zum Götzendienst zu verleiten. It cannot be accounted for by the drive of individual selfish genes to perpetuate themselves. " After Moses died, Satan apparently wanted to misuse his body in order to lead Israel into idolatry. Oft kann sich der Mann schneller auf die Frau einstellen als andersherum, aber emotionell sollte es für beide ein guter Zeitpunkt sein. How wonderful that must have been! Often, the man's wife is more likely to work on her mate than on her own, but it should be a good time for both to be a good time. (Lies Daniel 12: 4.) The yeartext for 2009 will be: "Bear thorough witness to the good news. " - Acts 20: 24. (Read Daniel 12: 4.) Moses war nämlich schon nahezu 1 500 Jahre tot, als Jesus, der Messias, auftrat. While fear can exert a weakening influence, the feeling of dread is even more severe. Moses was already dead for nearly 1,500 years when Jesus, the Messiah. SEITE 21 He said: "It is written, " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " - Luke 4: 8. " THE SHOWY DISPLAY OF ONE'S MEANS OF LIFE " ARTICLE 4 Das hebräische Wort, das mit "ohne Tadel" wiedergegeben wird, deutet nach dem Bibelübersetzer Robert Alter "auf Integrität oder sogar Unschuld hin." When we are faced with temptations to do things that are displeasing to Jehovah, on what do we focus our attention? The Hebrew word rendered "without counsel " is indicated by the Bible's translation of age," in integrity, or even in innocence itself. " " Zuerst das Königreich... zu suchen "macht immer glücklich und zufrieden. It is not the kind of attention that people seek in the academic, business, and entertainment fields of this world. " First seeking first the kingdom " is always happy and satisfied. Dabei denken wir vielleicht an David - ein einfacher Hirte, der ein mächtiger König wurde. What is the pure language, and how do we "speak " it? At such times, we may think of David - a lowly shepherd who became a mighty king. Lukas war also in jedem Fall kein Laie, der mit irgendwelchen Ratschlägen zum Thema Gesundheit um sich warf. Now, if you had to choose a single word to characterize Jesus ' ministry, you would likely select the word "love, " would you not? Note, then, that Luke was not a matter of health. Der erste steht in 1. Korinther 15: 33 und lautet: "Schlechte Gesellschaft verdirbt nützliche Gewohnheiten." It can teach you how to " Bad associations spoil useful habits, " states 1 Corinthians 15: 33. Doch zu der von Jehova bestimmten Zeit kommen ihre Lügen immer ans Licht, und ihr "Gerede der Unwissenheit" wird wirksam zum Schweigen gebracht. Christians today have been commissioned to do the vital work of preaching the good news of God's established Kingdom. In Jehovah's due time, however, their lies always come to light, and their " mustering up boldness ' will be brought to silence Jehovah's people. Alle Beteiligten hatten stark unter den Folgen zu leiden. He is someone who faithfully and courageously tends, feeds, and guards his flock. All involved were coping with the consequences. Lassen wir uns von der "Weisheit von oben" anleiten, dann gehen wir friedlich mit anderen um. Remember: "An answer, when mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up. " If we are guided by "the wisdom from above, " then let us walk peacefully with others. Genau das wird sie während der Tausendjahrherrschaft erhalten, denn Gott "wird jede Träne von ihren Augen abwischen, und der Tod wird nicht mehr sein, noch wird Trauer noch Geschrei noch Schmerz mehr sein." To help strengthen your faith, why not set some short - term goals? One goal could be to pray each day. In fact, during the Thousand Year Reign, God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Im ersten Jahrhundert kämpften die Christen ebenfalls hart gegen den Geist der Welt an. Das machte sie zu ganz anderen Menschen im Vergleich zu denen, die nicht zur Christenversammlung gehörten. After discussing such matters with the fellow believer, an elder will allow him to make his own decision. - Rom. 14: 1 - 4. In the first century, first - century Christians fought hardly against the spirit of the world, which contributed to other people who were not part of the Christian congregation. [ Bild auf Seite 18] Like many families, we lived crowded together. [ Picture on page 18] Verknüpfe ihre Erfahrungen mit konkreten Situationen in deinem Leben. Similarly, though we may be open to a variety of forms of wholesome entertainment, we would not pursue leisure activities that are life - threatening, violent, or morally rotten. Consider what happened in your life. (a) Was versteht man unter einem Verhältnis? Satan uses methods designed to corrupt the desires of the heart. (a) What is a relationship? Wir alle erleben, wie zuverlässig Jesu Versprechen ist. " (Lies Matthäus 6: 33.) They are no measure of superiority or of inferiority; they are simply differences. We all experience the reliable fulfillment of Jesus ' promise. " - Read Matthew 6: 33. Während der Tausendjahrherrschaft werden sie machtlos sein und danach werden sie vernichtet. LONELINESS is not the same as solitude. During the Thousand Year Reign, they will be destroyed and afterward they will be destroyed. SEITE 16 Consequently, they saw themselves as sinners in more ways, and more people were exposed as sinners. ARTICLE 3 Wie sehr die Worte des Apostels Paulus auf treue Christen zutreffen: "Ich [halte] dafür, dass die Leiden der gegenwärtigen Zeit nichts bedeuten im Vergleich zu der Herrlichkeit, die an uns geoffenbart werden wird." Everlasting Life on Earth - A Christian Hope? How much of the apostle Paul's words to faithful Christians apply to faithful Christians: "I hold this time to see that the suffering of this time does not mean to be revealed to us in comparison with the glory that will be revealed to us. " Das zeigen die Worte des Apostels Paulus an die Ältesten aus Ephesus: "Ich weiß, dass nach meinem Weggang bedrückende Wölfe bei euch eindringen und die Herde nicht schonen werden, und aus eurer eigenen Mitte werden Männer aufstehen und verdrehte Dinge reden, um die Jünger hinter sich her wegzuziehen." But even now there are rewards. Jesus said: "Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit everlasting life. " Note the apostle Paul's words to the elders from Ephesus: "I know that after my way of oppressive wolves will enter into you and will not enter among the flock, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " Zur Diskussion gestellt wurde jede dieser Fragen durch verantwortliche Brüder. Let us put forth an effort to support the new arrangements. In answer to each of these questions, the responsible brothers were asked to answer these questions. Dabei handelt es sich nach Meinung vieler Bibelgelehrter um "Wochen" von Jahren. Satan misapplied a scripture, but Jesus showed that He had a complete understanding of Jehovah's Word. Many Bible scholars think that it is "out of the years. " Erstell dir doch einen Zeitstrahl und notiere daneben Schlüsseltexte, die zeigen, wie Gott mit der Zeit Einzelheiten zu 1. Why could Paul say that "Christ is the power of God "? He gave you a period of time, reasoning, and attitude that show how God would handle matters during the first century C.E. Kein Wunder, dass Jehova diese beiden ausgesucht hatte, sich in den ersten Lebensjahren seines Sohnes hier auf der Erde um ihn zu kümmern! 6: 16. No wonder Jehovah chose those two of his Son to take care of him here on earth! Möglicherweise betete dieser Pharao, wie viele andere Pharaonen auch, sogar sein eigenes Bild an. What enticements to err do you have to resist? That Pharaoh may have prayed, as did many other Pharaoh's other Pharaoh, even his own image. War die Stadt aber wie ein Zufluchtsgefängnis? " For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. " - 1 COR. But was the city like a refuge? Kapitel 2 zeigt, dass die Wohlhabenden und Mächtigen die Schwachen und Hilflosen unterdrücken. Second, the song illustrates the type of love that exists between Jesus Christ and the congregation of anointed Christians. - 2 Corinthians 11: 2; Ephesians 5: 25 - 31. Mic Chapter 2 shows that the rich and powerful, the weak, and blinded the weak. Warum können wir überzeugt sein, dass Jehova uns hört und sich um uns kümmert, wenn wir zu ihm rufen? Jehovah promises to repay that debt with favor and blessings. Why can we be confident that Jehovah hears us and cares for us when we call to him? Von demselben Geist zeugt es, wenn Eltern persönliche Interessen zurückstellen und viel Zeit darauf verwenden, ihre Kinder zu eifrigen Dienern Jehovas zu erziehen. Jehovah is not the ruler of this corrupt system of things; Satan the Devil is. The same spirit shows that parents are willing to give up personal interests and use much time to train their children to serve Jehovah zealously. Entweder war ich zu müde oder ich wollte nicht gestört werden. (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) Either I was tired or I didn't want to stumble. Satan stellte die Art und Weise infrage, wie Jehova seine Souveränität ausübt. How does a Christian know that he or she has the heavenly calling? Satan challenged Jehovah's sovereignty. Es führt nicht zu Erschöpfung oder Entmutigung. One who is somewhat younger can realize what it means to do what is right and to be dedicated to his Creator. It does not lead to tiredness or discouragement. Niemand sollte meinen, bei ihm sei es anders. It is arrogant, therefore, to dismiss faith in God as unscientific. Nobody should think that it was different with him. Und einige Tausend der 572 530 Königreichsverkündiger in Mexiko sind unter Indianervölkern wie den Maya und den Azteken zu finden. The freedom that is associated with the spirit of Jehovah, however, is more than liberation from physical slavery. And some of the ten thousand Kingdom publishers in Mexico are full - time preachers, such as the auxiliary pioneers, and the www.jw.org. • Wie kann man das Ziel erreichen, sich taufen zu lassen? 3: 18. How was the foretold rulership of the Messiah fulfilled? • How can you reach the goal of getting baptized? Ist David froh, als er hört, was seinem Sohn zugestoßen ist? The nation was about to cross the river Jordan to take possession of the Promised Land. How happy David is when he listens to what his son is! Denn schließlich widersetzen sich junge Leute damit dem Willen Satans, der Gott verhöhnt. • Have my drinks become stronger? For instance, young ones have been exposed to Satan's will, the God of justice. Wie können wir aber Gutes ernten? Will these remain faithful to God regardless of what adversity and hardship may come upon them? How, though, can we reap what is good? War es bei Christen anders? 16, 17. (a) What should we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the king and the slaves? What about Christians? Wir dürfen in einem geistigen Paradies leben, wo wir mit geistiger Speise in Hülle und Fülle versorgt werden und von lieben Brüdern und Schwestern umgeben sind. The bread represented Jesus ' perfect, sinless human body, which fittingly had been offered as a ransom sacrifice. We have the privilege of living in a spiritual paradise where we enjoy abundant spiritual food and with fellow believers. Wie kann das Gebet uns davor bewahren, einer Versuchung zu erliegen? Timothy said, "I eagerly await the day in God's new world when " the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped... and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness. ' " How can prayer prevent us from succumbing to temptation? Sie lebten zu der Zeit, als die Israeliten in Ägypten Sklaven waren. Jehovah is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works. " They lived at the time when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. Jesus hatte gerade über den "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" gesprochen. Simply try to think of examples of the point being discussed. Jesus had just referred to "the faithful and discreet slave. " Marco B.: Herr L., jetzt sagen Sie mal: Würden Sie ausgerechnet so jemand beauftragen, Ihr eigenes Kind zu bestrafen? 3: 23 - 26; 4: 25; 8: 30. Why do we conclude that Romans chapter 8 should be of interest to those with the earthly hope? Mauricio: Well, would you say that if you were to punish someone with your own child? SEITE 21 • LIEDER: 67, 91 (Read Zechariah 6: 5 - 8.) ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 91, 91 Der Apostel Paulus erklärte: "Die aber, die entschlossen sind, reich zu werden, fallen in Versuchung und in eine Schlinge und in viele unsinnige und schädliche Begierden, die die Menschen in Vernichtung und Verderben stürzen. Like Jehovah, we need to be patient. The apostle Paul stated: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which bring destruction upon men and ruin. (b) Wie hilft uns Jehova? [ Picture on page 12] (b) How does Jehovah help us? Beschreibe, wie es sich auswirken kann, wenn wir selbst nach dem leben, was wir lehren. Those who give in to temptation may think that they still have a good standing with Jehovah. Give an example of how applying what we teach can have a bearing on what we teach. (a) Warum müssen wir damit rechnen, dass auch in der Versammlung einige niedergeschlagen oder depressiv sind? We do everything in our power to maintain peace with our brothers, even when we feel that we have been misunderstood or treated unfairly. (a) Why can we expect that some in the congregation are depressed or depressed? Doch jetzt stehen sie endlich an der Grenze des Landes der Verheißung! The attendant could then see the angelic hosts. Now, though, they are at last in the line of the Promised Land! Mit wem dürfen wir in Verbindung treten, und warum ist das so erstaunlich? Love "hopes all things, " including that those who have left Jehovah will come back to him. With whom should we compare, and why is this amazing? Wie half Jehova Hiob, sein Denken zu korrigieren? ARE you a Kingdom proclaimer? How did Jehovah help Job to adjust his thinking? Er kann nicht auf den Erhaltungsdrang individueller egoistischer Gene zurückgeführt werden. " Great joy will be ours too if we maintain faith in the face of adversity. He cannot be subjected to the full - time ministry. " Wie wunderbar das gewesen sein muss! I viewed the spirit coming down as a dove out of heaven, and it remained upon him. How wonderful that must have been! Jahrestext für 2009: "Legt gründlich Zeugnis ab für die gute Botschaft" All in all, the book covers a period of 70 years - from 537 to 467 B.C.E. yeartext for 2009: "You bear thorough witness to the good news Furcht und Schrecken können jemand so zusetzen, dass er wie gelähmt ist. • in the family? Fear and feeling of dread can cause a person to become like paralyzed. Jesus antwortete augenblicklich: "Es steht geschrieben: " Jehova, deinen Gott, sollst du anbeten, und ihm allein sollst du heiligen Dienst darbringen "." What could be more important? Jesus immediately answered: "It is written: " Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " Worauf konzentrieren wir uns denn, wenn wir uns versucht fühlen, etwas zu tun, was Jehova nicht gefällt? [ Pictures on page 17] What, then, should we focus on if we try to do something that Jehovah does not approve of? Wir suchen keine Bestätigung in einer akademischen Laufbahn, der Geschäftswelt oder der Unterhaltungsindustrie. By keeping their life simple, Andrew and his wife have even had the privilege of being in full - time service. We do not look for a higher career, the commercial world, or entertainment. VORAUSSETZUNGEN FÜR DIE "EINBÜRGERUNG" How grateful we can be for the help Jehovah has provided by means of his holy spirit and the mature ones in the congregation! HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Müssten wir uns jetzt für ein einziges Wort entscheiden, das Jesu Dienst charakterisiert, kämen wir wahrscheinlich auf das Wort "Liebe." Jesus ' departure was observed only by his loyal followers. If we were to decide that Jesus ' ministry is an expression of love, we would probably start to use the word "love. " Die Bibel zeigt, wie man As a result, Sarah "began to humiliate her, " and Hagar ran away. The Bible shows how we can show it. Christen haben heute den Auftrag, die wichtige gute Botschaft von Gottes aufgerichtetem Königreich zu verkündigen. What, though, about women? Christians today have the commission to proclaim the vital good news of God's established Kingdom. Er kümmert sich treu und mutig darum, dass seine Herde die nötige Nahrung und den erforderlichen Schutz erhält. " If you observe my commandments, " said Jesus, "you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love. " He loyally cares for his flock and gives them the needed food and protection. Denk daran: "Eine Antwort, wenn milde, wendet Grimm ab, aber ein Wort, das Schmerz verursacht, lässt Zorn aufkommen." God sent forth his Son, his first creation, from His wifelike organization of spirit creatures in heaven to be the promised "seed. " Remember: "An answer when mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up. " Damit dein Glaube richtig stark wird, könntest du dir auch einige schnell erreichbare Ziele setzen - zum Beispiel jeden Tag zu beten. Likely, some of them were among the Nethinim who returned from Babylon and served at the rebuilt temple. For your faith to be strong, you too might set aside goals, such as prayer each day. Jegliche Befugnis der Aufseher stammt aus der Heiligen Schrift. Ten of them returned with a bad report. The authority of the overseers comes from the Scriptures. Wie viele andere lebten wir sehr beengt. Jesus ' point was clear. Like many of us, we were very comfortable. Genauso sind wir zwar offen für verschiedenste Formen unbedenklicher Unterhaltung, lassen uns aber auf nichts ein, was lebensgefährlich, von Gewalt geprägt oder sittlich verdorben ist. But later, when she returned for visits, he resented her presence. Similarly, we have many forms of entertainment, but we do not allow it to become a life - threatening, violent, or wicked one. Mit seinen Methoden zielt Satan darauf ab, in unserem Herzen verkehrte Wünsche zu wecken. [ Picture on page 15] Satan uses his methods to appeal to our wrong desires in our heart. Sie taugen nicht als Gradmesser für Überlegenheit oder Minderwertigkeit - es sind schlicht und einfach Unterschiede. We should make it a point to be present and to carry out our assignment. They do not limit the amount of design or design that is merely noted and simply differences. EINSAMKEIT ist nicht gleich Alleinsein. What questions would unbaptized adolescents do well to ask themselves? IT IS not a single thing. Sie merkten, in wie vielen Bereichen sie sündigten; auch wurden durch das Gesetz viel mehr Menschen als Sünder bloßgestellt. This calls to mind the words of Malachi 4: 1: "The day is coming that is burning like the furnace, and all the presumptuous ones and all those doing wickedness must become as stubble. They felt that in many ways they sinned, they were given much more than sinners. Ewiges Leben auf der Erde: Eine christliche Hoffnung? All unmarried Christians who are doing their best to serve Jehovah deserve our genuine commendation and encouragement. Everlasting Life on Earth - A Christian Hope? Jesus sprach aber auch von einem sofortigen Lohn: "Jeder, der um meines Namens willen Häuser oder Brüder oder Schwestern oder Vater oder Mutter oder Kinder oder Ländereien verlassen hat, wird vielmal mehr empfangen und wird ewiges Leben erben." Our love for God can greatly help us. Jesus also spoke of a immediate reward: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. " Dann bemühen wir uns doch, unseren Wochenplan umzustellen und das zu unterstützen. The Outcome - Always Good? Doing so will help us to make good use of our weeks and to assist them. Um ihn dazu zu bewegen, wendete der Teufel einen Bibeltext falsch an, doch wie man sieht, verstand Jesus das Wort Jehovas voll und ganz. Those include such things as "fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, envies, drunken bouts, revelries. " Jesus ' understanding of Jehovah's Word helped him to make a wrong point. Warum konnte Paulus sagen, Christus sei "die Kraft Gottes"? If you allow your decisions to be guided by what you read in the Scriptures and in publications of "the faithful and discreet slave, " you will experience the refreshing and stabilizing influence of Jehovah's inspired Word. Why could Paul say that Christ was "the power of God "? 6: 16. See pages 24 and 25 of the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? 6: 16. Frag dich doch bitte einmal: "Was für Versuchungen könnten mir persönlich gefährlich werden?" Why, though, can we be sure that these two books should be of concern to us today? Do you need to ask yourself, " What temptations could I be dangerous? ' " So, wie in Adam alle sterben, so werden auch in dem Christus alle lebendig gemacht werden ." Tristram noted: "I once watched a shepherd playing with his flock. " Just as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. " Zweitens vermittelt das Lied ein Gefühl für die tiefe Liebe zwischen Jesus Christus und der Versammlung gesalbter Christen. What checklist will we consider? Second, the song provides a feeling of deep love between Jesus Christ and the congregation of anointed Christians. Er verspricht, diese Schuld in Form von Gunst und Segen zu erstatten. Note who were instructed to attend gatherings for worship: men, women, and little ones. He promises to blame this form of favor and blessing. Nicht Jehova, sondern Satan, der Teufel, ist der Herrscher der verderbten Welt. It is true that those on the program should do their utmost to employ the art of teaching and especially to reach hearts. Not Jehovah, Satan the Devil, is the ruler of this wicked world. (Lies Apostelgeschichte 28: 17, 23, 24.) Recognition did come, but not in the way Mary may have expected. (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) Woher weiß ein Christ, dass er die "himmlische Berufung" hat? 15, 16. How does a Christian know that he has the heavenly calling? Selbst ein Kind kann also schon begreifen, was es heißt, das Richtige zu tun und seinem Schöpfer hingegeben zu sein. Display Christ's Mental Attitude Toward Wrongdoers Therefore, a child may already understand what it means to do and to dedicate his life to Jehovah. Den Glauben an Gott als unwissenschaftlich abzutun, ist daher vermessen. These fulfilled prophecies strengthen our faith in Jehovah as the Fulfiller of his promises. Clearly, faith in God is presumptuous. Zur Freiheit, die durch Jehovas Geist möglich wird, gehört mehr als Befreiung aus buchstäblicher Sklaverei. When we reflect on how their message stirred the Jews to give attention to the work of temple reconstruction, are we not moved to have a zealous share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work? To freedom that is possible, Jehovah's spirit is heard more than physical deliverance. Was ist über die Herrschaft des Messias vorausgesagt worden? In Bible times, a master did not normally share his private thoughts and feelings with his slaves. What was foretold about the Messiah's rule? Die Israeliten standen kurz davor, den Jordan zu überqueren und das verheißene Land einzunehmen. Conducting Bible studies keeps us focused on seeking first the Kingdom. The Israelites were about to cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land. • Trinke ich härtere Sachen? He is unchanging and true to his word; hence, his worshippers today have every reason to trust in him to "help them and provide them with escape. " • Do I drink alcohol? Werden Jehovas Diener treu bleiben, ganz gleich mit welchen Widerwärtigkeiten und Härten sie zu kämpfen haben? Let us, therefore, see how we can show by our actions that we truly understand that "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. " Will Jehovah's servants remain faithful regardless of the trials and hardships they face? 16, 17. (a) Was lernen wir aus Jesu Gleichnis über den König und seine Sklaven? Isaiah also prophesied that Jesus was meant to have "acquaintance with sickness. " 16, 17. (a) What do we learn from Jesus ' illustration about the King and his slaves? Weil Sauerteig oft Verdorbenheit, Schlechtigkeit oder Sünde symbolisiert. But what is it that drew Jesus there, a perfect man without physical defect? Because leaven often promotes corruption, wickedness, or sin. Timothy sagte: "Ich kann es kaum erwarten, wenn in Gottes neuer Welt die Ohren der Tauben aufgetan werden und die Zunge der Stummen jubeln wird." Are you an adult who is sincerely trying to make Jehovah's heart rejoice? " I can hardly expect it in God's new world if the ears of the doves will be opened and the tongue of the crushed ones will cry out. " Jehova ist gut gegen alle, und seine Erbarmungen sind über alle seine Werke. " Regarding the King Jesus Christ, Isaiah 9: 7 foretells: "To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom in order to establish it firmly and to sustain it by means of justice and by means of righteousness, from now on and to time indefinite. Jehovah is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works. " Denken wir uns einfach ein Beispiel aus, das den entsprechenden Gedanken unterstützt. Yet, by reflecting on the vivid accounts of the Gospel writers about Jesus ' ministry and his ways of caring for others, we can gain much insight into the statement "God is love. " For example, consider an example that supports the mind. Warum sollten sich auch diejenigen für Römer, Kapitel 8 interessieren, die hoffen, einmal ewig auf der Erde zu leben? How so? Why should Romans chapter 8 be interested in those who hope to live forever on earth? (Lies Sacharja 6: 5 - 8.) We can help fellow worshippers to maintain their integrity (Read Zechariah 6: 5 - 8.) Wir sollten ebenfalls geduldig sein. " God's kingdom had drawn near ' because Jesus was on hand as King - Designate. We should also be patient. [ Bild auf Seite 12] Some published material is not reviewed at our meetings, but it is prepared for our benefit. [ Picture on page 12] Wer Versuchungen nachgibt, denkt vielleicht, mit seinem Verhältnis zu Jehova sei alles in Ordnung. David complied, and he "got to deliver all that the Amalekites had taken. " - 1 Sam. A person who succumbs to temptation may think that his relationship with Jehovah is everything necessary. Wir tun alles uns Mögliche, um mit unseren Brüdern Frieden zu haben - selbst wenn wir uns missverstanden oder ungerecht behandelt fühlen. Is there someone in your congregation whom you could get to know better? We do everything we can to have peace with our brothers, even if we feel unfair or unfair. Der Bedienstete konnte dann die Engelscharen sehen. Similar reports from around the world indicate that abuse of the elderly is a global problem. The servant's servant could see the most awe - inspiring angels. Liebe "hofft alles," auch dass jemand wieder zu Jehova zurückkehrt. Please note some of the suggestions and scriptures listed in the box "What Will Help You to Keep Following the Christ? " Love " children all things, " including those who return to Jehovah. BIST du ein Königreichsverkündiger? After a terrorist attack in one country, many were left in a state of shock. ARE you a Kingdom proclaimer? Auch wir werden große Freude ernten, wenn wir unter Schwierigkeiten den Glauben bewahren. Let us consider what the apostle Paul urged us to do in this regard. We too will reap great joy if we maintain faith under difficult circumstances. Ich sah den Geist wie eine Taube aus dem Himmel herabkommen, und er blieb auf ihm. 2: 7. How has Jehovah taught us to be integrity keepers? I saw the spirit coming down like a dove out of heaven, and he remained on his side. Alles in allem wird in dem Buch eine Zeitspanne von 70 Jahren behandelt: 537 bis 467 v. u. Could I merely be going through the motions and floating along, as it were, without my heart being fully involved with the truth? Each year, the book covers a period of 70 years - from 537 B.C.E. to 537 B.C.E. • in der Familie Men and trees differ, but the luxuriance of a tree planted beside a plentiful water source evidently reminded the psalmist of the spiritual prosperity of those whose "delight is in the law of Jehovah. " • in the family? Was könnte wichtiger sein? Was Jesus now using leaven to represent the