أين هو الفرق؟ Where is the difference? Where's the difference? حُكِمَ على فاضل بالإعدام لقتله لفتاة صغيرة. Fadil was sentenced to death for the killing of a young girl. Fadil was sentenced to death for killing a little girl. انتقلت ليلى إلى المنزل. Layla moved in. Layla moved home. هل يمكنني إنتظار توم هنا؟ Can I wait for Tom here? Can I wait here for Tom? لقد أعجبتني. I like her. I like it. ذاك سيركٌ! That is a circus! That's a circus! استرح. Relax. Relax. دعى سامي ليلى لقضاء اللّيل معه. Sami invited Layla to spend the night with him. Sami invited Layla to spend the night with him. السيارة آتيه من ناحية اليمين. The car comes from the right. The car's coming from the right. أقام سامي صداقة مع العديد من الأطبّاء. Sami made friends with many physicians. Sami made friends with many doctors. اجلس على الطاولة. Sit at the table. Sit on the table. كانت لدى سامي دائما أقراص في متناول اليد. Sami always had pills within easy reach. Sami always had pills in hand. لا أحد كان يتوقع ذلك. Nobody was expecting that. No one expected it. أضف القليل من الحليب. Add a little milk. Add a little milk. كان سامي بحاجة لكي يقدّره النّاس. Sami needed people to appreciate him. Sami needed people to appreciate him. غيّرت الفتاة شكلها. This girl changed her look. The girl changed her shape. كنّا نحبّ المدرّس البديل. We loved the substitute teacher. We were in love with the substitute teacher. كانت ليلى المتحجّبة الوحيدة في مدينتنا. Layla was the only hijabi in town. Layla was the only protestor in our city. انه يجني من المال ثلاثة اضعاف ما اجنيه انا . He makes three times more money than I do. He makes three times as much money as I do. لم يسافر أبي إلى الخارج من قبل. My father has never been abroad. My dad's never been abroad before. السّيّد باكر في انتظاري. Mr. Bakir is waiting for me. Mr. Baker is waiting for me. حاول أن يستوعب أكبر قدر من الثقافة المحلية قدر الإمكان. He tried to absorb as much of the local culture as possible. Try to understand as much local culture as possible. سآخذ سيّارتي. I'm going to take my car. I'll take my car. لنسرع. Let's hurry up. Let's hurry. الكلّ عملَ بجدّ Everyone worked hard. Everybody worked hard. كان سامي مهتمّا بشؤونه فقط. Sami was just minding his own business. Sami was only interested in his affairs. حاولنا بشدة أن نحسن الأمور لأطفالنا حتى جعلناها أسوأ. We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. ستستيقظ أبكر. You are to get up earlier. You're gonna wake up sooner. تولّى فاضل القيام بذلك العمل. That job was handled by Fadil. Fadil took over the job. نزل سامي. Sami went down. Sami's motel. اعترف الدّكتور صادق لاحقا أنّه لم تكن لديه فكرة عن سبب تلك الوفاة. Dr. Sadiq admitted later he had no idea what caused that death. Dr. Sadik later admitted that he had no idea what caused that death. زوجة سامي فلسطينيّة. Sami's wife is Palestinian. Sami's wife is Palestinian. نحتاج منك أن تساعدنا هذا المساء. We need you to help us this afternoon. We need you to help us this evening. لم أصدُق معك تماما. I haven't been completely honest with you. I didn't totally believe you. هل بإمكانك حجز هذا المقعد لي؟ Can you save this seat for me? Can you hold this seat for me? أنتً عليكَ فقط أن تعدُني بشيء واحد. You just have to promise me one thing. You just have to promise me one thing. فسياقات الكلمات تظهر في الجمل. تعبر الجمل عن الشخصيات. يمكن أن تكون الجمل مضحكةً، أو ذكيةً، أو سخيفةً، أو عميقة، أو مؤثرة، أو مؤذية. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. Word contexts appear in sentences, sentences express characters, sentences can be funny, smart, silly, deep, influential, or harmful. لمّا كنتُ طفلًا كنت أقضي الساعات أقرأ لوحدي في غرفتي. When I was a child, I would spend hours reading alone in my room. When I was a kid, I spent hours reading alone in my room. أنا لست نادماً على مجيئي هنا. I don't regret coming here. I don't regret coming here. هذه الهدية لصديقي. This gift is for my friend. This is a gift for my friend. هل تتحدث اللاتينية؟ Do you speak Latin? Do you speak Latin? سرت بتمايل نحو المدرّس. I stumbled to the teacher. I walked in on the teacher. لماذا أنت غيور كثيرا؟ Why are you so jealous? Why are you so jealous? كان يجب عليك أن ترى الصورة. You should have seen the picture. You should have seen the picture. لن أنس أبدا المرّة الأولى التي رأيتك فيها. I'll never forget the first time I saw you. I'll never forget the first time I saw you. إننا صبية. We are boys. We're boys. أتضح لتوم أنه وقع في حبّ ماري. Tom realized that he had fallen in love with Mary. Tom turned out to be in love with Mary. كانت تفوح من ليلى رائحة كالبول. Layla smelt like urine. Layla smelled like urine. قرأ الرسالة مرة بعد مرة. He read the letter over and over. He read the letter over and over again. كانت لدى سامي حصّة في مادّة التّصوير. Sami had photography class. Sami had a share in photography. كانت الغرفة مظلمة تماما. The room was in complete darkness. The room was completely dark. سوف يكون عندهم أسئلة أكثر كثيرا عننا. They're going to have a lot more questions than we do. They'll have a lot more questions about us. هي لا تزال تفتقدك. She still misses you. She still misses you. فليبارك الله الجزائر. God bless Algeria. God bless Algeria. ترك الباب مفتوحاً. He left the door open. He left the door open. اليابان بلد صناعي. Japan is an industrial country. Japan is an industrial country. استمتع توم بالعمل هنا. Tom liked working here. Tom enjoyed working here. لقد خُدعنا يا توم! Tom, we're trapped! We're screwed, Tom! رأيته يركض. I saw him running. I saw him run. أراد سامي استرجاع ماله. Sami wanted his money back. Sami wanted his money back. بعثت لك سيارة لانتظارك في المطار. I arranged for a car to meet you at the airport. I sent you a car to wait for you at the airport. سُرق منزلنا عندما كنا مسافرين. Our house was robbed while we were away. Our house was stolen when we were traveling. لم يبدو هذا الإسم مألوفا؟ Why does that name sound familiar? Why does that name sound familiar? كان يريد فاضل أن يحرق جثّة ليلى. Fadil wanted to incinerate Layla's body. Fadil wanted to burn Layla's body. ليس لدي رغبة في الخروج الليلة فحسب. I just don't feel like going out tonight. I just don't want to go out tonight. متى اخترعت الطباعة؟ When was printing invented? When did you invent the print? المعذرة، من هذه المرأة؟ Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this woman? ترجمت النص حرفياً. She translated the text literally. I translated the text literally. سألني توم عما أصبحت ماري. Tom asked me what had become of Mary. Tom asked me what became of Mary. من فضلك أدخل بطاقتك. Please insert your card. Please enter your card. أيّها سيارة توم؟ Which car is Tom's? Tom's car? أنا مسرور للغاية لسماع ذلك. I'm really glad to hear that. I'm so glad to hear that. أعتذر عن ما سببته لك من متاعب. I'm sorry to have caused you such inconvenience. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you. أعدّ سامي طبيخ لحم بقر. Sami prepared a beef stew. Sami cooked beef. متى سترجع إلى المنزل؟ When will you come home? When are you coming home? أنا مشتاق لك. I miss you. I miss you. كانت لديّ الكثير من المدرّسات. I had many female teachers. I had a lot of teachers. المصرف في المغسلة مغلق. The drain in the washbasin is blocked. The bank in the sink is closed. هؤلاء السياح اصواتهم صاخبة وفظين. These tourists are loud and rude. These tourists sound loud and rude. عليك أخذ حبة مع كأس من الماء مرتين أو ثلاث مرات يوميا. You have to take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. You have to take a pill with a glass of water twice or three times a day. كان فاضل يعبر الطّريق. Fadil was crossing the street. Fadil was crossing the road. كتب سامي رسالة طويلة لليلى. Sami wrote a long letter to Layla. Sami wrote a long letter to Layla. شعر سامي بالشّجاعة. Sami felt brave. Sami felt brave. يستطيع كل طفل فعل ذلك. Any child can do that. Every kid can do that. ليس هناك ما ينقص. Nothing is missing. There's nothing missing. لا يمكن أن يكون ذلك صحيحاً. It can't be true. That can't be right. حياتي صعبة للغاية. My life is so hard. My life is so hard. كان عليك أن ترفض عرضه. You should have refused his offer. You should have rejected his offer. كان سامي يرتدي نظّارات. Sami was wearing glasses. Sami was wearing glasses. عادة ما تُدعى هاواي "لؤلؤة المحيط الهادي." Hawaii is often referred to as "The Pearl of the Pacific." It's usually called the Pacific Pearl. من صمم هذا المتحف؟ Who designed that museum? Who designed this museum? توم تعجبه السمراوات. Tom likes brunettes. Tom likes brunettes. لابد أنه كان مؤلماً للغاية It must've been extremely painful. It must have been so painful. لا يمكنني العيش من غيرك. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. كان سامي يلعب مع الأطفال في المسبح. Sami was playing with the kids in the pool. Sami was playing with the kids in the pool. ما هو برنامجك التلفزيوني المفضل؟ What is your favorite TV program? What's your favorite TV show? لم يكن على توم إخباري، لكني مسرورة لأنه فعل. Tom didn't have to tell me, but I'm glad he did. Tom shouldn't have told me, but I'm glad he did. خافت أن تعبر الشارع. She was scared to cross the road. She was afraid to cross the street. أحبّت ليلى الأحصنة. Layla loved horses. Layla loved horses. ليسوا مزارعين They aren't farmers. They're not farmers. تعبتُ من الدراسة. I'm tired of studying. I'm tired of studying. مزيان يكتب جملة على السبورة البيضاء. Mezian is writing a sentence on the whiteboard. A decoy who writes a sentence on the white blackboard. زودوا القرويين بالطعام. They supplied the villagers with food. They fed the villagers. ظهرت مشكلة آخرى. Another problem has come up. There's another problem. كان سامي في الجامعة. Sami was in college. Sami was in college. ابحث عنها في قاموسك. Look it up in the dictionary. Find it in your dictionary. أنا عطشانٌ جداً. I'm very thirsty. I'm so thirsty. الجو حار خارجا؟ Is it hot outside? It's hot out there? الطريقة الوحيدة على الأرض لمضاعفة السعادة هي تقسيمها. The only way on Earth to multiply happiness is to divide it. The only way on Earth to double happiness is to divide it. سمع سامي جرس الباب يرنّ. Sami heard the doorbell ringing. Sami heard the doorbell ring. هو متأخّر. He's late. It's late. كان سامي يحبّ الشّجار. Sami liked to fight. Sami liked to fight. لا يعلم يامي من أطلق النّار عليه. Sami doesn't know who shot him. Yammy doesn't know who shot him. افتقد سامي للمال. Sami fell short on money. Sami misses the money. بالرُّغْمِ من ذلك، ما يزال العكس صحيحًا طوال الوقت كذلك. And yet, the contrary is always true as well. Although, the opposite is still true all the time as well. أنا أتتطلع لإجازة الصيف. I'm looking forward to summer vacation. I'm looking forward to summer break. زرت باريس مرتين. I've been to Paris twice. I visited Paris twice. لديك أخوين أكبر منك. You have two older brothers. You have two older brothers than you. أكيد، هذه هي. Of course it's her. Sure, that's it. لم أرغب ببذل مزيد من الوقت لإقناع توم بدراسة الفرنسية. I didn't want to spend any more time trying to convince Tom to study French. I didn't want to take any more time to convince Tom to study French. سامي لم يقتل أحدا قطّ. Sami never killed anyone. Sami never killed anyone. عليك أن تحكم بنفسك. You must judge for yourself. You have to judge for yourself. هذه اليرقانات تأكل الأوراق. These caterpillars eat leaves. These larvae eat leaves. كان سامي مدرّسا بديلا. Sami was a substitute teacher. Sami was an alternate teacher. لماذا لا يأكل أحد بطاطتي؟ Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why doesn't anyone eat my potatoes? هل تود القدوم؟ Would you like to come? Would you like to come? هذا الفيلم ليس الفيلم الذي فكرت انه هو . The film was not what I had thought it was. This movie isn't the one I thought it was. كان سامي سيُقبض. Sami was going to get caught. Sami would have been arrested. سأنادي سامي. I'm calling Sami. I'll call Sammy. سامي يفكّر. Sami is thinking. Sami's thinking. ساعدهم. Help them. Help them. طالع سامي كتبا طبّيّة. Sami read medical books. Sami's been reading medical books. إعتقلت الشرطة المشتبه به امس. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Police arrested the suspect yesterday. أنا لست المشكلة. I'm not the problem. I'm not the problem. الاعتراف بالحقّ فضيلة. A fault confessed is half redressed. Recognition of the right is a virtue. لقد أنقذ سامي حياتي. Sami saved my life. Sami saved my life. كان ينام في الفراش. He slept in the bed. He slept in bed. لم يكن فاضل هناك أبدا. Fadil was never there. Fadil was never there. إليك بكتاب. Here is a book. Here's a book. هوايتي هي صنع مجسمات للطائرات. My hobby is making model planes. My hobby is making planes. أنا أستخدم تويتر. I'm using Twitter. I use Twitter. كما يسبب استمرار هذا النزاع تكاليف باهظة ومصاعب سياسية جمة.. It is costly and politically difficult to continue this conflict. The continuation of this conflict also causes enormous costs and political difficulties. وقف سيارته خلف البناء. He parked his car behind the building. Stop his car behind the building. هذا الكرسي يحتاج إلى الإصلاح. This chair needs to be fixed. This chair needs to be repaired. إن لم تسرع، فلن تصل أبدا إلى القرية. If you don't hurry up, you'll never get to the village. If you don't hurry, you'll never make it to the village. كان فاضل يحاول جاهدا أن يشارك ليلى في هواياتها. Fadil was making an effort to share Layla's passions. Fadil was trying so hard to share Layla's hobbies. كانت زوجة سامي تضايقه دائما. Sami's wife was constantly taunting him. Sami's wife always bothered him. هي مع جمال. She's with Jamal. She's with Jamal. هل أستطيع الحصول على كأس من النبيذ الأبيض؟ Could I have a glass of white wine? Can I have a glass of white wine? كان سامي يريد العاهرات. Sami wanted prostitutes. Sami wanted whores. أعتقد أن المشكلة هنا. I think that the problem is here. I think the problem is here. لَخِّص التقرير في صفحة. Boil down the report to one page. Summarize the report on the page. لا تقرأ في تلك الغرفة. Don't read in this room. Don't read in that room. أمضيت يوما سيّئا. I've had a bad day. I had a bad day. قال توم بأنه يريد شيئا آخر يأكله. Tom said he wanted something else to eat. Tom said he wanted something else to eat. دائماً ما يلبس القمصان الزرقاء. He always wears blue shirts. He always wears blue shirts. توم ليس نَفسَهُ اليوم. Tom isn't himself today. Tom is not himself today. نظّف سامي حذاءه. Sami cleaned his shoes. Sami cleaned his shoes. سامي مسلم سابق. Sami is a former muslim. Sami is a former Muslim. هل تذكر الليلة التي تقابلنا فيها أول مرة؟ Do you remember the night when we first met? Do you remember the night we first met? أصبح سامي أبا أفضل. Sami became a better dad. Sami became a better father. كان فاضل يطلب الطّلاق. Fadil was filing for divorce. Fadil was asking for divorce. لا أسكن مكانا بعيدا ذاك البعد عن هنا. I don't live that far from here. I don't live anywhere that far from here. تُرسل حوالي عشرة آلاف تغريدة في هذه اللحظة. At this very moment, nearly 10,000 Tweets are being sent. It sends about 10,000 tweets at the moment. هل تذكر اليوم الذي تقابلنا فيه أول مرة؟ Do you remember the day when we first met? Do you remember the day we first met? أرسل سامي رسائل غريبة لليلى. Sami sent Layla really bizarre letters. Sami sent some weird letters to Layla. مج بطول كن. Meg is as tall as Ken. Wave as long as you are. إننا رجال. We are men. We're men. فاضل و ليلى تشاجرا بشدّة. Fadil and Layla had a huge argument. Fadil and Layla fought hard. أنا لدي جارة مصرية. I have an Egyptian neighbor. I have an Egyptian neighbor. يا لك من محظوظ! How lucky you are! Lucky you! كان مدرّسو سامي يكرهونه دائما. Sami's teachers always hated him. Sami teachers always hated him. هي ستكون بخير she's gonna be okay She'll be fine. إنه يعمل في المصرف. He works at a bank. He works at the bank. أخذت تبكي. She began crying. She's crying. هل عملت البارحة؟ Did you work yesterday? Did you work last night? كنّا نتشاجر أنا و ليلى. Layla and me were arguing. Layla and I were fighting. أعلم أنه يراقبني. I know he is watching me. I know he's watching me. كان سامي يعتبر حياته ممتعة. Sami thought life was good. Sami thought his life was fun. نحن مدرسون. We are teachers. We're teachers. علي مساعدة ماري. I have to help Mary. I have to help Mary. كيف تكتب "ثلاّجة"؟ How do you spell "refrigerator"? How do you write "fridge"? كانت الشرطة تتعقّب فاضل. Police tracked Fadil down. The police were tracking Fadil. ماذا بعد ذلك؟ And then? What then? دعنا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. تعاني ابنتها من ألم في البطن. Her daughter has a stomachache. Her daughter suffers from abdominal pain. هل تستطيع أن تكتشف الدوحة في الخريطة؟ Can you find Doha on the map? Can you find out Doha on the map? لقد اغضبتهم انت . You ticked them off. You pissed them off. انا بخير ماذا عنك انت ؟ I'm fine. How about you? I'm fine. How about you? عليك أن تؤدي واجباتك حالاً. You must do your homework at once. You have to do your homework right now. بكى الطفل طوال اليل. The baby cried all night. The baby cried all night. الجو حار جداً It's too hot. It's so hot. أعتقد أنهما متزوجان منذ خمسة سنوات. I think they have been married for five years. I think they've been married for five years. أي الكتابين أقدم، هذا أم ذاك؟ Which book is older, this one or that one? Which books are older, that or that? هل لليلى علاقة غير شرعيّة؟ Is Layla having an affair? Does Layla have an affair? لا أحد يمكن تحمّل مسؤوليّة وفاة سامي إلاّ ليلى. Sami's death couldn't be blamed on no one but Layla. No one can take responsibility for Sami's death except for Layla. غرق سامي في المسبح. Sami drowned in the swimming pool. Sami drowned in the pool. إذهب ساعدهم يا باد. Go and help them, Bud. Go help them, Bud. يبدو إسم سامي كإسم للملوك. Sami sounds like a king's name. Sami's name sounds like a king's name. أحبّ عزف موسيقى البلوز. I enjoy playing the blues. I love playing blues. لا أملك دليلا. I don't have any evidence. I have no proof. كنت تتحدث في نومك البارحة. You were talking in your sleep last night. You were talking in your sleep last night. كم المدة وأنتَ تُعلم الإسبانية؟ How long have you been teaching Spanish? How long have you been teaching Spanish? مريم ذات خلق. Maryam is well behaved. Mary is a creation. الكثير من مجتمعات الهنود الحمر بحاجة لأطبّاء و مدرّسين. Many Native American communities need doctors and teachers. A lot of Indian communities need doctors and teachers. زادت الفرقة الموسيقية عدد الحفلات في جولتها. The band upped the number of shows in their tour. The band increased the number of parties on its tour. هي، أنت! Hey, you! Hey, you! أنا مشتاق إليك جداً. I miss you very much. I miss you so much. انا راهب . I am a monk. I'm a monk. أنقذ سامي حياة ليلى. Sami saved Layla's life. Sami saved Layla's life. عمل داروين يغير كل شيء. Darwin's work changes everything. Darwin's work changes everything. هذا البناء أزرق. This building is blue. This building is blue. كان فاضل يريد أن يراه العالم و هو يقتل ليلى. Fadil wanted the world to see that he was killing Layla. Fadil wanted the world to see him kill Layla. سقف بيتي أحمر. The roof of my house is red. My roof is red. ما هذا المبنى؟ What's that building? What is this building? بدون الموسيقى, العالم سيكون كمان مُمِل. Without music, the world would be a boring place. Without music, the world would be a boring violin. وعندما يتم ذبح الأبرياء في دارفور والبوسنة يسبب ذلك وصمة في ضميرنا المشترك. And when innocents in Bosnia and Darfur are slaughtered, that is a stain on our collective conscience. When innocent people are slaughtered in Darfur and Bosnia, that is a stigma to our common conscience. كانا سامي و ليلى يتناقشان حول أمر يخصّ الدّين. Sami and Layla were debating something about religion. Sami and Layla were discussing a debt issue. تقتني كيت كلباً. Kate keeps a dog. Kate buys a dog. أخبر سامي بتلك السّرقة. Sami reported the theft. Tell Sammy that heist. توم آت لأجلك/لك Tom is coming for you. Tom's coming for you. نجاحنا ثمرة لمجهوداته. Our success was due to his efforts. Our success is the result of his efforts. لم يكن يفصل ليلى من الموت إلاّ خيط رفيع. Layla was barely clinging to life. Layla was only separated from death by a fine thread. مازالت الكنيسة قائمة. كل شيء آخر دُمر. The church is still standing. Everything else was destroyed. The church still exists. Everything else is destroyed. احتضنته و هو يبكي. She hugged him while he cried. I hugged him crying. شوارع نيويورك واسعة للغاية. New York streets are very wide. The streets of New York are too wide. مطعمنا أفضل من ذاك المطعم. Our restaurant is better than that restaurant. Our restaurant is better than that. ازداد اهتمام فاضل بالإسلام. Fadil became more interested in Islam. Fadil's interest in Islam has increased. إسمي وانغ. My name is Wang. My name is Wang. ندمت على عدم حضوري الخطبة. I regret missing the speech. I regretted I didn't show up for the speech. كان فاضل و ليلى يقطنان في نفس الحي. Fadil lived in the same neighborhood as Layla. Fadil and Layla lived in the same neighborhood. ألست سعيداً؟ Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? لا, هذا يكفي. أنا ممتلئ. No, it is enough. I am full. No, that's enough. I'm full. كل قطة لها شخصيتها المستقلة. Each cat has its own personality. Every cat has its own character. لدي كوب من البلاستيك . i have a cap from plastic I have a glass of plastic. كان عليك أن ترى سامي. You should have seen Sami. You should have seen Sammy. أي متصفح إنترنت تستخدم؟ What browser are you using? What Internet browser do you use? أجاب سامي. Sami replied. Sami answered. إنتظر دقيقة, توم! Wait a minute, Tom! Wait a minute, Tom! لا يهمني أيهم اخترت. I don't care whichever you choose. I don't care which one you choose. القلعة القديمة مقصد سياحي مشهور . The old castle is a popular tourist attraction. The old castle is a popular tourist destination. نحن سوف نسدد هذا القرض بطريقة أو بأخرى. We'll have to pay back that loan one way or another. We'll repay this loan somehow. لقد دمّر سامي حياة ابنته. Sami ruined his daughter's life. Sami destroyed his daughter's life. "إنها معجزة! إنها تحركت!" " أنا أعتقد أنها الريح." "It's a miracle! It moved!" "I think it's the wind." It's a miracle! It moved! I think it's the wind. يجب عليك أن لا تفوت فرصة مشاهدتها. You shouldn't miss the opportunity to see it. You shouldn't miss the chance to watch it. يا إلهي! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! في يدها شيء ما. She has something in her hand. She's got something in her hand. أنت حر في الاستفادة من هذه الغرفة بأي طريقة ترضيك. You are at liberty to make use of this room in any way you please. You're free to take advantage of this room in any way that pleases you. توم قال أنه قد يكون هنا Tom said he'd be here. Tom said he might be here. قلقلنا من أجلك كثيرا. We're very worried about you. We're worried about you a lot. أوافق وبشدة. I strongly agree. I strongly agree. كانا سامي و ليلى يمضيان ما استطاعا من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla were spending as much time together as they could. Sami and Layla were spending as much time together as they could. كانت دانية مسحورة. Dania was hooked. It was an enchanted Dane. هل تذهب عادة إلى المطاعم؟ Do you often go to a restaurant? Do you usually go to restaurants? أنا سعيد لأنّك فعلت هذا من أجلي. I'm happy that you did that for me. I'm glad you did this for me. أسكن في مدينة كبيرة. I live in a big city. I live in a big city. على إسرائيل أن ترفع الحصال الذي فرضته على غزّة. Israel should lift the blockade it imposed on Gaza. Israel must lift the embargo imposed on Gaza. لم تقبل طلبي. She turned down my request. You didn't accept my request. ماذا يجري يا سارا؟ What's going on, Sarah? Sarah, what's going on? أنا أخذت تلك الصورة قبل إسبوع. I took that photo a week ago. I took that picture a week ago. يمكننا أن نوصله الليلة. We can deliver it this evening. We can drop him off tonight. كانت ليلى صديقة سليمة. Layla was friends with Salima. Layla was a good friend. لا شكر على واجب. Don't mention it. You're welcome. لن يعمل الراديو. The radio will not work. The radio won't work. هل رأيت أختك؟ Have you seen your sister? Have you seen your sister? أجني مئة يورو في اليوم. I make €100 a day. I make a hundred euros a day. آسف على الإزعاج. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry to bother you. هل هما صديقان أم حبيبان؟ Are they friends or are they dating? Are they friends or boyfriends? أود العمل في بوستن. I'd like to work in Boston. I'd like to work in Boston. لي بنتان. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. ترك فاضل دانية خلفه. Fadil left Dania behind. Fadil left Daniyah behind. أعطاني أبي لعبةً. My father gave me a game. My dad gave me a toy. كانت زوجة سامي تخونه. Sami's wife may be cheating on him. Sami's wife was cheating on him. كان هناك أكثر من ألف رجل في ذلك المسجد. There were more than a thousand men in the mosque. There were over a thousand men in that mosque. نحن في حداد. We're in mourning. We're in mourning. خطأ معلوم خيرٌ من حق مجهول. A known mistake is better than an unknown truth. A well-known error is better than an unknown right. شكراً لكم. بارككم الله. وليبارك الله أمريكا. Thank you. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America. Thank you. God bless you. God bless America. اخلع ملابسك! Take off your clothes. Take off your clothes! "لا يستطيعون أن يعتقلوني." "اخرس! لم تر شيئا بعد. بإمكان هؤلاء الأوغاد أن يعتقلوك و يسجنوك لمدّة لا يعلمها إلا الله، و عذّبوك و يهينوك و يغتصبوك و يقتلونك بطلقة في الرّأس ثمّ يدفنوك في مكان أين لا أحد بإمكانه العثور عليك." "They can't arrest me." "Shut your mouth! You haven't seen anything yet. Those bastards can arrest you, detain you for God knows how long, torture you, humiliate you, rape you, shoot you in the head, then bury you where no one could ever find you." "They can't arrest me." "Shut up! You haven't seen anything yet. These bastards can arrest you and lock you up for a time that only God knows, torture you, humiliate you, rape you and kill you with a bullet in the head and then bury you where no one can find you." هل احببت الفيلم الذى شاهدناه امس Did you like the movie we watched yesterday? Did you like the movie we saw yesterday? لا يمكنك أن تسبح، أليس كذلك؟ You can't swim, can you? You can't swim, can you? كان لدى سامي الكثير من الأصدقاء الذين كانوا يملكون سيّارة. Sami had lots of friends with cars. Sami had a lot of friends who had a car. اعطى مركز المعلومات السياحية خريطة المدينة لكل من طلبها . The tourist information center gave a city map to whoever asked it. The tourist information center gave the city map to each of its applicants. لم يكن باب سامي مقفلا. Sami's door was unlocked. Sami's door wasn't locked. قالوا لنا أن نبقى مكاننا في الوقت الراهن. They advised us to stay put for the time being. They told us to stay where we are right now. ان شفتيك حمراء . Your lips are red. Your lips are red. يعطيها كل ما تطلبه منه. He gives her everything she asks for. Give her everything you ask of him. غرق سامي في مسبح. Sami drowned in a swimming pool. Sami drowned in a pool. مرض سامي مرضا وهميّا. Sami was struck down by a mystery illness. Sami's disease is imaginary. لا تتهرّب من سؤالي. Don't avoid my question. Don't get away from my question. عُمّد سامي. Sami got baptised. Sami was baptized. طلبت مني المساعدة. She asked me for help. You asked me for help. الانجليزية تدرس في اغلب الدول. English is taught in most countries. English is taught in most countries. قمنا من ثورة ضد إحدى الإمبراطوريات. We were born out of revolution against an empire. We had a revolution against one of the empires. أنا أتتطلع لرؤيتكِ في ثوب الزفاف. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your wedding dress. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the wedding dress. انتقلي إلى منزلي. Move in here. Move to my house. سينتقل سامي مجدّدا. Sami is moving again. Sami's moving again. كان سامي يمضي وقته المميّز مع إخوانه. Sami was spending quality time with his siblings. Sami was spending his special time with his brothers. بدأ سامي دراسته الجامعيّة في سبتمبر. Sami started college in September. Sami started college in September. دعونا نفكر بذلك للحظة Let's ponder that for a moment. Let's think about it for a second. ما الطول الموجي للضوء؟ What is the light's wavelength? What's the wavelength of the light? كان سامي يصاحب أشخاصا خطيرين. Sami befriended dangerous people. Sami was with dangerous people. شكراً على أي حال. Thanks anyway. Thanks anyway. من سرق التفاحة؟ Who stole the apple? Who stole the apple? هذان العنصران مستقلان عن بعضهما. These two factors are independent of each other. These two elements are separate. أنت مثل الكلب الذي يريد ارضاء صاحبه الذي يسيء إليه. You're like a dog that wants to please the master that abuses it. You're like a dog who wants to placate his bad guy. الأمازيغيّة لغة. Berber is a language. Amazigh is a language. ليس لي شقيق. I don't have a brother. I don't have a brother. قل لها ألّا تقرب الكلب. Tell her not to get near the dog. Tell her not to approach the dog. أرسلنا لهم نسخة. We sent them a copy. We sent them a copy. خطابها أثَر في الجمهور. Her speech moved the audience. Her speech affected the audience. اعلم بانه ليس لدي اي فرصة للفوز. I know I don't have any chance of winning. I know I don't have a chance to win. من الأحسن لك أن تصدق. You'd better believe. You better believe it. متى استيقظت هذا الصباح؟ When did you get up this morning? When did you wake up this morning? هل هناك هاتف عمومي في هذه المنطقة؟ Is there a public phone around here? Is there a pay phone in this area? لقد تغيّرت حقّا. You have really changed. You've really changed. تعلمت العزف على الغيتار عندما كان عمري عشر سنوات. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play guitar when I was ten. تستطيع السناجيب الركض حقاً بسرعة. Squirrels can run really quickly. Squirrels can really run fast. لم يرفع الستار حتى الآن. The curtain has not yet risen. He hasn't lifted the curtain yet. حلّت تلك العمارة محلّ العديد من المنازل. The building replaced several houses. That architecture replaced many houses. ذهب الجميع إلى هناك، أليس كذلك؟ Everyone went there, didn't they? Everyone went there, didn't they? كلبك سمين للغاية. Your dog is very fat. Your dog is so fat. أشعر ببرد في عظامي اليوم. I feel chilled to the bone today. I'm cold in my bones today. واحد زائد اثنان يساوي ثلاثة. One plus two is equal to three. One plus two is three. ويستطيع الجميعُ المساهمةَ. And everyone has the ability to contribute. And everyone can contribute. كان توم سعيدا. Tom was happy. Tom was happy. كارول تدرس الأسبانية. Carol is studying Spanish. Carol studies Spanish. دعني أشرح لك الأمر. Let me explain this to you. Let me explain. من الأفضل لك ألا تذهب. You'd better not go. You better not go. على الدوام قدم توم أفضل ما يستطيع لمساعدة ماري. Tom always did his best to help Mary. Tom always did the best he could to help Mary. صباح الخير. إنهُ وقت الإستيقاظ. Good morning. It's time to wake up. Good morning, it's time to wake up. تناول سامي واحد من الأقراص التي قدّمتها له ليلى. Sami took one of the pills Layla had given him. Sami took one of the pills Layla gave him. لي ثلاث أخوات. I have three sisters. I have three sisters. الطيران أسرع وسيلة سفر. Flying is the quickest method of travelling. Flying is the fastest way to travel. عاشا سامي و ليلى حياة مثاليّة. Sami and Layla had a picture-perfect life. Sami and Layla lived a perfect life. أتفق معك. I agree with you. I agree. هذا خبر جديد بالنسبة لي. This news is new to me. This is news to me. لم يكن سامي يضحك. Sami didn't laugh. Sami wasn't laughing. أن الممرضة المسؤولة عن هذا الطابق. نادِني في حال احتجتني. I'm the duty nurse of this floor. If you need me, just call me. Call me if you need me. أعطيت بعض الكتب له. I gave some books to him. I gave him some books. لقد تعرّف جيم على الكثير من الأصدقاء. Jim has made many new friends. Jim recognized a lot of friends. أتحبني بحق؟ Do you really love me? Do you really love me? أستعمل منظمًا لضربات القلب. I've got a pacemaker. I use a pacemaker. أوتظنني سأدعك تفعل ذلك؟ Do you really think that I'm going to let you do that? You think I'm gonna let you do that? لأنهُ كان يعيش في الولايات المتحدة لمدة خمس سنوات. It's because he lived in the United States for five years. Because he's been living in the United States for five years. هبط إنسان على سطح القمر، وأنهار حائط في برلين، و عالم ترابطت أجزاؤه بعلمنا وخيالنا. A man touched down on the moon. A wall came down in Berlin. A world was connected by our own science and imagination. A human has landed on the moon, rivers of a wall in Berlin, and a world whose parts are connected with our knowledge and imagination. منذ متى وأنت هنا؟ How long are you here for? How long have you been here? لا تذكر خطتنا لأي أحد. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't mention our plan to anyone. قرأت كتابك. I read your book. I read your book. من الذي ربح؟ Who won? Who won? لا أحد يوقفك No one's stopping you. Nobody stops you. لم أكن أنوِ أن أخبره. I wasn't going to tell him. I wasn't gonna tell him. هذا يغضبني حقاً ! This really ticks me off! That really pisses me off. سمعت ذلك منك. I heard it from you. I heard that from you. سوف يحصل فاضل على ماله. Fadil will have his money. Fadil will get his money. الكلمة تقود للاخرى. One word led to the other. The word leads to the other. ذهب سامي إلى الحمّام ليفرش أسنانه. Sami went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Sami went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. التعليم في هذا العالم يُخيِّبُ آماليْ. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world disappoints me. جون في عمر أخي. John is as old as my brother. John's my brother's age. كان العديد من عمّال سامي مسلمون. Many of Sami's workers were Muslims. Many Sami workers were Muslims. حسناً. All right. Okay. يسافر أبي إلى الخارج أحياناً. My father sometimes goes abroad. My dad travels abroad sometimes. لماذا تكره ابنتك الحلوى؟ Why does your daughter dislike candies? Why does your daughter hate candy? اتصل بالشرطة! Call the police! Call the police! اللأجؤون الفلسطينيّون لا سيتطيعون زيارة القدس. Palestinian refugees can't visit Jerusalem. The Palestinian refugees will not be able to visit Jerusalem. اتّصل سامي بكلّ مطعم في المدينة. Sami called every restaurant in the city. Sami called every restaurant in town. رتبت الخادمة سريري. The maid made my bed. The maid arranged my bed. أنا من مالطا. I'm from Malta. I'm from Malta. الاستمتاع أسهل من العمل. It's easier to have fun than to work. Enjoying is easier than working. لكنك لست هناك. But you're not there. But you're not there. ألا يمكن صياغتها بطَريقة أخرى؟ Can it be phrased in another way? Can't you put it another way? كانت ليلى تسوق سيّارة سيدان سوداء. Layla drove a black sedan. Layla was driving a black sedan. ذوق زوجتي في الفساتين يختلف عن ذوقي. My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own. My wife's taste in dresses is different from mine. إنها كبيرة جداً. It's very big. It's too big. عليك أن تذهب إلى الطّبيب. You should go see a doctor. You have to go to the doctor. يا له من قوس قزح جميل! What a beautiful rainbow! What a beautiful rainbow! لم لا تنس الأمر؟ Why don't you just forget it? Why don't you forget about it? وشاحي أزرق. My scarf is blue. My scarf is blue. أعطيت توم كل شيء. I gave Tom everything. I gave Tom everything. عاد سامي للعيش هنا. Sami moved back. Sami came back to live here. سامي يعرف كيف يربط حذاءه. Sami can tie his shoes. Sami knows how to tie his shoes. قام فاضل بتنزيه الكلب. Fadil walked the dog. Fadil took the dog out. سامي سيتطيع ربط حذائه. Sami can tie his shoes. Sami will be able to tie his shoes. لم أملك فلوساً كافيَّا لِتاكسيٍ. I don't have enough money for a taxi. I didn't have enough money for a taxi. حضرا سامي و ليلى صلاة الجمعة في إحدى مساجد القاهرة. Sami and Layla attended the Friday prayer at a mosque in Cairo. Sami and Layla attended Friday prayers at one of Cairo mosques. أبتسم سامي بسخريّة. Sami smirked. Sami smiled ironically. أنا صديقه و سأبقى كذلك. I am his friend and will remain so. I'm his friend and I'm gonna stay that way. لم يكن سامي شخصا خطيرا. Sami wasn't a dangerous guy. Sami wasn't a dangerous person. أيمكنني أن أطرح بعض الأسئلة؟ May I ask some questions? Can I ask you a few questions? هو قادر على تدريس اللغة الفرنسية. He is capable of teaching French. He's capable of teaching French. بما أنّ فاضل لم يكن قادرا على تكلّم العربيّة، تكلّم التّركيّة. Fadil couldn't speak any Arabic, so he spoke in Turkish. Since Fadil wasn't able to speak Arabic, speak Turkia. ماذا عندك بعد ظهر غد؟ What are you up to tomorrow afternoon? What do you have tomorrow afternoon? يمكنك أن تذهب إلى أي مكان تريد. You may go anywhere. You can go anywhere you want. أنزِل يديك! Put your hands down! Put your hands down! كان سامي يتخاصم مع ليلى. Sami was arguing with Layla. Sami was fighting with Layla. ماذا أعطيتني؟ What did you give me? What did you give me? اِنتبه! Look out! Watch out! لا أفهم شيئا مما يجري هنا. I don't understand a thing here. I don't understand anything that's going on here. يا لها من مفاجأة جميلة. What a nice surprise! What a lovely surprise. لا بد لي من التحدث معها حول الخطة الجديدة. I have to talk with her about the new plan. I have to talk to her about the new plan. فهمت، لكني لا أوافق. I understand, but I cannot agree. I see, but I don't agree. سأذهب وألقي نظرة أخرى. I'll go and have another look. I'll go take another look. بكي سامي. Sami wept. Sami cried. كرم أحسن طالب في المدرسة. Karam is the best student in the whole school. Gracious is the best student in school. كان بإمكانك أن ترى الدّم في كلّ مكان. You could see blood everywhere. You could've seen blood everywhere. شعرت وكأنّ يدًا باردة لمستني. I felt as if a cold hand was touching me. I felt like a cold hand touched me. نيويورك مدينة كبيرة. New York is a big city. New York's a big city. أصدقائي هم عائلتي My friends are my family. My friends are my family. من اخترع البيانو؟ Who invented the piano? Who invented the piano? لاحظ توم سيارة الشرطة في مرآة الرؤية الخلفية. Tom noticed a police car in the rear-view mirror. Tom noticed the police car in the rear view mirror. ما السبب الذي أبكاك؟ For what reason did you cry? What made you cry? على سامي أن يعتاد على الأمر. Sami will have to get used to it. Sami should get used to it. اليوم أنا عمري أربعة اعوام. Today I am four years old. Today I'm four years old. لم تكن في المنزل البارحة. They weren't at home yesterday. She wasn't home last night. هناك حدود بين الولايات المتحدة و المكسيك. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. There's a border between the United States and Mexico. كان فاضل متعسّفا بشكل واضح. Fadil was grossly abusive. Fadil was clearly sorry. يمكنني القفز. I can jump. I can jump. كان سامي يستمع للموسيقى. Sami was listening to music. Sami was listening to music. وظف في البنك He is employed in a bank. Hire at the bank. أنت تقوم بعمل جيد. You are doing very well. You're doing a good job. لا، لا أعلم. كيف يبدو؟ No, I don't. What's he like? No, I don't know. صدقوا أنه صادق. They believed he was honest. Believe it's true. تبدو سعيداً هذا اليوم. You look happy today. You seem happy today. هو سعيد He's happy. He's happy. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا. Sami and Layla were friends with each other. Sami and Layla were friends. روى سامي قصّة حياته لليلى. Sami told Layla about his life. Sami told Layla his life story. لا يعرف أيّا منّا. He knows neither of us. He doesn't know either of us. تمثال الحرية هو رمز لأمريكا. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of America. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of America. الرقم إثنا عشر عدد زوجيّ. Twelve is an even number. Number twelve is a couple. كانت ليلى معلّمة في مدرسة الأحد. Layla was a Sunday school teacher. Layla was a teacher at Sunday school. لقد فقدت حذائي في الحريق. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoes in the fire. دهنَت الجدران بالأبيض. She painted the walls white. I painted the walls white. ابق معنا. Stay here with us. Stay with us. لماذا لا تريدون أن تخبرونا بالحقيقة؟ Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? لدي عائلة كبيرة I have a big family. I have a big family. توم أتىَ يوم الإثنين وعاد إلىَ البيت في اليوم التالي. Tom came on Monday and went back home the following day. Tom came on Monday and came home the next day. هل دفعت ثمن الكتاب؟ Did you pay for the book? Did you pay for the book? هذا كتاب صغير This is a small book. This is a little book. لا، لا أعلم. هناك أشياء كثيرة. No. I don't know. It's a lot of things. No, I don't know. أطع أباك دوماً. Always obey your father. I always obey your father. قرابة الألف شاركوا في المظاهرة. Nearly a thousand people participated in the demonstration. Nearly a thousand took part in the demonstration. حاول التّذكّر رجاءا. Please try to remember. Please try to remember. حصلت على علامة جيدة في مادة الإنجليزية. She got good grades in English. I got a good sign in English. أنت تقرأ كتابا لا يتعلق بالواجبات المدرسية؟ شكرا يا ربي! You're reading a book without a school assignment? Hallelujah! You're reading a book that's not about homework? سامي ذاهب إلى الجامعة هذا العام. Sami is going to college this year. Sami's going to college this year. جاك ليس موجوداً. Jack isn't here. Jack's not there. كان صبيّ ليلى سيُولد يوم السّادس من يونيو، 2006. Layla's baby was due June, 6th. Layla's boy was born June 6th, 2006. كانت الشّرطة تبحث عن خطّ تحقيق. The police were looking for a lead. The police were looking for an investigation line. "هل فهمت؟" "أنا لم أفهم بتاتا." "Do you understand?" "I don't understand at all." "Do you understand?" "I don't understand at all." واصل سامي سماع تلك الأصوات. Sami kept hearing those voices. Sami kept hearing those voices. أريد حبيبا. I want a boyfriend. I want a boyfriend. كان فاضل رجل الأسرة المثالي. Fadil was the perfect family man. Fadil was the perfect family man. ما الخطب معك؟ What the fuck is your problem? What's wrong with you? إنه يأمل أن يجد الشهرة كشاعر He hopes to find fame as a poet. He hopes to find fame as a poet. لم لا نفعل ذلك؟ Why wouldn't we do that? Why don't we do that? إنهُ من الممتع الخروج معهُ. It's fun to go out with him. It's fun going out with him. هذا مستحيل. It's impossible. That's impossible. لقد أعجبتنّ سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. أنا أصغر سنّا و أقوى منك. I'm younger and stronger than you. I'm younger and stronger than you. كنت سعيداً عند ذلك. I was happy then. I was happy at that. تم القبض على توم. Tom was taken prisoner. Tom's been arrested. لم يكن سامي ينتظر رسالة من أحد. Sami wasn't expecting a letter from anyone at all. Sami wasn't waiting for a message from anyone. أصبحت ممرضة. She became a nurse. I became a nurse. لدى الطبيب سميث الكثير من المرضى. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. اِشتريت كل كتاب وجدتّه عن اليابان. I bought every book on Japan I could find. I bought every book I found on Japan. حياته مليئة بالمشاكل. His life is full of trouble. His life is full of problems. سمعت أنك لاعب تنس بارع. I hear that you are a good tennis player. I hear you're a good tennis player. چکار قراره بکنم من الان؟ What am I supposed to do now? Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, أظنك ستوافق. I think you'll approve. I think you'll agree. فقد سامي ذلك المال كلّه. Sami lost all the money. Sami lost all that money. أين بقية صفنا؟ Where's the rest of our class? Where's the rest of our class? عليك الذهاب. You must go. You have to go. عمّن تتكلم؟ Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? أعطيت كتبي لهؤلاء الناس. I gave my books to those people. I gave my books to these people. عادة ما أتمشى كل صباح. I usually go for a walk every morning. I usually walk every morning. أحيانًا، لا أستطيع الثقة به. At times, I can't trust him. Sometimes, I can't trust him. توم التقط بطل الشامبو و بخ القليل في يده Tom picked up the bottle of shampoo and squirted some in his hand. Tom picked up the Champion of shampoo and sprayed a little bit into his hand. أنا قط، وليس عندي اسم بعد. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I'm a cat, and I don't have a name yet. بدأ سامي من نقطة الصّفر. Sami started from scratch. Sami started at zero. إفتح فمك! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! لماذا أخبرتهم بأنه كان خطئي؟ Why did you tell them it was my fault? Why did you tell them it was my fault? انها لا تعترف بانها مخطئة. She doesn't admit that she is in the wrong. She doesn't admit she's wrong. أنا لست في المدرسة. I'm not in the school. I'm not in school. واصل سامي إرسال الرّسائل لليلى. Sami continued to send letters to Layla. Sami continued to send messages to Layla. اتهمتني بالكذب. She accused me of being a liar. She accused me of lying. هلا! ما الجديد؟ Hi! What's new? Hey, what's up? أنا ذاهب إلى ورشة التّصليح. I'm going to the repair shop. I'm going to the repair shop. أنا أستطيع أن أعيش بدون ماء. I can live without water. I can live without water. لم أرغب بأن أبدوا غبيا. I didn't want to look stupid. I didn't want to look stupid. لقبناها بآن. We nicknamed her "Ann." We called her Ban. أنی لك هذا ؟ Where did you get this? You got this? كف عن المزاح. Stop joking. Stop kidding. ترك سامي الجامعة منذ ستّ سنوات. Sami left college six years ago. Sami left university six years ago. من الممكن أن تربح المسابقة. It is possible that you'll win the competition. You could win the contest. نظر سامي إلى الكلب. Sami looked at the dog. Sami looked at the dog. عندي واجب رياضيات اليوم. I have math homework today. I have math duty today. سبعة الاف لغة ينطق بها بكل انحاء العالم ، اخذت مع بعض ، هم شكلوا اكبر مجموعة من معارف الانسان الموجودة على الاطلاق Seven thousand languages are spoken all over the world, and taken together, they comprise the largest collection of human knowledge that has ever existed. 7,000 languages spoken all over the world, taken together, they formed the largest body of human knowledge ever. نظر سامي إلى داخل العليّة. Sami peeked inside the attic. Sami looked inside the attic. لا تترجم الإنجليزية إلى اليابانية حرفياً. Don't translate English into Japanese word for word. Don't translate English into Japanese literally. في الحقيقة، لم أكن أنوي المجيء إلى المكتب، لكن و بما أنّني لم أعرف ما سأقوم به في المنزل، قرّرت المجيء إلى المكتب. To tell the truth, I wasn't going to come to the office today. But I didn't know what to do at home, so I came to the office any way. Actually, I didn't intend to come to the office, but since I didn't know what to do at home, I decided to come to the office. أرسل سامي عدّة رسائل لليلى، لكنّها كانت تعود من مصر باستمرار. Sami sent Layla many letters but they kept bouncing back from Egypt. Sami sent several letters to Layla, but she was constantly returning from Egypt. تعلّمتُ الأمازيغية مع زوجتي. I learnt Berber with my wife. I learned Amazigh with my wife. توفّي أب سامي. Sami's dad passed away. Sami's father died. قدّمت ليلى للسّارقين ما أرادوا. Layla gave the robbers what they wanted. Layla gave the robbers what they wanted. عادت ليلى إلى القاهرة. Layla got back to Cairo. Layla's back in Cairo. راقب الجزء الخلفي . Watch the rear. Watch the back. سأحضر منشفة أخرى. I'll bring one more towel. I'll get another towel. كم من الوقت سوف تستغرق بعد؟ How much longer is it going to take? How long will it take? أريد أن أتعلّم الأمازيغية و العربية. I want to learn Berber and Arabic. I want to learn Amazigh and Arabic. ذهبنا إلى هوكايدو الصيف الماضي. Last summer we went to Hokkaido. We went to Hokkaido last summer. الفَتاة جَميلة. The girl is beautiful. The girl's beautiful. تفاصيل المشروع لم تكن واضحة في الشهرين الماضيين. The details of the project have not been clear for the last two months. The details of the project have not been clear in the last two months. لا أريد أن تحرق جثتي. I don't want to be cremated. I don't want my body to burn. أسقط سامي ثلاث شعرات صغيرة في مسرح الجريمة. Sami shed three tiny hairs at the crime scene. Sami dropped three little hairs at the crime scene. الإثنين هو اليوم المفضّل عندي في الأسبوع. My favourite day of the week is Monday. Monday is my favorite day of the week. إفعل كل ما هو مطلوب. Do whatever's required. Do whatever it takes. كم الساعة في بوسطن؟ What time is it in Boston? What time is it in Boston? لا أعرف شيئًا البتّة. I know nothing. I don't know anything at all. أعندك قلم؟ Do you have a pen? Do you have a pen? اقعد مستقيم الظهر. Sit up straight. Sit straight back. لقد أنقذ ذاك الرجل الشجاع حياتي. The brave man over there saved my life. That brave man saved my life. لايبدو أن توم يتجاوب مع العلاج Tom doesn't seem to be responding to the treatment. Tom doesn't seem to be responding to the treatment. سامي لا يملك أيّ سبب للاختباء. Sami has no reason to hide. Sami has no reason to hide. هذا جميل ، و ذلك أيضاً جميل. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. That's beautiful. That's also beautiful. سأعيرك إياها. I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to you. أخبرني أين أضع هذه الكتب. Tell me where to put these books. Tell me where to put these books. فعل سامي شيئا. Sami did something. Sami did something. نحن نذهبُ إلى جامعة تيزي وزّو. We go to Tizi Ouzou University. We're going to Tizzy and Zoe University. عيد ميلاد سعيد ميوريل! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muriel! تكاليف الخدمات المالية آخذة في الارتفاع في كل بلد. Costs of financial services are rising in every country. The cost of financial services is rising in each country. افتح متصفح الانترنت Open the internet browser Open Internet Browser يجب ان تحافظ علي مكتبك نظيف You should keep your desk clean. You need to keep your office clean. توم من بني البشر. Tom is a Homo Sapiens. Tom is a human being. بدأ سامي الدّراسة منذ ستّ أيّام. Sami started classes six days ago. Sami started studying six days ago. قدم عمي لرؤيتي. My uncle came to see me. My uncle came to see me. لم يكن سامي مهتمّا بالدّين. Sami wasn't interested in religion. Sami wasn't interested in religion. إنهم لا يعرفون لماذا حتى. They don't even know why. They don't even know why. أُلقي القبض على ٣١ طفل فلسطيني في شهر يونيو لعام ٢٠١٨. 31 Palestinian children were arrested in June 2018. Thirty-one Palestinian children were arrested in June 2018. كانت ابتسامتها تشع حبا Her smile spoke love. Her smile was radiating love. الإهمال هو نوع من الضرر أو الجرم Negligence is a type of damage or offense. Ignorance is some kind of damage or offence. هل ذاك المكان بعيد عن المصرف؟ Is this place far from the bank? Is that place far from the bank? بدلًا من ذلك، سأنتقل إلى نقاش المتغيريَّن الاقتصادييَّن اللذين عرفتهما قبل قليل. Instead, I will turn to a discussion of the two economic variables I defined a moment ago. Instead, I'm moving on to the two economic variables I've just known. هل لي أن أتحدث مع الطبيب؟ Can I speak to the doctor? May I speak to the doctor? لقد إنتهيت للتو من تناول الطعام. I've just finished eating. I just finished eating. هل يعيش بالقرب من هنا؟ Does he live near here? Does he live near here? ما لا يُصلَح، تركُهُ أصْلَح. What can't be cured must be endured. What doesn't work, let it work. شاهد سامي تلك الفيديوهات. Sami watched those videos. Sami saw those videos. جمع خيل هو خيول. The plural of horse is horses. Gathering horses is horses. لا يزال سامي متزوّجا. Sami is still married. Sami's still married. كنت هنا البارحة. I came here yesterday. I was here yesterday. يكرهني مدرّسي. My teacher hates me. My teacher hates me. أنت أفضل مني. You're better than me. You're better than me. تعرّض سامي للمضايقة في مدرسته السّابقة. Sami was bullied in his old school. Sami was harassed at his former school. أنا واثق من أنك ستساعدني. I am assured of your help. I'm sure you'll help me. لماذا لا تحبني Why don't you like me? Why don't you love me? أنا اخشى الخفافيش I'm afraid of bats. I'm afraid of bats. هي لَمْ تذهبْ لأن صديقها لم يذهبْ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't go. أعدت لنفسها طعاماً شهياً. She cooked herself a good meal. She made herself some good food. ممكن أرقص هنا؟ Can I dance here? Can I dance here? تعلم بعض النّساء ما يردنه منذ سنّ مبكّر. Some women know what they want from an early age. Some women know what they want from an early age. أستمع إلى المذياع كل ليلة. I listen to the radio every night. I listen to the radio every night. أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I'm very happy in Georgia. I'm so happy in Georgia. إنه لا يحتاج إلى أن يعمل. He doesn't need to work. He doesn't need to work. ما أطولك! How tall you are! How tall are you? أرسل إلينا المزيد من المعلومات إذا تكرمت. Please send us more information. Send us more information if you'd like. لم يتوقّع توم أيّة مساعدة من ماري. Tom didn't expect any help from Mary. Tom didn't expect any help from Mary. عن ماذا تحدّثت؟ What did you talk about? What did you talk about? أريد رؤية توم قبل مغادرتي. I want to see Tom before I leave. I want to see Tom before I leave. من مالك تلك الحقيبة؟ Who does this suitcase belong to? Who owns that bag? الجزائر هائمة إلى المجهول. Algeria is adrift. Algeria is wandering into the unknown. هل تمكنت من الاتصال بجمال؟ Did you manage to call Jamal? Have you been able to contact Jamal? لا تنس أن تبعث الرّسائل. Don't forget to mail the letters. Don't forget to send messages. كم كلّفت التذاكر؟ How much did the tickets cost? How much did the tickets cost? كان سامي يستمتع بالحياة بشكل كامل. Sami enjoyed life fully. Sami was enjoying life completely. الإنجليزية لغةٌ عالمية. English is a global language. English is a universal language. لا أريد دراسة الأمازيغية. I don't want to study Berber. I don't want to study Amazigh. لا تُطعم الكلب. Don't feed the dog. Don't feed the dog. كان غريبا بحق. It was very weird. It was really weird. سمع سامي انفجارا مدوّيا. Sami heard a huge explosion. Sami heard a bloody explosion. أنا متأكد أن توم ممل. I'm sure Tom is bored. I'm sure Tom's boring. يا لها من زهرة مسكينة. What a poor flower! Poor flower. عدتُ إلى البلدة التي وُلدتُ فيها لأول مرة منذ عشر سنوات. I went back to my hometown for the first time in ten years. I went back to the town where I was first born ten years ago. بدأ فاضل يرقص. Fadil started dancing. Fadil started dancing. ذكر فاضل المكان الذي كانت فيه جثة دانية. Fadil gave up the location of Dania's body. Fadil's male was where Dane's body was. النجدة! أنقذني. Help! Rescue me! Help me! قامت ليلى بتبليغ زائف. Layla made a false report. Layla made a false report. الجو حار جداً، صحيح؟ It's very hot, isn't it? It's too hot, isn't it? قابلها عندما كان في أمريكا. He met her while in the U.S. He met her when he was in America. في عالمنا الحالي، أصعب شيء على الإنسان هو أن يكون... نفسه. In today's world, the hardest thing for a man to be... is himself. In our present world, the hardest thing for a human being is to be... himself. هرب سامي. Sami got away. Sami escaped. توفيت في ليلة باردة من ليالي شهر ديسمبر. She died on a cold night in December. She died on a cold night of December nights. دخل الشامبو في عيني توم. Tom got shampoo in his eyes. The shampoo went into Tom's eyes. كان سامي يتعرّف على أصدقاء جدد بسهولة. Sami made friends easily. Sami knew new friends so easily. اكتشف فاضل أنّه في الإسلام لا يوجد مشكل بين الدّين و العلوم المتقدّمة. Fadil found that in Islam, religion and advanced science can go hand in hand. Fadil discovered that in Islam there was no problem between religion and advanced science. انتحر سامي. Sami ended his own life. Sami committed suicide. هل لديك فكرة عن مدى إحراجك لي؟ Do you know how much you embarrass me? Do you have any idea how embarrassed you are of me? يعاني من البرد He is suffering from a cold. He's cold. لفلسطين حق لا نزاع فيه من أجل الدّفاع عن ترابها. Palestine has the indisputable right to defend its territory. Palestine has an indisputable right to defend its soil. هل هناك أحد هنا حقق أي ربح من العقود الآجلة؟ Has anybody here made a profit in futures trading? Anybody here make any profit from the futures? أُمرنا بالبقاء هنا حتى إشعار آخر. Our orders are to stay here until further notice. We were ordered to stay here until further notice. لدى عائلة اشتراك في إحدى الجرائد. My family subscribes to a newspaper. I have a family participating in one of the newspapers. لا أتذكر ما حصل. I have no memory of what happened. I don't remember what happened. كان من المفترض أن أخبر توم أين عليه الذهاب. I was supposed to tell Tom where to go. I was supposed to tell Tom where he had to go. أنتِ تبدينَ مثل الولد. You look like a boy. You look like a boy. هذا الكلب أكثر تعلقا بنا من ذا القط. This dog is more attached to us than this cat. This dog is more attached to us than Cat. كان سامي راغبا في أن يُعتقل. Sami wanted to be arrested. Sami wanted to be arrested. شعرنا بالبيت يهتز قليلاً. We felt the house shake a little. We felt the house shaking a little. سحق سامي الأقراص السّامّة و ذوّبها في العصير. Sami crushed the poisonous pills and dissolved them into juice. Sami crushed the poison pills and melted them in the juice. اتّصل سامي من القاهرة. Sami called from Cairo. Sami called from Cairo. نعم. Yep. Yeah. احفظ القصيدة للأسبوع القادم. Memorize the poem by next week. Save the poem for next week. انتقم لموت أبيه. He avenged his father's death. Vengeance for his father's death. أهناك في الثلاجة ما يمكننا شربه؟ Is there something in the refrigerator that we can drink? Is there anything in the fridge we can drink? من فضلك تكلم بصوت أعلى. Please speak more loudly. Please speak louder. من سيأتي معي؟ Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? يعرف توم ماري ، أليس كذلك؟ Tom knows Mary, doesn't he? He knows Tom Marie, doesn't he? سام ، ماذا تفعل؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? يريد شيئا باردا. He wants something cold. He wants something cool. سامي ينظّف المنزل. Sami cleans the house. Sami cleans the house. قضيا فاضل و ليلى نهاية أسبوع رومنسيّة في القاهرة. Fadil and Layla spent a romantic weekend in Cairo. Fadil and Layla spent a romantic weekend in Cairo. هم لا ينسون أبدا دفع إيجارهم. They never forget to pay their rent. They never forget to pay their rent. قال ديما لنفسه: "سأبدو مثل جيمس بوند حقيقي في هذه"، ثم دخل المحل. "I'd look like a real James Bond in that," Dima said to himself, then entered the store. Dima said to himself, "I'm gonna look like a real James Bond in this," and then he went into the shop. كان سامي يحبّ أن يساعد أبي. Sami liked helping Dad. Sami liked to help my dad. هل تريدني حقاً أن أخبر توم بشأنك أنتَ و ماري؟ Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? أبي ماهر في قيادة السيارة. My father drives very well. My dad's good at driving. ماريا تمشي بُبطء. Maria walks slowly. Maria's walking slowly. توم لا يعرف كيفية حَلْب الماعز. Tom doesn't know how to milk a goat. Tom doesn't know how to milk a goat. تعب توم من القراءة و أراد الخروج و اللعب. Tom got tired of reading and wanted to go outside and play. Tom got tired of reading and wanted to go out and play. لم لم تحاول الاتّصال بنا؟ Why didn't you try calling us? Why didn't you try calling us? ينبغي على سامي أن يتبنّى الأمر. Sami should assume responsibility. Sami should adopt it. دعونا ننقسم إلى فرق. Let's split up into teams. Let's split into teams. لا يصح بحال من الأحوال أن تمارس هذه الحقوق ممارسة تتناقض مع أغراض الأمم المتحدة ومبادئها. