Jesus declarou que tais hipócritas " já tinham plenamente sua recompensa '. Jesus declared that such hypocrites were "having their reward in full. " Jesus declared that such hypocrites " had full their reward. ' Por quê? Why? Why? Em que sentido Ana mostrou ser confiável? In what respect did Hannah prove trustworthy? How did Hannah prove trustworthy? " Eu lhes darei boa instrução. ' - PRO. " I will give you good instruction. " - PROV. " I shall give them good instruction. " - PROV. Uma atração amorosa por alguém fora do casamento pode indicar que o marido ou a esposa não estão atentos às necessidades um do outro. A romantic attraction to someone outside the marriage could be an indication that a husband and a wife are not attentive to each other's needs. A loving attraction for someone outside marriage may indicate that a husband or a wife is not alert to the needs of one another. Ao dar a um irmão batizado uma designação, o ancião de bom grado explica os procedimentos organizacionais relacionados e dá a necessária orientação. When giving a baptized brother an assignment, an elder gladly explains the relevant organizational procedures and provides needed instruction. When giving a baptized brother an assignment, the elder willingly explains organizational procedures and arrangements are needed. Eles acham que alguém só pode viver para sempre depois de morrer e ir para o céu. They say that everlasting life is attained only after you die and go to heaven. They think that no one can live forever after his death and going to heaven. Nós éramos chamados Estudantes da Bíblia, mas por meio de uma resolução adotamos o nome Testemunhas de Jeová no domingo, 26 de julho de 1931. We had been called Bible Students, but we adopted the name Jehovah's Witnesses by resolution on Sunday, July 26, 1931. We were called Bible Students, but by a resolution we attend the name Jehovah's Witnesses in July 26, 2011 Em que situação desfavorável se encontravam aqueles a quem Paulo escreveu? Those in Rome faced what predicament? When confronted with those whom did Paul write? ARTIGOS DE ESTUDO 1 E 2 PÁGINAS 8 - 16 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 16 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 16 Como cristãos, uma das maneiras mais evidentes de fazer coisas boas pelos outros é por meio da "declaração pública da nossa esperança ." One of the most obvious ways in which we as Christians do good things for others is through "the public declaration of our hope. " As Christians, a more evident way to do good things for others is by means of the "public declaration of our hope. " (a) Por que devemos ser pacientes e bondosos? (a) Why should we be patient and kind? (a) Why should we be patient and kind? Muitos hoje também desperdiçam seu tempo. Today, many similarly waste their time. Many today waste their time. Mas, quando nos recusamos a ver, ouvir ou ler aquilo que viola os princípios bíblicos, estamos na realidade dizendo: "Vai - te, Satanás! " But when we refuse to view, listen to, and read Scripturally unacceptable material, we are in effect saying: "Go away, Satan! " But when we refuse to see, hear, or read what violates Bible principles, we are actually saying: "Go away, Satan! " (Veja "Perguntas dos Leitores " deste número.) (See "Questions From Readers " in this issue.) (See "Questions From Readers ".) Mulheres modestas e ajuizadas na sua maneira de se vestir e em outros aspectos da vida pessoal dão ótimo exemplo. Women who are modest and sound in mind in their choice of dress and grooming, as well as in other areas of their personal life, set excellent examples. Women and their manner of dress and other aspects of personal life provide fine example. B. B. B. Que outras lições podemos aprender da ilustração do semeador que dorme? 7, 8. (a) What other lessons do we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the sower who sleeps? What other lessons can we learn from the illustration of the sower who sleeps? (Leia Hebreus 2: 17, 18.) (Read Hebrews 2: 17, 18.) (Read Hebrews 2: 17, 18.) Eu via que eles me amavam, então eu queria que eles ficassem felizes comigo. " I could see that they cared for me, and that made me want to please them. " I knew that they loved me, so I wanted them to be happy with me. " Primeira, existem apenas dois lados, e nós temos que escolher um. First, there are only two sides, and we must choose one. First, there are only two sides, and we must choose a choice. Agora imagine o alívio que vamos sentir quando Jeová acabar com todas as coisas ruins! Ah, but take away all those negative factors - what relief! Now imagine what relief we will experience when Jehovah brings an end to all bad things! De modo algum ele tentaria ganhar popularidade a fim de evitar a morte sacrificial às mãos dos inimigos de Deus. He certainly did not want to try to gain popularity in order to avoid a sacrificial death at the hands of God's enemies. In no way, he would try to become popular in order to avoid sacrificial death at the hands of God's enemies. Daniel recebeu a garantia de que " no fim dos dias ele se ergueria para receber a sua sorte ' Daniel was assured that " he would stand up for his lot at the end of the days ' Daniel was given the assurance that "in the end of the days he will lift up for his lot ' Mas, na verdade, eles não procuraram a orientação dele. Eles estavam seguindo suas próprias ideias, e o resultado foi desastroso. - Leia Provérbios 14: 12. Really, though, they had not sought Jehovah's direction; they were following their own ideas, and the result was disastrous. - Read Proverbs 14: 12. In fact, they did not seek his guidance, but they were following their own ideas, and the result was disastrous. - Read Proverbs 14: 12. Em Corinto, o apóstolo Paulo esteve "em perigos entre falsos irmãos ," entre eles talvez os" superfinos apóstolos ," que procuravam acusá - lo. At Corinth, the apostle Paul was "in dangers among false brothers, " perhaps including" superfine apostles " seeking an accusation against him. In Corinth, the apostle Paul was "putting dangers among false brothers, " perhaps among them" the apostles " who had been set in public service. Ele jamais desapontará seus súditos, como fez Salomão. - Heb. He will never disappoint his subjects, as Solomon did. - Heb. He will never forsake his subjects, as Solomon did. - Heb. Mas eram obedientes. But they were obedient. But they were obedient. Talvez possamos usar uma parte de nossa adoração em família para pesquisar sobre a cultura dos estrangeiros de nossa congregação ou do território. We might be able to use a part of our family worship to search for the culture of foreigners in the congregation or territory. O que aprendemos? What Have You Learned? What Did You Learn? Para isso é preciso desenvolver a "arte de ensino ." This requires developing the "art of teaching. " This calls for developing the "art of teaching. " Ao contrário das pessoas em nosso redor, que fazem parte do mundo ímpio, nós lutamos para nos manter espiritualmente alertas e para ter em mente o grande dia de Jeová. - Sofonias 3: 8; Lucas 21: 36. Unlike those in the ungodly world around us, we strive to stay spiritually awake and to keep in mind Jehovah's great day. - Zephaniah 3: 8; Luke 21: 36. Unlike those around us, who are part of the ungodly world, we struggle to keep spiritually alert and to keep in mind Jehovah's great day. - Zephaniah 3: 8; Luke 21: 36. Os apóstatas também falam palavras sem valor, afirmando ter mais sabedoria do que o designado "escravo fiel e discreto ." Apostates too speak valueless words, claiming to have greater wisdom than the appointed "faithful and discreet slave. " apostates also speak valueless words, claiming to be greater wisdom than the appointed "faithful and discreet slave. " Essas "outras ovelhas " escolhem de livre e espontânea vontade ter fé no" sangue do Cordeiro " e são batizadas em símbolo de sua dedicação a Jeová. These "other sheep " freely choose to exercise faith in" the blood of the Lamb " and get baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. These "other sheep " choose to have their faith in the" blood of the Lamb " and are baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. O que você faz? What do you do? What do you do? 4: 6 - Quem são os "mortos " a quem" se declararam as boas novas "? 4: 6 - Who were "the dead " to whom" the good news was declared "? 4: 6 - Who are the "dead " to whom" declared the good news "? Na realidade, ela assistiu ao estudo seguinte e pediu para ter um estudo bíblico, oferecendo - se até a pagar por ele. In fact, she was there for the next study and requested her own Bible study, even offering to pay for it! In fact, she attended this study and asked to have a Bible study, offering itself until he paid it. 8: 22, 23, 29. 8: 22, 23, 29. 8: 22, 23, 29. O que nos ajudará a sobreviver ao futuro ataque contra o povo de Deus? What will help us to survive the coming attack on God's people? What will help us to survive the coming attack on God's people? POR QUE alguns cristãos, que por anos permanecem fiéis apesar de prisão ou de perseguição, mais tarde cedem ao materialismo? WHY do some Christians who remain faithful for years despite imprisonment or persecution later succumb to materialism? WHY do some Christians, who for years remain faithful despite prison or persecution, later succumbs to materialism? Como entender a clemência de Jeová pode promover a adoração verdadeira? How can our understanding of Jehovah's graciousness promote true worship? How can understanding Jehovah's graciousness promote true worship? 3: 5. 3: 5. 3: 5. Um erudito bíblico descreveu esse sentimento como "amor - próprio equilibrado, que não é nem narcisista, do tipo " eu sou o melhor ', nem masoquista, do tipo " eu não presto para nada ' ." One Bible scholar described it as "a balanced self - love that is neither a narcissistic " I am divine ' nor a masochistic " I am dirt. ' " One Bible scholar described this feeling of love as "love himself, who is not in a greenist, " says one Bible scholar, "and I do not give up anything better. ' " Ele criou o homem à sua imagem, com a capacidade de amar. He created man in his image with the ability to love. He created man in his image with the ability to love. Podemos nós também procurar assuntos que interessem às pessoas no nosso território? Can we likewise find common ground with those in our territory? Are we also looking for matters that divide people in our territory? (a) O que devemos estar determinados a fazer? (a) We should be determined to do what? (a) What should we be determined to do? (b) Por que nosso amor pelos irmãos anda de mãos dadas com nosso amor por Jeová? (b) How is the love we have for our brothers linked to our love for God and the Bible? (b) Why is our love for our brothers linked to our love for Jehovah? Pois, todo o que persistir em pedir, receberá, e todo o que persistir em buscar, achará, e a todo o que persistir em bater, abrir - se - á. " - Mat. For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. " - Matt. For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. " - Matt. Paz por mil anos - e além! Peace for a Thousand Years - And Beyond! (Leia 2 Coríntios 1: 3, 4.) (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) Reconhecendo a autoridade de Jeová, por fim "o próprio Filho também se sujeitará Àquele que lhe sujeitou todas as coisas, para que Deus seja todas as coisas para com todos ." In recognition of Jehovah's authority, eventually "the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. " Recognizing Jehovah's authority, eventually "the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. " Deus incentiva seu povo a " procurar a mansidão '. God urges his people to "seek meekness. " God encourages his people to "seek meekness. " 31 De Nossos Arquivos 31 From Our Archives 31 From Our Archives Portanto, quando os anciãos lidam com um irmão na fé que errou, não é uma questão de crime e punição, mas sim de pecado e restauração espiritual quando possível. When elders deal with erring fellow believers, therefore, it is a matter, not of crime and punishment, but of sin and spiritual restoration where possible. Hence, when elders deal with a fellow believer who were unrepentant, it is not a question of crime and punishment, but of sin and restoration when possible. 16 Uma reunião marcada pela união e planos emocionantes 16 A Meeting Marked by Unity and Thrilling Plans 16 A Meeting Meeting for Unity and thrilling plans O homem e a mulher - marido e esposa - não são os únicos que devem demonstrar honra no dia do casamento. The man and the woman - the husband and the wife - are not the only ones who ought to show honor on the wedding day. A man and a wife - and wife - are not the only ones to show honor in the wedding day. Jeová deu aos homens a responsabilidade de ensinar na congregação. Por isso, é importante que os irmãos aprendam a dar discursos. Since Jehovah uses men as teachers in the congregation, it is important for brothers to develop speaking ability. Jehovah has given Christian men the responsibility of teaching the congregation so important that they can learn from the platform. O nome foi mudado. Name has been changed. Name has been changed. A soberania de Jeová não depende de nossa integridade. Jehovah's sovereignty does not depend on our integrity. Jehovah's sovereignty does not depend on our integrity. Deus é a fonte e o exemplo supremo de amor. God is both the source and the supreme example of love. God is the source and the supreme example of love. Que ajuntamento ocorrerá após o início do ataque de Gogue de Magogue, e o que está envolvido nisso? What gathering work will occur after the start of the attack by Gog of Magog, and what does this gathering work involve? What gathering will take place after the beginning of Gog of Magog, and what does this involve? Como ele reagiu? How did Moses react? How did he react? De modo algum! Not one! By no means! Especialistas notaram que ter a companhia de pessoas que compartilham as mesmas crenças religiosas pode ajudar alguém a lidar com a solidão e também fazer bem à saúde. Experts have observed that association with people of like religious faith can help one to overcome loneliness and can be beneficial to health as well. Especially have you expressed that people share the same religious beliefs can help someone to cope with loneliness and also do well to do good health. (b) O que mostra que Abraão valorizou e fortaleceu sua amizade com Jeová? (b) What shows that Abraham cherished and strengthened his friendship with Jehovah? (b) What shows that Abraham valued and strengthened his friendship with Jehovah? O salmista Asafe cantou: "Vou abrir a boca numa expressão proverbial. " The psalmist Asaph sang: "In a proverbial saying I will open my mouth. " The psalmist Asaph sang: "I will open up the mouth saying in an expression. " Se praticarmos a justiça e usarmos a armadura espiritual completa, teremos o espírito santo de Deus e a necessária proteção contra Satanás e seus anjos maus, os demônios. - Provérbios 18: 10. But if we practice righteousness and have on the full suit of spiritual armor, we will have God's holy spirit and the needed protection against Satan and his wicked angels, the demons. - Proverbs 18: 10. If we practice righteousness and use our complete spiritual armor, we will have God's holy spirit and the protection against Satan and his wicked angels, the demons. - Proverbs 18: 10. É preciso " compreender o sentido dela '. We want Jehovah's mind on matters, which includes grasping Bible principles. You need to " understand its sense. ' Passei a frequentar várias igrejas, procurando consolo, mas não encontrei. I started attending different churches, looking for comfort, but I found none. I began to get out of several churches, seeking comfort, but I did not find it. Ele disse: "" Ame a Jeová, seu Deus, de todo o seu coração, de toda a sua alma e de toda a sua mente. ' He said: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' He said: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' O artigo dizia: "Para quem tem condições de dar metade ou mais de seu tempo exclusivamente para a obra do Senhor, temos um plano a sugerir..., a saber: Que você vá a cidades grandes ou pequenas, segundo a sua capacidade, como Colportor ou Evangelista, que procure em todo lugar os cristãos sinceros, muitos dos quais encontrará cheios de zelo por Deus, mas não segundo o conhecimento; para esses procure tornar conhecidas as riquezas da graça de Nosso Pai, e as belezas de Sua palavra. " The article read: "To those so situated that they can give one - half or more of their time exclusively to the work of the Lord, we have a plan to suggest..., viz: That you go forth into large or small cities, according to your ability, as Colporteurs or Evangelists, seek to find in every place the earnest Christians, many of whom you will find possessed of a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge; to these seek to make known the riches of Our Father's grace, and the beauties of His word. " The article stated: "For those who have a position to give half or more than their own time for the work of the Lord, we have a plan to make it clear, namely, that you may get great cities or secondary possession of your ability to find it, as an account of God, and you may find it in order for many Christians. " 20: 22. 20: 22. 20: 22. Antes que a sua conduta amargurasse a fraternidade, Paulo o aconselhou diretamente, face a face. Before Peter's conduct could sour the brotherhood, Paul acted by counseling Peter directly, face - to - face. Before their conduct was bitterness, Paul counseled him directly to face the face. Qualquer que tenha sido o caso, sua pergunta deu a entender que, lá no íntimo, havia um problema: ele dava muito pouco valor a assuntos espirituais. In any case, his question suggested that deep down, there was a problem - a serious lack of appreciation for spiritual matters. Whatever the case, his question implied that there was a problem that was very limited to spiritual matters. Num ato heróico, o homem empurrou a esposa para o lado e deixou que o tubarão o pegasse. In a heroic act, the man pushed his wife aside and let the shark take him. On a her her her her her her her wife's her wife breathed by the wife and left the sharingk with him. [ Fotos na página 24] [ Pictures on page 24] [ Pictures on page 24] Estou disposto a fazer sacrifícios pela verdade ou permito que outras coisas, como as preocupações da vida diária, me distraiam? ' Am I willing to make sacrifices to get ahold of it, or do I allow other things, such as the cares of daily life, to distract me from it? ' Am I willing to make sacrifices for the truth or allowing other things to be present, such as the concerns of daily life, distracted me? ' (a) Como muitos atualmente agiram como José, mas como alguns agiram como Esaú? (a) Today, how have many acted like Joseph, but how have some acted like Esau? (a) How have many today acted like Joseph, but how have some acted like Esau? [ Crédito] [ Credit Line] [ Credit Line] Deus até mesmo fez do filho deles, Salomão, o sucessor do rei de Israel. - 1 Crô. God even made their son Solomon Israel's next king. - 1 Chron. God even made their son Solomon, Solomon, the successor of Israel. - 1 Chron. Salomão reconhecia que temer a Jeová resulta em sabedoria e felicidade. Solomon recognized that to fear Jehovah is the course of wisdom and happiness. Solomon recognized that fearing Jehovah leads to wisdom and happiness. • mediador? • a mediator? • mediator? Agora, ele prega uma mensagem de paz a todas as pessoas, não importa de que tribo sejam. The brother in southern Africa has replaced his spear with "the sword of the spirit, " God's Word, as he preaches a message of peace to his neighbors, whatever their tribe. Now he is preaching a message of peace to all people, no matter what tribe may be. PÁGINA 23 PAGE 23 PAGE 23 Por que você deve se precaver contra "o poder enganoso das riquezas "? Why should you be on guard against "the deceptive power of riches "? Why should you guard against "the deceptive power of riches "? Abraão Abraham Abraham Naturalmente, ser intransigente quando algo não viola princípios bíblicos pode causar fricção desnecessária. Of course, if you stand up when something does not violate Bible principles, it may be reasonable to make needless interest. O significado profético desse nome, "Deus semeará ," diz respeito ao ajuntamento de um restante fiel feito por Jeová em 537 AEC, e ao lançamento desse restante como semente em Judá. The meaning of that name, "God Will Sow Seed, " is prophetic of Jehovah's gathering a faithful remnant in 537 B.C.E. and sowing them like seed in Judah. The prophetic significance of that name, "God will sow, " states the gathering of a faithful remnant made by Jehovah in 537 B.C.E. and to the hurling of that remnant as seed in Judah. " Teus trabalhos são maravilhosos, de que minha alma está bem apercebida. " - Salmo 139: 14. " Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware. " - Psalm 139: 14. " Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware. " - Psalm 139: 14. Por exemplo, o Salmo 19: 1, 2 diz que o céu estrelado "faz borbulhar a fala ." For example, Psalm 19: 1, 2 says that the starry heavens cause "speech to bubble forth. " For example, Psalm 19: 1, 2 states that the starry heavens "makes bubble down. " Para garantir a Maria que ele ainda não estava prestes a partir, Jesus ordenou que ela parasse de se agarrar a ele e fosse transmitir aos discípulos a notícia de sua ressurreição. To assure her that he was not yet leaving, Jesus told her to stop clinging to him but instead to go and give his disciples the news of his resurrection. To make sure Mary that he was not about to pass, Jesus ordered that she should cling to him and stop delivering the disciples of his resurrection. 19, 20. 19, 20. 19, 20. Israel era uma nação dedicada a Deus. Israel was a nation dedicated to God. Israel was a dedicated nation to God. Sem dúvida, andar por espírito e aplicar as orientações dadas aos servos de Jeová poderá lhe render uma farta colheita. Indeed, when you walk by spirit, applying the direction given to Jehovah's servants, you can reap bountifully. Yes, walking by spirit and applying the direction given to Jehovah's servants can be able to provide a striking harvest. Mais de 3 mil anos atrás, Jeová disse ao idoso profeta Samuel: "Amanhã, por volta desta hora, enviar - te - ei um homem da terra de Benjamim, e tu terás de ungi - lo como líder do meu povo Israel. " One day over 3,000 years ago, Jehovah told the elderly prophet Samuel: "Tomorrow about this time, I will send to you a man from the land of Benjamin. You must anoint him as leader over my people Israel. " Over 3,000 years ago, Jehovah told the aged prophet Samuel: "Upon the hour of this hour, I sent you, and a man of the land of Benjamin, you will have to anoint him as my leader. " Por quê? Why was that? Why? Como Jeová nos consola? How can we be consoled by Jehovah? How does Jehovah comfort us? Também será de ajuda refletir sobre a atitude de Ana, uma viúva que viveu no primeiro século. So will reflecting on what was done by the first - century widow Anna. It will also help us to reflect on the attitude of Hannah, a widow who lived in the first century. Ali eles iriam "servir ao rei de Babilônia por setenta anos ." There they would "serve the king of Babylon seventy years. " There they would be "found devotion to the king of Babylon for seventy years. " A união de milhões de pessoas na adoração verdadeira é clara evidência de quê? The unifying of millions of people in true worship is clear evidence of what? The unity of millions on true worship is clear evidence of what? Conseguimos raciocinar para resolver problemas e fazer planos para o futuro. He gave us thinking ability to solve problems and plan for the future. We should reason to resolve problems and plans for the future. 11: 25, 26. 11: 25, 26. 11: 25, 26. Como tem sido edificante ver o cumprimento dessas palavras! How faith - strengthening it has been to see the fulfillment of those words! How upbuilding it has been to see the fulfillment of those words! 13: 5. 13: 5. 13: 5. De modo similar, em vez de nos abalar com a perversidade do governo de Satanás ou ficar impacientes sobre quando isso acabará, tenhamos fé nas coisas não vistas que serão eternas. Similarly, instead of letting ourselves become overwhelmed by the present wickedness of Satan's rule or impatient about when it will end, let us put faith in the unseen things that will last forever. Similarly, rather than concluding with the wickedness of Satan's rule or become impatient when this will end, we have faith in the things unseen will be everlasting. Ainda assim, os discípulos eram poucos. Still, the disciples were few in number. Still, the disciples were few. E pouco antes de falar sobre as ovelhas e os cabritos, ele contou a ilustração dos talentos. And just prior to talking about the sheep and the goats, he related the illustration of the talents. And just before speaking about the sheep and the goats, he pointed out the illustration of the talents. (b) O que vamos aprender no próximo estudo? (b) What will we consider in the next article? (b) What will we consider in the following article? A alegria de achar o tesouro foi suficiente para motivar o homem a dar tudo o que tinha para obtê - lo. Yes, the joy that comes from discovering and owning the treasure was enough to move the man to give up everything he had. The joy of thinking was sufficient to motivate the man to give everything he had to get to obtain it. Mais tarde, Jeosafá ajudou Acabe a lutar contra a Síria. And despite a warning from the prophet Micaiah, Jehoshaphat joined Ahab in fighting against the Syrians. Later, Jehoshaphat helped Ahab to fight against Syria. Ao pastorearem, os anciãos deviam ser como ele. When shepherding, the older men were to be like him. By shepherd them, the older men were to be like him. Visto que Enoque tinha fé, sabemos que adorava Jeová como aquele que "se torna o recompensador dos que seriamente o buscam ." Since Enoch had faith, we know that he worshipped Jehovah as the one who "becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Because Enoch had faith, we know that Jehovah worshipped him as "the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Por esse motivo, pais incentivam filhos a investir a maior parte da juventude no estudo superior, esperançosos de que isso lhes renda um emprego com salário alto. Hence, parents have encouraged their offspring to invest much of their young adulthood in higher education, hoping that it will prepare them for well - paying careers. For this reason, Christian parents encourage their children to put up greater trust in their youth as higher study, look for that income with income. 11, 12. (a) Que objetivo temos em comum com os colportores? 11, 12. (a) What objective do we have in common with the colporteurs? 11, 12. (a) What purpose do we have in common with the colporteurs? Embora tristes por não terem filhos, continuaram juntos a servir a Jeová fielmente. He did not look for an easy way out of their marriage, nor did his wife. Though sad that they did not have children, they continued together to serve Jehovah faithfully. Como a viúva fica desolada! How devastated the widow is! How the widow gets desolated! Meditar na oração que Ana fez naquela ocasião poderá muito bem enriquecer as suas próprias orações. After the birth and weaning of Samuel, Hannah presented him to Jehovah for sacred service at the tabernacle. Meditating on what Hannah did on that occasion may well enrich your own prayers. Explique. Explain. Explain. Ela não simplesmente diz que o amor é uma das muitas excelentes qualidades dele, mas que "Deus é amor ." It says not merely that love is one of his many admirable qualities but that "God is love. " She did not simply say that love is one of the many fine qualities of him but that "God is love. " Considere o exemplo do ministério do irmão Georg Fjölnir Lindal, na Islândia, relatado no Anuário das Testemunhas de Jeová de 2005, páginas 211 - 212, e as experiências de servos fiéis que perseveraram por muitos anos na Irlanda sem resultados imediatos, encontradas no Anuário das Testemunhas de Jeová de 1988, páginas 82 - 99. Consider the example of Brother Georg Fjölnir Lindal's ministry in Iceland, as reported in the 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 210 - 211, and the experiences of faithful servants who persevered in Ireland for many years without immediate results, as found in the 1988 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 82 - 99. Consider the example of the brother's ministry from the brother who studied G Linda, who lives in the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, related in the Yearbook of 2005, pages 5 - 84 and experiences of faithful servants who have endured throughout the immediate results of Jehovah's Witnesses. 6: 1. 6: 1. 6: 1. Em alguns países, fumar um maço de cigarros por dia pode custar milhares de dólares por ano. A pack - a - day habit can cost thousands of dollars a year. In some countries, a cigarettes from cigarettes for a day may cost thousands of dollars each year. Não. No. No. 12, 13. (a) Cite um exemplo de como a ganância pode levar a um fim desastroso. (b) Explique como a ganância pode se intensificar rapidamente se não for contida. 12, 13. (a) Give an example to show how greed can lead to disaster. (b) Explain how greed can increase rapidly if not curbed. 12, 13. (a) Give an example of how greed can lead to a disastrous end. (b) Explain how greed may be quickly realized. CÂNTICOS: 96, 98 SONGS TO BE USED: 96, 98 SONGS: 96, 98 (Leia Tiago 1: 13 - 15.) (Read James 1: 13 - 15.) (Read James 1: 13 - 15.) Mas vim a entender que não é sinal de fraqueza mostrar meus sentimentos. Yet, I have come to realize that it is not a sign of weakness to show my feelings. But I came to understand that it is not a sign of weakness to show my feelings. (a) Como Pedro, André, Tiago e João reagiram quando Jesus os convidou para serem pescadores de homens? (a) How did Peter, Andrew, James, and John respond when Jesus invited them to become fishers of men? (a) How did Peter, Andrew, James, and John respond when Jesus invited them to be fishermen of men? Seria mais tolice ainda meros humanos criticar "o Juiz de toda a terra "! - Gênesis 18: 25. How much more foolish it would be for mere humans to criticize "the Judge of all the earth "! - Genesis 18: 25. How foolish it would be for a mere human to criticize "the Judge of all the earth "! - Genesis 18: 25. Jeová com certeza não se agradava desse espírito. Jehovah was clearly not pleased with their spirit. Jehovah certainly was not pleased with that spirit. Um irmão que participa em compras globais disse: "Empresários que visitam as nossas gráficas ficam surpresos de ver como é possível essas instalações de alta tecnologia e de grande produção ser financiadas por donativos. A brother who is involved in global purchasing said: "Business people who visit our printeries are amazed that such a technologically advanced, high - production facility can be financed by voluntary donations. A brother who is engaging in global shopping said: "From news reports that our printinges are surprised to see how much these material facilities are being financed and great production will be financed by voluntary donations. A partir de então, "cada um estava ativo na obra com uma mão, ao passo que a outra agarrava a arma de arremesso ." From then on, "each one was active in the work with his one hand while the other hand was holding the missile. " Starting then, "each one was active in the work with a hand while the other hurled out of the weapon. " Não tenho dúvida de que a congregação sempre me ajudou muito. Truly, the Christian congregation has been of great benefit to me. I have no doubt felt that the congregation always helped me. Vemos a resposta na menção de Paulo a "homens de toda sorte serem declarados justos para a vida ." - Rom. We see the answer in Paul's mention of "a declaring of [men of all kinds] righteous for life. " - Rom. We see the answer in Paul's mention of "men of all sorts being declared righteous for life. " - Rom. Quando for apropriado, também podem servir como base para a parte sobre necessidades locais, na Reunião de Serviço. When appropriate, they can also provide the basis for a local needs part on the Service Meeting. When appropriate, they too can serve as a basis for the local needs, at the Service Meeting. Em vista disso, talvez seja mais prático ela ficar com a cabeça coberta durante a reunião inteira. In view of this, it may be more practical to wear a head covering during the entire meeting. In view of this, it may be more practical for her to become with head covered during the whole meeting. Quando Jesus morreu, o único item de valor que possuía, de que há registro, era a roupa que os soldados romanos sortearam entre si. When Jesus died, the only recorded thing of value that he owned was the garment over which the Roman soldiers cast lots. When Jesus died, the only itemary value he had, which was recorded, the Romans's garment that led the Romans's lot among themselves. 23 A Palavra de Deus exerce poder 23 "The Word of God... Exerts Power " 23 The Word of God Exerts Power Decidi ser pioneira, mas também comecei a orar todo dia para que Jeová me fizesse gostar do serviço de campo. " I decided to pioneer, but I also began to pray daily that Jehovah would make me like field service. " I decided to pioneer, but I also started praying each day to Jehovah that I enjoyed field service. " Michele: Entendo por que você se sente assim. Michelle: Your feelings and questions are understandable. Michelle: I see why you feel that way. Que condições de moradia muitos enfrentam hoje? What housing conditions do many face today? What conditions of many living conditions face today? O amor é a qualidade mais importante de todas. Love is the greatest of all qualities. Love is the most important quality of all. Mas, quando Jesus foi levado preso, todos os apóstolos o abandonaram, incluindo Pedro. Nevertheless, when Jesus was being taken into custody, all the apostles - including Peter - abandoned him. However, when Jesus was arrested, all the apostles abandoned him, including Peter. Por que o que Jeová fez por nós foi muito bondoso, algo que não merecemos? Why was God's provision of the ransom both kind and undeserved? Why did Jehovah do for us very kind, something we deserve? Sobre ele, o salmista disse: "Ele guarda a vida dos que lhe são leais; livra - os da mão dos maus. " Of Jehovah, the psalmist says: "He is guarding the lives of his loyal ones; he rescues them from the hand of the wicked. " Concerning him, the psalmist said: "He is guarding the life of his loyal ones; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked ones. " Para começar, é bom ter em mente que, em vez de fazer vista grossa ou condenar as ações de Ló, a Bíblia simplesmente relata o que aconteceu. To begin with, it should be noted that rather than condoning or condemning Lot's actions, the Bible simply reports what took place. To begin, it is good to keep in mind that rather than getting ignored or condemn Lot's actions, the Bible simply relates what happened. Se não tomarmos cuidado, poderemos ser facilmente contaminados. If we are not careful, that spirit can easily rub off on us. If we are not careful, we can easily become contaminated. Daniel tinha fé no cumprimento de profecias divinas Daniel had faith in the fulfillment of God - given prophecy Daniel had faith in the fulfillment of divine prophecies Ele construiu sua congregação sobre a "rocha ." He built his congregation on the "rock - mass. " He built up his congregation over "the brokenhearted. " Na verdade, não tinha como Abraão saber quando isso ia acontecer. The Bible does not say that Abraham felt that if he obeyed, in a mere few hours, a day, or a week, Isaac would come back to life. In fact, Abraham did not know how to do so. Se sua relação com Jeová for baseada no amor, você será " cumpridor da palavra, não apenas ouvinte '. If you have a loving relationship with Jehovah, you will be a " doer of the word, not a hearer only. ' If your relationship with Jehovah is based on love, you will be " doer of the word, not just listening. ' Neste artigo e no próximo analisaremos as respostas que a Bíblia dá a essas e a outras perguntas relacionadas. We will consider the Bible's answers to these and related questions in this and the following article. In this article and the next, we will examine the Bible's answers to these and other questions. Mas por que precisamos tomar boas decisões? But why do we need to make wise decisions? Why, though, do we need to make wise decisions? Qualquer doença que tenha tido é coisa do passado. Any infirmities you once had are gone. Whatever illness you may have had is of the past. Como Jesus ajudou seus discípulos a lidar com o medo do homem? How did Jesus help his disciples to cope with fear of man? How did Jesus help his disciples to cope with fear of man? Quando colocamos Deus em primeiro lugar, outros que o amam nos respeitarão pela nossa lealdade e se tornarão verdadeiros amigos. When we put him first, others who love him will respect us for our loyalty and become true friends. When we put God first, others who love us will respect our loyalty and will become true friends. Ele implorou que Jeová se lembrasse de como ele tinha sido fiel. He begged Jehovah to remember how he had walked before Him. He implored Jehovah to remembered how he had been faithful. Em outras ocasiões, Jesus simplesmente não respondia quando era evidente que não valia a pena fazer isso. - Marcos 15: 2 - 5; Lucas 22: 67 - 70. At other times, Jesus simply did not answer when it was evident that no good would be accomplished by doing so. - Mark 15: 2 - 5; Luke 22: 67 - 70. On other occasions, Jesus simply did not respond when it was evident that he was not worth doing so. - Mark 15: 2 - 5; Luke 22: 70 - 70. Embora agir assim fosse extremamente perigoso, ela mostrou fé, acreditando que Jeová podia proteger a ela e sua família. - Jos. Even though taking such a stand was fraught with danger, she expressed faith that Jehovah could deliver her and her family. - Josh. Though such a course was extremely dangerous, she showed her faith, believing that Jehovah could protect her and her family. - Josh. Ele queria tanto a pérola que vendeu tudo o que tinha para poder comprá - la. But to buy it would mean that he would have to sell everything else that he owned. He wanted so much that he sold everything he had so that he could buy it. Por que devemos servir com humildade e modéstia? Why should we serve with humility and modesty? Why should we serve with humility and modesty? Em ti espero o dia inteiro. " In you I hope all day long. " I hope all day long. " 10: 12, 13. 10: 12, 13. 10: 12, 13. Após receber mais explicações sobre o assunto, ela escreveu algumas semanas depois: "Finalmente estou começando a entender a verdade a respeito dos mortos. After further Scriptural discussions on the subject, she wrote some weeks later: "I am finally beginning to understand the real truth about death. After being given more explanations about the matter, she wrote some weeks later: "I am starting to understand the truth about the dead. É verdade que o grande templo espiritual já existe desde o primeiro século EC. Granted, the great spiritual temple has existed since the first century C.E. Granted, the great spiritual temple has already existed since the first century C.E. " Faze - me voltar e eu voltarei prontamente, porque tu és Jeová, meu Deus. " " Cause me to turn back, and I shall readily turn back, for you are Jehovah my God. " " Make me return and I will quickly return, for you are Jehovah my God. " Autoridades civis espancaram Paulo e Silas com varas e os prenderam. The civil authorities beat Paul and Silas with rods and threw them into prison. Nevertheless, neither did he give Paul and Silas with rods, and they laid them down. Por que os pais devem falar com seus filhos sobre Jeová? Why must parents speak with their children about Jehovah? Why should parents speak with their children about Jehovah? É claro que não! Absolutely not! Of course not! 17: 4, 5. 17: 4, 5. 17: 4, 5. Ou você acha que a outra pessoa teve a intenção de magoá - lo? Or is it because you feel that the other person deliberately attempted to hurt you? Or do you think that the other person had the intention of hurting him? Melisa, uma cristã solteira, era batizada havia pouco tempo quando um rapaz começou a interessar - se por ela. Melisa, a single Christian, had been baptized for only a short time when a young man began to take an interest in her. Melisa, a single Christian woman, was baptized shortly when a young boy began to be interested in her life. Os cristãos do primeiro século foram alertados sobre esse perigo quando se lhes disse: "Considerai de perto aquele [Cristo] que aturou tal conversa contrária da parte de pecadores contra os próprios interesses deles. " First - century Christians were warned about this danger when they were told: "Consider closely the one [Christ] who has endured such contrary talk by sinners against their own interests. " First - century Christians were warned about this danger when they said to them: "Consider closely the one [Christ] who has endured such talk against sinners against their own interests. " (a) O que ajudou Jeremias a amar a verdade da Palavra de Deus? (a) What helped Jeremiah to love the truth from God's Word? Lembra de alguma ocasião em que Jeová foi "veloz " em guiar você? Have you not seen that Jehovah is swift to provide you with his guidance? Do you think of some of what Jehovah has been "speedily " when you guide you? Espalhou toda a pragana, ou tudo sem valor, e viu o que havia de real e substancial. " He scattered all that was chaff, or all that was valueless, and saw what there was that was real and substantial. " And the coming of all the plague, or everything, saw, and he saw the real and poured out wells out. " Carla: Muito prazer, Sílvia. Karen: Nice to meet you too, Samantha. Karen: Nice to meet you, Samantha. Com esse objetivo, façamos sempre a nossa parte para que as reuniões cristãs sejam edificantes. To make sure that this will be the case, let us keep on doing our share in making Christian meetings upbuilding. To that end, let us always be part of our Christian meetings to be upbuilding. Na manhã seguinte, ele reúne dez anciãos de Belém e pergunta ao parente se está disposto a fazer o resgate. The very next morning, he gathers ten older men of Bethlehem before the relative and asks him if he is willing to do the repurchasing. The next morning, he meets ten elders in Bethlehem and the question when the family is willing to do the ransom. Agora eles faziam parte de um novo pacto. These devoted servants of God were under a new covenant. Now they were part of a new covenant. Aqueles judeus do passado não as tinham, para seu prejuízo. Those Jews of old lacked that, to their detriment. Those Jews in the past did not have to control their harm. Em pouco tempo, todos os dias eu vendia todo o meu sorvete. Soon, I was selling all my ice cream every day. Soon, every day I become better acquainted with my ice cream. Depois de casada, ela e seu marido Helmut começaram a pregar entre a população de africanos, chineses, filipinos e indianos em Viena. After she was married, Daniela, together with her husband, Helmut, took up the preaching work among the African, Chinese, Filipino, and Indian populations in Vienna. After married, she and her husband got baptized as they preached among the population of African's population, Chinese people filed strangers, and frightened in Vienna. Qual é o objetivo do pastoreio dos anciãos? What is the objective of the elders ' shepherding activity? What is the objective of the shepherding work? E mesmo os que se afastam do caminho de veracidade de Jeová - assim como aconteceu algumas vezes com Davi - têm a garantia de que Deus ainda é um "esconderijo " para os transgressores arrependidos. And even those who wander from Jehovah's way of trueness - as did David at times - have the assurance that God is still "a place of concealment " for repentant wrongdoers. And even those who fall away from Jehovah's truth - just as it did some times with David - have the assurance that God is still "to rise to repentant wrongdoers. " Além disso, podemos cavar em busca de tesouros espirituais no Índice das Publicações da Torre de Vigia ou na Watchtower Library (Biblioteca da Torre de Vigia) em CD - ROM. We can dig for rich spiritual treasures in the Watch Tower Publications Index or the Watchtower Library on CD - ROM. Moreover, we can dig for spiritual treasures in the Watch Tower Publications Index or in the Watchtower Library (CD - ROM) in ROM. Em que condição espiritual deplorável se encontram os que retornam à adoração falsa? What deplorable spiritual condition is experienced by those who regress to false worship? In what deplorable condition do those returning to false worship? Mas note qual será a reação de Jeová diante daqueles que desprezam os avisos: "Vou voltar a minha atenção para os homens que ficam rígidos sobre as suas borras e que dizem no seu coração: " Jeová não fará o que é bom e não fará o que é mau. ' Yet, note Jehovah's reaction to those who take no note: "I will give attention to the men who are congealing upon their dregs and who are saying in their heart, " Jehovah will not do good, and he will not do bad. ' But note what it will be Jehovah's reaction to those who ignore warnings: "I will return my attention to the rigid men who are in their midst and say that Jehovah will not do good and do what is bad. " (b) O que os servos de Deus são exortados a fazer? (b) What are God's servants admonished to do? (b) What are God's servants urged to do? Que tipo de pessoas Jesus escolhia como amigos? Jesus chose what sort of individuals as his friends? What kind of people did Jesus choose as friends? 8 - 10. (a) O que é jurar? 8 - 10. (a) What is an oath? 8 - 10. (a) What is sworn? • Quais são algumas maneiras de os pastores mostrarem amor pelo rebanho? • What are some ways in which shepherds show love for the flock? • What are some ways in which shepherds show love for the flock? Em que sentido? In what way? In what sense? Na congregação, será que somos conhecidos como pacificadores ou como violadores da paz? In the congregation, are we known as peacemakers or as peacebreakers? In the congregation, are we known as peacemakers or as violating peace? Jesus disse em oração a Jeová: "Isto significa vida eterna: que conheçam a ti, o único Deus verdadeiro, e àquele que tu enviaste, Jesus Cristo. " In prayer to Jehovah, Jesus said: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. " Jesus said in prayer to Jehovah: "This means everlasting life, that you know the only true God, and the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " Esse conhecimento, por não ser infinito, não proporcionou aos primeiros cristãos todos os detalhes sobre eventos futuros. Since this was not an infinite knowledge, having it did not result in the early Christians ' knowing all the details about future events. Such knowledge, not being infinite, did not prepare for the early Christians all detail about future events. Mas enquanto a sua primeira esposa viver sem cônjuge, ele não estará habilitado para servir num cargo de responsabilidade na congregação. But as long as his first wife lives without a mate, he will not qualify to serve in a responsible position in the congregation. But while his first wife living without a mate, he will not qualify to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation. Por que é proveitoso conhecer a Páscoa? Why is it beneficial to know about the Passover? Why is it beneficial to know the Passover? Como os cristãos ungidos no início do século 20 mostraram percepção da época em que viviam? How did anointed Christians early in the 20th century show their awareness of the time? How did anointed Christians at the beginning of the 20th century show perception of the time when they lived? Minhas ovelhas escutam a minha voz e eu as conheço, e elas me seguem. " My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. " My sheep listen to my voice and I know them, and they follow me. " Mas talvez você fique um pouco preocupado. Still, you might have concerns. Do not be unduly concerned about your personal concerns. Que alvo maravilhoso Deus lhes oferece! What a wonderful goal such ones have been invited by God to pursue! What a marvelous goal God has offered them! FOTO DA CAPA: COVER IMAGE: COVER IMAGE: Independentemente do modo como o povo de Jeová tenha recebido suas instruções, os que as seguiram foram abençoados. No matter how Jehovah's people received his word, those who followed his instructions were blessed. Regardless of how Jehovah's people received their instructions, those who followed them were blessed. 133: 1 - 3. 133: 1 - 3. 133: 1 - 3. Ele orou pedindo espírito santo para ajudá - lo a resistir a esse hábito imundo. He has prayed for holy spirit to help him resist this filthy habit. He prayed for holy spirit to help him resist such habit. A mulher celestial dá à luz um filho. The heavenly woman gives birth to a son, a male. The heavenly woman gives birth to a son. Por que os pais talvez decidam levar em conta os desejos dos filhos ao estabelecer regras para a família? Why might parents consider their children's concerns when making house rules? Why might parents decide to consider their children's desires when establishing family rules? Se você segue os princípios de moral da Bíblia, o que vai dizer aos que acham que você é preconceituoso ou até mesmo odeia os homossexuais? If you live by the Bible's moral code, how can you respond to those who label you prejudiced, judgmental, or even homophobic? If you are guided by Bible principles, what do you think you are prejudiced or even hate your homosexual? Foi isso que Luca fez. That is what Luca did. That was what Luca did. 3: 18. 3: 18. 3: 18. De acordo com a Bíblia, não é errado consumir álcool. The Bible does not condemn the moderate use of alcohol. According to the Bible, it is not wrong to consume alcohol. Podemos aprender muito sobre fé e coragem analisando o exemplo de Enoque, outra testemunha de Jeová dos tempos pré - cristãos. We can learn much about faith and courage by considering the example set by another pre - Christian witness - Enoch. We can learn much about faith and courage by considering Enoch's example, another witness from Jehovah of pre - Christian times. 18, 19. 18, 19. 18, 19. Por isso, ele disse no Sermão do Monte: "Ouvistes que se disse: " Não deves cometer adultério. ' In his Sermon on the Mount, he therefore stated: "You heard that it was said, " You must not commit adultery. ' Therefore, he said in his Sermon on the Mount: "You heard that it was said, " You must not commit adultery. ' Esse carro acaba quebrando e o casal se desfaz dele. That car breaks down and is abandoned. The car seems to be quick and satisfied with his couple. Jesus Cristo disse aos seus discípulos: "Não fazeis parte do mundo. " Jesus Christ told his disciples: "You are no part of the world. " Jesus Christ told his disciples: "Do not be part of the world. " Por se esforçarem no ministério, milhões dos servos de Deus ao redor do mundo estão demonstrando apreço pela instrução que recebem. Exerting themselves in the ministry, millions of God's people around the world are demonstrating their appreciation for the training they receive. By making themselves in the ministry, millions of God's servants around the world are demonstrating appreciation for the instruction they receive. Depois disso, os alunos podem cursar uma universidade ou faculdade por quatro anos ou mais e, quando se formam, podem fazer cursos de pós - graduação nas áreas de medicina, direito, engenharia, e assim por diante. Thereafter, students may choose to attend university or college for four or more years, leading to a bachelor's degree or to postgraduate studies for careers in medicine, law, engineering, and so forth. After that, students could start a university or for four years or more when they form, they can make fun of dust - five parts of medicine, preferred, and so forth. 3, 4. 3, 4. 3, 4. • O que temos de fazer para receber o espírito santo de Deus? • What do we need to do to receive God's holy spirit? • What must we do to receive God's holy spirit? Suponha que um casal peça ajuda a um ancião cristão para acabar com as suas frequentes discussões. Suppose a married couple asked a Christian elder for help to end their frequent arguments. Suppose a couple ask an elder to do so with their frequent arguments. Como podemos " examinar se estamos na fé '? In the days before the Memorial, how can we " test whether we are in the faith '? How can we " test whether we are in the faith '? Por isso, seria sábio seguir o conselho de Jesus e orar pedindo mais desse espírito. Therefore, it would be wise to follow Jesus ' counsel and pray for more spirit. Sem dúvida, você quer que seu filho entenda "a largura, o comprimento, a altura e a profundidade " da verdade. With patient teaching from their parents, children will be able gradually to begin to grasp "the breadth and length and height and depth " of faith. No doubt you want your child to understand "the lengthy length and height " of the truth. Abraão aguardava viver sob o governo do Reino de Deus. Abraham was looking forward to life under the rule of God's Kingdom. Abraham looked forward to living under God's Kingdom. Sabendo que não podia fazer nada para mudar a situação, Miqueias abriu o coração a Jeová. Aware that he could do nothing to change the situation himself, Micah poured out his heart to Jehovah. Knowing that he could not change the situation, Micah pour out his heart to Jehovah. 15 de julho de 2010 July 15, 2010 July 15, 2010 Jesus estava convencido de que as Escrituras eram a Palavra de Deus e tinham as melhores orientações para a vida. Jesus was convinced that the Bible is God's Word, which provides the best guidance in life. Jesus was convinced that the Scriptures were God's Word and had the best direction for life. Publicações e artigos para o público. Material for the public. Names and articles for the public. [ Nota (s) de rodapé] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Para quem nunca sofreu tal perda, talvez seja difícil entender quão devastadora ela pode ser. It may be difficult for those who have never experienced such a loss to appreciate how devastating it can be. For who never suffered such a loss, it may be difficult to understand how devastating it can be. Como Malaquias 3: 16 nos ajuda a entender o que Jeová sente quando alguém decide servir a ele? How did Malachi highlight Jehovah's feelings toward those who willingly serve him? How does Malachi 3: 16 help us to understand what Jehovah feels when he chooses to serve him? Explique. (b) Que perguntas analisaremos? Explain. (b) What questions will we consider? Explain. (b) What questions will we consider? 3 Biografia - "Eu me tornei todas as coisas para pessoas de todo tipo " 3 Life Story - Becoming "All Things to People of All Sorts " 3 Life Story - I became all things to people of all sorts " Vamos considerar alguns desses milagres e ver como podem afetar nossa vida agora e no futuro. Let us consider a few of Jesus ' miracles and see what effect they can have on our life now and in the future. Let us consider some of these miracles and see how we can affect our lives now and in the future. Conseguem usar esse conhecimento de modo bondoso e positivo ao discipliná - los? Are you able to use that knowledge in a positive, kind way to train them? Do you use such knowledge in a kind, positive, and positive way as you discipline them? " Bênçãos que nos enriquecem ' " Blessings That Make Us Rich ' Now " Blessings What Makes Us rich " Porque a "lei do espírito " nos " libertou da lei do pecado e da morte '. He explained to his fellow Christians: "For the law of the spirit that gives life in union with Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. " Because "the law of the spirit " liberated us from the law of sin and of death. Não é isso o que você aguarda? Are you not looking forward to that? Is that not what you look forward to? Isso significa colocar os padrões de Jeová sobre o que é certo e o que é errado acima das normas humanas. This means putting Jehovah's standard of what is right and what is wrong ahead of human norms. This means putting Jehovah's standards on right and wrong with human standards. O que temos de fazer para nos beneficiar pessoalmente quando terminar a peça teatral sobre soberania? To benefit personally when the drama involving sovereignty ends, what must we do? What must we do to benefit personally when finishing the Drama of sovereignty? Mas esse anúncio público acabou na morte de muitas crianças inocentes. - Mat. This very public announcement of Jesus ' birth ultimately resulted in the death of many innocent children. - Matt. But this public announcement ended in the death of many innocent children. - Matt. David, já mencionado, diz: "A maioria dos casais procura seguir os princípios bíblicos, o que é elogiável. David, mentioned earlier, comments: "Most couples endeavor to follow Bible principles, and they deserve commendation. David, mentioned earlier, states: "The most married couples endeavor to follow Bible principles, what is commendable. Já pensou como vai ser bom viver num mundo sem guerra, doença e morte? Can you imagine a world without warfare, sickness, or death? Have you considered living in a world without war, illness, and death? Lembre - se do que aconteceu numa reunião que Paulo teve com os anciãos de Éfeso, onde ele havia passado três anos e enfrentado muita oposição. Recall what took place at a meeting that Paul held with the elders from Ephesus, where he had spent three years and experienced much opposition. Recall what happened at the meeting that Paul had been with the elders in Ephesus, where he had spent three years and faced much opposition. (a) De que maneira Jeremias agiu com sensatez quando comprou um campo? (a) What wise step did Jeremiah take when he bought a field? (a) In what way did Jeremiah act like mine when he bought a field? Miqueias 4: 3: "Ele fará julgamento entre muitos povos. Psalm 46: 9: "[God] is bringing an end to wars throughout the earth. Micah 4: 3: "He will make judgment among many peoples. Ao contrário do ouro, da prata, ou de muitas outras pedras preciosas, as pérolas são produzidas por seres vivos. Unlike gold, silver, or many gemstones, pearls are produced by living things. Unlike golden gold, silver, or many other precious stones, the pearls are produced by living. O que você pensaria de alguém que, sem estar a par de todos os fatos, ou sem mesmo conhecer as leis envolvidas, criticasse a decisão desse juiz? What would you think about someone who without knowing all the facts or really understanding the laws involved criticized the judge's decision? What would you think of someone who would not be aware of all the facts or without knowing the laws involved, comparing that judge? Para garantir que o bebê fosse morto, ele ordenou a execução de todos os meninos, em Belém e nos arredores, que tinham 2 anos de idade ou menos. To make sure that the job was done, he ordered the execution of all boys two years of age and younger who were living in Bethlehem and its districts. To ensure that the baby was killed, he ordered the execution of all male boys in Bethlehem and its surrounding territory. Ao conversarmos antes ou depois das reuniões, um irmão ou uma irmã talvez nos ouça com atenção ou nos diga palavras de consolo. In conversation before or after a meeting, a fellow believer may give us a listening ear or share consoling words. When we talk before or after our meetings, a brother or a sister may listen to us carefully or say words of comfort. • De que forma o livro Instrutor tem ajudado os pais a ensinar os filhos? • How has the Teacher book helped parents teach their children? • How has the Teacher book helped parents to teach their children? Mas, como em outras ocasiões no passado, Jeová permaneceu no controle. However, as in times past, Jehovah remained in control. But as in other times in the past, Jehovah remained in control. Jeová verá sua disposição de participar e proverá seu espírito, que lhe ajudará a se beneficiar ainda mais das reuniões a que você assiste. Jehovah will see your willingness to participate and will provide his holy spirit, which will help you to get even more out of the meetings you attend. Jehovah will see your willingness to participate and will supply your spirit, which will help you to benefit even more from the meetings you attend. Embora todos nós sejamos imperfeitos, não é impossível aplicar os conselhos de Jesus, pois nem ele nem nosso Pai celestial esperam de nós mais do que podemos fazer. Although all of us are imperfect, we can apply Jesus ' counsel because he does not expect more of us than we can do, and neither does our heavenly Father. Although all of us are imperfect, it is not impossible to apply Jesus ' counsel, for neither does he nor our heavenly Father expect us to do more than we can. Sentirá uma alegria sem igual. The joy that you will then feel has no equal. They felt a unique joy. Ainda assim, Salomão provavelmente veio a ter parentes amonitas que não serviam a Jeová. Still, Solomon likely came to have Ammonite in - laws and relatives who did not serve Jehovah. Still, Solomon likely came to have relatives who did not serve Jehovah. CÂNTICOS: 95, 116 SONGS TO BE USED: 95, 116 SONGS TO BE USED: 95, 116 CÂNTICOS: 43, 181 SONGS TO BE USED: 30, 181 SONGS TO BE USED: 125, 148 Sejam quais forem os desafios, porém, Jeová ouvirá as nossas " orações de fé '. Regardless of the challenges we face, however, Jehovah will hear our " prayers of faith. ' Regardless of the challenges, however, Jehovah will hear our " prayers of faith. ' Para sugestões úteis de como estudar, veja as páginas 27 - 32 do livro Beneficie - se da Escola do Ministério Teocrático, publicado pelas Testemunhas de Jeová. For helpful suggestions on how to study, see pages 27 - 32 of the book Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. For helpful suggestions, see pages 27 - 32 of Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Depois, serão destruídos. - Rev. Eventually, they will be destroyed. - Rev. Thereafter, they will be destroyed. - Rev. Daí, podemos perguntar o que ela faria se o filho não aceitasse a sua ajuda. At this point, we might ask the parent what he would do if the child rejected all efforts to help him. Then we might ask what she would do if the child did not respond to his help. Elas apelaram: "Oh! dá - nos uma propriedade no meio dos irmãos de nosso pai. " They pleaded: "O give us a possession in the midst of our father's brothers. " " I have kept us a property out of the brothers and sisters in the midst of our father. " De que forma a classe do "escravo " dá esse treinamento? How does the slave class provide this training? How does the slave class provide such training? Caminhando corajosamente na direção de Esaú, Jacó se curva - não apenas uma vez, mas sete vezes. As Jacob courageously walks toward Esau, he bows down - not once but seven times. He was boldly walking in the direction of Esau, Jacob bowed down not only once but seven times. " Noé fez tudo que Deus lhe havia mandado. " Noah did according to all that God had commanded him. " Noah did all that God had given him. Para que montes o salmista possivelmente levantou os olhos, e por quê? To which mountains may the psalmist have raised his eyes, and why? To what mountains may the psalmist raise his eyes, and why? JEOVÁ Deus tem demonstrado seu amor por nós de inúmeras maneiras. JEHOVAH GOD has shown his love for us in countless ways. JEHOVAH has demonstrated his love for us in countless ways. Como superar o orgulho e o ciúme Overcoming Pride and Jealousy How to overcome pride and jealousy Isso quer dizer que nada pode ser mais importante do que a Bíblia. Então, não deixe que ilustrações, exemplos reais, ou mesmo sua oratória, chamem mais atenção do que a Palavra de Deus. For one thing, be careful that nothing - experiences, illustrations, or even your manner of delivery - overshadows or draws attention away from the Bible verses you use. This means that nothing else can be more important than the Bible, let us not let real illustrations, or even his deliver, calling more attention to God's Word. Em vez disso, temos de estar decididos a aumentar nossa fé e a usar com sabedoria o tempo da paciência de Deus. - Mat. 24: 13; leia 2 Pedro 3: 17, 18. Instead, we must be determined to grow in faith and use the time of God's patience wisely. - Matt. 24: 13; read 2 Peter 3: 17, 18. Rather, we must be determined to increase our faith and use the wisdom of God's patience. - Matt. 24: 13; read 2 Peter 3: 17, 18. Foi Isaías 1: 18, onde Jeová diz: " Venham, e resolvamos as questões entre nós. The verse was Isaiah 1: 18, where Jehovah is quoted as saying: " Come, now, you people, and let us set matters straight between us.... Isaiah 1: 18, where Jehovah says: "I am coming, and let us accept issues between us. 32: 8. 32: 8. 32: 8. (b) O que você pode fazer para diminuir sua ansiedade? (b) What can you do to reduce anxiety? Paulo recomendava que seus irmãos na fé cultivassem o espírito de generosidade. Paul was recommending that his fellow worshippers cultivate the spirit of generosity. Paul recommends his fellow believers to cultivate the spirit of generosity. Eu tinha conhecido Eunice quando eu estava no último ano da escola. I had first met Eunice at that school for the deaf when I was in my senior year. I had known Eunice when I was in the last year school. De modo similar, para " sermos fervorosos de espírito ' precisamos de um fluxo contínuo do espírito de Deus. Similarly, to "be aglow with the spirit, " we need a constant flow of God's spirit. Similarly, to "be aglow with the spirit " we need an ongoing flow of God's spirit. Paulo, que com certeza dava valor a isso, disse: "A bondade imerecida de Deus foi manifestada, trazendo salvação a todo tipo de pessoas. " - Tito 2: 11. Paul, who certainly appreciated that fact, said: "The undeserved kindness of God has been manifested, bringing salvation to all sorts of people. " - Titus 2: 11. Paul surely appreciated this, saying: "God's undeserved kindness was manifested, bringing salvation to all sorts of people. " - Titus 2: 11. (Leia Salmo 95: 6.) (Read Psalm 95: 6.) (Read Psalm 95: 6.) Que boas ações Dorcas praticava em favor de outros? What good things did Dorcas do for others? What good deeds Dorcas practiced in behalf of others? [ Nota (s) de rodapé] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Mantenha um coração pleno Maintain a Complete Heart Maintain a Complete Heart Veja isso da seguinte forma: No caso da palavra falada, não é verdade que "todos nós tropeçamos muitas vezes "? Look at it this way: Where the spoken word is concerned, is it not true that "we all stumble many times "? Consider this: In the case of the spoken word, is it not true that "all us stumble many times "? Além disso, a Lei serviu para preservar a linhagem do Messias, o que mais tarde ajudou os israelitas a identificá - lo. Furthermore, the Law helped to preserve the genealogical line leading to the Messiah and to identify him when he appeared. Moreover, the Law served to preserve the line of the Messiah, who later helped the Israelites to identify him. Primeiro, a busca de prazeres e bens materiais. First, we will consider the pursuit of pleasure and possessions. First, the pursuit of pleasure and material possessions. E elas não recebem nenhum tipo de salário para isso - na verdade, elas têm prazer em pagar suas despesas do próprio bolso. Amazingly, not only do they go unpaid for their work but they also gladly cover their own expenses. And they do not receive any kind of wages for that - in truth, they have a pleasure in paying their own expense for themselves. Davi reafirmou sua plena confiança em Deus e na eficácia das orações. David again manifests complete trust in God and displays confidence in the effectiveness of prayer. David rested his complete trust in God and in the effectiveness of prayers. Jeová não só consolou a nação de Israel como um todo, ele também deu atenção a cada pessoa individualmente. Jehovah gave comfort not only to the nation of Israel as a whole but also to each individual. Jehovah did not only comfort the nation of Israel as a whole but also gave attention to each individual. Muito provavelmente, ele procurava conselhos nas Escrituras, suplicava a ajuda de Jeová para aplicá - los e se esforçava para melhorar. Very likely, he looked for points of counsel in the Scriptures, supplicated Jehovah for help to apply them, and worked hard to improve. Very likely, he sought counsel from the Scriptures, entreated Jehovah to help them apply and endeavor to improve. Ser leal exige o quê? Being loyal calls for what? Being loyal requires what? O que devemos fazer se encontramos alguém hostil no ministério? What should we do if someone we meet in the ministry seems to be belligerent? What should we do if someone is hostile in the ministry? Dê atenção especial ao quadro "Eu era viciada em redes sociais ," na página 26. Pay particular attention to the box "I Was a Social - Networking - Site Addict, " on page 26. Give particular attention to the box "I Was a Social networking, " on page 26. O apóstolo João escreveu: "Por meio disso é que saberemos que nos originamos da verdade e asseguraremos os nossos corações diante dele quanto a tudo em que os nossos corações nos possam condenar, porque Deus é maior do que os nossos corações e ele sabe todas as coisas. " The apostle John wrote: "By this we shall know that we originate with the truth, and we shall assure our hearts before him as regards whatever our hearts may condemn us in, because God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. " The apostle John wrote: "By this we shall know that we originate with the truth and shall assure our hearts before him as long as everything in our hearts may condemn us, because God is greater than our hearts and he knows all things. " Mas, após "três dias e meio ," essas duas testemunhas seriam trazidas de volta à vida, para a surpresa de todos que presenciassem isso. - Rev. But after "three and a half days, " these two witnesses would be brought back to life, much to the amazement of all onlookers. - Rev. But after "three days and a half days, " these two witnesses would be brought back to life, to surprise that all of us have witnessed this. - Rev. Jeová nunca muda; podemos confiar nele. Jehovah never changes; he is dependable. Jehovah never changes; we can trust in him. (a) Do que o espírito de Jeová nos liberta? (a) What sort of freedom does Jehovah's spirit bring? (a) What does Jehovah's spirit influence us? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Que sacrifícios ofertamos na nossa adoração a Deus? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Como podemos oferecer recursos materiais a Jeová? Out of our heart's abundance and out of appreciation for all that Jehovah has done for us, let us continue to make whole - souled sacrifices for Jehovah. . . . . . What sacrifices do we make in our worship of God? Note que a base para o julgamento não é o que a pessoa fez ou deixou de fazer antes de morrer. Notice that the basis for this judging is not what the person had or had not done before he died. Notice that the basis for judgment is not what a person did or left before he died. De acordo com algumas pesquisas, pessoas viciadas em pornografia mostraram os mesmos sintomas de dependência que alcoólatras e usuários de drogas. Research indicates that individuals who admitted to having an irresistible urge to watch pornography show the same signs of addiction as do alcoholics and drug addicts. According to some research, Germany's addiction to pornography shows the same symptoms that an drug or drug or drug abuse. * Isso convenceu as moças de que Deus tinha ouvido sua oração. * The teenage sisters were convinced that God had answered their prayer for help. * It convinced the young women that God had heard his prayer. Todos nós podemos orar em favor de nossos irmãos (Veja o parágrafo 18.) All of us can pray in behalf of our brothers (See paragraph 18) All of us can pray in behalf of our brothers (See paragraph 18) Da mesma forma, andar de acordo com o espírito exige um constante progresso espiritual - não perfeição espiritual. Thus, walking in accord with the spirit calls for steady spiritual advancement - not spiritual perfection. Likewise, walking in accord with the spirit requires an ongoing spiritual progress - not perfect spiritual perfection. O nosso trabalho nos alimenta em sentido espiritual e nos dá prazer. Our work nourishes us spiritually and brings us delight as well. Our work feeds us spiritually and gives us pleasure. Jeová, o Amo de todos, e seu Juiz designado, Cristo Jesus, nos julgarão, não apenas à base das nossas obras, mas também à base da motivação, das oportunidades, do amor e da devoção. Jehovah, the Master of all, and his appointed Judge, Christ Jesus, will judge us, not on the basis of our works alone but also on the basis of our motives, our opportunities, our love, and our devotion. Jehovah, the Master of all, and his appointed Judge, Jesus Christ, will judge us not only on the basis of our works but also on the basis of the motive, of love, devotion, and devotion. (Leia Salmo 32: 5; Sal. (Read Psalm 32: 5; Ps. (Read Psalm 32: 5; Ps. 19, 20. 19, 20. 19, 20. Mas ela comparou sua situação a um lápis de cor. Um lápis quebrado também consegue colorir. In time, she came to liken herself to a child's crayon - even the broken ones are still useful for coloring. However, she likens her situation to a lot of color and shutting too ice. 2: 10. 2: 10. 2: 10. Hoje, especialistas estudam os acontecimentos mundiais e fazem previsões sobre o futuro. People have speculated about such questions for thousands of years. Today, advanced students study world events and do relate to the future. Derivamos muita alegria e consolo por nos reunirmos regularmente com eles nas nossas reuniões. - Filêm. We receive much joy and comfort by regularly assembling with them at our meetings. - Philem. Those cherished joy and comfort by regularly association with them at our meetings. - Philem. CÂNTICOS: 101, 97 SONGS TO BE USED: 101, 97 SONGS TO BE USED: 101, 97 É possível que você às vezes se sinta como o jovem Celso, que disse: "Minha mãe parecia um detetive - sempre procurando falhas no que eu fazia. " At times, you may have felt like a young man named Craig, who said, "My mother seemed like a police detective - always looking for areas where I failed. " You may at times feel like Steve, who said: "My mother seemed away from looking for flaws in what I did. " Jeová enviou serpentes venenosas para puni - los. Jehovah sends poisonous serpents to punish them. Jehovah sent serpents to punish them. Como faz Helena, de 20 e poucos anos. This is what Ellena, who is in her early 20 ' s, does. As he makes confidence, in his 20 ' s, and just a few years. O interesse profundo de Jeová em cada um de seus servos fiéis é evidente pelo que Jesus disse aos seus apóstolos pouco depois de escolhê - los. Jehovah's deep concern for each of his faithful servants is underscored by what Jesus told his apostles shortly after he selected them. Jehovah's deep interest in each of his faithful servants is evident by what Jesus told his apostles shortly after they fell into charge. Como vimos, Jeová usou seu espírito no passado para proteger tanto pessoas como a nação de Israel como um todo. As we have seen, Jehovah used his spirit in the past to protect individuals as well as the nation of Israel as a whole. As we have seen, Jehovah used his spirit in the past to protect both people and the nation of Israel. Fazendo isso, agradamos a Jeová Deus, "cuja vontade é que toda sorte de homens sejam salvos e venham a ter um conhecimento exato da verdade ." In so doing, we please Jehovah God, "whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " By doing so, we are pleasing to Jehovah God, "your will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " O Evangelho de Lucas mostra que as "dívidas " às quais Jesus se referia eram pecados, pois ali diz:" Perdoa - nos os nossos pecados, pois nós mesmos também perdoamos a todo aquele que está em dívida conosco. " - Luc. 11: 4. Luke's Gospel shows that the "debts " Jesus had in mind are sins, for it says:" Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone that is in debt to us. " - Luke 11: 4. Luke's Gospel shows that the "debts " to which Jesus was referring to sins, for he says:"Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive anyone who is debt in us. " - Luke 11: 4. 8 O excedente deles contrabalançou uma deficiência 8 Their Surplus Offset a Deficiency 8 Above All of them, The Credit Lines wasputting on their side A questão não era que Deus tivesse de aplicar o resgate em favor dos apóstolos e outros como recompensa por terem praticado certas boas obras. It is not that God owed it to the apostles and others to apply the ransom because they had performed certain good works. The issue was not that God had to apply the ransom in behalf of the apostles and others as a reward because they carried out certain works. Ele entende quando sentimos medo ou achamos que não somos capazes de fazer alguma coisa. We can be sure that Jehovah appreciates every effort that we make to serve him. He understands us when we fear or feel that we are unable to do something. • Por que os cristãos devem ser exemplares em amor e fé? • Why are Christians to be exemplary in love and faith? • Why should Christians be exemplary in love and faith? Afinal, a esperança de vida eterna é um aspecto fundamental das boas novas que pregamos. After all, the hope of everlasting life is an essential aspect of the good news that we preach. After all, the hope of everlasting life is a fundamental aspect of the good news that we preach. A que nós não nos dedicamos? To what have we not dedicated ourselves? What do we not dedicate ourselves to him? Primeira, a destruição de Jerusalém e a desolação de Judá servem de forte incentivo para obedecermos a Jeová e de aviso para não desconsiderarmos a vontade divina. First, Jerusalem's destruction and the desolation of Judah urge obedience to Jehovah and serve as a warning not to ignore the divine will. First, the destruction of Jerusalem and the desolation of Judah serve as strong encouragement to obey Jehovah and the warning to avoid ignoring his will. Por que a questão da soberania precisa ser resolvida? Why must the issue of sovereignty be settled? Why must the issue of sovereignty be settled? O apreço pela bondade de Jeová nos leva a nos esforçar arduamente em aplicar este conselho: "[Falai a palavra] que for boa para a edificação, conforme a necessidade, para que confira aos ouvintes aquilo que é favorável.... Appreciation for Jehovah's kindness motivates us to make an earnest effort to apply the counsel: "[Speak] whatever saying is good for building up as the need may be, that it may impart what is favorable to the hearers.... Appreciation for Jehovah's goodness moves us to work hard at applying this counsel: "Speak the word... that is good for building up as the need may be, that it may impart what is favorable to the hearers.... " Esvaziou a sua alma até a própria morte " " He poured out his soul to the very death " " He poured out his soul to the very death " Poderemos viver a vida que Deus desejou para nós, em perfeição, para sempre - tudo graças ao que Jeová fez para nos livrar! - Rom. We can live life as God meant it to be, in perfection, forever - all because of what Jehovah has done to deliver us! - Rom. We can live in life that God has desire for us, perfectly, for all that Jehovah has done to deliver us! - Rom. É essencial termos "bom senso " quando um método de diagnóstico ou uma terapia parecem estranhos ou misteriosos. Será que a pessoa que promove ou executa o tratamento consegue explicar satisfatoriamente como ele funciona? Having "soundness of mind, " or being sober - minded, should certainly come into play when the explanation of a diagnostic method or therapy seems strange or mysterious. How vital it is that we "good judgment " when a diagnostic or therapy seemed strange to strangers or racial treatment? Se os filhos falam um idioma na escola e outro em casa, eles talvez tenham que aprender sobre Jeová nos dois idiomas. Some children may need to learn about Jehovah in two languages - their school language and the language that is spoken at home. If children speak a language at school and elsewhere, they may need to learn about Jehovah in two languages. Incluindo a si mesmo, Paulo disse a respeito de tais homens: "Não é que sejamos os amos de vossa fé, mas somos colaboradores para a vossa alegria. " Including himself, Paul said regarding such men: "Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy. " It includes making known to himself, Paul said of such men: "Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy. " Claro que não! Of course not! Of course not! Eles cultivaram diversas qualidades excelentes. They have cultivated a number of fine qualities. They have cultivating a variety of fine qualities. Mas ainda há perguntas a respeito desse assunto que serão consideradas no próximo artigo. Related to this matter, however, are questions to be considered in the next article. However, there are yet questions about this subject that will be discussed in the following article. Então, não devemos concluir que ainda falta muito tempo para as condições do mundo levarem "os dez chifres " e" a fera " de Apocalipse 17: 16 a atacar Babilônia, a Grande, o império mundial da religião falsa. Therefore, we should not assume that much time is needed for the state of this world to develop to the point where "the ten horns " and" the wild beast " of Revelation 17: 16 turn on Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. So we should not conclude that the world empire of "the ten horns " and" the wild beast " of Revelation 17: 16 attacks Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. QUANDO menino, Timóteo morava na província romana da Galácia, onde hoje é a Turquia. THE Roman province of Galatia, in what is now Turkey, was home to the boy Timothy. WHEN Timothy lived in Roman province of Galatia, where today he is Turkey. De fato, Provérbios 21: 1 diz: "O coração do rei é como correntes de água na mão de Jeová. In fact, Proverbs 21: 1 tells us: "A king's heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. In fact, Proverbs 21: 1 states: "The king's heart is like streams of water in Jehovah's hand. 145: 1, 2; Isa. 145: 1, 2; Isa. 145: 1, 2; Isa. (Leia.) Daí, diga: "Visto que essa descrição não pode se aplicar a nenhum humano, ela deve se referir ao nosso Criador. There is no human who fits this description, so it must be describing our Creator. (Read.) Then.) Then, say: "Because this description cannot apply to no human, it should be applied to our Creator. Por causa de uma falta de água para beber. Because of a lack of water to drink. Because of a lack of water to drink. Por fim, os visitantes angélicos fizeram com que todos naquela multidão frenética ficassem cegos. - Gênesis 19: 1 - 11. Finally, the angelic visitors struck that frenzied crowd with blindness. - Genesis 19: 1 - 11. Eventually, the angelic visitors made sure that all of that they must get blind. - Genesis 19: 1 - 11. Jesus disse: "Onde estiver o seu tesouro, ali estará também o seu coração. " Jesus said: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " Jesus said: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " Então, ele fez um voto a Jeová: "Se entregares os amonitas nas minhas mãos, então aquele que sair da porta da minha casa ao meu encontro, quando eu voltar em paz da guerra contra os amonitas, se tornará de Jeová. " Earnestly desiring a victory, Jephthah vowed: "If you give the Ammonites into my hand, then whoever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the Ammonites will become Jehovah's. " Then he made a vow to Jehovah: "If you give the Ammonites in my hands, then that will come out of my house to meet me when I return in peace against the Ammonites, I will become Jehovah's Ammonites. " Como cristãos, as dificuldades da vida não nos surpreendem. As Christians, we are not surprised by the distresses of life. As Christians, difficulties of life do not surprise us. Em 538 ou 537 AEC, o conquistador de Babilônia, Ciro, ordenou que os judeus voltassem e reconstruíssem o templo de Deus em Jerusalém. In 538 or 537 B.C.E., Babylon's conqueror, Cyrus, commanded the Jews to return and rebuild God's temple in Jerusalem. In 538 or 537 B.C.E., the overthrow of Babylon, the Jews ordered and rebuilt God's temple in Jerusalem. De qual grupo Jesus escolheria e designaria o escravo fiel? From which group would Jesus select and appoint the faithful slave? Which group would Jesus appoint, and would he appoint the faithful slave? Você sabe por que Jesus disse: "Parai de julgar "? Do you know why Jesus said: "Stop judging "? Do you know why Jesus said: "Stop judging "? Nunca deixa de protegê - los e faz o máximo para evitar que aconteça qualquer coisa que poderia lhes tirar a paz, a inocência ou o senso de confiança e de segurança. He loyally protects them and gives his all to prevent anything from happening that might rob them of their peace, their innocence, or their sense of trust and safety. Never allow them to protect them and do their utmost to avoid anything that could bring them peace, innocence, or confidence. Realmente, não é possível " esquadrinhar seu entendimento '. Actually, "there is no searching out of his understanding. " Indeed, it is not possible to " search through your understanding. ' Isso vai aumentar nossa vontade de seguir as orientações de Jeová, que vão nos levar até o novo mundo. This review will bolster our resolve to follow Jehovah's lead into the new world. This will strengthen our resolve to follow Jehovah's guidance, which will cause us to carry out the new world. 15, 16. 15, 16. 15, 16. Que conselho Jesus dá em Lucas 16: 10 - 13? What counsel is found at Luke 16: 10 - 13? What counsel did Jesus give at Luke 16: 10 - 13? Mas fomos despertados, e Cristo " brilhou ' sobre nós, como Paulo destacou. But we were awakened, and Christ has shone on us, as Paul pointed out. However, we have wakeed up, and Christ " shining over us, " as Paul did. Os romanos usavam alimentos contendo sangue para testar a integridade dos verdadeiros cristãos. The Romans used food containing blood as a test of the integrity of real Christians. The Romans used food to test the integrity of true Christians. Eles "estão seguindo o Cordeiro para onde quer que ele vá ." These 144,000 spirit - anointed Christians "keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. " They "keep following the Lamb no matter wherever he goes. " Em vez disso, devemos nos empenhar em fazer mais para Jeová. Instead, we should pursue spiritual goals. Instead, we should strive to do more to Jehovah. 6: 1, 2, 5. 6: 1, 2, 5. 6: 1, 2, 5. E, o mais importante, passamos a conhecer a Jeová e a sentir que ele nos ama como seus filhos. - Tia. Above all, we have come to know Jehovah and now experience his fatherly love. - Jas. And most important, we come to know Jehovah and feel that he loves us as his children. - Jas. Ele lhe mostrou todos os reinos do mundo e sua glória, e disse: "Todas estas coisas te darei, se te prostrares e me fizeres um ato de adoração. " Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and said: "All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me. " He showed him all the kingdoms of the world and his glory and said: "All these things will give you, I will uphold you, and make me an act of worship. " O que você aprendeu? What Did You Learn? What Did You Learn? Jeová nos guia com ternura e paciência. In leading us, Jehovah is tender and patient. Jehovah guides us with tenderness and patience. 33: 24. 33: 24. 33: 24. É porque você colocou a areia primeiro. That is because you put the sand in the bucket first. It is because you put sand first. Quando crianças pequenas ficam com medo, elas correm para seus pais. When little children sense danger, they instinctively run to their parents. When children are afraid, they are compared to their parents. 8: 16; 14: 14. 8: 16; 14: 14. 8: 16; 14: 14. " Se Deus de fato se importasse ', ponderam, " com certeza impediria tais tragédias '. " If God really cared, ' they reason, " surely he would prevent such tragic things from happening. ' " If God really cares for, " they will certainly escape such tragedies. ' Ainda havia maldade e desonestidade entre o povo. E a reconstrução do templo em Jerusalém estava longe de terminar. Dishonesty and other wicked practices were still present, and the rebuilding of Jehovah's temple in Jerusalem was far from complete. There was still wickedness and dishonest among the people, and the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem was far away. Mais tarde, os dois filhos se casam com mulheres moabitas, Orpa e Rute. Later, the two sons marry the Moabite women Orpah and Ruth. Later, the two sons marry women, Orpah, and Ruth. Como elas nos ensinam o conceito de Jeová sobre a vida? What do they teach us about his view of life? How do they teach us Jehovah's view of life? Isso foi no fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial. This was at the end of the first world war. That was the end of World War I. Uma segunda lição tem a ver com a maneira de lidarmos com tentações da carne decaída. A second lesson relates to how we face temptations caused by the fallen flesh. A second lesson is to see how we can cope with temptations of the fallen flesh. Como podemos usar a Palavra de Deus para derrubar as "fortemente entrincheiradas " doutrinas da evolução e do criacionismo? How can we use God's Word to overturn the "strongly entrenched " doctrines of evolution and creationism? How can we use God's Word to overturn "strongly entrenched doctrines " of evolution and creationism? Pode ser que fique mais difícil conseguir emprego, e os empregados talvez venham a sofrer pressão para aumentar a jornada de trabalho. Employment may become harder to find, and employees may come under increased pressure to work longer hours. If you are struggling to find employment, and the employees may face pressure to increase the work schedule. Ela demonstrou um interesse fora do comum no que Sandra falou e foi iniciado um estudo. She showed an unusual interest in what Sandra was saying, so a Bible study was arranged. She demonstrated an interest in the common report that Sandra spoke and started a study. Por não revidarmos e por promovermos a paz, esperamos de coração ajudar até mesmo alguns opositores ferozes a se tornarem adoradores de Jeová. By forgoing retaliation and promoting peace, we lovingly hope to help even some fierce opposers to become worshippers of Jehovah. By not retaliating and promoting peace, we expect to help even some fierce opposers to become worshippers of Jehovah. (Leia Salmo 34: 6, 18, 19; 1 Pedro 5: 6, 7.) (Read Psalm 34: 6, 18, 19; 1 Peter 5: 6, 7.) (Read Psalm 34: 6, 18, 19; 1 Peter 5: 6, 7.) O Corpo Governante não é guiado pelo que é popular no mundo, mas pela Palavra de Deus. Se é assim, quem realmente está liderando o povo de Deus hoje? Só pode ser Deus. If those of the Governing Body allow God's Word rather than popular opinion to guide their decisions, who is really leading God's people today? The Governing Body is not guided by what is popular in the world but by God's Word, who really is leading God's people today can be done right now. Todos os cristãos estão numa corrida pelo prêmio da vida eterna. All Christians are in a race for the prize of everlasting life. All Christians are in a race for the prize of everlasting life. Em duas ocasiões, ele corajosamente purificou o templo por expulsar pessoas que contaminavam a adoração prestada ali. - Mat. Twice, he fearlessly cleansed the temple, driving out those who were defiling the worship there. - Matt. On two occasions, he boldly cleansed the temple by throwing people who joined the worship there. - Matt. Saul desobedeceu essa ordem divina. Saul disobeyed this divine command. Saul disobeyed God's command. Ainda outros, embora não possam ser pioneiros, empenham - se ao máximo no ministério. Still others, while unable to pioneer, exert themselves in the ministry. Still others, while they cannot be pioneers, they are endeavoring to do as much as in the ministry. 13: 5. 13: 5. 13: 5. (a) Por que você acha que fazer parte do povo de Jeová é um grande privilégio? Why do you feel favored by God, and what reasons do you have to cry out "Praise Jah! "? (a) Why do you feel that being part of Jehovah's people is a great privilege? enganador? deceptive? deceptive? Edição de Estudo Study Edition Study Edition Hoje ainda vive na Terra apenas um pequeno restante dos membros ungidos dessa congregação. Today, there remains on earth only a small remnant of the anointed members of this congregation. Today, there is still a small remnant of the anointed members of that congregation. Para entender por que Paulo exortou Timóteo a pregar com urgência, considere parte do contexto de nosso texto temático. To appreciate why Paul exhorted Timothy to preach with urgency, consider some of the context of our theme scripture. To understand why Paul urged Timothy to preach with urgency, consider the context of our theme text. Qual é o resultado quando os anciãos imitam "o grande pastor "? When elders imitate "the great shepherd, " what can result? What is the result when elders imitate "the great shepherd "? Em vez disso, ela procura aquelas que tenham melhor sabor, aroma e nutrientes. She wants fruit that has good taste and aroma and that offers healthy nutrients. Rather, he looks for those who have the best taste, nutrients, and nutrients. PÁGINA 8 • CÂNTICOS: 22, 75 PAGE 8 • SONGS: 22, 75 PAGE 8 • SONGS: 22, 75 Dá - nos mais força para prosseguir com alegria e determinação no caminho da vida. It gives us added strength to continue walking with joy and determination on the road to life. It is now more force for us to go on with joy and determination on the path of life. " Meu pai nunca elogiava nada que eu fazia. " My father never once said I did anything well, " one elder wrote. " My father never praised me. Mas seu trabalho principal era pregar as boas novas e ensinar os que desejavam ouvir. But his main work was that of preaching the good news and teaching those who had listening ears. Yet, his primary work was to preach the good news and to teach those who wish to listen. • Como a esperança da ressurreição pode influir no modo que você vive agora? • What effect might the resurrection hope have on the way you live? • How can the resurrection hope affect the way you live now? Que alívio sentimos quando o nosso Pai celestial responde às nossas orações - a alegria substitui a tristeza e a paz toma o lugar da angústia! What relief is felt when our heavenly Father answers our prayers - joy replaces grief, and peace takes the place of anguish! What relief we experience when our heavenly Father answers our prayers - the joy replaced sorrow and peace take the place of distress! O salmista Davi cantou: "Como os teus pensamentos são preciosos para mim! The psalmist David sang: "To me, how precious your thoughts are! The psalmist David sang: "How your thoughts are precious to me! (a) O que significa arrepender - se? (a) How would you define repentance? (a) What does it mean to repent? Provavelmente não. Probably not. Probably not. Pragas mortais assolam a humanidade. Deadly plagues ravage mankind. Bad plagues have plagued mankind. A gente sofre até hoje as consequências daquela péssima decisão que Adão tomou. We are still suffering the consequences of Adam's terrible decision. We may even experience the consequences of this terrible decision that Adam made. Mesmo agora, elas são protegidas contra hábitos espiritualmente aviltantes e práticas impuras deste mundo perverso. Even now, these ones are protected from the spiritually defiling habits and unclean practices of this wicked world. Even now, they are safe against spiritually defiling habits and unclean practices of this wicked world. Como Cristo agiu qual Líder durante seu ministério terrestre? How did Christ act as Leader during his earthly ministry? How did Christ react during his earthly ministry? Ajude a si mesmo e a outros usando a Palavra de Deus Help Yourself and Others by Using God's Word Help Yourself and Others by Using God's Word (b) Por que temos que continuar pregando? (b) We want to be available to do what? (b) Why do we keep on preaching? Por nos apegarmos a Jeová, imitaremos a Jesus, a respeito de quem se disse: "Amaste a justiça e odiaste o que é contra a lei. " - Heb. By clinging to Jehovah, we will be imitating Jesus, of whom it was said: "You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. " - Heb. By sticking to Jehovah, we will imitate Jesus, concerning whom he said: "You have loved righteousness and you hate lawlessness. " - Heb. Maria deve ter ficado preocupada com seu noivo, José. Mary must have been concerned about her fiancé, Joseph. Mary must have become concerned about her bridegroom, Joseph. Mesmo assim, eu sabia que era possível fazer grandes mudanças. As palavras da Bíblia em 1 Coríntios 6: 9 - 11 me deram ânimo: "O quê! Still, I knew that great changes were possible, for the Bible's words at 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11 had reached my heart: "What! Still, I knew that it was possible for me to make major changes in the Bible at 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11 made me rejoice. " O QUE lhe vem à mente quando ouve a palavra "fugir "? WHAT do you think of when you hear the word "flee "? WHAT comes to mind when you hear the word "flee "? Quando pedimos "livra - nos do iníquo ," estamos solicitando ao Pai celestial que nos guie e nos ajude para não sermos vencidos pelo Diabo. When we make the request, "Deliver us from the wicked one, " we are asking our heavenly Father to guide and help us so that we are not overreached by the Devil. When we ask "deliver us from the wicked one, " we are concealing ourselves in the heavenly Father and help us to avoid being overreached by the Devil. Elas estão também entre os "bens " que Cristo tem confiado ao seu" escravo fiel e discreto ." They are also among the "belongings " that Christ has entrusted to his" faithful and discreet slave. " They are also among the "belongings " that Christ has entrusted with his" faithful and discreet slave. " Destaques do livro de Daniel Highlights From the Book of Daniel Highlights From the Book of Daniel Por exemplo, nos últimos anos foram lançados o site e a TV JW. In recent years, we have seen the start of and JW Broadcasting. For example, consider the website and J. Da mesma forma, nosso zelo deve nos motivar a confiar em Jeová e a nos esforçar em favor de sua adoração. Our zeal should similarly move us to trust in Jehovah and to exert ourselves in behalf of his worship. Similarly, our zeal should move us to trust in Jehovah and strive to work at behalf of his worship. De fato, ordena - se que "estejamos amando uns aos outros ." In fact, we are commanded to "be loving one another. " In fact, it is commands that we " love one another. ' No entanto, as palavras de Jesus também nos fazem refletir com seriedade. However, Jesus ' words are also sobering. However, Jesus ' words also make us seriously reflecting on Jesus ' words. Sofia: Claro. Sophia: OK. Sophia: Sure. (b) Como uma família comprovou a sabedoria de seguir a orientação de Jeová? (b) How did one family experience the wisdom of following Jehovah's guidance? (b) How did one family imitate Jehovah's direction? Simão, um fariseu um tanto crítico, pelo visto queria conhecer melhor Jesus e o convidou para tomar uma refeição. Simon, a Pharisee who was somewhat critical, evidently wanted to get a closer look at Jesus and invited him for a meal. Simon, a critical Pharisee, apparently wanted to know Jesus better and invited him to take a meal. FICAMOS muito felizes de ver os ótimos resultados do trabalho do povo de Jeová! HOW thrilling it is to hear of increases that Jehovah's people are experiencing! Millions of how happy they are to see the fine results of the work of Jehovah's people! Hão de ser guardados por tempo indefinido. " To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded. " To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded. " " Todos os que se refugiam em [Jeová] se alegrarão; por tempo indefinido gritarão de júbilo. ' - SAL. " All those taking refuge in [Jehovah] will rejoice; to time indefinite they will cry out joyfully. " - PS. " All those taking refuge in [Jehovah] will rejoice; to time indefinite they will cry out joyfully. " - PS. Sofia: Verdade. Sophia: True. Sophia: Yes. Como a Palavra de Deus pode ajudá - lo a tomar a decisão certa nessa questão? How can God's Word help you to make a good decision in this matter? How can God's Word help you to make the right decision in this matter? Quando era injuriado, ele "não injuriava em revide ," mas" encomendava - se àquele que julga justamente ." When he was being reviled, "he did not go reviling in return. " Instead, he "kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " When he was reviled, he "did not go reviling in return, " but" kept following him that judges righteously. " Essas e outras perguntas serão respondidas no próximo artigo. The next article will consider the answers to those questions. These and other questions will be answered in the following article. Além disso, a classe do escravo fiel e discreto estabeleceu a Noite de Adoração em Família. In addition, the faithful and discreet slave class has made arrangements for a Family Worship evening. Moreover, the faithful and discreet slave class established the Family Worship evening. Jesus Cristo, que era " imaculado e separado dos pecadores ', sofreu uma morte horrível numa estaca de tortura; e o apóstolo Tiago morreu como mártir. Jesus Christ, who was "undefiled, separated from the sinners, " suffered a painful death on a torture stake, and the apostle James suffered a martyr's death. Jesus Christ, who was "free and separate from sinners, " suffered a painful death on a torture stake; and the apostle James died as his death. Seu desenvolvimento será normal? Will he develop normally? Your development will be normal? 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. A queixa de Miriã e Arão contra Moisés resultou em Miriã ser temporariamente acometida por lepra. Miriam and Aaron's complaint against Moses results in Miriam being temporarily stricken with leprosy. Miriam's grumbling and Aaron against Moses resulted in Miriam's execution by leprosy. Mas, pelo visto, seus pais biológicos o ensinaram sobre Jeová e Seu propósito de libertar os hebreus da escravidão e dar - lhes a Terra Prometida. From his natural parents, however, Moses evidently learned about Jehovah and His purpose to free the Hebrews from slavery and give them the Promised Land. However, apparently, their biology parents taught him about Jehovah and His purpose to free the Hebrews of slavery and to give them the Promised Land. 3, 4. 3, 4. 3, 4. Que dizer se essa pessoa é um parente próximo que não mora mais na minha casa? ' What if that one is a close relative who no longer lives at home? ' What if that person is a close relative who lives no longer in my home? ' No novo mundo, talvez nem sempre tenhamos nossos desejos satisfeitos na hora que queremos. Life in the new world may not mean that we will always get what we want when we want it. In the new world, we may not always have our desires satisfied at the time we want to be satisfied. Muitos que não conhecem nem se importam com os princípios divinos encaram o casamento como ocasião para praticar exageros, ou talvez como um dia em que esses são tolerados. Many people who neither know nor care about godly principles view a wedding as an occasion for extremes, or perhaps one where extremes are excused. Many who do not know or care for godly principles view marriage as a time to engage, or perhaps as a day in which these are tolerate. Não há nenhum outro deus igual a ele; ele é o único Deus verdadeiro. There is no real or true God but him; no other god is like him. There is no other god like him; he is the only true God. Às vezes, o efeito cumulativo de nossas dificuldades pode nos desgastar tanto que qualquer força emocional e espiritual que possamos reunir não será suficiente para lidar com o desânimo. Sometimes the cumulative effect of our difficulties can wear us down so much that whatever emotional and spiritual strength we muster up may not be enough for us to cope with the discouragement. At times, the quickst cut up of our difficulties can undermine much emotional strength and that we may not be able to meet together with discouragement. " O tempo permanece como um dos mais profundos mistérios " e "ninguém pode definir com exatidão o tempo ," diz certa enciclopédia. " Time is one of the world's deepest mysteries, " states one encyclopedia. " No one can say exactly what it is. " " The time remains like one of the innermost mystery, " or "no one can define it with the time, " states one, "and it goes out. Foi o amor aos seus discípulos que motivou Jesus a prestar um serviço que normalmente seria feito por um escravo. It was his love for the disciples that moved Jesus to render a service usually performed by a slave. Love for his disciples moved Jesus to render a service that would normally be done by a slave. Salomão usou a sabedoria que recebeu de Deus Solomon applied God - given wisdom Solomon used God's Wisdom Hoje os servos de Deus, tanto os jovens como os mais velhos, podem aprender de exemplos assim. Modern - day servants of God, whether young or old, can learn from Bible examples. Today, young and old alike can learn from such examples. Será que todas elas foram para o céu? Did they all go to heaven? All of them were to heaven? Como podemos nos preparar para a Celebração? How can we prepare for the Memorial? How can we prepare for the Memorial? De vez em quando, vinha um irmão de fora para fazer um discurso em um local alugado. Occasionally, a brother from elsewhere would come and give a public talk in a rented place. At times, we came from a brother who was asked to join him in a local talk. 7: 7. 7: 7. 7: 7. No entanto, ao passo que diferenças pessoais podem surgir por muitos motivos, não há nenhum motivo para deixar de resolvê - las. However, while there may be many reasons why problems develop, there is no reason why personal differences should be left unresolved. However, while personal differences may arise for many reasons, there is no reason to leave them resolve. A situação é diferente quando o cigarro está associado a bebidas alcoólicas. With alcohol, the situation is different. The situation is different when smoking is associated with alcoholic beverages. A HUMANIDADE se confronta hoje com eventos de uma magnitude jamais vista. TODAY, mankind faces events of a magnitude never previously experienced. Must we now face events now as an scope of sight. Mas a Bíblia nos aconselha a ser " crianças quanto à maldade e adultos no nosso entendimento '. In this environment, how can we "be young children as to badness " yet" full - grown in [our] understanding "? - 1 Cor. But the Bible admonishes us to be "righteous as to wickedness and adults in our understanding. " Um estudo dessas profecias aumentará nosso apreço por tudo o que Jeová e Jesus realizaram em nosso favor por meio da morte e ressurreição de Jesus. A consideration of the prophecies will enhance our appreciation for all that Jehovah and Jesus accomplished in our behalf through Jesus ' death and resurrection. An study of these prophecies will deepen our appreciation for everything that Jehovah and Jesus accomplished in our behalf through Jesus ' death and resurrection. Jeová deu a Adão e Eva a dádiva da consciência, e nós herdamos deles a nossa consciência. Jehovah provided Adam and Eve with the gift of conscience, and we inherited our conscience from them. Jehovah gave Adam and Eve the gift of conscience, and we have inherited their conscience. Com tal apoio poderoso, devemos nos sentir orgulhosos de ser cristãos! Having such strong support should make us feel proud to be Christians! With such powerful support, we should feel proud to be Christians! " Não sabemos o que dizer, mas queremos que você saiba que te amamos muito. " We don't know what to say except that we love you. " We do not know what to say, but we want you to know how much you love you. Como todos sabemos, as reuniões nos dão encorajamento vital. As we all have experienced, meetings provide vital encouragement. As all of us know, meetings provide vital encouragement. Eu achava que ser ministro de tempo integral não seria um desafio suficientemente estimulante. I used to think that being a full - time minister would not be challenging enough. I felt that being full - time minister would not be a challenge enough to indulge. O último aspecto da personalidade de Jesus que vamos considerar é o mais tocante: seu amor aos humanos. The final aspect of Jesus ' personality that we will discuss is most heartwarming - his love for fellow humans. Jesus ' final aspect of his personality that we will consider is the most satisfying heart - his love for humans. Lembre - se: embora tenham sido usados homens para escrever a Bíblia, ela não é uma compilação de sabedoria humana, pois foi inspirada por Deus. Remember that although men were used to write the Bible, it is not a compilation of human wisdom, for it was inspired by God. Remember, though, even though men were used to write the Bible, she is not an excuse for human wisdom, for it was inspired by God. Assim, Jesus lhe disse: "Para trás de mim, Satanás! So Jesus said to him: "Get behind me, Satan! So Jesus told him: "Get behind me, Satan! Ficar em paz com nossos irmãos é a coisa mais importante. Being at peace with our fellow worshippers is of utmost importance. Building peace with our brothers is the most important thing. 5: 3; Heb. 5: 3; Heb. 5: 3; Heb. De que forma Jó perseverou? Qual foi o resultado? In what way did Job endure, and what was the outcome? How did Job endure what was the result? Como podemos mostrar que não vivemos mais para nós mesmos? How can we show that we no longer live for ourselves? How can we show that we no longer live for ourselves? 13: 1. 13: 1. 13: 1. Paulo compara a congregação a " uma casa grande ' e os cristãos a "vasos ," ou utensílios domésticos. Paul's metaphor compares the Christian congregation to "a large house " and individual members of the congregation to" utensils, " or household implements. Paul likens the congregation to "a large house " and Christians to" vessels " or utensils. A resposta, que fortalece nossa fé, encontra - se no Salmo 70. The faith - strengthening answer is found in Psalm 70. The answer, which strengthens our faith, is found in Psalm 70. Jesus disse: "Todo aquele que tiver deixado casas, irmãos, irmãs, pai, mãe, filhos ou terras, por causa do meu nome, receberá cem vezes mais e herdará a vida eterna. " Jesus said: "Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit everlasting life. " Jesus said: "Everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, mother, mother, mother, or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times and will inherit everlasting life. " Se o texto para o dia tiver aplicação direta à atividade de pregação, poderá ser lido e considerado brevemente. If the daily text deals directly with the preaching activity, it may be read and briefly discussed. If the text for the day has direct attention to the preaching activity, you can be read and will soon consider. Jeová deixou isso claro a Adão mesmo antes de Eva ser criada. Jehovah made this clear to Adam even before Eve was created. Jehovah made it clear that Adam even before Eve was created. Imagine que, no passado, um morador questionasse o que ouviu no fonógrafo ou quisesse aprender mais depois de ler o cartão de testemunho. Suppose the householder objected to what he heard on a phonograph recording or expressed interest in what he read on the testimony card. Suppose that in the past, a householder listened to what in the phonograph or wanted to learn more after reading the testimony of the witness. Veja o que aconteceu certa vez quando Jesus visitou Maria e a irmã dela, Marta. On one occasion, Jesus visited the home of Mary and her sister, Martha. Consider what happened on one occasion when Jesus visited Mary and her sister, Martha. Para resistir à tentação de ver pornografia, a pessoa precisa buscar a ajuda de Jeová em oração antes de entrar nesses caminhos na internet. To resist temptation to view pornography, a person needs to seek Jehovah's help in prayer before starting to go down that route on the Internet. To resist the temptation to see pornography, a person needs to seek Jehovah's help in prayer before entering into the Internet. Da mesma forma, se você perseverar em procurar "uma porta larga para atividade ," também poderá ser recompensado. - 1 Cor. Similarly, if you persevere in searching for "a large door that leads to activity, " you too may be rewarded. - 1 Cor. Similarly, if you endure "a large door to activity, " you too can be rewarded. - 1 Cor. Contudo, aqueles primeiros cristãos não esperavam que sua atividade profissional lhes desse total segurança. Still, those Christians did not look to secular work for security. However, those early Christians did not expect their professional activity to give them complete security. (b) O que podemos nos perguntar a respeito do espírito que mostramos? (b) What questions might we ask ourselves about the spirit we show? (b) What might we ask ourselves about the spirit we show? Como Paulo escreveu, " eles vigiam sobre as nossas almas '. As Paul wrote, " they are keeping watch over our souls. ' As Paul wrote, " they keep watch over our souls. ' É também apropriado orar a Jeová pedindo ajuda para ter a correta disposição mental. It is also fitting to pray for Jehovah's help to get in the right frame of mind. It is also appropriate to pray to Jehovah for help to have the proper spirit. CÂNTICOS: 133, 40 SONGS TO BE USED: 133, 40 SONGS: 133, 40 Mas Jesus sabia que o comentário de Pedro revelava um modo de pensar equivocado. For instance, the apostle Peter meant well when he urged Jesus to be kind to himself in order not to be killed. But Jesus knew that Peter's comment revealed a wrong thinking way. Se você se aflige por causa de erros do passado, faça o possível para corrigi - los e, então, confie na garantia de Jeová de que ele o perdoou. - Sal. If past wrongs trouble you, rectify them to the extent that you can and then believe Jehovah's assurance that he has forgiven you! - Ps. If you have been affected by past mistakes, do you can to correct them and then trust in Jehovah's assurance that he forgave you. - Ps. O zelo por obras excelentes na pregação das boas novas e a nossa conduta que reflete temor a Deus brotam de um desejo profundo de mostrar amor a Deus e ao próximo. Zeal for fine works in preaching the good news and conducting ourselves in a godly way springs from a deep desire to demonstrate love for God and for fellow humans. The zeal for fine works in preaching the good news and our conduct that reflects God's fear sprouts a deep desire to show love for God and neighbor. Para os que temem a Jeová não falta nada de valor permanente, porque eles têm uma boa relação com Deus. Because they have a good relationship with God, all who fear Jehovah lack nothing of lasting value. For those who fear Jehovah no lasting value, for they have a good relationship with God. Mesmo que se comunique apenas com seus amigos íntimos, é preciso ter cuidado. Even if you communicate only with your close friends, you need to be careful. Even if they Communicate only with their close friends, they need to be careful. Um cristão, dono duma loja, dificilmente concordaria em encomendar e vender ídolos, amuletos espíritas, cigarros ou chouriços de sangue. A Christian store owner would hardly agree to order and sell idols, spiritistic amulets, cigarettes, or sausages made from blood. A Christian owner of a store would hardly agree to carry on idols and sold cigarettes, spiritistic cigarettes, or blood. O valor de escutar The Power of Listening The Value of listening Ele é Rei de Israel; desça agora da estaca de tortura, e nós acreditaremos nele. He is King of Israel; let him now come down off the torture stake and we will believe on him. He is King of Israel; now far off from the torture stake, and we will believe in him. Mais de 1.800 caminhões de vários países da Europa passam por essa cidade todos os dias. Over 1,800 trucks from various European countries pass through this city daily More than 2800 C.E., features of various countries in Europe come through that city every day. E não poderia ser diferente. And really, how could he? And it could not be different. Também podemos ter uma relação achegada com Jeová por causa do seu grande ato de amor. We can also have a close personal relationship with Jehovah because of his great act of love. We can also enjoy a close relationship with Jehovah because of his great act of love. Não queremos que isso aconteça conosco. These are strong words! We do not want that to happen to us. " Não tenho saudades da vida que eu levava. " I don't miss my old life. " I have not missed my life. As suas anteriores experiências no serviço de Deus sem dúvida lhes deram muita felicidade. Their past experiences in God's service undoubtedly brought them great joy. Their former experiences in God's service no doubt gave them great happiness. Ele admite: "Aquilo acabou comigo. He admits: "I was crushed. He admits: "What has ended with me. Jesus disse: " Não importa o que pedirem ao Pai em meu nome, ele dará a vocês. ' Jesus stated: "No matter what you ask the Father in my name, he [will] give it to you. " Jesus said: " No matter whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you it to you. ' É por isso que, falando das coisas que Jeová prepara para os "que o amam ," o apóstolo Paulo disse:" É a nós que Deus as tem revelado por intermédio de seu espírito. " Thus, concerning the things Jehovah provides "for those who love him, " the apostle Paul said:" It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit. " That is why, speaking of the things that Jehovah prepared for those "who love him, " the apostle Paul said:" It is to us that God has revealed them through his spirit. " Como sabemos que os 144 mil não são predestinados individualmente? How do we know that the 144,000 are not predestined as individuals? How do we know that the 144,000 are not predestined? 4: 6. 4: 6. 4: 6. As Escrituras não omitem as falhas dos que Jeová usou para guiar seu povo no passado. The Scriptures candidly acknowledge the failings of those whom Jehovah used to lead his people in the past. The Scriptures do not undo the failings of the shortcomings of those whom Jehovah used to guide his people in the past. Por que será tão importante mantermos a união nesse momento? Why will our being "joined together " be so important at that time? Why is unity so important? Jeová espera que todos os seus servos sejam humildes. Humility is required of all true worshippers and brings great rewards. Jehovah expects all of his servants to be humble. Os que comem do pão e bebem do vinho na Celebração devem considerar com muita atenção o alerta em 1 Coríntios 11: 27 - 29. Those who partake of the emblems at the Memorial should carefully consider the warning found at 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 29. Those who partake of the bread and drink the wine at the Memorial should carefully consider the warning in 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 29. Em nenhum momento nos arrependemos de levar uma vida simples. " Never for a moment have we regretted living a simple life. " Not at no time, we repented of a simple life. " Se soubermos que um servo de Jeová precisa de consolo, podemos mencioná - lo em nossas orações pessoais. If we notice that a fellow worshipper of Jehovah is in need of comfort, we can mention him or her in our private prayers. If we realize that a servant of Jehovah needs comfort, we can fit him in our personal prayers. Em vez de voltarem o coração e a mente para Jeová em devoção amorosa, em certo sentido eles se afastavam dele. Instead of turning their hearts and minds toward Jehovah in loving devotion, they in a sense turned away from him. Instead of turning their heart and mind to Jehovah in loving devotion, they turned away from him. Jeová fez um pacto com Abraão e seus descendentes. Jehovah made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants. Jehovah made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants. O amor de Jeová pela humanidade é como o amor de pais amorosos pelos filhos. Jehovah's love for mankind is like that of a loving parent for his children. Jehovah's love for mankind is like that of loving parents for their children. Em vez disso, eles agiram com cautela para evitar que ela se colocasse numa situação que pudesse levar à tentação. Rather, they took a precautionary measure intended to prevent her from getting into a situation that might lead to temptation. Rather, they acted with caution in order to avoid letting her go in a situation that could lead to temptation. Realmente, nos concentrar em nossas bênçãos é um poderoso remédio contra ser dominado pelo pesar. Yes, being conscious of our blessings is a powerful antidote to being swallowed up by grief. Indeed, focusing on our blessings is a powerful medicine that is being overtakeed by grief. Por quê? Why? Why? Abraão obedeceu, e por isso Jeová o abençoou e protegeu. By obeying, Abraham opened the way for Jehovah to bless and protect him. Abraham obeyed, and for this Jehovah blessed him and protected him. Jeová não nos obriga a amar e servir a ele; essa decisão é nossa. Jehovah does not coerce us into loving him and serving him. That is our choice. Jehovah does not force us to love him and to serve him; that decision is ours. Como podemos imitar a imparcialidade de Jeová? How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? " Mantende as vossas mentes fixas nas coisas de cima, não nas coisas sobre a terra. " - COL. " Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " - COL. " Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " - COL. Os anciãos talvez cometam erros que nos afetem pessoalmente. Elders may make mistakes that affect us personally. The elders may make mistakes that affect us personally. O conselho que mais me motivou foi " Enquanto não tem responsabilidades adicionais na congregação, concentre - se em fortalecer a sua espiritualidade '. " The counsel I cherished most was, " While you do not have additional responsibilities in the congregation, concentrate on strengthening your spirituality. ' " The counsel they have moved me was "not greater responsibilities in the congregation, focusing on strengthening his spirituality. " Agora eles teriam que lidar com as consequências do seu pecado; eles iam morrer e voltar ao pó. - Gên. As a consequence of rebelling against Jehovah, they died and returned to the dust from which they had been created. - Gen. Now they would have to deal with the consequences of their sin; they would die and return to the dust. - Gen. " Continuai a tornar - vos misericordiosos, assim como vosso Pai é misericordioso. " - LUCAS 6: 36. " Continue becoming merciful, just as your Father is merciful. " - LUKE 6: 36. " Continue to become merciful, just as your Father is merciful. " - LUKE 6: 36. Hoje, um homem talvez lute arduamente contra ver pornografia. Today, a man may be trying hard to resist viewing pornography. Today, a man may hard work hard against pornography. E o que vai acontecer com as outras organizações corruptas? What, though, about all the other corrupt organizations? And what will happen to corrupt organizations? Só de comer, beber e ter filhotes, eles já ficam satisfeitos. This is in sharp contrast with the animals he created, which are content merely to eat, drink, and produce offspring. However, eating and getting young, they will already be satisfied with them. Como é diferente com os servos de Jeová! How different their condition is from that of Jehovah's servants! How different it is with Jehovah's servants! 8: 10. 8: 10. 8: 10. CONGREGAÇÕES CONGREGATIONS Cleanse TO BE IMITATE Him Em 49 EC, os apóstolos que ainda viviam já tinham a companhia de outros anciãos qualificados. By 49 C.E., the surviving apostles had been joined by certain other qualified elders. In 49 C.E., the apostles who were still associating with other qualified elders. Desde a rebelião no Éden, toda a humanidade está apartada e alienada de Jeová. Since the Edenic rebellion, all mankind has been alienated and estranged from Jehovah. Since the rebellion in Eden, all mankind is alienated and alienated from Jehovah. Os pastores cristãos devem imitar "o pastor excelente ," Jesus. Christian shepherds need to imitate "the fine shepherd, " Jesus. Christian shepherds are to imitate "the fine shepherd, " Jesus. Ele foi um grande exemplo de humildade e obediência! What a fine example of humility and submissiveness David set for us! What an outstanding example of humility and obedience! Alguns entre o povo de Deus estão se desviando. Some among God's people are getting sidetracked. Some among God's people are turning away. É óbvio, então, que a fé é um pré - requisito para se aproximar de Deus. Clearly, then, faith is a prerequisite for gaining access to God. Clearly, then, faith is a pre - Christian requirement to approach God. Por exemplo, o pai dele, Lameque, era um homem de fé e nasceu antes de Adão morrer. These included his father, Lamech, who was a man of faith and whose life overlapped Adam's. His father, Lamech, was a man of faith and was born before Adam died. Com seu encorajamento e consolo, passaremos nos testes que Satanás e seu mundo nos impõem. With its encouragement and comfort, we will pass the tests that Satan and his world bring on us. With his encouragement and comfort, we will experience tests that Satan and his world impose on us. Devem focalizar a preservação de seu casamento e da relação deles com Jeová. They have to focus on preserving their marriage and their relationship with Jehovah. They need to focus on their marriage and their relationship with Jehovah. Impressionado com a sua honestidade, ele deu à Victoria uma boa recompensa pelo dinheiro recuperado. Impressed with her integrity, the soldier gave Victoria a considerable reward from the recovered funds. Ancient with his honesty, he gave to the Victoria a good reward for recovering money. Isso se dá especialmente nestes "últimos dias ," quando muitas pessoas são " amantes de si mesmas ' e " não estão dispostas a acordos '. This is especially so during these "last days, " when many are" lovers of themselves " and "not open to any agreement. " This is especially true in these "last days, " when many people are" lovers of themselves, " and they are" not open to any agreement. " Ele manifestou sua mansidão e humildade por meio de sua determinação de seguir as orientações de Jeová. He manifested his meekness and humility by his determination to follow Jehovah's direction. He manifested his meekness and humility by his determination to follow Jehovah's direction. Para vir a amar a justiça é preciso estudar com afinco a Palavra escrita de Deus e meditar no que se lê. If we are to come to love righteousness, we need to study diligently and meditate on what we read in God's written Word. To come to love righteousness requires that we diligently study God's written Word and meditate on what you read. Para minha surpresa, o homem aceitou o Notícias do Reino. To my amazement, the man accepted the Kingdom News. To my surprise, the man accepted the Kingdom News. Diferentemente do Israel natural, a nova nação espiritual de Deus tem produzido bons frutos por sempre obedecer a Deus. Unlike natural Israel, God's new spiritual nation has kept on bearing good fruit by its continual obedience to God. Unlike natural Israel, God's new nation has produced good fruitage by always obeying God. Jeová não quer que ninguém seja destruído no Armagedom. Jehovah does not want anyone to be destroyed at Armageddon. (b) Por que nossas publicações recentes raramente mencionam tipos e antítipos? (b) Why have our publications in recent years seldom mentioned types and antitypes? (b) Why do our recent literature rarely mention types and antitypes? Quando se trata da adoração verdadeira, é imprescindível que recorramos a Jeová em busca de orientação e cooperemos com o "escravo fiel e discreto " e os anciãos na congregação. When it comes to pure worship, it is vital that we look to Jehovah for direction and cooperate with "the faithful and discreet slave " and the congregation elders. When it comes to true worship, it is vital that we look to Jehovah for guidance and cooperate cooperate with "the faithful and discreet slave " and the elders in the congregation. O apóstolo Paulo declarou: "Não sejais desencaminhados. The apostle Paul stated: "Do not be misled. The apostle Paul stated: "Do not be misled. Será que não devemos também confiar em nossos irmãos? Should we not have similar confidence in faithful fellow believers? Should we not also rely on fellow believers? No entanto, o profeta foi com os homens de Balaque decidido a amaldiçoá - los. However, the prophet went with Balak's men with the full intention of cursing Israel. However, the prophet was with the curse of men who curse to curse them. CÂNTICOS: 38, 8 SONGS TO BE USED: 38, 8 SONGS TO BE USED: 38, 8 Em outra ocasião, alguns judeus quiseram ofender Jesus e o chamaram de "samaritano ." Other Jews sought to insult Jesus by calling him a Samaritan. On another occasion, some Jews wanted to take offense from Jesus and urged him to " weapons. ' O Filho de Deus, Jesus Cristo, proclamava as boas novas com zelo e honrava seu digno e majestoso Pai celestial. God's Son, Jesus Christ, zealously proclaimed the good news and honored his dignified and majestic heavenly Father. God's Son, Jesus Christ, proclaimed the good news with zeal and honored his majestic Father. A nossa fé será forte se estudarmos a Bíblia e as publicações bíblicas. - Hebreus 10: 38, 39; 11: 6. Our faith will be strong if we study the Bible and Bible - based publications. - Hebrews 10: 38, 39; 11: 6. Our faith will be strengthened if we study the Bible and Bible - based publications. - Hebrews 10: 38, 39; 11: 6. Na carta, ela explicou com muito jeito que sua mãe tinha se colocado naquela situação porque tinha errado e não estava arrependida. Anne wrote and kindly reminded her mother that she had cut herself off from the family by her wrongdoing and unrepentant attitude. In his letter, she explained to her mother how repentantly had been set out in that situation because he was not repentant and was not repentant. Daí em diante, o que realmente importava para Paulo era o valioso conhecimento sobre Jeová e Cristo, a respeito do qual Jesus orou a Deus: "Isto significa vida eterna, que absorvam conhecimento de ti, o único Deus verdadeiro, e daquele que enviaste, Jesus Cristo. " From then on, what really mattered to Paul was the precious knowledge of Jehovah and Christ, regarding which Jesus said in prayer to God: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " From then on, what he truly cared for Paul was the precious knowledge of Jehovah and Christ, concerning which Jesus prayed to God: "This means everlasting life, which set in knowledge of you, the only true God, and those whom Jesus Christ sent forth. " Fortaleça a sua fé com alimento espiritual. Nourish your faith with spiritual food. Strengthen your faith with spiritual food. Nós aprendemos a matar com lança todos os nossos inimigos - até aqueles de nossa tribo que fossem de outros partidos. " " We were taught to kill our opponents with spears - even those of our own tribe who supported other political parties. " We have learned to kill all our enemies - even those of our tribe belonging to others. " 9, 10. (a) Por que o desejo de Israel de voltar para o Egito era um assunto sério? 9, 10. (a) Why was Israel's desire to return to Egypt a serious matter? 9, 10. (a) Why was Israel's desire to return to Egypt a serious matter? Como cristãos que andam por espírito santo, porém, nós estamos convencidos de que Jeová ressuscitou Jesus e o colocou acima de toda a criação. As Christians walking by holy spirit, though, we are convinced that Jehovah raised Jesus from the dead and made him higher than all other creation. As Christians who walk by holy spirit, however, we are convinced that Jehovah resurrected Jesus and placed the above all creation. Você faz tudo o que ele disse e então volta a ter boas noites de sono. After trying the program, you find that it works! You can do everything he said and then returned to have good sleep. Assim como o fiel Obadias, muitos servos leais de Jeová hoje têm protegido corajosamente seus irmãos por não dar informações sobre eles a perseguidores. Like God - fearing Obadiah, many of Jehovah's loyal present - day servants have courageously protected fellow believers by not giving persecutors information about them. Like faithful Obadiah, many loyal servants of Jehovah today have courageously protected their brothers by not giving information about persecutors. Será que ela estava se enfraquecendo aos poucos, de modo que corriam o risco de voltar às coisas que haviam deixado para trás? Was it gradually weakening, so that they were in danger of returning to the things they had left behind? Was she weakening the gradually in a way that they were in danger of turning back to the things behind? No passado, ele ordenou que os reis de Israel fizessem uma cópia da Lei e a lessem todos os dias. Jehovah required that the kings of Israel write for themselves a copy of God's Law and read it daily. In the past, he commanded the kings of Israel to make a copy of the Law and read it daily. Como Jesus aplicou à oração a ilustração do pai que atende os pedidos do filho? How did Jesus apply the illustration of a father and his son to prayer? How did Jesus apply his prayer to the illustration of his father's requests? Um dia que enfatizava o livramento A Day Emphasizing Deliverance One day that emphasized the Deliverance Mantenha - se forte em sentido espiritual Stay Spiritually Strong Keep Awake spiritually (b) De que modo as armas do Diabo têm fracassado? (b) In what way have the Devil's weapons proved to be unsuccessful? (b) How have the Devil's weapons failed? Dê a essência de 1 João 3: 19 - 22 e explique o significado dessas palavras do apóstolo. Give the substance of 1 John 3: 19 - 22, and explain the meaning of the apostle's words. Give the essence of 1 John 3: 19 - 22 and explain the meaning of those words from the apostle John. Numa demonstração de grande amor pelo mundo da humanidade, Jeová enviou seu Filho unigênito à Terra. In an expression of great love for the world of mankind, Jehovah sent his only - begotten Son to the earth. In a display of great love for the world of mankind, Jehovah sent his only - begotten Son to earth. Que fatores ajudam os cristãos casados a não cair na armadilha do adultério? What factors can help married Christians to avoid the pit of adultery? What factors help married Christians to avoid falling into the trap of adultery? Revelação 21: 3 diz: "Eis que a tenda de Deus está com a humanidade, e ele residirá com eles. " Says Revelation 21: 3: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them. " Revelation 21: 3 states: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them. " (a) Que mau exemplo deram alguns cristãos do primeiro século? (a) What poor example did some first - century Christians set? (a) What bad example did some first - century Christians set? Qual era a situação em Israel quando Josué falou aos anciãos, e o que ele disse? When Joshua addressed the older men of Israel, what was the situation of Israel, and what did Joshua say? What was the situation in Israel when Joshua spoke to the elders, and what did he say? Ela diz: "Ele estava sempre muito ocupado, cuidando da congregação. She says: "My husband was always very busy caring for the congregation. She says: "He was always busy, taking care of the congregation. Paulo escreveu: " Façam morrer os membros do seu corpo com respeito a imoralidade sexual. ' The apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians: "Deaden... your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality. " Paul wrote: "Let his body be present in connection with sexual immorality. " Sua esposa e filhos também me insultavam, de modo que percebi que estava na hora de me retirar. His wife and children joined in berating me, and I knew it was time to leave. His wife and children also prayed for me, so I realized that it was the time for me to walk. Mais importante ainda: quando temos brandura e paciência, damos honra a Jeová e ajudamos outros a fazer o mesmo. - Gál. More important, by means of these qualities, we honor Jehovah and help others to heed the Bible's counsel. - Gal. More important, when we exercise mildness and patience, we show honor to Jehovah and help others to do the same. - Gal. Como podemos revigorar uns aos outros nos congressos e assembleias? How can we refresh one another at conventions and assemblies? How can we refresh one another at assemblies and assemblies? Falando sobre sua presença e a terminação do sistema de coisas, Jesus disse: "Quem é realmente o escravo fiel e discreto a quem o seu amo designou sobre os seus domésticos, para dar - lhes o seu alimento no tempo apropriado? Commenting on his presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus said: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Speaking about his presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus said: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them his food at the proper time? Veja o que aconteceu com um irmão chamado Luigi. Consider this real - life situation. Consider the experience of a brother named Luigi. Mais uma vez, é Satanás. Again, it is Satan. Again, Satan is Satan. Mas nunca se esqueça de que os alertas de Jeová considerados neste artigo e no anterior são motivados pelo seu grande amor por nós. Never forget, though, that Jehovah's warnings discussed in this and the preceding article are motivated by his great love for us. But never forget that Jehovah's warnings discussed in this article and the preceding article are motivated by his great love for us. Título da revista: Disability & Rehabilitation. On that issue, Those Those Those THAT Whose THAT Whose THAT Whose Watch Tower clearly call for more attention. Como Daniel havia revelado ao interpretar o sonho de Nabucodonosor, essa mesma potência é simbolizada pelo ventre e coxas de cobre da estátua. As Daniel had revealed earlier when he interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream, this same power is symbolized by the copper belly and thighs of the image. As Daniel had revealed to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, this same power is symbolized by the belly and facial expressions of the copper of the image. E acrescentou este conceito: "O que Deus pôs sob o mesmo jugo, não o separe o homem. " He also added this thought: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " He added: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Você deve ser batizado apenas quando estiver bem ciente do que significa ser Testemunha de Jeová e certo de que está preparado para assumir essa responsabilidade. - Ecl. You should get baptized when you are fully aware of what being one of Jehovah's Witnesses involves and when you are sure that you are ready and willing to take on this responsibility. - Eccl. You should be baptized only when you realize that it means to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses and that you are ready to take that responsibility. - Eccl. Se o fizerem, Jeová os acolherá. If they do, Jehovah welcomes them. If they do, Jehovah will welcome them. 8 Proclamaram corajosamente a Palavra de Deus! 8 They Courageously Proclaimed God's Word! 8 They fearlessly recount God's Word! Isso prejudicou seriamente a relação deles com o seu Criador. - Lev. This seriously marred their relationship with their Maker. - Lev. Doing so earnestly brings them relationship with their Creator. - Lev. 21, 22. 21, 22. 21, 22. Mas esses e outros dons, como falar em línguas e profetizar, logo acabariam. But those and other gifts, such as speaking in tongues and prophesying, would soon come to an end. But these and other gifts, such as speaking in tongues and prophesying, would soon end. Qual é uma das coisas mais importantes que não devemos negligenciar, e por quê? What is one of the more important things that we should not neglect, and why? What is one of the most important things we must not neglect, and why? Honre o grande nome de Jeová Honor Jehovah's Great Name Honor Jehovah's Great Name Se disser não às "coisas altivas " do mundo e " deixar - se conduzir pelas coisas humildes ', você também poderá receber muitas bênçãos e privilégios adicionais na colheita. - Rom. If you say no to the "lofty things " of this world and allow yourself to be" led along with the lowly things, " you too can expect to enjoy many additional blessings and privileges in the harvest work. - Rom. If he does not say to "the lofty things of the world " and " let himself lead himself by humble things, ' you too can receive many blessings and further blessings in the harvest work. - Rom. Alguns talvez hesitem em ser batizados por temerem que algum dia possam ser desassociados. Some may hesitate to get baptized out of fear that they may be disfellowshipped at a later time. Some may hesitate to get baptized by fearing that some day may be disfellowshipped. No entanto, como indicado acima, a edição de estudo contém artigos secundários. However, as indicated above, the study edition does include secondary articles. However, as indicated above the study edition contains secondary articles. Mas, com o tempo, sua consciência fica pesada por não estar acatando os conselhos dados nas publicações do "escravo fiel e discreto ." Eventually, his conscience becomes troubled because of ignoring Bible counsel presented in publications of "the faithful and discreet slave. " In time, though, your conscience becomes troubled by not being heeding the counsel given in publications of "the faithful and discreet slave. " Como veremos, a resposta a essa pergunta é de máxima importância. As we will see, the answer is of vital importance. As we shall see, the answer to this question is of utmost importance. Vocês, que são pais cristãos, que tal usar as experiências de vida dos fiéis missionários formados em Gileade - e de outros - para incentivar seus filhos a escolher uma carreira no serviço de tempo integral? Christian parents, why not use the experiences of faithful Gilead missionaries and others to provide an incentive for your children to choose a life of full - time service? As Christian parents, why not use the experiences of faithful missionaries - Gilead and others - encourage their children to choose a career in the full - time service? Como segunda esposa de Abraão, Agar ficou grávida. As a secondary wife of Abraham, Hagar became pregnant. As Abraham's second wife, Hagar became pregnant. Mas por que em especial hoje é apropriado sermos zelosos no ministério? But why is it especially appropriate for us to be zealous in the ministry at this time? Why, though, is it especially appropriate to be zealous in the ministry? O que Paulo e Barnabé enfrentaram na sua viagem missionária? What did Paul and Barnabas have to endure on their missionary tour together? What did Paul and Barnabas face during their missionary journey? Segundo a visão, o Reinado Milenar de Cristo será um tempo de julgamento. According to the vision, Christ's Millennial Reign will be a time for judgment. According to vision, Christ's Millennial Reign will be a time of judgment. 13: 8 - O que é o "rolo da vida do Cordeiro "? 13: 8 - What is "the scroll of life of the Lamb "? 13: 8 - What is "the scroll of life of the Lamb "? No entanto, se estivermos muito angustiados por causa de um pecado que cometemos, é bem provável que estejamos sinceramente arrependidos. However, if we are deeply grieved over a sin we have committed, it is very likely that we are truly repentant. However, if we are too distressed because of a sin that we have committed, it is likely that we are truly repentant. Não é de admirar que seu modo bondoso e compassivo de tratar seus discípulos lhe tenha granjeado o respeito deles. No wonder Jesus gained the respect of his disciples by his loving and compassionate treatment of them! No wonder his kind and compassionate manner of dealing with his disciples had earned him about them. Toda a equipe médica envolvida sabe que, como Testemunha de Jeová, determino que não me sejam aplicadas transfusões de sangue (sangue total, glóbulos vermelhos, glóbulos brancos, plaquetas ou plasma sanguíneo), sob quaisquer circunstâncias? Do all the medical personnel involved know that, as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I direct that no blood transfusions (whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or blood plasma) be given to me under any circumstances? Each medical team knows that as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, how do I not respond transfusions of whole blood, red blood cells, white cells, or blood plasma, under any circumstances? Ele disse: "Novamente, o reino dos céus é semelhante a uma rede de arrasto lançada ao mar e que apanhou peixes de toda espécie. " - Mat. He said: "Again the kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering up fish of every kind. " - Matt. He said: "Through the kingdom of the heavens, the kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet to the sea and catch up out of every kind of fish. " - Matt. Jeová habilitou os cristãos ungidos para " serem ministros dum novo pacto '. Anointed Christians have been qualified by Jehovah "to be ministers of a new covenant. " Jehovah enabled anointed Christians to "be ministers of a new covenant. " Desse modo, desde que nos batizamos, "pertencemos a Jeová ." Thus, from the time of our baptism, "we belong to Jehovah. " Thus since we got baptized, "we belong to Jehovah. " [ Foto na página 17] [ Picture on page 17] [ Picture on page 17] Estão se tornando comuns as páginas da internet que ajudam os solteiros a encontrar uma pessoa para se casar. Internet Web sites designed to help single individuals find a marriage partner are becoming popular. Are you becoming common in pages of the Internet that help single people to find a marriage mate? Cultivar a humildade pode ter que efeito no casamento? What effect can cultivating humility have on a marriage? Cultivating humility can have what effect on a marriage? 42: 8. 42: 8. 42: 8. A que parte na descrição da estátua gigante vista por Nabucodonosor esse chifre corresponde? In what way does the small horn correspond to the description of the giant image seen by Nebuchadnezzar? What does the part of the giant image describe by Nebuchadnezzar this horn? 11: 7, 11. 11: 7, 11. 11: 7, 11. Nesse caso, retaliar não é a melhor solução. If that is the case, retaliating in kind is not the answer. If so, retaliate is not the best solution. O que alguns irmãos fizeram? How did some fellow Witnesses respond? What did some brothers do? Os ensinos bíblicos podem ser usados para ajudar outros a harmonizar seu modo de pensar com a verdade. The teachings of the Bible can be used to help others bring their thinking in line with the truth. Bible teachings can be used to help others harmonize their thinking with the truth. Ele escreveu: "Não paramos de orar por vocês e de pedir que fiquem cheios do conhecimento exato da vontade [de Deus], com toda a sabedoria e compreensão espiritual, para andarem de um modo digno de Jeová, a fim de lhe agradarem plenamente, ao passo que continuam a dar fruto em toda boa obra e a aumentar no conhecimento exato de Deus. " He wrote: "We have never stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of [God's] will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, so as to walk worthily of Jehovah in order to please him fully as you go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God. " He wrote: "Let us not pray for you and pray that you will be full of the accurate knowledge of [God's] will, with all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, to walk in a worthy way, in order to please him fully, whereas they continue to increase in every knowledge of the good and good work of God. " Perguntas bíblicas respondidas: Scriptural Questions Answered: Scriptural Questions Answered: 28: 19, 20. 28: 19, 20. 28: 19, 20. Você tem todos os motivos para fazer isso e enfrentar a perseguição com coragem. - 1 Ped. You have every reason to do so and to face up to persecution courageously. - 1 Pet. You have every reason to do so and face persecution with courage. - 1 Pet. " O DIA DE JEOVÁ VIRÁ " " JEHOVAH'S DAY WILL COME " " THE DAY OF JEHOVAH WILL KEEP THE " Além disso, ela mostra que métodos de ensino são eficazes e apropriados. Moreover, it indicates what teaching methods are effective and appropriate. Moreover, she shows that teaching methods are effective and appropriate. Para alguns, a Bíblia não passa de uma coleção de livros judaicos e cristãos que não têm nada a ver uns com os outros. The Bible is no mere collection of unrelated Jewish and Christian literature. For some, the Bible does not contain a collection of Jewish books and Christians who have nothing to do with one another. O governo de Deus sobre Israel God's Rulership Over Israel God's Government About Israel Eles esperavam o Messias They Waited for the Messiah They Waited for the Messiah Como podemos resistir aos demônios? Demons - How Can We Resist Them? How can we resist the demons? Ainda assim, na força de Jeová, podemos ser vencedores! - Efésios 6: 11 - 18; Provérbios 27: 11. Still, in Jehovah's strength, we can come off the winner! - Ephesians 6: 11 - 18; Proverbs 27: 11. Still, in Jehovah's strength, we can be conquerors! - Ephesians 6: 11 - 18; Proverbs 27: 11. Segundo um instrutor, um dos objetivos dessa escola é "incutir nos alunos um desejo mais forte de participar na obra de evangelização ." According to one instructor, an objective of the school is "to instill in the students a more intense desire to share in the evangelizing work. " According to one teacher, one objective of this school is "at reviewing Us a strong desire to participate in the evangelizing work. " Como os pais podem dar aos filhos a melhor oportunidade possível de "escolher a vida "? How can parents give their children the best possible opportunity to "choose life "? How can parents give their children the best possible opportunity to "choose life "? 