growth of something negative? What could be more important? [ Bilder auf Seite 17] 10: 21. Jehovah considers such occasions for worship and mutual encouragement so important that he inspired the apostle Paul to urge us not to forsake our meeting together. [ Pictures on page 17] Andrew und seine Frau achteten darauf, ein einfaches Leben zu führen, und dadurch war es ihnen sogar möglich, Vollzeitprediger zu sein. ▪ You may have many Bible translations to choose from in your language. When he and his wife were on their way to live a simple life, they even made it possible for them to be full - time ministers. Wie dankbar können wir doch sein, dass uns Jehova durch seinen heiligen Geist und durch reife Christen in der Versammlung hilft! In time, though, Laban tried to exploit Jacob, changing his wages ten times! How grateful we can be that Jehovah helps us by means of his holy spirit and through mature Christians in the congregation! Jesu Weggang hatten nur seine loyalen Nachfolger beobachtet. When Jehovah sent Nathan to rebuke David, the prophet obeyed and acted courageously, even though he was loyal to David. Jesus ' approach had seen only his loyal followers. Ein Engel Jehovas begab sich zu ihr und wies sie an: "Kehre zu deiner Herrin zurück, und demütige dich unter ihre Hand." I had finally found the truth, and it was wonderful! Jehovah's angel went to her and instructed her: "Do come back to your mistress, and humble yourself under her hand. " Und die Frauen? That must have seemed very strange to those observing them. What about women? Jesus sagte: "Wenn ihr meine Gebote haltet, werdet ihr in meiner Liebe bleiben, so wie ich die Gebote des Vaters gehalten habe und in seiner Liebe bleibe." What may hold some back from getting baptized? Jesus said: "If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love. " Gott nahm seinen Sohn, seine erste Schöpfung, aus der himmlischen Gemeinschaft von Geistgeschöpfen (seine "Frau") heraus, damit er der verheißene "Same" werden konnte. Jehovah's Witnesses are well - known for their political neutrality. God accepted his Son, his first creation, from the heavenly spirit - spirit creatures, to become his "woman, " so that he could become the promised" promised Seed. " Wahrscheinlich gehörten einige von ihnen zu den Nethinim, die aus Babylon zurückkehrten und dabei mitwirkten, den Tempel wieder aufzubauen. By providing spiritual food at the proper time, the faithful slave class has helped millions to find "the roadways of long ago " and to walk with God. Likely, some of these were members of Babylon the Great who returned from Babylon to rebuild the temple. Zehn von ihnen kehrten mit einem schlechten Bericht zurück. In what way might there be a need for caution in the congregation today? Ten returned with a bad report. Was Jesus sagen wollte, lag auf der Hand. Like Jesus, Be Zealous Jesus ' point was based on what he was saying. Wie so oft bei zurückgelassenen Kindern war er der Meinung, sie hätte kein Recht mehr auf seinen Gehorsam und seine Zuneigung. 22, 23. As often as he left children, he no longer had a right to reason on his obedience and affection. [ Bild auf Seite 15] They had heard of the crisis from others on the bus. [ Picture on page 15] Dann setzen wir doch alles daran, sie auch zu halten. Why does our figurative heart need protection, and how can righteousness effectively safeguard it? By doing so, we do all we can to keep them. Was sollten sich Jugendliche fragen, die sich noch nicht haben taufen lassen? (Read Colossians 4: 6.) What question should youths who have not yet been baptized? Das erinnert an die Worte in Maleachi 4: 1: "Der Tag kommt, der brennend ist wie der Ofen, und alle Vermessenen und alle, die Böses tun, sollen wie Stoppeln werden. In Jehovah's eyes you will "do well, " whether you are single or married. This reminds us of the words recorded at Malachi 4: 1: "The day coming forth like the furnace, and all the presumptuous ones who are to do evil, and all who are to be like fat. Wir lieben jeden Einzelnen wegen seiner schönen Eigenschaften und all dem Wertvollen, was er in die Versammlung einbringt. Despite advancing years and "days of distress, " they continue to praise God to the best of their ability. We love each individual for his beautiful qualities and for the valuable things he finds in the congregation. Doch unsere Liebe zu Gott kann uns dabei sehr helfen. For example, rather than asking your daughter how her day went, you could comment on how your day was. However, our love for God can help us to do so very much. Die Auswirkungen - immer gut? They dismiss it as an illusion, an unrealistic dream for gullible people. The results - always good manners? Dazu gehören "Hurerei, Unreinheit, zügelloser Wandel, Götzendienst, Ausübung von Spiritismus, Feindschaften, Streit, Eifersucht, Wutausbrüche, Wortzänkereien, Spaltungen, Sekten, Neidereien, Trinkgelage, Schwelgereien und dergleichen Dinge." Explain how Isaiah 53: 7 was fulfilled. These include "uncleanness, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, idolatry, idolatry, spiritism, strife, jealousy, strife, strife, strife, divisions, divisions, divisions, divisions, divisions, jealousy, and other things. " Wer sich bei Entscheidungen von dem leiten lässt, was er in der Bibel und den Publikationen des "treuen und verständigen Sklaven" liest, wird die Erfahrung machen, dass ihm das Wort Jehovas großen Halt und neue Kraft gibt. In Eden, his argument was that each individual can and should decide what is good and what is bad, doing so independent of God. Those who allow themselves to be guided by Jehovah's Word and the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave " are reading the experience of Jehovah's word and power. Siehe das Buch Gibt es einen Schöpfer, der an uns interessiert ist?, Seite 24 und 25. (b) Why do we need to heed Jesus ' warning? See the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? Wieso sind diese beiden Bibelbücher dann aber für uns von Belang? 7, 8. How, though, are these two books relevant to us? Tristram: "Einmal beobachtete ich, wie ein Hirte mit seinen Schafen spielte. Thus Jesus showed that the Kingdom - preaching work itself would be an important feature of the sign. " I watched how a shepherd involved his sheep. Was für eine Checkliste werden wir genauer untersuchen? Will my decisions help me to grow spiritually? What kind of checklist will we consider? Männer, Frauen und die Kleinen. Ja, die Kinder und Jugendlichen sollten dabei sein. How did the need for the water of life arise, and what is represented by that water? Men, women, and little ones, should do so. Natürlich sollten alle am Programm Beteiligten ihr Bestes geben, damit sie gut lehren und besonders das Herz ansprechen. The Israelites obediently followed what direction? Of course, all involved in the program should do their best to teach them well and especially appeal to the hearts of others. Tatsächlich wurde Jesus geehrt, aber nicht so, wie Maria vielleicht dachte. " Preach the word,... reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all long - suffering and art of teaching. " - 2 TIM. 4: 2. Indeed, Jesus was honored, not as Mary may have felt. 15, 16. One way is for you to "keep walking by spirit " and cultivating its fruitage. 15, 16. Sich an Christi Gesinnung ausrichten, wenn jemand gesündigt hat (b) How can a wife show discernment, and what effort should a husband make? Maintain Christ's mental attitude when someone has sinned Die Erfüllung dieser Prophezeiungen stärkt unseren Glauben daran, dass Jehova seine Verheißungen immer wahr macht. Although God's servants are imperfect, they form a true international brotherhood. The fulfillment of these prophecies strengthens our faith in Jehovah's promises. Werden wir nicht angeregt, uns eifrig am Predigen des Königreiches und am Jüngermachen zu beteiligen, wenn wir überlegen, wie ihre Botschaft die Juden anspornte, sich dem Wiederaufbau des Tempels zu widmen? Would I decide to miss meetings or field service so as to increase my income? Will we not encourage zealous participation in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work if we consider how the Jews urged us to devote themselves to the rebuilding work? In biblischen Zeiten sprach ein "Herr" mit seinen "Sklaven" normalerweise nicht über seine Gedanken und Gefühle. What can we learn from how Joseph dealt with trials? In Bible times, a "Lord " usually spoke to his slaves about his thoughts and feelings. Ein Bibelstudium zu leiten hilft uns, darauf konzentriert zu bleiben, zuerst das Königreich zu suchen. We read: "It came about that when Jezebel cut off Jehovah's prophets, Obadiah proceeded to take a hundred prophets and keep them hid by fifties in a cave, and he supplied them bread and water. " Bible study helps us to focus on seeking first the Kingdom. Er ändert sich nicht und hält immer Wort. Also haben seine Anbeter heute allen Grund, darauf zu vertrauen, dass er auch "ihnen helfen und sie entrinnen lassen" wird. Note Jesus ' further words: "Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet. " He does not change, so his worshippers have every reason to trust that he will deliver them and escape them. Wie können wir daher durch unsere Taten erkennen lassen, dass wir Folgendes wirklich verstanden haben: "Jehova, unser Gott, ist ein Jehova"? How should we respond to Christ's ransom sacrifice? How, then, can we show that we truly understand that "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah "? Jesaja hatte auch vorausgesagt, Jesus sei "für das Vertrautsein mit Krankheit" bestimmt. Furthermore, he counsels us to be obedient and to submit to the direction of these appointed men. Isaiah had also foretold that Jesus "did this with sickness. " Er hatte Mitleid mit den Menschen, und deshalb sprach er einen Mann an, der schon viele Jahre krank war - länger als Jesus auf der Erde lebte. (Read Acts 6: 1 - 6.) He felt compassion for the people, so he spoke to a man who had been sick for many years - longer than Jesus lived on earth. Ist dir beispielsweise sehr daran gelegen, das Herz Jehovas zu erfreuen?. DECEMBER 10 - 16, 2012 For example, do you want to make Jehovah's heart rejoice? Und über den König Jesus Christus wird in Jesaja 9: 7 vorhergesagt: "Für die Fülle der fürstlichen Herrschaft und den Frieden wird es kein Ende geben auf dem Thron Davids und über seinem Königreich, um es fest aufzurichten und es zu stützen durch Recht und durch Gerechtigkeit von nun an und bis auf unabsehbare Zeit. For example, David refers to a trusted friend, one who used to eat bread with him, as betraying him. Moreover, the King Jesus Christ is prophesied at Isaiah 9: 7: "For the abundance of the rulership and the peace of David and the end of his throne, and there will be no end to David's throne and to complete it through righteousness and by time indefinite. Lassen wir dagegen die anschaulichen Evangelienberichte über Jesu Dienst und seinen fürsorglichen Umgang mit anderen auf uns wirken, lernen wir ungleich mehr darüber, was die Aussage "Gott ist Liebe" bedeutet. " Whom Jehovah loves he disciplines, " wrote Paul. On the other hand, let us learn more about Jesus ' ministry and his caring association with others about what the expression "God is love. " Wieso kann das gesagt werden? But what does it mean to use the spirit of a sound mind? Why? Wir können Glaubensbrüdern helfen, treu zu bleiben In 2012, Nisan 14 of the Bible calendar begins at sundown, Thursday, April 5. We can help fellow believers to remain faithful Gottes Königreich hatte sich "genaht," weil Jesus als designierter König zugegen war. Humble elders do not view themselves as superior to fellow believers. God's Kingdom had "felt at all, " for Jesus as King - Designate had become King - Designate. Alles, was veröffentlicht wird, soll uns weiterhelfen - auch wenn es nicht auf dem Programm für die Zusammenkünfte steht. Why is now the time to support Christ's brothers? Everything published by Jehovah's Witnesses can help us to do research on the program. David gehorchte und "befreite schließlich alles, was die Amalekiter genommen hatten." By all means, then, pray for it! David obeyed and obeyed "all that the Amalekites had taken place. " Gibt es in deiner Versammlung jemand, den du noch nicht so gut kennst? How? Is there someone in your congregation who you do not know well? Wie ähnliche Berichte aus anderen Ländern zeigen, handelt es sich dabei um ein weltweites Problem. On the way to Kadesh, in the Wilderness of Paran, there are at least three cases of complaint. Like similar accounts from other countries, it is a worldwide problem. Schau dir doch bitte einmal die Tipps und die Bibelstellen in dem Kasten "Was kann dir helfen, dem Christus beständig zu folgen?" 