Jeg er i fængslet. I'm at the prison. I'm in jail. Dette er den bedste ting siden skiveskåret brød! Jeg ved dog ikke hvad den bedste ting var før skiveskåret brød. This is the best thing since sliced bread! I don't know what the best thing was before sliced bread, however. This is the best thing since sliced bread! However, I don't know what the best thing was before sliced bread. De bøger er deres. Those books are theirs. Those books are theirs. Du vil blive straffet. You will be punished. You will be punished. Der findes ingen steder på Jorden hvor jeg hellere ville være. There is nowhere on earth I would rather be. There's nowhere on Earth where I'd rather be. Dette tastatur er perfekt. This keyboard is perfect. This keyboard is perfect. Sangen er hendes stærke side. Singing is her strong point. The song is her strong suit. Mange amerikanere var vrede over den japanske invasion. Many Americans were angry about the Japanese invasion. Many Americans were angry at the Japanese invasion. Hvem er din foretrukne superhelt? Who's your favorite super hero? Who's your favorite superhero? Jeg er dårlig til at svømme. I'm bad at swimming. I'm a bad swimmer. Du er i vejen. You are in the way. You're in the way. Jeg gad vide hvorfor. I wonder why. I wonder why. Deres forvirring er forståelig. Their confusion is understandable. Their confusion is understandable. De var i Joes klasse sidste år. They were in Joe's class last year. They were in Joe's class last year. Vi byder dig velkommen i vores klub. We welcome you to our club. We welcome you to our club. Tom sagde at han ville ringe i morgen. Tom said that he'd call tomorrow. Tom said he'd call me tomorrow. Skriv dit fulde navn. Write your full name. Write your full name. Dette er et smukt træ. This is a beautiful tree. This is a beautiful tree. "Hvornår vil Tom være her?" "Gid jeg vidste det." "When will Tom get here?" "I really wish I knew." "When will Tom be here?" "I wish I knew." Det er derfor han blev vred. That's why he got angry. That's why he got angry. Tom ligger på ryggen. Tom is lying on his back. Tom's on his back. Forskere har meddelt at de har opdaget gravitationsbølger. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Han er fattig som en kirkerotte. He is as poor as a rat. He's poor as a church rat. Ring 119 i tilfælde af brand. In case of fire, call 119. Call 119 in case of fire. Jeg har været i London to gange. I have been to London twice. I've been to London twice. Historien slutter hvor den begyndte. The story ends where it began. History ends where it began. Jeg ser ham ofte gå en tur i dette område. I often see him taking a walk in this neighborhood. I often see him take a walk in this area. David vinder over Goliat i retten. David defeats Goliath in court. David wins Goliath in court. Hvad foregår der udenfor? What's going on outside? What's going on outside? "Hvor er hans bog?" "Den er på bordet." "Where's his book?" "It's on the table." "Where's his book?" "It's on the table." Det ser ud til at vi er i samme båd. It seems we are in the same boat. Looks like we're in the same boat. Opfør dig alderssvarende. Try to act your age. Act the same age as you. Denne dæmning forsyner os med vand og elektricitet. This dam supplies us with water and electricity. This dam supplies us with water and electricity. På et eller andet tidspunkt bliver denne sætning oversat til esperanto. At some point, this sentence will be translated in Esperanto. At some point this sentence is translated into Esperanto. Ser du stjernen? Do you see the star? Do you see the star? Dine karakterer er bedre end mine. Your grades are better than mine. Your grades are better than mine. Teenagere siges ofte at have raserende hormoner. Teenagers are often said to have raging hormones. Teenagers are often said to have raging hormones. Bliv ikke i sengen, med mindre du kan tjene penge i sengen. Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. Don't stay in bed unless you can make money in bed. Det var helt sikkert Toms skyld. It was definitely Tom's fault. It was definitely Tom's fault. I hvilken retning vil Syrien udvikle sig efter regimeskiftet? In which direction will Syria develop after the regime change? In what direction will Syria develop after the change of regime? Hvorfor fortalte I mig ikke at I ønskede at tage på campingtur? Why didn't you tell me that you wanted to go camping? Why didn't you tell me you wanted to go camping? Jeg vil være til stede på mandag otte dage. I shall be there on Monday week. I'll be here on Monday eight days. Det lover jeg! I promise! I promise! Han er praktisk talt en omvandrende ordbog. He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. He's practically a walking dictionary. Hendes måde at snakke på irriterer os. Her way of speaking irritates us. Her way of talking annoys us. Der er en hund ved døren. There's a dog by the door. There's a dog at the door. Min ven er sytten år gammel. My friend is seventeen. My friend is seventeen years old. Tom gik den forkerte vej. Tom went the wrong way. Tom went the wrong way. Det er virkelig pinligt. This is really embarrassing. It's really embarrassing. "Automobil" er et blandingsord. "Automobile" is a hybrid word. "Automobil" is a mixed word. Kunne du venligst fortælle mig hvad klokken er? Can you tell me the time, please? Could you please tell me what time it is? Tom er højere end Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Jeg fór vild i skoven. I lost my way in the woods. I got lost in the woods. Jeg kan ikke kende forskel på en frø og en tudse. I can't distinguish a frog from a toad. I can't tell the difference between a frog and a toad. Mary barberer benene oftere end Alice. Mary shaves her legs more often than Alice does. Mary shaves her legs more often than Alice. Hvor mange kalorier er der i den sandwich? How many calories are there in that sandwich? How many calories is there in that sandwich? Jeg svømmede om eftermiddagen i sommerferien. I swam in the afternoons during the summer vacation. I swam in the afternoon during the summer vacation. Jeg savner bylivets pulserende liv. I miss the hustle and bustle of city life. I miss the vibrant life of city life. I det mindste er han ærlig. At least he's honest. At least he's honest. Vi kan ikke hjælpe Tom. We can't help Tom. We can't help Tom. "Jeg forstår det ikke." "Det gør jeg heller ikke." "I don't understand this" "I don't understand it either." "I don't understand." "I don't understand." Jeg måtte gå gennem ild og vand for at få mit kørekort. I had to go through hell and high water to get my driver's licence. I had to go through fire and water to get my driver's license. Elvis Presley lever! Elvis Presley is alive! Elvis Presley's alive! Jeg ved præcis hvor jeg er. I know exactly where I am. I know exactly where I am. Jeg har ingen fremtid. I have no future. I have no future. Jeg kender en mand som taler fransk. I know a man who speaks French. I know a man who speaks French. Hvordan udtales det? How is that pronounced? How is that pronounced? Jeg kan læse dig som en bog. I can read you like a book. I can read you like a book. Ikke røre! Hands off! Don't touch! Er dette ikke Toms paraply? Isn't this Tom's umbrella? Isn't this Tom's umbrella? Han var meget fuld. He was very drunk. He was very drunk. Jeg elsker mine forældre. I love my parents. I love my parents. De bryster ser falske ud. Those boobs look fake. Those boobs look fake. Græsset må ikke betrædes. Keep off the grass. The grass must not be trodden. Rødt er ikke mere på mode. Red is out of fashion. Red's out of fashion. Snart er det jul. Christmas is soon. Soon it will be Christmas. Millioner af mennesker var arbejdsløse dengang. Millions of people were unemployed then. Millions of people were unemployed back then. Vi bor i Boston. We live in Boston. We live in Boston. Hundene, kattene og hestene er dyr. The dogs, the cats, and the horses are animals. The dogs, the cats and the horses are animals. Jeg er Marys ven, Tom. I'm Mary's friend, Tom. I'm Mary's friend, Tom. Du brækkede din arm. You broke your arm. You broke your arm. Det er usikkert om han kommer eller ej. It is uncertain whether he is coming or not. I don't know if he's coming or not. Hvad er klokken nu? What's the time now? What time is it now? Rør ikke den våde maling! Don't touch the wet paint. Don't touch the wet paint! Byen har mange indbyggere. The city has a large population. The city has many inhabitants. Tom tilskyndede Mary til at købe en hybridbil. Tom encouraged Mary to buy a hybrid car. Tom encouraged Mary to buy a hybrid car. Han syede en kjole til mig. He sewed a dress for me. He made me a dress. Jeg har aldrig set så mange flotte mænd på ét sted. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many handsome men in one place. Tom er overbevist om at Jorden er flad. Tom is convinced that the earth is flat. Tom is convinced that the Earth is flat. Det er om Andrej Tarkovskijs sidste film. It's about Andrei Tarkovsky's last film. It's about Andrei Tarkovsky's last movie. De står der og spiser kartoffelchips. They are standing there and eating potato chips. They're standing there eating potato chips. Jeg spiser masser af frugt. I eat a lot of fruit. I eat lots of fruit. Jeg er ikke bange for noget. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm not afraid of anything. Fandt du en anden vej? Did you find another way? Did you find another way? Er det svært at lære tysk? Is it hard to learn German? Is it hard to learn German? Tom stillede askebægret foran Mary. Tom put the ashtray in front of Mary. Tom put the ashtray in front of Mary. Havet er forurenet af bittesmå plastpartikler der er skadelige for havdyr. The sea is polluted by tiny plastic particles that are harmful to marine animals. The sea is contaminated by tiny plastic particles that are harmful to marine animals. Græd ikke over spildt mælk. Don't cry over spilt milk. Don't cry over spilled milk. Alt i alt så var det en hyggelig fest. All in all, this was a nice party. All in all, it was a nice party. Velkommen i cyberspace! Welcome to Cyberspace! Welcome to cyberspace! Mary ønskede at få børn lige med det samme, men Tom sagde at han gerne ville vente. Mary wanted to have babies right away, but Tom said that he wanted to wait. Mary wanted to have children right away, but Tom said he wanted to wait. Det er et smukt jakkesæt. That's a beautiful suit. It's a beautiful suit. Hold op med at synge, om jeg må bede. Please stop singing! Stop singing, please. Sover Tom stadig? Is Tom still sleeping? Is Tom still asleep? Ethvert æble er rødt. Every apple is red. Every apple is red. Hvad laver du på et sted som dette? What are you doing in a place like this? What are you doing in a place like this? Jeg tror ikke at det kommer til at sne i morgen. I don't think that it'll snow tomorrow. I don't think it's gonna snow tomorrow. Jeg ved det er nemt, men jeg har aldrig gjort det. I know it's easy, but I've never done it. I know it's easy, but I've never done it. Jeg er langsomt begyndt at spekulere på om jeg stadig er ved mine fulde fem. I'm slowly starting to wonder if I still have all of my marbles. I am slowly beginning to wonder if I am still in my right mind. Du er her! You're here. You're here! Vi sælger ikke øl. We don't sell beer. We don't sell beer. Jeg føler mig bedre. I feel better. I feel better. Han er en tålmodig mand. He's a patient man. He's a patient man. Jeg er meget glad for at se dig igen. I'm very happy to see you again. I'm very happy to see you again. Dette hus er berømt. This house is famous. This house is famous. Luxembourg er et lille land. Luxembourg is a small country. Luxembourg is a small country. Løven er junglens konge. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Er det svært at lære græsk? Is it difficult to learn Greek? Is it hard to learn Greek? Hvordan går det med din jobsøgning? How is your job search going? How's your job search going? Tålmodighed er videnskabens moder. Patience is the mother of science. Patience is the mother of science. Jeg kan ikke svare på så mange spørgsmål på én gang. I cannot answer so many questions at a time. I can't answer so many questions at once. Kom i morgen tidlig. Come tomorrow morning. Come tomorrow morning. Min far er holdt op med at ryge. My father gave up smoking. My dad quit smoking. Sagen fik meget spalteplads i aviserne. The newspapers gave a lot of space to the affair. The case got a lot of space in the papers. Hvor kan jeg købe en børste? Where can I buy a brush? Where can I buy a brush? Taler du fransk? Do you speak French? Do you speak French? O.k., I vinder. OK, you win. Okay, you win. Hvor var I da jeg virkelig havde brug for jeres hjælp? Where were you when I really needed your help? Where were you when I really needed your help? Beklager, stillingen er allerede besat. Sorry, the position has already been filled. Sorry, the position is already occupied. Jeg har hørt den franske version af denne sang. I've heard the French version of this song. I've heard the French version of this song. Kan du åbne det? Can you open it? Can you open it? Ellie er meget feminin. Ellie is very feminine. Ellie's very feminine. Jeg skriver et brev i morgen. I am going to write a letter tomorrow. I'll write you a letter tomorrow. Er der noget du ikke ønsker at tale om? Is there something that you don't want to talk about? Is there something you don't want to talk about? Han blev fuldstændig frikendt for sigtelsen mod ham. He was completely cleared of the charge against him. He was completely acquitted of the charges against him. Jeg er min egen direktør. I'm my own boss. I'm my own CEO. Jeg tror Tom taler fransk godt. I think Tom speaks French well. I think Tom speaks French well. Hvor gemmer du dig? Where are you hiding? Where are you hiding? Jeg ser dronningen. I see the queen. I see the queen. Hvorfor ler du? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Mary foretrækker fladbrystede kvinder. Mary prefers flat-chested women. Mary prefers flat-breasted women. Tom har brug for professionel hjælp. Tom needs professional help. Tom needs professional help. Kender du den gamle dame der bor på tredje etage? You know this old lady that lives on second floor? Do you know the old lady who lives on the third floor? Han kommer fra Wales. He comes from Wales. He's from Wales. Tro er vished uden beviser. Faith is certainty without evidence. Faith is certainty without proof. Jeg ser tv hver dag. I watch television every day. I watch TV every day. Min nabo er læge. My neighbour is a doctor. My neighbor is a doctor. Han klarer sig godt. He is doing well. He's doing well. Har I set hende? Have you seen her? Have you seen her? Hunden løb efter katten. The dog ran after the cat. The dog ran after the cat. Jeg identificerer mig med gangsterne i filmen. I identified myself with the gangsters in the film. I'll identify with the gangsters in the movie. Tom gav Mary nøglerne. Tom gave Mary the keys. Tom gave Mary the keys. De har bygget det. They built it. They built it. Sandt venskab varer for evigt. True friendships last forever. True friendship lasts forever. Der boede en konge i et gammelt slot. There lived a king in an old castle. There lived a king in an old castle. Tom gik ombord på flyet. Tom boarded the plane. Tom boarded the plane. Jeg har en ven, hvis far er en kendt pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a well-known pianist. Jeg har et par luffer. I have a pair of mittens. I got a pair of flippers. Tom satte sig på en tom stol. Tom sat down on an empty chair. Tom sat on an empty chair. Er Tom venstrehåndet? Is Tom left-handed? Is Tom left-handed? Ifølge en landsdækkende meningsmåling i USA er det en udbredt opfattelse at muslimer er forbundet med terrorisme. It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism. According to a national poll in the United States, it is widely believed that Muslims are associated with terrorism. Der var intet tilbage i køleskabet. There was nothing left in the fridge. There was nothing left in the fridge. Det ser ud til at jeg er kommet her for tidligt. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I've come here too soon. Mary barberer benene oftere end Alice. Mary shaves her legs more often than Alice shaves hers. Mary shaves her legs more often than Alice. F i det hexadecimale system er lig med 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. F in the hexadecimal system is equal to 15. Toms reaktion var det modsatte af hvad Mary havde forventet. Tom's reaction was the opposite of what Mary had expected. Tom's reaction was the opposite of what Mary expected. Du er for gammel til mig. You're too old for me. You're too old for me. I har blod på jeres hænder. You have blood on your hands. You have blood on your hands. Han oversatte Homer fra græsk til engelsk. He translated Homer from the Greek into English. He translated Homer from Greek into English. Jeg er en fri mand. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Jeg vil virkelig gerne hjælpe dig, men jeg er bundet på hænder og fødder. I would really like to help you, but my hands are tied. I really want to help you, but I'm tied on my hands and feet. Der er få tatarisksprogede websteder på internettet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few Tatar-language websites on the Internet. Hvor ligger trykket i ordet "Australien"? Where is the accent on the word 'Australia?' Where is the pressure in the word "Australia "? Du smiler ikke ret tit. You don't smile very often. You don't smile very often. Han tog fejl af datoerne. He got the date wrong. He was wrong about the dates. De spiser æblerne. They're eating the apples. They eat the apples. Hygge er et nationalt ikon for os. Coziness is a national icon for us. Cozy is a national icon for us. Lad mig se noget ID. Let me see some ID. Let me see some ID. Hvis jeg var en fugl, så kunne jeg flyve hen til dig. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. If I was a bird, I could fly to you. Jeg lærer dem at svømme. I'm teaching them to swim. I teach them how to swim. Nancy smiler sjældent. Nancy seldom smiles. Nancy rarely smiles. Uden dig er jeg intet. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Hun købte grønsager i går. She bought vegetables yesterday. She bought vegetables yesterday. Fortæl os en historie! Tell us a story! Tell us a story! Når enden er god, er alting godt. All's well that ends well. When the end is good, everything is good. Frikvarteret slutter. Recess is ending. Breakfast's over. Pas på, hunder bider! Beware of the dog! Watch out, dogs bite! Der er meget kaffe tilbage i kanden. There's a lot of coffee left in the pot. There's a lot of coffee left in the pot. Hvorfor græder babyen? Why is the baby crying? Why is the baby crying? Jeg bliver her indtil han kommer. I'll stay here until he arrives. I'll stay here until he gets here. Hun kan ikke elske dig. She can't love you. She can't love you. Hvorfor er Tom herude? Why is Tom out here? Why is Tom out here? Tom har solgt sit hus. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. Jeg taler esperanto. I speak Esperanto. I speak Esperanto. Tom havde brug for Mary. Tom needed Mary. Tom needed Mary. Tom har været sengeliggende hele ugen. Tom has been in bed all week. Tom's been bedridden all week. De var så forskellige. They were so different. They were so different. Tom holdt op med at tale da han så Mary træde ind i rummet. Tom stopped talking when he saw Mary enter the room. Tom stopped talking when he saw Mary step into the room. Du taler ikke fransk, gør du vel? You don't speak French, do you? You don't speak French, do you? På et tidspunkt vil du indse: Esperanto er uovervindelig. At some point you will realize: Esperanto is unbeatable. At some point you will realize: Esperanto is invincible. Jeg har købt dette fotografiapparat for 35000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35000 yen. Tom talte til mig på fransk. Tom spoke to me in French. Tom spoke to me in French. København er Danmarks hovedstad. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Jeg tager med dig til lufthavnen. I'll accompany you to the airport. I'm going with you to the airport. Det er ikke det samme. It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing. Du kunne have slået nogen ihjel. You could have killed somebody. You could have killed someone. Han begyndte at vaske sin bil. He started washing his car. He started washing his car. Vær ikke bange for at kritisere Israel. Don't be afraid of criticizing Israel. Do not be afraid to criticise Israel. Frederik den Store indførte kartoflen i Preussen. Frederick the Great introduced the potato to Prussia. Frederik the Great introduced the potato into Prussia. Tom har sandsynligvis allerede en kæreste. Tom probably has a girlfriend already. Tom probably already has a boyfriend. "Er Tom på vores hold?" "Nej, han er på det andet hold." "Is Tom on our team?" "No, he's on the other team." "Is Tom on our team?" "No, he's on the other team." Har du nemt ved at huske ansigter? Do you remember faces easily? Do you remember faces easily? Hvem er han? Who is he? Who is he? Der er noget galt. There is something wrong. Something's wrong. Kan du huske din nummerplade? Do you remember your license plate number? Remember your license plate? Jeg vil drikke teen. I will drink the tea. I'll drink the tea. De bliver gift i morgen. They are going to get married tomorrow. They'll be married tomorrow. Ring til politiet! Call the police! Call the police! Hendes Majestæt venter. Her Majesty is waiting. Her Majesty is waiting. Denne pjece kan fås gratis. That leaflet can be obtained for free. This booklet is available free of charge. Min familie bor i det der hus. My family live in that house. My family lives in that house. Hun er varm på sin lærer. She has a crush on her teacher. She's got a crush on her teacher. Jeg kan ikke lide æg. I don't like eggs. I don't like eggs. Dna-prøven frikendte ham for alle anklager. The DNA test cleared him of all charges. The DNA test cleared him of all charges. Alle havde meget travlt. Everybody was very busy. Everyone was very busy. Benzin er billig nu. Gas is cheap now. Gas is cheap now. Dit navn står først på listen. Your name is first on the list. Your name's first on the list. Dette er min mors computer. This is my mother's computer. This is my mother's computer. Hun spiser ikke det røde æble. She doesn't eat the red apple. She doesn't eat the red apple. Jeg ønsker at besøge Estland. I want to visit Estonia. I want to visit Estonia. Australien var til at begynde med en britisk straffekoloni. Australia was started as a British penal colony. Australia was initially a British penal colony. Tom talte stjernerne på himlen. Tom counted the stars in the sky. Tom spoke the stars in the sky. Ok, I vinder. OK, you win. All right, you win. Jeg bor i nærheden. I live nearby. I live nearby. Hvor han end er, så finder vi ham. Wherever he is, we shall find him. Wherever he is, we'll find him. Tom var stærkt beruset og var usikker på benene. Tom was very drunk and was not steady on his feet. Tom was heavily drunk and unsure of his legs. Hænderne op! Hands up! Hands up! Bob er populær i skolen. Bob is popular at school. Bob is popular at school. Jeg slog et søm i væggen for at hænge et billede op. I hammered a nail into the wall in order to hang a painting. I hit a nail in the wall to hang up a picture. Åh min gud! Omigod! Oh, my God! Ken har en hvid hund. Ken has a white dog. Ken has a white dog. Jeg vidste ikke du kunne danse. I didn't know you could dance. I didn't know you could dance. Han var i dyb gæld og måtte skille sig af med sit hus. He was deep in debt, and had to part with his house. He was in deep debt and had to get rid of his house. Jeg håber at du ikke er alene. I hope you're not alone. I hope you're not alone. Hvorfor er jeg mig, og ikke dig? Why am I me and not you? Why am I me and not you? De sælger æbler, mandariner, æg og så videre. They sell apples, mandarines, eggs and so on. They sell apples, mandarins, eggs and so on. Hvornår kommer du hjem? When will you return home? When are you coming home? Mary er en rebelsk pige. Mary is a rebellious girl. Mary's a rebel girl. Jeg håber det var en spøg! I hope it was a prank! I hope it was a joke! Jeg siger ikke det her for at såre dig, men det er sandheden. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it is the truth. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it's the truth. De fleste mennesker baserer deres politiske position på følelser fremfor beviser. Most people base their political positions on feelings rather than evidence. Most people base their political position on emotions rather than evidence. Hun gjorde værelset rent. She cleaned the room. She cleaned the room. Jeg går i skole fordi jeg vil lære. I go to school because I want to learn. I go to school because I want to learn. Tom kiggede under bilen for at se om der lå olie på fortovet under bilen. Tom looked under the car to see if there was any oil on the pavement under the car. Tom looked under the car to see if there was oil on the sidewalk under the car. Hvad betyder det? What does this mean? What does that mean? Jeg vil gerne have røræg. I'd like scrambled eggs. I'd like scrambled eggs. Prinsessen kunne ikke lade være med at le ad ham. The princess couldn't help laughing at him. The princess couldn't help but laugh at him. Det er umagen værd. It is worthwhile. It's worth the effort. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, fik jeg en snak med mor. Having done my homework, I had a chat with Mom. After doing my homework, I had a talk with Mom. Jeg gik i panik og løb. I panicked and ran. I panicked and ran. Sami er youtuber. Sami is a YouTuber. Sami is youtube. Hvad sker der på arbejdet? What's going on at work? What's going on at work? Han kastede æblet hen til mig. He threw me the apple. He threw the apple at me. Hvad er der i vejen? What is the matter? What's the matter? Tom var offer for identitetstyveri. Tom was the victim of identity theft. Tom was the victim of identity theft. Reglerne gælder for alle. The rules apply to everyone. The rules apply to everyone. Mit telefonnummer er 98 76 54 32. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 98 76 54 32. Alle vognene i toget blev fyldt op ti minutter før afgang. All the coaches of the train were packed to capacity ten minutes before it started. All the wagons on the train were filled up ten minutes before departure. Hans fødder sov. His feet were asleep. His feet were asleep. Tom og Mary tror at deres hus er hjemsøgt. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Hvad har du sagt til Tom? What did you say to Tom? What did you tell Tom? Der er et supermassivt sort hul i midten af vores galakse. There's a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. There's a super-massive black hole in the center of our galaxy. Krydderier forbedrer retter. Spices improve dishes. Spices improve dishes. I går stod jeg tidlig op. I got up early yesterday. Yesterday I got up early. Tom sagde at Mary var genert. Tom said Mary was shy. Tom said Mary was shy. Denne fabrik producerer cd-afspillere. This factory produces CD players. This factory produces CD players. Vil du have kaffe eller noget? Do you want some coffee or something? You want some coffee or something? I morgen er det lørdag, den 5. februar 2011. Tomorrow is Saturday, February 5th, 2011. Tomorrow is Saturday, February 5, 2011. Mary sender mig uopfordrede kærestebreve. Mary is sending me unsolicited love letters. Mary sends me unsolicited love letters. Der er næppe nogen fare for jordskælv. There is hardly any danger of an earthquake. There is hardly any danger of earthquakes. Æblet er ikke grønt. The apple is not green. The apple isn't green. Hun gør en fjer til fem høns. She is making a mountain out of a molehill. She makes a feather for five chickens. Kan du gøre dig forståelig på engelsk? Can you make yourself understood in English? Can You Make Yourself Understandable in English? Tom må være gladere nu. Tom must be happier now. Tom must be happier now. Japanske virksomheder har opbygget et ry for god kvalitet. Japanese companies have built up a reputation for quality. Japanese companies have built up a reputation for good quality. Vi lander om 15 minutter. We'll be landing in 15 minutes. We'll land in 15 minutes. Hvem kommer med mig? Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? Skal vi overgive os til disse uhyrer? Are we going to surrender to these monsters? Should we surrender to these monsters? Jeg har set ham på fjernsynet, men ikke i virkeligheden. I have seen him on TV but not in the flesh. I've seen him on TV, but not really. Vi tager afsted når du er klar. We'll leave as soon as you're ready. We'll leave when you're ready. Blåbær indeholder mange antioxidanter. Blueberries contain a large number of antioxidants. Blueberries contain many antioxidants. Tom bliver ved med at komme i problemer. Tom keeps getting into trouble. Tom keeps getting into trouble. Jeg er stolt af mine sko. I am proud of my shoes. I'm proud of my shoes. Der er få tatarisksprogede hjemmesider på internettet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few Tatar-language websites on the Internet. Der er kun én bog på skrivebordet. There is only one book on the desk. There's only one book on the desk. Det her er Toms motorcykel, tror jeg. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. This is Tom's bike, I think. Katten er under sofaen. The cat is under the sofa. The cat's under the couch. Få din røv her tilbage! Get your butt over here! Get your ass back here! Der er ingen fisk i denne dam. There are no fish in this pond. There's no fish in this pond. Tom sagde at du var kommet. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you were here. Køber du stadigvæk lottokuponer? Do you still buy lottery tickets? Are you still buying lottery tickets? Jeg er bange for at krydse gaden i Peking da bilisterne der ikke tager hensyn til fodgængerne. I'm afraid to cross the street in Beijing since drivers don't respect pedestrians there. I'm afraid to cross the street in Peking as the drivers who don't take account of the pedestrians. Jo flere penge vi har, jo flere ønsker vi. The more money we have, the more we want. The more money we have, the more we want. Tom er den bedste. Tom is the best. Tom is the best. Det er lettere sagt end gjort. It's easier said than done. It's easier said than done. Det er mørkt udenfor. It is dark outside. It's dark outside. Tom slukkede ildebranden. Tom put out the fire. Tom put out the fire. Fortsæt med at grave. Continue digging. Keep digging. Jeg sprang ud af sengen. I sprang out of bed. I jumped out of bed. Løs denne tredjegradsligning: x³ + 2x² − x − 2 = 0. Solve this cubic equation: x³ + 2x² − x − 2 = 0. Fix this third degree equation: x3 + 2x2 − x − 2 = 0. Tom greb et brækjern for at bruge det som våben. Tom grabbed a crowbar to use as a weapon. Tom grabbed a crowbar to use it as a weapon. De talte kort. They spoke briefly. They spoke cards. Jeg er gode venner med en masse betjente. I'm friends with a lot of cops. I'm good friends with a lot of cops. Jeg bad ham om at komme og besøge os. I told him to come visit us. I asked him to come visit us. Den officielle middag fandt sted i Det Hvide Hus. The official dinner took place at the White House. The official dinner took place in the White House. Hun har en hund og seks katte. She has a dog and six cats. She has a dog and six cats. Jeg tror han lyver. I think he's lying. I think he's lying. Han er altid glad. He's always happy. He's always happy. Hans søn er otte år. His son is eight years old. His son is eight years old. Askepot havde to onde stedsøstre. Cinderella had two evil stepsisters. Cinderella had two evil stepsisters. Det her er virkelig nemt. This is real easy. This is really easy. Tom er en løjser. Tom is a deadbeat. Tom is a liar. Dine drømme er næsten lige så forvrængede som mine mareridt. Your dreams are almost as twisted as my nightmares. Your dreams are almost as distorted as my nightmares. Jeg havde ikke ventet lang tid før hun dukkede op. I had not waited long before she turned up. I hadn't waited long before she showed up. Tom har stillet for mange spørgsmål. Tom asked too many questions. Tom has asked too many questions. Jeg har købt en hybridbil. I bought a hybrid. I bought a hybrid car. Toms forudsigelse var korrekt. Tom's prediction was correct. Tom's prediction was correct. Hvor er dine børnebørn? Where are your grandchildren? Where are your grandchildren? Sover han stadig? Is he still sleeping? Is he still asleep? Du har en fjer i håret. You have a feather on your hair. You have a feather in your hair. Millie spiser et æble. Millie is eating an apple. Millie's eating an apple. Apples nye iPhone har ikke 3,5 mm hovedtelefontilslutning. Apple's new iPhone doesn't have a headphone jack. Apple's new iPhone does not have 3.5mm headphone connection. Jeg tjener hundrede euro om dagen. I make 100 euros per day. I make a hundred euros a day. Der skete en frygtelig ulykke i går. An awful accident happened yesterday. There was a terrible accident yesterday. Jeg foretrækker at gå ud frem for at blive hjemme. I prefer going out to staying home. I prefer to go out instead of staying at home. Nogle mennesker siger at Japan er et mandsdomineret samfund. Some people say Japan is a male-dominated society. Some people say that Japan is a male-dominated society. Du kan ikke sælge koen og drikke mælken. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. You can't sell the cow and drink the milk. Hør godt efter hvad jeg siger. Listen well to what I say. Listen to me very carefully. Min far døde af lungekræft. My father died of lung cancer. My father died of lung cancer. Han kendte Uyghur, før han kom til Kashgar. He knew Uyghur before he came to Kashgar. He knew Uyghur before he came to Kashgar. Mary hader edderkopper. Mary hates spiders. Mary hates spiders. Er det en ubåd? Is that a submarine? Is that a sub? Hr. Tanaka er vores engelsklærer. Mr Tanaka is our teacher of English. Mr. Tanaka is our English teacher. Der er kun én dag tilbage. There's just one day left. There's only one day left. Det siges at hun er rig. It is said that she is rich. They say she's rich. Tom kan ikke arbejde i dag. Han er meget syg. Tom cannot work today. He is very sick. Tom can't work today. Manden kysser kvinden. The man kisses the woman. The man kisses the woman. Jeg er enig med Tom. I agree with Tom. I agree with Tom. Det er værd at gentage. That's worth repeating. It's worth repeating. Hvis du ikke opfører dig ordentligt, får du ikke nogen dessert. If you don't behave yourself, you won't get any dessert. If you don't behave, you won't get any dessert. Tom blev fyret efter at være blevet taget i at spille Tetris på arbejdet. Tom was fired after being caught playing Tetris at work. Tom was fired after being caught playing Tetris at work. Hvad har I? What've you got? What do you got? Jeg blev født den 22. marts 1962. I was born on March 22, 1962. I was born on March 22, 1962. Jeg vil have en pony. I want a pony. I want a pony. Hun gik i en pigeskole. She went to a single-sex school. She went to a girl's school. Vi har sat ræven til at vogte gæs. We have put the fox in charge of the hen house. We've set the fox to guard the geese. Tom må være gået den vej. Tom must've gone that way. Tom must have gone that way. Vil du ikke være så venlig at få al dit ragelse ud af dette værelse? Please get all of your junk out of this room. Would you please get all your junk out of this room? Jeg var ikke i skolen, for jeg var syg. I wasn't at school, because I was sick. I wasn't in school because I was sick. Der er ikke en kone jeg vil have, men en sexveninde. It's not a wife that I want, but a sex friend. There's not a wife I want, there's a sex girlfriend. Tom er sparsommelig. Tom is frugal. Tom is thrifty. Hvad købte hun i butikken? What did she buy at the shop? What did she buy at the store? Tom sagde at du talte fransk. Tom said you spoke French. Tom said you spoke French. Jeg vil gerne have tre stykker sukker i min mælk. I want three sugars in my milk. I'd like three sugars in my milk. Hun elsker sine børn. She loves her children. She loves her children. Betty Page var en pinuppige. Betty Page was a pin-up girl. Betty Page was a pinup girl. Jeg synes vi skal se på det. I think we should look into it. I think we should take a look. Han er en modig mand. He is a brave man. He's a brave man. Tom ved hvad vej vinden blæser. Tom knows which way the wind is blowing. Tom knows which way the wind blows. Jeg er vegetar. I'm a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Aomori er berømt for sine gode æbler. Aomori is famous for its good apples. Aomori is famous for his good apples. Hun havde ren samvittighed. She had a clear conscience. She had a clear conscience. De tog støvlerne af. They took their boots off. They took off the boots. Tom har endnu ikke et pas. Tom doesn't have a passport yet. Tom doesn't have a passport yet. Børnene legede i baghaven. The children were playing in the backyard. The kids were playing in the backyard. Tom var ved at dø af tørst. Tom was dying of thirst. Tom was dying of thirst. Der var engang en konge som havde tre døtre. There was once a king who had three daughters. Once upon a time, there was a king who had three daughters. Jeg vil altid elske dig. I will always love you. I'll always love you. Jeg kan ikke rejse med fly. I cannot travel by plane. I can't travel by plane. Gode kunstnere kopierer, store kunstnere stjæler. Good artists copy, great artists steal. Good artists copy, great artists steal. Tom taler fransk lige så godt som dig. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as well as you. Rumrejser ansås for at være umuligt. Space travel was thought to be impossible. Space travel was considered impossible. Det er billigere at tage bussen. It is cheaper to go by bus. It's cheaper to take the bus. Han taber aldrig hovedet. He never loses his head. He never loses his head. Der er mange sjældne fisk i akvariet. There are many rare fish at the aquarium. There are many rare fish in the aquarium. Hvorfor kommer du ikke ind og venter? Why don't you come inside and wait? Why don't you come in and wait? Jeg spiser et æble. I am eating an apple. I'm eating an apple. Tom er ikke hans rigtige navn. Tom isn't his real name. Tom is not his real name. Jeg drikker ikke kaffe. I do not drink coffee. I don't drink coffee. Du kan komme til skade hvis du ikke følger sikkerhedsforskrifterne. You may injure yourself if you don't follow safety procedures. You may get hurt if you do not comply with the safety regulations. Giraffen kan ikke svømme fordi dens tyngdepunkt ligger så højt at den ville vælte. The giraffe cannot swim because its centre of gravity is so high that it would topple over. The giraffe cannot swim because its center of gravity is so high that it would fall over. Jeg ønsker ikke at tage med dig hen for at se fodboldkampen i morgen; jeg ønsker at tage med Paolo for at se en film. Tomorrow I don't want to come with you to see the soccer game, I want to go with Paolo to see a movie. I don't want to go with you to watch the football game tomorrow; I want to go with Paolo to watch a movie. Tom er en bonderøv. Tom is a redneck. Tom is a redneck. Det ser ud til at han vil vinde førstepræmien. It appears that he will win first prize. Looks like he's gonna win the first prize. Der er noget galt med motoren. Something is wrong with the engine. There's something wrong with the engine. Jeg har ingen appetit. I have no appetite. I don't have an appetite. Vi bor i Australien. We live in Australia. We live in Australia. Min bil er tysk. My car is German. My car is German. Det er farligt at telefonere og køre bil på samme tid. It's dangerous to talk on the phone and drive at the same time. It's dangerous to phone and drive at the same time. Vi sad og så fjernsyn da klokken ringede. We were watching TV when the bell rang. We were watching TV when the bell rang. Tom har solgt sit gamle køleskab til mig. Tom sold me his old refrigerator. Tom sold me his old fridge. De fleste af hundene er i live. Most of the dogs are alive. Most of the dogs are alive. Ønsker I hjælp? Do you want help? Do you want help? Jeg lærer tysk nu. I'm learning German now. I'm learning German now. Jeg svømmer en gang ugentlig. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. For nylig er jeg blevet vant til hans måde at tale på. Recently, I've gotten used to his way of speaking. Recently, I've become used to his way of speaking. Han kan ikke svømme. He can't swim. He can't swim. Han havde ønsket hende god jul. He had wished her happy holidays. He wanted her to have a merry Christmas. Det begyndte at blæse op. The wind began to blow. It started blowing up. Har du en franskordbog? Do you have a French dictionary? Do you have a French dictionary? Jeg vil ikke gå i detaljer. I'm not going into details. I don't want to go into details. Jeg hader folk, der har følelser. I hate people who have feelings. I hate people who have feelings. Harer og kaniner ser meget ens ud for mig. Hares and rabbits look very similar to me. Hares and rabbits look very similar to me. Jeg hader gulerødder. I hate carrots. I hate carrots. De er stadig ikke vågnet. They still haven't woken up. They're still not awake. Giv mig din bue. Give me your bow. Give me your bow. Jeg vil gerne have eget værelse. I would like to have a room of my own. I'd like to have my own room. Klaveret stemte ikke; det lød utroligt dårligt. The piano was out of tune; it sounded very bad. The piano did not vote; it sounded incredibly bad. Tom voksede op i Tyskland, men bor nu i USA. Tom grew up in Germany, but he now lives in the United States. Tom grew up in Germany, but now lives in the United States. Det vil snart regne. It is going to rain soon. It'll rain soon. Det øser ned. It is raining heavily. It's pouring down. Sandheden er at jeg er en mand i en mandekrop. The truth is I'm a man in a man's body. The truth is, I'm a man in a man's body. Han så aldrig sin søster igen. He never saw his sister again. He never saw his sister again. Ved du hvor højt tv-tårnet er? Do you know, how high is the television tower? Do you know how high the TV tower is? Der kommer til at være et problem. There'll be a problem. There's gonna be a problem. Sværger du på at sige sandheden, hele sandheden, og intet andet end sandheden? Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Jeg har en lav puls. My pulse is slow. I have a low pulse. Jeg kunne ikke længere stå. I couldn't stand any more. I couldn't stand anymore. Hun arbejder som stripper. She works as a stripper. She works as a stripper. Tom ønskede at se Marys værelse. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Kilten er ikke en nederdel. The kilt is not a skirt. The kilt's not a skirt. Italien er et meget smukt land. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very beautiful country. Min mor tager en lur hver eftermiddag. My mother takes a nap every afternoon. My mom takes a nap every afternoon. Vær god mod dem der hader dig. Do good to those who hate you. Be kind to those who hate you. Tom er juveler. Tom is a jeweller. Tom is jewels. Hvor ofte vasker du op? How often do you wash the dishes? How often do you wash dishes? Hun gik tyve mil om dagen. She walked twenty miles a day. She walked 20 miles a day. Hvorfor er de ikke bekymret? Why aren't they worried? Why aren't they worried? Han betalte kun ti dollars for skjorten. He only paid ten dollars for that shirt. He only paid $10 for his shirt. Mange tak for blomsterne. Thank you for the flowers. Thank you so much for the flowers. Forsøg ikke at narre døden to gange på én dag. Don't try to trick death twice in one day. Don't try to fool death twice in one day. Lad os dele dusøren fifty-fifty. Let's split the reward fifty-fifty. Let's share the reward fifty-fifty. Tom kom hjem. Tom got home. Tom came home. Tom er en berømt bollywoodskuespiller. Tom is a famous Bollywood actor. Tom is a famous bollywood actor. Min onkel spiller guitar. My uncle plays guitar. My uncle plays guitar. Taler han engelsk? Does he speak English? Does he speak English? Jeg skulle aldrig have kysset Toms kæreste. I never should've kissed Tom's girlfriend. I should never have kissed Tom's boyfriend. Jeg tror på mirakler. I believe in miracles. I believe in miracles. Jeg ville have gjort det selv, hvis jeg havde haft tid. I'd have done that myself if I'd had the time. I would have done it myself if I had time. Hvor savede du dem? Where did you saw them? Where did you saw them? De smilede. They smiled. They were smiling. Tom er meget snakkesalig. Tom is very talkative. Tom is very talkative. Hvorfor blandede du dig i et anliggende som ikke vedrørte dig overhovedet? Why did you interfere in an affair that did not concern you at all? Why did you interfere in a matter that didn't concern you at all? Tom havde intet at læse. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. Det er min nabos hund. That's my neighbor's dog. That's my neighbor's dog. Folk fyldtes med skræk. People were filled with fright. People were filled with fear. Hvorfor arbejder du? Why do you work? Why are you working? Et helt tal er naturligt, hvis og kun hvis det er større end eller lig med 0. An integer is natural if and only if it is greater or equal to 0. A whole number is natural if and only if it is greater than or equal to 0. Jeg bliver nødt til at tale med ham. I've got to speak to him. I need to talk to him. Hun græd ikke. She did not cry. She didn't cry. Af alle måneder holder jeg mest af maj. I like May the best of all the months. Of all months, I like May most. Hun sagde straks ja. She agreed right away. She said yes at once. Hvor ligger den danske ambassade? Where is the Danish embassy? Where is the Danish embassy? Sami kastede op i toilettet. Sami threw up in the toilet. Sami threw up in the bathroom. Jeg elsker dig, men ikke på den måde. I love you, but not that way. I love you, but not like that. Drengen der ror båden er en af mine venner. The boy rowing the boat is a friend of mine. The boy who rudders the boat is a friend of mine. Jeg kan ikke finde printeren. I can't find the printer. I can't find the printer. Jeg nåede ikke mit tog. I've missed my train. I missed my train. Tom er også døv. Tom is also deaf. Tom is deaf too. Han tog en dyb indånding. He took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. Tom kan godt lide at vise sig. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to show off. Tom købte et par gummistøvler til sig selv. Tom bought himself a pair of rubber boots. Tom bought himself a pair of rubber boots. Tom klatrede op ad stigen og plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Tom climbed the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Jeg har aldrig været i England. I have never been to England. I've never been to England. Forsøg ikke at efterligne hende. Do not try to imitate her. Don't try to imitate her. Der er mælk i køleskabet. There is milk in the refrigerator. There's milk in the fridge. Du påtænker at hjælpe mig i morgen, gør du ikke? You're planning to help me tomorrow, aren't you? You're going to help me tomorrow, aren't you? Han kan tale fransk og engelsk. He can speak French and English. He speaks French and English. Tom mener han har fundet Atlantis. Tom thinks he has found Atlantis. Tom thinks he found Atlantis. Hun fik strømregningen i dag. She received the electricity bill today. She got the power bill today. Jeg havde en meget vigtig beslutning at træffe. I had a very important decision to make. I had a very important decision to make. Den person er fuld. That person is drunk. That person is drunk. Dette er min cykel. This is my bicycle. This is my bike. Mary og Alice er svigerinder. Mary and Alice are sisters-in-law. Mary and Alice are sister-in-law. Jeg leder efter min kuglepen. I'm looking for my ballpoint pen. I'm looking for my pen. Hvad synes du om min nye hat? How do you like my new hat? What do you think of my new hat? Jeg har været i Kina i mindre end en måned. I've been in China for less than a month. I've been in China for less than a month. Sig bare sandheden. Just tell the truth. Just tell me the truth. Kirken blev bygget i det femtende århundrede. The church was built in the fifteenth century. The church was built in the fifteenth century. Jeg laver sjældent fejl. I seldom make mistakes. I rarely make mistakes. Toget er ved at afgå. The train is about to leave. The train's about to depart. Det regnede meget kraftigt. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining very heavily. Jeg har ikke hørt noget fra hende ind til videre. I've heard nothing from her as yet. I haven't heard anything from her so far. Vi prøver bare at vinde noget tid. We're just trying to buy some time. We're just trying to win some time. I dag er en tomme nøjagtig 2,54 centimeter. An inch is now precisely 2.54 centimeters. Today, one inch is exactly 2.54 centimeters. I 1783 opdagede Caroline Herschel tre nye stjernetåger. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new nebulae. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new nebulaes. Må jeg se hvad der er på de andre kanaler? Can I see what's on the other channels? Can I see what's on the other channels? En norsk diplomat havde været fjendligt indstillet over for Sovjetunionen. Så KGB igangsatte en aktion der skulle kompromittere nordmanden. Han havde en russisk kæreste og han blev bedt om at forlade landet straks. A Norwegian diplomat had been hostile to the Soviet Union, so the KGB initiated a compromising action against the Norwegian. He had a Russian girlfriend and was asked to immediately leave the country. A Norwegian diplomat had been hostile to the Soviet Union. So the KGB launched an action to compromise the Norwegian. He had a Russian girlfriend and he was asked to leave the country immediately. Jeg drikker kaffe i stedet for mælk. I drink coffee instead of milk. I drink coffee instead of milk. Smut! Get lost! Go! Tom sad på molen med fødderne i vandet. Tom sat on the pier with his feet in the water. Tom sat on the pier with his feet in the water. Jo kortere, desto bedre. The shorter the better. The shorter, the better. "Hvilket æble ønsker du?" ― "Jeg ønsker det der." "Which apple would you like?" "I'd like that one." "What apple do you want?" "I want it there." Frankrig er en republik. France is a republic. France is a republic. Jeg kan lide din plan. I like your plan. I like your plan. Butikken er lukket om mandagen. The store is closed Mondays. The store is closed on Mondays. Tal nu eller ti for evigt! Speak now or forever hold your peace. Speak now or speak forever! Hvor tit tager du et brusebad? How often do you shower? How often do you take a shower? Han vil ikke høre efter. Det er som at tale til en mur. He won't listen. It's like talking to the wall. He won't listen, it's like talking to a wall. Ti stille! Be quiet. Shut up! Jeg kan lide baklava. I like baclava. I like baklava. Jeg er nødt til at erstatte mit tastatur med et nyt. I need to replace my keyboard with a new one. I have to replace my keyboard with a new one. Hun kan aldrig holde på en hemmelighed. She can never keep a secret. She can never keep a secret. Hver morgen, mens han spiser morgenmad, kigger hans hund på ham. Every morning, while he is eating his breakfast, his dog looks at him. Every morning while he eats breakfast, his dog looks at him. Hvad er din favoritvideo på YouTube? What's your favorite YouTube video? What's your favorite video on YouTube? Toms kommentarer skabte en del irritation. Tom's comments ruffled a few feathers. Tom's comments caused a lot of irritation. Tom er Marys mest berømte søn. Tom is Mary's most famous son. Tom is Mary's most famous son. De havde ingen skæg, intet hår og ingen øjenbryn. They had no beards, no hair and no eyebrows. They had no beard, no hair and no eyebrows. Brevet er skrevet af pigen. The letter is written by the girl. The letter was written by the girl. Er broen sikker? Is the bridge safe? Is the bridge safe? Av! Jeg bed mig i tungen. Ouch! I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue. Jeg har en hund og en kat. I have a cat and a dog. I have a dog and a cat. Jeg bliver sytten næste år. I'll be seventeen next year. I'll be seventeen next year. Du har ikke en nøgle, vel? You don't have a key, do you? You don't have a key, do you? Det siges at Marie Antoinette var ansvarlig for den franske revolution. They say that Marie Antoinette was responsible for the French Revolution. It is said that Marie Antoinette was responsible for the French Revolution. Jeg har hørt at det vil regne i morgen. I heard that it's going to rain tomorrow. I heard it's gonna rain tomorrow. Jeg kan næsten ikke se uden mine briller. I can hardly see without my glasses. I can barely see without my glasses. Tom er en svækling. Tom is a wimp. Tom is a weakling. I morgen er det jul. Tomorrow is Christmas. Tomorrow's Christmas. Vi får måske aldrig at vide hvad der i virkeligheden skete. We may never know what really happened. We may never know what really happened. Er I snart klare? Are you almost ready? Are you ready yet? Jeg kan bevise at Tom ikke har gjort det. I can prove that Tom hasn't done that. I can prove Tom didn't do it. Jeg tror det på tide at jeg flytter til forstæderne. I think it's time for me to move to the suburbs. I think it's time I moved to the suburbs. For guds skyld. For heaven's sake. For God's sake. Det er utroligt! It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable! Hvorfor er I så vrede? Why are you guys so angry? Why are you so angry? Hvor mange gæster inviterede du? How many guests did you invite? How many guests did you invite? Hun har haft to ulykker indenfor et år. She had two accidents within a year. She's had two accidents in a year. Tæl til hundrede. Count to one hundred. Count to a hundred. Hun fandt ringen som hun havde tabt under rejsen. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. Jeg har reddet jer. I saved you. I saved you. Tom rensede sin riffel. Tom cleaned his rifle. Tom cleaned his rifle. Jeg har ølmave. I have a beer belly. I have a beer stomach. Må jeg gå hen og købe is? May I go buy some ice cream? Can I go buy ice cream? Børnene er i skole. The kids are at school. The kids are in school. Jeg elsker at være gældfri. I love having no debt. I love being debt-free. Dan lærte at spille guitar. Dan was learning how to play the guitar. Dan learned to play guitar. Nancy er bange for hunde. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Hvis jeg finder dit pas, vil jeg ringe dig op. If I find your passport, I'll call you. If I find your passport, I'll call you. Det er et billede af Tom og hans kat. That's a picture of Tom and his cat. It's a picture of Tom and his cat. Marals mor er treogfyrre. Maral's mother is forty-three. Maral's mother is forty-three. Moren ammede sit barn i bussen. The mother breastfed her child on the bus. The mother nursed her baby on the bus. Dine chancer for at dø, mens du udfylder dine lottokuponer, er større end dine chancer for at vinde. Your chances of dying while filling out your lottery tickets is greater than your chances of winning. Your chances of dying while filling in your lottery tickets are greater than your chances of winning. Dette er mit hus. This is my house. This is my house. Hvor højt er Mont Blanc? How high is Mont Blanc? How high is Mont Blanc? Tom plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom picked an apple from the tree. Tom picked an apple from the tree. Jeg har brug for Tom. I need Tom. I need Tom. Tom så sig om i det tomme værelse. Tom looked around the empty room. Tom looked around the empty room. Alt gik galt. It all went wrong. Everything went wrong. Hej du, sæt farten ned! Hey, slow down! Hey, you, slow down! Jeg har aldrig set Tom danse. I've never seen Tom dance. I've never seen Tom dance. Algeriet har smukke strande. Algeria has beautiful beaches. Algeria has beautiful beaches. Samis kat kradsede Layla. Sami's cat was clawing Layla. Sami's cat scratched Layla. Han kender borgmesteren. He is acquainted with the mayor. He knows the mayor. Inger var et syndefuldt barn, som ikke agtede Vor Herres gaver, men trådte dem under fødderne. Inge was a sinful girl, who did not value the gifts of God, but trampled them under her feet. Inger was a sinful child who did not respect the gifts of our Lord but trodden under his feet. Tom var svag. Tom was weak. Tom was weak. Luk venligst døren efter dig. Please close the door behind you. Please close the door after you. Regner det meget i Tyskland? Does it rain much in Germany? Does it rain a lot in Germany? Disse er min bukser. These are my pants. These are my pants. Jeg er lærer. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. De mest kendte transcendente tal er π og e. The best-known transcendental numbers are π and e. The most known transcendent numbers are π and e. Jeg håber ikke at Tom gør det igen. I hope that Tom doesn't do that again. I hope Tom doesn't do it again. Folkemassen demonstrerede til støtte for menneskerettigheder. The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights. The people demonstrated in support of human rights. Fryser du? Are you freezing? Are you cold? Sår heler med tiden. Wounds heal as time passes. Wounds heal in time. Det var kun for sjov. It's a joke, of course. I was just kidding. Tom tog Mary til hospitalet. Tom took Mary to the hospital. Tom took Mary to the hospital. Jeg regner med det. I'm counting on it. I'm counting on it. Drikker du vin? Do you drink wine? Do you drink wine? Min onkel gav mig en gave. My uncle gave me a present. My uncle gave me a gift. Det hele er overstået nu. It's all over now. It's all over now. Han sov i timen. He was asleep during the lesson. He slept in class. Hun var høj. She was stoned. She was tall. Han lavede en løkke ud af lagnerne og hængte sig i sin celle. He fashioned a noose out of the bed sheets and hung himself in his cell. He made a noose out of the sheets and hung himself in his cell. Hvis det ikke er i Tatoeba, er det ikke en sætning. If it isn't on Tatoeba, it isn't a sentence. If it's not in Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. Du kan ikke forvente at jeg altid tænker på alting. You can't expect me to always think of everything! You can't expect me to always think about everything. Jeg forstår dit dilemma. I understand your dilemma. I understand your dilemma. Kan der ikke gøres noget? Can't anything be done? Can't anything be done? Er du god til at tale fransk? Are you good at speaking French? Are you good at speaking French? Cristiano Ronaldo er en af verdens bedste fodboldspillere. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world's best soccer players. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world's best footballers. Skriv det ned før du glemmer det. Write it down before you forget it. Write it down before you forget. Man sagde til mig at jeg skulle gå til læge. I was told that I should see a doctor. They told me to go see a doctor. Hun ønsker datteren gift med en læge. She wants to marry her daughter to a doctor. She wants her daughter to marry a doctor. Jeg tror ikke at det vil sne i morgen. I don't think that it'll snow tomorrow. I don't think it'll snow tomorrow. Jeg har en kuglepen. I have a pen. I have a pen. Det er meget let at lære det kyrilliske alfabet, men at læse tekster skrevet med kyrilliske bogstaver, flydende er meget svært for dem der er lige begyndt på at lære russisk. It's very easy to learn the Cyrillic alphabet, but reading fluently texts written in Cyrillic characters is quite difficult for those who are just starting to learn Russian. It is very easy to learn the Cyrillic alphabet, but reading texts written in Cyrillic letters, fluent, is very difficult for those who have just begun learning Russian. Han klagede over maden. He complained about the food. He complained about the food. Hun tog sine gamle sko af, og tog de nye på. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. Mary er ikke min kæreste, men min kone. Mary is not my girlfriend but my wife. Mary's not my girlfriend, she's my wife. Tag dig sammen! Pull yourself together! Pull yourself together! Jeg ved, hvor farlig Tom er. I know how dangerous Tom is. I know how dangerous Tom is. Jeg er træt. Jeg skal i seng. I am tired, I need to go to bed. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. En to meter lang levende krokodille er blevet fundet i et drivhus i en have i Sveriges tredje største by - Malmø. A two-meter-long live crocodile has been found in a garden greenhouse in Sweden's third largest city, Malmö. A two - foot - long living crocodile has been found in a greenhouse in a garden in Sweden's third largest city - Malmö. Han ønskede ikke at hun skulle gå. He did not want her to leave. He didn't want her to leave. Vent her indtil han kommer. Be waiting here until he comes. Wait here until he gets here. Det lyder alvorligt. That sounds serious. That sounds serious. Tjek lige dæktrykket! Check the pressure of the tires. Check out the tire pressure! Tom og Mary bor på en gård og har 16 børn. Tom and Mary live on a farm and have 16 children. Tom and Mary live on a farm and have 16 children. Ja, det sker fra tid til anden. Yes, it happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens from time to time. Hun traf ham i cafeen. She met him in the cafe. She met him in the cafe. Tågen er lettet. The mist cleared. The fog is relieved. Denne bog er lille. This book is small. This book is small. Jeg vil holde min mund lukket. I'll keep my mouth shut. I'll keep my mouth shut. Tom giver koncert i slutningen af denne måned. Tom is giving a concert at the end of this month. Tom is giving a concert at the end of this month. Vores køleskab virker ikke. Our refrigerator isn't working. Our fridge doesn't work. Tal tydeligt. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Fuglen var halvt så stor som en ørn. The bird was half as large as an eagle. The bird was half the size of an eagle. Nogle mennesker køber kun økologiske fødevarer; de tror at deres krop så ikke beskadiges af forurenende stoffer. Some people only buy organic food; they think that in this way their body will not be damaged by pollutants. Some people buy only organic foods; they think that their bodies are not damaged by pollutants. Er dette godt fransk? Is this good French? Is this good French? Ærlighed betaler sig ikke med det nuværende skattesystem. Honesty doesn't pay under the current tax system. Honesty does not pay off with the current tax system. Det har sneet i en uge. It had been snowing for a week. It's been snowing for a week. Han sagde, at han er pessimistisk. He said he's pessimistic. He said he's pessimistic. Vi hjalp også dem. We helped them as well. We helped them too. Bomuldsvanter forhindrer babyen i at kradse sig i ansigtet. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching her own face. Cotton gloves prevent the baby from scratching his face. Bussen standsede for at optage passagerer. The bus stopped to take up passengers. The bus stopped to take passengers. De kalder mig feltmadras. They call me an army whore. They call me a field mattress. Sami købte sin drømmebil. Sami bought his dream car. Sami bought his dream car. Så er der serveret. Dinner is ready to eat. Okay, dinner's ready. Han var kendt af alle i landsbyen. He was known to everybody in the village. He was known to everyone in the village. I Canada taler man engelsk og fransk. In Canada they speak English and French. Canada speaks English and French. Jeg har lånt et bord. I've borrowed a table. I borrowed a table. Rygtet fortæller at du fik jobbet. The word is that you got the job. Rumor has it you got the job. Hun elsker ham. She loves him. She loves him. Tom og Mary har drukket. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Vær høflig over for dine forældre. Be polite to your parents. Be polite to your parents. Hans held vil slippe op før eller senere. He'll run out of luck sooner or later. His luck will run out sooner or later. Vi gav vores hund navnet White. We named our dog White. We named our dog White. Emily er ved at lære dansk fordi hun og hendes forældre tager til Danmark til sommer. Emily is learning Danish, because she and her parents are going to Denmark this summer. Emily is learning Danish because she and her parents are going to Denmark this summer. Han har boet længe i Island. He has lived in Iceland for a long time. He's been living in Iceland for a long time. Sommeren er ovre inden længe. Summer is almost over. Summer will be over soon. Tom sagde at han syntes at jeg så ud som om jeg kedede mig. Tom said he thought I looked like I was bored. Tom said that he thought I looked like I was bored. Katten venter på dig derhjemme. The cat is waiting for you at home. The cat's waiting for you at home. Tager du ofte til Boston? Do you go to Boston often? Do you go to Boston often? I dette fremmede land sad folk på hug ved busstoppestedet og ventede med sindsro på bussen. In this foreign country, people at the bus stop were calmly waiting for the bus, sitting on their haunches. In this foreign land people were squatting at the bus stop waiting with serenity on the bus. Hvornår skal du til Japan? When will you go to Japan? When are you going to Japan? Jeg boede i Boston for tre år siden. I was living in Boston three years ago. I lived in Boston three years ago. Jeg troede at Tom ikke drak. I thought Tom didn't drink. I thought Tom wasn't drinking. Kaffen kunne godt være en smule stærkere. The coffee could be a bit stronger. The coffee could be a little stronger. Har din mor og far samme efternavn? Do your mum and dad have the same surname? Your mom and dad have the same last name? "Tammi" med to m'er. Altså T-A-M-M-I. 'Tammi' with two m's. So that's T-A-M-M-I. "Tammi" with two m's, T-A-M-M-I. Jeg er enig med ham. I agree with him. I agree with him. Hun ønsker at gå ud med ham. She wants to go out with him. She wants to go out with him. Tom plejede ikke at drikke så meget. Tom didn't use to drink so much. Tom didn't used to drink that much. Han er lige nu i gang med at lave lektier. He is doing his homework now. He's doing his homework right now. Jeg er halvt så gammel som dig. I'm half your age. I'm half your age. Giv mig dem! Give them to me. Give it to me! Min yndlingspizza er Pizza Hawaii. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. Jeg bor i Moskva. I live in Moscow. I live in Moscow. Tom er berettiget til at stemme. Tom has the right to vote. Tom is entitled to vote. Æblet ligger ovenpå bogen. The apple is on top of the book. The apple is on top of the book. Jeg har glemt at købe en blomst til Eva. I forgot to buy a flower for Éva. I forgot to buy Eva a flower. Glem ikke din billet! Don't forget your ticket! Don't forget your ticket! Vores skole ligger nær stationen. Our school is near the station. Our school is near the station. Hannover er Niedersachsens hovedstad. Hanover is the capital of Lower Saxony. Hannover is the capital of Lower Saxony. Drikkevand med syreregn påvirker helbredet. Acid rain in drinking water affects human health. Drinking water with acid rain affects health. Det er en hemmelighed. It's a secret. It's a secret. Hvordan kan jeg få dig til at skifte mening? How can I change your mind? How can I make you change your mind? Du er smuk. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. I må skynde jer. You guys have to hurry. You must hurry. Fra hvilken del af Australien kommer du? What part of Australia do you come from? From what part of Australia do you come? Kender du et godt motel i nærheden? Do you know a good motel not far from here? You know a good motel around here? Sami sagde følgende til mig. Sami told me the following. Sami said this to me. Hvor er I? Where are you guys? Where are you? Harer har lange ører. Hares have long ears. Hares have long ears. Jaumes bedstemor talte catalansk bedre end hun talte spansk. Jaume's grandmother spoke Catalan better than Spanish. Jaume's grandmother spoke Catalan better than she spoke Spanish. Du arbejder ikke her. You don't work here. You don't work here. Han bor i Tokyo. He is living in Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo. Krigen sluttede i 1945. The war ended in 1945. The war ended in 1945. Har I nogen i blå? Do you have any in blue? Do you have anyone in blue? Vi har valgt vinderne! We've picked the winners! We have chosen the winners! Maria Callas er en berømt operasanger. Maria Callas is a famous opera singer. Maria Callas is a famous opera singer. Tom kiggede Mary dybt i øjnene og smilede. Tom looked deeply into Mary's eyes and smiled. Tom looked Mary deep in the eye and smiled. Man kan kende et menneske på dets venner. You can know a man by his friends. A person can be identified by his friends. Jeg var trængt op i en krog. I was cornered. I was cornered. Han lever endnu. He is still alive. He's still alive. Hvor er bassisten? Where's the bass player? Where's the bass player? Jeg drikker ikke meget øl. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink much beer. Kvinden fødte en pige. The woman gave birth to a baby girl. The woman gave birth to a girl. Han lever nøjsomt. He lives frugally. He lives quietly. Hvilken planet er nærmest Solen? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? Which planet is closest to the Sun? Det er næsten midnat, gå i seng! It's almost midnight. Go to bed. It's almost midnight, go to bed! Jeg er enøjet. I'm one-eyed. I'm one-eyed. Har du nogensinde spist mexicansk mad? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Tom er meddeler for FBI. Tom is an informant for the FBI. Tom is an informant for the FBI. Jeg ville ønske, at jeg var født som dreng. I wish I'd been born a boy. I wish I was born a boy. Han betalte kun ti dollars for den skjorte. He only paid ten dollars for that shirt. He only paid $10 for that shirt. Det er penge ud ad vinduet. That's money down the drain. It's money out the window. Ser du, det er ikke den måde jeg ønsker tingene skal være på. You know this isn't the way I want things to be. You see, that's not the way I want things to be. Hvorfor er der en Miss Italien men ingen Mister Italien? Why is there a Miss Italy but no Mister Italy? Why is there a Miss Italy but no Mister Italy? Du sms'ede til mig, ikke sandt? You texted me, didn't you? You texted me, didn't you? Han læser avisen. He is reading the newspaper. He's reading the paper. Man havde hørt hende råbe om hjælp. She was heard to cry for help. She had been heard crying for help. En af mine venner bad mig om at sende ham et postkort. A friend of mine asked me to send him a postcard. A friend of mine asked me to send him a postcard. Tom tog sin skjorte på. Tom put on his shirt. Tom put his shirt on. Jeg vil gerne vide, hvem der fortalte Tom det. I want to know who told Tom that. I'd like to know who told Tom. Hovedstaden i Japan er Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Videnskaben løser ikke alle livets problemer. Science does not solve all the problems of life. Science does not solve all the problems of life. Jeg har fortalt dig at det var spild af tid. I told you this was a waste of time. I told you it was a waste of time. Tom så Mary. Tom saw Mary. Tom saw Mary. Jeg har ikke drukket den mælk. I didn't drink that milk. I didn't drink that milk. Jeg har ikke lyst til at arbejde. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. Jeg har travlt med at lave lektier. I'm busy with homework. I'm busy doing my homework. Hun sendte et brev til mig. She sent me a letter. She sent me a letter. Dette er et foto af en af mine hunde. This is a picture of one of my dogs. This is a photo of one of my dogs. Jeg kan ikke hjælpe jer. I can't help you. I can't help you. Jeg er jaloux. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. Tyskland er i gang med midlertidigt at indføre grænsekontrol ved grænsen til Østrig. Germany is introducing temporary border controls with Austria. Germany is temporarily introducing border controls at the border with Austria. Vi så frygtelige scener på tv. We saw terrible scenes on TV. We saw terrible scenes on TV. Det er en ting at vide, noget helt andet at undervise. It is one thing to know and another to teach. It's one thing to know, something completely different to teach. Vi siger det til Tom. We'll tell Tom. We'll tell Tom. Jeg så Mary med ham. I saw Mary with him. I saw Mary with him. Tom købte en gave til sin søn. Tom bought a present for his son. Tom bought a gift for his son. Det var mørkt da jeg nåede hotellet. It was dark when I reached the hotel. It was dark when I got to the hotel. Hvor mange sengetæpper er der på sengen? How many blankets are there on the bed? How many bedspreads are there on the bed? Ring til dette nummer. Call this number. Call this number. Jeg er uskyldig ― jeg sværger! I'm innocent, I swear. I'm innocent, I swear! Tom tilbød Mary og John nogle chips. Tom offered Mary and John some potato chips. Tom offered Mary and John some chips. Den lille kat vil sove. The little cat wants to sleep. The little cat will sleep. Stort åbningsudsalg. Grand opening sale. Big opening sale. Kunne du have gjort det? Could you have done it? Could you have done that? Jeg vidste ikke at du blev søsyg. I didn't know you got seasick. I didn't know you got seasick. Røverne stak af med alle pengene fra bankboksen. The robbers made away with all the money in the safe. The robbers ran away with all the money from the safe. Naturen er den eneste bog, der tilbyder storartet indhold på alle sider. Nature is the only book that offers important content on every page. Nature is the only book that offers great content on all sides. Han har mistet sin biografbillet. He lost his cinema ticket. He's lost his movie ticket. Hun pjækker fra skole. She is skipping school. She's skipping school. Tom er her før 14.30. Tom will be here before 2:30. Tom will be here before 2:30. Det eneste sprog Tom kan tale, er fransk. The only language Tom can speak is French. The only language Tom can speak is French. Min telefon er handy. My phone is handy. My phone is handy. Frokosten er klar. Lunch is on. Lunch is ready. Det giver mening. It makes sense. It makes sense. Hun er østriger. She is an Austrian. She's Austrian. Tom er nonbinær. Tom is non-binary. Tom is a non-binary. Næsten hver dag går han hen til floden og fisker. Almost every day he goes to the river and fishes. Almost every day he goes to the river and fishes. Tom rødmede. Tom blushed. Tom blushed. Søens vand er meget koldt. The water of the lake is very cold. The lake's water is very cold. Mary venter en pige. Mary is expecting a girl. Mary's expecting a girl. Vask grøntsagerne. Wash the vegetables. Wash the vegetables. Hvad pokker laver du? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Du ville blive overrasket over hvor mange æbler du kan købe for to hundrede dollars. You'd be amazed how many apples you can buy for two hundred dollars. You'd be surprised how many apples you can buy for two hundred dollars. Vi har indtil i morgen tidlig. We have until tomorrow morning. We have until tomorrow morning. En tredjedel af ni er tre. One third of nine is three. One third of nine is three. Hun rødmede af skam. She blushed with shame. She blushed with shame. Vi begynder helt forfra. We're starting from scratch. We'll start all over again. Jeg har alvorlige bekymringer. I have grave concerns. I have serious concerns. Er det i den her butik du køber dine sko? Is this the shop where you buy your shoes? Is it in this store you buy your shoes? Han satte sig ned ved siden af mig. He sat down next to me. He sat down next to me. Han er bevidstløs. He's unconscious. He's unconscious. Jeg vil have is. I want ice cream. I want ice cream. Jeg elsker hotdogs. I love hot dogs. I love hot dogs. Vil du med ud at shoppe? Would you like to go shopping with me? You wanna go shopping? Tom var en fiasko som far. Tom is a failure as a father. Tom was a failure as a father. Vær så venlig at give mig en kop kaffe. Please give me a cup of coffee. Give me a cup of coffee, please. Jeg ringer igen senere. I'll phone again later. I'll call you back later. Hun har ikke været i skole i fem dage. She's been absent from school for five days. She hasn't been to school in five days. Det er os der er de sande helte. The real heroes are us. We are the true heroes. Enhver laver fejl. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Hvor kan man foretage et telefonopkald? Where can we make a phone call? Where to make a phone call? Tom er stadig på vej til Boston. Tom is still on his way to Boston. Tom is still on his way to Boston. Jeg arbejder på et hospital. I work in a hospital. I work in a hospital. Jeg er begyndt på at lære fransk. I've started learning French. I've started learning French. Muren er to meter tyk. The wall is two meters thick. The wall is two meters thick. Tom har beklageligvis meldt sig syg, og jeg får brug for dig til at vikariere for ham. I'm sorry but Paul called in sick and I'm going to need you to work his shift. Tom has reported ill, and I'm gonna need you to fill in for him. Tom giver mig aldrig svar. Tom never gives me any answers. Tom never gives me answers. Min eks ønsker at ødelægge mit nye forhold. My ex wants to ruin my new relationship. My ex wants to destroy my new relationship. Du må tro mig. Believe you me. You have to believe me. De har dannet en ny regering. They have established a new government. They have formed a new government. Lige et øjeblik! Just a minute. Wait a minute! Jeg har inviteret hende ud på en date. I asked her out on a date. I asked her out on a date. Hvem vil høste fordelene af lavere oliepriser? Who will reap the benefits from lower oil prices? Who will reap the benefits of lower oil prices? Der er store sten på jorden. There are big stones on the ground. There are great stones on the ground. Jeg kunne ikke få mig selv til at spise det. I could not bring myself to eat it. I couldn't get myself to eat it. Romanerne, han skrev, er interessante. The novels he wrote are interesting. The novels he wrote are interesting. Jeg bliver vred når min kæreste taler med andre piger. I get angry when my boyfriend talks to other girls. I get angry when my girlfriend talks to other girls. Tom er rigtig sej. Tom is really cool. Tom is really cool. Jeg har en tudse i halsen. I've got a frog in my throat. I got a toad in my throat. Han har én hund og seks katte. He has one dog and six cats. He's got one dog and six cats. Hun afviste mit forslag. She turned down my request. She rejected my proposal. Jeg tog i zoologisk have. I went to the zoo. I went to the zoo. Jeg drikker ikke så meget øl. I don't drink all that much beer. I don't drink much beer. Vi bliver lykkelige i det lange løb. We will become happy in the long run. We'll be happy in the long run. Kassen var blevet beskadiget, men dens indhold var intakt. The box had been damaged, but its contents were intact. The box had been damaged, but its contents were intact. Tom taler fransk som en indfødt. Tom speaks French like a native. Tom speaks French like a native. Jeg er vegetar. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Toms bil har tonede vinduer. Tom's car has tinted windows. Tom's car has tinted windows. Villaen harmonerede med landskabet. The villa was harmonious with the scenery. The villa was in harmony with the landscape. Sami var en youtuber. Sami was a YouTuber. Sami was a youtuber. Han var i fjernsynet sidste nat. He appeared on television last night. He was on TV last night. Jeg kan ikke fordrage edderkopper. I abhor spiders. I don't like spiders. Hvor er din frakke? Where's your coat? Where's your coat? Vi er mennesker. We are people. We're human. Mary er en sild. Mary is a fox. Mary's a babe. Hun beskar et træ. She pruned a tree. She cut a tree. Vejret i dag er værre end i går. The weather today is worse than yesterday. Today's weather is worse than yesterday. Sådanne guder har aldrig eksisteret. Such gods have never existed. Such gods have never existed. Dette er ikke en fejl. This is not an error. This is not a mistake. Tom hader Mary. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. Aldrig i livet! No way! No way! På dette tilbud gives der ikke de sædvanlige rabatter. This offer is not subject to the usual discounts. This offer does not offer the usual discounts. Opkaldet er gratis. The call is free of charge. The call's free. Katten sover på en stol. The cat is sleeping in a chair. The cat sleeps on a chair. Jeg kan ikke takke dig nok for din venlighed. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Han ønsker ikke at skabe problemer. He doesn't want to cause trouble. He doesn't want to cause any trouble. Tom forstår fransk. Tom understands French. Tom understands French. Pigen ser drengen. The girl sees the boy. The girl sees the boy. Jeg vil give dig et døgn til at tænke over det. I'll give you a day to think about it. I'll give you 24 hours to think about it. Jeg er ikke et barn. I'm not a child. I'm not a child. Så træt! So tired! So tired! Hvis en fyr har en buket blomster i hånden, betyder det, at han har planer om at engagere sig, ikke i botanik, men i anatomi. If a guy has got a bunch of flowers in his hand, it means that he is going to practise not botany, but anatomy. If a guy has a bouquet of flowers in his hand, it means he plans to engage, not in botany, but in anatomy. Er Tom i stand til at spise? Is Tom able to eat? Is Tom able to eat? Hun er aggressiv. She's aggressive. She's aggressive. Tom kiggede på speedometeret. Tom looked at the speedometer. Tom looked at the speedometer. Jeg er besat af at lære nyhebraisk. I am obsessed with learning Hebrew. I'm obsessed with learning New Hebrew. Bad jeg dig ikke om ikke at gøre det? Didn't I ask you not to do that? Didn't I tell you not to? Du ligner en politibetjent. You look like a cop. You look like a cop. Kondomer giver beskyttelse mod kønssygdomme. Condoms offer protection against STDs. Condoms provide protection against venereal disease. Tom blev dræbt i en bilulykke i går aftes. Tom was killed in a car accident last night. Tom was killed in a car accident last night. Tom er træt af Mary. Tom is fed up with Mary. Tom is sick of Mary. Himlen er klar i dag. The sky is clear today. Heaven is ready today. Jeg vil aldrig have børn. I never want to have kids. I never want kids. Mit problem er ikke alkohol, men rygning. My problem isn't drinking, but smoking. My problem isn't alcohol, it's smoking. Og hvem har sagt at det ville være nemt? And who said it would be easy? And who said it would be easy? Jeg har aldrig forladt Boston. I've never left Boston. I've never left Boston. Vand planterne! Water the plants. Water the plants! Jeg kan lide diskomusik. I like disco music. I like disco music. Du behøver ikke komme og hente mig. I don't need you to come and get me. You don't have to come and get me. Vi er alle på forskellige niveauer. We are all at different levels. We're all on different levels. Hvad er der sket, Sally? What happened, Sally? What happened, Sally? Kan du huske den butik? Do you remember that store? Remember that store? Et godt skår! Nice wheels. That's a good shard! Tom forsvandt den 20. oktober. Tom disappeared on October 20th. Tom disappeared on October 20th. De sidder i køkkenet og drikker te. They are sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea. They're sitting in the kitchen drinking tea. Tom er bevidstløs. Tom's out cold. Tom is unconscious. Solen er en stjerne. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. Babyen sover. The baby is sleeping. The baby's asleep. Tom sagde til Mary at han ikke var sułten. Tom told Mary he wasn't hungry. Tom told Mary he wasn't hungry. Kan din mor køre bil? Can your mom drive a car? Does your mom know how to drive? Det er strengt forbudt. That is strictly forbidden. It's strictly forbidden. Det eneste spørgsmål er hvornår. The only question is when. The only question is when. Vi har en sorthvid hund. We have a black and white dog. We have a black-and-white dog. Det er gratis. This is free. It's free. Hvis du ikke ved det, hvem gør så? If you don't know, who does? If you don't know, who does? Layla glemte sin telefon i restauranten, men Sami løb ud og gav den til hende. Layla forgot her phone in the restaurant, but Sami ran out and gave it to her. Layla left her phone at the restaurant, but Sami ran out and gave it to her. Ikke alle var glade. Not everyone was happy. Not everyone was happy. Jeg har aldrig før set en så stor vandmelon. I never seen such a big watermelon before. I've never seen such a big watermelon before. Var hans navn Tom eller John? Was his name Tom or John? Was his name Tom or John? Min ekskærestes eks ringede mig lige pludselig op. My ex girlfriend's ex just called me out of the blue. My ex-girlfriend's ex-girlfriend called me all of a sudden. Vis mig din hånd, vil jeg fortælle dig fremtiden. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Tom taler kun fransk med sine forældre. Tom speaks only French with his parents. Tom only speaks French to his parents. Det skete den tyvende oktober. It happened on the twentieth of October. It happened on October 20th. Jeg er enebarn. I am an only child. I'm an only child. Jeg var hjemme. I was at home. I was home. Han glemmer altid sine penge. He always forgets his money. He always forgets his money. Bilbao er en by i Baskerlandet. Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country. Det tager os fem minutter at gå igennem tunnelen. It takes us five minutes to walk through the tunnel. It takes us five minutes to walk through the tunnel. Mary er sin kærestes muse. Mary is her girlfriend's muse. Mary is his girlfriend's muse. Jeg skylder ham 100 yen. I owe him 100 yen. I owe him 100 yen. Mellem os to så sælger artiklen langsomt. Between ourselves, this article is selling slowly. Between you and me, the article sells slowly. Kom i sving! Get started. Get to work! Han maler tit landskaber. He often paints landscapes. He often paints landscapes. Denne sygdom spreder sig som en løbeild. This disease spreads like wildfire. This disease is spreading like wildfire. Katten drikker din mælk. The cat is drinking your milk. The cat drinks your milk. Tom var overbevist, men det var jeg ikke. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Tom har en skridttæller. Tom has a pedometer. Tom has a crotch counter. Må jeg tale med dig under fire øjne? May I speak to you in private? Can I talk to you in private? Må jeg tage med dig? May I go with you? Can I go with you? Mary har falske bryster. Mary has fake tits. Mary's got fake boobs. Tom kan lide at gå ud med Mary. Tom likes going out with Mary. Tom likes to date Mary. Her er noget til dig. Here's something for you. Here's something for you. Har du forstået hvad han sagde? Did you understand what he said? Do you understand what he said? Hvilken lettelse! What a relief! What a relief! Digteren drak vin. The writer drank wine. The poet drank wine. De fleste mennesker baserer deres politiske holdninger på følelser snarere end beviser. Most people base their political positions on feelings rather than evidence. Most people base their political opinions on feelings rather than proof. Nej, dette er min søns dvd. No, this is my son's DVD. No, this is my son's DVD. Et køligt efterår er på vej. A cool autumn is coming. A chilly autumn is coming. De viste scenen i slowmotion. They showed the scene in slow motion. They showed the stage in slow motion. Jeg kan lide at skrælle æbler. I like to peel apples. I like peeling apples. Jeg ved ikke om jeg får tid. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I'm gonna have time. Oversæt venligst dette for mig. Please translate this for me. Please translate this for me. Hvor har du været, unge mand? Where have you been, young man? Where have you been, young man? Tom faldt lykkelig i søvn. Tom went to sleep happy. Tom fell happily asleep. Det er arbejderklassens historiske mission at afskaffe kapitalismen. It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. It is the historic mission of the working class to abolish capitalism. Tom elsker at lege med min hund. Tom loves to play with my dog. Tom loves to play with my dog. To små piger plukker margueritter. Two little girls are picking daisies. Two little girls picking daisies. Jeg er nødt til at finde hende. I have to find her. I have to find her. Foråret vil være her inden længe. Spring will be here before long. Spring will be here soon. Jeg er ateist. I'm an atheist. I'm an atheist. Udtrykket "babyshower" er fjollet og forvirrende. The term "baby shower" is silly and confusing. The term "baby shower" is silly and confusing. For første gang i mit liv, befandt jeg mig helt alene i en ukendt by. For the first time in my life, I found myself all alone in an unknown city. For the first time in my life, I was all alone in an unknown city. Jeg var lærer. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Han har absolut ingen fjender. He has absolutely no enemies. He has absolutely no enemies. De har ingen penge på sig. They don't have any money on them. They don't have any money on them. Min mobiltelefon er handy. My cell phone is handy. My cell phone is handy. Tom døde 20. oktober. Tom died October 20th. Tom died October 20th. Tom nikkede tavst. Tom nodded silently. Tom nodded silently. Århus, Danmarks næststørste by, har postnummeret 8000. Aarhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, has the postal code 8000. Århus, Denmark's second largest city, has the postal number 8000. Jeg kan tale Esperanto som en indfødt. I can speak Esperanto as if it's my mother tongue. I can talk Esperanto like a native. Jeg har en kat. I have a cat. I have a cat. Der er en pen mellem æblet og bogen. There is a pen between the apple and the book. There's a pen between the apple and the book. Jeg har lidt penge i denne måned. I have a little money this month. I've got some money this month. Overdriv ikke! Don't exaggerate. Don't exaggerate! Hun er højere end dig. She is taller than you. She's taller than you. Tyfonen bevægede sig i vestlig retning. The typhoon moved in a westerly direction. The typhoon was moving in a western direction. Jeg har aldrig forstået hende. I've never understood her. I never understood her. Personen vi forsøger at fange, er meget farlig. The person we're trying to catch is very dangerous. The person we're trying to catch is very dangerous. Hør efter! Væggene har ører. Attention! The walls have ears. The walls have ears. Jeg har noget at fortælle dig. I have something to tell you. I have something to tell you. Tom siger at han har et hemmeligt våben. Tom says that he has a secret weapon. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Jeg har ventet på hende. I've been waiting for her. I've been waiting for her. Denne appelsin er velsmagende. This orange is delicious. This orange is tasty. Jeg håber ikke at det regner i dag. I hope it doesn't rain today. I hope it's not raining today. Din bror beder om hjælp. Your brother is asking for help. Your brother's asking for help. Man må skik følge eller land fly. When in Rome, do as the Romans. You have to follow or land planes. Tom sagde at han følte sig utilpas. Tom said that he felt uncomfortable. Tom said he felt uncomfortable. Jeg har et deltidsjob som julemand i indkøbscenteret. I have a part-time job working as a Santa at the mall. I have a part-time job as a Santa at the mall. Du kan komme og besøge ham når som helst. You will find him home whenever you call. You can come visit him anytime. Da jeg kom hjem, opdagede jeg at jeg havde mistet min pengepung. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I discovered that I had lost my wallet. Mary barberer benene tre til fire gange om måneden. Mary shaves her legs three or four times a month. Mary shaves her legs three to four times a month. Jeg troede du kunne lide Tom. I thought you liked Tom. I thought you liked Tom. Han arbejder som lærer, men han er i virkeligheden spion. He works as a teacher, but actually he is a spy. He works as a teacher, but he's really a spy. Efter frokosten gik vi en tur. We went for a walk after lunch. After lunch, we went for a walk. Jeg troede at Tom var en af dine venner. I thought Tom was one of your friends. I thought Tom was a friend of yours. Holder du af musik? Do you like music? Do you like music? Hvad er gennemsnitstemperaturen her? What's the average temperature here? What's the average temperature here? Kan du skaffe mig noget mælk? Could you get me some milk? Can you get me some milk? Jeg ler af hans naivitet. I'm laughing at his naïveté. I laugh at his naivety. Tom tog sig af Marys katte, mens Mary var i Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while she was in Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while Mary was in Boston. Du kan regne med mig. You can count on me. You can count on me. Betty slog ham ihjel. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Hun ønskede ikke at han skulle gå. She did not want him to leave. She didn't want him to leave. Vi adopterede hende. We adopted her. We adopted her. Kog vandet. Boil the water. Boil the water. Landsbyen er let tilgængelig. The village is easy of access. The village is easily accessible. Han hvilede i et stykke tid. He rested for a while. He rested for a while. Soldaterne stoppede op ved indgangen til byen. The soldiers halted at the entrance to the town. The soldiers stopped at the entrance of the city. Lad os tage i biografen i morgen. Let's go see a movie tomorrow. Let's go to the movies tomorrow. Jeg har forstået denne tekst. I understood that text. I understand this text. Jeg vil aldrig glemme hvad der skete den 20. oktober 2013. I'll never forget what happened on October 20, 2013. I will never forget what happened on October 20, 2013. Den anden verdenskrig brød ud i 1939. The Second World War broke out in 1939. World War II broke out in 1939. Hvad er mindstelønnen i Ghana? What's the minimum salary in Ghana? What is the minimum wage in Ghana? Vi du dele en appelsin med mig? Would you like to share an orange with me? Would you like to share an orange with me? Er det så svært at vælge mellem himmel og helvede? Is it so hard to choose between heaven and hell? Is it so hard to choose between heaven and hell? Lad være med at kryptere din fil. Please don't encrypt your file. Don't encrypt your file. Utilfredse kunder stemmer med fødderne. Dissatisfied customers are voting with their feet. Unsatisfied customers match their feet. Tom kan lide berlinerpfannkuchen. Tom likes jelly donuts. Tom likes the berlin pfannkuchen. Du har taget helt fejl. You're barking up the wrong tree. You've got it all wrong. Mor er i gang med at lave mad i køkkenet. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mom's cooking in the kitchen. Vi er nødt til at plukke de æbler med det samme, ellers rådner de. We have to pick those apples right now, otherwise they'll decay. We're gonna have to pick those apples right away, or they're gonna rot. Vælg et våben! Pick a weapon. Pick a weapon! De bedrager kun sig selv. They're only deceiving themselves. They're only deceiving themselves. Tom har kyllinger. Tom has chickens. Tom has chickens. Min ven aborterede, og jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg trøster hende. My friend had a miscarriage and I don't know how to comfort her. My friend aborted, and I don't know how to comfort her. Vis mig pengene. Show me the money. Show me the money. Det er for sent for hende. It is too late for her. It's too late for her. Der er opstået en intern fejl. An internal error has occurred. There's been an internal error. Stjæl pengene. Steal the money. Steal the money. Hvem deltog i mødet? Who attended the meeting? Who took part in the meeting? Du er en guttermand, Tom! You're a prince, Tom. You're a guy, Tom! Du lyder som en skør person! You sound like a crazy person! You sound like a crazy person! Er Tom ikke en musiker? Isn't Tom a musician? Isn't Tom a musician? Hvilke sprog tales der i Australien? What languages are spoken in Australia? What languages are spoken in Australia? Er der nogen her der taler fransk? Does someone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? Tom ødelagde sin nye smarttelefon. Tom broke his new smartphone. Tom destroyed his new smartphone. Der er ingen grund til at være uhøflig. There's no need to be rude. There's no need to be rude. Hun har små fødder. She has small feet. She's got little feet. Det er ikke en undskyldning. That's no excuse. That's not an excuse. Jeg har modtaget et julekort fra min bror i Italien. I received a Christmas card from my brother in Italy. I received a Christmas card from my brother in Italy. Tom taler fransk. Tom speaks French. Tom speaks French. Farven er lidt for mørk. The colour is a bit too dark. The color is a little too dark. Jeg er en tvilling. I am a twin. I'm a twin. Denne stol er lavet af plastik. This chair is made of plastic. This chair is made of plastic. Hun er bevidstløs. She is unconscious. She's unconscious. Jeg kan ikke. Det er for tungt. I can't. It's too heavy. I can't. lt's too heavy. Gøende hunde bider aldrig. Barking dogs never bite. Piggy dogs never bite. Opfør dig ordentligt. Behave yourself. Behave yourself. Urets batteri løb tør for strøm. The watch's battery ran out. The clock's battery ran out of power. Døgnet har fireogtyve timer. There are twenty-four hours in a day. The day has twenty-four hours. Tom kan lide spaghetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Lad Tom tale færdig! Let Tom finish his sentence. Let Tom finish! Hun gjorde det nogle få gange. She did it a few times. She did it a few times. Det var et mareridt. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. De ser ud til at more sig. They seem to be enjoying themselves. They look like they're having fun. Lad os spise ude i aften! Let's eat out tonight. Let's eat out tonight! Folk i Brasilien var stolte af ham. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people of Brazil were proud of him. Dit blodtryk er lidt højt. Your blood pressure is a bit high. Your blood pressure's a little high. Hvad er der i garagen? What's in the garage? What's in the garage? Kan du reparere mit ødelagte dæk nu? Can you fix my broken tire now? Can you fix my broken tire now? Liisa er en aktiv og energisk ung kvinde. Liisa is an active and energetic young woman. Liisa is an active and energetic young woman. Du er den højeste. You are the tallest one. You're the tallest. Tom er den eneste i vores familie, der ikke har kørekort. Tom is the only one in our family who doesn't have a driver's license. Tom is the only one in our family who doesn't have a driver's license. Der er fem æbler i kassen. There are five apples in the box. There are five apples in the box. Sami bor ikke længere her. Sami doesn't live here anymore. Sami doesn't live here anymore. Han er meget ensom. He's very lonely. He's very lonely. Jeg tjener hundrede euro om dagen. I earn 100 Euros a day. I make a hundred euros a day. Er jeg smuk eller ej? Am I handsome or not? Am I beautiful or not? Vi har en aftale. We have an agreement. We have a deal. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's take a 10 minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Richard Dawkins er en berømt ateist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Det kommer ikke til at gå. It won't fly! It's not gonna work. Tom besluttede at vende tilbage til Boston med Mary. Tom decided to go back to Boston with Mary. Tom decided to return to Boston with Mary. Min svigersøn arbejder hos et forsikringsselskab. My son-in-law works for an insurance company. My son-in-law works at an insurance company. Sikke en dejlig nat! What a wonderful night! What a lovely night! Tom er den ældste. Tom is the oldest. Tom is the oldest. Der er regn på vej. It's going to rain soon. There's rain coming. Vær ikke misundelig på andre menneskers succes. You must not be jealous of others' success. Do not be jealous of the success of other people. Det er ikke os alle der kan tale engelsk. Not all of us can speak English. It's not all of us who speak English. Du elsker din kone, gør du ikke? You love your wife, right? You love your wife, don't you? Har du valgt en interessant bog til din søn? Did you choose an interesting book for your son? Have you chosen an interesting book for your son? Hun introducerede sin datter til klassisk musik. She acquainted her daughter with classical music. She introduced her daughter to classical music. Et år har tolv måneder. One year has twelve months. A year has 12 months. Hvad gør du? What do you do? What are you doing? Dan så Linda græde nær en mønttelefon. Dan saw Linda crying near the pay phone. Dan saw Linda crying near a pay phone. Jeg vil gerne spørge om prisen på den der model i vinduet. I would like to ask about the price of that model in the window. I'd like to ask you about the price of that model in the window. Jeg har i sinde at besøge Tom. I'm going to visit Tom. I intend to visit Tom. Hun traf ham i cafeen. She met him in the café. She met him in the cafe. Hold så op med at lege gemmeleg. Finally stop playing hide-and-seek. Stop playing hide-and-seek. Testamentet blev erklæret ugyldigt af retten. The will was declared void by the court. The will was declared invalid by the court. Det er den menneskelige natur. It's human nature. It's human nature. Ring efter hjælp. Call for help. Call for help. De studerende stod og ventede på en bus. The students stood waiting for a bus. The students were waiting for a bus. Tom vil lide. Tom will suffer. Tom will suffer. Helen leger i gården. Helen is playing in the yard. Helen's playing in the yard. Stoler du ikke på ham? Don't you trust him? You don't trust him? Det er farligt at svømme i dammen. Swimming in the pond is dangerous. Swimming in the pond is dangerous. Jeg ved ikke hvilke våben 3. verdenskrig vil blive kæmpet med, men den 4. vil blive kæmpet med køller og sten. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what weapons World War III will be fought with, but the 4th will be fought with clubs and stones. Denne medicin virkede. That medicine worked. This medicine worked. Det er på tide at komme til sagen. It's time to get down to business. It's time to get to the point. Du kan slette det nu. You can delete that now. You can delete it now. Jeg vil gerne have dig til at blive. I want you to stay. I want you to stay. Dit afkom skal tage sine fjenders porte i besiddelse, og i din sæd skal alle jordens folk velsignes, fordi du adlød mig. 'Your offspring shall possess their enemies' gates, and in your seed shall be all nations blessed because you obeyed my command thus.' Your seed shall possess the gates of his enemies, and in your seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed me. Jeg tog det for givet at hun ville komme. I took it for granted that she would come. I took it for granted that she would come. Jeg hedder Tom. Hvad hedder du? My name is Tom. What's yours? My name is Tom. Du kommer til at takke mig en skønne dag. One day you'll thank me. You're gonna thank me one day. Tag venligst sikkerhedsbrillerne på! Please put on your safety glasses. Please put your safety glasses on! Den mistænktes opholdssted er stadig ukendt. The whereabouts of the suspect is still unknown. Suspect's whereabouts are still unknown. Hun flyttede hjemmefra med alt sit habengut. She left home bag and baggage. She left home with all her habengut. Jeg kan ikke lide at lære uregelmæssige udsagnsord. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like to learn irregular verbs. Det her er det mærkeligste jeg nogensinde har gjort. This is the strangest thing I've ever done. This is the weirdest thing I've ever done. John er en amerikansk dreng. John is an American boy. John is an American boy. Det er ikke til at tro at hun gjorde det mod mig - hun viste sig at være en rigtig vennefjende. I can't believe she did that to me - she turned out to be a real frenemy. I can't believe she did this to me - she turned out to be a real friend enemy. Jeg vil prøve at betale hans regninger i morgen. I'll try to pay this bill tomorrow. I'll try to pay his bills tomorrow. Hvem er min lærer? Who's my teacher? Who's my teacher? Børn leger med legetøj. Children are playing with toys. Kids play with toys. Jeg kunne ikke lide den film. I didn't like that movie. I didn't like that movie. Hvornår skal du på pension? When will you retire? When are you retiring? Tårer løb ned ad hendes kinder. Tears were rolling down her cheek. Tears ran down her cheeks. Hvorfor er Tom hæs i dag? Why is Tom hoarse today? Why is Tom hoarse today? Der er 8 planeter i vores solsystem: Merkur, Venus, Jorden, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus og Neptun. There are 8 planets in our solar system: there's Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are 8 planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Er dette et trickspørgsmål? Is this a trick question? Is this a trick question? Pat er meget snakkesalig. Pat is very talkative. Pat's very talkative. Tom fortalte mig at han ikke ønskede at komme tomhændet hjem. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom told me he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Jeg går ikke i byen i aften. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not going out tonight. Føler du dig dårlig? Do you feel sick? Do you feel bad? Jeg så ikke hvem der kørte. I didn't see who was driving. I didn't see who was driving. Vinduesplads eller gangplads? Window or aisle? Window or walking space? Vi har solgt vores skov. We sold our forest. We sold our forest. Lad os gå! Let's go! Let's go! Jeg bestilte ikke fisk. I didn't order fish. I didn't order fish. Jeg havde en hund da jeg var barn. I had a dog when I was a kid. I had a dog when I was a kid. Tom kerer sig ikke om hvad folk siger om Maria. Tom doesn't mind what people say about Mary. Tom doesn't care what people say about Maria. Kan jeg sove her? Can I sleep here? Can I sleep here? Hvis vi skulle bo på månen, hvor stor ville jorden så se ud? If we were to live on the moon, how large would the earth look? If we were to live on the moon, how big would the earth look? Disse kasser er lige store. These boxes are the same size. These boxes are the same size. Hvor meget har det kostet? How much did it cost? How much has it cost? Næste morgen var snemanden helt smeltet. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. The next morning the snowman had melted completely. Jeg har været i Australien tre gange. I've been to Australia three times. I've been to Australia three times. Jeg havde tænkt mig at slå en vejrmølle, men jeg ønskede ikke at stjæle rampelyset. I was gonna do a cartwheel, but I didn't want to steal the limelight. I was going to beat a windmill, but I didn't want to steal the spotlight. De erstattede det defekte tv-apparat med et nyt. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. Vi tager af sted når du er klar. We'll leave as soon as you are ready. We'll leave when you're ready. Jeg glemte hans navn. I forgot his name. I forgot his name. Hvem stjal æblerne? Who stole the apples? Who stole the apples? Du skriver bedre end mig. You write better than I do. You write better than me. Du kan spørge mig om alt hvad du ønsker at vide. You can ask me about anything you want to know. You can ask me anything you want to know. Sami var vild med Layla. Sami was mad about Layla. Sami loved Layla. Er der noget du ønsker, som du ikke har? Is there anything you want that you don't have? Is there anything you want that you don't have? Far malede væggene hvide. Dad painted the walls white. Dad painted the walls white. Min søn kom ind på mit værelse. My son came to my room. My son came into my room. Frankrig, jeg elsker dig! France, I love you! France, I love you! Byen ligger på kysten. The town lies on the seashore. The city is on the coast. Han ville hjælpe hendes venner. He wanted to help her friends. He wanted to help her friends. Den regel gælder ikke i denne situation. That rule doesn't apply in this situation. That rule does not apply in this situation. Vi har brug for alt. We need everything. We need everything. Hvor er min dagbog? Where is my diary? Where's my diary? En gulerod er en sund snack. A carrot is a healthy snack. A carrot is a healthy snack. Skovhuggeren fælder et træ med en økse. The woodcutter fells a tree with an ax. The lumberjack cuts down a tree with an axe. Jeg vidste ikke at du ikke kunne synge. I didn't know you couldn't sing. I didn't know you couldn't sing. Tom kom. Tom came. Tom came. Den motorcykel er ikke dyr. That motorcycle isn't expensive. That motorcycle isn't expensive. Gå ind og væk Tom! Go and wake Tom up. Go in and wake up Tom! Jeg har boet her siden jeg var dreng. I have lived here since I was a boy. I've lived here since I was a boy. Jeg formoder at I ikke var der. I guess you weren't there. I guess you weren't there. Jeg er nysgerrig. I am curious. I'm curious. Valgresultatet vil blive offentliggjort i morgen. The result of the election will be announced tomorrow. The election results will be announced tomorrow. Tom døde næsten med det samme. Tom died almost instantly. Tom almost died right away. Jeg har ikke samlet nok materiale til at kunne skrive en bog. I have not yet collected sufficient materials to write a book. I haven't collected enough material to write a book. Jeg holder af det occitanske sprog. I like the Occitan language. I like the Occitan language. Stjernerne ser meget smukke ud i aften. The stars look very beautiful tonight. The stars look very beautiful tonight. Du ved, hvor du kan finde mig. You know where I'll be. You know where to find me. Kan du tale fransk? Can you speak French? Can you speak French? Tom var træt. Tom was tired. Tom was tired. Nogen stjal mine kontanter. Someone stole my cash. Someone stole my cash. I det mindste vil du have noget at skrive hjem om. At least you'll have something to write home about. At least you want something to write home about. Hvorfor bruger du Tatoeba? Why do you use Tatoeba? Why are you using Tatoeba? Jeg har sovet på skibet. I slept on the boat. I slept on the ship. Der går min klasselærer. There goes my class teacher. There goes my class teacher. Jeg vil aldrig drikke alkohol igen. I'll never drink alcohol again. I'll never drink alcohol again. Det var ikke vigtigt. It wasn't important. It wasn't important. Layla går med hijab. Layla is a hijabi. Layla wears hijab. Der er to elever fraværende i dag. Two pupils are absent today. There are two students absent today. Du accepterer Toms checks, så hvorfor accepterer du ikke mine? You accept Tom's checks, so why don't you accept mine? You accept Tom's checks, so why don't you accept mine? Natten var så mørk, næsten lige så mørk som hendes hjerte. The night was so dark, almost as dark as her heart. The night was as dark, almost as dark as her heart. Hun bor alene i værelset. She lives alone in the room. She lives alone in the room. Hvorfor forsøger vi ikke at få et par timers søvn? Why don't we try and get a few hours sleep? Why don't we try to get a few hours of sleep? Hun spiller tennis hver dag. She plays tennis every day. She plays tennis every day. Yumi er en af mine venner. Yumi is one of my friends. Yumi is a friend of mine. Mary er meget smuk. Mary is very pretty. Mary is very beautiful. Det siges at fredag den 13. er en tychobrahesdag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday the 13th is a Tychobrahes Day. Jeg fylder tredive i næste uge. I'll be thirty next week. I'll be thirty next week. Jeg kan forsvare mig selv. I can defend myself. I can defend myself. Køb seks meter af det stof. Buy six meters of that cloth. Buy six meters of that drug. Jeg vil helt sikkert engang besøge Frankrig, men jeg ved bare ikke præcis hvornår. Sometime I'll definitely visit France. I just don't know exactly when. I will certainly visit France once, but I just don't know exactly when. Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle sige til hende. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know what to tell her. Jeg elsker at sove. I love to sleep. I love sleeping. Jeg er ikke et lille barn. I'm not a rugrat. I'm not a little kid. Kan I reparere mit ødelagte dæk nu? Can you fix my broken tire now? Can you fix my broken tire now? Jeg har ikke en kniv. I don't have a knife. I don't have a knife. "Hvad er du for én?" spurgte de, og ællingen drejede sig til alle sider, og hilste så godt den kunne. "Du er inderlig styg!" sagde vildænderne, "men det kan da være os det samme, når du ikke gifter dig ind i vor familie!" "What sort of a duck are you?" they all said, coming round him. He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. "You are exceedingly ugly," said the wild ducks, "but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family." "What kind of man are you?" they asked, and the duckling turned to all sides, and greeted him as well as he could. "You're really bad," said the wild ducks, "but it may be the same to us when you don't marry into our family!" Det er dybest set det samme. It's basically the same thing. It's basically the same thing. Han er en stor forsker. He's a great scientist. He's a great scientist. Tom græd. Tom wept. Tom cried. Vær ved stationen præcis kl. elleve. Be at the station at 11 o'clock sharp. Be at the station exactly at 11:00. Drikker du øl? Do you drink beer? Do you drink beer? Vi ses i overmorgen. I'll see you the day after tomorrow. I'll see you the day after tomorrow. Det er ikke en trussel, det er en advarsel. That's not a threat, that is a warning. It's not a threat, it's a warning. Han har en stor lastbil. He has a big truck. He's got a big truck. I morgen er det søndag. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. Du må have en god weekend. Have a good weekend. You must have a good weekend. Disse hovedtelefoner virker ikke. These earphones don't work. These headphones don't work. Jeg ville bare sige at jeg elsker dig. I just wanted to say that I love you. I just wanted to say I love you. Lad os synge sangen på engelsk. Let's sing the song in English. Let's sing the song in English. Jeg er her. I'm here. I'm here. Jeg har lige købt en ny bil. I've just bought a new car. I just bought a new car. Tom leder efter sin mobiltelefon. Tom is looking for his cellphone. Tom is looking for his cell phone. Hej! Hello! Hey! Min far var lige så gammel som jeg er nu, da han flyttede til Boston. My father was the same age I am now when he moved to Boston. My father was as old as I am now when he moved to Boston. Ludvig den 14., kendt som "Solkongen," skabte det franske enevældes guldalder. Louis the 14th, known as the "Sun King," brought about the golden age of the French absolute monarchy. Louis the 14th, known as the "Sun King," created the golden age of the French absolute monarchy. Jeg har en ordbog. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Jeg læser på et universitet i Boston. I study at a university in Boston. I'm studying at a college in Boston. Hun taler flydende engelsk. She is a fluent speaker of English. She speaks fluent English. Billedets alder er endnu ikke blevet fastslået. The picture's age has not yet been determined. The age of the image has not yet been established. Han er en af mine gamle venner. He is one of my old friends. He's an old friend of mine. Jeg tager af sted i overmorgen. I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. Det har ingen værdi for dem. It's of no value to them. It has no value to them. Syede du det i hånden? Did you sew this by hand? Did you stitch it in your hand? Af og til går tingene ikke som planlagt. Occasionally, things don't go as planned. Sometimes things don't go as planned. Jeg har et problem med det. I have a problem with that. I have a problem with that. Rom havde flere sindssyge kejsere. Rome had several mad emperors. Rome had several crazy emperors. Hun var i gang med at stryge sin kjole. She was ironing her dress. She was ironing her dress. Hun ønsker at være en berømthed. She wants to be a celebrity. She wants to be a celebrity. Tyven blev taget på fersk gerning. The thief was caught in the act. The thief was caught red-handed. Jeg har glemt dit nummer. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Jeg er vokset op i en mineby. I grew up in a mining town. I grew up in a mining town. Kirsebærtræerne blomstrer. The cherry trees are in bloom. Cherry trees bloom. Benzinpriserne er faldet. Gas prices have dropped. Gas prices have fallen. Han lærte mig at skrive. He taught me how to write. He taught me how to write. Jeg gad vide hvor Tom har gemt sin nøgle. I wonder where Tom hid his key. I wonder where Tom hid his key. Lad mig tænke. Let me think. Let me think. Hvor er mælke-teen? Where is the milk tea? Where's the milk tea? Det frarådes at bruge denne funktion. This feature is deprecated. We advise you not to use it. Use of this product is not recommended. Det her er et stort hus. This is a big house. This is a big house. Mary er min svigermor. Mary is my mother-in-law. Mary's my mother-in-law. Jeg vil tage en taxi. I'll go by taxi. I'll take a cab. Tom tabte underkæben. Tom dropped his jaw. Tom lost his lower jaw. Jeg er ikke en atlet. I am not an athlete. I'm not an athlete. Den lærde mand ved at der er ting han ikke ved. The learned man knows that there are things which he doesn't know. The learned man knows that there are things he doesn't know. Noget gik galt. Something went wrong. Something went wrong. De var velhavende. They were wealthy. They were wealthy. Alt går op i en højere enhed. Everything is coming together. It's all about a higher unit. Det er ikke sandt! It's not true! That's not true! Hun går ind i skoven midt om natten, og nu foregiver hun at være bange for mørke. She goes to the woods in the middle of the night and now, she pretends to be scared of the dark. She goes into the woods in the middle of the night, and now she pretends to be afraid of darkness. Jeg ved at Tom elsker Mary. I know Tom loves Mary. I know Tom loves Mary. Hver dag på vej til skole ser jeg almindeligvis mange hunde og katte. On my way to school each day, I generally see many dogs and cats. Every day on my way to school, I usually see many dogs and cats. I en anden situation ville jeg ikke have ringet til dig så sent, men det er vigtigt. In another situation, I would never have called you so late, but it's urgent. In another situation, I wouldn't have called you so late, but it's important. Også jeg er lærer. I, too, am a teacher. I'm a teacher, too. Begge mine forældre er algeriske. Both my parents are Algerian. Both my parents are Algerian. Vi var begge trætte. Both of us were tired. We were both tired. Gør dig ingen bekymringer. Don't worry about it! Don't worry. Min kæreste er canadisk. My girlfriend is Canadian. My boyfriend is Canadian. De må være døde. They must be dead. They must be dead. Man kan tro på ham. You can believe him. You can believe him. Tom sagde at han ville dræbe Mary. Tom said he was going to kill Mary. Tom said he was gonna kill Mary. Jeg tror Delbert er gal. I think that Delbert is crazy. I think Delbert's crazy. Jeg ryger cigaretter. I smoke cigarettes. I smoke cigarettes. Hr. Jackson er en meget god lærer. Mr. Jackson is a very good teacher. Mr Jackson is a very good teacher. Kunne jeg få dit mobilnummer? Could you tell me your mobile number please? Could I have your cell number? Hvorfor løb han væk? Why did he run away? Why did he run away? Jeg stjal det ikke. Jeg lånte det kun. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it, I only borrowed it. Når man rækker Fanden en lillefinger, så tager han hele armen. Give someone an inch, and they will take a mile. When you hand the goddamn little finger, he takes his whole arm. Jeg føler mig gammel. I feel old. I feel old. Der er tørke i Californien. There's a drought in California. There's a drought in California. Denne æblejuice er 100% ren. This apple juice is 100% pure. This apple juice is 100% pure. Din datter er en narkoman. Your daughter is a drug addict. Your daughter is a drug addict. Himlen er klar i dag. The sky's clear today. Heaven is ready today. Du er syg! You're sick. You're sick! Tom fortalte mig, at han ikke ønsker det. Tom told me he doesn't want that. Tom told me he didn't want to. Babyen har formentlig slugt sutten. The baby has presumably swallowed the pacifier. The baby probably swallowed the suck. Hvem har mon givet Tom det blå øje? I wonder who gave Tom that black eye. I wonder who gave Tom the black eye. Jeg har noget du skal se. I've got something to show you. I got something I want you to see. Den storbarmede blondine der, er dum som en dør. That big busted blonde is as dumb as a rock. That busty blonde there is stupid as a door. Jeg dræbte dem begge. I killed both of them. I killed them both. Er du en vampyr? Are you a vampire? Are you a vampire? Regningen, tak. The bill, please. Check, please. Kan hun cykle? Can she ride a bicycle? Can she ride a bike? Hun ødelægger sit tøj. She's destroying her clothes. She's ruining her clothes. Nogle æbler faldt ned fra træet. Some apples fell down from the tree. Some apples fell from the tree. Har du en mønt? Do you have a coin? Do you have a coin? Her er et par interessante fakta. Here are a few interesting facts. Here are a few interesting facts. Hvad er der overgået Tom? What happened to Tom? What happened to Tom? Hvis du ikke opfører dig ordentligt, kommer julemanden ikke. If you don't behave, Santa won't come. If you don't behave, Santa won't come. Hun købte et ur til mig. She bought me a watch. She bought me a watch. Jeg kørte dem hjem. I drove them home. I drove them home. Lad os lægge kortene på bordet. Let's put our cards on the table. Let's put the cards on the table. Jeg sad ved siden af Tom. I sat next to Tom. I was sitting next to Tom. Mere te? More tea? More tea? Jeg spiser nudler. I am eating noodles. I eat noodles. Man siger at kærligheden er blind. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. Tom mødte Mary i Australien. Tom met Mary in Australia. Tom met Mary in Australia. Den bygning er vores skole. That building is our school. That building is our school. Katten sover. The cat is sleeping. The cat's asleep. Åbn aldrig døren på en bil der er i bevægelse. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open the door of a moving car. "Den gamle mand og havet" er en roman af Hemingway. "The Old Man and the Sea" is a novel by Hemingway. "The Old Man and the Sea" is a novel by Hemingway. Er Tom her? Is Tom here? Is Tom here? Jeg formoder at du ikke var der. I guess you weren't there. I guess you weren't there. Hvis bare jeg havde lavet mine lektier! If only I'd done my homework! If only I'd done my homework! Tom kører på arbejde på motorcykel. Tom goes to work by motorcycle. Tom rides to work on a motorcycle. Det er et godt spørgsmål. That's a good question. That's a good question. Hvem kan udføre dette arbejde? Who can do this work? Who can do this work? Hvad ellers har du gang i? What else have you got going on? What else are you doing? Lån mig din cykel. Lend me your bicycle. Lend me your bike. Jeg venter indtil 14:30. I'll wait till 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30. Jeg kan ikke vente på dig. I can't wait for you. I can't wait for you. Luk bogen. Close the book. Close the book. Tom og Mary er gode børn. Tom and Mary are good kids. Tom and Mary are good kids. Hvorfor fyrede de Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Hav ikke ondt af mig. Don't feel sorry for me. Don't feel sorry for me. En hval er et pattedyr. A whale is a mammal. A whale is a mammal. Han rejste sig og gik. He got up and left. He got up and left. Tom besvimede. Tom passed out. Tom fainted. Din mor må have været smuk, da hun var ung. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Du skal skifte tog i Shibuya. You have to change trains at Shibuya. You need to change trains in Shibuya. Jeg svømmer næsten hver dag. I swim almost every day. I swim almost every day. Han købte den ikke. He didn't buy it. He didn't buy it. Tom har dræbt Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom dræbte Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Jeg kan bedre lide svag kaffe end stærk. I like weak coffee better than strong. I like weak coffee better than strong. Jeg stoppede for at ryge. I stopped to smoke. I quit to smoke. Kan du se egernene? Can you see the squirrels? Do you see the oaks? Jeg træner. I work out. I'm training. Tom pyntede på regnskabet. Tom cooked the books. Tom decorated the books. Han er lige kommet. He has just arrived. He just got here. Det var en god historie. It was a nice story. That was a good story. Denne kaffebar er hyggelig. This coffee shop is cozy. This coffee shop is cozy. Jeg ønsker ikke at høre nogen undskyldninger. I don't want to hear any excuses. I don't want to hear any excuses. Jeg er så træt at jeg næsten ikke kan gå. I am so tired that I can hardly walk. I'm so tired I can barely walk. De arbejdede som bier. They worked like bees. They worked as bees. Måske får du ikke nok søvn. Maybe you're not getting enough sleep. Maybe you're not getting enough sleep. Det er vores skyld. That's our fault. It's our fault. Kan du forstå spansk? Do you understand Spanish? Do you understand Spanish? Tom er vores ældste søn. Tom is our oldest son. Tom is our oldest son. Vandet frøs. The water was freezing. The water froze. Den unge mand er læge. The young man is a doctor. The young man is a doctor. Tom er et vidunderbarn. Tom is a child prodigy. Tom is a prodigy. Jeg spekulerer hele tiden på hvad der er sket med ham. I always wonder what happened to him. I keep wondering what happened to him. Han kan ikke engang skrive sit eget navn. He can't even write his own name. He can't even write his own name. En af karaktererne i romanen udtænker en halvfærdig plan om at røve en bank. One of the characters in the novel dreams up a half-baked plan for robbing a bank. One of the characters in the novel is designing a half-finished plan to rob a bank. Skal vi tage en drink på vej hjem? Want to grab a drink on the way home? Shall we have a drink on the way home? Han havde til hensigt at gå ind i politik ved en gunstig lejlighed. He intended to enter the political world at a favorable opportunity. He intended to enter politics on a favorable occasion. Det nye hus er her. The new house is here. The new house is here. Vi angriber ved solopgang. We'll attack at sunrise. We attack at sunrise. Så stor du er! How big you are! That's how big you are! Jeg slår græsplænen i morgen, medmindre det regner. I'll mow the lawn tomorrow, unless it rains. I'll mow the lawn tomorrow, unless it rains. Kan jeg friste dig med endnu et stykke kage? Can I tempt you to try another piece of cake? Can I tempt you with another piece of cake? Tillykke med fødselsdagen! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Firmwareopdateringen tilføjer fuld tegnsætunderstøttelse af meddelelser i firs sprog. The firmware update adds full character support for notifications in eighty languages. The Firmware update adds full encoding support for messages in eighty languages. Jeg er nødt til at vide hvorfor. I have to know why. I need to know why. Du må bestemme dig og det straks. You must make up your mind, and that at once. You're gonna have to make up your mind right away. Han fandt sin herre. He found his master. He found his master. Det kommer ikke til at funke! It won't fly! It's not gonna work! Jeg savner bylivets liv og røre. I miss the hustle and bustle of city life. I miss the life of city life and touch. Der var ikke en sky på himlen. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Tom ønskede at studere i Boston. Tom wanted to study in Boston. Tom wanted to study in Boston. Jeg elsker poesi. I love poetry. I love poetry. Den ene side af en mønt kaldes 'krone' og den side kaldes 'plat'. One side of a coin is called 'heads' and the other side is called 'tails'. One side of a coin is called 'crown' and that side is called 'plat'. Du kan ikke bevise noget. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. Alle studerende i vores college kan bruge computeren. Any student in our college can use the computer. Every student in our college can use the computer. Jeg spiste de røde æbler. I ate the red apples. I ate the red apples. Vi fandt sengene ganske komfortable. We found the beds quite comfortable. We found the beds quite comfortable. Kan du ikke lide æbler? Don't you like apples? You don't like apples? Jeg tror du kan hjælpe os. I think you can help us. I think you can help us. Jeg kan ikke ryste mindet om dig af mig, og det begynder at gøre ondt. I can't shake the memory of you and it is starting to cause me agony. I can't shake the memory of you from me, and it's starting to hurt. Hvad tid ankommer I i morgen? What time will you arrive tomorrow? What time do you arrive tomorrow? Katten vågnede op. The cat woke up. The cat woke up. Marys samleverske blev arresteret for at køre i beruset tilstand. Mary's common-law wife was arrested for driving while intoxicated. Mary's partner was arrested for driving in drunken condition. Alle nedfaldsæblerne spises af svinene. All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. All the falling apples are eaten by the pigs. Tom rakte ud efter kontakten og slukkede lyset. Tom reached for the light switch and turned it off. Tom reached out for the switch and turned off the lights. I dag er det den 20. oktober. Today is October 20th. Today is October 20th. Dette æble smager meget surt. This apple tastes very sour. This apple tastes very sucky. Bilen kørte ind i muren. The car crashed into the wall. The car drove into the wall. Jeg har flere bøger, end jeg kan læse. I've got more books than I can read. I have more books than I can read. Vil Algeriet blive et vigtigt turistmål? Will Algeria become a major tourist destination? Will Algeria become an important tourist destination? Frankrig er verdensmesteren. France is the world champion. France is the champion of the world. Grækenland er et smukt land. Greece is a beautiful country. Greece is a beautiful country. Min bedste ven er Tom. My best friend is Tom. My best friend is Tom. Modstand er nyttesløs. Resistance is futile. Resistance is useless. Hold dit værelse rent. Keep your room clean. Keep your room clean. Hvis ikke du har lyst til at holde en tale, behøver du ikke. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. If you don't want to make a speech, you don't have to. Jeg spildte kaffe på din dug. I spilled coffee on your tablecloth. I spilled coffee on your tablecloth. Jeg svømmer en gang ugentligt. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Thomas Edison har opfundet glødepæren. Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. At bruge tid sammen med sin familie bør have første prioritet. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Spend time with your family should be a priority. Tom gik bananas. Tom went bananas. Tom went bananas. Min chef har lige besluttet at mit arbejde ikke kan bruges. My boss just decided my work was no good. My boss just decided that my work is useless. Han døde. He breathed his last breath. He died. Hvor er toilettet? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Jeg sælger tøj på nettet. I sell clothing online. I sell clothes online. Tom og Mary tog til Boston hver sommer da de var børn. Tom and Mary used to go to Boston every summer when they were kids. Tom and Mary went to Boston every summer when they were kids. Hvor er jeres kufferter? Where are your suitcases? Where are your suitcases? Hvordan har du det i dag? How are you doing today? How are you today? Kikærter er hovedingrediensen i hummus. Chickpeas are the main ingredient in hummus. Chickpeas are the main ingredient in hummus. Vil du være så venlig at række mig saltet? Please pass me the salt. Could you pass me the salt, please? Jeg går selv med designertøj. I wear designer clothes myself. I wear my own designer clothes. Jeg er for doven. I am too lazy. I'm too lazy. Der er ikke nok mælk. There is not enough milk. There's not enough milk. Dette er et vanskeligt spørgsmål. This is a difficult question. This is a difficult question. Der skal ikke hastværk til andet end til at fange lopper. Do nothing in haste, except catching fleas. It doesn't take any hurry but to catch fleas. Da jeg var i din alder, kunne jeg allerede binde mine snørebånd. At your age I already knew how to tie my shoes. When I was your age, I could already tie my shoelaces. Jeg begyndte at kaste op. I started to vomit. I started to throw up. Han gik rundt og udbredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He went around spreading lies about her. Jeg er meget utålmodig. I'm very impatient. I'm very impatient. Lægen sagde: "Der er ikke noget der er værre for dit helbred end tobak." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." The doctor said: "Nothing is worse for your health than tobacco. " Sommeren er forbi. The summer is over. Summer's over. Tom ser fjernsyn. Tom is watching TV. Tom's watching TV. Jeg kan lide det du har gjort ved dit hår. I like what you did with your hair. I like what you've done to your hair. Jeg elsker dinosaurusser. I love dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs. Der er noget galt her. There's something wrong here. Something's wrong here. Layla er en hættemåge. Layla is a hijabi. Layla's a hooded gull. Han faldt straks i søvn. He fell asleep right away. He fell asleep right away. Den lille Kay er rigtignok hos snedronningen og finder alt der efter sin lyst og tanke og tror, det er den bedste del af verden, men det kommer af, at han har fået en glassplint i hjertet og et lille glaskorn i øjet; de må først ud, ellers bliver han aldrig til menneske, og snedronningen vil beholde magten over ham! Little Kay is really with the Snow Queen, but he finds everything there so much to his taste and his liking, that he believes it is the finest place in the world; but this is because he has a piece of broken glass in his heart, and a little piece of glass in his eye. These must be taken out, or he will never be a human being again, and the Snow Queen will retain her power over him. The little Kay is certainly with the Snow Queen and finds everything there according to his desire and thought and thinks it is the best part of the world, but it comes from the fact that he has a glass splint in his heart and a small grain of glass in his eye; they must first out, otherwise he will never become a human, and the Snow Queen will keep control over him! Jeg vil bare sige hej. I just wanted to say hello. I just want to say hi. Tom har et svagt hjerte. Tom has a weak heart. Tom has a weak heart. Tom lånte Mary alle de penge han havde på sig. Tom lent Mary all the money he had on him. Tom borrowed Mary all the money he had on him. Er Tom Jackson dit rigtige navn? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Gør det til en delt mappe. Make that a shared folder. Make it a shared folder. Jeg vil ikke finde mig i det her. I'm not going to put up with this. I don't want to put up with this. Tom arbejdede meget hårdere end de andre. Tom worked much harder than anyone else. Tom worked much harder than the others. Hvad har inspireret dig til at skrive denne sang? What inspired you to write this song? What inspired you to write this song? En dårlig håndværker giver værktøjet skylden. A bad tradesman blames his tools. A bad craftsman blames the tool. Jeg er lige stået op. I just got up. I just got up. Min søn interesserede sig tidligt for politik. My son took an early interest in politics. My son took an early interest in politics. Jeg ved at det her er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Regnen slår mod ruderne. The rain is beating against the windows. The rain hits the windows. Som en gør-det-selv-mand, lavede han et hundehus. As a do-it-yourselfer, he made a doghouse. Like a do-it-yourself man, he made a doghouse. Jeg har det ikke godt i dag. I'm not feeling well today. I'm not feeling well today. Han vil lave kaffe. He'll make coffee. He wants to make coffee. Jeg kan ikke. I can't. I can't. Pigen har en mus. The girl has a mouse. The girl has a mouse. Jeg er elev, men det er han ikke. I am a student, but he isn't. I'm a student, but he's not. Nogle af de her æbler er dårlige. Some of these apples are bad. Some of these apples are bad. Jeg spiser ikke æbleskroget. I don't eat the apple core. I don't eat the applehull. Da jeg kom hjem, opdagede jeg at jeg havde mistet min tegnebog. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I discovered that I had lost my wallet. Han er her for at udspionere os. He's here to spy on us. He's here to spy on us. Sejr er usandsynligt, men ikke umuligt. Victory is unlikely but not impossible. Victory is unlikely, but not impossible. Jeg kan ikke synge. I can't sing. I can't sing. Jeg tror det er alt jeg har at sige. I believe that's all I have to say. I think that's all I have to say. Kan du huske os? Do you remember us? Do you remember us? Hun er gladest når hun er hjemme. She is happiest when she is at home. She's happiest when she's home. Siderne med æselører gjorde bogen mindre værdifuld. The dog-eared pages made the book less valuable. The pages with donkey ears made the book less valuable. Han vendte tilbage fra Amerika. He came back from America. He returned from America. Tom er meddeler for forbundspolitiet. Tom is an informant for the FBI. Tom's a federal police informant. Tom har gået i katolsk skole. Tom went to a Catholic school. Tom went to Catholic school. Hvor meget fik du i fratrædelsesgodtgørelse? How much severance pay did you get? How much did you get in redundancy? Jeg elsker dig, og jeg ønsker ikke at der skal ske dig noget. I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Tom er gået bort. Tom has passed away. Tom's passed away. Tom er skruppelløs. Tom's unscrupulous. Tom is unscrupulous. Hun er en vidunderlig hustru som gav mig to smukke børn. She is a wonderful wife who gave me two beautiful children. She's a wonderful wife who gave me two beautiful children. God påske! Happy Easter! Good Easter! Tom har et pas. Tom has a passport. Tom has a passport. Er det allerede jul igen? Is it Christmas again already? Is it Christmas already again? På dage med fint vejr tager min bedstefar en spadseretur. My grandfather goes for a walk on fine days. On days of fine weather, my grandfather takes a stroll. Jeg advarer dig mod at gøre det igen, ellers får du en bøde. I warn you against doing that again, or you'll be fined. I'm warning you not to do it again, or I'll pay you a fine. De må være politibetjente. They must be cops. They must be cops. Enhver væg i hans lejlighed er dækket af bøger fra gulv til loft. Every wall of his apartment is covered from floor to ceiling with books. Every wall in his apartment is covered by books from floor to ceiling. Tag ikke tingene så alvorligt. Don't take things so seriously. Don't take things so seriously. Du har måske hørt om mig. You might have heard of me. You may have heard of me. Tom er afhængig af Coca-Cola, men Pepsi kan han ikke lide. Tom is addicted to Coke, but he doesn't like Pepsi. Tom depends on Coca-Cola, but Pepsi doesn't like him. Eulers identitet er virkelig bemærkelsesværdig. Euler's identity really is remarkable. Euler's identity is truly remarkable. Vincent Van Gogh slog sig selv ihjel i 1890. Vincent van Gogh killed himself in 1890. Vincent Van Gogh killed himself in 1890. I går var det fredag, og i overmorgen er det mandag. Yesterday was Friday and the day after tomorrow is Monday. Yesterday was Friday, and the day after tomorrow it's Monday. Du må ikke være rigtig klog. You must be crazy. You can't be crazy. Hold fingrene fra hende. Keep your hands off her. Keep your hands off her. Dette er en julegave fra ham. This is a Christmas present from him. This is a Christmas present from him. Jeg står ved min tidligere erklæring. I stand by my previous statement. I stand by my earlier statement. Intet er helligt. Nothing's sacred. Nothing is sacred. Hvor mange gæster har du inviteret? How many guests did you invite? How many guests have you invited? Jeg har reddet dig. I saved you. I saved you. Der er intet at frygte. There is nothing to fear. There's nothing to fear. Min mening er den, der tæller! My opinion is the one that counts! My opinion is the one that counts! Serveren var nede. The server was down. The server was down. Der var mange rådne æbler i kurven. There were many rotten apples in the basket. There were many rotten apples in the basket. Jeg så tv i går aftes. I watched TV last night. I watched TV last night. Tom undgår Mary. Tom is avoiding Mary. Tom's avoiding Mary. Du smiler aldrig. You never smile. You never smile. Jeg har mange plader. I have many discs. I have a lot of records. Du har forspildt din chance. You've missed the boat. You've missed your chance. Han følte sig som i en drøm. He felt as if he were in a dream. He felt like he was in a dream. Hun skulle betale for bogen. She has to pay for the book. She had to pay for the book. Selv hvis jeg havde ønsket at holde op så kunne jeg ikke. Even if I had wished to stop, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to quit, I couldn't. Branden spredte sig meget hurtigt. The fire spread very quickly. The fire spread very fast. Du har ret. You're right. You're right. Jeg er liderlig. I am horny. I'm horny. Den sorte kat løber hurtigt. The black cat is running fast. The black cat runs fast. Jeg så flyet ramme bygningen. I saw the plane hit the building. I saw the plane hit the building. Hvor meget kostede den? How much did it cost? How much did it cost? Vi er fra Tyskland. We are from Germany. We're from Germany. Er dette dit skab? Is this your locker? Is this your locker? Tom var godt skåret for tungebåndet. Tom had the gift of the gab. Tom was well cut for the tongueband. "Nøglen," tilføjede han, "er i låsen." "The key," he added, "is in the lock." "The key," he added, "is in the lock." Alkohol løser ingen problemer. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Er mænd, der ikke drikker, stadigvæk mænd? Are men who don't drink still men? Men who don't drink are still men? Her er min nøgle. Here is my key. Here's my key. Klokken elleve passer mig fint. Eleven o'clock is good for me. At 11:00, I'll be fine. Mary har givet sin cykel olie. Mary oiled her bicycle. Mary has given her bike oil. Tom har været på TV hver aften i tredive år. Tom has been on TV every night for thirty years. Tom's been on TV every night for thirty years. Det engelske hold slog det brasilianske hold i den internationale fodboldturnering. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. Sally gav ham en julegave. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Tom vil bare have fred og ro. Tom only wants some peace and quiet. Tom just wants peace and quiet. Jeg trænger til at slappe af. I need to take it easy. I need to relax. Jeg ønsker dig held og lykke. I wish you well. I wish you good luck. Han er fuld af nye ideer. He is full of new ideas. He's full of new ideas. Stoler I ikke på ham? Don't you guys trust him? You don't trust him? Jeg var blevet valgt til at synge nationalsangen. I was chosen to sing the national anthem. I had been chosen to sing the national anthem. Jeg er taget til Canada. I went to Canada. I've gone to Canada. Mellem dig og mig, han er ret dum. Between you and me, he is rather stupid. Between you and me, he's pretty stupid. Jeg kom. I came. I came. Tak, men jeg kigger bare. Thank you, I'm just looking. Thanks, but I'm just looking. Hvor mange sprog kan din kone tale? How many languages does your wife speak? How many languages does your wife speak? Jeg vil have dig til at tage en beslutning. I want you to make a decision. I want you to make a decision. Hvem er din yndlingsskuespiller? Who is your favorite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Det er ikke blod, det er tomatpure. It's not blood, it's tomato paste. It's not blood, it's tomato puree. Spørg hende hvornår han kommer tilbage. Ask her when he will come back. Ask her when he'll be back. Jeg er ikke analfabet. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Jeg har lavet en æblekage til dessert. I made an apple pie for dessert. I made an apple cake for dessert. Jeg gav hvert barn tre stykker slik. I gave each child three pieces of candy. I gave every child three candy. Politiassistent Dan Anderson kunne ikke forbinde Linda til forbrydelsen. Lieutenant Dan Anderson couldn't link Linda to the crime. Sergeant Dan Anderson couldn't connect Linda to the crime. Stig ind i varevognen. Get in the van. Get in the van. Hun havde en sort hat på. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. Hun bruger så mange penge som hun tjener. She spends as much money as she earns. She spends as much money as she makes. Han gik ud af værelset. He went out of the room. He went out of the room. Du har ikke feber. You do not have a fever. You don't have a fever. Jeg håber det har hjulpet. I hope that helped. I hope it's helped. Aber elsker bananer. Monkeys love bananas. Monkeys love bananas. Har du noget varmt at drikke? Do you have anything hot to drink? Do you have anything hot to drink? Du bor for langt væk. You live too far away. You live too far away. De lærte hende berbisk. They taught her Berber. They taught her Berber. Det var volapyk for mig. That was all Greek to me. It was gibberish for me. Jo før man begynder at lære berbisk, desto bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. Politiet anholdt den mistænkte i går. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Han flytter sig hurtigt. He moves quickly. He's moving fast. Sårede jeg dine følelser? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I hurt your feelings? Jeg har tre gange været i Australien. I've been to Australia three times. I've been to Australia three times. Hun er mig kær. She is dear to me. She's adorable to me. Papiret er hvidt. The paper is white. The paper is white. Mary har den samme kjole på i dag som i går. Mary is wearing the same dress today as yesterday. Mary's wearing the same dress today as yesterday. Makemake blev opdaget i marts 2005 og er klassificeret som en dværgplanet. Dens farve er rødbrun, og den har ingen atmosfære. Makemake was discovered in March 2005 and is classified as a dwarf planet. Its color is reddish-brown, and it has no atmosphere. Makemake was discovered in March 2005 and is classified as a dwarf planet. Its color is reddish brown, and it has no atmosphere. Har du syrisk pas? Do you have a Syrian passport? Do you have Syrian passports? Er du i stand til at tale fransk? Are you able to speak French? Are you able to speak French? Jeg forstår ikke hvad der foregår her. I don't understand what's going on here. I don't understand what's going on here. Luk døren. Close the door. Close the door. Vi havde en aftale. We had a deal. We had a deal. De bor i en lille rønne. They live in a wretched little house. They live in a little nest. Hej! Hi! Hey! Vi kan se flere og flere svaler. We can see more and more swallows. We can see more and more swallows. Du var lige ved at ramme mig. You almost hit me. You almost hit me. Det er alt for galt. You really shouldn't have. It's too bad. Huset brænder. The house is burning. The house is on fire. Jeg tager hatten af for dig! I take my hat off to you! I'm gonna take your hat off for you! Der er noget i vejen. There is something wrong. Something's wrong. Spørg hvem som helst. Ask anyone. Ask anyone. Stripperne kan ikke slippe væk. The strippers can't get away. The strippers can't get away. Det er værd at læse denne bog. It's worth your time to read this book. It is worth reading this book. Mor jer godt i Italien! Have fun in Italy! Have fun in Italy! Den tapre ridder reddede den smukke prinsesse fra den onde drage. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. Vi tog brusebad. We took showers. We took a shower. Fransk er ikke mit modersmål. French isn't my first language. French is not my native language. Jeg gad vide hvad der skete hjemme hos Tom i aftes. I wonder what happened at Tom's house last night. I wonder what happened at Tom's house last night. Det er værd at læse denne bog. It is worth your time to read this book. It is worth reading this book. Det er i dag lørdag den syvende oktober. Today is Saturday, the seventh of October. Today is Saturday, October 7th. Jeg har brug for en sav. I need a saw. I need a saw. I er rigtig gode venner, er I ikke? You guys are really good friends, aren't you? You guys are really good friends, aren't you? Må jeg bruge jeres telefon? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? I er dovne. You're lazy. You're lazy. Vi tager afsted når du er klar. We'll leave as soon as you are ready. We'll leave when you're ready. Jeg har aldrig været i Tyskland. I have never been to Germany. I've never been to Germany. Han forsøgte at løse problemet. He tried solving the problem. He was trying to solve the problem. Sami sov hjemme hos sin mor. Sami slept over at his mother's house. Sami slept at her mother's house. Jeg tror virkelig at du ville kunne lide Tom. I really think you'd like Tom. I really think you'd like Tom. Det er allerede mørkt. It's already dark. It's already dark. Messing er en legering af kobber og zink. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Hjælp mig! Help me! Help me! Tom sagde at han ikke gjorde det. Tom said that he didn't do it. Tom said he didn't do it. Har du svært ved at forstå hvad kvinder eller små børn siger til dig? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you find it hard to understand what women or young children say to you? Holland lammetæver Spanien. Netherlands wallop Spain. The Netherlands is banging Spain. Han er ikke kommet. He did not come. He's not here. Alt var brændt til aske. Everything was burnt to ashes. Everything was burned to ashes. Mor satte mig i arbejde imod min vilje. Mom put me to work against my will. Mom put me to work against my will. Græsset trænger til at blive slået. The grass needs cutting. The grass needs to be beaten. Han har en forfærdelig håndskrift. He's got terrible handwriting. He's got a terrible handwriting. Jeg har aldrig hørt ham tale engelsk. I have never heard him speak English. I've never heard him speak English. Dit dumme svin! You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! Jeg er ansvarlig for hans opførsel. I am responsible for his conduct. I'm responsible for his behavior. Blod og vold fascinerer dem. Blood and violence fascinate them. Blood and violence fascinate them. Tom var meget uforskammet. Tom was very rude. Tom was very rude. Tom kan ikke huske hvornår han sidst så Mary. Tom doesn't remember the last time he saw Mary. Tom can't remember the last time he saw Mary. Sami banker på Laylas dør. Sami is knocking on Layla's door. Sami's knocking on Layla's door. Tom lejede et par skøjter. Tom rented a pair of ice skates. Tom rented a pair of skates. Da følte den sig ganske undseelig og stak hovedet om bag vingerne, den vidste ikke selv hvad! Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do. Then it felt quite awkward and put its head behind its wings; it didn't even know what! Jeg er så glad for, at du er her! I'm so happy that you're here! I'm so glad you're here! Det ser ud til at der kommer regn. It seems that it will rain. Looks like there's gonna be rain. Mount Everest er det højeste bjerg i verden. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Regeringens ministre vil helt sikkert byde sådanne forslag velkomne. Government ministers are certain to welcome such proposals. Government ministers will certainly welcome such proposals. Jeg malede. I was painting. I painted. Jeg er fra Rusland. I am from Russia. I'm from Russia. Mary besluttede at stoppe med at ryge. Mary decided to quit smoking. Mary decided to stop smoking. Toms hund kan godt lide at blive støvsuget. Tom's dog enjoys being vacuumed. Tom's dog likes to be vacuumed. Esperanto er en nøgle til fred. Esperanto is a key to peace. Esperanto is a key to peace. Så I den? Did you guys see it? Did you see it? Monaco er en mikrostat. Monaco is a microstate. Monaco is a microstate. Jeg kan næsten ikke betale min husleje. I can barely pay my rent. I can barely pay my rent. Kvinderne kaster sig ikke ligefrem om halsen på mig. Women aren't exactly throwing themselves at me. The women don't exactly throw themselves around my neck. Katten er på bordet. The cat is on the table. The cat's on the table. Tom fortalte Mary at han ville tage til Boston i oktober. Tom told Mary that he'd go to Boston in October. Tom told Mary he was going to Boston in October. Han dækkede bordet med kopper, underkopper, tallerkener og dækketallerkener. He set the table with cups, saucers, plates and service plates. He set the table with cups, saucers, saucers and deck plates. 1. verdenskrig varede fra 1914 til 1918. WW1 lasted from 1914 until 1918. World War I lasted from 1914 to 1918. Arbejderne klager over deres arbejdsforhold. The workers are complaining about their working conditions. Workers complain about their working conditions. Hvorfor tror du at det er sket? Why do you think that that happened? Why do you think this happened? Hvor er toilettet? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Tom fortæller mig ingenting. Tom doesn't tell me anything. Tom doesn't tell me anything. Tyrkiet erklærer tre måneders undtagelsestilstand. Turkey has declared a three-month state of emergency. Turkey declares three months of state of emergency. Han er ikke utilfreds. Han er bare træt. He's not discontented. He's just tired. He's not unhappy, he's just tired. Jeg ville blive overrasket hvis Tom gjorde det. It would surprise me if Tom does that. I'd be surprised if Tom did. Min ledsager sad, med hånden under hagen, stille et stykke tid, hensunken i sine egne tanker. My companion sat silent for some time, with his chin upon his hand, lost in thought. My companion sat, with his hand under his chin, quiet for a while, sunken in his own thoughts. Det har alt i alt kostet 150.000 euro. It came to a grand total of 150,000 euros. All in all, it has cost EUR 150,000. Den syge var kun skind og ben. The sick person was only skin and bones. The sick one was only skin and bones. Hvad ved I? What do you know? What do you know? Notesbogen ligger på bordet. The notebook is lying on the table. The notebook is on the table. Hun siger at hun kan lide blomster. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Jeg har brugt masser af tid på at træne min hund. I've been spending a lot of time training my dog. I've spent plenty of time training my dog. Grunden til at mange sprogstuderende aldrig får lært at tale flydende, er at de hyppigere lader ord følge handling end de lader handling følge ord. The reason why many language learners never become fluent is that they talk the walk more than they walk the talk. The reason that many language students never learn to speak fluently is that they let words follow action more often than they let action follow words. Det er min hund. This is my dog. That's my dog. Jeg spiser en banan. I am eating a banana. I'm eating a banana. Tom tjener flere penge end mig. Tom makes more money than I do. Tom makes more money than I do. Denne blomst dufter godt. This flower smells nice. This flower smells good. Hun barberede sin moustache. She shaved her mustache. She shaved her mustache. Tom var for stolt til at indrømme at Mary havde ret, og at han havde taget fejl. Tom was too proud to admit that Maria was right and that he had made a mistake. Tom was too proud to admit that Mary was right and that he had been wrong. Jeg håber, jeg ikke glemmer mit kamera. I hope I don't forget my camera. I hope I don't forget my camera. Tom laver ikke sjov. Tom isn't joking. Tom's not kidding. Jeg tror ikke på skæbnen. I don't believe in fate. I don't believe in fate. Pludselig begyndte det at regne meget kraftigt. Suddenly, it started to rain very hard. Suddenly it began to rain very heavily. Det eneste vi kan gøre, er at vente på at politiet skal komme. All we can do is wait for the police to arrive. All we can do is wait for the police to come. Jeg er ved at blive kvalt herinde. Åbn venligst vinduerne! I'm suffocating in here. Please open the windows! I'm choking in here, please open the windows! Jeg har købt en bog om dyr. I bought a book about animals. I bought a book about animals. Du kan engelsk? You know English? You know English? Jeg har tandpine. I've got a toothache. I have toothache. Hvor kommer du fra? Where are you from? Where are you from? Ingen spiser kød her. No one eats meat here. Nobody eats meat here. Og hvad så? So what? So what? Jeg ville gerne have et værelse med aircondition. I would like an air-conditioned room. I'd like a room with air conditioning. Ammer du ham, eller får han flaske? Do you breastfeed or bottlefeed him? Are you gonna suck him or are you gonna give him a bottle? Din fortælling er kedelig. Your story is boring. Your story is boring. Vores hud er dækket med talg, en naturlig fugtighedsbevarende olie. Our skin is coated with sebum, a natural moisturizing oil. Our skin is covered with tallow, a natural moisturizing oil. Jeg har aldrig kysset en pige. I've never kissed a girl. I've never kissed a girl. Pindsvinet gemmer sit hoved. The hedgehog hides its head. The hedgehog is hiding his head. Jeg er Toms far. I'm Tom's dad. I'm Tom's father. Hvor blev du af?" "Jeg tog hen til togstationen for at sige farvel til en ven." "Where did you go?" "I went to the train station to see a friend off." Where did you go?" "I went to the train station to say goodbye to a friend." Vi lærer hele tiden. We're always learning. We learn all the time. Min største frygt er at drukne. My greatest fear is drowning. My biggest fear is drowning. Tom er i gang med læse en novellesamling. Tom is reading a book of short stories. Tom is reading a short story collection. Tom må snart være søvnig. Tom must be getting sleepy. Tom must be sleepy soon. Tom har en pizzaovn i sin baghave. Tom has a pizza oven in his backyard. Tom has a pizza oven in his backyard. Rygning beskadiger lungerne. Smoking does damage your lungs. Smoking damages the lungs. Denne pude er for blød for mig. This pillow is too soft for me. This pillow is too soft for me. Det er sjovt at spille baseball. It is fun to play baseball. It's fun to play baseball. Tom holder af at shitposte i sin fritid. Tom loves to shitpost in his spare time. Tom likes to shitpost in his spare time. Den lille pige boede i Brasilien. The little girl lived in Brazil. The little girl lived in Brazil. Jeg er sikker på at Tom er skyldig. I'm sure that Tom is guilty. I'm sure Tom is guilty. Hvornår kommer du hjem? When will you come home? When are you coming home? De planlægger at blive gift i morgen. They plan to get married tomorrow. They're planning on getting married tomorrow. Det skader ikke at spørge. There's no harm in asking. It doesn't hurt to ask. Du har stillet for mange spørgsmål. You asked too many questions. You've asked too many questions. Mange har lavet den samme fejl. Many people have made the same mistake. Many have made the same mistake. Ann elsker chokolade mere end noget andet. Ann loves chocolate more than anything. Ann loves chocolate more than anything. Er der nogen der kender navnet på den afdøde? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Jeg er din nabo. I'm your neighbor. I'm your neighbor. Jeg har en guitar. I have a guitar. I have a guitar. Jeg kan få fri juledag, men jeg skal arbejde juleaften. I can get Christmas Day off, but I have work on Christmas Eve. I can have Christmas Day off, but I have to work on Christmas Eve. Lad os tage toget. Let's take a train. Let's take the train. Hvad spurgte du hende om? What did you ask her? What did you ask her? Fuglen er i himlen. The bird is in heaven. The bird is in heaven. Tom vidste hvad Mary havde for. Tom knew what Mary was planning to do. Tom knew what Mary was up to. Tom venter på at Mary ringer. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom's waiting for Mary to call. Du har spildt din kaffe. You've spilt your coffee. You spilled your coffee. Jeg vil aldrig nogensinde se hende igen. I never want to see her again. I don't ever want to see her again. Stilhed er guld. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. Hun synger falsk. She sings out of tune. She's a fake singer. "Mary?" hviskede Alice. "Mary?" Alice whispered. "Mary?" whispered Alice. Jeg så månen over taget. I saw the moon above the roof. I saw the moon over the roof. Jeg så en kat jage en hund. I saw a cat chasing a dog. I saw a cat chasing a dog. Jeg ønsker at tale til dem alle. I want to talk to all of them. I want to talk to them all. Baghjulet på min cykel er fladt. The rear tire of my bicycle is flat. The rear wheel on my bike is flat. Tom solgte sit hus. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. Servitricen har købt en ny mobiltelefon og hun har vist den til alle sine faste kunder. The waitress bought a new cellphone and she's shown it to all her regular customers. The waitress has bought a new cell phone and she has shown it to all her regular customers. Jeg kan lide folkesange. I like folk songs. I like folk songs. Vand er en væske. Water is a liquid. Water is a liquid. Lås døren! Lock the door! Lock the door! Man ser kun klart med hjertet. Det væsentlige er usynligt for øjet. One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. One sees only clearly with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. Jeg er tilbage klokken syv. I'll be back at seven o'clock. I'll be back at 7:00. Jeg lovede ham at holde det hemmeligt. I promised him to keep it a secret. I promised him I'd keep it a secret. Jeg skiftede til Google Chrome og den fungerede. I switched to Google Chrome and it worked. I switched to Google Chrome and it worked. Den cd-afspiller virker ikke. That CD player doesn't work. The CD player doesn't work. Tom gav Mary tusind dollars i en brun papirspose. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary a thousand dollars in a brown paper bag. Hun ved ikke hvem der er faren. She doesn't know who the father is. She doesn't know who the father is. Tom har luget haven. Tom weeded the garden. Tom's got the garden. Vi er her for at beskytte dig. We're here to protect you. We're here to protect you. Det er sikkert at spise fiskene. It's safe to eat the fish. It's safe to eat the fish. De her er Toms. These are Tom's. These are Tom's. Det var meget svært. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Hold dig fra min motorcykel. Stay away from my motorcycle. Stay away from my bike. Kan du ikke tale fransk? Can't you speak French? Can't you speak French? Jeg faldt i søvn i timen. I fell asleep in class. I fell asleep in class. I må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You guys better get going. Han har repareret uret for mig. He fixed the watch for me. He fixed the clock for me. Esperantoalfabetet består af 28 bogstaver: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, Toms telefon begyndte at ringe. Tom's phone started ringing. Tom's phone started ringing. Det er jeg ked af, men jeg vidste ikke at det var en hemmelighed. I'm sorry, but I didn't know it was a secret. I'm sorry, but I didn't know it was a secret. Jeg har tilkaldt sikkerhedsfolkene. I called security. I've called security. Vi gik omkring seks kilometer til fods. We walked for about 6 kilometers. We walked about six kilometers on foot. Fransk er vanskeligt at lære. French is difficult to learn. French is difficult to learn. I går interviewede vi nogle turister fra hele verden. Yesterday we interviewed some tourists from all over the world. Yesterday we interviewed some tourists from all over the world. Han skulle have været her for ti minutter siden. He should've been here ten minutes ago. He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Har du nogensinde sunget på fransk? Have you ever sung in French? Have you ever sung in French? Vi så slet ingen børn. We didn't see any children at all. We didn't see any kids at all. Han er uberegnelig. He is unpredictable. He's erratic. Jeg er vokset op i en lille by. I grew up in a small town. I grew up in a small town. Lærere tjener ikke nok. Teachers don't get paid enough. Teachers don't make enough money. Jeg tog bad da telefonen ringede. I was having a bath when the telephone rang. I took a shower when the phone rang. Tom hejsede flaget. Tom raised the flag. Tom hoisted the flag. Har han en hund? Has he got a dog? Does he have a dog? Laylas mor var stripper. Layla's mother was a stripper. Layla's mother was a stripper. Jeg forstår ikke musik. I don't understand music. I don't understand music. Jeg ved ikke hvornår han kommer. I don't know when he will come. I don't know when he'll be here. Jeg bliver kaldt "Itch." I go by the nickname "Itch." I'm called Itch. Jeg fik et A i fransk. I got an A in French. I got an "A" in French. Tom er en meget god landmand. Tom is a very good farmer. Tom is a very good farmer. Han tog til London for at lære engelsk. He went to London to learn English. He went to London to learn English. Send det til mig. Send it to me. Send it to me. Min engelsklærer anbefalede at jeg læste disse bøger. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. Du har meget viljestyrke. You've got a lot of willpower. You have a lot of willpower. Det vil muligvis regne i morgen. It may rain tomorrow. It might rain tomorrow. Jeg er glad for at jeg gik tidligt. I'm glad I left early. I'm glad I left early. Harald? Det var dog et usædvanligt navn. Harald? What an unusual name! Harald, that was an unusual name. Jeg så ham i dag. I saw him today. I saw him today. Brug ikke strygejernet, elkedlen og det elektriske komfur samtidig. Don't use the iron, electric kettle, and electric stove at the same time. Do not use the iron, electric kettle and electric stove at the same time. Hold op med at være så nysgerrig. Stop being so curious. Stop being so curious. Jeg tror at der findes spøgelser. I think that ghosts exist. I think there are ghosts. Tom siger at han aldrig har prøvet at spise hundemad. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he's never tried to eat dog food. Tom ønskede ikke at Maria skulle se ham i håndjern. Tom didn't want Mary to see him in handcuffs. Tom did not want Maria to see him in handcuffs. Hvor er dit sværd? Where is your sword? Where's your sword? Vi ses i næste uge! See you next week. See you next week! Vi var i gang med at læse. We were reading. We were reading. Hvordan udtales dette ord? How do you pronounce this word? How is that word pronounced? Nu eller aldrig! It's now or never. Now or never! Hvor lang tid er det siden du sidst havde en kæreste? How long has it been since you've had a girlfriend? How long has it been since you last had a girlfriend? Jeg elsker norsk! I love Norwegian! I love Norwegian! Jeg kan lide måden du går på. I like the way you walk. I like the way you walk. Han har levet et langt liv. He lived a long life. He's lived a long life. Den pianist er kendt for sin virtuositet. This pianist is known for his virtuosity. The pianist is known for his virtuosity. Hvad skete der den 20. oktober? What happened on October twentieth? What happened on October 20th? Jeg drikker enten kaffe eller te hver morgen. I drink either coffee or tea every morning. I either drink coffee or tea every morning. Du ønsker at hjælpe mig. You want to help me. You want to help me. Den der tier, samtykker. He who remains silent is understood to consent. That one is silent, consenting. Denne fisk lugter dårligt. This fish has a bad smell. This fish smells bad. Hun er kratlusker. She's a tree hugger. She's a scrubster. I dag bliver en kvinde som er automekaniker set som "sej," mens en mandlig frisør af mange automatisk bliver stemplet som "bøsse." Nowadays, a woman who is an auto mechanic is "cool," while a man hairdresser is automatically titled as "gay" by many. Today, a woman who is an auto mechanic is seen as "cool, " while a male hairdresser by many is automatically labeled as" gay. " Ved du ikke hvor smuk du er? Don't you know how beautiful you are? Don't you know how beautiful you are? Vi er mellem venner. We're among friends. We're between friends. Der er nogle gode æbler i kurven. There are some good apples in the basket. There are some good apples in the basket. Hun ser godt ud i dag. She appears well today. She looks good today. Han var meget beruset. He was very drunk. He was very drunk. Tom er Marys onkel. Tom is Mary's uncle. Tom is Mary's uncle. Ingen har til hensigt at opføre en mur. Nobody intends to erect a wall. No one intends to build a wall. De må være sultne. They must be hungry. They must be hungry. Hun kunne ikke komme, fordi hun var syg. She could not come because she was ill. She couldn't come because she was sick. Vil det regne i eftermiddag? Will it rain this afternoon? Will it rain this afternoon? Tom slukkede lyset i stuen og gik op i sit soveværelse. Tom turned off the living room light and went upstairs to his bedroom. Tom turned off the lights in the living room and went to his bedroom. MDIR ligger bogstaveligt talt i min baghave. MDIR is literally in my back yard. MDIR is literally in my backyard. Katten sover på bordet. The cat is sleeping on the table. The cat sleeps on the table. Har du nogensinde overvejet at skrive en bog? Have you ever thought about writing a book? Have you ever considered writing a book? Gør bare det færdigt som du er i gang med. Just finish what you're doing. Just finish what you're doing. Æbler vokser på træer. Apples grow on trees. Apples grow on trees. Piger tænker meget på drenge. Girls think about boys a lot. Girls think a lot about boys. Jagt er forbudt i nationalparker. Hunting is prohibited in national parks. Hunting is prohibited in national parks. Hvad er I ude på? What are you guys up to? What are you guys up to? Tror du på spøgelser? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Er du forberedt på det værste? Are you prepared for the worst? Are you prepared for the worst? Jeg foretrækker kaffe frem for te. I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer coffee to tea. Pedro har en motorcykel og elsker at køre på den. Pedro has a motorcycle and loves to ride it. Pedro has a motorcycle and loves to ride it. Begge to er i live. Both are alive. Both of them are alive. Tom bor stadig hos sin mor. Tom is still living with his mom. Tom still lives with his mother. Mor, hvor er min lommetørklæde? Mummy, where's my hanky? Mom, where's my handkerchief? I morgen er det jul. Tomorrow it's Christmas. Tomorrow's Christmas. Jeg har coolt tøj og coole solbriller på. I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses. I'm wearing cool clothes and cool sunglasses. Men bonden smilte til ham. But the farmer smiled at him. But the peasant smiled at him. Hvem havde ret? Who was right? Who was right? Tom var lamslået. Tom was petrified. Tom was stunned. Hans navn er kendt af alle i denne by. His name is known to everyone in this town. His name is known to everyone in this city. Tom har slået sit knæ. Tom hurt his knee. Tom has hit his knee. Bider jeres hund? Does your dog bite? Does your dog bite? Vores rejse afhænger af vejret. Our trip is dependent on the weather. Our journey depends on the weather. Hvem taler jeg med? Who am I speaking to? Who am I talking to? Gidslerne slippes fri før jul. The hostages will be released before Christmas. The hostages will be released before Christmas. Det er ikke for sent. It's not too late. It's not too late. Synes du at engelsk er svært? Do you think English is difficult? Do you find English difficult? Tager vi afsted nu? Are we leaving now? Are we leaving now? Din far vil ikke købe det. Your father will not buy it. Your father won't buy it. Du må sidde lige hvor du har lyst til. You may sit wherever you like. You're gonna have to sit wherever you want. Substantiver, pronominer, verber, adjektiver, adverbier, artikler, præpositioner, konjunktioner og interjektioner er ordklasserne i engelsk. Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections are the parts of speech in English. Substantives, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections are the word classes in English. Du kan ikke lide hende, vel? You don't like her, do you? You don't like her, do you? Hvert sæde var fyldt. Every seat was full. Each seat was filled. Jeg betalte for dem. I paid for them. I paid for them. Jeg ønsker hverken kød eller fisk. I want neither meat nor fish. I don't want meat or fish. Det er smukt. That's beautiful. It's beautiful. Han har ukrainsk statsborgerskab. He has Ukrainian citizenship. He has Ukrainian citizenship. Jeg er ikke bange. I'm not afraid. I'm not scared. Jeg er nødt til at se det! I have to see it! I have to see it! Jeg synes at din nederdel er for kort. I think your skirt's too short. I think your skirt is too short. Jeg solgte mit hus i sidste måned. I sold my house last month. I sold my house last month. Vi tog tidligt hen til teateret så vi kunne være sikker på at alle kunne få en siddeplads. We went to the theater early, so we could be sure that everyone could get a seat. We went to the theater early so that we could be sure that everyone could have a seat. Uden kunsten ville virkelighedens råhed gøre verden uudholdelig. Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable. Without art, the rawness of reality would make the world unbearable. Der er nødt til at være en forklaring. There has got to be an explanation. There has to be an explanation. Når katten er ude, danser musene på bordet. When the cat's away the mice will play. When the cat is out, the mice dance on the table. Du er en bogorm. You're a bookworm. You're a bookworm. Han ønsker at leve på sin måde. He wishes to live his own way. He wants to live his way. Moren kildede sit barn med en fjer. The mother tickled her child with a feather. The mother tickled her child with a feather. Jeg vil hente en. I'll get one. I'm gonna go get one. Hvor blev de født? Where were they born? Where were they born? Jeg savner min kat. I miss my cat. I miss my cat. Tom har gjort en interessant opdagelse. Tom has made an interesting discovery. Tom has made an interesting discovery. Drik det her! Drink this. Drink this! Tom har en skuffe fuld af USB-kabler. Tom has a drawer full of USB cables. Tom has a drawer full of USB cables. Mary kiggede ind i sit magiske spejl. Mary looked into her magic mirror. Mary looked into her magic mirror. I sidste uge læste jeg en meget interessant bog. Last week I read a very interesting book. Last week I read a very interesting book. Den er grim, lysegul og passer ikke til noget. Men du vil i det mindste ikke blive påkørt i mørket! It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark! It's ugly, light yellow and doesn't fit anything, but at least you won't get hit in the dark! Børn har generelt en højere kropstemperatur end voksne. Children generally have a higher body temperature than adults. Children generally have a higher body temperature than adults. Mary er katolsk, men hendes kæreste er ateist. Mary is Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist. Mary is Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist. Dine gæster venter allerede. Your guests are waiting. Your guests are already waiting. Morgenmaden er klar. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast's ready. Tom er en nyttig idiot. Tom is a useful idiot. Tom is a useful idiot. Maria varmede sig foran ilden. Mary warmed herself in front of the fire. Maria warmed herself in front of the fire. Han var syg, så han kunne ikke komme. He was sick, so he couldn't come. He was sick, so he couldn't make it. Det er ikke min skyld. That's not my fault. It's not my fault. Røde hunde kaldes også "tyske mæslinger" på engelsk, mens tyskerne kalder rakitis dvs. engelsk syge for "den engelske syge." Rubella is also called 'German measles' in English, while Germans call rickets 'the English disease'. Red dogs are also called "German measles" in English, while the Germans call rakitis i.e. English sick "the English sick." Glem det aldrig! Never forget it. Never forget it! Vi har en halv times ophold i Paris. We have a stop for half an hour in Paris. We have half an hour's stay in Paris. Mød mig klokken halv tre. Meet me at 2:30. Meet me at 3:30. Tom kan ikke tale fransk, kan han vel? Tom can't speak French, can he? Tom can't speak French, can he? Han forsøgte at løse problemet. He tried to solve the problem. He was trying to solve the problem. Hvor solgte du dem? Where did you sell them? Where did you sell them? Det er mange penge. That's a lot of money. That's a lot of money. Jeg giver dig ikke skylden. I don't blame you. I'm not blaming you. Vores cykeltur i de franske alper varede to uger. Our biking trip in the French Alps lasted two weeks. Our bike ride in the French Alps lasted two weeks. Vandet i søen er meget koldt. The water of the lake is very cold. The water in the lake is very cold. Tom havde i sinde at lyve, men endte med at snakke over sig. Tom was going to lie, but he ended up spilling the beans. Tom intended to lie, but ended up talking over him. Atlantis er virkelig. Atlantis is real. Atlantis is real. Ring til mig! Call me! Call me! Hvor er din computer? Where's your computer? Where's your computer? Du kan ikke hjælpe nu. Det er for sent. You can't help now. It's too late. You can't help me now, it's too late. Du siger ikke sandheden. You're not telling the truth. You're not telling the truth. Den gamle lade faldt sammen. The old barn collapsed. The old barn collapsed. "Er din kone britisk?" "Hun er ikke britisk, hun er skotsk." "Is your wife British?" "She isn't British, she's Scottish." "Is your wife British?" "She's not British, she's Scottish." Tom er ikke kræsen. Tom isn't fussy. Tom isn't picky. Jeg har ikke noget imod at sove på gulvet. I don't mind sleeping on the floor. I don't mind sleeping on the floor. Tom viste Mary nogle fotoer af John. Tom showed Mary some photos of John. Tom showed Mary some photos of John. Hvem har mon givet Tom det sæbeøje? I wonder who gave Tom that black eye. I wonder who gave Tom that soap eye. Tom arbejder i en bank. Tom works in a bank. Tom works at a bank. Der er en kold vind fra nord. There's a cold wind from the north. There's a cold wind from the north. Jeg ønskede ikke at I skulle tage afsted. I didn't want you to leave. I didn't want you to leave. Disse "venner" har en dårlig indflydelse på dig. These "friends" are a bad influence on you. These "friends " have a bad influence on you. Bryllupsfesten fortsatte i hele tre dage. The marriage feast continued for three whole days. The wedding feast continued for as long as three days. Dengang brød jeg mig ikke om øl. I didn't like beer at that time. I didn't like beer back then. Tom vandt 10.000 dollar i lotteriet. Tom won $10,000 in the lottery. Tom won $10,000 in the lottery. Hvorfor har du ikke fortalt mig om det tidligere? Why didn't you tell me about that earlier? Why haven't you told me about this before? Ingen nyheder er gode nyheder. No news is good news. No news is good news. Jorden har form som en appelsin. The earth is the shape of an orange. Earth has the shape of an orange. Træer afgiver ilt og optager kultveilte. Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Trees emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Mange elever har købt bogen. Many students bought the book. Many students have bought the book. Tom arbejder for meget. Tom works too much. Tom works too much. Jeg er på listen. I'm on the list. I'm on the list. Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your grandchild? Where's your granddaughter? Jeg skilte mig af med min gamle bil selvom jeg hadede at gøre det. I parted with my old car, though I hated to do so. I got rid of my old car even though I hated doing it. Jeg er tilbage om en time. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Det er en appelsin. It is an orange. It's an orange. Jeg tror ikke Tom kommer til vores fest. I think Tom won't come to our party. I don't think Tom's coming to our party. I går har de ikke spillet tennis. They didn't play tennis yesterday. Yesterday they didn't play tennis. Mary skal have en datter. Mary is going to give birth to a daughter. Mary's gonna have a daughter. De her betjente er korrupte. These police officers are corrupt. These cops are dirty. Den mand vidste for meget. That man knew too much. That man knew too much. Hun nægtede at skrive under på underskriftindsamlingen. She refused to sign the petition. She refused to sign the petition. Hvorfor hjælper vi dem? Why are we helping them? Why are we helping them? En mikroovn opvarmer fødevarer på et øjeblik. A microwave oven gets food hot in an instant. A microwave heats up food in an instant. Jeg ønsker aldrig at se dig igen. I never want to see you again. I never want to see you again. Hvor er det nærmeste bibliotek? Where's the nearest library? Where's the nearest library? Bliver Hillary Clinton USA's næste præsident? Will Hillary Clinton be the next president of the United States? Will Hillary Clinton be the next president of the United States? Jeg mistede mit ur. I lost my watch. I lost my watch. Under den kolde krig var der sovjetiske flåde- og luftbaser i Cuba og Vietnam. In the Cold War era, Soviet naval and air bases existed in Cuba and Vietnam. During the Cold War there were Soviet naval and air bases in Cuba and Vietnam. Mary er freelance skribent. Mary is a freelance writer. Mary is a freelance writer. Bærer din kone det muslimske tørklæde? Does your wife wear the Muslim headscarf? Does your wife wear the Muslim scarf? Har du en bror, Peter? Do you have a brother, Pedro? Do you have a brother, Peter? Mary tog på tøseaften i byen. Mary went on a girls' night out. Mary went on girl's night in town. Rolig nu, fortæl hvad der er sket. Calm down and tell us what happened. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Tell me what happened. Jeg kan ikke blive uenig med dig om det. I can't disagree with you on that. I can't disagree with you on that. Pas på hastigheden. Watch your speed. Watch your speed. Tom var en idiot. Tom was a jerk. Tom was an idiot. Problemet er ikke så meget pengene, som det er tiden. The problem isn't so much the money as it is the time. The problem is not as much money as it is time. Jeg vil være hjemme senest halv tre. I'll be home by 2:30. I'll be home by 3:30 at the latest. Jeg kræver kun jeres fuldstændige loyalitet. I only demand your complete loyalty. I demand only your complete loyalty. Pigen, som bor ved siden af, er meget smuk. The girl who lives next door is very pretty. The girl who lives next door is very beautiful. Jeg har en bog i min hånd. I have a book in my hand. I have a book in my hand. Åbn døren og luk hunden ind. Open the door and let in the dog. Open the door and let the dog in. Lad mig gå! Let me go! Let me go! Tyvene forsøgte at stjæle kvindens bil, men det lykkedes dem ikke, da de ikke var i stand til at køre i en bil med manuel gearkasse. The thieves tried to steal the woman's car, but they couldn't because they didn't know how to drive a manual. The thieves tried to steal the woman's car, but they failed because they were unable to drive a car with manual gearbox. Jeg gjorde også det. I also did that. I did that, too. Jeg ved at Tom er uærlig. I know that Tom is dishonest. I know Tom is dishonest. Jeg har taget meget på siden jul. I've put on a lot of weight since Christmas. I've been wearing a lot since Christmas. Hunden sover. The dog sleeps. The dog's asleep. Jeg skrev et brev. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Vi er for trætte til at studere. We're too tired to study. We're too tired to study. Hvad er vekselkursen? What is the exchange rate? What's the exchange rate? Jeg kunne nu have lyst til en skøn, varm pizza. I could go for a nice hot pizza right now. I'd like to have a nice, hot pizza. Jeg vil lade dig vælge. I'll let you decide. I'll let you choose. Hvad er afstanden mellem byerne Liverpool og Southampton? How far is Liverpool from Southampton? What is the distance between the cities of Liverpool and Southampton? Mange forskere kendte ham. Many scientists knew him. Many scientists knew him. Arbejder din kone? Does your wife work? Does your wife work? I morgenstunden sad den stakkels lille pige, med blege kinder og smil om munden, lænet op mod muren. Hun var frosset ihjel den sidste aften i det gamle år. Nytårsmorgen gik op over det lille lig! In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall. She had been frozen to death on the last evening of the year; and the New Year's sun rose and shone upon a little corpse! In the morning the poor little girl sat, with pale cheeks and smiles on her mouth, leaning against the wall, frozen to death the last night of the old year. Gid jeg kunne finde ud af at brænde en dvd. I wish I could figure out how to burn a DVD. I wish I could find a way to burn a DVD. Hvad var Toms efternavn? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? Regionen er relativ rig på mineralske råstoffer. The region is relatively rich in mineral resources. The region is relatively rich in mineral raw materials. Tom forstår ikke sanskrit. Tom doesn't understand Sanskrit. Tom doesn't understand Sanskrit. Han har overtrådt en lov. He violated a law. He's broken a law. Hvornår spiste du sidst aftensmad med dine forældre? When was the last time you ate dinner with your parents? When was the last time you had dinner with your parents? Hvordan lærer man bedst at svømme? What's the best way to learn how to swim? How do you learn best to swim? De tilføjer artikler til Wikipedia. They add articles to Wikipedia. They add articles to Wikipedia. Du er så smuk! You're so beautiful! You're so beautiful! Hvad ville du gøre hvis du så et spøgelse. What would you do if you saw a ghost? What would you do if you saw a ghost? Han går sjældent i kirke. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. Du har knust mit hjerte. You broke my heart. You broke my heart. Tom studerer på Harvard. Tom is studying at Harvard. Tom is studying at Harvard. Min lillebror ser fjernsyn. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. Mit navn er Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. Hun fik elregningen i dag. She received the electricity bill today. She got the electric bill today. Han døde af kræft sidste år. He died of cancer last year. He died of cancer last year. Jeg har ikke stjålet den. Jeg har kun lånt den. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it. Mary har det sorte bælte i taekwondo. Mary is a black belt in taekwondo. Mary has the black belt in taekwondo. Put ikke dine fingre i kødhakkeren! Don't put your fingers in the meat grinder! Don't put your fingers in the meat grinder! Tom lufter sin hund. Tom is walking his dog. Tom walks his dog. Du må have drømt. You must've been dreaming. You must have dreamed. Han bliver let træt. He tires easily. He gets tired easily. Her hjælper ingen kære mor. It can't be helped. There's no help here for my dear mother. Taler du tyrkisk? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Sami luftede sin hund. Sami was walking his dog. Sami walked his dog. Han har en bil. He has a car. He's got a car. Glem ikke at oplade din mobiltelefon. Don't forget to charge your cell phone. Don't forget to charge your cell phone. Tom siger at han aldrig har prøvet at spise hundefoder. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he's never eaten dog food. De boede i Algier i mere end et år. They lived in Algiers for more than a year. They lived in Algiers for more than a year. Der er plads til forbedringer. There's room for improvement. There's room for improvement. Foråret kommer mellem vinter og sommer. Spring comes between winter and summer. Spring comes between winter and summer. Ikke på vilkår! No way! No way! Tom havde cowboybukser på. Tom had jeans on. Tom was wearing jeans. Blasfemi er en forbrydelse uden offer. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. Blasphemy is a crime without a victim. Jeg vil bare ikke have din hund i mit hus. I just don't want your dog in my house. I just don't want your dog in my house. Mary og Tom har en hestebil. Mary and Tom have a horsetruck. Mary and Tom have a horse car. Tom kyssede Mary på kinden. Tom kissed Mary on the cheek. Tom kissed Mary on the cheek. Jeg mødte en ældre kvinde. I met an elderly woman. I met an older woman. Lungebetændelse forårsager åndedrætsbesvær. Pneumonia causes difficulty in breathing. Pneumonia causes difficulty breathing. Ja det sker en gang imellem. Yes, it happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens sometimes. Passer det at I ikke kan svømme? Is it true that you can't swim? Is it true you can't swim? Telefonen ringer. The telephone is ringing. The phone's ringing. Robert havde for travlt, han blev nødt til at afslå en invitation til at spille golf. Robert was so busy he had to turn down an invitation to play golf. Robert was too busy, he had to refuse an invitation to play golf. Skyd ikke! Don't shoot. Don't shoot! Jeg er sulten som en ulv. I'm hungry like the wolf. I'm hungry like a wolf. Jeg har brug for jer. I need you. I need you guys. Det er vanskeligt for mig at løse det problem. It is difficult for me to solve that problem. It is difficult for me to solve that problem. Hvordan kan du sige at vores soldater døde forgæves? How can you say that our soldiers died in vain? How can you say that our soldiers died in vain? Han forelskede sig i sin bedste ven. He fell in love with his best friend. He fell in love with his best friend. Intet sker tilfældigt. Nothing happens by chance. Nothing happens by chance. Jeg har ikke brug for en advokat. I do not need a lawyer. I don't need a lawyer. Hej Tom! Hvordan går det? Hello Tom! How are you? Hey, Tom, how you doing? Prinsesse Diana døde i et bilulykke. Princess Diana died in a car crash. Princess Diana died in a car accident. Jeg har kun brugt den en gang. I've only used it once. I only used it once. Sami er et røvhul. Sami is an asshole. Sami's an asshole. Hvad hedder De? What is your name? What's your name? Siden hvornår er du begyndt at interessere dig for politik? Since when do you care about politics? Since when do you care about politics? Jeg tror ikke at jeg nogensinde har set Tom danse. I don't think that I've ever seen Tom dancing. I don't think I've ever seen Tom dance. Hvis I gerne vil sove her, er det intet problem. If you guys want to sleep here, it's no problem. If you want to sleep here, it's no problem. Hun har en datter, hvis navn er Mary. She has a daughter whose name is Mary. She has a daughter whose name is Mary. Tom døde 20. oktober 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Det var mit valg. That was my choice. It was my choice. Hvem har forrådt os? Who betrayed us? Who betrayed us? Tom er ved at lære at flyve helikopter. Tom is learning how to fly a helicopter. Tom is learning to fly a helicopter. Hun fyldte sin taske med æbler. She filled her bag with apples. She filled her bag with apples. De jordfødte er ikke vant til Mars' mindre tyngdekraft. The earthborn aren't accustomed to the lighter gravity on Mars. The terrestriallings are not used to Mars' less gravity. Mary og Alice er søstre. Mary and Alice are sisters. Mary and Alice are sisters. Kan denne sweater maskinvaskes? Is this jumper machine washable? Can this sweater be machine-washed? Jeg opdrætter araberheste. I raise Arabian horses. I raise Arab horses. Forlad os. Leave us. Leave us. Hvilken hylde er den på? Which shelf is it on? What shelf is it on? Godt begyndt er halvt fuldendt. Starting is half the task. Good start is half-complete. Forskere har meddelt at de har opdaget tyngdebølger. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Det er hendes første skoledag. It's her first day at school. It's her first day of school. Vi har igen sovet over os! We've overslept again. We've overslept again! Hvornår ankommer vi til Sydney? When will we get to Sydney? When do we get to Sydney? Han taler som om han var lærer. He talks as if he were a teacher. He talks like he was a teacher. Ken beordrede sin hund til at vente der. Ken told his dog to wait there. Ken ordered his dog to wait there. Smid de her rådne bananer væk. Throw away these rotten bananas. Throw these rotten bananas away. Meg er lige så høj som Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Min smarttelefon er dum. My smartphone is stupid. My smartphone's stupid. Han lod os vente i mere end en time. He kept us waiting for more than an hour. He kept us waiting for more than an hour. Universet er omkring 13,75 tusind millioner år gammel. The universe is about 13.75 thousand million years old. The universe is about 13.75 thousand years old. Hvis jeg var en rig mand, ville jeg købe en diamantring til dig. If I were a rich man, I would buy you a diamond ring. If I were a rich man, I'd buy you a diamond ring. Man behandler mig altid som et barn. I'm being treated like a child. You always treat me like a child. Der er også katte på Mars. There are cats on Mars, too. There are cats on Mars, too. Din kat er sort. Your cat is black. Your cat's black. Hvor drak du dem? Where did you drink them? Where did you drink them? Politiet arresterede tre mænd. The police arrested three men. The police arrested three men. Mary er Toms kone. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom's wife. Tom havde hovedpine. Tom had a headache. Tom had a headache. Sluk dine cigaretskod før du smider dem væk! Put out your cigarette butts before throwing them away! Turn off your cigarette butts before you throw them away! Vil du være så venlig at skrive med kuglepen? Would you please write with a ballpoint pen? Would you be so kind as to write with a pen? Vi har ikke brug for et nyt hjælpesprog. Engelsk opfylder allerede den rolle. We don't need a new international auxiliary language. The English language already fills that role. We do not need a new aid language; English already fulfils that role. Tror du virkelig at du kan gøre det uden vores hjælp? Do you really think you can do that without our help? Do you really think you can do it without our help? Bill, hvis du vil komme med mig, vil du flyde også. Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too. Bill, if you want to come with me, you'll float too. Solen går ned bag bakken. The sun is going down behind the hill. The sun goes down behind the hill. Op med humøret! Cheer up! Cheer up! Jeg vil ikke arbejde sammen med ham. I won't work with him. I don't want to work with him. Det er et skridt i den rigtige retning. It is a step in the right direction. It is a step in the right direction. Gentag hver sætning efter mig. Repeat each sentence after me. Repeat every sentence after me. Hun har født ham fire børn. She bore him four children. She gave birth to him four children. Økologiske grøntsager er populære fordi de er sikre og velsmagende. Organic vegetables are popular because they're safe and tasty. Organic vegetables are popular because they are safe and tasty. Det er meget venligt af dig. It is very kind of you. That's very kind of you. Poeter vælger de bedste ord. Poets select the best words. Poets choose the best words. Væk ikke en sovende løve. Wake not a sleeping lion. Don't wake a sleeping lion. Folket tørster efter frihed. The people thirst for freedom. The people thirst for freedom. Toms bil brød sammen. Tom's car broke down. Tom's car broke down. Han skjulte sin tristhed bag et smil. He hid his sadness behind a smile. He hid his sadness behind a smile. Disse fugle trækker ikke. These birds don't migrate. These birds don't migrate. Du er en engel! You're an angel. You're an angel! Vores skole ligger nær ved stationen. Our school is near the station. Our school is near the station. Jeg fandt personen som gjorde det. I found the person who did that. I found the person who did it. Lad være at overdrive! Don't overdo it. Don't exaggerate! Tænk selv. Think for yourself. Think for yourself. Jeg har intet at prale af. I have nothing to boast about. I have nothing to boast about. Gå ind på dit værelse og tænk over det jeg har sagt til dig! Go to your room and think about what I said. Go to your room and think about what I said to you! Tom forsvandt den 20. oktober 2013. Tom disappeared on October 20, 2013. Tom disappeared on October 20, 2013. Tom forsøgte at bryde skrinet op. Tom tried to pry open the box. Tom tried to break up the box. Jeg blev kvit med ham. I got even with him. I got even with him. Tom er uden tvivl den ældste her. Tom is unquestionably the oldest person here. Tom is undoubtedly the oldest here. Glem det aldrig! Don't ever forget that. Never forget it! Det er for dyrt! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Tom sagde at du var kommet. Tom said that you had come. Tom said you were here. Tom så ikke hvad der skete. Tom didn't see what happened. Tom didn't see what happened. Jeg drak ikke for meget. I didn't drink too much. I didn't drink too much. Tager Tom tit til Australien? Does Tom go to Australia often? Does Tom go to Australia often? Hvor længe kan dette batteri holde? How long will this battery last? How long can this battery last? Stem på os. Vote for us. Vote for us. Jeg er ved at skrive et brev. I'm writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Det er et godt spørgsmål. That is a good question. That's a good question. Kabylien er en del af Algeriet. Kabylie is part of Algeria. Kabylia is part of Algeria. Hun taler arabisk. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Konen løsnede klæderne på lille Gerda og tog hendes lådne støvler og bælgvanter af, for ellers havde Gerda fået det for hedt, og så lagde hun et stykke is på rensdyrets hoved. The woman loosened little Gerda's dress, and took off the fur boots and the mittens, or Gerda would have been unable to bear the heat; and then she placed a piece of ice on the reindeer's head. The wife loosened the clothes on little Gerda and took off her thigh boots and bellows, otherwise Gerda would have gotten too hot, and then she put a piece of ice on the reindeer's head. Tom er loyal over for sit land. Tom is loyal to his country. Tom is loyal to his country. I er meget smukke. You are very beautiful. You guys are very beautiful. Vær sød mod hende. Be nice to her. Be nice to her. Hvor har I været? Where've you guys been? Where have you been? Det er et godt system. It's a good system. It's a good system. Det er min hensigt. That's my intention. That is my intention. Fader! Tilgiv dem, thi de ved ikke, hvad de gør. Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Du behøver ikke at gå i skole i dag. You don't need to go to school today. You don't have to go to school today. Mine venner kalder mig Tom. My friends call me Tom. My friends call me Tom. Forskelsbehandling på grund af køn er forbudt. Discrimination on the basis of gender is prohibited. Discrimination based on sex shall be prohibited. Har du tegnet rejseforsikring? Do you have travel insurance? Did you take out travel insurance? Hvilket sprog er verdens sværeste? Which is the most difficult language in the world? What language is the world's hardest? Der er aldrig nok pasta i denne all-you-can-eat-restaurant. There is never enough pasta at this all-you-can-eat restaurant. There's never enough pasta in this all-you-can-eat restaurant. Har du nogensinde skrevet et brev til Tom? Have you ever written a letter to Tom? Have you ever written a letter to Tom? Sid ned, Kate. Sit down, Kate. Sit down, Kate. Goddag! Good day! Hello! Jeg er enig med dig vedrørende denne sag. I agree with you on this issue. I agree with you on this matter. Det hele handler om intelligent allokering af resurser. It's all about intelligent allocation of resources. It's all about intelligent allocation of resources. Han ser ikke fjernsyn. He doesn't watch any television. He's not watching TV. Lad være at tage telefonen hvis den ringer. If the phone rings, don't answer. Don't answer the phone if it rings. Tom sagde til mig at jeg skulle have sagt ja. Tom told me that I should've said yes. Tom told me I should have said yes. Hvor er min hest? Where's my horse? Where's my horse? Den smukke enke stod ved kisten med tåreslørede øjne. The beautiful widow stood by the coffin, her eyes veiled with tears. The beautiful widow stood by the coffin with tearshade eyes. Jeg foretrækker stadigvæk at skrive breve i hånden. I still prefer to write letters by hand. I still prefer to write letters in my hand. Græsk er svært at lære. Greek is difficult to learn. Greek is hard to learn. Mary, hvad laver du? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Han er en krigsfange. He's a prisoner of war. He's a prisoner of war. Jeg vil kunne gifte mig med hende. I will be able to marry her. I'll be able to marry her. Der var engang en smuk prinsesse ... Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess... Svømning forbudt. No swimming. No swimming. Jeg elsker min kat. I love my cat. I love my cat. Har du talt håndklæderne? Have you counted the towels? Did you count the towels? Han stod i forhold til en pige fra Kabylien. He was in a relationship with a girl from Kabylie. He was related to a girl from Kabylia. I går spiste jeg et æble. Yesterday, I ate an apple. Yesterday I ate an apple. Træet, der er i haven, er en gammel eg. The tree that is in the garden is an ancient oak. The tree in the garden is an old oak. Jeg kunne i begyndelsen ikke holde Tom ud. I couldn't stand Tom at first. At first, I couldn't stand Tom. Nancy er bange for hunde. Nancy is scared of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Det er helt skoven. It is a complete mistake. It's all the woods. Alt her smager af fisk og skaldyr. Everything here tastes of seafood. Everything here tastes like seafood. Tom forfalskede rapporterne. Tom falsified the reports. Tom forged the reports. Den mistænkte er en hvid kvinde. The suspect is a caucasian female. The suspect is a white woman. Har du et hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Tom har blå øjne. Tom has blue eyes. Tom has blue eyes. Vær ikke så sur. Don't be so angry. Don't be so mad. Der var ingen overlevende. There were no survivors. There were no survivors. Alle lo af Tom. Everybody laughed at Tom. Everyone laughed at Tom. Mary tager ballettimer. Mary takes ballet lessons. Mary's taking ballet lessons. Mennesker har mistet evnen til at være uenige uden at være ubehagelige. People have lost the ability to disagree without being disagreeable. Humans have lost their ability to disagree without being unpleasant. Mario er så syg at han knap nok kan bevæge sig. Mario is so sick that he can barely move. Mario is so sick he can barely move. Min mand tjener 100.000 dollar om året. My husband earns $100,000 a year. My husband makes $100,000 a year. Lad mig vise dig en bedre måde at gøre det på. Let me show you a better way do that. Let me show you a better way to do that. Jeg har tænkt mig at give min hund navnet Cookie. I'm going to name my dog Cookie. I'm going to name my dog Cookie. Velkommen! Welcome. Welcome! Jeg spørger mig om det her er kærlighed. I wonder if this is love. I'm asking if this is love. Tror du rent faktisk at jeg kan hjælpe dig? Do you think I can actually help you? Do you actually think I can help you? Jeg har aldrig snakket med Tom. I've never spoken to Tom. I never talked to Tom. Tom spiller ikke efter reglerne. Tom is not playing by the rules. Tom doesn't play by the rules. En lille fugl har fortalt mig, at du ikke er til stede ved messen. A little bird told me you are not attending Mass. A little bird has told me that you are not present at the fair. Hans bil sad fast i knædyb sne. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. Jeg venter indtil klokken halv tre. I'll wait until 2:30. I'll wait until 3:30. Jeg gad vide hvor Tom gemte sin nøgle. I wonder where Tom hid his key. I wonder where Tom hid his key. Jeg hænger ud med mine venner. I'm hanging out with my friends. I'm hanging out with my friends. Tom ved ikke, hvordan man spiller golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Lad mig præsentere mig selv. Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself. Glemsomhed og dovenskab er søskende. Forgetfulness and laziness are siblings. Forgetting and laziness are siblings. Drikker du kaffe? Do you drink coffee? Do you drink coffee? John og Ann holder af hinanden. John and Ann like each other. John and Ann care about each other. En mystisk legende er overleveret om denne sø. A mysterious legend has been handed down about this lake. A mysterious legend is handed down about this lake. Jeg kan ikke lide chokoladeis. I don't like chocolate ice cream. I don't like chocolate ice cream. Tom købte en avis. Tom bought a paper. Tom bought a newspaper. Hvad skjuler du? What are you hiding? What are you hiding? Du vil aldrig være alene. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Hold venligst op med at fløjte. Please stop whistling. Please stop whistling. Er det fransk de taler? Are they speaking French? Is that French they speak? Jeg har ikke set en heteroseksuel person i over en uge. I haven't seen a heterosexual person in over a week. I haven't seen a heterosexual person in over a week. Jeg har brug for nogen. I need somebody. I need someone. Jeg kan lide hunde. I like dogs. I like dogs. Jeg synes han ser bedre ud med et skæg. I think that he looks better with a beard. I think he looks better with a beard. Det var sjovt. That was fun. That was fun. Jeg er allergisk over for katte. I'm allergic to cats. I'm allergic to cats. Alle blev grebet af panik. Everybody panicked. Everyone was panicked. Pil af! Why don't you get lost. Get out of here! Du kan ikke dræbe os alle. You can't kill us all. You can't kill us all. Tom kastede terningen. Tom rolled the dice. Tom threw the cube. De kunne ikke holde op med smile. They couldn't stop smiling. They couldn't stop smiling. Hans skødesløse kørsel forårsagede ulykken. His careless driving caused the accident. His careless driving caused the accident. Hvornår åbner bagerforretningen? When does the bakery open? When does the bakery shop open? Tom krammede sin teddybjørn. Tom hugged his teddy bear. Tom hugged his teddy bear. Jeg har ikke talt med Tom om det. I haven't spoken to Tom about that. I haven't talked to Tom about it. Dette er første gang nogensinde at jeg har malket en ko. This is the first time I've ever milked a cow. This is the first time I've ever milked a cow. Jeg bruger internet på badeværelset. I use the internet in the bathroom. I use the Internet in the bathroom. Find et arbejde! Find a job! Get a job! Min familie er ikke rig. My family isn't rich. My family isn't rich. Han, så vel som dig, er en god golfspiller. He, just like you, is a good golfer. He, as well as you, is a good golfer. Nogen må have set noget. Someone must've seen something. Someone must have seen something. Jeg så fjernsyn. I was watching TV. I was watching TV. Mange børn går i jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. Hvorfor går du til fods, når du har en bil? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why do you walk on foot when you have a car? Mange af vores kunder er fra Canada. Many of our customers are from Canada. Many of our customers are from Canada. Jeg er trist. I'm sad. I'm sad. Det er ikke din skyld. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. Hvem gav Tom det blå øje? Who gave Tom that black eye? Who gave Tom the black eye? Ethvert menneske har sin pris. Every man has his price. Every man has his price. Der er sket noget forfærdeligt. Something terrible has happened. Something terrible has happened. To plus to er lig med fem. Two plus two equals five. Two plus two is equal to five. Har du nogensinde set en abe? Have you ever seen a monkey? Have you ever seen a monkey? Tom betaler husleje hver den første. Tom pays rent on the first day of every month. Tom pays rent every first one. Det er meget sjovt. It's very fun. It's very funny. Jeg lå på min seng. I lay on my bed. I was lying on my bed. Er Armenien medlem af EU? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? Tom har en bipolar lidelse. Tom is bipolar. Tom has a bipolar disorder. Alle i landsbyen kender ham. All the villagers know him. Everyone in the village knows him. Har du tid et øjeblik? Do you have a moment? Can I talk to you for a second? Jeg kan overhovedet ikke høre noget. I can't hear anything at all. I can't hear anything at all. Vi ses. Bye. I'll see you later. Jeg havde blot brug for lidt luft. I just needed some air. I just needed some air. Alle dyr er lige. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Jeg tror det er på tide at jeg køber en anstændig computer til min datter. I think it's time for me to buy my daughter a decent computer. I think it's time I bought a decent computer for my daughter. Du ligner en politimand. You look like a cop. You look like a cop. Vi sidder og ser en ny film. We are watching a new film. We're watching a new movie. Giv freden en chance! Give peace a chance! Give peace a chance! Der var en jævn stigning i indbyggertallet. There was a steady increase in population. There was a steady increase in the population. Jeg tror det ikke. I don't believe that. I don't think so. Den pågældende er programmør. They are a programmer. The person concerned is a programmer. Kærlighed er som månen; når den ikke er i tiltagende, er den i aftagende. Love is like the moon; when it does not wax, it wanes. Love is like the moon; when it is not increasing, it is decreasing. Deres habitat er truet af skovrydning. Their habitat is threatened by deforestation. Their habitat is threatened by deforestation. Der er fem fisk i mit akvarie. There are five fish in my aquarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. Sikken skuffelse! What a disappointment! What a disappointment! Hvad lavede du om aftenen? What did you do at night? What were you doing at night? Er der noget andet, vi kan gøre for Tom? Is there something else we can do for Tom? Is there anything else we can do for Tom? Tom holdt vagt. Tom kept watch. Tom was watching. Vi trækker os tilbage klokken elleve. We retire at eleven o'clock. We'll retire at 11:00. Lad os få en drink og lytte til noget musik. Let's have a drink and listen to some music. Let's get a drink and listen to some music. Vi har arbejdet hårdt på at få enderne til at mødes. We worked hard to make ends meet. We've worked hard to get the ends to meet. Min mor er en kvinde. My mother is a woman. My mother is a woman. Denne computer har et 3½-tomme diskettedrev. This computer has a 3½″ floppy drive. This computer has a 31⁄2 inch disk drive. Passer det, at der findes smukke og hæslige sprog? Is it true that there are beautiful and ugly languages? Is it true that there are beautiful and hideous languages? Skyd ikke! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Hvad har du gang i? What are you doing right now? What are you doing? Tom åbnede køleskabet og tog mælken ud. Tom opened the fridge and took out the milk. Tom opened the fridge and took the milk out. Vi har kun kysset. We only kissed. We've only kissed. Jeg bryder mig ikke om den sætning. I don't like that sentence. I don't like that sentence. Tom har intet til fælles med Mary. Tom has nothing in common with Mary. Tom has nothing in common with Mary. Tom rødmede. Tom turned red. Tom blushed. Tillykke! Congratulations! Congratulations! Buschaufføren så ikke fodgængeren. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. Hvornår slutter undervisningen? When does the class finish? When does the teaching end? Hvis vi skubber sammen, så er jeg sikker på at den gamle vakkelvorne dør vil give efter. If we push together, I'm sure that old rickety door will break. If we push together, I'm sure the old wobbly door will give in. Jeg drømte en mærkelig drøm. I dreamed a strange dream. I dreamt a strange dream. Dette er en mobiltelefon. This is a mobile phone. This is a cell phone. Tom brændte et seddelbundt. Tom burned a wad of bills. Tom burned a note bundle. Hvad er der bag muren? What's behind the wall? What's behind the wall? Prisen på ris er steget med tre procent. The price of rice rose by three percent. The price of rice has increased by 3%. Mange unge går med jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. Tom må have ændret den. Tom must've changed it. Tom must have changed it. Denne metode er langsom men sikker. This method is slow but sure. This method is slow but safe. Sukker opløses i varm kaffe. Sugar dissolves in warm coffee. Sugar dissolves in hot coffee. Tom ødelagde sin nye smartphone. Tom broke his new smartphone. Tom destroyed his new smartphone. Jeg har ikke brede hofter. I don't have wide hips. I don't have wide hips. De her æbler smager godt. These apples taste good. These apples taste good. "Din næse drypper." "Unnndskyld." "Your nose is dripping." "S-sorry." "Your nose is dripping." "Unsorry." Hvad talte Tom med Mary om? What did Tom talk to Mary about? What did Tom talk to Mary about? Dens navn er Tom. Its name is Tom. Its name is Tom. "Gangnam Style" er den mest sete video på YouTube. "Gangnam Style" is the most-watched video on YouTube. "Gangnam Style" is the most seen video on YouTube. Han rejste sig og gik. He got up and went away. He got up and left. Stop. Det gør ondt. Stop. It hurts. Stop, it hurts. Jeg elsker Gud. I love God. I love God. Dette er en hest. This is a horse. This is a horse. Træer afgiver oxygen og absorberer karbondioxid. Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Trees emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Oversættelsen er ganske tro mod originalen. The translation is quite true to the original. The translation is quite true to the original. Der er noget råddent i Danmarks rige. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. There is something rotten in Denmark's realm. Jeg har lige så mange bøger som Tom. I have the same number of books as Tom has. I have as many books as Tom. Hvorfor troede du ikke på mig? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Tom er faldet i søvn. Tom has fallen asleep. Tom has fallen asleep. Jern er et nyttigt metal. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. Måske skulle vi have skrællet æblerne før vi spiste dem. Maybe we should've peeled the apples before we ate them. Maybe we should have peeled the apples before we ate them. Mit navn er Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Samis video gik viral på YouTube. Sami's video went viral on YouTube. Sami's video went viral on YouTube. Der er intet at klage over. There is nothing to complain about. There's nothing to complain about. Jeg forstår ikke disse nye regler. I don't understand these new rules. I don't understand these new rules. Det her er huset, som Tom byggede. This is the house that Tom built. This is the house that Tom built. "Den Nye Aftale" er Biblens anden del. "The New Testament" is the second part of the Bible. The New Agreement is the second part of the Bible. Sami kørte på den motorcykel. Sami was riding that motorbike. Sami drove that motorcycle. Tom ønsker ikke køre. Tom doesn't want to drive. Tom doesn't want to drive. Jeg tror ikke Tom er morderen. I don't believe that Tom is the murderer. I don't think Tom is the killer. Jeg formoder at det er min skyld. I suppose it's my fault. I guess it's my fault. Vil du se et magisk trick? Want to see a magic trick? You want to see a magic trick? Hun har smalle hofter. She has narrow hips. She's got narrow hips. Jeg ringer til dig senere. I'll phone you later. I'll call you later. Du skylder mig tre dollars. You owe me three dollars. You owe me three bucks. USA er rigt på naturresurser. The United States is abundant in natural resources. The United States is rich in natural resources. Hvorfor lever de så her? Why do they live here then? Then why are they living here? Tyfonen ødelagde mange huse. The typhoon destroyed many houses. The typhoon destroyed many houses. Tom tog appelsinjuicen ud af køleskabet. Tom took the orange juice out of the refrigerator. Tom took the orange juice out of the refrigerator. Jeg modtog et brev fra min søster. I received a letter from my sister. I received a letter from my sister. Vi renoverede et hus. We renovated a house. We renovated a house. Mor arbejder. Mom's working. Mom's working. Jeg kan flyve. I can fly. I can fly. Jeg læser en bog om USAs historie. I am reading a book on US history. I read a book about the history of the United States. Fotografiet er på USB-stikket. The photograph is on the USB stick. The photo's on the USB plug. Jeg savner Boston. I miss Boston. I miss Boston. Hvor er din mor? Where is your mother? Where's your mother? Bliv nu ikke oppe hele natten. Don't stay up all night. Don't stay up all night. Han bryder sig ikke om fodbold. He doesn't like football. He doesn't like football. Tom tog Marys tomme glas ud af hendes hånd og fyldte det op igen. Tom took Mary's empty glass from her hand and refilled it. Tom took Mary's empty glass out of her hand and filled it up again. Er det sandt at Tom ikke kommer til vores fest? Is it true that Tom won't come to our party? Is it true that Tom isn't coming to our party? Hvem traf beslutningen? Who made the decision? Who made the decision? Hvad venter du på? What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Jeg er meget ældre end du tror jeg er. I'm much older than you think I am. I'm a lot older than you think I am. Tom er Marys fætter. Tom is Mary's cousin. Tom is Mary's cousin. Meget romantisk! Very romantic! Very romantic! Man kan ikke være to steder på en gang. You can't be at two places at once. You can't be in two places at once. Jeg kan bedre lide kaffe. I like coffee better. I like coffee better. Måske er det endnu ikke for sent. It may still not be too late. Maybe it's not too late yet. Tom har mange katte. Tom has many cats. Tom has a lot of cats. Hvem er alle disse mennesker? Who are all these people? Who are all these people? Husker du at vi havde en telefon med drejeskive? Do you remember that we had a phone with a rotary dial? Remember we had a phone with a dial? Hunde der gør, bider sjældent. Barking dogs seldom bite. Dogs that do seldom bite. Jeg er gravid. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. I er svenske. You guys are Swedish. You're Swedish. Vi ønsker at afbryde disse forhandlinger. We want to break off this negotiation. We want to suspend these negotiations. Manden spiste brød. The man was eating bread. The man ate bread. Jeg har også modtaget det. I've received it too. I've received it, too. Kender du tilfældigvis hans navn? Do you happen to know his name? Do you happen to know his name? Du er både køn og rar. You are both pretty and kind. You're both pretty and nice. Hun er for gammel til mig. She's too old for me. She's too old for me. Alle mulige typer kvinder inspirerer mig. All kinds of women inspire me. All kinds of women inspire me. Hendes cykel er bedre end min. Her bike is better than mine. Her bike is better than mine. Hvem er denne mand? Who is this man? Who is this man? Tom siger at han har planer om at tage tilbage til Australien til jul. Tom says he's planning to go back to Australia for Christmas. Tom says he's planning on going back to Australia for Christmas. Helt tilfældigt mødte jeg min gamle ven i lufthavnen. Quite by chance, I met my old friend at the airport. I happened to meet my old friend at the airport. Hvorfor er havet salt, men ikke floderne som flyder ud i det? Why is the ocean salty, but rivers flowing into it are not? Why is the sea salty, but not the rivers that flow into it? Hvad med en kop kaffe til? How about another cup of coffee? How about another cup of coffee? Han fortalte mig at hun var syg. He told me that she was sick. He told me she was sick. Tom vandt valget. Tom won the election. Tom won the election. Vi har en meget god kok. We have a very good chef. We have a very good cook. Under ingen omstændigheder. No way. No way. Vær forsigtig! Be careful. Be careful! Han spiller tennis daglig. She plays tennis daily. He plays tennis every day. Hvad er dit fornavn? What is your first name? What's your first name? Jeg har ikke nået det endnu. I haven't gotten around to doing that yet. I haven't made it yet. Jeg cykler til arbejde. I bike to work. I'm gonna ride to work. Tom blev ved med at køre for nær bilen foran os selvom jeg fortalte ham at det kunne være farligt at gøre det. Tom kept tailgating the car in front of us even though I told him it was unsafe to do so. Tom kept driving too near the car in front of us even though I told him it could be dangerous to do so. Politiet er her. The police are here. The police are here. Helgi og Hayrünnisa var gift. Helgi and Hayrünnisa were married. Helgi and Hayrünnisa were married. Jeg har fået en bil. I've got a car. I got a car. Lad os lege tagfat. Let's play tag. Let's play tag. Dette lægemiddel vil hjælpe dig. This medicine will help you. This medicine will help you. Jeg drikker vand. I'm drinking water. I drink water. Du har lys på. You left your lights on. You're wearing lights. Du bekymrer dig for meget om hvad andre tænker om dig. You worry too much about what others think of you. You worry too much about what others think about you. Vi har alle brug for at leve livet fuldt ud. We all need to live life to the fullest. We all need to live life to the full. Jeg læste det i dagens udgave. I read it in today's edition. I read it in today's edition. Tom vågnede tidligt i morges. Tom woke up early this morning. Tom woke up early this morning. Hun fik en gave af sin kæreste. She got a present from her boyfriend. She got a gift from her boyfriend. Solen er gået ned. The sun has set. The sun's gone down. Det er ikke en god ide at spørge en kvinde om hendes alder. It's not a good idea to ask a woman how old she is. It's not a good idea to ask a woman about her age. Vi trøster hans mor. We are consoling his mother. We're comforting his mother. Jeg er virkelig træt. I'm really sleepy. I'm really tired. Jeg har to katte; den ene er hvid og den anden er sort. I have two cats: one is white and the other is black. I have two cats; one is white and the other is black. Hun begyndte igen at græde. She began to cry again. She started crying again. Fortæl mig hvordan jeg kan hjælpe dig. Tell me how I can help you. Tell me how I can help you. "Hvem var den pige du var sammen med på stranden i dag?" "Hvad for en pige?" "Who was that girl you were with at the beach today?" "What girl?" "Who was that girl you were with on the beach today?" "What girl?" Hun trak på skuldrene. She shrugged her shoulders. She pulled on her shoulders. Hun siger at hun kan lide blomster. She says, that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Han kan tale ti sprog. He is able to speak ten languages. He can speak ten languages. De forærer bibler væk. They give bibles for free. They give away Bibles. Jeg vil gerne danse. I'd like to dance. I'd like to dance. Tom er Marys søn. Tom is Mary's son. Tom is Mary's son. Det er ikke det samme. It isn't the same. It's not the same thing. Jeg taler fransk til mine medarbejdere. I speak French to my staff. I speak French to my employees. Maden er endnu ikke færdig. The food's not ready yet. The food isn't ready yet. En ulykke kommer aldrig alene. Misfortunes never come single. An accident never comes alone. Jeg fortryder at have sagt det. I regret having said so. I regret saying that. De her er Toms briller, ikke mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. Så snart jeg har den, vil jeg sende den til dig. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I have it, I'll send it to you. Hvor mange mennesker er der på dette kontor? How many people are there in this office? How many people are in this office? Tågen er lettet. The fog has lifted. The fog is relieved. Her er et billede af Tom. Here's a picture of Tom. Here's a picture of Tom. Det er for meget salt i denne suppe. There's too much salt in this soup. It's too much salt in this soup. Jeg har fået stuearrest fordi min mor er vred på mig. I've been grounded because my mum is angry with me. I've been grounded because my mom's mad at me. Mange tak. Thanks. Thank you very much. Toms og Marys forældre er venner. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mary's parents are friends. Tjek denne oversættelse med originalen. Check this translation with the original. Check out this translation with the original. Du går glip af al den dejlige sne. You're missing all the lovely snow. You're missing all the lovely snow. Både kænguruer og pungrotter er pungdyr. Both kangaroos and opossums are marsupial animals. Both kangaroos and possums are marsupials. Jeg bad Tom om at gøre det for mig. I asked Tom to do that for me. I asked Tom to do it for me. Jeg skal til at skrive et brev. I am going to write a letter. I'm about to write a letter. Jeg skulle gøre det før klokken halv tre. I had to do it before 2:30. I had to do it before 3:30. Tom er fodtudse. Tom is a footslogger. Tom is a toad. Toms næse begyndte at klø. Tom's nose began to itch. Tom's nose started scratching. Han lever ikke længe. He won't live long. He won't live long. Han sad på sengen. He was sitting on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. Vi ses i næste uge! See you next week! See you next week! Jeg gør alt hvad du beder mig om. I'll do everything you tell me to do. I'll do whatever you ask of me. Jeg har drukket meget kaffe. I've been drinking a lot of coffee. I've had a lot of coffee. Vi gav Tom æblet. We gave Tom the apple. We gave Tom the apple. Kan du printe det ud? Can you print it out? Can you print it out? Jeg taler dansk, svensk og engelsk. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. Jeg kender nogle af disse piger. I know some of these girls. I know some of these girls. Hvornår og hvor modtog du gaven? When and where did you receive the gift? When and where did you receive the gift? At han kommer, er sikkert. That he will come is certain. The fact that he's coming is safe. Hun hældte mælk i koppen. She poured milk into the cup. She poured milk into the cup. Min kone har lavet en lækker æblekage til mig. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. Kærligheden slår til, når man mindst venter det. Love happens when you least expect it. Love strikes when you least expect it. Mindst en gang om ugen vasker han sin bil. He washes his car at least once a week. At least once a week, he washes his car. Hvis ikke nu, hvornår så? If not now, when? If not now, when? Jeg er en sygeplejerske. I am a nurse. I'm a nurse. Priserne stiger dag for dag. Prices raise from day to day. Prices are rising day by day. Mary er ikke min mor. Hun er min tante. Mary isn't my mother. She's my aunt. Mary's not my mother, she's my aunt. Det afhænger af konteksten. That depends on the context. It depends on the context. Det er svært at tale offentligt. It is difficult to speak in public. It's hard to talk in public. Hun lever! She's alive! She's alive! Giv mig et godnatkys! Kiss me goodnight. Give me a kiss good night! Billedet hænger på væggen. The picture is hanging on the wall. The picture's on the wall. Jeg ved hvor hun er. I know where she is. I know where she is. Det er ikke besværet værd. It is not worth the trouble. It's not worth the trouble. Rør ikke ved knappen. Don't touch the button. Don't touch the button. Jeg har lavet brownies. I made brownies. I made brownies. Vi blev i Hawaii julen over. We stayed in Hawaii over Christmas. We stayed in Hawaii Christmas over. Serverne er nede. The servers are down. The servers are down. Uret går forkert. The clock is wrong. The clock's going wrong. Hvor mange dage er der i et skudår? How many days are there in a leap year? How many days are there in a leap year? Skal vi dele en appelsin? Would you like to share an orange with me? Would you like to share an orange? Han bød hende farvel. He bade her farewell. He bid her goodbye. Hun bagte en æblekage til sin mand. She baked her husband an apple pie. She baked her husband an apple cake. Jeg har en datter som er gift med en franskmand. I have a daughter who's married to a Frenchman. I have a daughter who is married to a Frenchman. Giv os fred! Give us peace! Give us peace! Tom og Mary ser TV og spiser chips. Tom and Mary are watching TV and eating potato chips. Tom and Mary watch TV and eat chips. Han elsker at rejse. He loves traveling. He loves to leave. Han skal til at skrive et brev. He is going to write a letter. He's about to write a letter. Hvorfor kan Tom ikke kramme Mary? Why can't Tom hug Mary? Why can't Tom hug Mary? Jeg taler i telefon. I'm talking on the phone. I'm on the phone. Notebooken ligger på bordet. The notebook is lying on the table. The notebook is on the table. De gravede en grav. They dug a grave. They dug a grave. Batterier ikke inkluderet. Batteries not included. Batteries not included. Tom ventede. Tom was waiting. Tom waited. Du kan sige lige hvad du ønsker. You can say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. Jeg bestilte et halvt dusin kemibøger fra New York. I ordered half a dozen books on chemistry from New York. I ordered half a dozen chemistry books from New York City. En amerikaner talte til mig på stationen. An American spoke to me at the station. An American spoke to me at the station. Hils dine forældre fra mig. Say hello to your parents from me. Say hello to your parents for me. Katte har to ører. Cats have two ears. Cats have two ears. Søndag kommer efter lørdag. Sunday comes after Saturday. Sunday comes after Saturday. Jeg bruger Windows for Workgroups 3.11 som operationssystem på min computer. I use Windows for Workgroups 3.11 on my computer as an operating system. I use Windows for Workgroups 3.11 as operating system on my computer. I går købte jeg en rød bil. Yesterday, I bought a red car. Yesterday I bought a red car. Tom blev anklaget for hvidvaskning af penge. Tom was accused of money laundering. Tom was charged with money laundering. Det er et busstoppested. That is a bus stop. It's a bus stop. Tom tjener flere penge pr. time end jeg gør om ugen. Tom earns more money per hour than I do per week. Tom makes more money per hour than I do a week. Nå, jeg må gå nu. Well, I have to go now. Well, I have to go now. Vi regner med at blive en uge. We plan on staying a week. We expect to stay a week. Var du i hæren? Were you in the army? Were you in the army? Jeg kender enhver tomme af New York. I know every inch of New York. I know every inch of New York. Jeg fik et julekort fra min bror i Italien. I received a Christmas card from my brother in Italy. I got a Christmas card from my brother in Italy. Tom aftalte at mødes med Mary foran møntvaskeriet. Tom agreed to meet Mary in front of the laundromat. Tom agreed to meet Mary in front of the laundromat. Jeg har ikke en hund. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. Tom brød verdensrekorden. Tom broke the world record. Tom broke the world record. I er komplet uvidende. You guys are totally clueless. You're completely ignorant. Jeg er sygeplejerske. I am a nurse. I'm a nurse. Den sorte hund dér ser en hvid kat. That black dog sees a white cat. The black dog there sees a white cat. Jeg ønsker at lære kurdisk. I want to learn Kurdish. I want to learn Kurdish. Blev den her mur bygget for at holde folk ude eller for at holde dem inde? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Jeg er sexet og jeg ved det! I'm sexy and I know it! I'm sexy and I know it! Jeg synes at Tom er meget sej. I think Tom is very cool. I think Tom is very cool. Tom gik over gaden. Tom walked across the street. Tom crossed the street. En knap fra hans overfrakke faldt af. A button from his overcoat fell off. A button from his overcoat fell off. Du har ret til at lykkelig. You have a right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. Jeg spurgte Mary om hvorfor hun var taget til Boston. I asked Mary why she had gone to Boston. I asked Mary why she had gone to Boston. Julemanden bor på Nordpolen. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa lives at the North Pole. Sandheden er ikke altid velkommen! The truth isn't always welcome! The truth is not always welcome! Jeg tror Tom talte fransk. I think Tom was speaking French. I think Tom spoke French. Bogen ligger på bordet. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Har du et kreditkort? Do you have a credit card? Do you have a credit card? Han stod på gulvet. He was standing on the floor. He was standing on the floor. Jeg tager det for givet at folk er ærlige. I take it for granted that people are honest. I take it for granted that people are honest. I det tyske forbundsland Slesvig-Holsten er dansk anerkendt som et beskyttet mindretalssprog. Danish is recognised as a protected minority language in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. In the German Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein, Danish is recognised as a protected minority language. Han hjalp de fattige. He helped the poor. He helped the poor. Der er et sort hul midt i vores galakse. There's a black hole at the center of our galaxy. There's a black hole in the middle of our galaxy. De finder jer ikke. They won't find you. They won't find you. Jeg har planer om at tage derhen. I plan on going there. I'm planning on going there. Sami skød Layla på nært hold. Sami shot Layla point blank. Sami shot Layla at close range. Hun gav ham et olmt blik. She gave him a dirty look. She gave him a big look. Rom blev ikke bygget på en dag. Rome was not built in a day. Rome wasn't built in a day. Min mave rumler. My stomach is rumbling. My stomach's rumbled. Hun er bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. Fred efterlod sin hustru en stor formue. Fred left his wife a large fortune. Fred left his wife a great fortune. Hvad har det med det at gøre? What does that have to do with it? What does that have to do with anything? Han holder meget af musik. He likes music a lot. He likes music a lot. Dette bord er hvidt. This table is white. This table is white. Taler du kurdisk? Do you speak Kurdish? Do you speak Kurdish? Det overrasker mig ikke. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Jeg leder efter Tom. Har du set ham? I'm looking for Tom. Have you seen him? I'm looking for Tom. Tom drikker ikke øl. Tom doesn't drink beer. Tom doesn't drink beer. Riv denne mur ned! Tear down this wall. Tear down this wall! Tom ønsker at tale med os alle. Tom wants to talk to all of us. Tom wants to talk to us all. Jeg kender din hemmelighed. I know your secret. I know your secret. Hun bruger Botox. She uses Botox. She's using Botox. Jeg foretrækker appelsiner frem for æbler. I prefer oranges to apples. I prefer oranges to apples. Syng mig en kærlighedssang. Sing me a love song. Sing me a love song. Hun har et lille hus. She has a small house. She's got a little house. Tom siger at han hellere vil gå end tage en bus. Tom says he'd rather walk than take a bus. Tom says he'd rather go than take a bus. Tænk dig om før du handler! Think before you act! Think Before You Trade! For at gøre tingene værre begyndte det at regne. To make matters worse, it began to rain. To make things worse, it started raining. Mary er en kvinde. Mary is a woman. Mary's a woman. Kan du lide ananasdrikke? Do you like pineapple drinks? Do you like pineapple drinks? Gæt hvem der vandt. Guess who won. Guess who won. Jeg går. I'm going. I'm gonna go. Tom er cirka en meter og firs. Tom is approximately six feet tall. Tom is about a meter and eighty. Den sorte hund ser den hvide kat. The black dog sees the white cat. The black dog sees the white cat. Han er lige så god som de andre spillere på holdet. He is as good as any player on our team. He's as good as the other players on the team. Dick forsøgte forgæves at løse problemet. Dick tried to solve the problem, in vain. Dick tried to solve the problem in vain. Jeg har betalt mine skat. I paid my taxes. I paid my taxes. I er mellem venner. You guys are among friends. You're between friends. Livet ville være tomt uden Tom. Life would be empty without Tom. Life would be empty without Tom. Tom maste kartoflerne med en stor gaffel. Tom mashed the potatoes with a large fork. Tom crushed the potatoes with a big fork. Der bliver undervist i engelsk i de fleste lande. English is taught in most countries. English is taught in most countries. Tom er ikke en dårlig træner. Tom isn't a bad coach. Tom is not a bad coach. Jeg er næsten færdig. I'm about ready. I'm almost done. Jeg ville ønske jeg kunne have talt fransk. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could have spoken French. Jeg må bide i det sure æble. I must bite the sour apple. I'm gonna have to bite the sour apple. Der er intet toiletpapir. There's no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Jeg besluttede at benytte lejligheden til at tage hen og besøge ham. I decided to take the opportunity to go and visit him. I decided to take the opportunity to visit him. Det kunne være dem. It could be them. It could be them. Tom sagde til mig at jeg skulle have sagt ja. Tom told me I should've said yes. Tom told me I should have said yes. Tom vidste ikke meget. Tom didn't know much. Tom didn't know much. Denne telefon virker ikke. This telephone is out of order. This phone isn't working. Jeg tager til Irland til sommer. I will go to Ireland this summer. I'm going to Ireland this summer. Tom vil ikke have børn. Tom doesn't want kids. Tom doesn't want kids. Hvor lang tid tror du det vil tage? How long do you think it'll take? How long do you think it's gonna take? Hun har to børn. She has two children. She's got two kids. Jeg accepterer dette forslag. I accept this proposal. I accept this proposal. Der er en kirke nær ved mit hus. There is a church near my house. There's a church near my house. Jeg bor i Boston med min familie. I live in Boston with my family. I live in Boston with my family. Kate tog med til festen for at møde sine venner. Kate went to the party to see her friends. Kate went to the party to meet her friends. Vent venligst her indtil han kommer. Please wait here until he comes. Please wait here until he gets here. Jeg låner dem fra biblioteket. I borrow them from the city library. I'll borrow them from the library. Er Tom endnu ikke ankommet? Hasn't Tom arrived yet? Tom hasn't arrived yet? Jeg har bygget det. I built it. I built it. Jeg er en mand nu. I'm a man now. I'm a man now. Jeg har altid været bange for at flyve. I've always had a fear of flying. I've always been afraid to fly. Vi har endnu ikke fundet skydevåbnet. We haven't found the gun yet. We haven't found the gun yet. Hvis man afbrænder brændstoffer som kul, olie og gas, vil de afgive forskellige luftarter. If we burn fuels such as coal, oil and gas, they give off various gases. If fuels such as coal, oil and gas are burned, they will emit various gases. Det er aldrig for sent. It's never too late. It's never too late. Spørg ikke hvorfor; bare gør det. Don't ask why, just do it. Don't ask why; just do it. Er du træt af den daglige trummerum? Are you tired of the daily grind? Are you tired of the daily trummer room? Der er et uhyre under min seng. There's a monster under my bed. There's a monster under my bed. Jeg tror ikke at Atlantis nogensinde har eksisteret. I don't believe Atlantis ever existed. I don't think Atlantis ever existed. Har du mistet din forstand? Have you lost your reason? Have you lost your mind? Tom skrællede et æble til Mary. Tom peeled the apple for Mary. Tom peeled an apple for Mary. Det var varmt, så jeg åbnede vinduet. It was warm, so I opened the window. It was hot, so I opened the window. Hun er en from katolik. She's a devout Catholic. She's a pious Catholic. Han lyttede men kunne ikke høre noget. He listened, but heard nothing. He listened but couldn't hear anything. Jeg er tilbage i slutningen af måneden. I'll be back home toward the end of the month. I'll be back by the end of the month. Toppen af bjerget er cirka to tusind meter over havets overflade. The summit of the mountain is about 2000 meters above sea level. The top of the mountain is about two thousand meters above sea level. "Ved du hvad dag det er i dag?" "Hvad snakker du om?" "Det er vores bryllupsdag!" "Do you know what day it is today?" "What are you talking about?" "It's our wedding anniversary!" "You know what day it is today?" "What are you talking about?" "It's our wedding day!" Høns flyver ikke over mure. Hens don't fly over walls. Chickens don't fly over walls. Hvorfor opfandt man pengene? Why was money invented? Why did you invent the money? Tom laver ikke andet end at se fjernsyn. All Tom does is watch TV. Tom does nothing but watch TV. Toms første kone plukkede ham for alt hvad han havde, og han var ruineret da han mødte Mary. Tom's first wife fleeced him, and he was broke when he met Mary. Tom's first wife picked him for everything he had, and he was ruined when he met Mary. I aftes skrev jeg et brev. I wrote a letter last night. Last night I wrote a letter. Hun blev en berømt maler. She became a famous painter. She became a famous painter. Speedometret viste 153 km/h. The speedometer was indicating 95 mph. The speedometer showed 153 km/h. Han fik lukket for vandet, fordi han ikke betalte regningen. They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill. He shut down the water because he didn't pay the bill. Hun elsker knoglemarv. She loves bone marrow. She loves bone marrow. Vi har en god gruppe af frivillige. We have a good group of volunteers. We have a good group of volunteers. Jeg har hørt at Tom har mistet sit job. I heard that Tom lost his job. I heard Tom lost his job. Vil du købe en ordbog? Are you going to buy a dictionary? You want to buy a dictionary? Kom nu! Vi kommer for sent hvis du ikke skynder dig. Come on, we'll be late if you don't hurry up. Come on, we'll be late if you don't hurry. Kan disse stjerner ses i Australien? Can these stars be seen in Australia? Can these stars be seen in Australia? Nyder du weekenden? Are you enjoying your weekend? Enjoying the weekend? Det har sneet hele natten. It's been snowing all night. It's been snowing all night. Alle advokater er løgnere. All lawyers are liars. All lawyers are liars. Det siges at han er død. He is said to have died. They say he's dead. Han tilbød os sin hjælp. He offered his help to us. He offered us his help. Han er en dårlig bilist. He is a bad driver. He's a bad driver. Lad os se om det klarer sagen. Let's see if that does the trick. Let's see if that's gonna work it out. Min chef er en idiot. My boss is a jerk. My boss is an idiot. Lad os gå et sted hen hvor det er varmt! Let's go somewhere warm. Let's go somewhere hot! Hun ramte hovedet på sømmet. She hit the nail on the head. She hit the nail on the head. Hvem har opfundet telefonen? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Hun bagte mig en kage. She made me a cake. She baked me a cake. Kunderne stoppede med at komme til vores butik. Customers stopped coming to our shop. Customers stopped coming to our store. Har din kone et arbejde? Does your wife work? Does your wife have a job? Smag på kagen. Try the cake. Taste the cake. Det tog os en halv time at sætte teltet op. It took us half an hour to set up the tent. It took us half an hour to set up the tent. Tom er en slapsvans. Tom is a wimp. Tom is a pussy. Jeg har skåret mig i fingeren med en kniv. I cut my finger with a knife. I cut my finger with a knife. Tom var førhen en drukkenbolt. Tom used to be a heavy drinker. Tom used to be a drunk. Tom blev ved med at køre tæt på bilen foran os selvom jeg fortalte ham at det kunne være farligt at gøre det. Tom kept tailgating the car in front of us even though I told him it was unsafe to do so. Tom kept driving close to the car in front of us even though I told him it could be dangerous to do so. Dette papir er groft. This paper is rough. This paper is rough. Ønsker I at spise frokost sammen? Do you want to eat lunch together? Do you want to have lunch together? Han siger hvad han tænker uden at bekymre sig om andre menneskers følelser. He says what he thinks regardless of other people's feelings. He says what he thinks without worrying about other people's feelings. Jeg har forsøgt at stoppe med at ryge. I've been trying to quit smoking. I've been trying to stop smoking. Alt så ud til at være i orden. Everything looked OK. Everything seemed to be okay. Tom lader som om han ikke engang ved hvem Mary er. Tom acts like he doesn't even know who Mary is. Tom pretends he doesn't even know who Mary is. Hvad tid ankommer dette tog til Yokohama? What time does this train reach Yokohama? What time does this train arrive to Yokohama? Hun ligner hans mor. She looks like his mother. She looks like his mother. Mary ville ikke sælge sin bil. Mary didn't want to sell her car. Mary wouldn't sell her car. Broen mellem Danmark og Sverige er næsten fem engelske mil lang. The bridge between Denmark and Sweden is almost five miles long. The bridge between Denmark and Sweden is almost five English miles long. Turister skal betale en anden pris i denne restaurant. This restaurant charges a different price for tourists. Tourists have to pay a different price in this restaurant. Hun bliver lærer. She will be a teacher. She's gonna be a teacher. Til september bliver jeg seksten. I'll be sixteen in September. In September, I'll be sixteen. De siger at jeg er en gammel kone. They say that I'm an old woman. They say I'm an old wife. Tom og Mary har allerede stået foran spejlet i en time. Tom and Mary have been standing in front of the mirror for an hour already. Tom and Mary have already been standing in front of the mirror for an hour. Jeg foretrækker at tale fransk. I'd prefer to speak French. I prefer to speak French. Politiet tog ham på fersk gerning. The police caught him red handed. The police caught him red-handed. Det er gratis. That's free. It's free. Løver er i buret. Lions are in the cage. Lions are in the cage. Jeg tog bad da telefonen ringede. I was in the bath when the phone rang. I took a shower when the phone rang. Sami gjorde tjeneste i Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Jeg elsker bacon! I love bacon! I love bacon! Lad mig beundre dig. Let me admire you. Let me admire you. Denne regel gælder også for dig. This rule applies to you, too. This rule applies to you too. Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle tage afsted. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want him to leave. Hvor mange dage gammel var jeg da dette billede blev taget? How many days old was I when this picture was taken? How many days ago was I when this picture was taken? Jeg har været overalt. I've been everywhere. I've been everywhere. Han efterlignede van Goghs værker. He imitated the works of Van Gogh. He imitated Van Gogh's works. Han kastede bolden mod muren. He threw the ball against the wall. He threw the ball at the wall. Har du nogensinde set Tom danse før? Have you ever seen Tom dance before? Have you ever seen Tom dance before? Hvad koster disse briller? How much do these glasses cost? How much do these glasses cost? Kunne du oversætte denne sætning for mig? Could you translate this sentence for me? Could you translate this sentence for me? Min kone køber grøntsager fra et supermarked i nærheden. My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby. My wife buys vegetables from a grocery store nearby. Han malede alle væggene grønne. He painted all the walls green. He painted all the walls green. Tom sagde til mig at jeg skulle have sagt ja. Tom told me I should have said yes. Tom told me I should have said yes. Cykelryttere barberer deres ben. Racing cyclists shave their legs. Bicycle riders shave their legs. Tom er den forkerte fyr at lave numre med. Tom is the wrong guy to mess with. Tom is the wrong guy to mess with. Der er meget på spil. There's a lot at stake. There's a lot at stake. I dag er det min søsters fødselsdag. Today is my sister's birthday. Today's my sister's birthday. "Aha," vil de sige. 'Aha', they will say. "Aha," they'll say. Har du brug for nøglerne? You need the keys? Do you need the keys? Jeg hader at gå på indkøb. I hate shopping. I hate shopping. Står vinduet åbent? Is the window open? Is the window open? Hvor fandt Tom det? Where did Tom find it? Where did Tom find it? Vis mig det. Show me that. Show me. Hun forstår rigtignok at lave mad. She really knows how to cook. She sure knows how to cook. Tom gik op ad stigen for at plukke nogle æbler. Tom went up the ladder to pick some apples. Tom went up the ladder to pick some apples. Tom løb væk. Tom ran away. Tom ran away. Jeg har mistet mit ur. I have lost my watch. I lost my watch. Hun nægtede at tage imod pengene. She refused to take the money. She refused to accept the money. Der er intet vi kan gøre. There is nothing we can do. There's nothing we can do. Du er vel ikke kommet til skade? You're not hurt, are you? You're not hurt, are you? Det er cool. That's cool. It's cool. Ser du en stjerne? Do you see a star? Do you see a star? Det er dyrt. It's expensive. It's expensive. Vi har seks timer hver dag. We have six lessons a day. We have six hours every day. Har du set det virke? Have you seen it work? Have you seen it work? Send pakken til mig c/o Miss E. Book. Send the package to me care of Miss E Book. Send the package to me c/o Miss E. Book. Du skal sende et detaljeret CV til [e-mailadresse]. Send us your detailed CV at [e-mail]. You must send a detailed CV to [e-mail address]. Tag et kig på disse. Take a look at these. Take a look at these. En dag gik jeg i skolen sammen med min bedste ven, Gitte. One day I went to school with my best friend, Gitte. One day I went to school with my best friend Gitte. Jeg vil vædde på at Tom ikke vil gøre det. I bet Tom won't do that. I bet Tom won't do it. Vi må handle hurtigt. We need to act quickly. We must act quickly. Spørg mig om alt hvad du vil. Ask me anything you want. Ask me anything you want. De finder dig ikke. They won't find you. They won't find you. Mikey er tretten. Mikey is thirteen. Mikey's thirteen. Giv hende det. Give it to her. Give it to her. Denne film er værd at se. This film is worth seeing. This movie is worth watching. Jeg ønsker ikke at tale med dig i dag. I don't want to talk to you today. I don't want to talk to you today. Guld er kongernes konge. Gold is the king of kings. Gold is king of kings. Sami havde en kærlighedsaffære på nettet. Sami had a love affair online. Sami had a love affair online. Du har mistet forstanden. You've lost your marbles. You've lost your mind. Oh her var så dejligt, så forårsfriskt! Everything looked beautiful, in the freshness of early spring. Oh here was so nice, so spring fresh! Tre gange har jeg været i Australien. I've been to Australia three times. Three times I've been to Australia. Iran har erklæret USA krig. Iran proclaimed war against the US. Iran has declared war on the United States. Jeg er munk. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Kvinden er tyk. The woman is fat. The woman's fat. Heste er meget følsomme dyr. Horses are very sensitive animals. Horses are very sensitive animals. Til sammenligning kan lava fra vulkanudbrud være alt mellem 700 °C og 1.200 °C. For comparison, lava from volcano eruptions can be anywhere between 700 and 1,200°C. For comparison, lava from volcanic eruptions can be anything between 700 °C and 1,200 °C. Hvad hedder du? What is your name? What's your name? Jeg har troet på Kylie Minogue siden 12. juni 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I've believed Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. Tom og Mary er biavlere. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Vi har sommer nu, ikke vinter. We're in summer, not in winter. We have summer now, not winter. Godmorgen, min solstråle. Good morning my sunshine. Good morning, sunshine. Vejkrydset, hvor ulykken skete, ligger her i nærheden. The intersection where the accident happened is near here. The intersection where the accident happened is nearby. Hvem fortalte dig at Tom var syg? Who told you Tom was sick? Who told you Tom was sick? Jeg svømmer hver dag. I go swimming every day. I swim every day. I Indien er køer hellige dyr. In India, cows are sacred animals. In India, cows are sacred animals. Min smartphone er dum. My smartphone is stupid. My smartphone is stupid. Jeg er glad for at vi tog tidligt afsted. I'm glad that we left early. I'm glad we left early. Det her toiletpapir er som sandpapir. This toilet paper is like sandpaper. This toilet paper is like sandpaper. Jeg drømmer hver nat om hende. I dream about her every night. I dream about her every night. Jeg står til Deres tjeneste. I'm at your service. I'm at your service. Der er en god chance for at han vil blive valgt. There's a good chance that he'll be chosen. There's a good chance he'll be elected. Hvis I ikke har noget I skal, så må I gerne komme over til en kop kaffe? If you guys aren't doing anything later, why don't you come over for a cup of coffee? If you don't have anything to do, why don't you come over for a cup of coffee? Merkur er den planet der er nærmest Solen. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. Hvad bør jeg gøre nu? What should I do next? What should I do now? Han stjæler alt muligt. He nicks all sorts of stuff. He steals everything. Hvad er en jungle? What's a jungle? What's a jungle? Jeg kan ikke huske, hvor jeg har købt den. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Hun ville hjælpe hans venner. She wanted to help his friends. She wanted to help his friends. Tom er ikke mistænkt i sagen. Tom isn't a suspect. Tom is not a suspect in the case. Træd ikke i pløret. Don't step in the mud. Don't step in the mud. "Hvad er der i vejen, Mary?" "Det ved jeg ikke." "What's wrong, Mary?" "I don't know." "What's the matter, Mary?" "I don't know." Jeg har engang boet i Kabylien. I once lived in Kabylie. I used to live in Kabylia. Problemet med rotteræset er, at selvom man vinder, er man stadig en rotte. The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. Tom skriver digte. Tom writes poems. Tom writes poems. Tom har stemmeret. Tom has the right to vote. Tom has the right to vote. Okay. Okay. Okay. Jeg synes om hendes roman. I like her novel. I like her novel. Hunden gør. The dog is barking. The dog does. Hvad siger du? What're you saying? What do you say? Skal du arbejde i morgen? Do you have to work tomorrow? Are you working tomorrow? Og træet var ofte alene. And the tree was often alone. And the tree was often alone. Mary er en flot kvinde. Mary is a good-looking woman. Mary's a handsome woman. Der var hundredvis af flåter i dens pels. There were hundreds of ticks in its fur. There were hundreds of ticks in its fur. Fuglene er så tamme at de vil spise af din hånd. The birds are so tame they will eat from your hand. The birds are so tame that they will eat out of your hand. Jeg kan ikke få nok af det. I cannot get enough of it. I can't get enough of it. Gav hun en god forklaring på hvorfor hun ikke kom? Did she give you a good reason for not coming? Did she give a good explanation of why she didn't come? Ham har vi som nabo. He lives next door to us. We have him as our neighbor. Serveren går af og til ned. The server goes down from time to time. The server goes down from time to time. Alle træets blade gulnede. All of the tree's leaves turned yellow. All the leaves of the tree yellowed. Jeg ønskede at hun skulle vinde. I wanted her to win. I wanted her to win. Opfør dig ordentligt. Please behave yourself. Behave yourself. Tom har hoste. Tom has a cough. Tom has a cough. Godmorgen! Good morning! Good morning! Jeg er træt af at spille. I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of playing. Spiser hun æblet? Does she eat the apple? Does she eat the apple? "Tom, vil du have Mary til din ægte hustru?" "Ja." "Do you, Tom, take Mary to be your wife?" "I do." "Tom, do you want Mary to be your wife?" "Yes." Myrer er sociale insekter. Ants are social insects. Ants are social insects. Pink er ikke kun for piger. Pink is not just for girls. Pink isn't just for girls. Vi lander om femten minutter. We'll be landing in fifteen minutes. We're landing in 15 minutes. En vagt er udenfor. A guard is outside. A guard is outside. Stig på bussen! Get on the bus. Get on the bus! Kan du ride på en hest? Do you know how to ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Dette medikament virkede. That medicine worked. This drug worked. Vi kommer ikke væk fra denne ø i live. We won't get off this island alive. We're not getting off this island alive. Så snart jeg har den, vil jeg videresende den til dig. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I have it, I will forward it to you. Tom døde af iltmangel. Tom died from lack of oxygen. Tom died of oxygen deficiency. Vores baseballhold er meget stærkt. Our baseball team is very strong. Our baseball team is very strong. Hvad er der galt med dig? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Jeg elsker også dig. I love you, too. I love you, too. Er Tom genert? Is Tom shy? Is Tom shy? Dronningen længe leve! Long live the Queen! Long live the queen! Jeg behøvede ikke at gøre noget. I didn't have to do anything. I didn't have to do anything. Jeg lærer tyrkisk. I am learning Turkish. I'm learning Turkish. Du fortalte mig aldrig at du var gift. You never told me that you were married. You never told me you were married. Det stjålne køretøj blev fundet på en parkeringsplads. The stolen car was found in the parking lot. The stolen vehicle was found in a parking lot. Forlad mig. Leave me. Leave me. Jeg har ørepine. I have an earache. I have an earache. Vores skole begynder klokken otte. Our school begins at eight. Our school starts at 8:00. Sikke en smuk solopgang! What a beautiful sunrise! What a beautiful sunrise! Tom var ikke i stand til at svømme. Tom couldn't swim. Tom was unable to swim. Må jeg se din samling af gamle bøger? May I see your collection of old books? Can I see your collection of old books? Tom arbejdede på et hospital. Tom worked at a hospital. Tom worked in a hospital. Tom sagde at han syntes at Marys straf var passende. Tom said he thought that Mary's punishment was appropriate. Tom said he thought Mary's punishment was appropriate. Toms forældre er lærere. Tom's parents are teachers. Tom's parents are teachers. Jeg er kedelig. I am boring. I'm boring. Jeg har et deltidsjob som julemand i butikscentret. I have a part-time job working as a Santa at the mall. I have a part-time job as a Santa at the mall. Hun er altid lykkelig. She's always happy. She's always happy. Jeg elsker dig mere end i går og mindre end i morgen. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn i julegave. Tom and Mary bought their grandson a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bike for their grandson for Christmas. Det ser dyrt ud. That looks expensive. It looks expensive. I Amerika er der højrekørsel. In America traffic keeps to the right. In America, there's a right-hand drive. Endelig faldt spædbarnet i søvn. At last, the baby fell asleep. Finally, the baby fell asleep. Hvad kunne være mere tysk end dette? What could be more German than this? What could be more German than this? Tom og jeg var på bølgelængde. Tom and I were on the same wavelength. Tom and I were on the same wavelength. Tom er upopulær. Tom is unpopular. Tom is unpopular. Mor, jeg har mavepine. Mommy, I have a tummy ache. Mom, I'm having a stomachache. Slyngel! Scoundrel! Runner! Hvor vover du fornærme profeten Maria! How dare you insult the prophetess Mary! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! Tom siger at han ikke kan arbejde på tom mave. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Hører du hvor hurtig han taler? Do you hear how fast he speaks? Do you hear how fast he's talking? Prøv at se tingene som de er. Try to see things as they are. Try to see things the way they are. Da jeg var barn, havde jeg en hund der hed Cookie. When I was a kid, I had a dog named Cookie. When I was a kid, I had a dog named Cookie. Tom må være gået denne vej. Tom must've gone this way. Tom must have gone this way. Jeg var ikke så stærk som min far. I was not as strong as my father. I wasn't as strong as my father. Mars er krigsguden. Mars is the god of war. Mars is the god of war. Helsingfors er hovedstaden i Finland. Helsinki is the capital city of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Tom behøver ikke at tage til Boston i næste uge. Tom doesn't have to go to Boston next week. Tom doesn't have to go to Boston next week. Hendes beslutning om at flytte til Chicago overraskede os. Her decision to move to Chicago surprised us. Her decision to move to Chicago surprised us. En kat kradsede mig. A cat scratched me. A cat scratched me. Hvad kan du bedst lide, Boston eller Chicago? Which do you like better, Boston or Chicago? What do you like best, Boston or Chicago? Dette er ikke det bedste eksempel. That's not the best example. This is not the best example. Kassen er tung. The box is heavy. The box is heavy. Jeg var i biografen. I was at the cinema. I was at the movies. Dig og mig vil overleve. You and I will survive. You and me will survive. Jeg kan skrælle et æble. I can peel an apple. I can peel an apple. I morgen er det den 20. oktober. Tomorrow is October 20th. Tomorrow is October 20th. Mary er poledancer. Mary is a pole dancer. Mary's a pole dancer. Jeg plejede at drømme om at blive en model. I used to dream about becoming a model. I used to dream of becoming a model. Da jeg var dreng, stod jeg altid tidligt op. When I was a boy, I always got up early. When I was a boy, I always got up early. Træneren gav mig nogle råd. The coach gave me some advice. Coach gave me some advice. Der er ingen pakvogn i dette tog. On this train there is no baggage car. There's no truck in this train. Han blev næsten selv slået ihjel. He was nearly killed himself. He was almost killed himself. Tom venter på Mary foran supermarkedet. Tom is waiting for Mary in front of the supermarket. Tom is waiting for Mary in front of the supermarket. Skal vi lege cowboy og indianere? Jeg erklærer mig som sherif, og I skal alle adlyde mig. Shall we play cowboy and Indians? I declare myself a sheriff, and you all must obey me. You want to play cowboys and Indians? Tom er ikke smålig. Tom isn't petty. Tom isn't petty. Han er urolig. He's a fidgeter. He's worried. Hvem læser? Who is reading? Who's reading? Billedet er sløret. The picture is blurry. The picture's blurry. Hun taler for meget. She speaks too much. She talks too much. Den dreng er et sludrechatol. That boy is a chatterbox. That boy's a chatter room. Hvor kommer de fra? Where are they from? Where did they come from? Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's take a 10-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Jeg samler på sjældne mønter. I collect rare coins. I collect rare coins. Du er farlig. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. Bussen var forsinket. The bus was behind schedule. The bus was late. Sami luftede sine hunde. Sami was walking his dogs. Sami walked his dogs. Interesserer du dig for kunst? Are you interested in art? Are you interested in art? Et af de her æg er ikke udklækket endnu. One of these eggs hasn't hatched yet. One of these eggs hasn't hatched yet. Egentlig ikke. Not really. Not really. Algeriet fortjener tillid og støtte. Algeria deserves trust and support. Algeria deserves confidence and support. Hun kysser ham. She is kissing him. She's kissing him. I morges vækkede telefonen mig. This morning the telephone woke me up. This morning, the phone woke me up. Han tager tilbage til Amerika. He's going back to America. He's going back to America. Vi tager af sted når du er klar. We'll leave as soon as you're ready. We'll leave when you're ready. Har han nogensinde snorket? Has he ever snored? Has he ever snored? Det er helt mørkt. It's completely dark. It's all dark. Det skete for mig for omkring et år siden. It happened to me about a year ago. It happened to me about a year ago. Har du fundet dine kontaktlinser? Have you found your contact lenses? Have you found your contact lenses? Hun sad på en hård stol. She sat on a hard chair. She was sitting on a hard chair. Tom fortalte mig at han talte fransk. Tom told me that he spoke French. Tom told me he spoke French. Jeg elsker dig mere og mere for hver dag der går. I love you more and more every day. I love you more and more every day. Tom er vores fransklærer. Tom is our French teacher. Tom is our French teacher. Man skal spise for at leve og ikke leve for at spise. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. You have to eat to live and not live to eat. Jeg bryder mig ikke om engelsk. I don't like English. I don't like English. Undskyld... Sorry... Excuse me. Er de canadiske? Are they Canadian? Are they Canadian? Hvor så du dem? Where did you see them? Where did you see them? Jeg har mistet mine nøgler. I have lost my keys. I lost my keys. I slutningen af oktober blev en græsk journalist, der i sit eget tidsskrift havde offentliggjort navnene på mere end to tusinde skatteunddragere, arresteret. By the end of October a Greek journalist who had published the names of over two thousand tax evaders in his own magazine was arrested. At the end of October, a Greek journalist, who had published in his own journal the names of more than two thousand tax evaders, was arrested. Hun har giftet sig med et nul. She has married a nobody. She married a nobody. Tom er Marys lærer. Tom is Mary's teacher. Tom is Mary's teacher. Det var nemt at finde Toms kontor. It was easy to find Tom's office. It was easy to find Tom's office. Jeg stjal den ikke. Jeg lånte den kun. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it. Jeg kan ikke bare lade Tom dræbe mig. I can't just let Tom kill me. I can't just let Tom kill me. Min mor mener at lægen er en kvaksalver. My mom thinks the doctor is a quack. My mom thinks the doctor's a quack. Hun er ikke kommet. She did not come. She's not here. Min tante er her allerede. My aunt is already here. My aunt's already here. Mary elsker heste. Mary loves horses. Mary loves horses. Han har tre sønner. He has three children. He has three sons. Giv mig et kram! Give me a hug. Give me a hug! Tom tog til en musikfestival. Tom went to a music festival. Tom went to a music festival. Jeg fik en e-bogslæser til jul. I received an ebook Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Han fortsatte med at gå i regnen uden at slå sin paraply op. He continued to walk in the rain without putting up his umbrella. He continued walking in the rain without looking up his umbrella. Jeg ønsker at blive en tv-speaker i fremtiden. I want to become a TV announcer in the future. I want to become a TV speaker in the future. Jeg husker huset, i hvilket jeg voksede op. I remember the house where I grew up. I remember the house in which I grew up. Den kan bruges som en kniv. It can be used as a knife. It can be used as a knife. Ludvig den fjortende, kendt som Solkongen, skabte det franske enevældes guldalder. Louis the 14th, known as the "Sun King," brought about the golden age of the French absolute monarchy. Louis the fourteenth, known as the Sun King, created the golden age of the French absolute monarchy. I er hjemme. You are at home. You're home. Slog I ham ihjel? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Udfyld nedenstående formular for at finde ud af hvem du kunne have været i et tidligere liv. Complete the following form to know who you could have been in a previous life. Fill out the form below to find out who you could have been in a previous life. Så snart jeg har det, vil jeg videresende det til dig. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I have it, I will forward it to you. Tom tog imod udfordringen. Tom accepted the challenge. Tom accepted the challenge. Den var ikke større end en fodbold. It wasn't any bigger than a soccer ball. It wasn't bigger than a football. Tom tog lynhurtigt sin mobiltelefon frem for at tage et billede. Tom whipped out his cellphone to take a picture. Tom quickly took his cell phone instead of taking a picture. Jeg er træt af at høre det. I am tired of hearing that. I'm tired of hearing it. Mary er indretningsarkitekt. Mary is an interior designer. Mary's an interior designer. Aviserne ofrede megen spalteplads på sagen. The newspapers gave a lot of space to the affair. Newspapers sacrificed a lot of space on this case. Jeg kan lide jazz. I like jazz. I like jazz. Toms hår er langt. Tom's hair is long. Tom's hair is long. Hvorfor er matematik så svært? Why is math so hard? Why is math so hard? Tom kommer ikke til vores fest. Tom won't come to our party. Tom isn't coming to our party. Talentfulde mennesker fødes hver dag. Talented people are born every day. Talented people are born every day. Vi kan alle lide at cykle. We all like cycling. We all like to ride a bike. Heste har tre gangarter: Skridt, trav og galop. Horses have three modes of locomotion: Walk, trot and gallop. Horses have three kinds of walking, walking and galloping. Tom vil være her i løbet af ingen tid. Tom will be here in no time. Tom will be here in no time. Yoko er i London nu. Hun studerer engelsk. Yoko is in London now. She's studying English. Yoko's in London now, studying English. Tom kan ikke synge. Tom can't sing. Tom can't sing. Æblerne er ikke på bordet. The apples are not on the table. The apples aren't on the table. Hvor er hendes andre billeder? Where are her other pictures? Where are her other pictures? Kender du Marikas e-mailadresse? Do you know Marika's e-mail address? Do you know Marika's email address? Tom krydser jernbanesporene hver morgen på vej til arbejde. Tom crosses the railroad tracks every morning on his way to work. Tom crosses the railroad tracks every morning on his way to work. Tom er forpustet. Tom is panting. Tom's out of breath. Tom begik et bankkup. Tom committed a bank robbery. Tom made a bank heist. Jeg hører, det er den koldeste vinter, vi har haft de sidste ti år. I hear this is the coldest winter we have had in the past ten years. I hear it's the coldest winter we've had in the last ten years. Min mor kan ikke cykle. My mother can't ride a bicycle. My mom can't ride a bike. Tom fortalte mig at han var gift med en canadier. Tom told me he was married to a Canadian. Tom told me he was married to a Canadian. Jeg er ikke enig med ham. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Kabylien er en meget smuk region beliggende i det nordlige Algeriet. Kabylie is a very beautiful region located in northern Algeria. Kabylia is a very beautiful region located in northern Algeria. Kan du fortælle præcist hvad der skete? Can you give an exact report of what happened? Can you tell me exactly what happened? Tom lærte sig selv at stå på ski. Tom taught himself how to ski. Tom taught himself how to ski. Jeg havde ikke brug for hans hjælp. I didn't need his help. I didn't need his help. Mary er dialogbetjent. Mary is a dialogue police officer. Mary's a dialogue officer. Han har noget at gøre med det. He has something to do with it. He's got something to do with it. Sami arbejdede for et kreditkortselskab. Sami was working for a credit card company. Sami worked for a credit card company. Jeg hader interviews. I hate interviews. I hate interviews. Tom sms'ede til Mary. Tom texted Mary. Tom texted Mary. Han delte sin suppe med mig. He shared his soup with me. He shared his soup with me. Jeg købte en Picasso. I bought a Picasso. I bought a Picasso. Lad øjnene være lukkede indtil jeg siger at du må åbne dem. Keep your eyes closed until I say that you should open them. Leave your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Du må have haft en hård tid. You must've had a hard time. You must have had a rough time. Børnene leger med legoklodser. The children are playing with legos. The kids are playing with legos. Hun bor sammen med sin kæreste. She lives with her boyfriend. She lives with her girlfriend. Tom bad Mary om at hjælpe med at pynte hans juletræ. Tom asked Mary to help decorate his Christmas tree. Tom asked Mary to help decorate his Christmas tree. Den lille dreng er vant til at tale med voksne. The little boy is used to talking with grown-ups. The little boy is used to talking to adults. Toms glas var tomt. Tom's glass was empty. Tom's glass was empty. Tom ønsker alt alt for mange penge. Tom wants way too much money. Tom wants way too much money. Han kender hende. He knows her. He knows her. Du er tre år yngre end Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Hun så meget smuk ud i sin nye kjole. She looked very beautiful in her new dress. She looked very beautiful in her new dress. Ingen ønsker at besøge mit land. Nobody wants to visit my country. No one wants to visit my country. Ingen så det komme. Nobody saw it coming. Nobody saw it coming. Jeg købte dette som en gave til min kæreste. I bought this as a gift for my boyfriend. I bought this as a gift for my girlfriend. I må være meget stolte af jeres søn. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Hun har en datter der hedder Mary. She has a daughter whose name is Mary. She has a daughter named Mary. Kan du se forskel på et får og en ged? Can you tell a sheep from a goat? Can you tell the difference between a sheep and a goat? Han kan trække i trådene for dig. He can pull strings for you. He can pull the strings for you. Det er ikke sjovt. It's not funny. It's not funny. Efter at du har fået noget te, kan du fortsætte med at øve dig. After you've had some tea, carry on practising. After you have some tea, you can continue practicing. Jeg var for kort til at nå den øverste hylde, så jeg bad Tom om at hente bogen til mig. I was too short to reach the top shelf, so I asked Tom to get the book for me. I was too short to reach the top shelf, so I asked Tom to get the book for me. Vi er enige. We agree. We agree. Jeg er besat af at lære nyhebræisk. I am obsessed with learning Hebrew. I'm obsessed with learning neo-Hebrew. Tom har et sejt job. Tom has a cool job. Tom has a cool job. De kan forhøje din leje. They can raise your rent. They can raise your rent. Oversæt nogle ordsprog til esperanto om spisning og/eller fedme. Translate a few proverbs into Esperanto about eating and/or obesity. Translate some proverbs to Esperanto about eating and/or obesity. Jeg læser ikke bøger. I do not read books. I don't read books. Hold dig fra den fyr. Stay away from that guy. Stay away from that guy. Kan du oversætte denne sang for mig? Can you translate this song for me? Can you translate this song for me? Der var ingen i huset. There wasn't anybody in the house. There was no one in the house. Ingen kan lide dem. Nobody likes them. Nobody likes them. Tom er lige blevet færdig med opvasken. Tom has just finished washing dishes. Tom just finished the dishes. Jeg elsker at shoppe i dette butikscenter. I love shopping in this mall. I love shopping in this mall. Er han læge? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? Hvad Tom ikke ved om biler, er ikke værd at vide. What Tom doesn't know about cars isn't worth knowing. What Tom doesn't know about cars isn't worth knowing. Jeg er ligeglad med hvad du synes. I don't care what you think. I don't care what you think. Jeg skylder dig ti dollar. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten bucks. Hvor gammel er du og hvor meget vejer du? How old are you and how much do you weigh? How old are you and how much do you weigh? Du kan ikke lide ham, vel? You don't like him, do you? You don't like him, do you? Mary manglede en hun kunne stole på. Mary needed somebody she could trust. Mary needed someone she could trust. Han var træt, så han gik tidlig i seng. He was tired, so he went to bed early. He was tired, so he went to bed early. Jeg tog toget fra min by til Tokyo og turen varede flere timer. I took the train from my city to Tokyo and the ride lasted several hours. I took the train from my town to Tokyo and the trip lasted several hours. Tom er en religiøs fanatiker. Tom is a religious fanatic. Tom is a religious fanatic. Modtog du brevet? Have you received the letter? Did you receive the letter? Mangen en mand har lavet den samme fejl. Many a man has made the same mistake. Many a man has made the same mistake. Tom sov på luftmadrassen. Tom slept on the inflatable mattress. Tom slept on the air mattress. Han kan ikke skrive sit eget navn. He cannot write his own name. He can't write his own name. Hun mistede sin håndtaske. She lost her handbag. She lost her purse. Hvor mange måneder er du henne? How many months pregnant are you? How many months are you? I Frankrig har mange unge mennesker motorcykler. In France, many young people have motorcycles. In France, many young people have motorcycles. Jeg har arbejdet sammen med Tom i lang tid. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've been working with Tom for a long time. Det er koldt. It's cold. It's cold. Tom virker lettet. Tom seems relieved. Tom seems relieved. Vi kørte en tur. We went for a drive. We went for a ride. Det er problemet, ikke sandt? That's the problem, isn't it? That's the problem, isn't it? Hurra! Hurray! Hooray! Tom søger arbejde. Tom is looking for a job. Tom is looking for work. Kan du høre katten? Hun vil ind. Can you hear the cat? She's wanting in. Do you hear the cat? Tør din næse. Wipe your nose. Wipe your nose. Det er ikke mit problem. Det er dit. It's not my problem. It's yours. It's not my problem, it's yours. Jeg vil gerne invitere dig på en tur som du aldrig vil glemme. I would like to invite you to a ride which you will never forget. I'd like to invite you on a trip you'll never forget. Jeg kan ikke lide at lave mad når det er varmt udenfor. I don't like to cook when it's hot outside. I don't like to cook when it's hot outside. Mary er et sludrechatol. Mary is a chatterbox. Mary's a chatter guy. Tom blev mobbet da han var barn. Tom was bullied when he was a kid. Tom was bullied when he was a kid. Op med humøret! Alt vil snart være godt. Cheer up! Everything will soon be all right. Everything's gonna be okay soon. Hvorfor har du købt den her? Why did you buy this one? Why did you buy this? Besvar spørgsmålet. Answer the question. Answer the question. Tom og Mary mødtes da de begge var ude at lufte hund. Tom and Mary met when they were both walking their dogs. Tom and Mary met when they were both out walking dogs. Hvem skal så tage sig af din kat? Who will take care of your cat then? Who's gonna take care of your cat? Jeg har nogle franske bøger. I have some French books. I have some French books. Jeg venter på at hun stiger ind i sin bil. I'm waiting for her to climb into her car. I'm waiting for her to get in her car. Medikamentet var en brun væske. The medicine was a brown liquid. The drug was a brown liquid. Er det derinde? Is it in there? Is it in there? Johns kone er engelsklærer. John's wife is an English teacher. John's wife is an English teacher. Køleskabet er tomt. The fridge is empty. The fridge is empty. Skil dig af med skydevåbnet! Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun! Tom gjorde det for sjovs skyld. Tom did it just for fun. Tom did it for fun. Vi befinder os i vor civilisations tusmørke. We find ourselves in the twilight of our civilization. We are in the twilight of our civilization. Han kom hjem lidt før kl. 5. He reached home shortly before five o'clock. He came home a little before 5:00. Jeg taler ikke engelsk. I don't speak English. I don't speak English. Tom sang for Mary. Tom sang to Mary. Tom sang to Mary. Du kan gå hvorhen du vil. You may go anywhere you like. You can go anywhere you want. Bill er på vej til New York. Bill is on his way to New York. Bill's on his way to New York. Husker I navnet på jeres første fransklærer? Do you remember the name of your first French teacher? Remember the name of your first French teacher? Tom er øjenvidne. Tom is an eyewitness. Tom is an eyewitness. Hvad koster dette kamera? How much is this camera? How much is this camera? Jeg kan ikke drikke mere øl. I can't drink any more beer. I can't drink any more beer. Han har et brændende ønske om at blive berømt. He has a burning desire to become famous. He has a burning desire to become famous. Aviser bringer vejrudsigter. Newspapers carry weather reports. Newspapers bring weather forecasts. Jeg ønsker at tjekke ind, tak. I'd like to check in, please. I want to check in, please. Du er altid uenig med mig. You always disagree with me. You always disagree with me. Min menstruationscyklus er uregelmæssig. My menstrual cycle is irregular. My menstrual cycle is irregular. Vi har en hund, en kat og tre kanariefugle. We have a dog, a cat and three canaries. We have a dog, a cat and three canaries. Tom åbnede ikke øjnene. Tom didn't open his eyes. Tom didn't open his eyes. Han åbnede buret og slap fuglene fri. He opened the cage and set the birds free. He opened the cage and released the birds. Bomuldsvanter vil forhindre babyen i at kradse sig i ansigtet. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching her own face. Cotton gloves will prevent the baby from scratching his face. Hvem tog pengene? Who took the money? Who took the money? Bussen er lige kørt. The bus has just left. The bus just left. Min mobil er handy. My mobile phone is handy. My phone is handy. Gå ikke så hurtigt! Jeg kan ikke følge med. Don't walk so fast! I can't keep up with you. Don't go so fast, I can't keep up. Hvad er der i vejen med dig? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Hvad er der i kaffen? What's in the coffee? What's in the coffee? Vi har ris. We have rice. We have rice. Ikke tale om! No way! No way! Den er helt ny. It's brand new. It's brand new. Jeg blev meget syg. I became very ill. I got very sick. I den store have stod æbletræerne i blomst, og de duftende sirener bøjede deres lange grønne grene ned imod de bugtede kanaler. The apple-trees were in full blossom, and the fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the stream which wound round a smooth lawn. In the large garden the apple trees were in flower, and the scented sirens bent their long green branches toward the awkward canals. Har vi et problem? Do we have a problem? Do we have a problem? Tom arbejder på et lokalt hospital. Tom works at a local hospital. Tom works at a local hospital. Vi kom for sent til flyet på grund af en trafikprop. We missed our plane because of the traffic jam. We missed the plane because of a traffic jam. Han lavede den samme fejl igen. He repeated the same mistake. He made the same mistake again. Hvor bor han? Where does he live? Where does he live? Hvad drømte du om da jeg vækkede dig? What were you dreaming about when I woke you? What did you dream about when I woke you up? Tirsdag var det rigtignok koldt. Tuesday was certainly cold. Tuesday was really cold. Jeg drak øl i går aftes. I drank beer last night. I had a beer last night. Vi tager ikke imod drikkepenge her. We do not accept tips. We don't take tips here. Du bør virkelig drikke mindre kaffe. You should really drink less coffee. You really should drink less coffee. Jeg mente det ikke. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Algeriet ligger i Nordafrika. Algeria is situated in North Africa. Algeria is located in North Africa. Hun smilede. She smiled. She smiled. De behandler mig som et barn. They are treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. Jeg har lige så mange bøger som Tom har. I have the same number of books as Tom has. I have as many books as Tom has. Hun er andetårsstuderende. She is a sophomore. She's a sophomore. Jeg kan lide at købe tøj. I like to buy clothes. I like to buy clothes. Skål! Cheers! Cheers! Han luftede sine tre hunde hver dag. He walked his three dogs every day. He walked his three dogs every day. En dag modtog Mary et dusin roser. One day, Mary received a dozen roses. One day Mary received a dozen roses. De taler berbisk i denne provins. They speak Berber in this province. They speak Berber in this province. Gid mine forældre havde ladet være med at fortælle at jeg var et uheld. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was a mistake. I wish my parents hadn't told me I was an accident. Hej verden! Hello, world! Hey, world! Han tror det er umuligt for mig at bestige bjerget alene. He thinks it impossible for me to climb the mountain alone. He thinks it's impossible for me to climb the mountain alone. Dette firma oprettede falske græsrodsbevægelser for at få det til at se ud som om almindelige borgere støttede dets projekt. This company created fake grassroots organizations to make it look like ordinary citizens were supporting its project. This company set up false grassroots movements to make it appear that ordinary citizens supported its project. Må kraften være med dig! May the Force be with you. May the power be with you! Jeg kan næsten ikke sove om natten. I can scarcely sleep at night. I can barely sleep at night. Hvad koster bukserne? How much do the trousers cost? How much are your pants? Den eneste fisk Tom kan lide at spise, er laks. The only fish Tom likes to eat is salmon. The only fish Tom likes to eat is salmon. Det er koldere i år end sidste år. It is colder this year than last year. It's colder this year than last year. Min sweater er lilla. My sweater is purple. My sweater is purple. Er vi alle her? Are we all here? Are we all here? Hvornår var du sidste gang fuld? When was the last time you got drunk? When was the last time you were drunk? Hvilken en foretrækker du? Den her eller den der? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Der mangler en side. There is a page missing. There's a page missing. Sami kan cykle. Sami can ride a bike. Sami can ride a bike. Rul dit højre ærme op. Roll up your right sleeve. Roll up your right sleeve. En mand skal enten være skaldet eller have langt hår! A man should either be bald or have long hair! A man must either be bald or have long hair! Jeg taler ungarsk. I speak Hungarian. I speak Hungarian. Hvor meget har din nye computer kostet? How much was your new computer? How much has your new computer cost? Løven dræbte gazellen. The lion killed the gazelle. The lion killed the gazelle. Denne bog er for vanskelig for mig at forstå. This book is too difficult for me to understand. This book is too difficult for me to understand. Ved du, hvad der forårsagede problemet? Do you know what caused the problem? You know what caused the problem? Hun er en smule bedugget. She's a bit tipsy. She's a little muddy. Giv mig tid. Give me time. Give me time. Er faxen en moderne udgave af telegrafen? Is the fax a modern form of the telegraph? Is the fax a modern version of the telegraph? Jeg studerer på universitetet i Hyogo. I am a student at Hyogo University. I'm studying at the University of Hyogo. Han fortsatte med at læse bogen. He continued reading the book. He continued reading the book. Denne sætning lyder naturligt, men den er ikke grammatisk korrekt. This sentence sounds natural, but it's not grammatically correct. This phrase sounds natural, but it is not grammatically correct. Hej. Hello. Hi. Da jeg var dreng, stod jeg altid tidlig op. When I was a boy, I always got up early. When I was a boy, I always got up early. Hvornår er der åbent i butikscentret? What hours is the shopping center open? When's the mall open? Tom kommer ikke her mere. Tom doesn't come here anymore. Tom doesn't come here anymore. Google ved ikke alt. Google doesn't know everything. Google doesn't know everything. For lang tid siden var der en bro her. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. Han så til højre og gik. He looked right and left. He looked right and left. Algeriet skal modernisere sit uddannelsessystem. Algeria needs to modernize its education system. Algeria must modernise its education system. Tom har indtil nu været på hospitalet i tre uger. Tom has been in the hospital for three weeks. Tom has so far been in the hospital for three weeks. Tom sagde intet forkert. Tom said nothing wrong. Tom didn't say anything wrong. Jeg ser stjernen. I see the star. I see the star. Jeg har en ven, hvis far er lærer. I have a friend whose father is a teacher. I have a friend whose father is a teacher. Dette tv-apparat er både stort og dyrt. That television is both big and expensive. This television is both big and expensive. Papir er hvidt. The paper is white. Paper is white. Hvad tror du, er hændt Tom? What do you think happened to Tom? What do you think happened to Tom? Jeg hjælper dig selvfølgelig. I will help you, of course. I'll help you, of course. Jeg svømmede i søen. I swam in the lake. I swam in the lake. Tom og Mary åbnede deres julegaver. Tom and Mary opened their Christmas presents. Tom and Mary opened their Christmas presents. Hvad betyder det? What does that mean? What does that mean? Hvad med 12:45? How about 12:45? How about 12:45? Tom kan være skræmmende til tider. Tom can be very scary sometimes. Tom can be scary sometimes. Jeg venter her. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Fantasi er vigtigere end viden. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Fantasy is more important than knowledge. Dette værelse måler tolv fod gange fireogtyve fod. This room is twelve feet by twenty-four feet. This room measures twelve feet by twenty-four feet. Æbletræerne vil formentlig begynde at blomstre i næste uge. The apple trees will probably start to blossom next week. The apple trees will probably start blooming next week. Penge ændrer folk. Money changes people. Money changes people. Han fangede kyllingen. He caught the chicken. He caught the chicken. Han er min stedbror. He's my stepbrother. He's my stepbrother. Mælken smager surt. The milk tastes sour. The milk tastes sour. Gaden var blokeret af en kæmpe lastbil. The street was blocked by a huge truck. The street was blocked by a giant truck. Han skræller sit æble. He peels his apple. He peels his apple. Hvad skal jeg gøre i mellemtiden? What shall I do in the meantime? What am I supposed to do in the meantime? Hvad vil du spørge mig om? What is it you want to ask me? What are you gonna ask me? Min far er stadig i Algeriet. My dad is still in Algeria. My father is still in Algeria. Fuglen er i sin rede. The bird is in its nest. The bird is in its nest. Mit efternavn er Wang. My surname is 'Wang.' My last name is Wang. Jeg tror Tom har ledt efter dig. I think Tom was looking for you. I think Tom's been looking for you. Jeg havde ikke penge nok til at købe alt hvad du bad mig om at købe. I didn't have enough money to buy everything you asked me to buy. I didn't have enough money to buy everything you asked me to buy. Alt er parat. Everything is ready. Everything's ready. Jeg behøver ikke din hjælp. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Der var kun ét problem. There was only one problem. There was only one problem. Han er en helt. He is a hero. He's a hero. Er hans far læge? Is his father a doctor? Is his father a doctor? Vær venlig ikke at sende pakken endnu. Please do not send the package yet. Please don't send the package yet. Hun er miljøaktivist. She's a tree hugger. She's an environmental activist. Hvem dræbte Tom? Who killed Tom? Who killed Tom? Tom var beruset og havde glemt hvor han havde parkeret sin bil. Tom was drunk and forgot where he'd parked his car. Tom was drunk and forgot where he parked his car. Vær så venlig at vække mig klokken seks. Please wake me at six. Please wake me at six o'clock. Det er forrykt af dig at sætte livet på spil. It is crazy of you to put your life at risk. It's crazy of you to risk your life. Jeg taler kun fransk. I can only speak French. I only speak French. Uden at kende hendes telefonnummer, kunne jeg ikke ringe til hende. Not knowing her telephone number, I couldn't call her. Without knowing her phone number, I couldn't call her. Blondiner tjener 7% mere end kvinder med en anden hårfarve. Blondes earn 7% more than women with any other hair color. Blondes earn 7% more than women with a different hair color. Forskere antager at omkring 100 millioner kometer kredser om Solen. Scientists think that about 100 million comets orbit the Sun. Scientists assume that about 100 million comets orbit the sun. Facebook er blokeret i Kina. Facebook is blocked in China. Facebook is blocked in China. Du lavede den samme fejl. You made the same mistake. You made the same mistake. Jeg havde mit bedste tøj på. I wore my best clothes. I was wearing my best clothes. Du kan køre bil, ikke sandt? You can drive a car, can't you? You know how to drive, don't you? Der bor mange rige mennesker i det her kvarter. Many rich people live in this neighborhood. A lot of rich people live in this neighborhood. Tal ikke med den fyr derovre. Don't talk to that guy over there. Don't talk to that guy over there. Snefnuggene blev større og større, til sidst så de ud, som store hvide høns. The snow-flakes became larger and larger, till they appeared like great white chickens. Snowflakes grew bigger and bigger, eventually looking like big white chickens. John har fem æbler. John has five apples. John has five apples. De er bevæbnede. They're armed. They're armed. Der er kun to uger til jul. Christmas is only two weeks off. It's only two weeks till Christmas. Han dutter ikke. He is good for nothing. He's not fooling around. Jeg skrev et brev på fransk. I wrote a letter in French. I wrote a letter in French. Jeg fandt det på loftet. I found it in the attic. I found it in the attic. Hvordan skete trafikulykken? How did the traffic accident happen? How did the traffic accident happen? Tom drak en masse til festen og endte med at gøre sig selv til grin. Tom drank a lot at the party and ended up making a fool of himself. Tom drank a lot at the party and ended up making a fool of himself. Jeg har hvid skjorte på til hverdag. I wear white shirts on weekdays. I wear a white shirt every day. Han gik for cirka ti minutter siden. He left about 10 minutes ago. He left about ten minutes ago. "Ræk mig saltet, tak." "Værsgo!" "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." "Give me the salt, please." "Here you go!" Jeg går i skole på lørdag. I go to school on Saturday. I'm going to school on Saturday. De kommer ikke sammen. They aren't dating. They're not dating. Fodbold er en af min lillebrors fritidsinteresser. Soccer is one of my little brother's hobbies. Football is one of my little brother's leisure interests. Har I åbent i morgen? Will you be open tomorrow? You guys open tomorrow? Jeg købte en smartphone til min kone. I bought a smartphone for my wife. I bought my wife a smartphone. Hvem taler jeg med? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? Tom har været alkoholist. Tom used to be a heavy drinker. Tom has been an alcoholic. Mary sad klistret til sin telefon. Mary was glued to her phone. Mary was stuck to her phone. Jeg ved godt jeg er ikke den kvikkeste pige i verden. I know I'm not the brightest girl in the world. I know I'm not the smartest girl in the world. Tom sagde at Mary var genert. Tom said that Mary was shy. Tom said Mary was shy. Tom er euroskeptiker. Tom is a Eurosceptic. Tom is a Eurosceptic. Hvem ejer disse rener? Who owns these reindeer? Who owns these reindeer? Hun var flot klædt på. She was dressed to kill. She was pretty dressed. Jeg tror Tom er tolerant. I think Tom is broad-minded. I think Tom is tolerant. 'I dag' er det 'i morgen' vi bekymrede os om i går. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. 'Today' is 'Tomorrow' we were worried about yesterday. Det vil ikke blive et problem overhovedet. It's not going to be a problem at all. That will not be a problem at all. Jeg har spurgt alle hvad det var. I asked everyone what that was. I've asked everyone what it was. Tom er Marys elsker. Tom is Mary's lover. Tom is Mary's lover. Skrub af! Take a hike! Get out of here! Nu er du en kvinde, og jeg har ingen ret til at beholde dig her. Du må vende tilbage til menneskenes verden hvor glæden venter dig. Now you are a woman, and I have no right to keep you here. You must return to the world of men, where joy awaits you. Now you're a woman, and I have no right to keep you here. Dette kraftværk alene forsyner flere byer med elektricitet. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone supplies several cities with electricity. Tom stemmer. Tom is voting. Tom votes. Jeg er ikke dum. I am not stupid. I'm not stupid. Jeg vil ikke miste denne paraply. I don't want to lose this umbrella. I don't want to lose this umbrella. Er det Tom der kommer gående hen mod os? Is that Tom walking toward us? Is Tom coming towards us? Mary forklarede Tom at joken beroede på en tvetydighed. Mary explained to Tom that the joke relied on a double entendre. Mary explained to Tom that the joke was based on ambiguity. Det er en meget dyr smarttelefon. It's a very expensive smartphone. It's a very expensive smartphone. Jeg er irsk, men jeg taler ikke irsk. I'm Irish, but I don't speak Irish. I'm Irish, but I don't speak Irish. Kig på himlen. Look at the sky. Look at the sky. For at gøre en lang historie kort, vi giftede os. To make a long story short, we married. To make a long story short, we married. Jeg går til skolen til fods. I go to school on foot. I'm going to school on foot. Hvordan var din første nat i Boston? How was your first night in Boston? How was your first night in Boston? Min far lytter til klassisk musik. My father listens to classical music. My father listens to classical music. Jeg kender dig næsten ikke. I barely know you. I hardly know you. Det har været en anstrengende dag i dag. Today was a tiring day. Today has been a hard day. Du har mistet din paraply. You've lost your umbrella. You lost your umbrella. De bekymrer sig kun om sig selv. They only care about themselves. They only care about themselves. Fredstraktaten bliver underskrevet i morgen. The peace treaty will be signed tomorrow. The peace treaty will be signed tomorrow. Jeg bad Tom om at lave te. I asked Tom to make tea. I asked Tom to make tea. Jeg troede du var lovet til Mary. I thought you were promised to Mary. I thought you were promised to Mary. Jeg stemte ikke. I didn't vote. I didn't vote. De luftede deres hunde. They walked their dogs. They walked their dogs. Begge hunde sover. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs are asleep. I er et problem. You guys are a problem. You're a problem. Han reparerede uret for mig. He fixed the watch for me. He fixed the clock for me. Bilen havarerede efter en halv times kørsel. The car broke down after half an hour's driving. The car hated after half an hour's drive. Tom er god til fransk. Tom is good at French. Tom is good with French. Det tror jeg også. I think so, too. I think so, too. Tom betaler normalt alt med kontanter. Tom usually pays for everything in cash. Tom usually pays everything with cash. Skod dine cigaretter. Put out your cigarettes. Shoot your cigarettes. Lad os hvile her til Tom indhenter os. Let's rest here until Tom catches up with us. Let's rest here until Tom catches up. Har I dræbt ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Jeg har højt blodtryk. I have high blood pressure. I have high blood pressure. Hvad er størst, Solen eller Jorden? Which is larger, the sun or the earth? What is greater, the sun or the earth? Jeg har en. I have one. I got one. Hvad fik du? What did you get? What did you get? Tag chancen! Take a chance! Take your chances! Jeg har en trailer. I have a trailer. I got a trailer. Hvad får jeg ud af det? What's in it for me? What's in it for me? Hvad er den længste bro i Algeriet? What's the longest bridge in Algeria? What is the longest bridge in Algeria? Du har vand. You have water. You have water. Der er intet der er værd at se på TV i dag. There's nothing worth watching on TV today. There's nothing worth watching on TV today. Sami købte og solgte biler. Sami was buying and selling cars. Sami bought and sold cars. Alle borgere skulle respektere loven. All citizens should respect the law. All citizens should respect the law. Det har jeg aldrig sagt. I've never said that. I never said that. Dette skilt siger: "Fodr ikke dyrene!" This sign says: "Don't feed the animals!" This sign says: "Don't feed the animals! " Hvorfor har kaniner lange ører? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long ears? Min fiasko svækkede ikke min selvtillid. My failure did not weaken my self-confidence. My failure didn't weaken my confidence. Hvad er mindstelønnen i Jamaica? What's the minimum salary in Jamaica? What's the minimum wage in Jamaica? Der er lidt sukker i posen. There is a little sugar in the bag. There's a little sugar in the bag. Muslimerne kalder Jesus "Issa." The Muslims call Jesus "Issa." The Muslims call Jesus "Issa." Jeg spiser kød. I eat meat. I eat meat. Hvor er mine solbriller? Where are my sunglasses? Where are my sunglasses? Tom var i Tyskland i et år. Tom spent a year in Germany. Tom was in Germany for a year. Jeg spiller guitar. I play the guitar. I play guitar. Hvad skal jeg gøre nu? What should I do next? What do you want me to do now? Der er seks fisk inde i konservesdåsen. There are six fish inside the tin can. There are six fish in the can. Vi har masser af tid. We have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. Mor, kan du læse mig en godnathistorie? Mom, could you read me a bedtime story? Mom, can you read me a bedtime story? Hvis muslinger er disse? Whose mussels are these? Whose clams are these? Vi havde en aftale. Du brød den. We had an agreement. You broke it. We had a deal, you broke it. Abraham Lincolm er en berømt person. Abraham Lincoln is a famous person. Abraham Lincolm is a famous person. Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle gøre. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I didn't know what to do. Put det i en papirspose. Put it into a paper bag. Put it in a paper bag. Han ved ikke hvad det vil sige at være fattig. He doesn't know what it is to be poor. He doesn't know what it means to be poor. Jeg hedder Mary. Hvad hedder du? My name is Mary, what's yours? My name is Mary, what's your name? I skylder mig 1000 dollar. You owe me $1,000. You owe me $1,000. To gange to er fire. Twice two is equal to four. Two times two is four. Vand blomsterne før du spiser morgenmad. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. Tom blev skudt med strømpistol. Tom was tasered. Tom was shot with a stun gun. Jeg er i lufthavnen nu. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. Tom er en af jeres venner, er han ikke? Tom is a friend of yours, isn't he? Tom is a friend of yours, isn't he? Har du nogen franske aviser? Do you have any French newspapers? Do you have any French newspapers? Jeg kan ikke tage tilbage til Australien. Dér er jeg eftersøgt af politiet. I can't go back to Australia. I'm wanted by the police there. I can't go back to Australia, where I'm wanted by the police. Min solskoldning gør ondt. My sunburn hurts. My sunburn hurts. Dette er en eksempelsætning. This is an example sentence. This is an example. De er iblandt os! They are among us! They're among us! Tom ser træt ud i dag. Tom looks tired today. Tom looks tired today. Tom mistede hurtigt interessen. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom lider af multipel sklerose. Tom suffers from multiple sclerosis. Tom suffers from multiple sclerosis. Tom blev læge. Tom became a doctor. Tom became a doctor. Du er en gavstrik, Tom. You're a rogue, Tom. You're a gift, Tom. Hvor skal du hen? Where are you going? Where are you going? Er du på Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Hvordan kan jeg gøre dig gladere? How can I make you happier? How can I make you happier? Tom vidste ikke hvor det var. Tom didn't know where it was. Tom didn't know where it was. Stoppede du for rødt? Did you stop at the red light? Did you stop too red? Sko, tøfler og sandaler er fodtøj. Shoes, slippers, and sandals are footwear. Shoes, slippers and sandals are footwear. Han er næsten seks fod høj. He's almost six feet in height. He's almost six feet tall. Den afrikanske elefant har større ører end den asiatiske elefant. The African elephant has bigger ears than the Asian elephant. The African elephant has bigger ears than the Asian elephant. Jeg har fået nok af dig. I've had enough of you. I've had enough of you. Afbrudt samleje beskytter ikke mod kønssygdomme. Coitus interruptus does not protect against STDs. Abrupt intercourse does not protect against venereal disease. Kan du tvinge dig selv til at sove? Can you will yourself to fall asleep? Can you force yourself to sleep? Giv mig tre måneder. Give me three months. Give me three months. Nej, Tom, jeg vil ikke gifte mig med dig! No, Tom, I will not marry you! No, Tom, I won't marry you! Har du været væk? Have you been away? Have you been gone? Hvorfor ville du til Armenien? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Jeg bor i Nordsverige. I live in northern Sweden. I live in northern Sweden. Jeg er ked af det, men du kan ikke gifte dig med Susan. I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan. I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan. Min favoritsangerinde er Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. Jeg kan ikke huske hvor jeg har købt den. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Det vil ske snart. It'll happen soon. It's gonna happen soon. Mary sendte sit billede til Tom. Mary sent her picture to Tom. Mary sent her picture to Tom. Hun er slave af mode. She is a slave of fashion. She's a slave of fashion. Hvilket land er du fra? What country are you from? What country are you from? I kan ikke begge have ret. You can't both be right. You can't both be right. Jeg kører over den bro hver eftermiddag på vej hjem fra arbejde. I drive across that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. I drive over that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. Vi er ikke venner; vi er bare kollegaer. We're not friends, we're just coworkers. We're not friends; we're just colleagues. Tom arbejder altid. Tom is always working. Tom always works. Tom er god til at efterligne Mary. Tom is good at imitating Mary. Tom is good at imitating Mary. Send Tom op. Send Tom up. Send Tom up. Han ønskede ikke at sælge sin bil. He didn't want to sell his car. He didn't want to sell his car. Hun har malet en mur. She painted a wall. She painted a wall. Jeg har mistet min nøgle. I've lost my key. I lost my key. Har I nogen sightseeingture til byens seværdigheder? Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town? Do you have sightseeing tours to the city's sights? Toms egern var klædt ud. Tom's squirrel wore a costume. Tom's squirrels were dressed. Det er min hustru. That's my wife. That's my wife. Tom gjorde intet forsøg på at besvare spørgsmålet. Tom made no attempt to answer the question. Tom didn't try to answer the question. Jeg sidder lige nu og drikker en øl. I'm drinking a beer right now. I'm sitting right now drinking a beer. Jeg har levet af kartoffelchips i mere end tre år. I've been living on potato chips for more than three years. I've lived on potato chips for more than three years. Du skriver bedre end jeg gør. You write better than I do. You write better than I do. Koen forsyner os med mælk. The cow supplies us with milk. The cow supplies us with milk. Hun lagde sit strikketøj til side og rejste sig. She put her knitting aside and stood up. She put her knitting aside and got up. Det er blæsevejr nu. It's now windy. It's windy now. Min bedstefar var overtroisk. My grandfather was superstitious. My grandfather was superstitious. Den kemiske formel for vand er H₂O. The chemical formula for water is H₂O. The chemical formula for water is H2O. Det er som om der er noget mærkeligt med den dreng. There seems to be something peculiar about the boy. It's like there's something weird about that boy. Det er for dyrt. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. "Er hun ung?" "Ja, det er hun." "Is she young?" "Yes, she is." "Is she young?" "Yes, she is." Tom elskede æbler da han var barn. Tom loved apples when he was a kid. Tom loved apples when he was a kid. Hun snød mig. She tricked me. She set me up. Man siger at vikingerne opdagede Amerika før Columbus. It is said that the Vikings preceded Columbus in discovering America. They say the Vikings discovered America before Columbus. Han taler kurdisk. He speaks Kurdish. He speaks Kurdish. Jeg har et hjerte. I have a heart. I have a heart. Tom var et fjols. Tom was a jerk. Tom was a fool. Tom købte en avis og læste den i toget på vej til arbejdet. Tom bought a newspaper and read it on the train on the way to work. Tom bought a newspaper and read it on the train on the way to work. Ser du faderen og moderen? Do you see the father and the mother? Do you see the father and mother? Han giftede sig med en stewardesse. He married a stewardess. He married a flight attendant. Jeg kan skrive 50 ord i minuttet. I can type 50 words a minute. I can write 50 words a minute. Han er FBI-agent. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. Hun lever under fattige kår. She lives in poor circumstances. She lives in poor conditions. Tom fortalte mig at han ikke ønskede at komme hjem tomhændet. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom told me he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom er skruppelløs. Tom is unscrupulous. Tom is unscrupulous. Jeg vil gerne have en øl til? Could you get me another beer? I'd like another beer? Din kost vil virkelig blive uafbalanceret, hvis det eneste du spiser er hamburgere. Your diet is going to be really unbalanced if all you eat is hamburgers. Your diet will really be unbalanced if all you eat is hamburgers. Jeg tager oftere til Bruxelles end til Paris. I more often go to Brussels than Paris. I go to Brussels more often than to Paris. Synes du at der er for meget vold i film? Do you think there's too much violence in movies? Do you think there's too much violence in movies? På dette hotel serveres der morgenmad fra syv til ti. In this hotel breakfast is served from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Breakfast from seven to ten is served in this hotel. Han har en stor gård i Colorado. He has a large farm in Colorado. He's got a big farm in Colorado. Geden spiste af hendes hånd. The goat ate from her hand. The goat ate off her hand. Vi tror på jer. We believe in you. We believe in you. Jeg troede at du var Toms ven. I thought you were Tom's friend. I thought you were Tom's friend. Tom ser på hende uden at sige noget. Tom looks at her without saying anything. Tom looks at her without saying anything. Jeg tager til Osaka station. I am going to Osaka station. I'm going to Osaka station. Jeg beklager, men sådan er det bare. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. Jeg har ondt af dem, der ikke kan lide ham. I feel sorry for whoever doesn't like him. I feel sorry for those who don't like him. Du kan få denne bog gratis. You can have this book for nothing. You can get this book for free. Butikken lukker klokken syv. The shop closes at seven. The store closes at 7:00. Tom forlod værelset. Tom left the room. Tom left the room. Tom overtræder hele tiden copyrightlove. Tom always violates copyright laws. Tom is constantly violating copyright laws. Den dovne mand forsømmer tit sine pligter. The lazy man frequently neglects his duties. The lazy man often neglects his duties. Det skal du få betalt. I'll make you pay for this. You're gonna pay for that. Han kan lide at se TV. He likes watching TV. He likes watching TV. Hvad kom først: ægget eller hønen? What came first: the egg or the chicken? What came first: the egg or the chicken? Jeg ringer til dem i morgen når jeg kommer hjem. I'll phone them tomorrow when I come home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Jeg er klar til at betjene dig. I am ready to serve you. I'm ready to serve you. I går købte hun grøntsager. She bought vegetables yesterday. Yesterday she bought vegetables. Århus, Danmarks næststørste by, har postnummeret 8000. Aarhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, has the zip code 8000. Århus, Denmark's second largest city, has the postal number 8000. Luk vinduer og døre! Please close the windows and doors! Close windows and doors! Jeg kommer fra Danmark. I'm from Denmark. I'm from Denmark. Det er min jakke. That's my jacket. That's my jacket. Kul, trækul, koks og petrokoks bruges som brændsler. Coal, charcoal, coal coke and petroleum coke are used as fuels. Coal, charcoal, coke and petroleum coke are used as fuels. Det er en simpel opgave. It's a simple job. It's a simple task. Regner det nu? Is it raining now? Is it raining now? Han gav hende en bog. He gave her a book. He gave her a book. Tom er bange. Tom's afraid. Tom is scared. Hun fik foretaget en abort. She had an abortion. She had an abortion. Jeg føler mig ikke helt på toppen. I am not feeling quite up to par. I don't feel quite on top. I hvilken retning er han taget hen? In which direction did he go? In which direction has he gone? De behøver ikke betale noget. They don't have to pay anything. They don't have to pay anything. Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Jeg elsker dig som du er. I love you the way you are. I love you the way you are. Jeg har trænet min hund til at hente avisen om morgenen. I trained my dog to bring me the newspaper in the morning. I trained my dog to pick up the paper in the morning. Jeg giver mit ord på det. I give my word. I give my word. Der er for mange af dem. There are too many of them. There's too many of them. Hvor mange gange er Tom blevet skilt? How many times has Tom been divorced? How many times has Tom been divorced? De kan heller ikke høre mig. They can't hear me either. They can't hear me either. Træneren gav ham nogle gode råd. The coach gave him some good advice. Coach gave him some advice. Tom ligger med ansigtet nedad i sengen. Tom is lying face down on the bed. Tom is lying face down in bed. Jeg tager toget på arbejde hver dag. I take the train to work every day. I take the train to work every day. Hvor skrækkeligt! How horrible! How awful! Læser du stadig bøger? Do you still read books? Do you still read books? Tom har ikke drukket kaffe. Tom didn't drink coffee. Tom didn't drink coffee. Tom har stadig ikke mødt Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Din drøm går i opfyldelse en dag. Your dream will come true some day. Your dream comes true someday. Vi mødes der. We'll meet there. I'll meet you there. Vagten troede de lavede sjov indtil han så deres pistoler. The guard thought they were joking until he saw their guns. The guard thought they were joking until he saw their guns. Tom sidder og læser biblen. Tom is reading the Bible. Tom is reading the Bible. En kat er ikke et menneske. A cat is not a human being! A cat is not a human being. Og hvad nu? And now what? And now what? Mary luftede sine hunde hver morgen. Mary walked her dogs every morning. Mary walked her dogs every morning. Tom elsker at danse og synge. Tom loves to dance and sing. Tom loves to dance and sing. Han er taxichauffør. He is a cab driver. He's a taxi driver. Få ham ud herfra! Get him out of here! Get him out of here! Det var forudsigeligt. That was predictable. It was predictable. Hvorfor gør du det? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Hvad er dine planer for julen? What are your plans for Christmas? What are your plans for Christmas? Vi bor ikke i lande, vi bor i vore sprog. Det er dit hjem, der og ingen andre steder. We don't live in countries, we live in our languages. That is your home, there and nowhere else. We don't live in countries, we live in our language. It's your home, there and nowhere else. Du ikke ryge. Stop smoking. You don't smoke. En mand vælger; en slave adlyder. A man chooses; a slave obeys. A man chooses; a slave obeys. Kunne jeg få din autograf? Could I get your autograph? Could I have your autograph? Kysser du mig? Are you going to kiss me? Are you kissing me? Hun gifter sig nok en dag. She will probably marry one day. She's gonna get married someday. Jeg bliver hjulpet. I'm being helped. I'm being helped. Drengen som står derovre er min søn. The boy standing over there is my son. The boy standing over there is my son. Ved du hvor dine børn er? Do you know where your children are? Do you know where your kids are? Klokken er næsten seks. It's almost six o'clock. It's almost six o'clock. Det er meget sandsynligt at FIFA er bundråddent. It's quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the core. It is very likely that FIFA is bottom rotten. Aber er intelligente. Apes are intelligent. Monkeys are intelligent. Hvor mange slags grønsager dyrker du i din have? How many kinds of vegetables do you grow in your garden? How many kinds of vegetables do you grow in your garden? Hvad er hvidvaskning helt præcist? What exactly is money laundering? What exactly is money laundering? I er alle unyttige. You all are useless. You're all useless. Mine penge blev stjålet. I had my money stolen. My money was stolen. Vi skiftedes til at køre. We took turns driving. We took turns driving. Rævestregerne på Wall Street har sendt økonomien i frit fald. The shenanigans on Wall Street have sent the economy into a tailspin. The badge on Wall Street has sent the economy in free fall. Enken led af mavekræft. The widow suffered from stomach cancer. The widow suffered from stomach cancer. Forurening er et voksende problem. Pollution is a growing problem. Pollution is a growing problem. Han vil komme til festen. He will be coming to the party. He'll come to the party. Jeg talte kun tysk. I was speaking only German. I only spoke German. Jeg kan gentage det igen og igen. I can repeat it again and again. I can repeat it over and over again. Jeg er en munk. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Jeg ved ikke længere hvad jeg skal tro. I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know what to think anymore. Er dette ikke imod reglerne? Isn't this against the rules? Isn't this against the rules? Jeg sendte det til Dem for to dage siden. I sent it to you two days ago. I sent it to you two days ago. Vi ses! See you later! See you later! Tom forelskede sig i Tyskland. Tom fell in love in Germany. Tom fell in love with Germany. Markerne lå dækkede af et tykt lag sne. The fields lay covered with deep snow. The fields were covered by a thick layer of snow. Katten sover på bordet. The cat sleeps on the table. The cat sleeps on the table. Han bankede på døren. He knocked at the door. He knocked on the door. De smilte. They smiled. They were smiling. Jeg kender hans navn. I know his name. I know his name. Artiklen var skrevet på fransk. The article was written in French. The article was written in French. Jeg er så misundelig over dine skålformede bryster. I'm so jealous of your bowl-shaped boobs. I'm so jealous of your bowl-shaped breasts. Hun skrev et brev. She wrote a letter. She wrote a letter. Kig på mig og gør ligesådan. Look on me, and do likewise. Look at me and do the same. Ved du hvem der dræbte Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? Uden luft ville vi dø. Without air we would die. Without air, we'd die. Jeg drikker aldrig. I never drink. I never drink. Jeg vil gerne have dig til at vente på mig. I want you to wait for me. I want you to wait for me. Jeg har en overraskelse til dig. I've got a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Tom spurgte Mary om hvordan vejret havde været mens han var væk. Tom asked Mary what the weather had been like while he was away. Tom asked Mary about the weather while he was away. Han var i Frankrig. He was in France. He was in France. Denne telefon er i uorden. This telephone is out of order. This phone is out of order. Betjentene smed tåregasgranater ind i bygningen. The cops threw tear-gas bombs into the building. The cops threw tear gas grenades into the building. Den sorte hund dér kigger på den hvide kat dér. That black dog is looking at that white cat. The black dog there is looking at the white cat there. Dit ønske vil gå i opfyldelse i nær fremtid. Your wish will come true in the near future. Your desire will come true in the near future. USA og Cuba er indstillet til at reparere deres forhold efter et halvt århundredes fjendskab. The USA and Cuba are set to mend their relationship after half a century of hostilities. The United States and Cuba are prepared to repair their relationship after half a century of enmity. Alle døre i huset er låst. Every door in the house is locked. All doors in the house are locked. En øl til mig, tak! A beer for me, please! A beer for me, please! Uden penge kan man ikke overleve. One cannot survive without money. Without money, you can't survive. Jeg ved at du tidligere har boet i Boston. I know you used to live in Boston. I know you used to live in Boston. Vi tror ikke Tom har slået Mary ihjel. We don't think Tom killed Mary. We don't think Tom killed Mary. Goddag, frue. Hello, ma'am. Hello, ma'am. Vi har ingen grund til at skamme os. We have no reason to feel ashamed. We have no reason to be ashamed of ourselves. Hvilken hus kan du bedst lide? What house do you like more? Which house do you like best? Hun bliver smukkere dag for dag. She gets prettier day by day. She's gonna be more beautiful every day. Udslet dem! Obliterate them! Destroy them! Hvordan skrev du dit navn på arabisk? How did you write your name in Arabic? How did you write your name in Arabic? Jeg burde have fulgt lægens råd. I should have taken the doctor's advice. I should have followed the doctor's advice. Jeg vil gerne vide hvorfor mit navn blev slettet fra listen. I'd like to know why my name was deleted from the list. I want to know why my name was deleted from the list. "Tak for hjælpen." "Ingen årsag." "Thanks for the help." "Don't mention it." "Thank you for your help." "No problem." Vi gav hinanden hånden. We shook hands. We shook hands. Mary blev forelsket i en smuk gondoliere. Mary fell in love with a handsome gondolier. Mary fell in love with a beautiful gondolier. Et søkabel blev lagt mellem de to lande. A submarine cable was laid between the two countries. A sea cable was laid between the two countries. Tom bar Mary ind i huset. Tom carried Mary into the house. Tom carried Mary into the house. Hvad er der i strandtasken der er i bagagerummet på din bil? What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car? What's in the beach bag in the trunk of your car? Situationen er meget værre end hvad vi oprindeligt troede. The situation is much worse than we originally thought. The situation is much worse than what we originally thought. Du kan tro på ham. You can believe him. You can believe him. Nu har jeg fortalt dig alt. Men jeg har fået en eftertanke. Vil du gerne høre den? Now I've told you everything. But I've got an afterthought. Would you like to hear it? Now I've told you everything, but I've had a thought. Joshua er homoseksuel. Joshua is gay. Joshua is gay. Tom kom for sent til det sidste tog og måtte tage en taxi hjem. Tom missed the last train and had to take a taxi home. Tom was late for the last train and had to take a taxi home. Hvad gør du når du bliver syg? What do you do when you get sick? What do you do when you get sick? Min mor beklager sig altid over mig. My mother is always complaining about me. My mom always complains about me. Det er en is. It's an ice cream. It's an ice cream. Da det skete, var min bedstemor ikke hjemme. As it happened, my grandmother was not at home. When it happened, my grandmother wasn't home. Hendes reaktion var ikke overraskende overhovedet. Her reaction wasn't surprising at all. Her reaction was not surprising at all. Det var til at forudse. That was predictable. It was predictable. De fortsatte med at drikke. They kept drinking. They continued drinking. Det er ved at blive mørkt. Du må hellere gå hjem. It's getting dark. You'd better go home. It's getting dark. Skriver du poesi? Do you write poetry? Are you writing poetry? Det styrtregnede. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining. Enhver har ret til beskyttelse af de moralske og materielle interesser, der hidrører fra en hvilken som helst videnskabelig, litterær eller kunstnerisk frembringelse, som vedkommende har skabt. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests of any scientific, literary or artistic creation which he or she has created. Jeg har et æg. I have an egg. I have an egg. Fulgte nogen efter dig? Did anyone follow you? Was someone following you? Hvad håber du at finde her? What do you hope to find here? What do you hope to find here? Det er bedre at vente til politiet ankommer. It's better to wait until the police arrive. It's better to wait until the police arrive. Den Persiske Golf er beliggende mellem Iran (Persien) og Den Arabiske Halvø. The Persian Gulf is located between Iran (Persia) and the Arabian Peninsula. The Persian Gulf is located between Iran (Persia) and the Arabian Peninsula. Han gik tur med sine tre hunde hver dag. He walked his three dogs every day. He walked with his three dogs every day. Toget var forsinket her til morgen. The train was late this morning. The train was late this morning. Det er en meget almindelig fejltagelse. That's a very common mistake. It's a very common mistake. Jeg er ikke Toms far. I'm not Tom's father. I'm not Tom's father. Kig, kig! Look, look! Look, look! Du havde ret. You were right. You were right. Han sidder og læser en avis. He's reading a newspaper. He's reading a newspaper. Tom kunne ikke sine linjer. Tom didn't know his lines. Tom didn't know his lines. Vil du have en kop te mere? Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Det tror jeg. I think so. I think so. Jorden er under angreb fra rumvæsner. The Earth is under attack by alien invaders. Earth is under attack from aliens. Jeg kan virkelig godt lide denne restaurant. I really like this restaurant. I really like this restaurant. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg følge ham til verdens ende. If I were you, I would follow him to the end of the world. If I were you, I'd follow him to the end of the world. Kvinden spiser brød. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. Jeg kan ikke li' at studere. I don't like studying. I don't like to study. Vi får færre og færre studerende. We're getting fewer and fewer students. We get fewer and fewer students. Tom er udenfor. Tom's outside. Tom's outside. Han døde inden ambulancen kom. He died before the ambulance arrived. He died before the ambulance came. Det er ikke engang et problem. That is not even a problem. It's not even a problem. De vasker hænderne. They're washing their hands. They wash their hands. Selvfølgelig kan hun tale engelsk. Of course she can speak English. Of course she speaks English. Den her hotel er bedre end den der hotel. This hotel is better than that hotel. This hotel is better than that hotel. Glem ikke din billet. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Jeg havde også en dårlig hukommelse. I also have a bad memory. I had a bad memory, too. Layla lejede en SUV. Layla rented an SUV. Layla rented an SUV. Toms mor er cool. Tom's mom is cool. Tom's mom is cool. Den flod løber ud i Stillehavet. The river flows into the Pacific Ocean. That river runs into the Pacific Ocean. Jeg har en overraskelse til dig, skat. I have a surprise for you, sweetheart. I have a surprise for you, honey. Han blev alvorligt såret ved bilulykken. He was seriously injured in the car accident. He was seriously injured in the car accident. Hun plantede et palmetræ. She planted a palm tree. She planted a palm tree. Hvor gammel skal man være for at blive gift uden sine forældres tilladelse? How old do you have to be to get married without your parents' permission? How old do you have to be to get married without your parents ' permission? Jeg har en hund. I have a dog. I have a dog. Jeg har set to fyre kysse hinanden i gangen. I saw two guys kissing each other in the hallway. I've seen two guys kiss each other in the hallway. Dette metal kaldes zink. This metal is called zinc. This metal is called zinc. Jeg er løbet tør for penge. I've run short of money. I'm out of money. Tom sad i sin bil udenfor restauranten. Tom was sitting in his car outside the restaurant. Tom was in his car outside the restaurant. Jeg kan bedre lide kaffe end sort te. I like coffee better than black tea. I like coffee better than black tea. Hans kæreste gjorde det for ham. His girlfriend did it for him. His girlfriend did it for him. Jeg har cool tøj og cool solbriller på. I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses. I'm wearing cool clothes and cool sunglasses. Du vover ikke spise mig! You dare not eat me! Don't you dare eat me! Han vil være tilbage om et minut. He'll be back in a minute. He'll be back in a minute. Tom er altid fraværende. Tom is always absent. Tom is always absent. Jeg ville solbade. I wanted to sunbathe. I was gonna sunbathe. Min mor købte to flasker æblejuice. My mum bought two bottles of apple juice. My mom bought two bottles of apple juice. Tom tænkte at Mary ikke ville spise salaten hvis der var løg i. Tom didn't think Mary would eat the salad if it had onions in it. Tom thought Mary wouldn't eat the salad if there were onions in it. Lagde han an på dig? Did he put the moves on you? Did he hit on you? De siger at han er skyldig, men jeg er overbevist om det modsatte. They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary. They say he's guilty, but I'm convinced of the opposite. Det er ikke nok. That isn't enough. It's not enough. Jeg har kendt John siden 1976. I have known John since 1976. I've known John since 1976. Sluk for din mobiltelefon. Please turn off your cellphone. Turn off your cell phone. Mary ønsker at sælge sin bil. Mary wants to sell her car. Mary wants to sell her car. Min far er en smule gammeldags. My father is a bit old fashioned. My dad's a little old-fashioned. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Could you lower the volume of the television? Could you turn down the TV? Vi har opstillet tredive bænke på vandrestierne rundt om vores landsby. We have erected thirty benches on the walking trails around our village. We have set up thirty benches on hiking trails around our village. Alle landsbyer i Kabylien har en moske. Every village in Kabylie has a mosque. Every village in Kabylia has a mosque. Brød og smør er min sædvanlige morgenmad. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. "Kan du godt lide slanger?" "Selvfølgelig ikke." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." Der var is i køleskabet. There was ice cream in the fridge. There was ice in the fridge. Jeg ønsker virkelig en motorcykel. I really want a motorcycle. I really want a motorcycle. Jeg har en tid hos lægen klokken ti. I have an appointment at the doctor's office at ten o'clock. I have an appointment with the doctor at 10:00. Vi importerer te fra Indien. We import tea from India. We import tea from India. Tom er fattig, men han er lykkelig. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom sagde at han syntes at jeg så ud som om jeg kedede mig. Tom said he thought that I looked like I was bored. Tom said that he thought I looked like I was bored. Jeg spillede fodbold i går. I played soccer yesterday. I played soccer last night. Der var nogen hjemme. Somebody was in the house. Someone was home. Det er en slags appelsin. It is a kind of orange. It's some kind of orange. Sig det på russisk! Say it in Russian! Say it in Russian! Hun lagde nogle penge til side til en regnvejrsdag. She put by some money for a rainy day. She put some money aside for a rainy day. Sådan er livet. That's how life is. That's life. Årets ord 2011 i Danmark er "arabisk forår." Andre foreslåede ord var "fedtafgift," "løftebrud" og "vejvrede." The word of the year 2011 in Denmark is "Arab spring." Other proposed words were "fat tax," "broken promises" and "road rage." The words of the year 2011 in Denmark are "Arab Spring." Other suggested words were "fat tax," "lifting" and "adjusted." Vi gjorde ikke noget forkert. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Tom strøg sig over skægget. Tom stroked his beard. Tom crossed the beard. Dette er et fotografi af mit maleri. This is a photo of my painting. This is a photograph of my painting. Spild ikke tid på bagateller. Don't waste time on trifles. Don't waste time on trifles. Tom og Mary hadede hinanden. Tom and Mary hated one another. Tom and Mary hated each other. Skaden er sket. The genie is out of the bottle. The damage has been done. Hold dig fra drager og stol aldrig på elve! Never deal with a dragon and never trust an elf! Stay away from dragons and never trust Elves! Hold snuden for dig selv! Mind your own business. Keep your nose out of it! Tom er endnu ikke teenager. Tom isn't a teenager yet. Tom is not yet a teenager. Hvad har du købt? What did you buy? What did you buy? Betjenten bad Tom tømme lommerne. The police officer asked Tom to empty his pockets. The cop asked Tom to empty his pockets. Jag katten ud af køkkenet! Chase the cat from the kitchen. Get the cat out of the kitchen! Jeg havde ikke forventet at være her så hurtigt. I didn't expect to be here so soon. I didn't expect to be here so fast. En fed hvid kat sat på en mur og betragtede dem med søvnige øjne. A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes. A fat white cat put on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes. Jeg bad Mike hjælpe mig. I asked Mike to help me. I asked Mike to help me. Jeg bad Tom om at komme. I asked Tom to come. I asked Tom to come. Han er lige kommet tilbage fra biblioteket. He just came back from the library. He just got back from the library. Tom har fået gode karakterer i fransk. Tom got good grades in French. Tom's got good grades in French. Tom sagde ikke et ord. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say a word. Lad os gøre det kort. Let's make it brief. Let's be brief. Bolde er runde. Balls are round. Balls are round. I er alle nogle bangebukse. You're all chickenshits. You're all scared pants. Har du en mobiltelefon? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Du arbejder hårdere end alle andre her. You work harder than anyone here. You work harder than anyone else here. Jeg har en hvid og en sort hund. I have a white dog and a black dog. I have a white dog and a black dog. Jeg spiste det. I ate it. I ate it. I er ikke mine brødre. You're not my brothers. You're not my brothers. Jeg taler japansk, engelsk og fransk. I speak Japanese, English, and French. I speak Japanese, English and French. Den her er ikke min bil. Det er Toms. This car isn't mine. It's Tom's. This isn't my car. Strukturformlen for vand er H-O-H. The structural formula for water is H-O-H. The structural formula for water is H-O-H. Ægypterne byggede dette tempel til ære for farao Ramses den Anden. The Egyptians built this temple to honour the Pharaoh Ramses II. The Egyptians built this temple in honor of Pharaoh Ramses the Second. Jeg er i gang med at læse en interessant bog. At the moment, I'm reading an interesting book. I'm reading an interesting book. Jeg ønsker, at hun ville holde op med at ryge. I wish that she would stop smoking. I wish she'd quit smoking. Det er en andens problem. That's someone else's problem. That's someone else's problem. Blev du våd? Did you get wet? Did you get wet? Hvad kalder man denne grøntsag på engelsk? What do you call this vegetable in English? What do you call this vegetable in English? Lad mig! Let me do it. Let me! Hun begik selvmord ved at hænge sig. She committed suicide by hanging herself. She killed herself by hanging herself. Jeg ved hvad der er ved at ske. I know what's about to happen. I know what's happening. Jeg løj. I was lying. I lied. Han var barfodet med nøgen overkrop. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was barefoot with naked torso. Min mor elsker mig. My mother loves me. My mom loves me. Tom har en båd. Tom has a boat. Tom has a boat. Dette er alt hvad jeg ved. This is all I know. This is all I know. Tom græd. Tom was crying. Tom cried. Er dette sterlingsølv? Is this sterling silver? Is this sterling silver? Det vidste jeg ikke. I did not know this. I didn't know that. Hold vasen med begge hænder. Hold the vase with both hands. Hold the vase with both hands. Tom og Mary kommer ikke til festen. Tom and Mary aren't coming to the party. Tom and Mary aren't coming to the party. Hvis bare jeg havde været lidt højere! If only I'd been a little taller! If only I'd been a little taller! Jeg tænker, altså er jeg. I think, therefore I am. I'm thinking, you know, I am. Hvem sendte du den sidste besked til? Whom did you send the last message to? Who did you send the last message to? Serveren er nede. The server is down. The server's down. Dette er ikke et postkontor. This isn't a post office. This isn't a post office. Tom er først i 40'erne. Tom is in his early forties. Tom's in his 40s. Tokyo station er det tredje stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Tokyo station is the third stop. Sikken en smuk solopgang! What a beautiful sunrise it is! What a beautiful sunrise! Jeg savner ord. Words fail me. I miss words. Hvornår skal du giftes? When are you going to get married? When are you getting married? Kom du med toget? Did you come by train? Did you get on the train? De to børn var jævnaldrende. The two children were of an age. The two children were the same age. Han døde fem år tidligere. He died five years earlier. He died five years earlier. Tom har stemt. Tom voted. Tom voted. Hvad skal der blive af os? What is going to become of us? What will become of us? Det skøre egern hører til i et galehus! That crazy squirrel belongs in a nuthouse! That crazy squirrel belongs in a madhouse! Har du noget at skrive med? Do you have something to write with? Do you have something to write with? Dømt til døden. Condemned to death. Doomed to death. Han er den dreng vi talte om den anden dag. He's the boy we spoke about the other day. He's the boy we talked about the other day. Hvor er min kam? Where is my comb? Where's my comb? Hun var fascineret. She was intrigued. She was fascinated. Du har købt flere frimærker end nødvendigt. You have bought more postage stamps than are necessary. You've bought more stamps than you need. I morgen er det tirsdag den 10. oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow is Tuesday, October 10th. Dette mål er uopnåeligt. That goal is unattainable. This goal is unattainable. Tom er læge. Tom's a doctor. Tom is a doctor. Han røg op i det røde felt. He lost his temper. He went up in the red field. Jeg er lige blevet bedstefar. I've just become a grandfather. I just became a grandfather. Undervisningen begynder i næste uge. Classes begin next week. Education starts next week. Jeg vil have Tom til at sige at han tog fejl. I want Tom to say he was wrong. I want Tom to say he was wrong. Min navigator virker ikke i udlandet. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. My navigator doesn't work abroad. Jeg besøger Algeriet regelmæssigt. I visit Algeria regularly. I visit Algeria regularly. Det er ikke billigt. That's not cheap. It's not cheap. De kom i sidste i uge. They came last week. They came last week. Dit hår er så smukt. Your hair is so pretty. Your hair is so beautiful. Samis video gik viralt på YouTube. Sami's video went viral on YouTube. Sami's video went viral on YouTube. Er udtalen rigtig? Is the pronunciation correct? Is the pronunciation correct? Dette giver ingen mening. This doesn't make any sense. This doesn't make any sense. Jeg vil ikke mæle et ord. I won't breathe a word. I don't want to say a word. Jeg synes godt om den statue. I like that statue. I like that statue. Tom er cool. Tom is cool. Tom is cool. Dræbte I ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? "Jeg tilbringer aftenen med Tom." "Tom! Er det ikke din kat?" "I'm spending the evening with Tom." "Isn't Tom your cat?" "I spend the night with Tom." "Tom! Isn't that your cat?" Toms mor er sådan en sladdertante. Tom's mother is such a gossip. Tom's mother is such a gossip aunt. Hun kan ikke lide sin egen mand. She doesn't like her husband. She doesn't like her own husband. Tom bad Mary om at holde en tale på hans skole. Tom asked Mary to give a speech at his school. Tom asked Mary to make a speech at his school. Han var i sne til knæene. He was knee-deep in snow. He was in snow to his knees. Donna blev født med en sølvske i munden. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Mon der er noget godt i fjernsynet? I wonder if there is anything good on TV. I wonder if there's anything good on TV. Din bil er hurtig. Your car is fast. Your car's fast. Jeg har ingen yderligere spørgsmål. I have no further questions. I have no further questions. Du gjorde det godt. You did great. You did good. Kig ikke ud ad vinduet. Koncentrer jer om jeres arbejde. Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work. Don't look out the window, focus on your work. Kast ankret! Drop the anchor! Throw the anchor! Vi vil bevare freden, koste hvad det vil. We will keep the peace at all costs. We will keep peace at all costs. Hun er en født kunstner. She's a born artist. She's a born artist. Tom lufter hver morgen sin hund. Tom walks his dog every morning. Tom walks his dog every morning. Jeg har løjet. I lied. I lied. Hvad er det lavet af? What is it made of? What's that made of? Jeg har ikke noget problem med at lade andre hjælpe. I have no problem letting others help. I don't have a problem letting anyone else help. Hvornår går du i seng lørdag aften? What time do you go to sleep Saturday night? When are you going to bed Saturday night? Kig ud ad vinduet. Look out of the window. Look out the window. Tom har mange venner. Tom has many friends. Tom has a lot of friends. Hun gav et æble til Tom. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave an apple to Tom. Tom landede sin helikopter på en øde ø. Tom landed his helicopter on a desert island. Tom landed his helicopter on a deserted island. I stedet for "det internationale sprog af Dr. Esperanto" kom efter nogle år det korte navn "Esperanto" i brug. På denne dag fejrer vi derfor i hele verden 125-årsdagen for esperanto. After a few years, in place of "the international language of Dr. Esperanto," the short name "Esperanto" came into use. Therefore, on this day we celebrate, all over the world, the 125th anniversary of Esperanto. Instead of "the international language of Dr. Esperanto," after some years the short name "Esperanto" came into use. On this day we celebrate the 125th anniversary of Esperanto throughout the world. Tom stiller næsten aldrig spørgsmål. Tom hardly ever asks questions. Tom hardly ever asks questions. Denne bog er skrevet på fransk. This book is written in French. This book is written in French. Familien Jackson boede i Boston, inden de flyttede hertil. The Jacksons lived in Boston before they moved here. The Jacksons lived in Boston before they moved here. Tom satte sin egen karriere i anden række og blev hjemmegående for at gøre det muligt for Mary at gå videre med sin karriere. Tom put his career on the back burner and became a house husband, to enable Mary to pursue her career. Tom put his own career in second place and became a housewife to enable Mary to move on with his career. Jeg har lige gjort mit værelse rent. I have just cleaned my room. I just cleaned my room. Jeg ved hvor den er. I know where it is. I know where it is. Hvad har brillerne kostet? How much were the glasses? What did the glasses cost? Jeg bor på landet. I live in a rural area. I live in the country. Jeg ville ikke have sagt det på den måde. I wouldn't have said it that way. I wouldn't have said it like that. Hvad slags information kan man finde på nettet? What sort of information do you get on the Internet? What kind of information can you find online? Jeg foretrækker et hotel tæt på lufthavnen. I prefer a hotel by the airport. I prefer a hotel near the airport. Tom er i køkkenet og vasker op. Tom is in the kitchen, washing dishes. Tom is in the kitchen washing dishes. Du gjorde den samme fejl. You made the same mistake. You made the same mistake. Han inviterede mig ud på en date. He asked me on a date. He asked me out on a date. Den ensomme pige spiser en klæg sandwich. The lonely girl eats a soggy sandwich. The lonely girl eats a bunch of sandwiches. Mange tak for blomsterne! Thank you for the flowers! Thank you so much for the flowers! Han tog til London via Paris. He went to London via Paris. He went to London through Paris. Det er to år siden, jeg studerede medicin. It has been two years since I studied medicine. It's been two years since I studied medicine. Han forstuvede sin fod. He sprained his foot. He sprained his foot. Tom tror ikke det vil regne, men han har planer om at tage en paraply med bare for en sikkerheds skyld. Tom doesn't think it'll rain, but he plans to carry an umbrella just in case. Tom doesn't think it's gonna rain, but he's planning on bringing an umbrella just in case. Åbn dine øjne. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Sommeren er ved at være ovre. Summer is coming to an end. Summer's almost over. Jeg er ret god til at svømme. I'm very good at swimming. I'm pretty good at swimming. Jeg vil overveje det. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. Berlinmuren faldt i 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. Han har stjålet mit ur. He stole my watch. He stole my watch. Jeg har fået for vane at sove længe om søndagen. I'm in the habit of sleeping late on Sundays. I've had the habit of sleeping late on Sundays. Jeg kan godt lide jazzmusik. I like jazz music. I like jazz music. Denne frygt er forståelig. This fear is understandable. This fear is understandable. Jorden adskiller sig fra de andre planeter ved at der findes vand på den. The earth is different from the other planets in that it has water. The earth is different from the other planets by the presence of water on it. "Manden der stirrer på dig." "Ja, den mand genkender stil når han ser det." "That man is staring at you." "That man knows style when he sees it." "The man who stares at you." "Yes, that man recognizes style when he sees it." Jeg voksede op i Shiraz. I grew up in Shiraz. I grew up in Shiraz. Jeg vil give dig mit hjerte for evigt. I want to give you my heart for ever. I will give you my heart forever. Årh hold op! Give me a break, please. Oh, come on! Min bedstefar står tidligt op. My grandfather gets up early. My grandfather's getting up early. Der ligger nogle bøger på Toms skrivebord. There are some books on Tom's desk. There are some books on Tom's desk. Jeg er udmattet! Jeg ønsker bare at gå hjem, tage et bad og gå i seng. I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed. I just want to go home, take a shower and go to bed. Han sad og læste en bog. He sat reading a book. He was reading a book. Den første der kommer frem, vinder. The first one to get there wins. The first one to come out wins. God eftermiddag! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Jeg tabte mine nøgler. I dropped my keys. I lost my keys. Du kan vælge en hvilken som helst af dem. You may choose any of them. You can choose any one of them. Dette æble er råddent. This apple is rotten. This apple is rotten. Hun taler kurdisk. She speaks Kurdish. She speaks Kurdish. Sommerferien er ovre. The summer vacation is over. Summer break's over. Kan man skabe noget af intet? Can we create something out of nothing? Can you create any of nothing? Tom er allerede frustreret. Tom is already frustrated. Tom is already frustrated. Verden udenfor er meget frygtindgydende. The world outside is very scary. The outside world is very fearsome. Er du på biblioteket? Are you in the library? Are you at the library? Jeg er klar til at dø. I am ready to die. I'm ready to die. Hun tror på alt hvad han siger. She believes whatever he says. She believes everything he says. Hvad lavede du dernede? What were you doing down there? What were you doing down there? Pigen vil gerne vide sandheden. The girl wants to know the truth. The girl wants to know the truth. Hans telefon har været optaget i en time. His phone has been busy for an hour. His phone's been busy for an hour. Vi har billeder. We have pictures. We have pictures. Tag min. Take mine. Take mine. Posthuset ligger lige ved siden af banken. The post office is just next to the bank. The post office is right next to the bank. Hvilket sprog tales i Mexico? What language is spoken in Mexico? What language is spoken in Mexico? Er hun taxachauffør? Is she a taxi driver? Is she a taxi driver? Vi skal på bryllupsrejse til Frankrig. We want to go to France for our honeymoon. We're going on our honeymoon to France. Der er for mange turister her. There are too many tourists here. There are too many tourists here. Tom ser ung ud af sin alder. Tom looks young for his age. Tom looks young by his age. Det ser ud til at det også vil blive en kølig sommer i år. It seems that it will also be a cool summer this year. It seems that it will also be a cool summer this year. Tom dansede. Tom danced. Tom danced. Det var en varm dag. It was a hot day. It was a hot day. Jeg gjorde mig selv til grin. I made a fool of myself. I made a fool of myself. Tom tjekkede sin kalender. Tom checked his calendar. Tom checked his calendar. Er der en bus der kører til butikscentret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is there a bus going to the mall? Det dufter godt. That smells nice. It smells good. Jeg har ondt i hovedet. I have a headache. My head hurts. Er han allerede kommet? Has he already come? Is he already here? Lad mig se hvad der er i din hånd. Let me see what's in your hand. Let me see what's in your hand. Hvor mange piger er der på dette billede? How many girls are there in this picture? How many girls are there in this picture? Vi skal med den bus der. We need to take that bus. We're going on that bus. De syv dværge var prinsessens nye familie. The seven dwarfs were the new family of the princess. The seven dwarves were the princess' new family. Hvad er det de diskuterer? What are they discussing? What are they discussing? Jeg kan godt lide den måde du laver røræg på. I like the way you make scrambled eggs. I like the way you make scrambled eggs. Ingen havde et svar. Nobody had an answer. Nobody had an answer. De tre kvinder smilte. The three women smiled. The three women smiled. En kvinde kom frem bag træet. A woman appeared from behind a tree. A woman came out behind the tree. Hvem skal så tage sig af din kat? Who'll take care of your cat then? Who's gonna take care of your cat? Jeg har ikke en tatovering. I don't have a tattoo. I don't have a tattoo. Han ønskede at sige et eller andet til hende, men han vidste ikke hvad han skulle sige. He wanted to say something to her, but he didn't know what to say. He wanted to say something to her, but he did not know what to say. Han er metroseksuel. He's a metrosexual. He's a metrosexual. Jordnødder ligner slet ikke nødder, men snarere ærter. Peanuts are not at all similar to nuts, but rather to peas. Peanuts do not look at all like nuts but rather like peas. Funktionerne sinus og cosinus antager værdier mellem -1 og 1 (inklusive -1 og 1). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The functions sine and cosinus assume values between -1 and 1 (including -1 and 1). Tom gør alt. Tom does everything. Tom does everything. Tror du e-bøger vil fortrænge papirbøger? Do you think that e-books will replace paper books? Do you think e-books will displace paper books? Jeg ved ikke engang om Tom har en kæreste. I don't even know if Tom has a girlfriend. I don't even know if Tom has a girlfriend. Alle kan lide is. Everybody likes ice cream. Everybody likes ice cream. Han er kun en digter. He is only a poet. He's just a poet. Han strøg en tændstik. He struck a match. He stroked a match. Du er en attraktiv pige. You're an attractive girl. You're an attractive girl. Tom skænkede sig et glas skotsk whisky. Tom poured himself a glass of scotch. Tom poured himself a glass of Scotch whisky. Jeg regner med jer. I'm counting on you guys. I'm counting on you. Hvem er den kvinde der? Who is that woman? Who's that woman there? Tom så sig om i det tomme rum. Tom looked around the empty room. Tom looked around in the empty room. Jeg har brug for dig. I need you. I need you. Jeg sidder i fedtefadet. I am in the soup. I'm in trouble. Hun er smuk. She is beautiful. She's beautiful. Hvad? Jeg kan ikke høre dig. What? I can't hear you. I can't hear you. Mary røg en cigar. Mary smoked a cigar. Mary smoked a cigar. Hvor længe har du været vegetar? How long have you been a vegetarian? How long have you been a vegetarian? Vi ved ingenting om ham. We don't know anything about him. We don't know anything about him. Denne hal rummer 2000 personer. This hall holds 2,000 people. This hall has 2,000 people. Disse bøger var dyre. These books were expensive. These books were expensive. Sandheden er at jeg er en mand i en mands krop. The truth is I'm a man in a man's body. The truth is, I'm a man in a man's body. Vi fejrer jul hvert år. We celebrate Christmas every year. We celebrate Christmas every year. Jeg er ikke jeres ven. I'm not your friend. I'm not your friend. I går fik jeg ud af det blå et opkald fra Tom. Yesterday, I got a call out of the blue from Tom. Yesterday I got out of the blue a call from Tom. Jeg har hørt meget om dig. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Hvilke sprog tales i Amerika? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Jeg er algerisk statsborger. I'm an Algerian citizen. I'm an Algerian citizen. Vi kommer sammen som et hold. We're coming together as a team. We're dating as a team. Er Tom der endnu? Is Tom there yet? Is Tom still there? Hvordan spreder denne sygdom sig? How does this disease spread? How does this disease spread? Kaffe og cigaretter. Coffee and cigarettes. Coffee and cigarettes. Min luftpudebåd er fyldt med ål. My hovercraft is full of eels. My air-cushion boat is full of eels. Hun har et hus, en hund, en kat, to børn og en ægtemand. She has a house, a dog, a cat, two kids and a husband. She has a house, a dog, a cat, two children and a husband. Sami er mørkhudet. Sami is dark-skinned. Sami's dark skin. Tom er ikke min søn. Han er min nevø. Tom isn't my son. He's my nephew. Tom's not my son, he's my nephew. Åbn døren! Open the door. Open the door! Tom genkendte Mary så snart han så hende. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Jeg kan ikke løbe fordi jeg er meget træt. I can't run because I'm very tired. I can't run because I'm very tired. Studerende har ikke adgang til lærerværelset. Students may not enter the faculty lounge. Students do not have access to the teachers' room. Hvad er gået galt? What went wrong? What's gone wrong? Eugene er en genealog. Eugene is a genealogist. Eugene is a genealog. Jeg tænkte at jeg ville finde dig her. I thought I would find you there. I thought I'd find you here. God weekend! Have a good weekend! Have a good weekend! Lægefejl er den tredje hyppigste dødsårsag i USA, efter hjertesygdomme og kræft. Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US, after heart disease and cancer. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer. Du må hellere holde dig fra Tom i dag. Han har fået det forkerte ben ud af sengen. You better avoid Tom today. He got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. You better stay away from Tom today, he's got the wrong leg out of bed. Jeg har lavvande i kassen for tiden. I'm pretty broke right now. I've got low tide in the box these days. Ja, jeg er der om et øjeblik Yes, I'll be right there. Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. Hvem venter du på? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Hendes finger bløder. Her finger bleeds. Her finger is bleeding. Da min cykel ramte stenen, punkterede forhjulet. When my bicycle hit the rock, the front tire blew out. When my bike hit the rock, the front wheel punctured. Min søster er ikke god til at lave mad, og det er jeg heller ikke. My sister is not a good cook, and neither am I. My sister's not very good at cooking, and neither am I. Sådan kan det gå. Shit happens. That's how it goes. Jeg har rejst over hele Rusland. I've traveled all over Russia. I've traveled all over Russia. Hun græd af glæde da hun hørte at hendes søn havde overlevet flystyrtet. She cried for joy when she heard that her son had survived the plane crash. She wept for joy when she learned that her son had survived the plane crash. Hvad med en spadseretur ved stranden? How about a walk on the beach? How about a walk by the beach? Tom ønskede ikke at tale om det. Tom didn't want to talk about that. Tom didn't want to talk about it. Vi har mistet vore paraplyer. We've lost our umbrellas. We've lost our umbrellas. Hun giftede sig penge til. She married money. She married money. Denne butik har en førsteklasses beliggenhed. This store is in a prime location. This shop has a prime location. Jeg ønsker at gå hvor som helst du går. I want to go wherever you're going. I want to go anywhere you go. Hun inviterede ham ud på en date. She asked him out on a date. She asked him out on a date. Tom søger arbejde. Tom is seeking a job. Tom is looking for work. For mange kokke fordærver maden. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many cooks spoil food. Det er en skør idé. This is a crazy idea. It's a crazy idea. Hun græd sig selv i søvn. She cried herself to sleep. She cried herself to sleep. Tom ønskede at tilbringe resten af sit liv med Mary. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life with Mary. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life with Mary. Tatoeba har brug for flere testsætninger. Tatoeba needs more test sentences. Tatoeba needs more test phrases. Hun forstår virkelig at lave mad. She really knows how to cook. She really knows how to cook. Han hader flyrejser. He hates air travel. He hates air travel. Ikke så vidt jeg ved! Not that I know of. Not that I know of! Ifølge vejrudsigten nærmer tyfonen sig sandsynligvis kysten. According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast. According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is probably approaching the coast. Du er syg! You're sick! You're sick! Han drak tidligere. He used to drink. He drank earlier. Tryllekunstneren fik pigen til at svæve i den blå luft. The magician made the girl float in thin air. The magician made the girl hover in thin air. Han er virkelig en skør kule. He's really an oddball. He's really a crazy guy. Jeg holder aldrig op med at elske dig. I'm never going to stop loving you. I never stop loving you. Læs denne bog! Read this book! Read this book! Jeg kører aldrig bil i alkoholpåvirket tilstand. I don't ever drink and drive. I never drive a car in an alcoholic condition. Tom tænkte det samme som mig. Tom thought the same thing I did. Tom was thinking what I was thinking. Spillet er næsten færdig. The game's almost over. The game's almost over. En flaske rosévin, tak. A bottle of rosé, please. A bottle of rosé wine, please. Tom cykler. Tom is riding a bicycle. Tom bikes. Jeg genkendte hr. Jones ved første øjekast. I recognized Mr Jones at first glance. I recognized Mr. Jones at first sight. Hun er vegetar, så hun spiste tofu i stedet for kalkun. She's vegetarian, so she ate tofu instead of turkey. She's a vegetarian, so she ate tofu instead of turkey. Prinsen slog dragen ihjel. The prince slew the dragon. The prince killed the dragon. Jeg følte mig meget lettet da jeg hørte nyheden. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. Han har kramper. He has convulsions. He's having cramps. Min søns navn er Tom. My son's name is Tom. My son's name is Tom. "Aftale med døden" er en krimi af Agatha Christie. "Appointment with Death" is a crime novel by Agatha Christie. Dealing with death is a crime of Agatha Christie. De sov i den samme seng. They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. Vi tilføjer eksempler på berbisk. We are adding examples in Berber. We add examples of Berber. Dna-prøver viste at han var uskyldig. DNA tests showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. Vil du have sukker eller mælk? Do you want sugar or milk? Do you want sugar or milk? Lad være med at ærgre dig for meget. Don't fret too much. Don't freak out too much. Forsvind. Get lost. Get out of here. Hvordan har du det? How do you do? How are you? Kunne du tænke dig at få røræg og bacon? What would you say to scrambled eggs and bacon? Would you like scrambled eggs and bacon? Det er Tom du skal være vred på. It's Tom you should be angry with. It's Tom you should be mad at. Hvad tid afgår næste tog? What time does the next train leave? What time does the next train leave? Glædelig påske! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Tom besluttede sig for at ringe efter hjælp. Tom decided to call for help. Tom decided to call for help. Marmelade fås på glas. Jam comes in a jar. Marmalade is available on glass. Han har en hund og seks katte. He has one dog and six cats. He's got a dog and six cats. Min metode er overraskende simpel, men særdeles effektiv. My method is surprisingly simple, but highly effective. My method is surprisingly simple, but extremely effective. Vaner er vanskelige at bryde. Habits are difficult to break. Habits are hard to break. Dan nævnte ikke Lindas hvidvaskning af penge over for politiet. Dan didn't mention Linda's money laundering to the police. Dan didn't mention Linda's money laundering to the police. Alle fødevarer er økologiske og lokalt producerede. All the food is organic and local. All foods are organic and locally produced. Hun er den eneste ven jeg har. She is the only friend I have. She's the only friend I have. Det blev der talt om. That was being talked about. That was discussed. Synes du om bulgarske cirkus? Do you like Bulgarian circuses? Do you like the Bulgarian circus? Han går. He is walking. He's leaving. Jeg er i gang med at læse en interessant bog. I'm reading an interesting book. I'm reading an interesting book. Jeg savnede hende meget. I missed her a lot. I missed her very much. De ønskede at stjæle bilen. They wanted to steal the car. They wanted to steal the car. I dette øjeblik åbnede nogen døren til min fængselscelle. At this moment someone opened the door to my prison cell. At this moment, someone opened the door to my prison cell. Jeg bor alene i dette hus. I live in this house by myself. I live alone in this house. Tom er hjerneskadet. Tom is brain damaged. Tom is brain damaged. Haven var fuld af smukke gule blomster. The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers. The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers. Denne sang er let at lære. This song is easy to learn. This song is easy to learn. Jeg går i skole. I go to school. I'm going to school. Drengen har mistet sit øre i en gadekamp. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. Der er kun en stol tilbage. There's just one chair left. There's only one chair left. Mine elever venter på mig. My students are waiting for me. My students are waiting for me. Hvem af jer kom her først? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? Tom er en meget god danser, er han ikke? Tom is a very good dancer, isn't he? Tom is a very good dancer, isn't he? Jeg tror Tom vil vinde. I think Tom will win. I think Tom wants to win. Jeg blander mayonnaise med ketchup. I mix mayonnaise with ketchup. I'm mixing mayonnaise with ketchup. Alle elektroniske kasseapparater i dagligvarebutikken gik ned da Tom indsatte sit kreditkort. Every electronic cash register at the grocery store crashed when Tom inserted his charge card. All electronic cash registers in the grocery went down when Tom inserted his credit card. Hvornår cyklede du sidst? When was the last time you rode a bike? When was the last time you ride a bike? Min far skulle til at gå da telefonen ringede. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. My dad was about to leave when the phone rang. Vi har en beholdning af wc-papir. We have a stock of toilet paper. We have a supply of toilet paper. Han arbejder meget hårdt. He works very hard. He's working very hard. Jeg var ved at spise et æble da Tom ringede mig op. I was eating an apple when Tom phoned me. I was eating an apple when Tom called me. Det er udelukket. That is out of the question. That's out of the question. Vent lidt. Wait a bit. Wait a minute. Tyskland er førende i verden indenfor denne industri. Germany is the global leader in this industry. Germany is the world leader in this industry. Åh nej, det er ham! Oh no, it's him! Oh, no, that's him! Det er farligt at bade i denne flod. It is dangerous to bathe in this river. It's dangerous to bathe in this river. Tom stod op og klædte sig på. Tom got out of bed and put his clothes on. Tom got up and dressed. Politibetjenten bad mig om mit navn. The police officer asked me what my name was. The police officer asked me for my name. Tom fik sceneskræk. Tom got stage fright. Tom was terrified of the scene. Det var meget sjovt. That was a lot of fun. That was very funny. Der er ingen grund til at reparere noget som stadig fungerer. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. There is no need to repair anything that still works. Tyve har plyndret museet. Thieves plundered the museum. Thieves robbed the museum. Dette kraftværk alene forsyner flere byer med strøm. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone supplies several cities with power. Det er koldt i dag! It's cold today! It's cold today! Tom drak ikke den mælk. Tom didn't drink that milk. Tom didn't drink that milk. Ørnen svævede majestætisk over de snedækkede bjergtinder. The eagle soared majestically above the snow-covered peaks. The eagle hovered majestically over the snow - covered peaks. Punktummet mangler ved enden af sætningen. The period is missing at the end of the sentence. The sentence is missing at the end of the sentence. Taler han kurdisk? Does he speak Kurdish? Does he speak Kurdish? Han har allerede været under husarrest i to år. He's already been under house arrest for two years. He's already been under house arrest for two years. Han ringede mig op ved midnatstid. He gave me a ring at midnight. He called me at midnight. Vejret ændrer sig med årstiderne. The weather varies with seasons. The weather changes with the seasons. Hvorfor går du til fods, når du har bil? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why do you walk on foot when you have a car? Hvorfor har I ikke fortalt mig at I ikke ønskede at tage på campingtur? Why didn't you guys tell me you didn't want to go camping? Why didn't you tell me you didn't want to go camping? Det er huset hvor jeg blev født og hvor jeg voksede op. This is the house in which I was born and brought up. It's the house where I was born and where I grew up. Det er ovre. It's over. It's over. Tom og Maria delte et værelse. Tom and Mary shared a room. Tom and Maria shared a room. Hvorfor lyver du? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Det er o.k. med mig. That's OK with me. It's okay with me. Tom er ikke bange for slanger. Tom isn't afraid of snakes. Tom is not afraid of snakes. Hvad i helvedet laver du? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Du tænker for meget! You think too much! You think too much! Tæl fra en til ti. Count from one to ten. Count from one to ten. Hvor skidt er det? How bad is it? How bad is that? Jeg elsker jer begge af hele mit hjerte. I love both of you with all my heart. I love you both with all my heart. Du burde være begyndt med lettere spørgsmål. You should've started with simpler questions. You should have started with easier questions. Kun nogle få forstod hvad han sagde. Only a few understood what he said. Only a few understood what he said. Han blev anholdt i Kabylien, Algeriet. He was arrested in Kabylie, Algeria. He was arrested in Kabylia, Algeria. Jeg har hentet kaffe til dig. I brought you coffee. I brought you some coffee. Det glæder mig at se dig igen. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Jeg er et menneskeligt væsen. I am a human being. I'm a human being. Jeg er ved at læse en interessant bog. I'm reading an interesting book. I'm reading an interesting book. Vær så venlig at debitere det på min konto. Please charge this to my account. Please charge it to my account. Fuglen spredte sine vinger. The bird spread its wings. The bird spread its wings. Tag et kig. Take a look. Take a look. Det er altid godt at være undervurderet. It's always good to be underestimated. It's always good to be underrated. Jeg er ingens kæreste. I'm no one's girlfriend. I'm nobody's girlfriend. Har du ikke et andet sted du skal være? Don't you have someplace else you need to be? Don't you have somewhere else to be? Bring mig venligst dagens avis. Bring me today's paper, please. Please bring me today's paper. Mit efternavn er Wang. My last name is Wang. My last name is Wang. Naturlige teakskove forekommer kun i fire lande: Indien, Laos, Burma og Thailand. Natural teak forests occur in only four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Natural teak forests occur only in four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Har du nogensinde været i Rio? Have you ever been in Rio? Have you ever been to Rio? Hvad sker der, Sarah? What's going on, Sarah? What's going on, Sarah? Damen klædt i hvidt er en berømt skuespillerinde. The lady dressed in white is a famous actress. The lady dressed in white is a famous actress. Det er farligt at sms'e under kørslen. It's not safe to text while you drive. It's dangerous to text while driving. Kan du beskrive forskellen mellem sort te og grøn te, for mig? Can you describe to me the difference between black tea and green tea? Can you describe the difference between black tea and green tea for me? Det er tabu. That's taboo. It's taboo. Mary siger at hun ikke kan arbejde i denne hede. Mary says she can't work in this heat. Mary says she can't work in this heat. Tom lærer fransk. Tom is studying French. Tom learns French. Man kan ikke altid gøre alle lykkelige. You can't always make everyone happy. You can't always make everyone happy. Bomben eksploderede for to dage siden. The bomb exploded two days ago. The bomb exploded two days ago. Mød dit match. Meet your match. Meet your match. Sami var så ked af det. Sami was so upset. Sami was so sorry. Hun drak en sportsdrik. She drank a sports drink. She drank a sports drink. Denne sætning er kedelig. This sentence is boring. This sentence is boring. Han stak af. He did a runner. He ran away. Jeg ringer fra Boston. I'm calling from Boston. I'm calling from Boston. Det er meget farligt. That's very dangerous. It's very dangerous. Jeg ser frem til at se dig til jul. I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Hold så op! Give me a break, please. Stop it! Nordlys kan ses hele året rundt i Grønland. Northern lights appear all year round in Greenland. Northern lights can be seen all year round in Greenland. Alt er godt. All is well. Everything's fine. Sami er dj'en. Sami is the DJ. Sami is the DJ. Lad være med at tage dig selv så alvorligt. Don't take yourself so seriously. Don't take yourself so seriously. Måske vinder Tom. Maybe Tom will win. Maybe Tom wins. Hvad ville din mor sige? What would your mother say? What would your mother say? For nogle dage siden flyttede min veninde Sophie fra Edmonton, Alberta til Victoria, British Columbia. A few days ago, my girlfriend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. A few days ago, my friend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. En tidligere hustru er en ekshustru. A former wife is an ex-wife. A former wife is an ex-wife. Elbonien er en humanitær stormagt. Elbonia is a humanitarian superpower. Elbonia is a major humanitarian power. Er Tom vendt tilbage? Has Tom returned? Has Tom returned? Tom kan komme når som helst. Tom may come at any time. Tom can come any minute. Jeg havde hjemve. I was homesick. I was homesick. Jeg skulle ikke have stolet på dig. I should not have trusted you. I shouldn't have trusted you. Han er dig underlegen på alle måder. He is inferior to you in all respects. He is inferior to you in every way. Hvornår har du set ham? When did you see him? When did you see him? Danmark hedder "Danmark" på dansk. Denmark is called "Danmark" in Danish. Denmark is called "Denmark" in Danish. Tager I MasterCard? Do you take MasterCard? Are you taking MasterCard? Har din hund nogensinde bidt dig? Has your dog ever bitten you? Did your dog ever bite you? Jeg vil ikke ønske at være i hendes sko. I wouldn't like to be in her shoes. I don't want to be in her shoes. Gid du var her! I wish you were here. I wish you were here! Jeg gav en bog til Mary. I gave Mary a book. I gave a book to Mary. Hvor er den nærmeste station? Where's the nearest station? Where's the nearest station? Hun ved alt. She knows everything. She knows everything. Hun er mest lykkelig når hun er hjemme. She is happiest when she is at home. She's happiest when she's home. Tom nåede hjem lige inden det begyndte at regne. Tom got home just before it started raining. Tom made it home just before it started raining. Hvor er du? Where are you? Where are you? Kun de paranoide overlever. Only the paranoid survive. Only the paranoid survive. Edderkoppen er død. The spider is dead. Spider's dead. Tom tilgang til sprogindlæring er at smide alt op på væggen og se hvad der hænger ved. Tom's strategy for language learning is to throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. Empty approach to language learning is to throw everything up on the wall and see what's hanging on. Enhver sætning i denne bog er vigtig. Every sentence in this book is important. Any sentence in this book is important. Jeg har købt romanen som filmen er baseret på. I bought the novel on which the film is based. I bought the novel on which the movie is based. Du kan klæde dig på nu. You can get dressed now. You can dress now. Denne skuffe sidder fast. This drawer's stuck. This drawer's stuck. Jeg er ved at læse en bog. I am reading a book. I'm reading a book. Jeg tog til lægen. I went to the doctor. I went to the doctor. Tom gav Mary en julegave. Tom gave Mary a Christmas present. Tom gave Mary a Christmas present. Tom har dusinvis af elskerinder. Tom has dozens of mistresses. Tom has dozens of mistresses. Vil du låne mig din cykel? Will you lend me your bicycle? Do you want to lend me your bike? Tom har brug for noget at lave. Tom needs something to do. Tom needs something to do. Jeg kan mange sprog. I know a lot of languages. I know a lot of languages. Tom har planer om at hyre en, som snakker fransk. Tom plans to hire someone who speaks French. Tom plans to hire someone who speaks French. Dansk udtale er lidt svær. Danish pronunciation is a little bit difficult. Danish pronunciation is a bit difficult. Toms svar er forkert. Tom's answer is wrong. Tom's answer is wrong. Hvornår tog du sidst et brusebad? When was the last time you took a shower? When was the last time you took a shower? Han leder efter et job. He is looking for a job. He's looking for a job. Babyen smilede til mig. The baby smiled at me. The baby smiled at me. Ingen kan forstå mig. Nobody can understand me. No one can understand me. Min mor var rasende. My mother was furious. My mother was furious. Tom stak hånden i en hvepserede. Tom stepped on a hornet nest. Tom stuck his hand in a wasp's nest. Præsentér mig for din fremtidige kone. Introduce me to your future wife. Present me to your future wife. Tror du på Gud? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? Hvorfor køber du ikke et køretøj? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Du ved jeg er anderledes. You know I'm different. You know I'm different. Jeg er meget ligesom dig. I'm a lot like you. I'm a lot like you. Det er bare en skramme. It's only a scratch. It's just a scratch. Soveværelserne er ovenpå. The bedrooms are upstairs. The bedrooms are upstairs. Det her er kedeligt. It's boring. This is boring. Jeg beder dig tilgive mig. I beg you to forgive me. I beg you to forgive me. De sætter vand over til te. They are boiling water for tea. They're putting water over to tea. Det er mig. It's me. It's me. Det tager tid at komme over en skilsmisse. It takes time to get over a divorce. It takes time to get over a divorce. Det er min hund. It is my dog. That's my dog. Telefonen ringer! The phone is ringing. The phone's ringing! Han er en god sanger. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. Hans navn var Tom. His name was Tom. His name was Tom. Vi har set hendes dans. We saw her dance. We've seen her dance. Julen faldt det år på en lørdag. Christmas fell on Saturday that year. Christmas fell that year on a Saturday. Jeg kan ikke vænne mig til min nye lejlighed. I can't get used to my new apartment. I can't get used to my new apartment. Vi taler alle fransk. We all speak French. We all speak French. Han kan tale med ånder. He can talk to spirits. He can talk to spirits. Tom har brunt hår. Tom has brown hair. Tom has brown hair. Tom købte et gammelt hus, og han sagde at han selv helt alene ville sætte det i stand. Tom bought an old house and said that he would fix it all by himself. Tom bought an old house, and he said that all alone he would fix it up. Han gav Tom et tilbud han ikke kunne afslå. He made Tom an offer he couldn't refuse. He made Tom an offer he couldn't refuse. Hvad er der i pakken? What's in the package? What's in the package? Spillet blev aflyst på grund af regn. The game was called off on account of rain. The game was cancelled because of rain. Vores lærer er et røvhul. Our teacher is an asshole. Our teacher is an asshole. Maden smagte ikke særligt godt. The food didn't taste very good. The food wasn't very good. Jeg bor i Tahiti. I live in Tahiti. I live in Tahiti. Jeg bliver ikke betalt godt nok. I'm not being paid enough. I'm not getting paid well enough. Middagen er næsten færdig. Dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost done. Er det sikkert at bo i Algeriet? Is it safe to live in Algeria? Is it safe to live in Algeria? Glem ikke dit pas. Don't forget your passport. Don't forget your passport. Marie har mistet sin paraply. Marie has lost her umbrella. Marie's lost her umbrella. Selv om hvad han sagde lød fornuftigt, var jeg stadig ikke helt overbevist. Even though what he said was sound, I still wasn't completely convinced. Although what he said sounded reasonable, I was still not entirely convinced. Tom kørte bilen. Tom drove the car. Tom drove the car. Han elsker musik. He loves music. He loves music. Min mor har aldrig kunnet lide mig. My mother never liked me. My mother never liked me. 1, 3 og 5 er ulige tal. One, three, and five are odd numbers. 1, 3 and 5 are odd numbers. Jeg vil ringe til dig om morgenen. I'll give you a call in the morning. I'll call you in the morning. Der var en hel del rådne æbler i kurven. There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket. There were a lot of rotten apples in the basket. Af en eller anden grund virkede mikrofonen ikke tidligere. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason, the microphone didn't work before. Måske ved nogen her, hvor Tom bor. Maybe someone here knows where Tom lives. Maybe somebody here knows where Tom lives. Hans hus ligger på en bakkeskråning og har en fantastisk udsigt. His house stands on the hill-side and commands a splendid view. His house is located on a hillside and has a fantastic view. Hold op med det øjeblikkeligt. Stop it this minute! Stop it right now. Jeg er ved at spise. I'm eating. I'm eating. Hvad betyder "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Hvad sker der her? What's happening here? What's going on here? Hvis du har noget at sige, så sig det! If you have something to say, say it. If you have something to say, say it! Mary har strikket et sjal. Mary knitted a shawl. Mary knitted a shawl. Guinea hedder "Guinée" på fransk. Guinea is called "Guinée" in French. Guinea is called "Guinée" in French. Han lyttede ikke. He did not listen. He didn't listen. Tom kender ikke engang Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Hvorfor har heste skyklapper på? Why do horses wear blinders? Why are horses wearing blinders? I år har cirkusset ti elefanter. This year the circus has ten elephants. This year, ten elephants have been circused. Jeg tror på venskab ved første blik. I believe in friendship at first sight. I believe in friendship at first sight. Vi arbejdede hårdt for at få enderne til at nå sammen. We worked hard to make ends meet. We worked hard to make ends come together. Hvorfor sagde du ikke til mig at Tom var her? Why didn't you tell me Tom was here? Why didn't you tell me Tom was here? Hold op! Det kildrer! Stop. That tickles. Stop it, it's tickling! Efter vinteren kommer foråret. After winter, spring comes. After winter comes spring. To er det eneste lige primtal. Two is the only even prime number. Two is the only equal prime number. Det vigtigste ved de olympiske lege er ikke at vinde, men at deltage, ligesom det vigtigste i livet ikke er triumfen, men kampen for den. Det essentielle er ikke at have erobret, men at have kæmpet godt. The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. The most important thing about the Olympic Games is not to win, but to participate, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle for it. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well. Prøv at få noget søvn. Try to get some sleep. Try to get some sleep. Han overvejer at blive sømand. He's considering becoming a sailor. He's thinking about becoming a sailor. Hvem har lært dig at spille guitar? Who taught you how to play the guitar? Who taught you how to play guitar? Hun ryger 20 cigaretter om dagen. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day. Tom lo højt da han så Marys udklædning. Tom laughed out loud when he saw Mary's outfit. Tom laughed loudly when he saw Mary's costume. Tom venter på Marys opkald. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom is waiting for Mary's call. Tom forstår mig ikke. Tom doesn't understand me. Tom doesn't understand me. Politiet arresterede to mænd og to kvinder. The police arrested two men and two women. The police arrested two men and two women. Min datter kan lide æggeblommer. My daughter likes egg yolks. My daughter likes egg yolks. Det du ser med øjnene er nødvendigvis ikke sande. Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true. What you see with your eyes is not necessarily true. Jeg troede heller ikke på det. I didn't believe that either. I didn't believe it either. Tom indrømmede at han var bange. Tom admitted that he was scared. Tom admitted he was scared. Han tror ikke på udviklingslæren. He does not believe in evolution. He doesn't believe in evolution. De kysser hinanden. They're kissing. They're kissing. I de blindes rige er den enøjede konge. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the kingdom of the blind is the one-eyed king. Er du ordblind? Are you dyslexic? Are you dyslexic? Jeg købte denne superhurtige popcornmaskine som en julegave til mig selv. I bought myself this superfast popcorn machine as a Christmas present. I bought this super-fast popcorn machine as a Christmas present for myself. Det vil ikke hjælpe. That's not going to help. It won't help. Hvor er du vokset op? Where did you grow up? Where did you grow up? Hun er meget ferm med en sav. She's very handy with a saw. She's very handy with a saw. Tom og Mary har sex cirka en gang om ugen. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Hun har engang været lærer. She used to be a teacher. She used to be a teacher. Vi må finde dem. We must find them. We have to find them. Denne væg føles kold. This wall feels cold. This wall feels cold. Mary er en skør kattedame. Mary is a crazy cat lady. Mary's a crazy cat lady. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor hun ikke længere elsker mig. I don't understand why she doesn't love me anymore. I don't understand why she no longer loves me. Vi giver ham æblet. We're giving him the apple. We'll give him the apple. Har du nogensinde været i New York? Have you ever been to New York? Have you ever been to New York? Vi er i knibe. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. Siden sin barndom ønskede han at blive pilot, og han blev det. He wanted to become a pilot ever since he was a child, and he did. Since his childhood he wanted to become a pilot, and he became a pilot. Tom siger at han har planer om at tage tilbage til Australien til jul. Tom says that he's planning to go back to Australia for Christmas. Tom says he's planning on going back to Australia for Christmas. Det er dårlige nyheder. That's bad news. That's bad news. Du må have taget fejl. You must've been wrong. You must have been wrong. Har du det dårligt? Do you feel sick? Are you feeling bad? Hvorfor er Algeriet stadig et fattigt land i dag? Why is Algeria still a poor country today? Why is Algeria still a poor country today? Vores tog er forsinket. Our train is late. Our train's late. April 2012's Ubuntu-version har fået tilnavnet "Præcist Skældyr." The Ubuntu version of April 2012 has been nicknamed "Precise Pangolin." April 2012's Ubuntu version has been nicknamed "Precise Pets." Tom vidste ikke hvorfor. Tom didn't know why. Tom didn't know why. Der er mange interessante dyr i Australien. There are many interesting animals in Australia. There are many interesting animals in Australia. Hvor forlod du dem? Where did you leave them? Where did you leave them? Jeg har ikke to katte. I don't have two cats. I don't have two cats. Denne salat smager af citron. This salad tastes of lemon. This salad tastes like lemon. "Jeg er helt alene." "Men det er jo ikke sandt. Du har da venner!" "I'm all alone." "But that's not true. You have friends!" "I'm all alone." "But that's not true. You have friends!" Der foregår ikke noget. There's nothing going on. Nothing's going on. Jeg har planer om at tage derhen. I plan to go there. I'm planning on going there. Tom kunne ikke finde sin paraply. Tom couldn't find his umbrella. Tom couldn't find his umbrella. Hvordan åbner jeg motorhjelmen? How do I open the bonnet? How do I open the hood? Tom begyndte at løbe. Tom started to run. Tom started running. Hatten er din. The hat is yours. The hat's yours. Hvordan holdt du jul? How did you spend Christmas? How did you keep Christmas? Hvem er den taber? Who is that loser? Who's that loser? Vil du være så venlig at hjælpe mig med at oversætte dette? Would you please help me translate this? Would you please help me translate this? Liz har været død i otte år. Liz has been dead for eight years. Liz has been dead for eight years. Vindue eller gang? Window or aisle? Window or walk? Tom havde et slips på i går. Tom wore a tie yesterday. Tom was wearing a tie yesterday. Salige er de sagtmodige, for de skal arve jorden. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Marys mor drikker i smug. Mary's mother's a cupboard drinker. Mary's mom is a sneaky drinker. Tom rakte ud efter hammeren. Tom reached for the hammer. Tom reached for the hammer. Vi elsker at spise æbler. We love eating apples. We love to eat apples. Jeg havde en hamster som hed Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. Gør det igen! Do it again! Do it again! Tom har ikke brug for en træner. Tom doesn't need a coach. Tom doesn't need a coach. Slog du ham ihjel? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Hvad havde du forventet? What did you expect? What did you expect? Ingen af disse æg er friske. None of these eggs are fresh. None of these eggs are fresh. Du elsker din hustru, gør du ikke? You love your wife, right? You love your wife, don't you? Det er nyt for mig. That's news to me. It's new to me. Vi ser fjernsyn sammen. We watch TV together. We watch TV together. Folket elsker frihed. The people love freedom. The people love freedom. Har du brug for penge? Do you need money? Do you need money? Ville det hjælpe hvis jeg tændte lyset? Would it help if I turned on the light? Would it help if I turned on the lights? Jeg bor i Kairo. I live in Cairo. I live in Cairo. Han hvilte i et stykke tid. He rested for a while. He rested for a while. Toms mor er sådan en sladretaske. Tom's mother is such a gossip. Tom's mom is such a tattletale. Den 20. juli 1969 forlod Neil Armstrong månelandingsfartøjet Ørnen og blev det første menneske til at sætte sin fod på månen. Han blev snart fulgt af sin medastronaut, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong left the Lunar Module Eagle and became the first human to set foot on the Moon. He was soon followed by his fellow astronaut, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong left the lunar landing vessel Eagle and became the first human to set foot on the moon. He was soon followed by his fellow astronaut, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. Har du fodret hesten? Have you fed the horse? Did you feed the horse? Jeg skar mig i fingeren med en kniv. I cut my finger with a knife. I cut my finger with a knife. Target blev angrebet af internetkriminelle. Target was targeted by cybercriminals. Target was attacked by Internet criminals. At gifte mig med dig var mit livs største fejl. Marrying you was the biggest mistake of my life. Marrying you was the biggest mistake of my life. Drengen spiste æblet. The boy ate the apple. The boy ate the apple. Spild ikke tiden på det luftkastel. Don't waste your time on that pipe dream. Don't waste your time on that castle. Men det er sandt! But it's true! But it's true! Jeg blev opkaldt efter min onkel. I was named after my uncle. I was named after my uncle. Jeg er ikke dum! Jeg er ordblind. I'm not dumb! I'm dyslexic. I'm not stupid, I'm dyslexic. Han er lidt som sin far. He is a bit like his father. He's kind of like his father. Gryden koger over. The pot is boiling over. The pot's boiling over. Hun er italiensk. She is Italian. She's Italian. Vinden lyder skræmmende, ligesom skrigende spøgelser. The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts. The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts. Han får ikke lov at komme her igen. He shall not come here again. I'm not gonna let him come back here. Han forstod ikke hendes joke. He did not understand her joke. He didn't understand her joke. Laserprintere er generelt billigere at vedligeholde end inkjetprintere. Laser printers are generally less expensive to maintain than ink jet printers. Laser printers are generally cheaper to maintain than inkjet printers. "Den Nye Aftale" er Bibelens anden del. "The New Testament" is the second part of the Bible. "The New Agreement" is the second part of the Bible. Tag to! Take two. Take two! Jeg bruger ikke sukker i kaffen. I don't have sugar with my coffee. I don't use sugar in the coffee. Siger du det jeg tror du siger? Are you saying what I think you're saying? Are you saying what I think you're saying? Det er farligt at lege nær ved ilden. It's dangerous to play around the fire. It's dangerous to play near the fire. Mary bad mig om at foregive at være hendes kæreste. Mary asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend. Mary asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend. Jeg sagde at jeg ikke forstod fransk. I said that I didn't understand French. I said I didn't understand French. Dumme svin! Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! Han bor her ikke længere. He no longer lives here. He doesn't live here anymore. Jeg vil have Tom til at sige at han tog fejl. I want Tom to say that he was wrong. I want Tom to say he was wrong. Jeg køber kun blødt WC-papir. I only buy soft toilet paper. I only buy soft toilet paper. Livet er så uretfærdigt. Life is so unfair. Life is so unfair. God dag. Hvad skulle det være? Good day. What do you want? Good day, what can I get you? Tom er stadig ikke dukket op. Tom still hasn't shown up. Tom still hasn't shown up. Jeg har ikke penge, men jeg har drømme. I don't have any money, but I have dreams. I don't have money, but I have dreams. Til våben! To arms! To arms! Der er en gris i svinestien. There's a pig in the sty. There's a pig in the pigsty. Jeg keder mig. I am bored. I'm bored. Mig skal du ikke tale til på den måde! You will not speak to me like that. Don't talk to me like that! Tom kørte Mary til hospitalet. Tom took Mary to the hospital. Tom drove Mary to the hospital. Jeg fandt den på loftet. I found it in the attic. I found it in the attic. Sikke et stort græskar! What a big pumpkin! What a big pumpkin! Du plejede at fortælle mig alt. You used to tell me everything. You used to tell me everything. Jeg har en dyr computer. I have an expensive computer. I have an expensive computer. Hans tilstand ændrede sig til det værre. His condition changed for the worse. His condition changed to worse. Jeg ved intet om dig. I don't know anything about you. I don't know anything about you. Det er koldt. It is cold. It's cold. Man kører i venstre side i England. They drive on the left in England. You drive on the left side of England. Han er sanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Du burde ikke spise her. You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't be eating here. Betaler du? Are you paying? You gonna pay me? Jeg blev født den 10. oktober 1972. I was born October 10th, 1972. I was born October 10, 1972. Tom har mistet sin telefon. Tom lost his phone. Tom lost his phone. Tom og Mary udvekslede telefonnumre ved festen. Tom and Mary exchanged numbers at the party. Tom and Mary exchanged phone numbers at the party. Find Boston på kortet. Locate Boston on the map. Find Boston on the map. Drik ikke så meget øl. Go easy on the beer! Don't drink too much beer. Hun er en god svømmer. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. Tom har inviteret mig ud på en date. Tom asked me out on a date. Tom asked me out on a date. Du vil aldrig forstå, hvad jeg føler. You will never understand how I feel. You'll never understand how I feel. Jeg tog til lufthavnen for at ønske ham god rejse. I went to the airport to see him off. I went to the airport to wish him a safe journey. Velkommen til en ny og mere meningsfyldt virkelighed. Welcome to a new and more meaningful reality. Welcome to a new and more meaningful reality. Jeg vil gerne se på det diagram. I'd like to look at that chart. I'd like to look at that diagram. Du milde Moses! Holy cow! Oh, my God! Hun siger at hun er tilfreds med sit liv. She says that she is content with her life. She says she's happy with her life. Armin smadrede vinduet. Armin broke the window. Armin broke the window. Jeg tror alt her er under kontrol. I think everything here is under control. I think everything here is under control. Jeg har en sort og en hvid hund. I have a black and a white dog. I have a black dog and a white dog. Denne mand styrede landet i over 50 år. This man ruled the country for more than 50 years. This man ran the country for over 50 years. Han er fuld. He is drunk. He's drunk. Retfærdigheden må ske fyldest. Justice must be done. Justice must be done. Jeg kan ikke stoppe. Bremserne... I can't stop. The brakes... I can't stop. De skrev det på Twitter. They wrote it on Twitter. They wrote it on Twitter. Halløj, rør ikke ved noget! Hey, don't touch anything! Hey, don't touch anything! Den nye lærer er i klasseværelset. The new teacher is in the classroom. The new teacher is in the classroom. "De er bange for mig fordi jeg er så styg." sagde han. "They are afraid of me because I am ugly," he said. "They're afraid of me because I'm so bad," he said. Han har ry for at være en kussetyv. He has a reputation for being a skirt chaser. He's got a reputation for being a pussy thief. Tag trappen! Enter by means of the staircase! Take the stairs! Du forstår mig. You understand me. You understand me. Hans forældre elskede mig. His parents loved me. His parents loved me. Jeg lærer nationalsangen udenad. I am memorizing the national anthem. I memorize the national anthem. Han hejste flaget. He hoisted the flag. He raised the flag. Der er to ting man aldrig siger nej til: sex og at komme i fjernsynet. There are two things you never turn down: sex and appearing on television. There are two things you never say no to: sex and TV. Mary tabte væddemålet. Mary lost the bet. Mary lost the bet. Jeg blev undervist hjemme. I was home-schooled. I was taught at home. Han var kortere end mig. He was shorter than me. He was shorter than me. Det er lige det vi har drømt om hele tiden. It's what we've always dreamed of. That's exactly what we've been dreaming about all along. Skynd dig! Hurry up. Hurry up! Kan du flytte dette skrivebord selv? Can you move this desk by yourself? Can you move this desktop yourself? Jeg skal reparere køleskabet. I have to repair the refrigerator. I gotta fix the fridge. Tom blev bortvist fra skolen for at overtræde skolens ordensregler. Tom was expelled from school for breaking school rules. Tom was expelled from school for violating school rules. Jeg vil gerne have, at du går væk. I'd like you to go away. I want you to go away. Toms seng er tom. Tom's bed's empty. Tom's bed is empty. Er jeg bange for døden. Am I afraid of death? I'm afraid of death. Den nye er den smukkeste! så ung og så dejlig! The new one is the most beautiful of all; he is so young and pretty. The new one is the most beautiful! so young and so lovely! Jeg holdt op med at ryge for to år siden. I quit smoking two years ago. I quit smoking two years ago. Sidste nat skrev jeg et brev. Last night I wrote a letter. Last night I wrote a letter. Situationen var virkelig svær at have med at gøre. The situation was really difficult to deal with. The situation was really hard to deal with. "Den lille prins" er en meget populær bog, der blev oversat til mange sprog. "The Little Prince" is a very popular book that was translated into many languages. "The Little Prince" is a very popular book that was translated into many languages. Hvor spiste du dem? Where did you eat them? Where did you eat them? Hvordan går det, Tom? How are you, Tom? How you doing, Tom? Uden dig er det ikke det samme. It isn't the same without you. Without you, it's not the same. Hun tænker på ham hele tiden. She thinks about him all the time. She thinks about him all the time. Hvor er din søn nu? Where is your son now? Where's your son now? Dette maleri af Rembrandt er et mesterværk. This painting by Rembrandt is a masterpiece. This painting by Rembrandt is a masterpiece. Januar, februar, marts, april, maj, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december er årets tolv måneder. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. Tom begyndte at synge "Happy Birthday." Tom began to sing "Happy Birthday." Tom started singing Happy Birthday. Hvilket sprog taler man i Egypten? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language do you speak in Egypt? Dette æble er dårligt. This apple is bad. This apple is bad. Hvidt brød, tak. White bread, please. White bread, please. Det tog to uger. It took two weeks. It took two weeks. Denne gamle bil er din hvis du vil have den. This old car is yours if you want it. This old car is yours if you want it. Jeg tror at du er blevet snydt. I believe you've been had. I think you've been cheated. Du tog fejl. You were wrong. You were wrong. Tom klatrede ned fra træet. Tom climbed down from the tree. Tom climbed down from the tree. Tom bad mig om at gøre dette. Tom asked me to do this. Tom asked me to do this. Hvor er nærmeste togstation? Where's the closest train station? Where's the nearest train station? Foråret er her. Spring is here. Spring's here. Jeg har glemt hvor jeg har lagt mit pas. I've forgotten where I put my passport. I forgot where I left my passport. Hun købte et dusin æg. She bought a dozen eggs. She bought a dozen eggs. De fleste mennesker ønsker kun at høre deres egen sandhed. Most people only want to hear their own truth. Most people only want to hear their own truth. Tom lagde sin pung på bordet. Tom put his wallet on the table. Tom put his wallet on the table. Hellere død end rød. Better dead than red. Better dead than red. Du bruger for meget tid foran computeren. You spend too much time in front of your computer. You spend too much time in front of the computer. Dette brød er meget lækker. This bread is very delicious. This bread is very delicious. Tom inviterede Mary på date, men hun sagde nej. Et år senere blev de gift. Tom asked Mary out on a date, but she said no. A year later they were married. Tom invited Mary on a date, but she said no, and a year later, they got married. Jeg læser tit tegneserier. I often read comic books. I read comics a lot. Havet er blåt. The sea is blue. The sea is blue. Det vil ikke vare længe, før han vender hjem. It won't be long before he returns home. It won't be long before he comes home. Jeg elsker æggeblommer. I love egg yolks. I love egg yolks. Disse er nye. These are new. These are new. Han er vore dages Chopin. He is a Chopin for our times. He's today's Chopin. Den 20. oktober er en mandag. October 20th is a Monday. October 20th is a Monday. Jeg har sendt en e-mail til dig. I sent you an e-mail. I sent you an e-mail. Tom var tæt på at blive ramt af en bil. Tom came close to being hit by a car. Tom almost got hit by a car. Fugle sang i himlen. Birds were singing in the sky. Birds sang in the sky. Gær får dej til at hæve. Yeast makes dough rise. Yeast makes dough raise. Våren er kommet. Spring has come. The spring is here. Filmen var så trist at alle græd. The movie was so sad that everybody cried. The movie was so sad that everyone was crying. Denne larve vil blive til en smuk sommerfugl. This caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly. This caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. Har du nogensinde overvejet at gøre det? Have you ever thought about doing that? Have you ever thought about doing that? Dette sker ikke igen. This won't happen again. This won't happen again. Jeg gav det en chance, da jeg finder at alting er værd at give en chance. Men at sammensætte et program som dette er ikke noget, jeg kan leve op til. I gave it a try figuring that anything is worth a try. But putting together a program like this is something I'm no match for. I gave it a chance because I find that everything is worth giving a chance, but putting together a program like this isn't something I can live up to. Hun ønsker ikke at sælge sin bil. She doesn't want to sell her car. She doesn't want to sell her car. Tom sankede kvas til bålet. Tom gathered sticks for the fire. Tom gleaned the trash to the fire. Tom og jeg er partnere. Tom and I are partners. Tom and I are partners. Pigen dufter til blomsterne. The girl is smelling the flowers. The girl smells like the flowers. Jeg vil hjælpe dig. I'll help you. I want to help you. Lad mig hjælpe dig. Din taske ser meget tung ud. Let me help you. Your bag looks very heavy. Let me help you, your bag looks very heavy. Hun gør ikke andet end at græde. She does nothing but cry. She does nothing but cry. Jeg ved ikke om han er læge. I don't know if he's a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Hun kyssede ham. She kissed him. She kissed him. Tom ved ikke hvorfor Mary og John ikke kan lide hinanden. Tom doesn't know why Mary and John don't like each other. Tom doesn't know why Mary and John don't like each other. Tom og Mary cykler normalt i skole. Tom and Mary usually go to school by bicycle. Tom and Mary usually go to school. Hvorfor tager vi ikke til stranden sammen? Why don't we go to the beach together? Why don't we go to the beach together? Tom gav læreren et æble. Tom gave an apple to the teacher. Tom gave the teacher an apple. Vil du vente på os ved stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Will you wait for us at the station? Hun faldt i søvn på min skulder. She fell asleep on my shoulder. She fell asleep on my shoulder. Jeg tager hyppigere til Bryssel end til Paris. I more often go to Brussels than Paris. I go to Bryssel more often than to Paris. Jeg tror at du hellere må holde lav profil indtil hun tilgiver dig. I think you'd better lie low until she forgives you. I think you better lay low until she forgives you. Spørg en politimand! Ask a policeman! Ask a cop! Han underviser i arabisk. He teaches Arabic. He teaches Arabic. Tom har store hænder. Tom has big hands. Tom has big hands. Regeringsbeslutningen havde katastrofale økonomiske konsekvenser. The government's decision had disastrous economic consequences. The government decision had disastrous economic consequences. Tom bliver berettiget til prøveløsladelse næste år. Tom will be eligible for parole next year. Tom will be entitled to parole next year. Branden er under kontrol. The fire is under control. The fire is under control. Det er altid svært at skrive starten af et brev. It's always difficult to start a letter. It's always hard to write the beginning of a letter. Hvad? Koster denne T-shirt 3000 yen? Det er ågerpris! What! This T-shirt is 3,000 yen? This is a rip-off! What, this T-shirt costs 3,000 yen? Ghulja har rigtig mange slags æbler. Ghulja has very many kinds of apples. Ghulja has a lot of apples. Hun ryger tyve cigaretter om dagen. She smokes twenty cigarettes a day. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day. Tom nægtede at han var tyven. Tom denied that he was the thief. Tom refused to be the thief. Er du blind? Are you blind? Are you blind? Mary barberede sine ben. Mary shaved her legs. Mary shaved her legs. Jeg kan ikke bare ignorere Tom. I can't just ignore Tom. I can't just ignore Tom. Det er ikke så slemt. It's no big deal. It's not that bad. Vær skånselsløs! Be merciless. Be ruthless! Blomsten er magenta. The flower is magenta. The flower is magenta. Tom er møller. Tom is a miller. Tom is a miller. Hun gav ham et foragteligt blik. She gave him a dirty look. She gave him a despicable look. Mine bukser er våde. My trousers are wet. My pants are wet. Tom vil ikke sælge sin bil. Tom doesn't want to sell his car. Tom won't sell his car. Tom har været der siden 2013. Tom has been there since 2013. Tom has been there since 2013. Tom havde ikke lyst til at arbejde over juleaften. Tom didn't want to work overtime on Christmas Eve. Tom didn't want to work over Christmas Eve. Jeg har brug for en metalsav for at kunne færdiggøre dette arbejde. I need a hacksaw to finish this job. I need a metal saw to complete this work. Du er meget arrogant. You're very arrogant. You're very arrogant. Du har mange fjender. You've got a lot of enemies. You have many enemies. Vær så venlig at sætte mig af ved stationen. Let me off at the train station, please. Please drop me off at the station. Tom og Mary besluttede sig for at tage afsted. Tom and Mary decided to leave. Tom and Mary decided to leave. Jeg har ikke set en hetero i over en uge. I haven't seen a straight person in over a week. I haven't seen a straight in over a week. Har du tegnet en rejseforsikring? Do you have travel insurance? Did you take out travel insurance? Jeg har fået nok af det her. I've had enough of this. I've had enough of this. Tom har vandrestøvler på. Tom is wearing hiking boots. Tom's wearing hiking boots. Du er i vejen. You're in the way. You're in the way. Hvorfor kigger du på dit ur hele tiden? Why do you look at your watch all the time? Why are you looking at your watch all the time? Hvad har du lavet i dag? What were you doing today? What have you been doing today? Vandet katten drak, var ikke salt. The water the cat drank was not salty. The water the cat drank wasn't salty. Tom tror ikke at Mary er lykkelig. Tom doesn't believe that Mary is happy. Tom doesn't think Mary's happy. De eneste nyttige svar er de, der rejser nye spørgsmål. The only useful answers are those that raise new questions. The only useful answers are those that raise new questions. Det er spild af penge. That's a waste of money. It's a waste of money. Ved I hvor jeres børn er? Do you know where your children are? Do you know where your children are? Jeg ønsker at tale med en advokat. I want to speak to a lawyer. I want to talk to a lawyer. Tom renoverede et hus. Tom renovated a house. Tom renovated a house. Tom ledte efter Mary overalt. Tom looked for Mary everywhere. Tom was looking for Mary everywhere. Må jeg spise dette æble? May I eat this apple? Can I eat this apple? Tom gik hen til butikken for at købe nogle æbler. Tom went to the store to buy some apples. Tom went to the store to buy some apples. Jeg mistede besindelsen. I lost my temper. I lost my temper. Jeg kan se hvorfor det er fortroligt. I can see why it's confidential. I can see why it's classified. Er udtalen korrekt? Is the pronunciation correct? Is the pronunciation correct? Hvad er det? What is it? What is it? Tom lader som om han ikke engang kender Mary. Tom acts like he doesn't even know Mary. Tom pretends he doesn't even know Mary. Jeg bygger en mur. I am building a wall. I'm building a wall. Jeg går på indkøb hver morgen. I go shopping every morning. I go shopping every morning. Hør godt efter hvad jeg siger til dig. Listen up well to what I say to you. Listen carefully to what I'm saying to you. Jeg kan ikke hjælpe dig med dette. I can't help you with this. I can't help you with this. Hun er en sød pige. She's a sweet girl. She's a nice girl. Bor Tom langt væk fra dig? Does Tom live far from you? Tom lives far away from you? Hvem ville tvivle på det? Who would doubt that! Who would doubt that? Er det for salt? Is it too salty? Is that too salty? Tom og Mary spiser ikke længere kød. Tom and Mary don't eat meat anymore. Tom and Mary no longer eat meat. Flere og flere ældre kvinder drikker sig sanseløst berusede. More and more older women are doing binge drinking. More and more older women drink senselessly drunk. Babyen har brug for sin mor. The baby needs his mother. The baby needs her mother. Tom havde vel en grund. Tom must've had a reason. I guess Tom had a reason. Jeg lytter, men jeg hører ikke. I listen, but I don't hear. I listen, but I don't hear. Det er en joke. It's a joke. It's a joke. Tom bemærkede at Mary stirrede på ham. Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him. Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him. Lad os diskutere det over en kop kaffe! Let's talk about it while we drink a cup of coffee. Let's discuss this over a cup of coffee! Sagde han ikke til jer hvem han var? Didn't he tell you who he was? Didn't he tell you who he was? Alle ved at det var Tom der smadrede vinduet. Everyone knows Tom was the one who broke the window. Everyone knows it was Tom who broke the window. Tom er undværlig. Tom is expendable. Tom is expendable. Hun kunne lide den. She liked it. She liked it. Han greb hendes arm. He grabbed her arm. He grabbed her arm. Tak til enhver som har været en del af mit liv her i Storbritannien. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my life here in the UK. Thank you to anyone who has been part of my life here in Britain. Bliv hvor du er. Jeg tilkalder en ambulance. Stay put. I'm calling an ambulance. Stay where you are, I'll call an ambulance. Skynd dig! Toget kører om lidt. Hurry up! The train is about to leave. Hurry up, the train's leaving in a minute. Han så aldrig Tom igen. He never saw Tom again. He never saw Tom again. "Tak." "Selv tak." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Thank you." Tom spiste hårdkogte æg. Tom ate hard-boiled eggs. Tom ate hard-boiled eggs. Tom vander haven. Tom is watering the garden. Tom's watering the garden. Jeg pantsatte min guitar så jeg kunne betale huslejen. I pawned my guitar so I could pay the rent. I pawned my guitar so I could pay the rent. Der plejede at være en kaffebar nær ved parken. There used to be a coffee shop near the park. There used to be a coffee shop near the park. Du ville blive overrasket over hvor mange æbler du kan købe for to hundrede dollar. You'd be amazed how many apples you can buy for two hundred dollars. You'd be surprised how many apples you can buy for two hundred dollars. Tom troede, at Mary og jeg skulle gøre det selv. Tom thought Mary and I were supposed to do that by ourselves. Tom thought Mary and I were gonna do it ourselves. Kolibrien er den mindste fugl i verden. The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. Hun er en møgkælling. She's a bitch. She's a bitch. Hun havde glemt sin paraply så jeg lånte hende min. She had forgotten her umbrella so I lent her mine. She forgot her umbrella, so I lent her mine. Jeg vil gerne have et æble. I would like an apple. I'd like an apple. Var du med til koncerten? Were you at the concert? Were you at the concert? Den blomst forsøgte at angribe mig. That flower tried to attack me. That flower tried to attack me. Sami tog sine nøgler og sin mobiltelefon med sig. Sami took his keys and cell phone with him. Sami took his keys and his cell phone with him. Min bror er rig. My brother is rich. My brother's rich. Hvad laver du oppe på den her tid af natten? What are you doing up at this time of night? What are you doing up this time of night? Hvad er dine planer for weekenden? What are your weekend plans? What are your plans for the weekend? Mustafa Kemal Atatürk udråbte Den Tyrkiske Republik i 1922. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Biblioteket er midlertidig lukket for offentligheden. The library is temporarily closed to the public. The library is temporarily closed to the public. Ingen vidste hvem hun var. No one knew who she was. Nobody knew who she was. Han gik agurk. He went ballistic. He went cucumber. Du ønsker at betale kontant? You want to pay in cash? You want to pay cash? Hvor længe vil du blive? How long will you stay? How long will you stay? Han graver sin egen grav. He's digging his own grave. He's digging his own grave. Du sammenligner æbler og appelsiner! You're comparing apples and oranges. You compare apples and oranges! Min mobiltelefon virker ikke. My cell phone doesn't work. My cell phone's not working. De tre kvinder smilede. The three women smiled. The three women smiled. Jeg lærer tyrkisk. I learn Turkish. I'm learning Turkish. Jeg måtte vente til Tom sov. I had to wait until Tom was asleep. I had to wait until Tom slept. Jeg må have glemt det. I must've forgotten. I must have forgotten. Fuglen er i himmelen. The bird is in heaven. The bird is in heaven. Skummetmælk til mig. I'll have skim milk. Skimmed milk for me. Glødepærer bruger strøm. Lightbulbs consume electricity. Light bulbs use power. Hun har en god røv. She has a nice ass. She's got a good ass. Jeg kan lide din nye frisure. I like your new hairstyle. I like your new hairstyle. Jeg forstår. I understand. I understand. Jeg vil gerne være dyrlæge. I'd like to be a veterinarian. I'd like to be a vet. Må jeg tænde for fjernsynet? Can I turn on the TV? Can I turn on the TV? Du er en god dreng. You are a good boy. You're a good boy. Sami havde en forkærlighed for pool. Sami had a liking for pool. Sami had a preference for pool. Resultatet af at dividere omkredsen af en cirkel med dens diameter er lig med pi. The result of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi. The result of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi. Man bør have hjelm på når man kører på motorcykel. You should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. You should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. Tom var en bitter og livstræt gammel mand. Tom was an embittered old man who was weary of life. Tom was a bitter and tired old man. Hvad er der galt? What's wrong? What's wrong? Jeg har set masser af koncerter. I've seen loads of concerts. I've seen lots of concerts. Hun bor alene på værelset. She lives alone in the room. She lives alone in her room. Ved du hvem der slog Tom ihjel? Do you know who killed Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? Lad ham spille på din guitar. Let him play your guitar. Let him play your guitar. Jeg tvivler på at Bob kommer til tiden. I doubt if Bob will come on time. I doubt Bob's gonna be on time. Hvorfor prøvede du at løbe væk? Why did you try to run away? Why did you try to run away? Tom købte et meget billigt kamera. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Svaret er nej. The answer's no. The answer is no. Har du noget æblepie i dag? Do you have any apple pie today? Do you have any apple pie today? Hvorfor har du tre biler? Why do you have three cars? Why do you have three cars? Jeg vil gerne have en lille snak med dig om Tom. I want to have a little chat with you about Tom. I'd like to have a little talk with you about Tom. Det sner kraftigt. It snows hard. It's snowing fast. Han er en kreationist. He's a creationist. He's a creationist. Jeg kan ikke lide at studere. I don't like studying. I don't like to study. Jeg er slet ikke sulten. I'm not hungry at all. I'm not hungry at all. Hvorfor tror du det skete? Why do you think that happened? Why do you think it happened? Jeg er volleyballspiller. I'm a volleyball player. I'm a volleyball player. Han lagde røret på. He hung up on me. He hung up on me. Denne hund er min. This dog is mine. This dog is mine. Hvorfor hjælper du ikke Tom? Why don't you help Tom? Why don't you help Tom? Tom tændte en tændstik. Tom lit a match. Tom lit a match. Jeg forstår overhovedet ikke fransk. I don't understand French at all. I don't understand French at all. Jeg kom få minutter for sent til toget. I missed the train by only a few minutes. I was a few minutes late for the train. Jeg taler irsk. I speak Irish. I speak Irish. Dette program sendes hver anden uge. This program is broadcast every other week. This program is sent every two weeks. Er det jeres bog? Is that your book? Is that your book? Hun står og venter. She is waiting. She's waiting. Det var en hundreddollarseddel. It was a one hundred dollar bill. It was a hundred-dollar bill. Morgenmaden er serveret. Breakfast is served. Breakfast is served. Kun Tom ved det. Only Tom knows that. Only Tom knows. Jeg ser tv om aftenen. I watch television in the evening. I watch TV at night. Ken råbte om hjælp. Ken cried for help. Ken yelled for help. Regeringens beslutning havde katastrofale økonomiske konsekvenser. The government's decision had disastrous economic consequences. The government's decision had disastrous economic consequences. Canada ligger nord for USA. Canada is to the north of the United States. Canada is north of the United States. Om natten er alle katte grå. At night all cats are grey. At night, all cats are gray. Min kat spiser kun vådkost. My cat only eats wet food. My cat only eats wet food. Jeg kender hans hemmelighed. I know his secret. I know his secret. "Op med humøret!," sagde hun til mig. "Cheer up," she said to me. "Be cheerful!" she said to me. Tom behøver ikke at komme her i morgen. Tom doesn't have to come here tomorrow. Tom doesn't have to come here tomorrow. Han var stiv af skræk. He was rigid with terror. He was terrified. Tom trøster Mary. Tom is consoling Mary. Tom comforts Mary. Jeg spiste de grønne æbler. I ate the green apples. I ate the green apples. Kvinder er følsomme. Women are sensitive. Women are sensitive. Sumatra er en ø. Sumatra is an island. Sumatra is an island. Der var kun to muligheder tilbage for ham for at få noget at spise. Han måtte enten arbejde eller tigge. There were only two means left to him in order to get a bite to eat. He had either to work or to beg. There were only two options left for him to eat, either to work or to beg. Tom lytter i smug. Tom's eavesdropping. Tom listens in secret. Jeg skriver korte sætninger på svensk. I write short sentences in Swedish. I write short sentences in Swedish. Toms syn er ikke så godt som det plejede at være. Tom's eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. Tom's vision isn't as good as it used to be. Den Europæiske Union oprettes med det formål at gøre en ende på de mange blodige nabokrige, der kulminerede med den anden verdenskrig. The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. The European Union is being set up to put an end to the many bloody neighbouring wars culminating in the Second World War. Billedet af ulykken giver mig kvalme. The picture of the accident makes me sick. The photo of the accident makes me sick. I en uge er der syv dage. In one week there are seven days. For a week there are seven days. Det var mørkt. It was dark. It was dark. Spar mig for sympatien. Spare me the sympathy. Spare me the sympathy. Vi er ikke bange for terrorister. We're not afraid of terrorists. We're not afraid of terrorists. Jeg er en viking. I am a Viking. I'm a Viking. Mit ur er præcist. My watch is accurate. My watch is accurate. Tom skar nogle grene af æbletræet. Tom cut some branches off the apple tree. Tom cut some branches off the apple tree. Jeg bor i en by. I'm living in a town. I live in a town. Skriv dit navn fuldt ud. Write your name in full. Write your name in full. Drengen gjorde sig selv til grin. The boy made a fool of himself. The boy made a fool of himself. Lad være at stirre på mig. Don't stare at me. Don't stare at me. De frygtede dig. They feared you. They feared you. Det går ham godt. He is doing well. He's doing well. Jeg bad Mary om at danse med mig. I asked Mary to dance with me. I asked Mary to dance with me. Min søster er en meget smuk pige. My sister is a very beautiful girl. My sister is a very beautiful girl. Er jeg under mistanke? Am I under suspicion? Am I under suspicion? Tom kommer ikke, og Mary kommer heller ikke. Tom won't come, and Mary won't either. Tom isn't coming, and Mary isn't coming either. Mary og Tom har en hestebil. Mary and Tom have a horse truck. Mary and Tom have a horse car. Man kalder ham Dave. People call him Dave. They call him Dave. Jeg har ikke vandet. I don't have the water. I don't have the water. Hans vittigheder morede mig. His jokes amused me. His jokes amused me. Han er sent udviklet. He's a late developer. He's been developed lately. "Kan I godt lide slanger?" "Selvfølgelig ikke." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." Børn behøver mange ting, men mest af alt kærlighed. Children need many things, but above all they need love. Children need many things, but most of all love. Jeg hader dig. I hate you. I hate you. Er Tom lærer her? Is Tom a teacher here? Is Tom a teacher here? Hvad er din yndlingsfarve? What is your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Det vil måske regne i eftermiddag. It might rain this afternoon. It might rain this afternoon. Tom tæskede Mary. Tom beat up Mary. Tom beat Mary up. Vil I vente på os ved stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Will you wait for us at the station? Jeg ville gerne se dig før jeg tager af sted til Europa. I'd like to see you before I leave for Europe. I'd like to see you before I go to Europe. Jeg forstår hende ikke. I do not understand her. I don't understand her. Han er syg. He is sick. He's sick. Jeg tvivler på om Bob kommer til tiden. I doubt if Bob will come on time. I doubt if Bob's gonna be on time. Hekse kan flyve på en kosteskaft. Witches can fly on broomsticks. Witches can fly on a broomstick. Han efterlod sin paraply i en bus. He left his umbrella in the bus. He left his umbrella on a bus. Hvor lang tid tog det dig at køre fra Boston til Chicago? How long did it take you to drive from Boston to Chicago? How long did it take you to drive from Boston to Chicago? Steve så meget lykkelig ud. Steve looked very happy. Steve looked very happy. Jeg forsørger min familie. I sustain my family. I support my family. En hvid båd kom til syne. A white boat came into sight. A white boat appeared. Din fars vens ven er ikke altid din fars ven. A friend of your father's friend is not always your father's friend. Your father's friend's friend is not always your father's friend. Hans hus er fuld af fluer. His house is full of flies. His house is full of flies. Politiet har ikke en mistænkt. The police don't have a suspect. The police don't have a suspect. Du har blod på hænderne. You have blood on your hands. You have blood on your hands. Priserne er høje. Prices are high. Prices are high. Der er rene lagner under sengen. There are clean sheets under the bed. There are clean sheets under the bed. Diamanten blev opdaget af en dreng i 1873. The diamond was discovered by a boy in 1873. The diamond was discovered by a boy in 1873. Hvad sker der udenfor? What's going on outside? What's going on outside? Du må ikke forlade mig! You mustn't leave me! Don't leave me! Væk os klokken syv. Wake us up at seven o'clock. Wake us up at 7:00. Jeg har det godt. I'm doing well. I'm fine. Jeg ønskede ikke at hun skulle dø. I didn't want her to die. I didn't want her to die. Appelsiner indeholder meget C-vitamin. Oranges contain lots of vitamin C. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Bremserne på lastbilen svigtede. The brakes failed on the truck. The brakes on the truck failed. Alle fjernsynsapparater var stillet ind på Fox News. All the televisions were tuned to Fox News. All television sets were on Fox News. Hun besøgte ikke nogen. She didn't visit anybody. She didn't visit anyone. Jeg er ikke tilfreds med din opførsel. I'm not happy with your behavior. I'm not happy with your behavior. Mit rigtige navn er Tom. My real name is Tom. My real name is Tom. Jeg tager aldrig en taxi, bortset fra når det er absolut nødvendigt. I don't use taxis unless it's absolutely necessary. I never take a taxi, except when it's absolutely necessary. Vi bryder os ikke om regnen. We don't like the rain. We don't like the rain. Jeg foreslår at du får en snak med Tom. I suggest you have a talk with Tom. I suggest you have a talk with Tom. Han taler russisk. He speaks Russian. He speaks Russian. Det er hvad der foregår. That's what's going on. That's what's going on. Dine bukser er beskidte. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. Hold det her! Hold this. Hold this! Fremkald venligst denne film. Please develop and print this film. Please make this movie. Han er hendes ven. He's her friend. He's her friend. Har du noget imod, at jeg spørger hvorfor? Do you mind if I ask why? Do you mind if I ask why? Mary var et vidunderbarn. Mary was a child prodigy. Mary was a prodigy. Sygeplejersken tog sin temperatur. The nurse took his temperature. The nurse took her temperature. Bosnien-Hercegovina kaldes "Bosna i Hercegovina" på bosnisk. Bosnia and Herzegovina is called "Bosna i Hercegovina" in Bosnian. Bosnia and Herzegovina is called "Bosna in Herzegovina" in Bosnian. Tom døde i en motorcykelulykke. Tom died in a motorcycle accident. Tom died in a motorcycle accident. Toget afgår om fem minutter. The train leaves in 5 minutes. Train leaves in five minutes. Træstolen er dyr. The wooden chair is expensive. The wooden chair is expensive. Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights; they are equipped with reason and conscience, and they should act against one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Drej til venstre. Turn left. Turn left. Katten lå udstrakt i fuld længde i sollyset der skinnede ind gennem vinduet. The cat was lying stretched out at full length in the sunlight streaming through the window. The cat was outstretched in the sunlight that shone through the window. Omar Sharif, i sin tid en rigtig hjerteknuser, døde i en alder af 83. Omar Sharif, a real heart-throb in his day, died at the age of 83. Omar Sharif, a real heartbreaker, died at the age of 83. Mary sagde at hun glædede sig til at besøge Tom. Mary said she's looking forward to visiting Tom. Mary said she was looking forward to visiting Tom. Det sidste tog er allerede kørt. The last train has already gone. The last train's already gone. Tom og Mary kæmpede som katte og hunde. Tom and Mary fought like cat and dog. Tom and Mary fought like cats and dogs. Tom lader som om han er udmattet. Tom acts like he's exhausted. Tom pretends he's exhausted. Lad os håbe at Tom og Mary kommer. Let's hope Tom and Mary come. Let's hope Tom and Mary come. Hvis jeg har forstået det rigtigt, så er jeg blevet taget ved næsen. If I understand correctly, I've been taken for a ride. If I get it right, I've been taken by the nose. Jeg blev solskoldet. I got sunburned. I was sunburned. Min ven forsvandt som dug for solen. My friend vanished into thin air. My friend disappeared like a dew to the sun. Hvornår har Tom sagt det? When did Tom say that? When did Tom say that? Jo mere, jo bedre. The more, the better. The more, the better. Jeg savnede ham meget. I missed him a lot. I missed him very much. Hun drak ikke mælken. She didn't drink the milk. She didn't drink the milk. Tog de bussen til museet? Did they go to museum by bus? Did they take the bus to the museum? Tom har ingen sociale færdigheder. Tom has no social skills. Tom has no social skills. Hun arbejder i et callcenter. She works in a call center. She works at a call center. Du er den eneste. You are the only one. You're the only one. Du ved ikke hvem jeg er. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I am. Den engelske sætning er blevet ændret. Derfor vil jeg bede dig om at overveje om den tyske sætning skal ændres. The English sentence has been modified. Therefore, I would like to ask you to consider adapting the German sentence. The English phrase has been changed. Therefore, I would ask you to consider whether the German phrase should be changed. Han er min halvbror. He's my half-brother. He's my half-brother. Tænd for radioen. Turn on the radio. Turn on the radio. I dag er det tirsdag den første oktober. Today is Tuesday, October 1st. Today is Tuesday the first October. Ingen er fuldkommen. Nobody's perfect. Nobody's perfect. Musen er under gulvet. The mouse is under the floor. The mouse is under the floor. Det træ du så, var ikke en eg. The tree you saw was not an oak tree. That tree you saw wasn't an oak. Måske skulle jeg tage en paraply med for en sikkerheds skyld. Perhaps I should take an umbrella with me just in case. Maybe I should bring an umbrella just in case. Sandheden er ubestridelig. The truth is undeniable. The truth is incontrovertible. Du har beskyldt ham for at have stjålet cyklen. You accused him of having stolen the bike. You've accused him of stealing the bike. Det er kun en skramme. It's only a scratch. It's just a scratch. Hun ønsker at danse. She wants to dance. She wants to dance. Jeg kan ikke drikke kaffe. I can't drink coffee. I can't drink coffee. Jeg savner det sted. I miss that place. I miss that place. Vi overlod intet til tilfældighederne. We left nothing to chance. We left nothing to chance. Du skal vide at jeg er forelsket i Mary. You should know, I am in love with Mary. I want you to know that I'm in love with Mary. Historien lyder troværdig. The story sounds true. The story sounds credible. Fransk er ret svært, er det ikke? French is pretty hard, isn't it? French is pretty hard, isn't it? Det er et meget stort æble. It's a very big apple. It's a very big apple. Jeg kunne tale i timevis om biavl, men jeg ønsker ikke at kede dig. I could tell you about beekeeping for hours, but I don't want to bore you. I could talk for hours about beekeeping, but I don't want to bore you. En kat kom ud fra under skrivebordet. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out of underneath the desk. Hun er den smukkeste kvinde i verden. She's the most beautiful woman in the world. She's the most beautiful woman in the world. Forhandlingerne er i fuld gang. The negotiations are in full swing. The negotiations are in full swing. Mange tak for alt hvad I har gjort. Thank you very much for all you have done. Thank you very much for everything you've done. Vi må operere med det samme. We have to operate immediately. We need to operate immediately. Jeg ved at hendes brød vil være velsmagende. I know that her bread will be tasty. I know her bread will be tasty. Tom ville have Mary til at tilgive John for hvad han havde gjort. Tom wanted Mary to forgive John for what he had done. Tom wanted Mary to forgive John for what he had done. Hvordan er det muligt? How is that possible? How is that possible? Denne støvsuger støjer forfærdeligt. This vacuum cleaner is awfully loud. This vacuum cleaner is making a terrible noise. Lægen gav mig en indsprøjtning. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me an injection. Tom vågnede. Tom woke up. Tom woke up. Ja så! Really? Oh, yeah! Dette er et skridt i den rigtige retning. This is a step in the right direction. This is a step in the right direction. Millioner af amerikanere mistede deres hjem under den finansielle krise. Millions of Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Millions of Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Det er mine penge. That's my money. That's my money. Tom og Mary har lavet nogle honningkageegern. Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels. Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels. Jeg er sulten! I'm hungry. I'm hungry! Det er et mirakel! Linket virker! It's a miracle! The link works! It's a miracle! Alle træets blade er blevet gule. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All the leaves of the tree have turned yellow. Muren er dækket af graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. The wall is covered in graffiti. Jeg må være døset hen. I must've dozed off. I must have dozed off. Hvornår flyttede du til Berlin? When did you move to Berlin? When did you move to Berlin? Brug ikke denne saks. Don't use this pair of scissors. Don't use this scissors. Nabokonen lufter sin hund. The neighbor is walking her dog. The neighbor's walking her dog. Hvor tog du dine bukser af? Where did you take your pants off? Where did you take your pants off? Tom ankommer den 20. oktober. Tom will arrive on October 20th. Tom arrives on October 20th. Han er bange for hunde. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Vi går i biografen. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. Kabylien er beliggende i det nordøstlige Algeriet. Kabylie is located in northeastern Algeria. Kabylia is located in northeastern Algeria. Bor han her? Does he live here? Does he live here? Verden udenfor er meget skræmmende. The world outside is very scary. The outside world is very scary. Det viste sig at han var uskyldig. He turned out to be innocent. Turns out he was innocent. Tom vidste ikke at æbletræer vokser fra frø. Tom didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. Tom did not know that apple trees grow from seeds. Dysfunktionelle familier - dem går det tretten af på dusinet. Dysfunctional families are a dime a dozen. Families with dysfunctions - they go thirteen of them on the dozen. Er det derfor at Tom gerne ville tale med dig? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Alle smiler. Everyone's smiling. Everybody smiles. Jeg løber hver dag. I run every day. I run every day. Jeg siger at på en varm dag er der intet bedre end et koldt glas vand! I say there's nothing better than a cold glass of water on a hot day! I say on a hot day there's nothing better than a cold glass of water! Det var aldrig et problem før. It was never a problem before. That was never a problem before. Jo ældre du er, desto vaskeligere er det at lære et sprog. The older you are, the more difficult it is to learn a language. The older you are, the more wash it is to learn a language. Vi hørte hende græde. We heard her cry. We heard her crying. Jeg forklarer det senere. I'll explain later. I'll explain later. Det er en vidunderlig verden. It's a wonderful world. It's a wonderful world. En myldretidstrafikkø forsinkede min ankomst med to timer. A rush-hour traffic jam delayed my arrival by two hours. A rush hour traffic queue delayed my arrival by two hours. Jeg elsker dessert. I love dessert. I love dessert. Stå på række ved døren. Line up at the door. Stand by the door. Tom tager fejl. Tom is wrong. Tom is wrong. Jeg er et menneske. I am a man. I'm a human being. Menneskene adskiller sig fra dyrene ved det at de kan tænke og tale. Human beings differ from animals in that they can think and speak. Humans differ from animals by being able to think and speak. De er alle i sikkerhed. They're all safe. They're all safe. Tom døde sidste år. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Der var ingen blomster eller træer i hans gade. There were no flowers or trees on his street. There were no flowers or trees in his street. Tom blev bortvist fra skolen for at overtræde skolens regler. Tom was expelled from school for breaking school rules. Tom was expelled from school to violate school rules. Hvad er der galt med min kysseteknik? What's wrong with my kissing technique? What's wrong with my kissing technique? Katten har to ører. The cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Har du et juletræ? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you have a Christmas tree? Hvad har du brug for? What do you need? What do you need? Vi gjorde det! We made it. We did it! Der er gået ti år siden jeg kom hertil. Ten years have passed since I came here. It's been ten years since I got here. Undskyld mit franske. Pardon my French. Excuse my French. Jeg gør det aldrig mere. I'll never do it again. I'll never do it again. Jeg er led og ked af lektier. I'm fed up with homework. I'm sick of homework. Det kan være dit eneste håb. It may be your only hope. It could be your only hope. Hvorfor lærte du ikke tysk mens du var i Tyskland? Why didn't you learn German while you were in Germany? Why didn't you learn German while you were in Germany? Tom tog til lufthavnen for at sige farvel til Mary. Tom went to the airport to see Mary off. Tom went to the airport to say goodbye to Mary. Jeg er ked af det, men jeg har allerede en kæreste. I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend. I'm sorry, but I already have a girlfriend. Er vi i fare? Are we in danger? Are we in danger? Skoleåret begynder den tiende april. The school year begins on the 10th of April. The school year begins on April 10th. Hendes onkel bor i Schweiz. Her uncle lives in Switzerland. Her uncle lives in Switzerland. På dette tv-apparat er der to års garanti. This TV set has a two year guarantee. There is a two-year guarantee on this television set. De spiser råt kød. They eat raw meat. They eat raw meat. Hun besluttede sig for at blive læge. She decided to be a doctor. She decided to become a doctor. Der er stor forskel på hastighed og kvalitet på bredbånd fra land til land. There are big differences in broadband speed and quality from country to country. There is a big difference between speed and quality of broadband from country to country. Min mor er bange for elevatorer. My mother is afraid of elevators. My mom's afraid of elevators. Du burde få fjernet det ukrudt. You should get rid of these weeds. You should get rid of that weed. Husk, at vi alle er i samme båd! Remember that we're all in the same boat. Remember, we're all in the same boat! Hvem fortalte dig at vi var nødt til at gøre det? Who told you that we had to do that? Who told you we had to do this? Hun har hvide tænder. She has white teeth. She's got white teeth. Sami sagde at han havde en øse. Sami said he had a ride. Sami said he had a ride. De holder af fortællinger. They like stories. They like stories. Hun gav sin far et slips. She gave her father a tie. She gave her father a tie. Hvilke valg har jeg tilbage? What choices do I have left? What choice do I have left? Det begyndte med et kys. It started with a kiss. It started with a kiss. Jeg kan ikke sige det til min far. I can't say that to my dad. I can't tell my dad. Hendes forældre elskede mig. Her parents loved me. Her parents loved me. Jeg drømte en drøm i nat om silke og fornemt stof eller om lighed og retfærdig dom. I had a dream last night, about silk and fine cloth or about equality and fair trial. I dreamt a dream last night about silk and fine cloth or about equality and just judgment. Køb noget mælk på hjemvejen. Buy some milk on your way home. Buy some milk on the way home. Der er en kat på bordet. There's a cat on the table. There's a cat on the table. Lad mig google det for dig. Let me google that for you. Let me google it for you. Jeg nægter at bruge plastposer. I refuse to use plastic bags. I refuse to use plastic bags. Mary er en dyb tænker. Mary is a deep thinker. Mary is a deep thinker. Nogen stjal mit ur. Someone stole my watch. Someone stole my watch. Hun så aldrig sin far igen. She never saw her father again. She never saw her father again. Jeg drikker tre eller fire kopper kaffe om dagen. I drink three or four cups of coffee a day. I drink three or four cups of coffee a day. Tom åbnede bagagerummet og fandt det tomt. Tom opened the trunk and found it empty. Tom opened the trunk and found it empty. Jeg køber ind for min kæreste. I'm shopping for my girlfriend. I'm shopping for my girlfriend. Har du en mobil? Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a cell phone? Tom kan ikke svømme så godt som Mary. Tom can't swim as well as Mary. Tom can't swim as well as Mary. Tom er ude at lufte sin hund. Tom is out walking his dog. Tom's out walking his dog. Tom kyssede Mary farvel. Tom kissed Mary goodbye. Tom kissed Mary goodbye. Jeg ser en stjerne. I see a star. I see a star. Tom ville ikke i fængsel. Tom didn't want to be sent to jail. Tom didn't want to go to jail. Sikke et kryb! What a creep! What a creep! Tom og Mary så på fyrværkeriet sammen. Tom and Mary watched the fireworks together. Tom and Mary looked at the fireworks together. Bob har været forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob's been engaged to Mary for over a year. Reagan blev USAs præsident i 1981. Reagan became President of the United States in 1981. Reagan became the president of the United States in 1981. Jeg har lyst til at sende Tom et brev. I want to send Tom a letter. I feel like sending Tom a letter. Paulina har en rosa hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Jeg kender enken efter Tom. I know Tom's widow. I know the widow of Tom. Hun er fra Østrig. She is from Austria. She's from Austria. Han er kæderyger. He's a chain smoker. He's a chain smoker. Ormehullet er stabilt. The wormhole is stable. The wormhole is stable. Vil du være hjemme i aften? Will you be at home tonight? Do you want to be home tonight? Hønerne er i kyllingeburet. The hens are in the chicken coop. The chickens are in the chicken cage. Dette kryds er farligt. This intersection is dangerous. This intersection is dangerous. Bed mig ikke om penge. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. Jeg elsker dig mere og mere for hver dag der går. I love you more and more each day. I love you more and more every day. Det er gennemsnittet. That's the average. That's the average. Hun sørgede for at ingen kunne se hende. She made sure nobody could see her. She made sure no one could see her. Lad mig vide, hvis du har brug for hjælp. Let me know if you need any help. Let me know if you need help. Hold op med at lyve. Stop lying. Stop lying. For godt til at være sandt. Too good to be true. Too good to be true. Absolut ikke! No way! Absolutely not! De eneste fingeraftryk politiet fandt på dørhåndtaget, var Toms. The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. The only prints the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. Jeg snakker stadig ikke meget fransk. I still don't speak much French. I still don't speak much French. Jeg kan ikke løfte min højre arm. I can't lift my right arm. I can't lift my right arm. Jeg kender hende ikke særlig godt. I don't know her very well. I don't know her very well. Hvem har fortalt dig at mit navn var Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Er din hest sort? Is your horse black? Is your horse black? Det er dit problem nu. It's your problem now. That's your problem now. Jeg har ikke set dem i evigheder. I haven't seen them for ages. I haven't seen them in ages. Jo før, jo bedre. The sooner, the better. The sooner the better. Verden er blå og du ligeså. The world is blue, and so are you. The world is blue and you too. Spørgsmålet er hvem. The question is who. The question is who. Børn kastede sten efter ham. Children threw stones at him. Kids threw stones at him. Jeg har en datter. I have a daughter. I have a daughter. Jeg vil lære kurdisk. I want to learn Kurdish. I want to learn Kurdish. Tom sagde at han var ved at spise. Tom said that he was eating. Tom said he was eating. Dilma Rousseff er Brasiliens nuværende præsident. Dilma Rousseff is the current President of Brazil. Dilma Rousseff is Brazil's current president. Er der nogen chancer for at han kommer sig? Is there any chance that he'll recover? Is there any chance he'll recover? Han stjal mit ur. He stole my watch. He stole my watch. I overmorgen fylder jeg tretten. In two days, I'll turn 13. The day after tomorrow, I'll be thirteen. Med en god bog i hænderne, behøver du aldrig at føle dig ensom. With a good book in your hands you need never feel lonely. With a good book in your hands, you never have to feel lonely. Der er børn i Afrika, der sulter. There are starving children in Africa. There are children in Africa who are starving. Du er en meget heldig mand. You're a very lucky man. You're a very lucky man. Må jeg kysse dig? Can I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Han er håbløst forelsket. He's hopelessly in love. He's hopelessly in love. Mine brødre! My brothers! My brothers! Har du en computer? Do you own a computer? Do you have a computer? Hvem var den pige? Who was that girl? Who was that girl? Tom vil ikke lytte. Tom won't listen. Tom won't listen. Hun drikker ikke kaffe. She doesn't drink coffee. She doesn't drink coffee. Tom ville gøre alt for at beskytte Mary. Tom would do anything to protect Mary. Tom would do anything to protect Mary. Strandsandet var hvidt. The sand on the beach was white. The beach was white. Folk har en tendens til at undervurdere deres fremtidige behov. People have a tendency to underestimate their future needs. People tend to underestimate their future needs. DNA-tests viste at han var uskyldig. DNA tests showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. Ild er meget farlig. Fire is very dangerous. Fire is very dangerous. Døde hunde kan ikke bide. Dead dogs can't bite. Dead dogs can't bite. Jeg vandt over ham i skak. I beat him at chess. I beat him at chess. Tom ligner dig. Tom looks like you. Tom looks like you. Sami hader katte. Sami hates cats. Sami hates cats. Kan I lide at skrive? Do you guys like writing? Do you like to write? Folk siger ofte at japansk er et vanskeligt sprog. People often say that Japanese is a difficult language. People often say that Japanese is a difficult language. Jeg kan overhovedet ikke svømme. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Du slog mig næsten ihjel. You almost killed me. You almost killed me. Så, kommer du sammen med nogen? So, are you seeing anyone? So, are you dating someone? Jeg savner dig. I miss you. I miss you. Tom sagde at han ville være villig til at gøre det gratis. Tom said that he'd be willing to do that for free. Tom said he'd be willing to do it for free. Han lignede ikke en klog dreng. He didn't look like a clever boy. He didn't look like a smart boy. Denne kat er så stor som den der. This cat is as big as that one. This cat is as big as that one. Han er tiltrukket af asiatiske piger. He's attracted to Asian girls. He's attracted to Asian girls. Jeg er ved at lave mine lektier. I'm busy with my homework. I'm doing my homework. Han har problemer. He is in trouble. He's in trouble. Det sorte er mit. The black one is mine. Black is mine. Ingen læser om mit land. Nobody reads about my country. No one reads about my country. Jeg har intet bestemt at sige. I don't have anything particular to say. I have nothing to say. Tom kan ikke spise svinekød. Tom can't eat pork. Tom can't eat pork. Alting har to sider. Fanatikere ser kun én. Everything has two sides. Fanatics only see one. Everything has two sides, fanatics only see one. Tom fandt dine nøgler. Tom found your keys. Tom found your keys. Du kan ikke hypnotisere mig. You can't hypnotize me. You can't hypnotize me. Han er langt mere erfaren end mig. He's far more experienced than me. He's far more experienced than I am. Hvis det regner i morgen, så skipper jeg mødet. If it rains tomorrow, I'm not going to the meeting. If it rains tomorrow, I'll skip the meeting. "Det Gamle Testamente" er Bibelens første del. "The Old Testament" is the first part of the Bible. The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible. Det kommer ikke dig ved. It's none of your business. It's none of your business. Sami takkede Layla for hendes undskyldning. Sami thanked Layla for her apology. Sami thanked Layla for her apology. Det er bedre, ikke sandt? That's better, isn't it? It's better, isn't it? Jeg har altid godt kunnet lide bjergene. I have always liked the mountains. I always liked the mountains. Han kan lide at tale udenom. He likes to beat around the bush. He likes to stay out of it. En mand der taler sandt, har brug for en hurtig hest. A man who speaks the truth needs a fast horse. A man who tells the truth needs a quick horse. Jeg ser frem til det. I look forward to it. I look forward to it. Hun kommer måske. She might come. Maybe she'll come. Kan jeg hjælpe dig på nogen måde? Can I help you in any way? Can I help you in any way? Jeg kan lide ørredfiskeri. I like trout fishing. I like trout fishing. Har De noget der er billigere? Do you have anything cheaper? Do you have anything cheaper? Mor står og laver mad i køkkenet. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mom's cooking in the kitchen. Jeg tror ikke at dit navn er Tom. I don't think your name's Tom. I don't think your name is Tom. Jeg var meget glad. I was very happy. I was very happy. Toms drøm er at bo i en lille by, i Sydfrankrig. Tom's dream is to live in a small town in the south of France. Tom's dream is to live in a small town in the south of France. Jeg ved at Tom er forelsket i Mary. I know that Tom is in love with Mary. I know Tom is in love with Mary. Dø ikke. Don't die. Don't die. I dag er det skyet. It is cloudy today. Today it's clouded. Han er ravende skør. He is as nutty as a fruitcake. He's raving crazy. Tom og Mary fyldte balloner med vand og kastede dem ud fra balkonen ned på intetanende fodgængere der gik på fortovet nedenfor. Tom and Mary filled balloons with water, and dropped them from the balcony down onto unsuspecting pedestrians walking on the pavement below. Tom and Mary filled balloons with water and threw them out of the balcony onto unsuspecting pedestrians who walked on the sidewalk below. Jeg går. Vi ses i morgen. I'm leaving. See you tomorrow. I'll go. I'll see you tomorrow. "Hvad er hun?" "Hun er lærer." "What is she?" - "She's a teacher." "What is she?" "She's a teacher." Denne fugl kan flyve. This bird can fly. This bird can fly. Næste dag blev han fundet død i soveværelset. The following day he was found dead in the bedroom. The next day he was found dead in the bedroom. Se, det er et fly fra Urumqi. Look, it's the plane from Urumqi. Look, it's a plane from Urumqi. Jeg elsker naturen. I love nature. I love nature. Hvor skilte du dem ad? Where did you disassemble them? Where did you take them apart? Sådan er livet. Shit happens. That's life. Jeg straffede ham. I punished him. I punished him. Jeg tror det regner i morgen. I think it'll rain tomorrow. I think it's raining tomorrow. Jeg tager næsten hver dag til stranden. I go to the beach almost every day. I go to the beach almost every day. "Lad os gå ind i skoven sammen," sagde ulven til lammet. - "Okay, onkel Ulv," svarede lammet. "Let's go together to the forest," the wolf said to the lamb. - "Ok, Uncle Wolf," the lamb replied. "Let's go into the woods together," said the wolf to the lamb. "Okay, Uncle Wolf," replied the lamb. Du må prøve butikken på den anden side af vejen. You'll have to try the store across the street. You're gonna have to try the store on the other side of the road. Skibet er på vej til Finland. The ship is bound for Finland. The ship is on its way to Finland. Sara har enogtredive kuglepenne. Sara has thirty-one ballpoint pens. Sara has thirty-one pens. Jeg skrev ikke brevet. I didn't write the letter. I didn't write the letter. Hun så på mig med et frækt blik. She gave me a sexy look. She looked at me with a dirty look. Hold fingrene krydsede for mig! Keep your fingers crossed for me! Keep your fingers crossed for me! Det virker fuldstændig latterligt. It seems absolutely ridiculous. It seems completely ridiculous. Vi har lejet lejligheden. We rented the apartment. We rented the apartment. Der findes ingen dumme spørgsmål. There are no stupid questions. There are no stupid questions. Denne støvsuger er meget støjende. This vacuum cleaner makes a lot of noise. This vacuum cleaner is very noisy. Hr. Gorbatjov, riv denne mur ned! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Tom åbnede sin rygsæk. Tom opened his backpack. Tom opened his backpack. Han har giftet sig med en stewardesse. He married a stewardess. He married a flight attendant. Jeg elsker sådan nogle øjeblikke. I love such moments. I love such moments. Tom ved ikke hvor Mary gik hen. Tom doesn't know where Mary went. Tom doesn't know where Mary went. Jeg hader jobsamtaler. I hate interviews. I hate job interviews. Jeg er Toms ven. I'm Tom's friend. I'm Tom's friend. Far arbejder. Daddy's working. Dad's working. Hvor kogte du dem? Where did you boil them? Where did you boil them? Har du noget håb for fremtiden? Do you have any hope for the future? Do you have any hope for the future? Jeg kommer hjem i morgen. I'll return home tomorrow. I'll be home tomorrow. Jeg tror hun er 40 år. I think she's 40 years old. I think she's 40. John og Eva er bedste venner. John and Eva are best friends. John and Eva are best friends. Tom er maniodepressiv. Tom is bipolar. Tom is bipolar. Tom er ikke Marys ven. Tom isn't Mary's friend. Tom is not Mary's friend. Hvorfor opholder Tom sig i Boston? Why's Tom staying in Boston? Why is Tom staying in Boston? Det er første gang nogensinde jeg har talt dansk. This is the first time I've ever spoken in Danish. This is the first time I've ever spoken Danish. Er det langt til Tallinn? Is it a long way to Tallinn? Is it far to Tallinn? Du tilføjer korte eksempler. You add short examples. You add short examples. Pigen tror stadig på julemanden. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. Hvad er dit telefonnummer? What is your phone number? What's your phone number? Stikker disse insekter? Do these insects sting? Are these bugs sticking? I Danmark er der ingen gule postkasser. In Denmark, there aren't any yellow postboxes. In Denmark there are no yellow mailboxes. Du kan ikke se skoven for bare træer. You can't see the forest for the trees. You can't see the woods for just trees. Jeg har allerede læst dagens avis. I've already read today's paper. I've already read today's paper. Han kan knap nok læse. He can barely read. He can barely read. Der står tre mænd og venter på dig udenfor. There are three men waiting for you outside. There are three men waiting for you outside. Forrige nat skrev jeg et brev. I wrote a letter last night. Last night I wrote a letter. Tom læste Marys kropssprog. Tom read Mary's body language. Tom read Mary's body language. I går hørte jeg en smuk sang. Yesterday I heard a beautiful song. Yesterday I heard a beautiful song. Hendes far døde sidste år. Her father died last year. Her father died last year. De æbler er meget store. These are very big apples. Those apples are very big. Det var bare noget jeg sagde for sjov. I'm just kidding. It's just something I said for fun. Min hund løb væk. My dog ran away. My dog ran away. Der er to elever fraværende i dag. Two students are absent today. There are two students absent today. CIA overvåger jer. The CIA is watching you. The CIA is watching you. Tom er kryptofascist. Tom is a crypto-fascist. Tom is a cryptofascist. Jeg skrællede æblet. I peeled the apple. I peeled the apple. Tom blev dyppet i tjære og rullet i fjer af folkemængden. Tom was tarred and feathered by the crowd. Tom was dipped in tar and rolled in feathers by the crowd. "Din plan duer slet ikke." "Ha, så nu er det "min" plan!" Your plan's no good. - Ha, so now it's "my" plan! "Your plan is no good at all." "Ha, so now it's my plan!" Hans hus er omgivet af træer. His house is surrounded by trees. His house is surrounded by trees. Tom er tydeligvis en god lærer. Tom is obviously a good teacher. Tom is obviously a good teacher. Tom arbejder i en bank. Tom is working at a bank. Tom works at a bank. Hvem er den dreng? Who is that boy? Who's that boy? Skynd jer at få et værelse! Get a room already! Hurry up! Get a room! Hun er sin egen direktør. She's her own boss. She's her own CEO. Det skete omkring kl. halv fem. It happened at about half past four. It happened around 5:30. Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle sige til Tom. I didn't know what I should say to Tom. I didn't know what to tell Tom. Tom åbnede døren i passagersiden. Tom opened the passenger's door. Tom opened the door on the passenger side. Det er på høje tid at komme i seng. It's high time for bed. It's time to go to bed. Hold op med at stjæle mine sætninger! Stop stealing my sentences. Stop stealing my sentences! Hun er aldrig online, ikke en gang i hendes ferie. She is never online, even during her vacation. She's never online, not even during her vacation. Han har to hunde. He has two dogs. He's got two dogs. Jeg var ret afslappet. I was pretty relaxed. I was pretty relaxed. Der er vores bus. There's our bus. There's our bus. Linjen er optaget. The line is busy. The line's busy. Marys kat behøver kun at hvæse én gang for at jage naboernes hunde på flugt. Mary's cat needs to hiss only once, to scare away the neighbours' dogs. Mary's cat only needs to sharpen once to hunt the neighbor's dogs on the run. Hvis du ikke ved hvad et ord betyder, så slå det op i en ordbog. If you don't know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary. If you don't know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary. Jeg spekulerer på hvorfor han ikke spiste æblet der faldt på hans hoved. I wonder why he didn't eat the apple that fell on his head. I wonder why he didn't eat the apple that fell on his head. Det træ nær floden er et valnødtræ. That tree near the river is a walnut tree. That tree near the river is a walnut tree. Du sier myggen fra og sluger en kamel. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. You cut off the mosquito and swallow a camel. Jeg skriver til Erwan Le Bourdonnec. I write to Erwan Le Bourdonnec. I'm writing to Erwan Le Bourdonnec. Hun var forud for sin tid. She was ahead of her time. She was ahead of her time. Hvad hedder denne blomst? What is this flower called? What's the name of this flower? Han er ikke det værd. He's not worth it. He's not worth it. Den er ikke for dyb. It's not too deep. It's not too deep. Du underskrev ikke alle dokumenterne. You didn't sign all the documents. You didn't sign all the documents. De har brug for mad og vand. They need food and water. They need food and water. Jiddisch skrives med det hebraiske alfabet. Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet. Jiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet. Hun sang en sang. She was singing a song. She sang a song. Håb og tålmodighed fører til magt. Hope and patience lead to power. Hope and patience lead to power. Min bedstefar har et meget godt helbred. My grandfather is very healthy. My grandfather has a very good health. Jeg kunne ikke holde varmen ud. I couldn't stand the heat. I couldn't stand the heat. Birken har hvid bark. The birch has white bark. Birken has white bark. Han ser slet ikke fjernsyn. He doesn't watch TV at all. He's not watching TV at all. Det er så sandelig tid for at "tørlægge sumpen" i Washington DC! It is indeed time to 'drain the swamp' in Washington D.C.! It is indeed time to "dry the swamp" in Washington DC! Han er uberegnelig. He is erratic. He's erratic. Jeg og Tom legede sammen i haven hele eftermiddagen. Tom and I played in the backyard together all afternoon. Me and Tom were playing together in the garden all afternoon. Han kommer herhen to gange om ugen. He comes here twice a week. He comes here twice a week. Jeg kender hver en krog af byen. I know every inch of the town. I know every corner of the city. De er jævnaldrende. They are the same age. They're the same age. Tom sagde at han havde brug for tolv æg. Tom said he needed a dozen eggs. Tom said he needed 12 eggs. Tom var den eneste som blev såret. Tom was the only one who got hurt. Tom was the only one who was hurt. Jeg har ikke brug for dine penge. I don't need your money. I don't need your money. I virkeligheden hedder jeg ikke Tom. My name is not really Tom. In fact, my name isn't Tom. Hvad er et julemarked? What is a Christmas market? What's a Christmas market? Jeg har tidligere været tjener. I used to be a waiter. I used to be a waiter. Jeg er ikke en lebbe. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. Kan du lufte hunden? Can you walk the dog? Can you walk the dog? Sami kommer til at rådne op i spjældet. Sami is going to rot in jail. Sami's gonna rot in jail. Var der frisk brød i kassen? Was there fresh bread in the box? Was there fresh bread in the box? Jeg spurgte ham om han kendte hendes adresse. I asked him if he knew her address. I asked him if he knew her address. Jeg bor i Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. Han sagde til mig: "Jeg læste denne bog i går." He said to me, 'I read this book yesterday'. He said to me, "I read this book yesterday." Han mistede herredømmet over bilen i en rundkørsel og væltede om på taget. He lost control with the car in a roundabout and it flipped. He lost control of the car in a roundabout and overturned the roof. Vi skyndte os til togstationen. We hurried to the train station. We hurried to the train station. Hun ønskede at hjælpe hans venner. She wanted to help his friends. She wanted to help his friends. Jeg bad Tom møde mig ved togstationen. I asked Tom to meet me at the train station. I asked Tom to meet me at the train station. Jeg oversætter sætninger på Tatoeba i min fritid. I translate sentences on Tatoeba in my spare time. I translate phrases in Tatoeba in my free time. Hvad er det du siger? What are you saying? What are you saying? Kan du hjælpe mig med at plante denne busk? Can you help me plant this shrub? Can you help me plant this bush? Ja det sker af og til. Yes, it happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens sometimes. Alle dyr er lige, men nogle dyr er mere lige end andre. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Åbn dørene! Open the doors. Open the doors! Der findes mange alternativer til komælk, såsom gedemælk, mandelmælk, kokosmælk, sojamælk, hampemælk og rismælk. There are many alternatives to cow milk, such as goat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, hemp milk and rice milk. There are many alternatives to cow's milk, such as goat's milk, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, hemp milk and rice milk. Det vanskelige spørgsmål er hvor. The difficult question is where. The difficult question is where. Det er dit problem, ikke mit. It's your problem, not mine. That's your problem, not mine. Kan du lide ravioli? Do you like ravioli? Do you like ravioli? Han prædiker for døve øren. He preaches to deaf ears. He preaches to deaf ears. Tom kan endnu ikke svømme. Tom is not yet able to swim. Tom can't swim yet. Dette er mine principper. Hvis du ikke kan lide dem ..., så har jeg andre. Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. These are my principles, and if you don't like them, then I have others. Jeg håber at det ikke vil regne i dag. I hope it doesn't rain today. I hope it won't rain today. Serveren er nede igen. The server is down again. The server's down again. Hvorfor er du så træt? Why are you so tired? Why are you so tired? Jeg hører stemmer i mit hoved. I hear voices in my head. I hear voices in my head. Du behøver ikke svare på dette spørgsmål. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer this question. Hun var behageligt overrasket. She was pleasantly surprised. She was pleasantly surprised. Mange børn kan ikke lide grøntsager, men min lillebror elsker dem. Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. A lot of kids don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Hvorfor har du handsker på? Why are you wearing gloves? Why are you wearing gloves? Min bror er to år ældre end mig, men han er tre centimeter lavere. My brother is two years older than I, but he is three centimeters shorter. My brother's two years older than me, but he's three centimeters lower. Det regnede hele dagen i går. It rained all day yesterday. It rained all day yesterday. Tom har en splint i sin finger. Tom has a splinter in his finger. Tom has a splinter in his finger. Han siger han har en høne at plukke med dig. He says he has a bone to pick with you. He says he has a bone to pick with you. Den første benzinmotor blev opfundet i slutningen af 1800-tallet. The first gasoline engine was invented in the late 1800's. The first petrol engine was invented in the late 1800s. Tom må have haft en nøgle. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Jeg har besluttet ikke at sælge min motorcykel. I've decided not to sell my motorcycle. I've decided not to sell my bike. Dette sted er et sandt gedemarked. It's a three-ring circus in this place. This place is a real goat market. Kvinden kalder på manden. The woman calls the man. The woman calls the man. Jeg er så glad for at der er en bæk nær Grønnebakken. I'm so glad there's a brook near Green Gables. I'm so glad there's a creek near the Green Tray. Jeg forstod næsten intet. I understood almost nothing. I barely understood anything. Mød den forvrængede virkelighed! Meet the twisted reality! Meet the distorted reality! Jeg har ikke tid til at være syg. I don't have time to be sick. I don't have time to be sick. Sverige har sit eget sprog. Sweden has its own language. Sweden has its own language. Det er trist at se Maria så ulykkelig. It's sad to see Mary so unhappy. It's sad to see Maria so unhappy. Jeg har svært ved at huske navne. I have trouble remembering names. I'm having a hard time remembering names. Tom sidder og spiser. Tom's eating. Tom is eating. Det er forsøget værd. It's worth a try. It's worth a try. Min mor kender Toms mor. My mother knows Tom's mother. My mother knows Tom's mother. Bedre sent end aldrig. Better late than never. Better late than never. En kanins ører er længere end en rævs. The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a fox. A rabbit's ears are longer than a fox's. Ét sprog er aldrig nok. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Jeg vil ikke oversætte denne sætning. I don't want to translate this sentence. I will not translate this sentence. Hvordan går du og har det for tiden? How are you doing these days? How are you feeling these days? Tom leger med sin yoyo. Tom is playing with his yo-yo. Tom's playing with his yo-yo. Hvad købte du? What did you buy? What did you buy? Om to dage fylder jeg tretten. In two days, I'll turn 13. In two days, I'll be thirteen. Lad os komme til sagen og snakke forretning. Let's get down to brass tacks and talk business. Let's get down to business. Du taler esperanto, ikke sandt? You speak Esperanto, right? You speak Esperanto, don't you? Æbler er røde eller grønne. Apples are red or green. Apples are red or green. Skal vi allerede afsted? Are we already leaving? We're leaving already? Har Tom et kæledyr? Does Tom have a pet? Tom has a pet? Hvornår trækker du dig tilbage? When will you retire? When are you gonna retire? Vi kæmper en håbløs kamp. We're fighting a losing battle. We're fighting a hopeless battle. Tom er som en af familien. Tom is like one of the family. Tom is like a family. Han er verdensberømt. He's famous around the world. He's world famous. De blev gift. They got married. They got married. Hvor meget skal du have for alle disse ting? How much do you want for all this stuff? How much do you need for all these things? Hvordan har du det med Tom nu? How do you feel about Tom now? How do you feel about Tom now? Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your granddaughter? Where's your granddaughter? Udenforstående er tilbøjelig til at skose esperanto for at være et idealistisk tidsspilde. Outsiders tend to scoff at Esperanto as an idealistic waste of time. Outsiders tend to treat Esperanto as an idealistic waste of time. Områderne med mindst nedbør ligger på læsiden af bjergene. The areas with lowest precipitation are on the leeward side of the mountains. The areas with the least rainfall are located on the sheltered side of the mountains. Jeg må have forlagt den. I must've misplaced it. I must have misplaced it. Det er ikke noget at være bange for. It's nothing to be afraid of. It's nothing to be afraid of. Sikke en smuk solopgang! What a beautiful sunrise it is! What a beautiful sunrise! Han er en ulv i fåreklæder. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Hvis lærer kommer fra Det Forenede Kongerige? Whose teacher is coming from the United Kingdom? Whose teacher comes from the United Kingdom? Jeg drømte en drøm i nat om silke og fornemt stof eller om lighed og retfærdig dom. I dreamt a dream last night, about silk and fine cloth or about equality and fair trial. I dreamt a dream last night about silk and fine cloth or about equality and just judgment. Hvor meget vejer du? How much do you weigh? How much do you weigh? Jeg har hørt den sang sunget på fransk. I have heard that song sung in French. I've heard that song singing in French. Tom viste Mary nogle fotos af John. Tom showed Mary some photos of John. Tom showed Mary some photos of John. Hvis jeg kunne sende dig en skumfidus, Trang, ville jeg gøre det. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. Hans mor lever helt alene på landet. His Mum lives all by herself out in the countryside. His mother lives all alone in the country. Det er Tatoeba. That is Tatoeba. It's Tatoeba. Uranus og Neptun ligner hinanden. Uranus and Neptune are similar. Uranus and Neptune are similar. Tom hugger brænde. Tom is chopping wood. Tom chops wood. Elsker du stadig Tom? Do you still love Tom? Do you still love Tom? Hun så vredt på ham. She gave him a dirty look. She looked angry at him. Aarhus, Danmarks næststørste by, har postnummeret 8000. Aarhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, has the zip code 8000. Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city, has the postal number 8000. Hvis bil er den her? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? Mange tak! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Tom siger at han har et hemmeligt våben. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Tom says he has a secret weapon. Kvadratroden af 3 er √3 eller -√3. The square root of 3 is √3 or -√3. Square root of 3 is √3 or -√3. Jeg sidder fast i en trafikprop. I'm in a jam. I'm stuck in a traffic jam. Vi blev dybt berørt af hendes fortælling. We were deeply moved by her story. We were deeply touched by her story. Jeg spurgte manden i spejlet: "Hvordan er du kommet derind?" I asked the man in the mirror: "How did you get in there?" I asked the man in the mirror, "How did you get in there?" Menneskeaber er intelligente. Apes are intelligent. Man monkeys are intelligent. Tom viste mig rundt i byen. Tom showed me around town. Tom showed me around town. Spørg Alex. Ask Alex. Ask Alex. Du løj for mig, gjorde du ikke? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Jeg vil tage noget af det der. I'll take some of that. I'll take some of that. Et af disse æg er ikke udklækket endnu. One of these eggs hasn't hatched yet. One of these eggs hasn't hatched yet. Den sang blev skrevet af Tom. That song was written by Tom. That song was written by Tom. Freud var skaberen af psykoanalysen. Freud originated psychoanalysis. Freud was the creator of psychoanalysis. Må jeg åbne vinduerne? May I open the windows? Can I open the windows? Vi ventede. We waited. We waited. Er din kone berber? Is your wife Berber? Is your wife Berber? Mit ur er mere præcist end dit. My watch is more accurate than yours. My watch is more accurate than yours. Han har stjålet mit armbåndsur. He stole my watch. He stole my wristwatch. Markerne var dækket af dyb sne. The fields lay covered with deep snow. The fields were covered with deep snow. Tom fortalte os alt. Tom told us everything. Tom told us everything. Hej. Hello! Hi. De stod af ved det følgende busstoppested. They got off at the next bus stop. They got off at the following bus stop. Hun er canadisk. She's Canadian. She's Canadian. Hr. Sato stillede mig mange spørgsmål om valget. Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election. Mr Sato asked me many questions about the elections. Han flippede helt ud. He went ballistic. He freaked out. Jeg holder meget af pizza. I like pizza very much. I like pizza a lot. Jeg forventer ikke at de vil støtte mit synspunkt. I don't expect that they will support my view. I don't expect them to support my point of view. Jeg ved at Tom er forelsket i Mary. I know Tom is in love with Mary. I know Tom is in love with Mary. Din ph.d.-afhandling skal være skrevet på engelsk. Your PhD thesis has to be written in English. Your doctoral thesis must be written in English. Hun sover som en baby. She sleeps like a baby. She sleeps like a baby. Tom har sagt det i går. Tom said that yesterday. Tom told me yesterday. Byen er fyldt med turister. The town is packed with tourists. The city is full of tourists. Tom har en stor appetit. Tom has a big appetite. Tom has a big appetite. Mary er Toms stedsøster. Mary is Tom's stepsister. Mary is Tom's step sister. Damen giftede sig med en udlænding. She is married to a foreigner. The lady married a foreigner. Hvem ejer disse rensdyr? Who owns these reindeer? Who owns these reindeer? Jeg går. I walk. I'm gonna go. Det er for lille. It's too small. It's too small. Tom så en western. Tom watched a Western. Tom saw a Western. Har værelset et bad? Does the room have a bath? Does the room have a bath? Jeg kan høre noget. I hear something. I hear something. Jeg forventer ikke at du husker det. I don't expect you to remember. I don't expect you to remember. Hvor er det en trist historie. How sad a story this is! That's a sad story. For guds skyld, sig ikke det! For goodness' sake, don't say that! For God's sake, don't say that! Det har jeg aldrig sagt! I have never said that. I never said that! Jeg gav den til hende. I gave it to her. I gave it to her. Tom satte sig i en tom stol. Tom sat down on an empty chair. Tom sat in an empty chair. Jeg har én bror. I have one brother. I have one brother. Hvor mange lande er medlem af De Forenede Nationer? How many countries are members of the United Nations? How many countries are members of the United Nations? Ham og hans datter sms'ede ofte til hinanden inde i deres eget hus. His daughter and he often texted each other inside their own home. He and his daughter often texted each other inside their own house. Tom læser en novellesamling. Tom is reading a book of short stories. Tom reads a short story collection. Tag et kig på de her. Take a look at these. Take a look at these. En elefant er et stærkt dyr. An elephant is a strong animal. An elephant is a strong animal. Tom havde ingen ide om, hvad jeg snakkede om. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Han er stadig meget forelsket i dig. He's still very much in love with you. He's still very much in love with you. Hvor kan jeg vaske hænderne før jeg spiser? Where can I wash my hands before I eat? Where can I wash my hands before I eat? Regnvejret varede en uge. The rain lasted a week. The rain lasted a week. Omkring 30 millioner turister kommer til Venedig hvert år. About 30 million tourists come to Venice each year. About 30 million tourists come to Venice every year. Der er ingen grund til at bekymre sig. There's no need to worry. There's no need to worry. Jeg har ikke set meget til Tom for nylig. I haven't seen very much of Tom recently. I haven't seen much of Tom lately. Sårede bjørne er normalt meget farlige. Wounded bears are usually very dangerous. Wounded bears are usually very dangerous. Hvorfor bliver du ked af det? Why are you getting upset? Why do you get upset? Den bil er hans. That car is his. That car is his. Jeg er fra Canada. I'm from Canada. I'm from Canada. Cyklisterne var trætte men lykkelige. The cyclists were tired, but happy. The cyclists were tired but happy. Pigen så altid lykkelig ud, men det var hun slet ikke. The girl always looked happy, but she wasn't at all happy. The girl always looked happy, but she wasn't at all. Der er noget galt. There's something wrong. Something's wrong. Du har gode indfald. You have good ideas. You've got good ideas. Hvem tror du, du er? Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? Han legede med sin kat. He played with his cat. He was playing with his cat. Ken er ældre end Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. Ken's older than Seiko. Vi må handle hurtigt. We have to act fast. We must act quickly. Den var meget god. It was very good. It was very good. Hvad står FN for? What does UN stand for? What does the UN stand for? De glemte min fødselsdag. They forgot my birthday. They forgot my birthday. Tom og Mary vil holde deres løfte. Tom and Mary will keep their promise. Tom and Mary will keep their promise. Tom kaldte mig en kujon. Tom called me a coward. Tom called me a coward. Uret er ti minutter bagefter. The clock is ten minutes slow. The clock is ten minutes behind. Om efteråret bliver bladene gule. In autumn the leaves turn yellow. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow. Kulilte er et giftigt stof som dannes ved ufuldstændig forbrænding af kulstofforbindelser. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Carbon monoxide is a toxic substance formed by incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Du har intet hjerte. You have no heart. You have no heart. Han besejrede sin fjende. He defeated his enemy. He defeated his enemy. Har vi tid? Do we have time? Do we have time? Jeg taler ikke kinesisk. I don't speak Chinese. I don't speak Chinese. Ønsker I at spise? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Tom klædte sig om på badeværelset. Tom changed in the bathroom. Tom dressed in the bathroom. Det er virkelig nemt. This is real easy. It's really easy. Tom bad Mary om at åbne vinduet. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Dette er huset hvor jeg blev født. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Jeg er helt udmattet. I'm all tired out. I'm exhausted. Du gjorde hvad du skulle gøre. You did what you had to do. You did what you had to do. Den mand sagde at hans navn var Tom. That man said his name was Tom. That man said his name was Tom. Jeg motionerer en time om dagen. I exercise for an hour every day. I exercise an hour a day. I 1900 forlod han England, og han vendte aldrig tilbage. In 1900, he left England, and he never returned. In 1900 he left England, and he never returned. Glem os ikke! Don't forget us! Don't forget us! Hunden sidder på tæppet. The dog is sitting on the carpet. The dog's on the rug. Stil skrivebordet mod væggen. Put the desk against the wall. Put the desk against the wall. Jeg kan vinde denne gang. I can win this time. I can win this time. Han har et meget dyrt ur. He has a very expensive watch. He's got a very expensive watch. Gidslerne vil blive frigivet før eller siden. Sooner or later, the hostages will be released. The hostages will be released sooner or later. Jeg tror at han har fåresyge. I think that he has mumps. I think he has mumps. Tom gik på pension den 20. oktober 2013. Tom retired on October 20, 2013. Tom retired on October 20, 2013. Han er ældre end mig. He's older than me. He's older than me. Vi bor i et hus. We live in a house. We live in a house. Troldmanden har en tryllestav. The wizard has a magic wand. The wizard has a wand. Jeg har forsøgt at overtale Tom til at gøre det. I've been trying to convince Tom to do that. I've been trying to convince Tom to do it. Jeg har haft travlt. I have been busy. I've been busy. Du behøver ikke sige noget, hvis du ikke har lyst. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Makaroni og ost er Toms livret. Macaroni and cheese is Tom's favorite food. Macaroni and cheese are Tom's favorite. Tom havde skydevåben overalt i sit hus. Sami had guns all over his house. Tom had guns all over his house. Jeg tror du tager helt fejl. I think you're all wrong. I think you're wrong. Tom prøver bare at redde ansigt. Tom's just trying to save face. Tom's just trying to save face. Når du ser fjernsyn eller hører radio, så er den musik du hører, ofte af afrikansk oprindelse. When you watch television or listen to the radio, the music which you hear is often African in origin. When you watch TV or listen to radio, the music you hear is often of African origin. Du kan danse, kan du ikke? You can dance, can't you? You can dance, can't you? Jeg tror ikke at fjernsyn nogensinde kommer til at erstatte bøger. I don't think TV will ever take the place of books. I don't think television will ever replace books. De store svaner svømmede rundt omkring den og strøg den med næbbet, som en velkomst. The great swans swam round the new-comer, and stroked his neck with their beaks, as a welcome. The big swans swam around it and stroked it with their beaks, as a welcome. Sami boede i et beskedent hus. Sami lived in a modest house. Sami lived in a modest house. Tom blev dræbt den 20. oktober. Tom was killed October 20th. Tom was killed on October 20th. Vi tager hjem. We're going home. We're going home. Tom taler fransk temmelig godt. Tom speaks French fairly well. Tom speaks French pretty well. Her er dine sko. Your shoes are here. Here's your shoes. Økonomer har forudsagt fem af de sidste tre recessioner. Economists have predicted five of the last three recessions. Economists have predicted five of the last three recessions. Hun kom med et rigtig godt spørgsmål. She asked a very good question. She came up with a very good question. Min familie i det hus der. My family live in that house. My family in that house. Jeg lever her. I live here. I live here. Denne pære er grøn. This pear is green. This bulb is green. Tom er Marys far. Tom is Mary's father. Tom is Mary's father. Der var et kraftigt jordskælv i nat. A strong earthquake happened last night. There was a major earthquake last night. Tom er ligeglad. Tom doesn't care. Tom doesn't care. Disse æsker har samme størrelse. These boxes are the same size. These boxes are the same size. Hvor har du mødt dem? Where did you meet them? Where did you meet them? Filmen varede to timer. The film lasted 2 hours. The film lasted two hours. Der er nogle fluer på væggen. There are some flies on the wall. There are some flies on the wall. Hør nu efter! Now listen up. Listen to me! Hvad laver du her så tidlig? What do you do here so early? What are you doing here so early? Det regner. It is raining. It's raining. Hvem har skrevet brevet? Who wrote the letter? Who wrote the letter? Jeg har ingen penge. I do not have any money. I don't have any money. Jeg kunne kysse Dem. I could kiss you. I could kiss you. Det styrter ned. It is raining heavily. It's going down. Her har der engang været et hus. There used to be a house here at one time. Once upon a time, there was a house here. Hvor var Tom i går? Where was Tom yesterday? Where was Tom yesterday? Jeg vil gerne spise et stykke brød med pålæg. I'd like to eat an open-face sandwich. I'd like to eat a piece of bread with cold cuts. Det tårn, I ser derovre, er Eiffeltårnet. That tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. The tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. Han er to tommer højere end mig. He is two inches taller than I am. He's two inches taller than me. De små stod ganske tavse, men kun et øjeblik, så jublede de igen så at det rungede efter; de dansede rundt om træet, og den ene gave efter den anden blev plukket af. The little ones stood quite silent, but only for a minute; then they shouted till the room rang: they danced gleefully round the Tree, and one present after another was plucked from it. The little ones stood quite silent, but only for a moment, so they cheered again that it roared; they danced around the tree, and one gift after another was picked off. Min bror bruger den cykel. My brother uses that bike. My brother's using that bike. Vi får se hvem der svarer først. We'll see who answers first. We'll see who answers first. Jeg er sikker på at Tom er skyldig. I'm sure Tom is guilty. I'm sure Tom is guilty. Vi kan helt sikkert finde en taxa som kan køre os til stationen. We can definitely find a cab to take us to the station. We can definitely find a cab to take us to the station. Hvordan udtales dit fornavn? How does one pronounce your first name? How is your first name pronounced? Mary er enlig mor. Mary is a single mother. Mary's a single mother. Dette gamle hus er hjemsøgt. This old house is haunted. This old house is haunted. Tom trak Mary ud af den brændende bil. Tom pulled Mary out of the burning car. Tom pulled Mary out of the burning car. Rygtet fortæller at du fik jobbet. Rumour has it that you got the job. Rumor has it you got the job. Algeriets hovedstad er Algier. Algeria's capital is Algiers. Algeria's capital is Algiers. Tom bliver sjældent syg. Tom seldom gets sick. Tom rarely gets sick. Tom følte sig som et nyt menneske. Tom felt like a new man. Tom felt like a new human being. Halv ni. It's half past eight. 9:30. Det var kun for sjov. I am just kidding. I was just kidding. Tom vil få brug for disse. Tom will need these. Tom will need these. Hvilken hårfarve har du? What color is your hair? What hair color do you have? Hans navn er Tom. His name is Tom. His name is Tom. Hun var gået ind i værelset og havde lagt sig på sengen. She went into the room and lay on the bed. She had gone into the room and laid down on the bed. Han kan lige så godt tilstå sine forbrydelser. He may as well confess his crimes. He might as well confess to his crimes. Jeg hørte en mærkelig lyd. I heard a strange noise. I heard a strange sound. Mor dig godt i Boston! Have fun in Boston. Have fun in Boston! Efter sommerferien skal børnene tilbage til skolen. After the summer holidays, the children have to go back to school. After the summer break, the kids go back to school. De vasker deres hænder. They wash their hands. They wash their hands. To personer siger at de har hørt et skud. Two people say they heard a gunshot. Two people say they heard a shot. Der er for meget sukker i kaffen. There's too much sugar in the coffee. There's too much sugar in the coffee. Vi er alle bekymrede for Tom. We're all worried about Tom. We're all worried about Tom. Titanic sank i 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. Hey, hvor har du lagt brugervejledningen til bilens navigationssystem? Hey, where did you put the car navigation system's user's manual? Hey, where did you put the user manual for the car's navigation system? Lad mig være! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Har myrer ører? Do ants have ears? Do ants have ears? Jeg foretrækker grønt frem for blåt. I prefer green rather than blue. I prefer green to blue. Tom er tydeligvis vild med Mary. Tom is obviously crazy about Mary. Tom obviously loves Mary. Vi må tænke på vores børn og børnebørn. We must think of our children and grand-children. We need to think about our children and grandchildren.