1: 5. 1: 5. 1: 5. • Como o Rei Davi e Jesus Cristo foram resguardados? • How were King David and Jesus Christ safeguarded? • How were King David and Jesus Christ safeguarded? No seu território, que perguntas você pode fazer para que uma pessoa expresse seus sentimentos? What questions can you pose in order to get someone in your territory to express his feelings? In your territory, what questions can you ask someone to express his feelings? (b) Qual é o objetivo mais nobre pelo qual alguém pode se empenhar? (b) What is the highest purpose anyone can pursue? (b) What is the highest purpose anyone can pursue? Apresentou o pacto da Lei no Sinai e instruiu a nação nos caminhos de Deus. He introduced the Law covenant at Sinai. And he instructed the nation in God's will. He displayed the Law covenant on Mount Sinai and instructed the nation of God in God's ways. (Leia João 6: 26, 56, 60, 66 - 68.) (Read John 6: 26, 56, 60, 66 - 68.) (Read John 6: 26, 56, 66 - 68.) No fim do segundo mês no útero, os órgãos principais já haviam se formado. By the end of your second month in the womb, your major organs were already formed. At the end of the second month in the womb, the main organs had already formed. Se isso está lhe acontecendo, como você pode se manter firme e não ser sufocado pelo materialismo? - Leia 1 Timóteo 6: 9, 10. If that is happening to you right now, how can you stand firm and avoid being choked by materialism? - Read 1 Timothy 6: 9, 10. If that is happening to you, how can you remain firm and avoid being overwhelmed by materialism? - Read 1 Timothy 6: 9, 10. Quando esteve na Terra, Jesus ensinou várias verdades básicas que ajudariam seus discípulos a entender que os pensamentos e as ações têm consequências. Throughout his ministry, Jesus taught basic truths to help his disciples recognize the consequences of certain attitudes or actions. While on earth, Jesus taught several basic truths that would help his disciples to understand that thoughts and actions have consequences. Dirigindo - se ao seu Deus, Jeová, ele reconheceu: "Tu chamarás e eu mesmo te responderei. " Addressing his God, Jehovah, he acknowledged: "You will call, and I myself shall answer you. " Addressing his God, Jehovah acknowledged: "You will call, and I myself shall answer you. " Queremos tomar decisões levando em conta o que Jeová pensa e não apenas o que nós gostamos. He is also concerned that we do not stumble others or disturb them by our decisions. We want to make decisions that reveal about Jehovah's thinking and not only what we enjoy. No fim daquele ano, 13 missionários formados em Gileade estavam pregando no país. By the end of that year, 13 Gilead - trained missionaries were busy preaching there. At the end of that year, 13 - year - old missionaries were preaching in the land. De modo similar, cabe a vocês escolherem, por iniciativa própria, dedicar - se a Jeová e devotar sua vida a fazer a vontade dele. Similarly, it must be of your own accord that you choose to dedicate yourselves to Jehovah and devote your lives to doing his will. Similarly, you must choose for your own initiative, dedicating yourself to Jehovah, and devote your life to doing his will. Atualmente, os que formam o segundo grupo estão com idade avançada. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years. Today, those who form the second group are in advance of advance. Sam é especialista em aquecimento, ventilação e ar condicionado. Sam is an engineer skilled in heating, ventilation, and air - conditioning. Sam is a playful expert, tension, and aird air. SUJEIÇÃO APROPRIADA True Christians worldwide follow what Bible principle? NO MY LIFE AND MY LIFE Uma coisa que nos ajuda a ser perdoadores é estar sempre prontos para fazer as pazes. When we forgive others, we prove ourselves to be peacemakers. Something that helps us to be forgiving is always ready to make peace. Ao considerar as seguintes cinco características do cristianismo verdadeiro, pergunte - se: " Será que é evidente que a minha conduta e meus ensinos se harmonizam com a Palavra de Deus? As you consider the following five identifying marks of true Christianity, ask yourself: " Do my conduct and teachings clearly harmonize with God's Word? As you consider the five characteristics of true Christianity, ask yourself: " Is it clear that my conduct and teachings are in harmony with God's Word? O vento parou e "deu - se uma grande calmaria ." " A great calm set in. " The wind stopped and "gave a great calm. " Ele disse que sempre achou que as religiões eram todas iguais, mas mudou de idéia ao ver o sincero altruísmo das Testemunhas de Jeová em ação. He said that although he had once viewed all religious groups as being the same, after seeing the sincere unselfishness of Jehovah's Witnesses in action, he no longer did so. He said that since all religions were equal, he changed the thought of seeing the heartfelt disposition of Jehovah's Witnesses in action. Quanto tempo levará para aprender a usá - lo adequadamente? ' How long will it take to learn to operate it properly? ' How much time will I learn to use it properly? ' Pense em alguns fatos relacionados com esse detalhe da profecia de Jesus. Think of some facts related to that detail of Jesus ' prophecy. Think of some facts related to this detail of Jesus ' prophecy. Por que Paulo incentivou os coríntios a " se alargarem ' em seu amor? Why did Paul urge the Corinthians to widen out in their love? Why did Paul urge the Corinthians to "widen out " in their love? Isso é algo que você pode perguntar a eles, e se sentirá encorajado por fazer isso. That is a question you can ask them, and you will likely find yourself rewarded for doing so. That is something you might ask them, and you will be encouraged by doing so. 7: 4 - Em que sentido o extermínio dos judeus traria "dano para o rei "? 7: 4 - How would an annihilation of the Jews bring "damage to the king "? 7: 4 - How would the extermination of the Jews bring "in the ground for the king "? Por isso, não devemos nos divertir com coisas que nos fazem ter pensamentos e desejos imorais. Being aware of this, we should be moved to reject entertainment that fuels impure thoughts and inclinations. As a result, we are not content to enjoy immoral thoughts and immoral desires. Entre eles havia 230 Testemunhas de Jeová de seis países, que receberam ordens de marchar juntos. Among them were 230 of Jehovah's Witnesses from six countries, who were ordered to march together. Among them were 230 of Jehovah's Witnesses in six lands, who received orders to march together. Ao acordar, estava todo suado. Upon awakening, he would be soaking wet with perspiration. When wake up, he was all his. Eu comecei a ver que meus sentimentos não eram a coisa mais importante. I began to realize that my feelings were not the most important thing. Asa não pensou só nele mesmo, mas incentivou outros a " buscar a Jeová '. Asa promoted true worship. Asa did not even think of it, but he encouraged others to " search for Jehovah. ' Em escala muito maior, os cidadãos do Reino apoiam com vigor o Reino de Deus, tanto nas ruas como de casa em casa. On a much larger scale, Kingdom citizens vigorously support God's Kingdom both on the street and from door to door. On a much greater scale, Kingdom citizens support God's Kingdom, both on the streets and from house to house. Você realmente preza a dádiva divina do casamento? Do You Really Appreciate God's Gift of Marriage? Do you really appreciate God's gift of marriage? Achava que ninguém me amava nem me valorizava. " I felt unloved and worthless. " I felt that no one loved me or appreciated me. " Satanás usa métodos que visam corromper os desejos do nosso coração. Satan uses methods designed to corrupt the desires of the heart. Satan uses methods that are designed to corrupt the desires of our heart. Como as palavras de Jesus em João 5: 16, 17 indicam que o sétimo dia ainda estava em curso no primeiro século? How do Jesus ' words recorded at John 5: 16, 17 indicate that the seventh day was continuing in the first century? How do Jesus ' words found at John 5: 16, 17 indicate that the seventh day was ongoing in the first century? Uma delas é por estarmos presentes para entoar os cânticos do Reino. One way is by being present for the singing of Kingdom songs. One is by being present to make Kingdom songs. Charles W. C. W. Charles. Como os apóstolos devem ter ficado felizes ao ouvir essas palavras de Jesus! What joy and satisfaction must have filled their heart when the apostles heard those words from Jesus! How happy the apostles must have been to hear those words of Jesus! Em nome do espírito santo In the Name of the Holy Spirit In the Name of the Holy Spirit É claro que não! Of course not! Of course not! Portanto, o que Deus pôs sob o mesmo jugo [no casamento], não o separe o homem. " Therefore, what God has yoked together [in marriage] let no man put apart. " Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Isso acontece porque as luzes da cidade estão mais próximas de nós e interferem no que podemos apreciar da criação de Jeová. This happens because city lights are closer to us and they interfere with what we can perceive of Jehovah's creation. This is because the lights of the city are more closely near us, and it is in which we can appreciate Jehovah's creation. (Leia Zacarias 6: 5 - 8.) (Read Zechariah 6: 5 - 8.) (Read Zechariah 6: 5 - 8.) Nesse respeito, os anciãos imitam também o apóstolo Paulo. In this, elders also imitate the apostle Paul. In this regard, elders imitate the apostle Paul too. 7: 9, 14. 7: 9, 14. 7: 9, 14. " Fostes comprados por um preço. " You were bought with a price. " You were bought with a price. Alguns acham que não precisam da ajuda de ninguém para entender a Bíblia. Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own. Some feel that they do not need the help of anyone to understand the Bible. Quando Jeová falou a Satanás a respeito da integridade de Jó, Satanás contestou: "Acaso é por nada que Jó teme a Deus? " When Jehovah confronted Satan with Job's record of integrity, Satan retorted: "Is it for nothing that Job has feared God? " When Jehovah spoke to Satan about Job's integrity, Satan challenged Job: "He proved himself by nothing that Job fears God? " 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. (a) Quem compõe a atual "geração " a que Jesus se referiu? (a) Who make up the modern - day "generation " that Jesus referred to? (a) Who make up the modern - day "generation " that Jesus referred to? Talvez achemos que não somos capazes de cuidar de determinada responsabilidade bíblica ou privilégio de serviço. Perhaps we feel unable to care for a certain Scriptural responsibility or privilege of service. We may feel that we are unable to care for certain Scriptural responsibility or privilege of service. As pessoas se orgulham de seu país, raça, bens, instrução, realizações, condição social, aparência, habilidade esportiva e de muitas outras coisas. People are prideful because of their country, their race, their possessions, their education, their secular achievements, their social standing, their looks, their sporting abilities, and many other things. People are proud to have their country, race, property, instructions, social status, appearance, skill, and use many other things. Isso ficou evidente no modo como lidou com os filisteus. This was evident in the way he dealt with the Philistines. Jovens, vocês merecem elogios por não desistirem de servir a Jeová apesar dos desafios que enfrentam. Young people in the congregation deserve warm commendation for the way they meet these challenges and for being determined to focus their lives on serving Jehovah. Young ones, you are worthy of commendation because you do not give up on serving Jehovah despite the challenges they face. Mas ainda são justos aos olhos de Jeová caso continuem a se "levantar ," isto é, a se arrepender sinceramente e a se empenhar em retomar a rotina de serviço leal. But they are still righteous in Jehovah's eyes if they continue to "get up, " that is, sincerely repent and strive to resume a course of loyal service. However, it is still righteous in Jehovah's eyes if "get up, " that is, sincerely repentant and pursuing upright routine of service. O artigo seguinte considerará como você pode fazer com que seu lar seja um abrigo seguro neste mundo abusivo. [ Notas de rodapé] The following article will discuss how you can make your family a safe haven in an abusive world. The following article will discuss how you can make sure that your home is a safe haven in this world. Lembrar - se de como Jeová ajudou seu povo no passado nos dará confiança para enfrentar o futuro. - Dan. Recounting how Jehovah has helped his people in the past will instill in us confidence to face the future. - Dan. Remembering how Jehovah helped his ancient people in the past will give us confidence to face the future. - Dan. Cada vez mais pessoas em mais lugares consomem mais pornografia do que em qualquer outra época da história. - Veja o quadro "Fatos sobre a pornografia ." Pornography, it seems, is a prominent feature of popular culture. More people in more places are consuming more pornography than at any other time in history. - See the box "Facts About Pornography. " More and more and more is covered in pornography than at any other time in the history of the story. - See the box "deeds of pornography. " UM ARQUEIRO se prepara para atirar. AN ARCHER prepares to shoot an arrow at a target. A FROM catching sight prepares for a peist. Veja como os casais cristãos podem mostrar que apoiam a soberania de Jeová. Consider an area wherein Christian married couples can support Jehovah's ways and thereby uphold his sovereignty. Consider how Christian couples can show that they support Jehovah's sovereignty. Mais tarde, quando Ló foi aprisionado por exércitos invasores, Abraão não hesitou em libertar seu sobrinho. - Gên. Later on when Lot was taken captive by invading armies, Abraham did not hesitate to rescue his nephew. - Gen. Later, when Lot was molested by armies, Abraham did not break his nephew. - Gen. Apenas os que estiverem numa condição aprovada terão a perspectiva de sobreviver ao dia de Jeová. Only those standing in an approved condition will have the prospect of surviving Jehovah's day. Only those in an approved condition will they have the prospect of surviving Jehovah's day. 51: 17) O Deus Todo - Poderoso conhece a verdadeira atitude e motivação por trás dos pecados. 51: 17) Almighty God understands the true attitude and motive behind sins. 51: 17) The Almighty God knows the true attitude and motives behind sins. PÁGINA 4 PAGE 4 PAGE 4 Não permita que os desejos carnais se tornem um deus Do Not Let Fleshly Desire Become a God Do not let fleshly desires become a god Isso não é algo que só os cristãos adultos podem e devem fazer. These are not things that only adult Christians can and should do. That is not something that Christian adults can and should do. (b) O que indica que as criaturas angélicas estão organizadas? (b) What indicates that the angelic creation is organized? (b) What indicates that angelic creatures are organized? Pensar na "grande nuvem de testemunhas " pode ter que efeito sobre nós? Thinking of the " great cloud of witnesses ' can have what effect on us? Thinking about the "great cloud of witnesses " can have what effect on us? Você acha que se fosse perfeito como Jesus, isto é, "imaculado, separado dos pecadores ," seria sempre fácil obedecer aos pais? Do you think that if you were perfect - that is, "undefiled, separated from the sinners, " as was Jesus - it would always be easy to obey your parents? Do you think that if you were perfect as Jesus did, that is, "c regions of sinners, " would always be easy to obey your parents? Sílvia: Ah não, não poderia! Samantha: He couldn't. Samantha: I didn't mean that I couldn't be! Eles não eram rígidos demais, explicavam o motivo de certas regras e sempre me ouviam e conversavam comigo. They were not too severely concerned about the reason for certain rules and often listened to me and talked to me. Seja qual for o seu problema, Deus nunca o abandonará. Regardless of what you face, God will never let you down. Whatever your problem, God will never abandon you. Como podemos nos certificar de permanecer no amor de Deus? How can we be sure that we will remain in God's love? How can we make sure that we remain in God's love? Que mentalidade carnal e que falta de visão eles tinham! How fleshly - how shortsighted - they were! What a fleshly and lack of a vision they had! Podemos tirar uma lição disso? Is there a lesson in this for us? Can we draw a lesson from that? Mesmo assim, lembrar que o Reino pode superar qualquer obstáculo nos dará forças para perseverar. Yet, remembering that the Kingdom arrangement can overcome all obstacles will strengthen us to endure. Still, remembering that the Kingdom can overcome any obstacle will empower us to endure. 13: 20 - Por que o novo pacto é chamado de "eterno "? 13: 20 - Why is the new covenant spoken of as being "everlasting "? 13: 20 - Why is the new covenant called "everlasting king "? Quando um casal cristão batizado planeja se divorciar ou se separar sem base bíblica para isso, com certeza algo em sentido espiritual está errado na vida deles. When baptized marriage mates are planning to separate or to divorce each other on unscriptural grounds, something surely is spiritually wrong in their life. When a baptized Christian plan to get a divorce or separate from Scriptural grounds to do so, he certainly is wrong in their lives. Pense em como Jeová deve se sentir orgulhoso ao ver que, em meio à decadência moral do mundo de Satanás, seus servos dedicados se empenham ao máximo em manter pensamentos puros e em viver segundo os altos padrões morais Dele. As the moral decline of Satan's world continues, how proud Jehovah must be to find his devoted servants putting forth earnest effort to keep their thoughts clean and to uphold his high moral standards! Think of how Jehovah must feel when he sees that by means of Satan's world, his dedicated servants strive to keep pure thoughts and uphold Jehovah's high moral standards. Ele explica o que o pão e o vinho usados na Celebração significam e como uma pessoa pode saber se deve ou não participar desses emblemas. It explains what the bread and wine at the Memorial represent and shows how a person knows whether he or she should partake of these emblems. He explains what the bread and wine used at the Memorial mean and how a person can know whether he or not partake of those emblems. A Christian who turns a wrongdoer back from a sinful course saves the soul of the repentant person from spiritual death and perhaps from everlasting destruction. How would you feel? Como você se sentiria? How would you respond? Why should we not be surprised if we experience injustice in the congregation? Por que não vamos ficar surpresos se acontecer uma injustiça na congregação? Why should it come as no surprise if a Christian observes or experiences injustice in the congregation? At times, he told people that he was not aware of what he was or what he had done. Houve ocasiões em que ele disse às pessoas que não contassem a outros quem ele era ou o que havia feito. Sometimes he told people to refrain from telling others who he was or what he had done. How has Jehovah shown that he well knows human nature? Como Jeová mostrou que conhece bem a natureza humana? How has Jehovah shown insight into human nature? A man who reachs out for this privilege is not ambitious. O homem que procura alcançar esse privilégio com motivação correta não é ambicioso. A man who reaches out with proper motives is not ambitious. Still, some fight after day to act according to their conscience. Ainda assim, alguns lutam dia após dia para agir de acordo com sua consciência. Still, some struggle to respond to their conscience day by day. The "ten men out of all the languages of the nations " represent the great crowd of other sheep. Os "dez homens dentre todas as línguas das nações " representam a grande multidão de outras ovelhas. The "ten men out of all the languages of the nations " represent the great crowd of other sheep. How might we be silent when we know the truth about our heavenly Father and his purpose? Como poderíamos ficar calados quando sabemos a verdade sobre nosso Pai celestial e seu propósito? How can we be silent when we know the truth about our heavenly Father and his purpose? More important, Elihu saw things from God's viewpoint, and Job helped to focus on the fact that Jehovah would never act unjustly. Mais importante ainda, Eliú viu as coisas do ponto de vista de Deus, e ajudou Jó a concentrar - se no fato de que Jeová nunca agiria injustamente. Most important, Elihu saw things from God's viewpoint, and he helped Job to focus on the fact that Jehovah would never act unjustly. But what did Paul have in mind when he said that we should speak truth with our neighbor? Mas o que Paulo tinha em mente quando disse que devemos falar a verdade com o nosso próximo? Yet, what did Paul mean when he said that we should speak truth with our neighbor? Does Jesus ' words mean that it is always wrong to make sworn oaths? Será que as palavras de Jesus significam que é sempre errado fazer juramentos? Do Jesus ' words mean that all making of oaths is bad? 14, 15. 14, 15. 14, 15. But always, when you do what is right and avoid wrong conduct, you are proving that Jehovah is on the issue of universal sovereignty. Mas, sempre que fizer o que é certo e evitar a conduta errada, você estará provando que está do lado de Jeová na questão da soberania universal. However, each time you do what is right and refuse to share in ungodly conduct, you prove that you are on Jehovah's side of the issue of universal sovereignty. When Joshua became leader of the nation of Israel, he had God's Law. Quando Josué se tornou líder da nação de Israel, ele tinha a Lei de Deus. From the beginning of his leadership, Joshua had a written record of God's Word. Or perhaps there may be a mistake, and there may be a reconciliation, which would be very positive! Ou talvez confesse o erro e possa haver uma reconciliação, o que seria muito positivo! Or perhaps the one accused will confess, and a reconciliation may be achieved. What a blessing that would be! And he would not be able to " keep awake ' until his prophetic word was fulfilled. E ele não descansaria - " ele se manteria alerta ' - até que a sua palavra profética se cumprisse. And he would not rest - he would " keep awake ' - until his prophetic word was accomplished. If we are friends who love Jehovah and display self - control, we will want to be like them. Se tivermos amigos que amam a Jeová e que demonstram autodomínio, nós vamos querer ser como eles. Spiritually - minded associates will have a positive influence on you, moving you to imitate their course of life marked by self - control. He did not worship any other god, just Jehovah. Ele não adorava nenhum outro deus, apenas a Jeová. He did not profess to worship any other god but Jehovah. She knew that she should not be ashamed of the good news " in school, ' and she really wanted to bear a good witness to her classmates. Desde pequena, ela sabia que não devia " se envergonhar das boas novas ' na escola, e realmente queria dar um bom testemunho a seus colegas. From an early age, she knew that she should not be "ashamed of the good news " in school, and she really wanted to give a good witness to her fellow students. ▪ Parents, Children - Communicate With Love ▪ Pais, filhos - comuniquem - se com amor ▪ Parents, Children - Communicate With Love How can we succeed in acquiring the ability to make wise decisions? Como podemos ser bem - sucedidos em adquirir a habilidade de tomar decisões sábias? How can we succeed in acquiring the ability to make wise choices? Rejoicing in Our Hope Alegrar - nos com a nossa esperança Rejoicing in Our Hope But if we develop the habit of murmuring, we would be endangering our relationship with Jehovah God. Mas se criarmos o hábito de resmungar, estaremos colocando em risco a nossa relação com Jeová Deus. But if we were to become habitual murmurers, we would be putting at risk our relationship with Jehovah God. Consider how he reacted when his disciples tried to prevent some of his children from bringing him to their children. Veja como ele reagiu quando seus discípulos tentaram impedir alguns pais de lhe trazerem seus filhos. Consider how Jesus responded when his disciples tried to prevent parents from bringing their children to him. " The harvest is the conclusion of a system of things, " said Jesus. " A colheita é a terminação dum sistema de coisas ," disse Jesus. " The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, " said Jesus. Why did Paul tell some Corinthians to partake of the emblems in some way? Por que Paulo disse que alguns coríntios estavam participando dos emblemas de modo indigno? How did some Corinthians partake of the Memorial emblems unworthily? Many brothers and sisters serve in territories where endurance is a major challenge. Muitos irmãos servem em territórios em que a perseverança é um grande desafio. Many of our brothers serve in territories where endurance is a special challenge. What protection was needed for the offspring of the woman, and why? Que proteção era necessário dar ao descendente da mulher, e por quê? What protection did the offspring of the woman need, and why? THE BOTTOM LINE: pornography enslaves and devastating its victims. - 2 Peter 2: 19. CONCLUSÃO: A pornografia escraviza e devasta suas vítimas. - 2 Pedro 2: 19. THE BOTTOM LINE: Pornography enslaves and wreaks havoc on its victims. - 2 Peter 2: 19. What human tendency must we guard against continuing to follow Christ? Contra que tendência humana temos de nos precaver se desejamos continuar a seguir a Cristo? Against what human tendency do we need to guard ourselves if we want to keep on following Christ? What may have influenced Saul's conscience? O que pode ter influenciado a consciência de Saulo? What could have affected Saul's conscience? The reward is in harmony with the labor, not according to the results of that labor. A recompensa é de acordo com o labor, não de acordo com os resultados desse labor. The reward is according to the labor, not according to the results of that labor. The cost of this decision, however, may not be minimized merely by spreading out. O custo dessa decisão, no entanto, não pode ser medido apenas por cifras. The cost of such a decision, however, cannot be measured merely in dollars and cents. Joseph and Mary, Jesus ' earthly parents set a fine example in this regard. José e Maria, pais terrestres de Jesus, deram um excelente exemplo nesse sentido. In this regard, Jesus ' earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, set an outstanding example. What attitude should elders have toward God's flock? Que atitude os anciãos devem ter para com o rebanho de Deus? Elders need to have what attitude toward God's flock? How grateful we are that our spiritual legacy has protected us from believing such teaching that dishonors God! Como somos gratos de que nosso legado espiritual nos tem protegido contra crer nesse ensino que desonra a Deus! How grateful we are that our spiritual legacy has protected us from believing this God - dishonoring teaching! Jehovah God's original purpose for mankind clear time to learn about him and his beautiful creation. O propósito original de Jeová Deus para a humanidade previa tempo infindável para aprender sobre ele e sua bela criação. Jehovah God's original purpose for humankind included endless time to learn about him and his beautiful creation. Some faithful worshippers have made great sacrifices, put up with poverty, oppression, prejudice, and even severe persecution. Alguns adoradores fiéis têm feito grandes sacrifícios, suportando pobreza, opressão, preconceito e até severa perseguição. Some faithful worshippers have made great sacrifices, enduring poverty, oppression, prejudice, even severe persecution. In that case, Jehovah would take away "the Babylonian nation " - their wives who receive discipline and would bring back to Judah and Jerusalem. Nesse caso, Jeová tiraria do "ermo " babilônico sua nação - esposa que recebera a disciplina e a traria de volta a Judá e Jerusalém. Then Jehovah would take his disciplined wifelike nation out of the Babylonian "wilderness " and bring her back to Judah and Jerusalem. " Let your weaknesses and avoid them all the cost, " says Michael. " Identifique suas fraquezas e evite - as a todo o custo ," diz Michael. " Identify your weaknesses, and avoid them like the plague, " says Sven. Knowing your children well - known feelings about how they feel and how they care about them. Conheça bem os seus filhos: o que pensam, como se sentem e com o que se preocupam. Get to know your children well - their thinking, their feelings, their concerns. What mention did Paul mention in Hebrews 12: 1? Que menção a uma corrida Paulo fez em Hebreus 12: 1? As recorded at Hebrews 12: 1, Paul made what reference to a race? For example, a sister named admits: "Learning to rely fully on Jehovah is an ongoing struggle for me. " Por exemplo, uma irmã chamada Lia admite: "Aprender a confiar plenamente em Jeová é uma luta constante para mim. " For example, a Christian sister named Lynn admits, "Learning to put my complete confidence in Jehovah has been an ongoing struggle for me. " Happily, the people obeyed, and that day was "great joy. " - Neh. Felizmente, o povo obedeceu, e aquele dia foi de "grande alegria ." - Nee. Commendably, the people obeyed, and the day turned into one of "great rejoicing. " - Neh. He became a regular pioneer for 17 years, was appointed as a ministerial servant in Bethel and is now serving at Bethel. Ele se tornou pioneiro regular aos 17 anos, foi designado servo ministerial aos 18 e hoje serve em Betel. He began serving as a regular pioneer at age 17 and was appointed as a ministerial servant at 18. Consider the attitude of certain shepherds who condemned God. Considere a atitude de certos pastores que Deus condenou. Consider the attitude of shepherds whom God condemned. On the contrary, all of us need to " exert ourselves vigorously ' when upholding Kingdom interests. Ao contrário, todos nós precisamos " nos esforçar vigorosamente ' ao apoiar os interesses do Reino. Rather, all of us need to "exert [ourselves] vigorously " in support of Kingdom interests. He promised: "I will never leave you and never abandon you. " Ele prometeu: "Eu nunca deixarei você e nunca o abandonarei. " Paul adds: "For [God] has said: " I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you. ' 6, 7. 6, 7. 6, 7. • through fellow believers? • por meio de companheiros de adoração? • through fellow believers? In time, Alex resigned from his life "by causing the good news. " Com o tempo, Alex simplificou a vida "pela causa das boas novas ." Alex has since simplified his life "for the sake of the good news. " A person who leaves the congregation should be seen as a lost sheep, not like an lost lost sheep. Alguém que deixa a congregação deve ser visto como uma ovelha perdida, não como um caso perdido. Someone who leaves the congregation should be viewed as "a lost sheep, " not a lost cause. Purpose of Study Articles Objetivo dos artigos de estudo Purpose of Study Articles However, we try to simplify our lives, lessening the expenses and undermine our debts, so we are free to be slaves of God, not the commercial system. - 1 Tim. Mas nós tentamos simplificar a vida, diminuir as despesas e acabar com nossas dívidas. Assim, ficamos livres para ser escravos de Deus, e não do sistema econômico. - 1 Tim. We demonstrate practical wisdom when we simplify our life and reduce debt and expenses, setting ourselves free to slave for God rather than for today's commercial system. - 1 Tim. (Read Ephesians 1: 22; Colossians 1: 13, 18.) (Leia Efésios 1: 22; Colossenses 1: 13, 18.) (Read Ephesians 1: 22; Colossians 1: 13, 18.) The apostle Paul reasoned clearly that "by means of one man entered into the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " - Deuteronomy 32: 4, 5; Romans 5: 12; Jeremiah 10: 23. O apóstolo Paulo raciocinou de forma clara que "por intermédio de um só homem entrou o pecado no mundo, e a morte por intermédio do pecado, e assim a morte se espalhou a todos os homens, porque todos tinham pecado ." - Deuteronômio 32: 4, 5; Romanos 5: 12; Jeremias 10: 23. The apostle Paul clearly reasoned that "through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " - Deuteronomy 32: 4, 5; Romans 5: 12; Jeremiah 10: 23. We do well to remember that "God is love " and that our actions affect him. Faremos bem em lembrar que "Deus é amor " e que nossas ações o afetam. We do well to remember that "God is love " and that our actions affect him. Consider, for example, 2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15. Veja, por exemplo, 2 Coríntios 5: 14, 15. For example, consider 2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15. Jehovah has given us a gift that can help us in the matter of obedience. Jeová nos deu uma dádiva que pode nos ajudar muito na questão da obediência. Jehovah has given us a gift that can help us greatly in this matter of obedience. SOME 30 years ago, he was not one of his 30 years old. MAIS de 30 anos atrás, Osei saiu de Gana e foi morar na Europa. Nessa época, ele ainda não era Testemunha de Jeová. OVER 30 years ago, Osei, who was not a Witness at that time, arrived in Europe from Ghana. She is watching them back from their home and not with the bread of laziness. Ela está vigiando os andamentos dos da sua casa e não come o pão da preguiça. She is watching over the goings - on of her household, and the bread of laziness she does not eat. Then we could pray for Jehovah's spirit to help us recall and apply his reminders. Então poderíamos orar pedindo que o espírito de Jeová nos ajude a recordar e aplicar suas advertências. Then we might pray that Jehovah's spirit help us to recall and apply his reminders. So Satan offers us the opportunity to enjoy a comfortable life now. Então, Satanás nos oferece a chance de ter uma vida confortável já agora. So Satan offers us tempting opportunities to enjoy such a life now. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 3.) (Leia 1 Tessalonicenses 5: 2, 3.) (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 3.) Many of God's servants today have shown themselves willing to leave their homes and move to where the need for Jehovah's Witnesses is greater zealous. Muitos dos atuais servos de Deus têm mostrado disposição de deixar suas casas e mudar - se para onde a necessidade de Testemunhas de Jeová zelosas é maior. Many of God's servants in modern times have been willing to leave their homes and move to serve where there is a greater need for zealous Witnesses. In the first century, some had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation, and others were reproved. No primeiro século, alguns tiveram de ser desassociados da congregação cristã, e outros foram repreendidos. In the first century, some had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation, and others were reproved. True, at times may anger us with reason, but Paul counsels us: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " - Ephesians 4: 26, 27. É verdade que às vezes talvez nos irritemos com razão, mas Paulo aconselha: "Ficai furiosos, mas não pequeis; não se ponha o sol enquanto estais encolerizados, nem deis margem ao Diabo. " - Efésios 4: 26, 27. True, we may at times become justifiably angry, but Paul counsels us: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " - Ephesians 4: 26, 27. Seeing is a close path, or a roadway. Vereda é um caminho estreito, ou senda. A track is a narrow footpath or trail. 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. What other viewpoint could we adopt regarding Jesus ' illustration of the workers in the vineyard? Que outro ponto de vista poderíamos adotar com relação à ilustração de Jesus a respeito dos trabalhadores num vinhedo? What other viewpoint could we take with regard to Jesus ' illustration of the workers in the vineyard? On the other hand, the Bible also speaks of valueless things, and warning us about how important it is for us to waste our resources. Por outro lado, a Bíblia fala também de coisas sem valor, e nos alerta contra desperdiçar nossos recursos na sua busca. On the other hand, the Bible also speaks of valueless things and warns against wasting our resources in pursuit of them. This was not just an isolated incident. Isso não foi apenas um incidente isolado. That was not just an isolated incident. Paul added remarks to his utterances that could sound unwholesome to the Jews. Paulo acrescentou observações atenuantes às suas declarações que pudessem soar ofensivas aos judeus. Paul follows up statements that may appear derogatory to the Jews with softening remarks. " Do not make injury to the earth nor to the sea nor to the trees, until we have sealed the slaves of our God on their foreheads. " - Revelation 7: 1 - 3. " Não façais dano nem à terra, nem ao mar, nem às árvores, até depois de termos selado os escravos de nosso Deus nas suas testas. ' " - Revelação (Apocalipse) 7: 1 - 3. " Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads. ' " - Revelation 7: 1 - 3. The "sheep " and the" goats " represent people of all the nations. As "ovelhas " e os" cabritos " representam pessoas de todas as nações. " The sheep " and "the goats " represent individuals from all nations. Today, it is not possible for the brothers to use the "gifts of healing " to heal our behalf. Hoje, não é possível que os irmãos usem "dons de curar " a nosso favor. We do not live at a time when a fellow Christian can use "gifts of healing " to cure us. Why were the temple arrangement hurt, and whom did Nehemiah blame for this? Por que os arranjos do templo estavam sendo prejudicados, e a quem Neemias culpou por isso? Why were the temple arrangements being disrupted, and whom did Nehemiah blame for this? Cherish Our Spiritual Paradise Preze nosso paraíso espiritual Treasure Our Spiritual Paradise 8 Show Kindness to People of Others 8 Mostre bondade a pessoas de outros países 8 "Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers " In the preceding chapter of Deuteronomy chapter, Moses remembered the laws that God had written on tablets of stone, or the Ten Commandments. Notará que no capítulo anterior de Deuteronômio, Moisés relembra as leis que Deus havia escrito em tábuas de pedra, ou seja, os Dez Mandamentos. You will notice that in the preceding chapter of Deuteronomy, Moses restates the laws that God wrote on tablets of stone - the Ten Commandments. The peaceable Christian brotherhood worldwide shows that not. A pacífica fraternidade cristã no mundo todo mostra que não. The peaceful Christian brotherhood that exists worldwide proves otherwise. Even after baptism, some may still be tempted to do these things. Mesmo depois do batismo, pode ser que alguns ainda se sintam tentados a fazer essas coisas. In the past, some who are now Witnesses struggled with overeating, heavy drinking, smoking, drug abuse, sexual immorality, and the like. The Christian "an full - grown in powers of understanding " grows in such gratitude and enjoy a close relationship with Jehovah. - 1 Cor. [ Picture on page 26] " DO YOU HAVE no room for this worldly and accept it in the ancient world, " states the American Standard Bible Dictionary. O cristão " plenamente desenvolvido na capacidade de entendimento ' desenvolve essa gratidão e desfruta de uma estreita relação com Jeová. - 1 Cor. A Christian who is "full - grown in powers of understanding " develops such gratitude and enjoys intimacy with Jehovah. - 1 Cor. Then he needed to give further guidance and revealed further details about his purpose. " A ESCRAVIDÃO era comum e amplamente aceita no mundo antigo ," diz o Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Dicionário Bíblico Ilustrado de Holman). " SLAVERY was prevalent and widely accepted in the ancient world, " states the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. She adds: "It's clear that I have felt sadness, but why do all of me feel sad when I am sad? " Então ele precisou dar outras orientações e revelou outros detalhes sobre o seu propósito. The image is the image of a dwelling dwelling. Ela acrescenta: "É claro que tenho meus momentos de tristeza, mas por que todos ao meu redor precisam ficar tristes quando eu estou triste? " " Of course, I have my sad moments, " she continues, "but why should everybody around me be sad when I am? " He is our "refuge and strength " - especially in times of distress. A imagem é a de uma habitação. The image is that of a dwelling, or place of habitation. 6: 1. Ele é nosso "refúgio e força " - principalmente em épocas de aflição. He has proved to be "our refuge and strength " - especially in times of distress! Love for Each Basis 6: 1. 6: 1. But who can show their understanding of the mighty ones from their mighty ones? " - Job 26: 14. Amor em base individual Love for Individuals In view of discipline, we will consider two other people who respond to God's discipline, Shebna, a first - century man who lived in King Hezekiah's day. Mas quem pode mostrar ter entendimento do seu poderoso trovão? " - Jó 26: 14. But of his mighty thunder who can show an understanding? " - Job 26: 14. However, he is wrathful at Mordecai's refusal to honor him, using a plan for Mordecai's killing Mordecai before the next day. Para entender como a disciplina é importante, vamos ver duas pessoas que foram disciplinadas por Jeová. A primeira é Sebna, um homem que viveu na época do rei Ezequias. A outra é Graham, um irmão dos nossos dias. To underscore the value of discipline, let us consider two individuals whom Jehovah disciplined: Shebna, who lived in the time of King Hezekiah, and Graham, a brother in our day. He had a problem that brought him much distress. Mas ele está furioso com a recusa de Mordecai a honrá - lo e por isso ele elabora um plano para matar Mordecai antes do banquete no dia seguinte. However, he is infuriated by Mordecai's refusal to honor him. Haman lays out a plan to kill Mordecai before the banquet the next day. From your study of the Bible, you know how to treat someone disfellowshipped. Ele tinha um problema que lhe causava muita aflição. He had an affliction that caused him much distress. Think of a little time. Com base no seu estudo da Bíblia, você sabe como se deve tratar alguém desassociado. From your study of the Bible, you know how disfellowshipped ones are to be treated. " Jehovah is near to those who are broken at heart, he saves those who are crushed in spirit. " - Ps. Pense um pouco. Consider your own experience. In so doing, elders imitate spiritual shepherds of old. " Jeová está perto dos que têm coração quebrantado, ele salva os que têm espírito esmagado. " - Sal. " Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted; he saves those who are crushed in spirit. " - Ps. When providing the sign of his presence, Jesus said that he would use "the faithful and discreet slave " to provide" food at the proper time " to his domestics. Ao fazerem isso, os anciãos imitam os pastores espirituais da antiguidade. When elders do so, they imitate spiritual shepherds of old. Many even ridicule God's idea that he intervenes in human affairs - as the people in Noah's day. Ao fornecer o sinal de sua presença, Jesus disse que usaria "o escravo fiel e discreto " para prover" alimento no tempo apropriado " aos seus domésticos. When giving the sign of his presence, Jesus said that he would use "the faithful and discreet slave " to give" food at the proper time " to his domestics. ▪ They "Saw " the Things Promised Muitas até mesmo zombam da ideia de Deus intervir nos assuntos humanos - como fizeram as pessoas nos dias de Noé. Many even deride the idea of God's intervening in human affairs - as people did in Noah's day. Do you really appreciate God's gift of marriage? ▪ Eles "viram " as coisas prometidas ▪ They "Saw " the Things Promised Some young ones who are raised by Christian parents may not see the vast contrast that exists between our spiritual paradise and the darkness of Satan's world. Você realmente preza a dádiva divina do casamento? Do You Really Appreciate God's Gift of Marriage? What can we learn from the way faithful servants of God dealt with sickness? Alguns jovens criados por pais cristãos talvez não percebam o grande contraste que existe entre o nosso paraíso espiritual e a escuridão do mundo de Satanás. Some youths brought up by Christian parents may not see the stark contrast between our current spiritual paradise and Satan's dark world. THE first Christians, as a whole, gave tests of their faith by their conduct. O que nos ensina o modo como servos fiéis de Deus lidaram com doenças? What lesson can we draw from the way faithful servants of God have dealt with sickness? Jesus encouraged his disciples to have a " simple eye. ' OS PRIMEIROS cristãos, como um todo, deram provas de sua fé por meio de sua conduta. AS A whole, the early Christians proved their faith by how they actually lived. The second stage provides for those who will live in Paradise on earth under Christ's Messianic Kingdom. Jesus incentivou seus discípulos a ter um " olho singelo '. Jesus encouraged his disciples to have a simple eye. 5: 14. A segunda etapa prepara os que viverão no Paraíso na Terra sob o Reino messiânico de Cristo. The second stage prepares those who will dwell in Paradise on earth under Christ's Messianic Kingdom. Listen carefully when they speak about their problems, but they do not talk about political observations. 5: 14. 5: 14. If you were to draw close to him, you would be able to throw you away the present if you were to do so, or do so even if you would be hurt. Ouça com atenção quando eles falarem sobre seus problemas, mas não fale sobre política. Listen patiently to their concerns, but do not discuss politics. The clergy and shepherds are not preaching God's Kingdom. Como você ia se sentir se ele jogasse o presente no lixo, ou pior ainda, usasse o presente para machucar alguém? Com certeza, você ia ficar magoado. How disappointed you would be if you learned that he had thrown your gift in the trash or, worse yet, that he had used it to injure someone! The Christian congregation is blessed with countless brothers and sisters who cultivate the spirit of generosity. Os padres e pastores não pregam o Reino de Deus. The clergy of Christendom are not preaching God's Kingdom. Jehovah "from the final principle of the End " A congregação cristã é abençoada com incontáveis irmãos e irmãs que cultivam o espírito de generosidade. The Christian congregation is blessed with countless brothers and sisters who cultivate a spirit of generosity. We then need to decide how much about our time he is worth it. Take advantage of every opportunity to be with them and to help them. God's Son wanted nothing of Satan's world and would never worship that wicked creature! - Matt. Jeová "desde o princípio conta o final " Jehovah Tells "From the Beginning the Finale " Jehovah's Witnesses take seriously their commission to preach the good news of God's Kingdom throughout the earth and to make disciples, teaching Bible truths to interested people everywhere. Em seguida, temos de decidir quanto de nosso tempo ele vale. Next, we must decide how much of our time it is worth. (b) Jesus ' second question may have made his listeners recall what? O Filho de Deus não queria nada do mundo de Satanás e jamais adoraria aquela criatura perversa! - Mat. God's Son wanted no part of Satan's world and would never worship that wicked one! - Matt. Jehovah created us with the ability to perform significant work that increases our pleasure. As Testemunhas de Jeová levam a sério a sua missão de pregar as boas novas do Reino de Deus em toda a Terra e de fazer discípulos, ensinando as verdades bíblicas a pessoas interessadas em toda a parte. Jehovah's Witnesses take to heart their commission to preach the good news of God's Kingdom earth wide and to make disciples by teaching Bible truth to interested people everywhere. Paul became "full of holy spirit " (b) A segunda pergunta de Jesus talvez tenha feito seus ouvintes se lembrarem de quê? (b) Of what might Jesus ' second question have reminded his listeners? The apostolic method Jeová nos criou com a habilidade de realizar trabalho significativo que aumenta nosso prazer de viver. Jehovah created us with the ability to perform productive and meaningful work that adds to our enjoyment of life. Of course, it is not wrong to use social networking sites to discuss your family or friends. Paulo ficou "cheio de espírito santo " Paul Became "Filled With Holy Spirit " Now imagine how much of that village might have seemed to be in Galilee, the region of the disciples, and John would respond to the same way? O método apostólico The Apostolic Method Anthony: That's right. É claro que não é errado usar as redes sociais para conversar com a família ou os amigos. Or they spend a great deal of time looking at pictures of or reading about such individuals. Mildness can hinder differences from opinion that moves to heated arguments, be with people in our ministry, with fellow believers. Agora, imagine se essa aldeia ficasse na Galileia, a região dos discípulos. Será que Tiago e João reagiriam do mesmo modo? We may wonder if James and John would have reacted the same way if the inhospitable village had been in their home region of Galilee. Yes, "the joy of Jehovah is [our] stronghold. " Antônio: Isso mesmo. Anthony: Correct. The meeting will likely be held in a pleasant place and clean where all those present will be right to benefit from the occasion. A brandura pode impedir que diferenças de opinião se transformem em discussões acaloradas, seja com pessoas no nosso ministério, seja com irmãos na fé. Yes, our having mildness of temper can prevent differences of opinion from escalating into heated arguments, both with people we meet in our ministry and with fellow believers. 1: 5; 1 Cor. Sim, "o regozijo de Jeová é o [nosso] baluarte ." Yes, "the joy of Jehovah is [our] stronghold. " In any case, Jesus ' words show that elders should not act quickly. A reunião provavelmente será realizada num lugar agradável e limpo onde todas as pessoas presentes estarão bem acomodadas para tirar proveito da ocasião. The gathering will likely be in an attractive, clean setting where all can comfortably enjoy the occasion. He made this vow to Jehovah: "If you without fail sending me to the Master of the Master, then you must give him that one who will go out of my door to meet me, when I will come back in peace of Jehovah's Master, and then I must offer up as if I will give him a burnt offering. " 1: 5; 1 Cor. 1: 5; 1 Cor. How do you feel about being part of a long list of faithful witnesses? De qualquer forma, as palavras de Jesus mostram que os anciãos não devem se precipitar. Whatever the case, Jesus ' words indicate that the congregation should not get involved in disagreements prematurely. Consider why this happened and how those words of Jesus can promote your happiness and influence their attitude and prayers. Ele fez este voto a Jeová: "Se tu, sem falta, me entregares os filhos de Amom na mão, então terá de dar - se que aquele que sair, quem sair da porta da minha casa ao meu encontro, quando eu voltar em paz dos filhos de Amom, terá de tornar - se então de Jeová, e eu terei de oferecer a tal como oferta queimada. " He made this vow to Jehovah: "If you without fail give the sons of Ammon into my hand, it must also occur that the one coming out, who comes out of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the sons of Ammon, must also become Jehovah's, and I must offer that one up as a burnt offering. " Michelle: So let you realize that I'm more strong than you. Como você se sente por fazer parte de uma longa lista de testemunhas fiéis? How do you feel about being part of the long line of faithful witnesses? * In Israel, Nisan 14, the joyous day of the Passover celebration. Veja por que isso aconteceu e como essas palavras de Jesus podem promover sua felicidade e influenciar sua atitude e suas orações. Learn why that was so, and see how his words can promote your happiness and influence your attitude and prayers. March 22 - 28, 2010 Michele: Então, para você entender: suponhamos que eu dissesse que sou mais forte que você. Let's say that one day I approach you and claim that I'm physically stronger than you are. Safeguarded in that people accept us as we are, or are we humbly looking out for traces of personality that they do not consider offensive? * Em Israel, 14 de nisã era o alegre dia da celebração da Páscoa. * In Israel, Nisan 14 was the joyous day of the Passover celebration. But both single and married people can " deliver themselves from every weight ' and serve God with the least of distractions. 22 - 28 de março de 2010 March 22 - 28, 2010 What will protect us from being deceived by outward appearances of Satan's world? Insistimos em que as pessoas nos aceitem como somos, ou com humildade procuramos eliminar os traços de personalidade que elas com razão consideram ofensivos? Do we insist that others accept us as we are, or do we humbly work to eliminate personality traits that others rightly find offensive? (Read Proverbs 29: 25.) Mas tanto os solteiros como os casados podem " livrar - se de todo peso ' e servir a Deus com o mínimo de distrações possível. But whether single or married, all can "throw off every weight " and serve God with as few distractions as possible. When did the apostle Paul compare Christian life? O que nos protegerá contra sermos enganados pelas aparências do mundo de Satanás? What will protect us from being deceived by the outward appearance of Satan's system? See pages 3 - 10 of Awake! (Leia Provérbios 29: 25.) (Read Proverbs 29: 25.) (b) As depicted on page 26, what "deep things of Satan " should we avoid? Ao que o apóstolo Paulo comparou a vida cristã? To what did the apostle Paul compare the Christian life course? We should think as did the apostle Paul, who told his anointed brothers: "You are no more strangers and foreigners, but... members of God's family. " Veja as páginas 3 - 10 da Despertai! See pages 3 - 10 of the February 8, 1994, issue of Awake! To begin with, we need to learn all that we can about Jehovah God in his Word, the Bible. (b) Conforme ilustrado na página 26, que "coisas profundas de Satanás " devemos evitar? (b) As depicted on page 26, what "deep things of Satan " should we avoid? Or did you promise someone in the ministry that you would return to help him get more knowledge of the Bible? Devemos pensar como o apóstolo Paulo, que disse aos seus irmãos ungidos: "Vocês não são mais estranhos e estrangeiros, mas... membros da família de Deus. " We should have a view like that of the apostle Paul, who admonished his fellow anointed Christians that they were "no longer strangers and foreigners, but... members of the household of God. " Let us now consider other ways in which we can contribute to the unity of God's people. Para começar, é preciso aprender tudo o que pudermos sobre Jeová Deus na sua Palavra, a Bíblia. That begins with learning all we can about Jehovah God from his Word, the Bible. (Read Revelation 12: 17.) Ou prometeu a alguém no ministério que voltaria para ajudá - lo a obter mais conhecimento da Bíblia? Or have you promised someone you met in the house - to - house ministry that you would call again to give that person further spiritual help? 4: 2 Vamos ver agora outras maneiras de contribuirmos para a união do povo de Deus. However, this is not the only way that our cooperation contributes to the unity of God's people. Psalm 83: 16 foreshadowed that fact, saying: "Let them fill their faces with reproach, that people pursue your name, O Jehovah. " (Leia Revelação 12: 17.) (Read Revelation 12: 17.) How can we have a continued protection against the wicked spirit forces? 4: 2 4: 2 Often, deaf people are very courteous and patient as they teach their tongue. O Salmo 83: 16 prefigurou isso, dizendo: "Enche - lhes as faces de desonra, para que as pessoas procurem o teu nome, ó Jeová. " Psalm 83: 16 foreshadowed this when it said: "Fill their faces with dishonor, that people may search for your name, O Jehovah. " Jesus requires that all his followers prepare their heart for a faithful service and maintain the same degree of watchfulness. Como podemos ter uma proteção contínua contra as forças espirituais iníquas? How can we have continued protection against the wicked spirit forces? Why did he expect that? Geralmente os surdos são muito educados e pacientes ao ensinar sua língua a outros. Deaf people are usually very gracious and patient when teaching others their language. We must be truthful and truthful. Jesus requer que todos os seus seguidores preparem o coração para realizar um serviço fiel e mantenham o mesmo grau de vigilância. Jesus requires all his followers to prepare their hearts for faithful service and to meet the same standard of watchfulness. Prophecy clearly shows that the end is near. Jesus knew that the Devil would do people think that situation is not as urgent. Por que ela esperava isso? What gave her such expectation? (b) How was Jesus ' role in creation unique? Temos de ser sinceros e autênticos. We must be truthful. If I are alive to see my father in the resurrection, we will make up the past. As profecias mostram claramente que o fim está próximo. Mas Jesus sabia que o Diabo faria as pessoas achar que a situação não é tão urgente assim. Jesus knew that the Devil would keep people in darkness mentally in order to undermine the sense of urgency that permeates God's prophecies about the future. How did Matthew handle such opposition? (b) Em que sentido o papel de Jesus na criação foi sem igual? (b) How was Jesus ' role in creation unique? (b) How do we " honor men of all sorts "? Se eu estiver vivo para ver meu pai na ressurreição, nós vamos compensar o passado. If I live to see my father in the resurrection, we will make up for the past. Never east the following: "The mouth of little ones and of little children have provided praise '? Como Matthew lidou com essa oposição? How did Matthew deal with that opposition? This included being sustained "in the bed of illness. " (b) Como " honramos a homens de toda sorte '? (b) How do we "honor men of all sorts "? He was not afraid to give strong counsel, not even to the king. Nunca lestes o seguinte: " Da boca de pequeninos e de crianças de peito forneceste louvor '? " Did you never read this, " Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have furnished praise '? " Another way to act as the first defense of your child is to be a good listener. Isso incluía ser amparado "no leito de enfermidade ." That included being sustained "on his sickbed. " In many cases, the pioneers take the cost of going in a foreign land, and there is no guarantee that they will earn money. Não tinha medo de dar fortes conselhos, nem mesmo ao rei. He was not afraid to give strong counsel even to the king. We do well to take to heart the lesson. Outro modo de agir como a primeira linha de defesa de seu filho é ser um bom ouvinte. Another way to act as your child's first line of defense is to be a good listener. As Christians, we allow love for God and neighbor to motivate us to share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Em muitos casos, as pessoas subestimam os custos de ir trabalhar no estrangeiro, e não há garantia de que vão ganhar dinheiro. In many cases, individuals underestimate the cost of going overseas to work, and there are no guarantees that they will make money abroad. A person can be forgiven by God has already forgiven those who have sinned against him. Fazemos bem em levar a sério a lição. We do well to take the lesson to heart. Luke also has the determination to do so. Como cristãos, permitimos que o amor a Deus e ao próximo nos motive a participar na obra de pregar o Reino e fazer discípulos. As Christians, we allow our love for God and neighbor to motivate us to share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. However, Jehovah gave Adam the name of the animals. A pessoa só pode ser perdoada por Deus se já tiver perdoado os que pecaram contra ela. People can receive God's forgiveness only if they have already forgiven those who have sinned against them. Why Put Jehovah's Service First? Lucas também tem essa determinação. Scott feels the same about protecting him. Notice what he said: "It was hard for me to control wrong is a struggle. Mas Jeová deu a Adão a interessante tarefa de dar nome aos animais. However, Jehovah reserved the joy of naming those creatures for his first human son. The apostle Paul counsels Christians not to leave their mate simply because that person is an unbeliever. Por que dar prioridade ao serviço de Jeová? Why Put Jehovah's Service First? 2, 3. (a) How did Satan's idea that he is not helping him? Veja o que ele disse: "Pra mim, controlar pensamentos errados é uma luta. What was his reaction? " I am fighting to control improper thoughts. Some translations are not as clear or trustworthy. O apóstolo Paulo aconselha os cristãos a não deixar o cônjuge só porque essa pessoa é um descrente. The apostle Paul advises Christians not to leave a marriage partner just because that individual is an unbeliever. From his study of the Bible, you are likely to know that your life should be centered on praising Jehovah, not just please yourself or acquire material possessions. 2, 3. (a) Como a ideia de que Satanás não existe acaba ajudando a ele? 2, 3. (a) How does the idea that Satan does not exist actually further the Devil's objectives? Sadly, some loyal servants of Jehovah have been infected by pride. Algumas traduções não são tão claras ou confiáveis. Some Bible translations are not as clear or as reliable as others. 6, 7. Com base no seu estudo da Bíblia, é bem provável que saiba agora que sua vida deve ser centrada em louvar a Jeová, não em apenas agradar a si mesmo ou em adquirir bens materiais. From your study of the Bible, you very likely now know that your life should be focused on praising Jehovah, not on merely pleasing yourself or acquiring material possessions. " This, besides the fact that I neglected, led to a disastrous end. Infelizmente, até alguns servos leais de Jeová foram contaminados pelo orgulho. Sadly, though, even some loyal servants of Jehovah have become infected with pride. However, those of the other sheep join them in extending this invitation. 6, 7. 6, 7. How long we long for the time when such things will no longer exist! " Isso, além do fato de que eu a negligenciava, levou a um fim desastroso. " This, coupled with the fact that I had been neglecting her, led to a disastrous turn of events. Thus we show our loving Father that we wish to escape his future wrath and live in the righteous new world. Mas os das outras ovelhas se juntam a eles em fazer esse convite. Yet, those of the other sheep join in extending this invitation. When delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, God told them: "I am Jehovah, that I lead you out of the land of Egypt, in order to prove me to you; and you must prove yourselves holy. " Como ansiamos o tempo em que tais coisas não existirão mais! How we long for the time when these will no longer exist! Isaiah received this commission in the last year of Uzziah's reign, or about 778 B.C.E. Desse modo mostramos ao nosso amoroso Pai que de fato desejamos escapar de seu futuro furor e viver no novo mundo justo. We thereby show our loving Father that we really want to escape his coming wrath and live in the righteous new world. They knew that Jesus had been sent by God, but they had afraid of the religious leaders. Ao libertar os israelitas da escravidão no Egito, Deus lhes disse: "Eu sou Jeová, que vos conduzo para fora da terra do Egito, a fim de me mostrar Deus para vós; e tendes de mostrar ser santos, porque eu sou santo. " When God was delivering the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, they were told: "I am Jehovah, who is leading you up out of the land of Egypt to prove myself God to you, and you must be holy, because I am holy. " For thousands of years after the sin of perfect man, it was valid to ask: "Can any human manifest godly devotion perfectly? " Isaías recebeu essa comissão no último ano do reinado de Uzias, ou seja, por volta de 778 AEC. Isaiah received this commission in the last year of King Uzziah's reign, or about 778 B.C.E. You do not see the time to hug the person, talk with her, and give good laugh. Sabiam que Jesus havia sido enviado por Deus, mas tinham medo dos líderes religiosos. They knew that Jesus was sent by God, but they were afraid of the religious leaders. The Bible likens organizations and institutions of mountains today and islands, for they seem to be safe and secure. Por milhares de anos depois do pecado do homem perfeito Adão, era válido perguntar: "Pode algum humano manifestar devoção piedosa com perfeição? " For thousands of years after the perfect man Adam sinned, the question could be raised, "Can any human display perfect godly devotion? " * This means that Jehovah will use Jesus ' anointed ones to destroy Satan and his followers. - Rom. Você não vê a hora de abraçar essa pessoa, conversar com ela e dar boas risadas. You long to hug, to speak with, and to laugh with that dear one. Ask yourself: "If anyone was writing the recipe, who wrote the recipe for the apple, which is far more difficult? " A Bíblia compara as organizações e instituições de hoje a montanhas e ilhas, porque elas parecem que são firmes e seguras. The Bible uses mountains and islands to picture many of the organizations and institutions that seem so solid to mankind today. Indeed, it is "the wicked slave " who concludes that the Master is delaying. * Isso faz sentido, porque Jeová vai usar Jesus e os ungidos para destruir Satanás e seus seguidores. - Rom. * That is fitting, since it is Jesus and his anointed corulers whom Jehovah will use to crush Satan and his followers. - Rom. After converting to Christianity, they were no doubt helped to persuade him to believe in Christian teachings. Pergunte: "Se alguém teve de escrever a receita do bolo, quem escreveu a receita da maçã, que é muito mais difícil? " You might ask: "If the recipe for the cake had a writer, who wrote the much more complex recipe for the apple? " According to one brother, what has helped his marriage? Realmente, é o "escravo mau " que conclui que o Amo está demorando. Indeed, it is the "evil slave " who concludes that the Master is delaying. The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 28, 29. Depois de se converterem ao cristianismo, elas sem dúvida foram de ajuda em persuadi - lo a crer nos ensinos cristãos. After they converted to Christianity, they no doubt helped persuade him to believe Christian teachings. And you allow Jehovah to talk to you, as it were, by regularly reading his written Word and meditating on it. Segundo certo irmão, o que tem ajudado seu casamento? What did one brother conclude has helped his marriage? You try to jump on a boat to save lives, but this is delaying. Os próprios justos possuirão a terra e residirão sobre ela para todo o sempre. " - Salmo 37: 28, 29. The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 28, 29. Meanwhile, we want to use every opportunity to strengthen our faith in order to maintain our integrity to Jehovah no matter what tests come upon us. E você permite que Jeová converse com você, por assim dizer, por ler regularmente Sua Palavra escrita e meditar nela. And you allow Jehovah to talk to you, as it were, when you regularly read his written Word and meditate on it. I'm at a time. Samantha: Thank you. Você tenta pular num barco salva - vidas, mas este está lotado. You try to jump into a lifeboat, but it is full. " Still enough to get the basic things to obtain the basic clothing, such as Getting out for example. Enquanto isso, queremos usar toda oportunidade para fortalecer nossa fé a fim de sermos íntegros a Jeová não importa que provas nos sobrevenham. Meanwhile, we want to use every opportunity to strengthen our faith so that we will be able to keep our integrity to Jehovah no matter what tests we may face. It is vital for a person to repent sincerely and recognize Jehovah as the true God. Tenho mais algum tempo. Carla: Ótimo! Samantha: Yes, I have a few minutes. For example, despite all the counsel that has been provided, many brothers and sisters who are not neatly dress and grooming. " Ainda ganho o suficiente para obter as coisas básicas, como roupas apresentáveis por exemplo. " I still earn enough money for basics, such as presentable clothing. How happy Satan must have been when he sees the haughtiness of men as Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Absalom - all victims of the wrong kind of pride! É essencial para a salvação a pessoa arrepender - se sinceramente e reconhecer a Jeová como o verdadeiro Deus. Genuine repentance and acknowledgment of Jehovah as the true God are essential for salvation. He also suffered at the hands of his fellow believers and the leaders of his own nation. Por exemplo, apesar de todos os conselhos que a organização já deu, muitos irmãos e irmãs ainda usam roupas que não são modestas. For example, despite all the counsel that has been given on the subject, some still prefer styles of dress and grooming that are immodest. Jesus knew that not everyone would accept his teachings, but they would be opposed to the truth. Como Satanás deve ter se alegrado ao ver a arrogância de homens como Ninrode, Faraó e Absalão - todos vítimas do tipo errado de orgulho! How Satan must have reveled in the boasting of such men as Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Absalom - all of whom fell victim to improper pride! She loyally stuck to Naomi, leaving her family and false religion with Moab. Ele também sofreu nas mãos de seus irmãos e dos líderes de sua própria nação. Por ser o primeiro filho, ele tinha o direito de receber uma parte maior da herança de seu pai. Jealousy and hatred moved his half brothers to drive him away, illegally depriving him of his rightful inheritance as firstborn. The first group is composed of brothers who were alive in 1914 and who readily discerned the sign of Christ's presence in that year. Jesus sabia que nem todos iriam aceitar os seus ensinos. Alguns até ficariam contra a verdade. Por isso, seus seguidores precisariam de coragem. Jesus knew that his teachings would divide people and that those who follow him would need courage to do so in the face of opposition. In 1927, organized the regular preaching work on Sunday. Ela lealmente ficou com Noemi, abandonando para sempre sua família e a religião falsa de Moabe. She loyally stuck to Naomi, abandoning forever her family and the false religion of Moab. In other cases, throughout the whole nation of Israel, that is, Jacob. O primeiro grupo é composto de irmãos que estavam vivos em 1914 e que discerniram prontamente o sinal da presença de Cristo naquele ano. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ's presence in that year. What can help us to keep in mind that we must be generous? Em 1927, organizou - se a pregação regular de casa em casa aos domingos. Regular house - to - house work on Sundays was organized in 1927. " Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! " - Ex. Em outros casos, à inteira nação de Israel, ou seja, Jacó. Sometimes it is applied to the whole nation of Israel, or Jacob. Joshua knew that Jehovah had fulfilled his promises. O que pode ajudar a nos lembrar de que devemos ser generosos? What can help us to remember to be generous? Likewise, we appreciate when others in the congregation understand that they should not demand too much of our time. " Mesmo que demore, continue na expectativa dela! " - HAB. " Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! " - HAB. All who are in Sheol, or Hades, are in Jehovah's memory, and he will deliver each one of them. - Luke 20: 37, 38; Rev. Josué sabia que Jeová havia cumprido suas promessas. Joshua knew that Jehovah had kept His promises. You should truly listen to God, your parents, and yourself the obligation to confess any wrongdoing. Da mesma forma, apreciamos quando outros na congregação entendem que não devem exigir demais de nosso tempo. Likewise, we appreciate it when others in the congregation understand that they should not be demanding when it comes to asking us for our time. They said: "Taste a group of true Christians who make us feel at home. " Todos os que estão no Seol, ou Hades, estão na memória de Jeová, e ele libertará a cada um deles. - Luc. 20: 37, 38; Rev. All those in Sheol, or Hades, are in Jehovah's memory, and he will provide escape for each and every one of them. - Luke 20: 37, 38; Rev. By giving judgment against Satan, Jehovah revealed a new expression of his sovereignty, a means of which would restore peace and order to all his rulership. Você realmente deve a Deus, a seus pais e a si mesmo a obrigação de confessar qualquer transgressão. You really owe it to God, to your parents, and to yourself to confess any wrongdoing. 1, 2. Eles disseram: "Encontramos um grupo de cristãos verdadeiros que nos fazem sentir em casa. " " We have found a true Christian home, " they said. Jehovah made a covenant with Israel. Ao proferir julgamento contra Satanás, Jeová revelou uma nova expressão de sua soberania, um meio pelo qual restabeleceria a paz e a ordem em todo o seu domínio. In pronouncing his judgment against Satan, Jehovah revealed a new expression of his sovereignty, a means by which he would restore peace and order to all his realm. Jehovah trusts his Son. 1, 2. 1, 2. However, they did not know; so they had to be prepared. Jeová fez um pacto com Israel. Jehovah made a covenant with Israel. That is why we do not allow you to touch it. Jeová confia no seu Filho. Jehovah puts trust in his Son. What will Jehovah do about distressful conditions? Mas eles não sabiam; portanto, tinham de estar preparados. But they did not know, so they needed to keep ready. " I have acquired your youth and be happy as a young person is. " É por isso que não te permiti tocar nela. That is why I did not allow you to touch her. What does his resurrection mean for us? O que Jeová vai fazer com as péssimas condições de vida que existem hoje? What will Jehovah do about distressful conditions? Zealous elders make sure that none of the congregation will be forgotten. " JOVEM, aproveite a sua mocidade e seja feliz enquanto é moço. " Let your heart lead you to enjoyment in the days of your youth. " And they will have to know that I am Jehovah. " O que sua ressurreição significa para nós? Indeed, what does his resurrection mean for us? It is also possible that David found strength by reflecting on the fact that despite his hurtful state and the bad things his enemies said to him, Jehovah considers a man of integrity. Anciãos zelosos se certificam de que nenhum membro da congregação seja esquecido. Zealous elders make sure that none in the congregation are overlooked. How can we show that we are grateful to Jehovah for all the instruction he provides? E terão de saber que eu sou Jeová. " And they will have to know that I am Jehovah. " In fact, Jehovah provided the Israelites's needs in the wilderness, lovingly providing them with food and water. Também é possível que Davi tenha encontrado forças por refletir no fato de que, apesar de sua condição enfraquecida e das coisas más que seus inimigos diziam a seu respeito, Jeová o considerava um homem de integridade. David may also have found strength in reflecting on the fact that despite his weakened condition and the bad things that his enemies were saying, Jehovah regarded him as a man of integrity. But sin mentioned at Matthew 18 did not include serious sin as adultery, homosexuality, idolatry, and others. Como podemos mostrar que somos gratos a Jeová por toda a instrução que ele nos dá? How can we show our gratitude to Jehovah for his provisions? Jehovah chose the first of his heavenly sons to become the primary part of the promised seed in Eden, but why did he select Christ's associates from among mankind? Na verdade, Jeová supria as necessidades dos israelitas no ermo, amorosamente fornecendo - lhes comida e água. Actually, Jehovah sustained the Israelites with what they needed in the wilderness, lovingly providing them with food and water. " The tribulation is momentary, " said Paul, while "glory, " or rewarder that Jehovah promises us, he possesses a weight that is more and more everlasting. " Mas o pecado mencionado em Mateus 18 não incluía pecados graves como adultério, homossexualismo, apostasia, idolatria e outros. Rather, it was (1) a sin that could be settled between the individuals concerned but it was also (2) a sin serious enough to merit disfellowshipping if not settled. [ Picture on page 31] Jeová escolheu o primeiro de seus filhos celestiais para se tornar a parte principal do descendente prometido no Éden, mas por que escolheu os associados de Cristo dentre a humanidade? Jehovah chose the first of his heavenly sons to become the primary part of the seed promised in Eden, but why did he select Christ's associates from among mankind? They needed insight, which is the ability to consider a matter of deep down, alongside the obvious. " A tribulação é momentânea ', disse Paulo, enquanto a "glória ," ou recompensa que Jeová nos promete, possui um " peso que ultrapassa mais e mais, e é eterna '. " The tribulation is momentary, " said Paul, whereas the "glory, " or reward that Jehovah promises us," is of more and more surpassing weight and is everlasting. " Yet, like Jesus, we seek Jehovah's support in our determination to put Kingdom first in our lives. - Matthew 6: 33; Romans 15: 13; 1 Corinthians 2: 4. [ Foto na página 31] [ Picture on page 31] Jesus told his followers not to seek happiness, but he said: "Happy are you when people are insulting and persecute and lying, say all bad things against you because of my sake. Eles precisavam de perspicácia, que é a capacidade de analisar um assunto de modo profundo, olhando além do óbvio. They needed insight, the ability to look beyond the obvious and to see into a matter. (Read Proverbs 18: 1.) No entanto, como Jesus, buscamos o apoio de Jeová na nossa determinação de colocar o Reino em primeiro lugar na vida. - Mateus 6: 33; Romanos 15: 13; 1 Coríntios 2: 4. However, like Jesus we look to Jehovah for support as we determinedly put the Kingdom first in our lives. - Matthew 6: 33; Romans 15: 13; 1 Corinthians 2: 4. What practical lessons from Hosea's prophecy will we consider? Ao falar com seus seguidores, Jesus não disse que eles deviam buscar a felicidade nos prazeres. Ele falou: "Felizes são vocês quando as pessoas os insultam e perseguem, e, mentindo, dizem todo tipo de coisas más contra vocês, por minha causa. Addressing those who would follow in his footsteps, Jesus said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. What do we learn from what the psalmist wrote at Psalm 147: 4? (Leia Provérbios 18: 1.) (Read Proverbs 18: 1.) Show love for Jehovah (See paragraph 10) Que lições práticas da profecia de Oséias vamos analisar? What practical lessons from Hosea's prophecy will we consider? And materialism, power, and fame are indeed a great temptation to proud and cause those who tend to " show their means of life. ' O que aprendemos do que o salmista escreveu no Salmo 147: 4? How can we benefit from the psalmist's seeming change of subject at Psalm 147: 4? Since we live so close to the end, Christians are eager to appreciate those warnings. Mostre amor por Jeová (Veja o parágrafo 10.) Show love for Jehovah (See paragraph 10) Why do we go courageously on preaching despite opposition and worsening economic conditions? E o materialismo, o poder e a fama sem dúvida são uma grande tentação para os orgulhosos e os que tendem a " ostentar seus meios de vida '. And what temptation materialism, power, and fame hold for the proud and for those inclined to make " a showy display of their means of life '! The second article considers how Jehovah's servants show love for their neighbor. Visto que vivemos tão perto do fim, os cristãos são muito gratos por esses alertas. Living as close to the end as we do, these are warnings that Christians today greatly appreciate. The apostle Paul, in his description of the last days, foretold that there would be "a blasphemer,... without self - control, fierce. " Por que prosseguimos corajosamente com a pregação apesar de oposição e da piora das condições econômicas? Why are we courageously forging ahead with our preaching activity despite opposition and worsening economic conditions? The new nation was growing. O segundo artigo considera como os servos de Jeová mostram amor pelo próximo. The second article discusses how Jehovah's servants show love for neighbor. Effective Teachers will use illustrations and arguments for each kind of situation. - 1 John 5: 20. O apóstolo Paulo, em sua descrição dos últimos dias, predisse que haveria "blasfemadores,... caluniadores, sem autodomínio, ferozes ." In his description of the last days, the apostle Paul foretold that people would be "blasphemers,... slanderers, without self - control, fierce. " [ Picture on page 29] A nova nação estava crescendo. The new nation was growing. During the "Godly Obedience " of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2005 / pp.C.E., this book has a number of characteristics. Instrutores eficientes usarão ilustrações e argumentos apropriados para cada tipo de situação. - 1 João 5: 20. Skillful teachers will use reasoning and illustrations appropriate to the situation at hand. - 1 John 5: 20. Lessons for Us: [ Foto na página 29] [ Picture on page 29] Some Christians have been afraid of certain situations or items. Lançado no Congresso de Distrito "Obediência a Deus " das Testemunhas de Jeová, de 2005 / 06, esse livro tem várias características notáveis. Released at the 2005 / 06 "Godly Obedience " District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses, this book has various noteworthy features. What Did You Learn? Lições para nós: Lessons for Us: If an object of iron nature is exposed to time, it can begin to rust. Alguns cristãos têm fobias - medo excessivo de certas situações ou objetos. Some Christians have phobias - excessive fears of certain situations or objects. " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave? " O que aprendemos? What Did You Learn? Jephthah fulfilled his promise to Jehovah, even though doing so would not have offspring to carry out their name. Se um objeto de ferro fica exposto ao tempo, ele pode começar a enferrujar. If an iron object is exposed to the elements, it might begin to rust. This reminds us that Satan depicted Jehovah, calling him a liar. " Quem é realmente o escravo fiel e discreto? " " Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? " Table of Contents Jefté cumpriu sua promessa a Jeová, embora isso significasse não ter descendente para perpetuar seu nome. Jephthah kept his promise to Jehovah, even though this meant that he would have no descendant to carry on his name. Do you see what the secret of endurance? Isso nos lembra que Satanás difamou a Jeová, chamando - o de mentiroso. This reminds us that Satan has defamed Jehovah by calling him a liar. 20: 20 - 28. Sumário Table of Contents Now, like chapus, we struggle with the idea. Percebeu qual é o segredo da perseverança? Did you notice the secret to endurance? COVER: In effect, a brother gives us a witness informally to his invited goat, offering him the Good brochure 20: 20 - 28. 20: 20 - 28. Elders and others certainly can benefit from these lessons. Agora, sim, captamos a idéia. Ah, now the point comes into focus! On the other hand, I had Awake! The magazine magazine magazine magazine magazine magazine magazine magazined. CAPA: Em Istambul, um irmão dá testemunho informal ao seu barbeiro, oferecendo - lhe a brochura Boas Notícias. 32 Did You Know? COVER: In Istanbul a brother witnesses informally to his barber, offering him the Good News brochure In fact, when the rulers attack, they will find out producing their own "one thought. " Anciãos e outros com certeza podem tirar proveito dessas lições. Christian elders and others can surely benefit from such lessons. Before qualifying for baptism, what changes do many make? Título da revista: Journal of Happiness Studies. " Wisdom is vindicated by its results, " the Bible says. Could they insist on that unless they suffer bad results? De fato, quando os governantes atacarem, eles acharão que estão executando seu próprio "um só pensamento ." In fact, when the rulers attack, they will think that they are carrying out their own "one thought. " Therefore, you decide to seek some shelter - it is wisdom. Antes de se qualificar para o batismo, que mudanças muitos fazem? Before qualifying for baptism, what changes have many made? To answer these questions, let us consider the context of Paul's words and see how Romans chapter 12, shows that it is not to retaliate in a certain way, loving, and modest course. Poderiam insistir nisso sem colher maus resultados? Would they be able to continue doing so without reaping bad consequences? There is no quantity of spiritual sacrifices that is worth it. Então, você decide procurar abrigo - isso é sabedoria. So you jump out of the way of the bus - that is wisdom! 3, 4. Para responder a essas perguntas, vamos analisar o contexto das palavras de Paulo e ver como Romanos, capítulo 12, mostra que não revidar é o modo certo, amoroso e modesto de agir. To answer those questions, let us study the context of Paul's words and see how Romans chapter 12 shows that refraining from retaliation is the right, the loving, and the modest course to follow. What results from our preaching activity? Não há quantidade de sacrifícios espirituais que compense essa deficiência. No amount of spiritual sacrifices can compensate for this deficiency. So parents should ask themselves, " Does my child already have enough knowledge of the Bible to dedicate themselves to God and get baptized? " 3, 4. 3, 4. Jehovah is also reasonable in what he expects of us. Quais têm sido os resultados de nossas atividades de pregação? What results are being obtained by our preaching activity? This is, we must strive to be rich in fine works. Então, os pais devem se perguntar: "Será que meu filho já tem conhecimento suficiente da Bíblia para se dedicar a Deus e se batizar? " With that in mind, parents will want to consider the question, " Does my child have sufficient knowledge to make a dedication to God and get baptized? ' Elders ought to be ready to help those who are in direity of faith. Communication through prayer is the foundation of a close relationship with God. What kind of war fights, and what does victory depend? Jeová é também razoável no que espera de nós. Jehovah is just as reasonable in what he expects of us. 8, 9. Isto é, temos de nos esforçar para ser ricos em obras excelentes. That is, we should strive to be rich in fine works. She later became a pioneer and continued in service for morety years! Os anciãos devem estar prontos para ajudar os que talvez estejam com a fé enfraquecida. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith. What can we learn from this? Que espécie de guerra travamos, e de que depende a vitória? What warfare do we wage, and on what does victory depend? 14 Paul upheld the good news when authorities 8, 9. 8, 9. What extraordinary humility! Ela mais tarde se tornou pioneira e continuou no serviço por mais de setenta anos! She related, "He took 15 minutes with me to discuss my spiritual goals. " 10: 5 - 11. O que podemos aprender disso? What lessons can we learn from this incident? But that will soon change. 14 Paulo defendeu as boas novas diante de autoridades 14 Defending the Good News Before High Officials Jehovah Will See "What Righteousness " Que extraordinária humildade! What extraordinary humility! Who is "the bride, " and to whom is the bride taken? 10: 5 - 11. 10: 5 - 11. The item was heavy for us to be left in one of the foods and the weight of the other. Mas isso em breve vai mudar. But that is about to change. In 1918, Jehovah's people faced a wave of persecution, reaching out for the clergy, whose goal was to stop the preaching work. Jeová cuidará "que se faça justiça " Jehovah Will "Cause Justice to Be Done " By having "the law of sin " in our members, we must wage a hard fight against sinful inclinations. Quem é o "rei " a quem a noiva é levada? Como a noiva está vestida? Who is "the king " to whom the bride is brought, and how is she attired? [ Picture on page 31] O item a ser pesado era colocado num dos pratos e o peso no outro. The object being weighed was put in one pan and a weight in the other. According to God's words found at Exodus 3: 14, one Bible scholar wrote: "Without can stop him from carrying out his will... Em 1918, o povo de Jeová enfrentou uma onda de perseguição, instigada pelo clero, cujo objetivo era parar a obra de pregação. In 1918, Jehovah's people faced a wave of clergy - inspired persecution aimed at silencing their preaching work. All such changes can cause a certain pressure and anxiety in a relationship. Por termos a "lei do pecado " nos nossos membros, precisamos travar uma luta árdua contra as inclinações pecaminosas. Having "sin's law " within our members, we need to put up a strong fight against sinful inclinations. Take a time to think about everything Jehovah does for you. ' [ Foto na página 31] [ Picture on page 31] How faith is strengthened to know that immediately Jesus ' faithful angels are faithful and with him the anointed ones of the earth, who have already received their heavenly reward! Referente às palavras de Deus em Êxodo 3: 14, certo erudito bíblico escreveu: "Nada pode impedi - lo de realizar sua vontade... Regarding God's words found at Exodus 3: 14, one Bible scholar wrote: "Nothing can hinder him from performing his will... She said that she wanted to dedicate her life to Jehovah and get baptized. Todas essas mudanças podem causar certa pressão e ansiedade no relacionamento. All these changes can bring some stress and anxiety to a relationship. 4: 17, 18. Tire um tempo para pensar sobre tudo o que Jeová faz por você. ' Sit down at your desk and think carefully about what Jehovah has done for you. ' The Bible account states: "All the Judah of Judah were standing before Jehovah, even their little ones, their wives and their sons. " Fortalece muito a fé saber que logo atrás de Jesus estão os anjos fiéis e com ele os ungidos vencedores originários da Terra, que já receberam sua recompensa celestial. How faith - strengthening it is to know that right behind Jesus are the faithful angels and with him are the anointed conquerors from the earth, who have already received their heavenly reward! 22 Obey Jehovah Is Especially the Best Ela disse que queria dedicar a vida a Jeová e ser batizada. She said that she wanted to dedicate her life to Jehovah and get baptized. Is it different in our case? 4: 17, 18. 4: 17, 18. He was cut to the heart and repented. O relato bíblico diz: "Todos os de Judá estavam de pé diante de Jeová, mesmo os seus pequeninos, suas esposas e seus filhos. " The Bible record tells us: "All those of Judah were standing before Jehovah, along with their little ones, their wives, and their children. " That was a great time in the day of the foretold history of mankind since Adam's Millennial creation until the end of Christ's Millennial Reign. 22 Obedecer a Jeová é sempre o melhor 22 Benefit From Jehovah's Guidance Today He did not give us privacy - even at the facilities. " É diferente no nosso caso? Is it any different with us? Why is spiritual protection of utmost importance, and how does Jehovah provide for us? Ele ficou arrasado e se arrependeu. He was cut to the heart and repented. They sold their house and moved to an apartment. Isso foi uma grande novidade na época. O Fotodrama contava a história da humanidade desde a criação de Adão até o final do Reinado de Cristo. The Drama, as it was called, combined pictures and slides synchronized with sound and traced man's history from the time of creation to the end of the Millennium. Otherwise. Ele não nos dava privacidade - nem mesmo no banheiro. " He gave us no privacy - even in the bathroom. " " You Will Be Witnesses of Me " Por que a proteção espiritual é de suprema importância, e como Jeová a fornece para nós? Why is spiritual protection of utmost importance, and how does Jehovah provide such for us? Do you not hold back from any blessing? " Eles venderam a casa e se mudaram para um apartamento. They sold their house and moved into an apartment. " Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment. " - PROVERBS 2: 6. Casem - se. Let them marry. How can they perform a good shepherding work less than they know the sheep in their care? " Sereis testemunhas de mim " " You Will Be Witnesses of Me " When they come to the entrance, they confronted with something totally unexpected. Não me reservaste alguma bênção? " Have you not reserved a blessing for me? " What have you noted about those who faithfully serve Jehovah? " O próprio Jeová dá sabedoria; da sua boca procedem conhecimento e discernimento. " - PROVÉRBIOS 2: 6. " Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment. " - PROVERBS 2: 6. He was able to bring Adam and Eve back to Jehovah's purpose and to enable him to do the same. Como podem realizar um bom pastoreio a menos que de fato conheçam as ovelhas aos seus cuidados? How can they carry out the shepherding work effectively unless they really know the sheep in their care? * Having Paul's statement "flee " can bring to mind that the apostle Paul pointed out:" This is always the people of the nations, who do not have law on nature the things of the law, although they do not have a law to themselves. Ao se aproximarem da entrada, eles se deparam com algo totalmente inesperado. As they approach the entrance to the city, an astonishing sight greets their eyes. They did so for us, and I am grateful that I can care for them now. " O que você tem observado a respeito de pessoas que servem fielmente a Jeová? What have you observed about people who faithfully serve Jehovah? 15, 16. O Diabo conseguiu colocar Adão e Eva contra Jeová e disse que conseguiria fazer o mesmo com todo mundo. Since the Devil first enticed humans to support his rival sovereignty, your siding with Jehovah's rulership sends Satan a message that is loud and clear. The Bible acknowledges that some are " given to anger " and" willing to go to wrath. " * Ter ele mencionado "consciência " pode trazer à mente um fato que o apóstolo Paulo salientou:" Sempre que pessoas das nações, que não têm lei, fazem por natureza as coisas da lei, tais pessoas, embora não tenham lei, são uma lei para si mesmas. * His mentioning "conscience " may call to mind a fact that the apostle Paul stressed:" Whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. " Let the God of peace... the whole team to do his will. " - HEB. Eles fizeram muito por nós, e me sinto grata por poder cuidar deles agora. " They did so much for us, and I am grateful to be able to care for them now. " What good things did the Israelites do when the Levites gathered the people? 15, 16. 15, 16. So to maintain our friendship with God, we need to feed ourselves spiritually, thinking about our needs. A Bíblia reconhece que algumas pessoas são " dadas à ira ' e " dispostas ao furor '. The Bible acknowledges that some people are "prone to anger " and" disposed to rage. " Keeping the word in commercial agreement can test our loyalty to God and respect for the Bible (See paragraph 16) " Que o Deus de paz... os equipe com toda coisa boa para fazerem a Sua vontade. " - HEB. " May the God of peace... equip you with every good thing to do his will. " - HEB. In this case, all his life was inescapablely changes for what she did. Que coisas boas os israelitas fizeram quando os levitas reuniram o povo? What good things did the Israelites do when the Levites gathered them together? His first creation was his only - begotten spirit Son, who is called "the Word " by being God's chief spokesman. Assim também, para manter forte nossa amizade com Deus, precisamos nos alimentar em sentido espiritual, pensando em nossas necessidades. Similarly, we should strive to nourish our heart with spiritual food that fills our personal needs. (Newn Version) Yes, the price that Jehovah was willing to pay for the ransom shows that he has the highest respect for which is " adequate and righteous. " Manter a palavra em acordos comerciais pode testar nossa lealdade a Deus e nosso respeito pela Bíblia (Veja o parágrafo 16.) Honoring our business agreements may test our loyalty to God and respect for the Bible (See paragraph 16) A sparrow offered to God with love and devotion had more value for him than thousands of rams with the wrong motive. Neste caso, toda a sua vida foi inescapavelmente mudada por aquilo que ela fez. Then her whole life has been inescapably changed by what she did. As you learn that the dead are not conscious, what conclusions might he reach a Bible student? Sua primeira criação foi seu Filho espiritual unigênito, que é chamado de "a Palavra " por ser o principal porta - voz de Deus. His first creation was his only - begotten spirit Son, who is called "the Word " because he is God's principal spokesman. " The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father ' (New Century Version) Sim, o preço que Jeová dispôs a pagar para prover o resgate mostra que ele tem o mais alto respeito pelo que é "certo e justo ." (New Century Version) Yes, the extent to which Jehovah was willing to go in order to provide the ransom shows that he has the highest regard for "what is right and fair. " Bethel sent out a delegation to ask the priests on the observance of fastings for remembered Jerusalem's destruction. Um pardal oferecido a Deus com amor e devoção tinha mais valor para ele do que milhares de carneiros dados com a motivação errada. A sparrow offered to God in love and devotion was worth more to him than thousands of rams given with a wrong motive. Perhaps you give you good present and begin pushing it away from friends, fellow believers, and parents with the goal of becoming alone. Ao aprender que os mortos não estão conscientes, a que conclusões poderá chegar um estudante da Bíblia? When a Bible student learns that the dead are not conscious, what conclusions can he draw? Does that mean that a person cannot be happy without religion? " O Filho está disposto a revelar o Pai ' " The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father ' (a) A relative, perhaps the father or mother, had died, and the funeral will take place in a church.) Betel enviou uma delegação para perguntar aos sacerdotes sobre a observância de jejuns para recordar a destruição de Jerusalém. Bethel sends a delegation to ask the priests about the observance of fasts commemorating Jerusalem's destruction. 119: 128. Talvez lhe dê bons presentes e comece a afastá - la dos amigos, irmãos e pais, com o objetivo de ficar a sós com ela. He may give generous gifts and begin to separate the child from friends, siblings, and parents, in order to spend time alone with the child. Therefore, he is the best one to help us endure. Será mesmo que uma pessoa não precisa de religião para ser feliz? Is it really true that one can be happy without religion? What encouragement can we draw from those who are encouraged? (Ou um parente, talvez o pai ou a mãe, tenha falecido e o funeral será realizado numa igreja.) (Or a relative, maybe a parent, has died, and the funeral will be in a church.) 21: 43; Acts 7: 51, 52; Gal. 119: 128. 119: 128. But many people see that such conversation is useful later. Por isso, ele é a melhor pessoa para nos ajudar a perseverar. " He satisfies the desire of those who fear him, " the Bible says. How does this growth work out? Esses irmãos também ficam muito felizes quando são encorajados. E quem mais merece ser encorajado? And those whose heart is still in the full - time service but who for various reasons have had to limit their activity also appreciate receiving encouragement. • How are God's servants guided by his spirit? 21: 43; Atos 7: 51, 52; Gál. 21: 43; Acts 7: 51, 52; Gal. Jesus meant this point: Rather than once that a man had received mercy, he was to follow the way of salvation and not deliberately sin that would not happen to him something worse than the sickness. Mas muitos percebem que esse tipo de conversa é bem útil mais tarde. Yet, many have said how useful those conversations proved to be later. Like that time, a small group of spirit - anointed overseers make up the Governing Body of Christ's followers on earth today. Como se dá esse crescimento? How is spiritual growth achieved? In the synagogue in Nazareth, the city where he had grown, Jesus read, and applied himself to the following words of Isaiah's scroll: "The spirit of Jehovah is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor, to preach the captives, to the captives, to preach the crushed ones of Jehovah, to preach the crushed ones, and a recovery of a release by holy year. " • Como os servos de Deus atuais são guiados pelo seu espírito? • How are God's servants guided by God's spirit today? The people of Israel should never forget that the rightful Owner of his land was Jehovah. Jesus queria dizer o seguinte: uma vez que esse homem havia recebido misericórdia, ele devia seguir o caminho da salvação e não pecar deliberadamente para que não lhe acontecesse algo pior do que a doença. What Jesus meant was that now that the man had been shown mercy, he must follow the way of salvation and willfully sin no more lest something worse than sickness should befall him. 3, 4. (a) Why did Jehovah show undeserved kindness to all humans? Assim como naquela época, hoje um pequeno grupo de superintendentes ungidos pelo espírito compõe o Corpo Governante dos seguidores de Cristo na Terra. As in early Christian times, a small group of spirit - anointed overseers make up the Governing Body of Christ's followers on earth today. Such comparison as well as the thought that she had honey and milk under the tongue, emphasize the warm and warm tone of the Shulammite's words. Na sinagoga em Nazaré, a cidade onde havia crescido, Jesus leu e aplicou a si mesmo as seguintes palavras do rolo de Isaías: "O espírito de Jeová está sobre mim, porque me ungiu para declarar boas novas aos pobres, enviou - me para pregar livramento aos cativos e recuperação da vista aos cegos, para mandar embora os esmagados, com livramento, para pregar o ano aceitável de Jeová. " In the synagogue at Nazareth, the town where he had been reared, Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah and applied to himself the words: "Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor, he sent me forth to preach a release to the captives and a recovery of sight to the blind, to send the crushed ones away with a release, to preach Jehovah's acceptable year. " How grateful we are for Jehovah's loving, wise reminders that we be yielding! O povo de Israel nunca se devia esquecer de que o Proprietário legítimo de sua terra era Jeová. The people of Israel were never to forget that the real Owner of their land was Jehovah. By no means! 3, 4. (a) Por que Jeová demonstrou bondade imerecida a todos os humanos? 3, 4. How important it is that we maintain our desire to serve in a foreign - language field! - Matt. Essa comparação, bem como a idéia de que havia mel e leite debaixo da língua da jovem, enfatiza o tom cordial e agradável das palavras da sulamita. This comparison, as well as the idea that honey and milk were under the maiden's tongue, emphasizes the goodness and pleasantness of the words spoken by the Shulammite. Even faithful servants of Jehovah can feel that way. Somos muito gratos pelas amorosas e sábias advertências de Jeová para sermos razoáveis! How grateful we are for Jehovah's loving and wise reminders to be yielding! The result? De modo algum! Far from it! " You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. " - JOHN 15: 14. É importante manter vivo o nosso desejo de servir no campo de língua estrangeira. Mas também é importante proteger nossa amizade com Jeová. - Mat. So while keeping alive our desire to serve Jehovah in a foreign - language field, we do well to safeguard our spiritual health. - Matt. And they gave them good cry and kissed them. Até mesmo servos fiéis podem sentir isso. If so, you are in good company. Addressing spirit - anointed Christians, the apostle Peter wrote that they have good reason to rejoice, for a rich reward awaits them. O resultado? The result? The answers will help us to deepen our love for our best Friend, Jehovah. " Vós sois meus amigos, se fizerdes o que vos mando. " - JOÃO 15: 14. " You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. " - JOHN 15: 14. Rather than being a short walk between her troubled and grave, they will present endless opportunities to build, plant, and learn. E lhes deram boas - vindas e os beijaram. And they welcomed them and kissed them. Serving Jehovah should be the most important thing. Dirigindo - se a cristãos ungidos por espírito, o apóstolo Pedro escreveu que eles têm boa razão para se alegrarem, pois uma rica recompensa os aguarda. Addressing spirit - anointed believers, the apostle Peter writes that they have good reason to be joyful because a rich reward awaits them. Ask yourself: " What does this account teach me about Jehovah as a Person? As respostas nos ajudarão a aprofundar nosso amor pelo nosso melhor Amigo, Jeová. The answers will help us to deepen our love for our best Friend, Jehovah. By agree with the covenant, Israel promised to be faithful to their " owner, " Jehovah. Em vez de ser uma curta caminhada entre o berço e o túmulo, a vida apresentará infindáveis oportunidades de construir, plantar e aprender. Instead of being a short walk from the cradle to the grave, life will present endless opportunities to build, plant, and learn. Hence, Moses took the blood and struck his people with him, saying: " Look! the blood of the covenant that Jehovah concluded with you all these words. ' " - Ex. Servir a Jeová deve ser a coisa mais importante. If so, we should not allow such challenges to hold us back from attending Christian meetings or serving Jehovah and being with the congregation to the full. He uses that spirit to open the heart and mind of the bride class to understand his Word, the Bible. Pergunte - se: " O que esse relato me ensina sobre Jeová como Pessoa? Ask yourself: " What does this account teach me about Jehovah as a Person? Moreover, they grieved the mistakes they made when they were young and sincerely want to avoid making mistakes that you make similar errors. Por concordar com o pacto, Israel prometeu ser fiel ao seu "dono marital ," Jeová. By agreeing to the covenant, Israel promised to be faithful to her "husbandly owner, " Jehovah. At times, the people of Israel used to complain about rebelliously speaking against Moses and against God himself. Portanto, Moisés tomou o sangue [dos novilhos sacrificados] e aspergiu com ele o povo, e disse: " Eis o sangue do pacto que Jeová concluiu convosco com respeito a todas estas palavras. ' " - Êxo. So Moses took the blood [of the sacrificed bulls] and sprinkled it on the people and said: " This is the blood of the covenant that Jehovah has made with you in harmony with all these words. ' " - Ex. And even now he rejoices because of them. Ele usa esse espírito para abrir o coração e a mente dos membros da simbólica noiva para que entendam a Sua Palavra, a Bíblia. He uses the spirit to open the hearts and minds of the bride class to understand his Word, the Bible. The Preaching of the Good News in Walking Além disso, eles lamentam os erros que cometeram quando eram jovens e desejam sinceramente evitar que vocês cometam erros parecidos. Moreover, they regret the mistakes they made when they were young and earnestly want to protect you from making similar ones. Do you hold back from attending meetings, allowing pride that separates you from Jehovah and his people? Às vezes, o povo de Israel cedia à tentação de se queixar rebeldemente, certa vez falando contra Moisés e contra o próprio Deus. At times, the people of Israel succumbed to the temptation to complain rebelliously, on one occasion speaking against Moses as well as against God himself! King David had written a personal copy of the Law and knew that Jehovah says: "Vengeance is mine, and retribution. " E até hoje ele se alegra por causa deles. And he rejoices over them down to this day. 14, 15. A pregação das boas novas no alto dos Andes Spreading Good News High in the Andes What warm feelings! Deixaria de assistir às reuniões, permitindo que o orgulho o afastasse de Jeová e de seu povo? Would he stop attending meetings, letting pride distance him from Jehovah and His people? The Scriptures show that hidden expressions of anger indicate weakness, not force. O Rei Davi tinha escrito uma cópia pessoal da Lei e sabia que Jeová diz ali: "Minha é a vingança e a retribuição. " King David has written a personal copy of the Law and knows that in it Jehovah declares: "Vengeance is mine, and retribution. " We too can win our weaknesses. 14, 15. 14, 15. What have Jehovah's servants taught in Bible times to teach their children? Que sentimentos calorosos! What heartwarming sentiments! What did Jesus do? As Escrituras mostram que expressões descontroladas de ira indicam fraqueza, não força. The Scriptures show that uncontrolled expression of anger is a mark of weakness, not of strength. Study Edition Nós também podemos vencer a luta contra nossas fraquezas. As we struggle against giving in to our own fleshly weaknesses, we can succeed. " They continued devoting themselves... to association with one another. " - ACTS 2: 42. O que os servos de Jeová nos tempos bíblicos ensinavam a seus filhos? How did servants of Jehovah in Bible times train their children? Why is it important to take the lead in showing honor to fellow believers? O que Jesus fez? What does Jesus do? Motivated by faith, he left the city of Ur and refused to establish residence in any city of Canaan. Edição de Estudo Study Edition (b) How did Timothy effectively use his single years, and how was his willing to serve during his youth? " Dedicavam - se assim... à convivência uns com os outros. " - ATOS 2: 42. " They continued devoting themselves... to associating together. " - ACTS 2: 42. If they exercised the gift of free will, Adam and Eve and their descendants could continue to live in an earthly home as part of Jehovah's universal family of intelligent creatures. Por que é importante tomar a dianteira em honrar nossos irmãos? Why is it important to take the lead in showing honor to fellow believers? " Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful, " and those who have the responsibility of disciplining their children should strive to display such loving qualities. - Jas. Motivado pela fé, ele deixou a cidade de Ur e se recusou a estabelecer residência em qualquer cidade de Canaã. Acting in faith, he left the city of Ur and refused to take up permanent residence in any of the cities of Canaan. The faithful patriarch asked God about a heir, saying: "What will give me, since I am without children? " (b) Como Timóteo usou bem os seus anos de solteiro, e como foi abençoado por sua disposição de servir na sua juventude? (b) In what ways did Timothy make good use of his single years, and how was he blessed for his willingness to serve in his youth? What other reason might explain why Jehovah became angry with Moses and Aaron? Se exercessem corretamente o dom do livre - arbítrio, Adão e Eva e seus descendentes poderiam continuar a viver num lar paradísico como parte da família universal de Jeová de criaturas inteligentes. By exercising the gift of free will properly, Adam and Eve and their descendants could have enjoyed life in a paradise home as part of Jehovah's universal family of intelligent creatures. Sophia: That's what about religion? " Jeová é mui terno em afeição e é misericordioso ," e os que têm a responsabilidade de disciplinar os filhos devem se esforçar em mostrar essas mesmas qualidades amorosas. - Tia. " Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful, " and those who have the responsibility for disciplining young ones should strive to show the same loving qualities. - Jas. TAKE THATIZES IN DANIEL Esse patriarca fiel perguntou a Deus sobre um herdeiro, dizendo: "O que me darás, visto que me vou sem filhos? " This faithful patriarch asked Jehovah about an heir, saying: "What will you give me, seeing that I am going childless? " His goal, as Paul explained, is "according to its disciples. " Que outro motivo talvez explique por que Jeová ficou bravo com Moisés e Arão? For what other reason might Jehovah have been angry with Moses and Aaron? If a brother asks counsel, elders gladly help you to understand what the Bible says about the subject. Sofia: É sobre religião? Sophia: Is this about religion? How would you respond? REQUISITOS PARA A CIDADANIA REQUIREMENTS FOR CITIZENSHIP Jehovah obviously wants us to be happy as we await the fulfillment of his promises. O seu objetivo, como Paulo explicou, é "atrair a si os discípulos ." Their aim, Paul explained, is "to draw away the disciples after themselves. " Setting aside time to meditate on it can have good results, for we will strengthen our own faith and drive our studies more effective and excited. Quando um irmão pede um conselho, os anciãos têm prazer em ajudá - lo a entender o que a Bíblia diz sobre o assunto. They are happy to share Bible - based information with others in the flock. A brother who strayed from Jehovah and later turned back to the congregation said: "The desires were so strong that when I realized that it was too late. " Como você reagiria? How would you have reacted? To what faith was Enoch based on accurate knowledge? Jeová obviamente deseja que sejamos felizes enquanto aguardamos o cumprimento de suas promessas. Clearly, Jehovah wants us to be happy as we await the fulfillment of his promises. This will help to train future shepherds of "the Most Higher of God. " - 1 Pet. Reservar tempo para meditar nisso pode ter bons resultados, pois fortaleceremos nossa própria fé e vamos dirigir nossos estudos de forma mais eficaz e animada. Time spent in this way can be most refreshing, as pondering over these things strengthens our own faith and helps us to conduct our Bible studies with greater effectiveness and enthusiasm. THE BIBLE, we find various orders from Jehovah on specific matters. Um irmão que se afastou de Jeová e depois voltou para a congregação disse: "Os desejos imorais foram tão fortes que, quando eu percebi, já era tarde demais. " One brother who was swept away by immoral desires said after he returned to the congregation, "I was drawn by a force so powerful that I did not turn back until it was too late. " Then, it is important to meditate on what you read and ask Jehovah to help you use what you learn to make decisions in order to study and meditate on it. A fé que Enoque tinha estava possivelmente baseada em que conhecimento exato? Upon what accurate knowledge might Enoch's faith have been based? " I did not hold back when they went to the temple or at times, but I never thought of God when I was all things, " she explains, "When Jehovah's Witnesses visited me, but my life gave me a wave. " Isso vai ajudar a treinar os futuros pastores do "rebanho de Deus ." - 1 Ped. This procedure contributes to the training of future shepherds of "the flock of God. " - 1 Pet. Such valuable education squanders valuable years of youth that could be more effective in Jehovah's service. NA BÍBLIA, encontramos várias ordens de Jeová sobre assuntos específicos. THROUGH his written Word, Jehovah has given us a number of specific commands. What temptation is mentioned at Matthew 4: 8, 9, and how did God's Son respond? Daí, é importante meditar no que leu e pedir para Jeová ajudar você a usar o que aprendeu para tomar decisões. Com que objetivo devemos estudar e meditar? Do you prayerfully meditate on how you can apply in your life what you are studying? Consider this article and footnote that the account will become more vivid. " Eu só rezava quando ia ao templo ou em momentos difíceis, mas nunca pensava em Deus quando estava tudo bem ," diz ela, acrescentando: "Quando as Testemunhas de Jeová me visitaram, porém, a minha vida deu uma guinada de 180 graus. " " I prayed only when I went to the temple or was going through rough times, " she says, "but never did I think of God when life was treating me well. " She continues: "When Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on my door, however, my life took a 180 degree turn. " Perhaps you have already experienced that type of peer pressure. Tal educação desperdiça valiosos anos da juventude que poderiam ser mais bem usados no serviço de Jeová. Such education wastes valuable youthful years that could best be used in Jehovah's service. Often restrained his anger, rather than give up all his wrath. " Que tentação é mencionada em Mateus 4: 8, 9, e como o Filho de Deus reagiu? What was the temptation mentioned at Matthew 4: 8, 9, and how did God's Son respond? How can we avoid defiling events that are overwhelmed? Considere este artigo e notará que o relato se tornará mais vívido. Considering the foregoing will help make the account come alive. Respect and mastering the Bible's moral standards? Talvez você já tenha sofrido esse tipo de pressão de colegas. Perhaps you have experienced similar peer pressure. 14: 40. Muitas vezes conteve a sua ira, em vez de dar vazão a todo o seu furor. " He often held back his anger instead of stirring up all his wrath. " What would Jehovah's faithful servants do? Como podemos evitar que acontecimentos aflitivos nos deixem arrasados? How can we avoid being overwhelmed by distressing events? For I myself know my transgressions and my sin is constantly in front of me. " Respeito e amo os padrões de moral da Bíblia? Do I respect and love the Bible's moral standards? Read Matthew 25: 31 - 40. 14: 40. 14: 40. First, the elders recommend a brother for being an elder or a ministerial servant, but the circuit overseer tries to get to know this brother and his family. O que fariam os servos fiéis de Jeová? What will faithful servants of Jehovah do? And during his recovery, we will keep on showing love? Pois eu mesmo conheço as minhas transgressões e meu pecado está constantemente diante de mim. " For my transgressions I myself know, and my sin is in front of me constantly. " How did Paul demonstrate that he was not "the master of the faith, " but" fellow worker for their joy "? Leia Mateus 25: 31 - 40. Read Matthew 25: 31 - 40. There is long time to awaken the curiosity of Jehovah's people; and rightly why Jesus spoke of what would happen to people in the future. Primeiro, os anciãos recomendam um irmão para ser ancião ou servo ministerial. Daí o superintendente de circuito tenta conhecer esse irmão e a família dele. The circuit overseer tries to get to know the men who are recommended and to work with them in the field service if possible. Jehovah rejected them and transferred his favor into a new nation, spiritual Israel. - Matt. E, durante sua recuperação, persistiremos em mostrar amor? And during that recovery, will we show enduring love? If properly used money, money can also be beneficial. Como Paulo demonstrou que não era " amo da fé dos irmãos ', mas " colaborador para a alegria deles '? How did Paul demonstrate that he was not a " master over his brothers ' faith ' but a " fellow worker for their joy '? The Levites remembered God in their prayer: "You have come down upon Mount Sinai and have identified them from heaven, and you have go on giving them judicial decisions and laws. " Há muito tempo essa ilustração desperta a curiosidade do povo de Jeová; e com razão, visto que Jesus falou do que aconteceria com as pessoas no futuro. Jehovah's people have long been intrigued by this illustration and rightly so, for in it Jesus speaks about the fate of people. When Esau realized too foolish to make the foolish decision that he had taken, he appealed to Isaac: "I entreated Isaac, yes, please me, I also blesses me, my father!... Jeová os rejeitou e transferiu seu favor a uma nova nação, o Israel espiritual. - Mat. Jehovah rejected them and transferred his favor to a new nation, spiritual Israel. - Matt. At that time, she was turned out to drink as a circuit overseer and had become more known to her country. Se for bem usado, o dinheiro também pode ser benéfico. If handled skillfully, money too can be useful. Jehovah authorized the death of murder and made the covenant of the bow, promising never bringing a Deluge. Os levitas se lembraram em sua oração a Deus: "Desceste sobre o monte Sinai e falaste com eles desde o céu, e prosseguiste a dar - lhes decisões judiciais retas e leis de verdade, regulamentos e mandamentos bons. " " Upon Mount Sinai, " recall the Levites in their prayer to God, he "came down and spoke with them out of heaven and went on to give them upright judicial decisions and laws of truth, good regulations and commandments. " Zechariah and the other Jews had long seen wickedness in Babylon, and they had grown up in that city filled with idolatry. Quando Esaú percebeu tarde demais a decisão tola que havia tomado, ele rogou a Isaque: "Abençoa - me, sim, abençoa - me também a mim, meu pai!... When Esau belatedly realized what a foolish choice he had made, he begged Isaac: "Bless me, even me too, my father!... 3: 5, 6. Naquela época, já estava programada a estréia de Cristina na sala de concertos mais conhecida de seu país. At that time, Kristina was already slated to give her debut performance in her country's best - known concert hall. What relief it is to know that Jehovah will forgive our sins - even as serious adultery or murder! Jeová autorizou a pena de morte por assassinato e fez o pacto do arco - íris, prometendo nunca mais trazer um Dilúvio. Jehovah authorizes the death penalty for murder and establishes the rainbow covenant, promising never to bring another Deluge. (b) How did Jesus show that Moses ' words were significant? Zacarias e os outros judeus tinham visto muita maldade em Babilônia. Eles tinham crescido naquela cidade cheia de idolatria. Zechariah and his fellow Jews could confirm that Babylon was a place of wickedness in their day. You must have clear goals. 3: 5, 6. 3: 5, 6. Recognizing Jehovah's hand in the matter, David told Abigail: "Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! Que alívio é saber que Jeová perdoará os nossos pecados - até mesmo tão graves como adultério ou assassinato! What a relief it is to know that Jehovah will forgive our sins - even sins as serious as adultery or murder! What lessons can we draw from this account? (b) Como Jesus mostrou que as palavras de Moisés eram importantes? (b) How did Jesus emphasize the import of Moses ' words? No doubt, these visitors will find interesting experiences to relate. Precisa ter alvos bem definidos. You need clearly defined goals. In his words to the Ephesians, Paul quoted two things you need to do: To address your wife's needs and cherish her, just as you do with your body. Reconhecendo a mão de Jeová no assunto, Davi disse a Abigail: "Bendito seja Jeová, o Deus de Israel, que te enviou neste dia ao meu encontro! Recognizing Jehovah's hand in the matter, David said to her: "Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! They have love for the entire person in the congregation, granting him honor and dignity. - 2 Cor. Que lições podemos tirar desse relato? What lessons can we draw from this account? Focus on what you cannot do, do not in what you cannot do. " Sem dúvida, esses visitantes terão experiências interessantes para relatar. No doubt such visitors will have interesting experiences to relate. It involves becoming just a righteous, not having to show prejudice or favoritism. Em suas palavras aos efésios, já citadas, Paulo identificou duas coisas que você precisa fazer: atender às necessidades de sua esposa e acalentá - la, assim como você faz com seu corpo. In his words to the Ephesians quoted earlier, Paul identified two things that you need to do - provide for your wife, and cherish her just as you do your own body. However, there are other ways to say things that attracted to the ears of people. Tratam com amor a toda pessoa na congregação, concedendo - lhe honra e dignidade. - 2 Cor. They deal lovingly with each individual in the congregation, according honor and dignity to all. - 2 Cor. How can we show our support for Jehovah's sovereignty? Concentre - se no que você consegue fazer, não no que não consegue. " Focus on what you can do, not on what you cannot do. " Humans were not created to get sick and aging.... Envolve ser justo, não ter nem mostrar preconceito ou favoritismo. It involves being fair, free from having or showing bias or favoritism. Jacob was 97 years old when he struggled with an angel to receive a blessing. Mas há ainda outras maneiras de dizer coisas que agradem aos ouvidos das pessoas. But there are other ways that people have their ears tickled. What did loyal ones to God in the northern kingdom do when Jeroboam established calf worship in Israel? Como podemos mostrar que apoiamos a soberania de Jeová? Surely Jehovah's sovereignty merits our wholehearted support. Since elders today cooperate with the faithful and discreet slave class, all in the congregation are encouraged and helped to remain united. Os humanos não foram criados para adoecer e envelhecer Mankind was not created to experience illness and old age That truth has to influence our view of others and treat others. Jacó tinha 97 anos quando lutou a noite inteira com um anjo para receber uma bênção. Jacob was 97 when he wrestled with an angel all night long for a blessing. He also performed the greatest Passover that Israel had already seen, as did Josiah and other faithful leaders who put God's Word to guide them. O que os leais a Deus no reino ao norte fizeram quando Jeroboão estabeleceu a adoração de bezerros em Israel? What did God's loyal ones in the northern kingdom do when Jeroboam set up calf worship in Israel? Some verses earlier, the apostle mentioned what happened to Abel, Abraham, Sarah, and others needed to endure trials. Visto que os anciãos atuais cooperam com a classe do escravo fiel e discreto, todos na congregação são incentivados e ajudados a permanecer unidos. Because present - day elders cooperate with the faithful and discreet slave class, all in the congregation are encouraged and assisted to remain united. Michelle: Then, we come to conclude that because of his vast power, our Creator would certainly intervene and bring an end to any suffering. Essa verdade tem de influenciar nosso modo de encarar e tratar os outros. This truth must affect how we view and treat others. Frank, quoted earlier, says, "You can speak with him what you want. " Ele também realizou a maior Páscoa que Israel já tinha visto. Josias e outros líderes fiéis deixavam que a Palavra de Deus os guiasse. Guided by God's Word, Josiah began a vigorous campaign against idolatry and arranged an unprecedented celebration of the Passover. They are refreshing, refreshing, and unable to be seen because of their great quantity. Alguns versículos antes, o apóstolo mencionou o que foi que deu a Abel, Abraão, Sara e outros a força necessária para suportar provações. A few verses earlier, the apostle noted what had given Abel, Abraham, Sarah, and others the strength to endure. Or we know of an integrity brother who has become the victim of violence or who died on a terrible accident. Michele: Daí, chegamos à conclusão que, por causa de seu imenso poder, nosso Criador com certeza poderia intervir e acabar com o sofrimento a qualquer momento. Michelle: Finally, we agreed that considering the vast amount of power our Creator possesses, surely he has the ability to step in and end suffering at any moment. How did Jesus uphold Jehovah's sovereignty as he tempted by Satan? Taylene, já citada, diz: "Você pode falar com ele o que quiser. " Taylene, quoted earlier, says: "You can say anything and everything to him. " When his plan did not succeed, David caused Uriah to be killed in battle. Elas são refrescantes, brilhantes e não podem ser contadas devido a sua grande quantidade. They are refreshing, bright, and virtually beyond counting for multitude. It says: "It is easy for distractions to interfere with Bible reading and personal study. Ou saibamos de um irmão íntegro que se tornou vítima da violência ou que morreu num acidente terrível. Or we may know of an integrity keeper who has become a victim of an act of violence or has died in a terrible accident. How can we strengthen our relationship with Jehovah? Como Jesus apoiou a soberania de Jeová ao ser tentado por Satanás? How did Jesus uphold Jehovah's sovereignty when tempted by Satan? Young Ones and Elderly Can Be encouraging Quando seu plano não deu certo, Davi fez com que Urias fosse morto na guerra. Uriah would not do what the king suggested, so David arranged to have him killed in battle. Jehovah does not impose a mountain of rigid rules on how to pray. Marc diz: "É fácil permitir que distrações interfiram na leitura da Bíblia e no estudo pessoal. Marc says: "It is easy to allow distractions to get in the way of Bible reading and personal study. About that date will be filled with more details - about counting date, see The Watchtower, October 1, 1983, pages 6 - 608. Como podemos fortalecer nossa relação com Jeová? (See footnote.) (b) How can we strengthen our relationship with Jehovah? (Read Psalm 49: 7, 8.) Jovens e idosos podem ser encorajadores Both young and old can be encouraging Another interesting example is that of David, who received Jehovah's authority in order to be king. Jeová não impõe um monte de regras rígidas sobre como orar. Jehovah does not lay down a lot of rigid rules on how to pray. Why do we need to collect together "more much as we behold the day drawing near "? Por volta dessa data haverá lua cheia. - Para mais detalhes sobre como calcular a data, veja A Sentinela de 1. ° de outubro de 1977, páginas 607 - 608. That will be about the time of the full moon. - For more details on calculating the date, see The Watchtower of June 15, 1977, pages 383 - 384. Experience shows that a person is able to rely on "power of power " in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength, put on" the complete suit of armor from God. " (Leia Salmo 49: 7, 8.) (Read Psalm 49: 7, 8.) Saul had planned to press on to Damascus, uproot Jesus ' disciples from their homes and rescued them to face the rage of the Sanhedrin. Outro exemplo interessante é o de Davi, que recebeu de Jeová a autoridade para ser rei. The Bible offers a notable example in King David. What will help us never to judge Jehovah on our own standards of righteousness? Por que precisamos nos reunir " tanto mais quanto vemos chegar o dia '? Why do we need our meetings "all the more so as [we] behold the day drawing near "? This does not mean that they lost their will of life on earth. A experiência mostra que a pessoa é ajudada se puder confiar no "poder no Senhor e na potência da sua força ," revestindo - se" da armadura completa de Deus ." Experience shows that the sufferer is helped if he can rely on the " power of the Lord and the mightiness of his strength, ' putting on "the complete suit of armor from God. " The Festival of Booths foreshadowed the joyful gathering of anointed Christians and of "a great crowd " of all the nations Saulo havia planejado ir a Damasco, arrancar os discípulos de Jesus de suas casas e arrastá - los a Jerusalém para enfrentar a fúria do Sinédrio. It was Saul's intent to go to Damascus, tear Jesus ' disciples from their homes, and drag them to Jerusalem to face the wrath of the Sanhedrin. On one occasion, Jesus taught a woman the right way to worship God, then he told his disciples: "My food is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " O que nos ajudará a nunca julgar a Jeová à base de nossos próprios padrões de justiça? What will help us never to judge Jehovah by our own standards of righteousness? You have sayings of everlasting life. ' Isso não quer dizer que eles perderam a vontade de viver na Terra. It is not simply a matter of their losing interest in living on earth. Reasonable concern about health under such natural circumstances is natural and even beneficial. A Festividade das Barracas prefigurava o alegre ajuntamento de cristãos ungidos e de "uma grande multidão " de todas as nações The Festival of Booths foreshadowed the joyous ingathering of anointed ones and of "a great crowd " from all nations In what ways are mature Christians different from one another, but what do all in common? Em certa ocasião, Jesus ensinou a uma mulher o modo certo de adorar a Deus. Daí, ele disse a seus discípulos: "Meu alimento é fazer a vontade daquele que me enviou e terminar a sua obra. " Once, after teaching a woman about true worship, Jesus said to his disciples: "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. " Many who decide to make such a decision are young people - perhaps even in their teens. Tu tens declarações de vida eterna. ' You have sayings of everlasting life. ' All of Christ's disciples should be baptized in order to gain salvation. - Matt. A preocupação razoável com a saúde sob tais circunstâncias é natural e até benéfica. Reasonable concern about our health under such circumstances is natural and even beneficial. Jesus, the perfect Son of God, willingly came to earth to serve among imperfect people and sinners. De que maneiras os cristãos maduros são diferentes uns dos outros, mas o que todos têm em comum? In what ways may mature Christians differ from one another, but what do they all have in common? How did Jesus respond when tempting Satan, and what do we learn from this? Muitos que tomam essa decisão são jovens - alguns ainda nem chegaram na adolescência. Many who take that important step are young people - some not yet in their teens. At such times, offering counsel or health products - you might not be allowed to distract us from our spiritual focus and to cause others to lose joy. Todos os discípulos de Cristo devem ser batizados. Isso é essencial para ganharmos a salvação. - Mat. Baptism is a requirement for Christians, and it is an essential step to gaining salvation. - Matt. No doubt the parable in Matthew 25: 1 - 13 is a warning and a warning of Jesus his anointed followers. Jesus, o perfeito Filho de Deus, de bom grado veio à Terra para servir entre pessoas imperfeitas e pecadoras. Jesus, the perfect Son of God, willingly came to earth to serve among imperfect and sinful people. (b) Why do difficulties of life not surprise us? Como Jesus reagiu ao ser tentado por Satanás, e o que aprendemos disso? How did Jesus respond to Satan's temptations, and what can we learn from that example? He lamented: "It is in vain that I have cleansed my heart and that I wash my hands in innocence itself. " Nessas ocasiões, oferecer conselhos ou produtos de saúde - solicitados ou não - pode nos desviar de nosso objetivo espiritual e fazer outros perder a alegria. On such occasions, offering health advice or products - solicited or unsolicited - can detract from our spiritual purpose and rob others of their joy. Each of them received a year, especially a special treatment, these young men were able to draw attention to the king's attention. Sem dúvida, a parábola em Mateus 25: 1 - 13 é um conselho e um alerta de Jesus a seus seguidores ungidos. Clearly, Jesus intended the parable recorded at Matthew 25: 1 - 13 as counsel and a warning to his anointed followers. When the moment came to show the difference between loyal worshippers and the rebels, Jehovah's command was clear. (b) Por que as dificuldades da vida não nos surpreendem? (b) Why are we not surprised by this? Likewise, a figurative heart of the Christian needs protection from sin. Ele lamentou: "É em vão que purifiquei meu coração e que lavo minhas mãos na própria inocência. " He lamented: "It is in vain that I have cleansed my heart and that I wash my hands in innocence itself. " " I enjoyed my work and had a good pay, but I knew that I could do more to Jehovah. Todas elas receberam, durante um ano, um tratamento de beleza especial. Aquelas moças faziam de tudo para atrair a atenção do rei. She was in daily association with many young women from all over the Persian Empire who were competing for the attention of the king. Indeed, when Jehovah wants, he can affect governmental authorities in carrying out his will. Quando chegou o momento de mostrar a diferença entre os adoradores leais e os rebeldes, a ordem de Jeová foi bem clara. When the day came for Jehovah to make a distinction between his loyal worshippers and the rebels, he gave a clear command. Then if there is a reason for concern, you might speak with such points as Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2. Da mesma forma, o coração figurativo do cristão precisa de proteção contra a força do pecado. Similarly, a Christian's figurative heart requires shielding from the power of sin. What was happening when this book was written? " Eu gostava do meu trabalho e tinha um bom salário, mas no fundo sabia que podia fazer mais para Jeová. " I enjoyed my work and earned good money, but in my heart I knew that I could do more to serve Jehovah. Study Edition Realmente, quando Jeová deseja, ele pode influenciar autoridades governamentais para realizar Sua vontade. Indeed, when Jehovah chooses to do so, he can influence governmental authorities to accomplish his will. Because of his undeserved kindness, Jehovah comforts those who have a distressed heart. Daí, se houver motivo para preocupação, poderá falar com ela, talvez usando pontos de Os Jovens Perguntam - Respostas Práticas, Volume 2. Then, if there is reason for concern, you can talk to her, perhaps using points from Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2. 1: 3. O que estava acontecendo quando esse livro foi escrito? What significant events occurred when a particular Bible book was written? Today, meek people of all nations or cherish their heavenly hope, whether earthly or earthly, are taking refuge in Jehovah's name. Edição de Estudo Study Edition Will they remain loyal to the God who worshipped him? Por causa da sua bondade imerecida, Jeová consola quem tem um coração aflito. Essa é uma grande bênção. A great blessing that comes to us through Jehovah's undeserved kindness is comfort for a distressed heart. Yet, Enoch and Noah resisted the spirit of the world of their time and walking with Jehovah. 1: 3. 1: 3. The foremost quality produced by God's spirit is love. Atualmente, pessoas mansas de todas as nações, quer prezem a esperança celestial, quer a terrestre, estão se refugiando no nome de Jeová. Meek ones of all nations, whether they cherish the heavenly or the earthly hope, are now taking refuge in Jehovah's name. In time, he appeared in various Bible translations as well as in the writings of Bible scholars. Permaneceriam leais ao Deus que adoravam? Will they remain loyal to the God they worship? Another family head said: "Our children do their own research and learn much - and they enjoy it. Contudo, Enoque e Noé resistiram ao espírito do mundo de sua época e andaram com Jeová. Yet, Enoch and Noah resisted the spirit of the world of their time and walked with Jehovah. Lessons for Us: A qualidade principal produzida pelo espírito de Deus é o amor. The foremost quality produced by God's spirit is love. Do You Recall? Com o tempo, ele apareceu em várias traduções da Bíblia, bem como nos escritos de eruditos bíblicos. Over time, it has appeared in various translations of the Bible, as well as in the writings of Bible scholars. God accepts only baptism after a person has an accurate knowledge of the truth. Outro chefe de família disse: "Nossos filhos fazem sua própria pesquisa e aprendem muito - e eles gostam disso. Another family head says: "The children are doing their own research and are learning much - and they enjoy it. (a) Why did Jehovah send angels to Sodom? Lições para nós: Lessons for Us: Jehovah reveals himself how God's love, but he also expresses hatred for what is bad. Lembra - se? Do You Recall? How can you tell whether you are in a certain style of dress and style of dress and grooming? Que Deus só aceita o batismo depois de a pessoa ter o conhecimento exato da verdade. Yes, valid baptism is based on an accurate knowledge of Jehovah's will. In creating mankind, Jehovah wanted it to be hot. (a) Por que Jeová enviou anjos a Sodoma? (a) Why did Jehovah send angels to Sodom? When I was 2 years old, my mother might seem to be a strange thing with me. Jeová revela a si mesmo como o Deus de amor, mas ele também expressa ódio pelo que é mau. While Jehovah reveals himself as the God of love, he also expresses hatred for what is bad. Why did Aaron consent to do the golden calf? Como você pode saber se certo estilo de roupa agrada a Jeová? How can you determine if a certain style of clothing is pleasing to Jehovah? (a) Why will our life be wonderful in the new world? Ao criar a humanidade, Jeová queria que ela fosse interdependente. Jehovah created mankind to be interdependent. DO YOU recall the first time when you heard about the wonderful prospect that Jehovah offers to obedient humans? Em 1975, quando eu tinha 2 anos, minha mãe suspeitou que havia alguma coisa estranha comigo. I was two years old in 1975 when my mother first suspected that there was something unusual about me. Changes on such evidence proves that love can conquer - and overcome all prejudice. Por que Arão consentiu em se fazer o bezerro de ouro? Why did Aaron consent to making the golden calf? 1: 9; 1 Tim. (a) Por que nossa vida será maravilhosa no novo mundo? (a) What blessings will make life in the new world wonderful? And he set up altars to Baal, worship "all the army of the heavens " and even built altars down false gods in two courtyards of the temple. VOCÊ se lembra da primeira vez em que ouviu falar da perspectiva maravilhosa que Jeová oferece aos humanos obedientes? DO YOU remember when you first learned about the wonderful prospect that Jehovah offers to obedient mankind? Paul's vision is recorded at 2 Corinthians 12: 1 - 4. Mudanças como essas provam que o amor pode vencer - e vence - todo preconceito. Such changes in attitude are a testimony to the fact that Christian love can and does conquer prejudice. There is the trap of thinking that some parts of the spiritual food do not serve us. 1: 9; 1 Tim. 1: 9; 1 Tim. [ 1] (paragraph 7) Among other things, Jesus gave these directions: (1) Preach the Kingdom message; (2) relying on God's care for his needs; (3) he did not discuss householders; (4) trusting in God's opposition. However, giving expression to wrath by speaking a word of contempt is more serious, making one accountable to a court higher than the local court of justice. Such ministers may have to face humility with the task of learning a new language so that they can best help those who want to share the good news with others. Erigiu altares a Baal, adorou "todo o exército dos céus " e até mesmo construiu altares a deuses falsos em dois pátios do templo. Manasseh set up altars to Baal, worshipped "all the army of the heavens, " and even built altars to false gods in two temple courtyards. However, Josiah's effort to remove the idolatrous practices was noticed, so he remained in Jehovah's favor despite the calamities foretold to the nation as a whole. A visão de Paulo está registrada em 2 Coríntios 12: 1 - 4. We find Paul's vision described at 2 Corinthians 12: 1 - 4. After three days, he invited men from prominent among the Jews to give them a witness. Existe a armadilha de achar que algumas partes do alimento espiritual não servem para nós. There is a danger that we could miss out on some benefits because we assume that certain spiritual provisions do not apply to us. And to judge for the actions of the mob creature - actually believed that there may be no doubt that Jehovah had had certain reason to execute judgment upon the inhabitants of that wicked city? - Genesis 19: 23 - 25. [ 1] (parágrafo 7) Entre outras coisas, Jesus deu as seguintes orientações: (1) pregar sobre o Reino; (2) confiar que Deus cuidaria de suas necessidades; (3) não discutir com os moradores; (4) confiar em Deus ao enfrentar oposição; (5) não ter medo. (3) Avoid arguing with householders. (4) Trust in God when facing opposers. (5) Do not yield to fear. 6: 18, 19. Esses ministros talvez tenham de enfrentar com humildade a difícil tarefa de aprender um novo idioma a fim de ajudar melhor os a quem desejam transmitir as boas novas. Such ministers may humbly have to cope with the difficult task of learning a new language in order to be of better service to those with whom they want to share the good news. As a youth, David often worked alongside free, caring for the sheep. No entanto, o empenho de Josias em remover as práticas idólatras foi notado, de modo que permaneceu no favor de Jeová apesar das calamidades preditas para a nação como um todo. Yet, Josiah's good efforts to remove idolatrous practices were noted, and he remained in Jehovah's favor despite the calamities predicted for the nation as a whole. Our selfish tendencies could distort our conscience. Depois de três dias, ele convidou os homens de destaque dentre os judeus a fim de lhes dar testemunho. After three days, Paul summoned the principal men of the Jews in order to give them a witness. Why will we draw closer to Jehovah and to fellow believers in the new world? E a julgar pelas ações da turba enlouquecida de sodomitas, será que pode haver alguma dúvida de que Jeová teve motivos de sobra para executar julgamento sobre os habitantes daquela cidade perversa? - Gênesis 19: 23 - 25. And judging from the actions of the crazed mob of Sodomites, can there be any doubt that Jehovah was fully justified in executing judgment upon the inhabitants of that wicked city? - Genesis 19: 23 - 25. First of all, she needs to recognize the need for protection. 6: 18, 19. 6: 18, 19. What marvelous blessings! Quando era jovem, Davi muitas vezes trabalhava ao ar livre, cuidando das ovelhas. As a youth, David was often outside, shepherding the flocks. What a liar! Nossas tendências egoístas poderiam distorcer a nossa consciência. Our selfish tendencies might well distort the conscience. Solomon and his attendants were back into the city! Por que vamos nos achegar mais a Jeová e aos irmãos no novo mundo? Why will we draw even closer to Jehovah and to our brothers in the new world? In contrast, computers is far more often rare, but in people people people who live nearly 90 percent of the nations. Em primeiro lugar, ela precisa reconhecer a necessidade de proteção. He must first recognize the need for protection. Uncontrolled speech says: "There are too serious cause of health problems, spoiling relationships, and resulting in the death of millions of all years. Que bênçãos maravilhosas! What wonderful blessings! Jehovah continues to use his congregation and support his congregation. Que mentiroso! What a liar he proved to be! We have the reliable testimony of people who witnessed this event. " - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 3 - 8. Salomão e seus assistentes estavam voltando à cidade! Why, Solomon and his attendants are returning to the city! Paul's illustration highlights that all members of the congregation are important. Em contraste, o vírus Ebola é muito mais raro, mas em alguns surtos matou quase 90% dos infectados. By contrast, Ebola virus is much rarer, but in some outbreaks it has killed nearly 90 percent of those it infected. You begin to imagine a better life for yourself and for your family, even building it as you would enable you to devote more time to spiritual activities. (Provérbios 23: 20) Beber demais causa sérios problemas de saúde, estraga relacionamentos e acaba resultando na morte de milhões de pessoas todos os anos. (Proverbs 23: 20) Misuse of alcohol has been linked to serious health problems, broken and damaged relationships, and millions of untimely deaths each year. He relied on his own wisdom, not in Jehovah, but he could not have lured out the best source of guidance. Jeová continua a usar e a apoiar Sua congregação. Jehovah continues to use and support his congregation. [ Picture on page 16] Temos o testemunho confiável de pessoas que presenciaram esse acontecimento. " - Leia 1 Coríntios 15: 3 - 8. We have the testimony of reliable eyewitnesses to that fact. " - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 3 - 8. They are being gathered in the result of what Jesus foretold as part of the sign of his presence. A ilustração de Paulo destaca que todos os membros da congregação são importantes. Paul's illustration highlights that all members of the Christian congregation are useful. Those words show that the way you use the tongue is a serious matter. Você começa a imaginar uma vida melhor para si e para sua família, até mesmo raciocinando que isso o habilitaria a dedicar mais tempo a atividades espirituais. You may begin to envision a better life for you and your family, perhaps even reasoning that this would enable you to devote more time to spiritual pursuits. Imitate Jesus - Preach With Boldness Ele não confiava na sua própria sabedoria limitada, mas sim em Jeová, e não poderia ter recorrido a melhor fonte de orientação. He trusted in Jehovah, not in his own limited wisdom, and he could have looked to no better source for guidance. Do you not feel that expressing your devotion to God by sharing in the ministry contributes to your happiness? [ Foto na página 16] [ Picture on page 16] (Read.) Elas estão sendo ajuntadas em resultado do que Jesus predisse como parte do sinal da sua presença. They are being brought together because of what Jesus foretold as part of the sign of his presence. What moved Jesus to say, "I want to heal the leper? Essas palavras mostram que a maneira como você usa a língua é um assunto sério. These words show that how you use your tongue is a serious matter. Job was honest and righteous. Imite a Jesus - pregue com coragem Imitate Jesus - Preach With Boldness What a Bible - based training it works "in every congregation " - as in the days of the apostle Paul. Não acha que expressar sua devoção a Deus por participar no ministério contribui para sua felicidade? Does not expressing your devotion to God by sharing in the ministry contribute to your happiness? Yes, "the Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. " - Deut. (Leia.) (Read.) Illustrate. O que motivou Jesus a dizer "Eu quero " ao curar o leproso? What moved Jesus to say "I want to! " when healing the leper? The first part of the prophecy, recorded at Matthew 24: 4 - 22, has two fulfillment - the first two, in the year 33 C.E., and according to a greater degree in our day. Jó era honesto e justo. Job was honest and fair. Joshua and Caleb were blessed for trusting in Jehovah (See paragraph 22.) Que o treinamento baseado na Bíblia funciona "em toda parte, em cada congregação " - assim como nos dias do apóstolo Paulo. That Bible - based training is applicable to learners "everywhere in every congregation " - just as it was in the apostle Paul's day. In his letter to Christians in Ephesus, the apostle Paul provides a beautiful explanation of how Jehovah operates the things to fulfill his purpose. Sim, "a Rocha, perfeita é a sua atuação, pois todos os seus caminhos são justiça ." - Deut. Yes, "the Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. " - Deut. It commands us to honor Jehovah and to Jesus. Ilustre. Illustrate. What do you like to use to teach your young children? A primeira parte da profecia, registrada em Mateus 24: 4 - 22, tem dois cumprimentos - o primeiro, nos anos de 33 EC a 70 EC, e o segundo com um alcance maior em nossos dias. The first portion of the prophecy, recorded at Matthew 24: 4 - 22, has two fulfillments - first, in the years from 33 C.E. through 70 C.E., and second, in a more far - reaching way in our day. (b) How is the Memorial date significant? Josué e Calebe foram abençoados por confiar em Jeová (Veja o parágrafo 22.) Joshua and Caleb were blessed for their trust in Jehovah (See paragraph 22) " The weeds appeared in the first century C.E., when imitation Christians became visible in the world field. Em sua carta aos cristãos em Éfeso, o apóstolo Paulo dá uma bela explicação sobre como Jeová administra as coisas para cumprir seu propósito. In his letter to Christians in Ephesus, the apostle Paul beautifully explains how Jehovah administers things to fulfill his purpose. On more than one occasion, Jesus had counseled his followers to be humble and at the night of Nisan 14, he demonstrated his own humility by washing the feet of the apostles. Ela nos ordena a honrar a Jeová e a Jesus. It tells us to honor Jehovah and Jesus. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. O que você gosta de usar para ensinar seus filhos pequenos? What tools have you found to be effective when you teach your young children? What can be said about physical creation, such as countless stars and planets? (b) Como é determinada a data da Celebração em cada ano? (b) How is the date of the Memorial determined each year? (Read Psalm 37: 25; Proverbs 10: 3.) " O joio apareceu ' no início do segundo século EC, quando os cristãos de imitação tornaram - se visíveis no campo mundial. At the dawn of the second century C.E., "the weeds appeared " when imitation Christians became visible in the world field. New: 14 languages Em mais de uma ocasião, Jesus havia aconselhado seus seguidores a ser humildes e, na noite de 14 de nisã, ele demonstrou sua própria humildade lavando os pés dos apóstolos. On more than one occasion, he had counseled his followers to be humble, and on the night of Nisan 14, he demonstrated his own humility by washing the feet of his apostles. The veil of spiritual darkness turned into what? © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Serving Jehovah is the right thing to do O que se pode dizer da criação material, como as incontáveis estrelas e planetas? What can be said about material creation, such as the countless stars and planets? Pursue God's Purpose Today (Leia Salmo 37: 25; Provérbios 10: 3.) (Read Psalm 37: 25; Proverbs 10: 3.) 54: 13. Tradução: 14 idiomas Translation: 14 languages 3: 14. O véu de escuridão espiritual acabou resultando em quê? To what did the veil of spiritual darkness lead? After all, they had confidence that she was barren. Servir a Jeová é a coisa certa a fazer Serving Jehovah Is the Right Thing to Do How did the apostles fail to keep on the last night of Jesus on earth, and how do we know that they have learned from their mistake? Empenhe - se pelo propósito de Deus hoje Pursuing God's Purpose Today But in this article, we will focus on bearing "the fruit of our lips, " that is, in preaching the Kingdom. - Gal. 54: 13. 54: 13. And what did Moses foretell? 3: 14. 3: 14. In addition, Satan's earthly servants have persecuted Jehovah's worshippers, sometimes until death, as they did in the case of Jesus Christ. Afinal, eles tinham certeza de que ela era estéril. After all, the couple was sure that the wife was infertile. Even when there was not yet videos in sign language, he faithfully directed the family study. Como os apóstolos falharam em manter a vigilância na última noite de Jesus na Terra, e como sabemos que eles aprenderam de seu erro? How did the apostles fail to keep on the watch during Jesus ' final night on earth, and what shows that they learned from their mistake? But when they cut off the electronic gadgets, they continue to feel lonely. Mas neste artigo e no próximo vamos nos concentrar em produzir o "fruto dos nossos lábios ," ou seja, em pregar o Reino. - Gál. While "bearing fruit " also applies to producing" the fruitage of the spirit, " in this article and the next, we focus on producing "the fruit of our lips, " or Kingdom preaching. - Gal. We blame others for our own sins and mistakes. E o que Moisés predisse? And what did Moses foretell? Soon God will destroy this wicked system of things in the "great tribulation. " Além disso, os servos terrestres de Satanás têm perseguido os adoradores de Jeová, às vezes até a morte, como fizeram no caso de Jesus Cristo. In addition, Satan's earthly servants have persecuted worshippers of Jehovah, sometimes to the point of death, even as they did in the case of Jesus Christ. [ Picture on page 29] Mesmo quando ainda não havia vídeos na língua de sinais, ele fielmente dirigia o estudo em família. Before sign - language videos became available, he faithfully took the lead in conducting the family study. For example, they understood that she was invisible, as it were by the words of two angels who appeared to the disciples in 33 C.E. while Jesus ascended to heaven. Mas, quando desligam os aparelhos, elas continuam se sentindo solitárias. But when they turn off these gadgets, they are as lonely as before. " Let your loving - kindness and your trueness themselves constantly safeguard me, " prayed King David. Nós culpamos outros pelos nossos próprios pecados e erros. We shift the blame for our own sins and mistakes. " Jehovah delights in his people, " says Psalm 149: 4. Em breve, Deus destruirá este mundo perverso na "grande tribulação ." Soon God will destroy this wicked world in the "great tribulation. " To that end, we need compassion, kindness moves us to practice acts of kindness. [ Foto na página 29] [ Picture on page 29] He even protects spiritual protection those who strive to walk in integrity. - Prov. Por exemplo, compreenderam que ela seria invisível, conforme fica subentendido pelas palavras de dois anjos que apareceram aos discípulos em 33 EC enquanto Jesus subia ao céu. For instance, they discerned that it would be invisible, as implied by the two angels who appeared in 33 C.E. to the disciples while Jesus was ascending to heaven. What will help us to walk in "the tracks of righteousness "? " Resguardem - me constantemente a tua benevolência e a tua veracidade ," orou o Rei Davi. " Let your loving - kindness and your trueness themselves constantly safeguard me, " prayed King David. When and where will that come? " Jeová tem prazer no seu povo ," diz o Salmo 149: 4. " Jehovah is taking pleasure in his people, " says Psalm 149: 4. What opportunity was given to Israel? Para isso, precisamos ter compaixão. A compaixão nos motiva a praticar atos de bondade. To support one another in our suffering or adversity, we need to have genuine compassion. 12: 40, 41. Ele até mesmo protege em sentido espiritual os que se esforçam para andar em integridade. - Pro. He even provides spiritual protection for those who endeavor to walk in integrity. - Prov. Let us see. O que nos ajudará a andar nas "veredas da justiça "? What will help us to follow "the tracks of righteousness "? Our advantage of those living in pre - Christian times is that we do not need to be content with just seeing "a shadow " of God's purposes. Quando e onde isso se dará? When and where will that be? Sin may be weakened or deceived by deception. Que oportunidade foi dada a Israel? What opportunity was given to Israel? A person can lead to a variety of ways, but only one is the best. 12: 40, 41. 12: 40, 41. Jesus " hated what is against the law. ' - HEB. Vamos ver. Let us see. Instead of seeing what was important, I saw only the shortcomings of others. " - 1 Cor. A nossa vantagem sobre os que viviam nos tempos pré - cristãos é que não precisamos mais nos contentar em ver apenas "uma sombra " dos propósitos de Deus. The advantage we have over those who lived in pre - Christian times is that we no longer have to be content with seeing just "a shadow " of God's purposes. LIFE STORY O pecado pode ser intencional ou por engano. We can sin intentionally or by mistake. Let us briefly consider Paul's description of Paul and see how we apply his words in connection with our neighbor. A pessoa pode levar a vida de diversos modos, mas apenas um deles é o melhor. People can live in various ways, but only one way is the best. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 show that Adam and Eve had the type of freedom that many today think: "They were free of poverty, fear of injustice, and food with food and work. Jesus " odiou o que é contra a lei '. - HEB. " You [Jesus] hated lawlessness. " - HEB. The helmet of salvation (See paragraphs 15 - 18) Em vez de ver o que era mais importante, eu só via as falhas dos outros. " - 1 Cor. I regret that I allowed pride to blind me to the more important things and cause me to obsess over other people's faults. " - 1 Cor. Increased light on Jehovah's part continues to light the path of his people. BIOGRAFIA LIFE STORY A person can use a mirror to be sure that he is delaying. Consideremos brevemente essa descrição de Paulo e vejamos como aplicar suas palavras no relacionamento com o próximo. Let us briefly review what Paul said about love and see how we can apply his words to our relationship with our neighbor. Moreover, let us remember that we are members of Jehovah's family and that he was forced to care for us will help us to maintain our balance. Os capítulos 1 e 2 de Gênesis mostram que Adão e Eva tinham o tipo de liberdade que muitos hoje acham um sonho: estavam livres da pobreza, do medo, da injustiça e de preocupações com comida e trabalho. When reading the first two chapters of Genesis, we can easily see that Adam and Eve enjoyed the kind of freedom that people today can only hope for - freedom from want, from fear, and from oppression. Jehovah showed interest in the lost sheep of Israel. O capacete da salvação (Veja os parágrafos 15 - 18.) The helmet of salvation (See paragraphs 15 - 18) For many years, Jehovah had made various promises to Abraham, who through body evidence that the promised Seed would come through Abraham's son Isaac. A luz crescente da parte de Jeová continua a iluminar a vereda de seu povo. Increasing light from Jehovah continues to illuminate the path of his people. But thanks to God, you will be slaves of sin, but you became obedient to the teaching that was given to you. A pessoa pode usar um espelho para ter certeza de que está apresentável. A person can use a mirror to make sure that he is presentable. However, would they have seen the things that a human viewpoint had? Além disso, nos lembrarmos que somos membros da família de Jeová e de que ele se obrigou a cuidar de nós nos ajudará a manter o equilíbrio. Additionally, remembering that we are all members of Jehovah's household and that he has obligated himself to watch over us will help us to maintain our balance. David wrote: "The own lions ' sate had little and hungry; but as for those seeking Jehovah, they will not have nothing good. " Jeová mostrou interesse pelas ovelhas perdidas de Israel. Jehovah demonstrated concern for the lost sheep of Israel. That is why most people display Jehovah's qualities, such as love, kindness, and compassion. Durante muitos anos, Jeová havia feito várias promessas pactuadas a Abraão, que, em conjunto, mostram que o Descendente prometido viria de Abraão por meio de seu filho Isaque. Over a period of many years, Jehovah had made several covenant promises to Abraham that when combined show that the promised Seed would descend from Abraham through his son Isaac. They were indignant and said to [Jesus]: " space out of what they are saying? ' " - Matthew 21: 15, 16; John 12: 42. Mas graças a Deus que éreis escravos do pecado, mas vos tornastes obedientes de coração àquela forma de ensino a que fostes entregues. But thanks to God that you were the slaves of sin but you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were handed over. What does it mean to be available and to be approachable? Mas será que eles teriam visto as coisas do ponto de vista humano? But would they have seen things from a human perspective? Illustrate. Davi escreveu: "Os próprios leões novos jubados tiveram pouca coisa e passaram fome; mas, quanto aos que buscam a Jeová, não carecerão de nada do que é bom. " David wrote: "The maned young lions themselves have had little on hand and gone hungry; but as for those seeking Jehovah, they will not lack anything good. " What can we learn from this? É por isso que a maioria das pessoas demonstra qualidades de Jeová, como amor, bondade e compaixão. Thus, most of them exhibit some godly qualities, though to differing degrees. How did Christ use the apostles and older men in Jerusalem? ficaram indignados e disseram [a Jesus]: " Ouves o que estes estão dizendo? ' " - Mateus 21: 15, 16; João 12: 42. they became indignant and said to [Jesus]: " Do you hear what these are saying? ' " - Matthew 21: 15, 16; John 12: 42. By the time the Bible was written, the Israelites used wheat flour or barley and water for making bread. O que significa estar disponível e ser acessível? What does it mean to be available and approachable? What will then look forward to such ones? Ilustre. Illustrate. " In everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " - PHILIPPIANS 4: 6. O que aprendemos disso? What can we learn from this? Granted, this is not always easy. Como Cristo usou os apóstolos e os anciãos em Jerusalém? How did Christ use the apostles and older men in Jerusalem? Jehovah's Witnesses prosper in 236 lands - no doubt proof that Jehovah is with us in order to protect us from those who want to destroy us or silence. Na época em que a Bíblia estava sendo escrita, os israelitas usavam farinha de trigo ou de cevada e água para fazer pão. When the Bible was being written, the Israelites used wheat or barley flour and water to make bread. First, he sought appealing to the desire for food, trying to feed Jesus into loaves. O que então aguardará essas pessoas? What end, then, will such ones face? And the cry of Christ fulfilled Psalm 22: 1. " Em tudo, por oração e súplica, junto com agradecimento, fazei conhecer as vossas petições a Deus. " - FILIPENSES 4: 6. " In everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " - PHILIPPIANS 4: 6. Why is it vital to ask Jehovah for his spirit? É verdade que isso nem sempre é fácil. True, doing so is not always easy. Paul wrote of the members of that new nation: "The circumcision of your circumcision is the heart of the spirit by spirit. " - Rom. As Testemunhas de Jeová prosperam em 236 terras - sem dúvida uma prova clara de que Jeová está conosco para nos proteger dos que desejam nos destruir ou silenciar. Jehovah's Witnesses are flourishing in 236 lands - compelling evidence, indeed, that Jehovah is with us to protect us from those who wish to crush or silence us. Moreover, we have Bible - based publications with material that strengthens our trust in Jehovah. Primeiro, ele procurou apelar para o desejo de se alimentar, tentando Jesus a transformar pedras em pães. First, he tried to appeal to fleshly desire, tempting Jesus to turn stones into bread. Resentment against evil is not easy. E o clamor de Cristo cumpriu o Salmo 22: 1. And by crying out as he did, Jesus fulfilled Psalm 22: 1. The Bible often likens life to a journey or walk. Por que é vital pedir a Jeová seu espírito? Why is it vital for you to ask Jehovah for his spirit? Jesus did not answer the question he asked. Paulo escreveu o seguinte sobre os membros dessa nova nação: "A sua circuncisão é a do coração, por espírito. " - Rom. Instead, regarding each member of that new nation, Paul wrote: "His circumcision is that of the heart by spirit. " - Rom. We have learned at least two important lessons from Adam and Eve and the wicked angels. Além disso, temos publicações bíblicas com matérias que fortalecem nossa confiança em Jeová. We also have Bible - based publications containing information that strengthens our confidence in Jehovah. The answer is in the book of Peter. Criar ódio ao mal não é fácil. Developing a hatred for what is bad is not easy. * A Bíblia muitas vezes compara a vida à uma jornada ou caminhada. The Bible often likens life to a journey or a walk. Why Some marriages Avoid Jesus não respondeu à pergunta que fez. Jesus did not answer his question. 1: 5, 16. Aprendemos pelo menos duas lições importantes de Adão e Eva e dos anjos maus. The examples of Adam, Eve, and the rebellious angels teach us at least two important lessons. JEHOVAH'S people today are very precious to the Bible. A resposta está no livro de Primeira de Pedro. We find an answer in the book of First Peter. What is the fourth example of the term "congregation " in the Bible? * * How long would you think that you would move to do this ride, standing with small children? Por que alguns casamentos fracassam Why Some Marriages Fail Later, he counseled: "Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation. " 1: 5, 16. 1: 5, 16. That promise revealed that the Messiah - the faithful "seed " of Genesis 3: 15 would come through the offspring of Abraham. OS SERVOS de Jeová dão muito valor à Bíblia. JEHOVAH'S servants highly esteem God's own holy book, the Bible. Likely, he suffered much pressure from his family, the teachers of his teachers, and counselors. Qual é o quarto exemplo de uso comum do termo "congregação " na Bíblia? What is a fourth and common way that the Bible uses "congregation "? PAGE 15 Quanto tempo você acha que levaria para fazer esse trajeto a pé, com crianças pequenas? How long do you think it would take you to complete such a trip, walking with small children? Jesus mentioned another wrong method of prayer: repetition. Mais tarde, ele aconselhou: "Mantende - vos vigilantes e orai continuamente, para que não entreis em tentação. " He later counseled: "Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation. " We too look intently at the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises. Essa promessa revelou que o Messias - o "descendente " fiel de Gênesis 3: 15 - viria por meio da descendência de Abraão. That promise revealed that the Messiah - the faithful "seed " of Genesis 3: 15 - would come through Abraham's offspring. The third aspect of the Mosaic Law that we consider is the tenth commandment that prohibited covetousness. É provável que ele tenha sofrido muita pressão da sua família egípcia, dos seus professores e conselheiros. What pressure he must have felt to do so from his Egyptian family, teachers, and counselors! Why could Jehovah be so sure of this? PÁGINA 15 PAGE 15 " This is what I continue to pray, " he said, "let your love grow even more and more accurate knowledge and discernment. " Jesus mencionou assim outro método errado de orar: a repetição. Jesus thus cited another abuse of prayer - repetition. • In what practical ways can we show submission? Nós também olhamos atentamente para o cumprimento das promessas de Jeová. We too have our eye fixed on the fulfillment of Jehovah's purpose. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania O terceiro aspecto da Lei mosaica que vamos analisar é o décimo mandamento, que proibia a cobiça. The third aspect of God's Law to Israel that we are going to consider is the tenth commandment, which prohibited covetousness. Why, like Jesus, should we use questions in evangelizing? Por que Jeová podia ter tanta certeza disso? Why could Jehovah be so sure of this? How good it is to " make peace ' with an offended fellow believer! " Isto é o que continuo a orar ," disse ele, "que o vosso amor abunde ainda mais e mais com conhecimento exato e pleno discernimento ." " This is what I continue praying, " he says, "that your love may abound yet more and more with accurate knowledge and full discernment. " (b) Do you use some scripture especially to make good results? • De que maneiras práticas podemos mostrar submissão? • In what practical ways can we demonstrate our submission? How can our decisions show our love for Jehovah? © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ▪ physical health Cor. Por que, assim como Jesus, devemos usar perguntas na evangelização? Why should we, like Jesus, use questions in the evangelizing work? Moreover, he knew that in the future his disciples would face many hardships, for they would be living "in the last days. " Como é bom " fazer as pazes ' com um concrente ofendido! How good it is to "make your peace " with an offended fellow believer! From then on, they would be a free nation, governed by Jehovah's Law. (b) Você usa algum texto em especial que dá bons resultados? (b) Is there a particular scripture that you use with good results? The more you choose to make plans, the more you will be able to share the good news with others. Como nossas decisões mostram o amor que sentimos por Jeová? How does the way we use our freedom of choice reveal the depth of our love for Jehovah? Paul responded respectfully: "I saw this point to you, that according to the way they call " a sect, ' I render sacred service to the God of my forefathers. " ▪ a saúde física 2 Cor. ▪ physical health 2 Cor. What can we do to assure Jehovah that he does not have? Além disso, ele sabia que no futuro seus discípulos enfrentariam muitas dificuldades, pois estariam vivendo "nos últimos dias ." Aqueles seriam "tempos críticos, difíceis de suportar ." More than that, he knew of the difficult conditions facing his disciples who centuries later would live during "the last days, " characterized by" critical times hard to deal with. " Visiting shepherding work are excellent opportunities to listen to God's wisdom (See paragraphs 18, 19) Dali para a frente, eles seriam uma nação livre, governada apenas pela Lei de Jeová. God's people would be living, not as a captive group of people, but as a freed nation solely under Jehovah's Law. Authorities warn that the disastrous outcome will not be disastrous if we failed to change the attitude that "is normal. " Quanto mais cedo você fizer planos, mais cedo você vai ter bons resultados. The earlier you make plans by setting good goals, the sooner you will have success. We too need strong faith to continue in the ministry, especially when people do not want to listen to. Paulo respondeu de modo franco: "Eu admito o seguinte a ti, que, segundo o caminho que eles chamam de " seita ', desta maneira eu presto serviço sagrado ao Deus dos meus antepassados. " In answer Paul forthrightly declared: "I do admit this to you, that, according to the way that they call a " sect, ' in this manner I am rendering sacred service to the God of my forefathers. " Use your Family Worship evening to help them understand everything that is behind these issues so that they can face courage. O que nós podemos dar para Jeová que ele não tem? What can we give to Jehovah that he does not already have? Mauricio: Correct. Visitas de pastoreio são ótimas oportunidades de ouvir a sabedoria de Deus (Veja os parágrafos 18 e 19.) Shepherding visits offer us the opportunity to seek wisdom from God's Word (See paragraphs 18, 19) If we obey Jehovah, he will show us his love. Autoridades alertam que o resultado será desastroso se não mudarmos a atitude de que " está tudo normal '. Government officials have warned that if we do not change our business - as - usual attitude, the outcome will be disastrous. By means of his spirit, Jehovah "will stand out " among the anointed ones and" walk between them. " Nós também precisamos de forte fé para continuar no ministério, em especial quando as pessoas não querem ouvir. We too need strong faith in order to continue in the ministry, especially when we encounter people who are not favorably disposed. Of course, there is no perfect marriage. Use a Adoração em Família para ajudá - los a entender tudo que está por trás dessas questões para que eles as enfrentem com coragem. Use Family Worship sessions to help your children understand the issues involved so that they can meet those challenges courageously. If Satan's plan was initially given a religion for all who worshipped him, this scheme was a complete failure. Maurício: Exatamente. Mauricio: Precisely. Some do not understand how much the difference between dedication and baptism. Se obedecermos a Jeová, ele nos mostrará seu amor. If we obey Jehovah, he will show his love for us. First, the value of his blood is applied to "the spiritual house of 144,000 " of 144,000 anointed Christians, making it possible to be declared righteous and to have a clean standing before Jehovah. Por meio de seu espírito, Jeová " reside ' entre os ungidos e " anda entre eles '. By means of his spirit, Jehovah " resides ' among the anointed and " walks among them. ' He did not discuss Abraham's concern as a waste of time. É claro que não existe casamento perfeito. Of course, there has never been a perfect marriage. God's blessing is not simply a indication that we have his approval, but an evidence that he is active in order to provide what we really need. Se o plano de Satanás era dar início a uma religião para que todos o adorassem, essa trama foi um fracasso total. If Satan had thus planned to start one religion with everyone worshipping him, his plot was an utter failure. But who is known if you were not to come to an occasion how you caused the kingship? ' Alguns não entendem muito bem a diferença entre a dedicação e o batismo. Some might be confused about the difference between dedication and baptism. If we do so, we would be grieving Jehovah's holy spirit. Primeiro, o valor de seu sangue é aplicado à "casa espiritual " de 144.000 cristãos ungidos, tornando possível que sejam declarados justos e tenham uma posição limpa perante Jeová. First, the value of his blood is applied to the "spiritual house " of 144,000 anointed Christians, enabling these to be declared righteous and enjoy a clean standing before Jehovah. Why is mildness of fear evidence of God, and what does this quality involve? Ele não considerou a preocupação de Abraão como perda de tempo. He did not view Abraham's concern as a drain on His time. We are wise if we walk with him instead of trying to direct our own steps. A bênção de Deus não é simplesmente uma indicação de que temos sua aprovação, mas uma evidência de que ele está ativo para prover o que realmente precisamos. God's blessing is not merely a nod of approval; it is his active share in providing what we really need. (3) In that time, we will receive guidance from Jehovah's organization that will save our lives, even though they may not seem practical from human viewpoint. Mas quem sabe se não foi para uma ocasião como esta que você atingiu a realeza? ' But who knows whether it is for a time like this that you attained royal dignity? ' How can some parents teach their children without having a foreign - language field? Se fizéssemos isso, estaríamos realmente contristando o espírito santo de Jeová. If we were to do so, we truly would grieve Jehovah's holy spirit. Alejandro: Of course. Por que a brandura é evidência de temor a Deus, e o que essa qualidade envolve? Why is mildness evidence of godliness, and what does this quality involve? Paul well knew the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the bad results of this course. Seremos sábios se andarmos com ele, em vez de tentarmos direcionar nossos próprios passos. We are wise to walk with him rather than trying to direct our own steps. HOW TO BE WATCHFUL IN PRAYER (3) Nessa época, receberemos orientações da organização de Jeová que salvarão nossa vida, embora talvez não pareçam práticas do ponto de vista humano. (3) At that time, the life - saving direction that we receive from Jehovah's organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. • Why are some expelled from the Christian congregation? Como alguns pais conseguem ensinar seus filhos sem precisar deixar o campo de língua estrangeira? How have some parents managed to train their children spiritually while in a foreign field? Karen: Neither can we see another point, Samantha: We read in the Bible that Jesus was referring to God as his heavenly Father. Alexandre: É claro que não. Alejandro: Of course not. No, Jesus set a perfect example of balance. Paulo conhecia muito bem a hipocrisia dos fariseus e os maus resultados desse proceder. Paul was well - acquainted with the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the damaging result of their course. The Baal worship of Baal Baal worship has drew me into Israel. VIGILANTES A RESPEITO DE ORAÇÕES VIGILANT WITH A VIEW TO PRAYERS How did Noah focus on what he could do? • Por que alguns são expulsos da congregação cristã? Why are some expelled from the Christian congregation? How does the Bible portray "Babylon the Great "? Carla: Ainda podemos ver outro ponto, Sílvia: Lemos na Bíblia que Jesus se referia a Deus como seu Pai celestial. Karen: Here's something else to consider: We've read that Jesus spoke of God as his heavenly Father. Instead of being free, Adam and Eve lost true freedom. Não, Jesus deu um exemplo perfeito de equilíbrio. No, Jesus set a perfect example of balance. PAGE 20 A adoração do deus falso Baal, com suas orgias sexuais, arraigou - se em Israel. Worship of the false god Baal, with its sex orgies, became entrenched in Israel. Moreover, by being clarified to Bible principles and willing to listen to their well - trained conscience, Mark is now moved by the conscience to avoid acceptable arrangements before. Como Noé se concentrou no que podia fazer? How did Noah focus on what he could do? (or, in booths and "great ") Como a Bíblia retrata "Babilônia, a Grande "? How is "Babylon the Great " portrayed in the Bible? We have a serious responsibility to reach people around us. Em vez de ficarem livres, Adão e Eva perderam a verdadeira liberdade. In striving for self - determination, they lost the true freedom they had been given. Let us consider some Bible principles that help us. PÁGINA 20 PAGE 20 Having and reaching spiritual goals will help our children to fight against the pressures of the world and strive to exert themselves truly worth Jehovah's service. " Além do mais, por estar melhor ajustado aos princípios bíblicos e disposto a ouvir sua consciência bem treinada, Marcos agora é movido pela consciência a evitar programas que antes achava aceitáveis. Furthermore, being more attuned to Bible principles and willing to respond to his well - trained conscience, Mark is now moved by his conscience to avoid programs that he earlier felt were acceptable. Would she really serve Jehovah as her God? (Tendas, em barracas e "grande Read Psalm 45: 1. TEMOS uma séria responsabilidade para com as pessoas que nos cercam. WE HAVE a serious responsibility toward the people who live around us. Festival of pilot reminds him that there is a daily routine that he must follow before each flight. Vamos ver conselhos da Bíblia que nos ajudam. We can do so successfully by applying the Bible's wise advice. I said that I would tell you. Ter e alcançar metas espirituais ajuda nossos filhos a lutar contra as pressões do mundo e a se esforçar por algo que realmente vale a pena: o serviço de Jeová. " Having and achieving spiritual goals helps our children to counteract pressures from Satan's system and to focus on what is real - Jehovah. " How can Matthew 6: 33 help us when we plan our recreation? Será que ela escolheria servir a Jeová como seu Deus? Would she choose Jehovah as her God? So when being corrected, why not try to drop down of wisdom on what is said? Leia Salmo 45: 1. Read Psalm 45: 1. For some, for example, even the ability to communicate were damaged. A lista de verificação do piloto o faz lembrar de que existe uma rotina que ele deve seguir de perto antes de cada voo. A pilot's checklist reminds him that there is a routine for him to follow carefully before every flight. With great prayer and with the loving support of others, there will finally be a sudden hold of their obsession. Eu disse que falaria com você. I told my coworker that I would ask the next time you visited. Regarding making a request, ask yourself, " Would I find it hard to explain why Jesus like that game? ' Como Mateus 6: 33 pode ser de ajuda ao planejarmos nossa recreação? How can considering Matthew 6: 33 be of help when planning recreation? 4: 6 - 8. Assim, ao ser corrigido, que tal procurar gotas de sabedoria no que for dito? So when you are corrected, why not look for nuggets of wisdom in what is being said? Even in the new world, Jehovah will continue to show undeserved kindness. No caso de algumas pessoas, por exemplo, até mesmo a capacidade de se comunicar fica prejudicada. Some individuals, for example, have become impaired even in their ability to communicate. One Greek form of this expression occurs four times at Revelation 19: 1 - 6 to celebrate the end of false religion. Com muita oração e com o apoio amoroso de outras pessoas, finalmente se livrou de sua obsessão. With much prayer and with loving support from others, he finally broke free from his obsession. In the past, Jesus said to the Ephesian congregation: "You left the love you had at first. " No que diz respeito a determinado videogame, pergunte - se: " Será que eu acharia difícil explicar para Jesus por que gosto desse jogo? ' As you consider the subject matter of a video game, ask yourself: " Would I find it difficult to explain to Jesus why I enjoy playing it? ' Or do you strive just what is least? 4: 6 - 8. 4: 6 - 8. For instance, Abraham's mental pictures of God's promises likely helped him to demonstrate his faith in extraordinary ways. Mesmo no novo mundo, Jeová vai continuar a mostrar bondade imerecida. Jehovah's undeserved kindness will reach beyond the end of the present wicked system of things. and this last advanced wells are worse than the first one. " Uma forma grega dessa expressão ocorre quatro vezes em Revelação 19: 1 - 6 para celebrar o fim da religião falsa. A Greek form of this expression appears four times at Revelation 19: 1 - 6 in celebration of the end of false religion. " The builders " who rejected Jesus are the Jewish religious leaders. No passado, Jesus disse à congregação de Éfeso: "Você abandonou o amor que tinha no princípio. " Hence, you might worry that your child will start out on the Christian course but then change and lose that original love of the truth. She says, "I now feel free from the anger that I felt so much fun. Ou se esforça apenas o mínimo? Or do you put forth only minimal effort? We thus have every reason to love our God and to let such love grow. Abraão criava imagens mentais das promessas de Deus. É provável que isso o tenha ajudado a demonstrar sua fé de maneiras impressionantes. It is likely that Abraham's ability to form a mental picture of what God had promised enabled him to perform outstanding acts of faith. What can young ones do to continue to grow spiritually? e esta última impostura seja pior do que a primeira. " Then this last deception will be worse than the first. " He came to open the opportunity to give everlasting life in the new world, and it is that we cherish so much. " Os construtores " que rejeitaram Jesus são os líderes religiosos judeus. " The builders, " the Jewish leaders, rejected the Messiah. " Let us rejoice and be overjoyed... because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived. " - REV. Ela conta: "Agora eu me sinto livre daquela raiva que me prejudicava tanto. " I feel liberated from the anger that poisoned my life, " she wrote. Resentment can destroy a marriage. Temos, portanto, todos os motivos para amar nosso Deus e deixar esse amor aumentar. There are, therefore, compelling reasons to love our God and to let that love grow. Through her, Jehovah comforts those who face this difficult situation. O que o jovem tem que fazer para continuar a crescer em sentido espiritual? What can young people do to cultivate spirituality? 11: 5; Gen. Ele veio para abrir a oportunidade de vida eterna no novo mundo, e é essa perspectiva de vida que tanto prezamos. He came to open up the opportunity of living forever in the new world, and the prospect of that life is what we value highly. (Read Job 27: 5.) " Alegremo - nos e estejamos cheios de alegria... porque chegou o casamento do Cordeiro. " - REV. " Let us rejoice and be overjoyed... because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived. " - REV. Yes, the end of Satan's world is near and God's new world is near. Guardar ressentimento pode destruir um casamento. Resentment can destroy a marriage. We do this because we love him and sincerely desire his name to be sanctified. Por meio dela, Jeová consola quem passa por essa situação difícil. Christians firmly believe Jesus ' promise of a coming resurrection. Jehovah. 11: 5; Gên. 11: 5; Gen. Interestingly, on the third year of his reign, Jehoshaphat called five princes, nine Levites, and two priests sent them into a journey by all the cities to teach Jehovah's laws. (Leia Jó 27: 5.) (Read Job 27: 5.) Often, molesters are skilled at times showing that they have a sincere interest in their child and his family. De fato, o fim do mundo de Satanás se aproxima e o novo mundo de Deus está perto. Yes, the end of Satan's world is near, and a new world of God's making is at hand. Christian elders are expected to exercise self - control. Fazemos isso porque o amamos e desejamos sinceramente que seu nome seja santificado. We do so because we love him and long for his name to be sanctified. Earlier, Moses had told them: "Many sons of Jehovah your God.... Jeová. Jehovah. 18, 19. (a) What are the consequences of adultery? É interessante que, no terceiro ano de seu reinado, Jeosafá convocou cinco príncipes, nove levitas e dois sacerdotes e os enviou numa viagem por todas as cidades para ensinar as leis de Jeová ao povo. Interestingly, in the third year of his reign, Jehoshaphat sent for five princes, nine Levites, and two priests. He had them travel through all the cities to teach the people Jehovah's laws. He is the principal promoter of false religion. Em geral, os molestadores são peritos em fingir que têm interesse sincero na criança e na sua família. Molesters are often expert at pretending to be sincerely interested in the child and the family. Those who will be " taken together, " or saved, when the wicked world is destroyed, they will be ready to prove themselves ready. Espera - se que os anciãos cristãos tenham autodomínio. Christian elders are expected to be self - controlled. (Read Acts 9: 3 - 6, 13 - 20.) Algum tempo antes, Moisés havia lhes dito: "Sois filhos de Jeová, vosso Deus.... Earlier, Moses had told them: "Sons you are of Jehovah your God.... Shortly before 701,, however, men of the slave class began to discern what the temple named Paul mentioned in Ephesians could not be Jehovah's great spiritual temple. 18, 19. (a) Quais são as consequências do adultério? 18, 19. (a) What are the consequences of adultery? What should the Israelites have done when they saw Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and David had holy spirit? Ele é o principal promotor da religião falsa. He is the principal promoter of false worship. " Run... That You May Attain It " Os que serão " levados juntos ', ou salvos, quando o mundo perverso for destruído, serão os que se mostrarem prontos. Those who prove themselves ready will be "taken along, " or saved, when the ungodly world is destroyed. How different it is, though, that we try to convince another Christian to use a medicine, whether to take advantage of diet or to engage in some cases that could be damaging. (Leia Atos 9: 3 - 6, 13 - 20.) (Read Acts 9: 3 - 6, 13 - 20.) The same is true of young people in Australia, Britain, and other places. Pouco antes de 1971, no entanto, homens de responsabilidade, representantes da classe - escravo, passaram a discernir que o templo mencionado por Paulo em Efésios não podia ser o grande templo espiritual de Jeová. Toward the year 1971, however, responsible members of the slave class began to discern that the temple spoken of by Paul in Ephesians could not be Jehovah's great spiritual temple. But do all these true Christians become genuine Christians? O que os israelitas deveriam ter feito quando viram as provas de que Moisés, Josué, Gideão e Davi tinham espírito santo? How should the Israelites have responded to clear evidence that those men were empowered by holy spirit? The cost of the ransom can also be illustrated by an incident in Jacob's life. " Corra de modo a ganhar o prêmio ' " Run... That You May Attain It " Why do parents need to encourage their children to develop a study of God's Word? Mas isso é bem diferente de tentar convencer outro cristão a usar uma erva, tomar um remédio ou fazer uma dieta que pode não funcionar e até em alguns casos ser prejudicial. That, however, is quite different from trying to persuade a fellow Witness to use some herb, remedy, or diet that may not be effective or in some cases may even be harmful. See the issues of February 8, 1994; from February 8, 21; May 22, 2000; and the January 22, 2001, Awake! O mesmo acontece com os jovens na Austrália, Grã - Bretanha, Rússia, e em outros lugares. The same problem is common among young people in Australia, Britain, Russia, and elsewhere. " He Will Do Righteousness " Mas será que todos esses se tornam cristãos genuínos? But do all of these prove to be genuine Christians? Jehovah's Witnesses seemed cleared about human strength, and they were really involved. O custo do resgate pode também ser ilustrado por um incidente na vida de Jacó. The cost of the ransom can also be illustrated by an incident in the life of Jacob. How would you explain what is urgency? Por que os pais precisam incentivar os filhos a criar o hábito de estudar a Palavra de Deus? Why must parents help their children to acquire the habit of studying God's Word? (See opening picture.) Veja os números de 8 de fevereiro de 1994; de 8 de fevereiro de 1997; de 22 de maio de 2000; e de 22 de janeiro de 2001, de Despertai!. See the February 8, 1994; February 8, 1997; May 22, 2000; and January 22, 2001, issues of Awake! I believe that it would be a great privilege and a gift from Jehovah God that I would serve in the branch office but I have to admit that we are nervous. " Ele cuidará que se faça justiça ' " He Will Cause Justice to Be Done " 1: 5 - 8; 4: 8. As Testemunhas de Jeová pareciam imbuídas de uma força sobre - humana, e de fato estavam. The Witnesses seemed imbued with superhuman strength, and indeed they were. Their motto is, "My hope is to find gold at any moment today. " Como você explicaria o que é urgência? How would you describe urgency? Why? (Veja a foto no começo do estudo.) (See opening picture.) So be faithful to your lot and to what you promised. Eu e Vanessa achamos que seria um grande privilégio e um presente de Jeová Deus que eu servisse na sede, mas tenho de admitir que ficamos apreensivos. Both Vanessa and I felt that for me to serve at the branch was an immense privilege and a gift from Jehovah God, but I have to admit that we were apprehensive. " See Your Child Is living " 1: 5 - 8; 4: 8. 1: 5 - 8; 4: 8. Of course, you should do everything you can to allow holy spirit to develop within you the qualities necessary for an overseer. Seu lema é: "Minha esperança é encontrar ouro a qualquer momento hoje. " His motto is, "I look forward to striking gold sometime today. " " Trust in Jehovah With Your Heart " Por quê? Why is this so? This article discusses how Christians can promote peace in the family and can cultivate conditions that will help unbelieving family members to embrace true worship. Então seja fiel a seus compromissos e ao que prometeu. Then be true to your commitments and to what you have promised. " Watch Yourself That Do Not Forget Jehovah " " Vê, teu filho está vivo " " See, your son is alive " It also shows that he truly values those who choose to serve him. Naturalmente, deve fazer tudo o que puder para permitir que o espírito santo desenvolva em você as qualidades necessárias para um superintendente. Of course, you should do all that you reasonably can to allow the holy spirit to develop in you the qualities needed by an overseer. How did David show that he was concerned about doing Jehovah's will in his dealings with King Saul? " Confia em Jeová de todo o teu coração " " Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart " Accept the responsibilities that God has entrusted us Esse artigo considera como os cristãos podem promover a paz na família e cultivar condições que ajudem os familiares descrentes a aceitar a adoração verdadeira. This article discusses how believers can cultivate peace in the family and foster conditions that may help unbelieving family members to embrace true worship. 16, 17. " Guarda - te para que não te esqueças de Jeová " You Must Not Forget Jehovah In the September 1, 1979, issue of The Watchtower, you could read more about how they endured. Mostra também que ele realmente valoriza aqueles que decidem servi - lo. It also shows that he truly values those who choose to serve him. Our tender actions. Como Davi mostrou que se importava em fazer a vontade de Jeová em seus tratos com o Rei Saul? In dealing with King Saul, how did David show that he kept Jehovah's will in mind? But would such conduct have the potential of stumbling up all Greeks, or anointed Jews, since that time has been until our time? Aceite as responsabilidades que Deus nos confiou Embrace God - Given Responsibilities Another reader, whose life was affected, said: "We cried out when I read the articles, for in that my heart was no longer complete with Jehovah. 16, 17. 16, 17. These two articles will help us to keep Jehovah's day close in mind. Na revista A Sentinela de 1. ° de setembro de 1980, poderá ler mais sobre como eles perseveraram. In The Watchtower of April 15, 1980, you can read more about how they endured. Those children were doing all adults who were to do. Nossas ações. Our actions. God also told John that the secondary part of the seed would be given to greater spiritual activity. Mas será que tal conduta teria o potencial de fazer tropeçar todos os gregos, judeus ou ungidos, desde aquele tempo até os nossos dias? Would it, though, have the potential to stumble any and all Greeks, Jews, or anointed ones from that time down till today? Paul's admonition to "the course of citizens " applies especially to those who will rule with Christ in heaven. Outra leitora, cuja vida foi afetada, disse: "Chorei quando li os artigos, pois descobri que meu coração não mais era pleno para com Jeová. Another reader whose life was affected said: "I cried when I read the articles, for I discovered that my heart was no longer complete toward Jehovah. [ Pictures on page 20] Esses dois artigos nos ajudarão a manter o dia de Jeová bem em mente. These two articles will help us to keep Jehovah's day close in mind. 40: 31. Aquelas crianças estavam fazendo o que todos os adultos ali deviam fazer. Those children were doing what all the adults there should have been doing. On the other hand, the prospects for those who oppose the good news during that time will deteriorate ever more. Deus disse também a João que a parte secundária do descendente seria revitalizada para maior atividade espiritual. God also told John that the secondary part of the seed would be revived to increased spiritual activity. For a few years later, he was studying an unbaptized university. A exortação de Paulo de " proceder como cidadãos ' se aplica em especial aos que governarão com Cristo no céu. Paul's admonition to "carry on as citizens " applies principally to those who will rule with Christ in heaven. Imitate Jehovah's Patience [ Fotos na página 20] [ Pictures on page 20] Moreover, we can cooperate with Jehovah as he gives us "a heart to know him. " 40: 31. 40: 31. [ Pictures on page 14] Por outro lado, as perspectivas para os que se opõem às boas novas naquela época vão piorando cada vez mais. On the other hand, the prospects of those who oppose the good news grow progressively gloomier. How can we analyze our view of the matter? Seis anos depois, ele estava estudando psicologia numa universidade em Lisboa. Six years later found him studying psychology at a university in Lisbon. Instead of treating others as they treat us, we should view them and treat them as Jehovah views them and treat them. Imite a paciência de Jeová Imitate the Patience of Jehovah Christian elders today display these same qualities. Além disso, podemos cooperar com Jeová à medida que ele nos dá " um coração para conhecê - lo '. And we can work with Jehovah as he gives us "a heart to know " him. This might cause an elder to become angry with the person. [ Fotos na página 14] [ Pictures on page 14] 29 " I Found ' many good things Como podemos saber se isso está acontecendo com a gente? Consider a few of the warning signs. When we hear the harsh talk, and we reflect on the life of that faithful servant of Jehovah, we can be moved to examine our own course. Em vez de tratar os outros como eles nos tratam, nós devemos encará - los e tratá - los assim como Jeová os encara e os trata. Rather than treating others as they treat us, we are to view and treat others as Jehovah views and treats them. 13: 25 - 33. Os anciãos cristãos atuais demonstram essas mesmas qualidades. Such qualities are displayed by Christian elders today. 17 Five decades of full - time service close to the priestly authorizeder movements Isso pode fazer o ancião ficar irritado com a pessoa. The shepherd could become exasperated with the individual. 8: 12; 2 Cor. 29 " Achei ' muitas coisas boas 29 I Have Found Many Good Things After praying all night, Jesus gathered his disciples and among them, he chose 12 apostles. Ao ouvirmos o discurso fúnebre, e refletirmos sobre a vida daquele fiel servo de Jeová que faleceu, podemos ser movidos a examinar o nosso próprio rumo na vida. As we listen to the funeral discourse and reflect on the life course of the faithful servant of Jehovah who has died, we might be moved to examine our own life course. (Read Colossians 1: 15, 16.) 13: 25 - 33. 13: 25 - 33. What do many think about their future, and why? 17 Cinco décadas de serviço de tempo integral perto do círculo polar ártico 17 Five Decades of Full - Time Service Near the Arctic Circle Thus, we need to follow a schedule for Bible study. 8: 12; 2 Cor. 8: 12; 2 Cor. True, he felt remorse after betrayal, but he never regretted his sin. Depois de orar a noite inteira, Jesus reuniu seus discípulos e, dentre eles, escolheu 12 apóstolos. After praying all night, Jesus gathered his disciples and from among them chose 12 apostles. " Let endurance complete your work, so that you may be complete and sound in all respects, do not appreciate anything. " - JAS. (Leia Colossenses 1: 15, 16.) (Read Colossians 1: 15, 16.) You are bound by the anointed who are copper. O que muitos acham a respeito de seu futuro, e por quê? How do many people feel about their future, and why? Jehovah will bless us as individuals and as family if we follow the direction provided by "the slave. " Vemos assim que, para servir bem a Jeová, precisamos seguir uma programação de estudo da Bíblia. We do well to help Bible students grasp that fact. So how can you help them? É verdade que ele sentiu remorso depois da traição, mas nunca se arrependeu de seu pecado proposital. Yes, Judas felt remorse after the betrayal, but he never repented of his deliberate sin. 7, 8. " Deixem que a perseverança complete a sua obra, para que vocês sejam completos e sãos em todos os sentidos, sem lhes faltar nada. " - TIA. " Let endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything. " - JAS. A Christian businessman should not describe cleverly a product or a waste of service to the sale; neither should he give fun or accept a romantic attachment. Tu és o querubim ungido que cobre. You are the anointed cherub that is covering... Consider some ways to do so. Jeová nos abençoará individualmente e como família se seguirmos as orientações do "escravo ." Jehovah will bless us individually and as families if we follow the guidance of the slave class. 5: 4, 5. Assim, como poderá ajudá - las? So how can you help them? • How are the words of Haggai 2: 7 being fulfilled today? 7, 8. 7, 8. After all, the temple officials - the priests, the scribes, and others - were behind the boat going on their lucrative activity there. O empresário cristão não deve descrever enganosamente um produto ou um serviço a fim de vendê - lo logo; tampouco deve oferecer propina ou aceitar suborno. A Christian businessman should not misrepresent a product or service in order to make a quick sale; neither should he offer bribes or accept payoffs. In the trip, the brother modestly explained how respectfully Jehovah's Witnesses believe. Veja algumas maneiras de fazer isso. Consider some ways that we can do so. When Paul wrote: "In this way husbands should be loving their wives as their own bodies, " what way did he refer? " 5: 4, 5. 5: 4, 5. A king in ancient Israel reminded Jesus because of his great wisdom, he spoke of the need for loving correction from the parents. • Como as palavras de Ageu 2: 7 se cumprem hoje? • How are the words at Haggai 2: 7 being fulfilled today? [ Picture on page 9] Afinal, as autoridades do templo - os sacerdotes, os escribas e outros - estavam por trás da escandalosa atividade lucrativa que ocorria ali. After all, the temple authorities - the priests, the scribes, and others - were behind the scandalous profit - making business taking place there. Whenever possible, she would visit her husband or her schoolmates. Na viagem, o irmão Leopold explicou de forma respeitosa o que as Testemunhas de Jeová acreditam. He had been an Austrian politician. (b) What kind of decisions does Jehovah bless? Quando Paulo escreveu: "Deste modo, os maridos devem estar amando as suas esposas como aos seus próprios corpos ," a que" modo " ele se referiu? When Paul wrote: "In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies, " about which" way " was he speaking? adversities can take many forms - financial loss, natural disaster, death, a loved one, illness, and so forth. Um rei no Israel antigo, lembrado por Jesus por causa de sua grande sabedoria, falou da necessidade de correção amorosa por parte dos pais. A king in ancient Israel, whom Jesus noted for his great wisdom, spoke of the need for loving, parental correction. A couple are invited and the husband wants to accompany their wife. [ Foto na página 9] [ Picture on page 9] Our mind often needs comfort because of mental distress that may result from various trials. Sempre que possível, ela ia com o marido visitar a família ou os colegas dele. When possible, she accompanied him to gatherings of his family or colleagues. Secure in "the Secret Place " (b) Que tipo de decisões Jeová abençoa? (b) What kinds of decisions does Jehovah bless? Paul explained this facet of the "administration, " or way of managing the fulfillment of God's purpose, saying:" In other generations, this secret was not given to know the sons of men just as they have been revealed to his holy apostles and the holy spirit, namely, that the good news of the nations and those with reference to us. " As adversidades podem assumir muitas formas - revés financeiro, perda de emprego, desastre natural, morte de uma pessoa amada, doença, e assim por diante. Adversity may take many forms - a financial reversal, the loss of employment, a natural disaster, the death of a loved one, a health crisis, and so on. Paul recognized Jehovah as "wise alone " - the supreme wisdom in the universe. O casal é convidado e o marido deseja que a esposa o acompanhe. The couple are invited, and he wants his wife to accompany him. How did Israel benefit from keeping the Sabbath? Nossa mente muitas vezes precisa de consolo por causa da aflição mental que pode resultar de diversas provações. Our mind often needs comfort because various trials can cause great mental distress. (Read Psalm 110: 3; Acts 6: 1 - 3, which was invited to be a missionary because "the brothers in Lystra and Iconium. " - Acts 16: 1 - 5. Seguros no "lugar secreto " Safe in "the Secret Place " How can you have "the peace of God "? Paulo explicou essa faceta da "administração ," ou modo de gerenciar o cumprimento do propósito de Deus, dizendo:" Em outras gerações, este segredo não foi dado a conhecer aos filhos dos homens assim como agora tem sido revelado aos seus santos apóstolos e profetas, por espírito, a saber, que os das nações haviam de ser co - herdeiros e membros associados do corpo, e co - participantes conosco da promessa, em união com Cristo Jesus, por intermédio das boas novas. " Paul explained this facet of Jehovah's "administration, " or way of managing the fulfillment of his purpose:" In other generations this secret was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by spirit, namely, that people of the nations should be joint heirs and fellow members of the body and partakers with us of the promise in union with Christ Jesus through the good news. " Even in Bible times, angels acted only as rare occasions. Paulo reconhecia Jeová como "único sábio " - a suprema sabedoria no Universo. Paul understood that Jehovah is "wise alone " - the very pinnacle of wisdom in the universe. Who would warn them of his royal condition, and would he try to collect them spiritually? Como Israel se beneficiava de guardar o sábado? How did Israel benefit from keeping the Sabbath? Such situations just highlight the importance of sticking closely to Bible principles in resolving problems. (Leia o Salmo 110: 3; Atos 6: 1 - 3) A Bíblia conta que Timóteo foi convidado para ser missionário porque "os irmãos em Listra e em Icônio falavam bem dele ." - Atos 16: 1 - 5. (Read Psalm 110: 3; Acts 6: 1 - 3) The apostle Paul invited Timothy into missionary service because "he was well - reported - on by the brothers. " - Acts 16: 1 - 5. In addition, they were exposed to apostate influences, while carrying out challenging assignments. Como você pode ter a "paz de Deus "? How can you experience "the peace of God "? The question was very important. Mesmo nos tempos bíblicos, os anjos só agiram assim em raras ocasiões. Even in Bible times, angels only rarely intervened in such a way. John had no fear of crossing the clue, but he said: "I must obey my mother. " Quem os alertaria de sua real condição e tentaria reavivá - los espiritualmente? Who will make them aware of their true condition and try to revive them spiritually? It is one thing to trust in Jehovah if his promise of Paradise or resurrection - we long for a long time. Situações assim simplesmente destacam a importância de se apegar de perto aos princípios bíblicos no empenho de solucionar os problemas. They merely highlight the importance of adhering closely to Bible principles in working out solutions. They were at risking their lives to follow David. Além disso, estavam expostos a influências apóstatas, ao passo que cumpriam designações desafiadoras. They were also exposed to apostate influences while they carried out challenging assignments. How? A questão era muito importante. The issue was an important one. Appreciation for the ransom should move us to live in harmony with Jesus ' teachings, including what he taught about moral morality. João não tinha medo de cruzar a pista, mas ele disse: "Tenho de obedecer à minha mãe. " John, although unafraid, said, "I just have to listen to my mother. " It will rule the end of human rule, and God's Kingdom will dominate the entire earth. Uma coisa é confiar em Jeová no caso de sua promessa do Paraíso ou da ressurreição - coisas que ansiamos. It is one thing to trust in Jehovah when it comes to his promise of Paradise or the resurrection - things for which we yearn. Why can our conscience be likened to a compass? Também estavam arriscando a vida para seguir Davi. They were also risking their lives to follow David. What a vicious lie! Como? How? They too would hold fast to the Kingdom of all their heart - whether to receive heavenly reward or to the earthly reward - just as the traveling merchant did in the case of the fine pearl. O apreço pelo resgate deve nos motivar a viver em harmonia com os ensinos de Jesus, incluindo o que ele ensinou a respeito de moral. Appreciation for the ransom should move us to live in harmony with Jesus ' teachings, including what he taught about morals. How can we illustrate the process of building faith and patience? Será o fim do governo humano, e o Reino de Deus dominará a Terra inteira. Human rule will end, and God's Kingdom will hold sway over the entire earth. • What are "the things in the heavens, " and how have you been gathered? Por que a nossa consciência pode ser comparada com uma bússola? How can our conscience be like a compass? What Bible examples of serving where there is greater need may benefit from older brothers today? Que mentira descarada! What a blatant lie that was! While ascending that mountain, Abraham had plenty of time to recall what he knew about his great friend, Jehovah. Esses também se apegariam ao Reino de todo o coração - quer para receber a recompensa celestial, quer a terrestre - , assim como o comerciante viajante fez no caso da pérola excelente. These too would set their heart on the Kingdom - whether for a heavenly or for an earthly reward - as the traveling merchant did with regard to the fine pearl. Have you felt that verse? Como podemos ilustrar o processo de edificar fé e paciência? How might we illustrate the process of building faith and patience? Yes, a sincere student of God's Word, reading the Bible regularly, and meditating on what you read. • O que são "as coisas nos céus ," e como têm sido ajuntadas? • Who are "the things in the heavens, " and how have they been gathered? At times, they may become depressed, but only when they lose their age or when they are sick. Que exemplos bíblicos de servir onde há mais necessidade podem beneficiar os irmãos de mais idade hoje? What Biblical examples of serving where the need is greater can benefit older Christians today? Why is Christian hope like a helmet? Enquanto subia aquela montanha, Abraão teve bastante tempo para relembrar o que ele sabia sobre seu grande amigo, Jeová. So let us return to that faithful man as he trudged up the slope in the land of Moriah. What can children learn by listening to their parents ' prayers? Você já conhecia esse versículo? Are you familiar with this verse? As a result, Solomon lost Jehovah's favor. De fato, é preciso ser um sincero estudante da Palavra de Deus, lendo a Bíblia regularmente e meditando sobre o que lê. Yes, you need to be a serious student of God's Word, reading the Bible regularly and meditating on it so that you develop a real understanding of and love for Jehovah's ways, principles, and laws. At first, I thought that it was a game, but it was very difficult to keep on holding it. Às vezes, elas ficam deprimidas, mas só perdem reuniões quando estão muito doentes ou no hospital. Sometimes they feel down. Yet, they miss meetings only when they are very ill or in the hospital. For example, rather than say the same things in all houses, seek ways to perfect suggestions for your parents or other experienced brothers. Por que a esperança cristã é como um capacete? Why is Christian hope like a helmet? • What proof did Job endure, and how did he react? O que os filhos podem aprender por ouvir as orações dos pais? What may children learn from listening to their parents ' prayers? They also show how kindness in speech contributes greatly to promote good relations. Por causa disso, Salomão perdeu o favor de Jeová. Consequently, Solomon lost Jehovah's favor. What is the context of Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 16: 10? De início pensei que fosse uma brincadeira, mas na realidade foi muito difícil contê - la. I thought it was a joke but found it very hard to stop her. Then let us " sing praises to Jehovah's name forever as we carry out our vows day after day. ' - Ps. Por exemplo, em vez de dizer basicamente as mesmas coisas em todas as casas, procure maneiras de se aperfeiçoar, pedindo sugestões a seus pais ou outros irmãos experientes. For example, rather than saying essentially the same thing at each door, look for ways to improve, asking your parents and other experienced ones for pointers. If we want to be loyal to God, we must stick to him even when we face trials. • Que provas Jó suportou, e como reagiu? • What tests did Job endure, and how did he react? Why do anointed ones need to work constantly to have Jehovah's view of holiness? Mostram também como a bondade no falar contribui muito para promover boas relações. They also show how using gracious speech can do much to promote good relations. Taking time to distribute them while still giving time. Qual é o contexto das palavras de Jesus registradas em Lucas 16: 10? What is the context of Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 16: 10? What must we do to receive God's holy spirit? Então, vamos " cantar louvores ao nome de Jeová para sempre, ao cumprirmos nossos votos dia após dia '. - Sal. So let us happily " sing praises to Jehovah's name forever as we pay our vows day after day. ' - Ps. If so, we should not hesitate to be examined in God's Word. Mas, se queremos mesmo ser leais a Deus, devemos nos apegar a ele até quando temos dificuldades. But if we are to prove loyal to God, we must stick to him even through difficult trials. Hence, at that early stage of the Israelites ' history, it became evident that they should regularly meet with the word and purposes of Jehovah. Por que os ungidos precisam esforçar - se constantemente para ter o conceito de Jeová sobre a santidade? Why is constant effort required on the part of the anointed to reflect Jehovah's view of holiness? All others who later become part of the seed of Abraham's secondary " belong to Christ. ' - Gal. Aproveite para distribuí - los enquanto ainda dá tempo. One of the remaining invitations that you have might help a deserving one to make the decision to attend the Memorial. Such a bad quality easily develops root in a human heart and once goes on to play it, which is difficult to take root in it. O que temos de fazer para receber o espírito santo de Deus? What must we do to receive God's holy spirit? Similarly, before practicing a form of recreation, we need to learn from what its primary components are. - Eph. Se assim for, não devemos hesitar em ser examinados à luz da Palavra de Deus. If so, we should not hesitate to let ourselves be examined in the light of God's Word. For example, over the years we have been given clear direction about dress and grooming, entertainment, and bad use of the Internet. Portanto, naquele estágio inicial da história dos israelitas, ficou evidente que eles deviam se reunir com regularidade para considerar a palavra e os propósitos de Jeová. So at this early stage in the history of God's people, it was clear that they were to gather frequently to consider Jehovah's word and purposes. The account says that he immediately " rose up ' and encouraged them. Todos os outros que posteriormente se tornam parte do descendente secundário de Abraão " pertencem a Cristo '. - Gál. All others who later become the secondary part of Abraham's seed "belong to Christ. " - Gal. Never! Essa má qualidade facilmente cria raízes no coração humano e, uma vez alojada ali, é difícil removê - la. It easily takes root in human hearts, and once there, it is hard to remove. The teacher exclaimed: "This is the best report you heard! " De modo similar, antes de praticar uma forma de recreação, temos de investigar quais são seus componentes principais. - Efé. Similarly, before engaging in a form of recreation, we need to investigate what its main features are. - Eph. " THE medicine because I wanted to use my life to help people. Por exemplo, ao longo dos anos recebemos orientações bem objetivas sobre o modo de nos vestir e arrumar, a diversão e o mau uso da internet. Over the years, for example, we have received pointed direction on dress and grooming, entertainment, and improper use of the Internet. Does that mean that Jehovah does not care about us or accept it? O relato diz que ele imediatamente " se levantou ' e os encorajou. The account states that he immediately rose up and encouraged them. By focusing on a theme, Jehovah will prove to be the only one who has the right to rule, and as the promised "seed, " Jesus Christ, will use the Kingdom to transform the earth into a paradise. - Read Genesis 3: 15; Revelation 6: 10; Revelation 11: 15. Jamais! Never! So let me, therefore, keep me now, that my anger is light against them and I will wipe them out, and I will make you a great nation. " - Ex. A professora exclamou: "Esse é o melhor relatório que já ouvi de vocês! ," e aceitou de bom grado um exemplar do livro. Her teacher exclaimed, "That is the best report I have ever heard from you! " and gratefully accepted a copy of the book. I ponder over it all day long. " - Ps. " FIZ medicina porque queria usar minha vida para ajudar pessoas. " I STUDIED medicine because I wanted to use my life to help people. Michelle: I'm not come here to impose anything on you, Sophia. Será que isso quer dizer que Jeová não se importa com a gente ou não acha importante nos salvar? Does that fact undermine the value of our salvation or imply that Jehovah does not really care for us? * The seal on "the solid foundation of God " contains two sayings. Ela gira em torno de um só tema: como Jeová vai provar que Ele é o único que tem o direito de governar, e como o prometido "descendente ," Jesus Cristo, vai usar o Reino para transformar a Terra num paraíso. - Leia Gênesis 3: 15; Mateus 6: 10; Apocalipse 11: 15. Interwoven from Genesis to Revelation is the Bible's central theme - the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty and the fulfillment of his purpose for the earth by means of his Kingdom under Christ, the promised "offspring. " - Read Genesis 3: 15; Matthew 6: 10; Revelation 11: 15. See how the Bible is accurately understood to foretell conditions that would exist "in the last days. " Portanto, deixa - me agora, para que a minha ira se acenda contra eles e eu os extermine, e faça eu de ti uma grande nação. " - Êxo. So now let me be, that my anger may blaze against them and I may exterminate them, and let me make you into a great nation. " - Ex. Although Namangolwa relied on wheels, she often cried out under her way when she is under her way. Medito nela o dia inteiro. " - Sal. I ponder over it all day long. " - Ps. (b) What are you determined to do? Michele: Eu não vim aqui para impor nada a você, Sofia. Michelle: I'm not here to force my beliefs on you, Sophia. AS ONENESS AND THE SPIRIT OF A SPIRIT IN THE SPIRIT * O selo no "sólido alicerce de Deus " contém duas declarações. * The seal on "the solid foundation of God " has two pronouncements. Why did Israel's enemies not see God's hand? Ver como a Bíblia é exata ao predizer as condições que existiriam "nos últimos dias " me impressionou. I was impressed to see how accurately the Bible foretold conditions that would exist during "the last days. " Therefore, he is our best example of patience. Embora Namangolwa tenha cadeira de rodas, muitas vezes ela tem de engatinhar quando o caminho é arenoso. Although Namangolwa owns a wheelchair, she often has to walk on her hands and knees when on a sandy dirt road. Many today are created in "no natural affection "; many have to deal with fierce, fierce, and female. (b) O que você está decidido a fazer? (b) What are you resolved to do? On that occasion, he spoke of "Jesus Christ, the Chiefis, the one who executed them on a stake but that God raised up from the dead. " CONTRIBUA PARA UM BOM ESPÍRITO NA CONGREGAÇÃO (b) What questions will we consider? Por que os inimigos de Israel não viram a mão de Deus? Why did Israel's opponents fail to see God's hand? Then, "be courageous and let your heart be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah. " - Psalm 31: 24. Por isso, ele é nosso melhor exemplo de paciência. He has set the supreme example of being willing to wait. But Elizabeth faithfully followed the direction of her husband. Muitos são hoje criados em famílias "sem afeição natural "; muitos têm de lidar diariamente com gente feroz, egoísta e teimosa. Many today grow up in families where there is "no natural affection "; many have to deal daily with those who are fierce, selfish, and headstrong. The next time when angers our relationships, within the congregation, will we be willing to see how true wisdom by responding to mildness? - 2 Tim. Nessa ocasião, ele falou de "Jesus Cristo, o Nazareno, aquele que os senhores executaram numa estaca, mas que Deus levantou dentre os mortos ." He spoke of "Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you executed on a stake but whom God raised up from the dead. " Though they accept hospitality from fellow believers, they do not " impose a heavy burden ' on anyone. - 1 Thess. (b) Que perguntas vamos considerar? (b) What questions will we consider? We cannot divide our worship with none other god or allow it to be stained by other forms of worship. Então, "sede corajosos e fortifique - se o vosso coração, todos vós os que esperais por Jeová ." - Salmo 31: 24. Yes, "be courageous, and may your heart be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah. " - Psalm 31: 24. (3) How can we help someone to become not only a student but also a teacher of God's written Word, the Bible? Mas Elisabete seguiu lealmente a orientação do marido. But Elizabeth loyally upheld her husband's direction to her. That account helps us to understand Jesus ' thinking on another occasion. Na próxima vez que surgirem irritações nos relacionamentos, dentro ou fora da congregação, será que estaremos dispostos a ver como mostrar verdadeira sabedoria por reagir com brandura? - 2 Tim. The next time irritations arise, either inside or outside the congregation, can we see how we can show true wisdom by reacting in a mild way? - 2 Tim. Likewise, brothers and sisters who make secular work to care for their families are good workers. Embora aceitem a hospitalidade de seus irmãos, eles não " impõem um fardo dispendioso ' sobre ninguém. - 1 Tes. Although they accept hospitality from fellow believers, they do not "put an expensive burden " upon anyone. - 1 Thess. Again, ask yourself: " Why is that a wise command? Não podemos dividir nossa adoração a Jeová com nenhum outro deus, nem permitir que ela seja manchada por outros tipos de adoração. Our worship of him cannot be divided or shared with any other gods nor tinged with ideas or practices from other forms of worship. How should anointed Christians view themselves? - 1 Cor. (3) Como ajudar alguém a se tornar não apenas estudante, mas também instrutor da Palavra escrita de Deus, a Bíblia? (3) How can you help a person to become not only a student but also a teacher of God's written Word, the Bible? A group of intellectuals tells us ever more manifestations and embrace themselves for the end of religion in its society. Esse relato nos ajuda a entender o modo de pensar de Jesus em outra ocasião. This account may help us to understand Jesus ' thinking on another occasion. Surely we would never want to be unfaithful in our obligations. Da mesma forma, os irmãos e irmãs que fazem serviço secular para cuidar da família são bons trabalhadores. Similarly, brothers and sisters who work secularly to care for their families go about their business in a whole - souled way. 5, 6. Novamente, pergunte - se: " Por que essa ordem é sábia? Here again, ask yourself these questions: " Why is that command wise? If you are anxious about any situation, take advantage of your heart to draw closer to Jehovah. Como os cristãos ungidos devem encarar a si mesmos? - 1 Cor. How should anointed Christians feel about themselves? - 1 Cor. (See footnote.) Um grupo de intelectuais ocidentais cada vez mais se manifesta e se mobiliza em favor do fim da influência da religião na sociedade. An increasingly vocal and militant group of Western intellectuals is calling for the end of religion's influence on society. 6, 7. Certamente nunca queremos ser infiéis nas nossas obrigações. We certainly never want to be unfaithful in what is asked of us. How did one couple in the land follow Paul's example? 5, 6. 5, 6. When we engage in the field ministry, we also strengthen our faith and strengthen our faith. Se estiver ansioso por causa de alguma situação, aproveite para se achegar mais a Jeová. If any situation makes us anxious, use it to draw closer to Jehovah. Some were thinking: " This doesn't affect my conscience, because an idol is false, there is no one. ' (Veja a nota.) (See endnote.) On one occasion, Jesus observed a needy widow at the temple in Jerusalem. 6, 7. 6, 7. Indeed, "to bear witness to Jesus is what inspires him: It is the whole motive or reason of prophesying. " - Revelation 19: 10. Como um casal do país de Gales seguiu o exemplo de Paulo? PAGE 17 • SONGS: 84, 72 Quando participamos no ministério de campo, além de ajudarmos outros a desenvolver a fé, também fortalecemos a nossa. When we share in the field ministry, not only do we build faith in others but our own faith grows. It was not few of the attacks that she suffered. But her teachings failed to resist all. Alguns pensavam: " Isso não afeta a minha consciência, porque o ídolo é falso, não existe. ' Some reasoned: " Since an idol is nothing, the meat can be eaten in good conscience. ' Moreover, he was " beautiful by the outward appearance and appearance, " which did not fail to be noticed by Potiphar's wife. Certa vez, Jesus observou uma viúva necessitada no templo em Jerusalém. At the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus watched a needy widow. Now think of what the betrayer Judas Iscariot made to Jesus. De fato, "dar - se testemunho de Jesus é o que inspira o [ou: é toda a motivação ou razão do] profetizar ." - Revelação 19: 10. Yes, "the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires [or, is the whole inclination, intent, and purpose of] prophesying. " - Revelation 19: 10. As a child, Jesus and his parents became refugees in Egypt, they had to flee after the angel named Joseph, who wanted to kill Jesus. PÁGINA 17 CÂNTICOS: 84, 72 PAGE 17 • SONGS: 84, 72 Because of the words of 1 Corinthians 11: 23 - 25: "Jesus on the night he was given a loaf and after giving thanks, he broke it and said: " This means my body in your behalf. Não foram poucos os ataques que ela sofreu: foi queimada, proibida, desprezada. Mas seus ensinos resistiram a tudo isso. And though it has been attacked again and again over the centuries - burned, banned, and belittled - its statements have weathered every onslaught. " The things you have heard from me,... these deliver faithful men. " - 2 TIM. Além disso, ele era " belo de porte e de aparência ', o que não deixou de ser notado pela esposa de Potifar. Joseph was also "beautiful in form and beautiful in appearance, " a fact that did not escape the notice of Potiphar's wife. Jehovah condemned Jeroboam for his apostate conduct. Pense agora no que o traidor Judas Iscariotes fez a Jesus. Now think of what traitorous Judas Iscariot did to the Christ. Being imperfect, all of us make mistakes. Quando Jesus era criança, ele e seus pais se tornaram refugiados no Egito. Eles tiveram que fugir depois que um anjo avisou José que o rei Herodes queria matar Jesus. After Jehovah's angel warned Joseph that King Herod intended to kill Jesus, young Jesus and his parents became refugees in Egypt. First - century Jewish religious leaders claimed that the "sons of your people " and" your fellow " referred to only Jews. Por causa das palavras de 1 Coríntios 11: 23 - 25: "Jesus, na noite em que ia ser entregue, tomou um pão, e, depois de ter dado graças, partiu - o e disse: " Isto significa meu corpo em vosso benefício. Because of what we read at 1 Corinthians 11: 23 - 25: "Jesus in the night in which he was going to be handed over took a loaf and, after giving thanks, he broke it and said: " This means my body which is in your behalf. 12: 2, 3; 1 Pet. " As coisas que ouviste de mim,... destas coisas encarrega homens fiéis. " - 2 TIM. " The things you heard from me..., entrust to faithful men. " - 2 TIM. Cultivating the soil of Your Heart calls for effort Jeová condenou Jeroboão por sua conduta apóstata. Jehovah condemned Jeroboam for his apostate ways. 9: 12 - 14, 24; 1 John 2: 2. Por sermos imperfeitos, todos nós cometemos erros. Being imperfect, all of us make mistakes. Even plasma - made 90 percent of water - forming tens, U.S.A. Os líderes religiosos judaicos do primeiro século alegavam que as expressões "filhos do teu povo " e" teu próximo " se referiam apenas aos judeus. First - century Jewish religious leaders held that "the sons of your people " and" your fellow " referred only to Jews. Moreover, they can do repentant ones fall into themselves. 12: 2, 3; 1 Ped. 12: 2, 3; 1 Pet. This hall is fully displeasing to him. Cultivar o solo de seu coração exige esforço Cultivating the soil of your heart calls for effort How can we imitate Paul's example? 9: 12 - 14, 24; 1 João 2: 2. 9: 12 - 14, 24; 1 John 2: 2. How has "the true knowledge " become widely known by the printed word? Mesmo o plasma - composto de 90% de água - transporta dezenas de hormônios, sais inorgânicos, enzimas, e nutrientes, incluindo minerais e açúcar. Even the plasma - which is 90 percent water - carries scores of hormones, inorganic salts, enzymes, and nutrients, including minerals and sugar. In other words, he told Eve: "God is lying, but I am telling him the truth. " Além disso, pode fazer a pessoa arrependida cair em si. It may also bring the unrepentant one to his senses. Jesus ' death on a torture stake was a figurative wound made in the heel. Este salão está lotado. We have a hall full of people. Indeed, death is not stronger than all - the powerful Source of life! Como podemos imitar o exemplo de Paulo? How can we follow the example set by Paul? Jehovah has provided many provisions to strengthen our defenses against factors in the world that endangers our spirituality. Como "o verdadeiro conhecimento " se tornou amplamente conhecido por meio da palavra impressa? How has "the true knowledge " become widely known through the printed word? Should I make some adjustments about the future? ' Em outras palavras, ele disse a Eva: " Deus está mentindo, mas eu estou lhe dizendo a verdade. ' In effect, he said to Eve, " God is lying to you, but I'm telling you the truth. ' Keeping the tongue and not spreading an confidential matter is of prudence and discernment. A morte de Jesus numa estaca foi um ferimento figurativo feito no calcanhar. Jesus ' death on the stake was a figurative bruising in the heel. 11: 6. Certamente, a morte não é mais forte do que a todo - poderosa Fonte da vida! Surely, death is no match for the all - powerful Source of life! According to the Bible, Jehovah is God's name. Jeová tem feito muitas provisões para reforçar nossas defesas contra fatores, no mundo, que põem em risco a nossa espiritualidade. Jehovah has made many provisions for us to reinforce our defenses against factors in the world that endanger our spirituality. How was Jesus ' way of teaching different from the way he taught them? Devo fazer alguns ajustes quanto a escolhas futuras? ' Should I make any adjustments as to future choices? ' In the verses 22 and 30th, he says: "Jehovah produced me like the beginning of his way... I was beside him as a master worker. Controlar a língua e não divulgar um assunto confidencial é sinal de prudência e discernimento. Controlling our tongue to keep quiet about a confidential matter gives evidence of discretion and discernment. or, " What are we to drink? ' 11: 6. 11: 6. And there are individuals who view the Arch of Titus as the tomb taking place there in Jerusalem and his temple. Segundo a Bíblia, Jeová é o nome de Deus. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. Today, the center of pure worship is no longer a physical temple on earth. Em que sentido o modo de Jesus ensinar era tão diferente do modo de ensinar deles? What made Jesus ' way of teaching so different from theirs? For example, the marvelous way that we have been made is truly an expression of unselfish love from God. Nos versículos 22 e 30, ele diz: "Jeová me produziu como o princípio do seu caminho... eu estava ao seu lado como trabalhador perito. I was beside him as a master worker. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " ou: " Que havemos de beber? ' or, " What are we to drink? ' Regardless of our marriage mate, we are critical of our tender mate; we are not quick to criticize him. E existem pessoas que consideram o Arco de Tito como a lápide do túmulo de Jerusalém e seu templo. Some view the arch as a majestic work of art, others as a tribute to imperial Roman power, and yet others as an epitaph to fallen Jerusalem and its temple. Paul explained: "It is written, " The first man, Adam, became a living soul. ' Hoje, o centro da adoração pura não é mais um templo físico na Terra. Today the center of true worship is no longer a literal temple on earth. How does this setting apply to us? Por exemplo, o modo maravilhoso que fomos feitos é realmente uma expressão de amor altruísta da parte de Deus. For example, the wonderful way in which we are made is truly an expression of unselfish love on God's part. Reports from certain " widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. " Também, se ele tiver cometido pecados, ser - lhe - á isso perdoado. " Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " Keep your firm, and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will accomplish today.... Elogiamos nosso cônjuge de modo terno; não o criticamos rudemente. We lovingly commend our marriage partners; we do not harshly criticize them. And how will you see? Paulo explicou: "Está escrito assim: " O primeiro homem, Adão, tornou - se alma vivente. ' Paul explains: "So it is written: " The first man Adam became a living person. ' Paul wrote: "You husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it. Como esse cenário se aplica a nós? How does this word picture apply to us? This revelation must have been very shocking to Jesus ' disciples, for then they expected their Leader to establish the Kingdom on earth. - Luke 19: 11; Acts 1: 6. Relatou - se que certas "viúvas estavam sendo passadas por alto na distribuição diária " de alimentos. It was reported that certain "widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution " of food. The Shulammite brothers did not let their sister go with her beloved place in the mountains, but this was not because she was immoral or immoral. Mantende - vos firmes e vede a salvação da parte de Jeová, que ele realizará hoje para vós.... Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for you today.... Give an example. E como terminará? And how does it end? We should avoid doing work that would hinder us; yet, we should not be critical of others, whose conscience differs. Paulo escreveu: "Maridos, continuai a amar as vossas esposas, assim como também o Cristo amou a congregação e se entregou por ela. Paul wrote: "Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it. [ Picture on page 17] Essa revelação deve ter sido muito chocante para os discípulos de Jesus pois, até então, eles esperavam que seu Líder estabelecesse o Reino na Terra. - Lucas 19: 11; Atos 1: 6. How shocking this disclosure must have been to Jesus ' disciples, for up to then they had expected their Leader to establish his Kingdom on the earth! - Luke 19: 11; Acts 1: 6. (b) Why have many doubts about everlasting life on earth? Os irmãos da sulamita não permitiram que a irmã deles fosse com o seu amado a um lugar isolado nas montanhas, mas isso não foi por ela ser imoral ou ter más intenções. The Shulammite's brothers did not allow their sister to go with her beloved to an isolated place in the mountains but not because she was immoral or did not have proper motives. What helped David recover from his sins? Dê um exemplo. Give an example. In fact, they seemed to be children compared with the intellectuals of the land, who were wise in their own eyes. Devemos evitar fazer trabalho que nos deixaria perturbados; no entanto, tampouco devemos criticar outros, cuja consciência difere. We ought to avoid doing work that would leave us disturbed; yet, we also should not be critical of others whose consciences differ. In reality, though, it would be an improper act and arrogant act that would not have God's approval and support. [ Foto na página 17] [ Picture on page 17] Hence, many things that the world promotes are contrary to Scriptural standards. (b) Por que muitos duvidam da possibilidade de vida eterna na Terra? (b) Why are many people skeptical about everlasting life on earth? When Jesus finished his words in the Sermon on the Mount, "the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " O que ajudou Davi a se recuperar dos seus pecados? What helped David to recover from his sins? Some may not want to give up on the assignment they enjoy. Na verdade, eles pareciam crianças em comparação com os intelectuais do país, que eram sábios aos próprios olhos. Rather, he knew that they seemed to be children compared to the intellectual and highly educated ones in the land, who were wise in their own eyes. And think of this: If we remain loyal to Jehovah and stand firm for his sovereignty, we can share in the sanctification of his name and fulfillment of his purpose. Na realidade, porém, seria um ato impróprio e arrogante que não teria a aprovação e o apoio de Deus. In reality, though, it would have been an improper, arrogant act that would not have had God's approval and support. 1: 12. Por isso, muitas coisas que o mundo promove são contrárias aos padrões bíblicos. Therefore, much of what this world promotes runs counter to the standards set forth in the Bible. 14, 15. (a) How did Jesus react to the suggestions and the mistaken offerings, and why? Quando Jesus terminou suas "palavras " no Sermão do Monte," o efeito foi que as multidões ficaram assombradas com o seu modo de ensinar ." When Jesus finished his "sayings " in the Sermon on the Mount," the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " Why are "happy " those who mourn? Por quê? Alguns não querem abrir mão da designação que tanto gostam. Those in positions of authority may not find it easy to delegate to younger ones. But... E pense nisso: se permanecermos leais a Jeová e firmes a favor de sua soberania, poderemos participar na santificação de Seu nome e no cumprimento de Seu propósito. And think of this: If we remain loyal to Jehovah and if we stand firm for his sovereignty, we shall have the opportunity of sharing in the sanctification of Jehovah's name and the fulfillment of his purpose. Finally, to benefit from God's forgiveness, we should strive not to practice serious sins. 1: 12. 1: 12. Why is youth the best time to serve Jehovah fully? 14, 15. (a) Como Jesus reagiu a sugestões e a ofertas equivocadas, e por quê? 14, 15. (a) How did Jesus react to misguided suggestions and offers, and why? Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Por que são "felizes " os que pranteiam? Mourners Who Are "Happy " Jehovah determined to hurt the people with pestilence, but Moses pleaded, and God stated that they would wander in the wilderness for 40 years - until all those who were included in the census. Mas... But... Yet, he continued preaching and saw how the Kingdom message gained great obstacles. Por fim, para nos beneficiarmos do perdão de Deus, devemos nos esforçar para não praticar pecados graves. Finally, to benefit from God's forgiveness, we must strive to avoid making a practice of serious sin. Hezekiah sent rides to discuss officials, but he did not merely. Por que a juventude é a melhor época para servir a Jeová plenamente? Why is youth a fine time to serve Jehovah fully? Jehovah is not quick to give up on just because he has committed a mistake. Continuai a suportar - vos uns aos outros e a perdoar - vos uns aos outros liberalmente, se alguém tiver razão para queixa contra outro. Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. As a result, true Christianity is prospering. Jeová decidiu ferir o povo com pestilência, mas Moisés intercedeu, e Deus declarou que eles vagueariam no ermo por 40 anos - até que todos os que foram incluídos no censo tivessem morrido. Jehovah proposes to strike the people with pestilence, but Moses intercedes, and God declares that they will become wanderers in the wilderness for 40 years - until those numbered have died. his secret? Mas ele continuou pregando e viu como a mensagem do Reino superou grandes obstáculos. But he kept on preaching and saw how the Kingdom message overcame great obstacles. " God is the one who because of his good pleasure is acting in you, that you will want and will act. " Ezequias enviou Eliaquim para conversar com os oficiais, mas não apenas ele. Eliakim was sent to speak to the officials, but he was not alone. The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body Jeová não desiste facilmente de uma pessoa só porque ela cometeu um erro. These individuals had opportunity to "repent... and turn around. " 59 - 61 C.E., and even there, she found ways to preach the Kingdom and teach "the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. " - Acts 28: 30, 31. Em resultado disso, o cristianismo verdadeiro está prosperando. As a result, true Christianity is flourishing. 4, 5. (a) Why did the Pharisee not surprised what Jesus said? Seu segredo? Their secret? The high priest offered to Jehovah two symbolic loaves. " Deus é aquele que, por causa do seu beneplácito, está agindo em vós, para que tanto queirais como atueis. " " God is the one that, for the sake of his good pleasure, is acting within you in order for you both to will and to act. " For a detailed discussion, see Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 3, pages 32 - 4. O mordomo fiel e seu Corpo Governante The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body How did Jesus manifest kindness? 59 - 61 EC) e, mesmo ali, encontrou maneiras de pregar o Reino e ensinar "as coisas concernentes ao Senhor Jesus Cristo ." - Atos 28: 30, 31. 59 - 61 C.E.), and from there he finds ways to preach about the Kingdom and teach "the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. " - Acts 28: 30, 31. Jehovah has given progressive steps in the outworking of his purpose. 4, 5. (a) Por que o fariseu não ficou surpreso com o que Jesus disse? 4, 5. (a) Why was the Pharisee not surprised by what Jesus said? Our striving to cultivate and display Christlike kindness in all times and situations brings rich rewards. O sumo sacerdote oferecia a Jeová dois pães simbólicos. The high priest offered two symbolic loaves to Jehovah on that day. In fact, light was shed on what it means to be declared righteous "for life " and declared righteous as a friend of God. Para uma consideração detalhada, veja Estudo Perspicaz das Escrituras, Volume 3, páginas 321 - 4. For a detailed discussion, see Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2, pages 676 - 9. Our children are more happy when they receive commendation (See paragraph 14) De que modo Jesus manifestou bondade? How did Jesus manifest kindness? The Bible acknowledges that even those who do not serve God can enjoy good qualities. Jeová tem dado passos progressivos na realização de seu propósito. Jehovah has taken progressive steps to accomplish his purpose. So when we read something in the Bible that will direct us to wonder whether God acted in a certain way, we should remember this: Because of his loyalty to his righteous standards and justice, Jehovah did not save his own son of death. O nosso empenho em cultivar e mostrar bondade cristã em todos os momentos e situações nos traz ricas recompensas. Our striving to cultivate and show Christlike kindness at all times and in every situation brings us rich rewards. A countless number of people, including many who sleep in death, will receive everlasting blessings that result from that superlative covenant. Em 1985, foi lançada luz sobre o que significa ser declarado justo "para a vida " e declarado justo como amigo de Deus. In 1985 light was shed upon what it means to be declared righteous "for life " and righteous as a friend of God. (See paragraphs 16, 17) Nossos filhos são mais felizes quando recebem elogios (Veja o parágrafo 14.) Our children thrive when we warmly encourage them (See paragraph 14) There was no lot of money, but she had complete confidence in Jehovah's help and thus moved herself to Albania. A Bíblia reconhece que até pessoas que não servem a Deus podem ter boas qualidades. God's Word acknowledges that unbelievers may have certain commendable principles. Serve Jehovah, your God. " Então, ao lermos algo na Bíblia que nos leve a perguntar se Deus agiu da maneira certa, devemos nos lembrar do seguinte: por causa de sua lealdade aos seus padrões de justiça e retidão, Jeová não poupou nem mesmo seu próprio filho de sofrer uma morte dolorosa. So, then, if we read something in the Bible that causes some to wonder whether God acted in a just or right way, we should remember this: Because of his loyalty to his standards of righteousness and justice, Jehovah did not spare his own Son from undergoing a painful death. What does he involve? Um incontável número de pessoas, incluindo muitas que hoje dormem na morte, receberá bênçãos eternas resultantes desse superlativo pacto. Untold multitudes, even many who at present are asleep in death, will receive everlasting blessings because of that superlative covenant. Like the apostle Paul, most time in that time "well showed greater courage to speak boldly to God's word. " (Veja os parágrafos 16 e 17.) (See paragraphs 16, 17) " We love because he loved us first. " - 1 JOHN 4: 19. Lucia não tinha muito dinheiro, mas confiava totalmente na ajuda de Jeová. Assim, em 1993, ela se mudou para a Albânia. For example, when Lucia * learned of the need for ministers in Albania, she moved there from Italy in 1993 with no means of support, trusting fully in Jehovah. Even "a great crowd of priests began to be obedient to the faith. " Sirvam a Jeová, seu Deus. " You must serve Jehovah your God. " (Numbers 10: 11 - 21: 35) O que ele envolve? What does it involve? What lesson does the prophet's decision teach us about loyalty? - Rom. Assim como o apóstolo Paulo, a maioria naquele tempo " mostrava tanto mais coragem para falar destemidamente a palavra de Deus '. Like the apostle Paul, most back then were "showing all the more courage to speak the word of God fearlessly. " 3, 4. (a) What answer did Peter and John give in order to stop preaching? " Nós amamos porque ele nos amou primeiro. " - 1 JOÃO 4: 19. " We love, because he first loved us. " - 1 JOHN 4: 19. There are three congregations, 215 C.E., and 28 pioneers, who were greatly happy at the Memorial of 2014, pp. Até mesmo "uma grande multidão de sacerdotes começou a ser obediente à fé ." Even "a large crowd of priests began to be obedient to the faith. " She put the young woman in Jerusalem under oath and said: "Do not try to awaken or arouse love in me until this is willing. " (Números 10: 11 - 21: 35) (Numbers 10: 11 - 21: 35) Of course, true Christians live in accord with Bible teachings and imitate Jesus. - Heb. Que lição a decisão do profeta nos ensina sobre lealdade de coração? - Rom. What lesson does the prophet's decision teach us about heartfelt loyalty? - Rom. While teenagers, these four young men were placed in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar, wherever they were instructed "a daily refraining from the king's delicacies and the wine that might be drank, even for three years, so that they could stand before the king. " - Daniel 3: 1 - 5. 3, 4. (a) Que resposta Pedro e João deram à ordem de parar de pregar? 3, 4. (a) When ordered to stop preaching, how did Peter and John respond? At the same time, some wheat seed were sown in the field of the world. Lá existem três congregações, 215 publicadores e 28 pioneiros. Todos ficaram muito felizes com a assistência à Celebração de 2014, que foi de 1.600 pessoas. The 215 publishers and 28 pioneers in three congregations there were delighted that 1,600 attended the Memorial in 2014 But Uriah did not even get into his home - despite the pursuit of David in encouraging him to do so. Ela colocou as moças de Jerusalém sob juramento e disse: "Não tenteis despertar nem incitar em mim amor, até que este esteja disposto. " Putting the daughters of Jerusalem under oath, she said: "Do not try to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined. " In a loving way, she does not hesitate to put security and the well - being ahead of her own. É óbvio que os cristãos verdadeiros vivem de acordo com os ensinos da Bíblia e imitam a Jesus. - Heb. Clearly, true Christians are living according to the teachings found in the Bible and in imitation of Jesus. - Heb. We want to continue to imitate such examples of faith. Embora fossem provavelmente adolescentes, esses quatro jovens foram colocados na corte do rei Nabucodonosor, onde lhes foi estipulada "uma ração diária das iguarias do rei e do vinho que bebia, sim, para que fossem nutridos por três anos, para que no fim destes pudessem estar de pé perante o rei ." - Daniel 1: 3 - 5. There they were "appointed a daily allowance from the delicacies of the king and from his drinking wine, even to nourish them for three years, that at the end of these they might stand before the king. " - Daniel 1: 3 - 5. • Why should we have constant hope in Jehovah? Ao mesmo tempo, algumas sementes do trigo genuíno foram semeadas no campo do mundo. At the same time, a few seeds of the genuine wheat were sown in the world field. This challenge is even greater if our relatives or better friends reject the truth. Mas Urias nem mesmo entrou na sua casa - apesar do empenho de Davi em incentivá - lo a fazer isso. But Uriah would not even enter his home - despite David's efforts to encourage him to do so. What did David want to leave his sons, and how did he do so? De modo amoroso, ela não hesita em colocar a segurança e o bem - estar deles à frente dos seus. Lovingly, she is quick to put their safety and well - being ahead of her own. In fact, Paul had confidence that Jesus ' shed blood could be cut off from inherited sin. - Romans 5: 18. Queremos continuar imitando esses exemplos de fé. May we continue to imitate such examples of faith. And what a fine example of humility! • Por que devemos ter constante esperança em Jeová? • Why should we hope in Jehovah constantly? Jehovah wanted his people to respect them. E esse desafio é ainda maior quando nossos parentes ou melhores amigos rejeitam a verdade. Still, holding faithfully to Christ's teachings would be challenging if one's close friends or family members rejected the truth. Sophia: Yes, it seems that. O que Davi queria deixar para seus filhos, e como ele fez isso? What did David want to pass on to his children, and how did he do so? Indeed, loving parents strive to discern that type of discipline is properly involved in each child's best interests. De fato, Paulo confiava que o sangue derramado de Jesus poderia redimi - lo do pecado herdado. - Romanos 5: 18. Yes, Paul had confidence that Jesus ' shed blood could redeem him from inherited sin. - Romans 5: 18. • How can you prepare for Jehovah's day? E que belo exemplo de humildade! And what a fine pattern of humility that was! The elders in other congregations kindly made adjustments so that the Chinese meetings could be conducted during an early Sunday. Jeová queria que seu povo respeitasse esses homens. When the people complained about Moses ' leadership, Jehovah asked: "How much longer will this people treat me without respect? " (b) How can we avoid such dangerous influence? Sofia: É, parece que sim. Sophia: Yes, it seems that he does. In case of overwhelming victory, who could boast that it would have the outcome for efforts or human wisdom? De fato, pais amorosos se esforçam para discernir que tipo de disciplina funciona melhor para cada filho. Indeed, kind parents strive to discern what discipline works best for each of their children. What do we learn from the restrictions that Jehovah imposed on Israel in connection with people of other nations? • Como você pode se preparar para o dia de Jeová? • How can you prove yourself ready for Jehovah's day? When she spoke to Jesus, she said: "I know [my brother] will rise in the resurrection on the last day. " Os anciãos nas outras congregações bondosamente fizeram ajustes para que as reuniões em chinês pudessem ser realizadas num horário mais cedo no domingo. The elders in the other congregations graciously made adjustments so that the Chinese meetings could be held earlier on Sunday. Karen: Exactly. (b) Como podemos evitar essa influência perigosa? The spirit of the world is inducing spiritual sleep. 4. Em caso de vitória esmagadora, quem poderia se jactar de que ela teria resultado de esforços ou sabedoria humanos? If a stunning victory was to take place, who could brag that it was wrought by human effort or wisdom? Moreover, " his love, his hatred, and his jealousy, ' for they cannot lastly express any excitement. - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 6, 10. O que aprendemos das restrições que Jeová impôs a Israel em relação às pessoas de outras nações? What do we learn from the limitations that Jehovah taught Israel regarding the ways of people of other nations? Likely, within a year after Jesus ' resurrection, a transformation took place with Saul of Tarsus. Quando ela falou com Jesus, ela disse: "Sei que [meu irmão] se levantará na ressurreição, no último dia. " Could they feel as did Martha, who said: "I know [my brother] will rise in the resurrection on the last day "? Would your daughter really agree not with the wisdom of God's standards or her alone if she is alone or cut off by others? Carla: Exatamente! Karen: Yes. " The joy of Jehovah " is a source of true beauty, which comes from the inner person regardless of the age of health or health. 4. 4. By bringing about our sins and death for us, Christ brought "a righteous standing to many of us. " Além do mais, " seu amor, seu ódio e seu ciúme já pereceram ', pois não podem mais expressar nenhuma emoção. - Eclesiastes 9: 5, 6, 10. Moreover, "their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, " for they cannot express any emotion. - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 6, 10. Such healthy fear, in turn, gave him outstanding courage, as soon as Jezebel abandoned the prophets of Jehovah. Provavelmente dentro de um ano depois da ressurreição de Jesus, aconteceu uma transformação surpreendente com Saulo de Tarso. Perhaps within a year of Jesus ' resurrection, an amazing transformation takes place in Saul of Tarsus. " Fum for 27 years, " says a man named Taze Germanana, "but then I learned what the Bible says about unclean habits, I decided to quit smoking. Será que sua filha realmente não concorda com a sabedoria dos padrões de Deus ou ela apenas se sente sozinha ou excluída pelos outros? Does your daughter really have an issue with the wisdom of God's standards, or does she just feel lonely or excluded by others? So Moses told them: "You must care to do just as Jehovah your God commanded you. " " O regozijo de Jeová " é fonte da verdadeira beleza, que vem do íntimo, independentemente da idade ou saúde. " The joy of Jehovah " is a source of true beauty that radiates from the inside, regardless of age or health. " He feels compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Por levar sobre si os nossos pecados e morrer por nós, Cristo trouxe "uma posição justa a muita gente ." By taking our sins upon himself and dying for us, Christ brought "a righteous standing to many people. " What, though, is involved in being patient? Esse temor sadio, por sua vez, deu - lhe notável coragem, conforme demonstrou logo após Jezabel ter assassinado os profetas de Jeová. This wholesome fear, in turn, gave him outstanding courage, as was demonstrated immediately after Jezebel murdered Jehovah's prophets. After hearing Paul's fearlessly words of Apollos in the synagogue, the Christian couple and Priscilla " welcomed you in their company ' and gave him a more thorough teaching. " Fumei por 27 anos ," diz um homem chamado Bhagwandas, "mas, depois que aprendi o que a Bíblia diz sobre hábitos impuros, decidi largar o cigarro. " I smoked for 27 years, " says a man named Bhagwandas, "but because of learning what the Bible says about unclean habits, I decided to quit. If you serve as an elder or a ministerial servant, do you not feel grateful to Jehovah for having entrusted you with that privilege of service? De modo que Moisés lhes disse: "Tendes de cuidar em fazer assim como Jeová, vosso Deus, vos ordenou. " Therefore, Moses told them: "You people must take care to do just as Jehovah your God has commanded you. " Hence, the idea that you have no value to God is replaced by this Scriptural assurance: You are precious to Jehovah. " Teve pena deles, porque eram como ovelhas sem pastor. " He was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. Jehovah gives each one of them a name. Mas o que está envolvido em ser paciente? But what is involved in having this godly quality? " Serving now where there is a great need for Bible teachers, helping people to find the way of everlasting life. Depois de ouvir as destemidas palavras de Apolo na sinagoga, o casal cristão Áquila e Priscila " o acolheu na sua companhia ' e deu - lhe um ensino mais cabal. The Christian couple Aquila and Priscilla heard Apollos speaking boldly in the synagogue, took him into their company, and taught him further. Since humans have lost perfection, Jehovah has guaranteed his loyal servants that their lost blessings for Adam will be regained. Se você serve como ancião ou servo ministerial, não se sente humildemente grato a Jeová por ter - lhe confiado esse privilégio de serviço? If you are serving as an elder or a ministerial servant, are you not humbly grateful to Jehovah for entrusting you with such a privilege of service? * Later, in 1994, Jehovah's Witnesses had no part in the natural cleaning disputes that occurred in Rwanda. Assim, a ideia de que você não tem valor para Deus é substituída por esta garantia bíblica: você é precioso para Jeová. This can help you to replace any idea that you are worthless to God with a Bible - based assurance: You are precious in Jehovah's eyes. For the living are conscious of those who will die; however, the dead are conscious of nothing at all... Jeová dá um nome para cada uma delas. Yet, Jehovah gives a name or a designation to each star. This was disadvantageal of Jehovah's approved. " Sirvo agora onde há grande necessidade de instrutores da Bíblia, ajudando pessoas a encontrarem o caminho da vida eterna. " I am now serving where there is a great need for Bible teachers, helping people to get on the path to everlasting life. Under God's orders, Moses obediently returned to Egypt. Desde que os humanos perderam a perfeição, Jeová tem garantido a seus servos leais que as bênçãos perdidas por Adão serão recuperadas. For that matter, ever since human creation lost perfection, Jehovah has assured his loyal servants that the blessings forfeited by Adam were not gone forever. Some people have even experienced bad memories of their childhood, for they experienced situations in their home that they left some emotional and psychologicalized trauma. * Mais tarde, em 1994, as Testemunhas de Jeová não tiveram nenhuma participação na limpeza étnica que ocorreu em Ruanda. * Later, Witnesses took no part in the warlike ethnic cleansing in Rwanda in 1994. We need to be convinced of this. Pois os viventes estão cônscios de que morrerão; os mortos, porém, não estão cônscios de absolutamente nada... For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all... 20 Shun the thinking of the world Essa foi a desvantagem que Jeová aprovou. These were odds that Jehovah favored. Over seven centuries later, God inspired Isaiah to record these words: "I, Jehovah, love righteousness. " Sob às ordens de Deus, Moisés obedientemente retornou ao Egito. At God's direction, Moses obediently returned to Egypt. Most of those enter into a university want to form something that open up the doors for well and excitement. Algumas pessoas têm até lembranças ruins de sua infância, pois passaram por situações em casa que deixaram terríveis traumas emocionais e psicológicos. In fact, some individuals have dark memories of growing up in family situations that have left them with deep emotional or psychological scars. God also helps us to understand the meaning of what we can see - wars, earthquakes, famines, well - ungodly people who contribute to these "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Tim. Nós precisamos estar convencidos disso. The Bible provides a basis for such conviction. Jesus ' words indicated that on that occasion he was introducing that new covenant, which would replace the Law covenant that Jehovah made with Israel through Moses. 20 Rejeite os pensamentos do mundo 20 Reject Worldly Thinking Such teaching helps us to serve him properly, to have spiritual goals, and to care for our many Christian responsibilities. Mais de sete séculos depois, Deus inspirou Isaías a registrar estas palavras: "Eu, Jeová, amo a justiça. " Over seven centuries later, God inspired Isaiah to record these words: "I, Jehovah, am loving justice. " Therefore whether we live or if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " A maioria dos que entram numa universidade desejam se formar em algo que lhes abra as portas para empregos bem pagos e estáveis. Most people who enroll in a university look forward to earning a degree that will open doors for them to well - paying and secure jobs. 15: 22. Deus também nos ajuda a entender o significado do que podemos ver - guerras, terremotos, epidemias, fomes, bem como pessoas ímpias que contribuem para a realidade destes "tempos críticos, difíceis de manejar ." - 2 Tim. God has also given us insight into the meaning of what we can see - wars, earthquakes, pestilences, food shortages, as well as godless people who contribute to these "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Tim. For example, there was the Pax Romana, or Peace. As palavras de Jesus indicavam que naquela ocasião ele estava instituindo esse novo pacto, que substituiria o pacto da Lei que Jeová fizera com Israel por meio de Moisés. Jesus ' words indicated that he was now introducing that new covenant, which would replace the Law covenant that Jehovah had established with Israel through Moses. Why is humility needed to have a full share in the harvest work? Esse ensino nos ajuda a servir a ele com a motivação correta, a ter alvos espirituais e a cuidar das nossas muitas responsabilidades cristãs. That training can help us to have the proper motivation, to set spiritual goals, and to fulfill our many Christian responsibilities. In general, people had a reversal of self - righteousness, and the lepers were greedy for society. Portanto, quer vivamos, quer morramos, pertencemos a Jeová. " So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " Then Elijah prayed: "O Jehovah the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, know that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant, and that it is by your word that I have done all these things. 15: 22. 15: 22. Christian youths are regularly facing threats to their moral integrity. Por exemplo, havia a Pax Romana, ou Paz Romana. For instance, there was the Pax Romana, or Roman Peace. Is Your Conscience a Reliable Guide? Por que é preciso ser humilde para participar plenamente na colheita? Why must you be humble in order to have a full share in the harvest work? On the other hand, Jesus commended the poor widow who made a small contribution and probably did not know. Em geral as pessoas tinham aversão por eles, e os leprosos eram banidos pela sociedade. Lepers were declared unclean and were abhorred and banished from society. Paul urged Timothy to train others: "My son, continue to strengthen the undeserved kindness of the undeserved kindness that is in Christ Jesus; and the things you heard from me and have proved to be many faithful men, who have proved to be able to teach. " Então, Elias orou: "Ó Jeová, Deus de Abraão, de Isaque e de Israel, saiba - se hoje que tu és Deus em Israel e que eu sou o teu servo, e que é pela tua palavra que fiz todas estas coisas. Then Elijah prayed: "O Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be known that you are God in Israel and I am your servant and it is by your word that I have done all these things. " We have heard that same warning for decades, ' perhaps say. Os cristãos jovens enfrentam regularmente ameaças à sua integridade moral. Young Christians regularly have to deal with threats to their moral integrity. He does not overlook the physical needs of his people or for a moment. Sua consciência é um guia confiável? Is Your Conscience a Reliable Guide? In a revelation that received from Jesus, the apostle John had the privilege of knowing the reason for this one to cut away. Por outro lado, Jesus elogiou a viúva pobre que fez uma contribuição muito pequena e que provavelmente ninguém ficou sabendo. By contrast, Jesus commended a poor widow whose small contribution was likely not recognized by others. Some practical suggestions will be discussed in the next article. Paulo incentivou Timóteo a treinar outros. Ele disse: "Meu filho, continue a se fortalecer por meio da bondade imerecida que está em Cristo Jesus; e as coisas que você ouviu de mim e que foram confirmadas por muitas testemunhas, essas coisas confie a homens fiéis, que, por sua vez, estarão qualificados para ensinar outros. " Paul provided a general outline of how training can be provided when he told Timothy: "You,... my child, keep on acquiring power in the undeserved kindness that is in Christ Jesus; and the things you heard from me that were supported by many witnesses, these things entrust to faithful men, who, in turn, will be adequately qualified to teach others. " music and lyrics may have a profound effect on our emotions and thus the figurative heart. " Já ouvimos esse mesmo alerta há décadas ', talvez digam. " We have heard that same reminder for decades, ' they may say. Of course, true Christians do not retaliate. Ele não fecha os olhos às necessidades de seu povo nem por um instante. Not for a moment will he close his eyes to the needs of his people. Can You Explain? Numa revelação que recebeu de Jesus, o apóstolo João teve o privilégio de saber o motivo dessa retenção. The apostle John was privileged to see the reason for this restraint in a revelation given to him by Jesus. Are you pleased with the quality of your prayers or see the need to make more progress in this area? - Jer. Algumas sugestões práticas serão consideradas no próximo artigo. Some practical suggestions will be considered in the following article. Regarding the efforts of scientists in explaining the cause of aging age and death, Insight on the Scriptures: "They ignore the Creator himself as the Creator himself decreed to death on the first human pair, they put this sentence in a full way. " - Heb. A música e sua letra podem influenciar muito as nossas emoções e, desse modo, o coração figurativo. Music and its accompanying lyrics can strongly influence our emotions and, therefore, our figurative heart. If you may, ask yourself honestly: " Why am I doing so? Naturalmente, os cristãos verdadeiros não cometem assassinatos. Understandably, true Christians do not murder. In many congregations, there would be no number of qualified brothers to care for all congregation responsibilities. Sabe explicar? Can You Explain? (a) In what way can replace parent's presence with gifts affect children? Você está contente com a qualidade de suas orações ou vê a necessidade de fazer mais progresso nesse aspecto? - Jer. Are you satisfied with the quality of your prayers, or do you see the need to make further progress in that area? - Jer. What if we feel that a determined offense is too too much to be passed on? Com respeito aos esforços dos cientistas em explicar a causa do envelhecimento e da morte, o Estudo Perspicaz das Escrituras comenta: "[Eles] desconsideram que o próprio Criador decretou a sentença de morte para o primeiro casal humano, implementando esta sentença dum modo não plenamente entendido pelo homem. " - Vol. 3, p. Speaking of the efforts of scientists to explain the cause of aging and death, Insight on the Scriptures comments: "They overlook the fact that the Creator himself decreed the death sentence for the first human pair, implementing that sentence in a way that man does not fully understand. " - Vol. 2, p. You can learn from David. Caso seja, pergunte - se honestamente: " Por que estou fazendo isso? If so, ask yourself honestly: " Why am I doing this? 1: 11. Em muitas congregações, não haveria um número suficiente de irmãos locais qualificados para cuidar de todas as responsabilidades congregacionais. In many congregations, there would not be enough qualified local brothers to care for all the congregation responsibilities. Paul wrote that "the God [Jesus] gave him head over all things to the congregation, which is his body. " (a) De que modo substituir a presença dos pais por presentes pode afetar os filhos? (a) How can substituting material gifts for a parent's presence affect children? His name was Apollos. Que dizer se acharmos que determinada ofensa é demais para ser passada por alto? What if we find that a certain offense is too difficult for us to overlook? But such "uncleanness " can only detect threats that man is filled with other humans. Você pode aprender com Davi. (b) Relate an experience that confirms the value of teaching the children from infancy. 1: 11. 1: 11. JEHOVAH established the command mentioned by the apostle Paul to write that "the head of every man is the Christ " and" the head of the Christ is God. " Paulo escreveu que Deus "o fez [a Jesus] cabeça sobre todas as coisas para a congregação, a qual é o seu corpo ." Paul wrote that God "made [Jesus] head over all things to the congregation, which is his body. " In this regard, the New World Translation plays an important role. Seu nome era Apolo. His name was Apollos. Now I find it more exciting to read the Bible than to read a good romance. " Mas esses "vigias " só conseguem detectar ameaças que vêm de outros humanos. However, such "watchmen " can perceive only those threats that come from man - made governments or humans. Rather than allowing adulterers and Bath - sheba to be condemned by male judges according to the Mosaic Law, Jehovah himself intervened, and they judged them out of mercy. (b) Relate um caso que confirma o valor de ensinar os filhos desde a tenra infância. (b) Relate an experience that confirms the value of training children from their infancy. A man named Frank also decided to quit smoking so as to please God. JEOVÁ estabeleceu a ordem da sequência mencionada pelo apóstolo Paulo ao escrever que "a cabeça de todo homem é o Cristo " e" a cabeça do Cristo é Deus ." JEHOVAH has established the orderly sequence that the apostle Paul mentioned when he wrote that "the head of every man is the Christ " and" the head of the Christ is God. " No. Nesse respeito, a Tradução do Novo Mundo desempenha um papel importante. In this regard, the New World Translation is playing a major role. Being persecuted by defending righteous standards shows that we have God's approval. Agora acho mais emocionante ler a Bíblia do que ler um bom romance. " Now I find that the Bible is more exciting than a good novel. " The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Mark 14: 32 - 38. Em vez de permitir que os adúlteros Davi e Bate - Seba fossem condenados à morte por juízes humanos segundo a Lei mosaica, o próprio Jeová interveio e os julgou, estendendo - lhes misericórdia. Rather than have the adulterers condemned to death by human judges according to the Mosaic Law, Jehovah mercifully intervened, dealing with David and Bath - sheba himself. In the end of his life, Moses reminded the incident of the golden calf and other cases where the Israelites disobeyed. Um homem chamado Frank também decidiu parar de fumar a fim de agradar a Deus. A man named Frank also decided to quit in order to please God. Also, the 10,000 thousand in Elijah's day, they did not bow down to Baal. Não. Certainly not. Was Jesus ' illustration using the leaven to represent the negative growth of something negative? Sermos perseguidos por defender normas justas indica que temos a aprovação divina. That we are persecuted for upholding righteous standards indicates that we have divine approval. 1: 18; 4: 14 - What were " features that were made concerning Timothy? O espírito, naturalmente, está ansioso, mas a carne é fraca. " - Mar. 14: 32 - 38. The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Mark 14: 32 - 38. He even got together to meet the various leaders in the area where Brother Russell expected those men to accept Bible truths that he and his group had to direct and direct them into the churches of Christendom. Já no fim de sua vida, Moisés lembrou o incidente do bezerro de ouro e outros casos em que os israelitas desobedeceram. Toward the end of his life, Moses recalled the incident of the golden calf along with other instances of Israelite disobedience. By following these instructions, that great crowd was bound to be among the mountains and an armed arm of the Red Sea. Também os 7 mil que, nos dias de Elias, não se curvaram perante Baal. So were the 7,000 who in Elijah's day had not bent the knee to Baal. However, it is important to consider age, for Paul said: "If anyone, without being married, do not behave in improperly, and if he is beyond his youth, that is whatever he should take place; then he should do. Será que na ilustração do fermento Jesus estava usando o fermento para simbolizar o crescimento de algo negativo? Was Jesus now using leaven to represent the growth of something negative? What legal instrument did Abraham use at times? 1: 18; 4: 14 - Que "predições " foram feitas a respeito de Timóteo? 1: 18; 4: 14 - What "predictions " were voiced concerning Timothy? Still, the reaction of the apostles illustrates that the congregation can help to care for Christians in need. Ele chegou até a se reunir com líderes de várias igrejas da região onde morava. O irmão Russell esperava que aqueles homens aceitassem as verdades da Bíblia que ele e seu grupo de estudo tinham descoberto e que ensinassem isso nas suas igrejas. At one point, he met with a number of local clergymen in hopes that these men would accept the truths that Russell and his associates had discovered from the Bible and teach them to members of their congregations. Jesus said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " Por seguirem essas instruções, essa grande multidão ficou confinada entre as montanhas e um braço do mar Vermelho. As they follow these instructions, this great multitude find themselves hemmed in between the mountains and an arm of the Red Sea. Jesus will not pass away any other food, but he will have many things to say to his faithful followers in this special night. Mas é importante levar em conta a idade, pois Paulo disse: "Se alguém, por ficar sem se casar, acha que está se comportando de modo impróprio, e se ele estiver além da flor da juventude, então isto é o que deve ocorrer: que ele faça o que quer; ele não peca. In addition, age is a factor to consider, for the apostle stated: "If anyone thinks he is behaving improperly by remaining unmarried, and if he is past the bloom of youth, then this is what should take place: Let him do what he wants; he does not sin. 6, 7. Que instrumento jurídico Abraão usou ocasionalmente? What legal tool did Abraham at times make use of? What can help us to overcome this challenge? Ainda assim, a reação dos apóstolos ilustra que a congregação pode ajudar a cuidar de cristãos necessitados. Even so, the apostles ' response illustrates that the congregation can help to care for needy members. The Bible prophecies show that God's heavenly Kingdom was established at the beginning of Christ's presence in 1914. Jesus disse: "Ninguém pode vir a mim, a menos que o Pai, que me enviou, o atraia. " Jesus said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " The prospect of living forever and praising Jehovah for all eternity will certainly do with what a program of education will be a real satisfaction. Jesus não passará nenhum outro alimento, mas terá muitas coisas a dizer a seus seguidores fiéis nesta noite especial. Jesus will not pass other food items to them, but he will have much more to tell his faithful followers on this momentous night. Jehovah has granted us the great privilege of being his Witnesses. 6, 7. 6, 7. With the way out of war, Jesus ' followers suddenly had an opportunity to flee. O que pode nos ajudar a vencer esse desafio? What can help us to meet this challenge? Why has "Babylon the Great " not been able to help his followers? As profecias da Bíblia mostram que o Reino celestial de Deus foi estabelecido no início da presença de Cristo, em 1914. Bible prophecy shows that God's heavenly Kingdom was established when Christ's presence began in 1914. " This is the way. A perspectiva de viver para sempre e de louvar a Jeová por toda a eternidade certamente fará com que o programa milenar de educação seja uma verdadeira satisfação. The prospect of living forever and praising Jehovah for all eternity will surely make the Millennial education program a real delight. The Israelites were given this command: "You must not walk among your people with the purpose of slandering. " Jeová nos concedeu o grande privilégio de ser suas Testemunhas. Jehovah has favored us with the priceless privilege of serving as his Witnesses. Do You Recall? Com a saída das partes em guerra, os seguidores de Jesus de repente tiveram uma oportunidade de fugir. With the warring parties away, Jesus ' followers suddenly had an opportunity to flee. (a) How can we throw our anxiety on God? Por que "Babilônia, a Grande " não tem sido capaz de ajudar seus seguidores? Why has "Babylon the Great " not been able to help her followers? The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to meditate on "with the words of faith and fine teaching. " " Este é o caminho. " This is the way. (b) What is involved in " fearing God and giving glory "? Aos israelitas foi dada esta ordem: " Não deves andar entre o teu povo com o objetivo de caluniar. ' The Israelites were commanded: "You must not go around among your people for the sake of slandering. " See how this aged apostle described: "I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth... Lembra - se? Do You Recall? They feel impelled to change their beliefs, their thinking, and actions. (a) Como podemos deixar nossa ansiedade com Deus? (a) How can we throw our anxiety on God? In 1938, the use of flirting was abolished completely. O apóstolo Paulo incentivou Timóteo a nutrir - se "com as palavras da fé e do ensino excelente ." The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to nourish himself "with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching. " But as weathered for the time, most of the writings of old did not resist, as it were, at the passing of time. (b) O que está envolvido em " temer a Deus e dar - lhe glória '? (b) What is involved in " fearing God and giving him glory '? 119: 11. Veja como esse idoso apóstolo a descreveu: "Vi quatro anjos em pé nos quatro cantos da terra, segurando firmemente os quatro ventos da terra... Here is how the aged apostle described it: "I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth... Years later, he returned to associating with the congregation. Eles se sentem motivados a mudar suas crenças, seu jeito de pensar e de agir. They are then moved to make changes in their beliefs, attitudes, and conduct. The Kingdom Hall is the center of pure worship in local community. Em 1938, o uso de eleições foi abolido por completo. In 1938 the use of elections was eliminated altogether. During the first century, interval was not a conversion of the Jews ' conversion to Christianity. Mas como monumentos desgastados pelo tempo, a maioria dos escritos do passado não resistiu, por assim dizer, à passagem do tempo. But like eroded old monuments, most old writings have been badly damaged by the passage of time. [ Pictures on page 29] 119: 11. 119: 11. In 193 C.E., my second older sister acted as a young sister, and I wanted to live with them there, and I wanted to live with them. Anos mais tarde, voltou a se associar com a congregação. Years later, she started to associate with the congregation once again. (b) What will we consider in this and the following article? O Salão do Reino é o centro da adoração pura na comunidade local. A Kingdom Hall is the center of pure worship for the local community. They show that the best, fame of the world, even the things they face in nature, but they are not able to do equal. " No primeiro século, o intervalo não foi ocasião para uma conversão em massa dos judeus para o cristianismo. In the first century, the interval was not a time for a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity. Of course, it is not because our friends strive to obey God that they are perfect. [ Fotos na página 29] [ Pictures on page 29] The Law was to protect the offspring and lead humans to the Messiah. Em 1939, minha segunda irmã mais velha, Marion, se casou com Bill Danylchuck. Daí, eles levaram minha irmã Frances e eu para morar com eles. In 1939, my oldest surviving sister, Marion, married Bill Danylchuck, and they took my sister Frances and me into their care. What is faith? (b) O que vamos considerar neste e no próximo artigo? (b) What will we discuss in this article and in the next? His direction are so clear that our ears might hear behind us a word saying: "This is the way. Eles mostram que os melhores engenheiros do mundo até imitam as coisas que encontram na natureza, mas não conseguem fazer igual. " They show that the greatest engineers may imitate but will never equal the complex designs in nature. " (a) In ancient times, how did God make "trembling at all the nations, " and how did they go out" desirable things "? É claro que não é porque nossos amigos se esforçam para obedecer a Deus que eles são perfeitos. Of course, friends who serve God are still imperfect. Consider, for example, this Bible counsel: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " O objetivo da Lei era proteger o descendente e conduzir os humanos ao Messias. The Law was to protect the offspring and lead humans to the Messiah. The Scriptures make the expression "tender compassion, "" tender mercies " and "tender affection. " O que é fé? What is faith? But he failed, for he fought against the Head of the Christian congregation. As orientações que recebemos dele são tão claras que é como se " nossos ouvidos ouvissem atrás de nós uma palavra dizendo: "Este é o caminho. The guidance that we receive from him is so clear that it is as if " our own ears hear a word behind us saying: "This is the way. In that way, members of the Christian congregation feel a tranquillity that others research. - Isa. (a) Nos tempos antigos, em que sentido Deus fez "tremer todas as nações ," e como saíram" as coisas desejáveis "? (a) In ancient times, how did God "rock all the nations, " and how did" the desirable things " come out? Then think of what led to each of them. Veja, por exemplo, este conselho da Bíblia: "Há mais felicidade em dar do que em receber. " Take, for example, this Bible principle: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " What example do elders provide for younger men and others? As Escrituras fazem referência a "terna compaixão ,"" ternas misericórdias " e "terna afeição ." The Scriptures refer to "tender compassion, "" tender mercies, " and "tender affection. " Such a stand is more difficult for you to let God's word examine "the thoughts and intentions of the heart " and to imitate Jehovah's forgiveness. - Heb. Mas ele fracassou, pois lutava contra o Cabeça da congregação cristã. However, he failed because he was in conflict with the Head of the Christian congregation. 24: 28. Desse modo, os membros da congregação cristã sentem uma tranquilidade que outros desconhecem. - Isa. Members of the Christian congregation thus experience a tranquillity unknown to others. - Isa. " Many people of Eastern Europe are thirsting for the truth, " states a branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in southern Europe. Daí pense no que resultou para cada um deles. Then note how things turned out for them. This certainly should deepen our appreciation throughout God's written Word. Que exemplo os anciãos dão para homens mais jovens e para outros? What example do elders set for younger men and others? " Each one will carry his own load. " Essa postura, por mais difícil que seja, fará com que você deixe que a palavra de Deus examine "os pensamentos e as intenções do coração " e o oriente a imitar a atitude de perdão de Jeová. - Heb. By adopting such an approach, difficult though it may be, you permit God's word to examine the "thoughts and intentions of [your] heart " and guide you in imitating Jehovah's forgiving attitude. - Heb. " Your word is the truth. " - JOHN 17: 17. 24: 28. 24: 28. Indeed it has! " Muitas pessoas da Europa Oriental estão sedentas da verdade ," declara uma congênere das Testemunhas de Jeová no sul da Europa. " Many of those who come from Eastern Europe are thirsting for the truth, " states a branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in southern Europe. What does the Bible tell us about Abigail? Isso certamente deve aumentar nosso apreço por toda a Palavra escrita de Deus. This surely ought to enhance our appreciation for the entire written Word of God. After the opening of the seventh trumpet blast, high voices announce: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ. " - Rev. " Cada um levará a sua própria carga. " " Each one will carry his own load. " (Read Colossians 3: 8 - 10, 13.) " A tua palavra é a verdade. " - JOÃO 17: 17. " Your word is truth. " - JOHN 17: 17. Therefore, this article will consider these important questions: What is our share? Sem dúvida! Absolutely! So the issue of integrity makes your conduct and decisions that you make - the day - to - be very important. O que a Bíblia nos diz sobre Abigail? What does the Bible tell us about Abigail? When they are old enough to be held accountable for their acts, they will be accountable to Jehovah for their course, whether they are baptized or not. - Romans 14: 11, 12. Após o toque da sétima trombeta, vozes altas anunciam: "O reino do mundo tornou - se o reino de nosso Senhor e do seu Cristo. " - Rev. After the blowing of the seventh trumpet, loud voices announce: "The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ. " - Rev. Do your secular work require you to associate with people of the opposite sex? (Leia Colossenses 3: 8 - 10, 13.) (Read Colossians 3: 8 - 10, 13.) THE FROM THERE AND BE OF THE BEASTE AND THE BEASTS Portanto, este artigo considerará estas importantes perguntas: Qual é nossa herança? This article will therefore consider these important questions: What is our inheritance? But we must continue to grow in both ways. Portanto, a questão da integridade faz com que a sua conduta e as decisões que você toma no dia - a - dia sejam muito importantes. The issue of your integrity thus makes day - to - day conduct and choices quite important. We know that sharing the good news with others is of utmost importance, for it gives them the opportunity to become reconciled to God and receive everlasting life. Quando tiverem idade suficiente de ser responsabilizados por seus atos, terão de prestar contas a Jeová pelo seu modo de agir, quer sejam batizados quer não. - Romanos 14: 11, 12. When you have reached the age of responsibility, you are answerable to Jehovah for the way you act whether you are baptized or not. - Romans 14: 11, 12. However, Ruth's not meant no. O seu serviço secular requer que você se associe com pessoas do sexo oposto? Does your secular work require that you associate with members of the opposite sex? 6, 7. O DESCENDENTE DA SERPENTE E A FERA THE SERPENT'S SEED AND THE WILD BEAST Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. ' Mas devemos continuar a crescer em ambos os sentidos. But we should continue to grow in both respects. To those Israelites, "the fish and the fish " that is cast, the water, the capital, the majestic eyes, and the eyes were better than they were to be free to worship Jehovah. Sabemos que compartilhar as boas novas com outros é de máxima importância, pois lhes dá a oportunidade de ser reconciliados com Deus e receber a vida eterna. It opens the way to everlasting life for those who become reconciled to God. Peter's listeners likely knew those words of Moses. Mas o Não de Rute significou Não. But Ruth's No meant No. • How do we show respect for Christ's holiness? 6, 7. 6, 7. July 15, 2011 Pondera estas coisas; absorve - te nelas, para que o teu progresso seja manifesto a todos. ' Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " It may be challenging to realize all that it is important to have a personal organization. Para aqueles israelitas, " os peixes, os pepinos, as melancias, os alhos - porós, as cebolas e os alhos ' eram melhores do que estar livres para adorar a Jeová. Just imagine, they put " fish, cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions, and garlic ' above their God - given freedom to worship the true God, Jehovah. Let us, then, consider how the consideration of certain Bible accounts can strengthen our faith in "keep Jehovah constantly before us. " É provável que os ouvintes de Pedro conhecessem essas palavras de Moisés. Those words of Moses were likely familiar to Peter's audience. Sadly, in this world we are surrounded by people who engage in Paul's description of Paul. • Como mostramos respeito pela santidade de Cristo? • How do we show that we respect Christ's holiness? For example, Lily is a single sister who helped Carol, a widow in the congregation. 15 de julho de 2011 July 15, 2011 Similarly, a very busy person may hesitate to study the Bible. Pode ser um desafio dar conta de tudo, por isso é importante ter boa organização pessoal. It can be a struggle to get everything done, so good personal organization is important. This study is vital for Christian overseers, "that their hearts do not exalt themselves above their brothers. " Assim, vejamos como a consideração de certos relatos bíblicos pode fortalecer nossa fé de modo a " mantermos a Jeová constantemente diante de nós '. So let us see how considering Bible accounts can strengthen our faith so that we "keep Jehovah always before [us]. " - Byington. Joe recalls: " Where did everyone fish go after he asked, " Where did he go after all those fish? ' Infelizmente, neste mundo estamos cercados de pessoas que se encaixam na descrição de Paulo. Sadly, we are surrounded by people in the world who fit Paul's description. She vanished with and distractions of World War II. Por exemplo, Jessica é uma irmã solteira que ajudava Edna, uma viúva na congregação. For example, Lily is a single sister in the congregation who willingly helped a widow named Carol. Then the Israelites complained about water. De modo similar, uma pessoa muito ocupada talvez hesite em estudar a Bíblia. Likewise, a busy person may hesitate to study the Bible. We feel that way because we have the need to be accepted by others. Esse estudo é vital para os superintendentes cristãos, " para que seus corações não se exaltem acima de seus irmãos '. Such a study is vital for Christian overseers, "that [their] heart may not exalt itself above [their] brothers. " When that happens, they will be " released from their fleshly body ' and will live in heaven. Joe se lembra de ter se perguntado logo depois: " Para onde foram todos aqueles peixes? ' Joe recalls wondering soon thereafter, " Where have all the fish gone? ' Helping such a way can make a big difference in our brother's life. - Prov. Ela desapareceu com a eclosão da Segunda Guerra Mundial. It disappeared with the onset of World War II. Even when children are not so young and are now responsible, they need to continue helping them to "flee from the desires incidental to youth. " - 2 Timothy 2: 22. Daí, os israelitas reclamaram de novo que não tinham água. * The Israelites once again complained about the lack of water. However, he tried to give opportunities to honor Jehovah and zealously encourage the Israelites to do the same. Nós nos sentimos assim porque temos a necessidade de sermos aceitos pelos outros. It is because each one of us has a natural desire to be accepted. 5, 6. (a) Why is it important to listen carefully to those who say inactive ones? Quando isso acontecer, eles vão ser " livrados do seu corpo ' carnal e vão viver no céu. They receive "the spirit " as ones" waiting for adoption as sons, the release from [their fleshly] bodies. " 15: 23. Ajudar dessa forma pode fazer uma grande diferença na vida do nosso irmão. - Pro. Such initiatives may make a big difference in the life of a fellow believer. - Prov. " All Scripture " does not move us to burn hastily with anyone. Mesmo quando os filhos já não são tão jovens e se mostram responsáveis, é preciso continuar ajudando - os a " fugir dos desejos pertinentes à mocidade '. - 2 Timóteo 2: 22. Even if youths are in their late teens and have shown that they can act responsibly, there is still a need to help them to "flee from the desires incidental to youth. " - 2 Timothy 2: 22. These youths go to meetings, go out in the field, and identify themselves as Witnesses of Jehovah. Mas ele procurava oportunidades para honrar a Jeová e zelosamente incentivava os israelitas a fazerem o mesmo. Yet, he watched for opportunities to honor Jehovah and wholeheartedly encouraged his fellow Israelites to do so. (Read Mark 14: 37.) 5, 6. (a) Por que é importante ouvir com atenção o que dizem os irmãos inativos? 5, 6. (a) Why is it important that we listen carefully to the expressions of inactive fellow believers? How Would You Answer? 15: 23. 