2: 16. Friendship With Christ Today Do you see the suggestions and scriptures found in the box "What Can Help You Keep Following the Christ? " Ein Terroranschlag versetzte viele Bürger des betroffenen Landes in einen Schockzustand. What are some aftereffects of moral uncleanness? Many citizens of the land were affected when they were in a state of state. Sehen wir uns einmal an, was uns der Apostel Paulus diesbezüglich ans Herz legt. What an unscrupulous attempt to get the worship belonging to Jehovah and to induce Jesus to prove unfaithful to God! Let us see what the apostle Paul urged us to do in this regard. Wie hat uns Jehova gelehrt, ihm vollständig ergeben zu bleiben? Why, even Moses was denied entry to that land because of his reaction to the bad spirit of the congregation of Israel! How has Jehovah taught us to maintain integrity? Könnte es sein, dass vieles für mich einfach Routine ist, ich mich quasi auf dem Weg der Wahrheit mittreiben lasse, ohne so richtig mit dem Herzen bei der Sache zu sein? Serve the God of Freedom Could it be that many things are simply harder for me to draw close to the truth without doing what is right with the heart? Menschen sind etwas ganz anderes als Bäume. Aber ein üppiger Baum an einer wasserreichen Quelle erinnerte den Psalmisten an einen Menschen, der geistig gedeiht, weil er "seine Lust hat an dem Gesetz Jehovas." Is the treatment based on the belief that sickness and death are caused either by offended gods (or ancestral spirits) or by enemies who employ witchcraft? People are nothing other than trees, but a beauty tree in a bright tree reminds the psalmist of a man who makes spiritual prosperity "his delight in the law of Jehovah. " Gebrauchte Jesus den Sauerteig hier ebenfalls als Sinnbild für das Wachstum von etwas Schlechtem? • From what subtle forms of idolatry must we flee? Did Jesus use the leaven here to represent the growth of something bad? Diese Gelegenheiten zur Anbetung und zur gegenseitigen Ermunterung sind für Jehova so wichtig, dass er uns durch Paulus dringend rät, das Zusammenkommen nicht aufzugeben. They will be "steadfast, unmovable " in their loyal service to Jehovah and will continue publicly to praise Jehovah for his loving - kindness. Jehovah's provisions for worship and encouragement are so important to us that he urges us not to forsake our meeting together. ▪ Meist hat man ja mehrere Bibelübersetzungen zur Auswahl. Indeed, we have even more reason to do so than Job had! ▪ In many cases, you have used several Bible translations to guide your mind. Dann versuchte Laban jedoch, seinen Neffen auszubeuten und änderte zehnmal den Lohn!. you may wonder. After all, the Bible says that the Beroeans were "more noble - minded than those in Thessalonica,... carefully examining the Scriptures daily. " However, Lot tried to change his nephew Lot's nephew Lot and changed the reward. Als Nathan davon erfuhr und von Jehova zu David gesandt wurde, um diesen zurechtzuweisen, gehorchte er mutig. Instead, Pilate cynically replied: "What is truth? " When Nathan heard about this and received deliverance from Jehovah, he courageously obeyed these discipline. Endlich hatte ich die Wahrheit gefunden, und sie war wirklich wunderbar! What, though, is the basis of the resurrection hope? Finally, I found the truth, and she was truly wonderful! Das muss allen, die den Bau beobachteten, sehr fremdartig erschienen sein. Jesus said to the Pharisee Nicodemus: "He that practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, in order that his works may not be reproved. This must have been very different from those who observed the building work. Warum zögern einige, sich taufen zu lassen? I feel that what I chose is the very best way of life. " Why might some hesitate to get baptized? Jehovas Zeugen sind für ihre politisch neutrale Haltung bekannt. Let us, though, focus on his son - a king and also a Bible writer - Solomon. Jehovah's Witnesses are known for their political neutrality. Der treue und verständige Sklave sorgt für geistige "Speise zur rechten Zeit" und hilft dadurch Millionen, die " Pfade der Vorzeit ' zu finden und mit Gott zu wandeln. Our own hearts should be stirred and our personal attachment to Jehovah strengthened as we reflect on his mercy and compassion. The faithful and discreet slave provides spiritual food for "food at the proper time, " helping millions to find" the paths of long ago " and walk with God. (Lies 3. Johannes 9, 10.) Wovor müssen wir uns auch heute hüten? How, though, could those Christians actually present themselves "a sacrifice " to God? (Read John 9, 10.) Jesu Eifer nachahmen • What six steps can we take to make sure that our decisions honor God? Imitate Jesus ' zeal 22, 23. Doing so will help us to continue to bear fruit and not wither spiritually in these difficult last days. - Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97. 22, 23. Sie hatten von den anderen im Bus von dem Vorfall gehört. Let us consider a few examples. They had heard about the other bus at the temple. Warum muss unser sinnbildliches Herz geschützt werden, und wie ist das mit Gerechtigkeit zu erreichen? Just before stating that "the night is well along; the day has drawn near, " Paul wrote:" You people know the season, that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers. " Why must our figurative heart be protected, and how is it to reach righteousness? (Lies Kolosser 4: 6.) Even in private, we could be tempted to do something displeasing to God. (Read Colossians 4: 6.) Dann wirst du aus der Sicht Jehovas "gut tun," ob du ledig oder verheiratet bist. 3: 13. Then you will benefit from Jehovah's viewpoint, whether you are single or married. Obwohl sie nicht mehr die Jüngsten sind und unter den "unglücklichen Tagen" des Alters zu leiden haben, tun sie nach wie vor ihr Bestes, Jehova zu preisen. [ Picture on page 12] Although they are no longer in the days of old age and are suffering during "the calamitous days " of old age, they are still doing their best to praise Jehovah. Ein Beispiel: Statt die Tochter zu fragen, wie ihr Tag war, könnte man erzählen, wie der eigene Tag gewesen ist. Jehovah extended to them the warm invitation recorded at Amos 5: 4: "Search for me, and keep living. " For example, instead of asking the daughter about her day, you might say how the day had been. In ihren Augen ist das versprochene ewige Leben im Paradies nur etwas für Leichtgläubige. It is understandable that different climates and the change of seasons influence what we wear. In their eyes, the promise of everlasting life in Paradise is simple. Wie erfüllte sich Jesaja 53: 7? The faithful prophet Daniel saw a vision in which Jehovah delegated ruling authority to his Son. Yet, in an earlier prophecy, he described Jesus as "the lowliest one of mankind. " How was Isaiah 53: 7 fulfilled? In Eden behauptete er, jeder könnte und sollte unabhängig von Gott selbst entscheiden, was gut und böse ist. He was a shepherd, an occupation abhorred by the Egyptians. In Eden, Satan claimed that everyone could and that God would choose what is good and what is bad. (b) Warum müssen wir Jesu Warnung ernst nehmen? They had been warmly welcomed by Pharaoh, who knew and appreciated Joseph. (b) Why must we take Jesus ' warning seriously? 7, 8. Although in the Christian Greek Scriptures the word "hope " frequently applies to the heavenly reward of anointed Christians, in this article, hope in the general sense is discussed. 7, 8. Wie Jesus zeigte, ist das Predigen des Königreiches an sich schon ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Zeichens. For instance, consider the following Bible prophecies: Jesus showed that the Kingdom - preaching work is an important aspect of the sign. Treffe ich Entscheidungen, die mir helfen, als Geistesmensch zu wachsen? Study Edition Will my decisions help me to grow as a spiritual person? Wie kam es, dass die Menschen Wasser des Lebens benötigen, und wofür steht dieses Wasser? " Of Great Value in the Eyes of God " How did mankind need water of life, and what is its Source? Auf welche Ermahnung hörten die Israeliten? I will give advice with my eye upon you. " What admonition did the Israelites receive? " Predige das Wort..., weise zurecht, erteile Verweise, ermahne, mit aller Langmut und Kunst des Lehrens ." In that way, you keep personal affairs in their proper place. " Preach the word, reprove, exhort, exhort, with all long - suffering and art of teaching. " Indem man sich zum Beispiel beständig vom Geist leiten lässt und dessen Frucht hervorbringt. Was this command in any way unjust, unnecessary, or unreasonable? For example, by being continually led by the spirit and its fruitage. (b) Was zeichnet eine kluge, verständige Ehefrau aus, und worum sollte sich ein Ehemann bemühen? He " rose ' in 1914 when God's Kingdom was born in heaven, marking the dawn of a new era. (b) What is a wise, discreet wife, and what should a husband strive to do? Obwohl unvollkommen, bilden Gottes Diener eine echte internationale Bruderschaft. The apostle Paul wrote: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. Although imperfect, God's people form a true international brotherhood. Würde ich Zusammenkünfte versäumen oder weniger in den Predigtdienst gehen, um mein Einkommen zu verbessern? On one occasion Pashhur, a priest, struck him and had him put in the stocks. Would I miss meetings or spend less hours in the ministry to improve my secular work? ' Was können wir daraus lernen, wie Joseph mit belastenden Situationen fertig wurde? What has occurred in our time with regard to the calling of the anointed? What can we learn from Joseph's adversities? Der Bericht lautet: "Es [geschah], als Isebel Jehovas Propheten vom Leben abschnitt, dass Obadja dann hundert Propheten nahm und sie, je fünfzig in einer Höhle, versteckte, und er versorgte sie mit Brot und Wasser." Another translation reads: "All the different parts of [the body are] to make each other's welfare their common care. " The account says: "It was when Jezebel turned away from Jehovah's prophets that Obadiah took a hundred prophets and kept them in a cave, and he fed them with bread and water. " Beachten wir Jesu weitere Worte: "Wo jemand euch nicht aufnimmt noch auf eure Worte hört, da schüttelt den Staub von euren Füßen, wenn ihr aus jenem Haus oder jener Stadt hinausgeht." What if you are a wife and you feel that your unbelieving husband does not treat you properly? Note Jesus ' further words: "Where anyone does not receive, yet upon your words the dust of your feet, when you walk out of that house or from that city. " Woran zeigt sich, dass wir für Christi Loskaufsopfer von Herzen dankbar sind? Why may we feel discouraged when preaching in less responsive territories? How can we show our gratitude for Christ's ransom sacrifice? Außerdem rät er uns, zu gehorchen und uns der Anleitung dieser ernannten Männer zu fügen. Solomon was a very active king. He also urges us to obey and submit to the direction of those appointed men. (Lies Apostelgeschichte 6: 1 - 6.) How can we improve our understanding of "the deep things of God "? (Read Acts 6: 1 - 6.) bis 16. DEZEMBER 2012 My request was approved, and I started working the new schedule within one month. " © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Die Umstände, die in dem Psalm beschrieben werden, deuten allem Anschein nach auf die schwere Zeit im Leben Davids hin, als sein Sohn Absalom den Thron rauben wollte. Am I continuing to obey Jesus by making the preaching and disciple - making work the main focus of my life? ' - Read 2 Corinthians 13: 5. The circumstances described in the psalm were likely evident in the period of David's life when his son Absalom was trying to wipe out the throne. " Wen Jehova liebt, den züchtigt er ," erklärte Paulus. The following article will address these matters. " Whom Jehovah loves he reproves, " said Paul. Hiskias Worte machten dem Volk Mut (Siehe Absatz 12, 13) Then, as more and more of those with the earthly hope - symbolically like the stick "for Joseph " - joined the anointed, the two groups became" one flock. " Hezekiah's words encouraged the people (See paragraphs 12, 13) Nur: Was genau ist denn mit "gesundem Sinn" gemeint? He then puts on his outer garments. What, though, does it mean to have "soundness of mind "? Nisan nach dem jüdischen Kalender am Donnerstag, dem 5. April, bei Sonnenuntergang. After the establishment of God's Kingdom in 1914, Satan was ousted from heaven and confined to the vicinity of the earth, having "great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " While on Nisan 14, on Nisan 10, on Nisan 10, on Nisan 10, on Nisan 14, on Nisan 10, 2010, on Nisan 10, 2010, on Nisan 14, on Nisan 10, 33 C.E., on Nisan 10, 33 C.E. Dann kam der nächste Schock: Mein jüngerer Bruder, der mit mir Zusammenkünfte von Jehovas Zeugen besucht hatte, ertrank ebenfalls. They do not look upon people in a fleshly way, that is, showing favoritism on the basis of wealth, race, or ethnic or national origin. Then the next day, my younger brother, who had attended meetings with me from Jehovah's Witnesses, also got closer to me. Ein demütiger Ältester fühlt sich seinen Glaubensbrüdern nicht überlegen. You trust the promise: "There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. " A humble elder does not feel superior to his fellow believers. Warum ist jetzt die Zeit, Christi Brüder zu unterstützen? All four sons serve as elders. Why is now the time to support Christ's brothers? Beten wir also unbedingt darum. Doing so, we will learn not only what this quality is but also how it can be acquired and manifested in all our dealings. By all means, then, let us pray for God's help. Wie? But what about dealing with someone who is defiant and shows little or no remorse? How? Auf dem Weg nach Kadesch in der Wildnis Paran wird bei mindestens drei Gelegenheiten gemurrt. • To keep integrity, what dangers must we be aware of and avoid? At Kadesh in the wilderness, at least three occasions, there will be at at least three occasions. Freundschaft mit Christus heute The ability to express our thoughts and feelings in words is truly a marvel. Maintaining friendship with Christ Today Was sind einige Nachwirkungen sittlicher Unreinheit? We must be careful not to neglect our privilege of service. What are some moral uncleanness? Was für ein dreister Versuch, die Anbetung, die allein Jehova gebührt, an sich zu reißen und Jesus dazu zu verleiten, sich von Gott abzuwenden! 133: 1. Philippi was a Roman colony. Whatever three attempts to hinder pure worship from serving Jehovah, Jesus allowed himself to turn away from God! Selbst Moses durfte es nicht betreten, weil er sich vom schlechten Geist der Versammlung Israels hatte beeinflussen lassen. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE 5 "Just One More Drink " Even Moses could not enter it because he had been influenced by the bad spirit of the congregation of Israel. Diene dem Gott der Freiheit This oath is the covenant that Jehovah made with Jesus Christ to serve as King and High Priest. - Luke 22: 29. Serve the God of Freedom Beruht die Heilmethode auf dem Glauben, Krankheit und Tod würden entweder von gekränkten Göttern (oder Ahnen) hervorgerufen oder von Feinden mithilfe von Zauberei verursacht? If so, you likely felt hurt - and understandably so. Does this mean that a person's faith, sickness, or death would be weakened by gods or by enemies? • Vor welchen weniger leicht erkennbaren Formen des Götzendienstes müssen wir fliehen? The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. " • What less subtle forms of idolatry do we need to flee? " Standhaft, unbeweglich "und loyal werden sie Jehova dienen und ihn weiterhin wegen seiner liebenden Güte öffentlich preisen. Whom in particular should we not repay with evil? " They will never serve Jehovah loyally and continue praising him because of his loving - kindness. Im Vergleich zu Hiob haben wir noch mehr Grund dazu. More than anything, spiritual qualities will help you to be successful in serving Jehovah fully. In comparison with Job, we have more reason to do so. In der Bibel heißt es doch, die Beröer seien "edler gesinnt" gewesen "als die in Thessalonich..., indem sie täglich in den Schriften sorgfältig forschten." ARTICLE 2 The Bible says that the Samaritan were "like a fine - minded man " in Thessalonica, carefully examining the Scriptures daily. Zynisch entgegnete er: "Was ist Wahrheit?." How can all promote unity in the congregation and help others to let their light shine? He replied: "What is truth? " Worauf beruht denn überhaupt die Auferstehungshoffnung? For example, he rebuked James and John for wanting to call down fire from heaven on some Samaritans who had not received him. What is the basis of the resurrection hope? Jesus sagte zu dem Pharisäer Nikodemus: "Wer schlechte Dinge treibt, hasst das Licht und kommt nicht zum Licht, damit seine Werke nicht gerügt werden. Hence, certain provisions for life became available after that. Jesus told the Pharisee Nicodemus: "He that hates bad things hates the light and does not come to light, that his works may not be tolerated. Ich finde, ich habe mich für den allerbesten Lebensweg entschieden. " We, though, have willingly come to know Jehovah. I feel that I have chosen the very best way of life. " In diesem Artikel wollen wir uns aber etwas näher mit seinem Sohn Salomo befassen - ebenfalls ein König und Bibelschreiber. But to persons defiled and faithless nothing is clean. " - TITUS 1: 15. In this article, however, we will consider some of Solomon's son Solomon - a king and Bible writer. Auch uns sollte es innerlich berühren, wenn wir über Jehovas Barmherzigkeit und sein Mitgefühl nachdenken, und wir sollten uns dadurch noch stärker zu ihm hingezogen fühlen. While it was not wrong to gather wood, it was wrong to use time that should have been set aside to worship Jehovah to do so. We too should be affected by reflecting on Jehovah's mercy and compassion, and we should draw closer to him. Wie konnten sich aber jene Christen eigentlich Gott als " ein Schlachtopfer ' darstellen? We used a recorded language course. How, though, could those Christians present themselves to God as "a sacrifice "? • Welche sechs Schritte führen uns zu Entscheidungen, die Gott auch wirklich ehren? Even in Bible times, however, miraculous deliverance was the exception rather than the rule. • What six steps can we take to make decisions that honor God? (Lies Psalm 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97.) In some countries, about half of the people who marry eventually divorce. (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97.) Sehen wir uns dazu einige Beispiele an. However, some key questions arise: What is a vow? Let us consider some examples. Bevor Paulus erklärte: "Die Nacht ist vorgerückt; der Tag hat sich genaht," hatte er seine Mitchristen aufgefordert, "die besondere Zeit" zu erkennen und "aus dem Schlaf zu erwachen." Warum? " To those who have been trained by it, " Paul states, "it yields peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness. " Before he declared: "The night has drawn near; the day has drawn near, " he urged fellow Christians to discern" the special time " and to " awake from sleep. " Sogar im ganz privaten Bereich könnten wir versucht sein, etwas zu tun, was Gott missfällt. Finally, Joshua and Caleb said with great emotion: "The land that we passed through to spy it out is a very, very good land. Even in private, we could be tempted to do something displeasing to God. Wünschst du dir Jehovas Vergebung? By Way of Review Would you like to receive Jehovah's forgiveness? [ Bild auf Seite 12] another might ask after being treated unkindly. Such feelings may cause us to overlook the principal issues and concentrate entirely on personal circumstances. [ Picture on page 12] An sie ließ Jehova die herzliche Einladung ergehen, die in Amos 5: 4 aufgezeichnet ist: "Sucht nach mir, und bleibt am Leben." Of course, not all acts of kindness involve such tragedy and personal sacrifice. To them, Jehovah extended the warm invitation recorded at Amos 5: 4: " search for me, and keep living. " Verständlicherweise beeinflussen unterschiedliche Umstände sowie das Klima und der Wechsel der Jahreszeiten unsere Kleidung. Consider two types of trials that we may encounter. Understandably, we have different circumstances and the climate and the change of clothing. Der treue Prophet Daniel sah in einer Vision, dass Jehova seinem Sohn Jesus Herrschaftsgewalt übertrug, wiewohl dieser in einer früheren Prophezeiung Daniels als " der niedrigste der Menschen ' bezeichnet wird. " I expected to be recommended as an elder soon, " Ryan relates, "but a year went by without that happening. " In vision, the faithful prophet Daniel saw that Jehovah used his Son to exercise rulership, as well as that of Daniel's earlier prophecy as "the one of mankind. " Seine Tätigkeit als Schafhirte wurde von den Ägyptern verabscheut. " That is not the case at the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses.... His work as a shepherd was despised by the Egyptians. Sie wohnten in kleinen Städten und weideten ihre Herden. When disfellowshipped and thus handed over to Satan, the sinner was again part of the Devil's world. They lived in small cities and feed their flocks. In den Christlichen Griechischen Schriften bezieht sich das Wort "Hoffnung" zwar häufig auf den himmlischen Lohn gesalbter Christen, doch in diesem Artikel ist von der Hoffnung im allgemeinen Sinn die Rede. Making a Living In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the word " hoped " often refers to the heavenly reward of anointed Christians, but this article refers to the general hope of hope. Hier nur ein paar Beispiele: Faith comes from learning about Jehovah, regularly communicating with him in prayer, and discerning how he protects and blesses us. - Joshua 23: 14; Luke 17: 5; Romans 10: 17. Consider just a few examples. Studienausgabe If we want our discipline to reach hearts, what must we do? Study Edition " In den Augen Gottes von großem Wert " It is not to be viewed as a spiritual license or passport, determining our eligibility for everlasting life. " in the sight of God of great value. " - 2 COR. Mein Auge auf dich richtend, will ich dir raten ." To have God's holy spirit and to enjoy his approval, we must cultivate and maintain humility. - James 4: 6. I will give advice with my eye upon you. " So achtet man darauf, dass persönliche Angelegenheiten nicht mehr Raum einnehmen als ihnen zusteht. We must handle our responsibilities as instructed. By doing so, we make sure that personal matters are not limited to them. War etwas an diesem Gebot ungerecht, unnötig oder unvernünftig? For this reason, Jesus told his audience: "Listen to me, all of you, and understand the meaning. " - Mark 7: 14. Was this command unfair, unnecessary, or unreasonable? Er " ging auf ', als 1914 im Himmel Gottes Königreich aufgerichtet wurde. Das kennzeichnete den Anbruch einer neuen Ära. There is nothing about such Biblical counsel that mature Christians cannot understand. He "went up, " when God's heavenly Kingdom was established in 1914. Der Apostel Paulus schrieb: "Ob ihr esst oder trinkt oder sonst etwas tut, tut alles zur Verherrlichung Gottes. Self - forgiveness can be "the most difficult to achieve, " yet" the most important to health " - mental and physical - according to the journal Disability & Rehabilitation. The apostle Paul wrote: "Although you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. In einem Fall wurde er von Paschhur, einem Priester, geschlagen und dieser ließ ihn in den Stock legen. ARTICLE 4 In one case, he was released from Path - sheba, a priest, beaten, and put him in his arms. Was ist in unserer Zeit in Bezug auf die Berufung von Gesalbten geschehen? I pray that millions more of mankind will study the Bible, accept the truth, and serve Jehovah unitedly with our worldwide Christian brotherhood. What about the calling of anointed ones in modern times? Eine andere Übersetzung lautet: ..." sondern ein Glied für das andere sorgt" (Bruns). What do reports show regarding alcohol abuse and sexual immorality among university students? Another translation reads: "In yet a member of the congregation cares for the others. " Bist du eine Schwester in einem religiös geteilten Haus und findest, dass dein Mann dich nicht richtig behandelt? That has always been and will always be an essential part of pure worship. If you are a sister in a religiously divided household, do you find that your husband does not treat you properly? Warum kann es entmutigend sein, in einem schwierigen Gebiet zu predigen? 14: 6, 7. Why can it be discouraging to preach in challenging territory? Salomo war ein sehr tatkräftiger König. (b) What balance did Jesus display regarding his work? Solomon was a mighty king. Wie können wir "die tiefen Dinge Gottes" besser verstehen lernen? Others may have tried to use what was holy for selfish gain. How can we better understand "the deep things of God "? Ich bekam das Okay und schon nach einem Monat arbeitete ich weniger. " The next article will strengthen our faith by making us aware of present - day events that are progressively giving further insight into the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I got it, and after a month, I worked less. " Höre ich weiter auf ihn und stelle das Predigen und Jüngermachen in meinem Leben allem voran? (Lies 2. Korinther 13: 5.) Such fellow students as Larry Androsoff, Norman Dittrick, and Emil Schneider eventually accepted the truth, and they are serving Jehovah loyally to this day. Do I keep on listening to him and see the preaching and disciple - making work first in my life? - Read 2 Corinthians 13: 5. Darum geht es im nächsten Artikel. Although the material is presented in a way that appeals to youths, the information is based on timeless Scriptural principles, and all of us can benefit from these spiritual provisions. This will be considered in the following article. Mit der Zeit schlossen sich ihnen immer mehr Personen an, die hoffen, ewig auf der Erde zu leben - vergleichbar mit dem Stab "für Joseph." So wurde aus zwei Gruppen "e i n e Herde." Rock formations around the location of the first Meribah are solid granite. In time, they joined more individuals who hope to live forever on earth, like the rod "for Joseph two groups. " Nachdem 1914 Gottes Königreich aufgerichtet worden war, wurde der Teufel aus dem Himmel in die Umgebung der Erde hinabgeschleudert. Seither hat er "große Wut, da er weiß, dass er nur eine kurze Frist hat." Present - day congregations have symbolic stars, and anointed ones will be given "the bright morning star, " the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, when they are resurrected to heaven. - Revelation 22: 16. After God's Kingdom was established in 1914, Satan has been hurled out of heaven down to the vicinity of the earth, having "great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " Gesalbte beurteilen andere nicht nach rein menschlichen - fleischlichen - Kriterien: Sie bevorzugen niemand aufgrund der finanziellen Situation, Herkunft, Rasse, Ethnie oder Staatsangehörigkeit. We need not be in dread of Satan or his human agents. Anointed Christians refrain from being clean - fleshly - minded - do not show favoritism for financial background, race, race, race, or race. Ferner vertrauen wir auf folgendes Versprechen: "Es [gibt] neue Himmel und eine neue Erde, die wir gemäß seiner Verheißung erwarten, und in diesen wird Gerechtigkeit wohnen." The members of the bride class are unyielding in their devotion. We also trust in this promise: "There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. " Alle vier sind Älteste. From among these he will appoint "princes in all the earth. " All four are elders. Außer der Bedeutung von Milde werden wir auch erfahren, wie man diese Eigenschaft erwerben und im Umgang mit allen Menschen an den Tag legen kann. The Bible states: "David's fame began to go out into all the lands, and Jehovah himself put the dread of him upon all the nations. " - 1 Chron. In addition to mildness, we will learn how to acquire this quality and to exhibit it in our dealings with all men. Anschließend schlug ich noch in einem Wörterbuch nach. The earth is very, very far from being a paradise filled with happy people. Then I turned to a dictionary. Was aber, wenn sie jemand vor sich haben, der sich rebellisch aufführt und kaum eine Spur von Reue zeigt? Sign - Language Publications Make a Difference What, though, if they have been deceived by rebellious acts and fail to show a lack of repentance? • Welcher Gefahren müssen wir uns unbedingt bewusst sein, wenn wir die Lauterkeit bewahren möchten? " Not everyone saying to me, " Lord, Lord, ' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, " said Jesus, "but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. " • What dangers do we need to be aware of if we are to maintain integrity? Unsere Fähigkeit, Gedanken und Gefühle in Worte zu kleiden, ist wirklich ein Wunder. For the rest of her life, she dwelled in tents as an alien in the Promised Land. Our ability to dress, thoughts, and feelings in words truly is a miracle. Diesen wertvollen Dienst dürfen wir nicht vernachlässigen. She was unclean under the Law, so she should not have touched anyone. We should not neglect this privilege of service. Philippi war eine römische Kolonie. Angels are involved in some of the remarkable things that occur in "the Lord's day. " Philippi was a Roman office. 3 Sie boten bereitwillig ihre Hilfe an - in Brasilien Those are beautiful, reassuring words. Surely no one in all the universe is more trustworthy than our beloved heavenly Father. 