Pokud jdeš odpoledne do knihovny, vrátil bys pro mě prosím dvě knížky, když tam budeš? If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there? If you're going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me while you're there? Z jaké kapitoly je tenhle verš? Which chapter is this verse from? What chapter is this verse from? Píšu dopis. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. Rád překládám. I like translating. I like translating. Šel jsem po ulici, když v tom mi někdo zaklepal na rameno. I was walking down the street when suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder. I was walking down the street when someone knocked on my shoulder. Jste tady noví. You're new here. You're new here. Koncem listopadu zaútočili na Finsko. In late November, they attacked Finland. At the end of November, Finland was attacked. Tom nás nechal dlouho čekat. Tom kept us waiting for a long time. Tom kept us waiting for a long time. Koupil jsem dvě lahve mléka. I bought two bottles of milk. I bought two bottles of milk. Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. The grass is green. Máme stejného zubaře. We have the same dentist. We have the same dentist. Tom se zajímá o hodně věcí. Tom is interested in many things. Tom's interested in a lot of things. Nemáte něco dobrého proti kašli? Do you have something that's good for a cough? Do you have anything good for the cough? Co jsi udělal s mou peněženkou? What did you do with my purse? What did you do with my wallet? Nikdy se nevzdávej! Never give up! Never give up! Jsi dobrý novinář. You are a good journalist. You're a good journalist. Mám jít s tebou? Shall I go together with you? Do you want me to come with you? Tom řekl, že Mary plánuje jít sama. Tom said Mary was planning to go alone. Tom said Mary was planning to go alone. Všechno je tak drahé. Everything is so expensive. Everything's so expensive. Jsi nejlepší. You're the best. You're the best. Snažím se na něco přijít. I'm trying to figure out something. I'm trying to figure something out. Měl jste být opatrnější. You should have been more careful. You should have been more careful. Tom by se měl stydět. Tom should be ashamed. Tom should be ashamed. Pamatuješ se na to lépe než já. You remember it better than I do. You remember it better than I do. Tom potřebuje nové boty. Tom needs new shoes. Tom needs new shoes. Plaveš rád? Do you like to swim? Do you like to swim? Mluvil jsi s nimi v poslední době? Have you talked to them lately? Have you talked to them lately? To je let do Recife. It is the flight to Recife. That's a flight to Recife. Ukradla mu hodně peněz. She stole a lot of money from him. She stole a lot of his money. Jsem žena. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Nahlásil jsem ten případ. I reported the incident. I reported the case. Ona ztrácí čas. She is wasting time. She's wasting her time. Přestal bys? Would you stop that? Would you stop? Došlo ti mléko. You're out of milk. You're out of milk. Nemám děti. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Tom nemá dost peněz, aby si koupil nové auto. Tom doesn't have enough money to buy a new car. Tom doesn't have enough money to buy a new car. Chtěla, aby řekl, že ji miluje. She wanted him to say that he loved her. She wanted him to say he loved her. Očekávám, že všichni podáte co nejlepší výkon. I expect you all to do your best. I expect you all to perform your best. Řekl novou lež, aby zamaskoval tu starou. He told a new lie to cover up an old one. He told a new lie to cover up the old one. Tom mi řekl, že nemá hlad. Tom told me that he wasn't hungry. Tom told me he wasn't hungry. Dívá se? Is he looking? Is he watching? Chci vědět, proč jsi tady. I want to know why you're here. I want to know why you're here. Udělala naprosté minimum. She did the bare minimum. She's done an absolute minimum. Nepřísahám. I don't swear. I don't swear. Masaru se chce dostat do Anglického klubu. Masaru wants to join the English Club. Masaru wants to get into the English club. Nikdo z jeho třídy neběhá rychleji než on. No one in his class can run faster than he does. Nobody in his class runs faster than him. Nezáleží na tom, co si myslím. It doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't matter what I think. Každý čtvrtý spotřebitel si myslí, že cena v budoucnu bude stoupat. One in four consumers thinks that prices will continue to rise in the future. Each fourth consumer thinks that the price will rise in the future. Tom řekl, že jsi mě chtěla vidět. Tom said you wanted to see me. Tom said you wanted to see me. Tom šel do kuchyně. Tom went down to the kitchen. Tom went into the kitchen. Myslím, že jsi udělal správnou věc. I think you did the right thing. I think you did the right thing. Můj otec mě nenechá chodit v noci ven samotnou. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me go out alone at night. Sami je pořád na cestách. Sami is constantly on the road. She's always on the road alone. Budu k vám upřímný. I'm going to be honest with you. I'll be honest with you. Umíš ten akord zahrát na klávesách? Can you play that chord on the keyboard? Can you play the chord on the keys? Máš rád míče. You like balls. You like balls. Taky mi bylo moc hezky. I also had a very good time. I had a really nice time, too. Hned to udělám. I'll do it now. I'll do it right away. Tom nezhasnul světla. Tom didn't turn off the lights. Tom didn't turn off the lights. Chci dobrý slovník. I want a good dictionary. I want a good dictionary. Už mi došla trpělivost. I have no more patience. I'm out of patience. Být tebou, tak s ním nemluvím. If I were you, I wouldn't talk to him. I wouldn't talk to him if I were you. Nejsem žádný násilník. I'm not a bully. I'm not a rapist. Nejsem tak hloupý, jak si myslíš. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. Vzal si moc hezkou holku. He married a very pretty girl. He married a very pretty girl. To jsem neviděla. I didn't see that. I didn't see that. Proč jsem byl zabanován? Why was I banned? Why was I taken? Mám rád angličtinu, ale nemluvím jí dobře. I like the English language, but I don't speak it well. I like English, but I don't speak it well. Jsi zapojený. You're involved. You're involved. Město spalo. The town slept. The city was asleep. Nenosil jsem klobouk. I wasn't wearing a hat. I didn't wear a hat. To jsi Tomovi říkat neměl. You shouldn't have told Tom that. You shouldn't have told Tom that. Chci vědět, jakou má Tom krevní skupinu. I want to know what Tom's blood type is. I want to know what his blood type is. Tom zamkl dveře. Tom locked the door. Tom locked the door. Máš co číst? Have you got anything to read? You got something to read? Řekla, že největším plastickým chirurgem je bůh. She said that the greatest plastic surgeon was God. She said the greatest plastic surgeon is God. Co jsem mohl udělat lépe? What could I have done better? What could I have done better? Tom vypadá nepřátelsky. Tom seems unfriendly. Tom seems hostile. Věčná láska neexistuje. Unfailing love does not exist. There is no eternal love. To se nás netýká. That doesn't concern us. It's none of our business. Můžeš si říkat, co chceš. You can say what you like. You can say whatever you want. Tom ve městě zřídil psí útulek. Tom has established a dog pound in the town. Tom set up a dog shelter in town. Já si myslím, že to může udělat Tom, a jedině Tom. Jiní si ale myslí, že i Mary by to mohla udělat. I think that Tom and only Tom can do it. However, some people think that Mary could do it, too. I think Tom can do it, and only Tom, but others think that Mary could do it. Ahoj, jmenuji se Mary. Jak vám mohu pomoci? Hi, my name is Mary. How can I help you? Hi, my name is Mary, how can I help you? Je něco, co nám chceš povědět? Is there anything you want to tell us? Is there anything you want to tell us? Zase lžeš. You're lying again. You're lying again. Uvažoval jsem o změně zaměstnání. I considered changing my job. I was thinking about changing my job. Tom ví, jak postupovat. Tom knows how to get things done. Tom knows how to proceed. Jaká je to vůně? What does that smell like? What smell is that? Neprotestovala. She didn't protest. She didn't protest. Ten pán je hubeňour, ale jeho žena je tlustá. That man is skinny, but his wife is fat. The gentleman is skinny, but his wife is fat. Jedí jablka. They're eating apples. They eat apples. Ten rybník je velmi hluboký. The pond is very deep. That pond is very deep. Tom si vzal maličký kousek z Maryina koblihu. Tom took a tiny bite out of Mary's donut. Tom took a little piece of Mary's doughnut. Neměl bych odvahu to udělat. I wouldn't have the guts to do that. I wouldn't have the courage to do that. Poděkovala mu za jeho užitečnou radu. She thanked him for his helpful advice. She thanked him for his helpful advice. Tohle Sami řekl svému doktorovi. Sami said this to the doctor. That's what Sami told his doctor. Dobře. Vezmu si to. All right. I'll take it. Okay, I'll take it. Doufám, že tohle je začátek krásného přátelství. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Žádné povídání během testu, lidi. No talking during the test, people. No talking during the test, guys. Účet dosáhl 500 dolarů. The bill amounted to 500 dollars. The bill reached $500. Museli jsme to tajit. We had to keep it a secret. We had to keep it a secret. Co bys říkal na tenhle svetr? What do you think of this sweater? How would you feel about this sweater? Tom hulákal na Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Jedná rychle. He acts quickly. He's moving fast. Svět je velmi velký. The world is very big. The world is very big. Tohle by Tom neudělal. That's not something Tom would do. Tom wouldn't do that. V polévce je vlas. There's a hair in the soup. There's hair in the soup. Mám rád nudle. I like noodles. I like noodles. Nevěděl jsem, že Tom má alergii na arašídy. I didn't know Tom was allergic to peanuts. I didn't know Tom was allergic to peanuts. Vyhláskujte svoje jméno, prosím. Spell your name, please. Spell your name, please. Doufám, že Tom není unavený. I hope that Tom isn't tired. I hope Tom's not tired. Co jsi schoval? What did you hide? What did you hide? Učitel viděl někoho opisovat při testu. The teacher saw someone copying on the test. The teacher saw someone copulate on the test. Máš to všechno špatně. You have it all wrong. You got it all wrong. Neměl jsem jinou možnost, než tam jít. I had no choice but to go there. I had no choice but to go. Jakmile budeš mít auto opraveno, pošli mi prosím dopisem cenu. Pošlu ti peníze. As soon as you have the car fixed, please send me a letter with the cost. I'll send you the money. As soon as you have your car fixed, please send me the price by letter. I'll send you the money. Tom řekl, že moji rodiče mi to pravděpodobně dovolí udělat až mi bude osmnáct. Tom said that my parents wouldn't likely allow me to do that until I'm eighteen years old. Tom said my parents would probably let me do it when I was 18. Uvolni se. Just relax. Relax. Prosím, nedělej to. Please don't do this. Please don't do this. Tom řekl Mary, že nevyhrál. Tom told Mary he didn't win. Tom told Mary he didn't win. Kolik psů má Mary? How many dogs does Mary have? How many dogs does Mary have? Tom přistihl svojí dceru při kouření. Tom caught his daughter smoking. Tom caught his daughter smoking. Co učí Tom? What does Tom teach? What does Tom teach? Tom uklouzl po šlupce od banánu. Tom slipped on a banana peel. Tom slipped on a banana peel. Tom je ještě nezletilý. Tom is still underage. Tom's still a minor. Říjen byl horší. October was worse. October was worse. Nil je nejdelší řekou světa. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Burdž Chalífa je v současnosti nejvyšší mrakodrap na světě. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Califa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. Japonsky se učit nemusím. I do not have to study Japanese. I don't have to learn Japanese. Jeď za tím autem. Follow that car. Follow the car. Prostě jsem jí nemohl říct ne. I just couldn't say no to her. I just couldn't say no to her. Já jsem lhal. I was lying. I lied. Ty mě nemáš rád, že? You don't like me, do you? You don't like me, do you? Můj starší bratr je učitel. My older brother is a teacher. My older brother is a teacher. Můj bratranec je novinář. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin's a journalist. Musel jsem změnit svoje plány. I had to change my plans. I had to change my plans. Našel jsem pod svým polštářem dárek. I found a gift underneath my pillow. I found a present under my pillow. Netušil jsem, že Tom je manžel Mary. I had no idea Tom was Mary's husband. I didn't know Tom was Mary's husband. Tohle jsme si neobjednali. We didn't order this. We didn't order this. Tvrdí, že tu nehodu viděla. She claims that she saw the accident. She claims she saw the accident. Mám ráda baseball. I like baseball. I like baseball. Mám teď odejít? Am I supposed to leave now? Should I leave now? Kolik peněz máme v bance? How much money do we have in the bank? How much money do we have in the bank? Mám rád četbu. I like reading. I like reading. Náš matikář na tabuli načrtnul kruh. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. Our math teacher drew a circle on the board. Zůstaň silný. Stay strong. Stay strong. Proč jsi tak zachmuřený? Why are you so gloomy? Why are you so gloomy? Moji bratři jsou pod stromem. My brothers are under the tree. My brothers are under a tree. Má rád svého otce. He loves his dad. He likes his father. Promeškala uzávěrku. She missed the deadline. She missed the deadline. Tom chtěl být dobrým poldou. Tom wanted to be a good cop. Tom wanted to be a good cop. Dokážeš rozbít vejce jednou rukou? Can you break an egg with one hand? Can you break an egg with one hand? Vzpomínáš si, kdy jsi naposledy viděla Toma? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Do you remember the last time you saw Tom? To řekl Tom, ne já. Tom said that, not me. Tom said that, not me. Tom vypadá unavený. Tom looks fatigued. Tom seems tired. Sprchuje se i desetkrát denně. He takes a shower even ten times a day. He's showering ten times a day. Potřebuju být sám. I need to be alone. I need to be alone. Co jsi mu řekl? What did you tell him? What did you tell him? Tom se chystá prodat svůj dům. Tom is going to sell his house. Tom's about to sell his house. Tom by nelhal. Tom wouldn't lie. Tom wouldn't lie. Měl bys to vyzkoušet. You should try it. You should try it. Kim je oděna velice přitažlivě. Kim is dressed very attractively. Kim is very attractively dressed. Moje sestřenice je novinářka. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin's a journalist. Slyšel jsem, že Tom byl zlý na svou poslední přítelkyni. I heard that Tom was mean to his last girlfriend. I heard Tom was mean to his last girlfriend. Miluju způsob, jakým mě líbáš. I love the way you kiss me. I love the way you kiss me. Řekl jsem jim, aby to udělali. I told them to do that. I told them to do it. Chci vám říct ještě jednu věc. I want to tell you one thing more. There's one more thing I want to tell you. Kdysi jsem tu dělal. I used to work here. I used to work here. Ztratil jsem brýle. I've lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Tomovi ses líbila. Tom liked you. Tom liked you. Všechny ty peníze jsem utratil. I've spent all the money. I spent all that money. Utvořte kruh a držte se za ruce. Make a circle and hold hands. Form a circle and hold hands. Myslím, že bychom měli nechat Toma samotného. I think we should leave Tom alone. I think we should leave Tom alone. Těžko se mi dýchá. It's hard to breathe. It's hard to breathe. Měli jsme si uvědomit, že Tom potřebuje naší pomoc. We should've realized that Tom needed our help. We should have realized Tom needed our help. Tomovo auto sis půjčovat neměla. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Je to nejšťastnější místo na Zemi! It's the happiest place on Earth! It's the happiest place on Earth! Netýká se vás to. It doesn't concern you. It doesn't concern you. Mám žízeň. Dejte mi, prosím, něco studeného k pití. I am thirsty. Please give me something cold to drink. I'm thirsty, please give me something cold to drink. Můžeš to udělat sám. It's actually possible to do that by yourself. You can do it yourself. Slyšel jsem, že Boston je velmi nákladné místo k životu. I've heard Boston is a very expensive place to live. I hear Boston is a very expensive place to live. Spousta práce, málo peněz. Much work, little money. Lots of work, little money. Mohl bych se podívat na vinný lístek? May I see the wine list? Would you mind if I took a look at the wine list? Chci ti dát něco vzácného. I want to give you something rare. I want to give you something precious. Tom nemohl najít své brýle. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Nevím, proč Tom strávil čas ve vězení. I don't know why Tom spent time in prison. I don't know why Tom spent time in prison. Jsem novinář. I am a journalist. I'm a journalist. Na tohle si nikdy nezvyknu. I'll never get used to this. I'll never get used to this. Všichni lžou. Everybody lies. Everybody lies. Dochází mi čas. My time is running out. I'm running out of time. Tom je stejně starý jako já. Tom is my age. Tom's as old as I am. Tvoje sestra neumí anglicky. Tvoje setra nemluví anglicky. Tvoje sestra neumí mluvit anglicky. Your sister can not speak English. Your sister doesn't speak English, your sister doesn't speak English, your sister doesn't speak English. Může jít ven za podmínky, že přijde domů do pěti. He can go out on condition he comes home by five. He can go out on condition he comes home by 5:00. Lidé jsou zvláštní. People are weird. People are special. Máme psa. We have a dog. We have a dog. Musíš to podepsat. I just need you to sign this. You have to sign it. Tyto husy snášejí zlatá vejce. These geese lay golden eggs. These geese are laying golden eggs. Tom je pohledný chlap. Tom is a handsome guy. Tom's a handsome guy. Tato slepice snáší vejce skoro každý den. This hen lays an egg almost every day. This chicken lays eggs almost every day. Pracuji v Miláně. I work in Milan. I work in Milan. Myslíš si, že je Tom nezaujatý? Do you think Tom is unbiased? You think Tom's unbiased? Toto ověř. Check this. Check this out. Ano, jmenuji se Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Potřebuji tě. I need you. I need you. Přijedu dvacátého října. I'll arrive on October twentieth. I'm coming on October 20th. Každé ráno vstávám v šest. I get up at six every morning. I get up every morning at 6:00. Bydlím ve městě. I live in a city. I live in town. Dnes nebudu pracovat přesčas. I won't work overtime today. I'm not working overtime today. Tom by měl být do října zpět. Tom should be back by October. Tom should be back by October. Ano, obě slova mají tentýž význam. Yes, both words have the same meaning. Yes, both words have the same meaning. Není to zapotřebí. There's no need for it. It's not necessary. Prostě chci být perfektní. I just want to be perfect. I just want to be perfect. Vypadáš skvěle. You look perfect. You look great. Tom vylil kýbl s vodou z okna ve třetím patře. Tom poured a bucket with water out of window on the third floor. Tom spilled a bucket of water out the third-floor window. Tom jede na svém kole. Tom is riding his bicycle. Tom's riding his bike. Máš pochybnosti? Do you have doubts? Do you have any doubts? Jsem jeden známý Toma. I am a friend of Tom's. I'm a friend of Tom's. Jenom se dívám. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Dáš si něco k pití? Would you like something to drink? Would you like a drink? "Mary?," zašeptala Alice. "Mary?" Alice whispered. "Mary?" whispered Alice. Vím, že to udělal Tom. I know Tom did that. I know Tom did it. Od té doby jsem o něm neslyšel. Rád bych věděl, co vůbec dělá. I haven't heard anything from him since then. I wonder what in the world he's doing. I haven't heard from him since. Co tě přimělo ke změně názoru? What made you change your mind? What made you change your mind? Co ti dal Tom k Vánocům? What did Tom give you for Christmas? What did Tom give you for Christmas? Děti jsou květiny našich životů. Children are the flowers of our lives. Kids are the flowers of our lives. Myslím, že chce uspět. I think that he wants to succeed. I think he wants to succeed. Má ráda chemii. She likes chemistry. She likes chemistry. Dnes je poslední den ledna. Today is the last day of January. Today is the last day of January. Možná jel špatným vlakem. He may have taken the wrong train. Maybe he took the wrong train. Co chceš dát Tomovi? What do you want to give Tom? What do you want to give Tom? Tohle je začátek nové éry. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Ještě nikdy nebyla v autě, které by řídil on. She has never been in a car driven by him. She's never been in a car he'd drive before. I tak ti děkuju. Thank you all the same. Thank you anyway. Ta cizinka nemá italské jméno. The foreign woman does not have an Italian name. The foreigner doesn't have an Italian name. Nejsem připraven na další vážný vztah. I'm not ready to be in a serious relationship again. I'm not ready for another serious relationship. Polévka, kterou jsem měl, byla tak horká, že ani nebyla k jezení. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so hot, it wasn't even edible. Proč jsi nepřišel dříve? Why didn't you come sooner? Why didn't you come sooner? Tom dal Mary všechno. Tom gave Mary everything. Tom gave Mary everything. Kdy vyjde nové video? When will a new video come out? When's the new video coming out? Můžeš si dnes vzít volno. You can take today off. You can take the day off. Tom nejí červené maso. Tom doesn't eat red meat. Tom doesn't eat red meat. Kdo miluje sám sebe, má alespoň tu výhodu, že nenarazí na mnoho soků. He who is in love with himself has at least this advantage - he won't encounter many rivals. Whoever loves himself has at least the advantage of not encountering many rivals. Ano, musíš. Yes, you must. Yes, you do. Tom ukázal na jeden z obrazů a zeptal se: "Kdo to je?" Tom pointed to one of the pictures and said, "Who's that?" Tom pointed to one of the paintings and asked, "Who is it?" Jeho jméno mi nejde do hlavy. His name eludes me. I can't get his name in my head. Neví někdo z vás, kam šel Tom? Does one of you know where Tom went? Any of you guys know where Tom went? Nemám duši. I have no soul. I don't have a soul. Kdo napsal dopis? Who wrote a letter? Who wrote the letter? Právě jsem si na něco vzpomněl. I just remembered something. I just remembered something. Nemáme nic jiného. We have nothing else. We don't have anything else. Jím, protože mám hlad. I eat because I'm hungry. I eat because I'm hungry. Nevzdávejte se! Don't give up! Don't give up! Tom nikdy neslyšel Mary lhát. Tom has never heard Mary tell a lie. Tom never heard Mary lie. Kdysi jsem si Toma vážil. I used to respect Tom. I used to respect Tom. Nejsem plešatý. I'm not bald. I'm not bald. Musíš mi něco říct. You have to tell me something. You have to tell me something. Tom doufá, že to změní. Tom hopes to change that. Tom hopes he'll change that. Co kdybys šel dál a promluvíme si o tom. Why don't you come in and we'll talk about it. Why don't you come in and we'll talk about it. Dovolte mi, abych vám pomohl. Let me help you. Let me help you. Jestli budeš pořád takhle pít, onemocníš. If you keep on drinking like that, you'll get sick. If you keep drinking like that, you'll get sick. Nikdo nezná jeho jméno. No one knows his name. Nobody knows his name. Řekni mi prosím, že neodcházíš. Please tell me you're not leaving. Please tell me you're not leaving. Tom píše dopis. Tom is writing a letter. Tom's writing a letter. Tom byl jediný, kdo nakreslil tento obrázek. Tom was the one who painted this picture. Tom was the only one who drew this picture. Často hraje na kytaru. He often plays the guitar. He plays guitar a lot. Mary bývala modelkou. Mary used to be a model. Mary used to be a model. Býval jsem jako Tom. I used to be like Tom. I used to be like Tom. Dnes ráno jsem si od Toma půjčil telefon. I borrowed Tom's phone this morning. I borrowed Tom's phone this morning. Souhlasil, že s námi udělá rozhovor. He agreed to give us an interview. He agreed to interview us. Jsi v baseballovém klubu? Do you belong to the baseball club? Are you at a baseball club? Je to úžasné. It's just amazing. It's amazing. To je vcelku dobrý nápad. That's a pretty good idea. That's a pretty good idea. Žádná slova nevyjádří, jak jsi úžasná. No words can express how amazing you are. No words will express how amazing you are. Včera? Yesterday? Yesterday? Tento dům potřebuje tolik oprav, že by bylo lepší ho zbourat a postavit nový. This house needs so many repairs, it would be easier to tear it down and build a new one. This house needs so many repairs that it would be better to tear it down and build a new one. To mi nepatří. It doesn't belong to me. It doesn't belong to me. Kolik ti toho Tom řekl? How much did Tom tell you? How much did Tom tell you? Ještě jsme nekoupili vánoční stromek. We haven't yet bought a Christmas tree. We haven't bought a Christmas tree yet. Buď opatrná! Be careful. Be careful! Tenhle chléb vypadá výborně. This bread looks delicious. This bread looks delicious. Musel jsem zůstat. I had to stay. I had to stay. O tom není nejmenších pochyb. There is no doubt whatever about it. There's no doubt about it. Příliš jsi pil. You drank too much. You've been drinking too much. Byl to obrovský a skutečný průlom. That was a huge and real breakthrough. It was a huge and real breakthrough. V neděli je muzeum zavřené. On Sunday, the museum is closed. The museum is closed on Sunday. Tom včera v noci zemřel. Tom passed away last night. Tom died last night. Zdá se, že také v Japonsku budou poplatky za elektřinu řízeny roboty. It seems that in Japan too, electric taxis will be operated by robots. It seems that in Japan too, electricity charges will be managed by robots. To je poslední vzkaz od Toma. That's the last I heard from Tom. That's the last message from Tom. Barcelona je hlavní město Katalánska a druhé největší město ve Španělsku. Barcelona is the capital city of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. Vem si na pár dní volno. Take a few days off. Take a few days off. Tom má rád všechnu zeleninu až na zelí. Tom likes all vegetables except cabbage. Tom likes all the vegetables except for cabbage. Viděli jsme Toma, jak mluví s Mary. We saw Tom talking to Mary. We saw Tom talking to Mary. Odkud jste? Where are you from? Where are you from? Kde je jídelna? Where is the dining room? Where's the dining room? Právě jí volám. I'm calling her right now. I'm calling her right now. Tom nám nemusí pomáhat, pokud nechce. Tom doesn't have to help us if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't have to help us if he doesn't want to. Je to moje chyba, ne tvoje. It's my fault, not yours. It's my fault, not yours. Rozstřihl jsem ten papír nůžkami. I cut the paper with a pair of scissors. I cut the paper with scissors. Hodně ses opil. You got very drunk. You got really drunk. Můj přítel je novinář. My boyfriend is a journalist. My boyfriend's a journalist. Je to Tomova vina. It's Tom's fault. It's Tom's fault. Využil příležitosti navštívit muzeum. He took advantage of the occasion to visit the museum. He took the opportunity to visit the museum. Všichni milují hudbu. Everybody loves music. Everybody loves music. Já a Tom jsme přátelé už od základní školy. Tom and I have been friends since grade school. Me and Tom have been friends since primary school. Tom tomu nemohl uvěřit. Tom couldn't believe it. Tom couldn't believe it. Můžeme si promluvit po večeři. We can talk after dinner. We can talk after dinner. Ona je o dva roky starší než ty. She is two years older than you. She's two years older than you. Je ministr zodpovědný za životní prostředí. He is the minister responsible for the environment. He is the Minister responsible for the environment. Líbilo by se ti to? Would you like that? Would you like that? Na co to potřebuješ? Why do you need it? What do you need it for? Nikl je tvrdý, jasně stříbrný kov. Nickel is a hard, bright silver metal. Nickel is hard, bright silver metal. Nikdy by mě nenapadlo, že tu budu zpátky. I never thought I'd be back here. I never thought I'd be back here. Všechno záleží na tvém rozhodnutí. Everything depends upon your decision. Everything depends on your decision. Mary to nesnese. Mary doesn't put up with that. Mary can't take it. Tuhle krávu nemůžu podojit. Je nemocná. I cannot milk this cow. It's sick. I can't milk this cow. Mám výtok z bradavky. I have a discharge from my nipple. I got a discharge from my nipple. Vrátí se až v pět. She won't be back till five. He won't be back till 5:00. Jak by jsi se popsal? How would you describe yourself? How would you describe yourself? Je Tom stále zasnoubený s Mary? Is Tom still engaged to Mary? Is Tom still engaged to Mary? Tom občas Mary volá. Tom calls Mary once in a while. Tom calls sometimes. Tom se představil. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Pojďme na to společně přijít. Let's figure this out together. Let's figure it out together. Zamířil jsem pistoli na terč. I aimed my gun at the target. I aimed the gun at the target. Kam všichni odešli? Where did everybody go? Where'd everybody go? Jsem si docela jistá. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. Tom pořád žádá o můj názor. Tom always asks for my opinion. Tom keeps asking for my opinion. Nemám to číslo. I don't have the number. I don't have the number. Toho psa mám ráda. I like the dog. I like that dog. Tom vypadal tak, jako by měl začít brečet. Tom looked like he was going to start crying. Tom looked like he was about to start crying. Neřekl, v kterém roce se narodil. He didn't say in which year he was born. He didn't say what year he was born. Není to nic, čeho by ses musel bát. That's nothing you need to worry about. It's nothing to worry about. Proč jsi utekl? Why did he run away? Why did you run away? Tom seděl v klidu. Tom sat calmly. Tom was sitting still. Tom je opravdu silný. Tom is really strong. Tom is really strong. Hrávala s ním tenis. She used to play tennis with him. She used to play tennis with him. Tom zavřel oči, než políbil Marii. Tom closed his eyes before he kissed Mary. Tom closed his eyes before he kissed Maria. Toto je nejdelší most na světě. This is the longest bridge in the world. This is the longest bridge in the world. Tom neumí plavat, ale rád sedí u bazénu a dívá se, jak plavou jeho děti. Tom doesn't swim, but he likes sitting by the pool watching his children swim. Tom can't swim, but he likes to sit by the pool and watch his kids swim. Myslím, že Tom i Mary jsou chytří. I think both Tom and Mary are smart. I think Tom and Mary are smart. Jsem žena. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Kdy měl Tom čas to udělat?¨ When did Tom have time to do that? When did Tom have time to do this? Tohle je svět, kde žijeme. This is the world we're living in. This is the world where we live. Ty všechno vidíš moc černě. You see everything in black colours. You see everything too black. I ta nejlepší ryba začne po třech dnech smrdět. Even the best fish starts to smell after three days. Even the best fish starts to smell after three days. Byl unavený, tak šel brzy do postele. He was tired, so he went to bed early. He was tired, so he went to bed early. Vraťte se. Come back. Come back. Tom byl na každého hodný. Tom has been nice to everybody. Tom was nice to everyone. Ty jsi ten silnější. You're the strong one. You're the stronger one. Nebudu psát dopis v angličtině. I'm not going to write a letter in English. I'm not writing a letter in English. Pro Japonce je těžké dobře vyartikulovat zvuk r. It is difficult for the Japanese to articulate the sound of the r. For Japanese it is difficult to articulate sound r. Nikdy už pak svého otce neviděla. She never saw her father again. She never saw her father again. Nerozčiluj se! Don't get upset! Don't get upset! Opravdu si vážím tvé podpory. I really appreciate your support. I really appreciate your support. Udělal jsem mnoho věcí, které jsem udělat neměl. I've done many things I shouldn't have. I've done many things I shouldn't have done. Nečekal jsem dlouho, než přijel autobus. I had not waited long before the bus came. I didn't wait long for the bus to arrive. Mám těch jejích stížností plné zuby. I'm fed up with her complaints. I'm sick of her complaints. Uklidněte se, prosím. Calm down, please. Calm down, please. Kde je WC? Where is the bathroom? Where's the toilet? Netahej mě za rukáv. Don't pull my sleeve. Don't pull my sleeve. Tom si je jistý, že se věci vyřeší. Tom is sure things will work out. Tom's sure things will work out. Jsem zvyklý si sám vařit. I'm used to cooking for myself. I'm used to cooking on my own. Zítra si beru volno. I am taking tomorrow off. I'm taking tomorrow off. Mám rád boby. I like beans. I like beans. Tvůj bratr je mladší než já. Your brother is younger than me. Your brother's younger than me. Dneska nepracuju. I don't work today. I'm not working today. Tam kdysi před mnoha lety stál most. There once was a bridge here a long time ago. There was a bridge there many years ago. Tom není tak špatný. Tom isn't so bad. Tom's not so bad. Děvče vidí hocha. The girl sees the boy. The girl sees the boy. Tom si oblékl košili naruby. Tom put his shirt on inside out. Tom put his shirt on inside out. Jsem Tvá minulost. I'm your past. I'm your past. Tamten dopis je adresován tobě. That letter is addressed to you. That letter is addressed to you. Mluvíš plynně anglicky. You speak fluent English. You speak fluent English. Chtěl bych si přečíst vaši novou knihu. I'd like to read your new book. I'd like to read your new book. Alžírsko prodává ropu a plyn. Algeria sells oil and gas. Algeria sells oil and gas. Rozhodl jste se, co si chcete objednat? Have you decided what you want to order? Have you decided what you want to order? Tom požádal svého otce, aby mu pomohl postavit sněhuláka. Tom asked his father to help him make a snowman. Tom asked his father to help him build a snowman. Co rád čteš? What do you like to read? What do you like to read? Kdo se moc ptá, moc se dozví. Curiosity killed the cat. If you ask too many questions, you'll know too much. Tom hodil Mary míč. Tom threw Mary the ball. Tom threw Mary the ball. Možná to jednoho dne pochopíš. Maybe someday you'll understand that. Maybe one day you'll understand. Narodil jsem se v Sovětském svaze. I was born in the Soviet Union. I was born in the Soviet Union. Skoro všechny německé univerzity jsou veřejné. Almost all German universities are public. Almost all German universities are public. Tom je dost starý. Tom is pretty old. Tom's old enough. Co je to poslední, na co si vzpomínáš? What's the last thing you remember? What's the last thing you remember? Mám ráda děti. Proto jsem se stala učitelkou. I like children. That's why I became a teacher. That's why I became a teacher. Napiš mi až přijedeš. Send me a letter when you arrive. Text me when you get here. Láhve na pivo se vyrábějí ze skla. Beer bottles are made of glass. Beer bottles are made of glass. Ten sen byl pro mě záhadou. The dream was a mystery to me. That dream was a mystery to me. Jsi moc líný. You're too lazy. You're too lazy. Tom se začal vyhýbat lidem. Tom started to avoid people. Tom started avoiding people. Včera jsem sám uvařil večeři. Yesterday I myself cooked dinner. I made dinner myself last night. Kéž bych měl čím přispět. I wish I had something to contribute. I wish I had something to contribute. Láska se neobejde bez žárlivosti. Love is never without jealousy. Love can't be without jealousy. Nenech Toma plavat. Don't let Tom swim. Don't let Tom go. Tom vyšrouboval žárovku. Tom unscrewed the light bulb. Tom screwed out the light bulb. Dokud tu jsi, měl by ses vykoupat. As long as you're here, you'd better take a bath. As long as you're here, you should take a bath. Je dost pravděpodobné, že Tom bude chtít přijít. It's quite likely that Tom will want to come. It's pretty likely Tom's gonna want to come. Čas utíká rychle, když se dobře bavíš. Time goes by quickly when you're having fun. Time runs fast when you're having a good time. Nebyla dost rychlá. She was not quick enough. She wasn't fast enough. Mimochodem, kde vlastně bydlíš? By the way, where do you live? By the way, where do you live? Není dovoleno používat kalkulačku. No calculator is allowed. It's not allowed to use a calculator. Tom se rozhlédl po místě k sezení. Tom looked around for a place to sit. Tom looked around for a seat. V Austrálii se mluví anglicky. English is spoken in Australia. There's English in Australia. Tom říká, že nemá rád peníze. Tom says he doesn't like money. Tom says he doesn't like money. Nebudu to riskovat. I'm not going to take that chance. I won't risk it. Tady se Tom zastavil. Tom stopped here. This is where Tom stopped by. Co se to sakra děje? What on earth is happening? What the hell is going on? Pojďme tudy. Let's go this way. Let's go this way. Je nějaké spojení mezi kouřením a rakovinou plic? Is there a link between smoking and lung cancer? Is there any connection between smoking and lung cancer? Chtěl jsem být novinářem. I wanted to be a journalist. I wanted to be a journalist. Hele, počkej. Hey, wait up. Hey, wait. Braň ten kostel. Defend the Church. Defend the church. Vzpomínáš si na toto? Do you remember this? Do you remember this? Rád chodí na procházky sám. He likes taking a walk by himself. He likes to walk alone. Tom dal všechny své peníze do krabice a tu pak schoval pod postel. Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed. Tom put all his money in a box and then hid it under the bed. Teď jste na Starém Městě, tak to budete mít asi nejlepší pěšky přes Karlův most a pak Mosteckou na Malostranské naměstí. Now you are in Old Town, so it will be best to go by foot across Charles Bridge and then along Mostecká Street to Malostranské Square. Now you're in Old Town, so you'll probably have the best walk over the Charles Bridge and then Mostecká on Malostranská náměstí. Bojí se tě. They feared you. He's afraid of you. Tom začal hrát golf ve třinácti. Tom started playing golf when he was thirteen years old. Tom started playing golf at 13. Nemohu bez vás žít. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. Mnoho básníků přirovnává smrt ke spánku. Many poets compare death to sleep. Many poets liken death to sleep. Mé srdce je francouzské, ale můj zadek je mezinárodní. My heart is French, but my ass is international! My heart is French, but my ass is international. Neustále si stěžují. They are always complaining. They complain all the time. Nerozumím tomu. I don't understand it. I don't understand. Nechte ty děti hrát. Let the children play. Let the kids play. Urazil náš tým. He insulted our team. He insulted our team. Ta zastávka je odsud vzdálená tři kilometry. The station is three kilometers from here. That stop is three kilometers away. Právě jsme dosnídali. We've just finished breakfast. We just finished breakfast. Tom si hraje se synem. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Tom přišel včera domů brzo. Tom came home early yesterday. Tom came home early yesterday. Víš, že bych pro tvoje krásné oči udělal cokoliv. You know I'd do anything for your beautiful eyes. You know I would do anything for your beautiful eyes. Tom má tento týden hodně práce. Tom has a lot of work to do this week. Tom's busy this week. Kde se vzala, tu se vzala - Marie! Marie appeared out of the thin air. Where it came from, it came from - Marie! Proč to dáváš sem? Why are you putting it here? Why are you putting it here? Tohle už dělal předtím. He's done this before. He's done this before. Řekl jsi mi to minulý týden. You said that to me last week. You told me last week. Nemluv mi o ní. Don't talk to me about her. Don't talk to me about her. V jakém smyslu jsme nenažranci? In what way are we gluttons? In what sense are we greedy? Proč nejsi tam uvnitř? Why aren't you in there? Why aren't you in there? Každý, kdo k nám nepatří, je nepřítel. Everyone who isn't us is an enemy. Everyone who doesn't belong to us is an enemy. Neměl jsem v úmyslu křičet. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't mean to scream. Drž tlamu! Shut the fuck up! Shut up! Už tě ne miluju, a tak jsem smutná. I no longer love you; therefore, I am sad. I don't love you anymore, so I'm sad. Líbíš se jí! She likes you! She likes you! Vzal jsem jí za ruku. I took her arm. I took her hand. Jak jste Toma přesvědčili, aby vám pomohl? How did you persuade Tom to help you? How did you convince Tom to help you? Kde je kladivo? Where is the hammer? Where's the hammer? Tom se omluvil za to, že volá tak pozdě večer. Tom apologized for calling so late at night. Tom apologized for calling so late at night. Toto je nejhlubší jezero v Japonsku. This lake is the deepest in Japan. This is the deepest lake in Japan. Ten pár od vedle se zase hádá. The couple next door are fighting again. The couple next door are fighting again. Nemám žádný nábytek. I don't have any furniture. I don't have any furniture. Je něco, na co chceš zeptat? Is there something you want to ask? Is there anything you want to ask? Tom byl rád, že nemusel bydlet v Bostonu déle než jeden rok. Tom was glad he didn't have to live in Boston for more than a year. Tom was glad he didn't have to live in Boston for more than a year. Máš rád slony. You like elephants. You like elephants. Chci tu pár ddní zůstat. I want to stay here a few days. I want to stay here a few days. Tom řekl, že zná bratra Mary. Tom said he knew Mary's brother. Tom said he knew Mary's brother. Vy máte rád ovoce. You like fruit. You like fruit. Co jsi mu řekl? What have you told him? What did you tell him? Musíš mě o to poprosit. You have to ask me for it. You have to ask me. Nemělas sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. Někdo mi ukradl peněženku. Someone stole my wallet. Someone stole my wallet. Sami potkal mnoho úžasných lidí. Sami met many amazing people. He's met a lot of amazing people himself. Polož pistoli na stůl. Put the gun on the table. Put the gun on the table. Sami to stihl na hodinu přesně na čas. Sami made it to class on time. He made it on time for an hour himself. Rád bych žil na hradě. I would like to live in a castle. I'd like to live in the castle. Mám rád léto, ale nemohu vydržet to vedro. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. Tom se zdráhá navštívit Mary v nemocnici. Tom is hesitant to visit Mary in the hospital. Tom's reluctant to visit Mary at the hospital. Vpomínám si, že jsem tu knihu vrátil do knihovny. I remember returning the book to the library. I remember returning the book to the library. Tom a Mary byli špinaví. Tom and Mary were both dirty. Tom and Mary were dirty. Protože jsi nastydlý, nesmíš jít ven. Since you have a cold, you must not go out. Because you're cold, you can't go out. Pracuji tu. I work here. I work here. Nesouhlasím s ním. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Jak stará je tato budova? How old is this building? How old is this building? Chci vědět, co vy tu děláte. I want to know what you're doing here. I want to know what you're doing here. Tady bydlíval Tom. This is where Tom used to live. This is where Tom used to live. Ted' nemám čas. I don't have time now. I'm busy right now. Udělal si to rozhodnutí bez rozvážení, teď se musíš vyrovnat s následky. You treated the decision so casually, now you must suffer the consequences. You made that decision without delivery, now you have to deal with the consequences. Nemyslím, že by nás zahlédli. I don't think they've seen us. I don't think they've seen us. Slunce v noci nesvítí. The sun doesn't shine at night. The sun doesn't shine at night. Zmeškal jsem vlak. I missed the train. I missed the train. Prostě odpověz na otázku. Just answer the question. Just answer the question. Barva fuksie je pojmenována po květině. The colour fuchsia is called after a flower. The color of fuzzy is named after the flower. Jistěže ji miluji. Of course I love her. Of course I love her. Ukaž mi svojí knihovnu a já ti řeknu, kdo jsi. Show me the content of your book shelves and I will tell you who you are. Show me your library and I'll tell you who you are. Poté co dala Tomovi facku, Mary vyběhla z místnosti. After slapping Tom, Mary ran out of the room. After she slapped Tom, Mary ran out of the room. Tom je pro nás mrtvý. Tom is dead to us. Tom's dead to us. Je ten dům jejich? Is the house theirs? Is the house theirs? Budu potřebovat podrobnosti. I'm going to need details. I'm gonna need details. Mám monokla. I have a black eye. I have a black eye. Modré filmy jsou značené X, což znamená, že je mohou sledovat jen lidé nad 18 let. Blue movies are rated X, which means that only people of 18 and over can watch them. Blue movies are marked with X, which means only people over the age of 18 can watch them. Posaďme se do stínu toho stromu. Let's sit down in the shade of that tree. Let's sit in the shadow of that tree. Věděl jsem, že budeš mít žízeň. I knew you'd be thirsty. I knew you'd be thirsty. Problém může být v motoru. The trouble may lie in the engine. The problem may be in the engine. Tom se Mary zeptal, kde se naučila francouzsky. Tom asked Mary where she'd learned French. Tom asked Mary where she learned French. Není žádná dopravní zácpa. There's no traffic jam. There's no traffic jam. Tom a Mary byli jeden druhým zhnuseni. Tom and Mary were disgusted with each other. Tom and Mary were disgusted by each other. Nevěděl jsem, co mám říkat. I didn't know what I should say. I didn't know what to say. Tom si sundal ochranné brýle. Tom took off his protective glasses. Tom took off his safety glasses. Ta kapela hraje velmi dobře. The band plays really well. The band's playing very well. Tom mi od minulého října nenapsal. Tom hasn't written to me since last October. Tom hasn't texted me since last October. Čína má víc než miliardu obyvatel. China has more than a billion inhabitants. China has more than a billion inhabitants. Klingonština se mu bude velice hodit při jeho kariéře podnikatele. Learning Klingon will be of great use for his career as a businessman. Klingon will be very useful to him in his career as an entrepreneur. Kreslíval jsi. You used to draw. You used to draw. Váží o 10 kilo více, než já. He weighs 10 kilograms more than I do. He weighs 10 kilos more than I do. Miluji jí z celého srdce. I love her from the bottom of my heart. I love her with all my heart. Udělali jsme sochy ze dřeva. We made statues out of wood. We made statues of wood. Ještě nejste unaveni? Aren't you tired yet? Aren't you tired yet? Se svým platem jsem spokojen. I'm content with my salary. I'm happy with my salary. Nejsem připraven na další vážný vztah. I am not ready to be in a serious relationship again. I'm not ready for another serious relationship. Neotvírej to. Don't open that. Don't open it. Mary zemřela při porodu. Mary died in childbirth. Mary died in childbirth. Tohle dělat nemusí. He does not have to do this. He doesn't have to do this. Jak jsem se jen zmýlil. Boy, was I mistaken. How wrong I was. Díval se na tebe celou tu dobu. Cožpak sis nevšimla? He was looking at you the whole time. Didn't you notice? He's been looking at you the whole time, haven't you noticed? Já jsem tady. I'm here. I'm here. Už není sám. He isn't alone anymore. He's not alone anymore. Šaty dělaj člověka. Clothes make the man. Clothes make a man. Tom je obvykle velmi tichý, že? Tom is usually very quiet, isn't he? Tom's usually very quiet, isn't he? Stále ještě je hodně věcí, které je třeba udělat. There are still a lot of things that have to be done. There's still a lot of things to do. Takový příběh se mi líbí. That kind of story appeals to me. I like that story. Nejdu do práce. I'm not going to work. I'm not going to work. Tom se obul. Tom put his shoes on. Tom put his boots on. To je pero, které jsem včera ztratil. This is the pen that I lost yesterday. That's the pen I lost yesterday. Tom zapomněl kečup. Tom forgot the ketchup. Tom forgot the ketchup. Nemohu než říci, že s vámi souhlasím. I can only say that I agree with you. I can only say that I agree with you. Je to olympijský rekord. It's an olympic record. It's an Olympic record. Ty prázdniny prospívají jejímu zdraví. The holidays seem to be doing her health good. Holidays are good for her health. Už jsem řekl, že odpověď neznám. I've already said I don't know the answer. I already said I don't know the answer. To bys měl spravit. You need to fix it. You should fix that. Tom řekl, že Mary přijde. Tom said Mary would come. Tom said Mary was coming. Jaká je další stanice? What's the next station? What's the next station? Můžete sem napsat svoje jméno? Can you write your name here? Can you put your name here? Ty kytky určitě uschly proto, že je nikdo nezaléval. The plants must have died because no one watered them. The flowers must have dried up because no one watered them. Tom zakřičel o pomoc. Tom yelled for help. Tom yelled for help. Cucni si toho. Take a sip of this. Suck it. Vzpomínám si, že jsem ten příběh už jednou slyšel. I remember hearing the story once. I remember hearing that story once before. Nevypadáš příliš dobře. You don't look so hot. You don't look too good. Ken si stěžoval na bolest hlavy. Ken complained of a headache. Ken was complaining of headaches. Zdar Bille, jak je? Hi, Bill. How are you? Hey, Bill, what's up? Vrátím se dnes večer. I'll be back tonight. I'll be back tonight. Věděla jsi, že Tom má záznam v rejstříku? Did you know that Tom has a criminal record? Did you know Tom had a criminal record? Je mi do tance. I feel like dancing. I don't care about dancing. Můžeš mi podat ty noviny co jsou na stole? Could you hand me the newspaper on the table? Can you hand me the paper on the table? Je to systém, který funguje. It's a system that works. It's a system that works. Věřím, že má Tom pravdu. I believe Tom is right. I believe Tom is right. Tom dal jasně najevo, že chce své peníze zpátky co nejdřív to půjde. Tom made it very clear that he wanted his money back as soon as possible. Tom made it clear he wanted his money back as soon as possible. Fadil moc mluví. Fadil talks too much. Fadil talks too much. Jsi opilá. You're drunk. You're drunk. Udělal jsem překlad do Esperanta, abych si ten jazyk mohl procvičovat. I did a translation into Esperanto so that I could practice the language. I made a translation to Esperanto so I could practice my tongue. Tom by o tohle zaměstnání zájem neměl. Tom wouldn't be interested in this job. Tom wouldn't be interested in this job. Dostavil ses pozdě. You came in late. You're late. Chcete kafe? Do you want coffee? You want some coffee? Ten pes na mě pořád štěká. The dog always barks at me. The dog keeps barking at me. Tom položil hloupý dotaz. Tom asked a stupid question. Tom asked a stupid question. Tom nás viděl, jak jsme to udělali. Tom saw us do that. Tom saw us do it. Pravá přátelství trvají navěky. True friendships last forever. True friendships last forever. Nechceš nějaké ovoce? Would you like some fruit? You want some fruit? Bezpodmínečně sem zítra přijď. Come here tomorrow without fail. Unconditionally, come here tomorrow. Uměl pouze německy. He only knew German. He only knew German. Vše co potřebujeme je víc dobrovolníků. All we need is a few more volunteers. All we need is more volunteers. Budu rád, když mi pomůžeš. I'll be glad if you will help me. I'd be happy if you could help me. Tom nastražil bombu do letadla. Tom has planted a bomb on the plane. Tom planted a bomb on the plane. To jsem udělal jen jednou. I did that only one time. I only did that once. Dlužíš mi pivo. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Jak přesvědčíte Toma? How are you going to convince Tom? How do you convince Tom? Nečekali jsme, že si koupí nové auto. We didn't expect them to buy a new car. We didn't expect him to buy a new car. Tom určitě nebude ochotný pracovat přesčas. I'm sure Tom won't be willing to work late. I'm sure Tom won't be willing to work overtime. Tom míval noční. Tom used to work nights. Tom used to have nights. Tomovo auto jste si půjčovat neměly. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Kdy se narodila tvoje manželka? When was your wife born? When was your wife born? Míval jsem tohle místo rád. I used to love this place. I used to like this place. Nezdá se pravděpodobné, že by Tom uspěl. It seemed improbable that Tom would succeed. Tom doesn't seem likely to succeed. I kdyby mě Tom býval pozval, nešel bych. Even if Tom had invited me, I wouldn't have gone. Even if Tom had invited me, I wouldn't have gone. Tom byl určitě vzrušený. Tom must have been excited. I'm sure Tom was excited. Většina z nás to ví. Most of us know that. Most of us know that. Dobře jsem své peníze zhodnotil. I got my money's worth. I've assessed my money well. Tom od Mary žádnou pomoc nedostane. Tom won't be getting any help from Mary. Tom won't get any help from Mary. Uvidíme se za půl hodiny. We'll see each other in half an hour. I'll see you in half an hour. Na čem záleží je ta zkušenost. What's important is the experience. What matters is the experience. Tom si myslí, že bude pršet. Tom thinks that it's going to rain. Tom thinks it's gonna rain. On se často zamilovává. He often falls in love. He falls in love a lot. Má tři děti. He has three children. He's got three kids. Je spíš známá než přítelkyně. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She's more famous than a girlfriend. Tom mně tu tvrdí, že nás opouštíš. Tom tells me that you're leaving. Tom here tells me you're leaving us. Býval jsi nemusel psát své jméno. You needn't have written your name. You didn't have to write your name. Lhala mi. She lied to me. She lied to me. Dan se právě zastřelil. Dan just shot himself. Dan just shot himself. Nemluví francouzsky dobře. He speaks poor French. He doesn't speak French well. Objeli jsme si město kolem našim autem. We took a turn around the city in our car. We drove around town by our car. Jsou vegetariáni. They are vegetarians. They're vegetarians. Dávám přednost kávě. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. Raz, dva, tři, čtyři, pět, šest, sedum, osum, devět, deset. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Je to velmi drahé. It is very expensive. It's very expensive. Tom za to může. It's Tom's fault. It's Tom's fault. Kde jsou toalety? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Neodešli. They haven't left. They didn't leave. Tomův dům je blízko místa, kde pracuje. Tom's house is near where he works. Tom's house is close to where he works. Škoda, že nemáme víc času. I wish we had more time. Too bad we don't have more time. Je mi líto, už žádné nemám. I'm sorry, I haven't any left. I'm sorry, I don't have any more. Tom odvezl Mary do nejbližší nemocnice. Tom drove Mary to the nearest hospital. Tom took Mary to the nearest hospital. Neměl bys být ve škole? Shouldn't you be at school? Shouldn't you be in school? Měl bych tam jít, ale nepůjdu. I ought to go there, but I won't. I should go, but I'm not going. Spíše než muži veselí a radostní mě přitahují muži střízliví s určitou temnou stránkou. Rather than light-hearted and cheerful men, I'm attracted to sober men with a bit of a dark side to them. Rather than men of joy and joy, I am attracted to men of sobriety with a certain dark side. Přivstali jsme si, abychom viděli východ slunce. We got up early in order to see the sunrise. We got up to see the sunrise. Proč si všichni myslí, že jsem hloupý? Why does everyone think I am stupid? Why does everyone think I'm stupid? Neporodila jsem syna pro válku. I did not give birth to a son for the war. I didn't give birth to a son for war. Máte nějaká zavazadla, pane? Do you have any baggage, sir? Do you have any luggage, sir? Tom byl jediný, kdo o tom věděl. Tom was the only one who knew about it. Tom was the only one who knew. Máte rádi francouzská vína? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wine? Jez pomaleji. Eat more slowly. Eat slower. Kde ho můžeme najít? Where can we find him? Where can we find him? Mary lhala o svém věku. Mary lied about her age. Mary lied about her age. Tom ví, že Mary neumí řídit. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know how to drive. Tom knows Mary can't drive. Jakou barvu mají ty jablka? What color are the apples? What color are the apples? Chtěla by si koupit knihu. She wishes to purchase a book. She wants to buy a book. Vrána vráně oči nevyklove. One crow doesn't peck another's eye. The crow doesn't tilt its eyes. Nedokážu si představit svůj život bez Mary. I can't imagine my life without Mary. I can't imagine my life without Mary. Poslal byste Toma do mé kanceláře, prosím? Would you have Tom come to my office, please? Would you send Tom to my office, please? Hledáte práci? Are you looking for work? Are you looking for a job? Můžeš dojíst ty hranolky. You can have the rest of the fries. You can finish the fries. Chce kandidovat na prezidenta. He wants to run for President. He wants to run for president. Všechno co udělal byl úspěch! Everything he did was a success! All he did was succeed! Beru všechno zpátky. I take everything back. I take it all back. Tom se cítil vinný. Tom felt guilty. Tom felt guilty. Tom kouříval. Tom used to smoke. Tom used to smoke. Tom stál ve svitu měsíce. Tom stood in the moonlight. Tom stood in the moonlight. Přestaň. Ztrapňuješ mě. Stop it. You're embarrassing me. You're embarrassing me. Vypadá to, že bikiny jsou letos v módě. It seems that bikinis are "in" this year. Looks like the bikini's in style this year. Mohl bys mi půjčit své růžové pero, prosím? Could you lend me your pink pen, please? Could you lend me your pink pen, please? Neboj se dělat chyby. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Nikdy jsem neviděl Toma řídit motorku. I've never seen Tom riding a motorcycle. I've never seen Tom drive a motorcycle. Položte svůj dotaz. Ask your question. Ask your question. Myslíš si, že je Tom dobrý písničkář? Do you think Tom is a good songwriter? You think Tom's a good songwriter? Učeš si vlasy. Just brush your hair. You're gonna comb your hair. Zvoní zvonek. The bell is ringing. The bell's ringing. Je to pro mě španělská vesnice. It's all Greek to me. It's a Spanish village for me. Jak nudné! How boring! How boring! Kéž by psal častěji. I wish he would write more often. I wish he'd write more often. Učila francouzštinu v Itálii, než se přestěhovala do Paříže. She taught French in Italy before moving to Paris. She taught French in Italy before she moved to Paris. Tom mohl svojí nedbalostí způsobit neštěstí. Tom could have caused a disaster due to his carelessness. Tom could have caused misfortune by his negligence. Mám jeden z nich. I have one of those. I've got one of them. Vypadni! Get the hell out of here! Get out! Udělej, co jsem ti řekl. Do as I told you. Do as you're told. Když jsem se vrátil domů z práce zjistil jsem, že nám někdo vykradl byt. When I returned home from my work, I found out that somebody had robbed our flat. When I got home from work, I found out our apartment was robbed. V Německu je oblíben černý chléb. Dark bread is popular in Germany. There's a favorite black bread in Germany. Bydlíval tady. He used to live here. He used to live here. Pracuji dokud už nemohu dál. I work until I can't anymore. I'm working until I can go on. Myslím, že dnes odpoledne pršet nebude. I think it won't rain this afternoon. I don't think it's gonna rain this afternoon. Tom vzal Mary za krk a začal ji dusit. Tom grabbed Mary by the throat and started choking her. Tom grabbed Mary's neck and started suffocating her. Jsi buď velmi statečný, nebo velmi hloupý. You're either very brave or very stupid. You're either very brave or very stupid. Tom se schoval pod stůl. Tom hid under the table. Tom hid under the table. Tom je určitě nesmělý. Tom must be shy. Tom must be shy. Zemřela, když jí bylo 54 let. She died when she was 54 years old. She died when she was 54 years old. Hodně jsi mi ublížil. You've hurt me a lot. You hurt me a lot. Zajímalo by mě, jestli Tom chce jít. I wonder if Tom wants to go. I wonder if Tom wants to go. Dneska mám narozeniny. Today is my birthday. Today's my birthday. Jaká je nejnižší mzda v Česku? What's the minimum salary in the Czech Republic? What is the lowest wage in the Czech Republic? Mary měla pocit, jakoby jí Tom svlékal očima. Mary felt like Tom was undressing her with his eyes. Mary felt like Tom was taking his eyes off her. Radši mrtví než rudí. Better dead than red. Better dead than red. Budu k tobě upřímný. I'm going to be honest with you. I'll be honest with you. Člověk si dokáže zvyknout na všechno. One can get accustomed to anything. You can get used to anything. Vrátí se až za rok. She is not coming back until next year. He won't be back for another year. Moje matka je vždy zaneprázdněná. My mother is always busy. My mother's always busy. Tom nevěřil fámě o Mary a Johnovi. Tom didn't believe the rumor about Mary and John. Tom didn't believe the rumor about Mary and John. Její šedé vlasy ji dělají starší, než ve skutečnosti je. Her gray hair makes her look older than her age. Her gray hair makes her older than she really is. Byl jsem naprosto ohromen. I was absolutely amazed. I was absolutely impressed. Tom nezná své sousedy. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Ta kniha stojí za přečtení. It is worthwhile to read the book. That book is worth reading. Kdysi jsme tu bydleli. We used to live here. We used to live here. Už je po nejhorším. The worst is over. The worst is over. To je vše, co Tom řekl. That's all Tom said. That's all Tom said. Počkej v čekárně. Wait in the waiting room. Wait in the waiting room. Tom se neučil pilně a následně propadl. Tom didn't study hard and he consequently failed. Tom didn't study hard and then flunked. Ona umí hrát na piáno. She can play the piano. She can play the piano. Ona se jenom trochu stydí. She's just a little shy. She's just a little shy. To často říkal Tom. Tom often said that. Tom used to say that a lot. O tom projektu se vede diskuse. The project is under discussion. The project is being discussed. Není to otázka peněz. It's not a money issue. It's not a question of money. Potřebuji trochu mléka. I need some milk. I need some milk. Tom šel touto dobou nejspíš spát. Tom has probably already gone to bed by now. Tom probably went to bed at this time. Kdybych byl měl dost peněz, byl bych to mohl koupit. If I had had enough money, I could have bought it. If I had enough money, I could have bought it. Tvůj pes na mě vždycky štěká. Your dog always barks at me. Your dog always barks at me. Jak se máš? How are you? How are you? Nemusí platit nic. They don't have to pay anything. They don't have to pay anything. Požádal jsem ho, aby tu do šesti byl. I asked him to be here by six. I asked him to be here by 6:00. Na velikosti záleží. Size does matter. Size matters. Pojďme si dát něco na pití. Let's drink something. Let's get something to drink. Nesměj se mu. Don't laugh at him. Don't laugh at him. Beze mě to udělat nezvládneš. You won't be able to do that without me. You can't do this without me. Je opravdu chytrá, že? She's really smart, isn't she? She's really smart, isn't she? Není to malé, ale velké. It isn't small but big. It's not small, it's big. Myslel jsem si, že to Tom pro nás udělá. I thought Tom was going to do that for us. I thought Tom would do it for us. Od včerejška mě příšerně bolí hlava. I've had a headache since yesterday. I've had a terrible headache since yesterday. Přišel do Berlína jako učitel. He came to Berlin as a teacher. He came to Berlin as a teacher. Je to ještě daleko? Is it still far from here? Is it far away? Kouření zde není dovoleno. Smoking isn't allowed here. Smoking is not allowed here. Chystám se ti něco dát. I'm going to give you something. I'm gonna give you something. Posaď se prosím tady a počkej. Please sit here and wait. Please sit here and wait. Island patří k Dánsku. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland belongs to Denmark. Těším se na to. I'm looking forward to it. I look forward to it. Kdysi jsme si mysleli, že se takovéhle věci dějí z tohoto důvodu. We used to think that was why this kind of thing happened. We used to think this kind of thing happened for that reason. Na tom je něco pravdy. There is some truth in that. There's a truth to that. Tom Mary nepoděkoval za dárek. Tom didn't thank Mary for the gift. Tom Mary didn't thank you for the gift. Všichni začali mávat svými vlajkami. Everyone started waving their flags. Everyone started waving their flags. A pak se všichni postavili a zatleskali. And then everyone stood up and clapped. And then everybody stood up and applauded. Důvod, proč se Mary takhle chová je ten, že žárlí na tvůj úspěch. The reason why Mary behaves like this is she's jealous of your success. The reason Mary acts like this is because she's jealous of your success. Tom by měl být potrestán za to, co udělal. Tom should be punished for what he did. Tom should be punished for what he did. Po tom všem bolest přešla. After all that, the pain went away. After all, the pain went away. Na zdraví! To your health! Cheers! Ví někdo, kde je Tom? Does anyone know where Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? Poslali dopisy minulý měsíc. They sent the letters last month. They sent letters last month. Kdysi jsem maso jedl. I used to eat meat. I used to eat meat. Dick měl dopravní nehodu. Dick had a traffic accident. Dick was in a car accident. Míval jsem psa. I used to have a dog. I used to have a dog. Vyplňte svoje jméno a adresu. Fill in your name and address. Fill out your name and address. Studentům bylo řečeno, aby se naučili báseň zpaměti. The students were told to learn the poem by heart. Students were told to memorize the poem. Tom býval právníkem. Tom used to be a lawyer. Tom used to be a lawyer. To Tom nikdy neřekl. Tom never said that. Tom never said that. Běž spát. Zítra máš školu. Go to bed. You have school tomorrow. Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow. Dnes bylo velmi horko. Today was very hot. It was very hot today. Právě jsem se vrátil ze školy. I just got back from school. I just got back from school. Všechny evakuovali. Everyone's been evacuated. They evacuated everyone. Týden má sedm dní. A week has seven days. Seven days a week. Proč se každý den učíš angličtinu? Why do you study English every day? Why do you learn English every day? Krásné květiny mají trny. Beautiful flowers have thorns. Beautiful flowers have thorns. Tom vyrábí přebaly časopisů. Tom is making magazine covers. Tom's making magazine covers. Taxi přijelo pozdě. The taxi arrived late. Taxi's too late. Bez váhání řekl své ženě pravdu. Without hesitation, he told his wife the truth. Without hesitation, he told his wife the truth. Namaloval psa. He painted a picture of a dog. He painted a dog. Tato myš byla zabita mojí kočkou. This mouse was killed by my cat. This mouse was killed by my cat. Býval větší. It used to be bigger. He used to be bigger. Alkohol neřeší žádné problémy. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Nejez jako prase! Don't eat like a pig! Don't eat like a pig! Musím se vyspat. I just need to get some sleep. I gotta get some sleep. Myslíš že je to blbost? Do you think this is stupid? You think that's bullshit? Já jsem Tom a toto je moje sestra Mary. I'm Tom and this is my sister, Mary. I'm Tom, and this is my sister Mary. Opravdu bys toho měl nechat. You really ought to quit. You really should stop. Řekl mi, že chce odejít z firmy. He told me he wanted to quit the company. He told me he wanted to leave the company. Já jsem dneska taky moc ospalý. I'm very sleepy today, too. I'm too sleepy today, too. Tom začal křičet. Tom started yelling. Tom started screaming. Tom si udělal maximální pohodlí. Tom made himself as comfortable as possible. Tom made himself as comfortable as possible. Toto určitě napsal někdo, kdo dobře umí anglicky. Someone who knows English well must have written this. This must have been written by someone who knows English well. Nech tu krabici, kde je. Leave that box where it is. Leave the box where it is. Já ti kočky neškrtím. I'm not strangling your cats. I'm not strangling your cats. Měl bych se přestat flákat. I should stop procrastinating. I should stop messing around. Napsal jsi tuhle knihu? Did you write this book? Did you write this book? Vypadá to povědomě. It looks familiar. Looks familiar. Určitě jsem někde udělala chybu. I must have made a mistake somewhere. I'm sure I made a mistake somewhere. Tom míval práci. Tom used to have a job. Tom used to have a job. Myslíš, že po přisolení to bude chutnat o hodně líp? You think adding a little salt will make it taste much better? Do you think it'll taste a lot better after salting? Všechno plyne. Everything flows. Everything's flowing. Řekni, že si děláš srandu! Tell me you're joking! Tell me you're kidding! Mám rád rybaření. I like fishing. I like fishing. Jak se jmenuje tato květina? What is this flower called? What's this flower called? Chci uklidit svůj byt. I want to declutter my apartment. I want to clean my apartment. Jako dítě jsem ho často navštěvoval o nedělích. When I was a child, I would often call on him on Sunday. As a child, I often visited him on Sundays. Neberu život na lehkou váhu. I don't take life lightly. I don't take life lightly. Já nekradu. I don't steal. I'm not stealing. Hustá mlha zpozdila náš let. A thick fog delayed our flight. The dense fog has delayed our flight. Plave jako ryba. He swims like a fish. He swims like a fish. Přesně takový jsem byl. I was just like that. That's exactly what I was. Zdá se, že to budeme muset udělat. It looks like we might have to do that. Looks like we're gonna have to do this. Moje auto bylo při srážce zničeno. My car was wrecked in the crash. My car was destroyed in the crash. Layla zabila Sama. Sami was murdered by Layla. Layla killed Sam. Prezident odložil návštěvu Japonska. The president put off visiting Japan. The president postponed his visit to Japan. Vzpomínáte si, kdy jste naposledy viděli Toma? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Do you remember the last time you saw Tom? Nikdy mě nenapadlo, že mě budou podezírat. It never dawned on me that I would be a suspect. I never thought they'd suspect me. Poslouchám všechny žánry hudby. I listen to all kinds of music. I listen to all the genres of music. Mluvíš se mnou? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Budeš litovat, žes to udělal. You'll regret doing this. You're gonna regret doing this. Umíš zacházet s počítačem? Do you know how to operate a computer? Do you know how to use a computer? Kdybys byl na mém místě, co bys udělal? If you were in my place, what would you do? If you were me, what would you do? Můžeš za to svojí hloupostí. It's your own stupid fault. It's your stupidity. Tom vyučuje dějepis na škole poblíž našeho domu. Tom teaches history at the school near our house. Tom teaches history at a school near our house. Žít na konci světa. To live at the end of the world. Living at the end of the world. Hlavní město Nizozemska je Amsterdam. The capital city of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. Přenes toto. Carry this. Get this over with. Tom mluví rychle. Tom talks fast. Tom talks fast. Tom mi dluží třicet dolarů. Tom owes me thirty bucks. Tom owes me $30. Můžeš to Tomovi říct sám. You can tell Tom yourself. You can tell Tom yourself. Jste velice statečná. You're very brave. You're very brave. Kdo má rád boby? Who likes beans? Who likes beans? Vy dva vypadáte, že jste zamilovaní. You two look like you're in love. You two seem to be in love. Na vdávání jste příliš mladé. You're too young to marry. You're too young to be married. Tohle je hezké. This is pretty. This is nice. Kdo by uvěřil tvému příběhu? Who'd believe your story? Who would believe your story? Viděl jsi můj kabát? Have you seen my coat? Have you seen my coat? Tom jí zmrzlinu. Tom is eating ice cream. Tom's eating ice cream. Bylo to mimo správnou pozici. That was out of line. It was out of position. Tom je novinářem v Bostonu. Tom is a journalist in Boston. Tom's a journalist in Boston. Ona často navštěvuje tuto zemi. She's a frequent visitor to this country. She often visits this country. Dostali jsme ještě jednu šanci. They gave us one last chance. We got one more chance. Bylo to příliš dobré, aby to byla pravda. It was almost too good to be true. It was too good to be true. Musím si na to zvyknout. I have to get used to it. I have to get used to it. Jsem tady sám? Am I alone here? Am I alone here? Kdo má rád Tonyho? Who likes Tony? Who likes Tony? Pak si sundal brýle. He took off his glasses after that. Then he took his glasses off. Chci to změnit. I want to change that. I want to change that. Prosím, nedělejte to sami. Please don't do that by yourselves. Please don't do this alone. Před deseti lety by jeho teorie nebyla obecně akceptována. Ten years ago his theory would not have been generally accepted. Ten years ago, his theory would not have been accepted in general. Řeknu ti, až se vrátím. I'll tell you when I get back. I'll tell you when I get back. Jsem Maďar. I am Hungarian. I'm Hungarian. O dítě se musíš starat. You must look after the child. You have to take care of the baby. Záleží to na počasí. It depends on the weather. Depends on the weather. Mohli byste prosím zavolat doktora? Could you call a doctor, please? Could you please call a doctor? Ze které z těchto sklenic jsi pil? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? Which one of these glasses did you drink from? Takhle jsem se už roky nezasmál. I haven't laughed like that in years. I haven't laughed like that in years. Tom and Mary jsou přátelé Johna. Tom and Mary are John's friends. Tom and Mary are friends of John. Reklamujeme své produkty v televizi. We advertise our products on TV. We advertise our products on TV. I když jsem si dvakrát vzala dvě tablety, bolesti hlavy nezmizely. Although I had twice taken a pair of pills, my headache did not go away. Although I took two pills twice, headaches didn't go away. Když muž otevře ženě dveře do auta, buď je nová žena, nebo auto. When a man opens the door of a car for a woman, either the woman is new, or the car. When a man opens a woman's car door, she's either a new woman or a car. Dnes jsou babiččiny narozeniny. Today's my grandmother's birthday. It's Grandma's birthday today. Zdráhám se Toma požádat o pomoc. I hesitate to ask Tom to help. I'm reluctant to ask Tom for help. Zvedněte ruce, než odpovíte. Raise your hand before you answer. Raise your hands before you answer. Tom podal Mary klíče. Tom handed Mary the keys. Tom handed Mary the keys. O co, že se učitelka rozčílí! I bet the teacher's going to get mad! What if the teacher gets angry? Musíte změnit slovosled. You have to change the word order. You have to change the word. Není žádná barva. There is no paint. There's no color. Kámen, nůžky, papír. Rock, paper, scissors. Rock, paper, scissors. Překvapuje mě, že Tom dnes není zaneprázdněný. I'm surprised Tom isn't busy today. I'm surprised Tom's not busy today. Proč si myslíš, že Tom dnes nepřijde? What makes you think Tom won't come today? Why do you think Tom's not coming tonight? Je to krásný meč. It's a beautiful sword. It's a beautiful sword. Tom mi řekl, že to vyřeší. Tom told me he would sort it out. Tom told me he'd figure it out. Víno máme. We have wine. We have wine. Já vím, co tu dělá Tom. I know what Tom is doing here. I know what Tom's doing here. Vyhrál jsem jackpot. I've hit the jackpot. I won the jackpot. Narazil na vlka. He came across a wolf. He ran into a wolf. Nikdo nemá rád krysy. Nobody likes rats. Nobody likes rats. Kdybych ti pověděl, nevěřil bys mi. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. Chci, abysme vyhráli. I want us to win. I want us to win. Byla to moje chyba. This was my fault. It was my fault. Měli modřiny po celém těle. They had bruises all over their bodies. They had bruises all over their bodies. Proč nechceš dovolit, abych si udělal řidičský průkaz? Why wouldn't you let me get a driver's license? Why won't you let me get my driver's license? Chodívali jsme spolu na ryby. We used to go fishing together. We went fishing together. Zdá se mi, že nemáš pravdu. It seems to me that you're wrong. I don't think you're right. Nevadí mi chvíli počkat. I don't mind waiting for a while. I don't mind waiting a minute. Tohle je překvapivý objev. This is a surprising discovery. This is a surprise discovery. Nevím, jak dlouho bude trvat, než se dostaneme do Bostonu. I don't know how long it'll take us to get to Boston. I don't know how long it's gonna take us to get to Boston. Proč s tím Tom něco nedělá? Why isn't Tom doing something about it? Why isn't Tom doing something about it? Při pádu se zranila. She was injured in a fall. She got hurt in the fall. Nedostatek peněz jí bránil v tom, aby se mnou šla. Her lack of money kept her from going with me. The lack of money kept her from coming with me. Jsi velmi sympatický. You're very sympathetic. You're very likable. Nemusí to být tak těžké, jak si myslíte, že bude. That might not be as heavy as you think it's going to be. It doesn't have to be as hard as you think it will be. Bylo to mistrovské dílo, o kterém často mluvili. That was a masterpiece they often talked about. It was a masterpiece they often talked about. V mém skleníku pěstuji orchideje. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. Tom začal překládat na Tatoebě. Tom started translating on Tatoeba. Tom started translating on Tatoeba. Tom řekl, že přesně neví, kdy se sem dostane. Tom said he doesn't know exactly what time he's going to get here. Tom said he didn't know exactly when he was getting here. Kdybych vám tak jen mohl pomoct. I wish that I could help you. If only I could help you. Stojí za tím dlouhý příběh. There's a long story surrounding it. It's a long story. Chcete, abych odešla? Do you want me to leave? You want me to leave? Kdy odcházíte z práce? When do you get off work? When do you leave work? Bojíš se mě? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Tom má dnu. Tom has gout. Tom's got gout. Zítra ráno se musíš probudit brzy. You have to wake up early tomorrow morning. You have to wake up early tomorrow morning. Myslím na ni ve dne i v noci. I think of her day and night. I think about her day and night. Potřebuju zhubnout. I need to lose some weight. I need to lose weight. Hrajou si spolu. They're playing together. They're playing together. Hrával jsem tenis. I used to play tennis. I used to play tennis. Tom mi řekl, že se nezlobí. Tom told me he wasn't angry. Tom told me he wasn't mad. To jsme psát neměly. We shouldn't have written that. We shouldn't have written that. Jak jsi Toma přesvědčil, aby ti pomohl? How did you persuade Tom to help you? How did you convince Tom to help you? Obávám se, že bude večer pršet. I'm afraid it'll rain tonight. I'm afraid it's going to rain tonight. Neříkali jste, že Tom zemřel? Didn't you say Tom died? Didn't you say Tom died? Tom obdržel ovace vstoje. Tom received a standing ovation. Tom received a standing ovation. Doopravdy jste tu nehodu viděli? Did you actually see the accident? Did you actually see the accident? Tom si čistí zuby. Tom is brushing his teeth. Tom's brushing his teeth. Naprosto mě to šokovalo. I found that absolutely shocking. I was completely shocked. Myslíte si, že zítra bude pěkné počasí? Do you think tomorrow's weather will be good? You think tomorrow's gonna be a nice weather? Tento koláč je vynikající. This cake is very delicious. This pie is delicious. Znám tu oblast. I'm familiar with the area. I know the area. Miluju tě. I love you. I love you. Co je tohle za knížku? What book is this? What kind of book is this? Je dobré mít nápady...nemyslíš? It is good to have ideals... don't you think? It's good to have ideas, don't you think? Jedním z mých snů je jednoho dne vidět polární zář. One of my dreams is to one day see the aurora borealis. One of my dreams is to see the Aurora one day. Tom vypadal rozpačitě. Tom looked embarrassed. Tom seemed embarrassed. Když jsem to slyšel, začal jsem plakat. When I heard that, I started to cry. When I heard that, I started crying. Proč nejdeme domů? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Do Austrálie se vracím v říjnu. I'm going back to Australia in October. I'm going back to Australia in October. Máte čerstvé jahody? Do you have fresh strawberries? Do you have fresh strawberries? Ještě někdo další přijde? Will anybody else come? Anyone else coming? Zapomněl jsem, že Tom umí čít francouzsky. I forgot that Tom knows how to read French. I forgot Tom could read French. Dnes se cítím lépe než včera. I'm much better today than yesterday. I feel better today than I did yesterday. Chci tě praštit do obličeje. I want to punch you in the face. I want to punch you in the face. Má továrnu na výrobu elektrických zařízení. He has an electrical equipment factory. He's got a power plant. Je dost starý na to, aby se postavil na vlastní nohy. He's old enough to stand on his own feet. He's old enough to stand on his own two feet. Tom nikdy nepil tvrdý alkohol. Tom has never drunk a liquor. Tom never drank hard alcohol. Myslel jsem si, že Tom zemřel. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom died. Jaký jsi měla den? How was your day? How was your day? Zprvu se mi nelíbil. At first, I didn't like him. I didn't like him at first. Tyhle šrouby potřebujou utáhnout. These screws need tightening. These screws need to be tightened. Doufal jsem, že vás najdu. I was hoping to find you. I was hoping to find you. Bojím se Alláha. I fear Allah. I fear Allah. Tys to opravdu udělal. You really did it. You really did it. Už jste někdy dojili krávu? Have you ever milked a cow? Have you ever milked a cow? Knihy pro mladé se nyní dobře prodávají. Books for young people sell well these days. Young books are now well sold. Pan White přečetl některé dopisy díků svým studentům. Mr White read out some letters of thanks to his students. Mr. White has read some letters of thanks to his students. Líbí se mu zvláštní zvířata, jako třeba hadi. He likes strange animals, things like snakes, for example. He likes strange animals, like snakes. Neuhýbej od tématu. Don't change the subject. Don't dodge the subject. Pořád se to čas od času stává. It still happens from time to time. It always happens from time to time. Pokazilo se všechno, co se pokazit mohlo. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Anything that could've gone wrong went wrong. Jednu věc máme společnou: Oba jsme praváci. We've one thing in common: We both are right handed. There's one thing we have in common: we're both right-handed. Tom vzal to lano od Mary. Tom took the rope from Mary. Tom took the rope from Mary. Chce se mi zvracet. I feel like vomiting. I feel like throwing up. Není dokonalá. She's not perfect. She's not perfect. Tom je v kuchyni a krájí zeleninu. Tom is in the kitchen, cutting up some vegetables. Tom's in the kitchen cutting vegetables. Toto muzeum vystavuje fascinující sbírku Keltských pedmětů. This museum displays a fascinating collection of Celtic objects. This museum exhibits a fascinating collection of Celtic memories. Dáš si ještě jednu sklenku vína? Will you have another glass of wine? Would you like another glass of wine? Je to staré jméno. It's an old name. It's an old name. Dělá něco Tom? Does Tom do anything? Is Tom doing anything? Pohřbili ji zaživa. She was buried alive. They buried her alive. Tom netušil, že ho někdo chce zabít. Tom didn't know that somebody wanted to kill him. Tom didn't know anyone was trying to kill him. Pokaždé si to užívám více. I enjoy it more each time. I enjoy it more every time. Musím spěchat? Must I hurry? Do I have to hurry? Měl jsi to vidět. You ought to have seen it. You should have seen it. Tom neví, jestli Mary přijde. Tom doesn't know if Mary will come. Tom doesn't know if Mary's coming. Aha. I see. I see. Řeknu Tomovi, ať vám poseče trávník. I'll have Tom mow your lawn for you. I'll have Tom mow your lawn. Tom všechno zaplatí. Tom is going to pay for everything. Tom's gonna pay for everything. Tom prodává trička s třiceti procentní slevou. Tom sells T-shirts at a 30 percent discount. Tom sells shirts with a 30-percent discount. Nevím, v kolik bude zpátky. I do not know when she will come back. I don't know what time he'll be back. Já prostě nemůžu věřit, že Tom a Mary se skutečně vezmou. I just can't believe Tom and Mary will actually get married. I just can't believe Tom and Mary are really getting married. Kolik tam máš hodin? What time is it over there? What time do you have in there? Více než 95 procent atmosféry Titanu je dusík. Over 95% of Titan's atmosphere is nitrogen. More than 95 percent of the atmosphere of Titan is nitrogen. Tom je o tři roky mladší než Marie. Tom is three years younger than Mary is. Tom is three years younger than Marie. Vezmeme se v říjnu. We'll get married in October. We'll get married in October. Kolik je vám let? How old are you? How old are you? Některé z těch panenek jsou ke koupi moc drahé. Some of the dolls are too expensive to buy. Some of these dolls are too expensive to buy. Žiji teď v Bostonu. I live in Boston now. I live in Boston now. Radši to nech tak. You'd better leave it. You'd better let it go. Doktor Toma vyšetřil. The doctor examined Tom. Dr. Tom was examined. Tom plivl na podlahu. Tom spit on the floor. Tom spit on the floor. Nara je velmi staré město. Nara is a very old city. Nara is a very old town. Zase tam marní čas. They're wasting time there again. He's wasting his time again. Madrid je jedním z nejkrásnějších hlavních měst v Evropě. Madrid is one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe. Madrid is one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe. Můj manžel je na jednání. Dáte si kafe? My husband is at a conference. Would you like to get some coffee? My husband's in a meeting. Jak často krmíš ryby? How many times do you feed the fish? How often do you feed fish? Dej mi prosím pět žetonů. Give me five tokens, please. Please give me five chips. Kolik je druhá odmocnina ze 100? What's the square root of 100? What's the square root of 100? Nikdo neví, odkud ten pes pochází. No one knows where that dog came from. No one knows where the dog came from. Rádi bychom začali znovu. We'd like to start over. We'd like to start over. Tom cítil potřebu vysvětlovat. Tom felt the need to explain. Tom felt the need to explain. Myslíš, že tom bude ochotný pomoct? Do you think Tom will agree to help? You think he'll be willing to help? Můj bratr má rád kávu. My brother likes coffee. My brother likes coffee. Moc se mi líbí Tom. I like Tom a lot. I really like Tom. Tom bude věřit všemu. Tom will believe anything. Tom's gonna believe everything. Koně mají tři způsoby chůze: Chození, klus a trysk. Horses have three gaits: Walking, trotting and galloping. Horses have three ways of walking: Walking, trot and jet. Zdávalo se mi o tobě. I used to dream about you. I used to dream about you. Ten koncert bude příští jaro. The concert will take place next spring. The concert will be next spring. To je nula! What a loser! What a loser! Moje babička hodně používala šicí stroj, když byla mladší. My grandmother used to use her sewing machine a lot when she was younger. My grandmother used a sewing machine a lot when she was younger. Výsledky vyhlásíme, jakmile budou známy. We will report the results when known. We'll report the results as soon as they're known. Tvoji rodiče by to měli vědět. Your parents ought to know it. Your parents should know. Rád tě vidím. Nice to see you. Good to see you. Tom zemřel velmi mladý. Tom died very young. Tom died very young. Chci zavřít dveře. I want to close the door. I want to close the door. Máte trochu nadváhu. You're a little overweight. You're a little overweight. Hrát si s ohněm je nebezpečné. It's dangerous to play with fire. Playing with fire is dangerous. Neměl jsem takový zájem to udělat, jako se zdálo, že má Tom. I wasn't as interested in doing that as Tom seemed to be. I wasn't as interested in doing it as Tom seemed to have. Zaslechli jsme. We heard. We heard. Tak časně jste vstávat nemuseli. You need not have got up so early. You didn't have to get up so early. Nemyslím si, že Mary vypadá jako máma. I don't think Mary looks like a mother. I don't think Mary looks like Mom. Skoro nikdo si nemyslí, že jsme sestry. Hardly anyone thinks that we are sisters. Almost nobody thinks we're sisters. Nevěděl, kam jít. He did not know where to go. He didn't know where to go. Tom je zvyklý těžce pracovat. Tom is used to working hard. Tom's used to working hard. Layla uslyšela ten hluk. Layla heard the noise. Layla heard the noise. Tom vysvětlil Mary pravidla. Tom explained the rules to Mary. Tom explained Mary's rules. Byl bys to mohl udělat. You could have done it. You could have done it. Piješ moc kávy. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Mám to rád. I like it. I like it. Zeptejme se Toma. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. Tomovi se líbí zrzky. Tom likes redheads. Tom likes redheads. Víš, kde se narodil? Do you know where he was born? Do you know where he was born? Ukázal mi své nové auto. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. Tom tu práci přijal. Tom accepted the job. Tom accepted the job. Jsem si jist, že mi nikdy neodpustí. I am sure that she will never forgive me. I'm sure he'll never forgive me. Vzpomínám si na Toma. I remember Tom. I remember Tom. Tom poprosil Mary o radu. Tom asked Mary for her advice. Tom asked Mary for advice. Náhle mě spatřil. Suddenly he saw me. Suddenly he saw me. Tom je černou ovcí rodiny. Tom is a shame to his family. Tom is the black sheep of the family. Tom přečetl dopis třikrát. Tom read the letter three times. Tom read the letter three times. Toto je tužka a tamto je pero. This is a pencil and that is a pen. This is a pencil, and that's a pen. Cítil jsem povinnost to udělat. I felt compelled to do that. I felt obliged to do it. Tom je opilý. Tom's drunk. Tom's drunk. Byli jste milovaní tímhle člověkem kvůli vašemu bohatství. This man loved you because of your money. You were loved by this man for your wealth. Jeho tělo hodili do moře a nikdy nebylo nalezeno. His body was thrown into the sea and was never found. His body was thrown into the sea and never found. Neváhejte se zeptat. Don't hesitate to ask. Don't hesitate to ask. Tom řekl, že Mary miluje. Tom said that he loved Mary. Tom said he loved Mary. Myslel jsem, že by to mohla být jedna z možností. I thought that it might be a possibility. I thought it might be one of the options. Prosebně se na mě podívala. She gave me an appealing look. She was begging to look at me. Myslím, že se příliš snažíš. I think you're trying too hard. I think you're trying too hard. Kdy jsi naposledy bydlel v hotelu? When was the last time you stayed at a hotel? When was the last time you lived in a hotel? Proč se zdráháš? Why do you hesitate? Why are you reluctant? Mám rád hudbu. I like music. I like music. Vypadáš směšně. You look ridiculous. You look ridiculous. Tom mi řekl, že mluví francouzsky. Tom told me that he spoke French. Tom told me he spoke French. Má oči jako safíry. His eyes are like sapphires. He's got eyes like sapphires. Sám sebe znej. Know thyself. Know yourself. Politika je umění bránit lidem v tom, aby se účastnili záležitostí, které se jich týkají. Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them. Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in matters that concern them. Tohle není stříbro. This isn't silver. This isn't silver. Přichází navštívit svého nemocného kamaráda každý den. He comes to see his sick friend day after day. He comes to visit his sick friend every day. Potkáš-li náhodou Mary, řekni jí, že se po ní ptal Tom. If you happen to see Mary, tell her Tom was asking after her. If you happen to meet Mary, tell her Tom was asking for her. Muiriel je 20 nyní. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is 20 now. Bývali jsme dobrými přáteli. We used to be good friends. We used to be good friends. Zdá se, že tvůj pes má žízeň. It looks like your dog is thirsty. Looks like your dog's thirsty. Opravuji dům. I'm repairing the house. I'm fixing the house. Je si jistý, že tu hru vyhraje. He's sure that he'll win the game. He's sure he'll win the game. Byl jsem na týden v nemocnici. I was in the hospital for a week. I was in the hospital for a week. Ukažte mi prosím váš pas. Show me your passport, please. Please show me your passport. Na trhu bude nový model v listopadu. The new model will be on the market in November. There will be a new model on the market in November. Bývala učitelkou. She used to be a teacher. She used to be a teacher. Nechci tady zůstat. I do not want to stay here. I don't want to stay here. Dosud nevím, jak se to stalo. I still don't know how that happened. I don't know how it happened yet. Rozhodli se pro nové zásady. He had decided on a new policy. They've decided on new principles. Kde je zmrzlinář? Where is the ice cream parlor? Where's the ice cream man? Bydlím v zemi, kde je litr benzínu levnější než litr vody. I live in a country where the cost of a liter of gasoline is cheaper than the cost of a liter of water. I live in a country where a liter of gasoline is cheaper than a liter of water. Mluví Marťani anglicky? Do Martians speak English? Do Martians speak English? Harmony kalí soudnost. Hormones impair one's judgment. Harmony's clouding judgment. A potom se sám posadil. And then he sat down himself. And then he sat himself down. Ležím. I'm lying. I'm lying down. Zůstanu tu až do šesti. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll stay here till 6:00. Nenutím tě. I'm not forcing you. I'm not forcing you. Tančil s ní. He was dancing with her. He danced with her. Brzy si na to zvykneš. You'll get used to it soon. You'll get used to it soon enough. Neříkala jsi, že Tom zemřel? Didn't you say Tom died? Didn't you say Tom died? Tom může spát kdekoliv. Tom can sleep anywhere. Tom can sleep anywhere. Mám v pokoji telefon. There's a telephone in my room. I have a phone in my room. Ty nám pomoci schopen nebudeš. You won't be able to help us. You won't be able to help us. Nemám žádné přátele. I've got no friends. I don't have any friends. Krásný Den díkůvzdání. Have a happy Turkey day. Happy Thanksgiving. Kdo je váš oblíbený spisovatel? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Vypadáš šťastně takto po ránu. You look happy, so bright and early. You look happy like this in the morning. Peru. I'm doing my laundry. Peru. Fáma, že se vdává, se šíří městem. The rumor that she's getting married is spreading around town. The rumor that she's getting married is spreading through the city. Mary umí dobře tančit. Mary can dance well. Mary's a good dancer. Tom něco křičel francouzsky. Tom yelled something in French. Tom was screaming something in French. Kdysi bydlela nedaleko něho. She used to live near him. She used to live near him. Papír je bílý. Paper is white. Paper's white. Nikdy si neuvědomíš hodnotu něčeho, dokud to neztratíš. You never realize the value of something till you lose it. You never realize the value of anything until you lose it. Říkáš to pokaždé. You say that every time. You say that every time. Přestaň jančit. Quit fooling around. Stop freaking out. Tom se zasmál a podíval se na Mary. Tom laughed and looked at Mary. Tom laughed and looked at Mary. Nechci žít svůj život takto. I don't want to live my life like this. I don't want to live my life like this. Nechci tě poslouchat. I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to listen to you. Tato fráze bude přeložena. This phrase will be translated. This phrase will be translated. Tom má možná lepší řešení. Tom might have a better solution. Tom may have a better solution. Myslel jsem, že třeba vycouváš. I thought you might back out. I thought maybe you'd back out. Byli lepší, než jsem očekával. They were better than I expected. They were better than I expected. Ta vesnice je spojena s naším městem mostem. The village is connected to our city by a bridge. That village is connected to our city by a bridge. Tom a Mary jsou zřejmě opravdu zamilovaní. Tom and Mary must really be in love. Tom and Mary are obviously really in love. Policie našla tady poblíž na pláži vyplavené tělo. The police found a body washed up on the beach near here. The police found a washed-up body near the beach. Zmíním se o tom Tomovi. I'll mention it to Tom. I'll mention it to Tom. Ta televize byla pořád zapnutá. The TV was on all the time. The TV was still on. Válka trvala dva roky. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Tom je student. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. Pokud budete něco potřebovat. In case you will need anything. If you need anything. Řím nebyl postaven za den. Rome wasn't built in a day. Rome wasn't built in a day. Tom se snaží ze všech sil. Tom is trying to do his best. Tom's trying his best. Moji rodiče mě téměř nikdy za nic nepotrestali. My parents hardly ever punished me for anything. My parents almost never punished me for anything. Chtěla bych heřmánkový čaj. I want a chamomile tea. I'd like some chamomile tea. Máte rádi fotbal? Do you like football? Do you like football? Tom, Marie, Jan a Alice seděli okolo stolu a hráli karty. Tom, Mary, John and Alice were sitting around the table, playing cards. Tom, Marie, Jan and Alice were sitting around the table playing cards. Ten plot je čerstvě natřený. The fence is freshly painted. The fence is freshly painted. Hele, podívej se na ten sníh. Hey, look at the snow. Hey, look at the snow. Ještě pořád můžu věci napravit. I can still make things right. I can still fix things. Nenávidím ty slova. I hate these words. I hate those words. Tom ví, kde bydlím. Tom knows where I live. Tom knows where I live. Ráda tě vidím. Nice to see you. It's good to see you. Mary neváhala. Mary didn't hesitate. Mary didn't hesitate. Tento zápach se mi hnusí. This smell disgusts me. This smell disgusts me. Nikdo Tomovi nevěřil. Nobody believed Tom. Nobody trusted Tom. Žádná naděje není. There is no hope. There is no hope. Požádám Toma, aby se k tobě připojil. I'll ask Tom to join you. I'll ask Tom to join you. Rozumí se samo sebou, že zdraví je důležité. It goes without saying that health is important. It goes without saying that health is important. Nejsme na to zvyklí. We're not used to it. We're not used to it. Kvůli tomu viru přišlo mnoho slonů o život. Because of that virus, many elephants lost their lives. Many elephants lost their lives because of the virus. Chtěli byste k tomu, co jsem řekl, něco dodat? Would you like to add anything to what I've said? Is there anything you'd like to add to what I said? Na tom, čím člověk je záleží víc než na tom, co má. What one is is more important than what one has. What matters more than what you have. Víko téhle krabice nejde otevřít. The lid of this box won't lift. The lid on this box won't open. Nakonec se z Toma stal bezdomovec. Eventually, Tom became homeless. Eventually, Tom became homeless. Jsem nemocný. I am sick. I'm sick. Můj pes je bílý. My dog is white. My dog is white. Udělal jsem všechno, co mi řekli. I did everything I was told to do. I did everything they told me to do. Je tu patnáct lidí, počítaje hosty. There are fifteen people here, counting the guests. There's 15 people counting the guests. Staří muži jsou nebezpeční: nezáleží jim na tom, co se stane se světem. Old men are dangerous: it doesn't matter to them what is going to happen to the world. Old men are dangerous: they don't care what happens to the world. Asi to nebudeš chtít udělat. You might not want to do that. I don't think you're gonna want to do this. Tom si bude stěžovat určitě. I'm sure Tom will complain. Tom will complain for sure. Toto zakonči. Finish this. Put an end to this. Byl to chladný den. It was a cold day. It's been a cold day. Už jsem tu chybu udělal. I've already made that mistake. I've already made that mistake. Kouření vážně poškozuje vaše plíce. Smoking does damage your lungs. Smoking really hurts your lungs. Máte rádi slony. You like elephants. You like elephants. Jak si dospěl k tomu závěru? How did you come to that conclusion? How did you come to the conclusion? Nechci s vámi mluvit. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Tom řekl, že si myslel, že Mary není doma. Tom said he thought that Mary wasn't at home. Tom said he thought Mary wasn't home. Jako dítě jsem s ním chodil na ryby. When a child, I used to go fishing with him. I used to go fishing with him when I was a kid. Dej mi mapu. Give me the map. Give me the map. Pojďme upéct narozeninový dort. Let's bake a birthday cake. Let's bake a birthday cake. Tom se začal nudit po třech minutách. Tom got bored after three minutes. Tom got bored after three minutes. Tom má v plánu koupit si počítač. Tom plans to buy a computer. Tom's planning on buying a computer. Zelená ti sluší. Green suits you. Green suits you. Kdo měl motiv Toma zabít? Who had a motive to kill Tom? Who had a motive to kill Tom? To není na tobě. That's not up to you. It's not up to you. Přežil jen jeden člověk. Only one man survived. Only one person survived. Nemluví moc dobře anglicky. He doesn't speak English very well. He doesn't speak English very well. Proč to ona Tomovi dělá? Why is she doing this to him? Why is she doing this to Tom? Vidím knihu. I see a book. I see a book. Nemůžeš aspoň někdy být dochvilný? Už tu čekám hodinu. Can't you ever be punctual? I have been waiting here for one hour. Can't you at least be punctual? Neváhejte požádat o informace. Don't hesitate to ask for information. Do not hesitate to ask for information. Odpovídej mi na otázky. Answer my questions. Answer my questions. Pozor ať nespadneš. Be careful not to fall. Don't fall. Zajistím, aby se tam Tom dostal na čas. I'll make sure Tom gets there on time. I'll make sure Tom gets there on time. Mluvím Finsky. I speak Finnish. I speak Finnish. Jsem gay, a co má být? I'm gay, so what? I'm gay, so what? Tom snil o tom, že se stane bohatým. Tom dreamed of becoming rich. Tom dreamed of becoming rich. Začínáš mě nudit. You're starting to bore me. You're starting to bore me. Z Austrálie jsem se vrátil 20. října. I returned from Australia on October 20th. I came back from Australia on October 20th. Někdo rozbil všechna okna autobusové zastávky. Someone broke all the bus shelter windows. Someone broke all the windows of the bus stop. Tom posílá fax. Tom is sending a fax. Tom's sending a fax. Na cestování sama jsi moc mladá. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to travel alone. Tom a Mary řekli Tomovi, že odjíždí. Tom and Mary told John that they were leaving. Tom and Mary told Tom he was leaving. Měl jsem hlad a žízeň. I was hungry and thirsty. I was hungry and thirsty. Jak se jmenuje tvije sestra? What's your sister's name? What's your sister's name? Nesmíme si ušpinit ruce. We must keep our hands clean. We can't get our hands dirty. Kolik knih jste přečetli? How many books did you read? How many books have you read? Proč ho potřebuješ? Why do you need it? Why do you need it? Bez práce nejsou koláče. No sweet without sweat. There are no pies without a job. Co ji tak zarmoutilo? What made her so sad? What was she so upset about? Milují Toma. They love Tom. They love Tom. To není dobré znamení. This is not a good sign. That's not a good sign. Tom si nechává narůst knír. Tom is growing a mustache. Tom's growing a mustache. Rád bych věděl, jestli je Tom svobodný. I wonder whether Tom is unmarried or not. I'd like to know if Tom's single. Chtěl bych zůstat na jednu noc. I'd like to stay for one night. I'd like to stay for one night. Nefunguje to, že? It doesn't work, does it? It's not working, is it? Čas vše zahojí. Time heals all wounds. Time heals everything. Jakou radu mi můžete dát? What advice can you give me? What kind of advice can you give me? Tom pochází ze zámožné rodiny. Tom comes from a well-to-do family. Tom comes from a wealthy family. Stal se slavný. He became famous. He became famous. Děti brzy usnuly. The children soon fell asleep. The children soon fell asleep. Myslela si, že ho může přimět, aby ji měl rád. She thought she could get him to like her. She thought he could make him like her. Jak dlouho myslíš, že to ještě bude trvat, než se sem Tom dostane? How much longer do you think it'll be until Tom gets here? How long do you think it's gonna take for Tom to get here? Jeho dovednost ho pro tu práci kvalifikuje. His skill qualifies him for the job. His skill qualifies him for the job. Mě se nebojíš. You're not afraid of me. You're not afraid of me. Ona by mě ani nepochcala, kdybych hořel. She wouldn't even piss on me if I were on fire. She wouldn't even piss on me if I was on fire. Také můžu přijít, jestli chceš. I can come, too, if you want me to. I can come, too, if you want. Naproti nádraží je banka. There is a bank in front of the station. There's a bank across from the station. Křičel jsem na něj. I yelled at him. I yelled at him. Nepřijdu. I won't come. I won't. Právě píši Tomovi dopis. I'm writing a letter to Tom now. I'm writing Tom a letter right now. Co tě nepálí, nehas. Let sleeping dogs lie. What doesn't burn you, don't put it out. Kdybych byl udělal to, co mi Tom řekl ať udělám, nebyl by problém. If I'd just done what Tom told me to do, there wouldn't have been a problem. If I had done what Tom told me to do, there wouldn't be a problem. Nehoda se stala na tamtom přejezdu. The accident happened at that crossing. There was an accident at that crossing. Mami, mám hlad. Mum, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Město zachvátila panika. The city was filled with panic. The city was panicked. Momentálně máme dobrý tým. We have a good team right now. We have a good team right now. Užili jste si víkend? Did you have a good weekend? Did you have a good weekend? Doktor mu změřil pulz. The doctor felt his pulse. The doctor measured his pulse. Hrajete squash? Do you play squash? Do you play squash? Budeš potřebovat klíč. You will need a key. You're gonna need a key. Tom je automechanik. Tom is a car mechanic. Tom's a mechanic. Viděli jsme mnoho lodí v přístavu. We saw many ships in the harbor. We've seen many ships in the harbor. Snažím se najít si novou práci. I am trying to find a new job. I'm trying to find a new job. Bolest konečně přešla. The pain finally went away. The pain has finally passed. Nudíš se tady? Are you bored here? Are you bored here? Chtěla by sis se mnou dnes večer někam vyjít? Would you like to go out with me tonight? Would you like to go out with me tonight? Tom je velmi hrubý na svoji ženu, ale k ostatním se chová slušně. Tom is very rude to his wife but he behaves towards other people. Tom is very rude to his wife, but he treats others politely. Včera večer jsme se dobře bavili. We had a very good time last night. We had a good time last night. Pozdrav pámbů! God bless you! Greetings to God! Budeš milovat bližního svého jako sebe sama. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. You will love your neighbor as yourself. Tom podezírá svého souseda z krádeže jeho slepic. Tom suspects his neighbor of stealing his hens. Tom suspects his neighbor was stealing his chickens. Má někdo nějaký nápad? Does anyone have an idea? Anybody got any ideas? Řekl ano. He said yes. He said yes. Jsem údržbář. I am a serviceman. I'm a janitor. Povím ti o svém otci. I'll tell you about my father. I'll tell you about my father. Sejdeme se kdykoliv budeš chtít. We'll meet wherever you want. I'll meet you whenever you want. Vy jste mu lhali! You lied to him! You lied to him! Tohle nuda nebude. This won't be boring. This isn't gonna be boring. Slyšel jsem hlas muže, ne ženy. I heard the voice of a man, not a woman. I heard a man's voice, not a woman's. Včera v noci jsem snil, že pojídám včely. Last night I dreamt I was eating bees. Last night I dreamt I was eating bees. Tom stále nechápe. Tom still doesn't understand. Tom still doesn't understand. Tohle by Tom nikdy neudělal. There's no way Tom would ever do that. Tom would never do that. Byl obviněn z krádeže šperků. He was accused of stealing the jewels. He was accused of stealing jewelry. Se schůzí jsme se vypořádali rychle. We got the meeting over with quickly. We dealt with the meeting quickly. Můj fotoaparát je vodotěsný. My camera is waterproof. My camera is waterproof. Finsko vás potřebuje. Finland needs you. Finland needs you. Rád spím. I like sleeping. I like to sleep. Její manžel vůbec neví, proč zemřela. Her husband doesn't even know why she died. Her husband doesn't know why she died. Ztracená šance už nikdy nepřijde. The lost chance will never come again. A lost chance will never come again. Pozor na hlavu! Watch your head! Watch your head! Nemám čas. I have no time. I'm busy. Rozhodl jsem se říct mu, že ji miluji. I decided to tell him that I love her. I decided to tell him that I love her. Je lehké milovat, ale těžké být milován. It is easy to love, but hard to be loved. It's easy to love, but it's hard to be loved. Nevím, zdali se mnou chce jít. I don't know if she wants to go with me. I don't know if he wants to come with me. Podařilo se mi dočíst tu knihu. I managed to finish the book. I was able to finish the book. Tom nechtěl nosit košili, kterou mu matka koupila k Vánocům. Tom didn't want to wear the shirt that his mother had gotten him for Christmas. Tom didn't want to wear the shirt his mother bought him for Christmas. Co nám chtěl Tom ukázat? What did Tom want to show us? What did Tom want to show us? Odmítl přijmout takovou absurdní nabídku. He refused to accept such an absurd proposal. He refused to accept such an absurd offer. Doufám, že jsi se vyspala dobře. I hope you slept well. I hope you slept well. Pomoz mi. Give me a hand. Help me. Na čem sedíš? What are you sitting on? What are you sitting on? Prý ji posedl démon. She was supposedly possessed by a demon. She said she was possessed by a demon. Táta šel zrovna ven. Dad just now went out. Dad just went out. Přestože jsme čekali do deseti, Bill se vůbec neobjevil. Although we waited until ten o'clock, Bill never showed up. Even though we were waiting till 10:00, Bill never showed up. Cestovat je zábavné. It's fun to travel. Traveling is fun. Věděl jsem, že jsi byl nemocný. I knew you were sick. I knew you were sick. Na koho straně je Tom? Whose side is Tom on? Whose side is Tom on? Našel jsem to na půdě. I found it in the attic. I found it in the attic. Nemám telefon. I don't have a phone. I don't have a phone. Půjčím vám pero. I will lend you a pen. I'll lend you a pen. Hrával jsem na trombon. I used to play the trombone. I used to play trombone. Tom je atlet s neobyčejnou sílou. Tom is an athlete with extraordinary strength. Tom is an athlete with extraordinary strength. Tato silnice se opravuje. This road is under repair. This road is being repaired. Ta mladá dívka chtěla být hvězdou stříbrného plátna. The young girl wanted to be a star of the silver screen. That young girl wanted to be the star of a silver screen. To jsem nikdy neřekl! I never said that! I never said that! Zapískal na svého psa. He whistled for his dog. He whistled at his dog. Líbí se mi, když mi odesilá pohlednice. I like when she sends me postcards. I like it when she sends me postcards. Smyl si z rukou krev. He washed the blood off his hands. He washed blood off his hands. Lhal jsi mu! You lied to him! You lied to him! Dělám na velvyslanectví. I work at the embassy. I work at the embassy. Je na tobě něco velmi čarovného. There is something very charming about you. There's something very magical about you. Co? What? What? Tom se balí. Tom's packing. Tom's packing. Pusťte ta zvířata z klecí. Release the animals from the cages. Let the animals out of the cages. Proč bys chtěla udělat něco takového? Why would you want to do something like that? Why would you want to do something like that? On se vůbec nebojí hadů. He is not scared of snakes at all. He's not afraid of snakes at all. Tom tady dlouho nebude. Tom won't be here for a long time. Tom won't be here long. Byla to nuda. It was boring. It was boring. Proč jste s Tomem odjeli brzo? Why did you and Tom leave early? Why did you and Tom leave early? Tyto zvyklosti se liší od těch v naší zemi. These customs differ from those in our country. These customs differ from those in our country. Kdo ví? Who knows? Who knows? Struktura mozku je složitá. The structure of the brain is complicated. The structure of the brain is complex. Jseš fakt divná. You're really weird. You're really weird. Kdo chce ještě jeden kousek koláče? Who wants another piece of cake? Who wants another piece of pie? Jsi jediná. You are the only one. You're the only one. My víno máme. We have wine. We have wine. Udělal jsem to pro svoje zdraví. I did so for the sake of my health. I did it for my health. Ta práce zabere dva až tři týdny. The work will take anywhere from two to three weeks. The job will take two to three weeks. Tom řekl, že Mary lituje toho, co udělala. Tom said Mary regretted what she did. Tom said Mary regretted what she did. Tam je soused Patočka. There is the neighbor Patočka. There's Patocka's neighbor. Včera jsme dokončili stavbu nového jeviště. Yesterday, we finished constructing the new stage. Yesterday we finished building a new stage. Má doma pračku? Is there a washing machine in her house? Does he have a washing machine at home? Nebude to tak dlouho trvat. It won't take that long. It won't take that long. Ztupila nůž. She blunted the knife. She dulled the knife. Jste docela chytří. You're quite smart. You're pretty smart. Má plno knih o historii. He has many history books. He's got a lot of history books. Oni zpívali. They were singing. They sang. Byla taková zima, že to jezero zamrzlo. It was so cold that the lake froze over. It was so cold that the lake froze. Vše, co jsem vám řekl, je pravda. Everything I told you is the truth. Everything I've told you is true. Mám to ráda. I like it. I like it. Myslím, že Tom si to zaslouží. I think Tom deserves that. I think Tom deserves it. Kteří z tvých přátel přijdou? Which friends of yours are going to come? Which of your friends are coming? To by měla být zábava. That ought to be fun. That should be fun. Já se s Tomem vracet nebudu. I won't be coming back with Tom. I'm not coming back with Tom. Tom určitě umí dost francouzsky na to, aby si vystačil. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. Chci stejnou kytaru jako má John. I want the same guitar as John has. I want the same guitar as John's. Vzpomínáš, jak jsme se spolu poprvé potkali? Can you remember the first time we met each other? Remember the first time we met? Nemůžeme zůstat na večeři. We can't stay for dinner. We can't stay for dinner. Nemůžu uvěřit, že Tom to udělal všechno sám. I can't believe that Tom did all this himself. I can't believe Tom did all this on his own. Praskla žárovka v obývacím pokoji. Musím ji vyměnit. A lightbulb in the living room has exploded. I have to change it. There's a light bulb burst in the living room. Určitě jsi byla překvapená, když jsi mě s ní včera večer našla o samotě. You must have been surprised to find me alone with her last night. I'm sure you were surprised to find me alone with her last night. Jaký film jsi naposledy viděla? What was the last movie you saw? What was the last movie you saw? Tom a Mary spolu kdysi pracovali. Tom and Mary used to work together. Tom and Mary used to work together. Nepovídej nesmysly. Don't talk nonsense. Don't talk nonsense. Pochopil jsem správně, že nechceš na to téma mluvit? Did I understand correctly that you don't want to talk about that subject? I understand you don't want to talk about it? Kdo je tvůj oblíbený spisovatel? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Na to nemám čas. I don't have time to do that. I don't have time for this. On mě učí. He is teaching me. He's teaching me. To jste jíst neměli. You shouldn't have eaten that. You shouldn't have eaten that. Protože byl unavený, šel do postele brzy. Since he was tired, he went to bed early. Because he was tired, he went to bed early. Zajímalo by mě, jestli bys mi mohl pomoci. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I was wondering if you could help me. Nebudeš věřit, co mi zrovna řekl Tom. You won't believe what Tom just said to me. You're not gonna believe what Tom just told me. Sami není oběť. Je ten, kdo zůstal naživu. Sami is not a victim. He's a survivor. He's not the victim himself, he's the one who's still alive. Madrid je hlavní město Španělska. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Tudy, pánové! This way, gentlemen! This way, gentlemen! Tomovi bude příští týden třicet. Tom will be thirty next week. Tom's gonna be 30 next week. Věděl jsi, že Tom dříve žil v Bostonu? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Opatrujte se! Take care of yourselves! Take care! Tom viděl Mary, jak mrká na Toma. Tom saw Mary wink at John. Tom saw Mary winking at Tom. Cestovala po Japonsku. She traveled around Japan. She was traveling in Japan. Už s Tomem nežiji I'm not living with Tom anymore. I don't live with Tom anymore. Tom cosi vykřiknul francouzsky. Tom yelled something in French. Tom screamed something in French. Musíš jít s pravdou ven. You must tell her the truth. You have to come clean. Kdybych byl věděl, že se ti to nebude líbit, nekoupil bych to. If I had known you wouldn't like it, I wouldn't have bought it. If I'd known you wouldn't like it, I wouldn't have bought it. Tom vytvořil basketbalový tým. Tom made the basketball team. Tom created a basketball team. Tom se styděl. Tom was shy. Tom was ashamed. Věděl jsem, že se stane něco zlého. I knew something bad was going to happen. I knew something bad was gonna happen. Měl by jsi se představit. You should introduce yourself. You should introduce yourself. Pročpak tu sedíš? Why are you sitting there? Why are you sitting here? Tohle bývala kavárna. This used to be a cafe. This used to be a coffee shop. Hodně času tráví u svého počítače. He spends a lot of time on his computer. He spends a lot of time on his computer. Dám vám pět dolarů. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. Myslím, že ztrácíš čas. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Bylo to náročné. It was difficult. It was difficult. Myslím, že je všechny vyhodili. I think that they were all fired. I think they threw them all out. Opravdu to děláte? Do you really do that? Are you really doing this? Kde je tvoje letenka? Where's your plane ticket? Where's your ticket? Teď je řada na mně. Now it's my turn. Now it's my turn. Nikdo sem nepřišel. Nobody came here. No one came here. Tamní nemocnice není velká. The hospital there is not huge. The hospital there isn't big. Děti často nenávidí špenát. Children often hate spinach. Kids often hate spinach. Poznali by tě? Would they recognize you? Would they recognize you? Copak mě už nemiluješ? Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? Věří tomu. They believe it. He believes it. Tom se zeptal Mary, zda ho miluje. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Stále ještě zbývá hodně, co je třeba udělat. A lot still remains to be done. There's still a lot left to do. Nechápu. I do not understand. I don't understand. Mary je vcelku přitažlivá. Mary is quite attractive. Mary's quite attractive. Nešli bychom, kdyby pršelo. We wouldn't go if it rained. We wouldn't go if it rained. Ochodil jsem si boty. I've worn out my shoes. I took off my shoes. Zkoumal možnost spolupráce. He has studied the possibility of a collaboration. He was examining the possibility of cooperation. Julie pláče a volá Emilii. Julia cries and calls Emilia. Julie's crying and calling Emilie. Co znamená TATOEBA? What does TATOEBA mean? What does TATOEBA mean? Zítra soutěžit nebudu. I'm not going to compete tomorrow. I'm not competing tomorrow. To jen chtěl na celou věc zapomenout. Tom just wanted to forget about the whole thing. He just wanted to forget the whole thing. Ty v tomhle nejsi špatný. You're not bad at this. You're not bad at this. Chvilku prosím počkejte. Please wait a minute. Just a moment, please. Sami seděl na schodech, které vedly do jednací síně. Sami was sitting on the steps leading up to the court. He sat alone on the stairs that led to the courtroom. Zrovna jsem se chystal napsat dopis, když přišel domů. I was just going to write a letter when he came home. I was just about to write a letter when he came home. Mohl bych dostat něco k pití? May I have something to drink? Can I get something to drink? Tom si myslí, že bys to měl udělat. Tom thinks you should do that. Tom thinks you should do it. Tom je někdo komu věřím. Tom is someone that I trust. Tom is someone I trust. Kolik lidí bylo přítomno na schůzi? How many people were present at the meeting? How many people were present at the meeting? Chtěl bych, abyste šli se mnou. I'd like you to come with me. I'd like you to come with me. Učím se japonsky. I'm learning Japanese. I'm learning Japanese. Udělaly jste to naschvál? Did you do that on purpose? Did you do it on purpose? Mary položila koš na stůl. Mary set the basket on the table. Mary put the basket on the table. Cítil jsem její parfém. He could smell her perfume. I smelled her perfume. Kde je Tom? Where's Tom? Where's Tom? Tom se nám líbí. We like Tom. We like Tom. Řeknu ti to. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Letadlo provedlo dokonalé přistání. The plane made a perfect landing. The plane made a perfect landing. Řekl jsem Tomovi, co by se mělo udělat. I told Tom what should be done. I told Tom what should be done. Ty obláčky, jak ty plují po nebi, to je ale krása! The clouds floating in the sky are beautiful. Those clouds floating in the sky, it's so beautiful! Dorazil jsem do vesnice před setměním. I reached the village before dark. I arrived at the village before dark. Slyšel jsem každé slovo. I heard every word. I've heard every word. Tomovy vlasy jsou pořád mokré. Tom's hair is still damp. Tom's hair is still wet. Tom chtěl spojit s účtárnou. Sami wanted to join the accounting department. Tom wanted to connect with the accountant. Zavoláš své nevlastní matce. You're going to call your stepmother. You're gonna call your stepmother. Když hodíš svoje džíny do pračky, vyperu ti je. If you throw your jeans in the washing machine, I'll wash them for you. If you throw your jeans in the washing machine, I'll wash them for you. Jak blbé! How foolish! How stupid! Nevím. Don't know. I don't know. Rozloučila se s ním a odešla. She said good-bye to him and left the house. She said goodbye to him and left. Tvůj plán ztroskotal. Your plan failed. Your plan has failed. Kterými jazyky se mluví ve Švícarsku? What language do they speak in Switzerland? Which languages are spoken in Switzerland? Moje máma mi změřila teplotu. My mother took my temperature. My mom measured my temperature. Jak se máš? Dlouho jsem tě neviděl. How are you going? I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you in a while. Tom dlouho mlčel. Tom remained silent for a long time. Tom kept his mouth shut for a long time. Chci se dostat domů před setměním. I want to get home before it gets dark. I want to get home before dark. Mám vás hodně rád. I like you very much. I love you guys a lot. Myslíš, že dnes bude pršet? Do you think it'll rain today? Do you think it's gonna rain today? To nebyla žádná nešťastná náhoda; dům někdo podpálil. That was no accident; someone set the house on fire. It was no accident; the house was burned down. Musíme se vyhnout válce za každou cenu. We have to avoid war at any price. We must avoid war at all costs. Budou spokojeni. They'll be pleased. They'll be happy. Není to velikost, na čem záleží. It's not size that matters. It's not the size that matters. Jsem bez tebe smutný. I'm sad without you. I'm sad without you. Můžu ti s čímkoliv pomoct? Can I help you with anything? Can I help you with anything? Usmívá se Tom vůbec někdy? Does Tom ever smile? Does Tom ever smile? Chci, abyste si přečetli tuto knihu. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Tom chtěl přeplavat jezero, ale přecenil své síly a utopil se. Tom wanted to swim across the lake but he overshot himself and drowned. Tom wanted to swim across the lake, but he overestimated his powers and drowned. Půjdu se někam najíst. I'll go out to eat. I'm gonna go get something to eat. Má rád pomeranče. He likes oranges. He likes oranges. Za ten včerejšek se moc omlouvám. I'm so sorry about yesterday. I'm so sorry about last night. Proč jsi Tomovi říkal, že jsem odešel? Why did you tell Tom I had left? Why did you tell Tom I left? Lhala jsi mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. Tato kniha je mnohem užitečnější, než támhle ta. This book is much more useful than that one. This book is more useful than that one. Vím, že mě sleduje. I know he is watching me. I know he's watching me. Viděl jsem starého muže, jak na ulici upadl na záda. I saw an old man fall on his back in the street. I saw an old man fall on the street on his back. Kdo nosí modré tričko? Who's wearing the blue T-shirt? Who wears a blue shirt? Zavolej, až budeš připravený jít. Call me when you're ready to go. Call me when you're ready to go. Má zvláštní nápady. He has strange ideas. He's got strange ideas. Štěstí se střídá s neštěstím. Good luck alternates with misfortune. Happiness takes turns with misfortune. Z jejích dcer má nejradši tu nejstarší. It is her eldest daughter that he loves most. Of her daughters, she likes the oldest. Je to efektivní. It is efficient. It's effective. Já jsem Tomovi lhal. I lied to Tom. I lied to Tom. Nemohl jsem s ní mluvit. I couldn't talk to her. I couldn't talk to her. Nikdo jiný to nechtěl. No one wanted it. No one else wanted it. Nechci jít do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Moje žena chce adoptovat dítě. My wife wants to adopt a child. My wife wants to adopt a child. Vypůjčil jsem si auto Toma. I borrowed Tom's car. I borrowed Tom's car. Žena vstala ze židle a podívala se směrem ke dveřím. The woman stood up from the chair and looked towards the door. The woman got out of the chair and looked towards the door. Tom je otcem nevěsty. Tom is the father of the bride. Tom is the father of the bride. Všichni se nudíme. We're all bored. We're all bored. Z domova jsme odešli brzy ráno. We left home early in the morning. We left home early this morning. Dej mi ty peníze. Give me the money. Give me the money. Netušíš, proč Tom chtěl, abys to přestala dělat. You have no idea why Tom wanted you to stop doing that. You have no idea why Tom wanted you to stop doing that. Tohle není na nic. This stinks. This doesn't suck. Doufám, že se brzy uzdravíš. I hope that you will get well soon. I hope you recover soon. To bude pěkné. It'll be nice. That'll be nice. Všichni byli spokojeni. All were satisfied. Everyone was happy. Povídej dál svůj příběh. Je tak zajímavý! Go on with your story. That is so interesting! Keep telling your story, it's so interesting! V říjnu mi bude třicet. I'm going to be thirty in October. I'll be 30 in October. Jakmile jsme dorazili domů, začlo pršet. It started raining as soon as we got home. As soon as we got home, it started raining. Minulý týden mojí mámu sklátila chřipka. Last week my mother came down with the flu. My mom got the flu last week. Jaký je můj trest? What's my punishment? What's my punishment? Doufám, že se zase brzy uvidíme. I hope I'll see you again soon. I hope to see you again soon. Divadlo obvykle otevíralo v tuto dobu. The theatre usually opened at this time. The theatre usually opened at this time. Máme dvě děti. We have two children. We have two kids. Jsem člověk. I am human. I'm human. Nepřidám si tě do seznamu svých přátel. I'm not adding you to my list of friends. I'm not gonna add you to my friends' list. Natolik ho to zaujalo, že se tomu začal věnovat. He was so interested that he gave it his attention. He was so intrigued that he started doing it. Tom dává svým dětem příliš mnoho peněz. Tom gives too much money to his children. Tom's giving his kids too much money. Když zahnete do leva, uvidíte bílou budovu. If you turn to the left, you'll see a white building. If you turn left, you'll see a white building. Jestli nepřestaneš brát ty drogy, brzy zemřeš. If you don't stop taking the drugs, you will die soon. If you don't stop taking those drugs, you're gonna die soon. Mám rád četbu. I am fond of reading. I like reading. Ja piju kávu v kavárně. I am drinking coffee at a cafe. I drink coffee in a coffee shop. Nebudu ti schopen říct o tom, co se stalo. I won't be able to tell you about what happened. I won't be able to tell you about what happened. Počkejte tady, prosím. Please wait here. Wait here, please. Letos Vánoce připadají na pondělí. Christmas falls on Monday this year. Christmas is Monday this year. Já a Tom jsme na vině. Tom and I are both to blame. Me and Tom are to blame. Vypadáš fakt sexy. You look really hot. You look really hot. Jaký byl koncert? How was the concert? How was the concert? Je vzácné se setkat s lidmi tak milými, jako ty. It's rare to meet nice people like you. It's rare to meet people as nice as you. Tom nemá asistenta. Tom doesn't have an assistant. Tom doesn't have an assistant. Jdeš dnes odpoledne zpátky na pláž? Are you going back to the beach this afternoon? Are you going back to the beach this afternoon? Také jsi nová? Are you new, too? Are you new too? Rostliny si berou vodu z půdy. Plants take in water from the soil. Plants take water from the soil. Je ten hotel odsud daleko? Is the hotel far from here? Is the hotel far from here? To se teprve pozná. That remains to be seen. That remains to be seen. Odpoledne jsme strávili pojídáním hroznů. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. Její kůže je bílá jako sníh. Her skin is as white as snow. Her skin is as white as snow. Vypadá to, že tom se snaží neplakat. Tom seems to be trying not to cry. Looks like he's trying not to cry. Kdo nechal ty dveře otevřené? Who left the door open? Who left the door open? Tom neudělal nic, aby mi pomohl. Tom didn't do anything to help me. Tom didn't do anything to help me. Vzduch je lehčí než voda. Air is lighter than water. The air is lighter than water. Rozhodla se pro červený kabát. She decided on the red coat. She chose a red coat. Lidé by měli být páni svých vlastních osudů. People should be the masters of their own destinies. People should be masters of their own destinies. Tom možná bude chtít něco nakoupit. Tom may want to do some shopping. Tom might want to buy something. Je lepší počkat, až přijede policie. It's better to wait for the police to arrive. It's better to wait for the police to arrive. Přestaň šaškovat. Quit fooling around. Stop fooling around. Přesvědčíme Toma. We'll convince Tom. We'll convince Tom. Tom zůstal naprosto nehybný. Tom remained perfectly still. Tom remained completely immobile. Netahejte mě za rukáv. Don't pull my sleeve. Don't pull my sleeve. Nevzešlo z toho nic dobrého. Nothing good came out of it. Nothing good came of it. Říkám to pořád. I say it all the time. I say that all the time. Tom jde do důchodu na jaře příštího roku. Tom retires next spring. Tom's retiring in the spring of next year. Nikdo s tebou nechce pracovat. Nobody wants to work with you. Nobody wants to work with you. Jsi moje dcera. You are my daughter. You're my daughter. Manžel protáhl obličej, když jsem mu řekla, že v práci toho mám hodně a že bychom si mohli rozdělit domácí práce. When I said that work had got busy so could we split the housework my husband pulled a face. My husband stretched out his face when I told him I had a lot on my mind at work and that we could split up our chores. Libuše žije v Poznani. Libusza lives in Poznań. Libuše lives in Poznan. Doufám, že se babičce ten dárek bude líbit. I hope Granny will like the present. I hope Grandma likes the present. Líbí se mi ona. I like her. I like her. Zapomněl zhasnout. He forgot to turn off the light. He forgot to turn off the lights. Myslí, že to Tom vůbec nedělá. I think Tom never does that. He thinks Tom doesn't do it at all. Tom se neusmívá. Tom isn't smiling. Tom's not smiling. Tom je na lovu. Tom is out hunting. Tom's on a hunt. Obličej si vždy myju mýdlem a vodou. I always wash my face with soap and water. I always wash my face with soap and water. Toma mají ženy rády. Women like Tom. Tom is a woman's favorite. Je tu hodně krys. There are a lot of rats. There's a lot of rats. To je jednoduché. This is easy. That's easy. Ty jsi opravdu neohrabaný, že! You are really clumsy, aren't you! You're really clumsy, aren't you? Souhlasil jsem s verdiktem. I agreed with the verdict. I agreed to the verdict. Zdá se mi, že nemáš pravdu. It seems to me that you are wrong. I don't think you're right. Můj pes umřel minulou zimu. My dog died last winter. My dog died last winter. Moc nic nepřipustí bez požadavku. Nikdy nepřipustila a nepřipustí. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. She'll admit nothing without a request, never admit it or admit it. Praha je hlavní město České republiky. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Tom to nemohl všechno udělat sám. Tom can't have done this all by himself. Tom couldn't have done it all by himself. Jednou jsem tě varoval, ale tys neposlouchal. I warned you once, but you didn't listen. I warned you once, but you wouldn't listen. Měla obrovské výkyvy nálad. She had huge mood swings. She had massive mood swings. Vdala se ve věku sedmnácti let. She got married at the age of seventeen. She got married at the age of 17. Přišel jsem, abych tě zabil. I have come to kill you. I came here to kill you. Bývaly jsme dobrými přítelkyněmi. We used to be good friends. We used to be good friends. Můžeš si vybrat, který chceš. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose which one you want. Má Tom klíč od Maryina bytu? Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? Does Tom have the key to Mary's apartment? Kvůli tobě ztrácím sebevládu. You take my self control. You're making me lose my temper. Přivázali ho provazem ke stromu. He was tied to the tree with a rope. They tied him up with a rope to a tree. Ublížil ti Tom? Did Tom hurt you? Did Tom hurt you? Dal té kočce trochu mléka. He gave some milk to the cat. He gave the cat some milk. Tom bude mít příští týden párty. Tom is going to have a party next week. Tom's having a party next week. Mohl bych prosím dostat ještě jeden šálek čaje? Excuse me, may I have another cup of tea? Could I have another cup of tea, please? Hlasitěji. Louder. Louder. Není zač. Don't mention it. You're welcome. Kdy mi vrátíš ty peníze? When will you return the money to me? When are you gonna give me my money back? Tom je pedofil. Tom is a pedophile. Tom's a pedophile. Je mi na zvracení. I feel like vomiting. I'm sick of throwing up. Tom nesl Marii na ramenou. Tom carried Mary on his shoulders. Tom was carrying Mary on his shoulders. Tom je věřící. Tom is a believer. Tom is a believer. Hodinu čekám na autobus. I've been waiting for the bus for an hour. I'm waiting for the bus for an hour. Myslím, že máme problém. I guess we've got a problem. I think we have a problem. Někdo mi dýchá do tváře. Je to odporné. Somebody's breathing on my face. It's disgusting. Someone's breathing in my face. Jsem tady, abych vás požádal o pomoc. I'm here to ask for your help. I'm here to ask for your help. Mám rád hodiny. I like clocks. I like the clock. Nechal jsi otevřené dveře. You left the door open. You left the door open. Můžu za to já, ne vy. It's my fault, not yours. It's my fault, not yours. Teď se bojím. Now I'm worried. Now I'm scared. Máte u sebe pero? Do you have a pen on you? Do you have a pen on you? Policie obvinila z nehody řidiče taxíku. The policeman blamed the taxi driver for the accident. The police charged a taxi driver with an accident. Moje matka vstává dřív než já. My mother gets up earlier than I. My mother gets up before I do. Půjčíš mi svoje kolo? Will you lend me your bicycle? Can I borrow your bike? Tom si nejspíš myslel, že nejsem doma. Tom probably thought I wasn't at home. Tom probably thought I wasn't home. Tom to zemětřesení necítil. Tom didn't feel the earthquake. Tom didn't feel the earthquake. Budu na tebe čekat na druhé straně. I'll be waiting for you on the other side. I'll be waiting for you on the other side. Mám čtyři sestry a jednoho bratra. I have four sisters and one brother. I have four sisters and one brother. To je také jed. That is poison as well. That's poison, too. Ta chobotnice se vrátila do moře, aniž by byla snědena. That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten. The octopus returned to the sea without being eaten. To není relevantní. That's not relevant. That's not relevant. Tom by rád Mary poděkoval za pomoc. Tom would like to thank Mary for her help. Tom would like to thank Mary for her help. Myslím, že Tom stále ještě spí. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. Síra se používá k výrobě zápalek. Sulfur is used to make matches. Sulphur is used to produce matches. Našel jsi ten deštník, o kterém jsi říkal, že jsi ho nedávno ztratil? Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day? Did you find that umbrella you said you lost recently? Podívejte se na tabuli. Look at the blackboard. Look at the board. On je velmi vážný člověk. He is a very serious person. He's a very serious man. Nech mě na pokoji! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! To udělal, jak řekl. Tom did as he said he would do. That's what he did, like he said. Mary řekla, že nemá práci. Mary said she didn't have a job. Mary said she didn't have a job. Jeho projev mě nudil. His speech bored me. His speech bored me. Nechci chodit do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Požádal mne, abych tam počkal, než se vrátí. He asked me to wait there until he came back. He asked me to wait there until he got back. Mám rád med. I love honey. I like honey. Jaká je poslední věc, kterou si pamatuješ? What's the last thing that you remember? What's the last thing you remember? Proč je sníh bílý? Why is snow white? Why is snow white? Nevěděli jsme, kterým autobusem pojedeme. We didn't know which bus we would take. We didn't know which bus we were taking. Tom stále jezdí na kole, které mu dali jeho rodiče, když mu bylo třináct. Tom still rides the bicycle that his parents gave him when he was thirteen years old. Tom still rides the bike his parents gave him when he was 13. Mary potřebuje na vytření své prdele celou rolku toaletního papíru. Mary needs a whole roll of toilet paper to wipe her ass clean. Mary needs a whole roll of toilet paper to wipe her ass. Nikdo nechce mluvit. No one wants to speak. Nobody wants to talk. Tuhle píseň zná každý. This song is known to everyone. Everyone knows this song. Jsi v nebezpečí, Tome. You're in danger, Tom. You're in danger, Tom. Všechno v pořádku? Everything all right? Everything okay? Je toto důvod, proč jsi se mnou nechtěla jít? Is this the reason you didn't want to come with me? Is that why you didn't want to come with me? Psala ti Marika dopisy finsky? Did Marika write you letters in Finnish? Did Marika write you letters in Finnish? Tom měl nůž. Tom had a knife. Tom had a knife. Líbí se mi tvá kočka. I like your cat. I like your cat. Samozřejmě, že to popírám. Of course, I'm denying it. Of course I deny it. Ani se neznáme. We don't even know each other. We don't even know each other. Tom měl pivo. Tom had a beer. Tom had beer. Kouření škodí vašemu zdraví. Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is bad for your health. Nikomu si neublížil, viď? You didn't hurt anyone, did you? You didn't hurt anyone, did you? Francouzština je její rodný jazyk. French is her first language. French is her native language. Tom má tři sekretářky. Tom has three secretaries. Tom has three secretaries. Nemůžu žít bez televize. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without a TV. Po zemi se válelo několik kýblů. Several buckets were scattered around the floor. There were several buckets lying on the ground. Nakonec jsem souhlasil, že to udělám. I finally agreed to do that. I finally agreed to do it. Tom je mladší než Mary. Tom is younger than Mary. Tom is younger than Mary. Automobil je modrý. The car is blue. The car's blue. Jsem hrdý na to, co dělám. I take pride in what I do. I'm proud of what I do. Líbí se mi krátké vlasy. I like the short hairstyle. I like short hair. Kdysi jsem vtipy vyprávěl rád. I used to love telling jokes. I used to love telling jokes. Bojíte se? Are you afraid? Are you scared? Vypadáš jako moje sestra. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. Nemá smysl o tom debatovat. It's no use arguing about it. There's no point in discussing this. Co takhle pivo? How about a beer? How about a beer? Tom viděl trojitou duhu. Tom saw a triple rainbow. Tom saw a triple rainbow. Už jsi zapomněl. You've already forgotten. You forgot. Na koho jsi čekala na nádraží? Who were you waiting for at the station? Who were you waiting for at the station? Můžu tady tohle nechat? Could I leave this here? Can I leave this here? Pamatuji si ten dům, kde jsem vyrostla. I remember the house where I grew up. I remember that house I grew up in. Jen se trochu nudím. I'm just a little bored. I'm just a little bored. Marie je z dobré rodiny. Mary comes from a good family. Marie's from a good family. Neměl jsem žádnou nehodu nebo nějaký jiný problém. I didn't have any accidents or other problems. I had no accident or any other problem. Tom pil tequilu. Tom was drinking tequila. Tom drank tequila. Cožpak si na nic nevzpomínáš? Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember anything? Udělali jsme to samé. We did the same thing. We did the same thing. Ta polívka, co jsem měla, byla tak horká, že jsem ji nemohla jíst. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so hot, I couldn't eat it. V neděli si uklidil svůj pokoj. He cleaned his room on Sunday. He cleaned his room on Sunday. Jdu tudy dobře na nádraží? Is this the right way to go to the railway station? Is this a good way to the station? Mé oči jsou unavené. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. Mohl jsi to udělat. You could have done it. You could have done it. Nevím a je mi to fuk. I don't know and I don't care. I don't know, and I don't care. Máme tělocvik. We have PE class. We're in gym class. Sraz u mě doma. We'll meet at my house. Meet me at my house. Nikdy to neudělá. She will never make it. He'll never do it. Žijeme tady. We live here. We live here. Zhebni už! Die already! Die already! Kolik vína zbývá? How much wine is left? How much wine is left? Tom řekl, že potřebujeme více pracovních pozic. Tom said we need more jobs. Tom said we needed more jobs. Ty dokážeš přečíst deset knih za týden? Nemyslel jsi za měsíc? You can read ten books in a week? Don't you mean in a month? You can read ten books a week? Tom řekl, že Mary není zaneprázdněná. Tom said that Mary wasn't busy. Tom said Mary wasn't busy. Je z těch dvou ten starší. He is the older of the two. He's the older one of the two. Proč jsi jí nepomohl? Why didn't you help her? Why didn't you help her? Zeptej se ho, jestli umí japonsky. Ask him if he can speak Japanese. Ask him if he speaks Japanese. Nedávej mu je! Don't give them to him! Don't give it to him! Rád bych zemřel na stáří. I'd like to die of old age. I'd like to die of old age. Každý má právo jít si za štěstím. Everybody has the right to seek happiness. Everyone has a right to be happy. Tom požádal Mary, aby ho nenechávala samotného. Tom asked Mary not to leave him alone. Tom asked Mary not to leave him alone. Vím, že jsi čekal dlouho, ale mohl bys počkat ještě chvilku? I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait just a little bit longer? I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait a little longer? Má krásné oči. Her eyes are beautiful. She has beautiful eyes. Ještě nebylo rozhodnuto. The decision hasn't yet been made. It hasn't been decided yet. Tom není za náma daleko. Tom isn't far behind us. Tom's not far behind us. Tom se mě zeptal, proč jsem se neukázal na svém jmenování. Tom asked me why I didn't show up for my appointment. Tom asked me why I didn't show up for my appointment. Nemám na vybranou. There is no choice. I don't have a choice. Ta účtenka se musí zaplatit dnes. The bill must be paid today. The receipt has to be paid today. Co budeš pít? What are you going to drink? What are you drinking? Tetanovka mě bolela víc jak to psí kousnutí. The tetanus shot hurt me more than the dog bite did. Tetanus hurt me more than that dog bite. Podává se večeře. Dinner is served. Dinner is served. Já to jen dělal ze zdvořilosti. I was just being polite. I was just doing it out of courtesy. Nějakou dobu na návštěvu nebudu moci přijít. I won't be able to visit for a while. I won't be able to visit for a while. "Proč?" - "Proč ne?" "Why?" "Why not?" "Why?" - "Why not?" To nevypadá tak špatně. It doesn't look so bad. That doesn't look so bad. Ale nebála jsem se. But I wasn't afraid. But I wasn't afraid. Je právě sezóna jahod. Strawberries are in season now. It's strawberry season. Umíte používat počítač? Can you use a computer? Can you use a computer? Tom měl na sobě Johnův svetr. Tom was wearing John's sweater. Tom was wearing John's sweater. Už vážím dost. I already weigh enough. I weigh enough. Pokusil jsem se přeplavat přes řeku. I attempted to swim across the river. I tried to swim across the river. Většina velkých japonských firem je závislá na exportu. Most big Japanese firms depend on exports. Most large Japanese companies depend on exports. Proč jsi koupil tohle auto? Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? Vypěstovali si návyk. They got addicted. They grew a habit. Musel jsem počkat na Toma do konce. I had to wait for Tom to finish. I had to wait for Tom to finish. Sopečný popel porušil funkci letadla. Volcanic ash disrupted air travel. Volcanic ash has failed to function as an aircraft. Toto mokré počasí mi už leze krkem. I am fed up with this wet weather. I'm sick of this wet weather. Jsem tenistou. I'm a tennis player. I'm a tennis player. Můj dům je příhodně blízko nádraží. My house is conveniently close to the station. My house is conveniently close to the station. Rozzlobil jsem ho. I have made him angry. I upset him. Neodcházej! Zůstaň tu se mnou! Don't go. Stay here with me. Don't leave! Opravdu musíte přestat kouřit. You really must stop smoking. You really need to stop smoking. Co ji k tomu přimělo? What made her do so? What made her do that? To jsem míval rád. I used to like that. I used to like that. Tom má s tím problémy. Tom is having trouble with this. Tom's got problems with that. Zdržuje jí od práce. He is holding up her work. He's keeping her from work. Nemusíš o nich vědět. You don't need to know about them. You don't need to know about them. Myslel jsem, že nepřijde. I thought he wouldn't come. I thought he wasn't coming. Jak dlouho myslíš, že to bude trvat? How long do you think it'll take? How long do you think this is gonna take? Za takových podmínek nemůžeme pracovat. We can't work under these conditions. We can't work under these conditions. Geometrie je matematická věda, zabývající se studiem a měřením přímek, úhlů, křivek a tvarů, které vznikají spojením několika přímek dohromady. Geometry is a mathematical science concerned with the study and measurement of lines, angles and curves, and with the shapes which are formed when several lines are joined together. Geometry is a mathematical science dealing with studying and measuring lines, angles, curves and shapes that arise by joining several lines together. Tomáš tu ráno nikdy není. Tom is never here in the morning. Thomas is never here in the morning. Je to můj učitel. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Dělám to, protože chci. I do it because I want to. I'm doing this because I want to. On mi tě představil, cožpak si nepamatuješ? He introduced you to me, don't you remember? He introduced you to me, don't you remember? Je to tvůj kufr? Is this your suitcase? Is that your suitcase? Míval jsem tři sekretářky. I used to have three secretaries. I used to have three secretaries. Každý zná toho starého trapera. Everybody knows that old trapper. Everyone knows the old trapper. Mají počítač? Do they have a computer? Do they have a computer? Raději bys měl vyrazit hned. You'd better set off at once. You'd better go now. To je ale krásná kniha. This is a beautiful book. What a beautiful book. Děkuji ti za tvůj email. Thank you for your email. Thank you for your email. Tom má rád peníze. Tom likes money. Tom likes money. Mám rád hádanky. I like puzzles. I like riddles. Nemá cenu na ni dál čekat. There is no use waiting for her any longer. There's no point in waiting for her anymore. Neměly jste sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. Chceš znát jeho jméno? Do you want to know his name? You want to know his name? Rád si hned po obědě zdřímnu. I like taking naps right after lunch. I'd like to take a nap right after lunch. Zajímalo by mě, jestli je Tom zaujatý. I wonder if Tom is biased. I wonder if Tom's biased. Tohle je dost vážné. This is very serious. This is pretty serious. Na které jsi straně? What page are you on? Which side are you on? Mám tě ráda. I like you. I love you. Toto prohlédni. Examine this. Check this out. Víte, proč tom lhal? Do you know why Tom lied? Do you know why he lied? Které je hlavní město Spojených států? What is the capital of the United States? Which is the capital of the United States? Moje matka je zaneprázdněna šitím. My mother is occupied with the sewing. My mother's busy sewing. Kdysi žila z ruky do huby. She used to live hand to mouth. She used to live from hand to mouth. Proč se mnou nemluví? Why don't they talk to me? Why isn't he talking to me? Lišíme se od zvířat tím, že umíme mluvit. We are different from animals in that we can speak. We differ from animals by being able to speak. Tomovi se líbím. Tom likes me. Tom likes me. Jdi dovnitř. Go inside. Go inside. Studoval na zahraniční univerzitě. He studied at a foreign university. He studied at a foreign university. Ta dívka, co má na sobě šátek, je panna. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl wearing the scarf is a virgin. Proč jsi tak smutný? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Na vyřešení některých úkolů může být můj počítač velmi užitečný. For certain tasks, my computer can be very useful. My computer can be very useful to solve some of the tasks. Napoj žíznivé a nakrm hladové. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Feed the thirsty and feed the hungry. Věřil bys tomu, co řekl? Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? Tom často kýchá. Může mít sennou rýmu. Tom sneezes quite often. He may have hay fever. Tom sneezes a lot, he can have hay fever. Je mi jedno, co říkají. I don't care what they say. I don't care what they say. Občas se ozval smích. There was occasional laughter. Sometimes there was laughter. Podívej se. Have a look. Take a look. Sylvie žije v Alsasku. Sylvia lives in Alsace. Sylvia lives in Alsace. Co dalšího mám Tomovi říct? What else do you want me to tell Tom? What else am I supposed to tell Tom? Musíš hned jít. You need to go now. You have to go now. Tom poprosil o pomoc. Tom asked for help. Tom asked for help. Dnes jsem objevil velmi pěkné místo. I discovered a very nice place today. I found a very nice place today. Jsme dobří přátelé už deset let. We have been good friends for ten years. We've been good friends for ten years. Děkuji za ověření. Thanks for checking. Thank you for verifying. Tom souhlasil, že tady bude ve 2:30, ale furt tu není. Tom agreed to be here at 2:30, but he's not here yet. Tom agreed to be here at 2:30, but he's still not here. Chci několik prázdných sklenic. I want a few empty glasses. I want some empty glasses. Myslím, že Toma stále miluješ. I think you still love Tom. I think you still love Tom. Ten vlak zrovna vyjel. The train has just left. The train just left. Trochu jsem pátral. I did a little research. I did some digging. Nevšímej si toho. Pay no attention to it. Don't worry about it. Autobus byl plný. The bus was full. The bus was full. Kdy se Tom probudil? When did Tom wake up? When did Tom wake up? Ztráta práce, kterou tak milovala, pro ni byla rána. Losing the job she loved so much was a severe blow for Mary. Losing the job she loved so much was a blow to her. Jelikož jsem nevěděl, co udělat, požádal jsem ho o radu. Because I didn't know what to do, I asked him for advice. Since I didn't know what to do, I asked him for advice. Bude o tom uvažovat. She will consider this. He'll think about it. Žena, kterou si vzal, je velice krásná. The woman he married is very beautiful. The woman he married is very beautiful. Dohromady nebo zvlášť? Together or separately? Together or separately? Je tady na mě moc kouře. It's too smoky here for me. There's too much smoke. Jste přítomen? Are you in? Are you present? Tom nechal Mary vzkaz. Tom left a note for Mary. Tom left Mary a message. Musíme na tom stole utřít prach. We need to dust the table. We have to clean the dust on that table. Nezapomeň si deštník. Don't forget your umbrella. Don't forget your umbrella. Mám psa. I have a dog. I have a dog. Jak se to chováš? Where are your manners? How are you acting? Tom a Mary si koupili ručně zhotovenou rohož. Tom and Mary bought a handmade rug. Tom and Mary bought a handmade mat. Tom tam chvilku seděl, aniž by cokoliv řekl, a pak vstal a odešel z místnosti. Tom sat there for a moment without saying anything, and then he got up and left the room. Tom sat there for a while without saying anything, and then he got up and left the room. Objednali jsme si čínu. We've ordered Chinese food. We ordered Chinese food. Věž je šachová figurka. A rook is a chess piece. The tower is a chess piece. Pamatuješ si ten den, kdy jsme se potkali poprvé? Do you remember the day when we first met? Do you remember the day we first met? Nikdo tě nemá rád. Nobody likes you. Nobody likes you. Příšerně mě bolí hlava. I have a terrible headache! I have a terrible headache. To je pero. This is a pen. It's a pen. Je smutné vědět, že každou chvíli můžeme umřít. It's sad to know that we may die any moment. It's sad to know we could die at any moment. Co se tyče mě, nejsem proti. As far as I am concerned, I have no objection. As long as I'm sticking with it, I'm not against it. Bylo skoro poledne, když se Tom konečně vzbudil. It was almost noon by the time Tom woke up. It was almost noon when Tom finally woke up. Uvidíme se zítra! See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow! Mohl byste mluvit pomaleji? Would you mind speaking more slowly? Could you speak any slower? Ten muž se podpálil. The man set himself on fire. The man burned himself. Zdá se, že Tom ztratil smysl života. Tom seems to have lost his meaning of life. Tom seems to have lost his purpose in life. Včera se vrátil pozdě. Yesterday he came back late. He came home late last night. Všichni se utopili. They all drowned. They all drowned. Nevím už, proč se dál obtěžuju. I don't know why I even bother anymore. I don't know why I'm bothering anymore. Nemá rád ryby. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. Jsem s ním ve sdružení deset let. I have been associated with him for ten years. I've been with him for ten years. Neposílej mi to znova. Don't send it to me again. Don't send it to me again. Kolik ti dali za tvé staré auto? How much did they give you for your old car? How much did they give you for your old car? Příliš mnoho kuchařů zkazí kaši. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many chefs spoil the porridge. Tom se svou prací nudil. Tom was bored with his job. Tom was bored with his work. Smrt je něčím, od čeho jsme často zrazováni mluvit či jenom na to myslet, ale zjistila jsem, že příprava na smrt je jednou z nejvíce posilujících věcí, které můžete udělat. Přemýšlení o smrti projasňuje váš život. Death is something that we're often discouraged to talk about or even think about, but I've realized that preparing for death is one of the most empowering things you can do. Thinking about death clarifies your life. Death is something we are often betrayed to talk about or just think about, but I found that preparing for death is one of the most strengthening things you can do, thinking about death brightens your life. Nevěříte nám? Don't you trust us? You don't believe us? Dokážeš si představit, jak to Toma vyděsilo? Can you imagine how scared Tom was? Can you imagine how that scared Tom? Pokud vím, tak žádná taková funkce není. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there is no such function. Chce to trpělivost, udělat to. It takes patience to do this. It takes patience to do it. Rozhodli jsme se jet v říjnu do Austrálie. We've decided to go to Australia in October. We decided to go to Australia in October. Tom urazil Mary. Tom hurt Mary. Tom insulted Mary. Byli zklamaní, že jsi nemohl přijít. They were disappointed that you could not come. They were disappointed you couldn't come. Nikdy není pozdě změnit tvůj život. It's never too late to change your life. It's never too late to change your life. Tom umístil na sociální síť svojí obscéní fotku. Tom posted a lewd photo of himself on social media. Tom placed his obscene picture on the social network. Víte, kolik to stojí dostat se odsud do Bostonu? Do you know how much it costs to get to Boston from here? Do you know how much it costs to get from here to Boston? Tvůj puls je normální. Your pulse is normal. Your pulse is normal. Tohle jsem nepsal. I didn't write this. I didn't write this. Peníze nerostou na stromě. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on a tree. Obloha je jasná. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. Tom se procházel nahý po pláži. Tom was strolling around the beach naked. Tom was walking around naked on the beach. Učitel mě začal zasypávat otázkami. The teacher began to shoot questions at me. The teacher started asking me questions. Abys bylo hodné dítě, musíš chodit spát a vstávat brzy. To be a good child, you need to go to bed and get up early. To be a good kid, you have to go to sleep and get up early. Co se stalo v říjnu? What happened in October? What happened in October? Dám ti vědět, až dorazíme na nádraží. I'll let you know when we come to the station. I'll let you know when we get to the station. Rád slyším, že je svobodná. I'm glad to hear that she is unmarried. Glad to hear she's single. Představení začne brzy. The show will begin soon. The show's gonna start soon. Tom zaklepal bačkorama. Tom kicked the bucket. Tom knocked on the door. Nebuď stydlivý. Don't be coy. Don't be shy. Pracovala pro rozhlasovou stanici. She worked for the radio station. She worked for the radio station. Kéž bych byl poslechl tvou radu! If I'd only taken your advice! I wish I'd listened to your advice! Tom měl být venku a hrát si s ostatními dětmi. Tom should have been outside playing with the other children. Tom was supposed to be out playing with the other kids. Chtěl jsem si s tebou promluvit o známkách. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. I wanted to talk to you about stamps. Nemáte na vybranou. There is no choice. You have no choice. Kdysi jsem jedl jako prase. I used to eat like a pig. I used to eat like a pig. Mám rád matyku. I like math. I like math. Vy jste obě hezké a milé. You are both pretty and kind. You're both pretty and nice. Nezapomeňte zhasnout, než půjdete spát. Don't forget to turn off the light before you go to sleep. Don't forget to turn off the lights before you go to bed. No tak, pojďme se nasnídat. Come on, let's get breakfast. Come on, let's get some breakfast. Je možné, že Tom nepřijde. It's possible Tom won't come. It's possible Tom isn't coming. Byl pánem situace. He was master of the situation. He was the master of the situation. Ty jsi nějaký potížista, co? You're something of a troublemaker, aren't you? You're a troublemaker, aren't you? Mám štěstí, že mě nikdo neviděl to udělat. I'm lucky that no one saw me do that. I'm lucky no one saw me do it. Tom předpokládal, že Mary na večírku nebude. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Jako dítě jsem často chodíval plavat v moři. I would often go swimming in the sea when a child. When I was a kid, I used to go swimming in the sea. To je starý německý zvyk. That's an old German custom. It's an old German custom. Když budeš pít, neřiď auto. Jestli budeš řídit, tak nepij alkohol. If you drink, don't drive. If you drive, don't drink. If you drink, don't drive, if you drive, don't drink alcohol. Tom byl svědek. Tom was a witness. Tom was a witness. Musíš se osprchovat. You have to take a shower. You need to take a shower. Tom řekl, že Mary vůbec nevidí. Tom said he never saw Mary. Tom said he couldn't see Mary at all. Myslím, že je nevinný. I think he's innocent. I think he's innocent. Jak jste věděli, že tam budu? How did you know I'd be here? How did you know I'd be there? Nebudeš věřit, co jsem se doslechl. You won't believe what I heard. You're not gonna believe what I hear. Mám raději kávu. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. Oholit, prosím. A shave, please. Shave, please. Máš zapalovač? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Zlomila jste si nohu. You broke your leg. You broke your leg. Mám rád ryby. I like fish. I like fish. Jsou tady. They are here. They're here. Astrologii mám rád. I like astrology. I like astrology. Myslím, že bychom v tomto rozhovoru měli pokračovat venku. I think we should continue this conversation outside. I think we should continue this conversation outside. Tom je stále aktivní. Tom is always on the go. Tom's still active. Naoko bydlí v tom bílém domě. Naoko lives in the white house. Naoko lives in that white house. Nebudu lhát. I won't lie. I'm not gonna lie. Nerad bych, aby se ti to stalo. I'd hate to see that happen to you. I wouldn't want that to happen to you. Tom navštívil Mary v nemocnici. Tom visited Mary in the hospital. Tom visited Mary at the hospital. Dívejte! Look! Look! Tohle kdysi patřilo Tomovi. This used to belong to Tom. This used to belong to Tom. Chtěl bych heřmánkový čaj. I'd like a camomile. I'd like some chamomile tea. Město se zdálo být prosperující. That town looked prosperous. The city seemed prosperous. Jestli chceš, tak tu můžeš zůstat, pokud budeš potichu. You may stay here if you like, as long as you keep quiet. If you want, you can stay here if you're quiet. Nevím, kdy si můžu udělat přestávku. I don't know when I can take a break. I don't know when I can take a break. Sami chtěl, aby Layla nic nevěděla. Sami didn't want Layla to know anything. Sami wanted Layla to know nothing. Na první pohled mě přitahovala. She attracted me at first sight. I was attracted to her at first sight. Řeka zaplavila celou oblast. The river flooded the whole region. The river flooded the entire area. Tom dává přednost naučné literatuře před beletrií. Tom prefers science books to fiction. Tom prefers educational literature to fiction. Tom neví, co trápí Mary. Tom doesn't know what's bothering Mary. Tom doesn't know what's bothering Mary. To staré laso je nalevo. That old lasso is on the left. The old lasso is on the left. Neměla bys být ve škole? Shouldn't you be at school? Shouldn't you be in school? Skoč. Jump. Jump. Jak na to? How to do it? How do you do that? Nevěděla, co má dělat. She was at a loss what to do. She didn't know what to do. Vše, co říká, je správně. Everything he says is correct. Everything he says is right. Pamatuješ, kde jsi nechal svůj deštník? Do you remember where you left your umbrella? Remember where you left your umbrella? Dejte mi kousek křídy. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a piece of chalk. Dal tomu dítěti hračku. He gave the child a toy. He gave the kid a toy. Ještě furt jsme spolu. We're still together. We're still together. Nepoučil jsi se ze svých chyb? Have you learned nothing from your mistakes? Haven't you learned from your mistakes? Proč tam sedí tak dlouho? Why is he sitting there for so long? Why is he sitting there so long? Jsi bystrý? Are you observant? Are you bright? Nebyl jsem tam od října. I haven't been there since October. I haven't been there since October. Nepleť se do cizích věcí! Mind your own business! Stay out of other people's business! Začněte hned. Start now. Begin now. Každý třetí v tomto městě má své vlastní auto. One out of three persons in this city has his own car. Every third in this town has its own car. Červené víno mám mnohem raději než bílé. I like red wine much more than white wine. I like red wine much better than white wine. Vzdělání v tomto světě je pro mě zklamáním. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world is disappointing to me. Proč nekandidujete na prezidenta? Why don't you run for president? Why don't you run for president? Mám zájem se naučit opravit rozbitý stůl. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. V létě bývá často horko. There is often sultry weather in summer. It's often hot in the summer. Teče mu krev z nosu. He has a nose bleed. His nose is bleeding. Tom mě přiměl k odchodu. Tom made me leave. Tom made me leave. Přiznal se, že ukradl zlato. He admitted that he stole the gold. He confessed to stealing gold. Neměl jsi sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. Oba jsme usnuli. We both fell asleep. We both fell asleep. Nenudíš se? You're not bored, are you? Aren't you bored? Zavolám později. I'll call later. I'll call you later. Tvůj účet je prázdný. Your account is empty. Your bill is empty. Četl jsem vaší zprávu a zdá se mi být velmi zajímavá. I read your report and found it very interesting. I've read your report, and I find it very interesting. Máte asi žízeň. You're probably thirsty. You must be thirsty. Její vnadné tělo mne vábilo. Her voluptuous body attracted me. Her gentle body lured me. Máte polévkovou mísu? Do you have a soup tureen? Do you have a soup bowl? Máš tento víkend volno? Are you free this weekend? Are you free this weekend? Zeptej se Toma. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Udělal kouli z jílu. He formed the clay into a bowl. He made a ball out of clay. Čím více jíš, tím více chceš. The more you eat, the more you want. The more you eat, the more you want. Píše knihy. He writes books. He writes books. To jsme dělávali každé pondělí. We used to do that every Monday. We used to do that every Monday. Ona to neudělá. She won't make it. She won't do it. Vrátím se pozdě. I'll be back late. I'll be back late. Poslední dobou jsem strávil hodně času učením se na certifikát z informační technologie. I've been spending a lot of time studying for IT certifications recently. I've spent a lot of time studying for an information technology certificate lately. Ceny benzínu nás všechny tak či onak ovlivňují. Gasoline prices affect all of us one way or another. Gas prices affect us all one way or another. Měl jste mě poslechnout. You should have listened to me. You should have listened to me. Chtěl jsem se učit od toho nejlepšího. I wanted to learn from the best. I wanted to learn from the best. Tom řekl Mary něco francouzsky. Tom said something to Mary in French. Tom said something in French. Nepokoušej se žít věčně. Neuspěješ. Do not try to live for ever. You will not succeed. Don't try to live forever. Dokonce i ty nejdůkladněji udělané plány často končí nezdarem. Even the most carefully made plans frequently result in failure. Even the most rigorously made plans often end in failure. Tom koktá. Tom stutters. Tom stutters. V kolik hodin začínáš rozsazovat? What time do you start seating? What time do you start planting? Tom to nemůže popřít. Tom can't deny this. Tom can't deny it. Moc jsem se bála hadů. I was very scared of snakes. I was too scared of snakes. Mluvíš nesmysly, můj příteli. You speak nonsense, my friend. You're talking nonsense, my friend. Aktualizuj moje programové vybavení. Update my software. Update my software. Proč pořád vypadáš tak unaveně? Why do you always look so tired? Why do you always look so tired? Tom se stal rychle závislým na Tatoebě. Tom has quickly become addicted to Tatoeba. Tom became quickly addicted to Tatoeba. Děti se baví. The kids are having fun. The kids are having fun. Mám hlad, protože jsem neměla oběd. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't have lunch. Tom býval vojákem. Tom used to be a soldier. Tom used to be a soldier. Dnes nechci jíst. I don't want to eat today. I don't want to eat today. Byl rozdrcen k smrti. He was crushed to death. He was crushed to death. Nikdy jsem nepoznal tak afektovanou holku. Je opravdu nesnesitelná! I've never known a girl so affected. She's really unbearable! She's really unbearable! Mám tě rád. I love you. I love you. Toma popravili. Tom was executed. Tom was executed. Myslel jsem, že bydlíte v Bostonu. I thought that you lived in Boston. I thought you lived in Boston. Zřídili v Londýně novou společnost. They set up a new company in London. They set up a new company in London. Stůj zpříma a buď zticha. Stand still and keep silent. Stand up straight and shut up. Na vdavky je moc mladá. She is too young to marry. She's too young to be married. Pero mocnější meče. The pen is mightier than the sword. A pen of more powerful swords. Jsem zvyklý mluvit s dětmi. I'm used to talking to children. I'm used to talking to kids. Myslím, že víte, co mám na mysli. I think you know what I mean. I think you know what I mean. Líbí se mi tvé auto. I like your car. I like your car. Ta zahrada byla zaplevelená. The garden was overgrown with weeds. The garden was a mess. Natáhl papuče. He kicked the bucket. He pulled the slippers. Dej prosím jejich jména na vše, co si berou s sebou. Please put their name on everything they take with them. Please put their names on everything they take with them. Chystá to udělat. She's going to make it. He's going to do it. Co se ti na nás nelíbilo? What didn't you like about us? What didn't you like about us? Čekáš na Toma? Are you waiting for Tom? Waiting for Tom? Nevíš, jak je to nebezpečné? Do you know how dangerous that is? Do you know how dangerous that is? Sami chtěl svědčit. Sami wanted to testify. Sami wanted to testify. Už vím, co se chystáš říct. I already know what you're going to say. I know what you're going to say. Co jsem vyhrál? What did I win? What did I win? Dorothy mu poslala pěkný dárek. Dorothy sent him a nice present. Dorothy sent him a nice present. Zdá se to být trochu drahé. This seems kind of expensive. It seems a little expensive. Vždycky mne přitahovaly starší ženy. I've always been attracted to older women. I've always been attracted to older women. Co jsem zmeškal? What did I miss? What did I miss? Potřebuji tvojí odpověď ještě dnes. I need your answer before the day's over. I need your answer today. Včera jsem se nemusel učit. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn't have to study last night. Sdělte nám, co chcete, a my se vám to pokusíme obstarat. Tell us what you want and we'll try to get it for you. Tell us what you want, and we'll try to get it for you. Tom mě několikrát urazil a proto už s ním nechci nikdy mluvit, ani po telefonu ani osobně. Tom has insulted me several times and that's why I don't want to speak with him ever again, either over the phone or in person. Tom insulted me several times, and that's why I never want to talk to him again, not even on the phone personally. Vláda by měla podniknout cílené kroky ke snížení nezaměstnanosti. The government should take targeted measures to eliminate unemployment. The government should take targeted action to reduce unemployment. Sami nikdy Laylu doopravdy nepožádal, aby odešla. Sami never really asked Layla to leave. He never actually asked Layla to leave. Tam ve vodě je labuť. There is a swan in the water there. There's a swan in the water. Snaž se stát zpříma. Try to stand still. Try to stand up straight. Tom se stal velitelem. Tom became the commander. Tom became commander. Dřív jsem maso jedl. I used to eat meat. I used to eat meat. Vážně je mi fuk, jak to děláš. I don't really care how you do it. I really don't care how you do it. Jak jsi došel k tomu, že jsi Tomův manažer? How did you end up being Tom's manager? How did you get to be Tom's manager? Trvá to příliš dlouho. This is taking way too long. It's taking too long. Určitě se to dá jíst? Are you sure this is safe to eat? Are you sure you can eat that? Byla docela tma, když jsem dorazil domů. It was quite dark when I got home. It was pretty dark when I got home. Je to jako zlý sen. It's like a bad dream. It's like a nightmare. V kolik odjíždí ten vlak? What time does the train depart? What time's the train leaving? Lidé starověku uctívali mnoho bohů a bohyní. Ancient people worshipped many gods and goddesses. People of ancient times worshiped many gods and goddesses. Dej mi svátek. Give me a break. Give me a break. Raději buď opatrný, zahráváš si s ohněm. Better be careful, you're playing with fire. You better be careful, you're playing with fire. Je nádherný den, že? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Pořád se ti tu líbí? Do you still like it here? Do you still like it here? Ten záchod už je zase ucpaný. The toilet is clogged again. The toilet's clogged again. Tom omdlel. Tom passed out. Tom passed out. Ona má dvě kočky. Jedna je bílá a jedna je černá. She has two cats. One is white and one is black. She's got two cats, one's white and one's black. To nám získá nějaký čas navíc. That will buy us some time. That'll buy us some extra time. Vždy jsou opatrní. They're always careful. They're always careful. Tom chytil velkou rybu. Tom caught a big fish. Tom caught a big fish. Pozdě vstávám. I'm a late riser. I'm late to get up. Užívali jsme si piknik. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic. We were having a picnic. Proč se díváš na Mary? Why are you looking at Mary? Why are you looking at Mary? Pamatuješ si to? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? Všichni čekají na Toma. Everyone is waiting for Tom. Everyone's waiting for Tom. Markův test byl tak těžký, že ho nemohl udělat. Marco's test was so hard he couldn't do it. Mark's test was so hard he couldn't do it. Jak krásná duha! What a beautiful rainbow! What a beautiful rainbow! Co je s ním? What is the matter with him? What about him? Rád pracuje na zahradě. He likes to work in the garden. He likes to work in the garden. Co si Tom a Marie mysleli? What were Tom and Mary thinking? What were Tom and Marie thinking? Tyto dveře se nedají nijak otevřít. This door can't be opened in any way. There's no way to open this door. Tato kniha je napsána anglicky. This book is written in English. This book is written in English. Co děláte na takovémhle místě? What are you doing in a place like this? What are you doing in a place like this? Okno se otevřelo. The window opened. The window opened. Slunce vychází brzy ráno. The sun rises early in the morning. The sun rises early in the morning. Tom má špatnou reputaci. Tom has a bad reputation. Tom's got a bad reputation. Tom odešel minulé pondělí. Tom left last Monday. Tom left last Monday. Oni podvádí. They cheat. They're cheating. Máš raději jaro, nebo podzim? Do you like Spring or Autumn more? Do you prefer spring or fall? Mám moc rád pizu. I love pizza. I love pizza. Mají rádi angličtinu. They like English. They like English. Zruinovaly mi život. They ruined my life. They ruined my life. Vyser si voko! Fuck you! Fuck you! Dnes to nemůžu dodělat. I can't finish this today. I can't finish today. Opravdu bych měl jít. I really ought to go. I really should go. Tom pozval Mary na rande. Tom asked Mary out. Tom asked Mary out. Tom miluje pivo. Tom is a beer lover. Tom loves beer. Je dneska v noci vidět Venuše? Is it possible to see Venus tonight? Can you see Venus tonight? Měl bys jednat na základě pokynů lékaře. You should act on the doctor's advice at once. You should follow doctor's instructions. Tom to opraví. Tom will fix it. Tom will fix it. Jsem do tebe úplně celá zamilovaná. I'm totally and completely in love with you. I'm totally in love with you. Uklízím kuchyň. I am cleaning the kitchen. I'm cleaning the kitchen. Určitě dosáhne svého cíle. He is sure to accomplish his purpose. I'm sure he'll achieve his goal. Tom si koupil foťák, který byl vyrobený v Japonsku. Tom bought a camera that was made in Japan. Tom bought a camera that was made in Japan. Překvapilo je to, co viděli. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised by what they saw. Měla bys přestat kouřit. You should give up smoking. You should stop smoking. Být tebou bych Tomovi zavolal v pondělí večer. I'd call Tom Monday evening if I were you. If I were you, I'd call Tom Monday night. Čtyři krát pět je dvacet. Four times five is twenty. Four times five is twenty. Ale co když řekne ne? But what if he says no? But what if he says no? To jsem řekl já! That's what I said! That's what I said! Prase je růžové. The pig is pink. Pig is pink. Tom je náš kamarád. Tom is our friend. Tom's our friend. Kočka má dvě uši. The cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Neříkej hop, dokud nepřeskočíš. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Don't say hop until you skip. Tom a Mary nemluvili francouzsky. Tom and Mary weren't speaking French. Tom and Mary didn't speak French. Je to paličák. He's stubborn. He's stubborn. Tom třísknul se dveřmi. Tom pushed the door shut. Tom slammed the door. "Mary je třicet let.." Není ještě tak stará, že ?" "Mary is thirty years old." "She's not really that old, is she?" "Mary's 30 years old..." Isn't she so old? Mary má ráda ořechy. Mary likes nuts. Mary likes nuts. Vlci obvykle na lidi neútočí. Wolves don't usually attack people. Wolves don't usually attack people. Dočetl jsi tu knihu? Have you finished reading that book? Did you finish the book? Vím, proč mají potíže. I know why they're in trouble. I know why they're in trouble. Rád bych tohle vrátil. I'd like to return this. I'd like to return this. Viděla jsem myš. I saw a mouse. I saw a mouse. Nenávidí mě. They hate me. She hates me. Znám další lidi, jako je Tom. I know other people like Tom. I know other people like Tom. Tom býval namyšlený. Tom used to be conceited. Tom used to be cocky. Je to tvoje hloupá chyba. It's your own stupid fault. It's your stupid fault. Nevěděl jsem, že Tom požádá Mary, aby to udělala. I didn't know Tom would ask Mary to do that. I didn't know Tom was gonna ask Mary to do it. Nejsem si jistý, jestli to chci udělat. I'm not sure I want to do this. I'm not sure I want to do this. Studenti by se měli více učit. The students ought to study more. Students should learn more. Jeho zpráva byla právě předána. His report has just been handed in. His message has just been passed on. V ledničce je ještě nějaké pivo. There's still some beer in the fridge. There's some more beer in the fridge. Dej pozor, ať se nespálíš. Be careful not to burn yourself. Make sure you don't get burned. Co je tvým cílem? What is your goal? What's your goal? Můj bratranec je žurnalista. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin's a journalist. Tom natáhl brka. Tom kicked the bucket. Tom pulled the plug. Nerozumí tomu. They do not understand. He doesn't understand. Nechci lézt na střechu. I don't want to climb on the roof. I don't want to climb the roof. To jsi Tomovi povídat neměl. You shouldn't have told Tom that. You shouldn't have told Tom that. Několik mužů v baru se na Toma rozzlobilo a Tom jim řekl, že se nebojí si to s nimi rozdat. Several men got angry with Tom in the bar and Tom told them he wasn't afraid to take them on. Several men in the bar got angry with Tom, and Tom told them he wasn't afraid to have sex with them. Byla to jenom nehoda. It was nothing more than an accident. It was just an accident. Máš smartphone? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a smartphone? Tomovi se to líbilo. Tom liked it. Tom liked it. Proč nám Tom pomáhá? Why is Tom helping us? Why is Tom helping us? Měl by ses za svou pitomost stydět. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. Začínal jsem si dělat starosti. I was beginning to worry. I was getting worried. Ani já si tím nejsem jist. I'm not sure of it either. I'm not sure either. Pamatuji si ten dům, kde jsem vyrostl. I remember the house where I grew up. I remember the house I grew up in. Tom nechal dveře otevřené. Tom left the door open. Tom left the door open. Tohle je naprosto možné. This is perfectly conceivable. This is totally possible. Měl jsi nějaký problém to udělat? Did you have any trouble doing that? Did you have a problem doing that? Vpomněl jsem si na článek v novinách o těch dvojčatech. I recalled a newspaper story about those twins. I remembered an article in the paper about the twins. Neřekla bych tak úplně, že tvoje teorie je naprosto špatná. I wouldn't go so far as to say your theory is completely wrong. I wouldn't exactly say that your theory is completely wrong. Přežila svého manžela o deset let. She survived her husband by ten years. She survived her husband by ten years. Lhal jsem. I was lying. I lied. Volala o pomoc. She screamed for help. She called for help. Jak ses o ní dozvěděl? How did you get to know about her? How did you know about her? Tom a Mary sedí na verandě a povídají si spolu. Tom and Mary are sitting on the porch, talking to each other. Tom and Mary are sitting on the porch talking. Nejsi dost starý na to, aby jsi šel plavat sám. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're not old enough to go swimming alone. Vlastnictví je krádež. Property is theft. Ownership is stealing. Nikdo to nevěděl. No one knew that. Nobody knew. Jsem programátor. I'm a programmer. I'm a programmer. Rozumíte italsky? Do you understand Italian? Do you understand Italian? Nemohu než čekat. I can but wait. I can't wait. Vzhlédl ke stropu. He looked up at the ceiling. He looked up to the ceiling. Našel jsem na zahradě ploštěnku. I found a land planarian in the garden. I found a flattener in the garden. Tom políbil své děti na rozloučenou. Tom kissed his kids goodbye. Tom kissed his kids goodbye. To mu nemůžu udělat. I can't do this to him. I can't do that to him. Myjou si ruce mýdlem. They wash their hands with soap. They wash their hands with soap. Měli jen jedno dítě. They had only one child. They only had one child. Hliník je kov. Aluminum is a metal. Aluminum is metal. Jsem ze Španělska. I am from Spain. I'm from Spain. Uvidíme se asi tak za hodinu. See you in about an hour. I'll see you in about an hour. V našem DNA je přítomen prvek fosfor. The element phosphorus is present in our DNA. There's a phosphorous element present in our DNA. Do školy jezdím metrem. I'm taking the subway to school. I take the subway to school. Záchranné vesty jsou pod vašimi sedadly. Life vests are located under your seats. The life jackets are under your seats. Tyhle mi jsou k ničemu. These are of no use to me. These are useless to me. To jsem tě nikdy neměl nechat dělat samotného. I should never have let you do that by yourself. I should never have let you do that alone. Právě jsem hovořil s tvým učitelem francouzštiny a ten mi řekl, že si na jeho hodinách počínáš dobře. I've just spoken to your French teacher and he says you're doing well in his class. I just spoke to your French teacher, and he told me you were doing well in his class. Tom na tebe musí být naštvaný. Tom must be mad at you. Tom must be mad at you. Tom s tím nemá nic společného. Tom doesn't have anything to do with that. Tom had nothing to do with this. Jsem poněkud zaneprázdněný. I'm a bit busy. I'm a little busy. Do lesa jsi neměl jít sám. You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. You shouldn't have gone into the woods alone. Hned se vrátím s občerstvením. I'll be right back with refreshments. I'll be right back with the snacks. Tanec není můj oblíbený druh zábavy. Dancing isn't my favorite kind of entertainment. Dancing isn't my favorite kind of fun. Tom věděl, že ho stíhá policie. Tom knew the police were following him. Tom knew he was being prosecuted by the police. Ted na ni čekal hodně dlouho. Ted waited for her for a long time. Ted waited a long time for her. Přijeli jsem. We have arrived. We're here. Vezu Toma do nemocnice. I'm taking Tom to the hospital. I'm taking Tom to the hospital. Vlastně jsem to mohl udělat sám. It was actually possible for me to do that by myself. Actually, I could have done it myself. Jsi nudná. You're boring. You're boring. Tom odchází. Tom is leaving. Tom's leaving. Kdo zaváhá, nežere. He who hesitates is lost. Who doesn't hesitate, doesn't eat. John ignoroval mojí radu. John ignored my advice. John ignored my advice. O tom plánu jsi mu říkat neměl. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. Jsem chudá. I'm poor. I'm poor. Nemyslím si, že tohle je špatná cesta. I don't think this is the wrong road. I don't think this is the wrong way. Řízl jsem se do prstu při škrabání brambor. I cut my finger peeling potatoes. I cut my finger scratching potatoes. Tom mi to vysvětlil, ale já to stejně nepochopil. Tom explained it to me, but I still couldn't understand it. Tom explained it to me, but I still didn't get it. Můžeš na chvilku pohlídat děti? Can you take care of the children for a moment? Can you watch the kids for a second? Teď to dělat nemusíš. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do this now. Tom nemohl věřit, co se děje. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Skoro nic jsem nesnědl. I've eaten almost nothing. I barely ate anything. Kachna zmizela. The duck disappeared. The duck has disappeared. Dřív jsem nekouřil. I didn't used to smoke. I didn't smoke before. Moskevské metro jezdí až do jedné hodiny ráno. The Moscow subway runs until one a.m. Moscow subway runs until 1:00 in the morning. Dřív jsem maso nejedl. I used to not eat meat. I didn't eat meat before. Tom říká, že je pořád ještě hladový. Tom says that he's still hungry. Tom says he's still hungry. Komu se líbí hmyz? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? Tom je pohřben v Bostonu. Tom is buried in Boston. Tom's buried in Boston. Odmítla pozvání. She declined the invitation. She refused an invitation. Polské dívky nechtěly, aby Justin Bieber přijel do Polska. Polish girls didn't want Justin Bieber to come to Poland. Polish girls didn't want Justin Bieber to come to Poland. Naučil jsem se žít bez ní. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. Kam vlastně jdeme? Where are we going anyway? Where are we going? Hledám práci. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job. Mary se pyšnila svou krásou. Mary prided herself on her beauty. Mary was proud of her beauty. Angličtina se stala mezinárodním jazykem. English has become an international language. English has become an international language. Jsem jím znechucena. I am disgusted with him. I'm disgusted with him. Tom přešel ulici. Tom crossed the street. Tom crossed the street. Už mám plány. I've already got plans. I've got plans. Chtěl bych se odhlásit. I'd like to check out. I'd like to check out. Dostal jsi její dopis? Did you get her letter? Did you get her letter? Chvilku stál v klidu, než začal mluvit. He stood silent for a moment before speaking. He stood still for a while before he started talking. Tom miluje psy. Tom loves dogs. Tom loves dogs. Tahle židle je pro mě moc nízká. This chair is too low for me. This chair is too low for me. Prosím, nemluv tak rychle. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. Považujte to za naléhavý případ. Consider it an emergency. Consider this an emergency. Chceš jít dál? Do you want to come in? Do you want to come in? Dávám přednost stříbrným prstenům před zlatými. I prefer silver rings to gold ones. I prefer silver rings to gold rings. Chytila toho zloděje. She got the thief. She caught the thief. Je biolog. He is a biologist. He's a biologist. Tom se upil k smrti. Tom drank himself to death. Tom drank himself to death. Rozbaluje svůj dárek k narozeninám. She is unwrapping her birthday present. She's unwrapping her birthday present. Smrt je tajemná dáma bez soucitu. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. Můžeme to doručit dnes večer. We can deliver it this evening. We can deliver it tonight. Kéž bys to řekla dřív. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd said that sooner. Jsi tady nová. You're new here. You're new here. Náš učitel se nám omluvil za to, že přišel pozdě. Our teacher apologized to us for being late. Our teacher apologized for being late. Není moc vzdělaný. He hasn't had much education. He's not very educated. Bill prohledal celý byt. Bill searched the entire house. Bill searched the whole apartment. Tom minulý týden pracoval přesčas každý den. Tom worked overtime every day last week. Tom worked overtime last week every day. Nevěděla jsem, že se mu líbím. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. Ona zhubla. She has lost weight. She's lost weight. Jeho žena, kterou jsem potkal na nádraží, je velice přitažlivá. His wife whom I met at the station, is very attractive. His wife, whom I met at the station, is very attractive. Rád bych tam někdy jel. I'd love to go there one day. I'd like to go sometime. Tom často dělá ty samé chyby. Tom often makes the same mistakes. Tom often makes the same mistakes. Kdy jsi naposledy viděl Toma? When did you last see Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Myslíš, že Tom říká pravdu? Do you think Tom is telling the truth? You think Tom's telling the truth? Jak pěkné máš auto! Určitě jsi za něj hodně zaplatil. What a nice car you have! You must have paid a lot for it. I'm sure you paid a lot for it. Právě obědvám. I'm eating lunch. I'm just having lunch. Tom a já jsme bratranci. Tom and I are cousins. Tom and I are cousins. Dívka je osamělá. The girl is lonely. The girl is lonely. Mám na práci jeden projekt. I have a project to do. I have a project to do. Tom faxuje. Tom is sending a fax. Tom faxes. Plavat v noci je nebezpečné. Swimming at night is dangerous. Swimming at night is dangerous. Šla s ním do parku. She went to the park with him. She went to the park with him. Tom byl v rozpacích z toho, co Mary řekla. Tom was puzzled by what Mary said. Tom was embarrassed by what Mary said. Mlčeti zlato. Silence is golden. Shut up, honey. Tom přestal číst. Tom stopped reading. Tom stopped reading. Je to normální? Is this normal? Is that normal? Ten návrh zákona prošel na poslední chvíli. The bill passed at the last moment. The bill passed at the last minute. Tom stál u plotu. Tom was standing by the fence. Tom was standing by the fence. Já ty dveře neodemykal. I didn't unlock that door. I didn't unlock the door. Dnes je krásný den. Today is a beautiful day. It's a beautiful day. Věděl jsem, že přijdete. I knew you would come. I knew you'd come. Vítejte ve Wikipedii, internetové encyklopedii, kterou může každý upravovat. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, an Internet encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Jednoho dne potkala v lese vlka. One day she met a wolf in the woods. One day, she met a wolf in the woods. Jeden mluví anglicky a druhý japonsky. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English and the other speaks Japanese. Můžete aktualizovat moje programy? Can you update my software? Can you update my programs? Tos už řekl. You said that already. You already said that. Vlak odjíždí za 29 minut. The train departs in twenty-nine minutes. The train leaves in 29 minutes. Jsem sám naprosto šťastný. I'm perfectly happy being alone. I'm perfectly happy alone. Učíš se Irsky jako samouk? Are you learning Irish on your own? Are you learning Irish as a self-taught teacher? Nejdřív jsem ho moc nemusel. At first, I didn't like him. I didn't like him very much at first. Musíš dělat, co ti řeknou. You must do as you are told. You have to do what they tell you to do. Nebe bylo temné. The sky was dark. Heaven was dark. Tom nechtěl jet do Bostonu s Mary. Tom didn't want to go to Boston with Mary. Tom didn't want to go to Boston with Mary. Dopij tohle. Finish this. Finish this. Kdo nepracuje, ať nejí. He who does not work, does not have the right to eat. Who doesn't work, don't eat. Zabít dvě mouchy jednou ranou. To kill two birds with one stone. Kill two birds with one stone. Mám slona. I have an elephant. I have an elephant. Tohle není ani trochu normální. This is not even a little bit normal. This isn't even a little normal. Po patnácti minutách se začal nudit. He got bored after fifteen minutes. After 15 minutes, he got bored. Chci kandidovat na prezidenta. I want to run for president. I want to run for president. Umím číst. I can read. I can read. Mám v moči krev. There's blood in my urine. There's blood in my urine. Doktor prohlíží pacienta. The doctor examines the patient. The doctor's checking out the patient. Já nikam nejdu. I'm not going. I'm not going anywhere. Někdo si omylem vzal mé boty. Someone has taken my shoes by mistake. Someone accidentally took my shoes. Nikdy s ním nešla na rande. She has never gone on a date with him. She never went out with him. Má rád dobrodružství. He likes adventure. He likes adventure. Tom se hodlá stát novinářem. Tom intends to become a journalist. Tom's going to be a journalist. Hlavní město Japonska je Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Japan's capital is Tokyo. Potřebuji si s někým promluvit. I need someone to talk with. I need someone to talk to. Dovedeš si mě představit, jak připravuji moučník? Can you imagine me making a cake? Can you imagine me preparing dessert? Co kdyby ses zeptal Toma, proč to udělal? Why don't you ask Tom why he did that? Why don't you ask Tom why he did it? Brána se otevřela a pak zase zavřela. The gate opened and then closed again. The gate opened and then closed again. Tom si strčil ten lístek do kapsy. Tom put the note into his pocket. Tom put the ticket in his pocket. Je to příběh neuvěřitelného úspěchu. It's a story of unbelievable success. It's a story of incredible success. Viděl jsem tě, jak vaříš. I saw you cooking. I saw you cooking. Zaslouží si to. They deserve it. He deserves it. Obě jsme včera políbily Toma. We both kissed Tom yesterday. We both kissed Tom last night. Vypil jsem všechno své mléko. I have drunk all my milk. I drank all my milk. Dej mi pokoj. Give me a break. Give me a break. Dal bych si jedno pivo. I'd like a glass of beer. I could use a beer. Jezte, co chcete. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Modlíval jsem se. I used to pray. I used to pray. Najdete někoho jiného. You'll find someone else. You'll find someone else. Tom řekl Mary, aby si umyla obličej. Tom told Mary to wash her face. Tom told Mary to wash her face. To auto potřebuje opravu. This car needs repairing. The car needs repair. Můj nůž je ostrý. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Tom je žák. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. Jsme teprve začali. We've just started. We're just getting started. Nevím jak odpovědět na ten dotaz. I don't know how to reply to that question. I don't know how to answer that question. Nechci se s tebou přátelit. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be friends with you. Mohl byste mi donést něco k jídlu? Could you bring me something to eat? Could you get me something to eat? Tom dělá, co může. Tom is doing everything he can. Tom's doing the best he can. Prodiskutovali jsme s ním plán. We discussed the plan with him. We discussed a plan with him. Líbí se mi astrologie. I like astrology. I like astrology. K čemu je tohle? What is this for? What's this for? Tom vypadá trochu nesvůj. Tom is looking a bit embarrassed. Tom seems a little uncomfortable. Chci ti sdělit něco důležitého. I have something important to tell you. I have something important to tell you. Pro mě to byla otázka života a smrti. For me it was a question of life or death. For me, it was a matter of life and death. Tohle je nejlevnější obchod ve městě. This is the cheapest store in town. This is the cheapest store in town. Jak moc bezpečná je tato část města? How safe is this part of the city? How safe is this part of town? Dle mého názoru je nevinen. In my opinion, he's innocent. In my opinion, he's innocent. Pedofilie je zřejmě běžnější, než si lidé myslí. Pedophilia is probably more common than people think. Pedophilia is probably more common than people think. Potřebuji ji. I need her. I need her. Je víceméně opilý. He is more or less drunk. He's more or less drunk. Vstáváš v šest? Do you get up at six? Are you up at 6:00? Potřebujeme, abys nám odpoledne pomohl. We need you to help us this afternoon. We need your help this afternoon. Zralé jablko spadlo ze stromu. A ripe apple dropped from the tree. The ripe apple fell from the tree. Tom mi o tobě řekl. Tom has told me about you. Tom told me about you. Večer jí zavolám. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her tonight. Před otevřením zatřepejte. Please shake before opening. Shake before opening. Tom neváhal. Tom didn't hesitate. Tom didn't hesitate. Miluji zvuk kostelních zvonů. I love the sound of church bells. I love the sound of church bells. Musím se posadit. I have to sit down. I have to sit down. Tom dál křičel. Tom continued yelling. Tom kept screaming. Může být. It may be. Could be. Tohle je celkem těžké udělat. It's fairly difficult to do that. This is kind of hard to do. Každý s ní měl soucit. Everyone sympathised with her. Everyone had compassion for her. Tvoje analogie není správná. Your analogy isn't correct. Your analogy isn't right. Mýlím se v tom? Am I wrong about that? Am I wrong about that? Tom byl trochu vyděšený. I was kind of upset. Tom was a little scared. Tom je zjevně ze své práce unavený. Tom is obviously tired of his job. Tom's obviously tired of his work. Tom odešel právě když jsem vstoupil dovnitř. Tom left just as I came in. Tom left just as I entered. Tomáš se snadno vyděsí. Tom gets scared easily. Thomas is easily scared. Abys dostal nový průkaz, musíš odevzdat ten starý. You must turn in your old license in order to get a new one. To get a new I.D., you have to hand over the old one. Připadám si jako křeček v kolečku. I feel like a hamster on a wheel. I feel like a hamster in a circle. Vyrostli jsme v našem rodinném kruhu. We grew up within our family circle. We grew up in our family circle. Seděl tam a díval se z okna. He sat there looking out the window. He was sitting there looking out the window. Tom čeká na vyjížďku. Tom is waiting for a ride. Tom's waiting for a ride. Všechno je možné. Anything is possible. Anything's possible. Tom mi o tobě řekl. Tom told me all about you. Tom told me about you. Víš, kdo vynalezl střelný prach? Do you know who invented gunpowder? You know who invented gunpowder? Tohle podepiš. Sign this. Sign this. On je příliš sebevědomý. He is overconfident. He's too confident. Kdy jste přijeli do nemocnice? What time did you arrive at the hospital? When did you get to the hospital? Zůstaneš tu na hotelu? Are you going to stay here in the hotel? Will you stay at the hotel? To jsou nejošklivější boty, co jsem kdy viděl. Those are the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. Those are the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. Zdálo se mi o sovách. I dreamed about owls. I was dreaming about owls. Sami se snažil tu situaci pochopit. Sami was trying to understand the situation. He was trying to understand the situation himself. Tom je po uši zadlužen. Tom is up to his ears in debt. Tom's in debt. V této roční době se samci a samice jaků oddělují do samostatných stád. In this time of the year, male and female yaks break off into separate herds. At this time of year, males and females are separated into separate herds. Ve Spojených státech ti bude scházet japonská strava. You will miss Japanese food in the United States. You're gonna miss Japanese food in the United States. Kterým autobusem se dostanu na nádraží, prosím? Please tell me which bus to take to get to the station. Which bus do I get to the station, please? Měl jsi mi to říct dřív. You should have told it to me sooner. You should have told me sooner. Vážně se ti Austrálie líbila? Did you really like Australia? Did you really like Australia? Musím vystoupit na příští stanici. I have to get off at the next station. I have to get off at the next station. Člověk je hříšný. Man is sinful. Man is sinful. Nebuď zbabělec. Don't be a coward. Don't be a coward. Tom byl ke mě velmi laskavý. Tom was very kind to me. Tom was very kind to me. Nemůžu ho nechat jít samotného. I can't let him go alone. I can't let him go alone. Konečně jsem našel ten obrázek, který jsem hledal. At last I found the picture I was looking for. I finally found the picture I was looking for. Kuchyně je v přízemí. The kitchen is on the first floor. Kitchen's downstairs. Kdo je za volantem? Who's at the wheel? Who's behind the wheel? Misí se kočkám zkracovat drápky? Do cats' claws have to be trimmed? Do cats have to cut their claws? Udržujte svůj pokoj tak čistý, jak můžete. Keep your room as neat as you can. Keep your room as clean as you can. Vyváznul jsi lehce. You got off easy. You got off easy. Spravuji pračku. I'm fixing the washing machine. I'm fixing the washing machine. Tom by neměl mít potřebu to dělat znova. Tom shouldn't need to do that again. Tom shouldn't have to do it again. Myslím, že víte, co myslím. I think you know what I mean. I think you know what I mean. Nelíbí se mi se učit nepravidelná slovesa. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like learning irregular verbs. Ráda hraju na klavír. I like to play the piano. I like to play the piano. Nejsem lékař. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Mám ráda čokoládu. I love chocolate. I like chocolate. Ta kniha byla nová. The book was new. The book was new. Myslím, že mě Tom nenávidí. I think Tom hates me. I think Tom hates me. Pojď se mnou, Tome. Mám nápad. Come with me, Tom. I've got an idea. Come with me, Tom. Velryby se živí malými rybami. Whales feed on small fish. Whales feed on small fish. Nedala jsi Tomovi šanci. You didn't give Tom a chance. You didn't give Tom a chance. Každý slyšel, co Tomáš říká. Everyone could hear what Tom said. Everyone heard what Thomas said. Toho člověka nesnáším. I can't stand that guy. I hate that guy. Slyšel jsem, jak někteří lidé zpívají Vánoční koledy. I heard some people singing Christmas carols. I heard some people singing Christmas carols. Proč bych to všechno dělal? Why would I do all that? Why would I do all this? Nemám na koho bych se obrátil než na tebe. I have no one else to turn to but you. I have no one to turn to but you. Máš monokl. You've got a black eye. You have a black eye. Pro staré lidi je důležité zůstat při silách. It is important for old people to stay strong. It's important for old people to stay strong. Jako dítě chtěl Tom být učitelem, ale nakonec se z něj stal vědec. As a child, Tom wanted to be a teacher but he has become a scientist in the end. As a child, Tom wanted to be a teacher, but eventually he became a scientist. Mám ulepené ruce. My hands are sticky. My hands are sticky. Je na internetu. He is on the Internet. He's on the Internet. Moje dcera se nachladila. My daughter caught a cold. My daughter's got a cold. Obuj se. Put on your shoes. Put your shoes on. Z pokoje přiběhli dva kluci. Two boys came running out of the room. Two guys came running out of the room. Jako náctiletý, Tom jedl chleba se sádlem. As a teenager, Tom used to eat bread and lard. As a teenager, Tom ate bread and lard. Zelená ti padne. Green suits you. It's green for you. Sarajevo je hlavní město Bosny a Hercegoviny. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Zamiloval ses do ní na první pohled? Did you fall in love with her at first sight? Did you fall in love with her at first sight? Slon má krátký ocas. The elephant has a short tail. Elephant has a short tail. Pojďme tu chvíli posedět a poslouchat. Let's just sit here a while and listen. Let's sit here and listen for a while. Klepe se jako osika. He's trembling like an aspen leaf. He's shaking like a leaf. Kručí mi v břiše. My stomach is rumbling. My stomach is growling. Tento víkend se bude čas posouvat o hodinu zpět. The clocks will be put back an hour this weekend. This weekend's time to move back an hour. On je jogín. He is a yogi. He's a yoga man. Jdeme si dát něco k jídlu. Let's get some lunch. Let's go get something to eat. Tom odešel o několik minut později. Tom left a few minutes later. Tom left a few minutes later. Až uvidíš Mary, dej jí tenhle lístek. When you see Mary give her this note. When you see Mary, give her this ticket. Jejich debata nakonec skončila nerozhodně. Their argument eventually ended in a draw. Their debate ended in a tie. Nikdo o tom nikdy nebyl slyšel. Nobody had ever heard of it. No one's ever heard of it. Vyslýchala tě někdy policie? Did the police ever question you? Did the police ever question you? Sami řekl, že se svezl. Sami said he had a ride. Sami said he got a ride. Kdysi žil v tom domě sám. In those days, he lived in the house alone. He used to live alone in that house. Kdybych o tom býval věděl, byl bych ti to řekl. If I had known about it, I would have told you. If I'd known about it, I'd have told you. Jsem rád, že se ti to líbilo. I'm glad you liked it. I'm glad you liked it. Neopozděte se. Don't be late. Don't be late. Tímto člověkem jste byli milováni pro své bohatství. This man loved you for your wealth. You have been loved by this man for your wealth. Tohle je pravý diamant This is a real diamond. This is a real diamond. Žertuješ! You're joking! You're kidding! Jen doufám, že jsem vás nenudil. I just hope I didn't bore you. I just hope I didn't bore you. V tomto měsíci musíme omezit naše výdaje. I have to reduce my expenses this month. We need to cut back on our expenses this month. Tom se dnes rozešel s Masciou. Tom broke up with Mascia today. Tom broke up with Mascia today. Naučil jsem se novou věc. I learned a new thing. I learned a new thing. Mary položila svou panenku do mikrovlnky. Mary put her doll in the microwave. Mary put her doll in the microwave. Koupil jsem si dvoje kalhoty. I bought two pairs of trousers. I bought two pairs of pants. Tom už přijel do Bostonu. Tom has arrived in Boston already. Tom's already come to Boston. Je to váš dům? Is this your house? Is this your house? Tom býval líný. Tom used to be lazy. Tom used to be lazy. Děti vyrůstají tak rychle. Children grow up so quickly. Kids grow up so fast. Míval jsem holku. I used to have a girlfriend. I used to have a girlfriend. Nemá cenu se s ním hádat. It's no use arguing with him. There's no point in arguing with him. Tom pro nás kdysi pracoval. Tom used to work for us. Tom used to work for us. Moje matka vždy vstává brzy ráno. My mother always gets up early in the morning. My mother always gets up early in the morning. To tě přijde draho. It will cost you a dear. That's gonna cost you. Vypadá to hodně draze. It looks really expensive. It looks very expensive. Přál bych si vědět kdo Tom je. I wish I knew who Tom was. I wish I knew who Tom was. Byl za války vojákem. He was a soldier during the war. He was a soldier during the war. Jsme na to zvyklí. We're used to it. We're used to it. Snažil jsem se přijít na to, proč se to stalo. I was trying to figure out why that happened. I was trying to figure out why this happened. Ranní ptáče dál doskáče. The early bird catches the worm. The early bird will catch up. Bude ti vadit, když zapnu televizi? Do you mind my turning on TV? Do you mind if I turn on the TV? Budeme na tom pracovat zítra. We'll work on this tomorrow. We'll work on it tomorrow. Chci si to vzít s sebou. I want to take this with me. I want to take it with me. Moje hodinky nefungují dobře. My watch works poorly. My watch isn't working well. Tom vypadal poněkud rozrušeně. Tom was looking somewhat distraught. Tom seemed a little upset. Čeho se bojíš? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Chceš vědět, jak se jmenuje? Do you want to know his name? You want to know his name? Mluv tišeji. Speak more quietly. Keep your voice down. Tomovi bylo třeba říct, aby se to nepokoušel udělat sám. Tom needed to be told not to try to do that by himself. Tom had to be told not to try to do it alone. Okamžitě ho poznala. She recognized him immediately. She recognized him immediately. Tom vlastně není můj bratr. Tom isn't really my brother. Tom's not really my brother. Řekni mi svůj příběh. Jsem jedno velké ucho. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story, I'm all ears. Vůbec to nechápu. I can't understand this at all. I don't get it at all. Měl jsem štěstí, že jsem tu práci dostal. I was lucky to get that job. I was lucky to get the job. Byli jsme zticha. We kept quiet. We were quiet. Snažil jsem se panu Smithovi zavolat, ale linka byla obsazena. I tried to call Mr Smith, but the line was busy. I tried to call Mr. Smith, but the line was busy. Co ty jsi zač? Who on earth are you? Who are you? Omlouvám se, ale došla nám zásoba. I'm sorry, but we're out of stock. I'm sorry, but we're out of supplies. Vrať se do postele! Go back to bed. Go back to bed! Samozřejmě můžeš provádět, cokoli chceš. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. Of course, you can do whatever you want. Na celém světě je hodně krásných dívek. There is a lot of beautiful girls in the whole world. There are a lot of beautiful girls all over the world. Musíš říct pravdu. You must tell her the truth. You have to tell the truth. Tomovo auto jste si půjčovat neměli. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Udělal jsi, co jsi mohl. You did your best. You did everything you could. Velká škoda, že nemůže přijít na večírek. It's too bad she can't come to the party. Too bad he can't come to the party. Teplota klesla. The temperature fell. Temperature's down. Potřebujeme peníze. We need money. We need money. Tom čekal na peróně. Tom waited on the platform. Tom was waiting on the pen. Popros je. Ask them. Ask them. Potřebujeme si o tom promluvit. We need to talk about this. We need to talk about this. Na tohle si zvyknout nemůžu. I can't get used to this. I can't get used to this. Zamával na ní. He waved at her. He waved at her. Zapomněl jsem o tom všechno. I forgot all about it. I forgot all about it. Nejsem bohatý, ale chudý. I am not rich but poor. I'm not rich, I'm poor. Ráda bych trochu shodila. I'd like to lose some weight. I'd like to lose some weight. Měl bys kandidovat na prezidenta. You should run for president. You should run for president. Znečištění se dá regulovat. Pollution can be controlled. Pollution can be regulated. Davši Tomovi facku, Mary vyběhla z místnosti. After slapping Tom, Mary ran out of the room. Crowds slap Tom, Mary ran out of the room. Má ušpiněný obličej. She has a dirty face. His face is dirty. Match zrušeno důsledku silného deště. The match was cancelled due to the heavy rain. Match canceled as a result of heavy rain. Panebože, co se stalo? Good Lord, what happened? Oh, my God, what happened? Odpovězte na otázku. Answer the question. Answer the question. Tom mi o vás řekl. Tom has told me about you. Tom told me about you. Je těžké ji uvidět. It is difficult to see her. It's hard to see her. Jste opravdu nudný. You're really boring. You're really boring. Cestujete rád? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Konec éry nafty je nadohled. The end of the age of oil is in sight. The end of the oil age is in sight. Chtěla, aby se postaral o její rodiče. She wanted him to take care of her parents. She wanted her parents taken care of. Tom dal Mary týden na to, aby si to rozmyslela. Tom gave Mary a week to think it over. Tom gave Mary a week to change her mind. Náš dům již dvakrát vyhořel. Our house has already burned down twice. Our house has already burned down twice. Tom řekl, že je vyčerpaný. Tom said that he was exhausted. Tom said he was exhausted. Nemohli jsme se ubránit tomu být přáteli. We couldn't help being friends. We couldn't help being friends. Myslím, že Toma podceňuješ. I think you're underestimating Tom. I think you underestimate Tom. Máš psa? Do you have a dog? Do you have a dog? Jejich děti si dělají, co chtějí. Their children do what they want. Their kids do what they want. Nemá cenu se snažit o útěk. It's no use trying to escape. There's no point in trying to escape. Tohle je to město, o kterém jsem ti říkal. This is the town I told you about. This is the town I told you about. Jsem smutný. I'm sad. I'm sad. Přestaň mě přerušovat. Stop interrupting me. Stop interrupting me. Nikdo Toma poslední dobou neviděl. No one has seen Tom recently. Nobody's seen Tom lately. On to zapře, tak si ho nevšímej. He will deny it, so don't pay him attention. He'll deny it, so don't mind him. Ujasni si své priority. Get your priorities straight. Get your priorities straight. Jeho slovům však nikdo nevěřil. His words, however, were not believed at all. But no one believed his words. Nepřeháněj. Don't exaggerate. Don't exaggerate. Spí se dvěma polštáři. She sleeps with two pillows. He sleeps with two pillows. Tom už v dobro nevěří. Tom does not believe in good anymore. Tom doesn't believe in good anymore. Jsi jaksi roztomilá. You're kind of cute. You're kind of cute. Právě teď se necítím hodně hladový. I'm not feeling very hungry right now. I don't feel very hungry right now. Tom vždycky má poznámky o mém oblečení. Tom always comments on my clothes. Tom always has notes about my clothes. Nastala chvilková pauza. There was a momentary pause. There's been a moment's pause. Ozvi se mi později, prosím. Please contact me later. Call me later, please. Sněz tu polévku, než vystydne. Eat your soup before it gets cold. Eat your soup before it gets cold. Udělám domácí úkol. I will do my homework. I'll do my homework. Nikdy jsem neviděl živou velrybu. I've never seen a live whale. I've never seen a live whale. Tom je tvůj přítel. Tom is your friend. Tom's your friend. Mléko mi nedělá dobře. Milk does not agree with me. Milk doesn't make me feel good. Nech mé věci na pokoji. Leave my stuff alone. Leave my things alone. Tom zemřel, aniž by svého syna ještě někdy uviděl, přestože ho hledal až do samého konce. Tom died without ever seeing his son again even though he searched for him till the end. Tom died without ever seeing his son again, even though he was looking for him to the very end. Může existovat iluze? Can an illusion exist? Can there be an illusion? Díky za pozvání na večeři. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Thanks for inviting me to dinner. Kniha je na stole. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Pomalu těmi dveřmi vešel do místnosti. He entered the room slowly by that door. Slowly through that door, he walked into the room. Tom je očividně vystrašený. Tom is obviously scared. Tom's obviously scared. Vítr hnal písek. The wind drove the sand. The wind chased the sand. Sam šel rovnou do postele. Sam went directly to bed. Sam went straight to bed. Měla na sobě jednoduché šaty. She wore a simple dress. She was wearing a simple dress. Zlomil jste si nohu. You broke your leg. You broke your leg. Bydlíme v bytě hned přes ulici. We live in that apartment just over the street. We live in an apartment right across the street. Nikdy si nedávám do čaje cukr. I never put sugar in my tea. I never put sugar in my tea. Jaké má Tom a Mary potíže? What kind of trouble are Tom and Mary in? What kind of trouble is Tom and Mary in? Tom si koupil Geigerův čítač. Tom bought a Geiger counter. Tom bought a Geiger counter. Platí mi třicet dolarů za hodinu. I'm paid thirty dollars an hour. He pays me $30 an hour. Asi bys to neměl jíst. Maybe you shouldn't eat that. You probably shouldn't eat that. Jednali na základě informace. They acted on the information. They acted on information. Tom má rád košíkovou. Tom likes basketball. Tom likes basketball. Tom koupil své sestře dárek. Tom bought his sister a present. Tom bought his sister a present. Lhal jste mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. Tom býval neporazitelný. Tom used to be unbeatable. Tom used to be invincible. Obával jsem se, že se zpozdím. I was afraid I might be late. I was afraid I'd be late. Radši by ses měl zeptat Toma. You'd better ask Tom. You better ask Tom. Jsem nudný. I am boring. I'm boring. Ukrojil své sestře kousek chleba. He cut his sister a piece of bread. He cut his sister a piece of bread. Tom stále ještě nevypadá moc šťastně. Tom still doesn't look very happy. Tom still doesn't look very happy. Budeš mi chybět. I'll miss you. I'm gonna miss you. Zeptal jsem se ho, proč je smutný. I asked him why he was sad. I asked him why he was sad. Tu noc byli velice unavení, hladoví a žízniví. They were very tired, hungry, and thirsty that night. That night they were very tired, hungry and thirsty. Tom není tak tlustý jako já. Tom is not as fat as I am. Tom's not as fat as I am. Tom poprosil Mary o pomoc. Tom asked Mary for help. Tom asked Mary for help. Nevypadá to, že by Tom vstával. Tom doesn't appear to be getting up. It doesn't look like Tom's getting up. Vlak přijede v poledne. The train is due at noon. The train will arrive at noon. Tento pokoj je pohodlný. This room is comfortable. This room is comfortable. Vyřešili jsme ten problém minulý týden. We solved that problem last week. We solved the problem last week. Obloha je pokrytá černými mraky. The sky is full of dark clouds. The sky is covered in black clouds. Tohle je věta, která má správný počet slabik na haiku. This is a sentence that has the syllable count of a haiku. This is a sentence that has the right number of haiku syllables. Ach, ten vlak má zpoždění. Oh, the train is being delayed. Oh, the train's late. Prostě tam na mě počkej. Just wait for me there. Just wait for me there. Itálie není Řecko. Italy isn't Greece. Italy is not Greece. Nebylo by to vůči tobě fér. It wouldn't be fair to you. It wouldn't be fair to you. Tom má v plánu zajet příští týden do Bostonu. Tom plans to go to Boston next week. Tom's planning on going to Boston next week. Měla jsem hlad a žízeň. I was hungry and thirsty. I was hungry and thirsty. Nelíbí se mi vůně parfému, který dnes Mary použila. I don't like the smell of the perfume Mary is wearing today. I don't like the smell of perfume Mary used today. Jsi spokojený se svou prací? Are you satisfied with your job? Are you happy with your work? Koupil jsem knihu. I bought a book. I bought a book. Tom vyšel ven na balkón. Tom went out onto the balcony. Tom went out on the balcony. Zapomněl jsem své heslo. I've forgotten my password. I forgot my password. Myslím, že se jim líbíte. I think they like you. I think they like you. Nerozumíme tomu. We don't understand it. We don't understand. Ani radost ani smutek netrvají věčně. Happiness and sadness only last for a time. Neither joy nor sadness endure forever. Učinil jsem strašné rozhodnutí. I made a horrible decision. I made a terrible decision. Kde jsi to koupil? Where did you buy that? Where did you get this? Nechci se naučit váš jazyk. I don't want to learn your language. I don't want to learn your language. Jasně, že jsem naštvaný. You bet I'm angry. Of course I'm upset. Tom neví, jak jsem bohatý. Tom doesn't know how rich I am. Tom doesn't know how rich I am. Musíš mi odpustit. You have to forgive me. You must forgive me. Tato věta je chybná. This sentence is incorrect. This sentence is wrong. Znal jste Toma dobře? Did you know Tom well? Did you know Tom well? To není k smíchu! This is not funny! It's not funny! Dala mi košili. She gave me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. Má tvoje sestra děti? Does your sister have children? Does your sister have children? Jak si přeješ. As you wish. As you wish. Všichni úzkostně čekají. Everyone is waiting anxiously. Everyone is anxiously waiting. Tom usilovně přemýšlel nad tím, jak zodpovědět otázku Mary. Tom racked his brain to come up with an answer to Mary's question. Tom thought hard about how to answer Mary's question. S tebou jsem nemluvil. I wasn't talking to you. I wasn't talking to you. Myslím, že to není tak vážné. I don't think that it's too serious. I don't think it's that serious. Je nezvykle teplo. It's unusually warm. It's unusually warm. Mnoho lidí chybně říká "Linux" když ve skutečnosti mluví o systému GNU s Linuxem coby jeho jádrem. Many people mistakenly say "Linux" when they're really referring to the GNU system with Linux as its kernel. Many people mistakenly say "Linux" when they actually talk about the GNU system with Linux as its core. Jsem hrdina. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Řekni Tomovi, že to nepotřebuješ. Tell Tom you don't need it. Tell Tom you don't need it. To je naše. It's ours. That's ours. Bojíte se jí? Are you afraid of it? Are you afraid of her? Tom a Mary jsou velice milý pár. Tom and Mary make a very nice couple. Tom and Mary are a very nice couple. Kterým vlakem pojedeš? What train you are going to take? Which train are you taking? Psaní nových příběhů je jeho zaměstnání. Writing news stories is his job. Writing new stories is his job. Tom má teď potíže. Tom is in trouble now. Tom's in trouble now. Měli jsme štěstí, že jsme našli své klíče. We were lucky to find our keys. We were lucky to find our keys. Železo je spíš užitečné než krásné. Iron is more useful than it is beautiful. Iron is more useful than beautiful. Tom podal proti rozsudku odvolání. Tom appealed the sentence. Tom filed an appeal against the verdict. Viděl jsem ho, jak běží. I saw him running. I saw him run. Tomáš vypil šálek kávy. Tom drank a cup of coffee. Tomas drank a cup of coffee. To je docela problém. That's quite a problem. That's quite a problem. Začínám chápat. I'm beginning to understand. I'm beginning to understand. Všechny dívky z Tomovy třídy jsou krásné. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. Tom chce aby Mary byla v bezpečí. Tom wants Mary to be safe. Tom wants Mary to be safe. Husa je vodní pták. A goose is a water bird. Goose is a water bird. Dlužím Tomovi omluvu. I owe Tom an apology. I owe Tom an apology. Vydali jsme se na cestu plni naděje. We set out on our journey full of hope. We set out on a journey full of hope. Tom dal pokyn ke klidu. Tom motioned for silence. Tom gave the order to calm down. Kdybych měl co říct, už bych to byl řekl. If I had something to say, I would've already said it. If I had something to say, I'd have said it already. Cestuješ rád? Do you like to travel? Do you like traveling? Promiň, že jsem nedodržel slib. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise. Sorry I didn't keep my promise. Je to fakt, že utekl z domova. It is fact that he ran away from home. It's the fact that he ran away from home. Německo má dobré fotbalisty. Germany has good football players. Germany has good footballers. Opravdu se vám Austrálie líbila? Did you really like Australia? Did you really like Australia? Zabiju tě. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. Vím přesně, co se děje. I know exactly what's going on. I know exactly what's going on. Bojujeme za naše životy. We're fighting for our lives. We're fighting for our lives. Tomovi se líbí Mary a on se líbí jí. Tom likes Mary and Mary likes Tom. Tom likes Mary, and she likes him. Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Tokyo je obklopeno mnoha satelitními městy. Tokyo is surrounded by many satellite cities. Tokyo is surrounded by many satellite cities. Líza navštěvuje Toma pokaždé, když je ve Státech. Lisa visits Tom every time that she's in the United States. Lisa visits Tom every time he's in the States. Dovedeš si vzpomenout na první slovo, které ses naučila v angličtině? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Účet dělal 500 dolarů. The bill amounted to 500 dollars. The bill was $500. Slyšel jsem Toma křičet. I could hear Tom yelling. I heard Tom screaming. Všichni byli přítomni. Everyone was present. They were all present. On se mi líbí. I like him. I like him. Jistě. Hodně štěstí! Sure. Good luck! Good luck! Co mi udělala? What has she done to me? What did she do to me? Pracuji v baru. I work at a bar. I work at a bar. Je mi smutno. I'm sad. I'm sad. Nikdy nezažil doopravdovou bolest. To samé se ale nedá říci o jeho ženě. He had never experienced real pain. The same could not, however, be said for his wife. He's never been in real pain, but the same can't be said for his wife. Znovu pracuji. I'm working again. I'm working again. Teď je to dokonalé. Now it's perfect. Now it's perfect. Omyl si jablko. He rinsed off an apple. You've got the apple wrong. Tomova matka zemřela. Tom's mother has died. Tom's mother died. Chtěl jsem toho vidět tak moc, kolik jsem jen mohl. I wanted to see as much as I could. I wanted to see as much as I could. Tom zřejmě nebude rozrušený. Tom isn't likely to be upset. Tom probably won't be upset. Jsem tak unaven, že nemohu pokračovat. I'm so tired that I can't go on. I'm so tired, I can't go on. Těžko se mi dnes soustředí. It's hard for me to concentrate today. I'm having a hard time concentrating today. Podej vody žíznícím a pokrmu hladovějícím. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Give water to the thirsty, and food to the hungry. Tom je ambiciózní herec. Tom is an aspiring actor. Tom is an ambitious actor. Má ználost čínštiny není moc dobrá My Chinese isn't very good. My knowledge of Chinese is not very good Budu pokračovat ve své práci. I'll get on with my work. I'll continue my work. Co jsi ukradl? What did you steal? What did you steal? Z vody vylezla žába. A frog came out of the water. A frog came out of the water. Nemusel sis tolik pospíšit. You need not have come in such a hurry. You didn't have to hurry so fast. Miluju zvířata. I love animals. I love animals. Neběžel dost rychle, aby stihnul vlak. He didn't run fast enough to catch the train. He didn't run fast enough to catch the train. Kde jsem byl, když jsem se potřeboval nejvíc? Where was I when I needed myself most? Where was I when I needed myself the most? Tomův pes napadl Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Vodík, uhlík, dusík, fosfor, kyslík, síra a selen jsou nekovy. Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur and selenium are nonmetals. Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur and selenium are non-metals. Kdo je ta dívka v růžových šatech? Who is the girl in the pink dress? Who's the girl in the pink dress? Díky moc za krásný večer. Great thanks for a lovely night. Thank you so much for a lovely evening. Zákazníci chodili jeden za druhým. Customers came one after another. Customers walked one by one. Vypadá ospalá. Možná včera večer zůstala dlouho vzhůru. She looks sleepy. She may have stayed up late last night. Maybe she stayed up late last night. Doufám, že se můj sen splní. I hope my dream will come true. I hope my dream comes true. Jíš maso každý den? Do you eat meat every day? Do you eat meat every day? Opravdu s tím nemám problém. I don't really have a problem with it. I really don't have a problem with that. Kdo je pan Bush? Who is Mr. Bush? Who's Mr. Bush? Tom je úspěšný podnikatel. Tom is a successful businessman. Tom is a successful businessman. Spíš ty vůbec? Do you ever sleep? Are you sleeping at all? Máš rád ravioli? Do you like ravioli? Do you like ravioli? To jsem nebyl já. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. To už jsi jednou řekl. You said that once already. You said that before. Víš, kdo to okno rozbil? Do you know who broke the window? Do you know who broke the window? Pokus nakonec vyšel. Eventually the experiment succeeded. In the end, the experiment worked. Máme lepší nápoje, než je tento čaj. We've got better drinks than this tea. We have better drinks than this tea. Jednou týdně chodím plavat. I go swimming once a week. I go swimming once a week. Který by sis vybral? Which one would you choose? Which one would you choose? Snažila se jak mohla, aby mu pomohla. She tried her best to help him. She tried her best to help him. Myslel jsem si, že to je pravda, ale už si to nemyslím. I used to think that was true, but not anymore. I thought that was true, but I don't think so anymore. Jsem si jistý, že ví, že tohle jsem si nepřál. I'm sure she knows that I did not want this. I'm sure he knows I didn't want this. Tom chodíval na večírky. Tom used to go to parties. Tom used to go to parties. Nespí. He doesn't sleep. He's not sleeping. Už nikoho nepotřebuji. I no longer need someone. I don't need anyone anymore. Myslím, že to patří mně. I think that belongs to me. I think it belongs to me. Přidej trochu mléka. Add a little milk. Add some milk. Promiňte, ale mám teď plné ruce. Sorry, I've got my hands full now. I'm sorry, but my hands are full right now. Tom rychle uklidil svůj pokoj. Tom cleaned his room quickly. Tom quickly cleaned his room. "Tohle jsem hledal!" vykřikl. "This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed. "This is what I was looking for!" he cried out. Jak dlouho jste byli pryč? How long have you been away? How long were you gone? Ta bolest byla k nevydržení. The pain was overwhelming. The pain was unbearable. Hledal úkryt před deštěm. He sought shelter from the rain. He was looking for shelter from the rain. Tohle je na prd. This sucks. This sucks. Založil malé sdružení v České republice. He founded a small association in the Czech Republic. He founded a small association in the Czech Republic. Nevzpomínám si. I can't remember. I don't remember. Co budete pít? What are you going to drink? What are you drinking? Tom roztrhal na kusy dopis od své bývalé ženy. Tom tore to pieces a letter from his ex-wife. Tom tore up a letter from his ex-wife. Dnes chci běhat po pláži. Today, I want to run on the beach. I want to run on the beach today. Dejte Tomovi, co potřebuje. Give Tom what he needs. Give Tom what he needs. Ty máš ráda ovoce. You like fruit. You like fruit. Čteme. We're reading. We're reading. Má matka velmi dobře vařila brambory. My mother cooked the potatoes very well. My mother cooked potatoes very well. Nemůžu uvěřit, že se to stalo. I can't believe this happened. I can't believe this happened. Mám nateklý malíček. My little finger is swollen. My pinky's swollen. Nezdráhej si říct, když budeš něco chtít. Don't hesitate to ask if you want anything. Don't hesitate to say anything if you want anything. Nenávidím chemii. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. Jsem velice potěšen, slyše o tvém úspěchu. I am very pleased to hear of your success. I'm very pleased to hear about your success. Co jsi mi to udělal? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Nezapomněl sis dnes přinést svůj laptop? Did you remember to bring your notebook today? Didn't you forget to bring your laptop today? Jak se jmenuješ? What is your name? What's your name? Otrava kadmiem je na jihu velmi častou příčinou smrti. Cadmium poisoning is a very common cause of death in the south. Cadmium poisoning is a very common cause of death in the south. Je to hrozné. That's terrific. It's horrible. Vlastně bych to měl vědět. Počkej chvilku, já si vzpomenu. Jo! Atomové číslo radia je 88. Actually, I should know it. Wait a minute, let me remember. Exactly! The atomic number of radium is 88. Wait a minute, I'll remember. Má na sobě spodky. He's wearing long johns. He's wearing underwear. Jeho koníčkem je malování obrazů. His hobby is painting pictures. His hobby is painting painting paintings. Příští rok touhle dobou už Tom bude v důchodu. This time next year Tom will have been on pension. By this time next year, Tom will be retired. Tlustá bílá kočka seděla na zdi a pozorovala je ospalýma očima. A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes. The fat white cat sat on the wall and watched them sleepy with her eyes. Už to věděli. They already knew. They already knew. Pozornost, prosím! Attention please! Attention, please! Psi umí plavat. Dogs can swim. Dogs can swim. Tom mě kdysi myslím miloval. I think Tom used to love me. I think Tom loved me once. Došlo mi, co se děje. I realized what was happening. I figured out what was going on. Tom si najednou uvědomil, že není sám. Tom suddenly realized he wasn't alone. Tom suddenly realized he wasn't alone. Mary je zamilovaná do blonďatého kluka. Mary is in love with the boy with blond hair. Mary's in love with a blonde boy. Jak vysoký je Mount Everest? How high is Mount Everest? How tall is Mount Everest? Jen doufám, že to stálo za to. I just hope it was worth it. I just hope it was worth it. Popravdě jsem na naši schůzku úplně zapomněl. To tell the truth, I had forgotten all about our appointment. In fact, I completely forgot about our meeting. Ve skle je prasklina. There is a crack in the glass. There's a crack in the glass. Řekni mu, až budeš připraven. Tell him when you're ready. Tell him when you're ready. Zemřeli v boji. They died in battle. They died in combat. Co kdyby ses zkusil trošku prospat? Why don't you try and get some sleep? Why don't you try and get some sleep? Přinesl jsem ti tyhle květiny. I brought these flowers for you. I brought you these flowers. Nevíš, kdy začíná hodina? Do you know what time the class starts? Do you know when class starts? Někdo odpověděl. Somebody answered. Someone answered. Vyhrožovala Mary. She threatened Mary. She threatened Mary. Mně je to jedno. I do not mind. I don't care. Stávkovali jsme. We were on strike. We were on strike. Ty si to pamatuješ? You remember it? You remember that? Boha ještě nikdo nikdy neviděl. No one has ever seen God. No one's ever seen God before. Tom poprosil svého učitele o radu. Tom asked his teacher for advice. Tom asked his teacher for advice. Její muž je obvykle opilý. Her husband is usually drunk. Her husband's usually drunk. Zavři prosím při odchodu dveře. Please close the door when you leave. Please close the door on your way out. Učili jsme se, že olej na vodě plave. We learned that oil floats on water. We learned that oil floats on the water. Opravuji rádio, co jsem našel po cestě domů. I'm fixing the radio which I found on my way home. I'm fixing the radio I found on the way home. To nejlepší v životě bývá zdarma. The best things in life are free. The best thing in life is free. Už není osamělá. She isn't lonely anymore. She's not lonely anymore. Dnes to nemohu dokončit. I can't finish this today. I can't finish today. Mohl bych si jít hrát, až dočtu tuto knihu? Could I go play after reading this book? Can I go play after I finish this book? Vycestoval jsem s přítele autem. I went on a car trip with a friend. I drove out with my boyfriend's car. Nastartuj to auto. Start the car. Start the car. Tady jsem se narodil a vyrostl. This is where I was born and raised. This is where I was born and raised. Miluji tuhle knížku. I love this book. I love this book. Jestli se nevzdáte, zemřete! If you do not surrender, you will die! If you don't surrender, you will die! Nemohl se té schůze zúčastnit, protože byl nemocný. He couldn't attend the meeting because he was sick. He couldn't attend the meeting because he was sick. Můj kamarád jí rybu. My friend is eating fish. My friend eats fish. Nech mě zaplatit tvoje kafe. Let me pay for your coffee. Let me pay for your coffee. Kdo vyhrál tu soutěž? Who won the competition? Who won the contest? Šel jsem jenom něco zkontrolovat. I just went to check something. I just went to check on something. Myslel jsem, že jsi Tomův strýc. I thought that you were Tom's uncle. I thought you were Tom's uncle. Můj byt je blízko. My apartment is near. My apartment's close. Nikdy nedávám svému psu syrové maso. I never feed my dog raw meat. I never give my dog raw meat. Nesmíme usnout na vavřínech! We must not rest on our laurels! We mustn't fall asleep on our laurels! Jakmile otevřel dveře ucítil, že se něco pálí. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled something burning. As soon as he opened the door, he felt something burning. Dopravní nehoda ho připravila o zrak. The traffic accident deprived him of his sight. He was blindsided by a traffic accident. V tomhle pokoji je nějaká ženská. There is a woman in this room. There's a woman in this room. Ke vstupu potřebujeme heslo. We need a password to get in. We need a password to enter. Moje rodina si myslí, že jsem bohatý. My family thinks I'm rich. My family thinks I'm rich. Odhoďte zbraně! Drop your guns! Drop your weapons! Prodáváte tady brambory? Do you sell potatoes here? Do you sell potatoes here? Chtěla bys jeden? Would you like one? Would you like one? Co dělá jednoho člověka chytřejším, než je ten druhý? What makes one man smarter than the other? What makes one person smarter than the other? To, co řekl, se ukázalo jako nepravdivé. What he said turned out to be false. What he said turned out to be false. Je to velmi stresující práce. It's a very stressful job. It's a very stressful job. Rychlý příjezd policisty nás překvapil. The policeman's quick arrival surprised us. The speedy arrival of the policeman surprised us. Líbí se nám děti. We like children. We like kids. Neváhej využít příležitosti požádat ji o ruku. Don't hesitate to take the opportunity to propose to her. Don't hesitate to take the opportunity to propose. Já ho vážně nenávidím. I really do hate him. I really hate him. Byla v žalostném stavu. She was in a piteous state. She was in a pathetic state. Mám hrozně ráda obě dvě. I like both of them very much. I love both of them so much. Upadl jsem a poranil si zápěstí. I fell down and hurt my wrist. I fell and hurt my wrist. Jsem kluk z vesnice. I'm a country boy. I'm a village boy. Potřebujeme něco k jídlu. We need something to eat. We need something to eat. Za tu tašku mi zaplatili pět dolarů. They paid me five dollars for the bag. They paid me $5 for that bag. Vím o něm, ale osobně ho neznám. I know of him, but I don't know him personally. I know about him, but I don't know him personally. Tom unesl linkový autobus plný cestujících. Tom hijacked a scheduled bus that was full of passengers. Tom kidnapped a bus full of passengers. Jeden plus dvě se rovná tři. One plus two equals three. One plus two is equal to three. Změna je život. Variety is the spice of life. Change is life. Tato otázka se objevila často. This question has often come up. That question came up a lot. To jste Tomovi říkat neměli. You shouldn't have told Tom that. You shouldn't have told Tom that. Já jsem cizinec a neumím moc česky. Mluvte prosím pomalu. I'm a foreigner and I don't know Czech very well. Please, speak slowly. I'm a foreigner and I don't speak much Czech. Je těžké zjistit, co Tom chce. It's hard to figure out what Tom wants. It's hard to find out what Tom wants. Chléb je hnědý. The bread is brown. The bread is brown. Asi si myslíš, že jsem bohatý. I suppose you think I'm rich. You probably think I'm rich. Myslíš, že je to moc velké? Do you think this is too big? You think it's too big? Neměl bys tu jíst. You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't eat here. Pod mou postelí je strašidlo. There's a monster under my bed. There's a ghost under my bed. Zavoláš Tomovi? Are you going to call Tom? You gonna call Tom? Kdy budeme mít prezidentku? When will we have a female president? When are we gonna have the president? Nevím, kdy sem přijde. I don't know when he'll come here. I don't know when he'll be here. Tom křičí. Tom is yelling. Tom's screaming. Myslím, že Tom už to neudělá. I don't think Tom will do that anymore. I don't think Tom's gonna do it again. Tom spravuje ledničku. Tom is fixing the refrigerator. Tom's fixing the fridge. Tom mi říkával všechno. Tom used to tell me everything. Tom used to tell me everything. Je tom tvůj syn? Is Tom your kid? Is it your son? Pokus vyšel. The experiment succeeded. The experiment worked. Vzala mě za ruku. She took me by the hand. She took my hand. Tom se nám celkem dlouho neozve. We won't be hearing from Tom for quite some time. Tom won't be in touch for a long time. Tohle se tě netýká. This doesn't concern you. This doesn't concern you. Je jí sedmnáct let. She is aged seventeen. She's 17 years old. Potřebuju tvůj pas a tři fotky. I need your passport and three pictures. I need your passport and three photos. Chodívali jsme každý víkend bruslit. We used to go skating every weekend. We used to skate every weekend. Všechny děti sedí. All of the children are sitting. All the kids fit. Tom odjíždí. Tom is leaving. Tom's leaving. To rádio je trochu hlasité. The radio is a bit loud. The radio's a little loud. Každý desátý trpí nedostatkem spánku. One out of ten people suffers from a lack of sleep. Every tenth one suffers from sleep deprivation. Ten hluk je ohlušující. This noise is deafening. The noise is deafening. Nemáš v úmyslu tam jít, že ne? You don't intend going there, do you? You don't intend to go, do you? Víte, kde je ta restaurace? Do you know where the restaurant is? Do you know where the restaurant is? Statečný rytíř v tu chvíli neváhal přejít do protiútoku. The bold knight didn't hesitate to go on the offensive when the time came. At that moment, the brave knight did not hesitate to engage in a counterattack. Mám hlad. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Má rád sníh. He likes snow. He likes snow. Uvidíš. You'll see. You'll see. Byla bych se s tebou mohla potkat na letišti. I could've met you at the airport. I could meet you at the airport. Továrna, ve které Tom pracuje, bude zavřena. The factory where Tom works is going to be closed down. The factory that Tom works at will be shut down. Znám pravý důvod, proč tady jste. I know the real reason you're here. I know the real reason you're here. Příští březen slavíme naši diamantovou svatbu, to je celých 60 let, co budeme spolu. We're celebrating our diamond wedding anniversary next March, that's 60 whole years we'll have been together. Next March, we're celebrating our diamond wedding, that's 60 years since we're gonna be together. Tom zapomněl zhasnout světlo v předsíni, než odešel z domu. Tom forgot to switch off the light in the hall before he left his house. Tom forgot to turn off the light in the hallway before he left the house. Nenechávej mě tu takhle čekat. Don't keep me waiting here like this. Don't keep me waiting like this. Neposlouchej ho. Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. Ne každému se ta kniha líbí. Not everyone likes that book. Not everyone likes the book. Jsi můj jediný opravdový kamarád. You're my only real friend. You're my only real friend. Mary není hezká, ale není ani ošklivá. Mary's not pretty, but she isn't ugly, either. Mary's not pretty, but she's not ugly. Mám třikrát více knih než on. I have three times as many books as him. I have three times as many books as he does. Tom řekl Marii, že ho bolí hlava, i když ho vlastně vůbec nebolela. Tom told Mary that he had a headache even though he really didn't have one. Tom told Maria he had a headache, even though he wasn't hurt at all. Chlapci a děvčata si hrají v zahradě. The boys and girls play in the garden. Boys and girls play in the garden. Prosím oprav to. Please fix that. Please fix it. Nejsem na to zvyklý. I'm not used to it. I'm not used to it. Na velikosti nesejde. Size does not matter. Size doesn't matter. Dlužíš nám tři sta dolarů. You owe us three hundred dollars. You owe us $300. Tom vlastnil bar na Park Street. Tom owned a bar on Park Street. Tom owned a bar on Park Street. Pořád se cítím ospalý. I always feel sleepy. I still feel sleepy. Opozdil se. Počkejme na něj do 5:30. He is late. Let's wait for him till 5:30. Let's wait for him until 5:30. Nemůžu přečíst tato čísla. I can't make out these figures. I can't read these numbers. Z té knihy můžeme získat hodně cenných informací. We can get a lot of valuable information from the book. We can get a lot of valuable information from that book. Její starší sestra se minulý měsíc vdala. Her older sister got married last month. Her older sister got married last month. Tom to možná zvládl. Tom may pull that off. Maybe Tom did it. Myslím, že jen musíme být trpěliví. I think we just have to be patient. I think we just need to be patient. Tom se rozhodl, že se stane mnichem. Tom decided to become a monk. Tom decided to become a monk. Toto je americké velvyslanectví. This is the American Embassy. This is the American Embassy. Můžu se tě zeptat na pár otázek o tvém jméně? May I ask you some questions about your name? Can I ask you a few questions about your name? Celá země o tom mluví. The whole country is talking about it. The whole country's talking about it. Potřebujeme kompletní věty. We want complete sentences. We need complete sentences. Jsem svobodný. I am single. I'm single. Musím je najít. I just need to find them. I have to find them. Tom zařval. Tom yelled. Tom screamed. Když dojde na čárky, pokud si nejsi jistý, vynech je. When it comes to commas, if in doubt leave them out. When it comes to commas, if you're not sure, leave them out. Zavřete si knihu. Close your book. Close your book. Nepřekvapilo by mě, kdyby Toma vyrazili ze školy. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom got kicked out of school. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom got out of school. Udělám pro tebe cokoliv. I will do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. Já chci vědět, co ty tu děláš. I want to know what you're doing here. I want to know what you're doing here. Cestujete rádi? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Kdybys náhodou šel tudy znovu, zastav se prosím. If you should come this way again, please drop in. If you happen to go this way again, please stop. Vypadáš nějak zkormouceně. You look kind of down. You seem a little upset. Odmítl můj návrh odvézt ho domů. He refused my offer to drive him home. He refused my proposal to take him home. Kouřím. I'm a smoker. I smoke. Odpověz mi. Answer me. Answer me. Nevěřte Tomovi. Don't trust Tom. Don't trust Tom. Ať přijde co chce, jsem na to připraven. Come what may, I'm ready for it. Whatever comes along, I'm ready for it. Tom by to asi neměl dělat dneska. Tom probably shouldn't do that today. Tom probably shouldn't be doing it today. Tati! Mami! Mám pro vás skvělé zprávy! Dad! Mom! I have some great news for you! Dad, Mom, I have great news for you! Film je nudný. The film is boring. The movie's boring. Tom otevřel okno. Tom opened a window. Tom opened the window. To nic nemění. That doesn't change anything. It doesn't change anything. Tom je náš host. Tom is our guest. Tom's our guest. Nevím, jestli si na mě vzpomínáš. I don't know if you remember me. I don't know if you remember me. Šetřit peníze nemá smysl. It is not worthwhile saving money. Saving money is pointless. Je to kočka nebo pes? Is that a cat or a dog? Is it a cat or a dog? Můžeš přijít, jestli chceš. You can come if you want to. You can come if you want. Měl jsem podivný sen. I dreamt a strange dream. I had a weird dream. Pravděpodobně na to zapomněl. He probably forgot about it. He probably forgot about it. Ještě žijí. They're still alive. They're still alive. Probuďte se! Wake up! Awake! Odmítli nám pomoct. They refused to help us. They refused to help us. Nechci tě urazit. I don't want to offend you. I don't want to offend you. Zdá se být velice ospalý. He seems to be very sleepy. He seems very sleepy. Řekli mi své tajemství. They told me their secret. They told me their secret. Mám je rád. I like them. I like them. My tam byli. We were there. We were there. Kde byli, když se to všechno stalo? Where were they when this all happened? Where were they when all this happened? Jsem nejmladší. I'm the youngest. I'm the youngest. Pes pozná černou od bílé. The dog knows black from white. The dog recognizes black from white. Jdeme ven. We're going out. We're going out. Nemá smysl o tom debatovat. It is no use arguing about it. There's no point in discussing this. Právě jsem zvracel. I just vomited. I just threw up. Ať už jsi jakkoliv zaneprázdněný, musíš si udělat úkol. However busy you may be, you must do your homework. No matter how busy you are, you have to do your homework. Tomáš právě teď nemůže přijít k telefonu. Tom can't come to the phone right now. Thomas can't come to the phone right now. Pes může běžet rychleji než člověk. A dog can run faster than a man can. A dog can run faster than a human. Toto je dobré místo, kde začít s rozborem. This is a good place to start the analysis. This is a good place to start the analysis. No, jen počkej a uvidíš. Well, just you wait and see. Well, just wait and see. Toto je pravý Picassův obraz. This is a genuine picture by Picasso. This is the real picture of Picasso. To říkával dědeček. My grandfather used to say that. That's what Grandpa used to say. Lhal mi. He lied to me. He lied to me. Byl to Tom, kdo začal tu hádku. It was Tom who started the fight. It was Tom who started the fight. Hele, kočka! Look! A cat. Hey, cat! Stanice je na západ od hotelu. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is west of the hotel. Dnes zavíráme brzo. We'll be closing early today. We're closing early today. On má na sobě brýle. He is wearing sunglasses. He's wearing glasses. Už jsi někdy oral pole koněm? Have you ever plowed a field with a horse? Have you ever plowed the field with a horse? Nedovol si ztloustnout. Don't allow yourself to become fat. Don't let yourself get fat. Jeho román se dobře prodává. His novel sold well. His novel sells well. Vzpomínáš, jak jsi Mariku políbil poprvé? Do you remember the first time you kissed Marika? Remember the first time you kissed Marika? Tom píše dopis svému nejlepšímu příteli. Tom is writing a letter to his best friend. Tom's writing a letter to his best friend. Začínal jsem se bát. I was beginning to worry. I was getting worried. Tyto sušenky chutnají výborně! These cookies are absolutely delicious. These cookies taste delicious! Nemůžeme nic udělat. We can do nothing. There's nothing we can do. Neříkej mi to. Don't tell me. Don't tell me. Promluvil jsem si s dcerou. I spoke to my daughter. I talked to my daughter. Tom řekl, že jeho autobus přijel pozdě. Tom said his bus was late. Tom said his bus was late. Nedomnívám se, že dnes odpoledne bude pršet. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think it's going to rain this afternoon. Tom mi řekl, že se mu nelíbí život v Bostonu. Tom told me he didn't like living in Boston. Tom told me he didn't like life in Boston. Líbí se mi to. I like it. I like it. Nechtěl ti ublížit. He didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't mean to hurt you. Naše zahrada je plná barevných květin. Our garden is full of colorful flowers. Our garden is full of colorful flowers. Lžu. I'm lying. I'm lying. Prší už od minulé neděle. It has been raining since last Sunday. It's been raining since last Sunday. Jsem do tebe blázen. I have a crush on you. I'm crazy about you. Měl žízeň. He was thirsty. He was thirsty. Volal o pomoc. He yelled for help. He called for help. Nikdy v životě Tomovi neodpustím, co udělal. I'll never ever forgive Tom for what he did. I'll never forgive Tom for what he did in my life. Jaká je tvá emailová adresa? What's your email address? What's your e-mail address? Tomovi se zdálo o tom, jak vyhrál. Tom dreamed about winning. Tom had a dream about how he won. Maria mě učí Norsky. Maria is teaching me Norwegian. Maria's teaching me Norsky. Vrátím se během dvou hodin. I'll be back within two hours. I'll be back in two hours. Nejsi jediný, kdo se bojí výšek. You're not the only one who's afraid of heights. You're not the only one afraid of heights. Toto není můj deštník; je někoho jiného. This isn't my umbrella; it's somebody else's. This isn't my umbrella; it's someone else's. Teď jsem unavený. I'm tired now. Now I'm tired. Byla to těžká zkouška. It was a tough test. It was a tough test. Potřebuju shodit. I need to lose some weight. I need to lose weight. Tom váhá. Tom is hesitant. Tom hesitates. Mohu to použít? Can I use it? Can I use that? Je protivný. He's annoying. He's mean. Mluvili jsme o tom celou noc. We talked about it all night. We talked about this all night. Miluji tuto řeč. I love this language. I love this speech. Kolik lidí to umí? How many people can do that? How many people can do that? Jsou lidé, kteří neradi špenát. There are people who don't like spinach. There are people who don't like spinach. Zajímalo by mě, co tím Tom myslel. I wonder what Tom meant by that. I wonder what Tom meant by that. Nudím vás? Am I boring you? Am I boring you? To auto je černé. This car is black. The car's black. Nerad tě přerušuju, ale potřebuju něco říct. I hate to interrupt you, but I need to say something. I hate to interrupt, but I need to say something. Králova dcera je princezna. A king's daughter is a princess. The King's daughter is a princess. "Vášnivá líbací scéna na školní chodbě.. Slyšel jsem o tom všechno!" "Nebylo to vášnivé! To je přehnané..." "A passionate kiss scene in a school corridor ... I've heard all about it!" "It wasn't passionate! That's an exaggeration..." "The passionate kissing scene in the school hallway, I heard all about it!" "It wasn't passionate! It's exaggerating..." Tamty dveře jsem neodemkl. I didn't unlock that door. I didn't unlock that door. Tyto sochy mají vysokou hodnotu. The sculptures are of great value. These sculptures are of high value. Tom nese sportovní tašku. Tom is carrying a gym bag. Tom's carrying a sports bag. Nebudu jíst zmrzlinu. I will not eat ice cream. I'm not eating ice cream. Nevíš, kde je k tomu klíč? Do you know where the key to this is? Do you know where the key is? Musíš být opatrný. You must be careful. You have to be careful. Když jsi sám ve svém bytě, cítíš se nezávislý. Když jsi sám ve svém pokoji, cítíš se volný. Když jsi sám ve své posteli, cítíš se osamělý. When you're alone in your apartment, you feel independent. When you're alone in your room, you feel free. When you're alone in your bed, you feel lonely. When you're alone in your apartment, you feel independent, when you're alone in your room, you feel free, when you're alone in your bed, you feel lonely. Prasata ošklivě páchnou, ale mají dobře vyvinutý čich. Pigs smell bad, but they have a very good sense of smell. Pigs smell bad, but they have a well-developed sense of smell. Odpověď je správná. The answer is right. The answer is correct. Mě vyhodit nemůžeš. You can't fire me. You can't fire me. Jsem pořád unavený. I'm tired all the time. I'm still tired. Viděl jsem hodně věcí. I saw many things. I've seen a lot of things. Dnes je 18. června a Muiriel má narozeniny! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th, and it's Muiriel's birthday! Byl jsem tam také pozván. I've been invited there, too. I was invited there, too. Tom spadl z útesu a zabil se. Tom fell down the cliff to his death. Tom fell off a cliff and killed himself. Byla bych ráda, kdyby psal častěji. I would like him to write more often. I'd like him to write more often. Nenávidí ho. She hates him. He hates him. Nemáš z čeho mít obavy. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. You have nothing to worry about. Ráda čtu. I like to read. I like to read. Býval jsem tanečníkem. I used to be a dancer. I used to be a dancer. Má dost peněz. He has enough money. He's got a lot of money. Ještě nejsi unavený? Aren't you tired yet? Aren't you tired yet? Tom není nudný. Tom isn't boring. Tom's not boring. Tom a Mary jsou v Tomově autě. Tom and Mary are in Tom's car. Tom and Mary are in Tom's car. Drž se. Stay strong. Hang on. Čtu knihu. I am reading a book. I'm reading a book. Už s nimi nechci pracovat. I don't want to work with them anymore. I don't want to work with them anymore. Hrozila Mary. She threatened Mary. She threatened Mary. Když už jsi tady, můžeš pomoci s úklidem. Now that you are here, you can help do the cleaning. While you're here, you can help clean up. Musíš ihned jít domů. You must go home at once. You need to go home now. Dostali se skrz mokřad. They got through the marsh. They got through the marshes. Tom nikdy nelže. Tom never lies. Tom never lies. Tom ztratil vědomí. Tom passed out. Tom lost consciousness. Tenhle stůl je čistý. This table is clean. This table is clean. Líbí se mi, co jsi udělal. I like what you did. I like what you did. Napíšu ti to. I'll write it down for you. I'll write it down for you. Žena mě opustila v říjnu. My wife left me in October. My wife left me in October. To je pes. This is a dog. It's a dog. Dnes nemám o nic víc práce, než obvykle. I'm not any busier today than usual. I don't have any more work today than usual. Budoucnost bývala lepší. The future used to be better. The future used to be better. Jsem rád, že ses konečně vrátila. I'm glad you finally made it back. I'm glad you finally came back. Naděje není strategie. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. Vstávám v šest každé ráno. I get up at six every morning. I get up at six every morning. Tom nemá nic k jídlu. Tom doesn't have anything to eat. Tom doesn't have anything to eat. Vždycky se ke mně chová jak k dítěti. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me like a child. Bydlím spoustu kilometrů od nejbližšího nádraží. I live miles away from the nearest station. I live a lot of miles from the nearest train station. Pamatuješ, co jsem ti řekl? Do you remember what I told you? Remember what I told you? To je plastový pavouk. It's a plastic spider. It's a plastic spider. Jak dlouho jste v Československu, pane Reindle? How long have you been in Czechoslovakia, Mr. Reindle? How long have you been in Czechoslovakia, Mr. Reindle? Tom řekl, že ví, že to nebude moct udělat. Tom said he knew that he wouldn't be able do that. Tom said he knew he couldn't do it. To ti nemůžu udělat. I can't do that to you. I can't do that to you. S kým mluvím? Who's speaking? Who am I talking to? Rád bych vás viděl. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. Tom se najednou stal slavným. Tom suddenly became famous. Tom suddenly became famous. Její otec byl policistou. Her father was a policeman. Her father was a cop. To je nejkrásnější podíváná, kterou jsem kdy viděl. This is the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen. That's the most beautiful look I've ever seen. Mluvil jsem s Tomem. I talked with Tom. I talked to Tom. Ještě chceš vědět, jak jsme to udělali? Do you still want to know how we did that? Do you still want to know how we did it? Seděl přede mnou. He sat in front of me. He was sitting in front of me. Šest krát tři je osmnáct. Six times three is eighteen. Six times three is eighteen. Mám zmrzlé konečky prstů. My fingertips are frozen. My fingertips are frozen. Minulý pátek jsem s kamarády hrál fotbal. Last Friday I played soccer with friends. I played football with my friends last Friday. Jaký je počet obyvatel vašeho města? How many people live in your town? What is the population of your city? Cestuji nalehko. I'm traveling light. I travel light. Tyto dvě košile jsou vyrobeny ze stejného materiálu. These two shirts are made from the same material. These two shirts are made of the same material. Ráno mi ujel autobus. I missed my bus this morning. I missed my bus this morning. Mary si nemá s kým povídat, ale osamělá se necítí. Mary does not have anyone to talk to, but she does not feel lonely. Mary has no one to talk to, but she doesn't feel lonely. Tom je stále mladý muž. Tom is still a young man. Tom is still a young man. Tom si loni koupil několik fotoaparátů. Tom bought several cameras last year. Tom bought several cameras last year. Urdština je náš mateřský jazyk. Urdu is our mother tongue. Urdu is our mother tongue. Tom neřekl ani slovo od svého příchodu sem. Tom hasn't said a word since he got here. Tom hasn't said a word since he came here. Téhle písni nerozumím. I don't understand this song. I don't understand this song. Tento kabát je nepromokavý. This coat is rainproof. This coat is waterproof. To nebude poprvé, co se mi to stalo. It won't be the first time it's happened to me. It won't be the first time it's happened to me. S tím návrhem jsem souhlasil. I agreed to the proposal. I agreed to the proposal. Myslel jsem si, že Tom je účetní. I thought Tom was an accountant. I thought Tom was an accountant. Ani si nepsal, ani nezavolal. You've neither written nor phoned. You didn't write or call. Motýl poletuje. The butterfly flutters. Butterfly's flying. Tatoeba má nedostatek vývojářů. Tatoeba lacks developers. Thiseba has a shortage of developers. Tom se zřekl svých rodičovských práv. Tom renounced his parental rights. Tom has renounced his parental rights. Nevíš, proč Toma poslali do úřadu v Bostonu? Do you know the reason Tom was sent to the Boston office? Do you know why Tom was sent to the office in Boston? Skutečně nemáme nic společného. We don't really have anything in common. We really don't have anything in common. Tom seděl u okna a četl knihu. Tom sat by the window, reading a book. Tom was sitting by the window reading a book. Chce někdo ještě kus koláče? Does anyone want some more pie? Anyone else want some pie? Každý týden musím sekat trávu. Every week, I have to cut the grass. I have to mow pot every week. Nemám žádné zkušenosti. I have no experience. I have no experience. Čekám do noci. I've been waiting up. I'm waiting till night. Cítím se jako blázen. I feel like a fool. I feel like a fool. Odpovězte! Answer! Answer me! Můj otec jezdí do práce na kole. My father goes to work by bike. My father rides a bike to work. Součet čtverců odvěsen se rovná čtverci přepony. The sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. The sum of squares is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Máš ráda koule. You like balls. You like balls. Nemohu ti dostatečně poděkovat za to, co jsi pro mě udělala. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. Nelijte do sklenice horkou vodu, nebo praskne. Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack. Do not pour hot water into the glass or it will burst. Moment prosím, tohle je moje žena, hned vám ji představím. Jarmilo, to je pan Reindle z amerického velvyslanectví. Just a second, please, here is my wife, I'll introduce her to you. Jarmila, this is Mr. Reindle from the American Embassy. Jarmila, this is Mr. Reindle from the U.S. Embassy. K čemu je mi pravda, když není moje? What is the use of truth for me when it is not mine? What good is the truth if it's not mine? Zavřete si knihy. Close your books. Close your books. Proč se zdráháte? Why do you hesitate? Why are you reluctant? V lednu přichází noc brzy. Night comes early in January. In January, the night comes early. Tohle bývalo řeznictví. This used to be a butcher shop. This used to be a butcher shop. Tom nechtěl být umělec. Tom didn't want to be an artist. Tom didn't want to be an artist. Nezačínej panikařit. Don't start panicking. Don't panic. Tom málem přišel o rodinu. Tom almost lost his family. Tom almost lost his family. Narozeniny jsou důležité. Birthdays are important. Birthdays are important. Tom a Mary řekli, že budou na schůzi až do 2:30. Tom and Mary said they'd be in a meeting until 2:30. Tom and Mary said they'd be at the meeting until 2:30. Ona ví, kdo jsi. She knows who you are. She knows who you are. Bojím se přeskočit příkop. I am afraid to jump over the ditch. I'm afraid to jump the trench. Mám rád soboty. I like Saturdays. I like Saturdays. Nemám žízeň. I'm not thirsty. I'm not thirsty. Tom mi řekl, abych zaplatil tu fakturu. Tom told me to pay the bill. Tom told me to pay the invoice. Tom se omluvil za své opoždění. Tom apologized for being late. Tom apologized for being late. Proč jsi smutná? Why are you sad? Why are you sad? Tom je nejrychlejší běžec v jeho třídě. Tom is the fastest runner in his class. Tom is the fastest runner in his class. Tom ti to vůbec neřekl, protože nechtěl, abys o něj měla strach. Tom never told you because he didn't want you to worry about him. Tom didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry about him. Z lékařského pohledu vám doporučuji zhubnout. Speaking medically, I advise you to lose weight. From a medical point of view, I suggest you lose weight. Rád hraju na svojí kytaru. I love to play my guitar. I like playing my guitar. Splnilo se vám vaše přání? Did you get your wish? Did your wish come true? Nějaký Sioux dal tomu starému traperovi zlatý nuget. A Sioux gave that old trapper a golden nugget. Some Sioux gave the old trapper a gold nugget. Pamatujete si jeho telefonní číslo? Do you remember his telephone number? Do you remember his phone number? Tom koupe dítě. Tom is giving the baby a bath. Tom's bathing the baby. Můžu si půjčit tvoje nůžky? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Tom bez váhání udělal, co od něho chtěli. Tom did what he was asked to do without hesitation. Tom did without hesitation what he was asked to do. Fakt ho nenávidím. I really do hate him. I really hate him. Užil sis víkend? Did you have a good weekend? Did you have a good weekend? Ja piju pivo. I drink beer. I drink beer. Tom koupil Mary psa. Tom bought Mary a dog. Tom bought Mary a dog. Odpusťte, že jsem vás nechal tak dlouho čekat. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Forgive me for keeping you waiting so long. Udělal jsem to tak rychle, jak to jen šlo. I did that as quickly as I could. I did it as fast as I could. Řekněte mi, až budete připraveni. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. Už jsi někdy byl na Korejském poloostrově? Have you ever been to the Korean Peninsula? Have you ever been to the Korean Peninsula? Vážně Toma miluji. I really love Tom. I really love Tom. Můžete si dnes vzít volno. You can take today off. You can take the day off. Vážně bys měl Tomovi pomoct. You really should've helped Tom. You really should help Tom. Nevěděl jsem, že neumíš mluvit francouzsky. I had no idea you couldn't speak French. I didn't know you couldn't speak French. Práce šlechtí člověka. Work ennobles man. Work nobles a man. Spletl jsem si tě s tvým bratrem. I mistook you for your brother. I mistook you for your brother. Viděl jsi tuhle brožuru? Have you seen this pamphlet? Have you seen this brochure? Jsem si docela jistý, že Tom před námi skrývá pravdu. I'm pretty sure that Tom is hiding the truth from us. I'm pretty sure Tom's hiding the truth from us. Chce se mi slavit. I feel like celebrating. I want to celebrate. Miluje poezii a hudbu. She loves poetry and music. He loves poetry and music. Jsou opilí. They're drunk. They're drunk. Jsem rád, že se ti ta věta líbí. I'm glad that you like the sentence. I'm glad you like that sentence. Má Tom klíč? Does Tom have a key? Does Tom have a key? Jsi vzrušená? Are you excited? Are you excited? Byli jsme tam. We were there. We were there. Měl bys přestat kouřit. You should refrain from smoking. You should stop smoking. Poslední dobou je tady v okolí hodně hluku. There's been a lot noise around here lately. There's been a lot of noise around here lately. Musíš zaplatit, aby ses tam dostal. You have to pay to get in there. You have to pay to get there. Nebudu dnes muset vařit večeři. I won't have to make dinner tonight. I won't have to cook dinner tonight. Vím, že jste čekala dlouho, ale mohla byste počkat ještě chvilku? I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait just a little bit longer? I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait a little longer? Kde jsi byl? Where were you? Where have you been? Požádám Toma, aby se k vám přidal. I'll ask Tom to join you. I'll ask Tom to join you. Z téhle cely uniknout schopni nebudeme. We won't be able to get out of this cell. We won't be able to escape this cell. Zde můžete kouřit. You can smoke here. You can smoke here. Nejsi sám sebou. You're not yourself. You're not yourself. Měl bys Tomovi poděkovat. You should thank Tom. You should thank Tom. Byl jsem velmi překvapen, když mi Tom řekl, že Mary odešla z Bostonu. I was very surprised when Tom told me Mary had left Boston. I was very surprised when Tom told me that Mary had left Boston. Neprovdala se za něho dobrovolně. She didn't marry him of her own will. She didn't marry him willingly. Prezident na otázku odmítl odpovědět. The President refused to answer the question. The President refused to answer the question. Vlastně tu pracuju. I actually work here. Actually, I work here. Tom zřejmně nikdy nebyl v Austrálii. Tom has probably never been to Australia. Obviously, Tom's never been to Australia. Požádal jsem Toma, aby koupil nějaký jed na krysy. I asked Tom to buy some rat poison. I asked Tom to buy some rat poison. Nesmíš zneužít její nevinnosti. You must not take advantage of her innocence. You mustn't take advantage of her innocence. Není s to to udělat. He is unable to do it. He can't do it. Tom je arogantní sráč. Tom is an arrogant piece of shit. Tom's an arrogant piece of shit. Přestaň mi lhát. Stop lying to me. Stop lying to me. Mají tvé děti svůj vlastní pokoj? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your children have their own room? Ty máš ráda všechny. You like everyone. You like everybody. Opravdu si vzpomínám, že jsi byl krátce v Bostonu. I do remember you were in Boston for a short while. I really remember you were in Boston for a short time. Zapněte prosím rádio. Please turn on the radio. Please turn on the radio. Líbím se Tomovi. Tom likes me. Tom likes me. Tom je bezdětný. Tom doesn't have children. Tom's childless. Mám počítač. I own a computer. I have a computer. Můžeš se mi podívat na dásně? Can you have a look at my gums? Can you look at my gums? Jsem velice pyšná na svého syna. I'm very proud of my son. I'm very proud of my son. Myslím, že Tom je nesmělý. I think Tom is shy. I think Tom's shy. Prastaré obyčeje dnes rychle vymírají. Ancient customs are dying out quickly today. Ancient customs are dying fast today. Nikdy neřekneš, co si doopravdy myslíš. You never say what you really think. You never say what you really think. Už o tomhle mluvíme celé hodiny. Co takhle to už nechat plavat? We've been talking about this for hours. Can we just drop it? We've been talking about this for hours. Tom koupil Mary květiny. Tom bought Mary flowers. Tom bought Mary flowers. Ta holka se před svojí matkou chovala jako zkažený spratek. That girl behaved like a spoiled child towards her mother. That girl acted like a rotten brat in front of her mother. Chci vědět, co Vy tu děláte? I want to know what you're doing here. I want to know what you're doing here. Tom vešel dovnitř z deště. Tom came in out of the rain. Tom came in from the rain. V té době Tom neměl moc přátel. Tom didn't have many friends at that time. Tom didn't have many friends at the time. Na co Tom čekal? What was Tom waiting for? What was Tom waiting for? Zmizel v davu. He disappeared into the crowd. He disappeared into the crowd. Tom nepije. Tom doesn't drink. Tom doesn't drink. Co si pomyslí sousedi? What will the neighbors think? What will the neighbors think? Musíš přestat se svým hloupým chováním. You must put an end to your foolish behavior. You have to stop your stupid behavior. To je velmi dobré. This is very good. That's very good. Tisíce lidí chtěli znát odpověď. Thousands of people wanted to know the answer. Thousands of people wanted an answer. Tom je milý chlapík. Každý ho má rád. Tom's a nice guy. Everyone likes him. Tom's a nice guy, everybody likes him. Říkávals mi všecko. You used to tell me everything. You used to tell me everything. Byla jsi můj život. You were my life. You were my life. Tom žije teď tady, ne? Tom is living here now, isn't he? Tom lives here now, doesn't he? Nemusela jsi tak spěchat. You need not have hurried so much. You didn't have to rush. Možná bych se měl stydět. Maybe I should be ashamed. Maybe I should be ashamed. Chci se učit Nizozemštinu. I want to study Dutch. I want to learn Dutch. Padej odsud! Get the hell out of here! Get out of here! Musíš tu zůstat do pěti. You must be here till five. You have to stay here until 5:00. Mám rád mléko. I like milk. I like milk. Pamatujete si to? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? To by mohl být můj učitel. That could be my teacher. That could be my teacher. Hlavní město Turecka je Ankara. The capital of Turkey is Ankara. Turkey's capital is Ankara. Tom se přestal holit. Tom stopped shaving. Tom stopped shaving. Nikdo tady nežije. No one lives here. Nobody lives here. Nepřekvapilo by mě, kdyby Toma nemohli najít. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't find Tom. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't find Tom. Kdy má Tom v plánu odjet do Austrálie? When is Tom planning to go to Australia? When's Tom planning on going to Australia? Dneska si připadám zábavný. I feel funny today. I feel funny today. Není připravená. She's not ready. She's not ready. Doufám, že si ji vezmu. I hope to marry her. I hope to marry her. Má špatnou náladu. He is in a bad mood. He's in a bad mood. Já se s ním znám. I am acquainted with him. I know him. Chci žít s mojí ženou. I want to live with my wife. I want to live with my wife. Koukáš na BBC nebo CNN? Do you watch BBC or CNN? Are you watching the BBC or CNN? Tom věří, že Země je dutá. Tom believes that Earth is hollow. Tom believes the Earth is hollow. Kolik máš sester? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? Obávám se, že na to ještě čas neuzrál. I'm afraid the time is not yet ripe for it. I'm afraid it hasn't ripened up yet. Proč jsi nezavolal o pomoc? Why didn't you call for help? Why didn't you call for help? Ta schůze je už za deset dní. The meeting is ten days away. The meeting's in ten days. Proti gustu žádný dišputát. To each his own. No desputation against the gusto. Znáte pana Browna? Do you know Mr. Brown? Do you know Mr. Brown? On ten problém chápe. He understands the problem. He understands the problem. Tom má krásný hlas. Tom has a beautiful voice. Tom has a beautiful voice. Rád se procházím po venkově. I like to walk in the country. I like to walk around the country. Myslím, že je jí přes čtyřicet. I think she's over forty. I think she's in her 40s. Dřív jsem hodně pil. I used to drink a lot. I used to drink a lot. Plánujeme zůstat na týden. We plan to stay a week. We're planning on staying for a week. Dopis je adresován na tebe. This letter is addressed to you. The letter is addressed to you. Co byste si přál k pití? What would you like to drink? What would you like to drink? Tom a Mary hrajou karty. Tom and Mary are playing cards. Tom and Mary play cards. Nemůžu na to přijít. I can't figure this out. I can't figure it out. Věříš mu? Do you believe him? Do you believe him? Myslím, že Tom je pracovitý. I think Tom is hard-working. I think Tom's hardworking. Kolik vám je let? How old are you? How old are you? To jsi jíst neměla. You shouldn't have eaten that. You shouldn't have eaten that. Tom mi řekl, že se nevyspal. Tom told me he didn't get enough sleep. Tom told me he didn't sleep. Telefon vynalezl Bell v roce 1876. The telephone was invented by Bell in the year 1876. The phone was invented by Bell in 1876. Neváhejte se ptát, jestliže nerozumíte mému vysvětlení. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand my explanation. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand my explanation. Mohu dostat další sandwich? Can I have another sandwich? Can I have another sandwich? Někdy mě zajímá, jestli se zvolení politici skutečně zajímají o své voliče, nebo zdali to dělají jenom pro sebe. I wonder sometimes whether elected politicians really have the interests of their constituents in mind, or whether they are only in it for themselves. Sometimes I wonder if elected politicians really care about their constituents or whether they do it for themselves. Nemluv japonsky. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. Dorazili jsme trochu pozdě. We've arrived a little late. We got here a little late. Kolik piva zbývá? How much beer is left? How much beer is left? Ona taky mluví Maďarsky? Does she speak Hungarian too? Does she speak Hungarian, too? Už umí číst. She already knows how to read. He can read now. Pamatuješ, jak jsi mne poprvé políbila? Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Remember the first time you kissed me? Nemám chuť se učit francouzštinu. I have no desire to learn French. I don't want to learn French. Sněží. It is snowing. It's snowing. Rozléval jsem polévky v té kuchyni za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I was pouring soup in the kitchen around the corner. Vše se odehrálo rychlostí světla. Everything happened at the speed of light. Everything happened at the speed of light. Nestrkej nos do věcí, do kterých ti nic není. Don't stick your nose where it has no business! Don't stick your nose in things that are none of your business. Tom říkal, že přijdete. Tom said you would come. Tom said you'd come. Měla bys Tomovi poděkovat. You should thank Tom. You should thank Tom. Tvoje komiksy jsou na polici. Your comic books are on the shelf. Your comic books are on the shelf. Rozhodla jsi moudře. You made a wise choice. You made the wise choice. Darovanému koni na zuby nehleď. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Také jsem Tomovi neměl věřit. I shouldn't have trusted Tom either. I shouldn't have trusted Tom either. Chlapci plavali v řece. The boys swam in the river. The boys were swimming in the river. Chceš-li mír, připravuj se na válku. If you wish for peace, prepare for war. If you want peace, prepare for war. Byl tak unavený, že usnul v křesle aniž by ten film vůbec dokoukal. He was so tired that he fell asleep in the armchair without even finishing the movie. He was so tired, he fell asleep in the chair without ever finishing the movie. Co říkáš ty je dost odlišné od toho, co jsem slyšel od něj. What you say is quite different from what I heard from him. What you're saying is very different from what I've heard from him. Slunce svítí ve dne, měsíc v noci. The sun shines during the day; the moon during the night. The sun shines by day, moon by night. Nehažte perly sviním. Cast not pearls before swine. Don't throw pearls to swine. Prezident byl zamlada farmářem. The president was a farmer when he was young. The president was a farmer when he was young. Chce Tom přijít? Does Tom want to come? Does Tom want to come? Odmítám jíst mléčné výrobky. I refuse to eat dairy. I refuse to eat dairy. Tato kniha má široké využití. This book is of great use. This book has a wide range of uses. Nikdo s váma nechce dělat. Nobody wants to work with you. Nobody wants to work with you. Mám rád zahradničení. I love gardening. I like gardening. Nemám tušení. I have no idea. I have no idea. Umíš hrát na hudební nástroj? Can you play an instrument? Can you play a musical instrument? Tom jí znova zavolal. Tom called her again. Tom called her again. Tom má před sebou těžký hovor. Tom has a tough call to make. Tom's got a tough call ahead of him. Tom má své důvody, proč to neudělat. Tom has his reasons for not doing that. Tom has his reasons not to. Nemáš na vybranou. There is no choice. You don't have a choice. Starej se o sebe! Mind your own business! Mind your own business! Pojďme mluvit o tobě. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about you. Má žena nemůže spát. My wife cannot sleep. My wife can't sleep. Můžeš mi poradit, co bych měl udělat? Can you advise me on what I should do? Can you tell me what I should do? Tohle je důležité rozhodnutí. This is an important decision. This is an important decision. Navštívil-li jsi někdy Řím, určitě jsi viděl Koloseum. If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum. If you have ever visited Rome, surely you have seen the Colosseum. Nesuďte knihu podle jejího obalu. Don't judge a book by its cover. Don't judge the book by its cover. Sofie je hlavní město Bulharska. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Líbí se mu tygři. He likes tigers. He likes tigers. Jsi jediný. You are the only one. You're the only one. Nikdy neztrácím naději. I never lost hope. I never lose hope. Nech to okno zavřené. Keep the window closed. Keep the window closed. Nemůžeš být můj učitel. You can't be my teacher. You can't be my teacher. Učebnice jsou drahé. Textbooks are expensive. Textbooks are expensive. Chtěli jsme o Tomovi mluvit. We wanted to talk about Tom. We wanted to talk about Tom. Vůbec jsem mu nerozuměl. I did not understand him at all. I didn't understand him at all. Tom nosí klíče na krku ze strachu, že by je mohl ztratit. Tom wears his keys around his neck for fear that he might lost them. Tom wears keys around his neck for fear of losing them. Líbilo by se ti to? Would you like this? Would you like that? Pojď sem. Come here. Come here. To jsi Tomovi říkat neměla. You shouldn't have told Tom that. You shouldn't have told Tom that. Položil k tomu otázku. He asked a question about it. He asked the question. Jsem slepý. I'm blind. I'm blind. Jen řekni mi že uděláš legrací. Just tell me you're kidding. Just tell me you're gonna make fun. Mary se často hádá se svým manželem. Mary often quarrels with her husband. Mary often fights with her husband. Když si pospíšíš, brzo jí předjedeš. If you hurry, you will soon overtake her. If you hurry, you'll pass it soon. Oni nic nejedí. They don't eat anything. They're not eating anything. Hrával jsem videohry. I used to play video games. I used to play video games. Líbí se mi obojí. I like both. I like both. Obloha nad námi je jasně modrá. The sky above us is real blue. The sky above us is clearly blue. Nemůžu si dovolit vydržovat auto. I cannot afford to keep a car. I can't afford to hold a car. Chtěl jsem trochu vína, ale žádné nezbylo. I wanted some wine, but there was none left. I wanted some wine, but there wasn't any left. Nevěděl, jak se má vyjádřit. He didn't know how to express himself. He didn't know how to express himself. Jsem Tomův přítel. I am a friend of Tom's. I'm a friend of Tom's. Váží padesát pět kilogramů. She weighs fifty five kilograms. It weighs 50 kilos. "ODOL - neodoláš!" Resist resistance! "ODOL - you can't resist!" Zcela nesouhlasím, aby se se mnou takhle zacházelo. I have a strong objection to being treated like this. I completely disagree with being treated like this. Potom byla hostina, která trvala až do svítání. After that was a feast that lasted until daybreak. Then there was a feast that lasted until dawn. Byli jste už někdy zhypnotizováni? Have you ever been hypnotized? Have you ever been hypnotized? Podej mi prosím máslo. Please pass me the butter. Pass the butter, please. Tento pokus byl neúspěšný. This experiment was unsuccessful. This experiment was unsuccessful. Náboženství upíra Armanda je henoteistické. Armand the vampire's religion is henotheistic. The religion of vampire Armand is henotheistic. Kouká někdo? Is anyone looking? Anybody looking? Tom odjel ve 2:30, takže teď už by měl být v Bostonu. Tom left at 2:30, so he should've arrived in Boston by now. Tom left at 2:30, so he should be in Boston by now. Kniha se mi zdála nudná. I found the book boring. The book seemed boring to me. Tom se omluvil za to, že neudělal, co slíbil udělat. Tom apologized for not doing what he had promised he'd do. Tom apologized for not doing what he promised to do. Kdysi jsme spolu pracovali. We used to work together. We used to work together. On poslouchá rádio. He is listening to the radio. He's listening to the radio. Nemůžu si dovolit mít auto. I cannot afford to keep a car. I can't afford to have a car. Nechci pracovat za těchto podmínek. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Vezměte si něco k jídlu. Have something to eat. Take something to eat. Myslel jsem, že jste Tomův strýc. I thought that you were Tom's uncle. I thought you were Tom's uncle. Polovina těch jablek je shnilá. Half of the apples are rotten. Half the apples are rotten. Nevíte, kdy začíná ta přednáška? Do you know what time the class starts? Do you know when the lecture starts? Obávám se, že zítra bude pršet. I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow. I'm afraid it's going to rain tomorrow. Byl jsem na Toma rozzlobený za to, že mě neposlouchal. I got mad at Tom for not listening to me. I was angry with Tom for not listening to me. Je to ztráta času a peněz. It's a waste of time and money. It's a waste of time and money. Neměl bys je nechávat tak dlouho čekat. You shouldn't keep them waiting so long. You shouldn't keep them waiting that long. Všechny holky z Tomovo třídy jsou krásný. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. Víš, koho mám na mysli. You know who I mean. You know who I mean. Do Paříže se dostali současně. They arrived in Paris at the same time. They got to Paris at the same time. Tohle zkontroluj. Check this. Check this out. Přízrak házel předměty v pokoji. The poltergeist was throwing objects around the room. The ghost threw objects in his room. Je obtížné překládat vtip do jiného jazyka. It is hard to translate a joke into another language. It's difficult to translate a joke into another language. Mluvíš na mne moc rychle. Mohl bys, prosím tě, mluvit trochu pomaleji? You speak a bit too fast for me. Could you speak a bit more slowly, please? You're talking to me too fast. Nesvítí někde zbytečně? Do those lights need to be on? Doesn't the light go out for nothing? Takový dům nebude lehké prodat. It will not be easy to sell such a house. A house like this won't be easy to sell. Kde je mamka? Where is mother? Where's Mom? Tom nesnáší horké počasí. Tom hates hot weather. Tom hates hot weather. Tom umí rychle běhat. Tom can run fast. Tom can run fast. Tom o tom nechtěl mluvit. Tom didn't want to talk about that. Tom didn't want to talk about it. Co ses naučil? What did you learn? What did you learn? V pravé ruce drží naběračku. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. He's got a ladle in his right hand. Řekni, kam mám dát tohle. Tell me where I should put this. Tell me where to put this. Čekají na nás. They're waiting for us. They're waiting for us. Chléb je čerstvý. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Vážně věřím v jeho schopnosti. I really trust his ability. I really believe in his powers. Je to nadaná spisovatelka. She's a talented writer. She's a gifted writer. Nemáme psa. We don't have a dog. We don't have a dog. Není mladý, ale starý. He isn't young but old. He's not young, he's old. Vypadá to jako kachna. It looks like a duck. Looks like a duck. Můžeš přijít, jestli chceš. You may come if you like. You can come if you want. Já po ní šílím! I am crazy for her! I'm crazy about her! Budou z vás učitelé. You're going to become teachers. You'll be teachers. Chci tenhle film vidět. I want to see this movie. I want to see this movie. Nemůžu uvěřit, že jsi Toma rozplakal. I can't believe that you made Tom cry. I can't believe you made Tom cry. Kéž bys mi to byl neřekl. I wish you hadn't told me. I wish you hadn't told me. Tom není můj bratr. Je to můj bratranec. Tom isn't my brother. He's my cousin. Tom's not my brother, he's my cousin. Jeho nabídku jsi měla odmítnout. You should have refused his offer. You should have turned down his offer. Tom se tě bát nebude. Tom won't be afraid of you. Tom won't be afraid of you. Přišla sama. She came alone. She came alone. Věří Tom v Boha? Does Tom believe in God? Does Tom believe in God? Dnes je neobyčejně horko. It is extraordinarily hot today. It's extremely hot today. Sejdu se s Tomem opět příští týden. Tom and I'll meet again next week. I'll meet Tom again next week. Poslal jsem posla místo toho, abych tam šel sám. Instead of going myself, I sent a messenger. I sent a messenger instead of going alone. Když pneumatika ztrácí svůj vzorek, je čas koupit novou. When a tire loses its tread, it's time to buy a new one. When a tire loses its sample, it's time to buy a new one. Tom mi řekl, že v říjnu v říjnu pojede do Austrálie. Tom told me he would go to Australia in October. Tom told me he was going to Australia in October. O tom bys měl napsat píseň. You should write a song about that. You should write a song about that. Dělám si hodně starosti. I do a lot of worrying. I'm very worried. Tom je levák. Tom is left-handed. Tom's left-handed. To je moje škole. That is my school. That's my school. Ukaž Tomovi, jak to má dělat. Show Tom how to do that. Show Tom how to do it. Čemu z toho, co Tom řekl, věříš? How much of what Tom said do you believe? What part of what Tom said you believe? Tom chvíli váhal. Tom hesitated for a moment. Tom hesitated for a while. Tatoebě chybí vývojáři. Tatoeba lacks developers. This is missing the developers. Ty to máš ráda? You like it? Do you like it? Neměli byste čekat tady. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't wait here. Dnes jsem šel k doktorovi. Today I went to the doctor. I went to the doctor today. Toma nebudou postrádat. Tom won't be missed. They won't miss Tom. Zazvonil jsem na zvonek a čekal jsem. I rang the bell and waited. I rang the bell and waited. Rád bych Vám předem poděkoval za jakoukoli pomoc, kterou jste jí schopen poskytnout. I would like to thank you in advance for any help that you are able to give her. I would like to thank you in advance for any help you can give her. Míval jsem motorku. I used to have a motorcycle. I used to have a motorcycle. Co máš v pravé ruce? What do you have in your right hand? What's in your right hand? Tom řekl, že Mary nemá spolehlivé auto. Tom said Mary didn't have a dependable car. Tom said Mary doesn't have a reliable car. Jeden se mi líbil. I liked one. I liked one. Chci abys opustila můj dům. I just want you out of my house. I want you to leave my house. Tahle kniha by se ti mohla hodit. This book could be useful to you. You could use this book. Tak či tak by na tom nemělo záležet. It shouldn't matter either way. Either way, it shouldn't matter. Proč jsi zaváhal? Why did you hesitate? Why did you hesitate? Vím, že to bylo nezdravé. I knew it was unhealthy. I know it was unhealthy. Kojím svou dceru. I am breast-feeding my daughter. I'm breast-feeding my daughter. Příležitost dělá zloděje. Opportunity makes a thief. Opportunity makes a thief. Kdo je u telefonu? Who's speaking? Who's speaking? Až vstanou, bude už příliš pozdě na to, mít někde zábavný den. By the time they get up it will be too late to have a fun day out somewhere. When they get up, it'll be too late to have a fun day somewhere. Příští rok si ho vzala. She married him the following year. She married him next year. Právě když ta pohádka skončila, dítě už spalo. Just as the fairy tale finished, the child had already fallen asleep. Just when the story was over, the baby was asleep. Krása tkví v oku pozorovatele. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty lies in the eye of the observer. Mám před sebou docela nabité odpoledne. I have rather a busy afternoon in front of me. I've got a pretty busy afternoon ahead of me. Je to pouze moje chyba. It's nobody's fault, but mine. It's all my fault. Býval jsem bohatý jako ty. I used to be rich like you. I used to be rich like you. Čekali jsme. We were waiting. We've been waiting. Kdo umí, dělá. Kdo neumí, učí. He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. Whoever can, who can't, teaches. Tom neví, jak dlouho ta schůze potrvá. Tom doesn't know how long the meeting will last. Tom doesn't know how long this meeting will take. Nesnáším, když se na mě křičí. I hate being shouted at. I hate being yelled at. Tom naučil Marii, jak péct chleba. Tom taught Mary how to bake bread. Tom taught Maria how to bake bread. Máš z něho strach. You're afraid of him. You're scared of him. Jsem si docela jistý, že nám to nedovolí udělat. I'm pretty sure they won't allow us to do that. I'm pretty sure they won't let us do that. Ona neumí řídit auto. She doesn't know how to drive a car. She can't drive a car. Šla jsem na trh koupit maso, rýži, brambory, těstoviny a pomerančový džus k večeři. I went to the market to buy meat, rice, potatoes, pasta, wine, and orange juice for dinner. I went to the market to buy meat, rice, potatoes, pasta and orange juice for dinner. Tom je notorický lhář. Tom is a compulsive liar. Tom is a notorious liar. Nemám rád jablka. I don't like apples. I don't like apples. Chci, aby sis přečetl tuto knihu. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Vedu si deník ve francouzštině. I keep a diary in French. I keep a diary in French. Jak vypadám? How do I look? How do I look? Tou dobou možná spal. He might have been sleeping at that time. Maybe he was asleep at the time. Je to špinavá lhářka. She's a filthy liar. She's a dirty liar. Čím víc posloucháš, tím víc mluvíš. The more you listen, the more you speak. The more you listen, the more you talk. Co platilo kdysi, platit už nemusí. What used to be true may not still be true. What they used to pay doesn't have to pay anymore. Musíš pracovat. You must work. You have to work. Smyla si z rukou krev. She washed the blood off her hands. She washed the blood off her hands. Má v ruce květiny. She has flowers in her hand. He's got flowers in his hand. Odpoledne může pršet. It might rain in the afternoon. It can rain this afternoon. Úplně zešílel! He went totally apeshit! He's out of his mind! Ten chlapec běží. That boy is running. The boy's running. Je to pro něj důležitý zdroj příjmu. It's an important source of income for him. It's an important source of income for him. Slon je šedý. The elephant is grey. Elephant is gray. Mám rád města. I like cities. I like cities. Nepusť ten šálek. Don't drop that cup. Don't drop the cup. Měl bys to přestat dělat. You should stop doing that. You should stop doing that. Ztratil jsem knížku, cos mi půjčil. I lost the book you lent me. I lost the book you lent me. Polib Toma. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Nikdo další nemůže přijít? Can't anybody else come? No one else can come? Co si já myslím, není důležité. What I think isn't important. What I think is not important. Tom si kontroluje pneumatiky. Tom is checking his tires. Tom checks his tires. On není hladový. He isn't hungry. He's not hungry. Mám ó bože ó velký pamatovat si takový cifer řad, velký slovutný Archimedes, pomáhej trápenému, dej mu moc, nazpaměť nechť odříká ty slavné sice, ale tak protivné nám, ah, číslice Ludolfovy! I have to -- oh God oh great -- remember such a string of numbers, great famous Archimedes, help the suffering, give him the power, let him recite by heart those famous, and yet for us irritating, ah, numbers of Ludolph! I have a great God to remember such a figure of ranks, a great great Archimedes, help the troubled, give him power, memorize the famous ones, but so obnoxious to us, ah, the numerals of Ludolph! Její přítel má problémy se zákonem. Her boyfriend is in trouble with the law. Her boyfriend's in trouble with the law. Toma nenapadal žádný důvod, proč by neměl zůstat. Tom could think of no reason why he shouldn't stay. Tom didn't think of any reason why he shouldn't stay. Proč jste se nezeptali? Why didn't you ask? Why didn't you ask? Můžete aktualizovat naše programy? Can you update our software? Can you update our programs? Tom je levák, ale píše pravačkou. Tom is left-handed, but he writes with his right hand. Tom's left-handed, but he writes right-handed. Nevíš, proč tu Tom včera nebyl? Do you know why Tom wasn't here yesterday? Do you know why Tom wasn't here yesterday? Byl prvním člověkem, který vystoupil na Mt. Fuji v zimě. He was the first man to climb Mt. Fuji in winter. He was the first person to perform at Mt. Fuji in winter. Ryby, a dokonce i velryby a tuleni jedí plankton. Fish and even whales and seals feed on the krill. Fish, and even whales and seals eat plankton. Byli ve sprše. They were in the shower. They were in the shower. Pojďme tady žít. Let's live here. Let's live here. Vzpomínáš? Do you remember? Remember? Řekni Tomovi, co máš na mysli. Tell Tom what you mean. Tell Tom what you mean. Lev je králem džungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is king of the jungle. Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, Muiriele! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Tom se zdá být naštvaný. Tom seems irritated. Tom seems upset. Od té doby jsme nikdy v Bostonu nebyli. We've never been back to Boston since then. We've never been to Boston since. Chce se mi odpočívat. I feel like a rest. I want to rest. Zdá se, že jsou mrtví. Apparently, they're dead. Looks like they're dead. Mohl bys nás propustit. You could let us go. You could let us go. Byl to těžký rok. It's been a hard year. It's been a tough year. Aktualizoval jsem své programové vybavení. I updated my software. I've updated my software. Kde je moje věta? Where is my sentence? Where's my line? Každý, kdo chodí do kostela, věří v Boha. Whoever goes to church believes in God. Everyone who goes to church believes in God. Nejsem zvyklý čekat. I'm not used to waiting. I'm not used to waiting. Chci MP3 přehrávač! I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3 player! Mé děti jsou ve škole. My children are in school. My kids are at school. Poslední dobou jsem hodně snil. I've been dreaming a lot lately. I've been dreaming a lot lately. Tohle slovo je z latiny. This word is derived from Latin. That word is Latin. Narovnej si kravatu. Straighten your tie. Straighten your tie. Počkej tady, než se vrátím. Wait here till I come back. Wait here till I get back. Záleží nám na tobě. We care about you. We care about you. Moje matka nenávidí televizi. My mother hates watching the television. My mother hates TV. Řekl jsem ti, že nic nevím. I told you I don't know anything. I told you, I don't know anything. Nikdo nás neviděl. No one saw us. No one saw us. Musíš začít ihned. You must start at once. You need to start right now. Tom mi řekl, že to není pravda. Tom told me that wasn't true. Tom told me it wasn't true. Mám rád ji. I like her. I like her. Máš rád jahody? Do you like strawberries? Do you like strawberries? Jak byly ty bomby odpáleny? How were the bombs detonated? How were the bombs detonated? Myslím, že život je takový, jaký si ho uděláš. I think life is what you make it. I think life is the way you make it. Stále si myslíš, že chceme právě tohle? Do you still think that's what we want? You still think that's what we want? Tom žije nyní tady. Tom is living here now. Tom lives here now. Vychovali mě v Tokiu. I was raised in Tokyo. I was raised in Tokyo. Je-li mé srdce na straně chudých, proč u všech všudy nejsem komunistou? Protože mé srdce je na straně chudých. If I truly care about the poor, then why on earth am I not a Communist? It is precisely because I care about the poor that I am not a Communist. If my heart is on the side of the poor, why on earth am I not a communist? Because my heart is on the side of the poor. Tom mluví francouzsky jako rodilý mluvčí. Tom can speak French like a native. Tom speaks French as a native speaker. Kdysi jsi kresil. You used to draw. You used to draw. Nikdo o tom nikdy neslyšel. Nobody had ever heard of it. No one's ever heard of it. Tom to nemohl slyšet, ale Mary ano. Tom couldn't hear it, but Mary could. Tom couldn't hear it, but Mary could. Něco přede mnou schovávají. They're hiding something from me. They're hiding something from me. Vůbec ti nerozumím. I don't understand you at all. I don't understand you at all. Myslel jsem, že tom je jedním z nich. I thought Tom was one of them. I thought he was one of them. Tom nezhasnul. Tom didn't turn off the lights. Tom didn't turn off the lights. Jsi doma? Are you in? Are you home? Nesnáším počítače. I hate computers. I hate computers. Většina z nás je právě zaneprázdněna. Most of us are busy right now. Most of us are busy right now. Zajímalo by mě, jestli Tom trpí bipolární poruchou. I wonder if Tom is bipolar. I wonder if Tom has bipolar disorder. Tom musí být varován. Tom has to be warned. Tom must be warned. Od doby, co tu Tom začal pracovat jsem s ním mluvil pouze dvakrát. I've only spoken to Tom twice since he started working here. Since Tom started working here, I've only talked to him twice. Vázu jsem rozbil úmyslně. I broke the vase on purpose. I broke the vase on purpose. Býval jsem horníkem. I used to be a coal miner. I used to be a miner. Vážně víš, kdo to udělal? Do you really know who did that? Do you really know who did this? Tom se dostal do blázince. Tom landed in a madhouse. Tom got into a mental institution. Rád jezdím vlakem. I enjoy travelling by train. I like to take the train. Tom je zasnouben s Ruth. Tom is engaged to Ruth. Tom is engaged to Ruth. Nejsem lékař, ale učitel. I am not a doctor, but a teacher. I'm not a doctor, I'm a teacher. Sami s tím nadobro skoncoval. Sami is done with this. He's done with it for good. Vyzkoušel jsem všechno. I tried everything. I've tried everything. Vraťte se do práce. Go back to work. Get back to work. Já nerozernám skokana od ropuchy. I can't tell a frog from a toad. I'm not gonna break a toad jumper. Jel jsem z Bostonu do Chicaga autem. I went from Boston to Chicago be car. I took a car from Boston to Chicago. Tom se připravuje na návštěvu Mary. Tom is getting ready for Mary's visit. Tom's getting ready to visit Mary. Mám pravdu, že jo? I'm right, aren't I? I'm right, aren't I? Odstřihli mi telefonické služby kvůli nezaplaceným účtenkám. My telephone service was cut off because of unpaid bills. They cut off my phone service for unpaid receipts. Odmítl si podat ruce. He refused to shake hands. He refused to shake hands. Moje sestra je ošetřovatelka. My sister is a nurse. My sister's a nurse. Jeho hrubost mě velice překvapila. I was surprised by his rudeness. I was very surprised by his rudeness. Tom je určitě naštvaný. Tom must be angry. I'm sure Tom's upset. Tom mi pravděpodobně zachránil život. Tom probably saved my life. Tom probably saved my life. Zvykl jsem si vyhrávat. I've gotten used to winning. I used to win. Mary řekla, že se za mě chce vdát. Mary said she wanted to marry me. Mary said she wanted to marry me. Býval jsem ošklivý. I used to be ugly. I used to be ugly. Ubytoval jsem se v hotelu a rovnou šel spát. I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep. I checked into a hotel and went straight to bed. Během své dovolené jsem každý den hrál golf. I played golf every day during my vacation. I played golf every day during my vacation. Chci jít trochu pomaleji. I want to walk a little slower. I want to go a little slower. Mám tolik práce, že ti nemůžu pomoct. I am so busy that I can't help you. I'm so busy I can't help you. Chyběl jsem ti? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Nemám domov, kam bych se vrátil. I have no home to return to. I don't have a home to go back to. Udělám to tak, jak jsi mi řekl. I'll do it the way you've told me to do it. I'll do it like you told me to. Tom mi lhal. Tom lied to me. Tom lied to me. Cítil jsem to samé. I felt the same way. I felt the same way. Je to skvělé. It's perfect. It's great. Naše zájmy jsou v rozporu s jejich zájmy. Our interests conflict with theirs. Our interests conflict with their interests. Dnes je zima! It's cold today! It's cold today! Nosím flanelové pyžamo. I wear flannel pajamas. I wear flannel pajamas. Spal jsem jenom tři hodiny. I slept only three hours. I only slept for three hours. Jak dlouho mi bude trvat, než se naučím řídit auto? How much time would it take me to learn to drive a car? How long will it take me to learn how to drive a car? Tom stojí. Tom is on his feet. Tom's standing. Vzpomínám si, že jsem tě viděl vloni. I remember seeing you last year. I remember seeing you last year. K našemu překvapení přišel Tom na náš večírek s Mary. To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary. To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary. Zápas se odehraje, i kdyby pršelo. Even if it rains, the game will be played. The game will take place even if it rains. Já a Tom jsme platili zvlášť. Tom and I paid separately. Tom and I paid separately. Předpověď počasí není automaticky spolehlivá. The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable. The weather forecast is not automatically reliable. Moje sestřenice je žurnalistka. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin's a journalist. Nezhasnul jsem. I didn't turn off the light. I didn't turn off the lights. Pojďme se posadit. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. Nespoléhal bych na to. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't count on it. Toma napadl vlk. Tom was attacked by a wolf. Tom was attacked by a wolf. Přišel jsem do školy včas. I arrived at school on time. I got to school on time. Uhádneš, co to tady mám? Can you guess what I have here? Can you guess what I have here? Navštíví svého strýce. He will visit his uncle. He's going to visit his uncle. Pusť to. Drop it. Drop it. Omlouvám se, že jsem přijel pozdě. I apologise for arriving late. Sorry I was late. Buenos Aires je hlavní město Argentiny. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Byl to Tom, kdo mi vyprávěl tenhle příběh. It was Tom that told me this story. It was Tom who told me this story. Ani velryby, ani delfíni nemají žábry. Neither whales nor dolphins have gills. Neither whales nor dolphins have gills. Tom vypadá opravdu znuděně. Tom looks really bored. Tom seems really bored. Dokážeš si představit, jak hloupě by to vypadalo? Can you imagine how silly that would look? Can you imagine how stupid that would look? Proč jste prostě neodešli? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? Chce se mi plakat. I feel like crying. I feel like crying. Udělám kafe. I will make some coffee. I'll make some coffee. Pokoj pana Johnsona byl velký. Mr Johnson's was a large room. Mr. Johnson's room was big. Slyšel jsem křik. I heard yelling. I heard screaming. Podle mne být chudým není nic, za co by se měl někdo stydět. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. In my opinion, being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. Moje babička nevidí. My grandmother cannot see. My grandmother can't see. Ta dívka s dlouhými vlasy je Judy. The girl with the long hair is Judy. The girl with the long hair is Judy. Kupuje knihy v knihkupectví. She is buying books in the bookstore. He buys books at the bookstore. Je povoláním zubař. He is a dentist by profession. He's a dentist. Zdálo se mi o tomhle dnu. I've dreamed of this day. I dreamt about this day. Rychle jsem si na to zvykl. I got used to it quickly. I got used to it quickly. O čem přesně je ta tvoje kniha? What exactly is your book about? What exactly is your book about? Pochybuji, že by se rodilý mluvčí takto vyjádřil. I doubt whether a native speaker would express himself this way. I doubt a native spokesperson would have said that. Nechci být vaším přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. Nejsem lékař. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Hlavní město Itálie je Řím. The capital of Italy is Rome. The capital of Italy is Rome. Protože jsem ji nikdy předtím nepotkala, neznala jsem ji. Since I'd never met her before, I didn't know her. Because I've never met her before, I didn't know her. To je nemožné. This is impossible! That's impossible. Myslím, že budeme potřebovat Tomovu pomoc. I think we're going to need Tom's help. I think we're gonna need Tom's help. Chodívaly tam moje děti. My kids used to go there. My kids used to go there. Jsem poslední, kdo ho viděl. I'm the last one who saw him. I'm the last person to see him. Tom se příští týden ožení s Mary. Tom will get married to Mary next week. Tom will marry Mary next week. Okolo projelo hodně aut. Many cars passed by. A lot of cars passed by. Běžíme k ohni. We ran to the fire. We're running for fire. Máš tu být před půl třetí. You're expected to be here before 2:30. You're supposed to be here before 2:30. Tom pokaždé vyhraje. Tom wins every time. Tom wins every time. Můj dědeček z otcovy strany dnes slaví své osmaosmdesáté narozeniny. My grandfather on my father's side is celebrating his 88th birthday tomorrow. My father's grandfather is celebrating his 88th birthday today. Často mě přirovnávají k mému bratrovi. I'm often compared to my brothers. I'm often compared to my brother. Pokud nemáš dost peněz, nějaké ti půjčím. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. Otevřu to víno a nechám ho dýchat. I'm going to open the wine and let it breathe. I'll open the wine and let it breathe. Skopje je hlavní město Makedonie. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia. Jsem studentka z Itálie. I'm a student from Italy. I'm a student from Italy. Máš rád rybu? Do you like fish? Do you like fish? Vím, že máš kluka. I know you have a boyfriend. I know you have a boyfriend. Layla chtěla najít manžela. Layla wanted to find a husband. Layla wanted to find her husband. Tom nechce nikomu nic půjčovat. Tom doesn't want to lend anything to anybody. Tom doesn't want to lend anything to anyone. Zraníš se, když nebudeš opatrný. You'll hurt yourself if you're not careful. You'll get hurt if you're not careful. Nesnáším jeho poznámky. I cannot stand his comments. I hate his notes. Stehlík je velmi zajímavý pták. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. Thigh is a very interesting bird. Zdraví je ten nejlepší dar. Health is the greatest gift. Health is the best gift. Musím vážit alespoň devadesát kg. I must weigh at least ninety kg. I have to weigh at least 90 kilos. Mám dlouhý seznam věcí, které nemám jíst. I have a long list of things I'm not supposed to eat. I have a long list of things I'm not supposed to eat. Minulou noc mi byly ukradeny hodinky. I had my watch stolen last night. Last night, my watch was stolen. Je silná žena. She's a tough woman. She's a strong woman. Ztratil jsem inspiraci. I lost my inspiration. I've lost my inspiration. Před mýma očima se odvíjela zvláštní podívaná. A strange spectacle unfolded before my eyes. There was a strange spectacle before my eyes. Tyto rifle jsou vytahané. These jeans are baggy. These jeans are pulled out. Nechce o tom mluvit. She doesn't want to talk about it. She doesn't want to talk about it. Kdo myslíš, že to je? Who do you think he is? Who do you think it is? Byl jsem pozván. I was invited. I was invited. Říkáš Tomovi, co dělat? Do you tell Tom what to do? Are you telling Tom what to do? Má manželka je doktorka. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. Jen jsem chtěl říct díky. I just wanted to say thanks. I just wanted to say thank you. Trilogie má obvykle tři části. A trilogy usually has three parts. Trilogy usually has three parts. Na to, abyste cestovali sami jste moc mladí. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to travel alone. Ráda vás vidím. Nice to see you. It's good to see you. Nevěnují mi pozornost. They don't pay me attention. They're not paying attention. Nejsem Čech. I am not Czech. I'm not Czech. Tom je ženatý. Tom is married. Tom's married. Je jedním z největších vědců v Japonsku. He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan. He's one of the biggest scientists in Japan. Na to jsme zvyklí. We're used to that. We're used to that. Jsi ta nejhezčí holka, jakou jsem kdy viděl. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Co ode mně chceš? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Jak to jde? How is it going? How's it going? Máme dvě uši. We have two ears. We have two ears. Jak byste se charakterizovali? How would you describe yourself? How would you characterize yourself? Hnusí se mi to. It disgusts me. It disgusts me. Moje kočka vypadá smutně. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. To byla ta poslední věc kterou jsem čekal, že uslyším. That was the last thing I expected to hear. That was the last thing I expected to hear. Mary chce být baletkou. Mary wants to be a ballerina. Mary wants to be a ballerina. Vzpomínám si, že jsem ji někde viděl. I remember seeing her somewhere. I remember seeing her somewhere. Celý minulý týden pršelo. It rained all last week. It rained all last week. Už nemůžu angličtinu ani vystát. I'm fed up with English. I can't stand English anymore. Tom slyšel, jak někdo křičí jeho jméno. Tom heard somebody yell his name. Tom heard someone screaming his name. Řekni mi, kdy se vrátí. Tell me when he returns. Tell me when he'll be back. Sami řekl, že v jeho domě straší. Sami said his house was haunted. Sami said his house was haunted. Tom včera zemřel. Tom died yesterday. Tom died yesterday. Anglicky se mluví všude. English is spoken everywhere. English is spoken everywhere. Proč jste ke mě včera nepřišli? Why didn't you come to me yesterday? Why didn't you come to my house yesterday? Copak jsi zešílel? Have you gone mad? Are you crazy? Neptali jsme se Toma. We didn't ask Tom. We didn't ask Tom. Nikdo jiný tam nebyl. No one else was there. There was no one else. Kóbe je město, ve kterém jsem se narodil. Kobe is the city which I was born in. Kobe is the city I was born in. Koupil jsem svojí ženě smartphone. I bought a smartphone for my wife. I bought my wife a smartphone. Tom mi dal více peněz, než potřebuju. Tom gave me more money than I need. Tom gave me more money than I need. Nepromarni tuto příležitost. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't waste this opportunity. Nikdo se mnou nepromluví. No one speaks with me. No one's gonna talk to me. Pohádky začínají vždy stejně: Bylo nebylo. Fairy tales always begin the same: once upon a time. Fairy tales always start the same way: Once upon a time. Poslouchej učitele. Listen to the teachers. Listen to the teacher. Někdo mi poškrábal auto. Someone scratched my car. Someone scratched my car. Každý muž se postupně postavil a představil se. Each man stood up in turn and introduced himself. Each man gradually stood up and introduced himself. Zeptej se jich. Ask them. Ask them. Zkus ho neotrávit. Try not to annoy him. Try not to poison him. Otrokyně zkusila utéct. The slave tried to escape. Slave tried to escape. Nevrátil jste mi správně drobné. You didn't give me the correct change. You didn't give me my change right. Nemám v úmyslu to udělat znovu. I don't intend to do that again. I have no intention of doing it again. Šerif zná toho starého trapera. The sheriff knows that old trapper. The sheriff knows the old trapper. Odpovídáme za škodu. We are liable for the damage. We're responsible for the damage. Nuže, budeš toho litovat. Well, you'll regret it. Well, you'll regret it. Tom neslyší na levé ucho. Tom is deaf in the left ear. Tom can't hear on his left ear. Nemuselas spěchat. You need not have hurried. You didn't have to rush. Mluv více potichu. Speak more quietly. Keep your voice down. Musíme si vážit tradice. We must have respect for tradition. We must respect tradition. Rozeznáš pšenici od ječmene? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you tell wheat from barley? Je zvyklá ponocovat. She is used to staying up late. She's used to staying up late. Musíš se ukrýt. You've got to hide. You have to hide. Kdo mám říct, že to volá? Who should I say is calling? Who should I say is calling? Kam by Tom šel? Where would Tom go? Where would Tom go? Budeš volat Tomovi? Are you going to call Tom? Are you gonna call Tom? Angličtina je těžká, co? English is difficult, isn't it? English is heavy, isn't it? Sklenici mléka, prosím. Please give me a glass of milk. A glass of milk, please. Tom ignoroval Maryinu radu. Tom ignored Mary's advice. Tom ignored Mary's advice. Ty bys nelhal. You wouldn't lie. You wouldn't lie. Pojď si se mnou promluvit. Come talk with me. Come talk to me. Chci koupit tucet koblih. I want to buy a dozen donuts. I want to buy a dozen donuts. Mary pozvala Toma na večeři, a Tom koupil pugét květin a lahev červeného vína. Mary invited Tom over for dinner and Tom brought a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of red wine. Mary invited Tom to dinner, and Tom bought a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of red wine. Tom je zpátky na nohou. Tom is back on his feet. Tom's back on his feet. Matematika je nejkrásnější a nejmocnější výtvor lidského ducha. Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit. Dám ti pět dolarů. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. Nasaď si boty. Put on your shoes. Put your shoes on. Znovu budete šťastná. You'll be happy again. You'll be happy again. Tom vyřešil hádanku až po té, co mu Marie dala pár nápověd. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints. Tom solved the puzzle after Marie gave him a few clues. Ten pes je červený. The dog is red. The dog is red. Koupil jsem si novou tiskárnu. I bought a new printer. I bought a new printer. Zavolám jí dnes večer. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her tonight. Nechala si propíchnout bradavky. She got her nipples pierced. She had her nipples pierced. To je starý americký zvyk. That's an old American custom. It's an old American custom. Mám psa a kočku. I have a dog and a cat. I have a dog and a cat. Nemůžeš mít duhu bez trochy deště. You can't have a rainbow without a little rain. You can't have a rainbow without a little rain. Právě jsem byl povýšen. I just got a promotion. I've just been promoted. Odpověz! Answer! Answer me! Sami chtěl Laylu znásilnit. Sami wanted to rape Layla. Sami wanted to rape Layla. Je to jeden starý vtip. That's an old joke. It's an old joke. Nemohla jsem se přestat smát. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Vůbec nechápu co říkáš. I can not make out at all what you say. I don't understand what you're saying. Tom dal kopačky své přítelkyni. Tom dumped his girlfriend. Tom dumped his girlfriend. Prodává květiny. She sells flowers. He sells flowers. Koho bych se měl zeptat? Who should I ask? Who should I ask? Pošlu ti tu knihu mailem. I'll send the book to you by mail. I'll e-mail you the book. V tuto chvíli nemám zájem o žádného přítele. I'm not interested in having a boyfriend at this point. At this point, I'm not interested in any boyfriends. Promluvil, až když promluvili k němu. He did not speak unless spoken to. He didn't speak until they spoke to him. Tom každý den četl dětem pohádku na dobrou noc. Every day, Tom used to read a bedtime story to his children. Tom read a bedtime story to the kids every day. Ukaž mi, prosím, jak se to dělá. Show me how to do it, please. Please show me how it's done. Existuje jedna potíž. There is one problem. There's one problem. Znič své nepřátele: udělej z nich své přátele. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Tom udělal omeletu. Tom made an omelet. Tom made an omelet. Umíš řídit? Do you know how to drive a car? Can you drive? Kde je záchod? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Všichni to jsou zloději. They're all thieves. They're all thieves. Tom si neuvědomil, že to Mary potřebuje udělat. Tom didn't realize Mary needed to do that. Tom didn't realize Mary needed to do this. Dobrý den. Good afternoon. Hello. Tvůj čas brzy přijde. Your time will come soon. Your time will come soon. Tom vlastní ranč. Tom owns a ranch. Tom owns a ranch. To je stůl. This is a desk. It's a table. Já ho neznám. I don't know him. I don't know him. Nedokážu říct, jestli je Tom mrtvý anebo jenom v bezvědomí. I can't tell if Tom is dead or just unconscious. I can't tell if Tom's dead or just unconscious. Nechali ho dlouho čekat venku. They kept him waiting outside for a long time. They kept him waiting outside for a long time. Mám tě hodně rád. I like you very much. I love you so much. Ona není dobračka. She's not a good person. She's not good. Mrzí mě, že jsem promrhal tolik peněz. I'm sorry that I wasted so much money. I'm sorry I wasted so much money. O víkendu vstávám později, než obvykle. On weekends, I get up later than usual. I'm getting up later this weekend than usual. Chtěla bych heřmánkový čaj. I'd like a camomile. I'd like some chamomile tea. To není hračka! It's not a toy! It's not a toy! Po tvářích jí stékají horké slzy. Hot tears ran down her cheeks. She's got hot tears coming down her cheeks. Je to opuštěné. It's deserted. It's abandoned. Omlouvám se, že jsem včera nepřišel. Něco se přihodilo. Sorry I couldn't come over yesterday. Something came up. Sorry I didn't come last night. Tom dal Marii poměrně těžkou otázku. Tom asked Mary a rather difficult question. Tom asked Maria a rather difficult question. Líbí se mi Čína. I like China. I like China. Upřednostňuji angličtinu. I prefer English. I prefer English. Už jsi s ním mluvil? Have you spoken with him yet? Have you talked to him yet? Ale nebál jsem se. But I wasn't afraid. But I wasn't afraid. Tenkrát jsem pivo neměl rád. I didn't like beer at that time. I didn't like beer back then. Udělal jsem to. I did that. I did it. Jsem roztleskávačka. I'm a cheerleader. I'm a cheerleader. Jak dlouho jsi zamilovaná do Toma? How long have you been in love with Tom? How long have you been in love with Tom? Zkuste se ovládat. Try to control yourselves. Try to control yourself. Ráno si dávám jen topinku s kávou. I only have toast and coffee in the morning. I'm just having coffee toast in the morning. Za toto nejsem placen. I'm not being paid for this. I'm not paid for this. Musíš spěchat. You've got to hurry. You've got to hurry. Osobně si myslím, že máš pravdu. Personally, I think you're right. Personally, I think you're right. Tom se nudil. Tom was bored. Tom was bored. Tom nebyl jediný, kdo se snažil pomoct. Tom wasn't the only one who tried to help. Tom wasn't the only one trying to help. Bude pan Ozawa příští manažer? Is Mr Ozawa going to be the next manager? Will Mr. Ozawa be the next manager? Magie se nemusíte bát. You don't have to fear magic. You don't have to worry about magic. Jste to vy? Is that you? Is that you? Ona nikoho z nás nezná. She doesn't know any of us. She doesn't know any of us. On pije vodu. He drinks water. He drinks water. Proč o tom nikdo nechce mluvit? Why won't anyone talk about this? Why doesn't anyone want to talk about it? Obklopuje ho světelná aura. An aura of light surrounds him. It's surrounded by a light aura. Bude mi trvat dlouho, než to dokončím. It'll take a long time for me to finish this. It's gonna take me a long time to finish this. Chci se učit. I want to learn. I want to learn. Cos tam našel? What did you find in there? What did you find in there? Tom říká, že můžeme začít bez něj. Tom says we can start without him. Tom says we can start without him. Matka nevěděla, co si se svým synem počít. The mother didn't know what to do with her son. Mother didn't know what to do with her son. Měl s sebou jen sto jenů. He had only one hundred yen with him. He only had 100 yen with him. Nechápu tě. I can't follow you. I don't understand you. Tom uvěří všemu. Tom will believe anything. Tom's gonna believe everything. Kráva je užitečné zvíře. A cow is a useful animal. A cow is a useful animal. Pryč se dostat nemůžeš. You can't get away. You can't get away. Kdybych býval dovedl pochopit, co měl Tom na mysli, nebyl bych udělal tuhle chybu. If I could have understood what Tom meant, I wouldn't have made this mistake. If I could have understood what Tom meant, I wouldn't have made that mistake. Neboj. Neublížím jí. Don't worry. I won't hurt her. Don't worry, I won't hurt her. Čeho se bojíte? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Myslel jsem, že to možná je složité. I thought it might be complicated. I thought maybe it was complicated. To budete mít nejlepší. That will be better for you. You'll have the best. Tom se rád prochází o samotě. Tom likes taking walks by himself. Tom likes to walk alone. Hulákali. They yelled. They were yelling. Dosáhla ohromného úspěchu v byznysu. She achieved great success in her business. She has achieved tremendous success in the business. Myslel jsem, že si dáš kousek koláče. I thought you'd like a piece of pie. I thought you were gonna have a piece of pie. Po sprše jsem se cítil osvěžený. I felt refreshed after showering. I felt refreshed after the shower. Po patnácti minutách se začala nudit. She got bored after fifteen minutes. After 15 minutes, she got bored. Zastřelil jsem ji. I shot her. I shot her. Tom se utopil. Tom drowned. Tom drowned. Nemyslím si, že je to tak vážné. I don't think that it's too serious. I don't think it's that serious. Tom trpí rakovinou. Tom is suffering from cancer. Tom has cancer. Věděl jsi, že Tom dříve žil v Bostonu? Did you know that Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Nějaký pan Jones přišel, když jsi byl venku. A Mr Jones came while you were out. A Mr. Jones came by while you were outside. Vůbec nejsem unavená. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Musím nakrmit kočku. I have to feed my cat. I have to feed the cat. Nechci žít s tebou. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Vypadá mladě. He looks young. She looks young. To modré auto je drahé. The blue car is expensive. That blue car is expensive. Závidím Tomovi. I envy Tom. I envy Tom. Kdo chce psa bít, hůl si vždycky najde. He who has a mind to beat a dog will easily find a stick. Anyone who wants to hit a dog always finds a stick. Tomova matka je mrtvá. Tom's mother's dead. Tom's mother is dead. Poněkud s vámi souhlasím. I agree with you to a degree. I kind of agree with you. Proč neumím zpívat tak, jako oni? Why can't I sing like they can? Why can't I sing like they do? Pojďme být přátelé. Let's all be friends. Let's be friends. Dej mi ten nůž. Give me the knife. Give me the knife. Samozřejmě. Obviously. Of course. Pravda spaluje a ničí všechny prvky a ukazuje, že jsou pouze jejím stínem. Truth burns and destroys all elements, showing that they are merely its shadow. The truth burns and destroys all elements and shows that they are only its shadow. Ta poznámka byla od něj. The note was from him. That note was from him. Stojím oběma nohama pevně na zemi. I have my feet firmly planted on the ground. I'm standing on the ground with both my legs. Tom neodjížděl. Tom wasn't leaving. Tom wasn't leaving. Báječně jsem se bavil. I had a wonderful time. I had a wonderful time. Jste doktor, pane? Are you a doctor, sir? Are you a doctor, sir? Je ženatý? Is he married? Is he married? Rád bych poslal tuto pohlednici do Japonska. I'd like to send this postcard to Japan. I'd like to send this postcard to Japan. Reykjavík je hlavní město Islandu. Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland. Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland. Lhal nám. He lied to us. He lied to us. Nebuď snob. Don't be a snob. Don't be a snob. Proč mě neposloucháš? Why don't you listen to me? Why aren't you listening to me? Co jsem na sobě tehdy měla? Vzpomínáš si? What was I wearing at that time? Do you remember? What was I wearing back then? Tomáš je na tom teď líp než předtím. Tom is now better off than he was before. Thomas is better off now than he was before. Jak si přejete. As you wish. As you wish. Nikdo mě nedonutí. I won't be coerced. Nobody's gonna make me. Tom ovinul ruku kolem Mary a políbil ji na tvář. Tom put his arm around Mary and kissed her cheek. Tom wrapped his hand around Mary and kissed her face. Mohu se tě zeptat pár otázek o tvém jménu? May I ask you some questions about your name? Can I ask you a few questions about your name? Tom říká, že dovede číst knihu ve francouzštině. Tom says that he can read a French book. Tom says he can read a book in French. Upřímně doufám, že se ze své nemoci brzy uzdravíš. I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness. I sincerely hope that you will recover from your illness soon. Proč mě neposloucháte? Why don't you listen to me? Why aren't you listening to me? Já Toma nenávidím, abych pravdu řekl. I hate Tom, to tell you the truth. I hate Tom, to tell you the truth. Mám chuť něco sníst. I feel like eating something. I feel like eating something. Udělej to, co ti říká matka. Do what your mother says. Do what your mother says. Ona vyhrožovala, že nám podpálí dům. She threatened to set our house on fire. She threatened to burn down our house. Nedostává se mi pro to správného slova. The right word for this does not come to me. I don't get the right word for it. Tom teď vypadá mnohem lépe. Tom looks much better now. Tom looks much better now. Tom, který hovoří francouzsky a anglicky, pracuje jako turistický průvodce. Tom, who speaks French and English, works as a tour guide. Tom, who speaks French and English, works as a tourist guide. Mám ráda kočky. I like cats. I like cats. Je dost zima. It's rather cold. It's pretty cold. Možná nebude nutné, abychom šli na tu schůzi. It may not be necessary for us to go to that meeting. Maybe we don't need to go to that meeting. Naši rodiče bydlí hned naproti přes ulici. Our parents live right across the street from us. Our parents live right across the street. Tom vypadá mladší než Mary. Tom looks younger than Mary. Tom looks younger than Mary. Mám hrozně ráda oba dva. I like both of them very much. I love both of you so much. Sázíš tykve? Do you plant pumpkins? You're planting gourds? Jak se téhle zelenině říká anglicky? What do you call this vegetable in English? What's this vegetable called in English? Jablko nepadá daleko od stromu. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. To se mi fakt stalo. This actually happened to me. That's what really happened to me. Bojíte se smrti. You are afraid of death. You're afraid of death. Tom se nedávno rozvedl. Tom has got divorced recently. Tom recently divorced. Nevím, proč si Tom pořád stěžuje. I don't know why Tom is always complaining. I don't know why Tom keeps complaining. Tato pravidla vnesla nespokojenost mezi studenty. Those rules fostered discontent among students. These rules brought discontent among the students. Má rád čaj. He likes tea. He likes tea. Udělám to hned teď. I will do it right now. I'll do it right now. Tom řekl, že to potřebuje udělat. Tom said he needs to do that. Tom said he needed to do it. Mluvíte anglicky? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Hned jak přestalo pršet, objevila se krásná duha. No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. As soon as it stopped raining, a beautiful rainbow appeared. To dítě umí chodit samo. The child can walk alone. The kid can walk on his own. Podívej se na holky. Look at the girls. Look at the girls. Stále odpovídáš stejně. You have the same answer to everything. You're still answering the same question. Právě ti ujel. You just missed it. You just missed him. Kdy můžeš přijít ke mě domů? When can you come to my home? When can you come to my house? Není to nuda? Isn't it boring? Isn't that boring? Běž si líbat někoho jiného. Go kiss someone else. Go kiss someone else. Popíjím kávu v kavárně. I drink coffee in a cafe. I'm drinking coffee at the coffee shop. Vzpomínáte si, kdy jste naposledy viděla Toma? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Do you remember the last time you saw Tom? Máš záložní plán? Do you have a backup plan? You got a backup plan? Tom nemá vůbec čas sledovat televizi. Tom doesn't have any time to watch TV. Tom doesn't have time to watch TV. Máš rád jablka. You like apples. You like apples. Úmyslně jsem neporušil žádná pravidla. I didn't intentionally break any rules. I deliberately didn't break any rules. Volali. They yelled. They called. Nechám kouření. I'm going to quit smoking. I'll quit smoking. Policie okamžitě podnikla kroky k řešení nepokojů. The police took immediate action to deal with the riot. The police immediately took steps to resolve the riots. Řekl bys nám, co se stalo? Would you tell us what happened? Would you tell us what happened? Tom chtěl vědět, proč Mary chybí. Tom wanted to know why Mary was absent. Tom wanted to know why Mary was missing. Máš nějaký koníček - například malování? Do you have a hobby - for example, painting? Do you have a hobby, like painting? Blízko mého domu je kostel. There is a church near my house. There's a church near my house. Zůstanu na vaší straně, ať se stane cokoliv. I'll be by your side, no matter what. I'll stay on your side, no matter what happens. Tom snídal sám. Tom ate breakfast by himself. Tom ate breakfast alone. Tom je na svůj věk ve velmi dobré formě. Tom is in pretty good shape for his age. Tom is in very good shape for his age. Pořád ještě rosteš. You're still growing. You're still growing. Milovali se celou noc. They made love all night long. They loved each other all night long. Nebudu dnes v noci schopen spát. I won't be able to sleep tonight. I won't be able to sleep tonight. Pamatuješ, jaké to bylo, že? You remember what it was like, don't you? You remember what it was like, right? Jeden plus dvě se rovná tři. One plus two is equal to three. One plus two is equal to three. Byl to pro mě velký šok. It was a great shock to me. It was a big shock to me. Tomova francouzština se zlepšuje. Tom's French is improving. Tom's French is getting better. Tom má rád hokej. Tom likes hockey. Tom likes hockey. Dosud nevím, jak vám poděkovat. I still don't know how to thank you. I still don't know how to thank you. Je skoro říjen. It's almost October. It's almost October. Spadl jsem ze žebříku, když jsem trhal jablka. I fell off the ladder when I was picking apples. I fell off a ladder when I was picking apples. Moira stránku obnovuje každé tři vteřiny. Moira refreshes the page every 3 seconds. Moira restores the site every three seconds. Teď se mi chce brečet. I feel like crying now. Now I feel like crying. Tom si dělal z Mary legraci. Tom was messing with Mary. Tom was making fun of Mary. Nechápu, co tím myslíš. I don't get what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. Co je to? What is this? What is it? Toma zajímalo, proč mu Mary nechce pomoct. Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't help him. Tom wondered why Mary didn't want to help him. Já byl ten, kdo to musel spustit. I was the one who had to make it happen. I was the one who had to trigger it. Už s ním nebydlím. I'm not living with him anymore. I don't live with him anymore. Nepotřebuji od tebe nic, abych byl šťastný. I don't need anything from you to be happy. I don't need anything from you to make me happy. Hrozně se mi líbí tvoje taška. I love your bag. I love your bag. Tom s tebou chce mluvit. Tom wants to speak with you. Tom wants to talk to you. Už jsi nakrmil toho psa? Have you fed the dog yet? Have you fed the dog yet? Tom spadl na ruce, a poranil si zápěstí. Tom fell on his hands and injured his wrist. Tom fell on his hands and hurt his wrist. Není ta odpověď snadná? Isn't the answer easy? Isn't the answer easy? Tom neumí hrát golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom can't play golf. Tom chce jít s vámi. Tom wants to go with you. Tom wants to go with you. Nechcete si se mnou zatančit? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? Celou dobu zůstal zticha. He remained silent the whole time. He's been quiet the whole time. Kdy roztaje sníh? When will the snow melt? When does the snow melt? Je zhnusena zaměstnáním. She is disgusted with the job. She's disgusted by her job. Boseman je starý traper. Boseman is an old trapper. Boseman's an old trapper. Nebudu schopen přenést Toma přes most. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. Vypadáš překvapeně. You seemed surprised. You look surprised. Tom řekl, že se musí hned vrátit domů. Tom said that he must return home at once. Tom said he had to come home right away. Myslíš, že to Tom zvládne? Do you think Tom can do it? You think Tom can handle it? Jdu nakrmit kachny. I'm going to go feed the ducks. I'm gonna go feed the ducks. Chceš mě podvést? Do you want to cheat me ? Are you cheating on me? Asi máš těžká zavazadla. You probably have some heavy luggage. I think your luggage's heavy. Chceš svézt? You need a ride? You want a ride? Zdá se, že nesouhlasí. He seems not to agree. He doesn't seem to agree. Chci vidět tvůj dům. I want to see your house. I want to see your house. Zajímalo ji, kde Sam je a co dělá. She wondered where Sam was and what he was doing. She was wondering where Sam was and what he was doing. Držím ti palce. I will keep my fingers crossed. Wish you luck. Jak dlouho na mě čekáš? How long have you been waiting for me? How long have you been waiting for me? Sami z toho byl opravdu nešťastný. Sami was really unhappy about it. He was really unhappy by himself. Nech mě promyslet si to. Now let me think. Let me think about it. Poděkoval jsem Tomovi za dárek. I thanked Tom for the present. I thanked Tom for the gift. Koupil jsi to dnes, nebo včera? Did you buy it today or yesterday? Did you buy it today or yesterday? Dojez tohle. Finish this. Finish this. Nepřišli by, kdyby je Tom býval nepozval. They wouldn't have come here if Tom hadn't invited them. They wouldn't have come if Tom hadn't invited them. Proč se mračíš? Why are you frowning? Why are you frowning? Má velmi rád zvířata. He loves animals a lot. He likes animals very much. Pošli mi pohlednici, prosím. Please send me a postcard. Send me a postcard, please. Nedávej to na ten koberec! Don't put it on the carpet! Don't put it on the carpet! Tyto starodávné hodiny stojí tisíc dolarů. This antique clock is worth one thousand dollars. These ancient hours cost a thousand dollars. Když jsem se probudila, sněžilo. When I awoke, it was snowing. When I woke up, it snowed. Tom říká, že z toho nemá strach. Tom says he isn't worried about that. Tom says he's not afraid of it. Proč se na mně každý divá? Why's everyone looking at me? Why is everyone staring at me? Musíš být méně netrpělivý. You must be less impatient. You must be less impatient. Vypadá to, že dnes budu celou noc vzhůru. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. Looks like I'm gonna be up all night tonight. Zítra budu pracovat. I'm going to work tomorrow. I'll work tomorrow. V této místnosti se příjemně pracuje. This room is pleasant to work in. It's a nice place to work in this room. Tom mě naléhavě žádal, abych přišel. Tom begged me to come. Tom asked me to come. Tom má strach z výšek. Tom is afraid of heights. Tom's afraid of heights. Myslel jsem si, že jsi mrtvý. I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead. Tom není diabetik, ale Mary ano. Tom isn't diabetic, but Mary is. Tom's not diabetic, but Mary is. Kup si něco k jídlu. Buy yourself something to eat. Buy yourself something to eat. Tady jsem si hrával. I used to play here. I used to play here. Líza už je osm let mrtvá. Liz has been dead for eight years. Lisa's been dead for eight years. Nezabývejme se tímto tématem. Let's not get into that subject. Let us not dwell on this subject. Jestli mi ukážeš tvůj jazyk, možná ti ukážu můj. If you show me your tongue, I might show you mine. If you show me your tongue, maybe I'll show you mine. Jsi nudný. You're boring. You're boring. Myslíš, že udělal tu chybu schválně? Do you think he made that mistake on purpose? You think he made that mistake on purpose? Zlato je vzácnější než železo. Gold is more precious than iron. Gold is more precious than iron. Riga je hlavní město Lotyšska. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Proč si neoblékneš šaty? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a dress? Je ta cena přijatelná? Is the price acceptable? Is the price acceptable? Chci být novinářkou. I want to be a journalist. I want to be a journalist. Máš tu být do 2:30 You're expected to be here by 2:30. You're supposed to be here by 2:30. Myslím, že stále nevíte, co slovo "tým" znamená. I think you all still don't know what the word "team" means. I think you still don't know what the word "team" means. Zvykám si. I'm getting used to it. I'm getting used to it. Listí opadalo. The leaves fell. The leaves were falling. Nebyla to moje vina. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. Je známý jako skvělý pianista. He is known as a great pianist. He's known as a great pianist. Á, někdo mi udělal sendvič. Pěkné. Ah, someone made me a sandwich. Very nice. Oh, somebody made me a sandwich. Muž, který utíká, může bojovat znovu. The man who runs may fight again. The man who runs can fight again. Tom cítil, jak mu někdo poklepal na rameno. Tom felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Tom felt someone taping his shoulder. Kroužil nad námi vrtulník. A helicopter circled over us. There was a chopper circling us. Chtějí to zpět. They want it back. They want it back. Vážně uvažuji, že bych se stal dobrým kouzelníkem. I'm very serious about wanting to be a good magician. I'm seriously considering becoming a good magician. Určitě pro ni bylo těžké uplést tenhle svetr. It must have been difficult for her to knit this sweater. I'm sure it was hard for her to knit this sweater. Opravuji rádio, co jsem našel po cestě domů. I'm fixing the radio that I found on my way home. I'm fixing the radio I found on the way home. Ještě s námi chceš pobýt v Bostonu příští léto? Do you still want to stay in Boston with us next summer? You still want to hang out with us in Boston next summer? Těším se na tvou příští návštěvu. I look forward to your next visit. I look forward to your next visit. Toma vyhodili z práce pro hrubé porušení pracovní kázně. Tom got fired from his work for serious breach of discipline. Tom was fired from work for gross violation of work discipline. Snad bych to mohl zvládnout já. Perhaps I could handle that. Maybe I can handle it. Tak, hned je to lepší. Now, that's better. Well, that's better. Lije jako z konve. It's raining hard. It's pouring out of the water. Připojím se k vám později. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. Na Toma křičet nemůžeš. You can't yell at Tom. You can't yell at Tom. Doufám, že budu schopen vám nějak pomoci. I hope I can be of some help to you. I hope I can help you. Kde jsi byl v poslední době? Where've you been recently? Where have you been lately? Hned mu vrať ty peníze. Return the money to him at once. Give him his money back right now. Za chvíli bude 5:30. It will be 5:30 presently. It's about 5:30. Tom se zeptal Marie, jestli umí držet tajemství. Tom asked Mary if she could keep a secret. Tom asked Marie if she could keep a secret. Ten film byl nesmírně zajímavý. That movie was extremely interesting. That movie was extremely interesting. Hledáte něco? Are you looking for something? Looking for something? Je málo naděje. There is little hope. There's little hope. Vánoce se stávají komerčním svátkem. Christmas is getting so commercialized. Christmas is becoming a commercial holiday. Tom byl popraven na elektrickém křesle. Tom was electrocuted. Tom was executed in an electric chair. Když zahneš do leva, uvidíš bílou budovu. If you turn to the left, you'll see a white building. If you turn left, you'll see a white building. Dosud nevím, proč jste to udělal. I still don't know why you did that. I don't know why you did it yet. Světlo přitahuje můry. Moths are attracted by light. Light attracts moths. Můžeš to zopakovat? Could you repeat that? Can you repeat that? Ty se na to pamatuješ? You remember it? You remember that? Našla sis sympatického chlapa. You got yourself a nice guy. You found yourself a nice guy. Právě byl zvolen nový prezident. A new president has just been elected. A new president has just been elected. Jeho zdraví je chatrné. His health is fragile. His health is weak. Kožené boty jsou mnohem dražší. Leather shoes are a lot more expensive. Leather shoes are much more expensive. Tom se vrátí v pondělí. Tom returns Monday. Tom will be back Monday. Co děláš v mé posteli? What are you doing in my bed? What are you doing in my bed? Bez brýlí je slepý jako patrona. Without his glasses, he is as blind as a bat. Without his glasses, he's blind as a patron. Nemusíš křičet. You don't have to yell. You don't have to scream. Sám mám malý problém. I have a little problem myself. I have a little problem myself. To je realita. This is reality. That's reality. Dokážeš napsat dopis v angličtině? Can you write a letter in English? Can you write a letter in English? Je vystudovaný právník. He was trained as a lawyer. He's a trained lawyer. Andělé mají dvě křídla, ďábel má ocas. Angels have two wings; the Devil has a tail. Angels have two wings, the devil has a tail. Navrhuji, aby sis zdříml. I suggest that you take a nap. I suggest you take a nap. Zemřela ve věku 54 let. She died at the age of 54. She died at the age of 54. Proč ses opozdil? Why are you late? Why are you late? Myslím, že Tomova odpověď není špatná. I don't think Tom's answer is wrong. I don't think Tom's answer is wrong. Kluk skáče. The boy is jumping. Boy jumps. Co kdybys zavolal zákaznický servis? Why don't you call customer service? Why don't you call customer service? Tom mi řekl, že spěchá. Tom told me he was in a hurry. Tom told me he was in a hurry. Tom určitě nepřestal. I'm sure Tom didn't just stop. I'm sure Tom didn't stop. Ani jsem tam nebyl. I wasn't even there. I wasn't even there. Je deset minut po čtvrté. It's ten past four now. It's ten past four. Jsi si jistá, že chceš abych ti pomohl s tvým domácím úkolem? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Silně pršelo, pročež byl baseballový zápas odložen. It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off. It rained hard, so the baseball game was postponed. Jak jsme daleko? How far away are we? How far are we? Na co si vzpomínáš? What do you remember? What do you remember? Nemusel jsi ho vyprovodit ke dveřím. You needn't have seen him to the door. You didn't have to walk him to the door. Slibte, prosím, že to už nikdy neuděláte. Please promise you'll never do that again. Promise me you'll never do it again. Já se nebojím tebe. I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of you. Tom si o tom ještě musí promluvit s Mary. Tom still has to talk to Mary about that. Tom needs to talk to Mary about this. Vždy okamžitě odpoví. She always gives an instant answer. He always responds immediately. Tom se tu zastavil. Tom stopped here. Tom stopped by. To už znovu potřebovat nebudeš. You won't be needing that again. You won't need that again. Byl to obrovský úspěch. It was a huge success. It was a huge success. Byl jsem velmi zklamán, když jsem slyšel tu zprávu. I was very disappointed when I heard the news. I was very disappointed to hear the message. Je to osina v zadku. It's a pain in the neck. He's a pain in the ass. Je to padělek. It's a fake. It's a fake. Jak je vidět, Tom má strach. Tom is obviously scared. Apparently, Tom's scared. Jdi se před večeří umýt. Go wash up before dinner. Go wash up before dinner. Prezident má večer promluvit v televizi. The President is to speak on television this evening. The president's supposed to talk on TV tonight. Já jsem jen nevinně přihlížející. I'm just an innocent bystander. I'm just an innocent bystander. Jaký máš důkaz, že Tom je ten, kdo ukradl náhrdelník tvojí matky? What proof do you have that Tom was the one who stole your mother's necklace? What proof do you have that Tom is the one who stole your mother's necklace? Byl tak unavený, že sotva stál. He was so tired that he could hardly stand. He was so tired he could barely stand. Její syn je hluchý Her son is deaf. Her son is deaf. Jsem v Londýně. I am in London. I'm in London. Nevěděl jsem, že má slabé srdce. I didn't know he had a weak heart. I didn't know he had a weak heart. Učila hudbu třicet let. She taught music for thirty years. She taught music for 30 years. Tom nenávidí Mary, ale ne tolik, jako ona jeho. Tom hates Mary, but not as much as she hates him. Tom hates Mary, but not as much as she hates him. Lampa visí ze stropu. The lamp is hanging from the ceiling. The lamp is hanging from the ceiling. Tom kdysi pil. Tom used to drink. Tom used to drink. Jsem velice šťastný v Gruzii. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Počkej, až dojím. Wait until I finish eating. Wait till I finish. Stydí se kojit na veřejnosti. She is embarrassed to breastfeed in public. She's ashamed to breast-feed in public. Váš návrh jsme posoudili a rozhodli jsme se, že cenu snížit schopni nebudeme. We have considered your proposal, and we have decided that we are not able to reduce the price. We have assessed your proposal and decided that we will not be able to reduce the price. Jak to s tím souvisí? What does that have to do with it? What does that have to do with anything? Už mi to neposílej. Don't send it to me anymore. Don't send it to me again. Kdo žije bez bláznovství, není tak moudrý, jak si myslí. He who lives without madness is not as wise as he thinks. He who lives without foolishness is not as wise as he thinks he is. To je tvůj problém, ne můj. It's your problem, not mine. That's your problem, not mine. Všichni se na ten film těšíme. We are all eager to see the movie. We're all looking forward to the movie. Nebyla ve škole pět dní. She's been absent from school for five days. She hasn't been to school in five days. Tom své přátele učí francouzsky. Tom teaches his friends French. Tom teaches his friends French. Nezapomeň volit. Don't forget to vote. Don't forget to vote. Já nejdu. I won't leave. I'm not going. Tato země ma drsné podnebí. This country has a harsh climate. This country has a rough climate. Právě jsem skončil. I just finished. I just finished. Jeho koncert přilákal mnoho lidí. His concert attracted many people. His concert attracted many people. Lidé budou mít řeči. People will talk. People will talk. Tom křičel bolestí. Tom yelled in pain. Tom was screaming in pain. Aminy jsou dusíkaté sloučeniny. Amines are nitrogenous compounds. Amines are nitrogen compounds. Chci jíst lívanec. I want to eat a flapjack. I want to eat a pancake. Tom zaslouží obdiv. Tom deserves admiration. Tom deserves to be admired. Musím ji zachránit za každou cenu. I must save her at all costs. I have to save her at all costs. Jsem na tmu zvyklý. I'm used to the dark. I'm used to the dark. Myslíš si, že se ta situace může zlepšit? Do you think the situation can improve? Do you think this situation can improve? Je to skvělá myšlenka. That's a great idea. It's a great idea. Chápu. I understand. I see. Tom nepochybuje o tom, že Marie přijede včas. Tom doesn't doubt that Mary will arrive on time. Tom has no doubt that Marie will arrive on time. Ať žije Sovětský svaz! Hail the Soviet Union! Long live the Soviet Union! Tom je pro Mary hrdinou. Tom is Mary's hero. Tom is a hero to Mary. Proč potřebuješ ty peníze? Why do you need this money? Why do you need the money? Mám pár návrhů. I've got some suggestions. I have some suggestions. Polovina z nich je Tomova. Half of these are Tom's. Half of them are Tom's. Pozor na kapesní zloděje. Beware of pickpockets. Watch out for the pocket thief. To je ta dvojice, která mi ukázala cestu. This is the couple who showed me the way. That's the couple who showed me the way. Vypadají překvapeně. They seem surprised. They look surprised. Dokázali jsme nemožné. We've done the impossible. We did the impossible. Marnotratný syn se vrátil domů. The prodigal son returned home. The prodigal son has returned home. Je krásná. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. Mary se líbí vejce. Mary likes nuts. Mary likes eggs. Už jsem to udělal. I did it already. I already did. Tom řekl, že v bytě žádná zvířata nestrpí. Tom said that he would not tolerate any animals in his flat. Tom said there were no animals in the apartment. Narodil jsem se 1988 v Yorku. I was born in 1988 in York. I was born 1988 in York. Budova je vysoká sedm pater. The building is seven stories high. The building is seven floors high. Zima trvala tři týdny. The cold lasted three weeks. The winter lasted three weeks. Nemusíte tak pospíchat. You don't need to go in such a hurry. You don't have to be in such a hurry. Řeknu Tomovi, aby se s tebou zkontaktoval. I'll tell Tom to contact you. I'll have Tom contact you. Tom odjel minulé pondělí. Tom left last Monday. Tom left last Monday. Už je to skoro za námi. It's almost over. It's almost over. Kdy má Tom večerku? What time is Tom's curfew? When's Tom's curfew? I když budík zazvonil, nevzbudil jsem se. Even though the alarm clock went off, I didn't wake up. Even when the alarm rang, I didn't wake up. Do jámy, která nebyla řádně zajištěná, spadlo malé dítě. A small child fell into a pit that wasn't properly secured. A small child fell into a pit that wasn't properly secured. Jseš šprt. You are a nerd. You're a nerd. Sam v osmnácti vstoupil do armády. Sam joined the army when he was eighteen. Sam joined the army at 18. Raději bych použil k otevření té bedny páčidlo, nežli kladivo. I'd rather use a crowbar than a hammer to open this crate. I'd rather use a crowbar than a hammer to open that crate. Jsou zahrnuta nějaká jídla? Are any meals included? Are there any foods involved? Brusel je hlavní město Belgie. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Tom se omluvil za to, že neudělal, co měl udělat. Tom apologized for not doing what he was supposed to do. Tom apologized for not doing what he was supposed to do. Chtěl bych slyšet tvůj upřímný názor. I would like to hear your honest opinion. I'd like to hear your honest opinion. Tom to celou dobu věděl. Tom knew that all along. Tom knew all along. Dítě plakalo celou noc. The child cried all night long. The baby cried all night. Tento stroj je teď zastaralý. This machine is now out of date. This machine is outdated now. Bojíte se mlčení? Are you afraid of silence? Are you afraid of silence? Neměli jsme žádné problémy. We haven't had any problems. We didn't have any problems. Země je pokrytá sněhem. The ground is covered with snow. The Earth is covered in snow. Půjčil mi 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. Podej mu ruku! Shake hands with him. Give him your hand! Tom mi poklepal na rameno. Tom tapped me on the shoulder. Tom tapped my shoulder. Nezačínáš mít hlad? Aren't you getting hungry? Aren't you getting hungry? Suché dříví hoří rychle. Dry wood burns quickly. Dry wood burns fast. Tom se včera večer nekoupal. Tom didn't take a bath last night. Tom didn't take a bath last night. Umíš používat počítač? Can you use a computer? Can you use a computer? Už vím, co se stalo. I already know what happened. I know what happened. Tom napsal tři knihy. Tom has written three books. Tom wrote three books. Mnoho básníků ztotožňuje smrt se spánkem. Many poets equate death with sleep. Many poets identify death with sleep. O tom se mu ani nesnilo. He didn't even dream about that. He didn't even dream of it. V Maďarsku se mluví maďarsky. In Hungary they speak Hungarian. Hungarian is spoken in Hungary. Má ráda fotbal. He likes soccer. She likes football. Nechystáš se Toma doopravdy zabít, že? You aren't really going to kill Tom, are you? You're not really going to kill Tom, are you? Nevím, jak se to stalo. I don't know how it happened. I don't know how it happened. Už tě nechci nikdy znovu vidět. I don't ever want to see you again. I never want to see you again. Nemyslím si, že přijde. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. Může v chemii dusík vytvořit jednoduchou vazbu? In chemistry, can nitrogen form a single bond? Can nitrogen create a simple bond in chemistry? Dal jsem mu knihu. I gave him a book. I gave him a book. Uniklo mi něco zajímavého? Did I miss something interesting? Did I miss anything interesting? Vím, že byl Tom tvým přítelem. I know Tom was a friend of yours. I know Tom was your friend. Tom má ještě jednu dceru, která žije v Bostonu. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. Jakou barvu mají ti ptáci? What color are the birds? What color are the birds? Co tím chceš říct, Tome? What do you mean, Tom? What do you mean, Tom? Co má to, co se stalo včera večer, co dělat s tím, co se děje dnes? What does what happened last night have to do with what's happening today? What does what happened last night have to do with what's happening tonight? Oni si to zaslouží. They deserve it. They deserve it. Mohu pro tebe něco udělat? Can I do anything for you? Is there anything I can do for you? Chybí ti tvoje žena? Do you miss your wife? Do you miss your wife? Právě sem přijel. He has arrived here now. He just got here. Co udělal, bylo proti lidskosti. What he did was against humanity. What he did was against humanity. Vypadáš jako policista. You look like a cop. You look like a cop. Pochybuji, že Tom zná telefonní číslo Mary. I doubt that Tom knows Mary's phone number. I doubt Tom knows Mary's phone number. Musel jsem odejít. I had to go. I had to leave. Na co potřebuješ děcko? Jen jí, sere, zvrací a pláče. What do you need a baby for? It just eats, shits, vomits, and cries. What do you need a kid for? Tom bude nejspíš slavný. Tom is probably going to be famous. Tom's probably gonna be famous. Jela na velbloudu. She rode a camel. She was riding a camel. Chceš, abych zavolal záchranku? Do you want me to call an ambulance? You want me to call an ambulance? Tom nevypadá jako jeho matka. Tom doesn't look like his mother. Tom doesn't look like his mother. Ten kluk je stydlivý a moc nemluví. The boy is bashful and doesn't talk much. The kid's shy and he doesn't talk much. Nemám ji rád. I don't like her. I don't like her. Tom neví, že je do něj Mary zamilovaná. Tom doesn't know that Mary is in love with him. Tom doesn't know Mary's in love with him. Neříkej Tomovi nic o tom, co se stalo. Don't say anything to Tom about what happened. Don't tell Tom anything about what happened. Beru si odpoledne volno. I'm taking the afternoon off. I'm taking the afternoon off. Sami se nerad hádá. Sami doesn't like fighting. He doesn't like to argue on his own. Tom zasáhl. Tom intervened. Tom intervened. Dáváš si vždycky k snídani kafe? Do you always have coffee with your breakfast? Do you always have coffee for breakfast? Kdo, já? Who? Me? Who, me? Udělejte něco! Do something! Do something! Nemá brýle. He hasn't got glasses. He doesn't have glasses. Prdět ve výtahu je nevhodné na tolika úrovních. Farting in an elevator is wrong on so many levels. Farting in an elevator is inappropriate on so many levels. Tom jde domů. Tom is going home. Tom's going home. Říkal jsem ti, že to nemáš dělat. I told you that you weren't supposed to do it. I told you not to do that. Je to stará Irská tradice. It's an old Irish tradition. It's an old Irish tradition. Musím odporovat. I must resist. I have to resist. Máte drobné za tuhle bankovku? Do you have change for this bill? Do you have change for this bill? To dítě ji otravovalo spoustou otázek. The child annoyed her with questions. The kid was bothering her with a lot of questions. Prohlédl si dům. He looked around the house. He looked at the house. Francouzština je těžký jazyk. French is a difficult language. French is a tough language. Dnes ráno jsem vstal v šest hodin. I got up at six this morning. I got up at 6:00 this morning. Očividně tady nebydlíš. You obviously don't live here. You obviously don't live here. Kdy odjeli tvoji přátelé do Ameriky? When did your friend leave for America? When did your friends leave for America? Přestaň s tím! Stop that! Stop it! Já bych to snad mohl zvládnout. Perhaps I could handle that. I think I can handle it. Tom napodoboval štěkot. Tom imitated barking. Tom was mimicking the bark. Říkal jsem ti, že je to nebezpečné. I told you it was dangerous. I told you it was dangerous. Proč nešel Tom s vámi? Why didn't Tom go with you? Why didn't Tom go with you? Nechal jsem Toma mluvit. I let Tom talk. I let Tom talk. Ztratili jste se? Are you people lost? Are you lost? Jaká je ona dáma, takový on je pán. As she is a lady, so he is a gentleman. As she is a lady, as he is a master. Máme obrázky. We have pictures. We have pictures. Kolik stojí tyto hodiny? How much is this clock? How much is this clock? Nejhorší nepřítel a nejlepší přítel člověka je další člověk. The worst enemy and the best friend of a man is another man. The worst enemy and the best friend of man is another man. Nenašli ji. They didn't find her. They didn't find her. Nejsou tohle tvoje knihy? Aren't these your books? Aren't these your books? Pracujeme spolu. We're working together. We work together. Moje přítelkyně pláče. My girlfriend is crying. My girlfriend's crying. Vypadla mi plomba. I've lost a filling. I dropped the seal. Mají nás za blázny. They're taking us for fools. They think we're crazy. Obchody jsou otevřeny od pondělí do soboty. Shops are open from Monday to Saturday. The shops are open from Monday to Saturday. Žádné řešení neexistuje. There is no solution. There is no solution. Jakou knihu jsi koupil? What sort of book did you buy? What book did you buy? Nepláču. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. Býval jsem učitelem francouzštiny. I used to be a French teacher. I used to be a French teacher. Studujete rádi? Do you like studying? Do you like to study? Nevím, co máte na mysli. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Nejsi jediný, kdo to musí dělat. You're not the only one who has to do that. You're not the only one who has to do this. Venkovský vzduch ti prospěje. The country air will do you good. The country air will do you good. Tom se z toho dostane. Tom will get over it. Tom's gonna be okay. Tom pozdravil Mary ve francouzštině. Tom greeted Mary in French. Tom said hello to Mary in French. Potkal jsem ho ještě jednou. I met with him again. I met him again. Tomovi se podařilo zachránit Mary. Tom managed to save Mary. Tom managed to save Mary. Pracovala jsi v Německu? Did you work in Germany? Did you work in Germany? Nevím, kolik to ještě zabere času. I don't know how much more time it'll take. I don't know how much more time it takes. Maso je drahé. Meat is expensive. Meat is expensive. Lidé jí říkají Yotchan. People call her Yotchan. People call her Yotchan. Sakra... Tohle bude hodně dlouhý týden... Damn... This is going to be a very long week... Shit... this is gonna be a very long week... Nerad brzo vstávám. I hate getting up early. I don't like to get up early. Při obědě jsme se ládovali pizzou a kuřetem. We pigged out on pizza and chicken at lunchtime. We were eating pizza and chicken at lunch. Setkání už začalo. The meeting has already begun. The meeting has begun. Nevěř Tomovi. Don't trust Tom. Don't trust Tom. Tom se přiznal. Tom confessed. Tom confessed. Jediné, v čem bude Mary Tomovi chybět, je postel. The only thing that Tom will miss about Mary is the bed. All Mary Tom's gonna miss is the bed. Kde je táta? Where is Father? Where's Dad? Jsem svobodný člověk. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Já jsem tomu taky nerozumněla. I didn't understand that either. I didn't understand it either. Odložili jsme svou svatbu na říjen. We've postponed our wedding until October. We postponed our wedding to October. Proč jsi se nezeptal? Why didn't you ask? Why didn't you ask? Tom neví, že bude zatčen. Tom doesn't know he's going to be arrested. Tom doesn't know he's gonna be arrested. Má psa a šest koček. She has a dog and six cats. He's got a dog and six cats. Nebudeš věřit, kdo se dnes stavil. You won't believe who came by today. You're not gonna believe who stopped by today. Viděl jsem ji před týdnem. I saw her a week ago. I saw her a week ago. Potěžkal ten kámen v ruce. He weighed the stone in his hand. He grabbed the rock in his hand. Vím, že máš přítele. I know you have a boyfriend. I know you have a boyfriend. Moje matka si čte časopis. My mother is reading a magazine. My mother's reading a magazine. Udělals, cos musel. You've done what you needed to do. You did what you had to do. Ztratil jsem své brýle. I've lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. To jsou zvířata. These are animals. They're animals. Odkud jsi? Where are you from? Where are you from? Co mají Tom s Mary za problém? What kind of trouble are Tom and Mary in? What's their problem with Tom and Mary? Nezapomeň, že Tom je slepý. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Don't forget Tom's blind. Slyší mě někdo? Can anyone hear me? Can anybody hear me? V šachách se může udělat rošáda jen když se s králem a zvolenou věží ještě nehýbalo, všechna pole mezi nimi jsou volná a neovládaná žádnou figurou protihráče, král není v šachu a rošádou se nedostane do šachu. In chess, castling may only be carried out when both the king and the involved rook have not been moved, all the squares between them are free and not dominated by any opposing piece and the king is not in check and would not be put in check by castling. In chess can be made only when the king and the chosen tower have not yet moved, all the fields between them are free and not controlled by any opponent figure, the king is not in chess and the gown will not get into chess. Věčnost je přítomný okamžik. Eternity is the present moment. Eternity is the present moment. Dnes jsme psali test z matematiky. We had an examination in mathematics today. We took a math test today. Tom málem ztratil práci. Tom almost lost his job. Tom almost lost his job. Jak by jsi mě mohla takhle zradit potom všem, čím jsme si prošli? How could you betray me like this, after all we've been through? How could you betray me like that after everything we've been through? Vypadá jako její teta. She looks like her aunt. She looks like her aunt. Je tady změna plánu. There's been change of plan. There's been a change of plans. Tom právě snídá. Tom is eating breakfast right now. Tom's just having breakfast. Jaký druh čokolády máte nejraději? What's your favorite kind of chocolate? What kind of chocolate do you like best? Dnes je hezky. It's fine today. It's a nice day. Marie nezpívá moc dobře. Mary doesn't sing very well. Marie doesn't sing very well. Ještě to nikdo nedostal. No one has gotten it yet. No one's got it yet. On má vlastní dům. He has a house of his own. He's got his own house. Také mě tam pozvali. I've been invited there, too. I was invited there, too. Hlavní město Polska je Varšava. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Nemůžu si na to zvyknout. I can't get used to it. I can't get used to it. Jak's odpověděl? How did you reply? How did you answer? Profesor učí český jazyk. A professor is teaching Czech. The professor teaches Czech language. Hlavním městem Norska je Oslo. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. The capital of Norway is Oslo. Špatně jsme odbočili a ztratili se. We made a wrong turn and got lost. We took a wrong turn and got lost. Jsi opravdu nudná. You're really boring. You're really boring. I když to Tom podrobně vysvětlil, já si stejně nejsem jistý, že tomu opravdu rozumím. Even though Tom explained it in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand it. Even though Tom explained it in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand. Mně se líbíš. I like you. I like you. Vidíš všechno černě. You see everything in black colours. You see everything black. Mami, mám hlad. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Zdá se, že dneska budu vzhůru celou noc. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. Looks like I'm gonna be up all night tonight. Jak se to tu ocitlo? How did that get in here? How did this get here? Tom vytvořil hokejový tým. Tom made the hockey team. Tom created a hockey team. Promiň moji nemotornost. Excuse my clumsiness. Sorry about my clumsyness. Přišel se na mě podívat. He came to see me. He came to see me. Soudce mu udělil pokutu pět dolarů. The judge fined him five dollars. The judge fined him five dollars. Kdysi jsem bydlel s Tomem. I used to live with Tom. I used to live with Tom. Nebuď tak povýšený. Don't be so condescending. Don't be so condescending. Tome, chci, aby sis poslechl tohle. Tom, I want you to listen to this. Tom, I want you to listen to this. Copak ta loď nejede rychleji? Can't this boat go any faster? Doesn't that ship go any faster? To není kočka. To je pes. That's not a cat. That's a dog. It's not a cat, it's a dog. Tom si bez dovolení vypůjčil služební auto. Tom has borrowed a company car without permission. Tom borrowed a service car without permission. Přísahám, že já to nebyl. I swear it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me. Jeden, dva, tři, čtyři, pět, šest, sedm, osm, devět, deset. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Právě jsem se chystal Toma postrašit. I was just going to scare Tom. I was just about to scare Tom. Je kurevské vedro. It's fucking hot. It's fucking hot. Mohu se nyní přihlásit? Can I check in now? Can I sign up now? Počkej na mě, prosím, na nádraží. Please wait for me at the station. Please wait for me at the station. Jsem připraven pracovat. I'm ready to work. I'm ready to work. Hnusíš se mi. You disgust me. You disgust me. Řekli ano. They said yes. They said yes. Na zdi seděla tlustá bílá kočka a pozorovala je ospalýma očima. A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes. A fat white cat sat on the wall and watched them sleepy with her eyes. Nechci být ponechán v úplné samotě. I just don't want to be left completely alone. I don't want to be left alone. Opravdu tě stále miluju, Mary, i když stárneš. I do still love you, Mary, even if you are getting old. I really still love you, Mary, even when you're getting old. Kolik pokojů má jejich byt? How many rooms does their apartment have? How many rooms does their apartment have? Dnes studovat nechci. I don't want to study today. I don't want to study today. Můžeš nám ukázat dům? Can you show us the house? Can you show us the house? Nemám z tebe strach, Tome. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. Jeden z mých přátel tě zná. One of my friends knows you. One of my friends knows you. Ty jsi kdysi kouřil, že? You used to smoke, didn't you? You used to smoke, didn't you? Je mi z tebe zle. You make me sick. You make me sick. Běž na druhou stranu. Go to the other side. Go to the other side. Tom nám zítra pomáhat nebude. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Už jsi to četl? Have you read this yet? Have you read it yet? Jsem smutná. I'm sad. I'm sad. Život je hádanka a láska je odpověď. Life is a riddle and love is the answer. Life is a riddle, and love is an answer. Doufám, že se na mě nezlobíte. I hope you're not mad at me. I hope you're not mad at me. To zní jako zábava. That sounds fun. Sounds like fun. Na to je Tom zvyklý. Tom is used to that. Tom's used to that. Pracuju tak rychle, jak to jde, I'm working as quickly as possible. I work as fast as I can, Cítím to stejně, jako ty. I feel the same way you do. I feel the same way you do. Nebuď nedočkavý! Don't be impatient! Don't be eager! Psychologie je nauka o mysli. Psychology is the science of the mind. Psychology is the teaching of the mind. Co jsi dělal včera večer? What did you do last night? What were you doing last night? Zaparkoval jsem na ulici před tvým domem. I parked on the street in front of your house. I parked in the street outside your house. Byl jsem požádán vám předat zprávu. I've been asked to give you a message. I've been asked to give you a message. Vypadá to zajímavě. It seems very interesting. Looks interesting. Tom vaří večeři. Tom is preparing supper. Tom's cooking dinner. Tato budova byla určena k demolici. This building has been condemned. This building was designed for demolition. Nebyla zima. It wasn't cold. It wasn't cold. Mohlo by se to změnit? Could that change? Could that change? Zítra máme zavřeno. We're closed tomorrow. We're closed tomorrow. Řeknu ti o tom všechno. I'll tell you everything about it. I'll tell you all about it. Co sis myslel o filmu? What did you think of the movie? What did you think of the movie? To s tebou nemá co dělat. That has nothing to do with you. That has nothing to do with you. Existuje mnoho lidí, kteří o tom nemají ani tušení. There are lots of people who don't have any idea about that. There are many people who have no idea. Nemám to srdce o tom Tomovi říct. I didn't have the heart to tell Tom about that. I don't have the heart to tell Tom about this. Nedáš si ještě jednu sklenici mléka? Won't you have another glass of milk? Would you like another glass of milk? Tom je na to zvyklý. Tom is used to it. Tom's used to it. Jsem si jistý úspěchem. I am sure of success. I'm sure it's a success. Tom miluje koně. Tom loves horses. Tom loves horses. Opravdu to děláš? Do you really do that? Are you really doing this? Co byste udělali, kdybyste byli na mém místě? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were me? Také jste noví? Are you new, too? Are you new too? Raději bych zůstal tady. I'd rather stay here. I'd rather stay here. Ptáci se obvykle probouzejí časně ráno. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Život je jako velká dálnice. Life is like a big highway. Life is like a big highway. Lituji, že jsem ti to řekl. I regret that I told you. I'm sorry I told you. Česal jsem si vlasy. I combed my hair. I was combing my hair. Pojďme obchodovat. Let's do business. Let's do business. Ucházela jsi se o práci v této firmě? Did you apply for a job in this company? Did you apply for a job at this firm? Onen muž si to rozdával s nafukovací pannou. The man was banging a blow-up doll. The man was fucking an inflatable virgin. Tom byl napaden vlkem. Tom was attacked by a wolf. Tom was attacked by a wolf. Kde jsi byl? Where've you been? Where have you been? Tom je hrozně nenadaný. Tom is extremely untalented. Tom is so talented. Mám lepší nápad. I've got a better idea. I have a better idea. Les se hemží opicemi. The forest is teeming with monkeys. The forest is crawling with monkeys. Co se to s tebou děje? Ty tomu člověku věříš? What's happening to you? Do you trust that person? What's the matter with you? Zdráhal jsem se opustit jeho hrob. I hesitated to leave his grave. I was reluctant to leave his grave. Myslíš, že mám pro tu práci kvalifikaci? Do you think I'm qualified for that job? You think I'm qualified for this job? Mám rád jaro. I like spring. I like spring. Ta kniha se mi nelíbí. I don't like the book. I don't like this book. Zůstaneme tady. We're staying here. We'll stay here. Jsem si jist, že Mary je těžce nemocná. I'm sure Mary is gravely ill. I'm sure Mary is very ill. Koupila klukovi hračku. She bought a toy for the boy. She bought a kid a toy. Marně se pokoušel přestat kouřit. He tried in vain to quit smoking. He tried to quit smoking in vain. Je to tak jednoduché. It's so simple. It's that simple. Tony neznal jejich jména. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know their names. Tamhle je tvá brašna. There is your bag. There's your bag. Zkušenost přináší moudrost. Experience brings wisdom. Experience brings wisdom. Tom zmáčknul skrytý knoflík. Tom pressed a hidden button. Tom pressed the hidden button. Jestli to uděláš ještě jednou, dostaneš okamžitě padáka. If you do it once more, you will be sacked immediately. If you do that again, you'll be fired immediately. Bez tebe bych to udělat nemohl. Děkuji. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you. Oslepl. He went blind. He's gone blind. Kdy začínají vánoční svátky? When do the Christmas holidays begin? When does Christmas start? Tom mi kdysi radil. Tom used to give me advice. Tom gave me advice once. Zelená ti sekne. Green suits you. You look good in green. Viděla ho rozbít to okno. She saw him break the window. She saw him break the window. Připrav se na to, že budeš příjemně překvapen. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised. Tom pravděpodobně do Bostonu nepojede. Tom won't likely go to Boston. Tom's probably not going to Boston. Myslím, že jste udělali správnou věc. I think you did the right thing. I think you did the right thing. Tom vyzvednul kanystr benzínu a dal se do chůze zpět ke svému automobilu. Tom picked up the can of gasoline and started walking back to his car. Tom picked up a gas can and walked back to his car. Tom teď žije s jeho tátou. Tom now lives with his dad. Tom's living with his dad now. Tom si stěžoval, že musel stát ve frontě. Tom complained about having to stand in line. Tom complained that he had to stand in line. To je výborná zpráva. That's excellent news. That's excellent news. Tom nemohl přesvědčit Mary, aby zůstala. Tom couldn't persuade Mary to stay. Tom couldn't convince Mary to stay. Myslel jsem, že by ta možnost byla. I thought it might be a possibility. I thought that would be an option. Tom tu včera nebyl. Tom wasn't here yesterday. Tom wasn't here yesterday. V mém obývacím pokoji jsou velká okna. My living room has wide windows. There are big windows in my living room. Nikoho to nezajímá. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Těšili jsme se na večírek. We looked forward to the party. We were looking forward to the party. Vzbuďte se! Wake up! Wake up! Kéž bych tam teď s tebou mohl být. I wish I could be there with you now. I wish I could be there with you right now. Moje sestra má pěkné piáno. My sister has a nice piano. My sister has a nice piano. Katoličtí kněží praktikují celibát. Catholic priests practice celibacy. Catholic priests practice celibacy. Na tom tak nezáleží. It doesn't matter so much. It doesn't matter. Nebuď hnusný. Don't be disgusting. Don't be ugly. Tom ví. Tom knows. Tom knows. Mám dvě dcery a dva syny. I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two sons. Oni ví, kdo jsme. They know who we are. They know who we are. "Nevím," řekl Tony. "I don't know," said Tony. "I don't know," said Tony. Poprosila ho o peníze na nové šaty. She asked him for some money to buy a new dress. She asked him for money for a new dress. Toto je poprvé, co jsem si kdy zdřímnul ve třídě. This is the first time I've ever had a nap in the classroom. This is the first time I've ever had a nap in class. Tom se na Mary usmál, když vešla dovnitř. Tom smiled at Mary when she walked in. Tom smiled at Mary when she walked in. Mluvíte anglicky? Can you speak English? Do you speak English? Nejsi jediná, kdo se bojí výšek. You're not the only one who's afraid of heights. You're not the only one afraid of heights. Zůstaňte tady na moment. Stay there for a moment. Stay here for a moment. To se nesmí dovolit. That can't be allowed. That can't be allowed. Jsem rád, že tu možná budeš. I'm glad you could be here. I'm glad you might be here. Pracoval bys za minimální mzdu? Would you work for minimum wage? Would you work for minimum wage? Je to můj bývalý student. He's a former student of mine. He's my former student. Nestěžuj si. Don't complain. Don't complain. Mám rád kočky. I like cats. I like cats. Měl by ses předem poradit s advokátem. You'd better consult an attorney beforehand. You should consult a lawyer in advance. Myslel jsem, že asi chodíš s Tomem. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. I thought you were probably dating Tom. Ten modrý batoh je těžký. This blue backpack is heavy. The blue bag is heavy. Tom mi řekl, že to dá do pořádku. Tom told me he would sort it out. Tom told me he was gonna fix it. Bydlíval jsem tu poblíž. I used to live near here. I used to live around here. Tom vždycky navaří o víkendu. Tom does all the cooking on weekends. Tom always cooks on the weekend. Já myslím, že vypadáš sexy. I think you look hot. I think you look hot. Po škole se sejdu s přítelem. I'm meeting a friend after school. I'm meeting a friend after school. Jsem tlustá. I'm fat. I'm fat. Mám rád hry. I like games. I like games. Účet, prosím. The bill, please. Check, please. Vždycky jsem věděl, že se to jednou stane. I've always known this would happen someday. I always knew it would happen someday. Nevěděl jsem, že to nemáme dělat. I didn't know that we weren't supposed to do that. I didn't know we weren't supposed to do that. Museli jsme zastavit. We had to stop. We had to stop. Jak dlouho to potrvá? How long is that going to take? How long will it take? Vím, s kým chceš mluvit. I know who you want to talk to. I know who you want to talk to. Tom nechtěl zklamat svého otce. Tom didn't want to disappoint his father. Tom didn't want to disappoint his father. Měl bys být šťastný. You ought to be happy. You should be happy. Bohužel jsem moc nerozuměla, co chce říct. Unfortunately, I didn't quite understand what she wanted to say. Unfortunately, I didn't really understand what he was saying. Zapomněl jsem požádat o účtenku. I forgot to ask for a receipt. I forgot to ask for a receipt. Kde je strom? Where is the tree? Where's the tree? Tom se zasmál a zavrtěl hlavou. Tom laughed and shook his head. Tom laughed and shook his head. Kreativní osobnost se na tohle může vykašlat. The creative personality can give two shits about rules. Creative personality can give up on this. Co nám udělal? What has he done to us? What did he do to us? Mluvím velmi dobře dánsky, italsky a portugalsky. I speak Danish, Italian, Portuguese very well. I speak very well Danish, Italian and Portuguese. Znáte význam tohoto slova? Do you know the meaning of this word? Do you know the meaning of this word? Největší a nejvíce zalidněné centrum Anglie je Londýn. The biggest, densest population center in England is London. The largest and most populated center of England is London. Jsme zvyklí nosit boty. We are used to wearing shoes. We're used to wearing shoes. Na pravé oko nic nevidím. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything in my right eye. Jsem elektrikář. I am an electrician. I'm an electrician. Tento druh zábavy mě neláká. This kind of amusement has no attraction for me. I'm not attracted to this kind of fun. Souhlasím. I agree. I agree. Jestli chceš jít rychle, jdi sám; ale pokud chceš jít daleko, pojďme spolu. If you want to go fast, walk alone; but if you want to go far, let's walk together. If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, let's go together. Všichni by byli šťastni, kdyby Tom odešel a už se nevrátil. Everyone would be happy if Tom left and never came back. Everyone would be happy if Tom left and never came back. Chci se s ní pomilovat. I want to have sex with her. I want to make love to her. Můžu zapnout televizi? Can I turn on the TV? Can I turn on the TV? Lépe pozdě než nikdy. Better late than never. Better late than never. Pamatuji si její tvář, ale ne její jméno. I remember her face, but I don't remember her name. I remember her face, but not her name. Chvatně si sbalil svá zavazadla. He hastily packed his bags. He packed his bags in a hurry. Vstup byl zdarma. Admission was free. The entrance was free. Čti knihu! Read a book! Read the book! Chcete opravdu zůstat věčně mladá? Do you really want to stay young forever? Do you really want to stay young forever? Cítím se osaměle, když tu nejsi. I feel lonely when you're not here. I feel lonely when you're not here. Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought that would work. I thought it would work. Jsem tady nejbohatší. I'm the richest one here. I'm the richest here. Ještě nevím, co musím udělat. I don't yet know what I have to do. I don't know what I have to do yet. Zabila se požitím jedu. She killed herself by taking poison. She killed herself by ingesting poison. Tady jsme viděli Toma vloni. That's where we saw Tom last year. This is where we saw Tom last year. Líbí se mi oba. I like both. I like them both. Jen ji chci držet za ruku. I just want to hold her hand. I just want to hold her hand. Tom nemůže být o mnoho starší než já. Tom can't be much older than I am. Tom can't be much older than me. Mým koníčkem je výroba modelů letadel. My hobby is making model planes. My hobby is making aircraft models. Zasvětila svůj život hudbě. She devoted her life to music. She devoted her life to music. Tom ví, že to moc dobře neumím. Tom knows I can't do that very well. Tom knows I'm not very good at this. Jste workoholik. You are a workaholic. You're a workaholic. Nikdy Tomovi nevěř. Never trust Tom. Never trust Tom. Tom snědl kus chleba s česnekem. Tom ate a piece of garlic bread. Tom ate a piece of bread and garlic. Zavolej mi, až se vrátíš. Give me a telephone call when you get back. Call me when you get back. On má dva psy. He has two dogs. He's got two dogs. Můj otec se v koupelně holí. My father is shaving in the bathroom. My father shaves in the bathroom. Podej mi sůl. Pass me the salt. Pass me the salt. Bydlíte blízko Toma? Do you live near Tom? Do you live near Tom? Sedni si na chvilku. Sit down for a second. Sit down for a second. Tom má rád koně. Tom liked horses. Tom likes horses. Přesně tak mi bylo. I was just like that. That's exactly how I felt. Je Tom připraven k odchodu? Is Tom ready to go? Is Tom ready to go? Odpověz na mou otázku. Answer my question. Answer my question. Tom možná říká pravdu. Maybe Tom is telling the truth. Maybe Tom's telling the truth. Přestaň na mě hulákat. Stop yelling at me. Stop yelling at me. Nemám rád velké psy. I don't like big dogs. I don't like big dogs. Pro koho pracuje? Who does he work for? Who's he working for? Tom rozbil okno. Tom broke the window. Tom broke the window. To auto není čisté, ale špinavé. The car isn't clean but dirty. The car's not clean, it's dirty. Nechtěl jsem ti ublížit. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Rozhodně to vypadá jako déšť. It certainly looks like rain. It certainly looks like rain. Slyšels o Tomovi? Have you heard about Tom? Did you hear about Tom? Pojď vystoupit z autobusu. Let's get off the bus. Let's get off the bus. Tobě se líbí koule. You like balls. You like balls. Moje velká sestra si myje hlavu každé ráno. My big sister washes her hair every morning. My big sister washes her head every morning. Počkej tady, dokud se nevrátím. Wait here till I come back. Wait here until I get back. Viděl jsem ji v divadle. I saw her in the theatre. I saw her at the theater. Stále spolu komunikují. They still communicate with each other. They're still communicating. Tom je sám. Tom's alone. Tom's alone. Je tvůj? Is it yours? Is it yours? Všechny nudí. He bores everybody. They're all bored. Čeho se tak bojíš? What are you so afraid of? What are you so afraid of? Říkal jsi mi, abych to nikomu neříkal. You told me not to tell anybody. You told me not to tell anyone. Neváhej klást otázky, nerozumíš-li. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand. Don't hesitate to ask questions, if you don't understand. Čekají nás horké letní dny. We are in for hot sunny days. We've got hot summer days ahead of us. Sotva jsem stihnul. I barely made it on time. I barely made it. Na pláži se našla roztomilá želva. A cute little turtle was found on the beach. There was a cute turtle on the beach. Čaroděj se vrátil. The wizard has returned. The Wizard has returned. Tom začal hulákat. Tom started yelling. Tom started yelling. Co jsi koupil? What did you buy? What did you buy? Jen velmi málo tlustých lidí má dlouhé nosy. Very few fat men have long noses. Very few fat people have long noses. Musí to být Tom? Does it have to be Tom? Does it have to be Tom? Mám radši bílé víno než červené. I like white wine better than red wine. I prefer white wine to red wine. Jste v lepším stavu než já. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. Chci jet domů a vidět se s manželkou. I want to go home to see my wife. I want to go home and see my wife. Máš tužku? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pen? Vida, že nejsi překvapen, domnívám se, že jsi musel vědět. Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known. Well, you're not surprised, I think you must have known. Matička Země. Mother Earth. Mother Earth. Mám něco, na co by ses měl podívat. I have something you should look at. I have something you should look at. To je ten chlapec. This is the boy. That's the boy. Potřebuji vaši pomoc. I need your help. I need your help. Studily mě nohy. My feet get cold. My feet were cold. Mary bývala kadeřnicí. Mary used to be a hairdresser. Mary used to be a hairdresser. Tom se může vrátit až zítra. Tom doesn't have to be back until tomorrow. Tom can't come back until tomorrow. Cena stoupla. The price rose. The price went up. Tom a Mary jsou oba velmi nadšeni. Tom and Mary are both very excited. Tom and Mary are both very excited. Tom je v koupelně. Tom is in the bathroom. Tom's in the bathroom. Neznáme ho. We don't know him. We don't know him. On je můj spolužák. He is my classmate. He's my classmate. Znáš rozdíl mezi stříbrem a cínem? Do you know the difference between silver and tin? Do you know the difference between silver and tin? Ta televize nefunguje. The television doesn't work. The TV doesn't work. Prosím, napište to. Please write it down. Please write it down. Mary je velmi zaneprázdněná žena. Mary is a very busy woman. Mary is a very busy woman. Slyšel jsem nahoře nějaký hluk. I heard a noise upstairs. I heard some noise upstairs. Jsem proti. I oppose it. I'm against it. Nemám žízeň. I am not thirsty. I'm not thirsty. Jsem student z Itálie. I'm a student from Italy. I'm a student from Italy. Jméno Edwin mi nic neříká. The name Edwin doesn't ring a bell. The name Edwin doesn't ring a bell. Přemýšleli jste o tom, ve kterém ročním období se chcete vzít? Have you thought about what time of year you want to get married? Have you thought about what time of year you want to get married? Tom býval šeredný. Tom used to be ugly. Tom used to be ugly. Roztáhl jsem deštník. I put up my umbrella. I've spread the umbrella. Hoši mají žízeň. The boys are thirsty. The boys are thirsty. Kde je prezident? Where's the president? Where's the president? Skryl své emoce a předstíral nadšení. He hid his emotions and pretended enthusiasm. He hid his emotions and faked enthusiasm. Půjdete rovně, pak druhou ulicí doleva a hned zase doprava. To bude Karlova ulice a pak půjdete pořád rovně přes Karlův most do Mostecké ulice a na Malostranské náměstí. Go straight, then take the second street to the left and turn immediately again to the right. That will be Karlova Street and then you should keep going straight across Charles Bridge to Mostecka Street and on to Malostranské Square. You will go straight, then take the second street to the left and then turn right. That will be Karlova Street and then you will always go straight across the Charles Bridge to Mostecká Street and Malostranska Square. Volala tě Mary. Mary called you. Mary called for you. Není to romantické? Isn't that romantic? Isn't that romantic? Tom měl těžké dětství. Tom had a hard childhood. Tom had a tough childhood. Měla jsem velký strach z hadů. I was very scared of snakes. I was very afraid of snakes. Usmívala se. She smiled. She was smiling. Tom chtěl vědět, jaké má Mary příjmení. Tom wanted to know what Mary's last name was. Tom wanted to know Mary's last name. Mohl bych se vrátit později. I could come back later. I could come back later. Určitě jsem udělal chybu. I must have made a mistake. I'm sure I made a mistake. Jel jsem kempovat s mojí rodinou. I went camping with my family. I went camping with my family. Lije jako z konve. It is raining cats and dogs. It's pouring out of the water. Objevilo se stádo jaků. A herd of yaks came into view. A herd of yaks showed up. Nemělas jim říkat. You shouldn't have told them. You shouldn't have called them. Něco Toma obtěžuje. Something's bothering Tom. Something's bothering Tom. Můžeš zůstat v pokoji. You can stay in a room. You can stay in your room. Jeho příběh mě velmi dojal. I was very moved by his story. I was very moved by his story. V šestém století Anglosasové přejali latinské písmo. In the 6th century, the Anglo-Saxons adopted Roman characters. In the sixth century, the Anglo-Saxons took over Latin. Mám pár přátel, kteří umí dobře anglicky. I have several friends who speak English well. I have some friends who speak English well. Prší? Is it raining? Is it raining? Jeden způsob existuje. There is one way. There is one way. Tom dál hulákal. Tom continued yelling. Tom kept yelling. Kolik stálo to pivo? How much did that beer cost? How much did that beer cost? Tom nemohl vidět nic. Tom couldn't see anything. Tom couldn't see anything. Je škoda, že jsi nemohl přijít. It's a pity you couldn't come. It's a shame you couldn't come. Ona si mě možná nepamatuje, ale já ji ano. She may not remember me, but I do remember her. She may not remember me, but I do. Chtěla jsem být novinářkou. I wanted to be a journalist. I wanted to be a journalist. Ztloustnul jsi. You've gotten fat. You've gotten fat. Je zmatená. She is confused. She's confused. Máme jen jedna ústa. We have one mouth only. We only have one mouth. Čekejte v čekárně. Wait in the waiting room. Wait in the waiting room. Mary řekla, že si na nic nevzpomíná. Mary said she didn't remember anything. Mary said she didn't remember anything. Oslnilo mě jasné slunce. I was blinded by the bright sun. I was dazzled by the bright sun. Tom si stěžoval učitelce. Tom complained to the teacher. Tom complained to the teacher. Má zkušenosti? Does he have experience? Does he have experience? Nevím, zda to vůbec něco znamená. I don't know if that means anything. I don't know if that means anything. Tom má dobré auto. Tom has a nice car. Tom's got a good car. Tom je velmi přísný učitel a děti ho nemají rádi. Tom is very strict teacher and children do not like him. Tom is a very strict teacher, and the kids don't like him. Jsem z Egypta. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. Jak zajímavé! How interesting! How interesting! Máme rádi děti. We like children. We like kids. Gratulujeme. Congratulations! Congratulations. Co je příčinou takového neúspěchu? What is the cause of such a failure? What causes such failure? Myslel jsem, že má větší kozy. I thought her boobs were bigger. I thought he had bigger tits. Ještě není nic rozhodnuto. Nothing has been decided yet. Nothing's been decided yet. Oslo je hlavní město Norska. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Není ta sukně příliš krátká? Is the skirt not too short? Isn't that skirt too short? Co je v té krabici? What's in the box? What's in the box? Tom je zvonař. Tom is a bell maker. Tom's a bell man. Hezký den. Enjoy your day. Have a good day. Obsluhoval jsem v té polévkárně za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I was serving at the soup parlor around the corner. Měl dva syny, ze kterých se stali lékaři. He had two sons, who became doctors. He had two sons who became doctors. Tom napadl Mary. Tom attacked Mary. Tom attacked Mary. Nechci, aby o té akci věděl, natož aby tam šel. I don't want him to know about the event, let alone go there. I don't want him to know about the event, let alone go there. Mám rád umění. I like art. I like art. Kdy Tom snídá? When does Tom eat breakfast? When does Tom have breakfast? Má rád jazz. He likes jazz. He likes jazz. Nemusíte spěchat. You didn't need to hurry. Take your time. To je Tom. It's Tom. It's Tom. Nezapomínej, že je to žena. Don't forget that she's a woman. Don't forget it's a woman. Bruslí. He is skating. He's skating. Tom není mým synem. Tom is not my son. Tom is not my son. Kdybych si mohl vybrat, tohle bych asi nedělal. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't be doing this. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't have done that. Nečekala to. She had not been expecting this. She didn't see it coming. Doufám, že Tom má pravdu. I hope Tom's right. I hope Tom's right. Tom je několik dní pryč. Tom has been gone for a few days. Tom's been gone for days. Musel jsem je chránit. I had to protect them. I had to protect them. Tom se právě vrátil z Bostonu. Tom just got back from Boston. Tom just got back from Boston. Kuj železo, dokud je žhavé. Strike while the iron is hot. Eat iron while it's hot. Líbil se mi Tony. I liked Tony. I liked Tony. Sami se k smrti bál o Laylu. Sami was dead worried about Layla. He was worried sick about Layla himself. Je atraktivní. She is attractive. She's attractive. Ta polívka, co jsem měl, byla tak ostrá, že jsem ji nemohl jíst. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so spicy, I couldn't eat it. Nezajímá je to. They don't care. They don't care. Už jsi četl dnešní noviny? Have you read today's paper yet? Have you read today's paper? Platím já. I'm paying. I'm buying. Mary má zájem o politiku. Mary is interested in politics. Mary's interested in politics. V Tokiu vám žijí všelijací lidé. All sorts of people live in Tokyo. You have people living in Tokyo. Měl bys Tomovi dát trochu času. You should give Tom some time. You should give Tom some time. Máš velmi svůdné nohy. You have very sexy legs. You have very seductive legs. Nevzpomínám si, že bych s tím souhlasil. I don't remember agreeing to that. I don't remember agreeing to that. Nedokážu to opravit. I can't fix this. I can't fix it. Had spolkl celou krávu. The snake swallowed the whole cow. The snake swallowed the whole cow. Našlo by se plno takových, kteří ji obdivují. There are many who admire her. There would be plenty of people who admire her. Země byla stvořena Bohem. The earth was made by God. The earth was created by God. Pořád jsem na tebe naštvaná. I'm still mad at you. I'm still mad at you. Měsíc je krásný na podzim. The moon is pretty in the fall. The moon is beautiful in autumn. Nevím, jak dlouho nám potrvá dostat se do Bostonu. I don't know how long it'll take us to get to Boston. I don't know how long it's gonna take us to get to Boston. Tento toaletní papír je jako papír smirkový. This toilet paper is like sandpaper. This toilet paper is like sandpaper. Opravdu jsem si nevšiml. I really didn't even notice. I really didn't notice. Víš, před kým se Tom schovává? Do you know who Tom is hiding from? Do you know who Tom's hiding from? Já Tomova odchodu litovat nebudu. I won't be sorry to see Tom leave. I'm not gonna regret Tom leaving. Učím se česky. I learn Czech. I'm learning Czech. Zlomil jsem si ruku. I fractured my arm. I broke my arm. Lhals nám! You lied to us! You lied to us! Podceňuješ svoje charisma. You underestimate your charisma. You underestimate your charisma. Balón pomalu klesal. The balloon descended slowly. Balloon's slowing down. V životě jsou vzestupy a pády. In life there are ups and downs. There are ups and downs in life. Tom se bojí hadů. Tom is afraid of snakes. Tom's afraid of snakes. Na to zapomeň. Forget about that. Forget it. Na Toma se můžete vždy spolehnout. You can always count on Tom. You can always count on Tom. Vylezli jsme na vrchol hory Fuji. We climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji. We climbed the top of Mount Fuji. Je zvyklý mluvit na veřejnosti. He's used to speaking in public. He's used to speaking in public. Příliš čteš. You read too much. You read too much. Rád hraju na klavír. I like to play the piano. I like to play the piano. Tom se bude dívat. Tom is going to watch. Tom's gonna watch. Nejsem tak kreativní jako Tom. I'm not as creative as Tom. I'm not as creative as Tom. Ona je mladší než jeho dcera. She's younger than his daughter. She's younger than his daughter. Můj otec zná tvojí mámu velmi dobře. My father knows your mother very well. My father knows your mom very well. Kéž by to bylo dneska. I wish it was today. I wish it was today. Nechci Tomovi přidělávat potíže. I don't want to add trouble to Tom. I don't want to cause Tom any trouble. Kluk, který támhle stojí, je můj syn. The boy standing over there is my son. The boy standing there is my son. Tom byl šokovaný. Tom was appalled. Tom was shocked. Přejete si počkat? Would you like to wait? Would you like to wait? Měl jsem sen. I had a dream. I had a dream. Na cestě bylo bláto, a k tomu ještě začalo pršet. The road was quite muddy, and, what is worse, it began to rain. There was mud on the way, and it started to rain. Sdíleli jsme ku prospěchu obou. We shared the benefit together. We shared for the benefit of both of us. Šerif Wyatt Earp mluvil včera s tím starým traperem. Sheriff Wyatt Earp talked to that old trapper yesterday. Sheriff Wyatt Earp talked to that old trapper yesterday. Před čím se mne snažíš chránit? What are you trying to protect me from? What are you trying to protect me from? Nikdo nezná tvé tajemství. Nobody knows your secret. No one knows your secret. Vezmu Toma domů. I'm going to take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Znásilnění je příšerný zločin. Rape is a horrible crime. Rape is a terrible crime. Tom si myslí, že Mary je trochu divná. Tom thinks Mary is a little weird. Tom thinks Mary's a little weird. Podle nás je tenhle slovník opravdu přínosný. This dictionary is great boon up to us. We think this dictionary is really beneficial. Potřebujete sanitku? Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? Taxík je drahý. A taxi is expensive. Cab's expensive. Kávu dovážíme z Brazílie. We import coffee from Brazil. We import coffee from Brazil. Tom kdysi pracoval pro vládu. Tom used to work for the government. Tom used to work for the government. Naletěl jsem ti. You had me fooled. I fell for you. Když jsem na Ukrajině, mluvím vždy ukrajinsky. When in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian. When I'm in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian. Ví Tom, proč si nevyhrál? Does Tom know why you didn't win? Does Tom know why you didn't win? Bylo to na soutěžní úrovni. It was competitive. It was on a competitive level. Vybila se mi autobaterie. My car battery is dead. My car battery died. Tom chce ihned zprávu o pokroku. Tom wants a progress report right now. Tom wants a progress report immediately. Kolonie byla zničena. The colony was destroyed. The colony has been destroyed. Vím, že nic nevím. I know that I know nothing. I know I don't know anything. Řekni jí, že mám hlad. Tell her I'm hungry. Tell her I'm hungry. Rád bych si lehnul. I'd like to lie down. I'd like to lie down. Recese způsobila uzavření mnoha firem. The recession caused many businesses to close. The recession has caused many companies to close down. Byl celý modrý zimou. He was blue from the cold. He was all blue and cold. Tom je opravdu bohatý. Tom is really rich. Tom's really rich. Bylo to strašidelné. It was scary. It was scary. Má ho tam. She has it there. He's got it there. Tom má dnes odpoledne hodně práce. Tom is busy this afternoon. Tom's busy this afternoon. Věděl jsem, že tě tady najdu. I knew I'd find you here. I knew I'd find you here. Tom a Mary odmítli mojí pomoc a udělali to sami. Tom and Mary refused my help and did that on their own. Tom and Mary refused my help, and they did it themselves. Rozumí se samo sebou, že zdraví je důležitější než bohatství. It goes without saying that health is more important than wealth. It goes without saying that health is more important than wealth. Začali jeden po druhém. They started one after another. They started one by one. Ale neměl jsem strach. But I wasn't afraid. But I wasn't afraid. Jsi jen chlapec. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Sedm otázek, které inženýr musí klást sám sobě, je: kdo, co, kdy, kde, proč, jak a kolik. The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much. The seven questions an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how, and how many. Budu u sebe v pokoji. I'm going to be in my room. I'll be in my room. Tom chápal skepsi Mary. Tom understood Mary's skepticism. Tom understood Mary's skepticism. Dnes platím já. Today I'm paying. I'm paying today. Tom mi řekl, že Mary drží dietu. Tom told me that Mary was on a diet. Tom told me Mary was on a diet. Angličtina se jim líbí. They like English. They like English. Chudoba cti netratí. Poverty is no vice. Poverty doesn't lose honor. Tom proběhl kolem Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Práce dělá člověka. Labor created man. Work does man. Už se nenudím. I'm no longer bored. I'm not bored anymore. Jsi si jistá, že to nechceš udělat? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Jste nejlepší. You're the best. You're the best. Mohl bych tě učinit šťastnou. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Oni ty dárky nepřijali. They didn't accept the gifts. They didn't accept the presents. Tom je nejvyšší z rodiny. Tom is the tallest in his family. Tom is the highest in the family. Víc než dvě nebo tři hodiny se nezdržím. I won't be more than two or three hours. I can't stay more than two or three hours. Uran se používá k výrobě jaderné energie. Uranium is used in the production of nuclear power. Uranus is used to produce nuclear energy. "Co děláš?" "Dívám se, jak mi rostou rostliny." "What are you doing?" "I'm watching my plants grow." "What are you doing?" "I'm watching my plants grow." Rozumíš jim? Do you understand them? Do you understand them? Tohle dodělej. Finish this. Finish this. Dej mi svůj nůž. Give me your knife. Give me your knife. Já a Tom máme dnes odpoledne nějakou práci. Tom and I have something to do this afternoon. Tom and I have some work to do this afternoon. Mám vás hodně ráda. I like you very much. I love you guys a lot. Nemá to žádnou podobu. It doesn't look like anything. It has no form. Nemám žádné sestry. I don't have any sisters. I don't have any sisters. Dáme si páku? You wanna arm wrestle? Want some leverage? Co kdybyste na chvilku zůstali? Why don't you stay for a while? Why don't you stay for a while? Jdou domů. They're coming home. They're going home. Nemysli, že si dělám srandu. Don't think I'm joking. Don't think I'm kidding. Vábil ho její úsměv. He was attracted by her smile. He was attracted to her smile. Potřebuji si nabít mobil. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to charge my phone. Autobus se porouchal na jednom konci mostu. The bus broke down at one end of the bridge. The bus broke down at one end of the bridge. Víš, že to nesnáším. You know I hate that. You know I hate that. Měl bys víc studovat. You should study more. You should study more. Máte mnoho knih. You have many books. You have many books. Promiňte, jsem cizinec a neumím moc česky. Excuse me, I'm a foreigner and I don't understand Czech all that well. Sorry, I'm a stranger and I don't speak much Czech. Neječ. Don't yell. Don't yell. Nem nikdy neslyšel, že by Mary lhala. Tom has never heard Mary tell a lie. Nem never heard Mary lie. Já nikam nejdu. I won't leave. I'm not going anywhere. Tom kdysi příliš pil. Tom used to drink too much. Tom used to drink too much. Zkusíš zahrát na trumpetu? Will you try to play the trumpet? You wanna play the trumpet? Vím, že se ti líbí dělat učitele. I know you like being a teacher. I know you like being a teacher. Myslím, že sis vedl dobře. I think you did great. I think you did good. Tom to bere vážně. Tom is taking this seriously. Tom's taking it seriously. Brzy bude otcem. He will soon be a father. Soon he'll be a father. Studoval jsem francouzštinu po čtyři roky. I have been studying French four years now. I've studied French for four years. Tom mluví s Mary. Tom is talking to Mary. Tom's talking to Mary. Měl mi to vrátit minulý týden. He was supposed to return it to me last week. He was supposed to give it back to me last week. Chci jablko. I want an apple. I want an apple. Nadzvuková letadla Concorde už nelétají, uvidíte je pouze v muzeích. The Concorde supersonic airplanes are no longer in active service; you can only see them in some museums. The Concorde supersonic planes don't fly anymore, you'll only see them in museums. Zloděj utekl s penězi. The thief got away with the money. The thief ran away with the money. Můj bratr dostal víc vánočních dárků než já. My brother got more Christmas presents than me. My brother got more Christmas presents than I did. Teď nás nic nezastaví. Nothing can stop us now. Nothing can stop us now. Máme dva psy, tři kočky a šest kuřat. We have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. We have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. Proč se bojíš? Why are you afraid? Why are you scared? Mám rád astrologii. I like astrology. I like astrology. Tomovi by se mělo blahopřát. Tom should be congratulated. Tom should be congratulated. Ač se kdysi věřilo na souvislost mezi syfilidou a uměleckým géniem, doufal bych, že většina moderních umělců a spisovatelů je dost rozumná na to, aby se vyhýbala nakažení jen kvůli oné maličké šanci, že by jim neurosyfilidní demence pomohla zlepšit kvalitu tvorby. Although there was once believed to be a causative relationship between syphilis and artistic genius, I would hope that the vast majority of modern artists and writers are reasonable enough to avoid becoming infected just on the off chance that neurosyphilis dementia might improve the quality of their work. Although once believed in the link between syphilis and art genius, I would hope that most modern artists and writers are reasonable enough to avoid infection just because of the small chance that neurosyphilis dementia would help them improve the quality of creation. Tom se mě kdysi bál. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom was afraid of me once. Hřebík, který vyčnívá se zatluče. The nail that sticks out gets hammered. The nail that stands out gets hammered. Potřásl jsem si s Tomem rukou. I shook hands with Tom. I shook Tom's hand. Rozumíte, co říkám? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Vzpomínáte si na to? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? Všichni, kteří meč berou, mečem zahynou. All who take up the sword will perish by the sword. All who take the sword will perish with the sword. Proč o mě pochybuješ? Why do you doubt me? Why do you doubt me? Měl jsi rád čokoládu. You liked chocolate. You liked chocolate. Ten projekt byl totální neúspěch. The project was a complete failure. The project was a total failure. Tom dal Mary vědět, že to udělá. Tom let Mary know that he would do that. Tom let Mary know he was gonna do it. Pořád se na tebe dívá. Určitě tě miluje. He's always looking at you. He must love you. He's always looking at you, I'm sure he loves you. Mám tě rád. I like you. I love you. Byli jsme nacpáni do přeplněného vlaku. We were crushed into the crowded train. We were stuffed into a crowded train. Pojď se mnou, Tome. Come with me, Tom. Come with me, Tom. Šťastná ta, která si vezme syna mrtvé matky. Happy is she who marries the son of a dead mother. Lucky one who's gonna marry the dead mother's son. Neměl jsi v tom pravdu. You were wrong about that. You were wrong about that. Je po uši v dluzích. He is up to his ears in debt. He's dead in debt. Jestli chceš, naučím tě hrát šachy. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you want, I'll teach you how to play chess. Myslím, že se Tom šel projít. I think Tom has gone out for a walk. I think Tom went for a walk. Co kdybys Tomovi zavolal? Why don't you give Tom a call? Why don't you call Tom? Rozumíš italsky? Do you understand Italian? Do you understand Italian? Nudil jsem se. I was bored. I was bored. Zeptal jsem se Toma, kam odešel. I asked Tom where he had gone. I asked Tom where he went. Dokončili jsme úklid naší třídy. We've finished cleaning our classroom. We've finished cleaning up our class. Je nachcanej. He's piss drunk. He's pissed. Jsem workoholik. I'm a workaholic. I'm a workaholic. Nemám čas číst knihy. I have no time to read books. I don't have time to read books. Železo je velice užitečný kov. Iron is a very useful metal. Iron is a very useful metal. Přikývl mi. He nodded to me. He nodded to me. Jsem Maďarka. I am Hungarian. I'm Hungarian. Chlapci a děvčata si hrají v zahradě. Boys and girls play in the garden. Boys and girls play in the garden. Zítra mám narozeniny. Tomorrow is my birthday. It's my birthday tomorrow. Vyprávěj nám strašidelný příběh! Tell us a ghost story! Tell us a scary story! Takže ty a Hanna si hrajete na svatbu? So are you and Hanna planning on getting married? So you and Hanna are playing wedding? Viděl jsem Toma, jak jde po pláži. I saw Tom walking down the beach. I saw Tom walking down the beach. Máme jeden malý problém. We have one small problem. We have one little problem. Nevěděl jsem, komu mám věřit. I didn't know who I should trust. I didn't know who to trust. Kdo to řekl? Who said that? Who said that? Těším se na svoje narozeniny. I look forward to my birthday. I'm looking forward to my birthday. Jak rozdělit dvě proměnné pomocí oddělovače? How to split two varibles using delimiter? How to divide two variables using a separator? Co právě děláš? What are you doing now? What are you doing right now? Studuješ angličtinu. You study English. You're studying English. Tom se bával hadů. Tom used to be scared of snakes. Tom was afraid of snakes. Tak rád tě poznávám. So pleased to meet you. So nice to meet you. Tu universitu založil jeho otec před dvaceti lety. The university was founded by his father twenty years ago. His father founded that university 20 years ago. Tom prodal svůj dům. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. On čte knihu. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. Myslím, že jsem možná přišel o zaměstnání. I think I might be out of a job. I think I may have lost my job. Jsem si jistá, že je Tom v pořádku. I'm sure Tom is fine. I'm sure Tom's fine. Volal jsem ti před třemi hodinami. I called you three hours ago. I called you three hours ago. Neopírej se o mojí židli. Don't lean on my chair. Don't lean on my chair. Tohle stojí za hovno. This sucks. This sucks. Obvykle vstávám v šest, ale dnes jsem vstal v osm. Usually I get up at six, but today I got up at eight. I usually get up at 6:00, but today I get up at 8:00. Tom je momentálně zaneprázdněn. Mohu vám pomoct? Tom is busy at the moment. May I help you? Tom's busy right now. Je to zábavnější než pít čaj. It's more fun than drinking tea. It's more fun than drinking tea. Není žádná naděje. There is no hope. There's no hope. Jez, co chceš. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Tom má narozeniny v říjnu a já v listopadu. Tom's birthday is in October and mine is in November. It's Tom's birthday in October and I'm in November. Tom a Mary přijeli do Bostonu se mnou. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. Víte, jak se to používá? Do you know how to use it? Do you know how to use it? Tom je oddaný své práci. Tom is devoted to his work. Tom is committed to his work. Tom vypadal, že začne brečet. Tom looked like he was going to start crying. Tom seemed to start crying. Chci kafe. I want coffee. I want coffee. Už jsi někdy dojil krávu? Have you ever milked a cow? Have you ever milked a cow? Kdysi to dělal Tom. Tom used to do it. Tom used to do it. Byl příliš unaven, aby šel dál. He was too tired to go any farther. He was too tired to move on. Proč vás najali? Why did they hire you? Why did they hire you? Cucal jsem si prst. I sucked my finger. I was sucking my finger. Tom se každého vyptával. Tom asked everyone questions. Tom asked everyone. Hraji tenis po celý rok. I play tennis all the year around. I play tennis all year round. Doufám, že Marie brzy napíše. I hope Maria writes soon. I hope Marie writes soon. Ona má blonďaté vlasy. She has blonde hair. She has blonde hair. Snažím se dělat pro všechny to nejelpší. I'm trying to do what's best for everybody. I'm trying to do the best thing for everyone. Opravdu miluji svou práci. I really love my work. I really love my job. Doufá, že vyhraje, a já také. He hopes he'll win and I hope so too. He's hoping to win, and so am I. Jsi uvnitř? Are you in? Are you in there? "Vychladni, tlusťochu." - "Neříkej mi kreténe!" "Chill down, fatty." "Don't call me an idiot!" "Chill out, fat man." - "Don't call me an asshole!" Musíme zmizet. We have to get the hell out of here. We gotta get out of here. Dál už na něho čekat nemohu. I can wait for him no longer. I can't wait for him any longer. Jsi bez fantazie. You're unimaginative. You're out of imagination. Kde ho najdeme? Where can we find him? Where can we find him? Sami se zamknul do koupelny. Sami locked himself in the bathroom. He locked himself in the bathroom. Až jeho otec odejde do penze, převezme podnik. He will take over the business when his father retires. When his father retires, he'll take over the business. Nevypadáš příliš šťastná, že mě vidíš. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. Co říkáš tomuhle svetru? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? Kolik to stojí včetně pojištění a daně? How much is it including insurance and tax? How much does it cost, including insurance and tax? Ty dvě sousední země se od sebe liší ve všech ohledech. The two neighbouring countries differ from each other in all respects. The two neighbouring countries differ from each other in all respects. Bojíš se jí? Are you afraid of it? Are you afraid of her? Tom řekl. že Mary je slabá. Tom said Mary is weak. Tom said Mary was weak. Rozhodl jsem se stát vědcem. I decided to become a scientist. I decided to become a scientist. Řídí stejně opatrně jako ty. He drives as carefully as you do. He drives as carefully as you do. Roste jak houby po dešti. It's growing like mushrooms in the rain. It's growing like mushrooms in the rain. Dítě kašle celou noc. The baby has been coughing all night. The baby's been coughing all night. Mám je ráda. I like them. I like them. Kde Tom řekl, že Marie odešla? Where did Tom say Mary had gone? Where did Tom say Marie left? Tom dělá hroznou práci. Tom is doing a terrific job. Tom's doing a terrible job. Mery mě propustila. Mary fired me. Mery fired me. Dostal ses sem brzo. You got here early. You got here early. Dupla na brzdy. She slammed on the brakes. She stomped on the brakes. Byly ve sprše. They were in the shower. They were in the shower. Tak hoši, přestaňte se prát. No tak, nechte toho! Hey boys, stop fighting. Come on, break it up! All right, guys, stop fighting. Ne, to nebyla ona. No, it wasn't her. No, it wasn't her. Kouření zakázáno! No smoking! No smoking allowed! To se nezdá příliš spravedlivé. It doesn't seem very fair. That doesn't seem very fair. Nevíte, kdy ta přednáška začala? Do you know what time the class started? Do you know when the lecture started? Tom teďka bydlí se svojí mámou. Tom now lives with his mom. Tom's living with his mom now. Nastudujte si tyhle věty. Study these sentences. Study these sentences. Dostal tolik, kolik si zasloužil. He got as much as he deserved. He got what he deserved. Zakřičeli. They yelled. They screamed. Jaký je rozdíl mezi vlkem a psem? What's the difference between a dog and a wolf? What's the difference between a wolf and a dog? V této továrně se vyrábí CD přehrávače. This factory produces CD players. CD players are produced in this factory. Tu barvu nenávidím. I hate that color. I hate that color. Musíš se rychle připravit. You must get ready quickly. You need to get ready fast. Tom nechce připustit, že se mýlí. Tom won't admit that he's wrong. Tom doesn't want to admit he's wrong. Tehdy jsem to nevěděl, ale teď to vím. I didn't know it back then, but I know it now. I didn't know then, but now I know. Čeho se to bojíš? What is it you're afraid of? What are you afraid of? Znám pravdu. I know the truth. I know the truth. Není se čeho bát. There's nothing to worry about. There's nothing to worry about. Jsem chudý. I'm poor. I'm poor. Vzpomínáš si, že už jsi mě viděla? Do you remember seeing me before? Do you remember seeing me? Mám rád všechny barvy, ale nejvíc se mi líbí zelená. I like all colours but I like green the most. I like all colors, but I like green best. Tom řekl, že Mary zvítězila. Tom said Mary won. Tom said Mary won. Mary byla zabita montážní pákou. Mary was killed with a tire iron. Mary was killed by an assembly lever. Budeš tam? Will you be there? Will you be there? Dnes nejsem ve formě. I am not in the groove today. I'm not in shape today. Řecko je fantastické. Greece is fantastic. Greece is fantastic. Kolik mužů se snaží naučit anglicky? How many men are trying to learn English? How many men are trying to learn English? Tom a Marie nikdy nebyli blízkými přáteli. Tom and Mary have never been close friends. Tom and Marie were never close friends. Tamhleta dívka je velice tlustá. That girl over there is very fat. That girl over there is very fat. Nemáš se čeho bát. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. You have nothing to worry about. Napsal knihu o svých dobrodružstvích v džungli. He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle. He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle. Vykřikla a omdlela. She screamed and fainted. She screamed and fainted. Tom mě nechal čekat třicet minut. Tom kept me waiting for thirty minutes. Tom kept me waiting for 30 minutes. Internet je hrozně pomalý. Internet is very slow. The Internet is so slow. Udeřil mě policista. I was hit by the policeman. I got hit by a cop. Je poněkud větrno. There is some wind. It's a little windy. Tom naučil Marii péct chleba. Tom taught Mary how to bake bread. Tom taught Maria how to bake bread. Tom vypadal nepřesvědčený. Tom looked unconvinced. Tom seemed unconvinced. Musím se přiznat, že chrápu. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit, I snore. Pojďme k vám. Let's go to your house. Let's go to your place. Čtěte knihu! Read a book! Read the book! Kočka píše knihu. The cat is writing a book. A cat writes a book. Jeho jméno mi uniká. His name eludes me. I'm missing his name. Požádal své přátele o pomoc. He asked his friends for help. He asked his friends for help. Tentokrát nebyla zkouška jen těžká, ale také se dalo na otázky odpovědět více způsoby. This time, the exam was not just difficult, but also, the questions were ambiguous. This time the test was not only hard, but there were also more ways to answer the questions. David má tolik holek, že si nepamatuje, jak se všechny jmenujou. David has so many girlfriends that he can't remember all of their names. David has so many girls, he doesn't remember their names. Inteligentní zvířata můžou pomoci lidem. Intelligent animals can help people. Smart animals can help people. Tom je nesvéprávný. Tom is legally incapable. Tom's incompetent. Musím se dostat do nemocnice. I need to get to the hospital. I have to get to the hospital. Důkaz je ponechán na čtenáři. The proof is left to the reader. The proof is left to the reader. Měli by ho zamknout a zahodit klíč. They should lock him up and throw away the key. They should lock him up and throw away the key. Vrátil jsem mu Tomovu knihu. I returned Tom's book to him. I gave him back Tom's book. Odešla do spojených států. She has gone to the United States. She went to the United States. Co kdybys mě pozval na skleničku? How about you buy me a drink? Why don't you buy me a drink? Zkus tohle! Try this! Try this! Požádala jsem svého přítele o radu. I asked my friend for advice. I asked my friend for advice. Tom by neměl jen tak nečinně přihlížet, jak Mary šikanují. Tom couldn't just sit by and watch Mary being bullied. Tom shouldn't just stand by and watch Mary be bullied. Už jsou tady. They're already here. They're here. Tom je analfabet. Tom is an analphabet. Tom's an analfabet. Pokládej to za mimořádnou událost. Consider it an emergency. Consider it an emergency. Musíš vzít v potaz jeho věk. You must take his age into account. You have to consider his age. Nikdo mi nikdy nic neřekne. No one ever tells me anything. No one ever tells me anything. Před dávnými časy byl jeden chudý muž a bohatá žena. There were once upon a time a poor man and a rich woman. A long time ago, there was a poor man and a rich woman. Nikdy jsem neviděla nic podobného. I've never seen anything quite like this. I've never seen anything like it. Toto oblečení je krásné, ale drahé. These clothes are beautiful, but pricey. These clothes are beautiful, but expensive. Nový učitel byl pro třídu zklamáním. The new teacher was a disappointment to the class. The new teacher was a disappointment to the class. Nechodil jsem s ní. I didn't date her. I didn't date her. Vlk obvykle člověka nenapadne. Wolves won't usually attack people. A wolf doesn't usually attack a person. Někdy má depresivní náladu. She sometimes goes into a mood of depression. Sometimes he's in a depressing mood. Tohle je mnohem horší. This is much worse. This is much worse. Toma by Mary nezajímala. Tom wouldn't be interested in Mary. Tom wouldn't be interested in Mary. Ona nežárlí. She is not jealous. She's not jealous. Tento dům potřebuje opravit. This house needs repairs. This house needs repairs. Tom říká, že přemýšlí o tom, že neudělá to, oč ho Mary požádala. Tom says he's thinking about not doing what Mary asked him to do. Tom says he's thinking about not doing what Mary asked him to do. Tom každého zcela ovládl. Tom had everyone eating out of his hand. Tom has taken over everyone. Naštěstí se udělalo hezky. Luckily, the weather turned out fine. Luckily, it's done nicely. Je to tvoje konečné rozhodnutí? Is that your final decision? Is this your final decision? Vpomínám si, že jsem četl tu knihu. I remember reading the book. I remember reading that book. Mary se tomu smála, když jsem jí to řekl. Mary laughed about it when I told her. Mary laughed when I told her. Můžete mi na téhle mapě ukázat, kde se nacházím? Can you show me where I am on this map? Can you show me where I am on this map? Tom pozval Mary na svoji párty. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom invited Mary to his party. Peter a já jsme často chodívali do kina. Peter and I would often go to the movies. Peter and I used to go to the movies a lot. Tom se nemůže zbavit kašle. Tom can't get rid of his cough. Tom can't get rid of the cough. Tom neměl na to co říct. Tom had nothing to say about it. Tom had nothing to say. Jsem zvědav, kdo bude příštím prezidentem Spojených států. I wonder who the next president of the United States will be. I wonder who will be the next president of the United States. Ten starý srub je nalevo. That old cabin is on the left. The old cabin is on the left. Nečekejte! Don't wait. Don't wait! Kolik jogurtu Tom snědl? How much yogurt did Tom eat? How much yogurt did Tom eat? Je vyžadováno heslo. A password is required. Password required. Co by si bez nás počali? What would they do without us? What would they do without us? Chci jen být schopen navštívit své děti, kdykoli se mi zachce. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to be able to visit my kids whenever I want. Na Štědrý večer vždycky chodíme do kostela. We always go to church on Christmas Eve. We always go to church on Christmas Eve. Nemusíte studovat uměleckou školu na to, abyste se stali umělcem. You don't have to study at a school of fine arts to become an artist. You don't have to study art school to become an artist. Nerad učím malé děti plavat. I don't enjoy teaching young children to swim. I don't like teaching little kids how to swim. Prostě jsem neměl příležitost. I just haven't had the chance. I just didn't get a chance. Stroje budou možná někdy myslet, ale nikdy se nebudou smát. Machines may one day think, but they'll never laugh. The machines may sometimes think, but they'll never laugh. Tom je urostlý a krásný. Tom is tall and handsome. Tom's all grown up and beautiful. Byl jsem velice překvapen. I was very surprised. I was very surprised. Sklo se vyrábí z písku. Glass is made from sand. Glass is made from sand. Říkej si co chceš, ona je ta, kterou si vezmu. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Say what you want, she's the one I'm going to marry. Tom znovu rozsvítil. Tom turned the light back on. Tom turned the lights back on. Znám je všechny. I know them all. I know them all. Tom má jen jedno varle. Tom has only one testicle. Tom only has one testicle. Ale, nebuď takový. Oh, don't be like that. Oh, don't be like that. Ona má suché vlasy. She has dry hair. She has dry hair. Možná bys měl jít. You might want to go. Maybe you should go. Běžel, co nejrychleji mohl. He ran at full speed. He ran as fast as he could. Za všechny moje překlady mi musíš zaplatit. You have to pay me for all my translations. You have to pay me for all my translations. Nelíbí se mi, že se tě dotýká. I don't like her touching you. I don't like it touching you. Napadla ho. She attacked him. She attacked him. Na, vem si můj klíč. Here, use my key. Here, take my key. Můj otec se nechtěl dívat na ten film. My father didn't want to watch the film. My father didn't want to watch the movie. Řekl, že nemá ženu. He said that he didn't have a wife. He said he didn't have a wife. Amerika vládne světu. America rules the world. America rules the world. Dej mi trochu peněz. Give me a little money. Give me some money. Holubi a slepice jsou ptáci. Pigeons and hens are birds. Pigeons and chickens are birds. Bolí mě pravé rameno. My right shoulder hurts. My right shoulder hurts. Nejezdím do školy autobusem. I don't go to school by bus. I don't take the bus to school. Jsem rád, že souhlasíš. I'm glad you agree. I'm glad you agree. Tom zůstal celý život starým mládencem. Tom remained single all his life. Tom stayed a bachelor his whole life. Vydržte minutku. Please wait a minute. Hang on a minute. Přines mi sklenici mléka. Get me a glass of milk. Bring me a glass of milk. Vydělávám 100 € denně. I make €100 a day. I make 100 euros a day. Mám tady klienta. I'm with a client. I have a client here. Jak to udělala? How did she make that? How did she do that? Tom psával básně. Tom used to write poems. Tom used to write poems. Prořezávám hrušky. I am pruning the pear trees. I'm cutting through the pears. Na okně seděla kočka a venku štěkal pes. The cat was sitting on the window and the dog was barking outside. There was a cat sitting on the window and a dog barking outside. Chtěli žít s Indiány v míru. They wanted to live in peace with the Indians. They wanted to live in peace with the Indians. Tom mi řekl, že ten výlet je zrušený. Tom told me that the trip was off. Tom told me the trip was canceled. Tom nebude znepokojený, když to Mary neudělá. Tom isn't going to be upset if Mary doesn't do that. Tom won't be concerned if Mary doesn't. Moje internetové připojení není dost rychlé. My Internet connection isn't fast enough. My Internet connection isn't fast enough. O kom mluvíte? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Tom by Mary nedovolil to udělat. Tom wouldn't permit Mary to do that. Tom wouldn't let Mary do it. Měl bys s tím kouřením přestat. You'd better give up smoking. You should stop smoking. Měl jsi mu říct pravdu. You should have told him the truth. You should have told him the truth. Tom ovinul paži kolem Marie. Tom puts his arm around Mary. Tom wrapped his arm around Marie. Tam ho nenajdeš. They won't find him there. You won't find him there. Tom je zvyklý bydlet sám. Tom is used to living alone. Tom's used to living alone. Mám pravdu? Am I right? Am I right? Soudě podle té fotografie to byl dospělý muž. Judging by the photograph, this was an adult male. Judging by the photograph, he was a grown man. Pamatuješ si? Do you remember? Remember? Nemluv s plnou pusou. Don't speak with your mouth full. Don't talk with your mouth full. Píchni mi. Give me a hand. Give me a hand. Mám to v kozách. I don't give a shit about it. It's in my tits. Heather mi věří. Heather believes me. Heather trusts me. Měl takovou žízeň, že by vypil studnu. He was thirsty enough to drink a well dry. He was thirsty enough to drink a well. Nemůžu najít svoje brýle. I can't find my glasses. I can't find my glasses. Nechci vás poslouchat. I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to listen to you. Ona je mladá studentka. She's a young student. She's a young student. Ve srovnání s Tokiem je Londýn malý. In comparison with Tokyo, London is small. Compared to Tokyo, London is small. Tom řekl, že nikdy nebyl u Mary doma. Tom said he's never been to Mary's house. Tom said he's never been to Mary's house. Nudíme se. We're bored. We're bored. Judy ho má ráda. Judy likes him. Judy likes him. Jsi jen dítě. You're just a kid. You're just a kid. Tom se snažil křičet, ale Mary mu zakryla ústa rukou. Tom tried to scream, but Mary covered his mouth with her hand. Tom tried to scream, but Mary covered his mouth with her hand. Souhlasím se vším, co tom na setkání řekl. I agree with everything Tom said at the meeting. I agree with everything he said at the meeting. Stiskni tlačítko! Push the button. Press the button! Sundejte si kalhoty. Take your trousers off. Take off your pants. Vážně potřebuje tvoji pomoc. She really needs your help. He really needs your help. Ta kniha je nová. The book is new. The book is new. Povídali jsme si až do jedenácté. We talked till after eleven o'clock. We talked until 11:00. Chvilku váhal. He hesitated for a moment. He hesitated for a while. Ona má okolo krku šálu. She has a scarf around her neck. She has a scarf around her neck. Toto je, co jsem chtěl. This is what I wanted. This is what I wanted. Nesmíš dovolit druhé osobě, aby si všimla, že jsi couvl. You mustn't let the other person notice that you flinched. You can't let another person know you've backed off. Chci, abyste Tomovi vrátili jeho práci. I want you to give Tom his job back. I want you to give Tom his job back. Setkání musíme zrušit. We need to cancel the meeting. We have to cancel the meeting. Tohle auto bývalo Tomovo. This car used to be Tom's. This car used to be Tom's. Bez váhání prodal své vlastní auto. He sold his own car without hesitation. He sold his own car without hesitation. Jsi pro jeho nápad nebo proti němu? Are you for or against his idea? Are you in favour of his idea or against him? Tvůj pes je velmi tlustý. Your dog is very fat. Your dog is very fat. Znáš můj názor. You know my opinion. You know my opinion. Měď a stříbro jsou obojí kovy. Copper and silver are both metals. Copper and silver are both metals. Jsem tvoje minulost. I'm your past. I'm your past. Proč bych měl lhát? Why should I lie? Why would I lie? Nevěděl jsem, že jsi Kanaďan. I didn't know that you were Canadian. I didn't know you were Canadian. Mohla bys mi vyžehlit tohle tričko, prosím tě? Can you iron this T-shirt for me, please? Could you iron this shirt for me, please? Máme tělesnou výchovu. We have physical education. We have physical education. Kolik je dní v týdnu? How many days are there in a week? How many days a week? Věříval jsem všemu, co říkáš. I used to believe everything you said. I believed everything you said. Za domem je velká zahrada. There is a big garden behind the house. There's a big garden behind the house. Je to snadné udělat? Is it easy to do that? Is that easy to do? Porovnej svůj překlad s jeho. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation to his. Jsi velice atraktivní. You're very attractive. You're very attractive. Čekám na vás. I've been waiting for you guys. I've been waiting for you. Tom byl ke každému sprostý. Tom was rude to everybody. Tom was mean to everyone. Tom mě nudí. Tom bores me. Tom bores me. Buď chlap! Be a man. Be a man! Zkus tohle. Try this. Try this. Budeš mluvit s Tomem? Will you have a talk with Tom? Will you talk to Tom? Bob bude doma v šest. Bob will be home at six. Bob will be home by 6:00. Připravuji se na nejhorší. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm preparing for the worst. Sešla z cesty. She lost her way. She's out of the way. Nerozumím. I don't understand. I don't understand. Nevědouc, co dělat, neudělala jsem nic. Not knowing what to do, I did nothing. I didn't know what to do, I didn't do anything. Jste všichni tři bratry? Are you all three brothers? Are you all three brothers? Vrátím se za dvě hodiny. I'll be back in two hours. I'll be back in two hours. Jsem si jistá, že je to pravda. I'm sure that's true. I'm sure it's true. Vystoupil na příští zastávce. He got off at the next bus stop. He got off at the next stop. Jestli mi nevěříš, jdi a podívej se sám. If you don't believe me, go and see it for yourself. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. Nezapomeň, co jsem ti řekl. Don't forget what I told you. Don't forget what I told you. Tom hrával na kytaru. Tom used to play the guitar. Tom used to play guitar. Policie ho nenašla. The police can't find him. The police didn't find him. Sami chtěl jít na školní ples. Sami wanted to go to the prom dance. Sami wanted to go to the prom. Pamatuješ si, jak jsme jeli do Paříže? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Remember when we went to Paris? Bude dnes pršet? Will it rain today? Is it going to rain today? Lže. He lies. He's lying. Tom čeká před restaurací. Tom is waiting in front of the restaurant. Tom's waiting outside the restaurant. Mají noční můry. They have nightmares. They have nightmares. Jsi nejlepší. You are the best. You're the best. Můj strýc mi dal knihu. My uncle gave me a book. My uncle gave me a book. Už jsi tu knihu přečetl? Have you read the book yet? Have you read the book yet? Čarodějnice umějí létat na koštěti. Witches can fly on broomsticks. Witches can fly a broom. Mám rád holky. I like girls. I like girls. Hádám, že mě máš za boháče. I suppose you think I'm rich. I guess you think I'm rich. Snídal jsi dnes ráno? Did you have breakfast this morning? Did you have breakfast this morning? Zápas byl kvůli počasí odložen. The game was put off because of rain. The fight was postponed due to the weather. Proč se neprospat? Why not try to get some sleep? Why don't you get some sleep? Je jim to jedno. They don't care. They don't care. Je půl deváté. It's half past eight. It's 8:30. Má Tom tvoje telefonní číslo? Does Tom have your phone number? Does Tom have your phone number? Tom se omluvil za to, že mi šlápl na nohu. Tom apologized for stepping on my foot. Tom apologized for stepping on my foot. Nebylo možné navrhnout opravdu uspokojivé řešení. It was impossible to come up with a really satisfactory solution. It was not possible to propose a truly satisfactory solution. Nech si toho! Cut it out! Cut it out! Nelži. Don't lie. Don't lie. Tohle funguje. This works. This works. Odpusť mi, lásko. Forgive me, my love. Forgive me, love. Jak by měl vypadat? What is it supposed to look like? What's he supposed to look like? Tom řekl Mary, jak to udělat. Tom told Mary how to do that. Tom told Mary how to do it. Dnes ráno jsem se probudil brzy. I woke up early this morning. I woke up early this morning. Tom pracuje jako novinář. Tom works as a journalist. Tom works as a journalist. Moje nehty jsou příliš krátké. My nails are too short. My nails are too short. Tom zdvořile smekl klobouk. Tom lifted his hat politely. Tom politely took off his hat. Je čas spát. It's time to sleep. It's bedtime. Líbí se ti to? Do you like it? Do you like it? Nejspíš chcete vědět, kdo jsem. You're probably wondering who I am. You probably want to know who I am. Odpověz na otázku. Answer the question. Answer the question. Tom zahnul doprava a Mary se vydala na druhou stranu. Tom turned right and Mary headed the other way. Tom turned right, and Mary went the other way. Tito lidé oceňují srozumitelnost. Those people appreciate clarity. These people appreciate clarity. Neděle je poslední den týdne. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. Prezidenta Roosevelta nazývali pirátem. They called President Roosevelt a pirate. President Roosevelt was called a pirate. Chybíš mi, když tu nejsi. I miss you when you're not here. I miss you when you're not here. Neváhal své manželce říct pravdu. He didn't hesitate to tell his wife the truth. He didn't hesitate to tell his wife the truth. S Tomem nás asi nenecháte mluvit, že? I don't suppose you'd let us talk to Tom? You're not gonna let us talk to Tom, are you? Nejsem tvořivý. I'm not creative. I'm not creative. Tom chce jít s tebou. Tom wants to go with you. Tom wants to go with you. Sušenky jsou výborné. Cookies are delicious. Cookies are delicious. Jak vysoko je Mount Everest? How high is Mount Everest? How high is Mount Everest? Ty a já se většinou neshodneme. You and I don't usually agree. You and I usually disagree. Tom se zdál být laskavý. Tom looked like he was attentive. Tom seemed kind. Krávy žerou trávu. Cows eat grass. Cows eat weed. Jsi příliš naivní. You're too naive. You're too naive. Tom je pořád s něčím nespokojený. Tom is always dissatisfied with something. Tom's still unhappy with something. Chci, aby každý z vás byl tichý jako myška. I want each of you to be as quiet as a mouse. I want every one of you to be as quiet as a mouse. Nemám jméno. I have no name. I don't have a name. Dneska jsem vypil až příliš mnoho kávy. I've drunk way too much coffee today. I drank too much coffee today. Bylo to strašidelné? Was it scary? Was it scary? Mary si vyžehlila kalhoty. Mary ironed her pants. Mary ironed her pants. Tom se zasmál, když to Marie řekla. Tom laughed when Mary said that. Tom laughed when Marie said it. Nechci sdílet pokoj s Tomem. I don't want to share my room with Tom. I don't want to share a room with Tom. Sníval jsem. I used to dream. I used to dream. Vandalismus je na vzestupu. Vandalism is on the rise. Vandalism is on the rise. Musíš mít velkou výdrž na to, abys přidal deset tisíc vět. You need a lot of stamina to add ten thousand sentences. You must have a lot of stamina to add 10,000 sentences. Ty jsi kamarádka Toma, že? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, right? Musím si nechat odstranit tetování. I had to get my tattoo removed. I have to get my tattoo removed. Tak krásnou duhu jsem nikdy neviděla. Never have I seen such a beautiful rainbow. I've never seen such a beautiful rainbow. Jsem rád, že jsme se s tím vším vypořádali. I'm glad we put all that behind us. I'm glad we dealt with all this. Zelená ti sedne. Green suits you. Green suits you. Má psa a šest koček. He has a dog and six cats. He's got a dog and six cats. Nejen Tom musí studovat, ale i já. Not only Tom has to study, but I have to study, too. Not only does Tom have to study, but so do I. Šel jsem pěšky. I went on foot. I walked. Stěžovali jsme si manažerovi na hluk ve vedlejší místnosti. We complained to the manager about the noise next door. We complained to the manager about the noise in the next room. Nemám slov. I'm at a loss for words. I'm speechless. Myslel jsem, že by se to k něčemu mohlo hodit. I thought it might be of some use. I thought it might come in handy. Je pravda, že učí francouzštinu ve škole. It is true that she teaches French at school. It's true he teaches French at school. Cožpak si nevzpomínáš? Don't you remember? Don't you remember? Myslíte si, že jsem tlustá? Do you guys think I'm fat? You think I'm fat? Tato stará kniha je pokryta plísní. This old book is covered with mold. This old book is covered in mold. Nikdo nám nevěří. No one trusts us. Nobody believes us. Co byste udělal vy? What would you do? What would you do? Tom není tak zlý. Tom isn't so bad. Tom's not that bad. Potřebujeme vaši pomoc. We need your help. We need your help. Celá třída čekala na nového učitele. All the class waited for the new teacher. The whole class was waiting for a new teacher. Tom s tebou opravdu chce zpívat. Tom really wants to sing with you. Tom really wants to sing with you. Proč nemůže hrát tenis dneska? Why can't he play tennis today? Why can't he play tennis today? Nechci to slyšet. I don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear it. Dobré odpoledne. Promiňte, hledám Loretu. Good afternoon. Excuse me, I'm looking for the Loreta. Excuse me, I'm looking for Loretta. Rozumí Tom? Does Tom understand? Does Tom understand? Ten starý traper žil v Kalifornii. That old trapper lived in California. The old trapper lived in California. Byl potrestán za své zločiny. He was punished for his crimes. He was punished for his crimes. Ne každý, kdo zde žije, je bohatý. Not everyone who lives here is rich. Not everyone who lives here is rich. Ztratila jsem svůj deštník. I have lost my umbrella. I lost my umbrella. Kam se spolu můžeme dostat? Where can we get together? Where can we get together? Pochybuji o tvém zdravém rozumu. I doubt your good sense. I doubt your common sense. Až ten dopis přečteš, tak ho spal. When you finish reading this letter, burn it. When you read the letter, burn it. Tom a Mary řekli, že si mysleli, že John to nezapomene udělat. Tom and Mary said they thought John wouldn't forget to do that. Tom and Mary said they thought John wouldn't forget to do it. Doposud to nevím. I still don't know that. I don't know yet. Za tohle mi neplatí. I'm not being paid for this. They don't pay me for this. Řekl bys mi pravdu, že? You'd tell me the truth, wouldn't you? You'd tell me the truth, wouldn't you? Jak rozkošné! How cute! How adorable! Myslím, že máš pravdu. I think you're right. I think you're right. Tom toho má hodně na práci. Tom has a lot of things to do. Tom's got a lot of work to do. Na tvé přítomnosti trvám. I insist on your being present. I insist on your presence. Tichá voda břehy mele. Still waters run deep. Silent water rumbles the shores. Tom šel po ulici a vesele si hvízdal. Tom walked down the street whistling a happy tune. Tom was walking down the street, squealing. Udělal kouli z hlíny. He formed the clay into a bowl. He made a dirt ball. Bylo sedm třicet. It was seven thirty. It was seven thirty. Kde je Tomova třída? Where is Tom's classroom? Where's Tom's class? Nikdo ten telefon nezvedl. Nobody answered the telephone. No one answered the phone. Tom se zdá osamělý. Tom seems lonely. Tom seems lonely. Ta vysoká žena je krásná. The tall woman is beautiful. That tall woman is beautiful. Oba jsme včera políbili Toma. We both kissed Tom yesterday. We both kissed Tom last night. Sami obvykle kouří marihuanu. Sami usually smokes weed. Sami usually smokes marijuana. Přiznávám, že jsem unavený. I admit that I'm tired. I admit I'm tired. Je to jen nachlazení. It's just a cold. It's just a cold. V řijnu se vezmeme. We're going to get married in October. We'll get married in October. Byly na stole nějaké sklenice? Were there any glasses on the table? Were there any glasses on the table? Tom je celkem agresivní. Tom is pretty aggressive. Tom's pretty aggressive. Pamatujete se na to? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? Holky se navzájem kritizují. Girls criticize each other. Girls criticize each other. Měls mě kdysi rád. You used to like me. You liked me once. Přispěla článkem do novin. She contributed an article to the newspaper. She contributed to a newspaper article. Nemám plešku. I'm not bald. I'm not bald. Kdo chce další kousek dortu? Who wants another piece of cake? Who wants another piece of cake? Máš nějaké námitky proti mému nápadu? Do you object to my idea? Do you have any objections to my idea? Znáš mě dost na to, abys věděl, že to bych já neudělal. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that. You know me enough to know I wouldn't do that. Mary spala. Mary was sleeping. Mary was asleep. Dovol mi to nést. Let me carry it. Let me carry it. Kolik máš sester? Kolik bratrů? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers? How many sisters do you have? Počkej. Chci ti něco říct. Wait. I want to tell you something. Wait, I want to tell you something. V pondělí jsem ve škole nebyl. I wasn't at school on Monday. I wasn't at school on Monday. Přineste mi vlhký ručník. Bring me a moist towel. Bring me a wet towel. To nejsou moje klíče. These aren't my keys. Those aren't my keys. Proč se s ním chceš potkat? Why do you want to meet him? Why do you want to meet him? Proto jsem se stal novinářem. That's why I became a journalist. That's why I became a journalist. Každý chce být svobodný a šťastný. Everybody wants to be free and happy. Everyone wants to be free and happy. A co žluté karty? Přidávají ti body? What are yellow cards? Do they give you points? What about the yellow cards? Nechci volat policii. I don't want to call the police. I don't want to call the police. Chtěl bych navrhnout přípitek. I'd like to propose a toast. I'd like to propose a toast. Často děláme, co musíme, ne co chceme. We often do what we have to do, not what we want to do. We often do what we have to do, not what we want. Sepiš si své cíle. Write your goals down. Write down your targets. Tom je vystresovaný. Tom is stressed out. Tom's stressed out. Nechci vidět nic jiného. I don't want to see anything else. I don't want to see anything else. Nejezte ty ústřice. Don't eat the oysters. Don't eat the oysters. Proč by Tom odcházel? Why would Tom leave? Why would Tom leave? Je toho tolik, co ti chci povědět. There's so much I want to say to you. There's so much I want to tell you. K čemu potřebujete ty peníze? What do you need the money for? What do you need the money for? Tom seděl na lavičce vedle Marie. Tom sat on the bench next to Mary. Tom was sitting on the bench next to Marie. Jsem do tebe úplně celý zamilovaný. I'm totally and completely in love with you. I'm totally in love with you. Je to bezpečnější. It's safer. It's safer. Neodolala. She did not resist. I didn't. Hledám svého bratra. I'm looking for my brother. I'm looking for my brother. Přijde dnes odpoledne. He will come this afternoon. He'll be here this afternoon. Tom se bál přejít silnici. Tom was afraid to cross the road. Tom was afraid to cross the road. Nebudeš věřit tomu, co jsem dneska našel. You won't believe what I have found today. You're not gonna believe what I found today. Musíme vystoupit na další zastávce. We must get off at the next stop. We have to get off at the next stop. Nechci tomu věřit. I don't want to believe that. I don't want to believe it. Jeho stín na zdi vypadal smutně. His shadow on the wall looked sad. His shadow on the wall looked sad. Tom zemře. Tom is going to die. Tom's gonna die. Rodiče Toma vydědili. Tom was disinherited by his parents. Tom's parents disinherited him. Tom si zamknul dveře. Tom locked his door. Tom locked his door. Co budeme dělat pak? What do we do after this? What do we do then? Nedokážeme přežít bez vaší pomoci. We won't be able to survive without your help. We can't survive without your help. Mám chuť jít pěšky. I feel like walking. I feel like walking. Jste opravdu nudní. You're really boring. You're really boring. V poslední době přibyla na váze. She has put on weight recently. She's gotten weight lately. No a co? Yes, what of it? So what? Tom a Mary se přestali objímat. Tom and Mary stopped hugging. Tom and Mary stopped hugging. Už jsem jedno kafe měl. I've already had a coffee. I've had coffee before. Asie je nejlidnatější světadíl. Asia is the most populated continent in the world. Asia is the most populous continent. Obchod zůstává otevřen celý den. The shop is open all day. The store stays open all day. Býval jsem tlustý jako ty. I used to be fat like you. I used to be fat like you. Mohl bys otevřít okno? Could you open the window? Could you open the window? Řekni mi, až budeš připraven. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. Tom hodil Mary za krk sníh. Tom dropped snow down Mary's collar. Tom threw snow at Mary's neck. Určitě jste zůstali dlouho vzhůru. You must have stayed up late. I'm sure you stayed up late. Počkali jsme. We waited. We waited. Tom věčně spí při vyučování. Téměř to vypadá, jako by do školy chodil jen proto, aby dohnal spaní. Tom is always sleeping in class. It almost seems as if he goes to school just to catch up on his sleep. Tom always sleeps in class, and it almost looks like he went to school just to catch up on his sleep. Toma propustili z práce. Tom was dismissed from his job. Tom was fired from work. Lhali. They lied. They lied. Šla na trh koupit čerstvou zeleninu. She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables. She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables. Nemůžu tu sklenici otevřít. I can't open this jar. I can't open the glass. V té době jsem nebyl ženatý. I wasn't married at that time. I wasn't married at the time. Chci s tebou mluvit o něčem jiném. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. Jakým jazykem se mluví v Mexiku? What language is spoken in Mexico? What language is spoken in Mexico? Zmizel beze stopy. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Jestli budeš ještě něco potřebovat, dej mi vědět. If there's anything else you need, just let me know. If you need anything else, let me know. Tom se opil. Tom got drunk. Tom got drunk. Řekněte Tomovi, že ten problém je vyřešený. Tell Tom the problem is solved. Tell Tom the problem is solved. Automobily s naftovým pohonem jsou populární v Evropě. Diesel cars are popular in Europe. Diesel-powered cars are popular in Europe. Tom rád dělá papírové vlaštovky. Tom likes to make paper airplanes. Tom likes to make paper swallows. Tom podstoupil transplantaci jater. Tom has undergone liver transplant surgery. Tom had a liver transplant. Jsme nezaujatí. We're impartial. We're unbiased. Tabákový kouř způsobuje rakovinu. Tobacco smoke causes cancer. Tobacco smoke causes cancer. Zítra tady budeme mít schůzi. We are going to have a meeting here tomorrow. We'll have a meeting here tomorrow. Nevěděl jsem, že ona má dítě. I did not know that she has a child. I didn't know she had a baby. Toto jsou automatické dveře. This is an automatic door. This is an automatic door. Rusko je napadáno mnoha západními zeměmi. Russia is being attacked by many Western countries. Russia is being attacked by many Western countries. Skončil citací z bible. He ended by quoting the Bible. He ended up quoting the Bible. Myši mají rády sýr. Mice like cheese. Mice like cheese. Hele jak běží! See how they run! Look how he's running! Máš zase pravdu. You're right again. You're right again. Jsem připravena zemřít. I am ready to die. I'm ready to die. Proč vypadáš povědomý? Why do you look familiar? Why do you look familiar? Tom přistihl Mary, jak krade peníze z pokladny. Tom caught Mary stealing money from the cash register. Tom caught Mary stealing cash from the register. Šel jsem do Paříže. I went to Paris. I went to Paris. Nevěřil bys tomu, kdybych ti to řekl. You wouldn't believe it if I told you. You wouldn't believe it if I told you. To je v pořádku! That's fine! It's okay! V každém člověku jsou chyby, které se dají spravit. In every man, there are many flaws to correct. There are mistakes in every person that can be fixed. Ahoj krasavče! Hey there, good looking! Hey, handsome! Ten počítač je nový. The computer is new. The computer's new. Neuvěříš, jak moc Tom zpopulárněl. You won't believe how popular Tom has become. You're not gonna believe how popular Tom is. Tom si v pátek večer vyrazil s Mary a v sobotu večer s Alicí. Tom went out with Mary on Friday night and with Alice on Saturday night. Tom went out with Mary on Friday night and Alice on Saturday night. Aktualizoval byste moje programy? Would you update my software? Would you update my programs? Měla jste být opatrnější. You should have been more careful. You should have been more careful. Musí být přísně potrestán. He must be severely punished. He must be severely punished. Mohl bych dostat nůž a vidličku, prosím? Could I have a knife and fork, please? Could I have a knife and a fork, please? Měl by ses omluvit Tomovi, že jdeš pozdě. You should apologize to Tom for being late. You should apologize to Tom for being late. Teď máme všechno, co potřebujeme. We have everything we need now. Now we have everything we need. Nejsem chytřejší, nežli on. I am not more intelligent than him. I'm not smarter than he is. Bydlí v domě. They live in a house. He lives in the house. Tohle se stane. This is what'll happen. This is what happens. Můj dědeček byl zabit v druhé světové válce. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed in World War II. Tom má starosti se svým vlastním životem. Tom has his own life to worry about. Tom's worried about his own life.