15: 23. When conflicts arise, institutions of human society may try to pressure their citizens to take sides. " Toda a Escritura " não nos autoriza a ser desaforados com alguém. " All Scripture " does not authorize us to tell others off. What helps us to determine when David had sickness mentioned at Psalm 41? Esses jovens vão às reuniões, saem no campo e se identificam como Testemunhas de Jeová. In most cases, these young ones attend congregation meetings and share in the ministry. " I felt so happy in the ministry that I was no longer concerned about this subject. " - Read Psalm 37: 3, 4. (Leia Marcos 14: 37.) (Read Mark 14: 37.) How sad it is that many young Christians - and even a good number of old age - have to learn the path that sinful pleasures often exist. Qual é sua resposta? How Would You Answer? What Does the Bible Really Teach? Quando surgem conflitos, as instituições que governam a sociedade humana talvez pressionem seus cidadãos a tomar partido. The institutions that govern human society may pressure citizens to take sides in conflicts that arise. Marcus: Likely, many interprets that scripture. O que nos ajuda a determinar quando Davi teve a doença mencionada no Salmo 41? What helps us to determine when David may have experienced the sickness mentioned at Psalm 41? Should Christian parents choose such a purpose for their children? - Philippians 3: 7, 8; James 4: 4. " Eu me sentia tão feliz no ministério que não estava mais preocupado com esse assunto. " - Leia Salmo 37: 3, 4. " I had stopped worrying about it because I was enjoying my ministry so much. " - Read Psalm 37: 3, 4. Absolutely! Como é triste que muitos cristãos jovens - e mesmo um bom número dos de mais idade - tiveram de aprender pelo caminho difícil que os prazeres pecaminosos não raro cobram um custo elevado. How sad that many young ones in the truth - and even a number of older ones - have had to learn the hard way that sinful pleasures often come at great cost! Moreover, Jehovah's angels may maneuver matters that any other might cause others to be taken off from their people. O Que a Bíblia Realmente Ensina? What Does the Bible Really Teach? Then his genuine repentance caused Jehovah to extend mercy. Marcos: É provável que muitos interpretem esse texto assim. Marcus: Many would probably interpret the verse that way. We should not allow family ties to oppose Bible principles. Será que os pais cristãos devem escolher tal objetivo para os filhos? - Filipenses 3: 7, 8; Tiago 4: 4. Should Christian parents choose such a goal for their children? - Philippians 3: 7, 8; James 4: 4. When parents fear that God put spiritual interests first in life and teach their children to do the same, they are likely to resist all kinds of temptation and pressures that may arise in school or in another place. Com certeza! Of course he would! " When I was young, " admits one brother, "I ought to go quickly to the door, pretending to touch the doorbell, and even though no one saw me know or heard.... Além disso, os anjos de Jeová podem manobrar as coisas de forma que qualquer um que faça outros tropeçar seja retirado do seu povo. In addition, Jehovah's angels can maneuver matters so that any who cause others to stumble are removed from among Jehovah's people. In view of what was described at Revelation 14: 9, 10, Christians guard against what? Daí, seu arrependimento sincero fez com que Jeová lhe estendesse misericórdia. Then, his sincere repentance led Jehovah to extend mercy. [ Picture on page 11] Não devemos permitir que laços familiares se sobreponham a princípios bíblicos. We must not let family ties overshadow Bible principles. An dead man even touched his mind when he touched his body on Elisha's bones when he thrown into a grave. Quando pais que temem a Deus colocam os interesses espirituais em primeiro lugar na vida e ensinam seus filhos a fazer o mesmo, é bem provável que os filhos resistam a todo tipo de tentação e pressão que possam surgir na escola ou em outro lugar. When God - fearing parents put spiritual interests first in their lives and teach their offspring to do the same, their children are very likely to resist whatever temptations and pressures that may arise at school or elsewhere. By acquiring accurate knowledge of the Scriptures and by conforming to Jehovah's righteous standards, a person can become a friend of God, with the prospect of living forever. " Quando eu era jovem ," admite um irmão, "costumava ir rapidamente até a porta, fingia tocar a campainha e ia embora bem quietinho, esperando que ninguém me visse ou ouvisse.... " When I was young, " admits a Christian brother, "I would quickly walk up to the door, pretend to ring the doorbell, and quietly walk away, hoping no one would hear or see me.... 19: 8. Em vista do que foi descrito em Revelação 14: 9, 10, os cristãos alertas tomam cuidado para evitar o quê? In view of what is described at Revelation 14: 9, 10, what are alert Christians careful to avoid? They had witnessed a variety of deliverance from Jehovah and soon to enter the Promised Land. [ Foto na página 11] [ Picture on page 11] How did Abraham show his confidence in Jehovah? Um homem morto até mesmo reviveu quando seu corpo tocou nos ossos de Eliseu ao ser jogado numa sepultura. A dead man had even come to life when his body was thrown into a grave and it touched the bones of Elisha. True, they are not perfect, but they struggle against their weaknesses and strive to have good qualities and to do Jehovah's will. Por adquirir conhecimento exato das Escrituras e por ajustar sua vida aos padrões justos de Jeová, a pessoa pode se tornar amiga de Deus, com a perspectiva de viver para sempre. By coming to an accurate knowledge of the Scriptures and by conforming his life to Jehovah's righteous standards, a person can become a friend of God, with the prospect of living forever. When Jesus pointed to the illustration of the vine, he explained that Jehovah is the farmer who produces grapes. 19: 8. 19: 8. Moses ' face reflected God's Glory Eles tinham presenciado os diversos atos de libertação de Jeová e logo estariam entrando na Terra Prometida. They had witnessed many acts of deliverance by Jehovah, and soon they would march into the Promised Land. The adulterous adulterer does not destroy his relationship with God and destroy family ties. Como Abraão mostrou que confiava em Jeová? How did Abraham show that he trusted in God? They were worried about their own daily needs and lifestyle. É verdade que elas não são perfeitas, mas lutam contra suas fraquezas e se esforçam para ter boas qualidades e fazer a vontade de Jeová. They, like us, have battled weaknesses and imperfections while trying to develop those godly qualities. Note the words: "Do not think I came to bring peace, so Jesus meant that following him would result in some difficulties. Quando contou a ilustração da videira, Jesus explicou que Jeová é o lavrador que produz uvas. (Read John 15: 1, 8.) Note that Jesus compared his Father, Jehovah, to a cultivator, or gardener, who grows grapes. Were the descendants of the Nephilim, who lived before the Flood? O rosto de Moisés refletia a glória de Deus Moses ' face reflected glory He went on to say to his people: " Look! the people of the sons of Israel is more numerous and stronger than we do. ' O adúltero não - arrependido destrói sua relação com Deus e arruína os vínculos familiares. An unrepentant adulterer destroys his relationship with God and ruins family bonds. 25: 23. Eles se preocupavam mais com as suas próprias necessidades diárias e estilo de vida. They became preoccupied with their own daily needs and way of life. Why not? Note as palavras: "Não pensem que vim trazer paz. " Com isso, Jesus queria dizer que seguir a ele resultaria em algumas dificuldades. In saying "Do not think I came to bring peace, " Jesus meant that some of his listeners needed to think about the consequences of following him. Thus, personal prayers can cover almost everything in our life. Será que os anaquins eram descendentes dos nefilins, que viveram antes do Dilúvio? Were the Anakim descendants of the pre - Flood Nephilim? Granted, it may be a challenge to apply this principle when a workmate or school treat us. E ele passou a dizer a seu povo: " Eis que o povo dos filhos de Israel é mais numeroso e mais forte do que nós. ' So he said to his people: " Look! The people of Israel are more numerous and mightier than we are. ' Our goal should be to increase our desire to please Jehovah and to obey his laws. 25: 23. 25: 23. Throughout the years, Jehovah has blessed his people with more understanding of Bible prophecies. It helps us to appreciate the wonderful reward in front of the years. Por que não? Why not? (b) How can you apply these Bible principles? Assim, as orações pessoais podem abranger praticamente tudo na nossa vida. Hence, personal prayers may touch virtually every facet of life. Another fine example is that of Saul, who became the apostle Paul. É verdade que pode ser um desafio aplicar esse princípio quando um colega de trabalho ou de escola nos trata mal. Granted, applying that principle can be a challenge if a workmate or a schoolmate treats us unkindly. Let us consider how God's ancient servants can help us to trust in Jehovah and do what we can to solve problems and help others. Nosso objetivo deve ser aumentar nosso desejo de agradar a Jeová e de obedecer às suas leis. Keep in mind that as we study and meditate, we should do so with the goal of developing a heartfelt desire to please Jehovah and obey his laws. They say: "Remember, O Jehovah, what happened to us. Ao longo dos anos, Jeová tem abençoado seu povo com mais entendimento de profecias bíblicas. Meditar nisso nos ajuda a prezar a maravilhosa recompensa à frente. When we reflect on the way Jehovah has blessed his people over the years with increased understanding of Bible prophecy, we can appreciate what a wonderful reward lies ahead. How pleasant it would be to draw one of them to the afternoon in such a place! (b) Como você aplicaria esses princípios bíblicos? (b) How would you apply these Scriptural principles? (3) How can we show appreciation for Jehovah's patience? Outro ótimo exemplo é o de Saulo, que se tornou o apóstolo Paulo. Another fine example is that of Saul, who became the apostle Paul. In the Internet, reality is designed to confuse the fiction. Vamos ver como o exemplo de servos de Deus do passado pode nos ajudar a confiar em Jeová e fazer o que podemos para resolver problemas e ajudar outros. Using faithful examples from the past, we will examine how we can trust in Jehovah to support us while taking whatever action we can to solve problems and help others. Everlasting, a basic truth that guides our thinking and course of action helps us to make wise decisions. Eles dizem: "Lembra - te, ó Jeová, do que nos aconteceu. They say: "Remember, O Jehovah, what has happened to us. (Read Revelation 21: 1 - 4.) Como seria agradável tirar uma soneca à tarde num lugar assim! How pleasant it would be to take an afternoon nap in such a spot! 18, 19. (3) Como podemos mostrar apreço pela paciência de Jeová? (3) How can we express our appreciation for Jehovah's patience? What about a man who wounded divorces his wife to marry another woman? Na internet, a realidade se confunde com a ficção. On the Internet, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Thus, the holy spirit directed the fields of water to shine. Princípio é uma verdade básica que guia nosso modo de pensar e agir e nos ajuda a tomar boas decisões. A principle is a fundamental truth or doctrine that is used as a basis of reasoning or action. 8: 5. (Leia Revelação 21: 1 - 4.) (Read Revelation 21: 1 - 4.) Today, there are over 1,100 congregations worldwide. 18, 19. 18, 19. Jehovah cares about what happens to us. Que dizer do homem que desamorosamente se divorcia da esposa para se casar com outra mulher? What of a man who unlovingly divorces his wife in order to marry another woman? He also pleaded: "Teach me goodness, sensibleness and knowledge, for I had faith in your commandments. " Por isso, o espírito santo os direcionou para campos mais frutíferos. Hence, the holy spirit directed them to more fruitful fields. Jesus therefore spoke to the Samaritan woman about everlasting life not only for the anointed heirs of the Kingdom but also for faithful humans with the earthly hope. 8: 5. 8: 5. He knows whether we have a health problem that prevents us from eating certain foods. Hoje há mais de 1.100 dessas congregações em todo o mundo. Currently, there are over 1,100 sign - language congregations worldwide. (Read Isaiah 58: 6, 7.) Jeová se importa com o que acontece conosco. It matters to Jehovah what happens to us. In doing so, these nations who make for a better share in the preaching work have "have been severely severe, " becoming victims of the birds. E também suplicou: "Ensina - me a própria bondade, a sensatez e o conhecimento, pois tive fé nos teus mandamentos. " He also pleaded: "Teach me goodness, sensibleness and knowledge themselves, for in your commandments I have exercised faith. " 5, 6. Portanto, Jesus falou à mulher samaritana a respeito de vida eterna não apenas para os ungidos herdeiros do Reino, mas também para os humanos fiéis que têm a esperança terrestre. Thus, Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman about everlasting life not only for the anointed Kingdom heirs but also for believing mankind having an earthly hope. Likewise, children can learn much from their parents ' prayers. Ele sabe se temos um problema de saúde que nos impede de comer certos alimentos. He knows which piece of our clothing will wear out next. Why is it important to remember those reasons? (Leia Isaías 58: 6, 7.) (Read Isaiah 58: 6, 7.) 4: 1; 6: 5 - Why is the hair of the Shulammite girl compared to a " tearing out of chap "? Ao fazerem isso, essas nações que interferem na pregação " se arranham severamente ', ficando com muitos cortes. In so doing, the meddling nations have received "severe scratches for themselves, " getting all cut up. [ Picture on page 21] 5, 6. 5, 6. Today, the prospect of living forever on earth makes the hearts of millions of people overflow with gratitude to Jehovah. Da mesma forma, os filhos podem aprender muito com as orações dos pais. Similarly, your children can learn a lot from your prayers. His resurrection was foreshadowed during another festival. Por que é importante sempre lembrar desses motivos? Why is it important to keep clearly in mind why we preach? Give an example. 4: 1; 6: 5 - Por que o cabelo da sulamita é comparado a uma "grei de caprídeos "? 4: 1; 6: 5 - Why is the maiden's hair compared to "a drove of goats "? However, these leaders are not "fishers of men. " [ Foto na página 21] [ Picture on page 21] We know that from the beginning of Satan's wicked career, his lies and leadership have caused death among humans. Hoje, a perspectiva de viver para sempre na Terra faz o coração de milhões de pessoas transbordar de gratidão a Jeová. Today, the prospect of living forever on earth fills the hearts of millions with gratitude toward Jehovah. (b) What are God's servants determined to continue doing? Sua ressurreição foi prefigurada durante outra festividade. His resurrection was foreshadowed during another festival. [ Picture on page 25] Dê um exemplo. Give an example. Such wicked spirits, knowing that his short time is, infected his violent anger over mankind, causing great suffering. Mas esses líderes não são "pescadores de homens " - ou seja, não vão até as pessoas. But rather than being "fishers of men, " Christendom's clergy seem more concerned with merely keeping the" fish " they already have. But what would happen if the pilot ignore all instructions and follow the road he wanted to do? Sabemos que desde o início da carreira perversa de Satanás, suas mentiras e liderança têm causado a morte entre os humanos. Well, from the start of Satan's career of wickedness, his lies and leadings have caused death among humans. However, Baal worshippers did not give up. (b) O que os servos de Deus estão decididos a continuar fazendo? (b) What are God's servants determined to keep on doing? Five days before the Passover of 33 C.E., Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt. [ Foto na página 25] [ Picture on page 25] Should we fear the Devil? Esses espíritos iníquos, sabendo que seu tempo é curto, descarregam sua ira violenta sobre a humanidade, causando grande sofrimento. Knowing that their time is short, these wicked spirits have vented their violent anger on mankind, causing great woe. Remember, "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 2 Pet. Mas o que aconteceria se o piloto ignorasse todas as instruções e seguisse a rota que ele quisesse? However, if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired, the result could be disastrous. When congregations understand this and show that they value Bethelites and service, they benefit from it. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 9. Mas os adoradores de Baal não desistiram. The Baal worshippers, however, did not give up. They show how God preserved his Word, blessed its use of his name, and made it possible for spiritual truth to protect us from religious errors. Cinco dias antes da Páscoa de 33 EC, Jesus entrou em Jerusalém montado num jumentinho. Five days before the Passover of 33 C.E., Jesus enters Jerusalem riding upon a colt. ▪ This Is Our Place of Worship Precisamos ter medo do Diabo? Should We Fear the Devil? On one occasion, Persian King Artaxerxes noted that his cupbearer had been stricken. Lembre - se também que "Jeová sabe livrar da provação os de devoção piedosa ." - 2 Ped. Remember, too, that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 2 Pet. But if that was the case, they did not take advantage of the opportunity. Quando congregações entendem isso e mostram que valorizam os betelitas e o serviço que eles fazem, todos são beneficiados. - Leia 1 Tessalonicenses 2: 9. When congregations understand this and show that they appreciate the Bethelites and the work they are doing, everyone benefits. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 9. Consider what happened in the fall of 29 C.E. when Jesus was 30 years old and came to John the Baptizer. Mostram como Deus preservou sua Palavra, abençoou o uso de seu nome e tornou possível a preservação de verdades espirituais que nos protegem contra erros religiosos. They show how God has preserved his Word, has blessed the use of his name, and has made possible the preservation of spiritual truth that protects us from religious error. [ Footnote] ▪ Respeitemos nossos locais de adoração ▪ This Is Our Place of Worship 3 - 5. (a) What mistake did Asa make? Certa ocasião, o rei persa Artaxerxes notou que seu copeiro Neemias estava abatido. On one occasion, Persian King Artaxerxes noticed that his cupbearer Nehemiah was gloomy. What must we recognize about ourselves in order to reflect God's glory? Mas, se esse foi o caso, eles não aproveitaram a oportunidade. Simplesmente ficaram de braços cruzados. Yet, at that critical moment when given a choice between doing something and doing nothing, did they give in to indifference? Stressing "the sort of people we must be ' from Jehovah's standpoint, the apostle Peter urges us to pursue holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " Considere o que aconteceu no outono de 29 EC, quando Jesus tinha 30 anos e veio até João Batista. Consider what took place in the autumn of 29 C.E. when 30 - year - old Jesus came to John the Baptizer. With these thrilling events ahead, what must each of us do now? [ Nota (s) de rodapé] [ Footnote] This likely implied shame or death very near. 3 - 5. (a) Em vez de confiar em Jeová, que erro Asa cometeu? 3 - 5. (a) Though Asa's heart was complete toward Jehovah, what problem did he face? Do not "go down ' in time with a lazy behavior. O que temos de reconhecer a respeito de nós mesmos a fim de refletirmos a glória de Deus? What must we acknowledge about ourselves in order to reflect God's glory? Similarly, when we repeat this cycle of learning from Jehovah's counsel, applying them and then reap the benefits, our trust increases in him. Enfatizando " que sorte de pessoas devemos ser ' do ponto de vista de Jeová, o apóstolo Pedro nos exorta a nos empenhar "em atos santos de conduta e em ações de devoção piedosa ." Emphasizing the " sort of persons we ought to be ' from Jehovah's viewpoint, the apostle Peter urges us to engage in "holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " 3: 13. Com esses acontecimentos empolgantes à frente, o que cada um de nós precisa fazer agora? With these exciting events ahead of us, what should each of us now be doing? You must also fight against their own imperfections, including a treacherous heart. Isso provavelmente dava a entender vergonha ou morte iminente. This was likely to suggest shamefulness or impending doom. We are exhorted to renounce ourselves and gain approval and blessings that Jehovah offers. Não " furtamos ' tempo com um comportamento preguiçoso. We do not "steal " time by being lazy. We want to use them to support Kingdom interests and to help those who spend material needs instead of using them for selfish purposes. De modo similar, ao repetirmos esse ciclo de aprender os conselhos de Jeová, aplicá - los e daí colher os benefícios, a nossa confiança Nele aumenta. Similarly, as we repeat this cycle of learning Jehovah's counsel, following it, and then reaping the benefits, our trust in Jehovah grows. 16, 17. (a) How do we know that Jehovah is not indifferent to the problems of his people? 3: 13. 3: 13. What will be? Você tem de lutar também contra suas próprias imperfeições, incluindo um coração traiçoeiro. You also have to contend with your own imperfections, including a treacherous heart. Of course, we know that a close relationship with Jehovah and the support of his spirit are the sources of powerful strength that we have as true Christians. Nós somos exortados a renunciar a nós mesmos e a ganhar a aprovação e as bênçãos que Jeová oferece. We are urged to disown ourselves and gain Jehovah's approval and the blessings he holds out for us. During 19 B.C.E. and 1916, for in the opposition of the organization outside the preaching work has waned. Queremos usá - los para apoiar os interesses do Reino e para ajudar os que passam necessidades em vez de usá - los para fins egoístas. Rather than using them for selfish purposes, we want to use them in furthering Kingdom interests and in helping those in need. Why did Jesus need long - suffering and kindness when dealing with the apostles? 16, 17. (a) Como sabemos que Jeová não é indiferente aos problemas de seu povo? 16, 17. (a) How do we know that Jehovah is not indifferent to the problems his people face? This simple illustration, but family members would soon have wondered, " What master am I serving? ' O que será? What is that? How should you treat someone who partakes of the Memorial emblems? Naturalmente, sabemos que uma estreita relação com Jeová e o apoio de seu espírito são as fontes de força mais poderosas que temos como cristãos verdadeiros. Of course, we realize that having a close relationship with Jehovah and receiving the support of his spirit are the most powerful sources of strength that we have as true Christians. He did just so. " Durante 1915 e 1916, por causa da oposição de fora da organização o ritmo da obra de pregação diminuiu. During 1915 and 1916, opposition from outside the organization slowed down the preaching work. (a) How did Jesus show respect for his disciples? Por que Jesus precisou de longanimidade e benignidade ao lidar com os apóstolos? Why did Jesus need to be long - suffering and kind in his dealings with the apostles? (Read Job 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) Essa ilustração simples, mas familiar, faria com que aqueles cristãos em Roma logo se perguntassem: " Que amo estou servindo? ' That simple but familiar illustration would prompt those Christians in Rome to ask themselves, " Which master am I serving? ' The Persians entered Babylon by the colossal doors in the city of city, which had been held open. Como você deve tratar alguém que come do pão e bebe do vinho na Celebração? How should you treat someone who partakes of the Memorial emblems? It was the great joy of giving in behalf of others. Fez exatamente assim. " He did just so. " PAGE 8 (a) Qual foi uma maneira importante de Jesus mostrar respeito pelos seus discípulos? (a) What is one important way in which Jesus showed respect for his disciples? 15, 16. (a) What opportunity was opened up for Moses in view of what Jehovah had spoken? (Leia Jó 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) (Read Job 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) The "other sheep " need to stick loyally to anointed ones, support them in all respects. Os soldados persas entraram em Babilônia pelas enormes portas duplas na muralha da cidade, que por descuido tinham ficado abertas. The Persians entered the city through the massive two - leaved doors in the city wall, which had carelessly been left open. What can we learn from Paul's example when he was under house arrest? Sentirá a grande alegria de dar de si em favor dos outros. You will experience the increased happiness that comes from giving to others. Soon, all worshippers of Jehovah will enter into the new world of righteousness. PÁGINA 8 PAGE 8 When did the time for Christ appoint a channel to provide spiritual food? 15, 16. (a) Que oportunidade se abriu para Moisés em vista do que Jeová havia falado? 15, 16. (a) What opportunity opened up to Moses because of what Jehovah said? (See footnote.) As "outras ovelhas " devem se apegar lealmente aos ungidos, apoiando - os de coração em todos os sentidos. The "other sheep " should loyally stick to the anointed, wholeheartedly supporting them in every way. REGULAR PIONEERS O que aprendemos do exemplo de Paulo quando estava em prisão domiciliar? What can we learn from Paul's example when he was under house arrest? Many pioneers say that they are happy when they know that their past students are still serving Jehovah and became a pioneer. Em breve, todos os adoradores de Jeová entrarão unidos no novo mundo de justiça. Soon, all of Jehovah's worshippers will unitedly walk into the new world of righteousness. And he gave advice: "You are seeking great things for yourself. 3: 16 - Why did Naomi ask Ruth: "Who are you, my daughter? " He belongs to Jehovah through his life. " Quando chegou o tempo para Cristo designar um canal organizado para suprir alimento espiritual? When was it time for Christ to appoint one organized channel to dispense spiritual food? • Why does marriage not offer automatic protection against sexual immorality? (Veja a nota.) (See footnote.) (b) What questions about the stewardship of a steward will we examine? PIONEIROS REGULARES REGULAR PIONEERS Is it not thrilled to know that though he was greater and wiser than any other man, was approachable, including all children? Muitos pioneiros dizem que ficam felizes quando sabem que um de seus estudantes do passado ainda serve a Jeová e até se tornou pioneiro. Many pioneers can attest to how encouraging it is for them to learn that some of those they helped into the truth years ago are staying faithful and perhaps are even serving as pioneers. Throughout song, there were wickedness and corruption. E lhe deu um conselho: "Você está procurando grandes coisas para si. But you are seeking great things for yourself. Take the Early signs of Warning Ele pertencerá a Jeová por toda a sua vida. " For all his days, he is lent to Jehovah. " An outstanding feature of the fruitage of the spirit is its stability. • Por que o casamento não oferece proteção automática contra imoralidade sexual? • Why does marriage not offer automatic protection against sexual immorality? Suppose that a friend warns him that a bad person has acted a road road road to hindering travelers. (b) Que perguntas sobre o serviço de mordomo examinaremos? (b) What questions about stewardship will we consider? Likewise, brothers and sisters who want to be pioneers, Bethelites, or branch offices in Kingdom Hall construction need to work hard to reach out for such goals. Não fica emocionado de saber que ele, embora fosse maior e mais sábio do que qualquer outro homem, era acessível a todos, inclusive a crianças? Does it not move you to know that though he was greater and wiser than any other man, he made himself approachable to all, including children? (a) In the Bible, mountains can represent what? Por todo canto, havia maldade e corrupção. In fact, the people had become "expert at doing what is bad. " How can our "eye " eye or" hand " fall? Reconheça os primeiros sinais de alerta Recognize Early Warning Signs God did not create millions of perfect humans to inhabit the earth. Uma notável característica dos aspectos do fruto do espírito é a sua estabilidade. A notable characteristic of the fruitage of the spirit is its stability. July 13 - 19, 2009 Digamos que um amigo o alertasse de que uma pessoa má alterou uma placa para prejudicar viajantes incautos. Imagine that a friend warned you that an evil man had deliberately changed a sign in order to cause harm to unwary travelers. Like Apollos, we strive to understand what we read in the Bible. Da mesma forma, irmãos e irmãs que querem ser pioneiros, betelitas ou voluntários em construções de Salões do Reino também precisam se esforçar para alcançar esses alvos. In time, he hopes to be spiritually qualified to serve as an overseer. In each case, he works hard to meet the qualifications needed to care for added responsibility in the congregation. Recall, too, how Abraham pursued peace with the Philistines in the land of Canaan. (a) Na Bíblia, montes podem simbolizar o quê? (a) What can mountains symbolize in the Bible? So let us imagine what happened to them. Como pode nosso "olho " ou nossa" mão " nos fazer "tropeçar "? How can our "eye " or" hand " cause us to "stumble "? My friendship with Jehovah is very precious to me. Deus não criou milhões de humanos perfeitos para habitar a Terra. God did not create millions of individual perfect humans to populate the earth. Jehovah is indeed the Grand Provider of countless ways. 13 - 19 de julho de 2009 July 13 - 19, 2009 Ruth showed appreciation for God's gift of marriage Assim como Apolo, nós nos esforçamos em entender o que lemos na Bíblia. Like Apollos, we strive to understand what we read in the Bible. Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness. Lembre - se também de como Abraão empenhou - se pela paz com os vizinhos filisteus na terra de Canaã. Think also of how Abraham pursued peace with his Philistine neighbors in the land of Canaan. 24: 14. Então, vamos imaginar o que pode ter acontecido. What problems? The Bible does not say. 12, 13. (a) What will happen when Jesus comes "with power and great glory "? Minha amizade com Jeová é muito valiosa para mim. My relationship with Jehovah is most precious to me. Proverbs 4: 18 says: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " Jeová é de fato o Grande Provisor de incontáveis maneiras. Jehovah is indeed the Grand Provider in ways without number. How can we show honor to people? Rute mostrou apreço pela dádiva divina do casamento Ruth showed appreciation for God's gift of marriage What the jailer learned at that short time moved him to get baptized. O próprio Jeová não reterá nada de bom dos que andam sem defeito. Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness. On earth, Jesus spoke for at least one of "the men of men. " 24: 14. 24: 14. I make a reply to me, and I also will tell you with authority that I do these things. " 12, 13. (a) O que acontecerá quando Jesus vier "com poder e grande glória "? 12, 13. (a) What will happen when Jesus comes "with power and great glory "? Peter did not believe and said: "Even if I have to die with you, I will by no means disown you. " Provérbios 4: 18 diz: "A vereda dos justos é como a luz clara que clareia mais e mais até o dia estar firmemente estabelecido. " Proverbs 4: 18 says: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " How can you reach that high moral standard? Como podemos dar honra às pessoas? How can we take the lead in showing honor to others? Just as Paul's day mistreated him, so most people find the hope that we preach is highal or lower. - Acts 17: 18. O que o carcereiro aprendeu naquele pouco tempo o motivou a se batizar. In a relatively brief time, his knowledge of basic Scriptural truths and his appreciation of them prompted him to get baptized. What can we learn from the example of the disciple Stephen? Na Terra, Jesus falava pelo menos uma das "línguas de homens ." On earth, Jesus used at least one of "the tongues of men. " I had confidence in my own understanding, that I now know that it was a person who was inferior, for I didn't know anything. " Respondei - me, e eu também vos direi com que autoridade faço estas coisas. " You answer me, and I will also tell you by what authority I do these things. " " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Pedro não acreditou e disse: "Mesmo que eu tenha de morrer contigo, de modo algum te repudiarei. " Unmoved, Peter declared: "Even if I should have to die with you, I will by no means disown you. " © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Como se consegue alcançar esse alto padrão moral? How is this high moral standard achieved? How does Jehovah demonstrate it? Assim como os filósofos dos dias de Paulo o chamaram de "paroleiro " ignorante, a maioria das pessoas hoje acha que a esperança que pregamos é algo ridículo. - Atos 17: 18. Like the philosophers of Paul's day who called him an ignorant "chatterer, " most people today think that the hope we preach is sheer nonsense. - Acts 17: 18. 237,600,000 COPIES O que podemos aprender do exemplo do discípulo Estêvão? What can we learn from the example of the disciple Stephen? " Many of those who listened to the talk have listened, and the number of men arrived about about five thousand. " Eu confiava no meu próprio entendimento, que agora sei que era ridículo, pois eu não sabia nada. " I leaned on my own understanding, which I now know was ridiculous because I knew nothing. " Have you often meditate on the hope that God gave you? " Continuem a suportar uns aos outros e a perdoar uns aos outros liberalmente, mesmo que alguém tenha razão para queixa contra outro. " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. True, none of us enjoy an unpopular course, but we must remember that Christians have different standards of the world. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania But we engage in Christian activities because we are moved by God's spirit to demonstrate our warm love for Jehovah. Como Jeová a demonstra? How does Jehovah demonstrate it? Sophia: That's a sense. 300.000 EXEMPLARES 107,300,000 COPIES How have some responded to learning about God's name? " Muitos dos que tinham escutado o discurso creram, e o número dos homens chegou a cerca de cinco mil. " " Many of those who had listened to the speech believed, and the number of the men became about five thousand. " But no matter what they are doing, they never forget their glorious hope for the future. - 1 Cor. Costuma meditar na esperança que Deus lhe deu? Do you regularly reflect on your God - given hope? Imitate Jesus: Acceptable worship of God É verdade que nenhum de nós gosta de ser impopular, mas temos de nos lembrar que os cristãos têm padrões diferentes das pessoas do mundo. True, none of us like to be unpopular, but we must bear in mind that Christians have standards that are different from those in the world. This is not difficult to do so. Mas nós participamos em atividades cristãs porque somos movidos pelo espírito de Deus a demonstrar nosso caloroso amor a Jeová. But we engage in Christian activities because we are moved by God's spirit to demonstrate our heartfelt love for Jehovah. Why is it so important to strengthen our faith? Sofia: É, faz sentido. Sophia: Yes. For what I wish, I do not do, but bad that I do not wish, this is what I practice. Como alguns reagiram ao aprenderem sobre o nome de Deus? When learning of God's personal name, how have some responded? Anthony: That is why Jesus wants his followers to understand and use God's name - their salvation is involved. Mas, não importa o que estejam fazendo, eles nunca se esquecem de sua gloriosa esperança para o futuro. - 1 Cor. Yet, no matter what they are doing, they cannot help but remember the glorious hope that they have for the future. - 1 Cor. Why should we help others to make progress? Imite a Jesus: preste adoração aceitável a Deus Imitate Jesus - Render Acceptable Worship to God Can You Explain? Não é difícil fazer isso. Such a consideration is not difficult to arrange. mature mature mature Christians know, for personal experience, that doing things for the good of others is what brings greater happiness. Por que é tão importante fortalecer nossa fé? Why is strengthening our faith so important? Also, he warns the wicked who "felt the hour of judgment for [God]. " Pois o bem que quero, não faço, mas o mal que não quero, este é o que pratico. For the good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. In what ways can we demonstrate that we are separate from the world? Antônio: É por isso que Jesus quer tanto que seus seguidores conheçam e usem o nome de Deus: a salvação deles está envolvida. Anthony: So the salvation of his followers is one reason why it was important to Jesus that they know and use God's name. (Read Genesis 12: 14 - 20.) Por que devemos ajudar outros a progredir? Why should we help others to make progress? [ Picture on page 11] Sabe explicar? Can You Explain? There was another milestone in 36 C.E.: the conversion and baptism of Cornelius, a Gentile. Os cristãos maduros sabem, por experiência própria, que fazer coisas para o bem de outros é o que dá maior felicidade. Mature Christians know from experience that greater happiness comes from giving. But Solomon did not obey Jehovah's command. ' Também avisa aos maus que "já chegou a hora do julgamento por [Deus] ." It warns the ungodly that "the hour of the judgment by [God] has arrived. " Since the sowing was bad, they would reap what was bad. De que maneiras podemos demonstrar que estamos separados do mundo? In what ways can we show that we are separate from the world? Regarding " a certain Jew of Apollos, natural name of Alexandria, a man who had come to Ephesus, " says the Bible, "Since it was aglow with the spirit, he spoke and taught the things about Jesus. " (Leia Gênesis 12: 14 - 20.) (Read Genesis 12: 14 - 20.) 1: 11. [ Foto na página 11] [ Picture on page 11] God's rest day will go on until his purpose regarding this rest would have been fully realized during the end of Christ's Millennial Reign. Houve outro marco no ano 36 EC: a conversão e o batismo de Cornélio, um gentio. The year 36 C.E. saw another significant development - the conversion and baptism of Cornelius, a Gentile. Hence, all true worshippers can imitate the kind of unbreakable love and godly devotion. Mas Salomão não obedeceu à ordem de Jeová. ' But he did not obey what Jehovah had commanded. " So while we wait for that day, let us always be alert to the times in which we live, knowing that the final fulfillment of these prophecies is near! Visto que semeavam o que era mau, colheriam o que era mau. Because they sowed what was bad, they would reap what was bad. What a strong impression he made to bring us attention to it! Sobre " certo judeu de nome Apolo, natural de Alexandria, homem eloquente, que havia chegado a Éfeso ', a Bíblia diz: "Visto que era fervoroso no espírito, falava e ensinava com precisão as coisas a respeito de Jesus. " Concerning "a certain Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, an eloquent man, [who] arrived in Ephesus, " the Bible says:" As he was aglow with the spirit, he went speaking and teaching with correctness the things about Jesus. " Despite his battle and failure, Peter's life is an encouraging example. 1: 11. 1: 11. In the tract The Dead Dead home, the question is, "Why are my older and die, " and the cited scriptures are: 17 - 19 and Romans 5: 12. O dia de descanso de Deus prosseguirá até que Seu objetivo com relação a esse descanso tenha sido plenamente alcançado no fim do Reinado Milenar de Cristo. God's rest day will continue until his purpose in connection with it has been fully realized at the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. Confident that Jehovah's words would fulfill, Noah spent time, energy, and resources to fulfill God's commands. Portanto, todos os adoradores verdadeiros podem imitar o exemplo de inquebrantável amor e devoção da sulamita. All true worshippers, then, can imitate the Shulammite's example of unwavering love and devotion. The first slave received five talents; the second, two and the third, one. Portanto, enquanto aguardamos esse dia, estejamos sempre alertas aos tempos em que vivemos, sabendo que o cumprimento final dessas profecias está próximo! So as we await that day, may we be ever alert to the times in which we live, realizing that the final fulfillment of these prophecies is near at hand! How can you help your teenager to develop good qualities? Que forte impressão ele causou ao nos trazer isso à atenção! What a powerful impression he made in getting this across to us! Why is it important to strengthen my faith in God's promises? " Apesar de suas lutas e fracassos, a vida de Pedro é um exemplo encorajador. Despite these struggles and failures, Peter's life is a heartening example. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. " - Phil. No folheto Será Que os Mortos Podem Voltar a Viver?, a pergunta é "Por que envelhecemos e morremos? ," e os textos citados são Gênesis 3: 17 - 19 e Romanos 5: 12. the question is "Why do we grow old and die? " Genesis 3: 17 - 19 and Romans 5: 12 are cited. We live in exciting times. Confiante de que as palavras de Jeová se cumpririam, Noé gastou tempo, energia e recursos para cumprir as ordens de Deus. Certain that Jehovah's words would come true, Noah expended time, energy, and resources in order to fulfill God's commands. Then he will bless our humble efforts to speak to others about his Kingdom and its wonderful works. O primeiro escravo recebeu cinco talentos; o segundo, dois e o terceiro, um. The first and second slave received five and two talents respectively; the third, one talent. Satan wants you to be so afraid to die as far as to give your integrity in exchange for some vain. Como você pode ajudar seu filho adolescente a desenvolver boas qualidades? How can you help your teenager to develop good qualities? Concerning God, the psalmist says: "He is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is thinking their painful spots. " - Psalm 147: 3. Por que é importante fortalecer minha fé nas promessas de Deus? " And what are the benefits of having a strong faith in what you hope for? " I will declare your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I shall praise you and. " - HEBREWS 2: 12. Mais do que isso, quando se achou na feição de homem, humilhou - se e tornou - se obediente até à morte, sim, morte numa estaca de tortura. " - Fil. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. " - Phil. (Read John 15: 14, 15.) Vivemos em tempos emocionantes. We live in exciting times. The meeting of April 12, 2006 will surely strengthen the faith of the small number of anointed ones and their millions of other sheep companions. Assim ele abençoará nossos humildes esforços de falar a outros sobre seu Reino e suas obras maravilhosas. Then he will bless our humble efforts to tell others about his kingship and his wonderful works. • What can help us not to draw conclusions about the fact that Lot offered his daughters to a violent mob? Satanás quer que você tenha tanto medo de morrer a ponto de dar voluntariamente sua integridade em troca de alguma vã promessa de segurança. Satan wants you to be so terrified of death that you would willingly barter your integrity for some hollow promise of safety. * With that in mind, we understand that anyone walking with God leads to life according to God's standards and ways that pleases him. O salmista diz a respeito de Deus: "Está sarando os quebrantados de coração e está pensando seus pontos doloridos. " - Salmo 147: 3. The psalmist states concerning God: "He is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " - Psalm 147: 3. Satan's earthly agents have persecuted God's servants until death, as did Jesus. " Declararei o teu nome a meus irmãos; no meio da congregação louvar - te - ei. " - HEBREUS 2: 12. " I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of the congregation I will praise you. " - HEBREWS 2: 12. Are we giving our best, perhaps seeking ways to expand the ministry? (Leia João 15: 14, 15.) (Read John 15: 14, 15.) However, his faithful disciples would have "a everlasting period, " far more grand. A reunião de 12 de abril de 2006 certamente fortalecerá a fé do pequeno número de ungidos e de seus milhões de companheiros das outras ovelhas. How faith - strengthening it will be for the small number of anointed ones and their millions of other sheep companions to gather on April 12, 2006! You may need to make a extra effort to do things together. • O que pode nos ajudar a não tirar conclusões erradas sobre o fato de Ló ter oferecido suas filhas a uma turba violenta? • What can help us to avoid reaching the wrong conclusion about Lot's offering his daughters to the angry mob? Because of corruption and lack of faith, Jesus did not feel compelled to answer their question. * Com isso em mente, entendemos que quem anda com Deus leva a vida de acordo com as normas Dele e de um modo que Lhe agrada. * With this in mind, we understand that one who walks with God follows a life course outlined by God and pleasing to him. If we constantly try to please all, we will undermine our Christian identity. Além disso, os agentes terrestres de Satanás têm perseguido os servos de Deus até a morte, como fizeram com Jesus. Furthermore, Satan's earthly agents have persecuted servants of God to the point of death, even as they did Jesus. What attitude should we avoid, and why? Estamos dando o nosso melhor, talvez até buscando maneiras de expandir o ministério? Are we doing all we can, perhaps even seeking ways to expand our share in the work? None of his sins that have sinned against him. " Mas seus discípulos fiéis teriam um "livramento eterno ," muito mais grandioso. But his faithful disciples are to experience a far grander "everlasting deliverance. " Yes, Jehovah's purpose is to eliminate all injustice. Talvez precise fazer um esforço extra para que vocês façam coisas juntos. You may need to put forth extra effort to do things together. Is this second statement related to what took place in that rebellion? Por causa da corrupção e falta de fé desses líderes, Jesus não se viu obrigado a responder à pergunta deles. He did not feel obligated to answer the question in view of their corrupt practices and faithless example. If we become indecisive with Bible standards, our schoolmates, or workmates can conclude that we have no genuine conviction about our beliefs and that it is always easy to influence us. Se sempre tentarmos agradar a todos, vamos minar nossa identidade cristã. A policy of pleasing everyone will undermine our effectiveness. After being baptized with holy spirit and received the heavenly hope, Jesus could understand the meaning of Jesus ' teachings on these matters. Que atitude devemos evitar, e por quê? What attitude should we avoid, and why? Looking forward to joy because they had no lost their most valuable possession, their "very better pictures and an abiding possession. " Nenhum dos seus pecados com que pecou será lembrado contra ele. " None of his sins with which he has sinned will be remembered against him. " 18: 7, 14 - 17. Realmente, o propósito de Jeová é acabar com todo sofrimento injusto. In fact, it is Jehovah's purpose to do away with all unjust suffering. Learn From Paul's Example Será que essa segunda declaração está relacionada ao que aconteceu naquela rebelião? Could the second proclamation likewise be related to the events surrounding that rebellion? Or perhaps you think of the joy of working along with others in caring for the earth and helping to get it into a global measure of joy. Se somos indecisos com relação a padrões bíblicos, nossos colegas de escola ou de trabalho podem concluir que não temos genuína convicção de nossas crenças e que, portanto, é fácil nos influenciar. If we are indecisive when Bible standards are involved, our schoolmates or workmates may conclude that we are not really convinced of our beliefs and therefore are easily influenced. At that time, Babylon was a large business center of the ancient religious practices show that many Jews became fine merchants and others became fine workers. Após ter sido batizado com espírito santo e recebido a esperança celestial, ele pôde entender o sentido dos ensinos de Jesus sobre esses assuntos. Once he himself was baptized with holy spirit and given the heavenly hope, he could grasp the meaning of Jesus ' teachings on those points. 1 - 3. (a) How do we know that language and communication are superior to humans? Mantiveram a alegria porque não haviam perdido o seu bem mais valioso, sua "possessão melhor e subsistente ." They retained their joy because they kept hold of their most valuable possession, their "better and... abiding possession. " A Christian should often cover the head of caring for matters that are normally responsible for the responsibility of his husband or a brother in the congregation. 18: 7, 14 - 17. 18: 7, 14 - 17. • How can you draw comfort from the resurrection hope? Aprendamos do exemplo de Paulo Learning From Paul's Example Then I remembered the chapter " Obedience protects us. ' Ou talvez pense na alegria de trabalhar com outros em zelar pela Terra e ajudar a transformá - la num parque global. Or perhaps you ponder the satisfaction you will feel as you work with others to tend to the earth and help transform it into a global park. Really, it is the most important message of the world! Naquela época, Babilônia era um grande centro comercial. Documentos antigos mostram que muitos judeus se tornaram bons comerciantes e outros se tornaram excelentes artesãos. Babylon was a center of trade and commerce in the ancient world, and documents that have been unearthed indicate that many Jews learned the art of buying and selling there, while others became skilled craftsmen. That is why the Bible encourages them: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " - Colossians 3: 13. 1 - 3. (a) Como sabemos que a linguagem e a forma de comunicação de Deus são superiores às dos humanos? 1 - 3. (a) Why are God's language and communication superior to those of man? Some offerings and sacrifices of the Law were voluntary, while others were compulsory. Em geral, uma cristã deve cobrir a cabeça quando cuida de assuntos que normalmente são de responsabilidade de seu marido ou de um irmão na congregação. Generally speaking, a Christian woman ought to wear a head covering when she cares for matters that are normally the responsibility of her husband or a brother in the congregation. To illustrate, Noah and Noah reason to believe that God would restore the blessings that Adam had lost. • Como se pode obter consolo da esperança da ressurreição? • How may you draw comfort from the resurrection hope? To provide an abundance of Bible literature that helps us to grow in accurate knowledge, to act wisely when we face problems, and to cultivate a close relationship with God. Daí, me lembrei do capítulo " A obediência nos protege '. Então voltei e disse para ela que ia obedecer. " Then I remembered the chapter " Obedience Protects You, ' so I went back and told her I would be obedient to her. " Of course, a person can show his attention to Bible principles that she should consider when making decisions. Na realidade, é a mensagem mais importante do mundo! Why, it is the most important message in the world! The Bible assures us that our sins can be "blotted out. " É por isso que a Bíblia incentiva: "Continuem a suportar uns aos outros e a perdoar uns aos outros liberalmente, mesmo que alguém tenha razão para queixa contra outro. " - Colossenses 3: 13. Reflecting such insight, the Bible says: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " - Colossians 3: 13. How can we live in harmony with the request for God's will to be done on earth? Algumas das ofertas e dos sacrifícios da Lei eram voluntárias, ao passo que outras eram compulsórias. Some of the offerings and sacrifices of the Law were voluntary, whereas others were compulsory. To a degree, yes. Forneceu a homens como Abel e Noé razão para crer que Deus restauraria as bênçãos que Adão havia perdido. It gave men like Abel and Noah a reason to believe that God would restore the blessings that Adam had lost. Our prayers made with full recognition our wholehearted devotion to God leads to us and to strengthen our faith. Fornece uma fartura de publicações bíblicas que nos ajudam a aumentar em conhecimento exato, a agir com sabedoria quando enfrentamos problemas e a cultivar um relacionamento achegado com Deus. It provides a wealth of Bible publications that help us to grow in accurate knowledge, to act wisely when we are faced with problems, and to cultivate a close relationship with God. We show that we love God and cherish his Word by being good students of the Bible. Naturalmente, pode - se mostrar à pessoa princípios bíblicos que ela deve levar em conta ao tomar sua decisão. They can, of course, call attention to what Jehovah has said that may have a bearing on the decision. Thus, in a significant sense, they were a united family. A Bíblia garante que nossos pecados podem ser "apagados ." God's Word assures us that our sins can be "blotted out. " Paul also mentioned other things that are dangerous and can hinder us from gaining the prize of life. Como podemos viver de acordo com o pedido para que a vontade de Deus seja feita na Terra? How can we live in harmony with the request for God's will to take place on earth? On the other hand, Jesus did not feel dissatisfied with his position in heaven and did not want to misuse his authority. Até certo ponto, sim. To some degree. • What helped the first disciples to speak with boldness? As orações feitas com pleno reconhecimento de nossa total dependência de Deus nos achegam a ele e fortalecem a nossa fé. And since faith is required for salvation, no wonder Jesus found it necessary to encourage his disciples "always to pray and not to give up "! [ Picture on page 28] Mostramos que amamos a Deus e valorizamos a sua Palavra por ser bons estudantes da Bíblia. We show that we love God and highly value his Word by diligently studying the Bible. 5: 17. Assim, num sentido muito significativo, eles eram uma unida família. So in a very significant sense, they were a close family. What is one kind of spiritual person? Paulo também falou de outras coisas que até hoje são perigosas e podem nos impedir de ganhar o prêmio da vida. Paul also discussed dangers that exist down to this day and that can deprive us of the prize. How should husbands treat wives? Por outro lado, Jesus não se sentia descontente com a posição que ocupava no céu e não desejava usar mal a sua autoridade. On the other hand, Jesus was neither dissatisfied with his own position in heaven nor inclined to misuse his authority. If they complain that a person might have wronged him, ask: "What place did he have caused you to have you? " • O que ajudou os primeiros discípulos a falar com coragem? • What helped the early disciples to speak with boldness? In Athens, he became the principle "go upon observing what the city was filled with idols. " [ Foto na página 28] [ Picture on page 28] Then take time to read and meditate on these articles. 5: 17. 5: 17. When these cases were accomplished, national barriers have been ignored within the law that allowed them to carry out. Que tipo de coisas uma pessoa espiritual faz? What identifies a spiritual person? 12 - 14. Como os maridos devem tratar as esposas? How should husbands dwell with their wives? Similarly today, those who do not follow Jehovah's direction allow to acknowledge his sovereignty. Se reclamar que alguém fez cócegas nele, pergunte: "Em que lugar ele fez cócegas em você? " If he complains that someone tickled him, ask him, "Where did he tickle you? " Just before the day, they are free from the gray - minded woman, you are speaking up with no other trap - such as cigarettes over the house, the car, or the construction of the workplace. Em Atenas, ele ficou a princípio "irritado ao observar que a cidade estava cheia de ídolos ." In Athens, he was at first "irritated at beholding that the city was full of idols. " Why can the meaning of God's name strengthen your faith? Daí, tire tempo para ler e meditar nesses artigos. Most important, he feels that his love for Jehovah and Jesus deepens each and every year. What helped David to wait patiently? Quando essas fusões foram efetuadas, barreiras nacionais foram ignoradas dentro do que a lei permitia. As far as legal requirements permitted, national barriers were ignored when such consolidations were made. 9: 36; 23: 2, 4, 27, 28, 33. 12 - 14. 12 - 14. He does not " judges by what merely seems to be in his eyes, neither reprove according to the thing heard by his ears. ' Assim também hoje, os que não seguem a orientação de Jeová deixam de reconhecer a soberania divina. Today, if we do not follow Jehovah's guidance, we are likewise failing to acknowledge his sovereignty. Nevertheless, no chain could silence this zealous apostle. Pouco antes do dia, livre - se dos cinzeiros, isqueiros e qualquer outra armadilha - como cigarros espalhados pela casa, no carro, nos bolsos ou no local de trabalho. Just before that day, dispose of ashtrays, lighters, and any booby traps - such as cigarettes lying around your home, in your car or pockets, or at your place of work. A sister says: "A surgeon repeatedly tried to intimidate me into order that I would accept a blood transfusion. Por que o significado do nome de Deus pode fortalecer a sua fé? Nancy Nancy O que ajudou Davi a esperar com paciência? Why was David willing to wait patiently? (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8.) 9: 36; 23: 2, 4, 27, 28, 33. 9: 36; 23: 2, 4, 27, 28, 33. (Read 1 Kings 18: 21.) Ele não " julga pelo que meramente parece aos seus olhos, nem repreende simplesmente segundo a coisa ouvida pelos seus ouvidos '. He does not "judge by any mere appearance to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to the thing heard by his ears. " In modern times, especially since 1919, Jehovah's Witnesses have followed Jesus ' example by zealously proclaiming the good news of God's established Kingdom and the benefits that will bring. No entanto, nenhuma corrente poderia silenciar esse zeloso apóstolo. Yet, no chain could silence the zealous apostle! (a) What function is accomplished by DNA? Diz uma irmã: "Um cirurgião repetidas vezes tentou me intimidar para que eu aceitasse uma transfusão de sangue. Says one sister: "A surgeon repeatedly tried to intimidate me into accepting a blood transfusion. The same prayer shows that there is hope for a sinner that "to return to God with all your heart. " Nancy Porter Nancy Porter For example, I could quit smoking. (Leia 1 Timóteo 5: 4, 8.) (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8.) " The household of God " today is the worldwide brotherhood of genuine Christians. (Leia 1 Reis 18: 21.) (Read 1 Kings 18: 21.) But how will Jehovah examine "the full number of those who would become Abraham's seed? " Na atualidade, em especial desde 1919, as Testemunhas de Jeová têm seguido o exemplo de Jesus por proclamarem zelosamente as boas novas do Reino estabelecido de Deus e os benefícios que este trará. In modern times, especially since 1919, Jehovah's Witnesses have followed Jesus ' example by zealously proclaiming the good news of God's established Kingdom and the blessings it will bring. A few thousand years ago, God sent the Word of the earth to earth, where he faithfully did the will of his Father as the perfect man Jesus Christ. - 1 John 1: 1 - 3, 14. (a) Que função realiza o DNA? (a) DNA performs what function? 13, 14. A mesma oração mostra que há esperança para um pecador que " retorna a Deus de todo o seu coração '. The same prayer shows that there is hope for a sinner who " returns to God with all his heart. ' He knew that enjoying spiritual food - the truths they find in God's Word - leads to everlasting life. Por exemplo, consegui parar de usar drogas. At 20, I moved to the capital, Santiago, to further my studies. The real danger is in ignoreing rust, allowing it to flood off or compromise a structure. A "família " de Deus hoje é a fraternidade mundial de cristãos genuínos. God's "household " today is the worldwide brotherhood of true Christians. Near the end of his life, Joshua, a highly respected man, gave a thrilling talk to the elders ' older men. Mas como Jeová completaria "o pleno número " dos que se tornariam o descendente de Abraão? How, though, would Jehovah complete "the full number " of those who were to become Abraham's seed? How important it is that we learn to "become obedient from our heart "! - Rom. Pouco mais de 2 mil anos atrás, Deus enviou a Palavra à Terra, onde fielmente fez a vontade de seu Pai como o homem perfeito Jesus Cristo. - João 1: 1 - 3, 14. A little over 2,000 years ago, God sent the Word to the earth, where he faithfully did his Father's will as the perfect man Jesus Christ. - John 1: 1 - 3, 14. PAGE 24 How were Paul and others set free from sin and death? Describe the reaction of the survivors of Armageddon when the resurrection occurs. 13, 14. 13, 14. RESPECT. Ele sabia que assimilar alimento espiritual - as verdades que se encontram na Palavra de Deus - conduz à vida eterna. He knew that taking in spiritual food, the truths found in God's Word, leads to everlasting life. (b) Why is injustice not for violence? O verdadeiro perigo está em ignorar a ferrugem, permitindo que ela se espalhe a ponto de danificar ou comprometer uma estrutura. The real danger lies in ignoring the rust, allowing it to develop to the point of causing structural damage or failure. Note, though, that Moses did not minimize Jehovah for giving him both details and Jehovah if he were demeaning or suppressing his creative freedom. Perto do fim de sua vida, Josué, homem muito respeitado, proferiu um emocionante discurso de despedida dirigido aos anciãos de Israel. Toward the end of his life, this highly respected man, Joshua, gave a moving farewell speech to the older men of Israel. The nation of Israel was not to allow the satisfaction of material needs to reduce or eliminate spiritual activities. Como é importante aprendermos a " nos tornar obedientes de coração '! - Rom. How important it is that we learn to " become obedient from the heart '! - Rom. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania PÁGINA 24 PAGE 24 This article shows that this enemy and how we can use the Bible to address it. Descreva a reação dos sobreviventes do Armagedom quando a ressurreição ocorrer. Describe how Armageddon survivors will react when the resurrection takes place. full - time service? FAMÍLIA. FAMILY. Many teenagers feel that their Christian parents do not understand them and want to control their feelings. (b) Por que a injustiça não é motivo para a violência? (b) Why does injustice not justify violence? How did Jesus show compassion for God's displeasure? Note, porém, que Moisés não se irritou com Jeová por lhe ter dado tantos detalhes, como se Jeová o estivesse rebaixando ou reprimindo sua criatividade ou liberdade. Take note, though, that Moses did not become irritated with Jehovah for giving that level of detail, as if Jehovah were demeaning him or stifling his creativity or freedom. 1, 2. A nação de Israel não devia permitir que a satisfação das necessidades materiais reduzisse ou eliminasse as atividades espirituais. The nation of Israel was not to allow caring for physical needs to crowd out attention given to spiritual activities. What would the sixth head of the wild beast do? © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania [ Pictures on page 15] Esse artigo mostra quem é esse inimigo e como podemos usar a Bíblia para combatê - lo. This article will identify that enemy and show how we can use the Bible to help fight it. All opportunity is precious, and we do not want to waste any. do serviço de tempo integral especial? the vow that you have taken if you are in special full - time service? " The desires of youthful guard, " along with peer pressure, can cause you to conclude that God's laws are oppressive. Muitos adolescentes sentem que seus pais cristãos não os entendem e que querem controlar tudo. Você também se sente assim? What if you are a teenager and feel misunderstood and restricted by your Christian parents? Just as a potter, Jehovah knows what kind and quality is "of the air " that is in his hands is also the best way to work with him. Como Jesus mostrou compaixão pelos desfavorecidos? How did Jesus show compassion for the disadvantaged? Despite a lack of faith from the generation of Israelites who left Egypt, Jehovah "kept patiently " in the fulfillment of his purpose now giving attention to the next generation. 1, 2. 1, 2. Nehemiah's prayer says of Jehovah: "Since the tribulation of our forefathers in Egypt and heard their cry alongside the Red Sea. Qual seria a sexta cabeça da fera? What would be the sixth head of the wild beast? However, Israel failed to fulfill that requirement. [ Fotos na página 15] [ Pictures on page 15] Those who do "walk in the watch joyfully because of the good condition of the heart. " Toda oportunidade é preciosa, e não desejamos desperdiçar nenhuma. Each such opportunity is precious, and we do not want to squander any. Instead of taking sides in political matters, we are neutral. Os "desejos pertinentes à mocidade ," junto com a pressão de colegas, podem levá - lo a concluir que as leis de Deus são opressivas. " The desires incidental to youth " coupled with pressure from your peers may incline you to conclude that God's laws are burdensome. Loving overseers commend and qualified brothers and experienced ones who want to move to help others language. Assim como um bom oleiro, Jeová sabe qual é o tipo e a qualidade do "barro " que está em suas mãos. Também sabe qual é a melhor maneira de trabalhar com ele. Like a highly skilled potter, Jehovah knows the type and quality of "the clay " that is before him, and he molds it accordingly. The prophet Joel likened the activity of Jehovah's servants to the actions of locusts. Apesar da falta de fé da geração de israelitas que saiu do Egito, Jeová " trabalhava ' pacientemente no cumprimento de seu propósito, voltando agora a sua atenção para a geração seguinte. Notwithstanding the faithlessness of the generation of Israelites that left Egypt, Jehovah "kept working " patiently toward the fulfillment of his purpose, now focusing his attention on the next generation. They failed to progress and eventually " deviate ' from following Jesus. A oração registrada por Neemias diz o seguinte sobre Jeová: "Viste a tribulação de nossos antepassados no Egito e ouviste seu clamor junto ao Mar Vermelho. The prayer recorded by Nehemiah says of Jehovah: "You saw the affliction of our forefathers in Egypt, and their outcry at the Red Sea you heard. Even if we have not been appointed to serve as missionaries in another country, we can have the spirit - evangelizer, imitate Jesus as zealous proclaimers of the good news. Mas Israel falhou em cumprir esse requisito. Israel, however, failed to meet this requirement. 10: 26, 27. Os que o fazem "gritarão de júbilo por causa da boa condição do coração ." All who do "will cry out joyfully because of the good condition of the heart. " Will he be healthy? Em vez de tomar partido em assuntos políticos, nós somos neutros. Rather than taking sides in political issues, we remain neutral. Give an example of how we can conform our lives to God's purpose. Os superintendentes amorosos elogiam irmãs e irmãos qualificados e experientes que querem se mudar para ajudar outros grupos lingüísticos. Loving overseers commend qualified and skilled brothers and sisters who want to move to assist other language groups. Look to God in prayer, trusting in that he assures us: "I will repay. " O profeta Joel comparou a atividade dos servos de Jeová às ações dos gafanhotos. The prophet Joel compared the activity of Jehovah's servants to the actions of locusts. We take whatever measures they are needed to protect ourselves and our family so that we can worship Jehovah with "a clean heart of good conscience and with faith without hypocrisy. " - 1 Tim. Deixaram de progredir e, por fim, " se desviaram ' de seguir a Jesus. Rather, they slow down and eventually "drift away " from following Jesus. What do many religions of the world teach about human life on earth? Mesmo que nós não tenhamos sido designados para servir como missionários em outro país, podemos ter o espírito evangelizador, imitando a Jesus como zelosos proclamadores das boas novas. Even if you have not been appointed and sent forth to serve as a missionary in a foreign assignment, you can have the evangelizing spirit, imitating Jesus as a zealous proclaimer of the good news. At the time, Governing Zerubbabel, a seed of David, was ruling the Jews, will Zechariah fall into the crown of Zerubbabel? 10: 26, 27. 10: 26, 27. (Read Joshua 23: 14.) Ele vai ser saudável? Will he be healthy? For Christians, memorize may be a powerful help in learning the pure language. Cite um exemplo de como podemos harmonizar nossa vida com o propósito de Deus. What example shows how we can bring our life in line with God's purpose? I was always able to tell them. " Recorremos a Deus em oração, confiando naquele que nos garante: "Eu pagarei de volta. " We turn to God in prayer, trusting the one who assures us: "I will repay. " In the three, he listed pleasure as the less influential one, and observed: "It is worthy of five, for many people who fell on life's pursuit of pleasure. " Tomemos quaisquer medidas que sejam necessárias para proteger a nós e nossa família, a fim de adorarmos a Jeová " de coração puro, de boa consciência e com fé sem hipocrisia '. - 1 Tim. May we take whatever measures are necessary to protect ourselves and our family so that we can worship Jehovah "out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy. " - 1 Tim. As we do this system of things, we will often think about how Jehovah will fulfill his purpose for this wicked system of things. O que muitas religiões do mundo ensinam sobre a vida humana na Terra? What do the world's religions often say about human life on the earth? Explain what is involved in having a "holy conduct. " Na época, Zorobabel, um descendente de Davi, estava governando os judeus. Será que Zacarias ia colocar a coroa na cabeça de Zorobabel? Is Zechariah told to place the crown on the head of Governor Zerubbabel of the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David? (See opening image.) (b) Why did Peter begin to sink? (Leia Josué 23: 14.) (Read Joshua 23: 14.) Korah, Dathan, and Abiram spoke bad of Moses because they became jealous of him. Para os cristãos, a memorização pode ser uma poderosa ajuda ao aprender a língua pura. For Christians, memorization can be a powerful help in mastering the pure language. Because Jerusalem committed gross sin. Sempre pude contar com eles. " My friends were always there for me. " He gave them valuable counsel and annual training in the ministry. Dos três, ele alistou o prazer como o menos influente, e observou: "Isso é digno de nota, pois são muitas as pessoas que constroem a vida em torno da busca de prazeres. " Of the three, he listed pleasure as the least consequential and observed: "This is newsworthy because so many people build their lives around pursuing pleasure. " There is no doubt that God has the power to affect the health of people. Quando falamos do Paraíso, geralmente pensamos nas coisas boas que Jeová vai nos dar. Mas nesse artigo vamos ver o que vai deixar de existir quando Jeová trouxer o fim deste mundo. We often think about what Jehovah will give us in Paradise, but in this article, we will focus on what he will take away. On the other hand, David's way of acting and his close relationship with Jehovah identifys him as a man who truly feared God. Explique o que está envolvido em ter uma "conduta santa ." Explain the expression "holy acts of conduct. " (Read Deuteronomy 31: 1, 10 - 12.) (Veja a gravura no início do artigo.) (b) Por que Pedro começou a afundar? (See opening image.) (b) Why did Peter start to sink? Of course, any effort to reach the wind is futile. Corá, Datã e Abirão falaram mal de Moisés porque ficaram com ciúme dele. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram became jealous of Moses and opposed him. " The blameless man " knows Jehovah and his Son, and obeys God's will. Porque Jerusalém cometeu flagrante pecado. Because Jerusalem has committed outright sin. 119: 111. Ele lhes deu valiosos conselhos pessoais e extensivo treinamento no ministério. He gave them valuable personal counsel and extensive training in the ministry. Today, we see mankind's home brought up by pollution, violence, and immorality. Não há dúvida de que Deus tem o poder de afetar a saúde das pessoas. There is no doubt that God has the power to affect someone's health. How can the other sheep keep their minds fixed on the things above? Por outro lado, a maneira de Davi agir e sua relação achegada com Jeová o identificam como um homem que realmente temia a Deus. On the other hand, David's life course and his intimate relationship with Jehovah identify him as a truly God - fearing man. (Read Isaiah 48: 17, 18.) (Leia Deuteronômio 31: 1, 10 - 12.) (Read Deuteronomy 31: 1, 10 - 12.) Seven angels are given seven trumpets. É óbvio que qualquer esforço para alcançar o vento é inútil. Obviously, any attempt to catch the wind is futile. The long - term work is God's Kingdom that will do with his will. " O homem irrepreensível " conhece a Jeová e a seu Filho, e obedece à vontade de Deus. " The blameless one " comes to know Jehovah and his Son and obediently does God's will. Because just as they were at that time before the Flood, eating and drinking men and drinking them from marriage, and the women being given in marriage until Noah came into the ark, and they did not let the flood came and swept them all the Son of man away. " 119: 111. 119: 111. Remember that many people meet in the field ministry do not know God. Hoje, vemos o lar da humanidade arruinado por poluição, violência e imoralidade. Today, we see mankind's home marred by pollution, violence, and immorality. Learn From Jesus ' Example Como as outras ovelhas podem ter a mente fixa nas coisas de cima? How can the other sheep keep their minds fixed on the things above? For example, the Sermon on the Mount is related to the beginning of the book, although Jesus delivered him from half of his ministry. (Leia Isaías 48: 17, 18.) (Read Isaiah 48: 17, 18.) • What truth must we help others to understand? Sete anjos recebem sete trombetas. Seven angels receive seven trumpets. A good thing is that we do not need to experience the sad experience of disobeying God's laws. A longo prazo, é o Reino de Deus que fará com que Sua vontade seja feita. In the long run, God's Kingdom will cause his will to be done. By the end of Adam's Thousand Year rule, obedient mankind will have been set free from all enemies that arose because of Adam's disobedience. Porque assim como eles eram naqueles dias antes do dilúvio, comendo e bebendo, os homens casando - se e as mulheres sendo dadas em casamento, até o dia em que Noé entrou na arca, e não fizeram caso, até que veio o dilúvio e os varreu a todos, assim será a presença do Filho do homem. " For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. " (a) How can social gatherings be beneficial? Lembre - se de que muitas pessoas que encontramos no serviço de campo não conhecem a Deus. Keep in mind that many we meet in field service do not know who God is. We believe that his death as the promised Messiah opened the way for salvation of all faithful humans. Aprenda do exemplo de Jesus Learn From Jesus ' Example He said: "You should put on the old personality that conforms to your former procedure and that is being corrupted according to the deceptive desires... [the old personality] must be made within your mind, and you should put on the new personality that are created according to the new personality that is according to God's will of true justice and righteousness. " Por exemplo, o Sermão do Monte é relatado mais no início do livro, embora Jesus o tenha proferido por volta da metade de seu ministério. For example, the Sermon on the Mount is related early in the book, although Jesus delivered it about halfway through his ministry. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 107, 29 • Que verdade temos de ajudar outros a entender? • What fact do we need to help others to understand? " Among the Romans, " says one reference work, "the master of a slave could deliver him unconditionally or the slave could buy his freedom. Uma coisa boa é que não precisamos passar pela triste experiência de desobedecer às leis de Deus. Thankfully, we do not need to suffer the consequences of breaking God's laws to learn valuable lessons. We must get to know God, learn to trust him, repent, and change his course. No fim dos mil anos do governo do Reino, a humanidade obediente terá sido libertada de todos os inimigos que surgiram por causa da desobediência de Adão. By the end of the thousand years of Kingdom rule, obedient mankind will have been liberated from all enemies introduced by Adam's disobedience. Yet, by being Jehovah, we " reject ungodliness and worldly desires to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. ' (a) De que modo as reuniões sociais podem ser benéficas? (a) How can social gatherings be beneficial? Can we read magazines? Nós acreditamos que a morte dele como o prometido Messias abriu caminho para a salvação de todos os humanos fiéis. We believe that his death as the promised Messiah opened the way to salvation for all faithful humans. " He came to be on Jehovah's side as a teacher - " in creation of the physical universe and of man. Ele disse: "Deveis pôr de lado a velha personalidade que se conforma ao vosso procedimento anterior e que está sendo corrompida segundo os... desejos enganosos [da velha personalidade];... deveis ser feitos novos na força que ativa a vossa mente, e que vos deveis revestir da nova personalidade, que foi criada segundo a vontade de Deus, em verdadeira justiça e lealdade. " He said: "You should put away the old personality which conforms to your former course of conduct and which is being corrupted according to his [the old personality's] deceptive desires;... you should be made new in the force actuating your mind, and should put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " How so? PÁGINA 22 • CÂNTICOS: 16, 29 PAGE 22 • SONGS: 107, 29 To fulfill the commission to make disciples, we always strive to improve our teaching ability. " Entre os romanos ," diz certa obra de referência, "o dono de um escravo podia libertá - lo incondicionalmente ou o escravo podia comprar sua liberdade. " Among the Romans, " says one reference work, "an owner could free a slave outright, or the slave could purchase his freedom by paying his owner. Why did Jehovah discipline some leaders in his dealings with his people? Temos de conhecer a Deus, aprender a confiar nele, nos arrepender e mudar de proceder. We must get to know God, learn to trust him, repent, and change our ways. (Read 1 John 4: 9, 10, 19.) Mas, por sermos de Jeová, nós " rejeitamos a impiedade e os desejos mundanos para vivermos com bom senso, justiça e devoção a Deus no meio deste mundo '. Tudo o que fazemos na vida deve deixar bem claro para os outros que somos de Jeová. Yet, because we belong to Jehovah, we are admonished to "reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " So I got to this conclusion: God made the righteous men, but they were seeking many pieces. " Ler revistas? Reading magazines? " I shall laud you because in a fear - inspiring way I am wonderfully made. " Ele " veio a estar ao lado de Jeová como mestre - de - obras ' na criação do Universo físico e do homem. He "came to be beside [Jehovah] as a master worker " in the creation of the material universe and man. 11: 33 - 36. Como assim? How so? Jehovah also spoke to Moses through an angel. Para cumprirmos a tarefa de fazer discípulos, procuramos sempre melhorar a nossa habilidade de ensino. In order to fulfill our commission to make disciples, we constantly seek to improve our ability to teach. How much better it is to heed Solomon's words: "I have listened to discipline; I don't take it away. Por que Jeová teve que disciplinar alguns líderes do seu povo? Why did Jehovah discipline some of the leaders of his people? Granted, we can eat from "the table of Jehovah " every week, but we will always be able to go on the hall that was not able to view it as something. - 1 Cor. (Leia 1 João 4: 9, 10, 19.) (Read 1 John 4: 9, 10, 19.) Jesus came to earth and gave a thorough answer to Satan's challenge. Assim, cheguei a esta conclusão: Deus fez os homens justos, mas eles foram em busca de muitas intrigas. " This alone I have found: The true God made mankind upright, but they have sought out many schemes. " To illustrate: Would you ask a beloved friend to carry something that knows to be a heavy burden for him? " Elogiar - te - ei porque fui feito maravilhosamente, dum modo atemorizante ," escreveu. " I shall laud you because in a fear - inspiring way I am wonderfully made, " he wrote. (b) How can Hannah's example help us to endure the effects of grief? 11: 33 - 36. 11: 33 - 36. Such teachers reasoned that those who worshipped God were to ignore those who did not worship him. Jeová também falou com Moisés por meio de um anjo. Jehovah also spoke with Moses through an angel. No. É muito melhor acatar as palavras de Salomão: "Agarra a disciplina; não a largues. How much better to heed Solomon's words: "Take hold on discipline; do not let go. In time, the small group of deaf deaf people in which I was joined at a congregation audience in Alcccaeus, a district convention B.C.E. É verdade que podemos comer da "mesa de Jeová " toda semana. Mas o fato de sermos sempre bem - vindos no salão não deve nos levar a encarar isso como algo corriqueiro. - 1 Cor. Even though we have a standing invitation to eat at "the table of Jehovah, " we must never take that invitation for granted. - 1 Cor. One way is to set spiritual goals. Jesus veio à Terra e deu uma resposta cabal ao desafio de Satanás. Jesus came to earth and gave a complete answer to Satan's challenge. (a) Why could David find that Solomon was not prepared? Para ilustrar: você pediria a um querido amigo para carregar algo que sabe ser muito pesado para ele? To illustrate: Would you ask a dear friend to carry something that you know is too heavy for him to lift? 5, 6. (b) Como pode o exemplo de Ana nos ajudar a suportar os efeitos do pesar? (b) How can Anna's example help us to endure bereavement? 1: 21. Tais instrutores raciocinavam que os que adoravam a Deus deviam desprezar os que não o adoravam. Such teachers reasoned that the godly must despise the godless. How can we apply Paul's counsel at Ephesians 4: 26, 27? Não. No. Do not look back, for I am your God. Com o tempo, o pequeno grupo de surdos em que eu estava se juntou a uma congregação de ouvintes em Pessac, um distrito de Bordéus. Eventually, the small group of deaf people I was with was combined with a congregation in Pessac, a suburb of Bordeaux. He will bless our sincere efforts to serve him as the only Master. Um modo é estabelecer alvos espirituais. One way is by setting spiritual goals. Unless the eyes of gross wrongdoing can hinder the flow of Jehovah's holy spirit and threaten the peace of the whole congregation. (a) Por que Davi poderia achar que Salomão não estava preparado? (b) Mas o que Davi fez? Why might David have concluded that Solomon was unqualified, but what did he do? Do all these anointed ones, scattered by all the earth, are part of a global site of a global site that is in some way involved in the revelation of spiritual truths? 5, 6. 5, 6. Does his dress bring honor to Jehovah? 1: 21. 1: 21. How would you feel? Como podemos aplicar o conselho de Paulo em Efésios 4: 26, 27? How can you apply Paul's counsel recorded at Ephesians 4: 26, 27? Based on a common view at that time, Peter apparently believed that the Law forced him to love only the Jews. Não olhes em volta, pois eu sou teu Deus. Do not gaze about, for I am your God. Yes, she exerts power to change lives. Ele abençoará nossos esforços sinceros em servir a ele como o único Amo verdadeiro. He will actively bless our sincere efforts to serve only him as the one true Master. Why are such changes of interest to us? Fechar os olhos à crassa transgressão pode impedir o livre fluxo do espírito santo de Jeová e ameaçar a paz da congregação inteira. Our turning a blind eye to gross wrongdoing can hinder the free flow of Jehovah's holy spirit and threaten the peace of the entire congregation. Why, if that was true of the perfect Son of God, would it not also be the case in our case? Será que todos esses ungidos, espalhados por toda a Terra, são parte de uma rede de comunicações global que de alguma forma está envolvida na revelação de novas verdades espirituais? Are all these anointed ones throughout the earth part of a global network that is somehow involved in revealing new spiritual truths? 13, 14. Será que sua roupa dá honra a Jeová? Will your style of dress generate respect for the God you represent? ▪ Strengthen Your Marriage Through Good Communication Como você se sentiria? How would you feel? The Christian would mean that Jesus ' first question means of this question means: " What is the one to gain the whole world if this is, losing your hope of everlasting life? ' Com base num conceito comum naquele tempo, Pedro pelo visto cresceu acreditando que a Lei o obrigava a amar apenas os judeus. In keeping with a viewpoint common at the time, Peter apparently grew up believing that the Law obligated him to love only fellow Jews. Do you? Sim, ela exerce poder para mudar vidas. Yes, God's word exerts power to change lives. This motivates us to progress even more, making the open of our best. Por que tais mudanças são de interesse para nós? Why are such changes of concern to us? This will enable us to understand the framework of the tongue, enabling us to speak rightly. Ora, se era assim no caso do perfeito Filho de Deus, não seria também assim no nosso caso? Now, if that was true of the perfect Son of God, would it not be true of us also? What will we want to do if we love the Kingdom just as that man loved the pearl? 13, 14. 13, 14. 6, 7. (a) Why is conviction of your beliefs important, and how can you cultivate it? ▪ Fortaleça seu casamento por meio de boa comunicação ▪ Strengthen Your Marriage Through Good Communication There is an amazing fact that Jehovah has invited imperfect humans to have the honor of serving as his fellow workers. O cristão entenderia que a primeira pergunta de Jesus significa o seguinte: " De que adianta a pessoa ganhar o mundo inteiro se, com isso, perder sua esperança de vida eterna? ' A Christian would understand Jesus ' first question to mean, "Of what benefit is it for a man to gain the whole world and to forfeit his hope of everlasting life? " 3: 11. Você também passou por isso? Did you have a similar experience? Hence, Jesus had already parted on Judas when he declared his friendship to the remaining faithful apostles. - John 13: 21 - 35. Isso nos motiva a progredir ainda mais, fazendo vir à tona o nosso melhor. Usually, it stimulates us to make additional progress, bringing out the best in us. Clearly, Jehovah is satisfyinging our "spiritual need " with this great variety of publications. Isso nos permitirá entender a estrutura da língua, habilitando - nos a falar corretamente. This allows us to understand the structure of the language, enabling us to speak it properly. However, Martha believed that there would be a time when the dead would be resurrected. O que vamos querer fazer se amarmos o Reino assim como aquele homem amava a pérola? If we love God's Kingdom as much as the merchant loved the pearl, what will we do? Fine Bible student and teacher 6, 7. (a) Por que é importante ter convicção de suas crenças, e como poderá desenvolvê - la? 6, 7. (a) Why is conviction in your beliefs important, and how can you develop it? 2: 4 - 6. Você há de concordar que é impressionante o fato de Jeová ter convidado humanos imperfeitos para ter a honra de servir como seus colaboradores. You will agree that it is amazing that Jehovah has invited imperfect humans to have the honor of serving as his fellow workers. No wonder John Mt! 3: 11. 3: 11. " Continue forgiving one another freely. " - COL. Por isso, Jesus já havia despedido Judas quando declarou sua amizade aos remanescentes 11 apóstolos fiéis. - João 13: 21 - 35. Therefore, Jesus had already dismissed Judas when He declared His friendship with the remaining 11 faithful apostles. - John 13: 21 - 35. Karen: Thank you, Samantha. Fica claro que Jeová está satisfazendo a nossa "necessidade espiritual " com essa grande variedade de publicações. Clearly, Jehovah has given us an abundance of provisions to fill our "spiritual need. " What belief has the human hope of everlasting life on earth, and how? Ou seja, Marta acreditava que no futuro haveria uma época em que os mortos iam ser ressuscitados. Stressful circumstances, such as disasters and medical emergency, give us the opportunity to show genuine love and empathy for one another. Excelente estudante da Bíblia e instrutor A Fine Bible Student and Teacher Each individual must right to be told about treatments, as well as accept them or destroy them. 2: 4 - 6. 2: 4 - 6. If you are always at meetings, you can be like a parent, a sister, or sister for one of these dear brothers. Não é sem razão que John M. It is not without reason that marriage researchers John M. The training that the Son was also included in observing how his Father dealt with difficult circumstances. " Continuem... a perdoar uns aos outros liberalmente. " - COL. " Continue... forgiving one another freely. " - COL. What are "the tracks of righteousness "? Carla: Concordo com você, Sílvia. Karen: I agree. Recognizing it is that some may blame their authority and are not worthy of our obedience. Que crença falsa tem minado a esperança humana de vida eterna na Terra, e como? What false belief has undermined man's hope of everlasting life on earth, and how? He made it clear that Christians were children, grandchildren, or other relatives of aged widows should be the early ones to sustain them. Circunstâncias inesperadas, como desastres e emergências médicas, nos dão a oportunidade de mostrar verdadeiro amor cristão e empatia uns pelos outros. Unexpected circumstances, such as disasters or medical emergencies, present an opportunity for us to show true Christian love and fellow - feeling for one another. Such things may lead a person to becoming disobedient and rebellious. Cada pessoa tem o direito de ser informada sobre tratamentos disponíveis, bem como de aceitá - los ou recusá - los. Each person has the right to be informed about, and to accept or refuse, treatments that may be offered. What is that day? Se você está sempre nas reuniões, você pode ser como um pai, mãe, irmão ou irmã para um desses queridos irmãos. When you attend meetings regularly, you may very well prove to be a father, mother, brother, or sister to one of these dear ones! Malachi 3: 16. O treinamento que o Filho recebeu também incluiu observar como seu Pai lidava com circunstâncias difíceis. The training that the Son received also included observing how his Father managed adverse circumstances. He will neither desert you nor leave you until all the work of Jehovah's house comes to you. " O que são as "veredas da justiça "? What are "the tracks of righteousness "? " The works of Jehovah ' include two tablets of stone on which ten laws has been given to Israel. Reconhece - se que alguns talvez abusem de sua autoridade e não merecem nossa obediência. Granted, some may abuse their authority and may not merit our obedience. • What can young ones learn from Jesus ' example? Ele tornou claro que os cristãos que eram filhos, netos ou outros parentes de viúvas idosas deviam ser os primeiros a sustentá - las. He made it plain that believing children, grandchildren, and other relatives of elderly widows were to be the primary providers. Our loving God is well aware of the efforts we make to show our obedience in these aspects. Essas coisas podem levar a pessoa a se tornar desobediente e rebelde. These could foster a disobedient, rebellious spirit. Such parents may even ask why their children do not engage in certain activities. O que é esse dia? What is this day? God put the Kingdom in Jesus Christ, the most well - qualified qualified men to rule the earth. Malaquias 3: 16. Read Malachi 3: 16. Learning a language is a endeavor and so much endeavor. Não te desamparará nem te deixará até que se acabe toda a obra do serviço da casa de Jeová. " He will not desert you or leave you until all the work of the service of Jehovah's house is finished. " This publication is not for sale. " Os trabalhos das mãos de Jeová ' incluem duas tábuas de pedra nas quais foram gravadas dez importantes leis dadas a Israel. Included among "the works of [Jehovah's] hands " were two tablets of stone on which were engraved ten important laws for Israel. (b) What did Jesus do to teach that racial prejudice is wrong? • O que os jovens podem aprender do exemplo de Jesus? • What can young people learn from Jesus ' example? . . . . . . my address O nosso amoroso Deus está bem ciente dos esforços que fazemos para mostrar obediência nesses aspectos. Our loving God is fully aware of our efforts to be obedient in such areas. What factors should be considered when considering a job proposal? Esses pais talvez até perguntem por que seus filhos não participam de certas atividades. Those parents may ask why your child does not get involved in such activities. (b) How can refugees show their appreciation? Deus colocou o Reino nas mãos de Jesus Cristo, o mais bem qualificado para governar a Terra. God has put the Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ, the one best qualified to rule the earth. Give an example of the use of God's name in a book published in 1640 B.C.E. Aprender um idioma é um empreendimento e tanto. Learning a new language is a major undertaking. How did these servants of God provide glimpses of Jesus, and what do we teach us about these accounts? Esta publicação não é vendida. This publication is not for sale. 4: 16. (b) O que Jesus fez para ensinar que o preconceito racial é errado? (b) How did Jesus teach a lesson in overcoming racial prejudice? Although some of the elderly man's past remembers the past, there were many " cry out of joy. ' ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ meu endereço ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ my home address They may not want to show their fatherly love just as Jehovah does. Que fatores devem ser levados em conta ao considerarmos uma proposta de emprego? What factors are important when we consider a job offer? " Let him go down to the pit! " (b) Como os refugiados podem mostrar gratidão? (b) How can refugees show gratitude? How were Adam and Eve enticed into disobey? Dê um exemplo do uso do nome de Deus num livro publicado em 1640. Give an example of the use of God's name in a book first published in the year 1640. In his meeting with the groom, a mature Christian elder helps them to maintain a spiritual perspective in this matter. Em que sentido esses servos de Deus do passado proveram vislumbres de Jesus, e o que nos ensinam esses relatos? In what way did those ancient servants of God provide foregleams of Jesus, and what can we learn from these accounts? An outstanding example of offerings to Jehovah took place in the inauguration of the temple in Solomon. - 2 Chron. 4: 16. 4: 16. For example, a sister needs courage when an elder asks her to discuss with a younger sister about wearing clothing. Embora alguns judeus idosos se comovessem lembrando do passado, no geral houve muitos " gritos de alegria '. While some older Jews focused on the past, overall there was much "shouting for joy. " I have found joy in the ministry, and now I am stronger spiritually. Por mais que se esforcem, eles não conseguem demonstrar seu amor paternal exatamente como Jeová. Try as they may, they do not fully reflect the way Jehovah expresses his fatherly love. Or we may feel that because of our privileges, our contact or experience, we have the right to insist our opinions. " Isenta - o de descer à cova! " " Let Him Off From Going Down Into the Pit! " The queen of Sheba traveled some 1,000 miles to test Solomon's wisdom with "old difficult. " Como Adão e Eva foram induzidos a desobedecer? How were Adam and Eve led into disobedience? Even if we were to feel hurt if we have sinned against us, let us forgive him, just as God forgives. Na sua reunião prévia com os noivos, certo ancião cristão maduro os ajuda a manter uma perspectiva espiritual nesse assunto. In his meeting with the bride and groom beforehand, one mature Christian elder helps them to keep a spiritual perspective. At first, he may simply read the answer or a scripture. Um notável exemplo de ofertas a Jeová ocorreu na inauguração do templo nos dias de Salomão. - 2 Crô. An outstanding example of offerings was seen in connection with the inauguration of the temple in Solomon's day. - 2 Chron. Many would do anything, leaving any principle, not just to remain alive. Por exemplo, uma irmã precisa de coragem quando um ancião pede para ela conversar com uma irmã mais jovem sobre usar roupas comportadas. (Read Titus 2: 3 - 5.) For example, an older sister needs courage if she is asked to talk to a younger sister about modest dress. He is based on a high principle. Tenho alegria no ministério, e agora estou mais forte espiritualmente. I find joy in my ministry, and I am spiritually stronger now. When Uzzah was allowed to guide the Ark, he seized the ark to prevent her from falling, died at the hour of this "some act. " Ou podemos achar que por causa dos nossos privilégios, dos nossos contatos ou da nossa experiência, temos o direito de insistir em nossas opiniões. Or we might be advocating strong opinions solely on the basis of our position, connections, or personal thinking. * They too can discuss how each family member will help to care for the responsibilities they have. A rainha de Sabá viajou cerca de 2.400 quilômetros para testar a sabedoria de Salomão com "perguntas difíceis ." The queen of Sheba traveled some 1,500 miles [2,400 km] to test Solomon's wisdom with "perplexing questions. " (b) How can we show that we are grateful? Mesmo se estivermos muito magoados por causa de algum mal cometido contra nós, vamos perdoar, assim como Deus perdoa. Even if we are deeply hurt by some wrong done to us, let us forgive, as God does. However, we may feel uncomfortable. De início, talvez prefira simplesmente ler a resposta ou um texto bíblico. At first, you may want to read the answer or a scripture. (See also box on page 25.) Muitos fariam qualquer coisa, abandonariam qualquer princípio, apenas para permanecer vivos. Many would do anything, abandon any principle, just to stay alive. As a human, how did Jesus demonstrate humility? Ele se baseia num princípio mais elevado. It is based on a higher principle. How can parents reach out for that high purpose? Quando Uzá, que guiava a carroça, segurou a Arca para impedi - la de cair, morreu na hora por causa desse "ato irreverente ." When Uzzah, who was leading the wagon, grabbed hold of the Ark to steady it, he died on the spot for his "irreverent act. " The apostle Paul may have known that family in his first journey, some years earlier. * Eles também podem considerar como cada parente ajudará a cuidar das responsabilidades. * Or they might consider how each relative's strengths can be used to care for the responsibilities. In fact, the Bible indicates that Satan has intensified his attacks on God's people in these last days. - Revelation 12: 9, 17. (b) Como podemos mostrar que somos gratos? How do we benefit from Jehovah's undeserved kindness, and how can we show our gratitude for it? We can also face situations that may not change only from discouraged us. Mas talvez fiquemos curiosos. That is an intriguing prospect. Furthermore, many elderly ones are neglected at the time of their lives in which they need help. - Ps. (Veja também o quadro na página 25.) (See also the box on page 25.) Even unjustly, sinners made their interest and were drawn to him. - Matthew 9: 9 - 13; Luke 7: 36 - 38; 19: 1 - 10. Como humano, de que modo Jesus demonstrou humildade? As a human, how did Jesus display humility? But when you gain trust in Jehovah's wisdom, the immediate benefits are immediate. " Como os pais podem alcançar esse objetivo nobre? How can parents reach this noble goal? We are in a similar situation to that of Ezekiel. É possível que o apóstolo Paulo tenha conhecido essa família na sua primeira viagem a essa região, alguns anos antes. Paul may have become acquainted with this family on his first visit to the area a couple of years earlier. Without good care and leadership, they suffer. De fato, a Bíblia indica que Satanás intensifica seus ataques ao povo de Deus nestes últimos dias. - Revelação (Apocalipse) 12: 9, 17. In fact, the Bible indicates that Satan has increased his attacks on God's people during these last days. - Revelation 12: 9, 17. As their children grow older, they adapt their study of them. Remoer situações que não podemos mudar apenas nos desanima. Constantly dwelling on situations we cannot change may only tear us down. (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24.) Além disso, muitos idosos são negligenciados na fase de sua vida em que mais precisam de ajuda. - Sal. Moreover, many elderly ones experience neglect at a time in their lives when they need more assistance. - Ps. The words of that elder made all the difference. " - Matt. Até mesmo notórios pecadores percebiam seu interesse e sentiam - se atraídos a ele. - Mateus 9: 9 - 13; Lucas 7: 36 - 38; 19: 1 - 10. Even gross sinners sensed his concern and were drawn to him. - Matthew 9: 9 - 13; Luke 7: 36 - 38; 19: 1 - 10. That would be the same as saying that we do not have God's will and that we can do things our way. Mas, quando passam a confiar na sabedoria de Jeová, os benefícios são imediatos. " But when they start relying on Jehovah's wisdom, the benefits begin right away. " But by studying God's Word and regularly attending Christian meetings, you again came to see things as Jehovah does. Estamos numa situação similar à de Ezequiel. We are in a situation similar to that of Ezekiel. From the beginning of his ministry, Jesus emphasized the importance of proclaiming the good news of God's Kingdom. Sem bons cuidados e liderança espirituais, elas sofrem. Without good spiritual care and leadership, people suffer. What if we notice that our thoughts and desires have strayed from what Jehovah requires of us? À medida que seus filhos vão crescendo, adaptem o estudo às necessidades deles. As your children grow, adapt the study to their needs. (a) What important decision did the apostles take after Jesus ' ascension to heaven? (Leia 2 Coríntios 1: 24.) (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24.) " More than ever, I use my time to help others, " stated Fred, a full - time minister. As palavras daquele ancião fizeram toda a diferença. " - Mat. The elder's words made a huge difference. " - Matt. For example, the tract What Does the World Translation take? Porque isso seria o mesmo que dizer que não precisamos de Deus e que podemos fazer as coisas do nosso jeito. If it were true, it would mean that man does not need God's guidance and that man can do as he pleases. If you apply the wise advice found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, you can reduce the least of these problems. Mas, pelo estudo da Palavra de Deus e frequência às reuniões cristãs, você voltou a ver as coisas como Jeová as vê. But by studying God's Word and by going to Christian meetings, you came to see things Jehovah's way. Marcus: And it can be that after other questions arise. Desde o início de seu ministério, Jesus enfatizou a importância de proclamar as boas novas do Reino de Deus. From the start of his ministry, Jesus stressed the importance of proclaiming the good news of God's Kingdom. [ Box / Picture on page 8] E se notarmos que nossos pensamentos e desejos nos desviaram do que Jeová requer de nós? O que devemos fazer? What should we do if we notice that we have allowed our thinking and desires to drift away from what Jehovah requires of us? Instead of being watchful, as Jesus had request, they gave in to weakness and fell into sleep. (a) Que importante decisão os apóstolos tomaram depois de Jesus ter ido para o céu? (a) After Jesus ' ascension to heaven, what important decision did the faithful apostles make? We shun debts that can enslave us into this system and limit our freedom to do God's work. " Mais do que nunca, uso meu tempo para ajudar outros ," declarou Fred, um ministro de tempo integral. " More than ever before, my time is spent helping others, " explained Fred, a full - time minister. 1 Peter 5: 5 Por exemplo, o folheto Quem Controla o Mundo? For example, the tract Who Really Controls the World? Questions From Readers Se você aplicar os conselhos sábios do capítulo 7 de 1 Coríntios, pode reduzir ao mínimo esses problemas. If you apply the wise counsel found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, you can keep such problems to a minimum. Why is Jehovah the only one able to unify millions of people from all nations? Marcos: E pode ser que depois surjam outras perguntas. Marcus: As you consider the subject further, there may be other questions that come to mind. " I will prove to be with you, " he said to Moses. [ Quadro / Foto na página 8] [ Box / Picture on page 8] A young Witness named Jehovah, 20 - year - old I was diagnosed with the diagnosis of a sickness that eventually left him completely. Em vez de ficarem vigilantes, como Jesus havia pedido, eles cederam à fraqueza e caíram no sono. Rather than watching out for their Master, they gave in to the urge of their flesh and went to sleep. * Your parents look back on it as the speaker makes the two questions. Evitamos sabiamente acumular dívidas que podem escravizar - nos a este sistema e limitar nossa liberdade para fazer a obra de Deus. We wisely avoid piling up debts that can enslave us to this system and limit our freedom to do God's work. " Courage! 1 Pedro 5: 5 1 Peter 5: 5 We can stalk the seed. Perguntas dos Leitores Questions From Readers Give an example of how Jehovah strengthens his people to face adversities. Por que Jeová é o único que pode unir milhões de pessoas de todas as nações? Why is Jehovah the only one who can unify millions of people from all nations? Jehovah wants our faith to be based on evidence and reasoning, not in human philosophies or religious traditions. " Mostrarei estar contigo ," disse ele a Moisés. " I shall prove to be with you, " he told Moses. 8: 16. Um jovem Testemunha de Jeová, de 20 anos, recebe o diagnóstico de uma doença que, por fim, o deixará completamente paralisado. A 20 - year - old Witness is diagnosed with a disease that will eventually leave him completely paralyzed. At first, John the Baptizer wanted to prevent Jesus from getting baptized. * Seus pais olham para ela enquanto o orador faz as duas perguntas. In a loud, clear voice, she answered two questions that the speaker posed. What empowered him to gain his faith, his love for God, and likely the mental picture he had for the future that lay ahead of him. - Ex. " Coragem! " Take courage! Does our heart " Rejoice for the Kingdom message "? Nós podemos fertilizar a semente. We can nurture the seed. Why are efforts made to study "the deep things of God " worth it? Dê um exemplo atual de como Jeová fortalece seu povo para enfrentar adversidades. Give an example of how Jehovah is empowering his people to face adversities today. They had convinced some of the brothers to wear the food, but others decided not to use it. Jeová quer que nossa fé nele seja baseada em evidências e raciocínio lógico, não em filosofias humanas ou tradições religiosas. Jehovah wants our faith in him to be built on evidence and sound reasoning, not on human philosophy or religious traditions. Love helps wrongdoers to return to Jehovah 8: 16. 8: 16. (b) What qualities helped this brother to cope with the right situation? De início, João Batista queria impedir Jesus de ser batizado. John the Baptizer initially wanted to prevent Jesus from getting baptized. A frightening experience is that some of your ancient friends might be viewed with your new way of life and " speak abusively of you. ' O que lhe deu força? Sua fé, seu amor a Deus e provavelmente a imagem mental que ele tinha do belo futuro que o aguardava. - Êxo. Even when Pharaoh threatened Moses with death, his faith, love for God, and likely a mental picture of a bright future strengthened him to face the threat courageously. - Ex. Be patient with you even to get back from bad habits and habits is something that leads to time. - Ephesians 4: 23, 24 Será que nosso coração "palpita " por causa da mensagem do Reino? Is our heart "stirred " by the Kingdom message? Lessons for Us: Por que os esforços feitos para estudar "as coisas profundas de Deus " valem a pena? Why is the effort required to study "the deep things of God " worthwhile? He died so that you could live forever. Eles convenceram alguns irmãos a usar os suplementos, mas outros decidiram não usar. They persuaded some brothers to use the supplements, but others chose not to. He had many opportunities to get revenge, but he never did so. O amor ajuda os transgressores a voltar a Jeová Love Helps Wrongdoers Return to Jehovah (b) What relationship is there between showing love and being a mature person? (b) Que qualidades ajudaram esse irmão a lidar com a situação da maneira correta? What injustice did one brother experience in the congregation, and what qualities helped him to handle the matter properly? A key point is: We truly succeed does not depend on our accomplishments or our position in the world's eyes. Um agravante é que alguns de seus antigos amigos talvez se intriguem com seu novo modo de vida e " falem de você de modo ultrajante '. One complication is that some with whom you once associated may be puzzled at your new way of life and may " speak abusively of you. ' It can mean only unique. Seja paciente com você mesmo. Conseguir se livrar de defeitos e maus hábitos é algo que leva tempo. - Efésios 4: 23, 24 Be patient with yourself; some personality flaws and bad habits may not go away overnight. - Ephesians 4: 23, 24 Since then, preaching the Kingdom and disciple - making work has been a major purpose of Jehovah's entire organization. Lições para nós: Lessons for Us: That is, then, another reason for watchfulness. Ele morreu para que você pudesse viver para sempre. He died so that you can gain endless life. When we treat others as Jesus counseled, act in harmony with the spirit behind "the Law " (from Genesis Version) and from" the Prophets " (the prophetic books of the Hebrew Scriptures. Ele teve muitas oportunidades de se vingar, mas nunca fez isso. He had numerous opportunities to take revenge, but he did not. He said: "What bread are we going to leave, is it not a part in the body of the Christ? (b) Que relação existe entre mostrar amor e ser uma pessoa madura? (b) In what way is demonstrating love for others related to Christian maturity? " The original serpent, " Satan the Devil, deceived Eve, to understand that if Eve ate of "the tree of good and bad, " she would have a special knowledge; she could decide what was right and wrong. Um ponto - chave é: sermos realmente bem - sucedidos não depende de nossas realizações ou de nossa posição aos olhos do mundo. A key point is this: Our being truly successful does not depend on our achievements or position in the eyes of the world. Therefore, let us make a sincere effort to use "the sword of the spirit " in proclaiming the Kingdom work, which has been entrusted to us by God. Pode significar único, sem igual. It can imply being unique, the one and only. David finally fled from Saul. Desde então, pregar o Reino e fazer discípulos tem sido um dos objetivos principais da inteira organização de Jeová. Since then, the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work has been a main focus of Jehovah's entire organization. If you are a Christian man, though, whether you are a Christian man or not at congregation meetings, why not consider that matter of personal qualifications? Esse é, então, outro motivo para vigilância. So here we find another reason for watchfulness. The psalmist sang: "Jehovah is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in loving - kindness. Quando tratamos outros como Jesus aconselhou, agimos em harmonia com o espírito por trás da "Lei " (de Gênesis a Deuteronômio) e dos" Profetas " (os livros proféticos das Escrituras Hebraicas). When we treat others as Jesus counseled, we act in harmony with the spirit behind "the Law " (Genesis through Deuteronomy) and" the Prophets " (the prophetic books of the Hebrew Scriptures). (Read Psalm 2: 5 - 9; 110: 1, 2.) Ele disse: "O pão que partimos, não é uma participação no corpo do Cristo? Through Jehovah's administration, all creatures in heaven and on earth will be united A freed slave could keep working toward his master for a wages. " A serpente original ," Satanás, o Diabo, enganou Eva. Ele deu a entender que, se Eva comesse da "árvore do conhecimento do que é bom e do que é mau ," ela teria um conhecimento especial; ela poderia decidir o que era certo e o que era errado. " The original serpent, " Satan the Devil, deceived Eve by leading her to believe that eating fruit from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad " imparted special knowledge that would enable her to decide what was good and what was bad. The bond between parents and children is so strong that Jehovah used this relationship to illustrate the love he has for his people. Portanto, façamos um esforço sincero para usar habilmente a "espada do espírito " na obra de proclamar o Reino, que nos foi confiada por Deus. Let us, therefore, put forth earnest effort to wield "the sword of the spirit " skillfully in our God - given work of Kingdom proclamation. Focus on what is said, not in the way it is said. Por fim, ele fugiu de Saul. Finally, he fled from Saul. Jehovah can do anything to sustain all his creation on earth. Mas, se você é varão cristão, quer tenha ou não no momento deveres congregacionais, que tal analisar as suas habilitações pessoais? But if you are a Christian man, whether you now have congregation duties or not, why not analyze your personal qualifications? (b) What questions can you ask yourself to strengthen your convictions? O salmista cantou: "Jeová é clemente e misericordioso, vagaroso em irar - se e grande em benevolência. The psalmist sang: "Jehovah is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in loving - kindness. July 2011, consider two important areas: Your privacy and your time. (Leia Salmo 2: 5 - 9; 110: 1, 2.) (Read Psalm 2: 5 - 9; 110: 1, 2.) " Do not be anxious over anything, " wrote Paul, "but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Um escravo liberto podia continuar trabalhando para seu amo por um salário. A freed slave could continue to work for his master for wages. Beginning in the rock, she will get water. ' O vínculo entre pais e filhos é tão forte que Jeová usou essa relação para ilustrar o amor que ele tem por seu povo. The bond between parent and child is so strong that Jehovah used that relationship to illustrate his own love for his people. Our feelings. Concentre - se no que é dito, não na maneira como é dito. Focus on what is said, not on how it is delivered. But if he were not infallible, then this teaching could be wrong. Jeová pode fazer qualquer coisa para sustentar toda a sua criação na Terra. Jehovah has access to unlimited resources that can sustain his earthly creation. Jesus is good and has the quality of moral excellence. (b) Que perguntas você pode fazer a si mesmo para fortalecer suas convicções? (b) What questions can you ask yourself to strengthen your conviction? To avoid feeding immoral desires, we must guard against what we see and hear. de julho de 2011 analisou duas áreas importantes: sua privacidade e seu tempo. The "Young People Ask " article that appeared in the July 2011 Awake! God's name has fasted for today because the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has preserved his Word and his name despite all satanic efforts to eliminate them. - Ps. " Não estejais ansiosos de coisa alguma ," escreveu Paulo, "mas em tudo, por oração e súplica, junto com agradecimento, fazei conhecer as vossas petições a Deus; e a paz de Deus, que excede todo pensamento, guardará os vossos corações e as vossas faculdades mentais por meio de Cristo Jesus ." " Do not be anxious over anything, " wrote Paul, "but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " The gift they receive - friendship with God differs from "the free gift " that anointed ones receive. Bata na rocha, e dela sairá água. ' He was to take his rod and strike the rock in Horeb, and then water would come gushing out. Roman leg returned in 70 C.E. Nossos sentimentos. Our tender feelings. Soon, all who ignore or ignore Jehovah will be obliged to know who he is. Mas, se ele não fosse infalível, então esse ensino podia estar errado. But if he is not infallible, then the doctrine may be false. A pregnant woman from five months said the above loving - kindness and integrity of a pregnant person. Jesus é bom e tem a qualidade de excelência moral. Jesus is virtuous and has the quality of moral excellence. David was greatly moved by what he was like. Para não alimentar os desejos imorais, precisamos tomar cuidado com o que vemos e ouvimos. To deaden immoral desires, we need to reject immoral entertainment. He had to let the matter drop down in Jehovah's hands. O nome de Deus subsiste até hoje porque o Soberano Senhor Jeová preservou sua Palavra e seu nome apesar de todos os esforços satânicos de eliminá - los. - Sal. God's name lives on because the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has preserved his Word and his name despite all satanic efforts to eliminate them. - Ps. In time, Saul made radical changes in his life. A dádiva que esses recebem - a amizade com Deus - difere da "dádiva gratuita " que os ungidos recebem. The gift such ones receive - friendship with God - differs from "the free gift " the anointed receive. Spiritual growth is also in stages, as Jehovah allows truth to grow in the heart of a person's willing spirit. - Acts 13: 48; Heb. As legiões romanas voltaram em 70 EC. The Roman legions returned in 70 C.E. In fact, Bible writers mention a thousand times, almost often. Em breve, todos os que desprezam ou desafiam a Jeová serão obrigados a saber quem ele é. Soon all who ignore or defy Jehovah will be forced to recognize him. Doing so may be a real fight. Uma mulher grávida de cinco meses disse o acima a respeito da bondade e integridade de uma pessoa desconhecida. A woman who was five months pregnant spoke those words regarding the kindness and integrity of a stranger. As you pursue goals that honor God, what blessings can you expect? Davi ficou muito comovido. David was deeply moved. We should ask ourselves, " When do I have an important decision to make, trust in Jehovah or in men? ' - Prov. Ele teve que deixar o assunto nas mãos de Jeová. He had to leave the matter in Jehovah's hands. What does this explanation mean for us? Com o tempo, Saulo fez mudanças radicais na sua vida. In time, Saul made radical changes in his life. What we have seen and we have considered in the special convention that we have always recalled the precious privilege of serving our grand God along with all of you. " O crescimento espiritual também ocorre em estágios, à medida que Jeová permite que a verdade cresça no coração da pessoa de disposição correta. - Atos 13: 48; Heb. This occurs in stages as Jehovah allows the truth to grow in the heart of a person who is rightly disposed. - Acts 13: 48; Heb. Illustrate. De fato, os escritores bíblicos mencionam o coração umas mil vezes, quase sempre simbolicamente. In fact, Bible writers mention the heart nearly a thousand times, almost always in a figurative sense. Jesus said: "It is written, " The man must not live by bread but on all that is from Jehovah's mouth. ' " - Luke 4: 4, ftn. Fazer isso talvez seja uma verdadeira luta. 72: 12, 13. Ao se empenhar por alvos que honram a Deus, que bênçãos você pode esperar? What blessings can you expect to reap if you pursue goals that honor God? You will thus be strengthened to endure despite discouragement. - Gal. Devemos nos perguntar: " Quando tenho uma decisão importante a tomar, confio em Jeová ou nos homens? ' - Pro. We might ask ourselves, " When I have important decisions to make, do I put my trust in God or in men? ' - Prov. They enjoyed speaking in public speech, and some who were delighted in warm speech of their listeners. O que essa explicação significa para nós? What does this explanation mean to us? We know that God's Word forbids fornication. O que vimos e sentimos no congresso especial em Dublin sempre nos lembrará do valioso privilégio que temos de servir nosso grandioso Deus junto com todos vocês. " Our experiences in connection with the special convention in Dublin will always remind us of the precious privilege we have to serve our great God together with all of you. " With the ropes of earthling man I kept praising them, with the cords of love, so that I have become like the ones lifting off a yoke of his yoke, and I would kindly light each one. " Ilustre. Illustrate. Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ? Jesus disse: "Está escrito: " O homem não deve viver só de pão, mas de tudo o que procede da boca de Jeová. ' " - Luc. 4: 4, nota. " It is written, " Jesus replied, "" Man must not live by bread alone but by everything proceeding from Jehovah's mouth. ' " - Luke 4: 4, ftn. 1, 2. 72: 12, 13. 72: 12, 13. Regular sessions of family worship are an excellent occasion to do so. Assim você será fortalecido a perseverar apesar do desânimo. - Gál. Then you will be strengthened to endure despite discouragement. - Gal. What is probably powerful if we are so helpless because of a sin that we have sinned? Eles gostavam de falar em público, e alguns se deleitavam na calorosa bajulação de seus ouvintes. They enjoyed public speaking, and some of them fairly basked in the warm adulation of their listeners. In modern times, as in the first century, they have had no lack "uncleanness against God. " Sabemos que a Palavra de Deus proíbe a fornicação. We know that God's Word forbids fornication. During all the bread that had been filled with half to themselves, and the other half gave half to fellow believers that they had just reached the fullest bread. Continuei a puxá - los com as cordas do homem terreno, com os cordões do amor, de modo que me tornei para eles como os que retiram um jugo das suas queixadas, e suavemente eu levei alimento a cada um. " With the ropes of earthling man I kept drawing them, with the cords of love, so that I became to them as those lifting off a yoke on their jaws, and gently I brought food to each one. " Reports from branch office reveal that in some countries people in general do not give priority to maintenance and equipment. Associação Torre de Vigia de Bíblias e Tratados. Delivered it greatly helped God's people to remain different and separate from the pagan nations around them. 1, 2. 1, 2. Jesus then turned his attention to Mary's attention and upheld, showing that she was not being sure. As sessões regulares de adoração em família são uma excelente ocasião para fazer isso. The regular period for family worship is an excellent time for you to do that. With his spiritual appreciation turned out, he realized that Jehovah hates wickedness and that at the due time the ungodly will be punished. O que provavelmente é verdade caso estejamos muito angustiados por causa de um pecado que cometemos? What is likely true if we are deeply grieved over a sin we have committed? If I tried to count them, they would be more numerous than the grains of sand. " Nos tempos modernos, como no primeiro século, não têm faltado "lutadores contra Deus ." In our day, as in the first century, there has been no shortage of " fighters against God. ' Should you have more time to read the Bible and meditate on what it says? Juntaram todo o pão que tinham, ficaram com a metade para si mesmos, e a outra metade deram para seus concrentes que haviam acabado de chegar de Dachau. They collected all the bread they had, took half of it for themselves, and the other half they gave to their fellow believers who had just arrived from Dachau. Imagine how encouraged the apostles must have felt! Relatórios de filiais revelam que em alguns países as pessoas em geral não dão prioridade à manutenção de prédios e equipamentos. Branch offices report that in some countries, people do not generally give priority to the maintenance of buildings or equipment. He is an elder and has three children. Obedecê - la ajudou o povo de Deus a se manter diferente e separado das nações pagãs ao seu redor. Obeying such a law helped God's people to keep themselves distinct and separate from the pagan nations around them. What Did You Learn? Jesus então voltou a atenção para Maria e a defendeu, mostrando que ela não estava sendo negligente. Ele disse: "Maria, por sua vez, escolheu a boa porção, e essa não será tirada dela. " Jesus now turns his attention to Mary and clears her of any negligence, saying: "For her part, Mary chose the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her. " 8, 9. (a) What is the antidote to fear of man? Com seu apreço espiritual renovado, compreendeu que Jeová odeia a maldade e que no tempo devido os ímpios serão punidos. With his spiritual appreciation renewed, he understood that Jehovah hated badness and that in due time the wicked would be punished. How can you show appreciation for the privilege of bearing God's name? Se eu tentasse contá - los, seriam mais numerosos do que os grãos de areia. " If I try to count them, they outnumber the grains of sand. " This article considers three lines of evidence that help Christians to be sure that God's Kingdom will soon bring an end to this wicked world. Será que no seu caso é preciso programar mais tempo para ler a Bíblia e meditar sobre o que ela diz? Do you have a personal need to schedule more time to read the Bible and meditate on what it says? Do you not feel drawn to such individuals? Imagine como os apóstolos se sentiram encorajados com essa promessa! How strengthening this promise must have been for the apostles! 4: 1, 3. Ele é um ancião casado e tem três filhos. He is a married elder with three children. The primary part of Abraham's seed revealed to Jesus that in 29 C.E. was anointed with holy spirit and became the promised Messiah, or Christ. O que você aprendeu? What Did You Learn? What we learn from Jacob's beloved son Jacob 8, 9. (a) Qual é o antídoto para o medo do homem? 8, 9. (a) What is the antidote to fear of man? How can I use this illustration? Como você pode mostrar apreço pelo privilégio de levar o nome de Deus? How can you show your appreciation for the privilege of bearing God's name? Why might it be dangerous to take time without need for those who do not love Jehovah? Esse artigo analisa três linhas de evidência que ajudam os cristãos a ter certeza de que o Reino de Deus em breve acabará com este mundo perverso. This article reviews three lines of evidence that help Christians to be confident that God's Kingdom will soon bring this wicked system to its end. 3: 9 - What is the "pure language, " and how is it spoken? Não se sente atraído a esse tipo de pessoas? Are you not drawn to such people? They learn to overcome shyness and to be ashamed of their beliefs, defending them with courage. 4: 1, 3. 4: 1, 3. In what ways did God's spirit operate upon them? A parte primária do descendente de Abraão revelou ser Jesus, que, em 29 EC, foi ungido com espírito santo e tornou - se o prometido Messias, ou Cristo. The primary part of the seed of Abraham turned out to be Jesus, who in 29 C.E. was anointed with holy spirit and became the promised Messiah, or Christ. 2: 1 - When did Nebuchadnezzar have the dream of immense image? O que aprendemos do filho mais amado de Jacó Learning From the Son Whom Jacob Loved the Most As we come to know Jehovah better as a Person, our love and gratitude for his ways grows in such a way that we do not need an explanation for all that he does. Como posso usar o que aprendi dessa ilustração? How can I use the lesson I learned from this illustration? How did the Bible Students discern the command to preach? Por que pode ser perigoso passar tempo sem necessidade com pessoas que não amam a Jeová? How can bad association affect our whole life? But something else can help parents to remember what it means to make a disciple. 3: 9 - O que é a "língua pura ," e como é falada? 3: 9 - What is the "pure language, " and how is it spoken? The man said: "I do so well to have read the portion of the Bible, instead of telling me what he says. " Eles aprendem a vencer a timidez e a não se envergonhar de suas crenças, defendendo - as com coragem. They have learned not to be timid or embarrassed about their beliefs. Rather, they speak up with boldness. In this article, we considered several of the wrong practices that we must put off the old personality. De que maneiras o espírito de Deus atuou neles? In what ways did God's spirit operate upon them? In the 1995, a clearer understanding of the separating of "sheep " and" goats. " 2: 1 - Quando foi que Nabucodonosor teve o sonho da enorme imagem? 2: 1 - When did Nebuchadnezzar have the dream about the immense image? Since the Bible does not mention any other person as having received such vision, and these words were spoken after Paul's defense he did likely report his own experience. À medida que conhecemos melhor a Jeová como Pessoa, nosso amor e gratidão por seu modo de agir cresce de tal maneira que não precisamos de uma explicação para tudo que ele faz. As we get to know Jehovah better as a Person, our love and appreciation for his ways will grow to the point that we do not need an explanation for everything he does. We need similar courage to Moses ' courage, for Jesus said: "You will be set before you and kings because of my witnessing to them and to the nations. De que forma os Estudantes da Bíblia entenderam a ordem de pregar? How did the early Bible Students understand the command to preach? En - dor Mas algo que pode ajudar os pais é lembrar o que significa fazer um discípulo. However, parents can benefit from reflecting on what it means to make a disciple. The apostles who were with Jesus on that night were not the only ones to benefit from the Kingdom. O homem disse: "Gostei muito de você ter lido o texto direto da Bíblia, em vez de simplesmente me dizer o que ele diz. " The man responded: "I really appreciate your opening the Bible and showing me what the scripture said instead of just telling me. " How can experienced brothers benefit younger ones? Neste estudo, vimos várias coisas erradas que temos que deixar de fazer para nos livrar da velha personalidade. We have considered a number of bad practices that Christians must strip off and keep off. The large jar of flour itself was not left and the very small jar of oil was not made up, according to Jehovah's word, which he had spoken through Elijah. " - 1 Ki. 17: 15, 16. Em 1995 veio um entendimento mais claro sobre a separação entre "ovelhas " e" cabritos ." In 1995 the separating of "the sheep " from" the goats " was more clearly understood. IT WAS read in his eyes. Visto que a Bíblia não fala de nenhuma outra pessoa como tendo recebido essa visão, e que essas palavras foram ditas depois da defesa que Paulo fez de seu apostolado, é provável que ele estivesse relatando sua própria experiência. Since the Bible does not speak of any other person who had such a vision and the passage follows Paul's defense of his apostleship, he was probably relating his own experience. We will see that in the next article. Nós precisamos de coragem semelhante à de Moisés, pois Jesus disse: "Sereis arrastados perante governadores e reis, por minha causa, em testemunho para eles e para as nações. We need courage like that of Moses, for Jesus said: "You will be haled before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. Meditating on Jehovah's works moved David to praise him En - Dor En - dor What do we need to do to overturn false doctrines "blinded strongly "? Os apóstolos que estavam com Jesus naquela noite não foram os únicos a se beneficiar do Reino. The apostles present with Jesus that night were not the only ones to benefit from the Kingdom. Even though Isaac had sacrificed himself, Abraham thought that "God was able to raise him even from the dead. " Como irmãos experientes podem beneficiar os mais jovens? How can experienced Christians benefit younger ones? They are a result of inherited sin. O próprio jarro grande de farinha não se esgotou e a própria bilha pequena de azeite não ficou carente, segundo a palavra de Jeová, que ele havia falado por intermédio de Elias. " - 1 Reis 17: 15, 16. The large jar of flour itself did not get exhausted, and the small jar of oil itself did not fail, according to Jehovah's word that he had spoken by means of Elijah. " - 1 Ki. That attitude could manifest subtle ways. PODIAM notar nos olhos dele. THEY could see it in his eyes. 2: 15. Veremos isso no próximo artigo. This will be considered in the next article. For good reason, the Bible counsels us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Meditar sobre as obras de Jeová moveu Davi a louvá - lo Pondering Jehovah's handiwork moved David to praise Him In fact, how can we follow the counsel to "work what is good toward all " if we may need our help? - Galatians 6: 10. O que precisamos fazer para derrubar doutrinas falsas "fortemente entrincheiradas "? What must we do if we are to overturn "strongly entrenched " false doctrines? On the other hand, God's Word also says: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " Mesmo que Isaque tivesse de ser sacrificado, Abraão achava que "Deus era capaz de levantá - lo até mesmo dentre os mortos ." Even if Isaac were to die as a sacrifice, Abraham "reckoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead. " Then, when the king of Sodom wanted to reward Abraham for a people of his armies, Abraham swore: "I will indeed indeed take my hand in oath to Jehovah the Most High God, the Most High of heaven and from the land that I shall not deliver it, until I shall do nothing to you. " - Gen. Elas são resultado do pecado herdado. These are the result of inherited sin. Though I was faced with many tragic situations in life, their positive attitude continues to give him strength, and his example serve as encouragement to others. Essa atitude poderia se manifestar de maneiras sutis. This attitude could manifest itself in subtle ways. Soon, though, he will make his presence execute Jehovah's judgments against the various elements of Satan's world. 2: 15. 2: 15. PAGE 28 • SONGS: 123, 50 É com bom motivo que a Bíblia nos aconselha: "Confia em Jeová de todo o teu coração e não te estribes na tua própria compreensão. With good reason, the Bible admonishes us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Jehovah's Witnesses preach throughout the earth, fulfilling Jesus ' prophecy. De fato, como podemos seguir o conselho de " fazer o que é bom para com todos ' se nos isolarmos de pessoas que talvez precisem de nossa ajuda? - Gálatas 6: 10. Indeed, how can we follow the counsel to "work what is good toward all " if we isolate ourselves from people who might need our help? - Galatians 6: 10. What Bible account illustrates the importance of serving God with zeal and with all our heart? Por outro lado, a Palavra de Deus também diz: "Os justos possuirão a terra e viverão nela para sempre. " On the other hand, God's Word also promises: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " To improve matters, Job's own wife and three false friends referred to Job just before he turned down down. - Job 2: 9; 3: 11; 16: 2. Daí, quando o rei de Sodoma quis recompensar Abraão por ter resgatado o povo dele dos exércitos invasores, Abraão jurou: "Ergo deveras minha mão em juramento a Jeová, o Deus Altíssimo, Produtor do céu e da terra, que, desde o fio até o cordão de sandália, não, não tomarei nada daquilo que é teu, para que não digas: " Fui eu que enriqueci a Abrão. ' " - Gên. Then, when the king of Sodom wanted to reward Abraham for rescuing the king's people from the invading armies, Abraham swore: "I do lift up my hand in an oath to Jehovah the Most High God, Producer of heaven and earth, that, from a thread to a sandal lace, no, I shall take nothing from anything that is yours, in order that you may not say, " It was I who made Abram rich. ' " - Gen. What can be done to minimize the disturbing effects of changes? Embora Irina tenha passado por muitas situações trágicas na vida, sua atitude positiva continua lhe dando forças, e seu exemplo serve de encorajamento para outros. Although Irina has experienced many tragic circumstances in her life, her joyful spirit continues to sustain her and she is a source of encouragement to others. This scheme guided your development in nine months that you spent in the womb and later from two years to adulthood. Em breve, porém, ele manifestará a sua presença ao executar os julgamentos de Jeová contra os vários elementos do mundo de Satanás. Soon, however, he will make his presence manifest by executing Jehovah's judgments on the various elements of Satan's system of things. Strengthen your trust in the Bible. PÁGINA 28 CÂNTICOS: 42, 50 PAGE 28 • SONGS: 42, 124 Thus, they could be called "temporary residents " on earth under Satan's control. As Testemunhas de Jeová pregam em toda a Terra, cumprindo a profecia de Jesus. Por que podemos dizer isso? To understand how Jehovah's Witnesses have fulfilled Jesus ' prophecy with regard to the scope of the preaching work, let us consider some facts. 9: 15. Que relato bíblico ilustra a importância de servir a Deus com zelo e de todo coração? What Bible account illustrates the importance of being zealous and wholehearted in serving God? 3: 3, 4; Titus 2: 3 - 5. Para piorar as coisas, a própria esposa de Jó e três falsos amigos falaram coisas que só deixaram Jó mais pra baixo. - Jó 2: 9; 3: 11; 16: 2. His despair was deepened further by the disheartening words of his wife and of three companions who acted as if they were his friends. - Job 2: 9; 3: 11; 16: 2. What would God do to reduce such enemies? O que pode ser feito para minimizar os perturbadores efeitos de mudanças? What can be done to minimize the unsettling effects of change? To become adults successful, young ones need to learn the proper approach, to visit the telephone, and conduct the table at a table. Esse esquema guiou seu desenvolvimento nos nove meses que você passou no útero e, depois, por mais de duas décadas até a idade adulta. This plan guided your development during your nine months in the womb before birth and then through more than two decades of growth to adulthood. How was Moses ' creation? Fortaleça a confiança na Bíblia. Strengthen your confidence in the Bible. What would he do that time? Assim, de modo bem literal, eles podiam ser chamados de "residentes temporários " na Terra, controlada por Satanás. Thus, in a very literal way, they could be termed mere "temporary residents " of the earth under Satan's control. However, opposition existed to the construction of the temple. 9: 15. 9: 15. For example, in his letter to his fellow Christians in Colossae, he spoke from false Christians who claim to follow the Mosaic Law was more important than having faith in Christ. 3: 3, 4; Tito 2: 3 - 5. 3: 3, 4; Titus 2: 3 - 5. I shall encourage me - and to the Most High. ' " O que Deus faria para reduzir a nada esses inimigos? What would God do to bring these enemies to nothing? So Darius has plunged the use of money and authorized the most important use of the Jews to help the Jews finance the works. Para se tornar adultos bem - sucedidos, os jovens precisam aprender o modo apropriado de cumprimentar visitas, de atender o telefone e de se comportar à mesa. To get along well as adults, young ones need to learn the proper way to greet visitors, to answer the telephone, and to eat a meal with others. (b) If you obey God, of what can you be sure? Como foi a criação de Moisés? What kind of life did Moses have as a youth? Why are the issues raised by the psalmist important to you? O que ele faria dessa vez? What would he do this time? Some foreign residents became worshippers of Jehovah, displaying the same feelings of the Moabitess Ruth, who said to the Israelites: "Your people will be my people, and your God my God. " Mas existia oposição ao trabalho de construção do templo. But there is opposition to the temple - building work. Of course not! Por exemplo, na sua carta aos irmãos em Colossos, ele falou de falsos cristãos que diziam que seguir a Lei mosaica era mais importante do que ter fé em Cristo. For example, he wrote to the congregation in Colossae about false Christians who were trying to gain God's favor through works of the Law rather than through faith in Christ. (See opening pictures.) Assemelhar - me - ei ao Altíssimo. ' " I shall make myself resemble the Most High. ' " • What rewards come from conducting Bible studies? De modo que Dario revogou a proibição e autorizou o uso de dinheiro do tesouro real para ajudar os judeus a financiar as obras. So Darius rescinded the ban and authorized that money from the royal treasury be given to the Jews to help pay the expenses of the work. God knows all that we think and keep this motivate us to do what is right and to be loyal to one who has been married. - Read Matthew 5: 27, 28; Hebrews 4: 13. (b) Se você obedecer a Deus, do que pode ter certeza? (b) How does God view all who uphold his standards? Did Joseph's words indicate that he simply accepted the situation and saved his hands? Por que as questões levantadas pelo salmista são importantes para você? Why are the issues the psalmist raised important for you? That, in turn, will help them to teach others too. - 2 Tim. Alguns residentes forasteiros se tornaram adoradores de Jeová, demonstrando os mesmos sentimentos da moabita Rute, que disse à israelita Noemi: "Teu povo será o meu povo, e teu Deus, o meu Deus. " Some foreign residents became worshippers of Jehovah, sharing the feelings of the Moabite Ruth, who declared to the Israelite Naomi: "Your people will be my people, and your God my God. " If we are married, the closer we have is our husband or our wife. É claro que não! Absolutely not! First, he spoke of "the full assurance of [their] understanding. " (Veja as fotos no começo do artigo.) (See opening pictures.) For example, a printed printed printed information in 1919, issue of The Tychicus raised up that he would be confident of the earthly hope, urged all anointed Christians to preach from house to house. • Que recompensas recebemos por dirigir estudos bíblicos? • What rewards do we receive from conducting a Bible study? We may also find ourselves in a difficult situation when we face a difficult situation. Deus sabe tudo que pensamos e fazemos. Lembrar disso nos motiva a fazer o que é certo e a ser leais à pessoa com quem casamos. - Leia Mateus 5: 27, 28; Hebreus 4: 13. Remembering that God is aware of all our thoughts and actions will reinforce our desire to please him and to remain chaste. - Read Matthew 5: 27, 28; Hebrews 4: 13. How do you feel about this reality and the privilege of sharing in true worship, Jehovah? Será que as palavras de José indicam que ele simplesmente aceitou a situação e ficou de braços cruzados? He explained his goal: "In order to get me out of this place. " Were Joseph's words those of a man who passively accepted his situation? That seed would eventually bruise the serpent, Satan, in the head. Isso, por sua vez, os ajudará a também ensinar outros. - 2 Tim. This, in turn, will help them to teach yet others. - 2 Tim. There are individuals who live on this road because they prefer to reject Bible teachings, but many others are deceived into darkness or kept in mind as Jehovah expects of them. Se formos casados, o próximo mais achegado que temos é nosso marido ou nossa esposa. If we are married, our closest neighbor is our marriage mate. He mentioned the thanksgiving, or prayer, in which we express appreciation for what God does for us. Primeiro, ele falou da " plena certeza do entendimento deles '. First, he mentioned "the full assurance of their understanding. " What Jehovah satisfies our material needs - for which we should be grateful - and he teaches us spiritual truths. Por exemplo, um impresso publicado em 1919, To Whom the Work Is Entrusted (A Quem se Confia a Obra), exortou todos os cristãos ungidos a pregar de casa em casa. For instance, To Whom the Work Is Entrusted, a pamphlet published in 1919, urged all anointed Christians to preach from house to house. As you can see, this intimacy with Jehovah does not grow out of the night for the day. Outra coisa que pode nos ajudar quando passamos por uma situação difícil são os amigos que temos na congregação. When we associate closely with our brothers and sisters, we find true friends and close companions. Who would " shine ' with spiritual insight in the time of the end? O que você acha dessa realidade e do privilégio de participar na adoração do único Deus verdadeiro, Jeová? How do you feel about that reality and the privilege of engaging in the worship of the only true God, Jehovah? The tragic experience of Dinah certainly saddened Jacob; but he condemned the vengeance of his sons. Esse descendente por fim machucaria a serpente, Satanás, na cabeça. That seed would eventually bruise the serpent, Satan, in the head. How did Jehovah answer Asa's prayer in defeat? Há pessoas que estão nessa estrada larga porque preferem rejeitar os ensinos da Bíblia, mas muitas outras estão ali porque foram enganadas, ou mantidas na escuridão, com respeito ao que Jeová de fato espera delas. Some individuals are on that broad road because they have made a deliberate choice to reject what the Bible teaches, but many others are there because they have been deceived, or kept in the dark, as to what Jehovah really requires of them. Even if we do not live over our parents, it is likely that some family members keep quite close to our well - may want to remain involved in the important decisions we face. Ele mencionou o agradecimento, ou seja, oração em que expressamos gratidão pelo que Deus faz por nós. He mentioned thanksgiving, that is, prayer in which we express appreciation for what God does for us. A Israelite woman in that time could treacherous divorce if she could not have children. Que Jeová satisfaz nossas necessidades materiais - pelas quais devemos agradecer - e que ele nos ensina verdades espirituais. They will likely learn that Jehovah supplies our physical needs - for which he should be thanked - and that he teaches us spiritual truths. [ Footnote] Como você pode ver, essa intimidade com Jeová não nasce da noite para o dia. As you can appreciate, this intimacy with Jehovah does not develop overnight. The apostle Paul urges us to "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Quem " brilharia ' com perspicácia espiritual no tempo do fim? Who would "shine " with spiritual insight during the time of the end? By constantly fixing our minds on the things of the spirit and allowing ourselves to become a tendency and a spiritual attitude. A trágica experiência de Diná com certeza entristeceu muito a Jacó; mas ele condenou a vingança de seus filhos. Dinah's tragic experience must have grieved Jacob deeply; yet, he condemned his sons ' vengeful course. What Jehovah endured as his Son was tortured, ridicule, and executed as a criminal is beyond our understanding. Como Jeová respondeu a essa oração? Ele ajudou Asa a derrotar por completo os inimigos. In answer to Asa's heartfelt prayer, God gave Asa a complete victory, annihilating the Ethiopian army. Our enemy, Satan the Devil, knows our weaknesses, and tries to trap us or attack a vulnerable point. Mesmo que não moremos mais com os nossos pais, é provável que alguns familiares se preocupem muito com o nosso bem - estar e talvez queiram continuar a se envolver em importantes decisões que enfrentamos. If we are living away from home, our relatives likely still have deep concern for our well - being and may feel compelled to continue to involve themselves in important decisions we face. The miracles Jesus performed on earth, by means of God's power, reveal how much he loves people. Um israelita naquele tempo podia de modo traiçoeiro se divorciar da esposa caso ela não pudesse ter filhos. An Israelite man back then might treacherously divorce his wife if she bore him no children. 3: 10, 11. [ Nota (s) de rodapé] [ Footnote] Why did Jehovah commanded the Israelites to keep separate from the other nations? O apóstolo Paulo nos exorta a " fazer o que é bom para com todos, mas especialmente para com os aparentados conosco na fé '. The apostle Paul recommended that we "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " In imitation of God's wisdom, we would do well to think about the possible consequences of our actions, and even discuss them. Por sempre fixar a mente nas coisas do espírito e permitir que se crie em nós uma tendência e atitude espiritual. By regularly setting our minds on the things of the spirit and allowing a spiritual inclination and attitude to develop in us. Eli heard wicked accounts about them, including the fact that he made fornication with women who served at the entrance of the tent of meeting. O que Jeová suportou à medida que seu Filho foi torturado, ridicularizado e então executado como um criminoso está além de nossa compreensão. What Jehovah endured as his Son was tormented, ridiculed, and then executed as a criminal is far more than we can know. (See opening picture.) Nosso inimigo, Satanás o Diabo, conhece nossas fraquezas, e tenta apanhar - nos desprevenidos ou atacar um ponto vulnerável. Our enemy, Satan the Devil, knows our weaknesses, and he tries to catch us off guard or to attack a vulnerable spot. The Bible helps us to understand the heavenly part of Jehovah's organization. Os milagres que Jesus realizou na Terra, por meio do poder de Deus, revelam o quanto ele ama as pessoas. While Jesus was on earth, God empowered him to perform miracles that revealed how much he loved people. Yet, Jesus already desired to get to know the Scriptures and had a good understanding of it. 3: 10, 11. 3: 10, 11. First, note that events took place before that meeting. Por que Jeová ordenou aos israelitas que se mantivessem separados das outras nações? Why did Jehovah command the Israelites to keep separate from other nations? In the preceding verses to Matthew 24: 46, the term "come " refers to the time when Jesus will come to deliver judgment and execute judgment during the great tribulation. Imitando a sabedoria de Deus, seria bom pensarmos nas possíveis consequências de nossos atos, e até mesmo visualizá - las. To imitate God's wisdom, we would do well to think about or even visualize the likely consequences of our actions. The second article considers the examples of Ruth, Hezekiah, and Mary, Jesus ' mother. Eli ouvia maus relatos sobre eles, incluindo o fato de que cometiam fornicação com mulheres que serviam na entrada da tenda de reunião. Eli heard bad reports about them, including the fact that they were committing fornication with women who served at the entrance of the tent of meeting. There would be no more powerful lessons than such to help us reject the disgusting traces of disloyalty. (Veja a foto no começo do estudo.) (See opening picture.) How the Eyes Can Treat Us A Bíblia nos ajuda a entender melhor a parte celestial da organização de Jeová. Jehovah's written Word acquaints us with the heavenly part of his organization. It is wise to avoid apostates. Ainda criança, Jesus já desejava muito conhecer as Escrituras e tinha um bom entendimento dela. As a child, Jesus had already developed a longing for and an understanding of the Scriptures. Since Jehovah's will does not change, what he expects of his worshippers today has not changed. Primeiro, note que eventos ocorreram antes dessa reunião. First, note the events that preceded that meeting. Those who believe this lie use of life as "Riches, " and not God. Nos versículos anteriores a Mateus 24: 46, o verbo " vir ' refere - se coerentemente ao tempo em que Jesus virá para proferir julgamento e executá - lo durante a grande tribulação. In the verses that lead up to Matthew 24: 46, the word "coming " refers consistently to the time when Jesus comes to pronounce and execute judgment during the great tribulation. 