3 They Offered Their Help in Brazil Dieser Schwur hat mit dem Bund zu tun, den Jehova mit Jesus Christus für ein König - und Priestertum schloss. Further, Christians have faced grave health problems or serious family crises. This sworn promise has made to do with the covenant that Jehovah made with Jesus Christ for a king - and priest. Wenn ja, dann warst du wahrscheinlich gekränkt, und das zu Recht. We find refuge today in the spiritual security enjoyed by God's people as a whole. If so, you likely became offended and were right. Die Mahnung Jehovas ist zuverlässig, macht den Unerfahrenen weise. " " Bless Jehovah, O my soul, " he sang, "and do not forget all his doings. " The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. " Wem im Einzelnen dürfen wir niemals Böses mit Bösem vergelten? Since "the Chief Agent of life " personally understands what it is like to feel grief," he is able to come to the aid of those who are being put to the test. " To whom must we never repay evil for evil? Gottgefällige Eigenschaften sind für den Erfolg im Vollzeitdienst wichtiger als alles andere. To help them disseminate Bible truth in various languages, Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was legally incorporated in 1884, with Brother Russell as president. Godly qualities are more important than anything else in the full - time ministry. SEITE 7 How encouraging it is to see so many youths joining the ranks of those who have decided to serve Jehovah! ARTICLE 2 Wie tragen alle zur Einheit in der Versammlung bei? Such comments, along with good questions, can help a child to develop "thinking ability " and to build faith in God. - Prov. How do all contribute to unity in the congregation? Jesus wies zum Beispiel Jakobus und Johannes zurecht, weil sie auf Samariter, die ihren Herrn nicht aufgenommen hatten, Feuer vom Himmel herabrufen wollten. He was 110 when "he gave a command concerning his bones, " namely, that when the Israelites finally left Egypt, they were to take his bones with them. For example, Jesus reproved James and John because they refused to wear fire from heaven. Manches von dem, was Leben ermöglicht, wurde erst von dieser Zeit an verfügbar. (b) What does "the mountain of the olive trees " represent? Something that makes life possible only from that time. Wie viel besser, Jehova aus freien Stücken kennenzulernen! She began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and eventually got baptized. How much better it is to learn about Jehovah from his free will! Den Befleckten aber und Ungläubigen ist nichts rein ." When did Jehovah command Noah to build the ark? But to persons defiled and faithless nothing is clean. " Holz aufzulesen war an sich nicht verkehrt, aber es war verkehrt, dafür Zeit zu nutzen, die für die Anbetung Jehovas hätte reserviert sein sollen. " A turning point came about 15 years after I was baptized. On the other hand, if you were not wrong, it was wrong for you to set aside time for Jehovah's worship. Wir besorgten uns einen Sprachkurs auf Kassette. As human governments near their end, we can expect them to become less and less tolerant of our neutral stand. We ought to pay attention to a publication that will help us to pay attention to the work. Allerdings war es auch in biblischer Zeit nicht die Regel, sondern eher die Ausnahme, wenn jemand durch ein Wunder gerettet wurde. These reassuring words first applied to the Israelites of old who returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon. However, in Bible times, it was not the rule of a person who was miraculously saved. In einigen Ländern wird etwa die Hälfte aller Ehen geschieden. Yet, how that changed when she exercised faith! In some lands, half of all marriages end in divorce. Es stellen sich jedoch einige wichtige Fragen: Was ist ein Gelübde? " We must obey God as ruler rather than men " However, some important questions arise: What is a vow? Man möchte "eine friedsame Frucht" erzielen, "nämlich Gerechtigkeit," wie Paulus erläuterte. " I smoked for 27 years, " says a man named Bhagwandas, "but because of learning what the Bible says about unclean habits, I decided to quit. We want to "be peaceable with righteousness, " as Paul explained. Schließlich sagten Josua und Kaleb tief bewegt: "Das Land, das wir durchzogen haben, um es auszukundschaften, ist ein sehr, sehr gutes Land. I haven't had any of your Bible literature for a long time. After all, Joshua and Caleb were moved to say: "The land we went through, to send it up, is a very good land. Zur Wiederholung His ear was attuned to God's guidance. By Way of Review Mit diesen Empfindungen ist man völlig auf seine persönlichen Umstände konzentriert und übersieht die Streitfragen, um die es eigentlich geht. They did not focus just on themselves and their personal comfort. Such feelings are totally focused on his personal circumstances and the issues involved. Damit man Gutes tun kann, muss sich nicht erst ein Unglück ereignen und es sind auch nicht immer persönliche Opfer nötig. Christ will be the King, and he will have as corulers 144,000 faithful humans taken from the earth. - Revelation 14: 1. To do good, we must not only experience calamity but also make personal sacrifices. Betrachten wir nun zwei Arten etwas näher. This time, the wicked "vine of the earth " will be cast into the great winepress of Jehovah's anger, to the complete destruction of Satan's system of things. Let us consider two ways. " Ich erwartete, bald als Ältester empfohlen zu werden ," erzählt er. " Doch ein Jahr ging ins Land und nichts passierte. " Immediately after this incident with Lot, Jehovah promised Abraham great blessings. " I expected to be helpful soon as an elder, " he relates, "but a year went into the land and did not do anything. " " Das ist auf dem Kongress der Zeugen Jehovas anders. As evidenced by the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, since 1914 we have been in "the Lord's day. " " This is different from the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Als der Betreffende ausgeschlossen und so dem Satan übergeben wurde, gehörte er wieder zur Welt des Teufels. Is It True That You Do Not Believe in Jesus? When the person was disfellowshipped and thus handed down to Satan, he was again part of Satan's world. Sorgen um den Lebensunterhalt Using a powerful illustration to describe this area of self - evaluation, the disciple James says: "Become doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning. anxiety for a living person Der Glaube wächst, indem man Jehova kennen lernt, regelmäßig zu ihm betet und darauf achtet, wie er uns beschützt und segnet. The remnant of the 144,000 anointed ones make up that slave class today. Faith moves us to come to know Jehovah regularly, pray regularly, and look to him for protection and blessing. Wie erleichtern wir es anderen, Rat von uns anzunehmen? Approaching God's throne through prayer. How can we benefit from counsel to others? Der Bericht ist nicht als Passierschein für das Tor zum ewigen Leben aufzufassen. Instead, he wrote: "If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work. " The account is no longer a price for the opening gate for everlasting life. Wenn wir Gottes Geist haben möchten und wollen, dass uns Jehova als bewährt ansieht, müssen wir daran arbeiten, demütig zu sein und zu bleiben. " They say that I'm immature, that I'll never learn, and that I'm fat. If we want God's spirit to be approved, we must cultivate humility and remain humble. Unseren Pflichten müssen wir so nachkommen, wie es uns gesagt worden ist. Then read Revelation 21: 3, 4. We need to fulfill our duties just as we have been told. Aus diesem Grund sagte Jesus zu seinen Zuhörern: "Hört mir zu, ihr alle, und erfasst den Sinn." How unique will be that day belonging to Jehovah! For this reason, Jesus told his listeners: "Stop judging me, all you, and understand the mind. " Diesen biblischen Rat versteht jeder reife Christ. (See paragraphs 12, 13) This Bible - based counsel is understood by all mature Christians. " Sich selbst zu vergeben ist für die Gesundheit offensichtlich das Wichtigste, aber auch das Schwierigste ," heißt es in der Zeitschrift Disability & Rehabilitation. Such a distorted view of material things breeds anxieties that choke an individual's spiritual development. - Read Matthew 13: 18, 22. " To forgive ourselves is certainly the most important thing for health, " says the magazine magazine. SEITE 28 He seeks to corrupt God's people, thus making them unworthy of God's approval. ARTICLE 4 Ich bete darum, dass noch Millionen die Bibel studieren, die Wahrheit annehmen und in unserer weltweiten Bruderschaft Jehova dienen. Indeed, out of love for his brothers, Paul fully spent himself in strengthening them. I pray that millions of Bible study, accept the truth, and serve Jehovah in our worldwide brotherhood. Was zeigen Berichte über Alkoholmissbrauch und sexuelle Unmoral unter Studenten? A hallmark of a good teacher is that he loves what he teaches. What can be said about alcohol abuse and sexual immorality among students? Liebe ist von jeher eines der Fundamente der reinen Anbetung und wird es immer bleiben. 19, 20. (a) What will help us to endure? Love has long been a foundation of pure worship, and it will always remain. 14: 6, 7. Why might parents consider their children's concerns when making house rules? 14: 6, 7. Als Christen wollen wir uns jedoch unsere Prioritäten nicht von der Welt Satans diktieren lassen. She continues: "When Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on my door, however, my life took a 180 degree turn. " As Christians, however, we do not want to allow our priorities to be influenced by Satan's world. (b) Woher wissen wir, dass Jesus in seinem Dienst ausgeglichen war? May your attitude be like that of David, who sang: "O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. (b) How did Jesus show balance in his ministry? Einige von ihnen erhofften sich vielleicht finanzielle Vorteile davon, dass auch ihre "Herren" Christen waren. " I felt regret.... Some of them may gain financial advantages, as well as their "Lord, " perhaps even their"Lord. " Der nächste Artikel wird unseren Glauben stärken, denn er macht uns auf gegenwärtige Ereignisse aufmerksam, die uns helfen, die Erfüllung biblischer Prophezeiungen immer besser zu verstehen. " A few days later, I read a scripture that changed my life. The next article will strengthen our faith, for he draws us closer to present events that will help us to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Einige Mitschüler nahmen schließlich die Wahrheit an und sind Jehova bis heute treu, darunter Larry Androsoff, Norman Dittrick und Emil Schneider. For instance, is eagerness to serve in a position of oversight among God's people really a humble desire to be helpful and to do the most we can for the advancement of Kingdom interests? Some students eventually accepted the truth and were faithful to Jehovah until today. Der Stoff wird zwar auf eine Weise dargelegt, die junge Leute anspricht, doch die Informationen stützen sich auf zeitlose biblische Grundsätze - und daher sind sie für jeden von Nutzen. If Adam and Eve had respected that gift, the whole earth would have become a paradise filled with happy, righteous servants of God. The material is presented in a way that affects young people, but the information presented in the Bible is based on them - and they benefit from each of them. Die Felsen in der Gegend des ersten Meriba sind aus hartem Granit. The convincing evidence of unseen realities is so strong that faith is said to be equivalent to that evidence. The rock badger in the first region of the region of Meribah is made up of hard ages. Heutige Versammlungen haben sinnbildliche Sterne; Gesalbten wird bei der himmlischen Auferstehung "der hell glänzende Morgenstern" gegeben, der Bräutigam, Jesus Christus. Solomon no longer focused on the precious privilege he had of representing the true God. Today, there are still symbolic stars, anointed ones with the heavenly resurrection, the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. Wir brauchen uns nicht vor Satan und seinen menschlichen Handlangern zu fürchten. 9: 16 - 18. We do not need to fear Satan and his earthly agents. Die Glieder der Brautklasse sind unerschütterlich in ihrer Hingabe. [ Pictures on page 18] The members of the bride class are unshakable in their dedication. So werden sie zu seinen Söhnen. Einige von ihnen wird er zu Fürsten "auf der ganzen Erde" einsetzen. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Thus they will serve as his sons, some of whom he will appoint as princes "in all the earth. " In der Bibel heißt es: "Davids Ruhm begann in alle Länder auszugehen, und Jehova selbst legte den Schrecken vor ihm auf alle Nationen." However, God, "whose name is Jealous, " clearly would not forever attach it to a people who had disowned him and whom he had disowned. The Bible says: "David's fame began in all lands, and Jehovah himself laid down the dread of all the nations upon him. " Aus der Erde ist alles andere geworden als ein Paradies voller glücklicher Menschen. The first question is, "On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? " The earth has become all other than a paradise filled with happiness. Veröffentlichungen in Gebärdensprache The bus driver was not a Witness, and he had reservations about being with the Witnesses for ten days. Bible - based publications in sign Language " Nicht jeder, der zu mir sagt: " Herr, Herr ," wird in das Königreich der Himmel eingehen ," bemerkte Jesus," sondern wer den Willen meines Vaters tut, der in den Himmeln ist ." We will discuss that in our next article. " Not everyone saying to me, " Lord, Lord, ' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, " Jesus observed, "but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens. " Sie lebte als Ausländerin im Land der Verheißung und wohnte dort bis zu ihrem Tod in Zelten. (b) Why do Micah's words apply today? They lived in tents until their death in tents. Nach dem Gesetz war sie jedoch unrein und hätte niemand berühren dürfen. It is as the psalmist put it: "You, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive; and the loving - kindness [or," loyal love "] to all those calling upon you is abundant. " However, they were unclean and should not have been affected by the Law. In Verbindung mit dem "Tag des Herrn" spielen Engel eine bedeutende Rolle. The more time they spent together, the closer they became. Angels play an important role in "the Lord's day. " Das klingt zwar alles sehr ermutigend, und gewiss ist niemand im Universum vertrauenswürdiger als unser geliebter himmlischer Vater. What a marvelous prize! This is comforting, and no one in the universe is more encouraging than our beloved heavenly Father. Schwere Krankheiten oder ernste Probleme im Familienkreis machen auch vor Christen nicht Halt. Are you willing to try something new? Granted, problems, serious problems, or serious problems can affect Christians. Zuflucht können wir heute bei Gottes Volk finden, das Jehova als Ganzes in geistiger Hinsicht beschützt. Can You Explain? Today, we can find refuge in God's people as a whole. " Segne Jehova, o meine Seele, und vergiss nicht alle seine Taten ," schrieb er. • in our family? " O Jehovah, O my soul, and do not remember all his deeds, " he wrote. Der "Hauptvermittler des Lebens" weiß, wie es sich anfühlt zu trauern. Deshalb kann er auch "denen zu Hilfe kommen, die auf die Probe gestellt werden." My quality of life has plummeted. " Since "the Chief Agent of life " knows how to mourn, he can" come to those who are being put to the test. " Das Reinigen des Königreichssaals darf nicht dem Zufall überlassen werden. Job Held High the Name of Jehovah The Kingdom Hall will not be forced to leave there. Damit sie die biblische Wahrheit in verschiedenen Sprachen verbreiten konnten, wurde 1884 die Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society mit Bruder Russell als Präsidenten gesetzlich eingetragen. As a result, God expressed his approval of Abel's offering, rendered in faith, but his disapproval of Cain's, which in some way reflected a lack of faith. For them to spread Bible truth in various languages, the Watch Tower Society of Zion received the Watch Tower Society of Brother Russell's Watch Tower of the Watch Tower Society. Es ist einfach begeisternd zu sehen, wie viele sich in jungen Jahren dafür entscheiden, Jehova zu dienen und sich seinem Volk anzuschließen! The repercussions of such a war against terror, however, have evoked feelings of fear and apprehension in many, but not in those trusting in Jehovah. How thrilling it is to see how many young ones decide to serve Jehovah and to associate with his people! Solche Erklärungen in Verbindung mit guten Fragen helfen einem Kind, "Denkvermögen" und Glauben an Gott zu entwickeln. What is responsible for this widespread spiritual darkness? Such explanations in connection with good questions help a child to develop "power of discernment " and to cultivate faith in God. Er war 110 Jahre alt und "gab Befehl hinsichtlich seiner Gebeine," wonach die Israeliten seine Gebeine mitnehmen sollten, wenn sie Ägypten schließlich verlassen würden. Simeon put faith in the Messianic prophecies and was "waiting for Israel's consolation. " He was 110 years old and "went order concerning his bones, " where the Israelites would carry out his bones if they finally left Egypt. (b) Was stellt der "Berg der Olivenbäume" dar? 138: 6. 13, 14. (a) When might Jehovah " leave us alone to put us to the test '? (b) What does "the mountain of the olive trees " represent? Mir war auch klar, dass ich eine Menge ändern musste, wenn ich dazugehören wollte. We must never "return evil for evil, " in word or in deed. - Rom. 12: 17; read 1 Peter 3: 16. I also realized that I needed to change a multitude of changes when I wished to live. Wann gebot Jehova Noah, die Arche zu bauen? 120: 1, 2, 6, 7. When did Jehovah command Noah to build the ark? " Etwa 15 Jahre nach meiner Taufe kam ein Wendepunkt. It is understood that this psalm was written when his son Absalom schemed to steal the kingship from him. " About 15 years after my baptism, a turning point came. Daher können wir damit rechnen, dass sie unserer neutralen Haltung gegenüber immer intoleranter werden. Then, when you are faced with peer pressure, you will be able to reply promptly and with confidence. Hence, we can expect that they will become ever more involved in our Christian neutrality. Diese Mut machende Aussage richtete sich damals an die Israeliten, die aus der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft nach Jerusalem zurückkehrten. To a considerable extent, the strength of our defenses depends on our own efforts. That encouraging statement was applied to the Israelites who returned from Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem. Doch ihr Leben änderte sich drastisch, als sie Glauben ausübte! • What is the highest purpose we can have in life? But she changed her life as a result of her faith. " Wir müssen Gott, dem Herrscher, mehr gehorchen als den Menschen " SONGS TO BE USED: 57, 36 " We must obey God as ruler rather than men " " Ich habe 27 Jahre geraucht ," erzählt Bhagwandas," aber als ich erfuhr, was die Bibel über unreine Gewohnheiten sagt, wollte ich damit aufhören. What false tongues rose up against Jehovah's servants in the first century? " I have been smoking for 27 years, " she says, "but when I learned what the Bible says about unclean habits, I wanted to stop doing so. Ich habe schon lange keine biblische Literatur mehr von Ihnen gelesen. Why may we be sure that Abraham never regretted his loyal obedience to Jehovah? I have not read Bible literature for a long time. Sein Ohr war darauf ausgerichtet, auf Gottes Anleitung zu hören. Would we be showing respect for Jehovah if we missed Christian meetings for unnecessary reasons? His ear was focused on hearing God's guidance. Sie konzentrierten sich nicht auf sich und auf das, was sie gern gehabt hätten. As parents need privacy from their children at certain times, so they need to give children an appropriate measure of privacy as they mature. They did not focus on themselves and on what they desired. Christus wird König sein, und er wird als Mitherrscher 144 000 treue Menschen haben, die von der Erde stammen. He surrendered his soul in its behalf, and he knows each sheep personally, "by name. " - John 10: 3, 14 - 16. Christ will be King, and he will have 144,000 faithful ones who originate with the earth. Diesmal wird der böse "Weinstock der Erde" in die große Weinkelter des Zornes Jehovas geworfen und so Satans System der Dinge vollständig vernichtet werden. Well, as we study the Scriptures, some of Jehovah's actions may seem to be not quite right from our limited, imperfect viewpoint. This time will be completely destroyed "the start of the earth " into" the great anger of Jehovah's anger " and thus be completely destroyed by Satan's system of things. Unmittelbar nach dem Vorfall mit Lot verhieß Jehova Abraham große Segnungen. What challenges do some face, and how have they attempted to overcome them? Just after the incident involving Lot, Jehovah promised Abraham great blessings. Wie die Erfüllung biblischer Prophezeiungen bestätigt, befinden wir uns seit 1914 "am Tag des Herrn." " O YOUTH, enjoy yourself while you are young! As we have seen in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we have been living in "the Lord's day. " Stimmt es, dass Sie nicht an Jesus glauben? Consider what the Messianic King has accomplished during the first 100 years of his reign. He has cleansed a people for Jehovah's name. Is it true that you do not believe in Jesus? Was die Selbsteinschätzung angeht, führte der Jünger Jakobus eine einprägsame Veranschaulichung an. Er schrieb: "Werdet... Mercy is thus related to patience and long - suffering. Concerning the view of self - respect, the disciple James pointed out an illustration. He wrote: "Become imitators of him. Heute besteht diese Sklavenklasse aus dem Überrest der 144 000 Gesalbten. Indeed, Jesus viewed endurance as such an important quality for his followers that in his very last conversation with his apostles, recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus twice urged: "Continue following me. " Today, these slave class is from the remnant of the 144,000 anointed ones. Zugang zu Gott durch das Gebet. This may not be easy, especially if you are a victim of the wrongdoing or are related to a victim. Pray to God through prayer. " Streben "erfordert die Bereitschaft, ernsthaft an Eigenschaften zu arbeiten, durch die man für seine Brüder noch wertvoller wird. We live in a treacherous, disloyal world. " The pursuit of the willingness to cultivate earnest qualities that you are becoming more valuable to fellow believers. " Sie sagen, dass ich unreif bin, nichts dazulerne und zu dick bin. How could the Christian have a clean conscience and be at peace with God if he was gazing at pornographic images of naked men or women or of a couple engaging in fornication? " They say that I'm unable to get out of it, nothing is likes and earth. Lesen wir dann Offenbarung 21: 3, 4 vor. So in its effectiveness and permanence, Jesus ' office as High Priest is unique. Then read Revelation 21: 3, 4. Wahrhaftig ein Tag wie kein anderer - ein Tag, der Jehova gehört! In most lands Caesar, or the civil authority, determines who is eligible to marry. True to a day like no other person - a day belonging to Jehovah! Solch eine verzerrte Ansicht über den Wert materieller Dinge führt zu Sorgen und Wünschen, die jeden Fortschritt in der Wahrheit hemmen. (Lies Matthäus 13: 18, 22.) What will help you to draw closer to Jehovah? Such a distorted view of material things leads to anxiety and desires that enable all of us to progress in true worship. - Read Matthew 13: 18, 22. Er will Gottes Diener moralisch verderben, damit sie sich dessen Anerkennung verscherzen. Shepherd my little sheep.... He wants God's people to corrupt their chastity so that they gain his approval. Aus Liebe setzte er sich voll und ganz ein, um seine Brüder zu stärken. Describe ways in which we can adapt to people's differing needs and circumstances. Out of love, he worked hard to strengthen his brothers. Ein guter Lehrer zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass er das liebt, was er lehrt. Do you notice what else Satan told Eve? A good teacher is a quality that he loves what he teaches. 19, 20. (a) Was wird uns helfen, auszuharren? They recognized that Jesus was teaching and directing the congregation through a governing body, composed of the apostles and older men in Jerusalem. 19, 20. (a) What will help us to endure? Warum ist es bei Familienregeln gut, die Interessen der Kinder mitzuberücksichtigen? The apostle Paul compared hope to a helmet. Why is it good for family rules to cover their children's interests? Weiter erzählt sie: "Als dann aber Zeugen Jehovas an meine Tür kamen, änderte sich mein Leben um 180 Grad." As an example, consider the assignment to preach the good news. She adds: "When Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door, my life changed. " Er sang: "O Hörer des Gebets, ja zu dir werden Menschen von allem Fleisch kommen. 119: 97. 5, 6. (a) Why is meditation important? He sang: "O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. " Ich [empfand] Bedauern... In what way do Christians contemplate God's glory? " I felt regret... Ein paar Tage später las ich etwas in der Bibel, was mein Leben veränderte. After being arrested, he gives a fearless witness before the authorities. A few days later, I read something in the Bible that changed my life. Ein Beispiel: Jemand strebt nach einer Aufsichtsstellung in Gottes Volk. Tut er das wirklich demütig aus dem Wunsch heraus, anderen zu helfen und sein Bestes zur Förderung der Königreichsinteressen zu geben? " But, " he stated, "little did I know that my conscience would hold me accountable for my actions. " For example, if a person is reaching out for positions of oversight in God's people, does he humbly work hard to help others to further Kingdom interests? Hätten Adam und Eva dieses Geschenk entsprechend gewürdigt, wäre die ganze Erde heute ein Paradies mit lauter glücklichen, gerechten Dienern Gottes. In Philippi the authorities had beaten Paul and his companion Silas with rods, thrown them into prison, and confined them in stocks. Had Adam and Eve been given this gift, the whole earth would be filled with happy, happy servants of God today. Der überzeugende Beweis für die unsichtbaren Wirklichkeiten ist so stark, dass der Glaube daran diesem Beweis gleichgesetzt wird. What similarities as to oversight are there between Israel and "the Israel of God "? The convincing evidence of the invisible realities is so strong that faith is shown. Salomo verlor den Blick dafür, welche unschätzbare Ehre es für ihn war, den wahren Gott zu vertreten. When faith moves you to start preaching the good news, your offering will be "more pleasing to Jehovah than a bull. " Solomon lost sight of the priceless privilege of representing the true God. 9: 16 - 18. I am come... to do your will, O God. " 9: 16 - 18. [ Bilder auf Seite 18] They were not expected to love a divine being who was distant and unknown. They were to love the Person who had revealed his love to them. [ Pictures on page 18] (b) Mit welchen Fragen befassen wir uns in diesem Artikel? A report from the Institute of Geography in Bern, Switzerland, says: "All the major rivers in the world have their headwaters in mountains. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Er, der auch den Namen "Eiferer" oder "der Eifersüchtige" (Einheitsübersetzung) hat, würde nicht zulassen, dass ein Volk, das sich von ihm abgewandt hat und von dem er sich abgewandt hat, weiter seinen Namen trägt. The answer to that question makes it clear that they are not carrying out the work that Christ began. He, also called "the very zeal " or" zeal " (or, would not allow a people to turn away from him and turn back from his name. Die erste Frage lautet: Hast du gestützt auf das Opfer Jesu Christi deine Sünden bereut und dich Jehova hingegeben, um seinen Willen zu tun? A child's associates can either strengthen the child or "spoil useful habits. " The first question is: Have you repented of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? Der Busfahrer hatte ziemliche Vorbehalte dagegen, zehn Tage mit Zeugen Jehovas zusammen zu sein. Since conditions both inside and outside the congregation in first - century Corinth correspond in many ways to our times, the message of Paul's letters to the Corinthians is of great value to us. - Heb. The driver, on the other hand, complained that ten days had been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. Das wollen wir im nächsten Artikel besprechen. It is especially important to be on guard when we are confronted by circumstances that could tempt us to compromise Jehovah's moral standards. We will consider these questions in the next article. (b) Warum treffen Michas Worte auch heute zu? ARTICLE 4 (b) Why do Micah's words apply today? Ein Psalmendichter brachte es mit den Worten auf den Punkt: "Du, o Jehova, bist gut und zum Vergeben bereit; und überströmend ist die liebende Güte [oder" loyale Liebe "] all denen gegenüber, die dich anrufen." Wisely, Elijah urged them to choose the superior way of worship - the worship of Jehovah. The psalmist expressed this way: "You, O Jehovah, are good and forgiving; and is abundant in loving - kindness [or," loyal love to all those calling upon you. " Je länger sie sich kannten, desto besser verstanden sie sich. (Read 2 Samuel 9: 6; Job 33: 1; Luke 19: 5.) The more they knew, the more they understood it. Was für eine Belohnung! " The face of Jehovah is against those doing what is bad, to cut off the mention of them from the very earth. " What a reward that will be! Bin ich bereit, etwas Neues mitzumachen? We must prove to be like Noah, not like the people of his day. Am I willing to do something new? Kannst du es erklären? A visit, a telephone call, or a letter can mean so much! Can You Explain? • in der Familie Boys and men wear a jacket and tie, while the girls ' and women's skirt length is... in good taste, yet modern. " • in the family? Das schränkt mein Leben stark ein. " Despite a campaign by the clergy to burn publicly all the Bibles that they could find, copies began to circulate in great numbers. This makes my life strong. " Hiob hielt den Namen Jehovas in Ehren Rather than order the Israelites to respect foreigners, Jehovah appealed to their empathy. Job upheld Jehovah's name Abels Opfer nahm er wohlwollend an, weil es im Glauben dargebracht wurde; Kains Opfer dagegen lehnte er ab, weil ein gewisser Unglaube dahinter stand. Some individuals show very little sign of drunkenness even after consuming a number of drinks. Abel's offering was a reflection of God's approval because it was offered in faith, but Cain rejected Cain's offering because of lack of faith. Die möglichen Folgen dieses Kriegs gegen den Terrorismus haben bei vielen Menschen Furcht und Besorgnis hervorgerufen, nicht aber bei denen, die auf Jehova vertrauen. Some time earlier, one of them had said: "If she should be a wall, we shall build upon her a battlement of silver; but if she should be a door, we shall block her up with a cedar plank. " The result of this war against terrorism is the fear and concern that many people have, but they do not trust in Jehovah. Wem ist diese weit verbreitete Unwissenheit zuzuschreiben? Jehovah forgave David and lightened the punishment, but He did not shield David from all the bad consequences of his actions. Who is behind those ignorance? Simeon glaubte an die messianischen Prophezeiungen und "wartete auf Israels Trost." We thus have reason to ask, What of the Passover in 33 C.E.? Simeon believed in the Messianic prophecies and "was waiting for comfort upon Israel. " Bemühe dich mit aller Kraft um Frieden Pursue Peace 13, 14. (a) Wann könnte uns Jehova verlassen, um uns auf die Probe zu stellen? 13, 14. (a) When might Jehovah leave us to test us? Wir dürfen nie "Böses mit Bösem" vergelten, weder in Worten noch in Taten. We must never "return evil for evil " in word or in action. 120: 1, 2, 6, 7. 120: 1, 2, 7. Man geht davon aus, dass der Psalm geschrieben wurde, als Davids Sohn Absalom seinen Vater hinterhältig um das Königtum bringen wollte. It is evident that the psalm was composed when David's son Absalom tried to bring his father to the kingship. Wirst du dann unter Druck gesetzt, kannst du ganz spontan und selbstbewusst reagieren. If you are under pressure, you can even respond in a warm and dignified manner. Unsere Widerstandskraft hängt also weitgehend von uns ab. So our defenses depend largely on us. • Was ist der erhabenste Sinn des Lebens? • What is the highest purpose of life? LIEDER: 57, 36 SONGS TO BE USED: 57, 36 Jahrhundert gegen Diener Jehovas? How did Jehovah's servants react in the first century? Warum können wir sicher sein, dass Abraham es nie bereut hat, auf Jehova zu hören? Why can we be sure that Abraham never regretted listening to Jehovah? Ließe es Achtung vor Jehova erkennen, wenn wir die Zusammenkünfte ohne zwingenden Grund versäumten? Do we show proper respect for Jehovah when we attend Christian meetings without a lack of respect? Genauso wie Eltern zu bestimmten Zeiten von ihren Kindern erwarten, dass sie nicht in ihre Privatsphäre eindringen, sollten sie auch den Kindern die ihrem Alter entsprechende Privatsphäre zugestehen. Just as parents in certain times expected their children to stay in their privacy, they should also train their children to respect their age. Er gab seine Seele für sie hin und kennt jedes Schaf "beim Namen." He made his soul known to them and knows each sheep "in the name. " Weil es durchaus sein kann, dass wir in der Bibel von Taten Jehovas lesen, an denen wir wegen unserer eingeschränkten, unvollkommenen Sicht Anstoß nehmen. Because it can be that we read about Jehovah's acts of conduct that we may stumble because of our limited view of our limited, imperfect viewpoint. Vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen einige, und wie versuchen sie, diese zu meistern? What challenges do some face, and how do they try to meet that challenge? " DU JUNGER Mensch, genieße deine Jugend, und freu dich in der Blüte deines Lebens! " YOUNG people, your youth, and you look forward to the prime thing of your life! Noch dazu musste er sich mit falschen Verdächtigungen auseinander setzen, er werde von Jehova bestraft. Moreover, he had to contend with false persuasion, which would be punished by Jehovah. Denken wir einmal darüber nach, was der messianische König in den ersten 100 Jahren seiner Herrschaft alles erreicht hat. Consider what the Messianic King accomplished in the first 100 years of his reign. Barmherzigkeit ist also mit Geduld und Langmut verbunden. Thus, mercy involves being patient and long - suffering. Jesus stufte die Beharrlichkeit seiner Nachfolger so hoch ein, dass er in der letzten Unterhaltung mit seinen Aposteln, die im Johannesevangelium aufgezeichnet ist, die Aufforderung "Folge mir weiterhin nach" zwei Mal ergehen ließ. Jesus thus reflected the perseverance of his followers so much that he gave to his apostles in the last conversation recorded in John's Gospel, the admonition to "keep on going after two times. " Das ist nicht unbedingt leicht, vor allem wenn du selbst unter dem Fehlverhalten zu leiden hattest oder der Geschädigte zu deiner Familie gehört. This is not easy, especially when you suffer from the wrong things or who hurt your family. Wir leben in einer Welt, in der Verrat und Treulosigkeit gang und gäbe sind. We live in a world where betrayal and betrayal exist. Wie könnte ein Christ ein gutes Gewissen haben und mit Gott im Reinen sein, wenn er wie gebannt ist vom Anblick pornografischer Bilder nackter Männer oder Frauen oder Hurerei treibender Paare? How might a Christian have a good conscience and a clean standing with God if he is clothed with immoral images or fornication? Jesu Amt als Hoher Priester ist demnach sowohl durch das, was es bewirkt, als auch wegen seiner Dauer so einzigartig. Thus, Jesus ' role as High Priest is both unique and unique. Unter welchen Bedingungen jemand heiraten kann, wird in den meisten Ländern vom "Cäsar," das heißt dem Staat, festgelegt. A single person can get married in most lands, that is, the governmental authorities. Was wird uns helfen, Jehova näherzukommen? What will help us to draw closer to Jehovah? Hüte meine Schäflein.... Shepherd my little sheep.... Beschreibe, wie wir uns den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen und Umständen anderer anpassen können. Illustrate how we can adjust the needs and circumstances of others. Was würde noch passieren, wenn Eva von der Frucht isst? What would happen if Eve ate of the fruit? Sie erkannten an, dass Jesus die Versammlung führte und unterwies, und zwar durch eine leitende Körperschaft, die sich aus den Aposteln und älteren Männern in Jerusalem zusammensetzte. They recognized Jesus ' way of teaching and teaching the congregation by means of a Governing Body mentioned by the apostles and older men in Jerusalem. Der Apostel Paulus verglich die Hoffnung mit einem Helm. The apostle Paul likened hope to a helmet. Nehmen wir beispielsweise den Auftrag, die gute Botschaft zu predigen. Take, for example, the commission to preach the good news. Gemäß der Bibel ist er der Sohn Gottes. The Bible says that he is God's Son. 5, 6. (a) Warum ist Nachsinnen wichtig? 5, 6. (a) Why is meditation important? Wie betrachten Christen Gottes Herrlichkeit? How do Christians view God's glory? Nach seiner Festnahme gibt er vor der Obrigkeit furchtlos Zeugnis. After his arrest, he fearlessly gives a witness to secular authorities. Er erzählt: "Ich hätte jedoch nie gedacht, wie sehr mich wegen dem, was ich tat, mein Gewissen plagen würde. He says: "I never thought of what I did because my conscience would plague me. In Philippi waren Paulus und sein Begleiter Silas auf Befehl der Vorsteher mit Ruten geschlagen und ins Gefängnis geworfen worden, wo man sie in den Stock legte. In Philippi, Paul and his companions were arrested and thrown into prison, where they had been put to prison. Welche Ähnlichkeit besteht zwischen der Führung der Nation Israel und der des "Israels Gottes"? What similarity is there between the taking of the nation of Israel and "the Israel of God "? Treibt dich dein Glaube dazu an, mit dem Predigen der guten Botschaft zu beginnen, wird dein Opfer Jehova "mehr gefallen als ein Stier." If you exercise faith in the preaching of the good news, your sacrifice will please Jehovah "more than a bull. " Ich bin gekommen..., um deinen Willen, o Gott, zu tun ." I came... to do your will, O God. " Sie sollten kein göttliches Wesen lieben, das ihnen fern und unbekannt war, sondern jemand, der ihnen Liebe erwiesen hatte. They were to love no divine way out of love, not of love, but of someone who had shown them love. In einem Bericht des Geographischen Instituts in Bern heißt es: "Alle großen Flüsse der Erde entspringen in Gebirgsregionen. " All the largest of the earth, " says one account of the British philosophy. Die Antwort darauf macht deutlich, dass sie nicht das Werk fortführen, das Christus begann. The answer clearly shows that they did not carry on the work that Christ began. Der Umgang, den ein Kind hat, kann entweder gute Seiten zum Vorschein bringen oder nützliche Gewohnheiten verderben. When dealing with a child, he or she may be able to make some good or useful habits. Der zweite Brief, der wohl nur wenige Monate nach dem ersten geschrieben wurde, ist praktisch eine Fortsetzung. Sowohl die Situation innerhalb als auch außerhalb der Versammlung im damaligen Korinth weist viele Parallelen zur heutigen Zeit auf. The second letter that seems only a few months after the first wrote is practical, since the situation and the situation in the first century corresponds to many similarities between the situation and the congregation in Corinth. Unter bestimmten Umständen muss man besonders darauf achten, Jehovas Moralvorstellungen nicht über Bord zu werfen. Under certain circumstances, we need to pay attention to Jehovah's moral standards. SEITE 18 ARTICLE 3 Klugerweise drängte Elia sie, sich für die erhabenere Anbetung zu entscheiden - die Anbetung Jehovas. Appropriately, Elijah urged her to choose for the higher worship - Jehovah's worship. Samuel 9: 6; Hiob 33: 1; Lukas 19: 5.) (Read 1 Samuel 9: 6; Job 33: 1; Luke 19: 5.) " Das Angesicht Jehovas ist gegen die, die Böses tun, um von der Erde ihre Erwähnung wegzutilgen ." " The face of Jehovah is against those doing bad to cut off from the earth. " Wir sollten uns also so verhalten wie Noah, nicht wie die Menschen seiner Tage. So we should act as did Noah, not as did the people of his day. Ein einfacher Besuch, ein Anruf oder ein Brief kann jemand enorm zu Herzen gehen! A simple visit, a call, or a letter may bring a tremendous heart! Jungen und Männer tragen Sakko und Krawatte, und die Mädchen und Frauen sehen mit ihren Röcken adrett und keineswegs altmodisch aus. " My young men and men carry out the bottles, and the girls see their wives and their wives with them, and they do not quickly get puffed up. " Trotz der Aktion der Geistlichkeit, alle Bibeln, die sie finden konnten, öffentlich zu verbrennen, kamen zahlreiche Exemplare in Umlauf. Despite the efforts of the clergy, all those found in the Bible were able to burn public witnessing. Dem einen oder anderen ist selbst nach mehreren Gläsern kaum etwas anzumerken. One or other factors may not be too busy to get out of focus. Früher hatte einer von ihnen gesagt: "Wenn sie eine Mauer sein sollte, so werden wir eine silberne Zinne auf ihr bauen, sollte sie aber eine Tür sein, werden wir sie mit einer Zedernplanke versperren." At one point, one of them said: "If they should be a wall, we shall build an silver on her, but it should be a door, we will be with them. " Jehova vergab David und minderte das Strafmaß, doch bewahrte er ihn nicht vor allen tragischen Folgen seiner Handlungen. Jehovah forgave David and gave him the escape, but he did not shield him from all the tragic consequences of his actions. Bleibt die Frage: Wie lief denn dann das Passah des Jahres 33 u. If so, ask yourself: " How were the Passover of 33 C.E. being baptized?