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. The exercise of these rights cannot in any way be contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. لم يعلم سامي ماذا كان يعمل. Sami didn't know what he was doing. Sami didn't know what he was doing. ما زالت تعتمد على والديها. She still depends on her parents. She's still counting on her parents. كانت ليلى تحلم بالعربيّة، تفكّر بالعربيّة، تتكلّم العربيّة و تبكي بالعربيّة. Layla dreamed in Arabic, thought in Arabic, spoke in Arabic, and cried in Arabic. Layla was dreaming about Arabic, thinking about Arabic, talking Arabic and crying about Arabic. أفضل دفاع هو الهجوم. Attack is the best defense. The best defense is attack. كان سامي يقضي المزيد من الوقت في منزل ليلى. Sami was spending more and more time at Layla's house. Sami was spending more time at Layla's house. كل ما كان يريده توم حقاً كان كأساً من الماء. All Tom really wanted was glass of water. All Tom really wanted was a glass of water. يجب عليك فعل ذلك بنفسك. You must do it yourself. You have to do it yourself. أنا ذاهب. I am going. I'm going. كيف تهجئ "جميل"؟ How do you spell "pretty"? How do you spell "beautiful"? لقد تغيّرت أولويّات سامي. Sami's priorities have changed. Sami's priorities have changed. أحب السباحة. I like to swim. I like to swim. أنا أتتطلع لرؤيتك في قبعتك وردائك. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your cap and gown. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your hat and your robe. بالواقع إن الإجابة بسيطة. The answer is actually quite simple. Actually, the answer is simple. هذه هي دائرة الارتياب والشقاق التي يجب علينا إنهاءها. This cycle of suspicion and discord must end. This is the circle of suspicion and discord that we must end. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Please show me something cheaper. Show me something cheaper, please. أنا أتحدث عنه. I'm talking about it. I'm talking about him. كم من الوقت استغرقك لتترجم هذا الكتاب؟ How long did it take you to translate this book? How long did it take you to translate this book? وظّف فاضل ليلى كي تساعده. Fadil recruited Layla to help. Fadil hired Layla to help him. التلفاز مفتوح. The TV's on. The TV's open. أينما كنت تعيش, هناك العاصمة. Wherever you live, there's the capital. Wherever you live, there's D.C. لم يكن سعيدا قطّ. He was never happy. He was never happy. انتقلت ليلى للعيش في القاهرة مؤخّرا. Layla has recently moved to Cairo. Layla recently moved to Cairo. توسّل سامي إلى ليلى بأن تسامحه. Sami begged Layla to forgive him. Sami begged Layla to forgive him. إنها غالية جداً. It is too expensive. It's very expensive. سأكون حذرا جدا. I'll be very careful. I'll be very careful. من أين لك بالمال؟ How did you come by the money? Where'd you get the money? كان سامي مدرّسا محترما جدّا. Sami was a much esteemed teacher. Sami was a very respectable teacher. دعونا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. اختطف فاضل كلب دانية. Fadil kidnapped Dania's dog. Fadil kidnapped a Dane Dog. إنتهت المسرحية. This play has ended. The play's over. لا تعمل. العب! Don't play. Work! Don't work. أخبر توم ماري بأن علاقتهما انتهت. Tom told Mary that their relationship was over. Tell Tom Marie that their relationship is over. كان فاضل يخفي سرّا. Fadil was keeping a secret. Fadil was hiding a secret. كانت عائلة سامي هي أهمّ شيء في حياته. Sami's life was his family. Sami's family was the most important thing in his life. يأخذ المدرّسون أيّام راحة. Teachers take days off. Teachers take days off. لمَ أبقيته سرًّا؟ Why did you keep it a secret? Why did you keep it a secret? لطالما ما قالت جدتي بأن إهدار الطعام إثم وذنب. My grandmother always said it was a sin to waste food. Grandma always said it was a sin to waste food. اضرب عصفورين بحجر. To kill two birds with one stone. Hit two birds with a stone. لدي الآس البستوني. I have the ace of spades. I have spade ace. eng I stayed there for three days. I stayed there for three days. I stayed there for three days. لو سمحت، اقلِ البيض قليلا كي لا يصير البياض قاسيا. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. Please, pick up the eggs a little bit so the eggs don't get rough. أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm so happy in Georgia. كلما كثرت الجبنة زادت معها الثقوب. و كلما ازدادت الثقوب قلت الجبنة. إذاً فكلما كثرت الجبنة قلت. The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese. The more cheese there is, the more holes there are, and the more holes there are, the less cheese there is, so the more cheese I say. إنّ سامي باقٍ هنا و لا يبالي بجماعة من الجبناء تحت راية مشاغب حيّ مثلك. Sami is here to stay and he doesn't give a damn about a bunch of cowards led by a neighborhood bully like you. Sami stays here and doesn't care about a bunch of cowards under the banner of a living hooligan like you. إنهُ يستطيع أن يفعل هذا أفضل مني. He can do it better than me. He can do this better than me. "أنا حقا لا أتحمل رائحة الشاي" "لكن سيساعدك هذا." "I really can't stand the smell of tea." "It'll help." "I really can't stand the smell of tea, but this will help you." ماذا قلتِ لها؟ What did you say to her? What did you say to her? إتفقوا على سعر. They agreed on a price. Agree on a price. اصبر فقد أوشكنا على الانتهاء. Hang on; we're almost there. Hang on. We're almost done. لن ترى مصر مجدّدا. You will never see Egypt again. You will never see Egypt again. لم يرد سامي قضاء وقت في السّجن. Sami didn't want to spend time in jail. Sami didn't want to spend time in jail. أهذه المظلة لك؟ Is this your umbrella? Is this an umbrella for you? لا أريد أن أنسى هذه اللّحظة. I don't want to forget this moment. I don't want to forget this moment. توم ينتظر في المطار. Tom is waiting at the airport. Tom's waiting at the airport. أيهما أسرع، السفينة أم القطار؟ Which goes faster, a ship or a train? Which one's faster, the ship or the train? أطفأ التلفاز. لا يمكنني التركيز. Turn off the television. I can't concentrate. Turn off the TV. I can't concentrate. إذهبي واغسلي أسنانك. Go brush your teeth. Go brush your teeth. تلقّى سامي حكما بالمؤبّد دون إمكانيّة السّراح المشروط. Sami received life without parole. Sami received a life sentence without parole. يمكنك الذهاب. You may go. You can go. إنه سعيد رغم فقره. He is poor, but happy. He's happy despite his poverty. إفحص ذلك. Check that. Check it out. لهذا فإن تتويبا متعدد اللغات. لكن ليس ذلك النوع من تعدد اللغات، ليس النوع الذي يُزَاوج فيه بين اللغات، ببساطة، وتُهْمَلُ بعض الأزواج. This is why Tatoeba is multilingual. But not that kind of multilingual. Not the kind where languages are simply being paired up together, and where some pairs are left behind. So it's a multilingual twabba, but it's not that kind of multilingualism, it's not the kind where languages get married, it's simply, and some couples get pregnant. أنتَ لستُ جاهزاً بعد. You're not ready yet. You're not ready yet. هل أصبت بعيار ناري؟ Were you shot? Did you get shot? تتراوح درجة الحرارة في الصيف من ثلاثين إلى أربعين درجة. In the summer, the temperature ranges from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. Summer temperatures range from 30 to 40 degrees. أريد كتابًا. I want a book. I want a book. الآن يجب علينا الحذر Now we have to be very careful. Now we have to be careful. هذا الكلب ذكي جدّا. This dog is very clever. This dog is so smart. هوايتي جمع اللعب القديمة. My hobby is collecting old toys. My old game collector hobby. كان ثمّة رجل آخر في حياة ليلى. There was another man in Layla's life. There was another man in Layla's life. يلعب توم و أصدقاؤه البوكير كل مساء جمعة تقريبا. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. كلبي سريع. My dog is fast. My dog's fast. قال سامي أنّ ليلى كانت تخونه. Sami said Layla was cheating on him. Sami said Layla was cheating on him. جعلنا توم رئيس الفريق We made Tom the captain of the team. Tom made us team leader. ولد جورج واشنطن عام 1732. George Washington was born in 1732. George Washington was born in 1732. لا أدري إن كان ليفعلها لأجلي. I don't know if he would have done it for me. I don't know if he's gonna do it for me. قابلته في أحد الأيام. One day I met him. I met him one day. توم لا يستطيع أن يقول لي ماذا سأفعل. Tom can't tell me what to do. Tom can't tell me what to do. هذا المرشح لمجلس الشيوخ يلعب أيضاً عالم من العلب. This senate candidate also plays World of Warcraft. This senator also plays a world of cans. كل مرة أستخدم المايكروويف, الواي فاي يتوقف عن العمل. Every time I use my microwave oven, my Wi-Fi stops working, it's extremely irritating. Every time I use the microwave, the Wi-Fi stops working. كان بإمكان سامي أن يثور غضبا. Sami would have gone ballistic. Sami could have gotten angry. لذلك نحن هنا That's why we're here. That's why we're here. تحوّل منزل أسرة سامي إلى منزل للفظائع. Sami's family home became a house of horror. Sami's family's house turned into a house of atrocities. عيادة الطبيب في الدور الثاني. The doctor's office is on the second floor. The doctor's clinic is on the second floor. "إلى أي نحن نذهب؟" "إلى مكان حيث نصرخ على بعضنا البعض دون إزعاج أحد." "Where are we going?" "Somewhere where we could scream at each other without being disturbed." "Where are we going?" "Where are we yelling at each other without disturbing anyone." هي ولدت محظوظة. She was born lucky. She was born lucky. لكلّ جواد كبوة. Even Homer sometimes nods. Every horse has a coffin. أذّن سامي. Sami recited the adhan. Sami's ear. كان سامي يعلم أنّ الشّرطة كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew the police were looking for him. Sami knew the police were looking for him. بالرّغم من أنّ هذا الفيلم سيّء، سأستمتع بمشاهدته لأنّي مع أصدقائي. Although the film is bad, I will enjoy it because I'm with friends. Although this movie sucks, I'm gonna enjoy watching it because I'm with my friends. "م" تشتم "د" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "د" يشتم "م" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "م" و "د" يتعادلان و الجميع يستفيد. M insults D - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D insults M - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D and M are even, and everyone else wins. "M" smells "D" so it becomes the richest Tuppa database. "D" smells "M," it becomes the richest Tuppa database. "M" and "D" equals and everyone benefits. القليل من المعرفة يمكن أن يكون شيء خطير. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. هذه المشكلة مزعجة حقًّا. This problem is really annoying. This problem is really annoying. كانت عند سامي ستّ دروس في اليوم الواحد. Sami had six classes within a day. Sami had six lessons a day. كان عمر فاضل سبعة عشر سنة آنذاك. Fadil was about seventeen years old at the time. Fadil was 17 years old at the time. لماذا تعتقدن أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? طلبَت الانضمام إلى نادى لرياضة الغولف. She applied for the membership in a golf club. She asked to join a golf club. سرقت ليلى سامي. Layla robbed Sami. Layla stole Sami. ضحك كلُّ من توم وماري. Tom and Mary both laughed. Tom and Mary laughed. حُكِم على ليلى ثلاث مرّات بالمؤبّد. Layla was handed three life sentences. Layla was sentenced three times in life. و أخيراً أتى. At last, he came. And he finally came. إنها تنتظر. She is waiting. She's waiting. سنرى ما سيحدث. We'll see what happens. We'll see what happens. الحب و الكره شعوران متعاكسان Love and hate are opposite emotions. Love and hate have opposite feelings. قَرَّرَتِ التوقفَ عن التدخين. She decided to stop smoking. You decided to stop smoking. تعبر الكلمات عن الأفكار. Words express thoughts. Words express ideas. هذه جملة. This is a sentence. That's a sentence. على ماذا يحتوي؟ What does it contain? What's in it? لدي خوف من الظلام. I have a fear of the dark. I have a fear of darkness. شرب سامي كأسا آخر من الخمر. Sami had another glass of wine. Sami drank another glass of wine. توم لم يسمح لميري بالدخول. Tom wouldn't let Mary in. Tom wouldn't let Mary in. أود لو ساعدتني. I'd like you to help me. I'd like you to help me. يقرأ الصبي كتابه. The young boy is reading his book. The boy reads his book. هل أنت ذاهب إلى مكان ما؟ Are you going anywhere? Are you going somewhere? لن أتفاجئ مهما يحدثُ. No matter what happens, I won't be surprised. I won't be surprised no matter what happens. يا للعار! How shameful! Shame! إلى أين ذهبت نهاية الأسبوع الماضي؟ Where did you go last weekend? Where did you go last weekend? خطر بباله فكرة جيدة. A good idea crossed his mind. He had a good idea. توم ليس في البيت Tom isn't home. Tom's not home. خرج ديما من غرفة تبديل الملابس وعليه البذلة، وقال أنه يريد شراءها. Keeping the suit on, Dima walked out of the changing room and stated that he wanted to make the purchase. Dima came out of the locker room and he had the suit, and he wanted to buy it. الجزائر تملك البترول. Algeria has oil. Algeria owns petroleum. هل توفي أحد؟ Did someone die? Did anyone die? لا أصدق أنه محام. I don't believe he is a lawyer. I can't believe he's a lawyer. لم يكن سامي ينتبه أثناء الدّرس. Sami wasn't paying attention in class. Sami wasn't paying attention during school. أقنع سامي ليلى كي تعتنق الإسلام. Sami convinced Layla to convert to Islam. Sami convinced Layla to embrace Islam. لم أسمع بـ"لفيف" من قبل. I had never heard about Lviv before. I've never heard of Levi before. هل جربت أن تلعب كرة القاعدة من قبل؟ Have you ever played baseball? Have you ever tried playing baseball? الكلام فضة، لكن الصمت ذهب. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. Silver talk, but silence is gone. هذا بالضبط ما لم يكن توم يريد حدوثه. This is just what Tom didn't want to happen. That's exactly what Tom didn't want to happen. أنا في دبي. I'm in Dubai. I'm in Dubai. هل صحيح ان بوسطن مقصد شهير للسياح ؟ Is it true that Boston is a popular destination for tourists? Is it true that Boston is a famous destination for tourists? تعلّم سامي لغة الإشارة. Sami learned sign language. Sami learned sign language. إن شاء الله ... God willing... God willing... نحن مسرورون. We are happy. We're glad. كل ما عليك فعله هو حفظ هذه الجملة عن ظهر قلب. All you have to do is to learn this sentence by heart. All you have to do is save this sentence by heart. أريد أن أكون طيارا في المستقبل . I want to be a pilot in the future. I want to be a pilot in the future. امنا اشترت جروا لنا. Our mother bought us a puppy. Our mother bought us a puppy. كان سامي يقطن في حيّ مليء بالحيويّة. Sami lived in a neighborhood with a lot of street life. Sami lived in a neighborhood full of life. عادة ما يستلقي على السرير للقراءة. He often lies on the bed and reads. He usually lays on the bed to read. أنا حزين لأن الجميع غادر و تركني لوحدي. I'm sad because everyone went away and left me alone. I'm sad because everyone left me alone. الرجل الذي يقف هناك هو أبي. The man who is standing there is my father. The man standing there is my father. كانت لسامي علاقة غير شرعيّة مع امرأة متزوِّجة. Sami was having an affair with a married woman. Sami had an affair with a married woman. عنده خادمة. He has a maid. He has a maid. الثقة بالنفس مفتاح النجاح. Trusting yourself is the key to success. Self-confidence is key to success. إنّها لفكرة جيّدة أن يزور المرأ طبيبا من حين لآخر. It's a good idea to see a doctor once in a while. It's a good idea for a woman to visit a doctor from time to time. إن أرادت حربا، فها هي حربها. If she wants a war, she's got a war. If she wants a war, it's hers. أتعني أنه لم يسبق لك و أن رأيت كابوسا؟ Are you telling me that you've never had a nightmare? You mean you've never seen a nightmare? هي تحتاجه أكثر ممّا يحتاجها. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs it more than he needs it. لم يفهم سامي. Sami didn't understand. Sami didn't understand. الحساب عليّ. I'll pay the bill. It's on me. يبدو أننا نتخاصم كثيرا أنا و أنت. You and I seem to argue a lot. Looks like we're fighting a lot, you and me. العباقرة من الناس كالشهبُ التي قُدِّر لها أن تحترق لتضيء زمنها. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. The geniuses of people are like the flames that are meant to burn to light their time. لم أهرب. I didn't run away. I didn't run. أضعت ساعتي فعليّ الآن أن أشتري واحدة أخرى. I lost my watch, so I have to buy one. I lost my watch. Now I have to buy another one. تمّ حذف قناة سامي على اليوتوب. Sami's YouTube channel was taken down. Sami's YouTube channel has been deleted. أبي لا يقرأ كتاباً الآن. My father isn't reading a book now. My dad's not reading a book right now. اشترى عمي البارحة كلباً. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. My uncle bought a dog last night. كان سامي يصنع حياته بنفسه. Sami made his life himself. Sami was making his own life. أيمكنك ترجمة الإنجليزية إلى اليابانية؟ Can you translate English into Japanese? Can you translate English into Japanese? تعلمتُ الأمازيغية في البيت. I learned Berber at home. I learned Amazigh at home. توم رجل ممتاز Tom is a very nice guy. Tom's an excellent guy. اِقطع الكعكة بالسكين. Cut the cake with a knife. Cut the cake with the knife. السمكة تختفي تحت الصخور. The fish is hiding under the rocks. The fish disappears under the rocks. يمكنك سماع الإنجليزية على المحطة ١ و اليابانية على المحطة ٧. You can hear English on Channel 1, and Japanese on Channel 7. You can hear English on Station 1 and Japanese on Station 7. انه يسوق سيارة .اليس كذالك He drives a car, doesn't he? He drives a car, doesn't he? أحضر سامي صديقا. Sami brought a friend. Sami brought a friend. بدأ سامي يتكلّم. Sami started talking. Sami started talking. سأتركك غداً. I'm leaving you tomorrow. I'll leave you tomorrow. أنا جائع جداً. I'm very hungry. I'm so hungry. أنا سعيد بحياتي. I'm happy with my life. I'm happy with my life. هذه التفاحة شديدة الحمرة. This apple is very red. This apple is so red. لم يكن فاضل يبالي أن تصاحب صديقته رجالا آخرين. Fadil didn't mind that his girl would be with other men. Fadil didn't care if his girlfriend was with other men. استأجر فاضل غرفة في الفندق. Fadil rented a hotel room. Fadil rented a room at the hotel. كان زميل سامي في الزّنزانة مسلما. Sami's cellmate was Muslim. Sami's cellmate was a Muslim. ما هذا الفحيح؟ What's this hissing sound? What's so awful? أنت يا من في تلك السيارة! قِف! You! In that car over there! Stop! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is superior to that one. This dictionary is better than that. إن كانت رائحتة غريبة، فلا تأكله. If it smells funny, don't eat it. If it smells weird, don't eat it. هم لا يتكلمون الإسبانية. They don't speak Spanish. They don't speak Spanish. بإمكان سامي أن يمارس دينه علنا الآن. Fadil can practise his religion openly now. Sami can practise his religion in public now. سرعان ما تعرّف سامي على أصدقاء جدد. Sami made friends immediately. Sami soon introduced new friends. لديّ جار مسلم. I have a Muslim neighbor. I have a Muslim neighbor. السكوت يدل عن الرضا. Silence gives consent. Silence is a sign of satisfaction. ذهبت مع أختي إلى القلعة. My sister and I went to the castle. I went with my sister to the castle. تمنيت لو أنه كان بإمكاني الذهاب إلى الحفلة الغنائية. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could have gone to the concert. أعدك بذلك I give you my word. I promise. تقع القرية في وادٍ يبلغ اتساعه حوالي نصف ميل. The village lay in a valley about half a mile in breadth. The village is located in a valley about half a mile wide. أنشأ سامي قناة يوتوب. Sami started a YouTube channel. Sami created YouTube. ماذا عنك؟ How about you? What about you? هذه الصور جميلة. These images are beautiful. These pictures are beautiful. من الطارق؟ Who is knocking? Who is it? اضحك معهم. Laugh with them. Laugh with them. أراد سامي أن يفوز اليانصيب. Sami wanted to win the lottery. Sami wanted the lottery to win. إنه يوظف خادمة. He employs a maid. He's hiring a maid. لا تقلق. Don't worry. Don't worry. من المؤكد أنه ممكن. It's definitely possible. It's definitely possible. شكراً لك! Thank you! Thank you! عند توم علبة أربعة لتر من الخمر الرخيص في ثلاجته Tom has a four-liter box of cheap wine in his fridge. Tom's got a can of four liters of cheap liquor in his fridge. أُبقيَ فاضل في المستشفى لأشهر. They kept Fadil in the hospital for months. Fadil was kept in hospital for months. قدّم سامي شكوى ضدّ ليلى. Sami filed a report against Layla. Sami filed a complaint against Layla. هل أنت من طلب منّي أن آتي إلى هنا؟ Are you the one that asked me to be here? Are you the one who asked me to come here? أغلقَ الباب. He shut the door. Close the door. لم تكن عند أحد أدنى فكرة عن سبب وفاة أطفال في تلك الفترة. No one had the slightest idea of why kids died at that time. No one had any idea why children died at that time. المقارنة بين الإثنَينِ لم تكنْ لصالحِهِ. The comparison between the two was to his disadvantage. The comparison between the two wasn't for his own good. لديها الكثير من الكتب. She has a lot of books. She's got a lot of books. لقد نسيت. I forgot. I forgot. هل يعلم توم عنها؟ Does Tom know about it? Does Tom know about her? الطريق متجمد، لذا انتبه. The road is icy, so take care. The road's freezing, so watch out. تعطلت الساعة. The watch broke down. The clock broke. أعيش بالقرب من هنا. I live near here. I live near here. يعرف سامي ليلى منذ سنواته في الجامعة. Sami has known Layla from college. Sami has known Layla for years in college. ذهبت أختي إلى كوبي بالأمس. My sister went to Kobe yesterday. My sister went to Kobe yesterday. هل هذه فرنسية؟ Is this French? Is that French? قال توم أنه يمكنه إدراك الحفلة. Tom said that he could make it to the party. Tom said he could understand the party. هل سبق لك أن زرت هاواي؟ Have you ever been to Hawaii? Have you ever been to Hawaii? هل مظهري جيد؟ Do I look okay? Am I looking good? هل أنتَ بخير؟ Are you all right? Are you okay? هل تعرف من يكون؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? ما تراه عيناك ليس بالضرورة الحقيقة. Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true. What your eyes see is not necessarily the truth. وعندما يمارس المتطرفون العنف في منطقة جبلية واحدة يعرض ذلك الناس من وراء البحار للخطر. When violent extremists operate in one stretch of mountains, people are endangered across an ocean. When extremists engage in violence in a single mountain area, it puts people overseas at risk. رجل, خطة, قناة, باناما! A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! Man, plan, channel, Panama! أصبح توم بطلا. Tom became a hero. Tom became a hero. كل شيء يحدث لسبب ما. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. هل من الممكن أنها بالفعل الساعة الثامنة؟ Is it possible that it's already eight o'clock? Is it possible it's already 8:00? من المأكّد أنّه سينجح في الإمتحان. It is certain that he will pass the examination. He's sure gonna pass the test. افعل ما شئت. Do what you will. Do whatever you want. هذا ليس عملك. That's not your job. This isn't your job. إنهُ اللَحم الذي يأكُلهُ الطفل. It's meat that the child is eating. It's the meat the baby eats. إنها تأكل. She is eating. She's eating. من القائل؟ Says who? Who says? قال أحمد طيبي أنّه ما صلح في جنوب إفريقيا في العقود الماضية صالح لإسرائيل اليوم. Ahmad Tibi says that what was good for South Africa decades ago is good for Israel today. Ahmed Taybi said that what has worked in South Africa in the past decades has been good for Israel today. أين مدرستك؟ Where's your school? Where's your school? رأى سامي ما كانت ليلى تريده أن يراه. Sami saw what Layla wanted him to see. Sami saw what Layla wanted him to see. تلقّى سامي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami received a life sentence. Sami received a sentence of life imprisonment. تمّ إغلاق العيادة. The clinic was closed down. The clinic's closed. من تحسب نفسك؟ Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? أريدها أن تبقَ كما كانت. I would like her to remain just the way she is. I want her to stay the same. صنعت لي أمي حقيبة. My mother made me a bag. My mom made me a bag. أنا لدي جارة غريبة. I have a weird neighbor. I have a weird neighbor. من قال أن إسمي توم؟ Who said my name was Tom? Who said my name was Tom? لا يحق لك أن تكسر اللوائح المتبعة. You are not allowed to violate the rules. You don't have the right to break the rules. فقط أحتاج لقاء الوقت معك. I just need to spend time with you. I just need to meet you. قد لا نتحمل سعره. We may not be able to afford it. Maybe we can't afford it. أنا أعرف أنكَ ما زلت تحبني. I know that you still love me. I know you still love me. أود أن أشكر شريكي في هذه الرحلة، الرجل الذي شارك في الحملة الانتخابية بكل جهده، وتحدث إلى الرجال والنساء الذين عاش بينهم على شوارع سكارنتن، والذي ذهبت معه بالقطار إلى دلاوير مسقط رأسه، المرشح لمنصب نائب رئيس الولايات المتحدة جو بايدن. I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton, and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden. I would like to thank my partner on this trip, the man who participated in the election campaign to the best of his ability, and to speak to the men and women who lived among them on the streets of Scarton, with whom I travelled by train to Delaware, whose hometown, candidate for the post of Vice-President of the United States, Joe Biden. سامي يحبّكما. Sami likes you. Sami loves you. أنتِ يمكنكِ أن تأتي معنا. You can come with us. You can come with us. سأصبح طبيبًا. I am going to be a doctor. I'm gonna be a doctor. لقد حسّن الجهاز. He improved the device. He's improved the device. إسرائيل تعلم ما سفعله بالضّفّة الغربيّة لكن لا يبدو أنّها تعلم ما ستفعله بغزّة. Israel knows what to do with the West Bank but not really with Gaza. Israel knows what to do with the West Bank, but it doesn't seem like it knows what to do with a riddle. آمل أن سيساعدني. I hope that he will help me. I hope he'll help me. أغلق عينيك. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. هل بمكانك أن تصوّرني مع أصدقائي؟ Could you take a picture of me and my friends? Can you picture me with my friends? لماذا فقط لا تخبرنا بما تفكر به؟ Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why don't you just tell us what you're thinking? كم من الوقت علينا أن ننتظر؟ How long do we have to wait? How long do we have to wait? حقدت ليلى على سامي. Layla resented Sami. Layla grudges Sammy. كان على الأرجح غير صحيح. It was probably not true. It was probably not true. صبّت لي كأساً من الشاي. She poured me a cup of tea. Pour me a cup of tea. في الولايات المتحدة، يتحدث الناس بالإنجليزية. in USA, the people talk english In the United States, people speak English. لغتي الأولى هي الأمازيغية. My first language is Berber. My first language is Amazigh. لا أحد يصدق ذلك بعد الآن. No one believes that anymore. No one believes that anymore. كيف كان موعدك عند الطّبيب؟ How was your doctor's appointment? How was your doctor's appointment? إن العيش في الخارج هو أفضل طريقة لتعلم لغة أجنبية. Living abroad is the best way to learn a foreign language. Living abroad is the best way to learn a foreign language. لدى الأطباء مشكلة صعبة. Doctors have a difficult problem. Doctors have a difficult problem. نانسي من لندن. Nancy is from London. Nancy's from London. لو لم يشأ توم أن يكون هنا، لما أتى. If Tom didn't want to be here, he would not have come. If Tom hadn't wanted to be here, he wouldn't have come. أيُ مجتمع غير مستنيرٍ بفلاسفته هو مخدوعٌ بالدجالين. Any society not enlightened by philosophers is fooled by quacks. Any uninformed society with its philosophy is tricked by quacks. لا أريد أن أترجم هذه الجملة. I don't want to translate this sentence. I don't want to translate that sentence. هل تحبّ التوفو؟ Do you like tofu? Do you like tofu? كانت مشغولة بأعمال منزلية. She was busy with the housework. She was busy with homework. هل تتذكر ما لبسته كاثي في الحفلة؟ Do you remember what Cathy was wearing at the party? Do you remember what Kathy wore at the party? لا يوجد شخص معصوم. Nobody's perfect. No one's infallible. يبقى الباب مفتوحا. The door stays open. The door stays open. سيبيع توم منزله. Tom is going to sell his house. Tom's gonna sell his house. ارجوك , قوم بزيارتي غدا. Please visit me tomorrow. Please, visit me tomorrow. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I have something to tell you. I want to tell you something. هل توجد كلمة أخرى يمكن استعمالها بدلا من "مرادف"؟ Is there another word for synonym? Is there another word that can be used instead of a synonym? أريد أن أتوقف من التفكير عنها. I want to get her out of my mind. I want to stop thinking about her. كانا سامي و عامل الصّيانة في العلّيّة. Sami and the maintenance guy were in the attic. They were Sami and the maintenance worker in the attic. اسمي سالي. My name is Sally. My name is Sally. ها هي الخريطة. Here's the map. Here's the map. لم يجد توم مفتاحه في أي مكان. Tom couldn't find his key anywhere. Tom didn't find his key anywhere. انتهيت لتوّي من مشاهدة الحلقة الثالثة. I've just finished watching episode three. I just finished watching episode 3. إنةُ يتحدث أربع لغات. He speaks four languages. He speaks four languages. المسلمون يدفنون موتاهم في المقبرة. Muslims bury their dead in graves. Muslims bury their dead in the cemetery. لماذا الثلج أبيض؟ Why is snow white? Why is the ice white? لم يعجبني ذلك. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. بالغ سامي في فيديوهاته للمقالب التي ينشرها على اليوتوب كي يجلب الانتباه. Sami pushed the limits of his YouTube pranks to get attention. Sami grew up in his videos of his YouTube pranks to get attention. المشكلة هي أنني لم يكن لديّ ما أقوله له. The problem was that I had nothing to say to him. The problem is I didn't have anything to say to him. أيمكنك أن تقود سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? كان علي أن أستقيل. I had to resign. I should have quit. بدأت الشّرطة تحلّل مسرح الجريمة. Police set about processing the tragic murder scene. Police are starting to analyze the crime scene. تعالَ وحدك. Come alone. Come alone. أخذ سامي المال. Sami took the money. Sami took the money. ولدَت صبيا في صحة جيدة. She gave birth to a healthy baby. She was born a healthy boy. لا يعيش أحد في هذا المنزل. Nobody lives in this house. No one lives in this house. توقّف عن شدّ شعري Stop pulling my hair! Stop pulling my hair. مشيتُ هنا وهناك في الشارع. I walked here and there on the street. I walked here and there on the street. تبدو نانسي متعبة جداً. Nancy looks very tired. Nancy seems so tired. أُسمَحُ أن أُملِكَ رأياً شخصيّاً؟ Can I have a private opinion? May I have a personal opinion? لماذا تبكي؟ Why are you crying? Why are you crying? وضعت الهلام في الثّلاّجة. I put the jello in the refrigerator. I put jelly in the fridge. لا أفهم كل أن تقول. I don't quite understand what you are saying. I don't understand all you're saying. ما هو أفضل مكان يمكن شراء اللّحم منه؟ Where's the best place to buy meat? What's the best place to buy meat from? انني ارتدي سترة ذات جيوب واسعة . I'm wearing a jacket with capacious pockets. I'm wearing a jacket with big pockets. نزرع القمح هنا. We grow wheat here. We plant wheat here. الله أعلم. Allah knows. God knows. جعلتني رائحة الطعام جائعاً. The smell of food made me hungry. The food made me hungry. يلعب كِن كرة القدم كل يوم. Ken plays soccer every day. He plays football every day. يعيش عمي قرب المدرسة. My uncle lives near the school. My uncle lives near the school. أحد أعمامي طبيب. An uncle of mine is a doctor. One of my uncles is a doctor. أتت ماري Mary came in. Mary's here. تدهورت صحّة فاضل. Fadil's health deteriorated. Fadil's health deteriorated. توم نحيف جدا. Tom is very slim. Tom's too skinny. لونها أحمر. Its color is red. It's red. فرّ سامي. Sami escaped. Sami escaped. فعلته بسرعة. I did it quickly. I did it fast. هذا مكان لطيف، ولكني لا أريد أن أعيش في هنا. This is a nice place, but i don't want to live here. This is a nice place, but I don't want to live here. عليك أن تذهب. You must go. You have to go. أكلت الكافيار. I ate caviar. I ate caviar. أُعجِب سامي بهذا. Sami liked this. Sami liked it. لم لا تتقاسم مهاراتك اللّغويّة و تتلقّى مساعدة في اللّغات التي تتعلّمها؟ هذا ما نقوم به هنا. Why not share your language skills and get some help with the languages that you're learning? That is what we do here. Why don't you share your language skills and get help with the languages you're learning? لم ترد أن تتدخل. She didn't want to get involved. She didn't want to get involved. دقيقة من فضلك. Just a minute. Just a minute. اعتادى ليلى و سامي الأكل هنا كلّ نهاية أسبوع. Layla and Sami ate here regularly on weekends. Layla and Sami used to eat here every weekend. أقفل سامي الباب. Sami locked the door. Sami locked the door. أنا أبوك. I'm your dad. I'm your father. ستتزوج خلال ثلاثة أشهر، أهذا صحيح؟ You're getting married in three months, right? You're getting married in three months, is that right? مَن أنت لتحكم علي؟ Who are you to judge me? Who are you to judge me? أتريد شيئاً؟ Do you want anything? You want something? تمّ احتجاز ليلى من أجل تلقّي العلاج. Layla was locked up for treatment. Layla was detained for treatment. كان لدى سامي العديد من الأصدقاء المشتركين مع ليلى. Sami had a lot of mutual friends with Layla. Sami had many friends who shared with Layla. لا تحتاج لمعرفة السّبب. You don't need to know why. You don't need to know why. عمتي أكبر من أمي. My aunt is older than my mother. My aunt's older than my mother. الطائرة المقاتلة أسقطت قنبلة. That fighter plane dropped a bomb. The fighter plane dropped a bomb. كل من هُوَ وحيد، وحيد لأنه خائف من الآخرين. Every person who is alone is alone because they are afraid of others. All alone, all alone, because he's afraid of others. كان فاضل يخشى أن تقتله ليلى. Fadil was fearful of Layla taking his life. Fadil was afraid Layla would kill him. الأمل ليس استراتيجية. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. إن كنت تحتاج مظلةً، فسأعيرك واحدةً. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. If you need an umbrella, I'll lend you one. وضع سامي متفجّرا بلاستيكيّا بالقرب من النّافذة. Sami placed plastic explosive near the window. Sami put a plastic detonator near the window. كان سامي يريد أن يشتري ملابسا لليلى. Sami wanted to buy Layla clothes. Sami wanted to buy Layla clothes. خطّها جميل. She has beautiful handwriting. Nice line. لم يجد فاضل شيئا. Fadil found nothing. Fadil found nothing. من المحتمل أنّ سامي محقّ. Sami is probably right. Sami's probably right. سامي محظوظ بكونه مسلما اليوم. Sami is blessed to be a Muslim today. Sami is lucky to be a Muslim today. نعم أنا من سابورو. Yes, I am from Sapporo. Yeah, I'm from Sapporo. الشاب الذي كان هنا أعطاني هذه لك. That guy who was just here gave me this for you. The guy who was here gave me this for you. هذا مؤلم It hurts. It hurts. ردّ سامي الهجوم. Sami retaliated. Sami responded to the attack. امتلأت حقيبته بالماء. His bag was filled with water. His bag was filled with water. انا لست عدوك. انا صديقك. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. من أين أنت؟ Where are you from? Where are you from? استغلّ كل فرصة. Take advantage of every opportunity. Use every chance. أعدك أنّني لن أنس القيام بذلك. I promise that I won't forget to do that. I promise I won't forget to do that. من الأفضل لك التوقف عن التدخين. You'd better stop smoking. You better stop smoking. كانت ليلى في طريق عودتها إلى المنزل بسيّارتها. Layla was driving home. Layla was on her way home with her car. لم يُترجم هذا الكتاب إلى الفرنسية بعد. This book hasn't yet been translated into French. This book has not yet been translated into French. سيتزوّج سامي من ليلى. Sami will marry Layla. Sami's getting married to Layla. تلك كتبنا. Those are our books. Those are our books. الجو حار اليوم. It's hot today. It's hot today. هذا القانون سيحرمنا من حقوقنا الأساسية. This law will deprive us of our basic rights. This law will deprive us of our fundamental rights. أنا مازلت أحاول إصلاحها ولكنها لا تعمل. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. I'm still trying to fix it, but it's not working. لماذا لم يأتِ جمال بعد؟ Why isn't Jamal coming? Why isn't Jamal here yet? ألك أخ؟ Do you have a brother? You got a brother? ماذا نسيت؟ What did you forget? What did you forget? يمكنها تحدث اليابانيّة. She can speak Japanese. She can speak Japanese. هذا الكتاب يتناول موضوع الصين. This book deals with China. This book deals with China. قل لي أي نوع من الخبز تريد أكله. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Tell me what kind of bread you want to eat. لدي شيء واحد فقط سأقوله للّذين يكرهونني: هذا مشكلكم أنتم. I just have one thing to say to those who hate me: It's your problem. I only have one thing to say to those who hate me: this is your problem. دخل العديد من السياح الى كارويزاوا خلال عطلة الصيف . Tourists poured into Karuizawa during the summer vacation. Many tourists entered Karwizawa during the summer vacation. هو لديه مجموعة من اسماك كوي اليابانية في بركة الحديقة. He had a collection of Japanese koi in the garden pond. He's got a bunch of Japanese coy fish in the park pool. لم يصب سامي. Sami missed. Sami wasn't hurt. أود أن أراها. I would like to see it. I'd like to see her. متى اتصلت بماري آخر مرة؟ When was the last time you called Mary? When was the last time you called Mary? ألعب معه. I play with him. Play with him. حقن سامي ليلى بجرعة عالية من الميثامفيتامين. Sami injected Layla with a pretty heavy dose of meth. Sami injected Layla with a high dose of methamphetamine. اسكت يا غبي! Silence, you fool! Shut up, you idiot! أوافقه الرأي. I agree with his opinion. I agree. لا أجد سببا لمساعدتها. I don't see why I should help her. I can't find a reason to help her. انتحر سامي. Sami took his own life. Sami committed suicide. أخبر توم بأني مشغول. Tell Tom that I'm busy. Tell Tom I'm busy. لقد اصطدمت من الخلف بشاحنة صغيرة . I was rear-ended by a pickup truck. I hit the back with a minivan. مشى إلى البيت. He walked to the house. He walked home. ألقت الشرطة القبض على المشتبه به امس. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. أتعلم أين اختبأ توم؟ Do you know where Tom hid? Do you know where Tom hid? إنها ذكية جداً ، أليس كذلك؟ She's really smart, isn't she? She's very smart, isn't she? لن ينتقل سامي للعيش في مكان آخر. Sami is not moving. Sami won't move anywhere else. تضاعفت قيمته ثلاثة أضعاف. Its value had trebled. Its value has tripled. تحدّثا ليلى و سامي لساعات. Layla and Sami talked for hours. Talk to Layla and Sami for hours. في فصل الشّتاء، يعيش الدّبّ باحتياطي الدّهون الموجود في جسده. In the winter, the bear lives off its fat reserves. In the winter season, the bear lives in his body's fat reserve. ابتزّ سامي ليلى. Sami blackmailed Layla. Sami blackmailed Layla. أخبر سامي ليلى بالدّواء الذي قدّمه لها. Sami told Layla what the medication he had given her was. Sami told Layla about the medicine he gave her. تركت كلبي. I left my dog. I left my dog. إخترت أن أنظر للجهة الأخرى. I chose to look the other way. I chose to look the other way. أنا إنسان صادق. I am an honest person. I'm an honest human being. من فضلك إقلب الصفحة. Please turn the page. Please turn the page. لم يعرف سامي من أرسل تلك الرّسالة ليلى. Sami didn't know who sent Layla that letter. Sami didn't know who sent that letter to Layla. حلّ الدّولتين ليس هو الأفضل في فلسطين. The two-state solution is not the good one in Palestine. Solving the two dots is not the best in Palestine. برجاء إرفاق شهادة جودة. Please attach a certificate of quality. Please attach a quality certificate. أُجلت رحلتهم بسبب هطول المطر. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their journey was postponed because of the rain. لا تخبر أحداً بذلك. Don't tell anyone this. Don't tell anyone. هىَ لم تكن تعرف أن هناك ترجمة للقرآن بالعبرية. She didn't know there was a translation of the Quran in Hebrew. She didn't know there was a translation of the Koran in Hebrew. بالعادة لا أشرب القهوة. I usually don't drink coffee. I usually don't drink coffee. كرهت ذلك المدرّس. I disliked that teacher. I hated that teacher. أوقف ذلك Stop that! Stop it. أنا بخير I'm doing great. I'm fine. علمت الشّرطة المزيد عن حياة سامي. The police learned more about Sami's life. The police learned more about Sami's life. إفعلى ما يقوله توم. Do what Tom says. Do what Tom says. شطبت الشّرطة أسماء العديد من الأشخاص من قائمة المشتبهين. Police eliminated several suspects. The police have removed the names of many people from the list of suspects. وصفت أمّ فاضل ابنها أنّه فتى جيّد. Fadil's mother characterized him as a good boy. Fadil's mother described her son as a good boy. كلاهما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. إن لم تعمل لن تستطيع الأكل. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't work, you can't eat. يهاجر البجع من هنا إلى فلوريدا. The swans migrate from here to Florida. Swans migrate from here to Florida. سامي ينام هناك. Sami sleeps there. Sami sleeps there. توم رجل لطيف . Tom is a kind man. Tom's a nice guy. أنتَ تقريباً تحطمت في سيارتي. You almost crashed into my car. You almost crashed in my car. إنها صناعية. It's artificial. It's industrial. ليس لدينا طعام. We don't have any food. We don't have food. أخذ سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami took Layla down to the clinic. Sami took Layla to the clinic. هو لا يستطيع أن يتكلم حتى الإنجليزية، ناهيك عن الألمانية. He cannot speak English, much less German. He can't even speak English, let alone German. سوف أفعلها سواءاً وافقت أم لم توافق. I am going to do it whether you agree or not. I'll do it whether you agree or not. صحح الأخطاء ، إن وُجدت. Correct errors, if any. Correct errors, if any. رفضت بتي عرض موريل. Betty turned down Muriel's offer. Betty turned down Muriel's offer. أنا متزوّج بامرأة فلسطينية. I am married to a Palestinian woman. I'm married to a Palestinian woman. ما الذي تعاقبهم عليه؟ What are you punishing them for? What are you punishing them for? لا تُحَلّ المشاكل باستعمال نفس أنماط التفكير التي أنتجتها. We cannot solve problems with the thinking that created them Don't solve problems using the same kind of thinking you've produced. جميعنا متأكدون من براءته. We are all convinced of his innocence. We're all sure he's innocent. يصنع النحل العسل. Bees make honey. The bees make honey. أنا أريد أن أعرف لماذا أنا هنا. I want to know why I'm here. I want to know why I'm here. توم غاضب الآن. Tom is angry now. Tom's pissed right now. انا املك تأشيرة سياحية . I have a tourist visa. I have a tourist visa. ماذا يقول؟ What is he saying? What's he saying? بالترتيب، حاول ديما الاتصال على الأرقام من 962 إلى 965، لكنه وصل دائمًا إلى "الصائب" غير المقصود، مع أنهم جميعًا أحبّوا فانتا ولم يحبوا النوبز. Methodically, Dima tried dialing numbers from 962 to 965, but always ended up with the wrong Al-Sayib, though each liked Fanta and disliked noobs. In order, Dima tried dialing the numbers from 962 to 965, but he always reached the unintended "right," even though they all loved Fanta and didn't like the Nubs. لم لم تقل نعم؟ Why didn't you say yes? Why didn't you say yes? تخرجت في الإقتصاد. I major in economics. I graduated in the economy. صديقي يجب أن يكون بالمنزل الآن. My friend should be home now. My friend should be home by now. توم طباخ جيد. Tom is a good cook. Tom's a good cook. إنّي أترجم مقالا. I'm translating an article. I'm translating an article. كان الفلم مثيراً للإهتمام كما توقعت. The movie was interesting, as I had expected. The movie was as interesting as I thought it would be. كم ثمن نصف كيلو؟ How much for half a kilo? How much is half a kilo? استمع إلي Hey, listen to me. Listen to me. ما الجديد؟ What's up? What's new? هي، في الحقيقة، أختي. To tell the truth, she is my sister. She, in fact, is my sister. نحن أخذناها إلي المستشفي. We took her to the hospital. We took her to the hospital. كانت ليلى تخطّط لسرقة بنك. Layla planned to rob a bank. Layla was planning on robbing a bank. كان سامي يتوسّل لحياته. Sami was begging for his life. Sami was begging for his life. ترك سامي الجامعة. Sami dropped out of college. Sami left college. سامي معجب بليلى. Sami likes Layla. Sami likes Layla. في هذه الحالة، أعتقد أنه على حق. In this case, I think he is correct. In that case, I think he's right. بارك الله فيك. Bless you! God bless you. هل لديك أرز؟ Do you have rice? Do you have rice? كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تُكره. Layla deserved to be hated. Layla deserved to be hated. اليابان بلد يحيط به البحر و ليده مناخ معتدل. Surrounded by the sea, Japan has a mild climate. Japan is a country surrounded by the sea and has a mild climate. لا ينبغي على سامي أن يخلط الكحول و المضادّات الحيويّة. Sami is not supposed to mix alcohol with antibiotics. Sami shouldn't mix alcohol and antibiotics. سامي يكره هذه الكلمة. Sami hates this word. Sami hates that word. إنّه قادم. There he comes. He's coming. أتمنى أن أقيم في فندق خمس نجوم. I wish to stay at a five-star hotel. I wish I could stay at a five-star hotel. إن الذين ينسون كل شيء سعداء. Those who forget everything are happy. Those who forget everything are happy. أذكر أنني رأيت الملكة. I remember I saw the queen. I remember seeing the Queen. انتهى كل شيء. Everything's done. It's all over. إنه يوم بارد It's cold today. It's a cold day. كان سامي مرتبكا. Sami was confused. Sami was confused. على الوالدين تشجيع أبناءهم على القراءة. Parents need to encourage their children to read. Parents should encourage their children to read. يتكلم بسرعة. He is a fast speaker. Talk fast. كانت ابنة سامي تعتني بمنزله. Sami's daughter cleaned house for him. Sami's daughter was taking care of his house. اختبأ سامي. Sami hid. Sami hid. عليّ أن أنام. I have to go to sleep. I have to sleep. هذه المدينة تعجبني جداً. I like this city very much. I like this city very much. مشيت أنا و هو سوية. He and I walked together. He and I walked together. أعندك أي شيء تريد قوله بخصوص هذا الموضوع؟ Do you have anything to say regarding this? Do you have anything you want to say about this? من يقف هناك؟ Who is standing there? Who's standing there? لن يساعدك ذلك. That won't help you. That won't help you. قبل سامي ذلك. Sami accepted it. Sami accepted that. لماذا تقولين إنه فعل؟ Why do you say it's a verb? Why do you say he did? كان سامي يتناول الكثير من الدّواء. Sami was on a lot of medication. Sami was taking a lot of medicine. ماذا تريد أن تصبح في المستقبل؟ What do you want to be? What do you want to become in the future? ينبغي ألّا نجعل تحيزاتنا تأثر في قراراتنا. We should not be influenced in our decisions by our prejudices. We should not make our prejudices influenced by our decisions. إنها تعشق توم. She loves Tom. She loves Tom. القلم مكسور. The pen is broken. The pen is broken. توم لا يعرف بأني موجود. Tom doesn't even know I exist. Tom doesn't know I exist. عليك عدم الخوف. You need not have such fear. You shouldn't be afraid. سامي غير راضٍ بوظيفته. Sami's job isn't making him happy. Sami is not satisfied with his job. جميعنا اتفق. We've all agreed. We all agreed. سامي من مصر. Sami is from Egypt. Sami from Egypt. أحبك. I love you. I love you. فتح فاضل مطعما للأكل الخفيف. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. Fadil opened a snack restaurant. أحدهم يبحث عنك. Somebody is looking for you. Someone's looking for you. يبدون أمريكيين. They look American. They look American. أخذ سامي ليلى. Sami took Layla. Sami took Layla. لقد ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father went to China. نجى سامي. Sami survived. Sami survived. سألت المرأة: "قصة؟." "ماذا تقصد؟" "'Story'?" the woman asked. "What do you mean?" I asked the woman, "Story?" "What do you mean?" هذا مشروعي المفضل. This is my favourite project. This is my favorite project. ليس "هو إبني" ولكن " أنا والده." Not "he is my son" but " I am his father." Not "he's my son," but "I'm his father." دعى سامي الله كي يغفر له. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sami invited God to forgive him. مواعيد الوصول والمغادرة مدونة في الجدول الزمني. That time table gives the hours of arrival and departure. The arrival and departure dates are on schedule. هذا أحد كتب توم المفضلة. This is one of Tom's favorite books. This is one of Tom's favorite books. هي ليست هنا She is not here. She's not here. و لا تنسَ ريّ المزروعات. And don't forget to water the plants. And don't forget the irrigation plants. أنا لا أستحقّ أن أُعامل ككلب. I don't deserve to be treated like a dog. I don't deserve to be treated like a dog. كلّ شيء يؤلم. Everything hurts. Everything hurts. كيف يكون عندك لابتوب ولا يكون عندك جوال؟ How can you have a laptop and not a cell phone? How come you have a laptop and you don't have a cell phone? سُرقت للتو. I was just mugged. It's just been stolen. أنا في المغسل. I'm in the bath. I'm in the sink. استأذنت لدقيقة. I excused myself for a minute. I asked for a minute. غناءها أجمل من غناء أياً من زملائها في الصف. She can sing better than anybody else in her class. Singing it is more beautiful than singing any of her classmates. لست امرأة. I'm not a woman. I'm not a woman. لا نريد إلا أخذها لبيتها. We just want to take her home. We just want to take her home. أدخل Come inside. Come in. أصبح فاضل شخصا خطيرا. Fadil became a dangerous man. Fadil became a dangerous person. وصلتنا إخبارية بأن العدو قد نصب لنا كميناً على بعد ميلين من هنا. We've just received intelligence that the enemy is waiting in ambush two miles down the road. We got word the enemy ambushed us two miles from here. إستخدم رأسك! Use your head! Use your head! كان سامي ينتظر في صفّ. Sami was waiting in line. Sami was waiting in line. لمن هذا؟ Whose is this? Whose is this? كل الأوراق النقدية الأمريكية لديها نفس اللون. All American bills are similar in color. All American banknotes have the same color. هل تحب كرة المضرب؟ Do you like tennis? Do you like tennis? سمعت الكثير عنك. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. طقس اليوم جميل. It's fine today. Today's weather is beautiful. كان على ليلى إجراء معليّة جراحيّة أخرى في القلب. Layla had to undergo another heart surgery. Layla had to perform another surgical attic in the heart. أين المخرج؟ Where's the exit? Where's the exit? أن تستيقظ في الصباح وهناك شخصُ ما يقول لك صباح الخير - لم يكن لدي هذا الشعور لفترة طويلة. Getting up in the morning and there's someone who says good morning to you - I haven't had this feeling for a long time. You wake up in the morning and someone tells you, "Good morning." I haven't had that feeling for a long time. ماري ستحميك Mary will protect you. Mary will protect you. نعم ، أفهم ذلك. شكراً. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Yeah, I get it. ادنبره تقدم بالفعل تجربة مملوئة بالنشاط و مدينة ذات تقاليد ، مع عدة ابنية تاريخية و اماكن سياحية . Edinburgh already offers a busy and traditional city experience, with many historic buildings and tourist attractions. Edinburgh has already offered a busy experience and a traditional city, with several historic buildings and tourist sites. استعدّ سامي للرّحيل. Sami prepared to leave. Sami's ready to go. هل انت ضد الاجهاض ؟ Are you against abortion? Are you against abortion? من يضحك أخيرًا يضحك كثيرًا. He laughs best who laughs last. Who laughs finally laughs so much. إنها عاملتني بسوء. She treated me badly. She treated me like shit. لقد اكملت توا قراءة هذا الكتاب . I have already finished reading this book. I just finished reading this book. لكل فرد الحق في الاشتراك في إدارة الشؤون العامة لبلاده إما مباشرة وإما بواسطة ممثلين يختارون اختيارا حرا. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right to take part in the conduct of the public affairs of his or her country directly or through freely chosen representatives. في أي وقت ينتهي صفك؟ At what time does your class end? What time does your class end? ينظر الآباء إلى الجيل الجديد على أنه جيل بعيد عن الواقع و منشغل باللهث وراء الأحلام الوردية. Parents look to the new generation as a generation that is far from reality and busy running after unrealistic dreams. Fathers view the new generation as a generation far from reality and busy breathing behind pink dreams. سام ، ما الذي تفعله؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? توقف ! Stop! Stop! كان إطلاق سراح سامي مقرّرا. Sami was scheduled for release. Sami's release was decided. حضر المؤتمر مئة و خمسون دبلوماسي. A hundred and fifty diplomats came to that conference. One hundred fifty diplomats attended the conference. لدى توم لكنة بريطانية. Tom has a British accent. Tom has a British accent. هذه هي تحيّة الإسلام. This is the Muslim greeting. This is the greeting of Islam. تمثال الحرية رمزٌ لأمريكا. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of America. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of America. في الأشهر الأولى من حياتها، تعتمد صغار الدّببة كلّيّة على أمّهاتها. In the first months of their lives, bear cubs are completely dependent on their mothers. In the first months of her life, young bears depend entirely on their mothers. أنا في 19 I'm 19. I'm 19. أبق الأطفال بعيدا عن الأدوية. Keep children away from medicine. Keep the kids off the meds. أين كان الخطأ؟ Where was the mistake? Where was the mistake? كان سامي يتحدّث بسرعة. Sami spoke fast. Sami was talking fast. حصل جمال على التذاكر. Jamal has got the tickets. Jamal got the tickets. أظن أن توم لطيف. I think Tom is kind. I think Tom's cute. ليس توم هو الشخص المناسب للوظيفة. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right person for the job. أريدك أن تجرّبَهُ. I want you to try it. I want you to try it. كنت متعَبا. I was tired. I was tired. الجميع في الحيّ يعلم أنّكَ تخونني. Everyone in this neighborhood knows you are cheating on me. Everyone in the neighborhood knows you're cheating on me. خطأ. Wrong. Wrong. عليك أن تلتزم بالقانون. You must observe the law. You have to abide by the law. كان سامي طفلا متضرّرا. Sami was a damaged child. Sami was a damaged child. وقع الحادث قبل ساعتين. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident happened two hours ago. لم يضحك سامي. Sami didn't laugh. Sami didn't laugh. لن تغسل ملابسك نفسها بنفسها. Your clothes won't just wash themselves. You're not gonna wash yourself. من الأفضل لك ألّا تأكل كثيراً. You'd better not eat too much. You better not eat too much. لا أدري أيهما أسوأ: أن تكون غبيا أم أن تتظاهر بالغباء. I don't know what's worse: being stupid or pretending to be stupid. I don't know which is worse: being stupid or pretending stupid. انتقلن إلى منزلي. Move in here. They moved into my house. أنا طالب I'm a student. I'm a student. لقد وُلدت كي أحبك. I was born to love you. I was born to love you. متى يبدأ الفلم؟ What time does the movie start? When does the movie start? فأين يسكن؟ So where does he live? So where does he live? نجاحك يعود لاجتهادك في عملك. Your success is the result of your hard work. Your success is due to your hard work. قال توم بأنه رأى ماري البارحة. Tom said he saw Mary yesterday. Tom said he saw Mary yesterday. لا يجب أن تخرج في الليل. You must not go out at night. You don't have to go out at night. حذّرتها ولكنها أبت السماع. I warned her, but she didn't listen. I warned her, but she wouldn't listen. إنّ فاضل في المنزل. Fadil is in the house. Fadil's home. أنا لا أصدقُكِ, أنتِ دائماً تكذبين. I don't believe you. You're always lying. I don't believe you. You always lie. ارتكب توم خطأ" ما. Tom did something wrong. Tom made a mistake. أنت دائما تقول لي ذلك. You always tell me that. You always tell me that. ما الذي يعجبك بشأنها؟ What do you like about her? What do you like about her? تبدو مريضاً. You look sick. You look sick. اسمي أحمد. My name is Ahmad. My name is Ahmed. وحشي! Wild! Brutal! هناك دليل لا يقبل الجدل أن توم هو اللص. There is indisputable proof that Tom is the thief. There's incontrovertible evidence that Tom is a thief. لديّ أخ واحد. I have one brother. I have one brother. لا يمكنني المشي خطوة أخرى. I can't walk another step. I can't walk another step. قرّر سامي أن يصبح مبشّرا كي يدخل المسلمين إلى المسيحيّة. Sami decided to become a missionary to bring Muslims into Christianity. Sami decided to become a missionary so that Muslims could enter Christianity. واصل سامي حياته. Sami continued with his life. Sami continued his life. أنت لطيفٌ جداً معي. You are much too kind to me. You're very kind to me. سامي لطيف حقّا. Sami is really sweet. Sami is really nice. إنها تحب المثلجات . She likes ice cream. She likes ice cream. لم يكُن دوما هكذا. He wasn't always like that. It wasn't always like that. هل تحتجن إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? المعرفة هي نصف المعركة. Knowing is half the battle. Knowledge is half the battle. زرت حديقة الحيوان بالأمس. I went to the zoo yesterday. I visited the zoo yesterday. وصلوا منفصلا. They arrived separately. They got separated. لا تقلق إذا لم تستطع. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. سافعل كل ما استطيعة من اجلك I will do what ever I can for you I'll do everything I can for you. سيستوجب عليها أن تنتظره. She'll have to wait for him. She's gonna have to wait for him. أحب الورود الحمراء. I like red roses. I love red roses. أهذه دراجتك؟ Is this your bicycle? Is that your bike? لمَ لا نأكل طعام الغداء معاً؟ Why don't we have lunch together? Why don't we eat lunch together? لا بد أنك البديل المؤقت الذي طلبناه. You must be the temporary we asked for. You must be the temporary replacement we asked for. بدأ سامي يرفع صوته. Sami started raising his voice. Sami started raising his voice. كان سامي يسمع لحماس صبياني في صوت ليلى. Sami could hear in Layla's voice a child-like excitement. Sami was listening to childish enthusiasm in Layla's voice. توم قال أنه يعرف ماري Tom said he knew Mary. Tom said he knew Mary. أجل ، ساعدني بوب. Yes, Bob helped me. Yeah, help me, Bob. ربما علي أن لا أدعوا توم إلى الحفلة. Maybe I shouldn't invite Tom to the party. Maybe I shouldn't invite Tom to the party. أين فرشاة تنظيف الأسنان؟ Where's the toothbrush? Where's the toothbrush? هذه النظارات جميلات. These glasses are beautiful. These glasses are beautiful. الناس لا يمكن أن تعيش إلى الأبد. People can't live forever. People can't live forever. اصطاد الصياد أرانب مع كلبه. A hunter hunted hares with his dog. The hunter hunted rabbits with his dog. كلنا حضرنا حفل زفافها. We were all present at her wedding. We all attended her wedding. هذه مسألة بدون أهمية. It is a trivial matter. This is a matter of no importance. لا يزال توم في بوسطن. Tom is still in Boston. Tom's still in Boston. ماتت ليز منذ ثماني سنوات. Liz has been dead for eight years. Liz died eight years ago. إنه رسّام مشهور. He is a famous artist. He's a famous painter. حاولت أن أحذرك. I've tried to warn you. I tried to warn you. خذ وقتك. Take your time. Take your time. كم لك عندي؟ - أربعة يورو لو سمحت. How much do I owe you? - Four euros, please. - How much do I have? كم سعر هذا الفستان؟ How much is this dress? How much is this dress? لم أكن أريد أن أهينك. I didn't want to humiliate Tom. I didn't want to insult you. توقفت الساعة. The clock has stopped. The clock stopped. أين يمكنني أن أجد سيارة أجرة؟ Where can I find a taxi? Where can I find a cab? سأطلق عليه الرصاص. I will shoot him. I'm gonna shoot him. سألعب التنس بعد الظهر. I am going to play tennis in the afternoon. I'll play tennis this afternoon. طلب مدير المدرسة من المدرّس أن يغادر المكان. The principal asked the teacher to leave the premises. The headmaster asked the teacher to leave. من الافضل ان تقول الحقيقة It's best to tell the truth. You better tell the truth. اشتريت له ساعة. I bought him a watch. I bought him an hour. ستنجبين طفلا. You're having a child. You're having a baby. أسمع الطبول. I hear the drum. I hear drums. نحن لا نعرف الحقيقة بعد. We don't know the truth yet. We don't know the truth yet. أثلجت هذا العام أكثر من العام الماضي. It snowed more this year than last. This year has snowed more than last year. أذكر أني سمعت قصة مشابهة. I remember hearing a very similar story to that. I remember hearing a similar story. البيتزا باردة. The pizza is cold. Pizza's cold. ما الذي تنوي فعله؟ What do you intend to do? What are you up to? كانت ليلى تحظى بشعبيّة في حيّها. Layla was very popular in the neighborhood. Layla was popular in her neighborhood. أوفى فاضل بوعده. Fadil kept his word. Fadil kept his promise. سامي عنده مفتاح منزله. Sami has his house key. Sami has the key to his house. كان سامي عالقا في الدّاخل. Sami was trapped inside. Sami was stuck inside. افتقدناك كثيرا! We miss you so much. We missed you so much! "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريدني أن أخبرك؟" "تفضل، كلي آذان صاغية!" "Are you sure you want me to tell you?" "Please, I'm all ears!" "Are you sure you want me to tell you?" "Go ahead, I'm all ears!" أنا في لقاء البرامج الحرة لأقدم مشروع تتويبا. I'm at the Libre Software Meeting to present the Tatoeba project. I'm in a free program meeting to introduce the Tutuba project. أنت تعلم أنّي أحبّه، أليس كذلك؟ You know I love him, don't you? You know I love him, don't you? تصرّف آرت و كأنّ إيما لم تكن عنصريّة. Aart acted like he didn't notice that Emma was racist. Art acted like Emma wasn't racist. وقعت تفاحة عندما فتحت باب الثلاجة. When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out. An apple fell when I opened the fridge door. أين رأيت نانسي؟ Where did you see Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? سأنهي واجباتي عندما أعود إلى البيت بعد الظهر. I am going to do my homework when I get home this afternoon. I'll finish my homework when I get home this afternoon. هل تحب سان فرانسيسكو؟ Do you like San Francisco? Do you like San Francisco? لدي أشياء أهم لأفعلها. I have more important things to do. I have more important things to do. قفزت ليلى من نافذة الطّابق الثّاني كي تنجو بحياتها. To save herself, Layla jumped out the second storey window. Layla jumped out the window of the second floor to survive her life. رسم أستاذنا للرياضيات دائرة على السبورة. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. Our math teacher drew a circle on the board. في هذا الحيّ، أرى الأمازيغية في كل مكان. In this town, I see Berber everywhere. In this neighborhood, I see Amazigh everywhere. هذا القارب لم يعد صالحاً للإبحار. This boat is no longer seaworthy. This boat is no longer seaworthy. يتحدثون بالأمازيغية. They speak in Berber. They speak Amazigh. يحب اليابانيون السفر في مجموعات. The Japanese like to travel in groups. The Japanese like to travel in groups. غشّ في ذلك الاختبار، كما هي عادته. As is often the case with him, he cheated in that exam. He cheated on that test, just like he used to. إِذَا كَوَيْتَ سُويسْرَا ، لَأَصْبَحَتْ أَكْبَرَ مِنْ أَلْمَانِيَا. If you ironed Switzerland, it would be bigger than Germany. If you were Switzerland, it would be bigger than Germany. توم يربّي قطة سوداء. Tom keeps a black cat. Tom's raising a black cat. أنت في حال أفضل من حالي. You're in better shape than I am. You're better than me. هذا ما وجدته في الكهف. This is what I found in the cave. That's what I found in the cave. أنا لدي عينان. I have two eyes. I have eyes. لقد خدعت نفسك. You betrayed yourself. You fooled yourself. كاد سامي أن يموت. Sami almost died. Sami almost died. سامي غبيّ تماما. Sami is a complete idiot. Sami's a complete idiot. يجب أن تذهب ليلى الآن. Layla has to go now. Layla must go now. "ديما؟!" كان الصائب مصعوقًا جدا حتى أنه أسقط الفانتا التي في يده على حاسوبه، ما أدى إلى تخريب جولته لصيد النوبز. "ديما؟! أهذا حقًّا أنت؟!" "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. "Dima?! Is that really you?!" Dima? "The right guy was so stunned that he dropped the vanta in his hand on his computer, that he ruined his bus hunting tour. "Dima? Is that really you?" أحب مساعدة الآخرين. I like helping others. I love helping others. لدى الفيل أنف طويل. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. ما سبب إعجابهم به؟ Why do they like it? Why do they like him? هل يمكنك إخباري الطريق إلي المكتبة؟ Can you tell me the way to the library? Can you tell me the way to the library? أهلا حبيبي! هذا أنا، ليلى. إنّي بخير و أنا عائدة إلى المنزل. أحبّك، حبيبي. إلى اللّقاء. Hi, honey! It's me, Layla. I'm safe and I'm coming home. Love you, honey. Bye. Hey, honey, it's me, Layla. I'm fine and I'm coming home. I love you, baby. كنت أبحث عن جهاز التحّكم. I was looking for the remote. I was looking for the remote. املأ الإستمارة أدناه. Fill out the form below. Fill out the form below. لطالما ثقت بسامي. I have always trusted Sami. I always trusted Sammy. عليكِ أن تتعلّمي من أخواتك. You have to learn from your sisters. You have to learn from your sisters. من ذا الذي سيقرأ كتابا بهذا السُّمك؟ Who's gonna read such a thick book? Who's gonna read a book with this fish? لم يكن إلاّ سوانا. There was just me and him. It was just us. كسر وزير خارجية أمريكا جون كيري ساقه اليمنى أثناء ركوب الدراجة يوم الجمعة في فرنسا. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right leg while riding a bike on Friday in France. سررتُ لرؤيتكَ. I am pleased to see you. Nice to see you. هي تتحدث القليل من العربية. She speaks a little Arabic. She speaks a little Arabic. عمي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. My uncle smokes too much, and he doesn't need tobacco. هل يجب علي أن أبقى في المستشفى؟ Do I have to stay in the hospital? Should I stay in the hospital? عكس المدرّس عيناه. The teacher squinted his eyes. The teacher reversed his eyes. كان سامي مدرّس رقص. Sami was a dance teacher. Sami was a dance teacher. واصلَت البكاء. She kept on crying. She kept crying. كان سامي سينتظر. Sami was going to wait. Sami would have waited. توم لم يكن متأثر. Tom was not impressed. Tom wasn't impressed. جميع الرجال الذين اعرفهم يحبون السيارات All of the men that I know like cars! All the guys I know love cars. نشأ سامي في مجتمع مسلمي صغير في أوروبا الشّرقيّة. Sami grew up in a tiny Muslim community in Eastern Europe. Sami grew up in a small Muslim community in Eastern Europe. كان سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew Layla was looking for him. Sami knew Layla was looking for him. أخاف سامي ليلى. Sami intimidated Layla. Sami scared Layla. ذاك كتابك. That is your book. That's your book. آسف لا يمكنني سماعك جيداً. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. I'm sorry. I can't hear you very well. شاهد سامي بعض فيديوهات ليلى. Sami watched some of Layla's videos. Sami saw some of Layla's videos. لم لا تقول له ذلك؟ Why don't you tell him that? Why don't you tell him that? رأى سامي الحافلة تمرّ. Sami saw the bus go by. Sami saw the bus pass. مشينا ست كيلومترات. We walked for about 6 kilometers. We walked six kilometers. كلبي مريض للغاية. My pet dog was seriously ill. My dog is very sick. لا يمكن التّنبّؤ بتصرّفات سامي. Sami is just unpredictable. Sami's actions can't be predicted. كيف حال أبيك؟ How is your dad? How's your dad? هل لي أن يطلب منك شيئا؟ May I ask you something? May I ask you something? هل رخصتك معك؟ Do you have your driver's license? Is your license with you? هلا توقفت عن ذلك يا توم ؟ Tom, will you stop it. Will you stop it, Tom? بقيَ سامي في مكتبه طوال اليوم. Sami stayed in his office all day. Sami stayed in his office all day. تبّا لذاك المدرّس و قواعده الجديدة. Fuck this teacher with his new rules. Fuck that teacher and his new rules. أي فصل من السنة تفضل؟ Which season do you like the best? Which season do you prefer? مات سامي في السّجن بسبب مشكل صحّي. Sami died in prison from a health-related issue. Sami died in prison because of a health problem. هل يجب أن يكون الزواج المثلي قانونيا؟ Should gay marriage be legal? Does gay marriage have to be legal? نُفّذ حكم الإعدام على سامي في السّادس من يونيو، 2006. Sami was executed on June 6th, 2006. Sami was executed in June 6, 2006. مرّة الحمل بشكل ممتاز. The pregnancy was perfect. Perfect pregnancy time. هذه قصة حقيقية. This story is true. That's a real story. دعني أعرف عندما تسترجع ذلك التقرير من توم. Let me know when you get that report back from Tom. Let me know when you get that report back from Tom. ماذا تقرأ What are you reading? What are you reading? هل بإمكانكم إجراء بعض التعديلات على هذه البضاعة؟ Can you make some alterations on this product? Can you make some adjustments to this stuff? تأقلمت ليلى مع حياتها الجديدة في زنزانة سجن مصري. Layla settled in to her new life in an Egyptian prison cell. Layla adapted to her new life in an Egyptian prison cell. كان سامي صديقا للكثير من أصدقاء فريد. Sami was friends with a lot of Farid's friends. Sami was a friend of many unique friends. أقلّ سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up from the airport. Sami picked Layla up from the airport. تعلمت الكثير منك. I learned a lot from you. I learned a lot from you. هو غريب، كما يبدو من لهجته. He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent. It's weird, as it sounds from his accent. رجّ قبل الفتح رجاءً. Please shake before opening. Please beg before opening. كانت زوجة سامي، ليلى، ممرّضة. Sami's wife, Layla, was a nurse. She was Sami's wife, Layla, a nurse. لم يرسب أحد. No one has failed. No one's failed. تخلّى سامي عن ليلى بسبب إدمانها على الكحول. Sami left Layla because of her alcoholism. Sami abandoned Layla because of her alcohol. طُريد سامي من العيادة. Sami was kicked out of the clinic. Sami got kicked out of the clinic. انتقل سامي إلى هناك. Sami moved in. Sami moved there. لم يعرفوا أين يعلّقون معاطفهم. They wondered where to hang their coats. They didn't know where to hang their coats. وصل جمال و سارا إلى القاهرة. Jamal and Sarah arrived in Cairo. Jamal and Sarah arrived in Cairo. هي لم يكن عليها فعل هذا. She shouldn't have done that. She didn't have to do this. نشأ سامي كمسيحيّ معمداني. Sami was brought up a Baptist Christian. Sami grew up as a Baptist Christian. كان سامي يريد أن يقيم علاقة صداقة مع ليلى. Sami wanted to be friends with Layla. Sami wanted to make friends with Layla. اليوم هو الأربعاء Today is Wednesday. Today's Wednesday. مبروك. Congratulations! Congratulations. حدثته عن مشاكلها. She told her troubles to him. I told him about her problems. سآخذ هذه المظلة. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. تأثّرت حياة سامي للأبد منذ اليوم الذي لم تعد فيه أمّه إلى المنزل. Sami's life is scarred for ever by the day his mom didn't come home. Sami's life has been affected forever since the day his mother didn't come home. هم كبار جدا They are too big. They're too old. لقد طلبت اثنين شاي وثلاثة قهوة. I've ordered two teas and three coffees. I ordered two teas and three coffees. عادة ما يذكر مقولات لشيكسبير. He often quotes Shakespeare. He usually mentions Shakespeare's sayings. الإنجليزية ليست لغتي الأم. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. السلاحف لا تملك أسنان. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. كل ما في الأمر أني لا أريد الخروج الليلة. I just don't feel like going out tonight. I just don't want to go out tonight. لا تُصلحهُ إذا لم يكن منكسراً. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. Don't fix it if it's not broken. أحلم كثيراً. I have a lot of dreams. I dream a lot. توم رهينتي. Tom is my hostage. Tom's my hostage. انت تواجه السياح اليابانيين في كل مكان . You run into Japanese tourists everywhere. You face Japanese tourists everywhere. كُفّ عن اللعب بشعرك. Stop playing with your hair. Stop playing with your hair. أحب توم تسريحة شعر ماري الجديدة. Tom liked Mary's new hairstyle. Tom loved Mary's new haircut. كان يتصرّف بغرابة. He acted strangely. He was acting weird. لم يقومو بالكثير They didn't do much. They didn't do much. لا يجوز تجريد أحد من ملكه تعسفا. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. واصلت الكلاب النّباح. The dogs kept barking. Dogs kept barking. أحسن مصففي الشعر مثليو الجنس The best hairdressers are gay. The best hairdresser is gay. بدت ليلى نعسانة. Layla seemed sleepy. Layla seemed sleepy. هذا الباب أوتوماتيكي. This is an automatic door. This door is automatic. لا أحد يقطن هناك. Nobody lives there. Nobody lives there. لم يكن يجدر بك أن تجعلني أتوسل. You shouldn't have made me beg. You shouldn't have made me beg. اصمت فأنت تشتتني. Shut up, you're distracting me. Shut up. You're distracting me. حقن سامي نفسه بالهيرويين. Sami injected himself with heroine. Sami injected himself with heroin. كان سامي يصارع مشاعر الذّنب. Sami struggled with feelings of guilt. Sami was wrestling with guilt. اذهب إلى الجحيم! Go to hell! Go to hell! هل وجدت كثيرا من الجزائريين في ألمانيا؟ Did you find a lot of Algerians in Germany? Have you found many Algerians in Germany? الأمازيغية هي لغتنا. Berber is our language. Amazigh is our language. من فضلك، أخبرني بما ينبغي أن أفعله. Please tell me what I should do. Please, tell me what to do. أحب الأفلام الفرنسية. I love French films. I love French movies. استقل توم الحافلة الخطأ. Tom got on the wrong bus. Tom took the wrong bus. إنني مشغول جداً. I'm very busy. I'm too busy. هي تتحدث بسرعة نسبيا She speaks relatively quickly. She's talking relatively fast. اتصل علي حين ترجع. Give me a telephone call when you get back. Call me when you get back. ربح سامي ثروة صغيرة بمطعمه الشّهير للمأكولات البحريّة. Sami built a small fortune with his popular seafood restaurant. Sami won a small fortune at his famous seafood restaurant. آمل أن أزور نارا المرة المقبلة. I hope to visit Nara next time. I hope to visit Nara next time. كن ايجابي Stay positive. Be positive. الحمّام جاهز. The bath is ready. Bathroom's ready. لا تتركني وحدي! Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone! لربما تمتعض من وجهة نظري، إلا أنّ لي الحقّ في قول ما أشاء. You may not like my views, but I have the right to say what I think. I may resent it from my point of view, but I have the right to say whatever I want. ضرب سامي الكبش و أفقده وعيه. Sami knocked the sheep unconscious. Sami hit the ram and knocked him out. يتذكّر سامي ذلك بكل وضوح. Sami remembers that clearly. Sami clearly remembers that. انظر إلى سيارتي الجديدة Look at my new car. Look at my new car. من هذا الشّخص إذا؟ So who's this guy? So who's this guy? لم يكن بإمكاني أن أتعرف عليه لأني لم ألتقه من قبل. I couldn't recognize him, not having met him before. I couldn't recognize him because I never met him. لم يكن عند سامي أيّ شخص يطلب منه المساعدة. Sami had no one to turn to. Sami didn't have anyone to ask for help. لديها الكثير من الأوشام في جسمها. She has a lot of tattoos on her body. She's got a lot of tattoos in her body. أي السيارات لوالدك؟ Which car is for your father? Which car is your father's? هل اليوم هو السبت؟ It's Saturday. Is today Saturday? هل يمكنك إيصالي إلى المحطة؟ Could you give me a ride to the station? Can you give me a ride to the station? أعرف شخصا يريد تعلم الأمازيغية. I know someone who wants to learn Berber. I know someone who wants to learn Amazigh. يجب ان تستخدم الباب الخلفي ريثما يجري صبغ البيت . You'll have to use the rear door while the house is being painted. You should use the back door while the house is painted. تمكن من أن يتجاوز الصعوبة. He managed to get off the difficulty. He managed to get over the difficulty. أين تذكرتي؟ Where is my ticket? Where's my ticket? بإمكانك أن تطلب منه المساعدة. You can ask him for help. You can ask him for help. هل تتذكر ما قالته؟ Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? كلنا نرغب بالنجاح. We all desire success. We all want success. يريد سامي قضاء بعض الوقت بمفرده. Sami wants to spend some time alone. Sami wants to spend some time alone. لم يسمع سامي أيّ صوت صدر من تلك الخيمة. Sami didn't hear any sound coming from the tent. Sami didn't hear any sound from that tent. كلاهما حُكِم عليهما بالإعدام. They were both sentenced to death. They were both sentenced to death. لم يكن عند سامي شعر. Sami had no hair. Sami didn't have hair. تعال إلي Come to me. Come to me. هل تحتاجون إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? أنتَ كيف تعرف هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? استعارت ليلى سيّارة سامي. Layla borrowed Sami's car. Layla borrowed Sami's car. المؤمن لا يُلدغ مرتين من جحر واحد. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. The believer doesn't sting twice from one hole. اشترى لي أبي دراجةً. My father bought me a bicycle. My dad bought me a bike. كلّنا سنتناول العشاء في واحد من أفضل المطاعم في القاهرة. We're all gonna have dinner in one of the best restaurants in Cairo. We're all having dinner at one of the best restaurants in Cairo. سببت الأخبار الكثير من الارتباك. The news created a lot of confusion. The news has caused a lot of confusion. أنا أصطحبك إلى المنزل. I'm driving you home myself. I'm taking you home. لدى فرنسا حدود مشتركة مع إيطاليا. France has a common border with Italy. France has a common border with Italy. أهل أبدو أنيقا؟ Do I look okay? Do I look elegant? هل تشارك في هذه الفعالية؟ Would you take part in this event? Are you involved in this event? هذه القلعة رائعة. This castle is beautiful. This castle is fantastic. أنا سعيد جداً. I'm very happy. I'm so happy. "هل أنت المسؤول هنا؟" "لا." "مَن المسؤول إذا؟" "Are you in charge here?" "No." "Who is in charge then?" "Are you in charge here?" "No." "Who's in charge then?" تعطينا الشمسُ الضوءَ والحرارةَ. The sun gives us light and heat. The sun gives us light and heat. تعطلت السيارة فعليهم أن يمشوا. The car broke down, so they had to walk. The car broke down. They have to walk. كان لدى سامي مشكل صحّي لم يُعالج. Sami had some mental health issue that hadn't been addressed. Sami had an untreated health problem. انس أنّني قلت ذلك. Forget I said that. Forget I said that. في حقيقة الأمر، سامي ليس ذلك الزّوج المسيحيّ المخلص كما يحبّ أن يبدي. Sami is not the devoted Christian husband he seems. As a matter of fact, Sami is not as sincere a Christian husband as he likes to show. أقمت صداقة مع مدرّسيّ. I made friends with my teachers. I made friends with my teacher. الضوء الإصطناعي يُولّد بالكهرباء. Artificial light is produced by electricity. Artificial light is generated by electricity. كان لدينا اتفاق ضمني بأننا سوف ندعم بعضنا البعض. We had an implicit agreement that we would support each other. We had an implicit agreement that we would support each other. كان سامي يصلّي. Sami was praying. Sami was praying. انت لا تستيقظ مبكرا كاختك ، اليس كذلك ؟ You don't get up as early as your sister, do you? You're not waking up as early as your sister, are you? لا تقل ذلك. Don't talk like that. Don't say that. أين هي مفاتيحي؟ Where are my keys? Where are my keys? الصراحة أني لم أقابل توم أبدا. The truth is I've never even met Tom. Honestly, I've never met Tom. شراؤه غال بالنسبة لي. It is too expensive for me to buy. Buying it is expensive for me. "هل أنت تعد الشاي لي؟" "لا، بل لجمال." "Are you making tea for me?" "No, for Jamal." "Are you making tea for me?" "No, it's for beauty." إنه لا يقصد أن يعامل الآخرين بقسوة. إنها طبيعته فحسب. He doesn't mean to be mean. It's just his nature. He doesn't mean to treat others harshly. It's just his nature. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان بخصوص شيء ما. Sami and Layla were arguing about something. Sami and Layla were fighting about something. ربما ستمطرُ بعدَ قليل. It may rain soon. Maybe it'll rain in a bit. انحنى توم والتقط حجرا. Tom leaned down and picked up a rock. Tom bowed down and picked up a stone. هل تملِكُ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هاتفكَ؟ Do you have the berber keyboard on your phone? Do you have the Amazigh keyboard on your phone? إنها تحب السباحة في الصيف. She likes swimming in summer. She likes to swim in the summer. هلا أعطاني أحد سكينا؟ Could someone hand me a knife? Can somebody give me a knife? تبدو كأنها سكرانة. She looks as if she were drunk. She looks like she's drunk. هذا كلب. This is a dog. That's a dog. هذا ما حدث هنا يوم الإثنين. That's what happened here on Monday. That's what happened here on Monday. تعلّمتُ الأمازيغية مع زوجتي. I learned Berber with my wife. I learned Amazigh with my wife. أين كتبي؟ Where are my books? Where are my books? أنا من بلغاريا. I'm from Bulgaria. I'm from Bulgaria. كُلي ما تريدين. Eat whatever you like. Eat what you want. أين هي غزّة؟ Where is Gaza? Where's Gaza? ما أقدم هذا الكتاب! How old this book is! I don't give a shit about this book! يجب ان أفكر بالأمر I'll have to think it over. I have to think about it. لا فكرة لدي Beats me. I have no idea. أنا حامل. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. يحب معظم الأمريكيين الهمبرجر. Most Americans like hamburgers. Most Americans love hamburgers. كم شخص..؟ How many people? How many people...? هل لي أن أستعير سيارتك؟ Can I borrow your car? May I borrow your car? أنا قادمٌ اليوم I am coming today. I'm coming today. في النهاية حل الخلاف. The dispute was finally settled. Eventually, the dispute was resolved. علينا أن نبدأً من نقطة معيّنة. We have to start somewhere. We need to start at a certain point. هل سددت فاتورة هاتفك؟ Have you paid your phone bill? Did you pay your phone bill? هل يوجد متجر هناك؟ Is there a shop there? Is there a store there? كان أنف ماري ينزف. Mary's nose was bleeding. Mary's nose was bleeding. سامي غبيّ. Sami is dumb. Sami's an idiot. أريد أن آكل حبة مانغو. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat a mango. هل تدري متى سيصل عازف الموسيقى إلى هنا؟ Do you know when the musician will come here? Do you know when the musician's gonna get here? كان المدرّس دائما ما ينظر إليّ بتلك النّظرة السّيّئة. The teacher would always give me those dirty looks. The teacher always looked at me that bad. غيّر سامي حياة ليلى للأبد. Sami changed Layla's life for ever. Sami changed Layla's life forever. استأذن سامي بالانصراف. Sami excused himself. Sami's permission to leave. لم يكن اسمها في القائمة. Her name wasn't on the list. Her name wasn't on the list. لكم اشتقت إليك! How I've missed you! I missed you! هكذا كانت الأمور دائمًا. This is always the way it has been. That's how it's always been. إعرف نفسك! Know thyself! Identify yourself! لا تقلق. لن يحدث هذا ثانية. Don't worry. This won't happen again. Don't worry, it won't happen again. عيد ميلاد سعيد! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! بدى الأمر وكأن الزمن توقف. Time seemed to stop. It sounded like time had stopped. أحس الطفل بالأمان بين ذراعي أمه. That child felt secure in his mother's arms. The baby felt safe in his mother's arms. لا تستطيعون أن تدخلوا جميعكم. You can't all come in. You can't all come in. سأوصلك إلى البيت I'll take you home. I'll drive you home. عبرت عن شكرٍ جزيلٍ. I expressed a warm thanks. I've expressed a lot of thanks. النساء داعِمات جدًّا. The women are very supportive. Women are very supportive. كنّا قليقين بشأن البلدة. We were concerned for the community. We were worried about town. يعش فاض في بلدة صغيرة. Fadil lives in a small community. Lives a flood in a small town. اتّصل سامي بصديق كي يصطحبه. Sami called a friend to pick him up. Sami called a friend to pick him up. تعطّلت سيّارة سامي. Sami's car broke down. Sami's car broke down. نساء فرنسا جميلات. The women of France are beautiful. French women are beautiful. هذه أول مرة أسمع هذه القصة. That is a new story to me. This is the first time I've heard this story. ما طول الجسر؟ How long is the bridge? How long is the bridge? جودي ترقص جيدا. Judy dances very well. Jody dances well. كلّ أصدقاء سامي من العيادة. All of Sami's friends are from the clinic. All Sami's friends are from the clinic. الأمازيغية مفيدة. Berber is useful. Amazigh is useful. انا اعتذر لهذا. I apologize for this. I apologize for that. حاول التهرب. He attempted to escape. Try to escape. أنا حزين. I'm sad. I'm sad. عادة ما يقوم منّاد بأشياء كهذه مع أصدقائه. Mennad does this type of shit with his friends. Mennad usually does things like that with his friends. استيقظ سامي من غيبوبته. Sami emerged from his coma. Sami woke up from his coma. كانت ليلى تعيش في القاهرة. Layla lived in Cairo. Layla lived in Cairo. لا لست نعساناً. No, I'm not sleepy. No, I'm not sleepy. لا تؤخر إلى الغد ما يمكن أن تؤخر إلى بعد غد. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Don't delay until tomorrow what can be delayed until after tomorrow. جلس سامي مجدّدا. Sami sat back down. Sami sat down again. دعى سامي ليلى لتناول وجبة في الطّبيعة. Sami invited Layla for a picnic. Sami invited Layla to a normal meal. ماذا ترين في الصورة؟ What do you see in the picture? What do you see in the picture? نحن نفهم We understand. We understand. يا لشجاعتك! How brave you are! How brave you are! دعني أشرح سبب وصولي متأخراً. Let me explain why I arrived late. Let me explain why I'm late. سأحضر بعض النظارات . I'll get some glasses. I'll get some glasses. العجلة من الشيطان. Haste makes waste. The wheel of the devil. على حد علمي، هو طالب ممتاز. As far as I know, he's an excellent student. As far as I know, he's an excellent student. لن يوظفكن أحد. Nobody's going to hire you. No one's gonna hire you. شاهدت ليلى ذلك بصدمة. Layla watched in shock. Layla saw it in shock. لم تثر الفكرة إعجاب سامي. Sami didn't like the idea. Sammy didn't like the idea. لن نفعل ذلك. We aren't going to do that. We're not gonna do that. سميت الطفلة صوفيا على اسم جدتها. The child was named Sophia after her grandmother. Sophia's baby was named after her grandmother. ستحبه قريبا. You will soon get to like him. You'll love it soon. أعطني أي قلم رصاص Give me any pencil. Give me any pencils. ما هو مكتوب في الرّسالة؟ What's written in the letter? What's in the letter? كان ذلك الحمل سببا في تباعد ليلى و سامي. The pregnancy drove Layla and Sami apart. That pregnancy caused Layla and Sami to drift apart. توم وماري لا يعيشون فى نفس الولاية. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. الحياة تستمرّ. Life just moves on. Life goes on. نضع العالم بين يديك. We put the world at your fingertips. We put the world in your hands. أمضى سامي تلك الوثائق. Sami signed the papers. Sami spent those documents. ستعطيني بطانية إضافية. She'll give one more carpet to me. You're gonna give me an extra blanket. كان سامي يستحقّ قضاء وقت أكثر في السّجن. Sami deserved more time in jail. Sami deserved to spend more time in prison. بإمكانك الوصول إلى المحطة عن طريق الحافلة. You can go to the station by bus. You can get to the station by bus. بعضهم معتدل ، و البعض الآخر متشدد. Some are moderate; some are radical. Some are moderate, others are hardcore. سألني إذا كنت مشغولاً. He asked me whether I was busy. He asked me if you were busy. سآكل هاهنا. I'll eat it here. I'll eat here. يتحدث بسرعة كبيرة. He talks too fast. He speaks very quickly. عاد إلى البيت لأول مرة منذ عشر سنوات. He returned home for the first time in ten years. He came home for the first time in ten years. لا أستطيع أن أفقد قواي بسبب هذا الحمل. I can't be powerless because of this pregnancy. I can't lose my powers because of this pregnancy. لا أستطيع مساعدتك. في الحقيقة، أنا مشغول جدا الآن. I can't help you. As a matter of fact, I'm very busy just now. Actually, I'm too busy right now. سامي ابن خاله. Sami is his cousin. Sami's cousin. هؤلاء الأشخاص خبراء حقيقيون في تزوير الأشياء غير القانونية. Those people are true experts in the counterfeit of illegal things. These guys are real experts in falsifying illegal things. بقي سامي في غيبوبة لمدّة أسابيع. Sami remained in a coma for weeks. Sami stayed in a coma for weeks. أحبك. I do love you. I love you. هل تذكر اليوم الذي رأينا فيه الحادث؟ Do you remember the day when we saw the accident? Do you remember the day we saw the accident? قُتل سامي. Sami was killed. Sami was killed. خشيت ليلى على حياة سامي. Layla was afraid for Sami's life. Layla feared for Sami's life. التقيت بها في طريقي إلی المنزل I met her on my way home. I met her on my way home. سامي يحبّ النّاس. Sami loves people. Sami loves people. آكل تفاحة. I'm eating an apple. Apple eater. أنا أعتقد أني عن طريق الخطأ قلت أنه كان توم عندما كانت بالفعل ماري التي فعلت ذلك. I think I mistakenly said it was Tom when it was actually Mary that did that. I thought I accidentally said it was Tom when she was already Mary who did it. لا ليس حقا. No, not really. No, not really. لقد أنهيت عملي للتو. I just finished the work. I just finished my job. سالني عما كنت افعله? He asked me what I had been doing. Ask me what I was doing. لم أرغب ابدا في الواقع أن أذهب إلى هناك. I never actually wanted to go there. I never actually wanted to go there. ارجعها عندما تنتهى. Return it when you are done. Give it back when it's done. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا جيم. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. أنا أتصِل بها كُل مساء. I call her every evening. I call her every evening. كان سامي يسيطر على من حوله. Sami dominated the people around him. Sami had control around him. قرر توم أن يبيع منزله. Tom has decided to sell his house. Tom decided to sell his house. أيمكنك عمل قائمة بالمسائل التي ستناقش؟ Will you make a list of issues to discuss? Can you make a list of the issues to be discussed? افتُتحت المستشفى الشهر الماضي. The hospital opened last month. The hospital was opened last month. ماذا تعمل؟ What's your job? What are you doing? ساقابله يوما ما One day I will meet him. I'll meet him someday. كيف هي الحياة في غزّة؟ How is life in Gaza? How's life in Gaza? من الصعب أن يحافظ أحد على توازنه حين يسير في شوارع مغطاة بالجليد. It is hard to keep our balance on icy streets. It's hard to keep a balance when you walk on ice-covered streets. ارتكب سامي جرائما لم يحاول أحد ارتكابها من قبل. Sami committed crimes that no one had tried before. Sami has committed crimes that no one has ever tried to commit. هل تذهب إلى المدرسة بالباص؟ Do you go to school by bus? You go to school with a bus? أنا لا أعرف اسمه I don't know his name. I don't know his name. هذا حقاً لطفاً منك. It is really nice of you. That's really nice of you. أنا من رومانيا. I'm from Romania. I'm from Romania. كان فاضل متشوّقا للحبّ. Fadil craved love. Fadil was eager for love. تزحلقت العربة المسرعة و اصطدمت مقدمة العربة ب مؤخرة الشاحنة بشكل مفاجئ جداً . The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. The accelerator skateboarded and hit the front of the wagon with the back of the truck very suddenly. هي مدرّستنا في العربيّة. She is our Arabic teacher. She's our teacher in Arabic. سأترك الكتب هنا. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. أعاد فاضل ألعابه إلى العلبة. Fadil put back his toys in the box. Fadil brought his toys back to the can. كان الصوت الوحيد المسموع هو تكتكة الساعة . The only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock. The only voice heard was the ticking of the clock. في عام ١٩٤٨م ، تأسست دولة يهودية. In 1948, a Jewish state was founded. In 1948, a Jewish State was established. أنقض سامي حياة ذلك الكلب. Sami saved that dog's life. Sami ruined that dog's life. واصلت ليلى السّياقة. Layla continued driving. Layla kept driving. عفوًا. You're welcome. Excuse me. كان فاضل يقطن بـشارع صادق. Fadil lived on Sadiq street. Fadil lived on Sadiq Street. لا بدّ أن فاضل قد سمع شيئا. Fadil must have heard something. Fadil must have heard something. اجتمع الناس في المتنزه. People gathered in the park. People met in the park. مات أولائك الأطفال بدون عدالة. The kids died without any justice. Those children died without justice. أنا على يقين أنه هكذا جرى الأمر. I'm pretty sure that's how it happened. I'm sure that's how it went. الوقت ينتظر و الوقت ينسى. Time waits and time forgets. Time waits and time forgets. في إطار المبادئ التوجيهية لتاتويبا، يوصى الأعضاء اضافة الجمل الى لغتهم الأم فقط و/أو ترجمتها الى لغة يفهمونها كلغتهم الأم. والسبب في ذلك هو أنه من السهل كثيراً تكوين الجمل المتناغمة حسياً مع لغتنا الأم. فعندما نكتب بلغة أخرى غير لغتنا الأم، يكون من السهل جداً تكوين الجمل التي تبدو غريبة. يرجى الحرص على ترجمة الجملة فقط في حال كنت متأكداً من أنك تعرف ماذا تعني. Under the Tatoeba guidelines, it is recommended that members only add sentences in their native language and/or translate from a language they can understand into their native language. The reason for this is that it is much easier to form natural-sounding sentences in one's native language. When we write in a language other than our native language, it is very easy to produce sentences that sound strange. Please make sure you only translate the sentence if you are sure you know what it means. Within the Tatupa guidelines, members are recommended to add sentences only to their mother tongue and/or translate them into a language they understand as their mother tongue. This is because it is very easy to form sentences that are sensitive to our mother tongue. أنا على القائمة. I'm on the list. I'm on the list. كلما تقابلا تجادلا. Whenever they meet, they quarrel. Whenever they met, they argued. علينا أن نأجل القرار النهائي حتى الأسبوع القادم. We have to put off making a final decision until next week. We have to postpone the final decision until next week. كان سامي يختلس النّظر. Sami was peeking. Sami was embezzling. لا يهمني ما قالتهُ والدتك. I don't care what your mother said. I don't care what your mother said. تحقق الشرطة مع توم Police are investigating Tom. Police are investigating Tom. هل علي أن أجيب علی أسئلتك كلها؟ Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all your questions? ولدت في 18 من آذار عام 1994. I was born on March 18th 1994. Born on March 18, 1994. أحس بالخطر فهرب. Sensing danger, he ran away. I feel the danger and he ran away. سأجلب لك الفاتورة حالًا. I'll bring you the bill immediately. I'll get you the bill right now. من فضلك إخلع حذاءك قبل أن تدخل البيت. Please remove your shoes before entering the house. Please take off your shoes before you go home. تخاف ماري من الكلاب. Merry is scared of dogs. Mary's afraid of dogs. كنت متردد في قول أي شيء. Why does Tom want all that? I was reluctant to say anything. من الممكن ألا تأتي غداً. She may not come here tomorrow. Maybe she won't come tomorrow. ربّما علينا الذّهاب إلى ورشة الإصلاحة. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. الطريق انحنى للاسفل فجأة. The road dips suddenly. The road's bending down all of a sudden. تعلّم سامي العربيّة في وقت متأخّر من عمره. Sami learned Arabic late in life. Sami learned Arabic late in his life. أحتاج إلى لوحة مفاتيح لكي أكون مضحكاً. I need a keyboard to be funny. I need a keyboard to be funny. كان على سامي أن يجلب المساعدة لليلي. Sami needed to get Layla help. Sami had to bring help to Lily. يعود جزء من اعتقادي هذا إلى تجربتي الشخصية. Part of this conviction is rooted in my own experience. Part of my belief goes back to my personal experience. أعلم أنّه غير مرحّب بي في هذه العيادة. I know I'm not welcome in this clinic. I know I'm not welcome in this clinic. أعتقد أنك محق. I guess you are right. I think you're right. لم تسر الأمور على ما يرام، أليس كذلك؟ It didn't work out, did it? It didn't go well, did it? لم يكن عند سامي أحد يناقش معه مشاكله. Sami had no one to discuss his problems with. Sami had no one to discuss his problems with. بالتأكيد لم أتوقع أن أراك هنا في بوسطن. I certainly didn't expect to see you here in Boston. I certainly didn't expect to see you here in Boston. لم أسرق المال. I didn't steal the money. I didn't steal the money. شاهدت التلفاز هذا الصباح. I watched TV this morning. I watched TV this morning. أنا لست مستعجلاً. I'm not in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry. كانت ليلى مدرّسة محبوبة في الرّوضة. Layla was a beloved kindergarten teacher. Layla was a popular teacher. سيقدّم سامي بحثا في الصّباح. Sami has a presentation in the morning. Sami's gonna do research in the morning. أيمكنك التزلج؟ Can you skate? Can you skate? نصحها الطبيب بأخذ إجازة. The doctor advised that she take a holiday. The doctor advised her to take a leave of absence. ها هو كلبك. Your dog is here. Here's your dog. أعرف أخاك جيداً. I know your brother very well. I know your brother very well. أحضر سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami brought Layla to the clinic. Sami brought Layla to the clinic. كان جون لوك، المعروف بفيلسوف الحرية، أحد المساهمين في شركة رويال الأفريقية، التي كانت تعمل في بيع وشراء العبيد. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was a shareholder of the Royal African Company, which bought and sold slaves. John Locke, known as Freedom Philosopher, was one of the shareholders of the African Royal Company, which was involved in the sale and purchase of slaves. أُنْشِئَتْ مدارس. Schools were built. Schools have been established. هل لحقتَ بالقطار؟ Did you catch the train?! Did you catch the train? كنت في لندن الشهر الماضي. I was in London last month. I was in London last month. اطيب التمنيات في هذا اليوم الرائع. All the best wishes on this wonderful day. Best wishes on this wonderful day. أنا حرقت يدي أثناء صب الماء الساخن. I burnt my hand while pouring hot water. I burned my hand while pouring hot water. غادر سامي فحسب. Sami just left. Sami just left. لا تتركني لوحدي أرجوك. Don't leave me alone, please. Please don't leave me alone. قال فاضل أنّه كان بحاجة إلى المال. Fadil said he needed money. Fadil said he needed money. عمر ميوريل عشرون عاماً الآن. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel's 20 now. يجب ألا تعتمد على الآخرين للمساعدة. You mustn't depend on others for help. You must not rely on others to help. وصف لجيرانه الذين لم يذهبو خارج البلد ابداً مناطق الجذب السياحي . He described to his neighbour, who has never gone abroad, the tourist attractions. A description of his neighbors who never went out of the country in tourist attractions. دخل سامي. Sami got inside. Sami's in. أجل نستطيع. Yes, we can. Yeah, we can. إسبانيا دولة متقدمة. Spain is a developed country. Spain is a developed country. أيمكنني ركوب هذا الحصان قليلاً؟ Can I ride this horse for a while? Can I ride this horse for a second? لا تنسى أن تأتي إلى بيتي. Be sure to drop in at my house. Don't forget to come to my house. اشترى سامي كلبا آخر لليلى. Sami bought Layla another dog. Sami bought another dog for Layla. أحب تفكيك الاشياء لمعرفة كيفية عملها. I like to take things apart to see what makes them tick. I like dismantling stuff to figure out how it works. درس سامي في مدرسة مسيحيّة. Sami went to a Christian school. Sami studied in a Christian school. ولم يساعدك أحد؟ And nobody helped you? And no one helped you? رأيت توم هنا سابقا. I've seen Tom here before. I've seen Tom here before. هذا البطريق الصغير جميل جداً! This baby penguin is too cute! This little penguin is so beautiful! لا تنس تذكرة الدخول. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket in. تستخدم سيارتي الكثير من الوقود. My car burns a lot of gas. My car uses a lot of fuel. ها هي كتبنا. Here are our books. Here are our books. تبدين حزينة. ما الأمر؟ You look sad. What's wrong? You look sad. توقّف الحاسوب عن العمل بعد تحديث آلي للنظام. The computer stopped working after an automatic system update. The computer stopped working after an automated upgrade of the system. أحضر الخمر. Bring wine. Get the booze. لم يسبق أبدا أن رأيت شيئا كهذا. I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen anything like it. سيستغرق إنهاء المشروع سنةً على الأقل. This project will take at least a year to finish. It'll take at least a year to finish the project. الكلمات لا يسعها التخفيف عن حزنها العميق. No words can relieve her deep sorrow. Words cannot relieve their deep sorrow. نجاحُهُ كلّفه كثيرًا. He paid too high a price for success. His success cost him a lot. كان سامي متعطّشا للشّهرة. Sami craved notoriety. Sami was thirsty for a month. إن أعطيتني بعضا من تلك الأوراق النّقديّة، فربّما بإمكاننا إبرام صفقة. If you can give me a couple of those bills, maybe we could have a deal. If you give me some of those cash cards, maybe we can make a deal. من فضلك هدئ من السرعة عندما يكون أمامك تقاطع طرق. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Please calm down when you have a crossroads. تبدو متعباً. You look tired. You look tired. أنا أعرف سامي منذ زمن بعيد. I have known Sami forever. I've known Sami a long time. لا يمكنك أن تفعل شيئين في الوقت نفسه. You can't do two things at once. You can't do two things at the same time. الا تريد أن تعرف لماذا؟ Don't you want to know why? Don't you want to know why? لا يوجد شخص معصوم من الخطأ. Nobody's perfect. No one's infallible from wrong. أعلم أنك مختبئ خلف الستار. I know you are hiding yourself behind the curtain. I know you're hiding behind the curtain. توم يحب القواقِم أكثر من أي شيء عدا عزيزته ماري. Tom loves stoats more than anything except his dear Mary. Tom loves the crew more than anything but his dear Mary. إنها قديمة كقِدم العالم. It's as old as the world. It's as old as the world. أغاثا كريستي هي كاتبة إنجليزية. معروفة بفضل 66 من رواياتها البوليسية و 14 مجموعة من القصص القصيرة. Agatha Christie was an English writer. She is known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections. Agatha Christy is an English writer, known for 66 of her police novels and 14 sets of short stories. الزوجة الصالحة خير من المِحراث الذهبي. A good wife is worth a golden plow. A good wife is better than a golden plow. دعها تأخذ مجراها! ~ أطلق العنان لها! Let it go! Let her take her course! يحبان بعضهما. They love each other. They love each other. حفظ الطلبة هذه القصيدة. The students learned this poem by heart. Students keep this poem. أنا أعلم أين تسكن I know where you live. I know where you live. كثير من الناس يقومون بذلك. A lot of people do that. A lot of people do. لنلعب كرة المضرب بعد المدرسة. Let's play tennis after school. Let's play tennis after school. ليس عليك أن تذهب للمطار من أجل تأكيد حجزك للتذكرة You don't necessarily have to go to the airport to reconfirm your plane reservation. You don't have to go to the airport to confirm your ticket reservation. لا تستطيع ليلى الإخبار بذلك. Layla can't tell. Layla can't tell. لماذا توم يريد كل هذا Why does Tom want all this? Why would Tom want all this? بالكاد يمكنني المشي. I can hardly walk. I can barely walk. كان سعيدا جدا. He was very happy. He was so happy. هذه السيارة تبدو كالجديدة This car is like new. This car looks like a new one. هل سافرت لوحدك قط؟ Have you ever traveled alone? Have you ever travelled alone? ينظر أهل الأرياف إلى الغرباء عادةً نظرة شبهة. Country people are traditionally suspicious of strangers. Rural people usually see strangers as suspicious. أمريكا، لقد قطعنا شوطاً طويلاً. ورأينا الكثير. إلا أنه لا زال هناك الكثير ليُنجز. لذا، فلنسأل أنفسنا هذا المساء: إذا ما عاش أطفالنا حتى القرن القادم؛ وإذا ما كانت بنتاي على قدر من الحظ لتعيشا طويلاً مثل آن نيكسون كوبر، فما هو التغيير الذي ستشهدانه؟ وما هو التقدم الذي سنكون قد أحرزناه؟ America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century, if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made? So let's ask ourselves this evening: if our children live until the next century; if my daughter is lucky enough to live as long as Anne Nixon Cooper, what change will we see? توم دعا ميري إلى العشاء. Tom invited Mary to supper. Tom invited Mary to dinner. هي مرنة في آرائها. She is flexible in her opinions. She's flexible in her opinions. لم أنت بمفردك؟ Why are you alone? Why are you alone? إنها لوري. She's Laurie. It's Lori. من فضلك وزّع الورق. Please deal the card. Please distribute the paper. أظن أنك تضيع وقتك. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. أنا مشغولة الأن. I am busy now. I'm busy right now. أريد أن أزور كوريا. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. انهار سامي ساقطا. Sami slumped over. Sami collapsed a bitch. إنه ليس مدخنا. He isn't a smoker. He's not a smoker. سيأخذ هذا وقتا. This will take time. It's gonna take a while. فرّ سامي. Sami ran. Sami escaped. كانت الرّسالة مُمضاة من طرف دان. The letter was signed by Dan. The message was followed by Dan. توم هو أخوك Tom is your brother. Tom is your brother. اشترى لها فستاناً. He bought a dress for her. He bought her a dress. أردت الذهاب إلى مكان لم يسبق لي الذهاب إليه. I wanted to go somewhere I'd never been before. I wanted to go somewhere I've never been. لقد أصبحت حياتي فوضويّة. My life doesn't make sense anymore. My life has become a mess. هذا أجمل. This one is prettier. That's nicer. إذا أمطرت غداً سأبقى في المنزل. If it rains tomorrow, I'll stay at home. If it rains tomorrow, I'll stay home. أحتاج لمزيد من الوقت لأنجز فروضي. I need more time to finish my homework. I need more time to do my homework. هل نسي ماله مجدّدا؟ Did he forget his money again? Did he forget his money again? إذا الكلام من فضة، فالسكوت من ذهب. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. If it's silver, Scott's gone. أُرسل سامي إلى السّجن. Sami was sent to jail. Sami was sent to prison. اغتصب فاضل تلك المرأة. Fadil raped the woman. Fadil raped that woman. ذهب سامي إلى منزل ليلى. Sami went to Layla's place. Sami went to Layla's house. كان فاضل سليما في منزل جدّته. Fadil was found safe and sound at his grandmother's house. Fadil was safe at his grandmother's house. دائمًا ما يكون حزينًا. He's always sad. He's always sad. أنت تكره الكلاب حقّا. You really hate dogs. You really hate dogs. هل ذلك ما سيرغبه توم؟ Is that what Tom would want? Is that what Tom would want? ماذا شويت؟ What did you grill? What did you roast? القمر جميل الليلة. The moon is very beautiful this evening. The moon is beautiful tonight. "إسمك..." "فاضل صادق." "Your name is...?" "Fadil Sadiq." Your name... Fadil Sadik. كلا المدينتين لديهما نفس قوانين المرور. These two cities have the same traffic rules. Both cities have the same traffic rules. لم يزر سامي منزل ليلى لأسابيع. Sami hasn't been in Layla's house for weeks. Sami hasn't been to Layla's house for weeks. اقترب فاضل من دانية و حيّاها. Fadil approached Dania and greeted her. Fadil approached Daniya and greeted her. فتح سامي الباب بإقحام. Sami forced the door open. Sami opened the door with a break-in. شرحه لم يكن كافياً. His explanation was not satisfactory. Explaining it wasn't enough. غيّر سامي هاتفه و رقمه. Sami changed phones and numbers. Sami changed his phone and number. دعى سامي ليلى لعشاء. Sami invited Layla to dinner. Sami invited Layla to dinner. أتى سامي. Sami came. Sami's here. هذا كبير جدا This is very big. That's too big. ذقت الطيبات كلها فلم أجد أطيب من العافية. I tasted all goods, and didn't find better than good health. I tasted all the good things. I couldn't find any better than well. ليلى متحجّبة. Layla is a hijabi. Layla's booked. سمح سامي لليلى بالدّخول لحياته. Sami let Layla into his life. Sami let Layla into his life. ما هو وقت الإفطار؟ What time is iftar? What time is breakfast? سأتعلم الأمازيغية في منطقة القبائل، الجزائر. I will learn Berber in Kabylie, Algeria. I will learn Amazigh in the tribal area, Algeria. رأى سامي ثعابينا تخرج من ذلك الجحر. Sami saw snakes coming out from the hole. Sami saw our snake come out of that hole. لا إنجاز بلا جهد . Nothing is achieved without effort. No hard work. ساعد نفسك و سيساعدك الله. God helps those who help themselves. Help yourself and God help you. توم عامل بناء. Tom is a construction worker. Tom's a construction worker. هل هذا جديد؟ Is it new? Is that new? سامي أحمق. Sami is an idiot. Sami's an idiot. هيا ادخل Come on in! Come on in. وهناك أمهات وآباء سيظلون مستيقظين بعد أن ينام أطفالهم، يتساءلون عن كيف سيسددون أقساط الرهن العقاري الذي اشترَوْ به بيتهم، وكيف سيدفعون فواتير أطبائهم، أو توفير ما يحتاجونه من مال لتسديد رسوم تسجيل أبنائهم في الجامعات. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for their child's college education. Mothers and fathers will remain awake after their children sleep, wondering how they will pay their mortgage payments, how they will pay their doctors ' bills, or what money they need to pay their children ' s university registration fees. فكر ديما: "أحتاج إلى بعض الملابس الجديدة حقا." "I really need some new clothes," thought Dima. Dima thought, "I need some really new clothes." لدي مغص. I have a stomachache. I have a stomach. فجأةً أصبحت حزيناً جداً. I suddenly became very sad. Suddenly I'm so sad. هيّا Come on! Come on. سمعت ليلى ضجّة قويّة. Layla heard a loud noise. Layla heard a loud noise. علينا إيصال سامي بسرعة إلى العيادة. We must get Sami to the clinic quickly. We need to get Sami quickly to the clinic. توم يحب ماري، ولكنها تحب جون. Tom loves Mary, but Mary loves John. Tom loves Mary, but she loves John. إن رأيت رجلًا يأتيك بنية واضحة لعمل الخير لك، ينبغي لك الهرب بحياتك. If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life. If you see a man with a clear intention to do good for you, you should run away with your life. رجاء عرفني على توم. Please introduce me to Tom. Please introduce me to Tom. ليلى هي ابنة فاضل المدلّلة. Layla is Fadil's baby girl. Layla is Fadil's spoiled daughter. كان سامي يعلم أنّه كان في خطر. Sami knew he was in danger. Sami knew he was in danger. عليك أن تجمع المزيد من المعلومات. You must gather further information. You need to gather more information. الأطفال مرآة للجو العائلي. Children reflect the family atmosphere. The children are a mirror of the family atmosphere. انتقل الى الجزء الخلفي من الباص رجاءً . Please move to the rear of the bus. Please move to the back of the bus. إن لم تنه حساءك، فلن تشاهد التّلفاز اللّيلة. If you don't finish your soup, there will be no TV tonight. If you don't finish your soup, you won't watch TV tonight. ذاك المنزل ملكي. That house belongs to me. That house is mine. لم لا تفعل ذلك بنفسك؟ Why don't you do that by yourself? Why don't you do it yourself? لا يمكنني التركيز عندما تكون هنا. I can't concentrate while you're here. I can't concentrate when you're here. كان لدى سامي تاريخ مع الاكتئاب. Sami had a history of depression. Sami had a history of depression. أُرِيدُ أَنْ أَرَى الْغُرْفَةَ. I should like to see the room. I want to see the rooms. اللجنة تشمل عشر اعضاء. The committee comprises ten members. The committee includes ten members. من الصّعب أن تجد ناطقين أصليين بالعربية في دبي أين غالبيّة النّاس تتكلّم بالإنجليزيّة. It's hard to find Arabic native speakers in Dubai where most people speak English. It's hard to find Arabic native speakers in Dubai where most people speak English. أنا و أنت في نفس العمر. You and I are the same age. You and I are the same age. كانت ليلى فتاة مصمّمة و غير متعلّمة و من الأرجح أنّها لم تكن راشدة بما يكفي كي تصبح أمّا. Layla was a single-minded, uneducated girl and she probably was too immature to be a mother. Layla was a girl who was designed and uneducated and probably not mature enough to become a mother. حصل سامي على وظيفة في مزرعة. Sami got a job working on a farm. Sami got a job on a farm. لدينا لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حواسيبنا. We have the berber keyboard on our computers. We have the Amazigh keyboard on our computers. هذا أخي. This is my brother. That's my brother. شكرا لإضافتي للمجموعة. Thank you for adding me to the group. Thanks for adding me to the group. لا أريد التّسوّق بمفردي. I don't want to go shopping by myself. I don't want to shop alone. غادرنا بالقطار. We left by train. We left by train. لن نصل إلى أي مكان. We're not getting anywhere. We're not getting anywhere. أريد أن أستأجر حافلة. I want to charter a bus. I want to rent a bus. هل هناك مصعد؟ Is there an elevator? Is there an elevator? تتويبا: لأن اللغة أكثر من مجرد كلمات. Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. Tatoeba: Because language is more than words. وجدنا الباب الأمامي مغلق. We found the front door locked. We found the front door locked. كان سامي هنا في العيادة هذا الصّباح. Sami was here at the clinic this morning. Sami was here at the clinic this morning. انهِ هذا. Finish this. Finish this. إنها عملية بطيئة جداً. It's a very slow process. It's a very slow process. سامي يريد التراجع عن قوله. Sami wants to recant. Sami wants to back off. تبين أنا الرجل محقق خاص. The man turned out to be a private detective. Turns out I'm a private detective guy. لاحظت ليلى دما يقطر من مقود سيّارة سامي. Layla noticed blood dripping from the steering wheel of Sami's car. Layla noticed blood dripping out of Sami's wheel. ماذا إذا كنت على حق؟ What if I'm right? What if I'm right? اربط يديه خلفه. Tie his hands behind him. Tie his hands behind him. سيساعد سامي ليلى كي تقوم بخدعة سحريّة خطيرة. Sami will help Layla perform a dangerous magic act. Sami's gonna help Layla do a dangerous magic trick. أعرِفها. I know her. I know her. هل تريد تذهب إلى هناك؟ Do you want to go there? Do you want to go there? هل أنجزت فرضك؟ Have you done your homework? Did you do your homework? سامي لا يشعر أبدا بالارتياح. Sami never feels good. Sami never feels good. لكل شخص الحق في العمل، وله حرية اختياره بشروط عادلة مرضية كما أن له حق الحماية من البطالة. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone has the right to work, the freedom to choose one ' s own fair and satisfactory conditions and the right to protection against unemployment. شكرا على النصيحة. Thanks for the advice. Thanks for the advice. وجد دراجتي الضائعة. He found my bike. He found my lost bike. لا يحب أحداً الحرب. No one loves war. Nobody likes war. العربية لغة سهلة. Arabic is a simple language. Arabic is an easy language. هي فخورة جدا بمظهرها. She takes great pride in her appearance. She's so proud of her appearance. تلك الحفلة كانت مميزة، يا صاحِ! That party was great, Dude. That party was special, dude! أتيت إلى اليابان السنة الماضية. I came to Japan last year. I came to Japan last year. كانت ليلى ترتدي ملابس سوداء. Layla was dressed in black. Layla was wearing black clothes. أعتقد بأني محق. I think I'm right. I think I'm right. من فاز؟ Who won? Who won? أنقذ الشاب الفتاة من الغرق. The young man saved the girl from drowning. The young man saved the girl from drowning. ذهب توم إلى بوسطن مع صديق. Tom went to Boston with a friend. Tom went to Boston with a friend. أنا متأكّد أنّ سامي لا يستطيع تكلّم العربيّة. I'm pretty sure that Sami can't speak Arabic. I'm sure Sami can't speak Arabic. سافرت حول العالم. She traveled all over the world. I traveled around the world. سأنقذكم جميعكم. I'll save you all. I'll save you all. كانا سامي و ليلى سكرين للغاية. Sami and Layla were incredibly drunk. Sami and Layla were very drunk. أنظر إلى هذا المنزل. Look at that house. Look at this house. بعد الاستماع إلى أغنية عربية عشرين ثانية هذه المرة -لأنه لو سمعها عشر ثوان لكانت هذه جملة مكررة- سمع ديما أخيرًا صوتًا مألوفًا يقول: "السلام عليكم!" After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he listened for ten this would be a duplicate sentence - Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After listening to an Arab song 20 seconds this time, because if he had heard it 10 seconds, that would have been a repeat sentence, he would have finally heard a familiar voice saying, "Peace be upon you!" كان المدرّس يتجاهلني. The teacher was ignoring me. The teacher was ignoring me. بإمكاني السباحة في الواد. I can swim in the river. I can swim in the valley. هل اتصل بي أحد عندما كنت في الخارج؟ Did anyone call me while I was out? Did somebody call me when I was outside? الاف السياح يحتشدون عند هذا المعبد كل سنة . Thousands of tourists flock to this temple every year. Thousands of tourists gather at this temple each year. يبدو لي مثيرًا للاهتمام. It seems interesting to me. Sounds interesting to me. هل هناك مقاس أكبر؟ Do you have a larger size? Is there a bigger size? هيا. دعنا نذهب إلى البيت. Come on. Let's go home. Come on, let's go home. ابتسمت نانسي بسعادة. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happily. يجب أن تركز على الطريق أثناء القيادة. You should focus on the road when you drive. You need to focus on the road while driving. أتحدث الإنجليزية يومياً. I speak English daily. I speak English every day. لقد تعاملت مع توم من قبل. I've done business with Tom before. I've dealt with Tom before. توم غنيّ جدا إلى درجة أن لخدمه خدم. Tom is so rich that even his servants have servants. Tom is so rich that his servants are servants. كان سامي يحبّ ليلى لملامحها الأوروبيّة. Sami loved Layla for her European looks. Sami loved Layla for her European profile. لم تدرك خطأها. She was unconscious of her mistake. You didn't realize her fault. سامي يحبّ هذه الصّورة. Sami likes this picture. Sami loves this picture. أتوقع مساعدتك. I expect your help. I expect your help. انتظر يا جمال. Jamal, hold on. Wait, Jamal. ماذا إن علم سامي بذلك؟ What if Sami knows about that? What if Sami finds out? في البندقية , دائما هنالك الكثير من السياح . In Venice, there are always lots of tourists. In Venice, there's always a lot of tourists. للكبار فقط. Adults only. For adults only. استقال سامي. Sami quit. Sami quit. أظن أن ذلك سيحصل. I think that'll happen. I think that's gonna happen. أين مالكم ؟ Where's your money? Where's your money? أنا أقرأ كتابك I am reading your book. I'm reading your book. عاملتها كأنها بنتي. I treated her as my own daughter. I treated her like she was my daughter. سأشرح هذا لاحقا. I'll explain this later. I'll explain that later. إفتح هذا الشئ! Open that thing! Open this thing! كيفَ حالِك؟ How are you? How are you? ذهب الجميع إلى المستشفى لزيارة سامي. Everybody went to the hospital to see Sami. Everyone went to the hospital to visit Sami. لست متأكدا حيال ما كان يتحدث توم عنه. I'm not sure what Tom was talking about. I'm not sure what Tom was talking about. ما الذي نسيتُ قوله؟ What did I forget to say? What did I forget to say? تبدو طيبة جدا. She's very innocent. She looks so good. كان سامي يرقص بشكل جميل. Sami danced beautifully. Sami was dancing beautifully. لم يكن يجدر بي أن أوظفه أبدا. I never should've hired him. I should never have hired him. أتمنى أن لا يكون أحد رآني. I just hope no one saw me! I hope no one saw me. أظن أنه يمكنني الركض بمثل سرعة توم. I think I can run as fast as Tom. I think I can run as fast as Tom. أتعرف كيف تلعب الشطرنج؟ Do you know how to play chess? You know how to play chess? رأى سامي مسلمين يصلّون. Sami saw Muslims praying. Sami saw Muslims praying. أظن أنني وقعت في الحب I think I'm in love. I think I fell in love. ماري, أنتِ فتاة مسكينة, أين كنتِ؟ ماذا حدث لكِ؟ Mary, you poor child, where have you been? What happened to you? Mary, you poor girl, where have you been? الكلمات لا يمكنها أن تعبر عن شكري لك. I have no words to express my gratitude. Words can't express my thanks to you. توم في غرفته يكتب رسالة لجدّته. Tom is in his room, writing a letter to his grandmother. Tom's in his room writing a letter to his grandmother. نظر سامي إلى الأعلى. Sami looked up. Sami looked up. بإمكانكِ أن تختارين أيّ طريق تريدينه. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose which way you want it. توم لا يعرفني Tom doesn't know me. Tom doesn't know me. سمّم سامي كلبه. Sami poisoned his dog. Sami poisoned his dog. ظننت أنك قلت بأنك لن تأتي. I thought you said you weren't coming. I thought you said you weren't coming. جلّ ما يفعله توم هو التذمر. All Tom does is complain. All Tom does is complain. بالنسبة لي، هذا الكتاب صعب القراءة. This book is hard for me to read. For me, this book is hard to read. تأخّرت حافلة سامي. Sami's bus was late. Sami's bus is late. تعالَ إلى الأمام. Come forward. Come forward. ما عرض هذا الشارع؟ What's the width of this road? What's on this street? هل أنت واثق أنك تريد الذهاب إلى هناك؟ Are you sure that you want to go there? Are you sure you want to go there? ليست طويلة. She is not tall. Not long. نحن بحاجة لهذه الأرض. We need that land. We need this land. كان سامي على خطأ. Sami was wrong. Sami was wrong. أيا كان ما تقوله فسيجعلها تبكي. Whatever you say will set her off crying. Whatever you say, it'll make her cry. إنها تُمطِرُ بغزارةٍ هُنا. It's raining cats and dogs here. It's raining a lot here. هلّا أصغيتم رجاءً؟ Would you please pay attention? Will you please listen? لقد أتيت إلى هنا للبحث عن بداية جديدة بين الولايات المتحدة والعالم الإسلامي استنادا إلى المصلحة المشتركة والاحترام المتبادل وهي بداية مبنية على أساس حقيقة أن أمريكا والإسلام لا تعارضان بعضها البعض ولا داعي أبدا للتنافس فيما بينهما بل ولهما قواسم ومبادئ مشتركة يلتقيان عبرها ألا وهي مبادئ العدالة والتقدم والتسامح وكرامة كل إنسان I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles - principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and the Islamic world based on common interest and mutual respect, a beginning based on the fact that America and Islam do not oppose each other and never need to compete with each other, but rather have common denominators and principles through which they come together: the principles of justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of every human being. سنصل إلى لندن قبل حلول الليل. We will reach London before dark. We'll be in London by nightfall. أنا لا أحاول سلب حقوقك. I'm not trying to deprive you of your rights. I'm not trying to take your rights. سامي و ليلى حقّا يقضيان الكثير من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla do spend a lot of time together. Sami and Layla really spend a lot of time together. سأساعدك يا صاح. I'll help you, buddy. I'll help you, buddy. أين أختك؟ Where is your sister? Where's your sister? لم يستسلموا They didn't give up. They didn't give up. ليس بإمكان أي إنسان أن يصبح شاعرا. Not everybody can be a poet. No human being can become a poet. جاء توم في آخر لحظة. Tom came just in the nick of time. Tom came in last minute. لم تتبق لي أي طاقة. I don't have any energy left. I don't have any energy left. أخرج مفتاحًا من جيب معطفه. He took a key from his coat pocket. Get a key out of his coat pocket. بدأ أخبار ليلى تنقطع عن سامي شيئا فشيئا. Sami started hearing from Layla less and less. Layla's news is slowly breaking up with Sami. هاجم توم ماري بسكّين. Tom attacked Mary with a knife. Tom attacked Mary with a knife. أحضر سامي كلبه. Sami brought his dog. Sami brought his dog. لا أعرف. I don't know. I don't know. هل قابلتها؟ Did you meet her? Did you meet her? قررت دانية البقاء مع فاضل في أية حال. Dania decided to stick with Fadil anyway. Danya decided to stay with Fadil anyway. أريد أن أعرف السّبب. I'd like to know the reason why. I want to know why. مات سامي بحادثة. Sami died accidentally. Sami died in an accident. مات أبي بسبب سرطان الرئة. My father died of lung cancer. My father died of lung cancer. صفعته كفاً على وجهه. She slapped his face. I slapped him in the face. أغلق الباب. Shut the door. Close the door. لا شكّ أن عمره يتجاوز الستين. He must be over sixty. No doubt he's over 60. حمّامك جاهز. Your bath is ready. Your bathroom is ready. لا أظن أنه قادم. I think he won't come. I don't think he's coming. أنفقت ليلى أكثر من عشرين ألف دولار على الملابس. Layla spent more than twenty thousand dollars on clothing. Layla spent over $20,000 on clothes. لا تبذر مالك في شراء أشياء لست بحاجة إليها. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Don't waste your money buying stuff you don't need. كان إسمها أغنس آنذاك. Her name was Agnes then. Her name was Agnes at the time. توم يَعرِفُ القوانينَ. Tom knows those rules. Tom knows the rules. سامي يحبّ التّفّاحات الحمراء. Sami likes red apples. Sami likes red apples. هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى الولايات المتحدة؟ Have you ever been to the United States? Have you ever been to the United States? هل تعرف كيف أصل إلى منزل توم؟ Do you know how to get to Tom's house? Do you know how to get to Tom's house? كانت تعمل طوال اليوم. She's been working all day long. She's been working all day. أريد التحدث اليك عن شيء آخر. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. لا أحد فسّر ما كان يقوم به فاضل هناك. No one explained what Fadil was doing there. No one explained what Fadil was doing there. أنت متقلب المزاج. You're moody. You're moody. هذه الخوارزميّة تحدّد المخاطر. This algorithm quantifies risk. This algorithm identifies risks. طلبت منه المساعدة. She asked him for help. I asked him for help. هي قدمت المال. She gave money. She made money. كيف هي الأخبار؟ How's the news? How's the news? بإمكان بوب أن يطبخ. Bob can cook. Bob can cook. أبدأ لن أشك في صدقه. I would never question his honesty. I'm not gonna doubt his honesty. ألق نظرة هناك Take a look in there. Take a look over there. طلبتي يتعلمون السياقة. My students are learning to drive. My students are learning to drive. الرجل العجوز لطيف للغاية. The old man is very kind. The old man is so cute. لهجتي الجزائر و المغرب متشابهتان. The dialects of Algeria and Morocco are similar. The dialects of Algeria and Morocco are similar. هل هذه هي حقا الحقيقة؟ Is this the real truth? Is that really the truth? قبلت أن تتزوج به. She accepted his hand in marriage. She accepted to marry him. أشجار الخوخ تتطلب الكثير من أشعة الشمس. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. Peach trees require a lot of sunshine. سيأخذ هذا وقتا طويلا. This will take a lot of time. It's gonna take a long time. سددت بالنقد. I paid in coin. Paid in cash. أريد أن أراك من جديد. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. هو فرنسي He is French. He's French. بيتر يحب جين. Peter loves Jane. Peter loves Jane. ما زلت أحبها I still love her. I still love her. إنها مشغولة الآن, لذا لا تستطيع التحدث معك. She's busy now, so she can't talk with you. She's busy right now, so she can't talk to you. يا له من كلب كبير! What a big dog! What a big dog! نشر سامي قصّته على فيسبوك. Sami published his story on Facebook. Sami posted his story on Facebook. لم يلبث فاضل و أن علِم أنّ الإجابة على ذلك السّؤال لن يكون أمرا سهلا. Fadil quickly realized that answering that question would be no simple task. Fadil didn't even know the answer to that question wouldn't be easy. لا أدري ماذا تعني. I don't know what it means. I don't know what you mean. يشبه جاك أباه. Jack resembles his father. Looks like Jack's dad. اشرب معي شيئا Have a drink with me. Drink something with me. لنذهب فور ما يتوقف المطر. Let's go as soon as it stops raining. Let's go as soon as the rain stops. سأكون سعيدا بتعليمك. I'll be happy to teach you things. I'd be happy to teach you. استدر من فضلك. Please turn over. Turn around, please. سامي يحبّ ليلى كثيرا. Sami loves Layla so much. Sami loves Layla so much. يخفي توم وثائقا مسربة. Tom hides some leaked documents. Tom's hiding leaked documents. كانت هذه النصوص مكتوبة بالعبرية، ليس بالآرامية. These texts were written in Hebrew, not in Aramaic. These texts were written in Hebrew, not Aramaic. كانت ليلى تقدّم دروسا في مدرسة الأحد. Layla taught Sunday school classes. Layla was teaching Sunday school. متأكّد بأنّ توم سيقدّر كلّ ما فعلته له. I'm sure Tom appreciates everything you've done for him. I'm sure Tom will appreciate everything you've done for him. من الأفضل ألا تخبرا أباكما بالحادث. You had better not tell your father about the accident. You better not tell your dad about the accident. ما أن سمعت الجرس حتى ردت على الهاتف. As soon as she heard the bell ring, she answered the telephone. Once I heard the bell until she answered the phone. أفضل ألا أخرج اليوم. I'd rather not go out today. I'd rather not go out today. سمع سامي ليلى تصرخ. Sami heard Layla screaming. Sami heard Layla screaming. ليس لدي كتب لأقرأها. I have no books to read. I don't have books to read. تعتمد اليابان على نفط البلدان العربية. Japan relies on Arab countries for oil. Japan depends on the oil of the Arab countries. إنه من فرنسا. He is French. He's from France. استيقظت الساعة السادسة و النصف هذا الصباح. I got up at six-thirty this morning. I woke up at 6:30 this morning. انظر إلى من يتكلم. Look who's talking. Look who's talking. ذاك الشخص لا يريد أن يفعل شيئا. That person doesn't want to do anything. That guy doesn't want to do anything. لا أريد خسارتكَ. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you. خشي فاضل على حياته. Fadil was in fear for his life. Fadil feared for his life. لا يبدو أنك تهتم بما يحدث. You don't seem to care what happens. You don't seem to care what happens. إنه يشرب كأساً من الماء كل صباح. He drinks a glass of water every morning. He drinks a glass of water every morning. ليس لديك ما تخشاه. You have nothing to fear. You have nothing to fear. لم أكن أتوقع هذا منك حقا. I really wasn't expecting that from you. I didn't really expect this from you. قلّده و حسب. Just imitate what he does. Just do it. أخبرها ما أخبركَ به. Tell her what he told you. Tell her what he told you. عاش سامي حياة هادئة في القاهرة. Sami led a quiet life in Cairo. Sami lived a quiet life in Cairo. أريد أن أتحدث معك بموضوع There's something that I need to talk to you about. I need to talk to you about something. لست معتادا على هكذا عمل. I'm not used to this kind of work. I'm not used to doing this. اتّصلت بسامي. I called Sami. I called Sammy. أشعر بوعكة. I'm not feeling well. I feel sick. ماذا حدث لطفلتك؟ What happened to your daughter? What happened to your baby? أغاني العشق تحرك مشاعري. Love songs move me. Love songs move my feelings. نشر سامي بعض الفيديوهات على اليوتوب. Sami posted some videos on YouTube. Sami posted some videos on YouTube. أنا لستُ جملةً. ينبغي أن أحذف من تتويبا. I'm not a sentence. I should be deleted from Tatoeba. I'm not a sentence. سامي يغتاب زملاءه في العمل. Sami is talking shit about his co-workers. Sami misses his coworkers. من يريد القيام بهذا؟ Who would like to do that? Who wants to do this? سامي هو مدرّسي المفضّل. Sami is my favorite teacher. Sami is my favorite teacher. أحب أكل اللازانيا. I love lasagna. I like to eat lasagna. كل الجبل يتغير بألوانه في الخريف. The entire mountain changes color in autumn. All the mountain changes in its colors in the fall. اتّجه سامي مباشرة إلى حاسوبه من أجل الدّردشة. Sami went straight to his computer to chat. Sami went straight to his computer to chat. عادت ليلى إلى القاهرة. Layla headed back to Cairo. Layla's back in Cairo. ما الذي يحدث هنا؟ What's happening here? What's going on here? أردت أن أشتري لك بعض الملابس للشّتاء. I wanted to get you some clothes for the winter. I wanted to buy you some clothes for winter. أنا أرى أنكَ فهمت كافكا بشكل صحيح, ربما أفضل من فهمهِ لنفسه. I see that you properly understood Kafka, maybe even better than he understood himself. I see you got Kafka right. Maybe it's better than him. ما سبب كلّ هذا الضّجيج؟ What's all the noise about? What's all the fuss about? رأيت ضوء احمر وامض في مرآة الرؤية الخلفية و انهار قلبي . I saw flashing red lights in my rear-view mirror and my heart sank. I saw a red light flashing in the rear view mirror and my heart collapsed. لا أشك في قدرته على فعلها. I don't doubt his ability to do it. I don't doubt he can do it. سامي يكره فريد. Sami hates Farid. Sami hates Fred. أنتِ أمازيغية. You are Berber. You're a Amazigh. ان شلالات نياغارا مشهورة كمنتجع سياحي رائد في العالم . The Niagara Falls are famous as a world leading tourist resort. Niagara Falls are famous as the world's leading tourist resort. هذا هو الكتاب عينه الذي كنت أريد قراءته. This is the very book that I wanted to read. This is the same book I wanted to read. تركتها تذهب. She let her go. I let her go. لا أحبّ هذه السترة. I don't like this jacket. I don't like this jacket. لماذا تعتقدون أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? من أجل ذلك فقد عمله. For that reason, he lost his job. That's why he lost his job. لا يزال فاضل يتمتّع بحياته إلى حدّ أقصى. Fadil still lives life to the fullest. Fadil still enjoys his life to the fullest. الكثير من الأزواج ينتهي بهم الحال إلى الطلاق. Many couples end in divorce. A lot of couples end up getting divorced. أسكن في مدينة. I live in a city. I live in a city. كان عليك المجيء البارحة. You had to come yesterday. You should have come last night. هذا يكفيني. This is enough for me. That's enough for me. ماذا تعلّمتم؟ What have you learned? What did you learn? قاتل سامي من أجل النّجاة بحياته. Sami fought for his life. Sami fought for his life. إذا أردت أن تنجح بالإمتحان ، عليك أن تدرس بجدّ. If you are to succeed in the exam, you must study hard. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study hard. أضاف سامي بعض الفرولة للعصير. Sami added strawberries to the juice. Sami added some strawberry for the juice. لا تجعلها رخيصة. Don't make it cheap. Don't make it cheap. كيف تعلم إن كان حساب بريدك الإلكتروني قد اختُرق؟ How do you know if your email account has been hacked? How do you know if your e-mail account was hacked? بدى الصبي نائما نوما عميقا. The baby seemed to be sleeping a sound sleep. The boy seemed to sleep deep. توم يريد البقاء مع ماري Tom wants to stay with Mary. Tom wants to stay with Mary. هناك ساحة لعب في حيّنا. There is a playground in our neighborhood. There's a playground in our neighborhood. كان سامي مذعورا بسبب رسائل مجهولة تلقّاها. Sami was terrorized by anonymous letters. Sami was terrified of anonymous messages he received. الحب و السلام. Love and Peace. Love and peace. اكثر من نصف سكان العالم يعيشون فى المدن More than half the world's population lives in cities. More than half of the world's population lives in cities. وجد العلبة تحت الطاولة. He found the box under the table. Found the box under the table. كانت ليلى تستمتع بحياتها في القاهرة. Layla was enjoying her life in Cairo. Layla was enjoying her life in Cairo. بدأ سامي يمضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى. Sami began spending more time with Layla. Sami started spending more time with Layla. الطقس ليلاً يكون بارداً The night is cold. It's cold at night. إن أتيت إلى مدينة ريو، فلا تنسَ أن تتّصل بي كي أكون مرشدك. If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide. لقد ورّطت نفسك في مشكل خطير. You ran into a dangerous situation. You got yourself in serious trouble. أخبر سامي صديقه. Sami told his friend. Sami told his friend. ثم استلقى على السرير ذاته. Then he lay on the same bed. Then he lay on the same bed. طلب فاضل من دانية أن تسرق من أجله. Fadil asked Dania to rob for him. Fadil asked Danya to steal for him. إنهم ليسو مثلنا They aren't like us. They're not like us. ماذا؟ هذا مستحيل. What? No way! That's impossible. وبخني ذلك المعلم كثيرًا. I got scolded severely by that teacher. And that teacher scolded me a lot. هي أغلقت عينيها. She closed her eyes. She closed her eyes. نعم, إنها غاضبة. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, she's mad. تعرّفت ليلى على سامي. Layla recognized Sami. Layla recognized Sami. كان سامي يلعن. Sami cursed. Sami was cursed. إنها تريد شراء هدية لصديقها. She wants to buy a present for her boyfriend. She wants to buy a present for her friend. "أأنت طالب ياباني؟" "نعم." "Are you a Japanese student?" "Yes, I am." "Are you a Japanese student?" "Yes." توخى الحذر. Be vigilant. Be careful. أحب الكعك. I like cake. I love cookies. الخشب يحترق. Wood burns. The wood is on fire. هل تسمع ضجيج الأمواج على الشاطئ؟ Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? Do you hear the waves on the beach? تأسست مدرستنا عام ۱۹۹۰م. Our school was founded in 1990. Our school was founded in the year. إنه جدير بأن يكون قائد فريقنا. He is worthy to be captain of our team. He deserves to be our team leader. أنتِ تريدين الطلاق, أليس كذلك؟ You want a divorce, don't you? You want a divorce, don't you? قرّر سامي أن ينشئ قناة على اليوتوب. Sami decided to set up a YouTube channel. Sami decided to set up a channel on YouTube. نُقل سامي إلى العيادة البلديّة. Sami was taken to the municipal clinic. Sami was transferred to the municipal clinic. أضعت مفتاحي. I lost my key. I lost my key. لا يمكنك السباحة هنا. You can't swim here. You can't swim here. أنا مقتنع أنه بريء. I am convinced that he is innocent. I'm convinced he's innocent. ماذا حدث لي يا رفاق؟ What happened to me, guys? What happened to me, guys? توم عاش معنا لثلاثة اشهر. Tom lived with us for three months. Tom lived with us for three months. يحب الأمازيغ لغتهم. Berbers love their language. The Amazighs love their language. سأقوم بذلك شرط أن تساندني. I will do it on condition that you support me. I'll do it on the condition that you support me. احكِ لي عنه . Tell me about him. Tell me about it. لن ينساها أحد. No one will ever forget her. No one's gonna forget it. بيل صديقي المفضل. Bill is my best friend. Bill's my best friend. هي تحتاج للمزيد من النوم. She needs to sleep more. She needs more sleep. اليوم أقمارنا الصناعية تدور حول الأرض. Today our artificial satellites are revolving around the earth. Today our satellites are orbiting the Earth. ما أجملكِ! How beautiful you are! What a beauty you are! استيقظ سامي برسالة صوتيّة من ليلى. Sami woke up to a voice mail from Layla. Sami woke up with a voicemail from Layla. أنا من إنجلترا. I'm from England. I'm from England. سُرقت منها حقيبتها. She had her handbag stolen. Her bag was stolen. تلقّى سامي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami got a life sentence. Sami received a sentence of life imprisonment. هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is better than that one. This dictionary is better than that. متأكّد من أننا سنجد حلّا. We'll find a solution, I'm sure. I'm sure we'll figure it out. إنه يعمل في مجال صناعة السيارات. He works in the car industry. He works in the auto industry. كنتُ لأحب كتابة مئات الجمل في تتويبا، لكن، عندي أشياء عليّ عملها. I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I'd love to write hundreds of sentences in Tatoiba, but I have things to do. لا تستطيع الدخول You may not come in. You can't come in. ينبغي أن ترد الديون التي عليك. You should pay back your debts. You should repay the debts that you owe. هي مريضة. هذا هو سبب غيابها. She's sick. That's why she didn't come. She's sick. That's why she's gone. الآن، بإمكان الشركة أن تبرر هذه المصاريف. Now the company can justify such expenditure. Now, the company can justify these expenses. قام طبيب ببتر ذراعه بسرعة و إيقاف النزيف الغزير. A doctor quickly cut off his left arm and stopped the heavy bleeding. A doctor quickly amputated his arm and stopped the heavy bleeding. آرت متعقّب خطير. Aart is a dangerous stalker. Art's a dangerous stalker. تتكلم و كأنك رئيسنا. You talk as if you were the boss. You sound like our boss. هذا القط يحتاج للمساعدة كي ينزل من الطاولة. That cat needs help to climb off a table. This cat needs help getting off the table. مرحباً ، أهل شيكاغو! Hello, Chicago! Hello, people of Chicago! كانت هناك حديقة عند كل بيت. Every house had a garden. There was a garden at every house. لقد فرضت إسرائيل عقوبات قاسية على غزّة. Israel slapped draconian sanctions on Gaza. Israel has imposed severe sanctions on Gaza. يرى توم بأن الطعام الذي تُعده ماري حار جدا. Tom thinks the food Mary makes is usually too spicy. Tom thinks the food Mary makes is too hot. هل تعتقد أن الاحترار العالمي هو نتيجة لعمل البشر؟ Do you believe global warming is the result of human actions? Do you think global warming is the result of human action? كشف فاضل شخصيته الحقيقية و تبيّن أنّه جبان. Fadil showed his true colors. He was a coward. Fadil revealed his true identity and turned out to be a coward. كانت سامي تراوده رؤى. Sami had visions. Sami had visions. سمعا ليلى و سامي ضجّة غريبة. Layla and Sami heard a strange noise. Layla and Sami heard a strange noise. لماذا لا يستطيع أبدا فعل شيء؟ Why can he never do anything? Why can't he ever do anything? دفعت ليلى بسامي إلى الحائط. Layla pushed Sami to the wall. Layla pushed Basmy into the wall. كم طول ذلك؟ How long is this? How long is that? لا عليك. Don't worry. It's okay. مشيت معه. He and I walked together. I walked with him. منطقة القبائل ليست لديها حدود رسمية. Kabylie has no official borders. The tribal area has no official boundaries. قامت الشّرطة بعمليّة مراقبة سرّيّة. Police conducted covert surveillance. The police conducted a covert surveillance operation. اغسل أسنانك. Brush your teeth. Wash your teeth. قرأت عينة وجيزة من كتابه. I dipped into his book. I read a brief sample of his book. يكره سامي كلّ ما يربطه بليلى. Sami hates everything that links him to Layla. Sami hates everything that ties him to Layla. لقد إستخدمت رأسها. She used her head. She used her head. دعينا نذهب لنرى إن كان توم يستطيع أن يساعدنا. Let's go see if Tom can help us. Let's go see if Tom can help us. "هل هو قادم؟"، "لا أظن أنه سيأتي." "Is he coming?" "No, I don't think so." "Is he coming?" "I don't think he's coming." أعتقد أنه ثمة طرقة أخرى. I believe that there are other ways. I think there's another way. ذهب سامي وليلى للتخييم. Sami and Layla went camping. Sami and Layla went camping. استُعير الكتاب من مكتبتنا المحلّيّة. The book was checked out from our local library. The book was borrowed from our local library. كرّسَ حياته كلّها للعلم. He devoted his whole life to science. He dedicated his whole life to science. من الممكن أن يتأخر توم. There's a possibility that Tom will be late. Tom could be late. أنا حتى لم أعرف أنه توم. I didn't even recognize Tom. I didn't even know it was Tom. دعنا لا نستعجل كثيرًا. Let's not be in too much of a hurry. Let's not rush too fast. كان فاضل يشارك في المسيرات التّوّعية من أجل محاربة السّرطان. Fadil volunteered for cancer walks. Fadil was participating in the social marches to fight cancer. ما إنطباعك عن أمريكا؟ What's your impression of the United States? What's your impression of America? كان سامي يعيش حياة مجنونة. Sami led a crazy life. Sami was living a crazy life. هي ترتدي خاتماً قيماً. She is wearing a valuable ring. She's wearing a valuable ring. و أخيراً أتى الجمعة. Finally, it's Friday. And he finally showed up on Friday. الذين ينسون كل شيء سعداء. Those who forget everything are happy. Who forget everything happy. كلنا نخطئ. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. أغلق الباب من فضلك. Close the door, please. Close the door, please. ما الذي جاء بك إلى هنا؟ What made you come here? What brings you here? من أين تحصل على المال؟ Where are you getting the money from? Where do you get the money? اعترف سامي بالذّنب. Sami admitted guilt. Sami confessed guilt. مالذي أغضبهم؟ What made them mad? What pissed them off? التحدث بالإنجليزية ليس أمراً سهلاً. Speaking English isn't easy. Talking English isn't easy. إنها هادئة. She's a quiet person. It's quiet. لم أُرِدْ أن يحدث ذلك. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want that to happen. أنا متأكدة أنكِ مخطئة. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're wrong. فقد ملايين الأشخاص حياتهم أثناء الحرب. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. لم نكن اصدقاء We weren't friends. We weren't friends. الكتابُ سهلٌ. The book is easy. The book is easy. كان سامي يعيش نمط حياة خطير جدّا. Sami lived a very dangerous lifestyle. Sami was living a very dangerous lifestyle. كانت حياة سامي أفضل. Sami's life was better. Sami's life was better. قرّر فاضل أن يفعل شيئا. Fadil decided he had to act. Fadil decided to do something. فتحت ليلى الباب. Layla opened the door. Layla opened the door. أتخيل منزلا أكون فيه سعيدا. I imagine a house where I'm happy. I imagine a home where I'm happy. من كان هنا، فإمّا أن يسبح أو يغرق. It's swim or die here. Whoever was here either swims or drowns. سجّل فاضل نفسه في فندق. Fadil checked into a motel. Fadil recorded himself in a hotel. جيم في ورطة. Jim is in trouble. Jim's in trouble. ضحك ديما قائلًا: "لا بأس بها، فأنا ما زلت أنمو. ستصبح مناسبة لي." "It's fine," Dima laughed. "I'm still growing, after all. I'll grow into it." He always laughed, saying, "It's okay, I'm still growing. It's gonna be good for me." سامي مثل فريد. Sami is like Farid. Sami's like Fred. هذا المكان رائع. It's great out here. This place is great. هي من النمط المهووس بمهنته. She's your typical workaholic. She's kind of obsessed with his career. عليّ أن أختار بين الذهاب معه أو البقاء هنا وحدي. I had to choose going with him or staying here alone. I have to choose between going with him or staying here alone. إني أعتمد عليك. I'm depending on you. I'm counting on you. اخترت التكلم معهم بالأمازيغية. I chose to talk to them in Berber. I chose to talk to them in Amazigh. حاولت تكرارا و مرارا و لم أنجح. I tried again and again, but I couldn't succeed. I tried again and again and I didn't make it. دعينا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. أنا جاهز! هل يمكننا الذهاب؟ I'm ready! Can we go? Can we go? أريد كتاباً لأقرأ I want a book to read. I want a book to read. اشتريت بضع طوابع بريدية. I bought a few stamps. I bought a few stamps. فتشت الشرطة منزل فاضل. Police searched Fadil's house. The police searched Fadil ' s house. لم لا تحاول إصلاحه؟ Why don't you try to fix it? Why don't you try and fix it? يستطيع أبوها إعطاءها مصروفا كبيرا كل شهر. Her father can afford to give her a big allowance every month. Her father can give her a large allowance every month. لا تقرأ في تلك الغرفة. Don't read in that room. Don't read in that room. بقيت حتى وصل توم. I remained until Tom arrived. I stayed until Tom arrived. خلعت ليلى حذاءها. Layla took her shoes off. Layla took off her shoes. شيء لا يُصدق! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! أنت لست يابانياً. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. أراني توم القصائد التي كتبها حين كان مراهقا. Tom showed me the poems that he'd written when he was a teenager. Tom showed me the poems he wrote when he was a teenager. قطاع غزّة سجن ذو حراسة مشدّدة. The Gaza Strip is a maximum security prison. Gaza Strip is a heavily guarded prison. شرحت المعلمة الدرس الجديد بإفاضة للطلاب. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. The teacher explained the new lesson extensively to the students. إنك وسيم You are handsome. You're handsome. بإمكاننا مقاطعة إسرائيل. We can boycott Israel. We can boycott Israel. إن كنت مغادرا، فأغلق الباب رجاء. If you're leaving, please close the door. If you're leaving, please close the door. تناولنا العشاء في مطعم. We had dinner at a restaurant. We had dinner at a restaurant. أمي تعزف البيانو بمهارة. My mother plays the piano well. My mom plays the piano so well. ذهب للمتجر في آخر لحظة، قبل الإغلاق بقليل. He went to the store at the last minute, just before it closed. He went to the store at the last minute, just before the lockdown. عزم على أن يصبح طبيباً. He made up his mind to be a doctor. He intended to become a doctor. لدى سامي غسّالة أطباق جديدة. Sami has a new dishwasher. Sami has a new dishwasher. هل تذكر المدينة الذي ولد بها؟ Do you remember the town where he was born? Do you remember the city he was born in? لم يأت فاضل أبدا. Fadil never showed up. Fadil never came. هل لديك الكثير لتفعله اليوم؟ Do you have a lot to do today? Do you have a lot to do today? تعرّض سامي للسّرقة. Sami was robbed. Sami was robbed. ترك فاضل ليلى في العراء. Fadil left Layla in the wild. Fadil left Layla in the open. لا قيمة لحياتي دونك. My life is nothing without you. My life is worthless without you. لدي جلد دهني. I have greasy skin. I have greasy skin. أصبح ابنه عازف بيانو شهير. His son became a famous pianist. His son became a famous pianist. يُمكِنَك أن تقول ما تريد. You can say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. سامي يستعير المال من ليلى. Sami borrows money from Layla. Sami borrows money from Layla. إقرأها مرة أخرى من فضلك. Read it once more, please. Read it again, please. سأعمل ما بوسعي لأجل توم. I'll do anything I can for Tom. I'll do my best for Tom. لا أعتقد أنها ستفهم. I don't believe she would understand. I don't think she'll understand. كان سامي عمودا في مجتمعه. Sami was a pillar in the community. Sami was a pillar in his community. سأنزل عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off at the next station. I'll be down at the next stop. إنك لا تنصت مطلقاً. من الأفضل لي أن أتحدث إلى الجدار. You never listen. I might as well talk to the wall. You never listen. I'd better talk to the wall. ذاك هو العائق. That's the snag. That's the obstacle. كان سامي يحبّ الرّقص. Sami liked to dance. Sami liked to dance. النساء و الأطفال أولا! Women and children first! Women and children first! لست أستعوب هذا السؤال أبدا. I don't understand this question at all. I don't get that question at all. لم يصل الباص بعد. The bus hasn't come yet. The bus hasn't arrived yet. مات من دون أن يترك وصية. He died without having made a will. He died without leaving a will. لم لم تقل ذلك مسبّقا؟ Why didn't you just say that before? Why didn't you say so earlier? شكراً لكَ على الأمسية الرائعة. Thank you for the pleasant evening. Thank you for a wonderful evening. لا أعرف ماذا أقول. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what to say. أريد أن أصبح طبيباً. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. ربما توم يحبك. Maybe Tom likes you. Maybe Tom loves you. شارك كثير من الطلاب في المسابقة. Many students took part in the contest. Many students took part in the competition. هذه مدرسة. This is a school. This is a school. تسارع السائق بسيارته. The driver accelerated his car. The driver speeded up in his car. من السخيف ان تصدقه. It is foolish to take his word seriously. It's ridiculous to believe him. أيمكنك أن تقترح فكرة أفضل؟ Can you suggest a better idea? Can you suggest a better idea? باختصار شديد، هي ربحت و أنا خسرت. To cut a long story short - she won and I lost. Very briefly, she won and I lost. عُدتُ إلى الجزائر. I went back to Algeria. I went back to Algeria. نحن نحتاج إلي المطر. We need rain. We need rain. أحضر توم للطابق العلوي. Take Tom upstairs. Bring Tom upstairs. رغم أن إيران مشهورة بأنها معقل الفكر الشيعي في عصرنا، إلا أن معظم أهلها كانوا من السنة حتى القرن الخامس عشر. Although Iran is nowadays known for being a stronghold of Shia Islam, most Persian Muslims were Sunni until the XVth century. Although Iran is famous for being the bastion of Shia thought in our time, most of its inhabitants were from the year to the fifteenth century. نعيش في بيت فيه ثلاثة غرف نوم. We live in a three-bedroom house. We live in a house with three bedrooms. هل لي أن أستخدم هاتفك؟ May I use your telephone? May I use your phone? لقد علمت أنك قد تأتي I knew you'd come. I knew you'd come. هل صعد السياح جميعهم الى السفينة . Have the tourists all gone on board? Have all the tourists boarded the ship? إشتقت إليك كثيرا ! I missed you so much! I missed you so much! جلبت ليلى انتباه فاضل الخاص. Layla got Fadil's special attention. Layla brought Fadil's special attention. رسائلهُ أصبحت أقل أهمية. His letters become less significant. His messages have become less important. سأجعلك سعيدةً. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. أخبرني عمّن كنتَ تتكلّم عنه. Tell me who you were talking about. Tell me who you were talking about. هلا تزوّجتني؟ Will you marry me? Will you marry me? كان سامي مراهقا يافعا و سهلا للإغراء. Sami was a young and impressionable teenager back then. Sami was a young and easy teenager to seduce. أشعل الضوء من فضلك. Turn on the light, please. Light up, please. أظنّ أنّ سامي لديه وقت يقضيه في السّجن. I think that Sami has got time to spend in jail. I think Sami has time in prison. يَنْبَغِيْ أَنْ تَنَام. You should sleep. You should sleep. خطر لي فكرة جيدة. A good idea occurred to me. I had a good idea. اتّصل سامي بليلى. Sami contacted Layla. Sami called Layla. ستذهب و ستعود و لن تموت أبدا في حرب. You will go. You will return. Never in war will you perish. You'll go and you'll come back and you'll never die in a war. سامي مُعحب بهذا المكان. Sami likes it here. Sami likes this place. كثير من الشباب يميلون إلى ارتكاب الأخطاء ذاتها. Many young men tend to commit the same errors. Many young people tend to make the same mistakes. سيصل الاخرون في غضون دقائق قليلة. The others will arrive in a few minutes. The others will arrive in a few minutes. حياة ليلى جميلة اليوم. Today, Layla's life is good. Layla's life is beautiful today. أخبرني توم بكلّ ما حدث. Tom told me all about what had happened. Tom told me everything that happened. هل أخبرك أنّه سيطرد فاضل؟ Did he tell you that he would fire Fadil? Did he tell you he was gonna fire Fadil? كان سامي يحبّ حضور الحفلات. Sami liked to party. Sami liked to go to parties. كانوا يكرهون توم. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. أجبروها على الإعتراف. They forced her to confess. They forced her to confess. أود أن أراها I'd like to see her. I'd like to see her. هل بإمكانك أن تتوقف، رجاء؟ Would you stop, please? Can you stop, please? ولما كنت شابا عملت في المجتمعات المحلية بمدينة شيكاغو حيث وجد الكثير من المسلمين في عقيدتهم روح الكرامة والسلام As a young man, I worked in Chicago communities where many found dignity and peace in their Muslim faith. And when I was young, I worked in communities in Chicago, where many Muslims found in their faith a spirit of dignity and peace. سمّم فاضل طعام ليلى. Fadil poisoned Layla's food. Fadil poisoned Layla's food. هذه الحاوياتُ محكمة الإغلاقِ. These containers are airtight. These containers are sealed. إلى أين أنت ذاهبٌ يا أبي؟ Where are you going, Dad? Where are you going, Dad? نُقِل سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Fadil was rushed to the hospital. Sami was rushed to the hospital. هذا الكتاب لا يستحق أن يُقرأ. This book isn't worth reading. This book isn't worth reading. مظهرك أفضل من مظهري . You're in better shape than I am. You look better than me. قدّم سامي سجّادة لفاضل. Sami gave a prayer rug to Fadil. Sami gave Fadil a rug. ماذا ستفعل الليلة؟ What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? زارت ليلى سامي في القاهرة. Layla visited Sami in Cairo. Layla visited Sami in Cairo. لم تبق لدى سامي خيارات. Sami is out of options. Sami has no options left. ما الذي يجعلك تضحك هكذا؟ What makes you laugh like that? What makes you laugh like that? لا تقلق أبدا. Never worry. Don't worry about it. أقوم ببعض التمارين الخفيفة كل صباح. I take light exercise every morning. I do some light exercises every morning. جرح كتفه. He was wounded in the shoulder. His shoulder wound. فاضل وحيد مجدّدا. Fadil is alone again. Fadil is alone again. فقد ابنين في الحرب. He lost two sons in the war. Two sons lost in the war. لم أعلم بهذا الأمر. I didn't know that. I didn't know about this. افعل ما تريد. Do as you want. Do what you want. يجب أن تُنَمِّيَ شجاعتك. You must build up your courage. You must grow your courage. كان سامي يعلم أنّه لا ينبغي أن يواعد مريضة، لكنّه لم يستطع مقاومة إعجابه بتلك الفتاة المصريّة الجميلة. Sami knew he wasn't supposed to ask his patient on a date, but couldn't resist the Egyptian beauty. Sami knew he shouldn't be dating a patient, but he couldn't resist liking that beautiful Egyptian girl. كلتاهما حُكِم عليهما بالإعدام. They were both sentenced to death. They were both sentenced to death. لا توله اهتماما، أرجوك. Please don't mind him. Don't pay attention to him, please. الإنجليزية لغة عالمية. English is an international language. English is a universal language. سأكون مشغولا غدا. I will be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. أفترض أنك جائع. I suppose you're hungry. I assume you're hungry. أنا لستُ مُوَسْوَساً ، أنهم يتبعونني حقّاً! I'm not paranoid, they do follow me! I'm not compromised. They're really following me. عاد فاضل إلى القاهرة. Fadil went back to Cairo. Fadil returned to Cairo. أنا لست سعيداً به I'm not happy with it. I'm not happy with it. قل لتوم أن يرفع سماعة الهاتف. Tell Tom to pick up the phone. Tell Tom to pick up the phone. يجب أن تتعلم من أخطائك. You must learn from your mistakes. You must learn from your mistakes. دامت الحرب سنتين. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. ستبدأ المسرحية الساعة الثانية مساءً. The play begins at 2 p.m. The play starts at 2:00 p.m. "ما الوقت الآن؟" - "إنها الساعة العاشرة." "What time is it now?" "It's ten o'clock." - What time is it? - It's 10:00. البحر هادئ. The sea is calm. The sea is quiet. قال توني: لا أعلم. "I don't know," said Tony. Tony said, "I don't know. ذهبت إلى العديد من المتاجر للبحث عن الكتاب. I went to many shops to look for the book. I went to a lot of shops looking for the book. هذا الكتاب لديه الكثير من الكلمات الأمازيغية المفيدة. This book has a lot of useful Berber words. This book has a lot of useful Amazigh words. فيمَ تفكّر الآن؟ What are you thinking about now? What are you thinking now? لم يكن توم متأكداً مما إذا كان عليه تقبيل ماري أم لا ، لذا لم يفعل. Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. أنا فخورٌ بنفسي. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of myself. أعتقد أن هذه اللعبة قد انتهت . I thought the game was over. I think this game is over. لا يستطيع تحمل الحقيقة. He can't handle the truth. He can't stand the truth. بدأ الشرطة التحقيق في جريمة القتل. The police began to go into the murder case. The police started investigating the murder. لُكم سامي في فمه. Sami was punched in the mouth. Sami was punched in the mouth. أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث إليك ،لأنك كسرت قلبي. I don't want to talk to you, because you broke my heart. I don't want to talk to you because you broke my heart. إنها حارة جداً It's too hot. It's so hot. كان من طبيعتها أنها فتاة خجولة جداً. She used to be a very shy girl. She was a very shy girl. احتفظ بالصّورة. Keep the picture. Keep the picture. هل سأصل إلى المحطة إن أخذت هذا الطريق؟ Will I get to the station if I take this road? Will I get to the station if I take this road? أنا فقط أحاول المساعدة. I'm only trying to help. I'm just trying to help. لا يزال سامي معجبا بليلى. Sami still likes Layla. Sami still likes Layla. من فضلك اِنسخ هذه الصفحة. Please copy this page. Please copy this page. ايهما اكبر ، اليابان ام انكلترا ؟ Which is larger, Japan or England? Which is bigger, Japan or England? هل لديك خبرةً في العمل؟ Do you have work experience? Do you have experience at work? لا أحب مدرستي. I don't like my school. I don't like my school. هي تتحدث العربيه She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. نانسي تخاف من الكلاب. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. مارست الشرطة ضغطا على سامي كي يقدّم المزيد من الاجوبة. Police pressed Sami for more answers. The police put pressure on Sami to provide more answers. كان صوت سامي غريبا حقّا. Sami had a really weird voice. Sami's voice was really weird. من رسم هذه اللوحات؟ Who painted these pictures? Who painted these paintings? كان آرت معاديا للسّاميّة إلى حدّ لا يُصدّق. Aart was incredibly antisemitic. Art was incredibly anti-Semitic. سامي يقضي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami is away for life. Sami is serving a sentence of life imprisonment. رفضت عرضه. She refused his offer. I rejected his offer. أنا أيسر. I'm left-handed. I'm easier. لا تنس معطفك! Don't forget your coat! Don't forget your coat! سأفتقدك كثيرًا. I'll miss you so much. I'm gonna miss you so much. لكن نفس المبدأ يجب أن ينطبق على صورة أمريكا لدى الآخرين ومثلما لا تنطبق على المسلمين الصورة النمطية البدائية فإن الصورة النمطية البدائية للإمبراطورية التي لا تهتم إلا بمصالح نفسها لا تنطبق على أمريكا. But that same principle must apply to Muslim perceptions of America. Just as Muslims do not fit a crude stereotype, America is not the crude stereotype of a self-interested empire. But the same principle must apply to America ' s image of others. Just as the primitive stereotypes do not apply to Muslims, the primitive stereotyping of the empire, which is concerned only with its own interests, does not apply to America. أنا، و بكل بساطة، لا أرغب في الخروج الليلة. I just don't feel like going out tonight. I, quite simply, don't want to go out tonight. كان والدا لنكولن فقيرين طول حياتهما . Lincoln's parents remained poor all their lives. Lincoln's parents were poor for the rest of their lives. أحدهم ينتظرك في الأعلى. Someone is waiting for you upstairs. Someone's waiting for you upstairs. هل تعتقد أننا سنجد بيتها؟ Do you think that we'll find her house? You think we're gonna find her house? لم تكذب من أجلها؟ Why do you lie for her? Why are you lying for her? هل بإمكاني أن أقدّم له الصّك؟ Can I give him the check? Can I give him the check? لدى بيتي إدانة سابقة بالسرقة. Betty has a previous conviction for theft. Betty has a previous conviction for theft. عندها الكثير من الكتب الإنجليزية. She has a lot of English books. She has a lot of English books. لن أدير ظهري لِتوم. I'm not going to turn my back on Tom. I'm not turning my back on Tom. ستغادر الطائرة الساعة السادسة. My plane leaves at six o'clock. The plane leaves at 6:00. "نظّاراتي." "لا تقلق، سنجِدُها." "My glasses." "Take it easy, we'll find them." My glasses. Don't worry, we'll find them. أقلعت عن التدخين منذ ستة أشهر. I gave up smoking six months ago. I quit six months ago. أكلتُ نملة بالخطأ. I ate an insect by accident. I ate an ant by mistake. لا أستطيع تحمل الحرارة. I can't take the heat. I can't stand the heat. حان الوقت للنوم. It's time to go to bed. It's time for bed. هل لي أن أذهب للسباحة يا أمي؟ Can I go swimming, Mother? Can I go swimming, Mom? كانت عند ليلى ثلاثين دقيقة كي تصل إلى هناك. Layla had thirty minutes to arrive there. Layla had 30 minutes to get there. كان فاضل متلاعبا بارعا. Fadil was a classic manipulator. Fadil was a brilliant manipulator. ماذا عساني أن أفعل بدونك؟ What would I do without you? What can I do without you? عليك أن تدرس بجدّ. You must study hard. You have to study hard. مات توم أمس. Tom died yesterday. Tom died yesterday. بقي صامتاً طوال الوقت. He was silent all the time. He stayed silent all the time. الرجاء فتح حقيبتك. Please open your suitcase. Please open your bag. لجأ سامي إلى الكحول و المخدّرات لإيقاف ذلك الألم. Sami turned to alcohol and narcotics to stop the pain. Sami used alcohol and drugs to stop that pain. لدي ألم في أكتافي. I have a pain in my shoulders. I have pain in my shoulders. تلقّى سامي عددا من الرّسائل من ليلى. Sami received a number of letters from Layla. Sami received a number of letters from Layla. أنا بحثت في كل مكان. I've looked everywhere. I looked everywhere. هذا بيتي. This is my house. This is my house. هو نام في الساعة العاشرة أمس. He slept at ten o'clock yesterday. He slept at 10:00 yesterday. تحرّك الآن. Move now. Move now. تناول سامي الغذاء. Sami had lunch. Sami had lunch. استيقظ! Wake up! Wake up! أنا وتوم كلانا مشغولان Both Tom and I are very busy. Tom and I are both busy. أخبرك الحقيقة. I am telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. سامي قابع في السّجن. Sami is sitting in jail. Sami's in jail. كان هناك الكثير من العصافير على الشجرة. There were a lot of birds in the tree. There were a lot of birds in the tree. اليوم حار It's hot today. Today's hot. هذا كبير جدا This is too big. That's too big. أنا تحدثت مع توم. I've got to speak to Tom. I talked to Tom. آه ، متى سيتقابلون مجدداً؟ Ah, when will they meet again? Uh, when are they meeting again? كان سامي لطيفا مع ليلى. Sami was cool with Layla. Sami was nice to Layla. اعتقد سامي أنّ لهذا علاقة مع الأمر. Sami thought that this had something to do with the matter. Sami thought this had something to do with it. من فضلك اقطع تلك الخشبة إلى قطعتين. طولُها كاملة مترٌ واحدٌ. أنا أريد أن تكون القطعة الأولى 80 سنتيمترًا, والثانية ستكون 20 سنتيمترًا. Please cut this piece of wood into two pieces. The total length of it is one meter. I need the first piece to be 80cm, and the other should be 20cm. I want the first piece to be 80 centimeters, and the second one to be 20 centimeters. أراد سامي أن يأخذ تلك الدّروس. Sami wanted to take those classes. Sami wanted to take those classes. صعقته الكهرباء بينما كان يعزف على آلة القانون الكهربائية. He was electrocuted while playing the electric harp. He was electrocuted while playing the law machine. أقلّ سامي تلك الفتاة. Sami picked up the girl. Sami said that girl. عَرَفَت أَن عَشِقَها جون. She knew that John loved her. She knew that John loved her. توم لم يعرفْ ماذا يقول. Tom didn't know what to say. Tom didn't know what to say. تُوفِّيَ سامي في حادث مرور مأساوي. Sami died in a tragic car accident. Sami died in a tragic traffic accident. إنه ساخن جداً. It's too hot. It's too hot. هل تذكر اسمه؟ Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? الوقت شيء ثمين، لهذا علينا أن نستغله بأفضل طريقة. Time is a precious thing, so we should make the best use of it. Time is precious, so we have to make the best use of it. لم لم تقم بذلك وفقا لاقتراحي؟ Why didn't you do that the way I suggested? Why didn't you do it on my proposal? اللغة الإنجليزية هي أخت الألمانية. English is a sister language of German. English is a German sister. السؤال الكبير الذي لم يتم الإجابة عليه، والذي لم أتمكن حتى الآن من الإجابة عليه، على الرغم من بحثي لمدة ثلاثين عاماً في الذات الأنثوية، هو "ماذا تريد المرأة؟" The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?" The big question that hasn't been answered, which I haven't yet been able to answer, despite my 30-year research into female self, is, "What does a woman want?" هذه السيارة ليست ملكي This is not my car. This car isn't mine. ابحث عن وظيفة جيّدة. Find a good job. Find a good job. توم كثير الكلام. Tom is very talkative. Tom's a talker. تلك سيارته. That is his car. That's his car. غزّة هي أكبر سجن مفتوح في العالم. Gaza is the world's largest open-air prison. Gaza is the largest open prison in the world. لم يرني سامي. Sami didn't see me. Sami didn't see me. أعلم بأنك خائف I know you're afraid. I know you're scared. متى ستشغل هذه الآلة مجددا؟ When will this machine be put in motion again? When are you gonna turn this machine on again? لسببٍ ما، أشعر أني نشيط أكثر في الليل. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more active at night. توم القى نظرة سريعة في مرآة الرؤية الخلفية . Tom glanced at the rear-view mirror. Tom took a quick look in the rear view mirror. أين يعيش عمك؟ Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? بوب يعرف كيف يطبخ. Bob can cook. Bob knows how to cook. تعثّر المدرّس بالسّلك. The teacher tripped over the cord. The teacher tripped the wire. إذا أردت أن تسمع قصة مخيفة، سأحكي لك ما حلمت به منذ عدة أسابيع. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you what I dreamed a few weeks ago. ما ذلك المبنى الطويل؟ What's that tall building? What's that tall building? ما الغرض من رحلتك؟ What's the purpose of your trip? What's the purpose of your trip? انفجر سامي غضبا. Sami exploded. Sami got mad. نادرا ما يضحك بل لا يضحك أبدا. He seldom, if ever, laughs. He rarely laughs. He never laughs. كثيراً ما أصاب بالزكام. I often catch colds. I get a lot of colds. أريد تعلم الإنجليزية. I want to learn English. I want to learn English. سيقضي سامي معظم حياته في السّجن. Sami is gonna be spending most of his life in prison. Sami's gonna spend most of his life in jail. إنه يتحسّن كل يوم. He is getting better day by day. He gets better every day. لم يتناول سامي أيّة أقراص. Sami didn't take any pills. Sami didn't take any pills. انسَ أمر العشاء. You could forget about dinner. Forget dinner. كيف لي أن أعرف؟ How should I know? How would I know? النصيحة ليست شيئًا ينفعني كثيرًا. أحتاج المال. Advice isn't much good to me. I need money. The advice isn't something that's gonna do me much good. باريس هي عاصمة فرنسا. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. لا يمكنني أن أنسى اليوم الذي قابلته فيه. I can't forget the day when I met him. I can't forget the day I met him. لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب ماري. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. نشعر بالحرارة We're hot. We're hot. لم أعد أتذكر ما حصل. I don't remember what happened anymore. I don't remember what happened anymore. لو سمحت، اترك رسالةً بعد الصفير، أو ألقِ بعض الحلوى في صندوق بريدنا. Please leave a message after the beep or drop some candies in our mailbox. Please leave a message after the beep, or throw some candy in our mailbox. لا يحبُّ والدايَّ حبيبي لأنه فقير. My parents don't like my boyfriend because he's poor. My parents don't like my boyfriend because he's poor. تناول هذه الأقراص. Take these pills. Take these pills. إنهم في المكتبة. They're in the library. They're in the library. إنتظر Wait! Wait. عادة ما يمشي و يده في جيبه. He often walks with his hand in his pocket. He usually walks with his hand in his pocket. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تتركه و شأنه تماما. Sami asked Layla to leave him completely alone. Sami asked Layla to leave him alone. غزّة و الضّفة الغربيّة هما أكبر سجنين في العالم. Gaza and the West Bank are the biggest prisons on Earth. Gaza and the West Bank are the two largest prisons in the world. أنت سمعان بن يونا. You are Simon, son of John. You're Simon Ben Yuna. يا لها من ذكرى! What a memory! What a memory! لماذا أنت عابس جدا؟ Why are you so grouchy? Why are you so frowning? كان سامي يعمل في وزارة الصّحّة. Sami worked for the ministry of health. Sami worked at the health department. تنحّى جانبا إذا سمحت. Stand back, please. Step aside, please. أريد أن أكون طبيباً في المستقبل. I want to be a physician in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. كان هناك حوالي عشرين دولاراً. It was about twenty dollars. There was about 20 bucks. من فضلك اتصل بالطبيب! Please call a doctor! Please call the doctor! ولد يوغرطة في سيرتا. Jugurtha was born in Cirta. Yogurt was born in Sirta. لنتحرّك. Let's move! Let's move. لا أملك أصدقاء. I've got no friends. I don't have friends. إيطاليا بعيدة عن البرازيل. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. "إلى أين تعتقد أنّك ذاهب؟" "إلى الشّاطئ." "أتسخر منّي؟ انظر لهذه الغرفة. لن تذهب إلى الشّاطئ إن لم ترتّب هذه الفوضى." "Where do you think you're going?" "To the beach." "You must be kidding. Just look at this room. There will be no beach if you don't clean up this mess." "Where do you think you're going?" "To the beach." "Are you making fun of me? Look at this room. You're not going to the beach if you don't make this mess." عدني أنك لن تغضب إن قلت لك. Promise me you won't get mad if I tell you. Promise me you won't be mad if I tell you. أنا كبير بما يكفي لأشرب. I'm old enough to drink. I'm old enough to drink. أغلق سامي الباب. Sami shut the door. Sami locked the door. سامي يحبّكنّ. Sami likes you. Sami loves you. لقد أخبرتهم بالفعل. I already told them. I already told them. أتخطّى الإعلانات على الفيديوهات كلما أمكن. I skip ads on videos whenever I can. I skip ads on videos whenever possible. ستتحسن خلال أسبوع. She will get well in a week. You'll be better in a week. ولى فصل الصيف. Summer has ended. Summer's over. أفهم الإسلام بشكل جيد ولكنني أدري قليلاً عن الهندوسية وثقافتها. I've got a good understanding of Islam, but I know little about the Hindu religion and its culture. I understand Islam well, but I know little about Hinduism and its culture. سأنضم إليك لاحقاً. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. أشعر بالبرد. I feel cold. I'm cold. سامي هو أملنا الوحيد. Sami is our only hope. Sami is our only hope. كان عند سامي شيء قليل من المال في جيبه. Sami had a little bit of cash in his pocket. Sami had a little bit of money in his pocket. كان سامي يضرب الجدار و يترك فيه ثقوبا. Sami punched holes in the wall. Sami was hitting the wall and leaving holes in it. هل تؤمن بالمسيحية؟ Do you believe in Christianity? Do you believe in Christianity? أَقْدَرُ أَن أَتَّصِلَ على توم إن أَرَدْتَ. I can call Tom if you want. I'd like to call Tom if you want. علّمتْني كيف أصنع موقعَ إنترنت. She taught me how to make a web site. She taught me how to make a website. سامي يحبّ ليلى. Sami likes Layla. Sami loves Layla. أنا لدي جار غريب. I have a weird neighbor. I've got a weird neighbor. ذهبت ليلى للمدرسة كي تصبح ممرّضة ذات شهادة. Dania went to school to be a certified nurse. Layla went to school to become a certified nurse. انتظرني في المحطة من فضلك. Please wait for me at the station. Wait for me at the station, please. لنتحدّع عن سبب وجودك هنا. Let's talk about why you're here. Let's talk about why you're here. فوّت سامي حافلته. Sami missed his bus. Sami missed his bus. لقد تجاوزت وقت نومك. It's already past your bedtime. You're past your bedtime. رفض عرضي. He declined my proposal. He rejected my offer. لم يكن عملاً مرضٍ. It wasn't a pleasant job. It wasn't a satisfactory job. أنا آسف، ولكن هذا لم يعد متاحاً. I'm sorry, but it's no longer available. I'm sorry, but this is no longer available. نطق سامي بالشّهادة بينما كان في القاهرة. Sami took the shahada in Cairo. Sami gave testimony while he was in Cairo. أعجبني ذلك الكلب. I liked that dog. I like that dog. ماذا سيحصل لليابان؟ What will become of Japan? What's going to happen to Japan? هذا هو المكان الذي تعيش فيه. This is where she lives. This is where you live. يمكنك تعديل هذا المكتب ليناسب طول أي طفل. You can adjust this desk to the height of any child. You can adjust this office to fit the length of any child. انتقل فاضل إلى حيّ آخر في القاهرة يبعد عشرين دقيقة عن حيّه الّسّابق. Fadil moved twenty minutes away to another neighborhood of Cairo. Fadil moved to another neighborhood in Cairo 20 minutes from his former neighborhood. استمع الى هذه الاغنية ؟ Listen to this song Listen to this song? إنها أكبر مني بسنتين. She is two years older than you. She's two years older than me. هل نسيت تشميع الأرضيّة مجدّدا؟ Did you forget to wax the floor again? Did you forget to wax the floor again? تعرّف فاضل على فتاة تعمل راقصة جنسيّة. Fadil met a girl who worked as an exotic dancer. Fadil identified a girl who was a sex dancer. نصنع الزبدة و الجبنة من الحليب. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make butter and cheese out of milk. من الجميل أن أكون في المكان المناسب . It's nice to be in the right place. It's nice to be in the right place. دعى سامي فريد للدّخول إلى المسجد. Sami invited Farid into the mosque. Sami invited Fred to enter the mosque. تعبت ليلى من الانتظار. Layla got tired of waiting. Layla's tired of waiting. من فضلك ناولني المقصّ. Get me the scissors, please. Please give me the scissors. رأيته يقطّع الرسالة. I saw him tear up the letter. I saw him cut the message. يمكن أن يكون فاضل قد مات. Fadil might be dead. Fadil could be dead. كان سامي يشاهد فيديوهات على اليوتوب. Sami was watching YouTube. Sami was watching videos on YouTube. قُتل سامي لمجرّد أنّه مسلم. Sami was killed because he was Muslim. Sami was killed just because he was a Muslim. بدأت الصحيفة تفقد قراءها بعد تفريطها بأحد أشهر كتابها. The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most popular writers. The newspaper began to lose its reading after spending one of its most famous books. سوف يتوقف المطر قريبا It'll stop raining before long. The rain will stop soon. لقد سببت له الكثير من المتاعب. I caused him a lot of trouble. I've caused him a lot of trouble. هذه فرصة أكبر من أن تفوّت. This is too good a chance to miss. This is too big a chance to miss. لقد سمعت أنك تعزف على البيانو. I hear that you play the piano. I heard you play the piano. كان عند سامي مشكل حقّا. Sami did have a problem. Sami really had a problem. هذا الحذاء كبير عليّ. These shoes are too big for me. These shoes are too big for me. إننا مسؤولون عن حمايتك من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. We're responsible for your protection from now on. كنت متعباً جداً ليلة البارحة. I was very tired last night. I was so tired last night. توم قتل في حادث. Tom was killed in an accident. Tom was killed in an accident. سامي يأكل في منتصف الليل Sami eats in the middle of the night. Sami eats in the middle of the night. حل الربيع. Spring arrived. Springfall. عليك أن تتحكم بنزواتك. You must control yourself. You have to control your freaks. أنت حقا مزعج. You're really annoying. You're really annoying. أطفأ التلفاز. Turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. كان باستطاعة أحمد تسلُّق الأشجار العالية عندما كان طفلاً. When Ahmad was a boy, he could climb tall trees. Ahmed could climb high trees when he was a kid. ارتجفت خوفاً. She trembled with fear. I freaked out. كان عليك أن تكون قد بدأت الآن. You should have started by now. You should have started by now. أولا ، يجب أن أشكركم على مساعدتكم. To start with, I must thank you for your help. First, I should thank you for your help. الأولاد نائمون. The kids are asleep. The boys are asleep. لديه الكثير من المال. He has a lot of money. He's got a lot of money. اعترض ديما: "لكن هذا سخيف! الكوبيكات لم تعد تستخدم منذ عصور! و0.99 ليس رقمًا طبيعيا حتى!" "But that's ridiculous!" Dima protested. "Kopeks haven't been around in ages! And 0.99 isn't even a natural number!" Dima objected: "But this is ridiculous! Cubancat hasn't been used in ages, and 0.99 isn't even a normal number!" تعال لتزورني. Come and see me. Come visit me. لم يعجبني اللّون. I don't like the color. I didn't like the color. بإمكانه المجيء He can come. He can come. قالت بأنها ستتصل بك لاحقاً. She says she will call you later. She said she'd call you later. هن يصدقنها. They believe it. They believe her. استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب. Layla hired a dog trainer. Layla hired a dog coach. هو يحبّها و هي تحبّه أيضا. He loves her; she loves him, too. He loves her. She loves him, too. عدنا إلى بوستن في العشرين من أكتوبر. We returned to Boston on October 20th. We returned to Boston on October 20th. لماذا اشتريت موزة واحدة فقط؟ Why did you buy only one banana? Why did you only buy one banana? توسّل سامي لليلى كي لا تطلق النّار عليه. Sami begged Layla not to shoot him. Sami begged Layla not to shoot him. انهيت عملي اليوم ،و مقر بالجميل. "I'm finished for the day." "Much appreciated." I finished my job today, and it's beautiful. إننا في عجلة من أمرنا. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. أردت الشهرة فقط. I just wanted to be popular. I just wanted to be famous. قلت لك ذلك من قبل! I told you before! I told you that before! التدخين السبب الرئيسي لسرطان الثدي. Smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Smoking is the main cause of breast cancer. هل هي طبيبة؟ Is she a doctor? Is she a doctor? توم يحتاج الى محامٍ جيد. Tom needs a good lawyer. Tom needs a good lawyer. قال نعم. He said yes. He said yes. لدي ابنا عم. I have two cousins. I have a cousin. تغير كثيرًا منذ المرة الأخيرة. He changed a lot since the last time. It's changed a lot since the last time. توم لديه نقود Tom has money. Tom has money. لا أطيق الصبر حتى أرى النسخة الجديدة من تتويبا. I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. I can't wait to see the new version of Taupa. انها تذهب بدراجتها للمدرسة. She rides her bike to school. She goes on her bike to school. عموماً ، مدّخرات الأفراد في اِزدياد. Generally speaking, savings are increasing. Generally, individual savings are increasing. لقد وصلت متأخرا قليلا. We've arrived a little late. I got here a little late. أحتاج إلى مخطّط كهربيّة القلب لهذا المريض. I need an electrocardiogram for this patient. I need an electrocardiogram for this patient. سامي هو المسلم الوحيد في المدينة. Sami is the only Muslim in town. Sami is the only Muslim in the city. لا أعلم ما الذي سمعته عني. I don't know what you heard about me. I don't know what you heard about me. من أين قمت بخياطة هذه البدلة؟ Where did you have your suit made? Where did you sew this suit? نشأ سامي في حيّ سكني صغير. Sami grew up in a small bedroom community. Sami grew up in a small residential neighborhood. المسلمون يؤمنون بعيسى و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in Issa and Muhammad. تحصّلت ليلى على شهادة ممرّضة. Layla obtained a nursing certificate. Layla got a nurse's certificate. هذا لأبي. This is my father's. This is for my dad. كَمْ عُمْرُكَ؟ How old are you? How old are you? منّاد لا ينشط في مجال الإنتاج التّلفزيوني. Mennad is not in the business of producing television. Mennad isn't active in television production. لا أعلم إن كان لدي ما يكفي من الوقت. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have enough time. إطعام شخص خلال شهر رمضان الكريم عمل ذو ثواب عظيم. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Feeding someone during Ramadan's holy month is a job of great reward. جُدجُد محتجز يأكل نفس ما يأكله نظيره الحر. A caged cricket eats just as much as a free cricket. The newest detainee eats the same thing his free counterpart eats. عشت الكثير من اللحظات المخجلة في حياتي. I have lived many shameful events during my life. I've lived a lot of embarrassing moments in my life. يا تارو روح وفرش أسنانك. Taro, go and brush your teeth. Hey, Taro, spirit and toothbrush. درس سامي العربيّة لسنة. Sami studied Arabic for one year. Sami studied Arabic for a year. لحِق الصياد آثار الدب. The hunter followed the bear's tracks. Hunter followed the bear trail. أخبرني كل شيء الليلة الماضية. Last night, he told me everything. Tell me everything last night. هل ترى الراكون؟ Do you see the raccoon? Do you see the raccoon? لدي نصف ما لديه من كتب فقط. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half of his books. سأعيرك مذكرتي. I'll lend you my notebook. I'll lend you my memo. كان سامي و ليلى متوجّهان نحو الطّلاق. Sami and Layla were heading towards a divorce. Sami and Layla were headed for divorce. السيارة قديمة و لكنها جيدة. The car is old but good. The car's old, but it's good. على سامي أن يبحث هناك. Sami should look there. Sami has to look there. لماذا صعدت إلى سقف بيتها؟ Why did you climb up on the roof of her house? Why did you go up to the roof of her house? هل أنت مستعد؟ Are you ready? Are you ready? أين الأحذية؟ Where're the shoes? Where are the shoes? بدأت ليلى تستهلك المخدّرات و الكحول بإفراط. Layla began abusing drugs and alcohol. Layla started using drugs and alcohol too much. سأبقی في المنزل الليلة. I'm going to stay home tonight. I'm staying home tonight. عضّ كلب سامي ليلى. Sami's dog bit Layla. Sami's dog bit Layla. لا يعرف كثيراً عن هذا الحيوان. He knows little about that animal. He doesn't know much about this animal. يحق لكل فرد أن يغادر أية بلاد بما في ذلك بلده كما يحق له العودة إليه. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his or her own, and to return to it. توم يعتقد أن ماري لن تقول نعم. Tom thinks that Mary won't say yes. Tom thinks Mary won't say yes. يحتوي هذا النادي على خمسين عضوا. The club has more than fifty members. This club has 50 members. أسرع! Hurry up. Hurry up! لديّ زوج عجيب. I have an amazing husband. I have a weird husband. هناك كنيسة بالقرب من منزلي. There is a church near my house. There's a church near my house. هل فكرّت بخطةٍ جيدة؟ Have you thought of a good plan? Have you thought of a good plan? ردّ توم على الإتصال. Tom answered the phone. Tom responded to the call. جميع طلبتها يحبون حقا مطالعة الكتب. All her students really love to read books. All her students really like to read books. رأيت الكثير من السياح على الشاطئ. I saw many tourists on the beach. I've seen a lot of tourists on the beach. خيموا على حافة الماء. They camped at the water's edge. They camped on the edge of the water. لقد طلب مني مال. He asked me for money. He asked me for money. أعطني انطباعك عن هذا الكتاب. Give me your impression of this book. Give me your impression of this book. حتّى سامي يعيش في مجمّع مسوّر. Sami also lives in a gated community. Even Sami lives in a fenced compound. قابلنا كاتباً. We met a writer. We met a writer. من فضلك إفعل ما تراهُ ضرورياً. Please do what you consider necessary. Please do what you think is necessary. الصدق أفضل سياسة . Honesty is the best policy. Honesty is the best policy. سامي لديه أخة. Sami has a sister. Sami has a sister. التربية هي واحد من أهم مظاهر الحياة. Education is one of the most essential aspects of life. Education is one of the most important manifestations of life. اليابان بلد صناعي. Japan is an industrial nation. Japan is an industrial country. أنا أشكّ بروايته . I doubt his story. I doubt his novel. الساعة الآن العاشرة والنصف. Right now, it is a half past ten. It's 10:30 now. هو متهور. He is a daredevil. He's reckless. لقد عرف عنها. He already knew about it. He knew about it. علمتني عمتي كيف أحضّر قهوةً لذيذة. My aunt showed me how to make good coffee. My aunt taught me how to make a delicious coffee. أدام النظر إلى الرسم. He kept looking at the picture. As long as you look at the drawing. كان فاضل طفلا صغيرا ذو ابتسامة مشعّة. Fadil was a little boy with a sunny smile. Fadil was a little kid with a radiant smile. افتح فمك وأغلق عينيك. Open your mouth and close your eyes. Open your mouth and close your eyes. ذهبت إلى المستشفى البارحة. I went to the hospital yesterday. I went to the hospital yesterday. لقد لبست ليلى الحجاب طوال حياتها. Layla wore hijab all her life. Layla wore the veil all her life. كان ماضي سامي يطارده للأبد. Sami's past haunted him for ever. Sami's past haunted him forever. ألديك مفتاح هذا الباب؟ Do you have the key to this door? Do you have the key to that door? اتركني أدخل لو سمحت. Let me in, please. Let me in, please. أحتاج هذا العلاج. I need that medicine. I need this treatment. أنا كبير بما يكفي للتصويت. I'm old enough to vote. I'm old enough to vote. لم يخدعونا They didn't fool us. They didn't fool us. تلقّى سامي حكمين بالمؤبّد. Sami got two life sentences. Sami received two life sentences. قاموا بتجربة لمعرفة ما اذا كان العقار قد حسن الذاكرة. They did an experiment to see if the drug improved memory. They experimented to see if the drug had improved memory. توم يحب التشيزبرقر. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom loves cheeseburgers. توجّه سامي إلى اليسار. Sami went left. Sami headed to the left. طلب فاضل مساعدة المتحرّي رامي حسن المختصّ في التّحقيقات حول المفقودين. Fadil requested the help of missing persons investigator Rami Hasan. Fadil asked for the assistance of Detective Rami Hassan, who is competent in investigating missing persons. أجبر سامي ليلى على الجلوس على ركبتيها أمامه. Sami made Layla kneel in front of him. Sami forced Layla to sit on her knees in front of him. اسأل ترانغ إن كان سيخرج هذا المساء. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trung if he's coming out this evening. هل... اغتُصبتِ؟ Were you... raped? Were you... raped? هذا الرجل كريم This man is very generous. This guy's generous. عليك أن تحصل على كفايتك من النوم. You have to get enough sleep. You have to get enough sleep. هل سيارتك بالقرب من بيتك؟ Is your car next to her house? Is your car near your house? أنا بحاجة لأحصل على قَصِة شَعر. I need to get a haircut. I need to get a haircut. لم يصب أحد بجروح Nobody was injured. No one was injured. سواءٌ عندي انضمامه من عدمه. It makes no difference to me whether he joins us or not. Whether I have to join him or not. المسلمون أناس عاديّون و يوجد هناك مسلمون طيّبين كما يوجد مسلمون سيّئين. Muslims are normal people and there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Muslims are ordinary people, there are good Muslims, and there are bad Muslims. كان سامي راغبا في تجريب كلّ شيء. Sami was willing to try anything. Sami was willing to try everything. توقّف سامي عن تناول دوائه. Sami stopped taking his medication. Sami stopped taking his medication. أراد سامي أن يصبح مسلما. Sami wanted to be a Muslim. Sami wanted to become a Muslim. أعدت الكتاب إلى المكتبة. I returned the book to the library. I brought the book back to the library. من خرّب البستان؟ Who destroyed the garden? Who ruined the orchard? عليك أن تلبس معطفا. You should wear a coat. You should wear a coat. أنا لست عبدك. I'm not your slave. I'm not your slave. من فضلك أصلح السيارة. Please repair the car. Please fix the car. بدأ سامي يشعر بكراهيّة شديدة تجاه المسلمين. Sami started getting a strong hatred for Muslims. Sami began to feel very hateful towards Muslims. أتحتاج لمساعدة يا صاح؟ Do you need any help, buddy? You need some help, buddy? خدع سامي ليلى. Sami betrayed Layla. Sami tricked Layla. علي أن أبقى في السرير طوال اليوم. I have to stay in bed all day. I have to stay in bed all day. إنّ حياتك كارثّية بالكامل. Your whole life is a complete disaster. Your life is a complete disaster. لم يرغب أحد في محادثتي بالأمازيغية. No one wanted to speak Berber to me. Nobody wanted to talk to me in Amazigh. تجاهلهم سامي. Sami ignored them. Sami ignored them. اعتنق فاضل الإسلام و عمره ثلاثة و عشرون سنة. Fadil embraced Islam at 23. Fadil converted to Islam at the age of 23. هناك العديد من الجامعات في كيوتو. There are numerous universities in Kyoto. There are many universities in Kyoto. أتشاهد التلفاز؟ Do you watch television? You watch TV? في يوم من الأيام كان هناك مكتب بريدي على هذه الزاوية من الشارع. There was a post office on this corner once. One day there was a post office on this corner of the street. اصطحب سامي ليلى من الجامعة. Sami picked Layla up from college. Sami took Layla from college. تعرّف سامي على صوت ليلى. Sami recognized Layla's voice. Sami recognized Layla's voice. دهن الباب بالأبيض. He painted the door over white. Paint the door white. هذا المنتجع الصيفي لم يعد مرغوبا كما كان. This summer resort is no longer as popular as it used to be. This summer resort is no longer as desirable as it was. طلب منا أن نساعده. He asked us to help him. He asked us to help him. لِنُفَكّر بأسوأ ما يمكن أن يكون قد حصل. Let's consider the worst that could happen. Let's think of the worst that could have happened. هل جئت وحدك؟ Did you come here alone? Did you come alone? علينا القيام بتحليل للدم. We have to do a blood test. We have to do a blood test. إنها على الأريكة. It's on the sofa. It's on the couch. سامي حقّا بحاجة إلى الرّاحة. Sami really needs to rest. Sami really needs rest. إذا شعرت بالنعسان، فقط أخبرني. If you get sleepy, just tell me. If you get sleepy, just tell me. توم غاضب على مارى. Tom is angry at Mary. Tom's mad at Mary. تعرّف سامي على ذلك السّلاح. Sami recognized the gun. Sami identified that weapon. لم نره في أي مكان. We didn't see him anywhere. We haven't seen him anywhere. توم هنا Tom's here. Tom's here. وضع سامي ثقته في ليلى. Sami placed his trust in Layla. Sami put his trust in Layla. لنأخذ استراحة قصيرة. Let's take a short break. Let's take a little break. الرَجُل الشاب الأعمى تغلب على إعاقتهُ. The blind young man has overcome his handicap. The blind young man has overcome his disability. لديك بعض الكتب. You have some books. You have some books. الكافيار عبارة عن بيض أسماك. Caviar is fish eggs. Caviar is an egg fish. قال توم بانك تحتاج ان تذهب. Tom said that you need to go. Tom said you need to go. لدي الكثير لأفعله. I have a lot to do. I have a lot to do. هل كان ذلك زلزالا؟ Was it an earthquake? Was that an earthquake? ماذا فعلت عندما رجعت إلى منزلك أمس؟ What did you do when you got back home yesterday? What did you do when you came home yesterday? ما زالت لديك فرصة. You still have a chance. You still have a chance. هذا الفلم مليء بالبكاء. That movie was a real tearjerker. This movie is full of crying. هذه متعة. It's a pleasure. This is fun. كم الوقت هناك؟ What is the time there? What time is it? هو لا يدرس الإنجليزية الآن. He is not studying English now. He's not studying English right now. أقام سامي صداقة مع طلبة آخرين من السّنة الأولى. Sami made friends with other first-year students. Sami made friends with other students from the first year. أُعجبت ليلى بذلك التّقبيل. Layla liked the kissing. Layla liked that kiss. ماهي مادتك المفضلة؟ What subject do you like best? What's your favorite stuff? آلتي الموسيقية المضلة هي الناي. My favorite music instrument is the flute. My delusional instrument is the flute. يبدو متعباً. He seems tired. He looks tired. صباح الخير, أيها السيدات والسادة! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! يا إلهي ، مبتدئ هزمني في اللعبة! omg a n00b pwned me! Oh, my God, a rookie beat me in the game! هل يمكنني أن أطرح بعض الأسئلة؟ May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask you a few questions? يريد توم شراء منزلًا. Tom wants to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a house. هل أنت تلميذة؟ Are you a student? Are you a student? أريد الذهاب إلى اليابان. I would like to go to Japan. I want to go to Japan. ما تقوله صحيح. What you say is true. What you're saying is true. خدّر سامي ليلى. Sami drugged Layla. Sami drugged Layla. يجب أن أنظف المعدات، ثم أحزمها بعيدا. I have to clean the equipment, pack it away. I have to clean the equipment, then pack it away. أين الصيدلية؟ Where's the pharmacy? Where's the pharmacy? توم رجل لطيف . Tom is a nice man. Tom's a nice guy. إنهم إقتسموا المال. They shared the money. They split the money. أعطِ سامي قبلة من أجلي. Give Sami a kiss for me. Give Sami a kiss for me. سأحاول مرة أخرى، شكراً لك. I'll try again, thank you. I'll try again, thank you. شاي بالليمون، لو سمحت. A tea with lemon, please. Lemon tea, please. فتح الباب آلياً. The door opened automatically. The door opened automatically. احتفظ سامي برسالة ليلى الصّوتيّة. Sami saved Layla's voice mail. Sami kept Layla's voicemail. لن أنس ذلك اليوم أبدا. I won't forget that day. I'll never forget that day. يجب أن لا تحكم على الآخرين من مظهرهم. You shouldn't judge others on how they look. You shouldn't judge others by their appearance. ماذا تعلّمتما؟ What have you learned? What did you learn? أفهم كل شيء I understand everything. I understand everything. من الأفضل لك أن تنام. You should sleep. You better get some sleep. نظر إليّ شزرًا. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He looked at me like shit. الطفل يحتاج الى الحنان. A child needs love. The baby needs tenderness. هل يمكنك أن تدلني على الطريق إلى محطة الباص؟ Could you direct me to the bus stop? Can you show me the way to the bus station? كانت خطبة توم ممتازة. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's speech was excellent. يجب ان تنتظر. You need to wait. You have to wait. كل الكلاب وفية. All dogs are faithful. All dogs are loyal. إنها مهمةٌ صعبة، اختيار ما هو "صحيحٌ" وما هو "خطأ"، لكن يجب عليك أن تفعلها. It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong," but you have to do it. It's a difficult task to choose what's right and what's wrong, but you have to do it. يُفضّل ألا تذهب. You shouldn't go. You better not go. ضيع مبلغا معتبرا في سوق البورصة. He lost a fortune in the stock market. A significant amount was lost on the stock market. صرفت 100 دولار اليوم. I spent 100 dollars today. I spent $100 today. نبح كلب سامي. Sami's dog barked. Sami's dog bark. أن كنت ستبدأ عملاً جديداً فأنت بحاجة لخطة عمل . If you're going to start a new business, you need a business plan. If you're gonna start a new job, you need a business plan. من ذلك الصبي الذي يسبح هناك؟ Who's the boy swimming over there? Who's that kid swimming in there? أظنّ أنّه يرتكب خطأ كبيرا في رفضه لهذا المنصب. I think he's making a big mistake by turning down the job. I think he's making a big mistake rejecting this position. سامي بمثابة أحد من المشاهير. Sami is like celebrity. Sami is a celebrity. من أجل ذلك أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I got out. كان لدى مدير المدرسة كلب. The principal had a dog. The headmaster had a dog. هل هو غال جدا؟ Is that too expensive? Is it too expensive? يقول توم بأنه على استعداد لعمل أي شيء من أجلي Tom says he's willing to do just about anything for me. Tom says he's willing to do anything for me. ليس هناك مكان للاختباء. There's nowhere to hide. There's nowhere to hide. ما تاريخ اليوم؟ What is the date today? What's today's date? التفاحة دائرية الشكل. An apple is round in shape. The apple is round-shaped. لو كنتُ غنياً, أود أن أشتري منزلاً جميلاً. If I were rich, I would buy a fine house. If I'm rich, I'd like to buy a nice house. الأرنب لديه أذنان طويلتان. A rabbit has long ears. The rabbit has long ears. هل تناولت العشاء؟ Have you eaten supper yet? Did you have dinner? شكراً لقدومك لزيارتنا. Thanks for coming over tonight. Thanks for coming to visit. توم شركت ماري لنصيحتها Tom thanked Mary for her advice. Tom shared Mary's advice. وصل سامي. Sami arrived. Sami's here. فرش أسنانك. Brush your teeth. Your toothbrushes. دمتريوس يشتمني! Demetrius is slandering me! Dmitryus insults me! أحب مشاهدة مبارايات كرة السلة. I love watching basketball. I love watching basketball games. نفد السكر. We're out of sugar. We're out of sugar. لا تزال لديّ بعض الدّروس هذه الظّهيرة. I still have a few more classes this afternoon. I still have some studies this afternoon. من فضلك أعرني كتابك. Lend me your book, please. Please lend me your book. كان ذلك بعد ظهر يوم الاحد وكانت البلدة تعج بالناس. It was a Sunday afternoon and the town was bristling with people. That was Sunday afternoon and the town was full of people. أمضت طفولة سعيدة. She had a happy childhood. She had a happy childhood. ماذا لو فشلت؟ What if I fail? What if I fail? ماذا تفضل أكثر، التفاح أم الموز؟ What do you like most - apples or bananas? What would you prefer more, apples or bananas? انتبه! هناك حفرة كبيرة هناك. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole out there. هُم تركوني أذهب. They let me go. They let me go. أنا حُرّ. I'm free. I'm free. تجاوز فاضل تلك المرحلة. Fadil made it through. Fadil passed that stage. سأحصل على المال من توم بطرقة أو بأخرى. I'll get the money from Tom one way or another. I'll get the money from Tom somehow. إنها تمطر. It is raining. It's raining. انطفأ هاتفي الخلوي. My cell went off. My cell phone went off. كانت ليلى تنزف من الرّأس. Layla was bleeding from the head. Layla was bleeding out of the head. لا أدري أين موقف الباص. I don't know where the bus stop is. I don't know where the bus is. لن يحل القتال أي شيء. Fighting won't settle anything. Fighting won't solve anything. كان سامي يتباهى بسيّارته الرّياضيّة. Sami was showing off with his sports car. Sami was bragging about his car. أنا أعرف ما الذي تبحث عنهُ. I know what it is you're looking for. I know what you're looking for. أزعجني بكاء الطفل. I was bothered by the baby's crying. It bothered me the baby's crying. أصيب سامي بجروح. Sami got wounded. Sami was injured. أريد أن أتزوج فتاة مثلها. I want to marry a girl like her. I want to marry a girl like her. سيفقد سامي كلّ شيء. Sami will lose everything. Sami's gonna lose everything. اقطع تلك الشجرة الميتة ، وإلا فإنها ستقع فوق منزلك . Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house. Cut that dead tree, or it'll fall over your house. اعذرني على التأخير. Forgive me for being late. Sorry I'm late. لا مشكلة مطلقا! No problem at all! No problem at all! لم يكن لدى سامي مرض عقلي قابل للتّشخيص. Sami didn't have a diagnosable mental illness. Sami didn't have a diagnosed mental illness. أبواي يتحابان. Both of my parents love each other. My parents are in love. لم تستطع مايوكو مقابلة مج. Mayuko wasn't able to meet Meg. Mayoko couldn't meet Meg. أنا من كرواتيا. I'm from Croatia. I'm from Croatia. أصبح عمرها واحداً و ثمانين سنة. She turned eighty-one. She's eighty-one years old. أعطني دماً، أعطيكَ حريّةً. You give me blood, I will give you freedom. Give me blood, give you freedom. وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا وَلَا يَغْتَبْ بَعْضُكُم بَعْضًا أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَن يَأْكُلَ لَحْمَ أَخِيهِ مَيْتًا فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would abhor that! And don't spy and don't miss some of you. Some of you like to eat their brother's flesh dead and think of him. عائلتي تسكن هنا My family lives here. My family lives here. كان سامي صديق فريد في الجامعة. Sami was Farid's college friend. Sami was a unique friend in college. كان سامي يريد المزيد من المال. Sami wanted more money. Sami wanted more money. عليك أن تعمل بجهد أكبر. You must work more. You have to work harder. ما الذي تخشاه ؟ What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? أُعجب سامي بذلك الفيديو. Sami liked the video. Sami liked that video. دائما ما كان سامي يرتدي خواتما. Sami always wore rings. Sami always wore rings. لا بد أنها غاضبة مني. She must be angry with me. She must be mad at me. كانت جثّة ليلى ملطّخة بالدّم. Layla's body was spattered with blood. Layla's body was bloodstained. هل كان هاتفك مطفأ؟ Did you have your phone off? Was your phone off? لم أعلم بأنه كان على توم فعل ذلك بنفسه. I didn't know Tom had to do that by himself. I didn't know Tom had to do it himself. أريد أن أنام الآن. I want to sleep now. I want to sleep now. نسيت الإسم. I've forgotten the name. I forgot the name. كاد سامي أن يفقد وعيه. Sami almost fainted. Sami almost passed out. تذكّر إنسانيّتك و انس الباقي. Remember your humanity, and forget the rest. Remember your humanity and forget the rest. استثمر سامي في مصر. Sami invested in Egypt. Sami invested in Egypt. هل يوجد أي شئ مُهِم؟ Is there anything important? Anything important? كبرتُ في منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، ناطقا باللغة الأمازيغية. I grew up in Kabylie, Algeria, speaking the Berber language. I grew up in the tribal area, Algeria, speaking the Amazigh language. انتقلوا للعيش هنا. Move in here. They moved in here. فقط كنت أريد أن أنسى. I only wanted to forget. I just wanted to forget. لا يوجد أحد في البيت. There's nobody home. No one's home. هو يعرف عشرة لغات. He knows ten languages. He knows ten languages. راس الرمح كان مغموساً في سمْ قاتل. The tip of the spear was dipped in a deadly poison. The spear's head was dipped in a killer's poison. ليس هناك فرصة للفوز. There's no chance of winning. There's no chance of winning. إنها بلا شك محقة. She's correct for sure. She's definitely right. من فضلك رتب السرير. Please make the bed. Please arrange the bed. ساعدني بوب. Bob helped me. Help me, Bob. أعدك أنّني لن أخذلك. I promise I won't let you down. I promise I won't let you down. لم أسمع شيئاً. I've heard nothing. I didn't hear anything. يعجبه أن يغني في حوض الاستحمام. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing in the bathtub. أنا أذاكر ثلاث ساعات يومياً. I study for 3 hours every day. I study three hours a day. كان عمرنا حينها خمس عشرة سنة فقط. At the time, we were just fifteen years old. We were only 15 years old then. يتحدث جاك الإنجليزية. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. كانت أمّ سامي أعزّ صديقة لتلك الامرأة. Sami's mom was best friends with that woman. Sami's mother was that woman's best friend. هو يدرس الفزياء. He is doing physics. He's studying physics. هذه خريطة كبيرة لألمانيا. Here's a big map of Germany. This is a big map of Germany. يمكنه سامي نسخ أي مستند وجعله يبدو كأنه لو كان المستند الحقيقي نفسه. Sami can copy any document and make it look like the real thing. Sami can copy any document and make it look like it's the real document itself. صوبت مسدسي نحو الهدف. I aimed my gun at the target. I pointed my gun at the target. كانت طائرتنا تحلق فوق السحب. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane was flying over the clouds. المياه الخضراء غير مناسبة للشرب The green water is not suitable for drinking. Green water's not right for drinking. ذكاءك عظيم كالمسافة بين بومباي ومومباي. Your intelligence is as vast as the distance between Bombay and Mumbai. Your intelligence is as great as the distance between Bombay and Mumbai. كيف ستشعر اذا تركتك زوجتك ؟ How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if your wife left you? سآخذ الصفراء. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow one. أيّ طريق يؤدّي إلى الشاطئ؟ Which way is the beach? Which way to the beach? التقيت بها ذات شتاء قبل عدة سنوات. I met her in the winter several years ago. I met her in the winter several years ago. من هنا. This way. This way. كان كل الموز الذي أتيت به إلي البارحة فاسدًا. The bananas you brought to me last night were all bad. All the bananas you brought to me yesterday were rotten. فقدت زوجتي في حادث طريق. I lost my wife in a traffic accident. I lost my wife in a road accident. الجو بارد اليوم! It's cold today! It's cold today! ينبغي أن تنسي سامي. You should forget Sami. Sami should be forgotten. كم من المال تريد؟ How much money do you want? How much money do you want? ابتسمت أليس. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. تعال إلى مكتبي في الحين. Report to my office immediately. Come to my office right now. ليس بإمكانكم أن تدخلوا جميعكم. You can't all come in. You can't all come in. أهلا يا توم! Hi, Tom! Hey, Tom! عودوا إلى مقاعدكم. Go back to your seats. Back to your seats. لم يعلم سامي أبدا أنّ ليلى مسلمة. Sami never knew that Layla was Muslim. Sami never knew Layla was Muslim. هل يوجد مصعد؟ Is there an elevator? Is there an elevator? هل إستلمتَ الرسالة التي أرسلتها لكَ بالأمس؟ Did you receive the message I sent you yesterday? Did you get the message I sent you yesterday? لا تقلق أبدا. You never worry. Don't worry about it. كانت فرصة غير متوقعة. It was an unexpected opportunity. It was an unexpected opportunity. أنا ناديتك, إسمع صوتي. I cried out to you, hear my voice. I called you. Listen to my voice. لا تأت هنا. Do not come here. Don't come here. أحب الفواكه. I like fruit. I love fruit. لا تقلق. سيارة الإسعاف ستكون هنا قريباً. Don't worry. The ambulance will be here soon. Don't worry, the ambulance will be here soon. لا تتحسر على ما فات. Don't cry over spilled milk. Don't lose sight of what's missing. صدّق ما تشاء. Believe what you like. Believe what you want. هل لي أن أعزف البيانو؟ May I play the piano? May I play the piano? ستكون مشغولاً في الغد. You will be busy tomorrow. You'll be busy tomorrow. غرفة للإيجار. Room for rent. A rental room. القليل يعرف أي شيء عن الخطة. Few people know anything about the plan. A little knows anything about the plan. اندلع حريق الليلة الماضية. A fire broke out last night. A fire broke out last night. أرسل سامي مائتي رسالة لليلى. Sami sent Layla two hundred letters. Sami sent 200 letters to Layla. كان سامي يحبّ الأحذية. Sami liked shoes. Sami loved shoes. الأفعال أبلغُ مِنَ الأقوالِ. Actions speak louder than words. Actions are more than words. أتمنّى الذهاب إلى هاواي. I wish to go to Hawaii. I wish I could go to Hawaii. كم رائع أنتَ! How nice of you! How wonderful you are! أنا أحب أبي I love my dad. I love my dad. ساعثر علي مكان خاص بي I'm going to find a place of my own. I'll find my own place. هو أخي He is my brother. He's my brother. ما أقدر أتذكر اسمها . I can't remember her name. I can't remember her name. القطار سينطلق في غضون عشر دقائق. The train leaves in ten minutes. The train will be off in ten minutes. يأتي مدرسنا إلى المدرسة بالسيارة. Our teacher comes to school by car. Our teacher comes to school by car. سامي يخسر المال. Sami is losing money. Sami's losing money. لم يتّصل سامي بليلى مجدّدا. Sami didn't call Layla back. Sami never called Layla again. كم مرة تسافر إلى الخارج عادةً؟ How often do you go abroad? How often do you travel abroad? الحَرب العالمية الثانية حَدَثَت بين العام 1939 و 1945. The Second World War took place between 1939 and 1945. The Second World War occurred between 1939 and 1945. آكل الخبز. I eat bread. I eat bread. ليس فقط انت بل أيضا انا كنت المعنية. Not only you but also I was involved. It's not just you, it's me. كان ذلك خيارك أنت. It was your own choice. That was your choice. ذهبنا لرؤيته في اليوم التّالي. We went to see him the next day. We went to see him the next day. اللغة اليديشية تُكتَب بالأبجديّة العبريّة. Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet. The Yiddish language is written in Hebrew alphabet. لا أتكلم العبرية. I don't speak Hebrew. I don't speak Hebrew. كلّ من اليهود و المسيحيّين و المسلمين يتّفقون أنّ القدس مدينة مقدّسة. Jews, Christians and Muslims agree that Jerusalem is a holy city. Both Jews, Christians and Muslims agree that Jerusalem is a holy city. في حالة الحريق، اتصل بمحظة المطافي. In case of fire, telephone the fire station. In case of fire, call the firehouse. تحدّث سامي عن حياته في المنزل. Sami talked about his home life. Sami talked about his life at home. إنتحرت. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. توم فتح الصنبور Tom turned the faucet on. Tom opened the tap. صباح الخير. Good morning! Good morning. عندي عائلة. I have a family. I have a family. دعى سامي لله كي يغفر له. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sami invited God to forgive him. لم تخبرني بهذا الأمر. You didn't tell me that. You didn't tell me that. ترجم هذه الجملة إلى الإنجليزية. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence into English. أريد أن آتي أيضاً I want to come, too. I want to come too. أنا لا اعرف ما يحصل هنا. I don't know what happens here. I don't know what's going on here. ليلى تعيش حسب تعاليم الكتاب المقدّس. Layla lives by the lessons of the Good Book. Layla lives according to the teachings of the Holy Book. أقفل الباب! He shut the door. Lock the door! بلّغ السلطاتِ عنه أفضلُ أصدقائه. His best friend ratted him out to the authorities. The authorities reported him to his best friends. أبدى فاضل استعدادا تامّا لتقديم التّفاصيل حول علاقته مع ليلى. Fadil was very forthcoming about the details of his relationship with Layla. Fadil was fully prepared to give details about his relationship with Layla. أريد تعلم اليابانية. I want to learn Japanese. I want to learn Japanese. عندي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. ماذا فعلت ليلة الأمس؟ What did you do yesterday evening? What did you do last night? هل يتكلم الكردية؟ Does he speak Kurdish? Does he speak Kurdish? أحب دائما أن أستمع للموسيقى الكلاسيكية عندما يكون لدي وقت فارغ. I always enjoy listening to classical music when I have some free time. I always like to listen to classical music when I have free time. هناك كلب عند الباب. There's a dog by the door. There's a dog at the door. يسرّني أن أخبركم أنّ ليلى باكر ستصبح من اليوم فصاعدا مراقبة الممرّضات لهذه العيادة. I'm very pleased to announce that Layla Bakir will be this clinic's nursing supervisor from today on. I'm glad to tell you that Layla Baker will henceforth be monitoring nurses for this clinic. زار سامي المسجد النّبوي بالمدينة المنوّرة في المملكة العربيّة السّعوديّة. Sami visited the Prophet's mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Sami visited the Nubawi Mosque in Manwara, Saudi Arabia. لم يتغلّب سامي على فضوله. Sami's curiosity got the best of him. Sami didn't get over his curiosity. يريد فاضل أن يتزوّج بامرأة أخرى. Fadil wants to marry another woman. Fadil wants to marry another woman. كان سامي خارج البلدة، في موعد مع الطّبيب. Sami was out of town at a doctor's appointment. Sami was out of town, on a doctor's date. كان سامي هو المنشّط. Sami is the DJ. Sami was the activationist. أتى سامي لإقلال صديقته. Sami came to pick up his girlfriend. Sami came to pick up his girlfriend. أمضى سامي تفويضا يمنح فيه الحقّ ليلى كي تسحب المال من حساباته. Sami signed over power of attorney to Layla, allowing her to withdraw money from his accounts. Sami had a warrant granting Layla the right to withdraw money from his accounts. يعجبه الاستماع إلى الراديو. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes listening to the radio. كان رجلاً سابقاً لعصره. He was far in advance of his days. He was a former man of his age. لا تعتقد بأنك ستتخلص مني بهذه السهولة. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. لا تستسلم فما زالت لديك فرصة. Don't give up. You still have a chance. Don't give up. You still have a chance. لدي نقود I have no money. I have money. كانت ليلى تتناول فطور الصّباح. Layla was having breakfast. Layla was having breakfast this morning. لقد لاحظ سامي ذلك. Sami noticed. Sami noticed. كان سامي يريد أن يكون لديه منزله الخاص. Sami wanted to have his own house. Sami wanted to have his own home. سأشتري ساعةً لابني. I'll buy a watch for my son. I'm gonna buy my son an hour. سامي فتى من الرّيف. Sami is a country boy. Sami's a boy from the countryside. أعاد سامي طلاء منزله. Sami repainted his house. Sami repainted his house. ما يزال يذكر اليوم الذي اكتشفت فيه أمه أنه يدخن. He still remembers the day his mother found out he was smoking. He still remembers the day his mother found out he was smoking. الغايةُ تبرّرُ الوسيلة. The end justifies the means. The end justifies the means. "يبدو هذا سخيفا جدّا بالنّسبة لي." "لا يبدو الأمر كذلك بالنّسبة لي." "It sounds so stupid." "To me, it doesn't." That sounds so silly to me. It doesn't seem that way to me. سكنّا هناك ثلاثة أشهر. We stayed there for three months. We lived there three months. كانت ليلى تريد حبّا. Layla wanted love. Layla wanted love. ماري لم تفعل ما طلبت منها ان تفعله. Mary didn't do what you asked her to do. Mary didn't do what I asked her to do. وفضلا عما تقدم فلن يكون هناك أي تمييز أساسه الوضع السياسي أو القانوني أو الدولي لبلد أو البقعة التي ينتمي إليها الفرد سواء كان هذا البلد أو تلك البقعة مستقلا أو تحت الوصاية أو غير متمتع بالحكم الذاتي أو كانت سيادته خاضعة لأي قيد من القيود. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Moreover, there will be no discrimination based on the political, legal or international status of the country or region to which the individual belongs, whether that country or area is independent, under guardianship or non-self-governing or subject to any limitation of sovereignty. لطالما كان لديها مشاكلُ بالدورة الدموية في يدَيْها وقدمَيْها. She has always had problems with the circulation in her hands and feet. She's always had circulatory problems in her hands and feet. لا تستطيع السباحة هنا. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. سامي وفيّ. Sami is faithful. Sami is loyal. أتساءل أيّ طريق هو الأقصر. I wonder which way is the shortest. I wonder which way is the shortest. وكأن أعواما مضت منذ صباح الأحد. It seems like years since Sunday morning. It's like it's been years since Sunday morning. ذاك فندقٌ. That is a hotel. That's a hotel. ردّ سامي إطلاق النّار. Sami returned fire. Sami returned fire. إن كنت تبحث عن وظيفة، اتصل بي. If you're looking for a job, call me. If you're looking for a job, call me. سامح سامي ليلى. Sami forgave Layla. Sami forgave Layla. أخرج سامي الكلب لتمشيته. Sami walked the dog. Sami took the dog out for a walk. نحن في أمان الآن. We're safe now. We're safe now. أنا أعرف هؤلاء الفتيات I know those girls. I know these girls. كان شعر ليلى قصيرا و متناثرا. Layla had messy short hair. Layla's hair was short and scattered. اضغط أي مفتاح للمتابعة. Press any key to continue. Press any key to follow. أردت أن أضربه و لكنه هرب مني. I wanted to hit him, but he ran away from me. I wanted to hit him, but he ran away from me. كم عدد السياح الذين يزورون هذا المعبد ؟ How many tourists visit this temple? How many tourists visit this temple? آكل تفاحة. I am eating an apple. Apple eater. هل هي سديقتي؟ Is she my friend? Is she my lady? تركت الباقي عليه وخرجت. I left the rest to him and went out. I left the rest on it and I got out. قال فاضل لليلى أنّها ينبغي أن تغادر منزلها و تأتي للعيش معه. Fadil told Layla that she should leave her house and live with him. Fadil told Layla that she should leave her house and come live with him. لا تنس أن تعدّ الحاضرين. Don't forget to count how many people attend. Don't forget to count in. أراد سامي العيش في بلد إسلامي. Sami wanted to live in a Muslim country. Sami wanted to live in an Islamic country. لا يزال سامي يملك صور ليلى تلك. Sami still has those pictures of Layla. Sami still has those pictures of Layla. ترك سامي نظّاراته في غرفة الفندق. Sami left his glasses in the hotel room. Sami left his glasses in the hotel room. عملت كثيرا الشهر الفائت. I worked hard last month. I worked a lot last month. دعنا لا نتحدث. Let's not talk. Let's not talk. أنا لا آكل. I am not eating. I don't eat. إني الآن أختار بعض الملابس المناسبة كي أرتديها في العطلة. Right now, I'm choosing some suitable clothes to wear during the vacation. Now I'm picking out some clothes to wear on vacation. هرب سامي إلى مصر. Sami fled to Egypt. Sami fled to Egypt. بإمكان سامي فعل أيّ شيء لحماية ليلى. Sami would do anything to protect Layla. Sami can do anything to protect Layla. مسح توم الطاولة. Tom wiped the table. Tom wiped the table. قل لتوم أن يرد على الهاتف. Tell Tom to pick up the phone. Tell Tom to answer the phone. هل كنت تشرب؟ Were you drinking? Have you been drinking? اهرامات الجيزه من عجائب الدنيا السبع the Giza Pyramids of the Seven Wonders Geze pyramids of the seven wonders of the world. من صنع رجل الثلج ذاك؟ Who built the snowman? Who made that snowman? مد توم الغطاء. Tom unfolded the blanket. Stretch Tom. كتبَت رسالة واحدة. She wrote one letter. She wrote one letter. لم أكن أريد أن أفزعك. I did not want to alarm you. I didn't want to scare you. هل تعلم أن الرجال الذين يتناولون حبوب منع الحمل بانتظام لا يحمِلُون؟ Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Did you know that men who regularly take birth control pills aren't loaded? لقد احتاج الأمر لحملة تلفزيونيّة وطنيّة من أجل تعقّب سامي و العثور عليه أخيرا. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Sami down. It took a national television campaign to track down Sami and finally find him. أيمكنني سؤالك عن السبب؟ May I ask why? Can I ask you why? أظن أنك كنت تبكي. I think you have been crying. I thought you were crying. أحضر لي المقص من فضلك. Get me the scissors, please. Bring me the scissors, please. فاضل مصري. Fadil is Egyptian. Fadil is Egyptian. درّسني التاريخ. He taught me history. He taught me history. نحن ذاهبون إلى السينما. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. الصبر أُمُّ العلوم. Patience is the mother of science. Patience is the mother of science. أريد أن أبدو غنياً I want to look rich. I want to look rich. ضاجع مدرّسته. He slept with his teacher. He fucked his teacher. اتّصل سامي بشخص ما. Sami called someone. Sami called someone. لدى جمال موعد مع عميد الجامعة. Jamal has an appointment with the college principal. I have a date with the dean of the university. في نظر المزارع، الفواكه أهم من الأزهار. For the peasant, fruits are more important than flowers. In farmer's eyes, fruit is more important than flowers. بحثت في المنزل كله عن تلك الرسالة. I looked all over the house for that letter. I looked in the whole house for that letter. لم يخبرنا توم عن ذلك بعد. Tom hasn't yet told us about that. Tom hasn't told us about it yet. بدأت دانية تستكشف عالم الرّجال. Dania went discovering boys. Dana started exploring the men's world. فتحت ليلى حنفيّة الماء. Layla turned the water on. Layla opened the water barbecue. فهمت ليلى أنّ صديقها كان في خطر محتمل. Layla understood that her boyfriend was potentially dangerous. Layla understood that her boyfriend was in potential danger. كان زوجي الأخير غبيًا بالفعل. My last husband was really stupid. My last husband was an idiot already. ما رأيك أن تأخذ استراحة؟ What do you say to taking a rest? How about you take a break? أريد أن أصير مغنّيًا. I want to become a singer. I want to be a singer. أتسوق كل صباح. I go shopping every morning. I shop every morning. سأكون معك حالًا. I'll be right with you. I'll be right with you. كتب سامي رقم هاتفه على قطهة من ورق و قدّمها لليلى. Sami wrote his phone number on a note and gave it to Layla. Sami wrote his phone number on a paper cat and gave it to Layla. لقد منحتني حياة جديدة. You have given me a new life. You gave me a new life. هنالك مخرج طوارئ في الخلف . There's an emergency exit in the rear. There's an emergency exit in the back. حضر اللقاء عدد من أصحاب الإختصاص. A number of experts attended the meeting. A number of specialists attended the meeting. صمتت ليلى. Layla went silent. Layla shut up. علينا أن نوقِفَ هذا. We have to stop it. We have to stop this. لن أبيع الخيول. I won't sell the horses. I'm not selling horses. الكتاب مكتوب بإنجليزية بسيطة، لذا قراءته سهلة. This book is written in simple English, so it's easy to read. The book is written in simple English, so it's easy to read. غيّر سامي الموضوع. Sami changed the subject. Sami changed the subject. لقد انتهت حياتي. My life is over. My life is over. أعترف أني مخطئ. I'll admit I'm wrong. I admit I'm wrong. لعله من الأفضل أن أعود لعملي. I guess I'd better get back to work. Maybe I'd better get back to work. سأخبرها إن لم أنس. I'll tell her, if I don't forget. I'll tell her if I don't forget. هل ذاك الكتاب لك؟ Is this book yours? Is that book yours? هل زرت فرنسا من قبل؟ Have you been to France before? Have you ever been to France? اتّصلت ليلى بالأمن. Layla called security. Layla called security. هي أنيقة ومهذبة. She's elegant and refined. She's elegant and polite. من الممكن أن يعلم توم أنّنا هنا. Tom might know that we're here. Tom could know we're here. متى تكون مشغولاً؟ When are you busy? When are you busy? سامي يعمل في عيادة محلّيّة. Sami works at a local clinic. Sami works at a local clinic. حُكِم على ليلى بثلاث أحكام مؤبّدة. Layla was handed three life sentences. Layla was sentenced to three life sentences. يستطيع الجميع تغذية قاعدة البيانات بجمل تحوي مفردات جديدة. Everyone can feed the database to illustrate new vocabulary. Everyone can feed the database with sentences with new vocabulary. يمكنك العودة إلى البيت لو أردت. You can go home if you like. You can go home if you want. والدتهُ كانت تخجل منهُ. His mother was ashamed of him. His mother was ashamed of him. قاست أمي حرارتي. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured my temperature. أعدك أنّني لن أخيّب آمالك. I promise not to disappoint you. I promise I won't disappoint you. من غير المفاجئ أنّ النّظام السّعوديّ المضطهِد صديق للنّظام الإسرائيلي العنصري ذو النّزعة العسكريّة. It comes as no surprise that the oppressive regime of Saudi Arabia is friends with the militaristic and racist regime of Israel. Unsurprisingly, the persecuted Saudi regime is a friend of the racist Israeli military regime. كان سامي يلوّح بكشّاف بشكل محموم. Sami was frantically waving a flashlight. Sami was waving a feverish scout. لا تعمل بهذه النصيحة رجاءً. Please don't follow this advice. Please don't work with that advice. تلقّى سامي رسالة من ليلى. Sami got a letter from Layla. Sami received a letter from Layla. الفيزياء هي مادتي المفضلة. Physics is my favorite subject. Physics is my favorite subject. انسَ الأمر. Forget it! Forget it. لنذهب بالحافلة. Let's go by bus. Let's go on the bus. ما عنوان بيتك؟ What's your home address? What's your home address? انتهى العالم البارحة بينما كنت نائما. The world has ended yesterday while I was sleeping. The world ended yesterday while you were asleep. هو يدرس الفرنسية و تصميم المواقيع. He's studying French and web design. He's studying French and designing signatures. أكنت تقرأ كتاباً في ذلك الوقت؟ Were you reading a book at that time? Were you reading a book at the time? في ما يخصّ فلسطين، ينبغي أن نتحدّث عن تصفية الاستعمار بدلا من السّلام. In Palestine, we should talk about decolonization and not peace. With regard to Palestine, we should talk about decolonization rather than peace. ألم يخطر لك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Didn't it occur to you to close the windows? أريد أن أقضي وقتًا أكثر معك وحدنا. I want to spend more time alone with you. I want to spend more time alone with you. كان سامي ينعم بحياة ممتعة. Sami was enjoying a leisurely life. Sami had a good life. لنلعب التنس بعد انتهاء الدراسة. Let's play tennis after school. Let's play tennis after school. متى تنوي السفر إلى اليابان؟ When do you plan to leave for Japan? When do you intend to travel to Japan? اعتبر سامي الإسلام دينا رائعا. Sami found Islam an amazing religion. Sami considered Islam a wonderful religion. لمذا أتيت إلى هنا؟ Why have you come here? Why did you come here? دفعتُ ثمن التذاكر. I paid for the tickets. I paid for the tickets. أطفئ توم الأنوار. Tom turned the lights off. Tom turned off the lights. هذا لطف منك. That's very sweet of you. That's very kind of you. ما رأيك ، أنذهب بالسيارة أم بالتاكسي؟ Should we go by car or by taxi? What do you say we go in the car or in the taxi? أستاذنا يذكرنا بعدم نسيان الواجبات Our teacher reminded us not to forget our homework. Our professor reminds us not to forget duties. لنذهب باكراً. Let's go early, shall we? Let's go early. هذه ليست سمكة. This is not a fish. That's not a fish. يمثل الليمون الساخن مع العسل علاجا جيدا للزكام. Hot lemon with honey is a good remedy for colds. Hot lemons with honey represent a good cure for the cold. تلقّى فاضل عددا من الرّسائل من ليلى. Fadil received a number of letters from Layla. Fadil received a number of letters from Layla. أرى أن أسعار البيع مكتوبة بالحبر الأحمر. I notice the sale prices are written in red ink. I see the sale prices are written in red ink. هؤلاء الطلبة حقا ليس بإمكانهم القراءة. Those students really can't read. These students really can't read. هو لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't my teacher. هذه كلمات حكيمة. These are words of wisdom. Those are wise words. اصبحت اغنية " انا امرأة " لهيلين ريدي النشيد الغير رسمي لحركة تحرير المرأة. The song "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy became the unofficial anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement. "I'm a woman." Helen Reddy became the unofficial anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement. أنا فعلا أقدر صحبتك I really appreciate your company. I really appreciate your company. لن نحمي توم للأبد. We can't protect Tom indefinitely. We're not gonna protect Tom forever. هذا النصر هو نصركم. This is your victory. This victory is your victory. لقد فعلت ذلك مرات عديدة. I've done that many times. I've done it many times. كانت ليلى عشيقة سامي في الجامعة. Layla was Sami's college sweetheart. Layla was Sami's college mistress. الذئاب لا تأكل السلطة. Wolves don't eat salad. Wolves don't eat salad. هل يمكنك أن تسبح حقاً؟ Can you really swim? Can you really swim? يعزف موسيقى. He is playing music. He plays music. كنت في لندن الشهر الفائت. I was in London last month. I was in London last month. تبدو سعيداً You look happy. You look happy. سُرقت سيارتي بالأمس. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen yesterday. تلك حقيبة جين. This is Jane's bag. That's Jane's bag. لا تقل شيئًا قبل التفكير فيه. Don't say anything without thinking. Don't say anything before you think about it. سرق سامي حاسوبا. Sami stole a computer. Sami stole a computer. كان يحتوي حاسوب سامي على الكثير من الصّور الإيباحيّة للأطفال. Sami's computer contained a lot of child pornography. Sami's computer had a lot of child pornography. أنا أتّصل بالعيادة. I'm calling the clinic. I'm calling the clinic. أراد سامي شخصا كي يعتني به. Sami wanted somebody to take care of him. Sami wanted someone to take care of him. لقد فقدتُ نظّاراتي. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. لديك أخين أصغر منك. You have two younger brothers. You have two younger brothers than you. سوف أقتلك. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. أنا لم أركَ في حفلة الكوكتيل الإسبوع الماضي. I didn't see you at my cocktail party last weekend. I didn't see you at the cocktail party last week. آمل أن أُحدث تغييرا إيجابيا على العالم. I hope to effect positive change in the world. I hope to make a positive difference to the world. لم يكن لحياتي أي معنى لغوي حتى التقيت بصائب. My life had no linguistic meaning... until the day I met Saeb. My life had no linguistic meaning until I met right. لم أنت متوتّر لهذه الدّرجة؟ Why are you so uptight? Why are you so nervous? كانت تُمطر بغزارة فقررنا البقاء في المنزل. It was raining so hard that we decided to stay home. It was raining so much we decided to stay home. رسب في امتحاناته بسبب قلة المذاكرة. He failed his exams through not studying enough. He failed his exams due to lack of study. مضى شهران على وصولي إلى طوكيو. It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo. It's been two months since I arrived in Tokyo. لم أحب مادة الأحياء قط. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. هل بإمكانك أن تعطيني المزيد من القهوة من فضلك؟ Please give me some more coffee. Could you give me some more coffee, please? فلسطين و إسرائيل أرض واحدة. Palestine and Israel are the same land. Palestine and Israel are one land. هذا الموقع مفيد جدا. This website is very useful. This site is very useful. أتذكر أني رأيتها. I remember seeing her. I remember seeing her. استجوبت الشّرطة العديد من أصدقاء فاضل. Many of Fadil's friends were questioned by police. The police questioned many Fadil's friends. يكرهان بعضهما البعض. They hated each other. They hate each other. انفجر غاضباً. He exploded with anger. Angry burst. هناك الكثير من المهندسين المدنيّين البطّالين في غزّة. In Gaza, there are a lot of unemployed civil engineers. There are a lot of heroic civil engineers in Gaza. ليس لدى سامي دروس هذا الصّباح. Sami doesn't have class this morning. Sami doesn't have lessons this morning. من لا يظن أن اللاتينية هي أجمل لغة لا يفهم شيئًا. People that don't think Latin is the most beautiful language understand nothing. Who doesn't think Latin is the most beautiful language that understands nothing. مع خروج زوجته من الصّورة، أصبح سامي حرّا لاستكشاف علاقته مع ليلى بشكل أعمق. With his wife out of the picture, Sami had the freedom to explore his relationship with Layla even further. With his wife out of the picture, Sami was free to explore his relationship with Layla deeper. لقد دار بيننا شجار خفيف . We had a little tiff. We had a little fight. لم أعد أشعر بالأمان هنا. I don't feel safe here anymore. I don't feel safe here anymore. أشتم رائحة حريق يا أمي. I smell something burning, Mother. I smell fire, Mom. أنا لا أعرف لماذا I don't know why. I don't know why. اللغة العربيّة لغةٌ جميلَةٌ. Arabic is a beautiful language. Arabic is a beautiful language. أريد البقاء هنا معك. I'd like to stay here with you. I want to stay here with you. أريد أن أصبح معلما. I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher. القدس مدينة ذات دلالة رمزيّة بالنّسبة لكلّ من المسلمين و المسيحيّين و اليهود. Jerusalem is a symbolic city for Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Jerusalem is a city of symbolic significance for both Muslims, Christians and Jews. سأعلمك كيف تقود السيارة. I'll teach you how to drive a car. I'll teach you how to drive. سمع المدرّس ذلك. The teacher overheard it. The teacher heard that. كان سامي يحبّ حياة الحفلات. Sami liked the party life. Sami loved party life. لن أؤذيك. I won't harm you. I'm not gonna hurt you. ابدأ إعداد حقيبتك. Start preparing your suitcase. Start your bag. تعد نيكاراغوا أكبر بلد في أمريكا الوسطى. Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. كان لدى سامي ذوق راق في ما يخصّ الملابس. Sami had an expensive taste in clothing. Sami had good taste in clothing. أطلقت ليلى النّار على سامي. Layla shot Sami. Layla shot Sami. وجد سامي لليلى منصب شغل في المسبح. Sami got Layla a job at the swimming pool. Sami found Layla a position in the pool. شبكة الانترنت Internet network Internet من يحتاج لمحضّر طعام كهذا؟ Who needs a food processor like this? Who needs to prepare food like this? أيّها لك؟ Which one of those is yours? What's yours? من الذي يتولى الزعامة؟ Who has leadership? Who's in charge? بدا سامي و كأنّه ممسوس. Sami looked possessed. Sami looked like he was possessed. ماريكو تتحدث الإنجليزية بشكل ممتاز. Mariko speaks English excellently. Mariko speaks English perfectly. هل تحبان بعضكما كثيرًا؟ Do you love each other very much? Do you two love each other so much? كان سامي قرّة عين أمّه. Sami was the apple of his mother's eye. Sami was the cow of his mother's eye. لمَ لا تتصل بسامي وتخبره بما يجري هنا؟ Why don't you call Sami and tell him what's going on? Why don't you call Sammy and tell him what's going on here? لا أريد أن أكون ثقيلَ الظِّل، أريد أن أكون رائعًا!! I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!! I don't want to be heavy. I want to be awesome! أمضى وقت الدّرس بأكمله و هو يحسب الذّباب. During the entire lesson, he counted flies. He spent all the time studying, and he's counting flies. اِكتب عنوانك هنا. Write your address here. Write down your address here. يُفضّل سامي المطالعة بدلا من مشاهدة التّلفاز. Sami prefers reading over watching TV. Sami prefers reading instead of watching TV. غدا هو أول يوم عمل لي. Tomorrow is my first day of work. Tomorrow is my first day's work. تَقَدَم. Come forward. Go ahead. أتعتقد أن المال سيجلب لك السعادة? Do you think money will bring you happiness? You think money will bring you happiness? لم يذهب فاضل بعيدا. Fadil didn't get far. Fadil didn't go far. طلبت كتاباً من لندن. I ordered a book from London. I asked for a book from London. أود أن أعرف. I want to know. I'd like to know. أكلنا شحنة كاملة من التفاح. We ate a whole load of apples. We ate a whole shipment of apples. اعطني معلومات دقيقة. Give me chapter and verse. Give me accurate information. تصدرت صور التوابيت المغطاة بالأعلام صفحات الجرائد. Pictures of coffins covered with flags went all over the papers. The pictures of the coffins covered in the flags appeared on the pages of the newspapers. يحتاج سامي لحذاء جديد. Sami needs a new pair of shoes. Sami needs new shoes. إحمرّ وجهك. Your face is red. Red your face. هل تعلمين من أنا ؟ Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? كان سامي يعيش حياة مختلفة كلّيّة. Sami lived a totally different life. Sami was living a whole different life. تسبّبت الغارات الإسرائيليّة بجعل 19000 منزل غير قابل للسّكن في قطاع غزّة. 19,000 homes in Gaza were rendered uninhabitable by Israeli attacks. Israeli raids have caused 19,000 homes to be uninhabitable in Gaza Strip. يمكنني أن أقشر تفاحة. I can peel an apple. I could peel an apple. هل تنوي أن تساعدهم؟ Are you planning to help them? Are you going to help them? لا يكون واحدا منّا. He's not one of us. Don't be one of us. هذا الشاطئ مكان سياحي مشهور . This beach is a popular tourist spot. This beach is a famous tourist place. إنني على وعي بالتساؤلات التي يطرحها البعض بالنسبة لأحداث 11 سبتمبر أو حتى تبريرهم لتلك الأحداث. ولكن دعونا أن نكون صريحين: قام تنظيم القاعدة بقتل ما يضاهي 3000 شخص في ذلك اليوم I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day. I am aware of the questions that some ask about the events of September 11 or even their justification for those events. But let's be honest: Al-Qaida killed as many as 3,000 people that day. أطلق فاضل النّار على كلب دانية. Fadil shot Dania's dog. Fadil shot a Dane dog. أتلك درّاجتك؟ Is this your bike? Is that your bike? أخذ سامي معه مفاتيحه و نقّاله. Sami took his keys and cell phone with him. Sami took his keys and moved him. إنه محظوظ أكثر مما هو ذكي. He is more lucky than clever. He's luckier than he's smart. أطفأ رجال الإطفاء الحريق. The fire fighters put out the fire. The firefighters turned off the fire. استمتعنا بالأمس. Yesterday we had fun. We had fun yesterday. دعت ليلى سامي إلى منزلها. Layla invited Sami over. Layla invited Sami home. كان فاضل في حفل. Fadil was at a party. Fadil was at a party. من فضلك تنحّى جانباً. Please step back. Please step aside. هل تحب أمك؟ Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? أنا لا ألومهُ. I don't blame him. I don't blame him. وقفت في آخر الصف. She went to the back of the line. I stood at the end of the line. الهاتف المتحرك الذي طلبته مغلق أو خارج نطاق الخدمة حالياً، يرجى الاتصال لاحقاً. The mobile phone you have dialed is either switched off or outside the coverage area, please try again later. The mobile phone you have requested is currently off-line or off-duty. Please call later. انتا تتعلم العربي You are learning Arabic. You're learning Arabic. أين الرئيس؟ Where's the boss? Where's the boss? كيف وصلت تلك المحفظة إلى هناك؟ How did that wallet get there? How did that wallet get there? أشم رائحة شيء عفن. I smell something rotten. I smell something rotten. إنني مشغول. I'm busy. I'm busy. لمن تلك السيارة؟ Whose car is that? Whose car is that? إنها ستتزوج العام المقبل. She'll be getting married next year. She's getting married next year. قالت وداعا. She said goodbye. She said goodbye. انا بخير ، وانت ؟ I am fine, and you? I'm fine. You? هل كنت تأكل الشّكلاطة؟ Have you been eating chocolate? Have you been eating chocolate? أود أن استأجر سيارة. I would like to hire a car. I'd like to rent a car. كان عليهم البقاء في المنزل طوال اليوم. They had to stay at home all day. They had to stay home all day. ستضيع. You'll get lost. You're gonna get lost. أنا نظرت في أعيُن توم وأخبرتةُ الحقيقة. I looked Tom in the eyes and told him the truth. I looked into Tom's eyes and told him the truth. ستمطر. It is going to rain. It's gonna rain. كم من الأبناء عند سامي و ليلى؟ How many kids do Sami and Layla have? How many sons does Sammy and Layla have? افعل كل ما يحتاجه الأمر Do whatever it takes. Do whatever it takes. لا أريد أن أراه. I don't wanna see him. I don't want to see him. هذا عمل نافع. This is a beneficial work. This is good work. إنّكِ مدينة لي بقبلة. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. إنه أفضل من أن يكون صحيحًا. It's too good to be true. It's better than right. العصافير تغرّد Birds sing. Birds tweet. أردت أن أريهم تقديري I wanted to show them my appreciation. I wanted to show them my appreciation. علم الفلك هو علم الكون. Astronomy is the science of the universe. Astronomy is the science of the universe. يرغب عدد كبير من الطلاب بدخول الجامعة. A considerable number of students want to go to college. A large number of students want to go to college. اعتنى فاضل بابنته. Fadil took care of his daughter. Fadil took care of his daughter. لم أر أحدا مثلها قبلا. I have never seen anyone like her. I've never seen anyone like her before. أعتقد بأنك تفعل الصواب I think that you're doing the right thing. I think you're doing the right thing. توم علق لوح السهام المريشة خاصته على الحائط. Tom hung his new dartboard on the wall. Tom hung his arrowboard on the wall. أقدر أن أكن في هناك قبل الساعة الثانية ونصف. I could be there by 2:30. I appreciate being in there before 2:30. أين أستطيع أن أجد سيارة أجرة؟ Where can I get a taxi? Where can I find a cab? علينا أن نتكلّم يا جمال. We have to talk, Jamal. We need to talk, Jamal. هو تركني أذهب. He let me go. He let me go. تعلم الطاعة قبل أن تعطي الأوامر. Before you give orders, you must learn to obey. Learn obedience before you give orders. يتبعني كلبي حيثما ذهبت. My dog follows me wherever I go. My dog follows me wherever I go. إني في المنزل. I am at home. I'm home. ماذا حصل بالمال؟ What's happened to the money? What happened with the money? لم يلحظ الطريق العلوي أمامه. He didn't notice the interchange ahead of him. He didn't notice the way up in front of him. أعتقد أنه بإمكاننا إيجاد طريق العودة بأنفسنا. I think we can find the way back by ourselves. I think we can find a way back ourselves. أطلقت النّار على سامي. Sami was shot. You shot Sami. أنا حامل في الشهر الرابع. I am four months pregnant. I'm four months pregnant. إنّ صوت ليلى يتناسب حقّا مع وجهها. Layla's voice really matches her face. Layla's voice really fits her face. أنا هنا منذ أسبوع. I have been here for a week. I've been here a week. هذا لا يهم. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. الصديق وقت الضيق. In hard times, you find out who your friends are. Dude, it's tight time. أنا فلسطيني. I am Palestinian. I'm a Palestinian. أريد كلباً جديداً. I want a new dog. I want a new dog. كان سامي دوما يريد أن يكون مركز الاهتمام. Sami wanted to be always in the center of attention. Sami always wanted to be the center of attention. أراد سامي أن يكون مسلما جيّدا. Sami wanted to be a good Muslim. Sami wanted to be a good Muslim. ماذا حدث في الاجتماع؟ What happened in the meeting? What happened at the meeting? تمّ التّبليغ على فقدان فاضل. Fadil was reported missing. Fadil's been reported missing. القدس ليس مشكلا للمسلمين فقط، بل هو مشكل دولي. Jerusalem is not just a Muslim issue. It's an international issue. Jerusalem is not only a problem for Muslims, it is an international problem. هل الجو ممطر؟ Is it rainy? Is it raining? كان سامي مهتمّا بشأنه فحسب. Sami was just minding his business. Sami was just interested in him. طلبت منه أن يبعث الكتاب إلينا. I asked him to send us the book. I asked him to send the book to us. هل لديك حذاءً بحجم قدمي؟ Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have shoes the size of my foot? رنّ هاتف سامي. Sami's phone rang. Sami's phone rang. أنتَ لا تستطيع أن تأكلها فقط لأنها مغذية. You can't eat it just because it is nutritious. You can't eat it just because it's nutritious. أراد توم أن تعرف. Tom wanted you to know. Tom wanted to know. لم يستحقّ سامي موتة مأساويّة كتلك. Sami didn't deserve a tragic death like that. Sami didn't deserve such a tragic death. ستُترجَم هذه العبارة. This phrase will be translated. This phrase will be translated. يصبح الجو أدفأ يوماً بعد يوم. It is getting warmer day by day. It gets warmer day by day. كان سامي مُحرجا. Sami was embarrassed. Sami was embarrassed. اتخذ خياراً. Make your choice. Make a choice. لم يأتي توم إلى الحفلة الليلة الماضية. Tom didn't show up at the party last night. Tom didn't come to the party last night. هم أحبوا صورك كثيرا. They like your photos a lot. They loved your pictures so much. لقد كاد أن يفقد سامي حياته. Sami almost lost his life. Sami almost lost his life. انتقلا للعيش هنا. Move in here. They moved in here. إنه يغسل سيارتك. He is washing your car. He's washing your car. ما هو حجمها؟ How big is it? How big is it? أنهى سامي تلك العلاقة غير الشّرعيّة. Sami ended the affair. Sami ended that non-statutory relationship. كان عمر ليلى و سامي خمسة و أربعون سنة. Layla and Sami were both 45. Layla and Sami were 45 years old. الفتيات خجولات. The girls are shy. Girls are shy. إمّا أن تأخذ الصندوق الكبير أو الصغير. You may take either the big box or the small one. Either you take the big box or the small box. صرخ طالباً النجدة. He screamed for help. He screamed for help. البُعد يُنسي. Out of sight, out of mind. The distance is forgotten. كان المدرّس يمشي حول القسم. The teacher went around the class. The teacher was walking around the station. التقيت البارحة ببرنارد في مطعم. I ran into Bernard yesterday in a restaurant. Yesterday I met Bernard at a restaurant. علم توم أنني لست سعيدا Tom knew I wasn't happy. Tom knew I wasn't happy. لم أستطع أن آتي بسبب المطر الغزير I could not come because of the heavy rain. I couldn't come because of the heavy rain. لا أعتقد أنه قادم. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. لم يكن باستطاعتي الحصول على أيّ طعام إن لم يُحضر لي. I couldn't get any food unless it was brought to me. I couldn't have any food if he hadn't brought me. حاول توم إيقاف ماري من شرب آخر زجاجة من النبيذ. Tom tried to stop Mary from drinking the last bottle of wine. Tom tried to stop Mary from drinking the last bottle of wine. لقد صفعته في الوجه. She gave him a slap in the face. I slapped him in the face. أراد سامي أن يشتري مخدّرات كوكايين الكراك. Sami wanted to buy crack. Sami wanted to buy crack cocaine. أنا مغرم بامرأة أخرى. I'm in love with someone else. I'm in love with another woman. نحبّك كثيرا. We love you so much. We love you so much. توم طويلٌ وقويّ. Tom is tall and strong. Tom's tall and strong. نحن لا نعرفها We don't know her. We don't know her. لدى هذا الشاب شعر أزرق. This young man has blue hair. This guy's got blue hair. نعرف أن الشمس أكبر من الأرض. We know that the Sun is bigger than the Earth. We know the sun is bigger than Earth. فضّلت ليلى المخدّرات على ابنها سامي. Layla chose drugs over her son Sami. Layla preferred drugs over Sami's son. لا أمانع في كلتا الحالتين. I don't mind either way. I don't mind either way. بدأت أحس بالجوع. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. عادةً ما ألعب التنس. I usually play tennis. I usually play tennis. أين الولد؟ Where is the boy? Where's the boy? كنت بصدد إخبار سامي. I was going to tell Sami. I was going to tell Sammy. أذهب إلى المدرسة في الساعة الثامنة. I go to school at eight o'clock. I go to school at 8:00. هيلين في السابعة عشر من عمرها. Helen is seventeen years old. Helen's 17. استعمل سامي مفتاحه. Sami used his key. Sami used his key. هذا بيتي وهذه أرضي! This house and this land are mine. This is my house and this is my land! نُقِل سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى و تعافى بعد ستّة أيّام. Sami was rushed to the hospital and recovered within six days. Sami was rushed to the hospital and recovered six days later. عليكِ أن تسامحيني. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me. الدوق يمتلك الكثير من الأراضي. The duke holds a lot of land. The Duke owns a lot of land. ماذا سنفعل الآن يا جمال؟ What should we do now, Jamal? What do we do now, Jamal? جفّ القلم. This pen has run dry. Dry the pen. هذه الجملة ليس لها أي معنى. This sentence doesn't make sense. This sentence doesn't make any sense. هل ما زال ذلك الحليب صالحاً للشرب؟ Is that milk still good? Is that milk still drinkable? هل ستكون في المنزل لتناول العشاء؟ Will you be home for dinner? Are you gonna be home for dinner? من فضلك انتقل إلى الصفحة التالية Please go to the next page. Please move to the next page. سامي يناديك. Sami is calling you. Sami calls you. يمكنها أن تقود السيارة. She can drive a car. She can drive. هل تتحدث الإسبرانتو؟ Do you speak Esperanto? Do you speak Esperanto? الشخص الّذي يحمل له رئيسي الضغينة هو أنا. The person my boss has a grudge against is me. The person my boss holds a grudge for is me. يعيش توم في مبنى قديم Tom lives in an old building. Tom lives in an old building. متى حدثت "عمليّة الجرف الصّامد"؟ When did Operation Protective Edge take place? When did the "Placing Cliff Process" happen? هاتان صورتان جميلتان. These are two nice pictures. These are beautiful pictures. هو مدرّسنا في الرّياضيّات. He's our math teacher. He's our math teacher. سامي هو المريض التّالي الذي سفحصه الدّكتور باكر. Sami is Doctor Bakir's next patient. Sami is the next patient Dr. Baker examined. معذرة يا دكتور. Excuse me, Doctor. Excuse me, Doctor. ذهب سامي إلى محطّة الشّرطة بالجامعة للإخبار عن اختفاء ليلى. Sami went to the campus police station to report Layla missing. Sami went to the police station at the university to tell about Layla's disappearance. ألم يأتِ بوب إلى هنا؟ Bob came here, didn't he? Didn't Bob come here? مرحبًا بالعالم! Hello, world! Welcome to the world! أنا أصغر منك بثلاثة سنوات. I'm three years younger than you. I'm three years younger than you. رد ديما: "أنا في محل "أرماني" أشتري بذلة، بالتأكيد." "I'm in an Armani store buying a suit, of course," Dima replied. Dima replied, "I'm at Armani's. Buy a suit, sure." يجب على المرء أن يهندم نفسه جيداً. One should dress oneself well. One must sedate one's soul well. أين هم ذاهبون؟ Where are they going? Where are they going? لا أريد أن أذهب إلى المدرسة. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. سامي يتنقّل على متن حافلتي. Sami rides my bus. Sami's moving on my bus. لقد انكشفت حياة فاضل المزدوجة. Fadil's double life surfaced. Fadil's double life has come to light. رجال و نساء قاتلوا للدفاع عن وطنهم. Young men and women fought to defend their country. Men and women fought to defend their homeland. هناك شئ واحد آخرعليّ فعله. I just have one other thing to do. There's one more thing I have to do. ليس توم طالبًا هنا، بل هو أستاذ. Tom isn't a student here. He's one of the teachers. Tom's not a student here. He's a professor. مات مليون شخص في الحرب. One million people died in the war. A million people died in the war. نحن نبحث عن نظريات ذات أساس علمي. We are looking for theories with scientific grounds. We're looking for scientifically based theories. تستفيد شركتنا من الإنترنت. Our company makes use of the Internet. Our company benefits from the Internet. انني لن اقول لك لا مطلقا I never could say no to you. I'm not gonna tell you at all. توم لا يريد ان يبدو كسائح . Tom didn't want to look like a tourist. Tom doesn't want to look like a tourist. كان سامي يحبّ الحياة الجيّدة. Sami liked the good life. Sami loved a good life. سيذهب كذلك. He will also go. He'll go too. تتويبا متعدد اللغات حقًّا. كل اللغات متصلة فيما بينها. Tatoeba is really multilingual. All the languages are interconnected. It's really multilingual. All languages are connected. جذبت ليلى انتباه سامي. Layla attracted Sami's attention. Layla drew Sami's attention. من أحرق الكيكة؟ Who burned the cake? Who burned the cake? القنبلة النووية هي سلاح فظيع. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. The nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. المعذرة؟ Pardon me? Excuse me? افرش أسنانك كلّ يوم. Brush your teeth every day. You brush your teeth every day. واصل سامي صداقته مع ليلى. Sami continued to be friends with Layla. Sami continued his friendship with Layla. هل أنت بحاجة إلى المال؟ Do you need money? Do you need the money? أنا طويل. I'm tall. I'm tall. هل يتحدث توم الفرنسية ايضا؟ Does Tom speak French, too? Does Tom speak French too? لا يمكنني أن أصدق! I don't believe it! I can't believe it! لم يحدث شيء لفاضل. Nothing happened to Fadil. Nothing happened to Fadil. من فضلك إلغِ هذا الملفّ. Please delete this file. Please cancel this file. علمت ليلى أنّ سامي كان حيّا. Layla realized that Sami was alive. Layla knew Sami was alive. تغلّب الرّوّاد على العديد من العوائق. The pioneers overcame a set of obstacles. The leaders have overcome many obstacles. استأجر سامي غرفة في الفندق. Sami rented a hotel room. Sami rented a room at the hotel. لقد تغيّرت حياة سامي للأبد. Sami's life was for ever changed. Sami's life has changed forever. ظلت جريمة القتل لغزاً. The murder remains a mystery. The murder was a mystery. لا تتحرك. Don't move. Don't move. دائماً ما تبقي غرفتها نظيفة. She always keeps her room clean. She always keeps her room clean. لا. ذهبت إلى جزيرة غوام مرة واحدة و كان ذلك في شهر عسلي. No. I went to Guam once on my honeymoon. I went to Guam once and was on my honeymoon. إنها تحب البرتقال، أليس كذلك؟ She likes oranges, doesn't she? She likes oranges, doesn't she? ماذا شربت؟ What did she drink? What did you drink? تلقّى سامي دعوة. Sami received an invitation. Sami received an invitation. واصل سامي بناء مشواره الفنّي في موسيقى الهيبهوب. Sami continued building his hiphop musical career. Sami continued to build his art career in hip-hop music. لا يستحقّ سامي أن يرى نور النّهار مجدّدا. Sami doesn't deserve to see the light of day again. Sami doesn't deserve to see daylight again. عودوا إلى أماكنكم. Go back to your seats. Go back to your places. بذل توم ما بوسعه لشرح ما حدث. Tom did his best to explain what had happened. Tom did his best to explain what happened. لا أدعي أنني أفهم النساء. I don't pretend to understand women. I don't pretend to understand women. يؤسفني أن أقول إنها الحقيقة. It is unfortunately true. I'm sorry to say it's true. ماذا حدث لحاسوبي؟ What happened to my computer? What happened to my computer? هذا مكتبي. This is my office. This is my office. ليلى مصمّمة حجابات. Layla is a hijab stylist. Layla's a diaphragm designer. توم ليس في البيت Tom is not home. Tom's not home. حاول الهروب. He attempted to escape. Try to escape. أنا لست متشائما. I am not a pessimist. I'm not a pessimist. اسمي إيميلي. My name is Emily. My name is Emily. كانت السفينة تحت رحمة الأمواج. The ship was at the mercy of the waves. The ship was at the mercy of the waves. لا تنس! Do not forget! Don't forget! قتلت ليلى سامي لإنقاذ حياتها. Layla killed Sami to save her life. Layla killed Sami to save her life. لم تحفظ هذا الشعر؟ Why are you memorizing this poem? Why do you keep that hair? توقّف المطر. The rain has stopped. The rain stopped. توم يحب تلوين الصور. Tom likes painting pictures. Tom likes painting pictures. ما معنى هذه الكلمة؟ What's the meaning of this word? What does that mean? لقد قُتل. He was killed. He was killed. لا يمكن لتوم أن ينسى الماضي. Tom can't let go of the past. Tom can't forget the past. لا شكراً. أنا متعب. No, thanks. I am tired. No thanks, I'm tired. قتلت ليلى سامي بسبب المال. Layla killed Sami over money. Layla killed Sami because of the money. جئت إلى هنا من قبل. I've been here before. I've been here before. أعشق ممارسة الرياضة. I like sport. I love sports. إذا؟ So? So? تولّى سامي الشّؤون الماليّة. Sami took over the finances. Sami took over the finances. أذكر أني بعثت الرسالة بالبريد. I remember mailing the letter. I remember sending the mail. سبق أن أعطيت توم هدية عيد ميلاده. I've already given Tom his birthday present. I've already given Tom his birthday present. الكثير من الأزواج ينتهي بهم الأمر إلى الطلاق. Many couples end in divorce. A lot of couples end up getting divorced. السيدات أولاً. Ladies first. Ladies first. ضرب سامي زوجته. Sami hit his wife. Sami hit his wife. أنا متعب جدا. I am so exhausted! I'm so tired. هذه هي الطريقة الخطأ للقيام بهذا. It's the wrong way to do it. That's the wrong way to do this. أيمكنك أن تتحدث ببطئ من فضلك؟ Could you please speak a little bit more slowly? Can you talk slow, please? لم يصدقني أحد في البداية No one believed me at first. No one believed me at first. كان مدرّس ذلك الصّفّ معتنقا للإسلام. The teacher of that class was a Muslim convert. The teacher of that class was a convert to Islam. أعرف اسمه I know his name. I know his name. انزل من السّيّارة من فضلك. Please get out of the car. Get out of the car, please. بعد الاستماع لأغنية عربية لعشر ثوانٍ، سمع ديما أخيرًا صوتًا مألوفًا يقول: "السلام عليكم!" After listening to an Arabic song for ten seconds, Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After listening to an Arab song for ten seconds, he finally heard a familiar voice saying, "Peace be upon you!" لم يقتل العمل الشاق أحدًا. لكن لم المخاطرة؟! Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! The hard work didn't kill anyone, but why risk it? كيف تسير أمور المشروع؟ How's the project going? How's the project going? كان فاضل أبا مهملا. Fadil was a neglectful father. Fadil was a careless father. إن هناك طاقات جديدة يجب توجيهها، ووظائف جديدة لا بد من خلقها؛ ومدارس جديدة لنبنيها، ومخاطر علينا مواجهتها، وتحالفات نعيد الصفاء لأجوائها من جديد. There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair. There are new energies to be directed, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, risks to be faced, and alliances to re-establish serenity. شكرا على آدخال الغسيل يا جيري. Thanks for bringing the washing in, Gerry. Thanks for the laundry, Jerry. بدآ سامي و ليلى يقضيان وقتا آكثر معا. Sami and Layla began spending more time together. Sami and Layla started spending more time together. كان سامي يعشق الخطر و يتشوّق للسّرعة. Sami had a love for danger and a need for speed. Sami was in love with danger and yearning for speed. تقبّل الله صيامك في أواسط شعبان. Have a blessed Mid-Sha'ban. God accepts your fasting in the middle of Sha'ban. حكى لنا قصة شيقة. He told us an interesting story. He told us an interesting story. و أخيرا، فرغ سامي من القيام بذلك. Sami has finally finished doing that. And finally, Sami's done doing it. بدا فاضل من خلال كلامه أنّه ندم على ما فعل. Fadil sounded remorseful. Fadil seemed to regret what he did. كان سامي يركب نفس الحافلة التي تركبها ليلى. Sami rode the same bus as Layla. Sami was on the same bus as Layla. لم نخذش سوى سطح قصّة سامي. We have only scratched the surface of Sami's story. We've only scratched the surface of Sami's story. إنها تكثر من الكلام. She talks a lot. She's talking too much. تمّ إدخال سامي إلى مستشفى للأمراض العقليّة. Sami was placed in a psychiatric hospital. Sami was admitted to a mental hospital. عُثر على ساعتك. Your watch has been found. Your watch was found. كان سامي يسيطر على النّاس من حوله. Sami dominated the people around him. Sami controlled people around him. إنه وقت الغداء. It's lunch time. It's lunchtime. أين يسكن توم؟ Where does Tom live? Where does Tom live? توقف جاك فجأة عن الكلام عندما دخلت ماري إلى الغرفة. Jack suddenly stopped talking when Mary entered the room. Jack suddenly stopped talking when Mary walked into the room. أخرج من حياتي! أنا أمقتك! Get out of my life. I detest you. Get out of my life! من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد فرّت من المنزل مرّة أخرى. Layla has probably run off again. Layla probably ran away from home again. هيا بنا نذهب إلى أي مكان آخر. Let's go somewhere else. Let's go anywhere else. اجتزتُ امتحاني للأمازيغية. I passed my Berber test. I passed my Amazigh exam. هل عندك موقع؟ Do you have a website? Do you have a location? من المحتمل أنّ سامي كان يموت. Sami was probably dying. Sami was probably dying. ماري كانت فخورة بجمالها. Mary was proud of her beauty. Mary was proud of her beauty. أنا أتعلّم كثيرا من كتب الأمازيغية للأطفال. I learn a lot from Berber kids books. I'm learning a lot from the Amazigh children's books. أنا متأسف. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. سامي يمشي. Sami is walking. Sami's walking. برج كاثدرائية إشبيليا كان مئذنة في الماضي. The steeple of the cathedral of Seville used to be a minaret. The Cathedral Tower of Seville was a monstrosity in the past. صعدت إلى الحافلة الخطأ. I got on the wrong bus. I got on the wrong bus. أنا قطة، وليس عندي اسم بعد. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I'm a cat, and I don't have a name yet. لم تكن هناك قرابة بين سامي و ليلى. Sami and Layla weren't related. There was no connection between Sami and Layla. أنت تبالغ حقا عندما تعود في هذا الوقت. You really exaggerate returning at this time. You really exaggerate when you get back at this time. أصبح الجو ماطرا It started raining. It's getting raining. إنه يغلي من الغضب He is burning with anger. He's boiling out of anger. الأسعار غالية هذه الأيام. Prices are high these days. Prices are expensive these days. هذا المدرّس مذهل. This teacher is amazing. This teacher is amazing. لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami wasn't going to survive anyways. Sami wouldn't have survived anyway. عد إلى المنزل بسرعة. Go home quickly. Go home quickly. نظف أنفك Wipe your nose. Clean your nose. لا تعبث بإنفك! Don't pick your nose! Don't mess with your nose! أنا ذاهب لأدرس I am going to study. I'm going to study. ردّ سامي. Sami replied. Sami responded. إنها متدينة كاثوليكية. She's a devout Catholic. She's a Catholic religiousist. إنه لا يسكن في نفس الحي الذي أعيش فيه. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. He doesn't live in the same neighborhood as me. تلقّى سامي اتّصالا غريبا من شخص لم يتعرّف عليه. Sami got a strange call from someone whose voice he didn't recognize. Sami got a weird call from someone he didn't recognize. أعمل كل يوم عدا يوم الأحد. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except on Sunday. لم أكن أرغب أن أخيّب آمال سامي. I didn't want to disappoint Sami. I didn't want to disappoint Sami. هل يتحدث أحدٌ الإنجليزية؟ Does anyone speak English? Does anyone speak English? حديقتها عمل فني. Her garden is a work of art. Her garden is an artwork. نهض من النوم في الساعة الثامنة صباحاً. He got up at eight in the morning. Get out of bed at 8:00 in the morning. قدماها طويلتان. She has long feet. Her feet are long. إن كلمة مركز المدينة تشير إلى الجزء التجاري من أي مدينة. The word downtown refers to the business quarter of any town. The word "city center" refers to the commercial part of any city. لا أظن أنه آتٍ. I think he won't come. I don't think he's coming. لا تعتمد على والديك كثيراً. Don't depend on your parents too much. Don't count on your parents too much. أقام سامي علاقة غير شرعيّة مع امرأة متزوِّجة. Sami was having an affair with a married woman. Sami had an affair with a married woman. لا يزال سامي عازبا. Sami is still single. Sami is still single. إنهُ يبدو كالحلم. It feels like a dream. It's like a dream. تعرّضا سامي و ليلى لحادث. Sami and Layla were involved in an accident. Sami and Layla had an accident. أتى سامي إلى المسجد قبل الأذان. Sami came to the mosque before the adhan. Sami came to the mosque before the ears. درس توم الجيولوجيا. Tom studied geology. Tom studied geology. بدأت الشّرطة تفكّر أنّه من الممكن أن يكون لفاضل أعداء في المنطقة. The police started to think that Fadil may have had some unlikely enemies in the area. The police are starting to think that there could be enemies in the area. لمَ لمْ تخبرني بأنّ اجتماعًا عُقِدَ اليوم؟ Why didn't you tell me there was a meeting today? Why didn't you tell me a meeting was held today? انه لمن المهم جداً الحصول على كفاية من الراحة. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to get enough rest. ليلى تسوق و كأنّ الطّريق ملك لها. Layla drives as if she owned the road. Layla's shopping like the road belongs to her. ايها الناس امضوا قدماً . نحن سوف نتبعكم . You people go ahead. We'll bring up the rear. People, move on. We'll follow you. لا أعرف إذا كان صادقاً أم لا. I don't know whether he was honest or not. I don't know if he's honest or not. هل تم اتهام توم؟ Has Tom been indicted? Tom's been charged? سامحني رجاءً! Pray forgive me! Please forgive me! شارفت الساعة على الثالثة. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost 3:00. لم أكن أتوقّع أن يحدث هذا. I wasn't expecting this to happen. I wasn't expecting this to happen. هو يعلم أنني أحبّه. He knows that I love him. He knows I love him. إنها صغيرة جداً. She's so young. It's too small. ما هي توصيتك؟ What do you recommend? What's your recommendation? ربما توم يستطيع أن يفعل شيئاً للمساعدة. Maybe Tom can do something to help. Maybe Tom can do something to help. كانت الفتاة خائفة من ظلها. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was afraid of her shadow. أيمكنك أن تقرضني بعض المال؟ Can you lend me some money? Can you lend me some money? كان سامي يعيش أفضل أوقات حياته. Sami was living his best life. Sami had the best time of his life. لا تقلق, قص شعرك لا يؤلم. Don't worry, cutting your hair doesn't hurt. Don't worry, cutting your hair doesn't hurt. ثيابه لا تتماشى مع الموضة. His clothes are out of fashion. His clothes don't match fashion. متى سألت توم؟ When did you ask Tom? When did you ask Tom? تكفّل الإسعافيّون بجروح سامي. First responders tendered to Sami's injuries. The paramedics took care of Sami's injuries. عادت ليلى إلى المنزل ليلا. Layla came home at night. Layla came home at night. تبدأ المدرسة الساعة الثامنة و النصف. School begins at eight-thirty. School starts at 8:30. هل أثلجت البارحة؟ Did it snow yesterday? Did it snow last night? لغة آفي شلاييم الأولى هي العربيّة، و العبريّة هي لغته الثّانية. Avi Shlaim's first language is Arabic, and Hebrew is his second language. Avi Shellheim's first language is Arabic, and Hebrew is his second language. كانت ليلى عطشة. Layla was thirsty. Layla was thirsty. كيف وصل بهم الأمر للنّسيان؟ How could they forget? How did it get them to forget? لا أريد أن تكون أية صلة بين و بينك. I don't want to have anything to do with you. I don't want any connection between you and me. لاقيته ذات يوم. One day I met him. I met him one day. كيف حالكم جميعاً؟ How is everyone? How are you all doing? أهناك مقاس أكبر؟ Do you have a larger size? Is there a bigger size? التقيتُ بصديق لي في المطار. I met a friend of mine at the airport. I met a friend of mine at the airport. على قدر لحافك مد رجليك، رحم الله إمرءاً عرف قدر نفسه. Cut your coat according to your cloth. As far as you're concerned, stretch your legs. May God have mercy on someone who knows his own destiny. متى وأين سوف نلتقي؟ When and where shall we meet? When and where will we meet? اشتاق سامي لليلى. Sami missed Layla. Sami misses Layla. السماء صافية. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. لا تنس أن تسجّل الوقت عند مغادرتك للعمل. Don't forget to clock out before you leave work. Don't forget to record time when you leave work. أنا أيضاً لا يعجبني ذلك. I don't like it, either. I don't like it either. توقفت الساعة عن العمل. The watch broke down. The clock stopped working. لا شك أن توم كان لديه وقت كاف لينجز العمل. Tom definitely had enough time to get the job done. No doubt Tom had enough time to do the job. أنت تفهمني You understand me. You understand me. بدأ فاضل يحوّل ملكيّة منزل ليلى إلى إسمه. Fadil started transfering Layla's house into his name. Fadil started turning Layla's home property into his name. ينبغي أن تُظهر النّساء وجوههنّ. Women should have their faces visible. Women should show their faces. هكذا نشأت\\تربيت That's how I grew up. That's how I grew up. أظنّ أنّك أحمق. I think you're dumb. I think you're an idiot. يجب أن تساعدها و بسرعة! You have to help her, but quickly. You have to help her and fast! هل أنهيت قراءة تلك الرواية؟ Have you finished reading that novel? Did you finish reading that novel? في موسم السياحة ، ترفع العديد من الفنادق اسعارها . In the tourist season, many hotels raise prices. In the tourism season, many hotels raise their prices. ما الذي فعلته بآلة التصوير تلك؟ What did you do with that camera? What did you do with that camera? امش بأسرع ما يمكنك. Walk as fast as possible. Walk as fast as you can. كيف حالك يا آنسة جون؟ How do you do, Mrs. Jones? How are you, Miss John? كان فاضل هو شريك رامي الجديد. Fadil was Rami's new associate. Fadil was Rami's new partner. كتب "مع تحياتي" في ذيل الخطاب ثم قام بتوقيع اسمه. He wrote "Best regards" at the end of the letter and then went on to sign his name. He wrote "with my regards" in the tail of the speech and then signed his name. نادراً ما أراها. I see it rarely. I rarely see her. الكهرباء مفيدة جداً. Electricity is very useful. Electricity is very useful. أحتاج إلى قاموس ياباني-إنجليزي. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. حدّث سامي ليلى عن حياته. Sami told Layla about his life. Sami told Layla about his life. أنا لا ألومك. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. أحتاج إلى أن أدرس. I need to study. I need to study. تزداد جمالاً يوماً بعد يوم. She is getting prettier and prettier. It's getting more beautiful day by day. لم بقي في ألمانيا؟ Why did he remain in Germany? Why did he stay in Germany? اكتشف العلماء أنواعا جديدة من الدينصورات. Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaur. Scientists have discovered new types of dinosaurs. لقد وصلت إلى وجهتك. You have reached your destination. You've reached your destination. وجد سامي كاميرا محترفة في الشّاطئ. Sami found a professional camera on the beach. Sami found a professional camera on the beach. سأحوّل مبلغ المال. I will transfer the money. I'll transfer the money. كدنا أن نموت من البرد. We came dangerously close to freezing to death. We almost died of cold. بتوقيعي للعقد، ألزمت نفسي بالعمل هناك لخمس سنوات أخرى. By signing the contract, I committed myself to working there for another five years. By signing the contract, I committed myself to work there for another five years. فلنحاول! Let's have a try. Let's try! كان فاضل مهتمّا بالخيول. Fadil was interested in horses. Fadil was interested in horses. نظف غرفتك. Clean your room. Clean your room. يبدو قوياً. He looks strong. Sounds strong. يجب عليك أن تُكَلّمَهُم. You should talk to them. You have to talk to them. بدأ سامي يخلع ملابسي. Sami started taking my clothes off. Sami started taking off my clothes. لقد طلبوا المساعدة They asked for help. They asked for help. أصبحت الإنجليزيّة مادّتي المفضّلة. English has become my favourite subject. English has become my favorite subject. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at 8:30 a.m. School starts at 8:30. كِلاً من هما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. Both of them are in the room. أشرق وجه الطفل حين رأى بابا نويل. The child's face glowed when he saw Santa Claus. The child's face shined when he saw Santa Claus. أنا لم أذُقِ الطعامَ منذُ أيامٍ. I haven't eaten anything for days. I haven't tasted food in days. هو أترعَ الكأس. He filled the cup to the brim. He took care of the cup. هناك من ينظر إليك. Someone is watching you. Someone's looking at you. حان وقت ذهابي. It's time for me to go. It's time for me to go. النجاح لا يأتي من الكسل. Success does not come from laziness. Success doesn't come from laziness. كان سامي يعيش حياة عديمة الأخلاق. Sami led an immoral life. Sami was living an immoral life. إنه أحسن مني في كل شئ. He's better than me in everything. He's better at everything than me. لماذا استقلت؟ Why did you quit? Why did you quit? أكره مادة الكيمياء. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. كالعادة تأخر مايك عن إجتماع بعد الظهر. As usual, Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon. As usual, Mike's late for the afternoon meeting. واجه سامي ليلى. Sami confronted Layla. Sami confronted Layla. هي أكسل من أعرف. She is the laziest person I know. She's the Axl I know. هو يواجه العديد من العوائق. He faces many obstacles. He's facing a lot of obstacles. أردت الذهاب إلى هناك. I wanted to go there. I wanted to go there. إننا نواجه أزمة ضخمة. We are facing a violent crisis. We are facing a huge crisis. كان سامي يذهب إلى المسجد يوم الجمعة. Sami went to the mosque on Friday. Sami was going to the mosque on Friday. أحب ضوء الشموع. I like candlelight. I love candlelight. الاغنية تذكرني بأيام شبابي. The song reminds me of my young days. The song reminds me of my youthful days. بدأ سامي يصرخ و يصيح و يلكم الجدار. Sami was screaming and yelling and punching the wall. Sami started screaming and yelling and punching the wall. بإمكان ليلى أن تصبح حاملا. Layla might get pregnant. Layla can get pregnant. جعلت مدرّسي يُفصل عن العمل. I got my teacher fired. I got my teacher fired. كان سامي آتيًا من ذاك المقهى. Sami was coming from that coffee shop. Sami was coming from that coffee shop. ستنسَني يوماً ما. You'll forget about me someday. You'll forget me someday. أنت حقا مزعج. You are really annoying. You're really annoying. كيف يعرف شخص أجنبيّ تماما اسمه؟ How did a total stranger know his name? How exactly does a foreigner know his name? توم يشترى قِط. Peter is buying a tomcat. Tom buys cats. لم يحدث ذلك أبدا في حياتي كإنسان بالغ. This never happened in my adult life. It's never happened in my life as an adult. لقد أنهيت العمل للتو. I just finished work. I just finished the job. لم يكن بمقدوره الركض بسرعة كبيرة. He couldn't run very fast. He couldn't run too fast. عمّا كنا نتكلّم؟ What were we talking about? What were we talking about? لم يرغب توم بالزواج مجددا. Tom didn't want to get married again. Tom didn't want to get married again. هل كلكم جاهزون؟ Are you all ready? Are you all ready? أنا سعيد جداً الآن. I'm very happy now. I'm so happy right now. كأنني لم أعرف هذا! As if I didn't know that! Like I didn't know that! ماذا علي أن أفعل؟ What should I do? What should I do? لديهم ثلاثة قطط، ليسوا بحاجة لقط آخر. They already have three cats, they don't need another one. They have three cats. They don't need another cat. يريد سامي أن يقضي بعض الوقت لوحده. Sami wants to spend some time alone. Sami wants to spend some time alone. أحياناً تعد أختي العشاء. My sister sometimes makes our dinner. Sometimes my sister makes dinner. حسناً. Alright. Okay. كيف تبدو ابنتك؟ What does your daughter look like? What does your daughter look like? هذا هو الخيار الوحيد. This is the only alternative. That's the only option. لماذا تريد شراء هذا الكتاب؟ Why do you want to buy this book? Why do you want to buy this book? مرحباً. Hello! Hi. كان لدى سامي امرأة أخرى في حياته. Sami had another woman in his life. Sami had another woman in his life. هل يريد توم أن يأتي؟ Does Tom want to come? Does Tom want to come? الناس يحبون التحدث والتحدث والتحدث. People love to talk - talk - talk. People like to talk and talk and talk. نحن نبيع عصير البرتقال. We sell orange juice. We sell orange juice. نهاني عن القيادة بسرعة. He told me not to drive too fast. Stop driving so fast. العنف ضد النساء هو أحد أكثر اختراقات حقوق الإنسان تكراراً حول العالم. Violence against women is one of the most frequent violations of human rights worldwide. Violence against women is one of the most frequent human rights violations around the world. دفعه الجوع للسرقة. Hunger urged him to steal. Hunger drove him to steal. قف! Stand up! Whoa! توم يرتدي معطف رياطي Tom is wearing a sports coat. Tom's wearing a strip coat. البحيرة عميقة هنا. The lake is deep here. The lake is deep here. هل تريد ان ترقص معي؟ Do you want to dance with me? You wanna dance with me? آخذ آلة التصوير معي أينما ذهبت. I take my camera with me wherever I go. I take the camera with me wherever I go. كم من الوقت أنتظرتني؟ How long did you wait for me? How long did you wait for me? أخبرتها أنك فتاة لطيفة. I told her that you're a nice girl. I told her you were a nice girl. تفضّل البيت بيتك. Please help yourself. Here's your house. أخرج دفترًا. He took a notebook out. Take out a notebook. حاول سامي أن يصف ما حدث. Sami tried to describe what happened. Sami tried to describe what happened. أخذ سامي دروسا. Sami took classes. Sami took lessons. ذهب سامي يسارا. Sami went left. Sami went left. منطقة القبائل هي جزء من الجزائر و ستبقى. Kabylie is part of Algeria and will always be. The tribal area is part of Algeria and will remain. إنهُ غاضب معكِ. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. هلّا ساعدتني في عملي؟ Can you help me with my work? Will you help me with my work? كان غيورا. He was jealous. He was jealous. كان سامي حقّا ذكيّا. Sami was really smart. Sami was really smart. لديّ وظيفتي الخاصّة. I have my own job. I have my own job. ركض سامي إلى الخارج. Sami ran outside. Sami ran out. لا أحد يهتم لأمري. Nobody cares for me. Nobody cares about me. غمسنا قطع من الفاكهة في الشوكولاه الذائبة ، و وضعناهم في الثلاجة لتقسى. We dipped pieces of fruit in melted chocolate, and put them in the fridge to harden. We dipped pieces of fruit in melted chocolate, and we put them in the fridge for roughness. ما ذهبت إلى المدرسة. I didn't go to school. I didn't go to school. برشفة واحدة . Bottoms up! With one sip. أعطتني الممرضة حقنة. The nurse gave me a shot. The nurse gave me a shot. يئس المدرّسون من سامي. Teachers gave up on Sami. The teachers are desperate for Sami. هذا جيد جدا It's very good. That's very good. هذا أمرٌ مُسَلمٌ بِهِ. It's an indisputable matter. That's a good thing. هل تعرفني؟ - لا أعرفك. Do you know me? - No, I don't. - I don't know you. نحن نأكل التفاح. We're eating apples. We eat apples. يمكن لسامي أن يفوز. Sami can win. Sami can win. لقد كان من الواضح أنهُ في ألم. He was obviously in pain. He was obviously in pain. تحدثنا حتى الثانية صباحاً . We talked until two in the morning. We talked till 2:00 in the morning. سامي ليس مجرّد طبيب فقط، بل هو جرّاح. Sami is not just a doctor, but a surgeon. Sami's not just a doctor, he's a surgeon. إغسل أنت الصحون يا بِن. You wash the dishes, Ben. You wash the dishes, Ben. أيّتها العاهرة الخائنة. You cheating bitch. You traitor bitch. حدث تلو الآخر. One event followed another. Happened after each other. لقد أنهينا أكل طعام الفطور للتو. We've just finished breakfast. We just finished eating breakfast. لا تنس إقفال الأبواب عند مغادرتك. Don't forget to lock up when you leave. Don't forget to lock the doors when you leave. عاش سامي حياة برّاقة. Sami lived a glittering life. Sami had a bright life. هو نائم مثل طفل He sleeps like a baby. He's sleeping like a kid. لن أغادر محطّة الشّرطة هذه حتّى أرى سامي. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sami. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sami. أين رأيت الصبي؟ Where did you see the boy? Where did you see the boy? هل تمتلك كمبيوتر؟ Do you own a computer? Do you have a computer? واصل كين ترديد تلك الأغنية. Ken kept on singing that song. Ken kept repeating that song. ليس عليك أن تأتي غدًا. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. ما سبب خوفكم جميعًا من سامي؟ Why are you all afraid of Sami? Why are you all so scared of Sammy? كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami was living his life. Sami was living his life. هل أنا صديقتك؟ Am I your friend? Am I your friend? أمسكه! Get him! Get him! لا ينفع الندم على ما فات. Don't cry over spilled milk. Regret doesn't work on what's missing. لا أدري. I don't know. I don't know. سأبقى هناك حتى الساعة السادسة. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll be there till 6:00. بعض الأطفال يلعبون ألعاب الفيديو في جميع الأوقات. Some children play video games all the time. Some kids play video games all the time. منزلك أكبر من منزلي بثلاث مرات. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times bigger than mine. أقفلت النوافذ الستة جميعها. I've shut all six windows. I locked all six windows. إنك محق تماماً. You're quite right. You're absolutely right. يجب أن تجهز نفسك بسرعة. You must get ready quickly. You need to get ready fast. أنت نِعْمَ الطالب. You are a good student. You're the student's yes. أخبرت ليلى الشّرطة. Layla notified police. Layla told the police. حاول سامي التّلويح بيده. Sami tried to wave his arm. Sami tried to wave his hand. قابلته في عدة مناسبات. I met him on several occasions. I've met him on several occasions. أنا أسكنُ هنا مُنذُ سنة 1990. I have lived here since 1990. I've been living here since 1990. كانت الأرض مغطاة بالدم. The floor was covered with blood. The land was covered in blood. كان سامي ينتظر فقط. Sami was just waiting. Sami was just waiting. أتريد الخروج لاحتساء شيء؟ Do you want to go out for a drink? You want to go out for a drink? كان سامي بحاجة إلى المال. Sami needed money. Sami needed money. كان بإمكان سامي أن يحمي ليلى. Sami could have protected Layla. Sami could have protected Layla. جرى الاستجواب الأوّل في محطّة شرطة بتورونتو. The initial interrogation took place at a police station in Toronto. The first interrogation took place at the Toronto police station. بالنّسبة لفاضل، لم تكن العربيّة شيئا جديدا فحسب، بل كانت أيضا صعبة للغاية. To Fadil, Arabic was not only new, but very complicated. For Fadil, Arabic was not only something new, it was also very difficult. بدأت تعلّم الصينية الأسبوع الماضي. I started learning Chinese last week. I started learning Chinese last week. يحب البرتقال. He likes oranges. He likes oranges. كان سامي يشرب. Sami drank. Sami was drinking. أود أن أطلب منك معروفا. I'd like to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you a favor. لماذا بحق السماء قام بهذا؟ Why on earth did he do that? Why the hell did he do that? عليّ أن آخذ الدواء. I have to take medicine. I have to take the medicine. البنات يريدون فقط الحصول على المتعة. The girls just want to have fun. Girls just want to have fun. هل لديك فكّة؟ Have you got change? Do you have change? ليس هناك أمل بتعافيه. There is no hope of his recovery. There's no hope for him to recover. تتكلم و كأنك رئيس عملنا. You talk as if you were the boss. You talk like you're our boss. نطق سامي بالشّهادة الأسبوع الماضي. Sami took his shahada last week. Sami gave testimony last week. لدي فكرة جيدة أخرى. I have another good idea. I have another good idea. قرأت كتاباً و أنا آكل. I read a book while eating. I read a book while I was eating. كان ذلك خطأهم. It was their fault. That was their fault. مئة هو رقمي المفضل. One hundred is my favorite number. A hundred is my favorite number. قطتنا تحب الأعشاب البحرية كثيرًا. Our cat is very fond of seaweed. Our cat loves seaweed so much. "أين أنت؟" "أنا هنا!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" ما الأمر؟ What is the problem? What is it? لم تشتغل سيّارة سامي. Sami's car wasn't starting. Sami's car didn't start. لا تنظر إليها! Don't look at her! Don't look at her! يجب أن تفي بوعدك. You should keep your promise. You must keep your promise. ضحك الجميع عليّ. Everybody laughed at me. Everybody laughed at me. هل تعلم من أنا ؟ Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? إلى أين نحن ذاهبون؟ Where are we going? Where are we going? لقد كنتُ أتعلّم الأمازيغية لسنوات. I have been learning Berber for years. I've been learning Amazigh for years. كانت بتي أول الحاضرات إلى الحفلة. Betty was the first girl who came to the party. Betty was the first present at the party. سيفوتك القطار. You will miss the train. You're gonna miss the train. أتى سامي إلى موقف الحافلة لاصطحاب ليلى. Sami came to the bus stop to pick Layla up. Sami came to the bus stop to pick up Layla. كان هناك حب و احترام. There was love and respect. There was love and respect. ذهبت إلى البيت. I went home. I went home. لا تنس الكتابة بالأحرف الكبيرة. Please do not forget capital letters. Don't forget to write the big letters. توم أمضى فترة بعد الظهر بأكملها مع ماري. Tom spent the entire afternoon with Mary. Tom spent the whole afternoon with Mary. أيمكننا الوثوق بك؟ Can we trust you? Can we trust you? كن مؤمنا. Have faith. Be a believer. أليس علينا سؤال توم؟ Shouldn't we ask Tom? Shouldn't we ask Tom? أتمنى أن أراك مرة أخرى. I hope to see you again. I wish I could see you again. فسّر سامي كلّ شيء. Sami explained everything. Sami explained everything. عُد إلى منزلِك. Go back to your house. Go home. يجب أن يكون الباب إما مغلقا أو مفتوحا. A door must be either shut or open. The door must be either locked or open. بدا سامي لطيفا. Sami seemed nice. Sami seemed nice. تبيّن في النهاية أنّني كنت على حق. It turned out that I was right. It turns out I was right. ليس بإمكان الشرطة أن تستجوبه لهذا السّبب. Cops can't question him because of that. The police can't question him for that reason. كان عند سامي و ليلى درس يحضرانه معا. Sami and Layla had a class together. Sami and Layla had a lesson to attend together. هل أنت جائع؟ Are you hungry? Are you hungry? أريد أن أقوم بذلك معك. I'd like to do it with you. I want to do it with you. نريد أن نعرف لماذا We want to know why. We want to know why. حجز منّاد موعدا لنفسه. Mennad scheduled an appointment for himself. Mennad made an appointment for himself. أنظر إلى ذاك البناء الأحمر. Look at that red building. Look at that red building. هذه المحادثه سيتم تسجيلها This conversation is going to be recorded. This conversation will be recorded. وضعت الشرطة توم تحت المراقبة. The police have Tom under surveillance. The police put Tom under surveillance. هل تظنني مجنونا؟ Do you think I am nuts? You think I'm crazy? إنها تلعب عالم من العلب. She plays World of Warcraft. She's playing a world of cans. فتح توم عيناه ببطء ومن ثمّ قبّلته ماري. Tom slowly opened his eyes, and then Mary kissed him. Tom slowly opened his eyes and then Mary kissed him. أرى سامي المال لليلى. Sami showed Layla the money. Sami sees the money for Layla. كانت ليلى تفضّل قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. Layla would have preferred to spend her time outside the house. حدث ذلك في الأول من مايو. It happened on the first of May. It happened on May 1st. ما هو متوسط إيجار المحلات هنا؟ What's the average rental for a shop here? What's the average store rent here? هذا أمر جديد بالنسبة لي. It's news to me. This is new to me. ذلك الرجل لديه فم كريه. That man has a foul mouth. That guy's got a nasty mouth. نظرت ليلى من النّافذة و رأت سيّارة سامي. Layla looked out the window and saw Sami's car. Layla looked out the window and saw Sami's car. تأخرنا بسبب العاصفة. We were late because of the storm. We're late for the storm. اغتنمت ليلى وحدة سامي و أغوته. Layla played into Sami's loneliness and seduced him. Layla grabbed Sami's unit and seduced him. كنت مخطئاً. I was wrong. I was wrong. هذه قصة جديدة بالنسبة لي. That is a new story to me. This is a new story for me. هل تساعدني أن أحل واجبي؟ Will you help me with my homework? Will you help me do my homework? إنك لم تفهم. You didn't understand. You don't understand. وقفنا وجهاً لوجه. We stood face to face. We stood face to face. علّم سامي السّباحة لليلى. Sami taught Layla how to swim. Sami taught Layla to swim. آمل أنه يعجبك. I hope you enjoy it. I hope you like it. كان سامي مخمورا. Sami was drunk. Sami was drunk. عليك أن تنتبه عندما تسبح في البحر. You must pay attention when swimming in the sea. You have to be careful when you swim in the sea. شرب سامي العشرات من الأقراص و زجاجة تيكيلا. Sami has swallowed dozens of pills and a bottle of tequila. Sami drank dozens of pills and a bottle of tequila. أين هو الحريق إذا؟ So where's the fire? So where's the fire? سامي هو مدير العيادة. The clinic director is Sami. Sami is the director of the clinic. انا لم اغسل شعري . I haven't washed my hair. I didn't wash my hair. اتّصل سامي بليلى من منزل الجار. Sami called Layla from the neighbors' home. Sami called Layla from the neighbor's house. تبدو وكأنك فعلت شيئا ما كان عليك فعله. You look like you've been doing something you shouldn't. You look like you did something you had to do. الإسلام ليس دينا فقط، بل نمط حياة أيضا. Islam is not only a religion. It's a way of life. Islam is not only our religion, but also a way of life. كان الجميع يعرف عائلة سامي. Everyone knew Sami's family. Everyone knew Sami's family. توفّيت أخت سامي الصّغيرة عندما كانت في السّادسة من عمرها فقط. Sami's little sister passed away when she was just six. Sami's little sister died when she was only six. هل من أحد يستطيع أن ينطق هذه الكلمة؟ Is there anyone who can pronounce this word? Can anyone say that word? علينا أن نتوقع الأسوأ. We have to expect the worst. We have to expect the worst. هل بإمكاني مساعدتك بطريقة ما؟ Can I help you somehow? Can I help you somehow? قال فاضل أنّه كان يسمع أصواتا في رأسه. Fadil said he heard voices in his head. Fadil said he was hearing voices in his head. نحن في المنزل We are at home. We're home. ألا تبالي إن دخنت؟ Does it bother you if I smoke? Don't you care if I smoke? لا يمكنني الكذب. I can't lie. I can't lie. إن لم أتمكّتنن من الحصول على فاضل، فلا أحد بإمكانه الحصول عليه. If I can't have Fadil, no one else is going to have him either. If I can't get Fadil, no one can. يجب علي أن أذهب الآن. I have to go now. I have to go now. أريد الإجابةَ على السؤال الأخير أولاً. I want to answer the last question first. I want to answer the last question first. هذا فاضل. This one is Fadil. That's Fadil. صرّح الأطبّاء أنّ ليلى كانت تتعافى من سرطانها. Doctors declared Layla's cancer in remission. The doctors said Layla was recovering from her cancer. أخذ سامي مفاتيح سيّارة ليلى و غادر. Sami took Layla's car keys and left. Sami took Layla's car keys and left. كان يجب عليك أن ترى الصورة. You should've seen the picture. You should have seen the picture. من الأفضل أن لا تُكثر من الأكل. You'd better not eat too much. You better not eat too much. طالما أننا نعيش، علينا أن نعمل. As long as we live, we have to work. As long as we live, we have to work. كان سامي ممدّدا في غيبوبة. Sami lay in a coma. Sami was lying in a coma. توجّه سامي مباشرة إلى منزل أبيه. Sami went straight to his father's house. Sami went straight to his father's house. أود أن تقابل والداي. I would like you to meet my parents. I'd like you to meet my parents. عاش حياة مديدة. He lived a long life. He lived a long life. لقد استعرت سيارة. I've borrowed a car. I borrowed a car. صنعت لي أختي دميةً جميلة. My sister made me a beautiful doll. My sister made me a beautiful doll. أيدار هو مواطن كازاخي. Aydar is a Kazakhstani citizen. Aydar is a Kazakh citizen. سأعطيك درسا ستتذكره لمدة طويلة. I'll give you a lesson that you'll remember for a long while. I'll give you a lesson that you'll remember for a long time. بوب و توم أخوَيْن. Bob and Tom are brothers. Bob and Tom are brothers. الجو بارد هذا الصباح. It's cold this morning. It's cold this morning. فقدت زوجتي في حادث سير. I lost my wife in a traffic accident. I lost my wife in a car accident. انصت و شاهد وابقى هادئ. Hear and see and be still. Listen and watch and stay calm. تدربتْ على نطقها للإنجليزية أمس. She practiced her English pronunciation yesterday. She practiced her pronunciation of English yesterday. كانت ليلى نائمة نوما عميقا. Layla was sound asleep. Layla was sleeping deep. سحب سامي ليلى من شعرها. Sami dragged Layla by her hair. Sami pulled Layla out of her hair. اعتذر سامي. Sami apologized. Sami apologized. فقدت حقيبتي. I've lost my bag. I lost my bag. ليس لديّ إخوة. I don't have any brothers. I don't have any brothers. هل تستطيع أكل المحار النيء؟ Can you eat raw oysters? Can you eat raw oysters? طلبتي يواظبون على الدراسة. My students are always studying. My students are continuing their studies. لو سمحت، قم بقلي البيض قليلا كي لا يصير البياض قاسيا. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. Please, fry the eggs a little bit so the eggs don't get rough. نسيت كتابة العنوان على الظرف. I forgot to write the address on the envelope. I forgot to write the address on the envelope. لماذا تعتقدين أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? دعى سامي ليلى للعودة إلى محلّه لتخفيض أكبر من الذي قد منحه إيّاها. Sami invited Layla back for an even bigger discount. Sami invited Layla back to his place to reduce further than he had given her. بدأت صحته تتدهور. His health has begun to decline now. His health is beginning to deteriorate. هيا نصنع تجارة. Let's make a trade. Let's make a trade. أرادت ليلى أن تجعل سامي يحبّها مجدّدا. Layla wanted to win Sami back. Layla wanted to make Sami love her again. أذهلت جريمة سامي جميع أهل الحي. Sami's crime stunned all the community. Sami's murder stunned everyone in the neighborhood. كان يحبّها و كانت تحبّه هي أيضا. He loved her, and she loved him, too. He loved her and she loved him, too. سامي شديد الخجل. Sami is extremely shy. Sami is so ashamed. طُرد سامي من العمل. Sami was fired. Sami got fired. ثم استلقى على السرير نفسه. Then he lay on the same bed. Then he lay on the same bed. ربطة العنق هذه لا تليق ببزتي. This tie doesn't go with my suit. This tie doesn't fit my suit. إنه لا يخاف من الموت. He isn't afraid of death. He's not afraid to die. عليك أن تطفئ الأنوار قبل خلودك للنوم. You should turn off the light before going to sleep. You need to turn off the lights before you go to sleep. أين مدرستك؟ Where is your school? Where's your school? لماذا ذهبت إلى طوكيو؟ Why did you go to Tokyo? Why did you go to Tokyo? تعد أمي كعكة لأبي. My mother is making a cake for my father. My mom makes a cake for my dad. إمكانك الذهاب إذا أردت. You can go if you want. You can go if you want. شكرأ على دعوتكَ لي إلى الحفلة. Thank you for inviting me to the party. Thanks for inviting me to the party. هذه القصة المصورة شهيرة جدا في الصين. This manga is pretty popular in China. This comic is very famous in China. هي لا تعلم أين تبحث عنه. She doesn't know where to look for him. She doesn't know where to look for him. هل من أحد ليساعدني؟ Can somebody help me? Somebody help me? كان فاضل بعيدا 600 ميل متوجّها إلى القاهرة في اللّيلة التي قُتِلَت فيها ليلى، و يعني هذا أنّه من المستحيل أن يكون هو القاتل. Fadil was 600 miles away, driving to Cairo on the night Layla went missing. This means there's no way that he could have been the killer. Fadil was 600 miles away heading for Cairo the night Layla was killed, which means there's no way he was the killer. نريد أن نعرف توم. We want to get to know Tom. We want to know Tom. من الأرجح أن يكون سامي قد قضى نهاية الأسبوع مع صديقته. Sami probably spent the weekend with his new girlfriend. Sami probably spent the weekend with his girlfriend. هل لي ببعض الماء؟ حلقي جاف تماما. Coud I have some water? My throat is really dry. May I have some water? My throat is completely dry. ألم تنس شيئا؟ Aren't you forgetting one thing? Aren't you forgetting something? واصل المشي لبعض الوقت. He continued walking for some time. Keep walking for a while. من كتب هذا الكتاب؟ Who wrote this book? Who wrote this book? أُختتم المؤتمر قبل ساعتين. The conference ended two hours ago. The Conference closed two hours ago. لم يستحم سامي. Sami didn't take a shower. Sami didn't shower. من أين أشتريتَ هذا الثوب؟ Where did you buy that dress? Where did you buy this dress? كانا ليلى و سامي يريدان قضاء يوم مثالي. Layla and Sami wanted to spend a perfect day. Layla and Sami wanted to have a perfect day. فضح سامي ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami exposed Layla on YouTube. Sami exposed Layla to YouTube. تركته في موضع المسؤولية. I left him in charge. I left him in charge. هل تسمحين لي أن أمسك يدك؟ May I hold your hand? May I hold your hand? هو شخصية مهمة و يجب أن نعامله على هذا الأساس. He is a VIP and we must treat him as such. He's an important person, and we have to treat him like that. لم يسبق لنا و أن رأينا انتحارا كهذا. We have never seen a suicide that looked like this. We've never seen a suicide like this. فهمني القليل. Only a few people understood me. He understood me a little bit. أنا متأكد أنه سيستقيل من منصبه. I am certain that he will quit his job. I'm sure he'll quit his job. حجزت هذه الطاولة. This table is reserved. I booked this table. هذه الرسائل من والدي سامي. These letters are from Sami's parents. These letters are from Sami's parents. أتذكر أنه سبق و أن رأيتها في الماضي. I remember seeing her before. I remember I've seen her in the past. لا زال سامي يشتاق لليلى. Sami still misses Layla. Sami still misses Layla. كان فاضل ينتظر ليلى كي تدخل. Fadil was waiting for Layla to come in. Fadil was waiting for Layla to come in. أثمّة ما تريد إخباري عنه؟ Is there anything that you want to tell me? Anything you want to tell me about? تركت ملاحظة على بابك صباح اليوم. I left a note by your door this morning. I left a note on your door this morning. أين هي؟ Where is she? Where is she? هذا الرجل لديه حصان. This man has a horse. This guy's got a horse. كان سامي حقّا بحاجة لرؤية طبيب. Sami really needed to see a doctor. Sami really needed to see a doctor. يجب إبقاء هذا الدرس في الحسبان. This lesson should be kept in mind. This lesson must be kept in mind. هلا أعطيتني ولاعة؟ Will you give me a light? Can you give me a lighter? أين تقع عيادته؟ Where is his clinic located? Where's his clinic? سمع سامي صوتا بداخله. Sami heard an inner voice. Sami heard a voice inside him. انسني. Forget me. Forget me. دَعَعها تذهب. Let her go. Let her go. لم يكن هناك أحد. No one was present. There was no one. لقد أحدثت وفان سامي هلاعا وسط أهل البلدة. Sami's death put the community into a panic. I freaked out Fan Sami in the middle of town. أنا أدرس اللغة الفارسية. I am studying Persian. I'm studying Persian. هل تلك أمك؟ Is that your mom? Is that your mom? اختفى سامي لسبب غامض. Sami has mysteriously gone missing. Sami disappeared for a mysterious reason. تلقّي سامي حكما بالمؤبّد. Sami was given a life sentence. Sami received a life sentence. إنّهما معي. They're with me. They're with me. كان سامي جالسا على السّرير. Sami was sitting on the bed. Sami was sitting on the bed. نقل سامي ليلى بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Fadil rushed Layla to the hospital. Sami moved Layla quickly to the hospital. يصنع العسل من قبل النحل. Honey is made by honey bees. Honey is made by bees. قال الصائب: "نوبز، إن قتلت أنت يا ديما 25 شخصًا فلا بد أنهم كانوا نوبز." "Noobs," Al-Sayib stated. "If 25 people got killed by you, Dima, then they must have been noobs." The right man said, "Nobs, if you kill 25 people, Dima, they must have been Nobs." توقف عن غيظ أخيك! Stop teasing your brother! Stop teasing your brother! واصل سامي الحديث. Sami continued to talk. Sami kept talking. الأسبوع الواحد فيه سبعة أيام. There are seven days in a week. One week has seven days. أنا سعيد جداً. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. ذلك ما ظننته That's what I thought. That's what I thought. اضطررنا للاستعانة بمدخراتنا لكي ندفع النفقات الطبية الغير متوقعة. We had to dip into our savings in order to pay the unexpected medical expenses. We had to use our savings to pay for unexpected medical expenses. إذا أكلت كثيرًا فإنك تصير سمينًا. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. If you eat too much, you get fat. بحثت عن فنجاني و لم أجده. I looked for my cup, but didn't find it. I looked for my cup and I couldn't find it. متى ستعود؟ When will you be back? When are you coming back? كن نفسك. Be yourself! Be yourself. سررتُ لرؤيتكِ. I am pleased to see you. Nice to see you. أنتَ فقط تهرب من مشاكل الحياة. You're just running away from life's problems. You're just running away from life's problems. هوَ فقد والدهُ في البحر. He lost his father at sea. He lost his father at sea. هو ضدّ هذه المبادرة. He opposes this initiative. It's against this initiative. لا تنس هذه. Don't forget these. Don't forget this. ها قد أتت الحافلة. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. ليس غبياً. He's not stupid. It's not stupid. هذا السؤال ليس سهلاً. This question isn't easy. That's not an easy question. أخي في أستراليا حالياً. My brother is now in Australia. My brother's in Australia right now. سيكون فعل ذلك خطرًا. Doing that would be dangerous. It would be dangerous to do that. أخي صغير البنية إلا أنه قوي. My brother is small but strong. My brother's a little brown, but he's strong. تحدث ايفرت لقرابة الساعتين. Everett spoke for almost two hours. Everett spoke for about two hours. تحدث معي بالإنجليزية رجاءً. Please speak to me in English. Talk to me in English, please. لنجرب فعل شيءٍ ما. Let's try something. Let's try something. متى وصلت إلى لندن؟ When did you get to London? When did you get to London? توم مات. Tom died. Tom's dead. لقد تعلمنا من تجاربنا الأخيرة ما يحدث من إلحاق الضرر بالرفاهية في كل مكان إذا ضعف النظام المالي في بلد واحد For we have learned from recent experience that when a financial system weakens in one country, prosperity is hurt everywhere. We've learned from our recent experiences what happens to harm well-being everywhere if the financial system in one country weakens. استمعت له. She listened to him. I listened to him. إنّي أترجم مقالا. I am translating an article. I'm translating an article. أحسّ سامي برغبة للانتقام. Sami felt resentlful. Sami felt a desire for revenge. لقد علقت في ازدحام مروري. I was caught in a traffic jam. I got stuck in traffic. علي أن أجد أحدا لمساعدتي. I have to find someone to help me. I have to find someone to help me. عمّن تتحدث؟ Whom are you speaking of? Who are you talking about? هذه الساعة غالية. This watch is expensive. This watch is expensive. سبق إستيلاء العثمانيين على إسطنبول اكتشاف القارة الأمريكية The conquest of İstanbul antedates the discovery of America. The Ottomans have already taken Istanbul... the discovery of the American continent. أنا أعرف أني في مشكلة الآن. I know I'm in trouble now. I know I'm in trouble now. لا شيء يحدث إن لم يكن حلما في البداية. Nothing happens unless it is preceded by a dream. Nothing happens if it's not a dream at first. ليس كل مصباح سحريا. Not every lamp is magic. Not every magic lamp. أعد توم قائمة للأماكن التي يريد زيارتها. Tom made a list of places he wants to visit. Tom prepared a list of places he wanted to visit. من الأفضل لك ألّا تأكل كثيراً. You had better not eat too much. You better not eat too much. لقد حذرتك ماري. Mary warned you. I warned you, Mary. أنا أتتطلع لرحلة التزلج خاصتنا. I'm looking forward to our ski trip. I'm looking forward to our ski trip. حاولت قتل نفسها. She attempted to kill herself. She tried to kill herself. يا لها من أزهار جميلة! Such pretty flowers! What beautiful flowers! كان سامي يحبّ الأطفال. Sami liked kids. Sami loved children. أبي يتكلم دائما بصوت مرتفع جدا. My father always speaks in a very loud voice. My dad always talks so loud. أعتقد أنّ المحقّقون اتّبعوا الاتّجاهى الخطأ في تحقيقهم. I think that the investigators are barking up the wrong tree. I think the investigators followed the wrong direction in their investigation. داروين غيرَ العالم. Darwin changed the world. Darwin changed the world. هل زرت أمريكا من قبل؟ Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? كانت ليلى تعيش في حيّ أين لم يكن النّاس قادرين على مغادرة منازلهم. Layla lived in a neighborhood where people couldn't come out of their homes. Layla lived in a neighborhood where people weren't able to leave their homes. عملهم هو قطع الأخشاب. Their job is to cut up the wood. Their job is to cut wood. أحبّ اللّغات الأجنبيّة. I like foreign languages. I love foreign languages. دارك هو أفضل مسلسل ألماني. Dark is the best German series. Darhk is the best German show. بعض العرب مسيحيين Some Arabs are Christians. Some Arabs are Christians. لا شيء يماثل كأسا من الجعة بعد جهد يوم كامل. There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work. Nothing like a glass of beer after an entire day's effort. هي تحب المطر. She likes the rain. She loves the rain. استيقظت في الخامسة هذا الصباح. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up at 5:00 this morning. الحاسوب آلة معقدة. A computer is a complex machine. Computer is a complex machine. سامي غير سعيد بوظيفته. Sami's job isn't making him happy. Sami is unhappy with his job. إنّ عيادتنا رائدة في هذا القطاع. Our clinic is the leader in this sector. Our clinic is a pioneer in this sector. ربطة عنقي برتقالية. My tie is orange. My tie's orange. لا يختلط الحليب بالماء. Milk doesn't mix with water. Milk doesn't mix with water. زار سامي المستشفى. Sami visited the hospital. Sami visited the hospital. ربما توم لديهُ شيئاً لإخفائه. Maybe Tom has something to hide. Maybe Tom has something to hide. كيف عَلِم توم مكان ماري؟ How did Tom know where Mary was? How did Tom know where Mary was? اتّصل بطبيب في الحال! Call a doctor immediately. Call a doctor right now! لَيسَ العِلْمُ خَيالاً. Science is not fantasy. Not science fiction. تَكَوّنَ الصديد في الجرح. Pus has formed in the wound. The rust was in the wound. لن أنس جوابها أبدا. I will never forget her answer. I'll never forget her answer. لا بدّ أنّ سامي حاول أن يغتصب ليلى. Sami probably tried to rape Layla. Sami must have tried to rape Layla. كان أبي وأمي جالسين تحت شجرةٍ. My father and mother were sitting under a tree. My mom and dad were sitting under a tree. قال دان إلى إبنته ليندا آن سيقطعها ماليا إن تتزوّج مات. Dan told his daughter Linda that he would cut her off financially if she married Matt. Dan said his daughter Linda Ann would cut her off financially if she married Matt. افتقد سامي لكلبه. Sami missed his dog. Sami missed his dog. طرح لي سامي بعض الأسئلة. Sami asked me questions. Sami asked me some questions. هذا الكتاب مميز في نواحي عديدة This book is unique in many ways. This book is special in many ways. القانون والسياسة هما شيئان مختلفان. Law and politics are two different things. Law and politics are two different things. سأطلب منك أن تقرأ لي الرسالة يا توم. I'm going to have you read the letter to me, Tom. I'm gonna ask you to read me the letter, Tom. سأل الصائب: "أين أنت يا ديما؟!"، بينما جلب منشفةً ليمسح الفانتا المسكوب. "Just where are you, Dima?!" Al-Sayib asked, getting a towel to wipe the spilled Fanta. The right man asked, "Where are you, Dima?" While he brought a towel to wipe out the spilled vanta. غالباً سيهطل الثلج غداً. It will probably snow tomorrow. It's probably gonna snow tomorrow. تبعد مسافة عشر دقائق بالسيارة عن هنا. It's about a ten-minute drive from here. Ten minutes from here. فقد عمله. He lost his job. He lost his job. هو لا يدخن. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. يؤمن المسلمون أنّ عيسى واحد من رسل الله. Muslims believe that Jesus was one of God's messengers. Muslims believe Jesus is one of God's apostles. إنّ هذه المرأة تكون زوجًا لي. This woman is my wife. This woman is my husband. كانت ليلى لا تزال في عداد المفقودين. Layla was still missing. Layla was still missing. أعرّفك بصديقي. May I introduce my friend to you? I'll introduce you to my friend. غالبا ما يغيب أخي عن المدرسة. My brother skips school often. My brother often misses school. أنا أشعر بالعطش. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. من فضلِك أخبريني كيف أكون على تواصل معها. Please tell me how I can get in touch with her. Please tell me how to be in touch with her. قف هناك من فضلك. Just stand there, please. Stand there, please. أيّاً تأخذ؟ Which one do you take? What are you taking? قال مارك توين: "كل التعميمات خطأ، بما فيها هذه." Mark Twain said, "All generalizations are false, including this one." Mark Twain said, "All circulars are wrong, including these." هيَ لا تزال تحبّك. She still loves you. She still loves you. تفطّن سامي لما كان يحدث. Layla realized what was happening. Sami figured out what was going on. ماذا حدث بالأمس؟ What happened last night? What happened yesterday? لم تريدين المغادرة اليوم؟ Why do you want to leave today? Why do you want to leave today? إنها الإجابة التي دفعت هؤلاء الذين طالما قيل لهم من قِبـل الكثيرين ولزمن طويل أن يظلوا بلا وازع، خائفين، ومتوجسين إزاء ما يمكننا إنجازه، وقادتهم ليضعوا أياديهم على قوس التاريخ ويشدوا عليه مرةً أخرى صوب الأمل في يوم أفضل. It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long, by so many, to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve, to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day. It is the answer that has driven those who have long been told by many and long to remain unshakeable, frightened, obsessed with what we can achieve, and led them to lay their hands on the bow of history and once again to hope for a better day. اليوم مُشمس جداً, لذلك الجميع يرتدي نظارات الشمس. Today it's very sunny, so everyone is wearing sunglasses. Today is very sunny, so everyone wears sunglasses. صفع سامي ليلى. Sami slapped Layla. Sami slapped Layla. هذا شيء لن أنساه. It's something I'll never forget. That's something I won't forget. أنا سعيد I am happy. I'm happy. أحبك وأريد الزواج معك. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. دعاني أصحابي على العشاء. My friends invited me to dinner. My friends invited me to dinner. حاولت أن لا تظهر بأنها خائبة الأمل. She tried not to look disappointed. She tried not to appear disappointed. فلنبدأ بالدرس العاشر. Let's start with Lesson Ten. Let's start with the tenth lesson. انتظر خارج البيت من فضلك. Please wait outside the house. Please wait outside the house. نقل سامي ليلى إلى المركز الصّحّي. Sami took Layla to the health center. Sami moved Layla to the health center. لم تعتقد أنّه يجب أن تقوم بذلك؟ Why do you think you have to do that? Why do you think you should do that? أعطاني عمي سيارته. My uncle gave me his car. My uncle gave me his car. بقيت في المنزل طوال اليوم. She stayed in the house all day. I stayed home all day. ليس من الأدب أن تتكلم و فمك ممتلئ. It is rude to speak with your mouth full. It's not polite to talk with your mouth full. أنا هنا كصديق. I'm here as a friend. I'm here as a friend. أبدًا لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom never thinks about others. Tom never thinks about others. ماذا صنع توم؟ What did Tom make? What did Tom do? بكيت لأن الجميع غيري بكى. I just cried because all the others did. I cried because everyone changed me. لا نستطيع النوم بسبب الضجيج. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. هل تحبان بعضكما البعض بشدة؟ Do you love each other very much? Do you love each other so much? رئيسه ودّيّ، إنه امريكيّ. His boss is friendly, he's American. His boss is friendly. He's American. هل ستذهب إلى أمريكا الشهر القادم؟ Will you go to America next month? Are you going to America next month? وجدت ليلى رجلا آخر. Layla found another man. Layla found another man. أخبرك الحقيقة. I tell you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. هل بإمكانك مساعدتي في المطبخ؟ Could you give me a hand in the kitchen, please? Can you help me in the kitchen? أنت بحاجة إلى الإقلاع عن التدخين. You need to stop smoking. You need to quit smoking. الأم تطبخ في المطبخ. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mother cooks in the kitchen. طلبت أسرة سامي أن تُقام العدالة في مسألته. Sami's family demanded justice for him. Sami's family asked for justice in his case. فقط انس الأمر. Just forget it. Just forget it. من هذه الايات ، يمكننا ان نرى الاوصاف المختلفة لنفس الكيان: المدينة و المملكة و اورشليم السماوية و الكنيسة و جبل صهيون . From these verses, we can see the different description of the same entity: the city, the kingdom, the heavenly Jerusalem, the church, and Mount Zion. From these verses, we can see the different descriptions of the same entity: the city, the kingdom, the heavenly Jerusalem, the church, and Mount Zion. أين تلعب التنس؟ Where do you play tennis? Where do you play tennis? ذاك قاموسي. That's my dictionary. That's my dictionary. هل أتى بالباص أم بالقطار؟ Did he come by bus or by train? Did he get the bus or the train? تأخر البعض. Some were late. Some are late. اصبعي تحول الى بني بعد ان غمرته في محلول برمنغانات البوتاسيوم الكثيف جزئياً. My finger turned brown after I dipped it in a slightly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. My finger turned to brown after I flooded it in a partially dense potassium permanganate solution. أمتأك من أنك تعرف كيف تفعل هذا؟ Are you sure you know how to do this? I'm sure you know how to do this. لقد بدأ سامي حياته للتّو. Sami has just started life. Sami just started his life. منزل توم صغير جدّا. Tom's house is very small. Tom's house is too small. إنها معتادة على السهر. She is used to staying up late. She's used to waking up. لا تستطيع الحكومة اليابانية تسيير هذه الأزمة. The Japanese government can't cope with the problem. The Japanese government cannot manage this crisis. لا يوجد أحد في البيت There's no one home. There's no one home. هذه التفاحة طعمها حامض. This apple tastes sour. This apple tastes like acid. أخبرنا سامي بقصة جنونية. Sami told us a crazy story. Sami told us a crazy story. إن الطريق سيكون طويلاً. وصعود المنحدر شاقاً. وربما لا نصل إليه خلال عام واحد، بل ولا خلال ولاية رئاسية. لكنني أقول إليكِ أمريكا، إنه لم يسبق لي أن كنت مفعماً بالأمل ببلوغ نهاية هذا الطريق مثلما أنا مفعمٌ به اليوم. The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we WILL get there. Maybe not in a year, or even in a presidential term. But I say to you, America, that I have never been as hopeful of reaching the end of this path as I am today. يصنع الخبز من القمح. Bread is made from wheat. He makes bread out of wheat. لم أكن أتوقع أنني سأبحث يومًا ما عن "فياغرا" في ويكيبيديا. I wouldn't have thought I would someday look up "Viagra" in Wikipedia. I didn't think I'd ever look for Viagra in Wikipedia. أنا مستعدة. I'm ready. I'm ready. غرق في النهر. He drowned in the river. He drowned in the river. أنت مُسامح. You are forgiven. You're forgiven. لا تنس أنّ ليلى ابنة أخي أيضا. Don't forget that Layla is also my niece. Don't forget Layla's my niece, too. لم تكن تلك المرأة التي رأيتها هناك نفس المرأة التي كنت أعرفها في الماضي. The woman I saw there wasn't the woman I knew. That woman I saw there wasn't the same woman I knew in the past. إنها بنفس طولك تقريباً. She is almost as tall as you. It's almost as tall as you are. لقد أحضرت ما طلبَته منّي. I brought what she asked me to get. She brought what she asked me to. تغلّب سامي على مهاجمه و قتله. Sami overpowered his assailant and killed him. Sami beat his assailant and killed him. توصّلت ليلى في الحصول على وظيفة بإثارة الإعجاب. Layla charmed her way into a job. Layla reached out for an impressive job. أُحضِرَ فاضل إلى العدالة. Fadil was brought to justice. Fadil was brought to justice. هل تريد بعض الفلفل؟ Do you want some pepper? Want some pepper? كانت ذهنية فاضل كذهنية دانية آنذاك. Fadil had the same mindframe at that time as Dania. Fadil's mind was like a Danish mind at the time. كانوا يستمعون إلى المذياع. They were listening to the radio. They were listening to the radio. هذا كتاب. This is a book. This is a book. دعونا نبدأ على الفور. Let's get started right away. Let's start right away. أخبر سامي الشّرطة أين كانت تسكن ليلى بالضّبط. Sami told police where Layla exactly lived. Sami told the police exactly where Layla lived. أحياناً أتساءل إذا ما كان العالم بأسره موجود فقط في خيال أحدٍ ما، و أنه هو من يتخيل وجودنا. من يعلم، ربما كان ذلك الشخص أنا. Sometimes I wonder if this world is just in someone's head, and he dreams us all into existence. Perhaps it's even me. Sometimes I wonder if the whole world is just in someone's fantasy, and he's the one who's imagining us. إنه بيانو قديم. It's an old piano. It's an old piano. يستطيع طفلكم أن يسير. Your baby can walk. Your child can walk. هناك بعض الأولاد في المنتزه. There are some boys in the park. There's some boys in the park. لذا، فإننا نحب الجمل. لكننا نحب اللغات أكثر. So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. So, we love sentences, but we love languages more. أجاب سامي. Sami responded. Sami answered. الجو مشمس اليوم. It is sunny today. It's sunny today. يعجبه السفر لوحده. He likes to travel by himself. He likes to travel alone. ركضت ماري. Mary ran. Mary ran. دُمِّرَتْ اطلانتس. Atlantis was destroyed. Atlantis was destroyed. لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية موجودة على جيبورد. Gboard supports the Berber keyboard. The Amazigh keyboard is on the gibard. هكذا تعارفنا. This is how we've got to know each other. That's how we met. نشأ سامي و هو يستمع لموسيقى الكاونتري. Sami grew up on country music. Sami grew up listening to casino music. هذا الحادث لا يفيد أحداً. This event benefits no one. This incident is of no use to anyone. كان سامي يدخّن. Sami smoked. Sami was smoking. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تذهب إلى المستشفى. Sami told Layla to go to the hospital. Sami asked Layla to go to the hospital. كانت ليلى مختبئة في سفينة. Layla was hiding in a boat. Layla was hiding in a ship. بدون قبلة "الليلة السعيدة"، لن أحلُم أحلاما سعيدة. Without a goodnight kiss I won't have sweet dreams. Without a good night's kiss, I won't dream happy dreams. هذه الفتاة كانت دائماً جيدة ومُطيعة. This girl was always good and dutiful. This girl's always been good and good. أنا لدي جار مثلي الجنس. I have a gay neighbor. I have a gay neighbor. عرّفني بأخته. He introduced his sister to me. He introduced me to his sister. أنا لا أعرفه I don't know him. I don't know him. أنت فتاة جميلة. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. أحضر فاضل ليلى إلى المنزل. Fadil brought Layla home. Fadil brought Layla home. يجب أن تحترم قوانين المدرسة. You must follow school rules. You must respect the rules of the school. دُمرت المدينة بسبب الحريق. The city was destroyed by fire. The city was destroyed by the fire. سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى غاضبة عليه. Sami knows Layla is angry with him. Sami knows Layla's mad at him. إنه يشعرني بالغثيان It gives me nausea too. It makes me sick. دعونا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. أحضر لي كرسياً من فضلك. Get me a chair, please. Get me a chair, please. سدّد سامي ذلك من ماله الخاص. Sami paid for this out of his pocket. Sami paid for it from his own money. هل تظن حقا أن توم لن يأتي؟ Do you really think that Tom won't come? Do you really think Tom isn't coming? أصبح سامي مذهولا و مرتبكا. Sami became lost and confused. Sami got stunned and confused. ملأ الدخان الغرفة حتى صعُب عليّ التنفس. The room was so full of smoke that I could hardly breathe. The smoke filled the room to make it difficult for me to breathe. حين أحاول الاستماع إلى الموسيقى مستخدمًا مُشغّل الوسائط، يظهر خطأٌ ولا أستطيع تشغيل الملف. When I try to listen to music with media player there's an error and I can't play the file. When I try to listen to music using the media operator, it turns out wrong and I can't run the file. توم لم يستعيد ذاكرتهُ أبداً بعد الحادث. Tom never did regain his memory after the accident. Tom never got his memory back after the accident. لا تنس أن تضيف ذلك لبرنامجك. Don't forget to put it on your schedule. Don't forget to add that to your show. لم أرَ براداً أحمر من قبل. I have never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red cold before. لم تبدو مندهشا. You didn't look surprised. You didn't seem surprised. مع السلامة. Goodbye to you. Bye. ألا تمانع أن أفتح النافذة؟ Do you mind if I open the window? Don't you mind if I open the window? عانق سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a hug. Sami hugged Layla. انتظرك جمال طوال الظهيرة. Jamal waited for you all afternoon. Jamal's been waiting for you all afternoon. هل ذهبت إلى المحلّ؟ Did you go to the shop? Did you go to the store? أُخذ سامي إلى العيادة البلديّة. Sami was taken to the municipal clinic. Sami was taken to the municipal clinic. يبدو سامي مثلكِ. Sami looks like you. Sami looks like you. علق التّحقيق. The investigation stalled. Hang up the investigation. كان سيخبرني بالحقيقة إذا كنت سألته. He would tell me the truth, if I would ask him. He would have told me the truth if I asked him. الجزائر هي أكبر بلد في إفريقيا. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. انتقاد الصّهيونيّة لا يعني انتقادا للدّين اليهودي. Criticizing Zionism doesn't mean that you're criticizing the Jewish religion. Criticizing Zionism doesn't mean criticizing Jewish religion. حاول مجدداً. Try it again. Try again. الأمر يعود إليك. It's up to you. It's up to you. كنت مشغولاً البارحة. I was busy yesterday. I was busy last night. أحب فيه صدقه. I like him because he is honest. I love his honesty. الجبال المسننة كانت مغطاة بالثلوج. The jagged mountains were capped with snow. The toothy mountains were covered in snow. هل تفهم ما أقوله لك؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand what I'm saying to you? عليك أن لا تترك الرضيع وحده. You shouldn't leave the baby alone. You shouldn't leave the baby alone. كانت الشّرطة تشكّ أنّ سامي كان يعيش حياة مزدوجة. Police suspected Sami had been living a double life. The police suspected Sami was living a double life. هذا بسببي. I caused this. It's because of me. أنّا لديها شعر بُني كستنائي, ولكن ماجدالينا لديها شعر أشقر. Anna has chestnut brown hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair. She has brown chestnut hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair. عندما كنتُ في الثانويّة، استيقظتُ السادسةَ كل صباح. Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning. When I was in high school, I woke up 6:00 every morning. هل هناك العديد من السياح في أرمينيا ؟ Are there many tourists in Armenia? Are there many tourists in Armenia? يؤمن المسلمون بيسوع و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. احترس: الأرض مبللة Caution: wet floor Watch out: the ground is wet. ليست لدي أدنى فكرة عن مكان إقامتها. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she lives. عليك أن تتأسف. You should apologize. You should be sorry. الأختان شقراوتان. The sisters are both blondes. The sisters are blonde. ما المشكلة فيما قمنا به؟ What's wrong with what we did? What's wrong with what we did? هو مزور. He is a counterfeiter. He's a forger. لم يكن سامي يعرف أحدا على الأطلاق في ذلك الحفل. Sami literally knew no one at the party. Sami didn't know anyone at all at that party. كرّسَ الطبيبَ الشابَ نفسهُ لمساعدةِ الفقراءِ والمرضى. The young doctor devoted himself to helping the poor and sick. The young doctor dedicated himself to helping the poor and sick. في البداية واجه صعوبة في التأقلم مع بيته الجديد. At first he had trouble getting used to his new house. At first he had a hard time adjusting to his new home. سيعود سامي فورا. Sami will be right back. Sami will be right back. لا تقلق, كل شئ سيكون بخير. Don't worry, everything will be OK. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay. السّبت يوم رائع. Saturday is a great day. It's a great day. انت تعمل بمشقة كبيرة . استرح لبعض الوقت . You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You're working too hard. Relax for a while. حاول أن يهرب. He attempted to escape. He tried to escape. كان سامي يستنشق الكحول. Sami was inhaling alcohol. Sami was inhaling alcohol. أريد منك أن تثق بي . I need you to trust me. I want you to trust me. أنا جاهز تقريباً. I'm about ready. I'm almost ready. عندي ألم في المعدة. I have a stomachache. I have stomach pain. ذاك البيت له. That house belongs to him. That house is his. دعونا نرى الفيلم. Let's watch a movie. Let's see the movie. تنجذب بعض النّساء الشّابّات لأعضاء العصابات لأنّ الأمر يبدو مثيرا بالنّسبة لهن. Some young women are attracted to gang members because it looks exciting to them. Some young women are attracted to gang members because it sounds interesting to them. ثُمّ هُناك مشكلة... Then there is a problem... And then there's a problem... اشترت رطلين من الزبدة. She bought two pounds of butter. She bought two pounds of butter. نعم ، يحصل ذلك من حين إلى آخر. Yes, that happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens from time to time. لم تعثر الشرطة على أية أدلة. The police didn't find any clues. The police didn't find any evidence. لا تركضي، بل امشي على مهلك. Don't run, walk slowly. Don't run. Walk easy. انهض! Get up! Get up! أقام سامي مع بعض الأصدقاء. Sami stayed with friends. Sami stayed with some friends. إنه يزعجني حقا. It's really bothering me. It really bothers me. يتوجب علي الذهاب الآن. I must go now. I have to go now. توم غمس فراولة في الشوكولا و ثم وضعها في فمه. Tom dipped a strawberry in chocolate and then put it in his mouth. Tom dipped strawberries in chocolate and then put them in his mouth. تبدأ الدراسة في أوروبا شهر سبتمبر. School starts in September in Europe. The study begins in Europe in September. لقد كان هناك مئات من القِرْدان في فروِهِ . There were hundreds of ticks in its fur. There were hundreds of monkeys in his fur. لم تكن أليس موجودة في الاجتماع، أليس كذلك؟ Alice wasn't present at the meeting, was she? She wasn't at the meeting, was she? لم يكن فاضل يعرف الكثير عن الإسلام آنذاك. Fadil didn't have much knowledge about Islam back then. Fadil didn't know much about Islam at the time. لقد كان أحمق بما يكفي ليصدق ما قالته. He was foolish enough to believe what she said. He was foolish enough to believe what she said. لم يرد سامي أن يكون لطيفا معنا. Sami didn't want to be friendly with us. Sami didn't want to be nice to us. تابع العمل بعد استراحة قصيرة. He continued his work after a short break. Keep working after a short break. توم وحيد تماما من جديد. Tom is all alone again. Tom's completely lonely again. احمر وجهه كالتلميذ الصغير. He reddened like a schoolboy. Red face like a little student. يبدو لي أنكَ أمين. It seems to me that you are honest. Sounds to me like you're honest. تكره أمي كتابة الرسائل. My mother hates writing letters. My mom hates writing letters. Sales are down now Sales are down now. Sales are down now استرِح. Take a rest. Relax. سيُطلَق سراحك. You will be released. You'll be released. الطائرة المقاتلة ألقت قنبلة. That fighter plane dropped a bomb. The fighter jet dropped a bomb. كان سامي يعتقد أنّ الإسلام دين إرهاب. Sami believed that Islam was a religion of terror. Sami believed that Islam was a religion of terrorism. لن اتحرك. I won't move. I'm not moving. لم انفصلتِ عن صديقكِ الأخير؟ Why did you break up with your last boyfriend? Why did you break up with your last friend? يمكن استخدام أي شيء تقوله ضدك في المحكمة. Anything you say can be used against you in court. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. هُم يعيشون فى نفس الولاية. They live in the same state. They live in the same state. أنا شديدة الفخر بأبي. I'm very proud of my father. I'm very proud of my father. "ربّما أنت محقّ." "أكيد أنّني محقّ." "Maybe you're right." "Of course I am." Maybe you're right. I'm sure I'm right. كانت للشرطة اسباب لتشتبه بسامي. The police had reasons to suspect Sami. The police had reason to suspect Sami. اليابان فقيرة في الموارد الطبيعية. Japan is poor in natural resources. Japan is poor in natural resources. ما مهنتك؟ What's your job? What's your career? ماذا فعلتِ؟ What did you do? What did you do? تناول سامي أقراصه. Sami has taken his pills. Sami took his pills. العلم هو تعلم ما لم تكن تعلم أنك لم تعرفه. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Science is what you didn't know you didn't know. ماذا لو فشِل؟ What if he fails? What if he fails? انا لست سائحاً. I'm not a tourist. I'm not a tourist. روى لنا قصة عن فتى اسمه توم سوير. He told us a story about a boy named Tom Sawyer. Tell us a story about a boy named Tom Sawyer. أبوه يناديه توم. His dad calls him Tom. His father calls him Tom. أنا مسلم I am a Muslim. I'm a Muslim. كان ذلك منذ عدة سنين. That was years ago. That was years ago. هو لا يخرق القانون. He's not breaking the law. He's not breaking the law. يظهر أن ماري ملّتْ من هذه اللعبة. Mary seems to be bored with the game. Looks like Mary's tired of this game. كانت لفاضل صديقة مسلمة. Fadil had a Muslim girlfriend. Fadil was a Muslim friend. ليس في هذا الإعلان نص يجوز تأويله على أنه يخوّل لدولة أو جماعة أو فرد أي حق في القيام بنشاط أو تأدية عمل يهدف إلى هدم الحقوق والحريات الواردة فيه. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as conferring upon a State, group or individual any right to engage in an activity or to perform an act aimed at the destruction of the rights and freedoms set forth therein. تعرّضت دانية للاغتصاب و التعذيب. Dania was raped and tortured. Danya was raped and tortured. سيأتي قريباً. He will come soon. He'll be here soon. توقع توم حدوث ذلك. Tom expected this to happen. Tom expected it to happen. كانت ليلى ترتدي فستانا أسودا. Layla wore a black dress. Layla was wearing a black dress. انتظر توم ماري وقتا طويلا، لكنها لم تأتِ. Tom waited a long time for Mary, but she never showed up. Tom Marie waited a long time, but she didn't come. الدخول للموظفين فقط. Admittance to staff members only. Access to staff only. هو كتب رسالةً. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. لست مشغولاً، صحيح؟ You aren't busy, are you? You're not busy, are you? وافق سامي على حراسة منزل ليلى خلال غيابها في نهاية الأسبوع. Sami agreed to watch Layla's place during the weekend. Sami agreed to guard Layla's house during her absence at the end of the week. سافر توم كثيرا في العام الماضي Tom traveled a lot last year. Tom traveled a lot last year. قابلت رجلاً عجوزاً قرب المحطة. I met an old man near the station. I met an old man near the station. ذاكرت ساعة. I studied for one hour. I remembered an hour. اِهدأ. Calm down. Calm down. هناك تفاحة واحدة على المكتب. There is one apple on the desk. There's one apple on the desk. لا تنس أن تفكّر قبل بدأ الحديث. Don't forget to think before speaking. Don't forget to think before you start talking. هل ستذهب مع توم؟ Will you go with Tom? Are you going with Tom? لقد غيّرت تلك الحادثة حياة سامي. That incident changed Sami's life. That accident changed Sami's life. تطلّب الأمر حملة تلفزيونية وطنية لتعقّب فاضل و إلقاء القبض عليه. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Fadil down. It took a national television campaign to track Fadil down and arrest him. سأجده من أجلك. I'll find him for you. I'll find it for you. أنا مازلت أحاول ان أعزف على الجيتار مثل إريك كلابتون. I'm still trying to play guitar like Eric Clapton. I'm still trying to play guitar like Eric Clapton. كان بإمكان سامي أن يقيم صداقة حتّى مع صخرة. Sami could make friends with a fucking rock. Sami could have made friends even with a rock. غداً عيد الأم. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Tomorrow's Mother's Day. لم يعلم سامي من كان يطارده. Sami didn't know who was stalking him. Sami didn't know who he was chasing. حاولت خنق العطسة أثناء الحفلة الموسيقية لكنها لم تستطع الاحتفاظ بها. She tried to stifle a sneeze during the concert but she couldn't hold it back. I tried to strangle the sneeze during the concert, but she couldn't keep it. كان سامي سعيدا بحياته. Sami was happy with his life. Sami was happy with his life. نسي سامي تلك الكلمة. Sami forgot the word. Sami forgot that word. هذا الأمر لا يعنيني. This doesn't concern me. That doesn't concern me. رد الصائب: "أشرب فانتا وأسكّت النوبز"، وارتشف من الفانتا الآنفِ ذكره. "لحظةً، من هذا؟" "Drinking Fanta and telling noobs to shut up," Al-Sayib replied, taking a sip of the aforementioned Fanta. "Wait, who is this?" The right answer: "I drink Fanta and I silence the Nubs," and I sip from the Vanta nose he mentioned. "Wait, who's this?" لم لا تحصل على وظيفة حقيقية؟ Why don't you get a real job? Why don't you get a real job? أخشى بأنه لا يمكن تجنبه. I'm afraid it's unavoidable. I'm afraid it's unavoidable. لا تفقد الثّقة في نفسك أبدا. بإمكانك ان تقوم بأيّ شيء تريده. Never lose faith in yourself. You can do everything you want to do. You can do whatever you want. سأذهب إلى مطعم ياباني. I'm going to drive to a Japanese restaurant. I'm going to a Japanese restaurant. طبعاً! Of course. Of course! عليك أن تتأسف لها. You should apologize to her. You have to apologize to her. "أنت تغيّر الموضوع." "ما كان أصلا؟" "You're changing the subject." "What was the subject?" You're changing the subject. What was it all about? لم هذا مهم؟ Why is this such a big deal? Why is this important? الرأي رأيك. Whatever you say. Say your mind. لا يمكنك أن تأتي الآن. هناك الكثير من الأمور تجري. ربّما بإمكانك أن تأتي لاحقا. You can't come now. There's a lot going on. Maybe you could come later. You can't come now. There's a lot going on. Maybe you can come back later. هناك أمور عليّ فعلها في المنزل. I have some stuff to do at home. There are things I have to do at home. أوافقك الرأي تماما. I agree with you entirely. I completely agree. جُمِعت العيناتُ من مائتي مؤسسة طبية في جميع أنحاء العالم. The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. Samples have been collected from 200 medical institutions all over the world. أأشتري لك شرابا آخر؟ Can I buy you another drink? Can I buy you another drink? دخلت ليلى في اكتئاب عميق بسبب فقدانها لصديقتها المقرّبة، سليمة. Layla slipped into a deep depression over the loss of her best friend, Salima. Layla went into deep depression for losing her best friend, unharmed. إمض اسمك في الأسفل إذا سمحت. Sign at the bottom, please. Go on downstairs, please. يعجبه الاستماع إلى المذياع. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes listening to the radio. كيف يلاحَظ الخطأ؟ How is the error observed? How does he notice the mistake? "لقد تغيّرت." "لا تكذب من فضلك!" "I have changed." "Please!" "You've changed." "Don't lie, please!" ليس أنا ، بل أنت! No I'm not; you are! Not me, you! تبرّع سامي بأراضيه للمسجد. Sami donated his lands to the mosque. Sami donated his lands to the mosque. كثير من الناس معجبون بتوم. A lot of people like Tom. A lot of people like Tom. ضُرب سامي و فقد وعيه. Sami was knocked unconscious. Sami was beaten and passed out. كونها كلمة مؤلفة من ٢٥ حرفاً، anticonstitutionnellement -أي "مخالف للدستور"- هي أطول كلمة في اللغة الفرنسية. Being 25 letters long, 'anticonstitutionnellement' is the longest word in French. Being a 25-letter word, anticonstitutionnellement - that is, "unconstitutional" - is the longest word in French. لا بدّ من أنّه مطعم غال جدّا! It must be a very expensive restaurant! Must be a very expensive restaurant! دَعني أذهب. Let me go. Let me go. كلب سامي لديه براغيث. Sami's dog has fleas. Sami's dog has fleas. كان أحدهم ينتظر سامي. Someone was waiting for Sami. Someone was waiting for Sami. ذهب فاضل إلى المنزل فحسب. Fadil just went home. Fadil just went home. تريد ليلى أن تعيش مع سامي كزوجته. Layla wants to live with Sami as his wife. Layla wants to live with Sami as his wife. هل العشاء جاهز؟ Is dinner ready? Is dinner ready? كان سامي يتحدّث دائما عن المال. Sami always talked about money. Sami was always talking about money. هلا. Hey. Hey. هل بإمكاني إيقاف سيارتي هنا؟ Could I park my car here? Can I stop my car here? لقد تبنّى فكرته. He adopted his idea. He adopted his idea. قال الصائب: "ماذا، هل تظن أن الظهور على التلفاز الدولي يعني أنك تحتاج إلى التبختر في "أرماني" الآن؟" "What?" asked Al-Sayib. "You think that being on international TV means that you need to strut around in an Armani now?" The right guy said, "What, do you think showing up on international TV means you need to strut in Armani now?" كان واضحاً كالشمس أن شنجي سيموت من الجوع. It was as clear as day that Shinji would die from hunger. It was as clear as the sun that Shangi would die of hunger. نحتاج إلى العمل وليس الكلام. We need action, not words. We need to work, not talk. هم لا يخافون. They're fearless. They're not afraid. أرادت ليلى أن تذهب و تقلّ صديقتها. Layla wanted to go pick up her friend. Layla wanted to go pick up her friend. لا أظن أنه سيأتي. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. أرِنِي جواز سفرك، لو سمحت. Show me your passport, please. Show me your passport, please. هل أنت محامٍ؟ Are you a lawyer? Are you a lawyer? ستتزوج ابنتي في يونيو My daughter is getting married in June. My daughter's getting married in June. من النّاحية نظريّة، لا فرق بين النّظريّة و التّطبيق، لكن من ناحية تطبيقيّة، هناك فرق. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. In theory, there's no difference between theory and application, but in practice, there's a difference. فبدأ الطبيب بمعاينتها. So the doctor started to examine her. The doctor started looking at her. لم تكن في المزاج المناسب للكتب الجادة. She was not in the mood for serious books. You weren't in the mood for serious books. توم يريد إقامة إجتماع. Tom wants to set up a meeting. Tom wants to have a meeting. فالنتفق على أن نختلف. Let's agree to disagree. Let us agree to disagree. سامي يرتدي منامته. Sami is in his pyjamas. Sami's wearing his pajamas. هل نسيت تحيّتي؟ Did you forget to greet me? Have you forgotten my regards? كان فاضل يحبّ زيارة مواقع التّواصل الاجتماعي. Fadil loved to be on social media. Fadil loved to visit social networking sites. أقول ذلك من قلبي. I say this from my heart. I say it from my heart. بيتي يتالف من هذه الغرف الاربعة My house is comprised of these four rooms. Betty's getting sick of these four rooms. كنت أقرأ خلال ساعة واحدة. I had been reading for an hour. I was reading in an hour. القرار قرارك. It's up to you to decide. It's your call. لا تمشي على الزجاج. Don't trample on the grass. Don't walk on the glass. تعجبني. I like you. I like it. انها لا تستحق تعبك . She's not worth your trouble. She doesn't deserve your trouble. الأمر غريب. It's pretty weird. It's weird. يملك سامي ستّ كلاب الآن. Sami has six dogs now. Sami has six dogs now. نجح سامي. Sami succeeded. Sami succeeded. وصلت هنا مساء الإثنين. I got here Monday night. I arrived here Monday night. كتبت رسالة إلى أمي. I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote a letter to my mother. حمّد الشمس! Praise the Sun! Praise the sun! قبّلها. He kissed her. Kiss her. حاول توم إيقاف ماري عن التحدث مع جون. Tom tried to stop Mary from talking to John. Tom tried to stop Mary from talking to John. الحب هو كل ما تحتاجه . Love is all you need. Love is all you need. لم يسمح لي أن أقود سيارته إطلاقاً. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. I was never allowed to drive his car. لا يمكننا تجاهل هذه المشكلة. This problem can't be ignored. We can't ignore this problem. و أخيراً ظهر. At last he appeared. And he finally showed up. لم يرد الحرب. He did not want war. He didn't want the war. لا استمتع بفعل هذا I don't really enjoy doing this. I don't enjoy doing this. تفرّغ فاضل لمساعدة أطفال الشّوارع. Fadil dedicated himself to street kids. Fadil's free to help street kids. عندي اختبار في الغد. I have an exam tomorrow. I have a test tomorrow. يقولون أنّهم ينسون كثيرا. They say that they often forget things. They say they forget too much. هل تعرف كيف تفتح هذا الصندوق؟ Do you know how to open this box? Do you know how to open this box? سررتُ بمعرفتكِ. I'm pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. أخبرت ليلى سامي عن ذلك الحمل. Layla told Sami about the pregnancy. Layla told Sami about that pregnancy. لا أحد يعلم No one knows. No one knows. قتل فاضل ليلى بدم بارد. Fadil killed Dania in cold blood. Fadil killed Layla in cold blood. الأمّهات ينجبن الحياة. Mothers bring life into the world. Mothers have a life. قال دِك: "يمكنني السباحة." Dick says, "I can swim." Dick said, "I can swim." والدي يعيش في الريف. My father lives in the country. My father lives in the countryside. نحن من كندا. We're Canadians. We're from Canada. سامي نائم. Sami is sleeping. Sami's asleep. إنك تشعرني بالخوف أحيانا. Sometimes you scare me. You scare me sometimes. أعرف كم هو يمهّك. I know how important he is to you. I know how much he cares about you. كان سامي يصارع من أجل حياته. Sami was fighting for his life. Sami was fighting for his life. أعرف كل شيء. I know everything. I know everything. من أخذ مفاتيحي؟ Who took my keys? Who took my keys? إنك تشتكي دائماً. You are always complaining. You always complain. كان هاتف ليلى في النّفايات. Layla's phone was in the garbage. Layla's phone was in the trash. لا تتدخل! Do not interfere! Don't interfere! قرّر سامي أن يغادر صفّه. Sami decided to leave his class. Sami decided to leave his class. راقت لها دعاباتي. She liked my jokes. She liked her jokes. قُد بحذر. Drive carefully. Drive carefully. من حظنا وجود توم هنا ليساعدنا. We're lucky Tom is here to help us. We're lucky Tom's here to help us. ارتدت قبعتها. She put on her hat. She wore her hat. أنا متزوّجة و لديّ أطفال. I'm married and I have children. I'm married and I have kids. أنا وتوم هنا لمساعدتك. Tom and I are here to help. Tom and I are here to help you. من غير المحتمل أن يكون توم قادراَ على التعامل مع الوضع Tom won't likely be able to cope with the situation. Tom is unlikely to be able to handle the situation. أذكر أني بعثت بالرسالة. I remember mailing the letter. I remember sending the letter. شاهد توم التلفاز بالأمس. Tom watched TV yesterday. Tom watched TV yesterday. تحطّمت الطّائرة على المنزل. The plane crashed into the house. The plane crashed on the house. توم يتناول قليلا من القهوة. Tom is drinking some coffee. Tom's having a little coffee. المعرفة لا تمثل شيئا، و الخيال هو كل شيء. Knowing is nothing, imagination is everything. Knowledge is nothing, and fiction is everything. أضاعَ سامي نظّاراتِهِ في المسبح. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. منّاد يشاهد التّلفاز دائما. Mennad always watches TV. Mennad watches TV all the time. أكره رائحة الكحول. I hate the smell of alcohol. I hate the smell of alcohol. ليس بإمكانك تفويته. You can't miss it. You can't miss it. أنا احترمك. I look up to you. I respect you. وقف على حافة الجرف. He stood on the edge of the cliff. Stop on the edge of the cliff. 97% من مياه غزّة ملوّثة. 97% of Gaza's water is contaminated. 97% of contaminated Gazan water. ليس هناك أي خطأ. There's no mistake. There's nothing wrong. تبا، أين وضعت مفاتيح منزلي؟ Shit, where the fuck did I put my home keys? Shit, where did you put my keys? بدأت ليلى ممارسة الدّعارة من أجل المال. Layla started prostituting for money. Layla started fucking for money. طعمه كالبراز. It tastes like shit. Tastes like shit. أحب الرحلات. I love trips. I love trips. سُق بحذر Drive carefully. Drive carefully. ماتوا واحدا تلو الآخر. They died one after the other. They died one by one. الكل يحبها. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves her. أنا أقرأ جريدتين يومياً. I take two newspapers daily. I read two newspapers a day. المنزل معزول بشكل ملائم. The house is suitably isolated. The house is properly isolated. يبلغ عدد سكان اليابان حوالي مئة و عشرون مليون نسمة. The population of Japan is about 120 million. Japan has a population of about one hundred and twenty million. أود التحدث معك للحظة لو سمحت. Excuse me, I'd like to talk with you for a moment. I'd like to talk to you for a moment, please. لماذا أنت منحوس كثيرا؟ Why are you so unlucky? Why are you so fucked up? علينا عمل هذا بأنفسنا. We have to do this by ourselves. We have to do this ourselves. لاَ أَزَالُ أُحِبُّهُ. I still love him. I still like it. ساق سامي سيارته من القاهرة إلى الإسكندرية فقط ليبحث عن ليلى Sami drove from Cairo to Alexandria just looking for Layla. Sami drove his car from Cairo to Alexandria just to look for Layla. لم أشتري زوجاً من الأحذية لستة أشهر; أنا أستحق زوجاً جديداً لذلك أنا أعتقد أني سأذهب لشرائهم. I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I'll go buy them! I didn't buy a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair, so I think I'm gonna go buy them. المهم هو العمل. What's important is work. What's important is work. قاموا بتجربة لمعرفة ما اذا كان الدواء قد حسن الذاكرة. They did an experiment to see if the drug improved memory. They experimented to see if the drug had improved memory. هؤلاء الذين لا يردنا الذهاب، لا ضرورة لهم الذهاب. Those who do not wish to go need not go. Those who don't want us to go, don't have to go. يجب أن تتم هذا التقرير قبل يوم الأثنين. You must have the report done by Monday. This report must be completed before Monday. لا يستطيع أحدٌ مساعدتي. No one can help me. No one can help me. انتظر فاضل ليلى في المنزل. Fadil waited for Layla at home. Fadil waited for Layla at home. كان فاضل يعلم أنّ الشّرطة ستكون في الطّريق إلى هناك. Fadil knew that the police were going to be on the way. Fadil knew the police would be on their way there. أنت عرفتهم. أليس كذلك؟ You knew them, didn't you? You knew them, didn't you? أوقعت مفاتيحي. I dropped my keys. I dropped my keys. دفع توم ثمن التذاكر. Tom paid for the tickets. Tom paid for the tickets. لا أشعر أنّي على ما يرام يا سيّدي. هل يمكنني أن لا آتي إلى المكتب اليوم؟ I don't feel well, sir. Is it okay if I don't come to the office today? Can I not come to the office today? على أي حال، هذا الأمر لا يعنيك. In any case, it's no business of yours. Anyway, that doesn't concern you. لم ينزع سامي عيناه من ليلى. Sami didn't take his eyes off Layla. Sami didn't take his eyes off Layla. كل الناس سيموتون حتماً. All men must die. Everybody's gonna die. أتسلق الجبال. I climb mountains. Climb the mountains. أنتِ عليكِ فقط أن تعِديني بشيء واحد. You just have to promise me one thing. You just have to promise me one thing. كيف بإمكاني مساعدتك ؟ How can I help? How can I help you? كان سامي دونالد ترامب مصر. Sami was the Donald Trump of Egypt. Sami Donald Trump was Egypt. سامي ينتظر منذ أيّام. Sami has been waiting for days. Sami's been waiting for days. عليك أن تنظّف غرفتك. You must clean your room. You need to clean your room. عاد سامي. Sami is back. Sami's back. بسبب الاحترار العالمي، قد تغرق المدن تماما. Due to global warming, cities could be completely submerged. Because of global warming, cities may sink completely. لقد إحتالت عليه. She swindled him. She conned him. أريد تعلم الرومانية. I want to learn Romanian. I want to learn Roman. ذهبت للمنزل وبكيت. I went home and cried. I went home and cried. لا أحب أن يكلمني الناس. I don't like to be spoken to. I don't like people talking to me. تناول سامي كمّيّة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a bunch of pills. Sami took a lot of pills. أهم شيء أن تكن صبوراً. Above all, be patient. The most important thing is to be patient. أمي أكبر من أبي سناً. Mom is older than Dad. My mom's older than my dad. تحب الموسيقى أكثر من أي شيء آخر. She likes music better than anything else. You love music more than anything else. قول ما تفكر فيه بصراحة ليس أمرًا سيئًا. Saying what you think frankly is not a bad thing. Honestly, it's not a bad thing to say what you're thinking. الباب دائما مفتوح. The door is always open. The door's always open. تفضّلِ يا ليلى. Come in, Layla. Here you go, Layla. لا أذكر لحن تلك الأغنية. I can't remember the tune of that song. I don't remember the tune of that song. لا أعلم لم تمّ فصلي. I don't know why I was fired. I don't know why I got fired. اعتقد سامي أنّ ليلى كانت مسلمة. Sami thought Layla was Muslim. Sami thought Layla was a Muslim. هناك فنجان واحد على الطاولة. There's one cup on the table. There's one cup on the table. تَبِعَ المشتبهَ محققان. Two detectives followed the suspect. Suspects followed two detectives. انه لمن المهم جداً الحصول على ما يكفي من الراحة. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to get enough rest. عندي ابنا خالة. I have two cousins. I have a cousin. على سامي أن يتوقّف عن لفّ الكلام و يتطرّق مباشرة للموضوع. Sami should stop dancing around the subject and go straight to the point. Sami has to stop wrapping his mouth around the subject. إسمها لي يينغ. She is Li Ying. Her name is Lee Ying. سمح فاضل لرامي كي يعيش هناك. Fadil allowed Rami to live there. Fadil let Rami live there. الصين غنية بالموارد الطبيعية. China is rich in natural resources. China is rich in natural resources. كان المدرّس مصدومة. The teacher was shocked. The teacher was shocked. هو ذهب للنوم في تمام الساعة السادسة ومازال نائماً. He went to sleep at six o'clock and he is still sleeping. He went to bed at 6:00, and he's still asleep. شُخّص اكتئاب حادّ عند سامي. Sami was diagnosed with acute depression. Someone from Sami's acute depression. لم يكن "توم" يعي المشكلة Tom wasn't aware of the problem. Tom wasn't aware of the problem. أفكّرت في الأمر؟ Did you think about it? Have you thought about it? ديفيد نشيط جداً. David is very active. David is very active. ما سبب تجاهل حقّ العودة للاجئين الفلسطينيين؟ Why is the right of return of the Palestinian refugees ignored? Why ignore the right to return to Palestine refugees? كانت عند ليلى علبة مخفوق حليب بذوق الفرولة. Layla had a strawberry milkshake. Layla had a milkshake box with strawberry taste. لا أعلم إن كانت قادمة أم لا. I don't know whether she will come. I don't know if she's coming or not. توم أفضل منا. Tom is better than us. Tom's better than us. إنّ الشّرطة هنا. The cops are here. The police are here. النجدة! Help! Help! هل لحقت بالقطار؟ Did you catch the train? Did you catch the train? شعر فاضل أنّه استحقّ أن يقضي ذلك الحكم. Fadil felt that he deserved to serve that sentence. Fadil felt he deserved to serve that sentence. كان من الأحسن لو تركت العمل اليوم. You had better stay away from work today. It would have been better if I had quit today. لأننا نحبك، فها نحن نحدث تتويبا لتحصل أنت على تجربة استخدام أحسن. أترى؟ نحن نحبك، هاه؟ Because we love you, we are updating Tatoeba to bring you a better user experience. See? We love you huh? Because we love you, we're making a tutu for you to get a better use experience. See, we love you, huh? هذا الموضوع رائج بين المراهقين على تويتر. This topic is trending among teens and tweens on Twitter. This topic is popular among teenagers on Twitter. أصبح العالم مكاناً خطراً للسياح. The world has become a dangerous place for tourists. The world has become a dangerous place for tourists. أنا لا آخذ المشاكل معي للمنزل بل أتحدّث بصراحة، فانصرف من هنا. I do not take shit home, I tell straight away. Fuck off! I'm not taking problems home with me. I'm speaking frankly. Get out of here. أحب الأفلام الفرنسية. I love French movies. I love French movies. ركض سامي Sami ran. Sami ran. تبدو هذه اللّعبة خطيرة نوعا ما. This game seems a bit dangerous. This game seems kind of dangerous. وُلدت في هناك. I was born there. I was born in there. أنت تقف في طريقي. You are in my way. You're in my way. شرب سامي ستة كؤوس من النّبيذ. Sami drank six glasses of wine. Sami drank six glasses of wine. لقد زوجت إبنتي. I married off my daughter. I married my daughter. أُلقِيَ القبض على ليلى. Layla got caught. Layla was arrested. شكرا جزيلا. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. أحتاج قضاء المزيد من الوقت معه فحسب. I just need more time with him. I just need to spend more time with him. هل كان سامي في المستشفى؟ Has Fadil been to the hospital? Was Sami in the hospital? ذلك لأن الفقاعة تلاشت في الهواء. That's because the bubble vanished into thin air. That's because the bubble faded into the air. كانا سامي و فريد يلتقيان و يقضيان الوقت معا. Sami and Farid got together and hung out. Sami and Fred were meeting and spending time together. إنه ليس خليلي، ما بيننا هو حب أفلاطوني مع بعض المنافع! He's not my boyfriend, it's just platonic love with benefits! He's not my boyfriend. What we have is platonic love with some benefits. قدمايا أصيبتا بعد المشى الكثير. My legs hurt after the long walk. My feet were hit after walking a lot. إنها صغيرة جداً It's too small. It's too small. توم معجب بكي. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. أتتني وسألتني عن اسمي. She came up to me and asked my name. She came to me and asked me my name. دخل سامي المنزل. Sami entered the house. Sami entered the house. هل يمكنك أن تفسح لي الطريق من فضلك؟ Could you please move out of my way? Can you make way for me, please? الجو حار جداً It is too hot. It's so hot. أشعرُ بأنه يتم استغلالي. I felt used. I feel like I'm being exploited. كانت ملابسنا دائما نظيفة. Our clothes were always clean. Our clothes were always clean. إنك لست طالباً. You are not a student. You're not a student. توم يحب الكاري الحار. Tom likes hot curry. Tom loves hot curry. مايك هو قائد الفريق. Mike is the team's captain. Mike is the team leader. لم أقصد أن أفعل ذلك. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that. الأطفال يحبّون الكلاب. Children love dogs. Kids love dogs. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You're either with us or you're against us. You're either with us or against us. رآها سامي. Sami saw her. Sami saw her. كان سامي يحمل قدرا كبيرا من الغضب في نفسه. Sami had so much anger inside of him. Sami had a great deal of anger in himself. فقدت حقيبة يدها. She lost her handbag. She lost her handbag. وافقت على كتابة تلك الرسالة. I agreed to write that letter. I agreed to write that letter. بعض زملائي يحبون الكرة الطائرة و آخرون يحبون التنس. Some of my classmates like volleyball and others enjoy tennis. Some of my colleagues like volleyball and others like tennis. الموسيقى لديها سحر لتهدئة الحيوان المتوحش. Music has charms to soothe the savage beast. Music has magic to calm the wild animal. لا تنس أغراضك. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your stuff. أنا جائع. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. أنا لست لطيفًا كما تظنني. I'm not as nice as you think I am. I'm not as nice as you think I am. طُعِّمتُ من الإنفلونزا. I was vaccinated against the flu. I was bait of flu. لم يُحل أبدا لغز وفاتها. The mystery of her death was never solved. The mystery of her death has never been solved. لم يكن الجو حاراً ليلة الأمس. It wasn't very hot last night. It wasn't hot last night. تأخّرتُ بسبب إزدحام الطريق. I was late because of the traffic. I'm late for traffic. صعد سامي إلى الطّابق العلوي. Sami went upstairs. Sami went upstairs. علم سامي أنّ اللّه قد هداه أخيرا إلى دين حق. Sami knew that God finally guided him to a true religion. Sami knew God had finally guided him to a true religion. اسمعی. Listen to me. Listen. من فضلك أرني بطاقة هويتك أو جواز سفرك! Please show me your identity card or passport! Please show me your ID or passport! مدّ سامي يده لليلى. Sami gave Layla his hand. Sami reached out to Layla. كم كلّفتك التذاكر؟ How much did the tickets cost you? How much did the tickets cost you? لم يسبق لنانسي أن رأت دب باندا عملاق من قبل. Nancy had never seen a giant panda. Nancy's never seen a giant panda before. سامي مخمور. Sami is drunk. Sami's drunk. إنه يحب القطارات. He loves trains. He likes trains. أردت تحسين نطقي باللغة الانجليزية I wanted to improve my Japanese pronunciation. I wanted to improve my language in English. أخي أبله. My brother is an idiot. My brother's an idiot. زار رئيسُ الولايات المتحدة الصينَ زيارةً رسمية. The President of the U.S. paid a formal visit to China. The President of the United States visited China officially. كشف سامي أمر ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami exposed Layla on YouTube. Sami found out about Layla on YouTube. هل أملك سكيناً؟ Do I have a knife? Do I have a knife? ليلى سافلة حقّا. Layla is a real bitch. Lily's a real bitch. كان سامي يصاب بنوبات. Sami had seizures. Sami had seizures. أنتَ ربحتها. You've earned it. You won it. لدي سعال. I have a cough. I have cough. لماذا ترتدي ليلى حليّا في الشّاطئ؟ Why would Layla wear jewellery on the beach? Why are Layla wearing jewelry on the beach? مدريد هي عاصمة أسبانيا. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. أعادت الشّرطة فتح القضيّة عام 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. إن ذلك مهم بالنسبة لي. For me, it's important. It's important to me. لا تتكلّم بهذه النّبرة مع أبيك. Don't use that tone of voice with your father. Don't talk that tone to your dad. الغه العربيه صعبه Arabic is difficult! Arabic is hard. هل تبحث عن شيء معين Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? كان سامي في حصّة التّاريخ. Sami was in his history class. Sami was in history class. كانت تغني أحسن منه. She sang better than he. She was singing better than him. توجّه سامي يسارا. Sami went left. Sami headed left. "بإمكانك أن تعرف عن أي شيء في لحظة...إذا بحثت باستخدام جوجل." "جوجل؟" "You can know anything instantly ... if you Google it." "Google?" "You can know anything in a moment... if you search Google." "Google?" لقد أقلع سامي على تعاطي المخدّرات و لن يلمس هذه القذارة. Sami has quit doing drugs. He isn't going to touch this shit. Sami took off on drugs and wouldn't touch that shit. أليس كذلك؟ Isn't it so? Isn't it? بيرو هي ثالث دول أمريكا الجنوبية مساحةً بعد البرازيل والأرجنتين. Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. Peru is the third country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. فجّر جيم حزامه النّاسف. Jim detonated his explosive belt. Jim blew up his nasty belt. المسلمون يعبدون الله. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. لقد اتّصلت به لتفكيره بهذا الأمر. I've phoned him to remind him about it. I called him to think about it. واصل سامي الرّكض. Sami kept running. Sami kept running. لا أحد يبحث عنا. Nobody's looking for us. Nobody's looking for us. قد يكون مرضها السرطان. His illness may be cancer. Could be her cancer. هذا لن ينتهي أبدا. This is never going to end. This will never end. لقد كان عيد ميلادي الثلاثين الأسبوع الماضي. I had my thirtieth birthday last week. It was my 30th birthday last week. كان يمكن أن تكون حالته أكثر سوءً. His condition could have been worse. He could have been worse. هل يحب توشيو ساتشيكو؟ Does Toshio like Sachiko? Does Toshio Satchiko like? علي أن أغادر هذه المدينة. I've got to get out of this town. I have to leave this city. اسمي هنري. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. هل تحبه ؟ / هل تحبينه ؟ Do you love him? Do you love him? سامي يحبّ هذا المسلسل. Sami likes this series. Sami loves this show. لا يوجد آثار حياة فوق سطح كوكب المريخ. There is no sign of life on Mars. There are no life traces on Mars. ستعود ليلى في أية دقيقة. Layla would be back any minute. Layla will be back any minute. لا يعض الذئب أخاه. A wolf doesn't bite a wolf. The wolf doesn't bite his brother. لا تقلق حيالنا. Don't worry about us. Don't worry about us. كان سامي يتخبّط في مشاكل متعلّقة بإدمانه على الكحول. Sami was tortured with issues involving alcohol abuse. Sami was messing with alcohol problems. ارتدى سامي ملابسه. Sami got dressed. Sami put his clothes on. أنتَ كسرتَ القواعد. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. فاضل شخص غبي و أنوي، يريد التحكّم في الجميع. Fadil is a self-centered idiot that wants to control everybody. Fadil is an idiot and I intend to control everyone. السيارة جاهزة. The car is ready. Car's ready. اتّصل سامي بأبيه. Sami called his dad. Sami called his father. أنهى سامي الحوار. Sami ended the conversation. Sami finished the conversation. كيف آكل هذا؟ How should I eat this? How do I eat this? إرفع صوت الموسيقى! Turn up the music! Turn the music up! كان سامي ينتظر اتّصال ليلى. Sami waited for Layla's call. Sami was waiting for Layla's call. وصلت الطائرة في التاسعة بالضبط. The plane arrived exactly at nine. The plane arrived at exactly 9:00. كيفً سيسدد ديونهُ؟ How will he pay his debts? How's he gonna pay his debts? أثّر فيّ لطفها. Her kindness touched me. Her kindness affected me. أفضل أن لا أذهب. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. نعم، لكن لست مجبرا على البقاء حتى النهاية. Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end. Yeah, but I don't have to stay till the end. أقوالك لا تطابق أفعالك. Your words don't match your actions. Your statements don't match your actions. استيقظ سامي أخيرا من الغيبوبة. Sami finally emerged from the coma. Sami finally woke up from the coma. هل تقوم بذلك عن قصد؟ Are you doing that on purpose? Are you doing this on purpose? حينما كان اليأس يعم الأنحاء ساعة العواصف الرملية وكان الانهيار الاقتصادي يسود أرجاء البلاد، رأت أمةً تهزم الخوف نفسه بمعطىً جديد، ووظائف جديدة، وحس جديد بالهدف المشترك. أجل نستطيع. When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes, we can. When despair prevailed around the hour of sandstorms and economic collapse prevailed across the country, a nation that defeated fear itself with a new giver, new jobs, and a new sense of common purpose. Yes, we can. هي و أصدقاءها يحبون الموسيقى. She and her friends love music. She and her friends love music. يشاهد التلفاز أحياناً. He sometimes watches TV. He watches TV sometimes. لا تكتب بالحبر. Don't write in ink. Don't write ink. أي مَحَل مثلجات أنتَ ذاهب إليه؟ Which ice cream shop are you going to? What ice cream shop are you going to? ربّما تريد التّحدّث على انفراد. Maybe you want to talk in private. Maybe you want to talk in private. ألا يفترضُ بك أن تستعد للمدرسة؟ Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? عاش تانغو مع صبي صغير في قرية صغيرة. Tango lived with a small boy in a small village. Tango lived with a young boy in a small village. بدأت أبرد. I'm beginning to feel cold. I'm getting colder. كم ابناً عندك؟ How many kids do you have? How many sons do you have? على أية حال، ليس ذاك بالشيء المهم. Either way, it's not important. Anyway, that's not a big deal. هل من أحد يعلم كيفية القيام بهذا؟ Does someone here know how to do this? Does anyone know how to do this? ماذا يوجد عندك؟ What's that you have? What's in there? لنتوقف عن النقاش في ذلك. Let's not discuss it. Let's stop talking about it. أنا لاعب في فريق هوكي. I'm on a hockey team. I'm a hockey player. لا يظنّ سامي أنّ ليلى تعرّفت عليه. Sami doesn't think Layla recognized him. Sami doesn't think Layla recognized him. اِندلعت الحرب عام ١٩٣٩ للميلاد. War broke out in 1939. War broke out in 1939. كم من المال لديك؟ How much money do you have? How much money do you have? أتود مشاهدة التلفاز؟ Would you like to watch TV? You wanna watch TV? كان من المفترض أن نكون حذرين أكثر. We should have been more careful. We were supposed to be more careful. أتذكر أسمه، كلما استمعت إلى هذه الأغنية. Every time I hear this song, I think of his name. I remember his name, the more I listened to this song. انتقلوا إلى منزلي. Move in here. They moved into my house. هو اغضبني حقاً . He really ticked me off. He really pissed me off. لستُ مشغولًا مثل يوشيو. I am not as busy as Yoshio. I'm not as busy as Yoshio. أسرع و إلا فاتنا القطار. Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Hurry up or we'll miss the train. لا شيء معي لأعطيك إياه. I don't have anything to give you. I have nothing to give you. يمضي سامي كلّ وقته و هو يبذّر المال. Sami spends all his time wasting money. Sami spends all his time spending money. إسمع! Hark! Listen! احتضنتها. I hugged her. I hugged her. ولد جدي عام ١٩٢٠م. My grandfather was born in 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. يجب عليك أن تنهي هذا العمل قبل الظهر. You have to get this work finished by noon. You have to finish this job by noon. سيساعدك هذا الكتاب في دراستك. This book will be helpful to your study. This book will help you study. جدي في التسعينات من عمره. My grandfather is in his nineties. My grandfather's in his 90s. اصطدمت السيارة بالحائط. The car crashed into the wall. The car hit the wall. أختي هنا في القاهرة. My sister is here in Cairo. My sister's here in Cairo. لم يكن عليك المجيء هنا. You shouldn't have come here. You shouldn't have come here. عدة مراة هذا العام ، سوق الاوراق المالية انخفض لاكثر من واحد بالمئة في اليوم الواحد. Several times this year, the stock market has dipped more than 1% in a single day. Several times this year, the stock market has fallen to over one percent per day. أعتقد أنه من المهم أن نفي بوعدنا. I think it important that we keep our promise. I think it's important that we keep our promise. طلبت منه ألا يقود بسرعة. I asked him not to drive so fast. I told him not to drive fast. إنها معجزة! It's a miracle! It's a miracle! أنا من اليونان. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. كن متسامحا. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. كلنا صادقنا على المخطط. All of us approved of the plan. We're all true to the scheme. إستمع إلى أبيك Listen to your father. Listen to your father. إنها ورقة نقدية من فئة المئة دولار. It was a one hundred dollar bill. It's a $100 bill. لماذا يقلق توم كثيراً؟ Why does Tom worry so much? Why is Tom so worried? كن نفسك. Be yourself. Be yourself. أنا أسمعك I hear you. I hear you. من سيكون ضحيته التالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who's gonna be his next victim? أنا فخورة جدا بوالدي. I'm very proud of my father. I'm so proud of my father. لا يحب توم التحدث عن نفسه. Tom doesn't like talking about himself. Tom doesn't like to talk about himself. سافر أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father travelled to China. يعلم توم بحبّ ماري له. Tom knows that Mary loves him. Tom knows Mary's love for him. بإمكانك خلع الضّمادة غدا. You can take off the bandage tomorrow. You can take off the bandage tomorrow. نحن نتعلم بالتجربة. We learn by experience. We're learning by experience. إنني مشغولة جداً. I'm very busy. I'm too busy. أعمل لدى شركة شحن. I work for a shipping company. I work for a shipping company. هل حصل شيء ما؟ Did something happen? Did something happen? ابن عمي من مصر. هو مصري. My cousin is from Egypt. He is Egyptian. My cousin from Egypt. He's Egyptian. كان سامي يخرج الكلب لتمشيته. Sami walked the dog. Sami was taking the dog out for a walk. توفيت أمي عندما كنت طفلة. My mother died when I was a child. My mom died when I was a kid. الشرطةُ تنظرُ في أمرِ قضيةِ القتلِ The police are looking into the murder case. The police are looking into the murder case. هل هذا هو الحب؟ Is it love? Is that love? أراك مجدداً. See you again. See you again. كل ما يمكنك فعله هو الانتظار. All you can do is wait. All you can do is wait. المفاتيح من فضلك. The keys, please. Keys, please. انتظر إلي الآن يا جمال. Watch me now, Jamal. Wait for me now, Jamal. كانت مشغولة بأعمال البيت. She was busy with household work. She was busy working the house. أيمكنك أن تسمعني؟ Can you hear me? Can you hear me? ذوقيه و أخبريني عن طعمه. Try it and tell me what it tastes like. Taste it and tell me what it tastes like. لا تقل لي أنّك غيور لأنّه لا أحد سيصدّق ذلك. Don't tell me that you're jealous because no one would believe it. Don't tell me you're jealous because nobody's gonna believe it. شاهدنا التلفاز بعد الغداء. We watched TV after lunch. We watched TV after lunch. أين رأيت الغلام؟ Where did you see the boy? Where did you see the boy? أنا أقرأ هذا الكتاب. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. لقد طُرِدَتْ من المدرسةِ. She was expelled from the school. She got kicked out of school. اهدنا الصراط المستقيم. Guide us to the straight way. Give us the straight path. لسوء الحظ ، لقد كنت مشغولا بالأمس ولم استطع فعل ذلك. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn't do that. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and I couldn't do it. لم أتخرج بعد. I haven't yet graduated. I haven't graduated yet. أحتاجك في مكتبي في الحين. I need you at my office right away. I need you in my office right now. هذا هو معنى التشارك في هذا العالم بالقرن الحادي والعشرين وهذه هي المسؤولية التي يتحملها كل منا تجاه الآخر كأبناء البشرية That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings. That is the meaning of sharing this world in the twenty-first century, and that is the responsibility that each of us has towards each other as the children of mankind. يربي توم الخيول العربية. Tom raises Arabian horses. Tom's raising Arab horses. كان آرت عنصريّا. Aart was racist. Art was racist. أنا أعيش هنا منذ 5 سنوات I've been living here for five years. I've been living here for five years. هو في الخدمة. He is on duty. He's in service. أحب قراءة الكتب. I love reading books. I like reading books. هل هي كتبك ؟ Are these books yours? Is it your books? بدا توم وكأنه ثري. Tom looked like he was rich. Tom seemed rich. حاول أن يتخلص من النمل. He tried to get rid of the ants. Try to get rid of the ants. أليست سوداء؟ Isn't it black? Isn't it black? فقد سامي وعيه. Sami blacked out. Sami lost consciousness. أنا أفهم I understand. I understand. سأساعدك في تنظيفه. I'll help you clean it up. I'll help you clean it up. لن أتركك ترحل أبدا. I'll never let you go. I'll never let you go. ماذا تشاهد؟ What are you watching? What are you watching? عيناي تؤلمانني. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. تبدو شاحباً. You look pale. You look pale. في الأرض كما في السماء. As above, so below. In the earth as in heaven. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أفضل من هذا. Layla deserved better. Layla deserved better than that. غزى الكثير من السياح الجزيرة. A lot of tourists invaded the island. A lot of tourists invaded the island. كانت ليلى تريد أن تصبح ممرّضة. Layla wanted to be a nurse. Layla wanted to be a nurse. انتظرك سامي طيلة الظّهيرة. Sami waited for you all afternoon. Sami waited for you all afternoon. ماذا حصل الأسبوع الماضي؟ What happened last week? What happened last week? شعر سامي بالخوف. Sami freaked out. Sami was scared. لم يتوقف عن الضحك. He couldn't stop laughing. He didn't stop laughing. تنكّر سامي بصوت مختلف. Sami disguised his voice. Sami disguises himself with a different voice. أعمل هنا منذ أيام. I have been working here for days. I've been working here for days. في رأي ،الخيول حيوانات ذكية جدا . In my opinion, horses are very intelligent animals. In my opinion, horses are very intelligent animals. لا أوافقك الرأي. I don't agree with you. I don't agree. انزعج سامي. Sami got annoyed. Sami got upset. أثّر إدمان سامي على حياة ليلى. Sami's addiction affected Layla's life. Sami's addiction affected Layla's life. شاركَ في الألعاب الأولمبية. He took part in the Olympic Games. He participated in the Olympics. خرج سامي من المنزل غاضبا بعد شجار مع ليلى. Sami stormed out of the house after an argument with Layla. Sami got out of the house angry after a fight with Layla. لم تكن ترغب في معرفة أي شيئ عن حياته الشخصية. She didn't want to know anything about his personal life. You didn't want to know anything about his personal life. من مات؟ Who died? Who died? ستتحسن إذا تناولت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You'll get better if you take this medicine. كُل، فإنك جائع. Eat, for you are hungry. Eat, you're hungry. هذه زهرة جميلة، اليس كذالك؟ This is a beautiful flower, isn't it? That's a nice flower, isn't it? لديها لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هاتفها. She has the berber keyboard on her phone. She has the Amazigh keyboard on her phone. كان سامي نائما نوما عميقا. Fadil was sound asleep. Sami was asleep in deep sleep. لم يكن سامي يكره المسلمين. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sami didn't hate Muslims. يحتاج اكتساب اللغة إلى الإبداع. Language acquisition requires creativity. The acquisition of language needs to be creative. سآخذ الأصفر. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow one. حين كلّ نغمة حزينة تذكّرني بك. When every sad tone reminds me of you. When every sad tone reminds me of you. يمكن للجميع أن يشارك. Everyone is free to contribute. Everyone can participate. رجاء اهتم بأمورك. Kindly mind your own business. Please mind your own business. تلقّى سامي حكمين بالسّجن المؤبّد. Fadil got two life sentences. Sami received two sentences of life imprisonment. الرجل الفقير يأكل عندما يستطيع ولكن الرجل الغنى يأكل عندما يريد The poor man eats when he can, but the rich man eats when he wants. A poor man eats when he can, but a rich man eats when he wants. قد يسمعونا. They might hear us. They might hear us. نحن نعمل سويا في المزرعة We all worked together on the farm. We work together on the farm. لا تقلق. أنا لن أقول للشرطة. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell the police. Don't worry, I won't tell the police. لا يُصدّق. It's incredible. Unbelievable. لقد كذب علي فاضل. Fadil lied to me. Fadil lied to me. نحن رجال. We are men. We're men. أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back. لا تنس أن تضيف قليلا من الملح. Don't forget to add a little salt. Don't forget to add a little salt. ترى، ماذا سيفعل الرئيس الجديد؟ What would the new president do? See, what's the new boss gonna do? أحقّا سيذهب توم إلى بوسطن لوحده؟ Is Tom really going to Boston by himself? Is Tom really going to Boston alone? أُخرج! Get out! Get out! أعرف أن توم أصلع. I know Tom is bald. I know Tom's bald. كان سامي ينتظر في مخبأ. Sami was waiting in hiding. Sami was waiting in a bunker. أنا سأدفع الحساب. I'll pay the bill. I'll pay the check. نحن نحتاج إلى مساعدة We need help. We need help. أريد حاسوبا جديدا. I want a new computer. I want a new computer. اليونان بلد عريق. Greece is an old country. Greece is an ancient country. أهذا واضح؟ Is that clear? Is that clear? قلت لك أن ذلك سيكون مملاً. I told you this was going to be boring. I told you it would be boring. عندما أسمع هذه الأغنية أتذكر شبابي. When I hear that song I remember my youth. When I hear this song, I remember my youth. عند دخولي إلى الغرفة كان مستغرقاً في قراءة كتاب. When I entered his room, he was reading a book. When I entered the room, he was busy reading a book. قيل أن شاعرا عظيما قد سكن هنا. It was said that a great poet had resided here. It was said that a great poet had lived here. هو في الملعب. He's in the stadium. He's on the field. أريد أن أشتري. I want to buy. I want to buy. أخبرتني ذلك بنفسك. You told me so yourself. You told me that yourself. كان سامي يعيش حياة مزدوجة. Sami led a double life. Sami had a double life. المسلمون لا يأكلون الخنزير لأنّه لحم فيه خطر. Muslims don't eat pork because it's dangerous meat. Muslims don't eat pork because it's dangerous meat. لم أكن اريد ان يحدث ذلك I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want that to happen. إنه جديد It's new. It's new. حذرته من الذهاب وحده. She warned him not to go alone. I warned him not to go alone. ألق بالمسدّس في البحر. Toss the gun in the sea. Drop the gun at sea. خرجت ليلى. Layla went outside. Layla's out. تحتاج إلى أن تعود إلى المنزل. You need to come home. You need to go home. تعقّبت الشّرطة سامي. Police tracked down Sami. The police tracked Sami. هذه المؤسسة تجذب عملاء من كلا السياح و رجال الاعمال . This establishment attracts a clientele of both tourists and businessmen. This institution attracts clients from both tourists and businessmen. سيُعقد اجتماعٌ غداً. Tomorrow, a meeting will be held. There's a meeting tomorrow. ورث جون ثروة كبيرة. John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a great fortune. كتب سامي بعض الشّعر بالعربيّة. Sami wrote some poetry in Arabic. Sami wrote some poetry in Arabic. شعر توم قصير حقا. Tom's hair is really short. Tom's hair is really short. اشترى سامي كلبا. Sami bought a dog. Sami bought a dog. شاهد سامي فيلم "البؤساء" الموسيقي. Sami watched the musical Les Miserables. Sami saw "The Misery" music. أعِد لي قَلمي. Give me my pen back. Give me my pen back. أُحِب أن أكون قادر على قضاء المزيد من الوقت معك, ولكن علي العودة إلى العمل. I'd love to be able to spend more time with you, but I have to get back to work. I like to be able to spend more time with you, but I have to get back to work. لقد إستخدم رأسه. He used his head. He used his head. توم أقنع بسهولة ماري أنهُ كان بريئاً. Tom easily convinced Mary that he was innocent. Tom easily convinced Mary that he was innocent. أنتم طلبة جدد. You are new students. You're new students. أحببتُ دائمًا الشخصيّاتِ الغامِضَةَ أكثر. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always loved the mysterious characters more. من الواضح أنك مخطئ. Clearly you are mistaken. You're obviously wrong. عملهم هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their job is to make artists beautiful. هل بإمكاني استعارة دراجتك؟ May I borrow your bike? Can I borrow your bike? لنأكل في مطعم كتغيير. Let's eat out for a change. Let's eat at a restaurant for a change. سمعتها تتكلم الأمازيغية. I heard her speaking Berber. I heard her speaking Amazigh. حاولت إخبار توم. I tried to tell Tom. I tried to tell Tom. أنا عضو في نادي الدراما. I belong to the drama club. I'm a member of the drama club. سامي قادر على الاعتناء بنفسه. Sami can take care of himself. Sami can take care of himself. القليل يعرف الخطة. Few people know about the plan. A few know the plan. سوف تقطع اشجار نصف الغابة لبناء فنادق تستضيف السياح الذين جائوا لزيارة الغابة . Half of the forest will be cut down to build hotels to accommodate the tourists who come to visit the forest. Half the woods will be cut off to build hotels for tourists who have come to visit the forest. أحب بلدي. I love my motherland. I love my own. قُتلا في المعركة. They died in battle. Killed in battle. قال لي ألا أقود بسرعة. He told me not to drive too fast. He told me not to drive fast. خرجت جين للتسوق. Jane is out shopping. Jane went out shopping. هو بارع في الطبخ. He is good at cooking. He's good at cooking. دَعَهُ يذهب. Let him go. Let him go. أحب الأفلام. I love movies. I love movies. هل سيجلب لك المال السعادة? Will money bring you happiness? Will the money bring you happiness? لم يسبق لنا و أن قمنا بهذا من قبل. We have never done it before. We've never done this before. سامي ذاهب إلى المركز الصّحّي. Sami is going to the health center. Sami's going to the health center. لديك مستقبل واعد. You have a bright future. You have a promising future. سامي مجرم خطير للغاية. Sami is an extremely dangerous criminal. Sami is a very dangerous criminal. فاضل مغرم بامرأة أخرى. Fadil is in love with another woman. Fadil is in love with another woman. الأنوار مطفاة. The lights turned off. The lights are off. هلّا أعطيتني اسمك الكامل؟ Can I have your full name? Can you give me your full name? أملكُ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حاسوبي. I have the berber keyboard on my computer. I have the Amazigh keyboard on my computer. لا تجادل وانت غضبان ولا تأكل وانت شبعان. Don't argue when you are angry and don't eat when you are full. Don't argue, and you're angry, and you don't eat, and you're full. اعتقد أن مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي جدا بناتية. I think social networking is so girlish. I think social media sites are very girly. كان سامي يرحّب بالزّوّار في الاستقبال. Sami greeted visitors at the reception. Sami welcomed visitors to the reception. كيف تقوم بتحيّة الناس بالأمازيغيّة. How do you greet people in Berber? How to greet people in Amazigh. لم يكن عند سامي أيّ صديق يملك سيّارة آنذاك. Sami didn't have any friends with cars at the time. Sami didn't have any friends with a car back then. في كندا لا يمكنك شرب الكحول حتى تبلغ سن العشرين. In Canada, you're not allowed to drink until you are 20. In Canada, you can't drink until you're 20. هل صاحبك يحب الشاي؟ Does your friend like tea? Does your boyfriend like tea? الدراجة التي بجانب الباب هي دراجتي. The bicycle by the door is mine. The bike next to the door is my bike. أضعت الساعة التي أعطاني إياها والدي. I lost the watch Father had given me. I lost the watch my dad gave me. فَحَصَ فَرِيقُ اْلأَمْنِ اَلسَّيَّارَةَ لِمُتَفَجِّرَاتٍ. The security team checked the car for explosives. The security team examined the cars for explosives. تلك كانت نيتي. That was the intent. That was my intention. يمكننا الاختباء هنا. We can hide in here. We can hide here. كانوا يترقبون اشارة الانطلاق. They were watching for the signal to start. They were waiting for the launch signal. كلنا يرغب بالنجاح. We all desire success. We all want to succeed. هذا اختبار حمل و هو إيجابي. It's a pregnancy test and it's positive. This is a pregnancy test and it's positive. لا ينس الله شيئا، و لو كان عملا صالحا صغيرا. God never forgets even a small kindness. God forgets nothing, if it's a little good work. سقط توم على الأرض. Tom fell down on the floor. Tom fell on the floor. استعمل فاضل رقما آخر لاتّصال بليلى. Fadil used another number to call Layla. Fadil used another number to call Layla. أيمكنك أن تُرِيَني ذلك؟ Can I see this one? Can you show me that? فتح توم الباب وسأل فيما إذا كانت ماريا مشغولة. Tom opened the door and asked Mary if she was busy. Tom opened the door and asked if Maria was busy. أستطيع أن أراه الآن. I can see it now. I can see him now. ما الذي تتحدث عنه؟ What are you talking about? What are you talking about? لم يشكّك فاضل في شيء. Fadil didn't question anything. Fadil didn't question anything. لا أصدق أني أكتب هذه الجملة. I can't believe I'm writing this sentence. I can't believe I'm writing that sentence. دخلت ليلى. Layla went inside. Layla's in. الكتاب هُنَا The book is here. The book is here. تطير النحلات من زهرة إلى زهرة. Bees fly from flower to flower. Bees fly from flower to flower. ألا تستطيع التمييز بين الصحيح والخطأ؟ Can't you tell right from wrong? Can't you tell between right and wrong? البارحة كان برداً. It was cold yesterday. Yesterday was a cold. الكتاب أحمر. The book is red. The book is red. أشعر أنّي مريض قليلا. I'm feeling a little sick. I feel a little sick. كان مدرّسنا جادّا. Our teacher was serious. Our teacher was serious. سيفوز سامي. Sami is gonna win. Sami's gonna win. "أنا أتدوّر جوعا." "هناك بعض بقايا الأكر في الثلاجة." "I'm starving." "There are some leftovers in the fridge." I'm starving. There's some leftover acker in the fridge. أيمكنني أخذ قسط من الراحة الآن؟ Can I take a break now? Can I get some rest now? كان سامي يأخذ دروسا جامعيّة عاديّة. Sami took regular college classes. Sami was taking regular college lessons. لا يمكنني تصديق ذلك! I don't believe it! I can't believe it! إنما يجب معالجة مشاكلنا بواسطة الشراكة كما يجب أن نحقق التقدم بصفة مشتركة Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared. Our problems must be addressed by partnership, and we must make progress jointly. إصطدمت السيارة بالشاحنة. The car crashed into the truck. The car crashed into the truck. هي بنتٌ. She's a girl. She's a girl. جنون! Crazy! Crazy! في أي وقت وصلت المنزل؟ At what time did you arrive at your home? What time did you get home? السقف فوقي. The ceiling is above me. The roof over me. يحتوي هذا الكتاب على العديد من الأخطاء لكنه مثير للاهتمام. This book has a number of mistakes, but it's interesting. This book contains many mistakes, but it's interesting. فتح سامي البابين. Sami opened the two doors. Sami opened the doors. هذا ما نراه مع فاضل. This is what we see with Fadil. That's what we see with Fadil. كان سامي في المنزل. Sami was home. Sami was home. لم يرك أحد منذ أربع سنوات. We haven't seen you in the past four years. Nobody's seen you in four years. أريد تعلم الكراتيه. I want to learn karate. I want to learn karate. الكلاب تنبح، والقافلة تسير. The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on. Dogs bark, the convoy's going. لكل إنسان أينما وجد الحق في أن يعترف بشخصيته القانونية. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Every human being everywhere has the right to recognition as a person before the law. أنا أُريد بيرة. I want a beer. I want a beer. لا يزال سامي في عداد المفقودين. Sami is still missing. Sami is still missing. لا أدري كيف فعلتَها. I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you did it. تقاعد سامي. Sami retired. Sami retired. كان يسميني اتشيرو. He called me Ichiro. He used to call me Achiro. أريدك أن تقرأه I want you to read it. I want you to read it. من وضع هذه الخطة؟ Who made this plan? Who made this plan? تلك القلعة جميلة. That castle is beautiful. That castle is beautiful. أنا راضٍ تماما ببيتي الجديد. I am very pleased with my new house. I'm perfectly satisfied with my new home. إنها لأخي. It's my brother's. It's for my brother. تنظيم الدّولة، الذي يعتبر واحدا من أخطر التّنظيمات الإرهابيّة في العالم، لديه مجّلة اسمها "دابق." ISIS, one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, has a magazine called Dabiq. The State Order, which is one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, has a galaxy called "Dugs." تغلّب سامي على ليلى. Sami overpowered Layla. Sami beat Layla. افعل ذلك الآن. Do it now. Do it now. اعتُقِلت ليلى في القاهرة. Layla was arrested in Cairo. Layla was arrested in Cairo. الفتيات يريدون فقط الحصول على المتعة. The girls just want to have fun. Girls just want to have fun. هذا المنتزه يذكّرني بطفولتي. This park reminds me of my childhood. This park reminds me of my childhood. متى يحين دوري؟ When do I get my turn? When's my turn? لماذا هرب أبي من أمّي؟ Why did father run away from mother? Why did my dad run away from my mom? هل تملكِينَ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هاتِفِكِ؟ Do you have the berber keyboard on your phone? Do you have the Amazigh keyboard on your phone? إذهب واغسل أسنانك. Go brush your teeth. Go brush your teeth. هل سمعت الأخبار على المذياع؟ Did you hear the news on the radio? Did you hear the news on the radio? كان فاضل داخل المنزل. Fadil was inside the house. Fadil was inside the house. هل بإمكانك أن تعطيني وسادة أخرى؟ Can you give me another pillow? Can you give me another pillow? حافظي على جسم نحيف. Stay thin. Keep a skinny body. إنها ماهرة في تحدث الإنجليزية. She is good at speaking English. She's good at speaking English. سامي تعلم العربيه Sami learned Arabic. Sami's learning Arabic. بدأ فاضل يفكّر في الحياة. Fadil started to think about life. Fadil started thinking about life. أرى سامي ليلى صورا لها و عشيقها. Sami showed Layla pictures of her and her lover. Sami showed Layla pictures of her and her boyfriend. لديك الحق في التحدث إلى محام للحصول على المشورة قبل أن نطرح عليك أي أسئلة. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to speak to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. أعمل في مستشفى. I work in a hospital. I work in a hospital. جاك لا يقود بسرعة. Jack doesn't drive fast. Jack's not driving fast. كَثير من الرِجال, كثير من العقول. Many men, many minds. A lot of men, a lot of minds. أرادت منّي الكذب. She wanted me to lie. She wanted me to lie. فهم سامي. Sami understood. They're Sami. أنا سعيدٌ بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to know you. I'm glad to know you. كان ذلك مساء خريفي جميل. It was a lovely autumn evening. That was a lovely fall evening. من فضلك اتركني وحدي. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. قدّم سامي ليلى لطالب مسلم. Sami introduced Layla to a Muslim student. Sami introduced Layla to a Muslim student. بيته صغير، زدْ على أنّه قديم أيضاً His house is small and moreover it's old. His house is small. Plus it's old, too. لن تستفيد من المقاومة فلا تحاول. It's useless to try and resist. You won't benefit from the resistance. Don't try. رج العبوة قبل استخدامها. Shake the bottle before using. Rise the packaging before it's used. هدّء من روعك. Cool it down. Calm down. أتقبلون الدفع ببطاقة الإئتمان؟ Do you accept Visa card? Do you accept the credit card payment? أسرع سامي كي يصطحب ليلى من المدرسة. Sami rushed to pick up Layla from school. Sami hurry to pick Layla up from school. أي سيارة هي سيارتنا؟ Which car is ours? Which car is ours? عادةً ما أعود إلى المنزل الساعة الرابعة. I usually go home at four. I usually come home at 4:00. أنا لدي صديقة في إنجلترا. I have a friend in England. I have a girlfriend in England. من الأفضل أن ترتدي قبعة على رأسك خلال أشتية موسكو الباردة. It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters. You'd better wear a hat on your head during the cold Moscow winter. انه خارج نطاق العمل الحالي وصف جميع المكونات التي تكون اسلوب ايميت المعماري. It is beyond the scope of the present work to describe all the components that comprise Emmet's architectural style. It's outside the current scope of work describing all the components that are Emmett's architectural style. أنا أعلم أنكَ ليس معجباً بي. I know you don't like me. I know you don't like me. بدأ يصرخ. He began to shout. He started screaming. توم كثير الاهتمام بالميثولوجيا اليونانية. Tom is really interested in Greek mythology. Tom is very interested in Greek mythology. لا تنظر إلى الخلف. Don't look back. Don't look back. هل هناك شيء لم أفهمه؟ Did I miss anything? Is there something I don't understand? أحتاج طابعاً بريدياً. I need to get a stamp. I need a postage stamp. قد كنت في المحطة. You've been at the station. I was at the station. بدأ سامي يأكل. Sami started eating. Sami started eating. شعر سامي أنّه عومل بإهانة. Sami felt disrespected. Sami felt he was treated with insult. ها هو. هل رأيته؟ There he is. Do you see him? There he is. Did you see him? لم يتوقّع أحد أن يفوز توم. No one expected Tom to win. Nobody expected Tom to win. أنتَ كيف عرفتَ ذلك؟ How did you know that? How did you know that? هي تستحقّ رجلا يحبّها كثيرا. She deserves a guy who can love her completely. She deserves a man who loves her so much. يجب أن تذهب. It is necessary for you to go there. You should go. رأيت النّافذة تنزل. I saw the window roll down. I saw the window come down. مواعدة ليلى لفتا مسيحيّ جعلت أباها يعتقد أنّها كانت تجلب العار لأسرتها. Because Layla was dating a Christian boy, her father believed that she was shaming the family. Layla's dating a Christian girl made her father think she was bringing shame to her family. إنه يتكلم الإنجليزية. He is speaking English. He speaks English. لقد قمت بعمل رائع. You did an excellent job. You did a great job. آمل أن أراك مجدداً. I hope to see you again. I hope to see you again. فحص الطبيب المرضى. The doctor examined the patients. The doctor examined the patients. لم نحتاج للبحث عنه؟ Why do we need to find them? Why do we need to look for him? هذا أمر عليك تذكره. That's something you need to remember. That's something you need to remember. كان سامي سيغادر المدرسة. Sami was leaving school. Sami was leaving school. بدت ليلى رائعة. Layla looked perfect. Layla looked great. قالا والدي سامي لابنهما أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين. Sami's parents told him that all Muslims were terrorists. Sami's parents told their son that all Muslims are terrorists. من كثرة الملاحين غرقت السفينة. Too many cooks spoil the broth. A lot of sailors drowned the ship. تأكل هذه اليرقانات الأوراق. These caterpillars eat leaves. These larvae eat leaves. توم شخص جيد Tom is a good person. Tom's a good guy. لم تُبنَ روما في يوم. Rome wasn't built in a day. Rome was never built in a day. خير أصدقاء الفتاة: الألماس. Diamonds are a girl's best friends. The girl's best friends: diamonds. في أوروبا و أمريكا يعتبر الناس الكلاب أفراداً من العائلة. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and America, people consider dogs family members. استأنف قراءة الكتاب. He continued reading the book. I resume reading the book. أعطِني إيّاه يا جمال. Give it to me, Jamal. Give it to me, Jamal. انتقلت ليلى للعيش هنا. Layla moved in. Layla moved here. أجبرت على الإعتراف. She was forced to confess. I was forced to confess. ديانا أختك غير الشقيقة كذلك. Diane is your half sister, too. Diana's your half-sister as well. اختار هاوكنغ التركيز على الرياضيات والفيزياء، رافضا بهذا حث والده الطبيب إياه على دراسة الطب. Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics. Hawking chose to focus on mathematics and physics, refusing to urge his father to study medicine. سامي كان في الغرفة التالية. Sami was in the next room. Sami was in the next room. أنا أعيش الحياة. I live life. I live life. سنصل إلى هناك بعد ساعة. We'll arrive there within an hour. We'll be there in an hour. قال فيليب: تعال و انظر بنفسك. "Come and see," said Philip. Philip said, "Come and see for yourself." الكلام مع توم بلا فائدة. It's useless to talk to Tom. Talking to Tom is useless. تعال إلى هنا حالاً. Come here at once. Come here right now. سامي يسوق. Sami drives. Sami's driving. ثار الفلاحون على الحكومة. Farmers rebelled against the government. The peasants turned on the government. اشتقت إليك حقا I really miss you. I really missed you. ثم ماذا؟ And then? Then what? استيقظ سامي بصوت أمّه التي كانت تصرخ في الحمّام. Sami was awakened by the voice of his mother shouting from the bathroom. Sami woke up with the voice of his mother who was screaming in the bathroom. هناك قط في الصندوق. There's a cat in the box. There's a cat in the box. من فضلك اكتب ما سأقوله. Please write down what I am going to say. Please write what I have to say. كنتُ في دبلن و شاهدتُ سينيد أوكونور تؤدي الشهادتين. I was in Dublin and I watched Sinéad O'Connor make the shahada. I was in Dublin and I saw Sened O'Connor testifying. طارت الحمامة من سان فرنسيسكو إلى نيويورك. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. The pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. كيف كانت إجازتك؟ How was your vacation? How was your vacation? يتمثل عملهن في تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the beauty of artists. ضحّى فاضل بسرّية هويته. Fadil sacrificed his anonymity. Fadil secretly sacrificed his identity. يمكنكَ تعلّم الأمازيغية أسرع مِنِّي. You can learn Berber faster than me. You can learn the Amazigh faster than me. ألقي القبض على سامي. Sami's killer was caught. Sami was arrested. أصبح سامي عنيفا. Sami got violent. Sami became violent. الورق أبيض. Paper is white. Paper's white. اخترعت ليلى عالما خياليّا. Layla created a fantasy world. Layla invented a fantasy world. هذا الطالب يسكن في هذه الغرفة. That student lives in that room. This student lives in this room. نحن سعداء We're happy. We're happy. أخذ سامي ليلى إلى قاعة مثلّجات. Sami took Layla to an ice cream parlor. Sami took Layla to an ice cream hall. رحّب سامي بليلى في منزله. Sami welcomed Layla into his house. Sami welcomed Layla home. إنك قمت بذلك عن قصد! You did this intentionally! You did it on purpose! كان سامي يعرف الرّسم بالرّيشة. Sami could paint. Sami knew the painter by the sprinkler. لدى سامي ستّ كلاب الآن. Sami has six dogs now. Sami has six dogs now. ساهم بالكثير من المال. He kicked in a lot of money. He contributed a lot of money. هل تتذكرنا؟ Do you remember us? Do you remember us? قُل شيئاً, رجاءً. Please say something. Say something, please. سامي، الذي كان يعمل كقوّادا، كان يمثّل أشرس المفترسين في الشّارع. Sami, a pimp, was the ultimate street predator. Sami, who was a pimp, represented the wildest predators on the street. كنت أكره ذلك المدرّس. I disliked that teacher. I hated that teacher. بدأ كلب سامي ينبح. Sami's dog started barking. Sami's dog started barking. تحققت أحلامك. Your dreams have come true. Your dreams have come true. كيف حالك يا توم؟ How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? انفجر غضباً. He exploded with anger. He blew up. ارتدى سامي سروال جين أسود. Sami wore black jeans. Sami wore black Jane's pants. كان فاضل جرّاحا موثوق به. Fadil was a trusted surgeon. Fadil was a trusted surgeon. أحب الورد الأحمر. I like red roses. I love red roses. الولايات المتحدة تتكون من خمسون ولاية The United States comprises 50 states. The United States is made up of 50 states. إنهُ غاضب معي. He is angry with me. He's mad at me. لدى سامي العديد من الأشخاص الذين يكرهونه. Sami has many haters. Sami has a lot of people who hate him. يبدو جمال قويا جدا و محترفا. Jamal seems very strong and professional. Looks pretty strong and professional. هل بإمكانك المجيء مع جمال؟ Can you actually come with Jamal? Can you come with Jamal? سأل سامي ليلى عن سبب تخلّيها عنه. Sami asked Layla why she had left him. Sami asked Layla why she abandoned him. لديهم لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حواسيبهم. They have the berber keyboard on their computers. They have the Amazigh keyboard on their computers. لا أستطيع. I can't. I can't. لست مهتمًّا بفعل ذلك. I'm not interested in doing that. I'm not interested in doing that. فقد رباطة جأشه عند رؤيته لبيته و هو يحترق. He lost his reason when he saw his house burn down. He lost his temper when he saw his house on fire. أنا أتتطلع لقضاء وقت مع عائلتي. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. هذا مدرّسنا في الفن. This is our art teacher. This is our art teacher. لا يعلم الأولياء دائما مع من يقضي أولادهم وقتهم. Parents don't always know who their kids are spending time with. Parents don't always know who their kids are spending their time with. بدأ سامي بضرب ولكم ليلى في بطنها. Sami started punching and kicking Layla in the stomach. Sami started beating and punching Layla in the belly. لم سألتني؟ Why did you ask me? Why did you ask me? هل تظن أنني غبي؟ Do you think I'm stupid? You think I'm stupid? نطق سامي بالشّهادة في المسجد. Sami took the shahada in the mosque. Sami gave testimony at the mosque. لا يعرض أحد لتدخل تعسفي في حياته الخاصة أو أسرته أو مسكنه أو مراسلاته أو لحملات على شرفه وسمعته، ولكل شخص الحق في حماية القانون من مثل هذا التدخل أو تلك الحملات. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his or her private life, family, home, correspondence or campaigns on his or her honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to protect the law from such interference or campaigns. تحققت الأحلام. Dreams came true. Dreams come true. إننا لا نعرفه. We don't know him. We don't know him. لطيف منك أن تهديني هدية. It is so nice of you to give me a present. Nice of you to give me a present. من أين اشتريت ذلك المعطف؟ Where did you buy that coat? Where did you get that coat? اغوى مسرح مشهور و واسع في المدينة الكثير من محبي الافلام في عصر يوم حار و مشمس . A popular, capacious theatre in the city tempted many a moviegoer on a hot, sunny afternoon. A famous and vast theater in the city seduced a lot of movie fans in the afternoon of a hot and sunny day. من شابه أباه فما ظلم. Like father, like son. Like his father, it wasn't unfair. أُحب تعلم اللغات القديمة. I like learning old languages. I love learning old languages. لنلعب الكرة. Let's play soccer. Let's play ball. ألا يوجد قطعة أرضٍ هنا للبيع؟ Is there some land for sale here? Isn't there a piece of land here for sale? طلبت النجدة. I called for help. I called for help. لم نتمكن من معرفة ما كان يريد بول القيام به. We couldn't figure out what Paul wanted to do. We couldn't figure out what Paul wanted to do. هل أخبرت سارة؟ Did you tell Sarah? Did you tell Sarah? هل يمكنك القدوم؟ Can you come? Can you come? لم يكن على توم الذهاب. Tom didn't have to leave. Tom didn't have to go. ملأ الزجاجة بالماء. He filled the bottle with water. Fill the bottle with water. ما الذي تحاول فعله؟ أتريدني أن أُجنّ؟ What are you trying to do? Drive me insane? What are you trying to do? ما هي هوايتك؟ What's your hobby? What's your hobby? كان سامي يقضي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami was serving a life sentence. Sami was serving a sentence of life imprisonment. كانت للشرطة أسباب لتشتبه بسامي. Police had reasons to suspect Sami. The police had reasons to suspect Sami. إنك تعيبني دائماً. You're always criticizing me! You always bother me. هذا سؤال أساسي. This is a fundamental question. That's a basic question. أنا سوف ألعب تنس مع توم بعد الظهر, لكن هذا لا شيئ أنا حقاً أتتطلع لهذا. I'll be playing tennis with Tom this afternoon, but it's not something I'm really looking forward to. I'm gonna play tennis with Tom this afternoon, but that's nothing. I'm really looking forward to it. قبل أن يبدأ فاضل تعلّم العربيّة، كان يعرف العبريّة. Before he started learning Arabic, Fadil already knew Hebrew. Before Fadil started learning Arabic, he knew Hebrew. هل أصبح الحديث عن فلسطين تابوّا اليوم؟ Is it a taboo to talk about Palestine today? Has the talk of Palestine become a coffin today? الحفلة التي دُعينا إليها ستكون غدا، ليس اليوم. The party that we've been invited to is tomorrow, not today. The party we were invited to is tomorrow, not today. ثمل سامي بعض شاء. Sami got tipsy. Sami got drunk a little bit. ثمّة العديد من الكلمات التي لا أفهمها. There are many words that I don't understand. There are so many words I don't understand. أعطاني السيد براون اسمَك. Mr Brown gave me your name. Mr. Brown gave me your name. شرحت المعلمة الدرس الجديد بإسهاب للطلاب. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. The teacher explained the new course extensively to the students. هي ذودتني ببعض الطعام. She provided me with some food. She gave me some food. من سيبكي علي عندما سأموت؟ Who will weep when I die? Who's gonna cry for me when I'm dead? اتّصل سامي بمحطّتنا الإذاعيّة. Sami called our radio station. Sami called our radio station. هل فهمت؟ Got it? Do you understand? تعجّبت صاحبة المحل وقالت: "ذوقك مكلف!." "هل أنت متأكد أنك لا تريد التفرج على تشكيلاتنا الأرخص أولًا؟" "You have expensive taste!" the shopkeeper exclaimed. "Are you sure you don't want to look through our cheaper variants first?" The shopkeeper liked it and said, "Your taste is expensive!" "Are you sure you don't want to watch our cheaper formations first?" رب ضارّةٍ نافعة. Every cloud has a silver lining. Good God. أصبحت طبيبة. She became a doctor. I became a doctor. هل سافرت لوحدك مرة؟ Have you ever traveled alone? Did you travel alone once? أنت ستساعدني! You will help me! You're gonna help me! عندي صديق. I have a friend. I have a friend. كان سامي يحفر حفرا في البستان. Sami was digging holes in his backyard. Sami was digging holes in the orchard. هل تملك إيميلي قاموساً؟ Does Emily have a dictionary? Does Emily have a dictionary? انخفضت الأسعار في سوق الأسهم اليوم. The stock market has dropped today. Prices on the stock market fell today. عودي إلى غرفتك. Go back in the room. Go back to your room. الفندق الذي نزلنا به مريح جداً. The hotel at which we stayed was very comfortable. The hotel we went down to is very comfortable. كيف حالك؟ How are you? How are you? إنها علي الطاولة. It's on the table. It's on the table. يبدو صغيراً، ولكن في الواقع هو فوقَ الأربعين. He looks young, but actually he is over forty. It looks small, but actually it's over 40. يعامل سامي كلابه معاملة فظيعة. Sami treats his dogs horribly. Sami treats his dogs terribly. إخرج من هنا. Get out of here. Get out of here. فاجأنا العدو. We took the enemy by surprise. We were surprised by the enemy. كونوا مستعدين Be prepared. Be ready. أنتِ تكرهين الكلاب حقّا. You really hate dogs. You really hate dogs. لا تلمسني. Hands off. Don't touch me. بإمكاني أن ألعب التنس. I can play tennis. I can play tennis. أنا متأكدة أن توم سيكون هنا قريباً. I'm sure Tom will be here soon. I'm sure Tom will be here soon. يبدو سامي عاديّا. Sami looks normal. Sami seems normal. عليّ أن أدرس. I have to study. I have to study. سمع سامي كلابا تنبح. Sami heard dogs barking. Sami heard dogs barking. أين كتابي؟ Where is my book? Where's my book? نخبك. Toast! Cheers. أعطني شيئاً لأكتب عليه. Gimme something to write on. Give me something to write on. هل سمح لك عمك أن تقود سيارته؟ Did your uncle let you drive his car? Did your uncle let you drive his car? هذه الألعاب النارية رائعة! These fireworks are spectacular! These fireworks are fantastic! ليلى تحبّ القيل و القال. Layla loves gossiping. Layla likes to gossip. فى القرآن يوجد جزء عن السيدة مريم وميلاد المسيح عيسى. In the Quran there is a part about Saint Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ. In the Koran there is a part about Mrs. Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ. خاط سامي جيبه المثقوب. Sami sewed up the hole in his pocket. Sami lined his punctured pocket. استغرقني المشي إلى محطة المترو -قطار الأنفاق- عشرة دقائق. It took me ten minutes to walk to the metro station. It took me ten minutes to walk to the subway station. هذه هي النافذة التي كسرها. This is the window he broke. This is the window he broke. البديل ممكن. An alternative is possible. The alternative is possible. كان يشعر على ما يرام عندما فحصته. He was feeling perfectly fine when I examined him. He felt fine when I examined him. دمّر فاضل سمعة ليلى. Fadil ruined Layla's reputation. Fadil destroyed Layla's reputation. لم ينجُ أحد من تحطم الطائرة. No one survived the plane crash. No one survived the plane crash. لا يعرف أحد عنوانه إلّا توم. No one knows his address but Tom. Nobody knows his address except Tom. نحن نريد شراء منزل فى بوسطن. We want to buy a house in Boston. We want to buy a house in Boston. لا يمكننا فعل أي شيء حيال ذلك. We can do nothing about it. We can't do anything about it. لم تكن ليلى مغرمة به. Layla was not in love with him. Layla wasn't in love with him. بسبب حبه لي. It's because he loves me. Because he loves me. جيم ولد في العام الذي ولد فيه هو. Jim was born in the same year as he. Jim was born the year he was born. سمع سامي نقرة مسدّس. Sami heard a gun click. Sami heard a pistol click. كأنّ هذه السيارة له. It looks like this car is his. It's like this car's his. تمّ تجميد حسابات ليلى المصرفيّة. Layla's bank accounts were frozen. Layla's bank accounts have been frozen. وقع فاضل فورا في حبّ اللّغة العربيّة. Fadil fell in love with Arabic right away. Fadil immediately fell in love with Arabic. كما أنني فخور بنقل أطيب مشاعر الشعب الأمريكي لكم مقرونة بتحية السلام من المجتعات المحلية المسلمة في بلدي: السلام عليكم I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum. I am also proud to convey the best feelings of the American people to you, coupled with the greeting of peace from the Muslim community in my country: peace be upon you. يجب على سامي أن يأكل. Sami needs to eat. Sami must eat. وصف فاضل نفسه كرجل ثريّ لكنّه كان يعيش في قبو منزل والديه. Fadil portrayed himself as a wealthy man but he lived in the basement of his parents' house. Fadil described himself as a wealthy man, but he lived in the basement of his parents' house. كيف بإمكاننا أن نطلب من النّاس أن يحترموا الطّبيعة و الكوكب و الحيوانات إن لم يحترموا بعضهم البعض؟ How can we ask for humans to respect nature, the planet and the animals if respect between them does not exist? How can we ask people to respect nature, planet and animals if they don't respect each other? إنها أطول مني بكثير. She's way taller than me. She's a lot taller than me. هذا هو الباقي. Here is your change. That's the rest. هذه الساعة أفضل من تلك. This watch is superior to that one. This watch is better than that. لا يذيع المسلمون الموسيقى في المساجد. Muslims don't play music at the mosque. Muslims don't broadcast music in mosques. تخلّت ليلى عن سامي من أجل رجل آخر. Layla left Sami fot another man. Layla gave up Sami for another man. ذلك كان أرنوباً شريراً. That was an evil bunny. That was an evil rabbit. كان سامي يتمتّع حياته. Sami was enjoying his life. Sami was enjoying his life. المتاجر المحلية تقوم بمتاجرة جيدة مع السياح . Local shops do good business with tourists. Local stores do good business with tourists. ليست مشكلةً حقيقيّةً إن كانت الآلات تفكر أو لا تفكر، بل إن كان الناس يفكرون. The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. It's not a real problem if the machines think or not, it's if people think. توم يعرف أنني أوده. Tom knows I like him. Tom knows I'd like him. لقد توقف المطر, لذا يمكننا البدء. The rain has let up, so we can begin. The rain has stopped, so we can start. إن حياة سامي ليست مشكلتك. Sami's life isn't your problem. Sami's life is not your problem. من رئيس هذه الشركة؟ Who's the boss of this company? Who's the boss of this company? أعطني كتابك. Give me your book. Give me your book. كُن مُتسامحاً. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. أحقا تظن أن توم سيفعل ذلك؟ Do you really think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom would do that? لن نقترب من العدو. We won't approach the enemy. We will not approach the enemy. ما سبب وجود فاضل هنا؟ Why is Fadil here? Why is Fadil here? ليس ثمّة هواء في هذه الغرفة. There's no air in this room. There's no air in this room. اقترحت علينا الذهاب إلى السينما. She suggested that we go to the theater. She suggested we go to the movies. من الممكن أنها لن تأتي غداً. She may not come here tomorrow. She's probably not coming tomorrow. لم يفروا. They didn't run. They didn't escape. البس قبّعتك. Put on your cap. Put your hat on. إِلَى مَتَى سَتَبْقَى فِي شَنَجِهاي؟ For how long are you in Shanghai? How long will you stay in Shanghai? انتبه فثمّة سيارة قادمة! Watch out! A car is coming! Look out! There's a car coming! سيكون هناك بعد عشر دقائق. He'll be there in ten minutes. He'll be there in ten minutes. أعلم أن الأمر سيبدو جنونيّا، لكنّي لست الشّخص الّذي تظنّينه. إسمي الحقيقي سامي باكر و أنا قاتل مطلوب. I know this sounds a little bit crazy, but I'm not the person you think I am. My true name is Sami Bakir and I'm wanted for murder. I know it's gonna sound crazy, but I'm not the one you think my real name is Sammy Baker and I'm a wanted killer. لم يستطع توم أن يمنع دموعه. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't stop his tears. لا أريد التّفكير فيه. I don't wanna think about him. I don't want to think about it. هوايتي زيارة المعابد القديمة. My hobby is visiting old temples. My hobby is visiting old temples. هذا الطريق يؤدي إلى القاعة العامة. This road leads to the public hall. This road leads to the public hall. لديه، تقريبا، خمسين ألف ين. He has, say, fifty thousand yen. He has, like, 50,000 yen. لا أعلم إذا كان توم جائعاً أم لا I don't know whether Tom is hungry or not. I don't know if Tom's hungry or not. أخبر الطّبيب ليلى أنّها لم تكن قادرة على الإنجاب. The doctor told Layla that she couldn't have children. Tell Dr. Layla she wasn't able to have children. إنها ليس ما تعتقد. It's not what you think! It's not what you think. كانت ليلى تريد أن تواصل الإثبات بأنّها تحبّ رجلها. Layla wanted to continue to prove that she loved her man. Layla wanted to continue to prove that she loved her man. أتود أن تكون صديقي الجديد؟ Would you like to be my new friend? Would you like to be my new friend? اعتقد سامي أنّ حبّ ليلى له كان مطلقا. Sami thought that Layla loved him unconditionally. Sami thought Layla's love for him was absolute. كيف حال الجميع؟ How is everybody? How's everybody doing? هي تعرضت إلي نوبة قلبية. She had suffered a heart attack. She had a heart attack. على سامي تناول دوائه. Sami has to take his medication. Sami has to take his medicine. لديه راتب شهري يبلغ 2000 دولار. He has a monthly income of 2,000 dollars. He has a monthly salary of $2,000. واجب علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We have to do this every day. We have to do it every day. هل اسمتعت بوقتك في رحلتك إلى لندن؟ Did you have a good time on your trip to London? Did you enjoy your trip to London? ماري تعزف البيانو. Mary plays the piano. Mary plays the piano. غمز لي. He gave me a wink. He winked at me. يعلم سامي أنّ ليلى تملك قناة على اليوتوب. Sami knows that Layla has a YouTube channel. Sami knows Layla has a channel on YouTube. اينما تذهب ، سوف تجد سياح يابانيون . Wherever you go, you'll find Japanese tourists. Wherever you go, you'll find Japanese tourists. البحيرة عميقة جداً. The lake is very deep. The lake is so deep. ما زالت الحياة أمامك. Life lies in front of you. Life is still ahead of you. عَنْدِي أَصْدِقَاء كُثُرْ I have many friends. I have many friends. من اكتشف الجزيرة؟ By whom was the island discovered? Who discovered the island? استرح. Have a seat. Relax. كان سامي صديق ليلى. Sami was Layla's boyfriend. Sami was Layla's friend. حتى لو سارت الأمور على ما يرام، ما زلنا غير قادرين على الانتهاء قبل السبت. Even if all goes well, we still can't finish before Saturday. Even if it goes well, we're still not able to finish before Saturday. أتفضل الربيع أم الخريف؟ Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? Would you prefer spring or autumn? قد يستغرق بعض الوقت This may take a while. It could take a while. كان سامي محبطا. Sami was depressed. Sami was disappointed. إذاً فلنبدأ. Then let us begin. Then let's get started. يبدو جيدا He's looking good. Sounds good. أنا سعيد للغاية. I'm very happy. I'm so happy. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك, أنا سأذهب بنفسي. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. Don't worry about it. I'll go myself. سامي يستمع. Sami is listening. Sami listens. بدأ سامي يواعد الفتيات مجدّدا. Sami started dating again. Sami started dating girls again. ما هذا؟ What's this? What's that? أعطاني توم قلماً. Tom gave me a pen. Tom gave me a pen. جاء توم بتقنية جديدة. Tom came up with a new technique. Tom came up with a new technology. متى تستيقظ كل يوم؟ What time do you get up every day? When do you wake up every day? أنفقت ليلى 8000 جنيه على الملابس ذلك الشّهر. Layla spent 8,000 pounds on clothing that month. Layla spent 8,000 pounds on clothes that month. سررت بعودتك. I'm glad to see you back. Nice to have you back. نظر إلي بدهشة. He looked at me in surprise. He looked at me amazingly. إنه قلق بسبب مرض والده. He is concerned about his father's illness. He's worried about his father's illness. هذا قلمها. This is her pen. That's her pen. لا تلُمْ فشلك على الحظ السيء. Don't set your failure down to bad luck. Don't blame your failure for bad luck. ها هي حقيبتك. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. القليل يعرف أي شيء عن الخطة. Few people know about the plan. A little knows anything about the plan. لم يستطِع أن يسيطر على غضبه. He could not control his anger. He couldn't control his anger. أنا مترجم I'm a translator. I'm an interpreter. جئت سيراً على الأقدام. I came on foot. I came on foot. هل هي موجودة حقيقة؟ Does she exist? Is it really there? لم يكن سامي يؤمن أنّ عيسي صُلِّبَ. Sami didn't believe that Jesus was crucified. Sami didn't believe I was crucified. لكن كما تعلمون، سيكون من الحزين أن نجمع كل هذه الجمل، ونبقيها لأنفسنا، لأن هناك الكثير من الأمور التي نستطيع عملها بهذه الجمل. لذا، فإن تتويبا مفتوح. شفرة برنامجنا المصدرية مفتوحة، وبياناتنا كذلك. But you know, it would be sad to collect all these sentences, and keep them for ourselves. Because there's so much you can do with them. Which is why Tatoeba is open. Our source code is open. Our data is open. But as you know, it would be sad to collect all these sentences, and keep them to ourselves, because there are a lot of things we can do with these sentences, so our source code is open, and our data is open. لا أعرف هذا الحي جيدا. I don't know this neighborhood too well. I don't know this neighborhood very well. تعال و اجلس معنا. Come sit with us. Come and sit with us. لأنني أمّ الطفل عليه العيش معي. Since I am the mother of the child, he should live with me. Because I'm the baby's mother. He has to live with me. استعار سامي مالا من ليلى. Sami borrowed money from Layla. Sami borrowed money from Layla. هل لاحظت كيف كان ينظر إليّ؟ Did you see how he looked at me? Did you notice how he was looking at me? كانا والدي سامي يخافان المسلمين. Sami's parents were afraid of Muslims. Sami's parents were afraid of Muslims. سيبقى الأولاد أولاداً. Boys will be boys. The kids are gonna be kids. من أي بلد أنت؟ Which country are you from? What country are you from? توم ليس طويلاً جداً. Tom isn't so tall. Tom's not too long. يجب أن تواجه الحقائق. You must face the facts. You must face the facts. كل لغة جديدة هي كلعبة. Every new language is like a game. Every new language is a game. أنا تحدثت معهُ. I've got to speak to him. I talked to him. لا نستطيع ان نفصلها عن اختها الصُغرى We cannot distinguish her from her younger sister. We can't separate her from her little sister. أريد أن أذهب إلى كيوتو. I want to go to Kyoto. I want to go to Kyoto. بَيْدَ أن مشروع تتويبا ليس "جنّة كلمات." توقفوا رجاءً عن إضافة الكلمات. But Tatoeba Project is not a word heaven. Please stop adding words. Probably Tutuba's project isn't a "word committee." Please stop adding words. أنا من جورجيا. I'm from Georgia. I'm from Georgia. أنا ممتن للغاية لمساعدتك. I'm very grateful for your help. I'm so grateful for your help. قام المدرّس بمناداة الحاضرين. The teacher took attendance. The teacher called in. لن يستمرّ سامي في دفع تكلفة علاج ليلى. Sami will no longer pay for Layla's treatment. Sami won't keep paying for Layla's treatment. هل أكلت القطة لسانك؟ The cat got your tongue? Did the cat eat your tongue? أنت تجعلني سعيدا/أنت تسعدني You make me happy. You make me happy. You make me happy. أنظر بنفسك. See for yourself. See for yourself. جئت I came. I'm here. ربما هي حقا لا تملك غرفة خاصة بها. Maybe she really doesn't have a room of her own? Maybe she really doesn't have her own room. انها ليست غلطتي! It's not my fault! It's not my fault! أنا القاتل. I'm the killer. I'm the killer. واصل سامي السّير. Sami continued walking. Sami kept walking. أنا أقترح أن يذهب إلى هناك في الحال. I suggested that he go there at once. I suggest he go there right away. ما ثمن هذه القبّعة؟ What is the price of this cap? How much is this hat? زرت أمريكا. I have visited America. I visited America. كان سامي يربح المال. Sami was making money. Sami was making money. هذا يعجبني. I like it. I like it. حكم الملك فيليب الثاني لمدة أربعين سنة. The reign of Philip II lasted forty years. King Philip II ruled for 40 years. ذهبت اليوم إلى الطبيب I went to the doctor today. I went to the doctor today. قبّلتْ أمٌّ الطفلَ. A mother kissed the child. She kissed the baby's mother. لماذا لم تسطيع أن تأتي بالأمس؟ Why couldn't you come yesterday? Why couldn't you come yesterday? لا أرى لذلك حاجة. I didn't see the need for it. I don't see what that's like. استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. ليس من السهل العيش مع توم. Living with Tom isn't easy. It's not easy living with Tom. ميلاد مجيد. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. نهنئ نساء العالم بعيدهن العالمي! Happy International Women's Day! We congratulate the women of the world on their global dimension! سامي يحبّ أبويه. Sami loves his parents. Sami loves his parents. كان سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى. Sami spent more time with Layla. Sami was spending more time with Layla. توم لديه سيارة Tom has a car. Tom has a car. متى رأيت الفلم؟ When did you see the film? When did you see the movie? كنت متعباً فخلدت إلى النوم باكراً. Being very tired, I went to bed early. I was tired, so I went to bed early. اقترح عليك الكفَّ عن طرح الكثير من الأسئلة السخيفة. I suggest you stop asking so many stupid questions. I suggest you stop asking too many ridiculous questions. هو يتحدث العربيه. He speaks Arabic. He speaks Arabic. شعر فاضل أنّه كان يجب عليه أن يعتنق الإسلام. Fadil felt he needed to be a Muslim. Fadil felt he had to embrace Islam. من هذه الفتاة؟ Who is this girl? Who is this girl? المحيط يمتد حتى الأفق البعيد. The ocean extends to the distant horizon. The ocean extends to the far horizon. قُتِلَ سامي من طرف صديق فريد المقرّب، رامي. Sami was murdered by Farid's best friend, Rami. Sami was killed by Fred's best friend, Rami. قتل امرء واحد جريمة لا تغتفر و إبادة شعب كامل مسألة فيها نظر, One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic. Killing one man is an unforgivable crime and exterminating an entire people is a matter of consideration. "عندما أعطش أيقظني." "و كيف لي أن أعرف متى ستعطش؟" "ستعرف ذلك عندما توقظني." "Whenever I get thirsty, wake me up." - "How can I tell when you're thirsty?" - "It's whenever you wake me up." "When I don't wake me up, how do I know when you'll thirst?" "You'll know that when you wake me up." أنا متحمّس لبلوغ الثّامنة عشر. I can't wait turning 18. I'm excited to be 18. خذها إلى غرفة العمليات Take her to the OR. Take her to the O.R. إن لم تذكّرني، فسأنسى. If you don't remind me, I'll forget. If you don't remind me, I'll forget. كانت الحياة جميلة بالنّسبة لسامي. Life was good for Sami. Life was beautiful for Sammy. شعت بسمتها بالفرح. Her smile expressed joy. She glowed at her smile with joy. عليك أن تدرس أكثر. You must study more. You have to study more. ترك سامي مفاتيحه وراءه. Sami left his keys behind. Sami left his keys behind. لا بد لي أن أطلب منك إطاعة أوامري. I must request you to obey my orders. I must ask you to obey my orders. ضاعت إحدى حقائبي. One of my suitcases is missing. I lost one of my bags. نحتاج لجبهة فلسطينيّة موحّدة. We need a united Palestinian front. We need a united Palestinian front. يريد توم اللقاء بي. Tom wants to meet me. Tom wants to meet me. منذ ذلك اليوم، أصبحا قريبان جدّا. Since that day, they have become very close. Since that day, they've been very close. يظهر أنه أخبر كِذبةً. He seems to have told a lie. Looks like he told a lie. انتظر سامي قرابة العشرين دقيقة. Sami waited for about twenty minutes. Sami waited about 20 minutes. إحدى أمنياتي هي أن أتعلم اللغة الآيسلندية. One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic. One of my wishes is to learn Icelandic. تبادلا سامي و ليلى أكثر من ألف رسالة حبّ. Sami and Layla exchanged more than a thousand love letters. Sami and Layla exchanged over a thousand love letters. آه لو كان بإمكاننا كلنا أن نتكلم جميع اللغات! Ah, if all of us could speak all languages! Oh, if we could all speak all the languages! عندي فكرة. I have an idea. I have an idea. مشى باسمرار. He walked on and on. He walked asmar. توم هو الذي دفع ثمن التذاكر. Tom is the one who paid for the tickets. Tom paid for the tickets. إنّ سامي يفقد الكثير من الدّم. Sami is losing to much blood. Sami's losing a lot of blood. ألقِ نظرةً على هذه الخريطة. Take a look at this map. Take a look at this map. سآكل هنا. I'll eat here. I'll eat here. لن يصلح ذلك! That won't work! It's not gonna fix it! أتظنّ أنّني عاهرة؟ What do you think I am, a whore? You think I'm a whore? جاء ابني إلى غرفتي. My son came to my room. My son came to my room. هاجمني هو من الخلف . He attacked me from the rear. He attacked me from behind. ستتزوّج برجل ثريّ. She will get married to a rich man. You're marrying a rich man. هل أنهيت كل واجباتك؟ Have you done all your homework? Did you finish all your homework? جهاز تحكم التلفاز تحت الأريكة. The TV remote control is under the couch. The TV remote's under the couch. إنها تحب توم. She loves Tom. She loves Tom. استمرت المحاضرة ساعتين. The lecture lasted for two hours. The lecture lasted two hours. تتغذى الحيتان على الأسماك الصغيرة. Whales feed on small fish. Whales feed on small fish. تلقى توم كما لا بأس به من الردود الجيدة. Tom got quite a few positive responses. Tom received quite a few good responses. يبدو بائسا. He seems miserable. He looks miserable. نريد حقا ان نساعد توم. We really want to help Tom. We really want to help Tom. قام كلاً من توم وماري بفتح الباب على الرغم من إخباري لهما بعدم فعل ذلك. Tom and Mary opened the door, even though I asked them not to. Both Tom and Mary opened the door even though I told them not to. هل بإمكاننا حقا أن نتعلم الكلام بلغة أجنبية تماما مثل الناطقين بها كلغتهم الأم؟ Can we really learn to speak a foreign language like a native? Can we really learn to speak in a foreign language just like those who speak it as their mother tongue? أنا أذهبُ إلى جامعة تيزي وزّو. I go to Tizi Ouzou University. I'm going to Tizzy and Zoe University. هل أستطيع أن أُحضر أحداً معي؟ Can I bring someone? Can I bring someone with me? هل أنت مبسوط هنا؟ Are you happy here? Are you happy here? كانت ليلى حقّا معجبة بسامي. Layla really liked Sami. Layla really liked Sami. لا يستطيعُ توم شراء ما يريد لأنه لا يملك ما يكفي من النقود. Tom can't buy what he needs because he doesn't have enough money. Tom can't buy what he wants because he doesn't have enough money. فاضل ليس مختلفا. Fadil is no different. Fadil is not different. لماذا تقول إنه فعل؟ Why do you say it's a verb? Why do you say he did?