3 We find a More purposeful career O segundo vai analisar os exemplos de Rute, Ezequias e Maria, mãe de Jesus. In the second, we will discuss the examples of Ruth, Hezekiah, and Jesus ' mother, Mary. 7: 1 - How was Moses made "God for Pharaoh "? Dificilmente haveria lições mais poderosas do que essas para nos ajudar a rejeitar o repugnante traço da deslealdade. Could any lessons be more powerful to help us reject the loathsome trait of disloyalty? By means of his powerful holy spirit, Jehovah continues to enable his servants to do his will. - Zechariah 4: 6. Como os olhos podem nos desencaminhar How Our Eyes Can Mislead Us Reaching Out of the Congregation É sábio evitar apóstatas. Wise we are to shun apostates. On the day - to - day basis, we want to show that we are "slaves to Jehovah, " even in small things. - Romans 12: 11. Visto que a vontade de Jeová não muda, o que ele espera de seus adoradores hoje também não mudou. Because Jehovah is unchanging and constant regarding his will and purpose, it is clear that his fundamental requirements for true worshippers remain the same today. I sorry more than feeling abandoned by him. Os que acreditam nessa mentira usam a vida para servir as "Riquezas ," e não a Deus. Those who believe this lie spend their lives serving "Riches " rather than God. At the same time, those who attend meetings do not want to take the dignity of such occasions to be liberally to dress or to associate messages, or to engage in drinking other things. 3 Encontramos uma carreira mais gratificante 3 We Found a More Rewarding Career How to sustain those people 7: 1 - Em que sentido Moisés foi feito "Deus para Faraó "? 7: 1 - How was Moses made "God to Pharaoh "? • How can God's utterances be a light to our roadway? Por meio de seu poderoso espírito santo, Jeová continua habilitando seus servos para fazer a sua vontade. - Zacarias 4: 6. By means of his powerful holy spirit, Jehovah continues to empower his servants to accomplish his will. - Zechariah 4: 6. If so, you are to be commended. Liderança das congregações Leadership of the Congregations Let us now consider the forgiveness of a different prospect. No dia - a - dia, queremos mostrar que somos "escravos para Jeová ," mesmo em coisas pequenas. - Romanos 12: 11. In everyday life, even in small ways, we want to show that we "slave for Jehovah. " - Romans 12: 11. No one can strip off the old personality with force. Nada dói mais do que se sentir abandonado por ele. Nothing stings more than feeling abandoned by him. The apostle Paul said that Christians in Thessalonica had accepted the message of truth "under much tribulation, " but" with the joy of holy spirit. " Ao mesmo tempo, os que assistem às reuniões não querem tirar a dignidade dessas ocasiões por ser liberais demais no modo de se vestir ou por ficar trocando mensagens de texto, conversando ou comendo e bebendo, entre outras coisas. At the same time, those in attendance would not want to detract from the meetings by being overly casual in their dress, by texting or talking during the meetings, by eating and drinking, and so on. Do I always do that as I realize that I am taking too much time on it. Como amparar essas pessoas Providing a Refuge God will never leave those who courageously continue to speak his word. - Phil. • Como as declarações de Deus podem ser uma luz para nossa senda? • How can God's utterances be a light to our roadway? On the contrary, careful preparation is needed to decide scriptures that the teacher or the student will read directly during the Bible's study. Então merece elogios. If so, you are to be commended. Why should we want to practice mercy especially within the Christian congregation? Vejamos agora o perdão de uma perspectiva diferente. Let us examine forgiveness from a different perspective. We may need to discipline ourselves to sit down and spend time with the study. Ninguém consegue se livrar da velha personalidade só com força de vontade. Stripping off old personality traits cannot be done in one's own strength. In reality, though, they are just the elders who take such action as representatives of the congregation. O apóstolo Paulo disse que os cristãos em Tessalônica haviam aceitado a mensagem da verdade "sob muita tribulação ," porém," com alegria de espírito santo ." The apostle Paul noted that Christians in Thessalonica had accepted the message of truth "under much tribulation " yet" with joy of holy spirit. " It is simply not able to find the way true peace and happiness. Faço isso sempre que percebo que estou gastando tempo demais nisso. I do that whenever I realize that I've been spending too much time with it. Nobody in history has had a meaningful life and close relationship with our well - being as Jesus. Deus nunca abandonará os que corajosamente continuam a falar a Sua palavra. - Fil. God will never abandon those who fearlessly continue to speak his word. - Phil. Keep returning from the heart to Jehovah, as we follow the example set by the early Christians. Ao contrário, é preciso uma cuidadosa preparação para decidir que textos bíblicos citados o instrutor ou o estudante vai ler diretamente da Bíblia durante o estudo. On the contrary, careful forethought should be given to deciding which of the cited scriptures the teacher or the student will read from the Bible during the study. What desires do you long to see fulfilled? Por que devemos desejar praticar a misericórdia em especial dentro da congregação cristã? Why should we be especially concerned about practicing mercy within the Christian congregation? Why is it beneficial for the arrangement of headship in marriage? Talvez tenhamos de nos disciplinar para sentar e gastar tempo com o estudo. We may have to discipline ourselves to sit down and spend time with the study material. Explain how you can strengthen your trust in the wisdom of the divine command to abstain from fornication. Na realidade, porém, são apenas os anciãos que tomam essa ação como representantes da congregação. In real terms, though, it is only the elders who take this action in their capacity as representatives of the congregation. Therefore, he is our best example of patience Simplesmente não conseguem encontrar o caminho da verdadeira paz e felicidade. They simply cannot find the road to true peace and happiness. We know that Jephthah said: "I have made a vow to Jehovah, and I cannot turn back. " Ninguém na História tem tido uma vida tão significativa e tão estreitamente ligada ao nosso bem - estar eterno como Jesus. There is no one in all history whose life has been so full of meaning and so closely connected with our eternal welfare as that of Jesus. 17, 18. Continuem cantando no coração a Jeová. " Nós seguimos o exemplo dos primeiros cristãos. The songs in our songbook are truly "spiritual songs [to be] sung with gratitude. " Do not Isolate from their faithful Christian brothers and sisters. Que desejos você anseia ver realizados? What desires do you long to see fulfilled? Jehovah sent " fire into the cities of Judah ' in 607 B.C.E. by means of the Babylonians, causing the desolation of Jerusalem and the land of Judah. Por que é benéfico o arranjo de chefia no casamento? Why is the headship arrangement in marriage beneficial? They had allowed other things to wander and lose their focus. Explique como você pode fortalecer sua confiança na sabedoria da ordem divina de abster - se da fornicação. Explain how you might strengthen your confidence in the wisdom of God's command to abstain from fornication. What helped them to obey and be ready when the execution of divine judgment came upon them? Por isso, ele é nosso melhor exemplo de paciência With regard to exercising patience, Jehovah does not expect us to do something that he is not willing to do himself (Read Proverbs 10: 22; Malachi 3: 10.) Como sabemos? Jefté disse: "Fiz um voto a Jeová e não posso voltar atrás. " Jephthah said: "I have opened my mouth to Jehovah, and I am unable to turn back. " We should reason, then, that all of us have a conscience and should be guided by it when choosing what to do and who to do. " - Read Romans 14: 2 - 4. 17, 18. 17, 18. (b) To what extent do humans have freedom? Não se isole de seus fiéis irmãos cristãos. Do not isolate yourself from your faithful Christian brothers and sisters. Keep watch that your comments about those who live in the territory are not daunting. Jeová enviou " fogo para dentro das ' cidades de Judá em 607 AEC por meio dos babilônios, causando a predita desolação de Jerusalém e da terra de Judá. Jehovah sent "fire into [Judah's] cities " in 607 B.C.E. by the hand of the Babylonians, bringing foretold desolation to Jerusalem and the land of Judah. Elders care for many important matters that require immediate attention; if they do not do so, the congregation would suffer the consequences. Eles haviam permitido que outras coisas os distraíssem e acabaram perdendo o foco. They had become distracted and had lost their focus. While he lived there, he may have heard of Job's trials as he lived in the land of nearby. O que os ajudou a obedecer e a estar preparados quando ocorreu a execução do julgamento divino? What helped them to obey and prove themselves ready when God's judgment arrived? He is the one endowed us with the ability to love. (Leia Provérbios 10: 22; Malaquias 3: 10.) (Read Proverbs 10: 22; Malachi 3: 10.) Why is the resurrection essential for Jehovah's purpose? Então raciocinamos que todos nós temos uma consciência e devemos ser guiados por ela ao escolher o que fazer e com quem fazer. " - Leia Romanos 14: 2 - 4. We reasoned that each of us has a conscience, and we ought to be guided by it in choosing what we do and with whom. " - Read Romans 14: 2 - 4. Very likely, he said: "Of what benefit is the birthright? " (b) Até que ponto vai a liberdade que os humanos têm? (b) What sort of freedom can humans enjoy, and why? But what if the person begins to lead a double life, perhaps a double life, perhaps a Witness who is not a Christian? Cuide para que seus comentários sobre os que moram no território não sejam desanimadores. Be careful that your comments about those living in your territory are not discouraging. It is vital that we avoid being influenced by the world's things, such as his teachings and thinking. Os anciãos cuidam de muitos assuntos importantes que precisam de atenção imediata; se não fizessem isso, a congregação sofreria as consequências. Elders care for many important tasks that have to be handled promptly; otherwise, the congregation would be adversely affected. 12: 9, 10. Enquanto vivia ali, é possível que tenha ouvido falar das provações de Jó, que morava na vizinha terra de Uz. During his stay in that land, he could have heard of the trials of Job, who was living nearby in the land of Uz. H. Foi ele quem nos dotou da capacidade de amar. He is the One who has put in us the capacity to love. This psalm shows how we can be in order to be among the millions who will praise God forever. Por que a ressurreição é essencial para o cumprimento do propósito de Jeová? How is the resurrection central to Jehovah's purpose? See Genesis 29: 7; Job 30: 1; Jeremiah 33: 13; Luke 15: 4; John 10: 3, 4. Por incrível que pareça, ele disse: "De que proveito me é a primogenitura? " Incredibly, he said: "Of what benefit to me is a birthright? " PAGE 29 Mas e se essa pessoa começa a levar uma vida dupla, talvez namorando escondido alguém que não é cristão? What if that person were to start living a double life, perhaps secretly dating an unbeliever? 5: 8; Rev. É essencial não nos deixar influenciar pelas coisas do mundo, como seus ensinos e seu modo de pensar. It is vital that we resist being affected by the world's "strongly entrenched things. " He cannot let anyone shoot an arrow and buy the target, but he has given the most education, and he continues trying to change. 12: 9, 10. 12: 9, 10. First, Jesus spoke of the privilege that would have to rule with him in heaven. H. H. Or are others going across such activities? " Esse salmo mostra como podemos nos habilitar para estar entre os milhões de pessoas que louvarão a Deus para sempre. That psalm shows how we can qualify to be among the millions who will enjoy praising God forever. Consider the efforts of one deaf brother who is a family member. Veja Gênesis 29: 7; Jó 30: 1; Jeremias 33: 13; Lucas 15: 4; João 10: 3, 4. See Genesis 29: 7; Job 30: 1; Jeremiah 33: 13; Luke 15: 4; John 10: 3, 4. Jesus also explained the Scriptures, and he did so in a way that touched the heart of his listeners. PÁGINA 29 PAGE 29 The obedient Jews who worked in the rebuilding of God's temple had the assurance of divine backing, as Jehovah indicated through a series of eight visions given to Zechariah. 5: 8; Rev. 5: 8; Rev. (b) What must we keep in mind about our thinking and Jehovah's way of thinking? Ele não consegue de jeito nenhum atirar uma flecha e acertar o alvo, mas recebe mais aulas e continua tentando. He cannot shoot an arrow well enough to hit the target at all, but he takes more lessons and keeps on trying. Take the initiative and discuss them. Primeiro, Jesus falou do privilégio que teriam de reinar com ele no céu. Jesus first spoke of the privilege they would have of ruling with him in heaven. To ward off Satan's attacks, we must put full trust in Jehovah. Ou será que outros interesses estão excluindo tais atividades? " Or are other interests crowding out such activities? " 1 - 3. (a) What financial problems do many face today, and how have some try to resolve them? Considere os esforços de certo irmão surdo que é pai de família. Consider the efforts made by a certain deaf brother who is a husband and a father. Being hospitable to fellow believers is another way to create a loving spirit in the congregation. Jesus também explicava as Escrituras, e fazia isso de uma maneira que tocava o coração de seus ouvintes. Jesus also explained the Scriptures, doing so in ways that moved the hearts of his listeners. [ Box / Pictures on page 29] Os judeus obedientes que trabalharam na reconstrução do templo de Deus tinham a garantia do apoio divino, como Jeová indicou por meio de uma série de oito visões dadas a Zacarias. Obedient Jews who worked at rebuilding God's temple were assured of divine backing, as God indicated through a series of eight visions that Zechariah received. Today, God's Word, or in parts, can be read by billions of people today. (b) O que temos de ter em mente quanto ao nosso modo de pensar e o de Jeová? (b) What do we need to remember about our thinking and that of Jehovah? The ransom has been paid for repentant sinners. Tome a iniciativa e converse com elas. Take the initiative and speak with them. Paul warned Christians: "Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ. " Para repelir os ataques de Satanás, temos de depositar plena confiança em Jeová. To ward off Satan's attacks, we need to put our full trust in Jehovah. What can the ransom do for us? 1 - 3. (a) Que problemas financeiros muitos enfrentam hoje, e como alguns tentam resolvê - los? 1 - 3. (a) What financial problems do many face today, and how do some attempt to solve them? Similarly, Jehovah did not upset with the frank words that the widow's widow directed her to the prophet Elijah. Ser hospitaleiro com nossos irmãos é outra maneira de criar um espírito amoroso na congregação. Showing hospitality to our brothers and sisters is another way to engender a loving spirit in the congregation. He sees all, clothed in greater than any human and knows the outcome of the things. [ Quadro / Fotos na página 29] [ Box / Pictures on page 29] What is the meaning of the Greek words behind the "public expressions of righteousness " and" being declared righteous "? Hoje em dia, a Palavra de Deus, inteira ou em partes, pode ser lida por bilhões de pessoas. Today, God's Word, in whole or in part, can be read by billions. TRUE PIGHT FOR THE TRUD Pare para pensar: o resgate foi pago para ajudar pecadores arrependidos. After all, the ransom is provided for repentant sinners. While there, you will find helpful information in many topics. Paulo alertou os cristãos colossenses: "Acautelai - vos: talvez haja alguém que vos leve embora como presa sua, por intermédio de filosofia e de vão engano, segundo a tradição de homens, segundo as coisas elementares do mundo e não segundo Cristo. " Paul warned the Colossian Christians: "Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ. " Jesus ' greatest teaching is that his followers should show love. O que o resgate pode fazer por nós? What can the ransom do for us? Do You Recall? De modo similar, Jeová não se ofendeu com as palavras francas que a viúva de Sarefá dirigiu ao profeta Elias. Likewise, Jehovah did not take offense at the frank words of the widow of Zarephath to the prophet Elijah. 8, 9. Ele vê tudo, enxerga mais a fundo do que qualquer humano e conhece de antemão o desfecho das coisas. He sees everything, looks deeper than any human, and knows the outcome of things from their beginning. In 66 C.E., Roman armies under Cestius Gallus led Jerusalem to suppress a Jewish rebellion. Qual é o sentido das palavras gregas por trás das expressões "declaração de justiça " e" serem declarados justos "? What is the sense of the Greek words underlying the expressions "declaration of righteousness " and" declaring of them righteous "? It was easy to introduce them. APREÇO PELA ADORAÇÃO PURA APPRECIATE PURE WORSHIP Jehovah promised: "I will save my sheep, and they will no longer become anything plunder; and I will judge between sheep and sheep. Lá você vai encontrar informações úteis sobre muitos assuntos. There you can find helpful information on a broad range of topics. 26: 11. O maior ensinamento de Jesus é que seus seguidores devem mostrar amor. Foremost among Jesus ' teachings is that his followers should display love. We can ask to speak with the family head when possible. Lembra - se? Do You Recall? This plays a serious responsibility to all dedicated servants of Jehovah. - Read Ezekiel 3: 17 - 19. 8, 9. 8, 9. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Em 66 EC, os exércitos romanos comandados por Céstio Galo chegaram a Jerusalém para reprimir uma rebelião judaica. In 66 C.E., Roman armies under Cestius Gallus arrived in Jerusalem to quell a Jewish rebellion. A soldier never allowed an unscrupulous breastplate of iron by another battle made, even though we should never miss Jehovah's righteous standards for our own. Era fácil apresentá - los. The presentation was simple! 17: 1 - 4, 8, 11, 12; 29: 1. Jeová prometeu: "Eu vou salvar as minhas ovelhas e elas não mais se tornarão algo a ser saqueado; e vou julgar entre ovídeo e ovídeo. Jehovah promised: "I will save my sheep, and they will no longer become something for plunder; and I will judge between a sheep and a sheep. How did holy spirit help certain elders in ancient Israel? 26: 11. 26: 11. However, anger is harmful and does not reflect "the mind of Christ. " Podemos pedir para falar com o chefe da casa, quando possível. We can ask to speak with the man of the house when possible. This indicates how you too will be blessed. Isso impõe uma séria responsabilidade a todos os servos dedicados de Jeová. - Leia Ezequiel 3: 17 - 19. This places a heavy responsibility on all of Jehovah's dedicated servants. - Read Ezekiel 3: 17 - 19. 18, 19. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. [ Picture on page 21] Um soldado jamais trocaria uma couraça de ferro por outra feita de um metal mais fraco. Do mesmo modo, nós nunca devemos trocar os padrões justos de Jeová pelos nossos. Just as a soldier would not swap a breastplate of iron for one made of an inferior metal, we would never want to exchange Jehovah's standards of what is right for our own. All of this was unexpected? 17: 1 - 4, 8, 11, 12; 29: 1. 17: 1 - 4, 8, 11, 12; 29: 1. What a stunning power Jesus displayed! Como o espírito santo ajudou certos anciãos no Israel antigo? How did God's holy spirit help certain older men in ancient Israel? Like the ancient shepherds, elders today must protect the "sheep " in their care Contudo, a ira é prejudicial e não reflete "a mente de Cristo ." Yet, anger is damaging and does not reflect "the mind of Christ. " Our greatest privilege - that of accomplishing Jehovah's work! " O YOUTH, enjoy yourself while you are young! (b) What three types of love do we need to maintain strong? Isso indica como você também será abençoado. And this shows how he will bless you too. And find out how you can use this unique language to praise Jehovah. 18, 19. 18, 19. By choosing to use our freedom, we have the freedom of choosing our associates, dress, entertainment, and entertainment. [ Foto na página 21] [ Picture on page 21] Do all possible to listen, with minds, and hearts open, what he has to say. Tudo isso era inesperado? Was that unexpected? As we saw in the preceding article, centuries earlier God presented the Jews the hope of resurrection and everlasting life on earth. Que poder impressionante Jesus demonstrou! What power Jesus displays! How can you show compassion for people? Assim como os pastores do passado, os anciãos hoje têm de proteger as "ovelhas " aos seus cuidados Like shepherds in ancient times, elders today must protect the "sheep " in their care What must we do regarding the language, the history and the laws of the Kingdom? Nosso maior privilégio: realizar a obra de Jeová! Our greatest privilege - doing Jehovah's work! The second vision promised the end of all governments that opposed true worship. (b) Que três tipos de amor precisamos manter forte? (b) In what three areas could our love be tested? " I had nothing if I had not been pursued by spiritual goals. " E descubra como você pode usar essa língua ímpar para louvar a Jeová. And find out how you can use this unique language to praise Jehovah. Children who are born from such marriages were very cruel. Como queremos usar nossa liberdade? Todos nós temos liberdade para escolher amigos, roupa e diversão. What is one way we can avoid misusing our Christian freedom? Why? Faça todo o possível para escutar, com mente e coração abertos, o que ele tem a dizer. By all means, listen to your mate with an open mind and heart. What, though, if the community is still known as a child - a child molester? Como vimos no artigo anterior, séculos antes Deus havia apresentado aos judeus a esperança de ressurreição e vida eterna na Terra. As we discussed in the preceding article, centuries earlier God had given the Jews the hope of a resurrection and everlasting life on earth. 16, 17. Como você pode mostrar compaixão pelas pessoas? In what circumstances can you exercise the godly quality of compassion? THE EY WILL AND TO BE HAVE IN THE FROM THEIRTH IN THE THAT WILL OR ONE WORLD. O que temos de fazer com relação ao idioma, à história e às leis do Reino? What do we need to do regarding the Kingdom's language, history, and laws? He said: "I already knew what my goals were, but I helped me to make more effort to reach them. " A segunda visão prometia o fim de todos os governos que se opunham à adoração verdadeira. The second vision promised the end of all governments that opposed true worship. For example, his undeserved kindness moved us to save us. " Eu não teria visto nada disso se não tivesse me empenhado por alvos espirituais. " " I would not have experienced any of these things if I had not reached out for spiritual goals. " * Os filhos que nasceram desses casamentos eram muito cruéis. But Noah stood out as different. His own brother wanted to kill him. Por quê? Why so? If the vows of marriage is not made in the civil ceremony, the couple may want to do so during the talk. O que se dá, porém, se a comunidade ainda o conhece como ex - molestador de crianças? What, though, if he still has to live down notoriety in the community as a former child molester? 4: 25. 16, 17. 16, 17. So, what lesson can we draw from Jesus ' statement? TRISTEZA E FRUSTRAÇÃO QUANDO DINHEIRO OU INVESTIMENTOS PERDEM SEU VALOR OU NÃO DÃO CERTO. GRIEF AND FRUSTRATION WHEN MONEY OR INVESTMENTS DEPRECIATE OR FAIL. So let us always share Jehovah as our Provider and Protector. Ele disse: "Eu já sabia quais eram os meus alvos. Mas colocar tudo no papel me ajudou a fazer mais esforço para alcançá - los. " " I already knew what my goals were, " he noted, "but writing them down made me work harder to reach them. " Though he is he who makes the seed we plant and water, Jehovah grants us the honor of working with him. Por exemplo, sua benignidade imerecida o motivou a nos salvar. For instance, his undeserved kindness comes to our rescue. 8, 9. * * Table of Contents O próprio irmão dele quis matá - lo. He had to put up with his fleshly - minded brother, Esau, who intended to kill him. Highlights From the Letters to the Thessalonians and Timothy Se os votos de casamento não foram feitos na cerimônia civil, o casal talvez queira fazer isso durante o discurso. If marriage vows were not exchanged in the civil ceremony, the couple may want to do so during the talk. What does the friendship between David and Jonathan teach us about commitment? 4: 25. 4: 25. " IN THE marriage has been married for nearly 35 years, " says a Christian calling! Assim, que lição podemos tirar dessa declaração de Jesus? So, what lesson can we draw from this saying of Jesus? They spoke of their own errors and the mistakes of other servants of God. Então, tenhamos sempre a Jeová como nosso Provisor e Protetor sem igual. So may we always look to Jehovah as the Provider and Protector beyond compare. We will analyze this in the next article. Embora seja ele quem faz crescer as sementes que plantamos e regamos, Jeová nos concede a honra de trabalhar com ele. Although Jehovah is the one who makes the seeds that we plant and water grow, he bestows upon us an honorable position of working with him. May we continue to be loyal subjects of his loyal subjects, and heralding the King and his Kingdom. 8, 9. 8, 9. When the master arrives, Jesus punishes this wicked slave "with the greatest severity. " - Read Matthew 24: 48 - 51. Sumário Table of Contents [ Pictures on page 18] Destaques das cartas aos tessalonicenses e a Timóteo Highlights From the Letters to the Thessalonians and to Timothy They fully trust in God's promise that he will help all who put the Kingdom first in their lives. O que a amizade entre Davi e Jonatã nos ensina a respeito de compromisso? What does the friendship between David and Jonathan tell us about commitment? Confirming these details, the apostle John wrote: "One of the soldiers kept saving him [Jesus] with a spear and immediately throwing water and water. " ESTAMOS casados há quase 35 anos ," diz uma cristã chamada Monika. " WE'VE been married for nearly 35 years, " says a Christian named Monika. Name has been changed. Falavam dos seus próprios erros e dos erros de outros servos de Deus. And they made plain their own failings and those of other servants of God. A good counselor shows empathy, respect, and goodness Examinaremos isso no próximo artigo. This will be discussed in the following article. In caring for Jehovah's modern - day Witnesses, Christian overseers shepherd a well - humble flock than the Israelites. Que continuemos sendo súditos leais dele e anunciando o Rei e seu Reino. May we continue to be his loyal subjects and advertise the King and his Kingdom. On the contrary, Jesus taught them for example. - Read John 13: 15. Quando o amo chega, disse Jesus, ele pune esse escravo mau "com a maior severidade ." - Leia Mateus 24: 48 - 51. When the master arrives, said Jesus, he will punish that evil slave "with the greatest severity. " - Read Matthew 24: 48 - 51. What assures us of the importance of pursuing "righteousness, " and what steps must we take? [ Fotos na página 18] [ Pictures on page 18] Hans began to study the Bible. Eles confiam plenamente na promessa de Deus de que ele ajudará a todos os que colocam o Reino em primeiro lugar na vida. They have full faith in God's promise that all who put the Kingdom first in their life will receive God's help. It was not the family head but his firstborn son who died as a result of the tenth plague. Confirmando esses detalhes, o apóstolo João escreveu: "Um dos soldados furou - lhe o lado [de Jesus] com uma lança, e saiu imediatamente sangue e água. Confirming these points, the apostle John wrote: "One of the soldiers jabbed his [Jesus '] side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out. Where in Jesus ' prophecy do we find the four references? O nome foi mudado. Name has been changed. We can train our perceptive powers by applying what we learn from God's Word. Um bom conselheiro mostra empatia, respeito e bondade A good counselor shows empathy, respect, and kindness After their Babylonian exile, many Jews became prey to Bible ideas. Ao cuidar das atuais Testemunhas de Jeová, os superintendentes cristãos pastoreiam um rebanho bem mais humilde do que os israelitas. In caring for Jehovah's modern - day Witnesses, Christian overseers shepherd a far more humble flock. Thus, anointed Christians would be protected by Jesus every day until the time of the end. Ao contrário, Jesus os ensinava pelo exemplo. - Leia João 13: 15. Rather, Jesus taught them by example. - Read John 13: 15. Such goals may reach as long as you live in the home of your parents. O que nos dá certeza da importância de empenhar - se pela "justiça ," e que passos iniciais é preciso dar? Why can we be sure that the pursuit of "righteousness " is important, and what initial steps must a person take? Everyone who Jehovah attracts himself to become part of a worldwide congregation of true friends who love him is right. Hans começou a estudar a Bíblia. In time, his mother arranged for an elder to contact her son in prison, and Hans began to study the Bible. To remain in a condition, however, we must maintain a good conscience. Não foi o chefe da família, mas seu filho primogênito que morreu em resultado da décima praga. Not the family head but the firstborn son of the household died as a result of the tenth plague. 11, 12. (a) Why was forgiveness not an option when Adam and Eve sinned? Onde na profecia de Jesus encontramos as outras quatro referências? Where in Jesus ' prophecy do we find the remaining four references? [ Picture on page 30] Podemos treinar nossas faculdades perceptivas por aplicar o que aprendemos da Palavra de Deus. We can train our perceptive powers by applying what we learn from God's Word. 12 - 14. (a) How was Elijah affected by negative feelings? Depois de seu exílio em Babilônia, muitos judeus se tornaram presa fácil de ideias não bíblicas. After their Babylonian exile, many Jews fell prey to unscriptural ideas. Despite Paul's having suffered some shipwreck, and the other dangers of traveled into the sea, the Scriptures do not say that their journeys were threatened by the Mahanta. - 2 Cor. Assim, os cristãos ungidos seriam protegidos por Jesus todos os dias até o tempo do fim. So anointed Christians would be protected by Jesus all the days leading up to the time of the end. This article discusses how Jesus ' teachings, and his example when on earth, can help us to have a good relationship with the family. Esses são alvos que poderá alcançar enquanto ainda mora na casa dos pais. These are goals that you can achieve while living at home. Faith and self - control help us to stay close to Jehovah and clean in his eyes. Toda pessoa que Jeová atrai se torna parte de uma congregação mundial de verdadeiros amigos que amam o que é direito. Each person whom Jehovah draws becomes part of a worldwide congregation of genuine friends who love what is right. One way to remain watchful is by benefiting from the spiritual protection Jehovah offers us. Para permanecermos numa condição salva, porém, precisamos manter uma boa consciência. To remain in a saved condition, however, we need to maintain a good conscience. They may think that material possessions make life more comfortable and enjoyable, so satisfying. 11, 12. (a) Por que o perdão não era uma opção quando Adão e Eva pecaram? 11, 12. (a) Why was forgiveness not an option when Adam and Eve sinned? What does this illustration show about what we pray with persistence? [ Foto na página 30] [ Pictures on page 30] To whom is the expression "the twelve tribes of Israel " in the context of Matthew 19: 28 and Luke 22: 30? 12 - 14. (a) Como Elias foi afetado por sentimentos negativos? 12 - 14. (a) How did negative feelings affect Elijah? Could you justify a Christian's choice by choosing a Christian's entertainment? Apesar de Paulo ter sofrido naufrágio algumas vezes, e dos outros perigos de viagens no mar, as Escrituras não dizem que suas viagens tenham sido ameaçadas por piratas. - 2 Cor. Although Paul experienced shipwreck several times and there were dangers at sea, the Scriptures do not specifically say that his voyages were troubled by pirates. - 2 Cor. In turn, her husband is wise to listen carefully to what she says. Este artigo considera como os ensinos de Jesus, e seu exemplo quando esteve na Terra, podem nos ajudar a ter uma boa relação com membros da família. This article considers how the teachings of Jesus and the example he set while on earth can help all of us to enjoy good relationships with family members. Do you take time each day to draw close to Jehovah? Fé e autodomínio nos ajudam a permanecer achegados a Jeová e puros aos seus olhos. Faith and self - control help us to remain close to Jehovah and clean before him. When his master's wife, Potiphar, tried to seduce him, Joseph did not give in to him. Um modo de permanecer vigilante é por nos beneficiar da proteção espiritual que Jeová nos oferece. One way we can be watchful is by taking advantage of the spiritual protection that Jehovah makes available to us. For example, as the book of Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, at the coming of the 20th century B.C.E. Talvez pensem que bens materiais tornam a vida mais confortável e prazerosa, portanto, mais satisfatória. They may reason that material possessions make life more comfortable and enjoyable, thus more worthwhile. In today's world, it is increasingly common to "keep looking " on pornography, especially on the Internet. O que essa ilustração mostra quanto a por que oramos com persistência? What does this illustration show about the reason why we pray persistently? How Would You Answer? A quem se refere a expressão "as doze tribos de Israel " no contexto de Mateus 19: 28 e Lucas 22: 30? To whom does the expression "the twelve tribes of Israel " refer in the context of Matthew 19: 28 and Luke 22: 30? What were the Israelites in Egypt to do in preparation and Passover celebration? Será que há justificativa válida para um cristão escolher se divertir com o tipo de pessoas que ele nem sonharia em convidar à sua casa? Can a Christian really justify choosing to be entertained by the sort of people he would never dream of inviting into his home? Imagine how discouraging it could have been to wait for an end to not come! Por sua vez, o marido que é sábio ouve com atenção o que ela diz. A wise husband will listen carefully to his wife's expressions. • How does our view of responsibility indicate whether we really view life seriously? Você tira tempo todos os dias para se achegar a Jeová? Do you buy out time each day from other activities to draw close to Jehovah? It is almost certain that an honest self - examination reveal some weakness. Quando a esposa de seu amo, Potifar, tentou seduzi - lo, José não cedeu. When the wife of his master, Potiphar, tried to seduce him, Joseph rejected her efforts. To keep a vow of marriage, it is similar to that lie, and God hates them. Por exemplo, como diz o livro Testemunhas de Jeová - Proclamadores do Reino de Deus, na virada do século 20 "Charles T. For example, as noted in the book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, at the turn of the 20th century, "C. (b) Why can Jehovah foretell what will occur and when he will occur? No mundo moderno, é cada vez mais comum " persistir em olhar ' pornografia, em especial na internet. In today's world, it has become increasingly common to " keep on looking ' at pornography, particularly on the Internet. Surely the Creator of life is the Creator of life. Como responderia? How Would You Answer? I am the bus driver who spoke to the woman about paying the ticket. O que os israelitas no Egito deviam fazer na preparação e na celebração da primeira Páscoa? What were the Israelites in Egypt to do in preparing for and celebrating the first Passover? We can honestly say that we are blessed! " Imagine como poderia ter sido desanimador esperar por um fim que não viesse! Just think how discouraging it could have been to expect the end and for it not to occur! The literal name of the divine name is "He Causes to Become. " • Como o nosso conceito sobre assumir responsabilidades indica se realmente encaramos a vida com seriedade? • How does our view of taking on responsibility show whether we are serious or not? A New Nation É quase certo que uma auto - análise sincera revele alguma fraqueza. Any honest self - examination is bound to reveal some weaknesses. Likely, she will agree. Quebrar um voto de casamento é a mesma coisa que mentir, e Deus odeia os mentirosos. Breaking one's marriage vow is equivalent to lying to God, and God hates liars! What self - examination is helpful? (b) Por que Jeová pode predizer o que ocorrerá e quando? (b) Why can Jehovah foretell events and their timing? Many feel as did the prophet Jonah: "It is better than I die. " - Jonah 4: 3. Com certeza, o Criador da vida. It is surely the One who created life in the first place. He was with a wrong view of matters, and he left it; but when it was Jehovah's place of worship, he could see matters right from Jehovah's standpoint. Eu sou aquele motorista de ônibus que falou com a senhora sobre pagar a passagem. I'm the bus driver who talked to you about paying for the ticket. As we already know, Adam and Eve chose to disobey Jehovah. Podemos dizer com sinceridade que nos sentimos muito abençoados! " We can honestly say that we feel richly blessed! " Many couples too feel divided among the rearing of their children and the demands of the work. O sentido literal do nome divino é "Ele Causa que Venha a Ser ." The divine name literally means "He Causes to Become. " It can be appropriate to read Galatians 6: 2, 5 and mentioning that even though Christians may carry the burdens of one another, "each one will carry his own load " of spiritual responsibility. Uma nova nação dedicada A New Dedicated Nation 145: 16. Provavelmente, ela concordará. Likely, he will say yes. [ Pictures on page 25] Que autoanálise é bom fazermos? What self - examination would be beneficial? [ Picture on page 16] Muitas se sentem como o profeta Jonas: "É melhor eu morrer do que ficar vivo. " - Jonas 4: 3. Many feel as did Jonah the prophet: "My dying is better than my being alive. " - Jonah 4: 3. 2: 21 - 24; 4: 1; John 19: 33 - 36; Heb. Ele estava com um ponto de vista errado sobre algumas coisas, e isso o deixou muito confuso. Mas, quando ele foi ao local de adoração de Jeová, conseguiu ver as coisas do ponto de vista certo. He had developed a wrong viewpoint and had become greatly troubled, but he was able to correct his thinking when he entered God's place of worship. Read what these people have to say. Como já sabemos, Adão e Eva escolheram desobedecer a Jeová. As it turned out, our first parents chose to disobey. Our love for God and for others can now be strong, but it will be even stronger in the new world. Muitos casais também se sentem divididos entre a criação dos filhos e as exigências do trabalho. Many couples also have difficulty in coping with demanding employment while caring for children. Nothing that humans can do permanent damage. Pode ser apropriado ler Gálatas 6: 2, 5 e mencionar que, embora os cristãos possam ajudar a carregar os fardos uns dos outros, "cada um levará a sua própria carga " de responsabilidade espiritual. It may be appropriate to read Galatians 6: 2, 5 and mention that Christians can help to bear the burdens of one another, but "each one will carry his own load " of spiritual responsibility. For millenniums, Jehovah's kingship has been challenged by angels and humans. 145: 16. 145: 16. If Moses had the custom of thinking about the blessings God's people would receive, how do you feel about his heart - the desire to have prominence or love for Jehovah? [ Fotos na página 25] [ Pictures on page 25] But they learned that only Jehovah is the almighty God, and they are conducting himself to him using his name. [ Foto na página 16] [ Picture on page 16] Faithful to His Promises 2: 21 - 24; 4: 1; João 19: 33 - 36; Heb. 2: 21 - 24; 4: 1; John 19: 33 - 36; Heb. That would cause divisions in the congregation and would interfere with the operation of holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity. - Read Romans 16: 17, 18. Leia o que essas pessoas têm a dizer. Read what these people have to say. Consider this: Our first parents, Adam, and Eve, were set in a garden of garden. Nosso amor por Deus e por outros pode ser forte agora, mas será ainda mais forte no novo mundo. The bonds of love that we enjoy with God and with fellow humans may be strong now, but they will be even stronger in the righteous new world. Yes, by sending them sincere, the elder raises the comfort of the brothers and adds to their joy. Nada que os humanos possam fazer deixará danos permanentes. Nothing that any human can do will cause us permanent harm. The fields in that area are so "baptized for the harvest " that after only five months, their father, the mother, the mother, and daughter, had been directing her complete Bible studies. Por milênios, o reinado de Jeová tem sido desafiado por anjos e humanos. For millenniums Jehovah's kingship was challenged in heaven and on earth. Only those who seek Jehovah, justice, and meekness will be found "in the day of Jehovah's anger " and will escape them. - Zephaniah 2: 3. Se Moisés tinha o costume de pensar nas bênçãos que o povo de Deus receberia, o que você acha que cresceu no coração dele - o desejo de ter destaque ou o amor por Jeová? If Moses often thought about the blessings ahead for God's people, what do you think would grow in his heart - love of prominence or love for Jehovah? (b) What prospect does Jehovah offer most Christians today? Mas aprenderam que só Jeová é o Deus todo - poderoso, e dirigem - se a ele usando Seu nome. They learned that Jehovah alone is the almighty God, and they now address him by his personal name. What "large door " was open to the apostle Paul? Fiel às suas promessas Faithful to His Promises However, while faithful Jews were ruled by people who did not serve Jehovah, they were impossible to do all that God's Law commanded. Isso causaria divisões na congregação e prejudicaria a atuação do espírito santo, que promove a paz e a união. - Leia Romanos 16: 17, 18. Such efforts would cause divisions within the congregation and work against the holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity. - Read Romans 16: 17, 18. Why can we conclude that from the first century C.E. until there has always been anointed Christians on earth? Pense nisto: nossos primeiros pais, Adão e Eva, foram colocados num jardim paradisíaco. Consider: Our original parents, Adam and Eve, were placed in a paradise garden. Such precious privilege has become possible "by compassions of God. " Sem dúvida, por elogiá - los sinceramente, o ancião levanta o ânimo dos irmãos e aumenta a alegria deles. Indeed, by sincerely commending fellow believers, an elder lifts their spirit and deepens their joy. What, though, can we do to continue sharing in the satisfying work and meaningful preaching of these good news - even in less responsive territories? Os campos naquela região estão tão "brancos para a colheita " que, depois de apenas cinco meses, o pai, a mãe, o filho e a filha já dirigiam um total de 30 estudos bíblicos. The field in that area is so "white for harvesting " that after just five months, this father, mother, son, and daughter were conducting a total of 30 Bible studies. How treacherous the heart can be - even the point of ignoring a direct counsel given by God! Apenas os que buscarem a Jeová, a justiça e a mansidão serão "escondidos no dia da ira de Jeová " e escaparão ilesos. - Sofonias 2: 3. Only those who seek Jehovah, righteousness, and meekness will be "concealed in the day of Jehovah's anger " and be unharmed. - Zephaniah 2: 3. Despite all of his life, Daniel remained faithful to God, saying that he was "a precious man. " - Dan. (b) Que perspectiva Jeová oferece à maioria dos cristãos hoje? (b) What prospect does Jehovah hold out to most Christians today? Why do many people feel better about studying the Bible in their own tongue? Que "porta larga " foi aberta para o apóstolo Paulo? What "large door " was opened to the apostle Paul? Under the Law covenant, to have his favor, God's people offered acceptable sacrifices to him. Mas, já que os judeus fiéis eram governados por pessoas que não serviam a Jeová, era impossível para eles fazer tudo que a Lei de Deus mandava. Still, under a pagan administration, it was impossible for a God - fearing Jew to do everything the Law required. He said: "No one left home or brothers or sisters or mother or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news, which will not receive a hundred times in this period of time and of everlasting life. " Por que podemos concluir que desde o primeiro século da EC até hoje sempre tem havido cristãos ungidos na Terra? Why can we conclude that from the first century C.E. until today, there have always been anointed Christians on earth? From that time onward, others have followed Adam's example of blamed God for their own errors. Esse precioso privilégio só se tornou possível "pelas compaixões de Deus ." That precious privilege became possible only "by the compassions of God. " The message contained in it is the ideal standard for making tests. Mas o que podemos fazer para continuar a participar de modo satisfatório e significativo na pregação dessas boas novas - mesmo em territórios menos receptivos? What, though, can we do in order to continue to have a satisfying and meaningful share in the preaching of this good news - even in less responsive territories? In this world, where the pursuit of financial gain is so important to people, we must make sure that our view of the matter is balanced. - 1 Tim. O coração pode ser muito traiçoeiro - mesmo a ponto de desprezar um conselho direto dado por Deus! How treacherous the heart can be - even to the point of disregarding the direct counsel of God! At the end of the first century, that foretold apostasy was already evident. - 1 John 2: 18, 19. E foi o que fizeram. Mesmo tendo que viver no meio daquelas pessoas por quase toda a sua vida, Daniel continuou fiel. Por isso, Deus disse que ele era um "homem muito precioso ." - Dan. Daniel lived in Babylon nearly all his life; yet, God's angel said that he was a "very precious man. " - Dan. But as the end is very near, our worship of Jehovah should come first. - Matt. Por que muitos acham melhor estudar a Bíblia na sua própria língua? Why do many of those serving in a foreign - language field find it beneficial to study regularly in their mother tongue? But I am in your midst as a minister. " Sob o pacto da Lei, para ter o Seu favor, o povo de Deus lhe oferecia sacrifícios aceitáveis. Under the Law covenant, God's people offered acceptable sacrifices to gain his favor. Others who are not able to engage in the full - time ministry, cultivate the spirit of pioneer service, and support the Kingdom - preaching work in the best way they can. Ele disse: "Ninguém abandonou casa, ou irmãos, ou irmãs, ou mãe, ou pai, ou filhos, ou campos, por minha causa e pela causa das boas novas, que não receba cem vezes mais agora, neste período de tempo... e no vindouro sistema de coisas a vida eterna. " He said: "No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time... and in the coming system of things everlasting life. " Carefully sending days to access. Desde aquele tempo, outros têm seguido o exemplo de Adão de culpar a Deus por seus próprios erros. Since that time, others have followed Adam's example of blaming God for their own mistakes. How should husbands honor their wives? A mensagem contida nela é a norma ideal para fazer testes. The message found therein is the ideal standard for testing. I am so happy that I could not seek the teaching. " Neste mundo, onde a busca de lucro financeiro é tão importante para as pessoas, temos de nos certificar de que nosso conceito sobre esse assunto seja equilibrado. - 1 Tim. In this world, where the pursuit of financial gain is so important to people, we have to make sure that we keep a balanced view in this matter. - 1 Tim. A repentant wrongdoer should seek Jehovah, accept his ways, and offer sacrifices to praise him. No fim do primeiro século, essa predita apostasia já era evidente. - 1 João 2: 18, 19. This foretold apostasy had clearly manifested itself by the end of the first century. - 1 John 2: 18, 19. Hence, we appreciate it when others show consideration, being reasonable in the amount of time that we take. Mas, como o fim está muito próximo, nossa adoração a Jeová deve vir em primeiro lugar. - Mat. In view of the reduced time, however, they needed to give priority to spiritual matters. - Matt. Our attitude during public prayer should always honor Jehovah Mas eu estou no vosso meio como quem ministra. " But I am in your midst as the one ministering. " When she returned to light, I took a magazine in The Watchtower and read an five - year - old magazine, which was speaking about one of the trials she had experienced. Outros, que não podem participar no ministério de tempo integral, cultivam o espírito de pioneiro e apóiam a obra de pregação do Reino da melhor maneira que podem. Others, whose circumstances do not allow them to share in the full - time ministry, cultivate the pioneer spirit and support the Kingdom - preaching work to the best of their ability. That warning, given by Jesus Christ nearly 2,000 years ago, is now more important than ever. Passo dias sem acessar a conta. I don't check it for days at a time. It says: " Scientists who have traveled with wild animals and studied those who have discovered that all will reach out. " Como o marido devia honrar a esposa? How should a husband honor his wife? Only strong faith enables them to do so with joy. Sou muito feliz por não ter buscado o ensino superior. " I am really glad that I chose not to pursue higher education. " For example, a situation we may feel tired when we are confronted with someone in the congregation. O transgressor arrependido deve procurar a Jeová, aceitar seus caminhos e oferecer - lhe sacrifícios de louvor. A repentant wrongdoer should come to Jehovah, accept his ways, and offer to him sacrifices of praise. How do we worship there? Por isso, gostamos quando outros nos mostram consideração, sendo razoáveis na quantidade de tempo que tomam de nós. We therefore appreciate it when others respect our time, showing reasonableness when they approach us and in the amount of our time that they take. Appreciate Those Who We Are Nossa atitude durante as orações públicas deve sempre honrar a Jeová Our demeanor during public prayer should always honor Jehovah How do I react when someone says that I may be too drinking? Quando a luz voltou, Amy pegou uma revista A Sentinela e leu sobre uma formatura de Gileade. O artigo falava de todas as dificuldades que ela estava enfrentando: cultura diferente, saudade de casa e convívio com novas pessoas. When the electricity came back on, Amy picked up a Watchtower magazine with an article on a Gilead graduation program that discussed all the things she was struggling with: new culture, homesickness, new people to get along with. (b) How does the bride view her future husband? Esse alerta, dado por Jesus Cristo quase 2 mil anos atrás, é hoje mais importante do que nunca. That warning given by Jesus Christ nearly 2,000 years ago is now more important than ever. The elders in the congregation are not perfect, just as the elders in Moses ' day and in the time of the apostle John were not perfect. Diz certa publicação: "Cientistas que conviveram com animais selvagens e os estudaram descobriram que todos os mamíferos são emotivos. " One report says: "Scientists who have lived closely with beasts and studied them have found that all mammals are emotional. " Let us consider three questions: How did Jesus deal with prejudice? Apenas a forte fé os habilita a fazer isso com alegria. Only strong faith enabled them to do so with joy. The clergy of Christendom resemble the weeds, for centuries have misleading millions of people. Por exemplo, uma situação que talvez nos deixe cansados é quando temos um desentendimento com alguém na congregação. And we may most keenly feel the need for divine help when we have a disagreement with a member of the congregation. Many Bible examples and modern - day examples testify that. Como adoramos ali? How do we worship there? Hezekiah's next act was even more important than stop putting up the waters or leaving the walls of the city. Apreciemos quem somos Seeing Who We Are So you need to make a budget your budget so as to speak. Como reajo quando alguém me diz que talvez eu esteja bebendo demais? How do I react when someone implies that I might be drinking too much? All of us have inherited imperfection, and we are born as sinners, unrighteous. (b) Como a noiva encara seu futuro marido? (b) How does the bride view her future Bridegroom? A inspired Bible writer said about the woman whose husband dies and therefore is free to marry: "It will be happier, but she will remain like that. " Os anciãos na congregação não são perfeitos, assim como os anciãos nos dias de Moisés e na época do apóstolo João também não eram perfeitos. Older men in the congregation are not perfect, just as they were not perfect in Moses ' day and in the apostle John's time. By using the spiritual armor described by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians. Neste estudo, vamos ver três perguntas: Como Jesus lidou com o preconceito? Although Jesus had liable to prove that he was the Messiah, the vast majority of Jews in the first century did not accept him as such. O clero da cristandade, comparável ao joio, há séculos desencaminha milhões de pessoas. The weedlike clergy of Christendom have misled millions for centuries. Also in other matters, a loving husband will treat his wife with respect. Muitos exemplos bíblicos e modernos confirmam isso. Many Biblical and modern - day examples bear this out. How good it is when parents help their children to learn where to find and choose clothing that please God! O que Ezequias fez a seguir foi ainda mais importante do que tapar as águas ou reforçar as muralhas da cidade. What Hezekiah did next was of even greater value than stopping up the waters or fortifying the city walls. Soon, though, strong opposition came to the construction of the temple. Então você precisa fazer um orçamento dele, por assim dizer. In a sense, then, you need to budget your time. (Read Jeremiah 8: 21; 9: 1.) Todos nós herdamos a imperfeição de Adão, e desde que nascemos somos pecadores, injustos. All inherit imperfection from Adam, and all are sinful, unrighteous, from birth. The Devil told her that in the same day when she ate of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, " she would" be like God, knowing good and bad. " Um escritor bíblico inspirado disse a respeito da mulher cujo marido morre e que, portanto, está livre para se casar de novo: "Ela será mais feliz, porém, se permanecer assim como está. " One inspired Bible writer said regarding a woman whose husband has died and who therefore is free to remarry: "She is happier if she remains as she is. " The anointed remnant loves their companions and are happy to know that the Father of the Bridegroom, Jehovah, has granted these other sheep on earth the privilege of sharing in the heavenly marriage of the Lamb. Por usarmos a armadura espiritual descrita por Paulo na sua carta aos efésios. Wearing the spiritual armor described by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians. 4: 4. Embora Jesus tivesse credenciais de sobra para provar que ele era o Messias, a vasta maioria dos judeus no primeiro século não o aceitou como tal. Although Jesus had overwhelming credentials proving that he was the Messiah, the vast majority of the first - century Jews did not acclaim him. To understand the reason, imagine a father who illustrates that interest in a young man and wants it to consume him as a member of his family. Também em outros assuntos, o marido amoroso tratará a esposa com respeito. In other aspects too, the kind husband will treat his wife with respect. While the exiles of Israel and Judah were captive in Babylon, God used his prophets to " speak to them the heart. ' É muito bom quando os pais ajudam seus filhos a saber onde encontrar e como escolher roupas que agradam a Deus. How good it is when parents teach their youngsters where and how to find suitable clothes! How can physical weakness be a cause for stumbling? Mas não demorou muito e surgiu forte oposição à construção do templo. However, opposition soon mounted against their construction project. Moreover, Jesus ' throne will last "through time indefinite, even forever. " (Leia Jeremias 8: 21; 9: 1.) (Read Jeremiah 8: 21; 9: 1.) All these creations give evidence of Jehovah's Godship and his qualities, such as power, wisdom, and love. O Diabo disse a ela que, no mesmo dia em que comesse da "árvore do conhecimento do que é bom e do que é mau ," ela " forçosamente seria como Deus, sabendo o que é bom e o que é mau '. The Devil told her that in the very day of her eating from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, " she was" bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. " We find a parallel in the first century C.E. O restante ungido ama seus companheiros e fica feliz de saber que o Pai do Noivo, Jeová, concedeu a essas outras ovelhas na Terra o privilégio de participar da alegria relacionada ao casamento celestial do Cordeiro. The anointed remnant love their companions and are happy to know that the Bridegroom's Father, Jehovah, has granted these other sheep on earth the privilege of joining in the jubilation over the heavenly marriage of the Lamb. Like his own case, Paul knew that the Jews could become zealous disciples of Christ. 4: 4. 4: 4. How can you apply the principles found in these scriptures? Para entender o motivo, imagine um pai respeitável que amavelmente se interessa por um jovem órfão e deseja adotá - lo como membro de sua família. To understand why, imagine a respectable father who shows kind interest in an orphaned youth and wishes to adopt him as a member of his own family. 4, 5. Enquanto os exilados de Israel e de Judá eram cativos em Babilônia, Deus usou seus profetas para " falar - lhes ao coração '. While exiles from Israel and Judah were captives in Babylon, God used his prophets to " speak to their heart. ' PAGE 20 Como a fraqueza física pode ser uma causa de tropeço? How may physical weakness cause stumbling? Today, elders follow Paul's example by expressing their trust in the faith of fellow believers and in their motives in God's service. Além disso, o trono de Jesus durará "por tempo indefinido, para todo o sempre ." Moreover, Jesus ' throne will last "forever and ever. " What wonderful gift has Jehovah given us? Todas essas criações dão evidência da Divindade de Jeová e de suas qualidades, como poder, sabedoria e amor. All these creations give evidence of Jehovah's Godship and of his qualities, such as his power, wisdom, and love. The first time they saw Jehovah's name was when they read the Bible at Psalm 83: 18. Encontramos um paralelo disso no primeiro século EC. In this, we find a parallel in the first century C.E. They encouraged him to throw his load on Jehovah and emphasize what most important was to please God. Assim como foi em seu próprio caso, Paulo sabia que os judeus poderiam se tornar zelosos discípulos de Cristo. Zeal, if properly directed, can transform sincere individuals into zealous disciples of Christ, as Paul well knew. A servant of Jehovah may not take seriously what the Bible says about other matters, such as disfellowshipping, entertainment, or other activities could be a sign of the heart. Como você aplicaria os princípios revelados nestes textos? How can you make personal application of the principles revealed in the following scriptures? 4, 5. (a) Who was the first gift of free will, and how did he use that freedom? 4, 5. 4, 5. Today, Jehovah's organization is blessed with many young people who serve as pioneers, volunteers, and Bethel service. PÁGINA 20 PAGE 20 Giving balanced attention to health shows that we appreciate the precious gift of life. Hoje, os anciãos seguem o exemplo de Paulo por expressar confiança na fé dos irmãos e na sua motivação no serviço de Deus. Today, elders follow Paul's example by expressing confidence in their brothers ' faith and motives for serving God. (Read Hebrews 11: 7.) Que dom maravilhoso Jeová nos deu? What wonderful gift has Jehovah given us? I will tell my story how to understand you. Em geral, a primeira vez que viram o nome Jeová foi quando leram na Bíblia o Salmo 83: 18. Often, they first saw Jehovah's name when they read Psalm 83: 18 in the Bible. A young Christian sister in Asia worked as a secretary stationed at a government's rule. Eles o incentivaram a lançar sua carga sobre Jeová e enfatizaram que o mais importante era agradar a Deus. They encouraged him to throw his burden on Jehovah and stressed that the most important thing was to please God. In this article, we can think of resurrections recorded in the Bible that proves the dead can live again. Pode ser também que um servo de Jeová não leve muito a sério o que a Bíblia diz sobre outros assuntos, como amizades, desassociação ou diversão. Isso poderia ser um sinal de que o coração da pessoa está ficando duro, difícil de moldar. As another example, think about a servant of Jehovah who is somewhat reluctant to follow Bible standards, perhaps regarding associations, disfellowshipping, or entertainment. He will do the same with all other distressing conditions that make our lives so difficult today. 4, 5. (a) Quem foi o primeiro a receber liberdade de escolha, e como ele usou essa liberdade? 4, 5. (a) Who was the first to receive God's gift of free will, and how did he use it? Shortly thereafter, Paul sent another letter to the Corinthians. Hoje, a organização de Jeová é abençoada com muitos jovens que servem como pioneiros, missionários, voluntários de construção e betelitas. Today, God's organization is blessed with many young ones who serve as pioneers, missionaries, construction volunteers, and Bethelites. Why do those who share in making disciples need to be interested in people? Dar atenção equilibrada à saúde mostra que temos apreço pelo precioso dom da vida. Giving balanced attention to our health shows appreciation for the precious gift of life. Purpose of Study Articles (Leia Hebreus 11: 7.) (Read Hebrews 11: 7.) What will help us to accept Jehovah's authority? Vou contar minha história pra você entender. Let me tell you my story. What privilege do God's appointed priests have? UMA jovem cristã na Ásia trabalhava como secretária numa repartição do governo. A YOUNG Christian woman in Asia worked as a secretary in a government office. Such knowledge must have helped Hebrew Christians to cope with the persecution of the Jews. Neste estudo, falamos de ressurreições registradas na Bíblia que provam que os mortos podem voltar a viver. And men and women who served God anticipated that a resurrection would occur sometime in the future. (b) How did David feel about God's loving - kindness? Ele vai fazer o mesmo com todas as outras péssimas condições que tornam a nossa vida tão difícil hoje. He will do the same for all the other distressful conditions that make life miserable today. How touching it is to read about Ruth's love for Naomi, but she was of great importance to her love for Jehovah! Pouco depois, Paulo enviou outra carta aos coríntios. Shortly thereafter, Paul wrote the Corinthians a second letter. Let us examine the illustration and see how it involves us, whether we have a heavenly hope, whether earthly or earthly. Por que os que participam em fazer discípulos precisam ter interesse nas pessoas? Why must disciple - makers be interested in others? In what sense was the Devil "a manslayer "? Objetivo dos artigos de estudo Purpose of Study Articles The elder continues: "A day, he explained something thrilled to me very thrilled. O que nos ajudará a aceitar a autoridade de Jeová? What will help us to accept Jehovah's authority? Love does not become provoked and does not keep account of the injury. Que serviços prestam os sacerdotes designados por Deus? What services do divinely appointed priests provide? Of course, a baby would not be ready for baptism. Esse conhecimento com certeza deve ter ajudado os cristãos hebreus a lidar com a perseguição que sofreram dos judeus. This knowledge certainly must have helped Hebrew Christians to deal with the persecution that they suffered at the hands of the Jews. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. (b) Como Davi se sentiu por ter sido tratado por Deus com benevolência? (b) How did David feel about being a recipient of God's loving - kindness? • Those who will live forever on earth will be judged to what basis? Com certeza é comovente ler sobre o amor de Rute por Noemi. Mas de muito maior importância foi o amor dela por Jeová. Ruth's love for Naomi is heartwarming to think about, but far more important was her love for Jehovah. The Bible says: "Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. Vamos examinar a ilustração e ver como ela nos envolve, quer tenhamos esperança celestial, quer terrestre. Let us examine the illustration and how it involves us, whether we have the heavenly or the earthly hope. All of this highlights a vital way in which elderly ones can have a beneficial influence on those who serve Jehovah with them. Em que sentido o Diabo foi "um homicida quando começou "? In what way was the Devil "a manslayer when he began "? Enrich Your Prayers Through Bible Study O ancião continua: "Um dia, Graham disse algo que me emocionou muito. The elder continues: "One day, Graham told me something that touched my heart. According to Micah's prophecy, how would Jehovah use an vicious enemy of that Assyrian enemy? O amor não fica encolerizado e não leva em conta o dano. Love does not become provoked or keep account of the injury. Therefore, it is not loving to hide a serious sin; genuine love moves the wrongdoer to speak to the elders who will provide needed help. - Jas. É claro que um bebê não estaria pronto para o batismo. Granted, an infant would not qualify for baptism. • How can we show respect for Jehovah, the Originator of marriage? Se não houver nenhuma observação, os textos bíblicos citados nesta revista são da Tradução do Novo Mundo da Bíblia Sagrada. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Why should we not shrink back from studying the deeper truths of God's Word? • Os que viverão para sempre na Terra serão julgados à base de quê? • On what basis will those who will live forever on earth be judged? Since a census showed that the number of firstborn in Israel except on the day of men, the Levites was paid a ransom to compensate for that difference. A Bíblia diz: "Assim como em Adão todos morrem, assim também em Cristo todos serão vivificados. The Bible says: "Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. Lasting Rewards for Loyal subjects Tudo isso destaca uma maneira essencial de os idosos poderem exercer uma influência benéfica sobre os que servem a Jeová com eles. All of this highlights an essential way that aged ones can exert an influence for good on fellow servants of Jehovah. You too have a weighty responsibility to help your child get to know and love Jehovah. Enriqueça suas orações por meio de estudo bíblico Enrich Your Prayers Through Bible Study For the commandment is a lamp and the law is a light, and the fruits of the discipline are the way of life. " - Proverbs 6: 20 - 23. Segundo a profecia de Miqueias, que exército Jeová usaria contra esse implacável inimigo - a "Assíria "? What " secret weapon ' does Micah's prophecy indicate Jehovah would raise up against that implacable foe - "the Assyrian "? Did fear him back? Por isso, não é amoroso esconder um pecado grave. O amor verdadeiro motiva a pessoa que pecou a falar com os anciãos, que vão dar a ajuda necessária. - Tia. Genuine love moves Christians who have committed serious sins to speak to the elders so that the elders can provide the needed help. - Jas. Does this mean that they are slaughtered as branches, who do not bear fruit? • Como podemos mostrar respeito por Jeová, o Originador do casamento? • How can we show respect for Jehovah, the Originator of marriage? Jehovah again linked figs in hearts. Por que não devemos nos esquivar de estudar as verdades mais profundas da Palavra de Deus? Why should we not shrink back from studying the deeper truths of God's Word? How may foreigners be viewed at times, and what can be said about Jehovah's Witnesses? Visto que um censo mostrou que o número de primogênitos em Israel excedia ao de homens levitas, foi pago um resgate para compensar essa diferença. Since a census showed that the firstborn sons of Israel exceeded the Levites in number, a ransom price was paid to make up the difference. Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " Recompensas eternas para súditos leais Everlasting Rewards for Loyal Subjects 38: 2; 39: 15 - 18. Você também tem a pesada responsabilidade de ajudar seu filho a conhecer e amar a Jeová. You too bear the weighty responsibility of helping your child to come to know and love Jehovah. Consider Abraham and Sarah. Pois o mandamento é uma lâmpada e a lei é uma luz, e as repreensões da disciplina são o caminho da vida. " - Provérbios 6: 20 - 23. For the commandment is a lamp, and a light the law is, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life. " - Proverbs 6: 20 - 23. Some decades before the harvest season, however, the wheat class became discernible. Será que o medo o faria recuar? Will he shrink back in fear? Rather, we can have full confidence that if we do what Jehovah asks, he will put Kingdom interests first, always giving us what is good. Será que isso quer dizer que eles são ramos mortos, que não dão fruto? [ Picture on page 26] Jeová certa vez relacionou figos a corações. Jehovah once linked figs to hearts. (b) What are some benefits of teaching good manners? Como os estrangeiros às vezes são encarados, e o que se pode dizer sobre as Testemunhas de Jeová? How are foreigners sometimes viewed, and what can be said about Jehovah's Witnesses? Why can God's angels serve in unity, but why may this be more challenging? Outrossim, o mundo está passando, e assim também o seu desejo, mas aquele que faz a vontade de Deus permanece para sempre. " Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " A fine example of Mary is Mary, who formed Gilead in 1944. COVER: A brother conducts a meeting for field service in the small coastal town of St. Helens, Tasmania POPULATION CONGREGATIONS PUBLISHERS RATIO If married, a man does not qualify for godly devotion in all part, but it is a tyrant at home. 38: 2; 39: 15 - 18. 38: 2; 39: 15 - 18. Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ? Veja o exemplo de Abraão e Sara. Consider the example of Abraham and Sarah. 1, 2. Mas, algumas décadas antes do início da época da colheita, a classe do trigo tornou - se discernível. However, some decades before the start of the harvest season, the wheat class became discernible. Proverbs 3: 32 says: "The devious person is detestable to Jehovah. " Em vez disso, podemos ter total confiança de que, se fizermos o que Jeová pede, ou seja, colocar o Reino em primeiro lugar, ele sempre vai nos dar o que é bom. Instead, we can be ever confident that if we do what we are supposed to do - give spiritual interests priority in our life - Jehovah will not hold back what is good from us. For example, think of the spiritual gems we find each week as we prepare a comment about the Bible reading and hear the interesting points that others highlight. [ Foto na página 26] [ Picture on page 26] 2: 12. (b) Quais são alguns benefícios de ensinar boas maneiras aos filhos? (b) What are some benefits of teaching children good manners? But what about today? Por que os anjos de Deus podem servir em união, mas por que para nós isso pode ser mais desafiador? Why can God's angels serve in unity, but why may unity be more challenging for us? He does not want us to become drowsy at meetings because of excessive work or sit down at the Kingdom Hall. Um exemplo excelente é Mary Olson, que se formou em Gileade em 1944. One fine example is Mary Olson, who graduated from Gilead in 1944. 4, 5. Se casado, o homem não se habilita caso se comporte de maneira piedosa em toda a parte, mas seja um tirano em casa. If married, a man does not qualify if he acts in a godly way elsewhere but is a tyrant at home. What work especially should we cherish today? Associação Torre de Vigia de Bíblias e Tratados. Yet, he was not to be self - confident, for on that same night he failed to display a self - sacrificing spirit. 1, 2. 1, 2. When David and his men were returning to Jerusalem, Barzillai accompanied them to the Jordan River. Provérbios 3: 32 diz: "A pessoa sinuosa é algo detestável para Jeová. " Ela finge ser obediente enquanto deliberadamente pratica o pecado em secreto. " Jehovah detests a devious person, " says Proverbs 3: 32, such as one who deliberately puts up a front, feigning obedience while practicing sin in secret. When we offered Bible studies, many people were accepted. Por exemplo, pense nas joias espirituais que encontramos toda semana quando preparamos um comentário sobre a leitura da Bíblia e ouvimos os pontos interessantes que outros irmãos destacam. Explain. 2: 12. 2: 12. Although we cannot be sure, by referring to a future event using a period of time in the past, Jesus was seen by stressing what would happen. Mas que dizer de nossos dias? What, though, about our day? No one should slander it or criticizing her decision to go to the event, but he will not perform any religious act. Ele não quer que fiquemos sonolentos nas reuniões por causa de excesso de trabalho ou sentados no Salão do Reino preocupados com dinheiro. He does not want us to be falling asleep during meetings because of overwork or to be sitting in the Kingdom Hall worrying about money. The negative information of those ten spies quickly spread the fear and panic among the people. 4, 5. 4, 5. (See opening image.) Que trabalho em especial devemos valorizar hoje? What work should we especially cherish now? Imagine yourself in Paradise, bringing yourself out in the role, or pouring out what you hope to do after God will destroy this wicked system of things. Mas ele não devia ter sido tão autoconfiante, porque naquela mesma noite ele falhou em mostrar um espírito abnegado. His self - assurance was unfounded, though, for that very night he failed to show a spirit of self - sacrifice. With the help of the holy spirit, we can cultivate these qualities. Quando Davi e seus homens estavam voltando para Jerusalém, Barzilai os acompanhou até o rio Jordão. When David was returning to Jerusalem, Barzillai escorted the entourage to the Jordan River. Jesus set the pattern of humility Quando oferecíamos estudos bíblicos, muitas pessoas aceitavam. As we offered to teach people the Scriptures, many responded appreciatively. What did Peter do when Dorcas died? Explique. Explain. The transfiguration vision strengthened the faith of the disciples Embora não possamos afirmar com certeza, por se referir a um evento futuro usando um tempo verbal no passado, Jesus pelo visto estava enfatizando que aquilo com certeza aconteceria. 14: 26 - In what sense are Christ's followers to "hate " their relatives? In the Bible, "hate " can refer to loving a person or an object to a lesser degree than another. What illustration will help us to understand why it is important to be alert? Ninguém deve condená - la ou criticá - la por sua decisão de ir ao evento, porém não realizar nenhum ato religioso. They should not judge or criticize her for choosing to attend the event but not perform any religious act. Cleanse down from the cup and the dish, but inside they are full of plundering and breaking off a car. " As informações negativas daqueles dez espias rapidamente espalharam o medo e o pânico entre o povo. The negative reports from those ten spies quickly spread fear and panic among the people. (See opening image.) (Veja a gravura no início do artigo.) (See opening image.) 6: 7. Imagine - se no Paraíso: coloque no papel, escrevendo ou desenhando, as coisas que você espera fazer depois que Deus destruir este sistema perverso. Put yourself in the picture by writing down or making a drawing of what you hope to do once God has removed this wicked system. Satan must be happy when he exalted people to his marriage, a gift of God. Com a ajuda do espírito santo, podemos cultivar essas qualidades. With the help of the holy spirit, we can cultivate these qualities. In 1972, the oversight of the congregation was entrusted to a body of elders rather than to an congregation overseer. Jesus estabeleceu o modelo de humildade Jesus Set the Pattern of Humility On the contrary, the apostle Peter spoke of the need to " offer spiritual sacrifices to God acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. ' O que Pedro fez quando Dorcas morreu? We can see that from the resurrections Jesus performed when outside of Nain and when in the home of Jairus. The examples of Pilate and Peter teach us another vital lesson: Resist a combining of factors, such as accurate knowledge, humility, modesty, love, and fear of Jehovah, not man. A visão da transfiguração fortaleceu a fé dos discípulos The transfiguration vision was faith strengthening It is alive! Que ilustração nos ajuda a entender por que é importante estar atentos? Illustrate why it is important to be aware of what time it is and what is happening around us. A wave of persecution dispersed the disciples, leading up to the expansion of the preaching work. Limpais por fora o copo e o prato, mas por dentro estão cheios de saque e de intemperança. " You cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of plunder and immoderateness. " In many lands, Bibles are expensive and not easy to get an exemplary one; then, the fact of receiving a Bible is already a great blessing. (Veja a gravura no início do artigo.) (See opening image.) Why are some non - Witnesses no longer Jehovah's Witnesses? 6: 7. 6: 7. What steps did Hezekiah and other courageous men take to protect God's people? Satanás deve ficar feliz quando pessoas influentes difamam o casamento, um presente de Deus. Satan must be pleased when influential people malign God's gift of marriage. In other cases, he provides only the main ideas and secretary writes the letter using his own social or vocabulary. Em 1972, a supervisão na congregação foi confiada a um corpo de anciãos, em vez de a um superintendente de congregação. In 1972, congregation oversight was assigned to a body of elders instead of to one congregation overseer. And how can we imitate him in revealing the Father to others? Pelo contrário, o apóstolo Pedro falou da necessidade de " oferecer sacrifícios espirituais, aceitáveis a Deus, por intermédio de Jesus Cristo '. On the contrary, the apostle Peter spoke of the need to "offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " The Bible contains examples of jealousy that can hinder us from attaining the prize. Os exemplos de Pilatos e Pedro nos ensinam outra lição vital: resistir a pressões envolve uma combinação de fatores, como conhecimento exato, humildade, modéstia, amor a Deus e temor de Jeová, não de humanos. The examples of Pilate and Peter can teach us another vital lesson: Success in resisting pressure involves a combination of such elements as accurate knowledge, humility, modesty, love for God, and fear of Jehovah, not humans. So they asked: "Tell us, When will these things occur, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " Ela é viva! It is alive! After discussing distressing things as wars, lack of food and violating the law, Jesus foretold that something would also mark the last days. Uma onda de perseguição dispersou os discípulos, resultando na expansão da obra de pregação. A wave of persecution scatters disciples, but this results in expansion of the preaching work. " I set the goal of reading the entire Bible. Em muitos países, as Bíblias são caras e não é tão fácil conseguir um exemplar; então, só o fato de receber uma Bíblia já é uma grande bênção. In many lands, Bibles are expensive and not readily available, so just receiving a Bible is a great blessing. We must " speak the truth. ' Por que alguns não são mais Testemunhas de Jeová? Why are some no longer Jehovah's Witnesses? 7: 5, 16. Que medidas Ezequias e outros homens corajosos tomaram para proteger o povo de Deus? What steps did Hezekiah and those with him take to protect God's people? The Bible Changes Lives Em outros casos, ele fornece apenas as ideias principais e a secretária escreve a carta usando seu próprio estilo ou vocabulário. At other times, he provides only the principal ideas, and the secretary prepares the letter, using her own style or vocabulary. For many, learn about these and other truths about their first love for God. E como podemos imitá - lo em revelar o Pai a outros? And how can we imitate Jesus in revealing the Father to others? Next, the decision was sent by written local congregations. A Bíblia tem exemplos que mostram que o ciúme pode nos impedir de ganhar o prêmio. Warning examples in the Bible remind us that jealousy can deprive us of the prize. ▪ Reasons in a convincing way, to reach the heart of the listener Assim, eles perguntaram: "Dize - nos: Quando sucederão estas coisas e qual será o sinal da tua presença e da terminação do sistema de coisas? " Thus, they asked: "Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " (b) Why is it almost helpful to preach to a man in his mother tongue? Depois de falar sobre coisas aflitivas como guerras, falta de alimentos e crescente violação da lei, Jesus predisse que algo positivo também marcaria os últimos dias. After telling of such distressing matters as wars, food shortages, and an increase of lawlessness, Jesus foretold that something positive would also mark the last days. 11, 12. (a) When did the choice of those who would make up the heavenly Kingdom, and how did most of the Jews at that time begin? " Estabeleci o alvo de ler a Bíblia inteira. " I set out to read the entire Bible. Ask yourself, " Does this happen to me? ' Temos de " falar a verdade '. We must "speak truthfully. " (2) Am I doing that because I want to, or why? 7: 5, 16. 7: 5, 16. What can we learn from Jesus ' example? A Bíblia Muda a Vida das Pessoas Looking back now, I can see that I was a rude, arrogant, aggressive person. [ Picture on page 4] Para muitos, aprender sobre essas e outras verdades foi o que acendeu seu primeiro amor a Deus. For many, these reasonings and others were what kindled their first love for God. (Read Psalm 133: 1.) Em seguida, a decisão foi enviada por escrito às congregações locais. They sent this in writing to the local congregations. Therefore, to help us avoid such error, let us consider some examples that Solomon gives regarding common pursuits in life. ▪ Raciocine de modo convincente, para tocar o coração do ouvinte ▪ Reason convincingly so as to reach the heart Of whom shall I be in dread? " - Ps. 27: 1; read Psalm 27: 5, 10. (b) Por que quase sempre é útil pregar para uma pessoa em sua língua materna? (b) Why is preaching to people in their mother tongue often helpful? For many years, The Watchtower calls Christians " brothers and sisters. ' 11, 12. (a) Quando começou a escolha dos que comporiam o Reino celestial, e como reagiu a maioria dos judeus naquele tempo? 11, 12. (a) When did the selection begin of those who would form the heavenly Kingdom, and what was the reaction of the majority of Jews living at that time? COVER: Brothers offering the Awake! Pergunte - se: " Será que isso está acontecendo comigo? ' Ask yourself, " Might it be that this is true in my case? ' What can we learn from Israel's history? (2) Estou fazendo isso porque eu quero, ou por outro motivo? (2) Do I have a personal desire to do so? 12: 4, 5. O que nos ensina o exemplo de Jesus? What can we learn from Jesus ' example? (See paragraph 15) [ Foto na página 4] [ Picture on page 4] Brothers show kindness and care for all of us every day. (Leia Salmo 133: 1.) (Read Psalm 133: 1.) Hezekiah acted in harmony with what he asked in prayer. Assim, para nos ajudar a evitar esse erro, vejamos alguns exemplos que Salomão dá a respeito de empenhos comuns na vida. Hence, to help us avoid making that mistake, let us look at some examples that Solomon gives of common pursuits in life. With heartfelt zeal, we invite " anyone wants to take life's water free. ' De quem terei pavor? " - Sal. 27: 1; leia Salmo 27: 5, 10. Of whom shall I be in dread? " - Ps. 27: 1; read Psalm 27: 5, 10. How did Satan deception? Já por muitos anos, A Sentinela chama os cristãos de " irmãos e irmãs '. The Watchtower has long described Christian believers as " brothers and sisters. ' Why? CAPA: Irmãos oferecendo a revista Despertai! COVER: Offering Awake! What suggestions are here given on how to use the Bible Teach book in Bible studies? O que nos ensina a história de Israel? What do we learn from the history of Israel? Paul wrote of the resurrected Jesus: "He is the reflection of the glory of [God] and the exact representation of his own. " 12: 4, 5. We know that he alone gives everlasting life. - Luke 12: 4, 5. [ Footnote] (Veja o parágrafo 15.) (See paragraph 15) What could cause us to lose our friendship with Jehovah? Os irmãos são bondosos e cuidam de nós todo dia. Our brothers kindly look after us every day. Today, the remnant of anointed Christians still share "the ministry of the reconciliation. " Ezequias agiu em harmonia com o que pediu em oração. 19: 14 - 19. Hezekiah acted in harmony with his prayer. We can be sure that this will happen. Com zelo sincero, convidamos a " quem quiser a tomar de graça a água da vida '. With heartfelt zeal, we invite "anyone that wishes [to] take life's water free. " Come, Lord Jesus. " Como Satanás enganou Eva? How did Satan deceive Eve? Could we present the Kingdom message to such individuals in a way that interest them? Por quê? Why? Undoubtedly, Abel is now in Sheol, awaiting the resurrection. Que sugestões são dadas aqui a respeito de como usar o livro Bíblia Ensina nos estudos bíblicos? What suggestions are offered regarding the use of the Bible Teach book on Bible studies? In many cases, though, no person will do so. Paulo escreveu a respeito do ressuscitado Jesus: "Ele é o reflexo da glória [de Deus] e a representação exata do seu próprio ser. " Paul wrote concerning the resurrected Jesus: "He is the reflection of [God's] glory and the exact representation of his very being. " Unlike the Israelites, they will never forget that all should be Jehovah, "the God of all the earth. " [ Nota (s) de rodapé] [ Footnotes] In the Christian congregation, there is no place for loitering and not for those who produce self - assuming. - Matthew 20: 25 - 27; 2 Thessalonians 3: 10. O que poderia nos fazer perder nossa amizade com Jeová? What could cause us to lose our relationship with Jehovah? However, Paul said that these same brothers were " returning again " to things without valueless value. Hoje, o restante de cristãos ungidos ainda realiza "o ministério da reconciliação ." Today, the remnant of anointed Christians are still carrying out "the ministry of the reconciliation. " Do not sell five sparrows for two coins of small value? Podemos ter certeza de que isso vai acontecer. We can be confident that this will come to pass. He may desire his arms or food. Vem, Senhor Jesus. " Come, Lord Jesus. " But experience shows that pursuing such things often lead to loss of faith and love for God. Poderíamos apresentar a mensagem do Reino a essas pessoas de um modo que lhes interessasse? Can we present the Kingdom message to such people in a way that will appeal to them? Sadly, those " calling on the name of Jehovah " has been made an apostate way. Com certeza, Abel está agora no Seol, aguardando a ressurreição. Yes, Abel is presently in Sheol awaiting a resurrection. Even longtime servants of Jehovah need encouragement. Em muitos casos, porém, nenhuma pessoa presente fará isso. In many cases, however, no one present will partake. 5: 22. Diferentemente dos israelitas, jamais se esquecerão de que tudo se deve a Jeová, o "Deus de toda a terra ." Unlike the Israelites, they will never forget that all of this is from Jehovah, "the God of the whole earth. " [ Pictures on page 25] Na congregação cristã não há lugar para os indolentes e nem para os egoisticamente ambiciosos. - Mateus 20: 25 - 27; 2 Tessalonicenses 3: 10. The Christian congregation has no room for slackers or for the selfishly ambitious. - Matthew 20: 25 - 27; 2 Thessalonians 3: 10. Timothy grew up in Lystra, a small city in Roman province. Mas Paulo disse que esses mesmos irmãos estavam " voltando novamente ' às coisas sem valor. Those first - century Christians had progressed to the point of being known by God. In the book of Daniel, Michael is called "the prince of the people of Daniel, Israel. " Não se vendem cinco pardais por duas moedas de pequeno valor? Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? " A roaring the lion was on my hands and my feet. " Talvez ele deseje colo ou comida. Perhaps it wants to be held or it is hungry. As Jesus explained, however, knowledge would be revealed in the arrival of the "helper, " the holy spirit, which lead those" to all the truth. " Mas a experiência mostra que empenhar - se por essas coisas em geral leva à perda da fé e do amor a Deus. Yet, the experience of many shows that pursuing such things often leads to loss of faith and loss of love for God. Of course, we need to grasp the meaning of Paul's words to the Colossians and to take seriously his counsel so that we do not succumb to Satan's weapon. Infelizmente, aquela " invocação do nome de Jeová ' foi feita de maneira apóstata. Sadly, that "calling on the name of Jehovah " was in an apostate way. 10: 33. Até os que já servem a Jeová por muitos anos precisam de encorajamento. Even experienced servants of God need encouragement. Both of them had endeared qualities. 5: 22. 5: 22. Love God Who Love You [ Fotos na página 25] [ Pictures on page 25] The only religion that seems to be concerned about Jehovah's Witnesses, who meet the people and are genuinely involved in preaching the truth. " Timóteo cresceu em Listra, uma pequena cidade na província romana da Galácia. Timothy grew up in Lystra, a small town in the Roman province of Galatia. Moses told the people that they would distance themselves from her - Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. No livro de Daniel, Miguel é chamado de "príncipe " do povo de Daniel, Israel. In the book of Daniel, Michael is called "the prince of [Daniel's] people, " Israel. Enoch fearlessly spoke to God's word " Iguais a um leão atacam as minhas mãos e os meus pés. " " Like a lion they are at my hands and my feet. " This enabled Moses to adopt the authority of Moses, God - given authority, to speak about his lot in life. Como Jesus explicou, porém, muito conhecimento seria revelado com a chegada do "ajudador ," o espírito santo, que os guiaria" a toda a verdade ." As Jesus explained, though, a great deal of knowledge would be revealed upon the arrival of "the helper, " the holy spirit, that would guide them" into all the truth. " LIFE STORY É óbvio que precisamos captar o sentido das palavras de Paulo aos colossenses e levar a sério seu conselho, para não sucumbirmos às armações de Satanás. Clearly, we need to grasp the meaning of Paul's words to the Colossians and take his counsel to heart if we do not want to succumb to Satan's cunning schemes. " Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " - 1 COR. 10: 33. 10: 33. Studying their life will help us to be more willing to wait on these Bible examples, we should ask: Why how long they had to wait? Ambos tinham qualidades elogiáveis. Each had commendable qualities. 3, 4. (a) To understand the illustration of the sheep and the goats, we need to understand what elements? Ame o Deus que ama você Love the God Who Loves You However, he promised that in the congregation, they would gain many spiritual brothers and sisters. - Mark 10: 30. A única religião que parece se preocupar são as Testemunhas de Jeová, que saem ao encontro das pessoas e estão genuinamente envolvidas na pregação da verdade. " The only religion that seems to care are the Jehovah's Witnesses, who go out and meet people and are genuinely involved in preaching the truth. " How can we show that we truly love our heavenly Father? Moisés disse ao povo que se afastassem dos responsáveis por ela - Corá, Datã e Abirão. Moses told the people to separate themselves from the ringleaders - Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Though this ransom was paid nearly 2,000 years, we should acknowledge it as a gift for us today. Enoque falou destemidamente a palavra de Deus Enoch boldly spoke God's word 13, 14. Isso fez com que desafiassem a autoridade de Moisés, concedida por Deus, queixando - se de sua sorte na vida. It caused them to challenge Moses ' God - given authority and complain about their lot in life. Being asked how Absalom gained such support, David asked: "O Jehovah, why did many sit on my adversaries? BIOGRAFIA LIFE STORY Do you discern that these are unclean lies and will remain loyal to God? " Tornai - vos meus imitadores, assim como eu sou de Cristo. " - 1 COR. " Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " - 1 COR. But no matter where you are, let us not make the joy that comes from serving Jehovah with all the strength. Estudar a vida deles nos ajuda a estar mais dispostos a esperar. Quando lemos sobre esses exemplos bíblicos, devemos perguntar: Por quanto tempo eles tiveram que esperar? As we meditate on their examples, it is good for us to remember how long they had to wait, why they were willing to wait, and what blessings resulted from their patience. In line with this prayer, it would be very appropriate for each mate to make a matter of helping the other and " continuing to endure and forgive one another freely. ' 3, 4. (a) Para entendermos a ilustração das ovelhas e dos cabritos, precisamos compreender que elementos? 3, 4. (a) What key elements must we know to understand the illustration of the sheep and the goats? [ Box on page 29] Mas ele prometeu que, na congregação, eles ganhariam muitos " irmãos, irmãs, mães e filhos ' em sentido espiritual. - Mar. 10: 30. However, he promised that in the congregation, they would gain numerous spiritual "brothers and sisters and mothers and children. " - Mark 10: 30. 4, 5. Como podemos mostrar que realmente amamos nosso Pai celestial? How can we show that we truly love our heavenly Father? This helped me to focus on what I had not been doing. Embora esse resgate tenha sido pago há quase 2 mil anos, devemos valorizá - lo como um presente recebido hoje. Though this ransom was paid nearly 2,000 years ago, we should cherish it as if it were a gift given today. On that day, Jehovah will prove to be one and his name one. " 13, 14. 13, 14. A professor of University wrote that among the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks, as well as among the Gospel accounts exposes the United States and that included native standards that included "before oppression, murder, betrayal, and abusive speech, and the same tribulation, and the same tribulation. " Perguntando - se como Absalão obteve tal apoio, Davi indagou: "Ó Jeová, por que se tornaram muitos os meus adversários? Wondering how Absalom has been able to marshal such support, David asks: "O Jehovah, why have my adversaries become many? He did not care for his sitting in a tive vehicles, which I used tobacco use. " Você discernirá que são mentiras desprezíveis e permanecerá leal a Deus? Will you see through such contemptible lies and remain loyal to God? A doctor in a provoked fashion said: "If you are happy, you will be unable to become sick in the future of those who are unhappy. " Mas, não importa onde você esteja, não deixe de sentir a alegria que vem de servir a Jeová com toda a força. And no matter where you serve, do not miss out on the joy that can be yours when you serve Jehovah with all your strength. Has the family life improved? Em harmonia com essa oração, seria muito apropriado que cada cônjuge fizesse questão de ajudar o outro e de " continuar a suportar e a perdoar um ao outro liberalmente '. In line with the prayer, how fitting it would be for each mate to make it a resolve to help the other and to "continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely. " But they have discerned their plans by water, instead of wars, crime, disasters, or disease. [ Quadro na página 29] [ Box on page 29] He knew that life was not always easy for foreigners, and he made laws to care for them. 4, 5. 4, 5. When the Israelites began a 40 - year journey by the "fear - inspiring wilderness, " Jehovah did not give in advance of how they would guide, and he would protect them. Isso ajudava a me concentrar no que eu tinha, não no que eu não tinha. That habit seemed to focus my mind on what I had rather than on what I did not have. Stephen was one of them, and the narrative highlights that he was "a man filled with faith and holy spirit. " Naquele dia Jeová mostrará ser um só e seu nome um só. " In that day Jehovah will prove to be one, and his name one. " Jesus ' experience as a human on earth taught him new aspects of obedience. Um professor da Universidade de Cambridge escreveu que entre os babilônios, egípcios e gregos, bem como entre os aborígines australianos e americanos nativos, havia normas que incluíam "denunciar opressão, assassinato, traição e falsidade, e as mesmas exigências de mostrar bondade pelos idosos, jovens e debilitados ." A Cambridge professor noted that the standards of Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks as well as of Australian Aborigines and Native Americans included "denunciations of oppression, murder, treachery and falsehood, the same injunctions of kindness to the aged, the young, and the weak. " Christian youths should make progress and make it evident. Ele não se importou de sentar numa caixa de plástico, que eu uso como banquinho. " Noma said, "I was impressed that he was willing to sit close to the floor on a plastic crate. " David said: "Let the words of my mouth and the art of my heart be enjoyable, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer. " Um médico na Escócia disse: "Se você é feliz, vai ter menos chances de ficar doente no futuro do que pessoas que são infelizes. " " If you are happy, " said a doctor in Scotland, "you are likely in the future to have less in the way of physical illness than those who are unhappy. " In what sense do God's people have pride, but is it still humble? A vida familiar melhorou? Is your family life better? Why? Mas viram seus planos indo por água abaixo, vez após vez, por causa de guerras, crimes, desastres ou doenças. They may have tried to make their lives better - only to see things like war, crime, natural disasters, and sickness wreck their plans time and again. This is reflected in the Scriptural direction given to Christian elders, who may at times need to care for cases of serious sins in the congregation. Ele sabia que a vida nem sempre é fácil para os estrangeiros e por isso criou leis para cuidar deles. Since foreigners are often disadvantaged, Jehovah lovingly made provisions for them. (b) How will Jesus ' "other sheep " benefit from God's sworn promise? Quando os israelitas iniciaram o que acabou se tornando uma jornada de 40 anos pelo "atemorizante ermo ," Jeová não deu detalhes com antecedência sobre como guiaria, protegeria e cuidaria deles. When the Israelites set out on what became a 40 - year trek through a "fear - inspiring wilderness, " Jehovah did not give them specific details beforehand as to how he would direct, protect, and care for them. Jehovah told those represented by the good figs: "I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Jehovah; and they must become my people. " Estêvão era um deles, e a narrativa destaca que ele era um "homem cheio de fé e espírito santo ." One was Stephen, and the account calls attention to his being "a man full of faith and holy spirit. " What a privilege it is to serve and praise Jehovah as your Witnesses! A experiência de Jesus como humano na Terra ensinou - lhe novos aspectos da obediência. Jesus ' experience as a human on earth taught him new aspects of obedience. WHEN we left this wicked world and begin to associate with Jehovah's servants, we surely find great joy in seeing the love and personal interest among them. Os jovens cristãos devem fazer progresso e torná - lo evidente. Christian youths need to make progress and make their advancement manifest to others. Clearly, Jehovah is generous toward all humans. - Luke 6: 35. Davi disse: "Que as palavras da minha boca e as reflexões do meu coração sejam agradáveis a ti, ó Jeová, minha Rocha e meu Redentor. " David continued: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer. " We are convinced that obeying God's commands is always best for us. Em que sentido o povo de Deus tem orgulho, mas ainda assim é humilde? In what respect are God's people proud and yet humble? Most Bible scholars agree that the name "Jesus " originates with a Hebrew name, Byington, and contained unforeseen name out of divine name. Por quê? Why? For example, we may conclude that we have observed a critical, fear, or shame to preach, to gossip or some other weakness. Isso se reflete nas orientações bíblicas que são dadas aos anciãos, que às vezes precisam cuidar de casos de pecados graves na congregação. This is reflected in the Scriptural guidance given to elders, who sometimes have to handle cases of gross sin in the congregation. However, is this chapter only interested in the anointed? (b) Como as "outras ovelhas " de Jesus se beneficiarão da promessa juramentada de Deus? (b) How will Jesus ' "other sheep " benefit from God's sworn promise? On the other hand, as indicated by his actions, Cain did not have faith. Jeová disse aos simbolizados pelos figos bons: "Vou dar - lhes um coração para me conhecerem, que eu sou Jeová; e terão de tornar - se meu povo. " Jehovah said of those represented by the good figs: "I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Jehovah; and they must become my people. " Don't Be Long - Suffering Que privilégio é servir e louvar a Jeová como suas Testemunhas! What a privilege it is to serve and praise Jehovah as one of his Witnesses! When Christendom took such idea, theologians contained the Scriptures to do scriptures that speak with the heavenly hope seemed to teach all those who go to heaven. QUANDO saímos deste mundo mau e passamos a nos associar com os servos de Jeová, com certeza ficamos muito felizes ao ver o amor e o interesse pessoal que existem entre eles. WHEN we first came out of the wicked world and began associating with Jehovah's people, we were likely delighted to experience the warm love and care that exist among them. As a result, "the earth came to be spoiled into the sight of the true God, and the earth became filled with violence. " Obviamente, Jeová é generoso com todos os humanos. - Luc. 6: 35. Clearly, Jehovah is generous toward all humans. - Luke 6: 35. When others discover their conduct, he is greatly ashamed. Estamos convencidos de que obedecer às ordens de Deus é sempre melhor para nós. We are convinced that it is always in our best interests to obey God's commands. Because of this humble request, God gave Solomon what he had sent for himself and for much more. - 1 Ki. 3: 5, 9 - 13. A maioria dos eruditos bíblicos concorda que o nome "Jesus " origina - se de um nome hebraico, Jesua, e contém uma abreviação do nome divino. Bible scholars in general agree that the name Jesus comes from a Hebrew name, Jeshua, and contains a shortened form of the divine name; it means "Jehovah Is Salvation. " A foreign - language U.S.S.A. Por exemplo, pode ser que tenhamos percebido em nós um jeito crítico, medo ou vergonha de pregar, tendência de fofocar ou alguma outra fraqueza. 6, 7. (a) How did Jesus demonstrate what we can expect in God's new world? Mas será que esse capítulo só interessa aos ungidos? Or does it also speak to Christians who hope to live on earth? Holy spirit also helped Jesus to display such qualities as love, joy, and strong faith. Por outro lado, conforme indicado por suas ações, Caim não tinha fé. On the other hand, as his actions indicated, Cain lacked faith. The sign was likely a solemn decree, known and obeyed for others, who intended to prevent him from put to death for vengeance. Dons variados Varied Gifts • How can the resurrection hope comfort us now? Quando a cristandade adotou tal idéia, os teólogos torceram as Escrituras para fazer com que os textos que falam da esperança celestial parecessem ensinar que todos os bons vão para o céu. When Christendom adopted that idea, theologians twisted the Scriptures to make texts that describe the heavenly hope appear to teach that all good people go to heaven. 12: 28, 29. Em resultado, "a terra veio a estar arruinada à vista do verdadeiro Deus, e a terra ficou cheia de violência ." As a result, "the earth had become ruined in the sight of the true God, and the earth was filled with violence. " Thus, the opportunity to produce Abraham's seed was to be exclusive. Quando outros descobrem sua conduta, ele fica muito envergonhado. When others become aware of his conduct, he is deeply ashamed. Jesus was a zealous Kingdom proclaimer, but he was courageous when dealing with people. Por causa desse pedido humilde, Deus deu a Salomão o que ele havia solicitado e muito mais. - 1 Reis 3: 5, 9 - 13. As a result of Solomon's humble request, God gave him what he asked for and more. - 1 Ki. 3: 5, 9 - 13. 2: 4. Um notório estrangeiro ocupa uma câmara do templo. A notorious foreigner is staying in a temple chamber. Perhaps you can explore the natural child's natural curiosity about sex, saying that this will be an "solution, " or you may say that they will do a particularly game "one can know. 6, 7. (a) Como Jesus demonstrou o que podemos esperar que aconteça no novo mundo de Deus? 6, 7. (a) How did Jesus demonstrate what we can expect to take place in God's new world? Jesus helped his disciples to see that God's Kingdom is very important. Além disso, o espírito santo ajudou Jesus a mostrar qualidades como amor, alegria e forte fé. In addition, holy spirit produced in Jesus perfect fruitage, including love, joy, and stalwart faith. That first prophecy, uttered in Eden, was also that Satan would produce a "seed. " O sinal provavelmente era um decreto solene, conhecido e obedecido por outros, que visava impedir que ele fosse morto por vingança. The sign likely consisted of a solemn decree that was known and observed by others and that was intended to prevent his being killed out of revenge. The willingness to do so for thousands of years shows that Jehovah has these wonderful qualities in a perfect degree, for what we should be deeply grateful. • Como a esperança da ressurreição pode nos consolar agora? • How can the resurrection hope comfort us now? of April 22, 2003, pages 18 - 21, and 22,95, pages 11 - 15. 12: 28, 29. 12: 28, 29. He felt pity for the people "for he was skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matt. Assim, a oportunidade de produzir o descendente de Abraão deixou de ser exclusividade deles. So the opportunity to produce Abraham's seed ceased to be exclusively theirs. Furthermore, we will consider the blessings enjoyed by all who belong to Jehovah. Jesus era um zeloso proclamador do Reino. Tinha temperamento brando, mas era corajoso ao lidar com as pessoas. Jesus was a zealous Kingdom proclaimer who was mild - tempered but courageous in dealing with people. (a) What does the phrase "persuaded to believe "? 2: 4. 2: 4. Who is part of the Kingdom covenant, and what privilege will they remain faithful? Talvez explore a curiosidade natural da criança sobre sexo, dizendo que será um "professor ," ou talvez diga que vão fazer uma" brincadeira especial " que só os dois podem saber. He may exploit the child's natural curiosity about sex, offering to act as a "teacher, " or he may suggest that they play a" special game " together that only they will know about. How had Mary seen the effect of the action of holy spirit? Jesus ajudou seus discípulos a ver que o Reino de Deus é muito importante. While on earth, Jesus helped his disciples to see the importance of God's Kingdom. 9, 10. Essa primeira profecia, proferida no Éden, dizia também que Satanás produziria um "descendente ." That first prophecy given in Eden also stated that Satan would produce a "seed. " And it seems that he did not pay attention to Jehu's words. A disposição de fazer isso por milhares de anos mostra que Jeová tem essas qualidades maravilhosas num grau perfeito, pelo que devemos ser muito gratos. Jehovah's willingness to do so for thousands of years demonstrates that he possesses these marvelous qualities to a perfect degree, and for that we should be most grateful. 9 - 12. de 22 de abril de 2003, páginas 18 - 21, e de 22 de janeiro de 1995, páginas 11 - 15. April 22, 2003, pages 18 - 21; and January 22, 1995, pages 11 - 15. Being neutral is not always easy. Ele sentia pena das pessoas "porque andavam esfoladas e empurradas dum lado para outro como ovelhas sem pastor ." - Mat. He felt pity for the people "because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matt. Why do other experienced Witnesses believe that they found the truth? Além disso, consideraremos que bênçãos desfrutam todos os que pertencem a Jeová. Furthermore, we will learn what blessings are enjoyed by all those who belong to Jehovah. What impels the chariot in a right direction? (a) O que significa a frase "persuadido a crer "? (a) What does "persuaded to believe " mean? (2) December 15, 1914, pages 37 - 37) Their gratitude for spiritual light has not changed. Quem faz parte do pacto do Reino, e que privilégio eles terão se permanecerem fiéis? Who have been taken into the Kingdom covenant, and what privilege awaits them if they are faithful? Centuries later, Jesus revealed that acceptable worship to Jehovah would not depend on a vast structure by God. Como Maria havia visto o efeito da ação do espírito santo? How had Mary seen the effect of holy spirit? Jesus did not remain friends for such imperfect men by being overly tired or by not seeing their imperfections. 9, 10. 9, 10. The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " E parece que ele não deu atenção às palavras de Jeú. Jehoshaphat forged another unwise alliance. When Jehovah draws people to him, what does he look at? 9 - 12. 9 - 12. 28: 19, 20. Ser neutro nem sempre é fácil. This may not be easy. The former things have passed away. " Por que outras Testemunhas de Jeová experientes acreditam que encontraram a verdade? Why do other experienced Witnesses believe that they have found the truth? By Way of Review O que impele o carro numa certa direção? What impels the chariot to move in a certain direction? Rather, our publications claim that imitation Christians " weep and refresh their teeth ' are exposed to "the sons of the kingdom " that" exposes what they are in reality " of the wicked sons of the wicked one. " (Edição de 15 de dezembro de 1914, páginas 377 - 378) A nossa gratidão pela luz e verdade espirituais não mudou. (The Watch Tower, December 15, 1914, pages 377 - 378) Our gratitude for spiritual light and truth is unchanged. 23: 15 - Why was a tradition of the Pharisees " subjects for Gehenna " more than the Pharisees? Séculos mais tarde, Jesus revelou que a adoração aceitável a Jeová não dependeria mais de uma grande estrutura abençoada por Deus. Centuries later, Jesus revealed that rendering acceptable worship to Jehovah would no longer be contingent on having one grand structure that was blessed by God. The one conducting should guard against the person who replied. Jesus não permaneceu amigo desses homens imperfeitos por ser tolerante demais ou por não enxergar as imperfeições deles. Jesus did not remain friends with these imperfect men because he was overly indulgent or blind to their imperfections. In that case, however, Stephen had a vision of "the Son of man standing at the right hand of God. " A Bíblia diz: "Chegai - vos a Deus, e ele se chegará a vós. " The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Never would we want to disobey Jehovah's command to love all our brothers! - 1 John 4: 20, 21. Quando Jeová atrai pessoas a ele, o que ele olha? Jehovah Is Our Shepherd 28: 19, 20. 28: 19, 20. We can pray like the psalmist David: "You yourself, O God, have listened to my vows.... As coisas anteriores já passaram. " The former things have passed away. " Do you have used our website and share in family worship? Recapitulação By Way of Review Jesus knew that she should not have touched her clothing. Antes, nossas publicações diziam que os cristãos de imitação " choram e rangem os dentes ' há décadas, lastimando que "os filhos do reino " expõem o que eles na realidade são - " filhos do iníquo ." Previously, our publications stated that imitation Christians have been " weeping and gnashing their teeth ' for decades, bewailing that "the sons of the kingdom " expose them for what they are - " sons of the wicked one. " What can help us to sing out joyfully? 23: 15 - Por que um prosélito, ou um convertido, dos fariseus era "objeto para a Geena duas vezes mais " do que os próprios fariseus? 23: 15 - Why was a proselyte, or a convert, of the Pharisees "a subject for Gehenna twice as much " as the Pharisees themselves? Today, as was among early Christians, men are appointed by holy spirit and by Jehovah's organizational system of things to serve as elders and ministerial servants. O dirigente deve evitar constranger a pessoa que respondeu. The one conducting should avoid embarrassing the person who gave the answer. In turn, children had plenty to get to know their parents well. Nesse caso, porém, Estêvão teve uma visão do "Filho do homem em pé à direita de Deus ." In this instance, though, Stephen had a vision of "the Son of man standing at God's right hand. " Is holy spirit operative solely on special occasions or under stunning circumstances? Nunca queremos desobedecer à ordem de Jeová de amar todos os irmãos! - 1 João 4: 20, 21. We must not hold back the love that Jehovah commands us to display! - 1 John 4: 20, 21. (See opening image.) (b) For what have you seen, how does this world reflect Satan's vicious disposition? Jeová é o nosso Pastor Jehovah Is Our Shepherd The meeting occurred where there was a altar of Jehovah that had been "putting up, " likely to please Jezebel. Podemos orar assim como o salmista Davi: "Tu mesmo, ó Deus, escutaste os meus votos.... We can pray as did the psalmist David: "You yourself, O God, have listened to my vows.... Jehovah's undeserved kindness has a purpose. Você tem usado nosso site na pregação e na sua adoração em família? Have you been using in your ministry and in your family worship? " No one has love greater than this, " said Christ, "that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. " Jesus sabia que ela não devia ter tocado na sua roupa. Jesus knew that she should not have touched his garment. (b) What principle should influence a Christian's behavior? O que pode nos ajudar a cantar melhor? What are some suggestions for improving our singing? What continues to be necessary for God's people among God's rest? Hoje, como era entre os cristãos primitivos, homens são designados pelo espírito santo e por meio do sistema organizacional de Jeová a servirem como anciãos e servos ministeriais. Today, as among early Christians, men are appointed by holy spirit and through Jehovah's organizational arrangement to serve as elders and ministerial servants. For example, learn to ask questions effectively and to listen to people's opinions. E os filhos, por sua vez, tinham tempo e amplas oportunidades para conhecer bem os seus pais. Likewise, there was time and sufficient opportunity for children to get to know their parents well. What will Jehovah do for those with an earthly hope who loyally serve him? Será que o espírito santo só atua em ocasiões especiais ou em circunstâncias extraordinárias? Does holy spirit operate only on special occasions or under extraordinary circumstances? (a) Why is the yeartext for 2017 appropriate? (Veja a gravura no início do artigo.) (b) Pelo que você tem visto, como este mundo reflete a ferocidade de Satanás? (See opening image.) (b) From your own observation, how does this world reflect Satan's vicious spirit? We can do so by observing the bad examples of the wicked ones. A reunião aconteceu onde antes se localizava um altar de Jeová que havia sido "derrubado ," com certeza para agradar a Jezabel. The meeting took place at the site of an altar of Jehovah that had been "torn down, " probably to please Jezebel. 18, 19. (a) How did Jehovah make it clear that he would produce a new people for his name? A bondade imerecida de Jeová tem um objetivo. Jehovah's undeserved kindness has a purpose. PAGE 21 " Ninguém tem maior amor do que este ," disse Cristo, "que alguém entregue a sua alma a favor de seus amigos ." " No one has love greater than this, " said Christ, "that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. " Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ? (b) Que princípio deve influenciar o comportamento do cristão? (b) What principle should influence a Christian's behavior? 5: 23, 24. O que continua a ser necessário para que o povo de Deus entre no Seu descanso? What continues to be necessary for God's people to enter into his rest? No other quality is mentioned so many times. Por exemplo, aprenda a fazer perguntas com jeito e a ouvir a opinião das pessoas. Isso vai mostrar que você se interessa por elas. Learn to be interested in people by tactfully asking their opinion and listening to their response. Upon returning, "those sleeping him. " O que Jeová fará por aqueles com esperança terrestre que o servem lealmente? What will Jehovah do for those with the earthly hope who serve him loyally now? This wicked slave is part of a group described at 2 Peter 3: 3, 4. (a) Por que o texto do ano para 2017 é apropriado? (a) Why is our yeartext for 2017 fitting? Moreover, they do not hesitate to forgive others for their transgressions. Mas observar os maus exemplos também pode nos ajudar. Como assim? Conversely, fleshly - oriented people serve as warning examples for us. Most important, their life depended on their relationship with the Life - Giver. 18, 19. (a) Como Jeová deixou claro que produziria um novo povo para o seu nome? 18, 19. (a) How did Jehovah foretell that he would produce a new people for his name? ually call on us a call PÁGINA 21 PAGE 21 Why did Jesus refuse the Devil's offering to give him all the kingdoms of the world? Associação Torre de Vigia de Bíblias e Tratados. I visited two years for reading the entire Bible, but I seemed to know my Creator for the first time. 5: 23, 24. 5: 23, 24. [ Pictures on page 13] Nenhuma outra qualidade é mencionada tantas vezes. No other Christian quality is mentioned as often. [ Pictures on page 30] Ao voltar, "os achou dormindo ." Upon returning, he "found them sleeping. " Why? Esse escravo mau é parte de um grupo descrito em 2 Pedro 3: 3, 4. That evil slave is part of a group described at 2 Peter 3: 3, 4. As a servant of him, you can be sure that he knows you. Além disso, não hesitam em perdoar outros por suas transgressões. They are also ready to forgive others for their transgressions. He fulfilled his vow by offering her exclusive service at Jehovah's exclusive sanctuary at Shiloh. Mais importante, sua vida dependia de sua relação com o Dador da Vida. More important, their lives depended on their relationship with their Life - Giver. What future event makes it vital to give vital training? Almasy Almasy He is determined not to smoke. Por que Jesus recusou a oferta do Diabo de lhe dar todos os reinos do mundo? Why did Jesus refuse the Devil's offer of all the kingdoms of the world? In the first century, Christians had to abandon their material possessions and face hardships to survive. Levei cerca de dois anos para ler a Bíblia inteira, mas parecia que eu estava conhecendo meu Criador pela primeira vez. It took me about two years to finish the whole Bible, but it seemed that I was meeting my Creator for the first time. He tries to seduce her with his wealth, prestige, and water, though, she may have been in love for a young man. [ Fotos na página 13] [ Pictures on page 13] • Why should we be merciful? [ Fotos na página 30] [ Pictures on page 30] 15: 33. Por quê? Why? (Read 1 Peter 5: 8.) Como servo dele, pode ter certeza que ele conhece você. Now you are truly known by him. (See opening picture.) Ele cumpriu seu voto por devotá - la ao serviço exclusivo no santuário de Jeová em Silo. He fulfilled his vow by devoting his daughter to exclusive service at Jehovah's sanctuary at Shiloh. 16, 17. (a) How did Paul show interest in Timothy's advancement? Que acontecimento futuro faz com que seja vital dar treinamento? What future event makes training of vital importance? (b) What will be considered in the following article? Ele está decidido a não fumar mais. He is determined not to smoke again. Joshua was among those who were delivered from Egypt, after many years, he reminded the Israelites: "You well know from all your hearts and with all his soul that not one word out of all the good word that Jehovah your God has done. No primeiro século, os cristãos tiveram de abandonar seus bens materiais e enfrentar dificuldades para sobreviver. In the first century, Christians had to leave behind their possessions and endure hardships in order to survive. The execution of the plot would also have meant the loss of queen. Ele tenta seduzi - la com sua impressionante fortuna, prestígio e charme, embora ela já estivesse apaixonada por um jovem. He woos her with an impressive display of wealth, prestige, and charm, although she is already in love with a young man. 1: 13 - What is "the pattern of healthful words "? • Por que devemos ser misericordiosos? • Why should we be merciful? Cappad by God's spirit, Paul conquered the influence of wicked spirit 15: 33. 15: 33. Young David, in the future condition of Israel, referred to God as his " share in the land of the living ones. ' (Leia 1 Pedro 5: 8.) (Read 1 Peter 5: 8.) What prevents a Christian can take to avoid sin? (Veja o desenho no começo do estudo.) (See opening picture.) God's word of truth is likened to water that cleanses it. 16, 17. (a) Como Paulo mostrou interesse no progresso de Timóteo? 16, 17. (a) What interest did Paul take in the progress of Timothy? 12: 1, 2. (b) O que será analisado no próximo artigo? (b) What will be considered in the following article? Keep close in mind what will soon happen to sinful Judah and Jerusalem. Josué estava entre os que foram libertados do Egito. Muitos anos depois, ele lembrou aos israelitas: "Vocês bem sabem, de todo o seu coração e de toda a sua alma, que não falhou nem sequer uma palavra de todas as boas promessas que Jeová, seu Deus, lhes fez. Joshua, who was among those delivered from Egypt, reminded all Israel: "You well know with all your heart and with all your soul that not one word out of all the good promises that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. Within a few hours, he would give his life in behalf of all who exercised faith in him. A execução da trama também teria significado a perda da rainha. The execution of the plot would also have meant the loss of the queen. Satan would like to destroy his relationship with Jehovah, whether it is by means of the direct attacks involving persecution, whether through the gradual state of his faith in subtle attacks. 1: 13 - O que é o "modelo de palavras salutares "? 1: 13 - What is "the pattern of healthful words "? As a young shepherd, David saved his flock from the clutches of wild animals, including a lion and a bear. Capacitado pelo espírito de Deus, Paulo venceu a influência de espíritos maus God's spirit enabled Paul to overcome the influence of wicked spirits Parents can find many opportunities to teach their children about the Creator O jovem Davi, na condição de futuro rei de Israel, referiu - se a Deus como seu "quinhão na terra dos viventes ." Young David, the future king of Israel, called God his "share in the land of the living ones. " " How good it was that our spiritual needs were being cared for so generous in the congregation! Que precauções o cristão pode tomar para evitar o pecado? What preventive measures might a Christian take in order to avoid sinning? He came to teach about God's Kingdom, and he did not provide materially for people. A palavra da verdade de Deus é comparada à água que purifica. God's word of truth is likened to water that cleanses. Let us continue to strengthen our faith and do our utmost to Jehovah. 12: 1, 2. 12: 1, 2. This training that the Servant received and his affection for mankind were very helpful when he came to earth and faced severe opposition. Tenha bem em mente o que acontecerá em breve às pecaminosas Judá e Jerusalém. Keep in mind what will soon happen to sinful Judah and Jerusalem. 18, 19. (a) To contact one's practicers of sin prove that we hate what? Dentro de algumas horas, ele entregaria sua vida em favor de todos que exercessem fé nele. In just a few hours, he would give his life in behalf of all those who would exercise faith in him. PAGE 26 • SONGS: 108, 134 Satanás gostaria de destruir sua relação com Jeová, quer seja por meio dos ataques diretos envolvendo perseguição, quer pela deterioração gradativa de sua fé em resultado de ataques sutis. Satan would like to destroy your relationship with Jehovah, whether with frontal attacks of persecution or by slowly nibbling away at your faith through subtle attacks. The "other sheep " help spiritually to refresh the people by being active in supporting the anointed in the preaching work. Como jovem pastor, Davi salvou seu rebanho das garras de animais selvagens, incluindo um leão e um urso. The shepherd boy David rescued his flock from wild beasts, including a lion and a bear. We, as we "pray and good in mind the presence of Jehovah's day, " we need to" be holy in our conduct, " maintaining physical, morally, and zealous deeds, " (2) be in mind that reflecting God's arrangement of " our disciples; and by keeping up with" the Kingdom, " and by our disciples of God and by keeping our conduct. " Os pais podem encontrar muitas oportunidades para ensinar os filhos sobre o Criador Parents can find many occasions to teach their children about the Creator We got married for a year after April, and we keep serving in the circuit. Sorrindo, ela acrescenta: "Foi muito bom sentir que nossas necessidades espirituais estavam sendo cuidadas de forma tão generosa por meio da congregação. With a big smile, she adds: "We really appreciated having our spiritual needs cared for so abundantly through the congregation. Studying these prophetic pictures strengthens our faith. Ele veio para ensinar sobre o Reino de Deus, e não para cuidar das necessidades materiais das pessoas. He had come to bring spiritual, not material, benefits to the nation. When we put the Kingdom first and experience God's support, what effect does this have on our trust in Jehovah? Por isso, vamos continuar fortalecendo nossa fé e fazendo o nosso máximo para Jeová. So let us now continue to strengthen our faith and to work whole - souled as to Jehovah. So those Jews were, in effect, given a symbolic monument to their own praise and not for God. Esse treinamento que o Servo recebeu e sua afeição pela humanidade foram - lhe muito úteis quando veio à Terra e enfrentou severa oposição. This training received by the Servant and his fondness for mankind stood him in good stead when he came to earth and faced severe opposition. No one has come to know the discipline of himself, but we need to learn to do so. 27 How Gaius Helped His Brothers The Bible reveals how Jehovah thinks. 18, 19. (a) Cortar o contato com um praticante do pecado prova que odiamos o quê? 18, 19. (a) Cutting off contact with a practicer of lawlessness gives evidence of our hatred for what? Lessons for Us: PÁGINA 26 • CÂNTICOS: 14, 55 PAGE 26 • SONGS: 14, 134 Many are so involved with the things of the day that they are not "conscious of their spiritual need. " As "outras ovelhas " ajudam a revigorar espiritualmente as pessoas por serem ativas em apoiar os ungidos na obra de pregação. The "other sheep " help in bringing spiritual refreshment to people by actively supporting the anointed in the preaching work. (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) Nós, que " aguardamos e temos bem em mente a presença do dia de Jeová ', temos de (1) " ser santos na conduta ', mantendo a pureza física, mental, moral e espiritual; (2) ser zelosos em ações que reflitam a "devoção piedosa ," tais como as relacionadas com pregar o Reino e fazer discípulos; (3) manter nossa conduta e personalidade" sem mancha " do mundo; (4) ser " sem mácula ', fazendo todas as coisas com motivação pura e (5) estar "em paz " com Deus, com irmãos cristãos e com outros humanos. As those "awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, " we must (1) " be holy in conduct, ' maintaining physical, mental, moral, and spiritual cleanness; (2) abound with deeds that reflect" godly devotion, " such as those in connection with the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work; (3) keep our conduct and personality "spotless, " untainted by the world; (4) be" unblemished, " doing all things with a pure motive; and (5) be "in peace " - at peace with God, with our Christian brothers, and with fellow humans. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Nós nos casamos um ano depois, em abril de 1967, e continuamos a servir no circuito. We got married a year later, in April 1967, and we were allowed to continue in the traveling work together. By doing so, we will not only keep pace with Jehovah's organization but we will never tire out for it. Estudar quadros proféticos assim nos deixa impressionados e fortalece nossa fé. It is fascinating and faith - strengthening to study such prophetic pictures. But when problems arise that transform our lives in a real fight, what can help us? Quando colocamos o Reino em primeiro lugar e sentimos o apoio de Deus, que efeito isso tem em nossa confiança em Jeová? When we put the Kingdom first and experience God's support, how is our trust in Jehovah affected? However, since "the world by its wisdom has not come to know God, " he uses people to save them seem foolishness to the world. - John 17: 25. Portanto, aqueles judeus estavam, na realidade, erigindo um monumento simbólico para seu próprio louvor e não para o de Deus. So those Jews were, in effect, erecting a figurative monument to their own praise and not God's. Did Hitler succeed in his campaign to wipe out Jehovah's Witnesses? Ninguém nasce sabendo disciplinar a si mesmo, mas temos que aprender a fazer isso. Self - discipline includes exercising control over ourselves in order to improve in our behavior and thinking. Jehovah is sensitive to the outcries of his people. A Bíblia mostra o que Jeová pensa. (Read Psalm 11: 5; 26: 4.) True love is "the dawn of Jah. " Lições para nós: Lessons for Us: How so? Muitos ficam tão envolvidos com as coisas do dia a dia que não têm "consciência de sua necessidade espiritual ." Many are so wrapped up in their mundane affairs of life that they are not "conscious of their spiritual need. " The answer to that question reveals Jehovah's flexibility in fulfilling his purpose. (Leia Atos 28: 17, 23, 24.) (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) Do you know what happened when Christ began his victory? A Palavra de Jeová É Viva Jehovah's Word Is Alive Imitate the Loyalty of I WORK Se fizermos isso, não só acompanharemos o passo da organização de Jeová, mas também nunca nos cansaremos de fazer o que é excelente. If we do so, not only will we find ourselves in step with Jehovah's organization but we will never tire out in doing what is fine! It is the gift of God. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 12, 13. Mas, quando surgem problemas que transformam nossa vida numa verdadeira luta, o que pode nos ajudar? But what can help us when we come face - to - face with such difficult circumstances? What is involved in Jesus ' role as Mediator? Contudo, visto que "o mundo, pela sua sabedoria, não chegou a conhecer a Deus ," o que Ele usa para salvar as pessoas parece tolice para o mundo. - João 17: 25. However, since "the world through its wisdom did not get to know God, " what he uses to save people appears foolish to the world. - John 17: 25. 13: 18, 19. Será que Hitler foi bem - sucedido na sua campanha de exterminar as Testemunhas de Jeová? Did Hitler succeed in his campaign to eradicate the Witnesses? Like Jesus ' father in the parable of the prodigal son, Jehovah "had pity " and was eager to receive his sons back. - Luke 15: 20. Jeová é sensível aos clamores de seu povo. Jehovah is sensitive to the outcry of his people. One factor may be pride, and some fall into the trap of thinking independent. O amor verdadeiro é a "chama de Jah ." True love is "the flame of Jah. " There appeared to be the primary part of the "seed " of the woman. Como assim? How so? When he was suffering, he did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " A resposta a essa pergunta revela a flexibilidade de Jeová em cumprir o seu propósito. The answer to that question reveals Jehovah's flexibility in fulfilling his purpose. Genesis 17: 7, he is "a covenant to time indefinite. " Sabe o que aconteceu quando Cristo começou a sua vitória? Do you know what happened when Christ began his conquest? There, however, we were working out for God's purpose by promoting the good news of the Kingdom and having a meaningful, meaningful life of thrilling challenges. Imite a lealdade de Itai Imitate the Loyalty of Ittai Is it to expect too much of husbands who honor their wives in this way? É a dádiva de Deus. " - Eclesiastes 3: 12, 13. It is the gift of God. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 12, 13. In addition to questions, Jesus used illustrations in his preaching work. O que está envolvido no papel de Jesus como Mediador? What does Jesus ' role as Mediator involve? Granted, she does not talk about the reasons to separate themselves. 13: 18, 19. 13: 18, 19. Yes, Jehovah offers guidance in various ways, and we do well to take advantage of this fully. Assim como o pai da parábola de Jesus sobre o filho pródigo, Jeová "teve pena " e ansiava receber seus filhos de volta. - Lucas 15: 20. Like the father in Jesus ' parable of the prodigal son, Jehovah "was moved with pity " and eager to welcome his children back home. - Luke 15: 20. Paul concludes at Galatians 5: 19 - 21 that "those who practice this " uncleanness" will not inherit God's kingdom. " Um dos fatores pode ser o orgulho, e alguns caem na armadilha do modo de pensar independente. Pride may play a role, and some fall into the trap of independent thinking. " Whoever had given me be in the months of long ago, " said Job. Finalmente apareceu a parte principal do "descendente " da mulher. The primary part of the "seed " of the woman had finally presented himself. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Quando sofria, não ameaçava, mas encomendava - se àquele que julga justamente. " When he was suffering, he did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " PAGE 29 Segundo Gênesis 17: 7, ele é um "pacto por tempo indefinido ." It is "an everlasting covenant, " states Genesis 17: 7. Very likely, Canaan would have been guilty of any abuse or would against his grandfather Noah. Mas lá estávamos nós, nos empenhando pelo propósito de Deus por promover as boas novas do Reino e tendo uma vida significativa e cheia de desafios emocionantes. But here we were, pursuing God's purpose by promoting the good news of the Kingdom, and we enjoyed a challenging and meaningful life. Explain why it is Scripturally Scripturally Scripturally Scripturally that some have a measure of authority in the Christian congregation. É esperar demais dos maridos que honrem a esposa dessa maneira? Is assigning honor to wives in this way too much to expect from husbands? (Read 1 Peter 2: 12.) Além de perguntas, Jesus usava ilustrações em sua obra de pregação. In addition to questions, Jesus used illustrations during his preaching work. The clouds will lift out of Armageddon cannot be far off. É verdade que ela não fala dos motivos para se separar. The Bible does not set out grounds for marital separation. We also need to remember that the way to deal with the pain of losing a person differs from a person. Sem dúvida, Jeová oferece orientação de várias maneiras, e faremos bem em aproveitar isso plenamente. Yes, in a number of ways, Jehovah offers guidance, and we do well to take full advantage of it. However, the building was to take place in the midst of the field. Paulo conclui em Gálatas 5: 19 - 21 que "os que praticam " essa impureza" não herdarão o reino de Deus ." Paul concluded at Galatians 5: 19 - 21 that "those who practice " such uncleanness" will not inherit God's kingdom. " 10: 27. " Quem me dera estar nos meses lunares de outrora ," suspirou Jó. " O that I were as in the lunar months of long ago, " he groaned. What fine example did Noah set for us? © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 2: 44 - 47; 4: 34, 35 - Why did some Christians sell their belongings and distributed money? PÁGINA 29 PAGE 29 THE HOPE WILLA É bem provável que Canaã fosse culpado de algum abuso ou perversão contra o seu avô, Noé. Very likely Canaan was guilty of some abuse or perversion against his grandfather Noah. Or if we look at the mirror of a university, we might see the image of another person. Explique por que é biblicamente correto que alguns tenham certa medida de autoridade na congregação cristã. Explain from the Scriptures why it is proper that some have a measure of authority in the Christian congregation. In Egypt's case, how did Jehovah manifest his sovereignty, and how did this affect his chosen people? (Leia 1 Pedro 2: 12.) (Read 1 Peter 2: 12.) Young ones, you can learn much from elderly ones in your family and in the congregation. As nuvens negras do Armagedom não podem estar muito longe. The storm clouds of Armageddon cannot be far - off. What important lessons can we learn from the account of the first Passover and Exodus? Também temos que lembrar que o modo de lidar com a dor de perder alguém varia de pessoa para pessoa. Remember, too, that not everyone experiences and expresses grief in the same way. Many, recall their lives that they took no control before accepting the truth, train alone. Mas a construção ia ocorrer no meio da época do plantio. However, the project was to be undertaken in the middle of their planting season. The book of Job helps us to answer these questions: When trials arise, why should we try to understand the basic issues involved? 10: 27. 10: 27. They as well as other Bible - based publications. Que excelente exemplo Noé nos deu? What fine example did Noah provide for us today? " And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. 2: 44 - 47; 4: 34, 35 - Por que alguns cristãos venderam seus bens e distribuíram o dinheiro arrecadado? 2: 44 - 47; 4: 34, 35 - Why did believers sell their possessions and distribute the proceeds? 3, 4. ARÁBIA ARABIA At times, we can do a silent prayer - as Nehemiah - and realize that it is being answered at the same time. Ou se olharmos no espelho na diagonal, talvez vejamos a imagem de outra pessoa. Or if we look into a mirror from an angle, we might see the image of someone else. Therefore, the Kingdom covenant is made with the 144,000 anointed Christians. No caso do Egito, como Jeová manifestou sua soberania, e como isso afetou seu povo escolhido? How did Jehovah express his sovereignty over Egypt, and how did this affect his chosen people? Follow the more recent instructions. Jovens, vocês podem aprender muito com os idosos fiéis na sua família ou na congregação. Que acham de conversar mais com esses irmãos? Young ones, draw close to faithful older ones in your family and in the congregation and learn how good Jehovah has been to them. 5, 6. (a) Why was the music made so much attention to David's kingship? Que lições importantes podemos aprender do relato da primeira Páscoa e do Êxodo? We can draw what important lessons from the accounts of the first Passover and the Exodus? Note, though, that even though the composite slave is composed in Jesus ' illustration as one slave. Muitos, recordando a vida fútil que levavam antes de aceitarem a verdade, tremem só de pensar nisso. Many, recalling their futile course of life before they accepted the truth, simply shudder at the thought. By obeying authorities according to Peter's counsel to "give honor to the king, " Christians show respect and honor to those in positions of authorities. O livro de Jó ajuda - nos a responder as seguintes perguntas: Quando sofremos provações, por que devemos tentar entender as principais questões envolvidas? The book of Job helps us answer these questions: When under trial, why must we try to understand the principal issues involved? And how can single Christians use their best as possible? bem como outras publicações bíblicas. as well as other Bible - based publications. (a) On Atonement Day, whom did the high priest foreshadow and which the significance of sacrifices offered? " E enxugará dos seus olhos toda lágrima, e não haverá mais morte, nem haverá mais pranto, nem clamor, nem dor. " And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Why is serving in full - time service so much joy? 3, 4. 3, 4. (a) Can we eliminate selfish tendencies? Às vezes, podemos fazer uma oração silenciosa - assim como Neemias - e perceber que ela está sendo respondida na mesma hora. At times, we may say a silent prayer - as Nehemiah did - and come to realize that it is being answered. A loyal person is not faltering. Portanto, o pacto do Reino é feito com os 144 mil cristãos ungidos. Thus, the Kingdom covenant is made with the 144,000 anointed Christians. [ Picture on page 9] Siga com atenção as instruções mais recentes. Do we faithfully follow the latest directions that Jehovah has given us? Appropriately, the priests were to keep holy. 5, 6. (a) Por que se dava tanta atenção à música no reinado de Davi? 5, 6. (a) Why was so much attention given to music during David's reign? But how do we react when there is a conflict between our desire to be obedient and "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes "? Note, porém, que embora o escravo seja composto de mais de uma pessoa ele é descrito na ilustração de Jesus como apenas um escravo. Note, however, that the word "slave " in Jesus ' illustration is singular, indicating that this is a composite slave. • Why are there problems even related to marriages? Por obedecerem às autoridades de acordo com o conselho de Pedro de " dar honra ao rei ', os cristãos mostram o respeito e a honra que os cargos dessas autoridades exigem. By obeying public officials in accord with Peter's counsel to "have honor for the king, " Christians show the respect and honor that accords with the positions of those officials. . . . . . . E como os cristãos solteiros podem usar da melhor maneira possível sua condição? And how can single Christians make the most of their singleness? That hinders your progress. (a) No Dia da Expiação, a quem o sumo sacerdote prefigurava e qual o significado dos sacrifícios que oferecia? (a) On Atonement Day, whom did the high priest picture, and what did the sacrifices he offered signify? SONGS: 25, 99 Por que servir no tempo integral dá tanta alegria? Serving Jehovah fully will bring you deep satisfaction because it is the way of life that honors God. The apostle John said that this system and all things he offers will soon come to an end. (a) Podemos eliminar tendências egoístas? (a) Can we presently eliminate selfish tendencies? In addition to knowing the Scriptures, Jesus resisted temptations because he was "full of holy spirit. " Uma pessoa leal não é instável. A loyal person is not fickle. " I have placed life and death " [ Foto na página 9] [ Picture on page 9] Does it indicate that I am doing our utmost to give evidence of my faith through everything that I do, even in matters that are not directly linked to the preaching work or at congregation meetings? ' Apropriadamente, os próprios sacerdotes deviam manter - se santos. Appropriately, the priests were to keep themselves holy. What instructions regarding the preaching work did Jesus give to the apostles, and what does this indicate about how they should preach? Mas como reagimos quando há um conflito entre nosso desejo de ser obedientes e "o desejo da carne, e o desejo dos olhos "? But how do we respond when there is a conflict between our desire to be obedient and "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes "? How do we know that the warning to "keep on the watch " applies to true Christians? • Por que existem problemas até mesmo nos casamentos entre cristãos? • Why can even Christian marriages experience problems? How do they do this? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Such a distorted expression can lead to our enjoyment of good old times. Isso impede seu progresso. That will hold them back from making progress. Like Solomon, we need Jehovah's help to be courageous and to do our best. CÂNTICOS: 149 e 99 SONGS: 18, 14 On another occasion, an angel used his power and creative power about humans - to deliver Jesus ' apostles from prison. O apóstolo João disse que este mundo e todas as coisas que ele oferece logo vão acabar. The apostle John reminds us that this world is passing away and so is its desire. How should children be considered, and why? Além de conhecer as Escrituras, Jesus resistiu às tentações porque ele estava "cheio de espírito santo ." In addition to knowing the Scriptures, Jesus could resist temptation because he was "full of holy spirit. " " This is the way. " Pus diante de ti a vida e a morte " " I have put life and death before you " • What does it mean to be putting up in "Jehovah's bottle " or written in his" book "? Será que indicam com clareza que estou fazendo o máximo para dar provas de minha fé por meio de tudo o que faço, até mesmo em assuntos não ligados diretamente à obra de pregação ou às reuniões congregacionais? ' Do my actions clearly show that I am doing my best to prove my faith by all I do, even in the areas not directly related to the preaching work or congregation meetings? ' (Read Luke 17: 3, 4.) Que instruções sobre a pregação Jesus deu aos apóstolos, e o que isso indica quanto a como deviam pregar? What instructions about preaching did Jesus give the apostles, and what does this indicate about how they were to preach? Sophia: That's a new point for me. Como sabemos que o alerta de " manter - se vigilantes ' aplica - se aos verdadeiros cristãos? How do we know that the warning to "keep on the watch " applies to true Christians? How does the Bible describe the characteristics of the sheep? Como fazem isso? How do they do it? 4: 13; 5: 19. Essa recordação distorcida pode nos levar a ter saudades dos bons velhos tempos. This distorted recollection can cause us to long for the good old days. Jude shows how we can remain in God's love Assim como Salomão, precisamos da ajuda de Jeová para ser corajosos e fazer nosso melhor. Like Solomon, we need help from Jehovah to be courageous and complete the work. " This was the result of guilt, which was just worse. " Em outra ocasião, um anjo usou seu poder e criatividade sobre - humanos para libertar os apóstolos de Jesus da prisão. On another occasion an angel used his superhuman power and ingenuity to release Jesus ' apostles from jail. By loving Jehovah and trusting in him, we strive to follow his direction at home, at the congregation, at work, at school. Como deve ser considerada a criação de filhos, e por quê? As what should parenthood be viewed, and why? In some lands, citizens try to increase their safety depicted in their homes, along with extra vegetables, and even the electricers. " Este é o caminho. " This Is the Way. honesty, goodness, and meekness are amazed by prejudice, and these qualities distinguished God's people in general. • O que significa as lágrimas da pessoa serem colocadas no "odre " de Jeová ou escritas no seu" livro "? • What does it mean to have one's tears put in Jehovah's "skin bottle " or in his" book "? Jehovah sees and deeply appreciates all those who loyally serve him, including young ones. - Ps. (Leia Lucas 17: 3, 4.) (Read Luke 17: 3, 4.) I have studied these brochures as a mountain sometimes. " Sofia: É, isso foi novidade para mim. Sophia: That was a new thought to me. We will consider questions: What view should we have regarding compromise? Como a Bíblia descreve as características das ovelhas? How does the Bible describe the traits of sheep? Jesus said: "Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over all his body of attendants, that he may keep them their measure of food at the proper time? 4: 13; 5: 19. 4: 13; 5: 19. Again, let us consider Paul's example. Judas mostra como nos manter no amor de Deus Jude shows us how to keep ourselves in God's love Prayer, studying the Bible, and meditating on what help us to develop self - discipline. " Isso resultava em sentimentos de culpa, o que apenas piorava as coisas. " " This led to feelings of guilt, which only made matters worse. " In line with this prophecy, one event struck the right night at the outset of October 539 B.C.E. Por amarmos a Jeová e confiarmos nele, nos esforçamos ao máximo para seguir suas orientações em casa, na congregação, no trabalho, na escola; em todo lugar. And we make every effort to comply with those standards at home, in the congregation, on the job, at school - everywhere. These were weighty responsibilities, but Jesus was fulfilled in all respects. Em alguns países, os cidadãos procuram aumentar sua segurança instalando alarmes nas suas casas, além de fechaduras extras e até mesmo cercas elétricas. In some countries, private citizens try to increase their safety by installing alarm systems in their homes, as well as extra locks and even electric fences. (a) According to Joshua 23: 6, is needed in order to do what? A honestidade, bondade, mansidão e diligência das Testemunhas de Jeová são admiradas por observadores sem preconceito, e essas qualidades distinguem o povo de Deus do mundo em geral. The honesty, kindness, peacefulness, and diligence displayed by Jehovah's Witnesses are admired by unprejudiced onlookers, and these qualities distinguish God's people from the world in general. Serving Jehovah for full - time service is indeed the most satisfying way of life! Jeová vê e dá muito valor a todos os que o servem lealmente, incluindo os jovens. - Sal. Jehovah notices and values the integrity of all his faithful worshippers, including those who are relatively young. - Ps. Upon returning, his friends were sleeping deeply. Já estudei essas brochuras um monte de vezes. " I've studied those brochures about a dozen times. " God's Word says: "The stupid ones are what will destroy them. Analisaremos perguntas como: Que conceito devemos ter sobre transigir? We will consider such questions as: How should we view compromise? Continue to apply yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching. Jesus disse: "Quem é realmente o mordomo fiel, o discreto, a quem o seu amo há de designar sobre todo o corpo de assistentes, para que lhes dê a sua medida de mantimentos no tempo devido? Jesus stated: "Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time? One way Jehovah protected his people is by means of his angels. Mais uma vez, vejamos o exemplo de Paulo. Again, consider Paul's example. Empowered to Overcome Any Trial Orar, estudar a Bíblia e meditar são coisas que nos ajudam a ter autodisciplina. Also important to cultivating self - discipline are heartfelt prayer, Bible study, and meditation. Many enjoy, for that is cultivated in many places. Em harmonia com essa profecia, um acontecimento abalou o mundo certa noite, no início de outubro de 539 AEC. In line with that prophecy, a world - shaking event happened one night early in October 539 B.C.E. What should we keep in mind when we share Scriptural information? Essas eram responsabilidades pesadas, mas Jesus as cumpriu em todos os sentidos. These were weighty responsibilities, yet Jesus fulfilled them in every respect. David rested his trust in God (a) Segundo Josué 23: 6, é preciso ter coragem para fazer o quê? (a) Joshua 23: 6 calls for courage to do what? Today, a person can have a negative attitude that results from speaking bad to God's people. Servir a Jeová por tempo integral é sem dúvida o modo de vida mais gratificante que existe! Serving Jehovah full - time is truly the most rewarding way of life. 15, 16. (a) Give an example of how a Christian can be "uncircumcised in heart. " (b) Why do you feel that a heart is " affecting Jehovah? ' Ao voltar, seus amigos dormiam profundamente. When he comes back, he finds his friends fast asleep. Hebrews 11: 17 - 19 explains: "By faith Abraham, when moved to say, Isaac, and a man who willingly gave his promises to offer [his only - begotten Son], although he had said to him: " That means your seed will be opened through Isaac. ' " A Palavra de Deus diz: "A despreocupação dos estúpidos é o que os destruirá. God's Word says: "The easygoingness of the stupid is what will destroy them. For a time, the apostle Peter had prejudice against those who were not a Jew, but he gradually succeeded in conquering it. Continua a aplicar - te à leitura pública, à exortação, ao ensino. Continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching.... However, many wonder: " When will the resurrection be passed? Um modo de Jeová proteger seu povo é por meio dos seus anjos. One way Jehovah protects his people is by means of his angels. Through the prophet Zephaniah, Jehovah also told his people to learn the truthfulness of the Bible: "The tongue I formed the language of the peoples for a pure language, so that all they may call upon Jehovah's name, in order to serve him " or" worship him in unity. " Fortalecidos para superar qualquer provação Empowered to Overcome Any Trial She "should have deep respect for her husband. " Muitos gostam, por isso figos comestíveis são cultivados em muitos lugares. Many do, so edible figs are cultivated widely. What a wonderful example for us to imitate! O que devemos ter em mente ao transmitirmos informações bíblicas? What should we bear in mind when sharing Scriptural information? What has been the result? Davi reafirmou sua confiança em Deus David Again Expresses Trust in God So who would recognize the sign of Christ's presence and understand its meaning? Hoje, alguém pode ter uma atitude que leva outros a falar mal do povo de Deus. That counsel was balanced with the caution not to treat such a person as an enemy. Such therapy do not constitute transfusions of primary components; often involve parts or fractions. 15, 16. (a) Dê um exemplo de como um cristão pode ser " incircunciso no coração '. (b) Por que você acha que um " coração incircunciso ' desagradaria a Jeová? 15, 16. (a) Give an example of how a Christian might be "uncircumcised in heart. " (b) Why do you think an " uncircumcised heart ' would be displeasing to Jehovah? Why will the freedom that Jesus promised will become truly free? Hebreus 11: 17 - 19 explica: "Pela fé Abraão, quando provado, a bem dizer ofereceu Isaque, e o homem que recebera de bom grado as promessas, tentou oferecer [seu] unigênito, embora se lhe tivesse dito: " Aquilo que se chamar" teu descendente " será por intermédio de Isaque. ' Hebrews 11: 17 - 19 explains: "By faith Abraham, when he was tested, as good as offered up Isaac - the man who had gladly received the promises attempted to offer up his only - begotten son - although it had been said to him: " What will be called your offspring will be through Isaac. ' The Witness in the First Century Por um tempo, o apóstolo Pedro teve preconceito contra quem não era judeu. Mas aos poucos ele conseguiu vencer isso. For a while, the apostle Peter harbored prejudice against non - Jews, but he gradually learned to eradicate negative views from his heart. What do we learn from the first - century Christians about making decisions? Mas muitos se perguntam: " Quando vai ser a ressurreição? Still, someone might wonder: " Does that mean that I may have to wait a long time to see my loved one? (b) Why is Medo - Persia fittingly depicted as the fourth head of the wild beast? Por meio do profeta Sofonias, Jeová também disse que seu povo iria aprender a verdade da Bíblia: "Mudarei a língua dos povos para uma língua pura, para que todos eles possam invocar o nome de Jeová, a fim de servi - lo ombro a ombro ," ou" adorá - lo em união ." Moreover, Jehovah foretold through the prophet Zephaniah: "I will change the language of the peoples to a pure language [of Scriptural truth], so that all of them may call on the name of Jehovah, to serve him shoulder to shoulder [or," worship him in unity, " ftn.]. " What a get up, if you can save in the time of your calamity.... Ela "deve ter profundo respeito pelo seu marido ." She "should have deep respect for her husband. " Does it simply not be quick to rush into the matter, be wise, and good judgment? Que maravilhoso exemplo para imitar! What a wonderful example for us to imitate! In vision, the apostle John heard Jehovah's servants in heaven saying: "You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created. " Qual tem sido o resultado? What has been the result? Realistically, though, keeping firm for what is right will not always arouse commendation to others. Então, quem reconheceria o sinal da presença de Cristo e compreenderia seu significado? So who would both recognize the sign of Christ's presence and understand its significance? Never will I forget disappointment in your face and wonder that I felt as he returned home for the fourth room. Essas terapias não constituem transfusões de componentes primários; geralmente envolvem partes ou frações deles. Such therapies are not transfusions of those primary components; they usually involve parts or fractions thereof. 1, 2. Por que a liberdade que Jesus prometeu vai nos tornar "realmente livres "? Why can the freedom that Jesus promised make us "truly free "? Do I reach out to help them when they need my home? O testemunho no primeiro século The Witness in the First Century 16, 17. O que aprendemos dos cristãos do primeiro século sobre tomar decisões? What do we learn from the first - century Christians about making decisions? Will you want to be among those who will receive the victory of God's Son? (b) Por que a Medo - Pérsia é apropriadamente retratada como a quarta cabeça da fera? (b) Why is Medo - Persia fittingly depicted as the fourth head of the wild beast? 17, 18. (a) How do we learn from the "cloud of witnesses "? Que se levantem, se é que te podem salvar no tempo da tua calamidade.... Let them rise up if they can save you in your time of calamity... PAGE 11 • SONGS: 25, 44 Significa simplesmente não ter pressa, pensar bem no assunto, ser sensato e ter bom critério? Does it simply mean that we should take our time, think the matter through, be reasonable, and exercise good judgment? The Israelites regularly gathered to worship Jehovah and to listen to his Law. Numa visão, o apóstolo João ouviu os servos de Jeová no céu dizendo: "Digno és, Jeová, nosso Deus, de receber a glória, a honra e o poder, porque criaste todas as coisas, e por tua vontade elas vieram à existência e foram criadas. " In vision, the apostle John heard Jehovah's servants in heaven say: "You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created. " Lessons in the book of Nehemiah Realisticamente, porém, ficar firme pelo que é direito nem sempre provocará elogios de outros. Realistically, though, standing up for what is right will not always win praise from others. To correct that viewpoint, Paul clarified what he had to " come first. ' - 2 Thess. Nunca me esquecerei do olhar de desapontamento em seu rosto e da admiração que eu sentia à medida que ele voltava para o quarto. I will never forget the look of disappointment on his face and the admiration I felt as I watched him walk back into the bedroom. The prophet Micah wrote: "All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever. " 1, 2. 1, 2. The Levites were given 48 cities, and they were to serve as cities of refuge. Será que eu tomo a iniciativa de ajudá - los quando eles precisam? E minha casa? Ela é limpa e arrumada? Do I keep my home and property tidy, thus reflecting well on the neighborhood? We know what will soon happen to this wicked world - "the day of the judgment and of the destruction of the ungodly men. " 16. 16. Do you not think that your children understand the best language, he deserves the same concern? Deseja estar entre os que presenciarão maravilhados a vitória do Filho de Deus? Do you want to be among those who will stand in awe of the victorious Son of God? Would we not be free if I realized that everything did not turn aside from some misunderstandings? 17, 18. (a) Quanto à nossa corrida pela vida, o que aprendemos da "nuvem de testemunhas "? 17, 18. (a) As to our race for life, what can we learn from the "cloud of witnesses "? 5: 24 - 27. PÁGINA 11 CÂNTICOS: 25, 44 PAGE 11 • SONGS: 73, 98 They will not rise sword, nation, against nation, nor will they learn more war. " Os israelitas se reuniam regularmente para adorar a Jeová e para escutar a leitura de sua Lei. The Israelites assembled regularly to worship Jehovah and to listen to the reading of his Law. The evidence points to the conclusion that the ancient copies of the Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures to the Greek Scriptures. Lições encontradas no livro de Neemias Lessons Found in the Book of Nehemiah Good part of my spiritual growth I should devour them. " Para corrigir esse ponto de vista, Paulo esclareceu o que tinha de " vir primeiro '. - 2 Tes. To correct that viewpoint, Paul relates what has to " come first. ' - 2 Thess. For he himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust. " - Ps. O profeta Miqueias escreveu: "Todos os povos, da sua parte, andarão cada um no nome de seu deus; mas nós, da nossa parte, andaremos no nome de Jeová, nosso Deus, por tempo indefinido, para todo o sempre. " The prophet Micah wrote: "All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever. " " The ways of Jehovah are upright and the righteous ones will walk in them. " - PROV. 14: 9. Os levitas receberam 48 cidades, e 6 delas deviam servir como cidades de refúgio. Levites are assigned 48 cities, and 6 of these are to serve as cities of refuge. Jehovah always took seriously true worship. Sabemos o que em breve acontecerá a este mundo mau - "o dia do julgamento e da destruição dos homens ímpios ." We know what will soon overtake this wicked system of things - "the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " " From all the judgment of contemporaries, the preceding world, the preceding world gave it to the extent of walking in the highest form of civil structure and civilization; the human society seemed to be exalted. Vocês não acham que, se seu filho entende melhor outro idioma, ele merece a mesma preocupação? A child who communicates best in another spoken language deserves the same concern, would you not agree? We are preaching the right message: The good news of the Kingdom. A gente ia ficar sem graça depois de perceber que tudo não passou de um mal - entendido, não acha? How grateful we would be that we did not make a situation worse by slandering a fellow Christian! How does Jehovah answer our prayers when " the ropes of the wicked ones surround us "? 5: 24 - 27. 5: 24 - 27. For example, on the night before Jesus was executed, the disciples "began to be executed... a heated argument about which one of them was greater. " Não levantarão espada, nação contra nação, nem aprenderão mais a guerra. " They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. " Paul did this when Timothy faced his problems, perhaps because the water of the room were contaminated. A evidência aponta para a conclusão de que o mesmo ocorria com as cópias mais antigas da Septuaginta, uma tradução das Escrituras Hebraicas para o grego. Evidence points to the conclusion that the same was true of early copies of the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. When husbands show love for their wives and children, they likely serve Jehovah together and gain the prize of life. Boa parte do meu crescimento espiritual eu devo a eles. " Much of the credit for my spiritual advancement must go to them. " It is wisdom on your part to listen carefully to how we talk to your mate. Porque ele mesmo conhece bem a nossa formação, lembra - se de que somos pó. " - Sal. For he himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust. " - Ps. In the mountain of Olives, four disciples sitting down with Jesus and listened carefully to what he spoke about the dangers and challenges they would have to face in the future. " Os caminhos de Jeová são retos e os justos serão os que andarão neles. " - OSÉIAS 14: 9. " The ways of Jehovah are upright, and the righteous are the ones who will walk in them. " - HOSEA 14: 9. But if you feel that you need to do more, use the suggestions in this article to continue progressing toward maturity. Jeová sempre encarou com seriedade a adoração verdadeira. Jehovah has never taken true worship lightly. If we always have a warm smile or a gentle greeting, people will have a good impression on us and the God we worship. " Com base em todos os critérios contemporâneos, o mundo anterior a 1914 dava a impressão de caminhar irreversivelmente para níveis mais altos de civilidade e de civilização; a sociedade humana parecia perfectível. " By all contemporaneous accounts, the world prior to 1914 seemed to be moving irreversibly toward higher levels of civility and civilization; human society seemed perfectible. If so, they have been able to use the Bible's wicked judgment. Nós estamos pregando a mensagem certa: as boas novas do Reino. Because we are preaching the right message, the good news of the Kingdom. Those "Humbleing " Como Jeová responde às nossas orações quando " as cordas dos iníquos nos cercam '? How does Jehovah answer our prayers when " the ropes of the wicked surround us '? Each of us should recognize that he had a huge debt. Por exemplo, na noite antes de Jesus ser executado, os discípulos "começaram... uma discussão acalorada sobre qual deles era o maior ." For example, on the evening before Jesus was executed, there "arose a heated dispute among them over which one of them was considered to be the greatest. " As a band came home, she had become a servant of the Syrian army Naaman, who had her sickness. The next year, some of us prisoners were released and sent to Spain because we had relatives there. Does God give Jesus ' presentation of Jesus ' presentation to shoulder these weighty responsibility? Paulo fez isso quando Timóteo teve problemas de estômago, talvez porque a água do local estivesse contaminada. Paul did so when Timothy was experiencing stomach problems, perhaps because the local water was polluted. IMAGINE that you are a Christian living in Jerusalem in 66 C.E. Quando o marido mostra amor pela esposa e pelos filhos, é mais provável que todos sirvam juntos a Jeová e ganhem o prêmio da vida. A husband who loves his wife and children is more likely to have a family that happily serves Jehovah and wins the prize of life. They go out of the river and enter into the city. É sabedoria de sua parte dar atenção a como fala com o seu cônjuge. You are wise to take note of how you speak to your mate. Each of them conveys a spirit of zeal and joy that can remind us of the spirit found in the Bible book of Acts. No monte das Oliveiras, quatro discípulos se sentaram com Jesus e escutaram com muita atenção o que ele lhes falava sobre os perigos e desafios que teriam de enfrentar no futuro. On the Mount of Olives, four disciples sat with Jesus, listening intently as he spoke of the coming dangers and challenges that they would face. IF YOU had a interview with the ruler of his country, what type of response would you receive? Mas, se você acha que precisa se preparar melhor, use as sugestões neste artigo para continuar progredindo. On the other hand, if you need more time, use the suggestions in this article to keep moving forward. These two articles examine prophecies regarding the immense image in Daniel chapter 2, and the wild beast and his image in Revelation chapters 13, and 17. Se sempre dermos um sorriso amigável ou um cumprimento gentil, as pessoas terão uma boa impressão de nós e do Deus que adoramos. Householders and passersby observe our behavior. Our friendly smile and warm greeting say much about who we are and what kind of God we worship. Paul's next counsel about how to treat people outside and within the congregation is: "Return evil for evil to no one. " Título original: Encyclopedia of Ancient Rome. Jehovah has given humans free will and wants us to use that gift along with our "power of reason. " Honrar os "humildes " Honor "the Lowly Ones " Matthew 24: 14 says: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. " Cada um de nós deve reconhecer que teve uma enorme dívida perdoada. Each of us must recognize that we have been forgiven an enormous debt. True Christians need to be careful not to be unduly influenced by the spirit of this world. Capturada por uma guerrilha, ela havia se tornado serva do chefe do exército sírio, Naamã, que tinha essa doença. She had been captured by a marauding band and became a servant of the leprous Syrian army chief Naaman. 8: 30. Será que Deus aprovou o ato de apresentação de Jesus para assumir essas grandes responsabilidades? Did God approve of Jesus ' presentation of himself to shoulder these great responsibilities? How can you be "nourished with the words of faith "? IMAGINE que você é um cristão que vive em Jerusalém em 66 EC. IMAGINE that you are a Christian living in Jerusalem in 66 C.E. He received a vision of a frightening committee for help. - Acts 16: 6 - 10. Eles saem do rio e entram na cidade. Out of the riverbed, they climb; into the city, they enter. Like Paul and Apollos, they were cut off and cut off. Cada uma delas transmite um espírito de zelo e alegria que nos faz lembrar o espírito encontrado no livro bíblico de Atos. Each account projects a spirit of zeal and joy that reminds us of that found in the Bible book of Acts. He had been commissioned directly to Jehovah for this end. SE VOCÊ solicitasse uma entrevista com o governante de seu país, que tipo de resposta receberia? IF YOU were to request an audience with the ruler of your country, what kind of response would you get? What choice did Christians make? Esses dois artigos examinam as profecias sobre a enorme estátua em Daniel, capítulo 2, e a fera e sua imagem em Revelação, capítulos 13 e 17. These two articles will examine the prophecies of the immense image in Daniel chapter 2 and the wild beast and its image in Revelation chapters 13 and 17. (Read Psalm 25: 14; Proverbs 3: 32.) O próximo conselho de Paulo sobre como tratar as pessoas de fora e as de dentro da congregação é: "Não retribuais a ninguém mal por mal. " Paul's next admonition on how to treat believers and unbelievers is: "Return evil for evil to no one. " Do You Recall? Jeová deu aos humanos o livre - arbítrio e quer que usemos esse dom junto com nossa "faculdade de raciocínio ." Jehovah has given humans free will, and he wants us to use that gift along with our own "power of reason. " 17, 18. (a) In what sense might Timothy have followed Paul's suffering in Lystra? Mateus 24: 14: "Estas boas novas do Reino serão pregadas em toda a terra habitada, em testemunho a todas as nações, e então virá o fim. " Matthew 24: 14: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. " Although Christians do not need to carry out the Law, she serves as "a shadow of the good things to come. " Os cristãos verdadeiros precisam tomar cuidado para não ser indevidamente influenciados pelo espírito deste mundo, obcecado pelo prazer. Genuine Christians today need to guard against being unduly influenced by the pleasure - mad spirit of this world. If your determination is similar to the same of Micah, then you will become close to Jehovah for more turbulent times. 8: 30. 8: 30. When is the ideal time to plan for our life course? Como você pode estar "nutrido com as palavras da fé "? How can you be "nourished with the words of the faith "? Of course, he was interested in and spent fun when he was a child. Ele recebeu uma visão de um macedônio pedindo ajuda. - Atos 16: 6 - 10. He received a vision of a Macedonian man pleading for help. - Acts 16: 6 - 10. Study Edition Assim como Paulo e Apolo, eles plantam e regam. Like Paul and Apollos, they plant and water. When Moses arrived at the hands of the Israelites, the Israelites prevailed in battle. Ele havia sido designado diretamente por Jeová para esse fim. He was directly appointed by Jehovah to do so. 5: 13; 1 Cor. Que opção os cristãos fizeram? What choice have Christians made? See whether any of these aspects does not merit further attention in their marriage. (Leia Salmo 25: 14; Provérbios 3: 32.) (Read Psalm 25: 14; Proverbs 3: 32.) Second, things in likening our eyes can reinforce our desires from our heart, for good or for bad. Lembra - se? Do You Recall? " Because he has affection for me, I will also get saved. 17, 18. (a) Em que sentido Timóteo pode ter " seguido de perto ' o sofrimento de Paulo em Listra? 17, 18. (a) In what sense could Timothy have closely followed Paul's suffering in Lystra? Teach him to conduct meaningful meetings for field service. Embora os cristãos não precisem cumprir a Lei, ela serve como "sombra das boas coisas vindouras ." That Law is not binding upon Christians, yet it served as "a shadow of the good things to come. " 13: 3 - 9. Se a sua determinação for a mesma de Miquéias, então fique perto de Jeová por mais turbulentos que os tempos se tornem. If your determination is the same as Micah's, stay close to Jehovah however turbulent the times become. You may disagree with a congregation where a sign - language group of sign or where there is a small number of deaf deaf people to whom the meetings are interpretd. Quando é o tempo ideal para planejar o nosso rumo na vida? When is the ideal time to plan our life's course? At the sanctuary, Asaph began to view matters from God's standpoint. É claro que ele brincava e fazia coisas divertidas quando era criança. As a child, he no doubt played and had fun. Sadly, though, people live old, and a younger generation need to replace the most ancient generation. Edição de Estudo Study Edition What can help us to cultivate the spirit of a lesser one? Quando Moisés levantava as mãos, os israelitas prevaleciam na batalha. The Israelites proved superior in battle when Moses raised his hands. It is because of sin should not prevent a person from speaking to Jehovah. 5: 13; 1 Cor. 5: 13; 1 Cor. Then Paul explained: "When someone returning to Jehovah, the veil is lifting off. " Veja se algum desses aspectos não merece atenção adicional no seu casamento. See if some area merits additional attention in your marriage. Why? Segundo, as coisas em que focamos os olhos podem reforçar os desejos de nosso coração, para o bem ou para o mal. Second, what we focus our eyes on can reinforce the desires of our heart, for good or for bad. Gracious Speech Promotes Good Relationships " Visto que ele se afeiçoou de mim, eu também o porei a salvo. " Because he has affection for me, I will rescue him. • How can fear affect us, and how can we overcome our fears? Ensine - o a dirigir reuniões significativas para o serviço de campo. Teach him to conduct meaningful meetings for field service. Why "work " is it" a" quality "? 13: 3 - 9. 13: 3 - 9. However, true worship in his earthly courtyard must still be brought to perfection. Talvez você pertença a uma congregação onde funciona um grupo de língua de sinais ou onde há um pequeno número de surdos para quem as reuniões são interpretadas. Perhaps you belong to a congregation that sponsors a sign - language group or that has a smaller number of deaf people for whom the meetings are interpreted. To whom did they represent? No santuário, Asafe começou a ver as coisas do ponto de vista de Deus. At the sanctuary, Asaph began to view things from God's perspective. Jehovah blesses meetings with his holy spirit, and what we learn from him. Mas infelizmente as pessoas envelhecem, e uma geração mais nova precisa substituir a geração mais antiga. Sadly, though, from the days of Adam, each generation grows old and is replaced by another. In the U.E. to convince people that they need to have the pattern of more recent service. O que pode nos ajudar a cultivar o espírito de alguém menor? What can help us to cultivate the spirit of a lesser one? What scriptures prove that such understanding is correct? A vergonha por causa do pecado não deve impedir a pessoa de falar com Jeová. Shame over sin should not stop one from speaking with Jehovah. It is not "broken over one wife, " because there was no Scriptural basis for divorce on the first wife. - 1 Timothy 3: 2, 12. Daí, Paulo explicou: "Quando alguém se volta para Jeová, o véu é retirado. " " But, " Paul explained, "when one turns to Jehovah, the veil is taken away. " Or it may be that you suffer the terrible pain of a child. Por quê? Why? All experienced brothers - not just the elders - can help young and newly baptized brothers to reach their full potential. Falar com bondade promove boas relações Gracious Speech Promotes Good Relations Since Jehovah is "the place of righteousness, " his worshippers have pleasure in letting him determine the morally right way to follow. - Jer. • Como o medo pode nos afetar, e como podemos vencer nossos temores? • How might fear affect us, and how can we overcome our fears? Abel did not know exactly how God would fulfill the words spoken to the serpent: "I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. Por que "desarrazoado "? Why "Unreasonable "? Think of the examples of the Brother Nancy and the circuit overseer, who grew two years in prison, was being Jehovah's Witnesses. No entanto, a adoração verdadeira no seu pátio terrestre ainda precisa ser levada à perfeição. Yet, true worship in its earthly courtyard will yet be perfected. What can be done if someone has not maintained his mind for some time? A quem eles prefiguraram? Whom do they foreshadow? (Read 1 John 5: 19.) Jeová abençoa as reuniões com seu espírito santo, e o que aprendemos ali vem dele. Jehovah blesses meetings with his holy spirit and actively directs the Scriptural teaching program. Remember, for spiritual people, it is not enough to have knowledge of the Bible. Os publicitários astutamente convencem as pessoas de que elas precisam ter os modelos mais recentes. Marketers cleverly convince people that they must have the latest products. Mark explained the customs, speech, and the local readers that readers - may not know. Que textos bíblicos provam que esse entendimento é correto? What Bible texts prove that this understanding is correct? Why can we be sure that Jehovah listens and cares about our outcries for help? Não é "marido de uma só esposa ," porque não tinha base bíblica para se divorciar da primeira esposa. - 1 Timóteo 3: 2, 12. He is not "a husband of one wife " because he had no Scriptural right to divorce his first wife. - 1 Timothy 3: 2, 12. So the number of participants does not precisely indicate the quantity of anointed ones on earth. Ou pode ser que você sofra com a terrível dor de ter perdido um filho. Or you may be grieving over the loss of a child. [ Picture on page 23] Todos os irmãos experientes - não apenas os anciãos - podem ajudar os jovens e os recém - batizados a alcançar todo seu potencial. All experienced Christians - not just elders - can help young brothers and new ones to achieve their full potential. What freedom did Jesus promise and how can we attain it? Visto que Jeová é "o lugar de permanência da justiça ," seus adoradores têm prazer em deixar que Ele determine o caminho moralmente correto que devem seguir. - Jer. Since Jehovah is "the abiding place of righteousness, " his worshippers are happy to look to him to determine the morally upright path that they should follow. - Jer. • What benefits come from those who respond to the Kingdom message? Abel não sabia exatamente como Deus cumpriria as palavras ditas à serpente: "Porei inimizade entre ti e a mulher, e entre o teu descendente e o seu descendente. It cannot be said that Abel had foreknowledge of the eventual outworking of the promise contained in God's words to the serpent: "I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. My tendency is like that. Pense nos exemplos da irmã Nancy Yuen e do irmão Harold King. Os dois ficaram muitos anos na prisão por serem Testemunhas de Jeová. This was certainly true of Sister Nancy Yuen and Brother Harold King, both of whom endured years of imprisonment for their faith. " You have heard me pronounced herself, " Jehovah said. E o que se pode fazer caso alguém, por algum tempo, não a tenha mantido? And what could be done if someone for a time did not keep it? Rather, he made it clear that the Scriptures had the final word in any matter. (Leia 1 João 5: 19.) (Read 1 John 5: 19.) 3: 6. Lembre - se de que, para ser alguém espiritual, não basta ter conhecimento da Bíblia. Keep in mind that having knowledge of the Bible is not enough to become a spiritually - minded person. The following is a typical conversation that one of Jehovah's Witnesses might have with a neighbor. Marcos explicou os costumes, as palavras, as crenças e os locais que os leitores não - judeus talvez não conhecessem. Mark explains customs, terms, beliefs, and locations that might have been unfamiliar to non - Jewish readers. Following that command, Abraham and all males of his household were circumcised. Por que podemos ter certeza de que Jeová escuta e se importa com nossos clamores por ajuda? Why can we be confident that Jehovah hears and is concerned when we cry out to him? She was favored to get her robbed of gold on the final basis of the three thousand feet on the road to crosses. Então, o número de participantes não indica com precisão a quantidade de ungidos na Terra. Therefore, the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth. " The heavens are declaring the glory of God, " sang the psalmist David, "and the expanse is telling the work of his hands. " [ Foto na página 23] [ Picture on page 23] The zeal for God's house will "keep sticking to Jehovah " with the prospect of everlasting life. - Deut. Que liberdade Jesus prometeu e como podemos ganhá - la? What freedom did Jesus promise, and how can we gain it? Most who drift away from the congregation are not just like the prodigal son. • Que benefícios recebem aqueles que aceitam a mensagem do Reino? • What blessings are experienced by those who accept the Kingdom message? In at least three times, and in the presence of enemies that were found righteous, Jesus set the rule that Jehovah uses in his dealings with mankind: "Everyone that exalts himself will be humbled, but he that humbles himself will be exalted. " - Luke 14: 18; Matthew 23: 12. Minha tendência é ser assim também. I tend to imitate those traits. The container had "a longing for its pains. " " Ouvi positivamente Efraim lastimar - se ," disse Jeová. " I have positively heard Ephraim bemoaning himself, " says Jehovah. " Despite the problem, we decided to forgive and forget each day a new start. " Pelo contrário, ele deixava claro que as Escrituras tinham a palavra final em qualquer assunto. Instead, he held up the Scriptures as the final authority. Rachel, who has 21 years and France, explains one of the reasons to feel lonely: "I have noticed that people do not strive to have a lot of personal contact, because they believe that I have sent messages and talk about the Internet - mails. 3: 6. 3: 6. How can all Christians have Jehovah as their share, and why can this be a challenge? Leia a seguir uma típica conversa que uma Testemunha de Jeová pode ter com um morador. The following is a typical conversation that one of Jehovah's Witnesses might have with a neighbor. On another occasion, Jesus met "a blind man of birth " and healed him. Obedecendo a essa ordem, Abraão e todos os do sexo masculino de sua família foram circuncidados. Accordingly, Abraham and all the male members of his household were circumcised. In some lands, sports and various forms of treatments are available. Ela era a favorita para ganhar a medalha de ouro na final da corrida dos três mil metros nas Olimpíadas de Verão em 1984. She was the favorite to win the gold medal in the 3,000 - meter final at the 1984 Summer Olympics. Remember that Jehovah strengthened Asa and helped Asa. " Os céus declaram a glória de Deus ," cantou o salmista Davi, "e a expansão está contando o trabalho das suas mãos ." " The heavens are declaring the glory of God, " sang the psalmist David, "and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. " No wonder Epaphras, who was in Colossae, "ought to work hard " in behalf of the Christians in behalf of that city. O zelo pela casa de Deus nos " manterá apegados a Jeová ' com a perspectiva de vida eterna. - Deut. Our zeal for God's house will help us " keep sticking to Jehovah ' with the prospect of everlasting life in view. - Deut. Furthermore, we love Jehovah's organization, through which we learn as wonderful things - how God's name and meaning, his purpose for the earth, the condition of the dead, and the hope of the resurrection. A maioria dos que se afastam da congregação não são exatamente como o filho pródigo. Most who drift away from the congregation are not exactly like the prodigal son. Christian shepherds lovingly endeavor to help those who have strayed from God's flock Em pelo menos três ocasiões, e na presença de inimigos que se consideravam justos, Jesus estabeleceu a regra que Jeová usa nos seus tratos com a humanidade: "Todo o que se enaltecer será humilhado, mas quem se humilhar será enaltecido. " - Lucas 14: 11; 18: 14; Mateus 23: 12. On at least three occasions and in the presence of self - righteous enemies, Jesus laid down the rule by which Jehovah deals with mankind: "Everyone that exalts himself will be humiliated, but he that humbles himself will be exalted. " - Luke 14: 11; 18: 14; Matthew 23: 12. [ Map on page 25] O cesto tinha uma "tampa redonda de chumbo ." This medium - sized container has a "round lid of lead. " " Pursue... Endurance " " Não importava o problema, decidimos perdoar e esquecer e dar a cada dia um novo começo. " " We decided, no matter what the problem was, to forgive and forget and give each day a fresh start. " Later, he was assigned to serve as a circuit overseer in Switzerland. Rachel, que tem 21 anos e mora na França, explica um dos motivos de se sentir solitária: "Percebi que as pessoas não se esforçam muito para ter contato pessoal, porque acreditam que enviar mensagens de texto e e - mails ou conversar pela internet são o suficiente. Describing a reason for her feelings of loneliness, 21 - year - old Rachel, who lives in France, complained: "I find that people make less of an effort to see you, as they believe that texting, e - mailing, and chatting online is enough. (Read John 20: 30, 31.) Como todos os cristãos podem ter a Jeová qual sua herança, e por que isso pode ser um desafio? How can all Christians have Jehovah as their share, and why might that be challenging? When Jesus said that, the Jews were still "the congregation of God, " so their words initially applied to them. Em outra ocasião, Jesus encontrou "um homem cego de nascença " e curou - o. In another instance, Jesus encountered "a man blind from birth " and healed him. " In the last days, " Peter foretold, "will be ridiculed with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: " Where is this promised presence of his? Em alguns países, remédios convencionais e vários tipos de tratamentos alternativos estão disponíveis. In some lands, both conventional medicine and a range of alternative therapies are available. So it is more likely to hear what you say. Não se esqueça de que Jeová fortaleceu e ajudou o rei Asa. When preaching, how can we show that we have a complete heart? 13: 14. Não é para menos que Epafras, que era de Colossos, " tenha se esforçado em orações ' em favor dos cristãos dessa cidade. No wonder Epaphras, who was from Colossae, " exerted himself in prayers ' for believers in that city! We have a far greater debt toward Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Além disso, nós amamos a organização de Jeová, por meio da qual aprendemos coisas maravilhosas - como o nome de Deus e seu significado, o Seu propósito para a Terra, a condição dos mortos e a esperança da ressurreição. We also love Jehovah's organization, through which we have been taught thrilling truths - including Jehovah's name and its meaning, God's purpose for the earth, the condition of the dead, and the hope of the resurrection. " All his spirit is what a stupid one keeps out, " says a wise proverb, "but the one who is wise keeps calm until the last one. " - Prov. Os pastores cristãos se esforçam amorosamente em ajudar os que se desviaram do rebanho de Deus Christian shepherds lovingly endeavor to help those who have strayed from God's flock 15, 16. [ Mapa na página 25] [ Map on page 25] During Asa's case, how did Asa reli against Jehovah? " Empenha - te pela perseverança ' " Pursue... Endurance " After taking the throne, what was the first king's priority? Um tempo depois, ele foi designado para servir como superintendente de circuito na Suíça. After graduation, he was eventually assigned to the circuit work in Switzerland. It was only after ten plagues and the destruction of Pharaoh and his army at the Red Sea that the sons of Israel were delivered from Egyptian oppression. (Leia João 20: 30, 31.) (Read John 20: 30, 31.) ● Be divorced, separate, or unmarried Quando Jesus disse isso, os judeus ainda eram "a congregação de Deus ," de modo que suas palavras inicialmente se aplicavam a eles. When Jesus said that, the Jews still constituted "the congregation of God, " so his words initially applied to them. Who receives the commission to preach? " Nos últimos dias ," predisse Pedro, "virão ridicularizadores com os seus escárnios, procedendo segundo os seus próprios desejos e dizendo: " Onde está essa prometida presença dele? " In the last days, " foretold Peter, "there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: " Where is this promised presence of his? Such fruitage takes divisions among people, contrasting with the works of the flesh, which are always divisive. Assim, é mais provável que ela ouça o que você diz. " I had always been afraid that if I worked the Bible into a conversation, people would view me as a fanatic. " Many people set a purpose in life to gain riches and social status. 13: 14. 13: 14. How would you react to seeing that huge army marching out of your encounter? Nós temos uma dívida muito maior para com Jeová Deus e Jesus Cristo. We owe Jehovah God and Jesus Christ much more. In other words, they put true Christianity into practice. " Todo o seu espírito é o que o estúpido deixa sair ," diz um sábio provérbio, "mas aquele que é sábio o mantém calmo até o último ." - Pro. " All his spirit is what a stupid one lets out, " states a wise proverb, "but he that is wise keeps it calm to the last. " - Prov. As a result, about 5,000 brothers returned to a part of the organization. 15, 16. 15, 16. COMPLAINT: No caso de Baasa, por que Asa confiou em si mesmo e em Ben - Hadade em vez de em Jeová? In dealing with Baasha, what led Asa to rely on humans - Ben - hadad and himself - instead of Jehovah? [ Picture on page 7] Depois que assumiu o trono, qual foi a prioridade do jovem rei? As the young king ascended the throne, what would his priority be? No, he humbly acknowledged that Jesus had "sayings of everlasting life. " Foi só depois de dez pragas e da destruição de Faraó e seu exército no mar Vermelho que os filhos de Israel foram libertados da opressão egípcia. It took ten plagues and the destruction of Pharaoh and his armed forces in the waters of the Red Sea to deliver the sons of Israel from Egyptian oppression. " Sin should not dominate you, since you are under undeserved kindness. " - ROM. ● Estar divorciado, separado ou solteiro ● Divorce, Separation, Unwanted Singleness We must buy the time of less important activities to meditate daily on God's Word. - Eph. Quem recebe a comissão de pregar? Who receive the commission to preach? How can we enhance our understanding of Jesus ' role in God's purpose? Esse fruto elimina divisões entre pessoas, em contraste com as obras da carne, que são sempre divisórias. That fruitage mends rifts between individuals, in contrast with the works of the flesh, which are always divisive. The universal request under pressure involves what two related issues? Muitas pessoas estabelecem como objetivo na vida obter riquezas e posição social. Many people make the attaining of riches and status their purpose in life. A Living Man Is Integrity Como você reagiria ao ver aquele enorme exército marchando ao seu encontro? How would you react to the sight of such a huge army marching into your kingdom? In the Scriptures, Jehovah is often called "the Sovereign Lord. " Em outras palavras, elas colocam em prática o verdadeiro cristianismo. In other words, they are practicing true Christianity. It is not simply because a person accepted a Bible study or grown up with the truth that she can develop in a friendship with Jehovah. Por causa disso, cerca de 5 mil irmãos voltaram a fazer parte da organização. Subsequently, about 5,000 brothers were integrated into the organization. These two articles discuss how applying Bible principles can help us to preserve peace despite our imperfections and others. QUEIXA: COMPLAINT: However, among all the things we " seek, ' however, only one has first place - Kingdom interests. [ Foto na página 7] [ Picture on page 7] Trust in Jehovah as the End Draws Near Não, ele reconheceu humildemente que Jesus tinha "declarações de vida eterna ." No, Peter humbly recognized that Jesus had "sayings of everlasting life. " Four centuries before Jesus, a person of a Greek - speaking work said: "If he was so difficult to find the raised by and father of this universe, even if we found it impossible to speak about him to all. " " O pecado não deve dominar sobre vocês, visto que vocês estão debaixo de bondade imerecida. ' - ROM. " Sin must not be master over you, seeing that you are... under undeserved kindness. " - ROM. Those servants of God have been successful because they manifested a wholesome sense of pride before God. Temos de comprar o tempo de atividades menos importantes para meditar diariamente na Palavra de Deus. - Efé. The important thing is to buy out time from less important things for daily meditation on God's Word. - Eph. July 2011, pages 24 - 27; August 2011, pages 10 - 13, and February 13, 2012, pages 3 - 9. Como podemos aumentar nossa compreensão do papel de Jesus no propósito de Deus? How can we deepen our insight into Jesus ' role in God's purpose? 28: 19, 20; Mark 13: 10. A peça universal em andamento envolve que duas questões inter - relacionadas? The unfolding universal drama involves what two interrelated issues? In Jesus ' model prayer, there is nothing shocking or unloving. Um homem íntegro é julgado An Integrity Keeper on Trial Why is Jehovah and Jesus worthy of being honored? Nas Escrituras, Jeová muitas vezes é chamado de "Soberano Senhor ." In the Scriptures, Jehovah is often called "the Sovereign Lord. " Why did heeding what warning first - century Christians escape a calamity? Não é só porque uma pessoa aceitou um estudo bíblico ou cresceu tendo contato com a verdade que ela vai desenvolver uma amizade forte com Jeová. Agreeing to have a Bible study or being raised around the truth does not automatically mean that a person will develop a strong personal relationship with Jehovah. But the Creator knows where they are and gives each one of them a name. Esses dois artigos consideram como a aplicação de princípios bíblicos pode nos ajudar a preservar a paz, apesar de nossas imperfeições e das de outros. These two articles consider how applying Bible principles can help us to remain peaceable despite our imperfections and those of others. Another factor to consider is that with the passing of time, a child may not identify more closely what she learned when she was still small. No entanto, entre todas as coisas que " buscamos ', apenas uma tem prioridade: os interesses do Reino. However, among all the things that we are seeking, only one pursuit comes first - Kingdom interests. THE DAYS Confie em Jeová ao se aproximar o fim Trust in Jehovah as the End Draws Near He showed a bad attitude, for he acted presumptuously against his master's interests. Quatro séculos antes de Jesus, um personagem de uma obra do filósofo grego Platão disse: "Seria muito difícil encontrar o criador e pai deste Universo e, mesmo se o encontrássemos, seria impossível falar sobre ele a todos. " Four centuries earlier, the Greek philosopher Plato had one of his literary characters say: "It would be a hard task to discover the maker and father of this universe of ours, and even if we did find him, it would be impossible to speak of him to everyone. " gross uncleanness is not limited to sexual sins. Esses servos de Deus foram bem - sucedidos porque nutriam um senso salutar de orgulho perante Deus. These servants of God were successful because they nurtured a wholesome sense of pride in their standing before God. 1: 12 - 14. de julho de 2011, páginas 24 - 27; agosto de 2011, páginas 10 - 13 e fevereiro de 2012, páginas 3 - 9. July 2011, pages 24 - 27; August 2011, pages 10 - 13; and February 2012, pages 3 - 9. (b) Why can it be said that our obedience to the Bible's command to preach is an expression of love for God? 28: 19, 20; Mar. 13: 10. 28: 19, 20; Mark 13: 10. • How can we show that we are friends of Christ? Na oração - modelo de Jesus não há nada chocante ou desamoroso. There is nothing shocking or tactless about Jesus ' model prayer. How might this be the following scenario: You are moving down, but someone makes you save and save your life? Por que Jeová e Jesus merecem ser honrados? Why do Jehovah and Christ deserve to be honored? Daniel was delivered from the lions ' pit. Por acatarem que aviso os cristãos do primeiro século escaparam de uma calamidade? By heeding what warning did first - century Christians escape calamity? A psalmist wrote: "My soul was homesick and too small to the courtyards of Jehovah. " Mas o Criador sabe onde elas estão e dá nome a cada uma delas. This means that each star is unique to Jehovah. SONGS: 128, 45 Outra coisa a se levar em conta é que, com o passar do tempo, uma criança pode não se identificar mais com o idioma que aprendeu quando ainda era bem pequena. For example, suppose we have to consider him Revelation 21: 4. CRETA CRETE G 2015, who lives in Britain, says: "Before my friendships were based on surface, but now my associates are closer to Jehovah, my friendships are more intimate because I have the same purpose. " Ele mostrou uma atitude ruim, pois agiu propositalmente contra os interesses de seu amo. This slave showed a bad spirit, for he deliberately worked against the master's interests. The Bible also describes people by their God - given assignments. A crassa impureza não se limita a pecados sexuais. Gross uncleanness entails more than sexual sins. What does the expression "our Father " remind us, and how is Jehovah" Father " of those with an earthly hope? 1: 12 - 14. 1: 12 - 14. A wife, however, should avoid making a vow that has committed the Word of God or with her responsibilities toward her husband. (b) Por que se pode dizer que a nossa obediência à ordem bíblica de pregar é uma expressão do amor a Deus? (b) Why can it be said that our obedience to the Biblical command to preach is an expression of love for God? The Bible often uses parts of the human body to refer to a characteristic or action. • Como podemos mostrar que somos amigos de Cristo? • How can we prove ourselves to be friends of Christ? In addition, some householders could not read the card. Como assim? Imagine a seguinte situação: você está se afogando, mas alguém chega e salva a sua vida. Como você reage? Your response to the ransom might be illustrated this way: Imagine that someone rescued you from drowning. What about those who hear the invitation to "come "? Daniel foi livrado da cova dos leões. Daniel was delivered from the lions ' pit. Note what God told Joshua: "This book of the Law should always be in your lips; read the voice in an undertone day and night, that you should carefully obey all that is written in it. " Um salmista escreveu: "Minha alma teve saudades e também se definhou pelos pátios de Jeová. " A psalmist wrote: "My soul has yearned and also pined away for the courtyards of Jehovah. " It will be the time for us to reveal what is in our heart. CÂNTICOS: 32, 45 SONGS: 143, 65 One reference work observes: "Let a reasonableness involves the willingness of his own rights and showing consideration to others. " Por exemplo, suponhamos que fôssemos considerar com ele Revelação 21: 4. For example, suppose we were to consider with him Revelation 21: 4. How are Christians today like Abraham and other faithful men of old? Octávia, que mora na Grã - Bretanha, diz: "Antes, minhas amizades se baseavam em coisas superficiais. Mas, agora que trabalho com Jeová, minhas amizades são mais achegadas porque eu e meus amigos temos o mesmo objetivo. " Octavia, who lives in Britain, says: "Working with Jehovah draws me closer to others because my friendships and relationships are no longer based on a superficial affinity but on a common goal and direction. " Of course, keeping loyalty to his King in face of persecution requires great courage from Christ's subjects. A Bíblia também descreve as pessoas com base nas designações que elas receberam de Deus. Spiritual assignments or privileges also identify people. What illustration did Jesus use to show that God's people do not need to be anxious about the needs of each day? O que a expressão "nosso Pai " nos lembra, e em que sentido Jeová é" Pai " dos que têm esperança terrestre? Of what does the expression "our Father " remind us, and in what sense is Jehovah" Father " to Christians with an earthly hope? What education does Jehovah's organization provide, and what is its primary purpose? A esposa, porém, deve evitar fazer um voto que conflita com a Palavra de Deus ou com os seus deveres para com o marido. A wife, though, should avoid making a vow that conflicts with God's Word or her duties toward her husband. We should not be " unsteady people, slowed into our ways, " which is an hour that we want to trust in Jehovah and the counsel he gives us in the Bible, we can make good decisions. - Jas. A Bíblia muitas vezes usa partes do corpo humano para se referir a uma característica ou a uma ação. The Bible often uses parts of the human body to illustrate different characteristics or actions. Whether you realize it or not, most of mankind should fear Jehovah's near day. Além disso, alguns moradores não conseguiam ler o cartão. Moreover, some householders could not read what was on the card. Today, many of Jehovah's Witnesses have had to fight against injustices, but the Bible helped them to use a better way. Que dizer dos que ouvem o convite para " vir '? What about those who hear the invitation to "come "? Men and women who are applied to God's Word, zealous proclaimers of the good news, are weakened in their integrity and loyal supporters of the Kingdom are a great blessing to the congregation. Veja o que Deus disse a Josué: "Este livro da Lei deve estar sempre em seus lábios; leia - o em voz baixa dia e noite, para obedecer cuidadosamente a tudo o que está escrito nele. Assim seu caminho será bem - sucedido, e você agirá sabiamente. " Recall that God told Joshua: "This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely. " What signs indicate that we are starting to think or act immodestly? Será a hora de revelarmos o que temos no coração. It will be a time to reveal what is really in our heart. 2: 13 - 16. Certa obra de referência observa: "[A razoabilidade] envolve a disposição de abrir mão dos próprios direitos e mostrar consideração e bondade para com outros. " One reference work notes: "Involved is the willingness to yield one's personal rights and to show consideration and gentleness to others. " Jesus related this illustration on the same occasion when he warned him - discussed in detail in the preceding article - the need to avoid covetousness. De que modo os cristãos hoje são como Abraão e outros homens fiéis do passado? How are Christians today like Abraham and other faithful men of old? Seeing your list of friends and make adjustments when necessary. Naturalmente, manter a lealdade ao seu Rei em face de perseguição exige muita coragem dos súditos de Cristo. Naturally, it takes much courage for Christ's subjects to remain loyal to their King in the face of persecution. 18, 19. Que ilustração Jesus usou para mostrar que o povo de Deus não precisa ficar ansioso demais com as necessidades de cada dia? How did Jesus illustrate that it was reasonable for God's people not to be overly anxious about everyday concerns? Why should we do so? Que educação a organização de Jeová fornece, e qual é seu objetivo principal? What education does Jehovah's organization provide, and what is its focus? How can you be confident that Jehovah will reward your faithful endurance? Não devemos ser pessoas " indecisas, instáveis em nossos caminhos ', que uma hora querem uma coisa e depois querem outra. Se confiarmos em Jeová e nos conselhos que ele nos dá na Bíblia, poderemos tomar boas decisões. - Tia. With faith in Jehovah's way of doing things and the principles that he has kindly provided, we can make wise decisions and prove ourselves steady in all our ways. - Jas. • How can we imitate Jesus ' example in dealing with the flaws of others? Quer se dêem conta disso, quer não, a maioria dos humanos deveria temer o iminente dia de Jeová. Whether they realize it or not, most of mankind should dread this fast - approaching day. When confronted with a Christian, long - suffering, or patience, will help us not to give up, but to do all we can to heal the problem. Muitos que hoje são Testemunhas de Jeová já tiveram vontade de lutar contra as injustiças. Mas a Bíblia os ajudou a usar de um modo melhor essa vontade. Many of Jehovah's Witnesses have succeeded in moving away from strong political views that they once held. Why did early Christians listen both to faith and works? Homens e mulheres que são estudantes aplicados da Palavra de Deus, zelosos proclamadores das boas novas, irrepreensíveis em sua integridade e leais apoiadores do Reino são uma grande bênção para a congregação. Men and women who are diligent students of God's Word, who are zealous preachers of the good news, who are flawless in their integrity, and who are loyal supporters of the Kingdom are a great blessing to the congregation. Saul left school without reading. Que sinais indicam que estamos começando a pensar ou agir com falta de modéstia? What are some warning signs of immodest thinking or behavior? Accept and Thank Others 2: 13 - 16. 2: 13 - 16. " I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. " - ISAIAH 5: 7. Jesus contou essa ilustração na mesma ocasião em que deu o alerta - analisado em detalhes no artigo anterior - sobre a necessidade de evitar a cobiça. Jesus ' illustration was given on the same occasion that he spoke about the need to guard against covetousness, which we examined in some detail in the preceding article. Does this guarantee that the anointed Christian receives the prospect of coming to heaven? Verifique sua lista de amigos e faça ajustes quando necessário. Review your list of friends and make adjustments where necessary. In this picture, they talk with two woman who are working along with the correct sheep from the area. 18, 19. 18, 19. Best of our field service has what effect on the spirit of others in the congregation? Por que devemos fazer isso? Why should we do so? In the beginning of his second letter, Peter wrote: "By all your response to your faith by virtue of your knowledge, by godly devotion, by your self - control, self - control, endurance, endurance, your devotion. Como você poderá ter confiança de que Jeová recompensará sua perseverança fiel? How can you gain confidence that Jehovah will reward your faithful endurance? That man was very faithful, righteous, and obedient - a man of faith. • Como podemos imitar o exemplo de Jesus ao lidar com as falhas dos outros? • How can we follow Jesus ' example when dealing with the shortcomings of others? In so doing, they reflect Jehovah's mildness, kindness, and love. Quando surge um desentendimento com um cristão, a longanimidade, ou paciência, nos ajudará a não desistir da pessoa, mas fazer tudo ao nosso alcance para sanar o problema. If we have a difference with a fellow Christian, long - suffering, or patience, will help us not to give up on our brother or sister but to do what we can to heal the breach. (a) Job expressed what hope? Por que os primeiros cristãos davam atenção tanto à fé como a obras? Why did the early Christians give attention to both faith and works? This definition clearly shows Jehovah's role as the Creator of the universe and of being intelligent and Fulfill as the Fulfiller of his purpose. Saulo deixou a escola sem saber ler. Saulo left school without knowing how to read. In God's Law to Israel, there was a merciful provision for those who were to blamed "speaking with their lips. " Aceite e agradeça a ajuda de outros Gratefully accept help from others 17, 18. (a) What lessons do we learn from the three illustrations considered in this article? " Eu também vou trazê - los ao meu santo monte e fazê - los alegrar - se dentro da minha casa de oração. ' - ISAÍAS 56: 7. " I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. " - ISAIAH 56: 7. Has this article also helped adults? Será que essa garantia que o cristão ungido recebe de ir para o céu é definitiva? Does the Christian who receives this token have a guaranteed future in heaven? It will be much easier for us to imitate Jehovah as long as we serve our loving God throughout the ransom. Nessa foto, eles conversam com duas senhoras que estão trabalhando com lã, tirada de ovelhas da região. These include two neighbors who are combing the wool from literal sheep in that area. We too need to put on the new personality and let it become part of our lives. Melhorar a qualidade de nosso serviço de campo tem que efeito sobre o espírito de outros na congregação? What effect does improving the quality of our field service have on the spirit of others in the congregation? He may appear to produce a slightized stone or enrolling in another form of help. No começo de sua segunda carta, Pedro escreveu: "Por contribuirdes em resposta todo esforço sério, supri à vossa fé a virtude, à vossa virtude, o conhecimento, ao vosso conhecimento, o autodomínio, ao vosso autodomínio, a perseverança, à vossa perseverança, a devoção piedosa, à vossa devoção piedosa, a afeição fraternal, à vossa afeição fraternal, o amor. Early in his second letter, Peter wrote: "By your contributing in response all earnest effort, supply to your faith virtue, to your virtue knowledge, to your knowledge self - control, to your self - control endurance, to your endurance godly devotion, to your godly devotion brotherly affection, to your brotherly affection love. However, as we observe the situation of human family course in history, it becomes clear that something has passed out wrong. Esse homem era muito fiel, justo e obediente - um homem de fé. This man was outstandingly faithful, righteous, and obedient - a man of faith. Of course, they do not want, in some way that their children are left by the same things. Ao fazerem isso, eles refletem a brandura, a bondade e o amor de Jeová. In doing so, they reflect Jehovah's mildness, kindness, and love. Jesus continues to have the title "God's Word " even after his heavenly glory. - Rev. (a) Que esperança Jó expressou? (a) What hope did Job express? Therefore, do not let fear of man restrain him. Essa definição mostra claramente o papel de Jeová como Criador do Universo e dos seres inteligentes e como Cumpridor de seu propósito. This definition well fits Jehovah's role both as the Creator of the physical universe and intelligent beings and as the Fulfiller of his purpose. Upon calling down no one, Abishai asked Saul to pin Saul to the ground with his spear. Na Lei de Deus a Israel, havia uma provisão misericordiosa para quem fosse culpado de "falar irrefletidamente com os seus lábios ." In God's Law to Israel, there was a merciful provision for someone who was guilty of "speaking thoughtlessly with his lips. " Jehovah said to him: "As for you, continue to the end. 17, 18. (a) Que lições aprendemos das três ilustrações consideradas neste artigo? 17, 18. (a) What practical lessons have we learned from the three illustrations we have considered? (a) What danger were King Hezekiah's good record? Será que esse artigo também ajudou os adultos? Have adults also benefited from the article? It should be clear to him that our purpose is to help him come to know more intimately the Creator, to draw close to Him, and to benefit from his guidance. Vai ser muito mais fácil imitar a Jeová. Enquanto isso, nós podemos servir ao nosso Deus amoroso graças ao resgate. Meanwhile, thanks to the ransom, we are permitted to worship our loving God. In Bible times, the slave of confidence, or steward, was a house administrator. Nós também temos que nos revestir da nova personalidade e deixar que ela seja parte da nossa vida. We must also clothe ourselves with the new personality. (b) What does the term "keep your senses "? Ele talvez receite um antidepressivo ou recomende outra forma de ajuda. The doctor might prescribe antidepressant medication or recommend some other form of assistance. How can we know that our faith began to weaken? Mas ao observarmos a situação da família humana no curso da História, fica claro que algo saiu terrivelmente errado. Yet, when we look at the condition of the human family down through history, it is obvious that something went horribly wrong. As an example, consider the law of the Sabbath. Naturalmente, eles não querem, de forma alguma, que seus filhos passem pelas mesmas coisas. Naturally, it is their heartfelt desire that their children not go through the same things. In 617 B.C.E., the nation of Judah was spiritually weak. Jesus continua a ter o título "A Palavra de Deus " mesmo depois de sua volta à glória celestial. - Rev. Jesus continues to bear the title "The Word of God " even after his return to heavenly glory. - Rev. Now that " knows God, ' what do you want to do now? Portanto, não deixe que o medo do homem o paralise. Therefore, do not let fear of man paralyze you. He got baptized a short time and is now arranging Bible studies. Falando baixo para não acordar ninguém, Abisai pediu para cravar Saul no chão com sua lança. Abishai whispers: "Let me pin [Saul] to the ground with the spear just once, and I will not need to do it twice. " The glory of the New Jerusalem is beautifully described in the book of Revelation. Jeová disse a ele: "Quanto a você, continue até o fim. At the end of the book of Daniel, we read God's assurance to him: "As for you, go on to the end. In fact, many Bible texts assure us of this. (a) Que risco corria a boa reputação do Rei Ezequias? (a) How was King Hezekiah's good record endangered? Each one of them possesses a hidden lifestyle. Deve ficar claro para ele que nosso objetivo é ajudá - lo a conhecer mais intimamente o Criador, a se achegar a Ele e a se beneficiar de Sua orientação. It should be clear to him that our objective is to help him come to know his Creator more intimately, draw closer to Him, and benefit from His guidance. He never had a spiritual shepherd with more knowledge, insight, and wisdom, even his own wisdom as he taught his sheep from Jehovah. Nos tempos bíblicos, o escravo de confiança, ou mordomo, era um administrador doméstico. In Bible times, a trusted slave, or steward, was a house manager. Why should we love him? (b) O que significa o termo " manter os sentidos '? (b) What does the expression "keep your senses " mean? At Proverbs 5: 18, 19, we read: "Let the blessed one of your water rejoice and rejoice over you with the wife of your youth, a handsome and a charming mountain goat. Como podemos saber se nossa fé começou a enfraquecer? How can we tell if our faith has begun to weaken? Earlier, when John the Baptizer began preaching, many said: "If this Christ were the Christ? " Como exemplo, considere a lei do sábado. For example, consider the Sabbath law. With all kindness, these elders should encourage the afflicted one to concentrate, first, to deal with emotional suffering. Em 617 AEC, a nação de Judá estava em péssima condição espiritual. In 617 B.C.E., the nation of Judah was in a bad spiritual state. (b) How do you feel about the challenge of injustice? Agora que " conhece a Deus ', o que você deseja fazer daqui para frente? Having "come to know God, " what do you want to do now? This symbolic body has many members of both sexes, all contribute to the good function of the body. Ele foi batizado há pouco tempo e agora está dando estudos bíblicos. He was recently baptized and is now conducting Bible studies of his own. She simply grows in maturity. - See The Watchtower of December 15, 1979, pages 17 - 19. A glória da Nova Jerusalém é belamente descrita no livro de Revelação. The resplendence of New Jerusalem is beautifully described in the book of Revelation. (b) How can material possessions become a barrier to serving Jehovah? De fato, muitos textos bíblicos nos garantem isso. In fact, there are numerous Bible passages that assure us of this. Jesus set a fine example in using the Scriptures to teach and comfort and comfort. Cada uma delas possui um estilo próprio de pensar. Each of these languages requires different thought patterns. 373 B.C.E. Nunca houve na Terra um pastor espiritual com mais conhecimento, discernimento e sabedoria do que ele. No entanto, até mesmo ele não confiava na sua própria sabedoria ao ensinar as ovelhas de Jeová. He was the most knowledgeable, the most discerning, and the wisest spiritual shepherd ever to walk the earth; yet, even he did not rely on his own wisdom when teaching Jehovah's sheep. All who share in the preaching work are "God's fellow workers. " Por que devemos amá - lo? Why should we love him? This may be a good sign, for it is an indication of humility from his part. Em Provérbios 5: 18, 19, lemos: "Mostre - se abençoada a tua fonte de água e alegra - te com a esposa da tua mocidade, gama amável e encantadora cabra - montesa. At Proverbs 5: 18, 19, we read: "Let your water source prove to be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth, a lovable hind and a charming mountain goat. Satan thus proved to be a liar in this case, although imperfect man. Meses antes, quando João Batista começou a pregar, muitos diziam: "Será este o Cristo? " Months earlier when John the Baptizer came preaching, many were saying: "May he perhaps be the Christ? " But Jesus, the "master " in the illustration, did not say that there would be a crowd of slaves scattered by various sects in Christendom. Com toda a bondade, esses anciãos devem incentivar a pessoa aflita a se concentrar, primeiro, em lidar com o sofrimento emocional. These elders should kindly encourage the afflicted one to focus for the time being on coping with the emotional distress. I wanted to talk to them about Jehovah, so I decided to learn their language. (b) O que você acha dessa maneira de solucionar o problema da injustiça? (b) How do you feel about that solution to the problem of injustice? Such love moves us to go beyond just giving up in something material sense. Esse corpo simbólico tem muitos membros, de ambos os sexos, todos contribuindo para o bom funcionamento do corpo. This symbolic body has many members of both genders, all of whom contribute to the body's functioning effectively. Jehovah also strengthens us and teaches us through our meetings, assemblies, and Bible schools. Ela simplesmente cresce à madureza. - Veja A Sentinela de 15 de dezembro de 1980, páginas 17 - 19. It simply grows to maturity. - See The Watchtower, June 15, 1980, pages 17 - 19. Similarly, non - Israelites today need to associate with Jehovah's people, "the sons of the kingdom, " that is, the anointed Witnesses of Jehovah. (b) De que forma os bens materiais podem ser um empecilho para servir a Jeová? (b) How can possessions be a barrier to serving Jehovah? " [Jesus] opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " - LUKE. Jesus estabeleceu um excelente exemplo por usar as Escrituras para instruir e consolar. Jesus set us a fine example by using the Scriptures to instruct and comfort others. No. 373.000 2,373,000 What if we have sinned? Todos os que participam na obra de pregação são "colaboradores de Deus ." All who engage in the preaching work are "God's fellow workers. " Abraham did not ask this because he was indeed. Isso na verdade pode ser um bom sinal, pois indica humildade de sua parte. Actually, that can be a good sign, for it shows humility on your part. For example, you can deepen your conviction that the end of this system is near by making a detailed study of Scriptural evidence that we are living in the last days. Assim, Satanás mostrou ser mentiroso no caso desse homem fiel, embora imperfeito. Hence, Satan was proved to be a liar in the case of that faithful though imperfect man. (Read.) Mas Jesus, o "amo " na ilustração, não disse que haveria uma multidão de escravos espalhados pelas várias seitas da cristandade. But Jesus, the "master " in the illustration, did not say that there would be a multitude of slaves scattered throughout the various sects of Christendom. The Hebrew word translated " maiden " at Isaiah 7: 14 can refer to both a married woman and a virgin. Eu queria falar com eles sobre Jeová, então decidi aprender a língua deles. I wanted to tell them about Jehovah, so after a while I made plans to learn their language. In the modern - day fulfillment, who are (a) the inhabitants of Jerusalem, (b) Judah) and the seven shepherds, and eight dukes? Esse amor nos move a ir além de apenas abrirmos mão de algo em sentido material. Such love goes beyond just giving up something in a material way. Some two years earlier, an opposer of Christianity had an experience that changed his life. Jeová também nos fortalece e nos ensina por meio das reuniões, assembleias, congressos e escolas bíblicas. We are also made stronger by divine education at our Christian meetings, assemblies, conventions, and in our theocratic schools. Guarding power to anoint - these are just some use of the holy spirit in Bible times to move ahead in the outworking of his purpose. Hoje, de modo similar, os que não são israelitas espirituais precisam se associar com o povo de Jeová, "os filhos do reino ," ou seja, as Testemunhas ungidas de Jeová. Similarly today, those who are not spiritual Israelites must associate with Jehovah's people, "the sons of the Kingdom " - Jehovah's anointed Witnesses. ARE you wait until you fall. " [Jesus] abriu - lhes então plenamente as mentes para que compreendessem o significado das Escrituras. " - LUC. Show appreciation for Christ as a Deliverer Não. No. 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Ghana E se tivermos cometido pecado? What if We Have Sinned? At age 24: 14, a young Witness of Western Europe said: "This is being used by Jehovah to have a part of the fulfillment of Matthew 24: 14 makes me very happy. " Abraão não perguntou isso porque estava com dúvida. With that question, Abraham expressed confidence that Jehovah would render perfect justice in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. For example, while preaching from house to house, a pioneer was soon invited by an elderly widow. Por exemplo, você pode aumentar sua convicção de que o fim deste sistema está perto por fazer um estudo detalhado das provas bíblicas de que estamos vivendo nos últimos dias. To illustrate, you might increase your conviction that the end of this system of things really is near by studying in detail the Scriptural proof that we live in the last days. 103: 8. (Leia.) (Read.) Jesus repeated this idea when he said: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " A palavra hebraica traduzida "donzela " em Isaías 7: 14 pode se referir tanto a uma mulher casada como a uma virgem. The Hebrew word translated "maiden " at Isaiah 7: 14 can mean either a married woman or a virgin. [ Footnote] No cumprimento moderno, quem são (a) os habitantes de Jerusalém, (b) a "Assíria " e (c) os sete pastores e oito príncipes? Who today are represented by (a) Jerusalem's citizens (b) "the Assyrian " (c) the seven shepherds and eight dukes? All too much the works of the flesh separate people from one of God and of others. Uns dois anos antes, um ferrenho opositor do cristianismo teve uma experiência que mudou sua vida. About two years earlier, a fervent opposer of Christianity had a life - changing experience. How? Proteger, dar poder, ungir - esses são apenas alguns dos usos que Jeová fez do espírito santo nos tempos bíblicos para levar avante a execução de seu propósito. Protecting, empowering, anointing - these are just a few of the ways that Jehovah used the holy spirit in Bible times to keep his purpose moving ever forward toward its fulfillment. Should we not be grateful for the kindness of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization? PENTECOSTES. PENTECOST. During the beginning of the last days, the domestics were all anointed. Mostre apreço por Cristo como Libertador Esteem Christ as Deliverer Christian elders also benefit from the direction of God's holy spirit. 3 Eles se Ofereceram - Gana 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Ghana 3: 15. Jordy, um jovem que é Testemunha de Jeová da Europa Ocidental, disse: "Saber que estou sendo usado por Jeová para ter parte no cumprimento de Mateus 24: 14 me deixa muito feliz. " Jordy, a young Witness in Western Europe, noted: "To know that I am used by Jehovah to play a part in fulfilling Matthew 24: 14 makes me very happy. " No part of the earth will escape destruction. Por exemplo, enquanto pregava de casa em casa, um pioneiro foi logo dispensado por uma viúva idosa. For instance, while preaching from door to door on one occasion, a pioneer was quickly dismissed by an elderly widow. He will become like the "Eternal Father " of them. - Isa. 103: 8. 103: 8. This covenant was made among Jesus and his loyal anointed followers, who would " share in their sufferings. ' Jesus reforçou essa ideia ao dizer: "O que Deus pôs sob o mesmo jugo, o homem não deve separar. " " Therefore, " to use Jesus ' words, "what God has yoked together, let no man put apart " - neither the husband nor the wife nor anyone else. They were able to learn that the ransom was a great proof of God's love for us. - 1 John 4: 9. [ Nota (s) de rodapé] [ Footnote] Moses certainly was not indifferent to the hope that Jehovah had given him. Todas as demais obras da carne separam pessoas umas das outras e de Deus. Each of the other works of the flesh separates people from one another and from God. They asked about our health, our employment, and if there were anything he had to care about us. Como? Why? If we worship Jehovah without hypocrisy and rightly, we will benefit from his loving - kindness, loyal love. Não devemos ser gratos pela bondade da parte terrestre da organização de Jeová? Should we not be grateful for the goodness of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization? After all, this was not the first time that God's servants were in danger under the Egyptian realm. No início dos últimos dias, os domésticos eram todos ungidos. Early in the last days, the domestics were all anointed ones. Describing Jehovah's sovereign authority over humans, the Scriptures refer to him as "our Potter. " Os anciãos cristãos também se beneficiam da direção do espírito santo de Deus. Christian elders likewise have the benefit of being guided by God's holy spirit. He rejected the tax collector on Jericho, and he was wealthy because he could uproot money from the people. 3: 15. 3: 15. Do you not long ago, you asked yourself to be zealous Witnesses of Jehovah in different amazement: "What quality do you value in an elder? " Nenhuma parte da Terra escapará da destruição. No section of the earth will escape destruction. God will not intervene in what happens on earth. Ele se tornará assim o "Pai Eterno " deles. - Isa. He thus becomes their "Eternal Father. " - Isa. 5: 15. Esse pacto foi feito entre Jesus e seus leais seguidores ungidos, que " participariam nos seus sofrimentos '. Those who became Jesus ' anointed followers and loyally stuck with Jesus, sharing in his sufferings, were to share his heavenly rule. Taking time to study the Bible regularly - and thus increase our knowledge of the Creator - strengthens our relationship with him. Elas puderam aprender que o resgate foi uma grande prova do amor de Deus por nós. - 1 João 4: 9. They could thus learn of the love that God expressed when he provided the ransom. - 1 John 4: 9. Another proof that Jehovah wants us to be happy is that he cares for us and teaches us to live our lives in the best way. Moisés com certeza não era indiferente à esperança que Jeová havia - lhe dado. Yes, Moses was certainly not nonchalant about the hope that Jehovah had set before him. [ Picture on page 4] Eles perguntavam sobre nossa saúde, nosso emprego e se havia alguma coisa que nos preocupava. They asked about our health and secular work and checked to see if we had any concerns. In pages 19 of this magazine, you will find the worldwide report of the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses in the 2004 service year. Se adorarmos a Jeová sem hipocrisia e de modo correto, seremos beneficiados pela sua benevolência, ou amor leal. If we worship Jehovah in an unhypocritical and upright way, we will be recipients of his loving - kindness, or loyal love. Why should we meditate on our faith and our dedication to Jehovah? Afinal, essa não era a primeira vez que os servos de Deus corriam perigo sob o domínio egípcio. After all, this was not the first time God's servants had been in danger under Egyptian rule. What helped David to develop that trust in his heavenly Father? Descrevendo de modo figurativo a autoridade soberana de Jeová sobre os humanos, as Escrituras referem - se a ele como "nosso Oleiro ." Describing Jehovah's sovereign authority over humans in an illustrative way, the Scriptures refer to Jehovah as "our Potter. " Some circumstances may require that we be like Abraham, who repeatedly beg Jehovah for Lot and any other righteous ones who were in Sodom. Zaqueu, chefe de cobradores de impostos em Jericó, ficou rico porque conseguia arrancar dinheiro das pessoas. Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector in Jericho, had become rich by extorting money from the people. Perhaps you have the goal of pioneering. Não muito tempo atrás, perguntou - se a zelosas Testemunhas de Jeová em diferentes continentes: "Que qualidade você mais valoriza num ancião? " Not long ago, zealous Witnesses living on different continents were asked, "Which quality do you value most in an elder? " What can all Christians do to enjoy peace? Deus não intervirá no que acontece na Terra. God will not intervene in earth's affairs. In time, parents may be interested in what the Bible says and begin to teach their children. 5: 15. 5: 15. Jehovah will bless us if we humbly change our attitude (See paragraphs 8, 10) Tirar tempo para estudar a Bíblia com regularidade - e assim aumentar nosso conhecimento do Criador - fortalece a nossa relação com ele. When we spend time studying the Bible on a regular basis and grow in knowledge of the Creator, our relationship with him is strengthened. How do the overseers of the first century "spoke to God's word " to fellow believers, and how do overseers do so? Outra prova de que Jeová quer a nossa felicidade é que ele cuida de nós e nos ensina a levar a vida da melhor maneira. Consider, too, how he cares for us and teaches us the best way of life. Prayer can reduce anxiety. [ Foto na página 4] [ Picture on page 4] What comfort can we draw from Romans 7: 22 - 25? Nas páginas 19 a 22 desta revista você encontrará o relatório mundial da atividade de campo das Testemunhas de Jeová do ano de serviço de 2004. On pages 19 to 22 of this magazine, you will find the worldwide report of the field activity of Jehovah's Witnesses for the 2004 service year. We know that this is not true of us can assure us that physical protection is based on personal basis. Por que devemos meditar sobre nossa fé e nossa dedicação a Jeová? Why should we reflect on our faith and our dedication to Jehovah? In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus ' religious opposers came to arrest him. O que ajudou Davi a desenvolver essa confiança em seu Pai celestial? What helped David to develop such trust in his heavenly Father? Jesus told his disciples: "I leave you peace, I am giving you my peace. " Algumas circunstâncias talvez requeiram que sejamos como Abraão, que suplicou várias vezes a Jeová em favor de Ló e de quaisquer outros justos que estivessem em Sodoma. Or some circumstances may require that we become like Abraham, who repeatedly appealed to Jehovah in behalf of Lot and any other righteous people who might be in Sodom. SONGS TO BE USED: 95, 38 Talvez tenha o alvo de ser pioneiro. Perhaps your goal is to be a pioneer. Similarly, newly interested ones, as well as those Christians have a good time, turn to Jehovah for support. O que todos os cristãos podem fazer em favor da paz? All Christians play what part in pursuing peace? What makes me sure that the Bible is the Word of God? Pode ser que, com o tempo, os pais se interessem pela Bíblia e comecem a ensinar seus filhos. It is to be hoped that the parents will, in time, fulfill their God - given responsibility to care spiritually for their children. 10: 29. Jeová vai nos abençoar se formos humildes e mudarmos nossa atitude (Veja os parágrafos 8 a 10.) Humbly adjusting our attitude leads to God's blessing (See paragraphs 8 - 10) It is also wise. Como os superintendentes do primeiro século "falaram a palavra de Deus " aos irmãos, e como os atuais superintendentes fazem isso? In what way have overseers "spoken the word of God " to their fellow Christians in the first century and today? Like Moses and Elijah, courageously announce false religion and admonish honesthearted ones to give exclusive devotion to God. A oração pode reduzir a ansiedade. Prayer can reduce anxiety. Are you envious because I am generous? ' - Matt. Que consolo podemos tirar de Romanos 7: 22 - 25? What comfort can be drawn from Romans 7: 22 - 25? Why, it is worth continuing to gain salvation! Sabemos que atualmente não se nos garante a proteção física em base pessoal. As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed. Well, Jean - Claude knew that if he lost his job, God would care for him. No jardim de Getsêmani, os opositores religiosos de Jesus vieram prendê - lo. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus ' religious opponents came to arrest him. Be obeying God. " Jesus disse a seus discípulos: "Deixo - vos a paz, dou - vos a minha paz. " Jesus told his disciples: "I leave you peace, I give you my peace. " 1, 2. (a) Relate an experience showing the value of doing well - chosen questions. CÂNTICOS: 95, 38 SONGS TO BE USED: 95, 38 Yet, it was certainly the time they spent together in Christian activities that kept the high degree of spirituality in their marriage. De modo similar, os recém - interessados, bem como os que são cristãos há um bom tempo, recorrem a Jeová em busca de apoio. In a similar way, newly interested ones as well as those who have been true Christians for a long time look to Jehovah for support. They had been accused of various wrong actions. O que me faz ter certeza de que a Bíblia é a Palavra de Deus? What convinces me that the Bible is God's inspired Word? The apostle Paul wrote of this in Colossians 3: 10 - 14. 10: 29. 10: 29. On this most encouraging passage, Jehovah's words recorded in verse 20 may remind his people that when they were ridiculed, Jehovah was on their part. É também sábio. It is also wise. True Christians know that the God who caused these principles to be recorded in his Word has not changed. Como Moisés e Elias, corajosamente denunciam a religião falsa e exortam os sinceros a dar devoção exclusiva a Deus. Like Moses and Elijah, they courageously expose false religion while exhorting sincere people to give God exclusive devotion. ▪ Jesus ' illustration of the leaven highlights what positive lesson about spiritual growth - July 15, 2008, pages 19 - 20. Vocês ficaram com inveja porque sou generoso? ' - Mat. Do I not have the right to give all my workers whatever I want? What, though, should we teach people? Então, vale muito a pena continuar se esforçando para ganhar a salvação! You have every reason, then, to keep working out your own salvation! TODAY'S SACRIFICE IN MANHATTAN IN MANHATTAN Bem, Jean - Claude sabia que, se perdesse o emprego, Deus cuidaria dele. Well, Jean - Claude realized that if he lost his job, God would look after him. For example, Jesus made a covenant for a Kingdom covenant only with 11 disciples but that covenant applies to all the 144,000. Adora a Deus. " Worship God. " Jesus was the promised Seed in Eden and that through whom Jehovah would "break up the works of the Devil. " 1, 2. (a) Conte uma experiência que mostra o valor de fazermos perguntas bem escolhidas. 1, 2. (a) Relate an experience that shows the value of asking well - chosen questions. How does Satan try to make God's laws seem burdensome? Mas, com certeza, foi o tempo que passavam juntos nas atividades cristãs que mantinha o alto grau de espiritualidade no seu casamento. Surely, though, it was the time they spent together in Christian activities that kept their marriage on a high spiritual plane. 22 "We Will Go With You " Elas haviam sido acusadas falsamente de várias ações erradas. They had been falsely accused of a number of wrong acts. Satan himself will be thrown into the abyss. O apóstolo Paulo escreveu sobre isso em Colossenses 3: 10 - 14. (Read Colossians 3: 10 - 14.) He wrote: "I didn't want to offer hospitality because I was newly married and married. Nessa passagem encorajadora, as palavras de Jeová registradas no versículo 20 talvez lembrassem seu povo de que, quando se rebelavam, Jeová ficava, por assim dizer, escondido deles. In this encouraging passage, Jehovah's words recorded in Isa 30 verse 20 may have reminded his people that when they rebelled against him, he was, in effect, hidden from them. Flirtation - or responding to flirting - can lead to adultery Os cristãos verdadeiros sabem que o Deus que fez com que esses princípios fossem registrados em sua Palavra não mudou. True Christians realize that the God who had those principles recorded in his Word has not changed. [ Box / Pictures on pages 22, 23] ▪ A ilustração de Jesus sobre o fermento destaca que lição positiva a respeito de crescimento espiritual? - 15 de julho de 2008, páginas 19 - 20. ▪ Jesus ' illustration of the leaven highlights what positive lesson about spiritual growth? - July 15, 2008, pages 19 - 20. However, there is a more close relative who has that responsibility. Mas o que devemos ensinar para as pessoas? But what will we teach to others? Not necessarily, they are more holy spirit than their companions of the "other sheep. " TOTAL DE CONGREGAÇÕES EM MANHATTAN TOTAL CONGREGATIONS IN MANHATTAN So deep respect for Jehovah is still the secret of a happy marriage and successful marriage. Por exemplo, Jesus fez um pacto para um Reino com apenas 11 discípulos, mas esse pacto na verdade se aplica a todos os 144 mil. For example, Jesus made a covenant for a Kingdom with just 11 disciples, but that covenant really applies to all of the 144,000. • What encouraging example did the apostles set in the way to meet opposition? Jesus era o Descendente prometido no Éden e aquele por meio de quem Jeová ia "desfazer as obras do Diabo ." Jesus was the Seed who was promised in Eden and by means of whom Jehovah would "break up the works of the Devil. " Before casting seed, a gardener may see the need for nutrients in the soil to make it more productive. Como Satanás tenta fazer as leis de Deus parecerem pesadas? How does Satan try to make God's laws appear burdensome? Indeed, "he sees what the heart is. " - 1 Samuel 16: 7. 22 "Queremos ir com vocês " 22 "We Want to Go With You " They are not easily influenced by wrong actions. O próprio Satanás será lançado no abismo. Satan himself will be abyssed. Imitate fluent speakers. Ele escreveu: "No começo eu não queria oferecer hospedagem porque eu era recém - casado e nossa casa era pequena. He writes: "I hesitated initially because we were newly married and living in a small house. These waters fell upon the earth in Noah's day. Flertar - ou corresponder ao flerte - pode levar ao adultério Flirting - or responding to it - can lead to becoming a victim of adultery Why is God's organization unique? [ Quadro / Fotos nas páginas 22, 23] [ Box / Pictures on page 22, 23] As for those who have strayed from Jehovah's flock, but they want to please him, "but they are more inclined to wake up " and return to the fold. - Rom. No entanto, há um parente mais próximo que tem esse dever. However, there is a closer relative who should be given the first opportunity. These " virgin companions " of the bride's bride have made their dedication to Jehovah and proved to be faithful subjects of the Bridegroom's Bridegroom. Não crêem que necessariamente têm mais espírito santo do que seus companheiros das "outras ovelhas ." They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the "other sheep " have. By no means of doubt, then, "the peace of God that excels all thought will guard [our] hearts and [our] mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Portanto, profundo respeito por Jeová ainda é o segredo de um casamento feliz e bem - sucedido. Deep respect for Jehovah, therefore, is still the key to a happy, successful marriage. • What are some goals that are worth attaining? • Que exemplo animador nos deram os apóstolos na maneira de enfrentar oposição? • What encouraging example did the apostles set for us by the way they faced opposition? Hope in God and in Christ, the Head of the congregation. Antes de lançar as sementes, um jardineiro talvez veja a necessidade de colocar nutrientes no solo para torná - lo mais produtivo. Before planting seeds, a gardener may see the need to add nutrients to the soil to make it more productive. What should be a good friend? Realmente, "ele vê o que o coração é ." - 1 Samuel 16: 7. Indeed, he "sees what the heart is. " - 1 Samuel 16: 7. If I, although Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. Elas não são facilmente influenciadas a fazer o que é errado. Também não precisam de alguém sempre pegando no pé para elas fazerem o que é certo. As a result, they are not easily swayed to do what is wrong; nor do they always have to be prodded to do what is right. But what if you find it difficult to attend meetings because of a situation in the congregation? Imite os que falam o idioma com fluência. Imitate fluent speakers. For good reason, Paul wrote: "As for us, we belong to the day, let our senses be dressed in the breastplate of faith and love, and having the helmet of salvation. " Essas águas caíram sobre a Terra nos dias de Noé. These waters fell upon the earth in Noah's day. What was another reason why Jehovah gave the Law to the people? Por que a organização de Deus é sem igual? Why is God's organization special? But the brothers stayed calm. Quanto aos que se desviaram do rebanho de Jeová, mas desejam agradá - Lo, "já está mais que na hora de acordar " e voltar ao redil. - Rom. For any who have strayed from God's flock but who want to please Jehovah, "it is high time to awake " and return to the fold. - Rom. Did the king learn a lesson from this experience? Essas " companheiras virgens ' da noiva se dedicaram a Jeová e provaram ser súditos fiéis do Rei - Noivo. These "virgin companions " of the bride have dedicated themselves to Jehovah and have proved themselves to be faithful subjects of the Bridegroom - King. However, you can contribute to that others ask you about their faith. Então, sem sombra de dúvida, "a paz de Deus, que excede todo pensamento, guardará os [nossos] corações e as [nossas] faculdades mentais por meio de Cristo Jesus ." Then, beyond all doubt, "the peace of God that excels all thought will guard [our] hearts and [our] mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " As in the past, Christ uses "gifts in men " to shepherd his flock • Cite alguns alvos que valem a pena alcançar. • What are some goals that are worth achieving? • Why do we trust in Jehovah's guidance? Espere pacientemente em Deus e em Cristo, o Cabeça da congregação. Patiently wait on God and Christ, the Head of the congregation. While You Are Young O que preciso fazer para ter bons amigos e ser um bom amigo? How can I make good friends and also be a good friend? How does God do this? Se eu, embora Senhor e Instrutor, lavei os vossos pés, vós também deveis lavar os pés uns dos outros. If I, although Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. They have deliberately ignored it. Mas que dizer se você acha difícil assistir às reuniões por causa de uma situação na congregação? What, though, if a situation in the congregation makes it difficult for you to attend meetings? Taking Us to Making Good Decisions Com boa razão, Paulo escreveu: "Quanto a nós, os que pertencemos ao dia, mantenhamos os nossos sentidos, estando vestidos da couraça da fé e do amor, e tendo por capacete a esperança da salvação. " For good reason, Paul wrote: "As for us who belong to the day, let us keep our senses and have on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation. " 15, 16. (a) Qual foi outro motivo de Jeová ter dado a Lei ao povo? (a) Explain why Jehovah gave directions to his people. (b) How was the Law a guardian for Israel? Jesus said that the virgins had the responsibility of being ready for their lamps when the bridegroom arrived. Mas os irmãos permaneceram calmos. But the brothers and sisters remained calm. Paul urges us: "The sort among all who is due to them, to whoever is to demand it, the tax collector; let no matter whoever is honor, such honor. " Será que o rei aprendeu uma lição desse episódio? Did the king learn a lesson from this experience? In another psalm, David warned: "Shepherd your tongue out of what is bad. " Contudo, você pode contribuir para que outros lhe perguntem sobre sua fé. However, you can make it more likely that others will ask you about your faith. What can young Christians learn from the examples we have considered? Como no passado, Cristo usa "dádivas em homens " para pastorear o seu rebanho As in the past, Christ uses "gifts in men " to shepherd his flock But money cannot protect us from becoming so well - acquainted with godly wisdom. • Por que confiamos na orientação de Jeová? • Why do we trust Jehovah's guidance? The name of any molesters that this person must " prove to be clean "at clean in a absolute garden. " Escolha servir a Jeová enquanto for jovem While You Are Young, Choose to Serve Jehovah That was so for about a month. Como Deus faz isso? How does God do this? On the Festival of Pentecost 33 C.E., Peter and others received miraculous ability to communicate in the languages spoken by people who came to Jerusalem. Pecaram deliberadamente. Their fall into sin was deliberate. David had to flee from Jerusalem to no end. Passos para tomar boas decisões Steps to Making Good Decisions When applied, Bible principles never fails. 15, 16. 15, 16. Some examples discussed in this article have been adapted to articles published in the series "A Talk about the Bible. " Jesus disse que as virgens tinham a responsabilidade de estar preparadas com suas lâmpadas acesas quando o noivo chegasse. In the parable, Jesus says that the virgins have the responsibility to be ready with their lamps lit when the bridegroom arrives. 6: 9, 10. Paulo nos exorta: "Rendei a todos o que lhes é devido, a quem exigir imposto, o imposto; a quem exigir tributo, o tributo;... a quem exigir honra, tal honra. " Paul urged us: "Render to all their dues, to him who calls for the tax, the tax; to him who calls for the tribute, the tribute;... to him who calls for honor, such honor. " Satan is behind the misleading people, using Christendom to have the reassuring truth about God's purpose for mankind and the earth. - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 3, 4. Em outro salmo, Davi alertou: "Resguarda a tua língua do que é mau. " In another psalm, David warned: "Guard your tongue from what is bad. " It may also be helpful to discuss your situation with other mature Christian elders and other mature Christians. O que os jovens cristãos podem aprender dos exemplos que consideramos? What lessons can God - fearing youths learn from what we have considered so far? Yet, Jehovah told Job that he was a faithful servant of him, "a integrity and righteous man, who feared God and rejected him and rejected what was bad. " - Job 1: 8. Mas o dinheiro não pode nos proteger nem nos sustentar tão bem quanto a sabedoria divina. But money cannot protect and sustain us the way godly wisdom can. How can husbands, wives, and children help their families to "stay awake "? O nome de quaisquer molestadores de que essa pessoa se "lembre " devem ser mantidos em sigilo absoluto. The names of any "remembered " abusers should be kept in strict confidence. For example, think about how he views human suffering. Foi assim por cerca de um mês. This went on for about a month. Some in the congregation were trying to join the brothers in the congregation. Na Festividade de Pentecostes de 33 EC, Pedro e outros receberam a capacidade milagrosa de se comunicar nas línguas faladas por pessoas que visitavam Jerusalém. At the Festival of Pentecost 33 C.E., Peter and others were given the miraculous ability to communicate in the languages spoken by the sojourners visiting Jerusalem. So we need to control any inclination to murmur. Davi teve de fugir de Jerusalém para não morrer. David had to flee Jerusalem for his life. We should not fall spiritually and never allow distractions of this world to touch the time we would have to be alone with Jehovah in prayer. Quando aplicados, os princípios bíblicos nunca falham. When applied, Bible principles never fail. Do not try to see my face again, for on the day you will see my face you will die. " Alguns exemplos considerados neste artigo foram adaptados de artigos publicados na série "Uma Conversa sobre a Bíblia ." A number of the examples discussed in this article were adapted from articles that have been published in the series "A Conversation With a Neighbor. " For ten years, Jim stopped serving Jehovah. 6: 9, 10. O que Timóteo fez para poder pregar aos judeus? How did Timothy set a good example in promoting Kingdom interests? Jehovah intervened to deliver his people Satanás está por trás do desencaminhamento das pessoas. Ele tem usado a cristandade para obscurecer a reanimadora verdade sobre o propósito de Deus para a humanidade e a Terra. - Leia 2 Coríntios 4: 3, 4. Satan is involved in misleading people and has used apostate Christianity to obscure the heartwarming truth about God's purpose for man and the earth. - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 3, 4. Because of Paul's loving efforts, some in Thessalonica " deviated from their idols to work as slaves for the living God. ' Também pode ser de ajuda conversar sobre a sua situação com anciãos compreensivos e outros cristãos maduros. It may also be helpful to discuss your circumstances with understanding elders or other mature Christians. Moreover, their appreciation for this name enhances them as Jehovah blessed them, and they revealed them aspects of his purpose. Mas não foi isso que aconteceu. Jeová disse que Jó era um servo fiel dele, " um homem íntegro e justo, que temia a Deus e rejeitava o que era mau '. - Jó 1: 8. In fact, Jehovah called him "my servant, " adding:" He is an upright man of integrity, fearing God and shunning what is bad. " - Job 1: 8. If the tract is accepted: Sendo assim, como podem marido, esposa e filhos ajudar a família a " ficar desperta '? What role, then, do husbands, wives, and young ones play in helping their families to "stay awake "? 5: 18, 19. Por exemplo, pense sobre como ele encara o sofrimento humano. For example, think about how he views human suffering. How is that possible? Alguns na congregação estavam tentando fazer com que os irmãos ficassem contra os apóstolos. Some in the congregation wanted to make personal choices for others in order to alienate them from the apostles. • Hosea chapters 1 through 5, has called you attention to what lesson? Assim, é preciso controlar qualquer possível inclinação para resmungar. Hence, we need to control any possible inclination to murmur. 5, 6. Não devemos adormecer em sentido espiritual e jamais permitir que as distrações deste mundo roubem o tempo que teríamos para estar a sós com Jeová em oração. We must not fall asleep spiritually, and we should never allow the world's distractions to crowd out our time to be alone with Jehovah in prayer. Moses was reluctant to accept his assignment Não tentes ver novamente a minha face, porque no dia em que vires a minha face morrerás. " Do not try to see my face again, because on the day of your seeing my face you will die. " Consider what happened in Corinth. Durante dez anos, Jim parou de servir a Jeová. Jim remained spiritually inactive for ten years. Jehovah forgives our sins. Jeová interveio para libertar seu povo Jehovah intervened to deliver his people His conscience tells him to avoid his unscriptural practices, which may involve idols or use of blood. Por causa dos esforços amorosos de Paulo, alguns em Tessalônica " se desviaram de seus ídolos a fim de trabalhar como escravos para o Deus vivente '. As a result of Paul's loving efforts, some in Thessalonica " turned away from their idols to slave for the living God. ' Why not invite others to a simple meal from rich spiritual conversations? Além disso, seu apreço por esse nome aumentava ao passo que Jeová os abençoava, cuidava deles e lhes revelava aspectos de seu propósito. Moreover, their appreciation for it grew as Jehovah blessed them, cared for them, and revealed aspects of his purpose to them. Note that the first miracle was accomplished by Elisha was a precise copy of the last miracle for Elijah? Se o tratado for aceito: If the tract is accepted: If so, try a different approach. 5: 18, 19. 5: 18, 19. What do we need to do in order to see that God's promise is fulfilled? Como isso é possível? In fact, he assured us that his joy will become ours. How? 2: 28 - Why is Jesus called "Lord " even of the sabbath "? • Que lição de Oséias, capítulos 1 a 5, mais lhe chamou a atenção? • Which lesson in Hosea chapters 1 to 5 impressed you? In a similar way, good spiritual shepherds display mildness even when dealing with unfair treatment. 5, 6. 5, 6. In that sense, Adam was greatly different from the animals: animals act in their behalf, or they are done things without knowing why. Moisés relutou em aceitar sua designação Moses was reluctant to accept his assignment How can you imitate Jesus in showing tenderness? Veja o que aconteceu em Corinto. Consider the situation in ancient Corinth. Why did Jesus give the illustration of the sower who sleeps? Jeová perdoa nossos pecados. Being forgiven of our sins. Like these Christians in Benin, we can praise Jehovah in the midst of " congregated throngs " Sua consciência lhe diz para evitar suas anteriores práticas antibíblicas, que talvez envolvessem ídolos ou o uso do sangue. His conscience tells him to shun unscriptural practices that he formerly engaged in, perhaps involving idols or blood. How can parents protect their children, oversee their social lives? Que tal convidar outros para uma refeição simples acompanhada de ricas conversas espirituais? Can we show the noble quality of generosity by inviting others to our home to share a meal and a spiritual feast? As a survivor of Israel spent in the wilderness, the old Caleb could say before Joshua: "I have followed Jehovah my God, my God. " Notou que o primeiro milagre realizado por Eliseu foi uma cópia exata do último milagre realizado por Elias? Did you note that the first miracle performed by Elisha was an exact copy of the last miracle performed by Elijah? 2: 3. Então, tente uma abordagem diferente. Then you might try a different approach. If we personally love and carry out Jehovah's law, no matter what happens or what others do - nothing to stumble us spiritually. O que precisamos fazer para ver essa promessa de Deus se cumprir? What must we do to benefit from God's promise? For example, imagine that you are about to be executed because you must have been accused of a crime. 2: 28 - Por que Jesus é chamado de "Senhor até mesmo do sábado "? 2: 28 - Why is Jesus called "Lord even of the sabbath "? 10: 17 (See paragraph 17) De forma similar, bons pastores espirituais demonstram brandura até mesmo quando tratados de forma injusta. Likewise, effective shepherds are mild - tempered even when they are treated unfairly. Over the way, Naomi counsels her daughters to return to Moab and find husbands inside their own people. Nesse sentido, Adão era bem diferente dos animais: os animais agem por instinto, ou seja, fazem as coisas sem saber por quê. This set Adam apart from the animals, since they live according to instinct. Therefore, whenever his loyal servants cry out to him, Jehovah can help them and give them support in their trials. Como você pode imitar a ternura de Jesus? How can you imitate Jesus in showing tenderness? " When I see your heavens, works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, " he wrote, "and what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earth that earth may take care of him? " Por que Jesus contou a ilustração do semeador que dorme? Why did Jesus tell the illustration of the sower who sleeps? How do we know that? Como estes cristãos em Benin, podemos louvar a Jeová no meio de "multidões congregadas " Like Christians in Benin, we can praise Jehovah among the congregated throngs " I took with those who mourn, " says Romans 12: 15. De que forma os pais podem proteger os filhos, supervisionando a vida social deles? How can parents safeguard their children by supervising their social activity? Luke's account in Acts says: "When [Jesus] was writing and teachers in the congregation of Syria were publicly ministered to Jehovah and poured out the holy spirit, he said: " Out of all people, separate me and Barnabas. ' Como sobrevivente do que Israel passou no deserto, o idoso Calebe podia dizer perante Josué: "Eu segui integralmente a Jeová, meu Deus. " As an elderly survivor of Israel's experience in the wilderness, Caleb could stand before Joshua and say: "I followed Jehovah my God fully. " Such experienced brothers can help the couple to apply Bible's counsel. 2: 3. 2: 3. Later, Jehovah repeated Isaac, pointing out that all nations of the earth will bless themselves by means of Abraham's seed. Se pessoalmente amarmos e cumprirmos a lei de Jeová, não importa o que aconteça ou o que os outros façam - nada nos fará tropeçar espiritualmente. If we as individuals love and keep Jehovah's law, we will not be stumbled spiritually by what someone else does or by any other matter. Therefore, let us not let our love grow cold. Por exemplo, imagine que você esteja prestes a ser executado por ter sido acusado de um crime. For example, imagine that you were facing execution because you had been implicated in a crime. Why do we not need to know everything about God in order to have faith in him? 10: 17 (Veja o parágrafo 17.) 10: 17 (See paragraph 17) What comfort can we draw from Matthew 18: 10 and Hebrews 1: 14? Ao longo do caminho, Noemi aconselha suas noras a voltar para Moabe e a encontrar maridos dentro do seu próprio povo. Along the way, Naomi urges her daughters - in - law to go back to Moab and find husbands from among their own people. It is a great joy to help honesthearted ones appreciate and appreciate the hope they offer. Por isso, sempre que seus servos leais clamam a ele, Jeová pode ajudá - los e lhes dar apoio nas suas provações. For that reason, he can come to the aid of his loyal ones whenever they call on him, and he can support them during their trials. If certain aspects of the ministry - witnessing witnessing, preach in such an informal territory, or in a business territory, we can pray to Jehovah for his spirit and his help to acquire courage. - 1 Thess. Ele escreveu: "Quando vejo os teus céus, trabalhos dos teus dedos, a lua e as estrelas que preparaste, que é o homem mortal para que te lembres dele, e o filho do homem terreno para que tomes conta dele? " He wrote: "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him? " This article will help us to develop patience. Como sabemos disso? There is. When we face trials, we need more than ever to do so. " Chorai com os que choram ," diz Romanos 12: 15. " Weep with those who weep, " says Romans 12: 15. Should we not thank him for the gift of life? O relato de Lucas em Atos, diz: "Enquanto [profetas e instrutores cristãos na congregação da Antioquia da Síria] ministravam publicamente a Jeová e jejuavam, o espírito santo disse: " Dentre todas as pessoas, separai - me Barnabé e Saulo para a obra a que os chamei. ' Luke's account in Acts states: "As they [Christian prophets and teachers in the congregation in Syrian Antioch] were publicly ministering to Jehovah and fasting, the holy spirit said: " Of all persons set Barnabas and Saul apart for me for the work to which I have called them. ' His conclusion is published in behalf of all. Esses irmãos experientes podem ajudar o casal a aplicar os conselhos da Bíblia. These experienced brothers can assist married couples to apply the counsel of God's Word. (b) What reasoning have you found to be effective in reasoning? Mais tarde, Jeová a repetiu a Isaque, destacando que todas as nações da Terra abençoariam a si mesmas por meio do descendente de Abraão. Later, Jehovah repeated it to Isaac, pointing out that all nations of the earth would bless themselves by means of Abraham's seed. Then she realized disturbing changes in her family. Então, não vamos deixar nosso amor diminuir! So may we never allow our love to grow cold! Christians should not allow the nationalistic nationalistic view that infects their view of others. Por que não precisamos saber tudo a respeito de Deus para termos fé nele? Why do we not need to know everything about God in order to have faith in him? In a spiritual sense, the rebellious people of Israel had to do something similar. Que consolo podemos tirar de Mateus 18: 10 e Hebreus 1: 14? What comfort can we draw from Matthew 18: 10 and Hebrews 1: 14? If you find yourself in a situation, you feel anger and feel anger on your inside, you may well turn away from the scene to calm down. É uma grande alegria ajudar pessoas sinceras a entender e a valorizar a esperança que as Escrituras oferecem. What a joy it is to help sincere people understand and appreciate the hope offered by the Scriptures! Brother Nathan H. Se certas facetas do ministério - testemunho de rua, pregar de modo informal ou em território comercial - nos intimidam, podemos orar a Jeová pedindo seu espírito e sua ajuda para adquirir a necessária coragem. - 1 Tes. If certain aspects of the ministry - doing street witnessing, preaching informally, or working business territory - intimidate us, we can pray to Jehovah for his spirit and ask him to help us muster up the needed boldness. - 1 Thess. We must not " love [ Satan's] world or the things in the world. ' Esse artigo nos ajudará a desenvolver a necessária paciência. This article will help us to develop the needed patience. 3 Life Story - What Helps Others Brings Joy Ao enfrentarmos dificuldades precisamos, mais do que nunca, de seu exemplo. When we face hardships, we need his example more than ever. This is not just studying the Scriptures and meditating on them. Não devemos agradecer - lhe diariamente pela dádiva da vida? Is it not true that we should thank him each day for the gift of life? Likewise, an unbelieving wife is worthy of the care and love of her husband. - Eph. As suas conclusões são publicadas em benefício de todos. What they learn, they publish for the benefit of all. Keep On Doing Good (b) Que argumentos convincentes você já usou para raciocinar sobre esse assunto? (b) What reasoning have you found to be effective on the subject of going to heaven? The matter is to encourage others, no one likens Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Então ela percebeu mudanças preocupantes em sua família. Jimmy was becoming withdrawn and was growing emotionally distant from her. However, more likely it is that moral lessons and practices of Bible accounts may be overshadowed or lost in the effort to find prophetic greetings. Os cristãos não devem permitir que o fervor nacionalista contamine seu conceito sobre outros. Christians should not allow nationalistic fervor to taint their view of others. In your view, why should we show love for our neighbor, and how can we do so? Em sentido espiritual, o povo rebelde de Israel tinha de fazer algo similar. In a spiritual sense, Jehovah's rebellious people in Israel needed to do something similar. Those words were referring to the time when the nation of Israel under the appointed leader by God, Moses stood away from Egypt. Se você se encontra numa situação tensa e sente a ira aumentar no seu íntimo, talvez seja bom afastar - se do cenário, para se acalmar. If you find yourself in a tense situation and you sense anger building inside you, it may help to leave the scene, thus giving your emotions time to settle. It would be good for those involved in copies of the mature documents. O irmão Nathan H. Brother Nathan H. While preaching the good news, he spoke kindly of "gracious words, " causing his listeners to marvel. Não devemos " amar o mundo [de Satanás] nem as coisas no mundo '. We must "not love either [Satan's] world or the things in the world. " Moreover, a child needs to understand that Jehovah, our heavenly Father, expects him to be obedient to parents. 3 Biografia - Descobri que ajudar outros traz alegria 3 Life Story - How I Found Happiness in Giving Acts 24: 15 comforts much: "There will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Não se trata de apenas estudar as Escrituras e meditar nelas. It is not a matter of simply studying the Scriptures and meditating. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " Do mesmo modo, uma esposa descrente merece o cuidado e o amor do marido. - Efé. Likewise, an unbelieving wife should be shown self - sacrificing love and tender affection by her Christian husband. - Eph. Such donations help brothers and sisters throughout the earth. Continue a fazer o bem Keep On Doing Good (Read Psalm 91: 9, 14.) Quando o assunto é encorajar outros, ninguém se compara a Jeová Deus e a Jesus Cristo. Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are the foremost examples of giving encouragement. However, will the destruction of Babylon the Great result in the death of all the former members of these religions? No entanto, mais preocupante ainda é que as lições morais e práticas dos relatos bíblicos em consideração podem ser ofuscadas ou perdidas no esforço de encontrar possíveis cumprimentos proféticos. Of even greater concern, though, is that the moral and practical lessons of the Bible accounts under examination may be obscured or lost in all the scrutiny of possible antitypical fulfillments. As we await Jehovah's day, why can we experience joy? Em sua opinião, por que devemos mostrar amor ao próximo e como podemos fazer isso? Why do you believe that we can and should display love for our neighbor? He gave to the owner of two denarii, the equivalent of two days, so that he burned with the man's injured man. Essas palavras se referiam à época em que a nação de Israel, comandada pelo líder designado por Deus, Moisés, foi retirada do Egito. Hosea's words pointed back to the time when the nation of Israel, under its divinely appointed leader, Moses, was led out of Egypt. What do the Scriptures say about the origin of angels? Seria bom que os envolvidos tivessem cópias dos documentos relevantes para um caso de necessidade. Those involved will do well to have copies of relevant documents available in case they are needed. So she paid a workmate to replace her shift so that she could be free to attend these important meetings. Ao pregar as boas novas, ele falava de modo bondoso, usando "palavras cativantes ," o que deixava seus ouvintes maravilhados. He used good judgment when he preached the good news, choosing "gracious words " that amazed his listeners. All others who attend the annual Memorial are respectful observers, who do not partake of the emblems. Além disso, o filho precisa entender que Jeová, nosso Pai celestial, espera que ele seja obediente aos pais. An appreciative attitude is bolstered by the understanding that obedience is required by God, the Father of us all. In the illustration, these two slaves bowed down the value that the master gave to them; then they were both diligent. O texto de Atos 24: 15 a consola muito: "Haverá uma ressurreição tanto de justos como de injustos. " The hope mentioned at Acts 24: 15 comforts her: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " 1, 2. (a) What did some religious leaders want to know, and how did Peter respond? Também, se ele tiver cometido pecados, ser - lhe - á isso perdoado. " Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " • What opportunities do single Christians have to draw closer to Jehovah? Esses donativos ajudam irmãos em toda a Terra. Your congregation also no doubt has a standing resolution to assist financially with the worldwide program of building Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls, which benefits our brothers throughout the earth. Yet, at that crucial moment, they allowed themselves to worship of Moabite gods. (Leia Salmo 91: 9, 14.) (Read Psalm 91: 9, 14.) Determining a learner to allow something bad to happen with his children. Mas será que a destruição das religiões de Babilônia, a Grande, resultará na morte de todos os ex - membros dessas religiões? Should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great results in the death of all the former members of those religions? In fact, Daniel was still a young man when Jehovah spoke of Noah and Job. Enquanto esperamos o dia de Jeová, por que podemos ter alegria? As we wait for Jehovah's day, why can we have joy? (b) Why is commendation important? Ele deu ao dono de uma hospedaria dois denários, o equivalente ao salário de dois dias, para que ele cuidasse do homem ferido. The two denarii left with the innkeeper for the man's care amounted to about two days ' wages. Both Jews and Gentiles needed to make spiritual advancement. O que dizem as Escrituras sobre a origem dos anjos? What do the Scriptures tell us about the origin of angels? 6: 9. De modo que ela pagou uma colega de trabalho para substituí - la no seu turno para que pudesse estar livre para assistir a essas reuniões importantes. Hence, she paid a fellow worker to cover her shift so that she could be free to attend these important meetings. A common lamp in the first century was a depicted clay with a quick quick temper that robs a glass of sweet - smelling oil (a) ready to feed a flame. Todos os outros que assistem à Comemoração anual são respeitosos observadores, que não tomam dos emblemas. All others who attend the annual Memorial are respectful observers, who do not partake of the emblems. How can we be "pure in heart "? Na ilustração, esses dois escravos dobraram o valor que o amo lhes deu; então, os dois eram igualmente diligentes. In the illustration, both slaves doubled what the master gave them, so both were equally diligent. (a) How do we know that God's people would be liberated from Babylon the Great? 1, 2. (a) O que alguns líderes religiosos queriam saber, e qual foi a reação de Pedro? 1, 2. (a) What did some religious leaders want to know, and how did Peter respond? Accordingly, their days are going to sound a hundred and true number of years. " • Que oportunidades os cristãos solteiros têm para se achegar mais a Jeová? • What opportunities do single Christians have to draw closer to Jehovah and widen out in love? Coping With godly Fear Mas, naquele momento decisivo, eles se desviaram para a adoração de deuses moabitas. Yet, at that critical point, they turned to serving the gods of the Moabites. Centuries will involve a series of changes. Preferem sofrer a permitir que algo de mau aconteça com seus filhos. You would rather suffer harm yourself than allow any harm to come to your children. (b) How has you benefited from such training? Na verdade, Daniel ainda era jovem quando Jeová falou que ele, Noé e Jó eram bons exemplos. In fact, it was while Daniel was still a young man that Jehovah counted him worthy of being mentioned as an example of righteousness, along with Noah and Job. " The truly wise woman [is] fuel his house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands. " - Prov. (b) Por que é importante elogiar o aprendiz? (b) How important is it to commend a learner? How does Genesis 3: 1 - 6; Romans 5: 12; Revelation 12: 9. Tanto judeus como gentios tinham de fazer progresso espiritual. Jews and Gentiles alike needed to make spiritual progress. When the early Christians met, they shared praise to Jehovah in song. 6: 9. 6: 9. Before Jesus destroys Satan's visible organization, the last of the 144,000 members of spiritual Israel will receive the final sealing. Uma lâmpada comum no primeiro século era um recipiente de barro com um pavio que sugava um líquido (em geral azeite de oliva) por atração capilar a fim de alimentar uma chama. A common first - century lamp was an earthenware vessel with a wick that drew up liquid (usually olive oil) by capillary attraction to feed a flame. The Bible calls them "the good news of peace, "" the good news of God's undeserved kindness, " and "this good news of the kingdom. " Como podemos ser "puros de coração "? How can we be "pure in heart "? (a) What feeling does love include? (a) Como sabemos que o povo de Deus seria libertado de Babilônia, a Grande? On what basis could God's people hope to be liberated from Babylon the Great, and what questions will we examine? It is sad to say that some brothers imitate "the spirit of the world. " Concordemente, seus dias hão de somar cento e vinte anos. " Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years. " What encouragement did Paul and Peter give? Como enfrentar problemas com temor piedoso Facing Problems With Godly Fear If you feel that way, do you feel that you have a looked at your routine? Crescimento envolve uma progressiva série de mudanças. Growth involves a progressive series of changes. Moreover, Peter encouraged elders to shepherd the flock not "by love of dishonest gain, but eagerly. " (b) Como você tem se beneficiado desse treinamento? (b) How have you personally benefited from this training? Like Jesus, we need to be peaceable. " A mulher realmente sábia [edifica] a sua casa, mas a tola a derruba com as suas próprias mãos. " - Pro. " The truly wise woman has built up her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands. " - Prov. Jesus fed the hungry and healed, lame, deaf, and speechless. Como? - Gênesis 3: 1 - 6; Romanos 5: 12; Revelação (Apocalipse) 12: 9. How? - Genesis 3: 1 - 6; Romans 5: 12; Revelation 12: 9. Anna was comforted "on his face no more concerned. " Quando os primeiros cristãos se reuniam, eles louvavam a Jeová com cânticos. First - century Christians set a pattern of praising God together in song. Daniel, for example, based on the writings of Jeremiah, realized how long Jerusalem would continue. Antes de Jesus destruir a organização visível de Satanás, os últimos dos 144 mil membros do Israel espiritual receberão a selagem final. Before Jesus comes against Satan's visible organization, the last of the 144,000 members of spiritual Israel will receive the final sealing. What should we not forget when we read Bible accounts about the execution of God's judgments upon certain people? A Bíblia as chama de "boas novas de paz ,"" boas novas da benignidade imerecida de Deus " e "estas boas novas do reino ." The Bible calls it "the good news of peace, "" the good news of the undeserved kindness of God, " and "this good news of the kingdom. " " Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " - 1 PET. (a) Que sentimento o amor inclui? (a) What does love involve? Then, from Pentecost 33 C.E., he began to throw the fine seed - "the sons of the kingdom. " É triste dizer que alguns irmãos imitam o "espírito do mundo ." Sad to say, some individuals have blurred " the distinction between their serving God and their not serving him ' by imitating "the spirit of the world. " PAGE 3 • SONGS: 108, 5 Que incentivo Paulo e Pedro deram? What counsel did Paul and Peter provide? In all this and despite intense suffering, Jesus remained "obedient to death. " - Read Philippians 2: 8. Se você se sente assim, o que acha de dar uma olhada na sua rotina? If that is your situation, it may be that you need to examine your current schedule of activities. Michelle: He is not merely a vague idea of what happens. Além disso, Pedro incentivou os anciãos a pastorear o rebanho não "por amor de ganho desonesto, mas com anelo ." Peter also encouraged elders to shepherd the flock, "neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly. " It is easier for me. " Assim como Jesus, devemos ser brandos. Like Jesus, we should be mild - tempered. In fact, less than 30 years after Jesus ' death, the apostle Paul could write that the good news had been preached "in all creation under heaven. " - Col. Jesus alimentou famintos e curou doentes, cegos, aleijados, surdos e mudos. He healed the sick, the blind, the disabled, the deaf, and the speechless. In addition, Jehovah outlined the requirements that would have to fulfill, the work they would do and the trials they would face. Ana foi consolada "e seu semblante não estava mais preocupado ." This comforted Hannah, "and her face became self - concerned no more. " PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES Daniel, por exemplo, com base nos escritos de Jeremias, compreendeu quanto tempo Jerusalém continuaria desolada. Daniel, for example, discerned from Jeremiah's writings how long Jerusalem would remain desolate. Thus, they cannot form willing and sensible conscience to make the life of being humans free. " De que não devemos nos esquecer ao lermos relatos bíblicos a respeito da execução dos julgamentos de Deus sobre certas pessoas? What should we not forget when we read Bible accounts about executions of God's judgments upon certain individuals? Be Yielding, Be Balanced " Cristo sofreu por vós, deixando - vos um modelo para seguirdes de perto os seus passos. " - 1 PED. " Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely. " - 1 PET. (b) What questions should we ask ourselves? Daí, a partir do Pentecostes de 33 EC, ele passou a lançar a semente excelente - "os filhos do reino ." Then from Pentecost 33 C.E. onward, he started to sow the fine seed - "the sons of the kingdom. " Moreover, the meaning of God's name is not limited to what he himself chooses to become. PÁGINA 3 • CÂNTICOS: 14, 5 PAGE 3 • SONGS: 14, 109 " Jehovah Is the Rock of times indefinite ' The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator, the gift of free will. Our upbringing and the environment in which we live have a lot of influence on us. Em meio a tudo isso e apesar de intenso sofrimento, Jesus permaneceu "obediente até à morte ." - Leia Filipenses 2: 8. Through all of this, and despite profound suffering, Jesus remained "obedient as far as death. " - Read Philippians 2: 8. This couple certainly wanted to be treated with special honor in the congregation. Michele: Ele não tem apenas uma vaga ideia do que acontece. Michelle: And he's not just vaguely aware of what happens. 15, 16. (a) According to John 13: 34, 35, what do we need to do? Assim é mais fácil. " That is easier. " A man who uses his time and energy to support his family has a good chance to achieve a relatively security. De fato, menos de 30 anos depois da morte de Jesus, o apóstolo Paulo podia escrever que as boas novas haviam sido pregadas "em toda a criação debaixo do céu ." - Col. In fact, less than 30 years after Jesus ' death, the apostle Paul could write that the good news had been preached "in all creation that is under heaven. " - Col. What he does never say; his words always come true. Além disso, Jeová especificou os requisitos que eles teriam de cumprir, a obra que fariam e as provações que sofreriam. Jehovah also prescribed the requirements they must meet, the work they would do, and the testing they would undergo. This rebellion was a challenge to God's sovereignty. OBJETIVO DOS ARTIGOS DE ESTUDO PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES This gives us the wonderful opportunity to have a personal relationship with our heavenly Father. Assim, eles não podem de forma voluntária e em sã consciência tirar a vida de seres humanos. " Hence such members could not willingly and conscientiously engage in the taking of the life of human beings. " That warning still applies to Christians. Sejamos razoáveis e equilibrados Be Yielding, Be Balanced How Would You Answer? (b) Que perguntas devemos nos fazer? (b) What questions will we consider? Jehovah knows our needs, and those who put Kingdom interests first in their life, especially those in the full - time ministry, have the same assurance that Jehovah will take care of them. Além disso, o significado do nome de Deus não se limita ao que ele mesmo escolhe se tornar. And yet, the meaning of God's name is not limited to what he himself chooses to become. 14, 15. " Jeová é a Rocha dos tempos indefinidos ' " Jehovah is the Rock of times indefinite " apostates and their influences threaten God's people today. NOSSA criação e o ambiente em que vivemos têm muita influência sobre nós. We dress a certain way; we like certain foods; we behave in a certain manner. How did Job's three companions affected him? Sem dúvida, esse casal queria ser tratado com honra especial na congregação. No doubt, this couple wanted to gain special honor within the congregation. And while he hears such prayers, he communicates with being heavenly and gives them direction. 15, 16. (a) De acordo com João 13: 34, 35, o que precisamos fazer? 15, 16. (a) According to John 13: 34, 35, what obligation do we have? (KKK). Um homem que usa seu tempo e suas energias trabalhando arduamente para sustentar a família tem boa chance de alcançar uma relativa segurança. If a man spends his time and energy working hard to support his family, he stands a good chance of achieving relative security. Knowing that Jeremiah was deeply hated by the message he preached, Ebed - melech risked his own life and turned to the king. O que ele diz nunca falha; suas palavras sempre se cumprem. His words never fail; they always come true. For example, when Jesus saw the pitiful spiritual condition of the Jews, he " felt pity for them. ' Essa rebelião foi um desafio à soberania de Deus. That rebellion constituted a challenge to God's sovereignty. (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 6, 12.) Isso nos dá a maravilhosa oportunidade de ter uma relação pessoal com nosso Pai celestial. This opens up for us the wonderful possibility of having a personal relationship with our heavenly Father. How can modesty help us to make wise decisions? Esse alerta ainda se aplica aos cristãos. That warning still applies to Christians. What did he do? Qual é sua resposta? What Are Your Answers? God did not abandon the Israelite leader Joshua, who followed the counsel to " read the book of the law day and night so that he could do everything he was written in him. ' Jeová conhece nossas necessidades, e os que colocam os interesses do Reino em primeiro lugar na vida, em especial os que estão no ministério de tempo integral, têm a mesma garantia de que Jeová tomará conta deles. Jehovah knows our needs, and those who put Kingdom interests first in their life, especially those pursuing the full - time ministry, have the same assurance that he will care for them. One Bible translator explained: "It is a legal meting matter nearly near. 14, 15. 14, 15. As mentioned in the preceding article, Paul made this exhortation to his fellow Christians, which also includes us: "Let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and with endurance [the race] that is set up. " - Heb. Os apóstatas e suas influências ameaçam o povo de Deus hoje. Apostates and their influences threaten God's people today. Probably not. Como as palavras dos três companheiros de Jó o afetaram? How did the comments of Job's three companions affect him? The "Hearer of prayer " listens to our pleas for help. E, enquanto ouve essas orações, ele se comunica com seres celestiais e lhes dá orientação. Not only does he listen to those prayers but he simultaneously gives direction to and communicates with heavenly beings. On the other hand, when difficulties arise between Jehovah's servants, a lack of a written agreement is often a factor. (Col. (Col. What must we remember when we preach to refugees? Sabendo que Jeremias era muito odiado por causa da mensagem que pregava, Ebede - Meleque arriscou a própria vida e recorreu ao rei. Knowing that Jeremiah was bitterly hated because of the message he preached, Ebed - melech risked his own life and appealed to the king. If they had bought the political cards, the crowd would have had had to cried out. Por exemplo, ao observar a triste condição espiritual de conterrâneos judeus, Jesus " sentiu compaixão deles '. For example, when he observed the poor spiritual condition of fellow Jews, "he felt pity for them. " • How can children show that they respect the sacred nature of our meetings? (Leia 1 Coríntios 12: 4 - 6, 12.) (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 6, 12.) What can the dread of a person cause a person, but what do we trust? Como ser modesto nos ajuda a tomar boas decisões? How can modesty help us to make better decisions? 1: 5, 18. What did Paul mean by the word " reasoned "? O que fez? What did he do? Of course, this aspect of us alone we receive the surface. Deus não abandonou o líder israelita Josué, que seguiu o conselho de " ler o livro da lei dia e noite para que pudesse fazer tudo o que estivesse escrito nele '. God did not abandon the Israelite leader Joshua, who applied the counsel to " read in the book of the law day and night so that he might do all that was written in it. ' He was condemned in his late 20 ' s, but that was not enough to change his personality. Certo tradutor da Bíblia explicou: "É uma metáfora legal que assenta uma questão quase jurídica. One Bible translator wrote of the concept: "It is a legal metaphor that makes a quasi - legal point. Then I got to conclude that I must be loyal to my wife. Como mencionado naquele artigo, Paulo fez a seguinte exortação a seus irmãos cristãos, o que também nos inclui: "Ponhamos também de lado todo peso e o pecado que facilmente nos enlaça, e corramos com perseverança, [a corrida] que se nos apresenta. " - Heb. As noted in that article, Paul offered this admonition to his fellow servants, including us: "Let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. " - Heb. Have you thought about expanding your share in the ministry? É provável que não. Probably not. ▪ Many read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation (or, but there are other methods that are also interesting. O "Ouvinte de oração " escuta com carinho nossos apelos por ajuda. The "Hearer of prayer " lovingly listens to our appeals for help. What could happen if parents are not approachable? Por outro lado, quando surgem problemas de negócios entre servos de Jeová, a falta de um acordo escrito é muitas vezes um fator contribuinte. On the other hand, failure to have a written agreement is often a contributing factor when business problems arise between servants of Jehovah. It is important to know who should come first, in order to know that Bible principles should be applied in our situation. Do que devemos nos lembrar quando pregamos aos refugiados? What should we keep in mind when preaching to refugees? Note some expressions of the strong conviction of God's servants. Se elas tivessem comprado os cartões políticos, a multidão teria ficado eufórica. Had they bought the party cards, the crowd would have been ecstatic. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. • Como as crianças podem mostrar que respeitam a natureza sagrada das reuniões? • How can children show that they respect the sacred nature of our meetings? Although James was well - aware of Jesus ' preaching activity, for some time prevented him from becoming a disciple. O que o pavor pode causar a uma pessoa, mas que confiança temos? What does the feeling of dread do to a person, but what confidence do we have? When he was suffering, he did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " 1: 5, 18. O que Paulo quis dizer com a palavra "primícias "? Why is it significant that Jesus is "the firstfruits "? " The northwest of Eden began to be in the garden of God. Naturalmente, nesse aspecto nós apenas arranhamos a superfície. Of course, we have only scratched the surface. We can look to understanding the principles, whether it is, reasons behind those laws. Ele foi condenado a 20 anos de prisão, mas isso não foi suficiente para mudar a personalidade dele. In an alcohol - induced rage, he killed his girlfriend, for which he received a 20 - year prison sentence. Naturally, parents rejoice when their children express thoughts and feelings that are in harmony with righteous standards. Daí cheguei à conclusão de que eu devia ser leal primeiro à minha esposa. Then I realized that in such a situation, my wife had first claim on my loyalty. (See "We have studied the Bible in unhealthy speech! " in the Awake! Já pensou em expandir sua participação no ministério? Have you thought about expanding your share in the ministry? (CAS the illustration on page 18.) ▪ Muitos leem a Bíblia de Gênesis a Revelação (Apocalipse), mas há outros métodos que também são interessantes. ▪ Reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation can work well, but you might find other approaches to be refreshing. The serpent foreshadowed Jesus Christ that it is impaled to our everlasting benefit. O que pode acontecer se os pais não são acessíveis? What may result if parents are not approachable? Imitate Jesus O importante é saber quem deve vir em primeiro lugar. Para isso, é preciso saber que princípios bíblicos devemos aplicar à nossa situação. From that incident, we learn an important lesson: Although we can properly have several loyalties in our heart, the correct order of their importance should be determined by our application of Bible principles. Jehovah became Father of mankind by giving us life. Note algumas expressões da forte convicção de servos de Deus. Note some expressions of the strong conviction of God's servants. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 34, 35. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Jesus himself identified John the Baptizer as this "Elijah. " Embora Tiago pelo visto conhecesse bem as atividades de pregação de Jesus, por algum tempo algo o impedia de se tornar discípulo. Although James apparently was well - acquainted with Jesus ' preaching activities, for a time something held him back from becoming a disciple. Paul wrote: "Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person. " Quando sofria, não ameaçava, mas encomendava - se àquele que julga justamente. " When he was suffering, he did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " • How did Solomon allow himself to develop in his life a bad standard? " Vieste a estar no Éden, jardim de Deus. " In Eden, the garden of God, you proved to be. 2: 14 - 17; 1 John 3: 8. Podemos procurar entender os princípios, ou seja, os motivos por trás dessas leis. By paying attention to God's Word in a way that creates respect for it. É natural que os pais se alegrem quando os filhos expressam pensamentos e sentimentos que se harmonizam com normas justas. Understandably, parents rejoice when children express thoughts and feelings in harmony with righteous standards. The ministry Is refreshing (Veja "Estudamos a Bíblia no zoológico! ," na Despertai! (See "Studying the Bible - In the Zoo! " in Awake! All considerable honor to help produce beautiful music for our theocratic events. (Comente a ilustração na página 18.) (Comment on illustration on page 18.) Create with many determination to remain rich. A serpente prefigurava Jesus Cristo que é pregado numa estaca para nosso benefício eterno. The serpent foreshadows the impalement of Jesus Christ for our eternal benefit. " Although you never saw it, you alone. Imite a Jesus Imitate Jesus The key factor in our motives in the disciple - making work is love for God. Jeová tornou - se Pai da humanidade por nos dar a vida. By giving us life, Jehovah became Father to humankind. This great victory resulted from Jonathan's faith in God. - 1 Sam. Por meio disso saberão todos que sois meus discípulos, se tiverdes amor entre vós. " - João 13: 34, 35. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 34, 35. Thus, all could understand that such laws had a huge meaning. - Exodus 32: 15 - 19; 34: 1, 4, 29, 30. O próprio Jesus identificou João Batista como esse "Elias ." Jesus himself identified this "Elijah " as John the Baptizer. We can be sure of this: "Jehovah's day will come. " - 2 Peter 2: 5, 6; 3: 10. Paulo escreveu: "Que cada um persista em buscar, não a sua própria vantagem, mas a da outra pessoa. " Your wife must feel cherished. Paul wrote: "Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person. " Jesus did not tolerate such wickedness. • Como Salomão permitiu que se desenvolvesse na sua vida um padrão ruim? • How did Solomon allow a bad pattern to develop in his life? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. 2: 14 - 17; 1 João 3: 8. 2: 14 - 17; 1 John 3: 8. That is not so in the race for life. Dirija atenção à Palavra de Deus de um modo que cultive respeito por ela. Direct attention to God's Word in a way that creates respect for it. Other haughty rulers too were humiliated by Jehovah. O ministério é revigorante The Ministry Brings Refreshment For example, when the chairman of the United States ordered that in the 30th day of 1918, the magazine told the Bible to make the same effort. Todos consideram uma honra ajudar a produzir bela música para os nossos eventos teocráticos. All count it a privilege to share in providing beautiful music for our theocratic events. Furthermore, offerings that were not willingly made willingly and out of love had no value in Jehovah's eyes. Criou em muitos a determinação de ficar rico. It has nurtured in many a determination to be rich. The sheep, referred to "the righteous, " will receive" everlasting life " on earth, but the goats" depart into everlasting cutting - off, " or destruction. - Matt. " Embora nunca o tenhais visto, vós o amais. " Though you never saw him, you love him. Suppose a doctor recommends to you to avoid the contact with someone infected with a deadly disease. O fator - chave de nossa motivação na obra de fazer discípulos é o amor a Deus. Love for God is the key factor that motivates us to engage in the disciple - making work. The more we should pray for our spiritual brothers and sisters! Essa grande vitória foi resultado da fé de Jonatã em Deus. - 1 Sam. Thus, Jonathan's faith in God led to victory. - 1 Sam. In the second article, we will consider how we can show Jehovah how grateful we are for his people. Assim, todos podiam entender que tais leis tinham um enorme significado. - Êxodo 32: 15 - 19; 34: 1, 4, 29, 30. By then, all would understand that those laws had enormous significance. - Exodus 32: 15 - 19; 34: 1, 4, 29, 30. The joy we have in contributing to this beauty is only a foregleam of what we will experience in the future as we work on earth in a physical paradise. Podemos estar certos disso: "O dia de Jeová virá. " - 2 Pedro 2: 5, 6; 3: 10. Of this, we may be certain: "Jehovah's day will come. " - 2 Peter 2: 5, 6; 3: 10. Jehovah also knows the spiritual advancement that a Christian has done. Jesus não tolerou tal maldade. Nós também não devemos. Jesus did not tolerate such evils, and neither should we. By knowing the truth about God, many deaf people have experienced it, as it were, past seeing God's face. De modo que não são mais dois, mas uma só carne. So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Jehovah is the righteous person who is on the basis of his justice, and he gave laws to guide humans. Não é assim na corrida pela vida. That is not so in the race for life. To encourage us, therefore, freeness of speech in speaking the throne of undeserved kindness, we might find mercy and find undeserved kindness to help us at the right time. " - Hebrews 2: 17, 18; 14: 16 - 30. Outros governantes soberbos também foram humilhados por Jeová. Humiliation at Jehovah's hand also came to other haughty rulers. There is no doubt that these are fine privileges. Por exemplo, quando o presidente dos Estados Unidos ordenou que no dia 30 de maio de 1918 todos orassem pela paz, a revista A Sentinela disse para os Estudantes da Bíblia fazerem o mesmo. For example, when the president of the United States decreed that May 30, 1918, would be set aside as a day of prayer for peace, The Watch Tower urged the Bible Students to join in the observance. 17, 18. Além disso, as ofertas que não eram feitas de livre e espontânea vontade e por amor não tinham nenhum valor aos olhos de Jeová. In addition, offerings that were not made willingly and out of love had no value in Jehovah's eyes. When two people feel attracted to one another allow wrong desires to touch their treacherous heart, they may easily talk about matters that they should talk only with their mate. As ovelhas, classificadas de "justos ," receberão a" vida eterna " na Terra, mas os cabritos "partirão para o decepamento eterno ," ou destruição. - Mat. The sheep, described as "righteous ones, " will receive" everlasting life " on earth, but the goats "will depart into everlasting cutting - off, " or destruction. - Matt. Such examples do not mean that we should fail to pray to Jehovah regarding distressing matters. Suponha que um médico lhe recomendasse evitar o contato com alguém infectado com uma mortífera doença contagiosa. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. Helped to Cope With Trials and temptations Quanto mais devemos orar pelos nossos irmãos espirituais! How much more should we pray for our spiritual brothers and sisters! Provy of the flesh as fornication, idolatry, spiritism, jealousy, fits of anger and drunkenness. No segundo, vamos ver como podemos mostrar a Jeová que somos gratos por fazer parte do povo dele. In the second article, we will consider various ways that we can show appreciation for the privilege of belonging to Jehovah as his people. If you had a untrained car, would you let anyone enter into it? A alegria que temos em contribuir para essa beleza é apenas uma amostra do que sentiremos no futuro ao trabalhar na transformação da Terra num paraíso físico. The enjoyment we have now in working to enhance its beauty is but a foretaste of the joy we will have later in working to make the earth a physical paradise. So he tells us something that changes his life forever, something that simply puts his dreams for the future. Jeová sabe também o progresso espiritual que o cristão já fez. He also knows what spiritual progress they have already made. Why is it that you make me see what is hurtful and keep looking at just trouble? Por conhecerem com exatidão a verdade sobre Deus, muitos surdos têm, por assim dizer, passado a ver a face de Deus. By gaining accurate knowledge of the truth about God, many of the deaf have, in effect, come to see his face. An encouraging part of our ever - growing spiritual heritage is this promise: "" Any weapon that will have formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you. Jeová é a pessoa mais justa que existe. Com base na sua justiça ele deu leis para orientar os humanos. His perfect sense of justice emanates from his own being, and on that basis, he provided written laws for humans. 10: 11. Aproximemo - nos, portanto, com franqueza no falar, do trono de benignidade imerecida, para obtermos misericórdia e acharmos benignidade imerecida para ajuda no tempo certo. " - Hebreus 2: 17, 18; 4: 14 - 16; Mateus 9: 36; 11: 28 - 30. Let us, therefore, approach with freeness of speech to the throne of undeserved kindness, that we may obtain mercy and find undeserved kindness for help at the right time. " - Hebrews 2: 17, 18; 4: 14 - 16; Matthew 9: 36; 11: 28 - 30. For example, do you think of Christian brothers and sisters who choose to remain single for serving Jehovah "no distraction. " - 1 Cor. Não há dúvida de que esses são excelentes privilégios. These are fine privileges, to be sure! " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. " - PROV. 17, 18. 17, 18. About what have you prayed? Quando duas pessoas que sentem atração uma pela outra permitem que desejos errados criem raízes em seu coração traiçoeiro, elas podem acabar conversando sobre assuntos que deveriam falar apenas com o cônjuge. Once illicit desires take root in their treacherous hearts, two people who are attracted to each other may find themselves discussing matters that they should be sharing only with their spouse. (Read.) Esses exemplos não significam que devemos deixar de orar a Jeová a respeito de assuntos aflitivos. These examples do not mean that we should stop praying to Jehovah about distressing matters. James shows that one way to imitate Jehovah is "a mildness that belongs to wisdom. " Ajudados a superar provações e tentações Helped to Overcome Trials and Temptations The application of God's Counsel Safeguards Us Produz obras da carne como fornicação, idolatria, espiritismo, ciúme, acessos de ira e bebedeiras. It produces fleshly works, such as fornication, idolatry, spiritism, jealousy, fits of anger, and drunkenness. Hence, Saul was to wipe out that enemy along with all livestock. Se você tivesse um carro zero - quilômetro, deixaria qualquer um entrar nele? If you owned a brand - new car, would you allow just anyone inside? Jesus said that the end will come "at an hour that we do not believe it, " it is not hour for us to" weigh down and seek the waves and fantasies that Satan's world offers and desires that satisfy our desires. " Então, ele diz algo que muda a vida dela para sempre, algo que acaba com os sonhos dela para o futuro. Then he utters the words that change her life forever, shattering her dreams and hopes of a normal life. What qualities were needed for Noah and his family? Por que me fazes ver o que é prejudicial e continuas a olhar para a mera desgraça? Why is it that you make me see what is hurtful, and you keep looking upon mere trouble? This understanding comes only through study of God's Word, the Bible. Uma parte animadora de nossa sempre crescente herança espiritual é esta promessa: "" Nenhuma arma que se forjar contra ti será bem - sucedida, e condenarás toda e qualquer língua que se levantar contra ti em julgamento. A heartening part of our ever - increasing spiritual heritage is this promise: "" Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. Illustrate how we can maintain our integrity to Jehovah even under the most difficult trials. 10: 11. 10: 11. 22 Questions From Readers O caso dela nos faz pensar nos irmãos e irmãs que decidem continuar solteiros para servir mais a Jeová "sem distração ." O que acha de encorajar os solteiros que você conhece? - 1 Cor. Do not unmarried Christians who use their singleness to give greater attention to "the things of the Lord " also deserve commendation and encouragement? - 1 Cor. Before deciding what to do in a situation, a family head needs to take time to search for the Bible and the publications. " Confia em Jeová de todo o teu coração e não te estribes na tua própria compreensão. " - PRO. " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. " - PROV. (b) Of what two directions would the attack come? Sobre que assuntos oravam? Concerning what matters did they pray? Many experienced brothers have been careful about responsibilities in the congregation for years. (Leia.) (Read.) • What can family heads do to make sure that their family worship is refreshing? Tiago mostra que uma das maneiras de imitar a Jeová é ter "a brandura que pertence à sabedoria ." James shows that one way to be like Jehovah is to have "a mildness that belongs to wisdom. " In a wise way, then, Christian parents seek Jehovah's guidance to protect their children. A aplicação dos conselhos de Deus nos resguarda We are safeguarded by applying God's counsel Even so, what happened to Isaac as an illustration of the resurrection, as Paul explained: "In [Abraham] [Jesus]... received an illustrative] in an illustrative way. " Portanto, Saul devia exterminar essa nação inimiga junto com todo o gado. Saul therefore was to exterminate this enemy nation along with its livestock. In that same letter, he said: "Being to Mark and bring it to you, because he is useful to minister. " Jesus disse que o fim virá " numa hora que não imaginamos '. Por isso, não é hora de "cochilar " e buscar as ilusões e fantasias que o mundo de Satanás oferece e que satisfazem nossos desejos. Since Jesus said that the end will come "at an hour that [we] do not think to be it, " this is no time to doze off spiritually, no time to pursue the illusions and fantasies that Satan and his world offer and that our flesh craves. Make Advancement - How? Que qualidades foram necessárias para Noé e sua família? What qualities did Noah and his family need? Remember, adversities can cause you to draw closer and stronger. Esse entendimento vem apenas por meio do estudo da Palavra de Deus, a Bíblia. We gain that understanding only from a study of God's Word, the Bible. On one occasion, a pioneer in Ethiopia was driving a Bible study when he gets an angry student and said that no one needed the Bible study. Ilustre como podemos manter a integridade a Jeová mesmo sob as provações mais difíceis. Illustrate how we can maintain integrity to Jehovah under the most trialsome circumstances. Jehovah without fail fulfills his purposes. 22 Perguntas dos Leitores 22 Questions From Readers Sadly, though, God's people did not always show full confidence in Jehovah's reminders. Antes de decidir o que fazer numa situação, um chefe de família precisa tirar tempo para pesquisar a Bíblia e as publicações. Before determining a course of action, a family head ought to take the time to research the Scriptures and Christian publications, as well as to consider the opinions or views of others in his family. We show that we accept God's direction in our life by continuing to be faithful in his service and allowing his spirit to refine us. (b) De que duas direções viria o ataque? (b) From what two quarters would the attack come? After Job accepted the correction and changed his thinking, Jehovah made clear to others that he was proud of Job's loyal loyalty. - Job 42: 7, 8. Muitos irmãos experientes têm cuidado de responsabilidades na congregação há anos. Many mature brothers have shouldered congregation responsibilities for years. We are confident that Jehovah's promises will be fulfilled • O que os chefes de família podem fazer para se certificar de que sua adoração em família seja revigorante? • What can family heads do to make sure that their family worship brings refreshment? " They have fully found their reward, " said Jesus, and gave this instruction to his followers: "You, however, when you pray in your private room, and shut your door, pray that your Father is in secret; then he will repay you. " - Matthew 6: 5, 6. De maneira sábia, portanto, os pais cristãos buscam a orientação de Jeová para proteger os filhos. Wisely, then, Christian parents look to Jehovah for direction to protect their children. We also need to be on the day with the spiritual food available now to Jehovah's people, such as magazines, TV JW Broadcasting, and - Luke 12: 42. Mesmo assim, o que aconteceu com Isaque serviu como ilustração da ressurreição, conforme Paulo explicou: "Dali [Abraão]... recebeu [Isaque] também em sentido ilustrativo. " Still, Isaac's experience served as an illustration of the resurrection, as Paul explained: "From there he [Abraham] did receive him [Isaac] also in an illustrative way. " Thus, 1 Timothy 3: 4 states that the family head who is reaching out for privileges in the congregation must be a man who is " presiding over his own household in subjection with all the seriousness. ' Nessa mesma carta, ele disse: "Toma a Marcos e traze - o contigo, porque ele me é útil para ministrar. " In the same letter, Paul said: "Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering. " So build your share in the ministry and continue to make spiritual progress. Fazer progresso - como? Make Advancement - How? Thus, there is no reason for us to feel guilty rather than when we have given a little time to observe the birds of heaven and the "out of the field, " or to other activities that refresh us and enrich our life. Lembre - se: as adversidades podem fazer de você uma pessoa melhor e mais forte. Remember, adversity can refine and strengthen you. Paul's counsel is clear: The apostle Paul is not about to give attention to false stories! Em certa ocasião, uma pioneira na Etiópia estava dirigindo um estudo bíblico quando uma parenta da estudante entrou furiosa e disse que ninguém precisava daquele estudo. On one occasion Lula, a pioneer sister in Ethiopia, was conducting a Bible study when a relative of the student burst in and said that they need not have such a study. Perhaps you have realized that we are speaking of Job, the main character of the Bible book bearing his name. - Job chapters 1 and 2. Jeová sem falta cumpre seus propósitos. Jehovah unfailingly carries out his purposes. For instance, after many conversations with a workmate, a Christian woman may make his confidant, even reveals marital problems. Mas, infelizmente, o povo de Deus nem sempre mostrou plena confiança nas advertências de Jeová. Sadly, however, God's people did not always put their full trust in Jehovah's reminders. Jesus did not insult his accusers. - Rom. Mostramos que aceitamos as orientações de Deus em nossa vida por continuar fiéis em seu serviço e permitir que seu espírito nos refine. We show that we accept God's direction in our lives by faithfully enduring in his service and allowing his spirit to refine us. Then the Israelites observe the Festival of Booths, of seven days, with "very great rejoicing. " Depois que Jó aceitou a correção e mudou seu modo de pensar, Jeová deixou claro para outros que estava orgulhoso de Jó por ele ter sido tão leal. - Jó 42: 7, 8. After Job responded to God's reproof and corrected his view, Jehovah expressed to others his approval of Job's faithfulness under trial. - Job 42: 7, 8. August 8, 1997. Temos convicção de que as promessas de Jeová serão cumpridas [ Picture Credit Lines on page 13] Woman, far right: FAO photo / B. A person who loves you can discern his motives and make you aware that school can be useful to teach you so that you do not easily to give up a vital quality that you serve Jehovah fully. - Ps. " Eles já têm plenamente a sua recompensa ," disse Jesus, e deu a seguinte instrução aos seus seguidores: "Tu, porém, quando orares, entra no teu quarto particular, e, fechando a tua porta, ora a teu Pai que está em secreto; então o teu Pai, que olha em secreto, te pagará de volta. " - Mateus 6: 5, 6. " However, when you pray, " he instructed his followers, "go into your private room and, after shutting your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you. " - Matthew 6: 5, 6. We also learn that even living "in the midst of a rotten generation, " we must make clear to people that we are" irreprehensible and innocent " that we are" persecuting as illuminators in the world. " Precisamos também estar em dia com o alimento espiritual, que agora está disponível para o povo de Jeová de várias formas, como as revistas, a TV JW e o site - Luc. 12: 42. In addition, we want to make good use of the various means by which spiritual food is now made available to God's people worldwide. - Luke 12: 42. It may have been a lack of employment, pressures at school, a health problem, or a distressing situation. Assim, 1 Timóteo 3: 4 diz que o chefe de família que procura alcançar privilégios de serviço na congregação tem de ser um homem " que preside de maneira excelente à sua própria família, tendo os filhos em sujeição com toda a seriedade '. Thus, 1 Timothy 3: 4 says that if you are the head of a family and are reaching out for extra privileges in the congregation, you must be a man who is "presiding over his own household in a fine manner, having children in subjection with all seriousness. " " However, " says Eduardo's daughter, "when we refuse to sacrifice spiritual things for material things, some relatives may at first discern how our Christian life is important to us. Então aumente sua participação no ministério e continue progredindo espiritualmente. Then expand your ministry, and make steady spiritual progress. 24: 3. Portanto, não há motivo para nos sentir culpados se de vez em quando programamos algum tempo para " observar atentamente as aves do céu ' e os "lírios do campo ," ou para outras atividades que nos revigoram e enriquecem a nossa vida. There is, therefore, no reason to feel guilty when we once in a while schedule some time to "observe intently the birds of heaven " and" the lilies of the field " or to enjoy some other activities that refresh us and enrich our life. He even took the literature away from it. O conselho de Paulo é claro: não preste atenção a histórias falsas! Paul's counsel is clear: Do not pay attention to false stories! Let us consider the answer by carefully considering the history of Jehovah's true worshippers, as recorded in the Bible. Talvez já tenha percebido que estamos falando de Jó, o personagem principal do livro bíblico que leva seu nome. - Jó, capítulos 1 e 2. You probably recognize that the man was Job, a key figure in the Bible book bearing his name. - Job, chapters 1 and 2. In fact, the same verse continues: "In case I say: " Do not know this, ' will you not discern the one with hearts, and the one who takes note of your soul and will not repay the man according to earth according to its operation? " Por exemplo, depois de muitas conversas informais com um colega de trabalho, uma cristã talvez faça dele seu confidente, até mesmo revelando problemas conjugais. For example, after repeated casual conversations with a male coworker, a Christian sister might make him her confidant, even telling him about her marital problems. But did you breathe, eat, and sleep on their freedom? Jesus não insultou seus acusadores. - Rom. Jesus did not revile his accusers. - Rom. So why would the high priest allow a man to be of Tobiah's dining hall? Então, os israelitas celebraram a Festividade das Barracas, de sete dias, com "muitíssima alegria ." The Israelites then celebrated the seven - day Festival of Booths with "very great rejoicing. " The paulive Hebrew translates "be used " to be a broad meaning of English and often refers to reminders, laws, regulations, and regulations that God gives his people. de 8 de agosto de 1997. See also "Your Kidneys - A Filter for Life, " in the August 8, 1997, issue of Awake! How does friendship with Jehovah protect us from sexual immorality? Alguém que ama você pode discernir suas motivações e fazê - lo perceber que a escola pode ser útil para ensiná - lo a não desistir com facilidade - uma qualidade essencial se você quer servir a Jeová plenamente. - Sal. A person who loves you may discern your motives and help you to realize that school can help you to learn not to give up easily, a vital quality if you want to serve Jehovah fully. - Ps. A teenage expert in child realizes that as a teenager can be a challenge period of both parents and children, but it says: "A teenager is not a phase of " that included as soft or translated. ' Também aprendemos que, mesmo vivendo "no meio de uma geração pervertida e corrompida ," devemos deixar claro para as pessoas que somos" irrepreensíveis e inocentes " e que estamos "brilhando como iluminadores no mundo ." Even while living "in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, " we want people to see that we are" blameless and innocent,... shining as illuminators in the world. " Do you reject evil? Pode ter sido a falta de emprego, pressões na escola, um problema de saúde ou outra situação aflitiva. It could have been lack of employment, pressures at school, a health problem, or some other distressing circumstance. On what must we keep our eyes focused? " No entanto ," comenta Ana, filha de Eduardo, "quando nos recusamos a sacrificar coisas espirituais por coisas materiais, alguns parentes com o tempo podem perceber como nossa vida cristã é importante para nós. " Nevertheless, " notes Eduardo's daughter Anna, "when we refuse to sacrifice spiritual things for material advantage, some of our relatives may eventually realize how important our Christian life really is. There is a connection between the report that we send each month and our godly devotion. 24: 3. 24: 3. (Read 1 Samuel 30: 3, 6.) Ele até tirou as publicações dela. He even confiscated her study materials. Regardless of what others do, our faith must be strong enough to distract us from these "burning missiles. " Vejamos a resposta por analisar um pouco da história dos verdadeiros adoradores de Jeová, conforme registrada na Bíblia. Let us find the answer by reviewing some of the Scriptural history of Jehovah's true worshippers. How do you feel about the depth of Jehovah's love for us? De fato, o mesmo texto continua: "Caso digas: " Eis que não sabíamos disso ', não o discernirá aquele que avalia os corações, e não o saberá aquele que observa a tua alma e não pagará de volta ao homem terreno segundo a sua atuação? " In fact, the same passage continues: "In case you should say: " Look! We did not know of this, ' will not he himself that is making an estimate of hearts discern it, and he himself that is observing your soul know and certainly pay back to earthling man according to his activity? " 8, 9. (a) What motivated Jesus to feed thousands miraculously? Mas será que respirar, comer e dormir tirava a liberdade deles? Would they feel a loss of freedom for having to do these things? Moreover, it is not a charm, or a talisman, as if we might approach our eyes, opened it up on a page page and expecting an answer to appear before us. Assim, por que o sumo sacerdote permitiria que um homem como Tobias ocupasse um dos refeitórios do templo? So why would the high priest provide space in a temple dining hall for such a man as Tobiah? Consider the example of two sisters in Malawi. O substantivo hebraico traduzido "advertência " tem um significado mais amplo do que em português e muitas vezes se refere a lembretes, leis, mandamentos e regulamentos que Deus dá a seu povo. The Hebrew noun rendered "reminder " often refers to laws, commands, and regulations that God gives to his people. Jesus said: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " Como a amizade com Jeová nos protege contra a imoralidade sexual? How does friendship with Jehovah provide moral protection? Then consider how these scriptures were written and apply them in the line of time. Um especialista em desenvolvimento infantil reconhece que a adolescência pode ser um período desafiador tanto para os pais como para os filhos, mas diz: "A adolescência não é uma fase de " loucura ' ou " imaturidade '. While acknowledging that adolescence can be challenging for parents and teenagers alike, one expert on child development states: "Adolescence is not a period of being " crazy ' or " immature. ' What warnings do we have about spiritism? Você rejeita automaticamente o mal? Is it your automatic reaction to reject evil? These provisions include Christian meetings, family worship, and "gifts in men " - appointed shepherds by God to comfort us and support us in our fight against the challenges of life. Em que temos de focalizar os olhos? On what must we keep our eyes focused? Let us consider what we can learn from these two illustrations. Existe uma relação entre o relatório que enviamos todo mês e nossa devoção piedosa. The report we submit each month is connected with our godly devotion. However, she will be careful that she would not be ignored with the younger sister, the goal of helping her sister to see that our dress is on other people. (Leia 1 Samuel 30: 3, 6.) (Read 1 Samuel 30: 3, 6.) Do you think that there is some benefit in living by God's moral standards? " Independentemente do que outros façam, nossa fé tem de ser forte o suficiente para nos desviar desses "projéteis ardentes ." Regardless of what others do, we must have faith that is strong enough to turn aside these "burning missiles. " As you have already observed, not all of them have enabled them to respond accountable. Because it relates to some very significant aspects of your life. Read John 1: 14. Como você se sente por saber que Jeová nos ama muito? What does Jehovah's love mean to you? Reflecting on this may move a brother to strive to overcome negative feelings. 8, 9. (a) O que motivou Jesus a alimentar milagrosamente milhares de pessoas? 8, 9. (a) What led to Jesus ' miracle of feeding thousands of people? What can they do to avoid falling into the traps of the enemy? Além disso, ela não é um amuleto, ou um talismã - como se pudéssemos fechar os olhos, abri - la numa página qualquer e esperar uma resposta aparecer diante de nós. Neither is it a charm, or a talisman - as if we could shut our eyes, let our Bible fall open at random, and then expect the answer to our question to appear on the page before us. What can we learn from the good examples of spiritual people? Veja o exemplo de duas de nossas irmãs no Malaui. Consider the example of two of our sisters in Malawi. Perhaps only in that time you see that they are not ready for the Bridegroom's arrival. Jesus disse: "Aquele que tiver perseverado até o fim é o que será salvo. " Jesus said: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " Each year, the 60 million subjects of the Roman Empire have been a Jew. Daí, veja quando esses textos foram escritos e os coloque em ordem na linha do tempo. In Micah's day, what was the situation in Israel? Que alertas temos publicado sobre o espiritismo? What warnings have we published regarding spiritism? 11: 8 - 11. Essas provisões incluem as reuniões cristãs, adoração em família e "dádivas em homens " - pastores designados por Deus para nos consolar e apoiar na nossa luta contra os desafios da vida. These provisions include Christian meetings, family worship, and "gifts in men " - shepherds appointed by God to comfort and support us as we struggle with life's challenges. His followers imitate this example when they present themselves for baptism. Vejamos o que podemos aprender dessas duas ilustrações. Let us see what we can learn from these two illustrations. 5: 1. Mas ela vai tomar cuidado para não ser grossa com a irmã mais jovem. O objetivo dela é ajudar a irmã a ver que nosso modo de vestir afeta outras pessoas. She will not scold the sister about her choice of clothing, but she may be able to encourage the younger one to consider how her choice of clothing may affect others. What "gifts may be offered, and what will help us to decide whether we accept it? Acha que há algum benefício em viver de acordo com os padrões de moral de Deus? " Do you think that there is any benefit from living according to God's moral standards? " Regarding that time, she says: "We are looking at a little, and every day we had to walk for the rest of our fellow worker. " Como você já deve ter percebido, nem todos que têm habilitação para dirigir são motoristas responsáveis. As you've probably noticed, not all who have a license are responsible drivers. When I was 18, I was in divided, I was not afraid to take advantage of a number of opportunities to make a full - time job or to pioneer. Leia João 1: 14. Read John 1: 14. Why does Bible study help us to develop self - control? Refletir sobre isso pode mover um irmão a se esforçar em vencer sentimentos negativos. Reflecting on such points may move a brother to put forth effort to overcome negative feelings. How did he react? O que eles podem fazer para não cair nas armadilhas do inimigo? What, specifically, can they do to stand firm against the Devil? * O que aprendemos dos bons exemplos de pessoas espirituais? What can we learn from exemplary spiritual people? David has always survived because Jehovah protected him. - 1 Samuel 18: 6 - 12, 25; 19: 10, 11. Talvez somente nesse momento percebam que não estão preparados para a chegada do Noivo. It may be only at that point that they realize that they are not ready for the arrival of the Bridegroom. He even restores the youth of loyal ones so that they can benefit from their care forever. - Job 33: 25; read Hebrews 6: 10. Estima - se que, dos 60 milhões de súditos do Império Romano, cerca de 1 em cada 14 era judeu. It has been estimated that of the 60,000,000 people in the Roman Empire, about 1 in 14 was Jewish. Speak! Nos dias de Miqueias, qual era a situação em Israel? In Micah's day, what were conditions like in Israel? As was true of the Israelites, the temptations we face are common to human experience. 11: 8 - 11. 11: 8 - 11. Construction Kingdom Halls, Bethel service, and the missionary field service are other opportunities available to you. Os seus seguidores imitam esse exemplo quando se apresentam para o batismo. His followers imitate his example when they offer themselves for baptism. But you will benefit more fully if your goal is to learn the truth about God. 5: 1. 5: 1. So let us be determined to give him our best. Que "dádivas " talvez nos sejam oferecidas, e o que nos ajudará a decidir se as aceitaremos? What "gifts " might be offered to us, and what will help us to decide whether to accept them? Yet, if such requirements are not also met by the elders, these are not qualified to serve. Sobre esse tempo, ela diz: "Ficamos num hotel pequeno, e todo dia tínhamos de andar por ruas alagadas para chegar ao canteiro de obras. " She says: "We stayed in a small hotel, and every day we walked through flooded streets to the work site. " Travelers - flowers, animals, ships, and wild trees - were made by Jehovah. Aos 18 anos, eu estava dividido. Não sabia se devia aproveitar uma das várias oportunidades para fazer faculdade, se devia ter um emprego por tempo integral ou se devia ser pioneiro. At 18 years of age, I struggled with making a decision between offers for university training, a full - time secular career, and pioneering. Those who do so for selfish reasons and who were subject to a test, would come back against God. Por que estudar a Bíblia nos ajuda a ter mais autodomínio? How can Bible study help you and your family to cultivate self - control? Mario says: "I began to think deeply about my future, and I returned to Bible reading. Como ele reagiu? How did Jesus react? Can you imagine Abraham's pain as he preparing for his son? * * " Later, when visiting their homes on the other street, I saw that family sitting moving down in running the house - to - house wall. Davi sempre sobreviveu porque Jeová o protegia. - 1 Samuel 18: 6 - 12, 25; 19: 10, 11. David survived on each occasion because Jehovah was with him. - 1 Samuel 18: 6 - 12, 25; 19: 10, 11. Jesus assured him: "Have no matters out of faith, and it will be saved. " Ele até mesmo restaurará a juventude dos leais, para que possam se beneficiar para sempre de seus cuidados. - Jó 33: 25; leia Hebreus 6: 10. He will even restore his loyal ones to their youth so that they can benefit from his care forever. - Job 33: 25; read Hebrews 6: 10. Then the high priest Caiaphas began to plan for Jesus ' death. - John 11: 49 - 53; 18: 14. Fale! Speak! And there is seen there the Nephilim, the sons of Hannah, who are the Nephilim; so that we are in our own eyes like locusts. " Como no caso dos israelitas, as tentações que nós enfrentamos são comuns à experiência humana. As in the case of the Israelites, the temptations that we face are common to human experience. Often, congregation members have an abundance of Bible literature and in some languages, such as the Watch Tower Publications Index and the Watchtower Library (CD - ROM). Construção de Salões do Reino, serviço de Betel e o campo missionário são outras oportunidades que estão disponíveis para muitos de vocês. Kingdom Hall construction, Bethel service, and the missionary field are other opportunities that may open up to many of you. Interestingly, the apostle Paul was inspired to apply Psalm 112: 9 in connection with first - century Christians. Mas você tirará mais proveito se seu objetivo for aprender a verdade sobre Deus. You will benefit most, though, if your aim is to learn the truth about God. 4: 5, 6. Então, que estejamos decididos a dar a ele o nosso melhor. By all means, then, let us give our very best to him. As a result, a husband may examine the beliefs of his Christian wife and thus turn to the truth. Todavia, se tais requisitos não forem também preenchidos pelos anciãos, estes não estão habilitados a servir. Yet, if such requirements were not also met by elders, they would not be qualified to serve. Strive to be faithful, regardless of your circumstances. Árvores, flores, animais, oceanos, montanhas e cachoeiras - tudo foi feito por Jeová. The trees, the flowers, the animals, the oceans, the mountains, and the waterfalls - Jehovah has made them all. Jesus himself had left the example, for soon after his baptism, he began preaching "the kingdom of the heavens. " Insinuou que elas fazem isso por razões egoístas e que, se fossem submetidas a uma prova, se voltariam contra Deus. Satan implied that they were doing so for selfish reasons and that put to the test they would turn against God. This means that the first resurrection must have begun in some time in the presence of Christ, and it continues "during his presence. " Mário diz: "Comecei a pensar muito no meu futuro e voltei a ler a Bíblia. " I began to think deeply about my future and to read the Bible again, " says Mario. The answer to the first question is obvious from human viewpoint. Pode imaginar a dor de Abraão à medida que ele se preparava para oferecer seu filho? Can you begin to imagine Abraham's pain as he prepared to offer up his son? 25: 6. " Mais tarde, ao visitar as casas do outro lado da rua, vi aquela família sentada nos degraus da escada em frente da casa. " Later, while calling on homes across the street, I saw the family sitting on their front steps. We learn that as dedicated servants of Jehovah, we must be willing to make sacrifices. Jesus lhe garantiu: "Não temas, apenas exerce fé, e ela será salva. " Jesus reassured Jairus: "Have no fear, only put forth faith, and she will be saved. " Christian youths who belong to God - fearing families should realize that they cannot live by their parents. Então, o sumo sacerdote Caifás começou a planejar a morte de Jesus. - João 11: 49 - 53; 18: 14. Thus, High Priest Caiaphas took the lead in plotting Jesus ' death. - John 11: 49 - 53; 18: 14. Why should a person seek Scriptural counsel about singleness and marriage? E vimos ali os nefilins, os filhos de Anaque, que são dos nefilins; de modo que ficamos aos nossos próprios olhos como gafanhotos. " " There we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who are from the Nephilim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers. " We should not be like Eve and seek to fill our own desires. Em geral, os membros de congregação têm uma fartura de publicações bíblicas e, em alguns idiomas, instrumentos como o Índice das Publicações da Torre de Vigia e a Watchtower Library (Biblioteca da Torre de Vigia) em CD - ROM. Those in the congregation may have Bible - based literature in abundance, and in some languages such tools as the Watch Tower Publications Index and Watchtower Library on CD - ROM are available. Before long, they began to talk to others about what they were learning. Curiosamente, o apóstolo Paulo foi inspirado a aplicar o Salmo 112: 9 em relação com os cristãos no primeiro século. Interestingly, the apostle Paul was inspired to apply Psalm 112: 9 in connection with Christians in the first century. The king of Assyria, Sennacherib, taunted Jehovah, and tried to do Hezekiah. 4: 5, 6. 4: 5, 6. If humans deserve to be commended, we have even more reason to commend or praise our God, Jehovah! When we see the marvelous things he created, we feel that he will be able to praise him for his great power. Em resultado disso, o marido talvez examine as crenças de sua esposa cristã e acabe aceitando a verdade. As a result, the husband may look into the beliefs of his Christian wife and eventually accept the truth himself. Names have been changed. Esforce - se em ser fiel, sejam quais forem as suas circunstâncias. Strive to be faithful whatever your circumstances are. Today, over 7,000,000 active Kingdom proclaimers in over 100,000 congregations in the world, there is still the need for men to take the lead in spiritual matters. O próprio Jesus tinha deixado o exemplo, pois, logo após seu batismo, começou a pregar sobre "o reino dos céus ." Jesus himself had set the example for them, for soon after his baptism, he began preaching about "the Kingdom of the heavens. " Table of Contents Isso significa que a primeira ressurreição deve ter começado em algum tempo no início da presença de Cristo, e continua "durante a sua presença ." This means that the first resurrection must have begun early in Christ's presence, and it continues "during his presence. " Two brothers present a tract to a magnetal driver in front of tobacco, U.S.A., on the 22th century C.A. A resposta à primeira pergunta é óbvia do ponto de vista humano. The answer to the first question is obvious from a human standpoint. (Read Matthew 5: 43 - 48. 25: 6. 25: 6. When they met the apostles, they told what had happened. Aprendemos que, como servos dedicados de Jeová, devemos estar dispostos a fazer sacrifícios. We learned that as dedicated servants of Jehovah, we should be willing to make sacrifices. Perhaps you are learning signs and attend meetings in a sign - language congregation. Cristãos jovens que pertencem a famílias tementes a Deus devem compreender que não podem viver da fé que seus pais têm. Young Christians who belong to God - fearing families must realize that they cannot live off the faith of their parents. Should the sister also cover up the head of these occasions? Por que a pessoa deve procurar conselhos bíblicos sobre o estado de solteiro e o casamento? Why should a person search out Bible counsel on singleness and marriage? Forgive One freely Não devemos ser como Eva e procurar satisfazer nossos próprios desejos. We must not be like Eve and seek to satisfy our own desires. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 10 - 19 Não demorou muito e elas começaram a falar com os outros alunos sobre o que estavam aprendendo. Before long, the two girls shared with their classmates what they were learning. How does Jehovah's readiness affect you? O rei da Assíria, Senaqueribe, zombou de Jeová e tentou fazer Ezequias se render. However, in prayer Hezekiah expressed full trust in Jehovah's saving power. Because of that sacrifice, all who sincerely repent of their sins and who become genuine followers of Christ can enjoy a clean standing before Jehovah God. Se humanos merecem ser elogiados, temos ainda mais motivos para elogiar, ou louvar, nosso Deus, Jeová! Quando vemos as coisas maravilhosas que ele criou, sentimos vontade de louvá - lo por seu grande poder. We can praise him because of his immense power, as seen in the wonders of his creation, or because of his warm dealings with humankind, as evidenced by his provision of the ransom sacrifice of his own Son. How forcefully those who seek God's mercy should be merciful! Os nomes foram mudados. Names have been changed. Nevertheless, the Bible identifies this force as being God's holy spirit, the most powerful force in the universe. Hoje, com mais de 7 milhões de ativos proclamadores do Reino em mais de 100 mil congregações no mundo, ainda há a necessidade de homens para tomar a dianteira em assuntos espirituais. With more than seven million active Kingdom proclaimers in over 100,000 congregations worldwide today, there continues to be a need for men to take the lead in spiritual matters. How Would You Answer? Sumário Table of Contents How can we act in harmony with Jesus ' prayer recorded at John 17: 15? Dois irmãos apresentando um folheto para um pintor em frente ao forte Kastilac, construído no século 16, perto da cidade de Split. Two brothers offer a tract to a painter on the bridge in front of Kaštilac, a fortress built in the 16th century, near the city of Split It is not possible to undo what has happened. (Leia Mateus 5: 43 - 48.) (Read Matthew 5: 43 - 48.) And how can we remain modest in similar situations? Quando encontraram os apóstolos, contaram o que tinha acontecido. Finding the apostles, they related their experience to them. Jesus showed confidence that if his disciples did these things, "the world [Jehovah] sent him out. " - Read John 17: 15 - 21. Talvez você esteja aprendendo sinais e assiste às reuniões numa congregação de língua de sinais. Perhaps you are learning sign language and attend a sign - language congregation. If you are young, remember that becoming mature calls for effort. Será que a irmã que interpreta também deve cobrir a cabeça nessas ocasiões? Should a sister who is a sign - language interpreter on such occasions also wear a head covering? It is important, but it is only part of integrity. Perdoem uns aos outros liberalmente Forgive One Another Freely Surely we want to be like God's servants of old and present them to see clearly how Jehovah supports his people. ARTIGOS DE ESTUDO 1 E 2 PÁGINAS 10 - 19 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 10 - 19 What tools have been used to spread the Kingdom message? Como a prontidão de Jeová afeta você? How does Jehovah's attentiveness affect you? As long as we are imperfect and live in this system of things, sickness will continue to be a reality. Por causa desse sacrifício, hoje todos os sinceramente arrependidos de seus pecados e que se tornam genuínos seguidores de Cristo podem usufruir uma posição limpa perante Jeová Deus. Because of that sacrifice, today all who sincerely repent of their sins and become genuine followers of Christ can enjoy a clean standing before Jehovah God. Teaching the generation by Come Essas palavras mostram enfaticamente que aqueles que buscam a misericórdia de Deus devem eles mesmos ser misericordiosos. How forcefully these words show that those seeking God's mercy should themselves be merciful! How Would You Answer? Não obstante, a Bíblia identifica essa força como sendo o espírito santo de Deus, a mais poderosa força do Universo. However, the Bible has identified it as God's holy spirit, the most powerful force in the universe. We know that Romans 8: 1 speaks of those who "keep in union with Christ Jesus. " Como responderia? How Would You Answer? That is how we act with the sound of mind, imitate Jehovah's thinking. Como podemos agir em harmonia com a oração de Jesus registrada em João 17: 15? How can we act in harmony with Jesus ' prayer recorded at John 17: 15? God's Word shows that we can find it in Jehovah's name. Não é possível desfazer o que já aconteceu. What has happened cannot be undone. Many have lost their lives. E como podemos continuar modestos em situações assim? And how can we cultivate this desirable quality, so that we remain modest even under pressure? (Read James 3: 9, 10.) Jesus mostrou confiança de que, se seus discípulos fizessem essas coisas, " o mundo acreditaria que [Jeová] o enviou '. - Leia João 17: 15 - 21. By giving attention to these things, Jesus expresses optimism "that the world may believe that you sent me forth. " - Read John 17: 15 - 21. and "What, indeed, would the man give in exchange for his soul? " Se você é jovem, lembre - se de que se tornar maduro exige esforço. If you are a young person, bear in mind that becoming mature requires effort. Each group of angels became responsible for caring for a territory. Essa qualidade é importante, mas é apenas parte da integridade. That quality is important, but it is only a part of integrity. They had no blame for having no opportunity to work all day long. Nós com certeza queremos ser como os servos de Deus do passado e do presente que viram e veem claramente Jeová apoiando seu povo. Surely we want to be like those past and present who have clearly seen Jehovah supporting his people. Safe Jehovah With Humility que ferramentas foram usadas para divulgar a mensagem do Reino? what tools have been used effectively to spread the Kingdom message? Let us consider these: (1) Jehovah requires hypocritical worship; (2) God loyally loves his people; (3) we need constant hope in Jehovah's ways; (4) the ways of Jehovah are always upright and sinners. Enquanto formos imperfeitos e vivermos neste sistema, as doenças continuarão sendo uma realidade. As long as the present system of things remains and we are imperfect, sickness is a fact that we must face. Marilyn's decision to return home caused different reactions. Ensinar a geração por vir Teaching the Generation to Come How to take refuge Today Qual é sua resposta? What Is Your Reply? However, it is unrealistic to satisfy all our material needs only with material possessions. Sabemos disso porque Romanos 8: 1 fala dos que "estão em união com Cristo Jesus ." And the opening verse in that chapter refers to "those in union with Christ Jesus. " The burning desire to help people come to know God is a reflection of Jehovah's zeal. É assim que agimos com bom juízo, imitando o modo de pensar de Jeová. That is using the spirit of a sound mind - imitating Jehovah's mind. STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 20 - 24 A Palavra de Deus mostra que podemos encontrá - lo no nome de Jeová. God's Word explains that we can take refuge in the name of Jehovah. How can we avoid falling into this use? Muitos perderam também a vida. Many also lost their lives. [ Picture on page 25] (Leia Tiago 3: 9, 10.) (Read James 3: 9, 10.) What danger exists in wholesome entertainment? e "O que, realmente, daria o homem em troca de sua alma? " and, "What, really, would a man give in exchange for his soul? " But once the Devil told him to turn stones into loaves of bread, Jesus was hungry, but he refused to do so. Cada grupo de anjos ficou responsável por cuidar de um território. The chariots and their riders are sent out to care for specific territories. Abraham was patient and willing to wait because he had strong faith in Jehovah. Eles não tinham culpa de não terem tido a oportunidade de trabalhar o dia inteiro. It was not their fault that they were not allowed to work the entire day. Husbands, can similar comments be made about you? Dirija - se a Jeová com humildade Approach Jehovah With Humility The unleavened bread does not represent Jesus ' sin, and the red wine represents the blood he poured out. Vamos considerar os seguintes: (1) Jeová requer adoração sem hipocrisia; (2) Deus ama lealmente seu povo; (3) precisamos ter constante esperança em Jeová; (4) os caminhos de Jeová são sempre retos e (5) os pecadores podem voltar para Jeová. We will consider these: (1) Jehovah requires unhypocritical worship, (2) God shows his people loyal love, (3) we need to hope in Jehovah constantly, (4) Jehovah's ways are always upright, and (5) sinners can return to Jehovah. So ask yourself, " Am I obeying Jehovah in my activities of daily life - even in seemingly personal matters? ' A decisão de Mariane de voltar para casa provocou diferentes reações. Marilyn's decision to return home met with mixed reactions. To remain united and secure within God's flock, we must listen to " the word behind us ' by saying our way. Como refugiar - se hoje Taking Refuge Today In the near future, faithful men and women will turn the earth into a paradise and will help millions of resurrected ones to learn about Jehovah's purposes. Mas não é realístico tentar satisfazer todas as nossas necessidades apenas com bens materiais. Yet, trying to satisfy all our needs solely with material things is unrealistic. 10, 11. O desejo ardente de ajudar pessoas a conhecerem a Deus é um reflexo do zelo de Jeová. Our burning desire to help people get to know God is a reflection of Jehovah's zeal. Similarly, we keep striving to improve as Christians by following Jesus ' instructions and imitating his perfect example. ARTIGO DE ESTUDO 3 PÁGINAS 20 - 24 STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 20 - 24 These two articles will help us to understand what it means to be baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " Como evitar o mau uso dessa capacidade? What should we do to prevent it from harming us? They found their head to eat, but David would drown in the eyes of heaven. [ Foto na página 25] [ Picture on page 25] Or you might feel that those promises are too good to be true. Que perigo existe em se divertir? Regarding recreation and entertainment, what caution is in order? When seeking the answer, it is good to remember that there are basically two entertainment. Mas, certa vez, o Diabo disse para ele transformar pedras em pães. Jesus estava com fome, mas se recusou a fazer isso. Yet, he refused to turn stones into bread when he was hungry and was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness. Again I will rejoice: Rejoice! " Abraão era paciente e estava disposto a esperar porque ele tinha forte fé em Jeová. Abraham was willing to wait, because his patience was based on his faith in Jehovah. He gave his people laws that would rule over their daily lives and even more important, their worship. Maridos, será que comentários similares podem ser feitos a respeito de vocês? Husbands, could similar comments be made about you? The Greek word translated "the peaceable, " at Matthew 5: 9, literally means" peacemakers. " O pão não fermentado representa o corpo sem pecado de Jesus, e o vinho tinto simboliza o sangue que ele derramou. The bread represents the sinless body of Jesus offered in sacrifice, and the wine pictures his shed blood. • What have you learned from the examples of Moses and Esau about walking by faith and not by sight? Assim, pergunte - se: " Estou obedecendo a Jeová nas minhas atividades do dia - a - dia, mesmo em assuntos aparentemente pessoais? ' Accordingly, we can ask ourselves, " Am I obeying Jehovah in my day - to - day activities, even in seemingly private matters? ' Yes, those who remove all their heart's hypocrisy are happier and have the prospect of true happiness in the future. Para permanecermos unidos e seguros dentro do rebanho de Deus, precisamos ouvir a " palavra atrás de nós ' nos dizendo o caminho a seguir. In order to remain united and safe within the flock of God, we need to listen to " a word behind us, ' telling us which way to go. He was "all things to everyone. " No futuro próximo, homens e mulheres fiéis transformarão a Terra num paraíso e ajudarão milhões de ressuscitados a aprender sobre os propósitos de Jeová. In the near future, godly men and women will transform the earth into a paradise and help millions of resurrected ones to learn about Jehovah's purposes. You could see them and touch them, but one of them would certainly be pursuing an unhealthy illusion - one that would lead only to disaster. - Ps. 10, 11. 10, 11. And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: " She has fallen! De modo similar, continuamos a nos esforçar em melhorar como cristãos por seguir as instruções de Jesus e imitar seu exemplo perfeito. Similarly, we keep on striving to improve as Christians by following Jesus ' instructions and imitating his perfect example. 5: 22, 23. Esses dois artigos nos ajudarão a entender o que significa ser batizado " em nome do Pai, do Filho e do espírito santo '. These two articles will help us to understand the significance of being baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " So a priest exalted by Jehovah represents sinful people with him by means of prescribed offerings, pleading God for them. Elas baixavam a cabeça para comer, mas Davi erguia os olhos para o céu. The sheep lowered their heads to graze, but he raised his eyes to the heavens. 3 A surprise for Japan Ou então achar que essas promessas são boas demais para ser verdade. The fulfillment of these promises may seem too far off in the future or too good to be true. (See paragraphs 10, 11) Ao procurar a resposta, é bom lembrar - se de que existem basicamente duas categorias de entretenimento. As you seek the answer, it is useful to keep in mind that there are basically two categories of entertainment. Some of God's people who were attacked by demons took refuge in Jehovah by calling on his name in loud voice. Mais uma vez direi: Alegrai - vos! " Once more I will say, Rejoice! " 9, 10. (a) What is needed in order to become stronger? Ele deu a seu povo leis que governariam sua vida diária e, mais importante ainda, sua adoração. He provided his people with laws that governed their social order and, more important, their worship. 4: 3. O termo grego traduzido "os pacíficos ," em Mateus 5: 9, significa literalmente" pacificadores ." The Greek term rendered "peaceable " at Matthew 5: 9 literally means" peacemakers. " Because he views blood as a equivalent to life. • O que você aprendeu dos exemplos de Moisés e de Esaú no que diz respeito a andar pela fé e não pela vista? • What did you learn from the examples of Moses and Esau about walking by faith, not by sight? (b) What are you determined to do to keep holy? Sim, os que removem toda hipocrisia de seu coração são mais felizes e têm a perspectiva de verdadeira felicidade no futuro. Yes, those who rid their heart of hypocrisy are happier, and they put themselves in line to enjoy perfect happiness in the future. 2, 3. (a) What powerful force did Jehovah use for countless ages? Ele era "todas as coisas para com todos ." He was "all things to everyone. " They had unshakable Faith Você poderia vê - los e tocar neles, mas, caso adorasse um deles, certamente estaria indo atrás de uma irrealidade - uma ilusão que só levaria ao desastre. - Sal. You might be able to see them and touch them, but if you were to worship one, you would, indeed, be pursuing an unreality - an empty illusion that would bring only disaster. - Ps. Jeremiah rejoiced in the privilege of representing the true God and preaching his word. E ele clamou com forte voz, dizendo: " Caiu! And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: " She has fallen! When a Bible student begins to make changes in his life, he may face a real challenge in what he says about close friendships. 5: 22, 23. 5: 22, 23. Why did one older brother feel that he should stop serving as an elder, but how did the body of elders encourage the elders? Portanto, um sacerdote nomeado por Jeová representa pessoas pecaminosas perante Ele por meio de ofertas prescritas, intercedendo a Deus por elas. So a priest appointed by Jehovah represents sinful people before God by means of prescribed offerings, pleading with Him on their behalf. What two gifts can be discussed, and what is the greatest of them? 3 Uma surpresa para o Japão 3 A Surprise Gift for Japan SONGS: 22, 40 (Veja os parágrafos 10 e 11.) (See paragraphs 10, 11) What do those words imply? Alguns do povo de Deus que foram atacados por demônios se refugiaram em Jeová por invocar o Seu nome em voz alta. Some of God's people who have been attacked by demons have found refuge in Jehovah by calling his name out loud. However, such an attitude will not help you to show your interest in the truth. 9, 10. (a) O que é preciso para uma amizade ficar mais forte? 9, 10. (a) What is needed for a friendship to become stronger? All fellow believers are certainly worthy of honor and respect, especially the elders, who take the lead. 4: 3. 4: 3. Let us see how rare it is, especially in our day. Porque ele encara o sangue como equivalente à vida. He essentially views blood as equivalent to life. How does being content with what we have and appreciation for spiritual food protect us? (b) O que você está decidido a fazer para se manter santo? (b) What are you determined to do when it comes to proving yourself holy? " The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ be with the spirit you show. " - PHIL. 2, 3. (a) Que força poderosa Jeová usou há incontáveis eras? 2, 3. (a) What powerful force did Jehovah use aeons ago? Though we preach the good news to Jesus ' neighbor, as followers of us are "no part of the world. " Eles tinham fé inabalável They Had Abiding Faith What did she do? Jeremias se alegrava com o privilégio de representar o verdadeiro Deus e de pregar a Sua palavra. Jeremiah rejoiced in his privilege of representing the true God and preaching his word. Haman convinces Ahasuerus and has been able to do with the king in an decree designed to fulfill the massacre of the massacre. Quando um estudante da Bíblia começa a fazer mudanças na vida, talvez enfrente um real desafio no que diz respeito a amizades. When a Bible student begins to make changes in his lifestyle, he may face a real challenge regarding friendships. Note, too, that Jesus ' words are not limited to friends or spiritual brothers. Por que certo irmão idoso achou que deveria deixar de servir como ancião, mas de que modo o corpo de anciãos o encorajou? Why did one older brother think that he should stop serving as an elder, but how did the body of elders encourage him? Why is forgiveness important for the congregation? Que duas dádivas podem ser analisadas, e qual é a maior delas? What two gifts might be considered, and which is the greater? Since music comes to an honorable place in our worship, we do well to ask ourselves: " Do I show proper appreciation for it? CÂNTICOS: 22, 40 SONGS TO BE USED: 22, 40 Upon observing that he is getting it, he entered a Web site that struck the price of a product that he wants to buy. O que significam essas palavras? How are we to understand these words? Similarly, in the illustration of the ten virgins, Jesus was not indicating that half his anointed followers would be like the foolish virgins. Mas esse tipo de atitude não vai ajudá - lo a se interessar pela verdade. Would you improve the situation by arguing about his behavior? ▪ Train Your Teenager to Serve Jehovah Todos os irmãos com certeza merecem honra e respeito, em especial os anciãos, que tomam a liderança. Those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect. This is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead. When we preach these good news with zeal, we show that we truly appreciate Jehovah's beautiful quality - his undeserved kindness. A CASTIDADE é algo raro, especialmente em nossos dias. That is particularly true in our time. Saul must have thought: " I must do something - quickly and! ' De que modo estar contente com o que temos e o apreço pelo alimento espiritual nos protegem? How do contentment and appreciation for spiritual food protect us? Because he had strong faith, Enoch must have created a mental image of a world free of ungodliness. - Read Hebrews 11: 5, 6. " A benignidade imerecida do Senhor Jesus Cristo seja com o espírito que vós mostrais. " - FIL. " The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ be with the spirit you show. " - PHIL. When Jehovah asked Saul to anoint Saul, the prophet obeyed willingly and for love, not mere duty. Embora preguemos as boas novas ao próximo, como seguidores de Jesus nós " não fazemos parte do mundo '. Although we preach the good news to our neighbors, as Jesus ' followers we are "no part of the world. " Our love for God will move us to speak to people about the Messianic Kingdom of his dear Son, who will " ride in the cause of truth ' at Armageddon. O que ela fez? What did she do? She was given offerings of advanced studies and positions of covetousness at the dance at all the United States. Hamã convence Assuero e consegue fazer com que o rei emita um decreto para a realização do massacre. Haman persuades Ahasuerus to agree with him and succeeds in getting the king to issue a decree to accomplish this massacre. " I knew that this movie was given favorable; yet, you also know that it contains the scene of immorality and violence. Observe também que as palavras de Jesus não se limitam a amigos ou a irmãos espirituais. Notice, too, that Jesus did not restrict his words to friends and brothers. So let us "keep on every sort of covetousness, " or greed. Por que perdoar é importante para a congregação? How does proving ourselves to be peacemakers promote unity? But what did Paul mean when he urged us to "put off every weight "? Visto que a música ocupa um lugar honroso na nossa adoração, é bom nos perguntar: " Mostro o devido apreço por ela? Since music has an honorable place in our worship, we do well to ask ourselves: " Do I show proper appreciation for it? Only Jehovah and Jesus can do so. Aproveitando que está on - line, ele acessa um site para ver se abaixou o preço de um produto que ele quer comprar. While he is online, he goes to a Web site to see if the price has gone down on an item he wants to purchase. 12: 9. De modo similar, na ilustração das dez virgens, Jesus não estava indicando que metade de seus seguidores ungidos seria como as cinco virgens tolas. Similarly, in the illustration of the ten virgins, Jesus was not indicating that half of his anointed followers would be like the five foolish virgins. One day it is knowing that the cure was found! ▪ Ajude seu filho pequeno a servir a Jeová ▪ Train Your Child to Serve Jehovah Thus, Adam misuses his free will, and this is because of mankind's suffering. Quando pregamos essas boas novas com zelo, mostramos que realmente damos valor a esta bela qualidade de Jeová: sua bondade imerecida! When we zealously preach this good news to others, we truly glorify Jehovah's undeserved kindness! We know that the purpose of that question is to determine what concerns a person and then direct the discussion to the Bible. Saul deve ter pensado: " Eu tenho que fazer alguma coisa - e rápido! ' He must have thought, " I have to do something - and quickly. ' Or they may be determined not to marry, or as married couples who have no goal in order to make themselves available to serve in a full - time service, such as if possible. Visto que tinha forte fé, Enoque deve ter criado uma imagem mental de um mundo livre da impiedade. - Leia Hebreus 11: 5, 6. As a man who exercised faith, Enoch could have formed a mental picture of a world free of ungodliness. - Read Hebrews 11: 5, 6. Why is Peter's example encouraging? Quando Jeová pediu que ele ungisse Saul, o profeta obedeceu com boa disposição e por amor, não por mera obrigação. When Jehovah told him to anoint Saul, the prophet obeyed, not reluctantly out of mere duty, but willingly out of love. (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) Nosso amor por Deus nos motivará a falar às pessoas sobre o Reino messiânico de seu querido Filho, que " cavalgará na causa da verdade ' no Armagedom. Our love for God moves us to speak about the Messianic Kingdom of his dear Son, who will "ride in the cause of truth " at Armageddon. 3: 14. Ela recebeu ofertas de bolsas de estudos e de posições cobiçadas em companhias de balé em todos os Estados Unidos. She was offered scholarships and coveted positions at ballet companies across the United States. Yet, like Jesus, we avoid temptation to "be kind to us. " Ficou sabendo que esse filme recebeu críticas favoráveis; no entanto, você sabe também que ele contém cenas de imoralidade e violência. You have heard that it received favorable reviews; yet you also know that it contains some immorality and violence. When parents and children live together, they can suffer emotional and moral consequences. Assim, que " nos guardemos de toda sorte de cobiça ', ou ganância. Let us therefore "guard against every sort of greed. " Barnabas showed that same insight in John's case, who had grown up in Rome. Mas o que Paulo quis dizer ao nos exortar a pôr de lado " todo peso '? What did Paul mean when he said to put off "every weight "? Ask yourself: " Do I see people who are truly loyal to Jehovah? Só Jeová e Jesus podem fazer isso. Only Jehovah and Jesus are spoken of as having that ability. As Bible students, we know that it is impossible for Jehovah to cause all these problems. 12: 9. 12: 9. All these decisions require courage because they do what makes Jehovah happy, they have to go against Satan's will. - Prov. 27: 11. Um dia, fica sabendo que a cura foi encontrada! One day, you learn that a cure has been found! • How can zeal motivate us to obey divine instructions? Assim, Adão usou mal sua liberdade de escolha, e por causa disso a humanidade está sofrendo até hoje. The situation is well described at Romans 8: 22: "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " Sabemos que o objetivo dessa pergunta é descobrir o que preocupa a pessoa e depois direcionar a conversa para a Bíblia. We know that the purpose behind such a question is to find out what is on the person's mind and then direct the conversation to the Bible. Likewise today, every congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses manifest a certain spirit, or dominant attitude. Ou talvez tenham decidido não se casar, ou como casados optaram por não ter filhos, com o objetivo de se colocarem à disposição para servir numa modalidade de tempo integral que, de outra forma, não lhe seria possível. Entre essas, o serviço de Betel, de construção internacional, de circuito ou como missionário. Or perhaps you remained unmarried or if married, decided to forgo having children to make yourself available for an avenue of full - time service that otherwise would not have been possible for you - Bethel service, international construction work, circuit work, or missionary service. (b) What will our study will we focus? Por que, no geral, o exemplo de Pedro é encorajador? Why is Peter's overall example heartening? In ancient times, he accepted various forms of animal sacrifices and other offerings. (Leia 2 Coríntios 1: 3, 4.) (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) Paul wrote to Titus: "Let the older women be rich in their behavior,... as teachers of what is good, in order to do the women to imitate their husbands so as to love their husbands, to be sound in mind, to be chaste, to God's own word, so that they may not be in subjection to their own word. " 3: 14. 3: 14. The people outside the ark die, those inside the ark are cursing. No entanto, assim como Jesus, evitamos a tentação de " ser benignos conosco '. Nevertheless, like Jesus, we avoid the temptation to " be kind to ourselves. ' In what ways did Jehovah demonstrate his great love? Quando pais e filhos não moram juntos como família, eles podem sofrer consequências emocionais e morais. When parents and children do not live together as a family, they can suffer emotional and moral damage. * Upon seeing them, Jesus said: "Come after me, and I will make you fishermen of men. " Barnabé mostrou esse mesmo discernimento no caso de João, que tinha o sobrenome romano Marcos. Barnabas showed similar discernment in the case of John, who had the Roman surname Mark. 2: 4; John 6: 15; 17: 14 - 16. Pergunte - se: " Será que as pessoas percebem que sou totalmente leal a Jeová? Ask yourself: " Is my complete allegiance to Jehovah evident to others? The final example of protection from Satan's influence and his demons is God's word, or message, recorded in the Bible. Como estudantes da Bíblia, sabemos que é impossível que Jeová seja o causador de todos esses problemas. As Bible students, we know that Jehovah cannot possibly be the cause of all these problems. Why? Todas essas decisões exigem coragem porque, para fazer o que alegra a Jeová, eles têm que ir contra a vontade de Satanás. - Pro. 27: 11. That is because such young ones are going against the will of Satan, the one who taunts God. Since we are servants of Jehovah, we recognize that he has the right to bring attention to his righteous reminders and rule as our commandments. • De que modo o zelo pode nos motivar a obedecer às instruções divinas? • How can zeal move us to obey divine instructions? What characteristics should be avoided, and why? A situação é bem descrita em Romanos 8: 22: "Toda a criação junta persiste em gemer e junta está em dores até agora. " The situation is accurately described at Romans 8: 22: "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " What lesson can we learn from the cities of refuge? Também hoje, toda congregação das Testemunhas de Jeová manifesta certo espírito, ou atitude predominante. Each congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses today likewise manifests a certain spirit, or dominant attitude. In fact, such things would even be formed among anointed Christians in the days of the apostles. (b) O que o nosso estudo focalizará? (b) On what will our study focus? What should we do "day after day, " and why? Na antiguidade, ele aceitava vários tipos de sacrifício de animais e outras ofertas. In ancient times, he accepted various animal sacrifices and other offerings. Husbands, continue loving your wives. " - EPHESIANS 5: 22, 25. Paulo escreveu a Tito: "As mulheres idosas sejam reverentes no comportamento,... instrutoras do que é bom, a fim de fazerem as mulheres jovens recobrar o bom senso para amarem seus maridos, para amarem seus filhos, para serem ajuizadas, castas, operosas em casa, boas, sujeitando - se aos seus próprios maridos, para que não se fale da palavra de Deus de modo ultrajante. " In writing to Titus, Paul stated: "Let the aged women be reverent in behavior,... teachers of what is good; that they may recall the young women to their senses to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sound in mind, chaste, workers at home, good, subjecting themselves to their own husbands, so that the word of God may not be spoken of abusively. " 8: 21. As pessoas fora da arca morrem, as que estão dentro se salvam. People outside the ark are dying while those inside are being saved. I, my parents, and my ten brothers ran only with the clothing of the body. De que maneiras Jeová demonstrou seu grande amor? What are some of the many ways in which Jehovah has displayed his great love? The company does not know the young candidates. * Ao vê - los, Jesus disse: "Segui - me e eu farei de vós pescadores de homens. " * Seeing them, Jesus said: "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men. " Her Family Moved With kindness and Goodness 2: 4; João 6: 15; 17: 14 - 16. 2: 4; John 6: 15; 17: 14 - 16. SONGS TO BE USED: 120, 117 O último exemplo de proteção contra a influência de Satanás e seus demônios é a palavra, ou mensagem, de Deus, registrada na Bíblia. Our final protection against the influence of Satan and his demons is God's word, or message, recorded in the Bible. Why should we pursue God's purpose now? Por quê? Why? According to one research, between the years of fun and 2000, earthquakes led to the lives of 471 people. Visto que somos servos de Jeová, reconhecemos que ele tem o direito de trazer à atenção suas advertências justas e de impô - las a nós como mandamentos aos quais devemos obedecer. As Jehovah's servants, we acknowledge that it is right for him to bring his righteous reminders to our attention and place them upon us as commandments that we should obey. * Parents, you may consider such matters in the Family Worship evening. Que características devem ser evitadas, e por quê? What traits should we avoid, and why? We need to survive and use it effectively in Jehovah's service. Que lição das cidades de refúgio você pretende colocar em prática? What lesson from the cities of refuge do you plan to apply? * Na verdade, coisas assim ocorriam até mesmo entre cristãos ungidos nos dias dos apóstolos. Actually, such things occurred even among anointed Christians in the days of the apostles. [ Pictures on page 15] O que devemos fazer "dia após dia ," e por quê? What should we do "day after day, " and why? Not at all! Maridos, continuai a amar as vossas esposas. " - EFÉSIOS 5: 22, 25. Husbands, continue loving your wives. " - Ephesians 5: 22, 25. What is one way that we can be generous? 8: 21. 8: 21. In the case of a new disciple, Jehovah's Witnesses found it and helped him learn Bible teachings, not only one who has reason to rejoice. Eu, meus pais e meus 10 irmãos fugimos só com a roupa do corpo. My parents and 11 of us siblings fled for our lives with only the clothes on our backs. This situation can test our love for Jehovah and for his people. As empresas não conhecem bem os jovens candidatos a emprego. Companies don't know much about young employment candidates. What kind of choices should we always avoid? Anime a família com benignidade e bondade Refresh Your Family With Kindness and Goodness If you are a husband, ask yourself, " Am I wicked someone, doing my wife try to search for understanding elsewhere? ' CÂNTICOS: 120, 117 SONGS: 89, 86 One report said: "The mankind is improving because humans have made a better place in the world. " Por que devemos nos empenhar pelo propósito de Deus agora? Why must we be pursuing God's purpose now? And even if we feel guilty, do we not find the assurance that "God is greater than our heart "? Segundo uma pesquisa, entre os anos de 1975 e 2000, os terremotos tiraram a vida de 471 mil pessoas. According to one estimate, between 1975 and 2000, earthquakes claimed the lives of 471,000 people. If you answer every question, does this mean that you have the heavenly calling? * Pais, talvez possam considerar tais temas na Noite de Adoração em Família. * Parents, consider discussing such topics during your Family Worship evening. April 5 - 11, 2010 Precisamos dele para sobreviver e podemos usá - lo beneficamente no serviço de Jeová. We need it just to survive, and we can use it well in Jehovah's service. " O Jehovah, do deliver my soul from false lips, from the tongue. " * * How would you define our spiritual heritage? [ Fotos na página 15] [ Pictures on page 15] (Read Hebrews 5: 11 - 14.) De forma alguma! By no means! 5: 6; Zeph. Qual é uma das grandes maneiras de sermos generosos? What is one outstanding way to be generous? Some, like James and John, likely knew Jesus from small. No caso de um novo discípulo, a Testemunha de Jeová que o encontrou e o ajudou a aprender os ensinos da Bíblia não é a única pessoa que tem motivos para se alegrar. When a new one becomes a disciple, the Witness of Jehovah who found him and helped him to learn what the Bible teaches is not the only one with reason for rejoicing. Because the lie is one of Satan's best weapons. Essa situação pode testar nosso amor por Jeová e pelo seu povo. This can test our love for Jehovah and for his people. Well, when Jesus gave his disciples the work of preaching the good news worldwide, he knew that the people were sending a dangerous territory under Satan and the spirit of the world. Que tipo de escolhas sempre devemos evitar? What decisions must we avoid? The Scriptures make it clear that servants of Jehovah should not seek to engage in astrology, in divination, and spiritism. Se você é marido, pergunte - se: " Sou uma pessoa insensível, fazendo com que minha esposa seja tentada a buscar compreensão em outro lugar? ' If you are a husband, ask yourself, " Is my demeanor cold, tempting my wife to seek comfort elsewhere? ' The expression " fitting water of water " refers to the source of majestic mine. Um relatório disse: "A humanidade está melhorando porque os humanos decidiram fazer do mundo um lugar melhor. " One report states: "The reason humanity is getting better is because humans have decided to make the world a better place. " However, they still needed support from the outside. E mesmo que a gente continue se sentindo culpado, não fica emocionado com a garantia de que "Deus é maior do que o nosso coração "? And if our heart continues to condemn us, do we not get a lump in our throat and tears of gratitude in our eyes when we read that "God is greater than our hearts "? These inspired songs show that we can act in harmony with Jehovah's help by complete reliance on him. Se você respondeu sim a todas essas perguntas, será que isso significa que você tem a chamada celestial? If you answer these questions with a resounding yes, does this mean that you now have the heavenly calling? Because she is related to some aspects of her life. 5 - 11 de abril de 2010 April 5 - 11, 2010 These will survive the great tribulation and pass on the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. " Ó Jeová, livra deveras a minha alma de lábios falsos, da língua dolosa. " " O Jehovah, do deliver my soul from false lips, from the tricky tongue. " Rudolf Texas, a past pastry chef, who worked there with me about the Bible. Como você definiria nossa herança espiritual? How would you define our spiritual inheritance? The next week, we look forward to the truthfulness of our life. (Leia Hebreus 5: 11 - 14.) (Read Hebrews 5: 11 - 14.) • What visible tools does Christ use to lead the congregations? 5: 6; Sof. 5: 6; Zeph. 10: 32, 33. Alguns, como Tiago e João, provavelmente conheciam Jesus desde pequenos. Some, such as James and John, had likely known Jesus from boyhood. After God's people had conquered all the Promised Land, but they still are surrounded by pagan nations, Joshua gathered all Israel with a view to strengthen their resolve to remain loyal to Jehovah. Porque a mentira é uma das melhores armas de Satanás. Because lies have been one of Satan's most effective weapons. • What do we need to sow if we want to reap what is good? Bem, quando Jesus confiou a seus discípulos a obra de pregar as boas novas em todo o mundo, ele sabia que os estava enviando a um território perigoso, dominado por Satanás e o espírito do mundo. When Jesus gave his disciples the assignment to preach the good news worldwide, he knew that he was sending them into a hazardous environment, one dominated by Satan and the spirit of the world. Matthew was a former tax collector, a despised diet of the Jews. As Escrituras deixam claro que os servos de Jeová não devem procurar agouros nem se envolver na astrologia, na adivinhação e no espiritismo. The Scriptures clearly show that servants of Jehovah must refuse to look for omens or to engage in astrology, divination, and spiritism. Knowing that plan, Jesus asked the last meal with his apostles to bring them back to some swords. A expressão "fonte de água " refere - se à fonte de gratificação sexual. Here the term "water source " refers to the source of sexual satisfaction. Now, before making a prayer, think about some immediately based on what you intend to say. Mas eles ainda precisavam do apoio de fora. Still, they needed support from outside their countries. Young people who focus on serving Jehovah enjoy a happier life. Esses cânticos inspirados mostram que podemos agir com segurança se orarmos pela ajuda de Jeová com plena confiança nele. These inspired songs show that we can act with confidence if we pray for Jehovah's help and we trust in him completely. Are You Speaking the "pure Language "? Porque ela está relacionada a alguns aspectos muito importantes de sua vida. " But, ' you might think, " though Jews celebrate Passover, I am not a practicing Jew. After Jesus became the Messiah, circumstances changed another time. Esses sobreviverão à grande tribulação e passarão a viver no Reinado Milenar de Cristo. These will survive the great tribulation into Christ's Millennial Reign. What increase of Jehovah's people have you observed? Rudolf Tschiggerl, um confeiteiro que trabalhava ali, conversou comigo sobre a Bíblia. There, Rudolf Tschiggerl, a workmate and pastry chef, witnessed informally to me. As long as Jehovah himself was involved in creation of refuge, learning about God's arrangement of refuge helps us to get to know him better. Então nos vemos semana que vem. I would like that. * Our yeartext for 2018: "Those hoping in Jehovah will regain the strength. " - ISA. • Que instrumentos visíveis Cristo usa para liderar as congregações? • What visible instruments is Christ using to lead the congregations? After all, his parents, elders, and the priests could not see what four did. 10: 32, 33. 10: 32, 33. 17: 25. Depois de o povo de Deus ter conquistado toda a Terra Prometida, mas ainda estar cercado de nações pagãs, Josué reuniu todo o Israel visando fortalecer a determinação deles de permanecerem leais a Jeová. When the Israelites had completed the conquest of the Promised Land but were still surrounded by pagan nations, Joshua assembled all Israel with the aim of fortifying their resolve to remain loyal to Jehovah. Despite sickness • O que precisamos semear se queremos colher o que é bom? • What must we sow if we are to reap what is good? She sought to get his doubts about spiritual matters in the Catholic religion, in which she was created, and in the philosophy. Mateus era ex - cobrador de impostos, uma profissão desprezada pelos judeus. Matthew was formerly a tax collector - a member of a profession that was despised by the Jews. She explains: "The Bible answers to any question I had. Sabendo desse plano, Jesus pediu na última refeição com os apóstolos que eles levassem algumas espadas. Jesus was aware of this shameful strategy, so during his final meal with the apostles, he asked them to get some swords. Recall that he has been reproached for those who teach lies about him. Então, antes de fazer uma oração, pense por alguns instantes no que pretende dizer. If so, before offering your prayer, spend a few moments thinking about what you want to say. In the first ten years of Asa's reign, the kingdom of Judah had peace. Os jovens que se concentram em servir a Jeová têm uma vida mais feliz. Young people in the congregation benefit themselves if they focus on pleasing Jehovah. Do you know how someone who humbly heeds his instructions? Você fala fluentemente a "língua pura "? Are You Speaking the "Pure Language " Fluently? 1, 2. (a) What effect do the arrangements related to the temple have on God's people? Depois que Jesus se tornou o Messias, as circunstâncias mudaram outra vez. The arrival of Jesus as the Messiah made it necessary to have new divine direction and a further revealing of Jehovah's purpose. Therefore, all who serve God are stewards, and this work is accompanied by honor, confidence, and responsibility. Que aumento do povo de Jeová você observou? What increase among Jehovah's people have you seen? The Mosaic Law required that the Israelites keep separate from other nations, however, had become developed the view of all non - Jews and were to be hated. Já que o próprio Jeová estava envolvido na criação das cidades de refúgio, aprender sobre elas nos ajuda a conhecê - lo melhor. Since Jehovah was directly involved in setting these cities apart for special use, we might ask: How does this arrangement help us to have a clearer view of Jehovah's mercy? Jehovah's Witnesses are very happy when Bible students accept the truth and get baptized. Texto do ano para 2018: "Os que esperam em Jeová recuperarão as forças. " - ISA. Our yeartext for 2018: "Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. " - ISA. He certainly is happy, but he also knows the great responsibility that this will bring to him. Afinal, seus pais, os anciãos e os sacerdotes não podiam ver o que os quatro faziam. After all, their parents, the elders, and the priests could not see what the four of them were doing. Knowing our motives and limitations, Jehovah appreciates it when we give him our best, whether much or little. 17: 25. 17: 25. Young ones in the congregation may be facing challenges, such as resisting "the desires incidental to youth. " A doença não os deteve Illness Has Not Stopped Them How did Jehovah respond? Ela procurou tirar suas dúvidas sobre assuntos espirituais na religião católica, em que foi criada, e na filosofia asiática. She searched for answers to her spiritual questions in Catholicism, the religion in which she was raised, and in Asian philosophy. However, mankind's world is now alienated from God and never as a whole, able to live in unity. Ela explica: "A Bíblia respondia a qualquer pergunta que eu tivesse. She explains: "The Bible answered every question that I could ask. After all, the thief sends no warning to his finish. Lembre - se de que ele tem sido difamado por aqueles que ensinam mentiras a respeito dele. Remember that he has been misrepresented by those who have taught lies about him. However, the apostle Paul shows that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " Nos primeiros dez anos do reinado de Asa, o reino de Judá teve paz. Jehovah blessed Judah with peace for the first ten years of Asa's reign. In Awake! Jeová conhece você como alguém que humildemente acata instruções? Are you known by Jehovah as one who humbly submits to directions? So having sustenance and covering, we will be content with these things. " - 1 Tim. 1, 2. (a) Que efeito os arranjos ligados ao templo teriam sobre o povo de Deus? 1, 2. (a) The arrangements in connection with the temple would have what effect on God's people? The Bible reveals God not only as almighty and righteous but also as God loves us. Assim sendo, todos os que servem a Deus são mordomos, e esse trabalho vem acompanhado de honra, confiança e responsabilidade. Accordingly, all who serve God are stewards, and with their stewardship comes honor, trust, and responsibility. Problems may cause us to become weighed down. A Lei mosaica exigia que os israelitas se mantivessem separados de outras nações. No entanto, havia se desenvolvido o conceito de que todos os não - judeus eram inimigos e deviam ser odiados. The Mosaic Law required that the Israelites stay separate from other nations, but the viewpoint had developed that all non - Jews were enemies, to be hated as individuals. These articles are based on counsel that the apostle Paul wrote to Christians in Colossae. As Testemunhas de Jeová ficam muito felizes quando estudantes da Bíblia aceitam a verdade e se batizam. Jehovah's Witnesses rejoice when a Bible student accepts the truth and progresses to the point of water baptism. Consider the cities of Colossae, Laodicea, and Hierapolis, which were reduced to the inner degree of Ephesus. Ele sem dúvida está feliz, mas também sabe a grande responsabilidade que isso lhe trará. No doubt, Manoah was happy, but he was also aware of the great responsibility that rested on his shoulders. In his service, he endured hardships that few today will face. Conhecendo bem nossos motivos e nossas limitações, Jeová aprecia quando lhe damos o nosso melhor, quer seja muito, quer pouco. Being fully aware of our motives and limitations, Jehovah appreciates it when we give him our best, whether that is a little or a lot. For example, there is a prefacer of five pages to start home Bible studies. Os jovens na congregação talvez estejam enfrentando desafios, como o de resistir aos "desejos pertinentes à mocidade ." Young members of the congregation may be facing challenges, such as resisting "the desires incidental to youth. " What do my decisions reveal about my focus in life? ' Como Jeová reagiu? What was Jehovah's reaction? Do you like God's word that brings benefits to his servants who experience tribulation? No entanto, o mundo da humanidade em geral está agora afastado de Deus e nunca, como um todo, foi capaz de conviver em união. Nevertheless, the world of mankind in general is now alienated from God and has never, as a whole, been able to act in unity. He likely taken that attitude because he knew God's standard for mankind expressed in Eden, namely, monogamy. Afinal, o ladrão não envia mensagens anunciando a sua chegada. After all, a thief does not send a letter announcing when he is coming. God lovingly sent an angel to encourage him. Contudo, o apóstolo Paulo mostra que "o amor ao dinheiro é raiz de toda sorte de coisas prejudiciais ." Yet, the apostle Paul points out that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " And we are assured that "he adds no pain with him. " Na Despertai! Awake! ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Assim, tendo sustento e com que nos cobrir, estaremos contentes com estas coisas ." - 1 Tim. So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things. " - 1 Tim. The Bible tells us that "love... is a perfect bond of union. " A Bíblia revela Deus não apenas como todo - poderoso, sábio e justo, mas também como Deus que nos ama. The Bible reveals God not only as an all - powerful, wise, and just God but also as a God who loves us. The Devil was trying to break Jesus ' integrity. As dificuldades podem nos deixar sobrecarregados. Life's challenges can overwhelm us. Not all who have the heavenly hope are part of "the faithful and discreet slave. " Esses estudos são baseados em conselhos que o apóstolo Paulo escreveu para os cristãos em Colossos. These two articles are based on Paul's inspired counsel to the Christians in Colossae. Roman law was exerted in every empire, and Roman citizenship imparts valuable and valuable rights. Considere as cidades de Colossos, Laodicéia e Hierápolis, que se situavam mais para o interior, a partir de Éfeso. Consider Colossae, Laodicea, and Hierapolis, three cities inland from Ephesus. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 17 No seu serviço, ele suportou aflições que poucos hoje enfrentarão. In his service, Paul endured hardships that few today will face. How can we avoid developing a spirit of complaint? Por exemplo, há um prefácio de cinco páginas muito útil para iniciar estudos bíblicos em domicílio. For instance, there is a five - page preface that is proving to be very helpful in starting home Bible studies. How can we endure even intense suffering? O que as minhas decisões revelam a respeito do meu foco na vida? ' What do my decisions say about my focus in life? ' (Read Psalm 119: 130; John 16: 13.) Gostar da palavra de Deus traz que benefícios para seus servos que passam por tribulações? What does fondness for God's word do for his servants who suffer affliction? 14: 5 - 7. É provável que ele tenha tomado essa atitude porque conhecia a norma de Deus para os humanos expressa no Éden, a saber, a monogamia. His conclusion was likely guided by knowledge of God's standard for humans as expressed in Eden, that of monogamy. Millions of people today believe that God will "cause justice to be done " Deus amorosamente mandou um anjo para encorajá - lo. God lovingly dispatched an angel to encourage him. During Jesus ' earthly ministry, Jehovah did not reveal his understanding of his wise purpose and intellectual ones but common men with little consideration, that they were humble in order to be taught by God's servant, Jesus. E temos a garantia de que "ele não lhe acrescenta dor alguma ." And we are assured that "he adds no pain with it. " Thus, they may have thought: " Will Jehovah choose a new leader? ' TAMBÉM NESTE NÚMERO: ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: 17, 18. A Bíblia nos diz que o "amor... é o perfeito vínculo de união ." " Love, " the Bible tells us, "is a perfect bond of union. " Having finished the study studies, one entering the pioneer service and make another full - time job. O Diabo tentou quebrantar a integridade de Jesus. The Devil tried to break the integrity of Jesus. In that way, we become this most attractive paradise to the outside. Nem todos que têm a esperança celestial fazem parte do "escravo fiel e prudente ." Not all who have the heavenly hope are part of "the faithful and discreet slave. " " Honor me your own loving - kindness, O Jehovah. A lei romana vigorava em todo o império, e a cidadania romana conferia imunidades e direitos valiosos. Roman law was in force throughout the empire, and Roman citizenship offered valuable rights and immunities. To illustrate: A bucket filled the bucket, and count several large stones inside of it. ARTIGOS DE ESTUDO 1 E 2 PÁGINAS 8 - 17 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 17 They dedicate themselves to Jehovah and submit to water baptism, thus making it known that they would eliminate their practices that displease God. Como podemos evitar desenvolver um espírito de queixa? How can we guard against developing a complaining spirit? Give an example. Como podemos suportar até mesmo sofrimento intenso? How can we endure even intense suffering? No. (Leia Salmo 119: 130; João 16: 13.) (Read Psalm 119: 130; John 16: 13.) Jehovah's present gift includes the healing of all sickness, the transformation of the earth in a paradise, and the resurrection of the dead. 14: 5 - 7. 14: 5 - 7. (b) How are meek attracted to the Christian congregation today? Milhões de pessoas hoje acreditam firmemente que Deus cuidará "que se faça justiça " Millions today firmly believe that God shall "cause justice to be done " We find decisions that enable us to stay focused on our ministry. Durante o ministério terrestre de Jesus, Jeová não revelou o entendimento de Seu propósito a sábios e intelectuais, mas sim a homens comuns e com pouco estudo, que eram humildes o bastante para serem ensinados pelo servo de Deus, Jesus. During Jesus ' earthly ministry, Jehovah revealed an understanding of His purpose, not to wise and intellectual ones, but to unlettered and ordinary men who were humble enough to be taught by God's servant. You must take extra steps to be ready for Jehovah's day? Assim, eles talvez tenham pensado: " Será que Jeová vai escolher um novo líder? ' Hence, the apostles might have wondered, " Will Jehovah now appoint a new leader? ' Often we view the issue of "no profit " as an task that should be for Christian elders. 17, 18. 17, 18. 19: 1, 7, 14. Tendo terminado os estudos, uma delas entra no serviço de pioneiro e a outra arranja um emprego por tempo integral. After graduating, one enters the pioneer service, whereas the other begins working secularly full - time. Such reports may be a man who has been happily married for many years. Desse modo, tornamos esse paraíso mais atraente para os de fora. In that way, we make this paradise more appealing to onlookers. It is unable to conclude that it would be full of my advice. " Amparava - me a tua própria benevolência, ó Jeová. " Your loyal love, O Jehovah, kept supporting me. I think we never talk about this. Para ilustrar: Pegue um balde e coloque várias pedras grandes dentro dele. To illustrate: Take a plastic bucket and place several large rocks inside it. What change took place regarding people who had a relationship with Jehovah? Elas se dedicam a Jeová e se submetem ao batismo em água, tornando assim público que eliminaram de sua vida as práticas que desagradam a Deus. They dedicate themselves to Jehovah and submit to water baptism, thus making it public that they have eliminated from their lives the practices that displease God. We may be quick to accept that people in Satan's world displaying fleshly traits, but we may find it difficult to forgive the imperfections of our brothers. Cite um exemplo. Give an example. Our salvation depends on " walking in the truth ' - sticking to it and resist "the father of the lie. " - 3 John 3, 4, 8. Não. No. Then Jehovah asked him to build an ark to save people and animals through the Flood. O presente de Jeová inclui a cura de todas as doenças, a transformação da Terra num paraíso e a ressurreição dos mortos. Jehovah's gift includes the curing of all our sicknesses, the transformation of our earth into a paradise, and the resurrection of the dead. How did Paul feel? (b) Como os mansos são atraídos à congregação cristã hoje? (b) How are meek ones drawn to the Christian congregation today? As we have seen, opposition can come in form of attacks and of physical violence, or you may take on more subtle forms. Tomamos decisões que nos possibilitam continuar focados em nosso ministério. We keep on track by making decisions that enable us to stay focused on our ministry. 19: 5, 6; 1 Cor. Precisa dar passos adicionais para estar pronto para o dia de Jeová? Do you need to take additional steps to get ready for Jehovah's day? What are some wonderful opportunities that many young Christians are taking advantage? Muitas vezes encaramos a questão de "repreender " como tarefa que cabe aos anciãos cristãos. We often view the matter of "reproving " as a task to be carried out by Christian elders. Do not miss out that the anxieties of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches can ruin their spirituality. 19: 1, 7, 14. 19: 1, 7, 14. Questions would give us a good time to reach many reasons for being grateful to Jehovah. DIGAMOS que você seja um homem que há muitos anos tem um casamento feliz. LET us say that you have been a happily married man for many years. Jesus was not at the temple to make teachers with their knowledge. Por incrível que pareça, ela recebeu bem meus conselhos. Surprisingly, she was very receptive to my counsel. Nevertheless, governments encourage nationalism, and this causes division. Acho que nós nunca conversamos sobre isso. I guess you and I never really discussed it before. What do we learn from the error of God's prophet? Que mudança ocorreu com respeito a pessoas que tinham uma relação com Jeová? As to people having a relationship with Jehovah, what change had occurred? " So put one at Bethel and the other in Dan. Talvez aceitemos com facilidade que as pessoas no mundo de Satanás demonstrem características carnais. Mas pode ser que achemos difícil perdoar as imperfeições de nossos irmãos. While we may be prepared to accept fleshly traits as normal in Satan's world, facing such imperfections among our brothers can be particularly trying. Bible words, in Greek and Hebrew, contain the idea ofhonor "ten hair " or" uprightness. " A nossa salvação depende de " andar na verdade ' - nos apegar a ela e resistir ao "pai da mentira ." - 3 João 3, 4, 8. Our very salvation depends on our "walking in the truth " - adhering to it and standing firm against" the father of the lie. " - 3 John 3, 4, 8. How did Abigail respond when she heard of the case? Daí, Jeová pediu para ele construir uma arca para salvar pessoas e animais no Dilúvio. How difficult that project must have seemed - and not just from the construction point of view! With these words, Jehovah puts his people out of dignity and splendor. Como será que Paulo se sentiu? How did that adverse reaction from the Jews affect Paul? I began to see people from other lands not as " foreigners, " but as they cried out from the planet. Como vimos, a oposição pode vir em forma de ataques verbais e de ameaças de violência física, ou pode assumir formas mais sutis. As we have seen, opposition may come in the form of verbal attacks or threats of physical violence or in more subtle forms. Are You Allowing God's Spirit to Lead You? 19: 5, 6; 1 Cor. 19: 5, 6; 1 Cor. Why were fine pearls so valuable in ancient times? Quais são algumas das maravilhosas oportunidades que muitos jovens cristãos estão aproveitando? What wonderful opportunities are many young Christians enjoying? 22: 37 - 39. Não desperceba que as ansiedades deste sistema e o poder enganoso das riquezas podem arruinar a espiritualidade. Realize that the anxieties of this system and the deceptive power of riches can result in spiritual ruin. We concluded that those who rejected the Kingdom message and later died before the great tribulation would die as goats - without the hope of the resurrection. Levaria um bom tempo enumerar as muitas razões para sermos gratos a Jeová. It would take a long time to enumerate the many reasons we have for being grateful to Jehovah. Thus, faithful Abraham was considered righteous by God. - Read Romans 4: 20 - 22. Jesus não foi ao templo para embaraçar os instrutores com o seu conhecimento. Jesus did not go to the temple to embarrass the teachers with his knowledge. Then a year before Jesus died, three apostles heard Jehovah say: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. Os governos incentivam o nacionalismo, e isso causa divisão. Man - made governments promote nationalism, which divides the human family. Of all those who have lived, Christ is the only perfect example for us to imitate. O que aprendemos do erro do profeta de Deus? What do we learn from the error of God's prophet? tens of thousands of happy pioneers will confirm that full - time service is a rewarding way to remember their Creator's youth in youth. " Então colocou um em Betel e o outro em Dã. " Then he placed the one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan. Since these articles have been published, this degrading schedule is increasingly available. As palavras bíblicas, em grego e em hebraico, contêm a idéia de "honradez " ou" retidão ." In the Bible, the Greek and Hebrew words have the thought of "rectitude " or" uprightness. " Hence, all subjects of the Kingdom are determined to continue serving loyally to serve Christ, the King. Como Abigail reagiu quando soube do acontecido? How did Abigail respond when she heard what had happened? Therefore, he can help us to overcome any hardship that may arise. Com essas palavras, Jeová cobriu seu povo de dignidade e esplendor. With these words, Jehovah clothed his people with dignity and splendor. Marcus: I say this because of what is written at Psalm 37: 29. Eu comecei a ver pessoas de outros países não como " estrangeiros ', mas como concidadãos do planeta. I came to see those from other countries not as " foreigners, ' but as fellow citizens of the planet. Give examples of the danger of acting hastily when listening to a complaint. Permite que o espírito de Deus o guie? Are You Allowing God's Spirit to Lead You? 14, 15. Por que pérolas excelentes eram tão valiosas nos tempos antigos? Why were fine pearls so valuable in ancient times? For them to succeed in this lifesaving work, Jesus emphasized three vital needs. 22: 37 - 39. 22: 37 - 39. See the box "O Deep Sense of Fulfillment " on page 22. Concluíamos que aqueles que rejeitassem a mensagem do Reino e morressem antes do início da grande tribulação morreriam como cabritos - sem a esperança de ressurreição. We concluded that those who rejected the Kingdom message and who died before the start of the great tribulation would die as goats - without the hope of a resurrection. Do You Value What Jehovah Has Done to Deliver You? Assim, o fiel Abraão foi considerado justo por Deus. - Leia Romanos 4: 20 - 22. So God counted faithful Abraham as righteous. - Read Romans 4: 20 - 22. (Read Revelation 14: 4, 5.) Daí, um ano antes de Jesus morrer, três apóstolos ouviram Jeová dizendo: "Este é meu Filho, o amado, a quem eu aprovo. Then, about a year before Jesus ' death, three of his apostles heard Jehovah say about Jesus: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. (b) What choice did the slave love his master? De todas as pessoas que já viveram, Cristo é o único que deu o exemplo perfeito para nós imitarmos. Christ is the only human who ever lived whom we can consider a perfect role model. For example, on the night, some suffered from TVes displays a further schedule. Dezenas de milhares de pioneiros felizes confirmarão que o serviço de tempo integral é uma maneira gratificante de lembrar - se do Criador na juventude. Tens of thousands of happy pioneers will tell you that full - time service is a rewarding way to remember your Creator during your youth. The expression "become kind " suggests that at least to a degree, we may not have been kind and need to improve. Desde que esses artigos foram publicados, esse tipo degradante de programação está cada vez mais disponível. Since those articles were published, this type of heart - corrupting programming has become increasingly available. What about our preaching work convinces many who are true Christians? Sendo assim, que todos os súditos do Reino estejam determinados a continuar a servir lealmente a Cristo, o Rei. Accordingly, may all subjects of the Kingdom be determined to continue loyally serving Christ the King. (b) How does loving - kindness differ from kindness in general, or how does it differ from kindness? Então, ele pode nos ajudar a superar qualquer dificuldade. Our all - wise, all - powerful God, the one who controls the hail and the snow, can help you to surmount any obstacles that you encounter. All the people identified by Nineveh form a demon - headedness. Marcos: Eu digo isso por causa do que está escrito no Salmo 37: 29. Marcus: I raise the question because of what we read at Psalm 37: 29. (b) How can we meditate on it? Cite exemplos do perigo de agir precipitadamente ao ouvir uma queixa. Cite examples showing the danger of acting hastily after hearing a complaint. If you feel hurt by your fellow believers, do not allow them to miss meetings or allow you to spend time with your brothers and sisters in the congregation. 14, 15. 14, 15. Abraham also had supplications in behalf of others. Para que fossem bem - sucedidos nessa obra que salva vidas, Jesus enfatizou três necessidades vitais. For them to succeed in this lifesaving work, Jesus emphasizes three vital needs. In doing so, elders imitate the apostle Paul. Veja o quadro "Profundo senso de realização ," na página 22. See the box "A Deep Sense of Fulfillment, " on page 22. Consider some examples: We can assist with an older brother to attend meetings. Você dá valor ao que Jeová tem feito para livrá - lo? Do You Value What Jehovah Has Done to Deliver You? During the pregnancy, Mary maintained busy Bible reading and caring for her family. (Leia Revelação 14: 4, 5.) (Read Revelation 14: 4, 5.) Like Isaac of old, Jesus was willing to be offered as a sacrifice on the altar of Jehovah's will for him. (b) Que opção tinha o escravo que amava o seu amo? (b) What choice did the slave who loved his master have? In the Memorial season, consider the way you treat people. Por exemplo, à noite, algumas emissoras de TV exibem uma programação mais liberal. For example, at night, television networks may relax their restrictions on program content. (a) According to Ezekiel's vision, how does Jehovah lead his organization? A expressão " tornar - se benigno ' sugere que, pelo menos até certo ponto, talvez não tenhamos sido bondosos e precisemos melhorar. The words "become kind " suggest that at least to a certain degree, we may not have been kind and that we may need to improve. And I saw another angel ascended from the rising sun, having a seal out of the living God; and he shouted at the voice for the four angels... O que a respeito de nossa obra de pregação convence a muitos de que somos cristãos verdadeiros? What is it about our preaching work that convinces many that we are true Christians? Imagine - nothing army or weapons! (b) Em que sentido a benevolência difere da bondade em geral, ou humanitarismo? (b) How does loving - kindness differ from general kindness, or human kindness? Nobody will take a firm stand before you all the days of your life. Todos os povoados identificados com Nínive formam um quadrângulo de 100 quilômetros de circunferência. All the settlements identified with Nineveh form a quadrangle with a circumference of 60 miles [100 km]. For example, there are Bible literature that are published in warm - minded (a) to - reach out for 1,000 people, who were bound up with 1,000 birds, and a smaller one (a) to make use of lessererer ones. (b) Como podemos meditar? (b) How can we meditate effectively? This message gives both us the opportunity and for those who listen to us forever. Se acontecer de você ficar magoado com algum irmão, não permita que isso faça você perder reuniões nem deixe de passar tempo com os irmãos da congregação. Perhaps we have experienced disappointment or ill - treatment from certain Christian brothers. The patriarch Abram "saw his training " to redeem Lot - and they succeeded in that battle. Abraão também fez súplicas em favor de outros. Abraham also made supplication in behalf of others. Sharing the good news "in all creation under heaven. " Ao fazer isso, anciãos perspicazes imitam o apóstolo Paulo. In doing so, wise shepherds imitate the apostle Paul. So God's will will will will be done on earth as in heaven, something that Christians ask for in prayer long ago. Veja alguns exemplos: Podemos dar carona a um irmão idoso para ele ir às reuniões. An elderly brother or sister may be in need of transportation to Christian meetings. Moreover, among anointed sisters, who would never try to take the role of teachers in the congregation. - 1 Cor. Durante a gravidez, Maria se manteve ocupada estudando a Bíblia e cuidando da família. During her pregnancy, Mary kept busy studying the Bible and caring for her family. JEHOVAH is "the God who gives hope, " said the apostle Paul, adding that God can" fill us with all joy and peace, trusting in him, that he might have been filled with the hope of the Holy Spirit. " Assim como Isaque da antiguidade, Jesus se dispôs a ser oferecido como sacrifício no altar da vontade de Jeová para ele. Like Isaac of old, Jesus was willing to be offered up as a sacrifice on the altar of Jehovah's will for him. Commenting on a person's standing with God, not a change in an inner person... Então, na época da Celebração, pense no modo como você trata as pessoas. During this Memorial season and especially on the night of the Memorial, think deeply about how you treat others. God's servants study the Bible and Christian publications. (a) Segundo a visão de Ezequiel, como Jeová conduz a sua organização? (a) According to Ezekiel's vision, how does Jehovah lead his organization? For example, consider the vast universe. E eu vi outro anjo ascender desde o nascente do sol, tendo um selo do Deus vivente; e ele gritou com voz alta para os quatro anjos... And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels... When the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, they were told: "You will see the land away from a distance, but you will not enter into the land that I am giving to the sons of Israel. " Imagine só - não existir nenhum tipo de exército nem armas. Just think - no armies, navies, or air forces! " Let anyone hearing say: " Come! ' " Ninguém se manterá firme diante de ti em todos os dias da tua vida. Nobody will take a firm stand before you all the days of your life. Each branch office provides help to carry out the direction given. Por exemplo, existem publicações bíblicas em groenlandês (falado por 47 mil pessoas), palauano (falado por 15 mil) e yapese (falado por menos de 7 mil pessoas). For example, Bible literature is now available in Greenlandic (spoken by 47,000 people), Palauan (spoken by 15,000), and Yapese (spoken by fewer than 7,000 people). How does God's Word identify anointed Christians, and what responsibility did Jesus give them? Por quê? Porque essa mensagem dá a chance tanto para nós como para as pessoas que nos escutam de viver para sempre. Although we are simply imperfect earthen vessels, the message we preach can bring everlasting life to us and to those who listen to us. So at times we may stumble, tire, and lose it; perhaps even fall. O patriarca Abrão "convocou seus homens treinados " para resgatar Ló - e eles foram bem - sucedidos nessa luta. The patriarch Abram "mobilized his trained men " to rescue Lot - and the men succeeded. His destruction will be definite. - Read Revelation 17: 16. Divulgaram as boas novas "em toda a criação debaixo do céu ." They preached the good news "in all creation that is under heaven. " " Look! I here! Então, a vontade de Deus será feita na Terra assim como no céu, algo que os cristãos pedem em oração há muito tempo. Then God's will is to be done on earth as in heaven, something for which Christians have long prayed. 11: 10, 13 - 16 - What "city " awaits Abraham? Além disso, entre os ungidos há irmãs humildes, que jamais tentariam assumir o papel de instrutores na congregação. - 1 Cor. Also among the anointed are humble sisters, who would never try to assume the role of teachers in the congregation. - 1 Cor. (b) How did Paul show respect for fellow believers? JEOVÁ é " o Deus que dá esperança ', disse o apóstolo Paulo, acrescentando que Deus pode " nos encher de toda alegria e paz, ao confiarmos nele, para que transbordemos de esperança, pelo poder do Espírito Santo '. JEHOVAH is "the God who gives hope. " So said the apostle Paul, adding that Jehovah can " fill us with all joy and peace by our believing, that we may abound in hope with power of holy spirit. ' God Recommends His Love to Us Fala de uma mudança na posição de uma pessoa com relação a Deus, não de uma mudança interior na pessoa... It speaks of a change in a person's status in relation to God, not of an inner change in the person... Nothing should surprise us, for God's Word makes it clear that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Os servos de Deus estudam a Bíblia e as publicações cristãs. God's servants study the Bible and Christian publications. We can see this when we look at the things that Jehovah created - such as parents, fun, and marvelous gatherings! Por exemplo, veja a grandiosidade do Universo. For example, note the magnificence of the universe. In 1896, he wrote: "We do not want to obey or reverence for ourselves or for our writings; neither do we not want to be called called by Rev or unrighteous. Quando os israelitas estavam prestes a entrar na Terra Prometida, foi - lhe dito: "Verás a terra à distância, mas não entrarás lá na terra que dou aos filhos de Israel. " With the Israelites poised to enter the Promised Land, Moses was told: "From a distance you will see the land, but you will not go there into the land that I am giving to the sons of Israel. " After Zedekiah, Jesus was the only descendant of David to whom he promised a kingship. " Quem ouve diga: " Vem! ' " " Let Anyone Hearing Say: " Come! ' " 2: 8. Cada filial, por sua vez, fornece ajuda para que as orientações sejam aplicadas. In turn, each branch office provides practical assistance in implementing the direction given. Why is our race for gaining everlasting life challenging? Como a Palavra de Deus identifica os cristãos ungidos, e que responsabilidade Jesus lhes deu? How does God's Word identify anointed Christians, and what responsibility did Jesus give them? With the passing of time, though, we may begin to look at our fellow believers through the distorted shifts of imperfection. Assim, às vezes podemos tropeçar, cambalear e perder o ímpeto; talvez até mesmo cair. So at times we may trip, then stagger and lose our momentum. We can really believe in the promise: "[Jehovah] will not leave his loyal ones. A sua destruição será definitiva. - Leia Revelação 17: 16. Her destruction will be final. - Read Revelation 17: 16. Humans come and will like grass, a fleeting shadow, an exhaled breath. " Eis - me aqui! " Here I am! After the Flood, there seemed common: "O Nimrod, mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " 11: 10, 13 - 16 - Que "cidade " Abraão aguardava? 11: 10, 13 - 16 - What "city " was Abraham awaiting? How grateful we are that love, "the perfect bond of union, " dominates us, regardless of our nationality or nationality! (b) Como Paulo mostrou respeito pelos seus irmãos na fé? (b) How did Paul show respect for fellow believers? In the fall of 32 C.E., for example, Jesus related the illustration of a vineyard who had a fig tree that had a fig tree that for three years did not bear fruit. Deus nos recomenda o seu amor God Recommends His Love to Us How can you tell whether you are ready for baptism? Nada disso nos deve surpreender, pois a Palavra de Deus deixa claro que "o mundo inteiro jaz no poder do iníquo ." All of this should not surprise us, since God's Word makes it clear that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Hence, Jesus preached the good news to people, just as love motivates us to spread the Kingdom message to our neighbors. A gente percebe isso quando olha as coisas que Jeová criou: quantas paisagens, sons e sabores maravilhosos! The delightful sights, sounds, and tastes of creation tell you that. IT IS the last night of Jesus on earth. Em 1896, ele escreveu: "Não queremos homenagem, nem reverência, para nós mesmos ou para nossos escritos; não desejamos ser chamados de Reverendo ou Rabino. In 1896, he wrote: "We want no homage, no reverence, for ourselves or our writings; nor do we wish to be called Reverend or Rabbi. Today, we are showing disfellowshipping. Depois de Zedequias, Jesus foi o único descendente de Davi a quem se prometeu um reinado. After Zedekiah, Jesus was the only descendant of David to whom kingship was promised. The Christian Greek Scriptures were written primarily for "the Israel of God, " that is, Christ's anointed brothers and spirit sons. 2: 8. 2: 8. 7: 31; 1 John 4: 8; compare Mark 9: 17 - 27. Por que a nossa corrida para ganhar a vida eterna é desafiadora? What makes our race to gain everlasting life challenging? Be assured that "a restful odor " of your sacrifice will come to Jehovah and you will have his approval. Com o passar do tempo, porém, talvez comecemos a olhar nossos irmãos através das lentes distorcidas da imperfeição. As time passes, however, we might begin to look at our brothers through the distorted lens of imperfection. But when we spend too much time with "a disgusting things " at the expense of our worship, relaxation becomes something worthless, harming our spiritual well - being. Podemos realmente crer na promessa: "[Jeová] não abandonará aqueles que lhe são leais. We can take to heart the promise: "[Jehovah] will not leave his loyal ones. Faith in Jehovah is needed. Os humanos vêm e vão como a erva verde, uma sombra passageira, uma exalação. Humans come and go like green grass, like a passing shadow, like an exhalation. Thus, we draw closer to the procedure - the first - century pattern of the first century century. Depois do Dilúvio, surgiu o ditado: "Igual a Ninrode, poderoso caçador em oposição a Jeová. " After the Flood, there was a saying: "Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " With what intention does Jehovah examine us? Como somos gratos de que o amor, "o perfeito vínculo de união ," predomina entre nós, não importa qual seja a nossa formação ou nacionalidade! How thankful we are that love - "a perfect bond of union " - prevails among us regardless of our background or national origin! " Christopher was a boy who reflected much, " reported the father. No outono de 32 EC, por exemplo, Jesus contou a ilustração de um dono de um vinhedo que tinha uma figueira que por três anos não dava frutos. In the fall of 32 C.E., for example, Jesus gave the illustration of a man who had in his vineyard a fig tree that bore no fruit for three years. Those words remember that God is pleased with her, because she does everything she can within her limitations. Como você pode saber se está preparado para o batismo? How can you tell if you are ready for baptism? To understand the importance of that truth, we need to know the Jewish Passover and consider what it must have been given to all Christians. De modo que Jesus pregou as boas novas às pessoas, assim como o amor nos motiva a divulgar a mensagem do Reino aos nossos semelhantes. Consequently, Jesus preached the good news to the people, just as love motivates us to proclaim the Kingdom message to our neighbors. 3, 4. (a) How does David's experience show that Jehovah pays attention to individuals? ERA a última noite de Jesus na Terra. IT WAS Jesus ' last night on earth. 44: 28. Hoje chamamos isso de desassociação. Today, we would say that he should be disfellowshipped. For our faith to be valued, it must be the quality of tested or tested test. As Escrituras Gregas Cristãs foram escritas primariamente para "o Israel de Deus ," ou seja, os ungidos como irmãos de Cristo e filhos espirituais de Deus. The Christian Greek Scriptures were written primarily for "the Israel of God, " those anointed as brothers of Christ and spiritual sons of God. If that happens to you, do not stumble by this; let this not interfere your service to Jehovah. 7: 31; 1 João 4: 8; note Marcos 9: 17 - 27. 7: 31; 1 John 4: 8; compare Mark 9: 17 - 27. Similarly, first - century Christians who were loyal and obedient were kept separate from ungodly people and survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the system of things in 70 C.E. - Luke 21: 20 - 22. Tenha certeza de que o "cheiro repousante " de seu sacrifício de louvor chegará a Jeová e você terá a sua aprovação. Be assured that "the restful odor " of your sacrifice of praise will reach Jehovah and that he will grant you his approval. As imitators of God and Christ, we too must be diligent. Mas quando gastamos tempo demais com coisas "divertidas " à custa de atividades relacionadas com a nossa adoração, a descontração torna - se algo sem valor, prejudicando nosso bem - estar espiritual. But when we spend too much time on "fun " things at the expense of activities connected with our worship, relaxation becomes a valueless thing, adversely affecting our spiritual well - being. Noah's family members accepted their direction, had the same faith that he and allowed others to prevent them from doing what God assigned them. É preciso ter fé em Jeová. How is that? " THE accuser to me, " said Jesus Christ. Dessa forma, nos aproximamos mais do procedimento - padrão do primeiro século. In this way, the arrangement is closer to the first - century pattern. Be determined to "render sacred service to God with godly fear and awe. " Com que intenção Jeová nos examina? Why does Jehovah examine us? Soon, Jehovah will exalt his name until more than he delivered the Israelites from Egypt. " Christopher sempre foi um menino que refletia muito ," contou o pai. " Christopher was always a very thoughtful boy, " related his father. Jesus said: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " Essas palavras lembram Rose de que Deus fica feliz com o que ela faz, porque ela faz tudo o que pode dentro das suas limitações. Those words remind Rose that God is pleased with what she does, because she does all that she can within her limitations. Then he reminded me of the good things I was doing. Para entendermos a importância dessa verdade, precisamos conhecer a Páscoa judaica e analisar a relação que ela tem com uma ordem dada a todos os cristãos. To grasp the import of that truth, we need to know about the Jewish Passover and to consider it in the light of a command given to all Christians. Another good example is the apostle Peter, who stated loyalty to Jesus. 3, 4. (a) Como a experiência de Davi mostra que Jeová presta atenção a pessoas em base individual? 3, 4. (a) How does David's experience indicate that Jehovah pays attention to individuals? But in what sense do we " condemn these verbal attacks? ' - Isaiah 54: 17. 44: 28. 44: 28. The Bible often makes a distinction between Jesus and the anointed, as in the phrase "with respect for the Christ and the congregation. " Para que a nossa fé seja de valor superior, precisa ser de qualidade testada ou provada. For our faith to have excelling value, it must be of proved, or tested, quality. What admonition did Paul give the Hebrew Christians, and why? Se isso acontecer com você, não tropece por causa disso; não deixe que isso atrapalhe seu serviço a Jeová. Do not let yourself be stumbled. But the opposite is, only strong people have these qualities. De modo similar, os cristãos do primeiro século que foram leais e obedientes se mantiveram separados de pessoas ímpias e sobreviveram à destruição de Jerusalém e do sistema de coisas judaico em 70 EC. - Luc. 21: 20 - 22. Similarly, loyal and obedient first - century Christians kept themselves separate from ungodly people and survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish system of things in 70 C.E. - Luke 21: 20 - 22. What a price to pay for a failure in the fear of God! - 2 Samuel 12: 10 - 14; 13: 10 - 14; 15: 14. Como imitadores de Deus e de Cristo, também devemos ser diligentes. As imitators of God and of Christ, we too should be industrious. Jehovah God cared for that his name was preserved in his Word. Os familiares de Noé aceitaram as suas orientações, tinham a mesma fé que ele e não permitiram que outros os impedissem de realizar o trabalho que Deus lhes confiara. Noah's family accepted his instruction, shared his faith, and did not allow the influence of others to hinder their God - given work. Unlike Adam, who showed a selfish, unselfish father, Jesus is the perfect father. " VINDE a mim ," disse Jesus Cristo. " COME to me, " said Jesus Christ. Why did the former persecutor Saul imitate the faith of his former victims? Esteja decidido a "prestar a Deus serviço sagrado aceitável, com temor piedoso e com espanto reverente ." Be determined to "render God sacred service with godly fear and awe. " When I returned home with my parents, my feelings changed. Em breve, Jeová exaltará seu nome até mais do que quando libertou os israelitas do Egito. Soon, Jehovah will make an even grander name for himself than he did when he delivered the Israelites from Egypt. 1: 5. Jesus disse: " É da abundância do coração que a boca fala. ' Jesus said: "Out of the heart's abundance [the] mouth speaks. " Cultivate the desire to Serve Daí ele me lembrou das coisas boas que eu estava fazendo. Then he reminded me of the good I was accomplishing. If speaking with conviction, however, you may be surprised quickly that your peers will slow down. - Compare Luke 4: 12, 13. Outro bom exemplo é o apóstolo Pedro, que declarou lealdade a Jesus. The other good example we will consider is that of the apostle Peter, who avowed his loyalty to Jesus. They become even more close friends and appreciate each other's company. This seems to indicate that Jesus ' memory of his prehuman existence in heaven returned to him. It is not enough to tell your child what is right and wrong. Mas em que sentido " condenamos ' esses ataques verbais? - Isaías 54: 17. How is it that we condemn such verbal attacks? - Isaiah 54: 17. 11, 12. A Bíblia muitas vezes faz distinção entre Jesus e os ungidos, como na frase "com respeito a Cristo e à congregação ." The Bible often makes a distinction between Jesus and the anointed ones, such as in the phrase "with respect to Christ and the congregation. " 4: 7. Que exortação Paulo deu aos cristãos hebreus, e por quê? What exhortation did Paul give to Hebrew Christians, and why? The second article shows that true faith is far more than just learning what Jehovah will do in the future. Mas a verdade é o contrário: só pessoas fortes têm essas qualidades. How far such reasoning is from the truth! What situation may have proved to be a test for Zechariah and Elizabeth, and how was their loyalty rewarded? Que preço a pagar por uma falha no temor a Deus! - 2 Samuel 12: 10 - 14; 13: 10 - 14; 15: 14. What a price to pay for a lapse in the fear of God! - 2 Samuel 12: 10 - 14; 13: 10 - 14; 15: 14. 8: 19, 20. Jeová Deus cuidou de que seu nome fosse preservado na sua Palavra. Jehovah God has seen to it that his name is preserved in his Word. 34: 8; Prov. Diferentemente de Adão, que se mostrou um pai egoísta e interesseiro, Jesus é o pai ideal. Unlike Adam, who turned out to be a selfish, self - serving father, Jesus is the ideal father. When she returned, she kindly asked: "I was hoping to eat something else? " Por que o ex - perseguidor Saulo adotou a fé das suas anteriores vítimas? Why did the onetime persecutor Saul embrace the faith of his victims? The good news reached the ends of the earth and some seven million people with the hope of gaining everlasting life in God's new world. Quando voltei a morar com meus pais, meus sentimentos por eles tinham mudado. By the time I rejoined my parents, my feelings for them had changed. God's enemies - Satan and those under his influence - try to stop the work Jesus assigned to his followers, including us. 1: 5. 1: 5. This should not surprise us. Cultive o desejo de servir Cultivate the Desire to Serve This may even be done in each family, reading a paragraph, or speak differently. Se falar com convicção, porém, talvez se surpreenda da rapidez com que seus colegas desistirão de pressionar. - Note Lucas 4: 12, 13. If you speak with conviction, however, you may be surprised how quickly your peers will back off. - Compare Luke 4: 12, 13. Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " Eles se tornam amigos ainda mais achegados e prezam muito a companhia um do outro. They become even closer friends and cherish each other's company. They live in a full nation of wickedness, and they will be able to raise their children to serve God? Não basta dizer ao seu filho o que é certo e o que é errado. Why is faith a precious possession? 11, 12. 11, 12. How can we use upbuilding speech to strengthen our unity? 4: 7. 4: 7. SONGS TO BE USED: 112, 104 O segundo mostra que a fé verdadeira é muito mais do que simplesmente saber o que Jeová vai fazer no futuro. The second article shows how true faith is much more than just a mental understanding of the blessings that Jehovah has in store for us. 31 Did You Know? What factors determine how Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul used life? Que situação pode ter sido uma prova para Zacarias e Elisabete, e como a lealdade deles foi recompensada? What situation may have tested Zechariah and Elizabeth, and how was their loyalty rewarded? 11, 12. 8: 19, 20. 8: 19, 20. Jesus, who always was humble, firmly rejected such an offer. 34: 8; Pro. 34: 8; Prov. All the covenants we consider in these two articles are related to one or more vital aspects of the Kingdom. Quando voltou, ela perguntou bondosamente: "Gostaria de comer alguma coisa? " When he returned, she kindly asked: "Would you like something to eat? " Let Your Yes Mean Yes As boas novas alcançaram os confins da Terra e uns sete milhões de pessoas têm a esperança de ganhar a vida eterna no novo mundo de Deus. The good news has now reached to the ends of the earth, and about seven million people have the hope of gaining eternal life in God's new world. Those of this limited number are "those who are called to be holy " and are accepted as" sons of God. " Os inimigos de Deus - Satanás e os sob sua influência - tentam parar a obra que Jesus designou a seus seguidores, incluindo nós. God's enemies - Satan and those under his influence - are trying to stop the work that Jesus assigned to His followers, including us. Let God's Spirit Give You Boldness Isso não deveria nos surpreender. This should not surprise us. In Jesus ' illustration of the wheat and the weeds what represents the fine seed? Isso pode até ser feito em família, cada um lendo um parágrafo ou as falas de um personagem diferente. You might even read aloud as a family, taking turns reading paragraphs or assigning characters to different family members. How should we approach God? Por isso, rogai ao Senhor da colheita que mande trabalhadores para a sua colheita. " Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " We can be sure that God is saddened when humans disobey him, for he knows what the consequences of not follow their use for life. Eles vivem numa nação cheia de maldade. Como conseguirão criar seu filho para servir a Deus? In a nation filled with badness, how could he and his wife successfully raise their son to serve God? The extent of his prophecy is extended to our day. - Matt. Por que a fé é tão valiosa? Why is faith a precious possession? On the contrary, a happy life was possible. Como podemos usar linguagem edificante para fortalecer a nossa união? How can we use upbuilding speech to strengthen our unity? Why did God fight King Hezekiah? CÂNTICOS: 112, 104 SONGS TO BE USED: 112, 104 Study Article 4 PAGES 16 - 20 Que fatores determinaram como Noé, Moisés, Jeremias e Paulo usaram a vida? What factors determined the life course of Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul? In what central way did Jesus use his life after baptism? 11, 12. 11, 12. How did Jehovah strengthen Moses ' hands, Asa, and Nehemiah? Jesus, que sempre foi humilde, rejeitou com firmeza essa proposta. Ever humble, Jesus flatly rejected the Devil's offer. None of us want to " go bad. ' Todos os pactos que consideramos nestes dois artigos estão relacionados a um ou mais aspectos vitais do Reino. All the covenants that we have considered in these two articles relate to one or more vital aspects of the Kingdom. Carol, who is a immigrant daughter, says: "It is a great amount to being a foreign - language congregation. Deixe seu Sim significar Sim What a fine occasion for praying! Os desse grupo de número limitado são "chamados para serem santos " e são aceitos como" filhos de Deus ." The limited number of that group are "called to be holy ones " and are accepted as" God's sons. " PUBLISHERS Permita que o espírito de Deus lhe dê coragem Let God's Spirit Make You Bold How did the apostle Peter explain the need to listen to Jesus? Na ilustração de Jesus a respeito do trigo e do joio o que simboliza a semente excelente? In Jesus ' illustration of the wheat and the weeds, what does the fine seed represent? Also, about 750 people were meet to meet this appointment, including Queen Ecclesiastes. Como devemos nos aproximar de Deus? How Should We Approach God? For this reason, too, the born Son of God will be called holy, Son of God. " Podemos ter certeza de que Deus se entristece quando humanos o desobedecem, pois ele sabe quais são as conseqüências de não seguir suas prescrições para a vida. We can be sure that Jehovah feels pained when humans disobey him, for he knows the consequences of ignoring his prescription for life. Although he was created for imperfect parents - Joseph and Mary, Jesus humbly "continued to be subjected to them. " O alcance de suas profecias se estende até os nossos dias. - Mat. His prophecies reach right down to our own time. - Matt. (a) Why do many endeavor to riches and social status? Pelo contrário, era possível ter uma vida feliz lá. The city offered him an opportunity to work, to help others, and to serve Jehovah in peace. (b) What is Jehovah's great spiritual temple, and how does it work out for worship there? Por que Deus defendeu o Rei Ezequias? Why did God fight for King Hezekiah? Can we be even more accurate? Artigo de estudo 4 PÁGINAS 16 - 20 Study Article 4 PAGES 16 - 20 Upon seeing the pictures in cover, I cover it into the book and said: "I want to! " Em que Jesus centralizou a sua vida depois do batismo? What did Jesus focus on after his baptism? Were they busy in the preaching work during World War I? Como Jeová fortaleceu as mãos de Moisés, Asa e Neemias? How did Jehovah strengthen the hands of Moses, Asa, and Nehemiah? Indeed, as you grow stronger in your knowledge of Jehovah, you see him even more clearly how real a real Person and deepens your love for him. Nenhum de nós quer " ir mal '. None of us want to "fare badly. " What does the vision reveal by the apostle John at Revelation 20: 12, 13 reveal? Carolina, que é filha de imigrantes, diz: "É muito divertido ser de uma congregação de língua estrangeira. " Being in a foreign - language congregation has been fun, " says Carolina, whose parents are immigrants. Proverbs 22: 4 states: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " Que excelente ocasião para orar! What a fine time to pray! He knows that reading the Bible in a language that touches our heart strengthens our friendship with him. PUBLICADORES PUBLISHERS But Pilate, Jesus said: "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, in order to bear witness to the truth. " Como o apóstolo Pedro explicou a necessidade de escutar a Jesus? How did the apostle Peter explain the necessity of listening to Jesus? What impact can our trust in Jehovah have on others? Também, cerca de 750 mil pessoas foram a esse encontro, incluindo a Rainha Elizabeth da Inglaterra. Also, about 750,000 people visited us at the jamboree, including Queen Elizabeth of England. The Greek word here rendered "hospitality " has a meaning like James ' used in verse that was translated" patience. " Por esta razão, também, o nascido será chamado santo, Filho de Deus. " For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God's Son. " He thus came to love her. Embora fosse criado por pais imperfeitos - José e Maria - , Jesus humildemente "continuou a estar - lhes sujeito ." Although he was raised by imperfect parents - Joseph and Mary - Jesus humbly "continued subject to them. " Furthermore, we do everything in our power to make known Jehovah's name. (a) Por que muitos se empenham por riquezas e posição social? (a) Why do many strive for riches and status? Esther and Mordecai (b) O que é o grande templo espiritual de Jeová, e como se realiza a adoração ali? (b) What is Jehovah's great spiritual temple, and how is worship offered there? It would be wise to ask such questions as: " Do I want my husband to go away in the field ministry or do something different today? ' Podemos ser ainda mais exatos? Can we be more precise? For 12 years, one woman suffered a flow of blood. Ao ver as figuras na capa, apontei para o livro e disse: "Eu quero! " When I saw the pictures on the cover, I pointed to it and said, "I want that! " What traits could harden us against Jehovah's counsel? Será que eles estavam bem ocupados na pregação durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial? How active were our brothers in the preaching work during World War I? She immediately prepared a great gift for David and went to meet him. De fato, à medida que você aumenta seus conhecimentos sobre Jeová, você o vê ainda mais claramente como Pessoa real e aprofunda seu amor a ele. Indeed, as you take in more knowledge of Jehovah, you will ever more clearly see him as a real Person and deepen your love for him. They want to learn! O que revela a visão registrada pelo apóstolo João em Revelação 20: 12, 13? What does the vision recorded by the apostle John at Revelation 20: 12, 13 reveal? As we obey God's standards and share in the preaching work, we come to understand his appealing qualities. Por exemplo, Provérbios 22: 4 diz: "O resultado da humildade e do temor de Jeová é riquezas, e glória, e vida. " For example, Proverbs 22: 4 states: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " Some of the titles that reflect Jesus ' unique role in God's purpose Ele sabe que ler a Bíblia no idioma que toca o nosso coração fortalece a nossa amizade com ele. He knows that humans can better fill their spiritual need when they read his thoughts in the language of their heart. 2, 3. A Pilatos, porém, Jesus disse: "Para isso nasci e para isso vim ao mundo, a fim de dar testemunho da verdade. " To Pilate, Jesus did say: "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. " Reaching the Way of Your Choice Que impacto a nossa confiança em Jeová pode ter em outros? What impact can our trust in Jehovah have on others? 48: 17. A palavra grega traduzida aqui por "perseverança " tem um significado semelhante ao da palavra usada por Tiago no versículo precedente, que foi traduzida por" paciência ." The Greek word here translated "endurance " has a meaning similar to that of the word James used in the preceding verse for" patience. " One of these is Absalom, one of the sons of King David. Desse modo, ele veio a amá - la. In that way he came to love it. (b) How can Christian parents and elders help young ones to prepare for baptism? Além disso, fazemos tudo ao nosso alcance para divulgar o nome de Jeová. Moreover, we do everything in our power to make known the name of Jehovah. (b) What can we learn about Jehovah from his spirit? Ester e Mordecai [ Picture on page 10] In this context, "the world " refers to mankind. Seria bom essa irmã se perguntar: " Será que meu marido não quer que eu vá ao campo de jeito nenhum, ou ele está pedindo pra eu fazer algo diferente só hoje? ' Is her husband completely opposed to her going out in service, or is he asking her to do something else just that one day? • How important are Christian meetings? Por 12 longos anos, certa mulher sofreu de um fluxo anormal de sangue. For 12 long years, a woman suffered from an abnormal flow of blood. If that is the case, do not give up on yourself serving Jehovah loyally. Que coisas podem endurecer nosso coração? What traits could harden our heart? When he reachs out in heaven, these devoted servants will help obedient humans to reach perfection and life without end. Ela logo preparou um grande presente para Davi e foi ao seu encontro. Immediately, she put together a large gift and went to meet David. In addition to providing spiritual food on "in the due time, " the faithful steward would be appointed over Christ's entire body of attendants and commissioned to administer " all his belongings, " or be all his interests on earth. Eles querem aprender! They want to learn! SONGS TO BE USED: 123, 53 À medida que obedecemos às normas de Deus e participamos na obra de pregação, chegamos a entender suas atraentes qualidades. As we conform to God's standards and share in the work of preaching, we come to understand his appealing qualities. They were free to serve God, but they could still choose to serve, if they were to be willing to serve his ancient master. Alguns dos títulos que refletem o papel sem igual de Jesus no propósito de Deus Some Titles That Reflect Jesus ' Unique Role in God's Purpose Why do many people not understand "the deep things of God "? 2, 3. 2, 3. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. Livres para escolher Free to Choose One common merchant would first count the value of the pearl, so to see how he could pay for it in order to obtain the profit. 48: 17. 48: 17. The Bible student also needs to experience Jehovah's goodness personally. Um desses é Absalão, um dos filhos do Rei Davi. One such example is Absalom, a son of King David. When Moses was young and was part of Egypt, he would easily have developed love for the power and riches. (b) Como os pais cristãos e os anciãos podem ajudar os jovens a se preparar para o batismo? (b) How can Christian parents and elders help young ones to understand the meaning of baptism? Help Through Fellow Believers (b) O que o exemplo de Moisés nos ensina quanto a Jeová dar de seu espírito? (b) What does Moses ' example teach us about Jehovah's giving his spirit? On the contrary, we must refuse to submit to the will of others, even though they show positions of authority. Nesse contexto, "o mundo " se refere à humanidade. In this context, "the world " refers to humankind. In fact, there were cases of young ones who wanted to do so, but they were encouraged by parents to pursue goals in this world. • Qual é a importância das reuniões cristãs? • How important are Christian meetings? But in the truth, they once had "troublesome comforters. " Se esse for o caso, não desista. Continue servindo a Jeová lealmente. Instead of yielding under pressure, be determined to maintain your pattern of wholehearted worship. False religion promotes many popular holidays. Quando assumirem sua função no céu, esses servos devotados ajudarão os humanos obedientes a alcançar a perfeição e a vida sem fim. Upon gaining their heavenly position, these devoted ones will help obedient humans to reach perfection and endless life. Thus, Jesus meant that we should always be willing to forgive, and he should be our first reaction when someone offends us. - Matt. Além de fornecer alimento espiritual nutritivo "no tempo devido ,"" o mordomo fiel " seria designado sobre o inteiro corpo de assistentes de Cristo e comissionado para administrar "todos os seus bens ," ou seja, todos os interesses dele na Terra. In addition to providing nourishing spiritual food "at the proper time, "" the faithful steward " would be appointed over the entire body of Christ's attendants and assigned to manage all of Christ's interests on earth, "all his belongings. " During courtship, their love became increasingly strong. CÂNTICOS: 123, 53 SONGS: 103, 101 Among them are the kidneys. Estavam livres para servir a Deus, mas ainda podiam escolher servir, se quisessem, ao seu antigo amo: o pecado. They were free to serve God, yet they could still choose to serve sin - the former master - if they so desired. (b) What political leaders do they make, and who may refer to them? Por que muitas pessoas não entendem "as coisas profundas de Deus "? Why do many people not understand "the deep things of God "? Revelation chapter 12 gives further details about the establishment of God's Kingdom in heaven. Tomai sobre vós o meu jugo e aprendei de mim, pois sou de temperamento brando e humilde de coração, e achareis revigoramento para as vossas almas. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. However, even the base of base may influence the weak in the faith. Um comerciante comum iria primeiro calcular o valor de mercado da pérola, para ver quanto poderia pagar por ela a fim de obter lucro. A common merchant might first figure out the market value of the pearl so as to determine how much he would pay for it in order to make a profit. Consider an example: A boy named James is playing ball with his house. O estudante da Bíblia precisa também sentir pessoalmente a bondade de Jeová. A Bible student also needs to experience Jehovah's goodness personally. By rebelling against God and motivating the first human pair into sin, this angel made himself Satan the Devil. Quando Moisés era jovem e fazia parte da família real do Egito, ele facilmente poderia ter desenvolvido amor pelo poder e pelas riquezas. While Moses was a young man living as part of the Egyptian royal household, he could easily have developed a love for power and riches. Not one word of them has failed. " Ajuda por meio de companheiros de adoração Help Through Fellow Believers What kind of education is of high value to Jehovah's servants? Ao contrário, às vezes temos de nos recusar a submeter - nos à vontade de outros, mesmo que exerçam cargos de autoridade. On the contrary, at times we must refuse to submit to the will of others even if they have positions of authority. Many of Jesus ' listeners were poor Na verdade, houve casos de jovens que até queriam fazer isso, mas foram incentivados pelos pais a se empenhar por alvos neste mundo. In fact, in some cases, young ones who were inclined to set such goals were encouraged by their parents to pursue secular goals instead! Moses was a fine example of one who kept his mind on God - given hope. Mas, na verdade, eles acabaram sendo "consoladores funestos ." Nevertheless, they proved to be "troublesome comforters. " How does Jehovah feel about human suffering? A religião falsa promove ativamente muitos feriados populares. False religion plays a major role in many popular holiday celebrations. [ Picture on page 16] Com isso, Jesus quis dizer que sempre devemos estar dispostos a perdoar. Essa deve ser a nossa primeira reação quando alguém nos magoa. - Mat. Clearly, Jesus meant that we should always be willing to forgive; this should be our first and predominant leaning. - Matt. Because to accomplish this work, we need to trust that God knows the right time to bring about this system and that the end will not be late. Durante o namoro, o amor entre eles ficou cada vez mais forte. " He makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. " Entre eles os rins. Among them were your kidneys. A ruin, a ruin, will make ruin. (b) O que líderes políticos farão, e quem talvez se junte a eles? (b) What will political leaders do, and who may join them? Why should we be interested in the legal aspects of marriage, and how can we manifest that? O capítulo 12 de Revelação dá mais detalhes sobre o estabelecimento do Reino de Deus no céu. Revelation chapter 12 provides further details concerning the establishment of God's Kingdom in heaven. What attitude should we have toward our overseers? No entanto, até as mais infundadas ideias podem influenciar os fracos na fé. But even the most baseless ideas can exert power over those weak in faith. Examining our priorities is, then, a awesome way of seeing whether we are serving God with a complete heart. Veja um exemplo: um menino chamado Tiago está jogando bola dentro de casa. Consider this example: A little boy named Johnny is throwing a ball in the house. Eve was a real complement of Adam. Por se rebelar contra Deus e induzir o primeiro casal humano ao pecado, esse anjo fez de si mesmo Satanás, o Diabo. By rebelling against God and by inducing the first human pair to pursue a sinful course, this angel made himself Satan the Devil. Hence, humble ones have come to know Jehovah as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " Nem uma única palavra delas falhou. " Not one word of them has failed. " A good number of Christians have fallen into that trap by taking action in situations that is very easy to compromise. Que tipo de educação é de maior proveito para os servos de Jeová? What sort of education will benefit Jehovah's servants the most? Jesus too did not preach in carrying out the Kingdom - preaching and teaching work. Muitos dos ouvintes de Jesus eram pobres Many who heard Jesus ' words were poor Modesty helps us to think carefully before doing something we do not make serious mistakes. Moisés foi um excelente exemplo de alguém que manteve a mente fixa na esperança dada por Deus. An outstanding example of one who remained focused on his God - given hope was Moses. Keep in mind Paul's admonition regarding personal decisions about eating or certain food: "He that does not look down on what you do not look down with, and who does not judge him... Como Jeová se sente a respeito do sofrimento humano? How does Jehovah feel about human suffering? Today, more than eight million people live in the land where they are born. [ Foto na página 16] [ Picture on page 16] 1, 2. (a) What end will this wicked world have? Porque, para realizar essa obra, precisamos confiar que Deus sabe a hora certa de trazer o fim deste sistema e que o fim "não se atrasará ." This work requires that we have faith in God's timing of the coming end of this system of things, believing that "it will not be late! " At Exodus 34: 27, for example, we read: "Jehovah went on to Moses, saying: "Write for yourselves these words, because it is according to these words that I am seeking a covenant with you and Israel. ' " " Ele faz o seu sol levantar - se sobre iníquos e sobre bons, e faz chover sobre justos e sobre injustos. " " He makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. " But it seemed that he was being punished instead of blessing. Uma ruína, uma ruína, uma ruína a farei. A ruin, a ruin, a ruin I shall make it. Instead, they encouraged people to reject Jesus, "the Chief Agent of life. " Por que devemos interessar - nos pelos aspectos legais do casamento, e como podemos manifestar isso? Why should we be interested in the legal aspects of getting married, and how might we manifest this? The belief in Jesus ' resurrection motivates us to do God's will. Que atitude devemos ter para com nossos superintendentes? What should be our attitude toward our overseers? Some people use a computer program to make a budget a budget. Examinar nossas prioridades é, portanto, uma maneira tangível de ver se estamos servindo a Deus de coração pleno. Examining our priorities in life is thus a tangible way to check whether we are serving God with a complete heart. What are the more daunting ones? ' Eva era um verdadeiro complemento de Adão. Eve was truly a complement of Adam. He did not want to be rejected again. Assim, os humildes passavam a conhecer a Jeová como "Deus misericordioso e clemente, vagaroso em irar - se e abundante em benevolência e em verdade ." Hence, humble ones came to know Jehovah as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " It is in the outworking of this purpose that both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, "theLord of the sabbath, " have" kept working until now. " Um bom número de cristãos já caíram nessa armadilha por terem se colocado em situações em que é muito fácil transigir. A number of Christians have fallen into that pit by letting themselves get into situations in which compromise is all too easy. Later, Peter wrote: "By the sake of the Lord, in subjection to all human creation. " Jesus também não media esforços em realizar a obra de pregação e ensino do Reino. Jesus also exerted himself vigorously in the Kingdom preaching and teaching work. (b) What will we consider in this article and the next? A modéstia nos ajuda a pensar bem antes de fazer alguma coisa para não cometermos erros graves. Modesty motivates us to consider others ahead of ourselves, and it encourages us to be cautious, thus avoiding serious mistakes. No wonder the location in which the tower was situated was called " fornicators, " or Babel. Tenha em mente o seguinte conselho de Paulo a respeito de decisões pessoais sobre comer, ou não, certos alimentos: "Quem come não menospreze ao que não come, e quem não come não julgue aquele que come... Bear in mind Paul's counsel on personal decisions about eating or not eating certain foods: "Let the one eating not look down on the one not eating, and let the one not eating not judge the one eating... How can we show hospitality to one another? Hoje, mais de 240 milhões de pessoas não moram no país onde nasceram. Today, more than 240,000,000 people live outside the land of their birth. Rico or poor, young or old, can all of us cultivate a good relationship with Jehovah. 1, 2. (a) Que fim terá este mundo mau? 1, 2. (a) How will the present wicked system of things end? Old: I wasted the best years of my life with the wrong man. Em Êxodo 34: 27, por exemplo, lemos: "Jeová prosseguiu, dizendo a Moisés: " Escreve para ti estas palavras, porque é de acordo com estas palavras que deveras concluo um pacto contigo e com Israel. ' " At Exodus 34: 27, for example, we read: "Jehovah went on to say to Moses: " Write down for yourself these words, because it is in accordance with these words that I do conclude a covenant with you and Israel. ' " Still, he may feel that he would stop associating with them. Mas parecia que ele estava sendo punido, em vez de abençoado. For his righteous actions, he seemed to be punished rather than blessed. We will consider these questions as we consider the six aspects of "the fruitage of the spirit, ' namely, "the goodness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " - Gal. Mas, em vez disso, eles incentivavam as pessoas a rejeitar Jesus, "o Agente Principal da vida ." Instead, they directed people away from "the Chief Agent of life, " Jesus, leading them toward a course that could end in eternal destruction. How did some Christians in the 1870 begin to search for "the true knowledge "? A crença na ressurreição de Jesus nos motiva a fazer a vontade de Deus. Belief in Jesus ' resurrection motivates us to do God's will. PAGE 12 • SONGS: 86, 65 Algumas pessoas usam um programa de computador para fazer um orçamento. To work out a budget, some people use a computer program. How important it is that spiritual shepherds read God's Word daily, for this helps them to manage their "healthful teaching "! - Titus 2: 1. Quais são os mais assustadores? ' Which ones are the most terrifying? ' And why did Jesus strive to do the will of the One who sent him? Ele não queria ser rejeitado de novo. He did not want to face more rejection. (See opening picture.) É na realização desse propósito que tanto Jeová Deus como Jesus Cristo, o "Senhor do sábado ," têm" estado trabalhando até agora ." It is toward the realization of that purpose that both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, the "Lord of the sabbath, " have" kept working until now. " It is not a common water, composed of two parts of oil and a oxygen in oxygen. Mais tarde, Pedro escreveu: "Pela causa do Senhor, sujeitai - vos a toda criação humana. " Peter later wrote: "For the Lord's sake subject yourselves to every human creation. " In the first - century Christian congregation, the apostle John saw the need for reproving some who disregarded the appointed brothers. (b) O que consideraremos neste artigo de estudo e no próximo? (b) What will we discuss in this study article and in the next one? We want it to be a place where we have privacy and security. Não é de admirar que o local em que se situava aquela torre tenha se chamado "Confusão ," ou Babel. No wonder the location of that tower came to be called "Confusion, " or Babel! Jesus also said: "The Father has affection for the Son. " Como podemos mostrar hospitalidade "uns com os outros "? What opportunities do we have for extending hospitality "to one another "? The psalmist said: "They shall not lack nothing good for those seeking Jehovah. " Ricos ou pobres, jovens ou idosos, sadios ou doentes, todos nós podemos cultivar uma boa relação com Jeová. Whether we are rich or poor, young or elderly, in good health or bad, we can cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah. Consider the short talk but powerfully recorded in Matthew chapters 5 to 7. Negativo: Eu desperdicei os melhores anos de minha vida com o homem errado. Old: I wasted my best years with the wrong man. In the physical world, timing is needed in the amount of time - whether it is in both aic and unhealthy air. Mesmo assim, talvez ache que parar de se associar com eles seria desleal. Even so, he may feel that if he does not associate with them, he is being disloyal. When those angels decided to leave God's family, they held under Satan's control. Consideraremos essas perguntas ao analisarmos os outros seis aspectos do " fruto do espírito ', a saber, "longanimidade, benignidade, bondade, fé, brandura, autodomínio ." - Gál. Let us consider these questions as we discuss the remaining six aspects of "the fruitage of the spirit, " namely," long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " - Gal. Show that faith is by taking advantage of every opportunity to preach (See paragraph 12) Como alguns cristãos nos anos 1870 começaram a buscar "o verdadeiro conhecimento "? How did a group of Christians in the 1870 ' s begin to search for "the true knowledge "? Sadly, some who appreciated Jesus ' sacrifice and dedicated themselves to God stopped associating with the Christian congregation. PÁGINA 12 CÂNTICOS: 3, 65 PAGE 12 • SONGS: 3, 65 Before young ones get baptized, he dedicates himself to Jehovah. É muito importante que os pastores espirituais leiam a Palavra de Deus todos os dias, pois isso os ajuda a administrar o "ensino salutar ." - Tito 2: 1. How important it is that spiritual shepherds read God's Word daily, for this helps them to impart "healthful teaching "! - Titus 2: 1. Speak! E por que Jesus se esforçou em fazer a vontade Daquele que o enviou? And why did Jesus yield to the will of that One? We may enjoy God's reminders, but what do we know about us by some reason? (Veja a foto no começo do artigo.) (See opening picture.) Saul, who was still God's chosen king, did not understand why his son was a friend of David. Não é uma água comum, composta de duas partes de hidrogênio e uma de oxigênio. It is not ordinary water composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Today, Jehovah also provides us with all that we need to serve him faithfully. Na congregação cristã do primeiro século, o apóstolo João viu a necessidade de repreender alguns que desrespeitavam os irmãos designados. In the first - century Christian congregation, the apostle John saw the need to censure those who showed a lack of respect for appointed ones. For months, Alex was almost unable to think about another thing. Queremos que ela seja um lugar onde tenhamos privacidade e segurança. We want it to be a place where we have privacy and security. 17, 18. (a) How does "the time " affect us? Jesus também disse: "O Pai tem afeição pelo Filho. " Jesus also said: "The Father has affection for the Son. " See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, page 79. O salmista disse: "Não faltará nada de bom aos que buscam a Jeová. " The psalmist sang: "Those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good. " How is Jehovah's sovereignty related to Christian neutrality? Veja o discurso curto, mas marcante, registrado em Mateus capítulos 5 a 7. Consider his short yet powerful discourse recorded in Matthew chapters 5 through 7. (Read Proverbs 14: 1.) No mundo físico, a precisa regulagem de tempo pode ser vista tanto em escala microscópica como macroscópica. In the physical world, precise timing can be seen on a microscopic as well as on a macroscopic scale. As evidence of this, elders show that they have Christ's mental attitude by organizing and monitor the sick in the congregation, following Matthew 25: 39, 40. Quando esses anjos decidiram abandonar a família de Deus, eles se colocaram debaixo do controle de Satanás. When those angels abandoned God's family, they put themselves on Satan's side as opposers of God's will. We can speak to God deeply about any time or place. Mostre que tem fé por aproveitar todas as oportunidades para pregar (Veja o parágrafo 12.) Exercise your faith by sharing the good news at every opportunity (See paragraph 12) " Be transformed by making your mind over. " - ROM. Infelizmente, alguns que pelo visto valorizavam o sacrifício de Jesus e se dedicaram a Deus pararam de se associar com a congregação cristã. Sadly, some who seemed to appreciate Jesus ' sacrifice and made a dedication to God no longer associate with the Christian congregation. Instead of confidently thinking, " There will be nothing to happen, ' you will be wise if you foresee situations that could lead to problems. Antes de um jovem se batizar, ele se dedica a Jeová. Of course, a youth who is baptized has made a solemn dedication to Jehovah. Earlier, John wrote: "Jesus, having loved his own ones in the world, loved them to the end. " Fale! Speak! When we mistreatment for a fellow believer or for one of our family, however, we may feel overwhelmed by a fellow believer. Talvez gostemos dos lembretes de Deus, mas e se "príncipes " falarem contra nós por algum motivo? We may be fond of God's reminders, but what if "princes " speak against us for some reason? Can we use that precious ability to do so? Saul, que ainda era o rei escolhido por Deus, não entendia por que seu filho era amigo de Davi. King Saul, the anointed of God, was aware of his son's friendship with David, but he did not understand the reason for it. They may even deny that Jesus was subjected to or denied the thought that he was anointed with holy spirit. Hoje, Jeová também nos provê de tudo que precisamos para servir a ele fielmente. Today, Jehovah also provides us with everything we need to serve him faithfully. What can help us to develop a hatred for what is bad? Por meses, Alex quase não conseguia pensar em outra coisa. For months, Alex could think of little else. E everyone who serves as a number of different ways that spread the earth wide countless millions to 100 million. 17, 18. (a) Como "a época " nos afeta? 17, 18. (a) How does "the season " affect us? Are you beset by trials? Veja Organizados para Fazer a Vontade de Jeová, página 79. See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, page 79. Thus, the Governing Body can focus on dispensing spiritual food and leading to the congregations of July 15, 2013 explained that "the faithful and discreet slave " are members of the Governing Body. Que relação existe entre a soberania de Jeová e a neutralidade cristã? What is the connection between Jehovah's sovereignty and Christian neutrality? " Keep on blessing Those persecuting You " (Leia Provérbios 14: 1.) (Read Proverbs 14: 1.) It includes accepting and heeded God's moral standards and want to live according to what he says is right or wrong. Como evidência disso, os anciãos demonstram que têm a atitude mental de Cristo por organizar e monitorar a ajuda aos doentes na congregação, seguindo o princípio expresso em Mateus 25: 39, 40. As one evidence, elders show that they have Christ's mental attitude by making and monitoring arrangements to help sick ones in the congregation, following in principle the course of action mentioned at Matthew 25: 39, 40. Moreover, good wives do well to speak effectively, knowing that a chosen word "of the right time for it " is appealing and appreciated. - Read Proverbs 25: 11. Podemos falar a Deus prolongadamente em qualquer momento ou lugar. We can speak to God at length at any time or place. Thus we hope to help them to become disciples of Christ. " Sede transformados por reformardes a vossa mente. " - ROM. " Be transformed by making your mind over. " - ROM. Paul calls such a spirit as "the spirit that is now operating on the sons of disobedience. " Em vez de confiantemente pensar: " Com certeza nada vai me acontecer ', você será sábio se prever situações que poderiam levar a problemas. Rather than overconfidently thinking, " Nothing will happen to me, ' you are wise to anticipate situations that could lead to problems. What can we learn from the example of Jacob? Antes de falar dessa ocasião, João escreveu: "Jesus, tendo amado os seus próprios que estavam no mundo, amou - os até o fim. " Before relating the account of the washing of feet, John wrote: "Jesus, having loved his own that were in the world, loved them to the end. " So you may feel that there is no need for Jehovah's help. Mas, quando somos maltratados por um irmão ou por alguém da nossa família, pode ser que nos sintamos arrasados. But when a fellow believer or a family member says or does something that hurts us deeply, we may be devastated. If you have similar determination and continue to stay close to Jehovah, nothing will cause you to maintain integrity. - Jas. Poderíamos usar melhor essa habilidade preciosa? Could we make better use of this valuable skill? For some weeks, the prophet Elijah is a guest of a widow of Zarephath, living in a room on the roof of the house. Talvez até neguem que Jesus tenha existido ou rejeitem a idéia de que ele foi ungido com espírito santo. Perhaps they deny that Jesus ever lived or they reject that he was anointed with holy spirit. In a position to become diligent, as well as in harmony with the facts of our day, the Hebrew verb translated "go walking " conveys the idea of easily. O que pode nos ajudar a desenvolver ódio pelo que é mau? What can help us to develop a hatred for what is bad? In that same chapter, the Jews were told to consider others, beyond their fellow Israelites, as their neighbor. Estima - se que a quantidade de espécies que habitam a Terra varie de 2 milhões a 100 milhões. Estimates of the number of species on earth vary from 2 million to 100 million. The expression "good - speaking word " takes place only once in the Bible. Você está sofrendo provações? Are you enduring trials? How can Christian women imitate the Shulammite girl? Assim, o Corpo Governante pode se concentrar em fornecer alimento espiritual e em liderar a congregação. A Sentinela de 15 de julho de 2013 explicou que o "escravo fiel e prudente " são os ungidos que fazem parte do Corpo Governante. The July 15, 2013, issue of The Watchtower explained that "the faithful and discreet slave " is a small group of anointed brothers who make up the Governing Body. But look back, we see more clearly that Jehovah was on our side. " Persisti em abençoar os que vos perseguem " " Keep On Blessing Those Who Persecute " And how " blessed ' will yet be as God accomplish his purpose! Inclui aceitar e acatar rigorosamente os padrões de moral de Deus e querer viver de acordo com o que ele diz ser certo ou errado. It includes acceptance of and strict adherence to God's moral standards and a desire to live by what God says is right or wrong. Some two years later, governmental rulers, Hezekiah's successor, invited King Herod to be with him in charge of the prisoner. Além disso, esposas de bom discernimento falam com jeito, sabendo que uma palavra bem escolhida, "falada no tempo certo para ela ," é atraente e apreciada. - Leia Provérbios 25: 11. Discerning wives also speak graciously, aware that a well - chosen word "spoken at the right time for it " is both appealing and appreciated. - Read Proverbs 25: 11. Rahab is another example of courage. Desse modo, esperamos ajudá - las a se tornarem discípulos de Cristo. In that way, we hope to help them to become Christ's disciples. Thus, he was grateful for God and Christ and had shown mercy and appointed him a ministry despite his previous attitudes. Paulo chama essa atitude de "espírito que agora atua nos filhos da desobediência ." Paul describes it as "the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience. " DECEMBER 31, 2012 - JANUARY 6, 2013 O que podemos aprender do bom exemplo de Jacó? What can we learn from the example of Jacob? When referring to a woman as "a weaker vessel, " Peter did not mean that women are weaker than men in a spiritual or spiritual way. Portanto, pode achar que não precisa tanto da ajuda de Jeová. As a result, he might not feel the same need for Jehovah's support. Another source of God's day of wrath, however, requires more than just flee from harmful things. Se você tiver essa mesma determinação e se continuar achegado a Jeová, nada fará com que você deixe de ser íntegro. - Tia. If you have the same determination and if you stay close to Jehovah, you need never lose hold of your integrity. - Jas. But if there is not, it will return to you. " Já por algumas semanas, o profeta Elias é hóspede de uma viúva de Sarefá, morando num quarto no terraço da casa. For some weeks, the prophet Elijah has been a guest of the widow of Zarephath, living in a chamber on her roof. Or did he choose not to endure? No sentido metafórico e em harmonia com os fatos de nossos dias, o verbo hebraico traduzido " percorrer ' passa a ideia de exame meticuloso. Viewed metaphorically and in harmony with the facts of our day, the Hebrew verb here translated "rove about " conveys the idea of a careful examination. Yes! Nesse mesmo capítulo, foi dito aos judeus que eles deviam considerar outros, além de seus irmãos israelitas, como seu próximo. In that same chapter, the Jews were told that they should view others besides fellow Israelites as their neighbors. Maintain a Good Conscience A expressão "persistência ousada " ocorre apenas uma vez na Bíblia. The expression "bold persistence " occurs only once in the Bible. How can we successfully resist the spirit of the world? De que forma as mulheres cristãs podem imitar a sulamita? How can Christian women imitate the Shulammite maiden? She is similar to the illustration about the persistent host, considered in the preceding article. Mas, olhando para trás, vemos mais claramente que Jeová estava ao nosso lado. Looking back, however, we see more clearly how Jehovah proved to be with us. In 607 B.C.E., when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, the Edomites "went on to the side of the chariots " and there came to the invaders " - Obadiah. E quão " abençoados ' ainda serão à medida que Deus realizar seu propósito! And how "blessed " they will yet be as God carries out his purpose! Even before 1914, a small group of anointed Christians began to grasp important truths about the Lord's return. Uns dois anos mais tarde, Pórcio Festo, sucessor de Félix, convidou o Rei Herodes Agripa a estar com ele no interrogatório do prisioneiro Paulo. About two years later, Felix ' successor, Porcius Festus, invited King Herod Agrippa to join him in examining the prisoner Paul. Oriental Bible teachers use "heart " to refer to the fullest one's inner person. Raabe é outro exemplo de coragem. Rahab is another example of courage. In the language written in which the Bible was written, the word "Resister " also means" obey. " Assim, ele se sentia grato por Deus e Cristo terem lhe mostrado misericórdia e lhe designado um ministério apesar de suas atitudes anteriores. Hence, he gave thanks that despite his past sinful conduct, God and Christ had shown him mercy and had entrusted him with a ministry. The Governing Body focuses on the way Paul wrote: "This things too we say, not by human wisdom, but by teaching them the spirit. " 31 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2012 - 6 DE JANEIRO DE 2013 DECEMBER 31, 2012 - JANUARY 6, 2013 Did Paul regret the choice he made? Ao se referir à mulher como "um vaso mais fraco ," Pedro não queria dizer que as mulheres são mais fracas do que os homens em sentido intelectual ou espiritual. In saying that the woman is "a weaker vessel, " Peter did not mean that women are weaker than men intellectually or spiritually. Perhaps we observe that he has already put into practice some of the points you have learned from the Bible. Escapar do dia de furor de Deus, porém, exige mais do que apenas fugir de coisas prejudiciais. Escaping God's day of wrath, however, requires more of us than just fleeing from harmful things. To give a definite answer, God permitted that for a time, mankind to rule out their own way of independence. Mas, se não houver, ela voltará para vós. " But if there is not, it will return to you. " To please Jehovah, Paul knew that he needed to fight against other wrongdoing. Ou decidiu que não valia a pena perseverar? Did he decide that it was no use enduring? 6: 18. Sim! Yes! What counsel does Paul's counsel help us to fight immoral desires? Mantenha boa consciência Maintain a Good Conscience Why does Bible study help us to develop self - control? Como podemos resistir com êxito ao espírito do mundo? How can we succeed in resisting the spirit of the world? The religious festivals became formal, unselfish, without reverence for God. Ela é similar à ilustração sobre o anfitrião persistente, considerado no artigo anterior. It is similar to the illustration about the persistent host, which we discussed in the preceding article. That was also the case of Jesus ' early followers. Em 607 AEC, quando os babilônios destruíram Jerusalém, os edomitas " ficaram parados de lado ' e se aliaram aos invasores "estrangeiros ." - Obadias 10, 11. In 607 B.C.E., when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, the Edomites "stood off on the side " and allied themselves with the invading" foreigners. " - Obadiah 10, 11. We receive good directions about how we effectively accomplish our preaching work. Mesmo antes de 1914, um pequeno grupo de cristãos ungidos começou a entender verdades importantes sobre a volta do Senhor. Even before 1914, a small band of anointed Christians began to grasp important truths about the Lord's return. 31 From Our Archives Escritores bíblicos usam "coração " para se referir ao pleno interior da pessoa. Bible writers use "heart " to describe man's entire inner self. Some wonder that material should choose to consider in family worship. No idioma em que a Bíblia foi escrita, a palavra "escutar " também significa" obedecer ." In the original language of the Bible, the word "listen " often carries the sense of" obey. " Until missionaries recognize that they should remain strong in another land, they cannot be content with little understanding of the meetings. O Corpo Governante pensa como Paulo, que escreveu: "Dessas coisas também falamos, não com palavras ensinadas pela sabedoria humana, mas com as ensinadas pelo espírito. " The Governing Body echoes the apostle Paul, who wrote: "These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit. " Evidently, the period in which "this generation " appears to respond to the period provided by the first vision of Revelation. Será que Paulo se arrependeu da escolha que fez? Did Paul regret the choice he had made? 4: 17 - Where did Cain accomplish his wife? We have never lacked the "other things " that Jesus referred to, the basic necessities of life. Yes, Jehovah provides mature brothers in the congregation. Talvez observemos que ele já está colocando em prática alguns dos pontos que aprendeu da Bíblia. We may observe that he is already living his life in harmony with some of the points that he has learned from the Bible. What about fellow worshippers of God? Para dar uma resposta definitiva, Deus permitiu que, por um tempo, a humanidade governasse a si mesma de modo independente. To provide an answer for all eternity, God allowed rule independent of him to continue for a time. These will have the opportunity to become earthly subjects of the Messianic King, Jesus Christ. Paulo sabia que para agradar a Jeová ele precisava lutar contra outras coisas que também são erradas. This shows that there were other things that Paul viewed as sins, and he was fighting against those wrongs too. Lessons for Us: 6: 18. 6: 18. No, for Jesus had no sin and was "without blemish, " having no need to be cleansed. Que conselho de Paulo nos ajuda a combater desejos imorais? What counsel of Paul can help us to fight against immoral desires? (a) What assignment did Jehovah give Adam? Por que estudar a Bíblia nos ajuda a ter mais autodomínio? How is it that Bible study can help you to cultivate self - control? How will Jehovah soon express his rightful sovereignty over the earth? As festividades religiosas tornaram - se formalísticas, sem genuína reverência a Deus. Religious festivals became formalistic, devoid of genuine reverence for God. David then sang: "How happy it is the one [Jehovah] does not give guilt. " Esse também foi o caso dos primeiros seguidores de Jesus. So did Jesus ' early followers. Moses was the mediator of ancient covenant; Jesus is the Mediator of the new covenant. Nós recebemos boas orientações sobre como realizar eficazmente a nossa obra de pregação. Moreover, we receive good direction on how to carry out our preaching work effectively. Therefore, the transportation of that sacred ark should not be treated as something important. 31 De Nossos Arquivos 31 From Our Archives To an end, he would have been a perfect government. Alguns se perguntam que matéria devem escolher para considerar na adoração em família. Some have wondered what material they should select for consideration during family worship. What can we say about Jesus ' motive for performing miracles? Até os missionários reconhecem que, para continuarem fortes em outro país, eles não podem se contentar com o pouco que entendem das reuniões. Even missionaries recognize that to remain strong in their foreign assignment, they cannot rely merely on the basic understanding of the spiritual food they get at the meetings. What will we consider in the article? Pelo visto, o período no qual "esta geração " vive parece corresponder ao período abrangido pela primeira visão do livro de Revelação. The time period during which "this generation " lives seems to correspond to the period covered by the first vision in the book of Revelation. The article " Faithfulness - What Does It Really Mean? " in Awake! 4: 17 - Onde Caim conseguiu sua esposa? 4: 17 - Where did Cain get his wife? On what basis is our hope based, and when will Christ be revealed? Sim. Jeová provê irmãos maduros na congregação. Yes, Jehovah has provided mature individuals in the congregation. In general, David was faithful to God. Que dizer de outros adoradores de Deus? What of other worshippers of God? In contrast, for our prayers to have meaning for God, they need to be shown humility. - Matthew 6: 5, 6, 16. Esses terão a oportunidade de se tornar súditos terrestres permanentes do Rei messiânico, Jesus Cristo. These will have the opportunity to become permanent earthly subjects of the Messianic King, Christ Jesus. When she was in a city, she began to have a Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses. Lições para nós: Lessons for Us: Why? Não, pois Jesus não tinha nenhum pecado e era "sem mácula ," não tendo assim nenhuma necessidade de ser purificado. No, for Jesus was sinless and "without blemish, " thus having no need for cleansing. 3, 4. (a) Que tarefa Jeová deu a Adão? (a) What kind of assignment did God give to Adam? The four abandoned the fishing business and followed Jesus for the rest of his life. - Matthew 4: 18 - 22. Como Jeová em breve expressará sua legítima soberania sobre a Terra? How will Jehovah soon express his rightful sovereignty over the earth? Our energy and abilities. Daí, Davi cantou: "Como é feliz aquele a quem [Jeová] não atribui culpa. " Then David sang: "Happy is the man to whose account Jehovah does not put error. " Mary died in the resurrection. - Romans 8: 38, 39. Moisés foi o mediador do antigo pacto; Jesus é o Mediador do novo. Moses was the mediator of the former covenant; Jesus is the Mediator of the new one. (b) After reading 2 Corinthians 6: 3, 4, why is it important for us to exercise self - control in all situations? Portanto, o transporte daquela arca sagrada não deveria ser tratado como algo sem importância. Therefore, the transfer of that sacred chest was not a task to be treated lightly. Jesus ' disciples saw the miracles he heard from his platform, watched how he treated people and acting as Jehovah's direction. Em suma, teria sido um governo perfeito. In short, it would have been a perfect rulership. What provision did Jehovah provide for mankind? O que podemos dizer sobre a motivação de Jesus ao realizar milagres? What is impressive about Jesus ' motive for performing miracles? So on that scripture, does God care about the suffering of people? O que consideraremos no artigo a seguir? What will we consider in the article that follows? Of course, praying to resist temptation would have been precious at any time you meet. O artigo "Fidelidade conjugal - o que realmente significa? ," na Despertai! The article entitled "Marital Fidelity - What Does It Really Mean? " A God - given assignment would help to identify the Messiah. Em que se baseia a nossa esperança, e quando Cristo será revelado? Upon what is our hope founded, and when will Christ be revealed? We may not experience a crisis that threaten our lives, such as in the case of the psalmist, but we are sure to live "critical times hard to deal with. " No geral, Davi foi fiel a Deus. Even so, on occasion he fell into serious sin. Thus, many people agree that children do not react favorably, they are conscious of having sexual relations. Em contraste com isso, para que as nossas orações tenham significado para Deus, elas precisam ser feitas com humildade. - Mateus 6: 5, 6, 16. In contrast, for our private prayers to have value before God, they should be uttered humbly. - Matthew 6: 5, 6, 16. These desires could have to do with sexual relations, food, drink, or other things. Certa vez, quando estava numa cidade, começou a ter um estudo da Bíblia com as Testemunhas de Jeová. Once when he was in a city, Jehovah's Witnesses started to study the Bible with him. Jehovah fulfilled his promise. Por quê? Why? To receive Jehovah's reward, we must fully trust in him and obey his direction. 3, 4. 3, 4. Never forget that "the wrath of man does not produce God's righteousness. " Os quatro acabaram abandonando a pesca e seguiram a Jesus pelo resto da vida. - Mateus 4: 18 - 22. All four ultimately abandoned their fishing business and followed Jesus for the rest of their life. - Matthew 4: 18 - 22. For instance, we may resist the counsel of those taking the lead among God's people. Nossas energias e habilidades. Our energy and abilities. For some reason, however, Lot appealed to Jehovah to allow him to flee to another place. Maria faleceu com forte fé na ressurreição. - Romanos 8: 38, 39. Maria died with a firm hope in the resurrection. - Romans 8: 38, 39. PEOPLE of all the world are being oppressed by bad news. (b) Depois de ler 2 Coríntios 6: 3, 4, responda: Por que é importante ter autodomínio em todas as situações? What experience did one brother have, and why are our reactions in similar situations important? What, then, can help us to develop and strengthen our desire to stick to the decisions we make and not give up? Os discípulos de Jesus viram os milagres que ele fez, ouviram os discursos dele, observaram como ele tratava todo tipo de pessoas e como seguia as orientações de Jeová. Jesus ' disciples saw his miracles, heard his discourses, watched how he dealt with all kinds of people, and observed how he applied godly principles. If so, remote regions of the Truth Que provisão Jeová fez para ajudar a humanidade? What provision did Jehovah make to help mankind? For example, at Christian meetings is easy to let our mind wander or thinking wander into what we will later do. Então, com base nesse texto, será que Deus se importa com o sofrimento das pessoas? Based on this scripture, does God notice when his people suffer? Jesus was when he was hungry after he had fast for many days. Naturalmente, orar para resistir à tentação teria sido valioso em qualquer momento de seu encontro. Of course, praying to resist temptation at any time during his encounter would have been valuable. Jeroboam even created his own day "a festival to the sons of Israel, " and he proceeded to" make offerings upon the altar to make sacrificial smoke. " - 1 Ki. 12: 26 - 33. Uma designação dada por Deus ajudaria a identificar o Messias. A God - given commission helps to identify the Messiah. Do you demonstrate that sincere love for your brothers and sisters? Talvez não enfrentemos uma crise que ameace a nossa vida, como no caso do salmista, mas com certeza vivemos em "tempos críticos, difíceis de manejar ." We may not face a life - threatening crisis as the psalmist did, but we do live in "critical times hard to deal with. " I feel that in our spiritual growth, they are the DVDs of sign language that help me. " Assim, muitas pessoas concordam que as crianças não têm condições de consentir, de forma consciente, em ter relações sexuais. Hence, it is widely agreed that children cannot give any meaningful consent to engage in sexual relations. Is that what God's Word teaches us about creation, existence, and purpose? Esses desejos podiam ter a ver com relações sexuais, comida, bebida ou outras coisas. Sadly, any Christian could begin to walk according to the sinful flesh. God views us as his friends. Jeová cumpriu sua promessa. Jehovah fulfilled his promise. But David did not kill him. Para receber a recompensa de Jeová, precisamos confiar totalmente nele e obedecer às suas orientações. To receive the reward, we need to exercise full faith in Jehovah and be obedient to his directions. How can imperfect creatures seek righteousness? Nunca se esqueça de que "o furor do homem não produz a justiça de Deus ." Never forget that "man's wrath does not work out God's righteousness. " A third principle, successfully related to the two earlier, is: We must be faithful, worthy of trust. Por exemplo, talvez resistamos aos conselhos dos que tomam a dianteira entre o povo de Deus. For example, we might resist counsel given by those taking the lead among God's people. Something extraordinary is that Jehovah - by dealing with imperfect people like us - is an example of humility. Por alguma razão, porém, Ló apelou a Jeová para que lhe fosse permitido fugir para outro lugar. For some reason, though, Lot pleaded for permission to flee to another location. [ Pictures on page 31] PESSOAS em todo o mundo se sentem oprimidas por notícias ruins. TODAY people the world over feel that they are drowning in bad news. Over the years of Jesus ' reign - how does this affect you? Então, o que pode nos ajudar a desenvolver ou fortalecer nosso desejo de nos apegar às decisões que tomamos e não desistir? What, then, can help us to develop or strengthen our will to stick to and carry out the course we have decided on? Jehovah was not like the gods of Moab. Sementes da verdade alcançam regiões remotas Seeds of Truth Reach Remote Regions He also wrote Psalm 4. Por exemplo, nas reuniões cristãs é fácil deixar que nossa mente vagueie ou ficar pensando no que vamos fazer mais tarde. At Christian meetings, for example, it is easy to allow our mind to wander or to dwell on what we might do later. Jehovah's angels are especially interested in an important work that involves us. Foi quando Jesus estava faminto depois de ter jejuado por muitos dias. It was when Jesus was hungry after fasting for many days. To help us see the importance of waiting, James uses the example of a farmer, or farmer. Jeroboão até mesmo criou seu próprio dia de "festividade para os filhos de Israel ," e passou a" fazer ofertas sobre o altar para fazer fumaça sacrificial ." - 1 Reis 12: 26 - 33. Jeroboam even invented his own day of "festival for the sons of Israel, " and he proceeded" to make offerings upon the altar to make sacrificial smoke. " - 1 Ki. 12: 26 - 33. Even during his prehuman existence as God's "master worker, " he had a special fondness for humans. Você demonstra esse amor sincero pelos seus irmãos? Do you show such heartfelt love to your brothers? Can you overcome the forces I try to lift us back around the world without faith? Eu sinto que, em termos de crescimento espiritual, são os DVDs em língua de sinais que mais me ajudam. " I feel that the sign - language DVDs have had the greatest impact on me in terms of my own spiritual growth. " (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 8, 9.) É isso o que a Palavra de Deus ensina sobre a criação, a existência e o objetivo dos anjos? Is that what God's Word teaches about the creation, the existence, and the purpose of angels? HOUND AND THEIR OF PEACE Deus nos considera seus amigos. We can be viewed by God as his friends. Jehovah will by no means in the heart of political rulers in order to " execute his thought, ' namely, devastate the harlot. Mas Davi não o matou. Yet, David refused. Therefore, Christians had to work hard to eat. De que forma criaturas imperfeitas podem buscar a justiça? How can imperfect creatures seek righteousness? THE murmuring of God's judgment against Satan's world will take place extremely sudden. Um terceiro princípio, bem relacionado com os dois anteriores, é: temos de ser fiéis, dignos de confiança. A third principle, closely related to the preceding two, is: We must be faithful, trustworthy. (Read Philippians 2: 4.) Algo extraordinário é que Jeová - por lidar com pessoas imperfeitas como nós - é um exemplo de humildade. Remarkably, Jehovah is an example of humility in that he deals with imperfect people like us. The religious return was restored to an elder, and with a nrogatory smile, said: "What will you do now? [ Fotos na página 31] [ Pictures on page 31] He had a malicious, malicious attitude. Cem anos do reinado de Jesus - como isso afeta você? 100 Years of Kingdom Rule - How Does It Affect You? 12, 13. Jeová não era como os deuses de Moabe. Jehovah was not like the gods of Moab. The Bible tells us that we will choose what we believe and what we will do, and what our choices influence our future. - Joshua 24: 15. Ele escreveu também o Salmo 4. He also wrote the 4th Psalm. But doing so is dangerous. Os anjos de Jeová estão especialmente interessados em uma obra importante que envolve a nós. Jehovah's angels are particularly interested in a special work that involves us. And when you point it ahead, the bright light shines all your way far away. Para nos ajudar a ver a importância de saber esperar, Tiago usa o exemplo de um lavrador, ou agricultor. (Read.) Why must we be willing to accept the need to wait for Jehovah to act? James compares our situation to that of a farmer. Bible scholar R. Mesmo durante sua existência pré - humana como "mestre de obras " de Deus, ele tinha um carinho especial pelos humanos. Why, during his prehuman existence as God's "master worker, " Jesus" was especially fond of the sons of men "! of April 8, 1982, pages 3 - 8. É possível vencer as forças que tentam nos puxar de volta para o mundo sem fé? Is it possible to defeat the forces that try to pull us back into the ungodly world? In December 2011, a tical storm caused massive storms on the island of WAS still in the field. (Leia Eclesiastes 7: 8, 9.) (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 8, 9.) When MedoC.E. was the Roman emperor of Rome - 395 C.E. after Christ's baptism, the church got the official of the Roman Empire. CULTIVE A PAZ NO LAR CULTIVATE PEACE IN THE HOME How did the Bible Students show respect for life? Jeová de algum modo porá no coração de governantes políticos a intenção de " executar o pensamento dele ', a saber, devastar a meretriz. Somehow Jehovah will put it into the hearts of political rulers "to carry out his thought, " namely, to devastate the harlot. On what are friendships based, and why? Portanto, os cristãos tinham de trabalhar se quisessem comer. Thus, Christians had to work if they wanted to eat. Why is it reasonable that Jehovah requires us to learn and obey the laws and principles of the Kingdom? A EXECUÇÃO do julgamento de Deus contra o mundo de Satanás ocorrerá de modo extremamente repentino. THE execution of God's judgment upon Satan's world will break out with striking suddenness. Then he started a good ministry, saying: "The appointed time and the kingdom of God has drawn near. " - Mark 1: 14, 15. (Leia Filipenses 2: 4.) (Read Philippians 2: 4.) If you do not feel inclined to serve Jehovah more fully, what should you do? O religioso voltou - se para o ancião e, com um leve sorriso irônico, disse: "O que você vai fazer agora? The churchman turned to the elder and with a sly smile said: "What are you going to do now? David's enemies "were worthless things. " Ele tinha uma atitude maldosa e um objetivo sinistro. The Devil had a malicious attitude and a sinister objective. I tried to flirt, he saw the reason. 12, 13. 12, 13. The Israelites understood the meaning of "a covenant, " for Jehovah had made solemn agreement with their forefathers and Abraham. A Bíblia diz que podemos escolher no que vamos acreditar e o que vamos fazer, e que nossas escolhas influenciam nosso futuro. - Josué 24: 15. The Bible tells us that we have the ability to choose what we believe or want to do and that our choices affect our future. - Joshua 24: 15. 10, 11. (a) How do we make limited use of the world? Mas fazer isso é perigoso. But doing that can be dangerous. No one can know whether a anointed Christian will receive his heavenly reward until Jehovah himself chooses that. E quando você aponta a lanterna mais para frente, a luz forte ilumina todo o seu caminho até bem longe. And when you point it forward, its piercing beam illuminates your path far into the distance. After his father, Jacob's brothers thought that he would now take vengeance on them. O erudito bíblico R. Bible scholar R. Writing to Christians in the first century, the apostle Paul said: "Let each one of you individually love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband. " de 8 de abril de 1982, páginas 3 - 8. October 22, 1981, pages 3 - 8. • How can an imperfect Christian seek righteousness? Em dezembro de 2011, uma tempestade tropical causou grandes enchentes na ilha filipina de Mindanau. In December 2011, a tropical storm caused severe flooding on the Philippine island of Mindanao. * Regarding the Greek word translated "uncleanness, " the teacher obeys again. Quando Teodósio I era o imperador de Roma (379 - 395 depois de Cristo), a Igreja Católica se tornou a religião oficial do Império Romano. Later, under Emperor Theodosius I (379 - 395 C.E.), the Catholic Church, as the contaminated form of Christianity came to be known, became the official religion of the Roman Empire. You can see another pre - Christian requirement in Jehovah's words to Cain: "If you return to doing good, will there be no harm? " Como os Estudantes da Bíblia mostraram respeito pela vida? What firm stand did the Bible Students take with regard to the sacredness of life? WHEN he reached us, he tells us to reach out Em que se baseiam as amizades mais sólidas, e por quê? What is the basis of the strongest friendships, and why? Addressing members of the Christian congregation in Ephesus, Jesus spoke of "the love [they] had at first. " Por que é razoável que Jeová exija que aprendamos e obedeçamos as leis e os princípios do Reino? Why is it reasonable that Jehovah requires us to learn and obey Kingdom laws and principles? " Pureness of every defilement of flesh and spirit. " Daí ele iniciou um ministério bem movimentado, dizendo: "Tem - se cumprido o tempo designado e o reino de Deus se tem aproximado. " - Mar. 1: 14, 15. He then began his eventful ministry, saying: "The appointed time has been fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near. " - Mark 1: 14, 15. Learn how you can uphold Jehovah's sovereignty. Se você não se sente inclinado a servir a Jeová mais plenamente, o que deve fazer? If anyone does not yet feel inclined to serve Jehovah, what should he do? This refers to the final destination of the weeds. Os inimigos de Davi " amavam coisas vãs '. David's enemies " loved empty things. ' We pray to Jehovah for free from "the wicked one " and" every sort of thing that is against the law. " Horrorizado, ele viu o motivo. With horror, he saw the reason. Who better than the Creator would know whom he appoint as our Leader? Os israelitas entendiam o significado do termo "pacto ," pois Jeová havia feito acordos solenes dessa natureza com seus antepassados Noé e Abraão. The Israelites understood the term "covenant, " for Jehovah had concluded such solemn agreements with their forefathers Noah and Abraham. What such reading in the Bible of Isaiah 33: 24 and 35: 5 - 7? 10, 11. (a) Como fazemos uso limitado do mundo? 10, 11. (a) How do we make limited use of the world? At the same time, like all of us, she was not perfect. Ninguém pode saber se um cristão ungido receberá sua recompensa celestial até que o próprio Jeová decida isso. No one can know whether an anointed Christian will receive his heavenly reward until Jehovah judges that person to be worthy of such a prize. In line with that, the ingathering in our day was extended to include people of all nations who exercise faith in Jesus and have the hope of living on a paradise earth. Depois da morte de seu pai, Jacó, os irmãos de José pensaram que ele agora se vingaria deles. After the death of their father, Jacob, Joseph's brothers thought that Joseph might take vengeance on them. What are you determined to do after considering this article? Escrevendo aos cristãos no primeiro século, o apóstolo Paulo disse: "Cada um de vós, individualmente, ame a sua esposa como a si próprio; por outro lado, a esposa deve ter profundo respeito pelo seu marido. " Writing to Christians in the first century, the apostle Paul said: "Let each one of you individually so love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband. " The answers to these and other questions will be discussed in the following article. • De que forma um cristão imperfeito pode buscar a justiça? • How can an imperfect Christian seek righteousness? Such a situation can be a real test of our love for righteousness and loyalty to God. * Sobre o termo grego traduzido "impureza ," o professor Marvin R. * Regarding the Greek term there rendered "uncleanness, " Professor Marvin R. They had to believe her way back "from the roadways of long ago. " Pode - se perceber outro pré - requisito nas palavras de Jeová a Caim: "Se te voltares para fazer o bem, não haverá enaltecimento? " Another prerequisite is seen in Jehovah's words to Cain: "If you turn to doing good, will there not be an exaltation? " The visions of the book of Revelation are not presented in chronological order. DAR E RECEBER GIVING AND RECEIVING (Read Hebrews 4: 12.) Dirigindo - se aos membros da congregação cristã em Éfeso, no primeiro século, Jesus falou do " amor que eles tinham no princípio '. When addressing the first - century Christian congregation in Ephesus, Jesus spoke of "the love you had at first. " Peter and the other apostles boldly said: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " " Purifiquemo - nos de toda imundície da carne e do espírito. " " Let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit. " (b) Why did Moses speak those words? Saiba como você pode apoiar a soberania de Jeová Deus. Learn how you can uphold Jehovah God's sovereignty. Job was a man who needed comfort, but he gave his three friends a lesson in encouragement. Isso se refere ao destino final do joio. This refers to the final outcome for the weeds. Finally, only after Paul arrived at Troas, Jesus directed him to Macedonia. Oramos a Jeová para que nos livre do "iníquo " e de" toda sorte de coisa que é contra a lei ." We pray to Jehovah for deliverance from "the wicked one " and from" every sort of lawlessness. " In that sense, it is of great help to consider Jesus ' example, the man who showed discernment on earth. Quem melhor do que o Criador saberia a quem designar como nosso Líder? Who knows better than our Creator whom to appoint as a Leader for us? Table of Contents Que tal ler na Bíblia as profecias de Isaías 33: 24 e 35: 5 - 7? As a suggestion, why not open your Bible to the prophecies at Isaiah 33: 24 and 35: 5 - 7? Explain. Ao mesmo tempo, assim como todos nós, ela não era perfeita. Martha had remarkable faith in Jesus as the promised Messiah. During the conversation, he said that he believed in the Trinity. Em harmonia com isso, o ajuntamento em nossos dias foi ampliado para incluir pessoas de todas as nações que exercem fé em Jesus e têm a esperança de viver numa Terra paradisíaca. In harmony with that, in our time the ingathering has widened out to include individuals from all nations who exercise faith in Jesus and have the hope of living on a paradise earth. The anointed take a life of sacrifice. O que você está decidido a fazer depois de estudar este artigo? What determination has this article given you? (Read Galatians 2: 10; James 1: 27.) As respostas a essas e a outras perguntas relacionadas serão consideradas no próximo artigo. The answers to these and related questions will be considered in the following article. It is now significant for a half years that the Seed - Jesus Christ appeared, provided the ransom, and opened the way for us not only to be faithful to Enoch, but also to receive everlasting life. Essa situação pode ser um verdadeiro teste de nosso amor à justiça e de nossa lealdade a Deus. Such a situation can be a real test of our love of righteousness and of our loyalty to God. (b) Relate how Paul and Silas helped a jailer in Philippi. Precisavam achar seu caminho de volta "pelas sendas de há muito tempo ." They needed to find their way back to "the roadways of long ago. " In fact, he was illustrating the attitude that the figurative sheep would have toward their brothers. As visões do livro de Revelação não são apresentadas em ordem cronológica. The visions in the book of Revelation are not presented in chronological order. Instead, we must remain loyal and wait patiently for Jehovah to resolve matters. (Leia Hebreus 4: 12.) (Read Hebrews 4: 12.) " I'm sure you can try to make sure that you can "has more power than " you" fail! " Pedro e os outros apóstolos disseram com coragem: "Temos de obedecer a Deus como governante antes que aos homens. " Peter and the other apostles said boldly: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " 6 - 8. (a) Relate the illustration of the widow and the judge. (b) How did Jesus apply this illustration? (b) Por que Moisés falou essas palavras? (b) Why did Moses speak those words? PAGE 30 Jó era alguém que precisava de muito consolo. Mas foi ele que deu a seus três amigos uma lição de encorajamento. Although in need of consolation himself, Job gave his three "troublesome comforters " a lesson in giving encouragement. Of course, Moses did not see Jehovah directly. E, por fim, somente depois que Paulo chegou a Trôade, Jesus o direcionou à Macedônia. And finally, only after Paul reached Troas did Jesus direct him to Macedonia. What is God's "eternal purpose "? Nesse sentido, é de muita ajuda considerar o exemplo de Jesus, o homem que mais mostrou discernimento na Terra. It is especially helpful to consider the example of Jesus, the most discerning man who ever lived. God's Word can be like "a lamp to the foot " of these people, helping them to deal with life's problems. Sumário Table of Contents A fundamental standard about any animal that was offered in sacrifice to Jehovah was to be "broken down " in all respects - not blind, sick, or sick. Explique. Explain. Those faithful to Jehovah in these critical times will have a wonderful future! Durante a conversa, ele disse que acreditava na Trindade. During their discussion, her husband said that he believed in the Trinity. The father of the illustration at no time lost the hopes of her son would return. Os ungidos levam uma vida de sacrifício. The anointed live a life of sacrifice. Because "Noah walked with the true God, " Jehovah instructed him to make an immense ark. (Leia Gálatas 2: 10; Tiago 1: 27.) (Read Galatians 2: 10; James 1: 27.) Jehovah wrote these commandments on tablets that Moses pronounced when he saw the Israelites worship a golden calf. Faz agora quase 2.000 anos que aquele Descendente - Jesus Cristo - apareceu, forneceu o resgate e abriu o caminho para que não só nós, mas também antigas testemunhas fiéis como Enoque, recebêssemos a vida eterna. It has now been almost 2,000 years since that Seed - Jesus Christ - appeared, provided the ransom, and opened the way for us, as well as for such faithful ancient witnesses as Enoch, to inherit everlasting life. You will also find that the Bible says about (b) Conte como Paulo e Silas ajudaram um carcereiro em Filipos. (b) Relate how Paul and Silas helped a jailer in Philippi. THE first words of the Bible are simple, but they give thought: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. " Na verdade, ele estava ilustrando a atitude que as ovelhas figurativas teriam para com seus irmãos. Rather, he is illustrating the attitude that the figurative sheep display toward his brothers. Accordingly, the true Christian follows the last verse of Romans chapter 12: "Do not let yourself be conquered by evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Em vez disso, devemos continuar leais e esperar com paciência Jeová resolver a situação. Instead, may we remain loyal and wait patiently for Jehovah to resolve matters. We will consider two illustrations that Jesus gave to describe the sign of his presence. " Acho que você consegue se tentar de novo " tem mais poder do que "Você falhou outra vez! ." " I think you can do it if you try again " has more power than "You failed again! " According to Revelation 14: 6, 7, how do angels assist God's people today? 6 - 8. (a) Relate a ilustração da viúva e do juiz. (b) Como Jesus aplicou essa ilustração? 6 - 8. (a) Relate the illustration of the widow and the judge. (b) How did Jesus apply this illustration? She continues: "The hope of Paradise helps me to put other things in proper place. " PÁGINA 30 PAGE 30 We surely want to remain "good health " and strong as we serve our grand God. É claro que Moisés não viu Jeová diretamente. Of course, Moses did not see Jehovah directly. They believed that Jehovah had chosen Jesus to be the Leader of his people. Qual é o "propósito eterno " de Deus? What is God's "eternal purpose "? Of course, there are many ways to start a conversation. A mensagem da Palavra de Deus pode ser como uma " lâmpada para o pé ' dessas pessoas, ajudando - as a lidar com os problemas da vida. The message of God's Word can be " a lamp to their foot, ' helping them to deal with life's problems. 4: 8. Uma norma fundamental a respeito de qualquer animal que fosse oferecido em sacrifício a Jeová era ser "sadio " em todos os sentidos - não cego, ferido, deformado ou doente. A fundamental standard concerning any animal that was to be sacrificed to Jehovah was that it be "sound " in all respects - not blind, injured, deformed, or sick. What helped Jesus to do so? Os que forem fiéis a Jeová nestes tempos críticos terão sem dúvida um futuro maravilhoso! Yes, a glorious future awaits those who prove faithful to Jehovah in these critical times! Consider: The original objective in the garden of Eden was to see whether Adam and Eve would accept, or not, Jehovah's right to set standards. O pai da ilustração em nenhum momento perdeu as esperanças de que seu filho voltaria. The father in the illustration never stopped hoping that his son would return. Samaria was devastated by the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E. - during the lives of Micah's life. Visto que "Noé andou com o verdadeiro Deus ," Jeová o instruiu a fazer uma enorme arca. Because "Noah walked with the true God, " Jehovah instructed him to build a huge ark. But how would those Jews be able to finish such a great work? Jeová escreveu esses mandamentos em tábuas de pedra - que Moisés despedaçou quando viu os israelitas adorar um bezerro de ouro. Jehovah wrote those commandments upon stone tablets - tablets that Moses shattered when he saw the Israelites worshipping a golden calf. Never before so many aspects of the sign are so evident. junto com a tabela que fala sobre esse assunto no site and its accompanying worksheet on (b) What can you do to avoid committing an adult's choices? AS PRIMEIRAS palavras da Bíblia são simples, mas dão o que pensar: "No princípio Deus criou os céus e a terra. " THE very first words of the Bible make this simple but profound statement: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. " Michelle: We also learned that Jehovah God hates us to suffer. Concordemente, o verdadeiro cristão acata o último versículo de Romanos, capítulo 12: "Não te deixes vencer pelo mal, porém, persiste em vencer o mal com o bem. " Accordingly, a true Christian heeds the closing verse of Romans chapter 12: "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " In his mercy, Jehovah takes into account our sinful state. Consideraremos duas ilustrações que Jesus contou ao descrever o sinal de sua presença. In giving the sign of his presence, Jesus related two illustrations that we will consider. " He poured out his soul to the very death, " Isaiah prophesied. De acordo com Apocalipse 14: 6, 7, como os anjos ajudam o povo de Deus hoje? According to Revelation 14: 6, 7, how do angels assist God's people today? Jehovah well knows our limitations and is delighted to do what we can. Ela continua dizendo: "A esperança do Paraíso me ajuda a colocar as outras coisas não tão importantes no devido lugar. " " The hope of Paradise helps me put secular goals in perspective, " she adds. " I don't try to cash in on my talents or attempt to climb the corporate ladder. In choosing entertainment, for yourself or for your family, would you allow the distorted conscience of others to influence your decisions and mold your conscience? Nós certamente queremos continuar com "boa saúde " e fortes à medida que servimos nosso grandioso Deus. We definitely want to prosper in "good health " and be strong as we serve our great God. Does that mean that the angels cast away, as unsuitable, all those who stopped studying or associating with Jehovah's people? Eles acreditavam que Jeová tinha escolhido Jesus para ser o Líder do seu povo. Jesus ' disciples followed him willingly, and they affirmed that he was Jehovah's choice. This could be a figurative test of the heart. É claro que existem muitas maneiras de iniciar uma conversa. Of course, there are many ways to start a conversation. David's writer David reported that the sun produces each second amount of energy in an astonishing amount of energy by means of stunning billions of remembrance. 4: 8. 4: 8. Reading the Bible daily helps us to improve. O que ajudou Jesus a agir assim? What helped Jesus to do so? BY GIVING GOD: Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit - directed organization? Delphine resolved to focus on life in a very rewarding service. Considere: o objetivo do teste original no jardim do Éden era ver se Adão e Eva aceitariam, ou não, o direito de Jeová de fixar normas. Consider this fact: The original test in the garden of Eden was based on whether Adam and Eve would accept Jehovah's right to set standards or not. How did Ruth keep his word? Samaria foi devastada pelos assírios em 740 AEC - durante a vida de Miquéias. Samaria was devastated by the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E. - during Micah's lifetime. Then, when we express our love for Jehovah in word and deeds, others will observe this and perhaps draw close to him. - Read Psalm 104: 33, 34. Mas como aqueles poucos judeus conseguiriam terminar uma obra tão grande? But how would just a few accomplish so much work? About 6,000 Witnesses there were about 67,000 Witnesses in [in concentration]. " Nunca antes tantos aspectos do sinal estiveram tão evidentes. Never before have so many features of the sign been so clearly evident. How did Jehovah appoint Abel? (b) O que você pode fazer para não se arrepender das suas escolhas quando for adulto? (b) What sad situation may arise in adulthood, and how can this be avoided? Why are Christian youths happy? Michele: Também vimos que Jeová Deus odeia ver a gente sofrer. Michelle: We also learned that Jehovah God hates to see us suffer. Many say of my soul: "There is no salvation for him part of God. " Na sua misericórdia, Jeová leva em conta nossa herdada condição pecaminosa. Mercifully, Jehovah takes into account our inherited sinful condition. Do we view such comments as kindness or an offended offense? " Esvaziou a sua alma até a própria morte ," profetizou Isaías. " He poured out his soul to the very death, " prophesied Isaiah. The book of The book ensnares us.C.E. (a) It represents the nature of Mosaic Law: "A honesty can be an ideal noble, but it is worth the struggle or death of security and security. Jeová conhece muito bem as nossas limitações e se agrada do que podemos fazer. Jehovah is well aware of your limitations and appreciates what you can do. The obvious answer is, "To his own master he stands or falls. " Na escolha de entretenimento, para si ou para sua família, você permite que a consciência deturpada de outros influencie suas decisões e molde sua consciência? When you choose entertainment and recreation for yourself or your family, do you allow the lax consciences of others to influence your decisions and to mold your conscience? Why do we need to pray in Jesus ' name? Significa isso que os anjos lançaram fora, como imprestáveis, todos aqueles que pararam de estudar ou de se associar com o povo de Jeová? Does this mean that everyone who has stopped studying or associating with Jehovah's people has been thrown away as unsuitable by the angels? What negative thinking do we want to avoid, and what questions might we ask ourselves? Isso seria uma figurativa cirurgia do coração. That would be figurative heart surgery. No, and Naomi did not accused God of any evil. O escritor David Bodanis disse que o sol produz a cada segundo uma quantidade de energia igual à explosão de bilhões de bombas atômicas. Science writer David Bodanis observed: "The mass our Sun is exploding into energy each second is equivalent to [billions of atomic] bombs. " (For fully formatted text, see publication) Ler a Bíblia diariamente nos ajuda a melhorar. Reading the Scriptures daily will help us to make improvement. Today, though, all of us do things that we later regret. POR DAR FORÇAS: BY GIVING US STRENGTH: He did just what Jehovah asked him to do. Cláudia resolveu concentrar sua vida num serviço voluntário muito gratificante. However, David learned that even when alone - " inside his house - still he had to walk in integrity. ' Como Rute manteve sua palavra? How was Ruth true to her word? The record was a form of Rome's assurance that each resident paid the taxes, fields, homes, and homes. Daí, ao expressarmos o nosso amor a Jeová em palavras e ações, outros observarão isso e talvez se acheguem a ele. - Leia Salmo 104: 33, 34. Then, as we express our love for God in words and deeds, others will observe it and may be drawn to Jehovah. - Read Psalm 104: 33, 34. Not all the expressions of affection contained in these song when they refer to physical beauty. Por volta de 1939, havia 6 mil Testemunhas de Jeová em [campos de concentração]. " By 1939 there were 6,000 of them in the [concentration camps]. " Or is he deceiving the head? Como Jeová dignificou Abel? How did Jehovah dignify Abel? 18 I Enjoy Serving Jehovah Por que os jovens cristãos estão de parabéns? Why do our young people deserve warm praise? Mauricio: I've come to realize that some have very strong convictions about hellfire because they have been hurt by the actions of wicked people. Muitos dizem da minha alma: " Não há salvação para ele da parte de Deus. ' " Many are saying of my soul: " There is no salvation for him by God. ' " In what ways can you reach more people with the good news? Encara tais comentários como gesto de bondade ou fica ofendido? Do you view the comments as an act of loving - kindness, or do you take offense? Jehovah does not promise a life of luxury and its servants sometimes experience difficulties. O livro The Importance of Lying (A Importância de Mentir) diz: "A honestidade pode ser um ideal nobre, mas pouco vale na luta de vida ou morte pela sobrevivência e segurança. The book The Importance of Lying states: "Honesty may be a noble ideal, but it has little value in the life and death struggle for survival and security. With faith in Jehovah, "the One who is invisible, " Moses courageously went to Pharaoh and spoke all the words that Jehovah had commanded him. A resposta óbvia é: "Para o seu próprio amo está em pé ou cai. " we are asked, with the obvious answer: "To his own master he stands or falls. " 8, 9. (a) What questions might we ask ourselves when reading the Bible? Por que precisamos orar em nome de Jesus? Why do we need to pray in Jesus ' name? What a fine attitude these brothers display! Que mentalidade negativa queremos evitar, e que perguntas podemos fazer a nós mesmos? What negative state of mind do we want to avoid, and what questions can we ask ourselves? Surely, Jehovah's humility should be a source of encouragement to each of us as a lesser one. Não, e Noemi não acusou Deus de nenhum mal. No, and Naomi did not charge God with any wrongdoing. Persevering in the ministry proves that God's spirit is upon us. (Para o texto formatado, veja a publicação) (For fully formatted text, see publication) Sophia: Yes, it is, yes. Atualmente, porém, todos nós fazemos coisas de que mais tarde nos arrependemos. Presently, though, all of us do things we later regret. 9, 10. (a) Whom do we especially want to remain loyal? Ele fez exatamente o que Jeová pediu que ele fizesse. He carefully carried out what Jehovah asked of him. Sacrifices in Himself Do Not please Jehovah No entanto, Davi aprendeu que, mesmo quando estivesse a sós - " dentro de sua casa ' - , ainda assim tinha de andar em integridade. However, David learned that when he might have been alone - " inside his house ' - he still needed to walk in integrity. To understand Jehovah's direction, be determined to read a portion of the Bible daily. O registro era uma forma de Roma garantir que cada habitante pagasse os impostos. E havia muitos impostos: para mercadorias, terrenos e casas. Subjects of Rome, including those who listened to Jesus, were required to pay many taxes, such as on goods, land, and houses. As a loving Father, Jehovah has given us the best example of showing love, and this helps us to love him too. Nem todas as expressões de afeto contidas nesse cântico se referem à beleza física. Not all expressions of affection made in the song draw attention to physical beauty. How should we view repentant wrongdoers who are being gathered into the congregation? Ou está enganando o chefe? Or was he being deceptive? Suppose you are an elder making a shepherding visit. 18 Tenho prazer em servir a Jeová 18 Serving Jehovah Has Been My Delight " Now Is the Especially Acceptable Time " Maurício: Já percebi que alguns têm convicções muito fortes sobre o inferno porque foram prejudicados pelas ações de pessoas más. Mauricio: I've found that some people feel strongly about hellfire because they've been affected by the actions of wicked people. Empowered to Fight Temptation and Cope With Discouragement De que maneiras você pode alcançar mais pessoas com as boas novas? In what ways can you reach more people with the good news? Pharaoh was an disrespectful and arrogant man. Jeová não promete uma vida de luxo e seus servos às vezes passam dificuldades. Jehovah does not promise a life of luxury, and sometimes his servants endure hardships. Worse still, after Brother Russell's death, in October 112, the opposition arose within the organization. Com fé em Jeová, "Aquele que é invisível ," Moisés corajosamente foi até Faraó e falou todas as palavras que Jeová lhe havia ordenado. With faith in Jehovah, "the One who is invisible, " Moses courageously appeared before Pharaoh and proclaimed every word that Jehovah commanded Moses to speak. During Judgment Day, they will find great joy in support of God's heart arrangements as Jesus guide them to fountains of waters of life. 8, 9. (a) Que perguntas podemos nos fazer ao ler a Bíblia? 8, 9. (a) When reading the Bible, what questions might we ask ourselves? Those taking the lead among the Bible Students began to emphasize the importance of having personally shared in the Kingdom - preaching work. Que excelente atitude esses irmãos demonstram! What an excellent spirit such brothers show! Evidently, when Hosea married Gomer was a virgin, and she was a faithful wife when she "gave her son a son. " Certamente, o exemplo de humildade de Jeová deve ser de grande incentivo para que cada um de nós se comporte como alguém menor. Surely Jehovah's example of humility should be of great encouragement to each of us to behave as a lesser one. Rather, it indicates that David " kept looking ' until his passion was stronger than his fear of God. Perseverar no ministério prova que o espírito de Deus está sobre nós. Endurance in our ministry gives evidence that God's spirit is upon us. After his sin with Bath - sheba, David beseeched God: "Do not throw me away from before your face; and do not take away from me your holy spirit. " Sofia: É, pelo visto, sim. Sophia: Yes, it does sound that way. When seeking Jehovah's spirit and help, do not immediately give up on asking them. 9, 10. (a) A quem em especial queremos permanecer leais? 9, 10. (a) To whom especially do we want to remain loyal? What moved Elijah to feel that way? Os sacrifícios em si não agradam a Jeová Sacrifices Alone Do Not Please Jehovah 18, 19. (a) How does Samson's experience affect us? Para entender as orientações de Jeová, esteja decidido a ler diariamente um trecho da Bíblia. To understand the direction that Jehovah provides, make it your resolve to read a portion of the Bible each day. How, then, can we benefit from this wonderful help from Jehovah? Isso deixa claro que, como Pai amoroso, Jeová nos deu o melhor exemplo em mostrar amor, e isso nos ajuda a amá - lo também. Therefore, it is clear that Jehovah has provided a surpassing example of fatherly love that can help us to love him. For example, you may be "cut down " and someone tells you something that you have done, so you know how you can improve your personal experience. Como devemos considerar os transgressores arrependidos que são readmitidos à congregação? How should we view repentant wrongdoers who are reinstated in the congregation? Walk in it. " - ISA. Digamos que você seja um ancião fazendo uma visita de pastoreio. Suppose you are an elder making a shepherding call. Have you read the cover of cover? " Agora é o tempo especialmente aceitável " " Now Is the Especially Acceptable Time " As for James and John, we read: "Let the boat immediately leave the boat and their father, they followed him. " Fortalecidos para lutar contra as tentações e o desânimo Empowered to Fight Temptation and Cope With Discouragement But worry is continually plagued if you have left plagued or become consumed by yourself. Faraó era um homem desrespeitoso e arrogante. As events would prove, Pharaoh was a disrespectful and arrogant man. There is no other way to have our "perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " - 1 Cor. Pior ainda, depois da morte do irmão Russell, em outubro de 1916, surgiu oposição de dentro da organização. Worse, after Brother Russell's death in October 1916, opposition arose from inside the organization. I adds: "I had already been a pioneer before marriage, and I did not want to quit that privilege just to have a fiery marriage. Durante o Dia de Julgamento, ficarão muito felizes de apoiar de coração os arranjos de Deus à medida que Jesus os guiar a fontes de águas da vida. During Judgment Day, they will be thrilled to support wholeheartedly God's arrangements as Jesus guides them to fountains of waters of life. God hates divorce for deceptive and treacherous reasons. Os que tomavam a dianteira entre os Estudantes da Bíblia passaram a enfatizar a importância de participar pessoalmente na pregação do Reino. Those taking the lead among the Bible Students began to stress the importance of sharing personally in the Kingdom preaching work. Not all who speak in such a way are totally consumed with fire in what is right. Evidentemente, quando Oséias se casou com Gômer ela era virgem, e era uma esposa fiel quando "lhe deu à luz um filho ." When Hosea married Gomer, she evidently was a virgin, and she was a faithful wife at the time she "bore to him a son. " John wrote that the image of the wild beast would appear away and then rise again. Em vez disso, tudo indica que Davi " persistiu em olhar ' para ela até que a paixão foi mais forte do que seu temor a Deus. Instead, David evidently " kept on looking ' at her until passion overpowered his fear of God. It also led him to glorify the Father for the things he did and taught. Depois de seu pecado com Bate - Seba, Davi suplicou a Deus: "Não me lances fora de diante da tua face; e não tires de mim o teu espírito santo. " After David sinned in connection with Bath - sheba, he begged God: "Do not throw me away from before your face; and your holy spirit O do not take away from me. " ON THE spiritual need of the crowds, Jesus told his disciples: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Ao buscar o espírito e a ajuda de Jeová, não desista logo de pedi - los. When seeking Jehovah's spirit and help, do not be too quick to stop asking for it. After Paul said that he could not succeed in doing God's perfect way, he spoke: "I give thanks to God by means of Jesus Christ our Lord! " O que levou Elias a se sentir assim? How had Elijah come to feel as he did? A self - sacrificing spirit can help us to put the feelings and preferences of others ahead of our own. 18, 19. (a) Que certeza nos dá o que aconteceu com Sansão? 18, 19. (a) Samson's experience provides what assurance for us? Some months after the experiences of the man in Galilee, Jesus was to Judea to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Como, então, podemos ser beneficiados por essa ajuda maravilhosa da parte de Jeová? How, then, can we benefit from this marvelous help from Jehovah? (a) What else did you appreciate about Job? Já aconteceu de você estar "pra baixo " e alguém falar alguma coisa que fez você se sentir melhor? Então você sabe por experiência própria como o encorajamento faz bem. You know how important the counsel to encourage one another is if you recall a time when words of encouragement lifted your spirits. Tim: The pleasure is my. Andem nele. " - ISA. Walk in it. " - ISA. He could see that the conduct and options in his life put them "in a slippery ground. " Já o leu de capa a capa? Have you read the book from beginning to end? The elders read letters of the branch office and apply the suggestions they help to keep "the city in faith. " Quanto a Tiago e a João, lemos: "Deixando imediatamente o barco e seu pai, seguiram - no. " As for James and John, we read: "At once leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. " Why did Moses react that way? Preocupar - se continuamente é se atormentar, se afligir ou ficar aborrecido consigo mesmo. To worry continually means to plague oneself, vex oneself, persecute oneself. Remember these points, show sincere interest, and let us not give up lovingly encourage your spiritual brother to return to the flock. - Read Philippians 2: 4. Não há outra maneira de ter as nossas "faculdades perceptivas treinadas para distinguir tanto o certo como o errado ." - 1 Cor. There is no other way to have our "perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " - 1 Cor. His unfaithfulness placed them in the same situation with the gods set out by God's impartiality has no record of family members, but on " fearing him and to do righteousness. ' - Acts 10: 34, 35. Alexandra acrescenta: "Eu já era pioneira antes de me casar, e não queria largar esse privilégio só para ter um casamento suntuoso. Alexandra adds: "I was in the pioneer ministry before we were married, and I did not want to give up this privilege just to have an extravagant wedding. Self - discipline helps us to control our actions and feelings. Deus odeia o divórcio por motivos enganosos e traiçoeiros. God hates a deceitful, treacherous divorce. They are waiting for the end of this system of things, which will occur during "the day of Jehovah. " Nem todos os que falam de modo agressivo estão totalmente desinteressados no que é certo. Not everyone who indulges in verbal abuse lacks all interest in what is right. Are you safe in "the secret place "? João escreveu que a imagem da fera apareceria, desapareceria e, daí, ressurgiria. John wrote that the image of the beast would appear, disappear, and then rise again. (Faith on 1879, pp. Também o levou a glorificar o Pai pelas coisas que fez e ensinou. It impelled him to glorify his Father by the things he did and taught. My sister felt free to talk to them and to embrace them, and I felt very close to them. VENDO a necessidade espiritual das multidões, Jesus disse aos seus discípulos: "A colheita é grande, mas os trabalhadores são poucos. UPON seeing the spiritual need of the crowds, Jesus told his disciples: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. In what ways can the great crowd have divine protection? Depois de Paulo dizer que se sentia miserável por não conseguir obedecer a Deus de modo perfeito, ele falou: "Dou graças a Deus, por meio de Jesus Cristo, nosso Senhor! " As our High Priest, "he is able also to save completely those who are approaching God through him, because he is always alive to plead for them. " For example, we perceive how Jehovah thwarted those who oppose this work. Um espírito abnegado pode nos ajudar a colocar os sentimentos e preferências dos outros à frente dos nossos. An unselfish spirit can help us to place our feelings and personal preferences after those of others. Therefore, rather than merely putting in the knowledge of past, God's loyal servants put forth effort to increase in " adequately ' with the years. Alguns meses depois do episódio com o homem leproso na Galileia, Jesus foi à Judeia para pregar as boas novas do Reino de Deus. A few months passed after Jesus ' encounter with the leprous man in Galilee. His travels took him from Galilee into Judea to preach and declare the good news of God's Kingdom. 5: 12. (a) O que você mais admira em Jó? (a) What impresses you about Job's integrity? These Christians became " selected, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. " Sérgio: O prazer é meu. Tim: It is good to see you too. Even if we are not self - assured as Saul, we should no doubt strive to avoid any tendency that might cause us to fall into wrong wrongdoing. Podia ver que a conduta e as opções de vida destes os colocavam num "terreno escorregadio ." He could see that their course and choices in life put them on "slippery ground. " (a) What questions did Jesus speak repeatedly to his disciples? Os anciãos leem cartas da sede e aplicam as sugestões, o que ajuda a manter a "unidade na fé ." The elders read letters from the branch office and apply the direction that helps maintain "the oneness in the faith. " Happily, most Christians do not. Por que Moisés reagiu assim? Moses saw Jehovah's hand in the matter. See the final account about Paul in the book of Acts, as recorded in chapter 28. Lembre - se desses pontos, mostre interesse sincero e não deixe de amorosamente incentivar seu irmão espiritual a voltar ao rebanho. - Leia Filipenses 2: 4. Keep such points in mind, show sincere interest, and by all means lovingly encourage your spiritual brother or sister to return to the flock. - Read Philippians 2: 4. Table of Contents Sua infidelidade colocou - os na mesma situação dos cusitas. Ganhar a aprovação do Deus imparcial não depende de antecedentes familiares, mas de " temer a ele e fazer a justiça '. - Atos 10: 34, 35. Gaining an approved standing with the impartial God depends, not on having a certain lineage, but on " fearing him and working righteousness. ' - Acts 10: 34, 35. Consequently, they had a spiritual restoration, as God had promised. A autodisciplina nos ajuda a controlar nossas ações e sentimentos. Illustrate. How does Jehovah train us in this battle? Eles estão esperando o fim deste sistema, que vai ocorrer durante o "dia de Jeová ." Rather, they await the end of this wicked system of things during "Jehovah's day. " When a woman lost her two small children in an accident, the religious minister said: "It was God's will. Você está seguro no "lugar secreto "? Are you safe in "the secret place "? All members of that nation were included in this only servant class. (Julho de 1879, p. (July 1879, p. More than a century before Babylon's world power became the dominant world power, Jehovah's people were represented as having this declaration against "the king of Babylon: " You have said in your heart: " I shall go up to the heavens. Minha irmã se sentia à vontade para conversar com eles e para abraçá - los. Eles eram muito amigos. My sister felt free to express herself to them, to hug them, and to enjoy a close relationship with them. What situation did the Israelites face after Exodus, and what question did the Israelites face face? De que maneiras a grande multidão pode ter proteção divina? In what ways can the great crowd enjoy divine protection? " The full - time service has helped me to make a full life. Por exemplo, percebemos como Jeová frustra os que se opõem a essa obra. For instance, we observe the way Jehovah thwarts opposers. What can help you to discern what a person feels about the Bible? Portanto, em vez de simplesmente confiarem no conhecimento que acumularam no passado, os servos leais de Deus se esforçam para " aumentar em erudição ' com o passar dos anos. Therefore, rather than merely relying on a reserve of knowledge acquired in the past, loyal servants of God strive to "increase in learning " as the years go by. How did our brothers in Japan imitate Jesus ' example? 5: 12. 5: 12. They may be inclined to say: "I am too young to praise Jehovah. Esses cristãos se tornaram "raça escolhida, sacerdócio real, nação santa, povo para propriedade especial ." These new Christians became "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. " * Mesmo que não sejamos tão autoconfiantes como Saul, devemos sem dúvida nos esforçar para evitar qualquer tendência que possa nos levar a cair no mesmo erro que ele. Even if we might not be as self - satisfied as Saul became, we should definitely work to avoid any tendency that may lead to the same bad course. Why is hope important, and how is it used in the Scriptures? (a) Sobre que assunto Jesus falou várias vezes a seus discípulos? (a) What is one subject that Jesus repeatedly spoke to his disciples about? And we can take some steps to seek his approval. Felizmente, a maioria dos cristãos não era assim. Happily, most Christians were not like that. (b) Who is "the steward, " or" slave, " and who are those" impostors, " or" domestics "? Veja o último relato sobre Paulo no livro de Atos, conforme registrado no capítulo 28. Consider our last glimpse of Paul in the book of Acts, as recorded in Acts chapter 28. By praying for wisdom and searching in God's Word, let us apply the holy spirit to help us discern the real motivation that we want to adopt a certain course. - Heb. 4: 12; read James 1: 22 - 25. Sumário Table of Contents Or if your friend would not respond to your counsel, what would you do? Por isso, tiveram uma restauração espiritual, como Deus prometera. They thus experienced spiritual restoration, even as God had promised. A creative solution Jeová nos treina e nos ajuda nessa luta. Como? He provides lifesaving instructions in his Word. Why? Quando uma mulher perdeu seus dois filhos pequenos num acidente de carro, o ministro religioso disse: "Foi a vontade de Deus. When one woman lost her two small children in an automobile accident, her minister said: "It was God's will. Those who truly love Jehovah will work hard to see others like him. Todos os membros dessa nação estavam incluídos nessa única classe - servo. All members of the nation were included in that one servant class. For example, you might enjoy sports, and it is easy to grasp this gapal line. Mais de um século antes de Babilônia se tornar a potência mundial dominante, o povo de Jeová foi representado como tendo feito a seguinte declaração contra "o rei de Babilônia ":" Disseste no teu coração: " Subirei aos céus. Over a century before Babylonia became the chief world power, Jehovah's people were represented as making this declaration against "the king of Babylon ":" You have said in your heart, " To the heavens I shall go up. After receiving a vision of God's glory, the prophet must have moved him to say about his sinful state: "Woe to me! Em que situação os israelitas se encontravam depois do Êxodo, e que pergunta surgiu? In what circumstance did the Israelites find themselves after the Exodus, and what question arose? It would be good for each one to ask, " Would I recover from my house to my house and his heart? " O serviço de tempo integral tem me ajudado a levar uma vida plena. " Full - time service has enabled me to enjoy life to the full. Peter's counsel indicates that as a Christian wife can help a husband who is not a believer? O que pode ser útil para você discernir o que a pessoa acha a respeito da Bíblia? What may help you to discern a person's feelings about the Bible? Only in harmony with the Father, Jesus taught that no one can reject or dismiss an innocent mate and act as if nothing had happened. - Read Matthew 19: 3 - 6, 9. Como nossos irmãos no Japão imitaram o exemplo de Jesus? How did our brothers in Japan imitate Jesus ' example by choosing the right time to speak about the resurrection? What does this illustration mean? Talvez se sinta inclinado a dizer: "Eu sou jovem demais para louvar a Jeová. It is all too easy to say: "I am too young to praise Jehovah. In particular, sisters with older age and experience may provide fine advice to the sisters more new. * * Explain,man (b) What does God promise us, and what question arises? Por que a esperança é importante, e como essa palavra é usada nas Escrituras? How important is hope, and how is the term used in the Scriptures? A person who pursues self - control has become increasingly distracted, sorrow, and frustration, even losing his friendship with Jehovah. E podemos tomar algumas medidas para buscar sua aprovação. And there are steps we can take to seek and gain his approval. What did Job and Abraham know about death and the resurrection? (b) Quem é o "mordomo ," ou" escravo ," e quem são os "assistentes ," ou" domésticos "? (b) Who is the "steward, " or" slave, " and who are the "attendants, " or" domestics "? We can also be tempted to do bad things when we are sad, angry, or troubled. Por orar por sabedoria e pesquisar na Palavra de Deus os princípios pertinentes, permitimos que o espírito santo nos ajude a discernir a real motivação de querermos adotar um determinado proceder. - Heb. 4: 12; leia Tiago 1: 22 - 25. When we pray for wisdom and search out the principles in God's Word, we allow holy spirit to help us discern our real motives for wanting to take a certain course of action. - Heb. 4: 12; read James 1: 22 - 25. The story concludes with the young woman who is wanting her beloved to turn out as quickly as a "her widows. " - Song of Sol. Ou caso seu amigo não acatasse seu conselho, o que você faria? Or if your friend ignored your counsel, what would you do? For example, is an unbeliever completely responsible for the spirituality or the Christian who neglects his Bible study, is going to strike up at meetings and at the ministry? Uma solução criativa An Ingenious Solution (b) What battle is being fought? Por quê? Why? Why should we put blame on whom he deserves? Os que realmente amam a Jeová se esforçarão para ver os outros assim como ele os vê. Those who truly love Jehovah will strive to view others as he does. How did Jesus show that it is wrong to be overly critical? Por exemplo, você talvez goste de esportes, e é fácil compreender essa predileção. For instance, you may like sports, and that attraction is easily understood. I was fond of the camps to end - sleep on booths, using cracks, and marching out the sound of Syria. Após receber uma visão da glória de Deus, o profeta se sentiu movido a dizer o seguinte a respeito de sua condição pecaminosa: "Ai de mim! After seeing a vision of God's glory, the prophet was moved to say about his own sinfulness: "Woe to me! Still another way to encourage others is by giving specific words, saying just what he was pleased. Seria bom cada um se perguntar: " Sinceramente, quanta importância dou à minha casa e sua decoração? It would be fitting for each of us to ask: " Frankly, how much emphasis do I put on my home and its decoration? Why, then, are conditions so different today? Segundo o conselho de Pedro, como a esposa cristã pode ajudar o marido que não é cristão? Following Peter's counsel, how can Christian wives help unbelieving husbands? Covetousness is idolatry because the goal of the fiery desires drifted away from Jehovah and thus become an idol. De pleno acordo com o Pai, Jesus ensinou que não se pode rejeitar ou descartar um cônjuge inocente e agir como se nada tivesse acontecido. - Leia Mateus 19: 3 - 6, 9. In heart harmony with his Father, Jesus taught that one cannot drive away or cast off an innocent mate and act as if nothing has happened. - Read Matthew 19: 3 - 6, 9. " Let friends work through unrighteous riches. " - LUKE 16: 9. O que significa essa ilustração? What is the meaning of this illustration? Thus, it includes oral sex, even if many teenagers around the world have been informed or realized that such practice is acceptable. Em especial, as irmãs com mais idade e experiência podem dar excelentes conselhos às irmãs mais novas. Especially can older, more experienced sisters give much fine advice to younger sisters. When relief comes, your relationship with him will be stronger. Explique, biblicamente. (b) O que Deus nos promete, e que pergunta surge? Explain Scripturally. (b) What does God promise us, leading to what question? If you do so, remember that it is high enough to speak enough for everyone to hear him, especially if the congregation is not taken away. A pessoa que só pensa em ter cada vez mais coisas acaba levando uma vida vazia, cheia de tristeza e frustração. Pior ainda, ela pode perder sua amizade com Jeová. Those who spend most of their energy accumulating material things end up with a life that is, at best, shallow because it appeals to selfish gratification or that is, at worst, spiritually empty and full of grief and frustration. How can the groom enhance the dignity of this happy occasion? O que Jó e Abraão sabiam a respeito da morte e da ressurreição? What did Job and Abraham know about death and resurrection? " Whoever hates his brother is murderer, " wrote the apostle John, "and you know that no manslayer has everlasting life in himself. " Também podemos ser tentados a fazer coisas erradas quando estamos tristes, carentes ou emocionalmente abalados. If you find yourself in such a situation, identify yourself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, act in a respectable manner, and remember that flirting can have disastrous consequences. They had no doubt. A história termina com a moça querendo que seu amado corra ao seu encontro tão rápido como uma "gazela ." - Cân. The song closes with the girl desiring her dear one to "be swift like a gazelle " and come running to her. - Song of Sol. Study God's Word deeply and meditate on what you read Por exemplo, será que o descrente é totalmente responsável pelo risco à espiritualidade ou será que o cristão negligencia seu estudo da Bíblia, é irregular na assistência às reuniões e no ministério? For example, has the unbeliever been totally responsible for the endangerment of spirituality, or has the Christian been negligent about Bible study, inconsistent in meeting attendance, and irregular in the ministry? He explains: "I had a pain and frustration when I found the only means to deliver me free from suffering. (b) Que batalha está sendo travada? (b) What battle is going on? How was the congregation of anointed Christians foreshadowed during Pentecost? Por que devemos colocar a culpa em quem merece? Why is it important for us to lay the blame where it belongs? I had to stop my pride. Como Jesus mostrou que é errado ser excessivamente crítico? How did Jesus show that it is wrong to be overcritical? Paul said: "We have renounced things that are ashamed, not walking with cunning. " Eu gostava dos acampamentos de fim de semana - dormir em barracas, usar uniformes e marchar ao som de tambores. I liked our weekend campouts in the country - sleeping in tents, wearing uniforms, and marching to the sound of drums. Moreover, Jehovah exercises his authority through imperfect humans to whom he trusts the responsibility to care for his people. Ainda outra maneira de encorajar outros é elogiar de modo específico, dizendo exatamente do que gostou. Be sincere and specific. * The letters of the apostle Paul and other inspired books were also written in Greek. Por que, então, as condições são tão diferentes hoje? Why, then, are conditions so different now? What can lead Christian overseers to serve "with sighing, " and with what results? A cobiça é idolatria porque o alvo dos desejos ardentes do cobiçoso o desvia de Jeová e, desse modo, esse alvo se torna um ídolo. Covetousness is idolatry because the object of a greedy person's craving diverts attention from Jehovah and thus becomes an idol. A Christian husband is the head of the family but also has a head, Jesus. " Façam amigos por meio das riquezas injustas. " - LUCAS 16: 9. " Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches. " - LUKE 16: 9. " There will come to be a lot of grain on the earth, " God promises. Assim, inclui sexo oral, mesmo que muitos adolescentes ao redor do mundo tenham sido informados, ou chegado à conclusão, de que tal prática é aceitável. So it includes oral sex, despite the fact that many teenagers around the world have been told or have come to the conclusion that oral sex is acceptable. At times, elders may suggest to a fellow believer how to improve your service to Jehovah. Quando o alívio chegar, sua relação com ele estará mais forte. When relief comes, your relationship with him will be stronger. One elder who serves in a branch office and keeps contact with many of them explains: "Those elders need to talk with them, learn what their needs are, and then you can decide how they will support them. Se fizer isso, lembre - se de falar alto o suficiente para que todos o ouçam, especialmente se a congregação não tiver microfones volantes. If you try this, remember to speak loud enough for everyone to hear, especially if the congregation does not use roving microphones. (a) Who should decide in which language is best for family members? De que modo o noivo pode realçar a dignidade dessa ocasião feliz? How can a groom enhance the dignity of this happy occasion? It may be especially difficult for those who are new in the truth or students who are starting to make spiritual advancement. " Quem odeia seu irmão é assassino ," escreveu o apóstolo João, "e vocês sabem que nenhum assassino tem a vida eterna em si mesmo ." " Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer [or, "murderer "], " wrote the apostle John," and you know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him. " However, by our perceptive powers trained, we realize that having limited contact and necessary contact with the world is one thing, being close to him is another. Eles não tinham nenhuma dúvida disso. To them, that was an obvious conclusion! The work of repair would be finished "not by a military force nor by power but by Jehovah's spirit. " Estude a fundo a Palavra de Deus e medite no que lê Study God's Word diligently, and meditate on what you read In Paul's day, how were social and religious conditions in Rome a challenge to Christians? Ele explica: "Tive momentos de dor e frustração quando achei que o único meio de me livrar do sofrimento seria morrer. He explains: "I have had moments of pain and frustration when I have felt that death would be my only means of escape. 4: 12. Como a congregação de cristãos ungidos foi prefigurada durante o Pentecostes? How was the congregation of anointed Christians foreshadowed during Pentecost? Gracious subjection and subjection are vital to the peace and order between intelligent creatures. Eu tinha de deixar de lado meu orgulho. It meant that I had to set aside my pride. Yes, for us, faith in Jesus is vital for salvation. Paulo disse: "Temos renunciado às coisas dissimuladas, que são vergonhosas, não andando com astúcia. " Paul said: "We have renounced the underhanded things of which to be ashamed, not walking with cunning. " The father says: "We said to our daughters that during one of the next family study, I would do my wife and would make the role of the daughters and would make them realize that they were the parents. Além disso, Jeová em geral exerce sua autoridade por meio de humanos imperfeitos a quem ele confia a responsabilidade de cuidar de seu povo. Furthermore, Jehovah usually exercises his authority through imperfect humans whom he entrusts with responsibility to care for his people. They are part of "all the things that were written aforetime for our instruction. " * As cartas do apóstolo Paulo e outros livros inspirados também foram escritos em grego. * The letters of the apostle Paul and the other inspired books were also distributed in Greek. For example, if you smoke up in morning, do so or two hours later. O que pode levar os superintendentes cristãos a servir "com suspiros ," e com que resultados? What could lead to Christian overseers ' serving "with sighing, " and with what results? All the tribes of Israel would lose their inheritance, so they had to cultivate the same attitude of the prophet. O marido cristão é o cabeça da família, mas também tem um cabeça, Jesus. Christian husbands are the heads of their families, but they too have a head, Jesus. SONGS: 69, 70 " Virá a haver bastante cereal na terra ," Deus promete. " There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth, " we are promised. 6: 14 - 17. Às vezes, os anciãos podem sugerir a um irmão modos de aprimorar o seu serviço a Jeová. At times, shepherds may suggest ways in which an individual can improve in his service to Jehovah. They should have their primary loyalty to a heavenly government, God's Kingdom ruled by Christ. Um ancião que serve numa filial e mantém contato com muitos deles explica: "Os anciãos precisam conversar com eles, descobrir quais são suas necessidades e daí decidir como podem apoiá - los. An elder in a branch office who is in touch with many of them explains: "The elders need to speak to them, find out what their circumstances are, and then determine how they can assist them. [ Picture on page 21] (a) Quem deve decidir em que idioma é melhor a família assistir às reuniões? (a) Who must decide which language congregation to attend? 6, 7. Pode ser difícil em especial para os que são novos na verdade ou estudantes que estão começando a fazer progresso espiritual. This can be especially challenging for those new in the truth or those just starting to make progress toward spiritual maturity. The Bible Teach book uses simple, direct speech to explain God's Word, just as Jesus expressed ideas that were complex in simple terms. Mas, por termos nossa faculdade perceptiva treinada, entendemos que ter contato limitado e necessário com o mundo é uma coisa, estar achegado a ele é outra. Having our perceptive powers trained, however, we appreciate that it is one thing to have necessary limited contact with the world and quite another to cultivate close ties with it. They help us to feel secure and loved. - Prov. A obra de reconstrução seria terminada " não por força militar, nem por poder, mas pelo espírito de Jeová '. The building work will come to completion, "not by a military force, nor by power, but by [Jehovah's] spirit. " Why should we not steal or be dishonest? Nos dias de Paulo, como as condições sociais e religiosas em Roma eram um desafio para os cristãos? In Paul's day, how did the social and religious conditions in Rome pose a challenge for Christians? God gives us abundant reasons for having joy. 4: 12. 4: 12. (b) How can elders help others to regain their strength and joy? Chefia e sujeição são vitais para a paz e a ordem entre criaturas inteligentes. Headship and subjection are essential for peace and order to prevail among intelligent creatures. How can we do so? Tanto é que, para nós, ter fé em Jesus é vital para a salvação. In fact, we believe that exercising faith in Jesus is vital to salvation. We are living in "the last days. " O pai conta: "Dissemos a nossas filhas que, durante uma parte do próximo estudo em família, eu e minha esposa faríamos o papel de filhas e elas fariam de conta que eram os pais. The father says: "We told our children that during a portion of the next family study, my wife and I would play the part of the children, and our girls could pretend to be the parents. Jehovah knows whether we wish we pray for what we pray, or we are only bound up a body of words. Fazem parte de " todas as coisas escritas outrora para a nossa instrução '. They are part of "all the things that were written aforetime... for our instruction. " (b) What motivates us to serve God? Por exemplo, se você fuma logo que acorda de manhã, faça isso uma ou duas horas depois. For example, if you smoke as soon as you get up each morning, put off smoking for an hour or so. As such, Abraham blessed Abraham and praised God for giving Abraham victory over his enemies. Todas as tribos de Israel perderiam a sua herança, de modo que tinham de cultivar a mesma atitude do profeta. All the tribes of Israel had lost their inheritance, so they needed to cultivate the same attitude as the prophet. Do You Recall? CÂNTICOS: 69, 70 SONGS: 69, 70 " All the things that are of serious concern, continue to consider them considered. " - PHIL. 6: 14 - 17. 6: 14 - 17. Knowing that he is backing Jehovah's sovereignty has given him peace. Elas devem sua lealdade primária a um governo celestial, o Reino de Deus governado por Cristo. They owe their primary allegiance to a heavenly government, God's Kingdom under Christ. What should be our determination, and why? [ Foto na página 21] [ Picture on page 21] Those contact do not need to be delay, but they show that Jehovah's organization takes care for these people. 6, 7. 6, 7. What about subtle attacks? O livro Bíblia Ensina usa linguagem simples e direta para explicar a Palavra de Deus, assim como Jesus, que expressava idéias complexas em termos simples. The Bible Teach book uses simple, direct language to explain God's Word, just as Jesus conveyed complex ideas in simple terms. You can strengthen your faith by studying the prophecies they point to Jesus Christ or by considering a prophetic books of the Bible by verse. Eles ajudam a nos sentir seguros e amados. - Pro. They help us to feel secure and loved. - Prov. The religious leaders slandering God when they state the calamities that come upon him. Por que não devemos roubar ou ser desonestos? Why must we not steal or do what is dishonest? There are times when God may allow us to demonstrate even interested in what we pray. Deus nos dá muitas razões para termos alegria. God gives us many reasons to be joyful. July 11 - 17, 2011 (b) Como os anciãos podem ajudar outros a recuperar sua força e alegria? (b) How can elders help others regain their strength and joy? What insight made Russell's preaching work, and how has this been fulfilled? Como podemos fazer isso? How can we do so? These snares may explain why High Priest Eliashib allowed an unbeliever and protect him. Estamos nos "últimos dias ." These are "the last days. " [ Pictures on page 21] Jeová sabe se realmente desejamos aquilo pelo qual oramos, ou se estamos apenas recitando um conjunto de palavras. He knows whether we really desire what we pray for or we are merely repeating a set of words. The slave wanted to continue serving obediently in his master's love. (b) O que nos motiva a servir a Deus? (b) What moves us to serve God? For example, while false religious leaders hypocritically support or cutting up as normal conduct and ungodly conduct of people, the faithful and discreet slave class against Satan's wicked system. Como tal, ele abençoou Abraão e louvou a Deus por ter dado a Abraão a vitória sobre seus inimigos. As such, he blessed Abraham and praised God for giving Abraham the victory over his enemies. How can we avoid loving ourselves? Lembra - se? Do You Recall? Why would I ask Naomi, when Jehovah humbled me and the Almighty who caused me calamity? " - Ruth 1: 20, 21. " Todas as coisas que são de séria preocupação, continuai a considerá - las. ' - FIL. " Whatever things are of serious concern,... continue considering these things. " - PHIL. So teaching is not of men but from Jehovah. - Isa. Saber que estava apoiando a soberania de Jeová lhe deu paz. That, in turn, mitigated some of her distress. Sacrifices offered under the Law foreshadowed Jesus Christ and his sacrifice Qual deve ser a nossa determinação, e por quê? What should be our resolve, and why? Indeed, meditation and prayer are essential for having "the law of loving - kindness in our tongue. " Esses contatos não precisam ser demorados, mas mostram que a organização de Jeová se importa com essas pessoas. Such contacts need not take a lot of time, but they show that Jehovah's organization cares. Show your love for God by obeying him. Que dizer dos ataques sutis? What about subtle attacks? (Read Psalm 84: 11; James 1: 2 - 5.) Você pode fortalecer a sua fé por estudar as profecias que apontavam para Jesus Cristo ou por considerar um dos livros proféticos da Bíblia versículo por versículo. You could strengthen your faith by making a study of the prophecies pointing to Jesus Christ or a verse - by - verse consideration of one of the prophetic books of the Bible. Calling God, the conscience of such a man should give a witness that he is upright and does not produce anything unexpectedly. Os líderes religiosos difamam a Deus quando dizem que as tragédias que sofremos são causadas por ele. Religious leaders misrepresent God when they say that the tragedies we experience are his will. Note Jehovah's reaction when his worshippers were enslaved in Egypt, some 3,500 years ago. Há ocasiões em que Deus talvez nos permita demonstrar até que ponto estamos realmente interessados nos assuntos sobre os quais oramos. There are times when God may allow us to demonstrate the depth of our concern about matters for which we pray. Jesus told his disciples: "If you have faith from the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, " Go down to there, ' and he will transferr you from it, and nothing will be impossible for you. " 11 - 17 de julho de 2011 July 11 - 17, 2011 Repudiate " valueless Things " Que comentário perspicaz Russell fez sobre a obra de pregação, e como isso tem se cumprido? What perceptive comment did Charles Taze Russell make about the preaching work, and how has this proved to be true? All members of the congregation have the privilege of working in this regard. Esses laços talvez expliquem por que o Sumo Sacerdote Eliasibe permitiu que um descrente e opositor o influenciasse. These ties may explain why High Priest Eliashib allowed an unbeliever and opposer to influence him. How important it will be during the great tribulation to keep our faith in Jehovah's saving power and remain in Jehovah's valley of protection! - Read Habakkuk 3: 17, 18. [ Fotos na página 21] [ Pictures on page 21] " I was subjected to a Bible reading and always praying, especially when it could be difficult to lose calm calm. " O escravo disposto desejava continuar servindo obedientemente ao seu amo. The willing slave desired to continue giving obedient service to his master. Like Abraham, those who go to Sheol will be resurrected Por exemplo, enquanto líderes religiosos falsos tacitamente apóiam ou toleram como normal a conduta ímpia e egoísta das pessoas do mundo, o escravo fiel e discreto nos alerta contra as armadilhas do perverso sistema de Satanás. For example, while false religious leaders tacitly approve or openly condone as normal the selfish, godless conduct of the people of the world, the slave provides warnings against the pitfalls of Satan's wicked system. Let us focus on three accounts of the Scriptures: David's relationship with Saul, the incident with Ananias and Sapphira's conduct with Potiphar's wife. Como podemos evitar amar só a nós mesmos? How can we avoid becoming lovers of ourselves? As a group, we willingly submit to the direction of the Governing Body and cooperate with appointed elders in the congregations, thus demonstrate that we accept God's way of ruling. Por que me devíeis chamar Noemi, quando foi Jeová quem me humilhou e o Todo - poderoso quem me causou a calamidade? " - Rute 1: 20, 21. Why should you call me Naomi, when it is Jehovah that has humiliated me and the Almighty that has caused me calamity? " - Ruth 1: 20, 21. 6: 24. Portanto, o ensino não é de homens, mas de Jeová. - Isa. Thus, what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah. - Isa. To make a donation, please visit Os sacrifícios oferecidos sob a Lei prefiguravam Jesus Cristo e o seu sacrifício Sacrifices offered under the Law pointed to Jesus Christ and his sacrifice 18, 19. (a) How can spiritual brothers help younger ones? De fato, a meditação e a oração são essenciais para termos " a lei da benevolência na nossa língua '. Yes, meditation and prayer are essential if we are to have the law of loving - kindness upon our tongues. 1, 2. Mostre seu amor a Deus por obedecê - lo. Show your love for God by obeying him. He admits: "In the past, I went under pressure to seek financial security for first higher education and then focus on spiritual goals. (Leia Salmo 84: 11; Tiago 1: 2 - 5.) (Read Psalm 84: 11; James 1: 2 - 5.) 3, 4. Perante Deus, a consciência de tal homem deve dar testemunho de que ele é reto e não pratica nada furtivo ou aviltante. Before God, such a man's conscience should bear witness that he is upright and does not practice anything underhanded or defiling. What choice did Esau make? Note a reação de Jeová quando seus adoradores estavam escravizados no Egito, uns 3.500 anos atrás. Consider how Jehovah responded when his worshippers were in bondage in Egypt some 3,500 years ago. Some might conclude that it is to avoid falling into sin. Jesus disse aos discípulos: "Se tiverdes fé do tamanho dum grão de mostarda, direis a este monte: " Transfere - te daqui para lá ', e ele se transferirá, e nada vos será impossível. " Jesus told his disciples: "If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, " Transfer from here to there, ' and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you. " How is true love between a man and a woman? Rejeite "coisas sem valor " Repudiate "Valueless Things " The more the person reads and reasoned on the Scriptures, the more you acquired insight into Jehovah's trueness. Todos os membros da congregação têm o privilégio de colaborar nesse sentido. All members of the congregation have the privilege of cooperating in these efforts. 2: 15. Como será importante durante a grande tribulação manter nossa fé no poder salvador de Jeová e permanecer no Seu vale de proteção! - Leia Habacuque 3: 17, 18. How vital it will be during the great tribulation to maintain our faith in Jehovah's saving power and to remain in Jehovah's valley of protection! - Read Habakkuk 3: 17, 18. When we willingly accept and apply these guidance, we show that we appreciate Jehovah's heart and love. - John 14: 31; Rom. " Eu seguia rigorosamente um programa de leitura da Bíblia e sempre orava, em especial nos momentos em que poderia ser fácil perder a calma. " " I kept up a solid Bible - reading schedule and constantly prayed, especially at moments when it would have been easy for me to lose my temper. " Please, and look! I have two daughters who never had relations with a man. Assim como Abraão, os que vão para o Seol serão ressuscitados Like Abraham, those who go to Sheol are in line for a resurrection Being imperfect, you will not be able to imitate Jesus in a full way. Vamos focalizar três relatos das Escrituras: a relação de Davi com Saul, o incidente com Ananias e Safira e a conduta de José com a esposa de Potifar. Let us focus on three episodes from the Scriptures: the account of David's dealings with Saul, that of Ananias and Sapphira, and that of Joseph's conduct with Potiphar's wife. Jehovah's army is on our side. Como grupo, de bom grado nos submetemos à direção do Corpo Governante e cooperamos com os anciãos designados nas congregações, demonstrando assim que aceitamos o modo de Deus governar. As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the appointed elders in the congregations. In such ways, we demonstrate our acceptance of God's way of ruling. Reading chapter of the book of Acts can "stirring up one fire, " our enthusiasm for the ministry. 6: 24. 6: 24. The Festival of Booths was a festival festival, a celebration ingathering, and foreshadow the joyful gathering of those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ. Para fazer um donativo, acesse To make a donation, please visit When will he be " injured in the lake of fire "? 18, 19. (a) Como irmãos de boa espiritualidade podem ajudar os jovens? 18, 19. (a) How can spiritually - minded brothers and sisters benefit young ones? When was the last time that I commended one of my family or a fellow believer? ' 1, 2. 1, 2. Jehovah God is holy and requires that those who render sacred service to him be holy. Ele admite: "No passado, fui pressionado a buscar segurança financeira por primeiro obter educação superior e depois me concentrar em alvos espirituais. He admits: "In the past, I was pressured to pursue financial security through higher education first and after that to focus on spiritual goals. Just as the water I love the clay, reading the Bible daily, and meditating on what we read will become more evil in Jehovah's hands. 3, 4. 3, 4. When Paul visited Athens, he realized that "all the Athenians and the foreign residents there were temporarily spent his time spent on nothing more than to listen or something new. " Que decisão Esaú tomou? What choice did Esau make? Strong faith in Jehovah and his promises. - Romans 10: 10, 13, 14. Alguns talvez pensem que é para evitar cair no pecado. Some might think that it is to protect them from giving in to sin. [ Picture on page 12] Como é o amor verdadeiro entre um homem e uma mulher? What is true love between a man and a woman like? Making a Family Worship evening, parents should remind their children that the kind of education a child needs different from the training that a teenager needs. Quanto mais a pessoa lê e pondera sobre as Escrituras, tanto mais adquire " perspicácia quanto à veracidade de Jeová '. The more one reads and ponders over the Scriptures, the more one can gain " insight into Jehovah's trueness. ' Job lost everything he had and became so depressed that he wanted to die. 2: 15. 2: 15. By means of whom he is doing so? Quando estamos dispostos a aceitar e a colocar em prática essas orientações, mostramos que somos gratos e que amamos a Jeová de coração. - João 14: 31; Rom. By willingly accepting and applying such direction, we show that we are grateful and that we truly love Jehovah from the heart. - John 14: 31; Rom. Do You Hate Lawlessness? Por favor, eis que tenho duas filhas que nunca tiveram relações com um homem. Please, here I have two daughters who have never had intercourse with a man. ▪ The pace and distractions of modern life does not favor with meditation. Sendo imperfeito, você não conseguirá imitar a Jesus de modo pleno. Being imperfect, you are not able to imitate Jesus fully. They were still deeply anxious about the comments Jesus had made about the destruction of the temple. O exército de Jeová está do nosso lado. We have a cavalry on our side. However, more impressive is the length of King's rule if it is taken, there is a king whose government is not limited by human life span. Ler um capítulo do livro de Atos pode " atiçar, como a um fogo ', nosso entusiasmo pelo ministério. Reading a chapter from the Bible book of Acts will "stir up like a fire " our enthusiasm for the ministry. (b) What should be our determination? A Festividade das Barracas era uma festividade de colheita, uma celebração de recolhimento, e prefigurava o ajuntamento alegre dos que exercem fé em Jesus Cristo. The Festival of Booths was a harvest festival, a joyful celebration of ingathering, and it foreshadowed the joyous ingathering of those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ. Missionaries rolleder, and he referred to the things we regret, which we wish we would like to do again and in a different way. Quando será "lançado no lago de fogo "? When will he be "hurled into the lake of fire "? Ilaria, Italy, says: "My parents show an interest in the music I heard. Quando foi a última vez que dei um elogio sincero a um membro da minha família ou a um irmão na fé? ' When was the last time that I gave sincere commendation to a family member or a fellow believer? ' 4, 5. Jeová Deus é santo e exige que os que lhe prestam serviço sagrado sejam santos. Jehovah God is holy and demands that those who render him sacred service be holy. Paul wrote to Timothy that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " Assim como a água amolece o barro, ler a Bíblia todo dia e meditar no que lemos nos torna mais maleáveis nas mãos de Jeová. As water softens clay, daily Bible reading and meditation can help us be malleable in Jehovah's hands. What should move Peter to do so? Quando Paulo visitou Atenas, ele percebeu que "todos os atenienses e os estrangeiros residentes temporariamente ali gastavam seu tempo de folga em nada mais do que em contar algo ou escutar algo novo ." When Paul visited Athens, he noted that "all Athenians and the foreigners sojourning there would spend their leisure time at nothing but telling something or listening to something new. " Being sinners, since we are born as enemies of God. Uma forte fé em Jeová e nas suas promessas. - Romanos 10: 10, 13, 14. Strong faith in Jehovah and in his promises. - Romans 10: 10, 13, 14. (b) What do the sword and the bow represent? [ Foto na página 12] [ Picture on page 12] Understandably, this account examines questions in the mind of some. Ao fazer a Adoração em Família, os pais devem lembrar que o tipo de instrução que uma criança precisa é diferente da instrução que um adolescente precisa. When presiding over family worship, the parent should remember that the guidance a young child needs may well differ from that of a teenager. How did Jesus rest his friendship for the disciples, and how did they respond? Jó perdeu tudo o que tinha e ficou tão deprimido que queria morrer. The cause, we know, was the slanderer Satan, who lyingly accused Job of worshipping God out of self - interest. We will see that further ahead. Por meio de quem ele está fazendo isso? Through whom is he doing so? What should we do if the world's spirit has infected us? Você odeia o que é contra a lei? Do You Hate Lawlessness? One Bible account says that he "went cold and carried out a trip by all the cities and village. " ▪ O ritmo e as distrações da vida moderna não favorecem a meditação. ▪ The pace and distractions of modern - day life are not conducive to meditation. The only privilege that he and his wife could have been married to serve as regular pioneers. Eles ainda estavam muito pensativos a respeito dos comentários que Jesus havia feito sobre a destruição do templo. Jesus ' earlier comments regarding the destruction of the temple weighed heavily on their minds. As a result, anointed Christians are considered righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. No entanto, por mais impressionante que tenha sido a duração do governo do Rei Sobhuza, existe um rei cujo governo não é limitado pela curta duração da vida humana. As impressive as the length of King Sobhuza's rule may be, there is a king whose reign is not limited by the short life span of humans. Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ? (b) Qual deve ser a nossa determinação? (b) What should we be determined to do? So when a servant of God is moved to help another person, this is evidence of Jehovah's spirit in action. Whittier, e ele se referia às coisas das quais nos arrependemos, que gostaríamos de poder fazer de novo e de modo diferente. Whittier, and he was referring to things that we regret, that we wish we could do over and do differently. Since articles have been published to help Christians who are sick, as well as those who are careful. Ilaria, da Itália, diz: "Meus pais se interessavam pelas músicas que eu ouvia. Ilaria, who lives in Italy, says: "My parents took an interest in the music I listened to. Jehovah blesses these acts of humility and loyalty. - Luke 21: 1 - 4. 4, 5. 4, 5. Name has been changed. Paulo escreveu a Timóteo que "o amor ao dinheiro é raiz de toda sorte de coisas prejudiciais ." Paul wrote to Timothy that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " What will signal the beginning of the great tribulation? O que devia mover Pedro a fazer isso? What should move Peter to do that? * After that sealing is completed, the angels will unleash the winds of destruction. Por sermos pecadores, desde que nascemos somos como que inimigos de Deus. In our sinful state, from birth we were enemies of God. What will help us to do so? (b) O que a espada e o arco simbolizam? (b) What do the sword and the bow stand for? However, we need to remember that we need to remember the feelings behind Jesus ' sacrifice. É compreensível que esse relato faça surgir perguntas na mente de alguns. Understandably, this account has raised questions in the mind of some. What is it? Como Jesus reafirmou sua amizade pelos discípulos, e como estes reagiram? How did Jesus reassure the disciples, and how did they respond? If you asked you to cross a stream of car only for jumping to jumping to it, you may have refused to do so. Veremos isso mais à frente. We shall see. With that in mind, how would you answer the following questions? O que devemos fazer se o espírito do mundo nos contaminou? What should we do if we are infected by the spirit of the world? " Find exquisite delight in Jehovah, and he will grant you the desires of your heart. " - PS. Um relato bíblico diz que ele "empreendeu uma viagem por todas as cidades e aldeias ." One Bible account tells us that he "set out on a tour of all the cities and villages. " They need to keep working together just to do a smile of encouragement. O único privilégio que ele e sua esposa poderiam ter depois de casados era servir como pioneiros regulares. " No privileges other than regular pioneering. " The disciple James tells us that "the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. " - Jas. Em resultado disso, os cristãos ungidos são considerados justos à base de sua fé no sacrifício resgatador de Jesus. As a result, anointed Christians are counted righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. The term "discovered " may also be translated" manifest " or exalted. " Associação Torre de Vigia de Bíblias e Tratados. She answers: "Now I am able to manage my money. Portanto, quando um servo de Deus se sente movido a ajudar outro, isso é evidência do espírito de Jeová em ação. Hence, when one of God's servants is moved to help another, this is evidence of Jehovah's spirit at work. Yet, it is not always easy to remember that. Já foram publicados artigos para ajudar cristãos que estão doentes, bem como os que são cuidadores. Articles have been published to help Christians cope with illness as well as to help caregivers. Having Christ's mental attitude will help us to meet them. Jeová abençoa esses servos pela humildade e lealdade que eles mostram. - Luc. 21: 1 - 4. Remember that Jehovah is blessing the Kingdom proclaimers earth wide who humbly and loyally contribute what they can to help finance such projects. - Luke 21: 1 - 4. Because it can transform our thinking, so that resembles Christ's mind. O nome foi mudado. Name has been changed. Jesus ' zeal had not slow down since he was in a similar way before. - John 2: 13 - 17. Qual será o sinal do início da grande tribulação? What will signal the start of the great tribulation? How can others help immigrant families? * Depois que essa selagem estiver terminada, os anjos soltarão os ventos de destruição. * Once that final sealing has been completed, the angels will unleash the winds of destruction. Could a family learn a new language to bring people the good news of another nationality? O que nos ajudará nesse sentido? What will help us to do that? Most of us can attend Christian meetings and share in the Kingdom - preaching work. Mas só saber disso não basta. Precisamos nos lembrar dos sentimentos por trás do sacrifício de Jesus. But we need more than just an intellectual understanding of what those emblems mean. Upon light of God's Word, Christians will benefit by meditating on their precious spiritual heritage. De que se trata? What is that? In 2008, it was very good to begin to receive the study edition of The Watchtower, especially for us, Jehovah's Witnesses. Se lhe pedissem para saltar um riacho largo num só pulo, você talvez recusasse fazer isso. If you were asked to leap a wide stream in one bound, you might balk at the suggestion. Ruby, says: "He makes a promise extremely acceptable; the capacity for adapting to any situation seems necessary, and it may arise... Com isso em mente, como responderia às seguintes perguntas? With that in mind, how would you answer the following questions? All rights reserved. " Encontre a mais plena alegria em Jeová, e ele lhe concederá os desejos do seu coração. " - SAL. " Find exquisite delight in Jehovah, and he will grant you the desires of your heart. " - PS. He wrote: "What effect this images caused me young man's mind! São precisos 14 deles trabalhando juntos apenas para fazer a pessoa sorrir! It takes 14 muscles working together just to make you smile! The brothers Peter and Andrew had been fishermen. O discípulo cristão Tiago nos diz que "a sabedoria de cima é primeiramente casta, depois pacífica, razoável, pronta para obedecer, cheia de misericórdia e de bons frutos, sem parcialidade, sem hipocrisia ." - Tia. The Christian disciple James tells us that "the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable [" yielding, " ftn.], ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. " - Jas. What can parents do if their children do not understand their language well? O termo "descobertas " pode também ser traduzido por" manifestadas " ou "expostas ." The word "discovered " can also be rendered" found out " or "laid bare. " It was the manna, the bread that Jehovah had promised them. - Exodus 16: 4, 13 - 15. Ela responde: "Agora sou capaz de administrar meu dinheiro. She answers: "I am now able to care for my own finances. 1, 2. Só que nem sempre é fácil lembrar disso. We need to guard against losing sight of this vital issue. What knowledge does the Fine Shepherd have of the congregation? Ter a mesma atitude mental de Cristo nos ajudará a enfrentá - las. Having Christ's mental attitude will help us to get through them. As we expect Jehovah to act, does we become impatient? Porque pode transformar a nossa maneira de pensar, de modo que se assemelhe à mente de Cristo. Because it can transform our thinking, so that it resembles the mind of Christ. But those who served Jehovah at that time said that as a group, God's people did their utmost to continue in the preaching work. O zelo de Jesus não havia diminuído desde que agira de modo similar três anos antes. - João 2: 13 - 17. Jesus ' zeal has not lessened since he took similar action three years earlier. - John 2: 13 - 17. On the contrary, let us be obedient and submissive to those taking the lead in the congregation, doing so contributes to the unity of the congregation and more important unity of Jehovah. Como outros podem ajudar famílias de imigrantes? How can others help immigrant parents and their children? [ Footnote] Poderia alguém da família aprender um novo idioma para levar as boas novas a pessoas de outra nacionalidade? Could a family member learn a new language in order to share the good news with those of other nationalities? This article explains some thrilling events that await us. A maioria de nós pode assistir às reuniões cristãs e participar na pregação do Reino. Most of us can attend Christian meetings and share in the Kingdom - preaching work. " For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me, " wrote Paul. À luz da Palavra de Deus, os cristãos se beneficiarão por meditarem em sua valiosa herança espiritual. In the light of God's Word, Christians will benefit from pondering their rich spiritual heritage. Jesus was just what Adam should have been - a perfect man, loyal, and obedient to God in every way. Em 2008, foi muito bom começar a receber a edição de estudo da revista A Sentinela, escrita principalmente para nós, Testemunhas de Jeová. Since 2008 we have enjoyed the study edition of The Watchtower, which is written primarily for Jehovah's Witnesses. What, then? Rotherham, diz: "[Ele] se torna uma promessa extremamente afável; a capacidade Divina de adaptar - se a qualquer circunstância, dificuldade e necessidade que possa surgir... Rotherham, states: "[It] becomes a most gracious promise; the Divine capacity of adaptation to any circumstances, any difficulties, any necessities that may arise... 15 - 17. (a) How do we feel because of some problems we face? Todos os direitos reservados. All rights reserved. Do I see ways in which I can apply my life instead of considering this just how I have taught others? Ele escreveu: "Que efeito horrível aquelas imagens causaram na minha mente jovem! He wrote: "What a horrible effect those pictures had on my young mind! On Nisan 11, 33 C.E., Jesus told Israel's leaders that God had rejected their nation as his servant. Os irmãos Pedro e André haviam sido pescadores. The brothers Peter and Andrew had been fishermen. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to be independent of their Creator. O que os pais podem fazer se os filhos não entendem bem o idioma deles? What can you do if there is a language barrier in your family? How do you view the "gifts in men " that God through Christ has provided within his congregation? - Eph. Era o maná, o pão que Jeová lhes havia prometido. - Êxodo 16: 4, 13 - 15. It was manna, the bread that Jehovah had promised them. - Exodus 16: 4, 13 - 15. Peter and I knew about these are also servants of God for decades. 1, 2. 1, 2. 9, 10. (a) What did Satan realize about Jehovah? Que conhecimento o Pastor Excelente tem da congregação? What knowledge does the Fine Shepherd have of the congregation? Rather than " tire out and giving out in our souls ' because of small trials or opposition, we should progress to maturity and improve our ability to endure trials. Enquanto esperamos Jeová agir, será que ficamos impacientes? As we wait for Jehovah to act, have we personally become impatient? • Why must we keep focused on the prize? Mas os irmãos que serviram a Jeová naquela época disseram que, como grupo, o povo de Deus fez o máximo para continuar com a pregação. No matter what our health or condition, all of us can help the congregation to become more united and spiritually strong. Pelo contrário, vamos ser obedientes e submissos aos irmãos que exercem a liderança na congregação. Fazer isso contribui para a união da congregação e, mais importante, deixa Jeová feliz. Rather, our humility will help us to be submissive to those taking the lead, and such an obedient spirit is essential for unity in the congregation. Martha was certain that Lazarus would live again. [ Nota (s) de rodapé] [ Footnotes] The "great tribulation " Esse artigo explica alguns acontecimentos empolgantes que nos aguardam. This article will explain some of the exciting developments that lie ahead of us. If they do so, they could win the prize of life. " Para todas as coisas tenho força em virtude daquele que me confere poder ," escreveu Paulo. " For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me, " wrote Paul. 3: 11; Rom. Jesus foi exatamente o que Adão deveria ter sido - um homem perfeito, leal e obediente a Deus em todos os sentidos. He corresponded exactly to all that Adam should have been - a perfect man, absolutely loyal and obedient to God. No one does not know that the name he himself knows in that his privileges are amazing and that he alone can grasp what means to exercise so high position. E então? Then what? Doing the Father's will held Jesus; that was as sound, satisfying it and refreshing as food. 15 - 17. (a) Como nos sentimos por causa de alguns problemas que enfrentamos? 15 - 17. (a) How might we at times feel about our trials, but how does Jehovah use his Word to help us? Murmuring was on Moses. Consigo pensar em maneiras de aplicar em minha vida o que estou aprendendo em vez de encarar isso apenas como algo a ser ensinado a outros? Moreover, do I see ways to apply in my own life what I am learning and not view it only as something I might teach to others? So he asked the young brothers who had grown up with him and now were his attendants. Mas, em 11 de nisã de 33 EC, Jesus disse aos líderes de Israel que Deus havia rejeitado a nação deles como Seu servo. But on Nisan 11 of the year 33 C.E., Jesus told the leaders of Israel that God had rejected their nation from being His servant. Jesus did not focus on the faults of his loyal friends, but he always acted in their best interests. Os nossos primeiros pais, Adão e Eva, preferiram ser independentes de seu Criador. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose independence from their Creator. It is not surprising, therefore, that Jehovah told Moses: "I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and I have heard their outcry because of those who drive them to work; for I well know the pains they suffer. " - Ex. Como você encara as "dádivas em homens " que Deus, por meio de Cristo, proveu na sua congregação? - Efé. How do you view the "gifts in men " whom God through Christ has provided in your congregation? - Eph. Many of these men, however, found help and protection in the accompanying of the Christian congregation. Peter e Irmgard também são servos de Deus há décadas. Peter and Irmgard have also been God's servants for decades. Notice the expression "broken up by. " 9, 10. (a) O que Satanás deu a entender sobre Jeová? 9, 10. (a) What accusation did Satan hurl against Jehovah? If she disagrees with her husband, he should speak with him in private. - Eph. Em vez de " nos cansar e desfalecer nas nossas almas ' por causa de pequenas provações ou oposição, devemos progredir à madureza e aprimorar nossa habilidade de suportar provações. Rather than " getting tired and giving out in our souls ' because of minor trials or opposition that we may encounter, we should make progress toward maturity and improve our ability to endure trials. 26 Preaching the Good News of God's Undeserved Kindness • Por que temos de manter em foco o prêmio? • Why must we keep our focus on the prize? In fact, during the period in which you are pursuing smoking, you may need to abstain from alcohol and avoid places where such alcohol are served, for a high bulls occurs while drinking a person is drinking. Não importa nossa idade ou nosso estado de saúde, todos nós podemos ajudar a congregação a ficar mais unida e mais forte em sentido espiritual. How can each of us, whether young or old, strong or frail, contribute to the unity and spirituality of the congregation? 6, 7. (a) Where do those making up the "great crowd "? Marta tinha certeza de que Lázaro ia voltar a viver. She was sure that would occur in the future. But did you notice Peter's statement, just as Jehovah's undeserved kindness expressed to us? A "grande tribulação " " The Great Tribulation " How did Solomon gain wisdom, but in what sense is different in our case? Se fizessem isso, poderiam ganhar o prêmio da vida. Doing so, they could hope to gain the prize of life. 1 - 3. (a) What will help us to remain loyal to Jehovah in these last days? 3: 11; Rom. 3: 11; Rom. On two occasions, Jehovah said: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. " Ninguém a não ser ele próprio conhece esse nome no sentido de que seus privilégios são inigualáveis e apenas ele pode compreender o que significa exercer tão elevado cargo. No one knows this name but he himself in that his privileges are unique and only he can comprehend what it means to hold such a high office. One way to improve our effectiveness in the ministry is to make good use of the fine tool that Jehovah God has provided us with his written Word, the Bible. Fazer a vontade do Pai sustentava Jesus; para ele, isso era tão nutritivo, satisfatório e revigorante como a comida. The doing of his Father's will sustained Jesus; it was as nourishing, satisfying, and refreshing to him as food. Harold, a 95 - year - old brother who never married, says: "Even though I enjoy company with others and being hospitable, when I am never alone. Resmungaram contra Moisés. They murmured against Moses. We are not suffering just as Job suffered. Então, ele pediu conselho para os jovens que tinham crescido com ele e que agora eram seus ajudantes. Instead, he took the advice of the younger men with whom he had grown up and who were now his attendants. Loving Christian shepherds seek to show personal interest in each sheep from the congregation. Jesus não se concentrou nas falhas de seus amigos leais, mas sempre agiu nos melhores interesses deles. Jesus looked past the faults of his loyal friends and acted in their best interests. What about you? Portanto, não é de admirar que Jeová dissesse a Moisés: "Indubitavelmente, tenho visto a tribulação do meu povo que está no Egito e tenho ouvido seu clamor por causa daqueles que os compelem a trabalhar; porque eu bem sei das dores que sofrem. " - Êxo. It is little wonder, then, that Jehovah said to Moses: "Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. " - Ex. How can we imitate Jehovah in this regard? Muitos deles, porém, encontraram ajuda e proteção no aconchego da congregação cristã. Yet, many thus forsaken have found help and protection in the warmth of the Christian congregation. What about us? Note a expressão "pesquisados por ." Notice the expression "searched for. " After 50 years, a woman namedine recalls: "The cigarette's company was better than one's mate. Se ela discordar do marido, deverá falar com ele em particular. - Efé. If she disagrees with her husband about something, she would talk with him in private. - Eph. Now is no time to " waver in faith, ' but to become" powerful by faith. " 26 Pregue as boas novas da bondade imerecida de Deus 26 Spread the Good News of Undeserved Kindness No doubt, people were opposed by him, mocking him, and perhaps even threatened him. De fato, no período em que estiver parando de fumar, você talvez precise se abster de álcool e evitar lugares onde essas bebidas são servidas, pois uma alta porcentagem de recaídas ocorre enquanto a pessoa está bebendo. Indeed, while you are trying to quit smoking, you may need to abstain from alcohol and avoid places where it is served, for a high percentage of relapses occur while people are drinking. Help those who became inactive. 6, 7. (a) De onde vêm as pessoas que compõem a "grande multidão "? 6, 7. (a) Where do those making up the "great crowd " come from? Micah was able to wait patiently at times because he was absolutely confident that Jehovah would fulfill all His promises. Mas notou, na declaração de Pedro, exatamente como a benignidade imerecida de Jeová é expressa a nós? Did you notice in Peter's statement, though, just how Jehovah's undeserved kindness is conveyed to us? Be kindly aware of the feelings and freeness of a person. Como Salomão ganhou sabedoria, mas em que sentido é diferente no nosso caso? How did Solomon gain his wisdom, but how is our acquiring of wisdom different? Was this prophecy completely fulfilled in the end of World War I? 1 - 3. (a) O que vai nos ajudar a continuar leais a Jeová nestes últimos dias? 1 - 3. (a) What will help us to remain faithful to God during these last days? Deliver From All Our distresses Em duas ocasiões, Jeová disse: "Este é meu Filho, o amado, a quem eu aprovo. " Be Zealous for True Worship Uma maneira de aprimorar nossa eficiência no ministério é fazer bom uso da excelente ferramenta que Jeová Deus nos proveu - sua Palavra escrita, a Bíblia. One way to improve our effectiveness in the ministry is to make good use of the excellent tool Jehovah God has provided - his written Word, the Bible. Make sure of one day, an average worker would need some 20 years in order to receive only a talent. Harold, um irmão de 95 anos que nunca se casou, diz: "Embora eu goste da companhia de outros e de ser hospitaleiro, quando estou sozinho nunca sinto solidão. Harold, a 95 - year - old brother who never married, says: "Although I enjoy being with others and showing hospitality, when I am alone I am never lonely. Like our first - century brothers, we face false reasoning, worldly philosophies, and attitudes of Satan's world. Não estamos sofrendo exatamente como Jó sofreu. We are not suffering exactly as Job did. Whom was first given to "the law of the Christ, " and who later accepted it? Pastores cristãos amorosos procuram mostrar interesse pessoal em cada ovelha da congregação. Loving Christian shepherds endeavor to show personal interest in each sheep in the congregation. One of the extra rest of rest and sleep can help a person to cope with emotional difficulties. E você? Do you? We could even become "enraged against Jehovah. " - Prov. Como podemos imitar a Jeová nesse sentido? How can we imitate Jehovah in this regard? 8, 9. Que dizer de nós? What about us? (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) Depois de 50 anos fumando, uma mulher chamada Earline recorda: "A companhia do cigarro era melhor do que a de uma pessoa. After 50 years of smoking, a woman named Earline recalls: "The cigarette could help me more than having another person around. Her mother, who is disfellowshipped, told her that she wanted to visit her, and he will not overtake her health. Agora não é tempo de " vacilar com falta de fé ', mas sim de tornar - se " poderoso pela fé '. Now is not the time to "waver in a lack of faith "; it is the time to become powerful by faith. Surely it is not to earn money or build local worship. Sem dúvida, as pessoas ficaram contra ele, zombaram dele e talvez até o ameaçaram. It stands to reason, therefore, that Noah faced ridicule and opposition, perhaps even threats of violence. This does not mean that we simply give our problems to Jehovah without doing anything and hope he will act in our behalf. Ajude os que ficaram inativos. Help those who have become inactive. What value was given to the authority of the church, and why? Miqueias conseguiu esperar pacientemente em épocas difíceis porque tinha certeza absoluta de que Jeová cumpriria todas as Suas promessas. Micah could wait patiently during distressing times because he had absolute confidence that Jehovah would fulfill all of His promises. That is why, through his organization, he encourages us to read regularly in the Bible. Reconheça bondosamente os sentimentos e a franqueza da pessoa e se retire com calma. Kindly acknowledge his feelings, thank him for being frank, and calmly take your leave. No, but if we look to him as our Helper, he will safeguard us from spiritual things that could harm us spiritually. Será que essa profecia tinha se cumprido por completo no fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial? Was this prophecy completely fulfilled by the end of World War I? To become reconciled to God, people have first to convince themselves that Jehovah exists and that there is good reason for drawing close to him. Livramento de todas as nossas aflições Deliverance From All Our Distresses Hannah, selfishness, and ungodly attitudes are in all part. Seja zeloso pela adoração verdadeira Be Zealous for True Worship We must be careful about what we say. Ganhando 1 denário por dia, um trabalhador mediano precisaria de cerca de 20 anos de trabalho para receber apenas 1 talento. Earning a denarius a day, the average worker had to labor some 20 years to earn just one talent. These two examples clearly show that Jehovah our God, "does not treat anyone with partiality. " - Deut. Assim como nossos irmãos do primeiro século, nós nos deparamos com falsos raciocínios, filosofias mundanas e atitudes materialistas do mundo de Satanás. Like our first - century brothers, we encounter false reasonings, worldly philosophies, and materialistic attitudes in Satan's system of things. Why are we eager to see our Leader come quickly? A quem foi dada primeiro a "lei do Cristo ," e quem mais tarde a aceitou? To whom was "the law of the Christ " first given, and who later embraced it? Jehovah hates any kind of stealing. Uma dose extra de descanso e sono pode ajudar a pessoa a lidar com dificuldades emocionais. More rest and sleep may help a person to endure emotional difficulties. This led to a conversation about Isaiah 53: 7, 8. Poderíamos até mesmo " ficar furiosos com Jeová '. - Pro. We might even become "enraged against Jehovah himself. " - Prov. When Paul wrote that "the word of God is alive, " he was not specifically referring to God's written Word, the Bible. 8, 9. 8, 9. How does prayer help you to strengthen your desire to serve God? (Leia 1 Coríntios 10: 13.) (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) A good way to show faithfulness is to prepare well for the field ministry Sua mãe, que é desassociada, ligou para ela dizendo que queria visitá - la e que não aguentava mais de saudade dela. The mother wanted to visit Anne because she felt pained by her isolation from the family. For example, just a few days before his death, Jesus was on the temple in Jerusalem. Com certeza não é ganhar dinheiro nem construir locais de adoração luxuosos. It should not be to collect money and construct elaborate buildings. How does the world today compare with what existed before the Flood? Isso não significa que simplesmente entregamos nossos problemas a Jeová sem fazer nada e esperamos que ele aja em nosso favor. This does not mean that we simply hand our problems over to Jehovah without doing what we can about them and expect him to act in our behalf. Why do you want to follow our Leader, Jesus? Que valor foi dado à autoridade dos chamados Pais da Igreja, e por quê? What weight was given to the authority of the so - called Church Fathers, and why so? Sophia: Of course. É por isso que, por meio de sua organização, ele nos incentiva a ler regularmente a Bíblia. That is why Jehovah, through his organization, encourages us to read the Bible regularly. He says: "I have provided it, and I have seen that Jehovah is good. " Não, mas se recorrermos a ele como nosso Ajudador, ele nos resguardará de coisas que poderiam nos prejudicar em sentido espiritual. No, but as long as we look to him as our Helper, he will safeguard us against all things that could bring us spiritual harm. Meditating on God's Word will make our most meaningful prayers grow. Para se reconciliarem com Deus, as pessoas têm de primeiro se convencer de que Jeová existe e que há bons motivos para se achegar a ele. To become reconciled to God, people must first be convinced that Jehovah exists and that there are good reasons for drawing close to him. For example, during the last year's day, people gathered together to a full table of sweet foods and sweet wine. Anarquia, egoísmo e atitudes ímpias estão em toda a parte. Lawless, selfish, and ungodly attitudes abound. Saul, a Pharisee, was a bitter opposer of Christians. Temos de tomar cuidado com o que falamos. We must guard our speech. Esses dois exemplos mostram claramente que Jeová, nosso Deus, "não trata a ninguém com parcialidade ." - Deut. How vividly these two examples show that Jehovah our God "treats none with partiality "! - Deut. Por que estamos ansiosos de ver o nosso Líder vir depressa? Why are we eager to see our Leader come quickly? Jeová odeia todo tipo de roubo. All forms of stealing are offensive to Jehovah. Isso levou a uma conversa sobre Isaías 53: 7, 8. This led to a discussion of Isaiah 53: 7, 8. Quando Paulo escreveu que "a palavra de Deus é viva ," ele não se referia especificamente à Palavra escrita de Deus, a Bíblia. When Paul wrote that "the word of God is alive, " he was not referring specifically to God's written Word, the Bible. Como a oração o ajuda a fortalecer seu desejo de servir a Deus? How does prayer help you to strengthen your desire to serve God? Uma boa maneira de mostrar fidelidade é preparar - se bem para o ministério de campo A fine way to show faithfulness is to prepare well for the field ministry Por exemplo, apenas poucos dias antes de sua morte, Jesus esteve no templo em Jerusalém. For example, just a few days before his death, Jesus spent time at the temple in Jerusalem. Como o mundo hoje se compara com o que existia antes do Dilúvio? How does today's world compare with that existing before the Flood? Por que você quer seguir nosso Líder, Jesus? Why are you determined to follow our Leader, Jesus? Sofia: É claro! Sophia: Of course. Ele diz: "Eu " provei e vi que Jeová é bom '. " I have " tasted and seen that Jehovah is good. ' Meditar diariamente na Palavra de Deus tornará nossas orações mais significativas. If we daily meditate on God's Word, our prayers will be enriched. Por exemplo, no último dia do ano as pessoas se reuniam ao redor de uma mesa cheia de alimentos saborosos e vinho doce. For example, on the last day of the year, people gathered around a table spread with a variety of tasty foods and sweet wine. Saulo era fariseu e feroz opositor dos cristãos. Saul, a Pharisee, was a bitter opposer of Christians.